#i can't leave them behind (they dont exist anymore [THEY HAVE TO])
im so normal about vera. anyways heres working for the knife lyric analysis (TY MIKA)
I cry at the start of every movie - she's a passionate/emotional person (not the biggest reason for it, but it's related, and does tie into the main reason).
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too - she wishes she could make permanent or big things, like pursuing art as a career. she also just wants to be childish and carefree, bc she never truly got a chance in the index. she was kidlike and happy, but never really a child.
But I'm working for the knife - the timeloop prevents from this, and so does the nature of l corp. everyone ie exposed to terrifying horrors, people die, people become jaded. she was just naive with her hopes.
I used to think I would tell stories - she did storytell as a hobby in the index <:)
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
No good guys - everyone has changed. none of c127 were really good people. and at the same time, noone cares for happy stories. noone cares for fairytales and only happiness. just kids would.
I always knew the world moves on - people change, grow, etc.
I just didn't know it would go without me - everyone in c127 changed drastically. she wanted everyone to stay together, be friends, be happy. everyone became unhappy and cold and cynical. she's the only one left behind. the only one wanting to go back (this is probably a lie honestly. even she turned cynical, just only on the inside).
I start the day high and it ends so low - she begins in her magical girl persona and ends as her true self - how she really feels beneath the blinding positivity.
'Cause I'm working for the knife - because of l corp's nature and the timeloop. really, because of self-hatred.
I used to think I'd be done by twenty
Now at twenty-nine, the road ahead appears the same - guess what? its the timeloop baby. she's repeating things over and over to try and find her happy ending.
Though maybe at thirty, I'll see a way to change - but maybe it'll change, even slightly. maybe she'll have an epiphany. maybe she'll change herself in the way she needs to to fix this. she cant just go back, after all!
That I'm living for the knife - she's bound by the timeloops. she binds herself to it of her own will because she cares so much. she's living for this. this is all her life is anymore - lobotomy corp. is all she has. if she left, she'd just have the index... and she can't be wrong after all this time!
I always thought the choice was mine
And I was right, but I just chose wrong - a part of her says it was wrong to care. she should've known her hopes were just naive fantasies. leaving the index was a stupid decision. she's just been wrong the whole time! like a kid!
I start the day lying and end with the truth - she starts with the happy magical girl persona, the childlike naivety, and ends with her hopelessness and anger. it's unfair - both in the way of a kid's yelling and a parent's teaching. life just isn't fair! yep. life's not fair, kid.
That I'm dying for the knife - the timeloop has killed her thousands of times and she will die a thousand more times. she is living and dying for this. she's dying literally, but also in the sense of like. eagerness. she wants this. because one day it has to work out. one day things have to change. one day she'll be right and it all will have been worth it. she lives exactly by the loops' rules, returning to it night and day like a lover.
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infoglitch · 3 months
Falling dusk (a Lancaster story)
Chapter 1: a beacon in the dark.
Ruby's feet trudged through the black sand as she carried crescent Rose on her back. With jaune not to far behind as he carried crocea mors on his hip and ember Celica on his right arm.
Ruby's torn cloak billowed behind her revealing gamble shroud was attached to the back of her waist.
"how much farther until we reach beacon?" Jaune asked as his breath was ragged. Ruby kept going as jaune followed, she was completely ignoring him.
"ruby! Are you listening?" Jaune spoke again as Ruby kept walking her once silver eyes now a dull black. Jaune grumbled softly as he managed to catch up to her and grab her shoulder.
"RUBY." He said sternly as Ruby turned to face him her eyes narrowing at him. Her face contorted into a scowl. "We have a few hundred miles left until we reach beacon, and we will still a few hundred miles when we finally leave vacuo. YOU ASKING QUESTIONS ISNT HELPING" Ruby finally answered as her voice was cold. Jaune simply looked at her and nodded.
"alright.. we will have to camp soon. How much longer do you think we can last with just our aura?" Ruby questioned the blonde as jaune sighed, closing his eyes before eventually opening them.
"we got 6 days left then our auras are drained we'll need to find more rations soon... Who knows we might find some cookies." Jaune jested but ruby just sighed and looked away.
Eventually the two set up camp as jaune sat opposed to Rwby as she had taken out her sisters scarf and held it close.
Jaune sat quiet just allowing silence to fill the void. Before finally he asked the question he knew he would ask eventually after.. after Armageddon.
"what happened to us.." jaune asked as Ruby just looked away. "Now isn't the time jaune" she would mumble.
"there is no time left rubes, we are left HERE! Time doesn't exist anymore- Life doesn't exist anymore! so- what happened to us?! We were practically linked at the hip when we started. But now- Now I can't tell if I'm even your friend anymore. Let alone your partner..." Jaune pressed on as Ruby just looked away. She didn't want to entertain this conversation.. not at all.
Jaune took a breath before sighing. "I'm just... I'm tired.. I still worry about you rubes but I'm at the point of just giving up. Everyone is gone, my sister's are gone, my parents are gone, your family is gone, all of our friends are gone. Reduced to either ash or Grimm.. I cant keep going like this-"
"I CANT KEEP GOING LIKE THIS EITHER! BUT IM NOT THE ONE BITCHING ABOUT IT!" Ruby interrupted Jaune as she stood up. Her face was only darkened by the growing shadows.
"YOU THINK I DONT WISH WE WERE BACK AT BEACON, BACK TO BEING KIDS WHO JUST WANTED TO FIGHT MONSTERS?! I DO! I do! There is never going to be a day where I hope this is all just a nightmare. That I will wake up at beacon being late to Ms. Goodwitch's class, with my sister, my teammates, my friends waiting for me! I wanna go back to the way things were just as much as you do!" Ruby continued her eyes glowing as hot tears ran down her face.
"but what the hell am I supposed to do when reality is that this is REAL. This is our destiny. To try and find the remaining relics in hopes that we can undo this or at the least stop Salem! You wanna know what happened to us?! We broke a part because you can't handle reality!" Ruby shouted out as she knew some parts of what she said were wrong but she knew the majority was right.
Jaune just sat there. As much as he wanted to protest he figured it only escalate things. And this point, things could not be allowed to escalate anymore.
"alright.." that was all jaune could mutter as Ruby just looked at him. Before she sat down.
As the two were about to just continue the rest of the night in silence a light shined in the sky.
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magioffire · 1 year
saw your reply on that one ask post and while i still can't find the account in question to block, thank you for the extra clues on what to look out for!
alright im gonna be real its the blog char/lotte-l/iddel. i commonly do not name drop blogs and was 100 percent prepared to leave this shit behind but....i guess she just keeps wanting to drag everyone back in because every day, its something else. therefore i think its important people know exactly who tf she is so they dont have to walk on eggshells wondering if theres someone in their community that literally holds wrong and bigoted opinions against them for....simply existing? nah. no one should have to deal with that.
theyve deleted many of their anti-polyam posts to cover their tracks and avoid criticism. but their issues with polyam apparently include: wars have been started as a direct result of polyam relationships apparently (???? girl what. what wars), confusing polyam with forced religious polygamy (and seems to also conveniently forget that people still to this day are forced into monogamous relationships somehow), that only people who are childish, deluded or narcissistic are in polyam relationships, used right-wing talking heads like jor/dan p/eterson, m/att wa/lsh and j/oe ro/gan as 'sources' (as a trans person, even if you do not agree with everything these people say, if you uncritically consume them, i just dont feel safe around you. period.). and yet despite having these opinions she still thought it was okay to be in mutuals with openly polyamorous characters and muns, and follow the blogs of people who had it explicit in their rules that they dont tolerate ANY forms of bigotry or hatred. like, you gotta follow HER rules and respect HER boundaries but apparently everyone else's space and boundaries? free reign for her. she can reap the benefit of consuming our art and writing and being in our spaces while also having such vile opinions, apparently. now shes claiming its just an opinion of her muse, but we all know its just a smoke screen. we arent stupid, we can tell when someone is soapboxing using their character as a shield against criticism. and frankly, its repulsive. in this situation, you can either own up to your mistake, or double down on your bigoted stance and make it abundantly clear that you do not welcome certain groups of people into your space. thats fair. but shes being wishwashy, like many bigots nowadays are. they cannot own up to their biogtry and need a level of plausible deniability to avoid criticism, which...ultimately just means all of us have to walk on egg shells to 'tolerate' their shitty opinions because they 'claim' they arent *actually* hateful, they are just *concerned* or *uncomfortable*. like --
i could go on. but really i think you get it. im really sorry that you, and all of us, who are in this community to find respite from this kind of hate and intolerance, and enjoy eachother's differences, have to deal with this. i am friends with people from all walks of life, many world views, *i always give everyone the benefit of the doubt* but when i witness such blatant misinformation, pettiness and hatred being harbored within the community, i cant keep quiet about it or tolerate it.
ignore the shit out of her. she wants attention. dont give her anymore.
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crazysodomite · 3 months
its crasy how much normal behavior and being happy is frowned down upon in society.
you can't like yourself too much because it's vain, you can't be proud of your accomplishments and show them off because it's arrogant and you're just asking to be taken down a peg. the whole 'taking someone down a peg' phenomenon is so crazy. people feel like its their responsibility to trample you until you're socially-acceptably humble enough for their liking.
asking for attention and enjoying when people pay attention to you is 'attention-seeking' and annoying. even though that's the most basic fucking behavior for social creatures. you don't even need to do anything actually bad or harmful for people to be cruel to you. one misstep on the minefield of social interaction and it's over for you.
people will happily dogpile you for being unfunny or unsociable or annoying and you're just supposed to take it. it's gonna be much worse for you if you do have any reaction and showing your feelings were hurt is simply embarrassing. and people who claim to be aware of how hurtful social expectations do this shit too btw. social interactions are incredibly hard to navigate but being kind to annoying people is lame so we'll just double down on cruelty 👍. this is especially bad on social media and its why i need to gtfo honestly.
its just sad to think i used to be less restrained by shame and insecurity and was capable of just giving love without constantly being paranoid about how people don't value me and actually find me annoying and talk behind my back instead of just leaving me the hell alone !!!! i just don't want to risk it anymore man i have enough negativity in my life i dont need more and this song and dance of performing for other people is exhausting i just want to be able to exist without people saying cruel things about me for the cardinal sin of not constantly being the most original witty funny detached ironic jaded sociable intelligent person in the room. so judgemental... can i live??? im not very funny, im not very intelligent, im not very attractive, im not very talented, im not cool or whatever else im supposed to be. im just a regular person and anyone is allowed to dislike me and think im annoying but i also don't need to know that. saying cruel things about other people when they didn't actually do anything is unnecessary 🙏
simple verdict: i need to get off social media. its just tiresome to try to have social interactions when everything has been poisoned by this mindset and you can't really escape it online even if you're off social media (though it definitely helps). i used to be happy. i used to be excited to do things for people and think that makes them happy too. now im just paranoid and want to dig a hole and live in it. i dont think its right to blame only other people entirely. the true virtuous path is to do good things no matter the reaction of other people and even if they don't appreciate it. you share the love even if people around you have been cruel and made fun of you. but my willpower is not strong enough. the constant stream of negativity has taken its toll on me. i hope i dig a hole so deep that i never have to talk to anyone ever again.
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sequesteredschizo · 5 months
cw // suicidal ideation & self harm 
thought too much about where I should post these words @ and where to do it if I did
Decided on here, both to challenge myself to be honest about how I'm doing and as a small private testament to myself, esp considering I can't guarantee I'll remember any of this later if I don't 
A few months ago I decided I was supposed to kill myself on April 26th 2024. I think something about doing that nullified certain anxieties of mine at times, for better and for worse. I thought the worst thing I could do that would ruin everyone I cared about was already going to happen, so I was able to loosen my grip somewhat on the people-pleasing and the social anxiety and the agoraphobia- maybe a sort of subconscious 'if something doesn't change, i will be dying. So I might as well try while I'm still around.' I've been callous and I've been unstable, but I also took risks (or, actions I that felt like risks to me) that landed me with more life-affirming results than I could have ever anticipated.
I sent texts I thought were annoying and stupid to people I wished I talked to more, I tried to eat like a well-adjusted adult person, I was honest with my dad about how hellish my disability was making my life for the first time. Etc etc. Anything to connect, anything to survive. I didn't care anymore. it felt like the end of the world. To everyone else it probably seemed like I was finally re-entering society, if anyone thought much of it at all (unlikely, imo.) At one point, I hurt myself worse than I ever had before, and without really meaning to, haven't done it since. It feels now like a microcosm of the bigger picture, just by coincidence. Doing better wasn't necessarily my intention, but it was a consequence of thinking I was fucking it all up one last time. Might as well throw all the chips in.
Last weekend I attended a wedding out-of-state for a relative I hadn't seen in years knowing id meet countless new faces and I didn't even freak out. And I was terrified, and I didn't want to go there and I didn't want to stay here but I did it anyways. Turns out I don't think I've ever felt so loved and welcomed and appreciated in my life. The people I reached out to on a whim, because what was the worst that could happen? Some of them actually respond back, fucking shocker. My dad is trying to stop pretending I don't exist. I'm a little less malnourished. So those are all good developments.
I feel like I reached up into an empty sky with the very last dregs of energy I had and by some miracle, just enough of the universe reached back. I don't and didnt want to scar and endanger my struggling loved ones because I couldn't be strong enough to deal with myself. It had to be my last option, after truly trying everything I could. I didn't even do much, and I didn't expect it to work. I didn't expect my favorite band to be dropping new shit on my due date. I didn't know that I would really honestly from the bottom of my heart not want to leave this fucked up horrible beautiful tragic world behind. 
I know there's always going to be a part of me that expects me to commit. it's always been easier for me to hurt myself than help myself. I've written a lot of suicide notes throughout my life. This is the first time I've ever done the opposite, I guess? This is supposed to be my promise to me that I want to live. I need to. Its really hard to admit that to myself. I'm pretty sure I can do it tho.
I think (and almost hope) that the handful of you who follow this stupid little blog wont read this, but I posted it here because theres too many people everywhere else. It's directed at myself anyway.
a distant yell into a cacophonous void, in hopes that typing it will act as a metaphysical vehicle for manifesting it in the collective subconscious:
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 1 year
Anyways YOU GET MEEEE It's all about the struggle and how it all ends up in vain, the hopelessness the despair but still holding on to someone's hand because what else can you do? Also I have an idea in my head where during ch7 when everyone else has woken up from their own dreams they accidentally venture into the trio's dreams and see the fantasy world they envisioned together.
A universe where twst and FGO coexisted, where the lostbelts and pan-human history could thrive together with no need for anyone else's erasure. A true paradise where everyone and everything is alive (a doctor they don't know a genius they've never heard of laughing at something ADeuce did—) a world where everything is alright.
And the more they try to wake the trio up they see moments of the hell they saw, the dead they had failed to save and the people they had to leave behind. The more they realize that Yuu does not have anywhere to go but to simply dissapear for they have long since died and the heavy guilt that both ace and Deuce experience. And do they have a right? Do they have the right to hurt them? To wake them up from this dream of peace?
But they don't have a choice do they? After all everyone needs to wake up in order for everything to move on.
And it's them or the three of them. They have no other choice do they if they want to live right?
No but the fact that Yuu has nowhere else to go but to loop back to TWST after the events of FGO because it's the only thing keeping them alive and the only place they can go is...
Especially if we take into account that Fgo Yuu was real while Twst Yuu isn't; Yuu literally has to thrive in fiction because there is no other place in reality for them to go.
And I think there is something horrifically tragic about it. The Trio's memories are the only thing keeping Yuu alive because they essentially don't exist anymore, they died during the incineration and their body is one revelation away from melting into nothing because the only thing holding Yuu together is memories and love and hope and suffering.
And Yuu knows this deep down. Itching at the back of their head, sitting at the tip of their tongue.
And they can't say anything about it because it'd unravel everything.
Smth smth that's hell you're walking into smth smth the concept of being remembered only thru fiction smth smth you are only as real as the people believe you are smth smth being Yuu is suffering.
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I felt sad reading the new chapter of Lore Olympus not just because of the portrayal of Deme's character (but that was a key factor)
So I wrote this. And decided to share it.
Sorry if the quality is bad. This is not a full chapter. Just something I wrote for fun (sort of).
No promises on whether or not this will appear in the story.
You may be wondering why I am sharing this and not chapter 1-- the answer is simple: I dont do things in order. Probably a bad thing.
A beautiful woman with sepia skin and auburn hair greeted them. Her yellow dress standing out in the wintery dead of the faded colors of dead leaves. She was nearly as tall as Demeter herself and her green grey eyes sparkled like they carried a thousand stars. Her yellow dress had brown embroidered sunflowers on it and Demeter's hazel eyes widened with recognition.
Demeter blinked. "Mother..!?" Tartarus grimaced but didn't get up from pulling a few leaves out of Anthony's hair.
Rhea beamed "I'm just here for this one," she patted the head of Tartarus's human avatar. Tartarus scowled. "I'm an adult I don't need supervision."
"Oh you started back taking care of yourself! Your hair isn't a mass of tangles anymore! And you smell like hibiscus instead of rain water!"
At this he glowered at Demeter.
"Thanks a lot" he mouthed angrily. Anthony retreated back to Demeter's side.
"You used to be so much prettier before you two separated. Did you move past your fallout with your ex-wife?" Rhea asked trying to be hopeful.
Tartarus stared at her, unresponsive.
Demeter flinched at how cold the air had gotten. Anthony grimaced hiding behind Demeter.
Demeter almost preferred him glaring at Rhea in embarrassment. At least they knew he was okay to talk to.
Tartarus stared quiet for a long time. At last he looked off to where the sun was setting.
"Yes." He voiced. But he sounded dead inside. As if existing was too painful to bear. He walked a few feet away and sat down, turning a darker shade of brown.
Rhea frowned "you're not going to slip back into your languid ennui mode are you? I won't be able to watch someone so kind become THAT again."
Tartarus flinched. "Then why'd you bring up old events?"
"I saw you were looking better and wanted to be sure you were improving !"
"You did it before," Rhea pleaded.
Tartarus sulked. His adolescent form looking cute in a teenage... Ish way.
"What's languid mean and what's ennui?" Anthony blurted feeling like a idiot for not knowing.
Demeter looked at Anthony. "Oh that's when--" she glanced at Tartarus was pointedly glaring at the sunset. Rhea was still trying to hold a conversation but he only responded every third statement.
"Well languid is a state of being where you become really sluggish like Persephone when I tell her to clear all the roses out of her room.
"And ennui is a state of mind when you can't muster the strength to do things or you feel that nothing can make you content with life," Demeter explained.
"That sounds like depression" Anthony remarked.
"In a way it is," Demeter said sadly. Apparently Tartarus had this problem before.
"Aw how cute!" Rhea said. She'd listened to Anthony and Demeter talking and stopped so she could admire the parenting moment. but then her eyes recognized the similarities between Anthony and Tartarus.
"Cute??" Anthony raised an eyebrow.
" Tartarus you... Have a child?" Rhea asked in disbelief.
"..."Tartarus stopped glaring at the sun which seemed to be setting faster.
"He looks just like you--" Rhea smiled. "I'd like to meet his mother" she said eagerly.
"I'm his mother," Demeter said immediately. She took the reins because Anthony would not handle meeting that woman... And Tartarus shut down when she tried asking about Anthony's real mother.
Tartarus scowled. Rhea gaped.
Her eyes glared at Tartarus.
"I'm not his biological mother" Demeter said but Rhea didn't hear her. Too busy yelling at Tartarus about responsibility.
With a sigh Demeter put her hands over Anthony's ears.
"I know how babies are made. My caretaker had a lot of boyfriends" Anthony remarked.
'Still... Tartarus and Demeter....Scary thought' Anthony cringed.
"Who is then?" Rhea asked. Tartarus looked like he regretted every life decision that led to this.
"Do you at least know who she is?" Rhea pressed. Tartarus stayed quiet.
"Why did I walk into that?" He muttered.
It was nighttime now. Thousands of fireflies had appeared. To Anthony they were tiny stars he couldn't touch. To Rhea they were reminders of her ever growing family.
"Anthony," Demeter said.
"yes?" Anthony looked.
"About what I said about ennui"
Anthony looked confused.
"Promise me you talk to me if you ever feel this way," Demeter pleaded. She grabbed Anthony's hands, his own cold in comparison to hers.
"I promise" Anthony said then shivered in the cold night air. Her eyes softened.
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Previous | part 9 | NEXT
- MDD -
"... H-how do we call that person then?" He suddenly become docile as he realize you only want to help, something he knows his MC would do. A reckless habbit seems to be a flaw and quirks of all MC.... He wonder if his other self in different world dies young from heart attack from all problem someone with an attitude of yours is their beloved. He can't help but chuckle as you pulled out a ring and put it to your middle finger.
"Fuck you Elsa wanna be, I hope you get rejected again-- aww!!" You felt someone smack you from behind and look and behold it's Aice who is watching you two but in invisible mode the moment that certain Mayoi come into this world.
"your greetings is so head throbbing as always." You hiss at him who rolled his eyes and look at The reaper of frost who seems alarm at another person who use frost like him.
"You have help of a bug, why do you need help of mine?" He giggle but then turn serious. " Ehh sure I'll help you. Since your in need, but in exchange. I will need to have that stigma you have there..." Aice point at at his eyes. " You won't be blind, will only go blind about the truth of the universe." He added.
"...that's fine...! If it's makes eternity with my beloved happened then it's fine!"
"....ah. yeah sure..." Aice dont look at him in the eyes. " But happy ever after don't exist ok? It's different kind of eternity..." He added. " But you and your so called beloved would be together either way!" He promised.
You watch as that swindler bastard trick that poor Mayoi into a deal. Mayoi agreed in a heart beat, making you felt guilty even more.
"...ok... I'll come to your world then!" He held winter of frost hand and they both disappear and your Mayoi stood in their place.
"What's up?" You jested with a chuckle.
"the roof~" he sigh in relief as he sees you well and the door slam open and Madara come with guns pointing at Mayoi.
" Are you the intruder or are you the fool of this world?" He ask him with many gun point pointed at him.
"...what. what do you mean fool?!" Your eyes look at Madara who realize it's the real deal when you become very mad at him name calling Mayoi. "Your not my mama anymore hmmp!" You cross your arms and Madara laugh hopelessly as he put his guns away.
Others who rush inside found out the moment have long gone and they can't event beat some ass of someone in another world! How sad!
- La Mort -
The moment Mayoi held his hand, the fifth spirit look around and went to look where MC of this world is, the moment he look at the ice.
"Ahh... Okii... ' he nodded his head before he look around the place, snapping his fingers as if testing something.
"ye, I know how to help you! " He says as he look at Mayoi. "This world is quite silly." He chuckle. "Roles and bullshit." He sigh.
"Let me ask you first... If you two have a new life and ever meet again, would you still fall in love with them?" His question seems odd.
"... Yes." Mayoi nodded his head. "W-wait... Are you..." He seems to realize why his being ask that. His eyes darted at you figure and he sigh, he felt so bad.
"Good... Then it's all for fate then... Like that bee have said." Aice reach out to held Mayoi face, covering his eyes as he takes the stigma of chaos away from him. " My version of eternity is different from you... But I'll make sure you two will surely end up together..."
Mayoi slowly close his eyes as he felt weakened. He thought of you as Aice help him up to sleep beside you after he melted the ice that keep you in frozen state.
The two of you slept side by side together before Aice wave his hand.
"This world have the rule of reincarnation. Hopefully you two would reborn as someone of the same kind." The two soon frozen again but two souls come out from their body.
" After life train... " He mumble as he guide the souls to their trains station. It seems the conductor look at him oddly as it's not time for the train to leave.
" Hmm? What's this? Another reaper soul and an over due soul... " Certain red haired conductor chuckle.
" You better reborn them quickly or I will destroy this world ùwú. " Aice said with a smile.
" Ohooo... How scary! " The conductor chuckle. " Fineee. Since one of them have over due date already! " He grab the souls and order his 'underlying' to start the train.
The moment the train left Aice looks at his watch and to the stigma stuff in a frozen stone in his hand.
"How bothersome." He mumble as he stayed longer in that world to see how the world played out.
Tag List: @valeriele3 @emikoisdead @allimili
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tellywoodtrash · 2 years
channa mereya 15.10.22 lb
adi boy angyyyyyy and taking it out on the poor dude who came to call him for dinner
udhar ginni ko khaane ka mann nahi
can't relate tbh
dimpy shampy being the teenage brats that they are have accurately diagnosed what's wrong, trollolololol
gulaabo ji v progressive saying usne nahi kiya call msg toh tu karle and clears the room so her daughter can get freaky on the phone
here chotu Singh chidaofying adi lol
poor baby got his ears kheenchofied for it
how is this child the most emotionally mature male in this entire household?
both calling each other same time and getting engaged and huffy all over again
........ does whatsapp not exist for yall??? ridic how you're having these 1994 waale problems in 2022.
ugh this stupid shitty dad
is doing some "surprise" saazish
i hate him so much
adi (happy) crying and talking to mom pic
ki ginni is sabse alag and i'm so happy and i'm gonna marry her again
can't find mom's kangan that he wanna give ginni
poora kamra uthal puthal, like bruh why would the kangan be under your bedcovers?????
stomping around the house like a demented t-rex
taayiji ne ain mauke pe aake aag mein ghee daal di ke oh all that must be with supreet only
he just walks into the room and gets into her face and starts throwing shit around
God I hate men
itna OTT Hulk lvl anger
not even letting supreet complete a damn sentence
fuckin rudeass. if ginni was here she'd never allow this
anyway yelled at her some more and said stay away from my wedding
Sam Goldie getting proper warning from gulaabo ji ki dont even try to ruin this day for my daughter
Goldie trying redemption and saying lemme be part of this day and help
and ginni giving v well pointed taana ki I have always needed you as a brother
but you just belong to your wife
he begging for forgiveness
she getting senti venti and doing emotional damaaaaaage
he worming his way back into her heart with childhood memories
I feel bad for him and want him to redeem himself but ugghhhhhhh the satisfaction shaitani Sam is getting from her plan working isn't worth it
haath jod ke paaon pad gaya ginni ke, which pffft
ginni saying if you want me to forgive you then understand who is manipulating you and driving you away from your fam
he's saying I'll do whatever you sayyyyyy (shyeahhhhh right)
Sam bhi maidaan mein utar gayi with her A+ acting
ginni like ugh pls just get out my face
gave them both last chance anyway
gorlllll why
and said Goldie your wife is your resp, whatever bs she does, you are equal in it
Sam doing some more bechaari acting
chal bhak yahaan se
poor supreet doing all the coordinating and prep for the function
ambar asking why she not ready to leave as adi glares from behind
she's like uh oh I'm not coming
ambar like ?!?!!!??!
udhar all the chotus have arrived at ginnis
the girl cousins and chotu Singh
so the bitchy girl cousin isn't bitchy anymore?
aaah whatever idk
anyway ginni asks where everyone is and there's some teasing ki she just cares for one particular person
not bitchy anymore cousin says everyone except chachi coming
coz supreet had given the kangan for polishing
and adi got mad that she's lost them or hiding them or some shit
ginnis like uhhhhhhhh I'm wearing them???
she gave them to me???????
fb to supreet saying adi never thought of me as mom but you gave me that haq
and giving her the kangan bade pyaar se
and ginni tells her to pehnaofy
aw i'm happy for themmmm
God adi I wanna beat your ass
ginni troubled to hear of this bs, and rightly so
precap: oh supreet did make it to the function, noice
scummy dad announcing he changing name of company to gurkirat group of hotels
and even tells adi to read the papers before signing
but the dumbass is too happy in moment and just signs
fuckin idiot
men really don't deserve the power they have in this society
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iwillpissyourpants · 2 years
A new life?
Hello there, this is just a very painful pov i wrote in the comments of a Youtube playlist and Im absolutely adoring how its going.
Please enjoy what I have so far, and I will deliver the next part once its done <3
Contains: Angst, alot of it, and it turns into comfort.
Gender neutral reader, not named. "You" is used.
Overview: Diluc hands you divorce papers, leaving you to move back into Mondstadt, but... It's not that simple...
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You walk into Dawn Winery and immediately see Diluc by his desk. "Hey, I asked the Traveler to get rid of those slimes that arrived during the storm last week." Moving to set your bag down at your own desk, you see official looking papers. Thinking it's just work papers you continue speaking while scanning over the document, "He was more than happy to...help..."
Your words quiet down to a whisper when you read the document. Picking them up, your throat tightens and you feel your eyes become warm.
You scan over the papers again that you now hold in your hand, and you feel your heart beating in your ears.
"Diluc...What is this...?" You strain out in a whisper. You dont want to believe what you have in your hands...
"Divorce papers."
Your gaze goes from the papers in your hand to your husband Diluc, motionless as he looks at you from his seat by his desk.
"But... I..." Words dont come easily now that he had stated the reason of the papers existence.
But why?
"Is... is this what you truly want? Do you not... Want me? Anymore?..."
Silently, He nodded his head in affirmation.
Something heavy fills your chest, weighing you down so much you stagger backward to lean on the desk behind you.
This can't be...
"Diluc, this has to be a joke right?" The burning in your eyes has begun to manifest itself as warm tears. "If this is a joke, its not funny-"
The two of you had now been together for years at this point, having married at the young age of 22. You felt happy. You felt loved. And you thought he felt the same.
Apparently not...
Diluc spoke up then. "There is no joke here."
Crimson eyes gaze at you, if they see the tears that has started to run down your face, they don't show it.
"I had hoped that I could restore what feelings I had lost for you with time. But-"
"I don't need to hear it. I dont... I dont want to hear your reasoning. If you are truly certain you want this... so be it..."
You didnt want to give up, not so easily. Your head told you to fight.
'this is unfair' it screamed.
'You love him dont you?'
You do. You love him more than you do the stars in the sky.
Your head tells you to fight.
But your heart... If he truly doesnt love you anymore... Then you will not fight him. You love him too much. You can't force someone to stay in a place they are unhappy in. You can't bring yourself to be so selfish...
And so... You will do nothing.
***(Diluc POV)***
Diluc was left to look at your now empty desk. The empty, quiet room screaming at him that he had made a mistake.
"For your safety..." He stood and walked to the window, watching your retreating form as you head toward Mondstadt. He looked down at the letter gripped in his fist. "My love."
He could not tell you the truth. If he had, you wouldnt leave. You would have stayed even if it put you in danger.
So he lied. He had to. He knew you loved him enough that you wouldnt fight if he said he didnt love you anymore. You are too selfless. Always prioritizing others before yourself.
Its that kindness... That's putting you in danger.
"The Abyss will pay for making me do this, my love. They will pay for threatening to go after you."
Holding his hand up to the glass, his heart aches for the choice he had to make.
'For your safety...'
In the fading light, your form has left his sight, and he is left to look at his own reflection in the window.
'please understand...'
Turning to the fireplace, he casts the Abyssal letter into the flames, watching it turn to ash.
"Please, do not move on before I can ensure your safety..."
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And so concludes part one of Pain™️
Click here for Part two!
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
oh god it must be trippy as shit for kuroaku/ingo
cause hes both people, the implanted memories dont fade, the old ones just come back. he still responds to kuroaku. thats part of him. thats still him. and he still misses the leader, and all his friends there, and akari. he knows it was wrong, but sometimes he still wants to go back.
I do wonder about this!! There's a lot of different ideas rattling around my head as to what a post-team chaos Ingo could look like!!
The ideal reality is one where he slowly starts to recover his previous self- it's a long and drawn out process, one that they probably could make faster by use of a psychic Pokemon of their own, but at this point... that's risky. They don't want to chance damaging Ingo's psyche anymore, even if the slow drawn out process of him returning to himself is painful to watch. But eventually, he returns to a point where he's mostly his old self, even if there are new parts mixed in that didn't fade entirely. He's not cruel like Kuroaku was, but takes to expressing his negative thoughts more freely than before, though he generally tries to coach his words into something less biting. He recognizes his friends and family again, starts responding to his name again... but he and Dawn always still call each other Akari and Kuro.
He's also deeply haunted by guilt for the rest of his life, but his friends and family's forgiveness go a long way to helping him move on in spite of it. He can't really wear black anymore, so he switches to wearing a lot of purples instead. It takes him awhile to face the Pokemon he gained during his time as Kuroaku head on, but he can't abandon them, and they slowly get to know their trainer's true self even though he's aware they are probably some of the few who miss him as they once knew him.
There's probably also a reality where Kuroaku and Akari flee after Team Chaos is defeated. Their own plans to rewrite reality to make themselves real failed too, so they instead choose to disappear. They're afraid of disappearing into their old selves, and they know it will happen if they stay. So they hide, living as uncle and niece in a remote town somewhere (maybe the scarlet/violet region?).
They find their own version of recovery there. There memories are still a fragmented mess of truth and lies, but they find a balance between them. They have each other- a tiny little family where they both have the unique experience of being themselves, even though themselves did not previously exist. They feel guilt for leaving their old loved ones behind as their old memories slowly start to mix in with the fake, and sometimes they send letters- taking care that they're not traced back to them. They don't know if they ever read them or not. It doesn't really matter.
Their old personalities emerge more, but they're left with good chunks of their new ones too. Kuro is still a cold man on the surface with a sharp tongue, but his kindness shows through his actions. There's no Pokecenter in town, so the kids living there take their injured Pokemon to Kuro, who always knows how to treat them. His advice is biting, and sometimes phrased in mean ways- but he's right, and it's always helpful. His niece Akari is friendly enough compared to her uncle, but she's still merciless in battle, and still uses underhanded tactics and loves to trash talk. But she'll still heal up your Pokemon afterwards- and if you do manage to beat her, she just laughs it off. Damn. You got her good!
They gradually realize that their actions while in Team Chaos were wrong, and that maybe this reality is... okay, actually. As long as they have each other, and their Pokemon, that's all that matters.
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dianagj-art · 3 years
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I tried to do more of the screenshot/cinematic kinds look but I gave up and just bullshited the backgrounds bc I didn't wanted to look so plain but I also didn't want to do a background
anyways Mipha is here! it's Mipha time!
(Friendly remainder that what's bellow is just copy paste from my draft and there's probably a lot of typos and gramar mistakes)
More of Yiga Link AU
<Previous / next>
A group of young Zoras finds Link's body sinking on the river, south of the Minish Woods. They take him out to land and check on him, he is barely alive and they quickly take him all the way to Zora's domain. They send the fastest of them first to inform the princess and she meets them halfway.
Link's wounds are bad, but she still can heal him, they take him to the domain to keep an eye on him, besides he is still uncouncious. They set him up on that little area for other species when they visit, and Mipha had other healers take a proper look at him.
The princess buys him clothes from a merchant since his are barely existent with so many cuts. The zora recognize those cuts, they know the boy was on a Yiga attack and unfortunately, they find his tattoo behind his neck.
They are not idiots and they fear the boy might be a spy and all was just a set up, the princess still wants to talk to him. Mipha was no fool and she wasn't as naive as most people outside the Domain may think, but she was curious, and there was a feeling in her chest that told her there was more to know about this boy.
Link wakes up in unknown clothes, he has no idea of where he is but soon finds out as he started to look around. He remembers what happened and a hand grips his chest. He knows he shouldn't be alive.
"That was terrible wound you had there," The voice startled him and he instantly stood up to go into combat mode. "Don't stand, you are not fully healed yet." he really didn't have another option, there wasn't a part of his body that did't hurt and the pain brough him down to the bed again.
He looked up to see 3 zoras, two tall ones dressed in armor flanquing a smaller one in shinny red scales and dressed in zora jewerly. The princess.
"Don't be sacred" she said and gestured to her guards to stay put as she walked to him, "I just came to look on your wounds"
Link frowned at that, the princess? Coming here to check on a stanger's wounds? Yeah sure. Link remembers his tattoo and quickly hides it with a simple illution spell that wouldn't take that much of his stenght.
"Dont you have healers for that?" he asked coldly.
The princess laughed lightly "Yes," she admitted and stood by his bed, her amrs behind her body, holding her spear "and they know more about hylian anathomy than I do, but they can't do what i can. Your wounds were bad enough to require my assistance."
Link frowned again, "what does that mean?"
Mipha smiled and gestured at the bed, "Can I?" Link recoiled his legs, leting her space to sit down, the princess did, leaving her spead resting on the bed besides her, she extended her hand to him, "give me your arm" she said softly.
Link hessitaded but he rested his arm on her hand. She carefully took off his bandages and let exposed a deep cut on his forearm, the boy winced at the sight.
The princess then put her other hand above the wound and closed her eyes. Her palm started to glow and link gasped loudly. His arm started to feel cold and a bit numb, but the pain was gone, and soon the same sensation washed over his body. It was nice.
Mipha was focused on the wound but she looked up for a moment to catch his expresion, she smiled lightly and looked down again.
The light coming from her palm dimmed until it was gone and his exposed wound wasn't there anymore. Slowly, the pain came back to the rest of his body. Mipha let go off his hand and he lifted his arm to his eye level, twisting it one way and another, trying to see the trick but no, the wound was really gone.
"You... You really have healing powers..." he had herd the rumors but no yiga had actually seen it, just heard things from other people.
Mipha hummed a laugh, catching link's atention, "Outsiders are always so surprissed to see it" she stood up, taking the spear again, "I have other things to attend, but i'll come back to heal the rest of your wounds latter."
She leaves with her guards, a few minutes latter another group of zoras show up. Two of them check on his wounds and tell him to rest while the other two just guarded the entrance. He had a bad feeling, whenever he peeked an eye to the other room he saw a guard. He didn't know if that was normal or if it was because of him.
He rests, too tired to try and transport, and fully knowing that in this state he wouldn't be able to fight. He starts trying to form a plan to get out of there. Taking a swim was not an option, anywhere near water he would be an at disadvantage. He had to make it to the montains that sorrounded Zora's Domain, he could take a run for it once he were back to his feet, he had no idea if zoras were fast runners but they had short legs, he was sure he could outrun them. Once close to the montains he could teletrasnport himself to a higher place and away from them.
Tho he didn't know where to go from there. It's not like he could go back to the Hideout.
Mipha comes back that evening and heals two more of his wounds before leaving. Link is starting to think that maybe her healing magic tires him as much as illutions and trasportation tires him. It takes a few days for him to be fully healed, all the time he is forced to stay on the rooms to "rest"
All the time he feels uncomfortable, he feels watched. It gets worse when he is fully healed and the princess wants to give him a little tour around the domain, everyone always stares at him, or maybe they are looking at their princess and he was just being paranoid.
He had never been to Zora's domain, to be honest, he hadn't seen that much of Hyrule, and he was intrigued to see and learn more.
As they start to walk around the Domain a little red-scaled Zora runs to her and hugs her leg "Sidon!"
"I'm sorry princess," another Zora runs to her, "he's been running away the whole day, he doesn't wan't to do the jump"
"If you don't jump how am I going to teach you to climb waterfalls?" Mipha asked him and he just hugged her tighter, hiding behind her from his instructor.
Link quickly put two and two together and figures out he must be the young Zora Prince, but he was most concerned with the idea forming on his mind. Would they follow him if he jumped? He eyed an opening on the level they were on, and without really thinking about the heigh he kneeled down
"If I jump would you jump?" he asked Siron, "I can't swim as well as a zora would, so if i can make that jump I guess a zora prince would have no trouble doing it, right?"
Siron thinks for a moment then nods. Link walks to the edge and looks down to the long drop. "Having second thoughts?" Sidon's instructor asked him. Link just frowns at him, and takes a few steps back, he took off his shirt and dropped it before sprinting and jumping.
He hits the water gracefully and as he sinks he prapares to transport, but sees a lot of Zoras around him. He sees that at the bottom of the lake there's a whole underwater town that probably outstretched fartest of what he could see. He goes out to the surface and finds it quite hard to not let the current take him away, even when he was under their castle as there were underwater walls shielding him from the strong current of the main water fall of the domain. A few zora heads pop out, looking at him curious. Some heads look younger, maybe teens? And look at him impressed and exited
"SIDON!" Link lifts his gaze and sees someone had jump and the tiny zora splashed in the water. He looks around but the zora prince doesnt come out.
"OW!" something bites his toes and a tiny shark head pops out, sidon smiles with sharp teeth and giggles until the current starts to drag him out. Link lets him, surely other people would help their prince. But they dont they just look, and as much as the tiny zora tried the current kept draging him.
Link reaches out a hand and takes him, wraping his scaly hands around his neck as he swims to the base of the castle structure. He leaves sidon on the rock and climbs up too.
Mipha's head pops out behind him, "you swim quite well for a hylian" Link jumps in surprise, when had she jump? he didnt even see or hear her splash, "You are bleeding," she said and he lifted his feet off the water to see quite a deep bite. "SIDON!" mipha screams distressed, "how many times do i have to tell you it's impropper to bite others!" she lifted herself to the place they were sitting and patted the space between link and her, he puts there his feet and she healed him. As always he stared at her hand facinated.
"I have to thank you, for not letting the curent carry Sidon" she said, "you shouldn't have to, he is 23, he should be strong enough to be able to withstand it." link looks at sidon as he jumps into the water again swiming closer to the rocks. 23? "but I would have done the same" "and thank you for jumping, her instructor had been trying to make him jump all week"
Link looks at his foot and thinks of all the other wounds he had, all the wounds the yiga had made. "I should thank you," he said, "I should be dead. You saved me."
"those wounds were no accident, were they?" she asked, "the yiga were sent to kill you" Link nods, "but why?" he sruggs.
"I have to leave," he said softly, "but i'll hate to leave without paying back what you have done for me,"
Mipha smiles, "I'm sure we'll think of somehting," she stands up, "I know a place you can stay meanwhile. Sidon! Lets go!" he swims to them, his little back fin braking the surface, he jumps towards Link, mouth open. Link backs up but Mipha catches him on the air and hums a laugh. "I'll meet you at the top," she said to link and pointed over his shoulder "you can use the leadder to climb up."
Mipha swims up the waterfall they just jumped from with sidon on her back. They meet at the top and Mipha leaves sidon with his instructor. He runs to link when he shows up and tries to bite his leg, "My prince, dont do that!" the instructor pulls him away before he can do damage and sidon smiles with his spiky teeth.
"I have to apologyze for his behavior," Mipha said tho she is trying not to laugh, "His new teeth just came out and he has a need to bite eveything."
They walk to a village at the top of the mountain overseeing zora's Domain. Mipha pays him a night to stay and tells him good bye. Link is bafled that she has so much trust in him, he plans on just leaving, but he has a chance. He now knew and gained the trust of two zora royals. He knew they were the only heirs of the zora domain and since the king didn't had a mate... He could make a move. And maybe, he could be allowed back with his people.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Don't touch...
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(L/n) (Y/n).
Quirk? Unknown to him until the days of today...
Your company after all these years had been quite... enjoyable for him to not say the least. Most of the time you wore a mask, gloves and clothes that covered most of your skin, yet you always opted to be more free, feel the sun and the wind on your skin... he never get it why though.
Without the clothes you would remember a bit of him, flinch away from the touch even before it could touch you... yet when it was on your clothing you just reacted calmly and dare he say even sweetly.
He came to know you as kids, just barely when he entered the yakusa Pops showed to him you.. a kind soul that asked him if he wanted to play despite the look of distrust and hatred he gave to you just when you looked at him.
He never complained about you not wanting to be touched, he didn't liked it either. But he could tell you had... different reasons. As the years went by, he notice the dreadfull and even the remorse behind those (E/c) eyes of denying someone touch, a pat on the head, a hand shake... a hug.
It was... strange.
It's funny how reverse psychology worked... thats at least what he deduced from his own analysis. He didn't felt comfortable, heck actually he felt sick to the stomach if everyone else got too close to him or forbid God to ever lay a finger on him... but with you? The more you would get away from him, the more he wanted you to stay by his side... you were one of the few whose he felt comfortable enough.
He had gone through one of the most painfull feeling right on his childhood. Parental neglect and abuse, not even mentioning the pain he had to atture of controling his own quirk, testing on both victims and himself. Seriously, what could be worse than that?
Simple. When he found out that he was actually catching feelings for you, and your neglect of touch was even from him.
He didn't know what was so special that left his skin itching to just brush against yours...he just.. needed to test the waters. Yeah, it was only that.
The Hassaikai for a very long time had a plan for touching you. Since you werent as deadly and scary as Kai, and had kinda of a good partnership for all of them, he just could watch the shit go downs.
But soon stopped being a joke one day where Mimic went from behind you and tried to grab your wrist as you listened to his other plan to tell Pops later. He didn't even could tell you before your reflexes acted and you kicked Mimic square in the face.
"Dont. Touch me. This is not a joke anymore." You muttered in anger before bowing to Kai and leaving the room, his golden eyes widening at the drops of tears you let it slip from your eyes.
Mimic never once thought that the young sucessor of the Hassaikai could be even more enraged and such a monster when dealing with you. Rappa could only laugh since this time he wasn't the one having his ass beaten and overhauled. Haha poor him I torture him sometimes here
He couldn't understand... until the day where you were crying your eyes out. He couldn't understand until you just threw three blankets at him and hugged him for all your might.
His breath suddenly dissapeared...he didn't know what to say or even do at that point, and just when he was about to lower his arms you pulled away from and took the three massive blankets away from.
"Sorry, Chisaki.." you sniffled as he blinked, stoic gaze still present at your depressed state. "Really, forgive me I-"
"You never once told me about your "despise" for touch." He interrupted you, letting you lift your head for him to speak again "We both know my reason, but you're far away from a clean freak person or a mysophobic... explain it."
His eyes never widened at the point where it even hurted his whole life.
Your illness. Your quirk. That was why you couldn't touch anyone neither let anyone touch you. Your quirk allowed you to give resistance to others with only one glance and gave you amazing reflexes... but the consequences were way too big....
Hearing this made his skin form into hives, anger at despicable things rising even more.
From that way beyond, he promised himself that he would create a cure. It didn't even matter, he just needed a cure for this. A cure for you to stop suffering.
More years went by... he saw your worry at Pops condition, he saw your worry towards him for both being charged with the chore of taking care of the girl and both for him to get the tittle as the big boss.
Yet he couldn't stop. When he discovered Eri's quirk he saw a hint of light on the end of the tunnel. You wouldn't ever need to use thick clothes to protect yourself from vanishing from existence.
The bullets were only experimental. He selled most of them to be used as... experiments. He would use the first serum on you, and this way you could stop this nightmare where many nights you confessed to him... as he confesses his own sins.
You wouldn't like to know about Eri, so he simply erased the idea of telling you that. He never answered your questions on what he was working. His mind fooling him that he wasn't exactly lying to you if he hadn't said anything.
He could only be relieved to graze your skin under only using his gloves... at first he thought it would be enough, but no.
Love is like a damn drug. The more you get, the more you want. And he couldn't help but want more.
The bullets were a success... but he knew heroes were coming towards him. That blonde and green haired kid surely were behind this...
So the least he could do was give you a night to remember if anything went wrong on those next few days.
"A festival?" You asked with wide eyes before gasping at him putting the box on the desk. "Huh?"
"You always talk about them." He answered nonchantly, montioning with his eyes at the box as hs stuffed his hands on his pockets.
You snickered and opened the box carefully before widening your eyes, picking the golden and with traces of shiny green yukata on your hands... you were out of words until you gasped at Chisaki leaving and standing on the door way, giving you only one side eye glance as he spoke before he closed the door.
"I expect you to be ready by 8."
You blinked in shock before softening your gaze, holding the yukata over your body as you could only smile...
You were tired of living this way... if it meant you could spend a night with the man you love normally... so be it.
The sky had a bunch of lanterns and it shined with the lights of it along with the stars. You bounced and walked happily ahead of Chisaki with a basket.
He was always wary of anyone who ever dared to step closer... the yukata covered your legs, chest and arms. But you noisy self insisted on going without gloves and he was actually worried that the material of the yukata he brought wasn't as thick to protect your skin.
Yet he had to only breath in and out, the air making it hotter around the area where his mask was... he had one of the serums in here. With him. Soon he will inject, and gave to you your freedom.
"Ne Kai! Look at that booth over there!" You tugged on the material of his own yukata as his golden nonchantly gaze looked at the mans throing balls and hitting the aims of the booth, winning prices for their kids and partners.
He let out a "tch" before noticing how your eyes shined and how your lips quivered up at seing the stuffed animals the man was giving.
Blinking, he sighed, muttering how he this was a waste of time before he dropped a bunch of coins to the man and grabbed three balls.
You clapped your hands in glee as he threw the three balls and with the most perfection he hit the three aims right on the middle of it.
"Choose." He said nonchantly while grabbing a napkin and wiping his GLOVED hands as you pointed at a cute yet fluffy and chubby penguin. Without the man grabbing the stick, he lifted his hand up and yanked the stuffed animal and hand it to you as you squealed, nuzzling your face on it with glee... making him smile at how innocent and sad this scene was.
Everytime you would look at a treat or just a snack he would buy... you even wondered with wide eyes and mouth full how much he brought to this festival as he only growled for you to not speak with a mouth full.
You were hugging the price Chisaki won to you for warm as he looked at you and stopped, it was on a fair and quite isolated area of the festival so he found the perfect time to give you the medice. Your cure.
"A bit." You giggled before you saw him taking a box and overhauling it, showing a little red capsule "What's this?"
"... (Y/n).. I despise touch. I really do.. but I can't lie that I wasn't expecting at least to feel a real contact between us, skin to skin... you know how much you affect me? To have me, Chisaki Kai, wanting to at least feel what your skin feels like? Feel how soft those lips are instead of just receiving a quick kiss on my mask..." you blinked, raising a eyebrow with a sad smile.
"I wish I could do this way sooner-" you stopped talking as soon as you heard laughter and voices of childs running and playing around.
"Brats..." chisaki sighed at the sign, a quadruple of two girls and two boys chasing them, the two young girls greeting both of you as the one of the boys screamed after them.
It all happened so fucking fast... the last boy tripped and it was about to fall with his head on a rock... it if it wasn't for your good reflexes the boy would had fall.
"Thank you miss!" The boy mumbled with a smile as you, with both hands on his arms helped him.
His and your eyes were so wide... you looked at him and his gaze was filled with horror.
Your hand started to fade, a bunch of (E/c) butterflies started to form and fly away instead of the hand that was suppose to be there.
He couldn't even fucking move as you looked at him... he expected everything but the huge smile and the sob of happines you let out before jumping on him and hugging him with tears in your eyes.
"Finally I can touch you..!" You sighed with a sob, not feeling your legs anymore.
"(Y/n)-!" He dropped the bullet on the ground and clenched onto your back as his eyes started to burn before you locked his lips so softly, your eyes closed as your image faded away and his eyes wide open...
The last thing he saw was your smile as your body was replaced with lifes and butterflies... his knees gave out when he could only tigger at the yukata he bought for you...
The whole festival was all happy and cheerfully until they heard the shouts of pain of a man inside the peacefull and full of butterflies forest.
A/n: eeyyy dont even need to coment the damn visible reference right? :D
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atsunflower · 4 years
Hospital for souls — Tokyo nights.
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Rated: SFW
Author note: Man, this one took me ages to write. And I don't even know how I could write this much for the second chapter, this is about 3,2k words. I'm tired because I decided to change lots of things in this chapter and I hope you all like it. Also, feedbacks are much appreciated!
Warnings: This chapter contains cursing, swearing, graphic descriptions of blood, violence and surgical procedures (Kind of inaccurate but only for writting purposes. Don't do it at home, kids). Also, there are slight mentions of anxiety, OCD and PTSD.
Enjoy the reading!
II — Tokyo nights
Previous || Next
You felt anxious.
Everytime you walked through Itachiyama halls, the hairs in your nape would stand and your skin, prickle in fear; a bitter taste would take over your mouth because everything was too much.
"Look, you don't have to worry. Itachiyama wouldn't dare to lay a hand on you because it would mean war." The memory of Suna's voice did nothing to soothe your nerves.
You knew that Inarizaki did not care. If anything, Itachiyama harming you would be like killing two birds with a stone: the Miya would get rid of your existence and then, have a excuse to go after your husband. "They know the twins' intentions, you know. It's not like Sakusa is dumb. Being honest, the guy is the most cautious man I ever saw" you recalled Suna saying it in your wedding's eve.
But one month after the deal, you still felt suffocated.
You opted to lay low and don't wander around the house; Sakusa's men were still suspicious of you and kept sending nasty glares in your direction whenever they saw you.
Since you weren't allowed to work anymore, boredom was killing you. At least, the maids were nice enough — or just too afraid to go against the lady's will — and let you do as you pleased. You then took over some house chores to busy yourself.
Cleaning, tidying and baking.
Sometimes gardening when you needed some fresh air.
"What a shame for Oyabun-sama, his lady is lowering herself to the peasants' level" you would hear some gossip here and there. Not that you cared, though.
"Sakusa-sama" you heard the housekeeper calling, the new name still foreign to your ears.
"Kaede-san? Do you need something?" The old woman wearing a green hakama stood in front of you, accompanied by a girl with dark blond hair.
"This is Kuribayashi Runa, the new maid working here" she said presenting the young woman by her side. The latter politely bowed at you.
"New maid? Why?"
"I'm afraid it's not appropriated the lady take care of house chores. These are strict orders from Komori-sama" her tone was dry. Kaede was never hostile towards you, but you could tell she wasn't fond of your presence either. "Also, remember you're having lunch with oyabun-sama today"
You released a shaky breath, dismissing their presence.
Why yakuza was taking even the smallest things from you?
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Prying to the clock on the nightstand, you realized it was past noon and the lunch hasn't been served yet. Sakusa didn't show up either.
After being destitute of your duties, you went for a shower and killed time by reading in your bedroom.
Did something happen? You wondered.
Punctuality was something very fancied in this household and everything inside the mansion functioned like clockwork.
But how come Sakusa didn't show up yet? Why the food isn't set?
"[Name]" The door to your bedroom was open without ceremony, Komori's voice sounding harsh when he called you. The look on his face wasn't amicable either. "Sakusa wants to see you. Now."
The brown haired male did not spare you another glance, turning his back to you. You followed the tall man in an auto-pilot mode, already dreading whatever was going on.
The Kobun was taking you to Sakusa's office.
The large doors always made you feel unsettled; you never were there before. Being called to this room sent shivers down your spine.
Komori knocked the door only to the faint voice of your husband acknowledge your presence. Getting in, you were stunned. The whole mansion held a modern architecture with a minimalist design, and this room was true to Itachiyama's style.
The walls were pristine white and the floorboards were dark and shiny. The furniture held the impersonal style your husband seemed to appreciate and was clean to the eyes. Everything millimetrically positioned, aesthetically appealing.
By the glass wall, Sakusa stood proud. His back facing you, body clad in a black suit. The way he admired the stunning land through the windows held a power you never saw before.
Right now, he looked like a god rulling his own creation.
"Komori, go" his stone cold voice ordered the other male. The kobun did as he was told, leaving you two in this sinister room.
"I don't know if you are too brave ou just too dumb" he didn't turn to face you. The cold tone boomed loud within your ears and you felt cornered.
Forget the god thing. The man in front of you was the demon himself.
"What do you mean?" You asked, brows furrowing when suddenly, his enraged features loomed over you, even from afar.
"Don't fucking play dumb. I've warned you to stay out of my way" his menacing stare made the breath hitch in your throat "Where is the fucking folder?"
"I don't know what are you talking about!" You meekly replied, seeing his body growing close to yours.
"Thats it. You have a death wish." He merely stated "You're the only enemy inside this fucking house"
Without knowing what was going on, you didn't stand a chance to defend yourself. You tried opening your mouth in protest but your brain didn't come up with anything.
"Listen. I don't have the time to play whatever game you and those brothers of yours are planning." Sakusa scowled "In the first opportunity, you get to screw up. Fascinating."
"I don't even know what you're talking about" the cry left your mouth and your body trembled. The man before you grimaced at your outburst. He let out an exasperated breath, still trying to keep his cool.
"Do you expect me to believe you? Fine, I'll play along, then" He sat at the imposing chair behind his desk "The manila folder that was on this desk was stolen. You're the only one inside this house who has reasons to take it."
"It wasn't me! I never entered this room before!" You retorted, anxiety crawling in your skin. He fished his cellphone from his pockets, reading whatever on his screen
"Can't be proven, though it looks like we didn't find anything in your stuff–"
"Wait! You fucking messed with my things?" You cut him off in rage, observing him reaching over for a flask on the wooden surface.
"Well, you messed with mine first." He said while rubbing some hand sanitizer on his palms.
You rolled your eyes at his antics.
"Whatever" and then turned to leave.
"Where are you going?" The sarcastic voice filled your ears, making your steps to halt "As much as I despise it, you won't be out of my sight anytime soon"
God, You trully hated it here.
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It was nighttime and true to his words, neither Sakusa nor Komori left you alone for the whole day.
Their presence was unnerving, to say the least, and everytime they talked to each other, you body went stiff.
Their speech wasn't explicit as you thought it would be. Both of them treated the matter as if they were making normal business instead of some yakuza stuff.
It didn't sound violent.
But you knew better.
"Have Fukuroudani made contact yet?" The Oyabun asked.
"Yes. Konoha told me they will be waiting by eleven" Komori peered at his watch "One hour to go. We should get going, then"
Sakusa turned his attention to you.
"Go get changed. We're leaving in ten minutes."
You did as you were told; black would do, you decided. Grabbing a wool coat and a satin scarf, you were ready to go.
Why the hell Tokyo nights were so cold at this time of year?
In the living room, Sakusa and Komori were waiting for you.
"Man, bringing [Name] along will be a pain" the brown haired male said while stretching.
"The stolen docs were about this meeting. We gotta bring her along if Inarizaki tries to do something" The taller one reasoned.
"Ah shit, this is so fucked up. I dont know how you agreed to it" Komori lamented.
Being honest, neither Sakusa did.
"Why do I have to tag along?" Your voice startled them. Your husband scowled at you while Komori opened the front door, both males ignoring your question.
A sleek black car was waiting for you three. Komori took the driver seat and Sakusa sat on passenger's side. You found comfort in the beige leather of the backseat, appreciating the warmth provided by the air conditioned.
"Shouldn't we bring more men with us?" The Kobun asked.
"There's a back up car in downtown. They can reach us in no time if something comes up" Sakusa said while covering his face with a mask "Also, I doubt someone would dare to mess with both Fukurodani and Itachiyama" He spared a glance at you through the rearview mirror.
You sighed. Anxiety didn't let you be for the whole day and now, fear was taking its toll on you.
With your temple resting on the window, you observed the city lights.
You loved Tokyo and how bright it was, although, you loved the suburbs even more; the industrial aesthetic and the narrow streets brought you the comfort you didn't feel in the last three months.
You lived here for your whole life, after all.
It wasn't a surprise when you spotted the building you used to live in.
A surge of homesickness found its place in your guts and your chest constricted in longing.
The drive lasted five more minutes before Komori parked the car by a hangar. When you lived in this neighbourhood, the place was deem abandoned with its vandalized walls and rusty gates. But inside there, you found our the interior was really neat, proving you wrong.
"Sakusa-san, Komori-san!" A blonde male came into view, eyeing you with wariness. "I see you brought your lady tonight. It's a pleasure having you here, miss" the indifferent tone of his voice said otherwise, tough.
You merely noded at him while the heads of Itachiyama greeted the man.
"Shall we start, then?"The blond asked before opening a door to your right. You felt unsettled knowing they wouldn't want your presence there.
"As you wish, Konoha-san" was all Sakusa said while a woman appeared out of nowhere.
"I'm afraid your wife would be pretty bored in our meeting. Yukie here will keep her company for the time being." The man Konoha pointed at the brunette with short hair. Sakusa sent you a hard stare before entering the room.
You both sat on some wooden boxes filled with god knows what. You eyes wandered through the hole place, trying to find something entertaining.
The woman hadn't said anything for a whole eternity before breaking the silence.
"So, Miya-san, huh?" The way she said the damned name tickled you off.
"I'm no Miya"
"Yeah, I know. I've heard of you" Yukie chuckled, looking at you with despise. You cocked a brow ate her.
"Sure you did" She was about to retort before the door was open again.
"Well, it's always a pleasure to make business with Itachiyama. We will see you off, then" Konoha said before reaching for the exit.
It was long past midnight when the meeting ended. The five of you were by the gates, Konoha and Komori doing some chit-chat, when four people appeared out of nowhere, knives in their hands.
"Ara, ara. look at these yakuza big shots" A man with an undercut said, fidgeting with the blade between his fingers. In your periferic vision you saw Yukie running back to the hangar and the three men by your side reaching for the guns by their hips.
Among the other four, a figure seemed familiar to you.
"Kuribayashi Runa" The name left your lips in a whisper. The female let out a mocking laugh and Sakusa frowned at you.
"Explain" Your husband immediatelly demanded, grimacing.
"She is the new maid working in your house. Today was her first day." Runa scoffed at your reply.
"Do I look like a maid to you, bitch?" And then, everything went into slow motion.
The woman came in your direction, holding the knife high in the air whilst you stepped backwards, being cornered by the gate.
You saw the blade glinting under the street lights and saw it aiming for your chest.
But it never came.
A hand pushed you downwards and you fell to the ground along a clattering sound. Sakusa's shadow loomed over you, trying to evade the knife.
By your left, you saw Konoha and Komori fighting the other guys, their guns useless in a hand-to-hand fight.
The adrenaline rushed through your bloodstream, your mind going frantic. It felt like one of those life or death situations you faced in the surgery room.
How can I save someone's life right now?
You saw Sakusa's pistol laying on the ground next to you. He and the woman were a couple of inches from your body.
You knew what you had to do.
With your leg reaching forward, you made her trip. The knife she held was kicked away by your husband.
"Sakusa! Watch out for Komori!" And you threw the gun at him.
A second too late, the bang echoed and an agonizing scream ripped through the night.
By your left, Runa and two of the guys were already running away.
The man Komori fought collapsed to the ground clutching his leg and cursing under his breath.
But the most disturbing sight was the way Komori held his arm, whimpering and cursing while his right hand clutched the knife's handle.
The blade tore his flesh and crossed the limb right next to its joint, in a weird angle.
Yukie came back, carrying a rope and a pistol.
"I sent some of our men to their direction." She said while helping Konoha to restrain the guy who attacked you.
"What the fuck you guys want?" The blond asked before kicking the man in his guts. The latter spat blood, giving a crooked smile at Konoha.
"Johzenji is coming" Was all he said before passing out.
"Yukie, carry him to the basement." He ordered "Since it happened on our territory, we will be investigating the incident. We count with Itachiyama's cooperation and will keep you updated" Konoha bowed at Sakusa, before rushing back to the building.
Komori was still on his knees, head hanging low. A grunt went past his lips and you knew what he was doing.
"Komori! Don't!" But again your shout came too late and the man ripped the knife away from his limb. Blood rushed through his fingers and dampened the suit he wore. "Fuck" you rushed to his side, Sakusa's features going livid.
"We gotta take him to a hospital" you said.
"No!" Komori croaked out, getting a hold of your arm. You knew what he meant, but you also knew what could definetely happen if he ignored the situation.
Sakusa was frozen in front of you two, unsure of what to do. You took a deep breath, mustering up all the courage you had.
"You have to trust me, then" you held the brown haired male by his torso and gave Sakusa a determined glare.
The oyabun noded at you and it was all the assurance you needed before ripping out Komori's blazer and transforming your scarf into a tourniquet.
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In your old apartment, you ushered the two males inside, taking them both to your kitchen.
Sakusa sat the Kobun in a chair while you went to another room. A minute later, you brought two metallic cases, some flasks and a first aid box.
In the cupboards you took a flask of alcohol and squeezed it to the table, wipping it with some gauzes.
Positioning Komori's arm over the wooden surface, you sterilized his wounds with povidone and then turned your attention to Sakusa.
"I'll start it now" before proceeding to the sink. Sakusa admired the movements you made while washing your hands "I need you to do the same" and he complied.
The male helped you to put the gloves and mask on and to set your instruments over the table.
Looking at Komori, you realized he passed out in spite of the pain. The blood loss wasn't huge, but you did not knew why he fell unconcious.
You prepared two syringes of anesthesics. Sakusa sent you a weird glare, brows furrowing at you.
"Don't look at me like this. I'm a surgeon you know" and then you did the infusion. "Its not that weird if I have some hospital shit at home".
You opened the cut with a scalpel. Scrutinizing at the wound, you saw the artery was hit.
"Thank god." You let out a breath of relief, realizing the damage was little. It didn't need an anastomosis, so some stiches would do. "The ulnar artery was hit but it won't be too hard to fix. Although, I can't tell if there's a nerve damage" and you started to close the vessel's lesion.
You observed if there was any muscle or tendon damages and proceeded to suture the gashes, making sure the procedure was well done. You then patched it up and imobilized the limb with a makeshift splint, before undoning the tourniquet.
"Let's take him to my bedroom" With that, you both carried the unconcious man to your bed. "I need to check him overnight and– Shit! Your face!" It was just now you realized he had a gash on his cheek.
Sakusa flinched, feeling the blood drying over his skin and dampening the mask he used. He removed the cloth and observed the cut with the front camera of his phone. He frowned at the sight.
"It can get an infection and leave a nasty scar. Do you want me to patch it up?" You offered after checking Komori's blood pressure and his heartbeat.
A please left his lips in a whisper.
You both went back to the kitchen and you used a new set of tools. Holding his face between your gloved hands, you admired his facial features.
Sakusa was pretty.
Almost ethereal with his thin nose, almond eyes and thick brows. In addition, te two moles on his forehead complimented his beauty.
You snapped out of your reverie, getting to work.
"Finished. This kind of suture won't leave a visible scar" you said cutting the thread and reinforcing the stitch with tape.
Your finger lingered a bit longer on the apple of his cheek. Sakusa grabbed your hand and held it for a while before getting away from you and settling himself on your couch. You ignored the ghost of his touch on your skin and went back to check on Komori.
That night, Sakusa realized that no one ever handled him with such care, as if he was made of fine china.
I like that touch, he decided.
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❥ taglist: is still open. Send an ask or use the commentary section to let me know if you want to be added!
@ukaiwachin @keekee-732 @chiibichann @shinguchi @captain-shittykawa @fortheloveofbakugo @daisyjaebae @jihoonspout @floodinginstars @fl4mepillar @trash4sportsanime @translucentthoughts @starrystanze @teaanbiss @hqxreader @sunboikyo00 @yskomiii @ly-nia @shadyjinyoung @julimausi1311 @idiot-juice-enthusiast @hyoonx23 @keuromi @differentballooncollection @re-zerohora @onigiriimiya @ayaeushi @wolfiepirate @sekshi-namjas @tomo-uwu @flodaisez @jh-bee @kemochie;
334 notes · View notes
Fear me
Cw: Demons, Murder, Minor character death, Knife, Near coerced murder, Cannibalism, Throat injury, Blood, Fear, Mocking, Sadistic whumper, Unpredictable whumper, Death threats, Hopelessness, Gore
Previous: The origin
Heed the content warnings on this one for real. It involves minor character death, near coerced murder, graphic murder, cannibalism.
If you'd like to skip it, here's a summary: Reyo graphically kills and eats another demon in front of Niko. Because, he wants Niko to be afraid of him again.
Red Masterlist here
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The air was especially warm today, but there was nothing to do. Niko sat staring at the horizon, it appeared more colorful than normal. Almost breaking from it's muted gray tone. The wind blew his hair slightly.
It was calm without Reyo around. He hadn't bothered to show up in days. Leaving Niko confused by the fuzzy memory of him.
Did I.. dream it? I must have. Why would he ever show me kindness. It must just be another sick game
Reyo appeared before him, ruining his daydream. Niko was tiring of his games, he stayed seated on the ground.
"Not jumping up to greet me like usual?" Reyo glared, a thinly veiled threat.
Niko jumped to his feet immediately as Reyo stalked around him.
"Not afraid of me anymore, are you? What? Do you expect me to coddle you? You're nothing but pathetic" Reyo mocked him, tilting his head to examine Niko's defeated look.
I would be stupid to think his kindness meant anything
"Don't run off, I'll be right back." He growled as he disappeared.
Great, he seems to be in a bad mood today
Niko looked to the skyline, it almost appeared blue today. He missed the way the real sky looked. Missed the wind in his feathers. Missed his wings.
No use mourning over that
Reyo returned, holding another demon by the upper arm. They looked annoyed but didn't fight as they were dragged after him. Reyo didn't seem to acknowledge their existence as he analyzed Niko's glare.
As Reyo drew near, he released his hold on the stranger, turning to them with a sour look. They stood facing him, eyes averted down in shame.
What? Who's that?
Reyo took a condescending tone with the stranger as he spoke "I gave you a warning and you still stole from me. I know you did." He got close in their face as they tried to flinch away. "Normally I wouldn't care about missing food. But, I've been having to feed my captive here, so he doesn't die." He took a step back, inhaling sharply as if to gain control of himself.
He began again, in a low growl, as he stepped back to address both of them. "I'm tired of both of you. I'm tired of starving. I'm tired of no one listening to my threats" he gave Niko the side eye at the last part.
"so, I'm going to solve it!" He exclaimed, almost cheerfully.
The stranger was shaking, as Reyo drew near again. Turning their chin up to look them in the eyes. "Awe, why are you afraid now? You never listened to my warnings before now. It would've been so easy." He let them go with a chuckle.
"Now.." he paused, turning to address Niko.
"What's your name, angel?"
Reyo turned back to the trembling stranger. "Now, Niko here, is somewhat of a murder. Would you kill Niko to avoid punishment?" A grin spreading across his face at those words.
"Yes- whatever you want master" their voice wavered, but the sigh of relief was obvious.
Reyo's expression was pure evil as he met Niko's shocked gaze. Spinning around, almost playfully, as he distanced himself from the situation.
Is this how I die? After everything. They didn't even look at me before promising to kill me
Reyo broke out in laughter, "Did you hear that, angel? They wouldn't feel bad about killing you." He got serious as he added "I want you to keep that in mind, as you kill them."
He can't be serious. I cant- I've never killed anyone that except Reyo, and he's immortal
The stranger tried sprinting away, Reyo grabbed them instantly, pining their arm behind them. "Sorry I don't feel like chasing today." he met Niko's gaze, adding, "same goes for you, angel."
Niko stood silently, lost in his own racing mind. Time moved slowly as the color left his face.
He's not joking.. I can't do something like that. What will he do if I dont obey?
He looked down, trying not to focus on the struggling creature in Reyo's grip. A sharp noise, as Reyo broke the hand that clawed at him. A scream further freezing Niko in fear.
Reyo took a knife out of his pocket, dropping it to the floor and kicking it towards Niko.
"If you make another piss poor attempt at stabbing me, I'll kill you Niko" he threatened, before turning his attention back on the struggling demon. "You're not very good at getting away, huh?"
"Please- Reyo-" they pleaded, before Reyo put his hand over their mouth
"Oh, shut up."
He turned his attention to Niko, who was still standing stunned at the scene "oh, come on angel, too good for murder now?"
"I- can't-"
"Pick up the knife. Now." Reyo interrupted, impatiently tightening his grip on the demon in his arms.
This is crazy, I would never- I won't
"Now!" Reyo glared over the demons shoulder at him. "Or else."
Niko bent down reluctantly, to reach for the knife. Grateful for an excuse to break eye contact with Reyo. It was cold in his hands, his reflection blurry in it. Anger boiled over in him.
I'm going to stab Reyo. I don't care what he does about it. I'm doomed to die anyway. Why would I ever kill someone for his entertainment?
"Good, now come here, angel." Reyo mused, his voice calm again.
Niko took a shaky step forward, closing the distance. Reyo didn't seem to mind his slow pace drawing out the moment.
Maybe I'm just glad it's not the other way around. Eventually it will be..
He didn't want to think about the inevitable.
"Do it, Niko." Spit out as a threat, neon orange glare burning through him. Shattering Niko's retaliation before it begun. The blade shaking in his hand before slipping through his fingers.
I can't hurt Reyo. I can't. He's a monster. Unkillable. Things will only be worse.
The echo of the knife on the floor brought a smirk to Reyo's cold expression. "Ahh, think your refusal is a service to them? How stupid."
He tightened his grip around the stranger, condescending words hidden under an artificially sweet tone. "Let's show Niko what he's in for, hm?"
Reyo's cruelty surfacing again, as he laughed at their panicked struggles. Seemingly unbothered as they managed to bite into his fingers. He kept his hand tightly over their mouth as color ran down his arm.
Niko wanted to run but he was too terrified. Aware of his every heart beat as he watched, completely frozen.
Reyo's claws dug into the demons cheek as he pulled their head back at an unnatural angle. Flashing a toothy grin at Niko before biting down with force on their exposed skin.
The stranger's eyes widening as they tried to grasp for air. Reyo's jaws still tightly clenched around their throat as a sharp ripping motion brought blood to the stranger's mouth.
Niko watched in shocked fear. Unable to form a coherent thought. Wincing at every flinch the dying stranger made.
He's- like a rabid animal
The gruesome scene before him erasing any hope he had of survival, red smothering it all. Gasping in the air as though he was underwater. Drowning in powerless fear as he hid behind closed eyelids. Overflowing down his face to meet the red below.
That color will suffocate me as well
Next: Sub-zero
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holywankenobi · 5 years
SW fandom rant
To be honest, I don't really know how or where can I start talking about this. If you aren't interested in any of the Star Wars drama that is going on then skip this post, cause its gonna be long... these goes for the SW fans we are concerned about the whole situation itself. I barely have the strength to do this and exposing my opinion about certain things makes me uncomfortable but it's been a long while since I'm keeping things to myself. There's much information I have to process so please be patient with me since I barely know how to express my emotions in the right way (that's why I'm holding myself back a lot here: it will seem I'm calm... but I'm not. I'm angry and tired at the same time).
We all know where it all started. The Force Awakens premiere in 2015. We will start from there.
As ANY star wars movie, there will be people who liked it, people who loved it and people who hated it. And there is where some fans clash with the others. Fans who enjoy practically every movie or SW related things and those fans who demonize every movie (specially the ones from the new Disney canon) and the only thing that matters for them are the episodes IV, V, VI and the Legends canon (some of them also defend the prequel episodes I, II and III, fact which I'll talk about it later). And they bash against everyone who likes the Disney sequels.
BOI IM SCARED OF TELLING PEOPLE THIS WAS MY FAVOURITE SAGA SO FAR. And I already had problems with Legends hardcore fans.
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Let me tell this straightaway... Star Wars are movies for kids. They've always been. George Lucas said it. They seem to be thirsty for feeling again what they felt when they were kids whenever a SW movie comes out but they always exit the cinema with a feeling of extreme disappointment.
I was talking about the last movie with my co workers at the beginning of the year and they complaint it was "too Disney". And that's precisely what I'm trying to explain! It's ok whether you like the sequels or not like them. Everyone has his own taste. I just find funny complaining for a whole saga originally made for kids for being "too Disney". I dont know if you get my point here.
Then there's those who hated the prequels, that said there was nothing worse than the phantom menace, those who hated on George Lucas for doing such a crap, but now praise the prequels because Disney is satan for them and they want the old canon back. George Lucas ended up selling SW to Disney because, he ain't no fool, he knows this fanbase is one of the most toxic and ungrateful that has ever existed. And he saw it with the prequels feedback... Then they now have the guts to demand him to continue the old canon? Smells like hypocrite-crying fanboys to me.
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My whole point is....It's ok if you are a new/Disney sequels fan, it's ok if you are a prequels fan, it's ok if you are a SW original movies fan, Legends canon fan, OG fan, casual fan, hardcore fan... as always you understand that not everyone will agree with your point of view, not everyone will like or think the same way as you do, or live SW the same way as you do. There's a difference between respecting and agreeing with, concepts which sometimes get mixed and taken as the same thing, which is not. Respect other fans mean "I don't agree with you but I know how much this means for you, so I won't intentionally mock you" WHICH THING LEADS US TO THE NEXT TOPIC:
*takes a deep breath*
Man. I dont know. He's a full grown up man and he's behaving like a 5 yo on his social media...... John is the actor who gives life to Finn (the ex stormtrooper). It all started with this sexist comment he responded to a fan in his IG. 
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Then people (naturally) got offended, specially reylos. But instead of apologizing he kept on going, remarked what he said and also did a video to mock the reylo community.
You think I'm only defending a ship here but no. Its bigger than that. He has the right to feel left out in this saga because I agree with him IN THAT FACT. He is probably the actor which is more into the SW world, he was always a big fan (of the whole cast I mean). Thats why fans love him do much. And I did love him too. And he (naturally) wanted to have more spotlight on this saga ( I think Finn was one of the most wasted characters of these movies tbh) But instead of taking it the mature way he's having a tantrum on his IG because Finnrey did not become a real thing, he's trolling reylos and encouraging SW haters and antis to bully them whose are already having a hard time with TROS end (which I'll talk about later because I dont like their attitude about it either).
And it's not just raise the hate on shippers thing dude you could just apologize because you said something sexist and offended a lot of people who ship reylo and really means a thing for them. The whole thing that the greatest achievement a man can have with a woman is sex is just DISGUSTING. Rey kissed Ben but now he's gone Finn has the road clear and can fuck her? BRUH.
This is all so wrong and he was the one who started it.
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I'm really relieved Adam does not have any social media because omg I would be suffering so much rn...
I honestly have never emotionally connected with an actor so much as I did with him. His whole acting is so good and I could really notice on this last movie. I'm starting to watch his other movies. And not just his acting, he's so professional off camera too.
I'm really happy and proud of him for his Oscar nomination, he really deserves it TT
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But I'm worried this whole John Boyega thing affects him. Idk how I would feel if I were in his shoes, if my coworker was saying those things on social media and then smile at me like nothing is happening. But honestly what hurts me the most is he's having a worse time with "reylos".. I think the rumors of him having an affair with Daisy Ridley was what messed things up. I honestly dont know if its true, I've got some info but it's hard to believe. Because there are so many haters manipulating fake info that I dont trust anything and anyone anymore.
And this is where I talk about:
This is gonna be hard....
First of all, I don't consider Daivers (Daisy x Adam shippers) as part of the reylo community. I'm sorry. But its fucking disgusting you going to demand Adam to divorce from his wife, abandon his son and then start dating Daisy because of this rumor or because you can't separate fiction from reality.... I read he even recieved death threats ARE WE NUTS??? They (Adam and Daisy) having a good chemistry working together doesn't mean they are in love, kids...
Driver has an awesome wife and a lovely son. Daisy is currently dating someone.
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Infidelity is gross. No more. And I would be so disappointed at them if this turns out to be true. But seeing all what's happening around the actors and specially having all this haters out there... I'll say this was all false information.
Daiver is not real and won't be. So stick only to the fictional ship.....
About Reylo itself. I find REALLY funny how people who dont know shit about what this ship means say it's an abusive relationship. Bullshit. I wouldn't be shipping them if so.
Also the people still stating it's not real/canon hiding themselves behind the "Ben solo is dead lol" argument. Do you stop loving someone when they die?
Yes, they love each other. No, it wasn't always reciprocated love. They started being enemies in the force awakens, friends who understood and cared for each other through force dyad in the last jedi and ended up being lovers at the end of the rise of Skywalker. Rey wants to revenge her family (her falling to the dark side) but also wants Ben Solo back, and he wants to be the most powerful leader on the galaxy and still being kylo ren. But they eventually meet in the middle between light and dark and Leia finally reaches out to him to make him turn to the light.That's their fight. That's the angst. That's the tea. "No one is ever really gone" there's always hope. Star Wars is centered in HOPE. And their story represents it at its finest.
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NOW. The reylo community.
Despite you liked it or not the end they gave to the saga... I think JJ Abrams doesn't deserve all the hate he's receiving... he probably did a lot of things wrong but seriously... just stop. Not only from reylos but the whole fandom.
Sending hate won't lead to anything now...
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I enjoyed The rise of Skywalker. Indeed I spent half of the movie crying and I loved it.
You can cry as much as you want the loss of Ben (although I have hope for him still being alive in a way, there are plenty of theories) but that doesn't give you the right to death threat JJ. And I think I'll stop here cause I'm already tired.
Everyone has their own taste, preferences, favourite characters, ships, whatever. I pray for people stop judging others for their tastes, specially in this cursed fanbase. Sorry if I ever misbehaved trying to defend what I think or like. I just want this place to be supportive and safe for everyone and everything what's happening is not helping... We are all SW fans and that's our connection point. Dont discredit others for having another point of view...
I'll leave it here, but I'm open to debate or talk about anything I said in a respectful way.
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