#i accidentally made optimus huge
unlikelypandahologram · 4 months
Reasons to ship every single version of MegOP
since Very Dumb Discourse™ exists about whether or not certain versions of this ship are valid, this is going to be THE most positive post about all versions of MegOP. refer back to this post for reasons to ship your favorite version of MegOP if anyone gets weird about it with you. now let us begin!!
G1: goofy '80s faction dads fighting each other in a denny's parking lot every week LET'S GOOO, that shit is fun as fuck. orion pax also totally had a celeb crush on megatron before megatron ruined that and shot him and his pals 😔 and there's a lot of angst you can add with megatron becoming galvatron and optimus coming back to life to see how much he's changed!
BW: it's the sheer fucking comedy gold factor of a newly minted college graduate and a terrorist dinosaur IMMEDIATELY singling each other out on a prehistoric rock and deciding to call their daily gang slap-fights the BEAST WARS, what iconic drama queens LMAOOOO. also, megatron made his final body in BM look like optimal optimus SPECIFICALLY to fuck with him, and that's just...incredible
UT: the fact that megatron CANONICALLY acted like a grieving widower over optimus after he died in armada is. amazing. never forget their absolutely insane obsession with each other that they can never EVER give up on played a direct part in unicron nearly ending the world <3
Bayverse: this is the one continuity of all fucking things that gave us the lore about megatron being prime's lord high protector. absolute galaxy brain writing from the tie-in comics. also these two would ABSOLUTELY have the messiest, nastiest, most brutal hate sex imaginable, and that's beautiful. <3
Animated: optimus being a rookie washout underdog and megatron being a super scary much older warlord is a really interesting and underrated fresh take on their dynamic! lots of fun to be had with exploring what their relationship would be like after megatron finally acknowledged him as his archnemesis, lol. also...age AND size difference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prime: do i even need to say anything, i'm pretty sure that one flashback still of orion and megatronus being friends is responsible for birthing a million shippers for this pairing alone LMAOOOO. the bitter ex-boyfriends energy was TRULY off the charts in this show, it's a damn shame megatron never appeared in RID15
Cyberverse: same bitter ex-boyfriends energy but this time with dates at maccadams. megatron also dies encouraging optimus to beat the unhinged alternate dimension megs AAHH THE ANGST
IDW1: they're both depressed gay war criminals in this one who CONSTANTLY live in each other's heads rent-free and that's amazing, lmfao. also, megatron becoming an autobot means this is one of the VERY FEW continuities where it's not nigh impossible to figure out a way to give these two a happy ending together in fanon
IDW2: space date space date SPACE DATE. they were falling together and everything. megatron also LITERALLY tells optimus to open himself to him...to give him the matrix...yeah megs my dude i'm sure that's the ONLY thing you wanted from optimus "opening" himself. toootally positive, lol
G1 Marvel: megatron was SUPER fucking pissed and weird as shit about the time optimus died over a video game. it counts
Dreamwave: their first fight had megatron urging optimus to join him AND they disappeared together in a space bridge explosion once which is like, a fanfic-esque setup for them to be alone. also i'm pretty sure this is the continuity where optimus accidentally gave megatron a lobotomy, so...uh...potential for angst is to be had
SG: mirror universe!! evil crazy villain optimus with noble goody-goody hero megatron has so much potential for absolute chaos. bonus if you also bring in the normal versions somehow through multiverse shenanigans <3
KP: the only way this version of prime can redeem himself from the creepy underage human girl bullshit is if he gets a good hard dicking from megatron. next
Prime Wars: huge "ex-husbands go on a road trip with their disgruntled daughter" energy here. megatron also LITERALLY says "oh optimus, if only you could see me now" <3
Earthspark: again...need i say why? they're pals and working together from the get-go, what's not to ship??
Skybound: optimus literally wears megatron's arm. truly beautiful <3
TF One: it's not out yet but give it time. the entire movie is going to be about orion and d-16 being madly in love and tragically breaking up, baby!!
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mychlapci · 3 months
I think this is based on a pretty old ask but I keep thinking about Roddy storing the matrix in his valve. Obsessed with the idea that he shoved that huge and holy artifact up his pussy.
Even just walking around makes him overload sometimes. That thing is so big and stimulates all his sensor nodes as it jostles inside him. He always brushes off his weird behaviour as little jolts of power from the matrix- important messages from the primes- or whatever yknow. No one else has the matrix. They can't prove it doesn't make him glitch or stall a little bit every hour or so
Eventually the next time he does actually have one of those REAL matrix experiences where he's met with the old primes or smth I think he might have accidentally made them real horny for the young prime
oh man i have never stopped thinking about Roddy storing the matrix in his valve... mhmm he's such a nasty boy...
The matrix is so big. His valve is spasming around it, constantly stretched and swollen as the holy artifact presses up against the calipers and inner nodes... Rodimus always feels so full, the charge from the matrix buzzing away, adding to the heat in his groin. He cums around it – because of it, multiple times a day, stopping as he walks to ride out the pleasure, or trembling in his chair. I imagine that at the end of the day, as he lies in bed, Rodimus opens up his panels and grinds down against the matrix until his pussy spits it out during an intense overload. Of course, he pushes it right back, maybe even making himself cum again during that process, and then he locks his panels back up and recharges while pleasantly stuffed...
Oh yeah, if he ever met the ghosts of the old primes they would be appalled and incredibly aroused at Roddy's antics... besides, now I'm imagining Optimus asking for the matrix, and since it's an emergency, Roddy has no choice but to unlock his panels and squirt it out of his hot valve, handing it to Optimus still covered in his juices <3333
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Bot Buddy being Arcee's old partner who fell into the ice
The alternative title of this was Bot buddy being Arcee's old partner who pulled a Skyfire.
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
Buddy was Arcee’s last partner after Tailgate, but before Cliffjumper.
Buddy had already known Arcee from other missions and got along well with her.
Arcee was already considering Buddy as her new partner. She felt as if she was slowly letting go of the pain from Tailgate’s passing. A start of a new beginning.
“Another successful mission if I do say so myself.”--Buddy
“Don’t celebrate just yet Buddy, we still aren’t in the clear yet.”--Arcee
“Arcee, sometimes you gotta focus on the little wins in life.”--Buddy
“I’ll celebrate when we are safe.”--Arcee
“Not even a little bit?”--Buddy
“Love the optimism ‘Cee. Just a big ball of sunshine you are.”--Buddy
Until Buddy was sent on that solo mission.
They were supposed to look at a planet that could possibly contain some energon. It could prove to be a huge turning point in the war.
“I don’t like this.”--Arcee
“You don’t like it when Cliff’ makes jokes on missions.”--Buddy
“You know why.”--Arcee
“It’s just a recon mission ‘Cee. A quick in and out. We aren’t even going to land on the planet.”--Buddy
“If I see a shard of energon on the planet I’ll save one for ya.”--Buddy
“Don’t do that.”--Arcee
“Too late, I’ve made up my mind.”--Buddy
“Never could change your mind anyways, huh.”--Arcee
“Don’t worry so much, I’ll be back before you know it!”--Buddy
“… Okay…”--Arcee
“See was that so hard? I gotta start heading out, you take care okay?”--Buddy
“You’re the one who needs to take care, I wont be there to catch your behind when you trip over your own pede.”--Arcee
“Ha! See ya on the flipside ‘Cee!”--Buddy
“See you soon Buddy!”--Arcee
Buddy wasn’t seen after they left on that shuttle.
Arcee was distraught hearing that they went MIA. She had tried to get information on what their mission was, maybe a way to reach them, but thanks to a Decepticon ambush the data was destroyed.
Arcee had to face it.
Buddy wasn’t coming back.
Time skip everyone is on Earth.
Arcee had gotten picked to go on another Antarctic mission.
She despised the place so much after nearly dying there.
But luckily, she was going with Bulkhead and Bumblebee, and they had triple checked that the comms and groundbridge were working before they left the base.
So, the three of them are scouting around after Ratchet found an energon signature after the last failed Decepticon mining incident.
Arcee just wants an in and out.
“I think that’s a wrap.”--Arcee
“Beep bep bop beep (Good, there some frost forming on my chassis.)”--Bumblebee
“Hang on my wrecking ball is a little bit stuck. Hang on a second.”--Bulkhead
“BBEE— (AAAHH--)"--Bumblebee
Muffled beeping noises.
Angry beeping noises.
Bulkhead accidentally caused some of the ice from a nearby iceberg to crumble and they notice a servo sticking out.
Arcee decided to be the brave one and went out to inspect their new findings.
At first, she thinks that it’s just someone’s cut off servo. But then they notice that there is a body attached to it.
She quickly comms in the base telling them what they had found. Optimus gives the clear to bring the bot to the base. After much effort, the three of them mange to cut out the block of ice that the body was held in and pushed it into the groundbridge.
Everyone, especially the kids, are a bit in awe at the body in ice.
Arcee is a bit weary in bringing the body in without knowing what or who it is.
It takes a long time for the ice to melt around the body.
“Why not cut the poor bot from the ice?”--Miko
“It could cause more damage if we do that!”--Ratchet
“So, we have to wait till it melts then?”--Miko
“All right then, Raf!”--Miko
“Grab the hair dryers.”--Miko
Arcee feels weird seeing some of the kibble beginning to show after a few days have passed. She feels like she has seen this bot before.
Arcee is out with Wheeljack when they get the news that the bot had come online and burst the ice they were in. The two immediately come back to the base and are ready for a fight.
“Now’s not the time for puns—”--Arcee
Buddy kneeling on the ground poking Jack’s hair.
“I guess we didn’t have nothing to worry about, huh Arcee.”--Wheeljack
“Hello there little one.”--Buddy
“Umm… hi?”--Jack
“What’s your name?”--Buddy
“Jack. And your name?”--Jack
“Oh! Its—”--Buddy
“Yeah—wait who said that?”--Buddy
A sudden wave of doubt came over her, what if this was a copy cat like Makeshift. She quickly raises the weapon again and aims it right at Buddy’s helm.
“Woah! Woah! Woah! Arcee!”--Buddy
“If you’re the real Buddy then how did we celebrate our last mission?”--Arcee
“Celebrate? Arcee we didn’t celebrate anything. You didn’t want to so we could go see—”--Buddy
“Oh, Primus it’s you! You’re okay!”--Arcee
“Of course? Why wouldn’t I be?”--Buddy
“Arcee? Are you—”--Buddy
Arcee holding Buddy in a tight hug.
“You know what, I’ll ask later.”--Buddy
Arcee finished the hug and turned to introduce the team to Buddy.
Arcee asks Buddy what happened to them. Buddy responded that their ship had gotten damaged on the way to the planet, and they fell off trying to repair it and was buried in ice.
Arcee brings it on herself to catch Buddy up with everything.
Buddy is mainly confused on the Earth stuff but promises to learn everything.
As they get adjusted to earth and the team, Arcee has made it clear that if you mess with Buddy you are messing with her.
Primus forbid that Arachnid finds out Buddy is alive.
Arcee will try and get Buddy house arrest.
“Arcee no--”--Buddy
“She is around here somewhere… I can feel it.”--Arcee
“Back to base.”--Arcee
Buddy is now the sub guardian of Jack if their altmode allows it.
Arcee gets antsy if Buddy is out for too long.
But together they become a deadly duo after all.
Secretly they make up battle moves during training.
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withloveoptimus · 2 years
Ask by @musicalmedli : How about a human he secretly likes doing something that unknowingly means bettothal in Cybertronian culture and it freaks her out. can be sfw or nsfw, your choice.
had some difficulties posting this the first time and unfortunately lost the ask but here it is now !
i had lots of fun writing this and i hope y'all enjoy !
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TFP Optimus x Female reader
Summary: Reader accidentally proposes to Optimus and, after a quick talk with Ratchet, she promptly freaks out.
Warnings: none
sfw , fluff , misunderstanding , miscommunication , pre relationship , cultural differences
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Optimus had begun to act weird around you, and you weren't entirely sure why. He was more affectionate with you, whether it was simply holding you in his palm or sending you smiles that he wouldn't share with anyone else. It made you swoon, of course, but also a little curious.
Wanting to return said affection, you bought him a gift with the bit of money you scavenged together. You'd gotten him a few books from the local bookstore that the two of you frequented. It was a cute little store and the lady that owned it was so sweet, she happily indulged Optimus' curiosity whenever they were there.
Although you didn't have to, you wrote him a little note as well, writing the kind little thoughts down and thanking him.
When you'd presented the gifts to Optimus, he was happy. His face brightened up like when you present a kid with candy, and you fought the impulsive thought to kiss him.
He promptly thanked you with a warm smile on his face.
That's when things began to spiral.
Optimus' affections were much more frequent and whenever he would speak to you, whether it was in the comfort of your house (he liked to help around and use his holoform even though you insist he doesn't need to) or when you're out for patrol, his tone is fond and warm. That's not unusual for him to do but it felt odd. It's like those few moments when you're talking to a crush or lover.
That thought made your face hot and you quickly tossed it away. That wasn't it; there was no way he would talk to you in that way.
When you bring it up to Ratchet, Optimus' closest friend, he has an unreadable look on his face before swiftly recovering.
"Do you know about Conjunx Endureas or Conjunx Ritus?" The medic asks you, looking uncomfortably serious.
The lost look on your face was enough of an answer and he ex-vents. According to Cybertronian culture, you learn that you had accidentally proposed to Optimus fucking Prime.
What a shocker.
You promptly left before Ratchet could tell you anymore, deciding to head home for the day and process the information. One day of being home turned into an entire week. You avoided going to the base like the plague, only answering texts from the kids while ignoring Optimus' worried texts and calls.
You were a full-grown adult, yet here you were, doing what you only saw in those cliche romance movies you watched when you were bored. It was wrong and totally stupid, but you could care less.
You loved the Autobot leader, that was a fact, and the simple implication that those feelings would be returned made your heart beat faster. Marriage, though, was a huge step to take and you two weren't even dating yet!
A conversation would need to be had eventually but for now, you'd rather process everything at a distance.
One day, upon returning from work, you see Optimus' alt mode parked in your driveway and dread pulls in your stomach. You knew it was coming but you just weren't prepared.
Hesitantly, you enter your house and find Optimus' holoform in your living room, sitting patiently on the couch. He had a serious look on his face, and it made you want to curl into a ball. Before you're able to say anything, he stands and walks over to you.
You gulp, biting your lip, as he stops just a short distance from you.
He tilts his head down and you realize that the serious look he had was actually... shame?
"I... I apologize, it seems that I misunderstood the intentions behind your gift." He speaks and his gaze suddenly elsewhere. There's a hint of embarrassment in his tone. "I hadn't meant to make you uncomfortable in any way."
The note; he was talking about the note.
"Oh, Optimus, I-" You start but he cuts you off.
"If you wish to stop talking to me, I understand." Then he goes, rambling about you and his feelings, all the while you try to stop him because you don't want to stop talking to him or anything of the sort. The conversations you two have are the highlights of your day and you love just being around him. You don't get the chance to do so because he just won't stop talking.
So, you went on your tippy toes and shut him up the only way you knew how.
The kiss is sweet and, a little awkward, as you hadn’t kissed anybody before. Optimus stood stock still for a few moments, eyes wide as he processes what exactly was happening. Then, his hands are on your hips and he’s reciprocating the kiss. A warmth spreads throughout your body and your mind becomes hazy, any thought passing through your mind were only of him as he surrounds you. You press yourself closer, savoring every second that passes.
When your lungs finally begin to demand oxygen, you pull away with a breathless gasp.
“So,” you murmured, “we obviously need to have a conversation.”
Optimus huffs, amused, “We do.”
A few beats of silence pass and you’re able to properly breathe.
“Where shall we start, then?” Optimus inquires, tracing his fingers along your hips.
“We’ll start slow, like dating slow.”
“Understood.” He smiles, warm and affectionate, “May I take you out for dinner?”
Your cheeks flush and you bite your lip, “Of course.” Everything he does is making you swoon and it’s the best feeling in the world. Just what did you do to get someone like him?
He ghosts his lips along yours, “May I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You whisper, allowing him to kiss you breathlessly.
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dragonskulls · 2 years
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ok but what if instead of being a bobots they were a kitty cats 🤯
ok so um. yeah. basically tfp warrior cats au of an au (im changing events too here fuck canon; as well as some characterizations). i'll designing the other characters too and maybe give bits of the story im giving it. giggles. Also i haven't read warriors in years i only got to half of the second arc lmao
but anyways this is still on early construction but what i have is that there was this massive as shit colony of cats living in a huge ass territory and idk there was something like the inequality in canon (i haven't read the Aligned books so im making this up on the fly) and yadda yadda war happens tons of cats leave even more die and the territories get ravaged, probably there was a wildfire that was the final nail on the coffin for the old territories (cybertron). The main story would take place in a run down abandoned city where resources are very scarce (which would be earth, also humans sorta disappear here lol) where the brightsparks (autobots) are hiding from the shatterclaws (decepticons) while looking for ways to restore the old territories as well as a stronger connection with Goldenspark (primus) and instead of tech maybe its like,,, starclan magic or something lmao. the humans are mini rats here and are in danger from the shatterclaws just like, killing them or something idk (also also the humans here are NOT up to scale they'd be a bit smaller compared to the drawings here). so some quick stuff:
-shriekingsky is starscream (i wouldve kept the original name but it wouldve ended up being Starstar) who's the traitorous deputy of the shatteredclaws
-shatteredstar is megatron. no one likes him. he made a pact with the devil (unicron for whom i have yet to come up with a name) in an attempt to use the dead souls in the dark forest as pawns for his faction or something and also to get the nine lives (but evil and fucked up)
-crimsonstrike is knockout. medic of the shatteredclaws and while being on their side isn't particularly loyal to shatteredstar. he and shriekingsky were the equivalent of highschool mean girls as apprentices bc i thought that would be funny
-brokenstone is breakdown. originally part of the brightsparks, but something something happened that made him not really trust them anymore, that plus probably crimsonstrike accidentally helping him out caused him to switch sides
-owlglare is ratchet. goofy ass eyebrows. really REALLY wants to restore the old territories, which causes some slight conflict with the others who also want to protect the city (bc of the mice as well as other rogue cats i dont know yet)
-sparkstar is optimus. god damn i struggled so bad with his design. you know him.
-bumblepaw is bumblebee i couldnt bring myself to change his name. he's a baby sparkstar found in the trash. like in canon he wants to get his warrior name back home so hes keeping the apprentice one for now
-the rats the humans. most of the population dont know about the cats and if they did they'd probably panic a whole lot. these had me looking up rat color morphs
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mikiusol · 1 year
I've been rewatching TFP these days (very very slowly) and I've come to realise that..,.,. Jack's a very responsible person. I knew it the first time I watched the show, but rewatching made me realise that he gives off major big brother vibes.
In episode 4, Jack and Raf ran after Miko to stop her from going with Bulkhead but they were swarmed by Vehicons shooting at them. He ran to shield Raf with his body after the latter fell on the ground from the impact of one of the blasts. They were saved by Bulkhead of course. Honestly, this scene plays in my mind often. Jack risked his neck to save Raf.
When he confronted Miko on the Nemesis for running off, he told her "Well, maybe I have some regard for your safety!" And they bicker back and forth. But then Raf exploded in frustration and ran to a quieter corner. Jack and Miko immediately stopped fighting to comfort him. He was the first to reassure him that "it's ok". He barely knew Miko but he was willing to risk his own skin to save her. Not only that, but he was gentle with Raf too. He's responsible for his actions and obviously cares for those around him.
Not to mention, Jack jumped to action to save Raf from the vehicon later in the same episode. Miko covered her eyes to prevent looking at Raf getting blasted. But you could see the moment determination set onto Jack's face. He was set on saving Raf. Miko reached out to stop him, but you can tell by the way he blurred when he leapt to push Raf out of the blast that he had quite literally leapt out of their hiding spot.
At the end of the episode, Jack left the Autobots and Miko tried to convince him to return. He said something that struck me - "I've been raised to be responsible - to my schoolwork, to my mum, my job." Miko later said "Stop trying to pretend to be normal, Jack. You'll never fit in. You were born to do so much more." He didn't even look at her before replying, "Thanks, Miko. But I think normal suits me fine."
Jack's the responsible leader of the trio - and it's painstakingly obvious his upbringing had a huge influence on him. He probably felt largely responsible for what's happening to them. Arcee wouldn't have had to break cover with him nearby if he hadn't been sitting on her, and if that high pace car chase hadn't ensued, Raf would've been kept out of the whole ordeal. Miko joined the gang because Arcee went looking for Jack at school the next day and accidentally spotted them. His personality is all about taking responsibility for his actions, and that extends even beyond his own actions - he chased after Miko time and time again when she runs off for a peek into robot adventure. He keeps an eye out for Raf, too. He's the youngest and isn't as fast as him or Miko.
Episode 4 and 5 is a treasure trove of insight onto Jack's character. Now I can understand better why Optimus elected him to go to Cybertron. Rewatching it sheds light on moments I hadn't noticed the first time round. And this is only in the first 2 episodes - there was more, but I'll be here for another hour or two. To be frank, I'm excited to rewatch TFP now. I can't wait to see more moments of Jack I didn't notice the first time.
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Masterpost of AUs
As promised, here's the (wip) masterpost of all my AUs. In alphabetical order with a short synopsis, and the tags are all on this post so you can easily search them up :) if there's any I missed, please send them to me so I can get them added! If the last tags aren't alphabetized that means I need to get on my laptop and move them around lmao
Bittersweet Reunion AU
TFA AU wherein the jet twins are Starscream's offspring specifically produced by the autobot government, and their finding out kicks off an entire domino effect storyline
Blitzbee Baby AU
Exactly what it sounds like. TFA Bumblebee gets Blitzwing sparked up and neither of them realize until he enters emergence
Cross Dimensional Shenanigans
- Umbrella tag for anything that involves more than one iteration of transformers interacting with each other
Cross Dimensional Starblitz
- How the CDS started. Focuses solely on TFP Starscream and TFA Blitzwing’s weird friendship
Cryptid Seekers AU
- Everything is the same except seekers are terrifying cryptids. Nuff said
Cybermorphs AU
- An AU in which a group of warframes working off planet accidentally stumble into an ancient, buried xenomorph nests, and come back to Cybertron bearing what becomes the first generation of cybertronian-xenomorph hybrids, aka the Cybermorphs. Features a lot of world building, Cybermorph Queen Megatron, a lot of fun alien biology, and some angsty MegOP among other ships
Cybertronians Are An Invasive Species
- No war AU wherein cybertronians are an invasive pest species that have moved onto earth and cause the most havoc
Cybertronians Are An Invasive Species: The Soap Opera
- Takes place in the invasive species AU, but specifically is about a goofy soap opera created by humans with the bots as the inspiration
De-Extinction AU
TFA, the autobots have finally run out of stored Allspark energy and, seeing as the artificially created population is completely sterile, are now an officially endangered species. Their only chance at salvation lies with the decepticons and their ability to produce "sparklings"... whatever those are 🤭
Hindsight AU
- Aligned continuity. Arcee goes back in time in an attempt to stop the war with the help of Vector Prime, accidentally creates a much worse world. Goes through several crazy timelines, currently on the Self Imposed Exodus.
A TFA storyline wherein Omega Supreme wakes much much earlier than canon, becoming truly self-aware and sentient. He and Bumblebee form a connection and Things Happen
Shadows House AU
- Exactly what it sounds like. All of our favorite bots and cons are parasitic fae members of the Shadows Family. Megatronus is plotting to bring it down from the inside. Lots of secrets and spooky stuff
Subnautica AU
- Starscream and Skyfire (and sometimes the other seekers) stranded on the terrifying hell planet, 4546B
Terran Task Force
- An angsty AU that involves GHOST getting their slimy hands on the Emberstone and making legions of their own little terran warriors
The Repopulation Project
- A dystopian future AU wherein the autobots won the war, and in an effort to save their species from extinction, implemented the repopulation project. It warped and twisted over time til the war frames are kept as nothing but livestock to be bought, traded, and harvested. In an attempt to change the horrific conditions of their present society, Optimus gambles by having decepticon high command reborn in the hopes that they'll be able to overturn the huge mess he made
Unicron Reborn AU
- Technically an AU/what-if of the 5th timeline of Hindsight. Unicron is killed and later reborn as a sparkling on Cybertron; Megatron adopts him. Later gives rise to The Spawn
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hi hi i really enjoy your writings, and always look forward to what you post! i'd like to request a scenario where optimus crashes and is stranded on a random planet and has to revert back to his wild base coding to survive, the local creatures saw this feral cybertronian and decided yea this guy's one of us now.
What an excellent request! Time for some more feral Optimus! It has been far too long since I had the chance to write about him just being a wild little gremlin.
Not According to Plan
It wasn't exactly his plan to get sent spiraling off course on his way back to Cybertron, but then again, Optimus wasn't really expecting to be brought back to life and pitted against the Fallen either. There really wasn't much he could have done when his transport back to Cybertron got intercepted by rouge pirates, forcing him and all others on board to rush toward the escape pods as the ship's engine was damaged, threatening to explode. But considering his luck, he really should have known that something like a stray meteor hitting his pod was a viable possibility.
He was quickly sent hurtling away from Cybertron and toward a rather unassuming planet to the far end of Cybertronian space. All he could do was leave a signal trail and set up his beacon to give others a vague idea of where he had been sent careening off to. It only took him around a day and a half to crash land onto the surface of the planet. And another half a day to climb out of the wreckage, drag his beacon out into the open, and get a good look around.
It rapidly became obvious to Optimus that the world he had landed on was once a colony world from Cybertron's golden age. He could see the remnants of old Cybertronian inspired structures, abandoned mines, and of course after accidentally stepping on it... he could see the sad remains of a bot long dead, once infected by the rust plague. Upon learning this, it dawned on Optimus just how slagged his situation was. Even with a beacon and a signal trail leading directly to his location, next to no ship would dare come anywhere near. Planets like the one he had landed on had long since been written of as dead, quarantined, an unsuitable for habitation by most technologically advanced species. Unless a bot had a death wish, they wouldn't bother coming to his location, even if he was the Prime. At most they would sent a drone to pick up the Matrix from his corpse after his life signal puttered out.
While there was still a solid chance that one of his former team would take the risk anyway and come pick him up, Optimus could predict that even in that instance, help would still be a long way off. And so settling in for the long haul, Optimus got to work.
The first thing he did was shut off all nonessential systems. Everything from his high maintenance battle protocols to his extra sensors were shut off, leaving only his base systems in operation. His initial observations pointed to some energon being present, but with his huge frame, operating at optimal levels at all times was an excellent way to die of starvation. And so after shutting off his nonessential systems, Optimus went about tearing his pod apart, using what he could to construct a simple base. The end result was a small hovel, only just big enough for him to hide away from the elements in. It felt more like a cave than anything else, but Optimus made do, he had lived in worse conditions.
Once shelter was taken care of, Optimus spent the next several days running off his reserves, scouting for sources of energon and potential threats. He found a few energon deposits, but they were small, and likely would do nothing to keep Optimus alive with his bulky build. Thankfully threats for a mech of his size seemed to be near nonexistent, at least animal wise. But still he did not stray far from his shelter, worried that something would come and attack him, breaking the suffocating silence of the seemingly dead world. The territorial hazards were not nearly as bad as Cybertron, merely irritating. Huge dust storms and acid rain regularly scoured the landscape, often leading Optimus to sit it out wherever he could but ultimately being more of a pain than an actual threat to a warmachine like Optimus.
Time passed quickly on the near silent world filled with the corpses of the dead. The nearby energon deposits were exhausted within weeks, leading Optimus to abandon his shelter and instead take up a more nomadic lifestyle. His frame and his mentality also swiftly shifted to match his circumstances, the Matrix quieting its prodding as there was nothing for him to protect. And without the Matrix hounding him at all hours or a whole world to care for, Optimus was left with only his thoughts and instincts. By the time month four of his time on the dead world rolled around, Optimus had completely returned to his wild state. With no need for complex thought, morality, or anything else beyond the natural drive to survive, there was nothing stopping him from falling back into his previous state before his integration into society.
He looked completely wild. Without plentiful energon his frame slimmed down drastically, giving away most of his raw power for speed, endurance, stealth, and heightened sensory capabilities. His armor deteriorated with the constant abuse from the weather and lack of energon, becoming a dull gray largely matching the landscape. His traits normally kept dormant by the Matrix reemerged, fangs, claws, and more jagged armor growing in as time passed. Biolights also started to emerge on his frame, allowing him to have greater visibility on the dark world.
He travelled around the surface of the dead world, no thoughts beside his next meal and the desire for a pack occupying his processors... that was until around month six when he came across the first signs of intelligent life on the world. He found a small bot around double the size of a human with a nasty wound on its leg. To Optimus it looked like a sparkling, and with fatherly instincts and his desire for a pack being so strong he couldn't help but pick up the bot and take it with him on his travels. The bot was of course not pleased, flailing, screaming, and panicking in its native tongue for days as Optimus nursed it back to health and did his best to take care of it as he would a sparkling.
After around a week the bot calmed and seemed to sense that Optimus had no desire to hurt it, only to care for it. The bot and Optimus bonded over the course of a handful of weeks, the bot coming to see that despite Optimus's monstrous size, he was a gentle giant. And so with a great deal of effort on its part, the bot managed to convey to Optimus its desire to take him to another location. Optimus eventually understood, despite being feral, and was led deep into the cave systems beneath the world's surface. It was there that he was met with a whole tribe of bots much like the one he had taken in.
There were some difficulties after his initial arrival, but the bot managed to calm its fellow tribesman and prove that Optimus was no threat. And while the tribe had issues with the idea of feeding a mech of Optimus's size at first, after the bot proved that Optimus could hunt for himself, most other complained cleared up. As for the Prime, all he saw was even more parentless sparklings and so immediately came to see the tribe as part of his pack, and therefore under his protection. And soon enough a tender alliance was formed.
Optimus became a member of the tribe, serving as a powerful guardian and warding off the far larger animals living in the caves. He would hunt the huge worms that tunneled in the caves, bringing them back to the tribe who always celebrated and drained the energon from the creatures. He would travel across the surface with the bot he had originally rescued to collect old relics from the surface (Optimus would later come to learn that the bot he had rescued was a historian, hence its reason for being on the surface at all). Optimus would also help the tribe move things, like huge rocks and other obstructions from the tunnels to give the tribe access to places previously unavailable to them. And when not working, Optimus lay on the ground in the tribe's small village, playing with the sparklings who were barely the size of his digit. He loved to hum to the sparklings, allowing the rumble of his frame and the warmth of his spark to comfort them.
By the time Optimus had been stranded for a year on the deserted world, he had become a centerpiece in the tribe. He was their guardian, their protector, their gentle giant. And despite only operating on instinct, Optimus began to pick up the language of his adopted pack, learning that the name he had been given was [Star-sent-Savior}. He learned of the tribe's struggles with providing for themselves and collecting energon with so many creatures of the deep. He learned of the hardships they faced travelling across the surface to collect relics from their past, of which they knew little. And lastly he learned of how rare sparklings were due to how few managed to be collected from the hotspots on the surface before they died.
Despite not having the mental processing capability to understand the deeper meaning of anything said to him, Optimus could comprehend the basic idea. And as he went about making the lives of the tribesman easier, saving sparklings from the surface, retrieving relics, and hunting. He came to be heralded as a god-like entity, hence his name [Star-sent-Savior]. When all was said and done, the tribesman accepted him fully and carefully painted his armor in glittering shades of blue, weaving tales describing his heroics and making murals on his plating portraying his glory. The sparklings loved him and recharged against his side every night, leading Optimus to hum to them and curl around them as he would his own sparklings. The older tribesman made him a space in their village, carving out a den in one of the walls of the tunnels for him to rest in when the day was done. And the bot that Optimus rescued first came to him each day, reading to him and telling him of the history of its kind, leaning against him and speaking of all that came to mind. All the while Optimus listened quietly, only the low rumbling of his frame giving an indication of his state.
Two years after being stranded, a sign of help finally seemed to appear.
Bumblebee, his team, and Ratchet had arrived on the planet's surface in response to Optimus's total radio silence and beacon. They scoured the surface, following his life signal until they arrived at the entrance to the tunnels. They entered and followed the signal, expecting to find Optimus in stasis in some dark corner or hiding out near an energon deposit. They certainly didn't expect a very feral, very protective, and very angry Prime to be guarding a whole tribe numbering around a hundred small bots. And they most certainly were not prepared to be attacked on site, only for the Prime to stop after few attacks as he seemed to recognize them.
With Optimus refusing to separate from his tribe and the tribe refusing to let their guardian be taken from them, Bumblebee, his team, and Ratchet were left with quite a debacle. And so began to long process of returning Optimus to awareness in order to reason with him, all while attempting diplomacy with the tribe to figure out how they survived the rust plague.
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Listen!! I don't know if you ever watched Chappie(2015) film but I anyway was hoping you could do where the reader is like Deon when he gets hurt and has to be put into a police bot, you know but any who.
Could you do where Bumblebee, Optimus, Lennox, Ratchet reacting to Reader putting themselves into a police bot before they die, seeing how they act towards Readerbot, knowing now they could live longer then a humans lifespan.
I LOVE CHAPPIE! It was a great movie.
He's sad to see your human body go because that was who he got used to. However he knows your mind will be in the police bot and he can get used to the new body, as it will still be you. He's very excited by the fact you will be able to last longer.
After getting used to it, he is very happy you made the transfer because being in the police bot you will have more abilities and you would be stronger. You'd be able to help in fights. He also wouldn't have to worry about accidentally hurting you just by being around you.
He also helps you to re-design and style your new body to your liking. That way you can still express your personality and who you are even in your new robot body.
He was very worried about you. Neither of you knew if the transfer would be successful. He knew you were going to die, so it was worth the risk. But he was still worried.
He's happy about you now having a longer lifespan, but he hopes you realize how serious it is. There are things you'll never be able to do or experience now you are no longer a human.
He wants you to go slow and learn about your new body before doing anything else. He will not let you outside for a while, not until he thinks you are adapting fully to your new body.
He's glad you are still alive. And he hopes he can still view you the same. But at the same time, you are different now. You're no longer his human friend. He has to be careful around you because even if it was by accident you could hurt him.
He hopes you don't forget him. You are going to outlive him, and by a long time. He's glad that you will have the Autobots to surround you, but he's worried that one day you'll just forget all about him and all humans.
He knows you are in a bot body now. But he tries to keep reminding you that you used to be a human. He doesn't want you to lose your humanity.
He was happy to help you through the process and make sure it all went smoothly. He thinks it was a smart idea to transfer into the police bot. That way you can stick around and they don't have to lose you.
He plans on helping you to adjust. He wants you to take it slow because there is a huge difference between human and bot bodies. He wants you to learn the movements gradually. He also wants you to take it slow for your mental health. There are a lot of harsh realities that you will have to go through and he wants you to prepare for them. Such as outliving your family.
What he makes sure you understand, is that no matter what, he and the other Autobots are there for you. You are not doing the transition alone, and he will help you through it every step of the way.
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earthstellar · 1 year
Despite the 90s Existing, We Never Got any Transformers Smell-O-Vision Content, Which is Probably Good
I was thinking about this today for some reason out of nowhere, but in the 90s there was SUCH a huge fad of scented toys. 
And this really kicked off a little earlier in the 80s with scented Care Bears and gross scratch and sniff Garbage Pail Kids cards and a bunch of stuff like that
It all actually began in the 70s when scented stickers started becoming a thing 
But when the 90s rolled around, it had this huge resurgence
Like, I remember when the Rugrats Go Wild movie came out in theatres, and with your movie ticket they would give you a scratch and sniff card when you were let into the theatre. (At least, this is how it was done at my local theatre.)
They were also giving them out at Burger King, as like a promotional thing with kid’s meals and toys, so you could take it to the theatre yourself if you already had one. 
During the movie, a little icon would pop up and encourage you to find the corresponding sniff spot on your card and scratch it for immersion in a few scenes. 
Here’s what the card looked like: 
Tumblr media
And I loved that shit! That was my favourite application of this technology, and it sucks that nothing has done that to this level ever since. 
To my knowledge, we never got any scented Transformers stuff, despite Beast Wars being hugely popular in the 90s. 
There are obvious reasons for this.
Like, what the fuck would a scented Beast Wars scratch and sniff card be? 
1) Wet Fur 
2) Motor Oil 
3) Overheated Brakes 
4) Laser Fire (like an ash smell? because it’s hot plasma and we associate the smell of burnt ash with fire/hot things? IDK)
5) Energon (this would probably be a gasoline smell because what else would fuel be, and you CANNOT have a scratch and sniff card with gasoline smell on it, holy shit LOL) 
6) Road Rash (hot asphalt smell, also probably not good for kids) 
Maybe like, a leather scented one, to replicate the smell of car seat upholstery or something. IDK
Or if they did a scented figure, would it just smell like motor oil? 
They made Autobot/Decepticon badge stickers that change colour and shit, why not make a scratch and sniff one? 
That’s probably not OK. Like, we don’t want to accidentally encourage the target audience of literal children to go sniff motor oil. That would be bad!!!! 
Anyway, I got hit with weird 90s toy nostalgia while walking through a store today trying to pick up some shirts for work and they had a toy bin for kids and I was like “holy shit I remember scratch and sniff” out of nowhere LOL 
But for real though, with the new RotB movie coming out soon, could you imagine if that shit had Smell-O-Vision? 
I’M JUST SAYING. It would either be amazing or we’d all be choking on artificial engine smoke plumes after scratching the little card lmao 
or LOL imagine the icons coming up on screen to let you know when to scratch the card 
Just Optimus fucking punching a giant mechanical gorilla in the head and a tiny number pops up on the lower left of the screen that says “Scratch 3 Now!” And it smells like burnt fur 
fucking lmao 
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255940g · 2 years
Any title ideas guys? Ch.2 - Hugs? Why no hugs?
Chapter summary: This is set a few days after Samantha came online. I'm not bothering to have her mess up with simple things like walking. This focuses on the issues of having sensitive wings, but still wanting a hug from your best friend. Even though your best friend is willing to hug - bee is only leaning lightly into the hugs and not using his arms like a weirdo. Sam wants to know why.
Inspiration fic: Don't say you'd rather walk by ChronoQuantify.
Masterlist: X
Ch.1, Ch.3
Jazz in particular accidentally came across the two bots in a small snit...over how the best hugging position. Bee knew how sensitive and delicate wings were. But particularly how sensitive her wings are. He dosen’t even want to contemplate touching Sam’s new wings without an emergency necessitating touch. (It also dosen’t help that everyone at the base had some version of talk about the sensitivity level of her wings and the general understanding that the standard touching requires a huge amount of trust normally only given to the closest of medical professionals - under a strict set of circumstances, family members, lovers, and children. Usually in that order too)
Sam is understanding that her new wings are indeed sensitive - she feels them all the time to the point of being angry when the wind picks up speed. Yet, she knows and trusts Bumblebee to be gentle with her wings. Bee just isn’t trusting himself in this situation.
What Jazz saw was Sam throwing up her servos in the air before turning to Bee saying ‘fine, I’ll demonstrate what I mean then’, and walking the distance between the two of them. Jazz carefully backed away wanting to see what happens. If they were going to discover making out he didn’t want to see that, and nor did he want to be seen and possibly interrupt, but dammit this was the hottest gossip and there were multiple bets to be kept track of. Jazz’s helm popped back around the corner when he heard a vague metallic bump on the other side.
He saw a completely surprised Bumblebee with his servos carefully not touching any part of the femme. Sam had her arms wrapped around Bee’s frame gently coming from under his arms. She pulled away slightly to meet Bee’s optics. “This is how I usually hug. It feels most comfortable as you are still taller than I am.” Bee very slightly nodded though notably his door wings never shifted from their nervous high upwards position.
Sam continued “Alright how are you going to return it? I’ve seen you exchange quick hugs with others, so I know you know how to hug. Or do you want to look like a startled kitten?”
Jazz continued to watch in rapt suspense. He knew the problem, her wings. Bee was also usually the smallest bot around. Unfortunately, it seemed Bee took too long to respond as Sam continued slowly pulling away further “Unless you don’t want to hug me?”
Frantically Bee closed the space between the two of them “NO! No, no. It’s just…your wings. They’re-”
“Yes, yes.” Physically waving a servo away as if it was inconsequential “My wings are sensitive. I’m the one that feels them consistently. Bee,” Insisting on meeting his optics and gentling her tone “Bee, I know you will be careful.”
Finally accepting his fate - ‘oh no the horror of being hugged by a stunning femme in and out who is clearly attracted to you just as much as you are to her’ Jazz’s processor snidely mocked - he carefully wrapped his arms around Sam’s shoulders and incredibly gently touched her wings.
“See, it's all good. Hugs are best when they’re reciprocated.” Sam’s voice was barely audible to Jazz’s audio sensors. Smiling Jazz walked quietly away. Knowing the two young bots, they weren't going to move for a little while. Better to share the good news and steals a picture or two. Sometimes they were too cute for words.
After that, it wasn't an uncommon sight to see Bee touching Sam’s wings more casually. Though there was always a moment when Bee made sure that it was still alright. The first few times Ratchet and Optimus saw it happen, the two of them visibly paused for a moment to recalibrate what they knew. Each has taken one of the bots in question under their guidance in a parental manner. (Optimus with Bumblebee and Ratchet with Sam.)
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weenwrites · 2 years
Tfp bumblebee, ratchet, OP reacting to a teen human reader who can manipulate metal finding bumblebee passed out on the street after a fight (before rest of team arrive) and in their effort to see what's wrong with this strange huge metal being, they fix his voice unknowingly.
Initially, when he woke up, Bumblebee thought that someone was attempting to cut into him and steal a part of him (again). I mean—he did wake up to feeling his metal moving thanks to some outside force, and he’s well aware that he isn’t at the base so Ratchet can’t be the one doing this—so his first instinct was to get up as quick as possible and depending on what would happen next, either fight off whatever was messing around with him, or contact the base and run away. But once he got up he just saw you—but, it doesn’t seem like you’ve done anything up until he realizes that he made a noise other than a beep. He’s immediately questioning what the heck you did to him—right, he needs to get you back to base now that you’ve seen him. At least with his voice box back, it’ll be easier to communicate and ask you to come back with him. He’s amazed by your powers and he’s very thankful that you somehow healed his voice box!
Oh Ratchet’s definitely interested in your abilities. You’ve already shown that your abilities could be used to heal and help bots when you accidentally fixed Bumblebee’s voicebox, with some education and guidance you could become a great doctor (for cybertronians, of course.) However he’d never offer to teach you unless you showed an interest yourself.
Optimus is surprised to learn that a human with abilities like your’s exists, he’s even more surprised to learn that you miraculously fixed Bumblebee’s voice box. He can see how your powers can be used for both helping and harming people—especially cybertronians since their bodies are made out of metal that you can easily manipulate and bend to your will—and given how you still haven’t fully matured, he’ll attempt to help guide you in a good direction if you ever used your powers in ways he’d disapprove of.
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petitelepus · 2 years
How would TFP/TFA (you could choose) react to enormous sea monster reader? (Like Cala Maria from Cuphead!) she may seem harmless and beautiful but she could be very scary! :D
There had been signs of something unnatural going on near lake Erie and this time it wasn't Dinobots' fault. People had been reporting to the police of Detroit that they saw a monster rise from the depths of the lake, but the police had very little power under the water.
That's why Captain Fanzone had requested Autobots' help since they seemed most qualified to inspect the area… But the Bots and Sari hadn't found anything.
"I think we have been sent on a wild goose chase," Sari said as they walked alongside lake Erie.
"It doesn't matter, we must be thorough with our investigation." Optimus said, "We made a promise to Captain Fanzone and we must-!"
"Hey, isn't that Wreck-Gar?" Bulkhead said as he pointed to the distance. Every bot and Sari turned to look and sure enough, the orange Junkbot was digging something out of the container on his back.
Ratchet grumbled and dragged his palm down his face, "What in the name of AllSpark is that Bot doing now?"
"Let's go find out!" Bumblebee said and ran ahead of his team who quickly followed the yellow scout.
When they made it to the orange Bot, they saw that he had taken out, surprise surprise, garbage. Broken mirrors, and… Yew, old food that was no doubt dug from garbage bins all around the city's alleys. Despite not having a nose, the Autobots could tell that the food was bad by the way Sari held her nose.
The Bots shared a look and then everyone turned to stare at Ratchet who had the best relationship with the Junkbot. The old Bot grumbled and cursed under his breath as he made his way to the Junkbot.
"Hey, there kid…" Ratchet coughed, "What the frag are you doing this time?"
"I am Wreck-Gar! I'm on a date!" The orange mech said happily as he put mirrors to one side and food to another. Ratchet grumbled and motioned the rest of the team to approach them. Wreck-Gar was harmless, stupid, but harmless.
"Wreck-Gar, you must clean this, or we have to, uh…" Optimus blinked. He didn't know what they would do since the Junkbot didn't answer to anyone." Report you to humans."
"I'm Wreck-Gar! I shall perform a mating call!" The Bot laughed as he stuck his hand into his container and pulled out bagpipes. The Autobots had never seen such a weird instrument, but Sari had.
"Oh boy." The young girl said before covering her ears and just in time. Wreck-Gar took a deep breath and blew air into the bag's pipe and the sound that came out from there was anything but beautiful. Birds took off from the trees and animals hid in fear.
"That can't honestly sound good to anyone!?" Bumblebee shouted and Bulkhead looked at his friend, "What?!"
"Oh, for the love of Primus…!" Ratchet grunted before grabbing and yanking the instrument from Wreck-Gar's hands. The Junkbot looked surprised but then he smiled, "Ratchet helps Wreck-Gar?" He asked with a huge smile and then pulled an accordion from his container, but before he could play, the medic shouted at him, "Knock it off! You're being loud and it's annoying people-!"
The good doctor couldn't finish his words. Not when the lake water started to bubble like in high temperature and slowly something emerged from below the surface.
"Whoa…!" Sari's and Bulkhead's jaws dropped at the sight of a giant humanoid creature. Bumblebee stuttered, "Wh- What!? It's huge!"
"She, Bumblebee. It's a she." Prowl corrected his companion and the small yellow Bot turned to look at the Cyberninja. "How can you even tell!? That's a fragging monster!"
"I can sense it." Prowl said and Sari rolled her eyes, "She also has boobs."
They were right, you did have boobs, but they were thankfully covered with some sort of huge fabric wrapped around your chest. Your crimson eyes burned as you glared at the Autobots and you let out a shrill cry, so high that it hurt Autobots' audials and Sari's ears.
"Wreck-Gar's noises must have disturbed it!" Bumblebee shouted as he took out his stingers.
"You don't think so?!" Ratchet asked sarcastically but the Bots ignored the snarky remark in order to get ready for a fight.
"Autobots, take formation!" Optimus shouted and the Bots got ready to fight and so did you as you raised your huge arm and-!
Everything halted as Wreck-Gar started to wave his arms all over the place and yelled the sweet name over and over again.
"Snookums?" The Autobot shared confused looks before flinching when you suddenly turned your attention to harmless yet annoying Junkbot.
"It's going to eat him!" Bulkhead shouted and Optimus was ready to throw his battle ax at you when Prowl quickly stopped young Prime.
"Hold on. Look." The Cyberninja said and pointed and everyone did as he suggested. They held their breaths as your burning eyes were focused on the Junkbot and all of the sudden-!
"Snugglepuff!" Your eyes suddenly turned normal, or as normal as a monster's eyes could be, and a huge smile rose to your lips and the Autobots blinked. "What!?"
"Love Buns!" Wreck-Gar cheered as you gently picked him up and raised him to your eye level.
"Snuggle Bunny!" You cried in joy and hugged the orange Bot against your chest, muffling whatever overly sweet nickname he was shouting for you. The Bots watched how you pulled Wreck-Gar away and pressed kisses all over his face and frame.
"Oh yeah, she is totally eating him." Bumblebee laughed as he jabbed his elbow into Bulkhead's side and the big green Bot scowled, "You thought so also!"
"Did not!"
"Kid, get the frag down here and explain this right now!" Ratchet ordered and the command caught your attention. You stopped kissing the orange Bot and looked at the team Prime like you were staring at dirt underneath your nail.
"Are these… Guys, bothering you Smoochy?" You asked and he smiled as he pointed at the Autobots. "I am Wreck-Gar and those are my friends!"
"My, in that case…!" You gasped and leaned down enough to set Wreck-Gar down and offered the tip of your finger to who you presumed was the leader of the Bots. In this case, it was Ratchet. "Any friend of my Sugar Lips is a friend of mine."
"Charmed, but you're shaking the wrong hand." Ratchet grumbled and Optimus took a step towards you and shook your finger.
"I'm Optimus Prime and this is my team." The young Prime introduced everyone one by one and then looked at you, "And you are…? Uuh, Miss Snookums, was it?"  You chuckled and told them your name. Bumblebee stepped forward and looked at you. "What the frag are you, lady?"
"Well, some call me Monster of Sea, Beast of the Depths, Devourer of the Ships, Man Eater, and so on." You looked at Wreck-Gar and smiled, "But my Sweetie Pie is the first to ever give me a name I love."
"I am Wreck-Gar and you are my Cutie Pie!" The orange mech smiled and you were awed as you leaned down and kissed the top of his helm.
"Uuh, how did you exactly meet?" Bulkhead asked shyly and you both smiled, "When I saw this gorgeous piece of alien underneath the waves, his legs were stuck to bottom mud, and he looked like an easy meal, but when I approached him, he didn't flinch or fear me!"
"Kid was probably too oblivious to fear for his life." Ratchet grumbled, but you didn't appear to hear him.
"And then he looked at me and told me I had the prettiest eyes and no one ever told me that…" You smiled and leaned to kiss him again. "He was the first one who took the time to get to know me, the REAL me! Not the monster I'm known for being, but me as a woman."
"I think I might puke," Bumblebee said, sick of all the love stuff happening before him, but shut up when Prowl gently smacked the back of his helm.
"I told this charming prince of mine that I would come whenever he called me." You said and then it all clicked. So that's what the bagpipes were for.
"I'm Wreck-Gar and I brought you presents!" The orange mech cheered and run to show you what he had brought to you. The Autobots and Sari looked at each other and then Wreck-Gar in horror. Who in the name of Cybertron would want broken things or food that has gone bad?!  "Wait-!"
"Here!" The Junkbot cheered and showed all presents of his. You gasped and the Team Prime watched nervously how you looked at the broken mirrors presented to you.
"M- Mirrors?" You gasped as you leaned down and saw yourself looking from different angles and points.
"So you can see how pretty you are to me!" Wreck-Gar cheered and the smile you gave him could have worked as a lighthouse in the middle of the storm.
"Oh, my sweet little Space Angel!" You wiped your eye where a tear had risen and Team Prime sighed in relief. You liked the mirrors, but then they remembered about all the rotten food Wreck-Gar had also collected for you.
"Gasp! You got me food?" You sounded surprised and Sari was about to warn you not to eat it, but you were quicker and picked a leftover lobster's shell and ate it.
"Wait, you like spoiled food?"
"Hm hm!" You moaned happily before swallowing. "They have this nice deep flavor!" You said as you picked what was left from a whole fried chicken and threw it into your mouth. As the chicken's bones cracked and snapped in your mouth, Sari almost gagged.
The team Prime shared looks and came to the conclusion that you weren't necessarily dangerous to others, but they would have to make sure before letting Captain Fanzone know about you.
"Excuse us, ma'am, but we are here on the behalf of the City of Detroit and it appears that you have been scaring people there," Prowl said as he carefully approached you. You swallowed the food in your mouth and looked at the sleek Bot. "I have?"
"It appears so, yes." Prowl nodded, "Do you think you could perhaps agree with local authorities that you wouldn't scare people who come to harbors?"
"I mean, I could…" You shrugged, "But I want to keep seeing my Beloved."
"How about this?" Prowl smiled, "If we prepare you and Wreck-Gar a docking area only for the two of you to use, would you use it to meet each other? If you use that place, you don't need to scare people and you can see each other as much as you want?"
"That could work." You nodded and turned to look at your partner, "What do you say Darling?"
"My name is Darling, and I agree with friendly ninja!" Wreck-Gar cheered happily and you squealed excitedly and kissed him again before smiling to Prowl. "Tell the people who sent you that you got a deal!"
"I thank you. We will take our leave now so the two of you can be alone." Prowl nodded to his friends and the Autobots and Sari understood and took their leave.
As the group walked down the road Bumblebee asked, "Are we really going to leave Wreck-Gar with that she-devil? It's clear he doesn't have all the bolts tightened in his helm, so how can we trust she doesn't eat him?"
"You saw them. Both of them are in love. Who are we to say who they can and cannot love?" Prowl said with a smile, "Unconditional love."
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elindae-writes · 3 years
I do wonder a little. If in your fic skyfire had lived through his crash and had a scenerio similar to them unearthing him like in g1 and found him well alive, what things will occur from it?
I’ve debated having this happen in Unburied. I think I might have him get unburied (hA) but I could change my mind on that. Just assume that the scenario I’ve outlined below could potentially appear in the story, so think of this all as potential spoilers!
The Decepticons would find him first. It’s just snazzier that way. I’m going for Maximum Shuttle Angst. They discover him and they of course instantly know who he is because Megatron and Soundwave did some sleuthing work on Starscream and discovered that he was falsely accused of murdering this guy.
They’d use him to do labwork and energon refinement work. When the Autobots find out about him and are like “give him over” Megatron would then use him as leverage. The ‘Cons would threaten to hurt him if the Autobots don’t let them do whatever they want.
Skyfire would at first have no clue Starscream is even still alive and would just be told “hey, there’s a war, the ‘Bots are evil, you should totally live with us ‘Cons on the totally cool not-crashed warship that is absolutely meant to be on the bottom of the Atlantic ;).” Skyfire would join but would also sense that Something Is Up and would be unsure if his anxiety is over being displaced in time or due to there being something actually wrong.
I think I’d make his personality like that of Steve Roger’s. They both get stuck in ice for an extremely long amount of time, both experience culture shock, and are also both goody-two-shoes who gasp in horror at swear words. (Which begs the question--who would be Tony? Probably Knock Out.)
Knock Out: I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous raging cargo plane monster.
Skyfire: ...You’re a racecar covered in polish. Take that off, what are you?
Knock Out: Still quite sexy.
(Would Skyfire actually say that? Maybe not. He’d probably just silently stand there all flustered and confused and wonder where his favorite jet is. I have only seen Cap in his first debut movie and in the 2012 Avengers so that’s the version of him Skyfire would be based off of)
Skyfire would refuse to be a 50-foot tall shuttle damsel in distress and try to escape.
They would decide to get him an Earth alt-mode. Knock Out and Breakdown would break into a museum and have him scan a space shuttle. They’ve broken into museums before in this show. Fowler would march into the Autobot base angrily pointing at grainy security footage of KO and BD polishing a space shuttle as a giant partially visible mech scans it.
Perhaps Skyfire would be visible in the footage or maybe not at all. Either way the Autobots would soon realize that the Decepticons have a new massive bot on their servos and the Autobots would get really anxious. If Skyfire is in the camera frame, even partially, Starscream would recognize him in just nanoseconds.
Fowler: Prime! The ‘Cons have a new recruit. We can only see the new guy’s kneecaps in this footage due to his big size. Who’s this chonker?
Optimus: This is a dark time for us. The Decepticons are expanding their ranks and we must be prepared to face a new large physically powerful foe in battle--
Megatron is upset he isn’t the tallest bot around anymore. He seems like the kind of person to be needlessly smug about being tall. I bet he made fun of Starscream for being short (even though he’s the one who fragging MADE Starscream short by giving him a new frame!)
Breakdown and Knock Out would glomp onto Skyfire (if they haven’t already joined the Autobots that is). Picture two gay guys adopting a space shuttle.
Knock Out: This is our son :)
Skyfire: Oh, uh, thanks! But... I’m older than you?
Megatron: He looks nothing like you two charlatans.
The meeting between Skyfire and Bulkhead would be... interesting. Skyfire knows diddly squat about Bulkhead but Bulkhead on the other servo probably knows more about Skyfire than Skyfire knows about himself. Bulkhead would awkwardly explain to Skyfire the fate of the data cylinder he launched towards Earth.
Bulkhead: So, uh, you know those... logs you made?
Skyfire: You discovered my data cylinder?!
Bulkhead: Eh, yeah. It caused a skoosh of a problem.
Skyfire: A ‘skoosh’ of a problem?
Bulkhead: It maybe kinda sorta overwrote my memories?
Skyfire: ...wHAT--
Bulkhead: Eh, it wasn’t your fault, y’know? Ahhh, we all make mistakes. I once sneezed on Miko. I once drove into a tree and got stuck. You accidentally created a device that erased my personality. Just another roadbump in the road of life hahaaa ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Skyfire: *panicked shuttle noises*
The public would be perplexed by him. Trending headlines would read “WHY WAS SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR SIGHTED OVER A CITY?” and the government would have to scramble to explain why.
I need to keep a good ratio of good guys vs villains. Knock Out, Breakdown, Soundwave, and obviously Skyfire are good guys. Dreadwing will become an ally of the Autobots so he’ll slot into the good guy category as well. Megatron, M.E.C.H., Shockwave, and Airachnid will all continue to be villains. As for Predaking, I really don’t know. Then Darksteel and Skylynx come in and it’s just a lot of bots and a lot of potential villains and good guys. If Skyfire is introduced I’d make at least one of the members of the Predacon Trio a really big villain in order to balance things out. I’ll most likely pick Predaking because he could be a foil for Skyfire due to their massive sizes.
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ive never actually had a fatherly f/o before because most of the time my f/os are all romantic with like a few platonic ones sprinkled in, and even a once in a life time sibling f/o, but i found ONE character that I basically look up to as a father figure because he's just always had this odd soothing aura around him and I love him dearly, but would die on the spot if i ever accidentally called him dad. There's like many different versions of him and like one isn't a dad figure to me, but most of the time he is one... I know it might be weird to think of Optimus Prime as a dad figure because he's a ... robot? A very big robot?? But, his voice is very soothing and I'd cry if he ever told me he was proud of me. Sorry, I just had to like get this out because,,, I just made the realization this morning
that's WONDERFUL!!! :D I'm a huge sucker for romantic ships, but phew those platonic ships??? supportive parental figures???? we love to see it!!!! :D
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International Joys (Optimus Prime X Reader)
Hey y’all, a Canadian girl here with Canada Day oneshot for Optimus! Enjoy!
Optimus entered the lit base, the lights shining off his cherry paint and glinting off the blue on his pedes. The others had woken up earlier to pursue their charges, and now he entered to a base nearly quiet with early morning serenity (save for Miko’s loud voice, though he was she meant to be  little...outspoken). 
Miko and Jack sat with one another on the couch in front of the television, as he learned it was called, as it played an advertisement for fireworks on low volume, providing background white noise for the group. Miko enthusiastically began to point to the television before arching her hands and fluttering her fingers, no doubt imitating the fireworks. 
Smiling at the duo, he knew that of the three bots assigned humans, there would be one out on patrol, one within the base, and one still picking up their charge. Ratchet was at the console, probably up earlier than any of them to do extra work. His stubborn friend and medic, doing anything he could to help even when he was recharge-deprived. Thank goodness that Ratchet recharged this week a few times unlike running himself to near forced recharge like last week. 
“Good morning, old friend” Optimus’ voice interrupted Ratchet apparently, as the CMO jumped and turned to face him in amiable surprise before scolding him. 
“I am working with delicate instruments and algorithms, Optimus. You know better than to startle me” Ratchet said, masking his playful meaning with a grouchy attitude. 
“Is there any Decepticon activity to report?” 
“None, thankfully. I will keep you updated in case anything happens” Ratchet promised, delivering some good news this morning. 
Ratchet’s statement was followed by a chorus of laughter from the human children, and Optimus could see the corner of Ratchet’s mouth twitch slightly in a smile. Optimus basked in the tranquility of the morning. 
The distant rumble of a familiar engine signalled the arrival of the last bot, who was assigned a human. 
Bumblebee turned the corner, the asphalt under his tires quickly transitioning to the cool concrete of the base’s floor, the Autobot symbol pressed into the floor signalling that he was safe to transform and stop, as he was home. 
Bumblebee stopped quickly and spun on his tires, skidding to a stop as his trunk whirled to face the stairwell leading to the mezzanine for the humans. Both backseat doors opened up as two humans stepped out. 
Bumblebee’s partner Raf came outside first, opening his door and unlatching his seatbelt, gently pushing the latch out of the way as the belt retracted on its own, and he rushed up to the mezzanine, smiling up at Miko and Jack. 
The second human was a recent addition. She had become their new charge as a result of an accidental clash with Decepticons. Surprisingly enough, the Autobots were the ones who the ‘Cons met first, and upon seeing the bots getting hurt, particularly Optimus as he fought the Vehicons, the human surprised him by actually attacking the Decepticon, giving him enough of a window to destroy both of the Vehicons attacking him. Since that day about 2 months ago, the human had joined them. 
Their name was (Y/N). They were a University student in Canada, but came to the base often with an Autobot because of how their encounter with the bots, which was from Optimus’ mission in Canada to investigate a small energon signal that day. Bumblebee collected them today, and though they were partnered with Optimus, it was obvious to them that Optimus didn’t have time for them always, and often paired with whatever Autobot was available (and for their understanding, Optimus was eternally grateful). It took a small while for them all to adjust to a new human in their fold, but the human had become a necessity in the base. 
Optimus became curious as he observed Raf helping (Y/N) with a package, full of many little trinkets, in dichrome red and white. Raf helped (Y/N) take the package up the stairs, both of them whispering in hushed excitement. Miko and Jack were visibly confused, wondering what was going on. Only Miko voiced it out loud. 
“Whatch’ya got there?” asked Miko, leaning over the railing (in a way that the Autobots slightly feared she’d fall) to investigate the box. Raf chuckled as he cryptically spoke between giggles: “You’ll see, Miko”. It did nothing to sate her curiosity, and thus Miko turned and huffed, pouting as she dramatically dropped back to seat herself on the couch, arms crossed, wondering what was going to happen. 
Raf and (Y/N) stepped onto the platform and placed the box onto the table, before Raf whispered something to Miko and Jack that made their eyes light up. The kids then began to dig through the box, and pulled out little things and set them up on the table. (Y/N) grabbed a bunch of flimsy paper strings in red and white, and began to lock them together. Jack and Raf began to cut coloured paper while Miko began to draw. Together, the humans began to create multiple pieces of art. Bumblebee and Bulkhead asked their charges what was going on, but they were silenced with a cryptic statement of finding out later.
Miko and (Y/N) whispered to one another and Miko soon began to repeat what (YN) had taught her, which was to weave the paper strings to and fro until they were flattened into little folded squares. The boys soon came to (Y/N) and announced they finished their paper crafts, and together they set aside their crafts before placing a candle beside the box, and taking out a small plastic bag filled with wires and laid it on the table. The boys and Miko then helped (Y/N) get their crafts together to one corner of the railing. 
Optimus and Ratchet were the closest to them, and both Prime and medic watched in curiosity as Miko and (Y/N) pulled on opposite ends of the square, unravelling it into a woven interlocking pattern of red and white in a decorative weave. Miko and (Y/N) secured the string before giving the thumbs up to the boys, with Miko yelling: “You can start!” 
Her yell attracted the attention of passing Autobots, specifically their guardians. Arcee, Bulkhead and Bee watched as the boys began to tape little pointy leaf shapes below the streamer. Bulkhead recognized some of Miko’s drawings as Jack and Raf taped a few red and white little squares to the railing. 
The children were decorating. For what, they didn’t know. 
Optimus too grew curious, and having decided he needed answers, quietly walked up to (Y/N). 
(Y/N) stood on the left railing, on their right on the mezzanine, a ways from the lounge and on the adjacent wall from Fowler’s on-site office. Miko stood closest to the stairs as she held onto the end of another set of woven paper, while (Y/N) had gone to the railing’s end at a wall, pulling the length to the end and preparing to secure it. Miko, having received the cue, also began to pin down the woven end with tape. 
Optimus approached (Y/N) while they concentrated on taping the end, either not noticing he was approaching or simply not really moving because they didn’t feel like they needed to. Optimus stepped close to the riling before leaning down slightly, closer to eye level with the human as they fiddled with the tape, scraping at it with their fingernails. 
“If I may ask, what are you holding?” Optimus’ voice rang through the base, the question on every bot’s mind lingering in the air. (Y/N) turned from the tape to face him, giving them a warm smile that totally didn’t make him melt on the inside. 
“They’re streamers, Optimus; decorative papercraft. We’re decorating the base” (Y/N) explained, their voice warm with tranquility with the prospect of a celebration. 
“May I ask what the occasion is?” the Prime asked.
(Y/N) turned to answer him once more, with a smile even brighter, explaining: 
“Today is July 1st, also known as Canada Day. I’m from Canada, so I thought that I might celebrate it, along with July 4th for the States later. I wanted to celebrate it at the base, and well”, (Y/N), averting their gaze back to the tape before turning to him once more, “I wanted to bring a piece of home with me for one day, something Canadian” they explained, and a hush fell over the whole base as the children continued decorating. 
Optimus relayed the information, thinking it over in his head. While (Y/N) may be in the States, they celebrated the day of independence for their country in a different sovereign land. Though the Autobots knew about the Fourth of July (in huge part to Fowler’s love of the day and his country), they never truly grasped til now that there were people in the base who came from a different background, and while the children already had enough differences but a shared American holiday, the forgot that there were more unique differences they had yet to learn. Humanity was so connected yet so different in many unique nuances, it never failed to inspire a small amount of wonder in them. 
The last statement (Y/N) gave made Optimus wonder if they were missing home. 
This is likely a day they would spend with friends and family, and not being there but instead here, with them, he wondered if the newest charge was feeling lonely. 
(Y/N) whispered a tiny ‘aha’ as they finally got the tape to unravel, and with a quick pull to the cutting edge they secured the end of their streamer to the railing, before helping Miko in putting little leaves up again. 
Looking closer at the decorations, Optimus recognized the leaves. Red Maple. 
A symbol of Canada. 
The little drawings Miko made were of red and white Canadian flags. A miniature one sat upon the table, held up by a weighted stand, the flag waving under the air vent. 
Optimus thought back to a few weeks after (Y/N) had joined them, and was sitting under the vent while the children shied away, Jack questioning how (Y/N) could stand the cool air which to him felt frigid. Optimus chuckled inwardly before, but looking at it now, they must have missed the north. 
Maybe this day was what they needed to reconnect with home. 
(Y/N), Jack, Miko and Raf finished their decorations, before sitting down together and opening a small container from (Y/N)’s box. Inside were confectioneries called ‘cookies’, little baked sweets. Optimus couldn’t help but smile inwardly as the humans all noted the small circular disk of white with two sides of red and one adorably drawn red maple leaf in icing. The children ate the cookies, enjoying the flavour. Miko had the bright idea to grab her water bottle and raise it up in toast of Canada Day, before the others followed suit, exclaiming ‘to Canada Day’ as they tapped their water bottles in celebration, giggling together on the sofa, enjoying the minor festivities and company. 
Optimus worked at the terminal with Ratchet before (Y/N)’s voice called out to him. 
“Optimus, can we go to the roof? Me and the others want to show you guys something up top”. 
“I doubt it’s anything important” Ratchet grumbled under his breath, though the underlying curiosity in his voice was not lost on Optimus. The elevator’s doors closed, going up, and Optimus could see it carrying the other children up. 
“I will go, Ratchet. You may remain, though I urge you to come too” Optimus stated, nodding to the other bots in the base to go up to the roof with him, stopping only to collect (Y/N) in his palm, seeing as the human elevator had yet to return. Optimus, Bee, Bulkhead and Arcee squeezed into the Cybertronian-sized elevator, watching the floors pass as the elevator lifted them. The Autobots stepped out onto the roof one by one, watching the children mill about as they placed tiny little contraptions around the roof’s perimeter in a large (comparative to humans) circle. They were a bit wiry, and each of the children held a small candle. Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead stepped out of the elevator to greet their charges, to see what they were doing. Optimus stepped out last, placing (Y/N) on the ground before joining the other bots outside the circle to watch their charges. 
The Autobots watched as (Y/N) ran to them, holding a candle. They looked on in shock as (Y//N) pulled a small box out of their pocket and rubbed a small stick along the side of the box, lighting it on fire. They watched uneasily, slightly holding one another back from stepping in as (Y/N) lit their candle on fire, blowing away the flame on the small stick and smothering it under their footwear. They held their candle towards the group, who ignited their candle wicks, before each of them took off in different directions. Jack, Miko, Raf and (Y/N) paired up a few feet away from the centre and one another, each one lighting one of the little contraptions, before moving on to light more. Each one lit 4, making 16 in total. 
The Autobots watched in humble awe as the children stood in the centre of the circle, their tiny flaming decorations letting out little sparks, but none of them were in close enough range to get lit. The bots watched in the dying rays of the summer sun as the eyes of their humans lit up with the sparks, throwing flecks of gold in their honey coloured, sky coloured, cinnamon coloured, (descriptive eye colour) coloured eyes, wonder and joy alight upon their youthful, innocent features. The bots looked into their charges’ eyes, noting the incredible colours of the light in the humans’ eyes, shadows playing upon the roof, and in the light of the sparkling little flares surrounding the humans and the evening sky above sprinkled with spare stars in setting sunlight the bots swore they could see the beauty of humanity, the same they saw in one another and themselves. For a single moment, everything looked and felt perfect, and the children were ethereal in their own otherworldly beauty. 
The little flames died down and the ‘sparklers’, as they heard Miko call them, were extinguished on their own. The bots watched as the humans gathered smaller sparklers in their hands and lit them with their candles, before running around and drawing shapes and playing games with their flaming little wands (which, loathe as they were to admit it, scared the Autobots half to death for a moment or two). (Y/N) gestured the other three to their side, and each human offered their guardian one. Bulkhead immediately held onto it carefully when Miko offered it to him; Arcee gingerly accepted and held one after Jack implored her twice to grab one, promising her it was fun; Bumblebee beeped worriedly as Raf encouraged him before promising all would be well, and with their candles, the children lit each of their guardians’ sparklers, watching the light play on their divine, metallic features much like the Autobots did earlier to them. Bumblebee and Raf pretended to be wizards from ‘Harry Potter’, a favourite of Raf’s books, while Bulkhead and Miko waved them around telling stories and making plans for ‘dune bashing’ tomorrow. Jack chuckled at Arcee’s attempts to spell human words in the air with her sparkler, and they took turns comparing and complaining lightheartedly about the light in one another’s eyes. 
Optimus turned to the feeling of a human tapping his pede, and looking down he could see the face of (Y/N) lit by their own sparkler in the dull light of the set sun. 
“Optimus? Would you like one?” asked his charge, holding in their hand a sparkler. 
“No, thank you. You may enjoy it instead” Optimus declined. 
Optimus watched as (Y/N)’s shoulders drooped a little and their smile dropped slightly at his rejection, and he felt bad knowing that this day meant something to them; he was about to offer to take it until he was surprised by (Y/N) handing the sparkler over to Jack who handed it to Miko whose sparkler was extinguished. 
(Y/N) turned back to Optimus, and asked: “Can I stick with you?” 
Having felt badly about rejecting the sparkler, Optimus nodded, lowering his pedes until they were safely both low on the floor. (Y/N) stepped around the edges of his pedes before sitting, leaning against his knee, watching the children and their guardians play together in quiet appreciation. 
Optimus snuck glances towards his charge, looking at (Y/N), who no doubt watched the goings-on with a fond smile like his own. It made him smile too, to see his soldiers connecting with their charges, learning more about humanity and just...enjoying life, even for just a day in their hard lives. The times had been harsh, the war leaving none of them unscathed, but to see them carefree as if there was no war was quite a treat they deserved. With this, they could enjoy a moment of peace and remember what they fought to protect for future generations of both Cybertron and now, Earth. 
Watching (Y/N) and the others, he couldn’t help but think about how they probably would be celebrating at home happily with their own friends and family. He could only imagine how much they missed their loved ones who were a whole country away from them. Probably almost as much as he missed his own planet. 
Maybe he could bring them back there for a moment? 
“(Y/N)” Optimus murmured lowly, which to his human sounded like a hushed but still loud baritone, the voice of an angel drifting into their ears, demanding their respect and obedience. 
(Y/N) turned and looked to their guardian, slight confusion but a sweet expression of merriment still present upon their face. “Yes?” came their reply, as gentle as a songbird during an earlier drive he took a few weeks back. 
Optimus looked into his charge’s eyes, wondering if what he suggested would be sufficient. 
“If you desire to see your family and friends back in Canada on this day, then we can arrange for Ratchet to bridge you home to spend time with them” Optimus suggested. His charge was still, their brows furrowed in question, prompting Optimus to add: “You should not have to miss out on celebrations with your family due to your involvement with us”. 
Optimus shifted his gaze from the eyes of his charge to a spot on their face, not willing to truly look into his charge’s eyes out of guilt of his own conscience. As he said, they didn’t deserve to miss out on celebrating their national identity with family abroad simply because of a war they did not belong in. 
Optimus was only brought out of his musings when (Y/N) had placed a warm human hand on his knee, bringing him to look into their eyes once more. 
He was surprised to find them staring up at him with eyes no longer in question, but with joy and, even more puzzling, resolve. Their eyes sparkled even in the dim light cast only by the ring of lights upon the base’s roof which lit up the floor in the evening. Glowing blue optics met shining (eye colour) eyes as (Y/N) shook their head. 
Optimus’ face minutely twitched into a concerned face as he wondered why (Y/N) would decline. (Y/N) answered:
“Optimus, Canada Day is a celebration no matter where I am, it’s a day for a country, and I’ve already recognized it. I don’t particularly need to be there. And, as for celebrating with my friends and family, I already am. Regardless of our differences, you are a friend and Team Prime is my family. I don’t have to celebrate it with relatives; I’d rather, in fact, celebrate with you”
 Optimus felt warmth as they laid their head upon his knee, looking up at him once more. It was incomparable to the warmth in his spark as he basked in the moonlit smile of his charge who had compared him to family, and wanted to celebrate with him. Even when given the option, they still chose him. 
“Besides, I doubt I’d be able to explain how I got up north so quickly from Nevada without revealing you guys. I don’t think that’d be good for secrecy” his human added with a chuckle. 
Optimus vented carefully as his spark swelled at the prospect of being, apparently forgiven, though he knew that (Y/N) would probably say there was nothing to forgive if he spoke on it. Regardless, he reveled in the facts revealed, and felt a small smile reach his faceplates after their revelation. (Y/N) smiled at them too, that brilliant smile that made sparks melt, before leaning against him once more, watching the children take out glowsticks and play around with them from the bag of accessories they brought. 
A tranquil silence befell Optimus and (Y/N) as they relaxed in one another’s presence and enjoyed the sight of their team and family joined in celebration. Their words circulated around one another's minds, but both were simply glad to be in one another's regard, and this knowledge had them wrapped in the cool evening wind with their hearts and sparks the only thing they needed to keep warm in the cool dusk. 
It never ceases to surprise how much joy one can give by sharing their souls, and it never failed to bring others closer regardless of location, nationality, even species. 
Optimus and (Y/N) sat under the stars, watching their family enjoy a reason to celebrate together. 
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