#i can't be bothered 2 spell check this
The thing that's bothering me with people saying the Bad Kids didn't even try to reach out to the Rat Grinders and just started indiscriminately killing them is that THEY DID.
Like, sure Wanda Childa originally started as a bit so that Fig could gather Intel on Ruben. But the whole dream sequence and faking Wanda Childa's death outside Ruben's house was to persuade him to abandon the Rat Grinders. It's not Fig's (or Emily's!) fault that it didn't work. But she was desperately trying to get a read on that kid throughout the whoooooole season.
The Bad Kids have been doing insight checks on Kipperlilly the whole season and getting NOTHING. Even with pretty good insight checks they were just getting, "this is a very fake person." That coupled with the fact that Kipperlilly appears to have come up with the plan to dig up Eugenia's grave to get her automatic A before she got rage-starred, what exactly were they supposed to do with her?
And when it comes to Buddy Dawn, my goodness. Kristen has given that kid endless amounts of her patience and kindness when he has not earned it. He hasn't necessarily earned her ire, but he hasn't earned her kindness. And yet, the first thing she did when he got killed was try desperately to find a way to resurrect him, despite the fact that members of her own party would maybe need that higher spell slot later. The first thing Kristen did after getting to the gym? Insight check on Buddy Dawn to see whether he had actually bought into this. Kristen can't help that Ally, the player, rolled a Nat 1. It's not Kristen's fault. But up until the very last, Kristen was trying to save him, because she sees herself in him.
Sure, with Ivy, Oisin, and Mary Ann no one tried very hard to get a read on them. But also I feel like we didn't see them much. And the Bad Kids did try at that first party to figure them out, they just rolled poorly. As Brennan put it, the dice have been on the Bad Kids' side, not on the side of the story he had prepped to tell. And that's fine! The dice are the uncontrollable element of DND! But you can't get mad at the Bad Kids for not trying when they have, in fact, been trying all season to get a read on these kids and just totally whiffing every time.
Also, people are apparently getting mad at the cast too? Which, 1, this is not your game and these are not your friends, so leave them alone. And 2, Ally said this episode that they felt "blackout drunk" driving home, which I am assuming is from exhaustion given the filming schedule mentioned in (I think) episode 17. These people are exhausted and running on fumes. As actual human beings they are likely struggling with concentration etc. and they should all be given some slack.
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waklman · 1 year
Glue Song (Pt. 2)
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summary: you meet rooster and jake doesn’t know how to feel about it.
pairing: jake seresin x female reader
warnings: brief mention of death
a/n: more pining, friends to lovers, fluff x angst, rooster x hangman moment (?). part 3 comes next..!
word count: 2.2k
previous part | next part
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Jake doesn’t know what gets on his nerves more. 
The fact that Javy insisted to go help you grab more cookies from the kitchen, leaving him to brood in his seat alone or the fact that he’s been painfully watching Rooster struggle to squeeze his Bronco between your mini cooper and Jake’s very own Ford truck. 
After a heated argument on which pilot should lend you a hand, Javy won on the basis that Jake should be the one to greet Rooster when he arrives. And so, Javy is able to escape the wrath of his seething friend with the most shiteating grin on his face as he got to follow you out back. 
Replaying the scene back in his mind leaves Jake annoyed beyond belief, and now that he’s witnessing Rooster back out of the parking spot for the fifth time this evening, he feels his anger flare up even more. 
Jake leans back in his seat, throwing his arms across his chest and watches his guest finally stroll through the front doors as if he’s not running late with another variation of his Hawaiin button up slung over his thick shoulders. 
Rooster doesn’t know what to say as he carefully steps inside, spotting Hangman sitting by himself. He keeps a neutral expression on but doesn’t know what to make of his view. Hangman is waiting for him by a table of love-themed baked goods. He can't help but to imagine how Natasha would kick him in the balls laughing once he tells her what he’s currently seeing. 
Rooster takes in Hangman’s appearance as he gets closer, bewildered that his hair is styled nicely, instead of being slicked back by five pounds of gel. And he can’t recall a time where he’s seen Hangman dressed so casually before. For the first time ever, he acknowledges that Jake looks pretty good. 
As he takes his last step over towards the table, Rooster hesitantly speaks.
“Look man. I don’t know if you misunderstood what Mav said but—”
“Sit.” Jake asks through clenched teeth, peeved that Rooster would even assume he’d have any kind of romantic interest in him.
Though slightly horrified at the situation, Rooster obliges anyway—taking a seat, awkwardly adjusting himself in the tiny chair.
The sight was laughable. The two grown men were basically swallowing the small seats they sat in with an array of goodies displayed between them. 
Jake looks across the table, his eyes silently trailing up and down Rooster’s body. 
Rooster can’t tell if he’s trying to size him up or he’s simply curious about how many Hawaiian printed shirts he owns. 
Both men clear their throats and flinch at their synced mannerism. 
Before they get a chance to fester in an awkward silence together, Jake feels his phone ring repeatedly in his front pocket.
Jake immediately recognizes the unique text-tone he specifically set for your contact. 
Rooster curiously watches Hangman, the man across from him practically shoves half his arm down his pants to grab his phone, a small smile replacing his previously annoyed expression. 
Me and Javy are warming up the cookies now!!
Is that his truck out front???
I'm so excited Jack!! 
We’re coming out soon I promose :)) 
His grin peers back at him in the reflection of his screen as he rereads your typos, you were so happy for him that you didn’t even bother to look over your own spelling. 
“Who’s Jack? :(“ he quickly types out in response, shoving his phone back in his pocket. 
Jake bunglingly shifts in his seat, attempting to find a comfortable position after realizing that Rooster had been watching him check his phone.
“Coyote is joining us in a bit, and my other friend too.” He speaks so fast Rooster would’ve never caught what he said if he wasn’t paying close attention.
“Oh, alright” he responds.
They both synchronously stare down at the food in front of them before making brief eye contact with each other. 
Both men quickly retract their gaze, pretending to look around the shop–unsure if they want to make eye contact with one another again. 
Rooster stares off in the direction of the kitchen and spots Coyote walking out, his head looking back over his shoulder to smile at a girl following closely behind him. 
“Wait, watch where you’re going.” you draw back your smile, a worried look settling on your face as you kick at Javy’s ankle, alerting him to look ahead.
Pulled in by the sound of your voice, Jake quickly averts his eyes in your direction. 
You and Javy are both wearing the new bear paw oven mitts he helped you pick out last weekend as you carry out red velvet cookies together. 
He can’t ignore the way his throat tightens as you two make your way over. 
Jake doesn’t know what’s gotten into him. He blinks to regain his composure, realizing that he spaced out so severely within the last few minutes that he didn't realize that you and Javy had already politely greeted Rooster and you had taken a seat next to him. 
He drops his gaze down to your knee as it bounces nervously, unaware that your leg is slightly rubbing against the side of his jeans. 
His eyes trail up to your face, and follows your line of sight. You’re eagerly staring down at the cookies you just put out with Javy, as the two pilots sitting across from you are engaged in friendly conversation.
“Try her stuff.” Jake speaks up, interrupting the conversation. 
He quickly rams a cookie into his mouth with his right hand, as his left gently grabs your knee, halting you from giving yourself carpet burn from the way you were furiously rubbing against his denim pants. 
Jake feels you look up at him appreciatively from his peripheral as he shovels a chocolate croissant into his already stuffed cheeks next, urging his fellow aviators to join him. 
“Mmm so damn good,” he moans—closing his eyes, appreciating the way the chocolate swirls on his tongue.
“Yeah?’ Your shoulders shake, laughing at his reaction. Despite how many times he’s already tried your baking, Jake has never failed to display his enjoyment every time. 
Rooster and Javy quickly reach for the closest treat as Jake shoots them a spine chilling look while you distracted yourself, trying to find a napkin from the empty table behind you. 
Once you’re fully facing everyone again, you hand Jake his much needed napkin and place a napkin in front of everyone else too. 
Javy thanks you by shooting a thumbs up at you since his mouth is full, and you Bradley shyly grins at your kind gesture. 
Rooster then takes a big bite of one of your red velvet cookies and feels a wave of nostalgia hit him right in the chest. 
“Oh wow. This is amazing,” he compliments you, wide eyed.
It tastes so much like his mother’s cookies that it makes his heart twinge. 
“I don’t remember the last time I had something home-made. This is great,” he admits to the group with a smile.
Javy and Jake stills at his statement, knowing the reason why he hasn’t eaten anything home-made in awhile. The duo learned recently that his mother passed not long ago, and his father died in an accident involving Maverick while he was young.
“If you come around here I can whip up something for you. What do you like, Rooster?” you offer, lips pulled into a small smile.
Jake knows that you mean it too. It wasn’t just to make conversation or to distract from the topic—he can almost envision you keeping yourself past store hours to practice new recipes for Rooster. 
“These cookies are great as is.” he returns your smile, appreciative that you didn’t attempt to pry or send him a look of pity he’s grown accustomed to receiving. 
“How about you come around in the morning with Jake? Maybe it’ll count as bonding time to your boss.” you joke.
Jake feels himself choke on his croissant, Javy pushes a cup of water in his friend’s direction immediately.
Jake fervently nods his head no at your statement after clearing his throat with water. 
“Jacob Daniel Seresin.” you scolded, appalled by his manners. 
Bradley smiles watching the once cocky pilot he knew shrink in his seat like a kicked puppy as you stare him down. 
“Sounds good.” Rooster agrees to watch Jake sulk further. 
“Hey are you guys coming down to the Hard Deck next week? Phoenix convinced Penny to reserve the space for just the navy Friday night” Rooster suddenly brings up, picking up another cookie for himself.
“Oh. Yeah I’ll be there, what about you two?” Javy looks at you and Jake. 
Jake can practically see the wheels in Javy’s head turning and he wants to splash the rest of his water on him to halt his scheming.
You bite down on your tongue, a nervous habit you could never rid yourself from. Jake has never really brung you around his friends, besides Javy and now Rooster. He knows you run on the introverted side, you’re comfortable meeting others in small intimate settings like this. But a bar–the Hard Deck? Full of boisterous members of the navy running on a couple beers? Jake even grows nervous for you.
“What do you say Hangman? We can have her as our plus one.” Javy offers, slightly provoking Jake.
He looks over at you, trying to decipher your expression but it's unreadable.
“If that's okay with you guys?” you combat his nervous stare with a smile, reaching down to play with his fingers that were currently splayed on your knee. 
Jake relaxes a bit, feeling your fingers twist at his graduation ring–but the anxiety still sits at the back of his throat like bile.
You don’t want to disappoint Jake and rudely decline the invite. That was probably the last thing you wanted. 
Who knows? Maybe you’ll have fun since Jake and Javy will be there. It’ll be nice to see Jake spend his weekend outside the walls of your apartment for once. You’ve been feeling guilty for keeping him inside so much, although he insisted there wasn't a place he’d rather be.
But you knew deep down, Jake was much more of a social butterfly than you were. He would thrive at a bar filled with people. Your chest warms, knowing that in a room full of others, Jake will always manage to shine and cast his presence onto everyone there like a mirrorball. 
“I’ll take that as a yes” Javy grins as you both stare back at him. 
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Within the following days, Jake learns that he has to share his mornings before work with both you and Rooster. 
He tries his best to be civil, making small talk with the two of you but he can’t help but to feel like he was kicked to the curb. His involvement in conversations grows less and less by the day, yet this doesn’t go unnoticed by you. You’ve attempted to pull Jake aside a few times but he insists that he and Rooster are already running late to base–leaving you defeated as you watch him walk past customers and make a beeline for the exit. You know there’s something clearly bothering him and you grow increasingly worried, watching him retract from you like this. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jake has the same worried feeling weighing down on him. 
Everyday, as you speak to Rooster–Jake takes the time to study your face, admiring your features, trying to commit them to memory–worried that one day he won’t get to see your face as often anymore. He feels his heart sink the second he looks over to Rooster and sees that the brunette has the same admiration for you in his eyes. 
The feeling grows worse by the second–and Jake is unsure of what to do with himself.
You even tried to talk about it with him–but for some reason-Jake uses every excuse in the book to avoid the problem. Jake Seresin, a man who thrives off the thrill of confrontation can’t fathom the idea of having a possibly confrontational conversation with you. All because he doesn’t want to hear about what you think about Rooster. He doesn’t want to hear an ounce of praise for the man to leave your lips. He doesn’t want to learn that you grew close with Rooster like how you’ve grown close with him. It’s better if he doesn’t know anything, that would hurt less. 
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This morning he finds himself standing next to Rooster, dozing off as the mustached man animatedly speaks to you, his muscled body leaned over the counter you worked behind. The scene in front of him makes him feel so nauseous that he hasn’t even made an attempt to taste his latte, afraid that he won’t be able to stomach it. 
“Jake?” you softly called out to him, pulling him out of his haze. 
He looks up from his coffee and meets your stare from across the counter, he sees you bite down on your tongue–a nervous habit of yours. He feels even more sick. 
“Am I still coming over to your place on Friday to get ready with you?” you look up at him hesitantly, afraid he’ll deny your request.
He feels guilt coat the roof of his mouth. You looked so scared to speak to him.
“Yeah I’ll see you Friday, Angel,” he assures you.
Your heart twists sadly at the term of endearment. 
“And we’ll talk then?” you ask.
“We’ll talk then,” he reiterates.
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thank you for reading, and as always-reblogs are greatly appreciated!
join my taglist here or follow me on @waklman-library & turn on notifs there to be notified when i post!
not my gif! if anyone knows the creator please let me know!!
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osamusriceballs · 1 year
Ten Nights
Iwaizumi x fem Reader
Warnings: NSFW
Words: ~ 1,4k
About: A series of your most important moments with Iwaizumi- from your very first meeting to your relationship! Smut included~
"Go, ask for her number!"
"What? Why should I do that?"
"You've been eyeing her all night, Iwa-chan."
The brown-haired setter grins and takes a long zip from his drink, apparently not bothered by the annoyed grunt from the former ace.
"Quit it."
His eyes roam towards the bar, towards the direction of the woman he just bumped into- you. Your shy but polite smile, the way your cheeks reddened when you held eye-contact with him, and how you smelled so good when he walked past you- you positively put him under a spell. And Oikawa- of course- witnessed the whole thing and non-stop teased him about the little encounter.
One deep breath later, and Iwaizumi silently grabs his phone and heads towards your direction- with a slightly nervous smile on his face and hope in his heart.
2:04 am - Iwaizumi: "Hey, it's me- Just wanted to check if you're home already."
2:06 am - You: "Hey, Hajime! I'm home safely. Thank you for worrying <3"
2:07 am - Iwaizumi: "Sure. I had a great time tonight- wanna hang out sometime again?"
2: 07 am - You: "I'd love to! Maybe lunch tomorrow?"
2:08 am- Iwaizumi: "Text me the time, and I'll pick you up."
2:08 am - You: "Perfect. See you then <3
2:08 am - Iwazumi: "See you tomorrow, y/n. Can't wait."
Iwaizumi runs his hand through his hair once again, nervousness clouding his features, yet he still manages to look handsome, even when he's simply leaning against his car.
He looks at his phone again, reading your short "I'll be there in a sec <3" for the third time, hoping to appear a bit calmer on the outside than he feels on the inside. Will you like his outfit? Will you like him? Will you think he's an arrogant guy, trying to impress you with his fancy car? It was his first big investment after his first salary, and it's something he'd wanted to have for forever, but if you-
His train of thoughts gets interrupted when you suddenly open the door to the apartment complex and immediately blink a few times to let your eyes adapt to the sunlight.
You're beautiful. The color of the dress compliments your hair, your make-up making your features more charming, and the smile on your face- stops his heart for a second. You're absolutely breathtaking.
"Hey!" You still smile when you step closer to hug him- and he allows himself to get lost in your flowery scent for a few moments while he wraps his arms tightly around you. "Hey." He returns your smile and quickly steps back to put a respectful distance between the two of you. He smoothly opens the door to the passenger seat and playfully bows while keeping eye contact to see the slight blush that he loves so much appear on your face. "Shall we?"

It's perfect.
The perfect date, the perfect moment, and the perfect person. It feels natural when he holds your waist and leans down to slowly bring his lips to yours- and fireworks erupt in your stomach when he finally kisses you. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and return the kiss, enjoying how his body feels perfect against yours and how perfect this moment is.
Your very first kiss with him.
"Please- I need you-"
You gasp and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down towards you- and he is quick to connect your lips with his once again. His hips are rutting against yours, and you feel his hand moving under your panties to tease your clit, causing you to slightly bite into his lip in surprise. You pull back with wide eyes, but there is a hungry glint in his features, and his fingers rub your clit one last time before he pushes two of them inside after finding out that he's got you soaking wet with just a bit of dry humping. Not that he's any better, with the hard-on he's been sporting ever since you moaned his name when he had kissed you in the car.
"S-sorry," you gasp, and your thumb brushes against his lower lip but he quickly shakes his head with a grin on his attractive face.
"That was hot, baby."
The nickname turns your cheeks even redder, and he suddenly curls his fingers inside of you, causing you to gasp and arch your back against his body.
"Like that, baby? Don't worry, I'll take care of you so well tonight."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." You stop fidgeting with your fingers and focus on Iwaizumi, who is sitting right next to you.
"You sure? You seem so absent. "
"I'm just nervous."
"Why should you be nervous? You're with me, baby. Just you and me."
You smile and lean in for a quick kiss in the busy cafe- and decide to let it off your soul right here and now.
"I know. I was just thinking about how I should tell you that I love you. That's all."
You try to sound calm and collected, but the slight shaking of your voice reveals your true feelings.
You're nervous about being vulnerable.
About confessing your feelings, and taking this big step first, and you just hope that he feels the same.
Iwaizumi freezes- his attractive face not giving away what's going on in his head- and then the realization seems to sink in. He almost breaks his cup with how fast he's smashing it down on the table before he cups your cheeks with his hands and looks deep into your eyes.
"I love you too, y/n- So, so much."
"Please move in with me."
You raise your head from his chest and look into his sleepy eyes. You blink confused, slightly shifting your body into a more comfortable position on top of him while the roaring sounds from "Godzilla" echo through the room.
Moving in so suddenly?
But it's moving in with Iwaizumi. How could you say no to that?
You're without a doubt overwhelmed and don't know what to say when you look at the man in front of you on his knees- and towards the ring in his hands.
"Will you marry me?"
One of the most memorable moments of your wedding is without a doubt Oikawa's face- full of happy tears while sobbing "Congrats, Iwa-chan, y/n-chan," and how he tries to give his speech in which he declares that it was him who brought the two of you together, while clearly being drunk already.
The moment that you will truly never forget, however, is Iwaizumi's face when he sees you in your wedding dress for the very first time. Absolutely stunned, full of love and admiration, and it was all for you.
The way he gently held your hand during the ceremony, and how he simply wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up to carry you, causing the wedding guests to swoon and laugh.
"My beautiful wife." He whispers and presses another kiss against your calf. "So, so beautiful." He travels towards your knee and leaves a trail of sweet and teasing kisses, holding your leg steady to keep you from squirming. He finally reaches the fabric around your upper thigh and wraps his teeth around it to pull it down on your leg.
You wiggle under his lips, your breath already shallow and fast, you feel almost dizzy from watching the handsome man working between your legs- his tie loosened and his dark hair messy from how many times you've been running your hands through it tonight. Your wedding dress is bunched up around your hips, exposing your legs and underwear to Iwaizumi, but you know that you won't wear the dress for much longer.
Iwaizumi's lips curl into a triumphant smile as soon as he manages to free the wedding band from your body. "Look, I got it." You smile at his almost childish triumphant expression and suppress a laugh that threatens to burst out of you. That's exactly the man you've fallen for at that night five years ago.
He is quick to dive back between your legs though, and you gasp his name when he directly kisses your pussy through your white underwear. "Don't worry, my dear wife. Your husband is here with you now. Forever and ever."
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Can you please write Kate x Nina's relationship for your main AU?
(Also it's one of my fav ship, I wanted to read my fav ships hcs by my fav writers)
Bro. Bro stop saying things like this because I'm literally about to cry. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH
I really love and be surprised when people like my writing because of my self-esteem issues lol you have no idea how your kind words make me so happy and and make hate less from my writing style so thank youuuuuuu
I appericate you so much and and you're so sweet and nice and cool and awesome and cool and kind and sweet and and and
Okay I think I'll have an heart attack sorry if İ bothered you but I'm truly so grateful for your kind words<3333
I love NinaKate so much so of course I can do it for you even if I'm dying lol
(Ps: it wasn't seasonal allergies, turns out, it was the beginnig stage of pneumonia and bronchitis lol)
Also you can check this non-canon NinaKate headcanon post I made some time ago too!!
Okay but I can't get over how nice the words you say, really, I'm thinking about it since I saw the ask.
Sorry it's more like how they became friends and Nina and Kate lore but it would be so long that I had to split it into 2 parts. Hope you don't mind.
Holy shit it's angst, I really didn't mean to...
NinaKate Romantic Relationship For My Main AU-Part I
They seeing each other for the first time
Nina has been known among the proxies since the night when Zalgo controlled her at the age of 15 and helped her find Jeff. Slenderman didn't want to take her with him because he didn't see any benefit to himself since Zalgo had reached out to her first, but he hadn't given the order to kill her yet just because he was curious about what would happen.
Nina was unaware that it was a ritual to summon Zalgo when she practiced one of the love spells she found on the Internet at the age of 13. Zalgo, seeing potential in her because of her obsessive love, followed her for 2 years, did not leave her alone. And since he decided it was the perfect time to take her with him, he took control of her body at the age of 15 and had her kill her own family.
Regaining control while plunging a knife into the heart of her younger brother Chris, Nina then felt so bad that she ran to the woods near her home. Zalgo led Nina through the forest, aiming to convince her that all this was Slenderman's and Jeff's fault and get her to the stage of wanting revenge. There she met Jeff, but Zalgo's plan backfired, as she hugged him and cried instead of hating him as he expected.
Kate had never seen the newcoming stray killer that Slenderman wanted to get rid of face to face before, but she had heard about the descriptions of her appearance and that she was a weird person in general. Since she was already someone who had been drifted away from humanity for a while, she had no reason to meet her, and these rumors didn't help either.
Kate, who was only 16 years old, had been a proxy for two years and had no one because of the fact that Masky and Hoodie were too focused on their own worlds and she didn't like them either. Rouge, Cody and Toby were not yet a proxy. So he was alone with Hoodie and Masky, who didn't even want to talk to her because they were afraid of her, and she wasn't looking for any human relationship.
She had experienced a hellish life until she was 14, but since she became a proxy, she has literally not been a human being. Although she had all the necessary human characteristics, she was not treated as a human, she did not think like a human, she did not feel like a human. That's why she was Slenderman's favorite proxy, since the whole purpose of her living was to fulfill his duties. The fact that she unconditionally accomplished everything he said made the others even more distant from her, but there was no problem for Kate. After all, she was no longer a human being.
It's been a month since Nina started staying in the same cabin with Jeff. Actually, she could have gone back to her old life since Zalgo destroyed the traces of that night, but Nina didn't know about it yet. Since no one else was trying to communicate with her, she thought that Jeff was the only important thing in her life, and she was holding on to him with all her strength. Although Jeff felt sorry for her at first, they started arguing because he was getting overwhelmed by her sticky attitude.
One day, when Jeff was drunk and really hurt Nina's feelings, Nina ran away deep into the forest to calm down. After walking for a while, she realized that she had lost. Moreover, this time, since both sides considered Nina worthless, there was no one to guide her through the forest. Nina was completely lost. She crossed to the foot towards a tree and let the tears flow, which she could no longer hold back. She was crying not only for this moment, but for everything. Most of all, because she was a bad person, and the fact she deserved all this.
Kate was returning from a mission. She was incredibly injured, and if people really cared about her, they wouldn't have let her walk on her own. Actually, Hoodie, with whom she had gone on, had offered to help her, but Kate's snarling with hatred indicated that she had responded negatively to his offer, and Hoodie's fear of Kate had caused her not to insist any further. After all, Kate knew that no one really wanted to deal with a non-human proxy who was at the age of 16.
That's why Kate was staggering through the forest alone, trying to ignore the pain and depth of her wounds. She just needed to get to Jack's cabin. Ann had just arrived, and Kate still didn't trust her. She had many reasons not to trust a zombie. Smiley hadn't started working for Slenderman yet either. So Jack was the only one Kate could go to, and despite her bleeding wounds, she was trying to get there as quickly as possible.
Kate, who was trying to walk, heard a crying sound. It... it was a human cry. She didn't know what she had to do. She kept walking, thinking that she didn't need to do anything because she knew she wasn't a human. But there was something in that crying sound which bothered her. This stranger's voice was filled with more pain and anger than she had ever heard before. Although Kate was not ready to face an enemy, she decided to check the source of the sound.
The person crying was none other than Nina, whose name was mentioned only with hatred and contempt.
Their first real meeting
Kate watched Nina for a while without making a sound. She did not know why she was crying, and frankly she had wondered what made her so sad. Because as far as she heard from others, Nina was a person who was cheerful enough to annoy and never got upset. And obviously, Kate was surprised to encounter a sight that was the opposite of the rumors she had heard.
Just when Kate decided she had watched enough crying and was getting ready to leave, Nina, who heard the sounds Kate was making, shouted in that direction. Kate would never normally have made such a fatal mistake, her injuries had made it difficult to control her body and she hated it. She hated being weak.
When Nina screamed again, Kate knew she had to do something. Her first thought was to quietly leave the environment, but she was not in a good enough condition to do so, and Nina was not an enemy. So, Kate thought it would be enough for her to just say hello and introduce herself.
When she appeared, Nina tried to suppress her sobs and stand up, but she fell to the ground since she sprained her leg. While Kate was only frowning at this situation, Nina was thinking about how useless and incompetent she was, which is why her crying became more intense.
Not knowing what to do, Kate slowly went up to her and held out her hand to her. On her first attempt, she had pulled her hand out regretfully before she even reached the halfway point, but when she saw how upset Nina was, she tried to overcome her hesitation. Kate was sure that she had been disturbed by the sound of her crying, and that she had been so kind as to make her cease her voice. However, in reality, it was just a proof that her humanity had not completely died.
Although Nina wanted to hold her hand, she suddenly saw how badly Kate was injured, and Nina immediatly pulled the hand she was holding out to hold Kate's and took support from the tree. She then stated that she did this because she did not want to hurt her any more, but was grateful for the offer of help.
Then nervously asked if Kate, who she knew was not the enemy, could take her back to Jeff's cabin after someone checked Kate. Nina didn't know where she was supposed to go, but she was sure that the person in front of her knew. She had seen the proxy mark on her wrist from her torn clothing.
Kate only responded with a shrug and started walking slowly. Nina also went after her, hoping that this was a signal for her to follow the proxy. Along the way, although Kate occasionally looked at Nina, Nina didn't mind it. Nina had noticed that she was an observant person, and she even thought it was cute.
After a walk, they arrived at Jack's cabin, where Nina randomly asked Kate questions to distract her own mind from sad topics, and Kate sometimes gave audible answers, while most of them were in body language.
Kate knocked on the door and asked Jack if he could take a look at her wounds. When Jack called her in, Nina was standing in front of the door because she didn't recognize him. But later, when she saw Kate making a movement signaling for her to come inside, she entered the cabin and closed the door.
After first Kate's wounds were taken care of, and then her own leg, Jack insisted they should stay here. He said it was too late even for a proxy and the killer to be roaming the forest, and explained that he had enough places. He also mentioned that Kate wouldn't need to come all that distance for her check-up the next morning.
Nina, who heard the word , only burst into sobs. Killer. That's how people must have see her now. As someone who takes lifes of innocent people for no reason. She knew that her idol was a murderer, but she had convinced herself that his victims were for a purpose. That's why she hated herself while glorifying Jeff in her eyes.
While Jack was trying to calm her down, Kate also bizarrely asked why she was crying. Nina was angry at being asked so clearly, so she yelled and told what had happened to her. She said how she had a wonderful family, but now they're nine floors underground because of her own stupidity. And what a terrible big sister she was.
While Jack was patting her on the back just to calm her down, Kate said it wasn't her fault. She even tried to explain that she was aware of what Zalgo had done, and that Nina was considered lucky to have survived with this much, as Kate was someone who had seen even worse.
Nina, on the other hand, was only more annoyed and asked how she was considered lucky. Her life was completely ruined, she had nowhere or no one to go to. Then Kate told her that the cops weren't after her, that she didn't have to live this life like herself. She sat down next to Nina and controlled herself, even though she wanted to put her hand on Nina's back.
Nina was surprised now. She asked Kate about her own story. Nina wanted her to tell her why Kate was here, why she was a proxy. And Kate just paused.
She said she didn't remember.
She mentioned that she had no memories of before the age of 14. Hearing this, Nina felt an incredible sense of pity for the young proxy standing in front of her. Nina may have had bad memories, but at least she had good ones too. She thought what a terrible thing it was to not know who she was. Not being aware of the existence of anyone who loves her. Not having a real life.
And quite instinctively she took hold of Kate's bony hands, which were like ice.
Kate didn't know what to do. She reflexively withdrew her hand, but she also knew that Nina had not done it for any malicious purpose, and her apology was a proof of this. Then Kate said it was okay for her to hold her hand and placed it back on her own lap. Nina grasped her hands tightly once again.
She told Kate that not having a past did not pose any problems. And Nina even got a little overexcited and said that if she wanted, they could build a future together as friends.
Kate, on the other hand, was literally shocked. While Kate was content with just nodding, Nina excitedly let go of Kate's hands and clapped her owns in the air. This was how their friendship, which was quite meaningful for both, began.
The beginning of their friendship
That night they stayed in the beds that Jack had made for them. Nina was acting incredibly protective of Kate's injuries, and Kate felt that day for the first time in years that she was worthy of being cared for as a person. Of course, this feeling was not long-lasting, but it was enough to create an involuntary smile on her lips. And that was enough for Kate for now.
Nina was constantly jumping from topic to topic while talking, occasionally not neglecting to ask Kate questions about her own thoughts. Nina realized that she was someone who didn't like to talk too much, and she didn't see extra talking as a problem because she knew that Kate was really listening her. 
Kate, on the other hand, was starting to feel more and more comfortable answering Nina's questions. Maybe this could have been due to her slowly creeping sleep, which came under the influence of medications. After saying goodnight, she finished talking. However, realizing that Nina may have thought that Kate was bored with herself, she offered that Nina could come to the proxy cabin for a few hours tomorrow if she wanted.
Nina instantly accepted this with the joy of having found a new friend. Although she was physically hurt while sleeping that night, she was emotionally relieved. A voice inside her was saying that they would both be good for each other.
Kate kept her promise. After the necessary check-up the next day, they set off for the proxy cabin. Nina was upset that Jeff hadn't called her even though she'd been away all night, but she didn't care about it as much as she usually did. Because she was no longer alone, she had a friend.
It was good for them that there was no one in the cabin. Both Kate didn't want to deal with others, and Nina wasn't ready to meet someone else yet. For a while they just hung out doing nothing and just chatted.
Kate then timidly asked Nina if she liked to play video games. Nina mentioned that she sucked at games and explained that's why she only watched other people play. Kate, on the other hand, in an even more shy manner, said that Nina could watch herself if she wanted to.
They played games for hours that day. They did not stop playing until nightfall came. And then Kate offered to take Nina to Jeff's cabin before it got too dark. Nina was actually staying alone in the same cabin with Jeff and Ben. Because they were considered one of the first inhabitants of the forest, and apart from the proxy cabin, other cabins had enough place for maximum 4-5 people.
Kate was very angry when she saw that Jeff was rude to Nina while dropping her off at the cabin, but when she saw that Nina was generally happy, she didn't say anything to avoid upsetting her. Then, when she was going to say goodbye to Nina and leave, Nina stopped her and gave her her number. Nina didn't have anywhere to write, so she asked if it would be a problem if she wrote in Kate's hand, and when Kate said yes, she wrote down her number. Then Nina asked for her own number and registered it.
After saying goodbye, Nina was waving enthusiastically to Kate from inside the cabin. Kate, too, shyly waved to her gently. When Kate turned around, she couldn't help but smiling.
When Kate came to the place where she was staying, she had a strange feeling inside. She wasn't sure what it was, but she liked it. Then, while she picked up her phone to check if there was any important message from Masky and Hoodie, she saw Nina's new message.
"Hiiiii, thx so much for helping me!!!!! Hop i can see ya soon sweetie :3333"
That day, Kate had found a real friend for herself. Maybe it could have been her first friend in her life. And she was glad of it.
Nina had found herself a true friend. Someone who really cared about her and doesn't use her for her own interests. There was a pleasant feeling in her.
Holly hell how long this shit is-
Also Nina's message might be out of character, English is not my main language and I'm not used to writing like that.
Sorry for shitty writing but I'm sick as hell
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Day 5: progress report
this is part 5, all parts
pairing: angel/demon!fem reader x 141
word count: 2.4k
tags: supernatural elements, no use of y/n, 3rd person pov, proofread by me so sorry for any mistakes
warnings: body horror (no gore or overly graphic descriptions)
summary: Angel has to give a report of her progress, we finally meet 2 more characters + a bit of Wish Angels lore
a/n: sometimes im sooo shit at naming chapters 😭 but anyway, do you guys have any name ideas for the office man cuz at the moment he's nameless, like does it bother you he's nameless? or should I give him a name? eh idk. Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed this chapter/serie, means lots 💖
⚠️ I can't seem to be able to tag some of you, please scroll down and check the spelling of your username if I accidentally misspelled it, if I didn't, have a look at your settings or let me know if you changed your username.
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At first, it was Angel standing in the middle of her room, the blinds drawn shut, the windows closed and the door locked. Then there was burning wind, unbearable heat and swirling lights coming out of nowhere. She parted her lips, her canines growing sharp and two sharp horns growing out of her skull, ripping her scalp like wet paper and immediately sewing itself like nothing happened.
Her furniture was shaking, the ground vibrating and her walls cracked open. Angel didn’t seem phased, nor was Kuromi, who was curled up on the bed, lazily blinking and watching her owner change form in real-time.
Then it was a long black and sharp tail that grew, making her gasp and arch her back. Angel blinked, her eyes getting wet in corners and then after a while, her black pupils spilt over her irises and her eyes turned violet over white. Smoke spilled over her pink lips, escaping her throat and clouding her sight. Then with a thundering crack, she hunched over and pitch black wings broke out of her back, taller and wider than her body.
Her ceiling broke in the middle, her roof collapsing on itself and making a hole above her, where she could see swirling dark colours and flickering lights.
“I’ll be back by dinner.” Angel said over her shoulder, looking at her cat before she spread her wings and jumped, leaving through the giant hole in her ceiling, and as soon as left, it closed up in a blink and the room was washed by natural darkness again, no shaking, no weird lights, no wind or heat, just her room with her cat napping on her bed.
When Angel reappeared again, she found herself in a dark alleyway, in front of a closed door with a single man standing in front of it, arms crossed and sporting a poker face. Angel pulled her short dress down and walked towards the man.
“Wish division number?” He asked.
“5852.” Angel answered and he gave her a nod, stepping to the side as the door opened by itself, letting the demon in.
Angel entered what seemed to be a club in a basement, it was dark and hard to see beyond what the colourful flickering lights allowed you to see. It looked like just any other club, booming music, drunk and dancing bodies. But the closer you looked, the longer you looked, you start to notice that a woman is staring straight at you from the end of the room. There was a man that no matter which angle he turned, it was impossible to see his face, and he wasn’t even wearing a hat. Some people seemed to be taller, bigger, than an average human, some limbs seemed to be longer, other shorter, some looked like they had a third, fourth, sixth eye and some didn’t look like average humans but unrecognisable creatures.
The sight didn’t phase Angel at all and she walked straight to the bar, ignoring someone who flew past her. Angel settled herself on a stool, her tail wrapping itself around a leg, the bartender immediately noticed her presence and walked over, a grin on his lips.
“Well, look who decided to show up after what? Three months?” The man said, and so far, he was the only one who looked the most human out of everyone.
“I missed you too.” Angel grinned, resting her chin on her palm.
“The usual?” He said, already taking out a new glass.
“The usual.” Angel confirmed with a smile, looking around the place.
“So… Why’re you here?” He asked, mixing her drink.
“For work, I have to give an in-person report of my progress.” Angel said, watching the man work.
“I heard that your assignment has 8 humans on it, what’s that all about?” He asked, glancing up at her with a small smirk.
Angel rolled her eyes, “Who told you about that?”
“News travels fast around here.” He hummed, handing her the drink with a wink.
“Yeah, I have to earn the favour of 8 humans.” She said before taking a sip of her dark glowing drink, humming at the taste.
“You have to fuck 8 humans, is what you mean.” He corrected her, aggressively wiping the counter.
“Whatever, same thing.” Angel shrugged, unbothered.
“You always get these types of Wish Assignments, it’s always you.” He pointed out, pursing his lips and frowning.
“You’re jealous?” Angel raised a brow, lips on her glass and took a sip, without breaking eye contact with the man.
“Me? No way. I don’t want to be the victim of your powers, that shit’s freaky, and not in the good way.” He said, shuddering.
Angel frowned, “You believe I use my powers to directly seduce humans?”
“Obviously, that’s how it works.” The man laughed.
“I don’t directly use my powers on humans. Never did and never will.” She said and the man snapped his mouth shut.
“I thought it was just rumours, but you really don’t- Angel, what the fuck.” The man said, trying to grasp how she manages to fulfil so many wishes without using her powers to seduce men and women to do whatever she needs them to do.
“Not all Wish Angels are obligated to use their powers to directly influence humans, it’s not in the rules, even though most Wish Angels prefer to use their powers, but I don’t, it’s a matter of personal choice.” Angel explained, her voice cool.
The man gaped at her, not believing what he just heard. Angel silently watched him and sipped at her drink.
“So, they really just…You always complete your assignments without using your powers on them?...” He mumbled.
Angel grinned, her sharp canines glinting under the lights, “Yeah, remember when I told you I was really good at my job?”
The bartender almost swallowed his tongue and started coughing, his face burning in embarrassment and arousal.
Angel noticed someone familiar in the corner of her eye and turned her stool around, waving a man over, "Hey! Over here!"
It was the same man that Angel went to when she first received her assignment, his hair sticking in all directions and an irritated look on his face before settling down on a stool next to her.
“Give me whatever’s strongest, please.” He told the bartender, and ran his hand through his hair, sighing.
“Why don’t you act normal for once and email me instead of summoning me in this…this place?” He glared at Angel, turning his body around in his stool to face her.
Angel grinned, "I just wanted to take you out from that shitty office you spend weeks in."
The man stared at Angel and sighed, turning his body away from her and instead staring forward, at the bartender working on his drink.
"How's that assignment going so far?" He asked Angel.
"In general or should I go through each human I've interacted with?" Angel asked, mirth swimming behind her haunting violet eyes.
The man hissed, "You've been a Wish Angel for 200 years, what do you think?"
Angel giggled, "I was just teasing you, relax." She nudged him in the shoulder with one of her wings, making him grab his head in both hands.
"I'll start with John Price. So far, he's been pretty respectful and polite, nothing much has happened between us, give it time and he'll open up." Angel started.
"So he hasn't shown any signs of attraction?" The man asked, raising a brow.
"He did, very subtle and small signs though, but he's still reserved, unlike his boys." Angel added.
"Who broke first?" He asked after thanking the bartender and taking a sip of his clear blue drink.
"Johnny MacTavish." Angel smiled.
"What happened?" The man hummed.
"Flirting, he's obviously interested. I can sense wariness from him, though."
"He doesn't trust you?"
"Maybe, I have a feeling he's trying to see me, and what kind of… person I am, he doesn't want to be taken advantage of, either."
The man sighed when he gulped all of the drink down and raised a finger to get a refill, "He'll crack soon enough."
Angel hummed, "Gaz is also interested, he'll crack soon enough, I imagine he would wait and see if anyone would make a move on me and figure out what type of situation they're in."
The man glanced at Angel, "And what then? What would you do if they pull away because you've already got one of them?"
"Don't worry about that, I know exactly what to do." Angel smirked and the man blinked at her, his eyes falling on her lips and quickly looking away from her face.
"Ghost is also pretty closed off at the moment, nothing has happened yet but he'll get there. He's okay with having me around so that's a win." Angel said.
"That makes four of them, what about the other four?" He asked, intrigued to know if she had a plan for when the other four would join the picture.
"Well, I already know that two out of the four humans I haven’t met yet know that I exist, so there’s that.” Angel revealed with a grin, and lifted her empty glass to request a refill.
The man raised his brows in interest, “Really?”
“Yeah, things are starting to get more and more interesting.” Angel said, feeling excitement pulse under her skin, and her tail started swinging from side to side.
The man didn’t miss the movement of her tail and sighed, “Is that all you have for me today?”
“Yep.” Angel nodded, popping the P.
The man gulped the rest of his drink and stood up, “If that’s all, I’m going back to the office.”
“The office? Really? Why don’t you hang back and have some fun, hm? Loosen up? Dance a bit?” She suggested, placing her hand on his shoulder and squeezing, tilting her head to the side.
“No, thanks. I’ve got work to do, and so do you.” He shook his head and pulled his jacket down to smooth out any wrinkles.
“Alright, I’m going back.” Angel said, standing up and stretching her wings with a groan, eyes clenched shut.
“And Angel?” The man said, making her eyes snap open.
“Take care.”
“I will.”
Earlier, during the barbeque
The potato salad was delicious, Angel realised as she ate more and more spoonfuls. It wasn’t anything special, but it was delicious. Johnny knows how to cook, that man knows how to use his spices and herbs very well.
“Angel, don’t just eat vegetables, have some meat.” Price laughed when he noticed her standing by the table, a spoon in hand and eating away at the potato salad like a raccoon. She was still wearing her bikini and a pair of slippers, her green bucket hat still on her head, keeping her hair away from her eyes and mouth.
Angel was snapped out of her trance by John’s deep laugh and blushed in embarrassment, “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise for enjoying food, come here and bring your plate.” Price said, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled at her.
Angel wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and grabbed her plate, walking over to the grill and hummed when she could smell the scent of well seasoned meat. “What do you want?”
“Uhm, I think I want the chicken skewers, please?” She asked, eyes glued to the grill. Price watched the woman with a small smile, amusement swimming in his eyes and placed two chicken skewers in her plate, “Enjoy, and don’t hesitate to come over and ask for more, alright?”
“Thank you, John.” Angel smiled up at the man and went to sit at the table in the middle of the garden, filled with drinks, cups, sauces and other salty snacks.
“Can I sit here?” Angel stood next to Ghost, pointing at the empty seat next to him. The man nodded, mouth busy chewing away at a chicken thigh, mask hunched up on the bridge of his nose.
Angel happily sat down and ignored the nasty scar at the corner of Ghost’s mouth and the scars on the skin of his neck and the others high on his arms, and how he was the only one wearing a t-shirt, well Price was wearing an apron because there’s no way he will be standing in front of the grill shirtless, but Soap and Gaz were shirtless, only wearing shorts with slippers and a hat for the sun.
The woman was happily chewing when Soap came back from the toilet, happily making his way to Price and getting his plate filled, “How’s the potato salad?”
“Soooo gooooooddd!” Angel said, giving him a thumbs up and he grinned, his grin brighter than the fucking sun blazing in the sky.
“Gaz did you season the chicken skewers?” Angel asked the man sitting in front of her.
“Yeah, is it good? Do you like it?” He asked, biting his lower lip and looking up at her through his eyelashes.
“Absolutey divine.” Angel said, placing a hand on her chest and fake fainting on her chair, moaning at the taste.
“Cap, leave that grill alone and come sit down with us.” Gaz said, waving the man over.
“I’m calling Ale and Rudy.” Soap suddenly said, grabbing his phone.
“Don’t bother them now when they’re working.” Price scolded the man, as Angel watched them with interest.
Soap kept staring at his phone until he started grinning, “ALEJANDRO!”
“It’s 7.30 in the morning, pendejo.” A deep voice came out of the phone, making everyone laugh around the table.
“Alejandro…” Another deeper voice, softer, said making the first voice cough.
“How’s England treating you? It looks like you’ve been graced with some sun today!” Alejandro said, and Johnny flipped the camera, pointing it towards the grill.
“We’re having a barbeque, today!” Soap said.
“Enjoy it, you deserve it, hermano.” The other voice said.
“Thank you, Rudy!” Gaz said.
“Come visit us someday when you get the chance, okay?” Soap told the man.
“We’ll try, Johnny.” Alejandro said, making Soap nod, “We’ll let you go now, guys say bye.”
Soap pointed the camera towards all of the men as they all waved at the camera and wished the men a great day.
“Wait, is that the one you were telling us about?” Alejandro said, making everyone freeze, including Angel, her mouth open and a chip between her fingers.
“She’s very pretty...” Rodolfo added.
“Shut up, she can hear you!” Soap hissed, almost dropping his phone.
“Bye, Soap’s neighbour!” Alejandro said loudly and laughed before Soap hung up, turning 3 different shades of red.
Angel laughed, “Bye!”
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tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @loveyhoneydovey @cutiecusp @pinkwigonmytv @mandythemint @itsberrydreemurstuff @tapioca-marzipan @fruitymoonbeams-blog @poohkie90 @chaoticevilbakugo @anubis-reed @thefairybird @skytacvia @marytvirgin @cynicalmnm @maechanexe @t0jis-worm @1800imgay @4ndjelij4 @multitargaryen @lilpothoscuttings @mysticalpandabear @silviafantin15 @marvel-ness @bobastayhigh
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Hey sweetheart =)
I LOVE your wonderful writing and wanted to thank you for making me happy with your stories. Such a safe place is so important to escape the cruel reality sometimes. I have a request for you and really hope you're up for writing it. Please let me know if you like it. It's a protective Kelly Severide x fem! Oc or reader fic. Kelly has a new neighbor and he's instantly taken aback from this young beautiful woman. Unfortunately she suffers from a heart failure and because of that she's often dizzy and nauseous (maybe Kelly finds her one day nearly passed out on her doorstep and since that day they're getting closer. Worried Kelly... I'm desperate for it :D) after a while she gets to know the whole firehouse which instantly loves the shy girl. She even helps Herman with the Bookkeeping of Molly's. Kelly and the whole team always has an eye on her and helps when she's feeling miserable because auf her heart disease. Her life could be perfect, when there wasn't danger lurking around the corner. She's running from her stalking ex and he seemed to find her. Harassing her with messages and calls on her phone. Her friends from 51 notice her change, the jumpiness and her pale appearance but she brushes it off. One day at Kelly's (they are definitely growing closer even shared a kiss) he "accidentally" reads a text message (because he got suspicious days ago because her mobile is constantly getting messages) from her stalker, but Kelly assumes that she's seeing another man. He confronts her and says some nasty things totally in shock she can't defend herself and he kicks her out. Super dizzy she because of the stress and her alleviated heart rate she stumbles in her apartment, nearly in panic that she lost Kelly. The next day Herman worries that she's more than one hour late, because she wanted to help him at Molly's with the books. He calls Kelly and Kelly, even brooding and full of anger he checks on her. She doesn't opens the door and worried sick he uses his spare keys (he finds her on her bathroom floor on the brink of unconsciousness. She was there the whole night throwing up. With a racing heart and struggling with breathlessness he brings her in his apartment, calling Will in panic....)
Will she reveal her secret, are they come clean with theit feelings for each other? Incoming happy end 🙏🥺
Sorry for this long shit. Couldn't hold my horses. HOPEFULLY it's a content you would like to write about. I'm a sucker for sick fics and protective Kelly with angst, drama and fluff.
Well, send you my best wishes ❤️
Kelly Severide- I’m Here To Stay Pt1
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Sorry this took so long for me to write but I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Kelly Severide gets ready to leave the firehouse  after a long day at work
"Spoken to the new neighbour yet?" Capp smiles wiggling his eyebrows throwing his bag over his shoulder
"Shut up" Kelly crosses his arms
"So that's a no then. Well you never know you might be lucky to tonight"
For the last 2 weeks now Kelly has been giving his new neighbour a small wave and smile, but has yet to introduce himself to her. He finds her rather attractive, but what's weird is normally Kelly has no problem going up to a pretty girl, but YN? YN seems different, there's something about her that makes Kelly loose all of his words. Once his co-workers found this out a week ago, they have done nothing but torture him.
Now YN wasn't unaware of how attractive her neighbour is. He was her type to a tea, but seeing him coming home in his firemen uniform made her shy, to shy to go up and say hi. Not only that but why would she want to bother her new neighbour with her illness? She's already talking to doctors at Chicago med about having a heart valve replacement. Capp was right. That evening Kelly saw YN sat with her head in her hands. He slowly makes his way over to the woman
"Hi, erm are you ok?" YN looks up at Kelly
"Oh erm yeah don't worry. Just had a dizzy spell don't worry"
"Let me help you inside"
"Oh no don't worry I'm fine" YN slowly gets up but starts to sway
"Yeah your not right. Let me help you" giving in YN gives Kelly her keys. He guides her into her house and into the living room and sits her down "let me get you a drink. Where do you keep your glasses?"
"Cupboard above the bread bin, but you really don't need to...." before YN can finish her sentence Kelly has left the room and making his way to the kitchen. He soon returns with a glass full of juice "found some orange squash, thought you could do with a bit of sugar"
"Thank you" YN takes the glass off Kelly
"We've not formally met one another yet. I'm Kelly by the way"
"I'm YN" YN and Kelly shake hands. YN then takes a large gulp of her juice and starts to feel better
"How are you feeling now?" Kelly asks, concern still laced in his voice
"Much better thank you"
That evening the pair spent many hours talking and getting to know one another. A friendship quickly blossomed between the two. After a week Kelly couldn't stop talking about his beautiful, kind and funny neighbour. The rest of the firehouse all knew that his friendship was blossoming into more, even if the pair couldn't yet see it.
YN actually told Kelly about her heart condition fairly early on in their friendship, having this feeling that she can just trust him. Kelly of course has to make sure his new friend is ok, he will text her everyday asking how she is, and now YN will message Kelly by her own accord if she's struggling that day.
Kelly sits at the table with a plate full of food in front of him when he gets a text off YN letting him know she isn't feeling very well today. Kelly sighs putting his sandwich down
"What's up with your face?" Leslie asks sitting opposite Kelly
"Just YN isn't feeling very well today"
"You care a lot about her don't you?"
"We're friends"
"Hmm keep telling yourself that Severide. You care like how a boyfriend would care. Why don't you go and pick her up. Bring her here for the day. That way you can stop worrying about her"
"You think Chief would allow that?" Kelly raises a brow at his best friend who shrugs
"Go ask him" and so Kelly does just that.
At first Boden laughs thinking Kelly was joking, but once he realises how serious he's being, Boden can't do anything but say yes letting YN spend the day at the firehouse, especially after Kelly told him that YN has a heart condition.
That day was spent with YN in Kelly's office, catching up on last nights sleep and Kelly looking after her. Over time YN got closer to Kelly telling him everything about her. About her ex who was to clingy (like obsessive) and how she's trying to stay hidden from him. Of course Kelly took this as his role to keep her safe and look after her.
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5eraphim · 1 year
I'd like to request yandere tf2 mercs (all or select is fine), on a business trip or something and has to leave their s/o alone by themselves, so they blow up their phone, and maybe leaves a voicemail of them jacking off? i love ur work so much ;~:
Ahhhh tysm, that's so sweet to say! In general I like to keep multiple character requests to no more than 4 (With rare exception). So I used RGN to pick the four guys I wanted to feature here, hope you enjoy! (Gender Neutral Reader)
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Characters: Scout 🐇, Soldier 🦅, Demoman 🐏, and Engineer 🦫
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Content Warnings: smut
Word Count: 1.8k
(Song Inspo- Hand that Feeds, Nine Inch Nails)
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Likely, out of all the mercs, Scout's the easiest to turn on at a moment's notice. And considering he's already plenty pent up from the stress of work and not having you around to help relieve the tension, he would loathe you for doing something like this to him. The longer the two of you are apart, the worse Scout gets, so if you plan this call to reach him the very night before he returns home, that would be when it would affect him the most! He's already so needy and lonely; the fact you would do this to him now would be the worst way of kicking him while he was already down. (So let's hope he didn't pick a time to check his voicemails while he was supposed to be focused on something important, or would he be in trouble!)
When he's done with work for the day, he'll call you up, expecting a follow-up immediately! He won't bother wasting time wondering if you've already settled down to go to bed that night, and a phone call would likely wake you up and ruin your night's rest. Once he's horny, all logic goes out the window. You've already built him up, he wasn't a release, and he wants it now!
Also, it's Scout we're talking about here. You were unlikely the first to send a little flirtatious message like this. Something to let you know you were on his mind to make up for the time he had no choice but to spend apart from you. He's far from the subtle type, and nothing makes him needier than being all alone like this. He needed you to be the strong one here, yet you were messing with his head and making him feel weaker than ever and overwhelmed.
The anticipation of what's to come next really gets him going, well before you even pick up the phone. 
For the rest of the night Scout would expect you to be up with him on the phone while he tells you about every perverted thought he's had running through his head while you've been away. He doesn't care if he's missing out on valuable sleep time; he's got more important things to worry about. For as much fun as he has with you on the line like this, it won't be enough to make up for all the time lost between the two of you; it will have to do for the time being. But be ready to get to work once he's back home with you!
This is one challenging position for him to be in! While on duty, Solly is sure to give all he can, and even after the mission is over, it takes a while before he's back to focusing on life off the battlefield. Say what you will about Soldier, but no matter what he's tasked with, he'll give it his all. All this to say, the moment Solly was off the clock and checked for your messages, he was caught entirely off guard. Once he gets over his shock of being caught off guard like this, he'll demand you call him back. Now that you've got him all fired up, he wants more and wants to hear it directly from you. While Solly definitely has a thing for listening or watching you pleasure yourself, given the forced dry spell between the two of you, now was not the time for something like that!
It doesn't take much to set him off in a situation like this. A mix of deranged loneliness and more than a little pent-up aggression has him practically foaming at the mouth from the teasing alone. He's borderline incomprehensible on account of the horny desperation, something you can't help but find a little validating, knowing at least you weren't the only one missing your partner after spending so much time apart. It was only fair that he should suffer a bit after making you miss him so badly.
Important to note, however, as turned on by the situation, he'll still be frustrated that you would do something like this to him. To get him so frustrated and wound up while you knew there was nothing he could do to feel your skin or hear your sweet voice directly in his ear. Though at least he's all the more excited to return home, as though he really needed any incentive for that.
More So than the evident lust you feel for him, and the lust you've conjured within him in turn, this message is bizarrely validating to him in a way he doesn't entirely understand. Not precisely in the patriarchal, "I have made it in the world as a provider for my loved one, and now I get to reap the reward of this." But more in a personal way, "There is someone back home waiting for me, someone who loves and misses me." Needless to say, Solly will have to fight himself tooth and nail to stay focused on the mission, but all this will hardly matter once he's back home with you.
While he's not nearly as easy to set off as Scout, Demo's still a man and is subject to loneliness and the temptations of the flesh all the same. And once he hears your voice on the line, practically dripping with lust, moaning out his name while you're pleasuring yourself? It doesn't take anything more than that to set him off into a horny tailspin. At the very least, Demo knows you're clearly craving affection and carnal pleasure and will at least try to be sweet with you when he returns your call and won't go straight to thinking with his dick.
Much like Scout, Demo won't beat around the bush either, and while he'll try to hide his lustful advances behind more pure-hearted affection, it won't last too long. But, unfortunately, Demo's never been one to know how to keep his cool after getting all riled up like this. Though there's definitely something erotic about seeing which of you will fold first, like when you act so surprised to hear him calling so late at night light this, wanting to make him suffer a little longer until he's begging and telling you exactly how much he's missed you while he's been away.
Would try to stall the conversation from entering horny territory long enough to sneak in a celebratory shot, something to end a long day's work. If you are up for it, I would like to listen in while you take one, too, in solidarity. And once you're a bit less guarded, he'll break out the "Don't tell me that's the best you got?" before addressing those messages you left him. He loves to push your buttons like this and see how far he can goad you on until you break. You started all this, and you'd better be ready to keep up with what comes next.
It's almost embarrassing to Demo how he still feels as though he can feel your influence and control over his mind and body, even while you're so far away. He wouldn't be too proud to admit how much he misses you and how your teasing only makes him feel all the clingier and miss you all the more. What he wouldn't reveal, however, is the almost masochistic pleasure he feels from being toyed around like this.
Demo's a switch to his core, and while he's so proud of you for taking the initiative like this, he'll be sure to return the favor to you down the line. So, for the rest of the night, Demo can hardly get a wink of sleep; he is too busy thinking about how he'll make you pay for trying to pull one over on him like this.
Unlike the rest of these guys, Engie's much more vigilant about checking his phone throughout the day; he hates getting a backlog of voicemails and finds answering them as soon as possible to be the one thing that stops him from forming a backlog. Which is to say, when he saw you called him late at night, his mind instantly flooded with worse-case scenarios, and he worried you were in grave danger, only to be entirely caught off guard by what it was you really had on your mind. It will be quite the struggle for him to keep his arousal under wraps until he gets home, and he will hold you personally responsible for this. And it's from this moment onward that Engie's already thinking of how he will get you back for all this when he returns home.
For the time being, Engie knows he'd need to bid his time a little longer before he can get you back for all this. And for the moment, once he's free for the day, he's more than happy to satisfy the current issue at hand. You were already feeling horny and needy, but Engie would do his best to keep things sensual between you. Breaking out that low, lazy Texan drawl he knows you love so much.
This serves the dual purpose of not only satisfying his own needs for the time being but as well as easing you into a sense of security. Of course, he'll let you think, for the time being, you've pulled one over on him, and he's the one playing into your hands, but this couldn't be further from the truth.
Once he's home with you and has you in his clutches, you will be in for it! Not only is he inclined to "double-down" on you, to be extra teasing and domineering to make up for the lost time between the two of you, but he also will wait until the moment is just right to let you know he hasn't yet forgiven you for trying to play such a trick on him, trying to get him so flustered while he was away at work. Now that you've given him a score to settle let's see how you like it all wound up. Engie only puts you more and more on edge without satisfying you until you apologize for leading him on like that.
He would be an absolute demon edging you and making you beg for him to "hurry up and fuck you already," only to look at you with deceptively sweet eyes and an all too-knowing smile saying, "What's the matter, sugar? You seemed to know just what you were doing last time." And sure, eventually, he'd cave and help you out, but you needed to learn a thing or two before trying to throw your weight around like that again.
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So that's what you do, dress yourself in some comfortable clothes, and pack your things as if your life depended on it, giving your reflection a quick glance before leaving your old apartment behind. After a long ride, you finally reach Morioh, checking your notepad once again for directions as if you hadn't read it a few too many times already out of fear of getting completely lost…and you did. Even after checking it so many times, you still got lost somehow! You walked around for what felt like hours and still haven't found your damn hotel! In a desperate moment, you swallow your pride and start looking for somebody to get information from…no matter how stupid you must look with your suitcase under your arm and sweat running down your face. So after looking for a while, you finally reach upon a small cafe, an old blond man sitting at one of the tables set outside the small establishment, just perfect!
“Excuse me, would you mind giving me directions?”
That's the first thing that leaves your mouth as soon as you reach the stranger, which, in return, turned his heads as quickly as you had reached out to him.
“I'm truly sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for this hotel here and-”
You spent a few minutes with the man as both of you tried to make sense of the messy scribbles you made, the man letting out a few chuckles as he reassured you everytime you apologized for your mistakes (which weren't even that deep honestly, just a few spelling mistakes due to how nervous you were) And finally, after some time you two manage to make sense of your messy handwriting and a map that the man had in hands, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as you thanked him.
“Before I leave, may I ask you something?”
He asked, the coffee in his hands already finished
“I'm sure I've met you before. Did you happen to live here? What's your name?”
If it was any other situation, you would be wary of the man. You had just met him, yet he was already asking for your name and if you had lived here! Yet, in your rush to get to your hotel, you simply answered him without questioning
“Oh, I'm not really sure? I can't really remember it…but my name is Y/N! Y/N L/N!”
His eyebrows perked up slightly, a smile slowly creeping up to his face as three other people slowly approached the table
“Y/N L/N you say?”
(Pretty sure this is still trash but I put WAY to much effort onto this to not send it lol 😭)
Too much effort on my Yandere blog? Nah, no such thing. This is the right place to put effort into writing Jojo characters as yandere. I’ll appreciate any piece that gets sent to me dang it.
Gosh Norisuke would be so interesting as a platonic yandere. I could gush over that alone, there’s a genuine nice air about him and I believe him to be very warm and inviting when he wants to be. Though can just be as unsettling as any of the other Higashikata family members. If there’s anything you’re uncertain about, he’s right there to help you at a moments notice. I’ll stop blabbering about it under your submission however
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future-boi · 7 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game!
Thanks to @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans for tagging me.
tbh this is just a song rec list LMAO [easier to open in a browser fyi]
1) Spell your name in songs
Y'all get two for the price of one cuz I couldn't decide if I wanted to go with all non-English songs or not.
The non-English songs are labeled with 🧋 in case you wanna avoid 🤪
Warning: Most of the songs in english have swear words so... just in case u got kids or ur strict parents around LMAO.
⚡️ F: Fighter Not a Lover
aro/ace people gonna love that shit ^ + no swear words
alt: fml u fucked me up
⚡️ U: URARA🧋
It translates to 'Oo-la-la', which I now realize is the magazine Biff was carrying around in the second movie... this was unintentional and the meaning of the song is very wholesome, trust me
alt: Upside Down
⚡️ T: this was a demo for this one song...
That one's like 50% f-bombs ^ i love it
alt: Toxic but its NOT Brittany, B*tch 💅
The most aggressive entry on this list
⚡️ U: Up Up and Away
The only f-bomb is in the second verse
alt: Unmei no Roulette Mawashite 🧋
'unmei' means 'destiny' so you know I had to include it
⚡️ R: Raining in Manila (half 🧋)
Couple of dudes just vibin' out in the studio, what's not to love?
^im convinced this is what suburbanites see in their nightmares
⚡️ E: Electricity (half 🧋)
alt: Extensyon
Both make up the most WHOLESOME entry in this
⚡️ -(hyphen): Hatid Sundo 🧋
Baby. Baby boi. Baby. vibes ^
alt: Hell to Sell
EVIL. vibes ^
🚫🧢 I have a problem with tonal whiplash. Did I cheat and use the hyphen to include the most wholesome and cute song right before pulling out the lowkey most scandalous song in the list? YES.
Just realized it doesn't work as well if you can't understand it, but trust me. I mean just listening to its vibes is enough 😩
⚡️ B: Balik Sa Umpisa 🧋
Any song that samples/remixes 'Stand By Me' is a W in my book.
alt: Bodybag
I'm just self-reporting at this point.
Ok the rest are very wholesome songs I swear
⚡️ O: Oretachi Rookies 🧋
alt: Oh, Imagine That
ok this one's tied for most wholesome in the list
⚡️ I: I/Me/Myself
gnc/nb people gonna love this shit ^
alt: I Really Like You
that was a struggle, R is the top pick to check out imo. E, O and I are the wholesome ones with no swear words if u care.
2) Why did you choose your URL?
Its based. ..off the song in the musical. I got back into the fandom because of the musical so I owe it that much. 'boi' sounds more gender-neutral than 'boy'
3) What is your middle name?
That's a secret!
4) If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
5) Favorite color?
Purple. Lavender/Periwinkle specifically.
6) Song you love right now?
What? 🧋 The amount of crackhead energy, but genuine emotion... AND AESTHETIC. it was literally made for me LMAO Ken is so aggro but hes singing about not littering. like why is he so intimidating-- but i support the eco-friendly king. but fr the song is about waving ur flag with pride??? PRIDE???? and they look androgynous asf??? whats not to love
7) Top four fandoms? (Current Fandoms?)
Back to the Future
That's it
jk uhhh, Invincible
Thats it, dont wanna get into past fandoms rn
8) Tag nine people
mf u think i know 9 people??
im playin, lemme tag some cool people... not that u have to do this, i just wanted to bother u 🤪 but feel free to do it, i wanna hear other music 🥺🥺🥺
⚡️ @jowritesfanfiction my inspo, my density, ILY. Im never shy bout bothering u in my posts HAVE U GOTTEN THE RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST ME YET 🤪🤪😭😭😭 ive tagged this mf in every other post istg
⚡️ @moth-makay ur great frfr 😭😭 all the hugs. r u gonna post more art??? cuz u shouuuld 🥺
⚡️ @bttf-dork ur name and pfp give comfy vibes??? its very endearing. dunno how to describe it, but i like seeing u in my notifs 🥰 bUT UR ART DOHHH. immaculate. underrated.
⚡️ @pepsifox88 i hope u continue to cook ✨ everyone go and GIVE THEM SUPPORT, I AM NO LONGER ASKING
and to the rest of u, thank u for liking a bunch of my work, whenever i see long lists of likes like that, or if i see ur name often 'nuff, i always notice 😇, i never know how to say thank you!!
Didn't include everyone, but just know that i noticed you!!! 💝
watch me get reported for harassment by all these people 😂
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carriesthewind · 1 year
Adding to the well-deserved pile of thanks for your detailed posts about the Mata vs. Avianca cases! It provided a lot of legal context I had no idea even existed (like I thought I had a general idea how the Circuit courts and Appeals courts worked, but I had no idea about persuasive vs binding decisions!).
I know the notary issue isn’t particularly interesting at this point, but from a technical perspective (forgive me if someone already has noted this):
1. 99% certain the 25+h thing isn’t a technological error. That’s just a plain old typo. Fanciest thing that could have happened there is someone was trying to use a keyboard shortcut to automatically make the ‘th’ a superscript and messed it up.
2. They would have had to manually fixed it, or Word’s Spelling & Grammar caught it and they just accepted the new suggestion (sometimes Word will autocorrect, but generally that’s only when you’re typing, not after the fact). Guessing why they later fixed it and not the month was because it was pointed out by Word when someone was reviewing it (which means they didn’t spell check their doc before printing it the first time, good job guys).
3. The reason it has a print date before a creation date is most likely because it’s a copy of the original file. The creation date was overwritten when it was made, but the print date field wasn’t overwritten for the new copy. (It could also be a restored copy of an older version; Word saves the data of previous versions, which can be restored as a new document.)
4. Most likely it was copied because they were putting their files in a shared drive for the Professional Responsiblity Laywers. I’d bet money that tempuser1 is one of them, because they’d have to have given them access to the firm’s Microsoft365 instance to collaborate on documents.
[insert ‘that was a mystery that didn’t need solved.jpg’ here]
Thank you again for the coverage and sharing your knowledge! 💜
Oh! Oh! That all makes a lot of sense - especially the autocorrect! I mean, we can't know for sure, but it sounds extremely plausible (based on everything else we've seen from Schwartz) that he just caught the typo because Word pointed out, didn't bother to proofread the month (or anything else) because it wasn't, technically, a typo, and then printed without saving the corrected typo.
That was a mystery that maybe didn't need to be solved, but I'm very glad you did! Thank you!
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 2 months
I've seen you mention on some posts that Ninjago had an affect on your relationship with being Asian, and I was wondering if you had any thoughts you wanted to share on the subject of Asian representation in Ninjago.
Feel free to disregard if the subject is too personal.
This is absolutely fine! In fact I’ve been itching for an excuse to talk about it for a while, because this show deeply influenced my writing growing up, and honestly I'm sick of most of the people getting noticed for discussing it being white.
So, I think Ninjago’s Asian representation is garbage. It’s not unique: there was a common trend in 2010’s kids’ media to make everything cooler by including Ninjas or, more generally, Asians Doing Martial Arts. I remember it being in media as distant as Club Penguin and many Flash games back in the day, as well as worse cartoons I don’t bother to remember the name of. I’m fairly sure adult-geared Kung Fu movies also had a hand in this, but I didn’t watch those as a kid.
But Ninjago’s particularly bad in that they’ve kept doing this for over 10 years, and it’s baked into their story.
Everything from them not checking up how ‘ninjutsu’ was spelled, to them not actually making the characters have Asian skintones in that one anime segment, to that one time they based Nya’s outfit off a clearly named Cheongsam from Pinterest and called it a Kimono? It all just reeks of people who wanted to make a quick buck of an entire continent’s ‘aesthetic’ and the mysticism around it, rather than portray them as actual people.
There’s a really great website by someone (who I can’t remember the username of) detailing all the Orientalism of the show up until about season 10. It dives very deeply into how the design language of Ninjago always seems to be based in making the actually ‘Asian’ parts of the show evoke more of a feeling of East Asia than actually being accurate to any one culture, and a lot of inaccuracies and why they arose.
A poignant point it raises is that any time we get a cool character or place, they’re always portrayed as more western-coded and ‘civilised.’ Jamanakai Village is poor and the villagers are rude. Ninjago City is civilised and clearly closer to what white people are used to living in. Lloyd is this world’s destined saviour, and he is blonde. There was *one* Asian voice actor on the VA team. And 2/3 of the Ninja team is white-coded by name.
Some my own observations over the years also include:
Jay’s ‘yin to my yang saying’ being completely made up.
That intro to… season 7, I think? Where the Ninja fight off some slave-drivers whipping people working a rice farm. Which never gets brought up again.
Nadakhan’s entire design is the only bit of South-Asian rep we get for the first few years, and his mythology is inaccurate to how actual Djinn work, and he’s acknowledged by the creators to have a sexy voice and be an absolute creep.
Having enjoyed Monkie Kid, I think Ninjago’s Asian rep is fundamentally unfixable. It was built to appeal to a western audience that simply thought the concept of ninja were cool, and thought of Asia only as a conglomerate where people had powers and did cool fight sequences or were otherwise savages. And also where the entirety of South Asia doesn't exist.
Like, I've tried to make an AU where I overhauled things completely to be better rep, and you just can't do it without breaking the show in half. Half of a character's name comes from Japan, and the other half from China. You're going to be losing something whatever you choose (shout out to Koko from the movie), and it gets uncomfortable to think about real quick, especially when the show's strongest suit is its characters.
As a kid who was part of a diaspora, Ninjago definitely didn't help my fucked up viewpoint of being cool only if I passed as white enough and viewed my parents' country as a magical but ancient land rather than part of reality.
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bubblegumchaos · 3 months
Baneful Magic
Blows dust off magic parts of blog.
Right! I was talking to friend today, and they had just done a mild baneful spell. Classic "return to sender," nothing I would even consider all that dark. (If you saw my old blog, yanno what I mean.)
Thing is, the intended "sender" was lashing out their generational trauma...and the spell returned the shit to the source. Namely, the intended target's abusive mother.
Personally, I think that's fucking hilarious, and applauded said friend for constructing a spell that managed to nuke the toxicity at the source.
Friend was ambivalent. They have avoided baneful magic for fears of fucking someone up by accident, and were worried this was their fear coming to pass.
But here's the thing (as I said to them):
Magic is not a gun. You can't throw a fireball or a lightning bolt. I can hex or jinx someone or even just slap them outright with something nasty. And sometimes that even works.
But at the end of the day, magic is a Rube Goldberg probability matrix. You're aligning things, which align other things, which hopefully sets off an avalanche.
If you're too specific, you're probs just gonna fizzle. You can't set off an avalanche by kicking a big boulder unless it's already teetering by luck (or by careful digging.) If you're too broad, you might also fizzle cause you're sorta just shouting into the void.
So if you're aiming properly, and setting intentions properly, and designing the spell to maximize potential function, then it's not a gun. It's a bear trap keyed to a specific person or set of conditions.
And your target kinda has to walk into the damn bear trap.
Knowing where they walk, how they walk, where to put the trap, and how to best set the trap can all make things go off better.
And yet.
Sometimes they have shields for just this sorta thing. Sometimes you aimed wrong, misread the situation, were over broad or over focused. Sometimes you just had an off day.
But at the end of the day, sometimes baneful magic doesn't fucking work cause the target stops meeting or never met the spell conditions.
And sometimes you do everything right, and it turns out someone else met the spell conditions cause they were the actual problem.
That's a win. If you're aiming at the wrong person, but built the spell well enough to hit the right person anyway, you are not a failure.
You're hot shit. Well done. Take a victory lap.
Point being, if you huck a curse and someone close to the target gets hit, check your parameters. If your parameters aimed the spell at the source of the problem, you now know something important about your target (namely not to bother cause they're already getting punched) and something about the person you hit (they are likely The Problem.)
If you wanted to hit that specific person, then rewrite, tighten up, and recast.
Anywho, just my 2 cents.
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twicesserafim · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
"Change for us, since you ruined me."
Warnings: Arguments?? and smut.
Sakura professional gamer/streamer au [a, f, s]
[gxg] [g!p sakura]
Not proofread so sorry for spelling errors 😭
Dating a gamer wasn't hard. There were a few simple rules,
When playing games she will scream and be loud, don't complain.
Don't bother her when she's playing games, unless you're about to die.
When she's live, don't even come near the room, she doesn't want people to know about you.
Don't stop her from spending money on her games.
Never, and i mean never. Tease, text or call her when playing games.
Oh and, what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. You don't take it anywhere else, god forbid her gaming room.
Now.. why? who knows. It's just her thing, but you don't complain or ask, it's not that you aren't curious. You just didn't want to bother her or interfere with her games.
Because no one can, not even you or her mother. Games are on top of everything to her. And that is starting to annoy you, you've been dating sakura since the beginning of her career, 2016. 7 years, yet there isn't much progress.
Very rare or just common pet names, if anything there were even less then before.
At this point you thought you guys were never going to get married, i mean come on, 7 years and no progress? it's like she sees you as a close friend, and not her future wife.
And don't even get me started on sex, there's aftercare, but there not much. She loses a game, goes upstairs, uses you to take her anger out, orders you ice cream or a drink to the house and goes back to game.
She's gaming continuously and you're over it.
If this is what your relationship and the rest of your life with her was gonna be like, you don't want any part in it.
"saku-chan" Rule 2, broken. "what? didn't i say not to bother me while i play games?" "can we talk?" "later" "you better remember" "yeah, yeah" You scoffed and knew she wasn't gonna remember.
This isn't the first time you've tried this. "we should break up." "what? y/n. this is a horrible way to get my attention." "i mean it" "no you don't" "well then what am i supposed to do, sit around the house and wait for my girlfriend to get off her games.. but the time never comes?!"
"are you kidding? over some games? we've been dating for years!" "how many?" "well.. i- uh.." "sakura!" "im sorry! i don't even know what day it is, okay?" "when's our anniversary?" "um, let me check my phone"
"it's not on your phone" "what? yes it is." "then why didn't you remember?" "what do you mean?" "yesterday, kkura. our anniversary was yesterday." "no it wasn't. there's no way- shit." "yeah. and when was the last time we went on a date?"
She remained silent as you raised an eyebrow. "can't remember, can you?" "i.." "and after 7 years, im still a secret? we've been together for as long as you've been active!" "well people think i'm single so they.. give me more money.." "that's not good. i've seen your streams, you know?"
"wait, you have?" "im glad you wear bras." Sakuras eyes widened. "you saw those?" "the people that pay you to take your shirt off while you game? yes." "y/n.." "let's break up" "no!" she yelled out in panic, fully taking off the headset.
Standing up and grabbing your wrist so you couldn't go. "i'm sorry" "you're not sorry" "i am, i swear!" "prove it" "prove it?" "you know i can see what you buy because our bank accounts are joined, right?"
"huh? and what about it?" "a keyboard, a new monitor, a tv, another monitor, a mouse pad, a ps5, 3 more controllers, 2 headsets, 2 mic's, 7 new games and a mic stand? you don't need any of that!" "you can't be serious. that's my money!" "and you're throwing it around like it's a toy!"
"am not!" "are too! saku, you have 3 montors, 2 headset, a mic, a mouse, a mouse pad, a laptop, a computer, a controller, like 200 games and lights. what else do you need?" "everything i bought" "you don't need that."
Rule 4, broken.
Sakura scoffed and said back, "you know nothing." "maybe, but i'm like 2 years younger, yet my job is more stable, i make more and i'm more mature." "mature? debatable." "your rules are stupid."
"whatever." "you're always screaming, i can't sleep." "and? im gaming!" "can you consider my feelings for once? because god, saku. I can barely feel if you love me or not." She couldn't find the right words to say so you just continued.
"it's stupid, it's so fucking stupid how in love with you i am. And i don't even know why! i barely see your stupid beautiful face, your annoying voice is never talk to me, the cute smiles you show are never for me, do you even want to get married? ever?"
"of course i do" "then what's stopping you?" "money" "and that's because?" "..gaming?" "right. and do you want to get married?" "to you? yes." "then prove you do" "how?" "figure it out" "but-" "i don't know what i got myself into, but this isn't what i was expecting or wanted"
"what?" "i feel like you only keep me around so we have sex" "what? no!" "then what? i because i don't why im in love with you" "huh?" "jeez. because you don't talk to me, i barely see you, so it's not looks or personality"
"did you just call me ugly?" You sighed before groaning. "you're so pretty it's annoying and infuriating" Sakura didn't say anything, but she was biting her lip, holding back a smile. "don't smile, it's not the time."
She immediately put on a straight face, making you raise an eyebrow. You looked at her for a few seconds before sighing. "listen, kkura" "mhm, im listening." "im leaving." "what?" she wanted to ask, like a yell but it came out as a whisper.
"i always knew you were too selfish, i don't know why i looked the other way, i just wanted and waited for you to change. I shouldn't love you but i couldn't help it. now it's my turn, my turn to be selfish. i'm sorry, but this time.. i chose me."
"what are you talking about?" You only shook your head, walking out of the room, sakura went after you as her eyes widened in horror, you already had your bags packed. "no, stop, what are you doing? please don't go."
"i let you in and you let me down, i swear when you talk you just like the sound. One too many times i let you ruin my life because i thought you would change, but i see it now. All the yelling and kissing and fighting, we could never see eye to eye, i don't speak boyshit, miyawaki."
"are you calling me immature?" "yes." "last name basis..? what are we? strangers?" "maybe" She rubbed her temple and you looked at her, dead in the eye. "maybe you'll find someone that can put up with this, but i'm over it."
"i'll change." "what?" "i don't want anyone else, i want you." "because i'm the only one that actually wants and cares for you?" "no because.. i know i was wrong, i admit it, i'll cancel all my orders for everything i bought, i'll sell the stuff i don't need anymore, i'll take you out, i'll start loving you the way you deserve, i promise."
You hesitated so she continued. "streams are 2-3 times a week, not everyday. And maximum 5-6 hours long. Videos are 1-2 times a week. so some weeks i'll only work 3 days, i'll still make money. The world is gonna know about you, they'll know how much you really mean to me, all the rules i made.. lets forget about them, okay? just please don't go."
"last chance, and if there's no change, i'm leaving, and never coming back." "deal."
"saku-chan" you mumbled as she smiled, turning to you, "yes baby?" "what are you playinggg" "just this horror game, it's kinda scary" "can i watch?" "yeah, of course" Sakura muttered, grabbing a chair and looking at the camera.
"and as you guys know, it's my girlfriend, y/n!" You smiled as the chats were filled with teasing comments, sakura had mentioned how her fans feel like friends now. You read a few, seeing.
'ooh, sakura you're blushinggg'
'the way you called her baby owngdjshdh'
'she's so cute 🥹'
'do you guys plan on getting married?'
"of course we plan on getting married we've been dating since 2016" you laughed as sakura smiled. "soon, baby. don't worry." "you better" you teased as she chuckled, "i will" she muttered, kissing your cheek but her eyes didn't leave the screen.
"ah!" "shush, it's late" "i'm sorry, darling." "mhm" Sakura looked over to you and she couldn't barely hold back a smile. "kiss?" she whispered, you placed a kiss on her lips as she licked her lips, biting her bottom lip, holding back a smile.
She turned to you, looking at your lips again, placing a hand on your cheek, removing it from the mouse. "your hands are sweaty" you groaned as she shrugged. "so? i've been playing for like 3 hours" "i know"
Sakura left a peck on your lips before staring into your eyes but her eyes moved to your lips, her breathing got faster as she gulped and bit her bottom lip once again. She turned to the camera and quickly said.
"i think i gotta go early, i'll see you guys soon!"
'someone's in a rush lol'
'sakura making moves??'
'that girl is so in love wtf'
'damn.. be safe, sakura'
'use protection!'
You chuckled as she ended the live, sakura immediately connected your lips as you gripped onto her shirt as the kiss got deeper and more passionate. Her tongue slipping into your mouth.
"fuck. you're so cute." she groaned, her voice filled with lust. "rule number 6 broken" you teased as she rolled her eyes. "we got rid of the rules 2 years ago, i promised i would change and i did" "good" "yeah.. really good, now shut up and strip."
"in here? your gaming room?" "i don't wanna go upstairs, i need you, now." You were taking too long in her opinion, you were only wearing her t-shirt and her boxers, so it was quick to take off.
Sakura removed her shirt too, She picked you and placed you onto her chair, since it had a back so you wouldn’t fall backwards, you quickly leaned the chair back as she pushed the arm rest away. "spread your legs, hurry up."
You complied as you felt her shove the tip in first, before pushing more and more in making you whimper as she groaned. "fuck.." sakura breathed out. You grabbed her face, pulling her closer and kissing her making her cock so deeper into you.
Causing both of you to moan at the feeling. "be quiet, baby. you told me i can't scream since it's late, so you can't either.. spread those legs wider, let me pound into you." "how am i supposed to be quiet then?"
You whispered, dazed as she chuckled. "sounds like a you problem." "oh fuck! saku!" "relax, baby" "wait, it hurts" you whined as she stopped for a few seconds. "are you okay?" you nodded, "you can move now.." "are you sure?" "please"
Sakura only chuckled,
That was a wild night in a gaming room, i'll tell you that much.
"i wanna marry you" you whispered into sakuras chest, "i wanna marry you too, babe." she whispered back, rubbing your back as your cuddled into her. "trust me, soon." "okay, love you" "love you more."
"anyways-" "babe!" you called out as sakura turned around at your urgent voice, "what's wrong? what happened?" "turn the live off" "what?" "turn it off" she heard how panicked your vice was and nodded.
"i gotta go, my wife is calling me." sakura spat out, turning off the life and rushing out of the room, to you. "did you call me your wife?" "we're engaged, same thing. now what happened?" "im pregnant." "you're what?"
"i.." "i heard you, you don't have to say it again." You pouted, slightly teary eyed making sakura frown but also panic slightly. "why? what's wrong?" "are you mad at me?" "no, darling. i'm happy. this is good. We're staring a family together"
Sakura smiled, pulling you closer to her and rubbing your back softly, a teary chuckle leaving her lips. Your eyes widened in surprise. "are you crying?" "im happy, darling." "happy tears?" you asked confused.
She doesn't cry often, so this was shocking for you, you've never seen her cry happy tears before. "happy tears" she whispered back making you smile, both of you just holding each other for a few moments until sakura spoke up.
"baby?" "hm?" "i love you so much, more then anything." "i love you more" "impossible."
"If you asked me 3 years ago, i would've never thought this day would've happened, and i would let you 'ruin' my life, again and again if this was the results, you changed so much it shocked me, i know you could change, i just didn't know you could not only reach my expectations but go above and beyond. At first our relationship was a little rocky but i'm glad you didn't let me leave, i love you, with my soul. Just in case my mind forgets and my heart stops, my soul will never stop loving you, Saku-chan."
Sakura was tearing up as she mumbled, "well.. i guess it's my turn. You made me feel so many emotions i didn't even know i could feel as a person, i feel so stupid for letting you slipping through my fingers too many times, i'm so glad you gave me once last chance, so now i have a wife, a kid and my life has never been better, i love you with every part of me. I would do anything and everything for you, i love you, y/n. forever."
"baby" "hm?" "where's keiko?" "in his room" "and what about katsuki?" "she's in my arms, baby." "oh, is she sleeping?" "new borns are always sleeping" sakura joked as you smiled, your second born let out a cry as you frowned.
"what's wrong, baby?" you whispered as a worried yet happy look was plastered on sakura's face. "you're so cute" "who?" "both of you." You held back a smile as you picked up katsuki, holding her in your arms.
"i'll go check up on keiko" "okay, kkura."
And there you were, after being together for 16 years, and being married for 6.
You had 3 kids and were happily married.
Maybe change really does happen.
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writing-by-mimi · 2 years
Say My Name
(Part 2)
Leviathan x GN!MC
I was looking through some of my writing from 2020, when the game released. It was then that I had the idea to compare how far I've come as a writer and give that little blurb of writing an ending. (It had a second chapter at one point, but I think it got deleted. This is a much different ending. Lol.) Part one is here!
So ya, heres a part two that no one asked for. Let me know where I could improve! (Other than spelling, because I am a dumb bitch and that will continue...brain moves faster than the fingers and I know how it needs to read...but sometimes my eyeballs don't catch it...rip. I'll always be working on that.)
As always, adult content, read at your own risk. Not beta read.
    After slamming Leviathan's door, you just stand there for a moment. All of your rage, adrenaline and hate just leave you and a numbness slowly washes over you.
    Your first time having sex with a demon, with Levi, the man you've liked for years...
    All the breath in your lungs leaves you and you can't even bring yourself to finish the thought.
     You walk the short bit down the hall to your room and quietly close the door. Your hands are shaky and you aren't sure what to do with yourself.
     Shower, you remind yourself. Your body is on auto pilot, from the moment you begin to walk to the second you begin to wash. You pause at your entrance. Levi had dumped his load into you... and now, with nothing to stop it, it's running down your thighs.
     It's only then that a sob breaks loose. Reality of the situation unavoidable as you shake in your shower.
    He couldn't even be bothered to think of you while he was having sex with you. Was it really that bad? So terrible he had to imagine a fictional character?
     You take the soft rag and slowly clean his seed from you, more tears shaking you as you wipe away proof of your encounter with the third born.
     You should have been smarter. Laying with a demon... this was the only possible outcome. Pain.
   While you had been naive enough to fall to your feelings, thinking that such a special expression of love would mean something between you and the third born...
      You finish wiping away his cum, but you can still feel it inside of you. Coating your walls and clinging to you and for the moment, there's no way to deal with it. You'll continue to carry evidence of your stupidity.
      You dress in pants and a sweater. The less of you to be seen the better in this moment. You won't see the marks, proof of giving your heart away to someone who didn't value it.
     All you can feel is shame and remorse. Ruri-chan. A fictional 2D character held more of the man's heart than you.
     You hide away in your room that night. Some of his brothers stop by to check on you and the only excuse you can come up with is that you're just really tired. Between your new council duties and your task at R.A.D., that your just taking a breather for the night so you don't get burnt out or sick.
     Beel, bless his heart, brings you some take out and ruffles your hair, telling you to eat and take it easy.
      It isn't until midnight that your rage returns. It's been staring at you all night. That stupid little Ruri-chan keychain that you hooked on the zipper of your school bag. An exclusive release item you had been gifted from the third born...
     You take it off and quickly set to work, giving all of your hate an outlet. Everything that even so much as reminds you of Leviathan you've thrown into a pile on the floor.
      Manga, DVDs, pins, keychains, video games. All of it. Each and every single item lays in the middle of your floor.
     It's so odd to see. How one life can be so connected to another.
     You don't want it anymore. They don't hold monetary value to you, it was never about that. It was about sharing something with him, being involved in his interest. Getting to know him and his life...
      You were even silly enough to believe that some of the small gifts were that of love. His stuttering, the shyness...he worked so hard to give you certain items. It made it seem like you were worth the effort to him.
      But now staring down everything...it's all meaningless.
      Part of you wants to burn it, another part of you wants to just unload it to Mammon and let him make a quick buck selling it to all the nerds at R.A.D..
       You quietly make your way to the kitchen, retrieving a black trash bag. You throw every item inside of it so you don't have to look at it and throw it next to your door. You'll deal with it tomorrow. If you show up exhausted, especially after telling people you were having a restful night, it'll raise questions. Questions you can't bare to deal with.
      Sleep doesn't come easy, but your alarm roused you in the morning. You sit in bed for a few minutes...seeing him today will bring everything back and make it raw.
     You find yourself outside of Asmodeus's room and knock lightly. You know he's up already, his beauty routine in the morning is vigorous.
     The door pops open and you can hear him on the phone, it's either Barbatos or Solomon at this early of an hour. He flashes a smile and a wink before moving to his bathroom.
    He returns later, fully dressed. He hasn't done his makeup yet, but that's a plus for you. "What brings you by so early, sweetie? Did you miss me?" His grin is full of cheer as you force a smile to your face.
     "I was thinking about it last night... I'm a council member now, it's time I look the part."
      He gasps, then bounces up and down. Asmodeus has been waiting for this day when you'd come to him, and just not for a fancy event. He has a whole drawer of his vanity devoted to human safe products that match you flawlessly.
     In less than fifteen minutes, you don't even look like yourself. It's not a bad change. Your skin looks perfect, your lips soft, even your lashes and hair seem to have a glow and looking at yourself in Asmodeus's vanity, it helps to separate yourself from the Mc of yesterday to the new you sitting here.
     You understand why Mammon calls it war paint now. It's like a perfectly crafted mask, and no one will ever know what lies beneath the powder. It offers protection, a barrier between the real you and the world, something you desperately needed, especially today.
     Asmo finishes up your hair, and he even had a R.A.D. uniform he's been dying to spring on you since you were accepted to the council. It's within the academy guidelines, form fitting and flatters you. By the time he's done dressing you up and picking your shoes, you really do look like a new person.
     Leaving the fifth borns room, you meet Satan in the hall. He's visibly shocked by your transformation. "That bad, huh?" You plaster a smile on.
     "N-no. Quite the opposite." He turns his head away and continues his path, only once he's passed you does he ask if you're coming to breakfast.
      You follow him, getting used to your new shoes as you check your phone. Nothing super exciting happened last night, so Devilgram won't explode until later. You've no new text. What you do have is a game notification...
       It makes you pause as you stare at it. You really liked this one. It had everything you wanted in a game, and it was free to play...
     You delete it anyway.
     You're part of the council now, have responsibilities and task that need done. Games will only get in the way and the reminder of playing them with the third born is something you don't need.
      Lucifer is reading the newspaper. While a terrible demon at getting up, despising the mornings, he is always the first to the table, setting a strong example for his siblings.
     Satan and yourself take your seats, and as Lucifer looks up, you swear you saw him turn pink... He clears his throat and sets his coffee down. "You look very nice this morning, Mc."
     "Thanks. I figured I should probably step up to the plate." You give a small nod as you help yourself to the food already out. Lucifers cooking was always light in the mornings. So digging in wouldn't doom you to any ill effects.
     Everyone else slowly filters in, all of them taking note about your appearance. Their words are sweet, kind. It's almost embarrassing as you turn your face away. If not for the makeup, you probably would have looked flushed and absolutely silly trying to process the compliments. Instead you'll hold your head high and accept them gracefully from now on.
     You haven't looked to Leviathan once, and when ever he tries to make awkward conversation across the table to you, you find a way to distract yourself. Pretending he doesn't exist will hurt him. Make his envy simmer.
      You can't bring yourself to care. You can't. Not again. You had so openly given yourself to this man...never again.
     Lucifer excuses himself early, which isn't unusual. What is unusual, is asking if you can accompany him, as you want to get a head start on your day. He gently accepts your ask and escorts you from the dinning room.
     It leaves the rest of the brothers speechless. You usually walk with them.
     "Is everything okay with Mc?" Beel is the first to speak.
      "Fuck me! They're just gonna walk around all day lookin' like that?!" Mammon releases a moan as he sinks into his chair. "Mc is gonna attract a lot of attention today."
     "I did so well!" Asmo squeals as he grabs his glass. "Seriously, I'm going out today after R.A.D. to pick up more pallets. They even have a new brush set and this is the perfect reason to get them. I can use them on Mc finally!"
     "Well yer makin' 'em too hot. It's gonna have all the other demons lookin' at our human!" Mammon pouts.
   Levi just stares down into his empty plate. Mammons right. Everyone will see how pretty you are today. You can't even bring yourself to look at him...
     You've fallen into a rhythm. Waking up early, Asmo makes you presentable for the day. You walk to breakfast with Satan and chat with Lucifer about the days agenda before everyone else shows up. You talk with them like always, then leave with Lucifer.
    Throwing yourself into the council work keeps you busy, and after a few months of determination to hold your own, even Barbatos is impressed. You spend your free time with the brothers, doing what you can to avoid the third born. When thrust into situations where it is unavoidable, you rely on your mask to hide yourself. You're not chummy with him like the others, but when forced to interact you keep yourself calm and composed and pretend that he never came inside of you. Never called out Ruris name and that you didn't love him with everything you had at one point in your life.
     It's been working. If anyone has noticed, they don't say anything. It works for you, so you won't rock the boat.
      The only thing that has changed is R.A.D....
     You have a fan club now and its...odd.
       Your work with the mailbox has made a difference and caught people's attention. You've a literal gaggle of simps that follow you around the halls of R.A.D. now.
     At first, your uncomfortable. So much so to the point that even Diavolo notices and offers to take care of the problem. It isn't until Asmodeus pipes up and talks about his fan club do you find a small bit of comfort. He assures you that they are harmless and just desperate for such a cute little humans attention and affections. He even goes a step farther and praises you for your gain of popularity and tells you how utterly proud he is.
      They all have their own fan clubs, they all reach out and interact in different ways, well, except Lucifer...but his cold exterior and indifference just gets his fan club off...
      What seals the deal of your acceptance of the little pack of simps is the third borns reaction.
     It shouldn't matter to you, you're past it...at least, that's what you tell yourself... But as you watch the anger build in his eyes and how he grips his books...a sick little part of you knows a happiness you haven't felt in months. It's getting to the third born so much so, that he even almost summoned Lotan. The water flooding the halls of the academy, flowing down the stairs like a waterfall had been all the information Lucifer needed to intervene. No harm, other than the slight flooding happened.
     You kept a straight face, appearing unbothered and uninterested as you walked past him while Lucifer set to work chastising him publicly in the hall.
     From that day forward, you began to slowly interact with your fan club. If you ever accepted food or drink, it never passed your lips until Beel or even Lord Diavolo himself inspected it. A safe gaurd they set up for you and so they would feel better about your new found popularity.
      They gave you all kinds of gifts. It was almost ridiculous... but seeing Leviathan's face morph into one of anger in your peripheral vision as you placed a cute little lamb keychain where his used to rest on you bag just makes the moment delightful. You gently thank the demon for such a kind gift and excuse yourself, telling him that you need to get to the council room before Lucifer gets impatient.
      The third born comes to school more. While it sucks you are forced to deal with him at all, it leaves so many moments to hurt him, slowly torture him as he watches you give and accept attention and affection from other demons while you go out of your way to ignore him.
      Levi will never understand what he did to your heart that night, but his just desserts serve to help the ire in your chest.
     An emergency mandatory meeting is called. Everyone is to attend. You sit as far away from Levi as possible and ready yourself.
     Lord Diavolo sets a small coffee cup down onto the meeting table as he stands. His face isn't happy and it's then you notice the hearts on the cup, your name in fancy calligraphy. "Love potion. Extremely strong."
     "What?" You're baffled.
      "Which demon gave you this cup, Mc?" It almost feels as if he's mad at you, but he quickly sighs and seats himself. "I apologize. I had hoped things like this would not happen. I wish to take care of the problem and publicly deal with it myself, so something such as this doesn't happen again."
    Looking to the cup you try to recall who handed it to you. The day had gone by so fast and the list of things you were trying to get through had been massive this week. "I... I'm not sure. I don't remember." You sheepishly admit.
     "I do ask that you take care in the future. Please pay more attention to who is gifting you what."
     "I'm sorry, Lord Diavolo." You feel ashamed. You've never had him reprimand you before and it feels like you've let a parent down.
     He releases another sigh. "I am not upset. I am worried, we all are. Things such as this endanger you, and no one here wishes for anything to befall you."
     "Astoroth." It's a growl from down the table. Leviathan's knuckles are turning colors as he grips the hard wood table fiercely. "I watched them give it to Mc."
     "You're certain?" Barbatos asks as he moves to the door.
      "Absolutely." The table begins to splinter and Levi still doesn't release his grip.
     "I will retrieve him." The butler gives a bow before taking his leave.
     "Don't let one bad apple spoil the batch, Mc." Asmodeus gives a smile as he pats your hand across the table. "It happens from time to time, but the true fans usually do extremely well policing themselves and others. I'm actually so jealous! No one has tried to slip me anything in ages." He giggles. "Besides, once word gets out to your fan club that someone tried to hurt you, they'll be so cute! All protective..." he gives a dreamy sigh, "Plus, once Lord Diavolo gives punishment, you'll have nothing to worry about." He winks.
     "I would like to check the rest of the items you've received." Diavolo says as he stands.
     "Some of its in my room."
     "I will check the house." Lucifer stands to leave as Diavolo looks over every item you hand him. Everything else is completely harmless, with the exception of one charm, but it isn't anything negative. Everytime the item is touched, it helps the party in question think one good thought about themselves. It can only activate once a day.
     If not for the makeup, you'd be a blushing mess. It was oddly sweet. It didn't hold malice or ill intent and something so innocent from a demon gaggle of simps makes your head spin.
     Asmodeus just coo's in delight.
     "Well, it ain't so bad. Let me know when those nerds getcha a charm that spits out Grimm." Mammon sighs.
     "We should all watch Mc a bit closer. It wouldn't hurt. We are the ones who could spot such things much easier, until Mc is completely learned on such subjects." Satan gives you a reassuring smile.
     "It is a good idea." Diavolo's phone goes off and his eyes slide to Lucifer as he walks back into the council room. "Lucifer, Mc, with me immediately."
     You hurriedly stand and follow. The sight that greats you in the main campus makes you stop in your tracks. It's only Lucifer pulling you by the elbow and through the forming crowd that gets you to your destination.
     "Leviathan, stop!" You voice is nervous, it holds confusion and shock and the third born is trapped in place at your command.
     His tail is wrapped tightly around another students neck, his thumbs deep in the man's eye sockets and they're both covered in blood. The sight turns your stomach and you put your hand over your mouth as you try and keep your lunch down.
    "Leviathan, to the council room, now." Diavolo's order is quiet, yet the third born doesn't move. He turns to the crowd and makes sure he has everyone's attention, slowly transforming. "Let it be made clear what will happen to any demon who steps out of line and tries to harm the human exchange student. Not only will you face an Avatars wrath,  but you will face my punishment as well!"
      "Levi, d-do what he says..."
       His tail slowly uncoils, and his claws meet resistance when he pulls them from the back of the other students head. The sound of wet sucking hits your ears and your stomach flops. The sound as Leviathan's thumbs rip violently from the demons head are visceral and just as wet sounding.
      Diavolo orders all of you back to the council room.
      Lucifer is furious, yet the third born sits mostly unbothered. Usually he would be a cowering mess, but it's like he isn't even there as his body trembles and heaves with adrenaline while Lucifer unleashes his fury on his brother.
     "Why the fuck would you handle this matter as such?"
     "Because they were going to hurt the love of my life!" Leviathan growls it, shoulders and chest heaving as he tries to calm himself.
    You can feel the eyes in the room turn to you. All you can do is stare at him.
     Levi didn't love you... he loved 2D girls and anime.
    All you could do was shake your head as you you tried to keep yourself under control. "No, you don't." Your words are quiet, you hadn't meant to say them. They would do you no good, so what was the point?
    His head snaps to you and the pain in his eyes makes you look away. "Yes. I do." His form slowly reverts. "It's waking up every morning and wishing you were there. It's -"
    "Shut up." You hold back your sob. You're face is made and ruining all of Asmodeus's hard work isn't fair. It's what you keep focusing on as you lips move on their own.
    "Mc, I-"
    "Shut. Up." The command falls from your lips. "You called her name, Levi." All you can do is clench your fist and hold your eyes tightly closed. Even after all these months it still hurts just as much as when you were outside of his door in shock. "I showed you in the most vunerable way how much I loved you. You came inside of me and called her name!"  You keep the tears at bay by biting your tounge as hard as you can. It's an easier pain to deal with than your heart as blood fills your mouth.
     "I... I-I know." He turns his face to the table, body still shaking. "I-it was an accident. I w-was nervous and I-"
     "You didn't even realize you did it, Leviathan. You screamed out her name on instinct. We're you even thinking of me? Or were you just using me as a hole to fill your weeb-ish little desires?!" You're so disgusted with yourself and you can't help the bitter laugh that leaves you. "God! I can't believe I ever let you touch me like that! I can't believe you're the man that made my heart race..."
     You swallow the blood that continues to pool in your mouth and all you can hear is your heart beating in your ears. "I would rather have drank that love potion and been some scummy little freaks sex doll than ever be with you. At least Astoroth might have actually thought about me while he fucked me." You throw the coffee cup with your name on it across the room and make a quick escape, before your second step hits the floor, you've already teleported.
     Levi cleaned out his room a month after he realized what he did. He still has manga, anime, even his computer games, but anything and everything Ruri-chan has been auctioned away. Sent to new homes of the highest bidders...
     It's an obscene amount of Grimm sitting in a secret account, and even sold at discounted prices just to be rid of it, the amount of zeros almost makes him sick. It's a stark reminder of just how obsessed he was with Ruri. Letting his envy spiral out of control to the point where it had hurt you so much... his actions that day make him feel sick as he recalls your soft gasps. The feel of your lips and your body taking him so well as he quickly lost his way in you.
      It was more than a dirty Otaku like him could have ever dreamed of... the fact you wanted such a worthless nerd like him. Your flushing face looking up to him like he was the only thing that ever mattered...
      Sometimes he just sits and stares at his bank account. Yes, he's envy... but the amount of zeros on screen just serve as more punishment. His obsession had taken everything from him.
     He's such a sick little pervert. Recalling your angry face as you screamed at him in the council room makes his cock twitch as he sighs deeply and closes his bank tab. It's shameful, absolutely disgusting, but he takes his pants down and slowly begins to stroke his cock.
    You talked to him today. Acknowledged his existence after all these months.
     It's more than he can take as he cums quickly on his keyboard, moans of your name forming in his throat as the remaining rope of his cum slides down his hand and pelvis.
      It's how he should have acted when is cock was thrusting in and out of you, making you shake beneath him with such an adorable face as you milked his cock.
     He throws the keyboard across the room, hitting his wall with a loud clatter as keys fly around his room.
     His eyes fall to the trash bag he found outside of his door the morning after. Every piece of his love, his friendship with you...exactly where you want it. Gone and in the trash.
     He's clung too hope that one day you would forgive him. That he could give you back everything, but he knows what's inside of the bag. Most of its Ruri and he can't ever give those things back to you. You don't want them and he doesn't blame you. The only reason he didn't sell all of that too was the simple fact it was the last piece he had of you.
     It didn't matter that it was a bag full of rejection, it was from you...
     He cleans himself up and tucks his now softend cock back into his pants as he wipes his hand.
      Astoroth. That no good demon was going to enchant you. Make you shyly look at him with adoration and love... The thought of you writhing under another demon and panting their name makes his fist clench, and before he can stop himself, his tail has crushed his monitor.
      Your gasp were his to hear. Your flushing face and soft lips are his. Your body belongs to him and no one else. He won't stand for it!
        Diavolo wants to make a public display of Astoroth, he'll do the Prince one better.
   As you and Lucifer walk quietly to the academy in the early morning, you do your best to keep collected. The brothers know your dirty little secret, your shame.
     Replaced by a 2D girl and absolutely idiotic for acting like such a useless human, falling to the whims of the heart so easily.
    Lucifer hasn't spoken a word to you about today's agenda or anything. You've lost his respect, you know it. All of your hard work, erased by simply giving your heart away.
     Your thoughts keep you from noticing how Lucifer tenses. How his stride increases and it isn't until a pair of gloved hands grasp your face do you come back to reality.
     "Keep your eyes closed, Mc." His voice is rough and you try to pull his hands away on instinct. They don't move, Lucifer is set on shielding you.
     "Take Mc to the council room." It's Lord Diavolo's voice, strained, angry.
     Lucifer keeps his hands over your eyes, guiding your body with his. It isn't until you are sat in your chair does he release your face. "Stay."
      You sit still for a minute. You heard him leave, footsteps disappearing down the hall. What the hell could have happened? You pace the the room for a few minutes.
No one shows up and the meeting should have started fifteen minutes ago.
     You can't sit idle any longer. Lucifer may have locked you in, but windows still exist and in his hurry he didn't secure those. You slip out easily enough, and walking around the building only makes your heart race.
     Demons looking you over, whispering. Had they found out about your mistake as well?
    It isn't until a familiar group of demons, your fan club, sees you and runs to your side that your stomach truly sinks.
    They're begging you to stop. To go no further and that your beautiful eyes need not see the gore left behind. That this is a gift they'll protect you from this time.
     You swallow thickly and push past them. Following the bewildered looks on the crowd.
      You glance to the courtyard and your body freezes for a moment before your legs continue on. You can hear the simps speaking, but you can't make out the words. Diavolo and the others stand around the scene and you can't seem to catch your breath.
     To Mc, with all my love. -Leviathan
      It's written in blood across a banner of your favorite color. The calligraphy is fresh and still dripping. Worse yet is the body hanging strewn about on the statue and the campus yard. A head rest in the statues hands and you recognize it. The Demon from yesterday... Astoroth.
      Maybe it's the shock, the confusion that leads your legs to slowly take you to your 'gift'. Sitting in the middle of his brothers and Lord Diavolo rest Leviathan. A happy smile on his face as he stand and closes the gap between the two of you.
    He can't help but softly smile. Your in shock and awe at his gift to you. Its better than anything your fan club could ever do for you.
     He gently cups your face and directs your gaze from his gift to himself, finger slowly tracing your bottom lip. You look so cute like this. This expression is limited edition and he gets to see it up close. "Do you like it?" He knows he sounds desperate, needy, but he just wants to hear your lovely voice say you like his gift. It's for you. He thought about nothing but your eyes and gentle lips as he placed Astoroth's parts exactly where he wanted. "It's my gift to you. The fan club can't do this. If it's not enough, I can do more. Make adjustments for you." He wipes his hands on his pants and picks you up, taking you closer. "If his eyes being open scares you, I'll close them. What ever you want, Mc."
     Lucifers voice draws his attention and he huffs. "I'm busy giving Mc my present." He growls.
    "Levi, Mc is in shock." Satan slowly approaches.
    He takes a step back and laughs. "Of course they are. It's surely the best gift they've ever gotten." His smile is gentle as he looks you over. 
     "Leviathan, it seems Mc may be overwhelmed with such a touching gift of the heart. Perhaps speaking to them in private would help?" Diavolo gives a smile as he approaches, though not close enough to grab you. The last thing he needs is to startle the third born while he holds you. "My office is available, if you would like." He offers another smile.
     He looks back to you and brushes his thumb across your cheek. He can tell you he's sorry. Maybe you'll even give him a kiss. The very thought makes him blush.
    "I'll even escort you myself, come Leviathan." He turns and begins to slowly lead the way and the third born has taken the bait. He's so enamored with you he isn't even aware enough to see such an obvious ploy.
     "Levi's gone off the fucking deep end!" Mammon is grabbed by Lucifer and he can't help but growl.
     "If we make him feel threatened, theres no telling what could happen." Satan informs as he does his best to remain in place.
      "Why would he do this?" Asmodeus's voice is full of confusion and fear.
     "His obsession has shifted." Satan watches as the Prince and his brother round the corner. "Levi's room doesn't have anything with Ruri in it anymore. He's Envy." The blonde reminds his brothers.
     "So he stopped obsessing over her and now it's Mc..." Belphie can feel his stomach twist.
     "After yesterday...that was the tipping point."
     Diavolo unlocks his door and opens it. Levi walks past him and looking you over, you're still in shock. He watches as the third born sets you softly on his desk. Hands moving to cup your face once more and the loving smile on Levi's face is just another indicator of how far the Avatar has slipped into his sin. Diavolo steps in and closes the door behind him, he doesn't miss the way Leviathan glares and how his grip on you tightens.
     He keeps composed, moving to one of his bookcases he reaches a gloved hand out and plucks a book from the shelf. He turns back around and Levi's gaze hasn't faltered at all.
    "This is one of Mcs favorite books. They found it just last month and have been smitten with it ever sense." It's not a lie...just some embellishments. Lies don't leave his lips, but he can coat his words and talk in circles enough that Leviathan won't notice, at least, not how he is now. "Due to its importance, it's had to stay in my office, but I know they would love to share it with you." He holds the book out and Levi looks at it with suspicion. "I know you and Mc would read manga together frequently.
     Levi's hand slowly reaches for the tome. If he had been in his right mind, the magic flowing in waves would have been just so obvious for him to notice.
    He doesn't though, and once his bare hand skims the cover of the book the third born falls unmoving to the floor. Barbatos has you picked up and off the desk as Diavolo moves to lock the door behind the three of you. When the Avatar comes too, he will be in a rage. The new object of his obsession gone and realizing he's been had... the office has so many enchantments and curses he won't escape it, and it will allow Levi time to return to his senses. To crawl from the pit of envy he's fallen into once more.
        Your shock begins to fade, giving way to shaking and tears. You still can't make sense of it, your mind trying to keep itself together and process the information is still to much for you at the moment.
     The Avatars watch as Barbatos continues to hold you. Diavolo knows that each and every one of them wishes to be in the butlers shoes, but your grip on him has him firmly in place and crowding you could just panic you more.
     "I should have checked on Leviathan more."
     "You are all Avatars of sin. It is not uncommon to fall to it. It's been ages since one of you have had such problems. Things as they were... it makes sense. Leviathan will come too and it will dissipate. He should be himself in a few days." Diavolo sighs as he takes a seat. "Leviathan's actions, while not right and motivated by his sin of Envy...I did warn the students of an Avatars wrath. It will set an example and keep Mc safe in the future." It's a small bright side to all of this, and he needs to focus on it. "Classes will be canceled for a few days, students are now well aware of consequences for trying to harm them. Overall, it could have been much worse."
      "Mc should probably stay somewhere other than the house, atleast for tonight." Satan sighs as he runs his hand through his hair.
      "Mc will be safe gaurded within the Palace. Having you all near will help bring comfort. I'll have the staff prepare for our arrival." Diavolo stands and excuses himself to place a call.
     The room is silent expect for your shaking breaths and Barbatos's gentle voice whispering that you will be okay.
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sussysatann · 7 months
LIKE STORIES ABOUT THE GROUP LIVING IN RAMSHACKLE FOR THE SDC AND COMFORTING THEM AFTER THE SHOW (vil especially rook i will throw you into the outer stratosphere why did you have to do that man)
I WANT TO GIVE THEM ALL A HUG rook a little less im slightly sorry
-specific book 5 spoilers under the cut that kinda turns into a slight rant??-
OH AND ALSO HIS SIGNATURE SPELL. THE MAN LITERALLY CURSED FOOD TO IMMOBILSE SOMEONE FOR A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME IF THEY ATE IT. THAT'S SCARY AS SHIT I'm gonna double check the dialogue but I swear he wasn't as bothered if we ate the treats with exceptions such as not having it around the group but like?? If Yuu was the only one there and geniunely wanted a midnight snack then suddenly BOOM CURSED That's REALLY scary to think about imo
But I'm a little sad that there wasn't really anything after the SDC? Besides that quick conversation between the headmages, it just cut straight back to Ramshackle. I was kinda hoping there would be at least a quick scene of Yuu meeting up with them after the show being like "Hey, the results fucking suck, but you were all amazing out there. You guys worked so damn hard for this and did your very best and I think that's that's something to celebrate." I personally think the way they ended it it was weirdly abrupt? Like we know everyone goes back to their own dorms and the SDC is over, but for me it feels like we didn't get that closure somehow?? I think it's because the actual build up the the SDC was WAYY longer than the competition itself so by the time it rolled around, it came and went really quick.
This video by Songstress Studios shows the comparisons really well!
Another reason why I think it felt so abrupt is because, if I remember right, didn't Vil say it was a 2 day event? The SDC was on day 1 but the actual faire was two days long?? I remember him saying to Ace something among the lines of 'we're putting all our focus on the competition today but you can look around the stalls tomorrow'. I can't remember exactly, but I highly doubt the culture fair will continue into book 6. Though... I'm gonna go back and double check that dialogue becase now I'm wondering if it might do after thinking about the ending?? 👀
(We were literally attacked in the Colluseum WHERE THE SDC TOOK PLACE. THE STAGE IS STILL THERE)
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dvggered · 2 months
Happy Birthday Jackie!!
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Rebekah peeks over Gordon's shoulder as he pulls the shortcake she had compelled him to make from the oven. Judgmental as she is, she knows she would completely ruin this recipe if attempted so she's best as an observer in this scenario. The original finds a nice countertop and hops onto it to watch. “Don't forget my special garnish Ramsay,” she calls out, knowing he won't because he's compelled. 
In a short time, there is a beautiful strawberry shortcake dish before her just calling Jackie's name. It's not quite ready just yet though. Her eyes flick up to stare at him deadpan and impatient. He gets the message clearly and grabs one of the beautiful knives from his collection and wordlessly runs the sharp blade down his forearm causing a steady stream of blood to drizzle across the whipped cream covered dessert like a work of art. It’s perfect. Rebekah wraps it in a cute little box covered in anatomically correct hearts and adds a beautiful blood-red rose to finish the look.
With all her little gifts in place, she impatiently waits for Nik and Jackie to get home. The moment their feet cross the threshold Rebekah is beside them, linking arms with Jackie excitedly. “Sorry Nik, the birthday girl is mine now. You can possibly have her back in a few hours but no promises.” She smirks at him and then Jackie looking to the other girl for permission to steal her away just in case she wants to stay with him for whatever reason. The moment Jackie begins to nod and her lips part to say something, the original is pulling Jackie away not even bothering to wait for Niklaus to respond. 
Their first stop is the bar of course. Rebekah compelled quite a few people specifically for this night, including a really hot and tasty bartender (she had checked, quality control). He had two bourbons already waiting as soon as they walked into the room and Rebekah grabbed both glasses, handing Jackie one. “To the most incredible best friend and sister. You deserve the world but sadly I do seem to have my limitations surprisingly so this will do.” Rebekah winks at the hybrid and they clink glasses in a toast. 
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Four more glasses down and the two girls are starting to feel the buzz set in. Rebekah excitedly pulls Jackie from the couch they were settling into.  She’s almost vibrating with the excitement to give Jackie her birthday gifts. “Up up! Let's go!! You have to see your birthday gifts now that drinks are started! I can't wait any longer!”. Jackie smirks up at Rebekah “Okay okay, jeez bex, you're worse than a chihuahua when you get excited.” The hybrid is at Bekah's side in a blur and Rebekah is grinning ear to ear. 
Rebekah guides them to a forgotten room tucked into the compound. She places her hands over the hybrid's eyes “No peeking!” she blurts and pushes them through the door, switching on the lights and letting the room shine in all its glory. Rebekah pulls her hands from Jackie's eyes and gives the hybrid a moment to register what the room is meant to be. It doesn't take long before Jackie is turning to Rebekah with a huge grin “Bekah, did you make a room for my heart collection?!” Rebekah fully returns the hybrid's grin nodding excitedly. “Yes, I did!! Let me give you a little tour! Then we have a special little birthday dessert.”
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They go through each little compartment of the room Rebekah had custom created (by compulsion of course). Everything is also spelled by a witch to ensure the hearts stored are kept viable if desired. There's a little experimentation desk with all sorts of examination equipment just in case Jackie felt the urge to explore a little deeper. As well as 2 full walls of individual boxes for each heart to be stored into. Her previous heart fridge gifted from Nik is also blended into the decor just in case she still wants it for sentimental reasons. The last tour stop is to a special corner made just for Jackie's dog baby, so she can rest if Jackie is in here for a while.
“Bex, this is insane.” Jackie actually seems in awe for a few minutes and Bekah absolutely revels in it. “I'm so glad you like it! Now for dessert, let's go!” She pours herself and the hybrid an overfilled glass of wine from the cart she had put next to the room. Just in case Jackie needs a buzz in the future, she is fully stocked with all her favorite drinks.
When they get to the kitchen the cake box is still perfectly presented on the kitchen island waiting for its owner. As well as four poor, hot souls who crossed Rebekah’s path during this planning process. They were all compelled and would be finishing out this party with them tonight much to Rebekah’s delight as she had already run quality control and knew that the brunette in particular was delicious and even seemed to enjoy her bite. Too bad her heart was likely to end up in one of those shiny new boxes by morning. Maybe Jackie would let Bekah have a little fun with her first as a thank you.
 The original promptly guides Jackie over to the box waiting for them and hops up on the counter again. “It's all yours love, however, I'd love it if you shared a bite because damn can Gordon make a cake. Jackie pulls the box open and finds the blood-drizzled strawberry shortcake waiting and beautiful. “Damn bex, this looks so good.”  Jackie walks over to grab 2 forks and gives one to Bekah. They eat basically the whole thing while discussing stealing Randy Fenoli from ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ for a gown collection. Gordon had worked out so well they might as well see who else they can kidnap next.
Jackie finishes off her last bite of cake and downs the rest of the champagne they had paired with it. The moment the fork hits the plate Rebekah pops off the counter. “Okay, truly the last surprise. These lovely four will be joining us for the rest of the night, possibly even joining your collection if you want. If possible though I'd love more time with this one” Rebekah wraps her arm around the cute girl she was dying to get another taste of and smirks at Jackie. Jackie's wicked little grin meets Rebekah's and it's very clear they will be spending the rest of the night throwing their own little blood soaked party.
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