#i am speaking the truth
annimator · 8 months
Pissers when Phil and Missa are on at the same time:
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battlships · 2 years
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You know that one time Guy Gardner got a Star Sapphire ring in Emerald Warriors? Well I’ve been haunted by it so I commissioned from @vioislit to redesign the bland outfit they gave him into something more befitting the Star Sapphire title. 
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serendipi777y · 1 year
Mfw Realizing Mattel will sell weird uncanny Margot Robbie faced Barbies and people will buy it because they are Horny for Margot and want a weird little doll of her and then Barbie will have full circled back to the original Bild Lili dolls intention
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skeleton-on-wheels0 · 2 years
y'all, I have just woken up from a dream in which Smaug was human and actually hurt Thorin while SINGING about how love or power(I'm not sure which one) is a gift, then he(Smaug) returned to the king's headquarters in Erebor, where he hoarded the things he found most precious. BUT a very sexy lady, in a very simple dress comes and seduces him and I think that she was going to kill him like a woman in the Bible, but I'm not sure since the dream ended when I turned in bed. Also, that very sexy lady is also an elf.
By the way, when Smaug hurt Thorin, Smaug got very big, like a dragon, but still halfway in his human form, and he had on one of his fingers Thrain's helmet like a ring, and for a moment before being hurt, Thorin saw his father's face in blue outlines where the helmet layed. Then Smaug took Thorin in his hand and I think crushed him.
Authors and artists alike, do what you want with this. Just tag me in the artwork so I can see it. I want to see stuff inspired by my dreams.
Edit : I just saw some GIFs with the Eagle scene in An Unexpected Journey. More precisely when Thorin gets picked up by one. THAT. THAT RIGHT THERE. Feels like my dream, when Thorin got crushed. Probably going to animate so it's easier to understand.
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aaivii · 3 months
Two cents on the DOTD because it is upsetting so many people 🤷‍♀️
DOTD is literally the award given, basis on whose fans are the most active and actively voting. So, for quite last few races it has always been Lando and I'm not surprised, because people other than him were usually Max, George, Charles and I think it was Lewis once, I might be wrong there. But what surprises me is the amount of people who vehement bad mouth Lando for it, and be like ooohh all the fangirls voting for him and it might even be true in his case, but again why is everyone surprised by it. It is literally fans of Max, George or let's say whoever there is against Lando's FANBASE. Other's of course might have driven much better than Lando (as was the case of DOTD in the Austrian GP but I think there was the case voting all closed before the crash happened so no changes could have been made anyways). If it was Lewis in any of those races it still would be other's fans vs Lewis fanbase. And Lewis would win it, I'm sure. Even I get super annoyed at the DOTD but not even a single time have I bothered to vote for the my driver. I'm just too lazy and definitely sure many of us don't or even if we do, it might be less compared to the ones on fanbase.
So, the point is this award is always going to go the famous driver which at times will or will not coincide with the winner. Jeez, I think it was the Monaco GP were at some point Valterri literally had higher percentage of votes just because he gad managed 1 or 2 overtakes during the race. So if you're down there on the ig bad mouthing a driver just because he is getting consistent DOTD, you're just barking up the wrong wall. Because, if the official accounts can take up adoption jokes in their tweets, they are very much aware and online enough to know the amount of people who are getting irked by the DOTD and still will not change it. So at the end of the day, hundreds of people are down in the ig comments saying this and that deserved that, and thousands of people will be with their own set of horrible comments setting up a chain reaction down there. So, at the end ultimately DOTD will continue to exist and you will lament blah blah blah, but FIA ultimately wins because hey any publicity is good publicity.
DOTD is not going to be abandoned probably guys, because at the end of the day it is one way of telling people that see, at least you're involved in one decision. It is fans against fanbase, and the latter would also win. (I write this because it is incredibly annoying and honestly disgusting to watch some of the ig comments, discrediting a driver just because he's getting DOTD or even here using the 'anti' tags. Because if you're the one with all the hateful comments then you might be allowing too much f1 into your daily life and probably should not, coming from someone who is ready to get done with the last weekend and how much it occupied my mind..😖😖).
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shortkingvi · 4 months
cleavage: fine, normal, seen often and regularly. appreciated, but normalized. can recover fairly quickly
underboob: fuck. oh fuck oh god. possibility of death or life-altering injury, shaking, sweating. earth shifts on its axis temporarily. things may never go back to normal
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littleliterarylesbian · 5 months
love the whole "Remus is gryffindor's casanova" most of you have going on but that is not me AT ALL.
He's a weird, lanky, scar covered book nerd loser who seemingly gets sick at least once a month and is the dude who's weirdly close with the nurse of all faculty. he is absolutely NOT getting bitches. he is getting ZERO play. his game is NON EXISTENT.
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saragrosie · 2 months
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As promised, incredibly stupid s4-5 drawings
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justicewasserved · 2 months
so I see a lot of people going "hahaha wild that Jon thinks everything (such as the apocalypse) is his fault when it REALLY isn't" and they would be correct but I keep thinking about why it is that he's like that. I think a lot of people simply put it down to "that's just how he is as a person" when I really think it's more of a combination between personality, how he was brought up (not that well) and the web.
in mag 81 he's never that specific about what his grandmother was like, and is very clearly trying to make her sound better than she actually is. but to me it sounds like she instilled a feeling that any and all problems that occurred throughout his childhood was his fault, or made worse by him. I'm thinking something like "I'm feeling so bad right now because I have to pick you up from school every day." and if she did do this, clearly it worked because he is, in his statement as an adult, retroactively pinning the blame for all his childhood problems on himself for being a "deeply annoying child". I really think that it's not normal to think you are to blame for someone else bullying you and that it was probably caused by his grandmother making him think he caused everyone's problems.
the mr spider event shocked him in a lot of ways but one of the main things that shook him was that he felt like he could've prevented what happened and he could've saved the guy's life. obviously this is ridiculous - it's clear to us that the web pulled him down the exact path which would lead someone else to interrupt his reading and get captured themselves. however Jon does not know this and clearly thinks he should've done better. I think that this, along with his upbringing, started the distinct way of thinking that he has where he decides that everything is his fault.
the web knew this would happen and then utilises it to make sure his crushing sense of responsibility causes him to get all 14 marks and then to, unwillingly, play his part in removing the fears from the universe.
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dragongirlwings · 9 months
i rhink i deserve to have a transfem faggot coworker who i can make out with on company time it would make my life a whole lot easier
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pollyanna-nana · 5 months
My most controversial Dungeon Meshi opinion is that Laios would hate Omegaverse actually. He’d think it’s boring and scientifically inaccurate (the worst things it could be to him).
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yourlocalabomination · 8 months
“Aside from TGWDLM (and a brief BF cameo), Ted Spankoffski has long hair and we as a fandom need to represent that more often within our fanworks, ” I say into the mic.
The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.
“They’re right,” he says. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 5th row stands: Joey Richter himself, with long hair.
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fealtyfaggot · 1 year
Cheery Littlebottom is actually the best fictional character ever, demonstrated below:
Got fired from being an alchemist for exploding the guild council
Consequently eyebrowless when we first encounter her
Not only transgender, but arguably the inventor of transgenderism among dwarves
Immediately becomes girl best friends with Angua
Overcomes her prejudices against werewolves, is defended in turn from dwarvish [trans]misogyny by Angua. Girls supporting girls. I love them.
Have I mentioned transgender
Singlehandedly creates & maintains a forensics department
Has to be the person to tell Vimes that spoons can't be made of arsenic
In the face of transphobic vitriol is still able to show kindness and compassion to Dee when she needs it
Is, once again, transgender
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tenvishund · 8 months
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F I S S I O N - Why the hell do you hurt yourself for this?
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i hate to be the one to say it, but the reason Deadpool was wrapped in seatbelts is because he wanted to cuddle and Wolverine wasnt having it
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taptrial2 · 3 months
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