#i didn't feel like staying the night bc the plan was to just watch a movie so i wasn't like. spritually ready to stay the night
ambreiiigns · 1 year
had half a sleepover w alessia* we watched a weird horror and then she let me talk abt ghost and then we put carlotta to sleep for the 4th time and then i drove home. i'm sooo happy
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unclewaynemunson · 9 months
Alt version of this post bc too many people asked for both <3
It's Saturday night and, like almost every Saturday night, Eddie wishes he didn't have to be at some jock party. The flashing lights, the scent of cheap mixed drinks, the incredibly mediocre loud music... And worst of all, the fucking jocks. Everywhere.
He looks up to find Steve, with a dopey smile on his face, basically skipping towards him and throwing his arms around his neck. Oh. He didn't know Steve still went to parties like those. Hadn't seen him at any of them in a while. But as soon as he gets wrapped up in an enthusiastic full-body hug, he decides there's one jock, and one jock only, that he doesn't mind running into at those parties.
'Eddie, what're you doin' here?' There's an unfocused look in his eyes and he wobbles on his legs a little bit, grabbing tighter onto Eddie for support. The touch burns through Eddie's t-shirt and he tries to ignore the shiver running down his spine.
'I didn't know you liked parties!' Steve drops his voice, slurring: 'I thought you hated the jocks.'
Eddie can't help but smile. 'I hate all jocks but one, big boy,' he tells Steve. 'Not here to party, only to get some cash.' He rattles with the metal lunchbox in his hands to illustrate his point. 'Can you let me go now so I can get on with my business, pretty please?'
'Noooo,' Steve says with an exaggerated pout. 'I'm too happy you're here! Dance with me!'
Eddie chuckles. 'I don't think you're in any state to dance right now. Jesus, Stevie, I don't think I've ever seen you this wasted before. Thought you were planning to pick up a girl tonight?'
'I was,' Steve says, suddenly sounding oddly serious. 'But it doesn't matter. Just needed to forget. The rum helped, too.' He frowns. 'Til you showed up.'
'Forget what?' Eddie asks, trying to make sense of this drunken string of words.
Something happens; something that's been happening quite often lately. Steve's eyes flash downwards, just for a second, right to where Eddie's lips are.
Eddie's heartbeat involuntarily picks up speed.
'What did you need to forget, Steve?' Eddie asks again.
'Can't tell you,' Steve mumbles so softly that Eddie can barely make it out over the loud music. 'I don't wanna make you feel guilty. I'm not judging you, y'know. 'S fine.'
He abruptly lets go of Eddie and takes a step away from him, stumbling right into some girl who pushes him back with an annoyed scoff; if Eddie weren't still standing right behind him, he would've fallen on his ass for sure.
'Alright, you're not making any sense tonight, big boy, but I can't in good conscience let you stay here by yourself. How 'bout I'll drive you home?'
Eddie glances at his watch. If he hurries, he can probably still be back to do what he came here for before the good part of the party is over. He does kinda need the cash.
'Can't,' says Steve. 'Can't go home with you.' Something in his voice is breaking and suddenly there are tears in his eyes, and Eddie still doesn't understand what's wrong; he feels like he's overlooking something huge, something that should be obvious.
'Let's just go outside to talk, then?' he suggests.
'Can't. Dance with me, Eddie.'
But when Eddie starts gently tugging Steve towards the open door leading to the garden, Steve easily lets himself be led outside. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath when the cool night air reaches his lungs, as if one gulp of fresh air will instantly make him sober up. But he's still swaying on his feet, making Eddie grab onto him tighter.
Eddie likes to think of himself as moderately strong, but unfortunately, hauling 180 pounds of muscled jock around is starting to take its toll on him. He spots a bench in a secluded corner of the garden and guides Steve towards it.
'This better?' he asks.
'Yeah,' Steve breathes out. Even now that they're both sitting down, Steve keeps clinging onto him. 'Look at the stars, Eddie.'
Eddie looks up at the scattering of lights twinkling far above them - but he can feel Steve's eyes still burning into his face.
When he directs his gaze back to the guy sitting next to him, Steve's face is even closer than before. The starlight is reflected in his hazy eyes, tiny specks of silver hidden in various shades of brown and black.
'I wish I could kiss you,' Steve whispers, looking at Eddie with nothing but admiration behind that glassy drunk gaze.
Eddie almost forgets to breathe. He knows that it seemed like he and Steve were headed exactly toward something like this for a while now, but he still can hardly believe that it is real. That Steve Harrington is really looking at him like he's just as precious as the stars in the sky above them.
He brings up a hand, gently caresses Steve's soft cheek.
'Maybe you don't have to wish,' he whispers back, unable to stop his eyes from flashing towards Steve's beautiful lips for a moment. 'Tomorrow. When you're not drunk anymore. If you still remember this.'
'No.' Steve shakes his head, so fiercely it makes his hair flap in all directions and his complexion at least two shades paler. 'Can't.'
'Why do you keep saying that, Steve?' Eddie asks softly.
'Cause.' For a moment Eddie thinks Steve is gonna grab his ass, but then... he randomly frees Eddie's handkerchief – the one with the skulls – from his back pocket.
'Cause of the Russians.'
Eddie can only stare at him in confusion.
'They tied me up,' Steve all but whispers. Eddie hates how small and broken his voice suddenly sounds.
He has always known – broadly speaking – about what happened to Steve and Robin miles beneath Starcourt last year. He's never actually heard Steve talk about the details, though. All he knows is that he and Robin were captured by Russian spies and somehow made it out alive. He could always see how difficult it was for Steve to talk about it whenever it came up, but he never wanted to pry. And now here they are, at some goddamn high school jock party of all places, and all of a sudden Steve willingly brings it up.
'I was with Robin,' Steve continues, still in that scared and broken voice. 'And they tied us to a chair. We couldn't move. And they – they hurt me. They hit me. 'Til I was bleeding all over. I thought I was gonna die. Robin thought I was dead.'
'Jesus Christ, Steve,' Eddie breathes out, tightening his grip around Steve's torso.
'So I can't,' Steve mumbles, holding up Eddie's handkerchief as if it's some kind of logical explanation for whatever it is he's trying to tell Eddie.
'Wh- What?'
'I know what it means, Eddie,' he says, as if he's even remotely making sense right now. 'You know John?'
'Who the hell is John?' Eddie only keeps finding himself more and more lost in this conversation.
'My cousin,' Steve says, like it's obvious, like he's ever talked about some cousin named John to Eddie before. 'The one in New York. He knows all about that shit, right? He sends me the good magazines sometimes when my parents aren't home. That's how I know.'
'Know what?'
Steve only waves around with that stupid handkerchief again.
'You're flagging, aren't ya? You like pain. Like BS... BM...'
Eddie feels his jaw drop.
'What the fuck are you talking about?' he asks. 'It's – this is a metal thing. It looks metal. I literally have no idea what you're – flagging?'
Now Steve's face finally mirrors the confusion Eddie has been feeling for the past ten minutes.
'Are you serious?' he asks, for one second showing more clarity in his eyes than Eddie has seen all evening.
Eddie nods.
'So it's not...' Steve stops himself, swallows, frowns. 'You're not into, like, hurting people and shit?'
And finally, it all clicks together in Eddie's mind: the repeated chorus of I can't, the story about the Russians, the goddamn handkerchief... Flagging. BDSM.
'Why the hell would I get off on hurting you, Steve?' is all he can get out of his mouth.
And Steve honest-to-Satan starts giggling; it sounds so relieved that Eddie kinda feels like giggling too, scary metal image be damned.
'I dunno, it's more common than you think,' Steve mumbles. 'I wouldn't judge you, alright? But I knew I could never give you that. No matter how much I like you. And then you'd get bored of me.'
'Oh, Steve,' Eddie whispers out. 'You don't need to worry 'bout that, I swear. For all I care, we can have the most vanilla sex in the world forever. Or never have sex at all. As long as it's with you... I'm good.' Eddie cringes as soon as the words leave his mouth: it sounds too cheesy, too sincere. He kinda hopes Steve will have forgotten this particular part of their conversation tomorrow morning.
But Steve doesn't look at him like he thinks it's stupid at all: his eyes are wide and he's smiling a soft smile.
'You sure? You won't get bored?'
Eddie chuckles. Now that he's being too goddamn cheesy anyway, he might as well double down on it. 'I can't imagine getting bored of getting to hold this body in a million fucking years. In any way you'll have me.'
Steve heaves out a relieved sigh before he buries his head against Eddie's chest.
'Can I bring you home, now?' Eddie asks.
There's a twinkle in Steve's eyes when he lifts his head again.
'Ooohhh... You wanna have the most vanilla sex in the world with me now?'
A chortle escapes Eddie's lungs.
'Um, maybe tomorrow, when you're not drunk off your ass,' he answers with a wink. 'For tonight, just lemme get you to bed, 'kay?'
'Okay, big boy,' Steve answers, and Eddie can't help but laugh before he presses a kiss against Steve's forehead.
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ktaerssoi · 2 months
hii could you do a jealous kate fic PLEASEEE
jealously is my middle name
summary: blowing off a project for your girlfriend and her jealously.
kate martin x reader
Being a business major meant being paired up with others often, and by the middle of freshman year, most people had a go-to partner. Your go-to partner was Violet, she was pretty and super funny.
By senior year, you and she had worked on countless projects together. You guys had recently been assigned a project that would be part of your final grade, wanting to finish it early, you guys had planned to meet up the following day to get a basic layout.
there was one problem though, your girlfriend. Kate had been making up excuses for you to stay home all day, whether it was her pretending to be sick, saying that you had all semester, or just saying she would miss you so much that she would "die an agonizing death."
needless to say, she didn't want you to go. "Kate, I need to go, seriously now." you separated yourself from her, knowing that the physical contact would make you fold.
"I don't know where your problem with me hanging out with Violet is coming from, but we need to get this work done." You and Kate were standing by the front door of your guys' shared apartment, she was leaning against the wall, still trying to bargain with you.
"It's not that I had something against her, I just don't understand why you guys have to meet up so often. I mean seriously, it's like every other day." She had pushed herself off the wall, her hands finding your waist as she now stands in front of you.
you squirm at her touch, the simple action causing your cheeks to flush. "because it's our final kate, it's not like it's optional." you looked up at her, she was 6'0, so it got hard to focus sometimes when you guys were standing so close together.
she nodded, a disappointed look on her face, but you quickly saw her eyes change as a thought popped into her head. She stared down at your lips for a second, and then quickly pulled you into a kiss.
you kiss back quickly, melting into it, a pout on your face as she pulls away. "kate, you can't just do that." she gives you a confused look, but you don't miss the smirk on her face.
"do what? I can't give my girlfriend a goodbye kiss as she leaves to go hang out with another girl?" you shake your head, realizing what Kate's big problem is with Violet all of a sudden.
"you're jealous." you smile, wrapping your arms around the back of her neck as she tries to pull you closer (if it was even possible)
"I- what?" the look on her face makes you laugh, her being unable to defend herself, giving you all the proof you need. "I am not jealous."
She narrows her eyes, the tips of her ears reddening at your accusations. "you see y/n, if I was jealous, then I would be trying to get you to stay home. I'm not doing that. Leave for all I care, te ll Violet I say hi or whatever." she bites the inside of her cheek, her hands falling to her sides and off your waist, trying to act nonchalant.
"mhm, okay then, see you later k." you smile, kissing her goodbye as you go to reach for the door you don't get far and you feel her hands grab your waist once again pulling you toward her. "okay but seriously babe do you really have to start it today? wait until tomorrow at least," the end of her sentence is muffled as she barries her head into your neck, her front pressed up against your back as your hand is still on the doorknob.
"not jealous my ass."
you had texted Violet that something had come up, and you were unable to meet her that day, you and kate had spent the rest of the night watching movies. (along with other things)
it wouldn't be the last time you had to blow someone off for kate.
okay chat, i like dont absolutely hate this but it def isnt my fav, so ill prob rewrite it.. i was also thinking of rewriting the other kate fic bc i just don't like how i left it. also how do we feel about me writing for women's hockey?? lord kk harvey is so fine. anyway chat im actually dying sos - kate
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vivgst · 2 months
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Okay first of all I kinda hate this, I'm posting it again bc I had posted it privately (bc I'm stupid like that) Uh and it's not proofread so sorry in advance
Valeria was no stranger to hard work, everything she had achieved was because she had broken her back and cried tears of blood but she did not complain.
Right now she was cursing her life and all her ancestors though, she couldn't conceive that you were the most difficult thing of all, you were unbearable, so annoying and stubborn that sometimes she wanted to just vanish into thin air and forget about her damn plan, that's how much of a pain you were for her.
Not only were you putting your life at risk but also hers, you were the wife of the spider's son and one of the reasons why she had been almost forced to watch over you was so that that fucking man wouldn't beat the crap out of you anymore because of his jealousy, however, you weren't making it easy for Valeria.
You were so manipulative, you knew very well how to use your beauty to your advantage and you were so persistent that you managed to get her into your bed and it was so inevitable for her not to give in to your pleas, those caresses that drove her crazy and those kisses that she still couldn't forget.
That night was permanently on her mind, torturing her and reminding her that even though she always had you close, she could never touch you again or her plans would probably be ruined, she had already gained the trust of too many people to make such a carnal mistake as giving in to her impulses.
“Please, it's just a-” You slurred your words out of drunkenness and she rolled her eyes, her hand pressed to your throat, you could see she was upset but you didn't give a damn, like usual.
“Shut your damn mouth, do you want to get killed? Behave". Valeria snapped and she was so sick of you, you could see it, she was tense and her jaw clenched as she looked around to make sure no one had seen you as you rubbed against her and tried to kiss her, luckily the VIP area of ​​the club you two were in was quite secluded and no one was paying attention to you.
She kept her distance for the rest of the night, she stayed alert and watched you to make sure you didn't do something stupid but she didn't let you get too close until you arrived back at the mansion, she helped you go upstairs because you could barely walk properly and when she was going to leave you in the room you pulled her in and closed the door behind her, your husband was not there and you always took advantage of that, or at least that's what you tried to do.
"I have to take a shower". You murmured and kept pulling Valeria by the arm until you got in the bathroom, you weren’t letting her escape from you. “And you have to take care of me, what if I fall and hit my head? It will be your fault.” You grinned cynically at her and she scoffed as she shook her head, the worst part was that you were right and she hated it.
You got in the shower as soon as you undressed, the cold water ran through your whole body and made you shiver.
Her gaze inevitably ran over you from head to toe and she had to swallow hard and remind herself that the woman in front of her was forbidden, having you once had been greedy of her, she couldn't allow herself to have you again even if she wanted to... and oh how much she wanted to.
You, on the other hand, knew very well what you were doing, you slid your hands over your breasts, over your stomach until you reached your belly, you felt the heat between your legs as intense as ever, you had never been in a situation this erotic and you felt breathless, just like Valeria.
The only thing between you was the glass door, she couldn't take her eyes off your body even if she tried. It's not like she wanted to, she felt enchanted as if she was in a spell.
"Don’t do this to me". Valeria spoke almost out of breath, her voice was strained by everything she was feeling and you smiled as you put your hand between your thighs, you leaned against the shower door, the glass fogging up from your gasps and you began to massage your swollen bud that was soaking your fingers, your soft flesh was begging for another touch, it missed her hands. The water that fell on you was cold but not even that helped calm the heat you felt, the burning throughout your body.
Valeria was frozen in place, she couldn't stop looking at you, the way you touched yourself, your face, your whole body, she wanted to get into that shower and taste you until you couldn't stand up anymore, she wanted to turn you into a needy mess and feel your skin and your body against hers, it was a necessity at this point.
She couldn't control herself anymore and since she knew how things would end she preferred to run away, she left the bathroom and went into the room that your impertinent husband had assigned her, if you were sober enough to torture her that way then you were sober enough how to finish taking the damn shower without killing yourself.
She wasn't calming down, she was still panting and saying she was dripping was an understatement, she lay down on the bed and took a couple of deep breaths before cursing under her breath, doing that was giving in to all your fucking teasing but she couldn't help so she unzipped her pants in an attempt to calm the longing she felt for you right now.
And you went into the room, just what Valeria didn’t want... She growled, the tension she was feeling was enough to put her in a bad mood and now you were there to just make her feel even worse, it was a bad night, it was a bad job.
“No, get out.” Valeria spoke and you couldn't help the mischievous grin that adorned your face when you heard her, you knew that voice very well, you nibbled on your lip as you approached her bed, straddling her, your hand wrapping around her neck and the other going down her breasts, all over her torso until you put it inside her pants, you could feel how wet she was just from brushing her underwear with your fingers, her walls clenched around nothing, craving, longing to feel something inside, it was painful.
She was staring at you as she let out heavy pants, her body felt on fire and she knew she could take you off her lap if she really wanted to, you weren’t the strongest woman so she could just push you away, she could.
The question was... did she want to?
You gently caressed her over her underwear and put your hand inside, rubbing her flesh that was unusually soaked and you narrowed your eyes at her as you bit your lip, you were finally touching her again.
You lowered your fingers to her entrance and slowly sank them inside her, her walls clung to you, milking your fingers and your breath hitched in your throat, she was never this wet and the realization made you smirk, this was a first and you promised yourself right there that you would enjoy it.
“Oh… Are you ovulating?” You murmured in a mocking tone but Valeria didn't answer, she just glared at you as she gasped and you curled your fingers, rubbing that spot inside her that made her feel helpless and she whimpered. “That's why you're wet like a bitch in heat, right, honey?” You whispered softly, increasing the speed with which you massaged her g-spot.
“Screw you.” She snapped, feeling breathless, her moans were more audible now and it was killing you, you had never seen her this turned on, it was just making you feel desperate and needy.
You started grinding your hips against her thigh as you massaged her insides and she was so tight you felt like she would rip your fingers off, which meant she was close.
You pushed your thumb against her swollen nub, her thighs started to shake and you brought your lips to hers, you were doing what you wanted with her, but it wasn’t enough.
“I want you to get me out of here”. You spoke hoarsely as you kept working your fingers inside her, the heat of her insides were driving you insane. You loved feeling pleasure, but the most exciting part about having sex with Valeria was pleasuring her, making her weak until she couldn’t stop squirting.
“I will.” She breathed out, her arms clasping around your waist so she could feel you closer as her orgasm was crushing her whole body, you could feel it in your hand, the way she was tightening and tensing up, it was hot. And you moved your fingers harshly, harder just like you knew she liked it.
“I want to be with you, I don’t want to be with him”. You spoke close to her lips and she nibbled on your bottom lip, her body felt like it wasn’t hers anymore, it was yours, yours to control, to posses, she gave you the right.
“We…” Her words were silenced by her own moans, she couldn’t keep quiet like she intended to just a couple minutes ago because the feeling was overwhelming, it wasn’t just her wet cunt that was sensitive, it was her entire self, her nipples were stiff and you couldn’t see it because her bra was hugging her chest, it was uncomfortable, she wanted your soft hand around her breasts, circling her nipples, playing with that delicate skin you loved so much.
The sound of your fingers fucking her was so obscene, and soon enough you could hear how wet she was getting so you knew it was time to took them out.
Your gaze fell over your fingers, glistening with Valeria’s’ juices and you felt thirsty, you put them in your mouth and moaned as you felt her taste spread across your tongue.
The front door creaked and took you both out of the little cloud you were in. You quickly got off Valeria's lap and snuck to your room, just in time for your husband to come in and lie down next to you, thinking you were asleep or maybe not even thinking about you at all.
And you couldn't help but smirk as you imagined how happy you would be when this nightmare was over, just you, Valeria, and the empire you knew she would build.
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tinycoffeeroom · 3 months
thank god for bikes | arthurtv
inspired by @mrstelevision 🤍
face claim: steph bohrer ♡
request: here !
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📍 london
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liked by gkbarry, max_balegde, and 98,302 others
y/nsworld about last night ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
view all 3,392 comments
user1 i'm in love with you
gkbarry cant believe i didn't even get photo creds ↳ y/nsworld please forgive my sins oh great gkbarry
user2 y/n!! i think the guys u mentioned on ur twt was george clarke and arthurtv!! arthur posted on twt about george getting hit by a bike on a wall!! ↳ y/nsworld !! let me check his twt <3
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liked by y/nsworld, wroetoshaw and 29,492 others
arthurtv first pic taken moments before disaster (at least this one won't leave a scar)
georgeclarkeey don't know what was worse, the bike ptsd or you dribbling down your shirt ↳ arthurtv your mum doesn't mind my dribbling ↳ y/nsworld the dribbling was funnier to watch tbh ↳ georgeclarkeey take that mr television
gkbarry i didn't even notice it was you guys hiding in the corner ↳ georgeclarkeey just wanted some alone time with my boyfriend x ↳ arthurtv stop telling people i'm your boyfriend!!
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👤 max_balegde liked by max_balegde, arthurtv and 38,028 others
y/nsworld wine in coffee cups and classic literature in a park, my idea of heaven ꕤ
max_balegde got home off my head and now andrews mad i've ruined dinner plans ↳ y/nsworld andrew baby im so sorry :( ↳ andrew_spanndy could never blame you xx ↳ max_balegde god just date her already wooooow
gkbarry regret introducing the two of you, my poor ears will never recover from this ↳ y/nsworld thats your fault for putting two professional yappers together xx
arthurtv pretty sure that's bride you're reading... wouldn't call werewolf smut classic literature ↳ y/nsworld and how do YOU know what's in the book? 🤨
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👤 arthur_tv, max_balegde liked by y/nsworld, arthurnfhill and 30,395 others
georgeclarkeey totally normal photo to promote the newest useless hotline ep x
max_balegde rip my purple crocs... can't believe y/n stole them right off my feet... ↳ user2 !!! y/n at the arthurtv podcast recording?? my y/ntv senses are tingling ↳ user3 i'm pretty sure she was there bc her and max are friends... ♥️ y/nsworld ↳ user2 they've never randomly had their friends at recordings, dw you'll join the y/ntv cult soon
📍 ibiza
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👤 georgeclarkeey, chrismd, arthurnfhill liked by arthurnfhill, y/nsworld and 45,028 others
arthurtv thank you spotify for inviting us out! (photo cred: y/nsworld)
user2 i am going to scream from the rooftops, y/ntv'ers unite!!
y/nsworld should receive compensation for having to look at george's bare grippers the entire weekend ↳ arthurtv will bring round some wine this weekend ↳ y/nsworld good boy ↳ user2 ... y'all are fucking with me atp
📍 ibiza
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liked by arthurtv, gkbarry and 83,028 others
y/nsworld beach bum 𓇼
gkbarry happiness looks so good on you ↳ y/nsworld i love the bones of you
user2 !! WHO TOOK THE PHOTO I FEEL INSANE ↳ y/nsworld my friend! :)
📍 ibiza
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liked by y/nsworld, georgeclarkeey and 49,204 others
arthurtv decided to stay in the sunshine a few more days :)
user3 user2 i fear you may be onto something ↳ user2 i'm gonna eat glass. like i am actually putting shards in my mouth rn ↳ y/nsworld omg pls don't
y/nsworld looking good mr television ↳ arthurtv why thank you miss world
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liked by arthurtv, max_balegde and 83,028 others
y/nsworld use code ynsworld for 15% off ⋆⭒˚。⋆
max_balegde leaving my bf for you rn. ↳ andrew_spanndy not if i leave you first ↳ y/nsworld i can date both of you at the same time xx
arthurtv djsidjief djg ↳ y/nsworld you ok mr television?
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y/nsworld didn't even think about what i was wearing when i went to go see mr hill sing about cold coffee, sorry guys you got the wrong arthur xx
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👤 y/nsworld liked by y/nsworld, arthurnfhill and 93,294 others
arthurtv someone forgot to change over to their finsta so i guess it's hard launch time... somehow got the most gorgeous girl on earth to agree to date me, must be my fantastic sense of humour
y/nsworld lbr most of them already knew, we weren't exactly subtle ↳ arthurtv speak for yourself xx
theburntchip it's the big ol' hog you got in them trousers ♥️ y/nsworld ↳ arthurtv ah yes forgot about that
max_balegde take care of her or me and andrew are snatching her real quick ↳ y/nsworld ... i may have to do some rethinking
user2 i can't believe i was right... VINDICATION ♥️ arthurtv, y/nsworld
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👤 arthur_tv liked by arthurtv, gkbarry and 104,845 others
y/nsworld told him i forgot to change to finsta but really i just wanted to show that i bagged a hottie ✮⋆˙
georgeclarkeey still can't believe you snatched him from right under my nose ↳ y/nsworld we're still in the honeymoon phase so i may give him back x ↳ arthurtv what the fuck
gkbarry crying into a pint of ice cream thanks xx ↳ y/nsworld you know you're the love of my life xx
y/nsworld also user2 sorry for gaslighting you xx ↳ user2 i have never been so happy to be gaslighted could do a happy lil cry ↳ y/nsworld our fave y/ntv'er we love you ♡
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springseasonie · 11 months
Two worlds apart | JJH (M)
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Prince Jaehyun x maid fem reader, arranged marriage trope, forbidden love trope
Part 2.
Summary: Jaehyun can't stay away from you, even on his wedding night. And his new wife knows about the fondness you both have for each other, but is willing to rip it apart. However, the last thing Jaehyun wants is to be a part from you, for better or for worse. (This is based in 19th century england, regency era fashion bc i love bridgerton and used it for inspo for this fic.)
Warnings: sexual content, angst, unprotected (it's literally the 19th century), standing sex, infidelity, historically inaccurate but idc, proofread but there may be little mistakes here and there
Word count: 7,2k
Song recs: cool with you by new jeans
A/N: this was requested but I loved the idea so much that I had to write more than needed lmao. Wasn't intending to write smut for this but sometimes shit happens. Feedback is loved and appreciated as always 🩷🩷
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You rubbed your eyes, voice groggy from just being woken out of your sleep. The prince was in the maid's quarters. Why was he in the maid's quarters? It was the night after his wedding and was spending it on one of his family's many estates, but why was he not spending his night with his new wife and looking for you?
"My grace, what are you doing–"
He pulled the covers off you quickly, wild eyes looking between you and the other maid that was fast asleep on the other side of the room. The oil lamp was bright, shining in your eyes in the pitch black room. "Come on," he said quietly, pulling you up from your bed.
You shook your head, trying to get away from him, but his grip was too strong. Before you knew it, you were out the door of your room and being pulled down the hall of the basement. "M-my grace, you shouldn't be doing this right now," you said, trying to remain calm as your heart basically beat from your chest.
"Y/N, I tried, I really did." Jaehyun led you up the stairs, looking around for any guards or any of his wife's staff.
His hold on your hand was strong as he sped walk through the hall, wanting to avoid the lurking eyes of anyone who might ruin his plans for the night. Jaehyun was the prince of Florin, a small but wealthy country. His whole life, he was mentally beaten with the responsibility of continuing the family line, marrying a princess from another country to join Florin and make it richer and more powerful. His parents were never in love, his mother only fulfilling her responsibility as a woman and bearing a child for the king.
His whole life he thought love wasn't a real thing, that's what his father told him anyway. "Love is weak. It makes you weak, and you can't be weak in a world where weakness gets you nowhere." He believed these words for a long time, never having a reason to care about anyone, or even himself. That was true until he met you. You were his first love, and possibly his last. Jaehyun couldn't even tell you when and why he loves you so much he just did and he wanted to be with you forever, but he knew that couldn't be. Both of you did.
You couldn't say you were in love with him, but you definitely fell first. Maybe it was his handsome face, regal demeanor, the way he carried himself. You didn't know. But what you did know is that your feelings crossed the line. You remember the first time he kissed you after making you confess your feelings, the smile on his face, the way he looked down at you in his fancy clothes. At that moment you knew you couldn't get yourself out of the hell hole you were in now.
You and Jaehyun have been flirting around for years, him always pulling you away from your responsibilities. He often snatched you from your duties in the kitchen, taking you into the pantry to kiss and talk to you. The other maids saw the way he looked at you, but never said a word about it. He would watch you around the castle, eyes lingering and never looking away even when they should. His parents knew how much he liked you, but never said anything. But one day, his mother did catch the both of you. She threatened to have your head on a stick, but Jaehyun convinced her it was all him and she let you stay.
Jaehyun pulled you to the back of the estate, opening the door as he walked you through the rain.
"My grace, it's storming. We shouldn't be out here," you shouted, covering your head as much as you could. Jaehyun didn't care about the rain, he didn't care about anything. He just needed to be alone with you.
Jaehyun didn't say anything, his face remained completely stone cold as he pulled you under the cabana a ways from his home. He stood in front of you, staring at your bewildered face. Your hair was wet, moist eyes shining in the moonlight. The fabric of your clothes were clinging to your skin, the now wet gown going see through.
You hadn't even noticed, but Jaehyun did. He was right to always be a gentleman, to never let his desires cloud his eyes, but goodness. Your chest looked so good through the fabric. However, he has to remain calm and collected. Jaehyun took a deep breath, gulping before speaking.
"I want to be with you Y/N."
You truly did not know what to say. He pulled you out of your bed in the middle of the night out into the rain just to tell you this? "My grace, is this what you woke me for?"
Jaehyun took your hands looking down at you, eyes shifting between your eyes and lips. "I don't want to be married to her Y/N." His eyes shook, grip on your hands getting tight. He needed to be near you, close to you. For the past couple of months, you were his world, his only concern. But being forced into a marriage with a woman he barely knew for a week crushed him. He knew he couldn't be with you, but it hurt nonetheless.
"We should not be out here. It is your wedding night and you should be with her right now," you said sternly. Jaehyun noticed the way you looked around frantically. You were scared of being caught again, he could tell.
"Don't be scared. There is no one out here on a stormy night like this," he said softly.
"But the queen– she'll kill me if she sees me. She'll kill you if she sees me. Jaehyun we cannot continue like this," you said, brows furrowing. You didn't want to see him in a loveless marriage. You cared for him too much, but you couldn't keep putting your safety on the line. You always felt like he didn't understand you. Jaehyun had always had everything his whole life, never having to live with fear of losing anything or anyone. Of course, his responsibilities as a prince were different from yours – you were just a poor maid after all. But he seems so oblivious to your life and what you do, and this is one of the moments when he thinks life is easy for you just as it is for him.
"My mother says a lot of things. You do not need to worry about her. Her threats are empty," he said with a small smile.
"My grace… you are very naive," you sighed. "I am not safe here. I am not safe with you."
Jaehyun's happy expression slowly fades after hearing your words. You weren't safe with him? "You'll always be safe with me," he said, letting go of your hands.
"We are from 2 different worlds. I can never be safe with you. Even if you shield me with armor, I still wouldn't be safe," you said, taking his hands softly. "Please don't make that face at me."
"I'm not making a face." Jaehyun looked angry and hurt. He couldn't even lie to you even if he tried being the type to wear his heart on his sleeve. But he wasn't hurt by your words, more so the fact that everything you said was true. "I love you Y/N."
You've heard him say he loves you many times, but never like this. This time wasn't like a lovestruck puppy, he said it with conviction. Jaehyun was seriously in love with you. You didn't say anything, the storm getting worse as the big rain droplets fell onto the roof of the cabana, filling the space. "My grace–"
"Please just say my name," he sighed. "Right now it's just you and me. Just say my name, there is no need for formalities."
"Jaehyun," you started, "you can't love me. You must love your wife in the house."
The words stung his heart like needles. The reality of this unwanted situation kept coming through the light over and over again. He did not want to be with anyone that wasn't you and he knew he was in too deep. Just look at him – in the rain with you and not consummating his marriage with his now wife. He hated himself for falling so deeply for you, but was addicted to the fuzzy feeling in his heart, the butterflies in his stomach when he saw you. He wanted it all the time.
"Do you love me?"
You always pushed the thought of loving him to the back of your mind knowing it would get you nowhere, but at the moment, maybe you really did. You would never tell anyone how badly his marriage hurt you, watching him be wedded to a woman he barely knew for a week and expected to have a child with her. It was supposed to be you. In another world or another life it would've been you. But there's no point in suppressing your feelings anymore, not when his pretty brown eyes are looking at you like you're his whole world.
"Jaehyun, I cherish you alot," you answered, not wanting to confess yet. "I'll always cherish you."
"I..I want to be a good husband to her, but I don't think I can," he said. "I don't want to be like my father and have a mistress, I don't think I can live without you."
You hadn't realized you were crying until Jaehyun reached a hand up to your face, cupping your cheek and wiping away your tears with his thumb.
"Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry," he said softly. Jaehyun pulled you closer to him gently, kissing your forehead.
"I'm tired Jaehyun," you sighed. You didn't want to talk anymore. The more you talked, the more you wanted to cry in his arms. You already had a long stressful day doing whatever task you had to do, so you would rather not create more stress for yourself. "You have a ball tomorrow, and I have to help set it up and help your– my princess."
Jaehyun gulped, reluctantly letting your hands go. Nodding, he took a step back. He did have a ball that he completely forgot about. Instead of getting rest, he was out in this stormy weather with you. "I understand. We will talk again tomorrow."
"We will talk again tomorrow," he repeated, tone dominant and a bit loud cutting you off.
You shook your head at his persistence. "Fine. We'll talk tomorrow. Goodnight, your grace.
"Goodnight." Jaehyun watched you run off into the rain, covering your head as much as you could to protect yourself from the rain. He wished he could just run away with you far from this place, this country, the palace. But for now all he could do was whisper the words he meant dearly as you ran.
"I love you."
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"And are all the decorations ready?"
"Yes, your grace."
"And the invitations have been sent out?"
"Of course your grace."
Princess Rose stood tall as you pulled and tightened her corset, disposition remaining unphased as the garment squeezed her waist without warning. She was beautiful. Many people said she may be the most beautiful woman in the world. When you first met her, you wondered how long it would be until Jaehyun fell out of love with you. Her skin was as clear as a lake, eyes big and brown, body made of soft curves. Her smile lit up a room, but even with her image, Rose demanded respect and power anywhere she went. The perfect princess. The perfect queen.
She cleared her throat, making you glance up to look at her through the mirror. You almost stopped breathing realizing she was staring at you through the reflection, face stone cold. "Everyone out. Except you miss Y/N. You stay."
You tie the string tight in a bow, removing your hands from her body as soon as you are done. All of the other women in the room left in a hurry, not turning back to even get a glimpse of you or her.
The door shut, a loud echo making its way around the room. Rose turned around, her beauty becoming even more evident in the sunlight that peeked through the curtain. You stood there, hands folded in front of you as the both of you stood in silence. Rose looked you up and down, blonde brows scrunching as her mind raced with thoughts.
"I'm not jealous of you, you know," she said, breaking the silence.
You stared back at her confused. Jealousy? Where did that come from? "Jealous? I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean my grace," you said softly.
"I mean I'm not jealous of you," she repeated, a small smile tugging at her lips. But this wasn't a normal smile, it was condescending. "I was told that the prince and I would have some issues to work through in the early days of our marriage but I had no idea that said issue would be his very obvious relationship with his maid."
You stood there completely still. She knew. She knew about you and Jaehyun. Was it last night that she found out? Or did she see something the week she was in the country? You and Jaehyun had been so careful, or at least you tried to be. Jaehyun never cared as much as you did. "Let them find out. I don't care," he would always say.
"Calm down, you looked like you've seen a ghost," she said, laughing dryly. "It's alright that you and him have a secret relationship. I find it cute."
Your once shocked expression slowly turned hard, jaw clenching at the tone of her words. Cute? You didn't like that she called what you and Jaehyun had cute, especially not in that belittling tone. "Are you going to punish me for it?"
Rose suddenly burst into laughter hearing your question, her pretty smile making your stomach turn. "No. Why in the 7 seas would I do that," she said between giggles. "I don't care that he loves you and that you love him. In fact, I'm happy for you. It's hard for the poor to find happiness."
You winced at her statement. So this is what she was really like. Underneath the money, fame, clothes, face, body, she was just like every other royal you ever met. It wasn't surprising, but you didn't think she would shed her skin so quickly.
"I thought he would at least have some sense last night to consummate our marriage." The smile faded from her face, now being replaced with irritation. "A marriage means nothing if you can't produce an heir."
She was right, and it hurt you that she was right. Deep down you wanted all these things with him. The wedding, the wedding night, the honeymoon, the ball – just all of it. It was starting to feel like the princess was throwing all these things you couldn't have in your face. Rose took a step forward, looking at you deep into your eyes with an emotion you couldn't read.
"I know his mother must've caught the two of you at some point," she said quietly. "I'm not his mother, so there is no need to be scared of me."
You let out a small sigh of relief, but the small positive feeling was completely crushed under her feet. "But one thing about me is that I strive to be the best person possible at all times. I will be the best princess, queen, and wife. And the last part doesn't consist of you being with him within these walls."
"So what are you saying?"
Rose squinted her eyes at your sudden drop of honorifics, frown tugging on her lips. "Jaehyun is a very stubborn man, I'm sure you know this. Unless you release him from this mental anguish, he will never be happy, and I'm sure you want him to be happy don't you?"
You did want him to be happy. The only thing you ever wanted from him was to be happy. And your life has taught you that sometimes happiness takes sacrifice. "So you're saying that you want me to end things with him?"
"I knew you were smart," she said with a slight nod. "End things tonight. If you don't, just know things will be painful for the both of you from this point on. Now, do me a favor and let everyone back in."
You hurried to the door, opening it quickly. The other maids all walked back in a hurry, continuing what they were doing like they never stopped. Rose turned around, moving her hair to the front. You've never been more excited to work more than right now. All you wanted to do is delete the conversation you just had from your mind but it weighs heavy.
You have to do it tonight. You have to end things.
All you could hope is that he doesn't make it harder for you.
You stood in Jaehyun's office, the lamp softly brightening the space. It smelled of oak wood and lavender, two of his favorite smells. It was such a small space, completely closed off from the rest of the mansion. His office was his favorite place to be. It offered him lots of privacy especially in these days of high stress. He couldn't stand being pestered with all his royal duties, running away from everyone almost immediately.
You stood in the middle of the room, hands toying with the waist of your apron. You were on cooking duty for the rest of the night, so you were covered in all kinds of food and powders. Jaehyun was supposed to be outside with friends, family, acquaintances , her, but the moment he saw the note from you to come to his office he dropped everything to be there.
The music was blaring through the windows, all you could hear and see were expensive people drinking expensive wine in the most expensive clothes. It was traditional for the bride and groom to just simply be on a honeymoon by now, but because this was a special occasion of joining 2 kingdoms, there was a ball for the night.
You jumped, turning around instantly when the door opened. There stood Jaehyun in the most gorgeous suit you've ever seen. This was going to be very hard for you. Your heart pounded right out of your chest excited to see him but saddened with the thought of breaking his heart.
"I got your note," he said, walking up to you. Jaehyun looked you up and down, a smirk on his face at your messy appearance.
"Don't look at me like that," you said, face growing hot.
A deep chuckle erupted from his throat as he stepped to you, placing a hand on your waist. "I think you look very pretty tonight."
You didn't want to blush but you did, he was far too nice especially when you were covered in food, practically smelling like a bakery. "You should be saying that to your wife."
Jaehyun frowned, sighing at your response. "I did, but she didn't appreciate it as much as you did." He loved your shy, timid attitude. He loved the way you would look at the floor when you were embarrassed or nervous, like you were doing right now.
"J-jaehyun, we cannot continue this," you spoke softly. You needed him to listen to you, but you could tell he wasn't. The man was too busy staring at your lips, eyelids getting heavier the more he stared at you. "We cannot keep seeing each other like this. You are married now and-"
"Please. Can we not talk about this right now," he said softly.
"No. We have to." You removed his hand from your waist, but all he did was put both of them back. At this point, you were internally panicking. Knowing yourself, you can't become assertive with him. Every little touch, look, mention sent you into a spiral. "I want you to be happy and I'm sure you want to be happy. I don't want you to be miserable because of me."
Jaehyun pulled you closer to him gently, staring down into your eyes. "As long as you're around me, I won't be miserable." Jaehyun took your chin gently, tilting your head to look at him. You begin to feel yourself melt into his touch, resolve slowly melting away as he leans in. But you quickly regain your mind, shaking your head as you remove his hand.
"No. I will not do this. I will not be your mistress," you declared, stepping away from him.
Jaehyun stared at you without saying a word, looking at you with an unreadable expression. He knew you better than yourself at this point. When you were nervous or hiding something you would bite the inside of your cheek. Something definitely happened that he didn't know about, and he wants to find out.
"And why not," he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Because you deserve to be happy. You deserve a marriage full of love and happiness and I don't intend on stopping that," you said. You could tell he wasn't listening to you since again, eyes trailing up and down your fully covered body.
Fine. Is that it? "Fine? Is that all you have to say?"
"Yes. I agree. I deserve to be happy."
You didn't understand, lashes fluttering in confusion. It was safe to say that you were a bit hurt, his soft stare turning intense, hands never leaving his front. But nonetheless, you nodded despite not wanting to and gathered your dress in your hands. Walking quickly to the door, you grabbed the knob when he spoke again.
"I don't want you to leave," he said.
You gulped, still turning the knob in silence.
"I said I don't want you to leave." Jaehyun's soft tone switched into a deep dark one, walking up to the door, holding it shut with force. He clearly shocked you and watched you remove your hand from the knob startled. Jaehyun had a million things going on through his mind at the moment, all of them having to do with you. "You aren't being yourself. I want you to tell me why."
"What are you talking about," you said quietly, not knowing if you were going to upset him or not.
"I'm saying that there is something you aren't telling me about and that's why you told me to come here tonight."
You couldn't tell him. Not tonight. Maybe another day or night where his reputation isn't solely based on the way he looks at his new wife. You know how he can be when angry, living and taking care of him and his family for many years now. Jaehyun is horrible at hiding facial expressions, even worse when he has to speak. His words have a bite to them, attitude on full display. You didn't want to ruin his night, be the blame for another reason he won't be happy in the future.
"I don't know what you're implying." You placed your hands behind your back, nerves now affecting your once still hands. You were shaking. This situation was a bit dire. You were only a maid, now being stuck in the middle of relationship politics you wanted nothing to do with. Jaehyun was growing ever more irritated with your persistence claiming there was nothing wrong. You looked like you saw a ghost, eyes continuously shifting between him and the window behind him.
Jaehyun likes to think he was a man of great intuition, always able to read people well. He knew right away it had something to do with Rose. "Did she say something to you?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"Rose," he said, making himself more clear. "Did she say something to you? Does she know about last night?"
You didn't answer, but your silence was everything he needed. He was angry, face turning red, lips pursing into a thin line. You've seen him mad, but never this mad. He was a smart man, but very impulsive, so when you saw him reach for the doorknob, your heart stopped for what felt like a million years.
"Please don't," you choked out, looking at him with pleading eyes. "We don't need to make this harder than it already is."
"I will not allow anyone to make any threats towards you, especially not on my property," he growled angrily through gritted teeth. Jaehyun grabbed the knob about to turn it, but stopped feeling your hand on his.
"Stop. Just stop." Your voice cracked, tears on the verge of spilling over. "This is why I agreed to do this. I don't want this, Jaehyun."
"Agreed to do what? Tell me. I demand it." His voice boomed through the room. You were certain people outside the window could hear him, like always he didn't care.
"Rose talked to me today in her room," you said, wiping your tears and sniffling. "She said to end things with you."
"And you agreed?"
"Because I had to," you sobbed. "I just want you to be happy. I don't want to be the reason you can't be happy. I don't want to be your mistress, I want to be your world, but if I have to give that up, I will."
Tears spilled down your face, hot and heavy as you cried. Jaehyun was still angry, but his expression softened as he watched you cry. The man wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace, trapping you in the warmth of his arms. No one has ever cried for him like this. No one has ever cried because of him like this. Jaehyun starts to feel the weight of the situation and regrets all his last actions. Nothing he has said or done has been in an effort to figure any of this out while you're left with the burden.
"It's okay Y/N. I'm sorry," he whispered, stroking your hair gently as he kissed the top of your head. "I'll never let anyone or anything come between us. I don't care what it takes."
You looked up at him, brows furrowing in worry. "But Jaehyun-"
"Do you trust me?"
"Yes. Of course I do."
"Do you love me?"
Yes, I love you. You said the words in your head, but you couldn't get them out. "I.. I.."
Jaehyun sensed your worry, moving his hands to your face, cupping you by both of your cheeks. "I need you to forget about everything that happened today. Forget about whatever she said to you. Just tell me one thing. Tell me if you love me."
"I do love you," you answered sniffling. "I love you Jaehyun."
He wished he could contain the feeling that swelled in his heart finally hearing you say those words but he couldn't, smirk plastered on his face as he wiped your tears with his thumbs softly. Even when you were crying, you were so pretty. He admired you in the silent room, the sound of people chatting and the string instruments being played outside filling the air.
You wrapped your arms around him, huffing his body tight. Jaehyun didn't mind that all the flour was getting on his clothes. He didn't care, as long as you were okay. But Jaehyun wasn't perfect even though he was a prince, he was only just a man.
As much as he hated seeing you sod and cry, there was a tiny voice in the back of his head going on and on about how pretty you were with tears down your face. Your shiny, wet eyes looking up at him wide, brows furrowed. You and Jaehyun had been close before hugging each other or kissing each other when you got the chance, but you've never been close. Jaehyun thought about it all the time, the thought of you pressed against him, hands molding your skin like dough and touching you anyway he wanted. not just telling how much he loves you but showing you.
He was so deep in thought that he never realized that you were staring up at him. "What are you thinking about," you asked softly.
"Just you. Only you." Before you could respond, he leaned down cupping your face as he kissed you deeply. You didn't expect it, stumbling against the wall a bit. Your back was pressed against the wall as Jaehyun pressed his body against yours, lips never leaving yours as he kissed you over and over again. You and Jaehyun have kissed many times, but nothing like this. When he kissed you before, it was sweet and innocent, but this time it's hot and desperate. You've never seen him act this way,
"Jaehyun wait," you painted softly, pulling away from the kiss. Your words went right through him, lips going right to your neck when you pulled away. You grasped his clothed arms being completely taken back by how fast everything was moving.
"I love you Y/N," he said against your neck. "I love you to the moon and back. Just let me show you how much I love you." Jaehyun locked lips with yours once again, almost knocking the air out of your lungs as his hands slid onto your back, undoing the tie that held your apron on your waist.
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you held him close, lips molding with his slowly as he let the fabric drop. Jaehyun's hands moved up your body slowly, cupping your chest through the top of your dress. This sensation was new to you, his touch barely there but you could still feel his fingertips pressing against your nipples. Your hands fell slowly from his shoulders onto his chest, wanting to just take off his jacket, but you were so nervous.
"Don't be nervous, okay," he whispered, taking your hands in his. You hadn't realized it yet, but you were shaking. You opened your eyes only to see him looking at you with the purest expression. "Let me take care of you."
He let go of your hands, placing them on your chest as his fingers toyed with the buttons on the front. You watch him, buttons coming undone one by one in what felt like forever. In this day and age, there are so many layers of clothing before you can see someone's skin. Jaehyun usually becomes irritated with these circumstances, but for some reason they were all the more exciting for him. You on the other hand just wanted to get it over with, anxiety taking over your mind as your thoughts jump from one thing to another.
Jaehyun pulled the sleeves off your shoulders, helping you remove your arms out of the grasp of the fabric. Your dress finally fell from your body. Jaehyun gazed at your figure, you being in nothing but a slip and corset. You were beautiful, probably the most beautiful woman he ever laid his eyes on. "You're so perfect," he sighed, a small smirk on his face.
"Please Jaehyun," you whined quietly. Your eyes fluttered shut as he leaned in, kissing you softly. Jaehyun made quick work of his coat, taking it off and throwing it in the chair next to the fireplace. Next went his waistcoat, lips now moving against yours feverishly. He pulled away for just a second to look at you, but smiled to himself as he watched you fumble with your corset.
"Do you want me to help you with that," he muttered.
You gave him a silent nod as you turned around. Jaehyun skillfully helped you, chuckling to himself. "What's so funny," you asked.
"I just love you so much. That's all," he answered. "I never thought I'd get this close to you."
You smiled to yourself, nodding at his words. "You're so sentimental, it's endearing."
A soft deep chuckle erupted from him, making you shiver. He loosens up the strings and helped you out of the constraining under garment. "I hope I'm still endearing when my cock is inside you." Jaehyun could tell how flustered he made you when he turned you around. You couldn't contain your emotions, palms clinging to your slip as you stared at your feet. "Don't get shy on me now. I want you to watch me. Can you do that?"
You looked up, watching him unbutton his shirt. You have always tried to be the best maid possible, but that never stopped you from having fantasies about him. You always thought about what he would look like under his shirt, or what he would look like on top of you. Now that it's about to happen, there are too many emotions flowing through you at once. One of them was excitement, his chiseled toned body against the dim light of his office, the way he looked at you as he let the shirt off his arms and onto the floor behind him.
"You must really want me don't you?" He took your waist, holding you tight. Jaehyun felt better than he did all day hearing pleasured sighs leave your lips, brows knitting at the feeling of his strong grasp.
"Do you know how pretty you look right now? How pretty you sound when you gasp like that?" Jaehyun began hiking your slip up, watching you gulp, the dress getting shorter and shorter below you. "I will never let anyone take you from me. You're mine, all mine."
"All yours," you whispered, nodding as his fingers trailed from your stomach to right above your soaking wet core. "Please touch me."
Jaehyun obliged, teasing you as his fingers ghosted right above your clit, softly gliding them in the sensitive bud. He watched you, eyes glossed in pleasure as your body twitches, haven't felt this feeling in a while. "So pretty," he whispered, rubbing the bud slowly. "Every part of you."
Soft sweet moans filled his ears as he touched you, gulping as you held onto his arms. Your eyes shut, taking in the pleasure he was giving you.
"Does it feel good?"
"Y-yes," you moaned quietly.
"Look at me my love." Jaehyun's cock jumped in his pants when you did as he asked. You even follow directions perfectly, it's unbelievable. He maintained eye contact with you as he began to rub you faster, evoking whines from your throat. Your nails dug into his skin, not hard enough to scratch it though.
"Jaehyun," you whimpered softly. "M-more, please."
Jaehyun nodded fast, heart growing tender at your cute pleading. He moved from your clit to your wet entrance, fingers rubbing and tracing the hole. Jaehyun slowly pushed his fingers into you, the long thick digits giving you the stretch that you needed. You threw your head back slightly, resting it on the door as you moaned.
"Oh God.." You were already squeezing around his fingers before he started moving them. But you had to hold out, this could be the first and last time you got to do this with him.
"I love you so much," he muttered against your neck as he started pumping his fingers in you slowly. The noises coming from you were astonishing, the slow sounds of your wet cunt bouncing off the walls. Your expression and moans made his cock rock hard, all he wanted to do is make you cum.
You leaned in, kissing him deeply as he moved his fingers in you. "Feels so good," you whispered against his lips. You closed your eyes, lips still ghosting above his as you pant into his mouth.
He sped up his hand, fingers digging deeper into you as he thrusted them fast. The friction of his fingers set your body on fire, hands gripping his arms hard. "You're so beautiful like this, melting into my hands. Do you know how much I've thought about this moment?"
You could barely hear him though he was right in front of you, brain not being able to concentrate due to the feeling between your legs. Your soft whines and moans filled the air, quiet cries of his name falling from your lips. Jaehyun pressed you against the door even more using his other hand to lift your leg to thrust his fingers deeper in you.
"Oh my god," you whimpered, clinging to his body.
"I know, darling. I know it feels good," he cooed in your ear. "I want you to make a mess of my fingers."
You were now grinding on his hand, clit lightly brushing against his palm driving you to your orgasm with every movement of your hips. Your whines were getting louder in pitch, but you tried to hide it, being right behind the door. Anyone could walk past and hear you, and you really didn't want that to happen, but Jaehyun didn't care anymore. He didn't care about anything but you at the moment.
"Lose yourself. It's just me and you and no one else. Cum in my hand." His deep raspy voice guided you to your first orgasm in a while, squeezing around his fingers tight as you moaned into his neck.
"J-jaehyun," you whimpered. He kept pumping his fingers in you as you came, making the leg you were balancing yourself on shake. Growing impatient, Jaehyun stopped fingering you, slowing down his fingers and pulling them out of you slowly.
"I need to be inside you, Y/N. Do you want that," he questioned, resting his forehead on yours.
"Yes. Yes, I need you," you said breathlessly. You kissed him, cupping his face as he kissed you back. The two of you quickly fell into a rhythm, tongues dancing with each other as he undid his pants, fingers skillfully undoing the buttons.
"Let's get this off of you, hm?" Jaehyun lifted your slip, motioning his head for you to put your arms up. You obliged, easing them above your head allowing him to take the undergarment off of you. You kicked off your shoes right after making him smile to himself. Jaehyun couldn't keep his eyes off your body. He dropped the fabric to the floor, hands attaching to your body like a magnet. You let out soft gasps at every touch, squeeze, pinch he gave you, his hands all over you for the first time. Your skin was so soft, every scratch or scar lighting a flame in him. Even your imperfections were beautiful.
"You feel so good in my hands," he muttered, making you smile to yourself.
"I like the way your hands feel on me," you say, kissing him softly. You let out a small sigh as he moved his hands from your ass to your chest, watching as he leans down, mouth attaching to your nipple. Licking and sucking your nipples all while squeezing the flesh in his plans, maintaining eye contact with you as he plays out the sinful actions you dreamt of.
"God I can't wait any longer," he mumbled. Jaehyun kissed up your chest to your neck and jawline, finally making it to your lips, biting your bottom lip softly. "I need you to take all of me, but you have to be quiet."
He placed one hand on the bottom of your back and used the other to lift your leg. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply as he took his cock, rubbing the tip between your legs slowly.
"I can be quiet," you muttered in his mouth. "Quiet as a mouse."
"That's my girl." Jaehyun lined himself with you, slowly pushing himself in your wet entrance. A soft sigh fell through his lips, the warmth of your wrapped around him. He wanted this for so long to feel close to you, to be this close to you.
"My god," you whined, fingers running through his hair. You let out soft moans every time he thrusted in you, deep and slow. Closing your eyes, you leaned your head back against the door taking in the pleasure he was going to you. But Jaehyun kept his eyes open, staring at your pretty face, listening to your pretty moans as he rocked his body into you. His grip on his leg gets tighter the deeper he thrust into you, fingertips digging into your skin.
Jaehyun wouldn't be surprised if there were people running around looking for him right about now. He's been in this room with you for almost an hour, leaving his new wife to look for you. Not even he himself would've guessed he'd be deep inside you right now, fucking you on the door where anyone could come buy and easily tell what was happening behind it. He'd always been reckless, but at this rate he didn't care. Everyone in the world was trying to keep you away from him, and he had enough. If you had to crash and burn for loving him, you were going to take him with you whether you wanted to or not.
Jaehyun's face was now in the crook of your neck, groaning softly against your skin as he kissed it softly. "You're so beautiful," he mumbled. "So perfect, I love you so much."
"I-I love you," you whimpered softly, brows furrowing feeling him thrust harder. "Oh my god, don't stop."
And he didn't. He kept going, hand leaving your back and moving to your hip. You haven't felt this good in ages, almost completely forgetting about the kind of situation you were in, until there was a knock on the door.
"Prince Jaehyun? Are you in there," a guard called out. More voices were heard from outside the door, footsteps all over the hallway.
Jaehyun halted his movement for a second, glancing at you who was making a panicked expression. "Quiet," he mouthed. Jaehyun started thrusting in you, staring at you intensely. He was lost in the sight of you, your head falling back, jaw dropping in pleasure once again. You felt so fragile at the moment, so vulnerable under him.
"You're doing so well for me, beautiful," he whispered.
"Am I," you whispered with a small smile.
Jaehyun nodded as he kissed you. You immediately moaned into his mouth, making him go faster. At this point you were far too gone, you were going to cum all over him once again. "I'm so close, my prince," you moaned breathlessly.
My prince. Those words sounded so good coming from you. So pure, innocent, loving. He would love to be yours forever. "Me too Y/N."
He kept going, ignoring the knock on the door once again. He just wanted to make you feel good. Jaehyun swallowed hard, face back in the crook of your neck feeling you flutter around him.
"Jaehyun, I'm cumming," you whimpered, trying to keep your voice as low as possible. You came on him, orgasm so hard you saw stars as you screwed your eyes shut.
But Jaehyun kept going, his orgasm getting closer and closer. He should pull out of you. He should really pull out. But self control is not his strong suit. The both of you are so wrapped up in the amazing feeling that when Jaehyun cums inside of you, you didn't even feel it. All lines become blurry, nothing makes sense, the room is just hot and stuffy filled with the smell of sex.
That's when it hits you.
"Jaehyun, what did you just do?"
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
What if Eddie saw Steve talking with Reader and he gets jealous, so he starts to act a little mean to reader and they end up fighting and Steve talks to Eddie and tells him that Reader and him were talking about her getting a job on Family Video bc she wants to start getting some money for college, and Eddie's worried bc he fought with her bc he tought she didn't like him anymore, and he ends up going to her house and apologizes to her and they end up watching movies and doing things that she likes and she forgives him
I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it <3 thank you for requesting
Never proofread
Jealous? Yes
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It was a Friday night, and that meant movie date night for Eddie and Y/N. They'd leave school, and take turns picking out a movie to watch for the night. Both knew neither would watch it, they'd make out and have sex on the couch before the credits even rolled.
This time it was her pick, so she ran in as Eddie waited in his van. Listening to his music as he watched he through the windows. He cringed when he saw her walk to the romance section, but it was her pick so he couldn't say anything.
He zoned out as he drew on his hand, not noticing how much time passed since she went inside. He looked up and saw that she's been in there for over twenty minutes. He scanned the store and found her at the checkout counter, talking to Steve.
Steve was smiling and writing something down on a piece of paper. Eddie's stomach twisted, was she talking to Steve the whole time? Was he writing down his number?
After another ten minutes, she finally left the store. Skipping happily to Eddie's van and jumped in. Eddie looked at the movie in her hand, and saw Steve's number was written on a piece of paper. Eddie felt anger boiling inside of him.
"Ready?" She asked, noticing Eddie hadn't bothered to start the car to drive off. His mind was racing with the thoughts of his girlfriend flirting with Steve Harrington. How long has she been interested in him?
"Eddie?" She asked again, reaching over to touch his hand but he snatched it away like she burned him. "You okay, baby?" She asked, worried as she tried to find out what happened while she was inside.
"I'm just feeling sick." He said, starting his van as he took the route to bring her home.
"Okay, let's go to your house and I'll make you some soup and we can relax." She said, smiling as she buckled herself.
"I'm bringing you home." He snapped, he almost felt bad at the way she deflated but he shouldn't care. Not like she cared about him.
"But why? Let me help you. I'm not worried about getting sick." She tried to joke, hitting his arm softly but his stone cold face didn't crack.
"Because I'm sick of you!" He snapped again, and this time he did feel bad. He knew it was the wrong thing to say but he was hurt and just wanted to hurt her too. He did a pretty good job.
He heard a small sniffle as she nodded. And let out a tiny "okay" under her breath. The rest of the ride was silent. But her mind wasn't, she didn't know what she did wrong. He was perfectly fine when they left school.
As they got closer to her street she looked at him. "Is there something you want to talk about? What happened?" She asked, but he stayed silent. Just breathing fast as he pulled in her driveway.
"Edward, talk to me. You aren't going to tell me you are sick of me then give me the silent treatment." She snapped, but he didn't budge.
"Well, now I'm sick of you." She growled, leaving the movie on the floor as she got out of his van, slamming the door with a pissed off look.
He watched as she marched inside. Great, now he really pissed her off. He almost went inside to apologize, but he caught her in the window. She was standing next to the phone as she typed in a number.
She was calling Steve, and that was enough for Eddie to drive away.
Eddie drove back to the video store, he wasn't sure what he planned to do but he felt like punching Steve would make him feel better.
Eddie marched in, eyes landing on Steve immediately, Steve welcomed him in but Eddie grabbed his collar and yanked him over the counter. Steve coughed as his stomach smacked the counter.
"Eddie, what the fuck?" Steve gasped, the tight hold on his shirt was choking him.
"Why did you give my girlfriend your number?" Eddie growled, his eyes blazing with anger as Steve panicked.
"She wants a job! That was all. I told her I'd get her an interview." Steve explained, sighing in relief when Eddie let him go. He watched as Eddie's face fell and his body deflated.
"Just a job? Nothing else?" Eddie asked to be sure. Steve nodded and raised his hands in surrender. Eddie wanted to smack himself. Of course, he would react before asking or thinking anything through. Now there was a good chance he ruined everything. Steve would have been an adult and talked through things, he wouldn't have thrown a hissy fit and hurt her feelings.
Eddie went back out to his van, running to the store nearby to grab snacks and some flowers. The film is still sitting on the floor of his van. It wasn't too late to have that movie night.
With his tail between his legs, he knocked on her front door. A sorry expression on his face when she opened the door.
"What is this? Over your sickness already?" She sassed, crossing her arms as she stared at her boyfriend. He looked calmer than before, even looked a little sad and guilty.
His puppy eyes were always a weakness and he was too good at using it.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted. I...I thought you were interested in Steve and I got jealous when you came back with his number. I thought the worst and I know it was wrong because you'd never hurt me like that. I was just scared and hurt and I couldn't think straight. I talked to Steve and he said you wanted a job. I could have easily known if I talked to you instead of trying to hurt you back. I love you and I'm sorry." He explained, he held out the flowers for her to take, which she did.
She couldn't hide the tiny smile on her face as she smelled the flowers.
"Well, thank you for apologizing. And for recognizing what you did wrong. I think it's cute you were jealous, but being mean towards me doesn't make anything better for either of us. I don't want to be someone you want to hurt to feel better." Eddie nodded as she explained. She was right. They were in love, he shouldn't try to make her hurt worse when he was upset.
"I agree. And I will work on that. Can we give this movie night another shot?" He asked, a smile on his face as he held up the movie and snacks. His puppy eyes are still putting in their work.
"Get in here." Rolling her eyes but her smile was bigger than before. He raced inside, slipping off his shoes as he settled on her couch.
"This is two Fridays in a row at my place, you have to host the next two weeks," she said as she sat next to him.
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orchidsangel · 5 months
Recently imagined Jason and y/n, his ex, meeting again after a few years. Still obviously caring about each other. Eating cake alone at the apartment and awaiting the New Year together. Not wanting to say that this is the least lonely, however sad-looking, night they've experienced since they split up.
(jumping off a cliff bc i missed the glaring "new year" part of this and was like "i'll get to this later" so sorry beloved, also this got more angsty than i intended.)
Exes to lovers with Jason is always in the back of my mind somewhere, eating away at my sanity. Just the idea that he loved you so hard he had to let you go, knowing the life he lived wasn't suitable for you. You told him you didn't mind, that he was so important to you that you could put aside the constant worry that would sit in your stomach like a rock every time he was off being Red Hood. You said it was fine, but he saw the way bags appeared under your eyes after too many nights of staying up for him, how you forgot to eat when he went too long without contacting you, and how the tears would slip past your lashes when you were patching him up.
At the end of it all, you had begged him to stay, telling him over and over how much you loved him. It killed him to tell you that that was the reason why it was ending, because you loved him too hard, and you were neglecting yourself because of it. He was sick, wondering if he'd made the wrong decision, wondering if this would only make things worse for you. So, despite the fresh ache in his heart, he still watched out for you, determined to make sure you thrived without him, and thrive you did.
It felt like it had been ages since the last time he saw you that couldn't be mistaken for stalking. Watching you from rooftops and alleyways, rushing fights to make sure he could see if you got home safely and intervene if there were any threats. It became routine for him to hang up his helmet at night once he knew you were safe in the confines of the apartment you once shared. What wasn't routine was you knocking on his apartment door at exactly eleven forty-seven pm on New Year's Eve with a sad-looking store-bought cake in your hands and an even sadder look on your face.
"I know we're not together anymore, but…"
Splitting a whole cake between the two of you on New Year's Eve instead of having a typical dinner had been your tradition for years. Jason took it very seriously, planning the cake in advance for weeks, testing different flavors, even going as far as calling you once in the middle of a fight, asking if you preferred chantilly or sponge. It was stupid to most people you told, but to you and Jason, it was the perfect way to end the year. Now, you stand before him, holding a cake that could never compare to the decadent black forest cake he had made the last time you'd spent New Year's together.
You look down at the cake and then back up at him, the familiar gleam of water in your eyes. He takes the container in one hand and uses the other to pull the door open more so you can come in. It had been a while since you'd been there last, but everything was the same. A wall with an extensive collection of weapons, a stack of books that only collected dust when he was gone for long periods of time, and a framed picture of Jason and Bruce from his robin days.
"How'd you know where to find me?"
"Lucky guess."
Not a lucky guess, the first place you'd told him you loved him.
He roots around a drawer, pulling out two forks and handing one to you. Silence hangs in the air, several year's worth of unspoken feelings lingering with nowhere to go but up. he pops the lid off the container and gestures for you to take the first bite, another tradition that came with his hours of cake-making; he'd always insist on you having the first taste so you could give feedback and you only ever had positive things to say. Now, the weak taste of vanilla paired with a dry crumb, and your mouth turns downward into a frown.
"I don't think it's that bad."
"You'll eat anything."
No, it wasn't that bad. In fact, before you'd met Jason, this was something you probably would've treated yourself to when life decided to be good to you, but he had spoiled you, given you so much more than you even knew was out there, and it wasn't all material.
Three minutes to New Year's now, and approximately six bites taken out of the cake, five from Jason, and you're ready to part ways again with you leaving him this time. There's still time to make a run for it and ring in the new year without the baggage of your ex hanging over you; there's still time to pretend your world wasn't shattered when he left.
"Why are you here? Why not spend New Year's with your friends?"
"The people I always see you with when I-"
"Watch me?"
"Am on patrol."
"Why aren't you with them?"
"Not friends, coworkers."
"You're with them all the time."
"Workplace comradery."
"So, friends."
Thirty seconds now, and the words you still haven't said are on the tip of your tongue and in the back of your mind, egging you on to admit the feelings you've been sitting on for what feels like forever. He beats you to it.
"Please come back to me."
"I'm not the one who left."
Fireworks go off outside, signifying the beginning of a new year, and you and Jason stand across from each other. Physically, only the kitchen island stands between you two, but emotionally, you're still miles apart. You can't hear in his words how much he needs you back in his life, how hard it is for him every night to not climb in through your window and find his spot in the bed you'd shared like he'd done so many times before; and he can't hear in your words how the wound he left in your heart never healed, how it never even started to, and how through him leaving, you found out that time doesn't heal all things.
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brainddeadd · 22 days
hiiiii !!!
i just saw your smut prompt list and i would love to see a combo of #5 and #44 with Seungmin of skz !!!
i had a teasing like, frenemies vibe in mind when i read them, like seungmin and the reader tease each other and egg each other on bc they are hardcore crushing on one another
thank u <3333
"Oh, I can do this all night long." & "Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense."
fingering, meanie!seungmin, sub-dom dynamics, "pup" and "brat" as nicknames
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Seungmin has you on your knees in front of him, body yearning for his touch, but he refuses to give it to you.
He wants you to beg. Yeah right.
You're naked and he's still fully clothed, his hard cock straining against his jeans, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't want it in your mouth.
He knows you're desperate for his cock, he made sure of it on your weekly movie night.
He changed it up this week, inviting you to the cinemas instead of to the dorms, armed with the stolen knowledge that you want him too (he read your texts to Lino about how much you wanted him to rail you).
So he hatched a plan, inviting you to the movies, omitting which movies he'd chosen for his week, knowing it was a romance, full of raunchy sex scenes. He chose to sit at the very back, packed into the very back to avoid other people, him making you sit closer to the wall, claiming he knew you didn't like the chance of someone sitting next to you. He behaved himself until the first sex scene, when he took the opportunity to slide his hand over your thigh, watching for your reactions out the corner of his eye.
When you started at him confusedly, but shuffled your hips forward and spread you legs slightly despite the confusion, he wasted no time in sliding his hand further up your thigh, fingers brushing over your clothed folds. You have to bury your face in his shoulder to muffle the moan that wants to fly from your mouth.
He presses against your clit until you're bucking your hips into his hand, then slides one long, thick finger in slowly. And then he.. stops. Just.. leaves his thumb pressing on your clit and his finger in your pussy. You want to scream, rock your hips to make him continue, but you can't give away what you're doing in the back of a cinema, so you bite down onto his shoulder, drawing a hiss from his mouth, and wait for him to end the torture.
He doesn't.
He keeps his hand like that, occasionally curling his finger inside your pussy, but mostly just stays still, a smirk on his face at the way you flutter around him.
You complain the whole way home. Calling him names and swatting him on the shoulder.
He rushes you into your apartment, knowing there'd be more privacy there, and tells you to strip, making you kneel for him.
"Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense." He starts. "Maybe I'll let you. But you have to ask nicely."
He can see the way your folds are glistening in the low light, body waiting for him.
"Are you going to be my good pup, and beg for my cock?" He leans down to your face. "Ore are you going to continue to be a little brat?"
You whimper at that, and can feel yourself getting wetter, which makes him smirk.
"Pup, I can do this all night long." He pauses. "Better yet, I can make you watch. Not let you touch. Not touch you."
You let out a cry and he puts his forehead to yours.
"What's it going to be brat?" He grips your chin. "Are you going to be a good pup for me, and beg for my cock? Or am I going to have to get myself off to the thought of you again?"
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sethsclearwater · 8 months
the au where seth and reader were in a relationship before him and paul imprinted on her, seth would probably have already said i love you, but paul hasn’t yet
could you do paul saying i love you to reader either during sex or like a fluffy moment and seth is just grinning bc he already knew because of the wolf bond
these two🥺🤍🤍
"you sure about that?" paul asked softly, a teasing undertone to his voice that had you giggling as you spun around to face him and nod your head.
"positive," you reassured, stepping over to press a quick kiss to his lips. paul apparently had other plans though and quickly lifted his hands to slide them onto your hips and tug you closer to him as he deepened the kiss, absolutely loving the way you so easily melted into him.
the two of you were supposed to be attending tonight's council meeting at billy's but you saw how tired and stressed paul had been with the recent increase in patrol shifts and had opted to pretend you had the world's worst period cramps in an attempt to get the two of you out of it without throwing paul under the bus.
you giggled against his lips after a few moments, sighing softly as he gently squeezed at your hips, "we can just stay here tonight," you added softly, a flirtatious tone to your voice that had paul mentally cursing himself for wearing gray sweatpants that he knew you'd easily be able to see his hardening length in, "wanna watch a movie with you," you murmured, lips barely ghosting over his as you spoke, the two of you maintaining heavy eye contact that had you also feeling all sorts of ways.
paul paused for a moment, eyes scanning your own as he thought through what he was about to say. you gave him a moment, knowing he usually needed a few extra seconds to speak his mind with you especially when it was something rather intimate.
"i love you," he said for the first time, voice soft and quiet as he spoke, though his voice never wavered which had you knowing he absolutely meant it.
you froze for just a second before the biggest smile crossed your face as you processed his words, "i love you too," you murmured just as the front door of your apartment opened and closed, followed by the third member of your trio's footsteps heading over to your bedroom.
paul smiled, pulling you closer to him for another gentle kiss and you slid your hands up his chest to gently knot in his hair as you melted into him, allowing him to control the intensity of your little makeout session.
within a few moments though, you heard seth setting down his car keys on your dresser so you and paul parted so you could peek over your shoulder to see him, "hi seth," you giggled, untangling one of your hands from paul's hair to reach out for him.
seth gladly took your hand and stepped over to you, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, "i heard you have the world's worst period cramps?" he asked teasingly, both you and paul letting out breathy laughs at his question.
"wanted to stay in with you two tonight," you murmured, a bit bashful as your cheeks heated up to a light pink over your embarrassment over your little lie.
seth just chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, "well i think you had the best idea i've heard all day," he teased, "so what are we watching?" he asked before releasing your hand so he could turn around and go find the pair of pajamas he always kept at your place for night's he spent with you.
you giggled, "not sure yet," you mused before turning your attention back to paul who was watching you with a soft smile on his face, "i love you," you whispered to him again, giggling when he immediately tightened his fist in your hair and pulled you back in for another kiss.
you didn't see it because you were a bit occupied with paul's lips against yours but seth was smiling at the two of you while he got changed into his pajama pants, absolutely loving that paul finally worked up the nerve to say 'i love you' to you after thinking about it for so long.
"i love you too princess," paul murmured against your lips as he allowed you to part for air, both of you smiling dopily at each other as you took in the moment.
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urf1lterr · 1 year
lovesick | pedro pascal [3]
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"and on this night and in this light i think im falling, im falling for you."
next chapter: [4] previous chapter: [2] series masterlist
summary: in which a 1975-obsessed film student accidentally falls in love with an older man she can't have.
pairing: actor!pedro x intern!reader
genre: acting world!au, big age-gap!, strangers to friends- maybe lovers?? au | angst, mature, awkward, love- eventually
word count: 5.7k
status: in progress
author's note: in my head i have a certain way this story ends- but thats farrrr from this chapter. i couldn't stop laughing while writing this. i might have to rethink my ending bc i don't wanna make this series looooong. not edited.
Brutal banging on your bedroom door was not how you imagined to be awakened, especially when you were barely endearing maybe four hours of sleep.
Jolting up, you could feel your shoulders begin to ache as your severely tangled hair got stuck on the insides of your shirt. The shades in your room being shut, you had no sunlight whatsoever so you weren't sure what time it was.
Not like you needed to be anywhere important on a Wednesday- not until later anyway. Wednesday's were your arranged day off from school so you made sure to plan something productive to not feel more useless as you already were.
Typically, you were scheduled to work on these days- but we all know how that ended.
Thinking about your unemployment status aggravated you. The same day you were told you were going to be cut was actually your last despite being scheduled for the rest of that remaining week.
Oh how you wish you could say you didn't show up because of your stubbornness.
But frankly you had covid.
Not only did that job fire you, but they gave you a thoughtful farewell gift of a deadly virus to remember them goodbye.
Guess they took their storyline a little too seriously.
However, you did receive a few texts from your old coworkers wishing you well. At first, you wondered if Finn disclosed your personal medical information after you contacted him, but Jules admitted to doing so, swearing she only told Joon with the likelihood someone overheard and the rest was history.
Sadly, you barely talked to Pedro and Bella anymore.
The duo did reach out once they discovered you were sick and Bella would occasionally send you tiktoks at the most randomly times. But again, occasionally.
Pedro, on the other hand, never got back in touch after his 'feel better' text.
You weren't exactly distraught over it, it wasn't like you two made it your mission as friends to go out every day. But the thing was, you still did that when you worked together. Barely seeing him for a few seconds on some days in the past still meant you got to see him, but now you don't.
And strangely you miss him.
You always heard your coworkers discuss how considerate and down to Earth he was whenever they managed to work with him and you agreed. All the stories of him being one of the rarest, mindful human beings were true.
He was always the one spamming you with texts, but the only messages you received now were from your roommate, Joon, or the deals sent by your favorite food places.
But you weren't going to think too much of it. He's an adult, his days are always scheduled with new projects. You can't blame him for not making time for you.
Two weeks later here you were, using your extra free time to your advantage to stay up past midnight watching shows like Hell's Kitchen while eating ramen noodles.
The only con was you had the tendency to wake up late all the time.
Yanking the warm covers off your body, you slowly slip out of bed trying not to hit your desk by how poor your vision was at the moment. Opening your door, you give daggers to the other person behind it. "Is there a reason why you felt attempting to break my door was necessary?"
Jules sheepishly smiled, lightly rubbing the door in remorse before continuing. "I just wanted to remind you about our study date!"
"That's at 11."
"It's 10:32," she replied, pulling her phone out and showing you.
Gasping, you shut the door in her face before searching for clothes to wear. How could you possibly sleep in?
Actually, it was quite easy with American Horror Story having amazing plot twists. You decided to switch up your late night shows every now and then to spice things up.
But you were certain you turned on your alarm the night before. You must have slept through them. Damn, you were turning into Jules.
Quickly running to the bathroom to take a quick shower, you managed to finish the rest of your routine with ten minutes left to spare. You were certainly glad you could always count on the city's nonstop traffic as an excuse for your late arrivals.
Once you were able to catch a cab, which was a tremendous struggle considering your hand signals weren't clear enough to apprehend, Jules and you made it to a coffee shop a few streets away.
Being your designated place to study, you had to introduce Joon to it. He was practically the fifth member of the group, the third one being one of Jules' friend you frequently talked to and the fourth being the one you shared with Joon.
The best part about this cafe would have to be that it was two stories. You guess you could say you used the upstairs room conveniently when it came to debating, definitely not being afraid to raise your voice when your friends believed disagreeing with your opinions was acceptable.
"I didn't know a triple meant three shots of espresso," Joon pulled a disgusted face as Jules and you arrived to your familiar large booth. Sliding right next to him, you saw the coffee he was drinking was extremely dark. "I thought it meant three shots of creamer."
"For a guy who is phenomenally smart, you are phenomenally stupid," you heard your shared friend, Yoongi, comment after looking up from his notes.
The next hour consisted of the five of you centralizing your attention on your individual work before you decided you wanted to buy a coffee as your energy slowly drained away.
Walking down the stairs and placing a swift order, you stood to the side of the counter waiting as they prepared it. Scrolling through your phone to pass the short time, you felt someone near you.
"Hey, covid girl!" you heard a man exclaim, causing you to rush and shush him before the customers begin giving you the eye. "Long time no see."
"Don't expose me like that! I'm negative," you flush, tapping your fingers on your face to cool it down.
"Don't expose me," he clarifies, taking two steps back. "You're the one who's sick."
"Was," you groan, not standing for his teasing this morning. "Stop messing me with me, Nick. I am just a tired, broke college student who can't take anymore mocking in their life."
Nick chuckles, not denying that may be the case. He understands how you're feeling, he was once a student and knows how stressful it can be. Honestly, he can only imagine how tough it is now compared to when he last attended.
Inflation was no joke.
"I take it you're studying?" he eyes the large black frames on your head and the thick headphones around your neck. You only nod, making him laugh. "Very studious I see, it's a shame they let you go even after I told them not to. You could've done our taxes."
Pulling a forced smile, you just raise your right shoulder slightly not really wanting to talk about it much.
"Good thing I am very understanding," you joke.
"Hell, I wouldn't be," he curses, shaking his head briskly. "The least they could've done was offer another position while we left the country."
"When are you guys leaving anyway?'"
He looks up at the ceiling, trying hard to remember the exact date before clapping his hands. "The 3rd of next month."
"Three weeks from now? Are you ready for the cold and the snow?" you laugh as he shakes his head.
"Dealt with it growing up, don't wanna do it again," he groans before a barista calls out his name for his coffee. He excuses himself for a minute, grabbing the coffee along with a few napkins before walking back to you. "Have to get back to filming, they only gave me a half an hour break before we change scenes. Good look in university, kiddo. If you ever need anything you always have my number."
With that, he retreated back outside but not before sending you one final wave. You loathed the fact you missed them, but you had to get over it.
Grabbing your coffee once your name was called, you walked back up the stairs to find your friends staring at their own laptops as if they were going to breakdown in tears any second.
"When I tell you I would rather give up one of kidneys than learn about screenwriting," Jules weeps, pulling her hair in distress. "I just wanna tell people what to do, not write stories."
And that's how your whole study session went, one of you having your own malfunctions for the next few hours before the five of you agreed to end it.
"I am going to get a refill, meet you by the door?" Jules asked as you packed up your school belongings. You nodded, allowing her to walk downstairs with her friend as you stayed behind with the two other boys.
"I need to go to the bathroom," Joon called out as the three of you were making your way down the stairs. "I'll be out in a jiffy."
With that, Yoongi and you were stuck around a large crowd of customers trying to get their coffees in this 5 o'clock chilly evening. And one thing about these customers, they loved to push.
"If one more person hits my arm a brawl will unfold," Yoongi proclaims, making sure to raise his voice a bit to make his point come across. Which did nothing as he was granted another push in his arm in return.
Moving you head towards the exit, you made it clear to Yoongi that you two were better off just waiting outside unless you wanted to continue being compressed by total strangers whose been god knows where.
Feeling Yoongi's loss of touch from your shoulder, you sensed a group of friends rudely crossing between you both in order to make it to the front of the shop.
It amazed you how people had no manners in public places.
"Ah!" you shriek, feeling somebody aimlessly hit your body hard, knocking the wind out of you as you fell on your side.
That was until arms wrapped tightly under your upper arms, barely being able to stop your whole body from touching the ground as you felt you legs lay across the cold floor.
With the strong pair of arms effectively pulling you up, it caused you to slam your body against their unknown chest as the mob of customers didn't seem to die down any time soon.
Trying to find some stability, your eyes widened as your peripheral vision was met with a broad chest that you were too scared to figure discover who it belonged to.
This could either end with you meeting the love of you life or encountering a complete weirdo.
Moving your gaze upwards, you were met with familiar brown eyes that creased slightly as a gentle smile was released.
Okay, the second option was indeed your answer.
"Pedro? You fucking scared me!" you pushed him away, slapping his chest as he whined in response, clutching it in pain. "I was going to grab my pepper spray!"
"I see you're still satan," he glared as you crossed your arms. "No 'thank you for saving my severely mentally mad life from the mass of people who could've stamped over me'?"
Expressing an infuriated expression as he scared you, you begin to walk away from him but he quickly pulls you back into his arms and stares down at you. "Why are you leaving?"
"My friends are outside," you declare as he peers over the crowd to see who you were talking about.
He glances back down at you before pushing you straight by your waist, causing you to trust his guidance as he directed you backwards until you were against one of the walls to avoid being crushed again.
"Wait, my friends-"
"You wear glasses?" he slightly grasps the frames propped on your face, generating a strike from you. "What a dweeb you are."
"Isn't this a question you can ask through text?" you remark, causing him to purse his lips at how mediocre you were being.
"Oh come on, kid! I haven't seen you in weeks, it's my right to ask questions," he defends, giving you a staggering look as you sighed.
"And my glasses were the first thing that came to mind? Very clever."
"Would you rather me ask why we say 'cool' when it's not really cold?"
Studying his face in pure boredom, you set out to march past him but he pushes your shoulders back again, forcing you to stay put. "Sorry! Just trying to lighten the mood."
Scanning past him, you tried to locate your friends but to no luck they were absent. Glancing back up at him, you take a deep breath. "I really have to go before they leave me stranded a-."
"I can take you home," he instantly speaks up. "I know where you live remember."
Laughing, you disagree with his proposal. You arrived with Jules, you were leaving with her. But you were curious as to why he hasn't left you alone. It surely couldn't be just to chat about corny jokes-
Actually, you've had many of those conversions in the past.
"Is there a reason why you aren't letting me escape?" you blurt out, making him tilt his head suspiciously, trying to figure out what you were speculating.
His body language became edgy as he motioned his palm out in front of you. "I just so happened to drop by for some coffee and ended up being tackled by you," he confessed, making you scoff. "We haven't talked for some time, I wanted to check up and see how you were doing."
"I am as happy as a clam," you let out a radiant smile, making him squint his eyes and direct them to the side.
"English, please?" he pleaded.
"It means I am very happy," you respond, standing up straighter as he questioned you longer with his eyes as if he didn't believe a single word you were saying. "Everybody knows that expression."
"They really don't," he denies, giving you an awkward smile by your strange dialogue. "Anywho, I've been wanting to talk to you."
"Then why didn't you call?" you accidentally spit out, shutting your mouth as you grasped how bitter it came out.
He caught onto the sound of your tone, registering how unhappy you must've been for abandoning you friendship after strongly bonding for two months.
But he couldn't let you believe he did it on purpose, he had a reason. One that he was finally going to disclose after fighting battles until it was finally approved. "I was preoccupied with something else, I really am sorry," he apologized. "But I was going to reach out today."
Uncomfortably shrugging, you don't put too much thought into it. You didn't want him to assume you were upset, but you had a feeling he could sense it by how tense you were becoming.
"For what?"
He looked around before averting his eyes back to your own, grinning widely. "So I think there's a chance you'd be able to get your internship back."
Standing up straighter, you stared at him dumbfounded. What the hell was he talking about?
"How? They already terminated our useless contracts," you argue. "Why hassle making another one."
"Work for me," he ignores your sour tone, getting straight to the point.
This was why he didn't have time to communicate. Too busy trying to find ways to convince his own boss to keep you, it led to him being in a bad mood after failing each attempt.
He couldn't talk to you knowing his plan went wrong.
After the constant begging, whines, and even going out of his way to format a ridiculous petition as to why you should stay, which centers all interns because he didn't want to throw himself under the bus for you- the main producer eventually gave in.
"You want me to work for you here when you're leaving the country in a few weeks?" you narrow your eyes, confused as to how that was going to work out in the end.
"I was going to sneak you into my suitcase."
"What in the world are you rambling about?" you exhaled sharply.
Pedro grinned brightly as he held onto your shoulders again, "Come with us to Canada."
"No," you quickly answer, not even processing fully but you knew it could never happen.
There was no possible way you could ever go through with this. For one, you can't even leave the country. You parents were so strict they'll probably smuggle drugs in your luggage so you'll be gunned down and locked into the country.
Second, well there really isn't another reason- your parents were enough.
"Oh come on," he whined. "It'll be great! You'll gain so much experience like you've been wanting. Plus, you'd do more hands-on work with the film crew. Think of it as a student exchange program."
"That's literally not what a student exchange program is."
"Stop rejecting the idea. You go to school here, yeah? I assume you're taking classes online because you basically lived at the studio," he implied and you slowly nodded. "We can adjust your schedule to where you'd have time to work and focus on school."
Silently looking to the table nearby, you began digesting what he was going on about. It wasn't a bad idea, but it wasn't an easy one either. "My parents would never let me."
"Give me their number and I'll convince them," he persuades and you sway you head. You wanted to laugh in his face if he really believed he could make your parents agree.
"No," you fight back, watching him exhale loudly by how restrained you were being. "I k-"
"What would Matt Healy do?"
Immediately shutting your mouth, you freeze as he catches you off guard. He did not come to play and knew you well enough to use your weaknesses against you.
He knows Matt Healy would easily agree- that man was literally the devil's spawn.
And god, you just knew Matt would be disappointed in you if you didn't go.
Curse you and your infatuation over this short English man.
Luckily, your thoughts disappeared as you felt a tap on your arm. Looking up, you see Yoongi breathing heavily as Pedro eyes him, unsure if you knew him.
"There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere! My god the lecture your friend gave me about losing you-" he groaned, shivering. "-I was certain she was gonna file a police report."
Slowly averting his eyes to the older man beside you, Yoongi's face fills with curiosity. "Hey, aren't you that one guy from that Netflix show..." he stops, looking up as he tried hard remembering the name. "Narcos!"
Pedro's eyes shoot open as he tries to innocently stretch his body, purposely blocking your view of him, "No." Secretly waving his palm across his neck, he sends Yoongi daggers to keep quiet. Stiffly turning to you, he becomes flustered. "But don't watch that show."
Raising a brow, you decide to drop the random topic and focus your attention back to your friend until you heard another person shriek. The three of you searching to where it came from, you find Namjoon stumble between people, trying his hardest not to fall face first on the floor.
"A jiffy later and I'm back," Joon winks once he's released from the mass.
Pedro scrunches his face. "Jiffy?"
Joon breaks out into smiles once he notices who was with Yoongi and you. "Oh my gosh! What are you doing here? Did you miss us that much?"
"I don't think it was you he missed," Yoongi muttered, making Pedro send him a questionable glance and Joon tilt his head, not sure what he meant.
Wanting to leave this now weirder conversation, you step forward and grab onto Yoongi's shoulder. "Let's go, I wanna breathe." Turning your attention back to Pedro, he swiftly moved his eyes from your hand to your own. "Text me if you need anything else."
"Only you," he sends you a cheeky smile making you blush by how nice he was being. Yoongi glanced at the two of you, dazed as what you two were implying.
Staring at him, you waited for him to say his farewells first so everybody could leave already. Waiting for one, you never received anything but his quiet stance and gaze stuck on you.
It felt strange not feeling the strength to walk away- not even the strength but the need to go anymore as you couldn't take your eyes off him. It also wasn't only you as he couldn't help but bear comfort from the sight of you.
It felt like the both of you were interacting to each other in your minds.
"Are you having a staring contest?" Joon questioned, making your your consciousness come back to life as you looked back at him. Pedro's gaze weakened, but they were still on you as yours was unfortunately long forgotten.
"No," you laughed, now gripping onto Yoongi harder. "But seriously, let's get out of here. See you whenever, Pedro."
Watching as you stayed close to your guy friends in hopes of being secured through the populated room, he sighed to himself. He was sure your friends might confess their own intuitions to you and perceive him as a creep.
The sad part was he knew why your particular friend would have his suspicions. He never knew his age would have that much of an effect, but he never hung out with people that young before unless it was for a project.
Shaking these thoughts away from his head, he chuckled to himself. He shouldn't care about what other people thought, the two of you never engaged in anything but friendly encounters.
He just despised his gut feeling as if he was doing something wrong. People are making him feel this way, that was guaranteed.
But he feels awful how he keeps trying to find ways to see you, too embarrassed to think about the things he done just to see you for not even a minute.
He's just never had a friend like you before. It was nice.
"I can't believe he's offering us a job like that!" Jules exclaimed as Joon and you nodded. Yoongi lived in the opposite direction so he made his departure a few minutes ago as well as her friend. "I can't go."
Widening your eyes, you stared at her. "What? Why?"
She laughs before pointing at herself. "You think I'll be able to properly manage school and work in another country? I barely did that these last two months- I'll just be partying it up at hockey games eating gravy with fries."
"You mean poutine," Joon corrected.
"Same thing," she rolled her eyes. "All I'm saying is, being home made me realize how much I love sleeping. I would rather give that up when I graduate and actually have a real adult job."
She did have a point, she really enjoyed her naps.
"I'll consider it," Joon spoke up, putting his hands inside his hoodie as the three of you continued walking. "Doesn't sound too bad, it'll look good on resumes."
Smiling, you nodded. You weren't sure why you even dared to be happy about this when you were the one wanting nothing to do with the idea not even a half an hour ago.
You just knew your lord was giving you a disapproving glare from the clouds.
Within the next 20 minutes, Joon went his separate way home as Jules and you arrived in front of your shared apartment. Rushing to the bathroom, your roommate excused herself for the next hour for her 'needed' relaxation.
In other words, a bubble bath.
Turning on the tv, you sat down on the couch swiping through boring news channels until you decided to switch to Netflix. You still had to make time for Evan Peters before the night ended.
Clicking on the current season you were on, Freak Show, you began thinking about how massive Evan Peter's hands were. How can his girlfriends survive.
The thought freaked you out, this really was a freak show.
Soon, the next episode began featuring Twisty the clown more and you were terrified by how huge he was. He could crush you with a flick of his fingers.
Knocks on your door alarmed you, making you slightly jump and look towards the bathroom. Your roommate's music was softly playing in the background meaning she probably couldn't hear the blows on the door.
Slowly standing up, you grab the bat you keep near the door, in case someone tries viciously murdering you in your doorway, and go on your tiptoes to see what kind of stranger needed to pay a visit in the middle of the night.
Well, it wasn't even 7 o'clock in the evening yet but you get the point.
Gasping at the sight presented through your little peep hole, you promptly unlock the handles before extending the large door wide. "And why exactly are you here? Miss me that much?" you tease.
Not receiving an answer, you scoff. "Are you really giving me the silent treatment? You're hurting my feelings."
When he didn't react to that either, you felt your face drop. Slowly striding towards him, you notice his head was low as he stared at his shoes. Placing your right palm softly on his left shoulder, you felt him glance up.
Did something happen during your short time apart? Was he in trouble?
Knowing it was really you in front of him, Pedro lunged his body onto yours before you could stop and think about what was happening. Colliding his lips upon yours, you felt your thoughts drift away as he steadily moved forward and made his way inside your warm apartment.
Stopping to swiftly shut the door, you had no time to take in a full breathe before his mouth found yours again. Clutching the back of his head, probably pulling his hair out, you groan as his nails claw your exposed waist, your shirt slowly inching up more and more as the seconds went up. Slipping his tongue inside you, you felt the way his nose hit yours as dominance took over.
He wanted to control all of you.
It wasn't until your legs began wobbling from the long standing when his hands lost your waist, instantly making contact with the back of your thighs, squeezing them, soon allowing them to suffocate his sides. Following his lead, you pull your lips back before diving them to the corner of his jaw as he groaned, walking to god knows where.
You figured out where once you shrieked as your back made contact with your couch, his palms widening your legs in a hurry before situating himself on top of you. Surprisingly, the difference of weight wasn't an issue as he clinged harder against you, moving his hand behind your neck to pull it down, making sure to make you feel the pain of the slight hair tugging.
"What are y-" you softly choke, voice coming out in whimpers as he ignored you. Latching his lips to the top of your chin, he stuck his tongue out, dragging it gradually down your neck as your back arched, needing to feel closer to him if that was even possible. Your wish was his command as he hastily pressed himself against you, making you groan in surprise.
Making his way lower, he passes your neck down to your chest while his hands found their to your collarbone, smoothly rubbing the area up and down before clutching onto it harshly as he continue down his path. Something about the way his soft fingertips applying pressure near your neck as his lips kept kissing the rest of your body had you in wonders. You couldn't believe this was happening.
It wasn't until you felt his mouth near your exposed waist that made you completely lose it. You had long forgotten that Jules was in the room next door when you gasped, feeling his teeth swipe against your skin. "Shhh," he whispered against your lips as a way to silence you. "Don't want to let your friend know I'm here now, do we?"
You could only stammer shaky sounds as he planted a few more deep kisses, slowly pulling away and feeling the wetness of both your mouths descend down. He gave you one last dark gaze before returning his mouth on yours, loving the feeling of the dampness between your faces.
His mouth opening wider, he began intensively tasting you, swiping his tongue around your lips as you tried to keep up with his eagerness. Not giving you much time to catch his pace, you could feel how wet he was making you.
No, he was literally drowning your face.
Pulling back, you squint your eyes and take a few seconds to adjust to the poor lighting in your living room. You were met with dark, green eyes.
Lady Gaga.
Shrieking, you grab the black, green-eyed demon on top of you and throw her off, causing her to let out a loud hiss with the immediate sounds of footsteps following afterwards.
"Lady Gaga!" you hear Jules squeal in her pink robe, wrapping the nauseating cat in her arms before turning to you, giving you a look of rage. "Did you throw her?!"
"She licked me!"
Jules scoffed harshly before hurling a nearby pillow at you, allowing it to hit your face in full force before stomping back to her door and violently slamming it shut.
You fucking hated that cat.
Laying back against the couch, you rubbed your red face in humiliation. Not only did you have an intense dream about Pedro but you're pretty sure you just had a full on make-out session with a cat.
Groaning, you couldn't believe what was happening to you. Why would you dream about him-
No- why would you have one doing not so child friendly activities?!
You just know you'll never be able to face him with a straight face, too embarrassed to even be near him now without thinking about this moment.
It wasn't even like you thought about him in that way- you didn't.
Maybe your time of the month was approaching or you were in desperate need of a date because there's no way any normal human being would fantasize over some older man that way.
Okay, maybe it was possible.
But that was definitely not you...even though you just did. Although, you did see the comparison between him and Lady Gaga.
They looked kind of alike- right? Same whiskers.
One thing that was certain was you were never going to tell anybody about this. If people believed for one second you had feelings for him, which you don't, you'll never hear the end of it.
He was not your type nor close to your age. It would never happen.
Sighing, you close your eyes and silently send out a prayer to not engage in another session with the demonic cat. Maybe sleep will make you think clearly once awoken and abolish all these wild concepts floating through your head.
But once you were actually awoken, your mind still wasn't clear- or maybe it was because the pounding on your door ultimately pulled you from your slumber.
Stretching your arms, you scratch the top of your head as you try to open your eyes but it was no use, you were way too tired to fully engage with anybody right now.
Completely avoiding looking through the peep hole, which was a red flag on your part, you swing the door open to find a man who looked like Pedro standing on the other side of it.
Groaning aloud, you slap yourself as he takes this by surprised, not sure why you just did that.
How are you having another dream about him? Was this the bad luck needed after scoring tickets to your favorite band? Is this some kind of sick revenge someone has against you?
Pointing at Lady Gaga, who was dressed up as Pedro, you rudely spit out the words needed to be said. "You are just a cat. Nothing happened between us."
With that, you step back inside, ignoring Lady Gaga's attempts of trying to gain your attention by waving their arms in front of you. Making your way to your room, you see Jules walk out of hers.
"Who was that at the door?" she questions, hearing another round of knocks appear.
You tiredly wave your hand in nonsense, denying that thought. "It was Lady Gaga, go back to bed."
Jules sends you a bewildered look as you enter your bedroom and face-plant on your cozy bed, allowing sleep to reel you back in. Turning her head, she looks at Lady Gaga who was sitting casually by her bedroom door.
"She is turning fucking nuts," she whispers to herself before swiftly opening the door to reveal a very confused Pedro. "What's up?"
Pedro's concerned face takes over his actions as he jumps to his eager questions. "Is y/n okay? She thought I was a cat."
Jules shrugs, rubbing her eyes with her palm. "Who knows, I think she's getting over her coffee hangover."
Pedro carefully nods, still skeptical as to what happened to you. What did you mean nothing happened between you two? Did something happen that he wasn't aware of?
Were you hiding something from him?
Gracelessly gesturing his leave, Pedro walked quickly down the hall as Jules stood there for a moment too tired to comprehend why he paid the apartment a visit this early in the morning. The sun was barely out, why did he come?
After shutting the door and taking a seat on the couch, she laid back and stared at the ceiling. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but for some reason a strange intellect emerged out of nowhere.
She shrugged it off, instantaneously knocking out, too exhausted to conquer her suspicions.
taglist: @thesapphirequeen @floralsightings @wrathofcats
491 notes · View notes
xlpoww · 9 months
would it be enough?
Anonymous asked: I have a request 🤭 can you write a fic/blurb/imagine (your choice!) where reader surprises sanji with a meal or dish they made for his birthday or something?? bc they wanted to surprise him and how he would react? (reader is a terrible cook 😂)
Warnings: none! (unless you count tooth rotting fluff?)
word count: 619
opla! sanji x g/n! reader
there’s frosting smeared onto your nose somehow, it should be impossible considering you didn't even have a cake to frost yet. the chef’s beloved kitchen is in disarray, utensils scattered about and various powders and liquids covering the counter. you’re trying your absolute best to craft sanji a birthday cake, managing to stay up long enough for everyone else to fall asleep. in the dark of the night you began your plan.
had you ever baked before today? well.. no? but it couldn’t be so hard now could it. you knew better than to attempt anything too extravagant, purchasing a box cake mix from the last island your ship had docked at. the box of triple chocolate cake mix now taunting you from the garbage can you had tossed it into. why wouldn’t your cake bake?
3 eggs? check! you’d added the water- hadn’t you? and you definitely added the oil, so what was wrong? had you not beat the batter well enough? what does vigorously even mean!
you cant help the frustrated grumbling as you pull the pan out of the oven yet again, placing it onto the counter with a clunk. you aggressively pull of your oven mitts, tossing them to the side. unbeknownst to you, your attempts at a surprise had failed. sanji had woken up to the sound of you dropping an egg on the ground and loudly saying “SHIT!” curious to what was happening and if you were safe, the blond had made his way to the kitchen.
the sight he’s met with brings an adoring smile to his lips, as he leaned onto the doorway of the kitchen to watch. the confusion etched on your face was nothing short of endearing, and the pout you were sporting had a vice grip on his heart. his eyes scan the kitchen in hopes of offering you any advice, when they land on the oven he can’t help the laugh that falls from his lips. at the sound you raise your head, eyes wide as he shakes his head with that same loving smile.
“my love, what’s got you up in the middle of the night like this?”
“sanji! you weren’t supposed to be awake!” there’s a frown on your face as you look at him. you make no attempt to hide your plan, the bright colored birthday candles out in plain sight. with a defeated sigh you motion to the table in front of you. “i wanted to surprise you for your birthday”
“all this trouble just for me darling?” he walks towards you, a smile so bright anyone would think he’d just got the best news of his life. when he reaches you his arms wrap around you in a hug, holding you close as he leans down to kiss your cheek. “you’re too cute y/n, what a lucky man i am.” his words and affection warm your heart, a giggle falling from your lips as you wrap your arms around his torso to hug him back.
 “i love you sanj,” you nuzzle your head closer into his chest. the sound of his heartbeat does wonders to ease your tension. 
after another squeeze he pulls away from you, turning to look at the counter. he takes a moment before picking up the pan and placing it back into the oven. you look at him with a tilt of your head, and he winks, pressing a button on the stovetop and the oven roars to life.
“i love you more sweetheart, even if you forgot to turn on the oven.” it feels like your whole body lights on fire, and with a level of shame you didn’t know was possible, you screech.
Taglist: @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @teenyforestfairy @gothicuwusposts @cheesesoda @scentisterror @shuujin @gcldtom
180 notes · View notes
ohsjy · 6 months
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ᡴꪫ broken i love yous , after a break up jake sends one last message to you , angst ex!jake
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a lighter was lit in the dark of the night. the chilly air caused goosebumps to rise on jake's arm. he could hear your faint voice telling him to put on a jacket but he just shook it away.
it had been three days since his break up with you and here he is, sitting on the porch with a cigarette between his fingers. he promised you he wouldn't smoke everyday, that it was just a stress reliever but now he's breaking his promise.
he promised you a lot of things. promised to stay with you forever. promised to hold you.
promised to love you. and that one he thinks he'll keep forever.
but for now he cant help but wonder what you're doing. are you crying your heart out every five minutes because your heart hurts or are you out finding new people to love?
the only thing jake can do is wonder. he's scared if he even tries to look for you he'll cave and break down. you wanted this and even though you reassured him it wasn't his fault, he thinks it is.
jake takes out another cigarette but before he lights it he remembers your words.
"don't smoke jakey, i want you to be with me forever."
a scoff falls from his lips. you spoke so many lies, so many promises unkept. did you know you were gonna break him? was this your whole plan? because jake really loved you. he'd jump in front of a train if it meant to save you.
jakes phone lit up and just for a second he thought it was you. he hoped it wasn't but deep down he really did want it to be you. he wanted you to apologize and tell him how much you loved him. that you were the worst person ever to break up with someone like him.
jake opened an unread message and sighed. it wasn't you, just a close friend checking up on him. as jake was about to turn off his phone, your contact caught his eye.
he knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help it. he typed out the words 'i love you' like if he was still dating you. like you would actually respond back and tell him you love him too.
jake realized it was all over. you had a clear explanation why you needed to break up with him, so it's really over. jake hit the send button and watched the delivered turn to read.
his breath got stuck in his throat. he thought his wishes came true. you would reply and everything would go back to normal but instead you didn't send anything. you didn't even type anything.
jake felt like he was suffocating. that was his last 'i love you' to you. the very last one that gave him only a silver of hope. but now he's really feeling hopeless.
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© ohsjy , idk what this is or how this came about. i just know that i really want to give jake a hug bc this broke my heart.
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moonjxsung · 8 months
SCREAMING ITS 7AM OMG girly I could talk about changbin ALL DAY AND NIGHT 😫
Please like the lowkey "moving in" to your apartment thing akfhsisueh and him in his PJS AAAH WHYS THAT SO CUTE
And the sexual tension! God it'd be so high! Changbin just exudes sexual tension and I love it so fucking much! 10/10 would be the BIGGEST tease 😭 imagine you walking in on him in the shower and he's like "ya if you wanted to look you could've asked" WITH THAT FKN SMIRK HE DOES or if you're showering he would totally try and sneak a peak.
GOD THE JEALOUSY SEX ugh you're reading my mind 😍 would give you so so so many orgasms, always with the "you can give me another yeah" followed by a sweet kiss to your lips as he pushes his cock back into as you arch your back for the umpteenth time that night 😫
Okay okay but imagine this: you finally FINALLY had a break from him for a night to yourself, but the sexual tension lately had just been getting to you too much you just really needed to take care of yourself. So you set yourself up for a night of pleasure, wearing one of his shirts he just happened to leave behind, legs spread in bed on the pile of plushies he so greatfully bought for you (thanks for this thought 😵‍💫) you lie back and relax and just think of him...changbin...(I can't write smut to save my life buttt) your touching yourself to the thought of him, hands between your legs, moaning so loud you didn't hear the door open and close, hands on your boobs as you pinch your nipples and whimper, wishing it was his hands, so lost in the feeling you don't see the figure of your best friend hiding behind your bedroom door as you left it slightly ajar, who needs to close it anyway when you're home alone, it's not like you planned to have your best friend come over and surprise you with your favourite snacks and a movie? But what's he to do now? He's locked onto the hands that disappear in your pussy, salivating at the sight, should he leave? Should he stay? He's frozen in place. All he wants to do is have a taste, come crawling between your legs as you whimper for him to help, "hurts binnie...need you" your fingers tangle in his hair, back so far off the bed and he locks a fat stripe from your whole to your aching clit and makes out with it. He's so hard for you it hurts straining against his sweats. He's shaken out of his thoughts when he hears you, YOU, moaning HIS name....
Muahahah you're welcome bestie ily 💖🫶
THE SMIRK!!! THE FUCKING SMIRK!!!! Or that lip bite he does!!!!!!!!! He’d SO weaponize it against you to make you weak for him 😭😭 ALSO CATCHING YOU MASTURBATING TO HIM???? BESTIE….. he’d go INSANE. He would stand in the doorway for a hot MINUTE just watching you and taking in every inch of you thinking the dirtiest fucking thoughts before he hears you moaning HIS NAME?? and he’s instantly hard. Like ROCK hard. No going back now, mans is busting into your room and you don’t even notice until he starts with the stupid giggling. Instantly you’re like WHAT THE FUCK CHANGBIN…. And he’s all “no, no, I didn’t mean to interrupt you, please continue” and you’re reluctant and he can fucking see it so he chimes in with “what, now you’re gonna get all shy on me? You need some help with that?” And you want to say no bc you’re caught in the most awkward moment of your life but you’re also fucking aching for him, literally minutes away from your release when he interrupts you and you don’t give a fuck what it’s going to change between you two so you have to ask him all shyly “maybe just your hands…?” And he wastes NO time getting all over you, ripping off your panties to stick a finger in and work you while he whispers the filthiest things in your ear “could’ve just asked if you wanted me to fuck you. How long have you been here like this? And you haven’t finished yet? You poor thing, I’ll help you, yeah? Only you’re going to give me more than one- you’re gonna let me satisfy you as long as I want.” And you can’t protest because he’s already knuckles deep in your sopping cunt rubbing your clit with his thumb and coaxing your first orgasm out of you…. Which obviously turns into multiple within the same hour of each other, you writhing under his muscular grasp of you as he licks you clean. And the neighbors can definitely hear the whimpered moans through your thin apartment walls but Changbin doesn’t care when you express your concern “let them listen, want them to know how good I fuck you. They had to listen to you fake it for so many shitty men, let them hear what a real man does for you baby.” And veryyyy quickly turns into an arrangement where you’re discovering the filthiest, nastiest things about yourself- you can squirt, you like handcuffs when he’s got your hands behind your back, you like temperature play and tasting yourself… the list goes on 🫠 and he’s right about the whole thing, you really haven’t had a real sexual partner until him! You guys go out together and he shoots you that smirk and it takes nothing for your panties to be soaked again before you’re leaving the event early with him and getting fucked in the backseat of his car. The Changbin effect……. 😵‍💫🫶
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crazystargirl · 9 months
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overheated ☆
pairing ☆ - ethan landry x reader
word count ☆ - 0.7k !
a/n ☆ - my sister chose the song for this one and it took forever to come up with an idea for it but finally figured it out, plz send ideas for the songs tho bc i literally have no clue what i'm doing more than half the time 💀
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"i don't really know why you went there"
your roommate, anika, had dragged you to some lame frat party since her friends were going and she saw you moping around in the dorm
you were only really close to her and ethan who was in your econ class
you made a beeline towards ethan after a bit since anika left you to go hang out with her girlfriend which you didn't mind since you didn't expect her to stay with you the whole time
you see ethan standing with chad who was probably trying to get ethan to go and date someone
"hey ethan!" you say, coming over to the boys
ethan sees you stumble and a bit and holds onto your waist to make sure you don't fall over
"hey y/n" chad looks at ethan with a shocked expression since he knew ethan wasn't the type to just touch a girl randomly
after a while, chad had ran off, probably to find himself someone while you and ethan were sitting on a chair together, you on the chair and him on the arm of it
you see him check a text and look annoyed, quickly wiping the expression off his face when he sees you staring
"what happened?" you ask looking up at ethan, somewhat drunk at this point
"nothing…i have to go now, go home with anika ok?" ethan says, getting up and giving you a hug and leaving quickly
you're confused since you didn't know where ethan went and why he went alone since he usually always left with a party with the friend group or chad
"i kinda don't care, you wanna kill me"
you decided to go home about 10 minutes after ethan left, quickly letting anika know so she wouldn't worry
you didn't really care at this point why ethan had left early and were more concerned about getting home quickly
unknown to you, ethan was watching you walk home, didn't you know not to walk alone while intoxicated?
as much as he wanted to go over there and walk you home, that wouldn't match his personality right now
he was in his ghostface costume and had quickly fled the alley he was in after killing a group of kids there
he did feel the urge to kill someone else tonight and you certainly were playing the part of a victim right now but he couldn't bring himself to do it since he would ruin the plan
"you wanna hurt me"
after that night, ethan had been brainstorming different ways to kill the victims and unfortunately whenever he thought of a victim, you were always the first person who came to mind
sweet little y/n was just so vulnerable that night and would've probably been the perfect victim to kill if he didn't love you so damn much
his dad had told him not to get attached to anyone and when quinn had found out he was somewhat obsessed with y/n, saying she was shocked was an understatement 
quinn knew ethan loved her and was chill with it since y/n was going to have to die eventually but she never expected her dorky nerdy brother wanting to hurt y/n so badly
honestly ethan knew his ideas were fucked up but wouldn't it be fun to have someone to just hurt? and then after he could take care of her wounds and cuddle with her
ethan had tried to convince his dad before to let him keep y/n but he said no everytime. wayne knew of ethan's attachment and once he found out he immediately told quinn that she would be the one to kill y/n because god knows what ethan would do
"stop bein' flirty"
ethan often flirted with you in order to get your attention but you seemed oblivious to his attempts until Tara pointed it out to you
ever since she told you, you would always get flustered whenever he flirted or sent you a sweet text
"it's kinda workin'"
more and more everyday, you fell for ethan landry's flirty remarks
mindy had told you to be careful around since he seemed like the person most likely to be ghostface
you didn't really listen to her, brushing off her remarks everytime as just her suspicions nature
and poor you, quinn knew that you were falling for her psycho brother and there was absolutely nothing she could do. she knew that you'd have to go eventually but she didn't think ethan torturing you before your death would do any good
after all she was still your best friend
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taglist ☆ - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @abodyhasbeenfound
lmk if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!
©insidethepalemoonlight || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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mouschiwrites · 9 months
HII POOKIEE!! I wanted to request something for ninjago if that was okay with you😋
Basically hc's about all of the main ninja having a rocky relationship with the reader who is their little sister. They have a rocky relationship bc of things that happen in the past (like family issues that they blame each other for ya feel me?) and it leads to them having arguments in the present. Sometimes it gets so bad they have full on arguments where they yell at each other and blame each other for that specific event in the past(and for some scenarios the fighting gets so intense the other ninja have to break them up😋.) In the end however they reflect on the past and apologize to one other and that's the starting step of fixing their relationship as siblings. (also you can choose if you want kai and nya to be in the same scenario or different ones whatever is easier for you🤍🤍)
Hopefully that made sense I'm so sorry if it didn't!! Anyways have a nice day/night pookie and remember to drink water.🤍🤍
Of course lovebug!! You sweet thing,,,,
This turned out pretty long, so settle in campers
Ninjago - Elemental Masters' Rocky Relationship with Their Little Sister
(you're the adoptive daughter of Dr. Julien)
You were human. He was a robot. Issues were bound to arise
Ever since you were young, you always competed for Dr. Julien's attention
Though it was never spoken, you both felt that you were his real kid, and your sibling was not
You saw it as a huge win when Zane's memory switch was flipped and he was cast out of your lives
You stayed with Dr. Julien, finally feeling like his real child
But as the years passed, you found yourself missing Zane more and more
When you reunited, it was the happiest day of all of your lives
The three of you cried and hugged more than you'd ever done before or since
For a while it was perfect... too perfect
You didn't compete for Dr. Julien's attention anymore, but you didn't exactly talk it out either
When Dr. Julien died, the problems sprang back
In your grief, both of you took it out on each other
"You were always his favorite! All those years, you know what he talked about? 'Zane, Zane, Zane!' It made me sick! And where were you?! Not there! Not with us!"
"You think I wanted to go away? Do you even know the pain I went through? You wouldn't understand; you're a human. And all the while you were living happily ever after with him!"
It was off-putting for the others, seeing Zane so angry so often
They hated seeing him like this, so they devised a plan
One night, you were told to head to the TV room to watch a movie
It was dark when you entered, and someone locked the door behind you
The lights turned on, and Zane was on the couch
You were both shocked to see each other
He had been told the same thing as you
But you both had been duped! :O
Before you could bark anything at him, and before he could spit anything at you, the TV turned on
One of Dr. Julien's videos he filmed when you were both young started playing
He was laughing, trying to hold the camera still as you tugged on his arm
"I wanna tell Zane I love him too!"
"Hold on, Y/n, I've only just pressed the record button... Hahaha, okay, okay, you win! Here."
"Zane, I looooveee youuu!! Even though you're made of metal, you're still my brother and, and, and I don't want another one, even if he's human."
When the tape cut, you both glanced over at each other
Your eyes were filled with sorrow, your former hostility forgotten
You got to talking about your childhood, especially your memories with Dr. Julien
The talk ended with you two hugging tightly, not saying anything more
There was so much more to discuss, but you both knew that this was a good start to fixing what you once had
Growing up, you were both begrudging dancers
You bonded over sore feet and hating dance competitions, and you were thick as thieves
But as the years went by, you saw Cole's contempt shine through more and more
When he said he was going away to an art school to continue to study dance, you knew he was lying
It made you angry that he wasn't as devoted to dancing as you were
Sure, you didn't really like it either, but it's what you were raised on
Besides, it made your father so happy to see his kids dancing on a stage
Didn't he see it? Why would he just walk away from dancing? He didn't hate it any more than you did, and he was far from talentless
Letters from Cole were few and far between, and you felt a pang of rage whenever your father would read them aloud at dinner
Here you were, working your bones to dust to become the skilled dancer your father wanted you to be, while he was out there doing lord knows what
AND he was lying about it; that was what really got you
You started sending letters back in secret, berating him harshly for lying and interrogating him about what he was really up to
He ignored your letters, but started slipping snide comments into the ones he sent to your father
He must have known that they would be read aloud to you
You returned the snarkyness tenfold in your letters, and things only escalated as years passed
When he finally took the time to visit home, your blood was absolutely BOILING
He was so obviously lying about everything! Why didn't your father see it sooner?
You both put on friendly faces in front of him, but when you were alone the tension culminated
You exploded at him about abandoning you and your family's legacy
He exploded at you about being so cold to him for doing what you didn't have the courage to do
"You think I want to dance? No! But do you see me running off with some weirdos, punching and kicking other weirdos? No!"
"You're just mad because I'm happy now! Or is being dad's perfect little ballerina really just so satisfying for you?"
The argument ended abruptly when you burst into tears
He was right, and you hated it
He softened when he saw you crying; he knew that, all these years, you were really just taking out your fears and frustrations on him
But that didn't excuse your behavior, nor did it excuse the way he reflected your aggression right back
Gritting his teeth and huffing, he put out a hand for you to take
"I'm... sorry."
You looked at him, surprised
Seeing him made you remember how close you used to be
You wanted that again. You wanted him to show you how to be happy like he was
"Me too. It wasn't right, what I did to you. Can we start over?"
"I can't forget what you did. But I can forgive you. I think."
It would take time, but it would happen. That's all you really wanted.
Kai and Nya
You felt left behind
At first, when Kai started training to be a ninja, you still had Nya to share your woes
But then she started getting secretive
You noticed the muscles in her arms becoming toned; more toned than they should've been from basic mechanic work
You knew something was up, and your suspicions were proven right when you discovered that Nya was a samurai
You still bonded over not being taken seriously as fighters, but you could feel the gap between you widening
When she became the water ninja, you never felt more alone
Years of having to hang back on every mission, being used as leverage by villains, never being seen as more than a damsel in distress... and now you had no one to confide in
It made you so bitter
Your sweet, youthful innocence that made you the adored little sister figure of the group dissolved
You were touchy and guarded, especially when it came to Nya and Kai
Mainly you channeled your anger into passive-aggressive comments, but you also provoked your siblings quite often, which earned you the same treatment you were giving them
"Oh my--- Kai, can you actually shut up? I'm trying to read!"
"I'm literally training! What do you want me to do? Just put your stupid book down and go do something useful. Oh, wait, you can't!"
The others would often have to step in to defend Kai and Nya from your constant verbal attacks, and vice-versa
One night, the three of you were alone on the Bounty
A particularly volatile argument ensued
You let it slip that you felt weak powerless compared to them, and that it pained you to see them running off kicking butt together while you had to hang back
They were both floored by this
Nya ran over to hug you right away
"Y/n... I remember how that felt. I can't believe I didn't think of you when I went off to become the water ninja."
Though Kai couldn't relate, he recognized that you had been alienated
He joined the hug
"I know I haven't always been as close with you as Nya... I want to fix that. I want to fix this."
"Really..? Then... can you train me? So I can come along on missions with you guys?"
"Are you kidding? Let's head to the dojo right now!"
You all knew you'd still have to deal with being less powerful than your elemental master siblings, but at least you wouldn't feel as powerless as you've been all these years
You were the children of the dark lord, of course you hated each other
It was just part of what you both thought was your "evil" nature
But when Lloyd went off to Darkley's, you were alone
You decided to run away with aspirations of starting your own evil gang
But, being so young, you obviously failed
You actually ended up in the care of your estranged mother, who showed you the light
You turned away from your evil past and instead joined Misako on her archaeological adventures
Imagine your surprise when you reunited with Lloyd all those years later when Wu needed Misako's assistance
You'd think that, with both of you no longer being evil, that you'd get along now
For some reason, you still couldn't find it in your hearts to be nice to one another
It was second nature to treat each other like garbage
You argued, pulled pranks, provoked each other, sabotaged each other, destroyed each other's things... the list went on
The other ninjas were wary of your relationship
They were wondering if this was within the realm of "normal" sibling rivalry
Their final cue that it was not normal was when it continued after Lloyd drank the tomorrow's tea
He acted mature and level-headed towards everyone and everything except you
They knew that this was a real problem; how could Lloyd be expected to defeat Garmadon when he couldn't even try to be nice to his little sister?
They staged an intervention, which Lloyd was surprisingly receptive to
He didn't like it, but he knew he had to try to cultivate a better relationship with you
So, he stopped antagonizing you (as much as he could manage)
You noticed, and somehow you felt compelled to do the same
You could never completely abandon your old ways, but deep down you both knew it was for the better
Neither of you wanted to keep this up forever, so you might as well stop now
By the time the final battle was on the horizon, you managed your first ever remotely pleasant interaction:
"Hey Lloyd... don't die. Please."
"Same to you. Stay safe."
You always hated Jay, and he always hated you
Your earliest memory was literally him trying to steal your toy, and you throwing it in his eye
You had no explanation for this, only a burning rage that never seemed far from your mind, especially when Jay was around
It certainly didn't help that you two were practically joined at the hip your whole lives
This, too, you had no explanation for
You just always followed each other
When he went off to be a ninja, you went off too
You didn't regret it one bit, especially when you befriended Nya
She taught you so many things, and you became a skilled mechanic with her guidance
But one thing you didn't like about Nya was how she always pointed out the similarities between you and your brother
"Huh. Jay taps his fingers in the same pattern when he's bored, too."
"What? Tch, he must be copying me."
You were livid when Jay started showing an interest in Nya
You were convinced that he was trying to steal her from you just to spite you
Unfortunately, this resulted in Nya frequently being caught in the middle of your arguments (literally)
"Nya wants to finish her project with me!"
"No, she wants to watch a movie with me!"
It was Nya's hardheaded nature that diffused these arguments
"I don't want to hang out with either of you if you're going to be so immature."
She kept to this promise; from that moment, she completely ignored the both of you
This drove you closer to one another
You both knew that you'd have to stop your constant arguing if either of you ever wanted to talk to Nya again
"Look, I don't want to be ignored forever any more than you do. So, I guess we can start with... I don't know, why do you hate me, Y/n?"
"Because... I... I... I don't know. Why do you hate me, Jay?"
"... I don't know."
"So all these years we've antagonized each other-"
"For no reason??"
"That's so stupid!"
"You're stupid! ...Sorry, that was a reflex."
"No, you're right. It looks like we're both idiots."
It would take a long time to forget habits literally tracing back to your births, but you would both try your hardest
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Sorry this turned out pretty long ^^" hope you enjoyed anyway! Thanks for reading this far,, and thank you anon for your request!
(divider by saradika)
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