#i am so happy people are interested in the age swap au
mari-lair · 1 year
in the age swap au that the minobros interage/relacions with akane,yashiro,aoi, lemon, hanako,etc?
uyguyiyu that’s a lot of people to go over! I tried to keep it short, simplify every dynamic, but it still got long.
Teru likes how genuine and passionate Nene is, her daydreams and gushing amuse him. She makes his more childish side shine, listening attentively when she tells him prince charming daydreams and sharing his own wishes for vacation, though he is very condescending at times: There is no malice to it, but Nene can act very naive and Teru is one arrogant little brat.
Nene has a big crush on Kou, and she actively tries to woo him instead of admiring in silence, plenty of reasons why, but mostly these three:Kou doesn’t have “someone else he likes”, when he rejects people he kindly says that he isn’t interested. Kou is not the “school prince” he may be considered a hot guy in school but he isn’t put on a pedestal, and that makes him feel more human and ‘attainable’. Kou is super sweet and blunt with Nene, when she is down, he tries to cheer her up, and he is so genuinely confused when she feels insecure, telling Nene she has a cute smile and she looks prettier than Aoi when she is happy. She is down bad.
Kou has a soft spot for Nene, he thinks she is a very sweet girl with a bright smile, and is sad she will die soon. He really appreciates that she is friends with Teru, even if a lot of her actions confuse him (he has no idea she has a crush on him), and when she bluntly praises him, he gets shy/have no idea how to react.
Hanako hates her crush on Kou so much, but he can’t genuinely hate Kou, he is the closest thing to a friend Hanako had before Nene summoned him. He still grows passive-aggressive with Kou and super clingy with Nene when she gets too lovey-dovey.
Teru wants Hanako exorcised and Hanako is scared of Teru, they try to convince Nene to abandon the other constantly. Most of the time Nene go “Play nice or I’m not staying with either!!” so they tolerate each other's presence.
They get very competitive at games, and it takes a lot of time, but their mutual care for Nene, and the traumatizing realization they share a lot in common make them slowly go from “Enemies that will go out of their way to hit where it hurts and drive the other to tears” to “Rivals that don’t respect each other in the slightest but can easily fall into friendly banter. It is a mystery if they care about each other cause they would rather swallow needles than say anything positive about the other.”
After Teru got attached to Nene, he always runs to her class to greet her with a sweet smile and a “Hey, we should ditch Hanako today! ”. This habit makes him meet Aoi relatively quick. Once she is introduced as Nene’s best friend, he tries to convince Nene to hang out with Aoi instead of Hanako, sure if she is already nene’s friend she’ll help Teru keep her away from Hanako.
His attempts usually fail, and Nene drags him to the bathroom with Hanako, but on the occasion he can convince Nene that “today is such a beautiful day to waste cleaning bathrooms” Aoi follows them.
He gets a crush on Aoi after a week or less of hanging out, and he isn’t fully aware it's a crush so he doesn’t hide it very well: he is sweeter with Aoi than with Nene and he asks a lot of questions about her, it makes Nene want to cry cause she knows Teru have a crush and it makes her get into her depressed “haha, all the boys really love her, I must be a radish in comparison :´)” moods.
Aoi is unsure and a bit overwhelmed by Teru at first but she warms up to him with time, realizing he does say a lot of weird things, acting as if ghosts exist, but he is not as unpredictable as he appears, and his questions seem to be born out of simple curiosity, so she eventually chalks him as a ‘sweet kouhai’.
Teru avoids any of Aoi and Nene's love talks like it's the plague, and Aoi finds that amusing, assuming it's because Teru doesn't want to hear Nene go over his big brother's dreamy smile, not because Teru is emotionally constipated and doesn't want to talk about his feelings, which is unavoidable if he lingers.
Teru used to be huffy with Akane since he is a half supernatural whom Kou treat as fully human, (Teru tied Akane up when they first met and tried to show off to Kou, expecting him to be proud he defeated a school wonder, but instead he was scowled for bullying a senpai) and he feels awkward every time Akane declares his love for Aoi. Still, no matter how cringe he acts, Akane is nice to people, easy to tease, very observant, blunt, competent and yet easy to trick, which makes him so cool to Teru. He really wants to be his friend.
Even though Akane is older, and the student council president, Teru still bullies him: It is common knowledge at school that Akane has beef with a 14 years old. He mostly ignores Teru but he did almost snapped when Teru says he will try to get into the student council so they can play more often.
Kou doesn't interact much with Akane, just checks on him from time to time, a bit worried about him since he knows how hard it can be to see supernaturals in a world where everyone else is blind to it.
Both don’t really interact with Lemon. Though Lemon does vaguely think Teru is weird in a funny way and Kou seems like a cool dude.
Teru is overly attached to Kou, for a long time Kou was the only person he ever trusted. Kou is his cool big brother/ best friend/ caretaker all in one and whenever he gets lonely or has a problem it is an instinct to go to Kou. He put Kou on a pedestal while simultaneously being protective of him: He has noticed Kou’s hero complex, and he doesn’t want to be an added reason as to why Kou looks so tired, he doesn’t want to be just a ‘dead weight’ Kou takes care of.
When Kou says he is “so smart, you’re far better at this than when I was your age!” or “So strong! You took that big supernatural all on your own! I'm proud of you” Teru takes it to heart, so he is very arrogant.
Teru does his best with house chores that don't involve cooking, such as cleaning and babysitting Tiara, to help out but he is more confident he is of help when it comes to protecting Kou's back on patrol. When Kou is stressed by school exams he tries to understand what Kou is studying to help him as well (much to Kou’s surprise, despite their three years difference, when he is in the red and Teru spends the day trying very hard to go over his school books, he is usually able to grasp the basic and help simplify things.)
Teru is aware he is not as 'heroic' as Kou, and he grows more and more resentful of supernaturals the more Kou's attempt to understand them hurts his big brother. He is scared if they talk about his real view on their job Kou will be disappointed in him, or, on particularly bad days, consider Teru a bad person.
Kou is very protective and fond of Teru, and will exhaust himself to spoil him.
Kou is scared by the idea of not being needed. He is genuinely proud that Teru is a prodigy but feeling more and more lacking by the year: Teru stopped asking for his advice in exorcism or how to vacuum or how to use a washing machine, and he never needed Kou’s help with school.
Kou got a mini-crisis when Teru started spending time with Nene and Hanako or Aoi and Akane every day instead of with him. He is very happy his little bro isn’t so lonely anymore, but he is so used to Teru’s visits during his school break, it takes time to get used to not see him for a whole day and not immediately assume something is wrong and Teru must be in danger. He is also far too used to being the only person Teru trusts, and it does make him jumpy and hurt when Teru starts to hide some things from him, or go to his friends instead of Kou to vent.
More info on it can be found Here
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You've done what ifs where Aro or Carlisle swapped places with Dumbledore, but what if the protagonists swapped roles instead? Harry Swan and Bella Potter? How would that go?
Anon's referring to this post as well as this post.
Caveat That Bears Repeating
I've said this a number of times in these kinds of posts already, but the thing is that backstories matter. Harry and Bella don't just pop into existence, informed by nothing, they all have histories that lead them to where they end up in canon.
Bella has her parent's messy divorce, her alienation from her father, her irresponsible mother, as well as the socialization of being an American girl in the early 2000's.
Harry is an orphan physically and mentally abused by his surviving relatives, at the age of eleven he suddenly discovers that in a secret society he's bigger than the Beatles, he's a young British boy in the early 1990's who then is thrust into the wizarding world culture.
My point is that as much as I can theorize what Bella or Harry would be like in the AU where Bella's now a British girl living in a cupboard beneath the stairs and Harry's now living with Renee, it's just me handwaving and guessing.
I really don't know with these things.
With that said, we can try.
Bella Potter
We'll say the Dursleys pull the exact same shit with Bella as they would Harry. I imagine Bella's almost New Moon levels of depressed at eleven.
She thinks she's ugly and is purposefully made so by her relatives (given bad haircuts, clothes that don't fit, probably Dudley's castoffs making her look more tom-boyish and less 'cute' than what might be acceptable), she's told her parents were drunks and losers, and her family despises her and thinks she's stupid and a waste of space.
I imagine Bella often contemplates whether it'd be better if she'd never been born in the first place. Where Harry reacted with anger, I imagine from what we see of canon, Bella crumples in on herself.
Then she discovers she's a witch, that weird scar on her forehead that she always tries to cover a sign of her defeating You-Know-Who, and that her parents were wonderful people.
Bella waits for the other shoe to drop, for people to realize she's a phony, that she's not cool, special, pretty, or anything any of these people seem to believe she is based on nothing. Worse, Bella would want to come clean, but she doesn't want to lose any of this.
Hagrid is treating her nicely, on the train that boy Ron genuinely seems to like her and think she's cool and interesting, she has friends and people think she can do things.
Bella's terrified of being found out as a fraud which makes her more nervous than Neville in trying to use magic (especially in Potions where Snape mercilessly bullies her and thus makes her even worse than she otherwise would have been).
However, this gets in the way of typical Harry adventures, as Bella to the best of her ability keeps her nose down and out of trouble (as then everyone would hate her again). As a result, she doesn't save Hermione from the troll, Ron eventually gets bored of her and thinks of her as another girl, she doesn't go after the Philosopher's Stone or later involve herself with the Chamber of Secrets debacle.
Voldemort gets the stone offscreen (likely eventually able to get through the enchantment on the mirror) and is able to resurrect himself at which point Bella is terrified as everyone's now expecting her to do something about it.
"I am twelve?" Bella asks, then cries because she's not a magical princess like everyone wants her to be.
Harry Swan
Where Bella is depressed, Harry is angry.
Harry's not happy about moving to Forks but it was made clear he didn't have much choice. He's very bitter with Renee about this and bitter at Charlie in general for being an absentee father. He's ready to take on the whole school, gossiping all about him he's sure, and spit in their faces.
Unlike Hogwarts, as he doesn't want to be here and doesn't have good preconceptions, it's the equivalent of him being told he's going to Malfoy Boarding School in Malfoy County, to a place where he's sure to hate the people and they're sure to be looking for any weakness. (Remember, Bella did not at all have a good perception of Forks or its people).
He, in fact, immediately does so just to make sure they know where he stands. Yeah, he knows his mom ran off, what about it? I imagine he gets in a fist fight with Mike Newton on his first day, Harry is labeled a delinquent.
He catches a look at the Cullens and thinks they're rich freaks and weirdos who moved to this nowhere town. Charlie is at his wits end with Harry and utterly unsure how to deal with him as most the kids in town don't make this kind of trouble.
Unfortunately for Harry, he catches Edward's interest, unfortunately for Harry, with his outspoken anger and bitterness he's not Edward's type.
There's only two doors for someone with the smell, Edward takes the door labeled "eat me, I'm delicious".
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
Yeah yeah yeah I'd love to hear your thoughts on the dynamics!!!
OKAY. SO. To restate myself: I THINK (almost) EVERY OAK AND CLOSE/FOSTER SHIP IS SO INTERESTING. They always have something fun going on … and also they’re always bi4bi which is deeply important to me. Sorry if any of this is hard to understand I am so so tired XD
Meryl and Hildy are the only two where I’ve not really dedicated thought to them. However, I could absolutely see them as like… you know that trope of a Casanova desperately chasing after the only woman who isn’t interested in him? THAT. THEY ARE THAT TO ME. Hildy is too focused on her career for men and it drives Meryl crazy
My thoughts on Barry and Bill should not be said in a public setting but I will provide this
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Barry is gray and bill is blue. He should fuck that old man (purposefully ambiguous on who I mean). Anyways
My feelings on Glennry are. Well explored LMAO They’re my favorite ship! I know they can be super toxic as a ship, but I do really love them, most of all, as a ship where both parties fight tooth and nail to get better for the other. Because they understand each other and care for one another and the other person is just so so so fucking worth it to them. It makes me happy :]
Henry/Jodie is like, a sleeper agent in my mind. I think they have the capacity to be so fuckin compelling but I’m usually dedicating too much time to Glennry and Rodie to think about it. I LOVE these two though. I’m not usually a huge fan of Jodie struggling with his sexuality (it’s just funnier to me if he dated Scam with no hesitation.) but I’m in love with it specifically for Henry/Jodie contexts. Something about Henry being so loose and free with his sexuality contrasted with Jodie being so buttoned up about everything makes me so fhdksgajdhskdh!!! And of course, it is canon in that one AU-of-an-AU for MnMoms LMAO
Nark <3 one of my original ships and one I’ve been thinking about a lot this weekend. The PEAK of adhd boyfriend/autism boyfriend in my mind. As I said the other day - I love them as established but ambiguous. No one knows what their relationship is, least of all them, but it has been going on for years. I find them really interesting but I don’t tend to agree with some of the like, I dunno, trademark features of popular Nark dynamics? I think Nicky is the type to do anything to get approval from those who cares about, way more so than I’ve seen some people give him credit for (more, maybe they give him too much credit? Wording LOL), and I think Lark feels intense guilt for the mere act of existing, and I think these two characteristics are SO fun to throw up against each other. Also I know Nicky is a cool alt demon boy when they’re teens, but he’s still a cop’s son and I LOOOVE that in contrast to Lark’s hot-to-those-in-his-age-group brooding and general delinquency vibes (ie (our only real example) swapping places with his twin so he can risk his life LMAO). GOD SORRY IM RAMBLING ABOUT NARK NOW I like them. A lot
In contrast to Nark, I think the general consensus on Lovesong is awesome. Sparrow and Nicky liked each other so much as teenagers, they were an adorable T4T couple, they’re adhd boyfriend/autism girlfriend, and now they’re the worlds messiest exes ever and it’s everyone’s problem <3 ohhh sword to throat scene, you will ALWAYS be famous. I also love them with a dynamic of like… Sparrow being much more confident around Nicky, but struggling a lot in general social interactions. Something about her blossoming and opening up when around Nicky in particular, and maybe neither of them even notice at first… but then one day it clicks. They’re just SO comfortable around each other and I love thinking about like. The details of how that relationship dissolves, and how much worse it must have made the betrayal. Their current antagonism is made so so so interesting, especially when Sparrow is such a pushover to everyone BUT Nicky… OUGH. LOVE THEM!!!! (do you guys like how I automatically trans fem Sparrow in Lovesong settings specifically LMAO)
Oakworthy is another one I’ve talked about at length. They are two bugs I am raising in captivity together and they keep trying to each other, so I have to separate them, but I put them back together anyways. Because thIS IS HOW OAKWORTHY CAN STILL WIN-!! I love these two, fully immersed in the fantasy that they’re going to fix things and get together in the end. I think the fact that they both have such strong identity issues but in different ways - Hermie has no idea who he truly is and tries on a million masks to compensate, while Normal tries so desperately to be someone else but his true identity always shows in the end - makes for a REEEALLY interesting dynamic. They both try so hard to be who the other person wants, and fail to realize that what the other wants is for them to be themselves. Makes me crazy
AND FINALLY. NORMAL/TAYLOR. Tayloak <3 only something I’ve started thinking about, like… in the past few weeks XD but I think they’re REALLY FUN. Obviously there’s this massive aspect of Normals jealousy of (and over) Taylor, which can be fun to play with in a “do I want him or do I want to be him” way! I think those types of crushes are SO funny in fiction. And also. Once again. They fit the autism x adhd dynamic except this time, they’re both high energy. Tackling as a love language. To me.
Obviously, all of this is just my personal opinion!!! I do not pretend to know these characters better than anybody else (except Jodie.) and this is just my interpretation of these ships :] if people have wildly different opinions I’d love to hear em as well, just be nice LOL
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sukirichi · 3 years
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pov. you have a crush on your brother’s best friend
request. Hi! Congrats on 2.4k!!🤩 For the event, may I request an au where reader is Yuuta’s sister? Can be gn/fem reader anything is fine. And they fall in love with Toge? Fluff fluff fluff please
notes. awww i love this request, i have a fat crush on toge so i enjoyed writing this! i made this a modern high school au, by the way!
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You stare disappointedly at the black wrappings of your bento, sighing because your brother took the wrong one again. Waving goodbye to your friend, you made your way to your brother’s classroom, knocking on the door to get his attention. However, it isn’t your brother who’d stopped laughing mid-conversation. Instead, it’s a familiar-looking platinum haired guy, his purple eyes glimmering with mischief as he slapped your brother’s arm.
“Yo, Yuta, I think someone’s looking for you,” you heard him say.
Meanwhile, you just stood there blankly, your throat growing dry because he was cute – like actually handsome boy-next-door cute.
You’ve met lots of cute guys before, but they were all very immature that you found no interest in others. He, on the other hand, was nothing less of polite, shooting up from his seat because your stupid brother was too invested in his video games. The guy flashed you a bright smile, the beauty of his face up close enhanced that you felt your heart squealing.
Not that you’d ever show that, of course, so you just reciprocated with a polite smile to hide your frantic nerves.
“Hi! You here for Yuta-kun?”
Before he could speak, an arm had shoved him aside. Yuta stood before you, his frown apparent while his friend stayed at the side, a smile still playing on his lips. It took all your energy to not stare at him too much in fear he’d easily read through you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“You swapped lunches with me,” you shoved the black bento box to his chest, stepping closer to your brother to whisper in his ear. “Is that a friend of yours?”
“Yeah, he’s Toge. He used to play with us a lot before he moved away, but his family’s back in town. Don’t you remember him?”
“Toge, come here!” he called out to his retreating friend, the guy freezing in his tracks before he jogged up to where you were quickly. Oh crap, you kept gushing, he really was cute. He placed an arm around your brother’s shoulder, nodding at you as a greeting. “Remember my sister? You used to play with her a lot when we were kids. You kept stealing her Barbies, remember?”
“I did?” Toge looked shocked, his back bending into a fake bow. “I’m very sorry for that, but don’t worry, I don’t do that anymore.”
“I don’t play with Barbies at this age!” you defended, heat spreading all over your skin when he winked at you. Both of them laughed at your flushed face, and you crossed your arms on your chest, glaring at your brother. Really though, you were just trying to hide the fact you were very attracted to his friend, even more so now that he was actually familiar. “Stupid Yuta-nii.”
“You’re cute,” Toge randomly piped in.
If you were feeling shy before, you couldn’t speak now.
“Dude, don’t talk about my sister like that,” Yuta gagged, slapping his friend on the chest who effortlessly ducked away, his laughter like music in your ears. You stared at him for who knew how long, his happiness absorbed in your body as you found yourself giggling back. Yuta, on the other hand, wasn’t as impressed, rolling his eyes at his friend before turning to you. “You should go back to class. The bell will ring soon.”
“Okay,” you nodded quietly, hesitating for a moment. Surely it wouldn’t be too weird, right? Deciding to heck with it though, you balled your hands into fists, mustering the courage to look him in the eye as you said, “See you, Toge-senpai.”
He simply shrugged his brows up as a farewell, and just like that, you dashed down the hall so fast you put Quicksilver to shame.
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Great. Out of all the days it had to storm, it had to be on the rare moment you forgot your umbrella. Unsurprisingly enough, it was Yuta’s fault for making you forget it. Both of you had slept in too much, but instead of being the responsible older brother, he left you to prepare the meals all by yourself while he spent half an hour fixing his hair. In your haste to arrive on school on time, you’d forgotten to pick up your umbrella, and now the misfortune of it slapped you right on the face.
“Tch, how can I go home?” you glared at no one in particular.
Yuta had to stay behind for baseball practice in the covered court, leaving you all alone to take the bus by yourself. Well, not that it mattered, going home alone was way better than listening to your brother rant about video games and girls he wanted to talk to in class.
Shifting your weight from one foot to another, brows pinched as you mulled on the different ways you could come back home, you came up with two options.
One, run like hell and risk getting sick from this weather, or two, wait for the rain to subside.
But ugh, you wanted to go home already. Before you knew it, you’d unknowingly pouted, arms hugged to yourself while you cursed your stupid brother a hundred times over in your head. Too lost in your own thoughts, you failed to hear humming from behind you, a scream nearly ripping from your lips when someone planted himself beside you.
“Hey, you’re here!”
You gazed up at him wide-eyed, subconsciously stepping away to keep your beating heart at bay. “H-hello, Toge-senpai.”
“Please, just call me Toge,” he offered, opening his umbrella before his eyes landed on you. Probably realizing you were quite helpless, Toge smiled, nudging you to come closer to him. “Hey, I’ll walk you home. You guys still live in the same block?”
And so there you were, debating that maybe Yuta’s carelessness wasn’t such a bad thing. After all, if it would lead to your crush taking you home, then you weren’t complaining. Funny how the weather seemed so gloomy, a huge contrast to the sunshine you radiated at the sheer happiness of living out your most romantic fantasies. It was silly, actually, to crush on your brother’s best friend of all people, but Toge was so nice and handsome – it was kind of impossible not to like him.
In the span of two weeks that you’d known him, he’d been nothing but friendly. And no, you weren’t going to admit you started visiting their classroom more often than before, simply because you wanted to get a glimpse of him.
Toge pulled you out of your lovesick trance, his arm landing on your waist before he shifted you beside him. You noticed he was now closer to the road while you were on the safer side of the sidewalk, and god, did he just step closer? He was close enough that your arms brushed with each step, sending a wave of heat that you bit back by tugging your lips with your teeth.
“For warmth,” he explained as if reading your mind, arm raised lazily in a shrug. “Wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
“Thank you,” you muttered, hiding your face under your scarf.
You and Toge were silent the whole time, but it was a silence you adored. Very rarely that you found comfort in silence with others, but with Toge, it felt so easy – so natural. You hadn’t even realized you were already at home, Toge chuckling at your spaced out self. He bid his farewell then, his back facing yours as he walked away when you blurted, “Oh, my parents aren’t home. I think you should stay first to let the rain calm down a bit. You live a little far from school, right?”
Toge looked a little surprised, his eyes shooting up to the sky with a sigh. Inwardly, you were screaming because you just invited him inside, but Toge was already waddling back to you before you could regret it.
“Yeah, thanks for the invitation. I don’t think I should go home in this weather too,” he said, following you across the threshold. He looked around in awe, his shoes left in the front door before he crossed the living room with you, his eyes shining with nostalgia and happiness. “Wow, your place hasn’t changed one bit. I missed being here.”
You flashed him a smile. Turns out it wasn’t that bad – Toge being comfortable made you comfortable. Aside from the nervousness partnered with shyness from having a crush, you applauded yourself for being able to look him in the eye as you asked, “Do you want tea, coffee…?”
“Water is fine. Thanks,” he shrugged off his jacket and placed it behind a chair, chuckling when you nodded too fast. Toge, much to your dismay (or delight?!) trailed behind you in the kitchen, having no business looking that handsome as he leaned against the counter. Him being unaware of his effect on you was even worse, and you bit the inside of your cheeks, trembling as you poured him a glass of water. 
From behind you, Toge snickered, “Why are you so jittery? Do I make you nervous?”
“A-a little.”
“Why? Am I intimidating?” he appeared beside you out of nowhere, so close that you could count his lashes. You leaned back with a muffled squeal, eyes wide at the proximity. Toge, as always, seemed completely unaware of it, taking his time to assess your features with a hand on his chin as if all the answers he was looking for was written all over your face. “Yuta told me I was very easy to approach though.”
“No, it’s not that, I just…” you stuttered, giving in with weak knees and turning your head to the side. Your heart, your poor heart! “Crap, I hate myself.”
“You were saying something?”
“I, uhm, it’s just,” you panicked, mind failing to function now of all times. “I think…I have a crush on you?”
The room fell silent.
Realization dawning on you, you flattened your palms together in a begging motion. Toge merely blinked back at you, and you were so close to just kneeling to the gods to rid yourself of this moment forever. “Please forget everything I said, I’m so sorry! Gosh, Yuta’s going to kill me, forget I said anything, I didn’t mean to be weird.”
“Hey, chill, it’s fine!” he laughed, helping you get up just before you fell in exasperation. Then, he smirked at you, wiggling his brows in the process. “I kind of knew that anyway, to be honest.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I mean, you asked me to marry you when we were kids,” he informed you, but the memory never played back in your mind. It wasn’t a lie though, you really did ask him that when you were kids. Embarrassment taking hold of you, you groaned behind your palms, feeling like your heart was going to explode every now and then.
“Oh my gosh…”
“It’s okay,” Toge peeled your arms away from your face, his grin nothing less of teasing the moment he’s greeted by your shyness. “I did say yes – let’s just wait after high school, yeah?”
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jikookpancakes · 3 years
JIKOOK FIC RECS that no one asked for (2021)
but im giving anyway because THE TALENT IN THIS FANDOM IS INSANE
long post incoming!! this is probably just part 1 because i wont stop reading anytime soon so i’m inserting that link just in case i do make another one in the future
What’s a Soul Really Worth, Anyway? by thisneedsmorefilth - 130k words, fantasy, demon!jm, witch!jk, listen, this and the next one are my top 2 jikook fics of all time, so well-written, plot so exciting legit reads like a book, better than a lot of books tbh, the world-building is INSANE, jungkook and the gang accidentally summon demon!jimin and chaos ensue, especially for jungkook...and you know why!!!, so funny, angsty, cried so much, happy ending but listen to me: you gotta read the sequel too, YOU GOTTA.
Militat Omnis Amans: The Beginnings by edaen - 92k words, fantasy, werewolf!jk, vampire!jm, forbidden love, super slow burn but super worth it, JIKOOK IN THIS IS MY FAVORITE JIKOOK IN ANY FIC EVER EVER EVER, this is the ultimate all or nothing will freeze hell over for the other kind of love, and the way this is written is just so... how do i describe it. like you can just tell the author wanted to be very realistic with their feelings. you’ve seen the word count, this is SLOW burn. like you will legit feel their struggle to just be able to love each other and while it hurts, it’s also SO GLORIOUS. i love this one so much and if you like reading angst with happy ending but like cranked up to 200% then read this. bonus feels if you read the whole series
Until Dawn (series) by edaen - this is the long series where the previous one above is part of. highly rec if you love fantasy and you wanna read about bts being a rag tag group of supernatural beings fighting evil yay. also it makes the above fic more satisfying because you see more of jikook just being tgt and in love (with bonus angst because of course)
7 Signs by NamHyora - 27k words, secret spies au, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm who is always used as a raven in their operations aka they use jimin and his attractive self to attract people and gather information or acquire targets and all that spy stuff, and his bestie alpha jk is not too happy about it hehe, friends to lovers, iove this one so much i wish it was longer but i think the author is planning to write a sequel!
Drop Like Confetti by annie_vi - 110k words, ceo!jk, age difference, age swap, ahhh i love this fic so much cause jimin smart and mature and has this no bs attitude, and he can keep up with jk despite the age gap and the difference in status/experiences, jk sexy dilf in this one eheh, i love it cause the drama/angst tackles a very real concern for such couples, like there’s no angst just for the sake of having angst, it really makes sense where they’re both coming from, they’re so whipped for eo too so love that for me
Fold it Up Like Origami by annie_vi - 99k words, gamer!jk, model!jm, same author as above and jk is so boyfriend goals in this one and in all this author’s fics in general like wow my standards are so high now i will legit be single forever just reading jikook fics (with no regrets), secret relationship due to their celeb status, well-written as usual, dialogues/banter in this author’s fics are just YES
The Tournament by kinkmins - 34k words, prince!jm, bodyguard!jk, abo, i’ll paste part of the summary here “Prince Jimin gets ready to hold a tournament where 50 alphas compete for a chance to court him, his father the king hires a new bodyguard who is a little too blunt and a little too talkative.“, i really love this oneeeee
Screwed Up and Brilliant by annie_vi - 113k words, escort!jk, jimin needed a date for a work event and in comes jungkook, escort extraordinaire with a no sex rule and jimin is just dasdkjfhasl, a lot of that “is this real or is he just acting” kinda angst, fluff smut angst
Like Everything Glows by annie_vi - 180k words, merman!jm, aquatic vet!jk, ok this is like my 4th rec from this author just read all their fics you’re welcome, this is their first fantasy fic but soso good, i rec’d this to someone who doesn’t really read fics and she really loved it and said “their love is so pure hhh”, she’s right
Track one: I love you by honeydice - 30k words, they’re “just” best friends, lots of pining it hurts, there’s some yoonmin and mentioned past jinmin in this so just noting in case, angst, denial of feelings, siiiiigh
InYou by edaen - 4k words, pwp :), abo, the morning after jikook mating, more sexytimes ensue + fluff
Falling For You Again by Rose_gold715 - 30k words, amnesia au, jk forgets about jimin and idk just something about this hits right in the feels. btw i don’t support the jk hated jm before in real life agenda so i don’t like this fic for that reason but i like this fic because i love me some good painful angst with happy ending.
The President’s Son by AmeliaBedelia - 55k words, bodyguard!jk, president’s son!jm, jk is assigned to shadow jm bc his life is under threat, and things develop :), jm is jk’s gay awakening :) :)
A Touch of Sin by pettey - 102k words, fantasy au, police officer!jk, supernatural!jm, shamanism, LOOK AT THE RANGE OF JIKOOK WRITERS YALL, this is such an interesting concept, so different from every other fic i’ve read, really well-written, sometimes you come across fics and you cant help but go “someone out there rly blessing me with this art for free”
Tears to the Tide by haromame - 65k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, honestly there’s not a lot of abo elements it’s focused more on jungkook having ptsd as he just came from war, established relationship jikook, he comes back home to jimin and things have just... changed. except their love ok THEY LOVE EO SO MUCH this made me cry so f much ugh so good tho.
Zero Hour by edaen - 5k words, canon compliant, a little drabble based around rosebowl jikook, it’s part of a series/collection of canon compliant jikook so if you’re looking for more canon compliant here you go!!, also if you can’t tell already i tend to like several things from a single author, i haven’t read their other fics im legit saving for sad days but i am confident enough to say their other fics are also rec-worthy.
Wonder by wordcouture - 7k words, im sorry in advance, mcd :( pls take care of yourself, i don’t like sad endings ok i don’t, but this is so popular and i was like, ok let’s see what the hype is all about, i get it now, :((((((((((((((((((((, well-written tho, bc the author will manage to crush your heart in just 7k words ha ha
The Omega Revolution by PinkBTS  - 158k words, abo, alpha!jk omega!jm, dystopian au, the hunger games more specifically mockingjay vibes, angst with happy ending but there’s some...things... lost along the way and i think that’s realistic for a dystopian war au, well-written
Blind Switch - 226k words, jockey!jk, rich spoiled brat!jm, jm gets exiled to his grandparents ranch where he meets jk yeehaw, im sorry for the yeehaw, anyway fluff smut angst enemies friends to lovers hurt/comfort slow burn happy ending, all the good stuff, ugh jk so boyfriend goals, also the amount of fluff in the later chapters thank u writer
Finally by Rose_gold715 - 12k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, angst with happy ending, jikook mate out of convenience and jimin runs away from jk and his pack feeling unloved and outcasted, but jungkook goes after him :((
Park Jimin’s Guide to Good Housekeeping by Ashlyn17 - 235k words, fantasy au, when i say jikook has the best fic writers i mean jikook has the best fic writers because THE WORLD-BUILDING in this one?, THE PLOT TWIST?, yesyesyes, jungkook is a powerful fae and jimin is assigned to be his housekeeper hehe, listen my entire fic rec has several that could be great netflix shows and this is definitely one of them
A Spell That Reminds Me of Your Name by Chimneycricket - 42k words, wizards!au, enemies to friends to lovers and the development felt natural, well-written plus the author sometimes makes art of their fics and other jikook fics and posts on twitter, both their fics and art are so good, i’ve heard good stuff about their other fics too :)
that’s it for now!
just a quick one about my preferences: idc about tops/bottoms, i read just about anything but i prefer fantasy and multi-chaptered fics, i love established relationship jikook so hmu with recs anytime, i don’t like reading anything with cheating and mcd, i love fics where jk and jm are just so friggin in love they are just IT for eo, and at the end of the day even if there are elements to the fics i wouldn’t normally read, as long as they’re well-written then i’m all for it
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lovelivingmydreams · 2 years
For the Prinxiety Week, how about 2(Swap), 10(“(character c) is going to kill me.”), and g(Mistaken identity)? Don’t rlly have an AU in mind so u can pick one!!
Ok I am not as happy with this one as with the rest. But they can't all be winners. Hope you enjoy.
Finally Roman was off the plane. It hadn’t been a pleasant flight. But there was no flight hellish enough to put him in a bad mood if it meant seeing his bibi and baba.
Roman's family was an interesting mix. He himself was Hispanic that much he had always known. When he was a baby he was adopted by his mom, a wondrous woman and the well-respected ambassador of Angola. And her partner, a French non binary badass. His parents were awesome and shared their culture with him while trying to help him understand his own. His paperwork prior to being adopted was nearly nonexistent though. So when he turned twelve they let him do an ancestry test. Learning that he was Mestizo was actually pretty cool.
He'd done research and stuff of course. He was raised speaking French, Bantu and English and had started learning Spanish from age 10. He had been excited to learn the native tongue of his people.
He hadn’t had the courage to try and reach out to his blood family yet though. He wanted to. Of course he did…
Anyway. He was now on vacay to visit his grandparents on his mom’s side. They’d come to live in the states shortly after his mom got positioned here. It was going to be awesome. A little break before his big break.
Roman was an actor and finally got a starring role in a big production. It'd been hard work but also super exciting. Two weeks from now he'd be going down the red carpet for the premier and after that… well the sky was the limit really.
He didn’t have his luggage with him. Again it’s been a bit of a mess getting here. His stuff should arive with the next flight though.
Roman adjusted his facemask and his hat as he looked around for familiar faces in the crowd.
He was pretty sure Daniels, head of security for his grandparents, was supposed to meet him here…
Suddenly someone he’d never seen before approached him and handed him a thick envelope.
“Take this to V at exit 3B. Don’t open it. Hand it to him sealed,” the mysterious individual instructed briskly before leaving.
Clearly he had the wrong guy. But Roman didn’t get the chance to alert him of that.
Roman looked at the envelope. It was sealed and it seemed pretty important that this V person got it. He wasn’t supposed to go anywhere without an escort. Son of an ambassador had it’s downsides.
And if he made it as an actor that part of his life wouldn’t get any easier.
Roman was not known for his impulse control though. And with his curiosity piqued and figuring this might be something time sensitive, he made his way to exit 3B.
V combined with he/him pronouns, might not be much of a hint as to who he was supposed to be looking for, but when he got there his eyes found someone staring at his watch and looking around impatiently. When the man spotted him he perked up. That might be the guy.
And man, was he kind of happy that the other dude had mistaken him for someone else. This ‘V’ person was really handsome. And it only got better as Roman approached and got a better look at him.
He had style too. Dark ripped jeans, paired with a white jack Skellington t-shirt and a dark jeans jacket. He had an undercut, purple bangs, a piercing through his lip and one through his right brow, and light eyes, though Roman couldn’t tell what color exactly due to the distance.
He knew that the dude was probably in a hurry. But maybe he could manage to be charming and slip him his card so they could meet up for coffee or something while they were both in the area. He was a romantic at heart and an encounter like this had to be fate at work. At least in his opinion.
Before he could properly greet the handsome stranger though, finaly close enough to see his steel grey eyes properly, he was grabbed by the arm and lead towards the parking lot. “Thank God you’re safe,” the man muttered. What?
“We’ll be at the safe house in an hour. Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” he rushed out as he glanced around. Roman had seen this sort of behavior before. There was a threat. Had he been mistaken? Did the man intend to give him the envelope? Was this V a new member of staff? Had something happened while he was in the air? Was his family okay?
His throat closed off as the different possibilities ran through his head. One thing was clear to him though. ‘V’ was not a threat to him. Though he looked ready to deck anyone who made the wrong move.
He was led to a car and made to sit in the passengers seat. That was unusual. Normally he’d be made to sit in the back no matter what.
He didn’t protest though, his mind still processing this worrying turn of events.
“Okay, I’ll need you to be quiet for a bit while I get us there okay? I need to focus,” the man spoke in his low gravely voice.
If Roman hadn’t been so worried, he’d probably be swooning over it.
He made himself take deep breaths. Maybe it was nothing too bad. Maybe there was just a threatening letter and they were being overly cautious. It wouldn’t be the first time. Especially if this was a new hire. And he had to be fairly new for Roman not to recognize him.
Yeah. He would’ve said something if something had happened already.
The drive was quiet. Only interrupted by V muttering that things were alright, that he’d be safe. Roman appreciated it, honestly. He’d prefer more information than that though.
Finally they arrived. V parked the car inside the garage of an isolated two story house.
It looked fairly modest, but that didn’t really matter. All that mattered was that Roman could get information now.
He took of his mask and handed V the envelope. “Tell me what happened. Are my parents okay? And my grandparents, are they unharmed?” he asked urgently.
V’s eyes widened, but no sound left his mouth.
“Please, just, just tell me why I need to go on lockdown,” Roman pleaded.
“You’re not Remus,” was his only answer.
“Wha… Who is Remus?” Roman asked.
“My foster brother and the one I was supposed to meet at the airport. You look identical but… You’re not him,” Virgil whispered, almost more to himself than to Roman.
“… So… Nothing bad happened to my family?” Roman concluded.
“No. Not that I know off anyway. God damn it! Lo is going to kill me… And no one is going to find the body.” V stepped out of the car and started pacing.
Okay, he looked like he was about to freak out.
Roman got out and walked over to V and stopped him in his tracks. “Hey, um. I’m sorry about your brother. But, it’s okay you know? I’ll call Daniels, my grandparents’ head of security, and tell him there was a mix up and I’ll probably get an earful and then we can meet somewhere and switch back,” he explained. V frowned.
“You have a security detail?” he asked.
Roman nodded. “My mother is ambassador of Angola. Comes with the territory,” he explained.
“Hm…” V sank into deep thought.
“Um, so. The dude who gave me that envelope called you V. Are there any more letters to that name or…?” he pressed carefully.
V looked up with a quirked brow.
Roman shrugged with a coy smile. “Least you can do after kidnapping me and making me think someone was trying to harm my family is give me a name.”
That got him a single chuckle. “Agent Storm. I’m FBI,” he told him as he opened the file and read through it.
“Okay, agent Very stormy knight. Can I ask why you were bringing your brother to a safe house?” Roman asked, genuinely curious.
“Very stormy knight…? Whatever Princey.” Roman smiled at the nickname. He liked it. “Let’s just say I need to keep him safe for one week from someone who can’t take a hint,” Virgil muttered as he frowned at the papers in his hands, his eyes shooting to Roman and back.
“It’s not high priority so I got limited support and had to pull a lot of strings to get this much, it helped that Logan…” He shook his head and looked up at Roman.
“Listen. I’ve got a favor to ask… Can he borrow your security detail for a week? I’m pretty confident I can keep you safe here. If we get found though, he won’t waste time on you. I’ll make sure of that. He won’t harm you and risk getting a bigger spotlight on him either. You’re a big shot right?”
Roman frowned, a prince and the pauper switch? “Well… I guess. Something happening to me would be an international incident… heh, I think that case would be under your jurisdiction,” Roman chuckled awkwardly. “Wouldn’t you get in trouble though? I could just tell my family the situation and they’ll keep this Remus guy safe,” he pointed out.
Virgil nodded biting his lip. “Yeah, yeah you are right I guess…” he wasn’t too excited about it though.
“But I guess having the bad guy wasting his time trying to find this safe house would have its advantages…” Roman allowed. “Can I call with my family though. I doubt your brother would fool them for too long, and I don’t want them to panic.
Unless he can communicate with my grandparents in flawless Bantu. They speak English but they will mix it up.”
Virgil nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t intend to mislead them. Just our bad guy. Moving you risks someone spotting me… I just hope your team gets it… wait a minute. You’re down for this? Just like that? No asking for ID, nothing?” V wondered, baffled.
Roman nodded. “Of course. I would be a massive jerk if I ignored someone in distress while I can help. And from how you acted, your brother needs help. I wouldn’t be able to tell if any badge you got for me was fake anyway and your behavior up till now has been on the mother hen side of things.”
Storm didn’t appreciate that last remark but he didn’t deny it.
“I see why you need a security detail now.” Roman let out a dramatic gasp, making V chuckle.
“Guess that confirms it though.”
Roman cocked his head curiously. The agent wordlessly handed him the file. He took it and looked at the papers.
There was a picture of him with some stuff about him anyone could find out. Like his birthday, or at least what they thought his birthday was. He tended to celebrate the day he was adopted instead. The names and occupations of his parents, his home address, dumb stuff like that. There was also a page with a lot of numbers on it. The words DNA and alleles jumped out at him.
“Long story short, Remus got fake arrested to get him away from the target. If all goes well he wont even find out Remus left the state for a good while. Anyway, Remus' DNA was supposed to trigger the FBI system and give the cops instructions that would put the whole operation in motion. All strict need to know basis. But while it did what it was supposed to do it also gave another ding. You, apparently, are in the system. Some high profile families do that in case it is ever needed to help find you or whatever… point is… Remus' DNA was a perfect match for you. The only way that can happen is…”
“If we are twins…” Roman realized breathlessly. His mind was racing. “I have a brother…” he muttered.
“Don’t get too excited Remus can be a hand full,” V pointed out, indicating their current situation.
Roman shrugged. “He must have his charm too. You are sticking your neck out for him after all,” Roman reasoned. V chuckled. “Guess you got me there.”
Feeling emboldened by now multiple successful attempts at making him laugh Roman made a bow. “It seems we'll be roommates for the coming week. I am Roman Caballero-Belerose. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Agent storm rolled his eyes but looked amused. “Fine. Agent Virgil Storm. Let’s get inside so we can call your team… I’ll be doing the talking though.” Roman nodded and gestured for Virgil to lead the way. The phone call was brief and heavily coded. But it sounded like there were no objections to the plan. Though Daniels didn’t sound very happy. He was definitely going to get an ear full.
“I hope Remus will be ok,” Virgil muttered after they hung up.
“I wouldn’t worry. Worst that van happen to him there is my grandma's cooking being too spicy.,” Roman told him as he looked around in the living room. It was a small room. There was a couch and a TV and a movie collection. Upon inspection he saw to his delight that most were Disney movies. Though there were a good number of horror and thrillers in the mix as well.
Still, he was glad he’d have something fun to watch.
“Hey… I’m sorry about all this. I’m sure you had plans with your grandparents that were much more fun than anything that I can offer here,” Virgil said, sounding genuinely regretful.
“It is no matter. He’s my brother too. And even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t be deserving of the title of Prince, as you so generously called me, if I ignored your troubles,” Roman pointed out, though part of him did wish he was currently hugging his family and being ushered to a warm meal and his familiar room.
Still he had no doubt that this was the right thing to do. Though, if Virgil felt bad about this situation, he could always let him make it up to him.
“Though… If you want to compensate me for my trouble, I have an idea,” he smiles as he looks up at Virgil.
The agent in question looks at him cautiously. “State your terms…” he said carefully.
Roman chuckled, though he was getting nervous. “I have an event to attend in two weeks. All I ask is that you attend it with me. I’ll probably drag Remus along as well if its safe. But if you show up I’ll consider us even,” he pointed out.
“… That doesn’t sound too bad… What kind of an event?” Virgil asked.
“Movie premier,” Roman shrugged, wanting to wait a bit before he revealed that he had a decent role in that movie.
“That sounds like I’m getting a way better end of the bargain. What’s the catch?” Virgil asked.
Roman shrugged. “People might assume we are dating I suppose,” he admitted. Though he secretly hoped that they wouldn’t be far off in those assumptions.
Virgil was handsome, clearly caring and brave. He was a bit rough around the edges, but Roman didn’t think that was off putting.
“… Well… you could also tell me a bit about Remus. I’d like to learn about my brother. Does that sound fair?”
Virgil sighed but nodded. “Sure. I can tell you about that trashman,” he allowed.
“Let’s get dinner started first. It’s not going to be fancy. Just microwave stuff,” he warns.
“I’ll live,” Roman assured him.
And he did. Over the next few days Virgil told him about the force of nature that was his twin brother. The pranks he’d pull, his disregard for safety of any kind, his all or nothing attitude and his eagerness for violence.
On the whole, he sounded pretty fun to have around. Though, Roman must agree, an annoying thorn in the side at times.
Roman learned that the Disney movies were mostly there to help Virgil calm down after a horror movie binge. He liked them fine, but he needed something a bit less intense to cool down after.
And he was a massive Disney nerd too. They debated the mouse company for a whole day.
On day 4 things shifted between them. It was late and Roman was homesick. Virgil picked up on it and tossed a wad of paper to him.
“Hey!” he’d complained.
“Follow me. I’m going to show you what Rem and I did when one of us felt low,” he told him as he showed him a bag of chips and headed for the stairs.
He kept climbing until he reached the bedroom Roman had been using and climbed out the window. Roman followed him out the window and let him help him onto the roof.
“Can’t believe we did this all the time. This crap is seriously dangerous,” Virgil muttered under his breath.
“We can go…”
“Shut up and lay down Princey,”  Virgil snapped.
Roman quickly followed his orders and found himself gazing up at the stars.
He heard the bag being opened. “We’d climb the roof of our foster home and just lay there eating snacks until we felt like talking,” he told him.
Roman couldn’t help a little smile as he took a few chips.
“I… It’s just a bit of homesickness. I’ll be okay. Just three more days right?” he asked.
Virgil nodded. “Yeah. Lo said he’d need a week to make sure that dude goes to jail for ages.”
“Hmmm… This Logan person. Is he your boss or something? You said he’d be upset with you over the mix up. Is he leading the mission?” Roman wondered. That didn’t seem right.
“No… I lead. Logan… He and I met in high school. He helped me get to where I am. He… He liked me well enough. But I think he liked Remus best if you know what I mean. He was pretty upset when Remus chose to run away with his no good boyfriend after graduation… I hadn’t seen Rem since that day. We had a fight about it because I was becoming a goodie two shoes and no fun. I had a bad feeling about his boyfriend and stuff. It got bad. I’m just glad I told him to call me if he needed help. That I’d keep the I told you so for after he was okay again. A month ago, he called…”
Virgil trailed off. Clearly this was a rough topic.
“Why do you call me Princey?” Roman wondered, changing the topic.
“Cause you talked fancy and you had a little crown on your cap,” Virgil shrugged.
Roman blushed. “Right…”
“Can I ask? Why didn’t you try to look for your blood family before?” Ah, well that was a fair question Roman supposed. “I… It sounds silly. But I thought… They didn’t want me, or us, I should say… They didn’t want us when we were babies. I just, didn’t want them to reject me a second time or something. So I wanted to give them a reason to want to know me… God that sounds terrible when I say it out loud,” he muttered. It really did.
“Hey no. I get that… I mean. Foster kid. Rem and I were lucky enough to spend a good 8 years in one home, but… You know. We both had our fair share of false alarms so to speak. So I get not wanting to be rejected. You are super valid. But honestly? If they don’t want you as you are, they are missing out,” Virgil assures him passionately.
Roman glanced at him. “Well, all those supposed parents who didn’t take you in sure missed out too. You are a great guy,” Roman assured him. “And when this is all over, you’ll come stay with my family for a bit. After all you did for Remus, I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that they’ll want you to stick around. And you’ll like it I promise,” Roman said before going off in a long rant of what it would be like when they went back to the civilized world.
Virgil just listened to him and smirked the whole time. When it got too chilly outside they headed to Roman’s temporary room where they kept talking about silly and less silly things.
Eventually settling in next to one another, and after that, falling asleep like that.
Things were going to be alright. And then, it’d be Roman’s turn to show Virgil what his life was like.
@moonlightshow00 ​ @naturallyunstablegamer ​ @m-i-r-p @meowthefluffy ​ @frida0043 ​ @angelic-cali ​ @selenechris ​ @theblackveilinreverse @prinxiety-week-2022 ​
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onlyanidala · 3 years
onlyanidala fic archive
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the link for each fic can be found by clicking the title!
Title: edges of the world Author: glompcat Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: T Summary:  Leia Organa finds herself stuck in a strange alternate/parallel universe where the Empire never came to exist. Meanwhile, trying to navigate a galaxy ruled by the Sith weren’t exactly the Jedi Trials Leia Skywalker had expected. Or: Leia from a universe where Anakin never fell and canon Leia switch places. Now the two of them - and everyone else around them - have to deal with the consequences of their dimensional swap.
Title: eros turannos Author: emerald-leaves Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Love the Tyrant. Oderint dum metuant- Let them hate as long as they fear. AU set in time around the Clone Wars. Note: This fic has unfortunately been removed from Fanfiction.net. However, a PDF is available upon request. 
Title: the exchange Author: misslearn Status: WIP Rating: T Summary: The Daughter has a bad day and it irrevocably changes the fate of the galaxy, twice over. Or: ROTS Obi-Wan and Anakin are swapped with their younger, TPM, selves. It changes things, in both parallels.
Title: five weddings and a funeral Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Padmé's feeling gloomy about her perpetual singleness, but everything changes when she meets an attractive stranger at her sister's wedding.
Title: flat tire Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary: Who knew something as simple as getting a flat tire could change the entire course of your life?
Title: for a moment Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  And, just for a moment, all the worries and concerns that troubled the young couple cease to exist. Fade away to just this. Husband and wife. Asleep. Dreaming of the sweet little life they will soon bring into the world and into their hearts.
Title: for a sith to love a jedi Author: silverdaye Status: WIP Rating: R Summary:  Jedi Knight Padmé Amidala, the Heroine with No Fear, has crash landed on a moon after a starship fight with Darth Vader. Now the two enemies are stuck on a strange moon with strange rocks that prevents them from accessing the Force. They form an uneasy truce to leave the other alone. Yet after Vader sees Amidala bathing, she keeps coming back to him and he can't keep his mind off of her.
Title: for you, i’ll risk it all Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Darth Vader was certain he had killed Padmé Amidala on Mustafar, but when a rebel broadcast reveals she is alive, he will stop at nothing to free her from what he assumes is captivity. Former Senator Padmé Amidala was certain her husband had been killed on Mustafar, but after seeing Vader across the room during a mission, she is sure that she had been lied to. Knowing the truth, she seeks out her husband, either to bring him back to the light or kill him, which ever was necessary.
Title: friendly competition Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Playing Quidditch is awfully difficult when you’re in love with the rival Seeker. Snapshots of Anakin and Padmé’s 7 years at Hogwarts.
Title: fruits of malice Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  In an alternate universe, Anakin Skywalker was taken from his mother at the age of four. He was raised as Darth Vader in a loveless, brutal environment. His life takes an interesting turn when he has an encounter with a certain senator from Naboo.
Title: future imperfect Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  A time travel story in which Anakin Skywalker is sent to the future to witness the consequences of his actions.
Title: fundamental force carriers Author: tanarill Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. At the end there, he'd even managed to woman up and kill Sidious. But he was dying, and at peace with the past. The past wasn't at peace with him.
Title: getting home to you Author: irnan Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin always said it was Padme's fault, but he was the one who spotted that broom closet. Fluff.
Title: the girl from harvard Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It also makes it grow more paranoid. Padme is in her last year of Harvard. Anakin has just started at the University of Chicago. Though they won't admit it, their long-distance relationship is taking it's heavy toll. Will their love prevail or will the distance prove too much for both of them?
Title: give me a signal Author: stranestelle Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  When Padmé Amidala is unable to contact Coruscant while negotiating a loan on Scipio, the Senate suspects trouble, and sends Anakin Skywalker to go check on her. Of course, the resourceful senator isn’t really in any trouble – don't flatter yourself, Rush Clovis – but there’s definitely some brewing.
Title: hand in my hand and we promise to never let go Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Anakin Skywalker was sent to build an elite Jedi team to help end the ten-year Clone Wars. Jedi Knight Naberrie trains hard to be selected and grows closer to the Jedi Master in the process. But with Jedi falling every day in battle, is it safe to follow your heart? Or will war take what's most precious to Padme?
Title: the hardest path Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Padmé does what she has to for her family. Series: Three Paths Not Followed
Title: heart of a sith Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Fourteen years have passed since the inception of the Empire. Darth Vader has been asked to go to Alderaan for an unusual reason, one that Vader soon discovers will change his life forever.
Title: heirs of light and darkness Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  After escaping the Jedi purge two years ago made him the most wanted fugitive in the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker has at last been captured by the Empire. He expects to be killed, but Lady Padmé Amidala, the imperial heir, has other ideas.
Title: heretic pride Author: fialleril Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: G Summary:  Like most Republic citizens, the Naberries have never spent much time thinking about the Jedi. But that changes with the birth of their daughter Ilaré. (Or, the AU where the third Naberrie daughter is a Jedi, Padmé offers Naboo as a sanctuary for runaway slaves, Shmi is a conductor on the Tatooine freedom trail, and Anakin jump starts a reformation. Or maybe a heresy. It all depends on your point of view.)
Title: hidden Author: disco shop girl Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin is woken from his dream before it can warn him of his fate. Without that fear hanging over him he feels a disturbance in the force, and chooses to leave before it can manifest itself.
Title:  high above the clouds, my love for you is eternal Author: rogue darth skywalker Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: M Summary:  Modern Aviation AU. Anakin is a pilot, Padme is a flight attendant. When they meet for the first time he is captivated by her. But much to his surprise she has a young son. This is a story about how bonds are broken, how families are made, and how sacrifice is sometimes necessary to get people where they are meant to be.
Title: hold me in your arms and i’m home Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  It's the ten year reunion for students from Coruscant high and more importantly, a long awaited reunion for two former lovers.
Title: home Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  In which "Darth Vader" is no more than Anakin's playtime alter ego (happy Skywalker family AU)
Title: hypnotic takin’ over me Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  "By the Force… Just how many times had he seen her like this in his dreams? How many times had he run his fingers over her skin? Filled his hands with her perfect backside? Yet, when he was, by some mercy or a cruel joke, granted true sight of her, he was oblivious."
Title: i do take two Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Thirty years after their clandestine wedding on Naboo, Anakin and Padmé decide to finally do the proper wedding ceremony they never got to have, with all their friends and family present.
Title: i know your type Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  "Am I dead?" It slips out, accidentally. She turns her head towards me, a confused look on her face and tips her head. "Excuse me?" Flashing her an impish grin, I lean casually against the wall. "I must have died and gone to heaven, because you look like an angel." The look she gives me is far from impressed. "Do you use that with all the girls, or am I just lucky?"
Title: i wish i could rewrite the stars Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Suddenly, forever felt like something that could be real. They could make it real, the two of them together and out of nowhere, tears stung at Anakin's eyes. It just meant so much. Padme loving him too was the stuff of his dreams; something he'd only just dared to believe was possible. But she did.
Title: if blood be the price Author: cadesama Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin promised to free all the slaves and it is a promise he intends to keep. Struck by visions of a slave uprising on Tatooine, he runs away to join the fight. Five years later, it his new alliance of former slave worlds that the Republic fears, rather than a Separatist threat. Enlisted to negotiate a peace treaty, Senator Amidala is dispatched to find Anakin, alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, who only wishes to bring his former Padawan home.
Title: imperial obligations Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Padmé's advisors suggest that she get rid of Vader and make a politically advantageous marriage. The Empress is less than pleased. One-shot.Series: The Empress and Her Sith Lord.
Title: in his very soul Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Ten years ago, the effort to liberate Naboo from Trade Federation control failed. Chancellor Palpatine managed to rescue the young Queen Amidala and two of her handmaidens, formally adopting her as his own. The new father and daughter quickly manipulated the Senate into granting him emergency powers and creating the Grand Army of the Republic, letting the Clone Wars begin. Now, assassins are coming for Padmé Palpatine, and her father has entrusted her safety to his mysterious enforcer, Darth Vader. While neither bodyguard nor charge is happy about this arrangement, there is an attraction they cannot ignore.
Title: in search of absolution Author: rogue darth skywalker Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Padme bit her lip as she placed one last post-it that had the name 'Shmi Skywalker' written on it. She didn't speak. She knew he needed a moment to think - to process what she was silently asking him. 'Are you ready to accept her forgiveness'"She'd want to come to her only son's wedding," She said. He shook his head, "I don't think so. After everything…"
Title: in the past Author: silverdaye Status: WIP Rating: T Summary:  It's been two months after Bespin, and Luke Skywalker is trying to come to terms with the events that happened there. During a dogfight with Darth Vader, both of their fighters crash. When they recover, they both find themselves on Coruscant at the end of the Clone Wars. Vader still aims to claim his son, but Luke has been taken to the Jedi Temple where he meets Anakin Skywalker.
Title: it’s a dangerous love affair Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Lies, masks, blood and sex. The criminal underworld will swallow you up and spit you out again. One wants revenge and the other wants peace. Can their affair bring the downfall of the two biggest gangs of the underworld?
Title: it’s like deja vu all over again Author: shadowsong26 Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Three days ago, Padme Amidala closed her eyes for the last time in a sterile white room on an asteroid at the edge of nowhere. Three days ago, she opened them again on a sleek, chrome starship, watching Dorme putting on the finishing touches to Corde's headdress, her own weighted braids a comforting blanket on her back. Padme decides to change things, decides she can save Anakin (and the Galaxy) this time. Except, as time passes, she starts to realize things aren't happening exactly the way she remembers...
Title: (it’s not so bad) being dead like me Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Recently deceased Anakin Skywalker (killed in an taco truck explosion) finds himself not in the after life but recruited as the newest member of the undead, he’s become a grim reaper. He’s told that it’s his destiny but really he thinks it’s just rotten luck. Rotten except for the fact that one of his fellow reapers is Padmé Amidala, the most beautiful woman Anakin’s has seen, dead or alive. As he struggles to come to grips with his death and his new role in the universe, Anakin finds that taking souls isn’t the easiest job out there, he also finds himself falling in love. One-shot.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Sonia & Yasuke
Summary: Sonia Nevermind’s FTEs in the SDR2 Protagonist Matsuda Yasuke AU. FUCK YES. A slightly divergent take on the originals.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Language. Brief discussions of cults and kidnapping.
Notes: Sonia was neck and neck with Tanaka for the poll and I was going to do hers soon anyway, so I just went ahead. Sometimes, life just shakes out that way. I really do love Sonia so much. The bias is strongest for Sonia, so I really hope I did her justice. Only the best for our kween. (Btw, the formatting for this couldn’t fully carry through so some stylistic choices on Ao3 are absent here.)
Read this fic among others HERE
Main story is HERE
Commission? Donate?
He supposed he had been in an antsier mood than usual. In one hand, he read his manga. In the other, he played with and twirled around a pen. He’s practiced enough that he doesn’t need to look. It’s just something for his other hand to do. Something that would, ideally, work off some jitters.
He had almost been too worked up to read. Unfortunately, he’s still having a hard time trying to get into the book. He can’t tell if it’s because the story is dragging itself or because he’s just not in the right headspace. What a nuisance.
He catches the pen between his knuckles, tapping the end against the table. A surprised gasp. A round of applause. Matsuda glances over his book to meet the beaming face of a certain princess. Even in a hotel this cafeteria this tacky, she shone like a precious jewel.
What a nuisance. Except—
“So impressive, Matsuda-san!” she squealed. “You truly have fury skillz, yo!”
I guess of all the people here, she’s the most tolerable.
“Impressive, huh,” he mused. “I could probably twirl a scalpel, too.”
“Ooh!” Sonia clasped her hands. “Matsuda-san! Will you perform?!”
“No.” He shook his head. “I’m not going to risk cutting my fingers just to show off. I’ll twirl the pen some more.”
“Oh, I understand...” Quieting, Sonia still watched him twirl with intent eyes. It’s like he’s center stage at an opera house. Sonia hums and her fingers even twitch along. “Matsuda-san, such talented fingers... I truly do applaud you.”
Matsuda flipped the pen, catching it before it fell to the ground. Sonia let out another gasp and clapped some more, giggling.
“Bravo, bravo!”
Jeez. She’s so likable that it’s sickening.
It’s almost like he wouldn’t have a choice in the matter should the two of them become friends.
I guess...there are worse relationships to be forced into. Even if I already have a headache.
Still, the mood couldn’t help but be lightened whenever Sonia laughed. Scary.
His fingers were a bit aching, and holding a cold drink alleviated some of the stinging. Sonia, ever the prim and proper young lady with her mouth shut, simply sipped tea from across the table. The picture of elegance. Even in a cafeteria this tacky.
But it’s not like any location short of the azure sky and sapphire ocean could do someone like her justice.
“This island truly is sublime,” Sonia hummed. “The weather is always so serene, and the ocean is as blue as it is endless! Truly! It’s a perfect resort, wouldn’t you say, Matsuda-san?”
“I don’t know if I’d go as far as to say perfect,” he replied. “There’s a little too much fucking walking. I’m not big on sweating.”
Even if big hospitals had fancier equipment, I still hated having to rush back and forth.
“To be more contained can have its benefits,” Sonia agreed good-naturedly. “Still, I must say I am quite happy with what we have.”
Matsuda hummed right back.
“Situation could be better,” he said. “Would really fucking love if we weren’t being held hostage by a homicidal fucking bear.”
“Indeed,” Sonia agreed solemnly. “Quite regrettable.”
Matsuda waited for her to continue, but she merely took another elegant sip. Still the picture of calm. Sonia’s eyes do flicker open and it’s then that Matsuda takes notice of the color. They’re a clear, soft green. It’s a unique shade. One he thinks he’s only seen in...
“As long as no murders take place, everything will be alright,” Sonia spoke with conviction. “What happens next...will depend on our own inclinations and choices.”
I shouldn’t compare them too much.
“That’s a reductive way of looking at it,” he said. “Even if we have the resolve, I don’t doubt that our hands are going to be forced.”
Sonia slammed her cup onto the table. It cracked just the slightest bit.
“Then, we should cooperate with one another so that we can return home as quickly as we can,” she said sunnily. “Matsuda-san, I trust you to tell me any ideas you may come up with. I shall do what I can.”
“Well...” Matsuda directed his stare towards one of the security cameras. “We’d first have to come up with something to do about those.”
“If we simply shattered them, we would get punished severely,” Sonia recalled, lamenting as she did. “We would have to act... And perhaps...”
She dropped into lower mumbles that Matsuda couldn’t make out. Perhaps out of precaution, in case they were being recorded. Matsuda watches her sink deeper and deeper into thought.
Even she can’t be serene and optimistic all the time. She’s still managing better than anyone else here.
“Do you understand, Matsuda-san?” she asked, tone serious. “Or must I repeat myself?”
“If you did, it’d have to be a little louder, so it’d be better if you could write it down discretely and pass it to me later,” he said, sighing. “It’s a little too risky discussing anything out in the open.”
Sonia clapped with glee.
“A handsome remark! This is why I know I can rely on your intelligence and wit, Matsuda-san.” She gave a few nods of approval. “It might be better for our moral to chat amiably for now.” With a dazzling smile, she then inquired, “Is there anything you’d like to ask of me?”
Matsuda blinked at her.
“Not really.” I am curious about one thing. Given the circumstances, it’s best to hold off on that. “What about you?”
“There is something! That I AM quite curious about!” Sonia exclaimed, suddenly excited. “Who has captured your heart? And who do you plan to settle on?!”
Matsuda stared.
His head tilted in confusion, so Sonia went on to explain.
“This situation—it is similar to The Summer Story of Seven Men and Seven Women, wouldn’t you say?! The standard practice, then, is to start wavering and swapping partners!”
“The...J-drama?” he asked, no less confused but Sonia was more incited regardless.
“No just the J-drama, the legendary J-drama! The original trendsetter! Starting with an upbeat tone... Before shifting to surprisingly serious!” she swooned. “I couldn’t believe my eyes, and yet I couldn’t look away! Momoko’s feelings...! Wow, so intense!”
“Uh-huh...” Matsuda’s eyes rolled back. “Well... I’m not sleeping with anyone on this stupid fucking island, so it’s not going to be that similar. That, and there are more guys here than girls to begin with...”
“That is true!” Sonia gasped. “Someone will have to be unlucky! I wonder... Who it will be...?”
Didn’t I just say I wasn’t going to...? Not to mention some of the guys flat-out wouldn’t be interested. Although I don’t think that’ll keep someone from being unlucky, huh...
It looked like he wouldn’t get in another word in edgewise.
This still isn’t going to fix the declining birthrate.
At least Sonia seemed to be having a hella time theorizing. Matsuda just let her...do that.
“I managed to find a couple of books on Novoselic,” he said, setting the stack of books on the table before a sparkly-eyed Sonia. “Since we don’t have the internet, this was the best I could scrounge up and even then I don’t know if they’re all that accurate.”
“Oh, Matsuda-san, I would have told you anything you needed to know!” She does take one of the books. “That said, I recognize this author. You can trust them! Oh, but this one...” She takes another, frowning. “If I recall... No. You should not trust this one at all. In fact, I would burn every copy of this book.”
“I could kind of tell from the tone,” Matsuda hummed, setting it apart and pushing it far away. Sonia’s frown was still a deep mar on her face. “So, these books are accurate?”
“As I have said, Matsuda-san, I do not mind telling you about my country,” she said, smiling again. “Or! Is this courting? I’m afraid I will have to sadly decline, much as this feels like something out of a J-drama...”
She says while looking disappointed in herself...
“It’s more that I thought you should know what other people are writing about your country,” he said. He paused. “Ah, I guess that was pretty presumptuous of me.”
“Not at all!” Sonia shook her head. “Awareness and control of the media are essential! Not to mention you have informed me of quite the pressed issue! I will have to take care of it when I return...is what a responsible, attentive ruler would say.” She sighed. “Sadly, I will have to inform others and hope for the best.”
She has said in the past that she’s more of a figurehead than a leader.
“That’s a part of being young,” he remarked. “Don’t let it get you down too much. Just prepare for the future to the best of your ability.”
Sonia does giggle at that.
“Matsuda-san... Sometimes, you remind me of the male lead in a J-drama.”
“No comment.”
She laughs again. “In my humblest opinion, the best J-dramas are the ones aimed at women between the ages of 20 to 34. Just before Japan’s economic bubble burst! You would not believe how many times I have seen I Will Arrest Your Eyes! Why, when I first arrived in Japan, the first thing I did was run across the Spain-zaka!”
As fascinating as that all is, what gets my attention is...
“Hold it. Were you calling me mature or were you suggesting that I speak like an old man?”
“You certainly do have a worldly weariness to you, Matsuda-san,” Sonia went on to sigh. “Broody and broken down by life... While it would be attractive on the screen, it is worrisome and exhausting in person.” She perked right back up. “But have no fear! For a fairly dreamy maniac will someday come into your life! And the two of you can partake in the ritual entrapped within the blizzard!”
“I hate the cold,” is Matsuda’s only reply to whatever the fuck all of that was.
“Then when will you cuddle under a blanket in the nude?!” Sonia gasped, aghast. “Will you do so at a different temperature?! Is the blizzard not necessary after all?!”
“First off, you’re referring to a cliché rather than a ritual,” Matsuda said, waving his hand. “Shouldn’t the fact that it was happening during a damn blizzard tipped you off? Not every couple is going to go to the fucking mountains.”
“So...” Sonia quieted. “It is not like the Makango?”
The Makango? Matsuda remembered. Ah, the Makango.
“We don’t have anything like that as far as I’m aware,” he said. “Mind you, I’m...not aware of much...”
Thinking about this gives me a headache. Actually, it really, really fucking hurts right now.
“I see...” Sonia pursed her lips. “So peculiar. Oh!” She blinked, realizing. “Matsuda-san, you look pale.”
“Sorry,” he mumbles, rubbing his forehead with a wince. “I think... I’m gonna check out.”
“You should check out what’s wrong with you!” she exclaimed. “Do better for yourself, Matsuda-san!”
On that note, there wasn’t anything else to do but stumble out.
It’s another calm day at the library. Sonia, however, snaps up immediately when Matsuda walks inside. It’s scary how alert the princess is, but that was probably a good thing considering her situation. Matsuda sighed, waving and taking in how she lit up and eagerly saluted him.
He also takes notice of the book that Sonia had been reading. The cover—looks quite gruesome.
“How are you feeling?” Sonia asked kindly. “You are not in pain, yes? Matsuda-san?”
“I’m doing fine,” he said, stretching as he makes his way over. “I’ve been dealing with headache after headache since I got here, so I’ve gotten used to them.”
“I see,” Sonia murmured, downcast and sympathetic. “I will trust you to your own mechanics.”
“Devices,” Matsuda corrected without thinking as he seated himself. “Anyway, I’ll be reading. Don’t mind me.”
He does pull out a manga he brought with him—the library was just a better environment for reading than the cafeteria hence him making the trip. He cracks it open, but he doesn’t get very long to enjoy it. He gets maybe five minutes before there’s a nudge at his side.
He ignores it, but Sonia elbows him with enough force that he nearly yelps. With a now throbbing side, his gaze drops to see a folded-up piece of paper tucked between Sonia’s delicate fingers. Her nails are perfectly manicured yet polished to give off the illusion of natural beauty.
He takes the paper, unfolding it and—
What do you know about the occult?
Sonia is feigning innocence. She’s scarily good at it. If not for the flicker of her intense stare to his, he wouldn’t have suspected a thing. That...and his side still...stings. Seriously the princess had a bony fucking elbow.
“Princess. What the hell is this?”
“Shush!” she ordered and he dutifully shut his mouth without a second thought. Sonia looked around discretely, lowering her voice as she leaned in to whisper into his ear. “Any information you have on cults would also be appreciated, Matsuda-san.”
No, seriously, what the fuck?
He does try to make sense of it. If Sonia felt the need to convey these questions inconspicuously, then, maybe—?
He takes out a pen and writes down his response. He hands it under the table for Sonia to read.
Do you think our kidnappers are part of a cult?
“Oh!” Sonia gasped. “I never thought of that! What a fascinating theory!”
Guuuuuuess not.
“If it just interests you, you don’t have to be so fucking secretive,” he griped. “Just ask me outright like a normal fucking person.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she apologized quickly. “I truly didn’t think the way I was conducting myself was...regal. They pass notes like so in the dramas. Is that not normal behavior, Matsuda-san?”
“I...no, actually...” Matsuda shrugged helplessly. “I...guess that is in fact a way high schoolers communicate sometimes...”
I haven’t gone to a normal high school...or a normal middle school for that matter.
“It is quite—unheard of if not prohibited for a princess to have such interests,” Sonia sighed. “But even if it is forbidden, my heart still longs for more when it comes to the subject of Freemasonry! Oh, but it’s purely academic!” She looks quite serious as she insists, “I could never dream of conspiring against the government.”
“A lot of people do find that stuff interesting,” Matsuda said. Sonia lit up only to deflate when he added, “I don’t think it’s that deep.”
“No?” Her head tilted. “You think it...kiddy?”
“In a way,” he admitted. “Cultism comes about through societal failings and instability. Political turmoil, lack of education, paranoia, peer pressure... People long for a sense of community by nature and they’re drawn to a charismatic figure who knows how to prey on the insecure and vulnerable. People just want someone else to tell them what to do, what to think, like fucking children and obviously, obviously, they get taken advantage of by the worst fucking types...”
Sonia’s eyes were wide.
“Oh! Matsuda-san, have you been in a cult before?!”
Matsuda immediately jolted. For some reason, he broke into a sweat. For another, his head hurt so much that he wanted to shut down then and there.
He needed to grip his hand and will them to stop shaking.
“...I... No.” He shook his head firmly, digging his nails into his arm, would’ve raked them through the flesh if not for the sleeve of his coat. “It’s, uh, just something I read one time.”
“You are looking quite pale,” Sonia remarked worriedly. “I apologize, Matsuda-san. I—think we should drop the subject for now. I do not wish to cause you untoward pain any longer.”
She draws back from him as if he’s too fragile to be near. It’s seriously annoying, especially when not only does Sonia look stricken with guilt, she also looks lonely.
“I...” He swallowed. “While I don’t think much of it, I do think it’s important to understand. It isn’t productive to just...dismiss it wholesale.”
Sonia does perk up.
“I agree,” she says, albeit tentative as she does. “To dismiss a different sense of values due to ignorance is foolish. Such ignorance leads to bloodshed. And—it is important for a member of the royal to expand one’s knowledge.”
He nods.
“I just...” He wants to bite his tongue clean off. “I guess it’s a sore subject for me...”
But w̴̟̹̠͐̿̋ḧ̶̟́y̷̘͓͛?
“I understand.” Sonia nodded back. “I apologize.”
“It’s fine,” he said. “Just...do what you can to guide your people right.”
With that, he gets up.
“Sorry,” he said, acting on autopilot now. “I need to go.”
He doesn’t look back.
“Oh, Matsuda-san!”
As usual, Sonia looked delighted to see him.
“What a pleasant surprise!” she exclaimed, every word dripping with sincerity. “Come, come! Sit with me! There is much I wish to discuss with you!”
“Yeah?” The closer he comes, the more she can see her stack of books. Quite a few of them have been shoved away, but the other titles—there actually seemed to be a couple of romance novels and recognizable manga. “What about...?”
Those are titles that have been adapted into TV dramas.
“The friendship between men and women as depicted in Turn On The Heart,” she explained. “If you do not know that title, then will a different J-drama suffice? Perhaps one of these?”
She offers one of the manga. Her intentions are clear, and he truly appreciates the gesture—but he’s read that title. It was one of the worst fucking things he ever skipped through. The love interest in it was just scary. And he was a spoiled rich brat. Urgh.
But the princess really isn’t that bad. She’s really trying to get along with me. Not a lot of people have done that unless they wanted in my pants or something.
He’s not so fucking full of himself that he’d assumed a goddamn princess would be interested. That, and he’s conscientious of that shit to begin with. Sonia was just friendly, not flirty.
“I do mostly read manga,” he said. “I guess I could recommend a title or two that’s been adapted?”
I haven’t watched a lot of dramas actually. I’ve had them going on in the background, but that’s...
His sharp eyes do notice the titles that Sonia had pushed away. They were various studies on cults throughout history. And an anthology on ghost stories.
“Matsuda-san.” When Sonia spoke, her tone was low. She stood up and bowed, making him jump. “I wish to sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart! If I could, I’d throw myself at your feet! Alas, it’s improper for a princess...! I’m so fucking sorry!”
“Wow.” He didn’t even know how to respond. “If this is about what happened last time, it’s fine. It’s water under the bridge. I...”
I actually—don’t remember what happened. I ended up taking a lot more pills than I should’ve.
“Still!” Sonia exclaimed, shaking her head. “I asked you a very inappropriate question! It was quite uncouth! Thus—I wish to make out with you for it!”
“You don’t have to do that,” he said, meaning it figuratively and literally. “It’s fine.”
“Are you sure?!” Sonia’s frown deepened. “I... Despite my status, here I would like to be equals, Matsuda-san. Is that not possible?”
Equals, huh.
“When I came to Japan, I thought I could be considered a normal girl,” she said, and it sounded like a confession. “Perhaps...that had been...immature of me.”
It is immature, Matsuda agreed with as he bit his tongue. It’s beyond fucking immature. Even if you learn the language and go along with trends, you live in a fucking castle, Sonia. That’s not normal at all. Normal people are one bad fucking month away from losing everything they care about. It’ll take more than a damn month for a monarchy to topple. Especially one that’s absolute.
“If you insist so much, can I ask you a question?” He studied the way she perked up. How annoyingly eager she was to hear it. And how he—“It’s not going to be a pleasant one.”
“As long as it is about my personal inclinations or government secrets, I am willing to speak about it,” she told him, smiling sweetly.
She really was so painfully sweet sometimes.
Ä̷̮̖͇́̅̅͝ ̷̬̎̽c̴̨̛̥̳̙̔̈̊ͅo̵͕̤͠ṃ̵̻̒ͅp̸̭͕̽͝l̸͍͈͎̀è̶̛̝̫̒͗͝t̸̗͒̂̐e̴̛̳͔̾͐ ̵̧̼̐ô̸̞͇̖͋̽̀́ͅp̵͉̘͗̅̍͝p̴̖̙͑̊̒̆o̸̧͙̹̘̠͂s̴͈̀̕ị̶͇̅͛͝t̶͉͊e̴̲͈̩̫͠ ̴͔̺͔̙͗́̓̓̋f̶̺͂̚͘r̴̛̘̾͝o̶͍̭̯̖͐̐̓͛m̶̳͑̋—̷̱̘̩͙͓̇͒̏̋̉
“This isn’t your first time being kidnapped.”
It hadn’t been a question, despite himself. But a statement. A statement that drained all that sweetness from Sonia’s face, leaving behind calm stoicism. She looks so at ease and unshakeable that Matsuda could draw several conclusions if he wanted to.
But it seems tacky to make assumptions about what were traumatic experiences, regardless of those involved.
“I’ve read up on your country and there were reports of the royal family being abducted by insurgents,” he said, keeping his voice level. “It hadn’t mentioned those affected by name...but you were among them, weren’t you?”
“Yes,” Sonia spoke as if she were untouchable. “I was.”
“No wonder you’re so damn calm about all this,” Matsuda went to remark. “It’s not your first time. And...quite fucking frankly, this is literally the Bahamas of hostage situations.”
“Haha, I do not think we are in the Bahamas, Matsuda-san,” she replied, casual—but still with that flaring distance. “I believe we are in the middle of the Pacific, rather.”
“That’s not important,” he snapped. “What was important was... Clearing the air, so to speak.”
“I see.” Sonia agreed with him like he’d kill her if she didn’t. “Then, have I been to your satisfaction, Matsuda-san?”
Matsuda stared at her. He reached out, and she didn’t even flinch. Not even when he snapped his fingers in front of her. Impressive, honestly.
She’s completely shut down.
“Do you want to talk about dramas? I kind of enjoyed Hana-Kimi.”
Sonia blinked, and it was like nothing happened at all. Especially with how she went back to smiling as she always did, dazzlingly open and amicable.
“I haven’t heard of it! Please tell me all about it!”
“If I remember correctly there were like, four adaptations, the first Taiwanese and the most recent a K-drama, actually, so...”
The two of them chat lightly like this for a while. Like a normal pair of high schoolers.
“Greetings, Matsuda-san! I have read the illustrious Hana-Kimi! And! I enjoyed it!”
“Good to hear...”
“There is much I wish to discuss about it!” Sonia exclaimed, but there was something strange. Her smile was so wide it looked strained. She was wearing more makeup than usual, especially on her cheeks and around the eyes. “I would also like to hear more recommendations, so...”
“Rough night?” Matsuda asked, and Sonia shut her mouth.
For a second, Sonia looked lost before she gave a weak laugh.
“Ahaha, I should’ve known that Matsuda-san would not be fooled. You’re quite sharp, after all. It’s one of the reasons I admire you.”
“Did you want me to pretend nothing was wrong?” Matsuda huffed. “I’d rather you not have to force yourself around me. With how shitty my attitude is, I’d be a hypocrite if I expected everyone on their best behavior....especially in this situation.”
“Truth be told, I do not mind it,” Sonia murmured. “In a way... I find it refreshing. Around Matsuda-san, I can just scream at the top of my lungs—Jesus Fucking Christ Bastard Of A Fuckity Fuck Bitch! And you wouldn’t bat a tongue-lash!” She took a deep breath. “That said...if we are to discuss further. I’d prefer we do so in my cottage.”
“Fine by me,” was Matsuda’s immediate response. That was all there was to it.
Without another word, he followed Sonia to her cottage. She led him inside, and the interior was so fancy that he felt like he’d be stoned if he didn’t remove his shoes right away.
Polished floors, elegant rugs, ivory silk sheets, and plush furniture—even a damn chandelier hanging about them... It at least looked like the inside of a high-end hotel suite. Even the way plants were arranged from the ones hanging from the wall to the potted plant in the corner and the vase on the table by a wide-screen television felt so prestigious and artful.
“Would you like a seat?” Sonia asked, indicating a loveseat that definitely costed more than he could get selling his ass on the street for a week. He sits down on it anyway. It’s annoying supple, and he can’t help but relax. Sonia is giggling at him, “I apologize for any messes. I am still getting a handle on cleaning as it were. And the shower.”
The rug had been a little damp under his feet. She must’ve accidentally flooded the floor. He should probably help her wash it so that it didn’t contract mold, but... There were more pressing matters.
Sonia clearly wanted to speak to him, but she was just standing there. Fidgeting and wavering.
“Nightmare?” he guessed. “Homesickness?”
“Both,” Sonia replied, chuckling a little. “As well as—that conversation we had earlier...weighing on my mind...”
Matsuda clicked his tongue but said nothing. Gave Sonia the time to take a deep breath.
“Back then, I was not permitted to show fear for my people’s sakes,” she recounted. “I was, after all, a princess before a person. But here... I do not know what I should do. Must I wait in silence for rescue? Shall I allow myself to scream and cry?” She was fidgeting. No, she was trying to distract herself from how badly her hands were shaking. “Say, Matsuda-san... You are...quite intelligent. And you never—you do not sweet talk. Tell me...what I should do.”
Matsuda stared at her. She kept her head bowed.
“Fuck if I know.” Matsuda sighed loudly. “Like holy shit, why you think I’ll know what to do? That’s illogical as fuck. You’re just being a coward by forcing someone else to make the decisions, princess.”
“I am aware,” she whispered.
“I’m not Togami,” he said. “I’m not going to seize control and tell everyone that it’s going to be fine. I’m...”
...not going to lie about that shit.
“I thought not.” Sonia laughs again. It’s almost an ugly sound. Scratchy and unbalanced, completely unbefitting and yet—perfect in this situation. “Matsuda-san, you may have the signals of a legendary hero... But, in reality, your scowling face is too remarkable.”
What the fuck did that even mean?
“The legendary hero of legend,” Sonia reiterated with the utmost seriousness. “The only fault with that—is your face, Matsuda-san! It’s not just remarkable, it’s beautiful!”
What the FUCK is she talking about?
“I would still like to take you with me to my kingdom, once we escape from here,” Sonia went on. “Even if you are not a destined one, you would make for a wonderful advisor and companion. I wish to continue our conversations—and even if it is cowardly, I also wish to look towards you in times of need.”
What the fuck is going on?!
“I...” He’s confused. He’s so hopelessly confused. And yet... And yet... “I heard the medical practice in your country is nothing to sneeze at...so I can’t deny being interested.”
“Splendid! Then—let us continue working together, Matsuda-san!” Sonia clapped her hands. Another dazzling smile, an even more radiant laugh. Just like that, she was back at peak princess. “Ho, ho, hey!”
“Hey, hey, ho...”
Despite that, there’s a lot unsaid. We haven’t really talked, either. We’re just pushing on with forced optimism, filling our heads with empty reassurances and promises in the hope that it’ll be enough to carry us through.
It could very well be. In a situation like this, keeping ahold of one’s morale was pretty fucking prudent. Even if he and Sonia knew shit all about how to lead, they had no choice but to keep stumbling and scrambling. Hoping for the best.
Sometimes... That’s all we really need.
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hahanoiwont · 3 years
1. What kind of relationship does WT Frisk have with Nightmare & co? Is it family-like or is it friendship-like? Does WT Frisk get along with all the bad sanses?
2. What if WT Frisk met Ink and Dream first? What would their relationship with Frisk be like?
3. I know that in your fanfic Whither then, Frisk has some kinda nonchalant attitude about dying again and again. What kinda of reactions would the skeleton bros have when finding out that Frisk has died so many times to point of Frisk becoming numb to dying?
4. I know I’m asking a lot of questions, so sorry about. But I love your fanfics and they make me happy and sad when reading them. If Frisk agreed with Red to stay immortal and stop aging, would all the multiverse sanses and Papyruses be happy about that?
Thank you so much for answering my long winded questions. 😆
oh no this was buried in my askbox, I am sorry for losing it for so long! So without further ado:
1. Does WT Frisk get along with all the bad sanses?
Yeah! I'd say in the bad sanses au (mostly readable here) Frisk gets on well with mostly everyone--those of them with specifically Frisk/Chara-related trauma might take a while to adjust, but most of them have already met Frisk before they even get to Nightmare's place. This is after Frisk and Dust have been traveling together for a while, so of course they get along. They actually have to work more on the idea of being separated sometimes, when Dust goes on missions and Frisk isn't constantly with him. They've been traveling together for several universes, and while Frisk is an independent kid, Dust has been about 3 feet from them, max, for much of that time. Mostly because he doesn't actually have any means of traveling through the multiverse himself, besides just catching on Frisk's shoulder as they go. If they'd happened to go and leave him behind, he'd be stranded. Thus, the two of them were more or less attached at the hip, especially towards the end of any given run. I think that habit would be hard to break, even when they're rooming with several new people and Dust has a sorta-kinda real job.
Likely, this starts out with Frisk just hanging out with Horror, and Dust coming with them as a matter of course while they do things he's not particularly interested in. So, Dust and Horror reach a comfortable mutual tolerance fairly quickly, mostly because Dust is apathetic and Horror is busy enjoying the reunion. But I imagine the first mission they go on is a whole stressfest for everyone involved, given Horror's abandonment issues, Frisk's abandonment issues, and Dust's discomfort with addressing social situations without Frisk to run interference. So, that would be a Time.
2. What if WT Frisk met Ink and Dream first?
Hmm. Let's say it's maybe a sort of Outertale situation, where Ink and Dream happen to be in a world that they're monitoring for Shenanigans when, lo and behold, a Shenanigan drops in their laps!
This is never covered in Outertale bc Comet doesn't know about it, but the general outcode community deals with people not being where they belong by trying to find some place they can belong in. Being as it's pretty unsustainable to try sending Frisk back to UF, they'd likely try to set them up with an AU that's expressly for homeless universe-wanderers. That way, Frisk isn't wandering through AUs that aren't supposed to have an outcode presence in them, and there's a minimum of interference. So...I think that lands Frisk in some place like the omega timeline, or haventale?
I think somewhere like that would be pretty good for them, actually--they're surrounded by people who have all also lost their homes, and loved ones, and who are also trying to build a new life after all of that. Somehow, I see them making friends with a post-genocide version of one of the swap bros? Or. actually. Disbelief!Papyrus. To my understanding that's Classic Papyrus as the survivor of a genocide run in which Sans was killed before the Judgement Hall, so Papyrus is the one to wait in the Hall and confront the human for murdering his brother. I think that Papyrus would have a lot to say about Sans as a flawed but beloved individual who is now gone forever, which Frisk would be able to empathize with after their experience with Red. I think after some initial wariness, they could be dear friends to one another.
3. What kinda of reactions would the skeleton bros have when finding out that Frisk has died so many times to point of Frisk becoming numb to dying?
Well! Not best pleased, of course--learning that a loved one has died, even if they're back to being alive now, can't be easy. Of course, the Sanses generally know, or suspect--Red absolutely knows they've died, and has some specific deaths that he deduced in fairly accurate detail from Frisk's reactions and his own nightmares/deja vu moments. Ironically, he also has some nightmares about deaths that didn't happen, and assumes that those are also real. Blue, if you recall, thought he'd killed them in a past genocide run; Black and Slim were both aware of the possibility that they could time travel but ultimately dismissed their suspicions when Frisk proved to be able to REFUSE instead. US!Papyrus has learned that they can time travel and has done his best to take it in stride, but has avoided thinking too hard about the implications of that. Shy was also intellectually aware of the possibility, but he decided he didn't want to know.
However, in terms of new information, I think Fell would take it the hardest. He would see it as an absolutely crushing failure--not only did he not keep them safe from their own brother, he didn't keep them safe at all. He would seriously start to question whether he's of any use to them at all--which, given his ideas about attachment, would lead him to feel he doesn't have a place in their life. He would definitely take it personally that they died so much when he was purportedly protecting them.
I think his ultimate decision, reached without discussing the matter with anyone else, would be that he's Definitely Failed as a brother, both to Red and to Frisk, and he's just not capable of keeping anyone safe. Clearly he is simply not meant to experience love. He can save his world from itself but he can never keep a single person from suffering. I think at this point US!Papyrus would step in, because clearly someone has to, and remind Fell that he's still extremely violent and paranoid. If it came down to a duel to the death to keep their respective siblings safe, Fell would win by a landslide. This would actually make Fell feel better. Surely, if US!Papyrus is worthy of love despite being totally unable to kill a dozen people in an afternoon, Fell must be fine. He will just do Better from now on. No One Will Ever Die Again. Which is good, considering that murder is illegal now due to Fell's extensive efforts.
4. If Frisk agreed with Red to stay immortal and stop aging, would all the multiverse sanses and Papyruses be happy about that?
Well, I think that depends on exactly how they come to be immortal...I think the easy answer would be to absorb a boss monster's soul, since boss monsters don't naturally age, and go from there. Which would be an unpopular plan, generally. Especially since Frisk is quite young currently, and not at immediate risk of dying, barring unusual circumstances. It would just seem like a drastic move for a time that's so far away.
I think it would also depend on Frisk's attitude on it--if it's something that they're relieved about, or something they were pushed into, or even something they approached Red about in the first place.
Exceptions exist--Red would be both smug (he did a Good Thing. no one else even thought of it but he did) and quietly relieved; Fell would disapprove of Red being a bad influence on Frisk if the method were particularly violent but would notably not obstruct the process and not let anyone else stop it, either; Slim would be all for as long as Frisk was alright with it; and Black would insist that it's their choice and his approval or disapproval isn't what's important here. Though he would be likely to corner Red later and convey his gratitude through terrifying and questionable means.
Sfrisks would think that all of these people are insane.
Hoo boy this got long, but,, thank you for sending in these asks! I love answering these questions, even if it takes me a while to actually get to the answering bit. I appreciate it!
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thorne93 · 4 years
The Stars Made Us (Part 2)
Prompt: In this world, you’re one of the “lucky” ones who got a soulmate, but what if the universe gives you more than you bargained for?
(Prompt challenge – You live in a world where your soulmate can write on their skin and you will get the writing on your own and vice versa. Where they can wash away the ink on their own skin, however, the writing is forever scarred onto your skin until you meet face to face)
Word Count: 1436
Warnings: angst and language throughout
Notes: This was supposed to be for @sorryimacrapwriter​​ and their challenge like a year ago, I think? I still loved the prompt though and have been working on this story for quite some time. This aesthetic was made by @dontshootmespence​​, thank you so much! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​​, couldn’t have done it without you, as well as @carryonmyswansong​​ and @arrow-guy​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​
Also, I’ve never really liked the whole soulmate AU thing idea, but this felt so right and it was amazing to write. I hope y’all love it too!!
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When you woke up in the early afternoon, your parents greeted you with a bit of a chuckle.
“Stay up too late with Jenny?” your mom asked with a teasing smirk. It was a habit of yours and Jenny to probably stay up way past your bedtime, but so long as it wasn’t a school night, your parents never cared.
“Actually… I.. uh, have some news,” you announced as you grabbed some bacon for a BLT that they’d made for lunch.
“Oh?” your dad asked, his eyes still on his laptop. “What’s that?”
“So… Jenny was kind of joking around last night and said that I should try to write on my arm, you know… to see if I had a soulmate…” you began explaining, twisting your fingers around nervously as you sat at the table.
Your parents just looked at you curiously.
“Well, so I did. I wrote something on my arm, and I waited to see if someone would write back… and they did,” you said, showing them your arm. They saw the ‘Happy Birthday’, and the ‘Hi there’, with a smiling face.
“A soulmate?” your dad echoed, looking at your arm inquisitively.
“We’ve never had soulmates in the family, have we, dear?” your mom wondered as she looked over her cup at her husband.
“Not that I know of. Well what do you know about that?” he mused. “I don't see any more marks on your arms, did your mate not write back much last night?”
“No, we actually emailed. We thought it would be best if we reserve our skin.. You know, we don’t want a bunch of… tattoos of each other unless they’re meaningful.”
“Sounds sensible,” your mom noted with a smile. “So what do you know about them?”
“He’s a grad student. He’s 21. He graduated from Harvard at 16, and get this, he’s into psych. He studies it.”
“Graduated at 16?” your dad asked. “Are you sure this guy isn’t pulling your leg? What if he’s some bum?”
“If he is some bum, he’s got a great education. We stayed up all night emailing, and he’s quite well-read.”
“That sounds fantastic, honey. And, did you get his name?” she asked, a bit nervous.
You shook your head. “No, we agreed it wasn’t safe.”
“Good girl,” your mom commended.
“He’s 21, hmm?” your dad hummed. “Isn’t that a little old?”
“Oh, Anthony, don’t pretend like that’s some big gap. You and I have five years between us,” your mom reminded as she got up to pick up the kitchen.
“Yeah well we didn’t meet in high school either. We were adults.”
“I’d hardly call us adults. We were 23 and 28.”
Your dad just shook his head. “You just be careful, kiddo. Soulmate or not, there are weirdos out there.”
“Of course, Dad,” you said.
Well, that was out of the way. Your parents didn’t seem to be too upset, which was good.
You went upstairs to your room and sent an email to X.
“My parents know about us now,” you wrote.
“Do they approve?”
“They’re worried you’re a liar and a weirdo, lol,” you confessed with a smiley face.
“They might be right ; )”
“I reminded them that we won’t ever swap information until one of our names shows up.”
“Of course. As tempted as I am to meet you like a normal person, I don’t want to tamper with fate.”
“I feel the same. And your parents? Have you told them?”
“My parents have died. Happened a few years ago.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s awful.”
“It’s sad, yes, but don’t let that bring down your mood, please. I miss them terribly. I bet they would’ve loved to meet you.”
“I would’ve loved to meet them.”
“Speaking of, we need to get registered.”
Registered? For what? A marriage license?
Then it hit you.
“Oh, you mean the soulmate registry?”
“That’s the one. Do you have access to it?”
“Yeah, I can just drive to it. It’s at the clerk’s office, right?”
“Yes, it is. Oh, I need to go, Y/F/I. I’ll talk to you later. Feel free to send me emails throughout the day.”
“Will do, X. I’ll go to the registry on Monday, after school.”
“Looking forward to it.”
The following afternoon, you went to the county clerk to file for a soulmate. You arrived at the building, stood in line, and finally, it was your turn. You were greeted by an older woman with a permanent scowl on her face.
“Can I help you?” she asked evenly.
“I, uh, I need to get registered for a soulmate?” you said tentatively. You had no idea how this part of the process went.
She eyed you up and down. “Very well, come with me.” She turned around and started to walk away from the counter and you looked around to see if you were supposed to follow. Since no one seemed to be stopping you as you inched towards the small opening in the counter, you went ahead and followed her.
“Do you have a driver’s license?” she asked once she reached a little podium against a wall.
You didn’t answer, instead you quickly searched your purse and wallet to retrieve the ID. She took it from you but before she did anything she asked you to show you the markings.
“I got these, on my arm,” you informed as you pushed your arm forward, your arms exposed.
“I’m just checking to make sure they aren’t tattoos,” she mused as she eyed them and scanned them with a small device that emitted purple light, you assumed it was a UV light or some form of it. “Alright, that all looks good.” With that, she turned to a computer and pulled up a file, scanning your driver’s license that filled out a bunch of forms and blanks - your name, age, social security, birthday, address. “Now, I need to document your markings. Put your arm right here,” she instructed, pointing to what looked like a small x-ray machine. It had a flat platform, a light, crosshairs, and an overhead lens. “Hold still,” she ordered.
You did your best to keep still as she pressed a button and the image was snapped.
“Did you write anything to them?” she asked, her voice stern.
“Yes, I wrote a few things,” you said, explaining everything you wrote and where.
“When did the markings appear? I need the date and time,” she informed.
“Alright, you’re officially in the system. Do you know their name?”
“No, we’ve only emailed and I refer to him as X?” you said, unsure.
“Good. I’m not sure if you know this or not, but we tell everyone who gets a mate: it’s never good to meet them before your time.”
“I’ve heard,” you noted quietly.
“It usually ends in an untimely death, and you don’t get another mate. No one has ever had more than one mate, even if their first one dies.”
You nodded. It made sense. The universe designed one person to fit your soul exactly, they couldn’t do that with two people, it would be crazy.
“No, yeah we agreed not to give any personal information away,” you confirmed.
“Good. Now, whenever your mate comes in to get registered, neither of you will be notified.”
You frowned for a moment. “So what’s the point in doing this?” you wondered.
“In case anything happens before you two meet, you can be notified. If you need a donor, your mate is notified. It’s mainly for record keeping, but just in case, they’re basically added to every In Case of Emergency list you have.”
“Really? Okay,” you said, a little more interested.
“Well you’re all set. Here’s some information for you,” she informed as she handed you a pamphlet. It said: So now you’ve got a soulmate, what this means for you.
Inside were several Do’s and Don'ts.
Do tell people you have a mate, so they don’t think you’re covered in tattoos of random words.
Don’t get the name of your soulmate before it appears on your skin. Their name and current location will appear when you are needed most by them.
Do be sure to include that you have a mate on any legal forms.
Don’t request a new mate.
… on and on it went. It made you smile and laugh at how… old it seemed to be.
Before you knew it, you were back in front of your computer screen, sending an update to X. He said he was busy today and would have to go to the clerk tomorrow.
Forever Tag:
Charles Xavier
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any new historical AUs? anything from the 1150s to the 1950s works for me lol
Hi Nonny!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sadly I haven’t read as many historical fics as I would have liked to, unless you count the TAB/Victorian AUs I’ve read, LOL. I’ll give you most that I have personally read (I omitted the majority of the Victorian AUs I’ve read, please check out the link in the See Also section), AS WELL AS stuff on my offline MFL list, and please do check out the “see also” lists for others that people have added, and hopefully some lovelies will add their own fics for us!
So if any of y’all are currently writing any or have some faves (especially regency AUs, I haven’t read any and am interested in trying one out) please let us know!!
See also:
Time Travel, Altered Time, or Time Manipulation
ACD Canon
Victorian Meets Modern Johnlock
The First Night by TheForerunner (NR, 1,043 w., 1 Ch. || ACD Canon || First Time, Fluff, Non-Explicit, Prose) – When all was over, Sherlock reached to dress again and John reached to stop him. They sat at opposite ends of the bed and one set of eyes surveyed the other’s set of limbs, and they were quiet in the downbeat, melody suspended. Sherlock was sheepish, and this confused John, who now smelled of his companion and felt they were part of one another.
The Trial of Sherlock Holmes by jenna221b (G, 3,015 w. across 3 works || TAB!lock, Metafic / TJLC, Victorian AU / 1895, Christmas, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Oscar Wilde) – Scripts based on speculation that Sherlock will be put on trial in The Abominable Bride to parallel the Oscar Wilde Trials of 1895.
we have never seen a greater day than this by Lediona (T, 36,420 w., 7 Ch. || A Royal Night Out AU || WWII / VE Day, Prince Sherlock, Soldier John, Alternating POV, First Kiss, Bittersweet Ending, Homophobia, Dancing) – Peace. At long last. It’s VE Day and Prince William desires to join the celebrations. It is a night of excitement, danger and the first flutters of romance.
five times sherlock holmes lied to john watson (and one time he finally told the truth) by miss_frankenstein (G, 5,948 w., 1 Ch. || TAB Compliant || Homophobia, Pining Sherlock, Oscar Wilde Trials, Happy Ending) – Set in "The Abominable Bride" universe, this piece adopts a familiar format to chronicle Sherlock's quiet suffering in the wake of the 1895 Oscar Wilde trials and the particular way they affect his relationship with (and feelings for) John.
In A Changing Age by allonsys_girl (E, 15,590 w. || Victorian AU, Virgin / Demi Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Mild H/C, Bottomlock) – Sherlock wakes up in the 19th century, with no idea how he got there.
The Curious Adventure of the Drs. Watson by ShinySherlock (M, 40,883 w., 14 Ch. || BBC & ACD Fusion || Victorianlock, Time Travel / Magical Realism, Friends to Lovers, Love and Kissing, Romance, Body Swap) – What if ACD Watson and BBC Watson switched places...  “Imposter!” Hands clenching the lapels of John’s coat, Holmes shoved him anew. “Yes!” John agreed, nodding, and then grimacing. “Sort of!”
A Further Sea by i_ship_an_armada & ShinySherlock (E, 125,492 w., 23 Ch. || Historical Pirates AU || Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Doctor John / Pirate Captain Sherlock, Sailing, UST / RST, Masturbation, Action / Adventure, Mild Angst & Peril, Romance, Shaving, Molly/Janine, Bottomlock, Hand / Blow Jobs, Past Drug Use, Slow Burn, Mild Violence, Facial Shaving, Happy Ending) – Here be a tale of adventure for both body and soul, but beware if ye be not of stout heart, for this be piratelock, ya savvy? Luckless ship's surgeon John Watson takes a chance, and finds himself eye to eye with The Ghost, the scourge of the seven seas and a definite thorn in the side of the blaggard, James Moriarty. But when John finds there's more to this most cunning pirate than be meetin' the eye, he has to choose... is it a pirate's life for him?
The Right Side of the Wall by MarisFerasi (E, 5,468 w., 2 Ch. || Historical Slavery AU || Sex Slave, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Captain John, Slave Sherlock, Historical Inaccuracy) – Captain John buys slave Sherlock and the smex occurs.
Splat! by Vulgarweed (E, 6,618 w., 1 Ch. || Historical Appalachian 1970′s AU || Dom / Sub, Gunplay, Knifeplay, “Non-Con” Roleplay, Switchlock, Anal, Rimming, Bondage, Hunting Kink, Rough Sex, Object Insertion, Dirty Talk, Comeplay) – Sherlock decides he does want to go hunting with John after all. But not for deer. Part 2 of the The Bone Fiddle series
Silent Night by khorazir (M, 15,060 w., 1 Ch. || Codebreaker / WWII / Imitation Game-Inspired AU || Care Fic, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Dev. Rel., Reunion, PTSD John, Christmas) – It’s Christmas Eve 1944, and Sherlock Holmes has received his most precious gift already: after a long, dangerous deployment, Surgeon Captain John Watson of the Royal Navy has unexpectedly returned from the front. As if this weren’t enough, there’s a case. Both events make for a night full of promise, excitement, and the difficult task of getting reacquainted with the man Sherlock hasn’t seen in three years and feared he’d lost forever. Part 2 of Enigma
A Marriage of Convenience by Phuchka (E, 43,116 w., 24 Ch. || Regency Omegaverse || Jealous John, Mpreg, Angst, Whump, Fluff, Smut, Arranged Marriage) – You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of ~The Honourable Sherlock Holmes, Alpha, younger brother of the Earl of Sherrinford with Mr. John Watson, Omega, son of Mr. Howard Watson, chairman of the City Bankers Guild.
Always 1895 by standbygo (E, 45,901 w., 19 Ch. || Oxford Time Travel AU || Time Travel, Friends to Lovers, Case Fic, Victorian, Period-Typical Homophobia, Pining, First Kiss/Time, First Meetings, Slow Burn, Angst With Happy Ending) – Time travelling historian John Watson goes to Victorian era England to study, and meets detective Sherlock Holmes. He finds himself torn between the work he was sent to do, the exciting life of solving crimes, and the extraordinary Holmes himself.
The Devil At Prayers by always_1895 (T, 50,846 w., 22 Ch. || ACD Canon / Victorian AU || Friendship, Case Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Murder, Politics, Intrigue, Mystery, Historical, Treasure Hunting) – Emily Watson and her twin sister were raised in a peaceful English manor house. But when a mysterious Professor arrives to visit her father, she is thrown headfirst into a murderous conspiracy. Forced to seek refuge with her only living relative, half brother Dr. John Watson, she discovers that he lodges with the infamous detective, Sherlock Holmes. Book 1 follows Emily and Holmes as they begin to unravel her own mystery, when they are introduced to the case of a missing Russian diplomat. The thread connecting the two cases runs deep, and they race against the clock to uncover the politician's whereabouts before political tensions reach a breaking point. Part 1 of the Queen and Country series
Human Nature by delightful_fear (M, 57,585 w., 17 Ch. || Regency London AU || 1819 / Gregorian England, Historical, Alternate First Meeting) – Rich and spoiled Sherlock makes a wager with his older brother that he can take a penniless man and make him presentable in high society.
Long Ago and Far Away Series by lotherington (T to E, 62,765 w. across 27 works || WWII AU || Victor Trevor, Historical, 1940s/50s, Graphic Depictions of Violence) – October, 1937. A chance encounter late one night leads to Sherlock following John home. I can’t really put it much better than Vera Lynn herself: That certain night, the night we met / there was magic abroad in the air.
Dawn Before the Rest of the World Series (M, 65,164 w.+ across 12 stories || WiP || 1920s Historical AU || Romance, Love Declarations, Period-Typical / Internalized Homophobia, First Times, Oral/Anal Sex, Sweetness, Hurt / Comfort, Crying, Frottage, Rimming, Idiots in Love) – In one of the grand houses of England in the 1920s, butler Sherlock Holmes is wooed to pieces by the world's most romantic gardener, John Watson.
The Sweetness Makes the Smoke and Stings Worthwhile by 221b_careful_what_you_wish_for (M, 70,032 w., 31 Ch. || Historical 1920′s AU || Unilock, Summer Romance, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Inexperienced Sherlock, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Drinking, Period-Typical Homophobia, Sexual Tension, Hand/Blow Jobs, Dancing, Secret Relationship, Skinny Dipping, Angst with a Happy Ending, Closet Sex, Hotel Sex, Emotions, Falling in Love, Mutual Pining, Letters/Epistolary, Heartache, Minor Violence, Separations, Reunion Sex, Love Confessions, Victor & Mary in this Fic) – After nearly being expelled from university, Sherlock is banished home to Musgrave Hall for the summer. A friend introduces him to John Watson, a handsome medical student visiting the area. Sherlock and John find themselves drawn to each other, falling into a summer romance that may be as painful as it is sweet. Although they follow different paths, their feelings for each other still haunt them, their love finally coming full circle years later. For those concerned about Mary and Victor, they appear only briefly and as very background characters. My version of Mary is not modeled on the BBC version. She is more of an original character, if anything.
Philia and Eros by distantstarlight (E, 84,660 w., 20 Ch. || Historical AU || Friends to Lovers, Time Travel, Kilts, Possessive Behaviour, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Implied Rape/Non-Con) – Love is timeless but time isn't necessarily linear. John Watson and Sherlock Holmes are about to embark on an unintended adventure that will take them far away from the comfortable confines of 221 B Baker Street. Part 1 of Strange Paths
Philia and Eros by distantstarlight (E, 84,660 w., 20 Ch. || Historical AU || Friends to Lovers, Time Travel, Kilts, Possessive Behaviour, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Implied Rape/Non-Con) – Love is timeless but time isn't necessarily linear. John Watson and Sherlock Holmes are about to embark on an unintended adventure that will take them far away from the comfortable confines of 221 B Baker Street. Part 1 of Strange Paths
Welcome Home by itsalwaysyou_jw (M, 81,358+ w., 25/32 Ch. || WiP || WWII / Post-WWII Historical AU || Fluff and Angst, Drinking, Hurt/Comfort, POV John, Mutual Pining, Dev. Rel., Past Viclock, Nice Victor, First Kiss, Romance, PTSD John, Grief/Mourning, Implied / Referenced Drug Use) – In 1938, John Watson was at the peak of his music career, performing original jazz tunes in the hottest clubs to adoring crowds. But now the year is 1945 and Captain John Watson has just returned home from the war. Attempting to cope with the horrors he saw in the Solomon Islands, he struggles to get even a weekday slot performing at the jazz clubs. When he hears a radio announcement for a song-writing competition, he knows this is the opportunity he has been waiting for. He only needs to put a band together that can help him win the grand prize. But first, he needs to face his survivor's guilt to honour his best friend's dying wish: he must find Victor Trevor's spouse- someone named Sherlock Holmes- and deliver a message.
A Matter of Chance by weneedtotalkaboutsherlock (E, 100,631 w., 18 Ch. || Regency AU || Forbidden Love, Slow Burn, Class Differences, No Period-Typical Homophobia, Gay Marriage is OK, Forced Marriage, Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Humour, Angst with Happy Ending, Drama Queen Sherlock, Sexually Naïve Sherlock, Aromantic Mycroft, First Kiss / Time, Declarations of Love, Minor Character Death) – "If it were only for me, I would never marry." "Why so?" "I do not believe in love, Dr Watson. It is a great disadvantage to lose one's head over such a volatile matter."
Enigma by khorazir (M, 289,667 w., 23 Ch. || Codebreaker / WWII / Imitation Game-Inspired AU || Case Fic, Espionage, Period-Typical Homophobia / Sexism, Pining Sherlock, Inexperienced / VirginSherlock, Implied / Referenced Drug Use, Non-Graphic Violence) – It’s the autumn of 1941, war is raging in Europe, German U-boats are raiding Allied convoys in the Atlantic, the Luftwaffe is bombing English cities, and the cryptographers at Bletchley Park are working feverishly to decode their enemies' encrypted communications. One should consider this challenge and distraction enough for capricious codebreaker Sherlock Holmes. But the true enigmas are yet waiting to be deciphered: an unbreakable code, a strange murder, and the arrival of Surgeon Captain John H. Watson of the Royal Navy.
Over Fathoms Deep by bittergreens (E, 397,575+ w., 51/? Ch. || WiP || Historical / Regency / Sailing AU || Sailor!John / Aristocrat!Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Virgin Sherlock, Sailing, Bottomlock, UST / RST, Hand/Blow Jobs, Frottage, Masturbation, Happy Ending, Anal) – When the youngest son of the aristocratic Holmes family is shipped off to sea in an attempt to cure him of his poor temper and bad manners, he fully expects to spend a long tedious voyage as miserable as ever. What he does not count on is having his heart stolen by the strapping young crewman, John Watson.
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the-werdna · 3 years
Title: Robcina Week Day 3 - Free Day
Description: Just another day after school. No new incidents in the outrealms. No upcoming exams. Perhaps the perfect day to spend some time with Lucina. She had mentioned something about wanting to go shopping. What was the worst that could happen?
Notes: Once again we delve into my Awakening Persona AU, because no one can stop me! Takes place prior to Chapters 41, 47, and 61 of Love Across Time, which are likewise set in this AU
Words: 2099
A shrill bell chimed, announcing the end of the school day.
Robin quickly scratched down the last few characters he'd been copying from the board into his notebook before standing. The notebook, his pens, pencils, and other school supplies were swiftly shunted into his open backpack a moment later. That settled, he stepped out into the hallways, blinking against the afternoon light streaming through the windows of the hallway,
Right, now I just need to decide how to spend the rest of the day, Robin thought to himself.
He had several options after all. Since it was a Tuesday, the sports club wouldn't be meeting, so that wasn't an option. He did still have the writing club he could attend or perhaps one of his part time jobs he could always attend. Studying in the library was always an option, though by this point he wasn't sure it could offer much improvement anymore, having scored top of his class the past two exams.
Perhaps now would be a good time to work on one of my "social links", Robin pondered. He sighed. He really did hate that term, at least when referring to time he spent with the many friends he'd made since coming to the town. The way Igor referred to them, as if they were simply a means as a wild card user to empower his Personas… it felt too clinical to him. Too impersonal.
That said, since Kendo club won't be meeting today either, Lucina should be free, Robin realized. She did mention something about wanting my help picking some stuff out next time she went shopping.
Making up his mind, Robin made for the front door, swapping out his school shoes for his usual pair before heading outside. Looping around to the back of the school, he found Lucina right where he expected her to be, seated on one of the benches that overlooked the plot of land maintained by the gardening club. Though not a member of the club herself, he knew that Lucina still enjoyed the peaceful spot near the flowers. Though summer was almost over and soon the garden would be empty. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd still come to the spot then.
Lucina didn't notice him at first, her gaze on the butterflies fluttering between the flowers. Only when he was a few steps away did she look up, turning to him. "Oh… Hello, Robin" Lucina greeted, standing.
"I was wondering if you would be free to hang out?" Robin asked.
"Oh, yes, of course. Actually, I was thinking of stopping by a store on my way home. Would you like to come? Of course, only if you are interested."
"Lucina has asked to spend time with you…"
"Since you have Lachesis, a Persona of the Fortune Arcana, you feel you could be closer…"
"Will you spend the afternoon with Lucina?"
"I'd be happy to. You did mention you wanted my input on some things, right?" Robin asked.
Lucina looked happy at this, nodding fiercely. "Yes, of course! Come, let us hurry then before they close!"
. . . . .
Making their way to the clothing store, the two quickly set about browsing through the racks, Robin letting Lucina take the lead.
"What do you think about these," Lucina asked, producing a skirt and blouse she'd picked.
"Well it's… certainly very you, Lucina," he said, trying to speak as politely as he could.
In truth even a fashion novice such as himself could tell the two pieces didn't remotely go together. The blouse, yellow with red polka dots, and the skirt, green and purple stripes, clashed immensely. Nor was it helped that both were possibly the brightest and most saturated pieces of clothing in the entire store, so much that they practically glowed.
"Hmmm, I suppose. Though perhaps…" setting the outfit aside, Lucina reached for another shirt. Then a jacket, and then a set of pants. "What about these?"
The pants were bright orange. The shirt was lime green with pink flowers. And the jacket was sky blue with neon yellow stripes down the arms. It honestly wasn't much better.
Robin opened his mouth to try and tell her the truth, only to stop as his gaze fell on Lucina's face. She was smiling brightly, looking happier than he'd ever seen her. Her eyes sparkled with radiant joy, her smile one of almost childlike glee. In that moment Robin knew he couldn't be the one to take that away from her.
"I think it's perfect," he told her. Somehow he even meant it, as even as he imagined her in his mind's eye wearing the garish ensemble it somehow looked great on her.
"Thank you! I'm so glad," Lucina told him, draping the clothes over an arm. "To tell the truth, I haven't been shopping for clothes like this since I was little. My mother used to take me all the time back then…" There was a brief moment where her smile faltered at the mention of her mother, but it quickly recovered. So complete was her happiness in that moment, even that memory couldn't steal it from her.
Returning the first outfit to the rack, Lucina stepped back, again looking at the clothes she picked out. "I wonder if I can find anything else that will go well with this? No, it's fine on its own. I just know it will look great with what I already own," she touched the red and blue striped scarf she alway wore. "So shall we go to the register then? There is still time before I must run off to work, and I'd like to go check one more place before-"
Lucina stopped at the sound of harsh laughter coming from nearby. There, several racks over were three girls Robin recognized from school though he did not know their names. Though he thought they were third years like Lucina.
One of the girls shielded her mouth behind her hand, whispering something to the girls. While he couldn't make out what was said, the smug way she regarded Lucina and the outfit held in her hands made it plain enough exactly what was the subject of her scorn. Snickering giggles from the other girls soon followed, taking shared amusement at whatever remark had been made at Lucina's expense.
At once Lucina's eyes seemed to glaze over slightly, growing distant as she returned the clothes to the rack. While her expression remained stoic, Robin could tell just how saddened she was.
Anger flashing, Robin turned, starting towards the girls, fully prepared to give them a piece of his mind. However before he could move more than a couple steps he was stopped by Lucina, blocking him with an outstretched hand.
"It's alright, Robin. They're not worth your time," Lucina assured him. While he caught a brief flash of appreciation in her eyes, evidently touched that he'd so quickly jump to her defense, the sadness in her voice remained.
Robin turned and watched as the girls departed the store, leaving the two of them alone.
"Why did you stop me? Their behavior was uncalled for," Robin asked.
"It's nothing I am not used to," Lucina told him solemnly. "As long as I can remember, I have often been a source of mockery among my peers. On account of how ill-adept I am when it comes to more… feminine interests, such as these. As well as my other oddities..."
Robin knew exactly what she was referring to. Lucina's mother had died of illness when she was very little, and with her father's time so often occupied with work, it had fallen to Lucina to take over much of the raising of her younger sister. Combine that with working several part time jobs to supplement their family's income taking what was left of her time, Lucina simply hadn't had time to live a normal childhood and be like other girls her age.
She looked back at the abandoned outfit and sighed. "To be entirely honest, I had hoped this would be an opportunity to learn, but I suppose it was not to be…"
Reaching out, Robin picked up the clothes from the rack, handing them back to her. When she looked at him in surprise, Robin explained, "the Lucina i know would never give up so easily. No matter what others may say."
"Robin..." Lucina trailed off, hesitantly accepting the clothes from him. Briefly their hands touched, and both of them pulled away at the contact, blushing.
"Erm, right…" Lucina turned away quickly, trying to hide her reaction. "I thank you for your kind words. Truly." She glanced back up and him sheepishly, before quickly looking down at her feet, embarrassed….
"You feel your relationship with Lucina has grown deeper…"
"The Lucina Social Link has reached level 6!"
"Your power to Create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!"
"Lucina's growth of heart has affected her Persona as well…"
"Sigurd learned Light Amp!"
"Still…" Lucina at last managed to look up, glancing between him and the mismatched outfit. "Are you certain this won't seem odd for me to wear?"
Robin considered this question for a long moment. At first he considered telling her it would likely draw mockery from people like those girls, but he quickly shoved that thought aside. He remembered how happy Lucina looked before and so he made up his mind. "It doesn't matter if others think it does or not. I just know you'll look beautiful in anything you pick out."
Lucina spun back to face him, her face turning an even brighter shade of pink at his remark. "I… uh…" she stammered staring at him.
At once Robin cursed himself. Why had he said that last part? Stupid, stupid, stupid. It had just slipped out. He hadn't-
No, he told himself. That was a lie. He'd meant it, even if he hadn't intended to say it.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Robin tried to say. Liar. You meant it.
"N-No, it's quite alright. Lucina glanced up at the clock on the wall of the store, seeing the time.
"I'm sorry Robin, but I need to go. My shift starts soon," she excused herself, referring to one of her night jobs as a waitress. "I'll go check out. There is no need to wait around for me"
Not even waiting for a reply, Lucina started towards the register, only to then stop, looking back. "Oh, and Robin?" she asked, her words halting and awkward. "What you said means a lot, truly. So, thank you." She bowed her head and then hurried away.
Robin watched on for a moment, then departed the store, feeling thoroughly foolish and embarrassed by what he'd said. He decided to head home for the evening.
. . . . .
Laying down on the couch in his room, Robin flipped the page through the book he was reading. At the rate he was going, he likely wouldn't finish it that evening. It will take one more night still, he thought.
He sighed, letting the open book fall over his face, covering it. He still couldn't stop thinking about earlier… about what he'd said.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, he scolded himself. Even if he'd been telling the truth, some things were better left unsaid. Even though Lucina had tried to brush it off, he was certain there would now be some new uneasiness between them. How could it not? He was living in the same house as her, and her father was his guardian for the year. Revealing how he felt, even so indirectly, could only make things more awkward…
His phone vibrated once, buzzing on the coffee-table. Lifting the book from his face, he glanced over, seeing the blinking light indicating a new message. He reached for it, then hesitated. Working up all of his considerable courage, he snatched it up and swiped the screen.
It was a message from Lucina.
Robin starred, rereading the message again and again, certain he'd understood it incorrectly.
She… wants to spend more time with me?! Even after I… He shook his head, unable to comprehend what was going on. Could she possibly feel like- No, that would be silly. She just wants to keep spending time as friends? Right? That's it. Unless- No, stop! Bad Robin!
Robin groaned, tossing his phone aside and again hiding his face in the book. Dammnit, this just makes things even more confusing...
He decided to stop reading and go to bed for the night.
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Do you write poly?? Cause if you do, for the soulmate au could you do Sorbet and Gelato with prompt two, where their soulmate has their names on each wrist (sorbet on one, Gelatos on the other) and maybe having two soulmates is rare, if not completely unheard of, so their soulmate has tried covering their names basically her entire life and is reluctant to enter a relationship with two people. Like, their thought process could be ‘well, you already have each other you don’t need me’ or something
Yeah I write poly!
(yandere Sorbet and Gelato X Female Reader)
Having a soul mate was rare but two was a was pretty much unheard of and unfortunately you had to be the only known example you knew. The idea of soulmates was a sacred thing in your family every member had and met theirs.
your mother and father would alway tell you about how they met each other and how their names were written on each others wrist and how one day the weird birthmark on your wrist would form the name of your soulmate but you mother and father were shocked when birth mark had revealed not one, but two names. The idea of having more then one partner was alien to you and basically went against family morals so you were simply told to hide the names and pretend they didn't exist.
Now as a twenty years old you sat at your desk as you listened to your lecturer or at least tried. Your dorm mate Marissa had left mid term to see her grandfather whose health had make a fast decline. Sure you understand her dilemma but she was the one out of two of you who knew how to cook, so of course you were struggling to feed yourself.
Your stomach growled at you, screaming if it could to get the food it desperately needed since you had refused to eat the bacon and eggs you had burnt to a crisp this morning. You hoped that tonight you might just be able to successfully prepare something to last you a week.
The class had finally been dismissed and you packed up your bag before walking out. You let out a sigh as you got a fresh breath of air and felt the warm sun on your skin. It seemed like a wonderful day as you headed back to your dorm.
Out the front of your dorm two men around you age leaning against the wall, their cold dark eyes instantly shifted to you once you were in view. You had never seen them around campus so you knew they were up to no good.
"Hello, do you need anything?" You asked as you approached the door. The men stood up and both cracked you a smile before the blonde spoke.
"Is your name (Y/n)?"
"Yes it is, why are asking?" You said in a cautious tone.
"We've been looking for you everywhere" the black haired male said as they both showed you the inside of their wrists. The blonde had (Y/n) and Sorbet on his while the ravenette had (Y/n) and Gelato. You stepped back in absolute shock as you mumbled their names.
"Yep that's us, we've been waiting so long to meet you" Gelato said in a cheerful tone.
"What's wrong (Y/n)? You look like you've seen a ghost" Sorbet chuckled.
"How did you guys find out where I was?" You asked and the both of them simply looked at each other with a grin and chuckled.
"We have our ways" they replied in union.
"We just came here to take you out for dinner" Sorbet purred.
"No, I couldn't possibly!" You replied.
"Why not? If your worried about money then you shouldn't, we'll pay" Gelato explained. You felt your stomach twist up in fear.
"I'm not really in going out clothes..." You mumbled, desperately trying to make up any excuse.
"Well then get changed. Do you think we'd harm you?" Sorbet said.
"Well I've never met you-" you responded before you heard a click and felt the cold barrel of a pistol pressed against your forehead. The blonde who held it cracked a cruel laugh as a devilish grin grew on his lips.
"Stop dancing around the question, you shouldn't turn down a man's offer for dinner, it's very rude" he hissed in a voice of sickeningly sweet venom.
"just go inside and get changed, make it quick too because if we're late then our reservation will be overturned" Sorbet said as he grabbed your bag and looked for your keys.
"And I don't think we'd be happy about that" Gelato said as he watched you as his boyfriend grabbed your keys and opened the door. Gelato shoved the gun at you, giving you a small wack indicating you to enter. You simply abided as they guided you to your bedroom before Sorbet walked to your wardrobe and opened it while Gelato guided you to the bed, you were so scared. You didn't know what the two males were going to do to you.
"Strip" was the single word that shook you to your very core, the one word you didn't want to here.
"But-" you tried to argue but the blonde pressed the gun to your temple.
"Bang!" Gelato yelled out as he flicked the gun back to mimic the recoil which made you body freeze up and your heart almost give out.
"That was your last chance, next time it's gonna be the real deal" he chuckled.
"So I'll repeat myself, strip!" He continued as his voice instantly turned cold and harsh.
You stood up and slowly began to remove the articles of clothing you wore until you were in your bra and panties.
"Your even more beautiful then in the photo's" Sorbet commented as he held out one of your dresses and Gelato's face crinkled up.
"Is that the best dress you own? God you need a wardrobe lift" he snarled.
"Well I don't go out on dinner dates!" You hissed back before he aimed the gun at you again and pulled back the trigger. You shut your eyes and mentally prayed that your impending death would be quick and painless but no bullet came.
"Oh silly me... I forgot the safety was on, I guess you got one more chance" he said in a tone soft but also harsh.
"You best be counting your lucky stars the next time you decide to play up" he continued with a hiss as he took the safety off. While Sorbet put the dress on you. You yelped when felt his teeth tug on your earlobe.
The twe males pulled you besides them by the waist while guiding you away. The gun occasionally digging into your shoulder blade as they forced you into their car.
After an hour the car finally stopped in a carpark and the two got out before Sorbet opened your door with one hand while he roughly grabbed your wrist and yanked you up causing your elbow to crack. Gelato simply watched as he placed his pistol under his jacket where it was hidden.
"Lest just try to enjoy a nice dinner, I'd be a shame if we had to start gunning people down at one of Naples best restaurants" Gelato said as he locked the car and began to walk.
"You guys are unhinged..." You commented in a voice full of worry.
"I wouldn't say unhinged... Passionate is a better way of putting it" Gelato smirked.
"Well actually you're just a brat..." Sorbet commented causing the blonde to pout.
"I am not!" He exclaimed.
"You were pestering me for three hours straight over a diamond ring" the ravenette retorted before pulling you in by the waist and walking toward the other male.
"It was really pretty, we've been dating for three years now... A proposal would be appreciated"Gelato muttered but Sorbet either didn't hear him or just straight up ignored him.
"I bet you won't let me give our dear (Y/n) the first kiss" he smirked and the blonde scowled.
"I'm the one in charge so it's only right that I do" he continued.
"Well I'm older then you and that means you gotta respect me" Gelato spat back.
"You've just proven my point" Sorbet chuckled as he leaned pinched his partners puffed cheek.
"Oww that hurts! You pinch like my auntie Rosa" he complained as he slapped his partners hand away.
"I can't help it they're so soft" Sorbet chuckled which annoyed the red faced blonde.
Gelato let out a sigh before the smile returned to his lips for a split moment before he grabbed the back of your head and smashed his lip against yours. You froze in shock as you felt his lips against your own but you finally found the strength to push him away when you felt him nibble your bottom lip.
"Aw what's the matter? never kissed someone before?" Gelato taunted, you simply didn't reply. You had never kissed before, you just hadn't ever been interested in a relationship.
"You haven't, have you?" Sorbet said as if he could read your mind.
"Well that's alright, it makes all the more special for me" Gelato said slyly as he pulled you out of Sorbets arms and into his as he guided you to the restaurant. And pushed you down into a seat before sitting down themselves.
"So tell us (Y/n) what have you been doing with your life for all these years?" Sorbet asked, of course the two males already knew the answer but they wanted to hear it in your own words.
"Well... I lived with my parents here in Italy, I had a fairly normal upbringing" you said.
"Continue" Gelato said.
"During my highschool years I decided I'd continue on my education and that's why I moved to Naples to attend University" you explained.
"So you're not a local of Naples, how's it been treating you?" Sorbet asked.
"It's nice... But there is alot of mafia activity around, which is rather concerning" you replied as you picked up the menu and looked through it.
"Oh you'll get use to it, I use to live in Rome until recently. I admit when I first moved to Naples I was overwhelmed" Gelato explained to you before looking at Sorbet.
"Then when I met Sorbet all my worries seemed to disappear" he mused before giving him a peck.
"You two seem really close three years is a big milestone... Or at least to me" you commented.
"Yeah, we met when he first moved to Naples, I helped him out with directions one day and I didn't think much of it, a few days later I found out that he began work at the same place I did" Sorbet said.
"We swapped numbers and caught up every once and a while, I had to be the one to ask him out thou" Gelato added with a chuckle.
"If you two are happy with each other, then why do you guys want me? Don't you think three people is a bit too overbearing in a romantic relationship?" You asked.
"I don't three is too much, what are you afraid of? Don't you think we could give you twice the love anyone else could?" Gelato cooed.
You nails dug into you skin as you tried you best not to say what you wanted to. The two males have a sinister, twisted side hidden under their sweet facade and you didn't want to make them snap.
"Not talking huh?" Gelato asked as he swiftly kicked your shin from under the table. You bit your lip, so desperate to not let anyone here you yelp in pain.
"He's asking you a question" Sorbet growled only loud enough for you and Gelato to hear.
"It's just that polygamy isn't really accepted in my family" you explained.
The two continued to chat to you though out the night and eventually the food had arrived. During your meal an idea popped into your mind.
"Could you two please excuse me? I need to go to the bathroom"
"Sure it's on the left, near the kitchen" Sorbet explained as you stood up and walked away. You could see the large tree that obscured the view they had. You took this advantage to go into the kitchen instead, of course you weren't greeted in a friendly manner as you rushed past the chefs to get to the back exit. You opened the door and a gust of the  cold breeze brushed against your skin. You entered the dark side ally and looked for anyway you could get help. In the distance a phone booth could be seen, a dim light flickering inside it.
You ran as fast as you could, adrenaline pumping though your veins as your mind began to wonder, did the two males know that you had made an escape? You hoped they hadn't.
You nearly ripped the door off of it's hinges as you opened the door only to then realised you had no money. You desperately dug you hand into the change shoot hoping someone had forgotten to take theirs but Lady luck wasn't on your side.
A knock on the door Brough your attention to the old man waiting outside.
"I'm sorry do you perhaps have some spare change? I left my phone at home and I really need to call a friend to pick me up" you asked the male as you opened the door. He simply grabbed some coins from his pocket and placed them in you hand.
"Of course, I came to see if you were alright anyway, you seem to be scared" he replied.
"Thank you sir"
"No problem, if I had just walked past only to find out the next day something had happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself" he replied.
"I hope have a safe night" he added before leaving.
"You too" you replied before closing the door once more and putting the coins in the slot and dialling Marissa's number. She lived locally and had insisted you call her if anything happened while she was gone.
The phone began to ring. Once, twice...
"Hello?" A familiar voice said.
"It's me (Y/n), I'm stuck in the middle of Naples and I need your help ASAP!" You responded.
"(Y/n) what happened?"
"Two guys were outside our dorm... They asked me out for dinner but when I tried to tell them no they pulled a gun to my head... They forced me to go with them" you began to sob.
"Oh shit, where are you?" She asked.
"I don't know..." You mumbled as you looked around before seeing the street name and telling her.
"I'll pick you up soon. I'll take you back to my parents house, I'm sure they won't mind. Just stay on the line!" She said.
"I'm on a payphone!" You replied.
"Well I'll call you back!" She responded before hanging up and calling you again.
You talked to her for a few minutes as you waited for her to arrive, one she had you quickly ran to the car and got in.
"Thank you so much..." You sobbed.
"It's ok, anything for you" she replied with a smile before a gun shot erupted. Your heart threatened to burst as you saw the two males in the side mirror.
"Quick step on it!"you nearly screamed. Without a second thought she slammed her foot down on the accelerator and the car sped off.
"How the hell did you attract the attention of those nut jobs?!" She said asked in a panicked tone.
"They're my my soulmates... Well I'm not even sure now" you explained.
"Which one?" She asked.
"Both" you replied as you showed your wrist to her.
"That's just unfortunate..." She sighed.
Once you had gotten to Marissa's house her parents had welcomed you and offered you some clothes and a bed. They didn't ask you any questions or pry an answer out of Marissa, they just offered any assistance they could.
You rolled yourself up in the plush doona as you tried your best to go to sleep. You watched the clock tick away, counting each second until you drifted off to sleep. Completely unaware of the nightmare you would wake up to.
A scream erupted from Marissa's lips as she saw the two familiar men that stood on-top of her parents bloody bodies. Sorbet holding a pocket knife while Gelato had a wooden baseball bat over his shoulder, their dark eyes clouded with insanity.
"You bastards! They had nothing to do with this!" You screamed as tears clouded your vision.
"(Y/n), this could have all simply been avoided if you had been honest" Gelato cooed.
"We could have had such a happy relationship with each other but you had to ruin that... Didn't you?" Sorbet added before grabbing Marissa by the hair. She yelped out in pain as she tried her best the struggle but it was a futile attempt as the knife was driven into her stomach. You tried you best to look away but Gelato grabbed you and forced you to watch as your friend was mercilessly stabbed over and over again until she was certainly dead. When he let go you crawled over to her body.
You cried and wailed as your friend laid motionlessly in a pool of her own blood unaware of the fact that Gelato readied his bat. He swang it back behind his head and brought it down into you side causing you body to be thrown back by the force. You screamed out in pain, the force could have possibly broken a few ribs.
"Now this is your punishment for playing us like fools!" Gelato squealed in sinister delight before he bring down the bat again and again as Sorbet laughed at your pain.
Slowly each hit caused your body to grow numb and brought you closer to the inky darkness. You didn't know if you were dying or just lossing consciousness but you desperately hoped it was death. You didn't know how you were going to live after the blonde mangled you.
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Let’s start with G-man. How do I love this man, let me count the fuckin’ ways! First we got his relationship with Sans. I’ve always wanted a dad figure for him that wasn’t my own Gaster. You gave me a great opportunity for that. I love all the varying degrees of the timelines for them. From a small kid growing up with chronic illness and his dad panicking over him, to full blown fights about his origin and learning the truth of where he came from, to the tragedy of watching his father get yoinked into the void. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
AND DON’T GET ME FUCKING STARTED ON SWINGDINGS. Oh my God these wholesome struggling single dads in love just melts my fucking heart. I love how G takes a scientific approach to everything but is slowly starting to let things just naturally happen. I love how he’s helping Swap get over his trauma from his previous marriage. Even them getting to the point where the get engaged just kills me. And the whole wholesome goopy dads reuniting in the void together just alkfghsdflkjghsldkfj I LOVE IT *flips table*
Now we move on to Grillby. KLJDFGHLDFKJ I just- I love him so much. He’s so S O F T and just a good bean! His interactions with Sans just also make me melt, but this kinky mother fucker also makes Sans melt in more ways than one lmao; gentleman in the bar, freak in the bed lol. But seriously the way he takes care of others like Ebon during the time just after they’re sealed underground, to caring for his bf, to caring for those of the afterlife in our Dusttale AU just kill me. He’s such a good egg and I’m love.
Then we got Mr. Hot Shot Ferno who’s just a vulgar stink man fuck boi who Red would die for. He loves how sweet and adoring his totally not bf can be. I just love how caring and gentle he can be but also how absolutely gremlin this man can be. He’s the perfect balance of innuendos and class. Love this mans I swear. He’s gonna give Fell a goddamn bi-awakening. Fell would also die for him ngl
And lastly there’s Flambeau and omfg this southern bell little twink is an absolute fucking delight. He’s just a cute kinkster and Blue is like 100% here for that. He’s also just an absolute sweet heart when comforting Blue and I cannot wait for more interactions with this boi. Love him to pieces.
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I’m gonna have a lot to say in my inevitable essay to you but ahhh??? oh my god????? thank you?????? I’m so glad you like my assortment of many fire lads and also one (1) skeleton!!! And I realized partway through writing this that it was basically turning into my essay back to you so idk here we go!
I love Sans and Gaster’s relationship so much! G-man has very unique and interesting relationships with both his boys, and I think writing out how he is as a father was one of the things that really helped him blossom into his current characterization. I enjoy the way that their relationship is genuinely loving but complicated. Gaster sometimes struggles to understand what Sans is thinking or feeling, but he always tries, and Sans carries so many conflicting emotions on his shoulders but at the end of the day still just really loves his dad. It feels really genuine and realistic and I just like it a lot!
ALSO SWINGDINGS, I’m definitely getting into this when I write my post out to you, but their relationship is so endearing and just so!!! Charmingly WHOLESOME! You do such a great job with Swap, writing him as someone who’s been through so much but is still so kind and so gentle and just loves his family so much. I feel for G because it really just makes you fall in love with him. I’ve enjoyed seeing the sides of Swap that his and G’s budding romance has brought out of him, and I’m so HERE for Goopy Beach Wedding someday in the future.
Going back to Classic!!! I love me some OG UT Sans, and I love how you write him. His relationship with Grillby has been so sweet to write out, and with all the shit Sans has been through it’s been nice to see him just get to have some uncomplicated fun with somebody, whether it’s just cute flirting at the bar or wild kinky fun in Grillby’s apartment. And that just makes it hit all the harder when you start dipping into Dusttale shenanigans and the darker, more complicated elements of writing Classic boy. 
On that note HOLY MOLY I LOVE YOUR DUSTTALE THREADS SO MUCH???? If the fact that I made a whole-ass playlist for one damn thread wasn’t enough of an indicator lmao. Dusty has this very maliciously cold and cruel side to him that you do a good job of tempering with those moments of genuine grief and guilt, and it feels very much like he’s sort of... playing a role that he feels he has to in order to get this shit done, while also just finally letting loose all of that anger and frustration piled on from endless resets. The fact that I just keep making different Dusttale Grillbys to interact with Dusttale Sans is probably a sign of how much I love him and I am... I am a little sorry for that lmao.
Red!! Red is so great!! He and Ferno are a really interesting match in a lot of ways, and I love the way that they both sort of care for each other. Both of them have their unhealthy coping mechanisms, but they’re always right there to support each other through whatever they’re going through. I think what I love most about Red is something Ferno said in one post ages ago about why he loves Red--that he takes so much shit just all the time but he still cares so much about the people he loves. 
Which is... incidentally one thing I love about how you write Fell too, lmao, and the threads today were such a good example of that. He carries so much on his shoulders and puts up with so much, and of course it weighs on him but he can’t let that show. I can totally see why Ferno, meeting Fell at the lowest point in his life, ended up just so hardcore ride-or-die for him, and why he believes in him so damn much. I also kind of think this thing we’re backfilling with Ferno just having had it bad for Fell for years has been interesting to play around with just... across the board??? and I am so here for Fell’s bi awakening. 
And Blue!!!! Sweet little sugar skull!!! We haven’t done too much with him and Flambe yet but Blue is such a gosh darn cutiepie and I’m always happy to see him on my dash! I love all the threads you do with him, whether he’s fanboying over Napstabot or getting all kinds of fucked up on Orange’s edibles. Or getting hella kinky with Flambeau. 
tl;dr you are a DELIGHT and i am so happy we are FRIENDS!!!! <3
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frumfrumfroo · 4 years
What are your favorite movies and TV shows outside of SW? I’m looking for new things to watch since SW was so disappointing
My tastes are pretty eclectic, so I will stick to just things that are either similar to sw or are in the reylo-esque romance wheelhouse and have happy endings:
Chuck. It is a goofy, light-hearted action-adventure show with extremely endearing characters and a very prominent central romance (seriously, heavy romance and there is a lot of payoff for it, you will be FED- it's kind of slow burn but also shockingly NOT slow burn, they are deep into it pretty much immediately). The main couple is the classic Stoic Badass gradually softened by an innocent they have to protect who is a liability in battle but full of the Power of Heart. Chuck is The Heart btw. He is of that vanishingly rare male Beauty (of B&tB) type. He's incredibly generous and open, Sarah is prickly and closed-off. It is Quality. Very much a gender-swap of your typical cliche anime couple lol. I would recommend stopping at the mid-season finale in season 4, because it's downhill from there. The beginning of season 3 is very rough, but it's definitely worth it to stay for the back half, imo. There are several great endings to choose from before things go to shit, so we don't need to talk about the finale. Probably the most tonally similar to SW thing possible without being high/space fantasy. More humour, more silly, but definitely has a spiritual kinship. Has the best THE BEST 'secret revealed' scenes I have ever seen in anything. If you're into that and were hoping for that in ep IX, you need to watch Chuck.
The Shop Around the Corner. 1940 romance/drama film. You've Got Mail is a remake of it. Jimmy Stewart being profoundly adorable, Frank Morgan (aka the Wizard of Oz), various amusing side characters, and an absolutely deathless double blind 'secretly in love with the workplace nemesis' plot that can and probably has been a great reylo AU.
Mirromask. Fantasy/coming-of-age film. Touted as a 'spiritual successor' to Labyrinth by the filmmakers (one of whom is Neil Gaiman) and let me tell you, that is extremely apt. Beautiful, magical, laden with symbolism and Mask Discourse, and has a great ship. I quote it regularly.
Speaking of which, I'm sure you've seen Labyrinth? If you haven't seen Labyrinth, drop everything and watch Labyrinth.
Legend (the Ridley Scott director's cut, not the theatrical cut). Sumptuous fairy tale, runs on proper fairy tale logic, stunning to look at and overall captivating. Tim Curry. Tim Curry as a lonely tragic lord of darkness who tries to seduce the heroine and has drippingly overwrought monologues.
Howl's Moving Castle. Fairy tale adventure/romance film. Beautifully animated, has the ending you want.
The Silence of the Lambs. Thriller/drama film. Actual masterpiece. Use it as a gateway drug to read the books and rejoice that Clannibal is canon and it is spectacular. Just SotL and Hannibal, you don't need to read the other two. Stan Clarice Starling and revel in that ending. Most triumphant 'villain'/heroine ship of all time (he is not technically a villain but for shorthand's sake).
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Terry Gilliam 1988 fantasy/adventure film. THE TRIUMPH OF IDEALISM OVER CYNICS I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW HEALING IT WAS TO WATCH AFTER THE TROS BULLSHIT HIT. Jonathan Pryce's spiritual villain is basically Chris Terrio and it is cathartic to see imagination and sentiment conquer him.
Sabrina. 1995 romance film. Modern fairy tale with Harrison Ford. Rejecting what you thought you wanted all your life for the thing you actually need, growing up but still believing in magic, beautiful character development across all the leads. Could be (and is irrc) a fantastic reylo AU.
The Scarlet Pimpernel. 1934 adventure film. High romance, secret identities, play-acting, people who aren't at all what they appear to be, falling in love with your own spouse, Big Heroism, guile and wit and audacity. It makes me do little kicks like a happy baby. This is one of the 3-5 films constantly tied for my favourite film of all time. There is a good quality rip free on youtube. Watch it and fall in love with Leslie Howard (this is possibly my favourite acting performance of all time).
Oh, related note. Pygmalion 1938 or My Fair Lady. (The musical is based on this film and borrows from it heavily, including its much more romantic ending compared to the original play.)
The Mummy. 1999 action/adventure/romance film. Very tonally similar to sw. A fucking great time, A+ characters.
EVER AFTER. 1998 romance film. The flawless and perfect and best ever Cinderella adaptation. This is the most satisfying film in history, maybe, the ending is so good it is amazing it exists. Also, it has Richard O'Brien being slimy. Huge selling point. Grapples with identity and stewardship, is brilliant.
Fruits Basket. drama/romance anime. I haven't watched the new version yet, but it's following the manga so I know the story. The original anime didn't do the whole plot (because they caught up with the source material) but it's wonderful and I still recommend it. The central ship is (spoiler.........) a B&tB type where we eventually discover the main love interest both feels like a figurative monster and turns into a literal monster. He has an incredible speech about his relationship with people's fear, it makes me weep. I called the endgame from the first episode and always thought it was obvious, but there is a red herring love triangle dynamic. It's really not annoying, though, because it is a red herring. (I hate love triangles)
I am Dragon. Russian monster romance film. Beautiful, simple fable with a really great heroine.
Jane Eyre. 1943 Gothic Romance film. It's Jane Eyre, byronic hero x sensible heroine love story with much atmosphere and Gothic drama. I stan this version because I am an Orson Welles fangirl and I'm also not convinced it can be improved upon. Elizabeth Taylor's film debut btw.
Hellboy. 2004 action/adventure/romance film. Defying destiny, reconciling identity, monster romance. The complete package and a great time. Tonally similar to SW and probably thematically closest to it out of this whole list. Don't watch the sequel.
Beauty and the Beast 1987 tv series. Exactly what it says on the tin. Deals with the classic B&tB themes, but in a different way. He's not cursed and will never transform into an ordinary man. The first season is very episodic and 'case of the week', but the second season gets more into character drama. It's dated, but if you give it a chance you can get past some of the cheese factor and it's really a unique experience. Its concerns are SO atypical that it feels like something fandom would make rather than a mainstream network show. It was so massively, insanely popular with women at the time that a record of Vincent (the beast) reading poetry topped the album charts. Also Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton. Stop at season two. Point of interest: George RR Martin wrote for this show.
Stargate (the movie not the series) sci-fi fantasy about a nerdy guy who accidentally a hero.
Possession. 2009... mystery/supernatural/romance. Okay. This is a whole thing. Lee Pace and Sarah Michelle Gellar. It's based on a Korean film I've never been able to find for some reason, but being Hollywood they ruined the romanticism and nuance of the original in the theatrical cut to make a shitty punative ending. However. If you buy it on dvd and go to the alternate ending (which follows the original story) with around 20 minutes left (scene after Lee Pace's character wakes from a bad dream-go to deleted scenes and select the alternate ending), you will get a very, very interesting character study/thriller/redemption about sincerity within deception, compassion, and a major question about second chances with a positive answer. It's kind of dark and kind of astonishingly idealistic at the same time. The heroine makes a very powerful choice, twice over. It's fascinating. If you're into the conflicted and uncertain period in reylo, the part where he is most ambiguous, and you wanted more of that and much darker shades to it, you might be really into this. Also, it should be noted, there is a MASSIVE height difference and they show it off. The film is flawed (and the seams show on the Hollywood rewrite) but idk, it's fascinating. Shocking to me that they even got to shoot the original ending. It is pretty balls to the wall with its themes on forgiveness.
I would recommend getting into kdramas because there is a wealth of female-gaze tropey amazing content, but always check the ending before getting invested. My all-time fave is the 1st Shop of Coffee Prince, but it's not sw related at all lmao. It has a happy ending with all the elements you'd want, but it's not satisfying in execution, so that's it's major flaw and I find that pretty common with kdramas. One that is maybe more relevant is My Love from Another Star, which has a hero who is a little bit like Ben in personality. The heroine isn't my favourite, though. It does have a decent ending.
Oh yeah- brain fart. Kurosawa films and classic westerns were both very influential on SW. Or you can combine both and watch The Magnificent Seven.
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elaphaemourra · 4 years
30 Questions Tag Game
Got tagged by @outcastcommander :DDDDD Thank!!!!!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better. HI I’M ACTUALLY REALLY SHY SO I’M NOT DOING THAT LOL I’m just gonna say, if u wanna do Intro and see this, go for it, and also bonus if u r Friend, absolutely feel free and also say i tagged u bc Yes Friendship.
Name/nickname: Elaphae,  Ela is most common (and great!! i love it fjdklajs), some people on the swtor art server called me ‘inquis’ a couple times ljfdklas.  
Gender: Nonbinary :DDD
Star sign: Virgo-Libra cusp :3
Height: 5’4 WOOP i am Short
Birthday: September 21
Time: 12:48 pm >:3
Favorite bands: Green Day, Volbeat, The Longest Johns, Alestorm… a lot more.  I’m a nerd lol.
Favorite solo artists: uh h hhhhh  o-O  there are Many.  Aurelio Voltaire is pretty solid lol.  Good for the heart.  Also, I can’t listen to too much of his stuff bc it gives me a Crisis, but Bo Burnham.  Shit’s a Bop.
Song stuck in my head: The theme for the uruk-hai from lotr lol
Last movie: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Last show: fjdklasj i don’t watch tv lol, i can’t make my brain sit still for it.  Gotta be Interactive.
When did I create this blog: uh, shit, when WAS that?? WOW 2014.  3 more years and I’ll have spent a decade on tumblr.  Which is WILD.
What do I post: things that make me happy ;v;  mostly star wars and dragon age, and Assorted Random Shit i think jfdlkfjd.  I don’t actually know what  my blog makeup is but it Sure Is Something.
Last thing googled: ‘the song from lord of the rings when saruman shows off the uruk-hai’ lmfaoooo, i couldn’t remember the name of it so i went looking.
Other blogs: HOO BUDDY okiedoke:  @haospart (art blog), @swtorcompanionsgoofin (swtor blog), @lyriumdisaster (dragon age blog, which i’ll get back to once i’m done on the swtor end of this bioware pingpong table of interests, and then i’ll be hopping BACK to swtor bc it IS a pingpong table), i have studyblr that I Never Fuckin Use and have only posted on in the past 2 years to go ‘what the fuck why do u people keep following me’ bc I LITERALLY HAVE NOT TOUCHED IT IN LIKE 2 YEARS why does it keep gaining followers, and then a few like, ‘no don’t look me i’m Embarassed’ repositories jfdklsjaf.
Do I get asks: Very rarely, but yes!! Lmfao usually when i go ‘GIVE ASK PLS I LOVE ASK’ and people are reminded that i am, in fact, a very friendly marshmallow who does not mind interaction and also Definitely Craves people asking questions about my stuff fjdla.
Why I chose my url: This is kind of a convoluted thing, but like, the easy version is that it’s the name of my trooper on the leviathan server (now called Aea out of the game bc they were supposed to be my self-insert but then they escaped into the woods and developed a storyline for themself).  The LONG thing is that I have an oc named Regia Elaphae, who I modeled after pnigophobia, the fear of choking or being smothered, and I made her snake-themed.  Rex is the latin word for king--for king snakes--which i swapped to regina and then took out the n bc ‘Regina’ didn’t fit her, and Elaphe is the genus for rat snakes, but i found two ways of spelling it so i spelled it Elaphae, and when I got into swtor I decided to use Elaphae in reference to myself.  I replaced my old url with this one after i started playing that trooper of the same name, bc my old one was :I .  I was into hetalia in middle school, and homestuck, and when I got on tumblr that followed me into my url.  I’m not into hetalia anymore, or anime at all, and homestuck fell off my radar into the ‘i’ll go “hey i know that” if i see it, but i’m not in the fandom anymore’ pile.  For the longest time my blog description was ‘it’s been 5 years and i still haven’t changed my url’, but it was time for change fjdklasfaj.  It’s better this way.  
Following: 953 (it was over 1300 but i did some clearing out of my follow list a month or so ago lol, mostly of people who haven’t been online in 6 years)
Followers: 616
Average hours of sleep: 7 and a half hours, if i want to be Functional
Lucky number: 19 :D  I love 19, it’s always been my lucky number, always will be.
Instruments: I don’t play much, but I can sing and also I can play beladi on the doumbek.
What am I wearing:  Fox onesie lol.  I wear basically nothing else at this point in my life.
Dream job: i mean, ideally i could just Not and vibe fjdkla.  But i mean like, i guess something working with my hands.  I’m in college to get a degree in french, and my next step after that is to go to trade school, to get smth that’ll make me money so i can keep doing Nerd Junk and also learning bc i like, actually really like school lol.
Dream trip: I want to go back to Rennes.  I miss it.  It was awesome, and, hilariously, I miss being able to get a burger that isn’t Drowning in its own grease.  America doesn’t know how to do healthy burger that tastes good.  Europe knows what’s up tho. I also miss being able to like, have just a pitcher of room temperature water next to a cute little glass and have it not be weird.  The cups are too big in america, i drink so much less water bc it’s just too daunting.  I’m dehydrated constantly.  Also i miss the METRO.  I loved the metro, loved nyooming along in the trains, wandering around the central part of the city, it was cool.
Favorite food: Eel!!  Eel’s tasty as fuck.  I love it.
Nationality: American
Favorite song: o-o uhhhhhhhhhhh, i have no idea lol.  I listen to so much random shit.  lol according to my spotify 2020 rewind it’s Starlight Brigade, from TWRP and Dan Avidan.
Last book read: i have got ZERO clue what the last book i read was.  I mean, technically it was a textbook for my myth, magic, and folk religion class, but like, blegh.  Nah.  Not fun.  I think before that I started reading Metro 2033???  I have a copy in french, and am flipping between that and trying to fckn get through au revoir là-haut.
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in:  
1. swtorrrrrrr, i wanna be a space wizard [slap slap slap on the metaphorical counter] give me space magic
2. Pellinor, y’all it’s medieval and magic and COOL and i’m a big nerd for that.  (these books are so good ;v;)  Also they got wine that makes cramps and headaches go away and magic baths, so like, fuck yes give me that sweet sweet painkiller juice.  It’s magic babey.
3. Thedas, bc dragon age, and like, when things Aren’t all fucked sideways to hell, there are just like, People.  Going about their days.  It’s great.  Also MORE MAGIC  Science is all fucked up in my vicinity, so like, how much can i fuck up the magic o3o
tl;dr on that fictional universes thing, i really want to be a wizard apparently fjdklasj.
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