#i am using this stuff for writing headcanons sooooo much lol
katyspersonal · 2 years
Okay so like...
Back then I had a dream in which Micolash protected me from my abusive stepdad whom I keep having nightmares about all of my life, and I've had peaceful sleeps for a while. Then I had a dream where he attempted to trap my soul with a ritual by luring me, pretending he loved me too. Later I had a dream in which he outright murdered and resurrected me several times - to end up sparing me after I sacrificed a way to escape his torture for someone else - but scolded me very much for clinging to him and told me how much he did NOT want me to "force" myself on him (you heard it right, MICOLASH of ALL people found me too chaotic and cringe to manage with o_o").
But tonight, I had a (personal) dream about him again - in which he took me back in a moment of my teen years when one of my worst traumas happened, and tried to attempt fixing it by turning it into a pleasant memory instead. I woke up before he could, but I appreciate the intention (a very ironic one for someone called king of NIGHTMARE, lol)
But in all honesty, that's a very unstable relationship o_o" Mico pls
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solunstell · 6 months
List of bsd headcanons
Has bpd. A lot of his traits remind me of my friends with it
He some kind of trans. Nonbinary. Transfem. Transmasc. Idk he's megender lmao
He's described as appearing very youthful in the first two light novels. I imagine that once the events of the main timeline start picking up though, with all the time stopping or slowing abilities that *dont affect him*, he actually ages faster than the other characters. I draw current dazai with small wrinkles, which also hints at stress and stuff
Also, I imagine current dazai getting tanner as he works in the light, as well as getting more prominent freckles.
Round/doe eyes because that is part of his appearance in my opinion. Seeming unsuspecting and innocent, especially during his mafia days
Bad eyesight in his right eye from being under the bandages for so long. Saw this headcanon and loved it
Similarly, beastzai has bad vision in general
I always call No Longer Human an anti-ability in my head, fun fact
He loves to touch other people. Not a fan of being touched by others unless asked
I draw him with red eyes in color, and usually black eyes in ink (inconsistent artstyle my beloved)
Aroace spectrum
heavy sleeper. Very
FRECKLES and tan from sheep days
He likes to be close to other people more than actually touching. Presence over contact
That shade of eyes that changes colors in the light (but I use a grey base lol)
Also some sort of trans, but in a different way than dazai
Brownish red hair. Not blazing, not just brown
That man is AUTISTIC
One time instinctively kicked a friend with his ability active, expecting them to dodge cuz he's used to dazai easily dodging. They did, but they were SO CLOSE to getting hit. Imagine a confused face like wtf why you try to kick me
Light sleeper, but every now and then sleeps like he just learned how to close his eyes
A lot of his jokes go over people's heads because they expect him to be serious and his voice just doesn't change between serious and not serious
Autism plus adhd ftw
Aroace spectrum
He/they vibes
Gay af
I can 100% see him being into knitting. Imagine the guide plus ranpo all in matching sweaters
Loves baking. Sooooo bad at it
Bi (with a lean towards girlies) she/it
VERY good at baking
But she won't share :(
Anxiety, so much anxiety
Aroace spectrum vibes
Very easily idolizes people and then gets surprised when they actually like being around him
Aroace spectrum
Autism cuz he is so mecore sometimes
Very trans vibes from me
(I like to imagine him having tourettes cuz I have tourettes and I am Not projecting)
Atsushi (special kitty hearing) and jouno being the only ones who can hear some of his tics. He will be horrified that anyone notices them
Wait no actually I'm gonna incorporate that into my belief system. That's canon now
Genuinely cares about a lot of his workers, but not all of them
He gives great bonuses for birthdays
He absolutely loves vtubers if bsd were in a modern setting. Rip mori. He'd have also loved vocaloid lmao
Masc energy. Fem energy. Ooh I can see ozaki with any pronouns and identity
Kinda person to accidently either overpack or underpack. Always has painkillers, never has a pen
Ridiculous memory. Incredible gift giver. Would get someone something months or years after overhearing them say they wanted something once
"Whyd you get me a hairdryer?"
"You said you needed one. I saw it and thought of you."
"...that was months ago. I got a hairdryer already."
"..." *takes hairdryer back* "sorry wrong person. I don't have my contacts in my bad"
She has perfect vision
Trans vibes. In any and every direction
Adhd af
Will always conveniently have room in his schedule when Aya wants to go do something and needs someone to go with her. No, he's TOTALLY not frantically writing and erasing things, get your glasses updated
You can usually count on him to continue the bit cuz he won't realize there is a bit occurring
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persephoneflowerpetals · 11 months
Why don't you describe or write more about their routine (Hades and Persephone)?
I like to read your ideas and use them as a basis for inspiration to make a comic of the two of them in the future
I really like your blog/work ✌️
Omg this was my legit reaction when I got your ask:
Tumblr media
LOL but fr thank you so much! I’m honestly so glad you and so many others enjoy hearing my thoughts and ramblings and reading my fics and whatnot! It makes me so so sooooo happy that other people can enjoy my self indulgent postings and stuff with me! I also love that you and many others get inspired by my headcanons and like them so much that you guys use them for comics and role plays and fanfictions! It makes my heart so happy and honestly it inspires me to follow my dreams of being an actress/voice actress (helping create and flesh out a character with acting lol) or even an author writing books for different media franchises like Disney and video games and stuff lol!
Anyways, enough of me going on and on lol! I’d love to talk about Hades and Persephone’s daily routine! I’ll make a little schedule layout of what a regular day is like for them:
6:00 AM - Wake up/eat breakfast
7:00 AM - Start daily underworld work (organizing new arrivals, signing important scrolls, etc.)
12:00 PM - Lunch break
1:30 PM - Daily update meeting with Pain & Panic
2:00 PM - Cont. underworld work
5:00 PM - Plan evil schemes/schmooze with current or potential allies/chill out on the underworld throne (only if most of the important underworld work has been taken care of)
7:00 PM - Eat dinner
8:30-9:00 PM - Personal free time/get ready for bed
10:00-11:00 PM - Bedtime
Persephone (in the underworld):
6:00 AM - Wake up/eat breakfast
8:00 AM - Start daily underworld work with Hades (she’s not much of a morning person and it takes her a while to wake up and get ready for the day)
12:00 PM - Lunch with Hades
1:30 PM - Daily update meeting with Hades, Pain, and Panic
2:00 PM - Cont. underworld work (mainly helping Hades with his work, tending to the agriculture in Asphodel Meadows, checking on the souls in Asphodel Meadows, etc.)
5:00 PM - Join Hades in “meetings” with current or potential allies/busywork/chill and talk with Hades in the throne room
7:00 PM - Dinner with Hades (if he isn’t working late)
8:30-9:00 PM - Personal free time alone or with Hades/get ready for bed
10:00-11:00 PM - Bedtime
Persephone (during spring):
7:00 AM - Wake up/have a quick breakfast
8:00 AM - Start seasonal work (planting flowers/trees/bushes/etc., helping wake up the wild animals from hibernation if Artemis hasn’t done it already, melting snow/ice, etc.)
1:00 PM - Eat lunch
2:00-2:30 PM - Cont. seasonal work
5:00 PM - Eat dinner
6:00-6:30 PM - Cont. seasonal work (slower paced, checking details, adding finishing touches)
8:00 PM - Personal free time alone (if Hades doesn’t stop by for a visit)/get ready for bed
9:30-10:00 PM - Bedtime (either in a flowery field under the moonlight or in her personal room on Mount Olympus if there’s rain)
Of course, these aren’t EXACT schedules for them lol, they definitely change depending on the day, but this is just kinda a run down of what their daily is schedules are like. When they have children their schedules become a little different (at least in the underworld anyways) because they have to make time for their kids, but yeah lol
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makeste · 4 years
I was originally going to send this message declaring my undying love for your metas and chapter reviews aND THEN - AND THEN MAKESTE - I READ THE ANSWER WHERE YOU SAID YOU WERE ARO AND THAT MAKES ME SOOOOO HAPPY. I'm aroace and it is SO FRUSTRATING to want to consume platonic or familial interaction between people and CONSTANTLY only get romantic or sexual. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING YOU CONTRIBUTE
woooo up top! solidarity lol.
for me it’s like... I don’t know if “frustrating” is the word I would use, but I do wish there was more gen out there. and that’s also something I’ve felt awkward about wanting in the past, because my early fandom years took place in a time where slash was much less of an everyday commonplace thing than it is now, and liking it was still a fairly controversial thing. the internet was a much more openly homophobic place than it is now. like, picture the purity police of modern day tumblr, but if they attacked any kind of non-heterosexual relationship as being sick and perverted and wrong. that was pretty much the general vibe. this was before AO3, and people who wrote slash often didn’t post it on ff.net and only posted it to their own private blogs and/or locked and moderated communities instead just so they wouldn’t be harassed. and there was absolutely no canon representation out there at all, or next to none. it was very much a “[rolls eyes] oh the yaoi fangirls are at it again” sort of thing where non-cishet relationships in fiction and fanfiction were at best not taken seriously at all, and at worst were treated with outright scorn and disgust.
and so like, with this being a common attitude at the time, I felt guilty for not always wanting to read slash myself. like, I don’t mind reading about romantic relationships at all, but for me there also has to be some other kind of element in play as well, or else it’s just not going to click for me. if a fic is just romance, just a lot of pining and slow burn stuff without anything else really going on in the plot, I just get bored and disinterested. I almost want to use the word tired, even though I’m not sure that makes much sense. I just can’t connect to the emotions, and so I disengage pretty quickly. and so I tend to steer clear of time-honored fandom staples like coffee shop AUs or And They Were Roommates, just because for me there’s rarely anything there for me to latch onto. I like angst, but I can’t relate to “so and so doesn’t feel the same way about me”, or “I want to be with them so bad but I don’t know how to confess”, or “they’re with someone else and it hurts like crazy every time I see them and know we can’t be together”, because none of those are emotions that I have ever personally felt, and I just can’t make myself feel them. what I can relate to are things like “this person makes me feel safe”, or “I feel a strong connection to this person”, or “I trust this person more than anyone else” because those feelings aren’t exclusively romantic in nature. I can relate to closeness and caring and love and affection and trust, but what I can’t relate to is the feeling of having a single person occupy all of your thoughts all the time, and very badly wanting to be the most important thing in their life as well, and feeling incomplete otherwise.
but anyway I spiraled away from the point I was trying to get to, which is that for a long time I actually felt guilty about feeling this way. because even though it’s rare to find fanworks where gen/platonic relationships are at the center, actual canon is chock full of said relationships. and so it’s like, what right do I even have to complain when I get to read all the time about so and so being friends, but the people who actually want them to be in a relationship in the actual canon so rarely get to see that actually happen. because that much has not changed in the past 20 years, even though society has become far more accepting of LGBTQ+ relationships. most canons are still far more likely to tease a non-hetero ship -- on purpose, even, hence why queerbaiting is a thing -- than actually commit to it. and so I often feel like I have no right to voice my desire for more genfic, because genfic has never faced the same kind of scrutiny as slashfic. gen has always been acceptable, and there is plenty of canon representation of platonic and non-romantic relationships, and so it’s not something I have any business whining about.
and even now I feel fairly uncomfortable voicing this lol. I write almost exclusively genfic myself, and up until very recently, I’ve always defined gen in my head as being just a lack of romantic or sexual content, rather than being its own distinct category. I think that’s one of the reasons it took me so long to realize I was aro (that, and I’d honestly never even come across the term until just a few years ago). for me, my lack of interest in romantic affection always felt more like a lack of identity rather than an identity in and of itself. I always felt like I was missing something. and for a very long time it never occurred to me that this might be a permanent thing; I just figured, okay, I just haven’t had this feeling yet. it just hasn’t happened for me yet. but eventually it would, and I just hadn’t met the right person, or whatever. but it was never anything I particularly wanted, and I never felt like I was missing out on anything by not having it. I never felt any kind of longing for it or felt incomplete without it. I was actually perfectly content!
but because society treats romantic orientation as the norm and places such a huge emphasis on it, I still had the uncomfortable feeling in the back of my head that if I never fell in love with someone and never wound up having a relationship with someone, my life would somehow be less meaningful and whole. like, we’re raised to think that romantic love is basically the pinnacle of the human experience, the purest and truest emotion that anyone can feel. and at the same time, there’s this idea that a life without that kind of love is just sad and unfulfilling and tragic. and so for a very long time my experience with my own aromanticism was characterized by me thinking of it as a lack of something that everyone else said was very important. and it took a long time to realize that that wasn’t the case, and that it was a valid orientation all its own and not just a matter of me being deficient in some way. and that was actually such a relief to finally come to terms with. I can be whole and complete on my own and still have a rich and fulfilling human experience even if I never experience romantic love, and that’s fine. I’m not missing anything. I’m not wrong for feeling like I’m not missing anything. it’s fine to be content with just me as I am. like, holy shit. and that was such a weight off my shoulders to finally get that.
I once wrote a fic which I was and still am very proud of. it was a genfic, and it had a really intricate plot with a big twist at the very end. and there was a ton of emotion in it, and it got very intense at times, because these were two characters who cared a lot about each other and would literally die for each other if they had to, and I’d put them in a situation where that possibility was very much looming over their heads at every turn. and I really put everything I had into trying to convey that kind of bond as strongly as possible. like I poured a ton of my heart and soul into that fic. and the responses were almost universally positive and kind and made me really happy.
there was one response though, that still sticks with me to this day. it was by and large very positive, just like the others. but it ended with a single sentence that, at the time, kind of just lowkey gutted me. Not gonna lie though, would have loved some slash in there.
like, that just cut me. way more than this person actually intended, I think. I’m pretty sure they just meant it as an offhanded comment, not even a concrit or anything. just “haha would have loved it if they’d kissed though lol.” but it stung. because this was something I’d put every ounce of emotion that I could conjure up into. and even though it wasn’t mean to be hurtful in any way, to me that comment read as “this is still missing something.” because there was no romance, the fic was incomplete. the characters’ feelings were incomplete. even though I’d struggled so much to convey all of these complex emotions which to me were so real and powerful, and even though the comment even acknowledged that I had by and large done so effectively, to me the single takeaway that stuck was that the feelings were less meaningful because there was no romance.
and that felt like a failing on my part. I even apologized for it. and here we are, ten years later, and that comment still pops up in my head any time I feel the urge to talk about a popular ship which I support but which I also enjoy as just a friendship. “just” a friendship. I still feel guilt over that. I still feel this urge to overexplain that I’m not trying to invalidate the actual romantic ship. I worry that I’d be perceived as ungrateful and/or a bad ally if I ever just came out and said “I wish there was more gen” like you were able to say so freely, anon. I worry about people getting offended if I were to say “I headcanon so and so as being aroace” because it might be viewed as an attack on their ships, or as latent homophobia, or something. like I have this paranoid fear that people might take it as me being puritanical and all “oh no, icky sex” or whatever, and so I end up just never bringing it up at all.
and that’s the thing about aromanticism, though; it’s so easy to just never talk about it at all, because for so many people it is just defined as a lack of something, rather than a something all on its own. it’s so easy for it to be something you just never bring up, and which just kind of quietly exists as the boring, bland, inoffensive yet uninteresting lack of a relationship; the default blank slate that most everyone is dying to fill in as soon as possible, except for you. and I’ve gone on thinking about it that way myself for so long that I’m still struggling now to sort out how to embrace it as an actual identity. it’s something I still have a lot of work to do on I guess.
anyway! so that all got very long and rambling and personal, far more so than I intended; clearly I have a lot of pent up thoughts and feelings about this lol. I guess I probably could stand to talk about it more, since the evidence would indicate that I clearly want to. but eh, baby steps. but anyways you are super valid anon and thank you so much for the love and comments. <3
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shadowsong26fic · 3 years
Coming Attractions!
A day late, but ah well...
As usual, we’ll go ahead and do an Open Question Night. Which basically means that, while my ask box is always open, tonight I’ll be keeping an eye on it and answering things as they come in. Any fandom or work I’ve talked about here (or posted on AO3) is fair game, as are general questions about writing, etc. I do accept prompts, but I am. Not very good at filling them in a timely manner unless they Immediately spark something, lol.
So, yeah, what’s on your mind?
Also, since I don’t think I have for a couple months, plug for my Discord server! It’s pretty quiet, mostly intended to be a slightly more interactive extension of this space, but you’re welcome to check it out!
Anyway, the usual Coming Attractions details are behind the cut!
PodTogether 2021:
I participated in this challenge for the first time this year, and it was a whole lot of fun! Of Other Suns is a SW/AtLA crossover, and I think it turned out pretty well! My reader/podficcer and I worked pretty closely together during the initial brainstorming process, working out what we wanted to do, and also bounced off one another during the whole editing/finalizing process. There’s a lot that I didn’t end up putting into the fic (because time and length; I am a. Uh. Very wordy writer; the aim was for 6-12k words, we ended up with nearly 15k as it is...), so I might poke more at this specific AU, or crossovers linking up at a different time (either a different point in the SW canon, or in the AtLA canon, or both). I...definitely have extensive headcanons for SW characters as benders of various elements (or nonbenders), and there are at least two Force-sensitive AtLA characters who were outside the scope of the crossover.
Anyway, if you want to check it out...click this link XD (and definitely listen to the podfic too!!! It’s really great)
So, between the final push on PodTogether and some origfic stuff I got done, I...did not get anything finished and posted for this, alas. But! I am saying it here in the hopes that doing so publicly will for once get me to actually stick to a deadline, which is that I will get either the first Protectors chapter or the next Preludes one-shot (or both!) up by this Sunday, September 12. The Protectors chapter will be mostly scene-setting, establishing where various characters are when we open, six years after we last saw our heroes. The Preludes segment will involved Hondo contacting Obi-Wan (and Anakin, who’s with him when he gets the call) about something Relevant To Their Interests.
I will for sure get that Prelude out this month, and hopefully at least two Protectors chapters, but we’ll see how things go at work and how much brain that takes, which is always a factor...anyway, with any luck, I’ll start establishing a Rhythm. I don’t think I’ll be doing weekly updates, the way I did for the first few arcs of Precipice (in part because there are some other longform projects I intend to start putting out and if I am going to do Weekly Fic Posts, I’ll probably alternate), but we’ll see how things go.
AtLA Fic:
Again, I didn’t finish what I wanted to (other than the aforementioned crossover for PodTogether), but I have been working on stuff in the background and, while I’m not going to commit to a Specific Deadline like I am for Precipice, I do plan to post at least the opening chapter of the still-untitled Avatar Zuko AU I’ve been working on this month, so watch this space!
Other Fic Projects:
I’m poking around at what to do for next years SWBB (if only because my wordcounts have been Steadily Increasing and I’d like to get a head start in anticipation of that happening again this year, lol). Still considering exactly what to do, whether I pour all my focus into OFLAM, like I consider every year, or see if I can work up Bail Unfucks the Timeline or another half-plotted AU I have in the back of my head, or go with a different prompt/storyline that occurs to me at some point between now and then, but I’m starting to Actively Ponder things.
I do have that BSG1 crossover outline in the works, I swear XD I’ve got...uh...maybe half to two thirds of the first third of the overall storyline written up? XD It’s a. Uh. Long one. I might go ahead and release it in three parts, just for length/convenience, and because it does more or less have three distinct sections (the initial contact/New Caprica fallout and establishment of the Haven settlement which makes sense in context; the second contact/algae planet; and then an adventure on a resurrection ship to retrieve a Specific Boxed Five and possibly walk away with Ellen because that would just ruin Cavil’s day and I do so love to ruin Cavil’s day, lol). ...I’m going to go ahead and post a preview snippet at the bottom of this post, as Motivation XD
I think that’s all the fanfic stuff I have specific updates for. There’s generally always stuff noodling around in my brain (lately, for Star Wars, AtLA, BSG, or some combination of the three), it’s just how much of it materializes, lol.
At some point, I plan to revisit some BSG epics I had going on (Serenissima; rewriting For Sorrow Sung or doing a slightly different storlyine with the same concept; The Other Battlestar; a few others), but no concrete plans as of yet.
I also kind of want to explore a far-past AtLA setting I designed for a challenge community way back? But I’m not sure if that would work better as an original work with the serial numbers filed off, if I could figure out how I wanted to do that (I have done it before, as I’ll talk about below, but this concept, while not directly involving any characters from Avatar canon as it’s set 2000 years prior to Sozin’s reign, does to an extent lean on the Avatar specifically as a concept, in a way that the other fic I did this with did not).
Original Fic:
Due to a challenge on rainbowfic, I actually got. Quite a bit written? Most of it was not super plot-relevant, but I dropped some Hints about a character in Lux and I got to play in some heads I don’t very often. I might go back to the Regency AU at some point, and there’s a specific reveal I want to write up for a secondary character in The Farglass Cycle, but I haven’t quite figured out how to structure that one, so we’ll see how it goes.
Had an interesting discussion the other day about the way original fiction sometimes starts as fanfic with the serial  numbers filed off and...well, a lot of my original stuff starts that way? Or has some roots there, anyway.
Lux doesn’t quite as much, but I definitely ported in at least two characters who started as fanfic characters (leaving aside that this is, y’know, The Apocalypse IN SPACE so, like. Various fandoms that deal with that probably influenced things, plus several key players are Public Domain Characters sooooo), plus some of the way the world is constructed draws on the Native Tongue trilogy and I flat-out stole a concept from Queen of the Damned, though the way it works in this world is different (also, to be fair, I think I’ve seen it in other places, too; but I personally got the idea from there).
The Farglass Cycle and Untitled Intrigues Story, however, straight-up started as fanfic concepts. And I don’t think it’s obvious unless I point out what the source materials were? Farglass, in particular (it’s the AtLA fic I mentioned earlier), because it started as an alternate future and then the map and magic system got reworked, plus the Avatar themself wasn’t even super involved in the original fic context, and while certain characters are very loosely based on AtLA characters, by now they’ve been so altered by the setting that it’s...I used the same archetypes, if that makes sense?
And then Untitled Intrigues Story started as a fusion between two wildly different fandoms, and while one character is a pretty clear expy if you know where he comes from, and another character kept the same actress in my head, I don’t think it’s very clear other than that.
...anyway, not sure where I’m going with that, other than it’s been in my head lately, lol.
...I think that about covers it! What about you guys? What are you all working on? Slash any questions, etc.?
Teaser for BSG1 AU outline, as promised:
So, anyway, SG-1 is prepared for rain and mud and a survivable-but-kinda-unpleasant environment. They’re also prepared for the usual shenanigans--Goa’uld, cranky local politics, weird alien tech that Daniel really should know better than to touch but sends him into another dimension anyway...
Just. Y’know. A normal mission.
They’re...not quite prepared for what they actually find when they step through.
Which is a very tense and now slightly Confused crowd of people, and a firing squad made up of very large killer robots, with a teenage girl as their target.
(One of the large killer robots is. Uh. Well. Half a large killer robot now; that particular Centurion was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got kawooshed in the face. As one does.)
(Said Centurion absolutely wins the ‘Weirdest Death’ pool for the week in Download City, because that is clearly a thing that exists because it entertains me)
There’s a beat where everyone just stares at everyone else, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
The wormhole disengages.
Daniel takes half a step forward, opens his mouth to start the ‘we are peaceful explorers from Earth and y’all seem to be having a Moment here, sorry for interrupting, but, uh...’
And then the moment end and absolute chaos erupts.
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nny11writes · 4 years
13, 16, 18, 43 and 50 for tha ask game please and thank you :P Just, many many numbers lol
13. What is your planning process?
My first reaction was to squint and go “Do I have a process?” which is probably an answer on its own lol!
It depends is the actual answer.
Like most writers I start a fic because of one scene or dialogue or description that I really, really, really wanted to write and then I have to figure out where it belongs.
I almost always start by just...writing. I used to be 100% stream of consciousness writer. I’d sit down at least once a day with a blank document and without ANY forethought or direction I’d start writing a fic. It was always as much fun for me as my readers to see where a story would go because I literally had no clue.
These days, as I’m putting THE THING down on the page my brain is shrieking ideas at me so I start slapping them down too, but I’ve got a better filter so not everything goes down. There’s a lot of [WHAT IS THIS THING PLS PLS FIGURE IT OUT] and [PAST OR PRESENT TENSE MF MAKE UP YO MIND] at this stage.
This is where I actually start planning. I’ve got a bunch of stuff down, a vague direction, and a lot of ideas so this is usually where I sit down to do some planning. Am I aiming to write a short fic or long fic, one shot or multi-chapter, where are we, how many characters, etc. I leave things pretty wide open, while sometimes it’s fun to challenge myself to meet very specific goals it’s usually frustrating to me so nothing is set in stone. Literally. Even when I’ve posted if someone leaves a comment that’s amazing or enough people liked it I’ll usually try to write more in that fic or another fic with those ideas.
How To Quit You is a great example of how my loosey goosey planning works. I don’t know if people realize but that fic was originally supposed to be ONLY that first chapter. I wrote it in an hour tops for 2019 glitra week and all I knew at that point was I wanted to do a western with some romance tropes to it (hence the exes who still love each other thing).
Once I realized how many people seemed to love it and wanted to see more I sat down and planned it out. I first decided how I wanted to write the story (hence going back in time ~15 years) and then I created chapter titles and had vague descriptions for them.  Once it was all down I went through it again and made adjustments, then created a timeline (Micah died in 1868, they meet in 1870, Catra works BMR rails 1870-1880 min, etc etc). And that’s it.  I made an outline and used it as my idea bouncing ground and map and huge parts of it have changed as we’ve gone along. Catra was going to become a drunkard out in [REDACTED] after the timeline met up with chapter one. I scrapped that because it didn’t fit with other details and changes I’d made. I re-wrote the chapter and now I gotta scrap that and re-write it again do to reasons that would spoilers.
Let’s Try This Again is another hilarious example, because chapters 1-6 were meticulously planned and I charted out a whole story around them that I was going to stick to damn it all! And then Palpatine hip checked me and changed the course of the story. I still included a lot from my original VERY detailed outline, but some chapters were nixed completely and others added in too sooooo...
I’m not a true pantser because I do some planning, but I’m not a planner because I leave huge chucks practically up to the whims of fate. I’m a plantser.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
I think some of my best works are from prompts (WHICH ARE ALWAYS OPEN, HINT HINT, NUDGE NUDGE, KNOW WHAT I MEAN KNOW WHAT I MEAN) specifically.
I rarely use sentence starters but I think I’ve done okay when I did.
But fandom headcanons? Oh hell yeah baby now we’re talking!
Can Anakin cook but Padme can’t? Hell yeah!
Togruta have some cat like features so Ahsoka is obligate carnivore and color blind? WOOOOOOOO BOYYYYYYYYYYYY!
"This is not because I like you.” is 100% something that everyone in the Horde says when trying to cover their asses, Catra’s just a useless lesbian and has to use it A Lot More Than Most. Awwwwww yeah, that’s the good stuff!
Glimmer and Catra talk to one another but only have serious conversations sitting back to back post canon. I DON’T MAKE THE RULES!
Like, god, fandom headcanon is practically what my fics live on lol! I’m not great at writing things in canon or sticking to canon, and people are amazing and smart so of course I’m going to steal their cool ideas and then mess with them until they’re my own.
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
...I gotta be honest I have no clue lol. I’ve liked basically every prompt I’ve ever gotten (there’s literally only been 2 that I got and went “...oh.” and of those two I was able to bend the prompt into things I liked a lot! One of them is actually posted and people like it, and then other is currently sitting in the naughty prompt corner for crimes of FIGHTING ME TO A STANDSTILL every time I write a few sentences for it, but I do actually like it now lol).
I think my favorite style of prompt are ones that are open for some interpretation. You know that joke about you know a writer based on how they respond to a one word prompt like “fall” or “cold” or even “love”? I love that kind of stuff! Heck, even things with a more narrow focus are fun to play with. For one of my prompt fics I was able to flip the script and have the character everyone expects the unrequited pining from to instead be the unattainable beloved instead.
*Marge potato meme* I just think they’re neat!
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
None, because I am very loud about what I enjoy and refuse to have things I enjoy ripped away by strangers on the interwebs.
Okay, more seriously, as far as things that others might think are guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
I love a good “morons to repressed idiots to lovers” slow burn. Yes, yesssss, let them be absolute fools and make MASSIVE mistakes that they have no reason to make. There was a miscommunication? Delightful! Oh look, they’re both flirting with one another but think the other one is just joking around with them. I WILL TAKE ANOTHER 200K OF THEM SUFFERING THANK YOU!
I love AUs man, every time I see someone who really hates coffee shop AUs or highschool AUs or modern AUs I end up getting grumpy and I go find some of those AUs to read because I love them. The AUs I love the most change fandom to fandom. Not a huge fan of modern AU for star wars, but an absolute slut for them in She Ra. Palpatine chokes on a bagel and I live, but if that happened to Horde Prime I’d be pissed. *shrug* I just know that some people really don’t like or even outright hate AUs, and I do not understand them at all. Like, good for them and I hope they find the fics they do enjoy! But also, why???????
I think my “cringiest” one is that I actually really like A/B/O as long as they flip the script somehow or delve into how something like that would actually effect the world it exists in. Is sex in public a common and acceptable thing b/c they can’t control themselves? Do jobs and schools give people time off for heats and ruts? Is it considered antiquated and anyone who struggles with their biology is considered lazy or stupid? Do celebrities sometimes get in trouble with fans or even lose their jobs/prestige after showing off their new mating mark? GIVE ME THE WORLD BUILDING I WANT TO KNOW! But if it’s a really boring traditional A/B/O...like, what’s the point there? 
Please don’t misunderstand me here. These three examples are all things that are WILDLY stupid in their own rights, and I love them dearly both because of and regardless of that!
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
It’s All Fun and Games Until...Stop! Stop! We’re Already Gay!
AKA the one where they all go to Mystacor to relax in the steam grotto and have to deal with seeing one another in tight fitting and wet underwear. The thirst is high.
“So…” Bow started conversationally as Sea Hawk put the finishing touches on Bow’s freshly painted nails. “How doomed are they? Are we making bets?”
Mermista and Sea Hawk made significant eye contact before looking at him pitifully. 
“What?” Bow asked, starting to sweat nervously. “What!?”
“Nothing, just-” Sea Hawk didn’t even get to finish.
“You need to get your girlfriend to get her girlfriends under control, and like, I knooooow that’s a tall order or whatever. But uuuuuuuuugggggghhh, we are going to die.”
“Girlfriend!?” Bow’s voice cracked painfully. “Ha! A-ha! Ha! W-who? I don’t, I don’t have a girlfriend, what are you even talking about?”
“There, there my dear. We have survived worse.”
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My Ultimate Reading List
So, I’ve been thinking about making this for a long time. I’m exactly that reader, who likes rereading favourite stuff. But even though I reblog things I would like to come back to, tumblr is still a lil shit with searching through my tags, esp with 18+ content.
This list was made purely for me, but if it helps you to find a fic or a writer you’d love, I’d be only happy. I tried to make navigation easy. For blurbs links go to my reblogs, for oneshots and full lengths links go to the original posts. I try to check links from time to time, but if you see that some of them don’t work, please, hmu.
* stands for the implied smut
*** stands for the pure smut
This list is far from finished, that’s just the first things that came to mind and/or were reblogged. Still have a ton to add. So will update it every now and then.
NOTE, pls: There’s no Michael content here! And that’s not because I don’t like him or don’t appreciate him enough. I guess, it’s quite the opposite tbh. There’s no Michael content here because I appreciate him too much. I love this cute little kitten, he’s the most precious soul and, most of the time I think, there would be no 5sos without Michael Gordon Clifford. I just don’t have any fantasies or images of him in me, don’t see him in any way romantically. That’s why I don’t read (or write for that matter) about him as main character. I understand, that I miss a whole lotta great authors and fics because of that. Maybe it’ll change in the future. But for now, it is what it is.
Heartbeat by @gigglyirwin  [Classic fluff and one of my all time faves]
Our Shining Star [Dad!Ashton] by @myloverboyash [Special thank you to @lashtoncurls for the tracking down the runaway author lol]
At the End of Night by @bringmethehorizonandpizza
Surprising Turn of Events* by @bringmethehorizonandpizza
Blindfold*** by @cal-puddies​ [Cashton smut which is too hot for this world]
Finding Joy by @bringmethehorizonandpizza [You, Ashton and adopting a cat drama, love love love]
Ain’t nobody got a drummer like mine*** by @myloverboyash [Drumming and banging 👀 at the drum kit]
I Can Love You In The Shower*** by @myloverboyash [Cute giggly shower sex with a little bit of trauma]
Redamancy by @cakesunflower [Heart wrecking fluff]
Birthday Getaway by @etherealhood [Cuteness and romance overload]
Valentine’s Day*** by @letsfuckndance
Lucky Shot In Paradise*** by @cakesunflower [Bartender!Cal]
Heartbeat by @uncrownedqueeen [Dad!Cal]
All These Years by @felicitycal
Blindfold*** by @cal-puddies [Cashton smut which is too hot for this world]
No chemistry*** by @novacxlum [Heartbreakingly great college enemies to lovers]
Where were you in the morning?* by @ snapbackcake [If this ultimately truthful but sad af one won’t make you cry, consider asking for help, because it’s too sad but also beautiful as hell]
Let me good to you*** by @snapbackcake​ [The description says it’s 6.8k words of absolute filth, and I have nothing else to add besides of what a great filth it is, so, 18+ kids]
Road Trip: Cake*** by @softforcal​ [Er, Cake threesome, idek what to say here]
The Little Spoon by @gigglyirwin [Classic fluff]
Boyfriend’s little brother*** by @lukehemmingssmut  [There was also a second part promised, sooooo ^.^]
Fuck me like you hate me*** by @myloverboyash
Full lengths and Serieses
Hate sex Series*** by @irwinofficial Tell Me How Much You Hate Me, Our Kinky Secret, Good Enough, No Longer A Secret  [one of the best Ash smuts ever 👀]
Sugar Coated Pain by @cakesunflower [Boxer!Cal] [That’s what I lost my 5sos-fanfiction-virginity to, so, hey, Summer, thanks for the experience lmao]
Cigarette series*** by @cal-puddies [Best friend!Calum and a lot of hot smut 👀] Cigarette, Corona, Rolling Papers, Black on Black, Stuck [which was later replaced by the next part, but I’ll put it as long as it exists on the original list of parts, but don’t get confused], Navy Button Down, A Hotter Touch, Pancakes, The Second Thing, Ours, Losing You, Little toes, Holy Water, Date Night, Me, You and Little Hood, Five Years Later
Best Friend Pact Series by @calumh-excess [I’ve been crying like a baby over it] Best Friends, To Lovers, And Now Parents, But Never Forgot They Are Human
Wherever you are by @mysticalhood [Long distance with Cal and tons of tears with me]
Dates series by @calpops [this is so cute i higkey don’t want it to end like ever] First date, Second date, Second date pt2
All 4
First responders!5sos series by @calumsendgame and @heartbreak-5sos  
Character template
Police officer!Ashton First meeting, Meeting under cover, Late night at her apartment part1, part2***, Kitten’s Kitty, Ash being overprotective
Firefighter!Calum Coming home after shift*
Paramedic!Luke Coming home late, Exam preparation
Dad!5sos series by @calumsendgame 
Dad!Calum Working at home, Baby boy Hood can’t leave Duke
Cashton besties by @myloverboyash [I’m still crying over this]
Farmer!Ashton series by @calumsendgame HeadCanon, Losing the baby, Levi’s at the hospital, Willow’s teenage depression
Pregnant with a werewolf!Ash by @flannelpunkcalum
Valentine’s Day sex*** by @softforcal
Cashton threesome*** by @paqueretteash
Overstimulation*** by @paqueretteash
Telling Ash you’re pregnant by @paqueretteash
Dealing with a teenage daughter by @i-calumhood
Accidental injury by @i-calumhood
Friend to lovers by @myloverboyash
Pregnancy cravings by @i-calumhood
Ashton and Joy by @bringmethehorizonandpizza [second part to Finding Joy]
Cuddle buddies by @i-calumhood
Best friend!Ash staying over under any possible excuse by @i-calumhood
Ash leaves you his clothes before going on tour by @asht0ns-world
Being pregnant with twins by @i-calumhood
You leaving surprises in Ashton’s baggage by @i-calumhood
Ash being nervous about kissing you by @angelbabylu
Riding Cal for the first time*** by @i-calumhood
Cal eating you out by @flannelpunkcalum
Your picture on Cal’s home screen* by @softforcal
Giving Cal head while he’s on the phone by @softforcal
Shower sex*** by @i-calumhood
Cashton threesome*** by @paqueretteash
Calum realising he’s in love by @permntvacaticn
Fighting with Cal by @cakesunflower
Calum comforting you by @honeycombcal
Surgeon!Cal blurb, second one and third from me by @cakesunflower [One more million thank you’s for letting me write for it!]
Stealing his clothes by @sweetcherrylu
Dad!Cal teaching his son to play bass by @paqueretteash
Cheek kisses by @i-calumhood
Kids cuteness by @i-calumhood
Small kisses by @calumh-excess
Sickness and sex*** by @heartbreak-5sos
Hammock cuddles by @heartbreak-5sos
Wide awake at 1 am by @reallycalum
Hot morning by @i-calumhood
Angry sex*** by @i-calumhood
5am by @saintlaurentcalum
Morning by @cakesunflower
Moving in by @i-calumhood
Duke being protective over your bump by @ singt0mecalum
Duke being a cockblock by @i-calumhood
Dad!Cal with your little girl at Disneyland by @c-sainthood
Dad!Cal with shy lil girl by @c-sainthood
Luke making Cal awkwardly confess by @etherealhood
Cal fucking you till you tear up by @flannelpunkcalum
Taking care of Cal when he’s stressed by @i-calumhood
Unrealistic scenarios by @i-calumhood
Hate fuck at college*** by @i-calumhood
Brownies and board games by @rip-lukes-balsamic
Calum confesses he wants an eternity with you by @i-calumhood
Lounging on the couch with Cal and Duke by @calpops
Brining your newborn baby girl home by @sublimehood
Dad!Cal reads to your baby by @c-sainthood
Fuck besties with Cal*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Calum leaving for tour and you’re a mess by @myloverboyash
Dad!Cal, kids and pancakes for mommy by @i-calumhood
Quickie before leaving for the party*** by @sublimehood
You’re drunk and Cal takes care of you while you confess your undying love to him by @i-calumhood
Coming home to Cal and baby sleeping by @c-sainthood
Car sex*** by @i-calumhood
Cal calling you ‘my girl’ by @calvmofficial
Cal taking you backstage from a crowd to fuck*** by @sublimehood
Duke protective over baby hood by @singt0mecalum
Baby hood playing with Duke by @singt0mecalum
Cock warming with Cal*** by @calpops
Clingy Cal by @i-calumhood
Sex with dad!Cal while kids are sleeping*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Jealous fwb Cal and hot bathroom*** by @honeyedhood
Calum wakes you up to go stargaze by @myloverboyash
Fake kisses at the coffee shop by @rip-lukes-balsamic
Talking about marriage and kids by @calpops
Saying the L-word* by @softforcal
Coming home to a sleeping y/n by @rakkaroses
Cuddly Cal by @rakkaroses
Running away from an event to eat french fries by @i-calumhood
Waking up to an empty bedside by @reallycalum and her anonymous
Waking up to a shirtless Cal by @i-calumhood
Calling Luke Buttercup by @i-calumhood
Fake dating by @c-sainthood
Breastfeeding by @i-calumhood
Riding Luke in a bus bunk by @hereforlukescruff
Blowing Luke while he’s in a suit*** by @hereforlukescruff
Post-divorce dad!Lu fluff by @calumh-excess
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naancypants · 4 years
@maddarc you inspired me with this headcanon idea!! I wasn’t sure how to write something like this using regular scenes, so I tried something a little different to help span the time gaps. It’s not the best thing I’ve ever written lol but I just kinda threw it together so it’s whatever, here's a thing ✌ (@nancydrew-onthecase)
Dear Diary,
Tomorrow is my 14th birthday. Since mom is getting me the new Playstation system that I asked for, she made me agree to keep a diary. She thinks it’ll be good for me to write stuff down. But honestly, I don’t even know what to write about. This is gonna be awkward.
Dear Diary,
Okay... I did a terrible job at keeping a diary. Whenever mom asked if I was using it I told her yes, but I think she could tell that I wasn’t - she didn’t give me crap about it, though. I’m 15 now, and Frank & I are deep in training to become ATAC agents. That’s the company our dad owns - American Teens Against Crime. We’ve been solving petty mysteries since we were kids, so I guess this is a natural progression for us. An awesome one, too! We get to use so many cool gadgets and go on the best adventures! The secrecy is exciting, but according to Frank, I’ve never been the best at keeping my mouth shut. I guess we’ll see how it goes.
Dear Diary,
Frank and I finished off the BIGGEST case of our careers last week! We’d been called out to this small town called River Heights because there was a serial bank robber who’d been evading police for a couple of months - but the best part is we didn’t have to solve the case alone! We met this girl named Nancy; her dad is a business contact of our dad’s. She’s super smart. She figured stuff out even faster than Frank! And when I suggested we go to the ice cream shop to talk over the case - much to Frank’s dismay - she just laughed and said “sure!”. Take that, Frank. It was a lot of fun... she’s a lot of fun. And she’s pretty. ... Stop looking at me like that. Not that you’re looking, because you are a book. But you know what I mean. Or I guess you don’t, because you are a book. But anyway... I hope we get to work with her again, that’s all.
Dear Diary,
We’ve gotten to work with Nancy a lot more than I thought, considering how far away we live. She’s cool because she never complains when I want to do something fun, unlike Frank. And I know I said this last time, but she’s reeeally smart. It’s honestly kind of amazing. For one case, we had to break into this abandoned house because Nancy had a hunch - as soon as Frank saw the “no trespassing” signs he was totally going to be a baby about it, but Nancy got him in line real quick. She took a pair of wire cutters and made a hole in the fence for us to crawl through, JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIES! And then she picked the lock of the back door with a bobby pin in like 5 seconds flat! My jaw was literally on the floor. They teach us how to lockpick in ATAC training, but we always have actual lockpicks to do it. I’m hoping Nancy can teach me her method one day.
And... okay, yeah, I guess you can look at me like that. Fine. You win this time, diary.
Dear Diary,
It’s been almost 6 months since we first met Nancy and a lot has changed since then. For one, I recently learned that she’s been dating this guy named Ned for like a year & a half now, or something like that. Who’s keeping track? Two, Frank basically bullied me into admitting to him that I.. have a crush on Nancy. He’s not going to tell her though, not that I think he would anyway. He gets all weird and dorky when he tries to talk about feelings. It’s not a good look. Either way, there’s no chance in H-E-double hockey sticks that Nancy and Ned will ever break up, and I’m happy for them! He’s such a good guy it’s insane. Probably better than me, and that’s saying a lot.
Joking aside... I’m going to try to get over Nance. There’s no point in feeling this way about her if it’s never gonna happen!
Dear Diary,
I swear to God Frank is acting weirder every time we see Nancy. He KNOWS that I had a crush on her but he KNOWS that I don’t anymore... or does he? I think he thinks that I still do, but I’ve done a good job at blocking it out. We’re 18 now, so it’s been a while. I normally don’t even think about it until Frank starts acting like a total loser around her and then I’m like...??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? Anytime Nancy mentions Ned or their relationship or anything to do with love, he starts stuttering and blushing and acting all goofy. I’ve started having to fake-tease HIM about having a crush on her just to make it less awkward! I didn’t realize he was sooooo dense when it comes to romance. When I asked him about it, he said my former crush on Nancy was useless information that he wishes I hadn’t told him (NEWSFLASH: he made me tell him) and now he just doesn’t know what to do with it. Nancy seems to think it’s totally normal, but he looks like an idiot.
Dear Diary,
It’s been a long time. I’m 24, Frank is 25. I think it’s funny how the only thing I ever really wrote about in here was Nancy Drew. It’s ironic, too, because that’s exactly who I’ve come to write about again.
She’s going through a lot right now and I wish I could be there for her more than I am. I do what I can, but it’s not easy when you live 4 hours away and are constantly being called away on cases. I also don’t want to overwhelm her, considering how long she and Ned were together. It feels... wrong, somehow, that they aren’t anymore. Frank of course has been telling me that I “finally have a shot” or whatever, but I’m not convinced. First of all, she’s only been single for 2 months. Second, she probably thinks Frank is the one with feelings for her, not me; especially with the way the media likes to focus on their relationship. But, as I always joke with Frank, it’s his own fault for making it weird!
Anyway. I feel like kind of a jerk for thinking about my feelings for Nancy when she’s literally going through the worst break-up of her life right now... but it’s weird how thing can pop back up again so suddenly, huh?
And as always, it’s not like I’m gonna do anything about it.
Nancy Drew sits on the edge of her chair, sweeping her ponytail so that it drapes delicately across her shoulder. She sucks in a deep breath, fixing her anxious gaze on a random spot in the hardwood of Frank & Joe’s family home. It’s a conversation she’s been avoiding ever since her break-up with Ned 10 months ago. Crazy how time flies. “Frank...” she begins, noticing a distinct discomfort in the detective’s body language as she does so, “I - we’ve all seen the stories. The ones on the news, the speculation... about...?” Frank only stares at her, blankly, with eyes resembling those of a terrified deer. “About the two of us. Being together.” “Uhh, yeah,” Frank scratches at the back of his neck. “I’ve seen them. What about them?” Nancy sighs and allows her shoulders to make contact with the Hardys’ side chair. She crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m a detective, Frank. And I’ve known you & Joe since we were 15. I just want to clear the air about whatever is or is not going on. I guess, to be blunt, what I’m asking you is if there’s any truth to all those rumors.” “You did always have a way of being blunt when you need to be.” Nancy lifts an eyebrow at him, otherwise unmoving in her position. “I... ah, no, Nancy, there -” “It’s okay, Frank, really, if there is. You can tell me.” “It’s not that, Nancy. It isn’t me.” Ding-ding. Nancy hones in on his peculiar choice of words. “What do you mean, it isn’t you?” “I - listen. It doesn’t matter. I told you honestly. Are the rumors true for you?” His attempt to distract her is futile. “What did you mean by it isn’t you?” “Nancy, look. I made a promise that I wouldn’t talk about it.” “Talk about what?” Both Nancy and Frank turn their heads to see Joe Hardy drop his motorcycle keys onto the shelf next to the front door. What serendipitous timing, Frank thinks with a roll of his eyes.  “Nothing,” he says quickly, darting across the living room to the staircase with his hands out in front of him, “I’m letting the two of you talk this one out.” Joe glares after his brother, because despite not knowing what this was about, there’s no way he was going to like it. Nancy approaches him from behind. “All I did was ask Frank if he had feelings for me, like in all the media reports. Then he said it ‘wasn’t him’ and insisted that he wasn’t supposed to tell me about it. Do you know anything about that?” Joe swallows the lump in his throat as his heart rate picks up to about 580bpm. ...At least, that’s what it feels like. Joe’s first instinct is to stop & consider if there’s any way he can worm his way out of telling her at this moment; but at the same time, he thinks it may be better to just let things flow. “Uhh.” ...Okay never mind, decision has to be made. NOW. “Is it... you?” ...Oh, that’s right. She’s super smart. When Joe slowly turns around to face her, he can tell from the glassy look in her eyes that she’s already pieced together the whole thing. And for once, he doesn’t know what to say. So he doesn’t. Her breathing is heavy and uneven, to say nothing of his own. The only sound is the steady ticking of the mantle clock. Joe has no idea why but he has an irrepressible urge to apologize. He just wishes his voice doesn’t crack when he does. “Sorry, Nance.” Her immediate response is to tearfully shake her head and wrap her arms tightly around his waist. “Why are you apologizing?” Joe swallows again, hesitantly allowing his hands to fall onto her cardigan-clad back. “I- I don’t know.” and then after a beat, “Should I?” Nancy chuckles a bit as she pulls back, wiping at her eyes. “You should never have to apologize for how you feel, Joe.” That makes him feel a little better. But then, after an agonizing silence during which they have refused to make eye contact, he feels like sickening nerves start to take up residence in his stomach once again. “How do you feel?” Joe forces himself to ask, bracing for impact. Nancy exhales, placing a hand on her cheek. She has an odd sort of smile on her face that Joe doesn’t think he’s seen in the 9 years he’s known her. “I’ll be honest with you, Joe.” Oh, God. “It’s never occurred to me.” He swallows for the 758th time. Why didn’t he grab some water first? But then, to his surprise, Nancy giggles - like, she actually giggles. He’s never heard her giggle before. “But I think I like the idea.” “Wait what?” She gives him a meltingly genuine smile and steps a little closer. “You’ve always been there for me, Joe. You’ve made me laugh, brought soup when I was sick, gave me a call because I said I was lonely. And you’re always up for an adventure,” she causes his heart to go ballistic once again when she places her palms against either side of his waist, “And you know how much I love new adventures.” Now, at last, a smile cracks on Joe’s face - that goofy, wisecracker smile of his that somehow matches this moment entirely. He nods at her as elation finally makes its way in, and elation is the driving force behind their first kiss. There is a remarkable lack of uncertainty between Joe’s enthusiasm and Nancy’s natural reactions - it’s been a long time coming for one, and for the other, it’s an entirely new adventure.
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ladykf-writes · 5 years
Fanfic Writer Appreciation (and a little self love)
Sooooo, as talked about I wanted to do a little promo. I may not always be my favorite writer, but I try to be one of my cheerleaders. And well, if you’re here you obviously have some interest in what I’m up to.
SO! Here’s a list of my currently-published WIPs and some info about them, in the order that I’ve updated them, most recent to oldest. 
Feel free to ask questions about any of them!
Dog Whistle (Ao3 || FFN) - started off as a prompt from @snackarey​ when I reblogged some Soulmate AUs. This one was a prompt for soulmates (Zack/Kunsel) who felt what each other felt - like pain. Needless to say, this went into a canon divergent AU where Kunsel felt some of what Zack was going through when Hojo got a hold of him after Nibelheim. And saved him, setting off an ever-increasing list of revolutionary consequences. It’s nearly 58K, and though I’m a little stuck I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Dewprism: Journey to the [Relic] (Ao3 || FFN) - this actually has a lot more written than I’ve posted, I just got a little frustrated because well... the fandom is teeny tiny and there’s no real feedback. But! It’s an interesting piece. It’s a semi-novelization where I’m taking the old PS1 Classic from Squaresoft, Threads of Fate/Dewprism and merging the two storylines. Basically... you can’t play the game anymore unless you got it from the PSN for your PSP or... PS2, I think? Or emulate it, of course, you can do that. And I wanted to bring the experience to more people, because it’s got such a great story.
It’s Not a Game (Ao3 || FFN) - this is my Avengers/FF7 crossover, and funny story, it was actually born out of a comment back on my old Genesis RP blog about how Genesis would totally be Tony Stark’s favorite character if he played Crisis Core. It’s turned into a full blown fixit I have a type and I actually have like, 90% of the next chapter done, it just doesn’t feel quite right so I haven’t posted it. And am, of course, stuck. There’s a case of choice paralysis here; the premise is that, in the MCU, FF7 is a series like it is in our world, and Tony is a fan. So he goes to make a simulation to do a self-insert... only he somehow transports himself (and Bruce) to a dimension where it’s real. A “Stark-insert” someone called it; and it does use a lot of “Self-Insert” tropes, actually. There’s just so many ways it could go that I’m stuck on choosing exactly how to progress here.
Party of Five (Ao3 || FFN) - the MMO AU! This was actually originally a prompt @up-sideand-down​ got, that I got permission to take off with. It’s a modern AU AGSZC where they meet online playing this MMO I made up that’s based off of FF7 and modeled after a mashup of like, me studying WoW and my experiences playing SWTOR. I’ve actually got some ideas of where it’s going, I just got too caught up in technicalities and need to reroute it back to the relationships going on.
Welcome to FF7 (series link, Ao3) - this is me hashing out basically what I think went down pre-games. Most of it is headcanon, I cannot stress that enough. It’s based off of the little we know, of course, but there’s just so much we don’t that it’s mostly headcanon. Tons of OCs. It’s a whole series, and they overlap - different sections that follow different departments, mostly. The base story is Welcome to ShinRa (Ao3 || FFN) and that follows the man who will become President Shinra from back when they first discover mako energy. I’ve also got Welcome to the Science Department (Ao3 || FFN) which starts off with college students Gast and Grimoire and how they get drawn into the beginnings of what becomes ShinRa Electric.
And last but not least, honorable mention to Times of Change (Ao3) - this was actually a piece inspired by @deadcatwithaflamethrower‘s Re-Entry series. I desperately need to reread that before I can hope to continue this, but... one day. One day.... I don’t suggest reading it right now, my headcanons have changed and it needs an overhaul. But you’ll see eventually.
And now... the WIPs you haven’t seen. (Under a cut)
By fandom, just to keep things straight, but in no particular order otherwise.
Compilation of FF7
The Snowball Effect (Ao3 || FFN) ... sequel? continuation? - as one of the gift exchange presents I’ve just done this past month, it is definitely standalone as is, but if I ever figure out where I want to take it, I’ll continue that one. It was just far too much fun.
The Price of Freedom - the sequel to To Be Human, which... I’m looking forward to, but I really burnt myself out on TBH so it’s going to be longer than anticipated before I approach this one. TBH definitely stands on its own, but there were some loose ends left to tie up, so we’ll see how that goes. And when it goes, when I’m ready to approach that again. TBH needs some editing, too... lots of work there.
The Unnamed Pokemon/FF7 crossover that I’ve talked about for... a couple years now (yikes) but now actually have a plot for. It’s very interesting to me, putting Pokemon on Gaia, and seeing how that changes everything. Because like, they’d have presumably used Mew’s DNA since there’s no Jenova (I can’t see them using Deoxys, which would be the closer parallel) and since there’s no Chaos, Grimoire is still alive. Which means no extra Drama between Lucrecia and Vincent - and really, there shouldn’t be the stress between Vincent and Hojo over her being sick because Mew would theoretically be much more compatible with humans than Jenova was.
What I’m saying is Seph has three parents and at least one set of grandparents and a much more stable Sephiroth (and Genesis and Angeal, thanks to Lucrecia teaming up with Gillian) leads to some very interesting changes. Like deciding they don’t want to fight the Wutai war anymore. >_>
Hold My Flower - a timetravel fic featuring our one and only flowergirl, who has had enough of people messing up her planet and refuses to just... let it die. She is, unquestionably, a force of nature. No fragile flower to be found here, this is the gal you see in the OG who threatened a mob boss and meant it. Heaven help anyone who gets in her way. She’s going to save the world. Possibly in a Turk Suit, don’t look at me.
The Long Game - Reeve goes back in time, and holy crap this one is a monster I am truly intimidated by so it’s gonna take a while for me to get going on that. XD But basically, similar premise to the above - the world isn’t healing and someone has to do something, so Reeve is nominated due to his position in ShinRa and potential to... he’d say “influence” but let’s call a spade a spade - manipulate people and events to a more favorable outcome.
A third BIT fic is one that I started writing with my friend @askshivanulegacy back in... damn, somewhere between 2011-2013, before we switched to writing SWTOR fic together. It’s one where Zack is sent back in time, and the differences in him post-Hojo change things even before he can start deliberately changing anything. But I got permission to take and remake that, so I intend to, one day. It was Good Stuff. And you can never have too much timetravel.
Dragon Ball Z
So, this is an oooooold fandom of mine - the first fanfics I ever wrote (under a different name, no I’m not telling XD it was ten years ago) were for DBZ, and definitely the first ones I ever read, back in the days of dial up. And I read a couple interesting takes on Chichi/Vegeta fic... and I was talking with @vorpalgirl about it and said I’d love to try my hand at something with that one day. I think they have the potential to be a really great pair (don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the canon pairings but those two have a lot of potential) so... yeah someday I might dip my toes back into Z. It’s on the wishlist, as well as reviving and cleaning up an old unfinished work of mine. Someday~
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Seven Years Lost - this one I’ve been debating a long time, and even did a little on! It’s basically how I rationalize what happens when Link pulls the Master Sword out and - well, spoilers but it’s a really old game so - when he comes out as a teenager and is immediately able to handle a nearly-adult body. It involves a dreamscape scenario where he communicates with his past incarnations and learns from them, and from sharing dreams with Zelda due to their bond.
Sailor Moon (manga/Crystal based)
Second Chances - I read a lot of SM fanfic back in the day, and my favorite ones were... more real? Like, there were more consequences to these 14 year old kids out there fighting for their lives and sometimes losing them. I’d like to tell a story through Minako/Venus’ eyes primarily, covering what that’s like, and then I also just really want a happy ending for the senshi/shittenou? So... yay canon divergence, lol. You guys know the deal by now. XD
Star Wars: Legends Era
United We Stand - SWTOR fanfic, baby! Basically, I’m just dying to see the eight classes cross over each other, and I will bend canon to do it. For anyone that’s played the original class story lines, there is some cross over but believe me when I say there were huge opportunities that were let drop by nature of the game. Just with the two Jedi stories alone... but that’s #spoilers for a not-as-old game so I’ll leave that be and only elaborate if asked.
(And do feel free to ask about any of these! I’d love to hash them out more.)
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doctorgerth · 5 years
o shit waddup
Hey, guys! Hope you’re all doing well today. I’m chilling at home, relaxing and working on some requests during my day off! I hope to get a good bit out for you guys today!
In the meantime, I wanted to give you guys a little info about me just because I feel weird not properly introducing myself to you all! If you’re not interested in getting to know me, I completely understand, I’m boring af lol but here’s some info on me. I’ll put it under “keep reading” since it is a bit long!
Name: You are more than welcome to call me Doc, as some of you have already! For a personal name, you can call me Coop. That’s what I’ve been referred to as the most on here and irl, but I will respond to either :) I’ll probably never reveal my real name on here, so don’t bother asking. Can’t have my true identity revealed!
Zodiac//MBTI: Cancer, INFJ
Age: I am currently 21, will be 22 on July 12th!
Brief Appearance: Uh, I have green eyes, long dirty-blonde hair (lots of ppl argue that I’m actually a brunette but I don’t think so) and I’m 5′9″ (1.753 meters). No tattoos, though I want to get at least one some day! Only piercings I have are my ears. I’m really basic looking lol 
Location: I reside in the hell fire that is the United States - a lot of you are from literally anywhere else, so I apologize if my blog seems too English driven for you? Or if my humor goes beyond your heads lol I completely understand. But, I’m willing to work through any language barriers with you if you’re willing to work with me!
School: I attend a university here in my state. I’m a senior, but I have one more semester left this fall before I intern! I’m studying Elementary Education, with a goal to teach grades 3rd-6th! 
Pets: I have two cats - a tuxedo cat named Percy and an orange tabby named Ace! He’s actually my boyfriend’s cat, but I claim Ace as mine too lol 
Work: Since you always hear me talking about work I figured I’d at least mention what I do. I currently work part-time at a grocery store where I take your money and bag your groceries lol. Tbh, it’s way better than working fast food, People are way nicer to me here than they were when I worked at Dairy Queen.
Fav Artists: Yo, this is honestly super hard considering my taste in music varies so greatly. Some of my current favs include: Marina, Lana del Rey, Billie Eilish, LANY, Florence and the Machine, Sam Smith, Hozier, Troye Sivan, Panic! at the Disco, and honestly sooooo many more 
One Piece: Soooo I absolutely refused to watch OP in the beginning because I was severely uninterested. My boyfriend practically made me one day and honestly I can’t thank him enough because I am now obsessedddd. So, I started OP back in like November of 2017, I officially caught up in the anime in February 2019! So it took like 1 year + 3 months to watch the whole thing (casual watching with only a few binges) and then I picked up where the anime left off in the manga so I am currently caught up in the manga as well!
Other Anime: I’m still new to the anime world, so I really haven’t seen a ton yet. Currently watching Black Clover! Other than that I have seen My Hero Academia, Bungo Stray Dogs, Seven Deadly Sins, and Assassination Classroom (not caught up). 
Random Facts: I play clarinet in my college’s marching/concert bands. I’m the oldest of three siblings. I love travelling and experiencing new places. I really enjoy fishing and kayaking or just being on the water in general! I’m obsessed with Disney World. 
Why I started this blog: Honestly, it’s just for fun! I’ve been perusing around tumblr looking at other OP blogs for a whileeee now, and after the help of some friends, I got the confidence to start my own! I used to write All Time Low, One Direction, and 5SOS fanfictions on Wattpad OOF so I’ve been in the ff game for a lil while now
Why Doctor Gerth?: Tbh there’s no major reason since we haven’t seen a whole lot of her in OP. I just thought she was a really unique character to use for tumblr considering not many ppl know her. When I saw her in the cover art, I was like, ‘this is what i would want to look like if i were in op’ so I just kinda went with that! I love that she’s a giant and a doctor! Reminds me of how tall I am and how I love to help people lol she just seems like a really sweet yet badass character and i love it. For those who don’t know, she is a doctor for the New Giant Warrior Pirates! She also knew Big Mom when they were both children.
Shoutouts: I’m feeling a lil emotional today, realizing just how quickly and easily I’ve made friends and supporters on here! I just want to give them a shout out cuz i love these kind souls.
@thefreedomisouronlyrule-op (@rule987)
@laws-hat-headcanons (@arkanfire)
Thank you all so much for continuously supporting me and inspiring me! Without you guys, I probably never would have stuck to this blog, let alone even start it! Thanks for letting me fangirl and discuss OP with you constantly. And thanks for giving me ideas on stuff and helping me write OCs! It’s not much, but I just want to let you guys know how much you mean to me!! <3
And there you have it. Bless you if you managed to read all the way through this mess! Thank you all for sticking with me through this dumpster fire of a blog. I look forward to forming friendships with more of you guys in the future! Never be too shy to message me! If you have any further questions about me, feel free to ask. Now, I’m gonna stop distracting myself and get to work! x
- Doc
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facelessxchurch · 5 years
And just like SP, in a weak breeze of stale air, I’m back. Sorry to make you go through your blog to find the old asks. Nope. I’m assuming the castle is described as a bad place because it’s where the bad guys hang out lol. I thought it was interesting that Mev had a big banquet with his followers and Vile killing Aby elicited no reaction from him/Sef. I feel they would’ve felt really secure & that’s how Caisson was able get in undetected. /1
Sorry I should've been clearer, I meant Creed as a replacement not Aby. He was supposedly picked since he’d be easier to manipulate but he shows up in Mid looking like Bliss and now China owes him because he gave funding for the stupid bank. Yeah Aby is like Darq in Landy has no idea what her actual limitations are so which have to accept that she’s ~reeaallyy~ powerful. Eliza definitely isn’t going to make it out alive. Landy barely knew what to do with her after the events of DB. /2
Or the church for that matter. I vaguely remember the theory that magic is stored in the heart (I don't know if you wrote it or someone else) & that's why you can seal true names through it. It would explain how Aby still had power. Don’t mind me but I’ve been coming up with headcanons for Serafina before Bedlam possibly destroys them. The UN’s death was a ~1000 years ago, Mev served under Dagon’s grandfather which means he didn’t rise up until later. /3
I wanna say ‘Old Magic’ families exist & there being an aristocracy (you've written about this & I’m going to take what’s written in DB & run with it) which is how Mev meet Sef. Their marriage really pushed him up the ranks - going to borrow your HC - with him being an orphan he didn’t care much for the upturned noses at him for not being pedigree. Sef showed him how to navigate the world & make it work for him. Mev is more into order while Sef is structure. /4
He would handle the soldiers and intricate parts of battle/strategy & she’d weed out non-believers/traitors and ensure that any weak elements were removed and replaced with something/one more reliable. She could have helped Serpine/Vengeous without them knowing. Letting little bits of information slip, orchestrating from behind the curtains. Killing of the Council of Elders, the Grotesquery, the events at the farm & proof of the FO would 100% benefit the church. /5
I wouldn't be too sad if Sef turns out not to be a big worshipper & she’s just more interested in playing the game. Let me know what you think of these! You’re better at writing than me lol. Not thinking too hard until after I read BL & figure out how much canon I need to ignore. I’ve written about the stuff in the prior asks I’ll send later to separate HC from fist shaking. Be warned, there’s a lot because of how annoyed I am at Landy’s lovely allusions to China being like Hitler *rolls eyes*Wow, it’s been a while. I don’t really remember what I said tbh.The baquet makes sense since it seems like a good way to lift the sprits of his underlings tbh. The killing got no reaction from Sef/Mev bc they knew about it beforehand (and not reaction is one hell of a powermove!).It explains how macaroni boi got in undetected, but not how he didn’t get his throat exploded or set on fire after the first time he stabbed Mev! Uff, I hate the way Mev did sooooo much, I’m so not accepting it as canon.
Creed looking like Bliss? So like, bald?Yeah, I heard about the bank thing. Admittingly, the Dark Cathedral plotline is the only plotline that is even remotely interesting seeing how my favs haven’t made an in-person appearance so far.Yeah, Landy does have a bad habit of telling-and-not-showing.That’s a shame, I like Eliza. And the church is like the only faction I really care about (I’m always a slut for evil murder cults, especially if they are occult lmao).
Nope, that’s not my headcanon, that’s @ffoo-doodle‘s, here’s the link.
Huh? I thought he served under Dagon’s grandfather and THEN became an apprentice of the Unnamed since I don’t see the student of a half-god serving another mage, especially not after killing said half-god???
Good Mev/Sef headcanon with their meeting. But it conflicts with my own headcanon. I headcanon Mev as rising to power on his own using street-smarts and charisma to get mages to join him as he travels and preaches. Serpine follows him around and aids (in any way he can including financial). Mevs own little cult gets violent and the councils that would later become the Sanctuaries try to outlaw the worship of the Faceless Ones which Mevolent uses to unite the different church fractions under his banner to fight for ‘freedom of religion’. All the while he’s presenting himself as the good guy, as their savior and displays the sanctuaries as oppressiors. Later on more mages convert to the Faceless Church, not bc they worship the FO, but bc Mev is using the at the time recent witch hunts as a recruiting tool. And Mev and Sef only meet after he has already risen to power and is a king in his own right.
“Mev is more into order while Sef is structure.“
^^That sounds likely. I agree with that headcanon.
I do disagree with her helping Nef and Baron tho. Nef is too much of a wildcard, nobody can predict what he will do next and the only one that was able to control him was Mevolent. And Baron got played by the Diablerie who in turn got played by Batu and why would Sef slip information to a mortal? I heard that apparently Eliza was suppossed to be working for her the entire time tho.
I just don’t want Sef to be female!Mev or be as badly written as Aby/Darquesse/Murder Rose/ect. aka as over the top crazy for crazyness’-sake.Uff yeah, China’s plotline.... it’s pretty bad. And the WW2 stuff in the books annoys the living hell out of me bc I’m German aka my history lessons in school consisted out of 90% WW2, which ofc also includes reading war literature in my German class. Plus, interviewing WW2 survivors, first the jews, then later we had to stay for a week in an old concentration camp (Oranienburg, that’s near Berlin) the the guards house and interview Germans who lived near the KZ and so on and so on. I really don’t need a fat Irish man who got his WW2 knowledge from Hollywood preaching to me about this kind of stuff.
Btw you mentioned something about an ask with a link? I still haven’t gotten one. Did you not send it or is tumblr being trash again?
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benhaardy · 5 years
Hi! Can I please get a ship for both BoRhap/ Queen? I am a girl with long chestnut hair and brown almond-shaped eyes. I have a curvy and thic figure, but I am 5’7 tall. I am an absolute bookworm, I love reading books and writing stories (smart is the new sexy) Although I am shy at first, I have built a great confidence in myself and it helped me to easily talk to everyone. I love adventures, travelling, partying and listening to great music! Let’s add that I’m a reckless one too. Thank you ☺️
I ship you with BEN and ROGER!
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yall met in a dog-friendly cafe. you noticed two things. 1. frankie’s cute af 2. this handsome ass man in a beanie ummm lemme get some of that???? you go up to him and you’re first like “hey can i pet ur dog!!!!!” but he knows… he knows he’s cute, but yes you petted frankie and yall just hit it off.
first of all, he’d looooooveee reading your work and would often beg to read them before they were done. he’s fascinated the way you use words (just words!!! what!!!!) to create a whole world and scenario on paper. he’s often looking over your shoulder when you’re in the kitchen working at the table and watching you type. you feel his breath as he silently mouths the words to what you have written.
ben’s usually right next to you on the bed when you’re reading, just fiddling w something or on his phone. or both. he’ll ask you what’s happening in the book and you’ll explain but he still won’t know what’s going on and who’s who after, no matter how well you explain (#readingprobs). it’s still cute to see his confused self nodding and his brow slightly furrowed, trying to piece stuff together.
he watched how hard you work and worked towards building your confidence in yourself and couldn’t be more proud of his girl. he can’t help but beam when he sees you just be free and open around everyone.
“ben? what’s this?” you said as you picked up the two boarding passes on the kitchen counter. ben came up behind you and put his hands around your waist. “we’re going to france tomorrow and italy in two weeks! surprise!” he kissed your cheek and walked away.
^ that’s pretty normal with him tbh
he helped build your flight and road trip playlist too :ppp hes got a great music taste btw
loves taking you on set and everything and seeing you starstruck by everyone you meet tbh.
he isn’t too big on the party scene but anything to get you to move yo body on him :PPPPPPPP . seeing you in all these countries and new places he’s taking you having the time of your life is worth everything to him. you get a litttttllllleeee on the wild side when you’re in the groove (and in general) but he doesn’t mind and is rather amused and definitely in love
ben loves your body!!!!! he loves your hair and your eyes and everything about you absolutely everything!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!
kinda doesnt understand how he got some1 as great as you but he will 100% TAKE IT!
also you two slytherins unite yeet !! ravenclaw over here :D
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(irl and movie roger can be imagined w this)
writing!!! you guys love it!!!! though you weren’t much on songwriting per se and he wasn’t on normal writing entirely but i love the scene of yall two sitting in bed somewhere in europe or around the world really, with notepads, you trying your hand at songwriting and him at conventional writing. lets just say… it did not turn out too well. BUT! you still help each other out with what yall do (you help him in general and he helps you with the more metaphoric/figurative/emotion writing ig?) and are both often writing writing writing with each other. you’ve written many about rog and he’s written much about you too.
thats a long headcanon so heres another bulletpoint. smart is the new sexy ;)))) and he loves your intellect wow he could listen to you talk for hours he could read what youve written for forever. like. rog loves it.
he lovesssss your outgoing personality/personality in general lol. the way both of you are mix very well and going with the headcanon above, you guys work great together and though you two wild ones would seem to butt heads it really doesn’t happen a lot. the guys fell absolutely in love with you and you have a thing in common w all of them: books, writing, quiet w bri and deac/k/y (:P), and your adventurous side w both freddie and rog. rog also gets along quite well with the people around you and you guys are just the super chill but really loud and outgoing couple lmaoo!!
travelling, partying, adventures: rog’s favourite mix. you’ve probably partied in every country in europe and are working on more!
“pack your bags, gwen!” rog yelled as he came through the front door. you were in the kitchen taking care of some bills so you called back casually, “for what, rog?” he was in front of you now, standing in the threshold of the kitchen, an unusually mischievous look on his face. “we’re going on tour for a year!” “i-i have work and the pets and everything and i-i thought id be staying her-” “don’t worry, love.” he came a step closer to you and closed his arms around you tightly. “did you really think i’d leave you here all alone? i called work and promised them some autographs and free tickets for this and the next tour — you’re fine and you’ll still have it when we get back. now let’s go upstairs and get packing.”
you had your own things to do but rog always, always made sure you wanted to go if he had a surprise for you.”are you sure?” is always his first question before you guys leave for the airport on another flight to the new place of the week. i mean 100% of times you wanted to go but then again you guys travelled probably like every weekend sooooo. you understand.
loves looking over his drums and seeing you, striking, a stand out in the crowd looking back at him. he winks and blows a kiss at you (to which he gets a little teasing but nothing he can’t handle) and you blow one back, your smile hugeeeeee. the music surrounds you and every once in a while roger catches a glimpse of you with your eyes closed, just drinking in everything and every sound
he loves your body. legiterally. like he loves it a shit ton dude. like ok it’s roger taylor ofc but it’s like roger taylor x maybe a thousand. he really likes your eyes lol its probably his favourite just like the shape and colour and their expressiveness—this boy is whipped for you.
heyyyy thanks for requesting a ship! hope you like it!! lowkey went overboard but i love going overboard on ships y’all absolutely deserve it!! had a lovely time writing this and you sound like a wonderful person. peace!
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