#i do love him and first saw him in Dodgeball
bewarethemoonlads · 2 years
what is with this trend of horror movies where justin long plays an asshole and then gets trapped and fucked up in some random house
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
~Fox and their love-sick hound~
Yan!Dog!Rook x Fox!Mc
Warning: yandere, hunting (its rook...), stalking, drugs??,
I really wanted to write something for this. like I said in the mainly art version of this. I 100% think Rook as a Dog is a Golden retriever. they're hunting dogs but also little ray of sunshine. i know there is a movie about the fox and the hound but in the movie the dog is a blood hound. but rook... as a golden retriever.. i had to qwq
~~You found the fanfic! There’s an art piece that goes with this, here you go! Enjoy ^^~~
Surprise! surprise! the classes were over and everyone were doing their club activity. You were just stopping by each club to see how everyone was doing. a friendly visit, you can say.
You stopped by the music club and saw that their 3 members were playing a new rhythm game on cater's phone.
You stopped by the Basketball club. you quickly left when you say Floyd throwing the balls like they were dodgeballs...
you stopped by the board game club. Azul and Idia were playing a card game that you couldn't understand with Azul honey laced words trying to explain it to you.
you see the film club in the hallway for a film shot. vil seems to be lecturing a freshmen... fun.
you see malleus on the roof looking at gargoyles, you wave to him and he waves back.
you watched Riddle ride his horse, flawlessly. Silver was sleeping on a horse and Sebek was screaming at him to wake up.. fun.
the magical shift club were playing their game
you see Jack and Deuce running around the school and you quickly yelled at them to not to drink water.
now the science club, you were honestly on the fence on even entering. its nothing about the club that made you uncomfortable. it was a certain hunter that did.
when you first meet him, he went on and on with compliments about your beauty. at first it was nice and quite flattering but it started to make you feel uncomfortable and you started to feel a little self-conscious. did everyone notice that you misplace your buttons? or did everyone notice the way you part your hair? all this "positive" attention was too much for you to handle and when you confront him about it.... it was like he was holding back before cause now he just wont stop! You started to avoid him every chance you got. the spotlight was just too much for you to take and you didn't have the heart to tell anyone about how you felt about this. it was too embarrassing and frankly silly to not like all the "praise".
you were still at the door to the science club... and you really didn't want to leave this club with say hi or checking in like the others... plus! Trey will be there! he might help if Rook does... a Rook.
You took a deep breathe for courage and open the door. you were introduced to a cloud of purple mist that smelled floral but sour? with the force of the mist, you were knocked down on the floor. you immediately braced yourself on the floor. the mist took a good minute for it clear out.
"Little pup! Are you okay?"
towering over you stood Divus Crewel, you couldn't see his face but you did see his coat which helped you to identify him. his hand was extended to you.
"im okay.. what happened here??"
you took his hand and stood. with your other hand, you waved off the remaining mist.
"tsk.. it seems a pup mixed the wrong herbs to the base making the reactions to be more... monstrous than it was intended. we normally have good ventilation here but.. frankly, if you haven't open the doors, we'd likely suffocated by the fumes, so thank you pup."
he starts to walk away to check his students, leaving you standing there process what he said... good thing you went into the science club then huh.. you thought. you make your way in the class room and helped some of the students clear out the rest of the mist, it was still kinda hard to see everyone but with a little wave of a notebook as a makeshift fan, it cleared up quickly.
you noticed that there is a lot of beastmen in here? weird but you didnt seem to mind too much. the kicker is when you recognize a non-beastmen beastmen.
"trey? aww you have cute little doggy ears!"
Trey has cute dog ears on his head! one of the ear's is up and the other is flopped down. They were just the cutest! As you were distacted by his ears, he laughs and turns to show off his tail. he knew what he was doing.
"heh.. we were making transformation potions kinda like the sea Witch but instead of turning merfolk into human, we tried humans into beastmen."
"ah.. that makes sense but... umm... may i..?"
you motion to his tail and ears. he lets out a charming laugh and nods. your face beamed as he bends down to you so you can pet his ears. they were so soft and when you brushed your finger on the bottom edge of his ears, they twitched. you tried to hold your joyish squeal and just hugged trey.
"hehe... im guessing you like my ears and tail?"
"mhmm..." you said in his shoulder
"you dont look half bad yourself, perfect"
you felt a flitch on your... head, no... ears? you immediately push yourself off trey and ran to the nearest glass shelf to look at yourself in the reflection. you had big long ears standing on your head. they looked a lot bigger than trey's ears but not like bunny ears. you looked at your behind and saw you had a big long tail. it was flowy and the fur looked coarse but soft too.
"but how-?"
"it was likely when you opened the door, and the mist hit you. any ways, i need to check with Professor Crewel and see when an antidote can be made. if you don't mind perfect, can you help out the other freshmen to clean up? we should get this place clear out of the mist or any hidden residue. there's extra lab coats and gloves over here."
"o-oh! ya sure. i dont mind."
you ran to slip on a lab coat and... felt someone's eyes on you. you looked around and everyone seemed to do their own thing. maybe your just not used to the extra sensations with your ears and tail?
you shrugged it off and hurried to check on everyone and clean up.
3 days...
3 days until you ears and tail were gone. Trey said since they were mimicking the sea witch's merfolk to human potion. they estimate they potion will last for 3 days. anyone with ears and tail (that aren't suppose to) are suppose to check with professor crewel immediately.
Frankly ace and epel are not helping! they keep laughing and messing with you. blowing wind in your direction to watch you ears and tail twitch. if you're nice they use magic, if not, they get close and blow in your ear.
"my gosh! quit it!"
the only time they actually stopped (until next time) is when deuce and jack are protecting you from them. such sweet hearts. they compliment it and Deuce actually ask to feel them, he's just curious!
Sebek isn't much help either. he doesn't play jokes on you but his yelling is 10x worst now. you were half tempted to go straight to malleus or lilia and ask if they can talk to sebek about his volume.
other than that everything has gone quiet... its just smooth sailing. until 3 days is up, you continued your day like normal. you get comments here and there but everyone (except ace and epel) has been main respectful. bet the science club are getting lots of questions. maybe some went to azul for a temp cure, i mean, scarabia can be really loud with all the parties. what about Trey? cater is probably all over him with request for pictures or maybe he should get ears and a tail.
you laughed to yourself as you make it back to the Ramshackle dorm. Grim is with ace and deuce right now, after they were caught messing with the desserts. so you have alone time for a while, yippy!
your ear twitched and you quickly turned around to find... no one there.. maybe.. an animal? with too many strange feelings, the ears and tail sensing things, you just haven't been able to feel alone recently.. you quicken your steps and rushed inside your dorm. you quickly locked the doors and check the rest of house. locking doors and windows. you did a quick clean of the place, no hanging jackets or clothes that can be mistaken as figures in the house. you're suppose to just enjoy alone time... which you don't feel alone.. which is concerning.. you run to your room and try to get comfortable. new clothes, and your phone with ace and deuce's number on standby.
you lay down on your bed and took a deep breathe.. then you were out like a light.
how and why were you running? it was the third day, you were suppose to say good bye to the ears and tails, plus the strange feelings those ears and tail senses you couldn't shake off. you were tired of it, the first day, they were really cool to have and the senses were really neat but the strange feeling of just something, or someone, just made the whole experience sour for you. even when you were in the ramshackle dorm with grim, grim had to contently be your voice of reason, which is new but not unwelcomed. you could tell that grim was starting to worry for you, which made you feel a little guilty.
that night, you needed some fresh air. once you were out of the dorm, you sat on the pouch. the cold winds felt nice on your ears. you took a deep breathe and looked at the stars to calm your nerves. you just had to wait a few more hours... until midnight, right? you took a few minutes to just relax in the stars until you felt like you had enough and started to make you way inside.
when you stepped inside, you were greeted with a shadowy figure in your way. you froze, all you can see from his figure were their sharp eyes. no one moved for a moment...
the figured jumped at your direction! the ears and tail wasn't just for show, the potion gave you beastmen abilities too, like speed and strength. but mainly the speed part is important right now.
you swiftly jumped out of the way and ran.
you didn't know where to go. if you try to run to the other dorms, it'll take you some time just to get into the hall of mirrors. but if you head to the forest by ramshackle, there's a tiny chance you lose this creep but if they catch you, its all over for you.
you had to pick no chance or a tiny chance!
but you have beastmen senses, if you go into the forest. maybe they'll aid you away from this creep!!
who cares, just run!!
you were hiding now...
you do have beastmen abilities now but doesn't mean you still wont get tired. you were hiding in a little hole, two fallen trees made this small hole in the ground and you were so grateful that you noticed it. maybe you could run out of the forest now and hide in another building? maybe you successfully made the creep lost? hopefully..
you tired your luck, your chest felt so heavy but you had to get help.
you tired to be slow and quiet as you crawled out of the hole. an arrow was shot right in front of you, in the ground. you let out a quick scream and ran.
your running was short lived when heard a whistle in the wind and a sharp pain in your leg, you were shot. you fell and rolled into the dirt.
this is it. you couldn't make it home and now no one will hear from you again. you felt like your life was flashing before your eyes. regrets... guilts... what was the last thing you said to everyone..? would they be okay without you..? would you be okay without them...?! you feel hot tears falling from your eyes. you didn't want to go like this! there was so much you wanted to experience in twisted wonderland! please someone, hel-
"Aww~ Trickster, no need for these tears. shh... i was only playing~"
your heart downed, you slowly turned your head around to see him, Rook Hunt.. he stepped closer to you so you can see him better. he had floppy golden ears on his head and a wagging tail to follow...
"Aw~ My Trickster~ i see I've stolen your breathe away so let me explain. the day where you heroically saved everyone in the science club from our demise, we, including yourself, were gifted beastmen abilities. id admit, it took every fiber of my being to not just jump you when you were all over Chevalier des Roses. but.. i decided, since we were gifted these abilities, i should test them out. to understand your creations, you must test them. so i selfishly took on the hunt for my mon cher renarde~~"
he took off his hat and bowed, taking one of your hand and gently kissing your knuckles. you were too shocked to even respond. you were feeling too many emotions at once. does this mean you'll live? Rook was the strange figure that you sensed... that's why you haven't seen him in days. he did all of this to test the potion...? he shot you in the leg!!
you started to feel little headed and just collapsed on the floor. as you were falling in and out of conciseness, rook picked you up bridle style and started to talk some more.
"Ahh~ Mon cher Renarde~ watching you deny your instincts only to let them take over was truly an honor. Vraiment magnifique~ your cute little twitches, ahh~ i couldn't get enough. i might force you to take the potion again.."
he stops and smiles at you. a smile that made you feel sick.
"hehe~ just kidding~"
French words!! i used google translate so sorry for the people who knows french.
Mon cher Renarde = my dear fox
Vraiment magnifique = truly beautiful
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luvring · 2 years
I saw "suggestion for cove" i ran here asap. So hear me out hear me out.... In game you only hear about mc and Cove going to school between the steps so i would love to see if you have any headcanon about the two of them hanging school life ( from step 1 age to step 3, you choose what age )
— cove school life hcs
thank you. Thank You. i miss him. like i could just replay the game he's Right There but I Miss Him. i'm saur sorry if any of this doesn't match canon I haven't played in so long. also sorry if my experience doesn't match urs. um. i tried to pick universal experiences
the both of you stay up the night schedules come out to make sure you have classes together. there's quiet celebrations when you match up and groans where you don't
you share anything and everything that happened during your time apart on your way home ! cove has never had your math teacher in his life but from the sheer amount of stories you've shared he hopes he never sets foot in that class
BOOK FAIRS! if you really wanted something he'd offer to help pay for it. he might have gotten one of the cool pens or eraser or something
you're always field trip buddies. you sit on the bus together, you walk around together, it is simply law!
oh my god assemblies where the teachers got seats and the kids didn't. he turns to you and whispers about how unfair it is every year. you agree obviously
THE SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PLAYS ☹️ thinking about little cove singing. help. the songs get stuck in your head after music class so they get stuck in His and
little school valentine's where the both of you get each other the cards/candies they sell. platonic or not—personally i love doing it w friends
god. you know he's going to bee line towards you during group projects. why wouldn't he! he knows how you work, you know how he works, it's perfect like It's Perfect
doodle on his notebook doodle on his notebook do
there's a page where the both of you talk in the back of your notes that's a complete mess but it's lovely
asks you for help on what to say during introductions/ice breaker activities. what he says changes over time of course but he's been using the same base for years atp
school dances might be a bit hectic for him but if you wanted to go he'd definitely try his best . just give him some time and don't pull him into the middle of it all please
depends on if cove was athletic or studious but um. cove protecting you during dodgeball! let's think about this (said by girl who despised every version of dodgeball.)
you know he loved the swimming unit for p.e. like he'd actually be excited to come to school
the Dance unit. every time he'd switch over to being your partner you could see him relax
would Absolutely do the thing where you stand in line in a way so you get put on the same teams. every time the teacher would pull a quick one and you'd be on different teams he'd either sneak onto yours or be very upset.
if the class had an assigned seating chart he'd be very tense walking in before seeing the board. he denies it but you're either going to see him pout or grin at the results so
i don't know how they got to school but If it was a vehicle,, car or bus,, just imagining you dozing off and cove scooting over so you can rest your head on his shoulder ☹️
(the first time he saw you rest against the window he started panicking because of how bumpy the road was and now it's stuck in his mind forever)
walking is still quite lovely though. holding hands on the way to school...please.
you and cove will always wait for each other any day you finish earlier than the other
if you ever forgot your lunch cove is immediately splitting his in half
he'd help you study for your classes even if he wasn't taking them. hand him a quizlet/flashcards/your study guide and you're all set!!
y'know how they'd force you to go outside for recess even if it was cold as shit. i feel like cove tried to hide in the washroom at least Once. he could probably get away with it a few times before getting caught
i think it's up to you what it is but like, having something you do after exams to celebrate and relax. i'm not saying cove uses this as motivation but you know.
and if you ever did particularly bad on one cove would be upset with you because ?? he knows how hard you tried and just wants to cheer you up. always reminds you that you did your best and there's always next time.
gives you a Look when you tell him you stayed up or weren't taking care of yourself. will do everything in his power to help you
depending on what clubs you joined, he'd try to tag along. especially if it was a more chill one and not like, a dance club (😔)
^ though if you were in any kind of performance cove would make sure he could come. smiles to himself when you get on stage like Ok That's Awesome For Me
in my mind if you're dating,, you are The prom couple. even if you aren't voted in, it doesn't take a lot to notice the sea green haired boy and his s/o who he has a soft spot for. come on. there's at least 2 friend groups discussing how you'd win (i have no idea how prom works btw)
you know at the end of elementary + jr. high + high school there'd be those parties or graduation. people, fairly, get upset about leaving their friends. but cove without fail looks at you and is always always grateful for the fact he knows he won't lose you
i don't know the last time i used this taglist If Ever. pls tell me if ur not supposed to be on it omg. | @lordbugs @xfangirl-trashx @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @bakugosgrenade @vhenis
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malice-ov-mercy · 4 months
So I Can See Why Friends Become Enemies
Pairing: Will Ramos x (unnamed) OFC
Content Warnings: angst, friends to strangers
A/N: Bunny Suit by Darko US gave me a brain worm and has been on repeat since it dropped
Word count: 1.5k
Tag list: @circle-with-me @xxrainstorm @foliosriot @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @concretenoah @witchyweeb34 @agravemisstake @an-insane-day @lyschko666 @calisto-thoughts @emzandthevoid @shroomfairy24 @cncohshit @dominuslunae
If you would like to be added, please let me know for who! If you tell me everyone/everything, just know that includes anything I may write for Bad Omens AND/OR Lorna Shore!
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Will Masterlist
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People come and go, as is the way of life. Friends drift with age and circumstance. A friend from elementary school may not last longer than a sunrise, turning into a stranger by sunset. Should a stranger on the subway get too close, they could become a spouse. Will found himself blessed that the small, curly headed girl wearing bunny overalls who accidentally nailed him in the face with a dodgeball, was still someone he called a best friend—the same girl he was now proudly watching from a sold out hometown crowd, dancing and bouncing energetically around the stage.
From the moment after that fated day, she vowed to him that she would be a famous rockstar. He thought it silly as a child, but she kept good on her promise. She honed her voice over the years, taking great care in her practice and routine. She even helped him when he expressed interest. They worked endlessly on their craft together, even planned a band together—but that was nothing more than a silly little daydream.
Will cheered wildly when she spoke to the crowd, his hand over his heart as she told the tale of how they met. The crowd awes and and laughs along. For a moment he thinks she sees him way in the back, but it’s short lived as she sets up for the final song of the set. Before the song is finished, he slips from the crowd and hurries backstage.
It had been so long since they had a chance to hang out. Both were so busy with their own bands and lives, it was hard to make time to call or even text, let alone spend quality time together. Excitement and nerves tingled his fingers and toes as he walked through the maze of corridors. The familiar sound of her laughter made his heart somersault. His face broke into a wide grin when he saw her. She stopped dead in her tracks, mouth slightly agape.
“Will!” She all but screamed while running to him.
He laughed, feeling giddy and stumbling back as she threw herself at him. He caught her with ease, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She smelled of her usual lilac and vanilla mixed with hard work and sweat. It was so uniquely her. Will loved the way she smelled. If he could bottle it and use it as a perfume, he would.
“What are you doing here?!” She beamed.
“I had free time and I wanted to surprise you.” He said, cheeks hurting from smiling. “Did it work?”
“Of course it did!” She buried her face in his chest and mumbled, “I missed you.”
He squeezed her closer, his heart hurting a touch at the twinge of sadness in her muffled voice.
“I missed you too, bunny.”
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It felt as if the world came crashing down around him. No matter how many times he reread the message and willed it to change, it remained the same. Will’s sure he could recite it from memory now if he tried. She had to be joking, pulling his leg. She couldn’t mean the deranged, hurtful, jealousy filled words. He wanted to be mad, enraged even, but he wasn’t. He was simply hurt.
He’d heard the tales of fame doing numbers on relationships. He saw it first hand among his small circle, but never did he expect to have the unfortunate befall him.
Signs were there. She became snippy, her remarks and feedback snide and cross. Something changed somewhere. A toxin invaded her once pleasant and bubbly persona. It poisoned her beyond recognition. Her tongue was so sharp, Will wondered how she didn’t cut her teeth out. The emerald’s in her eyes clouded and he swore he saw a serpent pupil taking form. She wasn’t evil, he knew that, but she was no longer the girl who threw the dodgeball.
Will clung desperately to a lingering phantom as he watched his message fail to send, the green reminding him of the serpent she became.
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The song echoed in his mind. It seeped into the folds of his brain. A strange emotion coursed through Will as the song looped once again. He felt it all day, unable to pinpoint what it was.
Perhaps something hit too close to heart.
Perhaps it was her and her absence.
So I can see why friends become enemies.
I wish you the best in all that you do, but it’s nothing to do with me.
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People come and go, as is the way of life. Friends drift with age and circumstance. A friend from elementary school may not last longer than a sunrise, turning into a stranger by moonrise. Will found himself happy that the small curly headed girl who accidentally nailed him in the face with a dodgeball was his best friend once upon a time—the same girl he was proudly watching from a sold out crowd, dancing and bouncing energetically around the stage.
She became the rockstar she always dreamed of.
Will smiled as she told their story, happiness and hurt surging simultaneously. She spoke fondly of their time together, earning a few chuckles and incredulous murmurs as she told the tale of toxicity. She finished with a somber smile.
“Hold your people close. Don’t be like me.”
Their newest song started, and Will hastily made way to an exit. He knew he’d break. He apologized profusely each time he bumped into someone. His feet couldn’t carry him fast enough.
“Why is it you want to destroy me?” The sound of her powerful scream boomed across the speakers.
Frantically his eyes scanned for somewhere, anywhere he could escape. A door caught his periphery and he bolted. Crisp, cold night air hit his lungs. He stumbled into the smoking area, startling a small group of friends with his boisterous intrusion. He slunk away with an apologetic nod. The triage of friends slipped him, leaving him alone.
Will faintly heard the cacophonous tune from outside. Her voice carried well. He’d memorized every word of it. Absentmindedly, he hummed along to the chorus, that same weird and unfamiliar emotion spreading through him.
As the song closed, he made his way back inside. His skin buzzed, heart pounding so loudly in his ears, he feared he might go deaf. Will knew the venue like the back of his hand. None of them knew he was here, and he almost wished it stayed that way. The second he heard her voice, every alarm bell rang, telling him to run, that this wasn’t worth it. But he made this trip specifically to see her. It would be worthless to leave now after coming all this way.
He hadn’t the faintest idea what he would say. All the words and thoughts rushed out his brain when he saw her, hair still wildly curly and a different color. Her eyes found him and she froze, like a deer caught in headlights, as if she saw a ghost. Will didn’t expect excitement or a warm welcome, but he expected the coldness less.
“Will,” she said in disbelief.
“Hi, bunny.” The childhood nickname came out before he could stop it.
She sucked in a quick breath. “What’re you doing here?”
Before he could answer, a clean cut man wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and spinning her in a circle. He kissed her cheeks and she giggled softly.
“You were amazing baby!” He said, setting her back on the ground. She muttered a bashful thank you.
The man looked at Will. “Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize you were talking to someone! Who’s this?”
“Uh, this is Will.” She tucked a curly lock behind her ear.
He held a hand out for Will. He shook it, forcing a polite smile.
“Will, this is my…” her voice trailed off.
“Husband.” The man finished her sentence with a proud smile.
Husband. He didn’t know she got married. He would’ve liked to be there for that.
“Congratulations.” Will looked past the man to her.
“So how do you two know each other?” Her husband asked.
“I’m an old friend,” Will shifted his focus back to him, taking note of the change in her emerald eyes.
“Oh, well let me get out of your hair then! I’ll see you later?” He looked to her. She nodded. They shared a quick kiss before he dashed off.
“He seems nice.” Will said when he was out ear shot.
“He is,” she smiled. “I think you’d approve of him.”
He smiled back. The silence between them was stifling. Unspoken words weighed heavily on his tongue, but he couldn’t move them past his teeth. It felt like a mistake coming here.
“I, uh,” Will cleared his throat, “I think I should go.”
As he turned to leave, he felt a hand grasp his wrist and gently tug him back. She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, squeezing him for dear life. Will embraced her just as tightly, one arm around her waist, the other around her shoulders, hand cradling the back of her head. Her lilac and vanilla scent filled his nostrils.
“Thank you for coming.” She whispered so quietly he almost didn’t hear her.
“You’re welcome.” Will said, tears stinging his eyes.
He would still give anything in the world to have a bottle of her.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, angst. coarse language, quarrelling. Implied/slightly described messy home life
In which, Janis has always been reader’s source of love and comfort. Through the pretty and the ugly.
I’m on the incredi-coaster. Some days I am on the highest of highs, huffing chocolate-chip cookies, and, other days, I liiiterally want to jump right off
— Auli'i Cravalho, 2023
I like making myself emotional apparently 😁
“Are you okay?” Gretchen asks in a quiet voice, studying your face closely.
“Yeah.” You shrugged, focusing your eyes on the whiteboard and teacher at the front of the room.
“You alright?” Regina shot you a look, “What’s going on with you? You’re not yapping about like you usually do.”
“No, nothing.” You replied dismissively. Why’d she notice anyway?
“y/n, what…what are you doing? You’ve got the answer wrong.” Cady mentions.
“What?” You snapped out of your trance, shaking your head slightly as though to get rid of the unwanted thoughts. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry- I just-”
Just felt like crying, honestly.
“Maybe you should sit this one out.” Aaron says, “You look a little pale, are you sure—”
“Yeah, why the heck not?” You cut him off, grabbing the dodgeball and then threw it back to him.
Your day was going…alright— arguably.
“y/n, what is going on with you? I literally called for you twice and you just stared at your food.”
“I’m fine. Just tired, Damian.” You plopped the fork back onto the tray.
You spent half your school day without Janis since you both had, essentially- the same classes but at different times. After lunch was art class, where you’d see Janis for the first time since she picked you up from your house. “Hi, baby.” She presses a kiss to your cheek before taking her usual seat in class. You sat down beside her, your mind drifts back to last night’s useless quarrel with your Mom and Dad.
Janis was watching, you could feel it. But you continued looking straight ahead at the front of the room. You couldn’t lose it now, not after you’ve tried so hard to keep it together and you weren’t about to just…give up.
"Okay." Janis' voice pulled you back, "We're ditching, let's go."
"No." "Yes, come on. Before Mr. Riley gets here." She insisted. Next thing you knew, you were being led out of the school by Janis and into her Mom's car. She'd texted her Mom to come and pick the two of you up, and she did. But quickly left the house after you two'd been dropped off to go run errands.
"It happened again, didn't it?" Janis asked knowingly while shutting her door.
You scoffed, avoiding eye contact with her. Janis sat down beside you and carried on speaking, "I told you- you don't have to pretend with me. You do enough of that every fucking day, trying to care for your sisters, your Mom, yourself."
Damn, she really was always listening whenever you'd vented to her.
"I'm sick of it, you know? Have to re-parent myself, gentle parent myself- it's ridiculous. They made me this way and yet I'm the one doing all the work? While whatever's made me like this is still happening?" Your voice quivered, you sniffled, got up and walked to a corner of her room to avoid having her see you like this. Upset, teary, weak.
Janis saw a side of you that everyone else failed to see: the little girl inside you pleading to be loved and cared for instead of being picked on or dismissed. Or having every little flaw of yours scrutinised. Every time after you'd poured your heart out to her, you brushed it off as 'being in a mood'. But she doesn't. Janis knows it means something and has been helping you all this time. To undo the damage that's been done to little you. Janis allowed you to express your emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, anxiety, disgust...all of it. She's never once held you back but instead stayed along side you while you did what you needed in the moment, felt what you needed to feel in the moment. Janis knew every little quirk of yours like the back of own hand, she knew what made you happy, and what made you not so happy. She knew exactly what to do in any given moment which has made you feel like her burden. Which...you'd expressed in passing but she didn't agree. Janis immediately shut you down. But you insisted, saying it wasn't her job to fix you.
"y/n- listen to me. You are right, it's not my job to fix you- to fix any of this. But as your partner and someone who loves you, it is my responsibility to help you grow into a better person- a better version of yourself. You don't realise that so I'm telling you my point of view, okay? You've helped me too, you know that? You've made me less blunt, more patient...things that I weren't before I met you, y/n. It's not just me putting in the effort, you are too. I see how hard you're trying...to break the cycle and that's so important to remember in moments where it doesn't feel like it."
Now was one of those times...but you couldn't fight what you were feeling. Those emotions you've tried so hard to work through were all boiling back up. But still, you bit back those tears. And it physically hurt.
The more eager you seemed in avoiding looking at her, the more eager she was in walking up to you to make you took at her in the eye. "Why do you even love me?"
'What the fuck.' Janis thought to herself. That was honestly her first thought and what she wanted to say but she stopped herself, taking a deep breath instead, "You cannot choose who you fall in love with. And I don't have just one reason why. It just feels right, like it's meant to be." Janis slowly walked up to you from behind, "You don't see yourself the way I see you and it hurts me that you hate yourself this much. You're doing the best you can, baby. I see that, but please listen to me now, okay? Let it go, you need to let those tears go. Stop holding it in, it's okay. It's okay to cry."
Oh, what the hell.
You really just let go of the tears you've been swallowing all day long, falling limp in her arms as you choked on a sob. Whatever happened last night was anything but new, but it always upset you and brought you to a shitty place. Eventually, her back hit the wall and you two slid to the floor with you still safely in her embrace. She's witnessed worse, but this doesn't cause her invalidate your emotions. Janis would never do that to you- she never has. Janis loved you - every part of you. It's been clear since day one, nothing fazed her but what you had to go through all your life only angered her, wanting nothing but the best for you.
Janis had days like this too, and you were there for her without a second thought. Nothing mattered more than making sure she knew you were there for her. When you were in her shoes, you do it without even thinking. But whenever you were on the receiving end, you never could take your own advice or words that you so earnestly gave to your girlfriend.
Right now, was one of those days where you felt like jumping right off. Nothing felt worth it, everything you fought and worked for seemed futile. You, felt like shit. But Janis, no- she was a fucking saint, so damn patient and loving and it scared the shit out of you to have seen and experience the stark difference in her personality in public and in the safe walls of home...that side of her was as real as it was a show for self-defence. You never did experience love like this till Janis came into your life. All your life, you learnt that love had to be earned. That love was smashed glasses, broken walls and slamming doors. Absolutely nothing like what you could've imagined it to actually be and it terrified you.
Hurt in private, shine in public. Right?
You stop eventually, feeling nothing left inside of you anymore. It's not like you were a loud crier by any means, but it just went on for several minutes and the more sober you felt, the more you kept thinking that you should just...stop. Even with her whispering words of assurance into your ears over and over, her telling you she loved you.
"Do you wanna stand?" She asks, both her hands cupping your cheeks. You just did, not giving her a verbal response. Sighing, you went into her bathroom to freshen up then changed into a set of clothes that were hers. Wordless. Not another word came out either one of your mouths as all of this was carried out. Because she knew you- that's how you worked. You climbed into her bed, and she does the same, spooning you as you felt yourself relax further under her touch. Your arms rested on hers as you gave her hands a squeeze, hoping she got what you meant. She did, of course she did. She knew what every little gesture meant. Janis could read you like a book.
You two dozed off for a little while, and when you woke up again you were expecting a bitching headache- which did start. But eh, you'd be fine. You felt better after letting yourself feel what you needed to feel. Both of you acknowledge whatever's happened prior to the nap, but moved on with your day focusing on anything but that. That was done. While you were curled up on the couch, Janis threw a frozen pizza into the oven along with the last bit of chicken tenders, she said. Again, you did not say a thing but she knew you were listening. You were the one who requested the pizza after all.
You two've gotten the routine done and that's what mattered on days like these. You knew she loved you and why, but when emotions were running high, a lot of crap tended to be said. A little bit of love, patience and peace went a long way in these times. "Janis." You looked at her, she looked back at you, "Thank you. I love you." "Anytime, baby. I know you do. I love you, too." Janis said back, running a hand through your hair while you had your head in her lap now, "We're doing just fine."
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foggyfanfic · 1 year
Alma would like the record to show, that she has always tried to understand her son. Of course she has, she’s his mother, if she doesn’t understand Bruno, then who does?
Nobody, that’s who. Nobody understands Bruno.
Lately, ever since they started talking, really talking, she’s understood his anxieties, his hurt, his loneliness, his love of rats, and even his decision to live in the walls for ten years. But she has accepted that she will only ever understand half of what comes out of his mouth.
It started when he was six and everything he didn’t like was “square”, then when he was a teenager and everything good was that English word “nifty”. Lately, anytime Bruno saw Pepa or Julieta being affectionate with their husbands he would look his sisters in the eye and say “That’s cringe”. She assumed this terminology came from the future, but honestly, Bruno had always been so creative, he might have just dreamed this stuff up.
Now, Alma stared at the box the merchants had brought back from the city at Bruno’s request and debated if she even wanted to know.
Alma took a deep breath in, closed her eyes and slowly breathed out.
“I am trying to do better,” she quietly reminded herself, “I will be interested in, and supportive of… whatever this is.”
With that said, she opened her eyes, turned towards the stairs and started the short journey to her son’s door. She knocked on the blank wood next to the new and improved carving on Bruno’s door. Then she waited.
Eventually, the door opened, and Bruno gave her that quiet smile she had missed so dearly while he was gone, “Hola Má, what did you need?”
“A package has arrived for you,” she told him, “it’s too big for me to carry upstairs-.”
She apparently didn’t need to say anything else, because Bruno’s face lit up and he eagerly stepped through the doorway. He rushed to the banister and looked down at the box, grinning.
“Oh, that’s great!”
“Indeed,” Alma said, doing her best to smile warmly.
“I’ll open it right now and get it outta here,” Bruno promised her, already walking to the stairs. 
Alma followed, “No rush mijo. Do you need any help?”
“Ah, sí. I uh, I will probably need help inflating them,” he said, thoughtfully.
“Oh, well, I don’t know how much help I could be in that regard,” she frowned, then remembered something, “although I think I might know where the air pump is.”
Recently, Luisa had been trying to learn how to ride a bike, and she had picked up a small pump that Alma was pretty sure was in the closet by the laundry room.
“That’d be perfect,” Bruno nodded eagerly, practically skipping down the stairs, “a-and I’ll probably need something big to hold them in. If you don’t-, if you can think of-, por favor.”
“I will see what I can do,” Alma agreed, walking down the stairs at a much more sedate pace.
Bruno’s sandals slapped noisily against the tile as he rushed across the courtyard to the box waiting for him in the entryway. His hands fluttered around it excitedly for a second, then he patted his pockets down for the small pocket knife Camilo had gotten him for his first Christmas back. He carefully opened the pocket knife, then slid it through the tape holding the box closed.
“Bruno,” Alma finally dared to ask.
“Sí Mamá?” He didn’t look up as he unfolded the top of the box.
“What exactly is a ‘El Señor Divertido’s Super Bounce Dodgeball’, and why have you ordered a box of them?”
“Oh! Remember how Mirabel was saying we should find some way to stop people from pestering me for visions?”
Alma pursed her lips, “I do, however, I’m not sure throwing balls at people is the best solution.”
Granted, she wouldn’t stop him if he chose to start throwing harmless rubber balls, but Alma had put a lot of effort into softening the villagers towards her son. Him going on a red rubbery rampage might undo that hard work. Sure, there had always been days when she’d been tempted to throw things at various villagers for the way they talked to Bruno, but in some ways, her renewed determination to protect her son from the village’s disdain required she hold her tongue around others more so than before. Let Isabela and Pepa outwardly fight for Bruno, Alma would use her position as village leader to support his reintroduction into society.
It was the least she could do.
Thankfully, Bruno’s plan did not involve throwing things, or at the very least, didn’t involve him throwing things.
“What? Oh. I guess I could do that,” Bruno paused, frowning down at his box of deflated red rubber balls, then he shook his head and his grin came back, “B-but actually this is based off a joke that’s going to be really funny in the future. You’ll see! This is going to be great.”
She shoved aside her doubts and kissed Bruno’s cheek, “I’m sure it will be. Now, let me see if I can find that air pump.”
It took a day or two, and some help from her grandchildren, but Bruno got all of the dodgeballs inflated and stored in giant laundry sacks. He put the sacks of balls on a wagon and took it into town, leaving it in the town square. 
On the wagon he hung a sign that said “Only people that can aim with the accuracy of Apollo may receive the gift of prophecy. If you want me to give you a vision, first you have to hit me with a dodgeball. You get one try, and are liable for any property damage if you miss. Anyone who misses, then pesters me for a vision regardless, will be reported to Pepa.” 
He’d signed his name in green paint, along with a little hourglass, then in parentheses put “(Oh, and to the kids, you are allowed to play with balls as much as you want, just put them back in the wagon when you’re done. (Kids can also ask me for help re-inflating the balls, adults have to take care of that themselves.))”
Alma and Julieta stood in front of the wagon, staring at the sign. On another day, Alma would have taken the time to be amused that Julieta was standing the exact same way Pedro used to when he was confused, but today she was too busy being confused herself. Confused and concerned.
“Juli, mija, I-, you know I have been trying not to ask too much of you lately, so of course you can say no, however, would you mind-?”
“Making extra arepas in case Bruno gets pummeled with red balls for the sake of a joke nobody will get for another few decades?”
“I will mind, but I will do it anyway. So long as I am also allowed to pummel him with red balls.”
“…that’s fair,” Alma nodded.
As they watched, a kid ran up and read the sign. His face lit up and he dug into the laundry bag for a ball, he paused long enough to smile politely at Alma and Julieta, then ran off with the ball held over his head.
“Guys, guys, el Señor Bruno is lending us this brand new ball,” he shouted, presumably at the other boys down the street.
“Well, at least he’s making the kids happy,” Julieta noted.
They stared at the wagon for another few seconds, then Alma sighed through her nose and walked away. Julieta fell into step beside her a second later. When Alma spared the wagon one last glance, Osvaldo was reaching into a bag for one of the balls.
She sent a silent prayer to God, Mother Mary, and any saint who felt like listening that this wouldn’t end with her son being grievously injured.
It turned out, however, that her fears were misplaced. 
Her first update on the dodgeball situation came from Camilo the next night as they all sat down for dinner. Luisa was giving Camilo a doubtful look, repeatedly asking “Really?” to which Camilo repeatedly answered “Really!”.
When Bruno walked in, head buried in a book, Camilo cheered, “There he is! Watch this!”
Without further ado, Camilo picked up a tortilla and threw it like a frisbee at Bruno. Pepa immediately began admonishing her son, but everybody else watched the tortilla as it sailed towards Bruno’s downturned head. At the very last second, Bruno ducked and the tortilla passed over his head, hitting the wall with a quiet “thwap”.
Bruno lifted his head from his book and looked at the tortilla as it slid down the wall to the floor, then he looked at Camilo, who was applauding him.
“E-even if that had hit me, it wouldn’t count,” Bruno told him, “It has to be, y’know, a dodgeball.”
“I know, I know, but Luisa was doubting your dodging skills,” Camilo retorted, jabbing a thumb at his cousin.
“I wasn’t doubting him!” Luisa immediately said, giving Bruno an apologetic look, “I just… y’know… was having a hard time imagining Tío Bruno jump over three balls at once.”
“Myeh, that’s fair,” Bruno shrugged. He pulled a bookmark out of his pocket and closed his book around it, then sat down, the book disappearing under the table.
Alma had no doubt Bruno would be sneaking peeks at it throughout the meal.
“Three dodgeballs at once?” Isabela asked, then she wrinkled her nose, “How would that even work?”
“El Señors Garcia, Cortez, and Lopez all wanted Tío Bruno to predict how this weeks football tournament will go so they could place bets,” Camilo said, “so when they saw Tío Bruno in the market they ran to the wagon then each grabbed a ball. You shoulda seen it, they were tripping each other and shoving each other, then they all got to Tío Bruno and threw their balls at the same time. El Señor Cortez had to throw his from the ground ‘cause Garcia had tripped him. So all three balls go zooming at Tío Bruno and he doesn’t even flinch, he just jumps straight up and let the balls go past him.”
“Really?” Mirabel asked, turning to look at Bruno.
Bruno shrugged again, “I-It’s not like I didn’t get plenty of warning. They were cussing each other out the entire time.”
“Yeah, but you just jumped straight up! I swear you jumped at least as high as the roof of the bookshop,” Camilo pointed out, gesturing to indicate exactly how high Bruno had jumped.
“Oh! Like in the walls,” Mirabel said, “like how you jumped over that big hole.”
“Basically,” Bruno nodded.
“Big hole?” Alma asked, unable to keep the worry out of her voice. She knew this was in the past, but she didn’t like the idea of her son jumping over large holes when he was in the walls, unable to get help if he got injured.
“Oh, yeah, heh heh, that,” Bruno rubbed at his arm, “w-well it didn’t start out as a big hole, at first it was a little hole. I-it’s only towards the last few years in there that it, you know, got uh, got… well, big.”
Alma frowned, “That doesn’t sound very safe.”
She was doing her best not to let her fears affect the way she treated her family, but she’d found, somewhat counterintuitively, that expressing those fears helped her to move past them. Besides, when she openly expressed her concern for his safety and well-being, Bruno would smile sheepishly. In the past when she had simply said things like “Do you think that was wise?” Bruno used to hang his head, shoulders drooping.
It was a small change, but one that had made a big difference in their relationship.
“I-I was fine, it’s like Mirabel said, I just uh, I just jumped over it,” Bruno reassured her, “it uh-, I actually got really good at jumping. Hence, y’know.”
Bruno waved a hand at Camilo, who once again acted out Bruno’s jump via hand gestures.
Alma breathed out through her nose, allowing her son's words to reassure her. She smiled at him, and nodded to indicate she believed him. Bruno grinned, as pleased as ever to have helped in any small way.
Dinner continued without any more mention of dodging or balls or jumping. And it was several days before she heard another word about Bruno’s little game.
The next update on Bruno’s new rubber ball based system of distributing visions, was heralded by a lot of angry shouting at Casita’s front door. Alma stood behind the door and strongly considered if she truly wished to open it.
“The sign itself says anyone who throws a ball and misses is liable for any property damage caused,” the voice that sounded suspiciously like la Señora Rivera shouted.
“Well I wouldn’t have missed if Bruno hadn’t moved!” retorted the voice of el Señor Marius.
“What?! You expected him to stand completely still so you could hit him?” Rivera snapped, “In case you didn’t get the memo, this is called a dodgeball. Dodge-ball.”
Alma didn’t wait to hear another word, it sounded like la Señora Rivera had this well in hand. Meanwhile, Alma needed to get started on that grocery list.
As she walked away there was an insistent knock on the door while Marius shouted, “Dona Alma?! Did you know your son has set a trap in order to turn the people of Encanto against each other?!”
“It’s not a trap, you’re just a dumbass!” 
Julieta peeked her head out of the kitchen, curiously. She raised an eyebrow at her mother in a silent question. Alma tapped a finger to her lips.
“We’re not home,” she informed her in a whisper.
Julieta glanced at the door, then slowly nodded, and obediently agreed, “Sí Mamá.”
After that, news of Bruno’s little game trickled into Alma’s ears through a variety of sources. Félix passed along a message from his football team that after seeing his agility and quick reflexes, they’d be happy to have Bruno, if he was interested. Bruno, who hadn’t been invited to join anything since he was seventeen, had blushed and admitted he’d already agreed to help coach the various kid’s teams and wouldn’t have the time.
Osvaldo showed up at Casita in need of an arepa after he threw a dodgeball at Bruno and ended up hitting a particularly vengeful donkey when Bruno ducked and rolled.
Various groups of children came by Casita with flat red balls and happily asked Bruno how he had learned to cartwheel so many times in a row, or jump off walls like that, or bend over backwards the way he had.
The game stretched on for three months, and changed shape as it did so. As far as Alma could tell, the object of the game had stopped being to win a vision two weeks in. Now, the young athletes and old braggarts of the village just wanted to be the one to finally hit Bruno. New rules had been drawn up and transcribed on a sign that was hung next to the first, such as “trapping Bruno is cheating” and “handing the ball to Bruno does not count as hitting him with it” and of course “hitting somebody who looks a lot like Bruno is not ‘close enough’ and Oscar is very sick of you throwing things at him”. 
This last rule was followed by the comment “maybe Oscar should learn how to dodge”, which itself was followed by a note, presumably from Oscar, that had to be covered with black paint and a reminder that kids read that sign.
Finally, in a great twist of fate, it was Agustín who won the game of dodgeball. 
Bruno and Agustín were out with Alma, helping her pick up the last two crates of wine for Dolores’ wedding. For obvious (albeit gently stated) reasons, Agustín was carrying the complimentary chocolate that the winery had thrown in as a wedding gift. Meanwhile, Alma and Bruno each carried a crate with nine bottles of wine.
As they passed through the town square, Alma smiled when she saw a bunch of school children kicking one of the now familiar red balls around. She turned to Bruno and remarked, “If nothing else, you have brought a great deal of joy to the village children.”
Bruno chuckled sheepishly, “Yeah, that’s-. Good, happy to, uh, make people happy. I guess.”
“Oops! Sorry,” one of the kids called to all the rest when he apparently kicked the ball out of bounds, and it rolled over to them.
Agustín, being the only one with a free hand, picked the ball up and said, “I’ll take it back over to them.”
They nodded, Alma bit her tongue to say something that might sound unintentionally judgemental like “Sí, that would be best”. Idly, she tried to think of a casual, non-patronizing way of saying “The fact that you know your limits and work with them instead of getting defensive shows exactly how good of a man you are”. She supposed it would have to wait until a quiet moment, when she could take the time to properly express her admiration of her son in law’s character.
Old Alma would have been content to assume that Agustín understood how much she''d grown to respect him over the years, however Old Alma had also been content to assume that her son understood how much she loved him. And that clearly hadn’t-.
“Whoops,” Agustín yelped, interrupting Alma’s musings.
What came next, Bruno would later insist at dinner, was proof that Agustín was perhaps the most magic person in the village.
Agustín tripped over a raised cobblestone and the ball flew out of his hand. It soared towards the door of the shoe cobbler’s shop, which flew open just in time to smack the ball away. The ball shot into the center of the square, where it bounced off the front of a passing wagon. Now zooming through the air at dangerous speeds, the ball passed over head bystanders as said bystanders threw themselves to the ground. It hit the wall of the church, cutting some of its momentum but changing its trajectory. 
Straight towards Alma.
Alma had maybe three seconds at most to stare at the now rapidly incoming red ball and try to come up with a response. She couldn’t throw herself out of the way, that would mean dropping the wine. However three seconds isn’t a lot of time, and that was the only thing she could think of.
Then the ball was gone, hidden behind her son, who was suddenly standing toe to toe with her, curled protectively around his crate of wine. 
Bruno screwed up his face, and planted his feet. His body jerked as Alma heard the unmistakable sound of the ball bouncing off his back.
For a second the entire square was silent. 
Then Bruno sighed, stood up straight, turned to Agustín and said, “Oh come on!”
People cheered, children applauded, Alma half expected somebody to throw confetti. Some guys came up and firmly patted Bruno’s shoulder, telling him it was “a good way to go out”, while others shook Agustín’s hand.
It took them about an hour to get home as Agustín and Bruno unexpectedly found themselves at the center of an impromptu award ceremony. Turns out, somebody had been keeping track of how many days Bruno had gone without getting hit, and an actual medal with the exact number was being made. Agustín was handed a trophy, probably the only athletic award he would ever receive in his life, and asked to give a little speech. He stumbled through thanking his wife, and saying what a great honor this was, then hit gold with the crowd when he highlighted some of the most memorable attempts by people who were actively trying to hit Bruno.
Soon after, Bruno was convinced to make a tradition of it, although he said that he would want to put some sort of time limit on the game next time.
“M-maybe a month long event?” he had suggested, “It could be-, we could make it a whole tournament?”
Finally, they were allowed to go home as people began debating how they could turn the dodgeball game into a month-long tournament. However, even when they did get home, Bruno and Agustín were cajoled into telling the story at least six times. Bruno added more and more ridiculous ways for the ball to be tossed around the square with each re-telling.
Dinner featured the most exaggerated version of the story of all, with Camilo and Antonio happily chiming in with suggestions to encourage Bruno. And, of course, there was the very noisy debate over whether or not Agustín had magic.
"If he gets magic, I better get magic too," Félix joked, "you ain't the only one who married into this family."
Then, finally, after everything had wound down and the family was headed off to bed, finally Alma got the chance to hug her son.
“Gracias, mijo, for what you did earlier,” she whispered as she hugged him, then pulled back, cupped his blushing face, and kissed his cheek.
“It… it was nothing,” Bruno chuckled in his quiet, awkward way, “don’t mention it.”
Alma shook her head, smiling softly, “Ay, you know, you’ve always been so modest. Even when the entire village crowded around you to tell you how special your gift was, you were such a humble child.”
“Sí,” she sighed quietly, “you have always been a good son, you know that, don’t you? Even when I didn’t show it, I have always been proud of you.”
Bruno smiled down at his toes, stuttering over half aborted sentences. Eventually, he laughed quietly, then gave her a crooked half smile, his strange sense of humor glimmering in his eyes, “Right in the feels.”
Alma chuckled, shaking her head. She gave him another hug and bid him good night. It was true that she would never fully understand the things Bruno said, but she knew what he meant.
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extasiswings · 1 year
I have been noticing things, and I don't know what to make of them, so I am bringing them to you, because you have been blessed/cursed by Apollo's dodgeball and are also great at connecting dots. I apologise.
I am worried about Buck's lungs. His sats dropped when he was in a coma, to the point of needing ECMO, but during his recovery we only saw him see a cardiologist, no respiratory rehab was mentioned. Now his PT scores are down. The show has also been weirdly pointed about focusing on sats monitors being put on people's fingers during calls. They've done it on at least 3 of the calls since Buck's been back, and at no point have the people's sats been mentioned - even the woman face down in dough, who was started on oxygen. That in itself isn't a big deal - they're a quick way of getting a heartrate, and its standard practice to put one on. But why keep showing them? Then this week, Maddie had the call with the kid where she had to remind him how to breathe.
So, what do you think? Is there anything there, or am I projecting because I'm having to have respiratory physio after covid?
Just when I thought I couldn't get any more unhinged! No, there is DEFINITELY something there and I'm not gonna be normal about it. There are a couple of different places my mind went to (because it's not just Buck, Eddie's in this too) so apologies if this is scattered:
Buck + Death is the big overarching theme looming over Buck's healing journey. Buck's life has been about Death since before he was even born, when he was conceived to be a savior baby...and was a match...but Daniel still died anyway. And Buck has been running towards Death ever since, seeking it out, courting it like a lover without even realizing why, never knowing that Daniel's ghost was haunting him. He has internalized so completely this idea that his value is entirely dependent on what he can do for others, on how much he can sacrifice, can give, up to and including his own life. The fact that the problem was Buck's lungs in the episode where he was reckoning with Daniel for the first time while trapped in his subconscious mind was inspired and a huge callback to Buck Begins, after Buck first learned about Daniel, with Buck in the warehouse fire taking off his mask and telling the guy he was trying to save that he would just hold his breath. And Buck's been holding his breath in a sense ever since. Spiraling. Stagnating. Regressing. He quit therapy. He trapped himself for a year in a soulless relationship because he was already depressed but then the shooting happened and Eddie basically told him he wasn't allowed to keep trying to kill himself, taking away one of his main self-harming coping mechanisms (passive suicidality brushed off by telling himself he's actually helping people), all of that.
There are also the crush injuries surrounding him (which I wrote about in 6A as being super sus). Thomas and Mitchell and a car accident crush injury, the first call where Buck begins explicitly associating romantic love with death. Buck being crushed under the ladder truck, which ultimately led to the blood clots and a pulmonary embolism because he wouldn't let himself rest and recover, wouldn't let himself heal or slow down, because he was too focused on getting back to work where he could (in his mind) be useful, be worth something, could save lives. And he admitted then that he didn't know what/who he was without the job, and ironically almost torched all of his relationships with the people who love him regardless in order to get back to it. And then of course there's also Lev. Lev trying to find the secrets to happiness but instead being crushed to death by a walkway that collapsed because the hotel identified the problem but never made the repairs. And it was through him that Buck started thinking that he could find all the answers he's been looking for in death.
But...Buck died. Actually died. And despite his joke about his math powers and being the guy with the answers, he doesn't have them all.
At the end of 6x11, he took a breath. He took a step. He allowed himself a little bit of self-awareness, of self-reflection, he dipped his toe into the water of the root trauma that has led him to all the others. But he's awake now, and what has he done? By all accounts it looks like exactly what he's done every other time/like he's falling back into the same bad habits. He let his mom steamroll him into getting him a couch that he didn't want. He threw himself back into work as soon as he could and keeps trying to brush off the fact that he went through a serious trauma (physical/mental/emotional) to the point that the people who love him have to keep reminding him that he literally died. He has the tools he needs to heal, but isn't actually taking the steps to get there. And, as you point out, they're potentially foreshadowing that there are still problems with his lungs that may still get worse.
Because Buck is, at heart, one big crush injury. He has been suffocating under the weight of trauma after trauma since he was born, conceived in grief and then discarded. He has been suffocating under the weight of hiding his true feelings from others (up to and including hiding them from himself) and leaving so many necessary things unsaid. But it also makes me think about Eddie and Home Invasion and the call at Marisol's and everything that I've been saying about insulation as protection but too much protection stifling you so much that you can't breathe. Buck being "the settler" in romantic relationships because he can't get hurt (at least not as badly) if he's not actually attached to the relationship, never going after/asking for what he really wants. Eddie being his own variation on "the fugitive" always running from the things that he's most afraid of. Both of them trying desperately to protect their hearts from getting broken and instead ending up in a place where they are both always dying...
Idk, there's something about Buck + Death and Eddie + Fear and Buck constantly suffocating vs. Eddie drowning, and Buck starting the season not wanting to make the same mistakes but also possibly "misunderstanding the assignment" with this death doula, and water finding its level...yeah...yeah...
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jess-emurphy · 2 years
Alice in Borderland trailer breakdown Part 2
Hello welcome to the second part of the trailer breakdown analysis. You can find Part One here.
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Chishiya backstory, thank god. Kuzuryuu’s game is being adapted, that’s great. I will say, the impact is complete dog shit compared to the manga. I doubt show only viewers will remember him. His impact was BIG in the manga. The reveal he was a game maker the whole time...woof.
I think the third image might be Chishiya leaving either Kuzuryuu’s venue or the Jack of Diamonds.
The setting for Kuzuryuu’s looks great, manga accurate. I love the whole vibes of it.
(Edit: I've been told in the third image you actually see the hearts banner above Chishiya so there we go)
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There is a character in the manga who goes basically on a journey by himself, goes hiking. It seems An takes on his role. I do not hate this change (See? I don’t hate it all), I think cutting his character and combining him with An was a great choice considering the cast was large already. Also, more An is always great, very underused in the manga.
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An and Kuina team up, it seems to be some sort of dodgeball game (so probably a Jack or Queen of Spades). I think that’s the blimp falling in the background. In the manga, we do see the blimps crashing down. Beautiful shot. Excited for this game, it makes perfect sense they’d team up.
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OH here we go!!!!
Jack of Hearts my beloved!
Everyone looks great. I believe the third image is our Jack himself. He looks so much like his manga counterpart. Very excited to see his acting. You can see Chishiya behind him in the trailer (apologises it’s cut here).
I’m not sure if this game will be before or after Chishiya goes to the all diamond games. It might be his first game he stumbles upon, or the diamond games are all defeated and he decides to go at this.
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Okay so this is a game I noticed in the trailer, I couldn't seen any specific main characters. It’s probably a spades game? I noticed in the third image that two people were on the same rope. So might be a clubs game? Or even hearts? It’s heard to decipher so I suppose we’ll wait and see. We saw a game called Elevator in season 1 in which they held onto a metal bar. This feels too similar so this might actually be one where they have to be the first to climb to the top.
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This is interesting because it looks similar to the car An drives. If so, very strange choice to have An just...run people over. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss.
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Mira. The outfit looks great. The setting is beautiful. It’s a great contrast the chaos of everything else.
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I love how dirty and bloody these two are compared to Mira’s venue. It’s great, they stand out.
So that’s it for Part 2.
Overall thoughts: I am very excited for these new games. Despite the annoyance of the whole Tatta thing, I’ll enjoy this either way. Now a thing I noticed. There’s not battle royale here, but there is a part where Arisu has a gun and screams for Usagi. That’s either when he and Usagi are fighting the King of Spades or Niragi is about to shoot her. I hope they don’t cut the battle royale, although with the Chishiya thing, there’s no real purpose for it I suppose.
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3mcwriting · 1 year
Already Gone
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Warnings: death, cursing
Fate was cruel.
You knew that better than most.
When, at age 12, you had begun getting struck with prophetic dreams, you had thought you were going crazy.
But you never told anyone.
Who could you tell? Your parents? Your few friends?
As if, they'd all think you were just as crazy as you thought you were.
But when one day your best friend gets hit by a blue sedan with scratches on the left car door, you almost vomit.
Put simply, you'd dreamt about the occasion three days before it happened. Everything--the slight dent in the bumper, the three long scratches on the left car door, and the man in sunglasses sitting behind the wheel--were the same.
From then on, the dreams had only increased. Or maybe they came with the same frequency as before and you'd only been too in denial and stupid to notice.
Either way, you began paying more attention.
That girl who sat three rows behind you in chemistry? She was going to cheat on the final and still fail.
The boy who always used to get targeted in dodgeball? He was going to marry the boy who had bullied him through elementary.
Your parents?
Well, they weren't going to live past your twenty-first birthday.
Some of the things you saw, you could prevent. With the extra time, knowledge, and awareness, you were able to change a couple things, help a couple people, but that was only as long as fate allowed you to.
Sure, convincing that kid to move his lemonade stand down the street saved it from all the bees that lived in the tree that stood above, but you were unable to do anything when your friend's grandma was diagnosed with cancer. Maybe if you'd known a couple months prior, but you had only found out two days before your friend's family did.
Though you were able to see glimpses of the future, most of the time you were still just as helpless as every other goddamn person in the cruel universe.
Never had that hit you as hard as it did now.
As Natasha shot you with a jolt of electricity from the device at her wrist, her eyes were pleading with you, 'Please, let me do this. Let me save you.'
But the shock of electricity knocked you unconscious for a second. Just long enough for you to see a glimpse of Natasha's broken, still body at the base of the cliff you stood on.
The moment you regained consciousness, you staggered to your feet, desperately trying to reach the woman you loved before she sacrificed her life.
"No, Nat. Don't do this." You grabbed her arm in an attempt to pull her back. Never before had she pulled away from you. But she couldn't let you hold her. Not if she wanted you to live.
But she was selfish.
So she gave herself one last moment with you.
Natasha pressed her lips to yours, pressing against you so she could remember the way you felt. Your arms wrapped around her waist as you deepened the kiss.
You knew what would happen if you let go.
Still, when Natasha pulled away and ran for the cliff, you knew you wouldn't be able to save her. You'd seen her fate.
But fuck fate.
So you ran after her, managing to grasp her arm as she fell.
"What are you doing, (y/n)?" Natasha's voice was desperate.
You grunted, muscles straining as you tried to pull her up. "I'm not going to just- just let you die."
A sad smile spread across Nat's face. "Since when have I ever needed anyone to let me do anything?"
Tears fell down your face, your arms growing weaker. "Please, Nat. We can find another way."
"We both know there's no other way," Natasha's voice was soft. "I love you, (y/n)."
At those words, you tried harder than ever to pull her up. But Nat twisted her arms out of your grasp, kicking off the side of the cliff.
Within moments, she hit the bottom--heart still in her chest and the light gone from her eyes.
She had just killed herself.
And just as always, the only thing you were able to do was watch.
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howtotrainyouragents · 4 months
Agent H’s TV Reactions
Spy x Family Season 1 
A spy is tasked with creating a fake family to infiltrate the enemy country, only to unwittingly marry an assassin and adopt a child telepath
-I love that this a story about survivors of war. About how they fight for peace. About how they heal through love and relationships with each other. I love that it’s an action story, a drama, a comedy, a slice of life
-You can tell that this is an anime that really loves the story and source material. It is truly done with such love and care and attention to detail 
-I really wish that the opening/closing scenes were canon/shown because I want to see them going on vacations and dance around their home TT. I also want that scene of Loid at the train looking up at Yor on the balcony. I also love the scene in the second opening scene of Yor hugging Anya by the window
-The teacups theme song is my new comfort song
-I have such a crush on Loid. The tousled “at home” hair will be the death of me. 
-HE’S SUCH A DAD. Have him make a corny dad jokes and HE’S THERE
-I love that Loid’s complaint of Anya is that she’s unpredictable. Like, yes, the best spy in the world, the man who can predict and prepare for any situation in the world, is having his ass handed to him by a four year old
-Meanwhile it take Anya about 48 hours to learn that no matter how cool your parents are, all parents are lame
-I know it was for the interview, but I think Loid genuinely meant it when he said he found a kindred spirit in Yor. The moment at the party I think is when Yor starts to fall for him, but also when Loid recognizes that they are alot alike, that she “may be the only person who can accept him for who he is right now.”
-Also, Loid absolutely fell in love with Yor when she first knocked out that bad guy
-Yor being the emotional support and rock of the family. The way she supports and cares for Anya and plays with her and gives her advice (however helpful it is XD). And the way that she supports Loid, breaking him out of his anxiety. Like in the restaurant in the third episode, he’s totally spiraling about the interview, and she doesn’t know what’s going on in his head, but she knows to take them to the park for fresh air and perspective and it’s just what he needed
-The scene of Loid and Yor comforting each other as parents is one of the most foundational scenes of the story
-I saw some people a while back being like “Twilight is going to get too soft and eventually do something emotionally and jeopardize Operation Strix” You mean, the interview???
-Anya punching Damian is one of the greatest scenes of all time
-The dodgeball episode is one of the greatest episodes ever made XD
-The penguin park episode may be my favorite. Whole family working together without knowing what the others are doing. Yor kicking a guy into the ceiling. Loid winning the penguin for his girl. Loid wanting a vacation then STOPPING and deciding to just work harder because he loves his girls so much
-My heart broke with Sylvia’s simple “I had a daughter once like her.” 
-The Loid reflection while they’re at the dog park broke me
-Loid being proud of his daughter jumping two boxes and jumping rope five times
-In any other show Nightfall would be the most iconic, fan-favorite character ever made, and (we love her too!) the only reason she’s not here is because she’s competing with the fucking Forgers
-Yes, Loid, you should switch to decaf
-I love the episode of Yuri tutoring Anya because for how intense Yuri is about work and his sister, he really is just a 20 year old kid. And I just love seeing this big kid get so exasperated with this little kid, and I hope they get more bonding in the future lol
-Shinybluebirdwizard pointed it out that Becky Blackbell is pretty much the only character remotely living as her authentic self and that is fucking hilarious
-Damian always being ready to fight when it comes to Anya
-I would be very curious to learn about Japan’s role and viewpoint in the Cold War because it’s interesting how this is Cold War Germany inspired 
-I had a separate post about the tennis arc. Let's see if I ever write it up...
-Loid going out of his way to reassure and support Yor just because he wants her to be happy. I am ride or die for this couple
-Loid ep 6: Yor is sad, I should reassure her!
Loid ep 15: Yor is sad, I should take her out on a date!
Loid ep 24: Yor is sad, I should take her on a date and ask her to marry me! Like, bud, the reaction does not equal the situation. With all of Loid overthinking I’m genuinely trying to understand how he thought honey-trapping Yor would be beneficial for the musssion. Like I know why he does it but Loid, what was your reasoning there
-The last episode was so good!! The hat tip mirroring the first episode. The importance of love and care and communication and trying to be there for each other. The final words summarizes the whole story, and the teacups song playing through Loid's words. Anya’s at bliss even when he has no idea what’s going on in her head: They don't understand each other but they love each other and want to do their best for each other. That's it. That's the whole story.
-Extremely important question: Is Loid licensed to be working as a psychiatrist. Because on one hand, obviously it’s just a cover story. On the other hand, Loid has never half assed anything in his life and cramming years of worth of medical school and passing a licensing exam just to make his story airtight is exactly the kind of thing he would do. Endo, respectfully are you listening. Endo, please, I need to know this
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polarsirens · 1 year
Your Gerard and Elody art, the one about Elody finding Gerard's body, has been stuck in my head every since I first saw it, and now in the wake of this week's ep, OOF OOF OOF. Congratulations on being psychic I guess?
And I've haven't been able to stop thinking about how Elody is unlike all the other princess, in that she never gets cursed or hurt or anything like that in her story (sidebar that at least in some origins, La Bete was cursed into her monstrous form for being rude to a fairy). Like, Elody's life is full of tragedies, but none of those tragedies have to do with her story. And I'm thinking about how if she's joined the princesses in trying to burn down not just the world but the multiverse, so that her story can never hurt anyone again, it's not for her own sake, because she's not the one who gets hurt.
And then I think about her finding Gerard's body. And Gerard saying that knowing she was out there was the only reason he was able to keep fighting instead of giving up. And how she hears that and just--has to leave. And take a moment to process that.
Like. We won't know what she's thinking until next week (or later but god I hope not). But ESPECIALLY after your art about their conversation, there's a picture forming in my head of what Elody's thinking about, and what she's been working towards and why, and how she's feeling after that conversation with Gerard, and it HURTS.
oh yeah that comic became the unexpected gift of prophesy coming back to dodgeball me in the face... ... thank you for this analysis on elody, i'm loving it! she is indeed never cursed or imprisoned or otherwise in a viscerally tragic situation. your suggestion that she's doing this because he cannot be safe around her is absolutely breaking my heart. that's... to quote rosamund, a terrible choice to make, and somehow made even worse because she's always been the one to save him or take care of him, hasn't she? and this is the final move in her trying to do what she once did by falling in love? that's devastating. that truly hurts.
and i also wonder about... well, what elody said in the most recent episode, i keep on mulling over how she also thought they, as prince and princess, were set on a happily ever after, because she was taught that way. but turns out things don't work like that, and she has a country to run, a war to wage, a husband to fall out of love with. and that's such a mundane and relatable tragedy, something akin to ylfa realizing that not every girl can be a princess. and that mundane tragedy takes on another layer because she's started to realize they are characters, and despite the infinitely harder things happening to her as the years go by, he will only ever be the prince who was a frog and she will only ever be the princess who kissed that frog with a true love's kiss. and as you said: "none of those tragedies have to do with her story." i wonder if her reaction (if, and a big if, she agrees with the princesses' plan) also stems from something close to the stepmother's motivation. and that would throw the gerard-elody relationship into a different kind of jeopardy.
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Death Note spoilers!
For the event, can I request reborn!L Lawliet? He died in 2007, so he would be 15 today, so I just wanted some fluff with teen!reader (platonic or romantic, whatever) maybe being friends from school and liking true crime, chatting, just doing normal teen stuff without a care in the world :') thank you so much
Event Masterlist About The Event
Notes: I was going to make this romantic but ran out of ideas lol
Warnings: n/a
Characters involved: L Lawliet, mentions Watari
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
You had been friends with L ever since you saw him win a middle school dodgeball match by using physics.
You thought he was one of the coolest people you knew. He thought you were annoying.
L Lawliet wasn't exactly the type of teenager people would talk about. His real name was Ryuzaki but for some reason unknown to most he had decided to be referred to as L sometime during elementary school, a decision everyone seemed to automatically accept.
He was quiet and went about his days at school perched on his seat at the back of the class with his owlish eyes observing everyone around him.
Everyone thought he was weird. Even the teachers.
The only reason they never said anything was because of how awfully smart he was.
You prided yourself on being one of the top students in your class. But that was before L came along.
You might have been smart, but he was on another level.
Perhaps that was why you had originally been so vexed by him. Him and his stupid sliver tongue and quick reflexes that ensured even if he was regarded as an outcast, no one could ever ridicule him for it.
Especially not when he came from such a rich family.
You heard rumours about how he had a butler who would follow him around wherever he went. And how that butler was responsible for the chemistry teacher's sudden disappearance a week after she dared to mark L's answer wrong.
The second part was obviously a lie. But you found that it was enough to intrigue you even more.
In the end, it was your love for true crime that brought the two of you together.
There was a famous detective known for his books about the serial killers cases he had handled in your country who had a book signing in your city, and you just had to go.
As luck would have you found a familiar raven-haired boy standing outside the bookstore just as you arrived.
At first, you thought he would avoid you. But that was before he dropped by your table after the book signing to cheekily impose on your reading.
"He was never imprisoned."
L took your question as an invitation to occupy the vacant seat across from you.
"The killer. He was a politician who got away with it just because his party refused to believe he could ever do such a thing."
The two of you were quick to share your sentiments about how awful that was, and before you knew it, a simple talk about a book both of you adored turned into reading recommendations and swapping social media.
Apparently, L had only downloaded Tiktok and Instagram to watch videos about the cases he liked to keep up with but actively spent time tweeting about all sorts of things.
You thought the two of you would be restricted to discussions outside of school after that but were pleasantly mistaken the next day when you found L excitedly leaning against your locker ready to talk about how your favourite author had announced they were going to do a podcast.
The two of you became quick friends after that.
It started with both of you reading together and listening to true crime but quickly turned into L tugging you along to a million bakeries and forcing you to play chess with him in exchange for long walks through the park and shopping sprees.
You learned the reason he wanted to be called L was that his late mother had named him Ryuzaki, and he seemed to hold a grudge against everything related to her. He learned about your struggles with perfectionism and need to be the trophy child of your family.
You loved fashion almost as much as he didn't, and he held an interest in all the sports you had never once bothered to learn.
The two of you were different yet somehow still so awfully alike.
It helped that you both lacked any artistic abilities whatsoever. Whether it be dancing, singing, or art.
That was where your other friend came in.
Unlike L who didn't have any friends before you, you had secured a tight-knit but fun group of friends you cared for deeply. One of them was a digital artist who had even gone viral on Tiktok, the other an aspiring doctor who was secretly a theatre kid.
You were acquainted with a few others too, but L preferred to stick around you or the other two.
Everyone else seemed to be glad that you were helping L come out of his shell.
The two of you quickly turned from the peculiar pair everyone would gossip about to normal best friends, and over time people began to stare more when you weren't accompanied by one another.
You cared for each other deeply and would often spend hours on end holed up in L's ridiculously large bedroom as you did everything from reading to studying to watching bad comedy horror movies.
One school year turned into another, and you soon began to think of L as someone you would be friends with forever.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 8 months
Hiii I LOVE youre Ocs and especially Jesse's relationship with Cole! I have some questions to him if you don't mind! So Jesse started a crush in him since the moment he saw him because of Coles backstorie he heard from Wu right? And then started to actually fall in love the more time they spent together? What exactly is Jesse's type? Is he ever going to tell his family that he has powers? Do his power get weaker the more people know about his Power? I don't know if that was answered but how did Jesse meet Mystake? Would Wu have given a Epemental Compass to just anyone in Jesse's situation or was there a special reason? How is Wus and Jesse's relationship now? So I read that Cole already has a small unknown crush on Jesse but he is already in love with Zane? Is Cole just going to unlove himself from Zane? I can imagine that after book 4 Coles not gonna be ready to just forget about Zane and hear a love confession. Is Jesse going to get closer to the other Ninja expect Cole or is it only going to be mainly the two? What kind of training is Jesse doing since he can handle weapons and defeated some shark soldiers. Is it only thanks to his powers or does he do some regular actual training? If he did did he learn it from Dareth?
Hello!! Thanks for the kind words, and I don't mind the questions (esp about my boy <3). I'll try to answer what I can!!
So Jesse started a crush in him since the moment he saw him because of Coles backstorie he heard from Wu right? And then started to actually fall in love the more time they spent together? Correct! Although there is a bit of "school lore" we're missing here (i.e. "the Dodgeball Incident" referenced in B2Ch7, 8, and 11) that I...haven't got around to fully addressing yet. It's probably going to be a sidestory someday, but the long/short of it is that that's when Cole destroyed the school wall via dodgeball (while stopping Jesse from getting hurt), which also started the downfall of Cole's school reputation (and where Antonia first started picking up on Jesse's infatuation with Cole snksnk)
What exactly is Jesse's type? -> I guess you could say people who are inspirational, kind-hearted, good listeners, and fiercely protective of what they care about. Also helps if they're tall, have long hair, are physically strong, and they've got really pretty marigold and/or amber eyes—
Is he ever going to tell his family that he has powers? -> Technically, no, unless we count Miranda. But, the truth comes out eventually and he has to confess to other things as well
Do his powers get weaker the more people know about them? -> The more people know how his powers work, the weaker he will be, yes. Becoming predictable is like his kyrptonite here.
I don't know if that was answered but how did Jesse meet Mystake? -> She found him shortly after he "reached" his True Potential (as her tea shop is not that far from Jesse's family's shop, and Jesse was running around in a panic), and due to now sharing the same eye color (saturated pink), Jesse figured the woman had more answers than he did and heard her out, in which she then sent him to Wu.
Would Wu have given a Elemental Compass to just anyone in Jesse's situation or was there a special reason? -> Wu definitely wouldn't have given a Compass to just anybody, as he was so gunho for keeping the info secret for Lloyd's sake/protection. But because Jesse was struggling with his powers yet couldn't stay to train as a Spinjitzu Master, Wu gave him the Compass as a place to start.
"You will need the knowledge within the Elemental Compass, and of the connections between the Elements, if you wish to better your powers, despite not becoming a Master of Spinjitzu. …just know that the knowledge you carry has been stripped from the public for very sensitive reasons, and telling anyone of its existence…is not recommended. Can I trust you with that much, at least?"
and then he told Miranda and then the Ninja, whoops
How is Wus and Jesse's relationship now? -> On good terms! Though they won't have the opportunity to speak again for A While
So I read that Cole already has a small unknown crush on Jesse but he is already in love with Zane? Is Cole just going to unlove himself from Zane? -> mmmmmmm that's Season 3 spoilers.
I can imagine that after book 4 Coles not gonna be ready to just forget about Zane and hear a love confession. -> well ya got that much right, more or less. Just probably not in the way you're thinking :')
Is Jesse going to get closer to the other Ninja expect Cole or is it only going to be mainly the two? -> Nah, I've got plans for him to bond with the others at least a bit. For as cute as they are, it'd be boring if he only ever talked to Cole :V (...besides, he and Lloyd have shared Harumi trauma to stress over <3. But no I've got big intentions with Kai, Jay, and Nya...and then Zane too by popular demand lol. Just not all at once)
What kind of training is Jesse doing since he can handle weapons and defeated some shark soldiers. Is it only thanks to his powers or does he do some regular actual training? If he did did he learn it from Dareth? -> He hasn't solidified on a weapon yet, and has been mostly handling the Sharks thanks to his powers, but what little "actual" ninja training he's been getting has, as a matter of fact, been from Dareth. Whether it's "good" training or not remains to be seen. But saying more spoils Season 2 ;)
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starryeyedmunson · 2 years
Ok what if Eddie planned this big Valentine’s Day surprise for his best friend because he couldn’t hide his feelings anymore buttt and the end of the night there was more than rose petals on the floor
valentine's day - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x female reader
summary: eddie needs to tell you he likes you, so he plans out a valentine's day surprise.
warnings: smut (not really), oral (f receiving), fingering, fluff i guess
author's note: cutie request i got! i hate valentine's day <3 enjoy
word count: 2.9k
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“Oh come on, Eddie she’ll love it! All she does is watch romcoms and fantasize about Tom Cruise, she’s gonna freak out,” Robin said, and Nancy nodded in agreement. Eddie looked to Steve, who was busy doing his job for once.
Eddie had been crushing on you for a while. You were one of Steve’s failed relationships, but you had ended up becoming good friends. Steve introduced you to Eddie, and he was doomed from that moment on. He didn’t tell anyone about it at first until he got Robin high and she blurted out that everyone already knew. Now, they wouldn’t stop pestering Eddie to tell you how he felt.
“I mean I personally wouldn’t do it,” Steve said, and Eddie gestured to him while looking at Robin and Nancy.
“Oh yeah? How’s that working out for you, eternal bachelor?” Robin snapped, and Steve rolled his eyes.
“I’m not doing this, she doesn’t even acknowledge me when I’m in the same place as her” Eddie huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“That is not true, she totally acknowledges you,” Nancy said.
“Really? Then why does she go mute whenever I go near her?” Eddie snapped. It wasn’t exactly a lie, you did barely talk when he would try and start a conversation. He had no idea what he was doing wrong, and he eventually gave up on trying to you about a week ago.
“She’s just shy!” Robin offered, but Steve let out a snort which turned into a cough once he saw Nancy and Robin’s death stares.
“Sorry,” Steve said, but Eddie wasn’t buying it.
“No, why did you laugh, Harrington?”
“It’s just that she’s not shy. Like, at all. Everyone knows-” Steve was cut off by Nancy throwing a movie at his head.
“See? I told you, she hates me,” Eddie said, making an ‘x’ with his arms.
“No, she’s only shy when she’s nervous. And people only get nervous when they like someone. Probably why she was a social butterfly with you, Stevie,” Robin said, glaring at Steve. He took one of the movies off the shelf and threw it at her, missing and hitting the register.
“Can we stop focusing on this dodgeball game and fucking help me? Please?” Eddie yelled.
“We told you what to do,” Nancy said. “It’s up to you, though.”
“I can’t just put on a massive show and tell her something she definitely is not going to say back,” Eddie said, talking with his hands.
“Fine, then never tell her you like her and keep swimming in this endless pool of self pity.” Robin said flatly.
“Jesus, that was harsh.”
“Reality’s harsh, Munson. So what’s it gonna be, you keep being a little bitch or you finally do something about this crush you’ve had on her?” Robin retorted. Eddie was staring into space as he thought it over, and suddenly he looked back up at Robin.
“If this fails, you’re dead, Buckley, and you’re not safe either, Wheeler.”
You had been with Nancy all day; she was taking you on random errands, picking up Mike and his friends from random places, you guys even made a cake for some reason. It was starting to get weird when you told her you had to be home for dinner, even though that was a lie.
“Well, you could have dinner here!” she quipped, and your eyebrows raised.
“Okay, what’s going on?” you said, putting your cake-covered fork in the sink.
“What do you mean?” Nancy said, fear in her eyes. You gave her a sharp expression.
“You’re not a good liar, Nance,” you said, poking her.
“I’m not lying,” she said, dragging out the last syllable. You bowed your head a little, looking up at her through your lashes with your accusatory eyes.
“Alright, then take me home,” you said, crossing your arms.
“Are you su-”
“Okay, fine.” You two got into the car, buckling your seatbelts and setting off for your house.
“You know, today’s my favorite and least favorite holiday,” you stated simply, looking out the window.
“Why least favorite?” Nancy asked with her eyes still on the road.
“It sucks, ya know? Not having someone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with. Sure, you have your friends and family, and that’s love, I’m not saying that it isn't. But being with someone, dating someone is a whole different kind of love. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’d be nice to be able to, to feel comfortable expressing that to someone, for someone to express that to you,” you sighed. Nancy looked over at you, but you didn’t notice with your gaze fixated on the trees you passed.
You were telling her the truth; it would be nice to express that kind of love to someone. What you weren’t telling her was that you had that someone in mind already. You thought about the boy you had met a while back, funny enough through someone who had already tried to hook up with you. You thought about his dark, wavy, long hair; his boyish smile whenever you walked into a room, his laugh when he was wrestling with Dustin. You never made a move to show your feelings, you were always too shy around him. You thought that avoiding any interaction would give people zero opportunities to assume anything, and you didn’t want anyone to know you had the biggest crush on the person who never liked anybody.
“Why didn’t you say that it’d be nice to love someone?”
“Huh?” you asked, looking over at Nancy as she pulled you from your thoughts.
“You said you would want to express that to someone, is there a certain person you have in mind?” she asked, and you tensed up a little.
“No, I don’t know why I said that,” you said quickly, looking back out the window to avoid any eye contact. After averting your gaze, you failed to see Nancy smile, her eyes filled with hopefulness. 
Soon enough you were home, relieved at the sight of your front door. You got out of the car, turning around and slowly walking towards your house. You turned back towards the car, but Nancy had already sped off. You sighed, making it to the door and inside your house.
Something felt off. You weren’t entirely sure what it was, but you knew something was severely out of place. It almost felt like someone else was home, and when you heard something fall from down the hall, you almost screamed. Your hand slapped over your mouth, fight or flight taking over your nervous system. You took slow, silent steps further into the house, quietly grabbing the vase of flowers that was on your dining room table. You knew the sound had come from your room, and you approached the door, ready to attack the intruder.
Your door was slightly ajar, but you couldn’t see who was in the room. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You opened them when you kicked the door in, basically pitching the vase at the figure in front of you.
Luckily Eddie was already facing the door due to him hearing you walk through the front door and waiting for you to make it into your room. He was met with a vase of flowers hurtling towards his head, and he ducked just in time for it to hit the wall behind him.
During this you had hid your face from view, but when you heard Eddie’s voice you peeked your eye through the space in between your fingers.
“Jesus H. CHRIST!” he yelled, his eyes wide.
“EDDIE? What the f- How did you even get in here? I could have-” you started, but the sentence was left unfinished as your eyes fell to the rose petal-covered floor. The red flowers were littered everywhere, leaving barely any of the carpet to show. There was a box of chocolates on the floor near Eddie’s feet, him having dropped them in your ambush. You looked up towards your bed, a bouquet of your favorite flowers laying on the comforter. Your brows furrowed then raised, looking up slowly at the blush-stained boy. He wasn’t looking at you, and you had to cough for him to finally make eye contact. His foot was tapping on the carpet, slightly crinkling the flowers under it.
“This is not my fault,” he said abruptly. You let one of your brows fall, and Eddie put his hands out palms-down. “Wait- it is, it is my fault. I mean it wasn’t my idea, but I did, ya know, set the thing up. The whole flower thing took, like, ten years. I also hoped that this is the right flower because Robin screws up everything-”
“I just really like you and I had to tell you not because Robin threatened to do it first but because I really wanted to. I had been thinking about it forever, so here you go, I guess,” he said way too quickly. Your face eased, and you looked around the floor again. A silence fell over the room, and Eddie started scratching the back of his neck. “Can you say something, please?” he said in a little voice. Your eyes found him again, and a slight smile appeared on your face.
“You like me?” you said, and Eddie looked around.
“I mean, I am standing in the middle of your room with a box of candy and enough flowers to fill a small village, so I’d say so,” he said, laughing at the end. The nervous look was still in his eyes, and you let out a relieved sigh.
“Thank God,” you said, and it was his turn to raise his eyebrows. “It’s so hard trying to ignore you, I just get so afraid to talk to people I like, I feel like I’m going to screw it up or something,” you said, and a smile grew on his face.
“Don’t worry about it, I couldn’t even tell,” he said, trying to keep a straight face. You smiled back at him, but then took the box of chocolates from his hand.
“I love the fact that you did this, I really do, but you’re going to hate me when I tell you I don’t like chocolate,” you said, squinting one of your eyes and looking at his hurt expression.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “This might be a deal breaker for me.”
“No!” you exclaimed, and he shook his head and opened the box of chocolates, popping one into his mouth.
“No, I think it is, darling,” he said, closing his eyes and humming as he chewed on the candy. You made a face of disgust, and when Eddie opened his eyes he grinned down at you while still chewing. You rolled your eyes, taking the box from him and setting it on your bedside table. You turned back towards him to see him licking his chocolate covered fingers, and you laughed as you walked over to him.
He smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands moving to hold your waist. You both smiled at each other until Eddie started to look around the room. You tried to catch his eye, but he finally looked down and stayed there. You started playing with the roots of his hair, tugging lightly to try and lift his head up.
“Are you gonna kiss me or what, Munson?” you egged on, and he looked up at you through his eyelashes.
“Am I allowed to?” he asked with a small smile.
“It depends, do you still taste like chocolate?” you asked, and he smiled.
“That’s for you to decide, darling,” he said, and you two leaned in, mouths connecting at a perfect pressure. He kissed you gently, almost as if he didn’t want to go too far too fast. His arms enclosed you more, bringing you closer to him. After a couple seconds you pulled away, licking your lips.
“You do still taste like chocolate,” you said. “We might have to postpone this little make-out sesh.” He rolled his eyes and pulled you back in, and you smiled into his kisses. He moved his arms up from your waist so he could cup your face, and you tightened your arms around him. Your fingers were now really tugging his hair with each kiss getting deeper than the last. Your lips were colliding with more force than they had before, and you didn’t even know you had this kind of neediness in you. Everything was moving perfectly, your lips at the same pace, your hair pulling at just the right hardness and time, his hands moving back down your body to the back of your legs where he tapped lightly. You took the signal and jumped up, after which he carried you to the bed. Once you reached the edge, he slowly laid you both down, his frame hovering over yours.
You could feel the pool of arousal beginning to form in your underwear, and you hooked your leg around Eddie’s lower abdomen to bring his hips closer to yours. He knew what you were doing, and before you knew it he was grinding his bulge against your clothed pussy. You let out a moan, but it was muffled by Eddie’s mouth on yours. Your hand moved down, tracing his torso before landing on the waistband of his jeans. You fumbled with the button, but he put his hand over yours to stop you.
“Even though I’ve been thinking about this for the longest time, I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do,” he said, his thumb rubbing circles over your hand.
“What about me undoing your pants makes you think I don't want to be undoing them?” you said, pulling your head back and making a face.
“Yeah, that doesn’t make a lot of sense now that I think about it,” he said. “But I just wanted to make sure.”
“Well that’s very kind of you, Eddie. But I’m just gonna pick up where I left off, if that’s okay with you,” you said. He smiled down at you.
“That’s perfectly fine,” he said, and you resumed undoing the button of his jeans. He helped you take the jeans off of himself, casting them aside to the petals on the ground.  and moving back over you. This time he stopped at your waist, lifting your shirt up slightly and pressing kisses to your hip bones. You let out a content sigh, the feeling of his hot breath on your skin fulfilling every dream you’d been having about this moment. His fingers tucked into your skirt waistband, slowly pulling the fabric down your legs and throwing it on the flower-covered floor. He buried his face in between your legs, kissing your inner thighs and moving too slowly up to your heat. Your hands moved to his hair, tugging lightly as he made his way up, finally pulling at it as he kissed your folds lightly. He ran his tongue up the crevice, parting your folds and brushing over your clit. You moaned a bit louder this time, his hands and arms hooking under your legs to give him better access. He was lapping at your clit now, his tongue flicking roughly in the perfect way and sending jolts up your body with each contact. He moved one of his arms back from around your legs, his hand coming in contact with your now-soaking pussy. He circled your entrance a few times, teasing you until he finally pushed a finger inside. You were trying to move, but he was holding you down and forcing you to stay still. His finger pumped slowly in and out, and he added a second to fill you up even more. His tongue was relentless now, completely wrecking your clit, and that coupled up his fingers fucking you was sending your nerves into overdrive. Your legs began to shake, and Eddie had to tighten his grip on you to keep his groove. Your head laid back on the pillow with your back arched up, moans elicited from your throat as you were unable to keep quiet. You felt a pressure building up in your stomach, the feeling like going up to the drop of the roller coaster.
“Eds,” you panted. “Gonna, p-please.” Words were barely being strung together, and when you looked down at Eddie’s eyes on you, the drop hit. You couldn’t stop the orgasm that had been impending for so long, and soon enough you were a shaking, screaming mess for the dark haired boy in between your legs. Eddie never ceased, his tongue hurriedly lapping up your juices as you rode out your high. There was finally a calmness spread over you, your breath heavy as Eddie pressed a final kiss to your swollen clit. He moved to rest on his elbows, looking at you with his chin glistening. He grinned, and you gave him a tired smile to which he chuckled.
“You definitely taste better than the chocolate, darling,” he said, and you rolled your eyes and tried to kick him. You extended your hands out and clasped your fingers, signaling for him to come closer to you. He got up and hovered over you, giving you a quick kiss before moving to your side. He held you close to him as your breathing finally steadied, kissing a path across your forehead. You snuggled your head into his chest, your breathing finally in sync and fell asleep, your Valentine’s Day utterly made.
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k0sk1 · 7 months
I kinda expected Katie and Sadie to be much more annoying and less multi dimensional, with them having to the together at all times but turns out they actually do have personalities! Katie seems to be a little more aggressive, at least from what i saw in the dodgeball episode, and i really hope they get more fleshed out! I know that wont happen bc i already know who the main characters are but still! I wanna see more of them
Eva was honestly such a slayer, im so sad she was one of the first to get eliminated, AND FOR SUCH STUPID REASONS TOO! Like, come on! She was the best for their team and shes gone?? I also relate to het anger issues slay queen!! Go and let ur emotions get the better of u!!
Heather is INSUFFERABLE, but i kinda love her for it ngl
Still talking abt the characters annoyingness, i like how theyre not that exagerate. Yes, they are stereotypes, they aren't extremely realistic but honestly, for a kids comedy cartoon theyre rlly interesting and fleshed out. They have fun dynamics and im dying to see more of them!
I love dodgeball episodes and scenes bc i always find it sm fun to see the charas fighting for their lives, but NOAH GOT ELIMINATED NOOO
Justin is honestly very boring, I liked Alejandro better from when i watched the third season
Owen is amazing! Hes so nice and such a good guy. Also, hes literally canonically bi! Srsly, hes the first person to try and get justin's attention, and hes so mesmerized by his beauty he didnt even know what to say i love him
Harold is such a stupid nerd i bet hes an evangelion fan, god i love him sm
and well, ig that it! Ill come back and add to it if i think of smth else, but for now this is the end of my silly lil post. Buh bye!! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
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hunterwritesstuff · 1 month
Can we get some shit post /crack headcanons of Joey? Not ship stuff just. Joey
✏️ Joey hates summer. loves the fireworks, hates the heat.
✏️ Joey doesn't believe in pancakes. he thinks having pancakes for breakfast is an affront to God. He like waffles more since it contains syrup better.
✏️ fucking hates oatmeal. he doesn't like how lumpy it feels :(
✏️ if he smells one of those fucking. gym ball things, he WILL DUCK FOR COVER. YOU KNOW, THE KIND USED FOR DODGEBALL.
✏️ he EXCLUSIVELY USES paper plates. he hates doing dishes.
✏️ Joey was a menace in high school, he used to hide in the lockers to scare people passing by.
✏️ He once had to sleep in his treehouse outside, this was because he had a cookie dough ball fight with his brother when he was ten.
✏️ He has an affinity for finding all of the plants he's fucking allergic to.
✏️ His emotions are shown through his smiles.
✏️ This is his "Henry don't leave me here smile"
Tumblr media
✏️ someone help this poor man.
✏️ He has severe thalassophobia. He has no reason to have this fear. If you showed this man Subnautica, he would be sobbing within seconds.
✏️ He loves puzzles but is never allowed to do them. This is due to his habit of eating the pieces. you dumb whore. those are not potato chips.
✏️ He is not allowed to drink. He got drunk at a college party once and somehow ended up in a whole other state. nobody knows how this happened. He also ate a rock.
✏️ He does not like birds very much. One screamed at him in a pet store when he was six, and he holds a grudge against them to this day because of it.
✏️ He had a weed brownie once. That's how all the characters from the nightmare run cast came to be.
✏️ If he could play the sonic games from nowadays, his favorite character would unironically be Vector, as crocodiles are his favorite animal.
✏️ As a kid, he tried to exclusively eat cucumber sandwiches. Now, he has a firm disdain for them, as he feels he "ate his lifetime supply of those fuckers as a child, now I don't need to ever have one again.".
✏️ He's a slut for chocolate chip cookies. Henry tried tricking him with a raisin cookie by telling him it was a chocolate chip cookie. That is the first time Joey drew blood.
✏️ He would have eaten play-doh.
✏️ He likes squirrels. He thinks they sound funny.
✏️ His favorite dinosaur is the brachiosaurus. If you don't know it by name, it would be better known by the name given in Land Before Time, being Longnecks.
✏️ He's basically Henry's worst nightmare. Henry was raised catholic. Joey(outside of a work setting, obviously) will make sex jokes at the drop of a hat. can we get an F in the chat for Henry.
✏️ He fucks around with those artist dolls. He has no reason for this. He just likes doing it.
✏️ He wasn't well liked as a child. This was due to whenever he was invited to play house with the other kids, it would go the divorce route. Nobody liked Joey. Poor Joey.
✏️ He had to go to the hospital a lot as a child. He broke a lot of bones. He did this mostly to get out of school. He is not very smart.
✏️ He prefers pure chocolate to chocolate with nuts in it, since, "I prefer my chocolate without nuts, since it makes my teeth hurt when it has nuts in it.".
✏️ He has a knight helmet. He will wear it around the house.
✏️ To help him remember to do his nightly routine, he has his old teddy bear do it alongside him. If he can't find him to do it with him, he isn't doing it. What if he forgets a step?!
✏️ His first Norman jumpscare was when the lights went out due to a power outage. Joey just saw a disembodied hand hand him a candle. Joey passed out.
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