#i apply to clown college
trashlama · 1 year
Heeeeeeyyyyy guess whose back!
This is a part of I guess this series of one shots I got going on. →This post can explain more←
This is the image I used for Donnie in this one. ↓
Art isn't mine but the design is radical!
Sorry this took so long. Honestly I almost didn't post it cause I didn't like how it came out. Like I kept trying to fix it to how I like it buuutt, this was the best that I could do. I might try rewriting it or somethin'. I was just trying to change it up buuutt, I suck. Did my best with the proof reading. Probably could have tried to proof read it more.
Honestly this fic is pretty dark. Originally was darker.
Please no minors, 18+ only!(There's no smut or anything sexual, just a lot of technically triggering elements)
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The meme in this fic is not mine I just found them on Pinterest and they were too good.
Read the creator's notes below for more!
Humming computer fans and diligent typing filled the silent void in the poorly lit room. If not for the obscured ominous glow of the various monitors littering the labatory you would've believed you had gone completely blind. Having already lost the vision on your right to the slimy pink tentacle bastards who transformed your planet into the living Hell on Earth.
Guess religion was right about something. At The End of Days the devil came for the damned. And in spite of your mother's faithful beliefs, there was never a savior to come swop away the righteous to the selective pearly gates of the Heaven she had mindlessly prayed to. She was wrong. Her savior locked her out.
There would be no salvation. Not for anyone.
Instead for the first thirteen years after the Krrang's invasion you suffered. Everyone suffered.
Shit hit the fan and it splattered like a chocolate pie in bad clown gag.
Overnight the world you had grown up in changed for the worse. Blind to the way society crumbled and turned into a Mad Max film. Unaware of the great loss. Naive and young you weren't prepared for the grotesque violence that replaced your boring mundane life that you had taken for granted.
How you wish there was a way to go back.
Return to days where your only worries were filling out job applications to move out of your mother's abode and getting into a good college. Begging whatever deities listened to accept you to one of the variety of schools you had applied for. Preferably one more than five hundred miles away from the run-down neighborhood in the Bronx you lived in. You've always wanted to travel the country and college opened up that opportunity to do so. Had everything gone according to plan you would've started your first semester that following fall.
Though it wasn't meant to be. Instead you spent that lonely winter, grieving
" (Y/n) "
At the call of your name the chain that hung from around your neck clanked as a single (e/c) orb snapped out of its routine day-dreams to look towards the owner of the tired deep voice that had called to you. It was Donatello. Said ninja turtle kneeling at your side next to the cot you both shared.
Within the nest of sheets you retracted from the curled position you had been laying in on top of the bed spread. A multi-paterned stitched quilt gifted by one of the softshell turtle's brothers— you forget who; rested at your feet, unused. Protecting thin (skin tone) skin from the piercing cold was a worn pair of faded PJs that consisted of a dark green long sleeve with fluffy grey plaid bottoms. The odd attire didn't bother you in the slightest. When living in the apocalypse fashion hardly matters. If it was usable it was wearable.
Despite of your efforts to block the aged mutant out by focusing your lone (e/c) gaze on soothing else. The Large cold hand of Donatello's petting the top of your head was all your traumatized receptors could focus on. Three lengthy jade digits combing rouge strands of unkept (h/l) (h/c) hair away from their position in your face. Wandering fingertips skimmed over your missing right eye. Playing with the white medical eye patch that kept the old wound hidden. Had this been seven months ago you would've already been trying to bite the technological General's scared appendage off. Though now at this point you just let the mutant do whatever. You didn't care.
The same regard was held when the purple clad turtle observed you. Anything and everything that flashed across your face was cataloged by your analyzing capter's dark narrowed stare. A common occurrence that never faltered in its repetitiveness.
Exhaustion dominated the aged jade complexion of Donatello's. His expression would be read bored if not for the controlled obsession that lurked in pools of night.
You always did like his eyes. Even when they were hidden behind the dual frames perched on his snout. One half a traditional prescription lens the other a crimson infrared optic that provided extra assistance to the current wearer. Like a moth to the flame you were drawn to the night sky he held in those dark pools.
"You're wasting the food Mikey brought you" the softshell flatly chastised. Those same magnetic dark eyes that had been locked with yours turned away momentarily to retrieve something from beside him. The tattered greyish purple cloak he wore tied loosely around his sturdy shoulders draped forward revealing the silver cybertronic mechanical substitute for his left arm. A necessary loss for the cause he dutifully worked for.
You hadn't respond to his comment.
For a moment you began to sink back into your land of memories if it had not been for the scrapping metal of the fork against the plate that was now in the purple bandana wearing turtle's grasp. Stabbing at the rations that the commissary passed out earlier that day. At least you're assuming it's day. It's hard to tell when you never leave the underground base, let alone the prison of Donatello's lab that doubled as his quarters.
Back in reality something moist pressed against your bottom lip.
Robotically you obeyed.
You learned a long time ago that starving doesn't work. It was this or the feeding tub. At least this didn't hurt your throat. The ache in your esophagus from the experience lasted for weeks after. Bile threatening to rise if you focused any longer on the nightmarish memory.
Up till the plate was cleared the mutant continued to feed you. Picking at the dish's portions until there was nothing left. After which the adult ninja turtle placed the cutlery to the side before taking a corner of his faded cloak to wipe away the food residue left around your mouth. Repeating the same method with the plastic cup that sat precariously on the table to the other side of you next to the cement wall.
For a moment his calculative narrowed gaze stared at you before deciding something.
"...I have to go work on the faulty pump in the filter for the hydroponic system in the Agriculture Unit later...." Thick brows frowed together in an unsure manner upon his purple-clad forehead as he continued. ".....would you be interested in joining me for the endeavor?" The aged ninja finally prompted.
You didn't respond.
Had this been seven months ago you would've replied with an immediate yes. Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Back then you would've thought somebody, anybody, would help you.
But if that were the case you would've been free already.
It wasn't necessarily a secret that you belonged to the purple bandana wearing brainiac. On the contrary it was a well known fact amongst the inhabitants of the base. It was just an unspoken topic. An issue that the Commander and the rest of the generals much rather sweep under the rug than to confront.
You learned it the hard way.
You had managed to get away somehow after Donatello first claimed you. Before the chained leash that pooled around you became a permanent fixture. In its place there had been a small amount of leeway the softshell gifted you. A fragile trust you didn't bother to strengthen prior to your attempt two months into your captivity. Maybe things would've been different.
You had told Donnie you were just gonna go to the commissary and get them some lunch. Claimed you were trying to be a nice, good partner. You didn't want to disturb the important work you were so proud of him for. Like a termite at Home Depo he ate it up. A bashful smile stretched across his jade complexion that was burnt red.
Playing the serpent who tricked Adam, you slithered from the technological garden of paradise. Departing with a false display of affection. Pride filled you from the phenomenal performance you gave.
Taking flight to the wind you ran down the Resistance headquarters hallways. Without meaning too you lost yourself around the twist and turns of unfamiliar corridors. Your limited vision and even less knowledge of the section's layout not being of much aid to your mission. Especially since prior to your imprisonment you hadn't ventured to this area since it was restricted to Resistance officers way above your ranking.
Though your plan was to run into someone. Anyone who could help you. You were gonna rat out that purple techno creep. He needed to pay. You were fed up with this stupid apocalypse.
Eventually after sprinting down the halls for God knows how long. You found your self face first into the plastron of General Michelangelo.
"Wwhooo! Slow down little missy! You're gonna give this old man a scare!" The greying box turtle joked even though you weren't very much younger than him. Catching your charging figure easily between rough moss palms. Out of breath you began spewing your story. Begging the mystic mutant to help you get away from his crazy purple coded brother.
"Oooohh, so yoouurr (Y/n)..." The youngest general gathered. Aged face scrunching up in a contemplative way, as if he was thinking. For a moment you had thought maybe the mutant turtle knew who you were cause somebody had reported your missing presence. Realized that you had been stolen by one of the very leaders they worked under. Unfortunately that was not the case.
"Yes! I'm (Y/n)! Your brother Donatello, he—"
"Said that if you got lost to return you to him!~"
It was too late to retreat. You didn't even have the chance to react before the orange clad General had you on the ground. Wind punched from your lungs by the sudden force. Mouth mimicking a fish out of water as you gasped for much needed air. Next thing you knew your hands were bound behind your back by the same orange bandana wearing mutant you sought aid from. Kicking and screaming as the moss green Hamato sibling dragged you back to where you had started.
Entering the lab Michaelangelo greeted his flabbergasted older brother. Sporting a wide cheshire grin as he released his grip on you to only then in the same motion push your unbalanced wobbly stature forward caching yourself on Donatello's chest. Leaving shortly after with some sort of fucked up quip you couldn't hear past the pounding in your ears. Heart jackhammering painfully against your ribs. The beat too powerful for any other sound to break it's dominating rythem.
Were you about to have a heart attack?A stroke? You couldn't tell. You didn't think people your age had them.
Once left alone the white hot fury you had expected never came. No beating. Nor any dismemberment of a limb. There were no threats made for your dire transgression. No shouts or screams of possessive anger. Only unnerving still silence.
Somehow that was worse.
You lied. You tried to leave. You made a scene with his younger brother only for said orange clad sibling to drag you back like the dog who got out.
The first ten–fifteen minutes you both just stood there. There were no excuses nor pleading from your part. Just utter overwhelming suffocating quite. The jade and purple tattooed complexion of the General's who stood before you was drained to match snow. Face displaying a composed, conserved expression to anyone who was looking in from the outside.
Unfortunately for you it was always Donatello's dark eyes that gave everything away.
Hurt. He was undeniably wounded by the injury. You broke the thin veil of trust he gave you. You could have done whatever you wanted. As long as you didn't stray far from him. Stayed and supported him. It was all he wanted.
The softshell was so happy when you forged that lie believing the act to be true. Believing that you cared about his health and work. Being kind and supportive enough to trek and retrieve both of your guys' lunch. Except upon his younger mutant brother's arrival the fantasy he was living in was broken. It was all a lie. You deceived him. Betrayed the tempered trust that two of you shared. A thin string you willing snipped.
Saltwater streaks poured down in silent bunches as the aged ninja turtle lowered his head. He really thought you had loved him as you whispered sweet claims from soft deceiving lips that kissed his heated cheek a farewell. Departing with that smile that made his heart race. Donatello was hurt. And so the turtle did the only thing that would hurt you just as much as you had hurt him.
Had you known what he was going to do maybe you would've fought harder than you had.
No words were exchanged as the mutant scientist tied your jittery limbs to your paralyzed figure. Plastic white ties zipped painfully tight around (skinned tone) appendages. Though fear hadn't taken it's full course until the softshell began to secure a thick fabric around your head, blinding you. Finding the immediate endless world of black frightening.
"Please— don't do this— I-I'm sorry!" You plead as large cold hands slide a set of what you assume are noise canceling buds into your ears. You couldn't catch your breath. Your heart wouldn't still itself as it fought for space within your ribcage. "Please! I— mphmfh!"was all you could cry before lastly a gag was stuffed into your teriffied jaws. Based on the texture of the rough fabric you deduced it was most likely an old gym sock from the clothing bin. The worn garment scratched at the roof of your mouth making you taste cooper.
Donnatello hadn't planned to use this method this early on but, this was a lesson that needed to be learned. He was going to deprive you of your senses. Leave you lost just as he would've been without you. Maybe then you'd understand.
For some time you were just scared shitless. Frightful of the purple coded general's unknown intentions. Was he gonna torture you? Kill you and keep the body? The imaginary list was much more scary than the actual first quarter of the punishment . Thankfully nothing happened. The turtle left you be. Probably just watching you from his typical spinny chair from in front of the large monitor dominating the room. The motherfucker probably felt like Batman or some shit sipping on his coffee as you the Joker— fucked around in the holding tube.
When the endless darkness started to pick at your already aggravated anxiety you had tried to force yourself asleep to escape the void. However you found the effort quickly fruitless. Trapped without sound or any background stimulation aside from the limited range of touch at your disposal made the task feel impossible. Dissolving lines between real and what was not becoming harder to differentiate with every passing unknown second.
Attempts to keep your sanity felt futile in spite of efforts to keep the screws forming coming loose. Clawed (skin tone) palms and curling toes only did so much. When all else failed you felt only one thing could be done. You need to feel something. Anything. You couldn't do this anymore. The scratches in your palms did not suffice.
Doing what you felt was your only choice in your spiralling panic. You began to throw yourself around across the lab's tile floor. Using your upper body and knees you inch worm around the room. Purposely banging yourself into anything and everything so you may injure yourself. Feeding your starved receptors with whatever painful sensations you could produce.
Donatello was quick to remove the suppressors once you really started injuring yourself. Most likely calling it when the various wounds littered your (s/c) skin began to form. Following the path you had squirmed eyes like La Brea tar pits found speckles of crimson decorating a variety of the objects in his workspace. As if a baby crawled around repainting his lab with dots of red.
What a pain. Couldn't you have just accepted the punishment like an adult? Now he was gonna have to clean up this mess later. But alas just as many great minds of science had taught him. There was always a price to be paid for results. Maybe he should've just thrown you into solitary or made a modification or two to your Achilles tendons.... Next time.
Cold hands without delay discarded the ear buds and spit soaked sock. Your chest was still rising too fast. You were gonna puke if you stayed any longer in the dark. Though once the blind fold was discarded the softshell turtle's concerned expression was the first thing you saw. The sight of another instantly calming the bees stabbing your stomach lining. A flash of worry glimmered in those pools of ink. Only for the emotion to be consumed by the sticky black tar that lurked beneath.
"Did you learn your lesson?" The purple tattooed turtle questioned softly as he scooped your zip tied bound form into his mix matched arms. Combination of flesh and steel cradling you as he maneuvered towards his cot. Donatello was aware that you have one too but, recently the color coded general had been considereing just having you sleep with him. It'd save him space.
"I doubt it." he chided with a small grin that didn't match his eyes as he laid you down. Tucking you into his barely used sheets.
You didn't bother to request for him to remove the plastic bonds as exhaustion dragged you into the realm of slumber. Senses finally relaxing thanks to some stimulation. Allowing the phantom hand caresse the curve of your cheek as you drifted away.
When you awoke your injuries were bandaged and the plastic that had restrained you was gone. In the zip ties stead was a steel collar and chain hooped around the deadbolt installed in the cool tiled floor of the purple brainiac's lab. The same device you wore to this present day.
"(Y/n).... (Y/n)..."
Oh no you got lost in your memories again didn't you? Based on the softshell's expression, your answer would be yes.
"(Y/n)... I think you should come with me when I go to the farming unit. I think it'd be good for you ....and maybe we'll even see Leon and Casey Jr. " Donnie soothed. His large cold hand returning at some point continued to comb the wild flyaways that tried to elude his threading jade fingers.
You didn't care. You bobbed your head. Listening but, not particularly agreeing nor disagreeing to anything as you went along with the general's wishes.
In the hallway you and Donatello walked side by side. Your collar and chain were gone. Left behind in the lab due to the bondage being bolted to the floor. Not very mobile. Which in turn left you shackle free for the trip. Seven months ago you would've already tried to attack the turtle like the wild dog you were. You had been.
Now the tamed rescue, you leapt and barked without hesitation when commanded.
Like a good pup you didn't stray from your master's side.
Traversing through the base with the lumbering mutant was a quiet affair. No one bothered the two of you as the purple clad genuis led the way.
Here and there the technological general would make small talk by commenting about certain functions found throughout the headquarters along the short journey. Explaining uses of faculties and tech that had been constructed long before you ever stepped foot in the Resistance headquarters.
Long before you ever met the softshell who kept you prisoner in his room. Like a toy a spoiled child didn't want to share.
Pushing open the floppy doors to the Ag unit; bright UV rays burned your sensitive retinas that grew unconditioned to direct sunlight due to the dark room you were trapped in on a daily. Although unlike you, Donatello's dark narrowed stare remained unfazed by the bright light. Not even a stinge of discomfort upon disciplined matured features.
Artificial warmth even if false still felt soothing on your cold (skin tone) skin.
How you missed the real thing.
Missed the stupid picnics your mother would force you on. Laying under shady emerald trees in the smothering New York summer heat under a bright blue sky. Pouting as you watched your mother and brother played on the playground. You used to think those family outings were a waste of your time when you could be hanging with your friends or studying. Be anywhere but with them. How foolish you were.
A small frown laced your lips as you recalled the more peaceful days.
"(Y/n) this way" Donatello's voice called from in front of you. At some point having grabbed your hand to pull you closer to his tall stature as he escorted the two of you through the rows of growing produce. The tips of his long purple bandana tickled your nose but you made no complaints.
"Donnie over here!"
Onwards he directed you along.
Off in the near distance was the blue clad Commander. On his shelled back was a raven haired child that looked no more than nine.
"Oi! Casey Jr can you please be un bueno niño(a good little boy)!" The leader begged as the afro mentioned brown-eyed boy tugged at the long tied strands to his azure mask. Tighting the fabric painfully around his head. Giggling at his guardian's torment. "Nah! This is so much fun el anciano(old man) " Casey cheered, showing off a wide chipped tooth grin. A recent cosmetic development much to Leo's jargon.
Back and forth the two went as you and Donatello approached the comedic duo. The softshell grown a small grin on his normally uninterested expression.
" Thank Gram Gram you're here Donnie! The pump to the filter finally said capoot! And—"
"Yeah I know that's why I'm here." The jade colored turtle cut off his Commander.
Leonardo didn't mind his brother's injection. Smile still present upon olive skin.
"Alright-o dear brother-o! I'll leave you to it."
As the two siblings continued to chat over the needed maintenance, the raven haired boy leaning over the lumbering leader's shoulder stared straight at you. Eyes like teddy bear plushies bore into your being as they watched. Wide and impressionable. Brown judging spheres.
You could feel the bugs scuttling under your skin again.
"(Y/n)..., (Y/n) are you listening?"
Breaking from the losing staring competition you were having with the nine year old. Knowing dark eyes like night drew your attention back to the mutant who was cradling your hand between his own odd pair.
Once the scientist was sure he had all of you here he repeated his directions. " (Y/n) I want you to hangout out here for a little while I work. The pump requires more attention than I had initially thought..." Jade eyelids closed for a moment as the mutant exhaled his stored breath. " ...if you need me you can ask Leo. He had said he and Casey had some things to do here for a bit anyways so he doesn't mind watching you."
You didn't care. It was just nice being outside that damn lab in general.
With the nod of your head Donatello allowed your smaller hand free from his mix matched grasp. " I'll be back soon. If you get too hot tell Leo and he'll take you inside to cool down." The turtle further explained. It was like he wasn't sure if he could depart from you. Even if he was only temporarily leaving you under his twin's supervision. He still didn't like the idea of not having you beside him as he worked. However the space in the room with the filter was limited. Although Donnatello would prefer to have you in sight. Genius does take a little finesse and he always performed best with space.
With one more glance the softshell turtle turned and left. Walking towards the small building far off in the corner of the massive underground green house.
Once gone you were left standing there. Unmoving like a puppet without it's puppeteer.
You guess you stood there for too long cause at some point the Leonardo approached and rested his palm on your clothed shoulder. Probably making sure you're still there before his olive palm spirited away.
Hands very much like Donatello's. Too much like Donnie's. The touch made you shutter. You hated it. You hated the jade turtle who did this to you.
Based on the Commander's look you could tell he wanted to ask if you were good. Though the question would be pointless when the answer was as obvious as the dirt that coated the thin fabric of your eggshell colored slip-on flats.
"Sensei why is that weird girl that General Donnie brought only got one eye? Is she a pirate?" Casey Jr inquired not aware of the offensive statement he constructed.
The blue clad leader flicked his retainee's forehead. Lightly punishing the child as he chastised the raven haired boy for the rude question. "Casey Jr that's not how we talk about people. Especially ladies. If you have a question you ask them politely. " The retainer informed. Dark onyx eyes too similar to that of his brainac twin's slid back to your cemented figure.
You were waiting.
With an awkward grin Leo proposed that you join him and Casey Jr on their check up on the Agricultural workers. You didn't respond, just nodding to whatever the aged ninja turtle had suggested.
Around the large farming area that had to be as big, if not bigger than old New York City's Grand Central Station. The red eared slider led you and Casey Jr around as he performed leader duties. The task not being that tedious if it wasn't for the raven haired kinder who wouldn't leave you be. The orphan kept asking too many personal questions for your taste. None of which you responded too. Though that didn't mean it stopped the nine year old from chatting your ear off.
For what felt like forever Casey Jr went on about, everything. There wasn't a single topic he stuck to. Bouncing from asking about how you knew General Donnie to do you always wear pajamas? What was your favorite food? Do you have any parents? What's your favorite game in the rec room?
The kid was gonna be the death of you if not the UVs that were starting to roast you. The faded winter sleeping attire you wore not necessarily the best outfit to be clothed in while under the artificial rays. Though you didn't complain. Didn't want to miss this opportunity to be outside of the technological General's lab.
You weren't ready to go back to the darkness. Not yet.
A single (E/c) colored orb found itself focused on the sudden opportunity presented.
You didn't have to go back as long as you did this right. You could be free. You couldn't fuck this up again. Not again. The anxiety of the looming punishment sat in the back of your mind. Giggling. A child-like tone mocking you for your thoughts of freedom. Reminding you if you escaped something worse could happen. Would happen.
Blood trickled down the (skin tone) surface of your chin. You had accidentally chewed your bottom lip to ground beef with your nervous tick, again.
Using the right sleeve of your pajama shirt you wiped away the oozing crimson fluid.
"Are you okay (Y/n)?" Casey's high but worried voice broke you from your scheming thoughts.
Looking down at Casey Jr's baby checks that had been holding a wide chipped smile instead thinned out into a tight frown. Wide brown orbs innocently peered up at you with concern.
For a moment you didn't reply.
Looking past the apocalyptic born child observing the interaction between Leo and the worker he spoke to. Gageing how much longer you had before the Commander returned from the discussion.
" I'm fine... but, ....do you think you could help me with something Casey? "
When his softshell twin asked him if he could watch (Y/n) while he worked on the hydroponic filter pump. The red eared slider was not gonna lie, he was not looking forward to the task. Already having his own gremlin running a muck the last thing the blue clad Commander wanted was a creepy-ass robot following them around.
However whenever it came to Donnie and (Y/n) being involved in the same situation there was hardly room for argument. Leo was the leader of the Resistance he swore that he'd do his best to help end this apocalypse and to do so he needed a functional base. That entailed having a controlled food supply, functioning weaponry, dormitories, facilities— the works. If anything was to go down. The blue bandana wearing mutant only has one reliable individual who could repair, design, modify— you name it. In less time than a whole team of engineers and mechanics he could whip up— combined. Only Donnie could do it. It's cause of the afro mentioned scientist and his inventions that the Krrang hadn't taken them out yet. The aged blue bandana wearing turtle wasn't actually sure how long they could fend off the pink tentacle armada without his softshell twin.
The thought keeps him on edge sometimes— what if the turtle passed or chose not to use his gift the way he does. They'd be screwed in the long run. The turtle imagines it would be similar to that of ant colony walking into a spider's nest. The carnage would be unsalvageable. They'd have to use the last resort.
He couldn't afford for shit to go sideways.
And sometimes if that meant sacrifices... for the greater good so be it. It was something the mutant leader wasn't proud of.
Leo isn't even really sure when the purple clad mutant even met (Y/n) or how. Donnie kept mostly to himself. Never straying far from his lab and a working coffee machine. So the fact the caffine addicted nerd met someone, let alone a girl. Truly made the phenomenon a mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes.
He knew what he was doing when Donnie made his ultimatums. It was (Y/n) or no base. The softshell mutant was aware the kind of game he was playing. How it would affect everyone. So many would be lost because the adult ninja turtle wanted to throw a tantrum. Leonardo was ashamed but, it was necessary. He had to give in to the mad scientist's demands. The olive skinned mutant would like to say he had no choice— But he did. And he chose to keep the Resistance alive rather than allowing you to be free. He couldn't. Donnie wanted you and so you were the purple clad General's. There was no room for negotiations. The softshell was always stubborn like that. He played the odds in his favor. He'd let the whole base crumble if it meant he couldn't have you.
And for the last year, that was that.
Leonardo knew that Donatello was keeping you in his lab and that at some point over the last twelve months the workspace began to double as the jade turtle's quarters as well.
Only discovering the new development when visiting his purple color coded brother one day. The blue bandana wearing leader doesn't remember what he had gone to his sibling's work space for but, once inside he found the usual cluttered layout. However off closer to the far wall in the direct line of sight was the (Blonde/Brunette/Raven or Scarlet Haired/ Etc) tribute his brother had demanded for.
This had been when the (e/c) eyed woman still had her own bed. Though at some point after your escape attempt that had been thwarted by Mikey. He remembered because of the presence of the steel restraints that you typically wore when in Donnie's laboratory.
In the corner you were laying down. Hands obviously bound behind your back. The (h/c) haired captive probably scratched her neck raw again. His theory only confirmed upon closer inspection. Beneath the steel collar a dressing of white gauze. Though that wasn't the only injury. Like a Christmas present you were wrapped almost head to toe in the cotton bandages. Most likely caused by other attempts to break free from your bonds which backfired. Resulting in Donnie just further inhibiting your mobility.
Sometimes he doesn't understand why the softshell turtle did what he does. If he loved you, why did he let you hurt yourself like this? The technological General's plan was to rid you of your will. Like the mustang in stables he was gonna break that need to be free. You would be his. The aged purple coded mutant wouldn't accept anything less.
It was creepy how his sciencey twin doted on his feral captive. How even when discussing the condition of the base the crippled mutant still gravitates towards your curled up figure. In spite your attempts to chomp off his jade digits the Donnie still continued to glide his fingers through (h/c) strands. The action was bizarre to the red eared slider. He couldn't relate but if this kept the softshell from throwing the headquarters into the destructive hands of the Krrang. So be it.
Which brings Leo back to the current task at hand. Watching both Casey Jr and his brother's captive as he did his patrols of the agricultural production. He needed to start getting a feel of the ratio amount of crops so he knew how to plan for the Resistance's future. Winter was gonna be coming soon and scavenging in the snow was not an easy feat. Especially with pink tentacle freaks and the assimilated around every lurking corner up on the surface.
Leo was sure that this was gonna be a pain in the shell however to his surprise he found some entertainment out of the one sided conversation Casey Jr was having with you.
Regardless of the lack of your response, the raven haired boy kept bombarding you with rounds of endless questioning. Like twenty-one questions but, with more like five hundred-fifty-five questions. It was hilarious. Many times as he was communicating with his subordinates he would over hear Casey Jr spout something random. Comedic prompting caused the mutant leader to muffle his chuckles on a few occasions. The action earned him a raised brow or two from a couple of agricultural workers.
Everything was fun and games, until it wasn't.
Leo had been strolling down one of the many select rows of dirt walkways onto the next location he needed a report from. He had been listening to his live comedy show when he noticed the lack of quips from his adolescent charge. That's when he peeked over his broad shoulder, only to find nothing but the dirt path beneath his feet. Casey Jr and (Y/n) nowhere to be found.
That's when suddenly shit turned into a real life Lou Jitsu movie with a plot twist that kept the viewer at the edge of their seat. Except for Leo this wasn't a Lou Jitsu movie. He fucked up. Shit wasn't just gonna line up and all his problems would be solved. No. Hot Soup he had to solve this himself. The Resistance Commander gripped the inside pockets of his loose fitted beige pants. A small amount of anxiety rose at the possible implication of the duo's absence meant.
Now the blue clad mutant was aware he was the sharpest tool in the shed but he knew some things. For example, you wanted to leave. Casey Jr knew how to leave the base. Leo taught him in case of emergency if the red eared slider himself or someone else wasn't present to assist the child. Said afro mentioned charge wanted you to respond to his pestering. And the Resistance leader was distracted by the comedic routine and his patrols to notice the disappearance of the two-man comedic troupe he had been chaperoning.
The grown ninja turtle knew what you were doing. If his hypothesis was correct—
You were trying to use Casey Jr to escape.
The blue bandana wearing turtle internally scolded himself for his stupidity. He knew you wanted to escape. He shouldn't have let his guard down just because of your meek unresponsive domineer and his humorous charge.
Donatello was gonna kill him if he didn't find you before the purple clad mutant was finished repairing the pump. Which at this point was any minute.
Taking a deep breath of air Leonardo calmed his startled nerves. The mutated Commander had no reason to stress. He could handle this easily. Reminding himself that he taught Casey Jr how to flee from the base. If that truly was the case this retrieval should be a walk in the park.
Cursing his luck under his breath the olive skinned turtle dashed off in the suspected direction that you and Casey had traveled. Unaware of inky orbs following his brother's retreating figure. Ignorant to the irritated displeasure that burned within the tary pits.
As a kid your mother the ever devoted follower— used to warn you about making deals with demons and wicked imps. They'd offer whatever you wished for just a simple price before snatching away your soul. Never would you ever reach the kingdom in the clouds with her and your brother Ethan(I know so creative). Now adult, you knew that stuff was a crock of shit— but as a starry-eyed child with all the hopes and no crushed self esteem, you believed it. Though now as you traversed through disgusting sewer waste you can honestly say that it was a possibility. How else did you end up in this mess? You rolled the dice with the jade devil and now you couldn't pay.
"(Y/n)? .....Were you even listening?"
Without even realizing it you drifted off into your thoughts again an occurrence that only seemed to become more frequent the longer you stayed in that base. In that lab. With the purple bandana wearing turtle who betrayed your trust.
Hopefully after this you wouldn't have to worry about that mutated swindler ever again.
"Sorry.. I was just thinking about something...could you repeat what you said again?" You asked glancing down at your miniature guide, a tight smile presented on your (skin tone) face. It's been a while since you had to play nice.
It was selfish but, you had no other choice. You'd never have this opportunity again. You only had one way out. No one else was gonna help you. Push came to shove you were willing to do whatever it took to flee from the purple clad demon who wouldn't leave you be.
" Dios miós! I-iii aaasked why you're tryinna' to leave this base? Isn't everyone like, tryinna' to get in the base not out? " The doomsday child inquired. Emphasizing his question with a dramatic arched brow and one big questioning eye. The expression very animated. The kid likely picked up the look from a old salvaged comic from the Resistance headquarters' communal library.
Not prepared for the sudden insightful line questioning from the nine year old who up until now had been just asking whatever seemed to pop into his head.
With a forced grin you replied. "You wish." Teasing the now pouting child before continuing. "Though if you must know. I'm gonna go see some family." You lied releasing a tired exhale as your sole (e/c) orb looked around the seemingly empty canels that Casey was accompanying you through. Claiming that he only knew the way based on the look of the surroundings. How he tells the difference between one gross wall from another gross wall slightly boggled your head. Though if it got you out of this cement prison you didn't care.
For a moment as the two of you walked side by side the raven haired child peered up at you with a squinting gaze as he absorbed your answer. Another cartoonish action that made the corner of your lip slightly curl.
"Hmmmm... Alrighty! I can understand wanting to see your family. I lost my mother when I was young but, Leo and his brothers always make me feel right at home!" The young child perked as he grinned up at you with that wide chipped grin of his.
You missed this type of interaction. No fighting or an obsessive purple bandana wearing turtle lurking. Just two normal people just having a plain conversation. No commands or shifty deals. Just one person leading the other to the long awaiting freedom you've desired.
These interactions with the teddy bear brown eyed boy become more challenging with each quip the child spoke. Insects were drilling into the flesh under your skin again. Burrowing into the empty casket of your missing soul. Thriving on what is left of your sanity as they scuttled around in the memories you didn't want to face.
Somehow peering down at the chubby cheeks and scruffy black hair of Casey Jr's that didn't resemble Ethan in any way— still made you think of your deceased younger sibling.
He had been only eight years old he was the first to go out of your happy family trio. It had happened when the Krrang had first opened their portal. Neither one of you were prepared for the earthquake like shake before the ceiling of your mother's apartment collapsed and crushed the two of you under crumbling rubble. When you came to after pushing crumbled drywall from on top of yourself and searching for your younger sibling. All you found when you searched through broken pieces of your childhood home was blood. You couldn't lift the interior support beam off of where you had presumed Ethan was. The steel was far too heavy and your palms were too coated in the surrounding sediment to be able to lift the remaining pieces. You couldn't do anything. Unable to fulfill the role of the older sibling.
For hours you bawled as you had tried to wait for your mother's return. She had been at work when the Krrang attacked. You never did find out what became of her. You always did hope that she got away and somehow was doing well. Even if the reality is she most likely got assimilated or killed. You still always prayed she was doing good.
You just wanted to see them again. Go back in time and re-live the moments you carelessly spent. Fights and words you wish could be taken back. Reclaim wasted opportunities that you'll never have again. How you wish you could tell them you loved them both one last time.
"(Y/n) were here."
At the sound of Casey Jr's squeaky voice your lone (e/c) orb found presented before it was a waterfall of sludge that spilled over into a thirty-five foot drop. Leading down into what appeared into a bay of the same icky substance rushing past your soaked flats. An
With a cheeky grin the raven haired boy pointed down into the pool below. "This is it, the end of the line for me!" The boy quipped before continuing. "I can't go any further with you but, if you keep following that tunnel down there you should be out of the sewers in no time!" Casey finished with a smirk arms crossed over his tiny chest as he explained the directions. Obviously proud himself for remembering his Sensei's words.
" Thanks... " You grinned awkwardly. Not particularly fond of the idea of swimming through god knows what.
"Goodbye Casey, ...thank you for showing me the out." A small smile grew on your face as you looked back at the nine year old only to see the cause of your nightmares standing silently in the background. Glowing optic reflecting in the shadows like a beast prowling the jungle.
Suddenly the spacious catacomb you've been traversing through didn't have enough air. Your chest clenched tight around the squishy organs encased in your ribs.
"(Y/n) are you alrig—"
"Casey Jr stay back!"
It was Leonardo, already at his charge's side holding back the nine year old from advancing any further into the situation that no longer included them. Donatello already approaching forward with the same air of confidence he always carried. Expression studious and sharp. Although the purple tattooed turtle did not display it— he was fucking furious.
"I should've known you would do this to me, (Y/n). " The General dryly chuckled as he edged closer. Every bold step forward the purple bandana wearing ninja took, the closer your shaking legs stumbled towards the slimy edge of the trash filled waterfall. In his three fingered grip a pair of steel cuffs. The kind you see in the movies except from the look of the bulky things. The ones dangling from Donatello's right hand were real.
Fuckfuckfuckfuck— Things were moving too fast. Your rampaging pumping muscle was going to explode. Panicked breaths filled the range of sound your anxiety allowed at you honed in on the jade demon in front of you.
" I should've never made that deal with you... you lied to me. You knew that my mother was dead— YOU KNEW!" You cried as your lone (e/c) eye flashed back and forth between the cracking edge you stood on and the softshell who stood before you. "You fucking lied to me! You played me just so I would stay! I FUCKING HATE YOU! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"
Panting you learned forward, (skin tone) palms resting on your knees. Never breaking eye contact with the aged turtle who although appeared collected was everything but. Narrowed black eyes filled with so much anger. Though still allowed you continue.
"I... -pant-....will never.. -pant- ..fucking love you. You were a mistake. Any feelings I ever had for you were a mistake. I wish I never had met you. I wish I fucking died when you rescued me on your stupid scrap run those months ago..." Straighten your stature you gave the infuriated jade turtle one last look as you smugly looked him dead in the eye.
"I wish whatever fucked up God had chose to taken General Raph, ....had instead killed you..." You calmly stated. Laughing as you continued. Silent tears finally falling out of your last good eye. " Hahahaha— the only reason— you are soooo important enough to still be alive is because your older brother decided to give his life for all of you sick fucks! I pity his sacrifice— maybe at least if he was still here he would know how to handle shit instead of giving into an overgrown spoiled brat like you!"
Silence. No one made a peep. The only sound that broke through the thick tension in the tunnel was the rushing sound of the sewers water that at this point has successfully drenched the legs of your muck covered plaid bottoms.
In the background the fearless blue bandana wearing Commander's emotions were all laid out on his nonexistent sleeve. He was hurt, pissed, and over all he just looked disturbed with the overall conversation.
Meanwhile Casey Jr shielded his face into his Sensei's plastron. Quite sobs choking the boy as his tiny hands griped onto his Commander's beige pant leg like his life depended on it. Terrified of the situation that didn't make sense to the child. The sight made your heart ache just a little bit.
Donatello didn't say anything. He didn't do anything just bore holes into your soul. You had opened your mouth to continue berating the purple clad asshole who's kept you in his fuckin' lab for the last year. Forced you to sleep next to him. Locked you up like a dog when you tried to run away.
However the jade mutant beat you to the punch.
"Shut up. Don't you dare even say another fucking word. "The aged ninja seethed, closing the space between the two of you in a blink of an eye. His left metal palm shooting to grasp your according bicep, tightening his grip around the tender flesh.
" I don't ever want to ever hear you mention Raph's name ever again. You don't fucking deserve to say it. You're so ungrateful and pathetic it just makes everyone around you laugh at your stupidity. Are you really trying to leave the base? Me? For what? Just so you can go fucking kill yourself out there? I saved you. I'm supporting the human race even when all the facts say I shouldn't. That I should've given up on this stupid apocalypse alooong time ago but, I didn't. I had wanted to when we had crossed paths for the first time. When I rescued you, I changed my mind. Why can't you just be grateful!?!?" Donatello cried as he pushed you from the tunnels edge into the roaring murky waters below.
There she is.
The softshell will admit he lost a bit of his composure back there. He shouldn't have pushed you from that high of a point but, you just made him so mad. How dare you bring up Raph. You weren't there. You don't know what it was like on that battlefield. There was no winning, only retreat. You don't realize how much he wishes everyday that the one who had perished was himself not Raph. You don't realize. You're always so naive. That's why Donatello was here to keep you safe. It was for your own good.
In the shallow waters was your water logged figure. Obviously you were out cold based off small rise and fall of your chest.
With a sigh, Donatello slid the projected screen from the monitor on his cybertronic arm. Deactivating the tracker that was implanted in your abdomen. Lucky for him had installed this little insurance a long time ago after one of your many fits just for this type of emergency. Finding the gadget handy in locating you both times. Not having to rely on his red eared slider twin's amazing capabilities.
Trekking into the shallow water the purple clad turtle reached down and retrieved your knocked out figure. Not caring particularly much about the condition of his loose dark purple pants that soaked up the surrounding water fairly quickly.
With a strong exhale of air the technological general retreated back to his base chastising you under his breath along the way. Once there the softshell would insure that you wouldn't have another opportunity like this again.
Like a true scientist Donatello learns from his mistakes and he'll keep trying until one of his punishments clicks. It's not like you won't give the techno demon the opportunity to do so. Not that Donatello minds.
After all where would science be without trial and error?
¶¶Creator's notes¶¶
You guys made this far so you deserve the scoup on the next one-shot will be...
Drum roll🥁🥁
Yan!Future!Raph x Reader 🎉🎉
I don't have a picture for Future Raph but, if you guys have any good pictures saved hit me up I'm always open.
I have some ideas on how I want to do it. Though I could also turn it into a post movie sort of deal. Where it takes place after the events of the ROTTMNT movie. Thouughhh it's up to you guys. One person has already voted for some future Raph so we'll see what I come up with.
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creepling · 3 months
🎓 for an education-themed headcanon for any of the family members, I’m super curious abt ur headcanons for whether any of them went to school / college or anything like that!! oooh and what type of clique they’d have been in if u wanna!’ <3
idk if this will be controversial to say, but my headcanon is that most of the family is illiterate. this mostly applies to the cook, bubba and nubbins. my thought process is that they have basic literary skills, but they were pulled out of school early to work in the slaughterhouse and bring more money into the home. they never went past high school and grandpa sure as hell wasn't encouraging learning in the house, just kill kill kill!! bubba had a hard time at school so he was pulled out earlier, since they gave up on him before giving him a chance due to their attitudes of disabilities at the time. hence why he is still non vocal.
johnny and sissy had a slightly better chance at education. nancy forbidded johnny attending dances/homecomings bc it "involved girls". sissy really hated school and did everything to avoid it, pretending she was heading off but spending the whole day wandering around a field. sissy, however, was the best performing out of all the members despite her horrible attendence. she got good grades in english from her neat handwriting and storytelling, but her grammar and spelling brought her down to an average grade. johnny never played in team sports, but his best subject was gym, and the coach tried to get him to join the track team. johnny never signed up because he thought stuff like that was for "try hards". i also headcanon johnny and sissy were dropouts and never graduated; to the rest of the town, they just fell from the face of the earth.
discregarding all that for a moment i wanna do cliques bc it's fun!!!
young!cook: teacher's pet. not a genius but he loves maths and desperately tried to emulate the popular kids and their 'polished' looks. spoke highly of teachers and students alike, but people thought he was a suck-up and a bit annoying.
nubbins: artsy kid. spends lunch time in the art classroom and makes sculptures. he's also a little bit of a drifter, he's had a hand at every group but gave up when he became a laughing stock to most of them. desperately wants to be a class clown but he just weirds people out.
young!nancy: overachiever/popular. done a lot of masking and covert narcissism so people could like her. wanted to be the smartest, prettiest, funniest, kindest person in the room. and it worked, but resulted in her only 'peaking' in high school.
bubba: the 'invisible' kid. eats lunch with the teachers, no one knows his name or talks to him. also the bully target until they discovered he had the strength of a bull, so they don't mess with him now. spends most of his time by himself, people watching.
sissy: mix of stoner/loner. not open to making friends and avoids socialising as much as possible because no one 'gets her'. considered an 'ugly duckling' in high school. hippie is obvious but i think this is something she grew into when she dropped-out and started hitchiking.
johnny: greaser/bully. a total slacker and hard-head. picks on the little man and speaks ill of the popular kids, everyone is his worst enemy. got attention from girls if they were into the 'bad boy', and he took advantage of it. always getting detention, failing his classes, counting the days when he can leave.
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celestialscatterbrain · 8 months
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2. Pick a Card Reading: What Mask(s) Are They Showing You?
In honor of spooky season, of course.
This is definitely a reading more suited for a situationship, especially one where you don't exactly feel like you could trust them enough or don’t know where the relationship is headed. If your intuition has been yelling at you to hold back from this person, this reading can give you more insight on potential pitfalls of this interaction.
If it doesn't resonate with you, let it go.
Again, this is a collective reading that may not apply to you. Maybe the person you are thinking about during this reading is completely honest and you have nothing to worry about. I do not recommend starting a disagreement over the contents of this reading because it might not apply to you.
Take the collective readings you receive with a grain of salt to avoid confusing yourself, not living in the moment, and preventing things from happening organically. No one knows the definite future, and it might surpass your expectations if you let it. If you feel like you want a personal reading for your specific situation, you can always DM me. I can do an in-depth love reading tailored entirely to you and your person in question for $35 if you are interested.
Feel free to send me feedback! Also, let me know what other types of PAC readings you would like for me to do.
Now, close your eyes and pick the pile you gravitate to the most. Left pile is pile 1, middle pile is pile 2, and the pile on the right is pile 3.
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Pile 1.
Cards pulled: Wheel of Fortune, 2 of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Page of Swords, The Emperor, Ace of Swords, Death, King of Wands, The Magician.
This person comes off a bit flaky. I don't think they are as apt to commit as they may let on. I think they know they can't give you what you want, but want to have fun while it lasts. I feel like they may have been the class clown in school. They might come off a bit immature. They weren't ever the type to take school too seriously. School, to them, was this obligatory place you had to attend that conveniently let you make friends and hang out with them five days a week. I don't think they've had a serious relationship before. They definitely others might perceive as needing to “grow up” a bit, and that might be right. I feel like they grew up a little bit spoiled and were used to things just being handed to them, or not having to work super hard towards something. I think they might oftentimes just rely on luck to get by. They never really thought about their future, and now have to deal with the confusion of figuring it out. I feel like they might be a Sagittarius or have a lot of air in their chart. I don't see them as someone who is particularly strong/fit, maybe more on the slim side. I think they could have dirty blonde or lighter hair, or when you think of them, for some reason their hair looks lighter than it is in person. They may appear to be a little air-headed sometimes. They don't dress bad, but they don't put too much effort into what they wear. They are a bit detached, but still come across as friendly. You might be someone who is intelligent, and they may have told you how smart you are. You may have been in more advanced classes than they were, or went to college and they didn't (or didn't finish). If not, then I see there is definitely an inequality in how dedicated you two are to whatever goals and ambitions you might have individually. I picked up on the names "Sean" or "Sara/Sarah." I also picked up on the initials F, H, L, and N. They might not believe they are actually "your type," and that you might eventually gravitate to someone more refined, sharp, serious, and witty. They might feel like you'll meet someone more suited for you at school or work. You might dream of a life a lot bigger than you have now, which is admirable to them, but definitely gives them feelings of not being enough for you in the long-run. They might think you belong with someone more stereotypically masculine or feminine, depending on your preference(s). I think they believe you want someone who could be more dominant in nature, and not just occasionally in bed.
They can just be going with the flow, and can often tell "white lies" for no reason. They might appreciate you and think you're special, but they might sense a fundamental incompatibility that might not stand the test of time. I think you might have acknowledged that you two do not share the same maturity level, but you are trying to ignore the red flags and want them to surprise you. I think they get involved in drama more than you do. I think you both might secretly know that they cannot provide you with the depth you crave and will possibly demand. I don't see them being as emotionally in-tune as you are either. I think they haven't mastered connecting with anyone on an intimate level, even friends. I think things being too serious or demanding too much reflection makes them run.
Channeled rhyme that came to mind:
I feel like I don't know how to cry, I really tried, but it's just not my vibe
I don't know how serious of a relationship I could handle, too much and you might just burn the light out of my candle
I tend to attract scandals, I don't really mind though
I seriously don't know if I could be your man, but I don't want to make you mad!
I hope this doesn't make you sad because it may sound a little crass, I originally had just wanted to get some ass
That's not to say I haven't had a blast, I don't like when things move too fast because I tend to get whiplash
I don't know how to attach, too much contact feels like it gives me a rash
I know one day I'll be part of your past, I'm truly sorry if we don't last!
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Pile 2.
Cards pulled: 4 of Wands, Page of Pentacles, The Lovers, The Empress, King of Cups, 2 of Wands, 3 of Cups, 2 of Swords, The Hierophant, and the 7 of Cups
Similar to pile 1, I feel like this person also has a bigger fear of committing to a relationship at this time than they are letting on. If you are involved with someone who got out of a long-term relationship relatively recently, it might be best to give them some time to process their grievances and solitude. I feel like they had previously been in a long-term relationship that was somewhat co-dependent. They didn't ever have alone time, and normalized constantly being around the same person. I feel like they may have neglected their close friendships because of this last relationship, and they are re-exploring what it's like to be close with their friends again. I think there might be some residual feelings for their ex that they don't want to admit, or are still spending time reflecting on that relationship. It may have been a significant part of their lives, and they may feel like they missed out on a lot of their youth because of it. I feel like they may have had to compromise with their ex a lot, and spent a lot of time with their ex's friends rather than their own. They were probably close with their ex's family while they were together because of all the time they spent together. They want to explore their sexualities more I feel like, and adjust to being attracted to other people and pursuing them. I think this might actually be a little important to the shift in their self-esteem at the moment. I think they are also super good with their words, and know exactly what sweet things to say to make the person they are attracted to melt in their hands. I don't think they are looking for something serious because of the exhaustion of being tied to someone else for so long, even if it didn't end on bad terms. I think they want to focus on themselves and are concerned primarily with their self-improvement. They might be using this alone time to workout a lot more, excel at work, and develop their own routines. I see this person more focused on the future they are building for themselves, and want to focus more on their professional life and ways of making money. They might just be looking for an exciting sneaky link that doesn't have an insane amount of depth or commitment to it. The idea of spending too much time with someone in a romantic context makes them want to hyperventilate or runaway. I think they are either a Taurus or Scorpio, maybe even a Gemini or Sagittarius. Initials involved in this connection could be A, C, F maybe, I, J, K, T. They might know that their words and actions can be leading you on, but don't have the guts to say that. They also don't like hurting people's feelings or coming off as rude. They are being revitalized by their isolation, and I would not put too much pressure on this person to act. They are looking forward to all the opportunities they can have now that they are free. They have a lot of ideas and things they want to do. I'd let them make it abundantly clear to you that they want something serious, because their words and feelings might not line up.
Channeled rhyme that came to mind:
Sweet words can pour out of me, it's like my tongue is made of honey, but all I really want is to make more money
This world is now big and I want my freedom, I want to finally build my own kingdom
I like my me-time, but I'll still give you some of my free time, just know that after a while I will make that bee line because I don't want anyone to say they're "mine"
I wanna party, I wanna drink, the thought of another relationship stinks
Are you okay with just being my sneaky link?
I had forgotten that I'm hot, another relationship would just be a lot
I need to water my own crops, this last person had made them drop
This world won't stop, so I might as well call my own shots
Please know that you're still in my thoughts!
I want to see where life takes me, being accompanied is just a "maybe"
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Pile 3.
Cards pulled: 3 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, The Sun, 9 of Cups, The Hanged Man, Queen of Cups, 3 of Wands, The High Priestess, 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords
This is easily the best pile. For some reason, I get the feeling this person is studying something related to computer science, engineering, or maybe math or physics. If not, their job or studies might be highly analytical. I think they might enjoy playing video games. I think they could have a mean-streak or a short fuse at times, but generally mean well. They might be a Capricorn, Aquarius, or a Scorpio. Their initials might start with B, D, I, N, or R (I especially feel R). I think these people are extremely consumed with their work, and spending time with you means a lot. Their analytical side or work-brain can be very technical, so they might not be as expressive as even they would like to be. The mask is not a mask, but just an inability to express themselves as ardently as they want, in order to have the relationship reflect as beautifully as it does in their head. They might have a tough exterior, but they are a romantic at heart. I think they might be a bit romantically inexperience or very picky with who they feel comfortable calling a partner. They always viewed love and partnership as something that compliments their life rather than it being a necessity. They appreciate your beauty and it adds a glimmer to their overly technical, maybe even cold day-to-day activities. You add warmth to their life, and might see you as someone they could have children with when the time is right. They might not want to scare you with that ideation, though. They can be generous and sentimental with those they love. I feel like they might enjoy being around older people. Your conversations might be soft and sweet, which adds much needed comfort to their life. They are extremely tired and may be experiencing severe burn-out. They think and ponder a lot, which could also exacerbate their exhaustion. They have an extremely heavy workload so they are constantly thinking about their subject matter, and go to bed thinking about all the things they have to do the next day. They wake up early and go to bed late. They are constantly on the go, and just waiting for the next day to come. It is a never ending cycle of pressing "stop" on their alarm and getting right back to their tasks. They are respected as someone capable and intelligent. They might work in a lab, or spend time in a lab. Maybe they have are in graduate school or are considering graduate school, despite their undeniable exhaustion. Their material is their life and personality, and it gives them purpose. Maybe they’re already employed in academia, or have a job that lets them collaborate with legitimate experts in their field. I think they'd appreciate if you show understanding on this part of them, and ask questions about their passion. Let them teach you when they seem enthusiastic about something new they learned. Give them time to rest or finish up their current projects to watch them come back to life.
Channeled rhyme that came to mind:
I try not to let off that I'm stressed, but I really need to be the best- I just feel like I don't get any rest. There's always some sort of test.
I'm smart, I'm capable, I know what I bring to the table
I only want something that is stable
I feel like you were taken right from a fable, I want to treat you right once I am able
I think in numbers, sorry if that makes me a bummer
I organize, I strategize, but I need to be energized, any more stress and I think I'll cry
You bring light to this maze, I always smile when I see your face, thanks for always putting me in a daze
For you, I'll always cave
I promise this is just a phase, and only has to do with my age
-D <3
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When Sparks Fly ~ LMH
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⤜PAIRING: Single!Dad ! Minho x GN!Reader
GENRE: family au, non-idol au, single father au, best friends to lovers, fast paced, sweet, soft, first kiss,
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - February 2023
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The soundtrack to the latest Disney musical blasted through the speakers in the back garden as kids screamed and ran around like they were headless chickens, Minho scratched the back of his neck as he looked around for his daughter.
“Hana is with Yn,” Chan spoke from the side of Minho and watched as the father visibly relaxed at the thought of his kid being safe. Why had he agreed to do this stupid party in the first place? Oh right, yeah, you said it would be good for Hana to have her friends come around and for whatever reason Minho found it impossible to say no to you.
“It’s sweet you did this,” Chan said as he gestured around at the kid's party. There were screaming kids everywhere and their snobby parents. There was also everything a kid's birthday party could ever need, a bouncy castle, a clown making balloon animals - which Minho was doing everything in his power to avoid. There was also lots and lots…and lots of food. Seriously, who did the cook think he was cooking for? The army? 
“Sweet or insane,” Minho grumbled, standing beside his friend from work and shaking his head. For as long as Hana had been alive Minho had always been on the protective side of her, wanting to make sure no harm could ever come to her. It was only through a push from you that Hana was even attending public school, if it was up to Minho he would have had her homeschooled where she didn’t have to be around other kids or other people altogether. Which he knew seemed a bit extreme and insane but he couldn’t help it when it came to Hana’s well-being. 
After her mother passed away during childbirth Minho switched to a completely different person, gone was the man who was laid back and spontaneous and here was the man who needed a set plan all of the time and never went anywhere without at least four backup plans.
This party had all been your idea, you were Minho’s best friend and when Hana told you her father was planning on having a small night in for her fifth birthday when she wanted to be with her friends you’d had to step in and help out. Minho didn’t even know why he’d agreed to this but there was just something about you that Minho could never say no to it had been that way since college.
“Sweet, I mean…We all know what you would much rather be doing,” Chan spoke as he stared at his friend whose eyes were still searching around the party for you and his daughter. Chan let out a small chuckle and pointed his head in the right direction of where you and Hana were sitting.
“Yn is doing Hana’s princess make-up,” He whispered making Minho’s whole body warm up to see the two of you sitting so close to one another. Hana was dressed up as rapunzel with her hair styled the same way, only her hair was black but other than that it was the perfect costume. Even the flowers placed in her hair looked relatively similar and Minho knew that you had been the one behind the great hairstyle making his chest warm up and flutter at the thought. You’d been here since 6 this morning making sure everything was going to go as smoothly as possible, leaving Minho to relax in bed as long as he could until Hana rushed in to wake him up.
“You’ve got it bad for them,” Chan smirked noticing that Minho had barely taken his eyes off the scene since he saw you. You were chuckling at something that Hana was saying while you applied a little more sparkle to her eyes, being careful not to hurt her.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Minho grunted, forcing himself to look at something else so that Chan would move on to a different topic of conversation. He would much rather talk about the business world than he would talk about his relationship with you. Not that there was one. The two of you were friends and nothing more.
“No? Is that why you follow Yn’s every move like the best golden retriever boy in the world?” Minho rolled his eyes and shook his head, that couldn’t have been further from the truth about his relationship with you. The two of you were just best friends, sure he’d had a crush on you in college but nothing had ever come from that since Minho had moved on and got a girlfriend and had a beautiful baby girl.
“You’re projecting your own feelings,” He shuffled away from Chan who followed after him, both of them moving in the direction of the food table, Minho wanted him to drop the subject but Chan was like a dog with a bone when he started on something and he would just never let it go.
“No, I just know when my best friend is blind to his own feelings.” Minho turned his head to stare at his best friend and seriously began to consider whether or not it was too late to change who his best friend was. 
“Maybe I should find a new best friend.” He narrowed his eyes at Chan who simply laughed at him,
“As if you could find someone to deal with your dumb ass,” He teased, whining as Minho turned his back on him and went to leave again but Chan stopped him by placing his hands on his shoulder and holding him in place. 
The two of them stare in your direction as you let out a loud laugh. One that seemed to wrap its way around Minho’s heart and give it a squeeze, god your smile had always managed to make him smile and your laugh never failed to warm him up even on his bad days.
“Yn has you wrapped around their pretty little fingers anyway,” Chan announced, shrugging his shoulders.
“They do not,” This was instantly met with a scoff and snort from Chan who just shook his head at Minho. If Minho really didn’t see what he was like for you then he was more blind than Chan originally thought. Minho would do everything and anything if you asked him to, there was a time you’d asked him to give a small business speech at your school where you taught and he dropped everything to be able to do it.
“You really don’t see it?” Chan questioned, dumbfounded that Minho really couldn’t see everything he did just because you would ask of him. His question was answered when Minho stared at Chan in silence,
“Do you remember that day when Yn called you completely panicked because they couldn’t find their car keys so you gave them your car to borrow,” Minho shrugged his shoulders, that was nothing he wouldn’t do for any other friend he had.
“I would do that for you too, it’s no big deal,” Minho mumbled, his eyes finding their way back to you to see you cleaning up the make-up you’d just used, letting Hana go to her friends.
“Okay, what about the time you went to a wedding with them even though you hate weddings?”
“Yn, needed someone there so I was the only option,” Chan laughed at just how blind Minho was to all of this. Minho had always hated weddings but you’d begged him for weeks to take you, telling him how desperately you needed someone to be by your side or your friends would all bug you about being single.
“How about the time, they convinced you to throw your daughter a birthday party even though you hate parties?” Minho’s throat when dry as he began to realise just how badly he had it for you, knowing he would give you the world if you simply fluttered your lashes at him and smiled in his direction.
“Or when Yn was crying over something and you ran out of a business meeting to go and be by their side,” Chan continued to list off reason after reason why he knew that Minho was a simp for you only drilling it into Minho’s mind just how blind he was to it all.
“Chan-” He whispered, trying to get him to stop all of this,
“But if you’re sure you’re not a simp for them and they’re single, maybe I have a shot.” Something snapped inside of him, his blood boiling as he turned to face Chan and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, bringing him face to face.
“You won’t even think of going up to Yn. Yn is mine,” Minho growled through gritted teeth, his eyes never leaving Chan’s who appeared to be smirking at the reaction he got from the man.
“Sounding a little possessive there Minho,” He chuckled, making Minho drop him and make his way over to you. 
As soon as you saw him coming you smiled up at him, you finished packing up the make-up into a box and shut it when Minho finally reached your side. You’d been trying to get to him all day but you’d been so busy making sure the party was a hit you hadn’t managed to get to him yet. The two of you began to walk in the direction of the house and you smiled weakly as you got inside the kitchen, you hated that he was being so silent and you feared he wasn’t enjoying the party.
“Isn’t it going well? Hana seems to be having a lot of fun.” You laughed a little, turning to look at Minho who looked like he was stuck trying to think of something and your heart sank. It really looked like he was hating this whole thing when you promised him it would be worth it just to see Hana’s smile.
“Are you upset about the clown? I didn’t hire him, I’d hired someone dressed as prince charming but there was a mix-up and I didn’t know what to do since he was already here and so I just let him get on.” You ranted out in almost one breath, panting a little when you finished your sentence but frowning as Minho continued to stare at you in silence.
“Is it the bouncy castle? Because it’s safe, it has a net and lots of padding around just in case anyone falls from it, you know I would never put Hana in danger-”
“Will you just shut up and stand still?” He questioned, your heart dropping to your stomach as you stared back at him in silence. With one step closer his arm was wrapped around your midsection, bringing you into his chest before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. Stunned at first your eyes widened before softening, letting your hands rest on his cheek while one arm wrapped around the back of his neck trapping him and bringing him closer to you. 
In all of the times you’d imagined kissing him, they never would have prepared you for this. The kiss was passionate and ignited a fire inside of you that you knew you’d never be able to put out. Minho’s hands tightened as he embraced you against him, never wanting to let you go.
“CAKE!” Someone screamed from outside the kitchen door, and the two of you broke apart as you stared at him. The two of you looked away from one another, your lips were swollen from the kiss as your heart did its best to calm down.
“We should put the candles on the cake,” You whispered breathlessly, moving to stand beside Minho, both of you reaching for the candles at the same time making your hands touch and sparks fly. 
“Let’s light this up,” Minho chuckled nervously, pressing a quick kiss to your temple and whispering to you that you would talk soon.
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“I guess you were right, we did need all the food,” Minho mumbled as he looked at the food table to see it completely empty of anything edible and you smirked to yourself.
“I'm always right, aren't I?” You questioned, pressing a soft and gentle kiss between his shoulders and giggling when he let out a small whine at you.
“That’s true, is Hana asleep?” He quizzed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to face him, the two of you staring at one another.
“Passed out in her bed, still dressed up though so I’ll take care of that later,” You promised, the two of you were finally all alone and it only took all day and night. All of the kids and entertainers were gone and you were left to deal with the mess that was left behind,
“Thank you for today, I think you were right about her needing this,” You smiled at him as he ran his hand over your cheek, gently running his thumb over your skin and smiling to himself. Though he never would have done this alone he was glad he had you with him throughout all of this,
“I told you-”
“You’re always right,” He mumbled, pressing his lips to yours as you let out a small and happy whine. 
“Let’s clean and then we can talk about the date you’re going to take me on,” You winked at Minho, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and rushing to go and clean up.
“You’re that sure I’m going to take you out?” He chuckled, of course, he was going to. There was no way he wasn’t after the explosive kiss you’d shared earlier and all of the flirting you’d been doing since then,
“Yes, besides you have to.” You quipped making him chuckle looking at you, you began cleaning up some of the food trays and Minho stared at you.
“I do?” He raised an eyebrow at you, smirking as he noticed how sure you were of all of this,
“I’ve been dropping hints for months that you should ask me out or that I have a crush on you, so you have to take me out for being so blind to it all until now.” You joked, giving him a playful wink as he smirked back at you and nodded.
“Of course, of course. Where would my date like to go?” He chuckled, both of you cleaning up and trying to come up with a game plan for your date night.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @illicee @army24--7 @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy @aerastus @lost-leopard-beanie @laylasbunbunny @critssq @pearlygraysky @lenfilms @btsiguess-kpop @meowmeowisdaname @imafivestarkpopstan
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317 notes · View notes
In an Everyone Lives scenario, what majors/career paths do you think all the Hacketteers would end up in? Obviously we have animation for Ryan and physics for Dylan suggested in the game but so many people end up changing their majors anyway, I wonder if the experience would lead them on different paths than they’d originally intended.
thank you for making me think about this, it's one thing i've been putting off but i also think about all the time
so right off the top of my head, i think about Max's major a lot & i end up tossing two things around - law school or childcare/teaching. he seems like a level-headed guy, he breaks down situations in pieces until he understand them ("You remember when I said, 'whoa, look at the moon. it's so big and bright and- it's so cool to see a full moon' and you said "yeah no shit, Max, it happens once a month'?"), & also.... we've all seen his outfit in the 50s pack. but i still come back to childcare bc i grew up working in childcare & he just seems the type for it. maybe he got rejected from Landis for law & pursues childcare or teaching at a smaller school instead & ends up one of those teachers that everyone wants to get on their schedule
Laura, the love of my life, the breath in my lungs, is such a headstrong badass that she prolly still pursues her vet degree, altho i can see her minoring/taking a few psychology classes to coach her & Max thru the rough times
Abi definitely finds her way to art school, i just don't see her changing that. i do think she expands from just sketching & gets into different mediums - pottery, possibly sculpting, using charcoal and paint - bc i think she'd find it calming to work with her hands, cover her skin in anything but red, & she'd lean into it for stress relief
uhh Nick is so complicated sometimes that predicting what the absolute FOOL (affectionate) is going to do is impossible. i want to say culinary school but if i'm being honest, i think he would end up dropping out & just working at restaurant. i don't say this bc i hate him, i say this bc he's a clown. (also i may or may not have done the same thing, minus the culinary part) or maybe he becomes a forest ranger & spends time alone in his ranger tower listening to the forest
Jacob i whole-heartedly believe goes for coaching/athletics or something, but he joins the college sports team (prolly football or maybe hockey) & that's the path he ends up following. he definitely has to get a tutor
i think Emma maybe pursues marketing/advertising or something of the sort, but i also think she def starts loading up her schedule. volunteer work? no worries, she can run it. student council? sure, she'll apply. you know, lacrosse sounds rlly fun all of a sudden, she should join the team! & she kills, obvi. if she never thinks about it, it never happened. if she never has time to think, she can never think about it
Kaitlyn.... she's the one i've been thinking about the most. she's such an odd character bc we see so much of her & yet i still feel like we don't know anything about her. her entire character is kind of just "im mean, i know first aid & i can shoot" & then we love her bc she's a badass. which i don't mind but it makes it kind of hard to make theories on her future. i imagine she IS one who ends up switching her major. she prolly starts with what she had planned - maybe an english degree? - but then switches bc hackett's quarry changed her & she'll never stop thinking about it. i like to think maybe she ends up in enviromentalism, or possibly on the nursing track. something to occupy her mind
Ryan & Dylan honestly seem rlly well suited for their majors so i don't know of i can imagine them doing something else. i do think Ryan starts taking self-defense class & prolly makes Sarah go with him just to be sure she knows. just in case. Dylan takes a part-time job at either the school's radio station or a local one, & if he DID drop out, he would 100% start a podcast. all those fanfics are canon
this was rlly fun to think about even tho i'm not sure how accurate they are - i would love to hear other ideas! thank you for the ask :)
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hey frank! I'm thinking of applying for a Clown Husbandry permit, but to be honest I don't know if it'll be too much for me right now with work. Do you have any suggestions or advice? Any good knowledge on the best starter Clown breeds? Thank you in advance!
Hi there!
Unfortunately I've never owned a Clown, but I do know a little bit about clowns in general. I have a college friend who is majoring in Clownology at [Redacted].
Do you know anything about clowns? There are many kinds of clowns, but the biggest ones are B-circus, A-circus, and C-circus (and subtypes, such as B/B-clowns and B-/A-clowns). Clowns are huge creatures with great strength. They can bend iron in their claws and sometimes carry a family of human children at once! They can be trained to perform many tricks, and their voices can carry across miles.
Many people are able to domesticate clowns by simply throwing a red nose on a bunch of stray dogs, but you need to be more careful than that. I once let a gaggle of random dogs camp out near my house, but one of them ate all my shoes while I was in class, and they kept barking all night!
Of course, there are also many problems with keeping clowns as pets. There are many different clowns, and the ones most suited to domestication can be hard to distinguish from the ones most suited to feral, nomadic, or otherwise less predictable lives. Clowns have very complex diets, including all sorts of veggies and nuts. You will also need to set up a basic "clown psychology" education regime for the clown. A good Clown Psychology Education tutor will know all sorts of things about the species: they'll know exactly when clowns are most likely to "tug at" a certain object, or when clowns "make funny faces."
If you are interested in obtaining a Clown Husbandry permit, there's a lot more you'd have to know. Please follow up with my friend Bob at [Redacted].
Thanks again for writing!
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thranduilsperkybutt · 2 years
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Photo sources:  1  |  2 
Pairings:  Steve Harrington/Reader
Warnings:  NSFW; smut; fluff; amateur corn production; literally no proof-reading; plot? what plot?
Word Count:  6,001 words
Reader Gender:  Female
Author:  Meg
Summary:  You need a subject for your photography class assignment. Luckily, your boyfriend is more than willing to help you out. Some pictures, however, might be better off left between just the two of you...
A/N:  Caught you in 4k 📸 Had to bang this out before volume 2 crushed my soul, so, here you go 🤡🤡 I’m in full clown-mode denial that anything is going to happen to my faves at all rn---
Hoisting your bag onto your arm, you make your way out of the lecture hall, still dwelling on the newest assignment your professor had given out. You were supposed to photograph someone important to you in your own unique portraiture method, which had set off a few groans in class when the professor had first announced it. There were clearly several people who had no idea who they were going to make the subject of their assignment, meanwhile your mind had immediately gone to one specific person.
Steve Harrington was perhaps the most important person in your life right now, which makes sense, considering your relationship with the man has been serious since last March. It was perhaps the only thing he was serious about at this current time in his life, with how he was still undecided on his major after nearly a year and a half’s worth of college courses.
His father wanted him to go into tech, but Steve had been so uncertain that any chance at getting into somewhere other than the community college a county over from Hawkins had flown out the window. It was still a touchy subject, and the fact that his wealthy parents still had him working part-time at the Family Video store, despite pursuing an education, was evidence enough that his father hadn’t forgiven him for not applying himself harder. He has a little over a semester’s worth of classes left until you both are set to transfer to state, and he has to decide on something to do with his life by then in order to appease his parents.
Well, something other than dating you, because you’re the only thing in his life right now that Steve’s absolutely certain he wants.
And you’re absolutely certain that Steve is the man for this assignment.
He’s already helped you set up a few of your other projects for this class, between studying for the few classes you share together, so you’re pretty sure he’ll help you out again, if you ask him nicely.
Pushing past the double doors leading out to the parking lot, it’s not difficult to find his beamer parked right where it always is. Steve’s sitting in the driver’s seat with the window rolled down, undoubtedly enjoying the temperate weather after having got out of his own class that ends thirty minutes before yours. The closer you get, the more you can hear the music on his radio, and it becomes clear that he’s either taking a nap or has his eyes closed behind the sunglasses perched on his nose, because he makes no move to acknowledge your approach.
Leaning on the windowsill, you bend into the car swiftly to place a peck on his cheek, “Guess who?”
“That better be my girlfriend, or I’m in trouble,” he grins, raising his head from where it had been leant back on the seat to look at you through his shades. “How was class?”
“Same old, same old,” you roll your eyes, pushing off the door to go around to the passenger side. Dumping your bag into the back seat, you slide in beside him, continuing, “Dr. Tanner gave us another assignment.”
“Oh?” Steve hums, shifting gears to drive out of the parking lot. “She likes to give you guys a lot of things to do, huh?”
“Yeah, she always is saying that the more we practice, the better our photos will be. I guess she’s right,” you sigh, sinking into the seat and deciding to test the waters. “How about your day? How’s it been?”
Steve groans, jaw clenching as he turns his blinker on, “You don’t want to know. My dad’s gonna’ kill me when I make a C in biology.”
“You got your test back?”
“Unfortunately. At least yesterday I still could live with the hope of getting a B—”
“I’m sure there’s some way to improve your grade. There’s still one more test before the final, right?” You lean towards him, reaching out to give his shoulder a comforting rub, “I’ll help you. I’m doing alright in biology since Dr. O’Malley explains things pretty well.”
“Yeah, but O’Malley at least teaches you what’s gonna’ be on the tests! I feel like every time my guy gives us a lecture, he’s telling us what not to study, because it’s never on his exams!” Steve huffs your name with frustration, “I made a fifty-eight. A fifty-eight! That’s like if a nuke hit my B-average.”
“I’m sorry, Steve. I know you studied hard for it,” you murmur, knowing there’s nothing you can do about it now, and instead focus on perhaps cheering him up, “Want to get drive-thru before we hit the interstate? Like KFC or something? I know you must be starving.” It’s about an hour’s drive back to Hawkins, and food is the only thing that you can think of that might make the situation at least a little better for now.
“Yeah, I guess I could eat,” he doesn’t sound convincing.
You give his shoulder a squeeze, feeling him relax slightly at the touch, “You’ll feel better after.”
The side-eyed glance he gives you lets you see a glimpse of his dark eyes beyond the sunglasses, and you offer him an encouraging smile that he returns, “You’re probably right. Man, I’m moping, aren’t I? Sorry to be such a downer.”
“No, it’s okay. You know you don’t have to be on all the time with me,” when he stops at a red light, he reaches from the gear shift to rest his hand on your thigh, leaning into your touch when you move to caress his cheek. “We’ll work through it together, yeah?”
Steve nods, smile spreading into something more genuine, something that reaches his eyes, when he sighs softly, “What did I do to deserve you, honey?”
“Probably something amazing, I’m sure,” you giggle, before retreating back into your seat and turning up the radio just enough to hear a familiar song you liked.
The wind flowing through his open window ruffles his hair as he continues driving on the turning of the light, “That assignment you were talking about— what’s it going to be this time?”
“Well, I have to take a series of photos involving someone I care about, and make them unique to my personal style.”
“Ah,” he begins, “so who’re you gonna’ ask—?”
Rolling your eyes, you snort, “You, obviously! Who else?”
“I don’t know! I thought, maybe, like, Robin, or your parents, or something—” he quickly runs through his options.
“Of course I was gonna’ ask you, Steve. You’re pretty much the most special person in my life—”
“Aw,” he grins, teasing, “I’m special to you? That’s so sweet.”
“Shut up,” you fight against the warmth rising to your cheeks. Even after all this time, he still can make you flustered, and you know he knows it, “Well, will you?”
“Will I what?”
“Be my subject!”
“Uh, sure,” he hums, “I just gotta’ work this weekend. I’m off Sunday, though, so we could do it then, unless you’re busy.”
“Sunday works,” agreement on your tongue, you’re glad you’ll have a few days to figure out what kind of set up you want for the photos. “You could bring your bio books, too, and we could study together.” Steve groans his reluctance until you point at him, “Hey, I’m gonna’ make sure you get the grade you need, mister!”
“Sunday’s supposed to be a day of rest or something, isn’t it?” he whines, taking the turn towards the restaurant.
“There ain’t no rest for the wicked, Steve,” you tease, grinning, as he shoots you a look beneath a raised brow.
“The wicked, and college students, huh?” Steve shakes his head, a smile lingering on his lips as he pulls up behind the cars waiting in line at the drive-thru, “Come on, tell me what you want.”
Reaching around the seat, you grab your bag to rummage through it in search of some cash, “I’m treating you today, okay? Because you had a bad day— no arguing!” You can tell he wants to, by the time you plop back into your seat with your wallet in hand, but you silence whatever protest he’s about to start into when you lean into his personal space, his eyes darting to your lips when you repeat, “No arguing,” before kissing him.
Trying to keep it proper, considering you were still in semi-public, you don’t give Steve much attention before you’re pulling away, and he’s pouting, but concedes all the same, “Fine, but I’m getting it next time.”
“Mhm,” you hum, biting into your smile as you flip open your wallet.
“I am,” Steve leans towards you, catching your attention with a playful look of determination, shooting your own words back at you. “See this face? No arguing!”
“I’m not arguing!” Gesturing to the car in front of you which had driven forward in the time it had taken for him to get distracted, you refocus him, “Pull up, Steve!”
“Uh-huh, that’s what I thought.”
A wide grin cuts along his teeth, like he knows he’ll get his way, which he will. He almost always does, when it comes to treating you to little things like this. Steve was the kind of guy who liked to feel like he was taking care of someone, but the truth was, he needed you just as much as you needed him. Maybe neither of you were truly reliant on each other financially, but when it comes down to the little moments of every day you spent together? Without that, you’re certain you’d simply wither up and die.
Steve had been your safe place, whenever something was going wrong in your life. You knew you could confide in him about anything, and he’d try to support you through it. Maybe that’s why you can allow yourself to give him the same, because Steve Harrington made loving you look easy, even when you knew it wasn’t always the case.
Comfortable is a forbidden word to some couples. They’re so used to the high of a honeymoon phase, or the anxiety of a struggling relationship, that when the lull of everyday comfortability sets in, it’s mistaken for boredom. For something being terribly wrong. You’d been that way once, before him, and judging by what he’d told you of his past relationships, he’d been victim to that same uncertainty in the past.
The truth is, you wouldn’t rather have him any other way. Slipping into this sneaky vulnerability that comes with the soft comfort which spreads through your soul every time he touches you, or calls you his, is a state you’d gladly live in for the rest of your days.
You’ve been head over heels for him for far longer than you ever realized.
That’s why the next couple of days were hard. Whenever you were separated by work, only able to see him between classes and shifts, as silly as it sounds, you’re missing him by Sunday. Sure, he called you the night before— he always makes sure to call you on the days you can’t see each other in person, but you’re still a bundle of nervous excitement as you set up the finishing touches for the photos of him you had planned.
It was a photography studio on a student budget, also known as a sheet pinned against your shoebox of an apartment’s wall, with strategic lighting positioned around it. You’ve decided on seeing what you can accomplish with polaroids, rather than the film processing you’d have to do otherwise.
You wanted to focus on minimalism, on just him, hoping that maybe the lack of focus on anything else would show how little everything else matters in comparison. Or, at least, that it’ll get you a good grade on the project.
Sighing, you plop down onto your bed to get as much a distant look at the set-up as you can in the cramped space, before deciding that it was as close as you had imagined in your head as you were going to get for now. The sound of the key in your lock lets you know it’s just in the nick of time, too, because within moments Steve is pushing open your door.
“Your model has arrived,” he calls out, before catching sight of you on the bed. He does a dramatic little spin to show off his outfit, which consists of a blue sweater and gray slacks, before shutting your front door behind him with a grin, “I’m ready for Vogue.”
Chuckling, “Perfect timing! I just got done setting everything up.” He’s tucking his keys into his pocket when you look around him, “Did you forget your biology book?”
“Ugh,” he groans before collapsing beside you on the bed, pushing himself up on his elbow to affix you with a reluctant, “it’s rotting in the trunk of my car. I was hoping you’d forget about bio…” blinking up at you, he bats his eyes as if to persuade you, “since I’m being such a great guy and helping you out with your project, and all…”
“Steve!” you huff when he pokes you in the side, swatting at his hands, “It’s for your own good!”
“I’ve just accepted my fate at this point—”
“No, come on,” you shift to turn towards him more fully, dangling one leg off the bed with the other crossed beneath your hands. “There’s more fight in you than that! Look, how about we do the shoot, then we can study a little, and spend the rest of the day doing something fun together? At the very least, we should go over your test together…”
A smile slowly parts his lips, as Steve jokes, “Alright, professor, we’ll do it your way,” before sitting up properly to sneak a kiss at your cheek. “So, tell me all about where you want me for this shoot.”
Escaping the way his hands have started to snake around your waist, you move towards the camera you’ve set up on the small space of a kitchen counter that you have, “I’m thinking, polaroids this time. I did regular film for the last project, but the professor is giving us more creative leeway with this one. Besides, I’ve been wanting to do something serious with this thing for class ever since you got me it for my birthday…”
“Oh, yeah,” Steve nods, as if he’s said anything different when you told him the last few project ideas you’ve come up with, “I think that’s a good idea.”
“I’m not finished telling you everything about my idea,” you begin, picking at the camera in your hands as you confess the one point you weren’t entirely sure if he’d be okay with. “I wanted to do a minimalist kind of thing, and you can totally say no if you want to. I’m sure I could make it work otherwise—”
Steve raises a brow at your rambling tone, “What?”
“I was thinking… about maybe taking a few pictures… without your shirt? Like I was going to pose you so it’s like, this artistically minimal kind of thing, and it would only be shots from the waist up, but I totally get if you’re not comfortable with doing that—” your voice dies in your throat when Steve stands up and simply tugs his sweater over his head, laying it over the rails of your bed’s iron footboard.
Moving closer, he smirks at having successfully silenced you, “You want me to sit on the stool?”
“Yeah, um,” you tear your eyes away from him, towards your setup, and the stool sat in the middle of it. “Kind of with your back to me— I’ll show you.”
When you have him successfully positioned, in the stool, pushing his hair the way you want it to look, he grins at your look of concentration, “Can’t get enough of this pretty face, huh?”
“Quit smiling,” you snicker, before pulling back to look at him through the camera lens, “I want a neutral look on your face in these shots.”
“Neutral, huh?” he proceeds to frown.
“Neutral, not frowning! Think of, like, clean laundry, or something that makes you feel calm—”
“Clean laundry?” he was heavily judging your choice, “That’s what makes you calm?”
“Steve,” you whine, lowering the camera from your face, “just think of something calming.”
“Okay, okay, just gimme’ a second,” he relents, as you bring the camera back up to line up the shot. Finally, he breathes, “Got it,” before his face settles into a calm neutral expression, dark brown eyes looking at the camera just the way you want.
“Perfect,” you snap the shot, before hearing the whirr of the film as it gets ejected. Fanning the picture until it starts to appear, you feel your smile spreading when you begin to make out the photo. It turned out great. Setting the picture on the counter, you turn back to Steve, “Alright, just keep doing that. I’m gonna’ get some different angles.”
“Okay. Just make sure you make me look cool,” of course that would be his one concern.
Before you can reposition him again, you try out some different angles. You want to have multiple shots to choose from, so you don’t wind up having to take more pictures of him later. You’d learned your lesson before about not getting enough shots, and it was more of a hassle in the long run than just taking your time while you had everything set up. You spend almost half an hour taking the shots between soft banter with Steve, which is honestly less time than you’d expected it to take, but Steve was more focused today than he usually is.
Flipping through the stack of polaroids you’ve taken, you hold out some for Steve to see, “Wanna’ take a look?”
“We done?”
“I think so. They turned out really nice. I’ll have to narrow down my favorite ones to submit for class…” Steve’s fingers brush yours as he takes the pictures from your hands, looking through them. You hope he thinks they look as good as you do, “What do you think?”
“I think,” his eyes flick up from the pictures to catch your waiting stare, “I’ve never looked better.” You let out a breath of relief, taking the pictures back from him to sort out on the counter, while Steve plucks the camera into his hands, “This is a nifty little thing, huh? I didn’t expect it to be able to make pictures that good.”
“That’s the technology of the ‘80s for you,” you joke, only for a flash and the sound of the camera going off to catch your attention. Whipping your head from the pictures on the counter to Steve, you find him grinning mischievously at you as he fans out a picture of his own, “Steve!”
“What? The photographer never gets to be photographed?” holding out the picture, you watch as the candid image of you sorting through the pictures comes into view, “Look at how beautiful you look.”
“Stop,” you can’t stop your giggles when he slides up into your personal space, positioning the camera like he’s going to take another picture, “you’ll waste the film.”
“It’s not a waste. I could use a few more pictures of you.”
Looking towards him skeptically, “You have pictures of me—”
“Yeah,” he sighs, brushing your hair out of his way to kiss  you against your temple, “I could always use more, though.”
“What you should use is that biology book that’s in the trunk of your car,” you turn to face him, leaning against the counter as he rolls his eyes at your cheeky changing of the subject. Backing up, he appears to be thinking, before he turns to go and sit on the edge of your bed, still picking at the camera in his hands.
“You said we wouldn’t study until after the shoot,” Steve mumbles, placing the camera to his side.
“Yeah, and I’m done. I got all the shots I think I need.”
“No, you haven’t,” he begins, and you know better than to play this game with him, when he gets that look in his eyes. You know whatever he’s got in his head can only be a bad idea, but you step forward anyway.
Arms crossed over your chest, it’s too fun to give into him to resist, “Oh? What makes you say that?”
“I was just… thinking…”
“That’s dangerous.”
“Shut up,” Steve chuckles, reaching out when you’re within arm’s reach to tug you closer by the loops in your jeans. “I was just thinking about, maybe… you letting me take some pictures of you. Just for me.”
“Just for you, huh?” you lean your hand on his shoulder, steading yourself from where you stand between his knees. “What kind of pictures?”
“Nothing too bad, just… the last picture I have of you is the one in my wallet, and it’s practically falling apart,” he sighs when you card your fingers into his hair, scraping your nails along his scalp. “How am I supposed to brag about my girl with a picture that looks like it’s been through a world war?”
“And who’s fault is that? I gave it to you brand new—”
“I know, I know, but,” and there are those wide eyes of his again, staring up at you with that pleading look that made you melt to his every whim just about, “I want to remember how you are now, when we’re alone together. Not just some professional photo— though, you look nice in those, too.”
Now, how were you supposed to say no to that?
“Okay, fine,” you sigh, knowing full well you’d let him take as many as he wanted to, “just one picture.” He could use the rest of your film up, if it meant seeing him grin at you like he was. Reloading the camera again is a small price to pay.
“Really?” when you nod, he urges you down into his lap with a firm tug at your hips, until you’re left straddling him. His hand finds the side of your neck, dragging your lips against his in a kiss that’s soft, slow, but laced with his hint of grateful excitement before he pulls away with, “Thank you.”
“Jeez, if that’s the thanks I get for letting you take a picture, I’ll let you take them more often,” you laugh, as he picks the camera off the comforter. “How do you want me to sit for the picture, Steve?”
“Hmm,” he hums thoughtfully, bringing the camera to his face to look at you through it, “that’s a good question. I think… I want you to take your sweater off for it.”
“It’s a cardigan,” you correct, reaching down to unbutton the garment.
“Whatever,” Steve lowers the camera, watching you toss the cardigan onto the footboard of your bed, where his sweater still hangs. It leaves you in the casual tank-top you’d been wearing beneath.
“Do you want to use the set?”
“No, no,” he brings the camera back up, still seemingly deciding on how he wants the picture, “I think I want you to sit on the bed.” Before you can move from his lap, he adds, “It would be more normal. I want it to be kind of natural.”
“Alrighty, then,” you shift, crawling off him and to the side in order to lay back on the bed, until he gets up. When you sit upright, Steve’s standing off the end of the bed with the camera, seemingly mimicking the way you had been lining up your shot earlier.
Noticing the strap of your tank top has slipped down your arm when you shifted positions, you go to push it back up, only for Steve’s voice to stop you, “Uh, can you leave it?”
“It just makes you look comfortable,” is his only explanation, but you lower your hand all the same, leaving the strap hanging slightly off your shoulder.
“Is this good?” you ask, but there’s a tension in the air, and judging by the strain in his voice, he can feel it, too.
“Yeah, uh,” you watch as Steve swallows, “can you just, lay back a bit?” Doing as he says, you relax against the comforter a little, and he comes closer. His knees brush the edge of the bed between where your calves dangle off the edge of it. He takes another second, before the shutter goes off along with the flash, and then another picture is ejecting from the camera.
Steve fans it a little, while you raise your foot to press into his abdomen, “Did it turn out how you wanted?”
His eyes are a little glazed over, when he looks from the picture to you, as if he were lost in thought for just a moment, “Um, yeah, take a look.” You take the photo when he offers it to you, only to see yourself spread atop the bed, hair spread around your head like a halo, the strap of your tank top falling off your shoulder. The slight smile on your face only adds to how comfortable you look, and you have to admit, you don’t hate this picture of you.
Steve’s hand comes to your ankle, pushing your foot from his path as he kneels into the bed, settling over your body while you stare at the picture, “I did good, huh?”
“You’re quite the photographer, Mister Harrington,” you tease, casting your eyes upon him again to find that he’s so close. It takes only a shift of his body weight to lower himself enough to capture your lips with his, but while this kiss might be slow, it was far from soft. There’s an edge there, a need in the insistence of his lips against yours. The taste of his tongue scrambling your thoughts until you completely abandon the picture in your grip, leaving it somewhere beside you on the bed, in favor of the feeling of his skin.
Your hands snake up his sides, dragging him closer just as much as your legs do, while Steve kisses you senseless. His fingers splay beneath the end of your shirt, pushing until he can feel the soft press of your stomach, and inching upwards with each passing second. The last thing on either of your minds is studying for biology, and any chance you have at returning to the plan for the day is quickly slipping through your fingertips the more his body presses down into yours.
It crumbles away entirely when he pulls back just enough to utter a breathless, “I need you so bad right now,” before delving down your jaw, dragging his lips along the column of your throat.
“Steve—” you’re just as breathless, and you don’t know if it’s the few days you’ve spent apart, or the fact that you have both been so wound-up over school, but you need him just as badly.
“Please,” he groans against your throat, leaving open-mouthed kisses there that were undoubtedly going to leave a mark thanks to the fervor with which he’d descended upon you. You hardly mind. You’ve missed his marks on you, ever since the last ones had faded.
Your tank top is pushed over your chest, a fist in the fabric keeping it up while his other hand presses against your hardening nipples through the bralette you’d chosen to wear today. You hadn’t planned on going anywhere, and wanted to just remain comfortable, but that was backfiring on you now, because you can feel almost everything through the thin fabric.
As if arching into his touch wasn’t enough, Steve questions, “You want it, too, right?”
“Yeah, Steve,” catching him by the jaw to drag his head back up, you mewl against his lips, “I want you.”
His breath shudders from his lips before he draws you into another kiss. Taking his time to strip you down is nothing new, but the words he utters as he pushes his own pants from his hips are.
“I can’t stop thinking about how good you look on camera,” Steve groans, taking himself into his hand, stroking languidly as you shift beneath where he’s knelt himself over you on the bed. Fingers slipping down your thigh, he drags you a little closer, kissing the inside of your knee. You suck in a breath as he pushes himself along your core, spreading your wetness along his length, all the while with a heated look swirling in his dark eyes. When he finally positions himself against your entrance, your mouth falls open, sucking in a soft breath at the feeling of his familiar stretch, but it’s his words that set you on fire, “Now that’s a sight I’d like a picture of.”
It’s an off-handed comment, but now you can’t stop thinking about it. Drowning in the feeling of the slow, steady pace he sets, the idea has time to marinate in the back of your scrambled mind.
You’re reaching for him, brushing your fingertips against his abdomen as you moan his name, but Steve huffs, “Touch yourself,” as he drives his hips into yours once again.
Blinking up at him, you’re struck by the idea of how he would look if you took a picture of him at this very moment, and that thought is perhaps what sets the most foolish words on your tongue, “The camera— Get the camera.”
His hips stutter, and a choked sound comes from him, before he manages to form a sentence, “Are you serious?”
“Just for you,” you nod, and he abandons his grip on your thigh to reach for the polaroid that had wound up against the pillows.
His pace almost stills until he can get the camera in a good enough grip to lift it to his face, and that’s when his thrusts return in long, languid strokes that have you writhing beneath him with the assistance of your fingers pressing circles at your clit, “God, look at you.” His voice is heavy, wrapped around a moan of his own as he presses a hand down against your stomach, pushing your hips down onto his cock in a way that almost makes you cry out, “These are gonna’ turn out great.”
There’s a certain vulnerability to being in front of a camera, and stripped as bare as you were already, you’re practically raw, rubbed against him when the flash bursts upon your skin, camera shutter mixing with your moans as he fucks you slow into the mattress, “Steve, ah—!”
He abandons your stomach to take the photo that slips from the camera, fanning it until it develops enough for him to see the still image resulting from his touch, “Oh, look at how pretty you are.” He holds it out for you to see, but you barely manage a glimpse at yourself before he’s tossing the picture to the side, bringing the camera back up to his eyes.
“You’re— taking another?” you gasp, arching up into your own touch as he hits you deeper with the next roll of his hips.
“Yeah, that’s right. Just a few more—” Steve groans reaching to slip his hand down your thigh, pushing you open even more, “Can you spread your legs a little more— yeah, just like that—” and the shutter’s going off again, the image of you burned into the film as much as it will be in his memory.
You clench around him when the photograph falls onto your chest before he can reach for it, and you hope you’ll never forget the whimper that escapes him when he lowers the camera just slightly. A glimpse of teeth digging into his bottom lip to keep the sounds threatening to spill from him at bay, when he opens his eyes from the feeling, he sees you watching him in a way that seems to spell out your desire in every way words seem incapable of accomplishing right now.
All you can manage are your own sighs of pleasure, when his fingertips overlap yours to press into your clit. Lowering the camera to the bed, he refocuses on turning you into molten lava with every steady, sure stroke, building up the pleasure until it reached a boiling point. Lost somewhere between overstimulation and the peak of your desire, you’re both chasing this feeling and trying to draw it out for as long as it will last.
Your mouth is dry, so you lick your lips, thankful you’re able to think just barely enough to say, “I-It’s not fair. I won’t have any pictures of you.”
“You want some of me?” Steve repeats, as if he didn’t quite hear you right. For all he knows, he hallucinated it at this point, because he’s nearly out of his mind with how good you feel wrapped around him.
“I do,” you shift, using all the energy you have left to push him over, until you’re sitting on top of him. “It’s only fair.” Grinding your hips down into his, his hands catch against your thighs, aiding in your attempt at riding him with just a torturous pace as he had set. 
“Oh— Okay,” his head falls back against the bed as he moans, “Yeah— We gotta’ be fair.”
The camera’s in your hands as soon as you can reach for it, but you’re slower than he was. So lost in the feeling that it takes you more time to drag your mind back to the task at hand, until his lips part when you drop your hips down onto him a little quicker than before.
That’s the one.
The snap of the camera seems to only make him rock himself further into your thrusts, and you wind up quite pleased with the way your picture turned out, “Steve, look—” He squeezes your thighs before one of his hands releases you in favor of taking the picture by his index and middle finger, bringing it up to his face.
“Oh, fuck,” he whines at the sight, and you place your hand on his chest in order to get enough leverage to drag yourself almost completely off his cock, just to drop your hips again, and he nearly shouts at the feeling. You’re both shaking, and it shows in the next picture you take of him, but the blurriness is hardly obstructing the view of him, still looking at the photo you’d snapped moments before it.
He falls apart just seconds before you do, fingers digging into the flesh of your thigh as the photograph falls from his grip. Fingers carding through his own hair as you ride him through the brunt of it, desperately chasing your own pleasure at this point, until it detonates with the fullness that comes from his shuddering release.
Steve’s weak call of your name falls on deaf ears as you nearly collapse atop him. Shivering white-hot pleasure down your spine until it settles in the involuntary fluttering of your core around him. He supplies a few overstimulated, shallow thrusts as his arms wrap around you, holding you to him for dear life, until you both manage to float down from the devastation you’ve reaped upon each other.
You’re just glad you didn’t drop the camera, because you would hate to have broken it.
Instead, it lays against the mattress much like the rest of you, though you don’t think you’ll ever be able to use it again without thinking back to this moment. Steve’s fingers trace up your spine, as you feel him slowly beginning to even out his breathing beneath your chest.
“Holy shit,” he murmurs into your ear, and you giggle against him.
“Yeah…” moving off of him, you collapse into the bed, careful to avoid any stray polaroid pictures evidencing your love-making that were strewn along the bed.
Steve tilts his head to look at you, chuckling, “I think I should get a video camera for your next birthday—”
“Shut up.”
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garyc0re · 21 days
rigby (regular show) & borderline personality disorder
(a post by someone with a b.a. in psychology)
tw: abuse, neglect, suicide
what is borderline personality disorder?
borderline personality disorder (bpd) is a cluster b personality disorder that severely impacts a person's ability to manage their emotions & causes unstable relationships with others in the process (national institute of mental health).
while there are multiple risk factors for developing bpd, one of the most common is childhood abuse and neglect (bozzatello et al).
rigby's childhood
in multiple episodes of regular show, rigby's parents (barbera & sherm) are shown to participate in behaviors hinting at abuse or neglect. specifically, rigby's parents favor his younger brother (don) and are often seen comparing rigby to don, or ignoring rigby for don. additionally, rigby is implied to be intellectually disabled (ex: being unable to spell his own name), which neither his parents nor his teachers took seriously. on top of that, he is also bullied, a common childhood experience that has been shown to worsen borderline personality disorder (erazo et al). the episodes below focus on rigby's home life, but note that a child's school life is very important for the development of mental disorders, too.
01x10 - Don
this episode introduces viewers to rigby's resentment towards don, which we later learn in other episodes is primarily due to their parents. we're led to believe that rigby is upset about his sixth birthday party, where don unintentionally steals rigby's friends, taking the attention away from him. we're later told that, "it's everything. i'm always in your shadow. you're so much better than me. everyone likes you better, and to top it all off, everyone thinks you're my older brother. i'm the older brother! me! why do all my friends think you're so much cooler than me?" with a montage of rigby's friends consistently ditching him to hang out with don when they were children.
05x18 - Rigby in the Sky with Burrito
in a flashback, barbera says to a teenage rigby, "you're always making so much trouble for yourself. now don never gets in any trouble when he's at school."
06x27 - Lunch Break
in a flashback, pre-teen mordecai and rigby buy five boxes of cereal in order to dig for special prizes that come inside the cereal box. sherm catches them and forces them to eat all five boxes of cereal, saying, "nothing? this is nothing? you've been digging for prizes again, haven't you? you know the rules, son. don't you dare open a new box of cereal until you've finished this one. and since you're a guest in our home, mordecai, that rule applies to you, too." after eating the second box, rigby looks at sherm, and sherm says, "don't look at me, look at your cereal." this ends up with the two in the hospital, as the cereal contained trace amounts of poison that sherm hadn't checked for.
07x03 - The Lunch Club
rigby vents to benson about sherm in this one: "wow, you're pretty messed up. my dad, he was always like, "your brother don is so amazing. just go back to being a screw-up, rigby." i don't even understand half the reasons i do the things i do. i'm expected to be a clown, so i'm a clown. but clowns cry too, man. clowns cry too."
07x13 - Just Friends
in this episode, sherm comments, "now there's a son i can be proud of!" about don while rigby is in the room.
Regular Show: The Movie
when teenage rigby gets his letter from college u., his parents are shown to lack any emotion about it, not bothering to hide the fact that they expected him to get rejected even though he is excited about the letter coming in the mail. when he finds out that he didn't get in, sherm says, "look, rigby, we were kind of expecting this, so we looked up an out of state school where-" on screen, it is shown that his parents were planning to send him to mexico by himself for college, despite the fact that rigby is implied to be intellectually disabled.
07x27 - Rigby Goes to the Prom
this is the episode that most people think of when they think about rigby's parents. there are many moments in this episode that show the unstable relationship rigby has with his parents. for example, when don convinces rigby to go see their parents so that he can ask sherm to borrow his car, sherm comments, ""drop in." ha! you really think rigby would just come to dinner? i know you just need something." barbera asks don, "so, how are things at work?" to which don replies, "great! we just picked up cheezer's as a new client." sherm says, "that's our donny!" rigby awkwardly pitches in, saying, "i ate at cheezer's yesterday." there is a silence before rigby's parents blantantly choose to ignore him, saying, "that was a good update, don." rigby then lists some of his recent accomplishments, to which sherm replies, "yeah, and?" after a fight, rigby storms off to his room, which has been turned into a walk-in closet. after being given the keys to sherm's car by barbera, rigby spends his entire date with eileen nervous that he will mess up sherm's car. during the date, eileen notices that he is nervous and asks what's wrong; rigby replies, "no, my mom gave me the keys, but it's my dad, you know? he doesn't trust me with anything. i was hoping he'd finally be ready to see me as a real person. it's always don, car, everything else, me." afterwards, sherm makes a scene at prom upon finding out that rigby took his car, screaming at the students and the principal, and eventually finds out that rigby is at lookout mountain with eileen. sherm puts eileen and rigby in the car and begins to drive recklessly down the mountain, yelling at rigby the entire time, saying, "seems like every day you find some new way to mess up our lives, and now, you've found someone new to mess up their life, too!" (referring to eileen). sherm then nearly crashes the car, saying, "it's your fault we're here in the first place!" after a few scenes, the car is eventually totaled in a near fatal accident, and after crashing the car, rigby exclaims, "the car!" sherm says, "forget about the car. are you okay?" to which rigby looks surprised that his dad would care about his safety.
as shown in the above examples, rigby is implied to be (and sometimes is blantantly shown to be) abused and neglected by his parents. this would put him at risk for borderline personality disorder.
in order to be diagnosed with bpd, a person must experience five (or more) of the following symptoms:
frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment (note: do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in criterion 5)
a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self
impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating) (note: do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in criterion 5)
recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior
affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
chronic feelings of emptiness
inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
(desk reference to the diagnostic criteria from dsm-5 by the american psychiatric association).
i'm going to go over each symptom that rigby displays that leads me to believe that he has borderline personality disorder.
CRITERION 1: frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
i want to quickly go over another terminology exclusive to people with bpd: favorite person (fp): "a favorite person is relied on for comfort, happiness, and validation. the relationship with a... favorite person may start healthy, but it can often turn into a toxic love-hate cycle known as idealization and devaluation... at first, an individual may view their favorite person as flawless. however, if the favorite person doesn’t meet expectations or isn’t available, someone with bpd might swiftly shift to intense negativity toward them. these shifts between idealization and devaluation can occur rapidly and frequently, leading to instability in the relationship." (bachert).
it is my belief that mordecai is rigby's favorite person. rigby is shown to have an intense fear of abandonment that often revolves around mordecai. while it is impossible to go over every example, i will go over a few of the ones that stood out to me while watching the show.
01x06 - Meat Your Maker (Transcript)
rigby becomes distressed when mordecai is mad at him in these scenes and is later shown talking to himself in mordecai's voice, reassuring himself that mordecai isn't mad; "yeah, rigby, you're doin' good."
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01x08 - The Unicorns Have Got to Go (Transcript)
rigby is angry at mordecai for bailing on their plans to hang out. despite claiming that he's "gonna have to get some new friends," he appears distressed when mordecai finally has enough and leaves. he ends up nearly crying when trying to apologize to mordecai later, claiming "i miss you."
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02x15 - Temp Check (Transcript)
doug begins to copy rigby's traits to the point where he begins to shapeshift into rigby, stealing his friends. rigby appears distressed and angry the entire episode. when mordecai chooses doug over rigby, rigby has an emotional outburst.
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05x05 - Wall Buddy (Transcript)
rigby admits that he wasn't upset that he had to clean his room; he was upset because he felt like mordecai sold him out, saying "it used to be both of us against the man... now my only buddy is wall buddy."
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Regular Show: The Movie (Transcript)
the most severe example of rigby's fear of abandonment is during the movie, when he forges mordecai's rejection letter to college university. he does this because he believes that mordecai will leave him behind if they go to different schools. he keeps this secret from mordecai for as long as he can in fear of losing him.
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rigby's fear of abandonment extends to eileen, but his fear is not as intense as it is with mordecai.
2017 Special #4: Fancy Dinner
in this comic, rigby believes that eileen is going to leave him because he doesn't know how to cook.
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CRITERION 2: a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
rigby often alternates between thinking mordecai is the best person in the world to being intensely mad at him, often because his fear of abandonment was triggered. this is referred to as "splitting," and there are several examples where rigby splits on mordecai, as shown below (salters-pedneault).
01x04 - Death Punchies (Transcript)
rigby goes from being excited to play dig champs with mordecai (idealization) to being angry with mordecai due to some teasing on mordecai's part, even going as far to say "i hate you" (devaluation) minutes after being excited to hang out with him.
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01x08 - The Unicorns Have Got to Go
rigby goes from being excited to spend time with mordecai (idealization) to insulting mordecai with his new friends (devaluation) after mordecai bails on their plans together.
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02x02 - It's Time (Transcript)
rigby goes from being excited to see zombie dinner pary with mordecai (idealization) to flirting with margaret the whole episode in order to purposefully hurt mordecai (devaluation) after mordecai bails on their plans together.
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05x05 - Wall Buddy
rigby goes from being excited to get chimichangas with mordecai (idealization) to being extremely petty the entire episode (devaluation) because he felt abandoned.
additionally, rigby relies heavily on mordecai for emotional support. this is part of the "idealization" phase of the idealization/devaluation cycle (ertel).
02x01 - Ello Gov'nor (Transcript)
rigby relies on mordecai to walk him to the bathroom when he has nightmares.
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Regular Show: The Movie
teenage rigby refuses to go to college if mordecai can't go with him.
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07x16 - The Eileen Plan (Transcript)
rigby seeks reassurance from mordecai.
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07x38 & 07x39 - Rigby's Graduation Day Special (Transcript)
rigby is unable to give his speech without mordecai's direct support.
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CRITERION 3: identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self
rigby has low self-esteem and has been shown to change aspects of his identity on a whim.
03x24 - Trash Boat
rigby changes his name to "trash boat" because he thinks it will make him look cooler, and then regrets it when he is made fun of by his friends.
03x33 - Diary (Transcript)
while confessing his secrets, rigby admits that he's a horrible person.
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07x16 - The Eileen Plan
rigby impulsively goes back to high school in order to impress eileen.
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CRITERION 4: impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging
rigby has shown signs of binge eating and impulsive spending.
because this post is so long, i'm no longer able to add images, so i'll copy the transcripts instead!
01x11 - Rigby's Body (Transcript)
rigby participates in binge eating with mordecai.
"(A montage begins of Mordecai and Rigby eating a variety of snacks. At the end, the Snack Bar is a mess, and Mordecai and Rigby are sick from overeating.)
Mordecai: I need to eat something healthy, like a salad or something.
Rigby: What? Are you kidding? Dude, all these snacks are free, dude. (Stops himself from vomiting) Trust me. If we keep eating, we'll feel better in no time."
01x12 - Mordecai and the Rigbys (Transcript)
rigby participates in impulsive spending with mordecai.
"Rigby: Dude! Check it out, man! They're here!
Mordecai: What's here?
Rigby: Our fake band t-Shirts that we ordered from that site last night."
05x05 - Wall Buddy
rigby participates in impulsive spending regularly.
"Mordecai: (grunts) How are we gonna fix this now? Why didn't you just clean up your mess? (Mordecai pushes Rigby) It's like every time you have to do something simple, you buy some dumb product and make it worse!
Rigby: What? When have I ever done that!? (screen shows some of Rigby's past products he brought up in the series like the Brain Max from "More Smarter" and The Russian from "One Pull Up". Rigby then slides the products away.) Anyway... (sighs) I'm upset!"
mordecai and rigby participate in life-threatening scenarios not listed as an example in criterion #4 in the dsm on a consistent basis. for example, rigby eating an omelet to obtain a hat that he wanted on impulse despite the fact that he was deathly allergic to eggs, leading to his hospitalization.
additionally, it is a staple in the show that drinking soda or eating wings is equivalent to doing drugs or drinking alcohol, which mordecai and rigby participate in in too many episodes to count.
CRITERION 5: recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior
Regular Show: The Movie
rigby is the only character in regular show to have attempted suicide. after mordecai ends their friendship, he asks his ship to fly him into the sun.
"Rigby: (crying and depressed) Fly me into the sun so I won't have to be sad anymore!
Computer Voice: Fuel cells critical.
Rigby: No, No, No! Come on! STUPID SHIP! STUPID SHIP!!
Computer Voice: Auto pilot engaged to nearest refueling station.
(The Ship takes Rigby to the refueling station. Rigby gets mad and kicks the ship, hurting his leg and falls into the gas tank, knocking him out.)"
CRITERION 6: affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood
CRITERION 8: inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
i'm putting these two together because, for rigby, his unstable moods are often paired with intense bursts of anger. there are many more examples than the ones i have listed, but these were the ones that stood out to me the most.
01x04 - Death Punchies
rigby destroying their room after mordecai makes fun of him and saying "i hate you" in the process. criterion 6 is met here as well because rigby spends the rest of the episode angry at mordecai.
"(Rigby runs to his and Mordecai's room.)
Rigby: Wahhh!!! (Jumps on Mordecai's bed.) Ugh! Ugh! Dumb Mordecai! I hate you!
Mordecai (downstairs): You better not be messing up my side of the room.
Rigby: (Yells and grabs a book) YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE!!! (throws book at the door, it bounces of and hits him in the face) Oww!!! (screeches in pain continually off-screen)"
01x10 - Don
rigby spends the entire episode angry at don, and ultimately lashes out at him, saying that he's mad at don for being born.
"Don: What's going on with us? You never give me some sugar. Did I do something?
Rigby: Yeah. You were born!
Don: (visibly hurt) Wow. That's heavy. I gotta get out of here."
Regular Show: The Movie
teenage rigby destroys his room after being rejected from college university.
"Past Rigby: If I can't go to college with Mordecai, then I don't want to go to college at all!! (He slams his door, throws things off his desk, tears down his "College U" posters and turns on his console.)
Game: Welcome to College U, the College for accepts everyone.
Past Rigby: Meh!! (He flips his T.V. to the ground and falls to his knees, resembling Future Rigby's flashback. He looks at his letter, which has "Rejected" stamped on it in red.)"
CRITERION 9: transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
rigby shows signs of stress-related paranoid ideation.
02x15 - Temp Check
before doug's scheme is obvious, rigby spends time stalking doug due to paranoia, as doug is spending extra time with mordecai and copying the things that rigby is doing.
05x28 - Expert or Liar (Transcript)
rigby spends time paranoid that everyone is out to get him after being humiliated on national television.
"(Rigby then tries to pull the man's face off, leading to a montage of several failed attempts to find Bert Coleman. He ends up attacking a mime, yelling at an ice cream man, frightening a couple making out on a bench, bothering a construction worker, looking into a horse's mouth, and even fighting with Bloodshed and Manslaughter, who fight back. Rigby is then seen walking around with a black eye and angrily eating food. He looks at a billboard that is advertising Expert or Liar, the camera zooming in to the word 'liar.')"
as shown above, rigby fits 8/9 of the needed criteria for borderline personality disorder. it is possible that criterion #7 (chronic feelings of emptiness) exists but is not expanded upon in existing regular show media due to the fact that the characters in regular show rarely express their true feelings outside of anger.
people with borderline personality disorder often have more than one disorder. some common comorbidities include (shen et al):
mood disorders
anxiety disorders
substance use disorders
other personality disorders
rigby canonically has an anxiety disorder (specific phobia, claustrophobia) and participates in substance use (however, it is unclear if he participates frequently enough to warrant a diagnosis of substance use disorder).
whether or not it was unintentional, rigby is a bpd-coded character. many of the characters in regular show would benefit greatly from therapy, and rigby is one of them; though eileen helps him improve himself later on.
here is the twitter thread that inspired this post! it has resources for people with borderline personality disorder at the end, so i recommend checking it out.
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deafsignifcantother · 2 years
too many puppies
♥ summary: you just wanted to be a normal member of society, but when Art targets you and your college classmates, he discovers that you have the ability to regenerate from any wound. he thinks this is quite neeeeaaatooooo.
♥ relationships: art the clown x deaf gender neutral reader (romantic? idk mutual respect and dependability)
♥ word count: 1.2k
♥ warnings: reader doesn't like the situation they are in, reader isn't pro murder, kidnapping, ptsd behavior, reader is mute
♥ author’s note: based off of the primus song, whenever I hear it it reminds me of a situation like this.
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He was certain you can hear a gunshot when it comes from up close. It is one of the most rememberable sounds, and it has the ability to lodge itself into somebodies memory.
You've been getting familiar with the sound and all of its layers.
The first time you heard it, you could hardly breath. You were hidden behind a corner and your hand was squeezing your chest, the only thing your mind could focus on was the sounds of his massacre. If he catches you, what will he do? He cannot kill you, but what torture would he put you through as an attempt to?
When a body fell beside you you couldn't help but make a noise.
After that day, you've been spending your free-time throwing bouncy balls against the wall and trying to catch them. Art likes bringing you bouncy balls. There's a single room that has metal walls, and that's where you find yourself. Sometimes he leaves for such a long time, and sometimes you find yourself missing him while inside of that room.
A lot of the times you'll wake up and find him in the room with you. When he senses that you're awake, he'll slowly turn before eyeing you and sarcastically waving. His lips will show a menacing smile but, if he's been gone all day, it doesn't stop you from getting up and wrapping your hands around him. He used to never return the hug, he used to just stand there until he either pushes you away by the forehead or until you pull away. Recently he's been bending down and pressing his painted face to your neck.
You used to be scared he was going to bite you. He hasn't bitten you yet (he's gotten close).
But he does act like a dog when it comes to you affection. He will drag his face across your check and shoulder as he nuzzles into you, tickling you and making you laugh. That's the nicest he seems to get, and you assume he acts this way because you don't do anything to entice him. You're still scared of what he can do.
There was a new shift in energy between the two of you. Once the feelings started getting mutual, it felt as if he was trying to get you to do something defiant on purpose.
One of the bodies escaped the batch. It was somebody hardly your age, and they were crawling on the floor - they were a fighter.
They were crawling to your feet, speaking through tears that you will not be able to hear.
You stood there watching, keeping an eye on the blood they're smearing on the floor, and the closer they get the farther your eyes glance back. Art is around somewhere, that you know. What will he do if he knew you were considering saving this person? Will he be mad? The whole scene makes you uncomfortable. You remember when he had tried to kill you, you crawled to his feet, begging him with your eyes to stop, the same way this person is doing to you.
Distant shadows on the wall sparks your body into action. Art is busy killing someone else, he won't catch you, you just have to be quick. You put your hands in front of the person, trying to tell them to be quiet, before you flip them over and access their wound. It's just slashes across their stomach, they'll be fine with the proper care. You bring your fingers to the wound, bloodying your hands, forcing their shirt off and applying pressure. You'll be alright, you think. I was in your position before.
A hand brushes against your back and that's the only warning you get before the fingers wrap around your neck, jerking you up. You can only croak and try to pull Art's fingers back. In his other hand is a gun, and he waves it around. You lose your struggle when he teasingly puts it on your temple, removing it, and then repeating the motion. His face mimes a laugh.
In a quick movement of defense, you grab the gun from his hand. The two of you stare at each other, and though the moment lasted just a few seconds, it felt as if that contact determined your future.
The gunshot burns your ears. Your fingers are warm. You had shot the victim in the head, never glancing away from Art as you did so.
He had thrown his hands in the air with such a happy expression when he grabbed your face and kissed you on the cheek before ending the moment by snatching the gun back and shooting you in the head.
You spent the rest of the day with a massive headache, your head between your knees until finally, the tissue of your brain replenishes and the bone of your skull reconnects and the bullet pops right out from where it came in.
It hurts. You still feel the suffering, but it might be less than a normal person would feel. You've never fainted from pain nor have you ever felt something so horrible that you couldn't recover - you thought said sensation would exist, but after being with Art, you realized it is not, as everything he put you through should have qualified for that.
The reason you are by his side is because the day he found you crouched in the darkness, he had tried his best to kill you. Even when you tried playing dead, he would cut off a limb and watch you scream again. He thought he would end it when he cut off your head, but that, like everything, came back.
The room was splattered with your blood, along with your arms, legs, torsos, heads covering every inch before he decided to keep you as some sort of trophy.
The One who can never Die.
You have always hated it when he kills college students. You hate having to see the look in their eyes when they realize all of their future plans will never come to fruition; when they realize their life will be nothing more. He notices the way you stare down at their dead body.
It's the same way you stare at the TV when the news reports describe you as a psycho mass murderer. Look out for this one, the reporters say with a grimace, we haven't seen anybody like it in awhile.
There's no escape, not anymore. Without him, you would be in a prison cell for the crimes of both his and your own. It's unfair. You're not as bad as him, why can't he get punished too?
And it's not your fault for all the bad things you've done. It's environmental, for every body you kill is gifted by a kind embrace and a kiss of approval. His body is warm - it's warmer than a coat of fresh blood.
You would die for his positive appraise. It's the thing that makes you feel safe. His positive feelings towards you is the thing that motivates him to pull you against him while you're sleeping so you wake up to your head on his chest and his long arm down your back. It's what makes him remember your favorite juice boxes and what toys you can occupy yourself with.
He never wants you to feel unwelcomed. You feeling fear? Sure. Worry, maybe that too.
But no matter what, you are welcomed. That's what is important to him.
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field-s-of-flowers · 3 months
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annahxredaxted · 1 year
High school AU
I am on a roll! Another au for the little munchkins that actually enjoy my writing for some god forsaken reason
Genre: all of them
Characters: David/angel Sam/darlin milo/sweetheart Asher/Baabe
Tw: cussing.
(Note: for the sake of this fic Sam is aged down to the rest of the pack and, no one is empowered.)
Ahh yes, dahlia high. The place of depression, bad grades and body Oder; for most people anyway. But not for the unstoppable group of eight friends who think their the main characters because they bought matcha once. Anyways,
Sweetheart and angel strolled through the corridors carrying their Algebra books and notebooks talking about the most recent home game and who won and who lost because their school always dominated no matter how trash everything else was.
“Yeah I can’t believe the quarterback got that.” Angel exclaimed smiling
“Yeah I was pleasantly surprised.” Sweetheart said back, adjusting their backpack to rest on both of their shoulders.
Angel nodded. Just then the school badass Clown busted through the door
“What up guys!” Asher exclaimed putting his arms around the two friends
“Hey Asher.” Angel said smiling
“Hi.” Sweetheart said as well. Asher then started pouting.
“Oh yeah you guys are in the smart people class.” He said.
They rolled their eyes
“Asher I know you don’t want to but your going to class with us. Your smart dude act like it, you just have to apply yourself and stop slacking off.” Sweetheart scolded nudging him in the side.
“Ughhhh applying yourself is so boring!” He exclaimed fake crying and groaning making sweetheart bitterly hold him in their arms
“I guess that means getting into a good college is also boring.” Sweetheart said shoving him off them, wiping themselves off as if they have dust on them.
“Germs.” They mumbled.
The friends walked into Mr. Daniels Algebra class nonchalantly Asher groaning his head off
“Good morning Asher.” He said raising an eyebrow
He immediately straightened up. Mr Daniel also happened to be the hockey coach so he was on his best behavior.
“Hah suck up.” Angel muttered, Asher flipped his head to glare dagger at them and then sat down at his designated desk.
Minutes after the bell rang milo waltzed in with a proud gait as if he was 20 minutes early
He took his seat next to sweetheart. The pair of “friends” weren’t dating quite yet but everyone could tell it was bound to happen. Everyone but them anyway.
“Thank you for joining us Mr. Greer. I presume you have a reason for not getting here on time?” Mr. Daniel asked raising an eyebrow
“Uh… no sir I don’t.” He said sighing. Daniels nodded and wrote a little something down and handed it to him
“Detention after school. Again.” He concluded, walking over to the white board to start writing;
as he went on to the lesson, milo was brainstorming any excuse he could tell his dad why he had detention again, colm would be outraged when he heard this. He might even make him quit lacrosse. Milo sighed once more and shoved the slip into his pocket
“Hey,” sweetheart leaned over and whispered to milo.
He leaned over raising his eyebrow.
“You okay?” They asked, sincerely.
“Yeah I’m good. My dads just gonna be pissed.” He said fumbling with his hands. A gesture that sweetheart absolutely noticed. They were observant and wise, with empathy. He was stressed.
‘Obviously. Great job wanna cookie?’ They mused.
“Oh. Lemme know if I can do anything to help.” They said before leaning back over and taking notes.
Milo nodded, feeling something pulling at his heartstrings.
If anything milo was an overthinker. He thought of everything, every merely possible scenario, every idea, every excuse, every thing. But he couldn’t pin point how one specific person could make his hands sweaty and heart pound like a drum in his chest. Maybe he was sick. Maybe he was in love..
“Ughhhhhhhhh that class is so fucking boring.” Angel said enunciating O in boring.
David pulled his eyes and smiled lightly.
“It’s not that bad.” He said, even though he was two classes ahead of them.
“What-Ever!” They exclaimed flaring the dramatics like always.
Milo trudged alongside them, slight frown overtaking his face as the group of friends walked to join their friends in the cafeteria.
“Milo.” David boomed, he jolted up and looked him dead in the eye.
“W-whasup?” He asked confused at the sudden loudness.
“Are you okay?” He said gentler- much gentler.
Milo looked down once more. Sighing he shook his head, on the verge of actual tears.
“My dads gonna be so mad that I got detention again. I mean it’s not even my fault there was traffic but the school won’t take that excuse for some dumb fucked up reason.” He said in a single breath
“Oh.” Angel muttered, feeling sorry for their friend.
“Milo, if you need anything, anything at all your always welcome at my place we can drive to school together-“ angel cut him off
“Or you could ask sweetheart. Their a teachers kid so they have to be here early anyway. Plus their always down to carpool,” they dropped their voice “, and their cars really nice.” They smirked at the thought of riding in the car their friend bought with the money they’d been saving for a while. It was a nice car and angel treated it like a child.
Milo’s eyes widened.
“Wh-why’d you- where’d you ge-get that idea?” He asked worriedly that maybe he was easy to read.
“Idea?” They asked puzzled.
“Nothing.” He mumbled “,yeah I’ll ask them.” He finished. If he wasn’t easy to read before he most certainly is now.
Baabe walked into the loud cafeteria, searching for their friends, when they saw David’s tall head poking out from the crowd they walked in that direction.
“Hey guys.” They said with a soft smile.
“Hey baabe!” Asher said hugging them.
They tapped his shoulder twice as an initial sign for him to let go.
“A-ash c-can-t bre-th.” They said, before he let them go and scratched the back of his neck.
“Sorry baabe.” He said smiling awkwardly
“Ew oh my god this looks disgusting.” Sweetheart fake gagged looking at the school lunch. The kids nodded in agreement
“Cant wait for next year when we can leave campus for lunch.” David said pushing his tray to the middle of the table.
“Same.” Asher and angel said simultaneously grinning ear to ear.
David rolled his eyes “weirdos.” He mumbled at his partner and best friend in sync always.
“Do you guys just take turns with the same brain cell or something.” Sweetheart teased nonchalantly.
“Hey! That’s not nice!” Asher said
“Yeah be nice you jerk!” Angel added
The rest of the group chuckled; aside from Asher and angel.
“English class. The best class. The best teacher. And it smells good.” Baabe said to David, who nodded in agreement.
“I agree, it’s also the easiest class.” He added pointing a finger to the door.
The bell rang and the class settled down and stopped talking.
“Hello class, glad to see everyone present today! I have a special announcement. We have a new student going us today. I trust in good conscience that you’ll make them feel welcome,” she said before clearing her throat
“Tanker? You can come in now.” She finished.
A kid walked in, wearing green cargo pants and Metallica tee, a tan zip up jacket, with piercings all over their face, ears, nose, and eyebrow. They had a severe case of RBF but aside from that they were the perfect person.
The kid in the back; who quite literally never talked, Sam is his name, rose his head in awe at the hot gorgeous person he saw with his own two eyes.
They nodded.
“You can take a seat next to baabe right there.” She pointed to an empty desk next to baabe.
“Kay.” They said with a huff of breath.
Everyone watched them as they walked over to the desk and then turned their attention back to the board.
Tanker slumped themselves in their desk, doodling in a little green notebook, not really paying much attention to the class.
‘This is going to be a long year..’
Sam thought.
@itsdaifuku @youisagayhooman @shellssstuff @verrverii @darlin-collins
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justforbooks · 11 months
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Alan Arkin, who has died aged 89, was a star at the beginning of his career and a beloved character actor until the end. Though best known for comedies, most notably Catch-22 (1970) and Little Miss Sunshine (2006), lightness was not necessarily his forte; even at his funniest, he exuded gravitas. “I’ve studied acting seriously,” he said in 1982. “I’m not the clown who wants to be Hamlet or anything like that. I just think that regarding oneself as comic means that one’s primary obligation is to get laughs.”
He could be a prickly figure. “Alan does not meet you halfway as an actor,” said the writer-director Marshall Brickman, who cast him as a brainwashed scientist in the science-fiction comedy Simon (1980). “He’s a very serious actor. I think he’s brilliant. But he’s not interested in winning you over via personality. The way he photographs has a kind of austerity that’s a little hard for an audience to take. You either like Alan or you don’t.” The Oscar Arkin won for playing a heroin-snorting grandfather in Little Miss Sunshine ratified his status as a US national treasure.
Arkin was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Beatrice (nee Wortis) and David Arkin, both schoolteachers. As a child, he attended acting classes. The family moved to Los Angeles when Alan was 11, but trouble befell the family when David was accused of communist affiliations (disproved posthumously) during the McCarthy era.
Alan studied acting at Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences (now California State University, Los Angeles) before transferring to Bennington College, Vermont. In 1955, he married Jeremy Yaffe, and became active in the folk music scene. Along with fellow members of his group, the Tarriers, he was credited as co-writer of The Banana Boat Song (Day-O), an adaptation of a Jamaican folk standard. (A different version was a hit for Harry Belafonte.)
After an inauspicious film debut with the Tarriers in Calypso Heat Wave (1957), he threw in his lot with acting. He made his off-Broadway debut in the late 1950s and joined the Chicago improvisational group the Compass Players in 1959. This led to a stint with the Chicago improv troupe Second City and his Broadway debut, in 1961, in the company’s show From the Second City, which he co-wrote.
Arkin did not forgo folk music entirely: he formed the children’s group the Babysitters, which also featured Yaffe until their divorce. The band was later joined by his second wife, the actor and writer Barbara Dana, whom he married in 1964.
He left Second City after landing the lead on Broadway in a 1963 production, Enter Laughing, for which he won a Tony award. In the same year, he wrote, scored and starred in the Oscar-nominated short film That’s Me. Norman Jewison gave him his first major film role in The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming (1966), a comic take on cold war paranoia. Arkin received an Oscar nomination for his performance as a lieutenant on a Soviet submarine that runs aground in New England.
His range was indisputable. Comparisons to Peter Sellers abounded even before Arkin took the title role in the misguided, off-piste comedy Inspector Clouseau (1968). He accepted a rare villainous part in Wait Until Dark (1967), terrorising a blind Audrey Hepburn. In the same year, he played one of Shirley MacLaine’s lovers in Vittorio de Sica’s portmanteau film Woman Times Seven. He won a second Oscar nomination for playing a deaf man in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968), adapted from the novel by Carson McCullers, and starred as a Puerto Rican widower raising his children in Popi (1969).
His landmark role came when he was cast as the anxious bombardier Yossarian in Mike Nichols’s film of Joseph Heller’s Catch-22. The New York Times critic Vincent Canby summed up Arkin’s appeal: “[He] is not a comedian; he is a deadly serious actor, but because he projects intelligence with such monomaniacal intensity, he is both funny and heroic at the same time.” The eight-month shoot was an arduous experience for the actor. “If they had shot footage of the making of the film,” he said, “it would’ve been a hell of a lot closer to the book than the movie was.”
Arkin had already directed several shorts when he embarked on his full-length directing debut, an adaptation of Jules Feiffer’s blackly comic play Little Murders (1971), set in a fractured and hostile New York City. The film’s critical reputation has grown steadily along with that of Arkin’s follow-up, Fire Sale (1977). Both pictures exhibit an acidic, rueful comic tone consistent with the mood of 1970s independent cinema.
In the same decade, Arkin played a long-distance truck driver in Deadhead Miles (1972), scripted by Terrence Malick; unsure how to market this eccentric road movie, Paramount shelved it, though it has surfaced occasionally on television. He teamed up with James Caan in the action comedy Freebie and the Bean (1974), with Peter Falk in The In-Laws (1979) and with Jeff Bridges in the 1930s-set Hearts of the West (1975). In The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1977), he played Sigmund Freud, who welcomes Sherlock Holmes (Nicol Williamson) as a patient. He was a washed-up superhero in the Australian musical comedy The Return of Captain Invincible (1983) and a concentration camp prisoner in Escape from Sobibor (1987).
During the 1990s, Arkin’s movie career began its second flourishing. He specialised in sympathetic father figures in Coupe de Ville and Edward Scissorhands (both 1990) and Slums of Beverly Hills (1998), and played a desperate salesman in Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), the film of David Mamet’s play. He was also memorable as an assassin’s psychiatrist in Grosse Pointe Blank (1997). An acclaimed performance as a troubled insurance manager in Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (2001) attracted further awards.
The independent smash Little Miss Sunshine exploited Arkin’s contradictory qualities of coarseness and warmth. After that, most of his films felt minor: in 2008 he delivered another beneficent father routine in Sunshine Cleaning and a helping of spy antics in Get Smart, and was a twinkly editor in the family hit Marley & Me. More challenging was Rebecca Miller’s drama The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009), in which Arkin played a man married to a woman 30 years his junior. His fond portrayal of a grizzled movie producer in Argo (2012), Ben Affleck’s thriller set during the Iran hostage crisis, was hugely admired and was nominated for a best supporting actor Oscar.
He starred with Al Pacino and Christopher Walken as ageing crooks reuniting for one last job in Stand Up Guys (2012), and with Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman as retirees who plot to rob a bank after losing their pensions in Going in Style (2017). He was also in Tim Burton’s live-action remake of Dumbo (2019) and played a Hollywood agent in the Netflix series The Kominsky Method (2019) with Michael Douglas.
In 2020, he published Out of My Mind, which detailed his 20-year friendship with his spiritual mentor John Battista, though Battista’s full name is not mentioned in the book, nor his fall from grace (Battista was charged with the sexual abuse of several women and one girl) and suicide. The scandal caused a kind of paralysis in Arkin for six months, he told the Guardian in 2020. “But I doggedly went on and I’m glad that I did.”
He is survived by his third wife, Suzanne Newlander, whom he married in 1996, two sons, Adam and Matthew, from his first marriage, and a son, Anthony, from his second marriage.
🔔 Alan Wolf Arkin, actor and director, born 26 March 1934; died 29 June 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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beezleberry-breakie · 2 years
SWWSDJ: Younger sibling gets to perform on Sunny Day Crew Time- Joesph x older sibling!reader
It was noisy to say the least.
Alot more nosier than you anticipated when on the set for "The Sunny Time Crew Show". Also alot more kids in attendance. Some seemed to already know the drill about getting ready for the show, sitting prim and proper, not a word falling from their mouths. Which made you wonder how the hell your brother was even able to star as the "guest show winner".
You sighed, staring at said younger sibling whom sat in the make-up chair, eyes all starry, his mouth moving a mile a minute as he exclaimed how excited he was to meet his hero. The artist attending to his face could only nod her head along, bags prominent under their eyes, as she begrudgingly listened to the "fun facts" of the show your brother rambled about. Another silent as they began to fuss with his hair, every so often speaking quietly into a walkie talkie to make sure everything was on schedule. This was just too much, but seeing as your parents had to work extra to feed the family, you let the nauseating feeling of boredom slip from your face.
"Alan, give them a break. You're mouth is wandering faster than your brain". Your voice carried a hint of sternness as Alan continued to gush about the show. His starry eyes now rolled at your request for quiet. "Sorry ugly, you didn't have to be here you know? Could've dropped me off".
Oh the throttle you wanted to ensue.
"Friggen brat", you continued to curse him in your mother tongue before leaning yourself back against the wall, arms crossed as you looked around the room.
Your eyes traveled the brightly colored walls, taking in all the colors, the hand stenciled drawings, and lingering posters that littered the walls. Until they stopped at the four giant faces that painted the back wall.
The SunnyTime Crew Show! You rolled your eyes, more reasons for your brother to gush. Starring Knackerdan Drizzle, Cloudy Belle Sue, Rory Raspberry, and Sunny Day Jack! There it was, the main reason for your sweet boredom in the TV world.
Sunny Day Jack.
Another sigh.
You didn't mind the show, hell the actors who played Jack and Rory were amazingly good looking plus the lessons they taught weren't half bad. Working at an after care center, all the younger kids spoke about was this funny clown on the television. Even snippets of the show seemed to somehow drift in your college courses. So, of course, you got curious. Soon as work was over, you tuned to this hit new tv show that everyone was talking about. Your brother front and center laying down infront of the small screen tv. 6:00 pm hits, its prime time hour. One click of the remote then lo and behold, The SunnyTime Crew Show pulls up. After that Alan grew obsessed with Sunny Day Jack.
"Almost finished", the make up artist chirped, a small smile gracing her lips. Your mind wandered back to reality, a brief glance to your brother refocused your thoughts. It seemed the hair stylist had finished, already working on the child in the next seat.
"Huh, not half bad." You walked towards the artist and Alan, eyes roaming his now bright sugared face. "Guess they won't have to censor your face on television".
A look of annoyance ripped through Alan's cherub face. Before he calmed back down, as the artist applied the last of the bronzer.
"You don't have to follow me, you know. The Procsd-"
"Producer", hell what type of phonics were they teaching in elementary school these days?
Alan rolled his eyes.
"The PRODUCER" he mocked in a high tone, "said you could wait on set like the other parents".
As much as you wanted to leave the spoiled terror that is your brother, you couldn't. You promised. He knew that as well, which is why the attitude hit you harder than need be. Taking a deep breath you calmly faced the make up artist. The sweetest smile, which seemed to almost dabble on maniacal, formed on your face.
"Hi sorry, but is there a bathroom I can use?"
Yea you promised, but your baby brother could eat it. You'll make it up to your parents later. As you always did.
The artist nodded, using her free hand to gesture where the bathroom was. Eyes not once leaving your brothers face, as she checked for any imperfections.
"Thanks, be good brat. I'll see you on set".
Alan waved his hand, eyes soon glittering back to stars as he thought about meeting his hero. Your presence an after thought.
Once closing the doors to the make up room, a heavy burden seemed to lift from your shoulders. "Alright, so the artist said make a right", you glanced down the hallway that was now packed with folks speed walking to and fro, the giggles and screams of children bouncing off the walls. Costumes and background props being wheeled down the hallway, a single man yelling about everything being in place and to not screw this up.
Yea screw that chaos.
"So~ left I go!".
It was easy enough, as long as you quickly got out the way of any incoming business, no one seemed to bother you. Perfect. Almost too perfect in how no one stopped you. Alrighty, speed walking it is. Door after door passed by, not one destination placed in mind. You wondered if you even looked to be a part of production, you were around the ages of some of the SunnyTime Crew, so maybe? You didn't want to dwindle on the thought, right now you needed to find a closed room to think.
This was suppose to be a big moment for your brother, your parents were adamant that you set the VCR to record his breaking moment. Something to send back home to your parent's home country. They already felt like they missed the moment once your brother was announced by Sunny Day Jack to be the winner. Stating something about how his letter being one that truly touched the clown's heart. You didn't understand it, as you were sure most kids pretty much stated the same details in their own letter.
I'm your biggest fan.
You're my hero.
My mom says you could be my new dad.
Blah blah blah. You tuned out of the family celebration as soon as the bragging surfaced. There was only so much a first born could shoulder.
Ah, a blank door, promising. Slowing your speed, you glanced around to be sure that no one was around or at least paying attention before opening the door.
Silence, ooh and free snacks! This seemed to be some sort of break room? You couldn't tell, but the plush couch, free food, and table seemed enough to make it so. With almost a skip to your stride, you walked towards the closet seat and plopped down on the couch.
With a deep inhale, your head fell against the back of the couch. This was just...a lot. You evened your breathes, thinking back to how your parents fussed about being sure to keep an eye on Alan. You scoffed, "Alan", generic American name but your parents knew that having a more "tame" name meant that both of your lives would be a bit easier. Which even doing so, did diddily squat about that. You shook that thought from your head, the slightly forgotten donut in your hand gravitating to your lips. You took two giant bites, reducing the sugary bread to only glaze on your fingers.
Holy shit these were good. Another.
You didn't mind Alan being the spoiled child, you knew your parents loved you just as much. Just sometimes you wished you could just hang out with others your age, instead of baby sitting your brother and his friends. Which no time soon was that going to change, at least until Alan was in middle school. Both mom and dad worked back breaking hours to support the family, especially with you now going to college. You promised your father that whatever you were going to college for would be essential to the work force, but you knew just as well that he didn't care as long as you were happy. A smile filtered on your face as you took a bite of your third donut. Your family had their moment of absolute insanity, but they were all you had, and you wouldn't change it.
A few moments of silence passed as you stared at the ceiling, munching on your sixth donut before you decided it was time to go see where Alan was squandered off to.
You stood up giving a bit of a stretch, you've been gone a little bit longer then you should've. Alan must've thought you destroyed their bathroom, embarrassing him and ruining his chance of meeting Jack. Little shit. You made your way to the door, whilst grabbing another donut, if production was going to make you stand around then might as well take any free treats laying around.
Two steps from the couch, you heard voices. A mix no more than maybe four? You quelled your steps, hoping that they'd walk right past the closed door, which almost seemed like a possibility until the door handle turned.
Oh your god, you weren't suppose to be here. Production even warned you about not straying from set or the makeup room. Crap. You didn't want Alan to get kicked out of guest spot, but where the hell else were you going to go? The room besides the couch and table was completely bare. Glancing around you tried to look for something to help you out this situation, until you couldn't do anything else but stare at the door as it swung open.
"Oh! Hello?"
"Uhm are you lost?", a brunette eyebrow raised in question almost disappearing into the blue waves of hair. The hand that was holding onto the door knob, reale Jack fully stepped into the room, concern steeped in his eyes as he looked at you. He didn't seem mad, but you couldn't that the chance. You were way out of the way of ....
Got sort of drunk towards the end...not sure if I should continue this as I am a perfectionist and cause my own grief, also haven't written in yeaaaaars. Ugh. Meh...
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gayleafpool · 9 months
yeah so there was this dude i went to school with named piers and i will preface this with saying that he was genuinely REALLY fucking smart, like, I'm sure this guy couldda worked for NASA if he actually applied himself to do so but instead he'd cause problems and pretend to jack off in class (also got suspended for a "prank" in math class during the whole killer clown thing back in 2016, but that's another story) SO ANYWAY, this guy had a thing for sucking toes. not my thing, but who am I to judge! the problem lies in that he'd pay girls at our school anywhere between $100-$300 to let him suck their toes. ngl kind of a steal for the girls. anyway, he turned 18. and he was doing this at our school. long story short he got arrested for prostitution of minors.
my good friend at the time was his across the street neighbor and gave me updates that he was apparently on house arrest
then in 2019 we went to the same college and i was like damn that's the toe sucker guy (he had a black trench coat and long blond hair that was styled STRAIGHT up like a whole foot in the air)
i wonder where he is these days
i justwent through all the five stages of grief while reading this
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Who do you think is most and least like their website and in-game descriptions? I feel like we don’t always see everything they describe on screen (which might be due to those script edits we all love thinking about).
Laura's excited to spend a quiet summer in the woods as a camp counselor alongside her boyfriend Max. It's the perfect way to apply her resourceful, curious nature before she returns to her veterinarian studies in the fall. For Laura, everything's falling into place.
Laura is described in-game as Studious. Independent. Determined.
Ever the class clown, Max has trouble applying himself and seeing things through, unlike his girlfriend Laura. Fortunately, his friendly attitude and unfaltering loyalty make them a great match, provided she doesn't get sick of his lack of ambition—which won't cut it if their plan to go to college together has any hope of success.
Max is described in-game as Mr. Witty. Sarcastic. Helpless. Dependent. Friendly.
Abigail is so deeply buried in her sketchbook that she can't see how well her artistic skills and kind disposition are appreciated by her peers. Socially awkward but sweet and sincere, she's dying to find some romance before the summer is out.
Abigail is described in-game as Shy. Artistic. Indecisive.
Kaitlyn embraces the idea of living out loud; always going toward the fun and never afraid to stir the pot a little. Her amiable nature and ingenuity means she can adapt to any social environment, often allowing her to slip into the de facto role of 'leader,' though she sometimes struggles to express her own needs in stressful situations.
Kaitlyn is described in-game as Quick-Witted. Headstrong. Cunning.
Like many teen heartthrobs, soft-spoken Nick strikes that perfect balance between handsome athleticism and nerdy vulnerability. His fatal flaw is an unwillingness to drop his stoic guard and let people in.
Nick is described in-game as Polite. Awkward. Impressionable.
Emma is something of a documentarian, capturing and commenting on nearly everything through her phone's front-facing camera for her loyal followers. As a talented actress and enterprising influencer, she runs the camp's drama activities, teasing out the best (and worst) in everyone she meets.
Emma is described in-game as Confident, Performative, and Self-assured.
Most won't 'get' whatever's coming through his headphones, but Ryan lives for connection, even if he does lean into the whole brooding, handsome loner thing. Beneath the reclusive persona is the heart of a hero, determined to prove himself to those he cares about.
Ryan is described in-game as inquisitive, stoic and charming.
Campers and counselors alike love Dylan's oddball humor and deep musical knowledge, broadcast daily over the camp's PA system… but beneath the affable, edgy persona of his radio voice, a much different person lies in wait, terrified of rejection.
Dylan is described in-game as Sarcastic. Laid-Back. Sociable.
Jacob is accustomed to being the most popular guy around. Despite some self-centeredness and obnoxious bravado befitting your typical jock, Jacob's got a charming streak and genuinely wants his fellow counselors to have a good time, especially Emma.
Jacob is described in-game as Athletic. Arrogant. Funny.
thank you for bringing this to my attention, i'm eating a dictionary in frustration. i have been yelling about this for twenty minutes & i have a lot of Thoughts
okay i'm going to break this down in stages. for starters, Laura's website description is fine, sounds pretty accurate, but i'm not sure about her in-game description. we don't get a chance to see her be "studious" during the game & it doesn't sit right to me that despite her motivation very clearly being driven by Max's situation, her traits don't reflect that. i would propose something like "Loyal. Determined. Clever."
poor Max, he's reduced to helpless and unable to follow through. that feels unfair - he's too busy being a depressed dog in jail. we don't see enough of my beloved for me to make a judgment call on his ambition (also why does he get so many descriptor tags??) but he has so many good traits so i don't think we should capitalize on his bad ones. he should be "Good-Humored. Dependable. Friendly." none of this helpless shit for my precious boy
Abi's all seem pretty accurate but the "indecisive" trait makes me sad :( we don't get to she her MAKE a lot of decisions barring the one to shoot Nick or not. the scene at the bonfire where she can't pick someone to ask truth or dare feels unfair. i wish we'd gotten to see more of her bc i don't even know what to put in place of it
no real complaints with Kaitlyn's, they got her pretty well. altho i would LOVE for insight on what the fuck the last sentence means. we barely get any backstory on Kaitlyn & i want some
Nick is not fucking stoic, i'm sorry. his fatal flaw is being fucking weird & having no social skills. i don't think his trait tags need changed but if they did i recommend throwing "odd" in there somewhere
i don't have a lot of complaints about Emma's, but if they were going to make her website description so heavily focused on her "documentor" status, i think they should have leaned into it more. have her playtime feature more optional photos, using her camera or something - just more on that concept. also i feel like "confident" & "self-assured" are too similar, so i would replace one of them with maybe "probing" or "argumentative". with love, of course
my man Ryan has a pretty good description but i vote to change "stoic" to "antisocial" or something of the sort bc stoic sounds too mean :(
Dylan, my love :(( why are you so sad :(( they all love you. he's so sad & scared. i don't mind his tags but i would adjust it a little. "Witty. Intuitive. Sociable." maybe. i don't know
and Jacob. first of all, athletic isn't a personality trait i don't think. & funny seems kind of lazy. this idiot deserves a little better maybe. we get to see a lot of different parts of him but they don't seem to go anywhere. i'm thinking "Overactive. Eager. Sarcastic." or something along those lines
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keerysgal · 2 years
old lovers, new wounds
pairing: steve harrington x nancy wheeler
word count: 5,091
summary: struggling to grapple with everything that uprooted her senior year, and the unsettling pain still inside her after escaping the upside down, nancy gets an unexpected visitor one night. it’s who she knows she needs to see, and talk to, but she can’t quite face everything that needs to be laid out between them.
warnings: angst and mild smut
a/n: i’m a real sucker for stancy angst, and with their rekindled love for one another implied in s4, i played with an idea of what that could be like. also, i listened to ivy and evermore by taylor swift like religiously writing this so take of that what you will. but all of evermore applies to them. this is a long one, lots of angst, some smut, and well, find out the rest for yourself.
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It’s late. Nancy is sitting on her bed with her legs bent at the knee as she’s hunched over a pile of old Hawkins High newspapers. It’s customary for the final front page of the school year to commemorate the past yearly moments, looking back on all the times the seniors shared. Nancy relishes the task of looking through every part, a shy smile brimming at the corners of her mouth when she reads into something that catches her eye. She wonders what some of those former seniors, class clowns to utter nerds, are doing now. She wonders who will be looking at her picture and story in years to come, sitting like her in their childhood bedroom, curious what Nancy Wheeler is up to.
Nancy lets out a sigh that settles in the air of her room. Senior year certainly threw her for a loop. She expected a smooth ride, college acceptances, and a graceful exit out of the place she’s known her whole life. Instead, she ended up with a new collection of psychiatric medications and a concerning amount of notes and phone calls as if she had died. She hadn’t died, but a part of her did when she got stuck in the Upside Down. The feeling that had haunted her then still hadn’t left her, and she was having a hard time coming back to herself.
She flipped one of the newspapers, skimming another story, when her head jolted up at the sound of loud chatter become pronounced downstairs. She heard her brother’s now puberty doused voice waft through the stairwell, followed by the pestering friends always right behind him. Nancy used to huff and get up from her bed at the sound of the teenagers, slamming her own door shut, but now she just sat and absorbed the sound of their youthful joy. She couldn’t bring herself to do anything irritable like slamming her door at the sound of them just being kids. They were alive. She was grateful for that.
She glanced at the clock on her nightside table seeing that it was way past their curfew. The conversations happening downstairs were lingering in the foyer until the door opened again, and she heard her mother’s voice rise above the boys to greet someone else. Nancy sat upright in her bed, as alert as could be. 
She didn’t need to see the person to know who it was.
She heard the boys head towards the basement door, and what only remained was the soft conversation between the familiar person and her mother. Her heart thudded as she heard her mother’s footsteps drift, and the other person’s move towards the stairs in her direction. The light was dim in the stairwell, and with Nancy’s door fully open with the bright light seeping out from it, her room an invitation waiting to be found.
Nancy ducked her head to the newspapers again, pressing her mouth in a tight line. It was only seconds later that a knocking came against her door, and she looked up to meet the eyes of a person she hadn’t been expecting, but somewhere deep within her gut knew she needed to see. It had been a week or two already. But, as clear as day, Steve Harrington was standing in the doorway of her room, looking more himself than the last time she saw him.
He gave her a cheeky grin, although his typical glimmer he was so known for was dimmed ever so slightly. “Hey.”
“Hey,” she breathed in return, taking in the sight of him, whilst clearing her throat. She went to rise from her bed, but Steve took a few steps in her room, closing the door a bit behind him. “I don’t want to keep you, I know you have a lot to do for...” He gestured at the newspapers laid out on her bed, and Nancy’s eyes widened, and she looked at them as if she didn’t know how they got there. She began hastily collecting them in her hands, tidying them up into a pile.
“No, no, I just wasn’t...”
“I just figured while I was by dropping the kids off I’d pop in to see you.” There was a long pause. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around,” he said, a little edge in his voice as he mentioned the latter part. Nancy dropped her gaze to the papers and gathered them up in her arms, mindlessly getting up and setting them on her dresser against the wall. She kept her back to Steve for a moment longer before turning around and giving him a strained smile.
“It’s okay. I wasn’t expecting you to be around.” As she said the words, she saw how it stung in Steve’s expression a bit, and he closed the door fully behind him, leaning on it. Nancy breathed deeply, running a hand across her forehead. “We’ve all got to do what we have to do to come out on the other side of this. You’ve done more than enough for me.” She followed it up quick with, “For all of us.”
Steve nodded. He seemed to be acknowledging both the burdens he had carried for a while, but also the distance there was in their conversation. He tried to meet her eyes, but Nancy was occupying herself by playing with the hem of an oversized t shirt she was wearing, and Steve’s eyes wandered from the shapeless figure the shirt supplied her to her bare legs and feet. He looked back up at her, clearing his throat. “Yeah, well. Two weeks is a while.” He paused again, seeming to teeter on the intention of his words. 
“I tried calling.”
Nancy looked up at him. She saw a weight that was hard to describe in Steve’s eyes, and she felt a surge of guilt blooming in her stomach. She moved forward timidly, her hands winding and unwinding as she spoke. “I’m sorry, Steve.” She didn’t know what she was apologizing for, but she figured as the apology sat out in the air that maybe it was for a lot of things. She hoped the two words could hold all that baggage that remained unpacked between them.
Steve stepped forward, and his hand moved to her cheek. It was a tender, almost intimate, touch that made Nancy’s heart jump. He inhaled deeply. “It’s okay.” She dropped her eyes, and as she did, Steve seemed to find himself in the moment again and dropped the hand from her cheek, not saying anything more. He turned his attention to the newspapers on the dresser. Intently, he began rifling through a few of them absentmindedly as Nancy stood beside him, arms wrapped around her body. Steve’s lips curled suddenly into a grin.
“Now, this is a flash from the past.”
He lifted up the one that caught his eye, and Nancy’s breath got trapped in her throat as she saw it was a big picture plastered in the center of the spread of the homecoming court during high school. Steve had his arm wrapped around her, and she thought she looked so tiny and insecure that it made her heart sink, but she appeased Steve and leaned closer. “We were so young.”
She didn’t mean to make it sound sad, that so much time had passed, and that their pain had only grown, but she couldn’t bring herself to say more than that.
“Yeah, we were.”
He tapped Nancy’s face in the photo. “I remember this. Mostly because you wore this blue blouse that complimented your eyes really nicely, and you did your hair a little differently. You were telling me before they took the picture you didn’t feel like you should have been nominated for this shit.”
Before Steve could finish the sentence, Nancy hummed and smiled. “And you said ‘Well, face it, you are.’” She paused, before biting her lip and letting the thoughts flow into the space between them. “I remember thinking how loved I felt in that moment.” The room fell so quiet, she could nearly hear Steve’s muscles tense next to her at the recollection.
Nancy looked down at her feet. Maybe him coming by was not helping her wounds. She had only begun to unravel the traumatic encounters and taunting from Vecna about her life’s mistakes, but the comments that bordered on their relationship and still lingering, confusing feelings towards Steve, she had tried to tuck that away for another time to unravel. With him standing near her though, she almost felt suffocated and unable to keep those worries down.
She moved towards her bed, sighing softly. Sitting on the edge of it, she felt the bed next to her sink down at the same time. Despite the ache she felt with him near, Steve managed to make her feel however at ease as she would allow herself to be. She looked up at him with tender eyes, aware of his closeness to her. Concern riddled his expression like no other.
“I don’t want to be pushed away, Nancy.”
Where was this coming from? The voice in her head spun, and she shifted on the bed, smiling out of discomfort and growing anxiety in her throat. “Steve, I don’t know what you mean. I’m fine,” she said, voice defensive and firm. “I just didn’t know you called.” She crossed her arms, looking down at her bare knees.
“Why didn’t you call me?”
Nancy’s mouth opened partially, and she felt a hole of guilt tighten inside her. It was a justified question, but she felt unnerved by it. She really couldn’t look at him, despite how close he was to her, and how deeply he was looking in return at her. “I...I guess I just wanted to give you time, and I didn’t know how long that would be.” She felt her head spinning, and she finally forced herself to catch his eyes in hers.
“Right,” Steve said, in a tone that she knew meant he wasn’t convinced. He sat there for a moment, thinking to himself, and Nancy could feel her heart absolutely slamming against her chest with every moment of silence.
Looking up suddenly, he reached out and nudged her jaw with his index finger. He kept his hand there, letting it fully expand along her cheek, and Nancy couldn’t tear her eyes from his. She could feel that he was begging her to be honest with him. She didn’t want to be, but she was wholly avoiding the reason why she didn’t want to be. It was like a part of her was scared to acknowledge what had happened between them in the Upside Down and what it meant for them now in the present. She sensed Steve felt this conflict himself, but didn’t know the depth to which it tortured Nancy.
“I don’t want you to push me away.”
“I’m not pushing you away, Steve,” she said, a defensive, uncomfortable laugh brushing past her lips. She shook her head. “You’re being paranoid.”
“I’m being paranoid? Nance, I almost lost you.” His eyes searched hers for some understanding, some sign she felt as he did. “I know you’re hurting. I’m hurting too.” The confession of his own pain settled inside her like a heavier weight, and she swallowed hard. “But, I won’t lose you. I can’t let that happen, I can’t let you shut yourself off because...”
He became overcome by emotion in a way Nancy had never seen him be before, and she inhaled deeply, memories of them holding each other like it was truly the end flooding back into her mind. Steve bent his head down, chest rising and falling deeply. Nancy inched closer to him and placed her hand over one of his, and he looked up at her. It hurt Nancy to look too deep into his eyes, so she tried to give him a reassuring expression and drown out all else.
Throat running dry, she tried to harbor a firm resolve, but she could feel herself slipping as time ticked on. Steve moved, making her flinch for a moment, and his hand came up to her cheek again. He caressed her cheek ever so softly, and Nancy felt herself sinking the more she looked at him. She felt a tear slipping at the same time from her eye, and she shook her head, refusing to say the words, to admit that she needed...him. She could admit her anguish in the privacy of her diary, but she couldn’t admit it aloud to Steve Harrington of all people, arguably the person who knew her the best of anyone.
Heart thumping in her chest, she watched as Steve’s expression softened, and he moved forward. Nancy couldn’t back away in time, and she felt that she didn’t want to. She braced herself for what she had only thought wouldn’t ever come again, but Steve hovered, breath hot on her lips, so close.
“Steve,” she breathed, and she felt her voice shake. She could almost hear her sixteen year old self underneath the crumbling resolve. Steve had been her safety net before. He was begging to be that for her again. Nancy could feel his hesitancy, but she was wordless, emotions kicking inside her. She could only get out his name again, this time thick with urgency and surrender. “Steve.”
Without a sound, Steve closed the distance that had been as tight as a thread between them for what felt like years, and Nancy forgot herself as his lips moved against hers, willing away the pain. He was being gentle, so tender, and so kind with her, but Nancy still felt insecure. His softness with her made her more internally wrecked, so she tried to save herself and throw out the life vest for her future self, opening her mouth for him.
Steve wasted no second to slip his tongue into her mouth. He was consuming her steadily, and Nancy felt a surge of warmth flood the pit in her stomach. Timidly, his hand moved slowly and securely down her side, gentle over the spots where her ribs were bruised, and deep, plunging cuts lingered in her fair skin. She hesitated before moving her own arms up and around his neck, moving her hands through his hair the way she liked to when she was young.
His hand settled on her thigh, and it snaked down to where it could glide up under her baggy shirt. Nancy’s focus faltered as she felt his warm hand drift under the material, and Steve instantly sensed it. He broke off their kiss, timidly pressing wet kisses to her forehead, tucking a hair behind her ear with his free hand. “Nance,” he murmured, and she caught wind of how lustful his tone sounded suddenly. She, again, couldn’t quite meet his eyes. Tears threatened to well up again, and she turned her head so that their noses brushed, and she looked at him with the softest expression she could muster. Her eyes flickered to where his hand was waiting to continue its movement up her thigh and then back to him. One word slipped from her mouth.
Her breath caught in her throat as she said it, but it was all he needed to hear. Steve resumed kissing her, moving from her lips to her neck, where he let his teeth settle into sucking on her skin. Nancy embraced him closer, looking up at the ceiling under heavy eyelids, and she felt his other hand slide under her shirt and reach her stomach. She couldn’t stop herself, but her body descended backwards onto her bed, and Steve followed, glued to her. 
He smelled like a man, and for the first time without any blood or sweat ingrained on his skin she could really feel him as he was. Her mind was electrified with the feeling of him entirely pressed atop her, and his muscles moving under the thin, hot barrier of their clothes felt like a comfort.
She found herself pleasantly responsive to his stubble against her neck, as he kissed down her neck to a little under the neck of her shirt, and her eyes closed when she felt the way he was tracing the outline of her panties with his warm hand. The familiarity of his touch was a soothing, soothing remedy.
She exhaled softly as Steve’s hand dipped under her panties, and he moved his body a little bit to lean his weight so he wasn’t crushing her. Nancy was reluctant to remove her arms from around his neck, but she settled with him beginning to move the heel of his hand hard to her center. She could heard the slight squelch of her fluids to his hand, and she met Steve’s eyes as he looked at her, and wordlessly, she felt herself move her hips towards his hand, and he resumed his gentle, but persistent, touching.
As her head laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, and Steve’s thick fingers touched her clit, Nancy finally felt something in her come undone. She bit it back once, but when he began doing a rhythmic combination of pushing and flicking, she couldn’t hold back her moan. So low and shy, but enough for Steve to momentarily halt and look at her.
Nancy felt a blush come over her. He didn’t say anything, just looked at her, and then moved his fingers, eliciting an even more heavenly moan from her. “Steve,” she gasped, as she felt one finger move from her clit to nestle between her folds hastily. Steve was watching her expectantly, and she kept eye contact, as he inserted the first finger inside her. The penetration from his sole finger made her stomach twist in knots, and heat rose to her cheeks. Her walls clenched around his finger instinctively, and she groaned, rolling her hips lightly towards his hand. Nancy let her head fall back again, and she reached a hand out to grip her bed sheets, but it was met instead with Steve’s free one. He grasped her smaller hand in his, holding it tightly, and Nancy moaned once more as she heard her slick folds allow the entrance of a second finger.
She felt dizzy, but not in a disorienting way. In a good way. Steve’s fingers plunged further into her, and she gasped, biting her lip, feeling her eyes flutter involuntarily. His rhythm was consistent, and it was different, but a good different. Nancy’s body began to react more to Steve’s motions thrusting her into a state she didn’t think she would be in again, ever, or quite less with Steve.
She thought of the other guys she had hooked up with since her break up with Steve, and she thought of herself laying like this, staring at the ceiling as they worked her body thoughtlessly. Relief to have Steve’s touch on her washed over her, and she licked her lips, feeling her lips down within his reach becoming swollen and soaked with his continued attention. She felt Steve’s breath prickle on her stomach, hot and filled with want, and she looked down to see him looking intently at the way his fingers moved in her. It was an intoxicated look, one she couldn’t fully comprehend, but her body reacted to it gleefully. She could feel the heat of his body hovering over her, and his breath washing over her exposed lower stomach. Whimpering, she felt her panties getting tangled in his motions, and Nancy gripped his hand tighter.
Only shallow breaths escaped her mouth as she rocked to his hand, and Steve moved his other hand from hers to press against her clit hard. A shockwave rushed through her like a wave, and Nancy moaned again, all her muscles straining to engulf Steve’s thrusting hand. With light breaths leaking from her parted lips, Nancy's legs involuntarily shook and pressed around his hand, and he thrusted hard again, and again, until she was all but gripping the comforter under her with such force she could feel her hands going numb.
“Fuck,” she heard Steve say below her, voice hot and rough, and she caught a glance of him as he ducked his head down to replace his hands between her legs. The masterful hand, slick with her wetness, settled on her bare leg, stretching one leg out to have more room. Nancy unconsciously writhed under his touch as he eased into kissing against her swollen, wet lips.
Bliss flooded her mind, and she felt everything go foggy as she felt the fabric of her panties be moved further to the side as Steve’s tongue plunged into her. Lying flat on her back, feeling his tongue move more rapid within her, she licked her lips, trying to add moisture to her drying mouth. A louder moan left her lips, and Steve looked up at her over the flat of her stomach and bundled up lace of her panties. Nancy’s head clouded, and she trembled, doused in a state of vulnerability and hunger like she’d never experienced before.
Steve’s tongue worked hard in Nancy, and she felt herself unraveling with every flick and pump of it. She felt like a live wire, absolutely alert with every insistent, feverish touch to her body.
She felt Steve’s stubble against her inner thigh, as he moved his mouth for a second, listening to her soft panting. He began to kiss softly against her clit, bringing it between his teeth, moving the tip of his tongue over the sensitive nub. Legs shaking, Nancy gripped the sheets harder. Steve’s fingers reached out, lacing harder, closer, into one of them as he breathed into her core, “You’re beautiful.” The words vibrated up her spine sensationally.
Something in the way he said it especially made a million things come crashing down in Nancy’s head, and as he began kissing her clit in a rapid pace, relentless and needy, she cried out in relief. He didn’t let up with his attention to her there, but as Nancy arched her back and shuddered in his touch, she felt tears form in her eyes. Her body throbbing, head aching in pleasure and conflict over giving herself to Steve like this, she breathed out an uneasy sigh. Pulling her hand from Steve’s tightly wound one, she put it over her eyes, chest heaving, trying to finding grounding in her high.
Nancy felt Steve’s mouth move from her lower body, and she immediately missed his mouth on her there. The bed shifted as he moved his weight up and above, hovering over her. She twitched under him as he moved up to where their faces became aligned, holding his weight steady above her, and she could feel the firmness and heat centered in his pants press up against her. A low moan threatened to spill fully from her mouth, but she bit her lip. Nancy removed the hand from her face, breathing heavily.
Steve looked down at her, concerned, but she had to swallow in his expression, flushed and open mouthed, breathing her in as he lingered over her.
“Hey, talk to me,” Steve urged, his words right against her ear, voice filled with need for her in a number of ways that she could check off in her mind.
“I'm sorry,” she murmured, and she felt herself quiver as his body brushed hard against hers again. He looked wounded at her unannounced apology, and said nothing, just pulled her face up to his and kissed her. It shot straight to her stomach, and she moaned lightly into his mouth, but as his hand moved along the side of her body, moving the shirt up further until he was practically touching her breast, Nancy broke the kiss. The taste of her own bitterness filled her mouth as she tried to gather the words necessary to fill the silence.
Her eyes lingered over Steve’s face, taking in his dilated pupils and flushed cheeks. He was there. On top of her. A different man than the last time he had been in her bed. Her own hand reached out to his face, and she confessed the fact that had weighed so heavily on her since he walked in the door. Even more so, since they barely survived what could only be equated to hell together.
“I don’t know if I’m someone you can love, Steve.”
She practically whispered it on his lips, since he was so close to her, and she heard his breath hitch this time. Chest pressing against her own with every breath, he paused his hand where it was inches from her breast. She could have sworn tears of his own started to appear, and she wished there was a part of her that cared enough to have not even said what the hard truth was.
Nancy diverted her eyes. “I feel like everything has been taken from me,” she said, the words barely a whisper above her lips. Her mouth felt sour and increasingly dry, but she soldiered on, trying to ignore the friction of Steve’s pants against her skin. “I’m not the same person. I’m not someone you can love.” She let the words tumble out and she saw the expression on Steve’s face contort in surprise and slight anger.
“Nance.” Steve leaned down and kissed her softly, and suddenly as he moved back, he saw her tears full and rushing out of the beds of her eyes. “Nance.”
Her heart was hurting, and suddenly the pleasurable sensations subsided, and all her grief poured out between them. She looked up at him again, as he tenderly moved some hairs from her face. She knew how she sounded, but she couldn’t stop herself from saying it as it was in her mind, even if it drew him further from her, even if it hurt her more in the process.
“I don’t think I ever fell out of love with you, Steve, and I guess I’m scared of what that means, and I’m scared that I’m going to hurt myself more by letting myself be not just anyone, but someone to you again.” She swallowed deeply before saying the final part, barely a whisper, “And I don’t want to hurt you.”
Steve looked a mixture of dumbfounded and bruised by Nancy’s words. By the way he was rapidly searching her eyes, she knew he could tell there was some truth in them, but that he knew better than her it was not the whole truth.
“Nancy,” he breathed, and she closed her eyes to suppress the tears welling up in her eyes. Her chest heaved again, with deep breaths, and her breasts brushed against the tone muscles of Steve’s chest, eyes opening tentatively. He was looking at her with an intensity that made her body ache longingly, and he inhaled before he spoke.
“You have already hurt me before more than you could hurt me now.” He paused, letting the words sit out in the air, and Nancy could practically hear the moment replay in her foggy memory that he was recounting. “I hurt you too before.” She squirmed under him, emotions swelling inside him, but he pressed down on her, and she gasped a little. His lips were so close to hers, and she felt she was looking at him cross-eyed as he spoke to her.
“I think, despite that, I didn’t fall out of love with you either. You’ve always meant more to me, Nance. I can’t shake the feeling I have for you.”
He meant it. She knew he did.
Nancy’s heart thumped in her chest tiredly, and his voice melted into her ears as he looked down at her, and embraced her with his warmth.
“When we were down there, I was so scared at how close I came to losing you, and when I felt that way, I knew..” He cleared his throat, fighting back emotion. “I knew that I couldn’t just come back here and write that all off. I was ready to die for you. You were more than someone I knew, and I knew losing you meant so much more. My world would have been empty.” He brushed another strand from her face lovingly, leaning down to kiss her cheek, kissing away a fast falling tear.
“I can love you, because I have loved you. I have always, always loved you,” Steve whispered, and Nancy was fully crying underneath him, tears streaking on her face, and Steve desperately tried to kiss them away. “Don’t tell me you’re unlovable and push me away. Look at me and understand there is no one who needs you more than I do. I need you, Nancy, and I...”
She sucked in the air between them, and Steve began to close the distance, intercepting her still damp lips in his as he murmured, “...love you.”
Nancy fought back more tears, breathlessly running her hands down his back, and it felt like her release finally came. Steve wound his fingers in her hair, resting himself atop her, and she moved her body underneath his, and the passion was surmounting her expectations of anything she could have wanted.
When they pulled apart, catching their breath, Nancy said, “I couldn’t face the thought of losing you either.” She paused, and then said more softly, “I didn’t even want to think about going on without you, for anything.” There was something about their minimal words, exchanged seamlessly and intimately, that wrapped her up and promised her good would come of this. That she had nothing to fear about loving Steve, and that they could be there for each other in the ways they hadn’t when they were just kids.
Steve’s face stretched into a smile as he kissed her again, and Nancy moaned into his mouth, feeling the way his body seemed to unite in rhythm with hers, and they became a fumbling mess of gentle, but hungry mouths and roaming hands. She could feel it from her heart fluttering to her hands reaching for the hem of his shirt how much it was fate that they came back to each other.
With all the genuine meaning she could muster, she kissed his neck, then his ear, murmuring, “I love you too.”
This love...it was hers. It wasn’t perfect, but it was hers. It had aged, time wearing down the creases and curves of it, but it was reborn, and it was what she knew she needed. What she knew she wanted.
Most importantly, what she deserved.
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