#hux fluff
kingdomhate · 11 months
Calling Them Cute Scenarios!
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Kylo Ren: He smiled and brought himself closer to you, intimately wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a cozy hug. "I think you're adorable," Kylo raised your chin gently to look into your eyes. "And so, so precious." He leaned down and kissed you with an unspoken devotion. The act making your heart pound and a soft pink hue spread lightly across your cheeks. Kylo reaches for your hand, intertwining them as he deepens the kiss, steadily increasing his passion. His black leather gloves, deliciously cold in stark contrast to the heated kiss you both shared in the intimate moment.
As he pulled away, his eyes flutter open to meet yours, and his head spins. You are so pretty to him. He feels a surge of protectiveness wash over him as he embraces you again, resting your head against his chest.
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Armitage Hux: Armitage stared down at you, his nose wrinkling at the thought. Him, cute? "Pardon me?! I am not cute, I am powerful! I am the brains of the First Order!" He spits. "You're adorable." You coo, touching his cheek. Despite his efforts to remain in control, he softens. Weak under your touch, under the influence of your words. He sighs and looks at you, the look in his eyes resembles deep affection and tender love. "I love you." He whispers to you, as you place a kiss to his forehead and lips. The kiss is tender, reassuring. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist, leaning you down slightly.
"You're so special," You utter into his ear, making his breath hitch. "I love you too."
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi smiles and blushes, hiding his face a bit. Once he has your composure, he turns back to you. "That title belongs to you, my dear. Just you." You smile and approach him, your hands going onto either of his cheeks. "Is that so? How adorable." You lean in to give him a kiss. Obi-Wan engulfs you in a warm, soothing embrace, reminding you of his endless love. "Yes, my love. Nothing short of it." He leans in to kiss you once more, holding you close, wrapping you in his brown Jedi robes, you welcomed the affection and giggled.
Resting his head against yours, he gazed into your eyes. His jade eyes boring into yours, more than ever, you feel like you could get lost in them. Would you be upset if you did? No. What a perfect paradise. "I adore you, Obi." You pull him closer, wanting nothing but the feeling of his skin against yours. "As do I, my love. As do I."
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Luke Skywalker: Luke grins sheepishly at your compliment, was he really? Bashfully, he shied away from your eyes, and you playfully nudged him. "Do you think you aren't?" You asked, gazing at his blushing figure. "I-I do," He turns shyly to look at you. "Just- it sounds weird when you say it aloud." You tilt your head. "What? Why?" Luke rubs the back of his neck, seemingly nervous. "It's lovey-dovey." You cross your arms. "You love it." You tease. Luke turns away dismissively. "N-no! I don't.." You could practically see the blush in his words, as he spoke dismissively. You smirk. "Yes, you do!" You spin him to make him look at you and you plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
"It's fine if you don't, you know?" You assure him, sitting next to him. He nods. "No, I like it!" Luke insists, taking your hand in his, giving you a reassuring squeeze. "Really?" A smug smirk begins forming on your lips. "I love you, my cute boy." You press your lips to his again.
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Anakin Skywalker: He grins at you. "I am, aren't I?" He says smugly, and you giggle. "Of course you are." He goes over to you and looks at you, still grinning. "But you're adorable, so monumental." You blush at the sudden compliment and playfully shove him. "Aren't you a tease?" Anakin smirks at you, laughing a bit. "But you love it." You couldn't help but nod. "Duh." He wraps his arms around you, pulling you to his chest. "God, I love you." He admits, resting his he chin atop your head. Lightly caressing his hair with his mechanical hand and holding you with his normal one. "I don't know what I would do without you."
His words send affection straight to your hand, and you you smile uncontrollably. "Me neither. I love you more than I could ever describe, sweetie." You lean back, touching his cheek. "I live for you, my love. You are my purpose." You melt, his words causing small tears to prickle your eyes as you quickly wipe them away. "I love you so much, Ani."
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huxkisser · 1 month
ok i need a soft fluffy kylux fic where like. hux puts a tracker on millicent’s collar so she can wander around the finalizer and explore but also he gets the idea to attach a small recording device as well so he can like. idk listen to make sure ppl aren’t being a dick to millie when she wanders around and he’s not there to watch her.
and one day millie finds kylo looking broody and depressed (could be set at any point so he’s sad over han or getting his ass kicked by rey or one of the many other things that happened). and kylo’s like “why tf is there a cat on this spaceship go away” but millie just curls up in his lap or something so he kinda breaks down and starts crying and venting to millie and just silently petting her. and eventually they fall into a little routine where millie will find kylo and sit in his lap while he rants or just softly talks to her. she brings him stolen garments and whatever else a cat would find on a spaceship w no other wildlife to cheer him up.
and of course after hux discovers this is happening he listens INTENTLY to kylo’s recorded chats to millie (which kylo has no idea abt) because OF COURSE he wants to hear what ren’s saying when he thinks no one else is around to listen and he’s not gonna pass up this opportunity.
but eventually kylo starts telling millie abt his repressed feelings and how he wishes he had a certain other ginger curled up in his lap…
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So....I saw this earlier today. Apparently this is Kylo Ren's quarters and it's just.....so freaking sad! 😢
That being said, I had an idea: What if Kylo's apprentice, who works for/with Hux and is paid a hefty wage, buys him a new bed and other comforts?
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Kylo Ren X General Hux X Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Kylo Ren's apprentice worries about him.
Tags: @kylorenny @jaynesilver @lifeofroos @knightsofladyren
(I tagged some of you cuz I thought you'd like this. Lemme know if you don't wanna be tagged in any more 😅)
. Your master was away on yet another solo mission, the directive unknown to you. While he was away, you were back to working for Hux as his assistant. Things were running smoothly, and with Kylo gone, Armitage seemed a little more at ease. Either it was that tea he was sipping once again, or the absence of your master, but he was smiling more and was generally more relaxed. That morning, or rather, the start of your rotation, was no different. You were busy filling in data into your data pad when he walked over to you and rested his hand on your shoulder, a gesture which was rare but welcome. "How's the report coming along, Y/n?"
You flashed him a startled smile, his action shocking you out of your thoughts momentarily. "It's going fairly decent, General. Everything is accounted for and the updates from our suppliers just arrived. Is there anything we need, aside from rations and weapons?"
Hux thought for a moment, reading what was on your data pad over your shoulder. After a moment, something seemed to click in his head. "You have everything listed, but Lord Ren has...certain preferances in regards to rations."
"He's a picky eater?" you asked in jest, glancing over your shoulder at the ginger general. Hux snorted "I wish it were that, but no. He's on a strict diet, at least that's what he's mentioned."
"Do you know what he prefers? He hasn't told me much about his...personal habits." you replied, opening a new tab on your pad so you can jot down any notes or suggestions Hux had. But Hux shook his head. "I haven't the faintest of clues as to what that man likes or doesn't."
"Fair enough."
A moment passed as Hux thought of a solution. "He may have some products in his quarters that may clue us in as to what he eats." he retrieved his own data pad and swiped the screen a few times before he pulled up a pass code and sent the set of numbers to you.
"What's this?" you asked as you stared at the lengthy line of numbers.
"That is Kylo Ren's pass code to his quarters. He's an extremely secretive and private man and it was a pain to figure this out."
You tried to hide the smirk on your face. "And why, General, would you want to enter his quarters?"
Hux flicked the tip of your ear, a tiny playful gesture. "We have regulations here aboard this ship, and those regulations require a certain level of tidiness. Kylo has very little time, it seems, to keep his quarters neat. The pass code is for service droids to clear up any...messes he leaves." The General was, of course, referring to the times when Kylo vented his rage on anything within reach, often destroying furniture or consoles. Hux, as always, had to either pay for the damages himself or clean up the debris.
"Ooooooh, oh I get." You said, still flashing him a cheeky smirk, a smirk which he returned moments before he took another sip from the mug he was holding.
"Well, in that case, I'll go take inventory of what he has and get back to you on that." With that, you gave him a tiny salute and headed towards your master's quarters.
As the doors whooshed open, you were greeted with a cold, stark sight. The room was entirely black, it's lights a cold white. The table was empty, the bed that was against the wall was entirely too small for your master. The room was devoid of comfort and warmth, at least the kind of warmth that a man with such status should have. There was no furniture whatsoever, aside from the one chair that was near the table. You walked in and immediately shivered. It would appear that not even the heat was on in this room. "How can a man live like this?" you mumbled, feeling pity for your master as you walked towards the cupboards.
The cupboards, which were also a smooth, obsidian hue, were situated on the opposite side of the room, near what you assumed was a sink. You opened one of the cupboards and found...absolutely nothing. His shelves were empty save for a few dust bunnies. The sight concerned you. "How the fuck does he eat or sleep? No, no, this isn't good. Screw it," you shut the cupboard quite forcefully. "He's getting fed and sleeping when he gets back, I don't care how mad he gets."
With that, you swiftly left the room with plans and a grand scheme.
"You want me to do what???" Hux choked out after he spat out his tea in shock when I informed him of my plan.
"You don't have to pay for anything, I'll use my own credits, but I think he needs this." you said again. You showed Hux the list you made, as well as the already filled out request papers you had signed. He scrolled through the data pad, reviewing everything you had requested, brows furrowed in concern. "You sure about this, Y/n?" his grey green eyes looking back at yours. You nodded, not changing your mind. This had to be done. Hux sighed. "Fine. I'll have these sent. Everything should arrive before he returns."
You smiled and gave him a hug, earning a surprised "oh!" from him. "Thank you, Armitage!" you said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Hux cleared his throat a little, trying to hide the blush that was making it's way onto his face. "Alright, alright, don't get used to it. I'm not in the business of granting everyone's requests. This is a one time deal, since you are paying for everything."
You chuckled and nodded. "Very well, General."
The mission had been brutal and Kylo was battered and bruised all over. But when he exited his ship, he walked with his masked head held high. His confident stride, however, held a bit of a slight limp. A shot from a blaster had grazed his calf, leaving him wounded. He tried to ignore the pain, but the could already feel that the bandage his leg was bound with was starting to leak, blood dampening his trousers. Exhausted, he made his way to his quarters, ordering a passing officer to send a medical droid to his room.
Unlike most who returned from battles, looking forward to whatever comfort they had, Kylo knew he had nothing to feel good about returning to. At least, comfort wise. He almost grimaced when he envisioned his baron room, knowing that rest and recovery was not an option. Or so he thought.
When the doors opened, his eyes widened beneath his mask. "What the-"
Kylo walked into the room, looking around in confusion. 'Did I walk into the wrong room?' he asked himself. He turned around for any telltale signs of his presence, and sure enough, there, to the left of the door, was a burnt gash where he had slashed his saber across the metal.
He turned back to the interior of the room, and stared at his new surroundings. The table was no longer empty, but had some bottles of sweet beverages and crisp water on top of it's smooth surface, and there was also a bowl filled with fruits. But that was not all. The tiny bed that Kylo once had, was now replaced with a lavish looking one. The frame appeared to be made from metal materials found and mined from Cantobight or somewhere from that planet's region. The bed posts were tall and had what appeared to be hooks on them, for holding/hanging articles of clothing. Kylo approached the bed and placed his hand on top of the black comforter that covered the bed. All his life, he never had anything quite as nice or comfortable. In fact, he felt he never deserved anything quite like this.
He took his mask off and placed it on the nightstand beside the bed. When he did, he saw a little piece of paper poking out from under one of the pillows. He reached over and pulled it out, recognizing your handwriting right away. As he read your little note, he felt a small smile spread across his weary face. When he was done reading it, he tucked it into his pocket.
That sleep rotation, after the droid had left and gave him the usual programmed "You need to rest" speech, he pulled back the covers, curled up, and for the first time in years, he slept, resting both his body and soul.
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lillbiff · 3 days
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i know it's completly out of character, and that Kylo was never actually depressed, but damn for some reason they were one of my first ship ever, and they are pretty much my comfort ship along with Narusasu.
what is written in Kylo's diary: "why does hux care?... he calls me masterpiece and tickles me until i agree... why?... he makes me belive it..."
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flydinom · 1 year
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Nose kiss
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 4: Otherworldly
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Forever Destined
Pls reblog I don’t have A03 yet.
Okay Guys, Dare I say best Kylux thing I’ve ever written? Also it takes a bit to get to the otherworldly part so just hang in there.
Warning: There’s like two in appropriate jokes, and there’s nudity but it’s not rly talked about or used in a sexual way. It’s pretty tame.
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Hux grabbed his coat, pulling it over his shoulders, and pushing through his office door. He knew he looked awful. His hair was no longer neatly combed back, he had dark circles under his eyes, and he had lost his reading glasses at some point, which he had been too tired to look for. That was probably a ridiculous idea in hindsight but he just wanted to get home. Rain hit against the widows drowning out the sounds of the city. He didn’t have an umbrella; he'd have to make a dash for the car and hope he wouldn’t ruin his shoes. At least no one was here to see him at this late an hour-
“What the hell are you still doing here?!” 
“SHIT!” Hux nearly jumped out of his skin, he took a second to compose himself before turning to Kylo who was sitting in one of the lobby chairs. “You scared me half to death. I can hardly see you with the lights off!”
“What can I say, I’m a man of mystery.” Kylo said, and even if Hux couldn’t see him he knew he was smirking. 
“No you’re not.” Hux responded bluntly. 
Kylo shook his head and stood up from the chair, checking his phone for the time and stepping towards the exit so Hux could better see him in the light of the office sign that shone through the glass door. “It’s like 4 am why the fuck are you still here?”
4 am? He honestly had not meant to stay there that long, he thought it was midnight or 2 at the latest. He started to say something but stopped himself, raising an eyebrow. “Wait, why are you still here?”
“I was waiting for you.” Kylo said looking down, trying to hide the slight blush on his cheeks.
“Ren, you don’t even have the Night Shift. There’s no way you waited all this time.” Hux commented skeptically. 
“I didn’t want you to walk home alone in the freezing rain.” He insisted, stepping closer to him gently running his fingers though Hux’s hair. 
“Ren, your shift gets off at 4 PM. It wasn’t raining when you left. Are you telling me you waited here for 12 HOURS?!” Hux didn’t believe it in the slightest. 
“Alright Alright you got me. I was doing errands in town and when I was walking home I passed by the office and it was close to when your shift ended so I thought I’d stop by, take you home. But you took forever so I fell asleep and when I woke up it was like 3:30 so I honestly was just gonna crash here. I didn’t even know you were still working.” He explained. 
Hux shook his head dumbfounded. “You were going to sleep here?!”
“Yeah well I have six roommates that all snore, I wasn’t really in a rush to get home.” He shrugged. 
Hux sighed, knowing he had walked right into this. “Did you want to come to my place?”
Kylo smiled wide like a child being given a birthday present. “Yes please!”
“Alright,” He turned to the door realizing he actually did have an umbrella. He had left it in the holder from the last time he went to work. He felt stupid for forgetting it for so long and not thinking of it earlier but at least he had one. He grabbed it and shoved it into Ren’s hands. “You’re holding the umbrella.”
“But of course Monsieur~” Kylo said in a terrible French accent, opening the umbrella and reaching for the door. 
“Never do that again,” Hux said, gagging. 
“Okay okay… Can I drive?” He asked giving that smile toddlers give their parents to guilt them into saying yes to things. 
“But you’re car is so cool.” He whined. 
“Which Is precisely why I’m not letting you drive.” Hux said buttoning up his coat.
“Hey I’m a pretty good driver. My dad had me driving when I was like 10.” Kylo pointed out. 
“Ren, your dad has been arrested for illegal drag racing before, amongst other things. That’s not reassuring.” He crossed his arms. 
“He won the races.” Kylo added trying the face one last time. 
“My point stands.”
Kylo sighed reluctantly, “Alright alright.” He opened the door. “Ladies first.” He joked, but Hux gave him the “I’m going to strangle you” glare so he immediately stopped laughing and stepped out first, holding the umbrella for Hux as they made their way to his car. 
Hux stepped tentatively through the parking lot trying not too get wet while also staying in pace with Kylo. “Are you even watching where you’re going?! You’re leading us straight through the puddles! I’m going to ruin my shoes!”
“Hey you gave me control of the umbrella.” Kylo said as they stepped up to the car. Hux rolled his eyes and quickly got in the driver's seat unbuttoning his wet coat once he was seated but not taking it off. Ren walked around the car and quickly got in the passenger seat, shoving the umbrella in the back. Hux flipped on the windshield wipers and brights then backed out of the parking lot and drove carefully through the rain to his apartment. 
“Man, I kind of wish you didn’t have that umbrella. Your hair looks all cute when it’s all wet.” Kylo mused.
“Ren please, I'm too tired to flirt and I’m trying to focus on the road.” Hux responded almost yawning. 
“I've done a lot more than flirt while you drive and you’ve never crashed~” He said smirking, reaching to place a hand on Hux's thigh as he drove. 
“Yes I have, but right now I don’t want to start something. When we get home we are going to bed, nothing more. It’s too late for anything else.” Hux insisted, not even flinching at Kylo’s touch. 
“Are you sure?” Kylo asked again. 
“Yes, I’m going to bed. You’re welcome to stay up and entertain Millicent, but we both have work in the morning.”
“You can call out. I do it all the time.”
“I’m not calling out.” He said firmly. 
 “Have you ever thought of what we’d be like in other worlds, like would we still know each other? Would we get along?” Kylo asked suddenly. 
A skeptical look crossed Hux’s face. “No? And we don’t get along.”
“We get along pretty well when we’re alone,” he said in a sultry tone rubbing Hux’s thigh gently, kneading his tense muscles. 
Hux ignored him. “You watch too many multiverse movies.”
“Not really, I just like movies, particularly sci-fi. You know they’re making a new Star Wars movie. The force awakens, I think it’s called?” He rambled as Hux continued to drive. 
“Why are they still milking that franchise? Didn’t people hate the last three?” Hux questioned. 
“Eh not really anymore.” Kylo shrugged and moved his hand back to the armrest following the rain drops on the windows with his eyes.
“Well I’m sure these new ones will piss people off all over again.”
“Oh I’m sure they will… do you wanna come?” He asked. 
“Come where?” Hux internally cringed. His mind was far too dirty for that sentence. 
“To see Star Wars?” Kylo clarified. 
“Okay, I’m going to buy you a ticket anyway.”
“I know.”
They sat in awkward silence till Kylo turned on the radio and closed his eyes leaning his head against the headrest. Hux found himself humming the song as he drove, glancing at Ren whenever there was a red light and admiring how peaceful he looked, his raven hair falling down in front of his face, having come loose from the messy bun he wore to work hours ago. Eventually they pulled up to Hux’s apartment and Hux gently nudged him to wake him up as they pulled into the parking spot. 
“Huh? What? I wasn’t sleeping!” Kylo stammered, jolting awake. 
Hux had to hold back a laugh. “We’re here.”
“Oh.” Kylo grabbed the umbrella and got out of the car. “Jeez it’s fuckin cold.” He remarked. The passenger door closed and he walked around the car opening Hux’s door and holding out a hand to him. Hux took it but as he was stepping out of the car a particularly strong gust of wind slammed into them and the umbrella blew from Kylo’s hand. Suddenly they were both getting drenched. “Oh Fuck! Don’t worry I’ll go get it!” Kylo yelled over the storm. Before Hux could say anything Ren was running off chasing the umbrella down the wet street. 
“Ren, wait!” Hux called out. He was about to say “Leave it” but the man had already bolted off. So Hux sighed and chased after him. “Ren slow down! You’re going to sli-“
Kylo jumped and snagged the umbrella from the air. “Got it! Woah!” As soon as his feet came down on the concrete he slipped just as Hux had warned, collapsing onto his stomach with a thud. Hux didn’t have enough time to slow down, in trying to not hit into Kylo he found himself falling too, landing on top of him. 
Kylo gasped. “Oh shit! Hux, are you okay?”
To Kylo’s surprise Hux began laughing. 
“Huh what’s so funny?”
“We’re absolutely drenched aren’t we?” He laughed.
Ren smiled, it was a rare occasion that Hux relaxed like this and just let himself be happy. “Oh good I thought you hit your head or something.”
“On what? Your chest? I’m kind of laying ontop of you,” he continued laughing in a carefree calming manner, his little smile was intoxicating. “If anything I should ask you if you're okay, you were the one who fell on the concrete.”
Kylo pulled himself out from under Hux standing up and pulling the man into his arms smiling at him affectionately as the rain poured down their faces. “I’m okay because you’re here with me.”
“You’re always so cheesy.” Hux said shaking his head smiling. “Should we get out of the freezing rain?” Hux asked, unable to hide his affection for the man in front of him. 
“I don’t know, if you get sick you can call off of work and I can pamper you all I want~” Kylo said nuzzling his nose against Hux’s face, feeling his warmth amongst the cold, and breathing in the smell of rain and vanilla.  
“Oh stop it, you’re not seriously wishing for me to get sick.” Hux joked, unable to hide the heat rising to his cheeks.
“Okay yeah, maybe not, you can get kinda grumpy.” He snickered, scooping Hux up in his arms and running up to the door of the apartment before he could protest.
“Put me down!” Hux yelled, embarrassed.
“No,” Kylo smiled, planting a kiss on his wet hair. 
“Ren, The key is in my pocket you have to put me down so I can unlock the damn door! We’re getting soaked.” He instead, Looking up at him. 
“Alright alright,” He set him down on his feet gently and Hux quickly unlocked the door, taking off his drenched coat as soon as they got inside. 
“Just lay out your clothes on the couch or something. If it’s not dry by morning I’ll put it in the dryer. I’ll see if I have anything big enough to fit you.” He said petting millicent who had rubbed up on him when they got inside. 
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t need to wear anything~” Kylo flirted. 
“Alright then.” Hux said seemingly unphased by the notion of Ren being naked. “I’m going to get dressed for bed, food is in the kitchen, but please do not empty my fridge, Phasma does that enough already.” He started unbuttoning his shirt nonchalantly as he walked towards the bathroom. 
“Hux?” Kylo called out. 
“Hm?” He said quizzically, turning his head. Quickly Ren grabbed him pinning him against the door post running his hands along his chest sliding them under his wet undershirt, hux made a quiet sound of pleasure and Kylo leaned in to kiss him, but Hux pushed his mouth away gently with his hand. “Wait till we get to bed~” He pushed off from Ren who caught him smirking slightly as he exited for the bathroom. 
When Hux had left, Ren undressed, Laying his clothes out on the coffee table to dry, and made his way to Hux’s room, flopping down on his bed, and turning on some soft music on his phone. The street light shown through the blinds casting a soft glow on the sheets. Hux exited the bathroom in a black silk robe drying his hair with a towel, which made it look an absolute mess but Kylo thought it made him look even cuter. He patted the spot of the bed beside him and Hux slid next to him draping himself over Kylo’s chest as Kylo gently petted his still slightly damp hair. 
“Ren, are you tired?” Hux asked, eyes closed, a look of satisfaction on his face. 
“Probably, but not Really, you?” 
“I think I can stay up a bit longer.”
“Good because I think we were in the middle of something.” He pulled Hux further onto him, their chests pressing against each other, the robe sliding down his arms. He gently took his face into his hands and kissed him tenderly. 
Suddenly the both of them were bombarded with visions and sensations as if actual sparks had flared from their kiss. Images, voices, flashed through their minds, as if calling to them.
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“I- I dont know how to love, I don’t know how to be loved”
“Uh I think you dropped something”
“Since we've been together for
a while now-“
“I can’t kill you, I love you to much”
“Careful Ren, That your personal interests does not interfere with orders from leader snoke from leader snoke.”
“I want that map. For your sake I suggest you get it.” 
“Dost though know how mine heart stirs for the? Surely not, as I have guarded it well.” 
“In every reality, in every world, I will always love you.”
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Then just as quickly as it started, they were both jolted back to their own reality, panting and breathless. 
“What the fuck was that?!” Hux said, quickly scrambling up to a sitting position.
“I don’t know… it’s like I was seeing different versions of myself… of us. Wait, Kiss me! But longer!” Kylo ordered, he still seemed winded and his face was definitely flush and hot. 
Normally Hux would have rolled his eyes at the demand but he was curious, quickly he leaned down pulling Kylo into a hot greedy kiss, fingers tangling in his long hair. 
Just as quickly as the last visions came they arrived again but this time it only seemed to shift through a few before settling on one to portray more vividly.
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There was a cobblestone quart yard decorated with greenery, Kylo slunk against the wall to the entrance hiding in the shade. He was wearing some form of fantasy or medieval garb, sword sheathed at his hip. He was watching someone. It was Hux. He was in similar attire and was sitting atop a stone bench back facing Kylo as he picked up a water lilly from the pond in front of him.
“Lord Ren, I canst hear you. Thou art sloppy with acts of secrecy, perhaps thou shalst learneth to be more stealty when meeting one’s love in secret.” Hux said not moving from where he sat or turning his head to face him. 
“Dost thou say thy love me?” Kylo inquired. 
“Nye, I sayist thou love me.” Hux shook his head, back still too him. 
“Dost thou?” Kylo persisted. 
“Love thee?” Laughs “what funny words. Canst thou let me look upon thine face ere I confess.”
“Apologies, mine Prince, I not mean to spy on the from afar.” He stepped out of the shadows and Hux turned to him fiddling with the water Lily in his hands. Ren gently brushed a strand of ginger hair out of his face. “Why thy beauty truly rivals that of the gods~”
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Then the vision faded leaving both of them back in Hux’s apartment winded. They had opened their mouths at some point in the kiss but they couldn’t remember exactly what they’d done. 
“What in the bloody hell is going on!” Hux said, alarmed. 
“I’m not sure… did it feel calming to you?” Kylo asked. 
“As ridiculous as it sounds… yes… This is all so strange… I’ve kissed people before and I’m fairly sure I’d remember if THAT happened.”
“You’ve kissed other people?!” Kylo feigned shock, he of course already knew Hux had prior relationships. 
“Oh shove off, you have too.” Hux said, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. 
Kylo changed the subject back to the visions. “Hux this might sound weird, but I think I’ve heard of this before…”
“You have?” Hux asked genuinely curious. 
“Yeah it was in a book. It said when you kiss your soulmate, you see all of the different lives you have together in different universes. Like a way of showing you that you’re connected in every one of them, in every world.” Kylo explained, the awe and wonder on his face, giving away that he whole heartedly believed in such a tale. 
“And what book was this?” Hux asked skeptically. 
Kylo sounded nervous. “Uhm… uh… a gay romance novel?” 
“That’s ridiculous Ren!”
“Does It matter?”
“Does It matter if We really know what it is? It feels right, and it makes me know I’m meant to be with you. That’s all that matters.” He pulled Hux against his chest again caressing his chin and gently angling his head to look up at him. 
“I- I suppose you’re right.” Hux looked to the side, blushing profusely. 
“I love you Armitage, In every universe.” Kylo said, gently running his hands across his body and nuzzling his face into his neck. 
“I  love you too.” Hux echoed breathlessly. Before he could even think the words had been out of his mouth. 
Kylo smiled against Hux, feeling the warm skin on his face. Hux never said I love you. Kylo had waited so long, but now it finally felt earned and it made him feel so happy. “Will you be my soulmate?” He asked gently, as he laid his head across Hux’s shoulder. 
Hux smiled, wrapping his arms and legs around Kylo’s muscular body into a tender embrace. “I always have been.”
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Just FYI
Song in the Car:
Song on Kylo’s phone:
@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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sejmisland · 1 year
prev anon here again!! here's my request (i hope it's okay to mix fandoms?) :}
could you write something involving hux, wheatley, and glados "comforting" (in big quotation marks) the reader who's having a bad bout of the monthly cramps? like, so bad they literally can't walk without crying lmao. i'd love if the reader was already in an established relationship with the bot(s) but you can make it non-romantic if you want!
absolutely, dear. more than okay to mix fandoms <3. i decided to do hcs and small drabbles for all 3. im so sorry this took so long im actually having bad cramps rn. thank you for the request! i had a lot of fun writing this.
established relations with reader below, gender neutral, no pronouns used (afab anatomy).
hux / the singularity. - he is terrible at emotional comfort due to his logical approach, but he tries! its only through words mostly but as time goes on, he gets forms of "treatment" (heating pads, medicine). - it first started when you walked, pain so blinding that you felt tears come to your eyes. he noticed this immediately. - "what is the matter?" he'd ask and you try to explain it to him. you explain that it was monthly cramps as you felt like doubling over. - he simply picks you up with his claw and rests you on a nearby couch.
"growth hurts," he mused as he remained in front of you resting on the couch. his entire body jolted, head ticking to the side with rough movement. he lifted a mechanical leg to rest it on the couch next to your seated position. he hoisted himself up and spun quickly, sitting himself down alongside you. "it often does." you lifted your eyes to him, leaning aside to rest your head against his fleshy, pulsating arm. you closed your eyes, allowing the tears in your eyes to trail down your face. your chest heaved with each quiet sniffle and sob of agony as your stomach sent another wave of contraction. "quit blabbering," you pressed your teeth into your tongue. "it will not help." you opened up your eyes to turn your head up to him. "i know, i'm sorry. it-" you choked on a small whimper. "it just hurts, hux." your voice cracked as you whispered up to him, tears obscuring your vision. the only clear thing were his glowing, red eyes as he stared down at you for what seemed like an eternity. "it will all be over soon. do not fret, my worm."
- he cant provide much, but if you like hearing him babble to help distract. - he noticed tears in your eyes as you twisted in your chair in an uncomfortable, painful way. - VERY concerned. he noticed your pain right away! he's scared, almost terrified of seeing you in pain. - "are you okay?! hey, what's wrong? y-you dont need to cry, you know!" and when you explain to him..
"oh, OH! wait, you- oh! hold on, it's okay, oh, please don't cry. don't cry!" wheatley stammered, beginning to tick his ocean blue eye all over the room, as if he was searching for something. "umm, what to do... what to do- i've never done this before. at least, i don't think so-" "wheatley," you rasped out quietly through the mounting pain, smiling as he talked himself through the situation. you glanced up to the sky blue eye that was now dilated, shaking as it focused on you. "shhh, shh, its okay! give me one second! you'll love this." you couldn't help but silently chuckle as you watched the small robot steer himself on the rail with the occasional spark letting loose from his eye plates. "you'll... you'll need to catch me." he gave no further warning; he ejected himself from his rail with an incoherent blabber, crashing into your arms. the force was enough to knock your limbs back, making him slam into your already hurting abdomen. you let out a pained yelp and he returned it with one of his own. "sorry, sorry! j-just a mishap! didn't expect that-" you looked down at him, cradling him into your arms. "butterfingers, ha!"
- much like hux, she is terrible at comfort. she seems cruel but this is in her tone of voice. her comfort? observation. - she didnt notice it at first. so when she saw you walking, tears streaming down your face and mouth screwed in a grimace, she was confused. she thought you were injured. - "what is going on? what happened?" she does sound concerned with a hint of confusion. "what have you gotten yourself into now?" you explain that you're not *injured* but simply in pain from your monthly. - an awkward silence afterward. it doesnt last long.
"your resilience is commendable, but unnecessary." her monotone voice rang out as the yellow pupil stared down at your agonized form. "do not move." all of the panels surrounding the room shift in wave like motions, almost masking a hissing noise from around you. you turned your head from side to side to see glass panels rising up, entrapping you in a transparent cell. she looked on as you panicked, nearly falling against one of the glass panel walls. when you looked back to her, vision blurry from the tears still pooling in your eyes, she swayed aside as if she was monitoring your every move. you blinked several times, attempting to focus your vision. "glados," you hissed out through grit teeth as you squeezed your arms around yourself tighter in hopes to lessen the pain of your contracting muscles. "what are you doing?" "i need to think," she swung her chassis closer to your glass prison, almost completely taking up your clearing vision. you blinked rapidly to gain focus. "observation is crucial."
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p0pp3t · 9 months
Gavin x Reader | Special Clientele
gender-neutral reader (freelancer)
2nd person
slightly suggestive near the end
word count: 665
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 “If you can change your appearance, can’t you just ‘paint’ your own nails?”
You sit at the kitchen table across your lover. The little pouch you’ve set down clinks with nail polish bottles, cuticle pushers, and everything else you’d need for an at-home manicure.
“Sure I could, but where’s the fun in that?” Gavin asks. “Anything to have my hands in yours, My Love.”
You roll your eyes, but bring his hand to your lips and press a kiss to his knuckles anyway. Gavin smiles contentedly as you give his nails a closer look.
“Good and strong,” you comment, applying gentle pressure with your thumb. You release his hand and unzip your bag, neatly lining up bottles of nail polish in front of the both of you. “Why don’t you pick your color and,” you open your phone as well; the screen displays a graphic of different nail shapes - “Your shape.”
“With pleasure.”
Taking his time, Gavin’s eyes narrow and brow furrows as he goes through his color options, holding each bottle to the back of his hand and seeing how they complement him. Maybe he’d be a little more decisive choosing his shape.
“Tough choice, isn’t it?” Playful affection tinges your tone. “You can always pick more than one; it’s no trouble.”
“Well, I wanna get this right,” he says in earnest. “You’re the expert. What would you recommend?”
“I’ve always thought that pink suits you; what do you think about this one?” You take a warm shade of magenta and slide it toward Gavin, to which he takes the bottle and holds it against his skin a second time.
“This’ll do perfectly,” he says, satisfied. “And stilettos, if you please.”
Your work is gentle and precise, with soft nudges to Gavin’s cuticles and meticulously laid brushstrokes on his nails. He eyes you the whole time, observing how your brow lowers over your squinted eyes and how constant your hold on each of his fingers is. Looks like you want to get this right, too.
“You have excellent handiwork, but I guess I already knew that,” Gavin offers. You only smile wryly in response, never taking your gaze off the steady lines of paint you’ve left. “You’ve done this before?” he asks, a playful suspicion about his voice.
“Yeah, for a few years by now,” you tell him. “Just my own for a while, but I’ve done other people’s nails a few times before.”
“Well, I feel even better knowing I’m in good hands. And they are very good hands.” Someone’s on his game. You finally take your eyes off Gavin’s nails, if only for a moment to roll them again.
“Enough of that. This is a professional setting,” you tell your client, something barely noticeable tugging the corners of your lips upward.
“My apologies, then. I spoke out of turn.” 
You’re given the peace to carry out the rest of your task undisturbed, with Gavin carefully resting his chin on his free hand and continuing to watch you in quiet fondness. You disrupt his concentration at times to ask that he lays both hands flat on the tabletop, letting you wave a folding fan over the still-drying polish in cool gusts.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to cast a breeze?”
“‘Sure I could, but where’s the fun in that?’” you parrot. 
Eventually, your hard work pays off with a final swipe of top coat and the last few flourishes of your fan. You tap lightly at the corners of the polish, assuring yourself that it’s dry enough to avoid smudging.
“All done. What do you think?”
Gavin holds a hand up to the kitchen light, inspecting the glossy pink at each pointed nail.
“Beautifully done, as expected. Thank you, My Love.” He stands - for the first time in hours (“This takes longer than I thought,”) - and ambles to your side of the table, pressing warm lips to your own.
“Hm, is that my payment?”
“If you’ll accept it. Unless you were looking for more?”
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girl-next-door-writes · 10 months
Coming This Festive Season...
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r3dkn0ts · 1 year
huntress, knight and singularity congratulating killer!reader who’s brand new to the realm on their first 4k?
This sounds interesting! Let's give it a go!
Killers reacting to their Killer!S/O's First 4K
The Huntress / Anna - She's definitely celebrating with you in her own little way. Anna isn't a drinker, but she may offer you something physical like a massage or even carve a little animal for you out of wood. - Anna's gonna give you so many kisses on the forehead as congratulations. Many, many smooches.
The Knight / Tarhos Kovács - Bring out the mead! As expected, he's gonna bring Alejandro, Durkos, and Sander to celebrate alongside you two. It'd be stupid not to! - If you're not into alcoholic beverages, Tarhos will be a bit disappointed, but he'll get over it eventually. There are ways to celebrate festivities without losing your consciousness! - After the three guards have finished drinking all the mead they could find scattered around the borgo, you and Tarhos could finally have some alone time. Although, most of the time would most likely consist of you curling into his side and resting after taking off his heavy armor and brushing out his tangled hair.
The Singularity / HUX-A7-13 - Sorry to burst your bubble, but HUX simply feels no need to celebrate such a feat. Being an artificial intelligence has its benefits, but also its downsides. One of those downsides is not finding joy in much of anything, much less little accomplishments. - If you told him about your 4K and expected anything more than the emotionless "congratulations" that you received, sorry. Maybe if you got lucky, he'd give you a little pat on the head with his arm that isn't a gigantic rusted blade.
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In Other Words: Hold My Hand - Chapter 1
Weee look at me, starting another story when I have so many others left to finish 🙃 To be fair, I started this one a while ago and fully intended to get it off the ground sooner. But, you know, life. So after a sudden burst of creativity and motivation (while caught in throes of my Hux BS), here we are, chapter one ready to be released into the world. Just don't ask me when chapter two will come...
Part One: Hold My Hand
Chapter One
Hux x fem!reader | 2.4k words
Content warnings: Mention of torture/interrogation, mention of childhood abuse
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It was a mystery how you'd ended up in this exact spot you currently found yourself in. The sequence of events themselves were fairly straightforward. There'd been an unexpected skirmish between some First Order troopers and your band of Resistance fighters; you and your best friend Nat had jumped foolishly into the fray despite only just having started your combat training; the Order had unsurprisingly cornered the two of you... and then, in what she probably thought to be a brilliant move, your friend had convinced the troopers you wanted to defect and join the Order. Then there was a week of nasty interrogation to ensure your stories matched up and held true. Somehow you'd both been cleared, and now here you were, standing outside the office of who would be your supervisor aboard The Finalizer, waiting to be summoned in.
What had happened was clear enough. The mystery was understanding why it had all happened. How could there possibly be good in the galaxy when it had devised such a series of unfortunate events to set you down right here, in the thick of all you despised? How could you possibly hope to improve that galaxy from here, or at the least simply benefit your own life? There was a reason espionage and spies weren't used against the First Order - a reason you'd tried repeatedly to explain to your stubborn friend to no avail.
Damn her, you grumbled to yourself, though you knew you didn't fully mean it. Sure, she'd had the idea, but you'd gone along with it. You couldn't make her shoulder all of the blame.
A swooshing sound accompanied the sudden opening of the door in front of you. You stood at attention, coming face to face with a young officer in a smart-looking hat. He clutched a datapad in the crook of his arm as if he were keeping it there on a time-out.
He didn't seem to notice your presence until he had already stepped out of the room and made to follow the hallway to the right. He paused in a second of surprise, and then made a little scoffing noise.
"He's in quite a mood," he said and gave you a knowing look, though you weren't sure what you were supposed to know by it. "Good luck."
He swiftly stalked off, leaving the doorway in front of you open to the office beyond. Fluorescent lights glowed from the ceilings inside, giving you a chance to scope out what you were walking into. Most of the room was bare up here by the door; too bare, like there was supposed to be more furniture but it had disappeared somehow. The back half of the room was more naturally filled. A large bookcase stood tall and proud along the back wall, boasting of thick tomes and unique trinkets. To the side was a low counter with a few liquor bottles and mixers. There was also a small box of some kind in the corner, with a carpeted top and a hole in the side. You weren't sure what it was for.
And placed before all of it, directly in the center, just before the threshold you now found yourself crossing, as if dividing the room between emptiness and warmth, was a large desk made of dark wood and brass furnishings. A lone chair sat in front of it for guests, while the office's owner sat in his own chair on the other side.
Hunched in his chair, was more like it. The position almost could have obscured his identity from you as you tried to get your nerves under control. But alas, the ginger hair still gave him away.
You choked.
"What," he drawled with annoyance, not bothering to look up from the work that occupied him on his desk.
Hux. The General Hux. The face of the First Order and all its terrifying advancements. He was to be your supervisor? What a cruel joke the universe was playing on you.
You stood in shocked silence, which seemed to annoy him further as he huffed and finally looked up. Whatever reproach he was prepared to give vanished as he took in your appearance.
"Who are you?" 
You swallowed hard under his gaze. Never in your life did you think you'd come face to face with this man, and now here you were, mere feet away, donning the uniform of his people and completely under his authority.
Oh you were going to kill your friend for this.
"I..." Your throat felt like it was constricting. Panic would soon overtake you if you didn't shake free of its grasp now. As you'd learned in your interrogation, it would not do to show any sign of weakness in this place, not even a bit of hesitancy. And you would need that strategy even more with General Hux watching you.
You cleared your throat quickly and straightened up further. "I believe I am to be your new assistant, sir. They sent me here to report for duty."
Hux regarded you for a moment and then leaned back in his chair with a quirked eyebrow. He didn't seem annoyed anymore, but there was a sort of sneering curiosity that took its place, and you weren't sure which you'd rather be dealing with in this moment.
"Ah, yes. Deserters from the Resistance. I was so surprised by the news, I had to see one of you for myself."
He paused to gauge your reaction, though you didn't have one. You were too preoccupied with keeping yourself standing upright in his presence.
"We don't get many rebels willing to join our ranks. Though when it does happen, it's always right at the moment they have a blaster to their heads. Curious, isn't it?"
You cleared your throat. "I suppose it is, sir."
"You will call me General," he said cooly.
"Yes, General," you obeyed promptly.
He studied you for a moment, no expression on his face to indicate anything he could be thinking. Surely he was suspicious of you; he'd be foolish not to be. And you suspected that's why you were to be his assistant. In case you were a spy of some sort. You'd be in proximity to a tempting amount of good intel, but wouldn't be able to do anything with it under the General's watchful gaze. He was clever one, you'd give him that.
Though what he was considering about you now was beyond you. Maybe he was changing his mind, saw the nerves you were so desperately trying to hide, deciding playing such a game with you wouldn't be worth the trouble.
"I expect an itinerary of the next day's events on my desk each evening by 8," he finally said. He quickly moved through his words as if he'd had to recite them numerous times, and you briefly wondered how many assistants this man had gone through before you finally realized you should probably be paying closer attention. "You will also maintain reports on the health of each department I oversee, filter any feedback or escalated concerns from the department heads, and share only the most important for my attention. You will accompany me to all non-confidential meetings and take down notes...."
He trailed off and sported a small smirk.
"Do you wish to take some down now?"
You quickly nodded, hating how he was already finding ways to subtly undercut your competency.
He opened a drawer and fished out a data pad, handing it over to you and gesturing to the opposite chair, all the while maintaining that smirk. You fiddled with the device and tried to quickly note down what he'd said so far. You could feel him watching you. Your fingers shook from the anxiety of it all.
When you finally looked up at him, his face was back into something more neutral. 
"Ready?" he asked softly. You realized he was being patient, an incredible relief to your nerves, so you tried for a smile with your response.
"Yes, General."
He nodded and continued, speaking almost a mile an hour as if through a well-rehearsed speech, and you did your best to keep pace. Your notes were a jumbled mess of various times and tasks, preferences and expectations. You hoped you'd be able to make sense of them later. One missed detail, and you suspected you'd be booted off the ship faster than you could say dank farrick.
"And finally," he said at last, and you couldn't help but let out the breath you'd been holding the past ten minutes, "this may go without saying but I shall state it anyway so we are perfectly clear. You will not be allowed access to outside communications."
He leveled a hard look at you, one that spoke volumes louder than his words.
"I have also waived your right to any leaves of absence. Until you have gained my full and complete trust."
You nodded, suspecting as much.
"And in all transparency, there is not a single soul in this galaxy who has managed to earn my full and complete trust. Do I make myself clear?"
You nodded again, unable to keep his gaze. A part of you was sinking at the thought. You were trapped aboard this ship. No sky, no sea, no trees. Just sterile walls and shiny floors and an endless expanse of empty space behind a viewport. You could very well die here and never feel sand beneath your toes again.
General Hux stood, and you quickly rose to match.
"That said, it will be to our mutual benefit for you to take this position seriously. I run a very tight ship so I expect nothing less than professional excellence from you."
"Yes, sir. General. Sorry. Yes, General."
He gave an almost imperceptible sigh through your flustering. You certainly weren't inspiring any confidence in your ability to do this job, not when you kept remembering how dangerously thin a line you walked here. And though you didn't exactly want to be here, you'd be damned if you were ever thought of as less than good enough.
"You are dismissed." He waved a hand as he sat back down again, his attention already returned to the stack of papers he'd been pouring over before your arrival. You were more than grateful to finally be allowed out of this situation. The emotions you'd been bottling in needed to be let out. You wasted no time in turning on your heel and scurrying away.
"Oh, one more thing," he said just before you could open the door to your freedom. "You'll be given the rank of Second Lieutenant. It means nothing other than to ensure you have proper security clearance to accompany me when needed. You can pick up your badge and insignia at the security office."
This information, as well as all you'd noted down, weighed on you as you finally made it out the door. You walked down the hall in a daze, not knowing where you were going, entirely too fixated on this bizarre situation you found yourself in. You were a Second Lieutenant aboard a First Order ship, serving directly under General Hux, and banned from even so much as glimpsing a life outside of this one. You'd never be able to see your friends or family again. In fact, you'd be helping fight against them now. Whatever service you performed for the General would be in service to the war he waged against your people.
You paused in your wandering to lean against the nearest wall, grateful that whatever part of the ship you were in didn't have much foot traffic. The side of your head rested against the cool steel walls and your eyes closed in a fight against the tears that threatened to burst forth. You focused on your breathing. In and out. In and out. No thinking, no feeling. Just breathe.
You stayed like this an undeterminable amount of time before slowly reopening your eyes and coming back to the present moment. How long the calming effects of your meditation would last, who knew, but at least you were now numb enough to get back to the tasks at hand. You'd need to find the security office. And your room, or bunks, or wherever they intended to have you sleep around here. And perhaps most importantly, you'd need to find your friend.
If not to ensure she was alright, than at least to give her a piece of your mind.
* * *
Hux watched as discreetly as he could the disappearing form of the woman who was to be his new assistant. Even after the door slid shut behind her, his gaze still lingered on the spot she had last been.
He'd come to expect timidness from all who found themselves in his presence these days. His reputation had grown quickly and held fast, much to his relief. He still felt like he'd came into this position, this war even, much too quickly to have any real sense of confidence about it. Not that he'd let anyone see, of course, which was why he was grateful he at least had the skill of being able to put on a good show, to mask the insecurities he privately fought. Years of abuse and neglect were to thank for that.
But this woman, this rebel-turned-deserter, was throwing him off. She had been timid, yes, but had also shown all the other telltale signs of someone wanting his approval. Compliance, politeness, even a bit of pride. As if she had been raised in an old Imperial household and came here to work her way up the ladder of power with the rest of them, but still viewing him with a sort of fearful reverence.
It perplexed him. To what end was she here? An honest wish to change sides seemed unlikely, which only left the option of her being a spy. But that didn't fit the facts well, either. As a spy, she'd either be a good actor and show no signs of fear, or she'd be terrible at keeping on a game face and have no tact at all. She displayed both. He didn't know what to make of her.
He sighed, realizing he'd been endlessly ruminating again, and as a result could feel that familiar tension of an oncoming headache in his forehead. He shook himself, as if that would dispel the strain, and tried to focus back on his work.
He'd made her his assistant for a reason, to keep an eye on her, and to an extent her friend. He'd figure out their intentions soon enough, he'd just need to interact with her more.
~ ~ ~
Everything Tag: @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @fallingforthem, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @justanothersadperson93, @misogirl828, @itsagrimm, @error6gendernotfound, @theroguesully, @clonesimp, @techie-bear, @sleepycreativewriter
Baddies Tag: @call-me-a-fool, @theclonesdeservebetter, @the-mom-friend-dot-com, @pickle-rick-y, @Frost.Bytten (won't let me tag you 😢)
(Join my tag list here) (Or message me if you already filled out and would like to be added to this new fic)
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kingdomhate · 11 months
Accidently Hurting You Scenarios!
Kylo Ren: You both were in a heated argument, about how Kylo needed to take more time for himself. At first, he seemed calm and gentle about it, but he progressively got more and more impatient, eventually raising his voice at you. But were you frightened? No. Not even close. You were determined to get him to see your side and you were going to do that by any means necessary.
However, as he got more aggressive and demanding, you had barely any time to react before he pushed you. You yelp slightly, and fall backward. Squeezing your eyes shut and attempting to break your fall. But as your head hit the tile and Kylo finally realized what he had done... he was terrified. Apologetic, regretful. He picked you up in his arms and held you to his chest while cursing himself vigorously as he used the bond between you two to sense if you were alright. Once he was a thousand percent you were alright, he laid you down and let you rest. Cuddling very close to you, peppering your neck, check and whatever else he can reach with slow, apologetic and gentle kisses.
Armitage Hux: He was mad, what could he say? He was not in control, he was overcome with rage, practically radiating energy that screamed he was capable of killing anyone, you could barely comprehend it. But alas, you approached him. Why? Because you loved him. You had asked him twice what the problem was and he ignored you. Dismissing you as if you were a mere fly.
And now, in the shared quarters of his and yours, you decided to actually bring it up. Your words were sweet, coaxing and motherly, as if speaking to a child. Of course, Armitage was more keen to being spoken to as an adult, a superior. And that must've been the reason why he let you fall after jerking his arm away from you a little too fast, warranting you to lose balance and fall. Letting out a pained screech as you fell directly on your arm, resulting in the uneasy and blood-curdling sound of bones either breaking or chipping. That immediately changed his mood, as he recognized it was you, his angel. Instinctively, he checked the damage and carried you to the medical wing, patiently and worriedly watching over and waiting. Certain you were okay, he let you rest, muttering apologies as he waited for you to wake up.
Anakin Skywalker: It all happened in a flash, the instinctive need to protect himself when he felt you touch him, it might have been paranoia but it happened nevertheless. He should've known you were only trying to help, why on Earth would you ever have the intention of hurting him? When his Jedi instincts came in and he jerked around and flipped you around violently, he gasped. The sight of your eyes teary and your mouth opened in a frightened manner... how could he forgive himself? He apologized profusely and started explaining why that happened, why he did that. Eventually, you understood and forgave him, smiling and acting as though it was alright, Anakin came to terms with it as well and finally forgave himself as well.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi was more or less stressed, but all the same good-mannered as always. However, he had lost patience for some things, such as talking to you. Normally, Obi-Wan was all for speaking to you and getting to the root of the problem but today? He's mood was horrid, he was a mixture of tired and on the edge. He had tried to be patient, he really did. But he had ended up raising his voice and insulting you, calling you a name in which he had never thought he would. That being said, you shut down almost immediately, more so scared for Obi-Wan than yourself. He had never, ever raised anything at you, let alone his voice. So what was going on?
Stress is the first most thing that popped into your head, as you had known Obi-Wan for almost your whole Jedi-incorporated life. So, aside from him calming down, apologizing and reasoning with you, you gave him space. As he was on edge and clearly dealing with too much. He would speak to you once he was calm in control and ready too.
Luke Skywalker: The frustration from once again being denied his right to go to the academy with his friends, was a bit too much for Luke. Of course he had cared enough to tell you and you both talked it out but that was nothing compared to what he couldn't help but want. He wanted to go, he needed to, but he had to stay for another year? It was outrageous. And it warranted Luke to do some uncharacteristic, rebellious things, such as.... sneaking off to meet you in the dead of the night and ride around in his speeder, mostly talking and sometimes making out.
That helped him tremendously in the frustration and pent up tension of being forced to stay. But, upon meeting up with him again for another heavenly make-out session and heart-to heart conversation, he was practically screaming about his frustrations and you were both awe-struck and slightly frightened of this state, as you've never seen Luke so furious before. He had snarled how much he would love to spend time with his friends and take a small break away from you, and how clingy you seemed. That hit a bit too forcefully. You spaced yourself away from Luke for x amount of time and he seemed puzzled as to why you did, but he never asked. A few days later, he had finally seemed to have calmed down, and figured out what he did incorrectly. He apologized for offending you and reassured you that he adored the clinginess of your relationship.
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Hux had a strange relationship with food. He wouldn't call it a disorder because in his life everything must be in order. So rather than fix problems he preferred lying to himself. He doesn't call it lying of course. It's just... Not exactly the truth but close enough for him.
When It comes to Kylo he could eat a table if it would be well-prepared. I mean... If It was edible. Em.. Yup he just loves food. He eats a lot and he actually can cook. And he can't look at Hux eating these ration bars. Especially when he knows that this is probably his only meal for all day.
Because Hux basically lives on kaff, ration bars, stims, cigarettes and FO instant noodles when he has better days. Kylo is impressed that Hux never collapsed on the bridge because of that.
One day he cooked him a proper meal. Hux was looking at the plate on his desk.
"What is the meaning of this Ren?"
" Meaning? Its food. You know. The real one not this fake trashy bars. Sit down and eat"
Hux only rolled his eyes.
" I don't have time for nonsense "
" Oh sorry. You think it was a request?"
"Excuse me?"
"It was an order General. Sit down and eat. "
"Fuck yourself Ren."
"Well no fucking till you eat"
" You can't say that! "
" i can and i just did it. Hux .. Just try alright ? I've done it by myself... "
Hux closed his eyes and sighed. He murmured silent "fine" and sat behind the desk. He sighed again taking a fork and looking at the plate like it was going to eat him. "Okay fine" he told himself. "It's fine"
"Am i talking to you Ren?"
"Um... I... Don't know ?"
"Right. Then shut up" He was good at forcing himself to do things that he actually didn't want to do. So he ate. Not a lot, but he ate. "Happy? You ignorant walking trash can?"
"Did you like it?"
" It doesn't really matter. At least not for me Ren. Can you... Leave ?"
"Just get out" and he left. And Hux didn't know who he hated more. Kylo because he actually left him alone? The plate? Because it was still on his desk? Or himself ? Because of everything.
Kylo showed up the next day with a pack of ration bars and protein shakes. Hux looked at him silently.
"I.. i am sorry... It wasn't fair. I should have warned you and asked i ... I was just worried.. I... Brought you something that you might like better i guess ? Em... Just... Please make sure you eat more than one of these all day... "
"Ah. Is that an order Ren?"
" I already apologized, Hux. Do not make it harder. " Hux looked at the bars and took one.
" I will make sure. " He went silent again And tried not to look at Kylo" And Ren... I.. I know you are right and It wasn't bad. The meal... I just... "
" i know. Take care of yourself Hux or i will start taking care of you. And believe me you wouldn't like it"
Hux actually laughed
" I don't have any complaints about your care as far"
" Do you now...? " Kylo crossed his arms. " Should i cook you another meal?"
"I... No. At least not now. Maybe... Some day. But i wouldn't mind fucking..."
"Greedy, aren't you? " Kylo rolled his eyes and smiled.
If you are interested the "Some day" did happen. Hux was laying next to Kylo on the bed. He was eating pasta. Because it was the most similar food to instant noodles, and he knew he could somehow push It through.
" And? Is it fine?"
Kylo smiled.
"No one would believe me if i said that this is an actual compliment coming from you"
" No one would also believe that you moan like a common whore but you don't brag about it, aren't you?"
" You should have listened to yourself, sweetie pie" Hux choked at the fork and glared at him angrily. But then Kylo hugged him, and he almost forgot why he was so angry. And he thought that one day he could actually enjoy this. Ren cooking for him, hugging him, smiling at him and taking care. It was strange. But bearable. And It was in fact a compliment.
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huxkisser · 1 month
ok since i’m in a spam posting mood today i’m gonna continue w my parents!kylux bullshit. i like to imagine them in exile unofficially and unintentionally adopting some local orphaned children or something. having children around really isn’t practical but i know hux sees a little ginger boy without a loving mother or father and just. breaks. and naturally kylo wants to keep them too.
hux never would’ve imagined this life for himself because how tf did he go from general of the first order to living in hiding on some random planet, sharing a little cottage w a bunch of kids and kylo ren of all people? but he finds he doesn’t hate it and he couldn’t imagine telling himself from just five years earlier that he could actually be content with something like this.
he has no clue how to actually *parent* children but he tries so hard. he swears to himself that’s he’s not going to become brendol. any time he notices his children showing weakness or vulnerability he makes a conscious effort not to scold or discourage it. he always praises them and tells them how strong they are.
he has no experience with children’s games so kylo and the kids use this to beat him at them and he complains but he’s smiling. kylo is surprisingly gentle while he braids their daughter’s hair. the children probably have a lot of issues from being orphaned young and having to survive without protection but kylux provide them with no shortage of support while they heal.
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gerdavonrinnlingen · 6 months
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Lieutenant Hux is sent to Hays Minor, where he meets a very stubborn, bright woman. Meanwhile, Rose is desperately trying to repair the railcrawler to help the locals and is stunned when a grumpy ginger haired officer offers to help her. What could he be up to? After his promotion to Governor of Takodana, Major Finn tries to fight the corruption in the First Order. Little does he realise that he has already become the target of a notorious rebel ...
Read the first chapter on AO3
It's a enemies to lovers fic with Gingerrose and Stormpilot :D
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beewithknee · 1 year
of dreams and nightmares
redactober day 5 !
huxley/freelancer hurt/comfort (with blink-and-you'll-miss-it poly DAMN)
They never woke with a gasp like in the movies. It was always a slow awareness creeping back into them.
They knew it was a nightmare. Knew it was fictional.
However that didn’t stop the racing heart, vivid images and unsettled stomach.
Glancing through their space, they eyed every corner feeling far too exposed in the open, dark space.
A warm body stirred beside them.
“Flower? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Of course Huxley immediately knew they weren’t okay. The wide eyes and shaking hands gave that away.
“Bad dream.” They whispered, hands still shaking slightly. They heard the blind-fumbling on their bedside table before a light flicked on. It was dimmed, but enough to remove the long shadows and a good chunk of their anxiety.
“Baby, I’m so sorry. Can I do anything?” He asked gently, eyes still half-lidded from sleep.
“Hold me?” It was whispered into the dim room. They felt pathetic. It was 2:30 and they’d woken the poor man up because of some idiotic dream. Knowing something isn’t real and feeling it isn’t are two vastly different things.
Logically, they were fully aware it was a work of chemicals and a bad TV show before bed.
But their biological reaction had it replaying like a horrifically real memory every few seconds.
A sharp breath stuttered from their chest as he pulled them into his arms.
Warmth immediately seeped into every exposed nerve that danced along their body, soothing them tenfold.
“We’re okay. There’s nothing that’s gonna get through me.” He soothed gently, hand stroking up and down their stomach. Huxley’s palms were always warm. Not like Damien’s in the way that you could tell it was his core, but just in a gentle soothing manner.
They’d never get tired of it.
Flipping over, they buried their face in his chest. It allowed enough light to reduce the paranoia floating their head.
Huxley cradled their back in one large palm and the back of their head in the other. His short fingernails scratched at the nape of their neck, sending addictive shivers through them.
“Tighter?” It was a plea. Huxley immediately complied, wanting nothing more than to soothe his distressed partner.
He rested his head on the top of theirs, only bending to kiss their head sweetly. “I’ve got you, petal. You’re okay.” Each word soothed another frayed nerve. They were sparking live-wire and only Hux could settle the danger.
“Keep talking? Please.” In the darkness, it felt like such a silly request. Huxley understood. Of course he did.
“Uh, well Damien beat me at volleyball again. Our little spitfire, huh? He gloated very humbly. Gavin made so many innuendos, and I’m pretty sure he and Xavier snuck off half-way through to go fuck but oh well. It was fun, I just wish you and Lasko could’ve been there you know… would’ve been nice to have all my people in one spot.” He lamented a little sadly, squeezing them even tighter.
A kiss was pressed to his sternum, and his stomach jumped with the feeling.
“I love you, Hux.”
“I love you too baby, go to sleep if you can. I’ll be here.” His chest rumbled under their cheek with every word, relaxing them more than any pharmaceutical had ever been able. He kept it up; rambling about the sunflowers he saw, about his moms, about their other partners, upcoming games, anything and everything.
It was nearing on 3:30am when he finally slowed, voice dipping quieter. Tilting back, he admired the sight that greeted him.
His darling Flower passed out on his chest, taking comfort in the place they knew they’d always find safety. Huxley took such pride in being able to comfort his partners, being more than a scary jock stereotype. He kissed their head once more, lingering there to cope with the rising emotions he faced.
Throat clogged with hushed love declarations, he choked out “I love you. Sleep well, flower.”
The shelter they found within his arms could never be replaced. It was unspoken, unconditional happiness.
They were safe. They could sleep.
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