#i did not say anything because I did not want to start a fight so close to bedtime but HOLY SHIT
can we have more disowned!Jason pls??
Bruce was thankful for the drive. It gave him time to think. Mostly of things to say.
He'd sent a new washer and dryer, only to have them politely but firmly refused. Not by Jason, which he expected, but by you. You explained that it was appreciated but not necessary. And then before hanging up the phone, suggested that he donate the money to a support group for estranged parents. Electronics for the kids were similarly received- albeit less politely by Jason. Jason outright sent them back in pieces.
It was a risk, and he knew that. But by the time he pulled into town and was driving down tree-lined streets he was resolved. He had grandchildren now. He had a son who was happy. A Daughter in law... It was- well. Not a 'normal' family but, why did that matter?
There was a new baby on the way. Surely you had to need something to make it easier? College funds? Was the house paid for? He went through the options over and over. Considering the things he knew from the court documents. How you'd come to have your niece and nephew in your custody. The long sad story that got there.
You were steadfast and compassionate- that he knew. And proud. An offer that felt like charity would be rejected. Because you were doing it- or had been doing it on your own. Caring for your grandmother and then your mother. Fighting with the courts. Running a business. And raising two kids. You didn't want charity.
He pulled up on the curb and checked his watch, frowning. Both cars were still in the drive. Which was odd. Dick had told him you usually took the kids to school and opened the store.
He walked up the front steps and rang the bell. Greeted by the cacophony of dogs barking and Jason grumbling as he lumbered to the door.
Jason rolled his eyes when he saw Bruce at the door. "Not now-"
"I come in peace," Bruce said holding up his hands.
"Now's not a good time," Jason said, picking up the Yorkie before she could bolt out the door.
"What happened?" Bruce asked, heart dropping. Jason looked tense. Stressed. Upset. "Are the kids-"
"There was a break in at the hardware. Y/N was working late doing the books. Local scumbags busted in looking for tools they could sell. And copper. They didn't know she was there, so when she walked out to see what was happening, they panicked. Busted her in the face a couple times and someone kicked her stomach." Jason exhaled slowly. "Boris got to them and scared them off when he heard her struggling. And then. Fuck. As if it wasn't bad enough, his fucking heart just gave out and her dog died."
"Now is really not a good time," Jason repeated, swallowing hard.
And all Bruce can do is hug him. Hard. Jason never did do well when women were in danger. When they were attacked like that. And now it was one of HIS women. His wife. The mother of his children. And she hadn't been able to call him for help. "Is... everything okay?" he asked, releasing him when Jason started to pull away.
"They kept her in the hospital for a couple days and they want to keep her on bed rest for a while. They were worried about her back and her ribs. And the stress of it all. But- mostly she just... she's worried about the baby. She's worried about the kids. And she misses Borris."
"A good boy-"
"Her best friend," Jason said, smiling a little. "And then he had to go and prove he really did love her more than me... grumpy old fucker."
"I know it's not a good time," Bruce said, not wanting to add more stress to his son. Or risk upsetting you and making it worse for you. "But if you need anything-"
"Just make sure those scumbags stay in jail," Jason said. "Because if I get my hands on them, I'll break their fucking necks."
"At least you aren't going to shoot-"
"Y/N makes me store my guns and my ammo in two separate places," he sighed. "And she moved it after Ty found it- now I don't know where it is."
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b1ravenclaw · 2 days
Azriel has a mate and when he starts spending time with Elain. She becomes distant.
She sees the almost kiss with Rhys and she leaves and Rhys doesn’t say anything for her.
She eventually comes back and is in “fuck him. I’m a bad bitch” era and Azriel has to grovel hard cause she isn’t taking any shit.
You can end it however you want.
note: I hope I did it justice :)
warnings: unedited, angst
The almost kiss was just the cherry on top of the fucking cake. 
It started slow, of course, but it went at a slow steady pace. Always there to nag at my insides, something so silly and small I could not complain, really. So what if he was befriending the High Lady’s sister, it was expected she made some friends considering her abrupt start at fae life. What was not expected was Azriel would altogether stop making time for you. His mate. His fucking mate.
The lingering glances he once shared with you were now hers, his attention once solely yours was now solely hers. And you did not want to believe, when you clinged to hope on those cold nights alone that he may only be distracted because of his harsh work. You supposed he avoided your touch because his insecurities of not being enough may have crawled and found its way inside him again. 
But, alas, it was not it. It was just her. Fucking Elain, and she was not to blame. He was. How could he neglect his mate? His other half. How could he be so vile and cruel, not only to you, but to himself as well. He did not expect you to forgive him, did he? Or to never find out? 
You did not know what was worse. That, until you saw the look on Rhysand’s face, when his violet eyes left anger daggers at Azriel, to you they only emanated pity. Pure pathetic pity. His mouth opened and closed a few times, the High Lord of Night at a loss of words, congratu-fucking-lations Azriel. 
The walk to your room was shameful, glamouring yourself as to not be seen by no one, not wanting to wait for him, to hear what Rhys had in store for him. You just wanted to go away, your things were quick to be packed, and Kallias and Vivienne were not alarmed to see you at their palace doors unannounced. However they were alarmed by the sad glimmer in your eyes, tears refusing to be dropped and, instead, freezing. Your lashes starting to become white with the cold.
“Oh Dear.” Was all Vivienne, your cousin, said. Your only family member alive. The family you would have now that Azriel fucked everything up. Your hopes of having a family crushed right before you, and you let it happen. Had you fighted him would it have changed anything? Would his interest in Elain have died down or grown further more? You felt your heart growing colder. Vivienne had asked if you wanted company sleeping tonight, but you refused. You did not want her to see how much you could cry about it, and when you thought it was over you felt it. Over the bond you felt it, his feelings, and it wasn’t remorse, it wasn’t sadness or even anger. He felt nothing, almost as if he was feeling contemptment. As if he was fucking relieved you left. 
You cried until sunrise, shame sent you to sleep and hunger woke you up the next morning.
Your stomach was empty and growling, and you were in desperate need of a shower. But the first thing you did that morning was neither bathe or eat. You looked in the mirror at your disheveled image, at your red puffy eyes you focused on your feeling of emptiness and hopelessness and sent that perfectly destroyed image down the golden thread connecting you to the winged male, and closed it. You looked your heart and mind at seven keys, never to be opened again, never to be toyed with. 
That morning after bathing and brushing your long hair you cut it at shoulder length, you found your best dress, one that had a high detailed neckline and went past your feet. 
“Y/n.” Said Kallias, surprised, “Good morrow.”
“Good morrow, my lord.” You said with a courtesy. “My lady.”
“Y/n, your hair… it’s different.”
“And so am I, I thought it would be fitting. Don’t you?”
“Of course.”  Her voice was soft, as if she was scared if she spoke too strongly you would break. But you could not be broken, not anymore. 
“I was…”
“You don’t need to say what happened if you do not wish to y/n, you are always welcome at our home. Your home.” Kallias said, ever the High Lord. 
“Thank you, Kallias. But I wish to, just to clear things up. As I suppose they will want to contact me.”
“Rhysand may have sent word, as well as your mate.”
“I would appreciate it if you called him by his name, as he is no longer my mate.” They both inhaled sharply, the food at the table left untouched. “I supposed I saw it coming, he… Well, he took interest in another female. It has been quite sometime. The final straw was, well, his lack of respect for me and self control.” 
“Oh, y/n.” Vivienne was at my side, but it was Kallias voice that made my heart warm.
“Do you want me to end him?”
“As much as I would appreciate it, I know it would not be good, politically speaking.” 
“We can find our way around it.” “I’m sure you can. But… part of me wants him to live with it, see if he will suffer even if it’s a little.” 
“Your call, Vivienne’ family is my family. You know it.”
“Thank you, my lord.”
It was a week later the day you left, that Rhysand’s letter arrived. It was sealed and it smelled of the home you once cared for, one you did not wish to be in anymore. 
Dear y/n, 
I can not begin to imagine how you are feeling, I am writing to you to make sure you are safe  and well, as well as one can be in your situation. Kallias sent word you are with him and Vivienne, but alas please tell me if you need anything I can help with.  
We all miss you dearly, unfortunately word got out faster than  I could contain, we are all mad at him, and I forbade him to contact you. 
He would like to speak to you, but you owe him nothing. 
I hope to see you soon.
Your dear friend, High Lord of Night, Rhysand.
You answered the letter a few days later, letting him know Azriel was not to contact you, or else he would die. You didn’t think they believed it, you could never kill Azriel, even now. It was a month after that you saw Feyre and Rhysand, and how you missed them. All of them, they were your family once too and as if sensing your insecurity Feyre whispered in your ear as she left that you were still family, and as much as you would like to believe it, you knew they  would never turn on Azriel. 
Eight months later you felt strong enough to return to the night court, Vivienne and Kallias held you as much as possible, but when you were strongly inclined to retrieve the rest of your belongings yourself they hugged you goodbye. And when the inevitable happened, when you crossed his path despite Rhysand telling you he made sure Azriel had left before you arrived. When you looked into his almond eyes, that once gave you immense joy, you felt nothing, almost contempt. You felt relieved, that he could not affect you anymore, would not affect you anymore.
“My love…” “Azriel, it’s Y/n to you. Or Winter Court emissary.” 
“Y/n, please, don’t do this, let’s talk.”
“I will do as I please, Spymaster. Just like you did all those months ago.”
“I made a mistake.”
“And I hope it was worth, I hope you at least got to fuck her.”
“I didn’t. I lo-”
“Oh, that’s a shame. So you did really throw it all away, over what? A silly kiss? It truly is pathetic, Azriel.”
“Y/n, I should never have allowed myself to be lured away from my mate, I see that now.” “Lured away?” You scoffed, you could hear heavy footsteps approaching the room, probably Cassian’s. But you did not care for it. “Is that what you call it? Did she poison you?” “No?”
“Did she give you a love potion?”
“No, she didn’t.” “Did she enchant you with a spell?”
“No, and it does not matter, I shouldn’t-” “Then you were not lured Spymaster, maybe by your own lust and desire, but it was nothing you were physically weak against. She did not force you. You chose to betray me the moment you chose to spend time with her over me. “
“And I am so sorry.” His voice was broken, but you couldn't care less. You wished for him to hurt. “As you should be, and I hope Elain ends up being happier with Lucien than I ever was with you.” And as he tried to call you, tried to tug at the bond you once cherished with all your heart, it was much too easy to drown it all out, to distract yourself catching up with his family, your friends. You slept peacefully, the weight lifted off of your shoulders. The next morning it was much easier to put on the Winter Court colors and behold the tasks ahead of you, to serve your new High Lord. Your new court.
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educatedsimps · 21 hours
I just thought for fics in which sakusa/atsumu(or maybe of your choice) feeling guilty after a fight with reader is very patient and understanding(such a green flag for him). Its quite rare to see reader who have those traits soo i would to see ones in your writing! I hope its not a hassle
≪ back to fics masterlist
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miya atsumu x f!reader, sakusa kiyoomi x f!reader
a/n: GIRLLLLL you know i’m all for this typa angst ✋😌 OF COURSE i’ll gladly write for atsumu and sakusa cuz those two are 🤌🏻🤌🏻 anyway thank you for requesting bae it's not a hassle at all :) HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!
cw: angst, hurt/comfort, timeskip spoilers, one mention of killing/suicide? not serious tho. also swearing lol
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wc: 749
"That was a shit set, Miya," Sakusa hissed, glaring at his teammate. Panting, he continued, "The hell is up with you today?"
"Nothin', I swear!" Atsumu barked in an effort to defend himself.
Truth was, he was in over his head about the fight he had picked with you that morning. He had said some nasty words to you that he didn't mean and then left for work still upset. He didn't even remember what you had been arguing about, but the crushing guilt that sat on his chest had been suffocating him all day.
He hadn't clocked a single service ace since the practice match had started, and - as Sakusa had so graciously remarked - his sets were absolute shit.
But honestly? He couldn't care less about the match. The only thing on Atsumu's mind was you. He knew he shouldn't have said what he said, yet he did, despite knowing better. And now he couldn't stop thinking about you all by yourself at home. He couldn't stop picturing you curled up on the couch in tears because he knew how much his words had hurt you. All he wanted was to apologise but he was certain you didn't want to see him any time soon.
"Well it's clearly somethin', Tsumu. Your sets are worse than Hinata's," Meian said, earning a screech of protest from the ginger. "Go take a breather, we'll swap you out for now." Clapping his junior on the back, the Jackals' captain called for Barnes. Sighing, Atsumu made his way to the bench and yanked off his compression sleeves.
Plopping down on the bench in the most ungraceful manner possible, he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and hung his head as droplets of sweat fell from his sweat-slicked hair. His left knee was bouncing nervously as he tried to regulate his breathing. He couldn't tell if his laboured breaths were from his physical exertion or the sheer guilt that was devouring him from inside out.
"God, you're so overbearing! Can't ya just leave me alone for one second?!" His own words seemed to be mocking him, sounding like a broken record in his head.
You were the most incredibly caring and patient person he had ever met, yet he threw your care and concern for him back in your face, like it meant nothing. He knew his words would cut deep, and his selfishness and utter refusal to let you have the last say made him stupid enough to actually say it to your face. The worst part was that he didn't even apologise.
His leg bounced more and more nervously under him, and his mind was going into overdrive worrying about you. Sitting up, he turned and reached for his duffel bag on the bleachers two rows up. Fishing for his phone, he dug it out from his bag to see absolutely zero notifications from you.
Feeling the knot in his heart twist even tighter, he unlocked his phone and stared at your contact, his trembling finger hovering over the call button. Do I call her? Text her? Is she okay? Does she even want anything to do with me anymore? Fuck, does she wanna break up with me? She's not gonna leave me, right? Right? He could feel himself becoming delirious with worry.
"Fuck it," he muttered to himself, throwing his compression sleeves and water bottle into his duffel. He grabbed his shoe bag before yelling to his captain, "I gotta go, urgent matter!" he sprinted out of the gym.
Slamming his car door shut, he sat in the driver's seat and stared at his phone again. It was nearly lunch time and you'd normally text him and tell him about how your day was going, or hop onto Facetime to "have lunch together". He always found that cute.
He couldn't risk losing all that with you.
Driving to your favourite takeout place, he ordered a bunch of your favourite food and hopped back into his car with his arms full. And as he drove back to your shared apartment, he prayed for you to just spare him a glance. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and whisper a thousand apologies. He swore he'd understand if you didn't wanna see him, and he didn't care about being forgiven, he just wanted to apologise and make it up to you.
And apologise he did, because since then, he had never ever fucked up like that again.
"Oh you fucked up, Omi-kun. Big time."
The curly haired man sighed as he downed another glass of sake. He was squeezed into one of the booths at Onigiri Miya while the infinitely more annoying Miya sat across from him, casually popping his brother's freshly rolled rice balls in his mouth.
"I know, Miya. I-" he slammed the glass on the table. Sighing heavily, he continued, "She wouldn’t even get angry at me. And I acted like a fucking high schooler, ignoring her an- and getting angry at her. She definitely doesn't wanna see me right now. I’m such a fucking jerk."
"You know Tsumu did the same thing a couple weeks ago, right?" Osamu said, coming by with a cleaning towel to wipe up the crumbs on the table. Then he flicked it at his brother. Atsumu expertly dodged it before shooting his brother a nasty glare.
"Fuck off, asshole… as if you’re so perfect," Atsumu grumbled as Osamu stalked off. Turning to his teammate, he sighed. "He's not wrong, though. Remember that practice match where I couldn't get in a single service ace? Yeah, I fucked up that morning."
"That's why you left halfway," Sakusa hummed, mindlessly tapping a finger on his glass. Atsumu nodded.
"Well... what did you do about it?"
"Me? Well, I fucking grovelled. I prayed to every god that she would listen and that she wouldn't leave me. That she'd hear me out at the very least and see how sorry I was. Don't tell 'Samu, but I even got on my knees at one point. Been a changed man since," Atsumu stated proudly, leaning back in his seat with his arms behind his head.
Sakusa rolled his eyes, rubbing his temples. "Changed man, my ass. You're still an insufferable prick."
"Maybe. But I'm not the one who fucked up and ran away tonight," Atsumu said, looking at Sakusa pointedly.
As much as he hated to admit it, Atsumu was right. Sakusa had run away after the argument - if you could even call it that.
He was scheduled for an interview that day and the interviewer was an absolute douchebag, picking on him about every little detail in his life, most of which wasn't even related to the brand Sakusa was endorsing. This resulted in him leaving the media building pissed. Even his PR manager opted not to say anything on the way out. Smart one he is. Sakusa figured his mood would lighten up before he got home but it only got worse, which was how he ended up taking it out on you the moment you asked about his day.
He knew his words cut deep, yet he chose to leave the apartment "for a breather". Until he himself with a bottle of sake and his favourite pair of twins at Onigiri Miya.
Unlike Atsumu, Sakusa had absolutely no idea why he had said what he said - the words just fell out of his mouth. Then he panicked and left.
Fucking coward, he berated himself. How could he just leave you after saying that?
Then again… how could he face you?
He wasn't sure if his body was heating up from all the alcohol or from his guilt. You had never once raised your voice, let alone lost your temper with him, but he lashed out at you out of nowhere.
Truthfully, he was ashamed that he let you see that side of him. That ugly, selfish, short-tempered side that no one but his parents had ever witnessed. He really only wanted to give you the best version of himself, and he had messed it all up.
Maybe it was a sign from the heavens - or just pure karma biting him in the ass - but he suddenly recalled the first time he saw you cry. It was before you started dating, you had just gotten dumped and he had, unfortunately for him, a massive crush on you. Typical fell-in-love-with-my-best-friend kinda thing, you know?
He remembered how his heart twisted and contorted as he watched you cry yours out over an incompetent scumbag. He still felt that same pain whenever he saw you cry.
He remembered holding you close and stroking your hair, promising himself he'd never be the reason for your tears. And one thing he very distinctly remembered telling you was that he'd kill anyone - anyone - who ever made you cry like that.
So when he stepped into your shared apartment and saw your figure curled up on the couch, he realised the person he'd have to kill was himself.
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a/n: yes we're here for the grovelling men teehee
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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milliumizoomi · 2 days
armando headcanons w his gf that is the total opposite of him? kind of like grumpy x sunshine? 😫
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☆彡SUMMARY.; In which Armando doesn’t understand why for the love of god he fell in love with such a hyperactive woman.
☆彡GENRE.; FLUFF + CRACK + ANGST [if you squint]
☆彡WARNINGS.; Mature Language, mentions of violence, mentions of guns, mentions of possessiveness,
☆彡NOTES.; no cause I saw this request and immediately knew this was gon be tewwww funny😭,, thank u soooo much for the request love and I hope you all enjoy!!🩵
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★ firstly, I’d like to preface this by saying that you both met through his dad.. in a roundabout type of way
★ He was working a case with his dad, got shot at, the usual, shooter missed and you, an innocent bystander, almost got a hole put in your body had he not snatched you out of the way
★ and after that, he just became interested in you
★ his dad even game him a phone just so he can call and text you
★ and to be honest he wonders why.. because you’re “strange” he says
★ maybe it’s the fact that you didn’t even flinch when you almost got shot at, opting to thank him with a bright and warm smile
★ or maybe it’s the fact that as your relationship progressed, you found out who he was and what he does for a living and simply shrugged it off
★ he genuinely doesn’t get it.. at all
★ but you barely give him enough time to keep him thinking about that when every second you’re with him you’re practically bouncing off the walls
★ the both of you couldn’t be any different
★ you were practically a ball of hot radioactive energy, always laughing or smiling about anything at all
★ while he liked staying quiet, and when he does open his mouth it’s straight disrespect to anyone he’s taking to
★ so naturally, he finds you hard to deal with at times
★ not in the sense that he’s irritated with you, but in the sense that he wants to knock you out just so you can calm down
★ and if someone irritates him, you’d have to step in and excuse him before he can say anything that would get a gun pointed in his face or a fight breaks out
★ and when he’s around, you get fully dependent of him
★ seeming that he’s not around a lot having been in jail, whenever he does come out, whether it be a couple weeks or even months, whenever you get to see him it’s like you turn your brain off and let him make all the decisions
★ and as much as he hates to admit it, he actually doesn’t mind when you act like that (he loves it)
★ you act so wise eyed and elated everytime you’re with him
★ which throws off a lot of people in his circle of “associates” as he likes to call them
★ because how the hell did this happy go lucky woman get this is cold blooded murderer
★ and then you’ll just tell them “he’s hot and I love him so it works out”
★ and with you being so hyper and energetic, he’d definitely be reeling you in some of the time
★ he’d wouldn’t be rude with it though, but he’s very firm with you
★ like if he thinks you’re getting too loud when you’re in a group and having a conversation he’d be pull you into him by your waist so your back is on his chest
★ then he’d whisper in your, “calma tu trasero mamá” (Calm down your ass, mama)
★ and you ofc listened cause like.. who wouldn’t???
★ because of your personality, people tend to flock around you a lot, loving the energy you give off
★ he however, doesn’t play that shit and will tell people to back the fuck up
★ especially when he realizes that you’re starting to get uncomfortable
★ he’s possessive as shit so anybody he doesn’t know he doesn’t want crowding you or being in your space
★ you’d also bite him a lot and he’d let you
★ simply because your bites barely feel like anything since his pain tolerance is so high from all the fights and shoot outs he’s been in
★ and eventually, whenever you do manage to wear yourself out, he’ll carry you, whether it’s on his back or he picks you up by your thighs and wraps your legs around his waist
★ you definitely made him softer, to the people he knows like his dad and stuff, but that’s about it
★ and whenever he does get mad at you, he can’t even say he’s actually angry because you’d be smiling in his face
★ and when he is in jail and you go visit him, you carry his favorite foods and stuff and put little sticky notes with smiley faces and I love you messages that he can only crack a little smile and shake his head at
★ and seeming that your always so happy, you smile doing anything at all, and he loves that cause he thinks your smile is so pretty
★ that doubled with the fact that he finds your lips extremely sexy for some reason
★ and he’s actually very protective over you
★ type of boyfriend to say “wear what you want, I can fight”
★ you definitely soften up his image while with him
★ usually he’s the silent, intense type when he’s alone, but when you’re standing next to him, smiling up and him and pulling at him to go somewhere with you then the intensity goes down somewhat
★ that’s only cause he’s looking at you tho, when he has to look away from you that intensity comes right back
★ firmly believe also if and when he comes to you with injuries, you take care of them until you’re sure they’re all cleaned and wrapped properly
★ in private, he loves when you wash his hair or doing hair for him while you’re yapping away about something that happened while you were out that day
★ so in conclusion, you stress him out in the best way possible and he makes you put all you social abilities to good use to get his ass out of trouble
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{TAGLIST} :: @loakswifesworld @ghettogirly @tinys0ftie @shurisgf || if you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know in comments or dms😉💕.
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saphronethaleph · 7 hours
Soresu Negotiations
“Get help,” Palpatine said. “You’re no match for him. He’s a Sith Lord.”
Obi-Wan turned to look at the Chancellor. “...yes?” he said. “But he’s also something else – something I’m surprised you’ve forgotten.”
“What?” Palpatine asked.
“A politician,” Obi-Wan replied, turning back to Dooku.
Anakin groaned, then sat down.
“Here we go,” he said.
Palpatine blinked, looking from Anakin to Obi-Wan.
“...what do you mean, Anakin?” he asked.
“This happens sometimes,” Anakin replied. “How do you think he got his nickname?”
“Count,” Obi-Wan said, at about the same time. “It’s occurred to me that I never actually found out what the Confederacy wants.”
“Isn’t it a little late for this?” Dooku asked. “We have been at war for several years.”
“True,” Obi-Wan conceded, readily. “The war having started on Geonosis, because of tracing back your clone army which we… appear to have appropriated, mostly because you did it in our name. But that’s how the war started – not your objectives.”
Dooku was silent for a moment.
“I assume some semblance of a point will be emerging,” he said, eventually. “If you could be so kind as to provide it?”
“Wars begin for all sorts of reasons,” Obi-Wan replied. “But how they end… they end because a mutual settlement has been reached. And it’s occurred to me that I don’t know what you’d want out of a victory.”
He spread his hand, the one not holding the – unlit – saber. “It’s not the conquest of the Republic, I can tell that much. If the CIS annexed the Republic, what you’d have would still be the Republic, just under a different name… it’s not the Republic without the corruption that’s been causing it problems, because most of the corruption in the Republic was – was – the big industrial concerns like the Techno Union, Commerce Guild, Trade Federation. But you seem to have taken all of those off our hands, and they provide essentially your entire military so I don’t think anyone else could honestly believe that either.”
“I wouldn’t expect a Jedi to understand,” Dooku replied. “The Confederacy’s member systems have concerns relating to over-centralization.”
Obi-Wan stared at him for a long moment.
“...no they don’t,” he said.
“I hardly think you can have earned your reputation as a negotiator, Kenobi, if you are so willing to be insulting,” Dooku said, archly.
“That’s not what I mean,” Obi-Wan replied. “I mean… yes, now the Republic has an army, though really it’s actually the Jedi’s army and we’re simply letting them borrow it, but four years ago the Galactic Republic was proverbially incapable of doing anything. It took emergency powers for the Chancellor to get the Republic to authorize having any kind of military whatsoever – and the only one available was the one you ordered. That’s not over-centralization.”
He drummed his fingers on his ‘saber. “And I note that I overheard Nute Gunray insisting on the head of Senator Amidala – literally, in those words – as his price for signing a treaty. But I still haven’t heard an actual answer. What does the Galaxy look like if the Confederacy wins?”
Dooku frowned, and after about three seconds Obi-Wan glanced at the Chancellor.
“Didn’t you discuss this at any point, your excellency?” he asked. “Count Dooku doesn’t seem to have thought about this.”
Palpatine blinked.
“...he’s a Sith Lord,” he repeated. “Shouldn’t you be fighting him?”
“It’s called diplomacy, Chancellor,” Obi-Wan replied, before returning his attention to Dooku. “Grandmaster, are you seriously telling me that you never thought about what you would do if you won?”
Anakin checked his comlink, for the time, then the ship trembled slightly.
“Artoo?” he asked. “Can you tell those ships outside to stop shooting at us and give us a wide berth? This could take hours and I don’t want to find out if my name’s literal.”
“Hours?” Palpatine repeated.
“He’s rolling,” Anakin replied, rolling his eyes. “Like I say, I’m used to this.”
He rummaged in a pocket of his robes, taking out a miniature toolkit, and began disassembling his lightsaber. “I’m pretty sure I can retune these crystals to give two stable configurations which it’ll snap between, that should give me a length toggle instead of a single adjustable length…”
“Are you taking your lightsaber apart?” Palpatine hissed. “What if you need to fight?”
“It’s okay, Chancellor, I’ll get about five minutes’ warning if the negotiations are going downhill,” Anakin replied. “That should be time to put it back together again…”
Palpatine looked up to Obi-Wan, who – sure enough – was still going.
“...of course, a separate but related issue is what it’s going to be like afterwards,” Obi-Wan said. “In principle the Republic and the Jedi Order could probably accept the existence of Sith so long as we actually knew who they were and they weren’t trying to destroy us. It’s the fact that the first Sith we met in a thousand years tried to run Anakin over and cut Qui-Gon’s head off as an opening move that’s soured us towards them a bit… but are you really going to be content as someone whose whole job is to die for Sidious?”
Dooku stared at Obi-Wan, baffled, then glanced at Palpatine and Anakin.
“What do you mean?” he asked, forcing his gaze back to Obi-Wan.
“Sidious is your Master, we know that much,” Obi-Wan replied. “Partly because you told me yourself. But has he ever put himself in danger? Or has it all been you dealing with Jedi like myself and my apprentice? Putting yourself out there, in danger, while you do exactly what he says?”
He smiled slightly. “A Jedi would accept that, but you’re a Sith – you’ve said so yourself. Sith are self-interested. What do you think your new master is getting out of the situation? Because if you don’t know, it’s got to be something and it’s probably something he doesn’t want to tell you.”
“My master is quite willing to put himself in danger,” Dooku said, then clamped his lips shut at a frantic mouthed shut up from Palpatine.
“Real or feigned?” Obi-Wan asked. “Do you think he wouldn’t manipulate you? He’s been doing it to everyone else – you’ve said it.”
Dooku’s brow furrowed.
“But we’re getting off topic,” Obi-Wan said, turning to look at Palpatine. “Chancellor, what about this as a starting point? Your emergency powers were granted to resolve the crisis, and I’m sure you want to abandon them as soon as possible… so why not take away the whole reason why the individual systems in the Confederacy had problems with the Republic to begin with? Freely allow the departure of any system which wishes to do so, under the emergency powers legislation; enact a progressive tax, one which hits the Core worlds harder owing to their greater ability to pay, to sustain a carrier based navy able to hunt pirates more effectively than conduct occupations or orbital bombardment, and have the navy established on a sector-federal two-level model?”
Palpatine stared at Obi-Wan for at least ten seconds.
“...he’s a Sith Lord,” he said, yet again.
“Oh, shut up,” Dooku replied. “You’re a Sith Lord and I don’t see you doing anything constructive.”
Obi-Wan glanced at Palpatine.
“...you know,” he began. “I’m quite sure you’d need to note that on your financial disclosure forms, your Excellency.”
He turned sideways, so he could see both Dooku and Palpatine at the same time. “What was the point of this whole abduction, anyway?”
“As it happens, I was supposed to kill you,” Dooku said. “It’s the only way to turn Anakin to the Dark Side, if you’re out of the way.”
“Huh?” Anakin asked. “Is something up? I’ve almost got the crystals realigned.”
“This plan looked a lot better this morning,” Palpatine muttered.
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vampirehoon · 3 days
my angel ✫ hwang hyunjin (800+)
(needed) a/n ✫ omg. so sorry for the inactivity on posting but this month had hit me the hardest - being really busy with life, i couldn’t sit down and find time to write so finally i wrote something short and sweet. also im a hyunjin girly rn but enha posts return! also not proof read.
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you would believe your boyfriend’s parents if they said angels paid him a visit when he was born and blessed him with the most perfect face you’ve ever seen. pure strangers, mainly girls, have a hard time missing him if they walk past him because he’s so beautiful.
hyunjin melts everytime you call him beautiful, insisting on it. it’s habit of hyunjin to deny and kiss you when you say those things but when he took you into his arms and held you so you couldn’t move, you knew you were loved.
it’s late at the park and a few couple and friend groups remain on the grass. you wondered if kissing you in public crossed hyunjin’s mind but it seemed everyone was already focused on the sunset.
he smiled before leaning closer into your face and places soft kisses that tickled you. fighting them was pointless but you wanted to only because you knew how pink your cheeks get.
“you sure you’re not referring to yourself, beautiful?” he hums, smushing his lips onto your pink cheeks. he’s lucky he’s beautiful and you’d never want to ruin his pretty face.
he continues to kiss you as you let it happen.
“just accept it hyunjin. you are an angel in disguise.”
you feel hyunjin’s kisses come to a stop and you look over to him, wondering where they went.
hyunjin’s eyes were sparkling, looking back and forth from both of your eyes. it’s as if he was making sure you were watching what he was doing - or going to do.
you could trail your gaze across his face to find his pretty mole under his eye or his long lips that were red and plump, but holding eye contact with him felt more intimate then anything else.
his lips curled into a soft smile as he began to speak softly to you.
“are you aware how angelic you look right now? you can’t convince me your not an angel standing in front of me.” he says as he lets one of his arms release from behind you to take your hair behind your ear.
it’s unfair he can do that to you, makes your heart flutter as if you’ve fallen in love with him all over again.
you look to the side, trying to dismiss his comment.
“you’re just saying that-“
“you’re beautiful y/n.” hyunjin takes your face in his hands and raises your head to look up at him. hearing him say that made you feel warm. if hyunjin was always here to let you know you were beautiful, you could be saved from any sadness or pain.
he won’t be able to ignore his beauty either, so you softly remind him again.
“i love you.”
“i love you.”
meeting his lips and adoring the softness of them felt like heaven. every aspect of him reminded of you of heaven. you two held each other close and shared sweet nothings when you two pulled away.
hyunjin rose your hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss to both. you smiled and adored each one.
“so,” he held your hands in front of him and played with them as he trailed. your laugh adorned the moment.
“what are our plans for tomorrow?” you question why he wonders of plans for tomorrow, it’s not even night time.
“since this day is ending.” he answers but it didn’t seem to satisfy you completely.
you wonder what the two of you can do. it’s always fun going on dates or simply staying inside and being all cozy but it’s hard to decide.
“do we need it planned out?” you ask, wrapping your arms around him and fitting your head under his chin.
hyunjin smiles as you do so and shakes his head softly.
“no, not at all.”
you two hold each other in a hug for a moment before you continue you on with plans.
“well.. i did make one plan.”
hyunjin listens, not daring to break your hug just yet.
“to start calling you my angel.”
hyunjin broke out into the sweetest laugh and you weren’t trying to make him laugh. you didn’t want it to stop so you smiled as he brought his laugh down. he seemed to have something to say as he cleared his throat.
“okay deal.” you smiled hearing him say that. “but..” you sometimes dread but’s.
“you have to let me call you my goddess.”
maybe you would and maybe you would love to kiss him for the rest of the night. you simply shrugged, acting as if that wasn’t an issue. hyunjin senses something and squeezed your soft cheeks.
“my goddess?”
“you are so lucky i’m in love with you hyunjin!” you raise your voice as you burn up and leave his hug to walk away. like a dog, hyunjin follows behind you and takes your hand in his.
“yes. i am very lucky.” is all he had to say to show his innocence in loving you.
getting to be in love with hyunjin is a chance to live in heaven on earth.
𓉸ྀི ©vampirehoon
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chrissy-kaos · 10 hours
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**⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️ ** (depictions of suicide)
I’m really not sure where to begin.. So bear with me because I’m just going ramble and write down the thoughts that I’m having rn. It’s going to be all over the place and whatever but you’ll get it. I want to be as transparent as I can.
If you’re not ok with talking about suicide I would step away from this post.
So I’m pretty sure most of you can tell it’s been a terrible past few months for me. Honestly probably the last year and change but who’s counting. But over the last few months I put myself in a whole and couldn’t get out. I got to the point where I didn’t want to wake up, move or be seen. My depression and anxiety were completely uncontrollable. My meds weren’t working anymore. I was at a loss. I tried to get help a few times through my drs but they really weren’t helping at all.
I felt alone and had nobody else to turn too. Deep into my fear of the world and being depressed came a very unexpected surprise. I found a person that was pretty damn near perfect. We were actually friends prior and he stumbled across my tumblr. He decided to reach out at one of the car meets. We had been talking for a long time. Finally we decided to go out on a date. It was amazing. We did go karts, had some amazing Italian food, ice cream after. It was wonderful. We continued to date and hangout over the last few months. I was finally starting to feel ok. I had a reason to wake up everyday.
As time went on I was falling for this guy and he was too.. so he said. Finally I decided that I would have sex with him. If you didn’t know I’m a demisexual. So without having a strong emotional connection I’m not attracted to someone. So we went on another date. It went so good. We go back to his place we have some of the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. It’s probably because I liked him so much. I stayed for a while and then head back home. We left on good terms.
The next day I don’t hear from him. I said ok cool he must be busy. He’ll snap me when he’s got a min. 3 days go by. At this point he’s ghosted me. On day 5 he texts me and tells me he’s sorry. I’m obviously mad at this point and I blew up on him. Long story short he finally says he just wanted to fuck a trans girl to see what it’s like and that he was disgusted with himself after. Thinking that it makes him gay or something. I’m completely devastated. It hurt. He told me so many things about himself, goals, plans. He even told me he loved me.
Overnight he decided I wasn’t good enough for that anymore. He threw me away like I didn’t mean anything to him. He refuses to talk to me or even show his face at the meets. So this goes on for a few days and then my depression just gets worse and worse. I knew it was completely consuming me but I was helpless to stop it. When you feel like a dirty pile of trash that someone just discarded in a ditch it’s hard to come back from that.
This was the last straw for me.. I was done after that
While all of this was going on I’m been battling depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts. I ended up locking myself in my room for 3 days. I didn’t want to move. The whole time wishing I was dead. Fighting the urge to un-alive myself. It was the hardest 3 days of my life. On day 4 I broke. Everything just came all at once and I was powerless to stop it. So I decided death was better than all of this pain and suffering. I wrote my suicide note. It’s not the first one I’ve ever wrote but it was the hardest one. I’ve tried to in the past and all were failed attempts. But this one was different. I knew I’d go through with it.
That night I took a cocktail of pills, something like 25 all together. I drank a bottle of vodka too. I was really ready to die. I really wanted to. It’s crazy to think about that now. But yea, I just so happen to not speak with Koala for few days prior. She check to see if I posted on tumblr which I did. That’s when she knew she needed to come check on me. I guess when she found me I was unresponsive and covered in my own vomit. She quickly called medical services and I was taken to the hospital. They pumped my stomach and I guess I was ok? I don’t remember any of this. I just remember waking up in the hospital. The dr told me that because I drank so much alcohol and it made vomit that probably saved my life. I guess I threw up majority of the pills. She had told them it was a suicide attempt. She found my note. She wasn’t about to take the situation lightly. They made me speak to a counselor and put me on the suicide prevention program list. I have to go every morning now for the next 3 weeks. It’s not ideal but it’s something.
I’m doing much better now. They changed my medication and it’s working. It’s crazy that it got to that point. It’s also such bullshit that it takes something so drastic to get medical help. It’s like they don’t actually care. Which is insane to me. But I’m not saying it’s not going to happen again.Tho hopefully with the help I have now it will certainly diminish the possibility.
I know this is a hard subject to talk about. As a someone that has trouble talking to people in general but I urge you to go and talk to someone if you’re having thoughts like that. There is no coming back from death. It’s not pretty or glamorous. It’s not something to be idolized. If you know anyone that you may suspect is thinking about it please go talk to them. Help them! Sometimes we’re too scared to ask for help!
Please call your local crisis hotline. Don’t wait. You matter! Your life is precious! And yes people do love you!
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m-ilkiee · 2 days
Gojo Satoru, Jujutsu Kaisen, Antiblackness and Apathy; An in depth analysis as a black girl
Hello everyone!
So I did complain that I was lacking motivation to write anything and I did say my asks are open for fics but since I didn’t get any feedback, I decided to go to my next line of help: watching horror games playthroughs and horror media analysis by my favorite youtubers. I was hoping I would get inspiration to write fanfiction, but then again, ADHD works in mysterious ways and decided to lump me with something that no one would ever read and also something that would get me death threats and slurs. Again.
But eh, what can I say? It’s best I develop thick skin rather than ignore my intellectual side.
Note: this is not hatred towards Gojo before you send me actual hate. Like just read it.
When I started reading Jujutsu Kaisen, I wasn’t necessarily interested in it. I was still in my huge Naruto phase and I genuinely thought Gojo’s design was a Kakashi rip off. I didn’t really care for the hype, seeing a lot of people write on wattpad about JJK and Haikyuu on wattpad at the time and get like a gajillion (100k views. I was like 16-17 at the time, sue me for overthinking it) as the popularity of both Jujutsu Kaisen and Haikyuu rose. AoT and MHA were really popular then too and I found myself leaning towards MHA when I started getting over my obsession with Naruto. Frankly I was growing tired of having to fight off misogyny in lieu of trying to enjoy myself in my fandom.
It was 2020 when I actually started reading Jujutsu Kaisen properly. After reading so many bad faith takes from MHA fans I really didn’t want to deal with another Naruto fandom 2.0 (lmao what an irony four years later). I stumbled across a fanfiction by a very popular writer, it was a Sukuna x Reader fanfiction I can clearly remember, set in the heian era and it was really, really dark. And her popularity was well earned because that fanfiction was good. (I know I’m yapping a lot but let me cook okay?). She was a very talented writer and I found myself immersed in the very good world building she did writing that fic. She is also one of the few people that I’ve seen ever characterize Sukuna accurately, down to Sukuna’s sadistic thrill. She made me get very interested in reading Jujutsu Kaisen and I was really there for Sukuna.
She was very talented, but there was a problem.
You see, she was writing a x reader fic but a lot of people of color, particularly black girls felt excluded with her descriptive words. You see, it was very apparent the reader she was writing about was rather white coded (not Asian coded, white coded)- blushing, long silky hair, smallish etc etc and it can really break your immersion. She was accused of being well racist. Back then, I was like “light skinned black women can visibly blush but not dark skinned girls' ', I didn’t think she was racist, I just assumed she was rather tone deaf or ignorant and she would eventually listen to others.
Turns out she was indeed racist because she deleted every message post and comment politely asking her to be inclusive. Not to mention she doubled down on her stance.
From her being racist, it ended up being hijacked by others who wanted her off wattpad because she was more popular than them - people who cared less about her racism but rather ran her off for writing a dark story. The black readers were pushed aside and no one cared about her lack of inclusiveness anymore, but about how much she was a “bad” person for writing a dark story and how much she influenced minors (her book was for 17+ up and she made it very clear she didn’t want minors following her) in writing disturbing things.
Some of these people even spoke over the black readers trying to contribute. After all, it was their issue first. They were her first victims and really they were the only ones wronged.
But I’ll talk about dark content and personal responsibility another time.
The funny thing is, she’s not the first wattpad author to be antiblack. Some of them were bolder, using the N-word freely in their work, some even writing a black slave reader x slave master (character) - white people mind you. These fics had 10k + readers by the way as of 2020.
What did they have in common? They were JJK and AoT writers.
As much as we’d like to blame newer fans for making the jujutsu kaisen fandom unsafe for black people- black women in particular- it has always been this way since the fandom took off in 2020. I hate to say it, but the jujutsu kaisen fandom has always been this way.
And it’s ironic. For a series that shows how discrimination fucks up people’s lives, it has really attracted a bunch of racist hes, shes and theys and edgy gen Zs and Alphas who think it’s 2012 and black face is funny.
PART 2: Gege Akutami and how he writes racism
Apart from Sukuna, while watching and reading Jujutsu Kaisen, I was captivated by how modern it was. At the time I was in high school and I could relate a lot to Yuuji, the protagonist. He was in the same class as I am, the set of 2020, he was very upbeat and fun to follow! I liked Megumi a lot too! He was reserved, a little unhinged but overall a nice character, plus I liked his cursed technique involving shadows (Kind of like Kage from Fairy tail and Shikamaru from Naruto, my anime crushes at the time.) I loved Nobara’s entrance. She felt like me, a true teenage girl who was just as unhinged. I liked Nanami. He was real and extremely relatable in terms of working hard and yet never feeling fulfilled, feeling stuck, a cog in the wheel.
But there was just one character I couldn’t really care for. Satoru Gojo.
Don’t get me wrong, I thought he was funny, especially that whole violin spectacle. Visually, he was appealing and I did like him protecting Yuuji from higher ups. I read the light novel that further endeared me to his character when he and Nanami went on that mission together and he begged Nanami to take on Yuuji. But there was something missing about his character. As much as he was hated by the higher ups for being rude, he was still their golden boy sorcerer. As much as he hated the higher ups, he still worked for them. I didn’t understand why he was there. Why didn't he get up and leave if he really hated how they operated? I understood everyone else, but what was Gojo’s motivation?
When Yuuji died the first time, he said something about Youth. What did it mean? Why?
Gojo was a character that raised more questions than answers. The character, Getou, who was at the time with the curses was also a character with more questions than answers. Why was a human working with curses?? Unless maybe he was secretly a curse himself.
(If only I could tell my 2020 self that I was right about every prediction I made about jujutsu kaisen 🤭)
Sorry I’m digressing here but just stay with me, it’s still on topic. 
I didn’t understand Gojo until I got to the hidden inventory arc. The hidden inventory arc is like a mirror to Kakashi Gaiden - both characters who raised more questions than answers had a specific arc about their youth that not only pushes the story forward, but shows why they are the way they are. As well as have their bosom friends turn into horrible people due to soul crushing -literally and figurative trauma- (Maybe this was why I knew that Getou was not in possession of his body, using my previous knowledge on Naruto and piecing together the prediction, like how Obito was used as puppet by Madara. You can tell when there IS a naruto reference in jjk. Akutami does it better though.)
What makes Hidden Inventory Arc very pivotal to the present events are three key things: 1. Getou watching his already twisted ideology fall apart. 2. Gojo has to grow a moral compass beyond his privileged upbringing 3. The existence of Toji and a glimpse of Jujutsu’s treatment of non-sorcerers and women born in the society.
The thing I liked about Gege is that he doesn’t do things on the nose. It’s implied. Heavily implied. You can already tell by the way Gojo spoke to his peers and his nonchalance towards non sorcerers seeing them exorcise a curse that he has a superiority complex. He is part of a main clan, the Gojo clan, that has produced powerful sorcerers. He tipped the balance of the world with his birth and he has been told constantly that he is the strongest. It’s ingrained into him. You can tell that a man who has been told he is destined for greatness would have some sort of arrogance attached to him. Gojo of that time would not hesitate to kill Yuuji for eating a cursed finger, because he feels he can and should do whatever he likes.
Getou is more subdued. You see him entertaining Gojo’s Shenanigans, but also giving him some sort of balance and stability. He’s the moral compass of Gojo, having seen and lived with non-sorcerers before coming to Jujutsu tech. He urges Gojo into the strong, protecting the weak. You can even call him the token sorcerer who came from a non-sorcerer family. I don’t think Gojo would have ever taken Getou seriously if Getou wasn’t as strong as he was, given by how he often expressed his thinly veiled disgust with weakness, but eh.
But when you peel back the layers, it should make you wonder why Getou thinks non-sorcerers are “weak”. Strength does come in different forms, so how can you judge people who don’t follow your own system?
And then there is Toji who subverts their expectations. Toji is not stronger than the two teenagers, but he is smart. He is a non sorcerer who has battled and killed sorcerers, he kills Gojo and essentially makes him realize that he is not invincible. And he attempts to kill Getou, making Getou realize that non-sorcerers are not the weak people needing to be protected. Changing their lives forever. Gojo became more sympathetic towards weaker people, having been in a more vulnerable state at the time and Getou gave into the budding superiority complex.
(Stay with me here, I’m cooking aiit, I’m cooking)
For Gojo, the event changes him for the better. A once arrogant and headstrong boy who was heavily reliant on his cursed technique and his identity of being strong, being killed humbled him. If he was never murdered by Toji in the first place, he would have never been put in a place of desperation to survive. For the first time in his life, Gojo felt weak. It’s something only associated with people beneath him -lower grade sorcerers and non sorcerers alike. He was vulnerable, lying on a pile of maggots and flies like a piece of shit. He couldn’t handle losing mentally, and he willed himself into learning reversed cursed technique. It’s like losing everything and realizing the importance of the little things.
When he wanted to murder the people at the cult and Getou told him it wasn’t worth it, it kind of opened his eyes to how cruel and weak the world truly was. Those people were made to believe a young girl was evil, simply because they do not understand what Jujutsu is all about. It’s a fatal flaw to jump into conclusions that something beyond your understanding is automatically evil and it blinds your sense of rationality, for both Gojo and the cultists. Gojo realizes if he kills them, it’s just proving them right, that it’ll just be a full circle moment. Because of this event, Gojo has it at the back of his mind he is not invincible.
Getou however, makes an interesting turn. You see, the thing about Getou is that he comes from a non-sorcerer family. There is a sense of pride being a sorcerer, a strong one at that, that you are a head above the rest. Getou sees himself as a protector over weak fragile beings. He is okay with their existence because they serve a purpose in his world. But the moment he saw them exerting power over sorcerers, being evil and ugly, and cruel, it shattered his world view. How can “Monkeys” be more powerful than special people like him? The weaklings that should be protected dared bite the hand that feeds them? They should disappear. He no longer wants to co-exist with them as their savior. He wants to be their executioner. Only the strong should survive and he spares no one, not even his parents. Getou doesn’t identify himself with his humanity, he never did from the start, he identifies with his strength and ability to use curses. To rationalize his thought process, he feeds into eugenics and also dehumanizes non-sorcerers, calling them animals, Monkeys.
I believe Akutami uses monkeys to refer to non sorcerers to show they are not as “evolved” as sorcerers, as if they are still “primitive”, still primates, hoping to catch up. Kind of like how it was proposed we came from monkeys (debunked btw). It is also brilliant because for example, I remember reading “Joys of Motherhood” by Buchi Emechta when the main character was taken by her husband to Lagos from her village to work for a white family (this was set in the time Nigeria was colonized by the british, also the time pseudoscience about africans being of primitive nature, subhuman was rampant) and the white couple often referred to them as monkeys or barbarians, dehumanizing them.
Gege Akutami right off the bat is showing on the nose that Getou IS racist- dehumanization, believing in a superior race and planning a genocide on non sorcerers. I like how it is shown as being bad and never leading to the right results. Getou’s defection and then death doomed humanity to Kenjaku’s plan, even the sorcerers he tried to protect are now subject to Kenjaku and Sukuna’s destructive plans to subjugate humanity. If he had re-evaluated his thought patterns before or during the hidden inventory arc by realizing non sorcerers are not a monotony, perhaps he would not have had his short sighted world view tilted. He is capable of seeing it was a bad plan, but wasn’t aware enough to see the flaws in his ideology.
Getou and Gojou are on the two sides of racism, blatant racism and heavy ignorance. Gojo still shows he is ignorant in the case of him and Miguel, both in zero when he insulted Miguel’s accent and then used eugenics to try and understand Miguel’s technique, instead of just… asking him about African sorcery. Oftentimes people assume things about Africans, like if we have infrastructure, roads, running water or we speak English without either doing research first or even just asking us what our countries are like. They make comments like “You speak very good English for an African” or “You have running water” or we are turned into some sort of weird fetish and spectacle for westerners trying to push their propaganda about us to the world. It has affected us negatively - I’ve been called a scammer once by a white girl just because I mentioned I’m Nigerian or my phenotype insulted, calling me a horse faced ugly simply because I am not white.
The good thing is that at least Gojo does check his bias after Miguel rightfully corrected him. But Jujutsu Kaisen fans… don’t.
I was quite disappointed that the only thing jujutsu kaisen fans got out of the entire arc was SatoSugu. I’m opposed to questioning people’s intelligence, but honestly it made me realize that the majority of the people I share this fandom with are absolute morons.
I’m not sorry.
Perhaps it’s because I was born with a critical, pessimistic outlook of life that was nurtured by me being black in a white dominated world, where the narrative of my own country is controlled by people who don’t even have any connection whatsoever to it, and see my country as some sort of charity work.
When I started writing for jujutsu kaisen, I loved plugging in my culture and traditional work in it with my ocs. Mr. Perfect, my first ever Jujutsu Kasien fanfiction was a story that followed the life of a Nigerian Sorcerer Hachikara Osita, the daughter of a Nigerian sorcerer higher up, navigating her way through the Japanese system of sorcery and trying to be promoted to grade one so as not to be married off. I loved that fic and it was my first reason for writing on tumblr because I got to be Nigerian in my text. She spoke pidgin, her powers are reminiscent of the Nigerian folklore of Marine spirits and it featured part of growing up in Nigeria as her past is revealed. My brother and I felt connected to jujutsu kaisen because in Nigeria we have similar themes here. Curses here are also born of human hatred and can take shape or form and possess people. We have cursed items, totems etc. We have witches, good and bad. We have healers, spiritualists. In my earlier Gojo fics, reader was Nigerian, I used Nigerian pidgin. I wanted to control the narrative at least for once and show we love things others love. We like fanfiction.
But no one wanted to read that and I was desperate for views. So instead I wrote a cheap, half baked nanami smut and basically white washed my writing and got my first ever 300+ notes.
Eventually, I found solace in xblack reader tags, although still western, they were closer to me in terms of race. It made me have hope that at least people like me can like these things. Then watching my black peers get racist slurs for just existing in a white dominated space and writing solely x black reader until they stopped writing one by one, I lost mutuals and once again I was stuck with only white people, who as nice as they were, would never understand the dichotomy for racism and the fandom. Whose hate only consisted of someone calling their work stupid, not attacking them as a person or their culture or their race. I was even accused of culture appropriation because I liked anime. That I as a black person wasn’t allowed to like anime and only white and Asian people can.
Perhaps the breakdown I had on my old account was the accumulation of all the hatred from 2020 until present day. Racism was not new to me on highpri3stess, it was the reason I started the new account in the first place. It was my breaking point. It always came from the jujutsu kaisen side. Everyone remembers 2020 as a fun year of anime fans, but for black anime fans it was hell. You would get lots of hatred if you cosplayed a character from mha or jujutsu kaisen, or just any anime. The monkey jokes were rampant. Black face. Name it.
To this day, jujutsu kaisen fans especially have not changed. Their boldness in misunderstanding Gege’s outright condemnation of racism and using it to hurt black fans is appalling. Using it as a sexual fetish or to clown on the only black character, Miguel.
And they feel apathetic about it. As long as their golden boy Gojo does it, they’re okay with it too. They assume every bad thing written about Gojo is trying to ruin his character when it just shows he’s deeply flawed, they refuse to see Gojo as a flawed, privileged adult who was told he was  destined for greatness. They refuse to acknowledge he can be ignorant. It is a testament to how they refuse to confront their own racism and anti-blackness.
From being dismissive to outright racism and calling the rampant racism drama, it’s a wonder why a lot of black fans are actually tired of the series. Last month I was going back to school with a family friend who watches anime and she expressed her deep dissatisfaction with Jujutsu Kaisen’s fandom particularly the obsession with Gojo and not the big picture, and finally the racism. She said she was essentially tired of engaging with the JJK fandom as a whole because it wasn’t fun anymore.
Safe to say she wasn’t pleased when I shared my own story with my experiences.
If you made it this far without running to my inbox to call me a slur, congrats, here’s a cake to celebrate 🍰
The question remains “what do I have to do to be better?” My answer is Nothing.
I’ve seen posts with a bunch of white and nonblack authors saying they want to do their very best to stop racism. But then they run away when their black mutual friend is being racially targeted. The truth is you don’t care. You don’t care about understanding characters beyond your idealized version of those characters and you have no empathy for black people nor do you care about listening to us. At the end of the day, you should do nothing because that is what you’re good at. I’ve spent the majority of my time in fandoms swallowing microaggression after microaggression or just in your face racism that I really don’t care to believe yall would change. So good luck with that I guess.
To any black writer reading this, anyone poc who has faced racism in the jjk fandom and is thinking of quitting, please don’t. We need you here. Keep writing that fic and feel free to tag me in it.
Lastly, I’m glad I wrote this post. For a while I struggled to connect with Gojo as a character. He was the opposite of what I liked - an overrated, overpowered character. I prefer watching an underdog grow and Gojo felt boring and flat to me. But beneath the arrogance is a flawed, overworked and ignorant individual. It makes Gojo feel real to me now. The beauty of his character is just how raw and similar we are. I hated him for a while after I had terrible run ins with his stans bit at the end of the day, there was no reason to. Gege wrote a humane character that changed his thinking pattern, that wants to protect the future at least. I just wish his fans understand this.
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Having recently finished an (overly-lengthy) analysis of Tech's development and now working on one for Wrecker, I've been thinking a lot about each of the main characters' arcs. So here, y'all get a summary:
To start off with, it seems each of the titular characters' arcs (with the exception of Omega) revolved around answering one of the main themes of the show, a theme that affects all of the clones:
“We were born and raised to be soldiers of the Republic. It is our entire identity, culture, and purpose. So what do we do when the Republic is now called an Empire, the war we were born for is over, and we face the possibility of being replaced? What are we if we are not soldiers?”
The first question of “What do we do when the Republic is now called an Empire?” is answered quickly: Crosshair joins the Empire, the others don’t.
The second question – “What are we if we are not soldiers, can we be anything else?” – takes longer to answer, because even though Hunter, Echo, Tech, and Wrecker decide within one episode that they won’t be soldiers to the Empire, they continue acting as soldiers and functioning as a military unit (why wouldn’t they, it is literally all they know). Even building relationships with Omega and protecting/caring for her involves them taking an adolescent clone with no military training and teaching her how to be a soldier working with a squad. Whether they are soldiers for a cause, soldiers who have left a cause (deserters), or soldiers for hire (mercenaries), most members of Clone Force 99 take a long time to consider other roles, purposes, and identities beyond being a soldier.
- Crosshair: his arc is the most obvious as he goes from clinging so tightly to his identity as a soldier that he is willing to walk away from his family and throw in with the Empire, to eventually discarding the soldier life completely after the Empire abuses his loyalty, and ends retiring with his family on Pabu. His answer to the second question seems to be "I'm still figuring that out, but I know I don't need or want to be a soldier anymore; and more importantly I know who deserves my loyalty, and that's enough."
- Hunter: he feels he needs to remain a soldier/mercenary to protect his family from the Empire (and from blackmail), and he has a difficult time letting go of that role even as other options open up to him. It takes the loss of one of his brothers to convince Hunter to give up the soldier life “for good”… until he gets dragged back into it, but he stays fighting as a soldier only long enough to recover what he can of his family, ensure their safety, and peripherally help another brother (Echo) as needed. His answer to the question seems to be "People keep telling me there are more options than being a soldier, but there's never any time to really explore these options or let down my guard. Oh, look, here comes another disaster." It isn't until the end of the show, when he finally has a chance to breathe, that he says they, like the other clones, can finally be "Whatever we want."
- Echo: he deliberately chooses to stay in the fight and continues soldiering, but for a bigger cause he believes in and one that aligns with his ideals. His answer is essentially “I guess I could be something else, but I want to continue being a soldier. It's how I can best help ALL my brothers."
- Tech: he remains a soldier in order to help his family, but as he begins to see history, culture, traditions, and life existing well beyond the war he was born for, he is one of the first to openly express an interest in pursuing possibilities outside of the soldier expectations (stay on Pabu, help the community rebuild, spend time with Phee, etc.) His arc is cut short before these possibilities can come to full fruition, but he did have an arc in that he answered the question with “I am a soldier, AND I can be more.”
- Wrecker: he has no problem sticking with the soldier-like roles, though he also has no difficulty integrating into other communities and helping them out - so long as there is action involved. He'll stay in one place if that's what his family decides to do, though they don't officially decide to do it until Tech dies... And it's only thereafter, when Wrecker is left the last man standing to keep Hunter from going off the deep end, that Wrecker begins to not only advise Hunter, but also advise caution. His goals shift from action/thrill seeking and helping his family, to being more selective in order to help his family. His answer to the question is "Being a soldier was fun, but now I see and understand the risks of staying in the fight. I don't care if I'm a soldier or not, I'm open to new things, as long as I'm with my family and they are safe."
While Omega is the exception in that she doesn't necessarily answer the same questions her brothers have, but - like most coming-of-age stories - she still eventually has to answer the question of who/what she wants to be, so:
- Omega's arc takes her from being a clone with no military training (who doesn't even know what dirt is), raised by brothers who for most of their lives had no choice but to be soldiers... to a young woman who has been trained by the best, has the option of staying out of the fight, and chooses for herself to become a soldier.
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ladyloveandjustice · 13 hours
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The complete look of horror on Laios' face when Succubus Marcille is trying to kiss him is so funny. As is his immediate assumption she would be shaking in pure horror if she thought he was attracted to her (He Knows. Subconciously He Knows) and that Senshi would be deeply disgusted. Not sure where the second part comes from other than the idea everyone would find this pairing deeply horrible. Also that his immediate decision is to stab her and dump the body so no one can ever find out.
(And the famous "Izutsumi" gag BECAUSE SHE WOULDN'T GIVE A SHIT)
To be honest, I WAS genuinely a little worried Laios x Marcille would become a thing thanks to this part. I wasn't like, deeply gutted (this was before the brainrot had deeply set in and I was managing my expectations), but I was like "that's a bummer. hate the trope that the main guy and girl always have to get together. I liked their friendship a lot. I'm sure it'll be well written at least, but I really related to her as a lesbian and liked her with Falin. Oh well."
But FORTUNATELY I did not need to be worried. Especially since Marcille being here is actually just a prelude to what makes him TRULY SMITTEN.
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okay Laios monsterfucker allegations may have been confirmed, but we're seeing what really gets him going is the idea of becoming a monster and all his friends also being monsters. Well except Izutsumi she's already part monster (Izutsumi).
We've seen a few times that Laios REALLY REALLY wants to be a monster., but he also wants to be with his friends and also have Falin be happy. So this hits him on all fronts (the fact Chilchuck's breathing fire and ice is clearly a reference to his consistently foul mouth). This is in part due to how alienated he feels from people, who often reject and misunderstand him.
The succubus clearly had to work a little harder to get to him, (which I think could support an ace/aro (or both) reading of him). Marcille's the member of the party he's closest too, so the succubus went with that, but it was a no sell. Marcille trying to (apparently) kiss him not only made it clear to him it WASN'T Marcille, he didn't get flustered at all. It was only when it went with "ACTUALLY I'M A MONSTER AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE MONSTERS AND I CAN TURN YOU INTO A MONSTER" he starts sweating.
(hmmm I actually think it's possible succubus regular Marcille was leaning in to bite him, revealing monster traits so he wouldn't fight back, but he stopped it before the reveal).
And hey, since I've had obnoxious fucking people commenting on my liveblogs, glad the fandom getting bigger inevitably means more shitlords bothering me: If you want to think this means Laios had a little bit of a crush on Marcille and was just smart enough to realize Marcille wouldn't do that, that's fine too. I'm not your boss and it makes as much sense as anything else (though it really doesn't say anything about Marcille's side of things).But this is My Liveblog, and from where I am knowing the whole story, I just do not see it based on the text. Because regardless, and I will spoil this because obviously my reaction would be different otherwise, this does not go anywhere. Marcille and Laios do not get together in the story. You can ship them, I don't care, but don't act like it's "more canon" or some bullshit like that.
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kazz-brekker · 2 days
oh babyyyy we are back and in order to process my thoughts i must write my thoughts on hotd season 2 premiere:
i'm a little sad we only got to be in the north for about 5 minutes but, you know, they were a good 5 minutes. winterfell! the wall! ice! cregan teasing jace about being a southerner! i'm a house stark stan and always will be!
i like the new tapestry-like intro, i think the city/family tree concept of the original one was an interesting idea but hard to follow unless you had the whole targ family tree memorized.
i enjoy rhaenys not taking shit from daemon. that's my queen who never was!
rhaenyra mourning luke was good but rough. emma d'darcy actor that you are etc etc. very impressed by how much they were able to do with no dialogue.
alyn of hull sighting! and hugh hammer, later in the episode! however this plot goes, i think it's going to be interesting.
i feel like there is gonna be a lot of discourse about alicent and criston cole sleeping together but honestly i just liked the continued symbolism of criston taking off his white cloak when doing something that breaks his vows.
my sister was sitting next to me as i was watching this episode and can vouch for the fact that i very loudly said "OH NO" when helaena said she was afraid of the rats.
i bet i'm really going to enjoy aegon this season, tom glynn-carney has absolutely fantastic comedic timing and i'm intrigued by aegon's characterization of trying to be a good father and ruler but not really knowing what he's doing.
tyland lannister fighting for his life against a 4-year-old at the council meeting DID make me giggle.
didn't see a lot of aemond this episode but nothing so far has broken my headcanon that he lies in bed at night staring at the ceiling be like "what the fuck have i gotten have i gotten myself into" while pretending to be scary and cool in public.
weirdly excited that they showed rhaenyra dismounting from syrax because they never actually showed that in season 1 and i was starting to wonder how they got on and off the dragons.
mysaria's accent is so much better this season, god bless.
jace trying to get through his report to rhaenyra without crying and not managing it DID get to me.
"i want aemond targaryen" so true my queen i'll fetch him myself, anything for you.
my heart was beating incredibly hard during the last 15 minutes of this episode, not gonna lie.
the execution of blood and cheese is also something i think there will be a lot of drama about but i'll give my 2 cents and say that think it was well done.
vengeance is cool and all but i never really understood why the black used the ability to get men into the red keep to kill a kid when they could have tried to take out someone more important to the war effort instead, so aemond being the original target actually worked for me.
the scene cutting away when blood and cheese ask daemon what they should do if they can't get aemond reminds me of the "heir for a day" part from the pilot–we don't see what happens, but can infer his response.
i was also curious how they were going to include helaena being forced to make a choice if maelor doesn't exist, and i think that was probably the best way it could be managed.
i am so, so, SO glad that we didn't actually see the murder on-screen, the sound effects were bad enough.
that sure was a way to kick off the season! we are definitely back!
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circus-clangen · 2 days
Some scenarios made using incorrect quote generator:
Clownwish: I’ve never been in a snowball fight before. I don’t know the rules.
Tigertoe: What?
Clownwish: Is there a point system, or is it to the death?
— — —
Goldmask: Hey, you want to know a secret?
Ringstar: No.
Goldmask: Okay.
Ringstar: Do you smell smoke?
Goldmask: The secret is that the caravan is on fire.
— — —
Clownwish: What is wrong with you?
Ringstar: Many, many things...
Clownwish: And most of them are your fucking fault.
— — —
Whippaw: Can you be quiet?! I'm trying to think.
Clownwish: Don't worry. Doing anything for the first time is difficult.
— — —
Whippaw: What are your adjectives?
Trapezetangle: …You mean my pronouns?
Whippaw: No, I know what your pronouns are! What are your adjectives?
Trapezetangle: …I dunno. What are yours?
Whippaw: Noisy and chaotic!
Trapezetangle: I’ve never had something go from making no sense to making complete sense so quickly.
— — —
Clownwish: What’s the status up here?
Ringstar: Fucked up, about to die. The usual.
— — —
(Tiger & Clown went to trespass on some clan’s territory to steal herbs)
Tigertoe, pointing to some clan cats: Distract them! I'll be right back! *leaves*
Clownwish: Okay!
*five minutes later*
Tigertoe: *returns and sees them unconscious on the ground* What did you do? I said distract them, not knock them out!
Clownwish: There's just no pleasing you sometimes.
— — —
Tigertoe: Don't go to the caravan.
Trapezetangle: Why?
Tigertoe: I saw a spider.
Trapezetangle: Well, did you kill it?
Tigertoe: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair...
— — —
Clownwish: Look Whippaw, if you can fit your head down the gun’s barrel, you can assume it doesn’t have a non-lethal setting.
— — —
Clownwish: What’s your biggest fear?
Tigertoe: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Ringstar: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back.
Whippaw: Zombies.
Clownwish: ...
Tigertoe: ...
Ringstar: …
Whippaw: BUT they can open doors.
— — —
Trapezetangle: What makes you all smile?
Tigertoe: Friends and Family.
Whippaw: Snacks.
Clownwish: Victory and success.
Ringstar: Face muscles.
— — —
Whippaw: What type of dog is this?
Trapezetangle: That’s a tortoise.
— — —
_: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Clownwish: Homicide.
Ringstar: Murder.
Whippaw: Homiecide.
— — —
Trapezetangle: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing their name to Ringstar.
— — —
Trapezetangle: How do you want your coffee?
Tigertoe: Black, like my soul.
Trapezetangle: …
Clownwish: Tiger, your soul is a latte.
— — —
Tigertoe: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something.
Clownwish, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
— — —
Tigertoe: Damn, the power went out.
Whippaw: Don’t worry, I got this.
Whippaw: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*
Tigertoe: What-?
Whippaw: I swallowed a glow stick!
Tigertoe, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
— — —
Trapezetangle: You guys worried about Tigertoe?
Whippaw: Totally!
Clownwish: Yeah, they called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?"
Whippaw: And what'd you say?
Clownwish: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno."
Whippaw: They're lucky to have you as a brother.
— — —
Tigertoe: You know, you were right.
Clownwish: About what specifically? Because I’m right about a lot of things.
— — —
*Healing lessons with ringmaster*
Ringstar: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
— — —
Clownwish: I have seen a lot of murders in my time, and all six of them were today.
— — —
Ringstar(he is high): Hey kids?
Tigertoe: Yeah?
Ringstar: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?
Tigertoe: ...What.
— — —
Kidnapper: I have one of your clanmates.
Clownwish: Which one? I have four.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up.
Clownwish: Which one? I have four.
Whippaw, distantly: HEY!!!
— — —
Tigertoe: Hey, are you okay?
Ringstar: Yeah.
Tigertoe: You don't look okay...
Ringstar: Then stop looking.
— — —
Tigertoe: You're- violent…
Whippaw: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
— — —
Clownwish: Happy Scorpio season. If you have to burn a bridge, do it safely!
Ringstar: With NAPALM.
— — —
*talking about Goldmask*
Ringstar: They are beauty, they are grace..
Whippaw, runnning into the room: THEY CAN DESTROY THE HUMAN RACE!
— — —
Trapezetangle: The stars are so beautiful...
Clownwish: They're just giant balls of gas.
Trapezetangle: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Clownwish: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Trapezetangle: Oh.
Obsessed w this…. They’re all so devious…
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fanaticsnail · 2 days
Snail! I want to say I love everything you have given us for One Piece and your updates and ideas are all spectacular!
In particular, I am loving the Yandere Doffy things that are rolling across my dash, and believe me I am here for the whole "he has to keep himself in check for her" vs "he has her to keep him in check" situation, but I really latched onto the other anon's idea for why the Reader is held captive. The idea that Doffy compares his princess to his mother is fabulous, and that letting her leave Dressrosa (leave him) would have disastrous consequences by way of his mother becoming ill because his father was too weak and they left Marijoise combined in my head with a fic idea you posted about Doffy being overprotective while the Reader is ill.
What if Doffy keeps his delicate flower of a princess in Dressrosa, right under his thumb where she is meant to flourish, only to have her wither out of nowhere? Going from her reading to him while he rests in her lap directly to him reading to her as she dozes, sleeping and resting the same way she has been for days (and there doesn't seem to be any improvement, he is running out of medics that still have their heads attached). He cannot fix this; there is no way to snap his fingers and have her be well again, be awake and alert and oh-so-sweet as she should. His impatience and fear work in tandem; if she is going to get better, it will take time- but there is always the option that she will not, and he is watching her slow decline. And Doflamingo? He cannot bear this.
Ah, the potential for fluff, and heavy introspective angst.
Oh. My. Gosh. The plot thickens. Yandere Doffy: ask 1 & ask 2 here so far.
I am loving the fact that we're all in agreement that yandere is such a good colour to see him in -> suits him very, very well.
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I have been wanting to write Doflamingo a care fic for an ill spouse or significant other for some time now (likely when I started getting sick, myself). It would just be so beautiful watching him struggle and not be able to do anything about it. Just as you said, the medics and healers are starting to run out of heads.
He can't fight it, he can't beat it, and it'd be horrible watching them fade away just like his mother did 😭.
OH MY GOSH. BUT WHAT IF THEY'RE DISCOVERED WHEN DOFFY GOES TO IMPEL DOWN?? AND THEY'RE NOT GETTING BETTER?? Who's going to help? Who can take care of them like he can? Who can ensure their safety like he can? So many options. I feel like I need to do a few of these to get it down right. So many different ways to go with a Yandere Doflamingo 🤌.
This is excellent, everything is all working together swimmingly. Thank you for your lovely add on, I will absolutely see it done. So much love for you, Anon 🖤🖤
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nothingbutnowhere · 18 hours
Hockey player au! John "Soap" Mactavish headcanons
Note: extremely suggestive of ghoap and a little hint of ghoap x reader if you are so inclined to read it that way (she/her used)
Defenseman. Loves getting dirty in the d-zone corners, double teaming opponents and getting his stick in there, but still good at penetrating the o-zone and he's not afraid to drop down and hammer it in. The puck that is. (these are all things I've heard on broadcasts of NHL games, the innuendos that the play by play guys use are insane).
Menace! Absolute fucking menace!!! Mean bastard on the ice, intense in the locker room during games. Sass and tough guy act during media availability, all part of his rugged charm. But practice with the boys? He gets silly. Watch out! You could be getting pranked.
Backcheck, forecheck, paycheck. Heavy hits along the walls, BIG open ice hits, and killer hip checks (my personal favorite). Throws the type of hits everyone is always arguing about on twitter 🙄 He can be found in front of the net pushing and shoving opponents around. If you want a stick in the back he's your guy. Many, many a player has ended up in a headlock, getting a face wash after the whistle. On the shorter side for a hockey player which broadcasters always bring up but you'd never know by just watching him on the ice (they just hate a short king (anything under 6' is short in the NHL)).
He'll fight anyone, including the refs because that was a terrible icing call he absolutely had the guy beat! No he was onside! Tripping?! He dove!
Constantly dropping the gloves and getting into trouble. He'd be an enforcer if he wasn't a damn good player too. It's a good thing the players union keeps the fines low.
There's a whole YouTube page dedicated to his fights and hits with paragraphs of arguments on the legalities in the comments.
Scar on his chin from a skate cut during a game. Very scary in the moment because it bled a lot. Needed a ton of stitches but no major damage. 
Has more points than you'd think for a non-offensive defenseman. He really is good in the corners and swiping pucks off sticks, popping them out to the offense. Many goals have been scored by a Soap takeaway and a stretch pass to spring Gaz for a breakaway.
He'll tackle his teammates during their or his celly. He really truly cares about the boys. It's evident in the way he plays, how intense he is on the bench, and the helmet kisses. Wait, what? Yep, hockey players will sometimes show physical affection via helmet or even a kiss on the cheek. Not often, but it's all very sweet 🥹 Drives hockey twitter wild.
Chews on his mouth guards like they owe him money and he can extract it by destroying them.
Oh, you wanna fuck with Ghost? You're gonna have to go through him first. Will go feral on a guy for so much as breathing in the direction of his goalie. Ghost appreciates him very much. Probably. The bond between a goalie and his defensemen is so special, something you'll hear (in not so many words) from Soap himself. At the end of a win he'll have the longest head bonk to Ghost. Saying what? We'll never know cause neither of them will ever be mic'd up.
I say this for Gaz too but THIGH. This man's thighs are tree trunks. Rucks up short shorts on purpose. For the media. And the guys. Ask twitter and they can provide many examples.
Mic'd up status: You cannot. Under any circumstances. Mic this guy up. You'd have to bleep the whole thing for broadcast. Shorsey levels of explicit, he's gotten unsportman like conduct penalties for it. He and Gaz are a dangerous duo when it comes to chirps.
Hockey hair status: Excellent. Mohawk is 10/10. Starts a new trend with the kids. Absolutely does warmups without his helmet to show off the flow. (Could also see him with a mullet 100%). Ends up with so much facial hair during the playoffs
Roster pic: kinda bad :( why does he look surprised? Why is his face so red? His hair is fucked up?? They didn't even fix his trademark look?! Where the fuck did they just pull him from to take this photo??? (I love when players have shitty roster photos idk it's so funny to me)
WAG status: only recently in a serious relationship. She's sweet and pretty, instantly good friends with the other WAGs and taken under their wing since this is all very new to her. Surprisingly, has dark hair (most hockey WAGs seem to be blond??). Posts a lot on social media, generally seems to be having a great time. Always seems like Ghost is in the background of pictures of her and Soap? Hmmm.... Don't ask twitter about that.
More hockey au: Ghost | Gaz | Price
Note: WAG stands for wife and girlfriend or the plural, used to refer to sports guy's significant others. Yes it is heteronormative.
A/N: I didn't factor nationality into this. There have been very few Scottish-born NHL players and all of them were raised in Canada. Do with that what you will. I'll never actually write fics for this, but I have headcanons. I know a moderate amount about hockey and next to nothing about cod so apologies. Completely unserious. Just some silly little thoughts :) plus letterkenny reference!
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Defend Your Blurbo Submission (this is LONG—1105 words, sorry!)
Dorsal Fin Appreciation or Lack Thereof
Hear me out y’all, but Arlong the Saw seriously needs more love in this fandom than he is getting. This is not a plea to the folks who don’t go feral at all for anyone in One Piece, this plea is for my fellow One Piece fans. Why so angry?
Out of all the villains in the entire franchise, and I am 100% ignoring the Live Action by Netflix—this is about OG canon Arlong from the anime (haven’t really read the manga yet), he seems to be the most hated. I have seen more genuine love and affection for Kleenex Boi Trebol than I have for He Carries Two Fish Sticks Everywhere He Goes Arlong.
Yes, he did conquer an island in the East Blue. Yes, he did extort money from the citizens monthly (effectively making him a loan shark). Yes, he took a young Nami and had her work for him, originally under horrible circumstances. And yes, he did kill Nami’s adoptive mother Bell-Mere. I feel like y’all shut him out of fandom love simply for killing Bell-Mere.
Out of all the villains that regularly see love, he killed a whopping one person. One.
He let Bell-Mere give parting words to her girls, he let her say goodbye, and he actually killed her rather quickly. He didn’t torture her, didn’t rape her, didn’t drag anything out. He stated that if you can’t pay, you die. He didn’t lie. She couldn’t pay so she died. Arlong is very cut-and-dry, you know exactly what you’re going to get with him.
Compare him to someone like Eustass Kid, who has killed way more innocent people than Arlong ever will. Kid got his bounty based on his egregiously high civilian casualty count. His big bad bounty came from innocent blood being spilled, that’s what makes Kid so damn dangerous to the government. Because let’s face it, he fails as much as Buggy does in the whole pirating thing. He took on Kaido at least once and lost and he took on Shanks twice and lost. He doesn’t win his pirate battles; he just wins at killing people who can’t defend themselves against him. And y’all eat him up like candy.
Arlong kills one backstory character and he’s the most hated man in One Piece. He’s better looking than Hody Jones and many other characters, he’s more humane than even he wants to admit, and he had great character development too.
He started off treating Nami like a slave or a pet and in ten years’ time grew to consider her a valued officer and crew mate. He wasn’t just fighting to keep his cartographer; he was fighting to keep the only female member of his pirate family from leaving.
Doflamingo killed his own father when he was a child, murdered his own brother, murdered countless other people, and overthrew a fucking country. And y’all drool over him like a stuck pig at a luau.
Arlong was a pretty solid pirate all things considered. He plundered consistently over the course of 10 years and built himself an empire on land rather than a fleet. He had a cunning plan. He had minions within the Marines (just as Doffy did with Vergo, but Arlong’s were actual marines), so he infiltrated through human frailty. He only committed one act of murder.
He had all the maps, a creature from the Grand Line and let’s not forget he and all but one of his crew were also from the Grand Line. He kicked ass. He even had convictions; he wasn’t all about himself. He cared about his own species, every single member of his crew, and he never turned on any of them. He did exploit a loophole with Nami but regarding his own people, he treasured all of them.
When they did something wrong or disagreed with him, he never harmed them. He didn’t treat them like shit. Their lives were precious to him. Hody Jones not only abused other fishmen/fishwomen, but he also flat out killed them. He murdered his own monarch and any fishman who didn’t agree with him 100% was killed. Arlong would fall on his own sword before even letting so much as the idea of killing any of his own kind cross his mind.
When Arlong did have disagreements with other fishmen, he just separated from them and went his own way. He never killed his own kind, wouldn’t dream of it. Arlong has lines in the sand that he will not cross, he has boundaries and respects them. Arlong actually has morals that he adheres to. Hody Jones is amoral, and Doffy isn’t far behind. Hell, Arlong has more solidified convictions and morals than Sakazuki, who like Hody, kills his own subordinates if they disagree with him.
Arlong really isn’t that villainous of a villain. In my opinion, he is a deeply traumatized person who never dealt with his trauma. He bottled it all up and is slowly consuming him. He’s damaging himself by doing that and he is able to be mislead by thinking he’s doing right and following solid ideals. He truly believes his species is superior and he truly believes that they need to rise up and take their freedom.
Now, he isn’t wrong. Fishmen are treated horribly and they do need to take their freedom, but treating humans the exact way they have been treated is also wrong. Arlong is so deeply wounded that he hasn’t figured that part out yet. He was starting to with Nami evolving in his crew. He even admitted to her intelligence and skill a few times, he was slowly starting to mend his ways when she left.
Arlong is deeply traumatized, misguided, but redeemable. And yet, no one gives him a chance. How can you all heap the love on civilian slaughterer Kid, pirate failure Buggy, snotastic Trebol, familicide Doffy, royal traitor Crocodile, domestic terrorist Sakazuki (because like me, some of y’all out there love him too), fish gutter Hody Jones, delulu “deity” Enel, lard ass Blackbeard, or giant psycho Kaido with the scrawny legs that shouldn’t be able to support him but y’all can’t find three nice things to say about Arlong the Saw and his glorious dorsal fin?
I mean come on! Have you seen that sexy dorsal fin of his? He’s tall, has luscious locks, teeth that regenerate, two fresh fish sticks in his pants, a cool ass sword, decent fashion sense, and he can breathe underwater which is just so cool.
Why must you hate him so? He’s not that bad all things considered.
Defend Your Blurbo #7
Please remember this post is about curiosity and genuine fandom discourse. Be kind with your answers because this is not a debate essay, this is a discussion between fans.
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Well, in case anyone doesn't know who Arlong is, he's an early One Piece villain.
Now, this anon took a much different approach to the series than the others, so have fun with this and One Piece fandom. Defend your Blorbo
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 days
📢 I just came up with the most devasting Wolf359 AU today and you're all gonna hear about it. 🚀
My brain really chose VIOLENCE coming up with this AU on father's day.
Here is the set up: the crew gets themselves into a stalemate with Cutter and Pryce that lasts a REALLY long time. The crew can't make it to Earth without getting blown up, but Cutter and Pryce can't get what they need from the crew without gambling too much. The stalemate lasts a long time. Like a REALLY long time, at least a decade. And this is when Cutter decides to play dirty. Well, dirtier than usual, even for him.
Basically, Cutter finds Anne (Doug's daughter), and very much appeals to her the same way he appealed to Miranda, through showing her support, promising her a way to help her disability and make her even "greater" and praising her potential and accomplishment in spite of the adversity she's suffered. He also connects with her via speeches about how his (Cutter's) father never saw the potential in him either. Cutter becomes a sort of mentor to Anne under the guise of "oh look this nice science man is tutoring deaf kids. What a philanthropist!". If we want to go really dark, Cutter has Kate and the rest of Anne's family killed in a terrible accident and adopts her, but he could also just be a mentor to Anne. Either way, she ends up trusting him, and seeing him as more of a father to her than Doug, and starts growing bitter about what Doug did to her and believes that he doesn't care about her at all (Anne thinks he never called, wrote home, or anything, and Cutter stages a whole thing where Anne finds some fake recording he made to make it sound like Doug never cared about her at all so that Cutter can come in and fake comfort her).
Anyway, flash forward through the decades long stalemate between Cutter and the Hephaestus crew, and now Anne's a college student who works for Goddard Futuristics (she's considered one of the higher ups/part of Cutter's inner circle). Like Miranda has her glow in the dark eyes and night vision, Anne has specially made hearing aids created by Goddard Futuristics that allow her to hear whisperers on the other side of the ship and very subtle sounds. Anne's relationship with Pryce and Cutter would be interesting. I can see Pryce being jealous of her (for obvious reasons not to mention that fact that she gets Cutter's attention), but I can also see Pryce finding common ground with her since they have similar backstories that Cutter can't relate to (though Pryce would deny it and whenever Cutter refers to Anne as their little girl, she rolls her eyes and say something along the lines of "for the last time, I'm not playing house with you, Marcus. She's a tool. Like the rest of them."). If Pryce did go with the common ground route, it would be interesting to see if they ever ended up ganging up on Cutter for any reason (I think they'd do this if they were both mad at Hera and Doug at the same time and insisted on making decisions based on this anger), and whether Cutter would find this alliance amusing and endearing or threatening.
But back to the story. So Anne works for Goddard Futuristics now, and the anger she has towards her father has led her to buy into Cutter's philosophy of survival of the strongest, immortality/new bodies, a better future, all of it (though obviously Cutter is lying to her about some stuff because...well he's Cutter, he lies to everyone). So Doug and the crew finally have a show down with their enemies after over a decade in space and who shows up to torture them but Anne. Doug doesn't even recognize her at first, because she's an adult now, but when he does, he's devasted. Anne doesn't believe he's sorry about what he did and insists that this is what she wants now and that Cutter has been a better father to her than Doug ever could be. The crew becomes very conflicted because while they were prepared to fight Cutter and Pryce, nobody wants to kill Anne because despite what she's done, she's Doug's daughter (which is what Cutter was counting on).
Anyway, flash even more forward to Anne discovering recordings that prove her father cares about her and that Cutter is a horrible person, and she eventually breaks down and flips sides. I don't think Pryce would be sad to see her go, and if she was, she'd either get over it, or get angry at Anne for her "betrayal". Cutter might also have more complicated feels by that point if Anne reminds him of Pryce, and I could see him trying to force her to stay. Also at one point, Anne's special hearing aids break, and that's when she discovers that Doug learned sign language for her, just in case he ever got the chance to see her again.
Anyway, feel free to lmk what you think!
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