#i am so serious when i say im never talking to any of them again i left the groupchat i blocked them all they’re fucking sick
bimrwolf · 3 months
Sex with a Ghost
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stephen strange x reader words: 11,583 warnings: minors DNI, smut, will they wont they, commitment issues, sex sex sex summary: Stephen and you have a strange relationship. A casual friendship turned into a casual affair. Your heart takes a different turn concerning the superhero. You learn the hard way of his lack of emotional intelligence. a/n: this is an old fic i wrote..... decided to put it on my blog... pls ignore me. im trying to get over benedict i really am...this is 2 years old pls forgive me
His rough long fingers traced your bare skin as your back pressed against his stomach. Your hair was a tangled mess that fell in front of your eyes. A giggle escaped your lips when you felt him pull your hair out of the way so his warm cupid bow lips could find their way beneath your ear. You had just woken up after an… eventful night to say the least. 
You hadn’t seen Stephen Strange in a few weeks. You weren’t upset or anything. It was your arrangement the pair of you had. One of you had a bad day? You could call them. One of you had one of the best days ever? You would call them. If one of you was incredibly horny… well you get the picture. 
Last night, Stephen hadn’t called you for any of those things. You were a bit shocked to hear from him considering the last time you were together ended in an argument. But when you answered the phone he talked to you like nothing had happened. Like he had never told you he never wanted to see you again. You had to bite your lip when he sputtered out that he needed your help.
You were going to tell him to suck a fat one and fuck off, but when he sensed you were about to hang up the phone, “Y/n, please.” The begged tone that came out of his mouth made you shiver. It seemed like as soon as you hung up the phone you were at his door. It didn’t take long for his problem to be long forgotten and he had you bent over a desk, hands on your hips as he took long thrusts inside of you. 
You didn’t exactly remember how things began between you. You were roommates with Christine in University and introduced the pair to one another. You didn’t even have feelings for him until years after they had broken up; however, it was clear the two still had feelings for each other. It was when Stephen came back from the blip that things had been different. Christine had met someone, and they were serious. He had shown up to your apartment, asking you a million questions about Charlie until you had enough of it and kissed the former surgeon to make him shut-up. You found yourself sprawled on your couch with your sundress hiked up and hands clenching Stephen Strange’s hair as he devoured you. 
You flipped over so you could look at the dark haired blue eyed man. His hand returned to your torso, his thumb massaged into your skin. “I missed you.” 
A lump formed in your throat when he said this. He didn’t mean it. He never did or he would make more of an effort to see you.  You weren’t sure how to respond. You had missed him too, but you couldn’t help but still feel the wound he left in your heart the last time he saw you. You already felt weak enough that you slept with him. 
His eyebrows furrowed when he noticed the look on your face. “Y/n, about last time-”
You kissed his lips softly. “We don’t need to talk about it.” 
“But you should know-” 
“Stephen, it’s okay. We don’t have to bring it up.” You nipped at the soft spot of his neck. You smirked when you heard a pushed back groan from the back of his throat. You continued to trail nips and kisses down his body. You would occasionally look up to see his reaction but his face was stoic. You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness. It didn’t matter though, because his hard member told you that he was enjoying it. 
You climbed on top of the superhero and stretched so that he could get a good view of every curve before him. Stephen bit his lip as his hands trailed up and down your thighs. “Y/n.” He begged. You felt him twitch, as he tried not to devour every inch of you.
The sun started to bleed through his curtains. The beams shone on his face, his sharp cheekbones glowed. You couldn’t help but be in awe of the magnificent man underneath you. You loved him. Your eyes pricked with tears. Those words infiltrated your head again. It was unwanted like ants at a picnic. You took a deep breath as you pushed yourself off of him and got out of the bed. “I have to go.” 
Stephen was confused. He hoisted himself up with his elbow as he watched you try to find your clothes that were scattered around the room. 
“You said last night you didn’t have anything to do today. Hence why you stayed over.” 
“Um, yeah. I forgot. I have a thing.” 
“A thing?”
“Yeah.” You groaned. Where the hell was your shirt? 
“Y/n, does this have to do anything with-” 
“Oh my God, Stephen. Can we please just drop it? I don’t want to talk about it.” You snapped. 
“But Y/n, you said you love me.” 
Right. It wasn’t a secret. The last time you were together, you were making coffee for both of you. He made a joke you have forgotten by now, because you only remember the embarrassment of letting those cursed words roll off your tongues as you laughed. 
He stared at you for a moment before standing up to walk away. You begged him to say something, but he wouldn’t. He didn’t want to acknowledge it. 
“Well, you didn’t say it back. ” Tired of looking for your shirt that you’re certain is now lost in another dimension, you grabbed one of his on the floor. You tried to remember if it was the one he wore last night.  “I’ll mail it back to you.”
Stephen had crawled out of bed by this time and put his boxers on. He walked towards you while you buttoned the shirt. Stephen grabbed your hands. “Y/n, stay.” 
You remembered asking him to do the same thing. Tears streamed down your puffy cheeks. You wanted him to stay and talk it out. You had finally had enough and told him that if his lack of response was because of Christine, he needed to get over it. You told him Christine and him were over and she didn’t love him anymore. 
You had never seen Stephen angry before. His nose flared, and his eyes narrowed. He didn’t yell, or curse you. He simply said he never wanted to see you again. But his words were like a venomous snake, striking you hard. 
You realized why had called you tonight. He was lonely and unhappy. What else was there to do than to call the only other lonely unhappy person that he knew. It always had to be him to make the shots. 
You snatched your hands out of his grasp.  “You know what your problem is, Stephen? You’re still so far up your own ass even after everything you’ve been through. I don’t know what was going through my head coming over. I don’t know what went through my head being involved with you. All of this has clearly been a mistake.” 
“You think our time together was a mistake? All of it?” Stephen crossed his arms. 
You pressed the bridge of your nose, unsure what to say. Of course you didn’t think it was a mistake. You enjoyed every moment of it, but you couldn’t help feeling resentment in his commitment issues. You hated that you allowed yourself to fall in the same trap he set up for Christine. You were a little mouse and he taunted you with cheese, hope and a future, but instead you were trapped and left to die with no rewards. 
“Stephen, I love you.” You couldn’t look him in the eyes. You couldn’t let him see that vulnerability like the last time you had confessed to him. 
“I know, but Y/n… you know I… I can’t.” 
“I’m not finished. I love you,” you repeated. You looked him in the eyes, and hoped to see that glimmer that maybe he would say it back. He opened his mouth; however, he shut it quickly. “But I love myself more. I can’t keep letting your stunted emotions hold me back.” 
You left the room before he could say anything more. You knew he could easily open a portal to catch up to you. He could get on his knees and show you he felt the same, but he didn’t. You wanted nothing to do with him ever again.
You went three months without hearing, seeing, or talking about Stephen Strange. You missed him. You thought about him every day and at least once a week… okay maybe more… you would draft a text message to him that you were thinking about him. You would delete it before the temptation of pressing that send button overtook your stubbornness. He would ignore it like other messages anyway. Always leaving you on read until he was ready to see you again on his time. 
Saturdays were always a lazy day for you. You hadn’t left your bed except to use the restroom. You mindlessly scrolled on different media platforms to waste time and avoid getting up. You jumped when your phone started to buzz and ring in your hand. You furrowed your brows when you saw who it was, but nevertheless answered. 
You felt a little grouchy that you had agreed to get lunch with Christine on your day you vow not to leave the apartment unless for emergencies. If it weren’t for the fact you had barely seen her this year, you would have rain checked. 
She was at the café first. Her strawberry hair was down in loose curls and she wore a yellow sundress. When she saw you, she smiled and stood up to hug you.  
“I’m so happy to see you!” 
“Same. We haven’t done one of these in a while,” you commented. She had already ordered your food, you noticed. You were grateful because you were starving and not sure if you could wait any longer before devouring a sandwich. 
“Between the hospital, Charlie… and the engagement. I guess I’ve been busy.” Christine took a bite of her pasta salad. 
“Yeah, It’s been busy for me too… wait engagement?”
Christine set down her fork and showed her right hand that you didn’t notice had been in her lap the entire time. An elegant diamond ring glimmered on her slender finger. “We’ve been keeping it hushed for a few months now. But since we have a venue and date ready I thought it was time to come clean!” You couldn’t help but feel envious. Christine looked so happy, her smile reached from ear to ear. You wondered if you would ever feel that one day. “Also, I have been trying to find the best time to ask if you would be my Maid of Honor.” 
“You want me?” 
“Of course! We wanted a small wedding party, and you’re the first person I could think of. ” 
The pang of guilt made your chest tighten. You realized all this time you hadn’t been honest with Christine. You had been sneaking behind her back with your casual affair. “Christine, I’m honored. I really am, but I don’t think I’m the right person.” 
“You’ve always been there for me, Y/n. I want to celebrate my happy day with you by my side.”
Your eyes made their way to the sandwich on your plate with only one bite. The hunger you felt earlier vanished but you felt it threaten to come up. “I haven’t been a good friend.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. If you tried to speak any louder you might croak. 
“Is this about you and Stephen?”
You snapped your head up eyebrows furrowed. You were confused how she could possibly guess that. “How?” 
“You didn’t think I’d notice you two sneaking off together at my Christmas party?” She didn’t look hurt or angry. Her lips were tugged into a smug look. She had been waiting for this moment to talk about you and Stephen. I guess you weren’t the only one holding secrets. 
“Well, it’s over anyway.” You poked at a pile of sliced pickles on your plate. 
“That dumbass.” 
“Who said it was his fault?” 
“It’s Stephen Strange we’re talking about.”
You two shared a fit of giggles. It felt good to laugh. She made you feel like you weren’t crazy or clingy or stupid. For the past few months you thought you had been alone. It was a bit narcissistic when you thought about it, because there was one person who understood— probably more than you. 
The next three months you were too busy helping plan Christine’s bridal and bachelorette party that you had no time to think about your love life. You had convinced yourself to forget about the arrogant superhero— until his name was on the list of invitations. 
You tried your best to ignore it. You skipped over his name numerous times when stamping and sealing envelopes. You contemplated if you should spray your perfume on the invitation, or add a message. You wanted to do something to make him miss you. Being the bigger person, however, sucked. 
Christine wanted to do one thing for her bachelorette. Get wasted. 
She didn’t have many other girl friends due to her busy schedule, but she insisted on inviting a few girls from work and her fiancé’s sister. You had to convince her co-worker free booze was involved and they were all in. 
It didn’t take long for everyone to be wasted. They were all middle-aged women and giggling over the dick shaped objects you had bought for the party. 
“How big is Charlie?” Cathy, one of Christine’s co-workers asked. 
“Ew, please don’t answer that.” Charlie’s sister, Moriah, fake gagged. 
Everyone burst into laughter while Christine blushed and covered her face. 
“My mother always told me, if the shoe doesn't fit just right, don’t buy it!” Cathy howled at her joke. 
“Mmm, I bet some of those surgeons at the hospital know exactly how to work their hands.” Another co-worker, Minnie, replied. “Spill the beans Christine, was Dr. Strange as wonderful in bed as everyone assumes?” 
You choked on your “Cumcoction” that you had made out of different alcoholic beverages and juices. You received curious glances as you tried to clean up a few drops on your chin. 
“I don’t think about him and our past anymore.” Christine was trying to be polite and considerate of your feelings. You gave her a look to tell her it’s okay. “Besides he seems to have his hands busy with other things.”
The girls didn’t seem to catch on what she was insinuating. “Ah, yes. He’s probably too busy saving the world to be worried about a relationship.” Cathy commented. “I bet he he has a pretty dick, though”
“He does.” 
Everyone’s eyes snapped towards you. You covered your mouth quickly, as if doing that wouldn’t make them suspicious of you. You tried to sputter out excuses that you meant you thought so too. But the girls weren’t buying it, and Christine wasn’t helping. She was too busy trying not to laugh at your confession. 
“Y/n, are you sleeping with Stephen Strange?” Minnie asked. 
“Not anymore!” You proclaimed. “We… it wasn’t anything serious.” 
“Yeah, right! She’s in love with him.” Christine rolled her eyes. 
“You’re okay with it?” Cathy questioned. 
“Why wouldn’t I be? I don’t own either him or Y/n.”
“Okay, girl, then why are we not with him anymore?” The question was directed at you this time. 
You racked your brain for a reply. But it felt like the words floating around were squiggles that you couldn’t decipher. “I… we’re different.” 
“How so?”
“This party is about Christine, we should talk about something else.” You coughed. When no one budged to change the subject you sighed. “It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t miss me or anything like that.” 
“Why do you say that?” By this time the alcohol is pumping in your bloodstream you don’t even know who’s the one talking. 
“Hee… hasn’t texted me to check on meee.”
“Girl, you have to do something to make him realize he misses you. This is your apartment right?” 
You nodded. 
“Come on!”
You believe it was Cathy who led everyone to your bedroom. She asked you where you kept your undergarments. You led her to your dresser and pulled out a drawer. She peeked inside and shook her head. “No. We need something revealing but not too much.” 
“What about this?” You asked, picking up a white button up shirt. 
“That is the opposite of what I meant.” 
You giggled. “It’s his. I stole it.” 
Everyone knew immediately what you needed to do. 
You found yourself laid on your bed in a pair of black bra, panties and Stephen’s shirt. Turns out, Charlie’s sister is a boudoir photographer and was in charge of setting up the scene. She undid most of the top buttons— enough to have your bra and breasts exposed. Moriah instructed you to arch your back and put your hands stretched above your head. If there wasn’t alcohol in you there would be no way you’d let strangers see you like this. 
The girls cooed and giggled. Christine kept repeating how hot you looked. You tried to keep a neutral facial expression like Moriah commanded, but it was hard not to blush at the drunken compliments.
When Moriah was done taking the photo she gave you the okay to relax. Your phone got passed around like it was show and tell. They kept squealing at the photo. You weren’t sure how a simple photograph could cause such a reaction. There wasn’t anything special about you. 
Minnie handed you the phone with an approved smile plastered on her face. 
Your eyes widened as soon as you saw the screen. You looked… sexy. Your sultry body language made your toes tingle. You looked up at the girls in front of you as they gave you a are-you-going-to-do-it look. You smirked and began to type out a message that you believed was well constructed enough to make Stephen Strange teleport into your room as soon as he saw it— he’s done it before. 
There was no need to ask if it was acceptable. After you pressed send you turned your phone to show them. They all gathered around to see that you sent the photo along with the message “I’m trying to give back this shirt to its rightful owner, could you help?” 
Their laughter almost covered the sound of your phone ringing. The sudden vibrations in your hand scared you, which caused you to throw it on your bed. “Oh my god.” You whispered. It was him. You looked at the girls, begging for help. You realized you weren’t being that serious. It was a joke, and now the joke went further than expected because he was responding. “Oh my god.” You cried out. You felt like you were going to throw up and it wasn’t because of the alcohol. 
“Answer it!” Christine encouraged. 
“What would I even say?” You put your hands on top of your head. 
Christine rolled her eyes, picked up the phone and handed it to you. “Start off by saying hello.” She looked at her friends and motioned her head towards the door to give you privacy. 
The phone rang again and you felt your lungs rip out of your chest for a moment. Your shaky thumb betrayed you and accepted the call. “H-hello?” 
“Y/n?” His cool voice made a shiver roll down your spine. You missed his voice, his soothing words that triggered the hairs on your arms to stand up. You missed his fingers when they trailed your goosebumps followed by those sweet kisses. 
“Er, I received your text.” 
“Right, that silly thing. I was joking.” 
“Joking.” He repeated out loud. 
“What a shame I really miss… that shirt.” 
You let out a breath of air. “I think this shirt misses you too.” Your finger trailed over a loose thread on your comforter. “Unfortunately, you would have to rip it off of me before I gave it up. I’ve grown quite attached to it.” 
You smirked when the sound of his breath hitched in his throat. 
“I can imagine it now. You have one hand wrapped around my neck so you can feel my pulse while the other hand tears the shirt off my naked body. I’m wet just thinking about it, Stephen.” 
“Y/n.” It sounded like a warning. If you said anything more he would come undone. 
“Sadly, I’m preoccupied with other endeavors. I guess the rest of this conversation can be left for the imagination. Talk to you later!” 
You heard him call out your name as you removed your phone from your ear. You felt so much power once you hung up. You had hoped he would send a stream of text messages or would try to call again. You even hoped he would be in your room by now, but after about five minutes of silence you came to terms none of those would happen. Disappointed, you got dressed back into your previous clothes and joined the party again. 
Everyone left about two in the morning. Cathy was so drunk that Minnie volunteered to let the woman stay with her. Christine thanked you for the exciting night— it made her feel like they were in University again.
You were practically sober when you closed the door to your apartment, but the inevitable pressure started to push against your skull. Luckily your apartment wasn’t that messy. It was nothing you couldn’t handle in the morning. 
You felt tired, but not enough to lay in your bed and go to sleep. You settled on trashy reality while you laid on your couch, an ice pack on your forehead. This was the consequence of drinking a lot tonight when you rarely drink at all. You were surprised you didn’t end up like Cathy, stumbling around sputtering nonsense. But you were drunk enough to send a risque photo to your ex-lover who will never love you back. 
You groaned and sputtered out curses. If you could, you would kick yourself. So much for holding your ground and never talking to him again. You would have to see him next weekend, but it was different because you didn’t initiate it and it would be easy to avoid him. If he tried to come towards you it would be just as easy to  turn the other way. 
Another example would be if he were to knock on your door at two-thirty in the morning, it would be easy to slam it in his face. But what if he was standing there, wearing a blue cotton t-shirt with grey sweatpants? His hair disheveled and fell in front of his eyes. He looked like he had been trying to sleep, but couldn’t. 
You should just slam the door. You should, but you didn’t. 
Stephen walked inside your apartment scanning the remnants of the party. “Ah.” He said. He seemed to acknowledge what you were doing tonight and there was no need to ask further questions. 
“What are you doing here?” You knew why he was here, and that’s probably why you closed your door, locking it. 
“I told you… I really missed my shirt.” 
You bit your lip. He wasn’t looking at you and it was making you mad. You wondered if he’d notice if you started making goofy faces at him. “It’s in my room. I can go get it for you.” 
When you came back out of your room, Stephen had made a spot on your couch. He sat upright hands in his lap. The only light came from the TV as the blue tint glowed on him. 
“Didn’t take you as a Kardashian fan.” Stephen called out, unaware of your presence. 
“It helps me sleep at night.”
“That’s what melatonin…” He looked over at you on the other side of the couch. His mouth fell agape. It was like the photo you had sent him came to life before his eyes. “I thought you said you were getting my shirt for me. Not wear it.” 
You strutted towards him. His eyes never left yours as you got closer. “I told you Dr. Strange,” you said. You were now in front of him. “You’ll have to tear it off of me if you’re wanting it back.” You wiggled his knees apart and slipped between him. Your fingers ran through his unkempt dark locks. You were always fascinated with the silver streak and found yourself twirling it around your finger.
His hands stayed on his thighs. They hadn’t budged at all as if he was forcing them down with weights. 
“You’re not touching me.” You stated. Your left hand left his hair and came to his cheek. “Why?” 
“I’m only granting your wishes.” 
“My wishes?” 
“You said this was over.”
You smirked and leaned over to his ear. “Stephen, if you were granting my wishes you wouldn’t have answered the phone.” You looked into his icy eyes polluted by darkness. “You can tell me to stop.” He wouldn’t tell you to. That’s why he let your fingers trail to his lips. Your thumb grazed from  top to bottom, allowing you to have an opening to place your own lips on his. 
Hot breaths exchanged between you like you both were trying to suck the oxygen out of one another. You needed to take a breath of air— as if you had been underwater and gasped for life. The only thing that told you were alive was the sound of your heart beating out of your chest and the blood pumping in your veins. 
You stole another deep kiss, nipping his bottom lip. He hissed, but you quickly shut him up by putting your thumb in his mouth letting his tongue graze the digit. Your other fingers placed underneath his jaw as you pressed down to open his mouth. 
You had never really taken control like this before. It had always been him bending you over, making you whimper, making you beg for him. 
He still refused to touch you. It was pissing you off, but you refused to say anything. Instead, you pushed his hands away and sat in his lap. You bucked your hip to force a soft moan to escape his lips. 
He shifted, allowing you to feel the hardness through his sweats. He placed his hands on your hips to pull you closer allowing more friction between him and you, the pressure relieving the ache trapped beneath. He grabbed the back of your neck to bring you into a passionate kiss. His other hand found itself wandering underneath your — his— shirt. That damn shirt. 
He had had enough. He picked you up slightly and threw you on the couch. He climbed on top of you, hungry kisses attacked your lips. You pushed the hem of his shirt up to help him take it off, throwing it on the ground. He came back down and started kissing your jaw down to your neck, nipping and sucking pink blooms all over.
You placed your hand on his chest. You loved the feeling of his muscles under your touch. You felt him shudder as they trailed down his body to the hem of his sweatpants. However he was quick to dodge her eager fingers from exploring further. “Patience.” He growled. 
“I haven’t been with you in months, can you blame me?” 
“And whose fault is that?” 
You had to bite your tongue. You were too incredibly horny to try to argue with him. He slid down, eyes never breaking yours as he pushed your thighs apart. His eyes broke away from yours and he was now focused on what he could see between your legs. You had gone ahead to do away with anything else besides his shirt. He wanted to say something witty, but he used his sharp tongue to lick you instead. A small quiet moan left your lips, making him work faster. You instinctively grabbed the first thing you could think of as you embraced the jolts of pleasure pumping through your body which was Stephen’s hair. He spread your legs a bit further to get a better angle. His tongue pressed a spot that made you gasp and back arch. If he went any longer you might not make it so you tugged his hair, a silent instruction to come back to you. 
He licked his lips that tasted only of you. You wanted him to come back and kiss you but instead he got off of you and the couche. You frowned and thought maybe he was done and wanted to leave. He realized it was another mistake that they were together again after months of silence. But rather than collecting his things, Stephen began to remove his sweatpants, throwing them to the designated clothes pile. Your eyes were wide when you discovered he was not wearing anything under his clothes either. He knew this would happen. Smartass. 
He returned on top of you. He looked at the shirt covering you. His impatient fingers began to pick at the buttons to free your body. He struggled to get them undone, a small vein popped at the top of his forehead from frustration. 
“Here let me help.” You offered, bringing your hands towards the buttons. 
Stephen pushed them away and hooked his fingers between the gaps, pulling the fabric. A few buttons flew across the room, but neither one of you cared. He began kissing your inner thigh, up your leg, your stomach. He relished the sight of your bare breasts before he took one in his mouth while the other was being massaged. The blue tones from the TV cast shadows on his face, exaggerating his cheekbones. 
“Stephen, I need you.” Your voice was shaky. It felt like you had forgotten how to speak. 
He looked up at you to see the plea in your eyes. Sitting up on his knees, he took your legs and wrapped them around his waist. You adjusted yourself to help him find your entrance. You moaned in unison as he entered inside of you, your walls welcoming him as they pulsated like a heartbeat. It was a mixture of relief and pleasure as he took long slow thrusts inside of you. He wanted your body to crave the feeling until it begged for more. 
Stephen placed his chest flush against your breasts. One hand rested on your hip as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder, his warm breaths tickled your bare skin. His pace began to pick up a low groan rattled in his throat that sent tiny vibrations into you. He slid out of you almost completely then sank back inside you, hitting a spot that made you cry out in satisfaction. 
“Stephen,” you called out. Your nails dug into his back. 
He moved his lips to your neck, running his tongue over your pulse as he buried himself inside you again. Each thrust harder and faster than the last, sending waves of electricity through your core and nerves. You closed your eyes, the pleasure seemed almost unbearable. You felt the heat in your core begin to bubble like a teapot boiling water, the steam begging to be released. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him deeper. His hips snapped forward granting your body’s needs.
 “Fuck.” He groaned. 
His voice melted into you, pushing your climax over the edge. Heat pulsated through you hot, burning, blazing, tearing through you. Your walls hugged him as you released. “Keep going.” You sighed. 
He continued unrelentless thrusts in you. The only words exchanged were whimpers and grunts between stolen kisses as you felt him twitch. He drove himself into you, a final growl escaped his lips, releasing his climax. 
His pace steadied to a halt, his forehead on top of yours. You still felt him inside you, but neither of you moved. You studied each other’s breaths and how they once were erratic. Now, they were steady and back to normal, as if neither one of you were crying out in pleasure just moments ago. 
Every time you were with him you never knew if it would be the last. Each time you told yourself you’d relish and savour every touch, but like tonight, you got carried away. You brushed your fingers through his hair, scared he would disappear if you blinked. You knew nothing had changed, but maybe you were attempting to make a relationship out of nothing. Maybe this was all you’d have with him, and you needed to accept that.
The past few days felt odd. At work, Stephen would text you, asking if you wanted to get lunch or dinner. You didn’t mind, it wasn’t unusual for him to invite you out to eat; however, it had never been a daily occurrence. You didn’t want to question it so you accepted every time, not caring about his intentions. It was a bonus that a majority of the meals were free because the staff would recognize him as Dr. Strange, the superhero who helped defeat Thanos. 
What was even weirder was when he came to your work after you got off to walk you home. If you had already ate lunch, he would fuck you as soon as you got to your apartment, and if you had dinner plans he would fuck you before and fucked you after. You don’t recall having that much sex in a week but Stephen found a way to break your personal record. Not that you were complaining about the sex either. 
No, the sex was amazing as always, and the food delicious, but every day you couldn’t help but feel sick to your stomach. He would stay over at your apartment. You swore he put his toothbrush in your bathroom the second night. It was all you ever wanted out of him, a domestic relationship. But why did you feel unfulfilled every time you looked over at him sleeping peacefully in your bed? 
It was Thursday, two days before the wedding, tomorrow being the rehearsal dinner. You managed to decline lunch with Stephen, begging Christine to meet with you. You hadn’t seen her since the bachelorette party. You couldn’t make the next two days about you, but you needed advice. 
Christine’s schedule was busy to help tie up work at the hospital before her week-long honeymoon. She asked if you could have lunch at the hospital and if you hadn’t been under desperate measures you would have said never mind.
“I’m so happy you asked to meet. I needed a chance to catch my breath.” Christine told you, taking a sip of her tea. 
“Been a busy day, I guess?” 
“Working my ass off this week and the future in-laws are in town. I don’t think I’ve been able to relax or have fun on the week of my wedding.” She raised an eyebrow. “You on the other hand… look like you’ve been having fun.”
“What?” You asked. 
She scoffed, reaching over the table and pulling the collar of your shirt so it could reveal a bruised love bite. “I do hope you plan on covering that for Saturday.” 
You brushed her hand away, embarrassed. “I guess I’ve been a little carried away… this week.” 
“Wait, all week?” 
You put your face in your hands in shame. “Every. Single. Day. But it’s not the sex that’s bothering me. He’s treating me like we’re in a relationship.” 
“What’s wrong with that?” 
“Christine, we’re talking about Stephen Strange here. He doesn’t do relationships.”
“Well you don’t do just sex. Y/n, you’re in love with him and he’s using that to his advantage.”
You wanted to snap at her, because it was her who started this mess. If Christine hadn’t gotten her friends involved in your love life, then maybe that photo would had never been taken and then maybe he wouldn’t have come over and had sex with you on the couch and on the kitchen counter and the shower… it was definitely Christine’s fault. But then again, Christine knew Stephen maybe better than you did. You were only his booty call whenever something was bothering him. Except, you didn’t know anything that might be bothering him besides maybe your love confession. Your brain was hurting trying to figure it all out. 
“I can’t wait for this wedding to be over. I didn’t think monster-in-law was a real thing.” Christine said out loud, scrolling on her phone. 
Then it clicked. No wonder Stephen was acting like it was the end of the world. 
After your lunch with Christine you went back to work, but you couldn’t focus on anything. You had finished your reports earlier this week since you would have tomorrow off. Time seemed to drag. Every time you looked at the clock on your computer nothing seemed to change. 
You had two hours left of your shift before asking your boss if you could leave early. He wasn’t strict or high maintenance if you did your job right, and you always did. So, he had no issue with you leaving for the rest of the day. You were certain he probably wouldn’t notice you were gone tomorrow. 
You always felt nervous arriving at the sanctum, especially since it seemed like Wong was the one who always greeted you when you walked in. 
He always gave an all too knowing look when he would tell Stephen he had a guest. 
“Surprised to see you, Y/n.” Wong said as he walked through a portal, carrying a box. 
“No. Strange, your girlfriend’s here!” Wong set the box down and walked back into the portal. 
“He’s not my boyfri-“
A voice interrupted you. “Y/n, I was just getting ready to come pick you up.” 
You didn’t question that he hadn’t corrected Wong. But you did raise an eyebrow. “Two hours early? I thought you just opened your portal thingy right before I got off.” 
“He does, it just takes him two hours to pick out an outfit.” Wong said, bringing in another box, grunting as he set it down. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to help.” He looked at Stephen, who rolled his eyes in return. 
“You’re the Sorcerer Supreme. Not my job.” 
You giggled. Wong and him always had to make jabs at one another when it came to the subject of Sorcerer Supreme. That was actually one of the many reasons Stephen would call you upset. Which reminded you why you were there. “Stephen, could we talk?” 
“Yes, of course. Want to talk over dinner? I’m starving. I know a great restaurant about two blocks from here.” 
“Actually, I was thinking we could talk somewhere… private.” You bit your lip. 
“Really? Strange, I’d rather not hear you and your girlfriend talk about engaging in coitus while I’m here.” 
“He’s not my boyfri-“
“I don’t think that’s what she meant, Wong.” Stephen moved his hands in a circle. There were a few sparks as he opened a portal. He held out his hand for you to take. You waved goodbye to Wong as the two of you walked through. You took in the salty air as Stephen closed the portal so it was just the two of you. He had brought you to a secluded beach. There seemed to not be any sign of inhabitants within miles. “Where are we?”
“A deserted island. One of my favorite places to come when I need to think.” 
You looked at the man beside you. Most of the time he was arrogant and unbearable to be around, and that’s probably why you enjoyed his mouth being preoccupied elsewhere. But there were moments he shared with you that maybe you could find hope being with him. 
You took off your shoes so your feet could sink in the sand, it was also much easier to walk alongside him.
“So, what was so important that you took work off early?” He asked. 
You felt your words lose their way when you tried to speak. “I… um… I think we should stop. For real this time.” 
He didn’t budge, nor was there a change in his expression. 
“You’re not going to say anything?” 
“What is there to say, Y/n?” 
“I don’t know. Just something.” Your voice was soft, covered by the sounds of waves crashing the sand bank. 
“We’ve done this a thousand times, Y/n. One of us tells the other we’re done, but the next day we’re back to how we were.” 
“Well, I’m tired of feeling trapped in that cycle. This week, I thought I finally made a breakthrough. But I realized nothing was different. I realized you were using me like you had before. You’re sad, Stephen. You’re sad that Christine is getting married on Saturday, and you’re trying to use my emotions as your outlet to avoid it. I always thought if I begged for you, and I had more sex with you, then maybe you would see how much I truly love you and you would give it back to me.” 
He finally stopped walking so he could look at you. You tried your best to not look him in the eyes. You knew if you saw his reaction, you would cry. “Y/n…” He tried to speak but words failed to come out. 
“I’m done feeling like I need you to make me happy.” You felt your words choke on the sob rolling up your throat. “I don’t think I’ll ever make you happy.”
“I’m not sure how to respond.” Stephen admitted. His hands were at sides, you could see them twitch as if he wanted to do something but restrained himself. 
You wiped a tear that finally escaped, turning your back to him you were unable to face him any longer. “Just take me home.” 
He let out a heavy sigh before a portal to your living room opened in front of you. Without another word or glancing back at him, you stepped through. In all honesty, you wanted to turn around and ask him to forget everything you had just said. But you couldn’t fall back into the pattern. You needed to break it for both of you. Turning your body slightly, you watched as the portal closed, a few sparks were left until it became nothing, and you were staring at your mundane apartment once again as if nothing had been there. 
You debated on telling Christine you had a stomach bug and you couldn’t do the wedding anymore. The thought of seeing Stephen on Saturday made you want to throw up. You knew you couldn’t let her down. So, at the wedding rehearsal, you made sure to leave all of your problems at the door— these past two days were not about you. You did pretty good avoiding all of your issues, grateful that Moriah didn’t acknowledge the other night when she spoke to you. 
The wedding on the other hand… you knew he would be there. You had mentally prepared yourself when you would inevitably see him. When it was your cue to walk down the aisle, the best man arm linked with yours, your eyes immediately scanned the many guests. Although it was the back of their heads you could identify his silver streak. You gulped as you passed him, feeling his eyes bore the back of your head. 
As soon as you took your place, the pianist began to play Christine’s entrance. Everyone stood and turned to look at her as she walked in. Your focus was on her and you couldn’t help but let the anxiety wash away with happiness, watching your closest friend look extraordinarily beautiful. You noticed Charlie, tearing up as the two looked at each. To them, they were the only people in the room. Your eyes flickered to Stephen as Christine made her way past him; however, he only looked at her momentarily with a half-hearted smile before looking back in your direction. You pretended not to notice, but the heat on your cheeks told you otherwise. 
This went on the entire ceremony. You could feel his gaze on you, watching every single thing you did. Every breath you took his eyes were on the rise and fall of your chest to your slightly opened lips you occasionally licked. You wished you had your own superhero power like mind control, then you could tell him to fuck off. 
You made sure not to make eye-contact with him as you followed Christine and Charlie after they kissed and ran down the aisle. You swore you could hear Stephen whisper your name, yet, you refused to turn your head. 
At the reception you saw multiple times he attempted to approach you but by the grace of God, someone would jump in front of him to bombard you with questions about the wedding. It seemed being on your feet constantly was the only thing you were able to do. One point you snuck off to a secluded hallway, a glass of wine in your hand and sat down on a red cushioned window seat. A long sigh escaped you looking out at the city through the window. Passersby made their way past the building. None of them knew they walked by two people who vowed their love to one another. None of them knew how happy you were for your best friend. Yet, you couldn’t help feel the tight pang in your chest that held the feeling of jealousy and yearning. They were blurred together where it was hard to distinguish which one was which. 
The room temperature wine tickled your tongue. The bittersweet liquid always made you pucker your lips the first sip. 
You had just finished your maid of honor speech about Christine. It had been the most difficult part of the entire wedding in your opinion. Trying to write about a subject you weren’t exactly a professional in made it hard to come up with words. Sure you knew how to love, but when writing you realized you never knew what it felt to be loved. You saw the way Christine tucked her hair behind her ear whenever she shyly spoke about Charlie. But there was a different reaction when he did something romantic or said something sweet. The twinkle in Christine’s eyes sparkled bright. 
You looked at yourself in the reflection of the glass. You tried to imagine anybody treating you that way— you tried to imagine Stephen. You hated to admit that him staring at you the entire wedding made your heart skip a beat in your chest. You guessed it wouldn’t have been that terrible if he had come over and talked to you. There was nothing said to him that the two of you couldn’t be friends… right? You took another sip. Time to go back to reality. 
The band started playing a slow song once you entered the reception hall. Couples, including Christine and Charlie, were dancing. Heads placed on shoulders as they swayed to the tranquil music. You told yourself not to do it but your eyes betrayed you as you searched for him. It didn’t take long to find the tall superhero standing near the balcony, his own eyes scanning the crowd. Your heart stopped beating momentarily when his blue irises locked with yours. You said curses under your breath when he began walking in your direction.  You turned sideways to pretend like you definitely had not just eye-fucked him and downed the rest of your wine. 
“Y/n.” His voice was loud and clear beside you, but he still managed to say it low enough that it sent a shiver down your spine. 
You turned to face him. “Stephen. I didn’t know you were still here.” He gave you an unimpressed look because you both knew you were lying; however, he didn’t correct you. “Beautiful wedding, wasn’t it?” 
His eyes drifted down and looked over at the newlyweds before focusing back on you. “Yeah, it was. I’m glad she’s happy,” 
“Are you happy?” The words came out of your mouth unexpectedly. You wished your wine glass wasn’t empty. 
Stephen’s lips pursed. “Christine asked me the same question.”
“Well, what did you say?”
“Dance with me.” He blurted. 
His hand reached towards you but you pulled away from him. “You didn’t answer my question.” 
“I didn’t have an answer.” He reached for you again, this time succeeding in taking your free hand. You felt the tingles of electricity move through your fingers, much like the first time you had held hands after a month of seeing each other. You subconsciously grazed your thumb over the scars on his knuckles. You remembered when he winced the first time you touched them, but now it was one of his favorite things you did to him. Stephen leaned over. His lips nearly touched your ear. “Dance with me, and I’ll have an answer.” 
You shook your head, slipping your hand from his. “You know I can’t.” 
“Y/n I…” Before he could continue a loud crash came from outside the building. A few people noticed and ran towards the balcony to see the commotion of screams. Stephen looked at you with an apologetic look before running that way himself. You watched as he leaned over the rails. His shoulders dropped from a long sigh. Without hesitation, he swiped his hand in the air changing into his infamous Doctor Strange attire. You swore his cape gave you a small wave before Stephen flew over the ledge. 
You probably had the worst date of your entire life. You were going to kill Christine once she came back from her honeymoon next week. Who even takes a three week long honeymoon? I guess someone who rarely gets a vacation. You needed a vacation after the events of tonight, that's for sure. 
Before the wedding was over, Christine pulled you aside and demanded you tell her what was wrong after watching your interaction with Stephen. She noticed something was up since the rehearsal. 
You tried to tell her not to worry about it, but she insisted. So you told her you made a declaration not to see Stephen Strange in any intimate setting ever again. Christine seemed upset, the first time you had seen her frown on her wedding day. A pang of guilt crept inside. That was precisely why you didn’t want to talk about it with her. 
“Y/n, I wish you saw the way he looks at you. He’s holding it back. He just needs a little push.” 
You bit your bottom lip, trying to prevent any tears. “I’m tired of carrying all the weight of pushing.” 
Christine gave you a sympathetic smile. Her hand placed on your shoulder. “I’m proud of you. You deserve only the best.” 
Apparently the best was Charlie's semi-attractive second cousin, Simon. You shuddered thinking about him. For one, he was twenty-three minutes and twelve seconds late to the movie— which you paid for everything. After the movie you went to a café and the entire time he talked. It wasn’t a bad thing, but you believe the only thing you were able to get out was how your day had been. Then his phone rang and rang and rang until you finally told him to answer it. Turns out, Charlie’s second cousin, Simon, is going through a divorce. Yet, he’s still sleeping with his future ex-wife. Information you had wished Christine had told you before you wasted five hours of your Saturday. 
You debated on taking Cathy’s advice last Tuesday when you had lunch with her and Minnie. “Girl, get Tinder!” 
You’ve had it before, and you had plenty of suitors, but there was always that queasy feeling of not knowing anyone’s true intentions. For nearly a year you’ve felt like an object of sexual desires and relief. All you wished for was something real. As pathetic as it sounded, you wanted a boyfriend. You wanted someone who would greet you with a kiss. Someone who would hold your hand as you walked down the street as you pointed at ridiculously priced objects in stores that you would buy if you were a millionaire. You wanted someone who would take you to gatherings with friends and let you sit on their lap as you talked. You wanted someone who would talk about the possibility of marriage and kids while sitting in your sunshine mimosa bubble bath. You wanted it all. Worst of all, you wanted it with Stephen Strange. 
You groaned at the large thunderclap followed by the pitter patter of rain splashing on you. Passersby put up their umbrellas. Guess you should look at the radar more often. Damn the New York mentality that it’s not far of a walk instead of taking a cab. The rain started to pick up and it was difficult to see. 
By the time you made it to your apartment, you were drenched head to toe. Your clothes clung to your body uncomfortably. A nice hot bubble bath sounded amazing. As soon as you closed and locked your front door you started to kick shoes off. You unbuttoned your blue jean shorts so you could shimmy out of them. You barely got the zipper down when you realized a figure stood outside your balcony. 
At first you were scared and ducked behind your couch to call 911, but the longer you looked at the person, the more you recognized them. Stephen slouched over the railing. A charcoal gray shirt clung to his body along with dark navy blue trousers. If it had been any other person you would yell at them to get out, yet you found yourself joining him outside, leaning over the railing and  avoiding eye contact. You were thankful the rain was blocked from the awning above you. 
“I heard how you saved the world, once again.” You bit your bottom lip, chewing it lightly. 
He grunted. “I wouldn’t really call it that.” 
“Then what would you call it?” You turned your head so you could see him. His hair was slicked back and face clean shaven. It kind of made you upset he didn’t look like shit. Maybe he didn’t miss you as much as you missed him. 
His eyes didn’t meet yours as he looked off. “It’s my job.” 
“One hell of a job, then. Do you get health insurance? Is there an underground superhero hospital?” 
Stephen let out a laugh. A real laugh that formed in the pit of his belly all the way up. He turned to you, leaning on his left arm against the railing. You couldn’t help your eyes that flickered to a sliver of his exposed skin as his shirt rode up. “Yes, I passed Thor Odinson getting a colonoscopy.” 
You snorted. “Do you miss it?” 
“Miss what?” His furrowed eyebrows unwrinkled when he realized what you meant. He glanced down at his right hand.  “It’s always hard to let go of something you love.” 
You didn’t answer him but you agreed.
“I guess that’s why it’s difficult to let go of you, Y/n.” His statement was casual and smooth like honey. You scoffed, turned away from him and shook your head to face him again. 
There was no hesitation as he looked you in the eyes, a serious look painted his face. Did he get closer? Or have your bodies only been inches apart this entire time? There was hope he wasn’t able to hear your heart pounding against your chest as if it were trying to escape your chest. “That’s not funny.” The words came out barely a whisper. 
He tilted his head, giving you a pointed look. “I didn’t tell you a joke.” 
“I think it’s time for you to go home, Stephen.” The prank he was trying to pull was the lowest of lows. He has used you for months and now he was trying to make awful attempts to toy with you. You wondered if he was a sociopath with no consideration of how his actions made you feel. Or maybe he was a psychopath and knew, and got off on it. Either way, you made a promise to yourself that you didn’t intend on breaking. 
“We have a kid.” This man sounded insane. You should probably run inside and block him from everything, but then again, he’s battled aliens. Him saying you have a child with him was not the craziest phrase that has come out of his mouth. “Technically two. A boy and girl. Also, technically in another multiverse.” He shrugged. 
“You really are testing the waters.” You turned around to go in. “Just go home. I don’t want to hear it.” 
“Their names are Adalina and Ben.” He called after you. Stopping dead in your tracks, hand hovering the doorknob you took a sharp breath in. There had only been one conversation about children between the two of you. It only contained two sentences. In one sentence you asked if he wanted to have children, and the second sentence he answered no. The subject was dropped and never brought up again, until now. So how the hell did Stephen Strange know two names you’ve always wanted to give your children if you had any? Turning around, you crossed your arms across your chest. Your face told him to continue but he was on thin ice. 
“I became a surgeon because I believed I loved saving people. But, an old friend of mine made me realize I never wanted to save them in good heart. I loved having life at the control of my fingertips and every move I made manipulated it into the outcome I wanted.
“It was easy because those people were only part of a game to me. It didn’t matter if they lived or died because it only meant I got better at my job. In a way it’s the same with having super powers. But, if I cared enough about a person… if I love them. What would I do if they were gone forever? I can’t stop death and it terrifies me. It terrifies me if I lose you, especially since I’m in love with you, Y/n.” 
A tear rolled down your cheek. Never in your time you’ve known him have you been able to crack his surface. There were a million questions racking your brain. “There’s another me in another universe?” 
He nodded. “Every single other me has made the mistake of not recognizing your value. I came here tonight, Y/n, to tell you that I need you.” His voice cracked. He stepped closer to you. “I wasn’t sure what loving someone felt like. How could I love when I don’t feel worthy of it myself? Yet, when I’m away from you my heart stops.” There was only enough room to put a ruler between the two of you… one of those bendy rulers you used to beg your mom to buy for school. 
“What does your heart do when I’m around?” You asked, batting your eyes ever so innocently. 
Stephen softly grabbed your hand, pulling you closer. He placed it on top of his chest. His heart greeted you as it thumped rapidly against his chest. “I’ve tried to ignore that for a year. I’m sorry.” He whispered. 
You slid your hand from his chest to his cheek, placing your lips tenderly onto his, letting him know you forgave him. 
“I love you.” He muttered onto your lips. It tingled like those words were laced with electricity and shocked you. He placed his hand at the back of your neck and pulled you into a long fervent kiss. Both your hands explored their way to his hair, which you tangled around your fingers, messing it up. Lightly tugging, he released a moan from the back of his throat. You bucked your hips, feeling the hard member forming. Quick feverish kisses trailed the side of your face to the nape of your neck. “You’re wet.” 
“Not yet, but I’m getting there.” You groaned. 
He chuckled. “No, I meant your clothes are drenched.” 
“Oh, right. I was going to change…” You tried to finish your sentence but he had pushed you against the door, his leg between your thighs allowing it to rub the right spot. His hand slipped under your drenched shirt and grabbed your breast, a gasp escaped your lips.
“I need you, Y/n.” He sighed. 
“Out here?” You moaned as his teeth latched your exposed collar bone, sprouting a rosy bloom.
“We’ve done it everywhere else, why not?” 
You rolled your eyes in disbelief. “You just proclaimed your love to me and now you believe you can show it to me on the balcony… where my neighbors could see us? Not exactly romantic.” 
“I plan on a lifetime of showing you.” He took both of his hands to your ass and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, lips meeting once again. “But now, I need you right now.” With one arm wrapped around you, Stephen pulled your shirt off. He carried you to a reclining deck chair you had out there where he sat down so you could straddle him. Fortunately, the chair was all the way down from the last time you laid on it. 
Between kisses, you helped him take off his shirt. New fresh cuts were formed on his chest. You assumed it was from his recent adventure. He let you examine the wounds, carefully running your fingers over them. Your hand fell down and began palming him. In the meantime, Stephen leaned forward to nuzzle his face in your neck. His heavy hot breaths tickled you, giving you goosebumps. He unclasped your bra sometime because his fingers pinched your nipple. “Take your pants off.” The order came unexpectedly from you, nevertheless, you moved out of the way so you could help him pull his pants down and discard them. You frowned that he had decided to wear underwear this time. No time to pout. Your hands rushed to the waistband of his underwear. Stephen moved back out of your reach. “Why do you always do that?” 
“Why are you always impatient?”
“Usually guys don’t refuse blowjobs from me.” You crossed your arms to sulk. 
He ran his fingers through his hair. “My dear, only if you could imagine what you do to me.”
“I could say the same to you.” 
“Yes, but there’s a major difference between the two of us.” He began unbuttoning your shorts, shimmying them down your legs so you stood in your purple lace panties. He looked up at you, licking his lips. “You are able to come undone.” He thumbed you through the fabric, smiling as you let out a sharp breath. “And undone…” He leaned over to kiss your hip while still massaging you. “Your pretty mouth around me wouldn’t let me last twenty seconds.”
You reached for his boxers again. “Then give me nineteen.”
He allowed you to pull them off, springing free, throbbing at the sight of you. You gripped his bare thighs to allow your body to kneel in front of him. His eyes were dark and dangerous as he watched you grab his base, twitching under your fingers. Your lips tenderly kissed his shaft making your mouth to the head, carefully popping it in. Stephen hissed as your head bobbed up and down taking him in and out. Your mouth, hand and tongue worked together to explore every inch of him. By reflex, he bucked his hips from the relief, making him push further into your mouth. His hand gripped your shoulder, most likely will leave a mark for tomorrow. You took as much of him in as you could until you couldn’t breathe. Looking up, you saw his head thrown back as if he was begging God for mercy. Low rich moans escaped his cupid bow lips. They looked delicious. 
You released him from your mouth. He looked down to see why the sudden lack of warmth. However, he didn’t have to ask since your lips that were once around him now attacked his own in a deep heated kiss. He slowly pulled you down on top of him. “That was only seventeen seconds.” 
“Didn’t realize you were keeping count.” His fingers curled the band of your panties, helping you slip out of them. You straddled him, grinding your hips to revel in the satisfaction as you caused friction to your swollen clit. “Don’t worry, I plan on making up for the lost time.” You both knew you didn’t mean the two seconds. 
You reached down to grab him, guiding it to your entrance. From your soaking core and the slick salvia still on him, you slid onto his length with ease. Groans slipped both of your lips as you lifted yourself up and sank back down. Many times before, you’ve wanted to savour every thrust, kiss, touch. It always felt like there was no promise you two would be flush together the next day. This time, however, felt much different. Knowing he loves you sent a thrill of electricity into your core as you two worked together to bury himself as far as possible inside you. He pulled you in, leading a kiss with his tongue, sliding it in your open mouth. His moans as you ground your hips vibrated your body, digging your nails into his chest as you pushed yourself up to change the angle. 
Stephen propped himself up with his right hand and ran his hand up your thigh so he could grab hold of your hip. “Why were you dressed so nice today?” 
You angled forward— a small cry came from both of you. “Does it matter?” He narrowed his eyes, bucking his hips so he could hit the right spot when he thrusted into you. You whined when he slowed his pace, punishing you for not telling him what you did today. “I went… on a date. Don’t give me that look. It was terrible. He didn’t even buy dessert.” 
Stephen rolled his eyes, palming your breast as he picked the rhythm back to the way it was before. “I can get you dessert after this if you want.” 
“Are you really asking me on a date while inside of me?” He started to hit that spot again. Your eyes began to water as the overwhelming currents of pleasure and relief pumped through you. 
“Is that not what boyfriends do?” He was being arrogant, a smug look on his face that you wanted to smack off of him. 
“Since when did you become my boyfriend?” He directed you to turn around, and so you did. The new angle and direction gave him access to hit the spot in a new way. 
His arm wrapped around your chest and cupped your breast. You guided his other hand to rub the sensitive area between your folds. Your moans became louder. “When you became my girlfriend.” 
You were glad you faced away from him so he couldn’t see your bashful face. Yet, it didn’t matter, because he knew. He let out a small chuckle and placed a tender kiss on your shoulder. You reached behind to place your hand on his head, leaning your own in his neck. Your throat now exposed and vulnerable he nipped and licked a tender spot, over and over until you sighed his name. “Y’n, I’m…” His moans sounded agonizing. If he didn’t release himself now, he would die. 
You bit your lip, picking yourself and dropping onto him. “Fuck, Y/n.” He muttered into your ear.
Your walls tightened against him, you couldn’t take it anymore. “Oh my god…” One last thrust and your core swelled like a balloon and popped all over him. Your head fell further back as you cried out from the heated pressure you released. You panted as you felt him twitch, filling himself inside you. 
Stephen slipped out of you, but continued to hold your bare body, placing kisses up and down your arm. “I know a great frozen yogurt place a few blocks away.” 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to walk.” You flipped back around so you could drape your arms over his shoulders, soft playful pecks on his face. “Do they have toppings?” 
“Lots.” His hands ran up and down your back. 
“Do you think I have time to take a bath? I was going to take one when I got home, but I got sidetracked.” 
“Take all the time you need.” He hummed into your lips. 
You got up from your spot, trekking back into the apartment. You glanced over your shoulder, watching him put his underwear back on. A smile painted his face from ear to ear. You turned back around and looked at yourself in the reflection of the window. Your hair tousled and still wet from the rain, rosy blooms sprouted over your neck and breasts. Things you’ve seen before after a nice time with Stephen Strange, but there was something different. Now, there seemed to be a twinkle that shone in your eyes.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
the pogues and the princess
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words: 1.8k
warnings: drinking, partying, throwing up, protective!rafe, threats of violence, established relationship
“oh come on, don’t be so grumpy.” you poke at rafes cheek, his face downturned in a scowl.
“you know i don’t like you at these type of parties.” rafe sighs, slapping your hand away from his face as he concentrates on the road in front of him, wishing for once that he doesn’t get to his destination faster, wanting to keep you there with him.
“babe, i’d hardly call it a party. its just gonna be me, sarah and kiara… and a couple other people.” “yeah, the fucking pogues.” rafe grunts. “you know how i feel about you hanging out with them.” “oh please, i don’t even talk to jj or john b. i just miss my girls.” you pout. you got super close with sarah when you started dating rafe, which naturally led you to get close to kiara as well as sarahs other new friends.
“yeah, alright.” rafe grunts. you may not talk to the boys, but that doesn’t stop them from trying to talk to you.
“i’ll call you when i need you to pick me up.” you unbuckle as rafe turns down the driveway, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. “i love you.”
“i know.” rafe sighs dramatically, hating that you’re leaving him, but not wanting to hold you back from seeing your friends, especially when you so rarely ask him. “i love you too.”
you wait as rafe gets out, opening your door and helping you down from his truck. he looks over your outfit again, glad that you’re very covered as he walks you towards the house, music already able to be heard pumping out of speakers.
“baby, this is not a little party.” rafe looks around, realizing theres a good amount of people crowded around the various seating areas.
“do you wanna stay?” you ask. rafe struggles, but ultimately shakes his head no. he knows if he stays that he would just end up getting pissed off at one of the pogues, and he values you too much to beat one of them up in front of you.
“mmkay, well i see kie.” you turn towards rafe. “i’ll call you in a bit. probably around 1 am if thats alright.” “yeah, i’m definitely not gonna be able to sleep until i get you back home.” rafe grunts. he’s in no danger of missing your call, there’s no way he will be able to relax until you’re back safe in his arms.
“bye baby.” you get on your tiptoes to press a kiss to rafes lips. “love you.”
“love you more.” rafe watches you walk away, literally skipping as you reach kiara, throwing your arms around her in a hug. rafe doesn’t see his sister, but he knows she can’t be far away.
“hey, pogues.” rafe walks up to a picnic table, jj smoking a blunt while pope and john b both hold a bottle of beer. 
“rafe, don’t start shit-” jj begins, but he’s quickly cut off by rafe. 
“shut the fuck up. i need you to watch y/n. if she gets hurt, i will fucking end all of you, understood?” rafe waits for all three of the boys to nod.
“im serious. i will fucking kill you. let her have fun with sarah and kiara, but don’t let her drink too much, and if any guy tries to talk to her or dance with her…” rafe trails off, but they get the point.
“she’s our friend too.” pope finally pipes up. “of course we will keep an eye on her.” “good.” rafe grunts, not saying another word before stomping away, back towards his truck.
“where is my kie kie?” your words slur as you stumble into the house, looking for your friend. “kiara!” you shout. “you never brought me back another drink you bitch!”
“hey, hey there.” jj suddenly grabs your shoulders, making you blink rapidly to get his face into focus. “maybe you don’t need another drink.”
“maybe you don’t need another drink.” you argue back, trying to wiggle out of jjs grasp. “i want a uh…” you look at the selection of bottles on the table. “shot of vodka!” jj knows you must be really drunk if you’re willing to take the shot, knowing how much you don’t like the taste of alcohol until you’re really far gone, always having to mix it with something fruity to get it down.
“okay, let me get it for you.” jj grabs a shot glass, keeping one eye on you as he shields what hes doing with his body, grabbing the vodka like hes going to pour it, but actually filling the cup with water instead.
“here you go.” he turns around with a smile.
“thanks!” you take the glass, knocking it back. “you know, rafe would not like you getting drinks for me.”
“hey, its all friendly.” jj smiles, patting your shoulder as you walk away to find kiara, yelling out again. he doesn’t see that you swipe a bottle from the table.
“i feel sick.” you shout at sarah, hands linked together. despite your words, you continue to dance, your stomach churning but there’s too much alcohol in you to care.
“i think if we drink more itll help!” sarah says, meaning to pull you towards the house, but you both stumble on the grass and end up falling on the ground, not feeling any pain as you burst out laughing.
“oh my god, we are sooo drunk.” you giggle, feeling a lot better now that you’re laying down, so you don’t make any effort to move, despite the stick poking your back.
“i know.” sarah pouts, before suddenly yelling. “john b!” it takes a minute for john b to make his way over, and when he finally does, he stands looking down at the two of you, hands on his hips.
“i think you girls may have had enough.” “sarah.” you turn to her. “i hate your boyfriend.” “me too, he’s trying to cut us off.” sarah rolls his eyes before reaching up, making grabby hands at john b, who sighs and helps bring her to her feet.
“come on.” john b tries to help you up next, but you frown, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by emotions.
“i don’t want you, i want my boyfriend!” you cry out, tears suddenly streaming down your face, leaving marks in your makeup.
“oh shit!” john b groans. “don’t cry! come on! lets call rafe.”
you finally accept john bs help up, tears drying up quickly when you see kiara, squealing as you rush away from the couple to link arms with her.
“shit, we gotta call rafe.” pope says, looking at you with concern on his face before glancing at his phone, the time ticking past 2 am. 
“we should just take her home.” jj says. “i don’t have his number.”
“we can ask sarah…” pope looks around, before quickly realizing that sarah and john b disappeared together a while ago, and he’s not wanting to find them and break up whatever they’re doing for the sake of his innocent eyes.
“ill just ask y/n.” jj sighs, pope tagging along as he makes his way over to you, the last one dancing to the music, from the only speaker still playing.
“hey, y/n.” pope says softly, but you don’t seem to hear him as you continue to bounce around, hair long pulled out of the ponytail you arrived in, dress swishing as you move.
“y/n!” jj shouts louder, making you suddenly stop.
“what is it?” you blink rapidly, tears forming in your eyes from jjs shouting. “are you mad at me? is rafe mad at me?” “no, we just wanna take you home. its really late.” jj places a cautious hand on your back, guiding you away from the speaker.
“‘m not tired though.” you look to pope, hoping he would agree with you, but he shakes his head. no help there.
“how about we call rafe then, yeah? i think he’d beat our ass if either of us took you home.” “no he wouldn’t.” you shake your head. “my boyfriend is cute and perfect and nice and he wouldn’t do that.” 
“alright, whatever you say.” pope rolls his eyes. he’s not willing to argue about the past, especially when he knows you’re way too drunk to even realize what you’re saying.
“ill call him.” you pull your phone out, frowning at the screen before your passcode suddenly comes back to you. rafes birthday.
you manage to navigate to his contact before the phone suddenly falls from your hands, thankfully landing on the soft grass. you barely turn away from pope and jj before you throw up, bending over as you spew. 
pope moves quickly to hold up your hair, while jj picks up the phone, thankfully still open.
he presses the call button while watching pope comfort you as you begin to cry, sniffling out a mixture of words about how you hate throwing up and want your boyfriend.
“baby?” rafe answers, his voice soft but clearly tired and slightly on edge.
“uh… no.” jj answers awkwardly. “she’s ready to be picked up though she’s uhh… pretty drunk.”
“i’ll be there in five minutes.” rafe puts the truck into drive. he would never admit it, but he’s been just down the block the entire time, not wanting to go too far in case he needed to quickly get to you. “give her the phone.”
“yeah, alright.” jj hands it over to you. “its your boyfriend.”
“oh my god, rafe!” you shout into the phone, making him pull it away from his ear at your loud volume. 
“hi baby, i’m coming right now to pick you up, okay?” “i love you so much.” you sob out. “i miss you, i miss you. i hate partying without you.”
“how much did you have to drink?” rafe asks.
“she snuck a bit more when i turned my back for one second rafe.” jj adds in, leaning closer to the phone to speak. “we really did keep an eye on her.”
“yeah.” pope chimes in. “one guy tried to dance with her but i stopped him.”
“wait, really?” you question. you hadn’t even noticed, or maybe just didn’t remember.
rafe doesn’t know what to say. he’s certainly not going to thank the pogues, but he’s grateful you’re safe as he turns down the driveway, headlights illuminating the three of you standing in the yard, the only ones still around as he throws his truck into park.
“yay!” you squeal, running over to rafe and literally jumping into his arms, making him stumble back as he holds you against him.
“hi baby, did you have fun?” rafe asks, rubbing his hand over your back as the other keeps you from falling. “i did but i drank too much and got sick and then starting crying because i missed you.” you explain quickly, all negative emotions gone now that you’ve got him back.
“should i get you home then?” rafe asks, glad when you nod enthusiastically, tucking your face into his neck.
rafe looks to pope and jj, nodding awkwardly at them. its the best thank you they’re going to get as he loads you into the passenger side of his truck.
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @die4niyahhh
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aryxchse · 5 months
talking to you about you. / percy jackson x female! reader.
a / n : i cute little blurb i came up with, thx to the bf asmrs
warnings : i mentioned getting wet like once
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you groaned to your pillow.
it was hard to breath, and the position you were in was not the most comfortable way to lay in bed. but you were so.. frustrated with your feelings that you had to throw up to someone about it.
"hey baby," percy called as he entered your room, immediatly laughing the moment he sees you. "hey, what're you doing pretty?"
you groaned again. he just has to make you feel all mushy-gushy inside, doesn't he?
unfortunately, with a boyfriend like percy, there's no personal space. he flips you to your back with a simple motion, smiling at you. he fixed the hair you messed up with your pillow, and his other hand helded your waist. "hi."
"i hate you." you said, looking at him with a straight face. percy kept his smirk, knowing this is how you say i love you.
"good to see you too, lovely." he said, giving a peck to your nose. "gonna tell me what's going on?"
you tried to hide your face in your palms, but percy kept your hands under his hold. "no hidin' now, pretty."
you sighed, knowing there's no escape. so you faced the fate and fixed the expression on your face. which he thought, you were gonna cry.
"i love you, so much that i need to yap about you to someone but i don't like sharing our personal life you know? like i don't wanna go to piper and say 'oh my gods i am soo in love with percy, did i tell you what he did yesterday', like no i don't want that because it's my special memory and i kinda don't want to share you with anyone else and-"
"breath baby." percy stopped you, smiling like a little boy. he had an understanding expression and he never once judged as you rambled. and you did what he said—you took a deep breath and continued.
"if you were my crush, it would've been much easier because i would get to yap about my delusions to my girlfriends easier since none of it is official, but when it comes to our relationship, i don't want to share but i need to talk about it like a little girl. you know what i mean? no of course you don't, im not making any senc-"
"y/n." he stopped you once again, letting out a low chuckle. which, you added to your 'think later and scream about it.' list. "i do understand you baby, i always do."
you pouted. "can you do something about it?" your voice camed out like a pray, wanting to end the overwhelming feeling inside you. percy thought for a good two minutes before smiling.
"how about you yap to me about me?" he asked. you tilted your head to the side, a questioning look on your face.
"like, i could pretend to be someone else," he begin to explain. "then you could talk to me about me. how's that sound?"
this boy was smart when he wanted to.
"promise you don't think i'm some teenager in love?" you raised an eyebrow.
"baby we are teenagers in love," he giggled and you hit his arm playfully. "you know what i mean, perce."
"okay okay, i promise." he sat straight and pulled you on his lap. "but it will be my turn after this okay?"
"deal." you said with a smile. before you started talking, percy closed his face with his palms and opened them again after a couple of seconds.
"girl you need to UPDATE ME with percy likee-" he couldn't continue because of your laughter and his own giggles. but you liked it so much that you stopped yourself and waited for him to finish with your quiet giggles.
he speaked in such a girly voice and expression that someone would think he geniunely acted like this in his normal life. "i know that boy is treatin' you well and i need to hear EVERYTHING."
you giggled once again before shaking yourself, immediatly getting into the role. "okay so, last night we were sleeping together on the bed okay?"
he nodded with the most serious expression, and you smiled. "and i tried to get up to you know, start my day and whatever and you know what he said to me?"
"girlll, what?"
"don't. go." he gasped and putted a hand on his mouth, screaming with you silently.
"honey this boy KNOWS what he's doing like, boy shut up you tryin' to make me wet or somethin'?" you laughed at this way too much for your own liking that you forgot what you were talking about. and he just sat there, watched you with his own giggles.
later he made you continue and took a mental note of everything you said, making sure to do these more often.
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the-faceless-bride · 7 months
@xxshadowbabexx has inspired me! With this fic, I've decided to take it to the extreme. Because I love extreme and insane readers, it's my favorite. So this is gonna have a big warning for mean cheater 141 (most of them) and dark yandere like reader that will hurt people.
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Warnings: AN ACTUAL INSANE READER! READER IS A YANDERE! FULL ON UNHEALTHY AND DANGEROUS YANDERE PERSON! A VERY BAD INDIVIDUAL! Cheating, gaslighting, making your partner listen/watch you have sex with someone else, blood, needles, violence, kidnapping?, blackmail, stalking, forcing to take medications implications of Murder, implications of necrophilia, manipulation, dubcon-Noncon affection, kissing, reader putting marks on themselves, hugging, im serious if you are sensitive to dark content then don't read this. There's a lot of uproar about dark content and im telling you please don't read it if you don't like it. Both The guy and reader are NOT good people. reader is insane. You've been warned.
Also, I wrote this while listening to Emotion repeatedly as I thought it was fitting in a psychotic way.
Characters (in order) - Soap, Konig, Ghost, Gaz, Price, Alejandro (no Graves or Roach, sadly I don't know enough about roach to write for him and I must inform you I am not a Graves Girlie. Maybe if you have some good Graves fic I can get into him but as of now Graves just doesn't do it for me, sorry.)
Whether you like it or not.
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Soap - you were seeing signs everywhere. lipstick stains, perfume that wasn't yours, hickeys you didn't remember giving him. You were certain he was cheating, but with whom? You tried poking at him now and again but he would always say the same thing, "I don't know what you're talking about Bonnie.- Bonnie don't be so paranoid this cock is all yours. I promise.- Bonnie I don't know when you became a crazy jealous person but it hurts me you think I would do that."
All lies. You knew they were. You just never got any proof. At some point, you thought you were going crazy. but that was until you came home early one day after staying a night at your brother's new house. Johnny was home but there was another car... Your best friend. Johnny had her bent over as he sucked on her neck. You watched for a moment before hiding behind the wall, you had come just in time for them to finish and start re-dressing, you let the rage fester and infect you, feeling the anger and sorrow of the betrayal of not only the love of your life but your trusted friend.
When they both emerge from the bedroom and your friend locks eyes with you and her lips start trembling the rage finally boils over. Meanwhile, Johnny made his way to you. "Bonnie it's not what it-"
You shoved him from you storming your way to your once friend grabbing her by her hair and screaming in her face, you can barely remember what you said. You were in such a rage you had let spurs of names, insults, and threats all one after the other. Only stopping when you felt a strong hand pull you away. "Bonnie stop you're scaring her! It's not what you think!" you yank your arm from his grasp, "you're defending her?! You son of a bitch! You get her the fuck out of my house before I rip her fucking hair out!" you threaten and she scrambles out between the two of you. You follow her to the door, never reaching out to grab her but you yell at her the whole way out to her car, when she drives off you make your way back into the house to deal with Johnny.
"YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY BONNIE!- you're acting crazy right now!"
"CRAZY?! You were cheating on me! WITH MY FRIEND! I saw you!"
" You don't even know what you saw."
He begins to turn away from you... He thinks he can fuck you the night before. Tell you he loves you. FUCK. Your best friend. Then tell you you're crazy. AND GO BACK TO RELAX IN YOUR BEDROOM?!?!
You let out a cry of anger, betrayal, and disbelief as you pick up the big decorative clay vase before giving it a big swing and smashing it to pieces over his head.
Johnny slowly turned around "Bonnie..." blood trailed down the side of his head, trying to take a step towards you but lost his footing, sliding down the wall and slumping to the floor.
Johnny woke up, his head pounding and his body chained to the cold hard ground. His head was wrapped and disinfected. He tried to get up but he was stuck. The chains were thick, whoever did this knew normal cuffs wouldn't hold him.
"Hey, baby." Johnny looked to his side, you sat at the top of the stairs to your basement. "Bonnie- wha- what happened? ... What did you do?"
You smiled and walked down the stairs before standing in front of him. "Johnny. You know I love you.", he stares at you. Maybe he'd pushed you too far.
"Bonnie. I- im sorry, let's jus talk bout this and we can-" he tried to reason with you, maybe if he could talk to you he could talk you down. Reverse a little bit of the damage he'd done.
"oh no, Johnny. I thought you liked my friend. So I thought I could give you one last hurrah! Before you don't get to see anyone again!"
You started walking up the stairs and Johnny began to slightly panic, "c'mon bonnie, I am sorry. Plus! You can't keep me here, the team would come looking for me!" he tried to reason.
"no! You are off due to injury remember? You are here for a good three years! And if it takes longer than you to break... Well, im sure I can give a convincing enough lie that you never made it home. Send them on a while chase looking for you!" you called from the top of the stairs, before grunting, and a large thud was heard as it banged on each step down the stairs.
Oh God. It was her.
It was her. Your friend. Her eyes were glassy and drained. Skin pale and bruised. Bloodied. Dead.
"well, Johnny. Have the last bit of your fun."
"wha- what..."
"do it. You don't want to feel what she did do you?."
"you don't want me to have to hurt you, Johnny. Don't you?" you threatened. And Johnny knew he didn't have a choice.
He took hold of her cold body, these three years would be hell for him... He prayed that he wouldn't break...
Konig - you couldn't believe him. You'd caught him in the middle of undressing another woman. She screamed when she saw you in the doorway which prompted Konig to turn around in horror as he made eye contact, he stood up and tried talking to you as the woman rushed out the door sloppily dressing herself.
The excuse he gave you made your eye twitch and your fingers itch to wrap around his neck and squeeze. The only thing stopping you was his size. You knew that if you tried he'd have you on the ground in a matter of seconds. "I just wanted to prove to myself I was good for you!" you took a long look into his eyes. Before laughing. You laughed at him. And you laugh good and hard for thirty seconds, of non-stop hysterical laughter. And every time you looked back at him and saw his hurt expression it made you laugh even harder.
After your laughing fit you went eerily calm, before telling him in a straight face, it's ok. I forgive you.
But Konig quickly got the idea that it wasn't true. One night when he came home from a mission, he heard strange noises coming from your bedroom. Konig tried to tell himself it wasn't what he thought. Maybe you were taking care of yourself? Maybe you were watching a video, or maybe... But Konig couldn't deny it for long as he heard the sound of a man grunting and you saying his name, Konig made his way to the room and there you were.
You were on your back the man was hunched over you his face in between your neck and shoulder, you Could see Konig standing behind the Man as the man continued to push his cock in and out of you, unaware of the danger he was in. You moaned louder to taunt the large dangerous man standing behind your lover for the night. "yes! Oh fuck! That's it~" Your moans were fake. Konig knew the difference as he'd heard your real moans many many times. "oh baby~ you're so much better than him! You know how to please with that cock~" you tried not to cringe at your fake words; this guy had no rhythm, no drive to please, and his cock didn't even brush against the spots Konig's cock bullied inside you. But you didn't care. You just wanted to hurt Konig. To bruise his heart and his ego. And it worked.
Konig grabbed the man by the hair and pulled him off and out of you, the man screamed in shock but you remained silent. Watching with a spiteful grin, Konig was just gonna toss the guy out. But then he noticed something... He wasn't wearing a condom... This random man had fucked you raw and came inside you... Dead. This man was dead. Konig didn't stop slamming his fist into the man, his jaw, his head, his neck, his ribs. Anywhere Konig could reach.
The man lay still on the cold floor. Barley breathing. He had some time before he succumbed to his injuries but Konig wasn't in a rush to help the man who fucked his love.
"how could you do this? Why would you hurt me in this way!? You- you-"
"I just wanted to be good enough." you said bluntly
"I just wanted to prove to myself I was good enough for you... That's just what you wanted too... Right, Konig?"
Ghost - he did it again. Lied again. Fucked someone else in your bed again. Again. And again. And again. You didn't get it. Had you not been perfect? Had you not helped him through night terrors? Through panic attacks? Through tearful nights when he had a particular dream about his family life? You were tired of it. Coming home and hearing moans that weren't yours. Finding used condoms that you know he didn't use with you. Clothes that weren't even close to your size were found under the bed or stuffed somewhere in his car. You hated it. You hated him. But God... You loved him. You knew he wasn't good for you, but you wanted to love him and he loved you in return.
He was out again, with his team... You hid in a seat in the far back of the pub. So out of sight Ghost still hasn't noticed you. But you noticed him, chatting up with a pretty blonde at the from of the bar. You hated her. You didn't even know her. But she had something that you didn't. You don't know what it is, but it must be something good. If Simon was out looking for it from her instead of you.
She giggled and batted her lashes at him, you don't take your eyes off them the whole time. You told Simon you'd be gone for the weekend. So when you noticed they were about to leave, you rushed to your car speeding to your house. Parking somewhere Simon wouldn't see, rushing inside and lit some candles, and pulled out some wine. And fix your hair to make it look like you had a romantic evening planned.
When Simon walked in he was sloppily making out with the woman his hands running up and down her curves.
"Simon?" you asked quietly playing dumb. As if you hadn't been watching him, you'd been watching him for a few months now. Just out of sight. Plotting how you could go about your revenge. Ghost would be hard to break. He's emotionally dead and doesn't let much get to him. But everyone has a breaking point.
This caught Simon off guard. You weren't meant to be home. This caused a reaction from the woman he brought home, apologizing to you over and over begging forgiveness as she didn't know. Then turning to Simon and giving an earful of disgust at what he had done and was going to do with her all while having a loving and caring lover at home.
You played it up by crying, just like you'd done the first twenty times he'd done this before. This time it was fake, asking what you had done to drive him away. Making the woman chastise him further. Before shaping him and walking out.
After she left you stopped crying, which also caught Simon off guard. Normally you would go one of two ways when catching him in a lie or with lipstick stains on his shirt. You blame yourself and Simon reassures you that you are overthinking and not thinking straight (a lie) or you blame him and he says it hurts him that you a person he trusts let down his walls for (lie) and would accuse him of things he would never do (another lie)
But this time you did.
"You're just like your father." **SLAM**
Simon had instantly slammed you into the wall, his hand around your throat.
"don't. Don't you EVER say that again. I'm nothing like him. I protect and serve. Nothing like him." he looks at you with a hatred you'd never seen before, it made you smile on the inside.
"oh- really? You hurt me." You choke and Simon tightens his grip, warning you.
"you lie to me. You cheat on me. You tell me you love me and don't mean it-" **squeeze**
"you hurt me. Just like he hurt your mother-"
"SHUT UP." He slams you again,
"You're hurting me right now. Just like him." Simon takes a moment before dropping his hand from you as if you'd just burned him.
He stumbles away from you. But you follow, "It's ok Simon. I promise to forgive you. If you promise not to hurt me again."
You were fucking with him. You sounded like his mother, promising to not leave or tell as long as he promised to stop hurting you. Just like his mother pleaded with his father. So so many times.
You smile at him. He rushes away reaching for the door and opening it a crack, "Simon. Don't go. Don't hurt me. Not again. Be good. Promise me."
Simon's head was spinning, trauma and pain in the front of his mind.
"promise me, Simon."
Simon shut the door.
"I promise," he whispered.
Gaz - you didn't want to believe it. He was different. You knew he was! He was the one who made this place a beautiful world. He wouldn't. He couldn't! Your heart wouldn't be able to take it. But your world came crashing down on you, you had found panties that weren't yours and you had begun to panic, no. No, he wouldn't. This is a misunderstanding. You're gonna call him. He's gonna answer and be with his mates and clear all this confusion up. Yeah... Yeah, that was it!
You called Kyle and after three rings he answered, that's a good sign! And you were relieved. But that was quickly taken from you. A woman moaned into the phone as Kyle praised her in the back, "That's a good girl, let her hear you. She her your mine baby." your mind turned to static only a few words and phrases were heard,
"mine... Good girl... My girl. .. Perfect... Sweet... Pussy made for me..." your heart racing, pounding in your ears. It cries. It aches... How can this be fair? You stayed on the phone, on speaker as you hurried around the house. You had to fix this. Who was she? How dare she try and take your place.
You were made for Kyle. Not her. He said it to you so many times. He had to be lying to her. She- she must have forced him. That's it! That's the only thing that makes sense. Why would he cheat and answer the phone while doing so? That doesn't make sense! It was her you know it.
It hurts now. Knowing your darling was being taken advantage of. Don't worry Kyle darling. She'll learn to keep her damn hands off...
Kyle came home around 11:50 PM, she truly kept him locked away. Your poor baby. Forced to do such disgusting things to her.
"Lovie? Are you in? I- I don't know what came over me I-" he gets interrupted. You're hugging him. Kyle stands still. Confused. He thought he was gonna have to convince you he was trashed, filled with alcohol, and didn't know what he was doing... But you're... Hugging him? "it's ok Kyle. I know it wasn't you. I know." Kyle for a moment, thinks things he's maybe gotten away with it. "don't worry, I won't let it happen again."
Kyle jumps feeling a pin in his neck, he jolts shoving you to the ground causing you to hit your cheek hard on the floor, you whine as you sit up holding your hand to your cheek. You forgive him, you expected him to fight. That's why you didn't tell him your plan to keep him safe in the first place.
Kyle reaches behind him, pulling out the syringe that stuck out from his neck. His eyes quickly become blurry and his body slow and off-balanced. He tries to say your name but he can't his tongue is heavy and his throat is tight.
He falls to the floor with you.
When Kyle comes too; his head is pounding, his throat is dry, and his right cheek hurts. He tries to get up but he can't. He's strapped down to the bed. Kyle starts to panic, what happened last night? Where-
"good morning darling." Kyle whips his head to you, causing it to pound loudly in his ears. "what- what happened, where?-" You smile and sign as you set a tray of water and medications on the bedside table. "you're at home with me darling." you turn to him placing a damp cloth on his head. "why am I strapped to the bed?"
"well I couldn't trust you would stay put, would I?"
"oh! Also, I made sure you won't ever be bothered again!"
"yup! That woman from last night she won't hurt you anymore!" Kyle stared at you confused, she didn't do anything. He approached her and went back to her place, telling her that you were a crazy ex and that's why she agreed to let him answer.
"but- she didn't do anything." you frown at him, "She must have messed your brain up bad. It's ok! I'm gonna help and fix you!" you say as you reach for the tray.
A syringe and glass bottle at one end of the tray next to some pills as well as a bottle of water. He stared with wide eyes, "don't worry the pills are just to help with the pain from hitting your head."
"and the needle..."
"just for safety, I don't want to use it but I can't have you straining yourself and leaving ugly wounds on your precious skin my love."
Kyle tried to remain calm, he didn't know how much of your words he could trust. You held the pill out to him waiting for him to open his mouth but he didn't... You sigh, you didn't want to have to do this. You pick up the needle dipping the end into the glass bottle, filling it with liquid.
Kyle began to struggle and you held him down trying to keep steady while injecting the clear liquid into his arm. Kyle felt his body weaken, not in a sleepy way but his body started to not respond right away. You opened his mouth and shoved the pill inside, your eyes getting teary. why was he making this so difficult?
After giving him some water after a struggle and him trying to spit the pill out, he finally gave in. He'd try and reason with you later, right now his head hurt and he was tired.
You climbed over him. Kissing his cheek and snuggling him, he'd see you love him. You're hear to help him. Protect him.
He'll come around. You know it.
Price - You'd been running around all day preparing for Price to come home, you'd been waiting for so so long to get your hands on him again. He's been gone for eight months, you were sure he'd be aching for you. Just as much as you were for him.
But when he came home he was... Off. He wouldn't tell you what, "later" he'd tell you over and over "later" you thought maybe something happened on the field. But all his mates were alive you know that. So what went wrong?
It's not until a month later that he breaks the news. "Darling. I'm so sorry, but- I just- a lady at the Bar..." and then everything went silent to you. Price... Your husband. Your John... Jonathan Price had cheated on you.
You hug him, mid-sentence. He starts crying, begging you for forgiveness. Crying to get you to stay. Crying to be given one last chance. And you give it...
"I'll stay. I love you. I need you. I will give you one last chance-"
"thank you- thank you, Darling, I- I promise-"
"but. I get to give you the same pain."
"im going to have sex with someone. But you won't know when. Where. Or who."
"it might be a stranger from a Bar. It might be one of your mates... You won't know, and I won't tell you. You'll have to figure it out."
It's been months now, and John has been paranoid. You go out of your way to stay late after work hours, to go out with your friends and not come home till late in the night, you hide your phone, and you grab yourself harshly to leave bruises.
John questions you about everything. Why did you stay late? Who was with your friends, and who did you meet? Why are you hiding your phone, who are you texting?... Where are the marks coming from?... He's attached to you any time he can be, and never leaves your side. And goes out of his way to please you.
Showing you that he will make up for his flaws, his mistakes. Showing you, that you don't need anyone else. Showing you he's sorry.
You never slept with anyone, you contemplated it. But you couldn't. You loved him too much. But he didn't need to know that, he's never been more attached to you than he was now. He even put work aside.
Maybe if you keep him on his toes, he'll become dependent on you. You know you can do it. Make him crave you and need you as much as you do him. It's just gonna take time, lying, and patience. You'd break him. You know you can. Nobody in the military could break this captain. Nobody. But...
They didn't know Johnathan Price like you did.
Alejandro - Alejandro was out at a bar, he had just gotten back from a mission. A long, tedious, and dangerous mission. You wanted to surprise him! You'd missed him so much, that you planned to 'Coincidentally' run into him at the bar. you knew when he came home, what time, and with whom. You had a few trackers and bugs planted on him, namely his phone and the bracelets he got back on his way home.
It was the way you got to know him so well in the first place, you were a friend and a trusted one at that. You knew if you planted a bug or two he wouldn't suspect a thing.
Now and again you would do this he would mention or mumble about in his own time, it would amaze him how you had done what he asked, "just a hunch" you would tell him. You didn't do it all the time to not make him suspicious but you did it when you knew he needed it. Which made him fall you you that much more.
You had dolled yourself up just a bit and made your way to the bar he was at with Rudy and you quickly became on edge.
"im flattered, ha," Alejandro laughed as the busty brunette pushed herself into his personal space, she brushed her nails against his arm. You feel an itch, an itch deep inside as your face turns red.
Why? You thought he was different, and yet here he was. You were ready to return to your car and wait for him... But then you saw him push her away.
"get off. I'm not interested, I already told you I'm in a loving relationship, now leave me alone." he put his foot down. And she pouted and huffed before walking away. You smiled and ran over to him, putting your plan back into play.
You laid in bed, skin-to-skin. Still a little sweaty from the rough session you and Ale had. You kiss him, "im gonna clean up," he hums in response. He's drifting off to sleep and you smile at how comfortable he is with you.
You turn the water on, letting it run warm before stepping in.
You let the hot water run down your body as you wash your hair, you think about earlier. Your heart flutters.
You were so thankful, thankful he rejected her. He honestly scared you for a moment.
You thought about what you would've done, you were silly. You then thought about the bag of rusted sharp tools that sat in the trunk of your car. You were so silly to think you were gonna have to get ugly with Him.
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iiwaijime · 1 month
06. meet me at the 7-11
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he sends the text before thinking it through, and by the time he realises that it was probably a mistake — he's basically told her everything about herself — the tiny delivered under his message has turned into seen.
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you see him before he sees you. you wrap your jacket tighter around yourself, walking towards him. you walk faster, until you can see the mist of his breaths, and the wire of his headphones, illuminated by neon light — a beacon in the darkness, beckoning you home.
"suna," you call. "rin."
he turns around, face lighting up when your eyes meet. "hey."
"hi." you laugh awkwardly as he comes closer to you, and a heavy silence falls over the scene.
"let's go inside, i'll buy you something."
"no, you won't," you reply.
"yes i will," he argues.
"no you won't."
he hums in reply, flexing his cold fingers before pushing the door open for you. "don't you want to know how i found out you were catliker?"
"oh, yeah, how?"
he only talks again when the two of you reach the drinks aisle. "i saw your texts. on the TV. well, my texts, but you get the idea."
oh. oh. your fingers brush together when he passes you your drink, the cap already unscrewed. "thanks," you murmur, staring into your bottle.
rintarou isn't the type to start serious conversations. however, he also despises suspense. not that this can be called suspense, exactly, but he needs the confirmation — he needs to know. "we're avoiding the most important part of this."
"i know," you respond. and then: "i like you, like a lot."
"i gathered," he replies quietly. "let's go outside?"
just like in the car, your knees are touching — this time, though, it's much more obvious that he's chosen to sit this close to you. his shoulder nudges yours every time he moves, and the motions of your leg as you tap your foot nervously make his leg shake too, but the intimacy of the situation is surprisingly comfortable. he drains his bottle, chucking it into the trashcan on the other side of the parking lot with practiced ease, before doing the same with yours. and then he turns to you.
"i never really imagined telling you that i liked you, so i didn't really have an image of what'd happen in my brain. i didn't expect it to be in the parking lot of a 7-11, either, but here we are." he snickers mirthlessly; more from nerves than humour. "i've liked you a while now — a few years — and you're just perfect in every way, inside and out, and i really like you — fuck, did i say that already? either way, this is it, y/n."
"oh, and i don't like anyone else, and i did look at you so many times earlier today — or yesterday night, whatever — you just didn't see."
you laugh, and it's beautiful and wonderful and perfect and he might just die. you cover your mouth with one hand. "really? i thought you didn't like me."
"what? you looked absolutely gorgeous, i thought i mentioned it over text already."
"oh, you did!"
he half reaches out to you before he stops himself. "why do you do that?"
"do what?"
"cover your mouth. i mean, if you keep at it, you— never mind."
"i think it's kind of obvious why," you respond lightly. "but finish your sentence?"
"it's nothing that important," he confesses. "i just want to kiss you really badly right now."
"yeah, and i can't do it if your hands are in front of your face."
"so if i move them, will you...?"
"only if you're okay with kissing me in a shitty 7-11 parking lot."
"i am," you assure him.
he angles your head up gently, leaning closer until his breath ghosts over your lips. "may i?"
"yes, please," you whisper, and rintarou suna carefully, carefully presses his lips to yours.
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series masterlist
authors note(s) !
notice any changes in the cat banner?😈😈😈😈
long ass written part my apologies
they hate to see a pretty girl winning (im constipwted)
i hope theres no school tmr
i have an oikawa series up now plz go checm out <- shameless self plug
thanx for 1k on atsumu + 469 pookies
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© iiwaijime 2024
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m00mis · 2 years
i just read your svt shoelace scenario and it's so cute! idk if you're taking requests but if you are can you please do a "svt reacting to their s/o calling them bro" scenario? if you're not feel free to ignore!
thankyou !! i am totally taking requests pls feel free to ask :)
{ also i hope i interpreted your request properly ㅠㅠ im overthinking as usual }
svt reacting to their s/o calling them bro
cheol - he would be shocked and so offended like "bro??? me?? what?? i'm not your bro what are you talking about?? tchh bro? seriously? what happened to 'babe'? 'baby'? 'cheollie'? 'the love of my life'?" goes on a whiney rant about how he is not your bro, he is your baby and won't drop it for two weeks and only responds to you with "ok bro" so you know how it feels
jeonghan - he didn't realise what you said and would reply as if nothing had happened. that is not in your usual vocabulary so it went straight through him but in the middle of the night he would wake up in a cold sweat muttering "bro.. she called me bro?" and would text you right then at 3am to never call him bro again. creepy asf.
joshua - would suddenly look up at you with those big eyes and confused smile ("huh?") which made you super embarrassed because why is he looking at you like you have committed terrible crimes and now you are running away and oh god he's chasing after you
jun - you were eating together and he would burst into laughter but when he sees you're not laughing he slowly realises that this was serious business and he just points to himself with a mouth full of food saying "me? i'm your bro?"
hoshi - oh great what have you done. now he only calls you bro. "hey my bro ! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>". yep. the rest of the members think you two have somehow regressed back to the friendzone with hoshi being happier than before??
wonwoo - is shocked and sweetly asks why you said bro, but you can't explain and he has the biggest grin on his face, chuckling because it was so absurd and he can't get over it. it's so funny to him that he tells all the members and he never forgets it. one of his fondest memories of you
woozi - the atmosphere is so tense after it slipped out of your mouth but suddenly he bursts out laughing and folds in half "you actually... actually just called me bro..!? i can't... can't believe it PSHAHAAA" between wheezes . funniest thing to him
dk - would hit him like a ton of bricks "is that what i am to you? a bro?" and is so upset you're basically begging on your knees for him to forgive you but he can't even hear anything you're saying because he's trying to figure out what he did wrong in your relationship for you to call him bro so nonchalantly .. heart brocken fr 💔
mingyu - you can tell it's echoing around his mind as he's off staring into space in absolute disbelief.. you start laughing at his dumbfounded expression so he starts smiling in confusion, "what? what was that? why did you say that? tell me!" and you have collapsed because his reaction is so funny. he's all whiney and rolling around on the sofa because he is so hurt
minghao - i think he would somehow turn it into a psychological thing and ask why you think of him as your brother and if you had any good brotherly figures growing up to try to figure out what is going on for you to call him bro. basically he would use it as an excuse to understand you more cuz he lovs u
seungkwan - would drop everything to judge you with that look in his eyes and the pressure would be so intense that you immediately apologise. he is never letting this go. occasionally calls you bro just to embarrass you because he loves seeing you all worked up
vernon - "sup bro". "sup" . thats it. sorry but he would be so unbothered. starts dapping you up every time he sees you followed by a lil kiss.
dino - half-jokingly goes "was that a mistake? im letting you off this time. watch your back" and does the 'i'm watching you' finger eye point thingy(?) while backing out of the room and when he's out of view he runs to the bathroom to let out his laughter because he can't believe how weirdly cute you were. talks to himself in the mirror about it.
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graysnetwork · 1 year
So I kinda gave up on running my story through Grammarly, so please bare with me here.
Also, I found the audio and listened to it as I wrote this to see how I would write the story, this is also my first time completely writing smut so pls don't be rude or I will delete 🙈
I will take yalls constructive criticism, so thanks ☺️
Read warnings pls
Edit: FOUND IT — I found it meiiioo’s acc (yes on tumblr) creds to them and audio maker!!
Warnings: afab!reader, consensual‼️, pet names, spanking, praise, fingering, mating press, cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, baby talk, creampie.
Summary— reader lost a bet and has to wear a bunny suit for the rest of the weekend, now their friend and roommate are sitting in his room getting ready to watch a show, but Leon is very annoying with all his teasing.
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You were coming out of your room as Leon walked through the door, you hadn’t seen him this morning which you were grateful for.
“Hey I was gonna order takeout for dinner, do you-“ he was cut off by the sight of you, in a bunny costume “w-what in the world are you wearing?” He asks with a chuckle, this was odd to say the least; for the both of you. “A bunny costume” you say bluntly, it was embarrassing, and you were just hoping he wouldn’t make too much fun of you.
“I see that it’s a bunny costume, but, why?” He asks as he looks you up and down repeatedly, “I lost a bet with my friends” you admit, “no fucking way, since when do you take bets? Last time I checked, you pussied out of anything that needed any ounce of courage” he said and you pushed him.
“I’m just saying the truth, but, how long are you gonna have to wear it?” He asks, he was your roommate and your friend after all, so he was gonna be the one who would have to see you during this.
“The rest of the weekend..” you admit, situating the headband for what felt like the fifteenth time, “the rest of the weekend?” He almost didn’t believe you, he began laughing at you.
Making fun of you and asking if you’d like him to be your magician, you hit him again, lightly. He stopped the joke.
“Why don’t you just, not wear it? It’s not like your friends are gonna know” he suggests, “I pinky promised though” you tell him, he chuckles, “Why am I not surprised that you still do that?” He asks as he chuckles again.
“You can’t expect me to stop making fun of you” he says as the two of you lay on his bed, ready to watch a show, “stop it with the teasing Leon” you tell him, it was already beginning to annoy you.
“Or what? Your the least intimidating person in the entire apartment complex” he chuckles “It’s not like you could do anything about it” he says as he laughed a little more.
You kicked him a bit hard and he groaned but continued the teasing.
“Okay stop that, im serious” he said before you kicked him again and he got tired of it and grabbed you, and pinned you down, “you just had to be a fucking brat huh?” He asks you “what are you gonna do?” You ask as he keeps you pinned to the bed.
“I dunno bunny, what should I do?” He asks, a smirk appears on his face, you could feel his pants and how a bulge was beginning to appear in them and with how close he was, the bulge was right near your clit. You could feel it, and if you were being honest it didn't feel bad, you didn’t even think about it until he brought it up— “Why're you moving your hips like that bunny?” He asked.
His voice now sounded airy, and it took all of him to stop himself from moaning at your movements.
He flipped you over onto your stomach and laid you over his thighs, “never met a bunny, that is a brat” he said, dragging his hands down to your ass, “I know you want this bunny, tell me your okay with this..” he said, he waited for your answer.
You nodded and hummed a “mhm” for him, which made him happy, to hear you admit you wanted him.
“Listen, you just tell me when to stop..” he said trailing off and rubbing your ass more now.
“mmm’your ass, with this cute cotton tail, just looks so good” he said, “it’s fucking perfect..” he said, as his hand left your ass before he smacked it.
“Oh? Wasn’t expecting that huh bunny?” He asks almost in a mocking tone. “It’s what a brat like you deserves, no?” He asks as he smacks you ass again.
Your whimpers only made him like this more.
“how many..” you ask as you fix the headband again, “how many? However many I want bunny, plus your making such” he spanks you again, almost harder than the last one “pretty noises” he finishes as you whimper again.
He laughs at the sight of you, before rubbing your ass again, “oh bunny, look at how red your ass is..” he cooed as he kneaded it. “Your so beautiful huh?” He said, the change from his actions and praise could make you dizzy.
“My pretty bunny, yeah” he said before spanking you again, it caught you off guard, “your mine, y’not gonna let anyone else do this to you right?” He asked and nodded with a simple “yeah”
“Good bunny” he rubbed your ass, almost like a reward, before smacking you again, it seemed like a rhythm now. “My good, pretty bunny” with ever word he said aloud he smacked your ass each time, before kneading it.
“c’mere, it’s okay baby” he said, allowing you to get up and straddle him, which you did, almost out of fear he’d surprise you with another slap to your butt.
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded, “yeah, I’m okay” you said as his hands returned to your ass and he nodded before kissing you. “mm’ffuck you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that” he admitted as he pulled away from your lips.
“you’ve been wanting this?” You asked quietly, and he nodded as he kissed your neck, “been wanting this since the moment I saw you” he said returning his lips to your neck. If you were being honest, Leon was handsome, and you’d been wanting to make a move on him, so maybe this bunny costume wasn’t so bad.
“Don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before baby” he admits as he kisses your collar bone, you shiver at the way his lips feel on your skin, the way he places wet kisses there.
“keep making those pretty noises” he says as he kisses the other side of your neck. “look at the way your nipples look against this fabric hon” he said staring at your chest. “just begging for my attention huh? I’ll give it to you” he says he tugs a bit at them.
You let out a whimper “sensitive huh?” He asks.
How could you forget?
It’s ovulation week.
Leon pulls you out of your thoughts when he tugs at your bunny suit. “This is a one piece, no?” He asks knowingly, sliding your arms out. “just perfect to give me access to everything..” he says, pulling the suit down your body.
Revealing everything to him, your chest, to your genitals, it felt very exposing, but at the same time you liked the way Leon stared at your body in awe.
He moved his fingers down to your pussy, and rubbed his thumb over your clit, “so wet, I’m only rubbing your clit baby..” he teased you as he leaned into kiss you again while rubbing more.
“Can I slide my finger in bunny?” He asked, he stared at you intently before you nodded, he slid his finger in as he kissed you again, he pulled away slightly after kissing you “mmm’fuck your so fuckin hot..” he admitted as he kissed you again, his breathing quickened as well with every movement of his fingers sliding in and out.
“You want two?” he asks, before you could give him a yes he slid his middle finger in as well, a quiet whimper escaped your lips once again. “Love the way your movin your hips baby” he mumbled against you.
“want more, we both do” he said and curled his fingers, moving quicker, “m’your so good, your a good bunny” he mumbled before kissing you again.
“mmmhm” he hummed as he stared your pussy. “yeah come all over my fingers, squirmy bunny..” he said as he felt you clench all around his fingers. “bet y’taste delicious” he said as he lowered himself to your cunt.
“can I taste you princess? I bet you wanna be cleaned, right?” He asked for permission, before you nodded “mkay” you muttered and he looked at you, staring into your eyes as he connected his lips to your pussy, lapping at it, sliding his tongue over the slit and sucking on your clit.
“mm’bunny, you want a pillow?” He asked nicely against your pussy, it was a contrast to what he was doing, sucking at your clit with all he could, you let out a quiet moan, and he pulled away from your pussy, you let out a dissatisfied noise before he lifted your head up gently and placed a pillow below you.
It was easy to forget how nice he was, especially with he was treating you and.. your ass. But the gentleness from his hands made you feel comforted.
“I want you now bunny… you see how hard I am?” He said unzipping his pants and pulling both his pants and boxers down to let his cock be visible to you. You could see the precum smeared on his boxers.
You almost didn’t notice him lower back to your pussy until he said— “yeah put your legs over my shoulders, I’ll make you feel good, y’trust me bunny?” He asked licking at your clit again.
You nod and mutter a “yeah, I trust you”
“Good, now can I get inside this perfect cunt?” He asked you as you nodded, “good girl, bunny” he said as he slid his cock in.
He gave you a minute to adjust to his size, and used that time to give you a few hickeys on your collarbone and neck.
He moved very slightly and heard you quietly ask if he could move now, he nodded for you and moaned as he started moving. “mm’ffuck bunny, you feel so good” he said as his skin slapped against you.
“Your so warm around me” he said kissing you “just take it” he put more weight on you to fuck deeper into you, “yeah take it bunny, that’s my sweet bunny, sweet n’sexy bunny” he said.
“Too much for you? too deep for my bunny to handle?” He asked, even if you said yes he probably wouldn’t have stopped, only if you asked him too, he could tell you enjoyed this, maybe even a bit more than him.
“You still okay baby?” He asked as he went quicker and harder into you “y-yeah” was all you could get out before he kissed you again. “Fuck that’s it, yeah..” he trailed off as he slammed harder, if that was even possible.
“My perfect bunny” he said, “y’close? Yeah?” He asked as you nodded at his first question, “me too, m’gonna come with you, yeah” he said kissing your cheek.
“That’s it, shit, if you keep squeezing me like that, I’ll come” “mm’ffuck” he started getting a little lost in it two, as he began whimpering and trying to go quicker for you to reach your high.
“You want me to come in you bunny?” He asked, “yeah you’d like the idea of having some kids with me after I fill you up, huh?” He asked again as he was on the verge of coming. “I’d love to fuck some bunnies in you” he muttered, you almost didn’t hear him.
He reaches down and starts playing with our clit, “yeah you love that baby, you should see your face” he says rubbing only a little bit faster, “want you to come with me” he said.
“fuck” he said softly as he came along with you, and kissed you gently, his movement didn’t stop he continued sliding his cock as deep as he could in you but he was slower now, more gentle almost.
He gave you a second to rest before he slid out of you slowly, making sure you’d feel all of him.
He groaned quietly at the sight of you, “it’s leaking out of you bunny” he said as he stared at your guy’s cum mixed together, “you look so… sexy” he said “wanna get a taste of what we’re like, together” he said as he lowered himself down to your cunt again.
“m’no, too sensitive right, right now” you mumbled as you pulled softly at his hair. He chuckled quietly at your attempts to pull his face away from your cunt.
“Your too sensitive? I know baby, I know” he cooed “you can come for me again bunny, you have one more left for me, no?” He asked with a soft tone, hoping it would help his chances.
You decided to nod, you wanted it, you’d wanted him for a while now so why would you turn down his offer down.
He lapped at your pussy, sucking at your clit and even kissing it at some point, it was all so much and you came faster than the last two times. Maybe it was because you were sensitive, or it could possibly be because he was the first guy in your life to be so good at eating pussy.
He pulled away and laid down next to you while pulling you to lay on your side to look at him.
“been wanting to do that for so long” he admitted and placed another kiss on your cheek, “me, me too” you said relaxing, and snuggling up closer to him for more warmth.
“Really, I guess you should’ve worn a bunny costume sooner huh?” He said chuckling, “maybe” you simply said as you smiled at him. “Hm, I think we should clean up” he suggested and you nodded, “we should talk about, us” he said.
Right, now that you’ve had sex with your roommate and long-ish time crush, you should establish what you two were now. “C’mon bunny, I’ll clean you up, I’m sure a shower together would be nice right?” He said, as he picked you up by the back of your thighs.
“Yeah, a shower does sound good” you said wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder.
“and, since my bed is a mess how about I sleep with you tonight, wouldn’t want you to get cold” he said as he carried you into the bathroom. “Yeah” you said.
“you didn’t actually mean what you said right? That you liked the idea of fucking me to have kids, or as you said bunnies” you asked, “ah, uh, well I don’t hate the idea of having some bunnies with you, don’t get me wrong you’d look, great, pregnant” he chuckled “but only if you want them too, I’ll stuff you full of my cum as much as want and need” he said in a reassuring way.
“I don’t know if, having kids in university is the best idea, but I’m not opposed to having your babies” you said, it caught him by surprise, he had to take a quick moment to collect his thoughts.
“Yeah, but, you would look hot pregnant”
The end 😊 (happy ever after idk)
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luckykiwiii101 · 9 months
The Blair Bitch Project
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And who am I? That’s one secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me. XoXo - Gossip Girl 💋 💌
Welcome back, Upper East Siders.
Call me superstitious, but I’ve got a feeling this winter could be your last season on this app. Let’s face it, I’ve been at this a long time. But age breeds wisdom. And this I know: the best is yet to come.
From all around the world our favourite Upper east siders are asking the same question. “How do i get what i want?!”
“Why can’t I have it?!?! ughhh this isn’t fair!!!”
Well, call me crazy, but bitching about it, won’t get you to your final destination. Only if you use it the right way………
Think fast B, bitch about it? or BITCH about it?
Yes, I’m talking about the Blair BITCH Project.
Since the Blair Witch Project is SO LAST SEASON, I’ve got something new to bring to the table. And no, it’s not a 5 star meal, it’s much sweeter, or should i say sour.
No one said being a Bitch would be easy.
Well……I could make an exception if your name is Georgina Sparks or Serena Van Der Woodsen. But the Bitchiest Bitch of all Bitches Is our Queen B, Blair Waldorf. It’s the season to put on your louboutons and do what you do best, Bitch about it.
They say history repeats itself. But looks like B is charting a brand new course to success. Who knew being such a B-word would get you so far? Gotta take a few notes from Queen B herself.
As Blair said “You can’t make people love you but you can make them fear you.”
Yes i’m talking about those pesky little negative assumptions you hold in that thick little head of yours. Holding on to the seats on the limousine like Blair and Chuck. Speaking of Chuck, let’s Chuck those assumptions away, far far away.
“How am I going to do that?”
Just be yourse-
Oops. The inner Georgina jumped out just there. I was going to say be a bitch, but I guess there’s no difference……… (Just kidding……or am I? XoXo. Nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a little mystery).
It’s B’s party, and she’ll cry if she wants to. Everytime you open this app, you will bitch about how easy it is for you to enter the void state and how you always wake up in it. It’s your choice really. Vaunt about it in your posts, or the replies to any void related post you see. Bitch about it randomly in your mind everytime the void state comes to mind. Shouldn’t be difficult for a Stage 5 Bitch.
Careful ladies and gents. It’s easy to fall into the valley of overconsumption. Maybe you’ll even come across a faux bitch claiming to own a Chanel purse, but when they’ve been caught red handed, you may even start to think that you can’t have a Chanel purse. How tragic.
Fuel that energy into full bitch mode and vaunt your anger/frustration/sadness/irritation into bitching all about it, and replacing those ugly assumptions with prettier ones. They need a serious MAKEOVER! Ew.
SPOTTED: B taking what seemed like a innocent little stroll down central park, but we all know everything B does is NEVER innocent. She’s been caught RED handed, drowning her two-faced wannabes (negative assumptions) in a lake in central park, after crying them a river (vaunting) and drowning them in it. A classic Blair Bitch move. I like it.
Wait……? Can you hear that? It’s B. She’s at it again. OH EM GEE! Cover your ears. It’s a full blown bitch attack!!!!
Negative Assumption:
“No you can’t hahahah ur so ba-.”
Careful ladies and gents. B might be the Big Bad Wolf in designer clothing.
Don’t become a bitch in the process……Or do, I don’t care. I see you. XoXo.
Still reading an American Horror Story? Close that damned book and open a new one. Just make sure it’s not the sequel. We don’t need a repeat of past……events.
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anemoiashifts · 1 month
how tiktok failed the shifting community
& how shiftok keeps you stuck idk what to call this. 🫶🏻
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to make this clear, i do not hate tiktok. i dont hate people on tiktok who want to shift. i dont have a problem with people on tiktok talking about shifting.
this post is not about anyone specific. ive sold a shifting journal on amazon. which may seem hypocritical though ive never made a promise that it will make you shift & its not supposed to.
!! this post isn’t an excuse to push all the communities problems on shiftok. much like the animal crossing community pre-new horizons, as communities grow bigger, its expected to bring some toxicity with it. problems exist in all corners of the internet & in certain groups.
however, there is a specific issue within the shifting community that involves tiktok & that is the integration of money & profit being made off of people’s desperation.
shifting was / can be presented as this alternative “safe place” & escape for people with serious mental illness that consist of not wanting to be living this life anymore. & that’s fine on its own. everything we do is a form of escapism like readings or watching tv. as long as it’s healthy, it’s harmless. ive touched on permashifting & sv!c!d4l ideation before but id like to piggyback off of that point.
to clarify for everyone new: i am not against perma-shifting. i am against some of the langue that is used around it. you don’t need to k!ll yourself to shift. this is what im speaking about.
when you have an audience that is deteriorating & only going through the motions of life, when your only desire is to get out of the situation you are in, is it extremely easy to profit off of vulnerable people. this fact paired with tiktok — where you get paid & your income is dependent on engagement — it becomes overwhelmingly clear why pushing out content that keeps their audience within arms reach of actually shifting. it’s more profitable if you have an audience of people who can’t shift & want to as opposed to an audience of people who can shift & don’t need validation from exterior sources. it becomes easy to ignore people’s struggles if that’s what you’re making money off of. there is a lack of a healthy viewpoint & balance within some parts of the community.
calling back to 2020 when shiftok was in its infancy, there was a lot of “pov” & storytime style content. there is nothing wrong with wanting to share your experiences but making “entertainment” is arguably much, much easier & profitable. keeping that in mind, why i believe the practice of shifting is so seemingly popular amongst a younger demographic is because it brings fandom spaces together. it’s one thing to watch a show & obsess over fictional characters & read fan fiction but to live alongside your favorite character & be equal with those you idolize, it can sound very appealing. keeping shifting as entertainment style content, it makes it no different then fanfiction & oc’s. again !! i have no problem with people speaking about their experiences / wants for when they shift but the issue is when people only focus on that & it becomes a numbers game.
i hold no issue with people selling their labor in any community but when you sell something with the promise to “make you shift” is when it becomes problematic. when you sell false promises & empty hope, you are also banking that your audience is desperate enough to cling to anything that reminds them of what they want. it speaks to how the creator views their audience to an extent & id argue is aware of the dozens of (mostly) children expressing their negative worldview that displays an unhealthy mentality.
this is why i don’t do general readings as frequently & personal readings at all anymore. quite honestly, it’s easy engagement. while not my intention, people often change their perspective & “make” things fit their situation. i hate hate hate to say this but in desperation, you can make a sign out of anything. this is not me trying to take away the feeling of internal knowing. to give this thought weight, i remember a while ago i posted a reading that was & has been channeled from a person in my desired reality. the comments were flooded by “i know who this is from” & “this is from this person in my dr”. i clarified in the video — the very first slide — that this was from a specific person & everyone completely ignored that fact to fit their beliefs. if you find meaning in something that’s great but when something is explicitly stated as one thing don’t manipulate it to fit yourself if it’s not truly meant for you. not every reading is supposed to resonate. by forcing it to it removes the intimate aspects of what is truly just for you. if everything has meaning, nothing has meaning.
circling back to my idea before, readings & “this message was meant for you content” does open the floodgates to tell their audience what they want to hear for the sake of growth, profit, engagement. yes, there are some readings that don’t pander to a specific group of views but those “stop scrolling this was meant for you, he’s thinking about you, if you see this letter or number it’s a sign & you should be expecting a phone call or someone to reach out to you soon” readings that come up on your fyp are eight times out of ten for engagement purposes & to tell you what you want to hear by using generic langue to make profit. no, not all readings are set up this way and not everyone thinks like this. there are plenty of people who don’t do it for money or attention. even if people did it for money, some people hold issue with that while others don’t. the like it or not, just make sure you’re doing it in a way that’s not making peoples mental situation worse & giving others false hope.
while not reading based, this sounds familiar when we acknowledge “shifting symptoms”. early on, people seemed to take them as being close to shifting & literally feeling the process of you becoming apart of your desired reality. now we know, all those tingles & twitched are only your body checking to see if you’re asleep. the name becomes very mis-leading when you take into that content.
the tldr of this post was when you intertwine spirituality & profit in spaces where people are desperate for something that feels larger then them, people’s actions can put bad tastes in people’s mouths. looking at tiktok, views = money. when numbers are given to people who have shifted & deemed influencers (because that’s how tiktok was pretty much designed) it becomes easy to see why some idolize to be like these people’s — “they shifted & i didn’t, they seem to have everything figured out, they must be better at it then i am, they must be special & not like the rest of us.” it creates a cycle of self doubt, unfortunately, while keeping you in the same “i can’t shift” mindset while these same people are selling a piece of them that you seemingly “lack”.
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aeruia · 2 months
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they think you’re too good for them and also think you’re doing this to boost your ego and make fun of them.
character/s : nirei akihiko & sakura haruka (seperated :3)
warning/s : tiny bit of angst , use of she/her pronouns , lowercase intended , ooc.. 😓
word count : 400-500
note : I didn't forget y’alls reqs i swear im just a slow worker /j also meaning of the title is just a synonym of misunderstand and thinks its cool hehe
꒰ the request 𖦹 masterlist 𖦹 wbk masterlist ꒱
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sakura haruka — 431 words
it appears that sakura isn’t the type of man to be affectionate towards someone and you’re aware of it seeing he’s having a hard time expressing his feelings. still with you being forward with your feelings there’s still doubt in his mind. he wasn’t used to people showing affection at him because all of his life people never accepted him.
you’re very pretty he will admit that, he can even scream that for the whole world to hear. you’ve been courting him for months and he realizes that you don’t have any plans on backing out. are you waiting for his answer before you play with his feelings? or you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity to make fun of him?
he couldn’t take it anymore as he started to avoid you. going the opposite direction whenever he sees you coming towards him. that goes on for weeks whenever you tried talking to him he’s already leaving.
you decided it was best if you stopped bothering him thinking that you’re being too pushy or forcing yourself at him as much as it hurts you — you didn't wanna see him avoid you without telling you the reason.
sakura misses you — he won’t admit it. no. as he was walking to get to his apartment, your friend noticing him as he was stopped by her.
“ you’re sakura, yes? ” she said straight forward as he nodded. “ i am.. what happened to [name]? ” he asked also straight forward which your friend finds it odd since every time you talk about him saying how shy he is.
“ she’s not doing great. she has been focusing too much on her studies and even sometimes forget to eat. she said she’s alright but we all know she isn’t. i know what happened to the both of you, she’s serious about you. ” she explain, sakura’s heart dropped when he heard your friend said " she’s serious about you. "
he thanked your friend as the first thing he did was go to your apartment to check on you. when the door opened you were stunned when he quickly hugged you. “ your friend told me everything, i thought you were doing it to make fun of me.. ”
you laughed at what he said as you explained that everything you showed him is genuine and that you will never make fun of someone’s feelings. sakura feels his heart softened at what you said to him.
a few weeks after, you and sakura are all good again as he often comes to your apartment to study with you or cuddle while you play with his hair.
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nirei akihiro — 525 words
nirei wasn’t used to how straightforward and bold you are about your feelings on him. also doesn't get why you’re so proud that you’re courting him? he doesn’t get it because he can’t fight properly or even defend himself so why are you proud of him?
every time his lips will come out of your mouth he feels himself get flustered while you hug him. of course, that doesn’t last long as he found himself thinking that perhaps you’re doing this for him to answer you then when you two became together you will make fun of him and say that it was all just a bet you made your friends.
nirei also thinks that you’re gorgeous and thinks that you’re way out of his league so he thinks that you’re just toying with him as a result of him avoiding you — afraid that for the times you two are together you will leave him.
result of him staying away from you — you didn't notice it thinking that he was just busy when you don’t see him the whole day. weeks pass by and you never still never saw him if you did he’s walking or running whenever you try to approach him.
“ nirei!- oh ” you greeted the blonde hair but you can’t see the familiar blonde boy which made you frown, leaving to talk with your friend.
your friend advises you to stop which you didn't want to but you did it anyway as you drowned yourself on your works and chores.
nirei was walking down the streets as he spotted you in the cafe you're working at having the urge to come up to you as he stopped himself from that, a sigh escaping his lips before walking away when someone stopped him.
“ go back and greet her. ” nirei tilted his head to the side as he blinked. “ she’s waiting for you, if you ever think she’s doing all of this to make fun or play with you she isn’t. ” the one who stopped him says as he remained quiet. “ she told me that you had been avoiding her so she choose to ignoring you too yet she still wanted to spend most of her free time with you. ” nirei was stunned as he didn’t realized your friend had walked away.
after minutes of contemplating he decided to go back and greet you her eyes lit up when she saw the familiar blonde as she stopped whatever she was doing and ran up to hug him. “ nirei! i miss you so much! ” you cried burying your face in his chest — startled by the sudden action before wrapping his hands around you.
the two of you talked for a bit as nirei apologized for staying away from you and that he was just scared and you understand it so you brushed it off saying it was okay.
even if you said it was okay he still felt bad so he took you on a date after your shift as he watched you drag him to your favorite place. smiling because of how stupid he is from thinking that you would make fun of him.
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date posted : 072124
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mlm-mod-taka · 4 months
Hi there! I'm here to request a little something I've had bouncing around in my head a while and I feel like you'd do a great job at writing it! I'd like to request Taka, Gundham, Fuyu, and Kiyo with an S/O who's basically a giant compared to them and is suuuuuuper affectionate and friendly. Like the first time they met, the reader picked them up and basically swooped then into a hug raving about how adorable they are. You don't have to do it ofc, but if you agree to I CANNOT wait to see the
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HAVING A BIG, AFFECTIONATE, FRIENDLY S/O • taka, gundham & fuyuhiko x gn reader
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first off, i just want to say i am so sorry that you had to wait for so long, i just got back from my two year long break. second, im also sorry, however, i do not write for korekiyo, so i simply didn't include him. i do apologize for not asking if you wanted to replace him with another character, this request has been pending for so long that i decided against it. third, this is more a story in bullet point form than actual headcanons. despite all of this, i hope you can still enjoy this long awaited request.
tws/cws: yelling, cursing, threatening and violence. (mostly during fuyuhiko's part)
|| -> mod taka <3
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at first, kiyotaka will admit that he was quite intimidated by you. seeing someone extremely taller than him isn't an everyday occurrence. yes, many other people were taller than him, but not by such a large degree, usually.
however, if he stood next to you, he'd seem like an overgrown child. so, naturally he was on-edge whenever you were near him, since you could probably easily beat him up if you wanted to.
but he had to remind himself that he was the ultimate moral compass! it doesnt matter how strong or large you are, he will discipline and scold you when it was needed. he will never back down from a fight when it comes to morals, even if he could easily lose that fight.
when you two first met, he decided to make the polite decision to introduce himself. once he was done with his maticulously-worded greeting, (that he had planned last night) he was expecting you to respond in a rude tone, filling the delinquent expectations that he had made of you based on your appearance in his head. but instead...
he was met with the biggest, tightest, and closest hug of his life. his first thought was to hug you back, which he was about to follow, until he remembered that you were in a public space and this would technically be considered as pda.
once he realized that revelation, he immediately pulled away from the hug, scolding you about touching people in public without permission. while your hug was extremely warm and welcoming, he forced himself to keep up his own rules.
you just stood there, very still while he gave you a lecture about being physically affectionate with someone you barely know. he also proceeded to go on a mini rant about the negative effects of pda, but you werent listening to any of it.
you were mainly just focused on how he seemed very passionate about keeping the peace, which made him look weirdly cute. people often look very adorable to you whenever they were talking about something they cared alot about, which is what ishimaru was currently doing.
you interrupted his planned speech about keeping ourselves civil, to compliment him about how cute he looked. taka immediately stopped in his tracks, looking at you like you just spoke a forbidden sentence.
"...pardon?" kiyotaka asked, but it sounded more like a flustered squeak he made out of surprise. you repeated your comment about him, watching his face slowly turn more red, realizing that you were being serious about what you said, and that you weren't mocking him like others do.
after the initial shock wore off, he reacted exactly how he expected you to, which was scolding you passionately again. however, it didn't sway your mind, he still looked very adorable to you while he was practically going teacher-mode on you because you called him "cute."
what you didnt expect, however, was what he said right when he finished telling you off. "thats all! i hope you have learned your lesson!... and while i don't agree with your methods of doing so, i do appreciate the compliment." he added the last part on with a rushed shout, then immediately left, trying to hide his red face from you.
from then on out, you actively seeked taka, and tried to befriend him, which he accepted. you still don't tone down your affectionate-ness and compliments at all, but he seems to be scolding you less and less. in fact, he seems like he anticipates them now, which makes you happy. little did you both know, that this friendship would lead to so much more.
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gundham is the same as taka. he was intimidated by your large stature, and general... bigness. however, gundham tanaka is no coward, he will challenge anyone who dares compete against tanaka the forbidden one!
he walked up to you, with extreme confidence, and started his usual menacing speech about how he was a more powerful entity compared to you "mortals". before he could even finish the first sentence, you interrupted with a sentence that caught his " mighty" act off guard.
"aw, you're so adorable! like those hampsters that are on your shoulder! you're almost as cute as them!" were your first words to him. before his mind would even catch up to the strange sentences you just uttered to him, you grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug.
gundham needed a solid few seconds to compose himself before he speaks at all. the devas are all squirming in his scarf, also caught by surprise from the strong hug you gave them. once he does process the situation enough to not look like a shocked puppy, he immediately starts thrashing in your large arms.
"release me from your armed trap at once, mortal!" he says in a mix of rage and panic. you quickly let him go, feeling a slight pain from how haphazardly he was moving in your grasp, and also because he didn't seem like he wanted to be hugged, if the sentence he spoke to you was anything to go by.
when he was released, the first thing he did after dusting himself off was restart his original speech of him being the supreme overlord of ice, but this time, he added that you are a very bold human for having the gal to touch someone so "highly superior" with such carelessness.
...or something along those lines. you weren't sure. your ears were only processing a muddled version of a few of the words he was saying, the rest was a blur. mainly because you weren't really paying attention to what he was going on about, you were just focusing on the cute, confident look on his face. along with the cute hamsters resting cozily in his scarf.
gundham stopped talking once he realized that you weren't looking him in the eye, or even anywhere near his face. you were staring at his neck, so he looked down to see his friends, then shot a sharp glaze at you after realizing why you weren't paying attention to his great speech.
"why are you looking at the dark devas of destruction, mortal? rather than listening to the words im gracing you with? you are not worthy to be in their presence, or mine." he continued death glaring at you, crossing his arms while waiting for your answer to his question.
"oh- im sorry... my lord? i was just admiring how cute and fuzzy the... dark devas? looked!" you gave the hamsters a small wave while speaking. you didn't know why he was speaking strangely and giving his pets such uncommon nicknames, but you didn't mind. you thought it was a little cute, actually.
of course, gundham was used to the compliments towards the devas. however, he wasn't taking the adjectives "cute" and "fuzzy" very well. they were evil! they were his partners in crime! how dare you call them such belitting names? before he could scold you again, you quickly swept the rug from under him again.
you quickly butted in, and started unconsciously showering him in compliments. calling him well-spoken, cool, dressed nicely, had cool hair, handsome, and such. you also added how his voice was very pleasant to listen to, and that his eyes were very expressive and clear.
as the flattering statements added on and on, he got more and more flustered. his slight stuttering from being caught off guard by the first two quickly because full-on sputtering with his face almost becoming as red as mahirus hair.
before you could make him even more speechless, he took the very little confidence he had left to attempt to make his usual "super big and bad evil" goodbye statement, but a very shortened and messy version escaped his lips instead, with him quickly scattering away before more of his pride was taken away by your giant cursed goodness.
while you were left confused as to why he left so suddenly, you quickly bid him adieu, continuing on with your day in hopes that you two would meet again, and maybe, just maybe, you would get along with each other.
little did you know that he was secretly plotting your demise for daring to treat him like that, muttering his evil plans to the dark devas, feeling that he needed to avenge them because of how you described them as if they weren't his wicked subordinates!
...deep down though, he would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to seeing your large, smiley self again. you were one of the few people who didn't scrutinize his personality, and he greatly appreciates it. maybe, when you acknowledge how truly devious he was, then, you could be acquiantances. or something deeper than that.
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lets be honest, fuyuhiko would really really dislike you when he first meets you. he has this ideology that people who are positive and kind are fooling him, trying to catch him off guard and trap him with their fake happiness. given his family and who he is, he was taught to be skeptical of almost everyone, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he was skeptical towards you.
everytime you even attempted to get near him, he either yelled at you to back or else he'd shank you, or peko would step in, quickly telling you to leave with her hands already on her sword handle in case you try to push it.
you would try for weeks to even have a slight chance of talking to him, because he is the only person out of your class that you haven't had a personal connection with. heck, you even started to have a slight bond with peko when she wasn't busy protecting fuyuhiko!
if you were being honest, you were genuinely starting to give up on having him warm up to you. you knew that no matter how hard you try, some people will still find ways to dislike you. you thought that this would be one of those unfortunate cases, and you were on the edge of accepting it.
until that one night. you were having trouble sleeping, and nothing seemed to be working. you knew that it was probably too late for anyone to be awake right now, so you decided to take an evening stroll around the school. maybe the walking would tired you out.
you walk out of your dorm, only to see kuzuryu starting absent mindedly at the stars in the late night sky. he looked so... at ease. the sound of a door opening and footsteps started him, and his attitude quickly did a 180, turning aggressive.
"what the hell are you doing sneaking up on me like that?! are you gonna try to fool me again, huh? with your fake smiles and over-the-top hugs?" he yelled, paying no mind to the fact that it was 4am, and he could wake someone up.
you reassured him that you weren't going to hurt him, but to be honest, you were hurt at the accusation that it was fake. you wanted to speak your feelings, but you felt like that would make him more on edge, so you just ignored that hurt for now.
disregarding your word, he told you to stay far away from him, pointing at the very end of the balcony he was leaning against. you did what you were told, not wanting to agitate him further. to be honest, this is probably the nicest he's been to you so far. usually, he'd just tell you to fuck off, so you weren't about to let this rare opportunity to talk to him slip pass you.
after a few moments if silence, you decided to ramble a bit, maybe that'll warm him up to you. you talked about everything you could, random stuff you thought of, all the way to deep philosophical conversations that would make you ponder at night.
fuyuhiko didn't look like he was listening, if anything, he looked as if he was spacing out and using you as a white noise machine. however, that was better than his usual response of him threatening you, so you kept going.
eventually, he said something, cutting you off mid-rant. "you know, you don't have to keep up the act right now." "what do you mean?" "i know you're lying, just admit it to my face so you can stop using all your energy trying to convince me you're a good person."
ouch, that stung. but, this is the longest he's talked to you in private, you couldn't let this go. "well, what if i told you it wasn't a lie?" you smiled at him. "bullshit. no one is ever that positive or nice."
"well, i am. and i'll prove it to you if you'll let me!" "pffft. yeah right. do you just want me to believe that someone as big as you isn't a secret spy or assassin? don't even try."
"im not. i can prove it to you." you were so close. he was talking to you, he was actually talking to you! you would have preferred if the conversation was more positive, yes, but he was talking to you! you were getting somewhere!
"really?" he paused, you could see his eyebrows slightly furrow in thought. "fine, since these other students are making things boring as hell, i'll let you prove it to me."
...it was that easy? all you had to do was say that you were willing to prove it at a balcony when it was 4am? it was a bit anti-climactic, but hey, you weren't complaining. "great! you won't regret this!" you walked to hug him before he put his tough guy act on again.
"don't. touch. me. i said i'd let you prove it to me, not use me as a personal cuddle bear. with how different we look, i think you'd crush me." "ah, not much of a hugger? sorry, i get it. should've asked first."
he yawned. "yeah you should've. anyways, i'm hitting the sack. kill me in my sleep and ill haunt you forever." fuyuhiko spoke as he walked back to his dorm room.
"i won't!" you replied, waving him goodbye. you know it was small progress, but you're getting somewhere. you'll definitely gain his trust.
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vaguesxrrow · 2 months
can you PLEASE do a fic of different times the avengers find out something new about natasha. IK ITS REALLY RANDOM but i saw a prompt on PINTEREST. PINTEREST. AGES AGO and i cannot stop thinking about it. like it could be whilst shes drunk and doesnt stop talkin about secrets about herself she wouldnt usually say or like she'd tell them about the most concerning things ever happening to her in the red room and smile n shrug or smth. IDM ANY SHIPS so u can choose (or just none x). THIS IS REALLY RANDOM but THANK YOU if u actually end up writing this.
first marvel fic !! so glad it's a nat centric one bc i love her sm. that being said, i dont want to minimise how traumatic the red room was for her so im considering writing a p2 to this where she talks about it properly..
drunk natasha - blackhill
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a/n: this is in the pov of tony, but there is maria/nat at the end. also all the avengers are there but sadly not all of then have dialogue :((
cws: talk of the red room (although unexplicit, pls be wary!)
wc: 492
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tony probably shouldn't have spiked the booze.
how do you spike booze, you might be asking? well, if anyone asked, he would give a vague response like, "you can spike anything if you put your mind to it." if natasha romanoff - the person who had arguably been the most affected by it - asked, he would run away to save his life.
anyway, he probably shouldn't have spiked the booze, because now natasha - the person (excluding thor, steve, and bucky, because they had a biological advantage) with the highest alchohol tolerance of them all was tipsy, and rambling.
it was definitely a sight to behold.
"what booze is this?" natasha asked, for the third time that night. her russian accent was more prominent now that she was intoxicated. "oh! my favourite. when i was in the red room, one of my targets had this brand, and i... i poisoned it." her voice lowered to a whisper, and she giggled conspirationally.
tony, along with the other 5 avengers, froze. natasha had never talked about her time in the red room before, and he wasn't sure if she even wanted to now, or if it was the vodka making her loose-lipped.
bruce, who was the only one still semi-sober, began to protest. "nat, maybe you should-"
"it's fiiine, brucie." she waved him off, leaning into the cushioned couch. suddenly, she perked back up. "oh! another funny story, when i was out on a mission with another girl, we got drunk. i- i kissed her, and... it was on purpose, that time. before, we would have to kiss and stuff as part of the act, but with lyubov i wanted it."
"and stuff?" clint noted with concern. the archer had been the first to down 2 consecutive drinks, and also the first to lead a game of drunk pictionary, but now he seemed dead serious.
tony was 90% drunk himself, but even he was beginning to get worried about nat.
natasha smiled demurely, seemingly oblivious.
"how old were you?" tony blurted.
she thought about it for a while. "fourteen.” she began singing. “you just don't step inside to, to fourteen years. ha. that song was playing earlier." she made finger guns, pretending to shoot at tony while grinning. "guns n roses."
suddenly (and thankfully) maria walked in. natasha immediately greeted her girlfriend, demanding a kiss. maria complied, although it was chaste, and pulled away when nat tried to deepen it.
"what did you boys do to my girlfriend?" maria asked. "stark, i'm talking to you."
tony cringed. "i may have.. spiked the booze."
she narrowed her eyes. tony was prepared to kiss life goodbye then and there, but natasha sat up and hugged maria, awkwardly given their position. she looked down softly at her girlfriend, before giving tony another glare.
"i'm taking her back to our room," maria announced. "and i am never leaving her alone with you lot ever again."
“that's fair,” echoed steve softly.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
Why do you insist on infantilizating the characters who were victims of Tommy, who have clearly forgiven and embraced him? Do you think you know better than them? You act as though every Tommy fan is a damn nazi while ignoring the actual POV of the characters of color affected by his actions.
Btw there are absolutely context clues given in the early eps that Tommy could be queer.
Stop acting like you speak for anyone but yourself. There have been a lot of posts by black, queer men, that are pro-Tevan that you seem happy to ignore. If you think Tommy is a racist, unforgivable character, fine. But you can't stop acting like you somehow staked a claim to some moral high ground here when the reality is you wouldn't care at all if he didn't threaten your ship.
oh look guys i pissed them off again by calling them out on their bullshit :) it’s been a while i was wondering when you’d show your (anonymous bc you know people would call you on your shit if you weren’t) faces here
i have never called you people “nazi’s” and think it’s vile that you view being called out on the constant defense of this blatantly racist character as an equivalent to being called a nazi
it’s disgusting behavior to say “oh you think im a nazi if you disagree with me” when you’re being called out and i cannot believe you had the absolute gall to say something like that on my blog
you are not a victim. this is the victim mentality i was talking about.
you say im only threatening by him bc he “threatens my ship” meanwhile the show has not treated him as a serious LI, and has actually taken more time to ignore him/parallel him to buck’s previous failed LI’s than setting him up as a serious contender for edngame w buck. you’re the ones (rightfully) threatened by eddie because he actually had plot armor and has a character that’s not a bunch of stolen headcanons that you’ve all placed on him
you guys love to call it infantilizing poc characters when we, yknow, fairly call out negative behavior but then you get so upset when people make valid criticisms of his character because you know his personality and character have no actual stability within the plot because he has not been developed beyond being racist and being gay
it’s funny that you ignore hen’s standoffish at best attitude towards him simply because you know that if hen was blatantly against him, you would have no leg to stand on because they’re never going to treat him as more important than hen
idk how what “context clues” you’re talking about in early eps regarding tommy being gay, but even if there were, that doesn’t excuse his actions. there has been no narrative development past his early episodes portrayal aside from them slapping a rainbow on him so they had someone to get buck out of the closet
i can direct you to countless people who agree with me on this, so i am not speaking for myself unlike most tommy cultists bc you all just woul rather take lukewarm queer rep when it’s a white racist man than the potentially groundbreaking queer story that can be told
sorry but that doesn’t give me positive vibes
you people love to bash main poc characters for their flaws and storylines when they actually take the time to tell these stories and provide context, yet when tommy is racist and misogynistic to hen and chimney, you all suddenly find it fine to forgive him the moment he kissed buck
i don’t claim to be on some “moral high ground” but you people have no room to claim that either when your fandom are out here spreading nothing but anonymous hate to people who call you out on your bullshit, while you also harrass the cast and crew for not giving your favorite racist a spotlight.
i fear you don’t have any stake to claim on whether or not someone is or isn’t “morally superior”
do me a favor and block me so i don’t have to lose braincells trying to process the bullshit that comes put of your brain while trying to defend a racist man
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pjsk-headcanons · 20 days
*VERY DEEP INHALE* nIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHTTCORDDDDDD i am so excited im gonna be yapping so hard. prepare yourself aaaAaaAAAAAA
n25-> kanade (unit leader), tsukasa, shiho, akito (great lineup am i right)
n25 -> midnight dream|space
-cue kanade backstory as usual. sorry i think mds is not gonna have any of a better time than canon niigo. oops hehe (drops a ton of angst on them sorry they are my favourites)
-while uploading a melody to some anonymous website, she notices people talking about a different artist in her old uploads. she checks the artist out, listens to a few songs. follows the artist, named SUTA. (all of the nicknames have meaning ;) however, something seems. off.
-this happens again with an artist called nasake. kanade doesnt think much of it.
-a week or two pass when she gets a message in nightcord from SUTA. they want to pair up. kanade agrees reluctantly to call with them to discuss the partnership. during the call, kanade says she wants more people in the group (namely nasake because of the "weird feeling" and because oh my god this guy is kinda loud. its midnight and he so loud my ears)
-yknow what happens. nasake joins the partnership out of curiousity and recommends another artist that they should invite because the music sounds similar.
-kanade listens to their songs. gets the same weird feeling. agrees.
-said artist (called aimai) happily agrees to the partnership and they join a few calls, never talking. they make some demo songs.
-after everyone else logs off, kanade works for a little longer. miku heyyy oh miku wh
-enters sekai. its called house SEKAI. keyword house not home ;)
-insert "i need to save them" stuff i cant think of dialogue
-next day, kanade asks them to meet up because she "needs to get more cup noodles" (actually trying to observe their irl behaviour)
-meetup happens
-kanade resolves to save them. the rest are oblivious to what theyve gotten themselves into
kanade = K
tsukasa = SUTA
shiho = nasake
akito = aimai
all of these have meaning. also i think its funny that akitos nickname is similar to his VAs
okay i did some quick changes to make this work (and because i love bullying my favs)
-okay. remember akitos "good boy" persona? *cranks it up to max* oops so basically its his entire personality because i feel like it doesnt have enough exploration in canon. basically like more than canon mafuyus "good girl" persona.
-also. never went to rad weekend and continued soccer. still does soccer.
-shinonomes and hinomoris live in a very cough tense situation. shiho is like 10x more distrustful than in canon because of the childhood friends thing. also shizuku and ena...uh we dont talk about them
-tsUKASA TENMA. probably a little less loud than in canon and is a lot more serious. still aiming to be a star. is overbearing and worries over saki a lot (much to her dismay)
-tsukasa does the editing and occasionally the composing, shiho does the art(cause akito dont wanna you loser)and sometimes recreates the instrumental, akito does the lyrics (they all need equal amounts of saving this is not gonna be a mafuyu-akito focus)
kanade - tsukasa -> "so loud...so serious?", "hospital encounter" (yk 💀), "prioritizing your health over mine" (please take care of yourself tsucaca and kanade)
shiho - akito -> "distant feelings", "i dont have any siblings" (lying), "dreams long extinguished" (auououuuauu)
tsukasa - shiho -> "my sisters old friend?", "not knowing you felt this way", "aiming for rekindled friendships"
akito - kanade -> "inside, outside", "heat haze rescue!" (reference to my imagined event of when kanade gets heatstroke and the rest of mds has to take care of her), "to relive past memories"
kanade - shiho -> "instrument pros", "family predicament", "burning resolve" (anon try not to bully kanade challenge impossible)
tsukasa - akito -> "orange hair 'buddies'", "troublemaking senior", "the real me?" (koughsghshhgggh)
dONE WITH THE LORE WOOHOO. SEKAIPOSTING NEXT AND PLAYLISTS AFTER...MAYBE SOME MORE CROSS-UNIT TRUST RANKS...also to anyone who reblogs in the tags i see them and you guys are literally the best
have a great day mod 👍 see you next time!!
🌐 anon
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vee-lociraptor · 27 days
@james-spooky had to get out my laptop for this one /pos. im so sorry if you notice the pattern where several of these are indeed written by my mutuals. my mutuals are really good writers i cannot help this. i will not be tagging any of them because im about to be so cringe on main about their work. under the cut because i accidentally rambled
SupposedToBeWriting on ao3 (organchordsandlightning on tumblr) is really good!! she has a very good characterization of both john and arthur (from what i know she usually portrays them platonically) and she describes things beautifully :) i hear really good things about her writing in general but in particular i have bookmarked - A Light in the Dark (set in s1, coma arthur) - alike and together (spoilers for part 29, very much love this one) - The Alleyway Monster (set vaguely part 6) - A Body Divided (crossover with the monstrous agonies podcast, which i do not know, but very silly and i enjoy it)
WordsINeedToGetOut on ao3 (gayghostrights on tumblr) also has great depictions of arthur and john and writes them more as like. not romantic not platonic not qpr but a secret fourth thing. very fun to read. they have some good sfw fic but if nsfw isnt your thing (and it very much is. not mine) mind their tags. - i specifically follow their "a family found and made" series it's. so nice. it's post canon but an au of sorts so there's not really spoilers - what does and does not fit (post-part 43 john doe poem im Very Normal about (i met him because i was being feral about it)) - again. please mind his tags.
dearcaspian on ao3 (lighthouseshepard on tumblr) is an absolutely phenomenal writer and i am not biased about this at all. please trust. in all seriousness his prose reads like poetry it's so nice to get to read it every time. i know waltz already recommended it but take it as peer review because no sweeter innocence is mind altering. i read all like 28,000 words of it at the time in one go at two in the morning kind of mind altering. (visibly shaking) it's. really good - other than that they write really good separate bodies jarthur fic that makes me feral - i dont even have specific recommendations all of it makes me sick. go forth. some of it is on his tumblr go get it. - i LIED a kind of quiet holy makes me more sick than a lot of the rest of it. call me touch starved if you want but i will say that on main
safe_ship_habored on ao3 (izel-scribbles on tumblr) only has a few works and mostly writes dollins at this point but they're really good! i think they've posted some exclusively on tumblr? can't think of anything specific right now but ik i've read the most toothaching john and arthur fluff /pos from them
i don't want to talk about this one. lea's going to see it. im going to do it anyway because it is my favorite malevolent fic and i feel you should know about it. there is a fic and it's on tumblr and it's called when the land was godless and free. it is by percymawce-arts and ananxiousgenz on tumblr. i am insane about it. it is a cowboy au and it is somewhat suggestive (moaning making out sort of thing) but the prose is so so good. the characterization and the way they translate malev characters into a western cowboy setting is phenomenal. it has catholic guilt in it. it has yearning. it's romantic jarthur and if it's not your thing i get it but percy and lea both really cooked on this one. i know i've posted about it on tumblr before. i am so aware that one of the authors is my mutual now lea don't look.
i am rambling so hard right now i have more. im not even done. im so sorry - styrofoamdoor (ao3 and tumblr) has a noel character study on their ao3 account and it's so good and i am thinking about it always. it's set post-episode 40. - ETA, never change by green_tea_and_honey SO silly and goofy and yet. also serious somehow. au where arthur has a phone and john messes around with it - come, wayward souls is also by green_tea_and_honey and i havent read it yet but it IS an over the garden wall crossover and i love that show so much - kiss me better is the only work i've read by SeerOfTime but i hear really good things about their malevolent fic so i will definitely be checking them out in the future
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bisexualfemalemess · 3 months
Live reaction episode 5:
I’m a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see Penelope’s answer to colin’s proposal but in my head she just straight up faceplanted outta that carriage. On another note, colin constantly looking back at her to check on her is peak protective husband. Colin ‘my wife’ bridgerton indeed. Also Penelope’s so loved by his family and not him being willing to fight Eloise, his own sister, like hold your horses buddy. El baby she’s loved him since you guys were children. Both are honestly valid and i love them both so much, i just need my peneloise besties back right now. Like so expeditiously. Awww, colin checking up on pen. He’s truly already so far gone. I’M SORRY THE TREE???? What the actual fuck???? Lady tilley arnold needs to get the fuck off my screen. I’ve never read the books but booktok and twitter made me love sophie already, i need her. Not pen listening to her family reading LW Lmaoo she seems so smug about it. EY LADY DANBURY HAPPY ABOUT POLIN THEY’RE SO LOVED BY EVERYONE. KANTHONY MY BABIES. MY PARENTS ARE GONNA BE ACTUAL PARENTS STFU. Anthony’s so feral for her 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 aww hyacinth is so excited to tell them about polin’s new engagement my daughter fr. HYACINTH OMG IJBOL NOT HER SAYING GREGORY’S THE FAMILY PET I’MMA DIE. Eloise baby she did not use you, she loves you and you love her so make up bitches. Cressida is so gay for eloise no one can tell me otherwise. OH MY GOD NOT THE BOOK LINE ABOUT HIS LOVE BEING A THUNDERBOLT FROM THE SKY SOMEONE SEDATE ME (might need to make a part two and i’m only 10 minutes in) they’re not even married yet and Benedicts like “your wives” she’s always been a bridgerton for real. PORTIA I AM INDIFFERENT TOWARDS YOU BUT BACK OFF FROM MY GIRLY AND DON’T MAKE HER DOUBT HER RELATIONSHIP. COLINS SO HOT TELLING PORTIA OFF SOMEONE GET ME SOME HOLY WATER OR SOMETHING JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. HE’S BEEN WITH HER FOR LESS THAN 24 HOURS AND HE’S ALREADY THROWING AROUND THE L-WORD OH HE FELL SO HARD FOR HER IMMA THROW MYSELF IN FRONT OF A MOVING TRUCK. MIRROR SCENE OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ALRIGHT ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENING OH HIS SPEECH IMMA KILL MYSELF IM SO SERIOUS. THIS IS PERFECT OH MY GOD, NICOLA COUGHLAN IS A GODESS AND THEIR CHEMISTRY IS SO PALPABLE. “LIE DOWN” THAT WAS SO FUCKING HOT, COLIN BRIDGERTON CAN COMMAND ME AROUND ANY DAY. Sex scene, sex scene, sex scene….TO POV???? Oh, that’s such a beautiful song choice. This is literally so intimate, i feel like I’m intruding. Colin bridgerton is a canon consent man and as a woman i think that’s so sexy. That was the cutest sex scene of my life, cute, hot, awkward, everything a first time is supposed to be (i wouldn’t know🙊) KANTHONY SCENE. HES THE CUTEST ALL KISSING HER STOMACH. Newton and Anthony always beefing. Their so cute 😫😫😫. Awww John and Francesca are so cute as well. Awwww him asking about marriage 😖😖😖. VISCOUNTESS KATE IN ACTION MY BABY GIRL. She’s working overtime being pregnant, viscountess and giving eloise advice. She clocked peneloise’s tea. AWW Post-sex polin is the cutest with the book line too 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and the teasing!!! They’re truly so friends to lovers. NOT HER GETTING INTERRUPTED WHEN SHE WANTS TO TELL HIM SHE’S WHISTLEDOWN. FUCK ASS SERVANTS. Oh poor pen having to listen to her fiancé trash-talk her without knowing he’s taking about her, like i wouldn’t tell him i’m Whistledown either after this, bet. Also they literally have no sense of personal space and it’s too cute. Aww a colin and eloise talk. THEY WERE INSEPARABLE AND THEY NEED TO BE AGAIN SOON OR IMMA DO SOMETHING SO DRASTIC I SWEAR TO GOD. Peneloise as bestie sister-in-law’s is something that i need so bad it’s like not even funny anymore. Penelope’s sister need to leave her the fuck alone and portia needs to leave her ulterior motives at the door even penelope was like what the hell is going on. I don’t really mind will and alice plot honestly they’re just a cute married couple, much like polin will be. OH MY GOD NOT BENEDICT CALLING KATE SISTER IM DYING IM DECEASED. THAT FUCK ASS TOP HAH OH MY LORD. NOT COLIN CALLING PENELOPE HIS BRIDE TO BE 🫠
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