#i also deleted the images like 12 fucking times trying to figure out what to say and deleting the 1st 5 words and then the images
tunanoodlesoup · 1 year
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the usual once in a blue moon dino art HAHAHAH actually got into playing path of titans for once since I usually absolutely hate playing it but yn my little albino laten on WWD has me pretty in love rn LOL her mother Dixie named her Dove and her sister who shes seen comforting in the top image is Nightshade they are mourning their father Halos death eueueeuue
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emelinstriker · 1 year
☆ Playing Monkey King VR ☆
That episode is still engraved in my head with how much the game MK was playing looked like an actual game one could play irl, and I'm still salty about how it's not an actual game.
Also my hyperfixation picked these three for these headcanons- And I'm aware about how the game is implied to have been created by Wukong himself, but we shall ignore that fact for a sec-
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☆ ~ Headcanons ~ ☆
☆ Sun Wukong
>His ego just skyrocketed and won't be coming back to earth for a long time; may Buddha have mercy on your poor soul
>Expect him to watch you play everytime with a smug grin
>You can clearly see his tail swish around happily whenever he sees you react to one of the Sun Wukong character sprites (Especially towards the images of him being buffer than usual)
>You know how the game's Wukong would keep stopping the game's MK just to give him a bunch of tips and tutorials? He's actually doing that to you while you're playing, but with a lot more telling on what exactly he wants you to do (Backseat gamer smh)
>"Go back! Go back! You ran past an important quest item for the endgame!"
>Will distract you a lot by leaning into you from the side or from behind, or wrapping his tail around you in the middle of a battle
>You're struggling with a boss (cuz of him distracting you lmao)? Hand him your controller, right fucking now, he'll use his knowledge to beat the shit out of them for you
>Don't get your hopes up of him doing minigames and puzzles for you however, he absolutely sucks at even those easy-level ones
>If the game has a PvP mode and you have a second controller, expect him to want to duel you just to show off
>You can distract him by scratching his fur or touching his tail in the middle of it as revenge though
☆ Macaque
>Bro would be so salty if he sees you play this game it's not even funny
>He was actually thinking you were talking to the actual Sun Wukong when he heard his voice coming from your living room
>Once you give him a description of the game, it doesn't exactly lower his saltiness over you playing a game based on his nemesis and his successor
>"Why do you not have the option to fight Wukong?"
>"Be happy this isn't a dating sim, Mac..."
>"...The fuck is that supposed to mean"
>I would highly suggest playing whenever your monkey's out of house just to avoid the risk of him deleting the game from your console- It was a paid game after all with roughly 10 hours of playtime on your save file
>You can't tell me he isn't a master at any puzzle at any given difficulty. He could do all puzzles for you!
>Doesn't mean he would
>Jk, he would solve them when you're not looking or when he's bored- or even reluctantly with you if you beg enough cuz he loves you too much
>That doesn't stop him from either leaving you with a clone or spy at your gameplay as a shadow when he got time
>Unironically enjoys watching you play and beat up all those enemies with a smile
>Will deny it if you ask him if he's been watching you play from the shadows
☆ MK
>Excited noodle boy
>Would try to figure out if there's a way to co-op the story quest part
>ABSOLUTELY will play it himself when you introduce the game to him; I mean, it's about Monkey King??
>WILL gush about his hero, Monkey King, despite being his successor
>Will be lowkey annoyed if you refuse to skip cutscenes and are actually listening in on the tutorials and stories- It's evident by his constant whining and groaning
>But it's all good, he could never stay mad at you over it!
>You actually have to pry the controller away from his grasp from time to time- He will not stop to take a break until this boss is down!
>Dear gods, he's been playing for like 12 hours straight now, please knock him out and get him to bed- He won't be beating the boss like this
>Has a lot of fun doing easy-level minigames and puzzles, but does struggle with puzzles later on so you better help him
>"I'm getting the hang of this! But why isn't the strongest skill in the game working on this guy??"
>"The tutorial literally tells you to counter him, dummy"
>"Ugh! Why does it keep healing itself?? It should've died like half an hour ago!"
>"If only you read the boss description at the start of the battle..."
> Link to Masterlist <
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longing-for-rain · 19 days
I was reading one of your fanfiction and you’ve written in disgusting detail about zuko getting r@ped, why?
Interesting question. I wonder about it myself sometimes.
But what the hell, let me psychoanalyze myself tonight because it’s been a really bad time lately and it’s Friday night so you know what that means 🥴🥃
Weirdly enough I’ve been drawn to that kind of content from a young age, like age 12 young, pretty much right after I’d gone on the internet and been exposed to shit. It was always confusing for me. I always had this weird compulsion to watch certain male characters get hurt very badly in ways women typically get hurt. I’m not just talking about rape either; that’s probably the most extreme part of it, but it was also things like “damsel in distress” situations, eating disorders, body image issues, etc. I’m not saying men never experience these things, just that especially in media, they’re almost always associated with women.
I felt really weird for it because let’s be honest it is pretty fucked up. How did I get like this? It’s not even like I found it hot or anything—I’m a lesbian, I don’t feel attraction towards men at all. Besides, it was only violence I was drawn to. The minute a story started getting to some kind of Stockholm Syndrome situation where the victim starting falling in love with his abuser, it became a squick and I had to run away. It also couldn’t be just any male character. It had to be one I really liked. There have been others but you’re right, it started with Zuko and over the years it’s mostly Zuko. And yeah, that’s why I ended up writing content like that myself, because it was on my mind and I use writing to vent. But why? What was I subconsciously trying to vent about in that specific case?
Lately though I think I figured it out. The best way I can think of to describe it is a revenge fantasy. Which I know is deeply fucked up but hear me out.
So I get on the internet at age 12, right? At the time, my favorite shows were ATLA and HTTYD. So as one does, I start looking for things about my shows and come across art of the blorbos and naturally discover the world of fanfiction. And how wonderful for 12 year old me! I latched onto Zutara almost instantly because even as a kid my favorite scene in the show was the Final Agni Kai and I really wanted to see them get together. Now I find out there is a whole world of stories I can read online about that exact thing happening in so many different ways? It was beautiful.
But as you know if you know anything about fanfic sites (which I assume you do because you found my fucked up stories lol) I found some unpleasant things. Keep in mind this was around 2012 and I was browsing ff.net which had nowhere near the tagging/warning system that AO3 does. And even if it did it probably wouldn’t have mattered because I was 12 years old with a dangerous combination of naïveté and curiosity.
So anyway! What do I find on ff.net when I went scrolling for my lovely Zutara fics? Well, I did find some really cute ones. There are some I still think about but can’t find for the life of me because they’re either deleted or buried in the depths of ff.net. That was all good. You know what wasn’t good? The…other things. And oh boy. The people complaining about how Zutara is some kind of colonizer abuse fantasy wouldn’t have lasted 10 seconds back then. I remember reading a fic where Zuko raped Katara while she was tied to a tree. No warnings, and in the end note the author said it wasn’t rape because she ended up liking it. Many, many fics revolving around the idea of Zuko kidnapping Katara and making her into some kind of sex slave but it’s okay! She likes it and he turns good on the end for her so it’s true love! I also vividly remember a Blue Spirit x Katara fic where they were fucking, he took off the mask revealing himself as Zuko, Katara got scared and tried to push him off, Zuko just held her down and kept going. Not called rape. No warnings. Comments full of people talking about how “hot” it was.
Get the picture? It was horrifying. Keep in mind I was 12. It made me deeply angry, not just because of the misogyny and glorification of sexual violence, but also because it was Zuko doing it. I loved this character. I loved him because his story was so compelling, he was good and kind, he seemed safe to me. And reading about him violently abuse and rape the person he was supposed to love most was horrifying. It felt like some kind of betrayal. It made me hate him.
Middle school era me stopped reading Zutara fic as a result. I kept getting burned by it, and felt drawn towards that kind of Zuko rapefic instead. An old Zhaoko fic still sticks out in my mind. It was a pretty simple plot where Zhao kidnapped Zuko, whipped him and raped him, then at the end Katara rescued and healed him. It was oddly cathartic for me. Because it a) satisfied my revenge itch to see Zuko hurt in the same way I read about him hurting Katara in those other fics and b) put Zuko in a vulnerable position that would render him incapable of being a perpetrator in that universe (I know that’s not how it works in reality but that’s just my gut reaction there idk). Also read tons of fucked up Boiling Rock fics because it’s kind of a no brainer in the Zuko rapefic genre.
I don’t remember exactly why, but in the mid 2010s I didn’t really read much fic at all and my interest sort of fizzled out. I was mostly into HTTYD at that point and had a brief fling with Voltron before the fandom went to shit (which didn’t take long). So I guess that dark side of mine went dormant for a while and I didn’t think about it a lot.
Then oh boy…COVID hit. I was 19 when it started and found myself drawn into unhealthy levels of internet usage like most people during that time because what else were we supposed to do for fun. I was also going through some really fucked up heavy personal shit which led me to turning back to my old comfort ship…Zutara. Found my way onto tumblr, then to the fanfic sites. AO3 was a welcome surprise after being used to ff.net. Also for the first time I discovered the “community” aspect of fandom which I really enjoyed and helped me fight some of that COVID-induced isolation. It was really nice at first. I even began writing my own fics for the first time. And as you can see from my AO3 profile, they were very simple and cutesy in the beginning. Back before I went insane lmao.
But that happiness was short lived, because I kind of had a repeat of what happened when I was 12, only worse. Same pattern of reading some really good Zutara fics and some really bad ones. Zuko is sexually violent towards Katara. Zuko kidnaps Katara. Zuko rapes Katara. The author has some kind of technicality that makes it “not really rape/abuse” when that was clearly the intention. But this time, I was in a “community” with “friends” who promised me I mattered to them and that they cared about me. So I mentioned something about how disturbed I was to see things like this, naïvely thinking they’d understand where I was coming from.
And they…told me I was a bigot.
Yeah so. This was after I’d been sexually assaulted the first time. I also had this older creepy beta reader who I later realized had been sexually grooming me but that’s another story. Anyways! Point is I was in a bad state of mind, especially surrounding the topic of sexual violence, so it really hit me hard to have it used against me like that, made to feel crazy for having a problem with it, and dogpiled on for trying to explain myself and speak out.
Needless to say, I ended up feeling isolated, hurt, and confused by this. Much like I was back at age 12, so I relapsed into bad habits.
Honestly I’d been doing it before the breaking point, just more subtly. If you’ve creeped my AO3, you’ll see various flavors of “femdom” shit there. I like to call that my “I was being groomed lol” era. I had someone basically trying to convince me that male domination was “empowering” and that it was a sign of “maturity” for me to embrace it. Basically trying to convince me most/all women secretly desired it, resisting was a sign she wanted it deep down, I’d come around eventually, etc. Honestly I think this person just liked my writing and wanted me to pump out free fetish content for her, but it kind of backfired since it made me uncomfortable and I ended up just wanting to write femdom and Zuko rapefics because in that situation, it was the only outlet I had to express my hurt and discomfort at being bombarded with that disturbing kind of fic where Zuko is a rapist. I was subconsciously trying to reverse the narrative to escape the misogyny and the trauma I was suffering as a result.
Then after I got out of the grooming situation it just went off the rails from there. Stuff in my personal life was also getting worse so I just had this mass of stress and anger constantly running through my mind. It also really fucked with my sense of identity since the groomer/community I was in sort of left me with the impression that a woman’s role in society is to be objectified and abused and humiliated, and that she’s supposed to embrace it. I don’t think they necessarily intended it that way, but it left me with that impression because I saw so much content like that and barely anything representing women the way I wished to be perceived as a woman. It even made me feel alienated from other woman to the point I didn’t want to be a woman anymore (which is a feeling I’ve grappled with since puberty basically but that’s another story).
I don’t know which fic of mine you’re specifically referring to in which Zuko is raped in graphic detail, but I’m assuming it’s Dark Reflections because that’s probably the most graphic thing I’ve written. That’s the fic I started writing in the middle of that whole mess. It was very cathartic. I went with a female perpetrator against Zuko because it allowed me to fuck with the gender dynamics. A key plot point in that fic is also that Jun’s motivation partly stems from the fact that she mistakenly believes Zuko raped Katara so the idea of taking revenge against Zuko for being a rapist felt more direct. And of course, the reason why it’s so detailed and graphic and contains a lot of typical violent kink shit is because that was all the same shit I’d had thrown at me in the context of Zuko abusing Katara, so I just wanted to give it back to him if that makes sense. It brought me a morbid sense of comfort to see him be abused in the same way. I just have a catharsis generally about men suffering what they make women suffer. I know it’s fucked up, but it was a fucked up part of my life. And for the record I’m not trying to justify it or say it’s okay, I’m kinda of neutral on that tbh. Just acknowledging where my mind was and the fact that it’s a thing that I did.
For what it’s worth now, as I took the time to focus more on healing, I’ve felt less drawn to pure violence. I find myself wanting to write more about the thematic aspects of it and explore it that way. Even with Dark Reflections itself, the fic is incomplete and much longer than I originally intended it to be because I actually do want to go back and work through those themes and unpack what they mean for both the characters and the society they exist in. The more recent things I’ve written have been more along those lines too. Less graphic shocking violence, more philosophical as I pick my own brain and try to make sense of things.
Honestly writing this out helped me organize my brain a lot so idk hopefully it answered your question too.
And yes I know I’m sounding absolutely batshit but this is like my brain’s toxic sewer outlet valve. Believe it or not I am surprisingly normal in real life. I have a dog and big biceps and a cool rock collection and an office job with a nice view and everything. Anyways I’m passing out now. Night.
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amyisherenowitsokay · 3 years
You know what just to SPICE it up a bit imma say zadr too bitch
This bitch tryna give me arthritis smdh. Making me out myself for my dual-ship on main, can't even believe a bitch.
1. How did they first meet?
School. We must never forget the infamous handcuffs scene.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Pure, unrivaled loathing.
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Gaz said "kiss already" and throws things at them when they're getting too far away from "I want you dead" territory and well into "you want to fuck me so bad and it makes you look stupid" territory. Professor Membrane thinks they're adorable.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Dib. Hormones get the best of us all. You can only be obsessed with someone so long before motivations get blurry.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Zim would nearly break his PAK and commit accidental die trying to delete the emotions or install an emotional inhibitor. Dib would have a full mental breakdown trying to sort through it, which would manifest poorly in his behavior and negatively impact his ability to engage in their usual altercations. Pro tip: if you are painfully attracted to someone, being in a position where they pin you to the asphalt or lean over your desk to hiss insults at you is a bad idea.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
I stand by what I said on my ZAGR post in that Zim doesn't know what a soulmate is, or the concept of a soul, but given this is in regards to his arch-nemesis instead of a creature he's mostly indifferent too, he'd be pissed at the insinuation he was in any way bound to Dib. Dib's fragile psyche would not survive the revelation.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Really empty. Their rivalry and parallel situations regarding neglectful authority figures is what keeps them going for so many years.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
As someone who thinks Zim doesn't understand even the concept of not being a possessive jackass, I think Zim just sort of concludes after awhile that, regardless of Dib's feelings, or even Zim's own feelings, whatever they have makes them wholly and entirely each other's. Just completely and hilariously misunderstanding the concept of a relationship, but still being incredibly presumptive in assuming they already have one. He also doesn't let Dib know of this revelation either, so eventually Dib explodes about his crush, and Zim's like "we are already together???? moron???" Dib could argue, and he kind of wants to, but he also never expected Zim to reciprocate, so he just sort of nods and is like "you know what, sure" and that's the end of it. They do not have an anniversary, but Dib's not really like that, and Zim doesn't know anniversaries are a thing anyways.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Again, stealing from my own ZAGR post, but I don't think Zim's really a 'date' person who would plan out that sort of thing. Dib is an awkward moron with arguably worse social skills than even Zim, and mentally comes to the conclusion that dragging Zim on investigations is basically like a date, and Zim doesn't bitch about it anymore than expected, therefore he is a master of romance, so it's fine.
3. What was their first kiss like?
Awkward, and quick. Dib is not a great communicator, nor is he great at explaining things like human demonstrations of affection, especially not when Zim's scowling impatiently at him through is fumbling and stuttering. He just goes for it, and it's quick and he misses his mouth almost. Zim is extremely surprised, especially when Dib makes terrible excuses about needing to be elsewhere and flees. Zim does his own research, and their second kiss is predated by a lecture about being better than Dib at everything/Dib being bad at everything. It is much more successful, even if afterwards Dib instigates a fight about Zim's tongue being weird.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First everything, except kiss. Gretchen kissed Dib in high school as a dare. Zim will never forgive her for it.
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
I'd die to make them the same height, but I think the image of Zim being average height while Dib is a gangly big boi is just too funny. Zim would be pissed, and Dib would be so smug but so uncoordinated.
6. What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Gaz interacts with them as minimally as possible, because they are loud and gross and annoying, but she's okay with Zim overall. They have a mutual understanding that Dib is stupid, completely reckless, and requires constant supervision to keep him from getting eaten by a ghoul or something. Gaz does genuinely trust him to skewer anything that tries to kill her brother, but she also knows that Dib isn't the only one with 0 sense of self-preservation. Dib was initially wary of Professor Membrane's reaction, because his dad is sort of unpredictable when it comes to his only son, but the Professor's only commentary is that he is glad his son finally made it official with his 'little green friend.' Dib then realizes that the implication in that perpetual comment about Zim had air quotes around that "friend" part all along.
Dib thinks Gir's gross and loud and doesn't get him, but he likes to team up with him and/or use him as a means to annoy Zim. The Base hates him, because now there's two morons with no sense of self-preservation that it needs to keep track of. Minimoose and Dib are bros.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Zim, if only because he is arguably more 'charming' than Dib's fumbling attempts at communication with non-paranormal parties.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Zim. Dib I think would have his 'HTTYD Hiccup moment' as he gets older, but still has that ingrained low self-esteem from years of ridicule and abuse. He is completely oblivious to the new attention he gets. Zim, however, is not. Dib never really notices the cause of his weird snarling and clinginess, but he shrugs it off as Zim just being weird and continues with whatever he was doing.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Zim is a slut, I will die on this hill.
1. Who said “I love you” first?
Dib. He says it casually, in the dark, when they're on a stake-out to find some wood goblin or something. He says it like he's talking about something plane and unremarkable.
I think a ZADR relationship would need Zim to be a lot more independent in terms of researching how romantic relationships 'work,' since Dib's not a great communicator, and there's an ingrained rivalry that will never dissolve between them, no matter how many times they kiss, so Zim would be a lot more motivated to figure things out on his own. He would, in this circumstance, know the weight of Dib's way-too-casual admittance, and it would be a huge shock to him. He'd be pretty shaken about it for awhile, and Dib's not bothered when he doesn't reply. Dib would be pretty sure Zim would never admit it, but he does, eventually, because he refuses to be a coward about it.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Verbal affirmations. With their self-esteems firmly in the toilet in Zim's kitchen, being able to have someone validate them who they respect would mean a lot to them.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Dib. He uses it to start fights with Zim about linguistics and metaphors. Also, he's 99.9% positive Zim secretly is flattered by it, but hates that he is.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Zim is very clingy, but Dib's too on the move to really pin down for a good cuddle frequently. He's twitchy and his minds always racing, but every once in a while when Zim's completely fed up, or Dib's running on fumes but still forcing himself on, Zim will all but pin him to a cushioned surface and force him to sleep. Neither of them are PDA people.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Zim. Dib's really shy about it, and also normally too distracted to pay Zim the attention he so obviously deserves, and often misses Zim's 'signals.'
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
PAK not comfy against sternum. It's also easier to force Dib to sleep if he's the big spoon, because he can pin his limbs.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Paranormal investigations, and morally ambiguous and/or largely dangerous experiments.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Dib, which is hilarious, because he's about as smooth as a cheese grater, but he is very attuned to the person he's been obsessed with for years, and he can also relate to a lot of his issues. While Zim usually shrugs off the sentimentality and the empathy, dismissing it as 'pity,' the affirmation means a lot to him.
9. Who’s more protective?
Zim. He has to anticipate his lover's stupidity to make sure he stays alive to hunt ghosts another day.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Verbal. Hormones are real, but there's something that eases the sting of years of abusive in a crooning praise or a sincere compliment.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
It is primarily age-old insults that lack the bite and sincerity they once had.
13. Who remembers the little things?
Dib. Zim isn't inattentive by any means, cataloguing all of Dib's weird habits and nuances and what not, but for all the compensating Zim does to keep Dib safe and healthy, Dib reciprocates in meaningful gestures. He remembers to pack Zim-friendly snacks on their road trips and ways to keep Gir entertained, if they have to bring him. He always checks the weather and has an extra coat, just in case. Never makes Zim feel bad about needing to check, just one more time, to see if he got any incoming messages from home.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
It's just Gaz, Minimoose, and Gir. Membrane is too far away to attend, but that was deliberate. Dib didn't want his tendency to make things about 'the Membrane line' effect the intimacy and importance of the ceremony. Also, Zim insists on incorporating some Irken rituals into it, so it'd be hard to make excuses and explanations to why Zim wants Dib to fuck with his weird pink backpack during their wedding.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
No kiddos. Neither of them would be interested, even if it was biologically possible.
4. Do they have any pets?
Seriously, Gir counts, right?
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
Dib. Zim refuses to parent Gir when Dib is more inclined to do it, since he's more irritated by it.
6. Who worries the most?
Dib has perpetual anxiety. So does Zim, but he masks it better.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Dib, to prevent the gooey grossness that is Gir's bug-breath.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Just with Gaz.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Zim will strap Dib to a bed himself to get him to go the fuck to sleep, because it's been over 48 hours you insufferable human, and--!
10. Who’s the better cook?
Dib's idea of cooking is a microwave, salt, and pepper. Zim is forced to learn the wonders of human food to keep his idiot from dying of malnutrition.
11. Who likes to dance?
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
i was rereading neverseen, and it made me realize how i completely forgot about the spyball sophie used to use to watch her human family. i know it was relevant in nightfall, but i honestly think shannon probs forgot about it too because now i’m thinking about sophie has a full-proof way of knowing where keefe ran off to if she decides to use it (which i doubt she will, i don’t think keefe will come back into the plot until grady hails him)
oo the spyball is certainly a technological detail that I'd love to see more of. Though there are logistics of it that make it a little confusing about how it functions. The person has to have a file in the registry files in order for it to work, right? So reasonably, Sophie could watch Keefe as he has a file. But if something happened to it, then she couldn't (the same way she couldn't see her human family or Mr. Forkle without their names).
I have a possible explanation for how the spyball can exist and Sophie still can't find Keefe with it. We saw in Unlocked that Keefe knows how to access the registry files and was able to change information--redacting things, changing details, adding comments, etc. This was also something that the council/the people in charge of the files were unable to fix or do anything about yet. So perhaps before he left he redacted the necessary information about himself to make the Spyball null and unable to find him.
Though I do wonder if Shannon considered the full implication of spyballs when she created them and how often they could be used. I don't think the kotlcrew's personal information was redacted or deleted in Neverseen when they ran away to join the Black Swan, so conceivably the council could see where they'd run away to and who was with them at any given time. Having a single image of where a person is doesn't mean they'd be able to figure out where they are, though! But I think if they watched it for long enough they might be able to pick out an identifying location and be able to track them down.
The spyball doesn't give you any more than an image as far as we're aware, so that does leave a lot up to the person viewing to determine. Have you ever head of that map game, geoguesser? I think that's the name at least. The one where you get dropped in a random location on google maps and have to try and guess your exact location in the world. That's what it'd be like trying to discern a location from a spyball, except more difficult because you lack freedom of movement and have to follow the person you're viewing and wherever they decide to go.
also I don't know when Keefe will come back into the plot. I think the imparter connected to Grady will definitely have something to do with it, but I'm very much in the dark about this all! I frequently mention how I am constantly filled with thoughts, which makes it very hard to guess what will happen next because my brain will come up with like 12 different possibilities in a minute and it just keeps going.
I could see the appeal of Keefe staying true to his word and going no contact until Grady reaches out, but I'd also be interested in seeing him break down and realize he can't do this alone and reaching out to Grady instead. It'd be cool to see Sophie track him down, but also cool to let her go "fuck it and fuck him for doing this again." and not bothering herself with it and letting him work it out on his own. It's be fun to see him learn to control his power but fascinating to see how dangerous he could become when out of control and untrained. SO many possibilities!! But I do doubt she'll use her spyball to look for Keefe anytime soon.
adding fun details like spyballs is fun until you have to actually think them all the way through! definitely easier to judge smudge the lines a little bit and ignore some of the ways they could be used, so if it did come up and Sophie tried to use it I doubt she'd be able to see keefe; it'd be dramatic and great for emotion purposes in the plot, which outweighs logistic consistency!!
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encrucijada · 3 years
i wanted to do more of a chill writing update because i am kind of excited for this?? i don’t usually do writing updates but this story holds a dear place in my heart and i wanna talk about it.
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[ image id: a dead bird in a light grey background with the word “fantasybane” written above it in serif font / end id.]
if you guys are reading this it means i have gotten through the grace period of my hyperfixation and this is now my secondary wip (hopefully it stays that way lmao).
FANTASYBANE is a low science fantasy / lit fic novel, so it’s basically my bread and butter except there’s science now because the story is about human experimentation. but i am too dumb to write actual science, that’s where the fantasy comes in. for the longest time i have referred to this book with this logline: a scientist on an island performs human experimentation to prove that fantasy can be a reality.
okay. what the fuck does that mean? first you gotta know about the original iteration of fantasybane, which was a story i used to update on quotev.com. not anymore though and it has since been deleted so don’t go looking for it. that story was HIDEOUT:
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[ image id: an aerial view with a line of pine trees on the foreground and mountains on the background. the word “hideout” is written on the left corner in a thin sans serif font / end id. ]
i wrote hideout and got to about... chapter 12 i think?? in like the eight grade, so around seven years ago. i remember reading it out loud to my best friend when i went to her house after school. reading it back now i can’t get through it because the grammar and spelling is terrible. the story was about a group of eight kids who lived in a “forest that doesn’t exist”, they were put there because each of them had elemental powers and that makes them ~dangerous babyyy~. the conflict was supposed to be about an unknown force trying to drive them out towards a different part of the forest but ended up being about the love triangle between the fire girl, one of the lightning boys and a girl with “nightmare” as her element. idk. it was all very maze runner-y.
naturally i scratched it. i tried to rewrite the same base story again but better with my improved skills... it flopped. i didn’t even finish chapter 1. so i grabbed the main cast, renamed them, shuffled them around a bit and put them in an entirely different setting. though still keeping that concept of experimentation. and i don’t know if this is weird but i Love fantasy human experimentation. i think it’s really cool. so here we are.
what is the new plot then? it is set on an island... somewhere. joel araújo, self-made mad scientist, is trying to prove concepts of fantasy a reality. things like people having wings, mind powers, nymphs. and also trying to find proof of other concepts like the soul and the afterlife. the motto is: if it happened in a fantasy novel, could it happen irl?? his subjects are eight kids, two of which are his own daughters who are technically not kids they are both in their early 20s. diana, his younger daughter, narrates the story.
it’s a very small cast of characters and they only really interact with each other because there’s no one else on the island. here they are, from oldest to youngest:
joel araújo: the scientist
ximena cantú: wife in “fragile state”
ramona araújo: experiment on the mind (telekinesis)
diana araújo: experiment on the mind (dreams)
isaías pereira: experiment on the afterlife
alba oriol: experiment on healing
leonore santos: experiment on nymph
sebastian & joaquín ventura: experiment on the soul
clavel rey: experiment on bird wings
who they really are as people is something i can’t really talk about in detail?? not because it’s spoilers but because i am trying to figure them out again, trying to move away from hideout as much as possible. they were very generic characters in that story. everyone has had a name change except for joel and diana. i’m not even completely sold on the lastnames because i haven’t decided if outside of the araújo-cantú the others are gonna even have lastnames.
in the original version alba (then named summer blaze, three guesses what her element was) was the main character. she was the one stuck in the love triangle with joaquín (then james dare). now alba is the mum friend and she is way too old for joaquín, she’s with isaías now and they are a m/f couple in a very nonbinary way. they happen mostly because they are the only allo people close to each other in age in the house lmao. that have survived this far at least. 
diana turned into the pov character because even in the ye olden days of hideout she was objectively the most interesting character. i mean?? her dad was running the whole operation, let’s explore that. the reason the logical solution of just killing joel is taking everyone so long is because the two people with the superpowers to do that have a moral conflict because he’s their dad.
the house they live in is a digory kirk from the lion, the witch and the wardrobe looking house. i wanted there to be a softness to it to juxtapose what’s going on inside. lots of comfy blankets and pillows, the kids often make nests with them in different nooks to nap all together in a pile. joel doing his sci-fi stuff in sunbathe rooms. there’s also an overgrown greenhouse where ximena spends most of her time, if not all of it. the kids are the only human experiments around but there’s plenty of other living experiments done on animals too. the place ends up being very surreal with barely a distinction between reality and unreality.
yes, i keep writing books set in places with really tall trees. with a sky that always looks like it has a chance of rain. that feeling of before and after it rains. and i don’t intend to stop! the sun is only allowed aesthetically as it comes through the blinds and curtains. chosen song for this book is and always will be “the fantasy” by 30 seconds to mars: do you live? do you die? do you bleed? for the fantasy. automatic, i imagine, i believe.
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ilkkawhat · 3 years
All the numbers. (If not all then pick and choose a handful to answer).
lol you’re really going for it anon, huh?? 😂 bless your heart. I’ll do all of them and then idk. if anybody wants to send any again, I’m sure I can have a different answer
(I did just answer 7 & 22 so I’ll leave those out. rest below the cut)
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
I guess if you count all of my active WIPs that have been sitting dormant for months or years, there’s those since I like. I know what I’m doing in pretty much all of them, just as I know what I’m doing in some of my unpublished WIPs, but I think I just need to be in a certain mood/energy to do certain ones (ie, Agony esp is a very heavy fic so I gotta be able to Deal with that)
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
I deleted those 😂😂😂 but some of my reeeeeealllllly old stuff is still out there and I cringe thinking about that and though I could easily delete those too, I’m keeping them just since the harddrive that has the docs for it is corrupted lol
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
Just all over the place these days tbh. Even chapter to chapter it’ll change, I’ll write snippets in future chapters--and I’m talking like three or four chapters ahead--just to get it out there. But then there’s other days where I’ll sit and just write and not stop.
4) favorite character you’ve written
Nick Stokes, of course 💜💜💜
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
Any of the Macgyver characters outside of Jack. Cause though I’ll claim not to all the time, I do know that I know the CSI characters (though I’m surprised I’m able to write in their POVs outside of Nick.) I grew up with them. I have a bond with them. The mac characters? I’ve only known for like. two years now and not even that well anymore since I’ve stopped watching the show. 
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
Expanding on details. Almost every fic I write, I’ll read it again later and be like “ah shit I should have run with this idea...” but I guess that’s how I can do a sequel/missing scene
8) favorite genre to write
hurt/comfort (emphasis on the hurt, really I mean we’re talking like borderline horror)
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
See I haven’t really honed in on any one particular thing that inspires me to write. It comes out of nowhere, and the following list of things doesn’t like, always work. When I’m listening to a song. When I’m driving in the car. When I’m watching something unrelated to the source material (totes got some inspiring vibes watching Falcon and The Winter Soldier yesterday tbh lmao) When I dream. When I go on a walk. When people send me asks and I just go the fuck off and suddenly ten chapters later I’m writing a fic that they probably didn’t even want (coughSpecimenStokescough)
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
I think the last couple times I’ve like, really written it’s been in silence. Definitely alone. Don’t got people to write around, really lmao (unless you count my parents being in other rooms with obnoxiously loud televisions and tablets)
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
All of it. And I’m sure it’ll keep improving.
12) your weaknesses as an author
Dialogue. I don’t know how people talk 😂
13) your strengths as an author
Detail, description, and I also like to think--emotion? but idk. It’s hard for me to assess my strength tbh
14) do you make playlists for your current wips?
Oh YES! At least for the longer WIPs like Last Breath or Agony. And listen to it on a loop when I’m trying to brainstorm or write if I want to write with music on. I’ve been starting to link the playlists when I’m doing with the fic (which is not many so far)
(I think Hellbound is the only one-shot I made a playlist for that I didn’t share)
15) why did you start writing?
I honestly can’t remember, cause I think I’ve been writing stories (fan fiction or not) ever since I was in middle school?? Maybe even elementary? But I do feel like I had gotten more encouragement for it than drawing from the few people in my life that did actively cheer me on, and there’s just something about writing that is so...fulfilling? Esp since I can’t like. Just manifest the images or make the “movie” in my head, at least I can write them down and hopefully convey what I see/feel in my mind through words.
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
All my neglected OCs lmao. I did and I guess on some level still do want to make an original series.
In a chilling way Veronica also haunts me cause I realize how much of that like, darkness in myself I put in her. 
And Nick, well, he’s just always on my mind.
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
Just fucking go for it! Don’t give a shit if anybody will read it or not. Take your time, flesh out those details. Describe what you see, what they see, what they feel. 
If you think you’re going too far...you’re not. 
keep going
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
I mean any fan fiction I read in the past has probably influenced me on some level. I know that when I came back to CSI in 2018, reading all of kristen999′s nick whump def encouraged me cause I was like “oh...there’s others like me who like to see him hurt!?!?” and I do think that maybe sometimes after I read a fic, I might like. Try to incorporate those styles I see. The way words are described, sentences constructed. Not like, copy of course but I feel like a long time ago my writing wasn’t really idk, novel-like? very short, almost read like a script whereas now, since I’ve seen the way people write their stories (some novel length stories, too), I flesh mine out a lot more.
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
I don’t 😂 Thinking of my bigger projects like Agony, I do just kind make up some of it as I go with a rough outline although sometimes it is a bit more detailed--like First Flight actually has a super detailed outline but I know that once I start writing, something might come up, some twist I didn’t think of before--or even one that somebody suggests to me, but idk I feel like I do have a way of tying everything together regardless? Cause especially with those bigger WIPs I will try to go back and re-read if something seems familiar or if I’ve forgotten a detail, or if I’m planning on diving back into it after a long break from it. 
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
Depends. I feel more accomplished with the long sit down sessions so I target that, but lately it’s been little spurts with maybe one big dump at the end of the week.
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
Mostly cringe, but there are times I’m like “holy shit this is really good???” 
like I remember recently I re-read Agony and loved it, when I wanted to delete it maybe like. a week before that. I think it honestly depends on my frame of mind, and why I’m going back to read the fic? Cause I’ve had times where I’m like “wait what was this one?” and then I read it and laugh at how bad it is, but then other times where I’m like, “I wanna read that one fic I did...” and then I do and it makes me happy.
But, I will always kinda criticize at the same time--”aw, I could do this better, I could have expanded on this,” etc
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
My life is suuuuuuper boring so. not really lmao. One of my earliest CSI fics that actually created what I consider to be my number one OC (she’d be the lead in that original series I mentioned earlier) came out of me sitting and staring into a campfire lmao. 
also there was this teacher I had (one of those good IRL supports) that told me a story of something that happened to her (or was it her daughter?) and I turned it into a story (back in my teen days) so. I guess there are somethings. 
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Expert? No. But I will do numerous google searches to try and figure some stuff out and get lost in a rabbit hole of “research” for a while and hope that when I do write it, it comes off as I know what I’m doing when really, I do not lol.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
haven’t really written much in this past week, and certainly nothing to be proud of, but this line hit me like a ton of bricks for Specimen Stokes and I’m in love with it:
“Because, my dear specimen, I wanted to see if you loved the danger...or if you loved me.”
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[source] [triggers]
hayong has a fun story to tell
Ablutophobia- Is the fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning. It’s one of the phobias the little green pills have caused me to experience.
Let me start from the beginning, my name is Hayong, and I was given an opportunity to experience fears that few people have gotten to experience. I have never had a phobia in my life, except for heights, and I have never experienced anything paranormal. A large part of me has always wanted to experience any sort of situation that is absolutely terrifying, but yeah, I guess it’s true that those things never happen to the people that search for it.
It all started with a message on Facebook. It was a guy by the name of Max Erckle.
”Hey man, I see that you are into horror, and I was wondering if you were interested in a new drug I developed. I work as a researcher at Vanderbilt University, but of course, this was created on my own free time, and I would really appreciate it if you could take a 7-day sample.”
Vague as hell, but still, the message gained my interest and I responded back after an hour.
”What kind of drug? I mean, what does it do?”
I waited anxiously for a couple more hours before I finally received a message back from him.
”Why don’t you meet me at 100 Oaks Mall, outside of the PetSmart. Let’s say, hm, in one hour? It is a unique drug, it draws out fears that you thought you never had. Of course, it won’t ever get approved by any institution but I felt like this could be our own secret research.”
I tried messaging him back with a couple more questions, but the profile was deleted.
I only lived around fifteen minutes away from the mall, and I had the day to kill, so I thought, “What the hell” and threw on some clothes. You may think I’m absolutely insane to even consider meeting the guy, but to be honest, I am just a bit insane. I really am being honest when I say I want creepy shit to happen to me. I want to experience near death experiences. I have lived a far too mellow life, and I know I have a lot of catching up to do. Anyways, I gave my cat a couple of treats and lovins’ and headed out.
I waited in the car for around 30 minutes, before I saw an older man walk up to PetSmart and look around. Nervously, I grabbed the door handle and got out of my car. As soon as I started walking towards the store, the man stared at me and gave me a small wave. I returned the wave and walked up to him. With my arm extended out I said, “You must be Max, nice to meet you.” He stared at my hand for a couple of seconds before he extended his out as well and gave it a limp shake.
Max: ”I didn’t think you would show up. I’m glad you did. Let’s go to your car and talk.”
Me: ”Um. I don’t really like having people I don’t know get in the car with me. Can we do this somewhere else?”
Max: ”Haaaa, stranger danger. Smart man. Well, we can just sit on one of these benches and talk, but I would like to give you the pills in the car like I said, it needs to be a secret.”
I walked over to the closest bench and sat down. He stood completely still for a couple of seconds before shaking his head a couple of times and sat down next to me.
Me: ”You seem a bit nervous. What exactly does the pill do?”
Max: ”It opens your eyes. It creates phobias that people experience every day, but it only lasts for 24 hours. I wanted to see if experiencing different phobias every day would drive a man insane, or if it would make them understand the world in a different light.”
Me: ”Sorry, but I’m a bit confused. Aren’t the pills all the same? Or do they activate random phobias?”
Max: ”If you keep listening to me, I will explain everything to you. Please try your best to not interrupt.”
He takes a deep breath, gives me a small smile, and continues.
”The pills are all different. I have them labeled as 1-7, and each pill releases a different phobia for you to experience. They are the 7 phobias I have found most interesting. Take, for instance, the first pill will make you experience what it would be like to have Ablutophobia, which in simple terms is, the fear of taking a bath, washing your hands, or taking a shower. Keep in mind, you are the first person to test this drug. I don’t know if it will drive you insane, and I will not take any responsibility for whatever happens to you. If you do take all seven pills and write out what you experienced from each drug, I will pay you $43,000. An odd amount of money, I know, but it is all of the money that is in my bank account.”
He didn’t talk for a couple of seconds. Instead, he just stared out into the parking lot and took a couple of deep breaths.
As soon as I started to speak, he put his hand up and asked, “I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to answer any more questions. Do you want to join my research or would you like to decline?”
Twenty minutes later, I found myself sitting on the couch with a white paper bag in my hands. There were seven green pills with small numbers on them. Yes, I felt dumb for trusting a man I never met in my life, but I knew that if it was real, I would be able to experience absolute fear.
After taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and swallowed the pill marked as “1”. It was 14:45 and I was nervous as fuck.
I felt like making a log was the best possible way to record what happened to me.
15:04 - You know how dirty fingers get? Holy hell, three of my fingers have little spots of black on them. I want to wash my hands, but for some reason, I don’t even want to think about having to wash my hands. I feel like if I do, I’ll die, and no. Nope. Fuck that.
16:28 - I usually take a shower at this time, but have you noticed how dirty the water probably is? I never noticed it, but now that I think about it, the water is dirty. Bacteria, potential diseases, dead bodies in the river, I don’t need to clean, I don’t. There isn’t a reason to torture myself like that.
18:02 - I know, I know it’s the fucking pills. I ran into the bathroom and filled up the bathtub. Sitting on the couch now. Sweat is all over my face, I know I need to clean myself, but every time I get close to the bathtub, I feel like my stomach is going to explode. I already cried twice. Not of sadness, but because I’m fucking scared.
19:44 - No, no, no, no, I can’t do it. I finally managed to muster up enough courage to get to the bath, but I saw him. My father. He was lying in the bath and asking me to come over and help him. I love my dad. I love him so fucking much, but I couldn’t. There were roaches running all over his body. They started to rip up his skin and crawled into his flesh. There were dozens of open gashes all over his body. I ran out. I’m back on the couch. I called my dad, but he didn’t answer. Crying. Sweating. Fucking scared.
22:12 - My dad called me back. He was on a little vacation with my mom. They were celebrating their 28th anniversary. Before he hung up, he told me he was going to take a bath and go to sleep. I begged him to just wait to take a bath. He hung up while I was sobbing on the phone. Figures, he never really liked it when I cried.
07:08 - I had a hard time sleeping. The dried sweat mixed with my feeble attempt at masking it with cheap cologne caused my bedroom to smell like a YMCA locker room. I tried to convince myself to just wipe myself off with water, but I can’t. I ate some breakfast. Eggs, toast and a couple of pieces of bacon. Some yolk got on my hands, but I just wiped it on my pants.
11:52 - I called out of work. My manager was a bit pissed, but after talking to me for a couple of minutes, he could tell I was not well. He told me to get better and hung up. I could hear the sink running on the other end of the line, and it took everything out of me to not vomit.
13:41 - I can feel the phobia draining out of me. It’s a weird feeling. I managed to wash my hands, and rub some water on my neck. I stopped when it felt like I was being strangled by the water. It’s okay. Progress.
15:28 - I took a shower. I was fine. I still couldn’t get the mental image of my father out of my head. I tried calling him again, but he didn’t answer.
18:34 - My mother called me. Dad slipped while stepping out of the bath. He hit his head on the sink, gashed his head, and bled out. She was asleep at the time. She begged me to come see her. She couldn’t get the image of my father out of her head. She said that roaches were walking in the gash of his head and walking back out drenched in his blood.
That was the last log from the first pill. I am still trying to figure out if my father’s death is real, or if the pill is still fucking with me. Just to check, I tried calling my dad’s phone one last time, but he didn’t answer again.
I received a call at 9 in the evening. It was Max. After letting out a couple of deep breaths he said, ”How’d you feel about the first pill? Actually, don’t tell me yet. Tomorrow is going to be a bit more fun. Do you like walking? Maybe you do, Maybe you don’t. Doesn’t matter to me. Just prepare yourself. Again, whatever happens, while you take the pills, I am not responsible for. I just know your life was going to get shitty, and maybe the pills will help you stop a couple of the tragedies. Don’t ask me any questions. It’s not how it works, but keep that in mind. There is more than science involved with this research.”
I know I may be breaking rules posting on here, but I really feel like I should get this out to you guys. Of course, I know the guy’s name isn’t Max. I am also fairly certain he doesn’t work at Vanderbilt, but like he said, it might just help me. For right now, I’m fucking scared of what could happen, and I’m trying to figure out how Max knew what was going to happen to my father. By preventing tragedies, did he mean my phone call could have saved my dad if he had just listened to me? It may be already too late, but shit, if anyone has any knowledge of what I am going through, I would really appreciate any help I can get.
As always, it’s nice talking to the NoSleep community. My name is Hayong, and I am starting to feel like my life is about to get a shit ton more interesting.
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lieselstark2-blog · 7 years
Gotleaker is fake. It’s an elaborate hoax, and I’m it’s victim. So are you.
@thelawyerthatwaspromised @reysbae @myrish-lace-love @wolfmaiden25 @wolfmaiden25 @tiny-little-bird 
Hello, my name is Liesel Stark and I am a Jonsa meta writer.
Or I was, but not too long ago something happened outside the fandom. Something very personal that nearly destroyed my life.
I had a roommate. We never got along, but I hoped it would remain civil and I would find a new place at the end of my lease.
However, this roommate wanted a guard dog. I didn’t want this, as I was bitten by a dog when I was a child and I’m scared of them. Pets are also not allowed in our lease. I thought that was the end of it when she brought it up, but a week later I came home and she had adopted a dog from the pound - it kind of looked like a Rottweiler, and I was scared to death.
So I informed our landlord. However, my roommate, who is the landlord’s cousin, called her and said I was lying. Our landlord came to investigate, but my roommate had taken her dog over to her friend’s house and pretended the dog didn’t exist.
I took pictures, but the roommate kept our landlord around her finger and said it was just visiting. It was all so awful.
Unfortunately, the dog was not well behaved, and while nothing ever happened, the lack of discipline and free reign the dog was given over the house meant there was fur and pee everywhere. I would come home at night from work and be greeted in the doorway by one of my worst fears.
One night I snapped and just left and slept over at my sister’s house. This would prove to be a terrible mistake.
It only took a few days and a broken lease before the landlord realized that her cousin lied. The landlord did pay for my grievance and is giving me a good reference, but she refused to kick out her cousin over a dog.
Bad, but not the point of this story.
When I left that night, my roommate went through all of my things. Like an idiot, my computer pass code is also my phone pass code, which she must have seen me tap hundreds of times whenever I unlocked my phone around the house, and she was able to get onto my computer and steal my identity.
She went through all my documents and accounts, and sent terrible things to my family and friends. I didn’t realize it at first until my parents asked why I posted that I never loved them on facebook and was cutting them out of my life that something was happening.
Everyone I ever met had been told some awful lie about me in the span of two days, and every account I had ever used was part of her campaign to ruin my life all because I didn’t want a dog for the remaining seven months of our lease!
She was always unhinged, but I never thought it would amount to this. Eventually I threatened legal action, and I thought it was over.
But I didn’t account for tumblr. I didn’t even think about it for awhile. When everything settled because I threatened legal action, I actually decided to come and log in and de-stress with fandom, but found that my tumblr was gone.
Okay, I thought. She deleted this account too.
I just kind of gave up after that. So much had happened that I figured I would cut my losses and move on with my life.
But that wasn’t the whole of it. Because my former roommate is a fucking psychopath.
I’m not ashamed of the fact that I ship Jonsa (it’s fiction), but she must have seen a possible opportunity to hurt me and took all the metas I wrote, the drafts in my account and computer, and the outline of a fan fiction I was writing to create an elaborate hoax in which she was planning to “out” me.
Seriously. What the hell.
I found out because I still browse the Jonsa tag on tumblr and saw mention of some new leaks, so I checked them out. They were suspiciously close to my metas and fan fiction outline, but when I saw the ending of episode two, I knew that it was one of her plots.
She must have been planning this for some time, and I don’t know exactly where she’s going with it, but if the past if anything to go by she plans to dox me and falsely incriminate me for something.
This is just ridiculous.
To prove that I am being framed, an outline to my fan fiction is included below. I expect @gotleaker to blow a gasket soon.
Now, I want to apologize to anyone who has been mislead by this maniac and to please stop believing her because she’s plotting against me simply because she’s upset she couldn’t get her way.
Please tag and reblog this so she’s discredited.
And FUCK you Kelsey.
A Time for Wolves
Episode 1 – Bat
Chapter 1
Daenerys and Jon arrive in Winterfell.
Chapter 2
Euron makes an agreement with the Golden Company to betray Cersei.
Chapter 3
Sansa is anxious over the prospect of Jon and Daenerys marrying for reasons she can’t describe, and is upset to learn from Tyrion that it appears to be happening.
Chapter 4
Jon is adamant that he will do what is necessary to protect the North and his family. However, Sansa doesn’t agree, because she feels the tension in the North better than he does.
Chapter 5
Although initially welcoming of Daenerys, their relationship sours over disagreements largely of Sansa’s making (due to her fears of losing Jon and the North).
Episode 2 – Eel
Chapter 6
Euron betrays Cersei, and in response to the Red Keep being overrun, she uses the wildfire, destroying the city and killing hundreds of thousands of people. She miscarries in the process.
Chapter 7
A settlement nearby is attacked (possibly the Dreadfort so they can reuse some of the sets and it make sense, considering their possible path), forcing Jon and Daenerys to prepare to depart. Sansa and Jon have a tender moment despite their current disagreement, and I think Tyrion is witness to sparks flying he didn’t see with Jon and Daenerys, causing his suspicions to be raised.
Chapter 8
Jon ends up showing these feelings because he has been informed by Sam and Bran about his parentage, and it’s eating him alive for so many reasons. Unfortunately, he hasn’t told Sansa and Arya yet, because he isn’t sure he wants to accept and go public with his parentage due to the political ramifications.
Chapter 9
However, the Dreadfort is lost (and destroyed), and the forces of the North are dealt a devastating blow. They return to Winterfell, licking their wounds, unaware that they accidentally are leading the Night King on path to Winterfell.
Chapter 10
Mid to the end of the episode, Jaime arrives and informs Daenerys that Cersei has betrayed them after a lost battle against the White Walkers. Daenerys, furious, rides off to take King’s Landing using Drogon as a threat in order to secure their manpower for the upcoming battle. She leaves Rhaegal to protect the North after a frustrating conversation with Jon who pleads with her not to leave because she is abandoning her people.
Chapter 11
Jon is frustrated by this, and isn’t too happy about Sansa’s smugness and seemingly glee (think about: Daenerys is gone, and also going to kill Cersei. That’s a win for her), but his anger is due to the fact he fears he cannot protect the North or Sansa, without Daenerys since he cannot control dragons. Bran offers to help. He also makes more cryptic comments to Sansa. I think Bran’s vision about her wedding may be of the future to Jon, like previous metas have stated, and Bran is starting to see dreams of spring and hoping to make them happen.
Chapter 12
Daenerys’s actions are not well received by anyone in the North, and when Daenerys leaves, all hell breaks loose politically. The Northerners fear that Daenerys will be a dictator like the Targaryens before her, reminding Jon of Torrhen and his uncle and grandfather’s deaths under the Mad King. This only further cements his desire to control Rhaegal. Episode 3 – Ghost
Chapter 13
The surviving Greyjoy siblings take an imprisoned Cersei Lannister North, narrowly missing Daenerys as she arrives to the destroyed King’s Landing. Since they go by ship and are one of the few survivors, the true perpetrator of King’s Landing fall is mistaken to be Daenerys when people outside the city arrive.
Chapter 14
They end up penning a raven that is received at Winterfell that blames Daenerys for the destruction. Her army leaves, no longer feeling welcomed, though Tyrion and Varys stay.
Chapter 15
Sansa is no longer so smug. She’s scared, and so is Jon and everyone else. Jon confers with Tyrion, who, knowing about the wildfire, erroneously believes it to be true not because Daenerys purposefully set the entire city on fire... but because Drogon was the spark that caused the wildfire to get out of control. Either way, Tyrion admits to losing faith, and switches support to Jon.
Chapter 16
But Jon sees his power waning, and now Sansa’s political power is on the rise. Tyrion sees an opportunity, but he is conflicted because he is starting to form feelngs for Sansa now and he believes Jon and Sansa are siblings. But he’s certain they have feelings for each other now, because Jon and Sansa are caught kissing after he gives her a blue rose and between all this hyper jealously as Tyrion spies and insinuates himself in Sansa’s company, fearing that Jon, Bran, and Sam are keeping something from him and hoping to use Sansa to figure it out (unaware she knows how the game works).
Chapter 17
But basically, political shit happens following this, and Jon tames Rhaegal. He then “comes clean” to the North. He initially thinks he will give up his claim to Sansa, but to his surprise he is hailed as King in the North and South.
Episode 4 – Owl
Chapter 18
Daenerys is trying to convince the people around King’s Landing of her worth, but news of Jon being a Targaryen reaches her. Remember in Daenerys’s vision that the first prominent image we see of the throne room is not the throne, but the Winter Rose on stained glass - a reminder of Starks and shade thrown at Daenerys that she doesn’t have Jon’s affections.  Daenerys decides to leave and head back to the North, and he meet her army in the Neck.
Chapter 19
But back in the North, it’s discovered the White Walkers are moving towards Winterfell just as Daenerys has departed for it. Fearing that they may be attacked on two sides, Jon decides to meet Daenerys at the Neck with Rhaegal and make a deal. Tyrion warns him that she won’t go for it. Jon mentions a political alliance, but Tyrion tells him Westeros would never go for two Targaryens on the throne, and jokingly tells him that Sansa would be the better wife. Tyrion realizes his mistake, because Jon appears to seriously consider it.
Chapter 20
However, Jon is determined to make an alliance with Daenerys by any means necessary, and though he has a tender moment with Sansa, he departs and arrives in the Neck for a parlay with Daenerys (who flew over land, instead of sea, and thus misses the Greyjoys).
Chapter 21
He initially believes she will threaten him when he mentions that his people wishes she bends the knee, but instead she does (reluctantly) for three reasons: 1, she sees Rhaegal bonding with Jon and is forced to reconcile that he may actually be a Targaryen and she will lose Rhaegal if they are not on good terms, and 2, she wants to be seen as a worthy ruler again and loves Jon... unaware about the Sansa situation.
But more than anything, Daenerys doesn’t want to be seen as a Mad Queen.
She proposes that they join themselves in marriage, knowing that is what Tyrion initially suggested, but Jon refuses. She initially thinks this is because she has to prove herself, but really Jon refuses despite initially planning to accept and even offer it himself first on an impulse when he sees winter roses around them.
Chapter 22
However, despite this positive turn of events of an alliance without conditions, the episode ends with combined army at the Neck learning that Winterfell has been attacked sooner than expected and is being sieged by White Walkers.
Episode 5 – Wolf
Chapter 23
Sansa, Arya, and Bran are desperately trying to protect Winterfell. They are being attacked by an advanced force, and not Viserion, but they know it is only a matter of time. Unfortunately, they are surrounded and unable to escape and flee even if they wanted to. Sansa stands at the battlements, wanting Jon to return.
Chapter 24
En route to Winterfell, Daenerys is desperate to prove herself worthy of being Queen and worthy of Jon, mistaking his earlier actions in season seven for love when really Jon was hoping to get an alliance (and stopped pursuing that after Sansa). She takes a risk, and heads off into battle despite Jon telling her not to.
Chapter 25
The scene switches, and FINALLY the Greyjoys arrive with an imprisoned Cersei at Winterfell, helping Daenerys stop the advance White Walker army besieging the castle with their forces and the remaining Golden Company. They inform Sansa of the truth, and Sansa apologizes (unfortunately, no one in the North is willing to take Theon’s words at face value).
Chapter 26
Jon and the others arrive. Jaime was with Jon, and he is shocked to see Cersei for so many reasons, but especially when he learns she was responsible for King’s Landing. She is put on trial, and found guilty.
Chapter 27
Despite the North rebuking Daenerys, she believes that Jon will warm up to her after her heroic save of his home and Theon informing Jon of what really happened in King’s Landing. But that is not the case, because Daenerys soon realizes that Jon and Sansa have a relationship when they are reunited in an affectionate way.
Chapter 28
However, before she can do something she’ll regret, the Night King attacks, and Daenerys and Jon takes their respective dragons to the sky. Rhaegal is killed in battle, and Jon falls to his death, the battle lost.
Episode 6 – Nightingale
Chapter 29
Starts with Jon surviving his fall like Sansa and Theon did by falling on a mound of snow. Unfortunately, the people of Winterfell need to flee as the Night King licks his wounds for the final assault.
Chapter 30
Cersei is in the broken tower after a cryptic discussion with Bran (he likes those). She wants to die where Bran told her it all began. Jaime and her get into a fight, and she manipulates him to choke her, thereby fulfilling the prophecy. Jaime is horrified, burns the tower with all his crimes, and goes into battle to protect the fleeing civilians and army alongside Brienne.
Chapter 31
He ends up encountering Jon Snow, and instead of going out in a blaze of glory, helps Jon to return to the retreating army. Jon and Sansa are reunited, and Daenerys feels alienated, and is still reeling from the death of Rhaegal knowing he too will be revived by the Night King. She is devastated by the loss of her children and lover. Cue another cryptic discussion with Bran; this time, Daenerys is his victim. He promises her that she will meet her son and husband again (referring to Drogo and Rhaego). Daenerys does not take that well, but nobody takes Branvisions well.
Chapter 32
The army is pushed back into the South in attritional warfare, not having the numbers. They make it all the way to Stokeworth before they are able to secure a castle long enough to defend it. It appears to be the last battle - they will either win the war and live, or lose the war and die.
Chapter 33
In order to secure succession, Jon marries Sansa and their wedding is the last feast before the battle. Jon promises to come home, and we get a repeat of Jon waving goodbye to Sansa with Daenerys looking on in Baelish’s place.
Chapter 34
The battle begins, and Daenerys prepares to square off against Viserion and Rhaegal who are now controlled by the Night King. She takes a risky move, and there is the biggest ball of flame in the sky.
Chapter 35
The three dragons are destroyed, but the Night King survives, seemingly impervious to fire. The dragons are gone, but the army lives on, and Jon prepares to lead the surviving soldiers in a final charge as the castle is sieged and those inside try to hold everyone off.
Chapter 36
But just as all appears lost, Bran wargs into the Night King, momentarily stupefying him, and Jon is able to get the upper hand and kill him, destroying the army. He feels victorious, but when he returns he sees that Bran is dead.
Chapter 37
The snows begins to recede, and Sansa becomes round with child. They return North to Winterfell together with their child.
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msawesomeworld · 6 years
Royalty not loyalty Chapter 12
A/N: I am inspired to write this apparently. So I am not gonna waste it and post it. Seeing as these come in like once every full moon or something. So enjoy <3
Tumblr media
Read the other chapters here.
“Love is a poison. A sweet poison, but it kills you none the less.” - George R. R. Martin
I woke up the next morning with a killer headache and a bit of a heartache still. The ladder I had gotten used to. When you lose someone like that you get used to having days where you get sad about it, sometimes for no obvious reason.
I got up and removed the make up from the night before. I was very tried but I still needed to be presentable. What would my mother say if she had seen me with last nights make up on? I applied a new natural layer to my face, ensuring that I looked as perfect as I aspired to be. I packed it up and started gathering all the rest of my things. I had just zipped the suitcase when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” I yelled and in walked Skylar and Robert smiling at me widely.
“We are leaving now, just wanted to say goodbye.” Skylar said walking over to me giving me a big hug.
She was followed by Robert who also hugged me. We had talked a little every now and then, he was pretty cool. Robert left to go load their car but Skylar stayed with me.
“Skype or call me if you need anything alright? God knows your wardrobe could use an update.” She said and I chuckled at her shaking my head.
“Not that there is anything wrong with your style, but you have a body, that needs showing off. Which honey you are not doing.” She said and I chuckled hugging her again.
I liked her a lot. She was practically a polar opposite to me, but I liked that. I kind of think I needed that. Someone to tell me to go out of my comfort zone. Chris used to do that too. We pulled away and she smiled widely at me.
“Remember to say yes a little more okay?” She said and I smiled kindly at her and nodded.
That was not gonna happen, but nothing wrong with saying that I was gonna try. I knew what was gonna happen once I got back to school. I would have my minions doing all of my dirty work for me. I would go back to being the untouchable, conservative and perfect me. That is how I was raised and that was just who I was. End of discussion.
Rian came and told me it was time to go a little while after that. I gathered up my things and left the room. We met Victoria and Louis on the way out and hugged both of them goodbye too. There was a very sad expression on Louis face. Which I probably should do something about, I would have to work with him a lot over the next few years. So it would probably be good to clear the air. I was too tired and hungover to be bothered with it though. Maybe I would write him an e-mail to clear the air or something.
I was gonna miss the girls though. Luckily I did have Rian back with me which was a nice comfort. Also a little strange having someone near me I had known before we were royal. Yet also someone who now knew a lot of intimate details about me and I knew the same about him. He was a sweet guy though so I figured it would not be too big of a deal.
Still it is weird having a friend that actually knows things about you and your life. Maybe that is what it is like to have true friends. I mean I did like the girls and all but they were in the end just means to an end. I would never share any of those things with any of them.
When we got back to our beautiful campus we hugged goodbye and went to our separate dorms. I lived in a flat with Katelyn and he lived across town in a small apartment. I spent the rest of the day unpacking and trying to get some rest. The girls however wanted to know everything about my trip. I shared a little with them but left the rest to be between us royals.
It took a lot of convincing but after a lot of a fight I got them to leave me alone. I was finally able to sleep my hangover off.
From there things started going back to normal. I went to my classes did my work and most people was scared to talk to me. Just how I liked them to be. Intimidated is a better word than scared. When the weekend came I had to go to a stupid frat party. I hated going to them, but the girls always begged me. I never saw the point of begging me to go. I was gonna stay sober throughout them anyway. I could not risk any of those people seeing me intoxicated, can you imagine the scandal?
I got all dressed up and ready to go. Kathlyn helped me get ready and I returned the favor. She was the only person on this campus beside Rian I actually liked. The rest were just mindless tools. The party was a great example of that. All of these people desperate to fit in even though it does not matter. It does not matter who you befriend in college. It does not change your social status just because you go the parties. Everything about them is pointless.
But the rest of the world did not know that. Because they were not crowned sculls.
While there were some conspiracy theories it was still a completely secret organization. You had to be invited to apply to get in. It was for the elite and the elite only, the people who truly ruled this world. At their parties it did matter how you were perceived, and who you became friends with. Here you were just making friends without getting any benefits.
I stood around for a long time sipping my water just observing these desperate individuals. It was a little boring seeing their mating rituals. I was also a little jealous of them.
They got to act out, they got to let lose and have fun. I could never do that here, or anywhere else for that matter. The only place where I could truly express how I feel is in the confines of my own home. They got to make friends with people they liked, maybe they had all of the same interests or something. They might have struggled through life, having to work hard to get into this school. I had too but not in the same way. If it had not been for my family someone else might have deserved this spot more than I did. They did not have to worry about image or anything else. They just had to worry about school and being popular. It must be nice to be them, having such easy lives in that sense. Their families were probably so proud when they got into Yale. My parents barely blinked when I got in here. It was tradition, how could I not be accepted? They probably loved their parents and called them regularly to tell them how they were doing here. I was envious. Money does not buy happiness that is for sure. They had parents that loved them, while mine could do nothing but school me on my every flaw.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when a drunk frat boy put his arm around me and slurred something. I was disgusted and pushed him off of me. I groaned and left the party, I did not feel like it anymore.
I got back to my dorm room with nothing to do really. I had done all of my school work before going out.
I changed into some comfortable clothes and decided to check my to do list.
I looked it over and sighed, I then picked up my laptop and my email.
Dear Louis
I’m sorry I was such a bitch. You bring that out in me, when pity me.
You scolded me for not trusting you, but I know you were just playing a game, so you can ditch the act. You do not care about me, you just want some dirt to use against me. I understand, I do the same all the time.
I stopped to read it and deleted it. I sounded like an even bigger bitch. I sighed and tried writing again. This time it was way too formal, like I was writing to a colleague. I deleted again and stared at the black e-mail again. I got frustrated and started writing again.
Dear Louis 
I am sorry for acting as I did at the lake house. I am immature and pandered so much into this world, that I do not think I can ever trust anyone. This world is so fucked up and manipulating, I cannot help but think that everyone is exactly like me. I am not gonna lie, I am gonna continue to be a stuck up bitch, who hides her every emotion. Let us face it, old habits die hard. I have this need to be perfect and that is the best way to do it. I hate you because you do not do that. You never pretend that you are perfect and you see right through me with that. Because you know it is not real. It is so much easier to not feel anything.
I do not even know why I am telling you all of this. I am not going to, I am going to delete this email and write you a proper one. Because I have no real motive to apologize to you other than the fact that I know we are gonna have to work together in the future. I like you, but I do not know you, and you will never truly know me. So it seems stupid to tell you anything at all.
I read it over and stared at it. This was the truth, but it kind of scared me. That this was who I am. I knew I was the stuck up bitch who was taught to hide all of her feelings. Because feelings might as well be imperfections. However it is easier to live with when it is not thrown in your face.
I went to delete it but accidentally sent it. My eyes widened. That was not supposed to happen. He was never supposed to read any of that. That was an entire page full of weakness, that he could definitely use against me or expose. If he did not have anything on me now, he definitely had now. I closed the laptop and felt like crying. I was so stupid. Had my mother taught me nothing? I should never have even written that. Never write down anything that can be used against you.
I was so stupid.
I went to bed trying to just forget the whole incident. I could not sleep I was way too nervous to do so. I grabbed the tin box I always had near me and left my room. I went to the roof, it was cold up there. I liked the sensation of wind on my skin. I sat on the edge and lit up the cigarette taking a drag. I blew out the smoke and smiled a little. This was nice and relaxing in. I looked out on the campus. It looked nice and quiet on this time of day. There was distant music from parties, but looking out on the campus it was nicely peaceful. I took a few relaxing drags, before turning it off and putting the rest back in the box. I did not feel like moving yet so I just stayed put for a little while.
I liked it up here. It felt like the rest of the world was allowed to move forward and I could just sit still for a little while and watch it all. I knew I that I would never truly be apart of it. I could never let myself.
I would never experience a one night stand or the excitement of a first love. The heartache of a heartbreak, having a relaxed day in sweats.
I would never experience any of that. I was too detached for that. Too obsessed with being perfect for that.
I would have to experience the world without any attachment and observe it. 
I would never really love anyone. I would never be truly happy. I would always just be.
A/N: That was it, if you cant wait for more, read my other fics here.
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exposure441-blog · 5 years
#1. Proof of pedophilia, and zoophilia in response to a staff journal post
Hey Dust, Hey Lykke, really enjoying our chats here. Suuuuuper healthy and all. I just figured Id chime in about your recent post in the TG staff journal. Ill try to make a nice informative essay about everything you got wrong. Lets start with the first problem. You mention my "mental health issues" quite a lot in this very short post. I don't understand why really, unless youre trying to gaslight me into believing Im wrong, or scare other people into thinking Im a crazy person. I would like to say that by my own standards, Im better than a full grown adult who writes posts like this on his werewolf forum. Second, you say "He blames TG for what happened to him." This implies that Im wrongly accusing you of being the cause of the problem. I do believe you were the cause of the problem, maybe a little bit more investigating should have gone into greenlighting your "special memebers" but you clearly covered your ass with the multiple quotes you scatter everyone of your own staff saying Rew was a great guy. Good job bud. The very next sentence you say "He also blames TG staff for things that never happened." This is the most interesting one, as I have screenshots and can secure more proof of these things, but I feel like I cannot do this safely due to your head admins very violent, uncontrolled nature. I listened to him boast about his shooting capabilities and mass gun collection for years, but I honestly don't think he'll do anything seeing he blocked me when I tried to get him to face it :( So, the attached images are some screenshots of all I have left, since I deleted farther back history after freaking out about what Id fallen into. The third thing is your failure of basic math. It happened when I was 12, Im 17 now. 17-12=5, Dusty, you fucking retard. I guarantee you both proofread this journal entry so that makes it even worse. Next, you claim someone is leaking information to me, since you think Im too stupid to cook an account on my own. Go find them, I have 4 in total. Itll be like a cool little witchhunt. It's ok if you find them though, Ill just make more lol your site security is quite old. Next you talk about trying to help me move on, but say you cant reach me. Your head admin blocked me on hangouts, feel free to reach me there at anytime. You wrap up your post saying it will never happen again, which I think is a terrible way to pat your own back. I guarantee it will happen again with the site run by Lykke himself. Its certainly not fixable, Dust, but Ill be sure to make your life as miserable as mine was until I do fix it.
After I reported Rew, I was left with a pretty bad case of Stockholm syndrome. He'd groomed me into missing everything that happened, and due to home issues I wasn't very close to my dad at all. He'd filled this gap, temporarily, and very painfully, but it was filled. After he was reported, I got very close to Lycan as he was the one I'd reported him to originally. Hed talk to me when I felt hurt, and try to console me the best I could. This eventually led to us getting very close, and me asking if he could try to recreate what had happened between Rew and I. He accepted and we did some light sexting/roleplay. This soon spiraling into more frequent sexting, harsher kinks and discussion of bestiality.  At the time, I thought this was completely ok since my first introduction to sex had been with a 20 year old pedophile. However, I see now that this was not ok, and that Lycan should have used better judgment. Im ok with pushing the blame onto him in this manner because I was 13-14 at the time, and was fresh out of an abusive relationship. Like I said I dont have earlier chat records due to deleting them in a panic because Id believed my parents had found out, but I know things never truley disappear on the internet. The real chat logs can be brought up in court. The few images I have attached are what I could get from the chat logs that were left. You can see very casual discussion of sex and dead obvious mentions of bestiality.
bestiality 1
bestiality 2
bestiality 3
sexual discussions
If anyone believes these chat logs have been faked, please show me a better way to prove they are not.
0 notes
regrettablewritings · 7 years
So . . . I need to say some stuff
As anyone who knows me or has held certain kinds of conversations with me could tell you that I am the absolute worst at confrontation. Even if it’s in regards to something more positive. However, as this post is about something rather negative, it will be harder for me to express exactly what I mean without feeling like I’m coming off as an ungrateful or bitchy. However, as this is an apparent concern for many content creators on this site, I don’t think it’s fair to assume I am.
Please allow me to word-vomit an explanation:
Communication aka I’m a Talking Human Being:
Before I started this blog, I had a tendency to send headcanons and AUs to other blogs through anon. In fact, I still do this quite often, and usually to great effect both on the blog-runner’s part and their followers. One day, I got brave enough to submit a soulmate AU drabble set to a Tumblr user who is no longer on this site and a few people asked for more so, after speaking with said Tumblr user, I was encouraged to start Regrettablewritings. Now in my bio, I refer to this place as a “dumping ground” for my pieces. That isn’t just there out of self-deprecation: This was literally just meant to be a place where I put my stuff. All the ideas I had, the headcanons, the one-shots, etc. I never once indicated that this was a place that took requests.
But I should’ve known it’d happen and for that I will take responsibility for not suggesting otherwise. I was never truly set on the idea of doing requests at all because I’ve seen the stuff that people send in by the droves and there was no way I would be able to keep up or provide what was desired and at top quality. However, I feared that completely avoiding or turning down the ones that inevitably came in would result in issues. Blame my paranoia.
I’m still not entirely sure as to what to do with the requests I get. Some, I will admit, I do fulfill. But for the most part, I don’t always feel up to it. Especially considering that I have, by no exaggeration, nearly 20 ideas already stockpiled. Of these pieces, some have been in the works since I started this blog and I’m always trying to figure out which ones to focus on the most so I go, “Hey, I got this, this, and that. Which ones do you wanna see?” And you know what I always get? Nothing. Nobody says what they want from the list. So I sigh, delete the post after having it up for a week, and do whatever I can when the motivation hits me.
Not long after, however, I start getting entirely different requests. Always. I know it’s not intended, but the idea I can’t help but get is that my original content isn’t exactly what anyone is looking for no matter how much work I’m determined to put into it.
I reblog ask memes because maybe if I prove that I’m human behind the screen or showcase that “witty personality” my real life friends keep talking about, maybe it’ll prove that I’m approachable. If I’m lucky one person will message me and I have to stop myself from begging them to please ask more, lest I look desperate.
So then I figured if I reached out to the nearly 400 followers I currently have and tried to connect with them, then maybe there’d be more luck in the realm of communication. But when I tried Sleepover Saturday, only two people “showed up.” And they weren’t even the people who liked the post where I asked if anyone would do it, or the people who told me to go on ahead and do it. So that was the end of that.
For months, I’ve debating bringing up this issue. I didn’t want to look like a snooty bitch, but I also wanted to express how I felt about the situation. I may write to express myself, but I also write and in the way I do to entertain. In real life, I am very cynical and bitter and a bit of a crybaby with a bottled up temper. But the truth of the matter is, I love making people laugh and feel better. The world is already so full of shit; I just want to put a little goodness into somebody else’s day, even if it’s a weirdass fic about everyone’s favorite Cuban lawyer having a past as an adult dancer or whatever. So when it feels like I’m only needed when you want something, and then shelved until then, it doesn’t make me feel good. It makes me feel like the ideas I want to give you aren’t good enough. I know the notes may suggest otherwise, but we’re gonna put a pin in that for a quick second.
The feeling of discouragement often effects my willingness to write. I’ll still do it because, in truth, writing is one of the only things I can do reasonably well. But what’s the point in doing something well if you feel like you’re being taken for granted for it?
I ask you guys for your opinions and feelings on things because I genuinely need to know. I function by playing around with options. Any friend of mine, in real life or online, will tell you that if I’m working on a project (be it painting, fanfiction, or essay), I will throw my ideas out there or ask you for your thoughts on the matter. For fuck’s sake, I’ve heckled @xemopeachx and @ohbelieveyoume about cologne suggestions for one sentence in a piece I’ve been working on! That is how thorough I tend to be about the weirdest shit. But I also do it because I feel you guys deserve that kind of effort. I need a lot of things explained to me in depth to know how they work, so I make it an effort to use that as a means to help others see exactly what I do. I’m already hard to comprehend in real life. Please don’t let me think this effort is for nothing.
Summary: I work hard to give content but never hear anything back in terms of what you would like to see next. But when this happens, it’s like I’m posting from the void and nobody can see it. However, suddenly people are willing to fall into the void if only to make a request. I try to reach out and be more friendly, but even those are disregarded. I don’t know what to do.
Notes: Regarding Likes, Reblogs, and Messaging:
This is something that a lot of content creators talk about. If you’ve seen a post about always reblogging art, chances are you’ve seen a comment saying something like, “Same goes for fanfic writers.” This isn’t riding on coattails or anything, this is some real mess. And, on top of that, there’s an extended difference between art feedback and writing feedback. Because with artists, exposure for them can lead to commissions. Writers? We do this for free. However, this doesn’t make feedback any less deserving.
I’m not trying to complain here, but nobody writes 7-21 pages worth of content to get 100+ notes where only about 12 of them are reblogs. Now I, as well as many others, will give leeway: There is a definite stigma against people who read fanfiction and they may not want it on their blog. I get that. A lot of writers do. But when the reblog to total note ratio is 12/115, 14/192, and 13/207, things get . . . disheartening.
Because guys? Writing is HARD. I know you may see this statement all the time, but that's only because it's true: You have to remember all these words so you don't sound repetitive, you have to paint a clear enough picture without sound prose-y, you have to somehow translate exactly what the image in your head is and pray you don't lose people along the way, you have to SOMEHOW get from Point A to Point C when Point B is either exceedingly blurry or even nonexistent. And, perhaps the hardest of all, YOU HAVE TO BE MOTIVATED! It takes so much energy and focus just to write one page, especially if you have a hectic life going on beyond the screen. And guess what? A lot of, if not, all writers do!
For example: For the first two and a half months of running this blog, I wrote on my phone for most of the time because I didn't have a laptop and the only times I could use the computer lab in my dorm was when others were done with their work. (To gain a better idea of how vexing this can be, please note that A Practice in Happy Memories was written on my phone and that bitch is 6 pages in Word. Try doing that and see how tired of it you get.) And I’m one of the lucky ones: You’ve got people going through some rough stuff in their lives, people raising families while holding down a job, coming on this hell site to write and share their thoughts and ideas. I’m just some 22 year-old black chick with seasonal depression and increasingly crippling social anxiety and an aggressively negative view of the world!
Forgive me for sounding cocky, but I would like to think I deserve better than, like, 8 reblogs on a 60-noted something I literally tapped to life in-between homework and depression naps. Really, though, every writer who’s had to do this deserves better. The amount of talented writers who bust out quality content in spite of broken technology or, you know, having a life outside of the computer yet don’t get treated with utmost appreciation is unreal.
I’m not trying to shame people here, but if you can’t reblog, then reply. Or send a message. Even if it’s on anonymous. Trust me: You message a writer saying you love their crap, you will make their day and they will treasure that thing and look back on it when they feel like crap. For those of you that do reblog, please tag it. It literally only takes a few seconds. As @locke-writes put it in his own post about similar issues, writers really want/need to know what you thought. A like is equivalent to a quick nod and distant pat on the back. A reblog without a tag is a bit better, but still doesn’t get across exactly how you felt, what we did right, etc. A reblog with comments, even in the tags? Makes our fucking day!
Likes? They’re literally just the person who walks by your free sample booth, takes the sample, and doesn’t even acknowledge your existence.
I know I should feel grateful that I have as many notes as I do at all. However, a ridiculous amount tend to come from people who 1) don’t even follow me, and 2) they’re just likes. I have nearly 400 followers already and the same small handful only ever add into the notes. And even fewer actually comment or anything.
This is a common issue for a lot of writers: We just want to be seen as more than just story-making machines. We desire validation for the time and acknowledgement for the effort we put into something we feel we’re skilled at. But a lot of people may feel uncomfortable talking about it in fear of seeming ungrateful or anything but this feeling just drives them closer to wanting to quit writing altogether.
I’m not quitting Tumblr. At least, not anytime soon. But I still need you guys to know this because it’s been boiling up inside me and it’s driving me nuts. Anyway, I’m sorry if I came off as bitchy here as that wasn’t my intention. My intention was to give you a look into some part of the mind that a lot of writers have. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
Summary: Reblogs > Likes. Reblogs with comments and tags ∞ > Likes. And if you can’t reblog, reply or send a message. Your content creator worked to make that piece come to fruition and they deserve to know how they did. They’re not being paid for it despite the amount of time and energy they gave for it, so payment in the form of feedback is the least that they could be given.
In short: Appreciate your fanfic writers. Let them know what you think because every little compliment sticks with them.
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impatient14 · 8 years
EMP Theory is Alive and Thriving
I want to preface this post with this: I am in no way trying to offend or upset the people who do not believe in EMP. This show can be read in so many ways, even by the people who agree on most things. I respect everyone’s opinion. This is just mine! 
So, with that said, I want to go through some things I noticed in The Six Thatchers that (to me) are Extended Mind Palace smoking guns. Let it be said that I have only watched the episode twice so there is definitely going to be more to add to this list. 
1.) The story about death in Sumara. It was mentioned multiple times, by multiple characters. Almost like they were all given the same script. And you may be like, well, yeah, they are actors in a show, but writers do not give actors the same brain. But it is like Sherlock, Mycroft, and Norbury all share a brain. They all bring up the story without any of the characters speaking to each other about the story first. Sherlock’s dialogue is a voice over, which is not time stamped. It is possible that Mycroft and Norbury brought up the story and then Sherlock used it in his monologue to the audience, but why did Mycroft and Norbury both think of the story? Because they share a brain. Sherlock’s brain.
2.)  As @tjlcisthenewsexy pointed out, the sharks, CAM, water, and the death story are also very telling. This post/thread sums it up far better than I could.
3.) Intuition, Premonition- these words were used to describe Sherlock’s feelings about The Six Thatchers case. Premonition is defined as a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant. Sherlock is anticipating his death, and his intuition is telling him that Mary is involved. Its almost as if she is responsible for his murder in the first place…
4.) The odd transitions and reality breaks. The water imagery over Sherock’s face and in the background of certain scenes, Mycroft and his office busting just as the MT busts were doing throughout the episode, the overlay of a cracked bust on the side of Sherlock’s face. There is an argument for production style here, but its all so very over the top. Much more so than ususal for BBC’s Sherlock. Its almost like they want you to question what you are seeing…
5.) The Damn Skull. In case you can’t tell. Its glowing, almost like an x-ray. Like, an x-ray of someone who is currently laying in a hospital bed. Its fucking glowing guys. Adding onto the fact that it was blue in HLV, something is seriously wrong here.
6.) Mary and John sleeping on opposite sides of the bed from where they slept at the beginning of HLV.
7.) AJ doesn’t care about killing people enough to slit the throat of one of the Thatcher bust owners (unless it was really Mary who killed her), but doesnt shoot Sherlock when Sherlock tells him he is Mary’s friend and he will protect her. Um. Okay.
8.) Sherlock Holmes. His first and last name was said multiple times, by multiple people. Almost as if the entire world is centered around him. We hear his full name multiple times in his confrontation with AJ at the pool. “Who are you? Sherlock Holmes. Who is Sherlock Holmes? Not a policeman.” (This is a reference to ACD or canon Sherlock Holmes who is always described as “Not a policeman or vigilante, just a logical man with an eye for detective work.”) AJ’s “Goodbye Sherlock Holmes” is haunting me too, and not just because of the cheesy line. Where else have we heard someone say, “Goodbye Mr. Holmes”? (Honest question, I know its significant…help! EDIT TO ADD: A couple people have pointed out that this is what Irene texts Sherlock in ASiB. I do remember this, but it isn’t what I had in mind. I feel like I can hear someone say it…like in a threatening way the way AJ does…any takers?)
9.) “Sherlock the dragon slayer.” Mary says this to Sherlock after she gives him what looks like a wickedly smug smile. First of all, how the hell does Mary know Sherlock sees himself this way. When he and Mycroft had this conversation, she was in the middle of passing out in John’s arms. Unless she knows Sherlock sees himself this way because the conversation with Mycroft took place in Sherlock’s mind, just as this ones does. 
10.)”My Darling.” Mary begins her letter to John in the most old fashioned, cheesy way. Its not the way Mary Morstan talks…but it is the Mrs. John Watson talks- from TAB. “I don’t mind you going, my darling, I mind you leaving me behind.”
11.) Mary’s disguise on the plane was a joy to watch, but it reminded me of someone else. Sherlock. Sherlock loves disguises and theatrics. The vicar from ASiB and the french waiter from TEH spring to mind. 
12.) The number 6. Six months of bristly kisses. 6 months until SHerlock was to die in exile. 6 years that AJ was held in captivity. 6 Thatcher busts. A metaphorical 666 carved into the baby’s head. Highlighted 6 before giving us this:
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The number 6 is important to Sherlock, but why?
13.) John’s blog. There should be multiple blog posts for us to read and yet, there aren’t. Its not that Joe is no longer available, bc they’ve told us he has a project for this series…why stop updating the blog? Because there have been no more cases and John is too busy sleeping by Sherlock’s hospital bed. oH, and The six Thatchers? Already a case Sherlock solved. Years ago.
14.) Scene in Georgia. The ambassador says, “I’ve got something they’d love if I could just get out of here” (Paraphrasing). The man asks what and the ambassador replies, “Amo.” She has love. Just like Sherlock has love and has figured it out and if he could just get the hell out of that coma, out of the damn hospital bed, he could give it to John- and John would love him in return.
15.) The two lengthy rapid deductions Sherlock makes are about Mary.
16.) The white papers of doom. There are three of them. Mary to Sherlock (drugged), Exx to John (temptation), and Molly to Sherlock from John (emotional distress). There was a white note of doom in TAB too. Miss me?
17.) John’s cheating story line. It fits in with TAB (see below), but I think its more complicated than just that. We get him texting someone Hey and them replying with the same.Then we get the night time text messages. They seem to be written between people who are at the beginning stages of their relationship, but are still intimate in some way. The Its been too long and Miss you implies they’ve spent time together, but the Night Owl? implies they don’t know each other very well. So, taken alone, this could definitely be from the bus woman. John then breaks it off with his This isn’t a good idea. I’m not free. Things wont end well. It was fun getting to know you a little. I’m sorry. Then the bus stop girl is waiting for him at the bus stop and he smiles at her and then looks guilty- the same look he had when he decided to keep the paper instead of throwing it away. This is what we see. HOWEVER there is more there. First, when John opens the paper to text Exx for the first time he does so horizontally, however, the image they show us has the number broken vertically, as if the paper were folded vertically and Exx isn’t broken up.
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Then we’ve got Sherlock saying he deletes all messages from John that begin with the word “Hi”, then we see John text someone (E xx) with the word “Hey.” .The paper that the woman (E) gave John was already in her hand when she was sitting on the bus, she was fiddling with it when they made flirty eye-contact. She then wrote something on it before giving it to him, but the presence of the paper beforehand is suspicious. Almost as if she was planning to hand that exact paper to John anyway, before they even flirted. We’ve also got Sherlock telling John and Lestrade, very specifically, to take the bus home from the crime scene. Sherlock set John up. Why? Because that is the part he needs him to play. He needs John to feel guilty while Mary piles on the manipulative hero-worship and then dies in his arms. All of the text messages themselves are off. Almost like they are in code or written to different people. As if it is Sherlock writing for LiR, while channeling himself as well. 
18.) TAB. Basically the existence of TAB is the biggest smoking gun of all. Within that episode, Mofftiss established multiple things. 1.) Sherlock sometimes goes through lengthy mind palace scenarios (with the aid of drugs) to work out a case and we, as the viewer, could be subject to watching them. 2.) A bride fakes her own death with a big splat of blood and drama, then returns to kill her husband- who was cheating on her. 3.)Sherlock made a promise to someone about keeping their spouse safe, and that promise was broken. Lady Carmichael- “You promised! You promised you’d keep him safe!” John- “You made a vow!” Let it be said that Lady C was playing Sherlock there and that she wanted her husband dead all al- OH WAIT. Actually, we never get confirmation that it was Lady C that set up the whole thing. Sherlock makes that deduction, but then Moriarty shows up and ruins the reveal. Either way, its the same story line. Sherlock makes a promise to keep someone safe and fails. 4.) we have the text messages that Sherlock sends John and Mary at the end. Mary’s reads: The Curtain Rises.The Last Act.Its Not Over. John’s is just literal directions as to where to go. He didn’t tell Mary where to meet him. There could be an argument that this would imply that Mary was already in on some sort of plan to fake her death, but the exact same phrasing was used in TAB. 
19.) Mary’s video. A posthumous message that parallels Moriarty’s in many, many ways, which includes the phrase, Save John Watson. Where have we seen the phrase Save John Watson before? It was the answer to part of the skip code in TEH. John or James, indeed.
20.) “You’ve been having a reoccurring dream.” I feel like this might be an actual scene, just placed out of order. This scene might be from after Sherlock wakes up. He explains to her what he went through in his MP and she (as any therapist would do) interprets it as a dream. A reoccurring dream. That’s exactly what TAB and TST is. Its the same dream told differently. He goes to Ella after he has awoken and recovered and asks for her help in figuring out what to do with the emotions he has decided to acknowledge. (EDIT: This may actually be EMP too…read this.)
I think 20 is a good number to stop at. Im sure there will be more in the future. Please feel free to add on at your leisure. 
The most important thing to realize here is that Mary is the villain and Sherlock is figuring out how to best her, protect John, and stay alive at the same time AkA- The Final Problem. 
@monikakrasnorada @isitandwonder @tjlcisthenewsexy @ebaeschnbliah @yan-yae @gosherlocked @the-7-percent-solution @longsnowsmoon5 @tendergingergirl @may-shepard @loveismyrevolution
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haamuressu · 8 years
I'm truly sorry if this comes off as invasive and you can definitely just ignore this ask if you want to but I was wondering if you've come to some kind of conclusion with the gender thing? (this sounds so stalker-y but I remember you hinting at some kind of a confusion a while back and now your about-page says any other pronouns along with she/her are fine so I was just curious.) Sorry again if this is in any way too nosy!
hey, it’s okay! I totally get the curiosity! this is going to be a fricking long rant (sorry for having to scroll through this in advance but read more links won't work with mobile).Also: this is the first time I properly address this publicly on my blog and it feels sort of terrifying, so don’t be surprised if I delete this answer in a couple days of time. the answer is nope, I haven’t really come to any sort of a solid conclusion that I would have been able to stick with for more than a couple of days without feeling like I was over-exaggerating the issue (I don’t even know if there is an issue.) this is not to say that gender confusion isn’t acceptable or normal, I think that it absolutely is, but I really am just such an overthinker that I wouldn’t be surprised if all of this just turned out to be something that I completely made up for myself to be even more confused of what “me” means.that’s a confusing clusterfuck of a statement. I’m going to try again.basically, all I’ve ever addressed publicly on my blog is that I’ve sort of always had weird periods of time where I find myself unsure whether or not I am 100% a girl.Most times this is something I’ve brushed off by telling myself that this confusion only comes from the mindset that society has brought me up with: which is to say that my internalized idea of a girl/a woman is so narrow, that I find it hard to relate to it because I don’t relate/conform to the roles or characteristics that are often associated with my assigned gender.for as long as I know, this could actually be true. It might just be that I still have those ideas so profoundly ingrained into my brain, that something inside me tells me that “no, you cannot be a girl, because you are not like girls are supposed to be” which is bullshit because fuck gender roles and blah blah, so forth.Also: I find no particular discomfort in being referred to as a girl. I understand that that’s at least what society views me as, and I don’t find it necessary to correct anyone, no matter if the confusion actually leads to some kind of a moment of enlightenment at some point. she/her pronouns are also completely fine and so is my name, which is also very feminine.so, what exactly even is the problem? there are a few. first off as much as it’s ok for me to be called a girl, for some reason the word “woman” when used to describe me, feels very off. I don’t know if it’s just an age thing - maybe I’m just so used to thinking of myself as a kid, that the implication of being grown up feels wrong to me. might just be that, or might not be. time will probably tell.secondly: as much as being called a girl and being seen as a girl is okay, I sometimes get the feeling that that’s not the whole picture. when it comes to labeling myself, ever since I was taught the difference between girls and boys, I felt the need to place myself a bit in the middle. this was when I was just a kid. also, at 12, I vividly remember writing an essay about “instead of being blue or red, I want to be purple” (this sounds like a fucking halsey song all of a sudden) and at 13 after learning about nonbinary identities for the first time, I actually went through a short phase during which I identified as demigirl (I stopped when I learned more about trans identities and struggles, and started to feel extremely gross and distasteful for invading something that wasn’t meant for my cis ass.) so, this “problem”(/confusion) has been around for a while.I’ve found it hard to talk about this for the longest time, and I think there are actually like…three people I’ve ever really talked about it with properly? the truth is that as much as I believe that nonbinary identities are valid (science backs me up there) and not about seeking attention or trying to be special, I know that seeking attention and trying to be special are both very strong personality traits of mine so lmaooooo basically ngl I would not be surprised if this is something I completely made up in my head. btw the things mentioned above that cause this confusion aren’t the only things that have made me think about this, but this is where my ability to express them ends. I cannot describe the feeling of something I barely even know myself with words. that’s all it is, really. a feeling, that could also be wrong.then there’s also the whole deal with my body image issues and whether or not they play a part in this whiCH I DONT FUCKING KNOW but we’re not going to get into those bc this would turn into a fucking novel with three sequels if I did thatif you read this whole thing, congrats. basically nothing has to change. I might come into conclusions, or I might not. I do however fully realize that I’m privileged as fuck with all the time I have to figure myself out, and I really don’t want to compare this fuckery to the actual struggles people go through with their gender identities when being trans/nb.btw if all of this is sounds like a bunch of bullshit that I made up to be Cool and Hip then I suggest you move along instead of beating me up about it bc the chances are that whatever nasty you have to say, I have already told myself the exact same thing a thousand timespeace
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Fanfic Asks
Found here: https://itsreallylaterightnow.tumblr.com/post/615345458657771520/
1. who is the hardest character for you to write? Oh gods, it's gotta be Gar. I don't do the Spontaneous Goofy Silly thing. I just have absolutely no idea how to write a goofball because I really don't connect to Being a goofball whatsoever, especially one who's So Totally Opposite of myself. Although, if OCs count, it might also be Kary, because she's also spontaneous, but she's pretty rage-y about it and has a VERY sour attitude towards strangers, she's totally silly and teasing around friends, flirty around cute people-- she just takes a lot of energy to keep up with.
2. who is the easiest character for you to write? Dove? Does Dove count? Because she's my OC baby and I've written more for her than any other character in any universe. But if OCs don't count, it's gotta be Raven. I can write for HOURS about things like empathy, meditation, reading, the ins and outs of what emotional control does to your mind and relationships, and having A Dark Side that you're too compassionate to ever give in to. I've spent more than 15 years of my life obsessed with her, analyzing her, noticing her traits and extrapolating as much as I can based on a wealth of canon glimpses into her deeper layers. She's the character I "get" more than any other character aside from the ones that spawned from my own head.
3. How do you know if your writing is “in character”? If I can read the dialogue and hear it in their voice, I've got 'em down. c: I overanalayze a LOT about the characters: their phrasing and linguistic quirks especially, but also their actions, their motivations, their personality-- though, to be fair, Marv Wolfman did a lot of Deep Dives into what makes each character tick, which makes writing fanfic for the Titans a bit of a cakewalk. It's still tricky, especially given that I write in a sort of amalgam universe stuck between the comics and cartoon, so characterization is always a bit of a gray area. But I can generally tell if Something Is Off about a line or action. Don't always know how to fix it, though...
With only such very, very RARE exception. Some scenes are inspired by my own experience, some are inspired by other media (even if I didn't really enjoy it, if I liked a particular line of thought, a scene might sprout from that planted seed). The Final Journey was heavily inspired by a book called Toes by Tor Seidler, at least the very last part of the book.
I have no fucking idea where DDD came from though, that one honestly just spiraled way out of Dove's control, and then out of MY control, and the entire writing process was just a desperate scramble to capture her breakdown and PRAY she'd get out of all this madness alive. Yes, my own experience informed HOW to write about it, what it might feel like, but the idea for "Dove slips up So Fucking Badly she kills people"? What the HELL.
5. Do you tell the people in your life that you write fics? Everyone who's REALLY close to me knows about Dove. Some of them know about Srentha and Kary, I think few of them know about Leyla... I tell everyone I'm a writer though. And if they ask, I will proudly proclaim that I write fanfics about my original characters.
6. What has been the hardest fit for you to write? "Fic", I think that's supposed to say? But uhhhh, probably DDD. Watching Dove go through that has been... really rough. Really, really REALLY rough. (To put it into perspective, I used to write for 3-7 stories every single week. But once DDD started going downhill hard, about the time Dove's first victim happened, I became absolutely OBSESSED with figuring out how she gets out of it.
7. What fic of yours makes you the most emotional? Honestly, that depends entirely on my mood. Lovey-dovey mood? Probably either all the fluff of secretshipping, or the tragedy in Spellbound pt. II. Self-doubt and PTSD? Raven's counsel at the end of DDD. Mystical or spiritual mood? The Final Journey because of Dove being guided by Azar.
8. What is a scene you wrote that you are most proud of? Holy hells bells, the climax scene in DDD! The battle! Between a really powerful empath and a totally unhindered telepath! In a mindscape! I haven't managed to make myself really proud of the ~style~, but the CREATIVITY. The "weapons" they used! The scenery! The escalation, the drama, the consummation of everything Dove had been fighting and Raven had been fighting with her over, and then the ENDING? Gods. Writing such an abstract battle scene was a HUGE challenge, because I've never seen any precedents for it. But I really, really love the way it came out.
9. Is there one character that you refuse to write? why? ...Rrrronaldo? Not that I've done much of anything with my SU ideas, but his arrogance and Totally Missing the Real Actual Meaning of things would probably just make me angry. Come to think of it, that's also the reason I refuse to put Terra in my stories. (Aside from the fact that I would go fucking insane from trying to figure out what the HELL her mindset is alone, what's her plan, what the hell did "Things Change" mean, etc. I just can't do it for her. And I don't forgive her.)
10. When you write fics, how much of canon are you willing to ignore/skip over? Veeeery, very little. I only have Three Anti-Canon Rules in my fanfics: 1.) The Brotherhood of Evil wasn't able to break an ancient and powerful curse that took Raven A FUCKING WEEK to LEARN how to break! So Malchior can't have been released by them. 2.) Sons of Trigon was a bad fanfic and doesn't exist in canon. I absolutely 10000% refuse to acknowledge anything in that story. And 3.) We don't talk about Things Change.
11. Do you prefer to be cold or hot when you write? Oh, cold, absolutely. I've written in an 85F room with two cups of ice water and three fans before, so it's not like I can't write in the heat when I'm really inspired, but I'm so sensitive to heat that I have passed out while sitting when it was just 75F outside. But cold... Cold I can THRIVE in.
12. What is your ideal writing area? My room. Somewhere quiet, peaceful, calm, separated, and where I know I won't have people trying to read over my shoulders.
13. How do you come up with your titles? I try very, very hard and hope I've come up with something that Sounds Nice AND Makes Sense. (I'm still debating the title of "Fire and Flight: The Keys to Igniting a Pacifist Heart". 'Flight' because that's what Srentha's name means, and it's his debut story, but like.... Fire only means Devastating Things to Dove, so I'm reeeeally fighting myself on that. I love the poetry in the title! But like.... couldn't the poetry be a little less devastating? But my brain refuses to spit anything else out. And also, that Day of Fire was a pretty important plotpoint, since it's the whole reason they were separated...)
14. How do you come up with chapter titles? Usually picking something that Sounds Cool and Has Relevance to the most important aspects of the chapter. I'm still really proud of calling a chapter of DDD "Sins of the Father" BEFORE Marv Wolfman used that phrase for Raven!
15. At what point in writing a fic, do you decide to quit? Who says I quit? The only way I'll quit a fic entirely is if I don't want to write it anymore. But because of the aforementioned Curiosity and Drive to Learn about what the heck is happening in these scenes in my head, that rarely ever happens. There have been exactly Three (3) fics that I quit writing. ~ 1.) The Titans/Pokemon crossover, because I realized I had no idea what to do with a Misdreavus in Titans Tower. (That one actually got published, but then deleted in a fit of Self-Consciousness because I was convinced people would find it cringey. I really wish I'd kept it because it was a cute idea, at least... and nowadays I can think of so MANY things! I never even wrote her meeting Silkie!) ~ 2.) The shameless self-insert where comic!Raven showed up in my room one day because I realized I had no plot ideas whatsoever, I really just wanted to write about meeting Raven in an actual physical sense. ~ 3.) Misery's Company, my Ruby Gloom fanfic, because frankly that was another shameless self-insert fic, and I realized I had no idea what to do once we got Misery back to Gloomsville. And then I realized I didn't have any particular motivation to even write it THAT far. I just totally lost interest. I didn't want to write about the rest of the Gloom crew. And I utterly lost touch with the magic in the show. I couldn't write in the style that meshed so WELL with that fic anymore. It's actually still up for adoption, I just have to find someone willing to actually adopt it.
16. How much of your personal life do you put into fics? Mhhhh, only as much as is relevant. Mostly writing from experience With Situations and Feelings, though I don't insert my reactions into how others would handle their experiences. DDD probably got the most so far. Although I can't lie, I've also found myself consulting some of my own experiences when writing for Raven as well. Like what empathy feels like... but it's mainly for things like Deciding Which Descriptive Words to Use.
17. What is the most supportive comment you have gotten? Ooh, that's hard! I've gotten several good reviews that really motivated me-- they were all on fanfic.net, but maybe the one that was like "The originality is too great to be lost" on DDD? Or the review I got for the Unforeseen revamp that was like "It flows like silk" and talking about how much better it was than the original!
18. What is the most negative comment you have gotten? All the accusations of Dove being a Mary Sue? Yeah. She never WAS, but I didn't know how to write a bio about her without comparing her to Raven, so nowadays I can see why they went there.
19. How do you handle negative comments? Back then, I sent a pm and asked them to clarify. Nobody ever did... 8F But nowadays I mostly just ignore it.
20. What story that you have written makes you the happiest to re-read? Either really triumphant or really soft moments. I love the gentle moments between Dove, Srentha, and Leyla. I love the plot progression in Something Special. I love the revamp of Mystery Sickness, seeing how far my writing has come. I love reading any tender scene between Srentha and Dove. Dove's memories with her mother are so formative and important and sweet and special. I love how peacefully Dove and Srentha's marriage scene came out. There are just so many that make me happy...
I also wrote a really cute scene between Steven, Lapis, and Amethyst where they made a sort of roller coaster for him because he was banned from FunLand and that's just an adorable sweet idea, but I never fully wrote it, whoops.
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internetdetectives · 5 years
8/24/19 - Chat with Moonman and GHOSTBABEL
Slinky stinks 12:04 AM: "Tenebris is here already, we can't undo that, and I'm sorry 4 that again, but we also opened the door for moonman right?”
otherLiam 12:04 AM: "I don’t think so. He’s still trapped.”
moonman31 12:04 AM: "No i'm not”
Slinky stinks 12:04 AM: "Boom”
otherLiam 12:04 AM: "Oh shit.”
Slinky stinks 12:04 AM: "Plot twist”
otherLiam 12:04 AM: "I also just saw your PM Moonman.”
otherLiam 12:04 AM: "You’re welcome.”
otherLiam 12:04 AM: "Good to see you back.”
Slinky stinks 12:05 AM: "Yeah it's nice to have you here again”
otherLiam 12:06 AM: "How’re you feeling?”
moonman31 12:06 AM: "To be honest not great”
moonman31 12:06 AM: "I have had a strange time recently”
otherLiam 12:07 AM: "Don’t overtax yourself, I imagine you’ve been through a lot. What exactly happened to you?”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "Okay”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "I am going to try and explain this best as I can so please don't think I'm crazy”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "Everything was fucking weird”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "I can't really explain it, but it was like I was exactly where I normally am, but also not.”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "You can tell you're in a different space, and then eventually you realize it's a completely different place”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "and then slowly reality becomes this nightmarish psychedelic vision of echoing traumas”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "but also maybe not”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "that is how I perceived it”
moonman31 12:07 AM: "and it was terribl”
ADULT_LINK 12:10 AM: "damn that sounds fucky”
Slinky stinks 12:10 AM: "That sounds so bad”
moonman31 12:10 AM: "At some point I heard a song”
moonman31 12:10 AM: "it was really loud and then…”
moonman31 12:10 AM: "something appeared”
Slinky stinks 12:10 AM: "Oh yeah…”
moonman31 12:10 AM: "I don't know”
moonman31 12:10 AM: "Actually that was the second time I heard a song”
moonman31 12:10 AM: "the first time was soothing and I felt like I was being drawn back towards home”
moonman31 12:10 AM: "but the second song just”
Slinky stinks 12:11 AM: "I think i know what that may be, tho I can't confirm it because I wasn't there”
moonman31 12:11 AM: "ripped shit asunder”
moonman31 12:11 AM: "and i saw something”
moonman31 12:11 AM: "and then it ran off into somewhere”
moonman31 12:11 AM: "here maybe”
moonman31 12:11 AM: "i don't know”
Slinky stinks 12:12 AM: "First of all, I'm sorry and then, I'm pretty sure that thing you saw was an statue”
moonman31 12:12 AM: "That was no fucking statue”
ADULT_LINK 12:12 AM: "lets not assume we know what he saw”
Slinky stinks 12:12 AM: "As I said I can't confirm it but..”
Slinky stinks 12:12 AM: “Oh nvm”
moonman31 12:12 AM: "well after that i continued to follow where the first had been leading me, but everything was moving too fast”
moonman31 12:12 AM: "the third song that played made me realize it was all of you”
moonman31 12:12 AM: "and i reached out you pulled me back here”
Slinky stinks 12:14 AM: "Okay it kinda makes sense”
Slinky stinks 12:14 AM: "The order of the songs”
ADULT_LINK 12:15 AM: "sorry if we caused you any duress btw”
otherLiam 12:15 AM: "That lines up with what we know.”
otherLiam 12:15 AM: "The second song being the Elegy, and GB doing his giggery-pokery to bring AO back doing something similar.”
moonman31 12:16 AM: "wait”
Slinky stinks 12:17 AM: "Thank you for the info, and also sorry if we pushed you too much or something”
moonman31 12:17 AM: "GB?”
otherLiam 12:17 AM: "GhostBabel, yeah. You met him. I think you called him edgy and made fun of his font.”
moonman31 12:17 AM: "it just”
moonman31 12:17 AM: "makes me think of something i saw while i was there”
otherLiam 12:18 AM: "What’s that?”
moonman31 12:18 AM: "right before the last song was played i saw an image”
ADULT_LINK 12:18 AM: "oh?”
otherLiam 12:19 AM: "What of?”
moonman31 12:19 AM: "IT'S ON MY DRIVE”
moonman31 12:19 AM: "WHAT THE FUCK”
Slinky stinks 12:20 AM: "That looks a lot like patrem but green”
Slinky stinks 12:20 AM: "Just spitballing”
otherLiam 12:21 AM: "Alright, easy Moonman. We’ll figure this out.”
moonman31 12:21 AM: "shit man”
Slinky stinks 12:22 AM: "Yeah that whole trip sounds so bad, hope you get better or something”
otherLiam 12:22 AM: "They’re just trying to freak you out, man.”
moonman31 12:22 AM: "ɪᴛ's sɪᴍᴘʟᴇ, ɪ ᴡᴀs ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴛᴏ ʙʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ sɪᴛᴇ ᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴇᴛ sᴏ ꜰʟᴜsᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ɪᴛ's ʙᴇɴᴇꜰɪᴄɪᴀʟ.”
moonman31 12:22 AM: "wljfhaslkdfg\”
moonman31 12:22 AM: "i didnt type that”
otherLiam 12:22 AM: "uhh.”
otherLiam 12:22 AM: "Hi, GB.”
ADULT_LINK 12:22 AM: "um”
otherLiam 12:23 AM: "Cmon, don’t scare the guy right now.”
ADULT_LINK 12:23 AM: "gb did you hack moonman?”
moonman31 12:23 AM: "ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀʟʟ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴅᴏ ʙʏ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ɪ'ᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴠᴇɴᴇ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛᴇᴅ ꜰɪɴɢᴇʀs ᴜɴɴᴇᴄᴇssᴀʀɪʟʏ.”
moonman31 12:23 AM: "this is really fucked”
moonman31 12:23 AM: "and stop dele”
otherLiam 12:23 AM: "Moonman, what you saw was GhostBabel trying to help you. That image is probably on your drive because, well... that’s where he is right now.”
Slinky stinks 12:24 AM: "He is deleting his text while he types”
moonman31 12:24 AM: "ɪ'ᴍ sᴛɪʟʟ ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢstop”
otherLiam 12:24 AM: "Y’all. Take turns.”
Slinky stinks 12:24 AM: "Babel why don't you use your account? Moonman has been through a lot”
ADULT_LINK 12:24 AM: "lmao at least warn the dude before you just start typing on his account”
moonman31 12:24 AM: "eklfa;w;jflalwr56y”
moonman31 12:24 AM: "i think he's stopped for now”
ADULT_LINK 12:25 AM: "you're gonna scare him man”
otherLiam 12:25 AM: "I think GB is currently inside moonman’s computer. Using his own account might not be an option.”
otherLiam 12:25 AM: "You can relax though, Moonman. GB’s a large part of the reason we were able to get you out of there.”
moonman31 12:25 AM: "motherfucker”
moonman31 12:25 AM: "he took over chrome and put me on EDGE”
moonman31 12:25 AM: "on my SECOND screen”
otherLiam 12:26 AM: "Alright now that’s just cruel.”
Slinky stinks 12:26 AM: "lol”
otherLiam 12:26 AM: "At least give him Firefox.”
ADULT_LINK 12:26 AM: "sorry he's fuckin with you lmao”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:26 AM: "ᴛᴜᴛ ᴛᴜᴛ. ᴀᴛ ʟᴇᴀsᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴇᴛ ᴀ ʙʀᴏᴡsᴇʀ.”
moonman31 12:26 AM: "fuck”
Slinky stinks 12:26 AM: "Hello babel”
otherLiam 12:27 AM: "Babel: Why are you in Moonman’s PC?”
otherLiam 12:27 AM: "Moonman: Do you have any idea how you actually got into that state?”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:27 AM: "ɪ ᴜsᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴇʟᴏǫᴜᴇɴᴛ ʟᴀɴᴜᴀɢᴇ ʙᴜᴛ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴇ ɪ'ᴍ ᴀ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ᴘsʏᴄʜᴏᴘᴀᴛʜ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴡᴇɪʀᴅ ʜᴏɴᴏʀ sʏsᴛᴇᴍ?”
moonman31 12:27 AM: "I know it was nocta”
moonman31 12:27 AM: "somehow”
moonman31 12:27 AM: "or at least he coordinated it”
Slinky stinks 12:28 AM: "Well, Babel is a good and classic internet Troll”
Slinky stinks 12:28 AM: "Wink wink”
otherLiam 12:29 AM: "Slinky, your humor license is still revoked.”
otherLiam 12:29 AM: "Last time you made a joke you submitted a mask”
Slinky stinks 12:29 AM: "Oh yeah I forgot”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:29 AM: "ᴜɢʜ, ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇꜰᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀs ᴀɴ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴᴇᴛ ᴛʀᴏʟʟ. ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɢʀᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀɴ sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ʟᴏᴡʟʏ sᴇʟꜰ ᴀssᴜᴀɢɪɴɢ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴀs ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ᴍʏ ᴇᴠɪʟ ɪs ʟᴇss ᴊᴏʟʟɪᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴀʀᴛ.”
moonman31 12:30 AM: "psychopath is right I guess”
otherLiam 12:30 AM: "Well, Nocta being behind it doesn’t surprise me. Worth noting that Moonman isn’t banned anymore, either.”
Slinky stinks 12:30 AM: "I mean you type in a special way, you mess around sometimes but you also help us, idk that sounds a lot like a hs troll to me lol, jk”
otherLiam 12:30 AM: "Slinky.”
Slinky stinks 12:31 AM: "Okay I'll stop now”
otherLiam 12:31 AM: "Please stop antagonizing the psychopath.”
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:31 AM: "ɪ'ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ sᴜʀᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜs ʀᴇꜰᴇʀs ᴛᴏ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ʀᴇꜰᴜsᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ. ɢᴏᴏᴅʙʏᴇ.”
moonman31 12:31 AM: "homestuck bitch”
moonman31 12:31 AM: "aw he left”
otherLiam 12:31 AM: "annnd he left.”
Slinky stinks 12:32 AM: "Okay, I must go to sleep now, I'm glad moonman is back, and I hope he gets better, good morning for me lol”
otherLiam 12:32 AM: "gnight slink.”
moonman31 12:32 AM: "I don't think this is over but thank you all”
moonman31 12:32 AM: "I am going to eat and rest.”
otherLiam 12:32 AM: "No, it’s not over yet. But at least you’re safe now. Take care man.”
0 notes