#i cannot BELIEVE this show made those tags necessary
kanansdume · 9 months
I continue to be on Senator Xiono's side over Hera's which is a REALLY frustrating position to be in.
Hera, you cannot tell Xiono that he isn't "seeing" the problem when you are literally SHOWING HIM NOTHING. You HAVE nothing to show, so how the FUCK could he see what isn't there? He's not omniscient, and if you have no proof of your claims, why SHOULD he believe you? Just because you used to be a Rebel? They've stated that you are personally invested in this mission, you've used Republic resources like six times to go on a mission that is basically just so you can try to find one person you care about and failed six times, you apparently repeatedly disrespect the orders you're given from Republic leadership, so why should Xiono just... trust you?
This is SO frustrating because it makes NO FUCKING SENSE for Hera to be getting all high and mighty about this when Xiono's RIGHT to question her. This would be a way more interesting plot if it wasn't being presented as just "Hera vs. The Asshole Senator" but an actual nuanced storyline where Hera and Xiono are BOTH RIGHT. Thrawn IS out there and he IS a threat, but Xiono is ALSO right to point out that Hera's abusing Republic resources and disrespecting Republic resources for a personal agenda and has no proof of her own claims.
They COULD'VE gone down the route that Hera is so caught up in this mission that she's sort-of losing her perspective and is now reaping the consequences of those choices. Maybe we see a role reversal where it's SABINE who is trying to talk Hera into being more reasonable about it and let Ezra go or something. But noOoOoOoOo we HAVE to have this whole terrible storyline about how the New Republic SUCKS and is basically the Empire by another name and everyone who runs it are IDIOTS or lazy rich assholes who will drive it into the ground in a few years. Individually, some of the New Republic people are okay, but as an organization, it's too flawed and it needed to catch up with the times to keep from falling.
Sound familiar?
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
(Just like last time, it isn't really graphic but I'm tagging just so you know)
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Part 1 | This is Part Two | Part Three | Extra
It. Probably won't need a part 4
I'm doing this all on one cps file so I sure hope so kjlfdkfljs
i'm at like- 750+ layers i'm so sorry my file
...there might be a part 4 but it'll be small sketches and aftermaths
Once again, long post under the cut:
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I am not the only traveler, who has not repaid his debt.
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met
- The night we met by Lord Hurdon
Alright, I didn't make too much of an effort to hide it but how many of you guessed it was gregory and how many of you didn't see it coming?
Gee I wonder who Gregory's companions are
Okay if you don't have a nugget of who these companions are then my rambling below makes it a little more obvious
Anyway, this little comic of self indulgence to mend my broken heart says "YO what if Gregory and other characters saved Vanessa like they did in canon"
It certainly would NOT be easy for Vanessa once she wakes up to that realization. But there are factors that make it a little bit easier for Vanessa to cope compared to other children.
Since Gregory and others proved they could fight and free her as Vanny, it gives her mind a little reassurance that they aren't completely helpless.
Plus, I like the idea of the GGY story (Dr Rabbit) existing as this au's equivalent of the same experience, that would mean Gregory has had his own bad experiences with Glitchtrap and so it wouldn't be like some random kid going against a threat he was unfamiliar with
She still distances herself a lot earlier on and the more time passes, the older Gregory gets, the less he looks and sounds like a kid.
Those make it much easier for Vanessa to stand being around them as time goes by. Earlier on, she only really interacted when absolutely necessary. But she did grow a small soft spot for them.
She remained pretty closed off about herself over the years and never delved too deep about her past. Ness left frequently for her own hunting jobs and at one point Gregory asked where she went. Somethings made it seem like these hunts weren't just random and different
He didn't get an answer of course. But later that day, Vanessa told him about Y/n. In vague terms. This is the most information he ever gets about Vanessa's past.
So Gregory's got no idea who to expect to see showing up to the gravestone ltr on and is just like
Gregory: cool, ur mysterious enough for it to be believable ur related to my mysterious older sister/mentor figure Wanna hear a story
Y/n: ...yes.
Forgive him his brain is ever so foggy from grief and no slep
Anyway, Y/n picked a day to visit Vanessa when they knew they were stable enough not to lash out and attack any humans that may happen to also be visiting the graves. They had eaten pretty recently but not so recent that they were vulnerable.
It's pretty early in the morning where it is still dark and the rain provides some more protection.
If you couldn't tell before, many MANY years have passed since Y/n has been human. Think somewhere between 20-30 years. And while, they still hate who they are now and aren't mentally okay, they've gotten a semi-solid understanding of their limits and what they can and cannot tolerate and when.
And, even though they are nervous, they can manage to have this conversation with Gregory for now.
Why are they talking to Gregory so willingly? despite the risks?
the next part will explain that
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xiaoddexingjiutang · 2 months
I make this character analysis of Dreadwing due to the recent dragonformers post in Dreadwing tag. translated by @alicefromwhichplanet, very professional, thanks!
Character Analysis of Dreadwing (tfp)
First of all, to define the basic quality of Dreadwing as cowardice is completely wrong. A character ‘s courage cannot be judged by the strategy he uses in a certain battle. In fact, using certain risk-avoiding strategies to preserve one’s greatest values is actually an act of wisdom. A character’s courage can only be judged by his choice when faced with big challenges related to his values. Dreadwing is brave enough to challenge multiple strong enemies alone to avenge his brother (at his debut in episode 32), and eventually dies of rebelling against the leader he used to be loyal to (his last scene in episode 51). Moreover, Dreadwing has enough courage to banish himself from all mainstream social organizations, turning his back on the Decepticons without pledging allegiance to the Autobots, standing aloof from the binary opposition of camps. At least speaking from the perspective of the highly-socialized human society, I believe this choice can only be made by truly brave and wise individuals.
I see Dreadwing as a true revolutionary who kept his ideals. He is an introvert bot, which means he won’t make any major changes unless it’s 100% necessary. However, when he witnesses Megatron‘s crazy acts and loss of his original aspirations, he appears to be surprised/ disapproving. Those who know what they agree know what they disagree. Both he and Skyquake dropped out of the Decepticons for a while, so what they strongly believe should still be the early principles of the organization. This is also why they are not comfortable with the current Decepticons’ acts of pursuing victory at all cost. To oppose corruption no matter where it appears. If the corruption comes from inside the system, start a revolution from within. This is spirit of a true revolutionary.
Apart from that, I wanna stress about a harmful way in interpersonal interaction: If one chooses to bear with a problem when it is not serious, the other person may misjudge this person’s principles and capabilities and develop a hallucination that they are more powerful than the said person in the relationship. This way, when the problem escalates and when the first person shows signs of resistance / refusal, they will be cruelly suppressed, because once a power dynamics, common people won’t allow it to be overturned. This is in human nature. Dreadwing’s tragedy is partly because he committed this mistake.
Lastly, I wanna say that one can have preferences when doing character analysis, but it is for the best keep objective. Or else, you can only see what you want to see, and even equaling who you are to who others are. You will then miss the depth and complexity of other types of characters, which is really pitiful.
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generic-whumperz · 2 months
OC in 3
Choose 3 pics to represent your OC
Oops, I got overly excited and made 10 three-picture collages
Omg thank you @mj-iza-writer for the tag! I am honored that I came to mind! 🥹
No pressure (& open to anyone interested!) tag: @rainydaywhump @eatyourdamnpears @clairelsonao3 @dresden-syndrome @lights-out-knives-out @snakebites-and-ink
Soooo, I know I’m supposed only to pick three pics, but honestly, I simply cannot (I know, no surprise there). I have been wanting to do a vibe photo dump for The Aid (the Whumpee & title of the story) but have yet to do it (hello, my ever-expanding Pinterest boards), so I’ll take this chance to explore The Aid’s past phases he’s gone through (pre & post-Wyatt {Whumper #2}) and give some explanations because it’s a lot. However, I don’t know if explanations are necessary for this tag game, but I’m famously too much, so of course, I’m going to over-explain myself because of my crippling fear of being misunderstood!
Ironically (ironic because his real name reveal doesn't come until around chapter 25-ish), I call his time with Madame Eleanor (technical Whumper #1) his “Aid Era” because that’s when he becomes this character we are introduced to and currently know him as. Yet, this is the part of his life he is phasing out of. **Insert something-something about being haunted by your past.**
In the current storyline, he is going through a succession of more changes, and his world is about to be turned upside down yet again, but I’ll hold off on showing those for now because they’re spoilers, and I have more than enough here!
Starting from the top, here we goooo—
P.S. The people in these pics are not what the characters look like, this is simply vibes only!
Day 1
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1. As soon as The Aid arrives at his new home, Madame Eleanor gets custom-made Gucci uniforms made for him that looks like this. This is his go-to everyday attire. (I spent too long looking at scrubs and hospitality uniforms on and off for over a month—tell me you like it and think it’s cool and sleek.)
2. He has a special built-in in his closet specifically for all his fancy, jewel-encrusted collars Madame Eleanor gifted him throughout the years, but this is what the facility's standard-issue collar looks like for his designation (Grand Servant: Domestic Aid).
3. His favorite Prada frames Madame Eleanor also got him that he bitches reminisces about in Chapter 6 (Wyatt breaks them because he’s an asshole, leaving him straight up blind for several months).
Fancy Threads
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Eleanor Sullivan was a Rich Bitch™️ (I will make a separate post at some point about her house and The Aid’s room specifically because I spent way too much time obsessing over these deets), so best believe she had her servant dressed to the 9s in designer fits when out and about or for Family events and the like. She may also put him in a butler uniform from time to time when they were hosting a party at their residence—which was often, Eleanor was known for her soirées. (To clarify, he’d still wear a collar even when dressed up, and all those attending knew who and what he was.)
The Host
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He loved a good party just as much as Eleanor did! He likes serving and seeing people have fun and enjoy themselves (people-pleasing empath). He was known for his food displays and had a knack for creating a proper afternoon tea spread that garnered attention from all those present. I also have Pinterest boards of some appetizer spreads and cool drink tables he would put together because I was really trying to understand him as a character.
Speaking of Empath…
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We can’t talk about him without bringing up his not-so-secret secret! Lil’ homie has a gang of abilities (telepathic empathy, hyper intuition, premonitions, and psychometry) just bubbling up inside him at all times. His relationship with himself and his sixth senses is complicated, to say the least—he finds them burdensome, yet he cannot function without them, despite how much he argues otherwise. It’s a whole thing, but for a certified Telepathic-Empath™️, he sure is dead inside (which only gets worse after Wyatt OFC).
*Sorry for the shitty upload quality of the Emotional Sponge, idk why it looks so bad!
Domestic Duties
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Not only can he slap together the best charcuterie board you’ve ever seen and easily untangle Christmas lights, but he’s also a man who can cook, clean, and keep a house. What can’t he do?
Hobbies? Interests?
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Don’t be ridiculous, he didn’t have time for leisure activities! But when he had some occasional downtime, he would spend an ungodly amount of it doing facials and grooming himself. He also loved to go to the spa with Madame Eleanor. As far as reading went, he wasn’t into novels, but he would occasionally peruse short-story myths and legends, old fables, or read picture books in funny voices to Eleanor’s grandchildren. Primarily, he’d like to read trashy magazines, comics, and cookbooks. But let’s be real, he considered cleaning, gossiping, and baking his primary hobbies.
RIP Madame Eleanor Sullivan
(She’s been dead for about a year and a half when they story picks up)
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First and foremost—above everything else—The Aid was Eleanor Sullivan’s literal live-in medically trained caregiver, which is why she bought him in the first place. They had a very close relationship for five years, and he did everything for her. When she died, his world was shattered, and he took her death really hard. Wyatt was jealous of his Mother’s relationship with her servant from day one, which is where part of his animosity comes from. Quick note—Eleanor was a posh, vintage-Chanel-wearing Grandma and would never be caught dead wearing a bathrobe outside. Eleanor was Queen of being That Bitch.
Enter: Wyatt Sullivan
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These pics are pretty tame all things considered, but after Eleanor’s death, The Aid is now in a World O’ Hurt and the subject of Wyatt’s drug-and-alcohol-fueled rage. The Aid went from a high-class servant loved by his Madame and respected by her friends, associates, and family (besides Wyatt) to a human punching bag overnight. The beef between these two runs deep and maybe Eleanor isn’t as innocent as she seems. Stick around and you’ll find out all the Sullivan family tea.
To: Wyatt
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Just some memes directed towards Wyatt and The Aid being painfully aware of his shitty situation (I got too many of these and had to sprinkle some in).
Where We’re at Now…
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Quite the fall from grace, wouldn’t you say? Our boy is currently bed-ridden and zombified while having the worst time imaginable. He’s drugged up, fucked up, and can’t move half of his body! But don’t be fooled, this stay-cation is no fluffy recovery arc and you’ll meet some more distasteful Sullivans soon to come!
This took me an embarrassing amount of time to assemble, but I went the extra mile because this doubles as a reference guide. I had a lot of fun making this and I may make more (and way more chill ones that are just three pics, I swear) after I write Part 2 and introduce a gang of other characters alongside my most favorite-favorite guy!
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sunfish999 · 4 months
The nitty gritty is watering down katara's character so she's just a meek girl ? Your lying If you really think that's the same character. The producers said they would take an axe to the main characters and that's where the show really suffers...also nothing is perfect people like you is why we get stuck with mediocrity
?? I finished episode 5 but what😭 how is katara just a meek girl, i feel like yes she has a little less rage but other than that she shows that shes smart and powerful and her own person? Explain what is watered down i feel like animation usually over-exaggerates facial expressions and voices for the most part, so i’m not surprised that katara has more subtle strength so far, and also the actress has a very kind face, but i think shes still able to show some of that anger. (I havent watched the water master fight yet so maybe thats where you’re talking about, so i cant speak on that)
Idk what taking an axe to the main characters means (like really cutting them apart? Cuz i doubt they would promote a show by saying its gonna be bad but who knows). But i feel like the characters are all pretty accurate with how they carry themselves, of course they’re younger so acting wont be perfect but i think the imperfections are what brings them to life. I know a lot of people hate the writing, i feel like it’s quite similar to the show? (Though its been maybe 3-4 years since i last rewatched it) and some lines especially from something previously animated are gonna sound awkward in real life, which is why generally i believe live actions arent necessary for any animation, though in this case i’m really enjoying just rewatching atla and my childhood be brought to life.
Nothing is perfect: ok i was using perfect mostly because i was very excited about it, of course i know theres things that could be changed to improve it but a lot of those things are impossible (like you cant get an actress thats EXACTLY katara and will make everyone happy, because shes a drawing) but overall, i think the landscapes come close to perfect (i’m just really into fantasy scenes and i think it’s so beautiful and impressive to see things like the omashu supply rail and the air temple come to life. And zuko’s boat looks so awesome and so accurate too.) And i thought the cgi looked slightly silly at first (especially air) but then i realized that we were always seeing drawings of aangs air in the animation which would look even stupider irl so i made my peace pretty quickly.
People like me is why we get stuck with mediocrity… hm. I feel like my opinion probably has nothing to do with what comes out on tv, especially because in this society haters have the real power, and you guys tearing it down are more likely to get it cancelled. I don’t think any production team takes an animated film or show and thinks ‘yea im gonna make this absolutely awful,’ (though i’m really not sure what they were thinking when making the pjo movie, its good as a standalone but they went so off course from the plot…) of course they’re all just trying to fit what they think into the show and express their own opinions, which are ultimately going to be a lot different than some people watching it.
Overall, ok i haven’t watched the og in years, so my memory on comparing each episode of the show to the live action is not going to be at the level of others (which i think boosts the enjoyability 100x over). But as i watch it, i remember tons of parts of the animation, and it makes me super happy that it has the same air as the show, albeit slightly more serious because they can’t fit all the funny filler episodes (if they ever created a live action lost appa episode i would lose it that cannot happen).
Maybe i sounded rude in my original post (i changed it quickly bc it was very angry at first lol) so sorry i know you’re all entitled to your opinion, it’s just i was SO EXCITED and then checked the tag on tumblr only to see that everyone hated it… i always feel inferior to people who really like films etc because i tend to enjoy things that other people hate, (like i really enjoyed the avatar way of water movie even if it was super long, and i know people DESPISED it). So maybe i seem like someone who is satisfied with mediocrity, and maybe i am, i focus mostly on the backgrounds and beauty of movies because im really into art and much less on acting and script (though i can appreciate beautiful characters, i was Blown Away by live action suki and hair down sokka my jaw dropped fr) i agree i am fairly simple to please in terms of this type of thing.
SORRY THIS IS GETTING QUITE LONG IM SURE U WONT READ IT ALL but i hope ur finding joy in life since live action atla is obviously not doing it for u
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sublimeflowoftime · 6 months
snapdragon : is your muse merciful ? why or why not ?
Botanical Headcanons
Warning: I rant about Three Hopes and it is long. Spoilers below. (Likely will be in all of these so just block the tag ‘#{Careful now. — Spoilers}’ if you don’t want Sothis spoilers for Three Houses or Three Hopes I cannot guarantee I will remember to put read more things on the rest)
Sothis and her behavior is something that seems to change drastically depending on the game (Houses or Hopes). In Three Houses, sure she yells at you plenty, but at the end of the day she is your friend, whether she’d admit it or not. In Three Hopes, however all that is really seen of her is her either possessing Byleth for the sake of trying to kill Arval/Shez, or trying to convince Byleth to let her have complete control and let her do exactly that without resistance.
So for TWSITD and those connected to them - unknowingly or not - no. She is absolutely not merciful, and she wants you dead.
As for everyone else, yes, absolutely. Byleth made a million mistakes in Three Houses that they had to fix using her power of divine pulse (unless you never made any mistakes when playing, in which case: no you didn’t don’t lie to me), but never once does she bring up possessing Byleth to just fix it herself at all.
It’s clear she knows it’s an option in some ways, as she knew how to fuse herself with Byleth to give Byleth full control, so reasonably she could assume it would work in reverse. But she never tries, and even in Three Hopes, she never actually goes through with taking full control until Byleth gives her their full consent, even though she literally states outright that she is fully capable of doing so. She still likes Byleth, and she doesn’t want to erase their individuality unless absolutely necessary. Despite verbally saying otherwise, her actions really don’t align with that.
Even as big Sothis without the memory loss, she was originally trying to help the people. I find it hard to believe that the Agarthans just jumped straight into a war without there being any sort of warning, but she didn’t seem to have anything against them until they started killing her children, and then, eventually, her. As far as I know anyway unless I missed something.
Overall, Sothis seems to be extremely forgiving unless someone has wronged her or those she cares about in a deep way, only then does she choose to show no mercy. But even then, she still will if someone else she cares about decides to trust them. (Ex: Sothis giving up and fusing with Byleth peacefully rather than taking control if Byleth is recruited by Shez, even if she still very clearly does not agree.)
Moral of the story: stay on Sothis’s good side, but if you’ve already messed that up, make friends with Byleth. Problem solved.
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a-earthssprout · 1 year
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🥀🍯 OOC. a message that’s a tad more thoughtful than a quick update, since I really do have a lot of things to say … I do apologize, however, if this post is rather … messy 😭 my brain feels square rn, but it also wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t share a bit of what’s in my heart—so, I’ll do my best with what I have ! 😊
for many reasons—some more obvious, others more personal—the 2020s have been quite a ride so far. personally, 2022 has been a real struggle for me; I’ve braved some things that I was not yet ready for & it really felt like the year where my life was adjusted in such a permanent way—change is exciting, but admittedly I’m not always comfortable with it … I much prefer consistency 😔
that among other things has made my early 20s a very strange ride so far—it has been difficult, it has been trying, it has been taxing, & sometimes, it has even been a little scary, I must admit … but I’ve had so many blessings by my side that have all been such a comfort to me on this wild trip. this blog—& the company kept on it, especially—is a MAJOR one indeed; the fact that I have a place to turn to, where I can forget about everything that overwhelms me & have a bit of fun, plot some cute things, & admire all you talented writers on my dash … 🥺🌼 I’ve mentioned this before, but I feel that I truly cannot say it enough. I am so grateful for this place & the warmth it brings me, the joy it fills me with, & the opportunity it allows me ! 🌷
but this place would also not be so wonderful if it was without—again—the company that I have here. my closest, dearest friends, whom I am overwhelmingly thankful for, & pals of different but equal value, who make this place the source of sunshine that I feel it is. when light seems so distant in other places, I feel as if it is never quite as far out of reach here. it is so friendly here—so gentle, so kind—& I only hope to give a similar feeling to all of you, too. if you are reading this, do not doubt for a second that I do not mean you—each & every one of you has made me smile before. I can guarantee that. & there are no words that I could use to express just how precious that is to me … truly, it is so 🌼
to those who are closest to me … thank you for being my family. yes, you are my family, & you will always mean the world to me. while I do not want to tag anyone directly as to not accidentally make any feel left out or forgotten, I do hope you know who you are when you read this 😊🌿
with roleplaying matters … the amount of support & love that I receive on here is overwhelming, & that is yet another thing I am so thankful for—to each & every one of you, I appreciate all your interest, all your encouragement, all your excitement—every precious thing you have given to me ... I appreciate it all so very, very much 🌻 please know that you have my support, too—I hope do to a better job showing this in the new year! 🙏
I hope for many things in the year to come—improvement in some areas, growth in others, & healing in parts that are necessary. change is scary … it may never be something I’m ever totally comfortable with, but … being able to go it with company like you all by my side ? yeah. that is definitely my strength 🤗✨
I wish you all a healthy, happy, & rewarding New Year—whether you believe it or not, you are deserving of good things, & I hope that mentality thrives for everyone in this new chapter 🌼 may we write many sweet things together & become closer in 2023 ! here's to all the writing adventures awaiting us ! I lava you all with all my heart, & again … thank you so much. for everything! 🥀
“ I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. ”
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rosethornewrites · 1 year
Fic: and sings the tune without the words, ch. 8
Relationship: Jiāng Yànlí & Jīn Zǐxuān, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Yànlí & Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Jiāng Fēngmián & Lán Qǐrén
Characters: Jiang Yanli, Jin Zixuan, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Lán Qǐrén, Jiāng Fēngmián, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Wēn Ruòhán, Wēn Qíng, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Yú Zǐyuān
Additional Tags: Epistolary, Food, Music, Secrets, Resentful Energy, Cultivation Sect Politics, Character Death
Summary: Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen exchange letters. Wen Ruohan pays a disastrous visit. 
Notes: See end.
Previous fic in the series: “the thing with feathers”
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
AO3 link
I hope this letter finds you well. I am acclimating adequately, though I find it strange to be without you and Shufu here. 
As it turns out, packing my heaviest winter clothing was probably unnecessary—where I would guess by now there is snow in the Cloud Recesses, here it is still fairly temperate. Lotus Pier has a different sort of winter, as it turns out. A-Ying says we can experience it together for the first time. 
Wen-zongzhu has sent a missive that he will be visiting with his sons and an entourage, and has offered to have his niece, who is apparently a medical prodigy, examine A-Ying. Jiang-zongzhu and Yu-furen have been discussing the matter away from us, but perhaps his niece can help.
My quarters here are well-furnished with elegant decor, some of it produced by A-Ying—he insisted upon returning that he provide paintings for my room, and it turned out he secretly painted a lovey picture of sleeping bunnies while at the Cloud Recesses that he has gifted to me. 
Jiang-zongzhu took Jiang Wanyin, A-Ying, myself, and several disciples of our cohort hunting for pheasants. He said it is important to know how to live off the land while night hunting or traveling, or if one becomes lost. We learned to set snares and A-Ying successfully hunted a pheasant with his bow, which was quite impressive—he is a very talented archer. I preferred not to shoot a living creature, and they were very kind about it. 
Instead I showed some of the Jiang disciples how to differentiate between some species of mushrooms and found several edible varieties to be eaten with the pheasant, though I also let them know that one must be completely certain what type of mushroom it is and so study is necessary. Jiang-zongzhu said basic edible plant knowledge is an important thing to know, so he is planning to include that in classes. I was pleased to contribute. 
I am also learning how to dive and hold my breath in the water, when weather permits. A-Ying isn’t permitted to swim if the temperature is too low, though the other disciples are. He thinks this rather unfair, though Jiang-zongzhu and Yu-furen are understandably reluctant for him to stress his body without adequate supervision, so I do not swim on those days so he does not feel as alone. Instead we work on our music cultivation with the tutor Shufu sent. 
A-Ying has a musician’s ear. I thought when he did not know how to read music that perhaps he had forgotten, but Jiang-zongzhu confirmed he never learned at Lotus Cove. Instead he is able to analyze music as he hears it, memorizing it and sometimes even anticipating the next notes in a way I have never known, though perhaps Shufu does. Sometimes it seems as though there is nothing he does not excel at, though when I said this he disagreed and said he believes that applies to me more than him. 
I do miss the Cloud Recesses, along with you and Shufu, but the days here are full enough to make up for it, and I enjoy my time with A-Ying. Lotus Cove is so lively in a way I normally would not enjoy, but it is also A-Ying’s home, so I find I cannot dislike it. 
It seems odd to make one’s home in two places so different from each other, but I find I do not mind it. 
Jiang Yanli recently made a dessert I think you would enjoy. Somehow the desserts in Yunmeng taste different from those in Gusu, perhaps owing to different spices. It is a soup made from yams and dates with ginger and sugar. She made it on a particularly chilly day and it warms from within. I asked her for the recipe to include with this letter, as I think you will enjoy it on colder days. Perhaps Shufu as well—as you know, he wakes with stiff joints on colder mornings and it shows sometimes in his gait. 
It will be strange to celebrate Dongzhi without you, though the Jiangs set up a tablet for Mother to share the altar with A-Ying’s parents, at his insistence. Even though it isn’t her true tablet and I will not be able to clean our ancestral hall with you and Shufu, I will be able to pay respects to her, and to A-Ying’s parents. Since Lotus Cove is so close to Lotus Pier, Jiang Yanli says the disciples often join in the festivities with the townspeople, so it will be a celebration different than what we hold in the Cloud Recesses, and A-Ying is excited to share his first in memory with me. 
I hope you and Shufu are well, and I will see you when the seasons turn again,
Lan Wangji
I am happy to hear you have settled in so well at Lotus Cove and are experiencing so many new things. Shufu and I are well, and as you predicted the soup recipe was well-received. Shufu is ensuring that it is served with breakfast on the coldest days, and several elders have expressed gratitude at the addition to the meal. Please thank Jiang-guniang for us.
Jiang-zongzhu and Shufu had hoped Wen-zongzhu would visit while we were there to settle you in, which was why Lan-daifu came with. I had been hoping to meet young Wen-daifu, but you’ll have to tell me how the visit goes. I hope they are able to help Jiang Wuxian—I know he finds his limitations frustrating. 
Shufu often turns toward where you would usually sit during tea, as though to speak to you, on occasion, and I find myself expecting to see you walking alongside me to meals at times. It is truly odd for you to be elsewhere, and I miss our conversations about lessons. 
It is good to hear of all the new things you are learning. Shufu is having several senior disciples copy books on mushroom identification and foraging to send to Jiang-zongzhu, and I’m sure the sharing of materials from our library will continue to strengthen the bonds between our sects. 
He asks that you be cautious of your health. Living in areas with different climates can impact our bodies in unexpected ways, he says, and Yunmeng’s winter is damp. It can be difficult to adapt. You have a strong core for your age, but pay attention to your lungs lest the damp invade. Do not hesitate to speak to Kang-daifu if you are feeling off. 
I’m sure Mother would be happy to share the altar with Jiang Wuxian’s parents. He is the kind of lively person she would have enjoyed, and from the tales Shufu and Jiang-zongzhu and Yu-furen have shared, his parents were of similar disposition. I will be sure to explain where you are when I leave offerings, and I’m sure the tablet that is at Lotus Cove was constructed in such a way that she will know to go there. 
You know we don’t leave meat offerings at the Cloud Recesses, but when we were young Mother sometimes commented about missing mutton stew, particularly in the winter months. I’m sure the Jiangs will be happy to make some for you to offer her, and that alone will make her happy. I’ve read it’s a traditional Dongzhi food in the east. Perhaps that’s where she was from. 
I am very glad you and Jiang Wuxian are so close. Though your second meeting occurred in such dire circumstances, it has had a positive outcome of close relations with Yunmeng Jiang, new friendships, and your betrothal. Shufu has softened somewhat since Yunmeng, and I’ve been studying my future role and considering the guiding principles in ways I never had before. I will make a list of the books I have read that you may also enjoy for when you return. I’m sure Jiang Wuxian will also enjoy it, and you may well read them together. Just remember to discuss it with me as well. 
The events of the past year have encouraged growth in us all, and I think in positive ways. I am very glad Jiang Wuxian remembered your name in his hour of need, even if none of us is sure how. 
I’m sending some tangyuan from the kitchens in a stasis pouch for you and Jiang Wuxian to enjoy. I know they will make them at Lotus Cove, but you’ve always enjoyed the ones made here and I want you to have a piece of home with you for Dongzhi.
Enjoy the festival,
Lan Xichen
Was going to send this through the post, but the Jiang messenger arrived. Shufu will take it but I am to stay here. He won’t tell me what happened, just that Wen-zongzhu was gravely injured. 
I don’t know what happened, A-Zhan, but I hope everyone is safe. Please be safe. 
Shufu may not return to the Cloud Recesses for some time. There is much fallout from what occurred and no one quite knows what the outcome will be. 
Wen-zongzhu is dead. Everything is confusing, but I have given report on what I witnessed and am including it here. 
Wen-guniang and her younger brother accompanied Wen-zongzhu to Lotus Cove. She was to examine A-Ying, but he had an episode when he saw her and called her Qing-jie. He asked her not to let Jin Guangshan kill her, which upset her younger brother. 
Wen-zongzhu insisted he needed more information, and when told about the resentful energy in A-Ying’s mind, even being advised by his own niece it should not be trifled with, he did not listen. He insisted he knew how to handle it.
Even though A-Ying was unconscious and still bleeding from his nose, he tried to do something to the resentful energy in his mind. He tried to hurt A-Ying. I remember A-Ying screaming, and his eyes opened and glowed red, and he was bleeding from his eyes and ears, too. 
The backlash destroyed the infirmary but left everyone (including me) except Wen-zongzhu untouched. His injuries were dire enough that his jindan could not repair the damage, and despite treatment he succumbed before the day was out, before Shufu even arrived. His remains were prepared for return to Nightless City. 
A-Ying was unconscious for several days but woke with no memory of what had occurred and seemingly no ill effects. Everyone is baffled, and he can give no context on his statement about Wen-guniang and Jin-zongzhu. 
While he was unconscious, one of Wen-zongzhu’s guards made an attempt on his life and was summarily dealt with by Yu-furen. The other guards were sent back to Qishan with Wen-zongzhu’s remains. 
That is the report I wrote, and what I saw happen. 
Nightless City has been silent. Shufu says the power vacuum will likely lead to an internal clan war and perhaps a schism. The political issues of Qishan Wen are apparently much more complex than those of Gusu Lan or Yunmeng Jiang. They are, after all, the largest of the five great clans, and many people will vie for the power Wen Ruohan held. 
Wen-guniang asked for asylum for herself, her brother, and her family, the Dafan Wen clan, and has had much to say about Wen-zongzhu that has disturbed Shufu and the Jiangs—I have not been privy to most of it. She does not wish herself or her family to be caught up in what becomes of Qishan Wen. Jiang-zongzhu and Yu-furen have agreed to the asylum and have sent disciples to Dafan to see to her clan’s immediate relocation into Yunmeng territory. 
It is unclear what will happen, if it will be called an assassination or act of war, if Yunmeng Jiang will be blamed despite advising against his actions, if A-Ying will be blamed despite being unconscious when it occurred. He’s only eleven, gege!
I am concerned for what might happen. Any attempt to put blame on the Jiang or A-Ying is unjust, but injustice is something that exists in humanity. Shufu hopes they will be too busy to pass blame, but the uncertainty is upsetting, and there’s such tension in Lotus Pier, even, a pall over the coming festival preparations. 
Shufu insists you stay in the Cloud Recesses. He’s sending missives to the elders on how to prepare for what might come and to delegate certain duties. He says Yunmeng Jiang may have to call a discussion conference to handle the fallout, but reiterates that you must stay there. 
Be safe,
Lan Wangji
Sooo that happened. 
Remember that Sect Leader Nie is still alive here. He hadn’t yet been killed by Wen Ruohan. It’s a pretty major change. 
But of course Wen Ruohan would do something like this. Older Wei Wuxian woke briefly and handled it. The red eyes were a hint. And no one knows—like Lan Wangji, they all believe it was backlash from messing with the curse and resentful energy. It was, sort of. But only because it woke Older Wei Wuxian and he was fucking pissed. No one else was even hurt by debris.
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cherrywrites626 · 2 years
WNGTI Chapter 5 Sneak Peek
Wow I am so late in posting this, but seeing as how I have once again barely finished writing it just now and therefore cannot be held accountable for anything that seems a little wonky, I can’t exactly be blamed for that tardiness either. Yeah?
Steve shouldn’t have been surprised.  Not after the first time fate led a victim down a path similar to the one they’d encountered in the past.
It had taken the better part of an hour and five cigarettes passed back and forth in near-silence for Chrissy to open the door and invite them inside, blue eyes red brimmed from what was no doubt another bout of intense crying but cheeks thankfully free from the evidence of recent tears.
They didn’t ask about the private relationship stuff.  Only whether Jason knew where to find Patrick that day and if she would like to tag along when they went so as not to be left alone with her thoughts—the answer to both of those questions fairly obvious to discern.
That was the easier bit.  Getting the intel they’d need if they wished to succeed in their endeavor.  Formulating a plan that everyone could agree upon proved a bit harder to tackle, given the circumstances.
Not that they weren’t all on the same page when it came to Patrick and his continued safety.  The fewer people who died before El made it to town, the better.  Allowing Vecna the opportunity to amass even an ounce more power that may or may not tip the scales against the superpowered teen was certainly the worst outcome he could think of, so keeping the death count to a one-off kind of deal was in everyone’s best interest.
It was the manner in which Eddie and Chrissy had decided to tag-team and shut him down at every turn that was the most exasperating.  The sheer insolence toward his frankly impeccable method of handling everything himself reminding him why he hadn’t wanted to involve anyone in taking the monster down, even as it became increasingly difficult to do anything on his own without some form of aid to achieve his goals.
Only two things were truly accomplished by the time their strange group got into the car to head out after another hour or so of non-stop arguing.  Chrissy was back to acting a bit more like her previous chipper and bubbly self, and Steve was ready to drive his companions out into the middle of nowhere to leave them stranded while he continued on without the constant undermining of his self-imposed authority getting under his skin.  
If only he believed he’d actually get away with doing just that.  He was almost certain it would stop the growing headache pounding outward from his temples, and that was as good of an excuse as any to warrant the action and then some.
The drive to the lake was spent talking in much the same, pointless circles about who should be the one in charge of saving Patrick and who was going to wait in the car like a good boy due to the oddity of showing up not just with an ex-teammate by her side, but the town freak and known drug dealer in tow.
Chrissy had already taken it upon herself to let Jason know she would be dropping by at some point to make up for her disappearing act after the game as a way to draw out the exact location and prevent things from going sideways a second time around, and while that was smart and he commended the girl for her perfect execution and quick thinking, really put a damper on his own method of doing things.
Namely that he would prefer to skulk in the shadows some more and only reveal himself once it was absolutely necessary to do so, but with the cheerleader dead-set on taking things into her own hands and simply being in the right place when the time came to save the jock, his foolproof planning skills had once again combusted in a glorious reminder that nobody respected him as they should.
Read the last chapter here, and as always, stay tuned for this update whenever I finish writing which had better be sooner than later.
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Hey, you once mentioned something about Tom Riddle being a little suicidal. Your new post reminded of that and I wonder why you think that. It’s the complete opposite of what the books want you to think.
Alright, it’s time, let’s do this.
My standard disclaimer whenever we venture into the dark pit that is my thoughts on Tom Riddle: I’m going to say a lot of controversial stuff that fandom generally doesn’t agree with, I will say so much of this shit that I simply do not have time to explain it all, I expect 99% of you to disagree with me and the other 1% to be so horrifyingly offended that I dare to contemplate a world in which Tom isn’t always an overly competent psychopath that they leave me notes telling me to take this trash out of their character tags.
We good? Alright.
So, when I say a little suicidal, I mean that he is suicidal.
Not on the level that he’s going to kill himself tomorrow, or even has plans to kill himself, but in that he makes very strange decisions for someone who desperately wants to live.
And yes, I realize I speak blasphemy given that Tom Riddle’s entire m.o. is supposed to be his crippling fear of death.
Oh man, this one’s going to be so long.
So, my reasoning comes down to a few things:
The location of the horcruxes and the nature of their protections.
The events of Deathly Hallows and Tom’s final actions in the novel
The nature of horcruxes and what it means to not only be able to create one but what it does to you (caveat that I am going to headcanon hard here and speak utter blasphemy)
So, let’s start in order this time, because I think the first two are actually far easier for me to explain.
The Location and Nature of the Horcrux Protections and the Trouble with Backdoors in Security
So, first, the horcruxes are all conveniently located in Great Britain. Not even just in Great Britain, all in places that Albus Dumbledore and later Harry Potter can track down with relative ease, all fairly close to each other.
Now, part of this is undoubtedly attributable to Tom’s overly romantic nature. 
Yes, Tom Riddle is a giant romantic, though not necessarily in the traditional sense everyone thinks of. The film “Patton” and its treatment of Patton comes to mind. Tom Riddle is a man enamored by a sense of greatness, of being remembered in this world rather than fading into oblivion, by the significance of places and times in history not only of the world but of himself. He creates an entire, grand, persona for himself because to live an ordinary life for him is to be worthy of nothing.
So, given that, of course Tom places the horcruxes in sentimental locations that have personal meaning to him.
However, it also makes them perilously easy to find and collect.
By itself, this wouldn’t spark my notice.
The ability to destroy horcruxes are not easy to come by. There’s only one basilisk and it’s by chance/Lucius fucking up that Harry gains access to the necessary basilisk venom. Using Fyendfire is an incredibly dangerous thing to do and just as likely to blow up you and the next three towns over as it is to destroy a horcrux. And if there are other means of destroying a horcrux they’re just as hard to come by or just as dangerous.
It’s not quite throwing it into the fires of Mt. Doom from which it was forged but it’s pretty damn close.
So, really, without JKR’s convenient Deus Ex Machina giving both him and Dumbledore the means to actually destroy these things, Tom Riddle’s horcruxes are pretty damn safe no matter where we put them. As we see from the locket, which Regulus manages to collect but Kreacher cannot destroy even after several decades.
However, what does spark my notice, is that the horcruxes can be collected by someone other than Tom Riddle when it appears as if they were never intended to be. What do I mean by this?
From what we see, there’s no benefit to Tom if the original horcruxes are found by anyone. He doesn’t seek them out to restore his original body, they’re just anchor points that should be hidden at all costs. So, he’ll never need a Death Eater to go collect them for him should he be indisposed (indeed, to do so would require a tremendous amount of trust in people he has very little trust in). 
So, why hide them in such a way that others can access them? There are canon based options which would have prevented anyone else from reaching them. Given the existence of age lines, I imagine Tom Riddle could make some arbitrary barrier keyed only to himself. There are mokeskin pouches, such as the one Harry is given in the seventh book, which we know can only be accessed by whoever they’re keyed to. There’s the Fidelius Charm which, true requires a secret keeper which Tom would be very meh on, but options exist.
Tom Riddle could wipe the locations of his horcruxes off the face of the map. He chooses not to. Which leads me to believe that, at least on some unconscious level, he wants the horcruxes to be found.
Then we have the protections.
Specifically, I’m thinking of the locket here.
Yes, the protections are very formidable, but they’re also goddamn weird. 
Rather than make the horcrux simply inaccessible, kill all those intruding, instead the intruder has to go through a very “Saw” like puzzle in which they drown themselves in despair until they finally get the locket, at which point they likely suicide by zombie.
More, there’s no hint that there’s any other way to retrieve the locket. 
Backdoors in security are a very bad idea. What they do is weaken the security as a whole and, if you can take a short cut is, it means that someone who is clever enough and motivated enough can to. Dumbledore is both clever and motivated enough, and I imagine if there was a way to get the horcrux that involved not doing this ridiculous task he would have done it.
More, we’d be back to the land of Tom making sure only he can access the horcrux by requiring a password, keying it to his magical signature, or something so that no one else could get it.
Which means, that’s right, if Tom wants to get the locket he’s drinking the goddamn despair juice just like the rest of us.
What kind of a person would do any of this?
I’ve gone over this before, but I don’t think Tom Riddle’s crazy. Rather, in this case, I think he’s driven by an unbelievable amount of nihilist rage and is also quite depressed.
Tom goes to collect his horcrux, “Ah, it’s time to remember what a miserable life I’ve led and the sheer awfulness of my own existence. Good, I was starting to feel a little too happy. Let’s see if I get eaten by my undead, vengeful, victims today.” 
The Events of Deathly Hallows and Tom Riddle’s Death
I think Tom Riddle’s final death in the books was suicide.
Tom takes over the Wizarding World, finally, and it’s as miserable as ever.
He’s trapped in this sham, barely functional, probably very painful body. His Death Eaters are completely out of control and for all that he wanted society to burn it’s now burning and no one’s even learned anything from this. Children in Hogwarts are being routinely tortured and have now staged a rebellion in which he’s having to slaughter them (I have reasons to believe that this is not what Tom Riddle wanted, at all, but that’s best saved for another post), and then he learns his horcruxes have all been destroyed without him even noticing.
There’s so little left of him, he has accomplished nothing, and there’s Harry Potter back from the dead yet again, gloating at him that love conquers all and Tom Riddle will never understand.
And Harry’s right, Tom Riddle will never understand, the world is meaningless and flat to him now and he finally understand that there’s no point to it. I think Tom Riddle decides he’s done. He’s just done.
He enters in a duel with Harry Potter knowing the weird nature of their wands. Now, it can be assumed he used the Elder Wand, but we know they get locked in Priori Incatatum , and that makes no damn sense with the Elder Wand (well, wandlore in general is silly, but I’m working with what JKR gave me here). So I choose to take JKR at her somewhat established canon and say that, no matter what Harry thought, Voldemort was using his original wand.
He throws out the killing curse, despite having now witnessed Harry resurrecting twice to this thing, and within two seconds it rebounds and kills him.
Voldemort’s death is a lot like this scene from the recent, terrible, 2020 live action Mulan (10/10 do not recommend).  Now, we’re supposed to think that this scene is the witch saving Mulan’s life and thus showing her hope for the next generation. In actuality, the witch literally flies into an arrow she could have easily deflected from Mulan’s path. It’s a suicide that Mulan is too stupid to notice.
Tom chooses suicide in the most ridiculous, flamboyant, and easily written off manner one can and no one even notices. Instead Harry crows that he has personally defeated Voldemort, with the power of love no less, HUZZAH!
And the castle parties.
The Nature of Horcruxes
I almost don’t want to include this because it’s so... well, I’m really drifting far from canon and fandom now.
However, with horcruxes, there’s always an overriding question of why Tom is able to make so many when we don’t see anyone else with these things around (especially as it’s clear that murder doesn’t simply happen for those that now have horcruxes).
Usually, you have fic authors just sort of shrug and go, “Well, he’s that evil, I guess.” Sometimes you have them go, “No one else is crazy enough to keep going, and that’s why Voldemort’s cuckoo bananas.” 
One very good explanation I’ve seen is that it’s because most people, when they murder, feel remorse immediately. The soul split happens, but they’re haunted by the murder for the rest of their life, and thus the horcrux isn’t made. Voldemort, feeling nothing when he kills anyone, is thus able to make them even for when he’s only indirectly associated with the death in question.
However, to me that never really jived philosophically.
Mostly, I simply cannot imagine that tearing apart your very soul is an act of indifference. Here’s how I see it: to do something like that to yourself, you must care, you must care beyond all imagine and human endurance. Your soul literally cannot abide it and saws itself in half, purging what you cannot stand about yourself the most. 
The remorse part is, yes, remorse for the act and the victim but more to the point it is the ability to forgive and reaccept the worst part of yourself. That part of yourself that you purged and destroyed, which is nearly impossible to do and might very well destroy the fabric of who you are). 
In other words, while creating a horcrux is an abominable act of hatred, it is also one of profound self-hatred.
Tom Riddle loathes himself so much that he is able to do this over and over and over again. 
As Tom Riddle goes on he makes himself into less and less and less of himself until he probably doesn’t even know who he is anymore. He just knows, whatever is left of him, he loathes that too. 
And then, of course, he gives up, runs into the nearest flying arrow, and dies.
TL;DR: Tom Riddle’s is a miserable existence that ended in a miserable if unintentionally hilarious manner
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ashbelero · 2 years
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I’m posting this in this way rather than responding to the actual ask because it’s very long and goes into some uncomfortable detail regarding not just this case but the behavior of other artists in the fandom and around it, and I don’t think it’s necessary to address those.
I’ve already made my stance on the “ages” of TWST characters clear. They don’t matter. Nothing in those characters is meant to only be read as teenage only, if that makes sense. We’re talking about an eel mermaid man with sharp teeth. I got feelings on Riddle but then again, this is the artist from Black Butler so a character design like that was guaranteed to show up.
I do follow Box and I saw their apology. It confused me and it sounded like the hurried begging of forgiveness from an audience that was already quick to pounce on them like a pack of rabid dogs. (Not that I believe it wasn’t genuine - I do, mostly.) I don’t think the apology appeased anyone, but I believe that Box made it because they had their back against a wall and was convinced that they really had done something reprehensible by drawing romantic content of a Disney anime boy.
You already know I don’t think Box did anything to warrant any apology, much less the apology we saw. If a part of your fanbase is so determined to jump at your throat for something THAT mild, then it’s only a matter of time until you’re held to even higher standards by the people you just begged forgiveness from.
Which is exactly why I’ve never tried to appeal to those people. I cannot and will never meet their standards and frankly I don’t want to, even if I’ve never drawn anything actually illegal in my life.
You’ll notice they’ve never attacked me for all the gore p*rn I do on my Patreon. Either they know there’s no point or they never bothered to check my other content.
As for the anon’s comparison of what Box drew next to the actual sexualization of smaller characters — I don’t think the comparison matters. Those people stay in their own circles for the most part and honestly, I don’t think throwing hate at them accomplishes anything either. They know what they’re doing. They’re not going to actually change because they’re getting death threats. They either hide for a while or ignore it and that really just makes the problem worse, since they no longer get any positive influence from anyone outside those niche circles.
I chose consciously not to get involved with the attack on Box. I think the controversy was stupid and I think the people they apologized to won’t be satisfied until they have blood. I saw in the comments people were either disregarding the apology or trying to bring up more things Box should apologize for, or just complaining about fandom artwork that’s far worse. There were hardly any who took the apology as genuine and “forgave” them, and even if they did, they’ll be waiting for another perceived slight. That’s what they do. So all they’ve really done is scare another brilliant content creator out of another fandom entirely.
Which is why I don’t put up with their crap.
I got better shit to do.
And don’t go tagging the people mentioned. They’ve got enough to deal with.
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gwynrielsupremacist · 3 years
Chapter 2: Reason
Read it at AO3
If it were up to Azriel, right now he would rather be juggling burning knives.
And in a dark room.
They were in the huge alcove of the High Lord of the Night Court, as Rhysand removed shirts and jackets from his dressing room that he claimed were appropriate for Cassian's attire at his ceremony.
Although Azriel, sitting in one of the chairs that were nearby, watching the scene with his chin on his hands, he was rethinking why he thought this would be a good idea.
After the 'incident' with Elain and Rhys, he had made up his mind that he would never think of Elain that way again.
Of course, that was rather difficult when she was always where the Spymaster passed.
Was he going to the kitchen? Elain would be there with Nuala and Cerridwen.
Was he going to the living room? Elain would be there with Feyre and Nyx.
Possibly one day he would find her in his bed, wearing lingerie, as a gift just for hia enjoyment, tearing off the tiny pieces of undergarments and-
"Azriel?" The sound of his name brought him out of his trance. "Have you been paying attention to something I've said in the last 20 minutes?" 
He knew that his shadows, moving slowly over his neck, covered any variation of his arousal but, just in case, he watched Rhysand's reaction, knowing if he knew the reason for his daydreaming, he would be enraged.
However, Rhys's face revealed absolutely nothing, only joy for his brother and bewilderment on the part of the Shadowsinger.
Usually Azriel was the one who had to warn his brothers to pay attention to him, not the other way around.
He shook his head to Cassian's question, to which he sighed, visibly tired and irritated: "I was wondering if navy would look better than black, but I have no idea what Nesta would like." He muttered. Apparently having a mating ceremony wasn't all the color of roses. "I'll stick with the black one, I  don't think the suit will last long after we go to that cabin." He announced as he and Rhys gave each other knowing glances, grinning mischievously.
That was another arrow to his badly wounded heart.
He was happy for his brothers, of course he was.  There was no other male who deserved a mate as much as Rhys and Cassian, but ...
What about him?
Azriel stopped intervening in the conversation at that moment. He usually did not want to participate in those conversations, but it seemed that that day he was the worst of all.
"The worst day will be the mating ceremony, Shadowsinger. You must prepare for that day if you do not want to fall from grace" Recommended their shadows.
It was true. There would be no worse day than the ceremony.
With Rhys's ceremony it had been the same. As soon as the ceremony was over, he had to go to a Sex club to get rid of the arousal and despair that he felt throughout his body.
It was not fair. Was the Cauldron so macabre?
Had he done so much harm to the world that they deprived him of the experience of having a mate?
He swallowed silently, keeping his face mask neutral, no emotion leaving his face.
He thanked whoever had given him that ability, it was fucking useful at times like these.
Three hours later, Cassian ended up deciding what costume to wear, the black one, and the conversation between the commander and the High Lord died as well.
Cassian left, muttering that he had forgotten something in the House of Wind, although it was possibly an excuse.
The atmosphere in the room had quickly become charged, before the challenging stares of those two.
Although Azriel supposed that he should stay away from the House as well, since he did not need his shadows to tell him that it had served him with a double purpose, he was probably going to fuck Nesta until they both could not hold on foot.
Azriel started to get up, but was prevented by a force in his chest from Rhysand.
"Maybe he had found out about my scent change, after all." He guessed, preparing his best poker face for the onslaught the High Lord was going to bring him.
They stared at each other, studying possible reactions, waiting for who was the first to speak.  Things had gotten tense on their part since Solstice.
Azriel knew, as did Rhysand, that no matter how much he wanted to possess Elain's body, he would never betray Rhysand. Punch him, maybe.  But he will never betray his High Lord.
"I notice you are somewhat distracted, Azriel."  The High Lord commented, sitting down on a chair and intertwining his fingers, dropping them into his lap. "I hope there were no overnight escapades on either side." Rhysand knew perfectly well what he was talking about.
Like Azriel.
"None. I did what you asked." He secured, leaning back, with the advantage that the High Lord didn't know that in reality, his thoughts were a hell of 'wills and cannot'.
Rhysand nodded slightly, rising from his chair, to which Azriel copied the movement.
Azriel knew he shouldn't be fooling around when Rhysand was in that mode, but he couldn't help but feel like a hypocrite.
"You took Feyre away from Tamlin when she still thought she loved him. Elain doesn't love Lucien, yet you separate her from me." Azriel thought. He knew those thoughts didn't make any sense, but right now he was the only thing he could think about.
His shadows were scattered around the room, ready to attack if something happened to his master, while some were on his shoulders, caressing the area in tension.
"I want to keep it that way." Rhysand emphasized, walking ahead of him, silently asking him to follow. He did it. "Things are going bad, Azriel, I don't need any more trouble than is inevitable."
"What problems?" This one answered. "According to my spies, Koschei hasn't shown any signs of life, so I don't see what a problem there could be."
"That Koschei is not showing signs of life does not mean that he is not operating in secret." He suggested, walking into the nursery, with Nyx in the crib, sleeping peacefully.
The High Lord's face changed dramatically.
It was no longer the face of the most powerful High Lord in history. It was the face of a father watching a son, with awe and love in it.
"I can't bear that my son has to spend his early years with that bastard of Koschei in the middle."
"We will protect it." Azriel confirmed, also looking at the small bundle wrapped in sheets. "I will protect him with my own life, if necessary."
Rhysand looked into his eyes, and in a pleading voice, he said:
"Do you understand then? Why I ask you to separate from Elain?" As much as he hated doing that, he nodded. "I cannot allow jealousy and desires to be put through the protection of the court. Things are bad enough to make them worse."
As much as it was hard to keep his gaze neutral, he continued to nod, but anger crept through his mind, clouding his reason.
"And how much trouble would Elain and I have?"
Rhysand was silent for a moment. Azriel guessed
he was steadying himself so as not to punch him in front of his son's bed. Instead of doing so, he asked:
"I don't want you to avoid the question. You are not going to avoid the question." The High Lord manifested. "What the hell happened with Mor, Az?
That theme again.
"Why whenever we talk about Elain, do you end up talking about Mor?" The Spymaster snarled, the shadows preparing to attack, noting the tension in the environment.
"I do it because you have completely forgotten Mor, Azriel. You have been in love with her for over 500 years." He remembered. "I can't believe you traded Mor for Elain in so little time."
"And why do you fucking care?" He growled again, backing away from the room for fear of waking the boy.
"Mor is my cousin, Azriel, and I think I deserve an explanation. Have you given up? And now I suppose Elain will be the consolation prize, right?
It took Azriel more of the self-control he possessed not to slam his fist into the High Lord's nose. If he hadn't been his superior, Rhysand would be bleeding badly right now.
"Elain will never be a consolation prize." He barked, leaving the house and spreading his wings to fly up, but was interrupted by Rhys's hand on his arm, an anchor holding him to the ground.
"Give me a reason."  He started to say. "Tell me one fucking reason why Elain deserves to be your mate, and not Lucien's."
"Are you comparing me to… to that one?" He murmured in a voice icy and deadly, the voice that sent chills to the poor people who had to listen to it. Rhysand didn't even flinch.
"You are both different and equal at the same time." He evaded, then returning to the initial question. "Give me a logical reason, and I will allow Elain to stay with you."
Baring his teeth at him, Azriel leapt, taking flight and away from those feelings, roaring with rage when he realized that he had not a single reason to be worthy of Elain.
TAG LIST: @bookish-isha @imsointobooks @shisingh @feyretale @niaacotar @flora-shadowshine @tealnymph24 @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @meher-sumedha @heyovivi @positivewitch @greywarens-magician @sageofthegalaxy @valkygwyn @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @snickerdoodlechittybangbang @genya-berdara @katekatpattywack @ddsworldofbooks @secretlovelybeauty @starbornsinger @sv0430
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stephaniejuhnay · 3 years
First off, I just gotta say it’s nice to find another Black woman my age that’s thirsting over Suds. The man is a MENACE to my [redacted]. Also, your tags give me LIFE! Deeply relatable and always entertaining. What would be your absolute Sudeikis recs? I watched Kodachrome this weekend and was surprised how lovely it was. SWOP is next - the swirl moment you mentioned on another post is my motivation lol. Hope you’re having a great one and thanks for the bball gifs!!! - A member of the cohort ✨
First of all anon. “A member of the cohort” made me tear up.
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Can that be our name please? Can we just be called The Cohort? Because I would love that. I’m gonna start taggin with The Cohort as my bat signal to yall!
Second, I KNEW YALL WERE OUT THERE! 😩😭 Stop playin and come TALK to me, LOL! We have things to DISCUSS! Primarily, how it is that we came to be this white mans whores. Happily.
In all seriousness, I’m so glad I’m not alone and that you find my ridiculousness/hyperfixation entertaining! 💜 I never expect anyone to pay attention to anything I do and it always is such a treat when fun interactions arise out of my fooling around.
Now. To business. My Suds recs are pretty standard I think but I’ll list them anyway. You already watched Kodachrome which I AGREE. So lovely. Suds doing dramatic roles is a treat and he nailed that one.
Anywho. My ABSOLUTE Suds recs in no particular order (and not including Lasso bc that’s a given and is #1):
SNL - obvious but necessary. I grew up on SNL and was hitting my teenage years during the shows 3rd decade which is my FAVORITE decade. Seasons 30-38 had most of my absolute faves, including Suds. So yeah. If you have the time, def go back and watch his brilliance there. Especially Young Chuck Norris. It’s my favorite digital short and nothing will ever change that. 😂
A Good Old Fashioned Orgy - super hilarious, but also a very heartwarming “coming-of-age” story wrapped up on the most ridiculous plot? Jason has a way of bringing out the emotion in a scene that truly makes your heart weep (yes, your heart weep) and there’s a scene in this movie that he does just that, and it’s so 🥺
SWOP - Jason as a romantic lead was something I didn’t realize I needed until I saw this a few years ago. I watched it once, then immediately watched it again bc I couldn’t believe how great it was. Again, went into with one expectation, only to be completely overwhelmed by the heart of the story. Also when I was like “I’m more than just a little attracted to Jason Sudeikis and I’m not sure how I feel abt it. But I like it.” Plus…THE SWIRL 🤌🏾
Masterminds - Hot psychopath Suds in 90s garb.
Last Man on Earth/30 Rock - I loved him on both of these shows so much. Especially LMOE. I was very sad when it got axed. Both provide premium Suds content both looks and comedy-wise.
Also the standards like Horrible Bosses and We’re The Millers if you haven’t seen them. Both very funny films he was great in them, and the press junket interviews from them are all SO funny. Deeply enjoyed his episode of Its Always Sunny & his part in Going the Distance as well bc he and Charlie Day have such great comedic chemistry (I cannot WAIT for El Tonto). I also just finished Hit-Monkey last night and would highly recommend.
I have yet to see Tumbledown, Race, or Driven, but hear good things and they’re on my list. I’m even gonna probably watch The Angry Birds movies bc that’s just where I am now 😂 I haven’t seen South of Heaven yet either, but will likely give it a go too. Oh, I haven’t seen Booksmart either and now I feel ~A Way™️~ abt watching it, lol!
Those were my recs and my long-winded answers. Thank you anon! This was such a lovely ask! Long live The Cohort. ✊🏾
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gwynrielendgame · 3 years
Gwyncien part 3
Idk if y’all will like this one as much. It’s kind of a filler but it took forever to write so I’m posting it anyways. I’ll tag people who have asked below.
Gwyn thought she might puke and it had nothing to do with Lucien's winnowing abilities. She never thought she would feel so nauseas especially after the blood rite. She supposes that the imminent fear of death had her more distracted from her typical anxieties. Now that she could focus on the fact that she was actually leaving Velaris, she felt sick. She grabbed onto Lucien harder and closed her eyes tightly. What felt like hours later, although it was truly only a minute or two, Lucien spoke.
"Welcome to the band of exiles." She opened her eyes to a surprisingly large castle. She was not sure what she expected, perhaps an abandoned cabin, but the building was spectacular and beautiful.
"Jurian and Vassa are excited to meet you." Lucien added as they continued to stand out front. It appeared that he would allow her to stand here for as long as she needed. She knew that if she demanded he take her right back he would. His words finally caught up with her brain that seemed to be running a mile a minute. Why would his closest friends be excited to meet her she thought. It made her anxious for the first time. Perhaps she mistook his friendly countenance for something less than it actually was. She would address it later. She began walking towards the door, mumbling under her breath.
"Let's get this over with."
"That's the spirit!" Lucien inserted much more enthusiasm than necessary into his tone. He grabbed her arm and laced it through his which had her feeling very grateful. Her knees were shaking as she walked and she knew he could tell. Gwyn felt the need to remind herself that he had a mate. She wondered if he would be desperate enough to make a move on her. A large, beautifully decorated foyer greeted them. Two very beautiful people stood in the middle of the white marble floor. Gwyn tightened her hold on Lucien when she saw the new male, stopping them mid-walk. She started her mind-stilling technique as the anxiety clawed at her chest and throat. She would eventually have to face men if she ever wanted to get her revenge. She could not allow a few measly physical reactions hold her back. She took one last deep breathe and then continued walking towards the couple. She spent less time analyzing the female, but from what she saw Gwyn knew she was beautiful. She also had red hair, however, Gwyn's hair was more of a copper/bronze red while Vassa had a deep maroon red. Gwyn kept her eye on Jurian though.
"You are making her nervous, standing there like two parents ready to scold their children." Lucien reprimanded his friends with a roll of his eyes. The female waved his comment off, completely ignoring him. Gwyn did not miss the look they shared, however.
"I am Vassa and this is Jurian." She gestured to the male next to her. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so much about you." It unnerved Gwyn that the few interactions that she had with Lucien warranted Vassa knowing much about her. She did not think much on it as she continued to watch the beautiful male. He had hair cropped short to his head and a deep skin tone. His looks were not what had her distracted though. It was the weapons. Gwyn found it unnecessary for him to require weapons while meeting with her. Instead of exchanging pleasantries like socially integrated Fae would, she began her questioning.
"Why so many daggers?" She gave him a scathing look while cocking her head to the side. He would not manipulate her into believing anything but the truth and she wanted that to be conveyed in her facial expression. His eyebrows shot up into his hairline as if he were surprised.
"I could ask you the same question." He threw back at her with a smirk. It only infuriated her more. He could not tell she had daggers on her. She was wearing a cloak over her priestess robes with silver majesty strapped to her thigh. There was no possible way he could see the outline through her clothes. She narrowed her eyes and waited for him to respond. The staring contest was only broken when Lucien cleared his throat and Vassa nudged him.
"Fine." Jurian conceded with a smile. "Vassa is woefully bad at handling anything sharp, so I have taken on the role of her protecter while soon-to-be high lord is out and about." Both Vassa and Lucien seemed annoyed by his explanation. The anxiety began to loosen in her chest though. He was not completely trusted, but in this moment he would not attack.
"Gwyn." Is all she managed for an introduction. It seemed good enough for Lucien because he began leading her off to the side of the room towards a grand staircase.
"I will be showing Gwyneth her room and then we can talk." He threw over his shoulder. She held onto his arm all the way up the long staircase and through an even longer hallway. She laughed internally at the size of the mansion considering only three people resided here. A thought occurred to her when they finally came to a stop at a door.
"How many people live here?" She finally let go of Lucien and took a step back.
"Just us three. And now you. Occasionally we have a guest or two, but I will give you ample warning before that time. This will be your bedroom here. Mine is right across the hall if you need anything. There is a lock on the inside, but if you would like I can show you how to set up some furniture to keep the door from opening at all." Lucien gave her a small smile. It made her soften towards him even more.
"Thank you. I appreciate that. I appreciate all that you have done for me. Truly. I cannot say thank you enough." She gave him a short hug to convey her gratefulness. He returned it, hesitantly. His touch was feather light. As though he did not want to touch her and make her uncomfortable. She stepped back towards the door once more and began to walk inside.
"I will come get you before dinner. You have a full wardrobe to pick from in there if you would like to change. If there is anything you require, just ask." Gwyn nodded and then he was gone.
The first thing Gwyn noticed was that the satchel she packed earlier before leaving was sitting on the bed. She had been so nervous about everything else that she had not even realized it was missing. Gwyn continued to survey the room. It was beautiful. The decorations reminded her of the night court. Lucien really did pay attention to the smallest details. Gwyn truly believed Elain was an idiot for not giving Lucien a chance. The bedding was all black and the drapes twinkled with specks of a shiny material. It almost made them look like stars. The bed was unnecessarily large and so was the desk that was off to the side of the room. It had been such a mentally exhausting day that Gwyn decided a nap was needed. She locked her door and stripped off her cloak. She knew the lock would do nothing against winnowing, but as far as she knew only Lucien could do that. She placed her desk chair under the doorknob anyways. She fell onto the bed without even removing her priestess robes. She did remove her dagger and place it under her pillow for protection. A small smile graced her face as she thought of a certain spymaster who also slept with a dagger under his pillow.
Soft footsteps woke Gwyn from her sleep. She had no idea how long she had slept, but knew that dinner must be approaching if it had not already passed. A light knock on the door made her jump.
"Gwyn? Dinner is almost ready if you would like to join us downstairs." Lucien yelled through the door. Gwyn's racing heart began to slow as she realized where she was and who was speaking to her.
"One moment." She decided this dinner was not worth changing her clothes so she grabbed her dagger, putting it back in its sheath, and flattened her hair down with her hands. She did not want to keep Lucien waiting after all. The second she stepped out of the room, a sly smile crossed the male's face.
"What?" Gwyn demanded a tad self-consciously. She flattened her hair once more.
"Enjoyed a nap I see?" He was teasing, but that did nothing to stop her from shoving him.
"Oh shut up and show me the dining room." A real smile graced his face as he put his arm out for her to grab. She was half tempted to shove his arm away for his teasing. Instead, she rolled her eyes and held onto his arm anyways.
"Your wish is my command."
The castle was truly beautiful. Gwyn knew she could spend hours looking at the art pieces- some of them looked familiar. She would guess those were done by Feyre. The marble flooring and intricate ceilings were only part of the beauty. It has clearly been decorated. Perhaps Vassa and Lucien bonded over similar tastes in rugs. The thought made Gwyn giggle internally. The castle was so large that it took them about five minutes before they reached the dining hall. Gwyn took her place next to Lucien across from Jurian and Vassa who were already pleasantly discussing Vassa’s doomed fate. They quickly stopped talking once she sat down and turned the conversation to her.
"So I have been dying to know," Jurian begins "is Rhysand as much of a prick as he pretends to be?" Lucien sent him a glare which only had Jurian shrugging with an innocent expression upon his face. Gwyn sighed.
"Depends on who you are. He is kind to me, but only out of pity from what he witnessed at Sangravah. I have seen him be cruel to those he purposefully does not want to understand. I am not here as your spy though. That is as much from me as you will get about Rhysand." Gwyn truly felt a level of gratefulness to the high lord, however, he often squandered any other positive feelings she had of him by constantly looking at her as if he was seeing that day in Sangravah all over again. It did nothing to help her forget. Jurian gave a contemplative look before turning his attention to his plate. Vassa decided to try her hand at conversation.
"How are the Archeron sisters? I know the death of their father was hard on all of them." Vassa took a sip of wine. Gwyn did not want to discuss this either though. Speaking of Nesta made her miss her sisters.
"They are as well as could be expected." It was generic and had the fiery red head pursing her lips in displeasure. Gwyn did not quite care.
“Gwyn is a beautiful singer.” Lucien finally changed the subject to something that she did not mind engaging in. “We will need you to sing for us sometime.” Gwyn nodded in agreement. The conversation continued on with Lucien boasting about Gwyn, talking about her training as a Valkyrie and winning the blood rite. She started feeling uncomfortable with all the compliments he was sending her way. It reminded her of a conversation she needed to have with him. Right now was as good of a time as any she supposed.
"It was extremely generous of you to offer your help, but I feel I should inform you that I am not interested in anything other than your friendship." Gwyn interrupted Lucien mid-speech to clarify. He looked startled by her statement. Jurian choked on his wine and Vassa cackled like there would be no tomorrow. It made Gwyn feel as though she was on the outside of some joke they all knew.
"Excuse me?" Lucien, for once, looked genuinely surprised. It was as if he could not quite believe she would say that and needed her to repeat it just in case he heard her wrong. Maybe Gwyn misinterpreted some of his advances.
"I know our coupling seems inevitable," Gwyn explained further a bit shyly, not quite sure of herself anymore. "But I am not interested in any one that is not Azriel." Vassa's cackles slowed down to more of a chuckle and Jurian kept sending amused looks to Lucien.
"Gwyn, I am your grandfather." Lucien approached the topic slowly. "I assumed your mother talked about me, but, and I really hope this is the case, you did not know this?" His tone lifted up at the end in questioning.
Oh, Gwyn thought. She was not easily surprised, but this topped the cake. She tried to think back to anytime her mother mentioned her grandparents, but the instances were few and far between. Gwyn realized she did not even know their names. Suddenly, every compliment and favor from Lucien no longer appeared odd. He was complimenting and bragging about his only living granddaughter. This took much longer to process than Gwyn would like to admit. Unexpectedly, she felt an unwarranted amount of anger towards Lucien.
"And you waited until this very moment to tell me? What the hell Lucien? Or should I say grandpa?" Her tone was more hostile than it had been with anyone else. The sarcastic comment at the end had the red-haired male cringing. Jurian and Vassa started laughing once more.
"I know this is not great timing to interrupt, but I, for one, will be referring to you as grandpa from here on out." Jurian inserted. Vassa gave an amused smirk, but said nothing. It earned him a glare from Gwyn and Lucien though.
"I apologize, Gwyneth, for the delayed reveal. I thought you knew that's why I offered to help you, though. I assumed your mother had spoken of Jesminda and I. She was rather young when we had to surrender her, I suppose." Lucien looked so genuine that Gwyn's anger diminished as fast as it had appeared. Gwyn's family history had always been a mystery to her. She might finally get some answers.
"Jesminda is my grandmother?" Gwyn inquired. Her own mother had never given details. This adventure was beginning to answer many questions she had always had.
"Yes." Lucien said. Gwyn was trying to understand his expression and tone. She spent another minute watching him. Their other table mates had gone quiet as well. It did not take a genius to understand the moment. Jesminda had never been mentioned before to her from anyone and she was not here right now. She was dead that much was clear. Lucien cleared his throat and for a brief second Gwyn could see the emotion he was so desperately trying to hide, guilt.
"Why did you give my mother to Sangravah?" Gwyn realized it probably had something to do with Jesminda's death. She truly wanted more details. Lucien sighed heavily, probably understanding that there were many questions in store for him.
"Beron just ordered for Jesminda to be tortured and executed in front of me. I am certain if he had known of your mother, he would have had the same future in store for her. I had kept the child a secret from everyone except a brother, who helped me hide her after Jesminda's death." It did not escape Gwyn's attention that Lucien neither referred to Beron as his high lord nor as his father. Lucien ran a hand through his hair roughly. Her hair was clearly from him, but it was his one russet eye that had her pausing. An eye that suddenly reminded her so much of Catrin.
"Why did he kill her?" She asked softly. Gwyn realized she would never be able to deny Lucien anything. One look from his russet eye and Gwyn would give in simply because of its similarity to her dead twin.
"Because he's a spiteful old man." Vassa spit out. Clearly, she was just as enraged by the situation. It made Gwyn wonder if Vassa and Lucien had ever been together. Lucien rolled his eyes at the fiery female. He seemed to roll his eyes constantly while he was here.
"Because he could," Lucien added. "Your mother, who was about six at the time, was extremely unsafe even under my brother and I's protection. Beron would put your mate to shame with all the torture tactics he uses. I dropped her off on the doorstep of that church in the middle of the night. I always planned to go back and visit, but I was nervous and I knew she was safe there. I felt it was selfish to visit her since it only put her in more danger." Gwyn felt sad for everyone involved. Sad for Lucien who watched his love be tortured and executed in front of him only for him to have to turn around and surrender his daughter to a church. Sad for Jesminda who died that day. Sad for her mother who must have lived every day wondering where her parents went and why they abandoned her. Sad for Catrin who never got to meet her grandfather.
"I had a sister." Gwyn felt the need to mention. She was unaware of how much Lucien knew, but it suddenly felt important to her that he knew of Catrin.
"I know." He responded with a sad smile. "This family is well versed in tragedy." Gwyn had so many more questions. She had time to ask though. Her questions were making Lucien relive memories that were better left untouched. Perhaps he had endured enough for one night. She looked down at her full plate. She had been so distracted that she had not touched a thing. She began to devour her food as the rest of the table engaged in a debate about seasonings and which was the best.
"Have you and Vassa..." Gwyn trailed off, leaving the innuendo open when Lucien walked her back to her room after dinner.
"She wishes." He chuckled.
"Would you be with Elain if you could?"
"I would not jump into a mating ceremony but I would like the chance to get to know her. She has not given me the opportunity." He answered practically with his arms folded behind his back. Gwyn felt the need to assure him that knowing Elain would not make any of this easier.
"Trust me, it's better this way." She did not want to leave the conversation on such a sore point. As they approached her door, Gwyn jokingly shoved him. "So this would make Elain my step-grandmother?" Lucien was quiet before speaking. It was not the reaction she hoped for.
"Elain does not know. No one knows. And no one can know, even Azriel. At least until Beron is dead. Make no mistakes if Beron were to discover you, he would torture you simply to spite my mother." His lips pursued together in displeasure.
"Azriel is very good with secrets." She felt the need to remind Lucien. He is a Shadowsinger after all.
"Not with his high lord. If Rhysand knew, he would tell Beron if he had too. If Nyx or Feyre's life were on the line, he would do anything to save them. That includes selling you out. This is very important, Gwyneth. You cannot tell anyone- promise me." His stare was so intense that she could not look away. He grabbed her hands in a tight grip to make sure she understood how serious he was. Gwyneth had never purposely kept a secret from Azriel before. Hopefully, Beron would die sooner rather than later.
"I promise."
Two weeks later
"What do you mean she’s gone?" Azriel was shocked to discover that Gwyn had left two weeks ago. He thought she had been avoiding training because of the kiss they shared- not because she was gone. He had been eating dinner with Nesta and Cassian when he finally had the courage to mention the priestess and where she had gone. Now he was mad that he had not asked sooner.
“She left with Lucien on some adventure. I am not really sure. Her note was unclear.” Nesta responded solemnly. The House dropped a piece of chocolate cake in front of her which made a small smile curve at the brash female’s lips. Azriel’s stomach dropped at the mention of Lucien. Gwyn did not know him well enough to go on an adventure with him. Gwyn would not leave her sisters here and she would definitely not choose Lucien to be the first person she left Velaris with. He was certain of that. He also knew Lucien to be a spiteful person. Perhaps he was tired of watching Azriel and Elain parade their relationship around him, making a fool of the one-eyed male. He could have taken Gwyn as retribution.
“He must have kidnapped her. Gwyn would never willingly leave the House of Wind with anyone- let alone Lucien.” Azriel knew this had to be true. Gwyn would never just up and leave. Guilt started gnawing at his chest as he realize he could have prevented her from being taken. If only his shadows would work properly around her, he could have prevented Lucien’s nefarious plans from being completed. His siphons started glowing the longer he though about it. He had to clench his hands around his silverware to keep from winnowing straight to the Band of Exiles and demanding his mate be given back. Nesta gave Azriel an odd look before speaking.
“She left a note that said she was willingly leaving with him and as much as he annoys the shit out of me, I don’t think he would hurt Gwyn.” A frown marred her face now, though. As if she had not considered that her sister could be in trouble. It only annoyed Az further.
“He could have made her write the note.” He reminded in a quiet, harsh voice. Gwyn and Lucien were not friends. She would have no reason to leave with him. Cassian was cautiously glancing between his mate and Azriel. He did not know what to say that would not piss off Az, so he was choosing to let Nesta handle the situation instead.
“She is not in danger.” Nesta declared after peeking at her wrist. There was no possible way for her to know whether Gwyn was safe or not. Even Azriel could not find out given how stubborn his shadows were being. He could always take a trip to the Band of Exiles, but he had to assume Lucien would not be stupid enough to take Gwyn there.
“You do not know that.” His wings flexed in anger. The siphons atop his hands were glowing dangerously bright now. He needed to get his emotions under control.
“Yes I do.” Nesta insisted with a roll of her eyes that annoyed Azriel to no ends. “My bracelet is not glowing. They glow when any of us is in trouble. It’s how I found her in the blood rite. It has not glowed since then either.”
“Hers could have fell off.” Gwyn would not have left after the kiss they shared. It was too important of a moment between them for her to have left immediately after.
“Gwyn and Lucien are friends, Az. You know if you want someone to blame for her leaving, maybe you should look inward.” It was a sharp jab that hurt more than the Shadowsinger would ever admit.
Suddenly though, he could see the hurt on Nesta’s face. It was there for only a second, but he saw it. Nesta was just as hurt by Gwyn’s departure as he was. He finally unclenched his hands from around his silverware- his fight giving out. Nesta was right. Lucien would never kidnap Gwyn especially if he thought it might upset Elain. Azriel chose this time to leave, however. He would not stoop to Nesta’s level and trade jab after jab. He headed to the training arena. It was hours later when slight footsteps could be heard making their way over to him. He was sitting at the edge, his exhaustion forcing him to take a break. Nesta took a seat next to him, resting her head against his shoulder.
"I miss her too, Shadowsinger." He said nothing in return because there was nothing else he could say. "You are worse than I was with the mating bond." Nesta tried again with a joke this time to try and get Azriel talking. She knew he was not normally one to discuss his feelings though. He gave her a withering look at that comment. It was an ongoing joke within the inner circle that Nesta handled the mate situation particularly horrible.
“Shut up.” Was all he responded with and he only said it halfheartedly.
"I am just saying, if you ask me for advice I could save you some time and heartache." They both continued to look out at the Velaris skyline.
"And what precious advice would you bestow upon me?" The comment was dripping in sarcasm, but he decided to humor her.
"Anyone other than your mate will be a disappointment, especially to you. Just accept it and her and everything else will become background noise." She looked up at him for a second before setting her head back down. He was not one to seek out comfort through touch, but sitting here with Nesta made him feel a bit better. Maybe it was because they could both ruminate in their sadness at Gwyn’s departure.
"Ah so wise. I had not considered that." Again the sarcasm was heavy.
"Well if you have thought about it and have not done it then I would consider you an idiot. You do not strike me as an idiot, Az." She was frustrated now- throwing her arms up and crossing them over her chest. He chuckled lightly.
"I think I might be." He admitted. Everything was so confusing with Mor and Elain that he lost focus of what was truly important.
"Gwyn is the most compassionate and understanding person I know. If she can love me, she can love you too. Just be honest with her." Her voice was soft now in a way that it never was. She always seemed to push him even when it seemed the rest of his family refused. It was the thing he liked most about Nesta- she was never scared of him or his feelings.
"Thanks Nes." He settled his head on top of hers and they stayed like that for hours- reminiscing in all things Gwyn.
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Chaos Therapy
Session #4
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: You were assigned to a field mission, with particulars co-agents, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. One mission turned into multiples. After each missions you are debriefed by a therapist, Dr Noach just as Sam and Bucky. Thing is, they don’t know that you are much more than an agent.
Warnings: pining, bit of angst, Buck/Sam bickering, violence (fights against enemies), mild swearing (still real bad at warnings)
Published: 2021-02-21 Completed: 2021-03-30
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“Lettonia?” You fastened your weightlifting gloves looking back at Bucky.
“We have a lead on Zemo.” his face fell a little
“Hey” you searched for his eyes “kick his ass for me,”
His smile returned a hearthy chuckle leaving his lips, hesitantly his hand reached your forearm brshing down to your fingertips, he took a step forward and pressed a kiss to your temple, your eyes closed on their own and you squeezed his hand in yours, he let his forehead rest against yours.
"See you in a few days," he whispered, you nodded and he took a step backward,
"Don't kill each other," 
You watch him go, his broad back passing the gym door. Your stomach immediatly churning, "Buck!" you ran out the gym, he was waiting at the elevator, "Bucky!" he panicked seeing you ran to him.
"Doll,"  your fingers interlaced with his dog tags, you stopped the motion your face inches from him, his eyes fall on your lips. A tug on his dog tags and your lips collided, his arms circled your back, a hand splayed on your waist the other   slowly going up your spine to your nape as your free one caressed his face, feeling the pricks of his beard under your delicate fingers.
“Bucky, I .. “ the ding of the elevator distracted both of you for a second “I’ll have to tell you something,”
“you’re okay ?” the worry in his eyes had you tongue-tied, your hands tightened on his shirt. “Yea, yea just .. be careful out there,” the smile you gave him unknitted his brows, his hands brushed your arms.  You couldn’t bare to tell him, not now, he will know the truth soon enough anyway. He hesitantly leaned in pecking your lips before getting on the elevator. 
“What’s going on ?” Sam squinted his falcon eyes at Bucky who did everything to avoid his scrutinous look.  “Oh, oooh you and Y/n finally!!” Sam let out a proud laugh, clasping Bucky’s shoulder.
  “Y/N what do you make of their duo?”
“It works somehow. I know it seems unbelievable especially when you see them from the outside. The thing is, they both lose Captain Rogers, the person that believe in them both and now they can only count on each other and believe in each other that’s why it works. Sam believe in Bucky being able to heal and get redemption, while Bucky believe in Sam being worthy of the Shield. The constant bickering is their way of showing their affection. They have a strong teamwork.” you conclude.
Noach nods, all the while analyzing your features.
“Thank you, they’re another mission coming up_”
“Yes ma’am. But I’m not allowed to join them for this mission,”
“I know, I’ve talked with the Director, that’s a shame, it’s a big one,” you both stand up and she walks you to the door “Y/N” she stops “I’m planning on ending the therapy when they come back from this mission.”
“What is it?” she says seeing your face fell.
“You know exactly,” you passes your badge on the elevator sensor. 
“It was necessary,”
“They won’t like it,”
“They? Or he?” you gave her a grave look, “You want me to say that I shouldn’t have engage anything with Bucky,”
“No, I don’t blame you, you’re both human attraction is normal. Though now a long discussion with him awaits you.” Your head tilt back knowing too well she was right.
Sam and Bucky were back from Lettonia, you had some undone work back in the cave you didn’t have the time to greet them yet.
“Now, in order to round off our work here, I needed a closer look at your teamwork and general relationship,”
“You bugged us, Doc?” Sam scoffed, you facepalm behind the one-way mirror.
“Not exactly. I need you to know it was necessary to prove that your duo was fit for combat,” she turned to the mirror behind her nodding. Your cue, clenching your hand on the door handle, the voices inside increased as you pushed it.
“Agent Y/F/N mission was to evaluate your compatibility and capacity to work as a team, outside those therapy sessions. Agent Y/L/N beside her I.T work is a trained therapist,” 
“That’s some fucked up therapy,”
“Mr, Wilson,_” you blocked their discussion as you were focused on Bucky’s reaction. His clenched fits on his thighs, his locked jaw and his gaze fixated on the wall before him. You jumped slightly as he stood up and left the room. Noach and Sam looked at you stopping their discussion. “I’ll be right back,” quickly walking out, you breathe in deeply. Bucky’s back facing you, the tension in his stance visible.
“Bucky,..” he glanced on the side
“I’ve been lie too for a longtime Y/n, ..” taking a step forward carefully you observed his side profile “I guess you can hurt me in the end,”  his voice melted with anger and sorrow stopped you, the lump in your throat getting bigger, the prickling in your eyes accentuating.
Biting your lower lip, you tried to find your voice back. Like approaching a wild wolf, you were on edge yet cautious, reaching his shoulder you softly pulled on it “Please look at me,” he turned around but his eyes never reached yours, his hands on his hips you took them gently, interlacing your fingers with his. Against what you thought he didn’t reject you. His eyes still cast away, you rested your forehead on his chest, closing your eyes, you felt his hands twitched in yours, his chest heaving a little faster.
“You have to understand,…” your murmured feeling your throat tightened.
“you could have told me!” he spoke quietly yet the tightness in his voice showed his anger.
“Really though,” an anxious smirk reached your mouth for a millisecond “it was my mission Buck. I .. I didn’t plan on falling for you, it changed a lot of things.” He stayed silent at your confession; panic took over, his silence giving you the chills. Clearing your throat after an odd silent long second, you let go of his hands, taking a step back, and took your most serious professional voice “Please come back in the room, Dr Noach has some more questions.”
Noach arched an eyebrow seeing you enter the room alone, you sat next to her, facing Sam. Like Noach predicted Sam was “easier” to get by, he was still reluctant obviously but not closed to discussion. Bucky never came back in the room, before leaving Noach gave you gentle smile squeezing your upper arm.
“You won’t have to see much of me now, don’t worry,” you said to Sam who slowed down to a stop next to the elevator.
“Well, we’re not through it yet, the director of intelligence asked to see the three of us,”  you stepped into the elevator with him.
 “As you know the image of super-heroes is not at his best. After the few events with the flag smashers and the chaos in Lettonia” he looked at the boys gravely “the governments are not willing to brush this away as nothing happened. Moreover, rumor has it flag smashers are still quite upset about the docks operation. I suggest you lay low for a few days, weeks maybe. I can’t have you fighting flag smashers around the country, and cause much more mishaps,”
Sam clapped is hand all of sudden, turning to you and the silent Bucky next to you “Mi casa es su casa,”
You look at them wondering, Bucky avoiding your eyes. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” you left the room after the director dismissed you.
Starting your way to the elevator you paused hearing your name, “Sam’s house is safe, and you will be safer with us,” Bucky’s concerned warmed your heart.
“Hurts me to say it but tincan’s right,”
Although you knew they were 100% right, spending 24/7 with them, moreover around Bucky, it would have been great if it wasn’t for the fact that he totally despised you at the moment.
Passing by your place you grabbed a backpack and shove a bunch of random clothes in it. Sam and Bucky were waiting in the car. Seating down on your bed, the exhaustion caught up with you, your mind going blank, staring into the void.
Bucky look in the rear-view mirror “She’s taking too long,” Sam hummed. “Maybe we should check on her,”
“Maybe,” Sam looked at Bucky, pushing up his sunglasses onto his nose, reclining his seat and crossing his arms. Bucky rolled his eyes opening the door with a bit too much force that it cried out.
A knock on your door made you jump, blue eyes met yours, he was standing there at your bedroom door. He looked around taking everything in, if you were both in another mindset it would be thrilling.
“We have to go, the longer we stay here_ “ 
“I know, sorry,” grabbing your pack you slide down your bed, opening on your drawer near the door you grabbed the gun in it, slipping in your pants. Bucky eyed you, hands in his pocket. 
He didn’t budge as you passed by him. His aura embracing you, overwhelming your senses. Daring a glance behind at him, his eyes were lost on you, his lips moved as he was about to say something but as soon as he refocused his jaw clenched a second. “Let’s go,” he walked to the door, you squint your eyes unwilling to see him past you so coldly. A warmth enveloping the hand holding your bag brought you back, his flesh hand brushed yours as he grabbed your pack, then left without looking back.
“So, we’re just going to follow orders?”
“It cannot hurt,” Sam glanced in the rear-view mirror “we all need some time off...” The ride was so awkward Sam was trying to loosen up the mood every so often, you tried to keep up with him but at one point you were too exhausted and fell asleep.
Bucky kept glancing at your sleeping form curled in the backseat. “When we get there you two will talk!” I’m not spending a week or more with a depressed cyborg and a torned beautiful woman!” Bucky frowned at Sam, “I haven’t dealt with that kind of problem, in a while.” he sighed the all sentence.
“Well, get with it!” Sam’s voice woke you up, “Good timing, we’re here!” The light blue and white big house appeared before you. “Sam that’s a really nice place!”
“Thanks, in the family for generations!” he was rightfully proud of the building.
“Rooms are upstairs,” he turned around letting his duffle bag hit the ground, the both of you standing awkwardly 2 feet apart.
“I don’t want to hear anything…” his look paused on you then Bucky his look insisting. You rolled your eyes at the insinuation. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” You drag yourself up the wooden stairs.
“Dinner at 9, Everyone pitch in to cook, house rule,”
“Believe me Wilson, you don’t want me near fire and sharp knives.” You yelled from the landing, missing Bucky hiding a smile as he joined Sam in the living room.
“Here,’ Sam walked down the pier, handing a bottle of beer to Buck who was watching the sunset.
“You know she had to keep it from us,” Sam calmly said, his VA side resurging.
“I know,”
“And that she wouldn’t feel so bad if she didn’t care about you,” Seeing Bucky staying silent his brows knitted, Sam stood up “Man, you got to talk to her, she reached out it’s on you now,”
“You realized it’s not that easy,”
“It is, you walk up to her, show or tell her what’s on that cyborg brain of yours, and that’s it, avoiding her it’s not the right way to do it.”
After a good shower you sat by the window overlooking the pier, the boys were on the dock enjoying a beer. “It’s gonna be fine,” you pep talked yourself eyes trained on Bucky’s silhouette.
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Session #5
Published: 2021-02-21 Completed: 2021-03-30
109 notes · View notes
orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Vampire!Reader x Markiplier Egos
ty anon for the request
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A/N: YES. IT'S BEEN A WHILE. HAPPY FUCKING HALLOWEEN. I absolutely remembered today is the 1 year anniversary of ahwm absolutely this is not a coincidence what are you talking about ahahahahha. I've been busy w/ school and drawing and general depression and anxiety with the current situation but I'm getting back into it! Vampire reader. That's pretty much it. Rated T, a bit of cursing, mentions of blood, mentions of fangs. A slightly suggestive phrase but that's just Illinois like there has to be at least one with him it's the law. ALSO. NEW RULE? IF I'M DOING LIKE HCS OR SMTHN I WILL DO 6 AT A TIME. I CANNOT BE WRITING 14 DIFFERENT EGOS AT ONCE I JUST CAN'T I'M SORRY. anyways enjoy!
Vampire!Reader x Egos Headcanons
Not much PDA
Not much going out in general
You have to cover your whole body when you do, unless it’s nighttime
You spend much of your time inside or in the forest
You’re basically nocturnal
You do drink blood, and you don’t need a lot of it
You drink human blood only if they give permission
You don’t kill people
You know or know of some other supernatural creatures that exist
You are friends with a werewolf. One specifically. You know the one.
You both are edgy as all hell it’s perfect!
Politely asks you not to bite him
a) because he’s not human and b) because it’ll hurt
You both are very calm and well-spoken. So. not much happens.
However, you are both, in fact, dumb bitches, so things are still entertaining
“My darling, would you like some garli-mmm nevermind...”
You go out with him sometimes on romantic moonlit walks
You don’t have to wear as much then
You make him get a pet, a black cat specifically
He loves it
You named it Darko, Dark for short, and he hates the name
Like he hates the name a lot
It is irrational how much he hates the fucking name
He calls it DA
He never explains why
When you want blood he’ll trap a deer or something
You go into the forest and drink a little of its blood
He’s surprised
“What am I, a werewolf?”
He’ll ask you about supernatural creatures, and how to defend against them
You’re pretty sure he’s an eldritch entity so you aren’t sure why he’s asking YOU
He won’t ask how you became a vampire, that seems personal
He never gets startled when you turn into a bat
He can hear your lil wingbeats from a mile away
Sometimes you’ll sleep as a bat and he just smiles at you hanging from the fan
Fine with you not interacting with others, like he does much of that…
Just likes hanging out in your fucking giant victorian mansion with you
We all know that his type is, in fact, edgy bitch
Therefore, you are perfect
Dark clothes? Check
Edgy backstory? Probably
Kinda scary? Oh absolutely
And he loves you for that!
He doesn’t want to be a vampire, but he fuckin loves your teeth
He’ll ask you to bare them and then he’ll do a happy wiggle afterwards
He loves dancing with you, slow or fast
It’s always romantic
He’s basically a god so like. Anything you ask for he’s gotchu
You said you were hungry and he fucking kidnapped someone
You said you were hungry, that was on you
You then explain that you don’t need a whole FUCKING PERSON
He then steals some blood bags from the hospital
“Oh, calm down! They have enough!”
Likes taking you out, so you go on night walks a lot.
You’re not used to social interaction, so he makes sure to steer you away from people
Unless you want to talk to them, then he starts up a conversation and lets you take over
You don’t understand people, and neither does he! It’s great.
Likes when you turn into a bat
He doesn’t know why, it just makes him happy
You made him adopt a black cat
He named it Colonel Whiskers
Loves you and your castle and your weird ass little quirks
Bite him.
You refuse for the sole reason that he is a dick.
You do get along because you both are, in fact, pretentious
You wear those silk robes around the house, and he gets mad at you
HE is the sexy mysterious one, COME ON!
At least you won’t have an edgier backstory than him…
Likes slow dancing with you
Very much enjoys your Aesthetic
Believes that he too belongs in a Victorian era castle isolated from the world
Loves the dark romance
Is a Fancy Boy
Was fully prepared to murder someone for you to drink their blood
Surprised when you said it wasn’t necessary???
Buys a horse or smthn
Asks about supernatural beings and which are immortal
He asks that a lot
He worries you sometimes.
Hates it when you turn into a bat
You’re small and you fly around and you’re fucking GROSS
He doesn’t. He doesn’t like animals very much. Besides dogs I mean.
Buys you clothes because you’ve been wearing the same shit for fucking EVER
Don’t worry, they’re all black, dark purple, or dark red
Sometimes you decide to go on a walk and he tags along
Possessive bitch
Thinks you’ll leave him if you talk to other people
He scares them or leads you away
Was fine with a black wolfdog you brought home after searching for food
Names it Phoenix, and you call it Nix for short
Is deeply in love with you, but will never say or show it
He thinks you’re wonderful!
Originally a bit mean to you
He thought YOU thought you were better than him
He saw the fangs and backed off
He asked about them and you answered, so you got along
Asked if he could be a vampire
You asked if he wanted to be immortal. He declined.
Suggested you drink his blood when you were hungry
You said it wasn’t necessary, but he pushed
Stared at you the whole time
“what’s your issue” “this is very… intimate.”
On that note: has an issue with intimacy
You’re very cold naturally, so you’d want to cuddle
He awkwardly shifts away
Once he gets more comfortable, he might cuddle with you
Loves the silk robes you own, they’re so fucking COMFY
Absolutely loves all the fancy shit you have
You teach him how to waltz and he teaches you how to tap dance
You have a very equal give and take relationship with everything, it’s great
Neither of you like social interaction
You will if you HAVE to but mostly keep to yourselves
You love Yancy's prison buddies
They love you too
Asked if you knew mothman
You couldn’t tell if he was joking
He absolutely Was Not joking
He sings to you sometimes
It echoes through the place and the Aesthetic man
Hates it when you turn into a bat
Bad. No. Stop. Scary.
A small animal flying at him is a no go
Alternatively: get him a pet dog and he will love you forever
He names it Elvis. Yeah you know why.
Overall loves you and your aesthetic, and you could tell even before you got together
Excited but doesn't show it
He's met PLENTY of supernatural creatures
Ghosts, gods, there was a thing with that werewolf one time…
(He has the scars to prove it)
But a vampire? That's new
He doesn’t live at your place because he travels a lot
He still stays there sometimes between adventures
Uncomfortable with how clean it is
You are. An immortal being. And you take the time to clean. What the fuck.
“Would YOU wanna spend eternity in a dusty ass mansion?”
His flirts are often about your fangs
You threatened to bite him and he said “promise?”
Said you could drink his blood, but you said no
“I don’t know what the fuck you got in that bloodstream”
Doesn’t do walks but takes you on adventures
If it’s a cave. And you turn into a bat.
ONLY if you turn into a bat
Sidenote: he fucking adores when you turn into a bat
He just thinks they’re neat
Uncomfortable with how soft everything you own is
NOTHING is soft in nature
Except. Like a lot of things. But don’t tell him he’ll get mad
Doesn’t really want a pet bc he’ll never be home to deal with it
He’ll be fine if you get one though
He wants to name it Nathan Drake he doesn’t care what it is
NERD(see: Uncharted)
Will never EVER wear a fucking suit
He will DIE before he wears a suit fuck you
Dislikes anything remotely fancy
Talks about the creatures he’s met
you get Bard Vibes if ya know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge he's a whore is what I'm saying here
You hang out normally mostly
He refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you
Not after the mermaid incident.
He eventually will, i promise
He’s a pirate, he doesn’t care
He’s seen sirens, ancient spirits, probably Davey Jones at some point
A vampire? Low on the list of dangerous creatures
He has a whole ship made outta wood he’s not that worried
You don't really sail with him often
When you do, you're seen as a threat to anyone and everyone
He loves that about you
Warned you not to bite him or he'd stake you
You promised not to and that was enough for him
You get along with the crew fairly well
However do NOT turn into a bat around them
They will not hesitate to shoot
You can maybe do it around Magnum and only Magnum
Doesn't like your house
He belongs to the sea
But can and will steal your sheets for himself
A pirate can have a little silk, as a treat
Offered his crew's blood to drink after a while
You declined because you don't know what the fuck kinda diseases they have
Doesn't really want a pet. He can't tell them what to do.
You bought an axolotl and he loves it a lot
Its name is Delta but he has deemed it Magnum Jr
Can't really. Fit. In any suits you have
He has to go out and get one personally tailored if he wants it
Likes dancing with you
Slow dancing. To Danny Boy.
He can't dance but that's ok he tries
You talk about land creatures and he talks about ocean creatures
So far he despises werewolves and skinwalkers
He likes spending as much time with you possible
He doesn't much like the idea of a relationship bc of his uh line of work
But he loves you
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