#i came back in to find my dad had come home and put fish and chips in the oven so once i stop sneezing im winning again
golden1u5t · 5 months
you're too sweet for me | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: angst?
ꨄ summary: spencer is your dad's best friend and you're fresh out of college. what happens when he's innocently picking you up from a night out with your friends turns into a heartbreak?
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"i didn't really have that much to drink, you know." you held onto spencer's arm as he guided you out of the bar, you leaned into him when the cold, crisp air of the night hit you. "i wasn't ready to leave yet."
"well, you called me." he grumbled, moving his arm and wrapping it around your waist to help stabilize you better. he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy the feeling of his arms around you and you curled into his side.
spencer fished his car keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car, letting go of you momentarily so that he could open the passenger door. you pulled his jacket from around you and sat down in the car, spencer leaning in after you and buckling you up. he knows you were more than capable of buckling yourself in so he wasn't sure why he did it for you. maybe it was an unconscious feeling of wanting to take care of you, he wasn't sure.
you could smell his cologne and whatever shampoo he used on his hair with how close he was, but he stood up straight and closed the door before you could make out the smell of it. a few seconds later he was in the driver's seat cranking up the car.
"you could've called my dad. if i didn't know any better i'd think you actually cared for me." you smile at him and turn your body towards him. you don't think you would've been so bold if you hadn't been drinking but you had the drinks to blame for anything you might be bold enough to finally say to him.
"good thing you know better." spencer let out a scoff and glanced over at you, his eyes meeting your wide and hopeful ones for a brief moment before he was focusing back on the road.
for the entirety of the drive to your apartment you talked about any and everything that came to your mind and spencer listened to you the entire time without interrupting. when you got to your complex, spencer walked you up to your apartment to make sure you got in safe.
"will you be okay for the rest of the night?" spencer asked as you pulled your key out of the lock and stepped inside your home, he was still standing in the hallway with his hands in his pockets.
"yeah, i think ill probably watch a movie or something." you set your bag down on the floor and placed your keys on one of the hooks on the wall, turning around to find him still on the outside. "you're not coming in?"
"¡ don't think that's a good idea." spencer pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. he's only been in your apartment once and that was when he was helping your dad move your furniture in. to him, going into your apartment with you alone would be crossing some line between him and your dad.
you could only roll your eyes at him. you and spencer had only really had a few real conversations since he'd became friends with your dad and every time he always acted like it was a chore to engage in conversation, like you weren't a full grown adult.
*i'm my own person, spencer, aside from being your friends daughter-oh, and not to mention a full grown adult— and i think we could really be-*
in the midst of your ranting spencer had taken a step forward, and you didn't even realize until his hands were on your face and his lips were on yours. you hadn't had time to properly react and before you had the chance to kiss back he was pulling away from you.
"that was- i was so out of line." he let out a groan as he ran his hands over his face, he took a step back so he wasn't inside your apartment anymore. your eyes were wide with confusion as you took a step closer to him but spencer quickly put his hand out in front of him to stop you from getting any closer.
"spencer, i don't think-"
"no, you're young and naive and- and so full of life, not to mention your dad is my best friend, we're polar opposites. it was wrong of me to do that and i'm sorry." spencer rushed out. you weren't able to get another word in before he was gone down the hallway.
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Painter Baby pt.2
Pairing- Sully family x Sully!reader
Summary- After moving in with the Meykayina it was hard living your work behind and when you finally find another muse, but what are you supposed to do after you get shot?
Warnings- getting shot, blood, I think that's it lmk if it's not
Pt.1 Pt.2
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"We have to leave." When the words left your father's mouth it was like a piece of your soul chipped away. You had to leave your home, your life's work what were you to do? Start over you have years of work here. You felt like you should just turn into a puddle and just evaporate but you couldn't. For your families sake you put a happy and calm face on.
You traveled for many days and Manny nights, through rain and through shine. It was a rough and tiresome journey but you finally made it. Your father was leading you to a strange land, you traveled over a beautiful ocean and then you saw a island many people saw you and surrounded you as you got off of your banshee. It was uncomfortable to have so many eyes in your before. Your father put your hands up to show he means no harm your brother Neteyam mirroring his actions. You watched your mother and her suspicious expression.
Your father had a conversation with the Olo'eyktan of this clan and the Tsahik came and interrogated your family said you would be weak and slow in the water, she said you had demon blood. And then your mother hisses at her and it seemed they had a dominance battle who would back down first. Your father stepped in before it escalated. And it was decided that you would stay there learn the way of water. You had to learn to adapt your father said. "Sully's stick together." Was what he said before you and your siblings to your first lesson.
Tsireya and her brother taught you how to 'breath' it took a while but you got the hang of it. "How about we free dive we can show you the beauty that the Great mother blessed the water with." A boy named Rotxo suggested. Everyone agreed but your eyes were glued on the way the rocks reflected the water creating ripple like shapes on the rock. Lo'ak tugged at your tail making you yelp and you it that. "What did dad say about pulling my tail." You say pinching him hard on his arm. "Ow, It's the only way I could get your attention come on we're free diving." He said and you only rolled your eyes getting up and jumping in behind them.
You kick your arms and legs to get deeper and farther into the water. Everyone seemed to be trying to figure where to go first, but you didn't have that kind of patience. Slowly you drifted farther from them swimming with a school of fish, and then it was as if Eywa herself led you here it was beautiful. So many colors of coral, different sea creatures played and mingled around the plants you've never seen before. So caught up with the beauty in Pandora you hadn't noticed the other teens coming towards you. Your hand caressed a pink tinted coral and then Lo'ak reaches out for you and you turn around and roll your eyes as you swim upward.
Cat hing your breath you smile as you swim toward the shore. "Y/N! Where you going?" Lo'ak called out and you stood out of the water. "I just remembered something I have to do!" You yelled back running to your mauri running past your mother and father. You grab your bag and take a little box that sat under the pillow in your hammock. It had multiple painting colors and leaf made brushes. You shoved it into your bag and ran back to your the beach. Your parents only watched as your ran back and forth. "Think shes up to something." Jake asked. "Most likely." Neytiri replied.
You hopped into your ilu and rode out far, farther than you've went with anyone and you found the perfect spot for your new studio. It was a medium sized cave it had smaller humps of rocks you could paint and the walls inside were smooth it was perfect, absolutely perfect. And you sat all the paints down along with the brushes and your hands just started there magic. You painted the coral and all the beauty the water around them held it had been several hours and you didn't realize to caught up in your art work. Only stopping when you realized it was getting to dark for you to see.
"Damn it." You whisper to yourself you used the last bit of light that was left to do the last stroke of paint you needed to finish it. You stared at it, it had been the first time you painted since you left home and it was amazing all the stress from learning a new way of life kind of just washed right out of you as you painted.
You left the art supplies there deciding that this would be your new studio. Jumping into your ilu and connecting to her you ride back to Awa'atlu. You hopped off and washed your hands off in the water, jogging to the mauri your father was standing outside. Giving him a cheeky smile you wave. "And where were you." It was more of a statement than a question really. "Oh um just looking around lost track of time." You reply, you could have told them about your new art cave but painting is the only time you can be yourself and not feel judged so you kept it on the down low.
Everyday two hours before Eclipse you would sneak off into the cave and you let you mind and hands run wild with the paint. And as time went on your the artwork on the walls and rocks of the cave grew and grew and so did your talent. Everything was perfect, until it wasn't.
The same people who made you and your family flee your home had found you once more and they had Lo'ak, Tsireya, Kiri, and Tuk. Hearing they had your siblings it made your heart stop, the blood in your veins froze. Your father had gathered the clan and was getting ready to attack but you had a plan you put in motion. The man who's man was Quaritch held a gun to your brothers head as he talked to your father over the microphone. ''Sacrafice yourself to save all these people that's all you have to do Jake.'' He said and your fathers face had a look od defeat as you saw him come closer, was he actually going to do it?
But before you could think a creature came from the water it looked like a Tulkun but it didn't have a fin and then it clicked Lo'ak bonded with Payakan he was protecting his soul brother. He flipped over onto the ship some of the soldiers flipped overboard others got crushed under him and some barely got away. You jumped onto the boat and Tuk squealed, ''Y/N!'' You put a finger up to your lip telling her to be quieter and she shook her head.
You cut everyone loose and as you cut Lo'ak loose you laughed. ''Who's the mighty warrior now?'' You joked and he only laughed. You ushered them in front of you as they went deeper into the ship finally finding a way out. And Lo'ak picked a gun up, ''Do you even know how to use that?'' You ask picking one up as he did. ''Yes.'' He rolled his eyes and then before Kiri and Tuk could jump they were snatched by the one and only Miles Quaritch. Tsireya fought to get them out of his arms but he was to strong and he pushed her back.
He held up a gun and shot, you yelped feeling a pericing pain through your shoulder and down your arm. You and Lo'ak fell into the water Lo'ak cheered.
You could barely hold yourself up in the water, ''Lo'ak I-I was hit.'' was all you could say before dipping back into the water. ''Oh shit I got you Y/N just stay a float.'' He said grabbing your uninjured arm as Tsireya gently held your injured arm wrapping it around their neck helping you swim to the rock your father and Neteyam were on.
''S-she was hit.'' Lo'ak said as he watched your chest cave in with every breath you took, he scared- no petreified. Was he going to lose his big sister? Neteyam dropped next to you he patted your face keeping you awake barely as he puts pressure on your wound. ''Your other sisters where are they?'' Jake asked gripping your hand to let you know he was there, but you were slipping in and out of consciousness. ''T-the boat.'' was all Lo'ak could say. Neytiri landed and she saw your body and the blood leaking from you.
''Neytiri we have to go they have the girls.'' Lo'ak stood up ready to follow his father before Jake pointed at him. ''You are not coming, you've done enough.'' he said eyes glancing to you. ''Get her back to Ronal she will help.'' Neytiri said before getting on her banshee riding to the boat. Lo'ak jumped into the water. "W-what are you doing Lo'ak." She cried as your eyes shot open and cried in pain. "I have to help."
"No..." Was all she said before Neteyam dragged you to his ilu. "Let him go we have to get her back."
And Ronal saved you, for the most part. You wouldn't have movement in you arm for a few weeks if not a month, and having said that you couldn't be left unattended in case the leaf wrap she used as bandages ripped you could get infections, deadly infections. Your father put you on lockdown in the marui and someone was always by your side.
Until Lo'ak was asked to go get something for your father and you were finally alone. You just wanted to paint, it was your safe space so now you find yourself looking around to make sure no was around and you jogged towards the ilus.
"Y/N Sully where in Eywa's name do you think you're going?" You hear your father's seen voice behind you as you hop off the ilu you just mounted. You rolled your eyes as you drag yourself from the shallow water and next to your father. "No where now." You whisper walking back to the marui. Jake knew where you wanted to go, well he didn't know exactly where but he knew you found somewhere to paint, he knew you felt at peace in your art studio but he couldn't let you go he doesn't know what to do, he doesn't want you to be miserable. But he also doesn't want his baby girl to get hurt.
So here he sits watching you look out at the ocean of the window opening of the marui as he cuts up some fruit. And then he got an idea. "Hey baby girl I need to go do something I'll be back please stay." He said waiting for your response before he leaves. "Okay." You say only looking at the ocean. He sharply inhales before walking out.
He stepped over to the men and women who gathered wood for communal dinners. "Hey! Hey, could I have some of these bark pieces, like the flat ones?" He asked two of them looked at him questionably, before gathering five or six of them and handing them to the older man. He tilts his head down before going to the beach sitting down on the warm sand.
He used the dull side of his knife he sanded down the rough side of the flat piece of bark in his lap. He did this to all of the barks he picked them up. And then Neteyam caught his eye, "Neteyam!" He yelled out and Neteyam turned around jumping up and running to his father. "Yes father?" He asked looking at the bark and the wood chippings around his feet. "Do you know how to make that paint that Y/N uses?" Jake asked his eldest son.
Neteyam pondered for a minute and then he remembered. "Yeah she taught me how to make it one day let's get some plants." Neteyam said going to the buses that grew around the place. "Okay so we need this one, this one, and this one." Neteyam whispered to himself as he plucked a red, blue, and purple flowers. He picked a few other colored flowers putting them in his bag. "Here you go all you do is smash them into powder and mix it with hox tree maple and you should be good." Neteyam instructed Jake handing him the bag of flowers. "Thank you son." He replied patting his shoulder.
"No problem, I got to go I promised Tul I'd take her to Three Brothers Island." Neteyam said as he jogged to his little sister who had been yelling his name for the past fifteen minutes.
The Jake did as Neteyam told him.
He grabbed a pot and first started to smash the red flowers up into a fine powder, and then he mixed the hox tree maple into the dust mixing it in until it created a paint like consistency, then he grabbed a small wooden box and filled it with the paint and put the wooden lid on top of it.
It took him a while but he finally made all of them putting them in their own little boxes. He put them all into a bigger box along with the wooden canvas he made. He picked the box up and walked towards the Marui stepping inside he looks at you, you hadn't moved since he left. "Hey baby I got you something." He said you turned your body as his paint covered hands put the box down in front of you. You looked inside and your face contoured into one of happiness and tears in your eyes.
He saw the tears and worry washed over him, "Oh my god did I do something wrong I'm sorry if I did I can take it back." He said reaching for the box not wanting to upset you. But instead of crying with a frown you have a soft smile on your face touching his hand and shaking your head. "I love it, thank you." You say wiping the tears from your face and then you see his arms covered in multiple colors of paint. "You hands." You laugh and he turns them over. "What? I think look very artistic don't you think?" He jokingly asked and you burst into laughter shaking your head up and down.
After a while the laughter died down, you picked up a canvas and opened the multitude of blues he made. "I'm glad you like it now I'll let you be-"
"No!" You yelled making him sit back down. "I haven't done a portrait in a while so now you get to be my victim." You laugh and he lets a chuckle out as you begin to outline his face. He watches how focused you are and that smile he has wanted to see for so many weeks now has finally came back.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 1 month
Insatiable Desire
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Uncle Ezra x f!reader
Warnings: Feelings 😬 , small mention of ice cream and gummy worms, somno, p in v, uhh that’s mostly it. Not edited or beta’d. All mistakes are mine.
Wc: 1680ish
When you woke up a couple hours later, he was already long gone. Your own emotions all jumbled. You find yourself cuddling your pillow, longing for it to be him. You can still smell his scent on your bed sheets. As badly as you wanna give in to him and your emotions, you know you’ve gotta stop this now. You can’t go getting attached to your Uncle Ezra. He’s an like an uncle to you for gods sake. He should be teaching you how to fish or roasting you for your choices in boyfriends and fashion. Not fucking you and ruining you for any other man.
‘Ugghhh I’m so going to hell. What the fuck am I doing?? Falling for my uncle?! Jesus Christ I’m a sick fuck.’ You think as you finally roll out of bed, collecting your shorts as you put them on to go down the street to the convenient store. You are gonna drown your emotions in some delectable cookies and cream ice cream and gummy worms and move on.
Later. . .
It’s been almost a week since the last time you’ve seen him. He’s moved into the room next to yours and sometimes at night you hear him but you honestly haven’t seen or talked to him. You’ve picked up more shifts at work, working more doubles to keep your mind and body busy. And it works. By the time you come home, you’re barely able to shower before falling into bed, dead to the world. No thoughts of the man you crave ever crossing your mind.
Friday morning you wake up, taking a little extra time to do your makeup and hair for work today. There’s a cute new waiter at work and boy does he have heart eyes for you. A blind man could see the kid has a crush on you. You can’t lie, the attention is nice. You aren’t fully sure if you like like him back or if you just like the attention you get from him. Either way it’s not Ezra and there’s no harm in a little flirting.
Coming down the stairs to grab a pop tart before heading out, you see your dad and Ezra sitting at the table. It’s the first time you’ve seen him and you notice he got a haircut. And he shaved? He still has that delicious mustache but the surrounding stubble is gone. Wearing a black tshirt that hugs his huge arms just right, showcasing his soft tummy and some dark wash jeans that fit so snug you can see how muscular his thighs are. You practically stop in your tracks, almost frozen before you realize your just gawking.
“Good morning kiddo, how’d you sleep? I feel like I haven’t seen ya in awhile.” Ezra asks as he gives you this shit eating grin that lets you know he noticed you staring.
Your cheeks heat up as you try to clear your throat,
“Good morning. Yea I’ve been working a lot. Been short staffed so they need me.” You say trying to act cool even though it came out in a higher pitched tone.
“That’s my girl! Hard worker just like her daddy.” Your dad says with his chest puffed out and a big grin on his face.
“Yup ha ha. Okay well I’m gonna head out. See ya guys.”
You couldn’t turn and walk out of there fast enough, almost tripping over your own feet as you sped towards the door.
It’s a little after midnight by the time you come home. Your feet hurt and your body is sore as you trudge up the stairs. Taking the quickest shower ever, you finally make it to your bed where you crawl under the covers, not even bothering to put pajamas on. As soon as your head hit the pillow, you were lights out. Quickly on your way to dreamland.
It started out dark, as if your eyes had just opened in your dream and had to adjust. You blink a few times before you realize where you are. Your favorite beach, sitting on soft quilt. The ocean breeze still a little chilly, causing you to bring your knees up as you hug them to your chest. That’s when you notice Uncle Ezra come out of the water, nude as the day he was born. Smiling and waving at you, you smile and wave back. Feeling carefree and relaxed. He walks up to you on the quilt when you look down and realize your also naked. Kneeling down he grabs your chin and pulls you in for a kiss. You reach up and pull him down on top of you. His cock just magically goes right in as he lays on top of you. But it feels so real. You know it’s a dream but you can’t help but notice how your physical body feels. He rocks into you a few times but something just feels off to you.
Outside of dreamland, Ezra wraps his arm around your torso to hold you tight to him as his other arm goes underneath your body, hand coming up to cover your mouth. Having spit on his dick to lube up, as he pushed into your noticeably wet heat. Not really even needing the extra added wetness.
‘Must be dreaming of me’ he thinks smugly as he gently rocks into you. He noses the side of your neck as he breathes in your scent. He pushes all the way to the hilt and stops. Throbbing his dick a few times before slowly pulling out. He begins to thrush, shallow at first so he doesn’t jostle you awake too quick. After a few thrusts is when he notices your breathing starts to pick up, he can tell your starting to wake up.
Your eyes slowly flutter open, you’re in your bed. Something feels weird, like your wrapped in your blankets too tightly. There’s something warm on the side of your neck. .
“Shh baby gotta stay quiet for me okay?”
Your eyes shoot wide open when you hear him whisper into your ear, his hand quickly covering your mouth. Your once sleep foggy brain is now wide awake. Now you realize why he felt so real in your dream.
“What’s that kiddo?” Ezra loosens his hold over your mouth as he thrusts deep inside and grinds.
“Ez - ez oooh mm” is all you manage to softly moan out,“W-what are you doing?”
“I missed my girl. I came in here to see if you were awake. I’m sorry baby I just couldn’t help myself. You looked so beautiful sleeping.”
You can’t believe he’s actually fucking you right now. And yet he feels so good rocking into you at this angle. His arms wrapped around you as he takes you. You can’t even form a coherent thought, all you can manage is
“Mm oh fuck, oh fuck, I- I missed you Uncle Ez oh fuck I missed you.” You whimper out, feeling your impending orgasm quickly approaching.
His arms somehow seemed to tighten even more as his thrusts start to speed up. His mouth by your ear as he pants, sticking his tongue out to lick your ear lobe before biting down softly, nibbling on the appendage.
Your orgasm comes crushing just as his own hits him. Pleasure so strong, both your mouths drop open as soft whines and whimpers tumble out. Your own hands grabbing at his arms, holding on for dear life as wave after wave crashes over you.
You both lay there for what feels like forever, just holding onto one another before you turn around in his arms to face him. Looking into his eyes you find a little courage to finally say what you should’ve said awhile ago, you breathe in as your lips part,
“Before you say anything I know you’ve been avoiding me pretty girl.” Ezra says, cutting you off.
“I-I -“
“Shh, I’m not as stupid as you think I am.” He says with a chuckle
“I don’t think you’re stupid,” you say with chagrin, “really it’s me who’s stupid. If I’m honest I i- I missed you. A lot. I I’m sorry.”
And there goes your original plan to cut things off with him. Going down the drain. Yea you’re going to hell for this. But fuck it. You want this with him. You like him. And god does it feel relieving to say it out loud.
“It’s just. . You’re my uncle a-and. . ,” you sigh, “I don’t even know what I’m trying to say. I really like you? I guess. That sounds so pathetic and childish but I do. I want you all to myself.”
You manage to spit out before looking down, unable to hold his gaze as you confess your feelings.
“Hey look at me.” He says softly as he puts his finger under your chin to lift your face to look up at his,
“I like you too baby. You’re not pathetic or childish. Hell you’ve had me hooked way before I ever got a taste of your sweet cunt, pretty girl. You’re mine, baby. And I’m yours.”
Your eyes widen as those words leave his lips. Ezra closes the gap between you and softly kisses your stunned lips.
Ezra pulls away with a sad expression,
“Unfortunately I got some bad news babydoll. I gotta leave for a bit. Nothing bad just a work trip but I’ll be gone for a month at most. Hopefully. You gonna miss me?”
“Yea” you whisper softly as your eyes fill with tears wanting to overflow and run down your cheeks.
“Let’s just enjoy this night honey, let’s not worry about the future or tomorrow. Nothing else matters but me and you, right here right now.” He says with a definite tone as he nudges your nose with his. You nudge his nose back and smile,
You press your lips against his as you fall into him. Tongues exploring the others mouth, lips caressing the other, you and your uncle Ezra spend what feels like hours just getting lost in each others kiss.
A/n: soooo how are we feeling? 🙂 I will warn you, yes we are feeling feelings and expressing them however Uncle Ezra is a manipulative, greedy man. At the end of the day he is fully using her. No this will not end well but the end is not close, so let’s enjoy this ride babies
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lazycats-stuff · 2 years
I love the Jason Todd x Jokers son it's awesome!
I actually have another idea while I lay with my cat lol batfam/Jason Todd x brother reader (like he's the biological son of Bruce but a lil older than Damien) he has a close relationship with Jason compared to his other siblings and he ends up getting captured by Joker?
You got it! I'm glad you like it, I was a bit worried that I didn't write it well, I have never written such dynamic before. Again, let me know how it turned out.
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, Joker being the Joker, Jason losing his mind, blood
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Jason waited outside of (Y/N)'s school. He wanted to take his favorite brother back home. They didn't have a chance to hang out this week, because the teen was swamped with exams. Jason swore that (Y/N) didn't sleep this week. Poor kids...
He smiled once he saw him at the entrance, talking to his friend. He leaned on his motorbike, crossing his arms. He waited until (Y/N) saw him and then opened his arms. (Y/N) ran into them, hugging his favorite brother.
" Hey mini Bruce. " Jason joked as he hugged his brother back.
" Stop it, I look nothing like him. " (Y/N) said.
" Yeah sure. " Jason said, ruffling his hair.
" How come you came to pick me up? "
" Well, I know you stay later on Fridays. And I wanted to hang out with you. I missed you this week. " Jason mumbled.
" Aww. I missed you too Jay. But if you had a plan to take me out, please don't. I just want to sleep. "
" You got it. I was going to take you home anyway, you look like you are going to drop dead. "
" Wow, okay. " (Y/N) pretended to be offended, sitting at the back of the bike. Jason handed him the helmet and (Y/N) put it on.
" Hang on bro. We are going to be back home quickly. "
Jason turned on the bike and started driving back to the manor. It was a perfect day for a nap too. It was cloudy and if you were from Gotham, you knew for a fact it was going to get rain. So it would be perfect for a nap.
When Jason sat down, (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Jason's stomach to hold on. Jason revved the motor and started driving. It was a quick drive back to Jason's driving skills. (Y/N) had hold onto the bike when they got back.
" I'm not a bad driver. " Jason defended himself watching his younger brother.
" Say that to my legs. Jesus. Next time pick me up by a car. " (Y/N) said, managing to steady himself.
" Come on. You need to eat and then sleep. "
" Can you nap with me? " (Y/N) asked, using his puppy eyes.
" Of course I can. But you need to eat first. I think that Alfred made something with fish. "
(Y/N) nodded and went inside the house.
" Let me take your bag up to your room. "
Jason took the bag while (Y/N) went straight to the kitchen. He didn't find Alfred, but he did find a container with his portion. He let out a yay and took the container and a fork to sit at a kitchen island. He took his phone from his pocket and put it on the kitchen island.
He dug in, happy to eat something. The teen had a small breakfast today, not enough to get him through the day and he was hungry all day, despite the lunch he had. It was a stressful week for his family too. Joker was up to no good, but more than usual.
He still doesn't get it how they still do it. On patrol until late in the night, injured, seeing stuff that would make his stomach turn. Was (Y/N) trained like his brothers? Yes. But he didn't want to become a vigilante, he wanted to be a normal teen. And he didn't consider himself strong enough to become a vigilante.
And... He didn't tell anybody this, but the reason why he was up until 2 or 3 am this week was because he was worried for his brothers and father. There were times when he couldn't sleep until he knew that his brothers and father were in their rooms and even then he either went to Jason's room or Bruce's. He truly didn't know what he would do if something were to happen to his dad or Jason.
" Hey, what are you thinking about? " Jason said, sitting across from him.
(Y/N) was startled by Jason, he must have been thinking about this for so long that he didn't hear him.
" Jason, don't sneak up on me. You scared the living shit out of me. " (Y/N) said, taking an another bite.
" Oh, come on, you will live. " Jason laughed.
" Ha ha. Very funny... Are you free tonight? I need you to drop me off at a friend's house. We wanted to have a sleepover. " (Y/N) said quickly.
" Okay. Is it the brunet guy? " Jason asked, taking his jacket off.
" Yes, but his name is Cody. For the record Jay. "
" Okay, okay. " Jason laughed, smiling at his younger brother. " I will drop you off tonight before I go on patrol. Does the old man know? I don't want him blowing a fuse. "
" I texted him, he said it's fine. "
" Okay. Which bike you would like? " Jason asked, smirking.
" Screw you Jay. "
Jason cackled like a madman, leaning back in his chair.
" Okay, I will take a car to drop you off. Don't worry. "
" You always make me worry Jay. "
It was Saturday evening, a day after the sleepover and Jason was getting worried. Jason went to pick (Y/N) up a few hours earlier, but Cody, the friend said that (Y/N) went already. Jason was confused at first, but then noticed the cameras in the neighborhood. He called Bruce to tell him to get the footage. Something is off. Way off...
He searched the block for any evidence, his gut refusing to believe that everything is okay. What the hell happened last night? Maybe Cody was lying, but Jason could tell if someone was lying. Shit.
And the time for (Y/N) to go missing too is far to weird. Joker wanted something from Wayne Enterprises, they got intel that he wanted to get guns that Wayne Enterprises was storing at the moment. They were old and were supposed to be destroyed, but there was some delay.
Jason took his phone and called (Y/N)'s phone. He was back at Cody's building, waiting to hear (Y/N)'s voice. He froze once he heard the familiar ring in an ally. He ran into the ally, finding the phone near the dumpster.
He knelt down, getting the phone. He blinked a few times, trying to fight tears. Jesus Christ... No. Not him. Out of all the people, not him. He called Bruce with shaky hands. His hands never shook.
" Jason? Where is (Y/N)? "
" Taken. I found his phone near the dumpster behind Cody's house. " Jason stated, trying not to cry.
" Okay, I will obtain the footage for the entire block. Is there anything out here that might help us? "
" No, I searched the entire block, there is no signs of struggle. And Cody said that (Y/N) had left already, but I think someone threatened him to go. "
" Okay. Until we get the footage, we can't do anything. Come back. "
Jason hanged up, going back to his car and driving like a maniac back to the manor. He is not going to allow himself to waste a single second. He won't be holding back. Not when it comes to (Y/N). He was protective of all of his brothers, but he was really connected with (Y/N).
He ran towards the cave, wanting to know if there is anymore development. The rest of the family was already there, surrounding the big computer.
" And? " Jason asked.
" He was taken, but we can't connect the kidnappers to any Gotham rouge. " Bruce said.
Okay, an outsider then. That would take some time, but they would get the intel soon.
" Okay. So, we need a suspect. Who the hell wanted to take (Y/N)? " Jason asked.
" Somebody who wants money? Maybe for ransom? " Tim suggested.
" Or someone who hates Bruce? " Dick added his suggestion.
Bruce didn't say anything, obviously thinking. He had a lot of enemies, both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman. So the list wasn't small... Far from it...
A ping on the computer alerted them all. It was from the news, the anchors telling that this is the footage of (Y/N). The family froze, looking at the screen like they were hypnotized.
Everything was fine until Joker came on screen. Jason froze completely, eyes widening. No. (Y/N) was bound to a chair, gagged, with blood over his face. Joker was showing his face, clearly proud of his handywork. Jason's eye twitched.
" Now, I want the weapons from the Wayne Enterprises and I will let the boy live. "
The tape stopped and it returned to the regular program. Everyone slowly turned to look at Jason. Jason took a deep breath, before flipping a table near him. He let out a yell, before rubbing his face.
" Jason, you need to calm down. " Bruce said, trying to calm him down. If he goes out, he will kill somebody.
The boys moved away, trying not to get in the crossfire.
" I will be calm when (Y/N) is back here and Joker behind bars. That's that. And if you need me, I will be out in the city looking. "
" Jason, we need more info! You can't go out this mad! " Bruce yelled after his son.
" Too fucking late! "
Bruce stood up, going to change into his suit. He doesn't want to Jason to kill the Joker, he would regret it and it wouldn't do anything. Tim stayed behind to track down the footage.
They barely managed to catch up with Jason. It took them 15 minutes to calm him. Jason was already a deadly individual, but when mad? Get out of the way.
" Jason, we need to think. We need a plan of action. " Bruce has tried to explain, but Jason laughed.
" A plan of action? We need to get (Y/N) out of there! I can't let him go through what I did! I can't!" Jason yelled, before he took a deep breath.
" Jason, you need to compose yourself. I know it's difficult, but now your judgment needs to be perfect and not impaired. I know you are angry and I know you are getting flashbacks, but you have to... Shut the emotional part out. I know how it sounds, but when dealing with the Joker, you can't allow the emotions to take over. "
Jason was quiet as he listened to Bruce. As difficult it is for Jason to admit this, he knew Bruce was right. He can't allow his emotions to lead him.
" Do we have a lead? " Jason asked, trying to breathe.
" No, Tim is still looking, but we do have all known Joker's warehouses and other similar locations. We can start from there. We will split into two teams and start searching. Jason you are with me. Everyone, stay in contact. The moment you get something, call it in. "
The boys nodded, Jason simply stayed still, seething with anger and adrenaline.
" Come on Jason. " Batman prompted, walking to the edge of the building. Jason followed, still mad and angry. Nothing can calm him down. Absolutely nothing.
It has been hours and Jason was getting angrier and angrier. There hasn't been any leads in regards to (Y/N) and he was losing his mind.
" How can you be so calm? " He asked Bruce, who was calm. It irritated him beyond belief.
" I have to Jason. I can't allow myself to be guided by emotions. I can't make any mistakes. I don't... I don't want to lose him like I lost you... " Bruce admitted, looking away.
Jason was shocked by this admission.
" What? "
" I can't lose another son to Joker. I barely got over your... Kidnapping."
" Really? " Jason asked, petrified by this new piece of information.
" Yes. I searched for you just like you are searching for (Y/N). Despite what the Joker told you, I never stopped looking. "
Jason looked away, away from Bruce's eyes. He swallowed, trying not to cry. He clenched his fists and then released them.
" Hey guys, I managed to track him. Bruce and Jason are the closest to the docks. It's an old warehouse and be careful. Bring (Y/N) back. "
Jason and Bruce agreed and started moving. They are going to get him back now.
Jason paced outside of the cave medical part. Alfred wouldn't allow him to enter. They brought (Y/N) back, but he was beaten, had his nose broken and dislocated shoulder. Jason was only thankful that (Y/N) was under a lot of painkillers.
The mere process of getting (Y/N) back was rather simple. They took out Joker's goons and Jason got some revenge. He found a crowbar and while Batman was busy with freeing (Y/N), he has beaten the Joker. He didn't kill him, he just made sure he would be recovering for the next year. He smiled at the memory. It was etched into his memory.
" Masters. " Alfred said, closing the door.
" And? " Jason asked impatiently.
" He is going to be okay. I reset his nose and shoulder and gave him some stronger painkillers. He is going to be out for a while. I prepared a bed for you too master Jason. "
" Thank you Alfred. "
Jason stepped into the room, taking his shoes and jacket off. He looked at (Y/N), simply sleeping. Now he could sleep and protect (Y/N). With a last glance to (Y/N), he laid down and closed his eyes. Now everything is the way it should be.
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lutawolf · 10 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 4
If you haven't seen my other commentary, you can find it here.
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This makes me sad because what was special for Tew was the fact that Guy wasn't afraid of him. But here he is, afraid. Which clearly is upsetting to Tew.
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As soon as Guy opens his eyes, they are drawn to the gun wound scar. The face that Tew gives him then...
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And Guy's concern, then confusion. So much emotion in one frame.
Now they are sitting and communicating. Tew tells Guy that he didn't tell him that he was scared that it would put Guy in danger. Which confuses me because not knowing, knowing, is there really a difference in danger level?
Tew starts to explain his past and his joy of playing video game. Then his home life. While not rich, he had a loving father. Who clearly raised him right because he is so well-mannered. Oh no! Cough with blood.  
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Damn... I was really hoping he would kick their asses, and get home to his dad.
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I mean, we knew it was coming, but the fact that he didn't get to say goodbye. Oh damn, that really explains the previous episode where he came to meet Guy to say goodbye before his trip.
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Ohhhh, Tew looks scary now.
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OH! Who called it?!?!
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And then he is shot!!! What!?!? I was not expecting that. Nor was I expecting the next part. I was kind of expecting him to have been forced into killing. Interesting. I wonder if Wish John Lennon was one of these kids???
So while bad boy is a rebel with a cause, he still a rebel. Then he just lays down to die.
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I think it's safe to say that home dude was not thinking that day.
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I think Guy gets it, but it will be interesting to see if he accepts it. He at least isn't scared of Tew anymore. Butt he more Tew explains, the more clearly you can see he is an anti-hero. Won't go so far as to call him a villain butttttt. He is no hero. Yay!!! This is my favorite type of character!
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I am not sure what to think of the mob boss. He is putting a lot of trust into a kid, but he also appears to be giving him the keys to revenge. He is an interesting character to say the least.
The rules seem simple enough. No lying and no betrayal.
"Once you touch a gun. There is no going back to a normal life"
Then, Tew gives a little smirk and says that he doesn't plan on going back to a normal life anyway.
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And Guy is seeing this. I think it's interesting because for some reason Tew really expected that Guy would absolutely understand. He is pretty spot on because Guy does understand.
Really Guy... You are going to be butt hurt over the restaurant lie??? I mean, I actually get where Guy is coming from. I'm just thinking it's funny to pick that after hearing Tew's story.
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It apparently was not what Tew was expecting Guy to be upset about either. His face says he is completely dumbfounded. Honestly, in my opinion, Guy is latching onto something to use so he can run scared. I don't think he is scared of Tew, but of his own feelings that are happening too fast. I could be completely off base, but that's what I see from how he is acting and reacting.
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Boy up in his feels getting sloppy drunk. Other boy is being emo in his bed. What a pair.
Oh, no! Boss man is not okay with the fake restaurant.
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Home dude is not right in the head, is he?
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I'll say it again. Mob boss daddy is interesting. He cares about Tew, but he isn't a push over.
I'm suspicious... How is a regular dude off the street not scared when goons show up???
Again, not a push over.
Now back to emo boy with his bed and his fish. Damn it Guy! That was a shit move to do to your guild!!! And his first thoughts when there is a knock at the door is Tew. That should tell you something, Guy! You're running from your feelings. Coward!
Nope. It's jackass Wahl, who I just know has something to do with stirring up shit. I know. He seems sweet, but how can he not tell that his bestie is upset??? Wahl is just too selfish for me to like him. I tried to like him, I really did, but I don't like selfish besties.
Discount Lennon out here trying to drown people.
See, I told you that Wahl was where this bullshit all started. He is being so condescending. Saying he is the most important person to him but then ditching him all the time. I really hope, at some point, Tew beats him up.
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Did he drown him???
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We're back to the guessing game of: Dead or Passed Out??? (If you said that in a game host voice, give yourself ten points.)
Oh! Not dead! Ohhhhh, another pissing contest in the wild!
I refuse to believe that Tew is that stupid... I hate Wahl because I feel like he is going to get a call from his gf and just leave Guy like he always does.
Ahhh... Nice. Tew planned ahead. Never mind, I take it back. Tew is stupid. Don't lie to the boss, especially not for Wish Lennon.
I don't like the fall troupe when it's Guy and Wahl.... Just saying.
Please, please, let Tew beat him up.
Yes, I agree. You need to put an end to your feelings. Oh, wow! Wahl didn't ditch Guy, but Guy ditched Wahl!!!
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Sadly, though, Guy isn't answering Tew's phone calls either.
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I really think that Tew should take this opportunity given to him and beat up Wahl.
The wrong person got punched! That did not go the way that I wanted.
Guy ran home. I can respect that. Except the fact that he is acting like a two-year-old. Awww, bless him. Well, at least now he is realizing that he is running away from everything.
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What does it say that Tew didn't stop till he found you Guy? LOVE, the communication going on. I love that Tew is calling out Guy, telling him that he feels this way and ran because he cares about him.
He called him little boy! And then gave him a real hug!!!
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Ahhh, Tew confessing. Hot damn! They are making up for that shitty ending last episode!
OH SHIT.... He is going to quit the gangster life... I'm scared.
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Never mind, we'll just shelve that concern for another day. Carry On. 💜💜💜
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
The One That Got Away - Chapter Five
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Warnings: tw: child abuse, tw: physical abuse, tw: slut shaming, angst, language.
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
A/N: There are TRIGGER WARNINGS in this part - please heed these, and if you think you’ll be affected by any of them, please do not read.
You can catch up here!
 My Masterlist AO3    Ko-Fi
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“Dean,” Mary got up from the table and went to the fridge, opening its door and pulling out a beer bottle. “Have a seat, sweetie,” she said, pulling out a chair and putting the bottle on the wooden dining table.
“Thanks, Mom. So, what don’t I know?”
“Sounds like Y/N might be back in town, son,” John said. “We don’t know for sure yet, only Jess has seen her, but she’s a nurse, and if it is her, she’s going by Singer now,” John carefully eyed Dean. Seeing his son go through such a range of emotions was heartbreaking.
“Yeah, it’s her,” Dean whispered, wiping his hands down his face.
Clearing his throat, Dean downed half of his beer in one swallow. “Bobby told me after Thursday's shift before I went fishing with Benny and Cas. Danny’s not got long left. His liver and heart are going, and he’s in a hospice. So, Bobby called her and said it might be time to think about coming home.”
“I didn’t even think of making the connection to Bobby,” Jess said softly. “He’s her uncle?” she clarified, and Dean nodded.
“Her mom’s brother. Caroline died in a fire when Y/N was little. Then her dad turned to booze and beatings to cope with his grief,” he glanced at Jess, who had a horrified frown on her features.
“From what I saw today and how caring and kind she was to me, I’d never have guessed she went through something like that,” Jess commented, and Dean chuckled.
“That’s Y/N for you! Carries the whole damn world on her shoulders, and you’d never know it. She cares about those around her way more than she cares about herself. She always has,” he smiled.
“You guys were a thing back in the day?” Jess asked curiously, and Dean let out a soft laugh.
“Yeah, you could say that! Dad, Bobby, and Danny go way back, and Mom and Caroline became best friends, so Y/N and I grew up together. We were best friends before we became childhood sweethearts. She was my first everything, and I was hers.”
“They could’ve been married with a couple of kids and a dog by now if he’d asked her to stay,” Mary pointed out, and Dean shook his head in exasperation. “Did Bobby say if anyone came with her?” she continued, trying to find out if someone had followed her from her past life.
“No. No husband or boyfriend,” Dean smiled, knowing the real reason behind his mom’s question. “Bobby said she dated but never settled with anyone. Apparently, she was a love them and leave them, too!” he chuckled just a little bitterly.
“Cute little thing like her, bet she broke some hearts!” Mary grinned. “Now that she’s back, are you gonna finally tell me why you didn’t ask her to stay back then? You and I both know she would’ve if you’d asked her to,” she enquired gently.
“I wanted to. God, I wanted to so bad! But I couldn’t do that to her,” Dean rubbed a hand down his face. “You’re right, Ma. She’d have stayed if I asked her to, and she asked me to ask her. If I had, I’d have married her as soon as we were eighteen, got her out of that godforsaken house. Ain’t no doubt about it. But I couldn’t.” He stood from his seat and brought the whiskey out of the liquor cabinet with three glasses. Mary wasn’t a whiskey drinker, and Jess was pregnant, so John took one of them and Sam another.
“She took a damn beating every day for fifteen years, Ma, from the one person who was supposed to protect her. He was her only parent, and he beat her because she looked too much like her mom. Because she survived,” Dean fumed as he fought to keep the tears at bay.
“Her mom begged him to get her out of that house, and he punished her for it. She was only three years old! That’s her first memory, the fire and her mom screaming at her dad to make sure she got out. Did you know that?” It was a rhetorical question, but the hurt and shock were hard for everyone to hide.
“I don’t know if she still does, but before she left, that memory used to replay itself as a nightmare whenever she was scared or stressed. Y/N didn’t deserve any of it. She deserved a life without beatings and abuse, and hatred. And if going to Chicago instead of Lawrence, fuck, even Kansas City or Wichita gave her that, then who was I to stop her?
“If I’d asked her to stay, her life wouldn’t be any better because of it. Sure, I could’ve protected her from the beatings and got her away from him. But Jody would still call her whenever he got arrested. Y/N would still have to deal with his rage, and she’d still fall victim to his verbal assaults and vulgar degrading. I did the only thing I could to truly protect her and… I let her go.”
Mary rushed over to him and hugged him tightly, trying to ease the pain her eldest son still felt after all this time, and she knew then what she had to do. Mumbling that she’d be right back, she headed upstairs to her bedroom and opened the drawer on her bedside cabinet. She pulled the ageing envelope out, the word ‘Dean’ scrawled in blue ink in unmistakable handwriting and returned downstairs.
“Years ago, Y/N wrote me a letter,” Mary explained to Sam and Jess, as the others already knew about it. “She was in therapy, and her therapist thought it’d be a good idea to write letters to the people she cared about most, and she told me what happened. We all knew something was happening, but I had no idea the extent of it. The fractured skull when she was six? Choking her at seventeen because she missed curfew?” Mary shook her head in disgust. John wrapped his arms around Mary to stop himself from getting in his car and killing the sick bastard himself.
“Was it ever…?” Sam let his question hang in the air, not wanting or needing it to be said aloud.
“It fucking better not have been, or I’ll kill the bastard myself!” John fumed.
“No, thank God,” Dean answered. “Always physical and verbal. The fractured skull and when he choked her were the worst he’s done to her. There were countless other fractured and broken bones, though. He was smart, and that made me so fucking mad! He’d always play off the broken bones as just a kid being a kid, you know? He’d say she fell from the climbing frame in the park or got injured doing gymnastics or playing hockey or netball. She fractured her skull and had a severe concussion from falling down the stairs, not because he pushed her so hard she fell into a fucking hardwood coffee table. 
“The manipulative bastard hardly ever left a mark where anyone could see. She had a few black eyes and bruises on her arms throughout the years, and that was it, at least until he tried to strangle her. He damn near killed her that night. She was blacking in and out of consciousness and only got him off her by hitting him over the head with her mom’s crystal vase. She knocked him out cold!” he chuckled sadly. “All because she was helping me graduate. He thought she missed curfew because she was “whoring herself out” to me, but she was helping me study. I never forgave myself for that.”
“Don’t blame yourself, son. Y/N told me you knew everything and made her feel safe and loved. She told me you blamed yourself for what happened to her that night, but she knew it would have been something else if it wasn’t because she missed curfew. She never blamed you for it. For any of it,” Mary smiled sadly at Dean’s scoff of laughter. “And she apologised. For leaving you and breaking your heart,” Mary said, desperate to comfort him.
“I broke hers more when I didn’t ask her to stay,” Dean responded. “If I could go back, I’d…” he sniffed, wiping the tears from his cheeks.
“I know you were hurt when a letter never came for you. But one did, and it was in with mine. Y/N told me to give you this when the time was right and if it was in your best interests. I honestly didn’t know if I’d ever give it to you. If the time would ever be right, but that time is now. I’m not gonna apologise for keeping this from you,” Mary held her hand up to cut off his rebuttal. “If I’d given this to you all those years ago, you’d have run off after her, and I don’t think you’d like what you would’ve found,” she finished as she handed him the letter.
Dean sobbed as he recognised her handwriting and ran his fingers gently over the faded ink. Turning it over, he glanced up at his mom, a silent question hanging between them.
“I didn’t read it. It wasn’t my place to,” Mary raised her hand, wiped his wet cheeks, and gave him a gentle wink. Dean tore open the envelope without another second’s hesitation.
Next Chapter >>
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deathofpeaceofmiiind · 2 months
illicit affairs | twenty two
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*Ellie's POV*
It had been two weeks since we found our home, and life hasn’t shown any sign of slowing down. We had managed to sell my condo and Noah’s house within in a day of each other, and we finally closed the deal just a few days after that. I hadn’t much time to absorb any of what was happening but I felt incredibly lucky we were able to achieve this goal together. It also hadn’t sunk in how big of a step this was in our relationship, it was equal parts scary and exciting. 
Moving day was finally here and we were beyond ready to get into our home. We had spent most of our time decluttering, packing and eating way too much take out this week in preparation. I swear if I tripped over another moving box or had to eat another pizza I was going to lose it. Some of the guys had come up to visit us before heading on a fishing trip that Folio was dying to go on, so of course I put them to work first despite us hiring movers.
“Was that the last box of Liam’s?” Bryan asked as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. “It better be.” Folio whined, coming up behind him. “How many Lightning McQueens can one kid have?” “You just got here!” I scoffed as I entered the room, “also no such thing as too many Lightning McQueens.”
“Yeah dude, put some respect on the kings name.” Bryan added, almost offended at Folio’s remark. 
“Not my fault customs was crazy.” He replied, elbowing me in the side, causing me to shake my head. We had developed quite the brother/sister relationship over FaceTime and it was entertaining and annoying at the same time. I nudged him back, “then you can grab more boxes.” Folio rolled his eyes as he grabbed another box before heading into the hallway. Liams room was now empty so I walked back into the living room to see what was left, which was hardly anything. As much as I couldn’t wait to be in our home, it was such a bittersweet feeling to be leaving this place. I pictured myself being here for a long time, but then again I also never predicted Noah coming back into my life. In some way this was our first home together even it was for a short time. I felt Noah come up behind me, he wrapped his hand around my stomach as he gently kissed my shoulder.
“Ready?” I nodded as I felt tears prickle my eyes. “Yeah, I am.” “El…” Noah turned me around, wiping the one tear that escaped me. “What’s wrong?” “I’m sorry.” I sniffled, “this place just meant a lot to me, but I’m so ready to start our new chapter.” “Me too.” Noah assured me as we intertwined our hands together, walking towards the door. “This place brought us back together, I’ll miss it just as much.”
My stomach dropped watching Noah lock the door for the last time. I wanted to shake this unnerving feeling, what was happening was a such a blessing but selling my condo felt like I lost a part of my independence. I know Noah would never take that from me and it was something I just needed to get over. I didn’t say much on the drive to the house but the second I saw it, my negative thoughts vanished completely. My heart fluttered as I looked over at Noah who couldn’t control his happiness. Folio, Bryan, Davis and Jolly were standing on the lawn, all in Dad poses as they admired the house.
“I see you’re working hard.” I joked as I got out of the car. “I came up here to fish, look at some mountains and possibly find my own Canadian wife, alright?” Bryan said. “You did find one, you just blew it.” I snickered as I walked past them.
Bryan stopped dead in his tracks as his jaw dropped, “that was so fucking rude.” “You ghosted my friend, I’m allowed to roast you.” Everyone started to laugh as I went into the house. My knees almost gave out as I looked around and admired what was in front of me, I couldn’t wait to wake up tomorrow morning and make coffee in this kitchen. The movers were done pretty quickly and left us to begin our unpacking. Luckily they were nice enough to set up our bed and put our couch together. We sadly didn’t have a lot of furniture since Noah sold his home with all of his, and with me being in a condo I didn’t have enough to fill a house.  We agreed we’d do some furniture shopping before he headed back on tour. Ikea here we come. 
“So when do you think the studio will be ready?” Jolly asked as we all stood in the kitchen drinking beers and avoiding the heat. I was so thankful this house had air conditioning. “Probably after this tour.” Noah replied before taking a sip of his Celsius, “I just need to look for contractors and Matt needs to help me with the sound stuff. Once he gets here on Friday we can start doing planning.”
“Matt’s coming up here?” I spat out. My heart started to race and I felt everyones eyes on me as I asked my stupid question. I knew I’d have to see him eventually but I haven’t spoken to him since he left, so I don’t even know if he wants to see me.
Folio pursed his lips together, almost acting like a kid who was getting in trouble, “oh did Noah not tell you we’re throwing you a house warming party after we come back from fishing?” “News to me.” I muttered, bringing my beer up to my mouth and taking a longer swig than normal.
Noah mirrored Folios exact expression as he looked over at me, “I’m so sorry Ellie, we’ve been so busy with moving that I forgot to tell you.” All I could do was smile because I was still hung up on the idea of Matt being here with everyone. I know it was going to be impossible to avoid him considering he was part of the crew and I can’t let my issues with him cause any drama. I don’t know how awkward it was going to be being in the same room as your boyfriend and the guy you hooked up with during your break. My guess is pretty fucking awkward. 
“You ok?” The guys went to scope out Noah’s new recording space, so I decided to get a head start on some unpacking. I was in our bedroom looking for bed linens as Davis entered the room. I had to admit I never spent any one on one time with him so I was confused as to why he came looking for me. Honestly he was also a little intimating, he had this aura about him and had a stare that made my feet turn into concrete every time.
“Yeah.” I lied, opening up another box that was finally our bed sheets. I pulled them out and started to make the bed. Davis went to the other side of the bed and began to help me. I was still so confused on what his end game was here, but the help was nice. Trying to make a king size bed when you’re 5’1 wasn’t an easy task.
“Look, I know we haven’t really talked at all outside of the group, but…is Matt coming up here a problem?” “Kind of.” I sighed grabbing the duvet from another box, “I’m just annoyed that I’m letting this weigh on me so much because I’m happy with Noah and I’ve moved on.” “I know but him ghosting you has been the dumbest thing he’s done.” He added as he started putting cases on the pillows, fluffing them up before throwing them by the headboard. “If someone radio silenced me like he’s doing to you, I’d feel the exact same way you are.” “That’s what’s bothering me, is the unknown.” I sat down on the bed after we were done, sighing deeply. “I don’t know what will happen when he walks through that front door.” “Do you have any feelings for him?” “No.” I shook my head. “Me being with him made me realize how much I loved Noah still…I just wish I never jeopardized our friendship.” “I know, and you and Noah were made for each other.” He replied, leaning against the wall. “I’ve known Noah for a very long time, I’ve never seen him be so authentic with a women like he is with you.” “What do you mean?” “Noah is very private person and when he’s with someone he tends to put up a front because of who he is.” I was about to protest but Davis put his hand up, “you on the other hand never made him feel like that. You see Noah for who he is outside of bad omens and that’s so fucking rare for him. I never thought he’d be so committed to someone that he’d buy a house with them. So don’t worry about Matt. If he gives you any issues I’ll talk to him, don’t let him spoil your happiness.” “Thank you.” I replied, standing up to give him a hug. He sent me a soft smile before he left the room. I sunk back down onto the bed, my head falling back as I sighed deeply.  Friday night is going to be one for the books.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Not quite a prompt but I feel like Wayne Munson is that guy who does that typical Dad thing of claiming he doesn't like the family pet and proceeding to love it the hardest. Like, Eddie will bring home a scruffy looking stray cat (and jokes that he's going to name it Wayne) and Wayne complains that it'll make a mess and its Eddie's responsibility - but buys it food when he goes grocery shopping and puts an old sweater of his in a box so it has a warm bed to sleep in anyway. Eddie comes home to see the cat curled up on Wayne's chest as he takes a nap. Idk Wayne is a caretaker at heart and so is Eddie. Eddie brings home the cat, and then the hellfire kids, and then Steve; and Wayne grumbles but is 100% all in on taking care of them if they need it. Idk I just love the Munson boys and their big hearts
Wayne Munson is no stranger to strays in his house. It started when a young Eddie with freshly buzzed hair and a tear stricken face ended up on his doorstep no parents in sight. Wayne of course took him in with no hesitation and it was just the two of them for a few years.
One day it's storming hard at the trailer park and Eddie is looking more worried than usual, he's always been a bit afraid of thunder. Suddenly, before Wayne can stop him, Eddie has bolted out of the trailer into the storm. By the time Wayne has found his coat, a soaked Eddie has come back cradling what looks like bits of fabric. Wayne holds out a towel to Eddie who reveals his holding a small, scruffy looking grey kitten.
"Now where do you find that, son?"
"He's been meowing around the trailer for the last couple weeks, I've been feeding him scraps and I couldn't leave him out there."
"Well, I guess he can stay, but just til the storms over, don't need another mouth to feed."
The rain lasts two days and by then little Toothpaste had settled in with his own little cardboard box and an old sweater of Wayne's that he reluctantly gave Eddie for the cat. Toothpaste never does leave the trailer and despite Wayne saying they'd only keep him until he was big enough to look after himself Wayne would be the cat food and treats at the grocery store and ask the grocer for any left over fish bones. Once Eddie had come back to the trailer after Hellfire to find Toothpaste curled up on Wayne's chest, the next day Eddie had joked that he should be renamed Wayne Jr..
Toothpaste would thankfully be the only feline stray that would join their little family but soon Wayne would meet the gaggle of young teens that Eddie had pseudoadopted. He took a particular liking to the young redhead girl that he knew lived across the park from them and would often offer to teach her about cars whenever her mom was away.
The last stray that Wayne Munson would find at his door would be the most surprising. It was another stormy night when the Munsons heard a knock at their trailer door. Eddie was finishing drying the dishes and so Wayne had answered the door. He had not expected to see a broken and bloody Steve Harrington on the other side. Now Wayne knew that Eddie had become friends with the Harrington boy despite Wayne being wary knowing the boy's father. But knowing the boy's father meant Wayne didn't have to be a genius to figure out who had given Steve the black eye and broken nose.
Wayne had ushered the wet and shivering boy inside, straight to the bathroom where he sat him on the toilet and took out their med kit. Eddie had trailed behind them, instantly worried seeing Steve's face. Wayne had started cleaning Steve's cuts by the time Eddie caught up to them.
"Sweetheart, what happened?"
"My-My parents came home and um, I think they kicked me out, Ed's." Steve's words had slurred together, he clearly had a concussion.
"Well you're welcome to stay here as long as you need, son."
And both Munsons knew that this stray would probably never leave either.
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cosmic-spider · 6 months
Lake cryptic
<< Welcome to Gravity falls Gideon >>
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After a week of being in Gravity Falls you noticed that were was always glow of magic around the area. There was a low and high. Low being in the town it's self and slowly getting higher the more into the woods you went.
But there was always some spots of it in the town. Like small puddles of weirdness that leaguers.
The Mystery shake was one of only a few buildings that had a big spike in that weird magical abilities.
It was weird but even the journal had that same weird felling in a different way. It had more of a opening fell to it. Like a door or a portal that allowed you to get in contact with anything of a higher level.
You felt like the journal only told of what the things here were or how to find/ summon them.
It made you think to make your own version of the journal. But a bit more organized from how dangerous they are to.
What to do if you are in a situation with one of the things. But it was going to take time to make a copy. With all the Pages of the journal. You were only able to look throw only half of it.
》━━━━━━━━━━ ⊱✫⊰━━━━━━━━━《
As you went over to the Mystery Shack it was a closed day. You were currently being the refry for the twins syrup race.
"Ok and go!" You said as you then both haled a bottle of syrup over there head thigh there mouth open.
"Go Sir syrup!"Mable  yelled
"Go Mountie Man!" Dipper said
After a few seconds  amable than patted her bottle making its syrup drip down onto her mouth first.
She the chowed and coughed a bit." I won!"
Dipper then grabbed the news paper next to him. " wow no way. Hey look at this." He then showed up the news paper.
" A human sized hamster balls. Huh I'm human size!" Mable said as she looked at the news paper."
" no no Mable this!" Dipper pointed to the other side of the paper. That had a monster photo contest. That hada fake picture that looked from a cartoon.
"We see weirder stuff than that everyday. We don't have any photos of the gnome now do we?"
" nope no photos just memories. Plus this beard hair." Mable said as she held out a  bit of hair.
" eww why do you have that?" Both me and Dipper say as we back away weirded out.
" why do you even have that?" Dipper asked.
Mable only shrugged as she put it away.
" good morning knuckle heads you all know what today is?" Grunckle Stan said as he came into the room.
As the twins gave there reply. Grunckle Stan then told them it's family fun day. As he the. Suggested they get blindfolded on and get in the car.
You desired to join them since you have nothing else to do.
As the twins asked questions about the what there were going to do you just zoned out as you out your head phones on.
After a bit you three were outside. Stan then said to take the blindfold off. As the three of you did you all see Stan in finding gear standing in front of a banner that had fusing season on it.
The twins then questioned  on what Stan was up to. You on the other hand looks salí de the lake to see how everyone was.
Lady Sanan had a fishing rod in one hand and a pan in the other. You then see Wendys dad Manly Dan and her brothers in another boat. As Manly Dan  grabs a fish with his hands as he then punched it on the boat.
" Guys just give Stan a chance you don't know it could be fun." You told the twins as they haled the fishing hats Stan gave them.
Then Old Man Mcgucket came running around yelling about a gobblewonker.  As the twins and Stan argued about going to the the island.
You look to the lake we're  Mc gucket  said he saw the lake monster. You then see some bobbles out in the water and a few ripples.
"Hey y/n , so are you coming with us to the monster hunt?." Dipper asked as he  got some fishing supplies.
" naw I'm good I'm a bit tired from getting my home ready. So I'll just go fish off on the shore somewhere." You told him ad you took off your headphones.
"Ok then suit yourself then y/n" Mable said as they walked of and got onto Soos's boat. While Stan went of somewhere else.
You then went into the small fishing shop. And saw the guy that sprayed Mcgucket with a water.
You head him mumbled some stuff under his breath. You ignored it as you got a good looking fishing rod, hook, and a few buckets. You then went up to the register.
" Hi I'll just be getting this. Do you have any live bait?" You asked as you put your stuff on the register.
" yes we do miss I have a few Minos and a small bass or two." The worker said as he then walked over to a container behind him.
" ok then I'll have those last few Bass as well as a two pounds of Minos." You told him. "So what was that about with Mc Goucket?" You asked as he got the live fish into a container.
" That's just my old crazy dad that keeps coming up with things to scare off my costumers." He said as he then started o scanted the items.
We'll do you ever think that he's doing it to try to get your attention? You asked him as he calculated the total.
"What makes you think he's going that? All I see is my old man ding something to get attention to make me look bad." He asked.
Well I'm with the Pines family for the summer, and Stan Pines took his great niece and nephew Mable and Dipper. He took them here instead of opening the Shake.
It was suspicious at first but when I asked him why. He told me that he wanted to take a break from work.
Plus he wanted to have some time to bond with them. It may not be the best, but he's trying.
"Hmm that's true it surprises almost everyone here that he's not at work. But that's nice he wants to spend time with them."
"I don't know if that's what he's trying to do. But it has been months since I talked to him properly and Hera since we spent time together." Your total is also $67.37.
You got your money out and payed." Well you'll never know if you don't give it a try. Trust me I've never had my dad in my live. So I can kinda understand the want to spend time with someone you haven't been with in a bit."
Well ether way just give you Mc Goucket a shoot you never know it could be fun." You said as you got your stuff and walk out the shop.
After a bit of walking around you decided to go off to a more farther out area of the lake away from every one else.
As you looked around you got to a cliff off to the side. That was hidden in the forest around the corner of the lake.
After a few hours of fishing you had goiter a good amount of fish. But then you hear the roar of something off in the distance.
As you then walked over to see what it was. You ended up on the other side of we're you were. You then see something off to the side at the shore of the lake.
As you get closer you see that it looked like some type of creature. Then you realized that it looked like lake monster.
When you got closer to it you then see that it's tail and front fin we're fought up in a fishing net and had a a few hocks in its body.
It roared at you and It moved around making some of its blood go into the water. Wow there it's ok I'm not going to hurt you. You healed you hand up as you walked over to the front of it were it's head was laying down.
The lake monster then roared in your face, you only stud your ground as you them walked closer to it. The gooblewonker then stoped roaring but did look at you carefully in case you did anything.
You then got to it front tied up fin grabbing the fish net. It then gave you a low growl. You then looked around the place and then made a circle in the ground.
Then you started to cut the net and got it off. As well as pulling off the hooks from its body.
The monster only looks at you at first in caution, but over time it calmed down and watched what you did.
As you went around it cutting the net and taking hooks out. You then saw that it's tail was bleeding and was basically getting cut off it's tail.
You took of the net and saw the blood that was coming out you then. Got your jacket off and ripped of a arm of it and ripped it around the tails covering up the wound.
After a bit you then see Soos's boat speed by as Mable, Dipper, and Soos ran way from another gobblewonker.
" that's weird is there another one of you?" The gobblewonker shook its head no. "So it's a fake or something?" It's nods its head as its then rubbed its head on top of yours.
"Aww is this a thank you for helping you? Hahaha!" You laughed as it splashed you with a bit of water.
After a bit you gobblewonker then started to move and got into a more deeper area of the lake.
"Well your more of a kinder cryptic that I've known of." You then continued to walk back to were you were fishing.
As you continued to fish you then see that the gobblewonker would catch a few fish then go off somewhere else.
After a bit you see something smaller swim of in the distance where some of the town's people were fishing.
The gobble wonker then swam in the same detection. And then tipped over the people's boat. After a bit it swam back to were you were with someone next to it.
"Hmm? What do you have there Ness? Is it ok if I can you Ness? Since your kinda the louckness cryptic." You asked as you relied back your fishing hook.
Ness noodles as it then lifted up its body a bit above the water. On top of its bobby it shows a smaller version of its self a baby ness.
"Aww is that your baby." You asked as the baby slid into the water and swam around a bit.
A bit later you saw that the baby was malnourished. "Aww poor little guy. Here you can have my bait and a few of the fish I caught." You throw them into the lake as the baby ate them.
After a few hours you played a bit with he baby and healed up Ness. But it was eventually time to call the day over.
As you walked your way back to the shore we're everyone was. The feeling of being watched was always there.
You couldn't point it out where it was coming from. But after a bit you could point out that it was coming from the Burch trees that you passed.
You brushed it off, and continued to walk back to the main area. As you did you saw that the pines we're packing up there things.
"Hey guys so how was the monster hunt?" You asked then as they put there things in Stans car.
" oh the wobblewoncker was fake, but he did spend some time with Stan." Dipper said as he put the fishing rods in the truck of the car.
" Yeah, but we caught a few fish." Mable came tuning over to you tackling you to the ground." Grunckle Stan said we were going to eat then. But I'm going to convince him to keep them as pets.
"That's cool Mabel  I didn't catch that much only a few to eat for dinner." You told her as you put your own fish in the cooler. Then closing the trunk in the back of the Stans car before getting in.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Time Skip
After you all got back to the shack you got out the fish you had left and went off you your home.
As you walked throw the forest you keep feeling like you were being watched.
It was unset but at the same time it was more like something was only looking at you and not going to hurt you.
You then see a yellow butterfly on a tree a bit ahead of you. It had a single brownish black spot in the middle.
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"Hmm that's weird" you mumbled a bit under your breath as you got to your cottage.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Big Time Crush
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Pairing: James Diamond x Insecure!Plus size!reader Characters: Insecure!Plus size!reader, Katie Knight, Jennifer “Mama” Knight, James Diamond, Kendall Knight, Carlos Garcia, Hortense “Logan” Mitchell
Briefly mentioned: Camille Roberts, Gustavo Rocque, Kelly Wainwright, Snoop Dog, The Jennifer’s Warnings: Shenanigans, Katie being a sweetheart, the boys doing their best to help James, plans not going the way anyone planned, jerky teens, don’t mess with someone the boys, Katie, and Mama Knight like, the pool is a good place for jerky people to chill in, Mama Knight always manages to find the oddest recipes  Word Count: 4,151
A/N: I honestly have no idea what happened to Dad Knight but we’re gonna pretend that Jennifer and he went through a divorce when the kids were young, and she kept her married last name
Late Christmas gift (fic) for requester @lilacprincessofrecovery​ 
You sit beside Katie, Kendall’s little sister, who’s currently working on earning a quick buck or two from the “pool jockies” as you and Camille like to call them. You glance over at her cards and see that she’s close to winning another round of go fish. 
The jockies can’t grasp the basic rules of poker so you came up with a compromise and chose a classic game of go fish. 
You lean over and whisper, “the one across from you has queens and the one to your left has seven.” 
“You’re sure?” 
“I’m right about the queens. You just need one more than the one on your right and you’ll win.” 
Thanks to your little tip, she won which none of them liked. 
“If you don’t want to lose, then don’t play,” you advise. 
The one that sits across from Katie scoffs, heading back inside, most likely getting his luggage to go home for winter break. 
“It’s been a while since you had something to eat. Do you want me to get you anything from the snack machine?” 
“I think I’m gonna head inside and go play some video games. You can join me since Kendall’s at the studio, finishing up their latest album.” 
You smile, “alright. Be prepared to lose to the master.” 
“Oh, you’re on. Oh, actually can you get some candy. Mom wants to try this weird candy recipe and I was supposed to ask Kendall, but you know, I was in the zone before he left.” 
You nod, “yeah, sure. Anything specific?” 
“No gummies and no chocolate.” 
“That leaves room for a lot of choices, doesn’t it?” 
She raises her arms, “I’m not the one who made the recipe.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
“I’ll wait with you.” 
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“You’re the only other person here besides my brother and his idiot friends who is actually nice to me. My mom also wouldn’t like it if I came up without you.” 
“Aww, who’s a mama’s girl.” You pull out a dollar from your pocket, reaching for your bag when you realize you left it at the table. “Hey, can you do me a quick favor and grab my bag. I want to make sure I get enough for your mom. You’ve got me curious about her future creation.” 
She nods. 
You push the buttons for the candy when a shadow blocks the light, turning you find one of the guys from the game. 
“Hey, chubbs.” 
You furrow your brows, hoping he’ll go away before Katie comes back. 
“Maybe if you didn’t eat all this junk, you’d lose a pound or two.” 
“Just because I’m getting candy, doesn’t mean it’s for me.” 
“Isn’t that what they all say.” 
You furrow your brows, “you don’t have to be a jerk.” 
“You don’t have to be a jerk, cry me a river. Quite eating this crap,” he smacks the item out of your hands. “It’s not for you.” 
You don’t look up, keeping your eyes on the floor. 
“Can’t even look away from it for a second. Pathetic.” 
He walks away when one of his buddies calls him over. 
Katie stands beside you, handing you your bag. “Are you okay?” 
You put a brave face on and nod. “Yep, all good. Now, let’s get your mom the candy so she can get started on it.” 
Katie overheard what the jerk said and wants to make you feel better, but she’s never been good at it. She’s not letting you go back to your apartment until you absolutely have to, no one should be sad or alone during the holidays. Her eyes widen at the amount of candy you got. “Okay. I think we’re more than okay. This is already a lot more than what I planned on getting.” 
“You sure?” 
She nods, “definitely.” She grabs the candy from you and holds it close to her chest. “Let’s go. If she gets started now, she can be done but the time the boys get back.” 
“You guys don’t have any holiday plans?” 
“We did but then everyone canceled so we’re stuck here but now you can hang out with us.” 
“Oh, I can? I feel honored.” 
“My mom loves you.” 
“I’ve only met her once.” 
“And she thought you really nice. Wait, until she hears about you helping me win.” 
You push the elevator close door button, wanting to get to their apartment faster. “Don’t you dare.” 
“She won’t believe me anyway.” 
The young girl shakes her head, smiling, feeling proud of herself for bed able to keep you happy… even if it’s only temporary. She has an idea that maybe you don’t actually like what you see. She sees the baggy clothes you wear to hide yourself; it makes more sense with what that jerk told you earlier. “You look nice by the way,” Katie tells you, keeping her attention on the elevator doors. 
“Oh,” you whisper, not expecting her to say that. You glance down at your usual jean and sneaker combo followed by your cute festive, semi tight Christmas holiday shirt with a black jacket to keep you warm. “Thanks. I like your shoes.” 
She smirks, you had given her Christmas shoes laces as a joke not expecting her to wear them of course but here you are. “I know.” 
“We’re back,” the child announces, walking into the apartment. 
“Who’s we exactly?” Her mom asks, the last time she tried to get Katie a friend it turned out to be an adult who then stole her car- or rental car, it was a blur after realizing it was a car that was in her possession was stolen. “Oh,” she notices you, standing in the doorway and smiles. “Come on in. I’m so happy it’s you. How are you?” She hugs you, you weakly hug her back. 
The negative thoughts try to enter your mind again. ‘She pities you. Forever the fat pitied girl.’ You give her a weak smile. “We got the last ingredient you needed for your latest creation.” 
“Oh, that’s so sweet but I’m pretty sure my daughter was supposed to tell her brother to get it.” 
“She mentioned something like that, but I figured why not try the vending machine first. Save a few bucks, you know.” 
“I knew I liked you for a reason.” 
“We’re gonna play games.” Katie tries to pull you towards the couch when her mom stops her. 
“Oh no. You promised to help me.” 
“It could be fun.” 
“Don’t side with her, please.” 
“You two could make Christmas cookies.” 
“Oh, yay. I’ve been waiting make some myself but-” ‘She’s gonna think your fat, talking about cookies.’ “I- uh- never found the time.” 
“Let’s make the cookies… from scratch.” 
“I don’t like the look you have on your face, Katie,” you tell the young girl. 
The smile never leaving her face. 
“How about Mrs. Knight and I switch places?” 
“First, it’s Ms. Knight. And no, you two can make the cookies.” She turns to you, “I have faith that you’ll make sure the cookies come out right. Katie just wants to throw flour on you.” 
You nod, “I figured as much.” 
The older woman smiles, patting your arm, “you’re gonna have fun.” 
A nervous chuckle escapes you, “I don’t know.” 
“You will and while you do, I’ll be over there on the couch reading a book.” 
The mother of the apartment says nothing. 
“Have fun with your book.” 
She nods and heads over to the couch, getting comfortable. 
“Alright,” you turn to Katie, “what flavor are we making?” 
“Chocolate chip.” 
“Excellent choice.” You order her to get all of the items and ingredients you’ll need and remind her of the sweet outcome whenever she huffs and puffs. 
“Now can we make the cookies?” 
“Yep, let’s get started.” You tell her which ingredients you need while you do the mixing. 
You two sit and play hangman while you two wait for the cookies to finish cooking. “Seriously? You used the word ambrosia. How was I supposed to guess that?” 
She smirks, “don’t order me around.” 
“Oh,” you shake your head, “you’re evil.” 
“I don’t think so.” 
“Of course, you don’t.” The timer on the microwave dings. “I’ll check on the cookies.” 
The boys enter the apartment and slump against the couch, two on each side of Kendall and Katie’s mom. “I smell cookies,” says Carlos, with a confused expression. 
“I do too,” Logan and James add. 
“Ask your sister,” she flips another page of her book. 
“Okay, Katie. I-” You scream, almost dropping the hot tray of cookies. “Geez.” You grab a towel and set it on the counter before setting the tray down. 
The boys stare at the tray of heavenly smelling cookies... all except for James, who’s jaw is open as he stares at you. 
Katie sits beside Logan who sits beside her brother, watching this whole thing with amusement. 
‘They think your fat for making cookies... even though they look like they want one.’ You purse your lips at this next thought. ‘They can eat them without the sugar going to their hips.’ You avoid her gaze and turn towards the sink, washing the dishes so Ms. Knight doesn’t have to. 
Carlos and Logan glance at one another, eyes switching between each other and the cookies. 
The brainiac shakes his head, the helmet lover nods; this goes on for a couple of minutes until Carlos reaches for a cookie and hisses. 
“The cookies just came out. You saw her take them out,” Katie points out. 
“But- it’s cookies,” the corndog lover weakly argues. 
“They have to cool.” 
“But I want cookies.” 
You dry your hands on a napkin and slowly turn around. “If I,” you pause when the five turn to give you, their attention. “If I get you some cookies, will you stop trying to grab them off the hot cookie sheet?” 
The boys nod. 
Katie gets out of the chair before you asked her to get you plates. 
You scoop a couple of cookies onto each plate and slide them in front of each boy, not forgetting to give a plate to Katie and her mom. 
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips. 
“Don’t you want to try some?” You shake your head with a polite smile, “no, thanks for offering though Katie.” 
She furrows her brows. “But you said-” 
“I- I decided that I’m gonna stop eating so much candy.” 
She knows where you’re going with this and what thoughts are running around your mind. 
“Oh, okay. Well. I’m sure I can whip up something else,” Ms. Knight offers, collecting the boys’ plates. 
You shake your head, “it's- its fine. I should go back to my place.” You walk around the counter, grabbing your bag off the table. “Thank you so much for letting me hangout here.” 
“Do you h-ave to go?” asks James, voice cracking halfway through. “You could- we could hang- hang out?” 
An uncomfortable smile stretches across your lips. “I- I would but, I have to go. Maybe some other time?” You add even though you don’t really mean it, thinking he was just being nice to the “fat” girl. 
“Oh, yeah. Okay, next time.” 
A quiet, “bye” slips past your lips before the door closes shut. 
The boys or Katie’s mom didn’t see you much after that day. They couldn’t find you when it was only everyone in the apartment, Kelly, Gustavo, and Snoop Dog who were stuck at the studio. 
Katie wanted to invite you to stay and hangout with them since she knows your family always have plans, leaving you here alone. She was lucky to have found you a few days after everyone came back from break. 
“How was your guy’s Christmas?” you ask her, sitting in the cabana. 
“Not better than yours.” 
“Somehow I don’t believe that.” 
Just because the boys haven’t talked to you since you made cookies, doesn’t mean they haven’t seen you. 
Every time James sees you, he forgets everything he was doing or thinking. 
The others always encourage him to try and ask you out (not just because they’re tired of hearing him go on and on about you) but he always gives them some sort of excuse as to why he can’t or shouldn’t making it even weirder because... it’s James. But they see how he is whenever he’s near you and know that he has a big time crush on you. 
Kendall pulls together an idea, knowing that you and Katie are hanging out by the pool as usual so naturally he calls, more like yanks, Carlos and Logan with him. 
“Operation: Get James a date is happening today.” 
“Today? Like today-today? We’re not ready,” Logan tells him. 
“It happens and he will get a date with the one person who can get him to use less of his body spray.” 
“How are we gonna do that?” asks Carlos. 
“I’m glad you asked.” 
They rope James into coming over and helping them with their fake plan. 
“Okay, James. I’m gonna be honest with you right now,” Kendall starts. 
“We lied!” Logan blurts out. 
“That’s not what we agreed to do.” The leader smacks the brainiacs shoulder, who whines as he holds his arm. 
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. He should know. He needs to know what we’re doing here.” 
“What exactly are we doing here?” The pretty boy chimes in. 
“We’re helping you ask out the only nice girl here.” Carlos glances over at the offended duo and sighs, correcting himself. “Who isn’t dating anyone.” 
“What?” James eyes widen. “You’re trying to get me to ask her out?! No. No. No.” 
“You can do it,” Carlos encourages him. 
“It’s all going to be fine,” Kendall pats his shoulder. 
“Take these flowers,” Logan shoves the bundle of flowers into his friends’ hand, “and go find her.” 
James trips, using his hands to put some distance between his face and the floor, not wanting to damage his face; the flowers are a now mess on the floor. 
No one stops to help, only glancing over at him and continuing with their day. 
Luckily for you, you didn’t hear it, the music blasting through your headphones blocking out all and any sounds around you. 
He sighs and pushes himself off the ground with sad and slow movements. 
The other three reach out to comfort him but he continues walking past them and into the pool area since the kids from class were having fun first day of summer pool party. 
“She’s still there,” Logan weakly adds. “This is good.” 
“Let’s go before he floats in the pool, staring into the sun,” Carlos taps his helmet before running outside. 
You hide in the cabana, not wanting to see anyone or have anyone see you in the jean shorts, you haven’t worn in what feels like a millennium. You don’t even know why you’re here; you should be in your apartment watching some old romance movie that you find stupid because you haven’t been in love or in a relationship. 
You don’t even know why you left the cabana flap open, maybe it was some kind of subconscious self-torture because all you see when you look at the pool is everyone from class which consist of skinny girls in bikinis. 
Just as you pointed them out to yourself, the Jennifer’s give you a polite wave, something not everyone could get which made your harsh thoughts about yourself make you feel bad for thinking these kinds of things when they’ve been nice to you for almost as long as you’ve known them. Sure, they were a bit rough around the edges when you first met the girls but after helping them when they needed it, they’ve been nothing but kind to you. 
The smile falls from your face as you watch them settle onto the pool lounge chairs. ‘They didn’t need to buy new bathing suits. They didn’t gain anything during the holidays.’ You shake your head, sighing. ‘Don’t focus on that. You look cute too. Your shorts are perfect for your shirt.’ You tug your jacket closer around your torso, half tempted to zip it but deciding not to prevent yourself from overheating. You noticed James lazily floating on one of the bed floaties, staring up at the sky. 
Almost as if he could feel eyes on him, his head rolls to the side; he glances over at you. 
You both freeze, keeping eye contact with one another. You didn’t realize it at first but, you offer a small wave in his direction. 
He returns the slow wave. 
You quickly lower your head, trying to focus on your book. ‘Why’d you even accept their invite to this?’ You bite the inside of your cheek, letting go when the flavor of copper hits your tastebuds. ‘They probably invited you out of the pity. The fat girl friends with a child. They want something to laugh at.’ 
Katie draws James’s attention away from you. 
“What?” He asks, with an annoyed tone. 
“Get out of the pool and talk to her. She needs someone to talk to and I can’t do it.” 
“Why not?” 
“My mom wants to me to do something that other kids my age do.” She notices the raised brow and disbelief expression he has on his face. “Whatever that means. Go and talk to her. I’m tired of you not saying anything.” 
“I can’t talk to her,” he stresses the second word as if that would help. 
“You can. It’s easy. She likes music, you’re in a band. Find common ground.” 
“You make it sound like I’m going into battle... I’m not, right?” 
“You are and oh look, we’re here.” She shoves him in front of the cabana, hiding behind one of the oddly placed plants. 
James catches himself before he could trip, glancing back of his shoulder only to find no Katie. He sighs. 
“Hi James.” 
His shoulders tense up, eyes quickly moving onto you. 
“You know my name?” 
‘This isn’t awkward.’ You nod, “kind of hard not to when you’re the newest artist around here.” You purse your lips, since when did talking to others get to be so hard. ‘Have I always sounded like this?’ 
He chuckles, “that- uh- yeah, that makes sense.” 
You gulp before you ask him if he wants to sit in here with you. 
His eyes widen in surprise making you feel bad. 
Did you make him think you hated him because if so, that was not your intentions. 
“Yeah, okay.” He’s quick to walk over towards the unoccupied seat near you. 
Kendall and the other two exit the Palm Woods lobby with Carlos munching on whatever caught his interest in the vending machine today. 
“Where could he be?” Logan questions with his hands on his lips. 
This was not like their friend to just disappear for hours on end (even though it had been ten minutes. The debate between snacks Carlos had with himself was absolute hell). 
The boy with the extra accessory points to something in front of him, unable to respond as he continues to munch on his snack of the day. 
“Looks like he doesn’t need any help,” Kendall comments. 
“We can get rid of these costumes then, right?” Logan starts itching his collar bone. 
“After we-” 
“Nope,” the brainiac shakes his head. “Nope, besides Carlos already stained his so, we can’t use these.” 
“Are you gonna go into the pool at any point today?” James asks, with an innocent tone. 
“Uh- n- I don’t think I will.” 
“Why not?” 
You say the first thing that pops into your head. “I’m not a big fan of splashing.” 
“We could hangout near a corner... or something.” 
“We?” You turn your head to him. 
He scratches the back of his neck, a nervous chuckle slipping through the small smile he has on his lips. “Uh- yeah. I mean or we could- we could just stay here, if that’s what you want. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” 
‘If only he knew.’ “Maybe when there’s less people,” you grip the edge of your jacket, further curling it around you. “We could go for a swim,” your voice wavers at the word. 
Almost as if he knows what you’re thinking he offers something else. “Nah, I’ve already been in the sun for too long. I definitely don’t want to become one of those overly tan people, you know.” 
You chuckle, knowing exactly who he’s talking about and sadly, it’s usually the parents of the other kids that live here at the Palm Woods. “Yeah, smart move on your part,” you joke with him. 
The corner of his lip’s twitches, he got you to make a joke. He didn’t think he’d be able to make you smile much less make a joke, the butterflies in his stomach start fluttering faster than ever. 
“Have any of you beaten BTF yet?” 
He furrows his brows, “how do you know about that?” 
“It’s me. Katie gets bored when she beats the pool jockies and we’ve been practicing your guys’ video games so we can beat you.” 
He chuckles, “now that I know that you’re so going down.” 
“I’d like to see you try,” you playfully shove his arm. 
“How can you stand to be near it?” The pool jocky who was being a jerk before Christmas snickers. 
“What?” James asks, not understanding why this guy is being such a jerk to such a nice person. “Just don’t feed her, she’ll never leave if you do.” He turns around, heading towards the pool area feeling very highly of himself. 
Your brows knit together, a sad pout on your lips. “Let’s just go, James.” 
“What?” He spins around, standing in front of you. “No. He doesn’t get to talk to you like that and pretend like he didn’t.” 
“It’s fine. This isn’t something new.” 
“And I’m gonna make sure it doesn’t happen again.” 
You didn’t see anything because Logan and Carlos stop you from following him. “Would you let me at least-” 
“Nope,” the former shakes his head. “Not happening. Kendall and James have got this handled.” 
Carlos nods, “yeah. We just gotta trust them-” 
And then the quick screams of the Jennifer’s and pool splashing causes all of your eyes to widen. 
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Logan says, turning you around so your back is to the facing the front desk of the lobby as he avoids your gaze. 
James walks through the open doors, stopping in the doorway, smiling when he sees you and tries to slick his hair back. 
Kendall rolls his eyes, Katie walking up behind the two. “Please stop.” 
The two jump up, hugging one another as they let out a quick scream until they realize who it is and immediately push the other one away from them. 
“You’re fine, she won’t care if your hair is messed up-” 
“It’s messed up?” He asks, reaching for hair. 
“What? No. That’s not important. If I hear you did something to make her cry or anything to hurt, her feelings. You won’t know revenge until it happens to you.” 
A short chuckle slips past your lips as you place a hand on James’s shoulder. “Let’s not threaten people today, Katie.” 
“I’m not, just implying what could happen if he isn’t nice,” she says, a fake smile tugging at the corner of her lips. 
“Yeah, I’m not buying that.” You start to push James into the direction of the elevators. You two stare at the doors, unsure of how to talk to one another knowing that he did- whatever it is he did because he cares about you. ‘My stomach feels weird, but I don’t have an upset stomach?’ “Thank you.” 
“It was fun.” 
“Not as much as it’ll be when I kick your butt.” 
“Oh, you’re on.” 
Carlos tilts his head, “does anyone smell cookies?” 
“As long as you don’t smell toast, we’re good,” Logan adds. 
“Could you two walk any slower,” Katie whines. She opens the door, shaking her head watching the two having fun. She wanders over, leaning over the back of the couch. “Any more BTF?” 
“You know it.” 
“Cookies are done,” Ms. Knight announces, scooping the cookies off the cookie sheet and onto a plate. 
Everyone runs over to the counter, wincing at the temperature. 
“What does BTF mean?” asks James as he breaks a cookie in half offering you the other half. 
You accept, “oh, that.” You chuckle, “it was actually something I use to make fun of Katie but when I tell you, I… will painfully admit that I’m a fan of your guy’s music because it means… big time fan.” 
He leans in. “Can I assume someone here is your favorite member?” 
“Nope, let’s go play some more. I’m so close to getting the scoreboard to be all BTF.”
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notelcol · 9 months
In which Childe’s Dragonspine adventure comes to an end❄️
Part three.
Pls read the first two parts ⬇️
The fire burned warm and it made you feel alive again. Which is why you were up in arms when your mysterious companion didn’t use it to cook! You had learned two things about the strange man who fell from the sky. His name was Childe and he liked raw fish. It was clear you needed to get away from him, something must be wrong in his head.
“So why were you hurtling off a cliff?” You inquired. The odd man chuckled and sheepishly rubbed his head.
“I was fighting hillichurls and slipped on some ice.” You remembered his hydro vision and couldn’t help but laugh, realising what must have happened.
“Don’t laugh! Anyone could make that mistake.” He protested while fighting back his own laughter.
Once you had both warmed up, you stood up to leave and continue your search.
“Thanks for that weird meal I guess.” You felt a lot better after eating.
“Wait! You’re Joel’s sister right?” His question spooked you. How could he know that? You took a step back but he followed. “Relax, he sent me to bring you and your father home.” The explanation made sense, Joel had been alone for so long now. He must be so scared.
“He’s okay! He misses you both but he seems like he’s doing well, considering.” Finally, you relaxed. Thought it still freaked you out how Childe seemed to read your mind. You nodded your head for him to continue.
“We should team up. It’s not save to be out here alone.” He had a point. You huffed and agreed. This man was weird, but also right. You hated that. But if it helped you find your father, you could put up with him.
Childe decided that the best thing to do was for you to lead him back to the end of your father’s trail. This was a waste of time in your eyes. There was nothing there to suggest where he went, not a single clue. But it seemed your new companion was an immovable force. Finally you arrived back at the tunnel your dad had camped in.
“It looks like there was a cave-in here.” Childe speculated the moment he saw the rocks strewn all around the entrance.
“Yeah. I bust through it when I first came.” You admitted. “His campsite is just round this bend.” You pointed and ran ahead, while the harbinger began to piece together the situation.
“It certainly looks like the cave in happened while he was here. So how did he get out?”
Childe’s POV.
Childe was confused as to why there wasn’t the body of a starved Joserf lying in this tent; whereas you took it as a sign of hope.
“The only other way out is here but….” You trailed off as you stared at the entrance.
“A cliff!” Childe finally had the whole picture. “How could you walk away from here and say this is nothing? It’s clear where he went!” He momentarily forgot that he was talking about your father. The reality of his decision to make this diversion, to lose his next family visit as punishment hit him like a lawachurl. All his sacrifice was for nothing. “This all could have been avoided if you had just opened your eyes to the truth when you first investigated the tunnel.” It came out of his mouth before he could think better of it.
“NO!” Tears had already began to spill from her eyes. Childe felt terrible immediately, he cursed himself for being so insensitive. How could he say something like that? “My father is too smart to jump from a cliff. He knows all the signs of a cave in, there is no way he didn’t escape.” You didn’t want to doubt the man you looked up to your whole life.
“I’m sorry.” Childe spoke, softly and sincerely. “I don’t want to be right but, there’s only one way to find out.” He took your hand in his and peered into your eyes. “Come with me to the bottom.”
Joel’s sister’s POV
You knew you should have checked out the bottom earlier. You weren’t ready then. You still weren’t and probably never would have been, but you had to find out. Joel had been waiting for you long enough. You took in a shaky breath and held Childe’s hand a little tighter. Then you jumped. The fall felt like an eternity, but it still ended too soon. You summoned a wind current, this time with enough warning to land comfortably.
You took in your surroundings and your eyes found something familiar. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you walked towards the tattered brown bags. They were definitely his. You tried to pick them up, but they were frozen into the floor. It seemed you were standing on a frozen pool of water.
You refused to believe it. Over and over again you whispered.
“No.” You fell to the snow and ice that most likely separated you from your father’s body. Your sobs shook you more than the cold ever could. Your whispers turned to screams when you checked the contents of the bag. Your sight blackened as you wailed, clutching an old copy of ‘the Princess and the Boar’. He used to read that to you and Joel. You remembered your brother slipping it in there, much like he the berries that gave you hope when you lost your rations. You begged the Archons not to let this be real. Cried for them not to make you go home and tell your brother what you had found. Arms wrapped around you tightly, bringing you back to reality. Your father really was gone. Childe’s arms held you together, guiding you out of the cold and back home.
Childe’s POV. (Months later)
“Come on Tuecer!” The harbinger called over his shoulder. His brother had gotten distracted by a ruin guard in the distance again. He reminded the little boy that the longer the journey took the longer until he could play. That must have worked because shortly after, they arrived at their destination. The little settlement near Dragonspine.
“Can I help you?” A man he did not recognise asked him.
“We’re looking for Joel and his big sis!” Tuecer bursted before Childe could open his mouth, causing the unknown man to laugh heartily.
“Lucky for you, they are my children! I’ll go fetch ‘em.” The man bounded away without allowing Childe to voice his confusion.
“What are you doing here?” A voice snuck up on him.
“I could say the same about your father.” He laughed, bewildered but very happy for the girl in front of him. He was glad he was wrong.
“Tell me about it. I nearly passed out when a local adventurer brought him back.” You began to explain. “Apparently he did jump off the cliff. Idiot. He hurt his head and lost his memory. Wandered around the mountain for all that time and somehow found the luck to not only survive, but bump into an adventurer who knew him!”
Childe couldn’t believe the tale he was hearing. He wanted to ask more but Tuecer stopped him.
“Can we go play now?” While they were talking the young boy had made already made friends with Joel. He sure worked fast. The two boys stood shoulder to shoulder looking at their respective siblings with big hopeful eyes. Childe shared a smirk with you as he pulled out what Tuecer had been so excited about. Two hand painted kites from Liyue.
Joel’s sister’s POV.
You sat on a nearby hill, watching the two young boys having a kite fight. Occasionally you would send a gust of wind to mess them up, the reactions were priceless every time.
“I’ve almost got it!” Joel triumphantly yelled to Tuecer. You smirked as you lifted your hands.
“Stop being mean. Let him win.” Chide scolded, though you could tell by the sparkle in his eye that he found it just as funny as you did.
“NOOOOOO!” Joel dramatically expressed his frustration as his kite blew off course. Tuecer laughed manically and showed no mercy, knocking Joel’s kite from the sky. They then swapped kites and started the game again for at least the tenth time that day.
Somewhere along the way, you had lost track of time. But when the sky turned pink and it was time to separate once more, your mind returned Teyvat.
“You never said why you came.” You said softly, looking deep into the eyes of the man who laid next to you on the grass.
“Your brother reminded me of Tuecer. I thought it would be nice for them to meet.” He replied, looking back at you with a gentle smile.
“You came all this way for that?” That didn’t add up.
“Maybe I just wanted to see you.” He revealed while his fingers brushed against yours. Your heart fluttered, surprising you. He stood up, breaking your trance. You silently watched as he got Tuecer ready to leave. They said their goodbyes and you would have let him leave like that, but your subconscious had other ideas. You ran forward and grabbed his hand. You held it with both of yours as he stared at you, confused.
“Will you be back?” Was all you could muster, you had no idea what you were doing anymore. All you knew was you that you wanted more of this day, you wanted him to come back. Childe smiled, his eyes never leaving yours as he brushed a stray hair away from your face. He was so close you could feel his breath.
“I’ll keep coming back as long as you’ll have me.” He whispered pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. He lingered for a moment before dropping your limp hands and walking away. His figure faded with the light. Leaving you at the top of a hill, with only the hope of his next visit and your giggling younger brother.
The end❄️
Thank you for reading this ✨
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bad-fucking-omens · 10 months
The Witch Twin (Alec V. x OC) - Chapter 7 - Regret
Summary: When I thought about my future, I was sure that I had the rest of my life vaguely planned out.
Then, my older sister moved up from Arizona to stay with us — and turned my entire life upside down.
I had no idea just how bad it had gotten until I was standing in a castle in Italy, convinced that I was about to die.
Length: 3K words (Complete fic 71.8K words)
Fic warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, explicit smut (M/F), referenced/implied past child abuse, emotional manipulation by sibling
Chapter warnings: Depression
Read on AO3 or read below
I looked over when someone knocked gently on my door. Charlie peeked into my room, a worried look on his face.
“Why don’t you come down for breakfast, sweetheart?”
“I’m not hungry,” I mumbled, turning away and pulling my comforter tighter around my body.
“Eve,” Charlie sighed. “Come on. You need to eat.”
“I just don’t feel good,” I lied, looking back at him. “I’ll eat in a little bit, Dad. . . . Promise.”
For a moment, Charlie hesitated as if he was going to argue with me. Then, his shoulders slumped in defeat and he just sighed and nodded. “Okay. . . . I’m gonna head to work. I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
He lingered in my doorway for a few moments before he left, closing the door quietly behind him.
A week ago, I had made the decision to stay in Forks rather than join Alec in Volterra. Ever since, the sharp pain in my chest that had started when I left Volterra had only grown worse. When I didn’t drag myself to school, where I struggled to sit through my classes, I was almost always in my room, laying in my bed.
I wasn’t quite as despondent as Bella had been a few months ago, but I could see Charlie looking at me in almost the same way he used to look at Bella. I knew that he was worried about me, especially since he must be wondering what had caused my drastic change. He had no idea what had happened in Italy, and now he never would.
My phone beeped, but I ignored it. I knew that the message wasn’t from Alec. He hadn’t messaged or called since our last conversation, and I knew that he wouldn’t. How many times had he promised me that he would respect my decision and stay away if that was what I wanted? At least now I knew that he had been telling me the truth about that.
Although I truly appreciated that he had been honest with me and that he was respecting my decision, my heart still squeezed painfully at the fact that he hadn’t tried to contact me. I missed him. I missed our late-night conversations, I missed hearing his voice, his laugh. It was a daily struggle for me not to call him just to hear his voice one last time.
But every time the urge came, the thought of Charlie being all alone came with it, and my guilt overwhelmed my desires. Charlie was going to lose Bella no matter what choice I made, but if I stayed here, I could make sure that he was okay. It was my duty to stay and take care of my father.
By the time Bella disappeared with Edward, I would be okay. I had to be. Charlie needed me.
I hummed to myself as I moved around the kitchen, getting everything ready to make dinner for my family. Once I had all of the ingredients on the counter, I tied my long hair back, washed my hands, and began cooking.
Bella returned home not long after. I fell silent when I heard the door open, my shoulders tensing slightly when she walked into the kitchen.
“What are you making?” she asked.
“Fish and chips.”
“Mm,” Bella hummed, her tone betraying her disappointment. “Well, make sure the fish is actually crispy this time, okay? Last time it was soggy.”
She walked out of the kitchen to go up to her room. I muttered under my breath, “Only because you put it in a container in the fridge while it was still hot.”
I continued to cook dinner, no longer humming under my breath. Bella’s comment had stolen the little bit of happiness that I had managed to find in these past few weeks.
I had just called Bella down for dinner when Charlie walked in from work. He stepped into the kitchen, where Bella and I were waiting. Bella held the plate of fish while I was holding the sheet pan filled with fries.
“Hey, Dad,” I greeted.
“Hi, girls,” Charlie replied. “Ooh, fish and chips. It looks great, Bells.”
My sister grinned at the praise. “Why don’t you go clean up and I’ll make a plate for you,” Bella suggested.
Charlie walked away and I turned, setting the sheet tray on the oven. Since my appetite had basically disappeared, I was intent on cleaning up the mess I had created. Maybe she didn’t mean to, but Bella had taken credit for the dinner that I made. It wasn’t the first time she had done it. It was happening so frequently now that I was almost used to it.
I forced myself to sit at the table with them, picking at my food. Bella and Charlie kept up the conversation mostly by themselves. I only added something when Charlie addressed me. When we were all finished, I was left alone in the kitchen to clean our plates and put away the leftovers. Charlie had moved to the living room to watch some sports game while Bella had gone back to her room.
Finally, I finished cleaning up the kitchen and doing the dishes. I walked up to my bedroom and dropped down onto the edge of my bed, letting out a long sigh as I rubbed my hands over my face. I sat up and stared out of the window, looking at the trees that lined our backyard.
For a while, I just stared out at the trees blankly. I thought about Alec, and how wonderful it would have been to have him wrap me up in his arms and calm my emotions.
But I would never see him again. I sighed, looking away from the window. I moved to my desk and started on my homework for my English class. When I grew too tired to continue my essay, I set it aside and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
It wasn’t until I was under the spray of hot water that I finally let myself cry. I sobbed, my hand pressed over my aching, shattered heart. I missed Alec with every cell of my body. I was miserable here, but I wouldn’t allow myself to even text or call him to alleviate some of that misery. I knew that if I did reach out, Alec would answer in a heartbeat, but I wasn’t going to torture him just to make myself feel better.
At some point, my tears finally dried up and I got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and quickly walked back to my room, shutting the door behind me. I changed into a black tank top and a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants, then crawled into bed.
I laid my head on my pillow and pulled the comforter tight around my body. My lip trembled and a tear ran across my face. I buried my face in the pillow as I started crying again. I tried not to be too loud — I didn’t want Charlie to hear and come rushing in, asking questions that I couldn’t answer.
I had cried myself to sleep every night since I decided to stay in Forks. Tonight was no different.
“Alec,” I mumbled, almost half-asleep. “I miss you. . . . I’m so sorry.”
I was sure that I had already drifted off to sleep when cool arms pulled me gently against a rock-hard chest.
The sound of a quiet, beautiful laugh made my eyes flutter open. I looked up, following the source of the sound, and my eyes widened when they met crimson irises.
“You’re here,” I whispered, reaching up to touch Alec’s cheek. “You’re really here.”
“I am,” he murmured quietly. A soft smile curled on his pale lips.
“I thought that I was dreaming last night when you wrapped your arms around me.”
Alec reached up to deftly brush my hair away from my face. His smile faded as he murmured, “My love, you were crying last night. . . . Tell me truthfully, sweet girl, are you happy with the choice you’ve made to stay here?”
Tears welled up in my eyes and I shook my head. My voice broke as I cried, “No, I’m not. I’m so sorry, Alec. I’m so, so sorry.”
He pulled me closer, holding my head gently against his chest as he hushed me softly. Alec stroked his hand over my hair as he said, “Don’t apologize, my love. I suspected that the Cullens and your sister likely manipulated you in some way to get you to do what they want. It’s not your fault. . . . Come back to Volterra with me, Eve. You would be so much happier, sweet girl.”
I remained silent, aside from my quiet sniffles and hiccups from crying. Alec said nothing else. He just held me, his hand moving from my hair to rub my back comfortingly. I melted into him, soaking up his comfort eagerly. How long had it been since I had felt so loved and so safe around someone?
I felt Alec’s body tense up and I wrapped my own arm around him, silently begging him to stay close to me. He relaxed again and buried his nose in my hair.
I heard my father and sister as they both got up and got ready for the day. Charlie was headed off to work and Bella was undoubtedly going to meet Edward. I listened as they both moved around the house, until finally, the front door opened and then slammed shut twice. Both of them had left.
“What about my dad?” I finally asked softly.
Alec was silent for a long moment. Then, he said, “My sweet girl, I know that you love him dearly, but you have already given up so much to take care of him when it was not your responsibility. He is the parent and you are the child. He should have been the one taking care of you, not the other way around. It is not your responsibility to stay here and spend the rest of your life taking care of him. He is a grown man. . . . You are allowed to put yourself first, Eve. Please, do this for yourself, my love. . . . I told you before that I just want you to be happy, and you clearly aren’t happy here.”
I leaned away from him just enough to look into his eyes. He was looking at me with only sincerity and love, and I knew then that Edward had lied every single time he said that Alec was just trying to manipulate me.
Finally, I smiled a little and nodded. “Okay.”
Alec grinned and pressed a kiss to my forehead. He whispered against my skin, “Thank you, Eve.”
I just smiled and curled up in his arms again. He held me gently against his chest, trailing his fingers along my back.
“My love?”
“Why did you come here?” I asked hesitantly. “I’m not angry or anything, but you . . . you said that I would never see or hear from you again once I decided to stay here.”
“Marcus convinced me to come check up on you,” he said. “He thought that it would help me to see that you were doing fine after you made your choice. But then you started crying and you called my name. . . . I just couldn’t stay away from you, knowing how upset you were. I’m sorry. I know that I broke my promise–”
“I’m glad you did,” I replied quickly. “I’ve regretted my decision every second since I’ve made it, but I . . . I thought that it was the right thing to do for my family. I thought it was my duty to stay and take care of Charlie because the Volturi would allow me to stay human. . . . But now that you’re here, I can’t ever imagine not being with you anymore.”
“We never have to be apart again,” Alec murmured. “As long as you want me, I won’t leave your side.”
“I’ll always want you,” I said.
“Forever, then,” he promised.
“We should begin packing your things, Eve,” Alec said after a while.
We were still laying in my bed, cuddling close to each other in a comfortable silence. I pulled my head away from his chest and took a moment to just look at him as he smiled softly at me.
My memories of him from my trip to Volterra didn’t do his beauty justice. The sharp angles and smooth curves of his face were even more perfect than I remembered. Rather than the dress shirt and trousers he had been wearing in Italy, Alec was now wearing a dark grey hoodie, black jeans, and black combat boots. Wearing these clothes, it was easy to imagine that he was just a normal teenage boy — a very attractive one. The only unusual thing about him were his bright red eyes.
“Yeah, okay,” I said finally. Alec pressed a kiss to my forehead before we both got up.
I grabbed my old suitcase from my closet, set it on my bed, and unzipped it.
“What can I bring with me?” I asked as Alec moved to my side.
“Whatever you want,” he replied. He rubbed his hand lightly along my back and said, “We can replace anything that you leave behind.”
I nodded. I walked over to my nightstand and pulled out a few photos that I had of me and my family. I sorted through them all, picking out the few of only me and Charlie, leaving behind any photos that included Bella or my mother. I set the pictures next to my bag, then moved over to my bookshelf. Alec moved to stand beside me as I started picking out books, taking them from my hands to hold them for me. When I finally finished sorting through them all, Alec brought the books over to my suitcase and carefully packed them up.
“Yes, my love?” He wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned back against his chest.
“How are we going to get to Volterra? My dad . . . he can’t know that I’m going to Italy. I can’t go through, like, TSA or customs or anything like that. They’ll scan my passport and he’ll know where I am.”
“Calm down, sweet girl,” Alec murmured, squeezing my waist gently. “We will be taking a private jet to a private airfield just outside of Florence. The Volturi owns the jet and the airfield, both, so there is no way that anyone will know where you are. Your father won’t know a thing.”
“The Volturi owns a jet and an airfield?” I asked, turning to face him. I wrapped my arms around him as I joked, “Are all vampires insanely rich? First the Cullens, now the Volturi.”
“Oh, my love, the Volturi’s fortune would make even the Cullens look like paupers,” Alec said with a laugh, the sound as sweet as honey in my mind. “We have had more than a millenia to cultivate our wealth. The Cullens have had a mere century.”
I rolled my eyes at him, though I was smiling. I rested my head against his chest. Alec hummed and nuzzled into my hair.
“My sweet little mate,” he whispered. I looked up at him, my cheek still resting against his chest. He lifted his hand and gently brushed his knuckles across my cheek. My eyes fluttered shut at his soothing touch. “I don’t know how I have lived centuries without you.”
“You’ll never have to live without me again,” I promised, pressing closer to his body.
Alec moved his hand from my cheek to gently cradle the back of my head. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. I smiled and opened my eyes as I looked up at him. I reached up to trail my fingers lightly along his sharp jawline. His hand came up to take mine.
“You’re wearing my ring,” he said in a soft, awestruck voice. His eyes were locked onto the iron ring that I was still wearing on my thumb.
I blushed as I nodded. “Ever since you gave it to me,” I admitted. “At first, I put it on because I didn’t want to lose it, but then . . . I don’t know, I guess it made me feel closer to you somehow.”
Alec grinned and pressed another kiss to my forehead.
“My sweet girl,” he murmured. After a moment, he sighed and said, “As much as I don’t want to interrupt this moment, we need to finish packing your things so we can leave.”
We slowly pulled away from each other, but before we fully broke apart, Alec dropped one more kiss to my forehead. I could feel my cheek grow warm as I blushed and Alec laughed as I started packing my clothes.
He stayed by my side as I sorted through the clothes in my closet. Every time I picked out a shirt or a pair of jeans, Alec took them from my hands, folded the item neatly, then packed it away in the suitcase. He turned away politely and allowed me to pack my own bras and underwear, though I didn’t miss the slight smirk that curled on his lips. It only made me blush more.
“Is that everything?” Alec asked when I finally zipped the suitcase shut.
“I think so. . . .”
“Look around one more time, just to be sure,” he said. “We cannot come back once we leave.”
I took his hand in mine and glanced around my room for the last time, searching for anything that I had missed. When nothing caught my eye, I turned to Alec and said, “I’m ready.”
“Eve. . . .” Alec trailed off as he moved to stand directly in front of me. He took my free hand in his, so that he was holding both of my hands. His red eyes searched my face worriedly as he asked, “Are you absolutely sure that this is what you want, and that you’re ready to leave this behind?”
“Yes,” I answered instantly. “I want this — I want you. As long as I have you, I’ll be happy.”
“You will always have me,” Alec promised. He rested his forehead against mine and our eyes fell shut. “I promised you that I will never leave your side, and I meant every word, Eve.”
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mountingpulisic · 2 years
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a/n : i literally broke my own heart when writing this.
warnings : mention of death of a parent
i remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
so desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe
right before my eyes, I saw that my heart, it came to life
this ain't easy, it's not meant to be
every story has its scars
you had a contrasting outlook on life growing up.
you had been asked a million times what you wanted to be and you had always responded the same, you just wanted to be happy. 
if your nine year old self could see you now, she'd be disappointed nonetheless. 
she’d ask you exactly when did you lose your sparkle?
she’d ask you why you are desperate for a way out of your world?
you’d tell her how you just wanted to breathe, to wake up and not feel as if the entire weight of the world was on your shoulders. 
you had recently relocated, moving back home to take care of your dad who had fallen ill after a stroke. with your mother no longer in the picture, having died a week before your fourteenth birthday with no siblings, it left you next of kin to look after him. 
you just wish things would’ve been different. 
taking care of your dad meant leaving everything you knew behind. 
your job, your friends, your independence. 
you didn’t mean to sound selfish, he sacrificed everything for you while growing up. so why couldn’t you do the same? 
tucked away in a booth at the back of an old diner you used to come often as a teenager, knees to your chest as you stared out of the window, you didn’t feel the soft gaze of the stranger with the chocolate brown eyes.
having stopped by to grab a quick bite to eat with mason, christian was infatuated with you upon first glance. he didn’t know what exactly had drawn him to you, had it been how small you looked wrapped up in your jumper? or how your shoulders slumped forward as if you had everything weighing down on you? 
christian didn’t know your story but he was sure you had your own scars, brushing off mason’s question of if he wanted to split a serving of the fish and chips, christian made his way towards you.
But when the pain cuts you deep
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
Just look and you will see
That I will be your remedy
When the world seems so cruel
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
I promise you will see
That I will be, I will be your remedy
you had found him on the bathroom floor, hanging on by a thread, suffering yet another stroke. 
your dad’s health wasn’t getting any better, it was declining rapidly and you were having a hard time swallowing the pill that you were about to lose him, the only remaining relative you had left. 
to say it cut deep when the doctor came in asking you if you wanted to keep him on life support, would be a lie. It has cut to a surface you didn’t even know existed in your body. 
christian had come running when he had gotten your call about your dad. he had only met him briefly, answering the door when christian came to collect you for your first date. you had stood behind him pleading with him not to embarrass you by playing the role of the tough dad. 
when he arrived in the hospital room, his heart sank at the sight of you. you had your hand tightly wrapped around your father’s, stroking the back of his, softly singing a song your dad had dedicated to you when growing up. 
“promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance, and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.” christian could hear the pain in your voice as you sang, voice cracking as a few tears fell from your eyes and down onto your father’s hand. 
feeling paralyzed in the moment, christian didn’t know the right way to comfort you. he had never been put in this situation before, never having to console a loved one during a tough moment like the one unfolding infront of him. 
“ben told me that the hospital’s ice cream isn’t bad, we could go get a cup if you want?” christian shyly asked you, hand rubbing the back of his neck as he shot you apologetic eyes.  
looking up from where your father laid, you couldn’t help but to admire the boy before you. you could tell he was trying his absolute best to comfort you, even though it was in a weird way of asking if you wanted to go try the hospital’s ice cream. 
“ you think they have strawberry?” 
No river is too wide or too deep for me to swim to you
Come whenever, I'll be the shelter that won't let the rain come through
Your love, it is my truth
And I will always love you
Love you, oh
your friend had always stated how sitting in the first row at a funeral felt different, and at the moment you didn’t understand what she meant by that. 
however, now you did. 
all the guests in attendance had expressed their condolences about the loss of your father, telling you how good of man he was. 
you already knew what a great guy your dad was, you didn’t need to be told multiple times by people you hadn’t seen since your mother’s own funeral. nonetheless, you still gave them an appreciated smile and thanked them for attending. 
when the service ended, you found yourself stuck to your seat, staring at the lifeless figure in the coffin. a slight breeze was felt as someone had taken a seat next you, engulfing their hand in yours. 
christian had been by your side through this whole process, speaking to the doctors when you couldn’t find the words, calling everyone to thank them for the flowers, holding your hand as you said your last goodbyes to your childhood hero, he was there through it all. 
“I wish i could’ve at least made him proud before he left.” you whispered, admiring your father’s features as you sat grounded in your seat. you always walked around with a sense of guilt in your heart, feeling as if you didn’t live up to your father’s expectations. you had gone away for uni when he had begged you to stay close, you had broken up with the guy he had begged you to marry, it was as if everything your dad loved, you found a way to rebel against it. 
“he was proud of you, y/n.” christian whispered back just as softly. “he was so proud to call you his daughter.”
“yeah?” you asked, looking at him teary eyed, a noticeable shakiness to your voice.
christian nodded his head as he pulled you closer to him. he knew there was no amount of words or gestures that could fill the empty hole in your heart caused by the passing of your dad. 
“thank you christian, for being here." before he could respond you placed a delicate kiss to his cheek, "you know i love you?"
your lips ghosted over his neck as you whispered your confession, christian had already spoken the words to you before, telling you not to obligated to say it back, wanting you to say it when you truly meant it as well.
you had felt as if the universe sent you the remedy in the form of christian as an apology for the hurt it has and continued to put you through, and you mentally thanked it.
When the pain cuts you deep
And when the night keeps you from sleeping
Just look and you will see
That I will be your remedy
When the world seems so cruel
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
I promise you will see
That I will be, I will be your remedy, oh
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lostfirefly · 9 months
You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me (Ch.4)
Hello, kiddos! The idea for this fanfic came to me from a dream (again) I had about a month ago. Тhe main characters were Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill (don't ask me why), but with a light hand they have been replaced (sorry, guys). The main action of the dream took place somewhere in the sands. Аlthough this fanfic will feature Sir Crocodile and our beloved Buggy, the action shifts to the desert. No marines, ships etc. Sorry, not sorry :) The devil fruit's abilities are preserved. Catch the Mummy and Indiana Jones vibes :) I have no idea how many chapters there will be. Different titles and names from the original source material will be used to emphasise the general OP's vibe.
Since English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) 
And thank you to my dear @yujo-nishimura and @laurasoretta for believing in me :)
Description: Catherine, a librarian who is searching for the trail of her sister who went missing on an expedition. Notes in books and diaries lead her to Cairo. There she finds a retailer from an artifact shop who, in exchange for selling her a map and equipment, insists that Catherine take her along. They get into a little (or maybe a big) adventure.. 
Warnings: 12+, I think. As always, no smut, angst, violence. Adventures and fun only. Buggy x OC, Sir Crocodile x OC.
Words: 1236
The title is taken from «You've Got the Same Dream as Me» (Sonya Belousova & Giona Ostinelli) (One Piece, Netflix)
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
"A car?" Catherine looked in amazement at the big black jeep. 
"What did you expect?" Buggy asked, leaning back on the bonnet, taking off his striped bandana. 
"Well, I don't know. We’re in Cairo… But.. You got people around town who look like fish. And there's… just a car", she said, glancing at his long blue hair.
"Sorry, cotton candy, my personal flying dragon is at home. I can take you for a ride next time", he replied with a sneer in voice, wrapping his hair into a ponytail.
"Ew, jeez", Catherine pursed her lips.
"If you keep yucking, I'm not taking you with me,. You can go to the nearest rental shop and book yourself a magic carpet if you want". 
"Tell me, were you born to be such an asshole? Or did it come with age?" Catherine drilled Buggy with her eyes. 
"Stop it, both of you. Save your love quarrels for later!" Rika said loudly, locking the shop door shut. "By some completely idiotic irony, we all need to get to the same place. Let's focus on the case. Cathie, get out your maps and records".
"He started it first!"
"I don't care! I'm not going to be your mom or dad. I said, get out your maps and records now! Here's your book by professor Alabasta", Rika put it on the bonnet.
It was a large book, in a brown cover with golden monograms on it. The pages were a little yellowed in places, but fortunately the text was legible.
"Woooow", Catherine whispered and gently ran her hands over the sheets.
"You see?" Rika opened one of Cathrine's diaries and pointed her index finger at one of the entries. "The numbers here and here match. I think that old man Alabasta knew something. I don't know if they point to the location of the treasure or not, maybe it's just one of the dots, but I'm more than sure that this is where we should be heading".
"But if he found treasure, for example, why didn't he take it? Maybe it's not there anymore", Catherine asked, "and why did my sister go there? She and I are both adventurers, but I still don't understand".
"Maybe she didn't go looking for the treasure. Maybe your sister got so tired of your endless whining that she decided to join a caravan and hide from you forever. That's what I would do", Buggy said, leaning between the two girls, glancing briefly at Catherine and putting his hand on her back.
"You're pissing me off already", she whispered.
"Well, I don't know your sister, so her motives are unclear to me, - Rika said, shaking her head, "but I know what I want to find there".
"And what is that?" Catherine asked with surprise.
"It doesn't matter".
"Look, there are several routes", Catherine ran her finger along the lines on the page. "I think we should take the shortest route so we can get there faster. The less time I spend in the car with this clown, the better".
"No, no", Buggy shook his head negatively. "You see, this short cut is guarded by Baroque Works men. We can't make two steps out there. We'd be quickly captured and sent to some underwater prison. Believe me, you won't like it there. We'll take this way", he pointed down the long road, "sorry, you'll have to bear with me".
He started to put the bags in the boot of the car.
"Trust me, you'll be happy to be in those places with me. Because if we meet a man with a hook there, I'll be your best bet for salvation".
"A man with a hook? Have you been drinking since this morning?" Catherine moved closer to his face to test her hunch.
"Where the hell did you come from, cutie biscuit?" he whispered in her ear.
"Loguetown, why are you asking?"
"Oh, just curious. Alright. Hop in, girls. Rika. And my cotton candy", he said with a wink, getting into the car.
"Stop calling me that!"
The journey to the coordinates indicated on the map took about two hours. The car stopped somewhere in the middle of a hot desert. There was only a small building, which looked more like an old barracks.
"Well, where are we? You said you could read maps", Catherine got out of the car and looked around, "I thought we'd be in the right place on time".
"Can you stop nagging, I'm getting a headache", Buggy said, looking for something in the boot of the car.
"Don't tell me what to do and what not to do. You're the one who brought us here", Catherine walked briskly over to Buggy. "Fuck, if I'd known you didn't know anything, I wouldn't have messed with you in life".
"Listen, pie", Buggy grabbed her arm and hissed, glaring at her with his green eyes. "I'm sick of your hysterics. If you don't stop acting like this, I'm gonna leave you here in the middle of the desert to be eaten by the local sand creatures. And drive back. Believe me, I'd rather be in a bar than stuck here with you right now".
Catherine felt his warm hand squeeze her arm with force.
"Okay, people, break", Rika said, getting closer to them. "According to the coordinates, we're in the right spot now. Catherine, anticipating your question, no, we're not at the final point of our journey yet. While you two were arguing the whole way, I was trying to get a good look at the map. But it was difficult, with your love dialogues distracting my attention".
Catherine rolled her eyes.
"And? What's next?" she asked.
"We should go into that building over there. There must be something important in there, since it's marked on the map. It looks like a shop or a small hotel. I don't know. At least it's on the map and in the diaries. You see it?" Rika pointed her finger in the notebook.
Catherine noticed Buggy re-hiding a small black, oddly shaped box.
"What's that in there?" she asked, placing her hand gently on his back, peering over his shoulder.
"It's nothing special".
"Okay… We'll go to that building then, see what I can find out".
Catherine took two steps forward and stopped. She turned round and was about to take half a step back.
"What?" he sounded annoyed.
"I'm s... You know. Never mind".
Catherine and Rika walked into a small building together. Inside, there were shelves with some bags of herbs and jars of oddly coloured water. The place smelled of coriander and lavender for some reason.
"What can I do for you, young girls?" a hoarse voice came from the corner of the room. A grown big-boned man with a grey beard and long grey hair sat in a chair.
"Good afternoon, sir. We seem to be a little lost. We need to go to the Sab...", Catherine didn't have time to finish her sentence because Rika stepped on her foot, silencing her.
"Rayleigh, I bet they're going there for the same reason I am", a low voice came from the front door.
"Sab... what? The Sabaody Desert? Why would you want to go there?
" the man asked, rising from his chair.
The tall man slowly began to approach the counter.
"Well, lassies, tell me what you're looking for there?", he asked, placing both hands on the table.
Catherine whispered in Rika's ear.
"Do you see that too? Does he have a… a hook instead of a hand?"
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writeyouin · 2 years
oh well shootin heck, multiple asks are okay? then could I pretty please ask for a fluffy, lovely little bit of G1 Hot Rod x Reader hangin' with Daniel and then chilling for a bit? nothing specific, go for what ya feelin, friend ✌️(also uh pls to let me know when you get this one, too, fff)
Hot Rod (G1) X Reader – Lake-Side Mishaps
A/N – Ah, I’m always glad to answer your asks as someone who has been here since the beginning. Thank you for always reading my stories, you are fantastic.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You sat beside Daniel, resting your legs over the edge of the Lake and paddling your feet, relishing the coolness it brought. Hot Rod sat on Daniel's other side, and though he was usually content to simply sit and talk with Daniel, he found himself unusually distracted, glancing at you every so often before fixing his gaze back on the scenery in front of him. He knew that if he could only tell you how he felt and get it off his chassis then he would feel better. There was always a chance that you might not return his feelings, but there have been some human-Cybertronian relationships before, just like that girl who loved Powerglide, for whatever reason.
"(Y/N), if you keep splashing in the water like that, you'll scare away all the fish!" Daniel cried out indignantly, glaring at you.
"That so?" You replied languidly, a small smile playing at the corner of your lips.
You nodded thoughtfully then began thrashing your legs wildly, kicking up more water than before, all while yelling at the top of your lungs, "Hey fish, swim for your lives! Daniel wants to keep you prisoner!"
Hot Rod laughed at your antics, finding it even funnier when Daniel pouted at you, entirely bemused. 
Daniel stood up placing his hands on his hips, "Come on. Quit it!"
You pursed your lips playfully, "Hmm, nope, don't think I will."
Taking on a dramatic persona, Daniel growled, "Then you've left me no choice."
"And what does that m-"
Daniel rushed at you, pushing you into the lake, a fate you were wholly unprepared for. You screamed at the surprise descent, though it was quickly cut off as you were submerged in the water. Hot Rod gleefully watched the miniature battle unfold, finding it an entertaining distraction from his earlier thoughts.
“Say, Daniel,” He addressed the young human casually, “That was so sneaky, it was practically a Decepticon move.”
For his part, Daniel only grinned devilishly. You broke the water’s surface, gasping as you came up, and trod water, surprised by how deep the lake was near to the bank as it was.
“Oh, and that didn’t scare the fish?” You asked Daniel sardonically.
Daniel rested his hands behind his head, “Maybe, but it showed you.”
You narrowed your eyes, then feigned defeat, “Alright, you win, but at least help a friend out and give me a hand, yeah?”
“Okay,” Daniel agreed enthusiastically, offering you his hand.
Grinning, you grabbed his forearm and pulled him into the lake, enjoying the sound of betrayal that resounded in his startled yelp.
“Unbelievable,” Hot Rod bemoaned disapprovingly, “I’m now in league with two Decepticons.”
“What can I say?” You shrugged. “It’s a tough world.”
Hot Rod shook his head, then when Daniel surfaced, he lifted the two of you out of the lake, letting the cupped water escape through the gaps in his fingers.
“All right, you two, I’d say it’s time I got you both home.”
Hot Rod put you down and transformed, opening his doors invitingly.
“Aww, do we have to go back now?” Daniel whined.
“Sorry Daniel, I promised your dad I’d get you home early tonight.”
“All right… I’ll go if I have to, but can we hang out again tomorrow?”
“Sure thing.”
With the exchange over, you and Daniel got inside Hot Rod, enjoying the drive back despite occasionally shivering thanks to your wet clothes.
Once Daniel had been left with Spike and Carly, you expected that Hot Rod would offer you a ride home to your place in the city, but he seemingly didn’t wish to part from you as he spoke up.
“Hey…” He started, clearing his vocaliser as if he was nervous.
“Something up, Hot Rod?” You asked, resting your hand on his dashboard.
“Well, I was just thinking, it’s still kind of early and… Uh, you could come back to my place if you want. We could catch a movie, or play video games, you know, just the two of us.”
You smiled warmly, “That sounds great, but ah, what about my clothes? I don’t have anything at your place, and I can’t stay in these. I’ll get sick.”
“Right, yeah, of course… But you know, I have some cleaning rags that you could use as blankets, and we could leave your clothes to dry on the heating rack,” Hot Rod suggested, feeling that it was a pathetic offer as he did so. Why would you choose a night with him wrapped in cleaning rags when you could go home to a hot shower and a clean set of clothes?
You tapped a finger to your cheek, pretending to be deep in thought. “Gee… I guess we could do that, but the real question is what movie would we watch, hmm? Got anything in mind?”
Hot Rod’s spark pulsed erratically; he couldn’t believe you were going along with this.
“What about Back to the Future?”
“Sounds good,” You grinned. “Okay Hot Rod, let’s see how fast you can get us back to your place.”
“You got it!”
Hot Rod revved his engines excitedly, taking off quickly as he thought about everything he could do to make your first date perfect.
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lake-cosay · 1 year
since yellow posted about it without my permission (/j) here's everything (literally i'm going to try and put everything in one post) i've got for my parasite au
(just a heads up, it gets a bit heavy, mainly bc lake contemplates saving jesse's life against his will or letting him die with his consent.)
it's a no-train, human lake au. jesse and lake are childhood friends, both with relatively normal lives until one day jesse disappears. seemingly vanished out of thin air in the middle of the night. lake, who whole-heartedly does not trust the cops to actually try to find jesse, let alone bring him home safe, takes matters into their own hands, and sets out to find him themself.
lake packs a bag and heads out. (but not before they're stopped by jesse's parents, who know they can't stop lake and give lake supplies to stay safe, including jesse's dad giving lake his pocket knife.) (yes this might be a bit careless on the parents' side but i just want an excuse for jesse's dad to give lake his pocket knife idk) lake is willing to camp out in the woods for as long as they need to to find him.
days go by, and lake combs the woods looking for any sign of him. they think they catch fleeting glimpses of him, but whenever they turn to look, there's no one there. they also keep seeing deer -- sometimes only breifly, other times, they're able to watch the deer long enough to determine it's real and they're not just hallucinating. (surprise! it's alan dracula)
as the days go on, these glimpses of both jesse and the deer become more freuqent, more clear, more obviously not just lake's imagination. when lake is finally able to recognize the person as jesse, he looks bad. covered in dirt, his braid a mess*, his skin red from frostbite. his eyes... glowing. some horrible looking mark on the back of his neck.
*i firmly believe that if jesse and lake grew up being friends, jesse would shed the toxic masculinity much easier/earlier in his life, so he'd end up having a long braid by the time they're in high school.
but every time lake tries to get his attention, he disappears. but when lake is calm and quiet, they can start to approach him without scaring him away. eventually, they finally get to him. here's a drabble about that:
"Fuck, Jess, you're freezing," Lake said as they tried to suppress a shiver. He wasn't acting like he was cold, but then again, nothing about the way he was acting was normal.  Lake started to dig through their backpack, eventually fishing out the blanket. "C'mere," Lake tucked the edges of the blanket around his shoulders, then knelt down a bit before pausing. "I'm gonna pick you up," they said, hoping for permission. They didn't get anything explicit, but they didn't get a no either. As much as they hated to touch him without consent, his feet would fall off from frostbite if they stood there much longer. Lake tucked one arm around the back of Jesse's shoulders, the other under his knees. They lifted, and his weight came off the ground with surprising ease. Both because he had seemingly let Lake pick him up, but also because he had definitely lost a bit of weight.  With all of his weight in Lake's arms, Jesse leaned into Lake's chest. Lake lent their back against a tree, before slowly sliding down to sit on the ground with Jesse in their lap. They fussed with the blanket, making sure all of his skin was covered, especially his feet. Lake guessed that the blinding redness in balls of his feet were frostbite.
lake discovers that jesse's memories are extremely fuzzy. he doesn't remember any names, not even his own, but he does mention that lake looks familiar. when lake asks why he's out here, how he got out here, how he's alive etc, all he can answer with is "i don't know"
(alan dracula is definitely involved in lots of scenes but i forget about him when writing for some reason. i'm sorry AD i love you)
with their reunion, jesse's memories slowly come back. not fully, but he starts to remember lake's name again, and that he loves them, and that they love him. he remembers that he has a younger brother and his parents but it takes a while before their names come back to him.
i don't really have many details for the rest of what i planned for this au. basically lake somehow figures out that the parasite is killing jesse and they need to get it fast. they have to resort to cutting it out with the pocket knife.
that was all i had for the au until one day i realized that i've never seen anybody do anything with the fact that jesse almost turned into a tree in canon, and yellow helped me decide to combine that idea with this au. so, the parasite's way of killing him is turning him into a tree. here's another drabble:
Jesse winced and whimpered as another branch sprouted from his skin. Lake rubbed Jesse’s cheek, watching the branch slowly grow outwards.  Lake wasn’t sure how long they’d sat there, watching this parasite take over their best friend. But neither of them could think of a solution, and Jesse was so scared he was already practically stiff as a board. Save for the sobs that shook his body. There were 10 of them. At least 10 separate branches Lake could make out from here. They looked like they had pierced his flesh, the base of each branch surrounded with blood. Lake would look away for a minute, and when they looked back, the branches had grown thicker or longer. 3 of them had sprouted leaves. Or, maybe it had been more, but Jesse’s shaking had caused them to join the other leaves on the forest floor. Even his hair was changing; it was starting to feel more like vines than hair. Like dry, wilted roots. The tears Lake wiped away felt thick and sticky, and when Lake would kiss them away, they tasted like sap. Another whimper. Lake scanned his body, and the next branch poked out of his forehead, on his right side just below the hairline. Jesse’s shaky hand clawed at it, as if that was enough to stop all this. “I’m not gonna let you die like this,” Lake stated, with seemingly no response from Jesse. “Please. Let me try,” Jesse tried to take a deep breath, but the exhale made him shake violently. “I-I’m scared… I don’t— I don’t wanna die,” He tried to crawl even farther into Lake’s lap, but the roots from his feet kept him firmly planted in the earth. “If— If you really just… want me to stay,” Lake began, choking down their own tears now. “Then I will. But—” Staying meant saying goodbye. It meant Lake would sit here and hold Jesse until this parasite consumed him and he died. It meant he would die here, suffering. Lake’s hands itched to cut away the branches and carry him home, but Jesse had begged them to just stay. And though Lake’s heart had burst at his pleas to die, if that was what he wanted… Then Lake would do it for him. But Lake had a feeling that wasn’t what he wanted. That he was too caught up in his fear to really consider his options. Not that Lake blamed him; they couldn’t imagine how he was feeling right now. “If I stay, you die. I— I won’t leave you but— If you let me try— Then there’s a chance you could go home—” “Cut it out. Please,” Jesse begged, gasping for air. He pulled at his hair, and half of it came out like it was nothing. His whole body shook with sobs. “I don’t wanna die,” he gasped. “I wanna go home.” His hands clawed their way back to Lake’s. “Take me home.”
jesse turning into a tree was definitely NOT where i expected this au to go and i almost feel like they might be better as separate aus but the ideas are similar and i wanted to post that drabble anyways, so
i was going for a kind of analogue horror/lost footage vibe with this, just like. spooky dark forests, unexplainable disappearances, strange infections, etc.
so yeah, there's that. lmk what you think :>
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