#i am not relationship material
skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
the debate continues (pt 1) but kurama gets called in
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bonus under the cut (ft hiei):
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gay people
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#can you tell i'm much more used to drawing hiei and kurama? lol. i just love their hair sm like.. mwah#anyway idek if this is funny but here's more of it ig#also i just typed 90s yaoi cover into google so i know nothing about that image or its source material so like. open to fun facts ig#yyh#yu yu hakusho#kuwameshi#kazuma kuwabara#kurama#shuichi minamino#hiei#anyway kuwameshi bi4bi moment and i think about the discovery of that a lot. also yusuke's nb to me so im picturing another side of this#where yusuke's like oh man... maybe i AM the girl??? but for gender reasons and not like. relationship dynamic or uke/seme reasons or whatv#also poor kuwabara. that's not going to help you very much i think. he's gonna believe in the yaoi hole :(#skrunkart#thinking about how kurama uses telepathy when he's first introduced and kind of never again after that?? anyway that's what going on in tha#hiei extra fyi#kuwabara kazuma#minamino shuichi#idkkkkk#hoorayy anyway so like. yusuke and kuwabara here like each other so much but don't know what that makes them (bi in this case) bc of the#past interest in girls. like they both have been into girls but they feel so strongly about each other they can't just ignore it. so they'r#like shit i guess we're gay now. and that doesnt fit right but what else could it be? and also they have like zero accurate knowledge of#queer people and queerness. very 'completely trusts an am i gay quiz' moment to me#they don't know where to look besides yaoi and that's Not For Them so that doesn't work. confusing times for kuwameshi i spose#plus kuwabara spirit sensitivity = gaydar in this case#a little tiny tiny kurahi in there. to me :)
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agnesandhilda · 1 month
the key difference between kaiser and isagi as guys who boost their self-esteem by beating others is that isagi isn't satisfied by overcoming opponents who aren't a match for his skill while kaiser exclusively picks fights he thinks he can win 
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sciderman · 5 months
You said that if you dated Peter or Wade it would make you miserable. Which– Okay fair, Wade does have a history of purposely hurting the people he loves.
But what about Peter? Why do you think dating him would make you miserable?
because I’ll always know I had the option to climb a 6’8 cyborg and I passed that up for a sweaty little twunk that I perpetually have to remind to bathe (sorry peter)
#I don’t know. I don’t think peter is good boyfriend material. I think his insecurities would get exhausting.#Wade has bottomless patience. me… I don’t know. I don’t think I could. I’ve got my own stuff going on. I don’t want a Project.#peter is definitely a project. and he needs someone with shed loads of patience and perseverance.#me I just. I wanna have a good time. so. come to me my big beautiful time traveller. whisk me away.#take me to the beach. you can disappear after I don’t mind I’m not needy. just spend a beautiful romantic week with me.#sci speaks#I don’t really know what kind of person I’m compatible with really actually.#all my relationships have been. pretty short.#and I don’t think it’s any fault of my own really. and I don’t feel any loss over them at all. like at all. I wish I did. but I don’t.#a sci has so very thankfully never felt heartbreak.#but it makes me kind of question what kind of person I am when it comes to this sort of thing.#because I really don’t know.#I don’t know if I want commitment. I don’t even know if I want sex these days.#I … weirdly… am so devoid of yearning these days. like I feel content right now on my own. I don’t even feel lonely.#I used to yearn but I think I’ve moved past it. and I kind of just want to have a good time.#and that doesn’t even . involve a relationship or anything anymore. like I don’t think I want one actually. it feels like I’m Over it.#it’s kind of great because I’ve never felt so calm in a long time. all because I decided that I don’t. actually Need anything.#I don’t need anything more than what I have. and that’s brought me rest after So Long being restless.#but if a massive time traveller came and whisked me away on sexy adventures how could I say no
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nihilismtrcit · 1 year
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introducing...eden louise “edie lou” ferraro 
gen 1: aries for the another zodiac legacy challenge by @acuar-io
since childhood, seeking out attention was a constant in eden louise ferraro’s life. her parents didn’t engage with her, rarely made her feel wanted. so she became the type of person who would seek out any attention, positive or negative. she’s a needy girl with an almost pathological desire to be noticed. of course, her hot-headed temper and mean attitude (that especially rears its head when eden feels vulnerable) make it difficult to maintain friendships, let alone romantic relationships. 
after making the move from sandy oasis springs to the spice district of san myshuno, eden decided she’d get the attention she so desperately craved by any means necessary. now an internet personality with aspirations of becoming fabulously wealthy, eden louise - self nicknamed edie lou - spends her days: 
trying to turn her social media career into fortune
cuddling and dressing up her bby chihuahua, clover (bites)
gaming, streaming, vlogging
keeping it tight to flex on social media 
seeking out validation in the form of romantic relationships and/or money
&& generally oscillating between being an overly attached lover and a messy gal ;)
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traggalicious · 6 months
I am so fucking normal about Gale i mean i totally don’t scream every timme he addresses my Tav — “my love” — or whenever he smiles. I totally don’t get all mushy seeing him happy, or feel warm when he speaks of their relationship and his feelings. I absolutely do not find him sweet at all. No.
I’m a liar and it’s so obvious here’s some images of Ceridwen and Gale
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marzipanandminutiae · 11 months
You posted about getting married young, and I just wanna say thank you? I got really lucky and met THE woman when we were 17, and engagement is in the horizon for us at 22, 23. Sometimes it gets to me when people say we're wasting our youth, it's nice having someone batting for us
Also love the pfp, carmilla fans are still alive and well and if you've got any fanfic recs lmk
Congrats! I hope it works out for you. (I would say "girl" at 17, not "woman," but I assume it's just a random word choice since it sounds like you're the same age, so not a big deal.)
While I of course don't advocate for child marriage- ie marriage below age 18, and really I think 20+ is wiser -the whole "date around or you're Wasting Your Youth!!!" narrative pisses me off, like I said. I grew up with that shoved down my throat to the point where I believed my own desires to just meet the right girl and stay with her forever were just youthful romanticism; that I'd "mature" and want to date more people instead of wanting to settle down. (And for some people that is the trajectory! And that's fine! Just...not everyone.)
When your mother got so lost in the Swinging Sixties sauce during her own teen years that she goes too far the opposite way of most parents, I guess?
Yeah, someone might regret a young marriage. But they might regret ANY marriage- that's just a risk you take when you get married. Trusting people to know their own minds in relationships that present no actual red flags is important, even for teenagers. Teaching young people not to trust their own (harmless) emotions and desires for their lives because it doesn't match what you'd have them do seems horribly backwards to me. It's a dangerous precedent to set for them.
When I was 16, I thought I'd be perfectly happy if I married a girl I met at that age- when we were older, of course. Now I'm 30, and guess what? I still think that. I would have been satisfied. Hell, I wish that had happened. It's not right for everybody, but it would have been right for me.
I hope things work out for you two!
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robots-on-film · 8 months
Fanfic writers please write some batfam + harvey stories or one shots. Not to be insufferably aro/ace but I mean that not as like "harvey dent is in a romantic relationship with Bruce n also there's batfam", but more like "Harvey is at a point where he can try to rebuild a life for himself outside of arkham even if his footing is shaky. Bruce is intensely supportive of him and so Harvey is inadvertently slowly Integrated into the batfam. Characters navigating situations tm. Typical comic book world shit throws a wrench into everything. Also Harvey being an outsider pov to the batfam and all the fun things it brings".
I am sorry. Is it obvious that Cor Et Cerebrum is doing something to my brain? Because its doing something to my brain.
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mishtershpock · 2 months
#not to sound like a broken record#i know this has already been talked about a lot in current fandom discourse#but all the tommy love also comes from a place of#misogyny (buck’s m/f relationships failed bc the women weren’t good enough. but his first m/m is perfect and destined and tommy is god)#(even though we know next to nothing about them as a couple. cough 1 kiss and 1 failed date cough cough)#and biphobic concepts (buck’s only relationship/partner that is worth shipping and love and fandom time is the m/m one)#(if he’s with a woman he’s not worth our time? the relationship/partner isn’t worth our time. right?)#some people kinda sounding like the conservative haters right now#oliver stark’s voice shouting from afar: he isn’t gay! he is bisexual! he still likes women!#some people like to celebrate bi buck (as we should) but then erase his previous gfs#in favour of this 1 man he’s shared literally 4 scenes with. okay#<- <- <- i drafted this like 6 hours before that interview came out. ollie came to back me up with the ‘he still likes women’ lmao#him dating a guy now does not erase or dismiss his previous m/f relationships or that he’s still into women#one final comment. any time buck got with a girl it was ‘they need to break up immediately’#‘she’s not right for him’#he’s with his first guy and it’s ’they should be endgame’#‘they’re perfect together’#huh?? one. we barely know tommy/them together#two. what exactly makes them endgame material? bc they’re both men? cough biphobic misogyny fetishization cough#three. it would be objectively hilarious if he realises his sexuality and within 2 weeks is dating a guy for the first time#and then that guy ends up being his endgame forever partner. lmaoooo that would be so dumb sawry#not to mention it would kinda lean into the biphobia and misogyny mentioned above#in that it would suggest that his problem with finding love previously was… women#and this problem is now magically fixed because… man#four. not to be a buddie endgame truther but if all the vocal support means this is what we get instead#instead of Them. i’m out see ya bye bye#i am sooooo reading way too much into this but oh well
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hatkuu · 6 months
I want you to use a strap on me and destroy my pussy please
excuse me...
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oplishin · 1 year
No one in unordinary has a backstory (besides the obvious exception) so here’s my two cents (headcanons) on Arlo’s history
He was born out of wedlock (I promise this is relevant to The Way That He Is in canon)
When his parents met his father was a middle aged very influential government official who did make a bit of an effort to be in Arlo’s life, but had a whole nother family. Arlo was primarily raised by his mom during his early childhood. Arlo’s ability comes from his fathers side, and val is his paternal aunt
Arlo’s father tries to be affectionate, genial old man, but. He’s just quintessentially unprepared to help raise a young child. He’s also in his 70s during canon so he’s very out of touch to what Arlo’s life is even like. Arlo is mostly just standoffishly polite to him
Arlos mother was a broke college student when he was born. She felt like a failure for getting pregnant before doing anything with her life, so she kind of unconsciously externalized that onto arlo- “if I raise this child to successfully enough, I won’t have failed as a parent and as a person”
She was unyieldingly strict and demanding at all times. She always pushed him to get stronger, to raise himself in the hierarchy because it was her way of proving that she was doing something valuable. She loves him, but maybe not as much as the idea of him. I don’t think she was abusive, but certainly just. Not a Good Mom
It kinda works out for them because arlo inherits his dads power and absolutely excels at it. He measures himself by hierarchy but it hasn’t destroyed his self esteem because. Turns out he’s pretty great at hierarchy actually
At some point Arlo’s mom sends him to live full time with his dad because he can provide so many more opportunities for him. It’s a pretty cushy lifestyle
Arlo has 3 half siblings from his dads side that are all MUCH older than him, like 14 years older at the youngest (in canon they are all in their 30s)
In his early childhood they all really resented him for ruining their parents’ marriage. His mom tried to keep him away from that shit, but it got into his brain a bit. His method of dealing with it (like in canon) is just. Repression repression repression baby!! Can’t have problems if you just fight people about them. He inherits his moms perspective on hierarchy: no one can judge you if you’re the most powerful person in the room
Val was the one person on his fathers side that really tried to form a relationship with him which is why he looks up to her so much. Whether it’s because she actually cares about him or it’s because she thought he’d end up as a valuable resource, well. Arlo certainly believes the former
His now grown ass adult siblings regret being shitty to him. They try to reach out and reconnect now but Arlo is Arlo about it and just brushes them off
Arlo ends up the tallest and the most powerful of all his siblings
His mom ends up remarrying and starting her own family too. She gets happiness. She changes from that bad parent from the earlier parts of his childhood and tries to fix things. She’s been able to move on from the toxic mindset she raised him with, but he’s still stuck there with the trauma she’s given him.
Arlo’s kind of stranded between 2 happy families and he deals with it by!! Pretending the only life he has is the one at wellston. He throws himself into his duties as King and ignores everything else
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emilianadarling · 1 year
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Update on my storage house work-in-progress. 😊
I'm happy with the copper and dark oak roof, though oxidization levels are still tbd. I'm planning a second tower with crimson wood features rather than warped and a connecting walkway between the two, so it may depend on how they look together!
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thelabryslibrary · 1 year
Tamsyn Muir really said Exhume Your Gays and we all grabbed a shovel
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
the sheer number of incredibly intricate worlds and characters that i have created with people who i am no longer friends with so that i can no longer talk about those characters or use those settings. i only got half the dog in the divorce do you know what i mean
#i have all these characters but they're missing their FRIENDS and their ORIGINAL CIRCUMSTANCES#people will never understand roleplay with original settings and original characters.#imagine if you played dnd purely by talking about the characters and their relationships with each other and their themes and motifs#and did all the little roleplay scenarios but wrote about it. and then made a bunch of supplementary material for your characters.#and then like. instead of one character you've got like three of them and they're all Part of this collaborative world#mourning the group of like. dkjfghs. nine friends from a fantasy world. i only have claim to like three of them#the rest... again. only half the dog#i WILL use prydwen elsewhere. because i'm in love with him and that's important in a character. he's literally my silly rabbit#but GOD i want to get my fucking hands on people's intellectual property sometimes#i was the ONLY one doing cool shit with the fantasy sci-fi world this one person created and i WANT to do more with it!!!#and like. how am i supposed to use zephyr without stealing the incredibly specific circumstances that they were created out of#anyway. frustrating. at least i have prydwen. hugging him like a teddy bear#yeah girl i have ocs except i don't talk about them on tumblr i'm in my little roleplay servers that i created the ocs for dskfgh#honestly i have probably talked about faedren more than any actual character of mine from like. Writing.#also my fault for not having any actual wips. long form or even short form fiction is not my strong suit nothing rlly sticks#WHATEVER. feel like shit just want her back (all of the characters that are inextricably intertwined with someone else)#valentine notes
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smartzelda · 2 years
I am once again thinking of how we never actually see the name that killed L, just his legal name in "Death Note: How to Read".
I'm thinking of Rem ripping out the pages in her death note she'd written on as she turns to dust, taking too the only written instance of name that killed the world's greatest detective, quite possibly as one last act of defiance against Light Yagami. Thinking of how if she hadn't, Light would have read the final name she'd written, kept inside him the knowledge that he's one of the only humans alive to keep the name that L felt was *his* at the day he died. Sure, he could've just attached hard to how he wanted to remember L, but it doesn't take away the fact that it feels as if he *doesn't* know L's name (because with all the focus he had on finding it out it doesn't erase the care he put into finding it)
I'm thinking of L, who's never really identified himself with a name. Not his legal name, given to him by his guardian, nor any of his number of aliases. He might as well have been L Lawliet just as much as he was the detective L, or Eraldo Coil, or Deneuve, or even his brief stint as Hideki Ryuga. He's been called so many names in his life, but doesn't identify with any of them. I'm thinking of the fact that Near and Mello clearly identify themselves as their legal names despite their similar use of aliases, the way that their legal names are explicitly the names needed to kill them. However, with L, we never see his legal name written down in the note nor do we get to see the name floating above his head. Unlike others from a similar background, we don't know the name that killed him, nor does he seem to identify with his legal name.
Of course, this brings up exactly what the name had killed him was, and if it simply was his legal name, why it wasn't just shown as with other characters. For someone who couldn't seem to form an attachment around any of the many names they've been called, I almost wonder if the name that killed him was something secret, played around with in his head, something only he (and someone with the eyes of course) would know.
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thedaythealienscame · 19 days
yeah, if you're really friends then a confession won't change anything whateverrr but. what if it does.
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clairvoyantcubes · 28 days
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Shipping Questions For The Mun [SFW Edition]
Do you prefer fast plots, pre-established relationships, or slow burns?
I definitely prefer pre-established relationhips and slow burns over fast plots. I just... Can't bring myself to jump straight into a ship without at least a little bit of "introduction" or prior interaction beforehand. That said, I'm open to bouncing around in a character's or ship's timeline for stuff to allow for some more flexibility, but other than that, I'm cool with doing a slow burn or pre-established (when or if applicable) sort of thing for most ships. :v
Do you have any ship bias with your muse?
No, but I do jokingly ship Hearts with Goku (because, if you read into what he says to Goku or thinks about him across the various SDBH sources in a certain way, it can come across as Hearts trying to hit on Goku) and Hearts with Fused Zamasu because I think the themes that could be explored with it (outside of being a toxic/hateship) are pretty interesting.
Also, I think that Lagss and Hearts could be cute. Other than that, I wouldn't say that I have any biases for ships with Hearts. :v Dude is pretty much fair game.
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