#i can’t stop watching their animations in this game it’s like… oh my god you’re there ….. they’re here …..
oddinary4bts · 2 days
Chasing Cars | ch 6.5 (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters contain mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: alcohol, jungkook is a mess, swearing
☆word count: 4.4k
☆a/n: this can almost count as a full chapter lmao oop, I hope you enjoy reading <3
☆join the discord server here!
☆series masterpost
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Jungkook is excited. He hasn’t had his friends over in forever, and he and Jimin are already planning to get plastered even though Sera said they shouldn’t.
He’s been needing it, if only so that he can get you off his mind. So that he can forget how awkward things were this week, how you both avoided each other like the plague as if nothing truly ever happened between the two of you.
It’s been making him feel more bitter than he’d care to admit, so getting plastered has been sounding like heaven since Jimin suggested it. Or maybe Jungkook’s true goal is just to get Jimin drunk, if only so that he stops teasing him about you.
About that evening you watched anime with them, and Jungkook couldn’t resist but lean against you, far too close for comfort.
“Is she going to be there?” Jimin says for the thousandth time, wiggling his eyebrows.
They are currently setting up the living room, organizing all the alcohol they got. Sera is lounging on the couch, and she raises her head to look at them.
“Is who going to be there?” she asks.
“Tae’s sister,” Jimin explains, and then slides his gaze back to Jungkook. “They were pretty cosy-”
Jungkook interrupts Jimin’s teasing by punching him in the shoulder, clearly hard enough to hurt as Jimin immediately winces, massaging the spot he hit.
“Fuck off,” Jungkook grumbles. “We’re just roommates.”
“Oh my God, they were roommates,” Sera imitates from the couch, just like the Vine from years ago.
“Exactly my point,” Jimin says, mischievous smirk on display.
“You know I’ll kill you?” Jungkook says, slightly shaking his head as he clenches his jaw.
Jimin laughs, plopping down on the couch next to Sera. “That’s if Tae doesn’t get to you first.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, choosing to ignore the comment this time around. It helps that his phone starts ringing with a call from Lisa incoming. He picks up to learn that she’s outside with Eunwoo and Jaehyun, and Jungkook walks over to the door, opening up for his friends.
Lisa smiles shyly as she meets his gaze, and Jungkook engulfs her in a quick hug before dapping up the two guys. As he follows his friends back to the living room once they’ve ridden themselves of their coats and boots, Jungkook glances towards the bend in the hallway, almost imagining you appearing.
But you’re not here at all. He heard you leave over an hour ago, while he was gaming in his room waiting for Jimin and Sera to show up with the alcohol.
He wonders where you went. If there’s a party on campus that you’re gracing with your presence right now, and somehow his stomach twists at the thought. He pushes it to the far back of his mind, focusing on drinking now that it is time to do so.
As he gets slowly tipsier with every passing sip, Jungkook can’t help but notice how Lisa is bolder than she usually is. Sitting closer, being touchier, and Jungkook would push her away if it wasn’t for the way Jimin is looking at them with narrowed eyes, suspicion painted on his features. 
Lisa could be a good distraction, Jungkook reckons. Not for himself - he wouldn’t have sex with her at all as she’s part of the friend group, and he’d hate to make things awkward. But she could be a good distraction for Jimin’s incessant teasing, so Jungkook seizes the opportunity, lying down with his head on her lap as the boys - Mingyu has now also arrived - are playing Smash on the TV. 
Jungkook feels the way Lisa stiffens for a few seconds, before relaxing as he offers her a quick smile. She melts then, and she starts playing with his hair, which feels way too good in his tipsy - or maybe drunk now? - state.
He sits up when it’s his turn to play, coincidentally grabbing a new beer for himself. He’s just barely won the game when the front door opens, a gush of cold air rushing in, and then you appear, cheeks rosy from the late winter outside.
The sounds fade around Jungkook as he meets your gaze, and his heart comes to a halt in his chest as a frown appears on your face. He hates the sight of it, and he’s too drunk to tell himself it’s not his job to take care of it, so he yells, “Peach!” at the top of his lungs.
He feels everyone turning towards him, and he quickly jumps up to his feet, wobbling slightly as he makes his way towards you.
“It’s freezing,” he says, closing the door. 
You meet his gaze, cocking an eyebrow. “You’re drunk.”
He can’t help himself. He flicks your nose, if only so that your frown dissolves. “Astute.”
You glance towards the living room, but Jungkook doesn’t look away from you. You’re a prison to his gaze after all.
“You didn’t tell me you were hosting something,” you hiss through your teeth.
He leans against the door as you meet his gaze again. “Oh peach, sorry. I thought we weren’t on speaking terms.”
Damn him and his drunk brain, because why the fuck would he say that? 
He hides it behind a grin, and then escapes by walking back to the living room, feeling your eyes boring into his back on the way.
Sera greets you, but Jungkook forces himself to listen to the conversation around him, laughing when everybody does. It’s a little forced, but it goes unnoticed, and the next time he glances towards the door, you have disappeared.
“I want to play with your hair again,” Lisa says in his ear, startling him. 
Sera gets up to head to the kitchen, and Jungkook glances at Lisa. “Huh?”
She pouts, her doe eyes innocent. “Like earlier?”
Right. He’s too drunk to refuse the offer, and he lies down, head in her lap, as she starts running gentle fingers through his hair once more. It doesn’t last too long - the second you emerge from the kitchen after Sera’s return, Jungkook pushes himself up, waving you over.
“Come here!” He narrows his gaze as his eyes drop to the bowl in your hands. “Wait, are those my noodles?”
You glance down. “Maybe.”
“Stop stealing my shit,” he complains, and he gives Lisa the controller he was holding before standing up to walk towards you.
He tries to grab the bowl, but you turn away, offering your back to him. “Nu-uh,” you say. “They’re mine now.”
Jungkook knows his eyebrows are almost touching over his eyes as he says, “No.” He then wraps an arm around your waist, which forces you far too close to his body for comfort. He feels the immediate reaction, his ears slowly turning red, and he covers it up by stealing the bowl from your hands. You try to reach for it, but you’re too small, and he whoops in victory.
“If you like my food so bad, just ask me to cook some for you,” he says, looking down to meet your gaze.
Your face is so close he believes he feels your breath on his skin, and his blood heats up, turning to magma in his veins.
“What are you doing?” you say through your teeth.
Fuck you’re so pretty. It’s all he can think of, and he smiles, winking at you. 
“Making sure you don’t eat the noodles I know I’ll need tomorrow morning for the hangover.”
You clench your jaw. “Just don’t drink too much.”
His eyes trail to the coffee table. “I think it’s a little too late for that.”
“Please, Jungkook,” you say a few seconds after he’s met your gaze again.
Something’s wrong. He feels it in his bones, and he frowns, lowering the arm that was holding the noodles up. “What’s wrong?”
“I just had a shit date, and I’m still hungry. I just want to eat something.”
Hearing that you went on a date does something incredibly ugly to him, and Jungkook takes a step back, handing you the bowl so that he can fold his arms on his chest. “Who did you go on a date with?”
Your answer comes far too quick for it to be normal. “It’s none of your business.”
It dawns on him that he probably already knows, and the sour feeling turns bitter. “Please tell me it’s not the guy from last week.��
“Jungkook,” you firmly say. “It’s none of your business.”
The spike of anger and jealousy forces Jungkook to clench his fists. “He’s an asshole.” He lets out. “Why would you go out with him?”
You grit your teeth. “Because we have history. But I promise you that after the shit date we just had, I’ll never see him again. Happy?”
He isn’t, yet he still says, “Yeah.”
“Now can I go eat in my room while you guys do whatever it is that you’ve been doing?”
You glance towards the living room, and Jungkook looks just in time to see everyone turning their head away from you two. 
The last thing Jungkook wants is for you to go to your room. Hell, he’d go with you if only to make sure you’re okay, truly okay, yet he can’t really do that, can he? So instead, he suggests, “Why don’t you stay with us? To cheer you up?”
You meet his gaze, scanning his features for a few seconds. Jungkook hopes you can’t hear his heart beating out of his chest, settling only when you let out, “Okay.” You pause, sighing, and then add, “But you should chill on the alcohol, you reek of it.”
He narrows his gaze at you, though he has to admit he’s relieved by your teasing tone. It’s much more like the Y/n he knows, and it stays that way for a little while as you move to the living room, and he sits right next to you.
Almost close enough to touch, but not quite touching. He tells himself it’s just to keep a safe distance, to make sure Jimin doesn’t say anything, yet when you joke about the food being too spicy, and Jungkook says, “We just have to build up your tolerance”, his hand lands on your thigh, like your thigh was the metal, and his palm the magnet.
He doesn’t realize it at first, but when you widen your gaze, looking like a startled deer, his mind zeroes in on the spot where he’s touching you, and he immediately pulls his hand away, his heart beating wildly in his chest.
And then someone nudges him in the back, and he glances over his shoulder for half a second, just long enough to notice Jimin looking at him, and Jungkook knows he fucked up. He fucked up bad, so he moves away from you, forcing himself to lie back down with his head in Lisa’s lap.
It hurts you. He can tell that it does from the way you stiffen, barely even eating anymore, looking like you’d rather be anywhere else in the world than right here. But you have to understand - he’s doing this for your good. Both his and yours, to make sure Jimin doesn’t tell Taehyung anything.
It lasts for a little while, you staring at the TV while Lisa runs her hand through his hair, massaging his scalp soothingly - does she notice he’s tensed too? But then Jaehyun asks if you want to drink something, and all the anger and jealousy Jungkook felt earlier when you mentioned your date bursts out of him.
“Careful, Tae’ll kill you if you speak to her.”
He’s been drinking more. Way too much, if he’s honest, and the words come out slurred. He’s too far gone to care, and he ignores what Jaehyun answers to focus on the TV, on the beer next to him and on Lisa’s fingers in his hair. 
He wants her to stop. He wants all of them to go, to leave you two alone, but instead Lisa leans down to whisper in his ear.
“What happened between you and Tae’s sister?”
The question hits too deep. Nothing happened, he should answer. Yet everything did. Everything fucking happened and it shouldn’t have because now he wants you, always. Can’t fucking stop thinking about you, and it’s driving him crazy.
He doesn’t answer Lisa’s question. Instead, he sits up to take a long sip of his beer, and that is answer enough. Indeed, Lisa sighs dramatically next to him before grabbing her own drink. 
After that, Jungkook just drinks, which gets him far too drunk. He knows he should stop, but you’re still right there next to him, way too close for comfort yet way too far, and his mind is growing dizzy. 
It gets worse when you get up to walk to the kitchen after you’ve done shots, Lisa following behind you. Jungkook knows he has to follow, yet he’s drunk, and getting up is a struggle, but he eventually manages to push up to his feet.
He walks to the kitchen, stopping right outside as he catches sight of Lisa’s back, and you standing in front of her. 
“Peaaaach,” he yells, a lot louder than he first intended to. He plays it off by leaning against the door frame as you meet his gaze over Lisa’s shoulder. “What are you guys doing?”
Lisa turns. “Just talking.”
“Well then,” he lets out, cocking an eyebrow. “Why don’t you come just talk with everyone else?”
He wonders if he sounds as annoyed as he feels. He must, because Lisa frowns before glancing at you as you stifle a laugh. She sighs, shrugging, and then she’s walking towards Jungkook. He steps aside to let her leave, offering her a tight-lipped smile on the way.
Once she’s out and heading back towards the living room, Jungkook walks in, moving towards you.
“I’m…” he trails off, and he loses his balance for a few seconds, catching himself as he stops next to you. “I’m fucking drunk.”
“You want water?” you offer, and it warms Jungkook’s heart.
Because of course you would take care of him. Which, he reckons, is another reason why he shouldn’t stop drinking, because his heart shouldn’t warm in his chest when it comes to you.
“Water?” He shakes his head. “No, I want beer.”
“Jungkook,” you scold. “You don’t look like you should be drinking more.”
He snorts, and he steps closer to you, looking down at you where you’re standing in front of him, your pretty face tilted up to hold his gaze. You’re blocking the way to the fridge, and he clenches his jaw momentarily.
“Drink water first,” you insist, standing your ground.
You’re too pretty. Too addictive, and his hand finds your waist, pulling you flush against him. You shriek, pushing on his chest, but he doesn’t let go.
“Let me get a beer,” he says, and he drops his head to whisper in your ear next. “Before I do something we’ll both regret.”
But you’re so close, the lingering smell of your perfume inebriating, and Jungkook doesn’t want to let go of you... Doesn’t think he’d regret kissing you, holding you, though he knows that might just be drunk thoughts.
Sober him would hate himself.
“Listen,” you whisper, and you fall silent as he ghosts his lips on the shell of your ear. “I’m not drunk enough for this.”
He does it again, and you tilt your head to the side, allowing him better access, a clear sign that you want it just as much as he does.
Or so he likes to tell himself.
“It’s hard to pretend when you look so damn good,” he murmurs, his blood like electricity in his veins. “Always.”
It’s the plea in your voice. It undoes him, reminds him of your brother, of every little reason why he shouldn’t be doing this right now. He steps away, horror itching in his heart.
“Sorry,” he apologizes. “Wow. You’re right. I need water.”
He stumbles to a cupboard, grabbing a glass that he then fills at the sink. He drinks it in one go, and then refills it, leaning against the counter to sip on it.
“What was that?” you ask as he meets your gaze.
He doesn’t know. He’s just insane - thoroughly, completely insane, and his body seems to think you’re the cure to the madness. 
He sighs, sucking on his piercings. “I don’t know.”
“You can’t do that.” You sound mad, and Jungkook’s heart squeezes in his chest. “Especially not when there are people around.”
He shrugs, tongue pushing against his cheek. “Sorry.”
Your features fall, eyes softening. “It’s okay,” you reassure, though he’s not sure you mean it. “You just caught me off-guard.”
He doesn’t like the sudden softness in your voice, the way it makes him want to cross the distance between you and kiss you dumb. So he does what he knows best, smirking lazily. “Liked it?”
You shut your eyes, taking a deep breath that makes Jungkook think you’re probably about to curse him and his entire bloodline. Instead, your eyelids flutter open, and he doesn’t miss the spark of mischief hiding in your pupils.
“So what if I did?”
Yup. He’s insane. He’s mad, crazy, a fool. All the synonyms in the dictionary are not enough to describe the insanity crawling in his blood, in his heart.
“Pretend, peach,” he forces himself to say. “What would your brother say?”
“He’d probably say that he’d kill you, right?” you say.
Maybe he needed the reminder. Because Jungkook feels the insanity slip away, clearing his mind. 
“Oh,” he lets out, chuckling. “Definitely. As a matter of fact, I think I’m living on borrowed time now.”
You purse your lips. “So let’s pretend, right? Safer that way.”
He nods. “I really am sorry for that,” he says, meaning how he held you earlier. “I don’t know where it came from.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you say, smiling softly. “Just don’t ever do it again.”
He pouts. “Ever?”
You roll your eyes, slightly shaking your head. “Stop. Why are you such a shameless flirt?”
He wants to answer, wants to tease you more, but he doesn’t have time to as Jimin appears in the doorway, interrupting the moment. It pisses Jungkook off, and maybe that’s why he returns to drinking. Maybe that’s why the second everyone leaves, he wants you so bad he thinks he’s about to say fuck it.
Fuck what Taehyung would think.
“I told you,” you say to Jimin as he and his girlfriend get ready to leave. “Now I’ll sleep to the sounds of him throwing up.”
Jungkook hiccups, offense swirling through him. He raises a finger and says, “I’ll have you know.” He has to pause as everything spins around him, and he shuts his eyes. “I don’t throw up.”
“Yeah, yeah, Jungkook,” Sera answers, and Jungkook glares at her.
“Let’s just get you in bed before we leave,” Jimin says.
No. Jungkook doesn’t want to go to bed. He wants you, and he wants Lisa to fucking leave him alone. 
Why is he even thinking of her right now? You might be right - he thinks he’ll throw up before falling asleep.
“And tell Lisa to stop looking at me like that.”
The words are out before he can stop them, and Sera widens her gaze. “What?”
Jungkook frowns as he looks at you. Because you’re the answer to the question, but he can’t say that, right?
“I don’t know.”
“You’re fucked up,” Jimin teases before bursting out laughing.
As he laughs, Jimin pushes Jungkook on the shoulder. Jungkook was already unsteady, and he loses his balance, falling against the wall. He lets out a surprised, “Oh shit!”, and a second later, he collapses, soon followed by Jimin.
They’re laughing, the kind of laughter only alcohol can bring forth, so loud Jungkook can barely hear as you and Sera talk. The only thing he hears is you saying that Taehyung can hardly count as a good influence, which is the most accurate thing he’s ever heard you say.
“He’s not,” Jungkook agrees, thinking about how Taehyung forbade him to be with you. “Your brother is an asshole.” He pauses, and then bursts out laughing again. You don’t say anything, so Jungkook adds, “Can you help me?”
He does grabby hands motions at you, and you scrunch up your nose in disgust. “You can crawl to your room yourself, JK.”
He frowns, sitting up to lean against the wall as Jimin does so too. Sera helps Jimin up, while Jungkook just keeps staring at you.
“I’ll crawl to your room if you don't help.”
You smirk. “Alright, let’s see you try.”
Fuck. He glances towards your door, and then looks at you again. “Too far.”
You look victorious, your smirk stretching into a smile. “Then sleep on the floor.”
“Are you for real?”
You groan, rolling your eyes, but you step closer to him. Jungkook tilts his head back so that he can keep looking at you as you say, “We should have asked your friends…” You glance towards Jimin. “Your sober friends to help bring you to your room before they left.”
Jungkook lets you grab his hands. “Peach, I much prefer if it’s you tucking me in.”
You help him stand, and though it’s a struggle, Jungkook is soon up. He wobbles on his feet, and you hold onto his arm like you don’t want him to fall again.
“I won’t tuck you in.”
All Jungkook can think of is that you’re so, so beautiful next to him with that flush on your cheeks. He wants to touch you, to hold you, and he doesn’t have any inhibitions left. A second later, he cups your cheek, forcing you to meet his gaze. Your eyes widen, surprise making them sparkle, and fuck, he thinks he’s about to kiss you dumb, to kiss you until he’s never said you should pretend nothing happened.
“What are you doing?” you ask him.
Jungkook blinks once, slowly, his surroundings coming back into focus. He turns his head towards Jimin and Sera. “Shit, you’re still here?”
He’s stupid. Inherently stupid, and he can’t focus on Jimin and Sera as they leave. No, the second you step away from him and his hand hangs in the air between the two of you, Jungkook thinks he becomes deaf. Or maybe he’s just deafened by the thunderous beats of his heart. He only comes back to reality when you step in his line of vision, Sera and Jimin now gone.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Jungkook flinches as he meets your gaze. “What?”
“Now Jimin’s going to be unto us!” You motion towards the door before folding your arms on your chest. “I know you’re drunk, but you’ve got to fucking control yourself.”
“Hey, fucking chill out, will you?” Jungkook bursts, only because he’s done.
He’s done being yelled at, done always being the one in the wrong because he can’t do a single fucking thing right in his life.
You cross the distance between you and him as he leans against the wall, smirking at the sight of your anger. Because that anger is something he knows, something he can deal with. You stop right in front of him, finger pointed towards his face.
“Don’t tell me to fucking chill.”
“Or what?” he says as he tilts his head to the side.
“Or I don’t know, Jungkook.” You shut your eyes, letting out an annoyed sigh. “Don’t you care that Taehyung might be onto us because of Jimin?”
He huffs a breath, and you open your eyes. He plays with his piercings, his tongue then pushing on the inside of his cheek. “He won’t be. Why would he?” He blinks. “Because we’re hanging out? Nah, we did that even before he left.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Not like that.”
“Like what?”
You sigh again, your annoyance so stark he thinks he can taste it on his tongue and, damn him, it’s turning him on.
“Like we’re friends,” you say. “You touching me. All that shit.”
“I thought you liked when I’m touching you,” he says.
You stare at him unblinkingly. “Shut up.”
He raises his hands in defense, smirking. “Sorry. It’s hard to help myself when you’re looking at me like that, peach.”
“Like what?” you ask, echoing his previous words.
“Like you want me,” he murmurs, and he gives in to his desire, one finger tapping gently on your clenched fist, before slowly moving up your arm. “Like you’re mad I suggested pretending that nothing happened.”
“I’m not mad,” you reply, swatting his hand away. “I agree with the statement. He’s your friend, he’s my brother. We shouldn’t have fucked at all.”
It hurts. Jungkook doesn’t know why, but it does, and he feels himself growing bitter.
Feels himself needing to hurt you, too.
“See? I knew you saw the wisdom of it,” he says, and immediately hates himself for saying it as hurt flashes in your gaze. 
It disappears quickly, and you roll your eyes, gently patting his chest.
“Then stop. Fucking. Touching. Me,” you say, tapping on his chest with every word uttered, your hand then resting flat against his beating heart.
Everything in him concentrates on that spot where you’re touching him, on the feeling of your fingers on him, of your eyes in his, and Jungkook feels himself leaning infinitesimally closer. 
“You’re the one touching me right now, peach.”
He doesn’t let you move your hand away when you try to, putting his hand over yours.
“Let me go,” you breathe out.
He can’t. He really can’t let you go.
He doesn’t want to let you go.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” he whispers.
You step away, freeing your hand from underneath his. “Don’t ever tell me that again.”
He knows it’s going to happen. The look in your eyes tells him that you know it, too, despite the words said. 
“Just don’t.” You scoff. “You can’t kiss me, I can’t kiss you, we-”
Jungkook grabs your face, crashing his lips on yours before you’ve finished the sentence. Because he can kiss you. Maybe he shouldn’t, but he can, and he doesn’t want to hold back anymore. Not when you reciprocate the kiss in all its intensity, pushing him back against the wall.
He hits hard, breathing out the air in his lungs. You’re quick to push your tongue in his mouth, and Jungkook wants to feel you, to taste every inch of you…
But you’re stepping away, and he can’t look at you. Not when you’re everything he’s wanted…
Everything he can’t have.
“Don’t kiss me again.” You say it like you mean it, and then you walk away. He hears your steps, and he only looks up when he hears the door of your bedroom closing behind you, putting finality into the words.
What the fuck has he done?
Read chapter 6 here!
our favourite chaotic mess in all his glory lmaooo i hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know what you think of the drabble<3
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate
188 notes · View notes
cupiidzbow · 10 months
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oughhhh ghh ( WAILING )
23 notes · View notes
sturniozo · 6 months
Tutor part Six
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The rest of the weekend went as usual. In the sense that I mostly spent my time with Nick. Chris almost ignored me the rest of the time I spent at their house. He said no more than bye to me when I left Sunday night.
It was no surprise to me that Monday at school when Chris ignored me then too. But that didn’t change the fact that my stomach dropped when I saw him standing at his locker, tucking the hair behind another girls ear.
I stood in the hallway paralyzed, just watching the scene in front of me. She’s laughing at something he said. I can feel the tears in my eyes form and my legs begin to feel like jello.
I step back. I don’t even know what I’m doing as I quickly walk away. I run to the bathroom and wipe my tears off my face. I rinse my face off and take deep breaths. I shouldn’t even be crying. Chris isn’t mine.
I compose myself fully then walk out of the bathroom. I take a different route to class, so I’m not met with that view again. As I turn the corner to my class I crash into someone.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I say quickly and look up to see who I crashed into. It’s a taller guy, one that looks familiar. I just can’t place where.
“Oh you’re fine.” He smiles at me. “I’m Ty, I’m on the hockey team with your boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” I shake my head. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Oh. I thought I saw you wearing Chris’s hoodie at the game last Friday.”
“Oh, you probably did… but Chris is just a friend.”
“Well that’s good then. I wouldn’t dream of asking Chris’s girl out, but since you’re not Chris’s girl…” He smirks at me.
“Ask-asking me out?”
“Yeah. What do you say?”
“Well I… I’d have to think about it. I’m usually pretty busy…”
“Okay well, when you decide, I have hockey practice Mondays and Wednesdays. Find me there.”
“Okay…” I say shyly and Ty walks away. I turn back around to walk to my class and see Chris just staring at me. He notices I see him and he walks away.
I open my front door for Chris. It’s our study session today, and although I’m still distraught over what happened yesterday, I have to act like I’m okay just for today.
Chris doesn’t even say hello as we walks in. He rushes up the stairs and into my room, laying on my bed instead of sitting at the desk.
I sit down at the desk, trying not to let anything Chris does bother me. I take out my notes and look them over.
“What did Ty say to you?” Chris finally speaks.
“What?” I ask. I turn to face him and he’s laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling while holding one of my stuffed animals.
“What did Ty say to you yesterday?” He says again.
“Nothing he just. He asked me out is all.” My voice gets quiet and I turn back around to the desk. I fiddle with the notes.
“You shouldn’t go out with him.” Chris says blatantly.
“Why’s that?”
“He’s just going to use you.”
“Oh.” I nod and swallow the saliva building up in my mouth. I fiddle with the notes once again. “What class did you want to start with today?” I try to change the subject.
“Do you like him?” Chris asks, ignoring my attempts.
“Ty. Do you like Ty.”
“I dunno. I never met him before yesterday.”
“You shouldn’t go out with him. He’s a prick and he just wants to use you.”
“So you’ve said before.”
“I’m serious y/n. Don’t go out with him.” Chris sits up.
“I never said I was going to. I only said he asked.”
“So you didn’t say yes? You said no?”
“Well… I told him I’d think about it.”
“Okay, I’ll tell him at hockey practice you made up your mind and it’s a no then.” Chris’s voice stopped being so monotone and had gone back to his usual peppy happy boy voice.
“I can tell him myself.” I say.
“If you do it he’d try to manipulate you into getting with him. It’s better I do it.”
“Why does it matter to you so much?” I ask.
Chris shrugs “I just don’t want you with him.”
“Why not? Why does it matter to you?”
“It just does.” He pauses before continuing “You’re Nick’s best friend, he probably doesn’t want you coming to him crying when that guy breaks your heart. I know he would too.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m just thinking about Nick here.”
“You’d think I’d annoy Nick by going to him if I got hurt? He’s my best friend, I’ve done to him for every problem I’ve had for the last five years!”
“God, I just don’t want you with him okay! Me!” Chris yells.
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Because why Chris?”
Chris stays silent. He puts on a brooding face and clenches his jaw.
“If you can’t tell me then just let it go.”
“Fine.” Chris huffs and leans back against my wall.
“Are we gonna study?” I ask after a long silence.
“Yeah.” Chris mumbles. He stands up and walks over to his seat next to mine. We couldn’t even get through a full minute before Chris says “Do you want to go out with him?”
“Chris, I said drop it.”
“But do you?”
“I don’t know!” I snap. Chris stays silent and I take a breath. “I’ve never met him before then. But you know him, and you say he’s no good and I believe you.” I say calmly.
“So you won’t go out with him?”
“I guess not.”
“Good. Do you want me to tell him?”
I shrug. “You see him more than me I guess.” I say, finally giving in to everything Chris wants.
Chris just smiles and then picks up his notes. “So, algebra? I’ve got like an 11% in that class right now.”
I look at him shocked. Partly because he’s actually studying today, and partly because how can he be pulling an 12%? “Chris- how?”
Chris just shrugs. “I’ve never had someone to study with to make it worth my time. Not before you.”
This makes me blush a little and I turn away from him to hide it. Then I remember yesterday and that Chris shouldn’t make me feel this way. He’s just as bad as the guy he was warning me about.
Tag list : @freshloveforthefit @sturniolo14 @sturniolosreads @bethsturn @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @dwalk41202
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worldofheroes · 2 years
Playing Games
bbc!sherlock x fem!reader summary: you and sherlock are stuck in the flat, bored out of your minds. what comes next is surprising to both of you (mostly you). warnings: 18+, smut, p in v sex, language wc: 1.2k a/n: based on a request by @fierytteokbokki! I took a creative liberty or two - not necessarily angry sex, but I hope you still like it :)
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It’s been a long four hours.
You’re sitting on the couch of 221B Baker Street, trying to get some work done, but Sherlock is in front of you, pacing and muttering to himself.
“Can you stop that?” you ask him, getting slightly irritated. “I’m trying to work here.”
“I don’t know why John insists you stay here, to watch me like I’m some sort of child!” Sherlock exclaims, turning around to face you.
He’s not wrong. Your cousin, John, took you under his wing until you settled back in after living away, but now he uses you to leave Sherlock and get some alone time. You don’t blame him.
“I don’t know either, but to make this more tolerable for both of us, please, sit down or just do anything else but pace like a wild animal.”
“I just need a case! Something, anything will do!"
“I can’t control that, so don’t take it out on me. I don’t want to be here either.”
“You really think a 30-something wants to stay in on a Friday night?”
“I don’t know!”
“Just… quit pacing, and maybe John will be back home so we both can do what we want.”
You focus your eyes back on your screen, but you sense Sherlock is staring at you.
“What do you want?” you slam your laptop closed.
“You’re staring?”
“No, I’m not."
“Sherlock, please stop acting like a child! What do you want with me?”
“I am not acting like a child!”
You roll your eyes and sigh, going back to your work, hoping you can ignore Sherlock that way, hoping John comes back soon.
Sherlock pushes your laptop closed.
“Dammit Sherlock!” You look up at him, and he seems pleased with himself. “Are you fucking serious right now?”
“I’m not being that annoying, am I?”
“Oh god,” you say, rubbing your face. “I am not in the mood to do this, Sherlock. Just, leave me alone, okay?”
“Leave you alone? You’re free to leave at any time, y/n.”
“I’m pretty sure John would kill me. He says you need to be supervised, especially when you don’t have a case.”
Sherlock frowns.
“Seriously, what do you want?”
“Not my problem, Sherlock.”
“You’re the only one here, won’t you please entertain me?”
“You’re an adult, entertain yourself.” You set your laptop aside, standing up in front of Sherlock.
“What do you do all day on your laptop? I’ve never seen you without it.”
“I work remotely.”
“That’s all?”
“You don’t need to know."
“Hmm,” he hums, stepping closer to you.
“I really don’t like you,” you say, moving to walk past Sherlock. As you do, Sherlock grabs your arm. “What?”
“I’m sick of this too.”
“Great, now let me go,” you say, trying to wiggle out of Sherlock’s grip.
“This is fascinating,” Sherlock whispers.
“What now?”
“You’re trying to hide your true feelings.”
“What are you talking about?”
Sherlock smirks, which makes you roll your eyes.
“Admit it.”
“I’ve had enough of you, Sherlock,” you tell him, staring him down.
“We don’t have to play games, y/n. We’re adults.”
“Seriously, just let me go and I’ll leave. I know that’s what you want.”
“That’s not what I want,” Sherlock mutters.
Sherlock is inches from your face, eyes locked with each other. He leans in and kisses you.
You’re taken aback, but the hesitation goes away as he places a hand on either side of your face. You've pushed down these feelings for Sherlock, as he works with your cousin - it didn't seem right.
Sherlock’s kisses get messier, hungrier, and you find yourself touching him in any way you can.
You eventually find the buttons on his shirt, and start to fiddle with them.
“Tell me what you want,” Sherlock mutters into your ear.
“I just want you,” you tell him, colliding your lips with his again.
He pushes his body against yours, and you can feel his hardness under his clothes.
You undo his buttoned up shirt and slide it off. Your hands move up and down his chest, learning his body.
He tugs at your shirt, and you happily comply. It gets tossed somewhere on the floor, but you’re not paying attention.
Sherlock’s hands move down your sides and to your jeans. “May I?” he whispers, his hands on the zipper.
You nod, unable to speak.
Once your jeans and panties are off, he gently pushes you onto the couch, stradling you. He again presses his crotch against you, making both of you moan.
“Just fuck me already, Sherlock,” you whisper, running your hands through his dark curls.
“With pleasure,” he growls, taking his own pants off, tossing them aside. When he removes his boxers, you’re surprised by the size of his cock.
“Sherlock,” you squeak.
“I’ll take care of you,” he says as his tip comes into contact with your center.
You buck at the sensation.
“Good,” he whispers, gathering spit on his hand to lube the both of you up.
His tip gently enters you, and you can’t help the moan that escapes from your lips.
“Oh, I’m not even in yet,” Sherlock says, leaning down to kiss your neck and pushing deeper into you.
“Fuck, Sherlock,” you moan, unable to say anything else.
Sherlock gently rocks his hips, helping open you up.
“You feel so good,” he growls.
You moan in reply, your brain short-circuiting.
His pace quickens, and soon the flat is filled with moans and the ungodly noise of bodies coming into contact repeatedly.
Neither one of you hears the door open.
“Jesus Christ!” you hear John shout.
“John!” you exclaim, trying to cover up but there’s nothing in your reach to help you. In your startle, Sherlock’s dick pulls out from you.
“With Sherlock?” John shouts, covering his face.
“John, I can explain,” you say.
“No, you don’t need to explain,” John says, turning around and walking towards the door. “I will never be able to get this out of my head,” he exclaims as he exits the flat, closing the door behind him.
Sherlock grins at you.
“What?” you ask him, slightly annoyed by his grin.
“I love how we were caught by your cousin,” he tells you as he leans in for a kiss.
You turn your face away from him. “Yeah, well, I’m not in the mood any more.”
“Oh, you’re not?” Sherlock cocks an eyebrow.
“Are you serious?”
“I’m going to finish fucking you, and that’s not a request,” Sherlock says, pushing back into you.
“Fuck,” you gasp.
“That’s what I thought,” Sherlock sends you a sly smile.
“Do your worst,” you say with a mischievous smile.
“With pleasure,” he retorts, starting up his thrusting again.
Only moans come out of you as you have some of the best sex you’ve ever had, and soon you feel your orgasm coming.
“Sherlock,” you mumble between breaths. “I’m close.”
“Keep it in for me, baby,” he tells you.
“I don’t know if I can,” you gasp.
“One more second.”
“Sherlock, I can’t!”
“Go ahead, baby girl,” he mutters against your neck.
You release and almost scream at how good it feels. A few more thrusts more and Sherlock comes in you, gasping.
He collapses on top of you.
“Fuck, Sherlock,” you say, running your hands through his hair.
“You seemed to enjoy that,” he smiles against your chest.
“Fuck,” you say again.
“Do you want to admit those feelings now?” Sherlock teases.
“I’ll think about it,” you smile.
Sherlock smiles and kisses you as you wrap your arms around him and hold him close.
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hijinxinprogress · 9 months
Cissie’s always on the news but it’s never coverage about her performance during or after an Olympic competition, it’s always about what she’s been doing that the JL sends their protégés to interrogate her so often
So Cissie’s like in the Olympics right?? She most likely has a bunch of fans and paparazzi following her like there’s probably so many videos of Cissie just being grabbed in public by YJ
There’s a video of every time Bart has just scooped Cissie up and dipped spliced together 😭 like she’ll be in the middle of a sentence whether it’s to friends or on a live interview then you blink and she’s fucking gone “Bart istg!! I warned you the next time you messed up my hair…” “Will you still be mad at me if we stop by that restaurant you like in Thailand?” “…You’re so lucky rn”
Kon dropping down from the sky and winking at every camera as he picks Cissie up before flying away. It starts a rumor that they’re dating and Cissie just starts roasting him every time she gets asked about Superboy in an interview “that guy?? He’s still pining over his ex” “He’s cute ig but his cologne ruins it, it’s so terrible” “I can’t deal with the abandonment issues, talk about clingy…” and now there’s a bunch of people that think they’re bitter exes failing to rekindle their relationship esp bc Kon does the same thing when he’s asked about his relationship with the gold medalist Olympic archer Cissie King Jones “She’s always training so she never had time for me” “God, the temper on that one? I feared for my life when we lived together” “she’s so picky, oh my god” “she’s like incapable of being open with her emotions”
Cassie turns it into a game they either try to sneak up on Cissie while people are watching and “discretely” filming as Cassie jokingly shushes someone that’s trying to warn Cissie or does the “guess who it is” thing but they just pick Cissie up and fucking fly away while Cissie’s halfway through a sentence (Cassie thinks it’s hilarious and Cissie is not having it bc “I’ve watched you pick up sidewalks with your bare hands…get your hands off my face rn” “I wear gloves???” “Yeah and they’re fingerless you moron!”)
Tim does an elaborate disguise (he pretended to be a reporter at least twenty-seven times and Cissie hates it bc she still gets shit for accidentally maiming an actual reporter bc Tim would tranquillize her while disguised as a reporter and then grapple away) but now he just grabs her grapples away bc he tranquilized her for movie night once and she tried to murder him but sometimes they reenact dramatic scenes from whatever show/movie or anime they watched last while the rest of yj laughs
Anita just mind controls security and pretends to kidnap her or opens a portal under Cissie that drops her from like a foot in the air “Wanna see a magic trick?” “Get the hell away from me Anita” Cissie will complain every time she sees Anita bc she keeps purposely dropping her “why am I the ONLY person who fell and you portaled the entire team” “Idk maybe you just suck??” Anita has made Cissie do the robot during a live interview and it went viral also bc they’re nerds they reenact anime fights all the time. And somehow despite Anita being the fastest if Anita gets Cissie, they’re usually late bc they stop somewhere in the Caribbean to sit down in a restaurant and get food “You’re literally magic how tf are you late…?” “We definitely didn’t stop to get food” “There’s food HERE! It’s was your idEA!!”
Greta just makes Cissie look like she’s flying mid conversation (there’s a disembodied voice going on about how happy they are that Cissie wants to spend time with them in between laughter) and doesn’t show herself until they’re halfway to wherever their taking her “Cissie, you’re a meta??!” “No, it’s Secret” “ohhh, you want me to this keep a secret? Got it!” “Wait no, I’m not a-!” And Greta’s giggling the entire time but suddenly goes quiet when Cissie tries to get her to say hi and prove that Cissie’s not a meta
But Cissie’s civilian friends are so concerned bc they know her and what nefarious intentions do these costumed menaces have?? What are they going to do to Cissie?? So they start recording Cissie getting ‘kidnapped’ and end up catching the shit Cissie and YJ say to each other out of context:
“Ooh, that’s aioli! It is, I promise! It’ll come out with a little detergent istg” 
“I haven’t seen you in foreverrrrr” “I literally saw you last week” “that’s soo longggggg”
“We’re gonna have a long talk about your eating habits…!” “Yeah, okay, mom…Why don’t we have a long talk about your cologne? How do you have enhanced senses and still make awful olfactory choices…?”
“I’m gonna vomit…what the hell are you wearing?? Axe??” “Don’t even! you know damn well-”
“Don’t pretend you can flirt, you’ve been single since birth” “you’re a very angry person and you should see someone about that”
“Cissie babe, guess whooooo~?” “Get your hands off my fucking-!”
“If you stop screaming, I’ll buy you a milkshake!” “STOP KIDNAPPING ME IN THE MIDDLE OF INTERVIEWS!”
“Wdym?? I know it’s you I smell that nasty ass concoction…If you don’t take off that stupid ass disguise, you fuCKING-!!”
“If you tranq me one more fucking time, Robin, you’re getting an arrow in the ass!” “Is that really how you should talk to someone who’s saved your ass so many times?”
“Constantine, get better at fucking aiming!” “…Constantine?! I should drop you in a fucking volcano!”
“Oops…” “mf 😑 you did that shit on purpose” “What are you a lawyer?? Fucking prove it”
[Usually there’s an exasperated green lantern trying to do damage control and failing to chastise YJ “Nononono! Put the civilian down we talked about this! You need proof and evidence, this is an abduction!” “They know each other istg Ms. King Jones is fine, she’s perfectly safe” as the cameraman slowly turns the camera to Cissie free falling from 90ft in the air and screaming]
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madebyrolo · 5 months
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Chapter 8
ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
They boys head to their makeshift field and decided on the teams while the girls sit in their little area they made.
“Alright Me and Sam are captains. I get first pick” Embry said. He played on his schools team so he takes these games seriously. The teams are Emry, Jake, Quill ,Tyler and Sam, Paul, Seth,Jared
“Doesn’t it seem unfair. I mean Paul and Sam they are obviously bigger than the rest of them” y/n said concerned
“Yea but Embry knows the game well and him and Quil are an unbeatable duo.” Emily said
“Wait who’s gonna be the ref?” Seth asked
“Oo my sister can do it, She used to play when she was younger she knows the game right y/n!” Tyler said with pleading eyes. This is the only time she’s seen him this sweet.
“Fine I guess.” She gets up and heads to the boys.
“Y/n no cheating family doesn’t mean anything on the field.” Paul said looking at her with a smirk
“Yea but I don’t know i heard some things about Embry and Quil, I don’t think Tyler would be a problem.” Y/n snarked backed
The game starts and so far they’re playing fair. Couple minutes past and Emily was right about Embry and Quil they are kicking their asses. It’s 2-1 right now and they haven’t even hit halftime yet.
“Guys I’m not gonna lie, as grown men this is pretty embarrassing.” Emily commented
“I second that” Bella agreed
“They’re younger they have more energy and better stamina” Jared said
“No you guys suck.” said y/n
Finally after what felt like forever it’s halftime.
“That was literally the most sad first half I’ve seen.” Y/n said.
“Come on we didn’t know Seth would’ve been a terrible goalie.” Jared said
“He looked at y/n once and caused us a point.” Sam said
“He was practically gawking at you” Paul said with disgust
“I can’t help it look at her skin it’s sun kissed!”
“Stop looking at her toes!”
“But they’re pink and glittery….” Seth wined
“Alright guys it’s 3-1 let’s just call it quits” Jared said
“Yea I don’t wanna cry for Paul when you guys lose” y/n said
“Aww you’ll cry for me. That’s so sweet I’m touched!” Paul replied with a sarcastic smile
“Alright so you guys forfeit ?” Jacob asked mischievous smile
“Never” Paul replied with a smirk
“Come on Paul I wanna swim before the sun goes down!” Y/n said falling into him. Paul looked at her in her pleading soft eyes and before he could think he said
“We forfeit.”
“NOO PAUL WHY” Jared yelled at him falling on the sand. Paul instantly remembered why they didn’t forfeit.
“Cant blame him” Sam said going up to Emily with a kiss
“Oh my god why so dramatic about it, it’s just a game!” Bella commented
“We a team forfeits they have to take out shifts for the rest of the week.” Jacob said proudly
“What do mean shifts?” Bella asked. They all looked at Sam trying to figure out what they could telll the 2 girls who couldn’t know about the shifting.
“Um well you know It’s who has to clean up after every feast Emily cooks for us!” Sam said trying to convince them
“It’s literally just cleaning up how lazy can you guys be” y/n said
“Yea but they aren’t crazy like animals they eat like them too.” Emily complained
“Well I’m off to swim!” Y/n said throwing off her shirt at Seth and running to the shore. Seth stared at her in awe this just made his crush on her worse.
“Woah baby she’s hot.”
“Watch it.” Paul growled
“Easy Paul.” Sam whispered to him
“Do you have a crush on her seth?” Jacob ask him laughing
“What !? no….”
“She’s 17, your 14 it ain’t gonna happen” Jared said
“I can wait.”
“Guys come on there’a other girls” Sam said trying to keep the peace
“They’re not y/n tho” Paul said
“Oh what now you’re interested in her too? Now I don’t definitely don’t have a chance!” Seth threw his head back in defeat
“What? No im just saying there other girls for you, that are your age.” Paul told him
“Yea but remember you’re basically 19 so you can’t make a move.”
“Sure Seth just for you.”
“You guys stop fighting over her, Embry basically beat you too it anyways.” Quill said looking at Embry and y/n playing fighting in the ocean..
“Guys come on stop fighting let’s go in!” Emily said trying to keep Paul from wolfing out infront of Bella and Y/n.
They all are in the water, Bella soon left to meet up with her boyfriend.
Sam and Emily are together swimming and talking . The younger boys are ended up cliff diving with Jared.
Paul is just roaming around y/n not leaving her side. They some what were acting like children, y/n showing him how she doggy paddle, them having contests to see who can hold their breath the longest and just swimming around talking getting to know each other after a month of waiting.
“what’s your name” y/n asked
“Paul Lahote”
“Now tell me your story Mr.Lahote”
“Well, I’m 18 years old, people say I have a short temper but they’re just sensitive. My birthday is January 10th, greens my favorite color and I want to be a mechanic” he told her “now what’s yours.”
“Y/n Lara. originally city girl, I’m 17. My birthday is April 29th and my favorite color is purple. I don’t really know want I wanna do but a dentist sounds nice, oh maybe a vet.” she told him excitingly
“You know forks isn’t that bad” y/n says “it’s so peaceful, no crazy traffic, no loud noises coming from literally everywhere. Just trees, animals and rain. I feel so at peace.” she said floating soaking up the sun, waiting to see the sunset
“Do you miss Chicago ?” Paul asks her
“I miss the memories, my friends you know? I wouldn’t trade riding the transit for this. I officially love the west coast” she said swimming backwards
“Here come float with me” Paul pulled her. They both lay on their backs just staring at the sky, the sun is slowly starting to fall.
“I could totally take a nap here” y/n commenting “if I wouldn’t like float away becoming lost at sea”
“That would be a funny story to tell ” Paul chuckled before linking their hands “ I got you. don’t know what I would if I lost you.” The imprint on Sam started talking, this taken back y/n a bit.
“What do you mean?” She asked
“Oh um” Paul struggled to cover up what he said but quickly recovered “ you know before I could sweep you off your feet”
“Smooth” y/n said “you got competition tho”
“How will I ever compete with Seth!! A 14 year old who’s a mamas boy.” they laugh
“Come on let’s go with the others” y/n said grabbing his hand and swimming towards the shore.
Every was helping pack up, putting the food in the coolers, packing up the chairs and putting everything in the cars.
“Here let me help you” Paul said as he dusted off the sand of y/n blankets and folded them.
“Thanks Paul” she said
“Anytime” they head to her car to put them away. Once done they stood there.
“it was very nice to see you again. You’re pretty cool” y/n said
“Thanks you too. Didn’t know the girl who blasts oasis knew how to doggy paddle.” He said with a laugh
“Oof yea” she said closing her eyes due to embarrassment To be honest I blasted it because I was embarrassed that I called you sir. I thought I embarrassed myself I didn’t know you were 18 you look 20 with your build” She responded
“I’ll guess I’ll see you around the rez ? I gotta a get going tell Jacob and the rest I said bye and thanks for the invite !” Y/n said getting into her car
“Well bye I hope you too see you around soon. Drive safe” Paul hit the roof of her car and walked away.
Y/n waited for Tyler to get in the car and let him pick a cd. She began driving home thinking about how she finally met the boy from her dreams.
𝘗𝘢𝘶𝘭 𝘭𝘢𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘦
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blue2black · 6 months
Has anyone seen the Class Of 09 animation that was posted a month ago?
I love the two games and I REALLY loved the anime one. I really hope they get the sources they need to make more of it! :)
But, anyway, the anime kinda reminded me of a dynamic Ghost, Gaz and Soap could’ve had if they ever knew each other in high school.
Allow me to demonstrate:
Gaz: …is this what cam girls feel like?
Ghost: I feel like cam girls do a little more than we did.
Gaz: But at least they get paid, we had to flirt with that weirdo for free.
Ghost: No, we lost a bet. That’s not free, it’s just hoe and pro bono.
Gaz: Why would you put up flirting with Graves in the first place?
Ghost: Oh, so you thought she could steal that hot dog roller?
Gaz: No! But…ugh, just that whole class yesterday.
Gaz: “WoW, gRaVeS, yOuR nArUtO dRaWiNgS aRe So GoOd”—EW.
Ghost: That wasn’t even the worst part. People had to watch us do that.
Gaz: Plus, he probably won’t leave me alone for like, a month now. He’s gonna go home to his video games and make created characters of us..
Ghost: Yeah, he’ll kill us in Grand Theft Auto.
Gaz: You can make characters in Grand Theft Auto?
Ghost: Do I look like a bitch who would know?
Gaz: Whatever.
Gaz: God, I need a Xanax. *reaching in his back pocket*
Gaz: Wait, where’d I put it-
Ghost: *has the Xanax on his tongue and swallows*
Gaz: Bitch, that was my last Xan! How’d you take that??
Ghost: Quick hands.
Ghost: Ass and Xanax, what a combo.
Gaz: Goes together like peanut butter and percocet.
Ghost, mimicking Graves: “This is true”.
Gaz: Oh yeah, he kept doing that! “This is true”.
Ghost: Like he’s too good to say “yeah”, he has to be a scientist about it.
Gaz: Oh, and what about: “Uhmmm, okaayy”.
Ghost: I HATE it when they do that. Like, they gotta sound like the gay, comic, relief cat in every Disney movie.
Gaz: “ThIs Is TrUe”.
Ghost: “ThIs Is TrUe”.
Gaz: “YeS, iN fAcT”.
Ghost: “QuItE tHe InTeReStInG oUtFiT”.
Gaz: “Stop screaming, we’re having sex”.
Soap, in the distance: What are you doing?
Gaz and Ghost: *startled*
Soap, walking up to them holding McDonald’s fries: Sounds like you had a class with Graves.
Ghost: He has McDonald’s—Johnny, where’d you get McDonald’s?
Soap: …McDonald’s?
Ghost, holding out his hand: Bitch, give me a chip.
Soap, pulling the fries away: Is that how you ask?
Ghost, still holding out his hand: Bitch, PLEASE give me a chip.
Gaz: And yeah, we had a class with Graves.
Soap, feeding a fry to Ghost: Me too, I could tell.
Soap: He was drawing pictures of you guys the whole class.
Gaz: No way.
Ghost, with his mouth full: What are we doing on the pictures?
Soap: Like, being cute. Making kissy faces with hearts around it.
Gaz: SIMON, we’re gonna get murdered. We’re gonna get murdered by a guy who can’t even tie his FUCKING shoes. *slams his fist on the table*
Ghost: Well, at least he won’t torture us, can’t tie a rope either.
Soap: Yeah, but I ripped them up and threw them in the trash. Told that hoe to watch it.
Gaz: You’re the best, John.
Soap: I know.
Soap, walking away: Okay, I gotta go sell the janitor Adderall, I’ll see you guys later.
Ghost, once Soap’s gone: …he’s like the hottest man ever.
Gaz: And I love his hair.
Ghost: What’s gayer, dating a guy or wanting a guy to have sex with your dead body?
Gaz: Uh…dating a guy?
Ghost: Still straight… *sighs*
Gaz: What were we talking about…?
Gaz: Oh yeah, so, what’re we doing for marketing?
Ghost: It’s the movie casting thing, right?
Gaz: Yeah, yeah, so, I was thinking- *BOOM*
*Ghost and Gaz pause and look behind Gaz*
Ghost: I think the AC exploded again.
Gaz, looking back at Ghost: That scared me, but yeah.
Gaz: The challenge should be a cast of bald guys who don’t look like they say the n-word.
Ghost: How is that a challenge?
Gaz: Name one.
Ghost: Vin Diesel—no, wait…
Ghost: Bruce Willis—wow, this is challenging.
Gaz: Damn, that’s a lot of AC units.
Gaz: ..what the fuck was that about?-
*Ghost and Gaz flinch at the BOOM’s and people yelling and screaming behind the wall*
Ghost: Is that…
Ghost, not moving: Huh…
Gaz: What’re you doing?! Let’s go!
Ghost: We flirted with him yesterday, we’re the last people he’d kill. Just chill out.
Gaz: That’s easy for you to say, you took my last Xanax!
*Ghost watches as Gaz runs away*
Ghost, sitting there listening to the gunshots and screams: …
Ghost, noticing Gaz walking back to him: I thought you were running for it.
Gaz, sitting back down: Security locked the doors…
Ghost: Damn, that was a big one.
Gaz: He won’t be in rush hour three.
*they both sit there listening to the banging and yells*
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candycryptids · 24 days
👿- What's their worst trait?
eheheh >:) for whoever you feel it would be the most fun to answer!!
Firstly thank you for da ask ;w;!!! This was spicy because I’m actually going to talk about my husbands guy a little bit… and show y’all post ShB-semi-into-EW Ishi eheheehee- tho there’s a very very mild ShB spoiler so watch out!
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“I appreciate you taking time out of your day to speak with me, and answering all the questions I’ve had concerning your journey and how you’ve felt through it all… Your insight into the first and your extensive knowledge of Feo Ul was quite interesting.”
“Mmhm, it’s been surreal recounting everything that happened, but at least SOMEBODY’s writing it down now.. And Their Majesty has made wielding scholastic magic much easier, since I can’t summon my own faerie normally. Are you sure you don’t want a cookie? They’re Kizuna’s da’s recipe, you know.”
“Ah, speaking of Kizuna… You two have started dating right? The two shining beacons of heroism and do-gooding-recklessly, surely you know better than anyone else what he’s like. We all know his good side, but what about the bad?”
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“Eh???? EHHHH?? Where’d you get that idea?! D-dating… uhm… you’re not going to write that in your book right? That’s- that’s just speculation! Besides we’re not really public yet, Uhm, h-he’s really great, I can’t think of a bad trait, really, he can cook, he’s wicked with all kinds of weapons, he’s strong, and, handsome, he’s gentle with kids, and animals… He’s always trying his best, you know? Uh-uhm… he built his own house, in Ishgard-“
“I already know all about that, Ishi, I actually stopped by there last week to see if he was there. Besides. every Hero needs their tragic flaw, or they risk becoming as untouchable Gods in the mind of the people. So, give me something to work with, it doesn’t have to be grand, just, something that grounds him back in the common man.”
“But Kizuna’s not a common man- ah… ff..fine, ok, sometimes, uhm, I think… I worry, he makes himself miss out on fun stuff, because he’s worried more about keeping everyone and everything safe. Someone somewhere falls into peril and it’s, his problem now. I can usually make him slow down, but sometimes we both end up really swept up in it… uhm… I don’t know. Oh… my cookie……”
“… I think I can work with that…”
Kizuna belongs to @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight •v• (and if he wants to add something to this he can! >:3)
[Duo’s OC Ask Game]
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krystaldeath · 3 months
Cult of The Lamb hc’s (part of me feels like I should wait till I play the game myself - or watch a full playthrough at least - before I “solidify” these but meh. For now at least these are how I see things):
* Kinda typical hc I feel like but Leshy is the youngest, then it’s Heket, Narinder, Kallamar, and then Shamura is the oldest.
* Idk what their ages would be chronologically wise but my personal hc’s for “biological” age are: Leshy (21), Heket (25), Narinder (27), Kallamar (32), and Shamura (40). I think Lamb is about 200 years chronologically but 28 “biologically” (I think it’s funny if they’re “older” than Narinder)
* I don’t have a name for them yet but my version of the Yellow Cat is a little bit fucked up actually. Like they seem chill and they kinda are? But they’ve got a body count. And no not the sex kind. Think of that one audio where the guy answers the body count with 30 and when it’s clarified that it’s about sex he’s like “Oh well I haven’t done that yet!” And the other persons like “WHAT DOES 30 MEAN THEN???”
* I need y’all to know I project onto The Lamb HARD. So yeah, they always wanted to be kind and sorta made it a big part of their personality. Unfortunately their world and circumstances just doesn’t allow for their kindness. They still try to be as kind as they can be, but it’s hard when you’re slowly ascending to godhood, especially into the god of death.
* Also Agender Lamb. They/Them and ONLY They/Them Lamb all the way. Demi ro & sex & pan. They’re a?ab (assigned ??? At birth; bc I can’t decide but if you MUST know I think they can shapeshift a bit now so. Maybe they forgot themself lol). Presents androgynously, leaning either way whenever they feel like it. They have a more masc voice though I think, like the ones people use in comic dubs a lot.
* Once I figure out how to draw (could stop it there I am Rusty) anthropomorphic animals it’s over for y’all (Translation: I will draw my self insert and The Lamb being kinda fucked up Besties)
* The cotl fandom is filled with queer people who’ve got some level of religious trauma, let me recommend a recent song I’ve been looping and imagining a cotl/narilamb animatic to: Collared by Vane Lily (look it up on YouTube to watch the fun mv first!) WARNING IT IS HIGHLY SUGGESTIVE
* I’ve been flip flopping a bit on what species she’d be but I have ideas for a follower love interest for Heket! At first I thought a bunny, then a bee, and currently feeling like a bat would be cute. Idk but I do see her as a warrior type who also likes to bake and do cutesy things too
* I think once the bishops become followers their injuries are worse but they can still “work” around them: Leshy can kinda see things if they’re up close. Heket can sorta speak but not fast and she’s got. Well not a sore throat bc. She doesn’t have one of those anymore. But something akin to that constantly. Kallamar can only hear loud things or if someone spoke into his ear directly (he only allows those in his polycule and his siblings (minus Narinder) to get that close). Shamura does get a bit lost in their own mind, and even when they’re more conscious their memory is spotty.
* Back to my Yellow Cat being a bit fucked up: They actually really liked the idea of chaos (though they hardly show it) so when they find out Leshy was the bishop of chaos instead of being scared or unnerved they’re like “*twirls hair (fur??)* ha ha ha, omg, really~?”
* *slaps the top of The Lamb, Leshy, and probably so many others don’t underestimate me* these bitches can fit so much adhd (+ autism probably) in them
* Probably (geez I use that word a lot huh?) got more hc’s, especially for other characters, but this is already pretty long so I’ll leave it here for now
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queenlybeastly · 26 days
I normally don’t make my own posts on here because of certain reasons however i do want to say something about the newest Planet Of the Apes movie.
Specifically the shipping. The shipping of the MC Noa and the human character Mae.
Stop here if you don’t wanna get spoiled about the movie or if you’re already hating what might be said.
TW for: general cursing, mentions of incest and sexual stuff.
To clarify, i love interspecies relationships. Ask any moots of mine or even look at what i reblog when it comes to those types of ships.
However seeing this ship has rubbed me the wrong way.
I haven’t seen the movie, I’m planning to just not in theaters, but ive gone through the POTA tag on both here and on tiktok. From what I’ve seen and gathered the arguments for this ship are “look! They have chemistry! Noa wouldn’t have done all this for Mae if he didn’t like or have some feelings for her!” “the cast and crew hinted a love story for them!” And even “if you hate this ship even though you like interspecies, youre a hypocrite”
But i have some thoughts on all of this.
1) Chemistry doesn’t mean romance. Two or more characters can have the most amazing chemistry and still likely be friends or platonic soulmates/kindred spirits. And that’s what I’m most likely leaning towards when it comes to these two characters.
Yes they have long gazes, yes he saves her and she saves him, yes they both look up at the stars at the end. But i feel like that’s what two people may go through if they’ve went through the events Noa and Mae have gone through.
And if anyone thinks I’m not for this ship because of the lack of sexual nature of these two then get out. Leave. Block me. I may reblog funni haha horni posts but that’s not all of my damn personality. Thinking that is inherently gross.
2) The interspecies aspect is… odd. Mainly cause I don’t think these two are a interspecies relationship at all. Genetically we share a lot of DNA with primates. Culturally the apes in the current movie are currently going through their own age of civilization that can be comparable to pre Sumeria. They’re developing their own tools, customs, language, are training animals for hunting and are gathering. While interesting from an anthropological perspective they’re evolving the same way humans have.
You can apply the last bit to any fictional species but to me its like watching a distant cousin learning how to ride a bike.
I would deem interspecies romance as shipping characters that aren’t related to the human race at all. Apes and us shared a common ancestor. So, not interspecies.
3) This entire franchise may be fictional… but that’s what worries me. People as of late will shut off their brain if it means shipping something that is obviously problematic.
Case in point? House of Dragons.
I will not touch that show because of the shipping wars. I hated watching tumblr go googly eyed for when a young teenage Rhyneara was crushing over her uncle. Hell i even saw a post where someone got a pic from a trailer that showed a hand over hers and going ‘oh my god guys shes finally gonna bone her uncle!!’ As if incest was suddenly okay even from a literary standpoint. Even if it happened in the lore and books. This is why I think the entirety of The Game of Thrones universe should not have been created.
But this is what we have been seeing.
Just because something is fictional doesn’t mean it can’t happen in real life. And if we normalize something that should remain fictional people are gonna think its okay.
TLDR; I will only see Mae and Noa as platonic soul mates. And that will remain unless something happens where its not gonna be problematic.
Oh! And please don’t bring up the Harkness test when it comes to the validity of this ship. That’s a whole other rant for a whole other day.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Endless glorious purpose.
I'm back guys! Setting my mind on request that was send before. This one is for @emarich7 saying: For some reason I think Loki and Dream would be friends...like Dream would truly know Loki from his dreams and Loki would understand Dream and what he went through while caged up.
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Set in the post-TVA and post-restoring Dreaming time.
Apart from one redish light pulsating somewhere In the distance the room was dark. It was hard to say whether the place was big or small or where exactly it was situated, but during his time as a god of mischief Loki has seen a lot of different tricks and shenanigans, most of them caused by him so this… this was nothing that would scare him. Black haired man grinned in his signature facial expression and with all the dignity he could gather took a few steps forward.
“Show yourself!” he exclaimed “whoever you are, I know you are here. Acting like a coward, afraid to reveal your face.”
“Loki of Asgard” cold voice sounded in front of the god “such bold words of you.”
“I am a god.”
“And yet, you are in my realm with no real power here.” Dark clothed figure, which could soon be recognized as a man with chiseled black hair come into the view eyeing the other one carefully but also with dark expression.
“ And who may you be to say so?” Loki scoffed watching the newly arrived man with the mix of curiosity and condescending “who dare to stand against me?”
“I am Dream of the Endless. King of Dreams. Ruler of the nightmare realm.”
“Oh, Lord Morphues than” Loki grinned but the smile did not reach his eyes which stayed cold
“I presume you’ve heard about me.”
“Asgardian’s stories. I remember them vaguely.” Loki raised his head and his horny helmet and green robes appeared in the place of the plain ones making him look more royal and dignified “But if you’re here what does it mean?”
“So conceited yet so unbright”  Morphues spoke coldly facing Loki’s grimace. Before the Asgardian said anything more Dream Lord added “you are dreaming. You are a paradox. You should not even be here. You…. Died.”
“That was another timeline. Before I jumped  the version of myself from the past here.” The god waived his hand casually
“You did what?”
“Who’s unbright now, Dream Lord?”
“Watch your tongue, God of Mischief. You are still in my domain.”
“Seems like somewhere I could fit right in.”
“ Someone said that to me before and it did not end well for him.”
“Oh yes, one of your nightmares. What was his name? Corinthian, I suppose?”
“How do you know that.”
“You see, Dream Lord, you have your tricks and mind games and I have mine. So really there’s no way for you to intimidate me.”
“Is that so?”
“Oh, I’m sure. You want to bet on that?”
“I do not…. Bet. Albeit I made an exception for my sister.”
“Nice family relationship, huh? My sister tried to kill me and my brother and as a result blew up my home planet.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
“Interesting choice of words, Dream King.  But … yes, it was quite unfortunate indeed”
“My other sibiling tried to annihilate me too. Desire.”
“Oh? Can’t imagine why” Loki mocked “you are truly a delight to be around.”
Both men were still eyeing each other but the previous tension was now a bit less noticeable as they discovered some similarities between them.
“No. I hurt a lot of people and beings that were close to me. Like my Raven.”
“A raven? How wonderful. I had an alligator version of myself, once. A real predatory animal.”
“You can’t possibly imagine how predatory this bird can me. I used it my challenge in hell.”
“Yes.” Morphues’ eyes went a bit blurry at the memory “Snake-devouring, talons ripping….. Except Matthew, he’s more…. domesticated.”  
“Who’s Matthew” Loki frowned “nevermind. I don’t even know why I keep this banter with you.”
“Because whether you like it or not we are alike.”
“Oh! Oh, oh,oh!” Loki gave a short, mocking laugh “you are nothing like me. I have been through too much to even start this comparison.”
“You lost your mother, your brother and you life….” Morpheus trailed
“Stop it!”
“you did not succeed in fulfilling your so-called glorious purpose….”
“I’m warning you Dream Lord…..” the god’s face reddened slightly
“And now, from what I now you are trapped in some agency called……”
“Right. TVA.”
“I still don’t know how does that make us similar.”
“I …..” Morpheus stuttered but upon Loki’s gaze gathered himself “your effort, however futile are…. Interesting. I… may have had some struggles myself, feeling like ….. nothing at some point. Observing you was …. Uplifting. “
“Uplifling?” Loki hissed “Watching?! Do you think I’m your toy to play with?! I AM A GOD YOU….”
“Enough, Asgardian. I came to bring you relief in your sleeping hours.”
“I don’t need any help from you!”
“And yet, I am not asking. I am giving you a gift and you shall accept it.”
“Over my dead body!”
“Seems to me like we would be seeing each other more often now, God of Mischief. After all, it was my sister who pointed me towards you.”
“Oh, here we go again with the family drama.” Loki rolled his eyes “It’s like bantering with Thor…. Back… in the days” his voice broke a little
“My sister” Dream emphasized the word “Death. Mentioned something about you being lonely…”
“What now?! You sure you're not talking about yourself? If the stories are true you spend over a cantury locked up in some amateur, fumbler, self-appointed magus. How was that?"
Morphues said no word but his eyes turned a bit glassy.
"Don't you dare, Asgardian."
"I'll tell you how it felt - helpless, raging inside, planing your revenge on everyone responsible for the situation, pathetic...."
"You are forgetting yourself."
"Nah, I'm speakign from experience. When I first arrived at TVA they locked me away and kept inprisoned, so .... been there, done that. Whatever" he shook head getting rid of the memories. "What did your lovely sister ask you for? Perhaps I can try to change her mind?"
“Coming into contact with you. She sensed this … familiarization may enrich as both. “
“I cannot possibly imagine that.”
“Then we agree  on something, Asgard God. However, I will visit you again. As for now, this dream is over”.
Loki opened his eyes and found himself on the desert in the middle of nowhere in time and space, Sylvie sitting nearby.
“You were talking in your sleep.” She spat
“Really? What was I saying?”
“Something about God of Dreams?” she tilted her head frowning at her companion “oh, did you make friend during your little slumber? That is just adorable….”.
First it was the attitude of Morpheus and now mocking tone of the woman and Loki just couldn’t take it anymore.
“He is not my friend!!”
“Too bad, Death was right. Both you and her brother are in desperate need of one….”
She turned her head away, chuckling slightly leaving Loki with hundred of questions. Death came to contact with Sylvie? What the hell was all of this about?!
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littleperilstories · 1 year
The Prince of Thieves: How Tedious It Is to Be Surrounded by Fools
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Mood Boards | Chapter Titles | Also on A03!
Warnings: Fantasy-esque prison setting, restraints (shackles), nasty law enforcement, power imbalance, Bad Guy POV, lady whump
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Word count: 1691 || Approx reading time: 7 mins
How Tedious It Is to Be Surrounded by Fools
Teaser: “Perhaps she does not realize how thoroughly beaten they are at this game. But it will surely be amusing to watch them play. And since pain doesn’t seem to work on the little demon prince, I wish to know what will drive him to spill his secrets in the end.”
I am utterly dumbfounded when Michaelson informs me what our intrepid IA thieves have been up to.
“You’re…being truthful?” I peer down at Michaelson, doubt pricking at my insides. My junior is good at keeping prisoners in line, which is one thing his nasty streak is good for, but I wouldn’t put it past him to contrive some sort of dramatics in order to justify more punishment. I have a sneaking suspicion that if he didn’t wear the uniform, our relationship might be something very different.
However, he is insistent that it all happened as he says it did. “Ask Lenton. She picked it right off him. He didn’t even notice.”
Good god. Stealing right off his belt? I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying not to let my frustration show. Four years on the streets, or wherever she crawled off to the night she left, have turned Miss Breanna Cooper into more of a wild animal than I realized.
“With all due respect, sir…”
Never a good thing to hear from one’s subordinate. But I nod, giving him leave to speak his mind. “What is it you wish to say?”
“Sir, I do mean this respectfully, but is it…wise…to keep them so close to one another? To let them talk?”
Retsing my hands on my desk, I meet his eyes squarely. “What are you afraid will happen, Officer Michaelson?” His is a valid question, of course, but still I must suppress a wave of irritation. Brutes like him, they have no vision. It has not occurred to him, clearly, that there might be a reason for holding the thieves together.
“Well, the girl’s only just been brought in, and she was bold enough to take the flask right off Lenton’s person—”
Bold enough indeed. “I am learning rather quickly,” I cut in, “that Breanna Cooper is capable of churning up mayhem wherever she goes. Isolating her from the boy will do little to change that.” I raise my eyebrows. “Did you not say it yourself that you believe the girl acted of her own free will?”
“Well, it sure seemed like he was trying to cover for her. To be heroic.”  He sneers the last word, but still Michaelson is unsure. “Won’t they cause more trouble together?”
Oh, that is perhaps so. In fact, I am counting on it. “We ensured at the whipping post that the fox-thief can’t do much of anything right now.” A smirk rises to Michaelson’s face at the reminder. “And, I must confess, I am interested to see if a change in tactics will help to loosen that dirty tongue of his.”
Michaelson, bless him, is a good constable, but he doesn’t carry much between his ears. “Sir?”
“Sweet little Breanna showed us her hand immediately,” I say, thinking of the shrill gasp she let slip when she set eyes on the thief, the frantic pitch of her voice as she begged for us to stop his punishment.
It was not only she, though, who laid bare a weakness for us to see. Though the fox-thief surely didn’t even know it at the time, he also unwittingly gave up his.
The Johnston boy, that other thief we caught, the one who was hanged—there was nothing between him and “Fox,” and still the thief-prince wept to see him hang.
Not many brains inside that ruddy head of his, but in his chest beats a pathetic, bleeding heart.
But these two…they know one another. “Perhaps she does not realize how thoroughly beaten they are at this game. But it will surely be amusing to watch them play. And since pain doesn’t seem to work on the little demon prince, I wish to know what will drive him to spill his secrets in the end.”
I suspect my junior still does not understand. No matter. It is I who is in charge. “Thank you for the update, Michaelson.”
He nods, at least catching that he is now dismissed, and disappears.
The scene is as Michaelson described: young Miss Cooper remains in the cell next to the boy’s, but she is curled dejectedly at the back wall, a manacle around one wrist.
“You couldn’t even go a single day without causing a fuss?” I glare down at her from outside the bars. “Did you actually believe you’d get away with stealing inside here? Off his belt? Are you daft?”
She fixes me with a burning stare, but she says nothing.
“You won’t speak? Learned your lesson, then, have you, about back-talking your betters?”
Her face tightens, twists into something savage and hideous, before she calms her features again. “What do you want?”
“And now you are angry,” I go on, ignoring the question, “because someone is finally doling out consequences for your severely questionable choices.”
Still, Breanna does not move. What can she say to argue? All I said is true. She opens her mouth, clearly about to try, but another voice speaks first.
“Leave her alone.”
Prickles of heat sweep through my body. Oh, how I love it when the thief dares to give me orders. “What was that, boy?”
“I said, leave her alone.” The boy shifts, rattling the chains on his legs. “Did you just come here to gloat?”
“You have quite some nerve, telling me what to do.” The torchlight casts shaky, bar-shaped shadows across his pitiful face. He is looking at me, but he remains still, hunched in what must be quite a lot of pain. Pathetic.
“Your junior already did enough,” he says.
“Fox.” Breanna’s voice is quiet. Brimming with warning. She may have made a dire miscalculation in this ridiculous water-flask debacle, but it seems she has more sense between the two of them.
A fact that is demonstrated when the boy plunges ahead with ordering me around. “Have someone bring her more water,” the thief says. “She hasn’t had any in—”
“The way I hear it,” I cut in, shaking my head, “you both should have had plenty of that very thing.”
“Well, we didn’t.” The boy straightens slightly, eliciting a wince. I wonder what, then, they used the water for. Or whether they’re simply lying. Still, it’s refreshing to see him pretending to be human for a few minutes, talking like someone of value instead of roaring and cursing like a beast. “And he knocked over her cup. She hasn’t had a drink in hours. You can’t deny her water.”
I don’t move. “As you well know, fox-thief, I can do as I wish.” A glance at Breanna tells me she is glaring at both of us. “And interestingly enough, as I listened to your request, I did not hear the word please. If you truly wanted me to take this matter seriously, you might at least pretend to be civilized for a few precious minutes.”
What I wouldn’t give to have that look immortalized in stone—the wide-eyed, grudging acceptance that I will not consider doing what he wants unless he shows the respect he’s been so resolutely denying me until now.
She will tell him to leave the matter alone, to disobey. It is all too clear what manner of woman she has become in recent years. She may have been a gentle girl who knew her place once upon a time, but that time is long gone.
“Please, Constable Hatchett.” The sound of those words, even spat unwillingly through gritted teeth, is a thing of beauty. “Won’t you bring more water?”
It is tempting, very tempting indeed, to remain still, to wait for more, to really make him grovel, and maybe her too, but I can accept a victory with grace. As I walk away, I pause again by Breanna’s cell. “You cannot even make requests on your own behalf, Miss Cooper? Letting the boy take your blame earlier, now having him beg for you?”
She sits up suddenly enough, cracking her chain against the wall, that I know I’ve struck a nerve. “That’s not—”
“You’re even more of a faithless minx than I thought.”
She stares at me wildly for a few moments, as if she cannot decide how to proceed from here.
“Take this off.” She raises her shackled wrist. “It’s pointless. I can’t go anywhere.”
I can’t help it—I laugh. “You think I’m going to do that?”
Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. “No one’s worried about you going anywhere, Miss Cooper. I think they’re worried about your little thieving fingers going where they don’t belong.” Looking at her, at the both of them, makes me sick. “You really believe you’re somehow above the rules, don’t you?”
“It’s not that.”
Bullshit. “Then what is it?”
Even in the dim light, I can see the way she sets her jaw. Stubborn little bitch.
“You need to send the medic to do his job,” she says. Quiet now. As if being demure will somehow sway me to her cause.
I’m about to ask why when I glance over at the boy in the cell next to her. Ah. For him.
“Now you’re giving me orders, too, Miss Cooper? How very bold you’ve become.”
“I’ll think about it.” Before she can say anything else to piss me off, I walk away.
I bark a set of orders at the first junior I see. “Bring water to the IA girl. Breanna Cooper. Make sure she can reach it.” He scurries off with only a nod, perhaps seeing the look on my face and understanding that insubordination and stupidity will not be tolerated in my prison.
Which means I will need to speak with my juniors. Fear and pain—torturing the thief, forcing Breanna to count each strike—are good for loosening a prisoner’s tongue, and consequences—whipping him for his escape attempt, restraining her to prevent any more attempts at thievery—are necessary in an institution such as this. But denying her water… As much as I hate to admit it, the boy is right. I want her alive. Both of them.
Neither of them can be permitted to die until every last drop of usefulness has been wrung dry.
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Tagging: @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @gala1981, @kixngiggles .
[Banner ID: A narrow horizontal, rectangular banner featuring a barred archway. The bars and the stone walls evoke the feeling of a dungeon or prison. There are burning candles on either side of the archway. The title of the story, The Prince of Thieves, appears in white text in the centre of the image. The author's username, abbreviated to LPS from littleperilstories, appears in the bottom right corner in partially transparent text. End ID.]
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
We’re back! It’s folk fair time!
Get got!!
Oh sick you get a salad with the lobster bisque?
I fully forgot Fabian was proficient in glassblowing
They’re all so good at this game. And so deeply in it.
Awwww riz has a board in Adaine’s tower now
Oh please tell me he’s using a wild magic table to decide what happens from Fig’s bardic
This is horrifying
We’ve talked so much about the quangle I forgot that they’ve barely acknowledged it in the show
That was shrimp vibes for sure
Murph’s incredulous ‘oh good’
Siobhan <3
The cubby’s house is so fun
Brennan letting his folk fair roots shine
Yeah I was thinking about that and I didn’t have the chance to make a coherent post but. Why is my clerical gnomance performing at the folk festival.
That drum circle thing is exactly some folk fair shit. Idk how many other folk fair kids follow me or watch d20 but I need to make sure everyone who was not a folk fair kid knows how Eerily Accurate this is.
Definitely swingers.
This reminds me soooo much of the arts festival I go to every summer lmao
Cassandra was married??
Whoooo did Cassandra marry??
Cassandra being married to or engaged to Sol or Helio would be wildddd. And would kind of say something about why Kristen is so connected to them.
Like. Kristen was the chosen of Helio. If Helio and Cassandra were married, and Kristen left Helio, then Kristen going and becoming the prophet of Cassandra would be a weird roundabout return? Or deeper betrayal if they weren’t happy?
Dust mites suck
One thing about Brennan is he loves a magical axiom.
Ok so living gods can’t talk about dead gods to mortals
That’s fucked up!
Hee hee hee!
Kristen wants to get coffee with her parents?
Kristen is just having visions now I guess
Shatter stars??? Are those the same things???
That was uncalled for
Yeah no I get that it was a bit but that really is crossing a boundary. Lines are weird and wobbly around the family situation and the band but that just felt weird.
Holy shit?? That’s sick??
Oooh look at the fairy lights
That’s a folk festival baby!
Kristen’s original tie dye look would actually probably be very fitting
What are you ON about
Zac is bordering on real world annoyed
You’re literally not
I hate it I hate it SO MUCH
You’re not the cops!!
Fabian whyyy
Why does he get lair actions??? This is gorgug’s house!!
You have no fucking jurisdiction here man
Fucking creepy as shit
This is how the audience finds out Lou has had sex before. Ok.
Gorgug puts his goggles on. I do not see it.
We been knew this babes
Somehow I think grix did not want this.
One thing about Fig Faeth is she’s going to imply the admin are pedos.
It’ll just stab him normally
I keep thinking it and then getting too distracted to write it but Lou’s hair looks great
Thus, it has been goaded!
Fifty seven damage on one turn <3
Oooooooooh that’s a fucking sick spell
The washing machine adds three to wisdom saves?
Leans back against what??
I love the duo shots happening. Siobhan and Zac. Ally and Murph.
Fight me in the sky!
That’s soooo dark
Ok good I was trying to figure out how Ruben wasn’t gonna clock Fig-as-Wanda clearly fighting alongside the bad kids
Ok! What?
Awwww their crew is so sweet <3
Yeah Murph was right, that energy was Not gonna make the save
Are you kidding me
The lawnmower animation has me deaddddd
Pleasure and lawn maintenance 😭
What does that MEAN
So funny for all of this to happen less than five minutes after Brennan said they were doing really well in this fight
The shift from fun magic shit to ‘I Shoot Him With My Gun’ is always so funny
Fury of the ball!!!
You can’t call it that man.
Rick. Why is there a vulture again.
Gilearean rolls over here
The complicated women podcast (the cw 😭)
Fucked up!!!
Dominate monster???
Wait did Adaine already use her bardic?
I’m best medium rare 🥲
Oh my goddddd
They all want them to do this
Why are you doing this
We just gotta hit this guy once
You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me
I’m gonna lose it
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realin808 · 4 months
So todays complaint about the 808 state is how actually people in authority is still hiding because they teamed up with a group thinking they were superior and could over take the government and then take bribes and change identity aka for witness protection and lmao it was illegally and its an island you can’t run nor hide and sorry the virtual face mask comes off and tbh … you need to do cosmetic surgery if you still tryna live in Hawaii and not leave state … why they never left ? Because look the state suppose to help for when this time comes that people could help detect people location and see who actually is doing the crime . And look the original creators that created corona virus disease and look its spiritual but hard to get evidence of spiritual right so they added effects like noises and voices and an image of the person being or to blame and make like hacking the head by beeping noises but really raping the bodies of humans and thinking its ok. I know I’m someone special inside and I was the first one and the state did nothing to prevent it from spreading now we on broadcast and people hate us because the botches won’t get off and stop harassing bullying people and saying stupid shit just to get them to be victimized in crimes and have no one taken seriously . And some be forced to go and do time for them and they escape from doing time because they think they are superior and think they can get away with it. Illegal racist white privileged authorities or personals and thinking that they can get whatever they want and just live off of people !! Like you give everything a bad name and think you’ll get out of it !!! Like come on I’m fucking waiting for you to get to your original born self body !! Ok or soon I guess no matter water just eliminate all. Trust me I keep up with the stories and put it together fast you think you’re going to slide thru and survive but the REAL TRUTH… dead and ending everyone like you because its like a toxic cancer and it spreaded so bad and still causing issues that as soon as you get there bam ! Black out (: thank you for making this a game Hawaii !! Thank you and broadcasting it and trying to lie now because caught look they already knew who was the original and how the original person for the correct stories look like. And once you realize they are stupid because people will tell them things and seen differently or thinking certain things will help them but it won’t because look voice recognition… for any home, phone, google or any other system that recognize your voice because it needs to register yah look in the settings it’s registered and so it can be detected and tell you who that voice is recognized to and what account (: so how you going to change the voice say in the —— voice ? But you spoke it so that part should be detected original owner (: and global tel my voice is my password !!!! Wooooohoooo global !!! The whole world knows your voice !!!! Yah you belong to the system !!! Thank god you over use power in technology that damn caught by voice and the virtual face mask and illegal face mask of identity … yeah comes off and wouldn’t you use animation or animals for that because excuse me you don’t want to do nothing illegal then don’t do that face mask it’s federal illegal action / doings for you stupid people
Saying criminal act / actors (action - of actual showing to do - people can witness and take pictures or do a recording of )… sucks because if it’s real to them they can press charges … or tell authorities about and submit as evidence so doing all this acting is what ? Where the fuck is the authorities??? Oh yeah they corrupted and used all these illegal things to go hiding or blame other and took bribes so right now they hiding … is it clear to come out now … can I get my body back LMAO . Thank you sincerely kealoha investigation !! That remember said would be broadcasted !! And we would watch the trial lmao look it broadcasted to where are you … lol. What did you really do and running away .. so authorities and criminals on the run !! Yes because look I ain’t getting in trouble and some been sabotage because of course abuse of power, racism , hate and now scary … whole world watching … and I’m the little girl who started it all (: and what’s the game ? Be invisible and use people and things to blame someone other than the actual doer and get away with it. But if only they wouldn’t have started talking !!!! You stayed quiet and never talk then bam wouldn’t have been seen or heard be detected who was actually apart of the thing. So thank you for talking and then dressing up with spirit to let everyone identity you as some way or being (: and we are an island so like where you going to really hide and not be seen to where can you go.?! The airports would have wanted people so you can’t fly ?? Sucks .. you talked and revealed yourself and wanted to be celebrities … how and why would you if you identity your self in the streets !? Like common sense right ? Don’t tell people what you actually do right because it may be illegal and people can report you to actual authorities… so what was the purpose ?! Thank god they built a hate group for themselves and lol watch they can’t take the criticism or judgement that look suicide rates are going to go up because bullying invisible to others and then caught or just doing the wrong … just admit it confess and stop lying because to be honest people see what actually happens and it’s embarrassing … most of these people are older and they knew about this and thought they could have people reenact cases to get out of it but if your local and was in the same time era / period with everyone who actually know that story … wouldn’t you think they fix whatever story is now being told about that situation so people be like no that was so and so and look reveal who actually did what to who but question is why are authorities telling others to reenact it oh because they want to be free from doing timing and blame others and also stupid people are on drugs - substance abuse / drunk and then not in the best mind frame so they could manipulate others to do it control people innocent or just scam them and without knowing it intentionally that certain people will do things just to get someone to do the charge . It’s sad because almost 3 years and not even justice to why I never had privacy to now how come I got privacy sometimes ? People say I’m off screen then why the fuck ain’t I off the screen to why is my rights violated and still not getting justice to people confirmed and will talk to me in human face to face interaction … and then some people lying and trying to make like I’m going crazy knowing that they can make someone feel like no one will trust them and that’s what happened to me and caused me and my own family problems to then finding out it links to other family problems to why my mom told us things and we had to be away from my dad and now hearing these people did shit to my dad and thinking it’s ok and then me the daughter dealing with the shit and look where’s the money how come I’m so fucking famous !!! It’s because my fucking right and privacy was violated said it couldn’t turn off and being sabotage and a groups of people tryna kill me and look ruin everything I work for just to steal it from me or make me go so low that you know how much this shit impacted me !
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May the music carry the spirit
Oikawa x marching band!reader
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Key because of a new POV replacer on Wattpad:
Y/N=your name (mainly first)
L/N=last name
f/c= favorite color
f/s/a= favorite stuffed animal
f/f=favorite flower
You are a 2nd year and Oikawa is a 3rd year and you play flute in this (yes I’ve played flute myself for 11 years now so… prepare for band nerd jargon) (also Oikawa's dialogue is written in blue, the announcer is in orange, and the section leader is in pink
anyway let's get started
I sadly got to start my day with my alarm blaring at full volume with my sheet music now doused in my 40 ounces of bang energy drink so I could practice all night (but that didn’t turn out well obviously). 
Jee i wonder how this day could possibly get worse
Oh yeah
We perform our indoor show today at one of our school’s volleyball games
And we don’t even get to sit with the other Seijoh students until after the show (which is AFTER the first set regardless of who takes it) and then play pep tunes the other 2 sets where I of course was given a solo and am on the mic everytime we play one certain song
But to add more insult to this mortal injury
Both teams would be watching us from the stands during our show to give more attention to marching bands indoors and because of an outrageously important audition for us
We had just gotten off the bus when Iwazumi came running up to me to ask if I knew where the director is (yes he knows me because we were almost on the same page academically.)
“Hey L/N do you know where the band director is?”
“Sadly I am not sure since he wasn’t on our bus, however I think he’s on bus…1 I think?”
“Oh uh thank you. And um… good luck? Is that what we’re supposed to say?”
“I mean you’re kinda close. We say ‘have a good show’. Have a good game Iwa-kun.”
“Have a good show L/N”
We walked into the entrance of the gym with our instruments while the percussion went and got the props and technology and the team went to the locker room but, on the way to our designated warm up areas
“Oh hi Y/N-chan you’re all good! Are you ok?” and he said this while i was looking for my horn
“I’m so confused what are you talking about”
“L/N it’s only 50 for you ms.soloist”
*sigh* “besides you have the most banged up flute anyway”
“Y/N-chan! You have to be nice to yourself! Iwa-chan has told you too!”
“Ok so here’s how it is Oikawa-san, I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO SURVIVES DEATH BLOCK NOW I can hold mine up perfectly for 30 minutes straight!”
“I better not catch you doing more than 10 push ups!”
“Whatever you can’t stop me meanie-kawa not even my section leader knows it’s good for me”
“ I’d be careful if I were you Y/N-chan~”
I walked away to the end and did 20 burpees right in front of Oikawa just out of spite and screamed back:
And of course he yells back at me:
I ran off to the warm up area while giving Oikawa a peace sign
I watched as Y/N-chan jogged away while holding up a peace sign and without her knowing I was blushing uncontrollably 
I can’t be thinking like this before an important game! We’re really good but that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down while playing Date Tech
I’ll win for her 
I’ll win for Y/N and cheer her on during her show
I went with the team to the locker room we shared with the band because they only put their band uniforms over their squad shirts and compression shorts 
And what did I see?
“178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185…” 
“Y/N-chan! Don’t push too hard, you'll hurt yourself!”
“196, 197, 198, 199, 200, DAMN IT OIKAWA I LOST COUNT NOW I HAVE TO START OVER >:( “
“Y/N-chan no just no. No more push-ups for you.”
I got up and looked him in the eye (which I never do) { hehehe author-chan never does this lol}
“If I push hard then I get better I thought you would know that too”
“Ok but I don’t punish myself harshly for something small”
“Look I understand this is important but I need to get in the head space to perform and I don’t want to burden you by clouding your mind and judgment with this because I know I don’t matter as much as your game. And I don't want you to think I’m doing this to be hurtful to you. I know how important performing in your sport is and how important it is to you. I don’t want to get in the way of that.”
“Your health is important too, you know. Iwa-chan taught me that and it made me a better player. I think it would make you a better musician if you took care of yourself too”
“I’ll see you later Oikawa-san I have to go warm up now. Have a good game!”
I clapped my hand on his shoulder and smiled a closed mouth smile at him and shook his hand
“I’ll teach you the woodwind handshake if you want me too later :) “
“Sounds great Y/N-chan!”
I walked and got my flute and started warming up on scales while walking away and then flexed by playing the solo from Carmen’s Entra’cte by Bizet and then Bach’s sonata in E major while backwards marching and giving him a wink
I just watched in absolute awe as she walked away playing like a pro musician.
“Oi Shitty-Kawa we’re going to warm up soon”
“Y-yeah I’ll be there in a hot sec”
Then he hit me upside the head 
“ I-I think I’m in love”
“Oh dear god.”
“Then play well for her if you want to show her!”
“I will then!”
As the boys were lining up and getting ready to play we started playing “The Greatest show” to hype up the crowd more (if that’s even possible lol)
And as we neared the end of the diminuendo and the song the captains shook hands and we went off the court out to prepare for the show after the first set
We may have not gotten to see them play but we were ready to show everyone what we were made of
We stepped out onto the court and were introduced
{a/n the flute solo is Bach’s orchestral suite No.2 in B minor, BWV}
As we were leaving and the boys were coming back to play OIkawa-san and I made eye contact for a mere millisecond and we both blushed and looked away and continued on our own path and then he stopped in his tracks turned around and said “Y/N-chan you were great! Can’t wait to see you up there!” “th-thank y-you Oikawa-san”
My heart sunk 
I was supposed to break 90
I didn’t
My solo score brought us down
I wanted to cry
I retained my composure as I went up to get my medal
Afterwards the team was able to come down to congratulate all of us and who came up to me?
Iwa and Oikawa
“Good job L/N-chan-”
“I scored too fucking low”
“I was supposed to break 90 and we could have made a better set of qualifiers”
“That doesn’t change that you were really good”
Then Oikawa chimed in
“Y/N-chan you did so well and this is only the beginning right?”
“True but I-”
“Y/N there’s no reason for you to be angry. You’ll beat them but you at least know where you stand right?” it was weird not hearing Oikawa using an honorific but I knew he was serious
“So don’t let this benchmark stop you. Keep going!”
“I guess?”
“You wanna know something else Y/N-chan?”
“I’m in love”
Holy crap
Did he finally fall for one of his fangirls? Who was lucky enough to be the one he had his eyes on?
“Who’s the lucky girl? Is it one of your fangirls?”
“No. no. no they don’t come close to this girl”
“I have no idea then Oikawa-san I need a hint”
“We should go out into the hall the next group’s coming in”
So we went out
“She’s smart, beautiful, kind, and her talent is incredible”
“Uhh….. I got nothin I actually know no person like that”
“Really? That’s quite tragic that you don’t see those things in yourself”
“Hold on WHAT?!?”
“That’s right. You’re the one I fell for Y/N…I love you it’s ok if you don’t feel the same I”
“I love you too Tooru” I went in and gave him a hug
“I’m still not gonna let you do your push-ups because I love you too much and I don't want your arms to fall off”
I looked up at him and slooooowwwly got out of his embrace took a step back and continued from 200 push ups from where I left off
“201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207…”
And so he of course got down to my level and laid down so his head was under mine and he kissed me when I went down for another push up
“Oikawa no I’m trying to do my push ups!”
“Well I think you should get a kiss for every push-up then”
“It’s supposed to be a punishment not a reward!”
“I don’t think my precious girl should be punishing herself period”
So I tried to move away but he just got up and moved to my location and squatted only to wrap his arms around my torso and just started tickling the shit out of my tummy and ribs
“You wanted to punish yourself right? So here it is! Best part is you’re smiling and laughing which makes me happy”
“That’s not very nice Y/N-chan! Now I’ll have to tickle you more!”
He moves his hands up to my armpits and somehow thinking ahead he flipped me over and sat all in one motion while keeping my wrists pinned under his legs and just going wild fluttering his fingers all over my torso and armpits with seemingly no intention to stop
“Wow, Y/N-chan you’re so cute and ticklish!”
“Ok ok ok I’ll stop now”
 He gets up off me and pulls me in for another kiss and a hug 
“I’m paying for dinner tonight by the way”
“No I’m gonna pay. I don’t care if you think you should. You won your game so it’s my treat”
“B-but I-I-I-”
“No buts I’m paying”
“Meanie I should be paying for you for performing so well :( “
“You can pick the place though”
“Do you want lessons for music because you seemed quite interested and dumbstruck during the woodwind feature”
“Sounds good to me! And I’ll give you volleyball lessons in return!”
And with that we were off to dinner 
But not before he got me a f/c f/s/a and a bouquet of f/f
I might make a part 2 I haven't decided
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option-monad · 2 years
thoughts on scorn gradually coalescing (i’ve posted a lot of this to twitter, but i wanted to do a longer form post)
for one, hands down one of the greatest artistic achievements i’ve ever seen. very, very little comes close. not just in terms of presentation (though that is also nigh-untouchably good) but also in terms of clarity and coherency of statement. it’s sorta silly to compare it to anything else given the creators had 9 years to make a ~5 hour game but it sure is winning. this part stays above the cut: if you can stomach gore and some pretty strong allegories for reproductive violence, play scorn. if you can’t play horror games, watch an uncommentated run. and leave the damn fov slider alone unless you’re seriously going to be sick. the rest of this won’t make sense unless you’ve seen all of it.
act 3 is the weakest part, which i think is the best possible outcome. strong start, strong ending. i would say act 1 = act 4 end > act 5 > act 2 > act 4 > act 3. the strongest parts have no combat at all. if the combat were tuned a little better, my opinion of act 4 would be higher. as it is, things take a bit too much damage and don’t deal enough and checkpoints aren’t super kind, so combat starts to feel like a slog. which is a damn shame because i like what they were going for and the animations, ai, and weapon design are spot-on for it. just the numbers are off. 1 hit chickens, 2-3 hit bears, and like 5hp on the player would have worked for me a lot more. act 4′s ending though... zoo wee mama. i want to watch a few more people play it before i figure out if my experience with it was universal, but that stomach drop i got between finishing the puzzle and finding out what finishing the puzzle did, right after pulling the lever when it was too late to stop... manifique. chefs kiss. it feels very deliberately set up to do that, with the whole “oh, puzzle” > clonk > lights out > “OH NO” sequence. strong! other standout moments are turning the moldman around in act 1 (watching jerma play that and having the funnyman temporarily squeezed out of him on facecam was tbh the only time i’ve ever felt positively about a facecam at all) and trying to fill the second goop canister in act 5 and getting... half. of course half. the other one was already half full. god fucking dammit. oh and the parasite reveal in act 5, after the act 1 -> act 2 thing had time to percolate in my brain for a bit. scorn is really a fucking master of chekhov’s gun, huh. that’s probably not quite what i mean, but the style of storytelling just works fantastically. the “? ... oh fuck of course” emotion.
having seen the artbook, i agree that the tower and the crater shouldn’t have both been kept. i think i would have preferred the tower, since the purpose of the creature is a lot clearer there and feeds back into the stuff they were doing in the assembly a lot more, but both would have made one feel stale. cutting the labyrinth is a bit sad since it adds a lot to the world and was definitely doing something different, but hey. can’t afford to do everything. 5 incredibly precise acts trumps 6-7 sloppier ones imo. also having seen the artbook, given that i didn’t properly see what they were going for with the parasite, i think finding a weapon handle in act 1 was a slight misstep. absolutely did not occur to me that i was using the parasite’s tail because there was already a handle elsewhere in the world, i thought i just found my old gun. i think acts 1 and 2 work GREAT for what they were trying to set up otherwise.
the door remote... i really do not like the fucking door remote. the main puzzle in every act does a great job at feeling like i’m traversing an environment that has a purpose of its own beyond being a sequence of levers for me to pull, but the door remote really pulls me out of that. i’m not even sure how much it adds to the traversals after act 2. BUT... i will admit that it’s pretty essential for what act 2 is doing. if it was just “pick up door remote in act 2 start, use until act 2 end” i would be fine with it, but upgrading it just feels silly. a secure facility doesn’t have a terminal to elevate your access permissions one level within a few hundred feet of the door they elevate it to, but picking up a door key from an area intended to manufacture supervisors and using it in that one facility works fine. it’s such a minor thing but every remote reprogramming station just made me think “uuhghghgh right i’m playing a videogame”. (also, while i’m on insanely minor nitpicks, the moldman either doesn’t have enough recorded lines or doesn’t properly minimise repeats. just a couple extra minutes in the booth would have improved that section drastically.)
the ending... absolutely perfect. no notes. i know a lot of people hate it, but i also don’t think those people were paying enough attention. if they went in a different direction with it, i would have made 100 angry blog posts about how they ruined all the work they had done establishing the themes and allegories that they did. scorn’s greatest virtue is how hard it commits to a very clear idea and how much faith it has in itself to make that idea work just by showing it to you. no text, no dialog, no “lore”, no crutches. scorn is not interested in being a videogame, it is only interested in being scorn. you do not get to “win” scorn, you get to finish it. fuck you.
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