#i didnt think i would like horror movies when i first started watching them. i thought i wouldnt like feeling scared! but i usually dont
ispyspookymansion · 2 years
hi kora as you are the resident horror expert and i have never watched a horror movie (at most ive been in the room as a kid while my cousin watched them, but never for more than a few minutes) do you have any recommendations for someone who gets scared easily and doesnt really like feeling afraid? i like watching people play horror games sometimes but it's easier to have the scary elements filtered through their reactions and commentary. I'm mainly asking because I'd like to watch horror movies because I think I'd enjoy the narrative elements of it but if i get too scared i wouldnt be able to watch a whole movie. you don't have to answer this if you don't want but if you do then thank you!!
also if this helps i mainly have trouble with heavy gore/body horror (some is fine just not like. the whole movie.) and jumpscares (idk if those are really common in horror movies but I know theyre a staple of horror games)
oh hiiiiii <3 delighted to be your little horror gateway!! im not sure if youre looking for slashers or something a little plot heavier, but thats my favorite subgenre, so forgive a but od a bias towards them. oh, and yes, most movies do have at least one big jumpscare :( theyre not my favorite kind of horror at all so none of these are chock full of them, but almost every horror movie’s got a few. you can check them on wheresthejump if youre super worried!!
first, just about anything from the 70s or 80s probably wont scare you all that much because of the limitations in quality. i would stay away from cronenberg if body horror isnt your thing, but theres lots of fun to be had in those decades that either isnt super gory or didnt have the budget/tech to be disturbingly gory to our modern eyes! im also um…..desensitized to movie gore, so take anything i say with a grain of salt. okay! lets rec!
(these first ones are a little on the sillier side)
- nightmare on elm street
- happy death day
- creepshow
- scream
- an american werewolf in london
- cabin in the woods
- ready or not
- the lost boys
- night of the creeps
(these are less silly, but i tried to keep all really big scares off while giving some nice plot driven ones)
- carrie
- halloween
- night of the living dead
- candyman
- antiviral
- alien
- dawn of the dead
- lake mungo
- the hitcher
- pyewacket
- kristy
and if you follow me then you know im a huge fan of saw, child’s play, IT 2017, and reanimator, all of which i cant recommend enough! but i’m so fond of them that i have no idea if they’re really scary or not…..anyways! thats a little list for you with some that are very common and some that are a little less known, i tried to put a little of everything in there, sorry for my bias against supernatural horror :/ if theres something that looks interesting and you want to know more about how scary it is or the content warnings shoot an ask or a dm!! hopefully this is helpful, i hope you have fun <3
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miyhhowrites · 1 month
Pjsk boys x gf who is older than them so she treats and calls them her baby? Fem reader plzz alsp hcs plz, tyy <3
Tsukasa tenma, rui kamishiro, toya aoyagi, akito shinonome x F! Reader(separate)
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✮A/N: yayayayayy fantasista gang!! Was gonna post this on tsukasa's birthday but forgot.. so sorry if it looks rushed!! :'(( idk if you wanted me to include len and kaito aswell but you only said pjsk boys and kaito and len arent from pjsk so i decided not to add them..
✮Synopsis: general hc's for the squad🔥🔥
✮Contains: no warnings! May have a few grammatical errors but thats it, fem reader!(Though pronouns arent mentioned)
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✮Tsukasa tenma!
-When tsukasa started dating you, he would think that he would be the clingy one, that was a mistake..
-whenever both of you were around, he would often get teased by his friends, but nevertheless, it was funny, as he was a grade lower than yours..
-both of you would get nicknames such as father and mother, cause of how mature you look and how you care for others as if theyre your children, and tsukasa? He cares for his peers as if they were his siblings! A good match if you say so;)
-speaking of nicknames, he loves making you nicknames and so do you! He'd call you my love, darling or honey, you? You love calling him sweetheart, darling too, and babe
-whenever he's practicing his lines for a show, you'd sometimes sneak up on him and hug him from behind, at first he'd be surprised, but eventually getting used to it
-despite you being the oldest in the relationship, he's more reliable than you.. he loves helping you with your studies.. even though you're the oldest, and you love giving him your old notes, occasionally, both of you spend more time at the library
-when cuddling, his favorite position would be him resting on your chest, your taller, so he likes to be the little spoon sometimes.., he'd nuzzle into your chest and would fall asleep then and there
-tsukasa would pout when you kiss anywhere his face except for his lips, its funny how he gets red, expecting you to kiss his lips but i. Reality? You would kiss him everywhere but his lips
-"hey.. are you doing this on purpose..?! I didnt do anything wrong did i..?"
-when visiting his place, saki would be the first one to greet you, hugging you while squealing, oh how she loved to have an older sister!!
-nevertheless, tsukasa likes the way you cling onto him, he feels warm.. back then.. he didnt receive that much attention from his parents as his parents were busy taking of his little sister, so, seeing you shower him with love and affection, makes him feel lucky and proud to have you.
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✮Rui kamishiro!
-Rui doesn't mind being pampered by you, heck he loves it!! Sometimes he'll do the pampering but it's mostly just you :3
-Rui may be sly and cunning, but he blushes ALOT when you call him any nicknames such as "baby" or "honey" he'll give you an awkward chuckle accompanied by the blush on his cheeks<3
-Rui doesn't really care about you being older than him, that gives him an excuse to act immature just to tease you!
-His classmates often envy him of having a girlfriend that's older than him, some boys would come up to him and ask "howd you manage to get her?" Or something like that..! Though all he replies are shrugs..
-WILL BRING YOU WHENEVER HE GOES TO THE CINEMA, like, rui's probably 17-18 considering he's a 3rd year, you're probably 18-19?? He'll bring you to the cinema to watch horror movies that are too graphic for the younger audiences
-would sometimes ask you for the lessons you learned during your school year, so that he could learn in advance!
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✮Toya aoyagi!
-will definitely look up to you!!
-gives you the biggest amount of respect since youre older than him
-would often ask you for advice since youre older than him, he feels as if he had some kind of strong bond with you, sometimes it would be simple ones, and sometimes its really confusing to the point you search it up
-will blush awkwardly when you call him "baby" or any other lovely nicknames
-WOULD BE EASILY SOFTENED WHEN YOU CUDDLE WITH HIM!! his fave cuddling position would be where his head would rest on his lap, he likes it when you play with his hair TRUST!! He'll easily calm down when you tell him some assuring words while playing his hair<33
-really, REALLY likes it when you pamper him with care and love, do you notice his parents? Sure they're not that good but.. they're somewhat distant? So.. having you close by him is pretty new.. at first he would be easily flustered but eventually, he'd get used to it
-Toya here is very reliable, sometimes the other way around, both of you take turns when helping each other, he's pretty mature so when you act "childish" he'll simply tell you so!
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✮Akito shinonome!
-when akito first met you, he would put on his "nice guy persona" time gradually passes by and he put the mask away
-isnt that used to receiving affection.. when you call him baby or pamper him even just a bit, he gets red and would often murmur out something or look away
-has deep respect for you, since your older than him, its obvious he'd treat you much nicer and respectful
-does tease you here and there.. would sometimes tell you your shoes are untied only to find that they werent..
-accepts any forms of gifts you give him... Even if theyre a bit.. cringey.. still he finds it cute
-SUCKS AT STUDYING, will always ask you to teach him, if not, lets you answer his homework
-"hey.. uh y/n? Could you help me out here?" He asks, showing you a math problem he finds difficult
-your older than him so its just like the others, would ask you for advice whenever he's lost
-secretly loves it when you pamper him with affection, sure he may be gruffy or rude to others, but deep down he's very clingy and would get protective of you when something isnt right..
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Rui kamishiro: @nogenderbee
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whole-circus · 11 months
hi dear ! could you maybe do liu, jane and toby with a reader that collects haunted dolls ? my special interest is spirits and haunted materials so i am super interested in haunted dolls, i’d love to see some cute headcanons with a reader like that ♥︎ maybe add in some gothic lolita fashion too ? thank you ! gn reader would be fine .
Homicidal Liu, Jane the Killer and Ticci Toby with gothic lolita reader that collects haunted dolls!
➥ Hi hun!! Its such a cool idea!! I kinda mixed it up together so hope its still fine!! Take care!!!
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Homicidal Liu
Liu is pretty open-minded person, like he is just glad you got somethig you are interested in!! Haunted dolls? Oh okay, he didnt expected that..isnt it a bit creepy? But even if he has no idea what is going on then he would love to hear you talk to him about your special interest!! Like come on!! He wants to hear everything, do they have names? Can you talk with them? ..Why are they haunted in the first place..? Introduce them to him!! Your eyes lit up in pretty way so he wants you to keep talking (plus he is obv interested!!). Liu isnt really scared, just a bit distant at first. Give him some time, and he will even take care of them if you couldnt be with them!
About your fashion sense, you are absolutely mesmerezing to him! Boy could stare at you for hours but that would propably be too creepy. Even if his fashion sense is pretty basic, Liu would totally let you dress him up!! He won't match your fashion sense at daily basis, but enjoys you making him look all pretty and he just loves spending more time with you! That way he can actually feel why you like to wear what you wear! Absolutely adores how well aesthetically you match to your interests.
Jane the Killer
Oh i feel like she would actually be into all this creepy, unsettling stuff! Horror movies, urban legends and of course haunted dolls! You are perfect match tbh. Jane is obviously curious about your collection, its impressive and she just love hearing you talking!! Like she would literally look at you with this sweet and caring gaze, maybe even holding you on her lap and caress your hair as you just spare informations with her! Treats your dolls with respect, and likes to keep them clean and safe (but if you dont feel comfy with letting other people touching you collections then she is more than fine too!), she is anything but scared!
I just love, love the idea of Jane being goth. Maybe a victorian one or romantic? Please it fits her soooo well! Yeah but thats just me saying silly things. So with your gothic lolita fashion, you match pretty well! You both will look amazing and you are this great looking couple whenewer you show up anywhere 😭 Would also like to try your style just for fun and do the same for you!!
Ticci Toby
Toby is scared and interested all at once!! Loves hearing you talking but would be scared to sleep at night.. better not leave him alone with them. He propably starts to remember all horror movies about haunted dolls and is scared for his life that they would kill him.. Just reassure him that its nothing like that and as the time pass by he will have more friendy attitude. But even tho he is scared, then he doesnt mind your passion at all! Whatever makes his partner happy!
You are like this overdressed partner x causal bf duo!! You dress so cool and there is Toby with his old and pilled sweater. I think that he would be even intimidate by your look at first, he would be shy too even look at you. Also, he would be happy to try some of your clothes (just like evryone here..) but he definitely prefer his cozy sweaters. Toby really likes to watch you getting ready when you are going somewhere, hair, make up or just choosing outfit..he cant look away! He isnt also the type of bf to get mad for waiting at you long time, so take as much time as you need!
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚   .  .    ✦    ˚
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louscartridge · 2 years
dating rachel roth hdcns
rachel roth x gn reader
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a/n- ngl i kinda gave up on proof reading like half way through so my bad lol. also i say ‘or’ ‘you guys’ ‘whall’ (thats not a fucking word sky stop saying it stupid) ‘and’ and a shit ton of other words in this alot and im aware its annoying so once again. my bad.
cw- established relasionship, arguments, fluff, cuddling, using of ‘i love you’, rachel having a hard time expresing her emotions, reader has powers (breifly mentiond), jellousy, crying, jason and hank being asses, gar being your +1, fighting (titans), back scratches, idk is some 11 year old fr gonna come for me if i dont say evreything? fuck off.
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-on your first official date you guys watched old cartoons
-when it started getting late you switched to horror movies
- when you switched to horror, you watched them correctly. in the dark. no lights, other then what was coming from the tv.
-both yours and rachels favorite food, snacks and drinks were there
-rachel is really touch starved, so as soon as you guys started dating, she started being really touchy
-shes a very cuddly and physically affectionate person
-her favorite cuddling positions are; spooning, facing each other holding hands, and her laying on your lap whall you play with her hair
-she doesnt really know how to talk about how she feels about you, without her thinking it sounds ‘cheesy’ or something, so shell just stick to you and hope you get what shes saying without saying it (you do)
-despite that, she does say 'i love you' all the time
-speaking of which, she said 'i love you' first
-you guys were having an argument
-you were mad at jason cause he kept 'flirting' with rachel 
-she got mad because she felt like you didnt trust her
-"even if he was flirting with me, i wasent flirting with him! and you should trust me enough that i wouldnt and dont want him."
-she got worried that you were gonna leave
-"wait! no y/n dont go please i love you-"
-you were surprised she stated verbal affection
-you smiled and slowly walked towards her
-she was still crying
-you whispered "i love you too rachel" whall stroking her cheek bones with your thumbs and kissed her
-you spent the rest of the day cuddling eachother with a book, whispering 'i love you's and other reissuances 
-jason and hank would always nag you, gar, and rachel all the time 
-"wait whos dating who again?" - jason
-"i think theyre just all dating each other" - hank
-you guys didnt think it was the worrrst thing ever-
-both of you love to wear each others clothes
-when dick does the laundry, he sometimes doesnt know whos clothes are who
-"hey rach, is this yours or y/n's?" 
-"mhmm doesnt matter, itll end up being worn by both of us either way."
-you would match your hair color with each other sometimes
-sometimes with gar too
-adjusting rachels jewelry all the time
-when your holding hands sometimes youll realize that the clasp of her bracelet is in the front or something 
-"that tickles! what are you doing?"
-"im fixing your bracelet"
-youll do it with her necklaces too
-if shes cooking or just walking around the house or whenever you happen to notice it you walk up to her and turn her necklace so the clasp is in the back and/or the charm or whatever is in the middle.
-after a while she knows what your doing, so when you walk up to her, she just stops walking or whatever and looks at you with a slight smile on her face as you shift it
-on the subject of jewelry, she definitely gets you guys matching jewelry for your anniversary
-or your birthday 
-or if she sees them in the store or something and likes them shell suprise you with them.
-just walking around the mall whether its window shopping or you actually get stuff -your guys' second date was actually at the mall
-dick gave rachel money and told you guys to have a break and hang out -dick and the rest of the titans took care of any fights or anything that went down that day
-a few of your mall dates tho you guys had to be dragged away for a fight -gar 'third wheeling' alot
-although he says 'you guys are good with making me feel....less- more un-third wheely'
-back scratches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-whenever she has a rough day controlling her powers
-or you guys had a hard day with fighting as titans
-at the end of the day you would give each other back scratches
-music would be playing the entire time
-the two of you would alternate, taking turns sitting on the edge of the bed and getting back scratches
-you and rachel would end up falling asleep on each other
-you were at the edge of the bed and she was slumped against you, arms semi draped over your shoulders
-dick and kory are your guys' biggest shippers
-shipped you guys before you even got together
-forehead kisses. all.the.time.
-from both of you
-you love giving them
-she loves giving them
-whenever you guys are sitting on a couch or next to each other or something like that she likes to run her fingers up and down your spine
-in the beginning of your relationship you argued kinda often because she was scared she was gonna hurt you so she tried to push you away
-once she learned that you have powers too, she felt a little better
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ok im so sorry this is so much ill shut up now.
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manicpixiedckgirl · 6 months
okay, so i posted a timeline. sue me! i quit all other social media last year and needed that dopamine hit. just a lil nicotine patch for online attention. seasonal depression is a bitch okay. i posted it here and to ig, bc ig is to late millennials what facebook is boomers. and people have all said some very nice things, but when you're posting a 10 year timeline, you're usually hoping for someone from your past to see it and go "woah! you're so different now"!
and whaddya know, this time it worked. one of my exes from when i was a teenager saw it. not one of the ones who turned out to be a lesbian, one of the ones who turned out to be a trans man. He just wanted to say hi - that he was so happy to see that i looked happy, and that i looked incredible, especially compared to the scruffy twink they had dated. (okay those are my words not his)
he and I didn’t have a great relationship at first - no one had a great relationship with me before i realized i was a trans woman obviously, but this was pretty young. I was really repressed and weird back then, and still very much without any social graces, and we were only like 16. they caught the full broadside of my emo fuckboy energy and got out fast once they saw that - i don’t blame them. I was crying in their arms about how much i hated my new body hair, and how i wanted to be able to wear dresses, and the next day i’d be completely emotionally unavailable and denying all of it. not exactly boyfriend material, not entirely boyfriend. They were very traumatized too in their own way, just realizing they were trans too, and engaging in a lot of ‘i want to be a gay man’ antics, fucking their way through the pain. He was frankly way too cool and sexually liberated to be wasting his time with that version of me. And it was very obvious to everyone who knew what that was 12-15 years ago that i was a closeted trans girl. we had a friend group that eventually fell apart, and we parted for the first time.
Later, in our late teens/20, we would end up fucking - i had started to accept and announce that my gender was complicated, and i was starting to be kinda faggy and loud about it, and not everyone hated that, and they had just started T and were boy horny. We split a bottle of wine (or was it two? It was probably two) and started watching an ashley tisdale movie. Looking back on it, how it went must definitely have been his plan, but i’ve always been blind about this stuff and was that night. It was definitely bad sex, but it was also fun sex - the first time I enjoyed myself,  and the pressure of having to be a guy wasn’t so overwhelming i didnt effectively black out. he’s one of the first people i ever talked to about feeling complicated about gender, and i think by then he had figured me out, and was just letting me get the rest of the way on my own. I still couldn’t top for him, i never rly could top for anyone, even before estrogen. but we still had fun, with our hands and with our mouths. and then after that, we'd go to art shows and poetry readings and hang out again occasionally, like we talked about doing when we were literal kids, putting on rocky horror in our front rooms.
but life takes you away from people, and he got into film school, and i somehow graduated my chemistry program and moved to the US. he moved to Germany for a while, although i hear he's back home. i got married, got separated, there was a global pandemic. we hadn't talked in years, although i had snooped on him once or twice. He’s a director now - he’s made some impressive arthouse films, all horror and gender and kitchy campy cerebral themes. He’s got a big tv writing credit on the way in irish tv. Idk - it felt rly good to impress him, to say hi, to remember. it's really cool to see other trans people thriving and living life, always. anyone who cleaves reality to themselves and fashions themselves into someone they can love is someone who impresses me. but it's different when it's someone you've known for almost half your life - someone you were a fucked up kid with, not sure if either of you would make it to 18. and to be smiling at each other, looking at 30, and wondering what's next. i'm really proud of the both of us actually. and i needed that today.
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kylejsugarman · 4 months
gwen wasn't the first person i came out to or anything but i definitely started getting more comfortable talking abt/making jokes abt my sexuality around her (and she very seriously told me that even though her parents had conservative beliefs, she didnt have those beliefs and would always support me. i remember that front seat conversation). i showed her the first 3 final destination movies at a sleepover because i love them and theyre fun and gwen could handle horror better than my other friends, and during the tanning salon sequence in fd3, i came to a legit realization and turned to her and said "i think watching this scene when i was 11 was how i realized i was bi" and she laughed and said "i mean its hard to forget boobs like that" and it was just. easy. it was always easy
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jimsmovieworld · 1 year
SCREAM 6- 2023 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Absolutely loved Scream 6.
The Core Four move from Woodsboro to New York City to go to college and ghostface isnt far behind them.
The opening was inventive and fresh. Samara Weaving was great. The moment ghostface took his mask off really shocked me. I thought maybe this was a stab movie or something. Then ghostface calls him and he becomes the victim. I didnt understand why until later in the film but really liked all this.
Also a great Friday the 13th 8 nod with that on the tv.
The New York setting was brilliant and a breath of fresh air. Absolutely love Woodsboro but was nice to mix it up. The scene in the convenience store was so cool. Ghostface with a shotgun! ❤️
Ghostface in general was really scary in this. Really vicious kills and a lot less clumsy than he usually is. Scream 6 had some really tense moments and chase sequences. The ladder kill was absolutely terrifying.
As for the characters....
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Just as Scream 2022 did. This film gives plenty of screen time to newer characters before introducing any of the legacy cast.
I think it really worked here and set up a lot for the film. Tara and Sams relationship was very well written. Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega were both amazing. So happy to have them as the centre of these movies. Both very likable.
Chad and Mindy were great. Chads relationships with Tara was sweet and Scream 6 confirms Mindy is Randy (Meeks). Just as her uncle Randy used to do she is the horror buff who gets to to explain the updated rules. And does it very well. Although i think her haircut is probably the worst Scream haircut since Gale in Scream 3.
I was very happy they brought Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich) back again through Sams thoughts. Love Sams conversations with him. Its hilarious that he is always trying to convince her to become a serial killer like him but he also watches out for her. Theyve found the perfect way to bring Billy back and should continue to do so for as long as Sam is around.
Now as for his boyfriend Stu, he was mentioned to be dead and then Mindy said:
"If you believe hes dead".
This is all i need to hear to continue holding out hope for him to still be alive and the next killer...
Other returning characters were Roger L Jackson as the iconic voice of ghostface.
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Courteney Cox returns as Gale Weathers. Despite saying she wouldnt write a book about the last movie she does anyway. This leads to one of the best moments of the film when Sam tries to punch Gale. Gale ducks it only to be punched moments later by Tara. Hilarious. Somehow this is also the first time she has talked to Ghostface on the phone. Her putting him on hold had me laughing. That whole scene was great, Gale is badass and put up a great fight. I was genuinely surprised she survived, i thought she was going to die for sure.
She is also now the only person to appear on screen in every Scream movie.
Neve Campbell declined to return over a salary dispute sadly. The film mentions Sidney, shes alive and well and has taken Mark and the kids somewhere safe.
I did miss seeing Sid as shes my favourite final girl ever, but the film was so good that the story didnt need her to work. Glad shes still alive though in that universe so we can bring her back. Pay Neve Campbell anything she wants she deserves it.
Also returning was Kirby (Hayden Panettiere). Everyones favourite character from Scream 4 was brought back from the dead and now works for the FBI. She took a special interest in the ghostface killings naturally and helps them solve the case. Great idea bringing her back. Shes a great legacy character, had good chemistry with the new gang and would love to see more of her.
As for the killers....
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Really liked their motive. Its Richies family. They explain they killed the film student wannabes at the start after they got everything they needed from them.
This is a great nod to the killers motives in Scream 2 which this film parallels in many ways. The most obvious of which being they go to college (the frats and sororities even have the same names as in Scream 2).
Richies family out for revenge is like Debbie Salt and the guys killed at the start are like Mickey.
Good stuff.
This is now the most killers ever to be in a Scream film which was interesting. Even if you dont count the guys at the start, three is a record.
The double knife clean from the dual ghostfaces was perfect. Out of the kids i much preffered Quinn. I thought Quinn was really great when we saw her earlier and i didnt see the twist coming that she was still alive. Her brother seemed completely boring to me during the film. Showed a lot more personality when he was revealed as a killer though to be fair. I thought Dermot Mulroney was good but the bit where he called and warned Sam about Kirby being the killer sadly was a dead give away. Its obviously not Kirby so therefore was him. I thought the three killers was really interesting. They all had brilliant deaths i thought. Love that Sam resists being a killer but when she does get to stab someone she stabs them 100 times.
Also loved the way this movie pays tribute to every previous Scream film and not just the original. Great to see underated killers like Roman Bridger get some props. The ghostface museum filled with all the previous killers costumes and other props was absolutely incredible.
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After seeing this on Wednesday for the first time i was annoyed to hear there is a post credits scene that i missed. Went back yesterday and rewatched it and stayed til the end.
Its a five second clip of Mindy saying:
"Not every film needs a post credits scene".
Now theres only one thing i had a problem with.
I didnt have an issue with no main characters dying. This is rare for a Scream film but you can do it every now and again as long as get some in the next sequel. With Dewey dead and Sidney unavailable, we are running fairly short of Legacy characters so im glad Gale and Kirby lived.
I love the Core Four so glad they all lived. But for gods sake you have to sell the stab wounds a bit more. Chad got stabbed like a million times, its fine for him to survive the film but make it seem believable, there is no way someone could live through that.
Mindy was even worse. Stabbed twice directly im the guts. So less than Chad, but not only did she survive but she was running around unphased 30 minutes later with the explanation that they gave her strong drugs? I absolutely loved the subway stabbing scene so will give it a pass. Very creepy and loved all the iconic horror costumes people had.
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Scream 6 has topped the box office with an opening weekend of 44million plus domestically making it the best debut for any Scream film ever. Its been getting rave reviews from fans and critics and currently stands at a 7.4 on imdb. With all that happening its all but guaranteed we will have another Scream movie on the way before long.
What a time to be alive.
Directed by Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli Olpin.
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kevin6942069 · 2 years
a/n i know i said i wouldnt write angst butttt... yk im really upset atm so lets make that into art lmao, anyways not proof read so im srry for any mistakes
summary: you and eddie got in a fight, then when he goes into the upside down, stuff happens.
tw/cw: blood, mentions of gore, death, and loads of angst with zero fluff, cursing and beer
word count and reading time: 1,930 words and 7 minutes to read
eddie was silent, he didnt reply. eddies never seen you get so upset at him, let alone actually yell at him. sure, youve had dumb fights in the past or youd jokingy yell at him if he tickled you or something but it never was this bad.
he tried to tell you about the groups plan to go into the upside down and “save the world” but you werent having it, i mean, who would?
who would let their boyfriend into some insane world with monsters and straight up killing machines?! you sure werent going to let him though.
“you know what, fuck it.” you said, storming towards the door while throwing your jacket on
“if you wanna die in that world just go ahead. cant stop you i guess” you said, trailing off with some mumbling, he just stared.
you reached towards the door knob when-
“y/n. i, i love you” eddie said, with a forced grin but you just ran out of his trailer and hopping in your car.
he sat down on his bed, in shock with no thoughts, no words, no nothing. what if that was the last time he got to see them? one of the very first people to ever treat him human, and not like a freak or zoo animal. what if they broke up with him after this? so many thoughts suddenly flooded his heads that all started with “what if-?” he went on like this for a good few minutes when he was suddenly cut out of his thoughts with a knock on the door, loud knocking. ‘shit is that them?!’ he thought, praying to fucking god it was you so you two could make up before he went to this hell of a world.
“HEYYY EDS ITS MEEE DUSTINNN” he heard from outside the door along with more loud knocking
welp, there goes his s/o being there he thought
opening the door to see dustin who dragged him to the rest of the group 
back at your house,
you slammed the door closed to your house, throwing your bag onto the group and stomping to your bedroom
throwing yourself onto the bed and sighing, thinking about what all just happened. eddie, edward munson was about to go into this insane killing world and pretty much get himself killed. and of course you had to ruin it by fighting for possible the last time youd ever see him. great. you tried to convice yourself that everything would be okay, he’ll get out of there alive and you two can make up, imagining silly thinks you two could do like cuddling whie watching the shitest horror movie of the 80s you could find. maybe make a ‘congrats’ cake for not, dying
it was funny for a bit but, then you thought about the odds of him getting out alive or even okay, at all. and the odds werent looking good. soon the worry really started taking over. you got that feeling where you just have to move, ike walk around. usually its a good feeling like if your really happy or just bored but, no, this was scared. you listened to your body and got up just to pace, pacing all around the house mumbling, the worry started to become too much as you started to feel that burning feeling in your eyes and nose. tears shortly come streaming down as you imagined him dying and no one there to help. dying is whatever terribe way from hunger, being shot, monsters, blood loss, every way and it only made you feel worse. you started choking on air. snot and tears started to mix and your throat started closing, it was getting hard to breath. ‘its all my fault’ ‘i could have went with him’ ‘i could have stopped him’
so many thoughts were going in your head, mostly all starting with ‘i could of’ or things that you could have done to prevent this. you sighed as you went to the kitchen, grabbed some beer. you needed to cool your nerves because everything would be okay, right?
skip to the trailer
“everyone ready?” robin said, glancing at everyone
they all nod and start climbing up the make shift rope into the upsidedown (which may i say, eddie looked hot as all hell when he fell on the mattress if yk what im saying ;)))
the plan was going smooth, eddie and dustin had got the demobats to come to the trailer and they both were locked in tight. 
“YEA AAA!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!” both of them start shouting and jumping in sync together like middle school girls, they both laugh and hear the scratching from the demobats move from the side, to the roof.
“theyre on the roof” eddie said
when, dustin spotted the vents.
“uh- they cant get in through there.. right?” dustin said, with worry
“..oh shit.” eddie said. just when he said that, demo bats started attacking the vent and breaking it off. dustin and eddie scream while plunging their weapons into the hole, trying to kill the demobats before they kill them. then eddie grabs a chair, shoving it in the hole 
“you dont have any more of those vents right?” dustin said
“OH SHIT. eddie said, once again as they both ran towards the next vent, but it was a bit too late. they already had gotten in. “SHITSHIT RUN EDDIE RUN!!” dustin yelled as eddie follows him to the rope. dustin climbs up the rope and lands on the mattress. eddie soon follows but he stops, half way up. “EDDIE CMON!” he shouts but eddie ignores him. he jumps back down and grabs his weapon, cutting the rope and moves the mattress.
dustins shouting at eddie but he doesnt bother to listen anymore as he already made his mind up.
short skip bc ngl i forgot what happened and ill cry even more if i rewatch the scene
eddie was on his bike peddling as fast as humanly possible, but a demobat knocked him off the bike, he stood up quickly and stood still. being swarmed by them.
he could smell blood already, the blue and red sky looked so much darker then before. the bats were moving in a circle around him to the point it almost looked like he was in the middle of a tornado. he put the weapon in his hand and his nailed shield in the other, he was gripping onto the metal so hard it was leaving imprints in his fingers and hands, turning the tips of his fingers white. eyes darting around him looking for when they were going to attack. when one flew towards him but he hit it with the shield, making it turn the other way. not too soon after the first one, more and more bats started to attack him at all different sides. one from behide hit him, knocking him down slightly and he stood back up just to be knocked down again. soon about 30 of them were attacking and biting him.
few minutes before eddie is being vored by bats
“dustin? what the fuck is happening?” you said,
after the beer had worn off, you thought to go back to eds trailer because who knows, maybe he was just joking and wasnt really going to go. and plus you wanted- no, NEEDED to apologize. as you made it in his trailer, since it was already unlocked for some reason, you saw dustin who was running around looking for something
“listen, there isnt time to explain but eddie is going to die if we dont help him” he said with voice cracks hear and there
“..guess i came in time then” you said, you ran over to his kitchen grabbing a knife from the drawer just incase there was monsters attacking him. dustin found some stuff to get up and once he landed, breaking his leg. he pulledthe mattress so you could jump down safely. you both run out the trailer and look around. both of you shouting eddies name. dustin turns and sees a swarm of demobats.
“oh fuckfuckfuCK EDDIEE!!” dustin shouts while crying
you both run to the swamp of bats, when all of a sudden they all drop. when you both see eddie, laying back down with blood everywhere.
“EDDIE! ITS DUSTIN AND Y/N” dustin shouts
eddie just stares up at the sky, unable to really move. “eddie! eddie! it, its me!” you say with tears coming down your face, that burning feeling all over now. while both you and dustin pull his head up onto both of your laps. you grab his arm and hold his hand. “eddie, oh my god.” you say
“ed, i-” you said while choking on tears.
“im so-orry. i love you so-so much.” you said, still choking on words.dusting was also saying some stuff to eddie but you only focused on eddie, he was still smiling. he had blood all over his teeth while blood spilling everywhere, but was still smiling. you could see the life being drained from his eyes. 
“dustin... promise me y-oull take care of those little sheep for -me.. alright?” eddie said, looking at dustin. “no-no eddie youll be able to do that yourself, alive.” dustin said
“say it..” eddie said with tears forming
“i-.. ill take care of...” dustin said will worms trailing off.
“good.. good...” eddie said with a smile
“i think its finally my year. its finally my year henderson.” 
he turned to you with little engery left that he had “and y’know, im s..sorry for ever-ything.. i love you.” he said, choking on blood making it spill out even more.
“nonono... eddie please stay with us. we’ll get you somewhere save and we’ll fix you up. pleaseplease just keep your eyes open, dont give up.” you plead, looking at dustin and back to eddie.
“nah man.. ive done what ive always wanted to do..” he said
both of you stayed silent, waiting for him to say something else.
“i..i didnt run away thing time, right?” he said.
“no, nono eddie you di-didnt run away this time..” dustin said
“you never ran away eds..” you said
“i love you both, so much man...” he said with a weak chuckle.
“nono please eddie stay with us.”
his eyes moved to theyre natural stat, smile fading and his breathing had stopped. 
“eddie...?” you both say
he didnt reply. you break down even harder while clutching his hand and putting your face into his chest, crying so fucking much. dustin puts his head ontop of yours while hugging you, also crying.
you both just stay like that for a few minutes, crying. till dustin moves and sits up. “what do we do with you know....the-”
“put it somewhere safe, not like we can bring a dead body to the real world.” you say. with the most monotone voice
he nods, he motions for you to carry eddie and you do so, you put an arm under his knees and one under his arms, picking him up. you hold him close not caring blood was all over you now. you and dustin go to the trailer, resting him in his room. you grabbed a blanket and threw it over eddie and gave him one last final hug, dustin walked over and took his bandana and necklace, he held out the bandana to you, you took it and put it in your pocket for the mean time.
he was really gone now. forever.
a/n AAAA”%:#!”l{eaKF I AM CRYING SO MUCH RN but i hope u enjoyed, because i know i did not enjoy writing this. 
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createanescape · 2 years
Just going to rant for a second about a stupid movie… just watched “You Again” and *spoiler alert* the plot of the movie is basically that the main character, Marnie’s (Kristin Bell) brother, Will (James Wolk) is marrying Marnie’s high school bully, Joanna (Odette Annabel). Now, the whole point of the movie is that Marnie needs to “grow up” and forgive Joanna for her actions, despite the fact that Joanna absolutely tortured Marnie for the four years that they went to high school together. Now the thing that makes me so annoyed is that at the end, Marnie shows the rehearsal dinner the truth about what she went through during high school, and everyone gets mad at her for ruining Joanna’s night. Even Will is equally mad at Marnie for showing that Joanna was a shitty person as he is with Joanna for lying to him. And Joanna lied about so many things! She lied about not knowing who he was (he was a basketball star while she was a cheerleader in the same school and yeah he didn’t know her but that’s because she was younger, and how many people do you know that literally cheered for the team and DIDNT know the name of the lead player?) she also lied about not being a bully, and she didn’t tell him that she was engaged before him! There’s probably other things. Anyways, it bothers me that Marnie is treated like the equal villain when she was tortured and it doesn’t matter that (eventually) Joanna apologizes, those scars won’t go away. It drives me crazy this belief that anyone that doesn’t forgive their tormentors is equally as evil as them. Like honestly Joanna deserved to lose everyone. She lied to them all and tried to downplay her part in marnies torture. If this were real life, Marnie likely would have at least considered ending her life because of the sheer amount of torture. And then you take into account that Joanna continued bullying her once Marnie started trying to get her to remember her (even though she was only pretending to not remember her). Joanna dog whistles Marnie with the “MOO” necklace, torments her with the song she used to sing while bullying her, and forces Marnie into situations where she is obviously uncomfortable and remembering the horrors of high school. Yes, Marnie does retaliate by bringing her ex fiancé (who she didn’t know was her ex fiancé) to the rehearsal dinner, and plays the video from the Time Capsule of her in the high school BUT that does not mean that they’re on the same level. Like no matter what Marnie did in that movie? She was still the victimized one who deserved that the history be out in the open and to have her family rally behind her. She didn’t deserve to have her bully forever cemented in her life as her sister in law.
I don’t believe in turning a blind eye to the actions of the past. Actions have consequences and just because she claims to have turned her life around (which I don’t believe because at the first opportunity she goes back to bullying l) (and she only “changed” because her parents died. If they were still alive she’d still be a raging monster) doesn’t mean her past actions aren’t still carrying hurt. Also, when people show you who they are, believe them. And Joanna is a bully that deserved to have her night ruined. And Will shouldn’t have still gone on to marry her. She’s obviously a liar. Why believe that she isn’t going to continue lying? And why tie yourself to her when she tortured your sister and will only serve to remind her of the horrid time she had? Like I get you love her and she lets you have sex with her but MY GOD did you see a third of what happened during high school? Maybe I’m just a terrible grudge holding loser but I think it’s kind of telling that Marnie had to be the bigger person. The victim always has to be the bigger person in fear of being called just as bad.
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
Yesss omg I'm sure I'll have like a novel written about all my thoughts of the movie after watching it!! And toge with the spikey hair OOOF I was not prepared when I saw that image for the first time 😭 its tragic that there's no mahito or sukuna in the movie but I heard that toge gets a decent amount of screen time so that makes up for it ❤ I'm also interested in seeing yuta, from what I've seen in pictures he looks sad and tired which is right up my alley lol
SPEAKING OF 👀 Funouhan is also right up my alley, outside of anime horror is my fav AND sexy wicked guys is my all time favorite breed of men as you know so it sounds perfect 😍 I read what it's about and if I could just convince him to murder this pussy instead of another person that would be great 🖤
YESS MAHITO LITERALLY WOULD DO THAT JUST TO BE MEAN omg I've thought about this so much 😭 the fact that he can do anything to his body drives me clinically insane like he definitely would increase his size until you're crying not able to physically take anymore. And one word. MONSTERFUCKING. Like you know how they usually have different shaped dicks like some have ridges or like suckers ig you could call them? Like the possibilities are ENDLESS he could do ANYTHING and the thing is he WOULD too like you know this man would lay awake at night thinking of all the ways he could fuck you up, experimenting different things
I'm so excited to start aot now that I know you love it I will definitely be sharing ALL my thoughts on it LOL. I dont know much about it other than 1: I know for a fact I'm gonna wanna fuck a titan like its inevitable for me lmaoo and 2: they eventually gave it a metal opening song which is literally the COOLEST THING IVE EVER HEARD!? More animes should have metal opening and closing songs fr I'm sick of watching a dramatic badass episode and then having a cutesy pop song at the end lol. Also you dont have to worry about me watching anything dubbed I would rather die LOL. And for Levi I always thought Ok I could see myself liking him but then recently I saw a picture of him like all bandaged up or something ? and I was like WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE 👀😍 levi just looks mean (idk if he is he just looks it) and like he wouldn't take any shit and I appreciate that ❤ like definitely not the type to put up with a brat. idk if you've seen mha but how you feel about levi is how I feel about dabi LOL hes definitely my most specialist boy 😭 if you havent tho I recommend watching it but stay away from the fandom its literally the fucking worst 🤢
I definitely appreciated the tiktoks and it is motivating me even more to thirst over levi 🥰 definitely dont want him to put me in my place or anything 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRyYwXd4/ IM SORRY I HAD TO BSGHAHA
I keep forgetting to tag myself as jjk anon LOL but you always know it's me 🥰
YES I WILL BE SAD THAT THEYRE NOT IN IT but give toge screen time challenge 😤😤😤 baby boy deserves love and praise!!
OMG YES if you do read it there is a scene where you get to see him… cough cough in action (and I don’t mean killing 🤭)
I want to fuck LOTS of the titans okay don’t even feel bad once you’re into it we can talk ALL ABOUT IT and you may even inspire me to write some Titan fucking ❤️❤️
LEVI IS SO STRICT one of the things I love about him 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ he’s such a good brat tamer I SWEAR
I HAVE TO ADMIT I WATCHED THE FIRST EPISODE OF MHA AND I DIDNT LIKE IT but dabi has been on my radar because he’s very sexy so I am thinking about watching it for him if nothing else 😭 BUT FEEL FREE TO SEND ME THINGS ABOUT HIM ID LOVE TO KNOW ALL ABOUT YOUR MANS EVEN IF I DONT WATCH THE SHOW
I’m such a sucker for worm mahito 🥰 I’m sorry that I would also fuck the worm
I’m watching demon slayer now! Do you have thoughts? 🤔
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nosoulsheresorry · 3 months
Handful of Kisses
My first ever kiss was with a childhood friend. We’d play house at her place and, as the youngest one, I’d be stuck with the “worst role,” although I’d soon come to find that it secretly was quite a good one. I’d be the dad, she would be the mom and my sister would be the kid. We would send our kid to the school next to the dresser and we’d go back to our home in the closet. There, we’d squeeze in together and sit on top of the blankets on her shelves. I can’t quite remember how it started, but soon it became like clockwork. We’d sit and chat about parental stuff, then we would hold each other, some much needed comfort due to all the stresses of an adult life, and then we’d kiss. It was sloppy and in hindsight quite repulsive, but we were just little kids. i was around five or six and she was just a year older than me. And again, like clockwork, her mom would notice how quiet we were and she’d come in to check on us as we would rush off the shelves and out of the closet, like literally. She told me after the first time that I shouldn’t wipe my lips in front of her mom because it looked suspicious. We haven’t kept in touch, though our parents have. She’s back in Turkey now; they had to move back after a break-in where her dad’s business competitors (or someone hired by them?) held her down at gunpoint.
My first high school kiss was with a boy I did not particularly like. There wasn’t anything wrong with him, but I only really dated him because he liked me. He gave me a quick peck on the lips after I subconsciously dodged him a few times. It was after a date where we saw a horror movie and he was scared shitless. I remember his lips being very big and kind of overwhelming. I ended up ghosting him, which made his friends mad at me, but what’re you gonna do? He ended up dating my best friend at the time just a month or two later. I had no qualms about it, I never cared much for him and they seemed way better together than we ever could’ve been. They broke up after 9 months.
I had this routine with a friend of mine. My parents were very strict, and this was during a very very rough patch in our relationship, so forget a curfew, I wasn’t allowed to go out at all. He’d bike all the way to my neighborhood from the other island and we’d meet up at the park next to my house at around 2AM. We’d smoke some weed, walk around, go to the McDonald’s in the next neighborhood. It was all very sweet. I was so lonely at the time, as you can imagine, so I would cling to his arms a lot, just begging for some comfort. I guess he, understandably, took that as a sign. We’d usually part ways around 7 to 8AM, but this one time I asked him if he wanted to come in to my place. I was getting a bit cocky with how often I’d sneak in and out, so the next logical step was obviously to sneak a boy in. He came in, watched me clean my room like the amazing hostess I am and we ended up watching Bojack on my bed. It’s a twin bed with a million trinkets and boxes on it, but we found a way to squeeze in together. I fell asleep at some point, very careless of me, my room was in the basement and I had no door, anyone could walk down without a sound. That’s when he leaned over and kissed me. It woke me up and I tried to kiss him back, but it didnt feel good. His lips were also quite big, though that has nothing to do with the unease I felt. Part of me was trying to convince myself I wanted this, while the other part was activating my fight or flight. I ended up pushing him away by his chest and showed him the way out, saying something like “my dad will get up for work soon” knowing full well that he doesn’t get up until 10. I hugged him on the way out. It was all very silent. I invited him back the next week to talk it out. I didn’t want to lose his friendship, I couldn’t afford that in the state I was in, but I also really did not want to be kissed unconsciously. I think if that night went a bit differently we wouldn’t be distant acquaintances today. When I tried to reason with him, he started talking about all his family issues… and they were really bad issues. I so badly wanted to hold him and comfort him, but it just wasn’t the time. Why would you tell me all this now? Couldn’t you wait until I was done? I faked some period cramps and started heading home. He walked with me and as I turned the street he asked me if he could kiss me again. I asked him if he listened to anything I said. With a little laugh I said : “Oh, William’s gonna hear all about this!” and he would later use that to blame me for him and William growing apart. He’s taking a sabbatical now, went home to Vietnam.
During quarantine, there wasn’t many options for date spots. We chose the botanical gardens in december. There wasn’t too much to see, not many things grow in the winter, go figure, but the buildings and statues were nice. He kept my hand in his pocket the whole time and we’d walk with our arms interlocked. He was leaving for New York the next day, and he’d stay there until mid-January, so naturally I had to give his birthday present right then. I got him a Mario Game-and-Watch. As we parted ways I watched his bus go by while my hands froze in my own pockets. That night, we were on call, debriefing, as you do. I don’t remember how we got around to it, but he got me to admit that I was waiting for him to kiss me. He asked why I didn’t make a move, and I guess I didn’t really have an answer. I told him I would once he came back. First day back in school, at 7:56AM, we knew where we were going. The quiet part of the 4th floor behind the auditorium. We did the very 2020-teen-romance thing of pulling each other’s masks down. His lips were big too, (I’m starting to think maybe mine are just too small?) but they felt so good. It was soft and delicate, passionate, but nothing near overwhelming. We tried pulling away, as class was starting soon, but we would just end up in another corner kissing again. We both were grinning like idiots once we finally made it to class. Turns out, the teacher was late, the universe was on our side. We started dating shorting after that, he would be my first for many things, as would I to him. We broke up who knows when, who knows how many times, but if I could I would go through our little cycle again one last time. I don’t know what he’s up to anymore.
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 11 months
Nice fake-out with the drone, I think this is the first time the demon movement was paired with the movement of a real object.
Why the fuck did these guys rent the burning building from Midsommar? Or the cult church in Mandy? Perfectly triangular buildings are super sus now.
Ooooh we got ourselves an OG cabin clock.
Are they just jumping right into it? No build up? Just deadites from the start? I guess I would take anything over stupid family drama.
Uh.... well, that just happened. A scalping 5 minutes in.
I guess this isnt the first time there was a cold open featuring a possession and a bunch of gore. I guess my face blindness made it so I didnt realize that none of the actors I saw were in the trailers.
Okay, we got a rocker chick who I mistook for Mia for a sec who I guess is pregnant? Interesting so far.
How old is this lady that he has several kids? She doesnt look that much older than her older daughter.
"Hey Bridget, Moms on nights so we're watching all the Freddy movies in a row."
"Even the shitty ones."
"There arent any shitty ones."
Excuse me, did we watch the same Dream Master? Dream Child? Freddy's Dead? I love Freddy but he has as many bad movies as he does good.
I like this strange small child with her baby head battering ram.
Oooh, is mom using overtone on her hair? Her hair looks like mine when I used to dye it. When I could afford to dye it. (I got a better paying job so I can start to do that again!!!)
So Beth is forever young mom's sister, interesting.
Staffanie is fucking awesome.
Oooof... Ellie, did you send a text or an email? Two calls and a voice mail are easily forgotten when someone is super busy on the road.
Also, Beth, listen to your sisters voicemail when she leaves one. Call without voicemail is a chat, call with voicemail is important.
Wait, what was this bank built on top of? Or did Mia deposit the Necronomicon into a bank vault to keep it safe?
Are people in movies just not scared of the dark? Of bugs? Of-
That pizza was still good to eat, just a little smooshed.
"Weird shit like this gets locked away for a reason." Bridget is smart. Bridget should throw that book out the window right now.
The Necronomicon, now featuring a tooth/claw lock with a blood release. Not seen that before.
Is this actor on the vinyl trying to imitate Dr Knowby from Evil Dead 2? Like obviously hes not the same guy but the way hes talking.
Oh no, haunted turntable. You see, that's why CDs and MP3s are the superior formats.
Well great, you just had to take the book and vinyls and now your mom is haunted.
No tree roots available? Ropes and cables will make a good substitute! Cant do an evil dead movie without a little bondage.
Eeew, how many fertilized eggs did you get in your dozen? Where did you get them?
Sorry kids, your mom is a tweaker now.
You think the elevator is going to work in a blackout?
Um... I would be worried if a 'dead bodys' eyes reopened. I know there can be post-mortem spasms but the eyes perfectly reopening and nothing else moving is very strange-
FUCK I SCARED MYSELF. I have my tablet next to me and I saw movement in the screen reflection and I almost jumped out of my skin. It was my hand moving to set down my glass of water.
Hm... this feels like a new ploy for the deaddites. Play dead for a while and then reanimate in the creepiest way possible? I like it.
This is when you jump down the broken stairs and run for your lives. Hell, most elevators have little ladders in the shafts to climb up and down. Fuck it, take the cable and rappel down, just get the fuck away from the possessed tweaker with a glass shard.
Do not kiss a freshly made tattoo. That is very unsanitary.
Wasnt an eye popping out and going into someones mouth in Evil Dead 2? Like, wasnt it Henrietta and Bobby Joe?
El is doing a poor impression of Annie from Hereditary. You need to smash your face against the door way faster than that.
Sorry neighbors, but its every man for themselves now. Not even a gun can save you now.
Yeah Danny, you see cursed shit, you leave it ALONE. I love antiques and mysterious vinyls as much as the next antique enthusiast, but that book was CLEARLY fucked up.
Little girl whose name I forget, grab Staffanie, you're gonna need her.
Oh no, Bridget's face is haunted. We gotta cut it off. Should we do it Mason Verger or Nick Cage style?
It might be easier to convince your daughter to leave the apartment if you move the dead armless boy from view.
Oh Kassie... I cant be too mad. At your age I would have done the same thing. I remember getting scared when I saw my mom walk into a wall and faceplate on the ground. I would have done anything in that moment to believe she was okay (she was, she was super sleepy when she hit the wall and the fall dazed her. She only had a few bruises after)
Bridget, you are not Phoenix Wright! You cannot eat glass and not expect serious internal injuries! And you are not Rohan Kumakura, so put that cheese grater down!
Oh no Bridget... I'm so sorry they couldnt save you before you got impaled. And I'm sorry Kassie that you had to do that to your sister. This being a family and not a group of mostly unrelated friends is making this a lot harder.
Danny with the good ideas now. Where were your good ideas when you climbed into the bank vault?
Chekhov's soldering iron coming in clutch.
The mom is too big to fit inside the vents... is the armless kid in there wiggling around?
IF YOU ARE TYING UP A CORPSE YOU THINK IS GOING TO RISE AGAIN, TIE THEM UP SUPER TIGHT!!! Also Beth, keep one ear open in case the kids need you.
Oh, I guess mom is thin enough to fit in the vents.
Is the mom making a Lilo and Stitch reference? Putting her nail in the vinyl and making the noise come out her mouth?
They are killing a lot of kids in this movie. Barring any deaths from the TV Show, which I abandoned after a while, I don't think they've killed kids before. I'm assuming Bridget is under 18.
I guess this Book works differently than the one in the last movie. 6 kills and no rain of blood yet.
Kids... what are you doing to your mom? Why are you putting your hands in there?
So this is what the elevators in the Overlook Hotel look like from the inside. And of course this built up to a clear Shining reference.
It didnt rain blood, it flooded blood.
Oooh! Theres a truck with a wood chipper attached to it in the garage! The deaddites can't possess a body that's a pile of mush!
I'm going to see that thing in my nightmares. Holy fuck, what were the designers got this movie thinking when they made this monstrosity? Like, I'm legit scared to look at it right now. I'm trying to not look directly at the screen but I also don't want to miss anything.
Kassie will not become your Saffanie! You don't need one!
You must choose your destiny, the chainsaw, or the boomstick?
You know, I was criticizing Beth for wearing her shoes inside the apartment, but they helped keep the chipper from hurting her.
I can't even begin to imagine all the therapy that Kassie is going to need once this is all done. She will never be able to be around wood chippers again. Or chainsaws. Or elevators. Or look through a peep hole.
That garage MUST smell awful. Theres blood EVERYWHERE. Before I was on birth control I had super heavy periods and the bathroom would reek of blood during my heavy days. That's a tiny drop compared to the ocean of blood in that garage. How did that lady not IMMEDIATELY smell it? (Unless shes like my old boss and lost her sense of smell)
I see... the cold open is a result of these events. The Mandy Midsommar temple cottage wasn't demonic, just the girl who can't smell.
Good job
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yabai-erasure · 1 year
2022 kpop wrap up
bro this year did not let up for a second
quick thank yous
wjsn chocome super yuppers thank you for making camp kpop again
fromis_9 dm was the first choreography i learned this year thanks for letting me be a sexy queen for a bit
taeyeon INVU music video was so aesthetically in sync with endwalker that it blew my tiny weed addled brain
pixy villain goth bitches rise up
twice celebrate yeah i cried when they renewed ok
dance class staples
viviz bop bop i didnt watch queendom2
ive love dive you already know
aespa illusion sluuuurp
b side spotlight
rocket punch in my world
red velvet bamboleo
purple kiss singles were ass but their bsides were gold
twice basics fuuuuck yeah dude
itzy racer vocal fry queens
wjsn done dont disband dont disband dont disband
fav post-izone project
i cant even tell you how much joy i get out of seeing most of the izone girlies thriving. yena, yuri, chaeyeon, and eunbi all made fantastic solo songs, wonyoung, yujin, chaewon, and sakura are tearing it up in ive and le sserafim respectively, and I even got peeks of nako and hitomi throughout the year. like, my tiny heart cant take it.
i loved eunbi in izone, i loved her when i watched produce 48 this year, and as a soloist in 2022 she absolutely impressed me. her icy voice and house instrumentals are just what i need and i thoroughly loved glitch and underwater
fav songs i changed my mind about
okay O.O literally had me by the throat until the let me be your super heroooo and then i lost interest. I think I had hit superhero mental saturation from existing on the internet for the last five years and hearing the word superhero was somehow the last straw & i was just like fuck this song. I was wrong dude. several months later, my bedtime edibles would hit and I'd be typing O.O into the youtube search bar multiple nights a week.
billlie gingaminga yo
I reluctantly got into boy groups this year
I got into kpop back in 2013 because the goth bar near me had a monthly kpop night. the bartenders were mean as fuck but made unbelievably strong drinks, and they would project the music videos onto a huge screen and my roommate and I would get sloshed and try to twerk to HyunA. It was a simple and beautiful time. but. the DJ who ran the event was such an unabashed EXO stan and we would spend half of the night drunkenly talking shit about her not playing enough girl group songs.
it makes zero sense for me to still have this chip on my shoulder, especially in a year where pretty much everyone agrees that girl groups dominated the industry, but I've been admittedly ignoring boy groups for the majority of my time as a kpop fan and it just started to feel unfair.
drag me for this but Blessed-Cursed got its claws into my brain. I was sick of not knowing what naega byeonhae meant. I liked doing the silly anime pose choreo during Thunderous. I'm like, vaguely aware of who the members of Seventeen are. wow. truly in my growth era. dont ask me about nct tho
who i'm watching for 2023
Fifty Fifty had a no-skip debut mini. higher is fantastic dizzying bubblegum pop, log in is?? cyber girl crush?? lovin me is smooth af, this mini is just so polished for a debut
CSR ohhh myyyy goddd are they filling such a sorely needed niche in kpop right now. I couldn't get into pop? pop the fuzzy effect sounded vaguely horror movie to me, but loveticon is wonderful I can't wait to see what they do next.
basically nothing i can say about these tracks, if you listen to them you feel the impact
le sserafim antifragile
ive after like
newjeans ditto
i hope 2023 is better for yall
kep1er good luck truly
itzy blink twice if you need help burying jyps body
loona unionize
closing thoughts
I got to see Twice play in new york and that was sick. thats all
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ggthydrangea · 2 years
hi tabi my dear!! i'm sorry for my late response 😭
yes exactly!! it's freeing to do stuff alone sometimes, it kinda started bc one summer i wanted to watch a scary movie that came out (hereditary) but no one would watch it with me LOL so i decided i'll just go by myself. i used to worry what other people would think but i realized i quite enjoy my own company so now i'm more comfortable doing it! (and of course, since im a minho bias, this reminds me of his latest vlog where he went camping alone haha that was such a comfy cozy vlog 🥺 my mind is still there)
dont worry, i have "cannot shut up disease" too so i totally understand 😂😂 i have also heard of rowoon but i don't think i watched the dramas he was in! also chani was in that snow prince stage last year with mark and lino 😁 and oh my gosh, that mirotic stage with taeyang and hyunjin 😳 taeyang's pose in the beginning AHH
wait i know some of these sf9 songs you mentioned!! i LOVE o sole mio, what a great song. and i've seen the dance practice for KO because of that beginning part where they're rotating the members, that is simply insane!!!! i listened to all the other songs you sent, and they are really catchy omg?? and their choreos are so cool!! is taeyang the one in the sleeveless shirt in the now or never mv? hahahaha. also i love your sf9 info doc <3 it seems like there are a lot of quiet cuties in the group hehe 🥺 i love that!!! also i watched the horror dance prank video LMAO youngbin saying "i was really looking forward to seeing a ghost" famous last words and the way they all freaked out when the bat fell from the ceiling
yeah snowboarding/skiing are so expensive so we'll see if that happens hahaha 😅 i kinda know how to skateboard though and it seemed fun but idk! def one day it seems cool to learn. oooh have you read any good books lately? i like to read as well ^^ i havent watched any anime recently but i have watched a good amount (did you watch/read spyxfamily? that was the last one i watched i think and it was pretty funny). what video games do you like to play? im only a casual gamer, kpop takes most of my brain space 😂😂 i still havent finished zelda botw lol. and that is so cool that you dance too!! how did you get into dancing? i dont know anything about dancing and it always fascinates me to watch dancers move their bodies the way they do!! there is this duo whose dances i really like to watch (i didnt know this when i first found him but the guy, sean, actually did a dance collab that i love with taeyong and mark from nct too!! (also god mark is so hot in that video hahaha)
All good no worries! I can be slow to respond myself, and life happens!
Oh nice! For me it started in college, just with how classes and stuff worked out, I spent most of my time alone and had to go out of my way to hang out with friends, and I started to enjoy some of that alone time, I like just vibing sometimes.
I wish I could tell you what dramas he's been in, but honestly I'm really bad at remembering anything. XD The Mirotic stage is a lot but it's also fun!!! All of them killed it! Those stages with different groups together are so fun, a multis dream come true. 🥺 Now if there could somehow be a stage with both Chan and Taeyang I would die happy... 😂
You have good taste if you love O Sole Mio. 😔 I'm glad you like them all!!! Lemme check to see the only one I remember being shirtless is Hwiyoung... Okay Taeyang does have some shirtless outfits but so does Hwiyoung so I'm not sure which one you're talking about for Now or Never. XD
I'm glad you love my doc!!! I really love sharing SF9 with people so it made for a nice little reference to help! Haha that video... Those poor guys... It was so funny but I also felt so bad for them. 😂
I haven't been reading much recently, but earlier this year I read this YA dystopian book called Unwind! It was really dark but also really interesting, I liked it a lot! How about you?
I'm so behind on anime but I love some of them out there, I could ramble forever just talking about my favorites. I did watch the first season of Spy x Family, it was cute!
I don't game much these days, but I like a lot of the Nintendo stuff like Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, but also smaller series like TWEWY, Style Savvy, all sorts of games!
My mom wanted me doing something active and after looking around she somehow found Irish dance, I'm not sure how. XD This was back when I was a kid so I don't really remember. Dancing is so fun I love it a lot!!! Ooo those are really cool!!! I'm nowhere that good I just do it for fun, but I love seeing good dancers, it's so amazing to see all the things they do!!!
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prettyincubus · 2 years
thinking about my hs school crush and he was sm like blitz gkdks doing the whole routine of i like you but i will not admit it but i will occasionally be soft with you and show u an intimate side of me no one else gets to see but also i hate you but also dont leave me and let me be romantic but also do not take pictures of me i dont want you to have pictures of me but also sorry for deleting that picture of me ill pose for one if it makes you happy but dont tell anyone and i ate it up like i was addicted
#thinking specifically of when we had a cooking event for our class as an activity and i Hate soup i was very vocal about hating soup well#He made soup and he kept bothering me about it trying tonget me to taste it and that his soup will change my mind i refused so he brought#me a bowl while i was talking to friends sat down next to me and literally attempted to spoon feed me so i let him and looked at him as i#took the spoon in my mouth and at that point it hit him what he has done and he went so red but he wouldnt look away#and the soup was indeed delicious and i made a quip about it being made with love and he was all haha yea i told you so while making his#escape cause he was so embarrassed and it was so cute 😭😭😭#another time during a class trip i convinced him to stay over at me and my friends bungalow at night and we watched some shitty horror#movies from the 70s on tv and we cuddled and he lovingly caressed my arm but the next day he was so cold to me and avoided me😭#one time someone humiliated me in front of some people in a rlly fucked up way and i was fuming i was ready to rip off her head and people#literally very obviously avoided standing anywhere near me even teachers didnt wanna look at me and him my cute little idiot nervously#turned to me knowing what had happened and asked if i would want to go to the bus stop with him at least which he has NEVER done before#ever and it immidiately switched my mood i was so happy and he was so red 😭 it was so sweet of him#on our last day at high school we had a little celebration and we got roses as gifts and the community space we were at had like some#short stairs and he was standing on top of them rose in hand called my name threw it at my face and literally ran away and like so cringe#and awkward but man i loved it fkdks i still think of it fondly he was such a chicken but it was so cute#during our first reunion i expected him to avoid me cause he never replied to my text messages but he came up to me and hugged me so tight#and close and intimate and long and i was so shocked even after i tried to let go he wouldnt until eventually he snapped back into it and#pretended that didnt happen 😭#during a class trip we did a night tour trough the forest cause it was around halloween and i sadly forgot how it started but we held hands#🥺🥺🥺 and i was so happy especially cause my hands get so sweaty but he didnt care and it was so nice until the popular kids tm that he#chased approval from all the time noticed it and were like oh wouldnt you rather join us? which theyve never done i already freed my hand#from his and was about to walk away because he has been seeking their approval since day 1 so literally 4 years no way he would pass that#up but he grabbed my hand and squeezed it and was like no im busy but he refused to look at me as he blushed away and i got so clingy after#can you blame me fjdksk#i was generally clingy i would seek him out a lot i would tease him non stop class trips were my favorite cause he always let me closer#during 💗💗#but he never wanted to do anything together or meet up after school etc he acted annoyed by my presence but then also reciprocated sometime#he was all over the place just like blitz and i was so in love 🥺#i still miss him and think of him often like man that was my childhood love that never came to fruition but also kinda did how could i not#in his defense for the popular thing ive met his family and boy that guy did not have a good family either.. + his dads a pig
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technowoah · 3 years
Dating The Dream Team Headcanon(s)
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Dream! (Clay)
Our supposed golden retriever
He loves you with his whole heart and he'll tell you that every second he gets.
He loves showering you with affection on and off camera
Mostly off camera
Pda isn't a problem because no one knows his real face.
He'll kiss you, holding hands, hug you, piggyback rides when your feet hurt, locking arms, arms around eachother when you're walking. All of be above
Just hugging you from behind all of the time. And always wanting to be around you
But if people know who you are and know you're dating Dream you two rarely go outside in public areas.
But home dates are amazing too!
Blanket forts even though its so cliché, he insists.
Watching horror movies on the first date was his choice.
Ya know for somone to cuddle, just in case they get scared. It worked.
You guys dont need "dates" because you always are around eachother.
But Clay likes to have formal dates every now and then
At first you didn't know what to call Clay.
You had called Clay, Dream for the first month you two started officially dating.
One day he asked you why, and you said that you watch videos that he's in and gotton used to people calling him Dream
He melted on spot when you mentioned you watched his videos and videos with him in it.
Except for the minecraft cheating ones
He always asks if you like the video first before anyone else because he values your opinions.
He'll sit you on his lap while recording or editing and sometimes, I emphasize sometimes, your voice will make it into a video.
He was very protective of you, and still is. Especially because of the place he is in popularity.
In the beginning your conversations while speed running would always be either muted from his audience or either cut of from the extended manhunt videos.
Now he takes pride in having his significant other's voice in videos. He dosent cut out your conversations, except if they're too personal.
Or the kisses
Dream bought you roses on the first date, and now roses are such a special thing between you two.
Those little rose pendants for jewelry, fake roses to keep around his place, gifts things that reminded him of your first date with a rose that comes with it.
He gives you merch of course!
Your closet is full of Dream hoodies and a box full of milestone coins.
You always either get the prototype one or the first one made. Idk how he made that happen, but take his word for it.
You've meet "Drista" before, and you had met his family too!
His family adores you.
He has yet to meet yours, but one day he promises he will make a great first impression.
I would do into more detail, but Dream is one of the most caring, sweet, boyfriend's you'll ever have.
My boyyyy
I love sapnap srs
He'll treat you like royalty
He's not the biggest fan of PDA but further into your relationship he got more comfortable with showing you love in public.
He loves hugs, lying together, just hugs and sitting you on his lap and resting his head on your shoulder.
You guys mostly have home dates for him to have an excuse to hold you all day.
The dates are mostly movie marathons with one of you laying ontop of one another
He loves cheek kisses btw.. all the time
Conversation between you two flows so naturally you could talk for hours about anything.
You try to convince him to have a podcast.
When you get too riled up his voice calms you and he knows that so he uses it to his advantage.
You two play fight alot, its never serious you two barely fight.
Also calling him his real name was the strangest thing to him.
Like Dream, it had to take some getting used too because their friends wouldn't call them by their real name (most of the time)
He adores nicknames for the both of you. You both have too many nicknames but the most popular one between you is 'angel'
You never sit in the same room while he plays video games, because he can scream very loud.
There probably has been noise complaints. And you wouldn't be surprised.
You'll always defend him no matter what. Even when the twitter stans get to him, he knows you'll be there without a doubt. Always ready to defend your man.
You're kinda protective of Sapnap, but he's more protective over you.
You two would defend eachother to the ends of the earth.
You trust him with hanging out with other people, but you just dont trust Twitter.
He loves showing you off to his community. He kept you a secret at first then gradually started saying "my significant other" and they caught on.
Sapnap isnt that much of a gift giver. He loves to spend more quality time with a person.
He likes to spend more time with you than buy you material things all the time.
But he gives you his merch, but then the rest of the clothes you get are his actual hoodies.
He's actually starting to miss his clothing so he asks for them back for them to inevitably end up back in your closet.
You and Sapnap are planning to take a trip to meet his parents and then make a weekend out of it.
Then the next stop is to meet yours and out of all the relationships you've had you're not nervous for him to meet your parents.
We love sapnap in this household and he would just be the best boyfriend srs
GeorgeNotFound! (George)
This man is so annoying
But like in an endearing way ya know?
He never fails to brighten up your day
Making you laugh
repeating phrases over and over again
poking you nonstop to get a reaction out of you
giving you long hugs that never seem to end
kissing you all over your face.
He is just so bright.
Hes the neighbors kid
George loves giving you affection whether its kisses or holding your hand he wants you to know he's there.
Even if you dont want him to he'll always want to be around you.
He loves skinship.
George loves walking around London finding stuff to do for dates.
He loves taking small roadtrips too so you get to see stuff around the area you wouldn't normally see.
Just walking around holding hands while making fun of anything you can see.
You two are out in public a lot so when George does his meetups with his friends and brings you along people would stop them and want to take pictures.
He'll introduce you as his significant other in public to fans who ask or notice, but online when his friends ask about his relationship he says "what relationship?" Even though his whole fanbase knows you two are dating.
His fanbase loves you two together, but sometimes they can get too much.
George couldn't care less about what his fanbase thinks if him and his relationship and he wants you do think the same because its not worth it.
Your voice sometimes appear in his videos when you comment on something he does in minecraft.
George doesn't like to put his personal life out on the internet so he still keeps secrets about yall relationship
All his community knows is that you're his significant other and you're "really cool" in George’s words.
You stay in his room when he's recording because he insisted that you stay.
Also he doesn't give you his merch, he refuses to and everytime you ask he just says "because I said so" and "I need the money"
He ends up giving you merch, you knew it was a bluff anways.
Dreams love language is gift giving
Sapnaps is quality time
and George’s is skinship like I said.
Hugs and kisses all the time. Even when your mad at him
You guys have so many inside jokes its ridiculous.
You say them around your friends and laugh just to annoy them.
You guys love to flaunt your relationship around. Showing off that "this is George’s jumper" and "oh this is y/n's necklace"
One time you threatened to cut George’s hair and he didnt speak to you for like an hour.
You already have a good relationship with him and his friends, but you havent met his family yet.
If your family lives out of the country you both plan to travel for him to meet your family.
If your family is in the same country you guys plan a month where you both meet eachothers parents in that same month.
George would be so proud that he got to meet your parents. And the same goes for you.
After all you both love a little road trip from time to time.
Anyways being georges significant other would be a 20/10 experience.
Dream Team Imagines: @bozowrites
MCYT Imagines: @annshit @bobaducky @malfoysslutt @egorldevi
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