#i can totally imagine him just yelling “daddy’s home!!!“ when he gets home and he doesn’t realize you’re asleep
mudisgranapat · 4 months
This is so Simon Riley as a boys dad coded.
Yes Simon is very girl dad coded BUT i imagine him as wanting a big family (3-4 kids) once he decided to start a family (I picture 2 older boys and twin baby girls😭).
He never thought about having kids, with his past and his profession, but that all changes once you two meet. And then, after the first kid, he just can’t get enough of it. All he can think about is how good you look carrying his babies and caring for them.
He loves getting home to the absolute chaos of children running around in every direction, laughter and yells echoing in the house. The first thing he would do is draw you a bath, bring a glass of your favourite drink and let you rest while he gets the kids ready for bed. He would then give you a massage once the kids are sleeping, telling you how good you look taking care of his children.
In the morning, the would let you sleep in, having the boys set the table while he does the girls’ hair, clipping multi-colour hair clips all over their head. He would wake you up once the kids are ready, table is set and he has started cooking breakfast.
During the week, he was the one that got the kids under control, teaching them young the discipline of a soldier. He would have them do chores around the house and learn how to do things by themselves from a young age.
But during weekends… it was total chaos. You would lay on the couch, reading a book and drinking some tea your husband made, while your kids ran around in every direction. Sometimes they would play tag, the four of them running trying to catch Simon. Other times, they would play football in the backyard (and sometimes inside the house, until you give Simon a warning look).
But their FAVOURITE game was special ops. Simon would hide while the kids looked for him, covered in toy gear from head to toe. Obviously, wearing masks, just like their daddy. They would wreak havoc, sponge bullets flying in every direction, and Simon would not spare them.
He would jump from balconies, hide in bushes, even going as far as setting up cameras to surprise them. Most of the time, you would just watch in awe, laughing your ass of. On some occasions, you would secretly form and alliance with your husband, hiding a small water gun under the couch pillow, jumping the kids when they eventually came to you for help, trying to bribe Simon’s location out of you with snacks.
By the end of the day, you would all be exhausted from running around the house. After everyone was showered and changed, you would lay on the couch together. You would cuddle into Simon’s chest while the kids found a spare limb to burrow under. The girls always pick the movie, and the six of you would fall asleep on the couch, one of the girls clutching Simon’s “Ghost” mask. He would chuckle to himself, thinking about how never, in a million years, he thought Ghost would bring so much happiness into the world.
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mossyivy · 2 months
This thought just came to my head and I couldn’t help but giggle.
Imagine Chris invites Leon over to watch football on Sundays, and have a bomb ass barbecue of course; like all dads do on the weekends. But you didn’t really mind, it meant the kids would get off your back for a few hours and you could gossip with Chris’s wife.
The two of them would totally be standing by the grill, bud lights in their hands as they watched the TV outside on the patio, yelling at the players like they could hear them.
They’d hit that signature dad pose. Legs slightly spread apart, standing, arms crossed, you know which one I’m talking about.
Also they’d literally compliment each other on their barbecue and stuff. They’d spend hours just trying to smoke a brisket or something, having the typical bro talk while doing it.
- Anon! 🎀
(Chris looks like a Giants fan. No I will not be elaborating further.)
Literally can't decide which apron Chris would be wearing so here's all the options
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With the middle one he'd definitely pat his wife's ass every time she walked by. She'd just stop and stare for a second and he'd point to the apron. She'd just nod and keep walking, use to his bullshit by now.
The wives would be talking about bitchy moms at the PTA as the kids play on the Redfield's giant playset. (Like think about a McDonald's play place and old chuck e. cheese playgrounds together. Just minus the child vomit and mildew smell). They're drinking wine, talking among themselves when they overhear their husbands talking.
"She's a beauty! Doesn't throw fits. Let's me do whatever I need to and I don't even need to put in much effort." You two life your heads, listening to Chris until Leon speaks up.
"Where'd you find her?"
"Street corner!" Chris's wife stands up, about to walk over until Leon's wife grabs her arm and forces her back in the seat.
"Some guy was moving and selling the old girl so I scooped her up and brought her home."
He's talking about the fucking grill...
Chris's wife sighs in relief. Feeling her heart return to her body as she chugs the rest of her wine. She was fully ready to knock some sense into that man...
Eventually Lulu walks over and wants to help her dad cook. He'd grab her little apron and make her stand by the side of the grill on a chair and hand his cheese slices for the burgers. Her apron:
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To which Leon looks at Violet and asks her why she doesn't help him grill at home while she's getting one of the barrel juices from the kids cooler.
"You gonna pay me daddy?" He's stunned for a second and stares at her.
"What? Why would I pay you?"
"I was told to never do a job for a man who didn't pay me what I deserved."
"Who told you that?"
"Mommy." Leon looks up at his wife who's sipping her wine. Daring him to say a word. He just ruffles Violets he hair up.
"Good advice. Go play." His wife nods, going back to her conversation while Violet runs off.
I'd imagine the game would be a massive deal to the both of them. Like it's their teams against each other and they have a bet going. The game goes into overtime and eventually Leon's team wins and he's so excited he goes to cheer but sees his two girls are out like a light inside the living room of the house so he just tries keeping in his excitement so the kids can sleep until they finish packing up to go home.
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Hey! Hope you’re having a good day! Just wanted to say I’ve become obsessed with your psychology analysis on the Vees and VoxVal. I’m curious, since the relationship is definitely toxic, how do you think the cycle of relationship abuse would work with them? (Honeymoon phase, tension, incident, ex)
Awww I'm so glad you like my silly headcanons, I fucking love writing them <3
(headcanons in question because they are relevant to this post: Vox and NPD | Valentino and BPD | random Vees headcanons)
You know, I believe their relationship is toxic because neither of them is particularly well-adjusted. However, I wouldn't apply the cycle of abuse theory to them. As far as I know, that theory is used to describe relationships that are highly unequal with clearly defined roles of abuser and victim. For instance, during the tension phase, tension grows in the abuser while the victim "walks on eggshells," trying their best to calm the abuser and constantly living in fear of an incident. I can't really imagine Vox or Valentino being that frightened of each other. Actually, that's why I think they are meant to be together - they can handle each other.
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That being said, I do believe they have some relationship issues. In episode 2, we witnessed Vox calming Valentino (by yelling at him so very toxic) when he was angry. Vox hates Valentino's unpredictability because he is a total control freak. While he finds Valentino's fiery temper extremely alluring, he also wishes Val would tone it down. He'd like to have a more reliable partner, especially because for him, falling in love was a significant and risky investment.
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On the flip side, immediately after Vox managed to calm Valentino down, Valentino essentially provoked him into a temper tantrum. Look at this shit-eating smile; he knew damn well what he was doing.
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Vox usually keeps his emotions hidden behind a polished facade, staying detached. Valentino, on the other hand, is all about intense emotions—loves passion, violence, and desperation. He digs Vox's cool business daddy vibe, but it drives him nuts when Vox gets all emotionally distant from him. Vox tries to guard himself because he knows Valentino can easily weaponize people's emotions against them, and he's lowkey scared of being vulnerable. So when he's going through some tough shit, Vox puts up this wall, becomes all distant, and then Valentino feels rejected and starts being a total jerk, pushing Vox away because he's hurting (if you've read my BPD Valentino headcanons, you get what I mean).
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So those are the main sources of tension in their relationship. Sometimes one of them snaps. In Vox's case, it means complete withdrawal from the relationship and sinking into work (since he wants a perfect relationship, he rarely even admits he's angry, he's just like "It's fine I just don't have time to see you") which obviously drives Val crazy. Because he's obsessively in love. So to fix the situation he doesn't apologize (since Vox "wasn't even angry") - he just invites himself to Vox's apartment/office and seduces him by acting nice and submissive so Vox can feel in control again.
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In Valentino's case, snapping means a violent outburst (though, I don't think he's physically abusive because he knows Vox is not afraid of him and could easily bite back or, even worse, leave him for good). These outbursts make Vox furious because he can't stop them. Then, they end up yelling a lot, throwing stuff around, and sometimes even breaking up. After that, Valentino goes on a week-long bender, just partying and hooking up with dozens of people. Vox, being obsessed, watches everything, and his jealousy always gets the best of him. He finally breaks and sends someone to bring Val back home. Or he personally intervenes, kills whoever Val is fucking, gives him a giant bouquet of roses, and goes all out to prove that he's the best guy Val could ever have. Vox is a showman, so he acts almost like a charming and obnoxiously rich mafia boss from a smutty novel, who wants nothing more than to please his princess with grand gestures.
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Oh also I think Val is very sensitive about Vox treating him "like a woman." He's actually very secure in his masculinity; he feels comfortable enough to present himself in feminine ways while still acting masculine. Like I mentioned, he's queer and he totally owns it. On the other hand, Vox still grapples with some deeply internalized heteronormative ideas, occasionally treating Valentino like his bitch. Valentino hates it because he's aware of Vox's sexist tendencies, and he refuses to allow Vox to treat him as though he's beneath him. He genuinely believes in the concept of an equal partnership in their relationship and can't stand Vox's attempts to alter the power dynamics in his favor.
If you like this post you may also like my VoxVal fanfiction
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callsigndragon · 2 years
You never asked | Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
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Summary: Mickey has a secret. He didn't want to hide it. It's just that nobody ever asked.
Pairing: Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia x fem!reader
Word count: 976
Warnings: fluff. domestic fluff. and i dont want to say anything more bc spoilers
A/N: So this is probably the beginning of many drabbles... Because i literally fell in love with Mickey Garcia, and I have the power to create all the content i want.
Tag list: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox  @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all @abaker74
(if you want to be tagged in everything TGM, let me know <3)
@purplevortexx this is the first appearance of our latina queen. Her time to shine has come.
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Mickey Garcia had a big secret. Well, it wasn't a secret. Nobody had asked him if he was married. And he just didn't share that tiny detail. 
He loved his wife. More than words could ever express. They met in high school, she was the new member of Mickey's D&D club. Well, it wasn't his club. He was just a member, just like her when she joined. Mickey swears that when Y/N walked through the doors of that small, messy basement they used as a club, he knew. 
That was the girl he was going to marry. 
He asked her hand in marriage when his training period in the Naval Academy ended. She said yes. He laughed, she cried. 
Life was good. 
Every time Mickey was deployed, Mickey's grandma, Camila, took care of her. Abuelita Garcia had a room prepared for her nieta (granddaughter) and tried to feed her every time Y/N was a bit sad or missed Mickey. The wizzo loved that his family adored his wife as much as he did. And he also liked how Y/N's cheeks were a bit chubbier whenever he came back from deployment, due to the big amount of tamales that Camila made her eat. 
"Camila wants me to gain weight. She said I'm too thin, and I need to eat more, so I can be a good mom in the future," Y/N told Mickey in one of their FaceTime calls. 
"Amor, she literally told me that every day for the first 18 years of my life" he answered, chuckling at the thought of Camila filling his wife's plate with more tamales. 
"That's where the cute cheeks come from!" 
"I don't have cute cheeks" he whined. 
"Whatever you wanna say, babe" 
Mickey had missed his girls a lot during the uranium mission. He didn't want to bring Y/N with him, knowing that he was only going to be there for a few weeks, then he'll be back home. 
But now that the mission is over, and he is staying in this base for a while, he needs to tell the squad that he's married. 
He can imagine Phoenix's face already. 
"So, my dear buddies," says Rooster, setting down his beer. "I think it's time to know more about each other's lives. You know about my life already but… i don't know anything about you" 
"I mean, we only know about your life because this mission was more like a soap opera than a life-threatening experience" Bob jokes, grabbing more peanuts. 
"Bob, you're not as quiet and shy as I thought you'd be," Hangman comments, moving to play his turn at darts. Phoenix is trying to beat him, even though it's virtually impossible. 
"I never said I was. You just saw a guy with glasses and thought that he would be the average quiet kid that sits at the end of the class" the wizzo retorts. 
"Which you totally are," Phoenix affirms. 
Mickey smiles, knowing how much Y/N would love to be with these amazing aviators. She is such an amazing woman… Mickey can't wait for the squad to meet her. They keep talking and sharing parts of their lives, and just when it's Fanboy's turn to speak, a little, dark haired baby girl runs into the bar, looking around and trying to find the person she's been missing for weeks.
"DADDY!" the little girl yells, sprinting towards his father, her curls bouncing up and down at every step. 
Fanboy, recognizing the voice of his little girl, kneels down, opening his arms for his princess. Once she's secured in his dad's arms, Mickey gets up, looking at the dumbfounded aviators in front of him. 
"Did she just call you Daddy?" Coyote questions, looking between baby Garcia and Mickey. "You know what, don't answer. You're identical" 
"Yeah, nine months inside me, and she grows up to be her father's spitting image" Y/N says, appearing next to Fanboy. "She missed you so much that we had to come early" 
Mickey looks at his wife and then at his daughter, not surprised to hear that his pequeña princesa (little princess) couldn't wait more to see him. She is daddy's girl. 
"Mi princesa, ¿no pudiste esperar más?" (My princess couldn't wait longer?)
"Daddy, I missed you so much" the little girl pouts, looking at his father with the same big, dark brown eyes she had inherited from him. 
"Cam, amor, ¡sólo tenías que esperar dos días más!" (Cam, love, you only had to wait two more days!) 
"That was too much time," she protests. 
"Pendejo que no piensas saludar a tu abuela o qué" says a woman standing behind Y/N. The very same woman his daughter got her name from. (Idiot, are you not going to say hi to your grandma?)
"Oh my, abuela. I didn't see you there!" Explains Mickey, a bit scared of his grandma's reaction for not hugging her. It doesn't matter how much of a grown man Mickey is. He would always be a bit scared of his grandma. 
"Who are these people, hmm? And why are all of them so skinny! Look at this girl" Camila pinches Phoenix's cheek. "You have to eat more! I have tamales in the car, do you want some?" 
"Jesus, abuelita. Don't do that to my friend" 
"Payback, why aren't you fazed by this?" Hangman's words make the whole Garcia family laugh, just then moving to hug Cam and kiss her chubby cheeks. "I'm the godfather" 
"You mean to tell me that you knew that Fanboy is not only married, but a father, and you never shared any of that information with the rest?" Rooster exposes, feeling really, really betrayed. 
And as if Fanboy and Payback had rehearsed the answer for hours, they both say it at the same time. "You never asked!" 
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Idk what specific au this is besides just a human one but skinny little dream with a big pop out pregnant belly he cant hide by month two... lets go w office au like last anon said bc the implications of everyone calling dream a slutty breeding bitch is sooo hot to me. Hes showing so soon bc hob put such a big baby in him and hes always sore and whiny and cries at the drop of a hat even at work now.. hob gets massive kudos for knocking him up and this would be perfect w omega dream i just realized bc "bitchy little omega learned his place". Hob finally taught the omega who thought he cluld boss everyone around some humilty.. hes gonna be out of work barefoot in their apartment soon enough and the alphas who hate him are sooo excited for both not having to be around him and also the bitch being "humbled". The problem? Hob is a LOT more territorial and protective now and hardly will agree to play along even when he knows dream gets off to it.. when someone gets a bit too close to a THREAT to dream instead of just venting? Its a good thing dream has a whole staff of lawyers on retainer and theres laws allowing an alpha to protect their mated omega!! Hob doesnt leave dreams side after that. Ever. And any time he even gets a wiff of dreams arousal hes dropping everything and holding dreams hips down to eat his pretty cunt out until hes come so many times he cant even speak<3 hob knows dream will be going back to the office. Hes gonna be the one at home and dream is going to work from home as much as possible now as well.
Also! Im getting distracted by the belly again and how dream was always all sharp angles and slim cut suits and now hes.. soft. Omega like. His wardrobe changes completely and hob thinks its the sweetest most adorable thing in the whole world when he gets all cozy in comfortable clothes and starts nesting like 100x as intensely. His tits are filling with milk and everyone can smell it on him, how fertile and bred he is.
EEE yeah!!! YEAH!!
I love Dream being horny about all the alphas in the office saying mean stuff about him. It turns him on so much to see them leer at him and mutter under their breaths about how he's just a dumb, bred omega bitch now. Hob really wants to smack them all for talking about Dream like that, but Dream is like nooooo 🥺🥺 let them do it, it makes me so wet.
Dream starts showing up to work in maternity dresses and cute cardigans and Hob is constantly clawing at the walls with overwhelming horniness. He catches a glance at Dream’s belly and immediately starts getting hard every single time. He can't believe how massive Dream gets, and it happens so quickly!! His back hurts and his feet are swollen but he's determined to enjoy being pregnant. He grits his teeth through all the discomfort and only yells at Hob a little bit! He does have a bit of a breakdown later in the pregnancy when he finds out the baby is in the 99th percentile for size... damn Hob and his super sperm!
Hob is so looking forward to being a stay at home daddy for their little one - he imagines that he'll probably be bringing the baby into the office for visits a lot, when Dream can't work at home. They're so domestic now <33 Dream wants cuddles and Hob can't stop rubbing against him to make sure he smells claimed. 10/10, an absolute unbearable couple, everyone else in the office is totally sick of them.
A few weeks before he's due, Dream is meant to be on leave but he ends up popping into the office (he's a workaholic). Everyone is astounded by his massive belly (which is currently stretching one of Hob’s old t-shirts to the absolute limit). Considering how tiny and flat he's always been, it's a shock to see the boss so round, with his generous tits bouncing in time with each cautious step he takes. Every alpha in the office has a crisis over how innately sexy Dream is now. He's still a bitch, but now he's also a very sexy omega!!! Oh the dichotomy!!!
He goes home and gets his pussy eaten by his alpha, and totally gets off on knowing that Hob is going to knock him up again ASAP. If Dream gets his way he'll spend the next 10 years pregnant as fuck.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
I've seen in shows/movies taking place in high school were kids are paired up in, i'm guessing, health class to take care of a fake baby. Never happened in my school but imagine jake and princess getting this assignment.
Jake immediately claims reader as his "wife" and takes his role as "dad" as seriously as one goofy guy can be. Princess sees this as an easy A, while Jake sees this as practice for the future.
“For health and science, your assignment is going to be a take home baby,” the health teacher had looked right past Jake, his eagerness as he pumped his fist was not easy to miss.
“Hey princess,” Jake grinned and rapped on the top of the desk, stealing your attention for himself, “you and me, we’re gonna make a baby.”
“Its a fake baby, you dolt.” You chortled and flicked his arm, the already vibrant connection between you growing a little more.
“Practice, princess.” Jake leaned back, his chair nearly toppling the further he went. “We’re gonna play house, I’ll be the daddy and you be the mommy.”
“and you can pick your partners-“
“Princess!” Jake raised his voice in a shout, the front legs of his chair slamming hard against the floor. “You and me! My wife! My mate everyone-“
“Jake Jensen!” Mrs. Thornton had raised her voice and yelled over his excitement. “I’m glad to hear you already choosing partners, but if you could sit-“
“My wife,” Jake lowered him to the chair then leaned forward and directed a statement to the beta to your left, “mine. My wife. Back off.”
“Jake,” you groaned, sinking into your chair, “no one else wants me-“
“Well they should! Look at you-“
“You want someone else to want me?” You raised an eyebrow, catching him in the tough position.
“No!” Jake scrambled to right his statement. “You’re mine, no one else can have you. I’m just saying, princess-“
“Your baby.” Mrs. Thornton set the fake baby down on the desk, tapping hard with the end of her pen. “Don’t kill it.”
“Why are you worrying?” Jake grasped the baby and tucked it into his chest. “I’m an alpha, I’m the future head of the mob, I’m-“
“-a total dork.” One of the cheerleaders in the class scoffed and rolled her eyes, flipping him off when the teacher walked away.
“And you’re a big old slut bag, you’ll only get worse with age.” You growled under your breath in defence of Jake, your teeth grinding and your scent shifting with your anger.
“Damn, princess.” Jake beamed and leaned over, his nose brushing against your cheek. “You’re a mama bear, aren’t you?”
“A week,” the teacher cleared their throat, “you have a week with the baby and at the end we’ll assess how you did.”
“Ya know,” Jake rest his elbow on the desk and angled himself toward you, “we really shouldn’t separate a family. I’m thinking…you come sleep in my room, in my bed that way we can be closer.”
“Nice try, Jake.” You stood and grabbed your books, denying him softly.
“Come on, princess! We’re playing house, you and me-“
“Y/N,” Mrs. Thornton called you name and waved you up to the front, “make sure Jake participates and actually helps. Most alphas-“
“Hey teach!” Jake called from where he sat, a makeshift sling crafted from his hoodie strung across his chest. “I already got a carrier.”
“I think Jake will be fine.”
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
They’re just smoking at Eddie’s, not really doing anything special, when Steve gets the random thought: Eddie would make a really good dad. Steve has basically no filter when he's like this, so he just says, “You’d make a really good dad.”
“God, I fuckin’ hope not. Can you imagine?” Eddie snorts.
Steve doesn’t have to imagine, though. He thinks about how Eddie’s the only one Max lets help with a lot of stuff, because he lets her go at her own pace and never makes it weird. He thinks about how Eddie jumps around and does silly voices until all the kids are belly-laughing, even Mike at his surliest. Eddie is sweet and funny and patient, and he always puts the kids first. He’s already a fucking awesome dad-substitute, and Steve hopes Eddie gets to have kids of his own someday. 
It’s so easy for him to picture Eddie coming home from work, some kind of cool music job that lets him get back in time for dinner; opening the door to a cozy house and hollering Honey, I’m home like he’s in a sitcom from the fifties. Three or four little nuggets scrambling over themselves to run and greet him as he hangs his coat up, yelling Daddy, Daddy. Eddie squatting down to hug them and ruffle their hair and ask about their day, then looking up with a smile at Steve—
Well, obviously Steve wouldn’t be there. Eddie would be looking at his wife. Some, uh. Metal babe? Is that his type?
“Are you into, like, hardcore rocker chicks?” Steve asks, and then belatedly realizes that Eddie has not been following along with his entire internal train of thought, and this probably seems like it came out of nowhere.
“Uhhh,” says Eddie, eyeing him like he’s gone insane. Which is fair. “Not…really? No?”
“You don’t sound too sure about that,” says Steve. 
“Alas, I find myself ensorcelled by a far more conventional aesthetic, these days.” Eddie’s got a weird little smile like there’s some joke he’s making, probably at Steve’s expense. “I suspect the Moral Majority has finally gotten its hooks into my psyche somewhere, even if it’s not entirely how they envisioned it.”
“Oh,” says Steve. So, maybe what he was imagining wouldn’t be too far off. Just, Eddie’s megawatt smile would be directed at a former cheerleader type—blonde, maybe, with a perfect perm, making dinner and swatting him away with a laugh when he goes to kiss her hello.
And yeah, he knows Eddie’s not exactly the most popular guy around at the moment, but he can’t imagine any girl turning down a chance to have that life with him. Not really, especially not once she got to know Eddie past the soft dark hair and soft dark eyes and clever hands. Steve’s seen Eddie turn on the charm and win over complete strangers, not to mention gaining the adoration of the unwashed hooligans they’ve basically been co-babysitting, and Steve thinks that Eddie could probably get any girl in the world, if he wanted. 
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” Steve asks. 
“Wow. Okay. Didn’t know Dustin Henderson was in the room with us. Dustin? Hello? Finally crack that invisibility formula, buddy?” Eddie waves his arms around like he’s trying to catch a ghost. At least, that’s what Steve thinks he’s doing. It really just looks demented and random, which is not a new look for Eddie.
“I just mean, you know. I’ve never heard you talk about girls.” 
Eddie frowns at him a little, which seems totally uncalled for. “I’m…we’re not that kind of friends, Harrington. We’re not talking-about-girls kind of friends.”
“We could be, though. Right?”
“What is this, why is this my life,” says Eddie, but not in a way like Steve's supposed to say anything back. He sighs. “Okay, Harrington, why don’t you tell me all about your latest conquests. That what you’re angling for?”
Steve really hadn’t been. His mind goes blank. “We don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to,” he says, stalling. 
“No, no, now I’m consumed with curiosity about what gets Steve Harrington’s motor running these days. C’mon, what kind of foxy babes are on your radar?”
Eddie’s hair is everywhere and his eyes are so dark. 
“Nothing,” says Steve. “Nobody.”
(Edit: story is now complete on AO3!)
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theranskahovs · 7 years
Lol Sergei’s Dad jokes would get so annoying, I can just see him and his so like “babe I’m hungry” “hi hungry, I’m daddy” “foR FUCK SAKES”
i’m laughing so hard omf 😂
“how many apples grow on an apple tree?” “sergei I have no fucking clue” “all of them”
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Can you do a dad Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan fic thank you?
Love your writing by the way, you’re amazing
omg you're my first request. Thank you so much. I hope this is everything you wanted. ❤️
A Chris Evans Imagine
Chris Evans x Female Reader
700 Words, So Fluffy 🥺
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This man has no reason being this fine. ✨ Enjoy my first Chris fic.
"I'm home," Chris yelled, walking through the front door of his house.
"Daddy!" a voice squealed, the tiny pitter-patter of feet giving him enough time to drop his bag and prepare for incoming.
"There's my princess," he smiled, scooping his daughter into his arms.
"I missed you," she pouted. "You always go away."
"I missed you so much," Chris told her, "but remember, you gave me Blue to help me."
Blue was a little bear. Anytime he left the house, she always made sure he was never alone.
"Did Blue have a good time? Did you feed him my favorite ice cream?"
Chris kissed her adorable cheek, setting her on her feet, "The best time. He had ice cream every day."
Her mouth dropped in dramatic shock.
You came into the entry then, and Chris immediately pulled you into his arms.
"There's my other girl. You're so beautiful," he leaned down to kiss you, his incredible wife.
You wrapped your arms around his back, squeezing him tight with a content sigh. "I'm so glad you're home. We sure did miss you."
He rested his head on yours, "I always miss you two, and Dodger. Where is he?"
You pulled away, "He's outside. I totally forgot, he's probably waiting by the door."
"Daddy, come see what I made!"
Chris followed the tiny voice into the dining room. The table was covered in crafts, paintings and drawings of all sorts. It must have been the drying spot.
"Wow look at this. You're quite the little artist."
She began an adorable ramble about unicorns and Dodger and their little family. He couldn't keep up with it, but he was absolutely memorized by how much she looked like you. He was only away for a few weeks, but she had grown so much.
He heard Dodger bark and skid across the floor from where you must have let him in.
"Hey, Dodge. I missed you, too," he said, plopping on the floor so his dog could greet him with kisses and nips.
His daughter was still going on about something, but luckily you were there to rescue him.
"Alright, let's let Daddy get settled. Why don't you go clean up your mess you left in the floor before we eat dinner."
Your daughter nodded eagerly, slipping off the chair and disappearing once more.
Chris stood up, pulling you back into his arms. "I did miss your cooking."
"Lucky for you, I made your favorite." He leaned down to kiss you, but you protested and pulled away, "You just let your dog lick your face. That's gross."
You tried to get away, but he had you trapped, and he knew it by the teasing smirk on his face.
"Can't leave until I get a kiss."
After struggling, you gave in and let him kiss you. You cringed and pulled away, "Never again."
"Aw, you're just jealous Dodger loves me like that."
You rolled your eyes, going into the kitchen. "Dinner won't be too much longer."
You heard Chris heading upstairs, so you went to find your daughter who was very quiet. She had turned on the TV while she put away the mess of dolls and activities you had been playing with.
"Look at this! You clean up so good. I'm so proud of you. Can mommy help you finish?"
"I don't need help, mommy."
You grinned at her independence and let her continue as you sat on the floor, helping without her noticing.
"Babe?" Chris yelled. "Can you come here?"
You bit your lip, knowing exactly what he had just found. You had left it out on purpose.
He was holding one of the pregnancy tests when you made it upstairs. "Are you?"
You nodded with a smile.
Chris pulled you into another tight hug, the best hugs, and kissed you fiercely. He pulled away with gleeful laugh. "I can't believe it. I love you. I love our home, our little family."
He placed his large hand on your still flat stomach, practically vibrating with pure joy.
"I love you so much, Chris," you whispered.
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celamoon · 3 years
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Warnings: crack, Y/n pisses Vyn off for fun
Pronouns: They/them
Summary: Vyn never gave Y/n a clear explanation about that day, so Y/n makes it a personal goal to get Vynnie to confess to them properly. The NXX joins in on the fun to embarrass Vyn further.
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"VYNNIEEEEE!!!" Y/n flings themself across the room next to Vyn.
"Vynnie do you like me? Because if you were messing with me that other day I might just pull the knife from the drawer." They bat their lashes innocently.
"You're good at reading people right? How about you tell me?"
Son of a bitch-
"Vynnie... I'm not the psychologist... even if I were to be able to tell, I wouldn't be able to read you as well as you can read me..." They mumble sadly. Gaslight gatekeep girl boss? Manipulate mansplain malewife? Up to you.
Vyn turns to face Y/n and pushes a strand of hair behind their ear. "I thought you said Raven taught you how to read people?"
Luke turns from the other side of the room with sharp eyes.
"Dr. Richter we all know that you have a fat crush on Y/n why can't you confess?" Marius calls from his desk.
Vyn throws a pen at him. Marius squeaks when it barely misses him.
“You like me?” Y/n bats their lashes again and Vyn stares into their soul.
“You tell me Y/n.” Vyn smiles.
Y/n has now made it a personal goal to make Vyn bend to their will.
It starts with food.
“vyNNIE I MADE COOKIES!!!” They fly through the door to the office, and Vyn barely gets to breathe before a cookie is shoved into his mouth with a box onto his desk.
“They’re earl grey tea cookies,” Y/n shoves another into their mouth and then rushes to hand everyone their packet.
Vyn finally gets to taste the cookie, and he finds that it tastes pretty good. It’s edible.
The six failed attempts at home say otherwise but the final batch was tasty so they brought it anyways.
“Mari do you think I could work at your mansion as a chef?” Vyn can see your nose growing.
Marius bites down onto another one. “Quit the NXX I’ll give you twice the pay.”
“I’ll send you right back to the psych ward if you quit.” Vyn cuts you both off.
Strike one!
Then came the all nighters.
“Let me finish I’m two lines of code away from breaking in,” You stare into the computer, and your fingers never stop typing.
Vyn stares at you and sighs. “Don’t stay up too late.”
You were still awake the next morning.
“Yeah Artie can you bring me coffee? I need a bit more energy before I finally get in.” You secure the phone between your cheek and shoulder, and you continue typing. “I’ll pay you the money.”
Oh hell no.
“Y/n.” Here comes the devil. A smoking hot devil ;)
“VyNnIE~” You sing. “GoOd MorNIng!~”
“Get to bed,” Vyn sighs.
“VYNNIE it’s TOO EaRLY foR BEDDDDD!!!” You groan. A ding is heard from the elevator and you perk up. “ARTIE’S HERE WITH THE BEAN JUICE!!!”
“Hey,” Artem greets the two of you. “Here’s the coffee.”
You sigh in content as you reach for the drink. Vyn grabs it from your hand, and he downs the whole thing in one breath.
“Vynnie…” You blink. “Vynnie… that was four shots of espresso…”
Vyn breathes after the coffee and stares down at you. “Sleep. Now.”
“YES DADDY!” You speed past him before he can grab you, and you crash onto the bed in the office.
Vyn struggled through the day thanks to that coffee of yours.
Strike two!
“Luke.” You push your chair so that it slams right into his. “Lukie help me out I’m almost in you just need to get that last line of code in.”
“Oh so now you’re not sorry for stealing my job?”
“Yes. Absolutely.” You push your laptop to him and he types in the code you’re missing. Your eyes stare at his hands and the screen, and the NXX headquarters is so quiet it seems as though you were never there to begin with.
The other four turn to stare at you two, and Vyn walks over before he can register anything. He pushes the two chairs apart, and he stands between the two.
“How about you leave Raven’s job to him, and go work on that drug’s prototype?”
“Makes me sound like the bad guy here,” You grumble. “It’s curing in the fridge. Now let me see the code!! VYNNIE STOP COCKBLOCKING ME-“
Vyn throws you over his shoulder, and he shoves you onto the bed in the headquarters.
“I CRASHED FOR THREE HOURS YESTERDAY VYNNIE I’M FINE-“ You try to get up and Vyn pushes you back down.
“I won’t repeat myself again. Sleep.”
You stare at him. “Vynnie. Vynnie just admit you have a crush on me and we can make this easier for everyone.”
Vyn stares at you and glares.
Strike three!
You hug MC by the waist as she sits on the sofa.
“Why won’t Vynnie confess…” You grumble into her stomach.
“Well Dr. Richter is a bit more collected than others,” MC smiles. “How about you? Do you like him?”
“Not sure.” You hum. “But I do know I like being petty.”
MC smiles and continues sorting through the papers.
“Ah,” She stops. “Y/n do you know your old identity in the research program?”
“Am I wanted for mass murder?” You turn to stare at the papers. “Oh yeah they used to call me Dr. Bella. Short for Belladonna I believe.”
“Ah,” MC stares at the papers. “You probably want to see this.”
“Ooh did we find the man I want to kill?” You jump up, and you kick your legs over MC’s. “WE DID!!!!”
You look through the papers, and you’re interrupted by someone pulling you off of MC’s legs.
“You’re going to kill her circulation.”
“And I won’t kill yours?” You’re seated on Vyn’s lap now.
“She’s a woman.”
“Idk sounds misogynistic to me Vynnie,” You sigh. “What? Jealous of a woman now?”
Vyn buries his face into your neck, and you take off his glasses for him.
“No…” He mumbles. “I just… want you to myself…”
MC whips out her phone, and you hear another camera click. Luke had brought his expensive camera for this. Marius whips out a canvas and easel out of nowhere and Artem’s furiously scribbling down notes onto a paper. Vyn hides himself into the crook of your neck even more and you strike a pose.
“Does this mean we’re dating?”
“Nope,” Vyn rolls his eyes. “I totally didn’t confess to you just now… it was your imagination.”
“No difference”
“We’ve been going through this for months already.”
“Marius do you wanna date?”
“Hell yes. Come here-“
“… I don’t know what to feel about this.”
“Just enjoy this before we’re yelled at to get back to work again.”
“… you’re right.”
You're out!
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harryhoney-bee · 3 years
Summary: Harry spent the day with his three years old, but he also loves coming home to his baby mama.
Dad!h <3
word count: 1.3k
Thank you to my friend @harrystyles-tpwk for the inspiration!!
There were a lot of things Harry cherished about fatherhood: watching a little human growing, being the main safe space to someone, guiding their little love throughout life and so much more.
One thing he didn't realize until now is how kids can be little connectors to the parent's own childhood, the experiences children go through also unlock memories in the parents.
When y/n and harry decided to have a babymoon with their little family the man couldn't help but pick Holmes Chapel, they would only be in the little city for a week, traveling to France to spend the next of their vacation there.
But even with the small number of days, Harry was determined to enjoy his time with his two little loves, well, three if you count the 6-month baby in Y/n's belly. Lorenzo was his name, picked by his big sister Cecília, a sweet 3-year-old.
Y/n would describe what she thought he would look like every time before bed, she said she wanted one with the exact same eye color as hers since Cecília got his beautiful green eyes. Harry pictures Lorenzo as y/n carbon copy but with Harry's hair.
They would spend hours imagining the unborn baby and just looking at their already-made toddler. Whenever Cecília was sleeping, the couple would be tracing every line of her face, from her forehead to her chin, mesmerized by what their love had created.
Harry always wanted kids, there was no surprise by that, in the family's barbecues, he could be found playing with his little cousins. While walking in parks he would make silly faces to the children passing by.
He always knew he was supposed to be a parent, a lot of people had calls in life, Harry’s was to create better humans for the world along with y/n, a partner who happily shared his same desires with him.
"The world it's so full of people who didn't grow up with love, I’m sure it would be a better place with everyone had their attention and necessities fulfilled, and I know it's silly, but I think raising a kid it's one of the best things you can do to create a better society," Y/n said in one of their first conversations about if they would ever want kids as a couple.
"They are just small little souls, small pieces of love, there is something so beautiful about that," she continued, with so much tenderness in her eyes.
Needless to say that Harry fell more in love with her that day, proposing to her a year after.
Even though the couple was eager to have their little love soon, they also wanted to enjoy their time as a couple doing things such as traveling and creating memories only with the two of them.
Cecília came almost three years later, she was an oopsie baby, for Harry and y/n surprise. Lorenzo, however, was planned. The baby was gonna have three years and a half age cap with his sister, the couple wanted it to be less, but they struggled to get pregnant for a while.
But now y/n showing a beautiful round belly, Harry couldn't get enough of it, kissing and talking to his baby boy every time.
Even though Harry loves having time together with the whole family, he also knows the importance of having one on one time, especially now that the family dynamics were slowly changing to receive the new baby.
So that's the reason he and Cecília are spending the afternoon together in Holmes Chapel’s downtown. Cecí was sitting in front of him eating a chocolate cupcake (y/n doesn't like for her to eat that much sugar, but Harry let her since it's only for today).
"Did you know this was my favorite treat when I was a kid too, sweetheart? Harry said, eating the same cupcakes as her, "this was the same bakery I used to work at, too."
"Really daddy? Here?" Cecília asked, looking at her dad in wonder, her small hand around the small cake.
"Yeah, fun isn't it?"
"Yes, I wanna be a baker when I grow up," she said, smiling at him.
"Well, I’m sure you gonna be the best baker in this whole world," no matter how much she looked like Harry, the smile Cecília had was always totally from her mother.
"What about we go walk in the park for a bit? Do you want that?" Harry asked, they were almost finished, and the weather was perfect for an afternoon in nature.
When she was done harry was ready to leave, but her small hangs tugged at Harry's shirt, "Daddy, I wanna bring a cake to mommy and baby brother"
Harry looked down at her, taking her in his arms, "You are such a caring girl! Let's get mommy a cupcake then."
"And baby Lorenzo too, daddy!" She pouted
"He's still in mommy's tummy, Cecí, he doesn't eat like us," he tried to explain, while pointing at the different cupcakes on the counter, "what about this one? She loves strawberries!"
"This one daddy! This one!" She peeped
They ended up buying three, one for Anne and Gemma as well since they were staying at their house for the week. Cecília looked happier buying the cupcake for the other than when she was eating one, little-loving baby.
The walk in the park was amazing. Cecília fed the duck and played on the playground, she would also twirl her summer dress whenever she got the chance. Harry also showed her one treehouse he built when he was younger, the little girl was thrilled to see it.
When it was time to come Harry placed her baby seat, both of them singing Queen, when they finally got home Cecília made grabby hands to Harry, who bent down to talk to her.
"Daddy, you tell mommy I bought the cupcake, ok?"
Harry laughed, holding her on his hips while the other held the bakery's package, "Of course, Cecí, you were the one who picked them anyways."
When Harry opened the door and saw his beautiful wife laying down on the couch, feet up because her ankles were really swollen lately. She was watching Mamma Mia, her favorite movie.
"Mommy, mommy!" Cecília yelled, Harry put her down on the floor and gave the bakery package in her hands, "close your eyes, I have a surprise for you."
Y/n closed her eyes, a beautiful smile on her face, one of her hands resting on her bump, "what is it, Cecí?"
Cecília stood right in front of her on the couch, "open mommy."
The woman opened her eyes, being with three cupcakes and a smiling girl, "did you bring this to mommy, baby?" She asked while putting Cecília to sit by her side, "you are so kind, thank you, my love."
Harry got close to the two girls, putting Cecí on his lap and giving y/n a kiss on the lips, "how are you? Is the little guy being good to you?" He asked.
"I threw up three times today, but I'm better now, I just wish this heartburn would stop."
"Baby is being bad, mommy?" Ceci asked, worry on her small face.
"No, love, Lorenzo is a very nice baby, mommy just doesn’t feel good right now."
"I'm gonna make some tea for you, my love," Harry said, kissing her forehead and leaving the living room, only the sounds of the tv and his two girls being heard.
He made tea and three bowls of fruit for them, but when he came back to the couch he was met with Y/n and Cecí sleeping. The small girl with her head on her mother's chest and y/n's hand on her little back.
Harry placed the bowls on the table, taking a duvet and putting on them. He just couldn't wait for Lorenzo to arrive, so they can all be together.
He loved his little family more than anything in the world.
Please come share your thoughts with me, like and reblog!!! <3
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lumelii · 3 years
Summary: Nanami and Yuuji stop into the local bakery. Nanami finds something he wants that’s off the menu.
Content warning: fluff, little bit of pining, child-parent relations, singledad!Nanami
Note: thanks again to Moni for beta-reading 🥰
word count: 1.6k
“Daddy! Look!”
It was a bakery they had passed multiple times on the way home, living just next door to it. It was small, tucked into one half of the ground floor of the low building it occupied, sharing a wall with a pharmacy. It served reasonably priced pastries and sandwiches, as well as some of the best coffee in Tokyo. Nanami usually took Yuuji there once or twice a month and let him pick what he wanted for breakfast.
The window display was almost always the same, Nanami would have missed the slight change as he tried to juggle the various bags they had accumulated from their early Saturday morning errands if his young son hadn’t pointed it out. He looked over to see the small bag of fruit he had asked Yuuji to carry on the sidewalk, a lone apple rolling away while his son stood on his tiptoes, his nose practically pressed to the glass. 
Instead of the standard fare on the very top shelf, there was a row of buns in the shapes of various animals, with different fillings for each shape written neatly on cards next to each. Nanami had to admire the work, they were incredibly detailed. 
“It’s a panda!” Yuuji looked back at Nanami and pointed at the aforementioned bun in the middle. “Can we get one?”
Nanami caught himself before denying Yuuji outright. He had been especially good today when they were running their errands, not complaining once as his father dragged him through town and entertaining himself in the various shops without getting into trouble. And they could go to the park later so Yuuji could run off his energy. A little sugar wouldn’t kill him.
“Sure. Go pick up your bag, though.” He pointed to the forgotten paper bag.
Yuuji quickly ran to pick up the bag (as well as the apple, adding it back to the bag before Nanami could tell him no), and grabbed his father’s hand to all but pull him into the bakery. It wasn’t as crowded as Nanami would have thought for a Saturday morning, something for which he was grateful. When there was a crowd, Yuuji liked to use people as obstacles and run around and through them as fast as he could. Only the obstacles moved, and he usually ended up on his butt more times than he would have liked.
They were able to go straight to an empty table to drop off their shopping before moving to the counter, and after a few seconds, one of the workers packaging cookies turned around, and Nanami’s breath caught in his throat.
It wasn’t like the bakery didn’t have pretty women working there-there were several, ones who would shamelessly flirt and try to butter up Yuuji as a means to get closer to his father, but Nanami didn’t indulge or even notice them. He was polite, got what he needed, then left. He never played into whatever fantasies the cashier of the month decided to dream up. 
However, this time, it was hard to remind himself of that conviction when easily the prettiest worker he had ever seen there walked up to the register and smiled at him. Was she new? She had to be new, he’d never seen her before. He would have remembered seeing someone like you. 
“Hi, welcome in.” You greeted and leaned against the counter. “What can I get for you?”
“Panda!” Yuuji yelled, his nose peeking over the top of the counter as he looked at you. 
“Yuuji.” Nanami scolded and picked him up so he could actually see you. “Ask politely, son.”
Yuuji smiled at him then turned to smile at you. “Can I please have a panda bun please?”
You smiled and nodded. “Of course, sir.” You replied, making him giggle. Your smile widened and you finally looked at Nanami. “And for you?”
“I’ll just have a black coffee.” Nanami didn’t think he could focus on eating without choking if you were going to be walking around the bakery.
“Me too!”
“He’ll have a hot chocolate.”
“I want what you’re having.” Yuuji pouted. Nanami sighed and turned back to the counter.
“Make mine a hot chocolate too.”
You took his money and handed him a number for the table. “Give me just a second, I’ll bring everything to your table. Make yourself at home.”
Nanami nodded and lead Yuuji away from the big display case by the register back to their table, helping him out of his heavy winter coat when he was seated safely. He tried his best to listen to his son as he talked about a dog they had seen earlier today during their shopping trip, but he was finding it very hard to focus.
His eyes kept wandering back behind the counter, watching as you made their drinks and talked with the other workers, laughing along with them at a joke someone had said. He’d never felt this kind of attraction toward another person. It was irrational. He didn’t know you. Yet he still felt that draw.
There had been other women before Yuuji had come into his life, even a few dalliances on nights when Gojou would take him out and Toji would stay home to watch the kids, just to satisfy that primal need. There was even a girlfriend at one point. But Yuuji had declared he didn’t like her after several months, and that was enough for Nanami to end the relationship. There was no point in pursuing a woman who couldn’t to get along with his son.
So why was it now, after finding contentment in being alone for so long, that all he wanted to do was go up and ask you, a complete stranger, on a date?
“You boys are lucky.” Nanami looked up and saw you were now standing next to their table, placing their to-go cups in front of them as well as Yuuji’s panda bun. “This was the second to last one.”
“Do you normally sell out quickly on the animals?” He heard himself asking, like the back of his neck wasn’t on fire right now.
“We only just started making them this week, but for the most part, yes.” You straightened from setting the food down and hugged the tray to your chest. “The red bean panda usually sells first. I suppose people are more used to the flavor.”
“What’s your name?” Yuuji asked suddenly, taking a big bite out of the head of his panda.
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled at the young boy. “What’s yours?”
Thankfully, Yuuji took the time to actually swallow his food before speaking, which was uncharacteristic of him. “My name is Yuuji.” His son said proudly. “I’m five.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Yuuji.” Your eyes turned to Nanami expectantly. “And your name?”
“His name is Dad.” Yuuji told her before Nanami could reply. She laughed, and he thought he hadn’t heard anything quite so wonderful today.
“And is that your first or last name?”
“Our last name is Nanami.” Yuuji answered again, cutting off his father as he opened his mouth to speak. “We live in the building next door.”
“Really? So I do. I just moved in. We’re neighbors.”
“Can I come visit you?” Yuuji asked excitedly.
“Yuuji, let’s not take up any more of the lady’s time.” Nanami interjected, noticing another customer had walked in, but also slightly embarrassed at his son’s oversharing.
“You’re fine, don’t worry. We already had our big morning rush.” You leaned in closer so the young boy wouldn’t hear what you were saying. “I put a shot of espresso in your cup. It should help if you need the caffeine.”
Nanami merely stared back when you pulled back and smiled again. He didn’t know how to respond to this kindness from a total stranger. You didn’t even know him, yet you spoke and cared as if you had been acquainted for a lifetime.
“Y/N!” A voice from the kitchen yelled before Nanami could open his mouth to thank you properly. “We’re almost out of spritz cookies!”
“Coming!” You yelled back and bowed slightly to Nanami. “It was nice to meet you, Dad-san.”
You were gone before he could reply. “It’s Kento.” He murmured to himself. However, Yuuji heard him and fixed him with a frown.
“Your name is Dad.” Yuuji said resolutely.
“I had a name before you came along.”
“And now it’s Dad.”
They sat quietly finishing their drinks, Yuuji swinging his legs happily as he finished his bun and watched the people coming and going in the bakery with wide, curious eyes. Nanami tried hard not to stare at you behind the counter as you worked, but his eyes kept drifting your direction of their own volition. He’d never felt this kind of pull before. He had to be imagining it. He was being irrational.
His line of vision as he watched the door to the kitchen, waiting for you to come out again after disappearing several minutes ago, was blocked when another server came up and set a brown bag with the bakery’s logo on the table. Nanami immediately picked it up and tried to hand it back.
“We didn’t order this.” He told the teenage boy.
“They’re on the house,” was all the boy said before going back behind the counter.
Nanami looked behind the counter and saw you had appeared again, now watching them. When he caught your eye, you smiled widely and gave him a small thumbs up. Looking inside the bag, there was a pair of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, along with the last panda bun. When he turned the bag to put it in with one of the larger shopping bags from their trip, the black ink of a marker caught his eye. Pulling the bag back out, he noticed the same neat handwriting from the display case.
‘Thanks for coming in, neighbor ^_^’
He was truly fucked.
tags: @oikawaandkuroostan (let me know if you want to get added to my tag list-either for this story or any of my writing!)
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creepytoes88 · 4 years
Angry sex with Vinnie
So this is a very bratty reader and there is hitting in this I AM NOT ROMANTICIZING ABUSE! I can NOT stress this ENOUGH
But this might be one of my favorites I choose Bryce cus he’s problematic so it seemed realistic to me just imagine him and Addison aren’t a thing lol COVID DOESN’T EXIST IN ANY OF MY STORIES Covid makes me sad 😢 OK LOVE YOU GUYSSSSS ♥️🤌🥸
I’m almost done getting ready when I hear Vinnie come in the room. Vinnie and I are going to Jake pauls ( he literally has nothing to do with the story) party or one of the biggest parties in LA everyone gets shit-faced and either you have to crash there or you have to get a Uber. Needless to say, I'm scared shitless but I'm not gonna let Vinnie know that he's way too excited for me to bail on him. So I just keep getting ready and keep telling myself tonight's gonna be great, because it is gonna be great. Vinnie comes into the bathroom with his hair maintained and non-frizzy no matter how much I wanted to run my hands through it, I also knew Vinnie would KILL me so I resisted.
”Hey you,” I say with a smile ”Hey you look hot,” Vinnie says looking me up and down, I stopped and turned around with a straight face ”and absolutely breathtaking just say the word, and ill go ring shopping m’lady. Vinnie says with a shit-eating grin as he bows to me I smile ”well now that you mention it...” I place my finger on my chin pretending to think about it ” I would love a ring pop” I continue to do my make up as Vinnie chuckles. He walks up behind me wrapping his hands around my hips rubbing his thumbs on my dress before leaning into my ear
”you look amazing baby” he kisses the side of my neck ” I could take you right now,” Vinnie says in a deep voice. I turn around putting my hand on his chest ”don’t even think about it, I love you but we have to leave in 20 minutes and I'm still not done with my make-up.” I turn around again continuing to do my make up I feel a slap on my ass. I gasp at the sting of the hit ”such a brat.” Vinnie kisses your neck again before leaving the bathroom It's gonna be a long night.
Time skip to party
As soon as we pull up to the party a group of Vinnie's friends immediately take him away to play beer pong. I roll my eyes as I walk to Maddy and Avani, we get drinks and walk to the dance floor, about an hour has passed, and was done dancing and kinda just wanted to check on Vinnie. I stand up and tell the girls I'm gonna find Vinnie they nod and I walk in the direction he went when the boys pulled him away. Just more dancing people but no Vinnie, ok maybe the back yard I walk towards the back door and as I step out did I hear the most the last thing I wanted to hear ”KICK HIS ASS VINNIE” I hear people yelling ”FUCK YEA, GET HIM VINNIE ” I see Jordan and Kio high-five as they encourage Vinnie to beat the crap of someone. I run over to Jordan and Kio ”What the fuck is wrong with you guys stop him!” I screech at them Jordans head whips around with scared eyes as he runs to me and grabs me ”stop you didn’t see what happened and what Bryce said!” ” He fucking deserves it!” Kio yells kinda drunk.
Vinnie's POV
After the boys came and pulled me away from Y/n we played pong and shotgun a couple of claws (gross) before I know it I was feeling the alcohol. As I'm talking to Jordan and Kio I feel a slap on my shoulder ”ssssssup man” Bryce wraps his arm around my shoulder. I could smell the alcohol on his breath not that his slurring wasn't enough evidence to show he's drunk off his ass. ”hey bro what's up?” I ask
”not much but *burp* I do wanna tell you *hiccup* that Y/n looks like a million dollars tonight man” I look at him as I try to keep me cool knowing he's just drunk ”Like honestly dude*hiccup* if you weren't dating her I would totally hit it *hiccup* like her ass is perfect man, and her tits dude. Does she ever wear a bra I can always see her *hiccup* nips but it makes me so horny man?” Bryce laughs as he claps me on the back. I look at Jordan and Kio who look at me shocked, unfortunately for Bryce, I was far too buzzed to even think about what I was doing before my fist collided with his face.
Y/n’s POV
I push my way through the crowd and when I get to the front I see Vinnie on top of Bryce trying to curve his face in, both of his fists pounding into Bryce's face. ”VINNIE STOP” I scream immediately he stops and turns around seeing my scared face he stands up coming towards me but I walk past him going straight to Bryce and start to shake him. I hear him groan ”are you ok?” I ask as he slowly opens his eyes ”look I'm in Heaven” Bryce says with a wink before passing out all the sudden I'm being pulled up by my arm like a child. I look up to see an extremely angry Vinnie I could see him shaking with anger. ”ow Vinnie you're hurting me” I whine as I try to pry his hand off of my arm ”VINNIE STOP” I yell at him in front of everyone.
”YOU CAN’T JUST GET JEALOUS, BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE! AND THEN YOU WANT TO DRAG ME OUT OF THE PARTY LIKE A FUCKING KID I THINK THE FUCK NOT!” I yell at him with sass. As soon as the words leave my mouth I see his usually sweet and loving eyes change before me becoming almost emotionless. They fill with absolute rage Vinnie narrows his eyes at me picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder holding my legs so I can't kick him.
”PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I pound my fists into his back and scream having an absolute tantrum, I'm so angry that I'm seeing red, not a few minutes later I was put on the ground.
Before I could push him away I was turned around and push against the car ”such a fucking brat!” He slaps my ass
”fuck you,” I say as I try to get my hands free I hear the car door open then the back of the seat being moved. Vinnie sits in the car pulling me I'm with him so I'm sitting on his lap and start to push on his chest to get away I know what's about to happen and I know it gonna hurt a lot. ”STOP YOU FUCKING BRAT!” Vinnie yells and finally holding my hands behind my back. Vinnie looks up at me and chuckles he holds my hands with one of his own, his other hand pulling on his belt wrapping my wrists together ”NO DON’T DADDY IM SORRY!” I say as tears start filling my eyes and my bottom lip quivers.
Vinnie looks up at me his eyes showing no emotion ”I'm not gonna hit you till I'm calm-” My eyes widen ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell as I try to get away even though I know I can't but I don't want a spanking. I know Vinnie won't touch me till we’re home and it's a long-ass drive at least an hour or two depending on traffic meaning I'm gonna be hot and bothered AND my ass is gonna be on fire. I feel a harsh slap on my right cheek I let out an involuntary moan grinding against him ”STOP talking to me like that.” Vinnie rubs my cheek turning my face towards him ”you’ve made daddy very mad and after your punishment, we will be having a conversation about tonight right now I need you to take your punishment like a good girl.” Vinnie says softly rubbing my cheek I know he's trying to make a point about my attitude and he’s somehow being so sweet. I wish I could say it was me being extremely horny and slightly tipsy but honestly, it was just my pride I don't wanna admit that I'm wrong, for talking to him like that and hitting him in anger, which I have never done before, I feel bad but still, the words came out.
”NO! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I shout right in his face Vinnie’s eyes lock with my own I gulp that was the last straw and I know it. All of a sudden my face is in the passenger seat my chest is against the armrest in the middle Vinnie puts his left leg over my legs so I couldn’t kick him or grind myself against him.
”D-Daddy don't please.” I sniff looking back at him with wide eyes ”I-i I'll be good daddy-” Vinnie lets out a dark laugh he then grabs a first full of my hair and yanks my head back I gasp ”I hope you cry.” Vinnie whispered in my ear before pushing my head back down ”Don’t fucking move or you get five more.” Vinnie lifts my dress so it's around my waist he ripped my underwear off throwing the ruined material on his dashboard. ”count” Vinnie demands ”How many-?” I start to ask ”DID I SAY TO FUCKING SPEAK!” Vinnie lands a hard slap on my ass
”OH FUCK!” I yell trying to get away ”thats 25 now.” Vinnie says as he pulls me back into place ”Now I said count, so fucking count slut!”
I feel the first one on my right cheek ”OW one” I said as I sniff holding my tears in. Another one SLAP! This time on my left I let out a cry as I try not to move an inch. ”TWO!” this time a tear slips out but Vinnie doesn't see it, his hand lands on my right cheek way more hard then the last one and before I could even cry he lands another one with the same power onto the left cheek. A sob escapes my mouth as tears fall down my face ”FUCKING COUNT OR USE THE SAFE WORD!” my heat throbs as he yells at me my arousal running down my legs. ”THREE FOUR!” I scream as a sob comes up my throat it hurts so bad but feels so good.
”T-T-TWENTY-FIVE!” I scream sob, my face soaked with tears and my wetness has been running down my legs, I could feel the puddle on his jeans. My ass is on fire and it's bright red with handprints all over the place, I have my head resting on the seat trying to calm down my breathing and crying. Vinnie silently runs his thumbs from the puddle on his jeans all the way to my slit, collecting all of the wetness from that thigh before sticking the digit in his mouth ”mmhm” he moans before doing the same to the other thigh, once again putting his thumb in his mouth again. I am however still sobbing ”you can cry all you want baby...” he kisses my red ass cheek ”you are just making me so much more hard.” Vinnie says before he licks my clit softly ”mmm daddy” I say with a small voice ”I’m still mad at you baby.” He says as he slaps my clit making me whimper ”please daddy” I try to grab his shirt with my hands.
Vinnie immediately pulls away so I can't touch him or grab him ”No, don't fucking touch me.” he says repeating what I said to him not long ago obviously, it had hurt his feelings and stuck with him. ”oh, daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.” I look back at Vinnie best I can from my position ”I really am sorry Vinnie, I love you.” I say with wide eyes making sure he is paying attention. He rubs my thigh ”I know you are brat!” he then slaps my thigh ”sit in your seat and buckle up I don't wanna hear a word.” he pulls his belt off and puts it in the back seat. A tear slips down my face, is he really that mad at me that he won't say I love you back, I crawl to my seat and fix my dress before I sit down soft and slow my behind still in major pain.
The pain makes me feel even worse knowing he's very mad at me I stare at my hands I didn't even realize I was still crying till he said something ”turn around baby let me see” Vinnie says softly. I look up at him and I sniff slowly I pull my knees up and stand on them and use the window for support as Vinnie pulls my dress up around my waist once again ”fuck baby I'm sorry” Vinnie says in a sad tone as he begins to leave light kisses on my cheeks ” I love you baby so much I'm just pissed at Bryce and then you were being a bitch about-” My eyes widen ” W-What? I was being a bitch! You dragged me around like a fucking kid!” I say angrily as tears run down my face ”you're a fucking asshole” I say to myself getting ready to sit back down but then I feel pain on the skin of my ass so much worse then before and it didn't feel like a hand.
A giant sob jumps from my throat and moaning I feel my pussy clench around nothing for the hundredth time this night. I whip my head around to see Vinnie holding his belt in his hand with an angry face and black eyes filled with lust and rage mostly rage. ”You never fucking learn, unless I treat you like shit so get in the fucking back! Don't say a goddamn word or I'll whip you with my belt again.” I gasp and I scurry between the seats my ass getting stuck between my seat and Vinnie's shoulder. ”My lucky day huh.” I feel him smack my ass a cry leaving my lips and I fall into the back seat my ass in the air. Another slap is delivered to my ass tears running down my face as I try to buckle up fast even with the pain in my behind, my makeup was definitely fucked up.
20 minutes later we pulled into a nice-looking hotel Vinnie grabs a napkin and hands it to me silently ”don’t say a word unless spoken to and just sit down till I come get you.” I nod as I wipe my eyes trying to stop the tears Vinnie steps out of the car and opens the back door on my side grabbing my hand and pulling me out after I unbuckle. I know this sweetness is going to be short-lived as it's just a front so people don't think something is actually wrong. Vinnie approach soon but first he turns around and asks how late room service is open ”24/7 sir” the lady says as she hands him two room cards.
”Perfect.” Vinnie says as he grabs my hand pulling me to the elevator the second the elevator door shut Vinnie grabs my neck and slammed me against the wall.
A loud moan leaving my lips ”i had to get the most expensive room so they wouldn't kick us out for all the screaming you're going to do from your punishments.” Vinnie licks my lips and cheek ”Open your fucking mouth!” he says immediately my mouth drops and my tongue falls out past my teeth. Vinnie spits in my mouth I moan loudly ”Swallow” so I did ”Again”
he grunts squeezing my neck and one of my boobs, my mouth drops open Vinnie spits but it doesn't all go in my mouth I shoot my eyes open looking down at the spit on the floor disappointed. I start to lean down ”Don’t baby I'll give you more.” I look up at Vinnie and grab his waist, a slap is delivered to my face ”I said don't touch me do you want me to spit in your mouth or not!” I moan dropping to the floor on my knees mouth open ”YES!” I say rushing to taste him again.
”I-I’m sorry daddy I won't do it anymore.” I say with puppy eyes my mouth open waiting for him to give me a gift. Vinnie looks down at me with a disgusted look tears fall from my eyes as I look up at him mouth still open waiting patiently. ”You're a nasty slut!” he slaps me before forcing my mouth open spitting inside. I moan at the taste and at the pain on my face I swallow reluctantly wanting it to last forever I then lick my lips and hold my cheek ”we’re the only people on this floor so strip and crawl to the room. Stay on your knees where you belong, for now at least”
He Pushes me to he ground It didn't hurt because I was only on my knees I take my dress off and my dra I go to kick my heels off
”Don’t! keep them on.” Vinnie says leaning down picking up my clothes as the doors open I see a long hallway and all the way to the end is a double door I crawl out and wait for Vinnie ”Come here, Now.” I crawl as fast as I can ”sit” my eyes widen I'm not a fucking dog I think to myself all the sudden I feel something around my neck.
Vinnie had fastened his belt around my neck like a collar ”Crawl bitch!” I gasp as my hands hit the ground we slowly move towards the door Vinnie behind me. I feel pain on my ass once again I whip my head around to see Vinnie whip my ass with my own bra. I moan I'm gonna have bruises for months, he hits my ass every once in a while I moan every time. We get to the door and he opens it with his key card. ”I have to run to the store you can shower if you wish and watch tv but I expect you naked and ready when I get back” Vinnie starts to walk away ”oh and don't touch your self, I'll know if you did.” he turns to me and looks down into my eyes before walking out.
I hop in the shower and then I lay on the couch with a homemade ice pack I made, with supplies from the room and the mini ice machine in the room, pressed against my sore ass. It's been barely been an hour, but I already miss Vinnie. I can't wait for my punishment to be over so he will hold me and kiss me I don’t wanna fight, I wanna sleep. My head lefts up at the sound of the door being opened. ”Get on the bed it's time for your punishment.” Vinnie says as he comes in with a couple of different black bags I Eye them suspicious of what's inside.
”Don't worry about it and lay on your stomach.” Vinnie says in a slightly angry tone I rush on the bed and lay my head in a pillow I feel Vinnie slightly sit on my lower back making the bed dip. All of the sudden my hand is being tired to the headboard then the other he gets off me before doing the same to my legs. I'm spread like a starfish and I can't turn my head to see anything. ”scream and cry all you want I don’t care.” and with that, he gets off me not a second later I hear him fiddle with the bags and then silence then I hear... Buzzing?
My eyes widen as I realize what my punishment is ”NO DADDY PLEASE I-I IM SORRY NOT THAT PLEASE!” tears immediately pour down my face I pull at my restraints even though it's useless. ”Maybe you will listen first then run your loudmouth Brat.” I feel the head of the vibrator enter me and I moan immediately pleasure runs through me I hear another vibration and then out of nowhere, Vinnie pulls a smaller vibrator out and positioned right at my clit. I moan even louder I can feel my first orgasm approach. I feel a slap on my ass ”n-no more daddy please I will behave and l-listen.”
I sob as he delivers more smacks to my overly sore ass my orgasm ripping through me another already on its way. I hear Vinnie start to look in the bags again he pulls my hair back ”see this” Vinnie shows me a stick or so I think. He pulls on one of the ends and it comes off releasing a bunch of leather strings my eyes widen in fear he's gonna whip me with a real sex whip my second orgasm making me shakes and convulses almost pushing the vibrator out. Vinnie pushes it back in all the way before he starts whipping my ass with the whip my third orgasm approaching fast ”AAAH MAKE IT STOP VINNIE IT’S TOO MUCH TO FAST!” I yell tears running down my face
”what’s that? turn them on high! ok whatever you say.” Vinnie chuckled deeply ”Nooooooo” I moan as the vibrations make my third orgasm be forced out I scream nonsense orgasm after orgasm driving me crazy.
-two hours later-
I was sobbing and screaming as another orgasm ripped me apart it feels so good but it hurts to breathe at this point. ”CORN MUSTARD” I yell the safe word. Immediately the vibration stop and are pulled from my body Vinnie unties my hands and feet ”BABY ARE YOU OK” he softly turns me over on my back and I hiss in pain everything hurts ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell not meaning a word of it ”oh baby I'm so sorry-” I push him away I'm not even mad at him I'm just in pain and still unsatisfied ashamed I still want his dick and his mouth on mine I feel a Slap ”WHY CAN’T YOU FUCKING LEARN??!? DO I HAVE TO HURT YOU WITH MY COCK AND WORDS TO MAKE YOU FUCKING LISTEN!” he slams his rock hard cock into me I didn't even know he was naked till now ”UGH I HATE YOU.” I yell
Vinnie stops and pulls out of me he slams back in making me moan ”FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY YOU’RE A SLAVE FOR MY COCK, YOU FUCKING WHORE!” Vinnie yells as he slaps my face. Begin to moan uncontrollably it feels so good I can feel him in my belly his big ass cock ramming into my uterus. ”FUCK DADDY IM SORRY I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU I DON’T HATE YOU I LOVE YOU S-SO MUCH DADDY! IM YOUR SLUTTY WHORE PLEASE PUT YOUR CUM IN ME AND FILL ME UP, DADDY” I was shaking around his cock his breath in my face I just wanted to taste him so bad ”p-please kiss me daddy.” Vinnie looks down at me ”WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I KISS YOU BITCH, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT BE A PAIN IN THE ASS TONIGHT!” I sob I just wanted to feel that he loves me I feel so stupid and useless right now. The sobs no longer from the pleasure but from my broken heart Vinnie slows down looking at my devastated face as real emotional tears and gasps left my body as I just laid there.
”b-baby?” Vinnie asks still pounding into me he stops still inside of me I look up at him and hiccup ”y-you don’t love me anymore because I said a-all those nasty things I d-didn’t mean it a-and you hate me now” I cry into the pillow Vinnie grabs my face wiping all of my tears and kissing me on the lips sweet and passionately taking my breath away.
”mmmmm” I moan into his kiss sliding my tongue in his mouth putting my hand in his hair and hugging his body close to me I was drooling at his taste kissing him harder and grinding against him. I feel Vinnie smile as he begins to fuck me again this time with passion and love not anger and resentment. We both are kissing sloppy and moaning into each others mouths as he pounds into me.
”FUUUUCK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IM GONNA CUM” He moans as he cums deep inside of me causing me to release ”DADDY YESS THANK YOU IM SORRY.” I lay there as Vinnie pulls out my head snaps up ”Nononono I want it.” I open my mouth for his slightly stiff cum covered cock.
”fuck such a nasty girl...” he moans as he puts his cock down my throat choking me
”mmmmm baby I forgive you, you’re so perfect in every way.” he moans taking his soft cock out of my sucking mouth I start to whine but Vinnie pops his finger in my mouth keeping me busy still I pass out.
Vinnie’s POV
”My sweet girl.... No more alcohol for you but I do love you very much you have never been so bratty.” I kiss her lips and turn off the light's pulling my brat closer as I snuggle into her neck I couldn't ask for more.
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Okay but imagine Stevie [accidentally] interrupting Harry’s zoom interview !! She would literally steal the show
i love this concept SO much :) hope you like!
ALSO: i need ideas for what Harry would want to name his son! send in your ideas, i’d love any input!
stole the show
warnings: none
word count: 1.4k
Stevie knew. You had told her, multiple times. Never go in daddy’s office when his door is closed. This didn’t happen often; Harry usually left everything wide open. He said it helped his creative process, being able to see his favorite girls. He only closed the door when he had an important meeting that couldn’t be interrupted.
So you told her, over and over again. You were very patient with her. She was only two, after all. You reminded her every time you saw Harry closing his door, just in case.
Of course, two year olds often have a very selective memory. There had been more than one occasion when you had scooped her up just before she turned the doorknob. You wondered if she did it on purpose to get a reaction out of you, or if she really just wanted to see her dad. It was probably a mixture of both. It wasn’t like Harry deprived her of attention. She got to be with him almost all the time, playing and giggling and singing. Apparently, she didn’t like when he wasn’t immediately at her disposal. To be fair, neither did you, so you had a guess where she got that from.
Still, she was usually pretty good about it. You usually managed to keep her distracted with other things while Harry was locked away, doing interviews and whatnot. For some reason, though, she was extra fidgety today.
“Where’s daddy?” She whined, pulling on your shirt.
“He’s working, bug,” you leaned down to pick her up, settling her on your hip. “He can come play soon.”
“Play now,” she pouted.
“He can’t play right now, but he can soon! Why don’t we make some pizza for supper while we wait?”
“No,” she said stubbornly. “I want daddy.”
“I know, but he can’t come out right now,” you said, trying to think of some way to entertain her.
“How bout this, bug? Let’s make some Mac ‘n Cheese!”
She kept the stubborn pout on her face, not wanting to give in too soon.
“Ok,” she finally agreed, squirming for you to let her down.
“Can you find the strainer for me?”
She nodded excitedly, running to the kitchen. You followed quickly when you heard her clanging things around, not wanting her to make too big of a mess.
“Here it is!” She held the strainer up above her head, looking very proud of herself.
“Thank you very much!”
“You’re welcome very much!”
You laughed, lifting her up to set the bowl in the sink. She climbed up on her step stool, turning on the tap to fill the pot with water and spilling it all over herself in the process.
“Oh, lovely,” you sighed, looking at her now soaking shirt. “How about we go get a new shirt so you don’t have to wear that wet one?”
“The noodles!” She protested, wanting to help with every step.
“You can help with the noodles, I promise. We have to wait for the water to boil first, remember? We have to see the bubbles before the noodles can go in.”
“First the bubbles, then the noodles,” she nodded.
“Exactly! I bet if we go really fast, we can get you a dry shirt before the bubbles come.”
“No, I do it by myself,” she said, crossing her arms.
“Ok, you can do it by yourself,” you agreed. “If you need help-“
“I don’t!” She called, already running across the room.
You smiled, shaking your head at how independent she was.
Harry nodded, leaning toward his laptop as the interviewer spoke.
“Yeah, so I think that was one of the biggest things about this. We were so focused about getting everything-“ he cut himself off when he heard Stevie’s footsteps pattering quickly down the hall. He smiled to himself before continuing. “Uh, sorry, getting everything perfect. We actually scrapped quite a lot of material, just because I kind of had that “it’s good, but it could be better” feeling. My team’s probably really annoyed with me right now,” he laughed.
“No, they would never!” The interviewer, John, said in mock surprise, laughing with him. “What do you think was your favorite part of this process?”
“Honestly? I really loved showing it to Y/N and my daughter. Their reactions are always so beautiful to see, even though Stevie usually has no idea what’s going on,” he laughed. “She’s excited because I’m excited.”
“Aw, and that’s always so precious to see! What did Y/N think?”
“She was really great about it, as always. She’s been incredibly supportive through this entire experience, even though it’s been a little bit hard for us, with raising a two year old and all. She’s truly too good to me,” he smiled, blushing a bit. “I just really love having something I’m so proud of, that I’ve put so much work into, and getting to show that to two people I love. It’s an incredible experience.”
“I’m sure! So what would you say was the most difficult part of this whole thing?”
“Oh boy,” he said, sighing jokingly. “How much time do you have?” He laughed, running a hand through his hair. “But more seriously, I think the worst thing for me was having to spend so much time away from my family. There are days when nothing is working, stuff just isn’t flowing, and you just want to go home and see the people you love. It’s very frustrating, not being able to be with them whenever you want.”
He looked up again when he heard crashing noises coming from Stevie’s room, but focused his attention back on the screen when John spoke again.
“Speaking of family, how are they doing? Your daughter just had a birthday, didn’t she?”
“Yeah, she did,” he said, beaming. “She’s two now.”
“Oh, and that’s always a fun age!” John said, laughing. “Good luck with that.”
“No, she’s an angel,” Harry said, still smiling. “We’re a little-“
He was interrupted when the door slammed open and his little angel burst into the room. She ran straight to him, not hesitating to jump right into his lap.
“Hello there,” he said, laughing in surprise. “What are you doing?”
“I want to play,” she said, whining into his shoulder. “Mommy’s cooking.”
“Well, doesn’t she need help?” Harry said, noticing her shirt was soaked through. Maybe Stevie had done enough helping already.
“No,” she said stubbornly, latching her arms around his neck. “I stay here.”
“Alright then,” he laughed, turning his chair around to face his laptop again. “Sorry for the interruption, I’m back now. And this is Stevie,” he turned her around to sit against him, looking shyly at the interviewer. “Can you say hi, Stevie?”
She smiled, waving her small hand.
“Hi Stevie! It’s nice to meet you!” John said, smiling.
“Hi,” she said in a small voice, tiling her head to look up at Harry. “Daddy, who is that?” she whispered loudly.
“His name is John, love,” he laughed.
“So Stevie, I heard you just turned two?” John asked.
“Yeah!” She said excitedly, warming up to him already. “With balloons!”
“You had balloons? That’s so cool!” He said, instantly matching her energy and striking up a conversation.
It was quiet. Maybe... too quiet. It was never good when a two year old was silent. You started getting worried about what Stevie had gotten into and decided to go find her.
You didn’t find her in her room, meaning she was probably somewhere else in the house, making a huge mess.
“Stevie!” You called. “Where’d you go?”
Then you heard her, chatting excitedly. This wasn’t too strange; she frequently talked to her stuffed animals and dolls like they were real people. You didn’t, however, usually hear someone talking back to her. You sighed when you pinpointed where her voice was coming from.
You turned around, making your way to Harry’s office. You cautiously opened the door, looking in to see Stevie perched on his lap and talking animatedly to his laptop.
“Sorry about that, she slipped away from me,” you said, smiling as you lifted her off of him.
“Not a problem, love, we were having a great time,” he laughed. “Stevie made a new friend!”
“Yeah?” You looked at her. She nodded happily.
“Bye John!” She yelled, waving at the screen as you carried her out of the room.
Harry came up behind you, putting his arms around you as you stirred the pasta in the pot.
“Sorry again she interrupted you, she’s very sneaky,” you laughed.
“Yeah, she totally stole the show,” he said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “I’m going to lose my job if she keeps this up.”
“Yeah, totally, I mean, who wants to talk to you when they could have Stevie?”
“Precisely,” he smiled. “I think she’s cuter than me.”
“Hmm, I don’t know. It’s pretty close. I think it’s a tie.”
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Here me out, A Child AU of the brothers, with a Loving and Protective Older Brother MC. This MC would basically always be there for the brothers, helping them manage their “sins” (which are just childish flaws in this AU) and spoiling them.
MC gives them all the much needed affection and stability their absent parents (Can’t escape the daddy issues) deprived them from, and makes sure to create free-time for the boys so they can explore their hobbies, play with each other (And their beloved Older Brother, and just be kids in general.
Perhaps MC & the brothers parents are the CEO’s of multiple different worldwide company’s and don’t have time/don’t really care for them? And so they just have MC and the boys in a random mansion with maids/servants to manage the house and “care” for them, leaving MC to step up as the guardian for these boys despite being their older brother. (I imagine that the servants/other staff don’t do much in terms of anything personal, and only do stuff like clean the house, cook, give them distant lessons, stiffly help the boys get dressed if they need assistance, etc.)
In other words the boys would be screwed emotionally if Older Brother MC wasn’t there to make sure they were actually thriving and getting to act like kids.
However, this MC is also the only parental figure in these boys lives, and as such this MC gets very exhausted because at the end of the day they are taking care of 7 children who rely on him, so maybe you could write some good old hurt/comfort in the end to really to really pull it all together?
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I really love this ask, y'all be sending me the best sibling prompts and I'm over here, having no idea wtf a proper sibling relationship is 😂 please keep them coming
I absolutely adore this prompt!
Warning: neglectful parents, hurt with comfort, long, angst
You jogged down the stairs, eyes darting around to find the least busiest servant. You started to loose hope until you spotted a maid carrying a laundry basket. You quickly rushed over to her.
"Are they home today? I have a party I was invited to and I was hoping they'd look after the kids."
"I'm sorry, master (Y/N) but your parents aren't home today and I'm afraid they won't be in until next Wednesday, we can always look after them-"
You tried to hide your disdain; the servants were helpful but they just did what was needed, they didn't bother with the emotional side of caring for your little brothers. Most of them being toddler's still, the youngest were just babies! They needed emotional care!
"thank you but I'll just do it myself."
The maid didn't say anything else, going on with her task. You entered the living room where you knew your brother's were. You found another servant watching them, bouncing Satan whilst he screamed and wailed.
Lucifer was glaring at the servant whilst he held Beezlebub's hands, stopping the little guy from chewing on his hand. Mammon was holding a sleeping belphegor. Asmodeus was padding at the servant, wanting his little brother but the servant just ignored him. Levithan was the first to notice you; he gripped the game controller he was playing with, waddling quickly over to you.
"I'll take it from here." You stated, causing all your brother's to turn to you.
The servant let out a sigh of relief, handing you Satan harshly. "I'll be back for my duties later."
Satan grabbed onto your shirt, sniffling and let out small noises of anger before finally settling down. You gently bounced him, kissing his little cat eared hat.
"did I take too long? I know they're not very nice to you, I'm sorry."
You knelt down, your brother's all coming to greet you. You gave each one an exaggerated kiss on the forehead. Asmo tugged at your sleeve, pouting.
"They wouldn't let me hold Satan, gimme."
You chuckled, letting asmo cradle his baby brother. Lucifer was fuming; evident from how he crossed his arms, an ugly angry face present on him.
"They're useless." Lucifer was the eldest out of your younger brother's, he was always protective of them and insulted by the servants lack of care.
Mammon crawled into your lap, belphie giving you grabby hands as he finally woke up. You gave him your finger; he happily grabbed it and held it close to his face.
"They're not useless, they just don't get the kind of care you need."
Lucifer just huffed. Tugging little Satan's hands off his brother's hair, poor asmo trying to to move too much. You knew you could always count on Lucifer to help you; afterall you were looking after 7 brothers.
Beel was gumming Levi's controller much to his distress. You quickly put the chew necklace in your little brothers mouth, The ginger happily going for it while the third eldest protectively clutched his controller.
suddenly, your phone rang. You answered the call, not even checking who it was.
"(Y/N), It's Michael, I'm here to speak on behalf of your father."
"Huh? He can't call me himself?" You raised a brow, adjusting your seat as you kept the phone close to your ear.
"Not right now, he's busy in his latest meeting - I'm sure you've been told that they won't be coming back until next Wednesday but there seems to be some issues and their stay will be extended."
"what's mom doing? Is she busy aswell?"
"she's staying in the hotel, her bussiness is done for now."
You grit your teeth, turning your head away from your brother's eyes. You could feel them watch you with their curious big eyes. But you refused to let them see you mad; though that didn't stop your mouth from moving without much thought.
"Michael, can you tell her to get her damn as- butt back home and stop using dad's trip as a vocation! She's got kids to look after-!"
"my apologies, I'll tell her you request her presence but I cannot promise-"
Your buzzed aggressively, you checked to see who it was and it was another student from the university you went to. Well- you went to it through online school as your brother's took top priority.
"I get it, I need to go, I have another call."
He couldn't even say goodbye, you swapped the call. It ended your call with Michael automatically.
"hello? What's up?"
"(Y/N) you coming tonight? I was telling people you were coming so you better come."
"I can't- my parents aren't home so I have to look after my brother's." You sighed, your mood deflating.
"don't you have like maids or something? Just let them do it! You're always looking after your brother's, just come over!"
"you know I can't! The servants don't give them the emotional attention they need, they're still young and growing! I can't just let them be treated like that-"
"uggh!!! You're always like this, I shouldn't of invited you, Everyone knows you're just some bore with no life, I thought you could actually prove people wrong."
You wanted to chew them out but you could see your brothers upset faces in the corner of your eye. you hung up, turning to comfort them but they caught you off guard.
"you go! We'll be good for the maids! I swear, I won't make (Y/N) upset!" Mammon cried out, clutching his little brother.
"I'll watch over them, go have fun." Lucifer chimed in, adjusting his hold on Satan.
You shook your head. Internally yelling at your peer for being so loud. "I'm fine being right here, you guys are more important than any party."
Asmo furiously shook his head. "No!! Parties are cool and you're cool! Go!"
"Parties aren't all that, I've seen enough of them in movies."
You've been one to one. Looking after your brother's took full time once you were old enough but you didn't need to do things like that. You could easily dance around in a room with music and snacks. You definitely didn't need to do that - it was just some experience people did for fun. You're fun! You can have your own fun!
You had a life and was the most interesting person ever. Totally. Definitely. 100%! It wasn't like you were actually looking forward to it and really wanted to meet your peers in person for once....actually make friends and let yourself be you for once.....
Chubby hands squished your cheeks. You looked up to see baby Beel was holding up his chew necklace; wanting you to chew on it. It was his favourite, belphie picked it out for him and he's been keeping close to his chest since. Belphie was the one squishing your cheeks, trying to get your attention.
"how did your face get wet..?"
That's when it hit you. You were crying. You hastily wiped them away, forcing a big smile.
"I'm fine! See!"
Suddenly, a controller smacked you in the forehead. You yelped. Levi was frowning, his little hands for clenching and unclenching.
You gasped, not expecting him to act out like this. You were so use to his timid and shut off nature you weren't sure he could even raise his voice like that. Satan stirred away, confused on why his brother was yelling.
You didn't expect that to hit you so hard. You bawled out into fat tears, hugging mammon, Belphie and Beel. It wasn't long for the rest of the brothers to come to your side, hugging you as you cried. You hurriedly hugged them all, kissing each of their chubby cheeks.
Asmo, mammon and levi were all crying with you. Each of them returning a kiss to your cheeks. You always kissed their cheeks or forhead to make them happy. To have them do the same to you made your heart soften.
"I'm so happy you're all my brother's....thank you."
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definitelynottony · 3 years
For @pretty-bratty cause I promised him this ficlet! Inspired by this and my Bambi's amazing imagination 😘
"Can you hear me. Over?" Billy whispered. 
"Over what? It's like dead silent." Steve whispered back. 
"No, over is how you end the message, Steve. Over." 
"What?" Steve asked, confused. 
Billy sighed "Nevermind Stevie. It's not important." 
"Okay…" Steve huffed in that cute spoiled way that Billy loves so much. 
"I still can't believe you actually swiped these stupid things from the gremlins. They practically sleep with them." Billy laughed toying at the walkie-talkie Steve gave him earlier today when they met at the Wheeler's house, dropping off the kids for a sleepover. 
"You seem surprised, I'm totally like a ninja! I snuck them right out of Dustin's backpack when I dropped him off! You know, he's probably going crazy right now actually… poor kid." 
"Poor kid my ass, Harrington. We both know you're gonna go buy him the best new set at Melvald's tomorrow. Plus all those brats are together. They don't need these things." Billy scoffed. Truth be told, he loved how big Steve's heart was for the kids. But right now he wanted all of Steve's attention. 
"Yeah. I guess you're right."
"Of course I'm right! So stop the whining and let's get on with the sexy time shall we." Billy smirked. Steve could hear practically hear it on the other end of the walkie. 
"You're such a horndog." Steve chuckled trying to stay quiet. 
"Me? Baby this was all your idea!" Billy shot back, feigning shock. Making Steve laugh louder. "Shhh! Stevie! Not so loud. Some ninja you are." 
"Oh shut up! I'm the best ninja ever!" 
"Okay then Mr. Ninja. Let's see some of those moves then. Bend over." Billy grinned, amused with himself. 
"Wait, bend what, over?" Steve asked, confused...again. "Are you doing that weird walkie talk again?"
"Christ. Just bend over for me, Steve." 
"Okay. Okay…. Now what?" 
"Now start fingering yourself." Billy wrapped his hand around himself and started panting. Steve's blush spread from his cheeks down to his chest listening to him. This was such a good idea. Like the best idea ever. Like Steve is actually a genius idea… like the kids are never gonna see these walkie-talkies ever again, kind of good idea. Well, until it wasn't.
"Fuck...Billy…" Steve whimpered. 
"Yeah, feeling good baby?" 
"No. I mean yes, but no! I think my mom woke up." Steve panicked laying back down in his bed, blankets pulled up to his chin. Faking sleep like all little kids do. 
"Oh, think Mrs. Harrington wants in on the action?" Billy teased. 
"Dude! First off, gross! Second off, fuck you! and third, shut up! I'll get in trouble if she hears you!" 
"Mmm I like it when you get all demanding, baby. It's sexy as hell." 
 "Biiillllyyy! I'm serious! Shut up!" Steve whined as a plea. 
"Fine… let me know when she goes back to bed." Billy huffed. 
"Okay. She sounds like she's right outside my door. Maybe she heard us?" Steve whispered the play by play. 
"Think she could hear me if I yelled?" Billy snickered. 
"You wouldn't." 
"Oh, but wouldn't I?" 
"Billy. Don't." 
Billy yelled into the walkie-talkie as Steve fumbled trying to shut it off. Shoving it under his pillow when he failed at it. Billy could be heard cackling on the other end. Steve was cursing him and his life, heart racing like he was in a horror movie. 
"I hate you." Steve whispered into the walkie once he heard his mom's bedroom door close again. 
"Mmm I love you too Bambi." Billy said around a shit eating grin. 
"I'm totally serious. I fuckin hate you. I'm never gonna kiss you again. No, I'm never even talking to you again." 
"I know, baby. So I'll be over for breakfast, okay?" 
"Yeah, whatever." Steve huffed, turning over to go to sleep. 
"Stevie?... Steve? Hey, baby, aren't we-" 
Steve found the off switch finally. Billy chuckled himself to sleep. 
The next morning none other than Billy Hargrove graced the Harrington's door step. 
And as he rang the door bell, Mrs. Harrington is who opened the door. 
"Why, good morning Mrs. Harrington. You look beautiful as always." 
"Billy. I knew I recognized that voice. So it was you who kept Steven up last night?" She shook her head, letting Billy in. 
"Guilty ma'am. Steve got these walkie-talkies you see and well, you know how boys are with their new toys. He kept me up all night testing them out." Billy charmed as they both walked into the kitchen, where Steve greeted them. 
"Mornin' Stevie." Billy smirked, tongue-in-cheek.
"God. It's too early to see your face Hargrove." 
"Steven." His mother scolded. "You could learn some manners from Billy, you know. Instead of keeping the poor boy up with your nonsense." 
"What? I wasn't up all night! Billy's totally lying!"
"Steven. I already knew. And don't shout, it's too early for your antics." His mom said as she sipped her coffee. 
"Yeah, you shouldn't lie to your mother, Stevie. Mother's always know. You can't just hide shit- I mean stuff from them like that." 
"Well said Billy." Mrs. Harrington smiled, taking her coffee to the pool deck. "Billy is such a good influence, I'm glad you're finally making better friend choices." She said before taking her leave. 
Billy smiled and waited, leaning against the counter until she was out of sight before making his way to Steve. "Mmm morning sunshine. Come and give Daddy a kiss." He smirked, cornering Steve against the toaster where he was making pop-tarts. 
"You're not my Daddy and I told you last night no more kisses! I don't kiss assholes." 
"Oh, I highly disagree with that statement, Harrington. You're one of the best ass kissers I know." Steve held back his giggle at the joke. 
"Come on. You know you want to, baby. And I really want you to." Billy leaned in closer. 
"Are you gonna apologize if I do?" 
"Bambi, I'll kiss your ass until the cows come home." 
"It's not a punishment if you actually enjoy it, you know." Steve pawed at Billy's chest. 
"Baby, have you seen your ass? Who wouldn't enjoy that?" 
"I seriously hate you." Steve smirked, leaning in and kissing Billy. 
"Mfff. If that's how you treat someone you hate, baby, I can't wait to see how you treat the guy you love."
"Oh, I treat him a lot worse, believe me." They both laughed into another kiss. 
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