the-land-of-women · 2 years
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jay-wasreblogging · 26 days
At first I was like 'LMFAO HE FUNNY ASF WHY HE DOING ANGELS VOICE!!' cause bruh ain't no way he devious like that 😂
Then I got confused because ??? Wait is he fucking around or being serious right now? Huh?? Like I genuinely did not process that it was anything mentally/psychologically related until Watson started pleading. 😐
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joycon · 5 months
im gonna be honest i might actually start blocking ppl who post about karlach in weird ways like if you wanna die on the hill of her being a stone butch top then die because unless youre black i want nothing to do with you, its foul.
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Had a big glow-up recently over the last two months since my roadtrip. I switched to working outdoors so now have a golden glowing tan all over, my hair is grown out now and is lighter from the sun, my skin has cleared up, I wear girlier clothes and omg the difference pretty privilege makes
Suddenly I’m getting catcalled in the street again, everyone is staring at me in the malls when I wear a dress/heels, I’m getting heaps of attention at work/popularity (I got a promotion and get a ridiculous amount of tips from customers now), girls think I’m a threat if they have a boyfriend etc etc
Like honestly I’m feeling this gif viscerally and although am actually loving the attention for once, I miss being perceived as a non-threatening goofball tomboy sometimes
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k0rew3ntst0d1e · 9 months
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sometimesraven · 3 months
the discourse around Astarion's sexuality has been a great reminder of how shit people are with any kind of nuance around sexual trauma and asexuality
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sexlapis · 5 months
thinking about how as i kid i would watch those scenes on tv where a (occasionally dark skinned & black) woman would act all seductive and flirty to try and “seduce” a man and how those scenes would make me feel all gross and icky. i now realise i felt like that because i’m normal, Godbless
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rowanthestrange · 7 months
You ever see someone have what looks like a good point, but then they write a 5000 word article on it, and you realise that while the point could be valid, their flat, basic, singular line of reason that got them there is not.
Nothing worse than a good point made by someone who hasn’t actually thought their position through and got there by accident.
I’d genuinely rather you just be wrong and save me the reading time.
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cowboy-yeehaw · 6 hours
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theaquapunk · 5 months
Hey, punk community of Tumblr, I have a lil question for you?
Can someone dress in styles like scene, egirl, or decora, and still be considered "punk"?
I'm asking because I firmly identify as punk, however i like all sorts of different alternative fashion and I'm not sure if scene or egirl styles fit into punk fashion. I am NOT asking if egirl is truly "alt" or not, I just like the elements of that style and to me it resembles a blend of emo and scene but very toned down, and I think egirl isn't considered fully alternative but personally for me it doesn't seem mainstream or "normal" either (basing this on how I believe my mother would react to a simple egirl look from me- I doubt she could handle THAT forget scene-). I also know that punk is heavily based in DIY too, and I think scene and egirl styles could be DIYed too.
Anyway, I'm new to the punk community so I would like to know what is considered "punk".
(and yes I'm aware that there's not just egirl, there's eboy and eperson, I'm just specifying egirl because that's the one that applies to me)
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nct127s · 3 months
it’s crazy how many young girls in their teens and twenties are porn addicts but won’t admit it because they aren’t consuming video porn & simply just reading smut fan fiction every day
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vettelcore · 6 months
how it feels like listening to olivia rodrigo in your mid 20s
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
rlly appreciate that the casting for OUAT is like. normal people! with wrinkles and freckles and moles and crow's feet
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robotpussy · 1 year
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"I wonder why it only took a few months of weirdos before you guys made an article but TO THIS VERY DAY actresses are still sexualized non stop, even sometimes underage actresses. People post about them wanting them to be 18 and the day after their birthday they'll get a weird nsfw Reddit dedicated to creeping on them. But yeah, sure, this is the REAL problem."
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#its still gross to sexualize celebs #but tbh we need to address the sexualization of feminine bodies #in like every piece of media we have #and stop oggling celebs like they arent real people #im just annoyed that when it happebs to women it seems like it doesnt even matter #like no one even cares #both are fucked up but on has been around suvstancially longer than the other #and i feel like its being allowed?? #like no this should not be allowed
like they said this in their response but when I go to look up Sydney sweeny the FIRST article that comes up is one discussing how sam Levinson disgustingly sexualises and harms the actresses in his work and I know this isn't the best example to use AT ALL but I wonder why they came out and proclaimed nobody is talking about how the same thing and even worse happens to actresses and famous women and girls when for years I have been reading articles about this kind of thing.
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(written 3 days ago)
and the initial article isnt the best, by claiming to end misogyny is for women to do to men what they do to women but they didn't even bring that up, just "how come this article exists?" as if people are not currently talking abt this happening to women right now. a circulating tumblr post is not the entire landscape of the internet! and all I said in my response was 'this article existing isn't really taking away from anything.... like at the end of the day sexual harassment is wrong regardless of who it is happening to
(og post)
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yellowistheraddest · 9 months
the world is a wonderful place: you think there can't be more genshin impact rip-offs and yet they appear everyday
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eldesperadont · 1 year
just unfollowed and blocked someone who actually ships incest (i deadass have no idea how they ended up on my dash) and just a few posts below i see the z*wens mess lmao what is going on
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