#i am not getting up 30 minutes early to put makeup on on a daily basis like its just not happening
soracities · 1 year
honestly i think the reason so much of forced makeup/beauty culture absolutely does not work w me is not because i have some kind of unshakeable confidence in myself (i absolutely do not lol) but because no ad campaign on earth (nor any amount of shaming for that matter) will ever be able to match the sheer brutality of my stubborness & RESENTMENT at anyone & anything trying to make me do something i absolutely Do Not Want To Do.
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imstillaghost · 3 months
Hunger games day 3
Total eaten: 497
Total burned: 503
Net: -6
Pounds until GW: 4.8
I lost another pound since yesterday so I am allowed a 500 calorie limit.
I’m gonna be vlogging today!! Idk if I’ll post it but if I do then it’s gonna be on Pinterest. This vlog has been MONTHS in the making of just making draft videos and practicing editing. Hopefully it’s good and lemme know any feedback yall have.
Do you guys want it to just be daily life or entirely ED related? I’m thinking of doing both. Either way today I’m trying to be super productive. I woke up early, did some studying, then woke up my lil bro (who went back to sleep on account of the fact I literally woke him up with police sirens) and then woke up my dad so he could take me to the gym (it’s 5 am atp but that’s how I usually wake up my family) I did some interval training (311 burned) and got an iced caramel machiatto tall with low fat milk (or was it non fat?) (65 eaten). Now I’m home about to take a shower. (I am already at an unhealthy level of caffeine).
After work I had a donut which was not enough carbs to break ketosis cause I only had half. (95 eaten) and then I went to get a pedicure.
I’m obsessed with this book series “stalking Jack the Ripper and I wanted to put the books on hold in advance so I didn’t have to wait too long to get the next book and the LAST BOOK JN THE SERIES IS UNAVALIABLE so I’m buying it on Amazon.
After my pedicure I got sushi! I got a California roll and a tuna roll (224 eaten)
I took a wicked nap and then layed in bed for 30 minutes
After that I had dinner which was some shrimp and broccoli.(178 eaten) then I practiced for my dance recital tomorrow. (171 burned)
Took a shower, put on some pajamas, did my skin care to wash off my makeup.
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lgcmaylin · 2 months
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𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘. Wordcount: 726 Gif credit ©
✗ A Day in the Life of Maylin.
this was a new challenge for maylin. documenting her life in one day seemed like a lot to think about, and what she can and can't showcase during her filming. though the brunette decided not to overthink it too much, whatever the editors wanted to cut, they could do so without maylin feeling bad about their decision.
6:00 am.
this was when maylin woke up almost every day, the sound of her alarm gently playing in the background as she had already gotten up to set up this camera to catch her waking up. it was clear that while she woke up super early, the trainee wasn't a morning person at all. she sat in her bed for another five minutes, simply sitting and staring into space before getting up to do her daily morning routine. this consisted of flossing, brushing her teeth, washing her face, and putting out very minimal skincare alongside her regular amount of makeup. all of this was done in silence, there were no words to truly be said so early in the morning yet.
moving on to preparing her breakfast, this is when maylin began to speak in a whisper, not wanting to fully wake up the other girls in the dorm. "I'm not having anything special… just some leftover rice, kimchi, and the stew I made last night," she spoke while getting her food together, even making a snack for herself later that had yogurt, granola, and fruits in a container that was placed back in the fridge.
7:00 am.
by now, maylin is seen making her way to the company.
she expressed while walking that she likes to get to the studios earlier, just to squeeze in some alone time to stretch and truly get her mindset prepared for a full day of training. "in the midst of it all, the company is preparing for another family concert." she started, entering the studio's and placing the camera down so she could talk and stretch at the same time. "this would be my fourth… fifth, concert preparation and each year it gets even more exciting than the last." and one of the only times she could fully perform on stage with a crowd. the thought of doing this every year pushed maylin harder to achieve her goal of debuting.
when training began, and not giving much away from the practice session, maylin didn't want to record too much and take her focus away from learning - but she did record a good portion of her dance practice with the other trainees.
while maylin liked to eat alone, she met up with a close friend of hers for lunch, taeha. deciding to eat outside of the company that day, the girls went to a cafe close by. they spent the time they had eating and chatting with one another, catching up on the things they missed during their phone calls. maylin could be seen laughing along with her friend, sharing photos and even small ghost stories that she learned during the week.
6:00 pm.
maylin was now home, eating bibimbap that she picked up on her way back to the dorms. she sat at a desk in the corner of the room, her glasses on as she had placed the camera in front of her. "this is normally how my life is outside of school. if I was back in that routine, you guys would probably see me bouncing around a bit more from the college lifestyle to being a trainee at night." and how she juggle it all, along with her other hobbies? maylin doesn't know. she continued to chat with the camera about how excited she was to learn a new routine and dance with the other girls. she is the happiest performing, and dancing, of course. there would be a small twinkle in her eyes as she spoke.
8:30 pm.
her hair was visibly damp from her shower, now doing her skincare once more before letting her hair air dry as she went back to bed. this time, she turned on a small reading lamp that she installed on her bed. she was journaling in the dark, then reading a book before growing tired. her video ended here, of the young woman indulging in a fantasy book that would keep her up all night if she allowed it to.
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noodlecontuco · 11 months
5:50 AM
I open my eyes. I've been sleeping for only three hours, but strangely, I don't feel extremely tired. I turn off the alarm and close my eyes again. It will ring again in only five minutes, so I better get the best of them.
5:55 AM
I turn it off again. I promise myself that I'll get up the moment the next one goes off.
6:00 AM
I spring out of bed and sit on the edge of the mattress, anticipating the dizziness that will surely come over me in just a second.
6:01 AM
There it is. Right on time. My vision goes dark for a moment and I try to keep my eyes open for as long as I'm able, enjoying the feeling of losing my sight for a short amount of time. Sometimes, I like to act like I'm blind, turning all the lights off and closing my eyes. Letting my hands recognize everything around me the same way my pupils would if I just let them. I don't commit to it for a long time, though. Just for a shower, or a morning dressing up.
6:15 AM
I'm all dressed up already and I start putting makeup on my face. I have a final exam today, and I need to do it for the character I'm going to impersonate. I put concealer over all my zits and the scars that I left on myself when I scratched them too much. Every time I use makeup, I need to put on more concealer.
6:23 AM
I look at my watch and wonder if I have time to have a decent breakfast. I glance at the expiration date on the cream cheese and decide that I will eat. Not because I'm particularly hungry, I never am so early in the morning, but because it will go to waste if I don't finish it in a week. I tell myself that it's for my own good, that it will give me more energy, even though I never actually felt that difference on the daily basis. I try to quiet down the voice that says that I should eat less. I fail.
6:48 AM
I look at my watch for the last time before heading out. I'm satisfied with how early I'm getting out, even though I know I will spend at least forty minutes sitting in silence in an empty classroom until all my classmates arrive at eight. I put on my earphones and take the bus to university.
7:23 AM
I arrived early, of course, so it's just now that I see another one of my classmates step into the room. They all start to arrive, and my mood goes up the moment my teacher says we'll play a game I'm particularly good at to finish waking us up.
8:30 AM
I won the game. It's finals time.
8:35 AM
I just talked to the teacher. My group will be the fifth one to be examined.
9:40 AM
It's my turn already. I wonder if it will go okay for the last time, but I don't get enough time to dwell on it. It's my turn to step into the scene.
9:50 AM
It went well. Hell yeah it went well, it went better than all of the times we have practiced it before. Still, a tiny worm in my ear starts to point out the things I did wrong during the acting. I try to shut it up. I fail.
10:00 AM
The teacher gives us a break and I eat the apple I sliced this morning in the kitchen, while I was trying to keep my eyes open. I share it with a friend.
10:07 AM
Google Photos reminds me of what I was doing a year ago. I try not to cry.
11:13 AM
All the groups have finished. It's time for our teacher to tell us how it went. I'm nervous, but satisfied with my work.
11:50 AM
The teacher doesn't tell us anything good. He keeps glancing at his notebook in silence, then looks up like he's about to say something and goes back down. He finally says that, basically, he doesn't buy it. He sees through our acting, he can tell that it's acting. I see it too. But I don't know how to fix it.
12:27 PM
I wait outside of the classroom in silence, while my classmates all talk around me. The teacher agreed to tell us, in groups, if we passed or failed the exam. I'm no longer sure of how I did it.
12:39 PM
It's finally my turn. I passed, but I still ask my teacher for a way to correct my own acting. I ask for a manual, for a guide, but he tells me that a thing like that doesn't exist. I start getting a bit anxious. How am I supposed to improve if I don't know exactly what to correct? I passed this test, but if I don't improve now, when will I?
13:00 PM
I didn't speak to anyone on the way out. I just sat on a bench outside of the building and called my mom. I always end up calling my mom. I vent to her, and she tells me that if the professor can't tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong, or can't tell me of a way of improving, then he's the one that's a bad teacher. I appreciate the effort, but I know it's not true. My mom doesn't get the "there's no manual for this" situation.
13:07 PM
I take the bus back home. In silence, I look out the window and my mind starts to enter a snowball trainwreck of thoughts. To the point where, when I finally get home, I encounter an unpleasant but sadly familiar question;
«Am I actually cut out for this?»
I actually wrote this ages ago, but I just happened to come across it now so
0 notes
keeptheotherone · 3 years
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Mecation: Day 1 
I once read social media described as an indulgence of the fantasy that others are interested in the details of our lives. I’m indulging in that fantasy this week by blogging about my Mecation under the guise of travel blogging ;)
If you follow me in even the most casual way, you know I’m a nurse. While I’ve enjoyed the vast majority of my 23 years as such, I don’t recommend it during a pandemic. The last 18 months have been the second-worst mental health period of my life, demoted to that position not because of the mildness of my symptoms but simply because at 15 I didn’t have the experience or perspective to realize my life was not, in fact, ruined forever.
COVID increased my personal vulnerability as a high-risk patient and made my job immensely more difficult in countless ways both small and large, but the worst part of the pandemic for me (so far) is it took away all my coping mechanisms precisely when I needed them most. Massage, pedicures, dinner out with friends, travel ... all gone practically overnight. Pre-COVID I travelled all the time--home to my parents’, long weekends by myself (Mecation!), annual visits to BFFs, conferences, tourism, the beach, my birthday, writing trips, international trips ... I always had at least one trip in the works, usually one booked and one (or more!) in the planning stages. 
When COVID started, all my close friends and family except for two lived out of state. One of those two was out of town but close enough to get together, but the other was a few hours’ drive away. I’m single and live alone; it was the most isolated I’ve ever been in my whole life. 
With my bestest friends over 500 miles away, I still feel that way sometimes. I haven’t seen them in a year. If it weren’t for COVID, it would only be 7 or 8 months (I’ve gone every January or February since ... forever). Then again, if it weren’t for COVID, I wouldn’t have been there last September; one had been hospitalized and I needed to see she was all right with my own two eyeballs. I expect it will be at least another 7 or 8 months before we get together again, bringing the total to about 20 months. One year we saw each other 5 times in 9 months, our personal best since college. 
I was alone on Christmas. Oh, I’ve spent December 25th on my own before; I’m a nurse. I’ve worked the night of the 24th or the 25th (or both), or whatever combination that didn’t leave enough time off to drive home. But I’ve never spent the Christmas season without my parents. Sometimes the week before, sometimes the week after, sometimes at my place instead of home, but always together. But last Christmas COVID was raging, the vaccines had just come out but were only available to first responders (I got mine on the 23rd), and my elderly parents didn’t feel safe to travel. So I spent Christmas without family.
Travel was not just a break from my daily routine and the stress of nursing; in many ways, the biggest benefit travel made to my mental and emotional health was giving me something to look forward to.  Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick,” and ohhh, I was so heartsick last year! Not being able to travel meant I couldn’t visit my best friends of almost 25 years (more than half my life!). Not being able to travel meant I couldn’t lean on my dad or be hugged by my mom. Not being able to travel--and not knowing when I could travel--left this gaping hole in my future, and I had nothing to fill it with. 
I tell you this not to throw a pity party but to explain the significance of the trip I’m on right now. It is only my third this year: my dad and I spent a week in the mountains in February (my depression and anxiety was so bad then that was treatment, not vacation), I took a friend to the beach over my birthday, and now I’m a couple hours from home at a nice spa hotel. (I’m not counting my nephew’s graduation, which was emotionally challenging for multiple reasons, or helping a friend move from Florida. Moving is never fun.)
I started planning this trip in the spring ... May, maybe? You know, after the vaccine rolled out to everyone and case counts were dropping and it looked like we were gonna lick this thing and have a quasi-normal summer by the Fourth of July (yes, I’m American. That date is a proper noun here.). I had switched jobs in November (don’t ask) and gone on mental health leave December 29th, so I felt I owed it to my unit to put in about six months of work before taking any significant time off, especially since I came back at 24 hours instead of 36. That meant September.
I knew what I wanted to do: 4 or 5 days at an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. I’d been before and loved the freedom of not worrying about every little expenditure (what can I say, I’m cheap), and a few days of Vitamin Sea sounded perfect.
Then came Delta.
All right, maybe going out of the country isn’t the best idea, I thought. Don’t want to end up with expensive reservations and then your destination closes to Americans, or you make it to your chosen island but can’t get back home. But I didn’t want to fly (ugh, airports!), I didn’t want to drive (rest stops and restaurants and gas stations), and while I thought about taking the train, it didn’t seem much of an improvement (and maybe a downgrade) on flying.
Then a friend mentioned a sleeper car, and I thought yes! That could work! I’ve never been to New England, I want to go to Boston, that area of the country has low case rates and the highest vaccination rates, this has potential! 
Then I looked at the CDC map. There were only four states that didn’t have high transmission at that time (early August, I think; I’d had to wait for confirmation that my time off had been approved): Michigan, Rhode Island, Maine, and New Hampshire. All four had substantial rates of transmission. Hardly ideal, but one thing I’ve learned this year is sometimes you have to make compromises to protect your mental health. It is true it doesn’t matter if you’re happy if you’re dead; it is also true it doesn’t matter if you’re safe if you want to kill yourself. (I’m not suicidal, I am receiving treatment, don’t anybody panic.)
So, now I’ve settled on Maine or New Hampshire by train via sleeper car (Michigan is too far for a 4-5 day trip and RI--meh). Well, as I got deeper into planning, turned out Maine or NH were awfully far too. Far enough I would have to overnight in a major city, which pretty much defeated the purpose of isolating in a sleeper car. Then I found out there were no sleeper cars on either train route.
So, now vacation is 5 weeks away and I’m back at square one. The Deep South, Texas, and Florida are imploding. Pediatric cases are rising--kids are sicker and make up a higher percentage of cases than they did last year. Scuttlebutt from my ICU colleagues is it’s bad--17/30 MICU beds are COVID and they’re all vented. SICU is being nicknamed “the ECMO unit.” The hospital has 18(!) ECMO machines and 12 are in use; the float nurse who tells us that didn’t even know we had 12 because she’s never seen that many in use at one time. Hospital-wide our numbers are equivalent to early February (we peaked in January). There were six--SIX--pediatric rapid responses in one day. 
And I’m going to travel.
It’s a big deal ... a big accomplishment, really, because of what it says about how I’m successfully managing my anxiety. April 1 was the first time I’d been inside a grocery store in more than a year ... and that wasn’t my idea. It was late April or May before I was comfortable eating in restaurants, even with the falling case count at the time. I’m still not sure if I’m managing my anxiety or reacting to the pressure by going to the opposite extreme (I have a history of that), but I know I’m less stressed, less anxious, have fewer obsessive thoughts, fewer physical symptoms, and am learning to live with this disease. 
So, here I sit at a marble-topped 5-foot-wide desk in my queen/queen hotel room at the end of a productive and enjoyable day. I slept in, completed the big goal of this weekend’s to-do list that I honestly thought would take several days, unpacked and organized my room (I arrived yesterday evening), reorganized my Favorites Bar and Bookmarks on my Mac, had an 80-minute aromatherapy massage, enjoyed a shower in the spa afterwards and even blow-dried my hair(!) before wandering around for a while to get the lay of the land and get some steps in (this place is huge!). Then I changed clothes and took myself out to dinner for my favorite food, Italian. 
That’s me in the picture up top, all dressed up :) Actually, I probably look pretty normal to y’all; like most people with depression, my personal hygiene sunk to new lows in the last year and a half, and as a low-maintenance person to begin with, that’s saying a lot. I bought that necklace as a bridesmaid and am not sure I’ve worn it since; this spring was her 10th anniversary. Yesterday I took out the cat-shaped earrings Dad gave me for Christmas. (Yes, they were gross. Yes, I cleaned them. Yes, I’m wearing them again now.) Just wearing a nice top, fixing my hair (no ponytail or claw-clip bun, my staples), and adding jewelry was a big deal ... especially since “no one” was going to see me. I did it just for me, to make myself feel good. And I did. (That’s another small pleasure COVID took away from me--lip gloss. If I wore any makeup at all, it was lipstick or gloss. Utterly pointless when you’re masked whenever you’re in public.)
I took my laptop to dinner and edited a couple chapters of my new Charlie/Amy fic (previewed during #ktoo turns 10), ran a couple errands, and headed back to the hotel since I don’t like to be out late by myself in an unfamiliar city. Forgot I put my receipt envelope in the backseat pocket and reorganized the glove compartment looking for it, then gathered a bunch of returns into a bag in the trunk. Hung out writing in the lobby until my Mac threatened to die, came upstairs and tidied up, put on my jammies, and talked to you guys :) 
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vagabondedlife · 4 years
Kei Fujiwara’s name is hardly recognizable to most fans of Japanese cinema despite her crucial role in director Shinya Tsukamoto’s early cult classics. As Tsukamoto’s “right hand” woman in the 1980s, Fujiwara became closely involved in his underground theater troupe, Kaijyu Theater, and contributed to the productions of the experimental and DIY films The Phantom of Regular Size (1986), The Adventures of Denchu Kozo (1987), and Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989). Her credits include actress, cinematographer, prop artist, makeup artist, and set-designer (her apartment was used as a primary set). She also engineered Tetsuo’s iconic phallic drill.
Born in Kumamoto in 1957, Fujiwara moved to Tokyo in her early twenties and discovered theater troupe director Jūrō Kara, who became her mentor. After a decade, she created her own troupe called Organ Vital, which underwent a series of evolutions but remains her life work. Her new project this year is Ibunkitan, a form of micro-nomadic theater, whose kanji characters mean “strange-listen-machine-story.” A private person now living in the reclusive mountains of Nagano, Fujiwara rarely gives interviews, but seemed excited to talk about her rarely discussed directorial debut, Organ (1996).
An avant-garde exploration of violence, pain and pleasure with an operatic amount of coagulated blood and extrasomatic body horror, Organ follows two detectives after they break into an organ harvester’s warehouse and collide with yakuza gangsters, a drugged doctor, and his eye-patch wearing sister Yoko, played by Fujiwara herself, who also produced and wrote the film. A cherished work among hardcore fans of Japanese cult cinema, Organ is still ripe for rediscovery. The film’s offerings of a full-bodied sensorial experience and an abusive questioning of cruelty prove tirelessly relevant.
Fujiwara’s work was recently revived at FFFest in New York City with a double feature of Tetsuo: The Iron Man and Organ. Fujiwara prepared a special statement that was shared as an introduction. Following the screening, we had the opportunity to speak to the artist about her life, practice, and ideals in more depth. The conversation was held over the phone in Japanese.
NOTEBOOK: Is Ibunkitan a new Organ Vital?
KEI FUJIWARA: Yes, it’s a new Organ Vital. When I was young, I lived in the rural area. I always just read theater but never had the opportunity to see state-of-the-art theater. When I was in high school, I was always reading, and I picked up an Antonin Artaud book that featured this French term. It meant the vessels of life. When translated to English, I’m told it just becomes, “vitals of organ,” or something, but in Japanese it is called gozōroppu and to me signifies the corporal. That’s the name of my theater company, and it has always been that for me. Born into this three-dimensional world with bodies, we sense and express. That’s what’s interesting in life. Ibunkitan can be done in a very small space. We’ve done it in temples, in the corner of a shop, in salons. Our first performance was in March, and we’re planning to do another in November. We've been invited to perform my new Jomon-inspired piece in a live-house in the mountains in Nagano, so we’re preparing some woodwork for that now.
NOTEBOOK: You were working in Shinya Tsukamoto’s Kaijyu Theater production between working with Jūrō Kara?
FUJIWARA: Jūrō Kara, my mentor—when I was in Jōkyō Gekijo [Situation Theatre], he took a liking to me and wrote roles for me. A lot happened, and Kara said he would make a new troupe with me, but I had other plans, so I left once, and he said, “As my mentee, you can leave but wait for me to come get you.” That’s when I went to work with Shinya Tsukamoto on his plays and films. It was after Tetsuo: The Iron Man [1989] that Kara started the new troupe “Kara-gumi” and I returned to work with him.
NOTEBOOK: How was it that you began working with Tsukamoto?
FUJIWARA: I had just left Kara and after a while a friend said that Tsukamoto was looking for someone to act in his plays. He was Tsukamoto’s classmate and an actor, and he made the introduction. I found Tsukamoto interesting and talented. So, I began working diligently as his right hand after that.
NOTEBOOK: I wanted to ask you about Tsukamoto’s 1987 film, The Adventures of Denchu Kozo.
FUJIWARA: Denchu Kozo and Tetsuo were actually both shot in my apartment where I was living at the time. You know all those cats? I couldn’t rent a normal apartment, so I had to live in a cheap nagaya tenement house on the verge of getting demolished. I just needed a place to live that permitted pets. Denchu Kozo and Tetsuo’s interior shots are all at my place.
NOTEBOOK: Are the scenes projected in the TV monitor in Tetsuo from Denchu Kozo?
FUJIWARA: Yes. They’re from Denchu Kozo.
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Above: Organ
NOTEBOOK: What turned you onto making Organ, if you were always only interested in theater?
FUJIWARA: That was because of my experience filmmaking with Tsukamoto. It prepared me for how arduous it would be. Theater is an impermanent art, and that’s why it’s such a luxurious art form. But film is like capturing a world in a crystal ball. The joy of creating film is like making your own universe. My staff members at the time— six men other than myself—were all talented, and I thought, “Everyone’s here, why don’t I just make it?” So, all the staff also became the actors, and that’s how we started filming. But it was so difficult at first. We used the atelier space we had and reformed it over and over and shot it like that. It was time-consuming. It became the warehouse set, the school set. It kept on transforming. We did it all in the same space.
NOTEBOOK: That seems like a very theatrical way of using space.
NOTEBOOK: But first, you started writing it?
FUJIWARA: Yes, I first started writing it. I’m actually not very good at planning. I just think that if I put my mind to it, I can make it happen. So I wrote the script, and had the staff pool in their savings. Between the seven of us we had 200,000 yen, so I thought, “Great, if we have 200,000 yen and one reel of film is 5,000 yen, and even if we bought lights, we can make 30 minutes of footage.” As for the equipment, there are countless aspiring-filmmaker boys who have camera equipment lying around collecting dust, so we borrowed from them. As for the set, we were all used to making it for our theater. We were good at foraging free stuff to make things. That warehouse set in the beginning of Organ was made with an extremely cheap budget. Then we started filming. All those organs in that scene were worked from what was supposed to be our dinner for the day [laughs]. We used real food. We took some gelatin- and konjac-noodles and thought, “This can look like veins!”
NOTEBOOK: And then you had it for dinner?
FUJIWARA: Well, we ended up not being able to, because it was covered in fake blood! It was all about how little money we could spend and still make something, which was a valuable lesson for me.
NOTEBOOK: You’ve mentioned the Kenji Miyazawa poem, Ame ni mo makezu1.
FUJIWARA: Yes, I just really like Kenji Miyazawa. I like the way he thinks, and his philosophy. He’s a Buddhist, and as I haven’t studied Buddhism properly, I cannot say for sure, but I think his seimeikan, or view of life, is on par with that of Osamu Tezuka. Osamu Tezuka and Kenji Miyazawa are two gods with the same perspective regarding seimeikan. No matter how great their art is, Yoshihide Otomo and Hayao Miyazaki can never reach Osamu’s level. Osamu’s core is love. There’s only love. The way they think about life is totally different. I was reading manga before I was literate [laughs]. I like Osamu Tezuka, but also Sanpei Shirato. And in my teens, I liked Daijiro Morohoshi. He’s an extremely interesting person.
NOTEBOOK: Do you think that your films need to be discovered?
FUJIWARA: They need to lock in perfectly with someone’s desire to watch it, or else watching it has no meaning. It just appears as a confusing, grotesque film.
NOTEBOOK: Please tell us about your make up and special effects.
FUJIWARA: Since Tetsuo, my method is always the same. I don’t have any background knowledge of special effect makeup. I just have a gut feeling of what can and can’t be used. Tsukamoto had these drawing storyboards for Tetsuo, like the steel body and the drill penis. For the latter, Tsukamoto just wanted to make something simple and said it would be enough if we could just pretend like it was moving, but I thought it would only be interesting if it actually moved. I didn’t have any hi-tech skills, so I thought, “That’s it!” I took the nearest working electric fan, dissembled it down to its core, used all the rubber and tape I had at home, sprayed it up and got it to go, vroom [laughs]! It was the same for Organ. I used household products, mostly kitchenware.
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Above: Organ
NOTEBOOK: What about your cinematography?
FUJIWARA: I had no background knowledge. The first time I started shooting was on Tsukamoto’s set. A lot of people who graduated film school and wanted to help were there, but Tsukamoto didn’t trust any of them. Just because you have technique doesn’t mean you can shoot well. He thought that the person wielding the camera needs a certain amount of power, of energy. So I, who had never touched a camera in my life, was given the camera and told where to press to get it rolling, and shot all of the scenes Tsukamoto was in.
NOTEBOOK: Do you still shoot with a camera lately?
NOTEBOOK: As the occasion for this screening was FFFest, Female Filmmakers Festival, could you comment about your experience as a female filmmaker?
FUJIWARA: Something men don’t have—there are two types: female filmmakers who focus their perspective on their immediate surroundings and daily lives, and those who focus on creating a worldview from the even more intimate bodily perspective. That’s what’s a little different from male filmmakers. Even in theater, most female directors write familial narratives, although I don’t [laughs].
NOTEBOOK: The podcast Ladies Horror Night, on the occasion of this screening, recorded an episode that raised the question of why you, a female filmmaker, didn’t include more female characters. I’m not sure about this pressure for female filmmakers to represent female subjects, as I think there’s power in the female filmmaker re-writing the male-centric story. Can you speak on this and how you came to write the police story in Organ?
FUJIWARA: When I think about seimeikan—our view of life—it appears to me that the moral judgment of good versus bad is not something universal, but just a rule that protects our lifestyle in society. It’s a regulation. We make regulations to protect ourselves. That takes the form of “good” and “evil.” But that’s not the good and evil that holds ground in nature. Animals kill other animals for their own predation, right? Humans, too, in the context of war, can kill other humans and become heroes. The concept of zen-aku, or the notion of good and evil, is just a societal regulation. The police represent upholders of this regulation. And then there are those who defy this regulation, who lie in a realm completely different from this conventional morality. Organ is a clash between these two groups. That’s how I formed the police narrative. As for why there are few female characters, well… In the case of females, expressing them requires—for many, not all—a focus on the micro world, the micro perspective, that is, if you pay attention to their priorities. In other words, if you have a goal and you want to finish something, but she says she needs to take a bath at this certain time and cannot participate, there’s nothing you can do. In my theater, only men can keep up with me. Because of this standpoint, if a woman were to express a woman, she would need to create a micro world. But when describing a police story, a macro worldview, the direction would lose focus.
NOTEBOOK: It would become more internal?
FUJIWARA: Right. That’s why there aren’t as many female characters. But the wife of Numata represents the reality for women. And also the female teacher who approaches the criminal but gets killed. Woman participated in this way. But it’s hard for them to take leading parts for the narrative. It’s hard to let them be there and have their perspective be represented, because their perspective is in a different dimension.
NOTEBOOK: What about the character you play, Yoko?
FUJIWARA: Yoko is outside of that realm. She’s an outlier. She doesn’t represent family or the household or the joy of daily life, because she didn’t enjoy any of those things. That’s why she can exist there.
NOTEBOOK: How did you direct your actors in Organ, was it different from how you usually direct them in theater?
FUJIWARA: It’s the same. The only direction I gave them in Organ was that they only get one shot. I don’t give actors multiple takes. If there’s a camera or equipment problem that requires another take or two, I’ll do it. But I won’t do it for the actor. The actor has one chance, the take. But, on the offhand that the actor makes a mistake and requires a take two, I tell them they need to buy their own film roll. That was the rule. So, no one ever made a single mistake. They were all dead serious, completely focused. They’re all broke and have no money to buy film.
NOTEBOOK: In that sense it’s theatrical.
FUJIWARA: Right, and I had one actress tell me that that it was brilliant. She said, “I do lots of work for TV and film, but everyone is so lukewarm and they do take after take, and think about it so leniently. But there’s none of that here. The one take is the real thing.”
NOTEBOOK: So, that urgency was good for the actors?
FUJIWARA: Right. They said they couldn’t afford to buy their own film.
NOTEBOOK: If you give theater actors the same direction for film, how does that work? The performances in Organ don’t come off as exaggerated; I doubt a viewer without knowing would assume they are all theater actors.
FUJIWARA: There’s no difference. In theater, my scripts are like music scores. The lines come out and dance, modulate, sing, calling on the innate sensation playing the instrument that is yourself on stage. The actor, with this music-score-as-script, has a multitude of possibilities of how to play it. In film, the scripted character is a part of the environment. They are simply material for the scene. I didn’t need to explain this to them, they naturally just became materials for the scene.
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Above: Organ
NOTEBOOK: That’s a good transition into my next question: can you talk about your music and sound design direction?
FUJIWARA: Music is difficult. What I say doesn’t get across, because I was working with new people. They hadn’t even seen any of my theater. I like German bands, something strong and hard. But even if they mimic the Germans, the Japanese can’t avoid making music that doesn’t sound soft and weak. One day I said, “Make it more powerful, something that alludes to the power of nature, more animalistic and sturdily-built,” and they said, “Okay.” The demo they brought to me literally had animal sounds, like elephants wailing and dogs barking, and I was like, “…That’s not what I meant” [laughs]. It didn’t get across. But there were some interesting sound bites that I could use. But Japanese band musicians can’t get over their own softness. I think what they have is different.
NOTEBOOK: So you’re not happy with the results?
FUJIWARA: Well, I’m the type of person that thinks, que sera, sera. So I wasn’t satisfied, but…
NOTEBOOK: You’ve mentioned that you a very easily scared person. But in Tetsuo and Organ, your characters say, “I won’t be afraid.” How do you interpret this difference?
FUJIWARA: When I came to Tokyo in my twenties, the first theater directors I met said they’d never met anyone as weak and sensitive as myself. They didn’t think I could live on a few years longer, much less do theater, and that I might find myself drugged up in a brothel in the near future. Kara was the only person that ever said to me that I was the strongest person he’d met. In other words, the fear and strength that I have appears to others as a weakness that can barely withstand life, but it’s just my highly sensitive nature they see. In actuality, I’m very strong. I feel very easily, so that seems weak, but my capacity for empathy is just very large. I feel others’ pain and sadness so strongly that I throw up thinking about them. That’s why I don’t watch TV or read the newspaper. Or else I would be crying all day [laughs].
NOTEBOOK: Watching Organ feels like you’re making the audience feel this extreme pain you describe.
FUJIWARA: Yes, that’s the result of the film. My second film, ID [2005], is even more so.
NOTEBOOK: In addition to fear and pain, pleasure is another large theme. After the screening, someone told me your film was grotesque but something about it was so pleasurable. How do you maintain that balance?
FUJIWARA: I think humans, in order to live, can’t cut those away from existence. If you deny desire, you’re not human. The existence of such things causes our misery, too. Thus, desire and slaughter are inescapable. My fear and sorrow regarding this, and my questioning what are they anyway. That’s what I wanted to portray.
NOTEBOOK: What’s interesting about your portrayal of violence is that Yoko uses the gun as a weapon but doesn’t shoot from it. The one time she tries to shoot at her father, it wasn’t loaded. She mostly hits with it.
FUJIWARA: When I act a role, it needs to be real for me to imagine it. I can’t shoot a gun just like that. I need to feel it. Whenever I do something I feel a corporal build-up that can’t just be released by shooting away.
NOTEBOOK: Shooting it would be too easy?
FUJIWARA: An action needs to be taken. The body and the heart are connected. It’s not that easy.
NOTEBOOK: What was the biggest challenge in shooting Organ?
FUJIWARA: The most difficult challenge was the first scene, in the warehouse. When the doctor and yakuza fend off the police while trying to dissect the man. That shoot was in the middle of summer, but we had to close off the warehouse because it was a night scene. It was hot, smelly, only men, and everyone’s body odor was suffocating the room. That was really difficult. At the time there were seven of us, and now there are three of us, just Takahashi, Mori and I. In Organ, all the actors take on multiple roles. Whenever they weren’t onscreen they were doing lights or shooting. We shot it scene by scene in order. I remember towards the end of the film, during the scene in the tunnel, when my role Yoko comes in on a bike and there’s a fighting scene, we couldn’t get a permit to shoot. We were able to shoot outside the tunnel on the road but not inside. But I badly wanted to shoot inside so we went at midnight, and the characters got all bloody and we were shooting, and the police came. They thought it was a real yakuza fight and took off the safety on their pistols and were about to shoot at us. We thought we were done for. The character Yasuda, who later falls into the ditch and gets stabbed with a Japanese sword, was responsible for getting the permits and he had all the documents on him. So, he came out from the ditch all bloody and with a sword in him, screaming, “We’re shooting a film!” terrifying the police even more. While he was negotiating with them we finished shooting the scene. The police just told us to be safe and left, but it was all thanks to him for putting his life on the line. We really thought we were going to get shot. Usually film shoots have large crews and it’s obvious, but in our case, all the crew were also the actors, so it was hard to tell, and the lights were hidden.
NOTEBOOK: What about the camera?
FUJIWARA: Yes, but it was a small 16mm Scoopic, and the police were so focused on the bloody actors they didn’t notice it. The police were terrified, but it was a great location and I just needed to shoot there no matter what.
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floralguccistyles · 3 years
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oh my goodness guys, this is the last chapter of wildflower before the epilogue. I will gush over all the feels in the epilogue, so please enjoy this chapter until then.
wildflower :: chapter five
...and kisses you
My eyes were crusted with sleep, even though I had probably gotten only an hour.
My apartment still held enough stuff for me to sustain a healthy-ish habitation for about three days. Eventually, I would have to go back to Lily’s apartment and get some work clothes and my makeup products. For now, however, I just cuddled deeper into my blanket and stared at the window. 
I knew my phone would have a thousand and one text messages and missed calls from Lily. I knew the responsible thing to do would be to let her know I was okay and safe and that everything was going to be fine, but the truth was...I didn’t know if everything was going to be fine. Seeing Kent had shaken something in me, but what was even worse were the feelings of betrayal and stupidity.
I’m just someone who has been in love with you for over ten years.
That meant every school dance, every family movie night, every trip to Matilda’s doughnut shop, he had been hiding his feelings. And I felt betrayed. Not because I had suspected he would end up with Lily. But because I felt...dumb. I felt oblivious for not knowing, especially when my sisters seemed to. I felt betrayed because it was like everyone was in on it except for me.
And I felt betrayed because maybe if I had known earlier…
I groaned, rolling over to stare at my ceiling. I didn’t want to focus on the what ifs. The damage was done. I had a crush on Niall, he may or may not still be in love with me, and all I wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry.
Eventually I pulled together enough willpower to pick up my phone. As expected, I had thirteen text messages and six missed calls from Lily. She seemed to have told Violet as well, because even my younger sister had texted me with a hesitant, you okay? But the one thing that made me sit up in my bed was the voicemail notification from Niall.
“Hey Rose. Lily’s freaking out. She doesn’t know where you went. We’re trying to give you space, obviously, but could you just confirm where you are? Violet thinks you’re at your flat, which is fine. Just let someone know, yeah? I’m...we’re worried. I get it if you never wanna speak to me again. I just...I’m sorry, Rose.”
I replayed it back. And then a third time.
And then I grabbed my purse and dug around in it until I found what I was looking for, crumpled at the bottom and sprinkled with what might have been biscuit crumbs. My hands shook when I held it, but I took a deep breath.
“Premier Health Services Center, how can I help you?”
I had only been to a therapy office once.
It was shortly after we had moved from America to Ireland. I was a little too young to know what was going on, but my parents had wanted us to see a therapist just once to make sure we were adjusting well. From what I remembered, he was a very nice man who smiled a lot. I’m sure four-year-old Rose talked his ear off and he reported back to my parents with full confidence that I was adjusting just fine.
Somehow, I didn’t think this appointment would go the same.
The office itself was nice. It was decorated with muted shades of navy blue and white furniture. I imagined this relaxed some people, but all I could think of was that this place needed some color. My knee bounced up and down and I stared at the clock. My appointment was scheduled to start in two minutes, and I suddenly wished I had scheduled an early morning appointment so I would be too tired to try and escape.
Doctor Hildegunn’s door opened and an older man stepped out of the office, holding a tissue in his right hand. I assumed he wasn’t Doctor Hildegunn, considering I had seen a picture of the therapist and she was a tiny Swedish woman. I found her walking behind him, giving him a gentle smile.
“Have a good day, Devon,” she said to the man, her voice soothing and soft. I wondered if that’s why people liked her so much. “Rose Fairbrough?” Her eyes cut across the space to me, and she smiled again.
I nodded, ceasing my knee-bouncing and standing up. I took hesitant steps into her office, which thankfully had more color than the lobby of Premier Health Services Center. Her chair was green velvet, like one of those couches straight out of the 1970’s, and I found myself relaxing a bit. Books littered her wall behind her, ranging from psychology books to what looked like William Shakespeare.
The couch she gestured for me to take a seat on was the same green velvet of her chair. I gingerly moved the throw pillow so I could sit, returning my leg to it’s knee-bouncing. “Um, my sister recommended you. She’s a student at Dublin University.”
She nodded. “Violet. She’s one of my clients. She told me she was going to ask for my card for you.”
“Right. And,” I gestured to her office, “here I am.”
“And what do you want to discuss today?”
I raised a brow. When I had made the appointment, I had specified that it was because of a sexual harassment that I thought I needed to work through. At my quizzical look, she grinned.
“This appointment is about you, Rose. We can jump right into the sexual harassment, or you can talk to me about your family. This is about you.”
“I don’t want to talk about my family,” I said, shaking my head. “I just...I want to get over this whole thing. I ran into...my harasser, I guess...two days ago. I just froze.”
“Do you feel comfortable sharing the details of the harassment?”
“It’s not severe or anything. I think that’s why I was so hesitant to make an appointment in the first place. I know people have been through worse, and I didn’t want to make it seem like a big deal.”
“If it’s affecting you and your daily life, it’s a big deal, Rose,” she said softly.
And it was affecting my daily life. It had been affecting my life for the last year. So I told Doctor Hildegunn about Kent’s proposal, about not feeling safe at my job and the shitty response from Human Resources, and I told her about seeing him outside of the antique store. I told her that I was afraid to sleep alone, so I hadn’t slept in my apartment for a year.
But then I started talking about other things.
I spoke about how I was sad to give up my apartment, and about how I felt about Lily and Violet going behind my back to try and get me to a therapy appointment, and about how I pushed away the people I loved and who loved me.
I didn’t dare mention what had happened with Niall. I didn’t think my heart could take it at the moment.
Doctor Hildegunn listened as I spoke so much my mouth went dry. She retrieved a water bottle from a fridge she had hidden behind the little desk in her office and I took three big gulps as I waited for her to say something.
When she did, it wasn’t what I had been expecting her to say. “Do you genuinely think therapy is going to work for you?”
“W-what?” I stuttered out.
“You said you were hesitant about therapy because you still wanted to feel normal. Do you feel abnormal sitting here in a therapy setting?” 
“Yes,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I know therapy will help, but I just feel wrong sitting here. Maybe it’s the guilt. I mean, the girl at Niall’s school—”
“You shouldn’t feel guilty about being affected by what happened to you, Rose. You know that, right? Your feelings are valid.”
I didn’t say anything, just picked at a thread on my sweater.
“At Dublin University, there’s a sexual assault survivor’s group. They meet every Monday at 5:30 PM. I think, if you’re open to that, going to it could be very beneficial. Sexual assault or harassment is a big deal, even if you don’t want to believe it is. There are people in there who feel the same as you. That someone has it worse, so they shouldn’t complain. But this group will allow you to complain, Rose. They won’t judge you. They’ll understand. I’d like to see you once every two weeks, but if you aren’t comfortable with that, we can work something out.” She set aside the little notebook she had been writing in. “Going to therapy and attending these group meetings...they don’t differentiate between what you call ‘Normal Rose’ and the Rose you are now, here getting help. They’re just going to help you transition into a new normal.”
A new normal. The idea of a new normal scared her. She was so used to bottling up how she felt for the sake of others. She was used to staying in the receptionist job because it was secure and safe. 
And she was used to how things were with Niall.
“Here’s the information for the group,” Doctor Hildegunn said, handing me a bright yellow sheet of paper. “Try it out, see if you like it. And if you’d like, we can schedule an appointment here in two weeks time.”
I left the office with a therapy appointment in two weeks and the bright yellow sheet of paper tucked underneath my arm. I put it in my car’s glove box for safekeeping, knowing that the time and place of the meeting was seared into my brain. 
My phone beeped with a text. I was expecting it to be Lily, since I had blearily texted her yesterday morning before I had made an appointment with Doctor Hildegunn that I was safe, but to my surprise, it was my younger sister’s name that popped up.
How’d it go? Doctor H is really cool.
On a whim, I pressed the green phone button next to her contact.
“Rose? You good?”
“I have a favor.”
“Yeah, I’m good too. Got a ninety-seven percent on that biology test I was stressing about. Thanks for asking.”
“Do you want to go apartment hunting with me today?”
It was silent on her end. “Flat shopping? You...you aren’t gonna live with Lily anymore?”
No, I decided. No, I wasn’t. “No. I need to get my own place. And maybe giving up the apartment I have now is a good thing. I need someplace fresh. So, will you go with me?”
“Wouldn’t you rather go with Lily?”
She tried hard to mask it, but I heard the hopeful lilt to her voice. I never called her out of the blue to hang out with her, and I definitely didn’t include her in big life decisions. It was always Lily I ran to. And while Lily was still my rock and would be until the end of my days, when I heard Violet sound so hopeful, I knew I had made the right choice.
“Nope. I’ll pick you up in twenty. We’ll get some coffee.”
“Okay,” she said, and I heard the barely contained excitement. Then, a pause. “But I bought the coffee last time so you’re buying today.”
The second I stepped into Lily’s apartment, I was enveloped in her arms. 
“Are you okay?” she asked softly, pulling me in close. She backed up and put her hands on my shoulders, then did a double take when she saw Violet behind me. “Vi?”
Violet waved. “Hey, Lil. We’re starving. Do you have those take-out menus in that kitchen drawer still?”
Lily gestured in the direction of the kitchen with a confused look on her face, like she was still trying to piece together why Violet was at her apartment and why we had come there together. Violet went off in the direction of the kitchen, rummaging around in the drawer as Lily pulled me over to her couch.
“Are you feeling alright? Why is Vi here? Not that I’m complaining, but it was kinda the last thing I expected.”
“She was helping me go looking for apartments.”
Lily’s brows furrowed. “You went apartment shopping? But....but Rose, you know you’re more than welcome to stay here.”
I did know that. And I loved Lily for it. “I know. But I’ve got to get out and start living my own life again. I think getting a completely new place might help. Also, I went and saw Violet’s therapist today.”
“Oh yeah, how was Doctor H?” Violet asked, coming back into the living room with the menu for a Vietnamese restaurant in her hands. “We all good with pho for dinner?”
I told them about the appointment. “She also suggested I go to this support group. She thinks I might like it better than therapy. I’m going to try going once every two weeks to meet with her, but I...I don’t know if therapy is right for me. I know you guys want me to go, but I’m just gonna try this group. Can you live with that?”
To my surprise, it was Violet who clapped my shoulder in an encouraging gesture. “Yes, Rose, we can live with that. We just want to make sure you’re talking to someone. You don’t really talk to us about this kinda stuff, and I know it’s shitty for you to keep it all in.”
“Woah,” I said, unable to stop myself from lightening the mood, “someone’s getting philosophical.”
She grabbed one of the throw pillows and hit me across the face with it.
“Now the next order of business,” Violet added, looking towards me, “what are you gonna do about Niall?”
And that was the question, wasn’t it? What was I going to do about Niall? “Lily you’re...you’re sure you don’t love him?”
“I never did love him, Rose. And I can assure you he never loved me. Nothing past how best friends love each other. If I did like him in that way, I can assure you it would have been squashed by the amount of times he talks about you when I’m with him.”
“He talks about me with you?”
Violet rolled her eyes. “How have you not noticed? The man doesn’t shut up about you.”
“I never noticed. Maybe I just didn’t want to notice, because the idea of liking Niall like that was off limits to me. I thought he was going to end up with Lily.”
“Well, do you think you could like him?” Lily asked.
I did think I could. I think there was always a small part of me that had, buried somewhere under the surface. It was why I always felt lighter around him, like the weight of the world transferred from my shoulders when he walked into a room. “I don’t know if I love him as much as he loves me. Not yet. And I don’t want to hurt him.”
“He’ll understand that, Rose. He sprung it on you. You just need to talk to him.”
But did he even want to talk to me? I hadn’t outright denied him, because he had left before I could process his confession, but I had hurt him. I had so carelessly uttered the words that unknowingly hit their target; he wasn’t my boyfriend. 
Lily’s phone buzzed from the coffee table, and we all stared at it. It was her ringtone for Niall, so there was no question about who it was that was calling her. She reached for it, answering it and bringing the phone up to her ear. It was so silent between the three of us that I was sure I could hear the trees shaking in the wind outside.
“Hey, Ni,” Lily said, looking towards me. “Yeah, she’s here. She spent the night at her apartment the past two nights.” She paused, listening to his response. “I’ll ask her.” Pulling the phone away from her ear, she put her hand over the speaker so she could whisper to me. “He wants to talk to you.”
I held my hand out for the phone. Violet leaned in to try and hear what Niall would say, but Lily slapped her arm and gestured for me to go into the other room. As I padded across the hardwood, I listened to Niall breathing on the other line. “Hey.”
“Thank Christ you’re alright. No matter how mad you are at me, please don’t ever leave without a word like that again, okay? You had Lily and I worried sick.”
I smiled a little at his worrying. “Alright, Mom, I’ll check in next time.”
He laughed, and the sound sent a trill of longing through me. The chuckles tapered off, though, leaving us in silence again. “And are you? Mad at me, I mean?”
“Niall, why would I be mad at you?”
“Because I pushed. I should have respected your boundaries. I was just so...fucking disgusted about what that asshole had done to you. I took it out on you, and I shouldn’t have.” I heard movement on the other end, and I could imagine him running his hand through his hair. “And then I sprung what I did on you—”
“Can I come over?” I interrupted.
“You...you wanna come over?”
“Yeah. I just think we should probably have this conversation in person.”
He took in a shaky breath. “Yeah, okay. You can come over.” It was impossible to miss the nerves in his voice.I could envision him standing in his living room, destroying the perfect hairstyle he’d constructed himself because he kept nervously tugging at it. “I’ll see you in a few, then.”
“See you in a few.”
I hung up the call and handed Lily’s phone back to her. Looking between her and Violet, they were both looking at me with questions in their eyes. They wanted to know what the hell was going on with Niall and I. But if I were being honest, I wasn’t really sure what was going to happen either. 
“Well...are you going to change? Because you look rough,” Violet said after a few quiet moments. Lily reached out to slap her arm again, but I oddly found myself grinning.
“Yeah, yeah I’m going to change. I’ll be right back.” I started walking to my room only to hear Violet shout something about me needing to look sexy, which resulted in a cut off grunt when Lily hit her with a pillow. 
Dressed in a white cropped top and red flared jeans (that made my butt look amazing, if I said so myself), I walked back out into the living room and let my sisters approve of the outfit. Lily was quick to toss my keys at me, promising that she’d drive Violet wherever she needed to go so I didn’t have to rush home. 
As the two of them sat on the couch and argued over whether or not I should wear a sweater, I was filled with affection for the both of them. I knew things wouldn’t change overnight, but seeing us hang out like this made my heart warm. “Hey,” I said softly, interrupting their bickering. “I just wanted to say thanks. For worrying about me. I...I know I might not show it much, but I love you guys.”
“Gross. Who are you and what have you done with Rose?” But Violet was smiling as she said it, rolling her eyes when Lily stood up and immediately hugged me. “Well now I just feel like a bitch if I don’t join in the group hug.”
Hugging Violet was a new experience. Of course, as her sister of twenty years, I’d hugged her before. But this felt different in a way I couldn’t explain. When we all pulled away, I flicked her in the forehead and laughed at her protest. 
“Now go and get your man! Your butt looks great in those jeans, by the way!”
I wasn’t really sure which sister had yelled it out to me, as I was already halfway out the door by the time it reached my ears. I hopped down the steps in front of Lily’s apartment, slid into my car, and drove the road to Niall’s place. As I loomed closer, my heart started pounding wildly in my chest. 
I knew there were consequences. What if I told him I wasn’t quite at love yet with him, and he rejected me because he’d spent too many years waiting? What if he realized, like I had, that I pushed people away and he decided it wasn’t worth it? 
My car slowed when I passed by his apartment, but my heartbeat didn’t. He was already waiting outside, standing on his porch in jeans and a light purple shirt that looked amazing on him, just as every piece of clothing he owned did. He was watching me with those incredible blue eyes, filled with wariness. 
“Hi,” I said breathlessly when I got out of my car and walked to meet him.
“Hi.” He frowned at my arms. “Christ, you cold? C’mon, I don’t want you to freeze.”
“I’m fine,” I said, but he wasn’t listening. He was fidgeting to try and get me inside, to prolong the inevitable. He led me to his couch and made sure I was comfortable before setting a little coffee cup in front of me. I swallowed, my breath catching in my throat when I saw the words written on the side.
I’m sorry, Rose.
“I am sorry. I know I probably ruined everything. I hurt you by demanding you go and see the therapist, and I handled the whole thing in such a rotten way. I’m just—”
I didn’t let him finish, leaning forward and throwing my arms around him. I pulled him close, impossibly close, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted him to sink into my skin and melt into my bones. “It’s not your fault, Niall. I don’t want you thinking that.”
His arms were slow to wrap around me, but when they did, his entire body relaxed in a sigh. And despite my worries, I knew that we were going to be okay. If we ended up something more, I would be ecstatic, but if we didn’t, I knew we would survive. We’d push through, just like we had with everything else. Because Niall Horan was not something I was willing to lose.
Still holding him in my arms, I pulled my face away from where it had tucked under his chin and briefly pressed a small kiss to his cheek.
“Don’t,” he whispered, his voice rough. “I can get over these feelings, Rose, I swear, but you’ve got to give me time.”
“What if I don’t want you to get over them?”
He drew me away from him, eyes wide as he stared at me to see if there was any hint of joking on my face. I didn’t know if he was satisfied with what he found, but I continued on.
“I like you, Niall. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve liked you as long as you have me, but I need you to know that it’s not one-sided. When you said you...you loved me...I was caught off guard, but I was never angry with you. I was angry with myself because I didn’t want to hurt you. And I did, even though it was the one thing I wanted to avoid more than anything. You always feel things so much, and I think that’s always scared me. I’m terrified because you love me, and I just don’t know if I’m there yet. These feelings for you are new and I’ve barely had time to adjust to them myself, and I don’t want to hurt you by not loving you as much as you love me. But I can, Niall. I can love you that much, I promise. You just have to let me try. You can’t give up on me. If you don’t want to, if this is too much work, I understand.”
He was silent for a moment. His eyes were on mine, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. The color had always been beautiful to me, but now there was something else there. An emotion I realized was pure happiness. And then, feather light, his hand raised and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.
“But...you do have feelings for me?” I mutely nodded and was completely unprepared for the smile that grew on his face. “I’ve been waiting ten years to hear that you love me, Rose. I can wait a little longer.”
My nose wrinkled. “Don’t call me Rose. It feels weird. It’s Rosebud or nothing else.”
His laugh was loud and clear, the kind that I realized I had only heard around me. It was his Rose-laugh. “I can live with that.” Some of the mirth left his eyes, but he was still smiling at me. “Can I...can I kiss you?”
I grinned. “You don’t have to ask, Niall.”
“Yes, I do.”
I brought my hand up to his face and smoothed my hand over his cheek. “I know you do. And I really, really like you for it. Now shut up and kiss me, Horan.”
“If I’m not allowed to call you Rose, you are absolutely not allowed to call me Horan.” Before I could protest, his hands were on my cheeks and his lips were on mine.
I don’t think I ever thought about what kind of kisser Niall would be. Even in my little short fantasy at the antique store, I hadn’t really imagined what it would be like kissing Niall. I had just imagined that it would happen. However, as his lips slanted over mine, I was happy I hadn’t imagined it.
Nothing I could have thought up would ever hold up.
His hands were on either side of my face, his thumb running back and forth across my cheek. They moved to my neck, tipping my chin up and giving him better access to my mouth. His lips were smooth and soft, moving against mine lightly. But I didn’t want lightly. I wanted him to kiss me like he meant it. 
I moved my own hands to his hair, pulling him closer and leaning up on my knees on the couch. He let out a breathless laugh against my lips, his arms moving to wrap around my waist. My mouth pressed incessantly against his, never drawing too far away from him before he pulled me back. He ran his tongue along the seam of my lips, and the feel of it made me sigh out, so incredibly happy that I didn’t know what to do with myself.
“Did I mention,” he asked between nips and bites and licks, “that your arse looks great in those pants?”
“That’s what Violet said.” I continued kissing him, unwilling to stop. “And that was kind of the point.”
“It’s not really fair.”
I shrugged, pulling away long enough to press a kiss to his throat. He groaned, leaning his head back against the couch. “That was also kind of the point.”
“I mean, you’re killing me.”
“And you’re not getting it.” Another quick bite to his lower lip. A moment where his hands slid lower on my hips. “The point.”
He grinned sweetly, pulling away from my mouth. “You kill me no matter what you do, Rosebud.”
“How about when I accept the job offer? Do I kill you then?”
“You’re accepting it?” He laughed, wrapping his arms fully around my waist before standing from the couch. A rather unsexy squeal left my lips and I clamored against him, trying to hang on to his shoulders as my feet suddenly left the ground. “I’m happy for you, Rosebud. And yes, even then, you kill me.”
“I will legitimately kill you if you don’t put me down.”
“No can do, sorry. I just got you in my arms, I’m not letting you go anytime soon.”
Even though his words were incredibly cheesy, I couldn’t help but smile. “Dork.” 
The look on his face, the lightness in his eyes. I caused all of those things. I was the reason for them. The knowledge of this sent a thrill up my spine, and had me smiling softly at him, unable to resist reaching out and touching his chin, pulling him towards me for another mind numbing kiss. “Thank you for loving me, Niall.”
“It’s the easiest thing in the world, Rosebud. You know what won’t be easy though? Giving Violet her five hundred bucks.”
My eyes went wide. “You knew about the bet?!”
“Your family is very bad at keeping secrets. I reckon it worked out though, yeah?”
I stared at him, focusing on the happiness I felt. “Yeah, it worked out.”
He silenced my thoughts with another kiss.
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rezdogsyonder · 4 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Tall!Reader
Summary: Peter has found his soulmate but does she feel the same? Basically a soulmate au but different
Warnings: kidnapping, drugging,
A/N: Peter is aged up. Also I changed his powers just a tiny bit just one thing and the rest is the same.
This peice is unfinished and it will remain unfinished because I’m leaving tumblr and will not be returning. If you wish to continue this you may.
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Fuck. Not right now. Not today.
That’s all you can think as you’re nearly late for your first day as an photographer. It isn’t the first place you wanted to work for but you need the money. Well probably not a “real” photographer. You’re not hired for the job on a regular basis, but for their front page photos of Spider-Man. It’s cool, Spider-Man won’t let anybody else take his photos.
Well, it’s not really your first day but it’s the first day that Jameson is actually considering you as his official Spider-Man photographer. Before you usually would email him asking if he needed more photos and now he is finally now telling you that you’re going to be the official photographer for the weekly Spider-Man pieces.
You have started a blog for the hero and hopefully it will gain traction and maybe you’ll get to make an income from it. But for now you have to sell your photos to the Daily Bugle.
The rent is due Friday and you get a check from the gas station you work at that day, it won’t be enough to cover it though. But with a check after each batch of photos you provide will put you way over the green this pay day.
You’re rushing about your medium sized 1 room apartment. This place was a gem, the only reason this place was as cheap as a studio is because a billboard was directly across from the extremely large windows. Lighting up your entire apartment. It didn’t bother you much, it saved on electricity from never having to turn on the lights and all you needed was blackout curtains in your room.
You are not changing shirts but you squeeze into a pair of black pants. The grey boyfriend cardigan getting tucked in the back, but it doesn’t deter you from running to the bathroom and vigorously brushing your teeth. You’ll have to forgo the entire makeup routine but you have time for foundation and mascara.
Rushing back into your bedroom you pull a pair of socks from the top drawer of your dresser and look at your alarm clock. 9:42. 18minutes till you’re late. Well you know in Jameson’s eyes you are already late but he screams at you no matter what.
Your second shoe is tied, you got your purse and it has your wallet, phone, and keys already. You run out of your room and in the hallway of the complex. Fuck, locking these doors seems to be the longest part of leaving. 3 locks, self installed with the extra long screws. Never needed this much security before but some blind asshole next door seems to always be getting into fights. Like what the fuck, how hard is it to not fight someone, and then he leads them here.
Once the doors are locked and you’re out of the building you look at your phone. 9:44. 16 minutes to go around 2 miles. Well broadway cuts across, so probably less, but anyways you gotta run it. Now you’re not the most fit person, but you are able to push yourself more than what others would think you’d be able to.
Dodging people and avoiding running into the road, you make it to the first turn. Basically a straight shot now, but it seems as though people are wanting to be in your way today. You would love a bike right about now. Though you’d have a really high chance of getting hit by a car. But it’s right about the same risk since you are not stopping at the do not walk signs.
One car almost did hit you, but it braked in time but not without you slapping the hood as you went by. Not on purpose but from loss of balance. Well you probably would have slapped it anyways. Your face burns from the run, and the heat, it is the end of summer but it is still pretty hot out.
Oh god, this is awful, you’re just a more than halfway and you nearly ran into an old man and his wife outside of m&m world.
“Sorry!” You shout back but it’s not very loud and sounds winded. You won’t stop though.
Just a couple more turns. Just two more turns. Just one more. You keep telling yourself that you’re almost there, legs straining the muscles from the over exertion.
You get into the building and run to the elevator. You know you probably look unprofessional right about now but you don’t care. You just need to catch your breath.
You press the right floor and dig through your purse. The small mirror being a lifesaver as of recently, since being late is seeming to become a common ovccurance. You pat your forehead with the sleeve of your cardigan. You don’t look too bad, but not the best. You check the time, 9:58. Not bad, you’ll be just 1 minute early. The elevator ride giving you just enough time to breath properly.
The elevator doors open to the busy floor, and you go over to Jameson’s assistant, not even reaching her desk before she points her pen behind her to his office.
“L/N!” He immediately shouts, “Where are those photos?” He is still looking out the window behind his desk.
“Right here sir,” you pull the envelope out of your purse holding it out for him to take it. Which he does, ripping the lip of the envelope and begins examining your photos.”
“850. Tell Betty on your way out.” He plops you’re photos on his desk.
“850? That’s not my rate, there are 12 photos there.”
“These just aren’t worth your usual rate. 850.” He argues back, you’ve seen this before, had you been any smaller or even sitting he would have put his hands on his desk and leaned towards you to seem intimidating, but right now he looks like a child with his hands balled at his side.
“65 per photo or I go to The Post.” You won’t back down. That’s nearly a thousand, and you don’t want to let it go, even if it is less than 200 more than what he offered but you need it.
He stares at you, he’s turning red now in the ears. You collect your photos calling his bluff.
“Fine,” he grumbles, he presses a button on the small speaker on his desk, “Betty, write out a check for L/N for 975.” He released the button and you put the photos down. “Get out of here, she’ll call when we have another piece.”
“You’re a peach,” you smiled as you back out of his office. “Hey Betty, how’re you doing this week?”
“Just fine, but his wife wants me to control his anger as soon as his meds are sorted. Not looking forward to that.” She finishes filling out the check on her computor, and with one last click that is so familiar to you now, you know she printed it.
“Jesus, I do not want to be here for that.” You step back four steps to the printer and rip off the receipt at the bottom that she needs to keep and hand it to her. “Good luck, because you will need it. Thanks, see you next week!” You wave bye as the doors close.
Letting out a sigh of relief, and tucking your check into your wallet. You’re glad you won’t have to worry anymore. With this check you’ll have four or five hundred more than you’ll need for rent, meaning you won’t have to scrape by for grocerys.
You better hurry though, you have an hour till your next shift at the gas station and you still need a shower.
The hours are going by slowly, with few customers to keep you distracted. Just 4 more hours and you get to call it a night. It has already been 6 hours since you clocked in and there had only been a handful of customers, making the day uncharacteristically slow.
Your phone begins vibrating on the small fridge below the counter, the shift managers name on the display screen. Seeing as there’s no customers you think it is fine to answer.
“Hello? Debby?” You greet subconciously.
“Y/N I have some bad news.” She pauses, “the person who is supposed to relieve you is refusing to come in. She quit.”
“What am I supposed to do? I’ve been here since 11:30, I don’t think it’s allowed for me to work past 1. Wasn’t her shift supposed to last till 8?”
“Yes I know but you are legally allowed to work till 4:30, and that is when I’ll take over because I cannot find another person to cover her shift. It’s only alright because I’m switching your shift tomorrow with Alex and you’ll have the day off to recuperate. Then it’s your usual day off the next so I think that’s enough time to get back to normal.”
“So I’m leaving at 4:30?” Disbelief evident in your voice.
“Yes, I’m sorry, I would get there now but John doesn’t come home until late tonight because he took the graveyard shift at his job and I can’t leave J.C. alone.”
“Yeah I understand, family comes first.”
“Thank you, you’re the best. See ya later.”
“Yeah, see you.”
You put down your phone and mentally prepare yourself for another 11 hours.
Three red bulls, and a seasonal pumpkin spice coffee from the dispenser and it was almost midnight.
Many more customers has came in after the call, the universe seemingly wanting to tire you out further. Then it began slowing down again after 9. The time you were supposed to be going home if Patricia didn’t fucking refuse to come in.
It was about that time that a young man came in, wearing a dark suit but without the blazer. Sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Light brown hair and pale skin, he looked breathtaking. He quickly rounds to the back grabbing three of the big bottles of water.
“Just these for me...” he trails off as he sniffs, then he looks up and makes eye contact with you.
You two are staring at each other for a few seconds, his stare becoming unbearable and you look away.
“Ok sir... that’ll be 5.97.” You still feel his gaze. Refusing to look up, you bag his things. You hear his card slide through the machine.
“Thank you sir, have a nice night.”
“Yeah... you too.” And with that he was gone. Leaving you to think about this stranger for the rest of your shift.
As promised, Debbie came at 4:30. You left to walk home. It was nice living basically across the street from your work. A short walk, but you still felt a sense of unease.
Looking all around you, you don’t spot any suspicious people. Not even one heading in the same direction as you. You let out a small sigh as you cross the road. But it does nothing to calm your nerves.
You’re trying not to seem panicked as you try to get through the door to your building but it might be obvious with how you’re shaking.
Past the door you let go if your breath that you didn’t know you were holding. Finally able to calm down. You walked to apartment, using the elevator instead of the stairs.
Once at your door your heart beat seems to have gone back to normal, but before you even put your key in the door you feel the hairs at the back of your neck stand up. You don’t know what it is, maybe it’s just a chill.
Unlocking all the locks you go inside, greeted by the bright pink fluorescent lights. You shut the door behind you and drop your bag on the floor. Too tired to care. Moving to go into your room, knowing that you’re not going to change into pajamas either.
Well probably take of the pants. Yeah, jeans are never comfy.
Shoes kicked off, pants off, bra off with some difficulty from your long sleeves, blankets pulled back and you’re ready for bed. You’re getting in when you hear a creek in the living room, but you don’t see anyone so it’s maybe the upstairs neighbours.
You turn around once more to lay down and you feel a pinprick at your neck. You slump over and you feel hands at your shoulders, picking you up in their arms.
Eyes won’t open, and you are quickly losing consciousness.
“Shh, you’re safe with me.”
Your head is pounding, that’s what wakes you up. You still feel groggy and it makes your eyelids feel incredibly heavy. You want to sleep for more but your eyes keep fighting to open.
Once they do you are met with a room that is not your own. Everything is white, except the headboard which is a light grey, matching the bedside table. You look around, about 6 feet from the foot of the bad is a back door and there’s a bathroom to the left of the bed with the door wide open.
You run to the closed door, you grasp the handle but you get a head rush and are unable to turn the handle for a good 5 seconds. It’s no use though, the door was locked, and it doesn’t seem like a regular lock. It seems more advanced, it’s a regular handle but it’s warm, and doesn’t have any keyhole. It’s also not as big as a hotel handle, like the ones with the scanners. Irrelevant, but your mind is running a million miles an hour and you’re trying really hard to not panic.
You realize that you aren’t wearing your pants but a pair of sweats were at the edge of the king bed. You quickly pull them on. Your kidnapper has already seen your ass, but it’s a little bit comforting. Your bladder is full and it is more apparent now than a couple minutes ago.
They aren’t here yet, better be quick. You half jog into the bathroom it has a large sink and a nice looking shower, but you don’t want to use it due to there being no lock on the bathroom door and the shower door is glass. Not even one of those blurred glass doors, it is crystal clear.
You had already peed and we’re washing your hands when you hear a small beep and the locks opening. You’re drying your hands when you hear a knock at the door. You don’t answer.
Another knock, you stared at the door, a low sigh is heard and the door swings open.
It was the man from last night, except now he was covering his eyes with his hand.
“I swear I’m not looking but please come out right now.”
“... alright.” You’re voice is a little rough and just above a whisper.
“Thank you.” He turned around leaving the door open and you follow.
“Come with me.” he waves his hand over the lock and the beep is heard again.
He leads you through the door into a long hallway, when he turned to the left so did you. There’s no point in running when he would catch you in less than 2 seconds.
You pass by 4 doors, one on your left and three on your right. The fifth door on the right you entered and it was an office.
“Sit.” And you did, he sat behind the large desk and leaned forward with his elbows on it. “I need to tell you something that would be hard to hear. Hell, hard to believe, but just know that everything I’m telling you is true.”
You nodded when he paused and looked at you. You felt so out of place and uncomfortable. Heart beating so fast and hard, it feels as though it’s bursting out of your chest. Your hands slightly shaking and feet tapping where you sat on the edge of this obviously expensive chair.
“I’m going to be frank with you alright? You are my soulmate.”
You freeze, “wait... what?” You didnt believe it, he was right. He’s crazy. Soulmates were a rare thing in this world. How would he know? He only knew you for 5 seconds so why does he know? Why would he take you?
“We are soulmates. I felt it when I first met eyes with you, I know that you did too. I took you here because, to put it simply, you would be safe. There are many people after me and if they learned of your existsence they would find you and use you against me.”
“H-how do I know your not lying?” You stare at the lines in the wood of his desk, refusing to look up. When you look him in the eyes you feel the same pull that you did back at the gas station. You hear rustling and you glance up for just a second, then you look back when you realize it’s just his arm that he wants you to look at.
He begins rolling his sleeves like the way you saw last night. Or was it even still the next day? You don’t know. Not seeing any clock or any windows since you were at your home.
Beautiful lines are spread across his forearm and you realize it wasn’t there before. “Can you look at your arm?” His voice is gentle, like he’s trying to be comforting.
You stare at his arm as you pull your sleeve up, then you look down at a blank arm. You pull up your other sleeve just as roughly and see the same tattoo that he has. You touch it gently as though it’ll smear if you are as rough as you were two seconds ago.
“Mine showed up a little after I stepped out of that store. I guess you didn’t notice yours.” You rub at yours and it won’t come off, and the skin isn’t raised as though you have a regular tattoo.
“What does this mean?”
“This means that you are now mine.” You feel tears welling in your eyes.
“So I can’t go home?”
“No, and some things are going to change.” You look at him wide eyed, fearful for the changes that he has in mind.
“So I’m sure you have heard of the powered people of New York, and I am telling you that I am one of them. Not only that, but I am a member of the avengers.” He pauses, you feel his eyes on you and you can only assume he is trying to gauge your reaction. “But I didn’t achieve my abilities through government testing or anything of the sort. I was bit by a mutant spider and I gained the spiders abilities.”
“You’re... Spider-Man?”
“That’s right. Now that you’re here, I will have to give you the same abilities I have so that we will be on equal grounds.”
“How are you going to do that?” You look up at his face.
“I will bite you of course.”
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Ohhh Jumin with 1 for the Christmas prompts please? This local channel has a Hallmark Christmas movies marathon for the entire of December, I watched it when I can to get in the mood (and because I look for Jumin's alike in the love interest 👀). Thanks!
I wasn’t going to write this tonight but then I realized it was the exact brainless thing I needed rn. Everyday at 12 pm my mom gets excited and turns on Hallmark. It is on until 7 pm at least. So I know my hallmark
ALSO did you find Jumin’s alike ? Literally tell me what movie if so
Hallmark Movies - Jumin Han
This is from my Christmas / winter prompts !
Prompt: If you watch one more hallmark movie I’m pulling the plug on the TV
Warnings: this is a dumb warning but i talk abt the plot of some hallmark movies lol
Summary: you have to find some sort of pastime for when your husband is working. So it’s Hallmark. Glued to the couch all holiday season. Jumin hates when you swoon over those fictional men
You had December down like clockwork.
In the end of the year swing, C&R was constantly busy. They had to meet and surpass their yearly quotas. Your husband was always in meetings. This was the first time since getting married early that year that you had regretted your decision to become a stay-at-home housewife.
Jumin got ready for work at 6 am. His alarm went off at 5:50 so that he could wake up and get a few cuddles with you in bed before actually getting up. You woke up with him, planting kisses on his cheeks and asking for his daily itinerary and when you could expect him home for more cuddles. When he got up, you’d message the chef to start making him food. Jumin would tell you to stay in bed.
Jumin liked bringing you tea in bed in the mornings. Made him feel like the perfect husband. He’d get a kettle going as he got dressed and checked for any messages he may have gotten during the night. He’d deliver the tea to you, on a tray. You’d pour him a cup. He’d sit on the end of the bed and drink it. Talk about silly things.
He’d finish his cup, messaging Driver Kim he was ready for him. You’d tie his tie for him. He’d give you a goodbye kiss or two. He left by 6:45 am. You fell back asleep by 7 am, after Jumin messages you that he got to work safely.
You wake back up around 9. This time the chef brings up your breakfast. You’d lounge around in bed, answering emails for party guests, talking to the RFA, going on social media.
You were out of bed by 10:15, getting dressed, doing hair and/or makeup as you saw fit for the day. Jumin liked to lay out two outfits for you. If you didn’t want to wear either of them, that was fine. But if you did, it made him glow with pride.
You’d meet Jumin in his office for lunch together at 11. He’d tell you about the meeting he went to and Jaehee would sometimes come in and chat (which Jumin glared at her for doing). But primarily it was couples’ time. You liked to sit in silence, just enjoying each others’ company. At 11:30 you would head back to the penthouse.
And finally it was noon. Hallmark time. Since your husband worked long hours, you relied on the sexy Hallmark men to fill the void in your household. You laughed, you cried, you watched the same story over and over again but it was so special every time. As soon as Jumin got home, you’d turn off the movie and spend time with him, whether that be reading, cuddling, having dinner, going out somewhere; you let him choose. You didn’t feel the need to have a say. You already got to choose what you’d do throughout the day: Hallmark.
But one day Jumin got sick. Runny nose turned red from all the tissues he had been using, cups of tea gone through to help his sore throat. He was sick and absolutely unfit to go to the office. The schedule was messed up. He insisted he could take at least a half day, going in late and leaving early, and work from his home office. Okay. It was already 11. You’d just watch Hallmark when it came on.
Once the time came, Elizabeth the III sat on your lap (you were convinced she liked the movies too) and you cuddled up to watch the show.
Your phone rang. It was Jumin. You couldn’t pause the show.
You picked up regardless. “Hi Love. How are you feeling?” You asked.
He sniffled. “Bad. But I’m on my lunch break,” his tone brightened.
“...oh.” You hadn’t intended to say that aloud.
“I’m watching a Hallmark movie with Elizabeth the III in the living room. Why don’t you come out here and eat with me?” Compromise. Elizabeth the III being on your lap meant you couldn’t possibly move.
“Okay! I’ll be right there.” He sounded cheery.
He came out of his office, a few tissues in hand, but a smile on his face. He had dark circles under his eyes. “You two look so cute,” he commented, walking over and taking a spot to sit next to you, wrapping his arms tight around you. He was always more clingy when he was sick.
“You’re so sweet Jumin. What do you say we ask the chef for some soup?” You kissed his cheek. He chuckled, which led to a coughing fit, then nodded.
“What’s happening in this Hallmark movie?”
“Oh!” You were only a half hour in, but you were excited to share the plot. “I’m so glad you asked. So this news reporter lady says she hates Christmas. And the ratings are bad because everyone thinks she sucks because of it. So the news station is sending her to a Christmas town to bring back her holiday cheer. She just got to the town,” you summarized. Kind of strange they were airing a movie from 2016, and one with Lori Loughlin at that (they had pretty much stopped showing her movies), but this was indeed a classic.
“Christmas town? Do those really exist?” Jumin asked curiously.
“I don’t know. Shh- this is the love interest!”
“He isn’t all that handsome,” Jumin commented. You glared at him. “What!? I’m just surprised they didn’t cater to their female audience more.”
“Jumin, my love. These stories are not just about the hot guys. They’re about the romance! The Christmas spirit! The holiday magic! If I just wanted one about hot guys I would watch the one with the firefighters.”
He seemed confused by your intense knowledge of hallmark movies. But! They were so good. You were so invested. And how dare he insult the love interest!
There was a knock on the door. The soup was brought over to the two of you on the couch. You thanked the staff and sent them off.
“I’m just confused about-“
“Shut up and eat your soup Jumin,” you teased. “Get ready to experience true romance.”
He didn’t experience much true romance in the half hour lunch break. But you had a great time with that movie.
Next up: A Christmas Detour. You loved Candace Cameron Bure! This time she was trying to get a flight to meet her fiancé’s parents before the wedding. But of course, her fiancée worked way too much for her to actually end out with him. This was Hallmark after all.
Jumin interrupted halfway through this one. His tie was off, his top button undone. “Baby?” He called to you, standing in the doorway of his office.
You rushed by his side. “What’s wrong?” You placed your hand to his forehead to feel his temperature. He was kind of warm. “Are you okay?”
“Will you make me some tea?” His voice was hoarse. You felt so bad that he was overworking himself even when he was sick. It was 3 by now; how long was he planning to work?
“Of course I will.” You kissed his cheek. “Why don’t you rest for a few minutes while I make it?”
He groaned, agreeing, and plopped down on the couch while you went off to the kitchen to make the tea.
“Why are the people different?” He called to you. He must be watching the Hallmark movie.
“Oh! It’s another one.” You got to work putting the kettle on and taking out the cream and sugar. You walked back to stand by him as you waited.
She finally made it to meet the parents! What an exhausting journey. Ew... they seemed kind of... stuck up. Rich. Filthy rich. Did they really ask her to go to the bathroom and make herself more presentable before they did introductions? How terrible.
“They always make the rich people seem like bad guys,” Jumin grumbled.
You sat down on the arm of the sofa, leaning into him, running a hand through his hair. “Actually, there are some where the girl ends up with the CEO.”
“Her current boyfriend that she leaves is usually the CEO though.” Had he been paying attention to these movies? How did he know this?
“Well... that’s only the ones who work way too much and are like zero fun at all. Then she falls for the local guy,” you explained.
He turned to look at you, eyes all red and watery. “Do I work way too much?”
“No.” You gently placed a kiss to his lips. “You are nothing like those jerks.” The tea kettle whistled; you got up to go get it. “If local homebody was my type, I would have gone for Zen, not you,” you called over your shoulder.
You hadn’t realized he had followed you until his arms wrapped around you as you took the tea off. “Zen’s not your type,” he whispered, his voice a bit deeper than usual. Was he... jealous? You were literally his wife.
“I know,” you turned to face him. “You’re my type. I’m quite literally married to you.” You broke out into a smile, reminding yourself of that fact. Your smile was apparently contagious, because he did the same.
“You never considered dating him though... right?”
“Zen?” You poured the tea in the cup.
“Zen.” His voice was steely.
You giggled. “Of course not. Zen is literally dating himself all the time. I was attracted to you because of how different you are from the others in fact.”
That had convinced him. His face softened. You handed him his tea. “Exactly to your liking,” you smiled.
“I love you. I’ve got two more meetings then I’m all done.” He kissed your cheek then made his way back to the office. Time for more Hallmark.
That movie had ended. “A Christmas Love Story” was now on. These two meetings must have been long.
And finally. Finally. He came out. Collapsed onto the couch. You glanced at him and smiled. Then back at the tv. Things were getting tense in the movie!!
“I’m done,” he whispered, a lazy smile on his face as he looked at you.
You glanced at him again. “Yay. I’m so proud of you Honey.”
“Another Hallmark movie?” He sighed.
“This is what I do all day when you’re at work,” you informed him, giggling.
“But I’m not at work. I’m home now.” He scooted closer to you.
“But! I’m in the middle of it. The guest choir director just found out the kid who is getting a solo is her son that she put up for adoption! That’s insane.”
His arms wrapped around you, one hand lingering towards the remote.
“Jumin don’t turn it off!” You whined. He snatched the remote and moved away from you. “Nooooo!”
“Can’t we just cuddle and take a nap? I still don’t feel good.” His finger was hovering over the off button. NO
“Jumin, Baby, please, please, no.” You inched closer to him. “I’m begging you. Please. I need to know what happens.”
“She gets with the love interest and everything ends happily,” he stated simply.
“I need the details! Please!!! I’ll do anything!”
That got his attention.
He quirked an eyebrow. “Anything?”
“Oh get your mind out of the gutter. You’re sick.” You rolled your eyes. Still, you were planning how to get the remote back.
“What about when I’m not sick? Can I cash it in then?” He had the widest smirk on his face. Sometimes you just hated your husband.
“Yes! God, yes Jumin fine. Please! Be quiet and let me watch this in peace!”
He set down the remote. You were safe.
“Fine. But if you watch one more hallmark movie I’m pulling the plug on the TV.”
You laughed at that. Of course you wouldn’t. You just wanted to watch this one, then he’d have your attention.
“Cuddles?” He asked. He was pitiful. You loved your sick husband oh so much though.
You sighed, pretending like it was an impossible hassle, but your smile gave it away. “Yes. Cuddles are okay.”
He triumphantly laid down, resting his head on your lap, grabbing onto your hand. You might’ve watched Hallmark for the rest of the night, but he was watching something much better: you.
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captcas · 4 years
Worth Fighting For
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Killian “Hook” Jones is a dominate up and comer in the UFC while Emma “The Savior” Swan’s career was cut short. When Hook’s manager moves up and the office brings in UFC’s youngest legend to keep him in check, will either of them be able to handle it?
read on ao3 // tumblr: ch 1
[Chapter 2/?]
Change has never quite worked out in Killian’s favor, and he can’t help the surge of panic which fills his gut at the prospect of opening up to someone new, but he trusts Rob and Regina with his life— basically owes them it— so he’ll show up to this meeting with a nice suit and his best behavior. Regina assured him that it’s someone who knows the business inside and out and has a good reputation within the league.
He doesn’t really care about all that. He just wants to fight.
Well… mostly.
He exits the subway and walks the two blocks to Mill’s Management. He walks through the revolving door into the lobby and takes a deep breath. He’s been here a million and a half times for meetings and holiday parties -even to help out with Roland- but today the air feels thick with anticipation. He greets the receptionist, Anna, briefly, knowing full well if he talks too much he’ll probably be late for his meeting in half an hour.
She smiles warmly at him, a glint of knowing in her eye.
He figures she already knows who Regina’s replacement is. His meeting is at 10:30 and he assumes whoever it is was already here for a bit of onboarding beforehand. He nods and walks into the elevator physically and mentally shaking himself into character. Whoever this new manager is, expects cocky, dominating, MMA fighter Killian “Hook” Jones, and not the quiet, broken, human being he really is.
He knows he’s going to have to tell this person his life story eventually. They need to know everything in order to steer the press in the correct direction as far as questions and features go. They are going to need the highlights as well as the skeletons. It was easy when it was Regina, she’s been there for most of it and heard the rest from Liam, he didn’t really have to tell her anything.
This is the longest elevator ride of his life.
When the doors finally open, he exits and is immediately greeted with a thud to his knees.
“Uncle Killian!!!!!!” He can’t help but chuckle at the lad’s enthusiasm.
“Hello, Rol.” He slings him over his shoulder with ease. “How’s my favorite lad?”
“I’m fine but mom is waiting for you and she looks stressed. Dad said not to bother her today. Can we get ice cream when you’re done?”
Killian kisses Roland’s temple and sets him down. “Aye, lad. Good call steering clear of your mom this morning. I’ll talk to her about the ice cream though.” He winks as Roland beams and runs back to the room Regina and Robin set up as his place to hang when they had to bring him to work. They try and avoid it whenever they can, but with someone new coming on board, it seems absolutely everyone is in the office. Robin is only a trainer and coach (really has nothing to do with management at all) and even he’s in the corner talking in hushed tones to one of the other managers, Tink.
Killian assumes he’s here as moral support and gives him a nod and wave before heading to Regina’s office.
The visit from Roland was a mood booster but he’s lost all the confidence and swagger he built up in the elevator. He sighs and quickly snaps back into character.
He notices her blonde hair as he knocks rhythmically on Regina’s door frame. They’re chatting animatedly about something. Regina looks up, “Good, you’re here. Please take a seat, Killian.”
The blonde turns around at the mention of his name, and when he sees her face, he can’t help but gasp.
. . .
She hasn’t had to get ready for work since… well since high school. Getting ready for a fight was… different. She had a very specific ritual for fights that did not include the multitude of decisions which are a daily part of working an office job. Today, she had to worry about pant suit vs. skirt suit, heels vs. flats, hair up  vs. down, hair curled vs. straightened, and barely there makeup vs. the whole nine yards of makeup. Back when she was fighting, she wore her fight clothes and had her fight hair, and– let’s be real– her minimal fight makeup. Getting ready for a fight was definitely not the same as putting on a monkey suit and a pound of makeup and hoping it’s professional enough for Regina Mills.
Ruby assured her it was.
She’s not sure what makes Ruby the authority.
She trusts her anyway.
Ruby gave her a few different options as far as outfits for her first day, assuring Emma that it would alleviate stress about what to wear. Emma’s not so sure. She tries on the pantsuit first and it feels a bit stuffy so she grabs the second outfit: a charcoal grey pencil skirt, black sleeveless blouse, and a red blazer with low nude heels. As she slips the blazer over her shoulders and flips her hair out from underneath, she feels a surge of confidence she hasn’t felt since the night before a fight.
At the risk of sounding superstitious, red has always been Emma’s color. From her training jacket to her sports bra to her shorts, she dominated in red and it always sort of stuck. Ruby likes to think it was because of her “impact,” so Emma was not surprised when the red blazer found its way into her cart.
She promised Ruby she’d send her a picture of whichever outfit she went with so she snaps a quick pic before throwing on some mascara and grabbing her new work tote (also courtesy of Ruby) and heading out the door.
She practically runs to the subway, almost missing the 8:15 car. Once she gets off at her stop, it takes her walking two blocks in the wrong direction to figure out she’s lost. Practically late at this point, Emma whistles for a cab and ten minutes later arrives in front of the towering building (exactly five minutes early).
She walks in the front door and is greeted by a bubbly redhead, “Oh my gosh you’re Emma Swan! Mrs. Mills told me you’d be coming but I’m such a huge fan I still wasn’t prepared. Seriously, your KO against Mulan Fa is legendary!”
Emma tries to keep up but with how fast this woman talks, she just nods and smiles.
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be fangirling. That’s the opposite of professional, but I really can’t help myself. Anna, by the way!” She turns back to her desk and hands Emma a small white card. “Here’s an elevator pass. She’s office number 815. Floor number 8! Room 15! Good luck, hope to see you around here more.”
Emma smiles at Anna and thanks her for her help before stepping onto the elevator. She tries deep breaths to calm her nerves, but finds herself more jittery than before her first fight.
She swears this is the longest elevator ride of her life.
She steps off the elevator and is greeted by one of the sleekest offices she’s ever seen in her life. The entire thing is decked out in modern black and white furniture, and accented with UFC red. She has to physically stop herself from audibly gasping.
She searches for office 15 and is unsurprised to find it in the back corner. Emma takes one more deep breath and knocks on the doorframe. The brunette woman behind the desk looks up and gives Emma a sharp smile.
“Hello, Miss Swan. Just a moment and I will take you to Sidney in HR.”
Emma breathes a sigh of relief as she follows her, stopping abruptly behind Regina as she knocks on the doorframe of an office much smaller than hers, “Sidney? This is Miss Swan, she’ll need up with some onboarding. Keep it short, she has a meeting at 10:30 with her first client.”
He nods enthusiastically with a “Yes Mrs Mills. Of course. Please, Miss Swan, have a seat. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Emma sits down at his request, giving a tight smile to Regina as she heads back to her office. Sidney seems nice enough, maybe a little bit over-infatuated with Regina but nice. She sits at his desk and he immediately starts talking about her onboarding.
An hour later, Emma is pretty sure this is the best gig in the world.
The benefits alone make this worth taking for her and Henry, not to mention the pay and perks. As Sidney takes her to her desk, Emma gets a better feel for the layout of the office. She’s not one to feel immediately comfortable, but she can see herself really thriving here and it gives her the confidence she needs to walk into Regina’s office a bit early for the 10:30 meeting with her first client.
Regina starts chatting with Emma about last Saturday’s Fight Night and it only makes her feel more at ease. It’s rare to find women as well versed in UFC as she is without them practically suffocating her by talking about her stinted career. Regina is recapping Jefferson Hatter’s TKO when she’s interrupted by a rhythmic tapping on the door.
Emma tenses slightly, realizing this is probably her client. She doesn’t turn around right away as Regina greets the fighter, but ends up whipping around when she hears his name.
Killian? As in Killian “Hook” Jones.
Emma finds herself once again physically restraining herself from reacting unprofessionally— she’s pretty sure scoffing and rolling her eyes at her first assignment isn’t a good look.
He smirks at her knowingly as he enters the room and Emma can’t help but squirm in her seat.
“Killian, this Emma, Emma Swan. You may remember her from—“
Killian cuts Regina off, “I am well aware of Miss Swan, Regina.” He turns his attention towards her, “Swan, big day today!”
Regina looks between them like they’re playing at Wimbledon.
Emma swallows the entirety of her disdain for Hook and plasters on her best fake smile. “Yes! Excited to join the team here at Mills Management.” She shakes Killian’s hand for good measure. “And, to be frank, quite honored to be trusted with one of their best up and comers.” She smirks at Killian and she can tell he caught the slight jab. She expects him to back off a bit, but he responds in double.
“Likewise, Swan. I’m honored to be put into the capable hands of such a legend like yourself.” Emma knows Killian is kidding with her, but the legend joke doesn’t sting less. She tries not to react but she catches a wave of understanding flash across Killian’s eyes as he shifts the entire tone of the conversation and addresses Regina instead.
Maybe he’s not where he thought he’d be either.
Now is not the time to psychoanalyze her new client.
“How does that sound, Miss Swan?” She’s snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Regina addressing her.
She has no idea what she’s agreeing to, but does so anyway figuring there isn’t much choice either way, “Great! That sounds perfect.” She smiles at the two of them and hopes to God someone recaps this meeting with an email.
“Fantastic. Well then, as excited as I am to have you both here and working together, I do have other clients to attend to.” Emma nods as her and Jones stand in unison. “Oh and, Killian, why don’t you escort Miss Swan out and give her a bit of a tour—“
“Oh, Mrs. Mills— that’s not—“
“Nonsense, Swan. I insist.” He smirks at her and grazes his hand over the small of her back as he leads her from the office before turning around once more. “Oh, Reg, I almost forgot.”
Reg? A bit informal— actually, a lot informal.
Regina looks like she may turn as red as the apples on her desk at the nickname but answers him all the same, “Yes, Jones, what is it?”
“The lad wants ice cream.” Killian shoots a shit eating grin first at Emma and then to Regina. Emma is entirely confused but “Reg” seems to understand immediately.
Regina rubs her hands over her temples as she responds, “Fine, but not too late Killian, honestly. And pick one topping. The kid still needs dinner.”
“Aye, aye, your Majesty.” He bows mockingly and if he hadn’t led Emma away so quickly she could’ve sworn she saw Regina flip him off.
. . .
Killian is not entirely sure how to process the fact that his new manager is the woman he’s been secretly pining over since the first time he saw her walk into the training center.
A year ago.
So Killian does what he does best and throws his fighting persona into full gear, only slipping once when it came to asking about Roland’s ice cream.
He probably shouldn’t have called her Reg.
He’ll pay for that later.
He’s showing Emma the kitchen when she finally interacts with more than just a nod. “So… Reg?”
He cringes and immediately scratches the back of his neck, a nervous tick he’s really trying to kick. “Uh, yeah. Regina— Mrs. Mills— and I were close before all this.” He motions to nothing in particular and somehow the entire office at the same time. “She’s sort of the entire reason I’m even here.”
Emma nods; seemingly understanding what he’s leaving strictly between the lines. “Huh, alright then. Guess we have that in common?”
He can’t help but shake his head in disbelief. “Pardon me for being forward, lo— Swan, but I think your track record in the UFC is what got you into the door. I doubt there’s anyone else better qualified who’s not currently fighting.”
Not his love. Bloody hell.
She responds with a forced smile and he can tell she’s not comfortable with praise. He’s unsettled by the amount of joy learning more about her brings him but also by the fact that he’d give anything to praise her everyday of his life.
This woman has walls. Great-Wall-of-China walls.
What he wouldn’t give to start breaking those down.
He finishes the tour of the office and, with a quick “thanks” and “see you soon”, Emma starts to head back to her desk. He nods in response, not wanting to push too much for one day.
He wasn’t positive getting a new manager was a good idea, but if it means being even a small part of Emma Swan’s world, he's all for it. Not thirty seconds after she’s returned to her desk, Killian pulls out his phone to send her an email before finding Roland for their ice cream run.
. . .
Emma sits down at her desk slightly overwhelmed by everything thrown her way in the last— what time is it? Noon?— 3 hours: a rad new job with amazing pay and benefits, a seemingly level-headed and fair boss, a grossly complicated new client who seems to be more than meets the eye, the feeling that shot through her spine at said client’s touch…
Do people say rad anymore?
Why does she care that he touched her back?
She doesn’t.
She grounds herself by logging into the computer.
Bad idea.
She’s immediately bombarded with email notifications. Most of them involve onboarding or her one-on-ones she’s to have with each member of the staff.
It takes her 45 minutes but she eventually gets to the top where she finds an unexpected email from her newest (and she supposes only) client.
Pleasure to be reacquainted with you today. I look forward to our blossoming partnership.
You looked a tad far away in our meeting with Regina so I figured I’d recap what you agreed to. Twice weekly one-on-ones between you and I to discuss promotions as well as social media and desired fights, to be scheduled at our leisure. Also attendance at each Fight Night for which I am on the card (comp’d by the company, obviously).
I hope all of this isn’t too overwhelming, feel free to text, call, or email to set up our first meeting.
I assure you, I am looking forward to it.
Killian “Hook” Jones UFC Featherweight Mills Management
Emma snorts– the email sounds like it was written by a thesaurus. As she re-reads for any details she missed, she can’t seem to quell the butterflies in her stomach. The realization that in a mere matter of minutes Killian was able to read her that well is comforting– no… unsettling? This stranger somehow picked up on her disdain for being referred to as a legend almost immediately, backing off and changing the subject promptly. Not to mention he could tell she was distant in the meeting and followed up with an email just like she wanted.
She brushes off the entire thing to pure coincidence and ignores the voice in the back of her head that is telling her they may turn out to be a pretty good team.
(It doesn’t help that this voice sounds a lot like a certain British fighter she just spent an hour and a half with.)
Emma finishes her work day with a barrage of meetings and paperwork. She was wary to start on a Friday, but after the rollercoaster day she’s had, she’s grateful for two days to recharge. Before logging off for the day, she pulls Killian’s email up once more and reluctantly programs his cell phone number into hers.
For emergencies obviously.
She also responds to the email, keeping it as friendly and professional as possible:
Thank you for the recap. Let’s plan on meeting first thing Monday morning. I will reserve a conference room at 9am.
In case of emergencies, here is my cell: (555)-265-2335.
Have a nice weekend. See you Monday.
Emma Swan Talent Manager Mills Management [email protected] (555) 265-2335
She hits send, logging off her computer and booking it to the subway while trying not to dwell on Killian Jones and their work mandated bi-weekly meetings.
Or the way his hand felt pressed against her back.
Definitely not that.
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nsaint1 · 5 years
Morning/night routine for college?
My Morning Routine for College
- Wake up 7AM-8AM and pray my daily prayer + meditate on the Word
- Drink water (wakes my system up)
- Shower, get dressed, do makeup 8AM-9AM
- Do classwork and answer/send Emails (I started doing hw in the morning because I am more productive and my mind is clear)
- Eat Brunch 12AM
- Drive to campus 12:20 AM
My Night Routine for College:
- Come home and eat dinner 
- Chill time for 30min-1hr (Youtube, Netflix, social media)
- Put gym clothes on and go to the gym 7-9:30 PM
- Shower and put PJ’s on (if Wednesday night, I will shave, exfoliate my face, and clean my eyebrows)
- Pick out an outfit for the next day (saves time in the morning, and if the outfit is really cute, it will make me excited to get dressed the next day)
- Write or check To-do list for tomorrow
- Jesus time (read Bible, or listen to a sermon and take notes)
- Do some last-minute HW or study for a little
- Go to sleep 12AM-1AM (I’m not too good on sleeping early, that is one of my goals for 2020 is to sleep the recommended amount every night)
*My morning and night routine does not always look like this, things do come up, and I am not perfect so I do procrastinate somedays, but typically this is what it looks like. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by shamegmeg
Have you ever cut your own hair? I’ve trimmed my own bangs but that’s it. I feel like doing anything to my hair altogether on my own is too big a move and would have bigger consequences if I fuck it up (which I definitely will end up doing).
What do you eat most frequently? Meat - chicken, beef, and pork. It’s in nearly every dish we eat, if not all of them.
Are you a fan of video games? I will always find the topic interesting and I played a fair share of video games growing up, but I’m not an ultra fan of any of the most popular games right now. I do like staying updated with my favorite series like Grand Theft Auto, The Sims, Mario Kart, etc. but it’s rare that I get my hands on the console itself to play. 
What's your favorite color combination? I don’t really think of any specific two colors, but I’m generally a fan of combinations of muted or pastel colors. Anything that doesn’t hurt my eyes too much.
Did you share a locker at school? We didn’t do that; we each had our own.
What's one sport you could never play? Basketball. Never understood the rules and I just never had the stamina for it. I’m also pretty competitive so I feel like I’d be pissed off and take it personally whenever somebody blocks me hahaha.
Blue or black ink? Black. I have nothing against blue though - I just like keeping pens with black ink around more.
Have you ever sang karaoke? Just once or twice. I’m not extroverted enough for it, not even when drunk. I just really hate the sound of my own singing voice, so it doesn’t help if I’m suddenly singing into a microphone.
What was the last concert you attended? Answer’s gonna be unchanged for the meantime, man...Paramore. No complaints naming them every time I’m asked this, though. Let’s hope they’ll also be the next concert I attend, as they like coming back to Manila anyway :))
Have you held anyone's hand in the past week? No.
What's your favorite perfume/body spray/cologne? I’ve used Beyoncé’s Heat Rush since high school. I’ve never gotten tired of the scent and pretty much everyone knows me by that perfume now.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Before Covid, it depended on how late I’d get out of bed. If I had the energy to get up earlier, I’d devote 20-30 minutes to getting ready; but if it was a harder morning to face, I’d just take a quick 3-minute shower and wear the first things I see in my closet. These days since I just work from home, all I need to do is shower which takes no more than a few minutes.
What is the oldest age you think should wear makeup? I think anyone of any gender of any age (except babies and younger kids) of any background from any walk of life should be allowed to wear makeup...
How old were you when you went on your first date? I was 16.
What's your nationality(ies)? Filipino.
Are you an open book? I can be for the most part since there’s no harm in sharing, but there are a few things that I’m extremely protective and secretive about.
Do you think you're a good secret keeper? Yeah. I used to share secrets with Gab but that’s because she tends to forget easily, but otherwise I have no problem taking secrets with me to my grave.
Name one fashion trend you could never follow. I have never been into wedges. Too chunky-looking.
Do you prefer long hair or short hair? On me? Short. It’s easier to maintain and take care of.
When do you plan to go to sleep tonight? Depends on how tired I am by the end of the day. I did make a cup of coffee today though so the caffeine might also choose to hang out into the evening.
Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? Yes.
If so, who? Gabie.
What exotic animal would you love to have as a pet? That’s a pass for me. I don’t know their temperament and what they need on a normal day, so I’m really not well-equipped to keep an exotic animal as a pet and I don’t want to end up accidentally killing them or something.
Do you want kids when you're older? At this point in my life I can go with or without them.
Did your parents sign you up for anything you hated as a child? I’m definitely grateful for it now, but when I was going through ballet classes as a five year old I absolutely hated it and had no idea what I was doing there. I wish I could tell my five year old self to appreciate it more because now I think it’s pretty cute that my parents wanted me to take up ballet and enrolled me in classes.
Where's your cell phone? It’s just right beside me. It’s always right beside me, haha.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I’ve always been a firm supporter of the egg lol because it had to be an earlier version of the chicken that laid the egg that would ultimately hatch the chicken as we know them today. Idk though, I hate questions like this hahahaha
What are your feelings about Octomom? I don’t know anything more than the fact that she had octuplets, which is awesome and badass in itself.
Do you know of Smosh? I used to LOVE Smosh, like holy shit. I probably talked about them in my earliest surveys a decade ago; simply put I was hooked. Watched every new episode and every new Lunchtime with Smosh/Ian Is Bored video from around maybe 2010-2013 until they started adding more crew members and until their videos started to stray from the content that made them blow up in the first place. I still remember when it was Smosh and Pewdiepie vying for the highest subscriber count on YouTube, haha. Was also sad when Anthony left. Suffice it to say I’ll always hold a fondness for Smosh - Anthony and Ian were my first favorite YouTubers along with Pewdiepie.
Do you drink enough water daily? Some days I do, some days I don’t.
Is your diet healthy? When I do eat my dishes are always a good balance of meat and veggies, but I feel like me skipping most of my meals overshadows that fact and makes my overall diet not-so-healthy.
What's your favorite fruit? The only one I’ve had and not feel like gagging whenever I consume it is avocado. To an extent, tomato too.
What was your favorite Halloween costume? Going as my former best friend, Sofie.
Have you purchased any cool objects from a foreign country? I bought a few trinkets from Japan when I was there, but they were all for my loved ones and I don’t exactly remember what I bought anymore.
Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer right now? Laptop. 
Where do you plan to post this survey? Tumblr, as I’ve always done in the last near-decade or so.
Do you remember anyone's number by heart? My mom’s, sister’s, and Gabie’s.
Are you a morning person or a late night owl? I’m more of a morning person lately because of work and because of the need to be chirpy by 9 AM. Being awake these days makes me sad now, so I avoid staying up late as much as I can; which means my days of being a night owl are over.
Name something you will never try in your lifetime. Coprophagia.
What do you think is your biggest flaw? I’m super competitive, which makes me the suckiest person to have friendly games with. I avoid them altogether so that I don’t end up killing the vibe of whatever crowd I’m with. I’ll own this lol.
First physical trait you notice in the sex you're attracted to? Wouldn’t say I’m automatically attracted to any sex. With everyone though, I tend to notice body language first which kiiinda counts as a physical trait.
How about personality wise? Whether they look approachable/easy to talk to or not.
Are you sick often? Almost never.
Would you rather have strep throat or an ear infection? Uh I’d rather not be sick at all hahaha.
When did you last shower? This morning, before work. We have online meetings every Monday morning, and I wanted to look fresh and clean for it.
Do you have neat handwriting? I’d say so. I get a lot of compliments about my penmanship and my friends usually call on me when they need someone with consistent and clean handwriting, so I guess must be holding my pens right.
Are you a messy or organized person? I’d say my workspaces are always organized but my personal space (car, backpack, etc) is messy.
At what age do you hope to get married? By the end of my 20s or early 30s.
Is being thin really all that great? Idk, I feel like the experience differs per person. I don’t have complaints about it for the most part, but it can get annoying when there are certain tops I’d like to wear but will never be able to pull off and thus have to leave on the rack just because my chest is flat or my overall figure is rather tiny.
Which of the seven deadly sins do you think you're most guilty of? Pride.
How much time have you spent on the computer today? 9 hours and counting. WFH is basically being on the computer all day, so that’s a big reason why I’ve racked up so many hours.
What size shoe are you? 6–7.5.
How was the weather today? The sun was out but fortunately it wasn’t all that hot for me to feel uncomfortable. I hate that it was bright all day, though. My disposition is more likely to improve if it’s cloudy and a little gloomy, haha.
Do you live above, below, or on the Equator? Above.
Do you know how to use Photoshop? I tried to play and experiment with it as a teen, but it just never made sense to me. I hate touching any kind of Adobe program.
Admit it, you're thinking about someone right now. Eh, false. I’m thinking of how much longer this survey will still be.
Where is he/she?
Where was your first job? My first internship was also at a PR agency, if that counts.
Favorite year in high school? Junior year.
East or West? As in parts of the world? East all the way, of course.
Where did your first kiss take place? On my bed.
What color do you wear most often? Probably maroon because of how many UP shirts I have.
Who was the last person you talked on the phone to? That would be my dad.
Have you ever done your own laundry? Kinda. I’ve had to wash my blanket a few times because Cooper peed on them.
Have you ever been to a night club? Yes.
Are you allergic to anything? Nope.
What's the best place you have ever eaten? Mendokoro Ramenba by a freaking mile.
Do you own a hair straightener? No. My mom does; if I ever need a straightener I just borrow hers.
Are you barefoot right now? Yep, always am when I’m at home except for the rare times I put socks on.
Are you subscribed to any magazine? No. Even when magazine subscriptions were popular I was never subscribed to any; I didn’t see the point when I could just get the new issue every month at the mall myself lol.
Puppies or kittens? Puppies.
If you had a billion dollars, where would your first investment be made? First I would probably read up on investment so that I don’t end up making decisions I’ll regret. My first agenda is to help my parents settle whatever payments they’re making at the moment, so that they don’t have to worry about any of that crap anymore.
Who is the best artist you've seen live? PARAMORE. I mean they’re artists, as in plural, but still.
Any major plans coming up this week? Keep myself alive.
Did you know they never told you Arnold's last name in Hey, Arnold? Never realized that but I don’t really care too much, considering I was never into the show.
Would you rather watch a romantic comedy or watch a thrilling horror movie? Romantic comedy, as long as it’s one I’ve already seen and enjoyed, like Love Actually or The Proposal. Most other romcoms are too cheesy and suck.
How is your hair styled right now? It’s in a ponytail that’s been unchanged all day, so it’s a bit messy at this point.
Favorite person that you've talked to today? Angela.
Do you need AC right now? I’m good. It’s a little chilly tonight, so yay.
Do more people call you by a nickname or your first name? My first name is already my nickname - most people just call me Robyn. At home, though, I’m usually called a shortened version of my name.
Name something you're proud of. I confided in Angela today that I’m finally starting to think of seeing a therapist. Which I think is such a big realization to have and a big choice to have made. So yay me. Let’s hope I actually push through with it, and let’s hope I’m able to land a job soon so I can finally fucking afford to see one.
Are you a hopeless romantic? I never knew what this meant and I don’t feel like learning tonight.
How do you feel about couples who say 'I love you' too soon? No judgment. I don’t comment on how other couples navigate their relationship; it’s their thing.
What's the most recent favor you've done for somebody? Can’t remember.
Are you at home right now? Yep.
What did you last spend money on? Gas.
Does any accent annoy you? Stereotypical ones, like how Filipino-American stand-up comedians always try to cash in on Filipino quirks and make fun of thick Filipino accents, which makes all Filipinos look like we can’t speak English ‘properly,’ whatever properly means. Full-blooded Filipinos are so sick of that shit. We get it, the cellpown is ober der -___-
How about turn you on? None actively turn me on.
Are you wearing any jewelry? No.
Do you get along better with your mom or your dad? Dad. Easier to talk to and we share more interests.
Are you craving anything right now? Sushi.
What's worse: Crocs or Uggs? I’d go with Uggs, because Crocs actually look cute on kids so at least it suits one market lol
Do you knock before you open doors? Yep, always. I learned the habit because my mom never knocks and I quickly realized I don’t want to be that kind of person.
Do you know what a sock on the doorknob means? I think so.
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.
What's your zodiac sign? Taurus.
Does Fred from Youtube annoy you? I don’t think he ever did.
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the-manor-7 · 5 years
Soulmate au - Taehyung pt.1
[au: You dream of the place your soulmate spent the most time in that day.]
As the alarm blared in my ear, I slammed my hand down on it and groaned at the thought of getting out of bed at this unseemly hour.  
'Why do bosses insist on their employees arriving to work at eight o'clock on a daily basis?' I seem to be asking myself every day.  
Not only was I upset about having to wake up because of the time, but because I was dreaming about an amusement park.  
Now, you might be wondering why I find this so significant.  
Well, you see, my soulmate gene allows me to see where my chosen partner has spent most of their time that day.  
And it just so happened that mine was hanging around a particularly fun location.  
They always seemed to be somewhere interesting. I was beginning to wonder whether or not they were a celebrity of some sort. They were either at a dance studio, a dorm, or a concert hall most of the time.  
While I, on the other hand, spend most of my time in a cubical (during the week) or my house (during the weekend). They probably know their way around both better than I do at this point.  
I felt bad for my soulmate. They led such an interesting and exciting life, and when they went to sleep, which is supposed to be when you have dreams of magical lands or the sort, they were stuck in stagnant landscapes. A cubical or a tiny apartment.  
Sometimes it would probably change to my friend's or parents' house, but that was most likely the only variety they got.  
Nothing compared to their everyday lives.  As I lamented about my situation (I may be exaggerating), I got up and got ready for the day: eating breakfast, taking a shower, getting dressed, finishing my makeup and hair.  
Grabbing my purse and doing one last check to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything, I made my way down the stairs at the end of the hall, out the main doors, and stopped right outside the sliding-glass door at the bus stop. 
I checked the time on my phone as I waited impatiently for the vehicle to get here.  
It eventually arrived, with me quickly climbing on and plopping down in the nearest seat.  
On the way to my office-building, I stared out the window as the scenery rushed by, becoming a blur as I spaced out, thinking about some random topic.  
About twenty minutes later, the bus came to halt in front of my work and I shuffled off, grabbing my purse in the process.  
I scanned the card-key that was attached to my belt on the receptor and walked through after the door opened with a click.  
As I climbed up the stairs to the third floor, I passed one of my coworkers, Gabriel.  
"Hey, Crystal!" She smiled at me, "Do you have that report done yet? My manager is getting anxious." She gave me an apologetic look.  
I shook my head, "I'm sorry. It's almost done, though. I'll just need a few more hours." 
She nodded, "That's fine, then. Just please don't take to long? You know how she gets."  
I frowned, knowing all too well, "I'll try my best. It'll help if someone keeps Mr. Leston off my back though. He's been breathing down my neck lately." 
"I'll try to keep him distracted" her phone started ringing, "Oh, have to answer this. I'll see you later!" 
She didn't wait for a reply as she continued on her way down the stairs.  
I sighed, thinking about the amount of work I would have to cram into a couple hours.  
Just great. My soulmate is definitely going to be looking at my cubicle tonight, and they are probably going to see my report too.
How exciting.  
Trudging up the stairs, I wound my way through a maze of desks and people hard at work to finally stop at mine.  
I dropped my purse onto the floor next to me as I slumped into my seat and quickly logged into my computer, pulling up the dreaded document. 
I groaned, exhausted after a full-day's work and drug my feet as I climbed up the stairs to my apartment.  
I cannot wait to just fall into bed and finally start dreaming about pleasant things.  
I made quick work of getting ready for bed: I changed, brushed my teeth, washed my face.  
And once I collapsed onto my bed, I pulled the blankets over me and fell to sleep.  
My dream this night was different.  
Maybe that is due to sleep deprivation, I do not know.  
But, tonight, I could hear voices. 
Faintly, but I could hear them.  
I found myself located in a small café, sitting at a larger table.  
The voices I heard were talking about an upcoming concert, it occasionally strayed to another random topic, but it always came back to that.  
Suddenly, I could hear one voice louder than the rest, "Hyung?" 
There was a pause where another faint voice replied.  
"Can we come here again tomorrow?" 
The faint voice answered again, this time agreeing.  
The person with the louder voice smiled.  
Don't ask me how I know they did, I'm still questioning that too.  
After that, the voices died down and soon, faded out completely.  
I rested my head on my hand, contemplating the whole situation.  
Why was I shown this place tonight? And why could I hear voices? 
When the realization hit me, I just about hit my head on the table out of frustration.  
Why did it take me so long to realize? Again, I don't know.  
I rushed around to find any indication of where I was located, but found nothing.  
Once I paused to sit down after my fruitless search, I saw something outside out of the corner of my eye.  
It was a street sign.  
I rushed over to the window and read the sign, trying to devote it to memory.  
It read: Lexington Ave. And the one right below it said: E 91st Street.  
Before I could celebrate too much, I was pulled from my dreams and forced awake because of who knows what.  
But whatever force did, I was thankful because I don't know how long I would be able to remember.  
I quickly grabbed my phone from my nightstand and punched in the digits I had forced my brain to memorize.  
It pulled up a map of New York, Manhattan and I just about screamed.  
I live in Greenpoint, which is across the East Side river from the small café.  
I whipped around to look at the clock and read the time: 7:30.  
Since when did I ever wake up that early? 
I was lucky that today was Saturday, and not a weekday, otherwise I probably would have had to either miss my chance at meeting my soulmate or skipping work.  
Quickly, I got ready for the day.  
Except today, instead of wearing my normal work attire, I pulled out a light blue dress with cherry blossoms that I hadn't worn in months, white heels, I put clear studs in my ears, and curled my hair, putting it up in a half ponytail.  
Checking to see if I smudged any makeup (I didn't) I quickly grabbed my purse and headed out the door.  
As I waited for my normal bus I realized, I wouldn't get off at my normal stop, I would go past it!  
Now that definitely feels strange.  
Once my ride arrived, I hurried to board, with a lot more energy that usual.  
The bus driver that I have seen almost everyday for the past six years (I'm pretty sure her name is Pat) raised an eyebrow at me and smiled, "Well, aren't you looking bright this morning, Miss Davis? What is the occasion?" 
I grinned as I sat down in the seat behind her and met her eyes in the rear view mirror, "I had a dream last night." 
"Oh, really?" She looked up at me after she turned a corner, "About what?" 
"My soulmate." 
"Oh, dear! That's wonderful!" When we stopped at a traffic light, she pulled up her sleeve and showed me a tattoo of a tiger, "This is mine." 
I leaned over the seat to look at it, "Have you found them yet?" 
She laughed before pulling her sleeve back down and continued driving, "Now, Miss Davis, I am nearly sixty. It would be awful late if I found my soulmate now." 
I giggled (something that I don't think I've heard since high school), "You're right." 
We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before she spoke up again, "Where are you going today? Not work, I hope." 
I shook my head, "Nope, I'm getting off by the ferry today. I need to head over to Manhattan." 
"Oh, of all the places!" She chuckled, "You're a lucky one, now aren't you?" 
Once she pulled up to my desired destination, she called after me as I climbed off the bus, "Have a good day, Miss Davis! I hope you find them!" 
I looked back and waved at her, smiling, before turning back around and walking over to stand in line for the ferry.  
Even though I've only been here a couple of times, since my work is on this side of the river, I found it surprising busy at the pier.  
Shrugging it off as it just being a Saturday, with usual New York traffic, I hurried onto the boat in order to get a seat.  
The ride was uneventful, except for the fact that I offered my seat to this sweet older lady who gave me a piece of candy in return and called me 'shmoopsipoo', that was basically it.  
When the vehicle pulled up to the dock, I exited the boat and quickly made my way down the boardwalk and to the nearest bus station.  
I quickly hopped on the bus and silently urged the driver to go faster. I have places to be and things to do.  
Even though it felt like forever, in actuality, it only took about twenty minutes, and I was to the final stretch.  
I speed-walked towards the cute little café and once I arrived, I practically burst through the door.  
Quickly, I took in my surroundings.  
It looked exactly the same as it had in my dream. The large table was there, the poster was in the corner, even the baby plant was by the register.  
However, to my disappointment, I didn't see the group of people that I had heard in my dream.  
Resigned to my fate of waiting, I walked up to the counter and stared up at the menu.  
Deciding that I didn't like coffee, I ordered black tea, barely steeped. I made sure to emphasize the last point.  
I took to a seat by the window plopped down in it, slinging my purse over the back of the chair.  
When the barista came around with different people's orders, I grabbed mine and took a hesitant sip.  
To my faint astonishment, I was pleasantly surprised. They had gotten my order right.  
As I stared out the window, the door opened, ringing a bell that was attached above it.  
For whatever reason (unbeknownst to me) I payed it no mind. I just kept people-watching and staring out the window.  
It wasn't until one of them bumped into me that I payed any attention to them.  
In slight annoyance, I turned around to face the offender, who quickly bowed and spoke a quick apology before straightening and smiling at me.  
Because I thought he looked kind of cute, I smiled at him, "It's all right." 
His eyes widened and he stared at me, "Say something else." 
I raised an eyebrow at him, "Excuse me?" 
His eyes lit up and he ran over to a male that was slightly shorter than him, "Hyung, hyung! It's her!" 
The light-green haired man looked over at me, then back at his friend, "Are you sure?" 
The original man nodded, excited, before dragging the other guy over to me.  
He let go and beamed at me, "Hello, soulmate!" 
All I could do was stare at him.  
He was a gorgeous man, with dark brown hair and brown eyes, he looked to be of Korean heritage, and wore a permanent smile on his face (that kind of looked like a box).  
It wasn't until he reached out and hugged me that I realized I was crying.  
"Ah, don't cry!" He said into my hair.  
I just sobbed harder as I wrapped my arms around him.  
He laughed and let go, looking at my face, "My Jagi is a crier!" 
I laughed (which was kind of weird, I was still crying), "Oh, be quiet. I'm not usually like this." 
He smiled at me before thinking a moment, "Hey, Jagiya?" 
"Come with me to Korea?" 
"Right now?!" 
Oh, great. It looks like I have a hyperactive soulmate.  
He's a cutie though! 
Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave comments/requests!
Thank you,
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goals for october
disclaimer: please do not read this if it will trigger you
okay. so. i never thought that i would make it to the point where i would be so obsessed with my eating habits that i would want to post about it but here we are. hahaha. anyway, i’ve been on this endless cycle of binging and then starving myself for months now, and i’m so tired of it. which means that now i am really going to be tracking everything and not letting myself fail. i think that if i start actually posting on this blog instead of just using tumblr for inspiration and stuff, i might actually get somewhere.
october 2018:
- exercise minimum 30 minutes daily
- eat only a maximum of 800 calories
- no binging
- drink three liters of water every day
- only eat an apple for lunch
- finish homework before 18:00
- find a buddy to keep in touch with and to help keep on track
- track everything on myfitnesspal
- don’t make self deprecating comments in the presence of anyone, it could cause alarm
- look at thinspo every morning for at least five minutes
- brush teeth every morning, afternoon, and evening so that i don't eat
- stay off of other social medias
- start writing again
- apply to colleges / study for the act
- put on makeup and do my hair every day
- shower at night and get up early
- clean my room every evening
- keep school stuff organized
- try to stay as plant based as possible, and stay away from artificial sugars
- give halloween candy to brother or friends
- come up with a list of off-limits foods
i think that this is definitely a big list, but it will also give me lots of things to focus on instead of eating so that will be good! definitely send me a message if you are also looking for a buddy or just someone to talk to. i love to listen to people if you ever need a place to vent.
-cheers, j.m.
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licenselesswriter · 6 years
Selfish (Part 2)
It was 5 AM.
She was only on a pair of lace panties.
With a completely naked man covered by her blanket.
She opens her laptop and grabs one of his cigarettes.
She lights it up and went directly to her mail.
She takes a soft breath and saw a mail from Riley.
She just marks it as read.
Every time she mails her it was about him.
And she wasn’t up to read a 30 minutes mail about how Lucas was doing great in London but she can feel how he was broken inside because he was away from her.
But just because all what they said to each other.
Doesn’t change the fact that time to time, Maya surprise herself taking a small peek on certain Texas boy Facebook page.
She looks at his last update.
“4 hours of theoretical studies, 5 hours or volunteering #ImDyingHere”.
- Babe, can you turn off your laptop? I really need to have some sleep – She heard next to her.
And for a second she thought for herself.
Lucas would just let me be.
Maya just closes her laptop and get up at 5:19 AM.
Morpheus decide to not call on her door that night.
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Lucas was destroyed.
He gets up at 5:30 AM every day.
Just to fall on his couch at 10:47 PM.
And today happen to be one of those days.
- Don’t you think you should stop with the morning volunteering? – Lucas heard a feminine voice.
- They don’t have people in the morning – Lucas answer having a one on one time with the couch – Couch, you’re the only one who loves me – He says to the furniture.
- Yeah, it’s on video – He heard a familiar voice on the kitchen.
Lucas fastly get up from the couch – Zay? – He asks looking as his longtime friend.
- Surprise – Zay answer with a huge smile.
Lucas runs over him and caught him in a really tight hug.
- Oh my God, I haven’t seen you in a lot – Lucas says, really happy to see his friend.
- I know, that’s why I came here – Zay says hugging back his friend – Because you never visit – Zay confronts him with a fake hurt tone.
- Well, that doesn’t matter, you’re here, I’m here, I have some pounds on my wallet and we can order pizza – Lucas says dragging his friend to the couch.
- I would love that, but first, mind explaining who is she? – Zay asks looking at the new blonde beauty on Lucas apartment.
- Oh, I can explain her – Lucas looks at the hot blonde cooking on his apartment – Ok, I can’t – Lucas says looking back to Zay.
- Would you call me a girlfriend? – The feminine voice asks Lucas.
Making Zay look at his Texas charmer friend with surprise.
And a little bit of envy.
- Ok, let’s be clear with this – He says and grabs Zay from his shirt and drag him out of his apartment.
- I can’t talk about your girlfriend? – Zay asks him.
- Ok, yes, she is my friend, yes, she’s a girl – Lucas clarifies while Zay just laughs at his best friend nervousness - Yes, we lived together, but, we lived together because my ex-roommate is living with her ex-roommate as a married couple – He adds.
Zay just gave him his best understanding face, but was ruined by his laugh – Sorry, you can continue – Zay invites him to finish his point.
- Yes, she is really hot, and yes, we have sex on a daily basis – He explains to his friend, who feel how his mouth opens thanks to his revelations – But no, she is not my girlfriend – He finishes.
- Did you both finish? Cause I just finished dinner – She says while she invites both boys inside.
- She’s blonde, she’s frontal and she can cook? – Zay asks.
- It’s not what you think, I’m not like that – Lucas says shutting down Zay’s idea of him trying to get over Maya with a clone – We just happened to be in the exact same situation – He adds.
And the curiosity of Zay goes off the roof.
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Sadly, for Maya, Riley decides to not let her be.
- Honey – Maya answer her phone with a noticeable mad tone – Are you calling me to ask about how are my classes, because they are going really good – Maya adds, trying to avoid the real reason why she called her.
- Really? That’s great – Riley says, honestly happy for her friend.
But she doesn’t have the right to call herself a Matthews if she didn’t try to solve her best friend problems.
- Did you mark me as read today too? – Riley asks her best friend.
- Honey – Maya says warning her.
- Peaches – Riley answer with a tone that clearly says “bring it on”.
- We are not talking about the traitor, again – Maya says.
- Oh yes, we are – Riley says back – Ring power – Riley says.
And Maya suddenly looks tired.
- Curses – Maya says.
- So, are you finally gonna tell me what he told you? – Riley asks.
- Long story short, he leaves because he is just a selfish traitor – Maya answer – No need to think more about him – She adds, taking a second to remember all that he said to her.
- Maya? – Riley asks when she heard a soft sob – Peaches? Are you crying? – She asks, thinking that maybe she pushed her too much.
- No – Maya answer, trying to control her sobs – It just… When you went to Harvard, He was the one who stayed – Maya says while she cleans her eyes.
- Peaches – Riley softly said, feeling incredibly guilty for not noticing how bad her best friend was taking the fact of her leaving.
- He said he was in love with me – Maya adds, surprising the brunette.
Not about him being in love with her.
But he actually telling her that he loves her.
That’s what surprises her.
- Then why did he leave? – Riley asks.
And Maya just broke.
Not big to everybody notice.
But not small enough for Riley to not notice it.
- He said he was hurt – Maya answer – He said that it hurt his heart every time he watches me with any boyfriend I had – She adds.
And for the first time since Lucas left.
Riley understands Lucas position.
- Oh – Riley softly says.
- And now I feel like that stupid song – Maya says.
And suddenly she was betrayed by her memory.
And notice that her own conscience guides her to the now empty apartment Lucas rent when he was still on Cornell.
- I need to go – Maya says and fastly hangs the call.
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- So, are you gonna tell me what happened with Maya? – Zay asks while he takes a sip of scotch – Damn I miss Texas – He says taking another sip.
Lucas just laughs.
- And what exactly you want me to tell you? – Lucas asks back while he takes a sip of his Guinness.
- Well, you know I don’t want to turn this into an interrogation – He says while he watches at his friend light a cigarette – But you know me, I want to know everything – He adds, and Lucas laughs again.
Lucas takes a deep breath of his cigarette and then a sip of his beer.
- She didn’t react too well when she finds out I was leaving – Lucas tries to put some makeup on what really happened that night.
- Yeah, I mean she was really pissed when I told her about the party, she went nuts – Zay confesses, without knowing.
- I knew it was you – Lucas says while he let a sad laugh out – I told Francesca, you know what, why don’t we avoid telling Zay, but no, she insists in you knowing – He reveals to his friend – Next time I will follow my brain – He adds.
- Ok, let me think if I get what I think I get from what you say and from what I said – Zay says while he takes a sip from his glass – You decide to leave New York and move to London, right? -He asks and Lucas nods - And Maya, who has been your best friend, yes, I know that me or Farkle lost that place a long time ago – He clears, making Lucas laugh – So, where I was, yes, and Maya, you didn’t tell her about you leaving – He says.
- Yes – Lucas confirms his facts – And then you told her about the farewell party and she shows up with Riley, and she throws 2 glasses of beer over me – Lucas adds.
- Now the beers have more sense – Zay says, more to himself than to Lucas.
Both Texan boys look at their glasses and take longs and deep sips.
- You’re a moron, you know that, right? – Zay asks.
- I know, but at least I’m a moron who is not watching the women he loves making out with other men – Lucas fires back.
- Not funny – Zay answer, then he remembers something – Okay, it was a little funny – He adds, making Lucas laugh.
- I really wished she Love me Zay, I really wished for that – Lucas confess.
- If you don’t Love someone, why bother on waste beer throwing it over his head? – Zay asks.
- If you Love someone, why don’t you stop that person at the airport when that person was about to leave to another country? – Lucas asks back.
- Damn – Zay says and take his final sip.
- Yeah, damn – Lucas says before finish his drink.
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Maya was not stupid.
And her encounters with the Law constantly remembers her that she’s about to do is illegal.
But since the apartment isn’t been sold, or for that matter rented.
She was pretty sure there was no problem if she breaks in into the Texan old apartment.
She will never tell anyone about this.
But in this kind of situations, she thought about the blessing of being that short.
- Stupid reality – Maya says, hitting herself in the head for thinking her height is a blessing.
She softly opens his room window to get in.
And in less than a second, all the memories she buries in her chest came to the surface.
She looked at the fire mark in the center of his room, from when she was really depressed only for knowing that Josh was getting married.
And He decides to lift her spirit by making a little campfire in his room so she can burn some marshmallows.
Of course, it was a success, but when she accidentally drops the improvised campfire, that leaves that mark in the floor, the laughs to his desperation save her from her state of self-flagellation.
Now every memory of him in that apartment make her feel like shit.
Every time she opens his door to tell him about her day.
Every time she opens his door to tell him about how her art teacher told her she was a really good artist.
Every time she opens his door to cry for every little or big thing that happens to her.
Even every time she opens his door to tell him about the “new guy” that makes her feel butterflies in her stomach.
- I was the one being selfish – Maya realizes when her body realizes early, dropping a few tears from her eyes.
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A few days pass since the little chat he had with Zay
And when he left him in the airport, Zay confess his purpose.
- Your mother sends you this – He says and gave Lucas a plane ticket – She says that she understands, but it’s her 40-year-old birthday and if you don’t show, you can stop using the name Friar – He says while both boys laugh.
- I will try my best – Lucas says.
- You know she means that, right? – Zay asks.
- The thing about me being forbidden to use the name Friar? Oh yeah, it’s my mother after all - Lucas answers – It was great having you here – Lucas says.
- Don’t you dare, you know that when I cry I can’t have my beauty sleep if I cry – Zay warns Lucas.
And Lucas only laughs.
- Please don’t do anything stupid – Lucas asks his friend.
- Like what? – Zay asks.
- Just promise me – Lucas asks.
- Can we do the thing? – Zay asks – You know it’s the only way I listen – Zay adds.
Lucas laughs again.
Having Zay with him make him remember what was laughing like that.
- Fine – Lucas says and grabs his friend hand – Promise me, Ned – Lucas recites, putting a smile on his friendly face.
- Look at that, chills – He says showing his arm – See you soon? – He asks.
- See you soon – Lucas confirms.
A few months later Zay was in Francesca’s apartment.
- So, how was him? – Francesca asks Zay.
- Last time I saw him, being the business partner of his roommate – Zay answers – Which to be honest, it makes everything uncomfortable, especially when she looks like a Maya long lost twin – He adds.
- Damn – She says while she passes some pages on the magazine she had on her hands – What do you think? Red lace or purple laze on the waist? – She asks showing him some dresses.
- Still don’t get all this Shaman wedding, but if you’re asking for the brides, I suggest Orange over those 2 – Zay answers.
Then suddenly, Nikki enters the room running and really excited.
- Franny, we find a little kitty on the streets – She says and put a little kiss on her lips – Can we keep him? – She asks.
- I mean, I think it’s gonna be hard to train him, but we promise we will feed him – Thor says while he has Lucas over his shoulder.
- Oh my God, Lucas, what are you doing here? – Francesca asks really happy to see the Texan.
- Looks like I’m a stray cat, hey Zay – He salutes his friend.
- You really surprised me – Francesca says and give Thor a little kiss – Zay… - Francesca wanted to tell.
But Zay was faster – Bottle of wine? On it – He says and runs to the kitchen.
After a few hours of deep talk about relationships, London, New York, Legal issues about polygamy and the fact that Thor proposes to Nikki, Nikki to Francesca and Francesca to Thor, Lucas can call himself drunk.
- What I’m doing with my life – He softly says, almost to himself looking at his ex-apartment.
- I called that stalking, but it was your apartment, so self-talking – He hears a feminine voice on his back.
A voice he hasn’t heard in 2 years
A feminine voice he knew too well to ever forget in his entire life.
- Maya – Lucas says, not even turning to face her.
- Huckleberry – She says.
And the rest was silence.
For some good 20 minutes.
Because even after all that happened between them.
The silence wasn’t uncomfortable.
- Why are you here? – Both asks at the same time.
Making Lucas laugh.
- I just told you, stalking – She says grabbing one of her cigarettes.
Lucas, like the Texas gentleman he was, lights her cigarette.
Maya take a soft breath – The real question is, what are you doing here? – She asks.
- Remembering – He answer.
- I’m sorry – Maya apologizes – I… - She was ready to continue, but he cut her.
- Save it – Lucas says.
- But… - She wanted to talk again.
- Trust me, save it – Lucas cuts her again – You haven’t done anything wrong, can’t blame you for you being you – He adds.
- Ok – She says with a sincere smile.
For the first time in 2 years.
- Heard you got a scholarship – She says like nothing, sitting on a bench.
- Yeah, they gave it to me, due to my expertise with horses – He says with a laugh sitting in the bench next to the one Maya sits.
And they went to silence again.
Maya finishes her cigarette and Lucas light one.
And then another.
12 minutes take him to finish both cigarettes.
- It was good seeing you – Lucas says getting up from his bench.
- Lucas – She called him.
- Yes? – He asks without turning to look at her.
- Do you hate me? – She asks, making the Texan heart get pounded by the anguish.
Does he hate her? He asks himself.
The answer was really obvious.
- Never – He answers walking to her mother apartment.
Maya smile got wider.
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An entire week passed.
And Mary Friar got her wish granted.
She and Lucas got to spend most of the week like they used to spend when he was in New York.
But even when she was really happy for having her son with her.
She knew that it was only a week, and she probably will get him back again in a few months.
Or that is what she tells herself to make the time run faster.
- Remember wear clean underwear – Mary says to his son.
- I’m not a caveman Mom, of course I will use clean underwear – He says to his mother, making her smile – Love to see you smile – Lucas says and hugs his mother.
- Okay, leave, you make me cry, so I hate you now – Mary says and laugh a bit.
Making her son laugh too.
- Zay – Lucas says while he looks at his friend trying to hold his tears.
- I’m not rich, get yourself a ticket back so you can visit me – He says and hugs Lucas.
- I’m a volunteer in an animal shelter, I’m lucky I have a scholarship – Lucas says.
- Get a job – Zay answers and laughs with him.
Thor gets close to him – You know, even with a Shaman, I still need a best man – He says surprising Lucas – What you say? See you in October? – He asks.
- You got yourself a Best man – Lucas says hugging his older and buffed version of himself.
Francesca and Nikki get close to him and hug him too.
Francesca tries to now show how sad she was with him leaving again.
But Lucas tells her that he was invited to a party in October.
When the older girls leave him, Lucas looks around.
And he had a sense of déjà vu.
He looks at Farkle watching his phone.
Just like last time.
- What did I tell you last time – Lucas says to Farkle.
- I’m talking with Smackle, not everything is about you – Farkle answers with a smile.
- So, no nervous trying to fix everything this time? - Lucas asks.
- No need – Farkle answer and gave him an envelope.
- What’s this? – He asks.
Farkle just incites him to open it.
Lucas opens the envelope and drags a ticket to an art exposition in Berlin.
In December.
Then he opens the note that comes with the ticket.
And recognize a very particular calligraphy.
Coffee? Lucas looks at Farkle and covers his eyes.
- Thank you Farkle – He says and hugs the young genius.
When he finishes with his goodbyes, Lucas looks around.
Just like the last time
But this time not with sorrow.
This time he has hope.
- Take whatever you can Lucas – He says to himself and get in line to board his plane.
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Part 1
10 notes · View notes
eulogy34-blog · 6 years
5 Simple Techniques For banana face mask
Application: Apply the mask on your face (specifically on afflicted parts), and leave it on for ten to 15 minutes. Then, rinse off your face with lukewarm water. Adhering to that, clean your face all over again with cold water. -When you rinse your face with lukewarm drinking water, clean it yet again with chilly h2o a few minutes later on. This will likely tone your face and increase the firmness of the face muscles. In this financial system, why spend $thirty or more on a leg wax when you are able to do it you? I've numerous close friends who wax their unique legs and I learned a recipe for your sugar "wax" on the Double X Internet site for Gals. Editor Hanna Rosin shares her family's recipe. Selfmade honey face masks are very easy to make. Honey is perhaps mother nature's most nutritious foodstuff, containing nutrients and enzymes not even recognized by scientists these days. Honey is frequently revered to be a fountain of youth and wonder - let us find out how to implement it Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice makes a extremely efficient Do-it-yourself egg white face mask for acne. Honey has solid antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Homes which make it incredibly successful versus acne. This mask should not be employed on presently dry skins, and it is actually a smart idea to consult a health care provider ahead of making use of this mask. So, When you are collecting the kelp you, keep away from really polluted places. Should you be acquiring it, Make certain that it truly is gathered and created in a location with as small a level of air pollution as you possibly can. 2,Q:Could I obtain a sample ahead of placing order9 A: Sorry, we couldn't deliver sample. three,Q:What exactly are the conditions of payment you offer9 A: We take payment of T/T, Western Union. 6,Q:What on earth is your warranty9 A:Absolutely free exchange and return again assurance if there include top quality problems! This face mask is black in colour and developed with ventilation holes that may help you breathe effortlessly. In addition it has an activated charcoal filter, a large proof hook and loop closure that may make certain a cosy in good shape. • Give a healthy glow in your skin by mixing three tablespoons of orange juice in 50 % a cup of natural honey and smearing this Remedy on to your face and neck for 20-25 minutes.   I am all for elegance guidelines and appreciate components which i have already got . I take advantage of coconut oil everyday to help keep my skin hydrated but will combine it with honey and avocado . Thanks for a few awesome tips ! If you can and you've got the mandatory components, then It is necessary. Nevertheless if you don't have the required ingredients or time, then ensure it is frequent although not every day. The easiest body scrub of them all, this scrubs absent dead skin cells, and softens and hydrates your skin. Mix with each other olive oil and sugar until finally it varieties a paste Skip to look We use cookies to offer you a far better on-line practical experience. By continuing to look through you acknowledge our privateness and cookies.
face mask - An Overview
Time for you to say goodbye to acne and pimples. Mix orange peel powder with oatmeal and baking soda to create the last word pimple annihilation face mask. If you'd like to use this mask once more Later on, create a new batch. All-natural face masks similar to this can generally continue to be about a week inside the fridge, but just to be Risk-free, start out fresh new every time.[four] That is used to discover distinct browsers or products when the obtain the support, and is employed for protection motives. Prepare with the mask by washing your face and tying your hair again. Use heat h2o to help you open up your pores. If you are wearing makeup, you have got to acquire it off working with make-up remover. Make use of a heavier, richer one particular throughout the Wintertime, as well as a lighter just one throughout the summertime. Take into consideration a moisturizer that contains SPF to guard your skin against the Sunlight's dangerous rays. It is best to only make sufficient for use each day but understandably, when life is busy it could be simpler to make more upfront. Rinse from the mask soon after quarter-hour, and pat dry your face by using a towel.[7] The yogurt assists with shrinking the glimpse of pores, and tightening pores. The orange juice aids with refreshing skin cells, and softening harsh skin traces. To test if you have oily skin, push a paper napkin towards your forehead. Any time you pull it away, it ought to be soaked in oils. Increase the olive oil or coconut oil. You will require 2 teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin experience soft and sleek. If you don't have olive oil, You need to use coconut oil in its place, which is also quite moisturizing. [24] Use brown sugar for any gentler scrub and white sugar for a regular scrub. You can utilize any type of oil you want, but coconut oil or olive oil would function ideal. Require something stronger? Try salt! Check out a banana mask for wrinkled skin. Combine and mash a ripe banana, one teaspoon of orange juice, and 1 teaspoon of basic yogurt. Utilize a fork to create a clean and perhaps, consistency. Therapeutic massage and operate this mask on to your face, and Enable it soak into your skin for approximately 15 minutes. Now crush and powder your peels into a high-quality powder employing a foodstuff processor or blender, without incorporating any water. This content material is precise and legitimate to the very best on the writer’s know-how and isn't meant to substitute for formal and individualized information from an experienced Expert. Follow the simple fifteen min stay pack time using this mask and pat dry having a thoroughly clean towel. It's going to depart your skin experience gorgeous and clean.
5 Essential Elements For skin care
I only use standard cleaning soap when bathing. I smoke. Now I just would like to get my authentic complexion back Specially on my face. I started providing Uncooked lemon to my face for 3 days. Nothing at all happened. I want some easy recommendations to resolve this. Thanks. As I grow old I have been seeking something that could assistance sluggish the ageing system down a little. On the other hand, our skin is below assault 24/seven by quite a few aspects – ranging from involuntary publicity to damaging radiation (including the Sunlight) to eating plan. Keep away from investing an excessive amount time during the Sunshine, and often put on sunscreen when you do. Select sunscreen with a minimum of 15 SPF. You'll want to wear it each day, even in the darker, colder Wintertime months. Egg whites assistance tighten skin, earning them a powerful home treatment for reducing appearance of crow’s-toes below and close to eyes. That’s a wonderful strategy! I as well use coffee grounds & coconut oil for cellulite. I didn’t know i could freeze. I used to be maintaining a bunch of made use of grounds in a very mason jar w a dab of coconut oil in my shower. I really like the frozen version as a substitute. May function very best because it’s stored fresh new. Will test. I’ll have to help keep an eye out for them. I don’t Feel my food market carries them, but I believe I'm sure an area the place I’ll be capable of finding them. Thanks!! Utilizing a mask everyday might be a bit an excessive amount of for skin. Test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVZ6srdJX30 out two periods each week and when it adjusts with the skin, You should utilize it around 4 situations weekly. Her buddies have been impressed at how excellent her skin appeared and pestered her for your recipes so she decided to set them on line so she could assistance Anyone. Invalid e mail deal with Subscribe to L'Oréal Paris Emails By enrolling I comprehend and agree to the privateness plan and conditions of provider, such as the use of arbitration and also the waiver of any course or team claim to solve disputes. To your skin care pure face masks, there is not any organic component that may be a reasonably near substitute for turmeric. About the milk, powder milk will function best because the mixture will only need a little quantity of water. If you use liquid milk, you won't get the good thing about milk by this minor amount of money. If you do not need to use milk,just liquefy the coffee with a few drops of water and after that include yogurt. This information was co-authored by our trained workforce of editors and scientists who validated it for precision and comprehensiveness. You may use this mask daily. Immediately after utilizing this mask, if you feel your skin remains to be dry you may apply a good selfmade moisturizer ( ) or every other moisturizer of one's option. Meditate. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2088296957930240 is an historic practice that's been about for hundreds of years—and permanently rationale! Many of us find that it can help them obvious their minds and chill out.
The best Side of face mask
@ Pralad: You should choose care of one's skin consistently. Include things like the following tips is your skin care plan. Combine a person tablespoon of organic Uncooked honey and 50 percent a freshly squeezed lemon in to your bowl and utilize around your face, steering clear of the attention location. Now, Permit your skin soak up all this goodness for fifteen-half-hour (based upon how delicate your skin is). Wash away with heat drinking water, finishing with just one splash of chilly water to close your pores. Pat gently with a towel to dry. Enable your skin breathe For the remainder of the working day, or comply with up with your favorite moisturizer/serum. The #one cause of wrinkles is sun harm, so it is vital to utilize a sunscreen of at the very least 30 SPF from your early decades on even in Wintertime and on cloudy days. A great trick is to purchase two moisturizers: Just one for the night time and a person for that working day that includes UV safety. Just how much you exfoliate is up for discussion. Some Girls have skin that gets scaly swiftly. Some others glance dewy and new with minimal fuss. Dermatologist Dr. By drying out the skin and bringing each blood and oxygen into the skin’s surface, cinnamon will make a very good acne fighter. (ii) Orange juice is stuffed with Vitamin C, so operate to rejuvenate skin cells and lessens wonderful traces and wrinkles. Mix honey and cinnamon alongside one another, and use towards your face. Leave the mask on for ten-thirty minutes. The antibacterial Houses of both equally honey and cinnamon make this honey mask ideal acne-vulnerable skin. Filled with citric acid, lightens dark skin and evens out discoloration. Diminishes dark places and pimples blemishes. 3. Honey is a organic moisturiser which allows in keeping skin delicate and supple. I generally use two-three drops of purely natural moisturiser in face packs to keep the contents very well balanced so that the mask will not strip the all-natural moisture and hydration from my skin. Since it burns I am able to’t leave it on for way too prolonged. I clean it off and apply the rest of the banana and leave it on for 15-twenty min and clean it off with cold drinking water and complete off with a moisturiser. I am loving it. Perfect for troubled skin. In my view it is an effective combination for a mask to deal with acne and pimples, as a consequence of next reasons: (i) Cinnamon may help rid your face or again of acne by equally drying out the skin and, once again, bringing blood and oxygen to the skin surface. Yes, You should use banana with orange peel powder. For superior benefits include in total cream milk also and come up with a thick paste. Apply this mask on all the face, preventing eye region and go away it about half an hour. Then gently take out it with warm h2o (don’t rub your face as it can irritate your skin). I use weekly after Multanimitti with Rose water, Sandal with Rose water and experimented with Papaya fruit pulp with Banana , lemon , cucumber mask, only papaya with Besan Powder and tomoto juice with lemon. I actually fed up using this acne and oil on my fore head System: Take a ripe banana and mash it which has a spoon or a fork in a bowl until it types a smooth lump absolutely free pulp. Add 1 tsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of lemon juice and mix the substances completely. Wash your face by using a moderate cleaning soap and make use of a delicate towel to pat it dry. I by no means realized a banana could possibly be so flexible from the alternative ways You may use it. Thanks. Voted up.
A Review Of pineapple face mask
The usage of egg white face mask remedies is growing in reputation in spas all around the entire world simply because they provide a number of Added benefits into the skin with no severe side effects that ingredients like retinol and alpha hydroxy acids in some cases trigger. Nonetheless, before you decide to choose to use an egg white mask, you must understand how it'd influence your skin and regardless of whether it will have any effect on the kind of skin difficulties you’re trying to handle. Cinnamon can be harsh on sensitive skin. For those who have delicate skin, take a look at the mask around the back of one's hand initially. I've attempted lots of property facials, but I have in no way heard about, or tried a banana mask before. This really is so fascinating :). I can't wait around to test it. Many thanks for sharing, so you're images are awesome. When it’s put on the skin rather than with your belly, sugar can be a good magnificence assist. It’s moisturizing; it contains glycolic acid, which encourages cell turnover for youthful-wanting skin; and its tiny particles make a terrific exfoliant.[1] You can mix sugar with any range of ingredients to make your own personal face mask. This effortless banana face mask uses turmeric and baking soda that may help you get glowing skin and cut down pimples and blemishes. Stay acne-absolutely free with common application. Do you do a thing Odd like rubbing some thing around your face right before a date (or something vital), too? Or possibly https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care+tips may have A different humorous ritual? I’d enjoy to listen to about it! Leave me a remark and let me know so I know I’m not the only weirdo who does this stuff Increase all of the components in a little bowl. Use a fork to finely mash the banana although mixing the substances. If the combination is simply too thick, Be at liberty to include a few drops of drinking water. Don’t push really hard. The sugar will do its work even with Light strain, so resist the urge to press down difficult while you distribute it more than your skin. It just felt 'organic' to choose up the eggshell and dab the remaining white onto my face esp concentrating around the parts beneath my eyes.. its worked for me at any time considering the fact that withj no damaging Negative effects so try out it on your own.. :) go natural! Stay away from utilizing a sponge to exfoliate your face as these can entice useless skin and microbes, creating you extra very likely to split out. The proteins that are contained within an egg white mask support the skin enhance and retain its elasticity, which can be crucial On the subject of minimizing the looks of wrinkles. You’ll get quite possibly the most Advantages using Uncooked honey. And if you’re willing to splurge, you may’t defeat Manuka honey. This honey from your Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is undoubtedly an antibacterial superfood with a great deal of immunity and first-help Added benefits. will test, appears simple plenty of. can these be created in advance and just how long will it maintain for once egg white is removed from egg shell? Save the egg yolk and discard the egg white (or put it aside for another recipe). Egg yolks not merely assist nourish and moisturize your skin, However they may additionally aid minimize the appearance of blemishes. You need to use the egg white to help make a simple face mask. To learn the way to make one, make reference to the part on this page on creating a straightforward mask.
coffee face mask for Dummies
Let it dry. You may utilize a third layer of whisked egg whites soon after 5 minutes for greater skin tightening. Merge matcha powder, honey and oil in a little bowl and mix very well. (When you don’t have matcha powder, Minimize open a green tea bag and utilize the leaves.) Implement this to your face and go away it for quarter-hour right before washing off warm h2o. Honey has awesome antibacterial Qualities that enable sooth discomfort and motivate the growth of latest skin tissue. Preparing: Combine the three ingredients to acquire a high-quality, uniform mixture. Permit it stand for around ten minutes. did not point out amount, and it is floor coffee just not the moment just one, correct? as well as powder milk? can it's use something else, milk has fat : Smear the thick paste on your face & neck leaving the eye and lip location bare. Depart it on for fifteen-twenty minutes. Slowly therapeutic massage the face with heat water to gently exfoliate. Wipe the mask off which has a wash cloth after which you can splash cold water on your face. Apply your standard moisturizer. @vishnum969: Certainly, egg white is extremely successful For several skin circumstances such as acne susceptible skin and ageing skin. I loved the eggwhite, lemon and honey mask and I will utilize it twice weekly. What recipes am i able to use for day-to-day to bolster my sagging skin, lighten the dark marks below my eyes and assist my turkey neck? Just give these masks a consider. They are really pretty much free of charge and you don’t require to search the planet for getting the necessary ingredients. Briefly, you have nothing to lose except your acne. Why not give it a try? Some assert this mask removes dark circles. So I've diluted this mask with water and applied it evenly below my eyes. It did make the beneath eyes appear rather less dim. Add the dairy solution and stir right until a smooth paste sorts. You can use significantly less dairy if you like a thicker paste. Before we move on to how to create the mask, let's consider the significance of Each individual of the other additional ingredients: How it works: Uncooked milk is useful to open up up the pores of the skin. This can help the banana to purify the skin from in just. The banana helps in maximizing the glow and wonder of the skin. Sorry, we just really need to ensure you're not a robot. For ideal final results, remember to make certain your browser is accepting cookies.
banana face mask Can Be Fun For Anyone
Implement the combination in your face and neck. Using gentle, circular motions, apply the combination for your face and neck with your fingertips. No one will check out any facial products which never fetch any Added benefits. Bananas have an incredible advantage on your wellness and and also on our skin. People are: Several thanks, I stay up for attempting these masks. I make my own cheese, and wash my face with the whey - It is usually superb - I would consider combining it now with some of your respective mask substances! Many thanks Thanks a whole lot for amazing recommendations… I tried Banana + honey + Lemon combination face pack.. and its truly magic it began working on my face.. slowly my holes are disappearing and I am able to see circulation in my face…Thanks yet again Milk and Banana is among the finest combos for the face mask. Also, one of the simplest face masks being designed the banana and milk do miracles on your skin from smoothening to brightening. Technique: Have a ripe banana and mash it with a spoon or maybe a fork in a bowl till it sorts a easy lump free of charge pulp. Include 1 tsp. of honey and one tsp. of lemon juice and blend the components totally. Clean your face by using a mild soap and use a smooth towel to pat it dry. Bananas are full of iron, potassium. Honey is a purely natural healer. It had been even employed by Egyptians for managing there wounds and cuts. Following implementing face packs it is possible to often use ice cubes wrapped inside a towel to therapeutic massage your skin. This will likely pack up opened pores and forestall Dust and pollution from producing their way in. If you're able to and you've got the required components, then It's a necessity. Nonetheless if you don't have the required components or time, then make it Recurrent although not daily. Leave the mask on for quarter-hour. To prevent the mask from dripping everywhere, take into consideration laying down or sitting down in a snug chair with all your head tilted back. You may as well use this mask while in the bathtub if you are soaking or taking a stress-free bath. • Those with oily skin can implement a handmade face mask geared up by incorporating two tablespoons of environmentally friendly clay, one tablespoon of powdered milk, and slightly water in freshly squeezed orange juice taken from the medium-sized orange. Apply a moisturizer to your face and neck. Seal within the moisturizing outcomes on the scrub with all your favourite moisturizer. little herbs – I love using and recommending honey in my recipes In particular UMF Lively honey as it’s super strong like a healing, antimicrobial and moisturising ingredient. woooooow!!!!!!amazing great face masks…:D I've lots of challenges on my face like dark places,tough skin,blemishes…:( i just want to know what number of times in per week I am able to use these masks????and will i apply only banana each day???thank you…:)
The Fact About strawberry face mask That No One Is Suggesting
For hundreds of years, people have been making use of honey masks for a treatment for acne and for curing other marks, scars, spots, and blemishes. There is certainly not just just one recipe for a honey mask that treats acne, but relatively, it could be made from distinct combos of herbs along with other substances. That is utilized to discover certain browsers or devices once the obtain the service, which is used for security motives. This information is accurate and real to the most beneficial of your author’s knowledge and isn't meant to substitute for formal and individualized guidance from a certified Skilled. From time to time a slave or a felony was quickly granted the insignia and standing of royalty, only for being killed once the Pageant ended.[16] The Carnival of Venice, by which all are equivalent powering their masks, dates again to 1268 Advert.[17] The use of carnivalesque masks during the Jewish Purim festivities possibly originated inside the late fifteenth century, although some Jewish authors claim it's got generally been part of Judaic custom.[18] will surely test dis tomarow ….aaj i have to organize my chandan pack…. Kal pakka isko consider karoongi waise me tooo love having oranges a lot Caution: Aloe Vera supposedly has no Negative effects, and there aren't any stories of it getting allergenic. Even so, many people could possibly be allergic to honey. In https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Face-Masks-Using-Natural-Ingredients of your allergen history, it is best to test it in your wrist before you decide to apply it to the face. Just before source:- steptoremedies like polycarbonate have been invented, visors to guard the face needed to be opaque with tiny eyeslits, and ended up a sort of mask, as frequently in mediaeval satisfies of armour, and (such as) Outdated Norse grímr meant "mask or visor". Disguise These an artist holds a highly regarded situation in tribal Modern society due to the do the job that he or she makes, embodying not merely elaborate craft procedures but additionally spiritual/social and symbolic know-how.[27] African masks will also be used in the Mas or Masquerade with the Caribbean Carnival. There are plenty of banana face mask Rewards one just should know about which mask is finest for what skin type. For this, we have been in this article that may help you as We now have classified the face masks based on the various skin care requirements. In Roman gladiatorial tournaments masks ended up from time to time made use of. From archaeological proof it is clear that these have been not just protective but in addition helped make the wearer look much more intimidating. -They continue on to drip, even after application and can produce very a mess on your own flooring or clothing. The best face mask for acne can’t be obtained at a dear Office retailer. In actual fact, it only consists of one particular component and it’s most likely by now inside your pantry! It’s amongst my own favorites: the Uncooked honey mask. It is a thing that the many beauty industries are employing in their solutions as a consequence of it several skin Positive aspects. Fundamentally, the quantity of honey ought to be ample To combine nicely Using the pulp. Blend properly right into a uniform paste plus your apple honey mask is able to use.
yeast face mask for Dummies
Whether it is The standard really hard-boiled eggs which can be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or simply creamy poached eggs with a stunning runny yolk, eggs are an very cheap and adaptable home staple. didn't point out amount, which is ground coffee just not the instant just one, appropriate? as well as powder milk? can it's use another thing, milk has Excess fat : Hi Samm! Sure You can utilize honey and minimal drops of water. But milk or milk derivatives get the job done very best in mask but I have delicate acne inclined skin (with a few new wrinkles as well :/ I'm only 27 a long time previous while) could it be Okay for me?! Can used coffee grounds get the job done In this particular recipe? I’d prefer to utilize the grounds from my espresso machine right after my morning coffee! Incorporate the olive oil or coconut oil. You will require two teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin feeling smooth and sleek. If you don't have olive oil, You need to use coconut oil as a substitute, and that is also quite moisturizing. My skin is Tremendous sensitive And that i split out like crazy if I use coconut oil on my face. It seems to work great if I utilize it essentially everywhere else on my human body…go figure. Cut down your anxiety levels. Anxiety can don't just wreck havoc on your thoughts and rest, but your skin at the same time. It may result in acne, breakouts, and various skin troubles. Established real looking objectives and limits yourself, and depart time each week so that you can do things that you take pleasure in. Subscribe to America's premier dictionary and get hundreds extra definitions and State-of-the-art lookup—advert absolutely free! Mix the egg white and lemon juice. Utilizing a fork, speedily whisk The 2 substances until the egg white will become foamy and frothy. It’s loaded n antioxidants and can help your skin for getting smoother and improved. If you want for more youthful searching, wholesome skin, then as an alternative to an apply switch to an orange every day. two. Lemon juice is ability packed with all the goodness of vitamin C and is very good for oily skin. It clears blackheads and whiteheads and likewise stops new breakouts. It clears current acne likewise and lightens complexion about a time period with standard use. Lately, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go5TQBn0kf0 started out Placing coffee extract in lots of in their formulas. And permanently explanation! Wow, I can’t wait to do this! Planning to try out it tonight since I can’t hold out. Right here ’s the insane point I placed on my face. …I purchase the huge aloe leaves while in the deliver segment at Wegmans. I peel them and Reduce the insides into minimal chunks which i put in the jar and continue to keep within the fridge.
sugar face mask Secrets
This material is accurate and legitimate to the most effective from the author’s understanding and isn't intended to substitute for formal and individualized tips from an experienced Qualified. Terrific posting. It is good to grasp that there are normal components within your kitchen cupboard or refrigerator which could double up as skin nutrition for mend and wonder. Avocados and bananas are 2 of one of the most moisturizing ingredients found in face masks. Incorporate the honey and you've got the perfect mask for Tremendous dry skin. hi That is first time l,ve ever utilized egg white & witch hazel, wow wish id heard about it prior to it good , l get bags less than my eyes which has most deffo served the luggage , thanx a great deal of , if Anybody has any orther Strategies that will help bags beneath eyes id be so greatfull, thanx yet again xx Refreshing papaya mashed , some drops of lime juice mixed in helps make a nice mask for getting older skin. Papaya is higher in Enzymes. It firms the skin and allows also with sunburn. I retain it on for approximately 20 to thirty minutes . When you say Egg White, does it actually must be an genuine egg white or can I use egg white from a carton? I've an Egg white Carton and I want to ask if it is similar to making use of an Genuine Egg white Egg. Is any individual obtaining this? LOL! Chorus from speaking or smiling Along with the mask on mainly because stretching the restricted skin may possibly lead to wrinkles to appear. Inside the hour it will require to get a chemical peel, you will take a 12 months from a face. Are not able to manage the value tag to get a month-to-month peel? Check out some over-the-counter peels that operate above the study course of per month, like Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Peel (buy from Amazon). These are frequently crafted from leather-based with appendages of fur, feathers or leaves. Some cover the face, some The full head and tend to be very abstracted sorts. Navajo masks seem like inspired with the Pueblo prototypes.[33][34] The top face mask for acne can’t be purchased at an expensive Division store. In reality, it only consists of one ingredient and it’s possibly now in your pantry! It’s considered one of my personalized favorites: the Uncooked honey mask. Let it dry. You could possibly implement a third layer of whisked egg whites immediately after five minutes for higher skin tightening. In sport the protective mask will often Possess a secondary operate to produce the wearer seem much more extraordinary as being a competitor. An additional tradition of European masks created, much more self-consciously, from court docket and civic gatherings, or entertainments managed by guilds and co-fraternities. These grew away from the earlier revels and had develop into obvious because of the fifteenth century in locations like Rome, and Venice, the place they created as entertainments to enliven towns and towns. As a result the Maundy Thursday carnival in St Marks Sq. in Venice, attended because of the Doge and aristocracy also involved the guilds, together with a guild of maskmakers. @Llzziforan: It is not encouraged to keep on any face mask on overnight. Preferably you should keep on a face for quarter-hour. An individual essentially asked me about trying to keep their yogurt face mask on for The complete night time and I gave a similar reaction. You could find the remark listed here: ...
sugar face mask Fundamentals Explained
Considering that the peel is full of vitamin C, it safeguards skin from totally free radical problems, keeps acne at bay and promotes a wholesome glowing skin. The oatmeal deep cleanses your pores and drives out any Grime, grime and oil within the surface with the skin. Here's 5 efficient face packs for an acne-no cost skin. Use a ripe avocado so that it's much easier to mash it right into a lump-free of charge paste. You may also freeze, then thaw it prior to mashing to create matters simpler. Should you have a blender, use it as an alternative to a fork to swiftly and proficiently Mix the avocado into a lump-free of charge puree. If you will get the mask with your eyes, It's going to be pretty irritating. If you ingest it, the raw egg within the mask might cause food stuff poisoning. You can use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No knowledge is shared with Facebook Unless of course you have interaction using this type of attribute. (Privacy Policy) Exfoliation may be the step many people skip in their weekly skincare regimen. But if you start correctly exfoliating your skin, you can see an Virtually fast variation. How often am i able to do the skin brightening mask? is also the mask reusable or should really I come up with a fresh new batch each time? Baking soda in this treatment can help in eliminating the surplus oil within the pores that may clog up the pores bringing about acne breakouts. Deal with yourself to an opulent wax treatment like they are doing in posh spas worldwide. Dip hands into heat wax then peel away leaving hands tender and supple. Decide on one which fits your skin kind and also you are with your approach to finding quite a few benefits of honey on your skin! An orange peel face mask may possibly audio like a strange notion, but it surely has many Advantages to supply for the skin. It is full of antioxidants and vitamin C that assistance tighten and tone the skin, supplying it a wholesome glow. @IntimatEvolution: Thank you! Normal magnificence is far safer than chemical cosmetics and I'm extremely enthusiastic about them. If whatsoever any skin issue prolongs even right after having tried out these remedies for over a stretch of time then it's best prompt to refer to a expert or a fantastic dermatologist. This is often used to gather details on traffic to article content as well as other webpages on our internet site. Unless you are signed in to your HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. The elements expected for creating orange peel face mask for your oily skin and acne are provided below.
A Simple Key For skin care Unveiled
Who doesn’t enjoy scrambled or sunny-facet up eggs with toast for breakfast? Whether more info from stepto remedies is a hearty early morning meal or simply a late afternoon brunch, eggs can be cooked in a variety of techniques and served on various occasions. To generate powdered orange peel, simply just preserve up orange peels from the organic oranges you eat, remove the white fribrous elements on The within of the peel, and clean them in heat distilled h2o. "It can be genuinely quite exciting to learn about skincare ideas. This text helps me to overcome my dry and uninteresting skin. I'd like to understand more details on methods for dry skin."..." a lot more RT Raven Tson Gently exfoliates and scrubs skin clean. Absorbs and gets rid of impurities and Filth in the skin’s surface. Just washed it off. Skin is smother, complexion only a taaaaaaad little bit brighter (not as boring) and even. Pimples and redness equally as prominent, maybe a little bit more (believed I suspect that’s from the cinnamon’s Normally granular and abrasive texture). Raw honey by by itself is Beautiful, but you can also mix and match other food stuff-based elements to tailor your mask to your exceptional skin kind. @salamat: Use once every single 3 days and get the job done your way nearly after each and every two days. Will not use daily, as orange peel can be a strong, exfoliating and peeling component. The main element is to make use of it continually for at least per month right before getting significantly radiant and glowing skin. Disclaimer: TheHealthSite.com doesn't assure any distinct results on account of the processes talked about here and the effects may possibly differ from person to person. Skin care consists of a lot more than simply cleaning it and utilizing lotion. Furthermore, it entails using a healthful diet regime, finding enough snooze and work out, and running stress degrees. Your unique skin kind can also determine any additional therapies in addition, for example employing exfoliating scrubs or moisturizing masks. [24] Use brown sugar to get a gentler scrub and white sugar for an everyday scrub. You need to use any type of oil you'd like, but coconut oil or olive oil would function very best. Have to have some thing more powerful? Check out salt! Wow, honey is so scrumptious, and it turns out It can be incredibly valuable! It's like the most effective of both equally worlds, it is so fascinating that often the very best cures are present in character. Voted up! Because cinnamon is so impressive, I might advise only using this honey mask the moment every week at most. You should use one of many other, gentler honey masks on other times for those who’d like. When the time is up, rinse your face gently till every one of the mixture is totally gone. Pat dry with a towel. If the face is dry soon after this mask, utilize a drop of coconut or olive oil as a normal moisturizer. Egg whites don’t just perform to tighten and nourish your skin, Additionally they are extremely full of collagen and might help your skin’s elasticity. This consequently lowers the appearance of wrinkles and crow’s-feet close to your eyes.
The yeast face mask Diaries
We may perhaps use conversion monitoring pixels from marketing networks like Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to detect when an ad has properly resulted in the specified action, for instance signing up with the HubPages Assistance or publishing an write-up on the HubPages Provider. Raw honey by by itself is Charming, but You may also combine and match other foodstuff-dependent components to tailor your mask towards your distinctive skin style. Hi, pls allow me to know how frequently we must always use the mask specially for lightening the skin. is it a everyday mask or when in a week mask ? Below’s A different fantastic banana face mask for glowing skin that can even assist in lightening the overall skin tone. I wish to find a thing that aid the skin to return to a firmer point out… it just started to turn into a bit… euh… slack… at specific space. It seems honey also naturally absorbs extra oil, which will help protect against acne – and Which means amongst some great benefits of honey on skin is You need to use it rather than lots of chemical-laden in excess of-the-counter acne creams and ointments.” – from Honey Colony Should you have an American fashion coffee device, utilize the coffee grinds inside the filter; if you have an Italian style device, just unscrew and remove the particles left in between the areas of the cafetiere. (You'll be able to find and add upto five photographs in a very remark. The total measurement of all of your pictures must be lower than 1 MB. Click on button and make sure to pick all the images you want to add.) This can make it The perfect component to be coupled with banana so as to decrease the high-quality strains and wrinkles. Egg Yolk Face Masks—Egg yolks, Alternatively, are recognized for their power to moisturize and hydrate skin, leaving it using a healthier glow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrofaJlKAMk are great for individuals with dry skin. Yoghurt, as everyone knows, is actually a loaded organic source of protein as well as contains lactic acid. This causes it to be the very best component to hydrate and moisturize the dry skin. The very best face mask for acne can’t be procured at an expensive department shop. In fact, it only is made up of a person ingredient and it’s probably previously in the pantry! It’s certainly one of my personalized favorites: the raw honey mask. Thank you the two! I am thrilled to obtain my hub chosen as Hub from the Working day! It is so remarkable and it will make me particularly delighted! Thanks for your personal practical remarks! When you have underneath-eye circles, mix in some drops of olive oil and apply it to the world to notice the revitalizing impact. You might also have an interest in: How to use a Face Mask Effectively Ways to stick to:
A Review Of yeast face mask
Check out carefully If they're suitable for your skin type. If you choose some thing appropriate you'll be delighted with the results: Enable it stay for twenty to half an hour. This mask may well provide you with a tingly come to feel but before long it can fade. Don’t forget to vary your outfits before making use of this mask. Next the recommendations right here and customarily getting superior care of on your own (eating well, receiving sufficient slumber, doing exercises, controlling stress properly - there are actually article content on these subjects listed here if you want them) may help. Exercise excellent hygiene, prevent touching your face, wash your apparel and pillowcases/sheets regularly, make use of a natural laundry detergent If you're able to, and prevent utilizing dryer sheets or material softener (they will aggravate acne for a number of people). Sit for fifteen minutes while you Allow the mask do its do the job. You may use this the perfect time to soak inside a bathtub or get lunch ready. If the time is up, Carefully scrub off the mask utilizing warm water. When it’s all off, splash chilly drinking water onto your face to shut your pores. Pat dry which has a towel. As we all know that a banana is made up of Vitamin B6 so generally it can help to delay the getting older approach. In addition, it moisturizes the dry skin, as vitamin B6 also tighten the sagging skin and it guards your skin from absolutely free radicals. One more thing Every time applying this sort of masks Be sure to tie your hair again because it tends to make your hair messy and results in the sticky result. Hello I manufactured the face mask but experienced not honey so just produced it with egg and lemon I fell asleep and experienced it on the majority of the evening Once i get the job done up and squandered it off my face was sore and crimson have you any strategies remember to Don't choose your pimples. You may make the inflammation worse and you've got a way greater risk of getting a scar even following it goes away. There are a variety of fine solutions for obtaining rid of pimples in this article on wikiHow. Thanks for producing your account on EverydayMe. This information or solution has actually been added on your favorites. As I get older I are already attempting to find a thing that could assist slow the ageing approach down just a little. Nonetheless, our skin is below attack 24/seven by numerous variables – starting from involuntary publicity to harmful radiation (like the Sunlight) to diet. Incorporates more info at social media -inflammatory and skin lightening Houses. Aids fade acne scars and decreasing swelling and redness from acne. It truly is up to you. It is best to get it done immediately after washing your face, that is Ordinarily carried out each morning and night. Plenty of people use masks while in the evening, as that is once they have the most time. selling every type of oranges. Each time which i drop by the market for browsing, I don’t neglect to choose a packet of oranges to quench my really like for this favourite fruit of mine. So, by now you must have recognized that now’s publish is about how to help make a highly effective face mask for oily skin making use of this speculate fruit. Women of all ages have been applying orange because ages to pamper their skin and it is probably the insider secrets at the rear of flawless skin For most Women of all ages, who not just consume it on a regular basis, but also utilize it in a variety of kinds like pulp, juice and perhaps within the dry peel powder kind on their skin. A little warmth the honey and add it on your egg white together with the yogurt (make sure it’s refreshing).
Examine This Report on strawberry face mask
-Manuka Honey is claimed to become your best option in terms of antimicrobial Homes, And that's why Manuka Honey Masks are viewed as the simplest. • Those people with oily skin can use a selfmade face mask geared up by incorporating two tablespoons of inexperienced clay, a person tablespoon of powdered milk, and slightly drinking water in freshly squeezed orange juice taken from the medium-sized orange. I absolutely beloved reading your hub! As a youngster my mother would use egg white on her face, but I'd no idea about all another elements you could use to lighten dim spots and hydrate skin! Strategies: Use this combination three to 4 moments every week (even a day by day application is okay), but you should definitely get ready it clean each time, as it is rather straightforward to organize and handiest at that point. Keep the mask on for ten-quarter-hour. In the event the combination has entirely dried in your face, Carefully scrub it off applying warm h2o, tackling all areas of your face within a circular motion. Pat dry that has a towel and marvel at The graceful come to feel within your skin! Get ready to the mask by washing your face and tying your hair back again. Use warm drinking water to assist open up up your pores. For anyone who is carrying makeup, you will need to consider it off applying make-up remover. Warning: Lots of individuals are allergic to cinnamon and it may possibly at times deliver discomfort in individuals with an unusually delicate skin. Consequently, this mask need to be employed after screening somewhere in addition to to the face. As this mask could possibly get messy, It might be a smart idea to tie or pin your hair back. https://steptoremedies.com/dry-brushing-loose-skin/ might also want to take into consideration draping a towel around your upper body and shoulders to safeguard your garments. Make this happen prior to deciding to visit mattress and leave the mask on overnight. Rinse your face with warm drinking water the next early morning. It is recommended to do this for two months and afterwards evaluate the outcomes. Great things! The only real trouble is that I am vegan. Are you aware of anything at all within the vegetable earth which can substitute egg yolks and egg whites for face masks. Would love (and I'm absolutely sure other vegans would also) to understand what it really is! Approach: Have a ripe banana and mash it by using a spoon or even a fork in the bowl till it kinds a smooth lump free of charge pulp. Increase 1 tsp. of thick yogurt and 1 tsp. of orange juice and mix the elements thoroughly. If you feel the combination is too thick to apply, add a couple of drops of orange juice. Clean your face with a mild cleanser. Doing this will likely get rid of any Dust and buildup before you decide to exfoliate. Make sure you pat your face dry Carefully using a clean, dry washcloth ahead of making use of the sugar-baking soda combination. Many thanks to your recommend. I've genuinely used the house treatment such as you reported nevertheless it darkens my face. i similar to the Obviously home treatment as it has no chemical ingredient within but i dont want my face to generally be darkish. At first, utilize the yogurt evenly about your face and leave on for quarter-hour. If after a couple of days you feel like your pores are smaller sized and skin Over-all improved, attempt trying to keep the mask on for a longer time subsequent time.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask About banana face mask
Make a simple mask with honey and almond oil. In a little dish, combine with each other one tablespoon of honey and ½ tablespoon of sweet almond oil. Apply the mask towards your face, preventing the attention spot. Within a bowl, take some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Ensure that the amount of sugar is equal to the peel powder and in this article you've got a simple recipe to a stunning smelling lip balm that’s successful and easy to help make. Put together to the mask by washing your face and tying your hair again. Use warm drinking water to aid open up up your pores. In case you are sporting make-up, you need to choose it off applying make-up remover. Thank you for creating your account on EverydayMe. This information or product has become additional on your favorites. Use a heavier, richer one particular during the winter, and also a lighter a single throughout the summertime. Consider a moisturizer that contains SPF to protect your skin from the sun's destructive rays. This is often what I use. I have Tremendous dry skin that flakes regardless of the(with this particular exception)even coconut oil won't get it done for me but olive oil is HG In relation to hydrating my skin it is the another thing that real leaves it glowing Whip up just two elements to produce a highly effective face scrub that exfoliates and deep cleanses pores. This material is accurate and true to the very best of your creator’s expertise and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized assistance from an experienced Specialist. Orange peel has strong Attributes that support retain troublesome pimples away. Apply https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1084943307875086336 of the zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and travel out the Dust, grime, excessive oil, and germs, all of which lead to pimples and blackheads to variety over the skin surface. You should how long till I start out viewing outcomes when I start utilizing the face mask( orange peel powder, oatmeal and baking soda) and how frequently should I utilize it in per week? Clay masks are great for controlling oily skin. Honey allows break up excess oil and hugely absorbent clay gets rid of it whilst Carefully exfoliating. Bentonite and Moroccan Purple are two of the greatest clay options for balancing oily skin. That is made use of to collect information on traffic to article content along with other web pages on our website. Unless of course that you are signed in to some HubPages account, all Individually identifiable info is anonymized. To make use of orange peel powder to be a all-natural cleanser, Incorporate it with a little drinking water to create a paste. Utilize it in your skin and go away it on until finally it dries wholly. Lastly, rinse it off with lukewarm h2o. Mix all the above elements within a bowl. Gradually include water right up until a thick paste is fashioned. Working with clear fingertips, therapeutic massage a thick coat from the combination on to your face in a mild circular motion.
The best Side of strawberry face mask
Individual the whites from the yolk and conquer it nicely with a fork or by utilizing a blender (it'll finish up on the lookout like foam). Be certain to not smile or talk with the face mask on! This may stretch your skin across the mouth and eyes and actually induce wrinkles to sort. Each morning, a splash of lukewarm drinking water is all you would like. If you have Tremendous oily skin, you can cleanse your skin once again each morning. Never clean your face with hot or cold h2o (both of those may cause broken capillaries). Author Data What a awesome plan! I really like obtaining the most out of your objects I acquire, And that i always experience terrible composting nice, fragrant orange peels. Now I understand how to proceed with them! How I utilize it is the fact I blend orange peel powder along with chickpea flour, lemon n a pinch of turmeric. My face is blessed using a wonderful glow n shine You can find a superb cleanser within the drugstore. There is not any need to invest $40 on a flowery wash. Stay away from bar soaps as they have an inclination to dry out the skin. For you personally organic styles, you could cleanse skin with milk or yogurt (who knew?). Orange is extremely beneficial for the skin since it has anti-growing old, toning and astringent Houses. This citrus fruit helps boost skin texture and complexion. Your just lately seen objects and highlighted recommendations › Watch or edit your browsing history Repeat as essential. Most industry experts recommend from exfoliating over twice weekly. If you have many blackheads, you could just utilize this combination into the regions where you have blackheads. Avoid Placing on broken skin. Should you have any cuts or open acne on the face, steer clear of making use of the scrub to People spots because the lemon juice will sting them. Furthermore, the friction from making use of the scrub may perhaps make your acne worse. Combine all the above elements in a small bowl. Utilize a thick coat with the combination onto your cleanse face. Enable it sit for 15 minutes or right until it dries out. Whisk during the honey. Do that until eventually the lemon juice, olive oil, and honey Incorporate into a medium-thick Resolution. You could alter the level of honey and olive oil you employ dependant upon how thick or thin you'd like the scrub to become. This can be a definitely straightforward mask that I get pleasure from frequently. It only has 2 substances so it only requires minutes for making but the effects are outstanding.
yeast face mask Fundamentals Explained
Making use of a white face mask created with what may be clay, Grande dealt with herself into a clearing and hydrating skincare action that is frequently neglected all through fast paced moments. — Christian Allaire, Vogue Ahead of robust clear supplies such as polycarbonate were invented, visors to protect the face had to be opaque with modest eyeslits, and have been a form of mask, as generally in mediaeval satisfies of armour, and (by way of example) Aged Norse grímr intended "mask or visor". Disguise Wash your face with a delicate cleanser. In the event you have been to implement a scrub face clean it could irritate your skin. Exclusive types of masks began to emerge in pre-Hispanic The united states about 1200BC, While there is evidence of significantly more mature mask types. For additional honey Concepts, try out honey and cinnamon for brighter skin or honey with cocoa and cream to exfoliate. Banana is full of skin-beneficial nutrients and one of these is to decrease the indications of growing older.Certainly, banana will let you banish those high-quality strains and wrinkles. Masks Enjoy a crucial element in planet theatre traditions, particularly non-western theatre types. They also continue to become a significant power within modern day theatre, and their utilization usually takes many different forms. Disclaimer: TheHealthSite.com would not warranty any particular benefits on account of the methods talked about below and the final results might vary from person to person. Combine matcha powder, honey and oil in a small bowl and mix well. (In the event you don’t have matcha powder, Reduce open a environmentally friendly tea bag and utilize the leaves.) Use this to the face and depart it for 15 minutes in advance of washing off heat drinking water. Implement a moisturizer in your skin. Seal from the moisturizing effects of the scrub with your preferred moisturizer. This face mask utilizing banana, honey and yoghurt should help in balancing the organic oils of the skin and also restores the purely natural lustre of your skin. Avocados and bananas are two of essentially the most moisturizing elements found in face masks. Add the honey and you have got an ideal mask for Tremendous dry skin. to.The peppermint sugar cookies on your own are remarkable and Tremendous fluffy. They have the proper number of peppermint flavor and make for a very yummy cookie.But the white chocolate coating and peppermint Korean masks have a protracted custom connected to shamanism and later in ritual dance. Korean masks were Employed in war, on the two troopers and their horses; ceremonially, for burial rites in jade and bronze and for shamanistic ceremonies to generate absent evil spirits; to recollect the faces of good historical figures in Demise masks; and from the arts, specifically in ritual dances, courtly, and theatrical plays.
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