#i appreciate the vibes and the support really and truly
saeitoshi · 6 years
i find it really interesting to witness the “generations” of animanga tumblr editors
for me anyways it feels like the 4th wave? i’ve noticed about 3 “generations” since i’ve entered the animanga community on tumblr in 2013 (i’ve been on tumblr much longer, just didn’t know about the animanga side until later haha) but i know there was at least one before then. if you asked people to list prevalent animanga editors throughout the years, they’ve gradually changed over time (of course with a few exceptions, i mean i’m still freaking here after almost 5.5 years for some reason psjdkkdf)
but even recently, i’ve started to notice animanga edits on my dash from people i’ve never heard of, and they’re fairly new to tumblr. meanwhile, most of the old editors have left tumblr for various reasons, which is completely understandable but still saddening nonetheless to say goodbye to so many mutuals :’) though it’s always refreshing to watch it all unfold, to see the rising and growing animanga editors and watch them start from their roots
will it be time for me to leave soon like the others? tbh i originally planned to leave in 2014 but look where we are at now LOL so no worries i’ll still be around. but the thought always is in the back of my mind of deciding when it’s finally time to close shop. and of course all good things must come to an end eventually, but it won’t be for a while until we cross that road
regardless thank you all for sticking around with me through this experience!! i never thought people would actually want to follow my trash blog haha but really i appreciate you all for making this website very enjoyable ^^ tbh it’s a huge reason why i decided to stay on tumblr, because you all make this such an inviting space to relax in and feel comfortable :’D anyways i’m rambling now haha thanks again everyone and hope you have an awesome day ❤️
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angelatsumu · 2 years
Can you do Bokuto for the firefighter headcannon? Him or Aone
hello! i've just done Bokuto, so I can try to do Aone!
Firefighter!Aone gives me major truckie! vibes. if you're unsure about what truckies do, i mentioned it in my post on firefighter bokuto <3. I just think that Aone as a truckie makes sense.
Truckie!Aone first wowed his fire station with how absolutely silent he was until it was time for a fire. He's no captain, but he absolutely knows how to grab the attention of the lugheaded firemen when needed. His entire station halts at the timbre of his voice, and that's a power he uses for good.
Truckie!Aone doesn't really recognize his strength, so he was a little confused to be riding on the truck to begin with. He's never aware of how he crowds windows or easily forces doors in the heat of battle, but his crew is sure to remind him of it every. single. time.
Truckie!Aone shies away from PR on the fire scene unless he knows that you're at home watching the news; then he's a total star. He likes to stroll past the camera a few times, each time sure to show off his sculpted arms and sweat-covered face to please his sweetest spouse at home. He hopes you think about the sight while you rub one out.
Truckie!Aone gives the best advice when asked, and it's mostly because whenever he is confused he simply says "i don't know, lemme call my wife/husband/spouse". It becomes such a normal phrase that people would literally ask him "hey, can you call your spouse and ask..."
Truckie!Aone's specialty is victim care, oddly enough. He's a rootin' tootin' ventilation expert, but the way he talks to people in crisis is something like magic. On scenes with hysterical homeowners or vehicle rescues, he's always the one to extend his kindness and supportive care during what could possibly be a life-altering event. He's the first to approach a victim in crisis and ensure they're okay, despite the glory of the scene he's on.
Truckie!Aone simply does not know how big he is in comparison to you. He's used to breaking doors with all his might, always giving a 110% of his power to his tasks, but he never realizes that all you truly need is 25% maximum to be stupified by him. He bullies his cock into you with such force every morning after shift, hips slamming against yours with enough power to have you gasping for air. He's got your back arched, hand on your hips to bring you slamming back onto his cock. All you can do is the grip the sheets and take it like the good spouse you are. He can't tell that he's already got you drooling and moaning unintelligibly. When you try to run from the kiss of his tip on your cervix he grips you tighter, tugging you back on him and letting out a breathy "just take it," when it's all over, you're barely verbal and he lets out a sheepish whine, realizing he had over done it again.
Truckie!Aone is a service dom. He likes to come home from shift and have you sit on his face until he's forgotten about the frustrating 24hrs of firefighting he'd just had. He's buried between your thighs, hands guiding your hips down hard along his tongue as he flicks and sucks on your swollen clit. He's groaning and grunting with each teasing lap at your hole, appreciating the trembling of your thighs that let him know you're close. He's sure he'll cream with you by the feel of his cock in his tight work pants he hadn't bothered to take off (you'll scold him later about it).
Truckie!Aone likes to exercise his strength by manhandling you into any position he likes. He is a simple man, a sweet man, but he grows bored of the same position after a round or two. He only needs one hand/arm to fold you over, arch your back, or drag you down onto his cock, and he knows the abuse of power has you creaming within a few skilled thrusts of his hips.
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sophierequests · 2 years
Can I request a Darkling x reader where she's best friends with Kaz, Jasper, and Inej (I'm not sure if I spelt it right so I'm freaking out OH MY GOSH) and he gets jealous (but he has nothing to worry about) and he also yells at her, which makes her scared, and he feels awful afterwards? Maybe angst with a happy ending as a genre/vibe? If not I completely understand. Have a nice day ❤
between brick and mortar
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𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧┃𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭┃𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬
Pairing: The Darkling x gn!Reader
A/N: Sooo, my characterization of the Darkling is kinda me, but I am still working on it, so I hope this is not too ooc for your liking. I hope you like the fic, and thank you for requesting this!
Summary: Aleksander dislikes the relationship the reader has with her old best friends, leading him to lash out on her
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: Mention of bruises and yelling
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The sun had just begun to set when your coach reached the grounds of the Little Palace. You felt tired and terribly nauseous, while you wobbly stepped on the steady grounds of the courtyard. It didn’t really help that you had spent the last few days either on a wonky ship or inside the clammy coach.
Even though you were glad to be back in Ravka, you already began to miss your old home back in Ketterdam. The city wasn’t that much of a treat to come back to. Its dirty streets with their putrid smell didn’t truly catch your interest. There were certain people that you did miss, however.
Your old friends, who were more like a little fucked up family to you, had you coming back regularly. The Crows, consisting of Kaz, Inej and Jesper, took you in when you found out about your Grisha abilities. Soon you moved in with them, spending every waking moment with helping and supporting your newfound family.
Obviously, they didn’t appreciate it when you decided to go to Ravka to advance in your Grisha training. They also didn’t appreciate it when you told them about the relationship you had with General Kirigan - also known as the Darkling. Kaz almost whacked you with his cane, when you told them about what had happened between the two of you. Inej and Jesper only gave you judgy expressions, trying to talk you out of it.
Once they realized how good you felt - and looked - after you came back to visit them, they slowly but surely got around to accepting it. They didn’t like it, but they noticed what he did for you, and how much he helped to develop your abilities, so they didn’t try to get you away from him. (Even though Inej did threaten to stab him if he’d ever try to hurt you.)
Aleksander wasn’t too fond of your friendship with them either. You noticed the displeased expression he gave you when you talked about all the things you experienced with them, all the heists you went on together, or just in general about the strong bond you still had with them.
Sometimes you thought back to the first time you went back to Ketterdam, after getting together with the General. He suggested accompanying you, but you just laughed at that. Having the Darkling stay in a crooked town, such as your old home, wasn’t really the best idea. The evening before you left, he just spent most of the evening sulking, visibly distressed by your decision to hold on to your past. It was a mystery to him why you still decided to spend time with people that weren’t as appreciative of the Grisha powers as he was. You also came to the conclusion, that he might be slightly jealous of the close relationship you had with them, but you knew that he would never admit it.
After finally climbing up the mountain of stairs to his chambers, you slipped into the room, dropping your bags on the floor right by the heavy entrance door. The room had always looked surreal to you, since it was completely different to the places and flats you knew from the Slat. It looked enormous, making you feel like a tiny being in the utter vastness of space.
Much to your dismay, you didn’t find your partner laying in the bed, sleeping peacefully and waiting for your arrival. At first, you didn’t find him at all. Until you heard the distinct shuffling of paper coming from the cramped office space he insisted on keeping unchanged.
You frowned, knowing that he probably didn’t plan on sleeping, most likely worrying over some new military scheme.
Without a sound, you slid into his office - a habit you had picked up from Inej - walking over to the desk, that he was currently hunched over. His black hair was messy, but all in all, he still appeared quite well put together. You could see him playing with his rings erratically, a sign that he was evidently unsatisfied with what he had in front of him.
Your hand moved to lay on his shoulder, the rest of your body following to lean against his side, allowing you to take a peek at the array of maps and documents sprawled out on the wooden table. He shuddered slightly, almost unnoticeable, he was surprised but not startled.
“Good evening, love.” he cooed, straightening his back, and facing you fully.
His hands found your waist, and yours wrapped around his shoulders. He leaned down a little, pressing his lips against yours softly. Even though you adored his passionate kisses, you were way too tired for this kind of ecstasy, and he knew that.
“Good evening, you look tired. How long have you been working?” you said, as you let go to smile at him.
He sighed, his dark tired eyes scanned you intently as if he was looking for something that had changed whilst you were out of his sight.
“Quite a while, but it’s important that I finish this as soon as I’m able to.” he answered, already knowing that you would’ve asked him to join you in bed.
“Are you sure? I missed you sleeping next to me.” you mumbled, stifling a yawn.
“So did I, but I truly have to finalize this. Don’t worry about me, I’ll join you tomorrow.” his low voice trying to appease you, “Go to sleep, darling. I’m right here in case you need me.”
With one last peck on his cheek, you left the room, throwing yourself on the bed, sleep finding you sooner than expected.
The shutting of the door awoke you from your deep sleep. When you turned to your side, you noticed a note lying on your nightstand, right next to a glass of water, that had been placed there only recently. It read:
Don’t wait for me with breakfast, I have a meeting. We’ll see each other in the evening. Cure your headache.
You sighed, the hopes to spend a cosy morning with your boyfriend disappeared immediately. But you didn’t have too much time to fret over this change of plan, breakfast was soon to be served, and your energy levels were in desperate need of some food.
The rest of your day was spent finishing dull tasks that you had been putting off forever. Your thoughts always seemed to wander between the time you had spent with your friends and the moments you spent with Aleksander. You knew how challenging it could be for all parties involved. You were well aware of your boyfriend’s distaste for the Ketterdam lifestyle, but you also knew that you’d never willingly let go of your old friends.
Whilst you were contemplating this apparent conflict, Aleksander had already entered the room, watching you fold the laundry you had just received from the maids. You were merely dressed in a loosely fitting top and short shorts, that showed off a big portion of your back.
He was clearly agitated, apparently whatever meeting he just had been in, didn’t go as planned. His mood only soured when he spotted an array of bruises trailing down your spine. It wasn’t anything serious, but it made him even more furious, supposedly knowing who to blame for it.
He grabbed your upper arm tightly, forcing you to jump and spin around hastily.
“Saints, you scared me!” you chuckled, not yet aware of his current temper.
“What in all Saints happened to your back? I told you, these people aren’t the crowd you’d want to surround yourself with.” he snarled, a rash pang of anger rising up in his chest.
His sudden change in demeanour gave you goosebumps. He was known to be stern, and you were well aware that he could be able to lose his temper if things went terribly wrong, but during all of your relationship he never once had raised his voice against you. When you didn’t answer, he opened his mouth again.
“I asked you a question. What happened?”
“Aleksander, what do you mean? The bruises on my back?” you questioned meekly, voice already quivering, “It’s nothing really. I just tried to help out Kaz and Inej, and got myself pulled into a tiny…dispute.”
“You can’t be serious. Do you really think I care about your little criminal friends?” he spat, his voice getting louder, “I would’ve never let you go back there again if I knew that this is how you’d come back. I can’t believe you’d ever consider going back to these deplorable children.”
Tears were welling up in your eyes as you ripped your arm away from his tight grasp. You couldn’t believe that he would talk about the people you called family like this.
“This is what you think of them? They were the only people I had, Aleksander. They are good people, even though you don’t seem to accept that. This wouldn’t even be a problem if you wouldn’t make one out of it.” you stammered back, now actually crying.
“Maybe you should consider the people you decide to waste your time on.” he retorted, frustrated by your rebuttal.
“You know what? Maybe I should.” you whispered, barely audible to him, “I think I should leave, or I might say things I’ll regret later. Have a fantastic night.”
With that, you dashed through the door, slamming it shut tightly. Aleksander was left alone, standing in the middle of his now empty bedroom. His previous anger was suddenly replaced with a foreign feeling of guilt. He had no right to yell at you the way he did. But somehow the sight of seeing you hurt, paired with his prior frustration, made him lose all his senses and rational thinking.
He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose to keep him from throwing something around the room. Much to his dismay, there was only one way to make this up to you. He had to apologize.
Without hesitating any longer, he threw open the door in an instant, striding through the halls of the Little Palace in an attempt to hide his tense thoughts. People tend to call him heartless, and in moments like these, he did his best to keep up this image, never showing any emotion that would betray him.
He knew that you wouldn’t be inside the Palace. You wouldn’t risk just accidentally running into him in the halls. But he knew that you had one place, where you would always go when you had a bad day. Whether it was a failed training unit, an especially hard study topic or just a generally bad day, you would always go to the hidden lake, close to Baghra’s hut. He had never understood why you chose this exact spot since you weren’t particularly fond of his mother, but you were always there without a fail.
You heard his heavy steps approaching, way before he actually chose to make himself present. There was no need in talking or visibly acknowledging his presence, since this would only make you angrier, having to take the first step again. So you waited until he saw it fit to talk.
“You’re going to catch a cold.” he said matter-of-factly, trying to get you to accept his attempt at conversation-making.
When you didn’t answer, he chose to take a few more steps, to appear in your vision, that was still focused on the body of water in front of you. He was relieved that you weren’t crying any more, but your eyes still appeared to be slightly puffy, and your expression had turned sour.
“I’m here to apologize, Y/N.” he tried to begin, but you just felt like laughing at that.
“The Darkling does not apologize. Not to anyone.” you retorted, watching him scowl at the mention of his alias. You knew he didn’t like when you called him that.
“Then let this be a first.” his tone was way softer than before, making you relax, “I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you like that. It was unjust to treat you like that.”
“Then why did you? You know that the Crows are like family to me. Why would you say that?” you interjected carefully, not wanting to be too confrontational with him.
“I dislike when you’re with them because I don’t think they value you as I do. I don’t hate them, and I like seeing you enjoy your time with them, but I can’t stand seeing you get hurt because of their…negligence.”
You sighed, looking up into his eyes for the first time since he came to look for you. His eyes were hard to read, even for you, but now they seemed to be filled with something close to remorse.
“It wasn’t their fault. I tried to help and things went south. That’s a thing we have to deal with wherever we go, Aleksander. They do care for me, but they aren’t Grisha. They can’t protect me like you do, but that is fine.” you said gently, waiting for him to say or do something.
“I’m aware, and I’m…sorry for the things I said. It was never my intention to hurt you, but things just went…wrong.” he chose his words wisely.
“Our intentions betray us sometimes.” you chuckled bitterly, but gradually getting around to accepting his apology.
“Apologizing may not be my strong suit, but I still want you to know that I’m truly sorry.”
“If I’d try to tell anyone that the General Kirigan has just apologized to someone and meant it, they wouldn’t believe me. So I am inclined to accept it. Just because it’s not every day that you see a miracle.”
He chuckled in response, offering you a hand to pull you off the muddy ground. You gladly took it, starting to regain the bubbly feeling of excitement you had when you were around him.
“Now, let’s go back to the Palace. I suppose there are some travel stories you have to get off of your chest.”
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thatfunkyopossum · 2 years
I know this is a fandom blog but actually its my blog and I just want to talk about something really quick if y’all don’t mind giving it a little read.
I’m a trans man, and I appreciate this term. Gives me an alternative to transmisandry, which isnt very useful due to association with cis misandry and the sorts of men who regularly use and refer to it as a systemic issue. It is a name for the experience of the transphobia trans men face for being trans, as well as being men. This is not a claim that cis men are oppressed, but rather that there is a lot of hatred (up to you whether it is deserved or not) and bitterness toward cis men that trans men end up taking the brunt for, as trans men are men without the support and systemic power that cis men have, and therefore are easier targets.
This term was coined by a trans man who had a kink roleplay with a trans woman that he stopped because the kinks in question and the role he hd to play for them ultimately made him uncomfortable, and was called anti-black because he was talking about omegaverse once and referred to it as ABO, the acronym for alpha/beta/omega. Because of these two factors, the person who coined this term has been canceled and used to delegitimize and demonize the term.
Trans men are the newest grain in the grinding mill of tumblr’s endless discourse. Are we oppressed, or are we sleeper agent oppressors?Is our existence somehow, hilariously, inherently transphobic? It’s been decided by some folks that we simply do not belong, just as aspec folks were decided not to belong, and just as bi-spec folks were decided not to belong. It is now our turn to be thrown under the crushing wheel and be the punching bag, and this will likely persist for a few years until no one really talks about it anymore. So here’s my message to other transmascs of any identity who are experiencing this for the first time from someone who’s seen it before.
Nonna this shit matters.
Now, that may be hard to swallow if a lot of your social interaction is online, but tumblr is basically the only place this is happening, maybe its also on tiktok, but it is impossible to overstate truly how tiny these discourse spaces are. My advice to you is to just keep being proud of who you are, talk to other transmascs (especially if you can find them irl) and, this is very important, interact with average ass people if you can. Nothing had made me feel more grounded in reality than spending most of my life around and talking to people who think that tumblr is a dating site are completely unaware that the queer community is no longer a united front (because of bullshit like this). It’s really shown me how divorced from reality queer purge cycles are. None of this shit matters. Stay proud, stay loud, youre not doing anything wrong by existing and talking about your experiences, and finally: take it easy, but take it.
Reblog if you vibe with this message, now take me off to the blocklist boys 🎉
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rebornologist · 2 years
Asdfgkhkajsb kinky headcanon… may I please request some for Reborn, TYL Hibari, and Dino?
I... have such mixed feelings abt Hibari bc he's so insufferable and also the sexiest man alive (I blame my bias towards his VA Takashi Kondo is my angel on earth loml). I appreciate your keysmash bc it really encapsulates a vibe hehehe thank you for rqing & enjoy the ride dear ♡
♡ Kinky KHR Headcanons (yet again)*:・゚✧
WARNINGS: 18+!! kinks (duh) mention, dom/sub, bdsm, breeding, biting/marking/possessiveness, sadomasochism, blood, public sex, prey/predator, DUBCON and weapons!!! g*ns!!! madness, truly..
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♡ Reborn
Big on costumes and roleplay, yet again; He likes acting out little scenes to get his head in the game hehe... he also acts all coy when he's fucking someone's brains out and they can't even stay in character anymore
"Now why can't you answer this simple question? Cat got your tongue..?"
Or some line like that as he's got them pressed up against a wall and he's sliding in and out of them or between their wet thighs
Weapons If and only if his partner is okay with it, he'll consider playing a bit of cat and mouse with an unloaded gun, he loves the feeling of overpowering his partner and intimidating them, holding them down, and by dragging the cold weapon up their bare skin. He'd only go as far as nudging it between their trembling lips before he'd get too impatient and replace it with his cock
He's quite good at aftercare, since some people I can imagine would really need it after some more intense nights.. he's no husband material but he provides exactly what his partners need to recover, some drinks some snacks, a bath if they must, and some nice clean sheets to cuddle up and sleep in; The biggest misfortune is that he is usually up and gone the next morning before they stir, with a note written in his very small handwriting
'Breakfast downstairs. Till next time, my dove. Ciao'
And they go downstairs to find there's coffee and pastries for them :) We love a responsible and caring hitman
♡ Hibari Kyoya
Tbh I think Hibari is ace but in the case that he does want to get down and dirty with people, he's one kinky mf
Huge on prey/predator kind of dynamics, do let him chase you around and by the time he eventually catches you and pins to down between his legs, he's got a throbbing hard on lol
Biting in the literal sense, he's got an oral fixation and his partners' bodies will be littered with teeth marks, especially on hotspots like the neck and shoulders, and inside of their thighs
He likes leaving these where they're highly visible, kind of like marking what's his.. if a few drops of blood run, he'd just lap it up; What's worse is when he goes in to kiss them after.. you learn to love the metallic tang every so often ♡
Now this guy likes restraining his partners, seeing them helpless at his disposal to do what he wants with them, and he's a tease that will play coy and ask them what they want from him, even if they're clearly shaking and dripping under his touch
He hates having his own senses deprived, but wouldn't mind doing it for someone else; He relishes in the upper hand that he gets from it, and will prod and tease all the sensitive spots on his partner's body before giving them a real taste
He's generally a private person, but in his younger years (like, college days :) he found himself getting into physical situations in empty classrooms, or the corner of the library or study hall; He doesn't get off to the idea of being somewhere semi-public, but he also just couldn't be bothered with moving somewhere else
Kyoya also had the upper hand in these situations because he's not a loud individual, and loved seeing his partners struggle to keep in their moans
♡ Dino Cavallone
He has a thing for domesticity, I fully support this; He just loves the thought of a stable and healthy long term committed relationship, just thinking about being in love and ooogh starting a family?!?
Bam, breeding kink.. Even if his s/o or partner is unable to have a kid or they're not actually trying for one, he'll whisper dirty things in their ear about filling them up with his seed and putting a baby in them
If you flip the switch and mention that in your dirty talk to him he gets soo riled up, it's like he goes feral lmao
This might not be a kink specifically but he loves watching the reactions on his partner's face, maybe hooking their knees over his shoulders so he can push himself into them and just marvel at how their expressions change with pleasure
He'll have sex like anywhere that's his own private property, but he's actually kind of shy and wouldn't want to be watched; He would, however, blush furiously when he remembers what went down in the back of the car, or on the pool table, or the kitchen island...*
I don't know why I get these vibes from him but he kinda.. likes when his partners sit on his face, especially if they're curvier and he can just grip their plush thighs and hips and hold them down even if they wiggle and squirm from his ministrations
He doesn't have a size kink per se, but he almost does when his partners struggle to seat themselves fully on his big dick; His eyes are glued to the way they sink themselves down inch by inch, and the way they stretch around and hug him close.. oh, he could cum right there with that
It just means a lot to him to be so intimately connected with someone he cares a lot about :) He's a wholesome guy duhh hehe
*my fave. :)
Anyway I feel like I write a lot for Dino so I'm kind of out of ideas now; I've got a phat evo paper to write that I've rly been struggling with, so I can't believe I'm finishing this instead to post... rip me. Enjoy the thotty thoughts though, lovelies :) Til I post again xoxo
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Hii!! Hope you’re doing okay! This is my very first time requesting so I’m slightly nervous (read over your request rules like 5 times)! I also noticed you got a lot of wips so please take your time on this!! Okay so, I love love LOVE Tanjirou’s hands and the textures of his hands so I was wondering if you could do some headcanons of his s/o (fem reader if possible!) holding his hand a lot and just like tracing her fingers on his palm and all and overall just admiring the textures (god I said textures twice my bad) I hope this is understandable enough for you!! I swear if tumblr cuts out 99% of what I said I’ll riot /lh
Hello, hello, hello! I'm doing okay. 😁 Yourself? I'm absolutely honored and grateful to be your first request !! *squeak* ☺️ Btw: I don't consider my faqs to be rules (just additional info for curious ppl), sooooo — nerves be gone! (Ik, Ik it's not that easy to dispell nerves lol 😅) I appreciate you noticing and respecting my wips! Buuut hcs are like mac n cheese: much faster to cook than attempting gourmet, and just as delicious. 😋 Hopefully that analogy makes sense ??, bc I absolutely enjoy attempting gourmet (aka writing one shots)! It's just that mac n cheese generally takes significantly less prepping and cooking time lmao. That being said, your request was 100% understandable, and Tumblr didn't cut out anything (that I'm aware of). Sending you supportive, patient vibes. 💗 P.S. DON'T EVEN FRET ABOUT SAYING "textures" TWICE. Ctrl-F is literally my best friend, and iT IS NOT FUN. 😂 10/10 would unfriend, but I can't. 💀
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Author’s Note: did someone say more Tanjirou fluff? Ehh, more like never enough Tanjirou fluff !!!!!
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tanjirou’s hands/softest devotion
Kamado Tanjirou x Reader
Word Count: ~1,200
CW: none
Ik, Ik, Ik, this is supposed to be about Tanjirou, and it will be! It is!
Just give me a sec to ramble as per usual when I write hcs teehee
I grew up super proud of my callouses #monkey bar queen #once a gymnast always a gymnast
And now I rock climb !!
So callouses have always been meaningful to me (does that sound as weird as I think it does? 😅), and I 100% get their appeal !!
P.S. I wrote some of this at ~3am, so pardon anything long winded lmao
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I’m positive Tanjirou’s insecure about his callouses
He recognizes the benefit of their durability
And is proud, to an extent, knowing his callouses are a physical embodiment of his work ethic, growth, determination… (I could go on and on and on listing positive adjectives/descriptions about Tanjirou)
It’s just
The first time he touches you
Really, truly, intimately: traces the line of your jaw, the path of your cheekbones, brushes over your eyelids, smooths your brows, rubs adoringly at your temples
He fixates on how rough his skin is
Not entirely — he’s mostly drowning in the softness, the closeness, of your skin
But his guilt, doubt, hesitation—fixation—lingers
To clarify: he wants to touch you
Often, always, forever
Wants to caress your cheek, lightly pinch your earlobe, cup your face gently, protectively, reassuringly — fleeting touches, longer touches, sensual, teasing, cherishing
But, that nagging, devouring, relentless fixation deters him
It doesn’t help that you’re as touchy with him as he wishes he could be with you
—#tongue twister oops 😆
Lightly tapping his nose, thumb following the outline of his scar, giggling as you poke at him: his shoulders, shoulder blades, the dip behind his ears
You’re so casual, intentional, affectionate
He feels safe, grounded, reminded, that he’s desired, wanted, needed
And badly, disappointed, frustrated, that he can’t bring himself to reciprocate as deeply as the addictive scintillation that floods his nervous system when you touch him
“Tan?” you smile your Tan smile, clinging to his arm
“Is this okay?”
“Of course!” 😍
Lowkey: he has no idea what you mean by “this” lololol
He figures tho: if you’re smiling your Tan smile, then it’s fine 🥰
“Tan?” you peer up at him, chin digging into his bicep
“Sweetheart?” he resists the urge to run his fingers through your hair, worried his callouses could snag
“You’d tell me if I was too… physical, right?” you ask quietly
“Too… physical?” Tanjirou’s confused, baffled, puzzled
Surely you aren’t concerned about being too physical ??
He practically dissolves under your ministrations, your attention — gooey, satisfied, enamored
And he could’ve sworn you noticed ??
Could’ve sworn your touches increased twofold, tenfold, as it became more and more obvious how much he delighted in them
—Let’s be honest: everyone in KNY is touch starved 😔
—Especially darling Tanjirou, always looking out for others
—#touch for Tanjirou
“Never mind,” you mumble shyly
“Hey,” he subconsciously reaches for your hand, lifting your knuckles to his lips, “You don’t have to say that,” kisses each individual knuckle, “You can tell me anything.”
—Well you could if he wasn’t touching you 😳
—Everyone is touch starved, including you 🥴
—So you’re def short circuiting rn; sparking every time he kisses another knuckle 🤗
“You’re touching me,” you squeak
Tanjirou’s eyes widen, realization culminating as he releases your hand, shame etched into his anxious frown
“Wait- What? Why?” you sputter, “I like it.”
“But my callouses…” he trails off, his fingers clenched to fists, unwilling to meet your gaze
Is this man clueless?
What about callouses ??
“Is that why you stopped?” you’re stupefied
He manages a nod, embarrassment keeping his head lowered
“Tan,” the firmness in your voice implores his eyes to meet yours, “What about your callouses?”
“They’re coarse, grainy, dry rougher than you deserve.”
“Beautiful, Tan,” you interject, “Beautiful, powerful, loving,” you’re touching him again, hands sliding from his strong wrists, past his tensed elbows, kneading into the sides of his neck, cupping his face—his agitated, precious, longing face—as you stare into his constrained desperation
He’s hopeless, hopeful, uncertain as tears crawl timidly, reluctantly, from the corners of his eyes
“May I?” you murmur soothingly—mindfully—as you gesture toward his hands, still clenched
“Of course.”
Tanjirou always trusts you, if nobody else not even himself
Your fingers are light, achingly familiarly, as they wrap around his fists
Involuntarily, his panic ebbs, his trust in you more dominant than any fixation, your fingers coaxing his into slowly, slowly blossoming—revealing—his clammy palms
“Beautiful, Tan,” you smile
The same smile that originally caught him off guard, in all the ways
The same smile that eventually led to, Sweetheart
That same smile, now guiding him through his tunnel vision
To get to you — always you
After that emotional confession (discovery?), Tanjirou feels like he loses ownership of his hands
But dw !!
It’s only bc they basically become your hands 😇
Walking together? You slip your fingers between his, so giddy and grateful that he doesn’t flinch anymore — in fact, he definitely grips a bit tighter
Eating together? You rest your hand not so subtly on the nearest, shared surface, greedily latching the tips of your fingers to the tips of his as soon as he rests his hand even remotely beside yours — he stifles a chuckle, having finally memorized your routine, and absolutely happy to play along
Cold hands? You don’t even warn him, sighing contentedly as you randomly sandwich his unsuspecting, innocent hand between your mischievous, freezing ones — to his credit, he rarely complains, and actually offers you his second hand when his first becomes too cool to be of use as a hand warmer (someday his hands’ll be the freezing ones and he’ll get his revenge… someday…)
Training together? You check on his callouses regularly: too thick, and they could rip or tear; too uneven, and they could rip or tear; too dry or too moist, and they could rip or tear or blister; your dedication to his callouses’ wellbeing endears him — he’d be lying if he said having you cradle his hands after a particularly demanding session or mission wasn’t one of his favorite consequences (rewards?), and everyone knows he’s a terrible liar
In bed together? He hadn’t quite understood, hadn’t quite experienced—devotion—until you’d studied his hands in bed
Exhaustion drains in many forms
Sometimes weary, soaking to the bone
Sometimes saddened, heavy as darkness so dark that you can’t see further than a step ahead
Sometimes anticipated, inevitable as knowing you’re simply sleep deprived
—#everyone on Tumblr is sleep deprived
But with you? Exhaustion is… a welcomed respite
A reason to forget the world, if just for a moment or two, because the world is lying in bed next to him
You, cataloging the toughness of each and every one of his callouses — you do use a standard scale btw (created by you, just for him)
You, kissing each and every one of his callouses — acknowledging his courage, kiss, his persistence, kiss, his hardship, kiss, his triumph, kiss
You, pressing your skin, your softness, steadiness, to each and every one of his callouses — wordlessly promising him that they are beautiful and they are worthy and I love them and I love you
BONUS: You, asking him to stroke your hair because you want him to feel comfortable, at ease, assertive in trusting himself — in trusting that he can touch you, in trusting that I like it, Tan and that You wouldn’t ever hurt me, Tan
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Hey sorry to bother. You reblogged something from Lychgate who has an nsfw Twitter (dickgate) where he posts a bunch of really graphic clonecest. He’s a know fetishizer of clones and clonecest.
I truly, dearly hope you reconsider supporting him.
Hi! Thank you for the warning. I don't "support" him or anyone, per se - I see art I like and reblog it. I'm sorry, but I'll have to do a small rant. Firstly: do I fall in the "fetishizer of clones" category? Because most of what I do here is ogle over them and write graphic smut of them with self-insert reader characters. Anyway, moving on:
When I reblog art from the small internet artists here, I'm not raising a flag or promoting them or anything, I'm just... slapping some pretty/cool/funny art on my blog bc I liked it, y'know? My reblog of some person's doodle doesn't - and shouldn't - mean an immediate display of my agreeing with everything this person says and thinks.
In fact, we share glimpses of each other's thoughts, headcanons, opinions with a reblog and we move on to the next one. I have mutuals who like all sorts of things I don't - soup, hiking, the brithish royalty, hunting. I still reblog their stuff, and that doesn't mean our opinions on those topics align.
Of course, I'm always grateful for warnings about me accidentally rebbloging content from a terf/nazi/homophobe/pedophile/scammer, etc, etc. because then I can erase said post and report the user who made it to try make Tumblr a safer community. Disagreeing on whether soup is good isn't the same as disagreeing on lgbt rights.
But when it comes to shipping... man, I don't really care, y'know? Since the clones are all adults, this falls to me in the "ship and let ship" category, and I really lack the mental energy to get into the whole debate of what artist is writing/drawing what about people who, at the end of the day, are still nothing but [adult] fictional characters.
Because here's the deal: who really cares about how or with whom these characters are being shipped? "The children"? They shouldn't be looking at art marked as 18+ in an account that says "no minors". People (like myself) with squicks/triggers/traumas? Tags and blocking systems exist precisely to aid you with that. I use them and I love it. People that Don't Like that ship and want everyone to stop shipping it because they said so? Tags and blocking, again.
I didn't mean to soapbox on your ask, anon, and I'm not even defending Lychgate here bc I don't really care enough about him or this debate to do so tbh.
But I want to emphasize that I only appreciate these kind of warnings when they are about serious, actively damaging stuff, like me accidentally spreading crypto-terf posts bc they're disguised as feminism, or me having some creepy teen groomer's pokemon content on my blog bc they made a funny joke.
I know your intentions are good, but shipping discourse of adult ships is, in my particular opinion, not that important. I don't even ship clones, nor do I care when I see works in which they are shipped. I'm just... detached enough to see they are fictional characters that anyone can get to play with in their own sandbox the way they see fit, and that's none of my business.
That's my stance on adult ships of - and I repeat it - fictional characters. Again, this is not a dig at you or any other person squicked/triggered by clone shipping, nor is a pro clone shipping post. In fact, I'm not pro or against anything when it comes to adult ships - i'm over 30 and way too tired to be screaming about any of this anymore as I did in my teens. Now I just wanna sit here and vibe.
Thanks for the heads-up, and for the opportunity for me to talk about this. Please understand that I mean all of this in the most polite and cordial manner, and expect the same in any further communication between us that may follow. Good night and have a great rest of week.
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tarotnoob · 3 years
PAC: Hints about what’s coming up in 2022 for you
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This is for some hints on what might be coming up for you in 2022. Please use whatever methods you like to choose the pile you are most drawn to, and then scroll below for your message.
Pile 1
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At first, I wondered if the cord cutting was about cutting off relationships, but the more I look at it, I don’t think so. In fact, I feel like communities, friendships, social circles will be a source of pulling you out of a funk. Like, I do see there being some obstacles - it could be about being overworked, juggling too much, difficulty prioritizing. There is a sense of heavy feelings to with the Moon here, Elixir, and Protection. So, I suppose for SOME, you MAY have to release certain relationships to experience growth or to unburden yourself. If you’re taking on someone else’s feelings too often, it may be time to separate yourself from people or situations that are emotionally burdensome - simply because it could be zapping your strength and instead of focusing on yourself or your needs, you’re trying to make other people feel happy or settled. Elixir reminds me of a page or queen of cups energy - so perhaps you’re really going to have to work on emotional boundaries like this, or else you’re going to feel exhausted.
The friends card feels positive but if you read the words, this sense of being “tight” or in my mind lichen reminds me of, yeah, moss, but also little parasites that stick to you, then again some of those can be symbiotic, etc... so you’ll have to figure out on your own which way it resonates - if your social circle is a source of power or if it sucks you dry.
For some of you, this thing that feels stressful and exhausting could be the result of a new job or a role with more responsibility. When I clarified Moon I got page of wands... and then king of wands and page of swords. These could be the people in your social circle, or it could be that a new phase is starting, one around education or learning... a new way of thinking.... it could also be about learning to think more independently or authentically. As in, literally increasing or working on relying on your own intuition instead of relying on what other’s think or say or do - even within the spiritual community. There’s a lot of “rules” or “lessons” that a lot of people have created, so even within all of that, you can still feel woo’d by someone else’s values or philosophies, but it might be time to go on your own and decide what works best for you even if someone tries to tell you that it’s “wrong” or doesn’t fit xyz “path.” And you can apply that how you need to and sure it can also be about bringing in people who support you no matter what you do and appreciate you for being you, etc... 
You may make mistakes this year... others may make mistakes, too... to be emotionally balanced, you would have to be pretty mature, so this might be a good year for emotional maturation - forgiving yourself or others for minor mistakes or allowing people/yourself to be themselves/yourself.
But, really considering in protection that there’s a group of people, she’s hugging the lobster in the moon card, friends is meant to be a positive card - there could be progress in your friend circle, making new friends who vibe with you better, but some friends also may be leaving your circle... the only truly “negative” thing I see here revolves around the clarifier for 2 of pentacles, which was 10 of wands, so this is just stress around juggling multiple things - which can be a choice between two people or too much going on at work or home and having a hard time figuring out what to do next or which thing in your life should be put first.
And around this moon card...  if the moon is about this remorse, guilt, forgiveness message because these are the literal meanings of the moon...  i mean it is funny that three court cards came out and there are three animals in the moon card...  so for a specific person, there’s some things going on about prioritizing certain friendships... but overall it looks more to be about... a sense of uncertainty around a new phase, and that phase is about becoming more independent in some way, growing more confident - literally a king of wands and page of sword together could be a creative field/job that has to do with anything mental - writing, for example... king of wands isn’t just creative, though, it can be an entrepreneur... so uncertainty around attempting a new career/study where you have a keen mind for business, creativity, words... and if we also delete the moon’s more negative readings, the moon is about intuition/mind - so a positive way to look at this combo is... someone in that sort of job or study and it relies on intuition or gut feelings, maybe even imagination...
So, if you’re starting out something new like that - and you aren’t used to having to do so much on your own or have that much responsibility, of course it’s going to be stressful, you’ll have to guard where you use your energy and how to keep emotions in check and cut away people or situations that drain your energy and Elixir may not be about literal forgiveness and all that but it feels like a water card, so the message is more that when all of this is going on to keep in check with your own emotions, stress levels, etc... and if you aren’t “centered” you’re going to get overwhelmed - so maybe another message, is to make sure you ask for help or have friends you can vent to when stuff gets tough.
But, yeah mainly next year looks to be about emotional boundaries, supportive friend groups, and being careful about overworking or becoming overwhelmed by a lot of priorities or responsibilities - having ways to deal with that type of stress, and also to keep following your intuition when it comes to your own (particularly) career path you may be starting or refreshing, etc...
I feel like if you are starting something new career-wise... the message is... it’s not going to easy, it’s going to be as stressful and tough as you’d expect, but find good ways of handling all of that to avoid burnout and make sure you still have a healthy work-life balance.
Pile 2
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for the record, when they first fell out, the king was reversed and the queen upright and somehow i picked up the pile and the king was upright and queen reversed. when i clarified, it’s likely that the king was meant to be reversed, so we’ll just keep that in mind. it does feel a bit similar to pile 1, so if you were drawn to that one, go ahead and read it.
because with this temperance being clarified by king of swords, it would make me think of “expansion” around something “mental,” so... a lot of you are probably going to be going to or already in college for this pile because the best way to expand knowledge is to learn. Another way to look at it, could also be some type of literal healing or balance around thoughts/brains - recovering from depression or even literal healing around the brain in terms of health. You could also read it as your words may have healing powers as in a story that you could share with others about a healing experience could heal others, etc...
Queen of pentacles had King of Cups and Empress as clarifiers; King of pentacles (Reversed?) had four of wands, knight of pentacles reversed, eight of wands, and knight of cups... the most general thing about all of those makes me feel like - as in pile 1 - that there’s a push to create more stability around emotions - how we react to things, things that provide us emotional stability, whether it’s through relationships or financial stability. The empress is all about love and beauty, but she does rule Taurus, which is about finance or material things and queen of pentacles is also about the home, financial stability, nurturing... my impression would be to take it as both... there is a “feminine” desire for stability here. Being able to sit and receive without having to overextend, to feel calm and in that energy... to call in stable relationships or career... and it feels “feminine” because we’re talking about the empress and queen of pentacles... it’s weird because tbh I can see how the same clarifiers came out for the king and queen with... both referring to a desire for emotional/relationship/financial stability...  under the king of pentacles stuff, this feels kind of “immature”... the knight of cups is someone who’s a bit flakey and dreamy and not grounded in reality, 8 of wands is... impatience or a lot of energy, passion, etc... four of wands is about home but as a 4 it’s about foundation and stability, knight of p reversed represents the flaws of a knight of cups person - not willing to put in the commitment or work, lazy, too much of a dreamer, etc...
So when you put everything together... it seems like it will be a learning period, but there may also be some ups and downs regarding home life, money, relationships. This could be obstacles in school where you may not do well and you may start with a scholarship and lose it or you may have to move to a different apartment or a different city... like it feels as if... someone may think everything’s going well at the start of the year and suddenly a money or house issue comes up and... you have to deal with that and you’re like crap I have to move and I don’t have money for a new place... it could also simply be that for a long time you have FELT unstable in these areas but throughout this year, you will come to find that stability by the end...
that fits more with the oracles - fluorish, prosper, blossom and “birthing new creations. dreaming a new world into being”.... that fits with the queen of pentacles/king of cups/empress - some of you literally may give birth or may give birth to a new life or creative project, or a feeling (like a new relationship) - particularly with a king of cups-like person...
So even if the year starts off rough and lacks stability... by the end, it won’t be like that...
And if I were to call this a romantic relationship since king and queen show up... IF this is about calling someone in and a new relationship starting - ... the OTHER person... it may take time for the other person to feel as sure as you do about the relationship... they may need some time before this relationship develops into “love”... i mean there’s the Potential for commitment here but it’s reversed at the start... so you would be more sure than they are... and I feel like advice for such a situation would be - if they aren’t ready, then let them go... or just don’t fully invest yet... you have to let them figure it out... and how would you meet? it could be while traveling to some type of celbration situation - weddings, concerts, holidays... it could be random because... some type of plan fell through - for example, say your flight gets delayed and you happen to meet this person at the bar where you stopped to get a drink....  on this person’s end, it feels like there are feelings, spark, passion and a desire for something more but they aren’t - at that moment - in a position to properly commit. that’s all i can be specific about if it will resonate for you that you meet someone... i feel more inclined to say they have a major earth placement but it’s retrograde in their chart...  but overall it’s mostly water and fire here... it doesn’t matter.
let’s put all that aside and throw the clarifiers away since that was just for some specific messages...
temperance is about balance, you have a masc/fem court cards that one of which is reversed... so this could be about balancing your masc/fem energy this year - which is a good thing... whatever you are attempting to “birth” whether it’s like a new way of living, thinking, or a creative project or a relationship... i think this is about how everything’s been unstable for a while but this year it will become stable or... this year will be up and down like that but still result - at the end - in more stability... path and reconnect are both cards that seem to be about “traveling” to places that a lot of people don’t or won’t - and this could really just be tied to that “expansion” around thinking - or it’s a career or hobby or project that others wouldn’t really want to take on for whatever reason...  and maybe because it’s new, there won’t be stability right off the bat... if the queen is upright there’s a sense of protecting a “material” birth (project, relationship, house, money), and a king of p reversed represents money issues, greed, bad advice, lack of stability... mostly everything feels very positive about starting a new business venture... temperance would even indicate that there would be growth in whatever this is... i’m just worried that there’s also some type of lack of “balance”... it could be that there’s a desire to do something, like, publish a book - but you also have to have money to publish a book, you also have to get organized to be able to publish it so it’s like there’s an obstacle in the way of bringing your thing to life... the advice may be in path and reconnect cards in that how to go about doing what you’re doing won’t be the typical way of doing something. and if king/queen are people in all of this, they don’t seem to be seeing eye to eye on something... i mean they’re clearly counterparts to each other with something in common but... they aren’t in agreement on something, especially the king might be being unnecessarily stubborn...
it could be all these things... and like i said if it’s not about a relationship in your life, it’s definitely about achieving some type of balance...  intuitively i feel like this queen of pentacles is looking for stability, advice...  particularly it could be spiritual advice or advice around knowledge, higher education, travel or expanding a business or business project... business project feels most apt since we’re talking about birthing new creations. most likely the issue would be around bad advice or not having enough money to get the project off the ground so be wary of who you borrow money from, of course... but i feel like you’re attempting to attain more stability in general - especially money/material things... grow a career, grow money, grow a project... and it may be that there’s no one who’s going to give you the advice you need or good advice... so you may have to figure it out on your own by taking the path less traveled or having to venture deep into dark woods to find out some knowledge...
we could read this all kinds of ways.
but here’s what i think in the end... something IS growing. something will grow. it’s not just a desire, but there is something growing... the bubble surrounding the birthing a new age and jupiter is about expansion (temperance) - there’s also a sense of having to achieve what we want by taking a harder, less traveled path which may mean that there isn’t as much guidance available to get where you’re going so there could be some obstacle in your way that may revolve around you being too stubborn/greedy or someone else is or simply a lack of money to bring the project into fruition... do i also feel like it could be about meeting a soulmate next year? ...maybe? if so, it would be unexpected, it wouldn’t be an immediate reciprocation on their part... they may be stubborn about something... if you are already in a relationship then perhaps something may come up where your partner becomes stubborn in regard to something... they may seem off somehow, temperance can be about drinking, too, so alcohol could be an issue...  or it could also just be that as something grows for you - job, studies - that there may be some two of pentacles-like issues. i mean maybe it wanted to give me two of pentacles but pile 1 already stole it... and this is the way of showing two of pentacles AND the literal balance card.
so yes there may be growth in areas of your life, but there will also be more responsibility so there may be a need to balance this new growth with what you can handle of it...
sorry i like to cover all bases but i lean toward that last one because there’s so much here to indicate growth around a project or career - but just making sure you’re able to handle all of that or you have to find money to do it haha... it could be that you want to start this new life at a new college but... money is going to be a huge factor... 
and also yeah if in the past things have seemed kind of shitty i still think this new year will offer more stability as you go along... in ways you didn’t even expect, like something good happening and it’s way beyond what your expectations were... so i feel like there’s three different messages running through this pile depending on who you are so just take whatever resonates - there’s only one tiny bump here in this king (or queen?) reversed and the rest are very positive so if you’re prepared for whatever obstacle you are already expecting - that’s all you can do is be aware of it and there’s probably a strategy to get through it - if it’s a way to get more money, etc... there are WAYS to get money legally so... it’s doable... you just have to be prepared for it... yeah... i could probably read more into all of this but i feel like it’s already confusing in some ways haha and something significant may happen during sag timing even though that’s not next year or maybe it’ll be by next december, sure... or maybe something significant will be in sag... or if jupiter were to enter an earth sign? wtf is it even in now. well jupiter doesn’t enter taurus until 2023 but maybe that’ll be a good year for you xD or maybe you’re someone with a sag placement and two big earth placements with one of them retrograde or a jupiter in earth sign placement... 
so yeah expansion around stability/money is what we’re working on, not being stubborn, and finding solutions for obstacles that get in the way of a new start, especially a new project/career... maybe relationship. and also good things coming of traveling your own path or not being afraid to explore - even if other people tell you it’s weird or it’s not the “average” path... weirder is better... it’s almost like you might explore an avenue that would be rewarding that no one else has considered and it turns out to be incredibly rewarding. but maybe you were too stubborn to take that chance, etc... 
Pile 3
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holy cryptic cards, batman. what’s frustrating in tarot sometimes is when the two’s come up... or not even just two’s but let’s say a number starts repeating and you’re not supposed to focus on the card meaning but the numbers popping up so when there are two two’s it becomes less about the cards and more about the number? bc when you see two of cups you USUALLY think of some type of relationship built on mutual respect, but maybe it’s all about the two - high priestess is also two. so 222 or 22 may be significant and two’s also often look like “II” so it’s 11:11. why does it matter? it may not but there may be more emphsasis on synchronicities with this pile and you may see 1111 a lot or 22/222
for oracles, the crumbling reminds me of the tower, and these are things we cling to for whatever reason and when we cling too long, that whole belief can be shattered in a pretty tremendous way. answer the call feels basically like listening to your intuition/gut on a matter/following your true path... makes sense when we have high priestess here. i also clarified the tarot and got magician and nine of swords for queen of wands, two of cups clarified by devil and moon and high priestess by eight of swords (reversed?). maputla is “new path, guide, renewal”.
we’ll just put it together piece by piece especially since pile 2 felt like a hot mess, lol. queen of wands - this reminds me of pile 1 - so there’s a desire to bring something into fruition but there’s some type of fear or anxiety around it. it could be a creative path or project or this could be about not having the confidence to follow through with something/follow that path. with the maputla card there, i would guess this is that feeling of uncertainty when we start a new path - it’s scary because it’s different or it’s change or we don’t know how it will unfold, etc... and magician is 1, too, so it’s like... new start and the issue seems to (mostly) be about a lack of confidence (as queen of wands is all about confidence).
two of cups being clarified by devil and moon. so i guess we could jump to relationships but we’ll jump to a non relationship. this could also be in particular a message for someone who has a capricorn moon or is dating someone with a capricorn moon or the timing of the next capricorn moon is relevant.
if we were to look at this as being about a relationship in your life (friend, lover, whatever but it’s a close relationship), there could be issues of codependency or a lack of mutal respect. some people say devil can be sexual chemistry or point to something outside of heterosexual relationships. devil with moon... i mean yeah that doesn’t feel exactly positive because it could be you or a partner who’s depressed or being sad if you’re trapped in an abusive relationship...  what’s interesting visually about the cards is in every single one there is a “figure” that’s over/above looking over the people below... there’s the devil, the lion, and the moon... intuitively this would make me think of things out of your control... like universal energies or fate and stuff... it certainly feels as though two people are chained together or even a third party situation... but you have to go - is this even a relationship reading?? you could read it like someone being anxious about a relationship they know is toxic...  the other cards could indicate an anxiety to break that relationship for some reason - because you’re used to it and it’s hard to start something new? it’s just one example.
so high priestess clarified by eight of swords (reversed) would indicate something like being subconsciously or intuitively aware of or even having already released yourself from an entrapment... entrapment seems to be the key here as the devil card is also about that and it is tied to a person... and moon is also about intuition/subconscious things... 
so overall if it’s not specifically a relationship now or in the future... it could be about a negative thought/behavioral pattern that has to do with relationships in your life. a fear, anxiety, etc... a fear of starting a “new” relationship or issues that come up around the start of one or maybe having a habit of choosing toxic partners, avoiding red flags, etc...  there IS a lot of anxiety for this pile... what is the anxiety surrounding? new beginnings... possibly even relationships, possibly commitments...  what else is an issue here? clinging to something that no longer serves you to the point you may be in for a hard lesson so that the universe/your guides can forcibly remove you from a harmful situation/habit/way of thinking... the “calling” here makes me think of the moon card i’m looking at and how all of these animals are looking up at the moon for answers so that’s why i’m hesitant to full out say TOXIC RELATIONSHIP BEWARE bc also this reads simply as someone who is going to read pile 3 has a capricorn moon >.> and there is a relationship involved and there is a hesitancy or anxiety around starting something new... but that is a very specific message. it can even be a message to end something if it’s toxic and you’re aware of it but afraid to end it.
let me put the clarifiers away and just sort of look... in all three piles there have been cards that indicate “expansion” around knowledge... or even gaining confidence where before you felt uncertain... putting the two of cups aside and reading it more like we do the lovers which can be about personal harmony it almost reads like... getting more balanced within... with two polar energies coming together to balance out which has come up in each pile... here we have two of cups, pile 2 had temperance and pile 1 had two of pentacles...
so i’ll read it like this... next year for pile 3...  i feel like there’s going to be a release of some type of fear/worries/anxieties... i feel like you’ll gain more confidence and feel more in control of your own destiny AFTER you accept it. i do want to warn that something may have to happen first to break down the way you think/feel about something before this can happen but it’s like the tower itself popped out, just a card that reminds me of it. something will have to fall apart before you can build it back up but it could be this has already happened to you and you’re still in the rebuilding phase, working on intuition/spiritual knowledge, working on confidence and being comfortable with who you are, stronger creative abilities, perhaps a significant relationship will also come into your life as you evolve into a more powerful/balanced version of yourself... i feel like renewal guide and new path make sense from that maputla oracle card because a renewal would happen after a tower moment but it would still be anew path and then a need for guidance or being guided along a new path... and i feel like you’re the figure in answer the call and you’re debating whether to go up that stream (oddly this reminds me of the art for the moon card)... also the crumbling card, there’s that bit of light at the top of the tower as if trying to get up to there, too... there’s a lot of “moon” energy happening here so it feels very intuitive/spiritual in regard to your path... it’s also clear you’ll feel a “calling” this year and perhaps... you’re currently not on that path and would have to switch paths to follow after that “call”... in terms of where you are on the journey... it looks... very beginning. i mean i guess it is new moon time right now as i’m writing this... bc here she hasn’t started up that river/waterfall and the crumbling card looks like the gate is opening and you haven’t even gone out yet...
so there’s a huge sense of a beginning... we have two’s here and magician was here earlier so... 1-2 phase...  so on the one hand i see this as about two sides of you coming together more whether that’s a balance of masc/fem or if it’s outward you and inward you coming together if it’s water/fire and that makes sense to you but... two separate things feel like they NEED or will come together and then a whole new path opens up for you...  and perhaps another person will be a catalyst or perhaps it’s leaving behind a relationship that’s a catalyst and that “tower” is having to break up with someone but imo it seems for the best according to the cards because now you have a whole new journey and it seems that “catastrophe” is an attempt by the universe to put you back on the “right” path... so that’s why you are being “guided”... as people, i would say you’re a bit of a mix between introvert and extrovert, spiritual and intuitive, even confident in your own spiritual abilities, you may be fairly good at reading people but i guess it’s possible you still don’t avoid red flags... it could be that you feel like and resonate with the high priestess who looks conservative and prudish? virginal? idk what you want to say... and then on the inside or waiting to get out is someone more like the queen of wands? or vice versa... that’s why i feel two of cups is here more than a “relationship” bc it’s a balance of these two opposites and them coming together...  and again it could be about “subconscious” beliefs you hold about relationships, yourself... stuff from childhood
at the end of the day here’s what the message may be for 2022... there may come a situation where you know that something isn’t right or doesn’t feel right or is wrong for you - whether it’s a bad relationship or what, doesn’t matter but that seems it may be a possibility... and you shouldn’t use a “fear of starting over or starting something new” as an excuse to stay in a pattern that is not getting you anywhere, is negative and repeating, etc... and then it feels like deep in your soul or intuition you KNOW it isn’t right but you have been or will ignore it... so it feels like literally the cards are going “why are you holding onto this, what is your INTUITION telling you to do?” for any doubts you may have. if a relationship feels right, go with your gut, if something feels wrong, don’t go down that way.
when you see a fork in the road - which path feels right just by instinct? because that is the path that was meant to open up for you... i do feel like you will be given signs though in some way but the signs may simply come as intuition...  it’s a good time to release yourself from anything you feel shackled to.. and to start something new but... let go of the fear you have in change or starting something new...  and on the other side is an image of spring or flowers blooming or even adventure... or, sure, maybe love or at least a very mutual in respect type of relationship... maybe. 
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dailyexo · 2 years
[NEWS] Lay - 220126 PopWrapped: “Lay Zhang Discusses Music, EXO Brotherhood, His Own Label, And More”
"Lay Zhang is likely one of the most motivated, and phenomenally gifted artists of our time – having spent over a decade developing his indescribable career as a global superstar in every creative dimension within his reach. In order to find himself fully engaged in that reputable space, a labyrinth-like path is what led Lay to take on some of the most respected artistic titles attainable, including rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, director, dancer, and actor – all prior to celebrating his 30th birthday earlier this year.
Because of such relentless accomplishments, the singer has repeatedly been featured in the annual Forbes China Celebrity 100, working his way up from top 20, to the eventual and major impact of the top 5 just last year. Lay’s drive truly comes to no surprise for many, after launching his astute career through the juggernaut K-pop label SM Entertainment in the renowned group EXO. Prior to EXO, the label had introduced names that eventually influenced western media’s eventual reception to K-pop (Girls Generation, SHINee, Super Junior, TVXQ!) with EXO eventually taking on the mantle as yet another game-changing collection of talent.
EXO (which Lay still actively adores and contributes to) has spent their unified career amassing millions in album sales, landing on top spots amongst the most noteworthy charts around the world, and expanding their unique impression through technique. Since his debut with EXO, Lay has gone on to launch his own label Chromosome Entertainment Group, a brand new endeavor with universal support and anticipation, just over a year since its conception. Now as a business owner in this changing music landscape, Lay has pinpointed creative freedom that only some of the best artists in the world are able to attain with universal acclaim that bolsters the notion of staying true to oneself.
Just two months ago, having covered extensive ground with unstoppable potential at his fingertips, Lay recently took the chance to drop a love letter track to his fans titled “Bee With You”. As expected, the song shows consistency in raw ability – adding to his discography of illustrious beats and diverse interests – including the hit solo track “Honey” that has garnered an unfathomable 22 million streams, and features on tracks like “Let’s Shut Up & Dance” which have accumulated more than 35 million streams to date.
With Lay’s musical ability continuing to justify his admirable reputation around the world, we were elated to speak to the multifaceted talent about his take on the past, present, and future of his own craft.
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You’re such an esteemed and respected artist that you’ve really experienced immeasurable success in your career, through your solo music as well as your work with EXO! Would you say getting to that place has helped you attain (or appreciate) more freedom of artistic expression?
Lay: It’s different. You have to learn how to mix your energy and vibe with everyone else and make sure you’re telling one story and one sound together. When you are alone you can do whatever you want which can be great, but sometimes having all this freedom can be confusing. You don’t know where to begin. Being in a group and being solo has helped me appreciate the different aspects of artistic expression.
Speaking of, you managed to create your own company Chromosome Entertainment Group, and that’s such an incredible achievement! What were some of your goals that led to the creation of Chromosome?
Lay: I wanted to pass on the knowledge I’ve gained working in the industry all these years. I also want the world to know that there are so many up-and-coming talents in China that need to be heard. It’s important to me to find different ways to share Chinese culture and having a company is just another way.
Now that you’ve gotten through your first year as a company with Chromosome Entertainment Group, what has been a major takeaway for you?
Lay: It’s hard [laughs] It’s actually really great. There is so much work and behind-the-scenes decisions that most people don’t realize before you see a group or artist debut. It makes me appreciate my team even more now. The key thing I learned is communication. You need to communicate with everyone and give everyone a chance to share their ideas. You never know who has the next big idea.
You recently dropped your song “Bee With You” and it was such a beautiful tribute to your expansive fanbase. How excited were you to release this track, and how personal did it feel to put that out in the world?
Lay: I just love the song. Everything sonically was great, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts with my fans. Every day I wake up and work hard for them. It makes me happy to be able to do this.
You’ve also amassed over 70 million followers across your social media platforms, which has evolved tremendously since your debut days! How has social media and that connection with fans impacted your craft over the years?
Lay: I’m amazed. There is a great responsibility with so many people watching you. It reminds me to work hard and be the best person I can be. I hope people can be inspired by the path and the decisions I make and will make.
Fans were also so excited to see your contributions to EXO this year with the mini-album Don’t Fight the Feeling! What was it like getting back into the collaborative process of the group?
Lay: Very important! I LOVE MY BROS, and I’m always there whenever they need me. It’s amazing to work with all of my bros again. I just wish we could get to do it in person, but the pandemic has made things more complicated.
You’ve been vital to the expansion of both K-pop and C-pop in your career, and now with K-pop in particular, we’re seeing an increase in the number of rookie groups debuting! What would you say is the biggest difference between your debut with EXO, and the groups you are noticing today?
Lay: Debuting is really tough. It’s a lot of hard work. I think today’s groups seem to be positioned to be more global. They’re speaking more languages fluently and they’re experimenting with different sounds and styles.
Now that you’ve been able to get back into all different styles and commitments through music and business, how have you managed to find that imperative creative balance?
Lay: When you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. It’s exciting and almost relaxing at times switching my brain between completely different roles and projects. I’m constantly learning new things.
I know that your love for your fans is so important to you, and I know that you have supporters around the world hoping to see you perform live! Do you have any hopes or potential plans for a concert either in person or virtually?
Lay: It really depends on these coronavirus strains and whether they can be contained. My goal is to perform live as soon as possible though. I’m patiently waiting, but it’s important that people are safe first.
Absolutely! Lastly, can you tease any upcoming project you’re excited about, or that fans can look forward to?
Lay: I do have some new [unannounced] TV shows and films coming. And we’ll see about the music."
Photo link: 1
Credit: PopWrapped.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Under Your Skin (JJK x Reader) | 🔞
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Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Goth/Punk!Jeon Jungkook x Secretary!Shy!Reader
Genre: Tattoo artist!AU, Badboy x Sweetgirl AU, Idk what else
Tags/Warnings: Ultimate goodboy Kook, He looks grr but is actually sweet, shy reader, smol reader, Kookers is WHIPPED, Also a tease, Dom!Jungkook because how could I not, Sub!Reader, Babygirl!Reader, Its not heavy on the whole ddlg-stuff but yeah they be having some vibes y'know, don't come @ me don't I'm not forcing you to read it lol, anyways moving on, because smut, yes I mean it's my content, and yall nasty admit it, slight hair pulling, manhandling also only a little, oral (f & m receiving), praising, mentions of emotional and physical insecurities, but Kook be supportive so we good, back to the nasty, body worship yes pls, biting, fingering, because why not, protected sex because we keep it clean in this household, light-hearted sex, kook being a romantic goof, yeah I think thats it?
Summary: Jungkook looks like absolute trouble; like one wrong look could set him off, and turn him into an absolute murderer. But oh well, ever heard the phrase 'Never judge a book by its cover'?
A/N: you might have noticed me only putting one emoji up top. I have decided to from now on only mark my adult fics with emojis (which is basically almost every single one lets be real). Also; stop reading my fucking fics if any of the tagged/warned things make you uncomfortable. I'm tired of everyone clowning in my inbox telling me how disgusting ddlg/smut content is. You can't even tell me you 'read it by accident' because that's why I'm always putting the cut underneath my fics =) so pls go finish preschool and then we can maybe shake hands. Maybe not. Covid and all. Yeah.
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On the outside, Jeon Jungkook seems like absolute trouble.
He's working at a tattoo and piercing studio, dresses in all black, clattering chains and heavy boots always alerting everyone around of his presence. His long black hair is never truly tamed, his nails painted black, and his face expressionless most of the time. He's a talented artist and well trained piercer, always visiting conventions to keep up with the newest trends, styles, and equipment there is. He takes his job seriously- and is proud of it, knowing that he had proven his family wrong by now. They had been worried about him; especially his mother had scolded him that he shouldn't throw his time away trying to make it in a world of art many had already failed. But last year, he had finally invited them over to his rather nice apartment, showing them that he was living a good life, with nothing to really worry about.
Jungkook had made it.
Well, not quite.
Because as of currently, Jungkook had a new mission, a new goal.
"Ah, Jungkook!" You say, eyes sparkling as you smile at him when he enters the shop he works at. You had recently started to work there as well, since Taehyung was absolute shit at keeping files in order and track of schedules. You hadn't applied for the job specifically, that's at least what his coworker had told him- he had known you prior already, and was aware that you had wanted a change these days.
And Jungkook had been painfully crushing on you ever since you started.
"Your schedule for the week is already here- I uhm.. didn't put it on your desk cause, I didn't want to intrude your space and all.." You say, giving him a small black booklet where you always noted down his appointments. He appreciated it a lot- knowing how much of a hassle it could be to move dates back and forth just to somehow make it fit. You always made sure that he had enough time in between multiple daily pieces in case something took longer or less so you could make sure to be able to move things accordingly. You didn't want him to get overworked, you had said. He had smiled.
"Thanks- and you can go inside, no problem." He says, and you nod. "I know you don't make a mess, like someone else here." He says, hinting at Namjoon, who was known to be quite clumsy- yet a mastermind when it came to designing pieces he struggled with. Jungkook stayed at your front desk for a bit, making you tilt your head a bit, as you tried not to stare. He always took so much care of himself, you would have had to be blind not to see how attractive he actually was. But then again, you didn't get your hopes up- after all, he was nice to almost everyone around. "You've never been in there, right?" He asks, and you shake your head. You haven't been in his space at all- too scared to invade his privacy and making him upset in the process. "I mean- you got time right now? I can show you around." He casually tells you, and you look at your computer screen in front of you. Everything had been filed for today- so you probably had a bit of time to spare.
"Sure." You said, taking your phone and standing up from your chair, making sure to lock the pc so no one would accidentally make a mess out of your tabs. Or worse; close them. God knows all hell would break loose.
Jungkook had to really force himself not to let out any noise as you walked next to him.
You were so tiny next to him.
He wasn't that tall to be honest- with Namjoon and Taehyung both taller than him, he knew he was average at best. And for the longest time, he'd had a thing for tall girls, all elegant and confident. He still liked their aesthetic, yes- but now that he spotted you, he could really see the appeal of having a shorter significant other.
You were so cute.
You carefully stepped inside when Jungkook lifted the curtain that was used instead of a door, surprised to see how.. organized everything was. A little.. off- some things seemed to be randomly put somewhere, but in general, it seemed like everything had their proper spot. "I like to have it like this." He comments, and you nod your head to that, finally spotting his tattoo-gun. It was made out of purple steel- polished, and changing its hue depending on how you looked at it. It was absolutely beautiful, even though you had a rather limited understanding of these things. "Was a present from Taehyung last year." Jungkook says, sitting down on his chair. "I never asked- are you inked at all?" He asks, leaning backwards as you stand there a little awkwardly. "You can sit down somewhere, don't be so tense." He chuckles, and you look around, before you sit on the stretcher across from him. You shake your head, and Jungkook isn't surprised. Your pink converse sway back and forth as you sit on the stretcher, legs too short to reach the floor anymore as you rest your hands underneath your thighs; hem of your dress revealing more of them than he can usually see.
"I don't have any tattoos yet, but I've been talking to Namjoon about it." You said, and Jungkooks saliva tastes a little bitter at that. He doesn't want to pout or give away that it's bugging him at all that you're not talking to him about it- but he fails miserably. "Namjoon actually said I should talk to you about it, since the style I want fits you best." You say, and he can't hide his smile, bunny teeth on full display as he leans forward a bit.
"You'd let me tattoo you?" He asks, and you shrug, before nodding. "What do you have in Mind?" He instantly asks, not even bothering to hide his excitement.
If only you knew that it's because of you; and not just because he's gonna be the first to ink you.
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You've both agreed on a design you want, and Jungkook can't deny that he thinks it's absolutely perfect on you.
"Are you scared?" Jungkook asks you as he prepares everything, his sweater's sleeves rolled up, revealing his own body art to you, as well as some bracelets; one that you recognize as the wooden-bead bracelet you had gifted him last year for his birthday. It was weird to see him wear it.
"I.. no. Just nervous." You say. "I'm worried I might cry and make a fool out of myself." You say with a laugh, and Jungkook chuckles, placing a reassuring and warm hand on your upper arm.
"It's fine. I've seen grown man cry like kids on this stretcher before." He casually says. "Don't worry; I won't think any less of you just because of some tears." He says with a smile, and you nod, turning your head to look at his room's walls instead; covered in drawings, sketches, and pictures of finished works he was most proud of. "Do you want anything to hold onto?" He asks, as he starts to shave the skin of your thigh to make sure he can work as best as possible. He's so into his work, so concentrated on doing everything perfect, that he doesn't even take much into account that you're laying in only your panties and oversized sweater; skirt neatly placed on a chair in the corner of the room, to get it out of the way.
"It's fine" You mumble, although you really want to. So instead you curl your fingers around the fabric of your sweater- something that doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook, who decides not to comment on it for now. He simply throws the one-time razor away as well as the tissues used to clean your skin, before he carefully places the tracing paper onto where he seems fit.
"I think it would look great right here." He says lowly, carefully removing the paper to reveal the lines he's gonna trace with his gun in a few minutes. "You wanna look at it again?" He asks, and you shake your head. "Alright." He says, before he gets up and walks out his room; only to return with your small squishy and round unicorn plush that's usually sitting on your desk. "To hold onto." He winks, and you chuckle at that.
Jungkook really pays attention.
"So, Taehyung has told me you're a bit younger than me." Jungkook says to start casual chit-chat, trying to help your nervousness as his tattoo-gun starts to buzz to live. "Only a Year if I remember correctly." He says, and you nod.
"Yeah.." You say, and can't hide your dissapoinment flooding your voice. Jungkook, until now, only had relationships with girls older than him. He's even said before that he just likes having someone older than him around- which made you even more nervous around him.
"You sound upset about that." He chuckles, and gently holds onto your thigh as you jump a bit when he first presses the tip of the gun down. "Sorry. I'll be gentle." He lowly tells you, and you swallow.
Not the time Y/N, not the time.
"Uhm.." You say, fingers digging into the squishy plush in your hands. "I.. there's someone I like, but he.. only likes older girls, so.." You say, and Jungkook glances at you. You're already interested in someone? He continues to trace the lines, wiping afterwards to get the excess ink and blood off. "But I mean, then again I don't think I have a chance with him anyways." You chuckle, and Jungkook can't help but shake his head. Even if you're interested in someone else, he shouldn't let you have thoughts like that.
"Highly doubt that." He says. "If he doesn't see you, he's blind." He tells you, and you giggle, glad that he's able to make you feel a bit better about everything. "I'm serious." He says, and you nod at that, watching his inked arm flex every now and then as he draws with absolute concentration; black facemask hiding half of his face. You can see the way his eyebrows furrow, eyes fixated on his work as he moves with absolute routine. "Do I know the guy?" He casually asks, before he dips the tip of his gun in the tiny pot of ink again.
You don't know what to say.
He looks at you for a second, and decides not to dig. "You don't have to tell me. Sorry if I seemed nosy; didn't mean to." He apologizes, and you shake your head to let him know its fine. It's quiet for a moment afterwards, only the buzzing of his gun and your occasional whine of pain. "Sorry; it'll hurt a bit more now since I'm getting close to your inner thigh- that's always a little more sensitive." He comments, and you really hope he doesn't pay much attention to your panties.
When you can see his eyes stick to them for a second, you really want to just disappear.
He doesn't comment on it though. What is he suppsosed to say? He really doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, and considering that you already have a crush on someone else, he doesn't want to get himself in too deep as well. He simply works away, finally finishing the thin and delicate outlines of your piece- the first step, before he will see you again for color and shading. He finally connects the last line, and doesn't think twice about what he says next.
"Good girl."
It takes a second that feels way too long for the both of you to register the words, and Jungkook quickly occupies himself with turning off his gun and cleaning up your skin and his workspace to get the awkwardness out of his room. You try to instantly stand up, but his palm holds onto your leg- silently ordering you to stay put, which you do. He rubs something over the piece, before he gently lifts your leg to wrap it. "I'll give you a bottle of lotion for it. Leave that bandage on for.. I'd say until tomorrow morning at least. Afterwards, apply the lotion everyday to help it heal properly." He lectures you with a gentle voice, before letting you sit up.
"Thanks." You say, grinning eagerly at the now hidden artwork on your leg. Jungkook chuckles.
"We're not done yet, but I'll take it." He says. "I uh.." He starts, as you jump off the stretcher and go to take on your skirt. "uhm, you up for some fast food?" He asks, a bit hurried, before he can chicken out again. And he hates himself for a moment, because you had literally told him just half an hour before that you already had interest in someone else. But maybe you were too innocent to get his innuendo, maybe you wouldn't get that he was asking you on a date-
"Like a date?" You ask, and he really wants to hit himself.
"I mean, if you want it to be?" He says, swallowing as he averts his gaze, a sight very weird. His hand runs through his hair, chain around his neck and piercings on his ears clattering against each other and making sounds as he moves, his combat boots nervously tapping the floor a little. "It doesn't have to be.. I know you're already-"
"I'd love to." You say however, now fully dressed again, as you grin with your bright sparkling eyes.
And Jungkook feels like he's won the lottery.
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It's your third time laying on Jungkooks' stretcher like this- waiting for him to work on your art, finishing it today. But the energy is different.
Things are different between you two in general.
After some casual movie dates and rounds of overwatch, Jungkook had admitted to you that he had a crush. It was rushed, while he was driving, so he didn't have to look at you and instantly get hit by your reaction. But then, you had told him that you felt the same- and the two of you agreed to let things process from then on. Whatever would happen; you would let happen.
And Jungkook was starting to flirt with you.
It was a little weird to get close to him like that. While everyone seeing you two was a little taken aback- with your dresses and skirts, and colorful and almost childish personality, he seemed like the absolute opposite- quiet, all dark and dangerous while carrying your milkshake so you could put your phone away into your purse.
"Alright doll, let's finish this." He said with newfound enthusiasm, winking at you as you laughed at his demeanor.
"You seemed more excited than me!" You say, and he chuckles. "You're really desperate to have me gone?" You say in a playfully upset tone, and he simply huffs out a breath, before cockily looking at you for a second.
"That's not true." He says. "I'd just rather have you laid out somewhere else than in my studio, that's all." He casually says, and you shut your mouth at that, cheeks red as he laughs at your cute display of embarrassment. He routinely prepares your skin, before he starts his gun. "Too much?" He asks, and you know he's not talking about the pressure of his ink filled gun on your skin.
"No-" You start, and he now seriously speaks to you, voice a bit muffled through his facemask.
"Please tell me if I ever make you uncomfortable." He says. "You're not upsetting me if you tell me I'm going to far." He says, and you nod, knowing that he now needs a proper answer. Jungkook is way more attentive and romantic than people may think he is. He's a gentleman pulled out of a dictionary- careful and gentle with you, and always keen on getting to know you for you, and not for the person you like to portray yourself as. He wants to know what you like, what you don't like, what you dream of, and what you hate about yourself.
"Don't worry- I will." You say, watching him work on your skin. "Jungkook?" You ask, and he hums a reply to let you know he's listening. "Is it okay if I sleep?" You ask, and he chuckles.
"Didn't I tell you not to stay up for too long before I left yesterday?" He teasingly retorts back to you, and you pout at him- with no hard feelings behind it. He had left last night after eating with you for dinner at your place; and he did indeed tell you to go to sleep a little earlier since he knew you would have an early shift today, opening up the store. "I'm really tempted to say no." He says, eyes now on your skin again as he dips the tip of his gun in a pot of color. "You know, as punishment for not listening." He mumbles, and you almost don't catch it.
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"Jungkook?" Taehyung stands in his doorway, finally finding him sitting at his desk. "Oh?" He says in a surprised tone, spotting your sleeping figure on his coworkers lap- head resting against the inside of his shoulder, with your arms around his middle.
"Yeah?" Jungkook asks, not at all shy or fazed by the fact that Taehyung is looking at you. "What is it?" He asks again, as Taehyung smiles, giving the younger man his small booklet that you usually give him every morning.
"Nothing left for today." He said. "Just wanted to tell you good work and send you home." The older one explains, zipping up his own jacket. "Guess she'll be coming with you?" He asks teasingly, but Jungkook doesn't bite the bait at all.
"Yeah. Don't burn the house down while we're gone, you two. " He says, slipping the booklet into his pocket before he pats your back. "Come on doll, let's go home." He tells you, waking you up at least enough to put on your shoes and lead you out the store to his car.
He buckles your seatbelt as the engine comes alive, radio playing its tune softly in the background as he drives you home. "You awake doll?" He asks, and you nod your head, turning towards him with barely open eyes. "You haven't had anything proper to eat today, so I'll make us some ramen at my place, ok?" He asks, and you nod, before your eyebrows scrunch up. "What is it?" He chuckles, and you now grow more awake.
"Wait- but if we eat at yours then you're gonna have to drive me home late." You say, and he shrugs. "Noo, Kook, what if you crash the car because you're sleepy?" You tell him with a whine, genuinely concerned for him, as he has the audacity to laugh. "Kookie, it's not funny I swear to god-!" You say, and he apologizes.
"I mean." He starts, casually dropping what he had wanted to ask you for a couple of weeks now. "You could always just stay over." He tells you, and you look at him, meeting his gaze at the red light he stops at, his head turned towards you for a moment until the lights turn green again.
"We.. would have to stop at mine so I could get some stuff though.." You mumble, and Jungkook looks at you with newfound enthusiasm, setting his turning lights to enter a different road.
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It's in a parking lot that you first unintentionally confront him with your biggest insecurities and flaws.
You've tripped over a stray stone you didn't see laying on the ground, leading you to fall onto your hands and scraping your knees open. Just like any normal human being, you dust yourself off, instantly hoping that Jungkook inside the shop hadn't seen you fail at something so basic as walking. You had carried some of the items you two had bought into the car while also returning the shopping cart while he had payed- and by the look on his face, he had definitely seen you.
He wasn't laughing, or hiding his grin, or anything alike. He looked concerned, taking his card back from the cashier before walking out the store, jogging towards you, who sat in the open trunk, ready to get laughed at. Even though somewhere deep in your mind you didn't think he would, past experiences had led to you now having that fear, no matter with whom. "Are you okay?" Jungkook asks, looking at you as he squats down to take a look at your bleeding knees. He reaches into one of the shopping bags, taking out a water bottle and a pack of tissues, before he wets it, one hand holding your leg by the backside of your knee, while the other carefully cleans the small wound. "You gotta be careful Baby." He chuckles a little- nothing like the laughter you had expected.
"I'm fine." You say, not looking up at him.
"It's okay to cry, you know?" He says, and you stay quiet, trying not to breathe too much as you desperately hold them back. "I won't laugh." He promises, deciding not to look at you as to give you a bit more space.
"People will stare though.." You quietly murmur towards him, and he finishes his job, before he goes to throw the now used tissue away in a nearby trashcan. When he returns, he's taking his jacket off, the item way too large on your form as he throws it over you, pulling the hood up as you look at him for the first time since your little accident, eyes sparkling with unshed tears when he pulls the sides of the hood towards him a little. "There." He says, a reassuring smile on his face. "Now no one can see you but me." He tells you. "And I will never, ever, laugh at you." He promises, and pulls your head against his chest, as you start to let go.
He really hates to see you cry- but he's glad that you're letting him in enough to let him see you this way.
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Jungkook is frustrated.
He tries not to really show it, because he doesn't want to blow up in your face like that, but then again, you're kind of the reason he feels the way he does. Because even though he thought you both had a genuine connection, you're yet to let him touch you.
And not just hugging and holding hands.
It's not that he's impatient- its because he knows you, at one point, wanted him that way as well. But something happened, something he didn't notice, that made you take ten steps backwards from him. You seemed to be retreating, giving up, and he has no idea what he had done to make you react that way.
As far as he knows, he had done everything right.
But then he sees them; the messages sent back and forth between you and Hana, a returning customer at the shop- well known to flirt with everyone around here. Jungkook himself had actually considered hooking up with her once a year back, simply to make her shut up, but then again, he wasn't into one-night-stands. And she had never truly been his type anyways.
'Ah yeah, just re-schedule that then, I don't mind at all! Just make sure we have enough time together, since we haven't had time to catch up on things recently, if you know what I mean.' She had sent, a week ago; exactly the timeframe you had started to distance yourself. He knew he shouldn't look into it, but then again- this was his business too. He had the right to know.
'Sure? I can give you an appointment at around 4 PM then, so you'll be the last one. Would that be okay with you? Again, sorry for re-scheduling on such short notice.' You had written, and Jungkook can't decide if you had been oblivious to her implication (which was bullshit), or if you were simply too polite to call her out. But it's the next messages that make him fume.
'Again, no troubles. As I said, I only care that its Jungkookie, I don't really trust anyone else with my body that way ;). 4 PM is perfect, you guys still close at around 6 PM right? He's got skilled hands, I'm sure we don't need much more time, if you know what I mean.' she has the audacity to write.
But its your answer that makes him fume.
'Good to know.'
"Jungkook?" You say, looking at the screen, as you suddenly dash forwards, trying to shut the screen off- as if that would make any difference. But he catches your wrist with ease, holding it in his palm as he looks at you.
"Do you think I'm sleeping with her?" He asks, and you try to escape his grasp; and he lets you, staying at your workspace however as he keeps you locked in place with his gaze. "Y/N." He urges, making you look away from him.
"It's none of my business." You say, shrugging. "I.. No, it's-" You start, but he cuts you off.
"No, finish that sentence. 'No' what?" He says, and you've never heard him talk like that.
"I just.. didn't think you'd.. do that." You meekly say, murmuring it as he tilts your head gently upwards to look at him; his face now more relaxed as he softly smiles.
"That's good that you think that way." He tells you. "Because I don't do that at all." He says. "She likes to start drama all the time- was probably bitter I turned her down so much. You know what?" He suddenly says, turning towards the screen as he clicks to change the account, opening his own Inbox as he starts to write an E-Mail.
'Appointment is cancelled, be glad I'm not suing you for defamation. JK.'
"Jungkook-" You say, trying to get him not to send it- but it's already gone. "Why would you do that? Just because I misunderstood?" You whine, and he chuckles, shutting down the system as he looks at the clock, signaling that it's closing time.
"No." He says. "But because I don't want her around anyways, and this gives me a proper reason." He tells you, ruffling your hair as he looks at you. "You coming?" He asks, and you nod, taking your bag and coat before following him out the shop.
In the car, you finally speak up. "Jungkook?" You ask, and he hums out a reply. "Do you.. think I'm attractive?" You ask, and he clears his throat at the unexpected question.
"I- what?" He asks, unsure what you mean.
"Just.. Namjoon said, that he thinks you.. see me as a friend only? Because I'm nothing like the girls you dated before.. If I misunderstood something here then Oh my god-" You start to ramble, and Jungkook laughs suddenly.
"You think I'm not into you?" He asks, and you shrug. "Of course I want to fuck you doll." He casually comments, and you can't help but feel your cheeks redden. "Wait- did you really think I didn't?" He asks, face showing genuine horror as he looks over at you.
"I mean.. you never really initiated anything so I thought.." You started, and he groans out.
Thank god you're staying the night.
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"Looks so pretty, does it?" He hums out, palm running over the tattoo on your thigh, delicate lines and well-placed shadings complimenting the colors perfectly. "You know why I love it most?" He starts, hand suddenly gripping the flesh for a moment, before he pulls you closer on his lap by the small of your back. "Because that's mine." He says, before he leans in, placing an open mouthed kiss against your pulse. "The ink that's under your skin, the design, the idea-" He mumbles against your skin. "And the body it's drawn on." You whine at his tone, dark and low, as he urges you back and forth on his clothed thigh- your panties suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "Isn't it like that, baby?" He asks, and you nod, furiously, and he chuckles. "Hm, you seem out of breath baby.." He grins at you, like a predator.
"Jungkook.." You whine, not knowing what you're asking for.
He wordlessly moves, helping you lay down on his bed before he crawls over you, his lips instantly attached to the skin of your neck, hands helping you out of your dress wordlessly, as he can't help but let his gaze linger on your body for a moment. "I can't believe that-" He says, pulling off your overknee socks. "-you'd ever think of yourself anything less than perfect." He says, placing a gentle kiss to the colorful image now forever placed under your skin by his skilled hands. He continues to display his affection over your skin, wandering over your stomach up to your chest, where he playfully bites just above your breast. He struggles with the front of your bra for a second, unsure how to open the undergarment without breaking it, as you help a little; letting them spring free. But only for a moment.
Because in the next, he's got them in his hands, palms gently moving over them, feeling their softness as he groans. "You're so sweet." he comments, as he finally kisses your lips, smile interrupting him every now and then. "So soft." Another kiss. "So delicate." Another one. "And all mine, yeah?" He asks, and you nod, smiling as he grins back, the expression making him look so young and carefree you can't help but wonder how anyone could ever think he's a bad man.
He's anything but.
He's so careful touching you, so delicate in moving his palms over your skin, as if its the most divine thing he's ever felt. He's still smiling, as if in a trance, while he can't stop kissing you. Your hands move into his hair- way softer than you thought it would be, and he groans into your mouth at the feeling of your fingers running over his scalp.
There's no urgency in anything he does.
He slowly moves again, hands opening your legs for him as he sits back on his heels, playfully pulling you closer by the backs of your knees, making you giggle. "You sound so sweet baby." He tells you, innocently, as if he's not currently placing his hand onto your center, ring finger collecting your already leaking wetness before he spreads it, moving his thumb over your most sensitive bundle of nerves while his ring finger enters you slowly. You whine at the feeling, not enough to get you as riled up as you'd like to be. Also; this is the first time you're genuinely experiencing foreplay. You don't know what to do- and Jungkook seems to pick up on that. "You good?" He asks, and you nod.
"I.." You say, breathless as he tilts his head, smile still present on his lips. "What should I do?" You ask, as his eyes widen.
"You?" He wonders, before he stops for a moment. "Don't tell me- this is your first time?" He asks, now genuinely worried he might've gone too fast.
"No.." You admit. "But uhm.. no one's ever, like.. you know, what you're doing.." You say, and that's when it clicks for him.
What kind of guys did you date before him that never gave you any attention like this? He's upset by it, but also weirdly cheered on by that simple fact; it gives him even more reason to make sure you'll get the most out of it. "Ah, I see.." He humms out, letting another finger stretch your entrance for him. "..well, I'm not like that." He explains, before he moves, face now close to your center- and you're unsure what he's going to do. "Trust me." He says, mumbles out, before his tongue places itself flat onto your clit, licking painfully slow as you move your hands over your mouth, trying to keep your noises in. "nuh-uh baby." He scolds, free hand pulling yours away. "Let me hear you." He demands, before he places his mouth back where it was.
Your mind is completely blank at this moment, the only thing you can really concentrate on being Jungkook, working you up so quickly you feel dizzy. It's new, and it's a little weird- but it's more than anything you've ever experienced before. And it brings you towards your end so suddenly you suddenly gasp out, back arching off the mattress as you grab at the sheets below, one hand grasping for Jungkooks, who lets you ride out your high to its fullest. "So pretty." He comments after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, smiling at your blissed out state.
"Kook-" You say, moving as you sit up, less shy now that your brain is still clouded by pleasure.
"Ah- you don't have to." He tells you, but you shake your head, and he lets you. He slips out of his clothes, finally bare, and you would've taken time to look at all the different pieces of art decorating his body- if it wasn't for his cock, red and ready in front of you. Usually, you would've let your insecurities and doubts get the best of you. But this was Jungkook. And you wanted to really believe that nothing you would do could ever be judged by him. So there was no hesitation as your hands reached out for him, gently moving, before you took him in, your lips wrapping themselves around his tip, before you moved downwards, fitting as much as you comfortably could. Meanwhile, Jungkook himself was steadying himself with one hand on the mattress, while the other was buried into your hair, his own head thrown back as he closed his eyes.
Of course he had fantasized about this every now and then; but he had never thought you'd actually be comfortable doing it. And even if- nothing he could've imagined would've ever compared to the real deal happening. There was something absolutely mindblowing about the way that you handled him, your sweet and pretty presence looking so divine doing such a sinful act with him. He had to pull you off by your hair, gently, because any more, and he would've been a goner. "G-Good god baby." He chuckles, pushing you a bit so you were on your back again, reaching for his bedside table to search for a condom. "I swear to god if I- HAH!" He tells you in victory, hands making quick work of opening the foil package and wrapping the safety over his length. "I swear I would've run out butt naked to buy one if I wouldn't have found this." He says with a grin, making you laugh.
"That's weird." You comment, and he chuckles, entering you slowly as to not hurt you, his breathing labored as he still kept the lighthearted energy going.
"You think?" He asks, and you nod, giggling as your eyes close, the feeling of him filling you up too good to keep them open. "Hm no." He said breathlessly. "Would've probably put on some pants maybe." He says, before he starts thrusting. "Doesn't matter if it means I'd get to fuck you." He says, and you giggle again.
"Kook!" You scold him, and he still continues to thrust into you, exhaling forcefully as he kisses your neck.
"What?" He whines high pitched as if to imitate you.
"Be serious!" You tell him, but can't help your own smile either.
"Oh, why though?" He says. "We're making love, not war baby." He whispers into your ear, and you still laugh at it.
"I can't believe you!" You complain playfully, moaning out when he suddenly thrusts with more force, obscene noises now interrupting you two as he picks up his pace, clenching his jaw.
"And-" He starts. "I can't believe how fucking good you feel." He presses out, hand now reaching between the two of you as he brings you towards an earth-shattering orgasm, making you mewl as you can feel yourself bursting. "Good girl!" He praises, watching as you squirt all over him, his own orgasm hitting him soon after as he grunts out, finally slowing down until he stills completely, his mouth attached to your neck to place gentle kisses and teasing bites near your pulse point.
"I love you." He mumbles out, and your eyes sting.
Because yeah, you love him- you absolutely do, but hearing it from him, hearing it in such an honest and warm-hearted tone, having this final proof of his own feelings towards you, makes you emotional. "Baby, why're you crying?" He chuckles out of breath, wiping your tears as you smile, and finally look at him with glossy eyes.
"Cause I love you too." You say. "So much."
And he can't help but grin at you.
You really are the sweetest thing.
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You watch as Hana walks out of Taehyungs studio, arm wrapped up in clear foil as she walks towards your counter, pulling out her purse. "Taehyung agreed on 345." She says, until Taehyung yells another number out of his studio, making her eyes roll. She wasn't supposed to come back- but Taehyung had agreed to finish her piece at least. "Alright, here you go." She says, watching as you counted the money. "Does Jungkook work today?" She asks, and you nod. "I'm just gonna go say hi then. You can finish the receipt yeah?" She says overly sweet, and you're about to tell her that Jungkook doesn't want anyone entering without his permission, but he's already walking out his studio, black sweater and silver necklaces on full display as he walks towards you. "Jungkookie!" Hana exclaims, but her face drops almost chomically as she watches Jungkook walk up behind you, placing a kiss on your bare shoulder as he looks over it onto your screen.
"Oh, looks like I'm done for the day. You need anything Hana?" He asks innocently, one hand on your desk while the other rests on your chair behind your back.
"I- just wanted to apologize for uhm.. the emails. I didn't know you'd read them." She says, and you slowly close all programs, while Jungkooks humms out something.
"Yeah, I figured." He says, before he shakes his head. "As I said, I'm letting it go. No hard feelings." He says, shrugging, before he walks towards his studio again, stopping in his tracks for a second. "Ah, baby, can you text Jin-Hyung and ask him if we can come now? I'm actually starving I swear." He says, and you nod with red cheeks, pulling out your phone.
"Huh." Comes from Hana, as she takes the receipt from you. "I honestly.. would've never thought." She mumbles, before she simply leaves, without any more words.
Yeah. You would've honestly never thought either.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. Please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi.com/bonnykookoo. Thank you for reading.
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sixthwater · 2 years
🎟️Synastry and: the Friends IV🎟️
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I deadass forgot my childhood friend and the fact that I finally got her chart let's ignore that though
Note: This is using and based off of personal experience, I will be using specific people and referencing them throughout the post
Me & ✈️'s placements
☉: Cancer / Pisces ☽: Taurus / Libra ☿: Cancer / Pisces ♀: Cancer / Aquarius ♂: Virgo / Leo
I really can't think of any media to relate back to us, but shuri & t'challa are the closest thing really because we're both smart-asses we love venusian moons!!!!!!
Mutual Sun, Mercury & Venus in 1st House
Now, using placidus this is cutting it close because ✈️ is right on the edge of my 2nd house but I'm going to interpret it as 1st because I get more of those vibes. We both tend to support the other in whatever path we want to take, or lift the other up when we're down. I was not the popular kid in school, while she was. Our parents befriended each other since we lived across the street and that's how we met and we vibed pretty well because I knew how to leave her alone and she knew how to be 'careful' with me. So whenever she noticed me pulling away, being awkward, or heading off because of this reason (too much crowding), she would go out of her way to make sure I was comfortable and I knew she wasn't bothered by me being there and if anyone had a problem then they had a problem with her too--praising or uplifting qualities that she liked in me that she said was hard to find in others, and that I shouldn't change to make others feel comfortable. Which helped me be more confident within myself and honest, and found out that her friends (which eventually became mine) actually found that side of me funny and liked it. Meanwhile, there were dreams and passions of hers that she wanted to pursue that people usually clowned her for and she usually didn't bring them up too much unless she played along with them. However I usually just let her talk and pushed her to keep pursuing it if it made her happy and joined in the activities while sometimes joking around on what she's going to put on her resume when she applies for stuff.
*It's important to note that her Saturn is also placed within my first house as well, meaning that I can sometimes feel like I have to 'reach her level' at times (popularity and social battery). This cools down the blind worship (by paramore) and can help how I'm viewing things so I'm not tilting too far in either way.
**Special note to remember our Descendants. Hers being Capricorn and mine being Leo. She was known to always have people around her, and get along with many groups, and always have people fawning over her. Meanwhile, I had my own group of friends but I wasn't really a socialite, I could be seen as shy until you get to know me, and you could say that I took school kind of seriously minus the depression. With some generational planets being placed in her 7th, venusian moon, and an Aquarius venus, it makes sense for her to like my company. For me, I only having my rising, and it highly depends on the rest of the chart if I like Leo influenced people, so very lucky for us.
Me: Moon in 11th / ✈️: Moon in 8th
Best-friends!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm going to be honest, I don't necessarily feel the descriptor depth of the 8th overlay here for us, but then again people are very weird about the 8th house. Honestly I just appreciate this overlay for our relationship because it creates a very relaxed friend vibe? Truly we have only texted each other for holidays, or when she planned a trip when I was stuck in a shitty job and couldn't see her, but we both know if we ever needed the other for something then it's a no brainer and we would do it. There's no like, 'I'd DIE for you' feeling here but there's a bond that's been made that's not going to be broken over something small lmao. I know there's some thoughts, feelings, and incidents that other people definitely don't know about that she's trusted me with, and I've spent hours over at her house just doing absolutely nothing and never really felt bored.
Me: Mars in 4th / ✈️: Mars in 7th
Very interesting overlay. As you've read a dozen times now: we are childhood friends. So I've interacted with a good amount of her family, and when we were young adults her aunt had told me about the influence I had over a relative of hers. I also was basically adopted by their family and practically always forced to come to family events because I was family after a certain point. Interestingly enough, I'm not a very pro-active person when it comes to other people's business, unless it's like, a concern lmao. The basis here is that depending on the aspects or the native's chart themselves, if you're the Mars person and it's a 4th overlay, you can either positively impact the 4th house's family relations or really mess it up and I'm sure you'll know Immediately which one it is. As for the 7th overlay, it kinda was the same thing? No one ever second-guessed that she would be invited to anything I was hosting that would need invitation, before I even got around to figuring out how I wanted to go about it, it was just 'yeah she's coming'. It's also to be noted that she's usually the one that is visually seen as dominant from an outside perspective (we're both very chill but if we had to pick one, it'd be her), but that's about it for the 7th house.....I really don't pick up on 7th house overlays for a bitch that has a lot of them
OKAY THE FUN PART. We don't have a lot to scream about, which can attribute to why our relationship is so detached, but what is interesting is that we have a lot of creative aspects at tight degrees:
Me > ✈️
Sun Biquintile Mercury Moon Quintile Mercury Jupiter Quintile Chiron Jupiter Sextile Moon Chiron Biquintile Venus
etcetc, the rest of our aspects are about 4-5 degrees or more, or other minor aspects. Obviously we take the major aspects above these minor ones, but I just thought that, with two Venusian moons who want to follow a creative/healing path for their careers, to have these aspects between them? That's really interesting that's madly wild and I want to explore that.
I've also stated earlier before about our descendants and how we gravitated towards each other but it helps that with our natal chart and how they're working separately, it helps us navigate the waters when dealing with each other. With how I talked about my brother, we both know how to not be clingy with the other, while also showing care for each other at the same time. Sometimes less is more for certain placements or combinations.
With her Cancer rising and Pisces mercury, she can draw people in because she seems very soft and fragile, however her Aquarius venus, Leo Mars, and Cap DSC has a very big bite once she lets you in. Her Libra moon does a good job of balancing appearance and snark too, so people tend to forget that her water placements are still there and she can still get hurt. Meanwhile my Aquarius rising, Virgo mars and 6th stellium can be off putting because I don't necessarily let people in very easily and am Radiating nervous, tense energy. Plus my Saturn in 1st combined with all of that makes it seem like I'm put together and I can handle myself and I'm highly critical. Then you get underneath that and find all of my Cancer placements, Taurus moon, plus my Leo DSC, meaning that I'm just a big baby who wants attention. So with our charts already dealing with similar energies and being able to tell what the other person needs, and when, it really helps us be able to navigate our friendship a lot easier than other relationships that, on paper, should be working out. And That's Why Natal Charts Are Still Important In Synastry.
We don't really keep in contact too much, but when we do it's like we never stopped texting each other and she's still one of the first people that come to mind when I list off some of the closest people to me. ~Just Aquarius placement things~
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leejeongz · 3 years
fluffy a-z JAY (enhypen)
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requested: yes, by anon
a/n: as if i didn’t have a phat crush on him before </3 jay tunnel vision shall continue until the end of time. thanks for requesting!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
he’s very “selective” about his pda, an arm around your waist or your shoulder is enough for him and when he wants to be cute, a bop on your nose. when in private, he’s pretty much the same. he respects your personal space and doesn’t want to overstep any boundaries. when he’s “asleep” next to you though his arms MAY fall around you and start to hug you superrrr loosely :)). it’s not that he doesn’t like physical affection, he’s all for it, but he’s not sure if you are if you're not the one intitiating it. (taken from my enhypen as boyfriends post)
most of his affection is shown through endearing smiles and words of affirmation. he’s constantly staring at you with loving eyes, thinking of how he never wants the moment to end. he doesn’t say things when he doesn’t mean them, everything that comes out of his mouth is honest and sincere, when he tells you that he loves you, or that he’s proud of you, or that he’s happy to be yours, he really means it.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
jay would literally start a conversation with anyone, he just happened to start a conversation with you one day, and you both realised pretty quickly that this wasn’t just going to be a one off chat. you were laughing and joking the whole time, and it became a regular thing whenever you saw each other since your schedules often lead you both to the same place at the same time.
i think he would be such a supportive best friend :(. one who knows you better than you know yourself, one who takes the time to learn every little thing about you, one who is literally like a brother to you. jay likes to teach you things, he likes to help you when you ask or when he can see you struggling. he is someone that you can rely on and someone that will listen and help you without judging you.
you become part of his friendship group since you get along with them all so well. he likes it that way as he can spend more time with you rather than having to disappoint one to be with another.
C = Comfort (How do they comfort their partner?)
he’s so concerned whenever he sees you upset or anxious :( he just wants to let you know that it’s okay to feel that way and that he’s here to protect you, but he doesn’t want you to feel suffocated by him when you’re clearly not feeling too good.
if he saw you crying, he’d be firstly asking what’s making you upset, asking “why, why, why?” in a cute tone with a little pout on his face. he’d have you in his arms too, holding your head closer to him so that you can cry onto his sounder or onto his shirt. his main aim is just to let you know that he’s there and that he’s all yours in that moment. after you’ve told him what was making you feel so upset, he’d either try to make a joke of the situation if it’s not that serious, or he’d help you come up with a realistic solution to your problem. he’d probably let out a lot of sympathy noises too, little “hmms” and “awws” because he wants you to know that he’s listening and hopefully you feel comforted by that.
if your ever feeling anxious, jay just wants you to know that he understands. he’s willing to help you in any way he possibly can (within reason) and helps you to push yourself whenever you’re feeling confident enough to do so without taking things too far. he always tells you how proud he is of you and how you’re doing so great. he wouldn’t laugh at you or try to make you feel silly for your anxieties and worries, however bizarre and foreign they may be to him, he actively tries to understand and sometimes researches more, not forgetting to tell you that you’re not alone.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How about kids? Marriage? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
i mean, we all know he’s good at cooking! he likes to show off his culinary skills for you whenever he can and would rather have a home cooked meal over a takeaway too. he also likes the house to be clean and tidy, but whoever makes the mess should clean it of course, and he’s not afraid to complain when you leave a room with it looking like a pigsty.
settling down is a very very big thing for jay. he won’t think about it lightly. the relationship has to be special, he knows when the right time to settle down is and which person is the right person, he won’t rush into it with just anyone.
i don’t think he’d care for marriage to be honest. as long as he knows that you love him and that you know that he loves you, that’s all the matters, you don’t need a certificate or a ceremony for that. in the future, jay probably wants to have kids, just 1, maybe 2, but it’s not so important that he’d break off the relationship if you didn’t want to have kids.
E = Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
he really wants it to be equal. he doesn’t want to feel like either of you have more power than/over the other. you don’t have to act in accordance with anything that he says and his doesn’t have to act in accordance with what you say, you may be in a relationship but you’re still two separate people and should be seen as that. so, for that reason, he doesn’t want a dominant/submissive (passive (?)) relationship with you in everyday life, he just wants you both to feel like you are your own people.
F = Feelings (How did the confession go down?)
he would get SO nervous whenever he thought about confessing to you, his hands would get all sweaty and clammy and he’d go completely silent. but, saying that, he is also rather excited to confess, because that’s one step closer to being yours <3. if it didn’t come out by accident, i.e him just spewing out “because i like you” after you asked him why he teased you, i think he’d do it in a rather meaningful way. just the two of you, alone, (so that you can kiss him if you want to hehe), maybe even buy you a small little gift and hands it to you while telling you how much you mean to him.
G = Giggle (What makes him laugh?)
when you compliment him. oh gosh this boy goes all blush and giggly when you compliment him, especially when you’re in the dating phase.
when you give someone a deserved shouting at. watching you stand up for yourself makes him overwhelmed with pride, but he can’t help but laugh at the person you’re giving the grief to, just because of how tiny and small you’re making them look.
when you wear his clothes for the first time. of course, you look cute, but the mismatch of items really makes him laugh, he just has to let it out while engulfing you in a hug.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
aww jay is definitely a back hugger. coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and waddling around aimlessly with your back pressed against his chest. sometimes he says nothing at all, he just appreciates you and your complaints of how he’s distracted you. other times, he just asks about your day, general small talk really, before walking to bed with you to cuddle and chat some more.
less frequently, he’ll give in and hug you normally, resting his chin on your shoulder and smiling, wondering why he doesn’t do it more often. as he pulls away, he places a gentle kiss on your forehead and tells you that he loves you, or that he’s missed you while he’s been working.
I = Instant (Do they believe in love at first sight?)
claims that he doesn’t because he thinks it’s shallow to base your feelings off of just someone’s appearance. he’s a little confused as to how you can fall in love with someone just by seeing their face, not even talking to them ?
actually, he does believe in it, he just needed to experience it to know. the aura and vibes that you give off attracts him to you in that moment. he feels a connection without even having to talk to you, he just knows that there is something there.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
he kind of loves it when he sees that people are interested in you. like yeah you’re hot, but you’re also all his, and he’s gonna show them hehe. he’d be all over your like a rash, kissing you delicately so that you don’t get suspicious or feel uncomfortable, or resting his hand on your lower back to let everyone know that they can’t have you.
if he sees you talking to a guy, he’s not gonna get pressed about it. he’s not going to ask you millions of questions about what you were talking about and who he is or whatnot, he actually loves seeing you smile from across the room and he doesn’t care who it is that is making you smile so yeah.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
shoulder ❗️ kisses ❗️ when he’s spooning you while you’re sleeping. when he senses someone is interested in you in public he’ll just stand behind you and kiss your shoulder. god he’s so cute without even realising BYE. (taken from my enhypen as boyfriends post). he also likes to kiss your hand, prince charming, eat your heart out.
he likes to initiate kisses, all of them. he smiles as he leans in, his tongue pushing against the back of his teeth making his smile more radiant. he starts with a few tiny little pecks, reaching for your head whether you’re sitting or standing. the kiss naturally deepens and his body language mimics yours. when you kiss, you truly become one. kisses like this are heated, but don’t happen all that often.
L = Love Confession (How fast do they say the L-word?)
saying the L word is a very big deal to him, he really has to be in love, and he has to have been in love for a while before he can say it.
honestly, before he actually said it, he’d been thinking about it for days. every time he looked at you, he wanted to say it. you were talking to him, but he wasn’t concentrating on what you were saying, even if he really did look like it. you finished your sentence and almost immediately after you did so, jay said it, those three words. he was so content that he’d said it too, a small smile appearing on his face which grew bigger the more he thought about it.
M = Memory (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the time you bought matching rings for you and him! he remembers you dropping off the small gift bag at his door a few days after you’d been shopping with your friends. he opened it up to find a black ring with a moon shape carved of it, and a picture of your hand wearing the matching ring. he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t cry, scurrying back to his room to put it on straight away. he’d constantly be fidgeting with it, spinning it around his finger and thinking about you as he does so. when you two were together, he’d bring up the rings a lot, he would never be able to get over how cute they were, but he’d always be a little bummed out that you were too shy to give it to him in person.
N = No (What's their pet peeve?)
dirtiness. leaving a mess anywhere. just clean it up if you can, stop relying on him to always pick things up when you leave them lying around. he can sometimes tolerate it, but it builds up to the point where he has to complain about it because it’s getting too much.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their significant other?)
green. sage green particularly.
everything with you is so natural and fresh. you were such a new character when you came into his life, you were and still are like no one that he’s ever met before. he felt he could trust you and be himself around you instantly. you bring him comfort even though you’re someone that he’s never seen before.
P = Petnams (What pet names do they call their other half?)
baby, babygirl/babyboy, honey, sweetheart, prince/princess all that good stuff.
his favourite name to call you, though, is darling. especially when you two are alone, he thinks “darling” is so much more classy, intimate and loving, which perfectly describes your relationship.
he also calls you beautiful a lot (because that’s what u are hehe). that’s more so for when he’s asking you a question, though, especially when he’s buying something for you. “do you want this, beautiful?” ahh he’s so cute :(
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he doesn’t have to remember, he just knows. knowing things about you is like knowing things about himself, he’s always ready and prepared for you to quiz him on anything because there’s no way that he can be wrong about it. even the stuff that you mention just briefly, he knows it. he’s also a very good judge of character, i think, so some things you don’t even have to tell him, he just knows.
oh and he LOVES to tell other people too. you’re his favourite topic of conversation, he could talk about you for hours and never run out of positive things to say.
R = Rainy day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
he doesn’t really care about the rain, he would just get on with his day as usual if he could. but not everyone wants to go out when it’s pouring down and he appreciates that so,,, did someone say karaoke??? he’s gonna be belting out high notes and rapping like his life depends on it. even if you’re not the usual type to join in, something about his energy makes you wanna get up and dance.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
you're his pride and joy, he’s going to do everything in his power to protect you. he believes that you can protect yourself, of course he does, and he doesn’t want to hurt you more than the thing he’s protecting you from, but he’s ready to intervene when he senses that things aren’t going as they should be.
if he can tell that you’re getting uncomfortable by someone’s presence, he’ll confront them and ask them to give you some space. he can get a little loud and aggressive with it when necessary too because no one should be made to feel like that.
it’s quite clear that jay isn’t the controlling type of boyfriend and so you don’t have to be worried about him being possessive. although he’d appreciate it if you told him where you’re going, just for his own peace of mind that should something happen to you, he at least knows where to find you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
okay so i see jay as the type of guy who cares more for memories than materialistic things, so that would definitely be reflected in the gifts he gives too. would probably book a vacation for the pair of you, or a spa day for you or something along those lines for your birthday or big anniversaries. also for your birthday, he likes to write you handwritten letters every year, detailing how grateful he is to have you by his side and how proud he is of the person you are today. saying all that though, for 100 days together, he did buy you a giant teddy which he noticed you kept propped up on your desk chair. he even named it for you too :((.
dates with jay are really chill and relaxed during the day. they mostly consist of shopping or watching a movie at home and are very much “at your own pace”. he likes that you can both just be yourselves, especially when you are only in that dating phase, as he feels he can get to know you better. he loves to please you too!! he’d rather do something that you enjoy, even if he doesn’t particularly enjoy the activity himself, because he gets to see you smile <33. more intense dates usually come in the form of dinner dates, where you dress up and have a sit down meal somewhere. he puts in a heck of a lot of effort into these, he’ll be planning and arranging things for days before because he really wants to impress you (which of course, he does). he brushes up on his knowledge of the food that is on the menu and on the correct etiquette for the date because that’s really important to him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he loves to game. he has games on his phone, on his pc, on the tv, just about everything he owns, he can game on. so sometimes you get ignored if he’s gaming :(. he’d LOVE LOVE LOVE if you joined in, or if you asked questions or what not, but when he’s in the zone, he’s there for a good while and you just cannot seem to get him out of it. (call jungwon to turn his game off if necessary ❗️he’s experienced and willing)
V = Vulnerability (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he doesn’t want to tell you things too soon. he doesn’t want you to use them against him and hurt him just as he’s starting to fall for you. but he understands that the only way that things can develop is by telling you more and more about himself. i think you’d have to start it off, telling him some of the things that have shaped you into the person you are today, before he starts listing off the hardships that he’s had to endure in order to get to where he is now.
by the time you’re in a relationship, he trusts you completely. you know things about each other that no one else, not even the people closest to you, know.
W = Why (Why do they love their partner?)
you make him feel wanted, like he has a purpose, a role to play. when he feels like giving up, you’re there to help him back onto his feet. you give him a reason to do everything he wants to do and more. you appreciate him in ways that no one else has ever done, made him feel things that no one has ever made him feel, you’re someone he’s never had in his life before, and he loves you for it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
boyfriend jay gives you the best massages, out of the blue. when he sees you sat at his gaming chair, his hands immediately come to massage your shoulders. when you lie with your feet on his lap while sitting on the couch, he starts massaging them gently while you watch tv. just as you got done working out, he’s be there with a nice ice cold bath already run and some spa music playing in the background while he rubs your thighs and calves. he knows he’s good at them and puts his skill to good use whenever he can :D.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, but other people love in a relationship?)
engaging in constant pda. just yuck, he wants his own space and he doesn’t understand how you can’t want yours either. he wants to eat and drink without you latched onto his arm, and he wants to be able to stand in line without needing to hug you or vice versa. it’s not that he doesn’t want to show off your relationship, he just doesn’t think that PDA necessary all the time.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
sleeping with his eyes open lmao. kinda creepy but you know he can’t help it, he doesn’t even know that he’s doing it so 🤷🏻‍♀️.
to conclude, jay, this is an official proposal pls be our bestie/boyf
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bangtangalicious · 2 years
Freeze 🛑 You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful
heyyy how're you??? i hope you're fine :) <333333333333
hi <3 this is so nice omg thank you!! im swamped in my new internship but hanging in there, but i have been trying to write more and get yall your well overdue updates lmaoooo
i wrote all this out then realized i am supposed to send the message to them not shout them out but i already wrote this so here we go LMAO
@everybias - constantly sending me really sweet and nice thoughts and hyping me up! i appreciate you so much you have no idea. alsOOOO go check out their new fic if i cant have you linked HERE ! its a sexy, sneaky little jimin yandere and i knowww yall love that
@yoongsisbae - one of the best writers on the app like, DAMN. peep caught! house of cards for realllll and also just a constant sweetheart and huge support :)
@smasmashie - just the absolute sweetest, writing style is actual GOALS like the way they do suspense is phenomenal and ugh just brilliant on brilliant works. i reread house of serpents weekly. its fine. <3
@scribblemetae - same holy shitttt ^ you needy jungkook readers out there would absolutely love any of their fics. also such a sweetheart and truly an honor to have been noticed by them. some of my FAVORITES and the hottest smut around
@pinkcherrybombs - so FREAKING sweet always hyping me up and making me feel better as i continue to internally berate myself hahaha i dont deserve you, youre amazing <333 and thank you for everything <3 you make me smile always :)
@jjungkookislife - continues to drop BANGER after BANGER fics you can never go wrong and also they are just really sweet and i love just kinda reading their other posts/asks too just great vibes all around
koosbabygrl deleted their acc but they were dope too :,) <3
@blackswan7x - who introduced me to gotham which is a FANTASTIC show that i love and beta reads my chaotic indecisive drafts and someone who really gets me and is such a huge part of why i know i gotta deliver a banging death valley ending soon LMAO
anyways THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHH you are awesome and dope and i hope youre loving life, listening to YTC and vibing :) ily
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singtotheskiies · 3 years
“how are you so perfect?!” // karl jacobs fluff alphabet
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a/n: the mcyt brainrot continues so i am coping with the fluffiest karl hcs my brain can summon,,,,,,, i am affection-starved send help please
summary: a look into the abcs of dating the one and only sweetheart karl jacobs!!! (fluff alphabet template by @snk-warriors)
activities - what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
karl loves doing literally anything and everything with you; he just loves your presence and company so much!! whether it’s late-night target runs, playing minecraft together, or just collapsing into your arms after a long, late-night stream, being with you instantly lifts his mood.
beauty - what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
while karl appreciates and adores everything about you, i can definitely see him being a sucker for your eyes. he loves how they sparkle in certain lights, how big and happy they are when you’re looking at him, how they crinkle when you laugh, and how your pretty eyelashes flutter against your cheeks when the two of you cuddle. he often finds himself getting all blushy when you guys maintain prolonged eye contact:)))) i think he’d also love your hands and shoulders too!!
comfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
karl is no stranger to anxiety and is incredibly empathetic. the combination of these two things makes him the BEST person to have around when you’re not feeling good. if you’re sad, he’ll instinctively know just what to do to put a smile on your face again. he’ll crack stupid jokes or put on music and dance with you—anything to make you happy. if you’re anxious, he’ll talk softly to you and, if you’re feeling up to it, will hold you so you can safely come down from your panicking. he’ll definitely cradle the back of your head with his hand as he holds you close, just breathing with you.
dreams - how do they picture their future with their s/o?
karl is definitely the type to fall hard relatively quickly in a relationship. thinking about the future is sometimes scary for him, but with you in the picture, he finds it less threatening—beautiful, even. he doesn’t know exactly how he wants everything to turn out, but he does know that he wants you by his side through all of it.
equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
equality in a relationship is INCREDIBLY important to karl. he respects you so much and wants to make sure that your opinions and ideas are heard. the two of you 100% thrive on mutual communication and input.
fight - would they forgive their s/o easily? how do they fight?
i don’t see karl as the type to get upset easily; he’s pretty chill and is very forgiving since he hates conflict. i can see the odd argument popping up if he’s tired or stressed and accidentally snaps at you, but he’d be clinging to you five minutes later and begging for forgiveness (which, of course, you can’t resist giving him—he has an unfair amount of cute privilege).
gratitude - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
karl is sweetie #1 and never fails to appreciate the people in his life (or let them know). you could get him a monster from the fridge and he’ll literally pepper your face with kisses while chanting “thank you thank you thank you” like you just saved his life or something. he’s such a cutie and never fails to show you just how much he appreciates everything you do:)))
honesty - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
as i said before, karl thrives on communication. however, he’s often hesitant to tell you when he’s feeling down or upset. even though he knows you probably wouldn’t mind, he doesn’t want to drag you down or burden you with his problems. his tell for feeling down is getting really quiet, so if you notice this, a few gentle questions will get him to open up to you. he’s working on being more open because you always help him feel so much better!!
inspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? ex: trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
without a doubt, you have both changed each other for the better!! he’s helped you appreciate the little things and the quiet companionship that so many people take for granted. he’s also been a huge constant and has helped you through tough times. you’ve been a huge calming-yet-brilliant force for him and have taught him that good things always come in time. y’all are really an unstoppable pair and mean so much to the other!!
jealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
karl doesn’t get jealous as much as he gets insecure. if he’s feeling uncomfortable, he’ll just get super quiet. after all, who is he to stop you from having fun?? maybe you’re better off with this person in the moment,,,, anyway, you’ll have to make it up to him with a cuddle session and reassuring him about how much you love him between soft head kisses:)))
kiss - are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
karl’s kisses are LOVELY—soft and sweet with his hands gently cupping your cheek or jaw or even holding your own. he just loves being able to feel you and be close to you. the first kiss probably happened during a cuddle session—he would just be so caught up in your presence and softness and scent that his face would move closer to yours without him even trying. you’d make soft, shy eye contact for a brief moment before his mouth met yours. help he’s so cute ajcividiahhdjfd
love confession - how would they confess to their s/o?
god, he’s SUCH a cheeseball—he’d either do it on your birthday, delivered with a shy smile and giant bouquet, or just blurt it out of nowhere at 2am while the two of you are tired and slap-happy out of your minds. either way, he says it with such hushed reverence that your heart forgets how to work for a few minutes. so many kisses after;))))
marriage - do they want to get married? how would they propose? what would the marriage be like?
like i said earlier, karl can get a bit overwhelmed when thinking about the future. however, he does know that he wants the utter joy you bring him every day to keep going. he likes the idea of a small, pretty wedding with the people you’re closest with, but he’s also fine with just enjoying what you have. as long as he gets to be with you he’s happy:)))
nicknames - what do they call their s/o?
i get the vibe that he’d call you by your first initial or “baby” when he wants to be more casual (but he somehow imbues “baby” with so much meaning,,,,, hhhh). uses “sweetie” sometimes and also “honey” after you’ve been in a relationship for a while. basically just uses the absolute CUTEST names,,, they come naturally to him bc he loves you so much:’))
on cloud nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their feelings?
it is PAINFULLY obvious that karl’s in love with you. he’s always gushing about you to his mr. beast and minecraft friends, so full of fond stories that everyone groans at so much of a mention of your name (everyone secretly thinks it’s adorable tho). the two of you have had so many people compliment you on how cute of a couple you are—your joking, fond chemistry is palpable.
pda - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?
while it’s common knowledge karl’s love language is physical touch, he’s always considerate of your boundaries while the two of you are around others. he’ll likely keep pda to hand holding and an arm slung comfortably over your shoulder. it’s just enough to let you feel each other without being too clingy.
quirk - a random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
karl is super unselfish—meaning his closet, nail polish—and yes, even his prized monster energy drinks—are also yours. he truly believes that sharing is caring, and it makes him incredibly happy when you’re wearing one of his iconic sweaters or giving him a grateful smile as he hands you half of his taco bell order.
romance - how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
karl is a complete angel and always puts others first, meaning he’s an absolute GOD when it comes to romance. he’s always laughing and joking with you, and he never runs out of fun things for the two of you to do. at the beginning of your relationship, he’ll stick to the tried-and-true formulas of giant teddy bears, chocolate, and shared sweaters. as he gets to know you better, though, he’ll take pride in giving you super personal gifts and crafting special date nights he knows you’ll love. he’s the absolute sweetest:’’))
support - do they help their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
karl is your biggest fan first and your boyfriend second. he never fails to cheer you on every step of the way and remind you just how incredible you are when you’re struggling. he truly believes you can do anything—he is an angel. an ANGEL.
thrill - do they need to try out new things to spice out their relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
the two of you have a happy, comfortable rhythm in your relationship. however, you guys definitely try things together. watching a new cartoon, trying a quirky restaurant, or doing weird challenges with each other on stream never feels too much like stepping out of your comfort zone since the two of you are so in sync. even if something backfires, you’ve got the safety net of the other person to catch you.
understanding - how well do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
karl has incredible amounts of emotional and interpersonal intelligence. he believes in the innate dignity and beauty of all people, and LOVES getting to know every single bit of who you are. he’s completely committed to you, and is the perfect person to help you with whatever you’re going through.
value - how important is the relationship to them? what is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he considers your relationship to be the best part of his life. you’ve been with him through so much, and looking back, it’s incredibly clear just how much your presence in his life has changed him for the better. he loves you so much!!!!!
wild card - a random fluff headcanon.
karl often rants happily on and on about his newest cartoon or gaming obsession while the two of you are cuddling. he’s just so cute, and more often than not you’ll end up kissing all over his freckled cheeks and soft hair. he melts into you like a cat and the two of you just breathe the other in with pure contentment:))))) send help y’all are so cute:))))
xoxo - are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
this goes without saying, but karl is a cuddlebug supreme. if you’re not super into cuddling, he’ll understand but try and ease you into it so that he can love you the way he really wants to!! copious amounts of cuddles, kisses, and affection are central to his ideal relationship.
yearning - how do they cope when they’re missing their partner?
poor karl gets so lonely without you!! you’ll facetime him when you’re gone for even a night, and he’ll pick up wearing one of your sweatshirts. “miss me that much??” you tease, and he can only nod and pout. expect millions of wish you were heres and miss you babys and can’t wait to hug u agains spam texted to you. lots of snapchats of him giving puppy dog eyes to the camera and cuddling stuffed animals will also be sent. he can’t help it—he just adores you and is constantly pouting until you’re back.
zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what will they do?
you’re karl’s everything, and he’ll do anything to make sure that your relationship is happy, healthy, and beneficial for both of you. thankfully, though, he’s such a sweetheart that making sure things are running smoothly isn’t much of a task at all!!
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spectral-musette · 2 years
Replying to some more anons re: the previous answered ask in one post:
Okay buckle in for the Compliments, this is a Lot, and I am Overwhelmed.
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Thank you very much for being supportive and making the effort to reach out and be kind. I do really appreciate it even if I am not feeling at all worthy of some of the things that were said. Please tell me if I can draw something for you sometime. <3
"Every character you draw looks the same" anon is entitled to their opinion. They can dislike my art regardless of their own skill level. Sometimes you just don't vibe with somebody's stuff. That's fine.
I have been posting Star Wars fanart on Tumblr for about 7 years now, so there's probably a fair amount circulating around people's dashes sometimes and I imagine that gets irritating if someone really doesn't like it. But ... truly, if my stuff is just annoying someone that much, I would hope that they would just blacklist my username or straight up block me. That way, if they think my art is overrated, they don't have to see it, they don't have to see other people saying nice things about it. If folks are seeing it on platforms other than Tumblr, I didn't post it there, so that's out of my hands, sorry.
This is not to say that my art is above critique. I know I have lots of room to improve! But when I want constructive criticism, I will seek it out from people that I know and trust.
Thankfully, most of the anon messages I've gotten over the years have been kind, so I'm still accepting anons in the ask box for now.
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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