#i do not have time to tag it propely
The Meet Cute - Law's Story - 2
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The Great Pretender 2
Word Count: 4816
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader; Law is a soft dom; you have bratty tendencies (not all the time); voice kink; praise kink; cursing; very suggestive behaviour and innuendo from the start; sexual tension; teasing; so much flirting; romance; slow-burn; fluff; slight angst; mature audiences (though explicit NSFW moments will be properly tagged on the chapter); possessive Law; protective Law; soft Law; teasing Law; manipulative Doflamingo; inappropriate Doflamingo; fake relationship trope; only one-bed trope; reader has some anxiety issues; reader is a control freak and perfectionist; modern day AU
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You and Law (your father's doctor) start to build a flirty friendship because of your father’s procedure. So much so that when he’s invited to Baby 5’s wedding (his cousin), he asks you to be his date. His uncle Doflamingo - who is filthy rich - is very adamant on finding a suitable wife for him. Seeing as he wants to avoid that, he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the weekend.
Notes: Here's chapter 2! We're still setting up the stage to more exciting events coming up! It's time for Shanks' surgery now.
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555
|Chapter 1| | |Chapter 3|
“What do you know about Dr. Law?” Sipping your coffee you stare at Nami, trying to hide the curiosity gnawing at your brain. You haven’t been able to stop thinking about the handsome dark-haired doctor since the appointment two days ago. When you slipped him your number, you unconsciously hoped he would send you a text or give you a call, but then again, why would he? You gave him your number for professional reasons and, despite all the fun teasing when you were with him, you know he’s very professional at his job. 
Also, you knew Kaya would be able to answer any and all lingering questions you might have about him, but Kaya was too invested in trying to set you up and, as attracted as you felt to him, you didn’t really want to act on it.
It was just curiosity.
“Dr. Law? From the clinic?” Nami placed a finger on her chin as her eyes wandered to the ceiling. “Well, he’s a very good doctor but he’s not very sociable. I think Luffy knows him and they get along well. But he doesn’t party very much. He drinks a lot of coffee - I think Sanji can vouch for that - but he doesn’t hang around coffee shops. He keeps to himself, mostly.” She sighed. “Maybe you should ask Kaya? She sees him on a daily basis! Oh, Robin might answer some questions for you too, they worked together on some paper for a science magazine a while ago.”
Damn it. Not one drop of interesting information. Only that he wasn’t a social butterfly. Shrugging, you nodded and were about to change the subject when Nami’s brow rose. “Why?”
You tried to hide your blush behind the coffee mug. “Oh, no big deal! He’s my dad’s doctor and he’s going to be the one performing his back surgery, should he agree to it. I just wondered how good of a doctor he really was. He seemed professional but you never know!” She was still watching you closely. You were rambling, so you shut up with another sip of coffee. 
“Riiiight.” Her smirk grew. “I’ll pretend to believe you. But I want all the information when things progress between you two!”
Another two days go by without any exciting news and, somehow, you manage to push Law to the back of your mind, what with the constant scolding of your father’s terrible seating habits, all the helping around the property, and a part-time job Nami had recommended to you at her firm. It was basically sorting files and organising old data and, despite Nami’s assurance that it was mind-numbing, boring work, you secretly loved it.
Because, as Law perfectly diagnosed, you are a bit of a control freak. 
Now that you are back to thinking about him, you remember him telling you that he had a few tips for you to let go and relax. Was he talking about everyday tips or… intimacy tips? Because his tone of voice had suggested something else. 
You are wound up so tight that the thought of relaxing in someone’s care is-... exhilarating. 
Fortunately the buzz of your phone wakes you from your reverie and, patting the cow in front of you on the hind, you walk away from the barn while picking up the call.
The deep voice calling your name on the other side brings shivers down your spine. It’s Law. “Is this a good time to speak?”
“Yes!” You shake your head and inhale deeply. “Sorry, I was doing some chores for my dad. It’s fine, I’m fine. I mean… yes, you can speak.” Fuck. Once again you wonder what is it about his voice that makes you weak in the knees and dumb in the head?
The vibrato of his chuckle doesn’t have the same effect on you over the phone, but it’s still very endearing. “I’m calling because I’ve managed to check your notebook and I would like to arrange a house call so we can surprise your father.”
Ah, the ambush! You are ready for that. Shanks isn’t.
“I think he will be working around the property all day this week. I won’t be available in the mornings, though. If you can manage a visit in the afternoon, it would work best.”
He hums on the other side and you sit down on a hay bale. Can there be a way to avoid being affected by a tone of voice? Would online research help? “I can make it tomorrow, if that works?”
“Yes! I’m open for you.” You almost bite your tongue as your hand slaps your head. “My schedule is open for you! My schedule!” You bet that if you could see his face, the man would be smirking.
There’s definitely amusement in the tone of his voice. “Tomorrow it is, then.” 
You say your goodbyes and put the phone away as you groan in frustration. How dumb can you be, really?
When you get home from your part-time job, your organisational needs fulfilled for the day, your father tells you that Ace had come by to help and all the chores were taken care of, so he’s heading out to Beckman’s for beers and to watch the football game.
“No! No, no!” You quickly grab your phone and text the number from which Law called, hoping it’s his personal, or at least professional phone and that he’s carrying it with him now. You quickly say your dad is about to leave and he needs to come ASAP.
Then you turn to Shanks with a pained smile. “Dad, the car is giving me trouble again and I need your help. Teach me how to get it to work effortlessly every time!”
Shanks sighs and looks at his watch. “Fineee. The game doesn’t start for another four hours anyway.”
Placing your hands on your hips, you scrunch your nose. “Four hours? Then why the hell are you going there so early?”
Shanks guffaws. “Pre-game drinks, bug! Why else?” Rolling your eyes to the back of your head, you make your way outside to your car. You keep pestering Shanks about different things, trying to buy your time and, slowly, pissing him off inadvertently, until you spot a fancy car coming up the driveway. 
“Oh, thank God.” You mutter, having exhausted all your car-related questions in your arsenal. 
“Thank God, what? Who’s that?” Shanks closes the door of your car and tilts his head sideways. Once he sees the driver, he groans. “An ambush?” His glare could almost burn holes into you.
“Sorry, Shanks. It’s the only way you’ll speak with Dr. Law! You will undergo that surgery. It’s for your own good!”
Your dad still tries to escape, but as soon as he witnesses the scowl on Law’s face, he stops trying to struggle and resigns himself to the situation. Law is dressed casually without his doctor’s coat on: black t-shirt and again with those cute, spotted jeans. He’s so tall and lean, with defined muscles, but nothing too big. And the tattoos… paired with the earrings and the rebel goatee, they almost make you want to squeal. This man is too damn hot to be walking around.
He says your name as he leaves the car with a sly smile and then turns to your dad. “Mr. S. Hi. So sorry for the ambush, but you wouldn’t come to me, so I had to come to you. I’m told we’re going through with the surgery and I’m here to explain everything.”
Shanks groans and you chuckle. “Let’s go inside, I’ll make coffee.” 
Law’s ears perk at that, as you knew they would, and now you’re feeling the pressure of making a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, you’ve just stocked up on some amazing roasted coffee beans that Sanji recommended, and they truly make a delicious brew. 
Two and a half hours are all it takes for Law to go over the questions in your notebook. He compliments your organisational skills with a slight smirk, and a teasing remark about you trying to control everything, but you try to ignore his tone and he continues. 
He also answers all of your father’s sillier questions, even the one where he asks if he would lose function of any necessary limbs - you know what he’s referring to and you just shake your head at him - but Law handles it very professionally.
By the end, Shanks seems to be a bit more at ease with the whole process - and frankly, so are you - so he agrees when Law says he’ll schedule all necessary pre-surgery exams and the surgery itself.
Shanks leaves in a hurry to go and meet Beckman because the game should be starting in under two hours and he’s not nearly tipsy enough to watch his team lose. Thanking Law, he leaves you two alone telling you not to wait up for him.
Sighing, you get up from your chair to collect the empty coffee mugs. “That went well!” You can’t hide a soft smile from gracing your lips. Law gets up too as he helps you by grabbing his mug and a plate with cookies you had set out, and follows you to the kitchen.
“It really did. I’ll let you both know when the exams and the surgery are scheduled. His jitters will come back, but, if we’re lucky, only on surgery day. He’s going to be fine.”
You finish placing the dirty mugs in the sink and turn to him, leaning on the counter slightly and nodding your head with a weary smile. “Yes, yes, I know. He’s in good hands.”
Law approaches and, reaching behind you, places his dirty mug in the sink, his body a breath away from yours. You can almost feel his own breath in your ear, just for a moment, before he pulls back and steps away from you.
You release the breath you barely realised had been trapped as he keeps eye contact with you. “Thank you for the coffee you made for me. It was delicious.”
“I…” The praise! The damned praise! It turns your legs into jelly and leaves your tongue tied. You have to clear your throat before you manage to utter a full sentence. “Thank you. Sanji said it was a very good quality bean and I followed his instructions.”
His smirk disarms you as much as his praise and he partners it with a slight chuckle and by crossing his arms over his chest. “And do you always follow instructions that well?”
Oh… cheeky.
“Not always. It depends on the instructions. I tend to be a bit of a brat, sometimes.” You respond in kind to his teasing and, as you notice the glint in his eyes and the slight bob of his throat, you don’t regret it one bit. 
The look you give each other feels charged with tension, electrical, almost. Again, this was supposed to be a professional visit. Why do the two of you keep playing this dangerous game of teasing each other?
Are you willing to push the game further?
You wouldn’t mind trying a few naughty things with the doctor, but then again, you came to the Calm Belt to get your mind off romantic affairs and help mend your broken heart. 
But then again… this wouldn’t be romantic… just a bit of fun. And don’t they say that rebound sex is good for broken hearts?
Your wandering thoughts are cut short by an insistent beep from Law’s pager. He grunts and grabs it, glancing at it before sighing. “It’s the hospital. I have to go. We’ll keep in touch, okay?”
Yeah you wouldn’t mind that… keeping in touch…
“Yes! We’ll wait for the exam confirmations. Thank you for all your help.” You say while accompanying him to the door. 
As he descends the steps of the porch, he glances back to give you one last smirk, the tension of your previous moment still hovering above you both. “You did very well with that notebook. It was very thorough and neatly organised.” 
Your breath hitches and you feel your cheeks flush with colour. Law opens the door to his car and gazes at you, burning you with his stare. “I can’t wait to witness how you act when you stop trying to control everything and just… surrender.”
His voice is low, teasing and commanding. Laced with a promise of something more, something else, a not so subtle invitation to a very enticing what if. As his car rides up the driveway, you’re left standing in the doorway, your pulse quickening, even though he’s long gone. 
The day of the surgery finally arrives and you’re sure that your father didn’t sleep a wink. And neither have you. You shower and get dressed and when you get downstairs, he’s sitting by the kitchen chair looking very pale and worried.
“Morning, dad.” Shanks can’t eat or drink anything pre-surgery so you fill your coffee cup and stuff an apple in your purse for later. “How are you feeling? Get any sleep?”
Shanks groans. “I’m terrible, bug. I didn’t sleep a wink.”
You smile as you reach and hug his shoulders from behind. “It’s okay, daddy. You’ll sleep under anaesthesia.” He doesn’t laugh as you hoped he would, so you try to reassure him. “Dr. Law is very good at his job, dad. You’ll be in and out in an instant. Everything will be alright! Plus, I’ll be there waiting for you, okay?”
You asked for days off work to help a family member and arranged with Ace to feed the animals on the property, so you’re covered. All you have to do is worry nonstop in a hospital waiting room while your father is being operated on. 
Nothing too serious. 
Everything passes in a blur after you both leave the house. Shanks is feeling more and more anxious and you aren’t faring much better either. By the time you reach the hospital - in the next town over, where Law performs surgeries on his days off from the clinic - you are both very pale and nauseous. 
You check him in and, as he’s being taken to a room to get prepped for surgery, Law appears and asks you to come in so he can speak with both of you. He reviews the process step by step as you nod along - having studied the procedure from front to back, as the little control freak you are - assures you both that he will be there the entire time, reassuring you that it’s a routine procedure and everything will be alright. 
Shanks feels better once the nurses start to apply drugs to the IV, but you’re still wound as tight as a rope, so Law gently grasps your arm, leading you to the room where you will be waiting for the surgery to be over. He seats you in a chair and fills a cup of water from the dispenser.
“Drink.” He uses the commanding tone you’re slowly getting used to, and you do as you’re told. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll take care of your father. He’s a strong man and this is routine. He’s got this.” Your eyes fix somewhere in front of you, staring into a void as your heart thumps against your eardrums in a deafening rhythm. Law’s firm hand captures your chin as he tilts your head up to meet his amber gaze. “I’ve got this. I won’t let anything happen to him. Do you trust me?”
It seems like such a charged question. As if he’s asking this and meaning so much more than the hours he’ll spend operating on your dad. Yet, you have no doubt about the answer.
“I do.” You whisper softly. 
Nodding, he turns to leave. “It will pass in an instant, okay? Try not to worry.” He leaves you alone, feeling the weight of fear crushing you and pressing down on your back. You feel helpless, impotent about what you can do to help, to make sure the outcome is a happy one.
But everything feels too out of control. 
Half an hour passes. The clock ticks relentlessly, and you still haven't moved. You brought a book and your cell phone is fully charged, yet you haven’t even taken your purse off your shoulder, your fingers still clutch the plastic cup that Law filled with water for you.
Your throat is dry yet you can’t find the strength to get more water. Your breath comes in shallow, uneven gasps, and your legs are restless.
Another ten minutes pass before you feel a light tap on your shoulder, pulling you back from the stress of the unknown, the unplanned, and the endless possibilities of what can go wrong.
“Kaya?” You whisper, your voice hoarse and ragged with fear.
Your friend smiles at you as she sits down by your side. “Dr. Law called me. He said to leave the clinic to the two morons - Penguin and Shachi are some of his closest friends, did you know that? - and said that I should come to you, immediately! Leaving no chance to argue back. He said he would pay me extra, but I told him to shove the berries in his back pocket because I’d gladly help you without any coercion.”
You blink slowly, your mind still too deep in the fog of uncertainty to really focus on Kaya’s words. Besides, she just dumped a lot of information on you, though one thought lingers front and centre: Law told her to come to you.
“Wait, Law told you to come here?”
She squeals excitedly while nodding with vigour. “He did! He said you looked scared and on the verge of a panic attack and he didn’t want you to be alone in the waiting room for two to three hours. How romantic is that?”
You take a deep breath and, finally, lean back in your chair, removing the strap from your purse and drinking the rest of the water. You already feel more at ease. Kaya’s presence is already reassuring you and easing your fears. “Not as romantic as you make it seem, since I’m about to shit my pants with fear.”
Kaya chuckles and takes the empty cup from your hand, throwing it in the trash and sitting back down. She takes your hand in hers in a reassuring way. “Honey, there’s no need to fret. Dr. Law is the best. You really don’t have to worry. You have no idea how many awards he has! And he’s still so young! He’s not even thirty yet, the man is a medical genius or something!”
She chuckles again and you stare in awe. You had no idea. Kaya sees your reaction and continues. 
“He even skipped a few grades in school. He took advanced classes and entered university two years early! He managed to finish his degree in half the time. He’s really smart and diligent.”
“Wow…” You say dumbly. “I didn’t know that. He did seem very professional and young, but I had no idea he was so good.”
“Honey, he’s much better than just good! I guarantee you that!” She giggles one more time, certainly already adding another chapter to her imaginary novel of your romance. “Did you know he comes from money?”
Raising a brow you turn fully to her, waiting for her to continue.
“He’s related to the Donquixotes. They’re filthy rich.”
Oh, you know damn well who the Donquixotes are. They’re close friends of the Vinsmokes, your ex’s family. You know they have loads of money, influence, power, status… you name it. You never made official acquaintance with them, but you glimpsed the head of the family, Donquixote Doflamingo, at some important parties, and the whole demeanour of the man demands respect. 
You had no idea Law was related to them. 
“I had no idea, Kaya. I know who they are. My ex’s family was very influential and they often frequented the same social circles.”
She’s just about to retort with some more gossip - you assume - when the staff door opens and a slightly frazzled nurse comes to speak with you. Immediately standing, you hope to hear her say that the surgery’s over, but her countenance tells you otherwise, and her words confirm it.
“There was a slight complication with your father’s procedure. There’s some unexpected swelling and inflammation in the tissue surrounding the herniated disc. Dr. Law wanted me to reassure you that all is well, and the only thing this means is that the surgery will be prolonged since he needs to proceed slower and with more caution.” The nurse gives you a strained smile. “He was very adamant that I make sure you understood that he would never let anything happen to your father and to confirm you were already accompanied by Nurse Kaya.”
You nod as you slump back down in the chair, all words stripped away from you, leaving Kaya to answer instead.
“Thank you nurse. Please assure Dr. Law that I’m with her and she’s very grateful for his help.”
The nurse nods and goes back inside while you review the surgery procedure again in your head. You remember reading something in the complications section about tissue swelling. Going back and forth on your mental notes, you don’t think it's something to worry about, but that means that Shanks is going to be under anaesthesia for at least one or two hours more than originally planned and-...
“What? Sorry!” You answer, as Kaya had been repeating your name for a while, trying to ground you back in reality. 
“I said he’s going to be fine! It’s a very normal thing to happen in these procedures. Dr. Law is perfectly equipped to handle it! Remember? He’s a genius!”
You nod vigorously. You know he’s going to be fine. You just know. 
He has to.
Five hours and thirty-three minutes.
That is the total amount of time that your father stayed in the operating room. But now that a nurse has come by to tell you the surgery is over and they are moving him to the recovery room, you can finally breathe. 
Kaya has stayed by your side the whole time. You received a bunch of phone calls from your friends and neighbours and time passed. Sometimes slowly, other times in a blink. But now everything is fine.
And the man you have to thank for that, has just opened the door to speak with you. His eyes seem weary and tired, the bags under them a bit more pronounced, but he has a reassuring smile on his lips as he approaches you.
He says your name and you get up to meet him halfway. “The surgery is over, Mr. S. is fine and will recover from the anaesthesia in one or two hours. After that he’ll be transferred to a room where I specifically said that you were allowed in, at any time of the day during how long you wish to remain.”
Your eyes feel wet and prickly as the lump in your throat tightens and makes it hard to breathe. Kaya squeezes your hand and Law continues.
“Despite the unexpected complication, everything went according to plan. The hernia was removed and, after appropriate recovery time and some physical therapy, your father will recover perfectly well.”
You are so grateful that you have to fight the urge to wrap your arms around his neck. “Thank you, Law.” The sound that comes from your lips is a mere whisper. 
“I told you to trust me, didn’t I?” His smile deepens and you hear a muffled squeal coming from Kaya, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Law. “Nurse Kaya, thank you for being here.”
She nods and grins at him. “I would never leave our girl alone and afraid, Dr. Law!”
Our girl? You raise an eyebrow at her expecting Law to make some stern remark, but he just chuckles and nods. “Right.” He says. “Thank you. I will check on Mr. S. in a couple of hours.” Then he stares straight into your eyes, his amber gaze full of care and assuredness. “If you need anything at all, you have my number.”
Kaya wants to stay with you until you are allowed to see your dad, but you tell her to go home. Usopp, her fiancé, has already called her because she’s usually off work by now, and you don’t want to impose.
Besides, there’s nothing else to be scared of. The surgery is over and Shanks is fine. 
She finally relents and leaves you alone and you barely have to wait another hour before the nurse summons you and takes you to your father’s room. He’s lying in bed with a very tired look on his face.
“Dad!” You exclaim as soon as you enter.
“Bug, I thought you were home.” His voice seems very hoarse and you can see he’s making an effort, so you sit down in the chair next to the bed and take his hand, squeezing it tightly. 
“Don’t speak, dad. Just rest. I’m so happy you’re okay. Law said I was allowed to stay in your room for as long as I wish. I’ll stay here with you!” You eye the couch set in the corner of the room. It seems perfectly comfortable for you to sleep on. You just don’t want to leave him.
You forced him to undergo surgery, so you feel responsible for his well-being and want to be there to cater to his every need. 
He nods and closes his eyes. “Are you in pain? Just nod or shake your head, don’t try to speak.” He shakes his head and you sigh. “Okay daddy.” You lean in and place a lingering kiss on his temple. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”
“How are we feeling?” Law asks from near your chair and you jump. You didn’t even hear him enter the room. 
Shanks opens his eyes but doesn’t speak, instead, he raises his thumb to give Law a thumbs up, making the doctor chuckle lightly. 
“Alright, Mr. S., I’m going to do a quick check-up before leaving you to rest for the night, okay?” Shanks nods and you get up to give Law some space. After he finishes the exam, checking the drugs in the IV bag and his charts, Shanks is already snoring, so he beckons you to follow him outside the room.
“How is he?” Anxiety laces your question as you wring your fingers together. “From what I’ve read, there can be about a 10% chance of post-surgery infection, so we need to watch out for any redness or swelling, and maybe some fever. Though since he’s under a lot of drugs, we might not spot a fever right away. And, oh! There’s also a supposed 3% chance of blood clots occurring -...”
“Relax.” His hands rest against your shoulders, pressing firmly while his thumbs draw soft circles against your shirt. “I told you I’ve got this. Your father’s in good hands. You said you trusted me.”
You open your mouth to speak, clearly still meaning to add more information about post-surgical statistics you’ve been reading about since Kaya left, but one of his hands climbs up your shoulder and rests on your cheek in an affectionate gesture, much more intimate than you were expecting. 
“Relax. There’s no need to be in control now. I’m in control here. Okay? Just let go.”
All the breath leaves your lungs at once. The firmness of his touch and the assuredness of his voice make you nod and comply, your shoulders slumping forward, immediately relaxing your posture.
What the hell?
You have suffered quite a bit in the past with anxiety and stressful situations, often finding yourself spiralling because you couldn’t control a specific situation. You had never managed to calm down so easily, so effortlessly. Ichiji only made it worse, so you never really had an anchor to ground you. But Law… he did it in the blink of an eye. With a touch and a few words.
This is a first.
Surprise is still etched on your face when he steps back, leaving only a cold void within you. “His vitals are all stable and he’s not in pain. The night nurse will keep monitoring his condition. You’re welcome to stay by his side or go home and rest. He’s in good hands.” 
You nod, still too stunned to speak and exhaustion is beginning to take its toll on your body and mind. “I’ll… I’ll stay. My brain is too numb to drive home now.”
He nods in understanding. “I’ll be here around lunchtime to check on him again. Try to rest. Everything’s alright now.”
Once again, his words stir something within you, a feeling of safety, and you nod in agreement. 
It will all be fine now.
|Chapter 3|
118 notes · View notes
leighsartworks216 · 1 year
What He Wants
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
I was writing smth to be a second chapter to All The Gentle Things, but then I wanted to explore this further sooooo yeah. Not proofread and I am sooooooooo tired while I write this but the brainrot. You know how it is
Warnings: sex mentions, references to past abuse/trauma, loss of sense of self
Word Count: 1,067
Tag List Form
Astarion, over the span of 200 years, perfected his art of doing exactly what people wanted. Specifically, he knew exactly how to manipulate people through sex. He knew just where to press, exactly when to run his tongue along their lip - everything they wished of him.
Now he had no idea what to do.
It started out exactly the same; he kissed and touched and said everything exactly as you would want to hear it. He did everything he needed to to manipulate you into liking him, into protecting him should Cazador come sniffing around. And then… you turned out to be different. You didn’t see his body as a sex object to be used and tossed away. You saw him. And, gods, if that didn’t just rewrite everything he thought he knew about himself.
You asked him once, late at night while you fought to stay awake, what he liked. He said embroidery and reading and wine, because of course he loved those things. But then you’d corrected yourself. Asked what he enjoyed physically. Touches and kisses - that sort of stuff. And he didn’t have a clue. You looked up at him through heavy lids, waiting. The best answer he could come up with was, " This. I like cuddling with you." But that was it. You didn’t press further, snuggling in closer and letting the dreams overwhelm you, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
He distanced himself for a few days, turning that question over and over and over in his mind until he thought he’d go insane, before finally gathering the confidence to tell you. You, in all your grace, smiled and told him that it was okay, that you could try helping him learn what he liked, little by little.
That’s how he got here, he supposed, face held lovingly in your battle-calloused hands. The ends of your fingers tangle carefully in the curls around his ears, thumbs brushing over his cheekbones and under his eyes. You lavish him with this attention without question, without any thoughts of reward… And he loved it.
Astarion was selfish by nature - he always had been, even before his unfortunate death and undeath. He’d had to be selfish for 200 years just to survive, grabbing and stealing any morsel of food he could. And for 200 years he had to give himself away night after night, unwittingly placing his body in the hands of other selfish, naive fools. He wanted to be more than just selfish with food. He wanted to be selfish for attention. Your attention. He wanted to drown in it.
You press light kisses to his cheeks, so soft it feels like nothing more than butterflies’ wings brushing his skin. He sighed, relaxing into it. In the back of his mind, he felt awful for accepting your affection like this. His hands should be touching you, not sitting in his lap. His lips should be filling your every desire, not waiting placidly for you to initiate. But every time he tried to lean forward, capture your mouth, your hands held him firmly in place. If he tried to reach out and touch you, you would push his hands back into his lap, with all the patience in the realms. He willed the guilt to go away.
You take his lip between your teeth and he can’t help himself from watching through half-lidded eyes; watching as you smile with a sort of fond deviousness as you hear the quiet breath he lets out. You don’t bite hard enough to break the skin. All you do is tug on it and let it go, before tracing over the slight indent with your thumb. His undead heart would be utterly racing at such tender care. He places a kiss on the pad of your thumb, and you smile even wider. You’re so beautiful. What did he do to deserve you?
He expects it when you lean in and finally kiss him properly. What he doesn’t expect is how uncertain he is. He has no idea what to do. How can he pleasure you? What does he want? What would make you feel good? What would make him feel good? He’s so torn, a low growl of frustration rising in the back of his throat. But you, saint that you are, pull away with a kiss to the corner of his mouth. You brush the wrinkle from between his brows, urging him to stop being upset with himself.
He has no choice but to listen. So he thinks about himself - what he would want - as you brush his hair back and kiss his jaw and thumb at one of his earrings. And when you lean back in and carefully meet his lips with yours, he begins to figure it out.
Your hands don’t hold him in place as he tilts his head to kiss you better, falling headlong into the safety you offer. He wants to taste you. So he hesitantly opens his mouth, and you follow without question. His tongue brushes your lip, slips inside your mouth to meet yours, and he loves it. You taste divine. You move in sync with him, following along like a partner in a dance. You do what he wants. It’s thrilling.
He fully relaxes into it. Into you. That damned voice in the back of his head quietens for the first time in too long. There is no quilt to be found here; no shame. He wants this, you want this. A shuddering breath of relief fills the kiss as he lets go, as he places himself fully in your hands, as he learns what is nice and what is too much.
When he pulls away so you have a chance to breathe, he presses his forehead against yours, and stays close enough your noses brush against each other. He reaches up and holds your hand to his cheek, keeping it pressed against his skin as he leans into it, like a cat vying for a scratch beneath its chin.
“Thank you,” he whispers. You open your eyes. He looks so at ease. He turns his head to kiss the palm of your hand, before kissing each finger in turn. “This is a gift.” He presses your hand back to his cheek and catches your mouth in another kiss. Shorter, but still so full of love. “I won’t forget it.”
Tag List:
@satelliteapotheosis @hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @lynnlovesloki @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @mheerdraws @kindadolly @httyd-chocolate @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red
355 notes · View notes
bro-atz · 11 months
Hey. Is it possible for you to write a stepfather!Yunho fic where he can't take it anymore and pounces on you one time? Seems like non con, but it's just because she's also been wanting him but is in denial? With a bit of plot?
in denial
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in which: yunho is the stepfather you never wanted.
pair: stepfather!yunho/afab!reader
word count: 6k
content: raw sex??? (remember to wrap up irl pls), "forbidden" sex, "taboo sex"?, a lot of denial, secret sex, hate that turns into lust, consensual!
author’s note: i seriously had to rack my brain for this one bc omg anon what a complex request that also gives me a lot of creative freedom??? so much freedom that this is a p long piece HAHA i wish i could say more of it is reader x yunho doing the winkwonk but it’s so plot heavy 😔 nevertheless i hope this fulfilled your desires ❤️
tag list: @k-hotchoisan apply for the permanent taglist here! part one | part two
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It’s not that you hated your mother, you just preferred your father over her. Your mother was pretty young when she had you (teen pregnancy, she was 16), so she was pretty immature as you got older. Your father was only two years older than your mother, but he was so much more mature than your mother, hence why you preferred him.
So, when your father ran away from home when you were 15, you were stuck with your pretty immature mother. You had no idea where your biological father went, so it’s not like you could have gone and stayed with him. No matter— you just had to deal with your mother for another three years, and then you would be able to get out of her house and never have to live with her after. Again, it’s not that you hated her, but you seriously couldn’t deal with her bullshit on a daily basis.
When you turned 16, though, your mother got remarried. So, at the age of 32, your mother married a different man, Yunho. But this man was barely a man. He was 10 years younger than your mother, which weirded you out a lot because you were closer to his age than he was to your mother’s age. So fucking weird. You hated it. Your mother knew him for a year before she locked him down, which meant he was just 21 when she first met him. You lost a lot of respect for your mother the day she married him.
Yunho, your stepfather, moved into your house. If only you were 18, then you wouldn’t have to live with the weird dynamic of your family, but you had two years until then.
When your mother went for work, you would be alone with your stepfather. Your mother had to go into the office, but your stepfather worked remotely, so he was always home. You hated being alone with the guy, so you would just camp out in your room until your mother got home. You grounded your own self whenever you got back from school. It sucked.
One day, when you got back from school, Yunho was in the living room. Usually, he was in his office, but that day, he was in the living room.
“Hey, Y/N. How was school?”
You immediately started to walk towards your room, only for Yunho’s voice to stop you.
“We haven’t talked in a while! Come, sit here. Let’s talk.”
With a groan, you turned around and trudged over to the living room. You sat on the sofa furthest away from where that man was. “What did you want to talk about?” you asked rather coldly.
“I feel like we should get to know each other. We are family now, after all.”
“Okay, let’s get something straight,” you sat forward and stared him down. “I only have to be in this stupid house for another two years, and once I’m in college, I’m gone, so don’t even think about trying to be a proper “stepfather” and don’t expect me to call you that either. Legally, we may be a family, but that’s only on paper. Okay?”
Yunho pressed his lips together. He looked slightly disappointed, but he also looked as if he was anticipating this reaction from you. “I’d rather you didn’t call me stepfather, so that’s fine…”
“Also, why did you marry my mom in the first place?” you asked him point blank; since you were actually talking to him properly since the first time you met him, you thought you might as well ask him. “You’re so young. Fuck, you’re closer to my age than hers! What the fuck are you doing? Did you marry my mom for her money?”
“No! I really do like your mom! We had a genuine connection and…” Yunho trailed off.
“And what?”
“…Nothing. Nothing you would want to know.”
You took a moment to process what he told you, only to be immediately disgusted. You stood up and marched out of the living room, thankful that Yunho stopped before divulging his sex life with your mother.
Two more years with that man, and then you were done. You couldn’t wait.
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In those two years, many things happened. You mother got pregnant (much to your dismay) and gave birth to a girl, your half-sister. You were very unhappy with the development of your mother’s relationship with your freakishly young stepfather when your half-sister was born, but you couldn’t help but have a soft spot for her— she always loved you and being in your arms. You were the only one who could get her to stop crying and go to sleep.
Then, you got accepted into your dream school hundreds of miles away from your hometown. You were so excited to go, and the final year of high school passed quickly.
During this time, you had very minimal interactions with Yunho. You only really talked to him when you had to, but that was maybe once every week. Then, when you went to college, you didn’t interact with him at all— or at least you thought you wouldn’t have to.
“But mom, I don’t want to—”
“I don’t give a shit! You are coming home for Thanksgiving, otherwise you can find a way to put yourself through school!”
You couldn’t believe that your education was being held against you to go home, and to be very honest, you would rather suck it up and just go home than work several jobs to pay for your tuition and dorm.
So, every Thanksgiving, every winter break, every spring break, and every other miscellaneous holiday that happened throughout the year, you were at home ignoring the hell out of Yunho and just focusing all of your energy on your younger sister who got bigger every single time you saw her. Your friends would always wish you luck when you had to prepare to head home for the holidays, and you would always be jealous and salty that your friend group went on vacations together during these breaks and would post the pictures online and on social media fully knowing that you were stuck at home with your mother, her husband, and your sister, who was the only person worth going back home for.
One year, however, you had enough. It was your final year of school, and you desperately wanted to go on a trip for spring break with your friend group. Your mother was hellbent on getting you home for that time, so the two of you spent a lot of winter break arguing about it.
“When I say I want you to come home, I mean it! There is no way you’re going on that trip because I am not paying for it!”
“Mom! I listened to you every single holiday for the past three years, and this is my last chance to go on a college trip with my college friends! Please!”
“I’m not saying you can’t go— go if you want! I’m not paying for it, so I know you won’t be able to afford it, so dream on because you are not going to go.”
Frustrated, you let out a huff and stormed upstairs to your room, slamming the door behind you. You sat on your bed and angrily beat up a pillow, trying to get out all of your anger so that you wouldn’t physically take it out on your mother. Someone knocked on your bedroom door lightly as you beat the shit out of the pillow.
“Sis, I’m not in the mood right now,” you said with a sigh, assuming that the person on the other side of the door was your younger sister.
The door opened— you forgot to lock it— and in walked Yunho. He would’ve been the last person you wanted to see had you not gotten into that argument with your mother. He closed the door behind him.
“Oh. What do you want?” you asked him flatly.
“May I?” Yunho pointed to your bed, asking if he could sit without explicitly stating it.
You didn’t want him to, but at that point you were exhausted. You nodded, allowing the man to sit.
“You want to go on that trip with your friends, right?”
“Did you not get that from the argument just now?”
“I did, but I just… I talked to your mom.”
“Okay, and?”
“I told her to let you go on the trip. I’ll give you the money that you need if she doesn’t.”
You stared at the man in complete confusion. Why was he doing you a favor when you made it very clear to him that you couldn’t stand his guts? Narrowing your eyes, you asked, “Are you serious?”
“Yes. You’re right— you never got to go on any trips with your friends, and I want you to be able to go before you graduate. College trips are always fun.”
“Well, you should definitely know since you literally just graduated,” you said, pointing out how freakishly young he is.
Yunho let out a light laugh. He nodded and continued, “Just let me know the expenses when they come, okay?”
You nodded. Yunho stood up to leave. Just as his hand was on the doorknob, you said, “Hey. Thanks.”
He turned and smiled at you, your heart suddenly fluttering. He had such a beautiful smile. Without a word, he left.
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Thanks to Yunho, you were able to enjoy the rest of your college experience to the fullest. Whenever your mother refused to let you have a good time, you would tell Yunho, and he would help you out. It made you wonder why you couldn’t have given him a chance earlier.
Graduation rolled around, and you forgot that with graduation came your family to watch you graduate.  
Your friends knew that you didn’t like your stepfather, but they didn’t know why. Then, when they finally met him, they were shocked.
“Dude, your stepdad is so fucking hot,” one of your friends said.
“Why the fuck did you not want to go home for the past four years when that’s the view?!” another friend asked.
“Also how have you not pounced on him yet?” asked one other friend.
“First of all, shut up,” you slapped each one of your friends on the cheek lightly. “That’s gross. Second of all, he’s my stepfather, and that’s all he will ever be to me.”
“Say whatever you want, but the man is hot.”
“And he looks so young!”
“I mean… He is ten years younger than my mom, and he’s six years older than me,” you explained.
“Girl, he’s closer to your age than hers!”
“I know that…”
“You can totally hook up with him!”
“Stop,” you held your hand out and shook your head. “He’s married to my mom, guys, and that’s so weird for me to think about. Can we just not talk about it anymore?”
Your friends nodded, only for one friend to say under their breath, “But he’s still fine as fuck…”
“Shut the fuck up!”
Your mind was racing the rest of your graduation. What your friends said about your stepfather really stuck in your head— it was those kinds of thoughts that made you avoid Yunho like the plague in the first place. You didn’t want to think that way about the guy that your mother fell in love with. You were so in your own head that you didn’t realize your graduation was official until one of your friends’ hat hit you on the head on the way down.
After leaving the venue, you stood outside the doors and waited for your family. Your mother wanted to take pictures of you with your cap and gown in front of the stadium. Your friends waited nearby— they wanted to get a look of your stepfather again. You tried to shoo them away, but they refused to move.
“Y/N! My baby!” your mother cheered as she saw you. “You’re officially a college graduate! I’m so proud of you!”
Your mother hugged you, and you could only weakly smile. She kissed your cheek before immediately turning to your friends and asking, “Can one of you please take a picture of me and my daughter?”
One of your friends stepped up and took your mother’s phone to take pictures. At first, it was just you and your mother, then it was the entire family. You stood in between Yunho and your mother, your little sister standing right in front of you. You felt your heart start to race the closer Yunho stood to you, which freaked you out because you wouldn’t have been feeling this way had your friends not said anything about his looks.
“Okay, now just you and Yunho,” your mother told you.
“Wait, I—”
“Yes! Stand over there, Y/N!” your friend with the camera said as they pointed to an area slightly further away from them.
You shot your friend a glare before going to where they asked you to go. You seriously did not want to take this picture, but you didn’t want to make a scene in public. Yunho stood next to you as you positioned yourself. There was a slight gap between the two of you, prompting your friend to say, “Scoot closer together! You both look so awkward!”
You were so ready to kill your friend. Reluctantly, you took a step towards Yunho. He also took a step towards you at the same time, causing you to bump into him. Before you could stumble anywhere, his hand went around your waist. Butterflies erupted in your stomach when he hugged you lightly. His touch was so… Pleasant. You hated that you liked his touch, and you hated it even more when you wanted him to touch you more. He wasn’t getting touchy-feely at all, but that didn’t stop your libido from wanting more. You couldn’t help but think that it would be so nice if he could be more intimate, only for you to immediately reject the idea. You seriously needed your brain to shut up. Thinking about your stepfather in that sense was so weird, and you needed it to stop.
The second your friend took the picture, Yunho released you, and you could breathe once more. You didn’t even realize that you held your breath while he was holding you. After you took a couple pictures with your little sister, you immediately turned to your friends and slapped the backs of their heads. If it weren’t for them, you would not have thought about Yunho, your goddamn stepfather, in that way.
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Luckily for you, you found a job right after graduating from college. It was in the big metropolitan city near your hometown, and while you could have made the commute daily, you decided to live in the city for a multitude of reasons, a huge one being the fact that you just didn’t want to live with your mother and her new family. It wasn’t that you hated them, but you wanted to be an adult, and living at home would not allow you to do that. Also, Yunho. You wanted to continue to avoid that man as long as you possibly could.
That being said, you did go home pretty frequently to eat your mother’s cooking (for free, and free food is always great), and you went to visit your half-sister because you liked being there for her. You babysitting her also allowed your mother and her husband to go out on dates, which meant it was mainly just you and your little sister at home. Not bad at all.
One day, you went home to run some errands. Your friends in your hometown wanted to meet up, you had to visit some of your old favorite stores, and you wanted to grab some food from your mother to bring back to your apartment in the city because the next week was going to be incredibly busy for you at work, and there was no chance you would be able to make yourself meals.
It was silent when you got home. You looked around to see if anyone was home, and you found someone, but it wasn’t who you wanted to see.
“Oh, Y/N, what brings you here?” Yunho greeted you from the living room.
He was sitting on the couch and just started playing a movie, which he paused as soon as you walked into the house.
“I’m just here to grab food because I have a busy week next week. Where’s mom and sis?”
“Your mom took her to the eye doctor to get her eyes checked because she’s been sitting too close to the TV lately.”
You stood awkwardly in the kitchen, unsure of what to do with yourself. You had to wait for your mother to come home to make food, and you felt awkward just leaving the area and going to your room. You and Yunho had never been alone together, so ignoring him felt wrong.
“What’re you watching?” you asked Yunho after a long moment of silence.
“Orlando. Have you seen it?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Come watch with me, then. The movie barely started.”
You hesitantly made your way to the living room. You were going to sit in one of the arm chairs, but Yunho patted the space on the couch next to him. You joined him on the couch, enough empty space for God between the two of you.
As the movie played, you tried your best to watch the movie, but you couldn’t help but steal glances at Yunho’s side profile— he was heavily invested in the movie. You kept thinking about what your college friends said about him, and you finally admitted to yourself that, yes, Yunho, your stepfather, was indeed very attractive. You had to keep reminding yourself that he was your stepfather, and that the thoughts in your head were just wrong.
Then, the craziest thing happened. Yunho put his hand on your thigh. You immediately reclaimed your thigh and scooted away from him.
“What is— Why— When— What do you think you’re doing?!” you stuttered.
Yunho looked you dead in the eye, his serious face making your insides swell with heat. “Cut the crap, Y/N. You want me, don’t you?” he said with a low voice.
“Are you insane?!”
You continued to scoot backwards and lean away as Yunho approached you. Your head hit the pillow as Yunho pinned you down, his hands pressed on the couch on either side of you.
“You think I didn’t see you sneaking looks at me? Why do you keep looking at me instead of the movie, Y/N?”
“I mean— I don’t— How— Uh—”
“See, you can’t even answer me properly. You want me.”
Yunho ran his hand up your thigh, which you immediately slapped away while saying, “No, I don’t!
You tried to roll off the couch and away from Yunho, but his arm blocked your path. His hand firmly held onto your waist as you tried to wriggle out of his grasp.
“S-stop it…”
“Face it, Y/N. You want me just as much as I want you.”
Your eyes went wide. You had no idea what the man meant by that when he said it, and it freaked you out completely. Slightly panicking, you tried to push him away, but the second your hands touched his chest, he grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head. You squirmed and tried desperately to get out of his grasp, but then he kissed you.
Yunho kissing you melted your brain. He was an amazing kisser. He kissed you intensely, his soft lips sucking sweetly on yours. You pushed yourself further into his kiss, your lips desperate for his. You had never kissed anyone so intensely in your entire life until that moment, and you only realized that fact after he finally broke away from you as you were completely out of breath the second he moved away. Your face was hot, and your eyes were bleary as every atom of your body yearned for him.
“See, I told you.”
Wordlessly, Yunho turned off the TV before turning back to you, his arms wrapping tightly around you. He lifted you off the couch, and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist. You held onto his face and kissed him over and over and over again because you seriously could not get enough of him. When his hands supported your thighs instead of your torso, his grip on you got stronger, turning you on even more. The two were you were breathless as he carried you to his room and laid you down on the bed gently.
His lips were still connected with yours as he began to caress your body. He rolled the tips of his fingers over your clothed crotch, causing you to moan into his mouth.
“Fuck, that was so hot,” Yunho pulled away to comment. “You’re so fucking hot, Y/N.”
You had never heard the man utter a single profanity in the time you knew him, so him swearing was so unbelievably sexy to you to the point where your body trembled with excitement. You desperately needed him to do something about your throbbing pussy, but Yunho wanted to take things slow. He dragged his tongue along your neck before kissing your neck sloppily. While you didn’t think it was smart of him to leave a mark on your neck, you couldn’t help but want him to. Then again, it was fine if he left hickeys on you, but you definitely could not leave hickeys on him.
“God, I could just fuck you up,” Yunho whispered half to himself.
“Do it.”
“Do it. Fuck me up, Yunho.”
Yunho stared at you, his eyes getting darker. He brought his face near yours and said with an incredibly sexy, low voice, “That’s the first time you’ve ever said my name, Y/N.”
He kissed you hungrily, making you hold onto his shoulders for dear life.
“I want you to say my name. I want you to scream and cry my name,” he uttered as he wrapped light fingers around your neck. “I want you to beg me to fuck you senseless. Will you do that for me?”
You responded with a light nod. Yunho kissed you harshly, his fingers pressing into your neck. You didn’t realize how much you would enjoy someone choking you while making out with you until then. Yunho was experienced, and he was using that experience to turn your brain into mush. You wanted him bad. Your hips moved restlessly as you felt the tension build between your legs, and you desperately needed a release. Your hand move down to rub yourself, but Yunho grabbed your hand before it could go there and held it above your head while he stopped kissing you. There was a slight smirk on his face as he noticed your restlessness.
“Yunho,” you said, your voice wavering.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“I— My pussy… Do something,” you nearly cried.
With a knowing smile, Yunho nodded and sat up. He pulled off his shirt— he grabbed the back of his collar to take it off, which you found to be incredibly hot— before helping you strip down. Your clothes were in a pile on the ground, leaving you laying on the bed completely naked. Your pussy was soaking wet by that time. Yunho gazed at your pussy, your throbbing, pink, fresh pussy, with sparkling eyes. He grazed his nails along your folds, your thighs trembling at his touch. But, he was taking his sweet time with you, and it was driving you crazy. You clutched the pillow under your head and groaned in frustration.
“Yunho, just fuck me please! I can’t take it anymore!”
“Mmm, for someone who’s been avoiding me, you sure do want me bad right now,” Yunho chuckled.
You were going to respond, but when you felt his fingers shove into, you let out a loud gasp and moan. You flung your head back into the pillow and let out cry after cry. You had to bite your lower lip and muffled your noises when Yunho started massaging your breast and sucking intensely on your nipple.
“F-fuck, I’m cumming,” you choked out as you felt your orgasm nearing.
“Yes, come for me, Y/N,” Yunho moved up to whisper in your ear, his fingers not letting up.
That was all you needed to hit euphoria. Your nails nearly tore through the pillowcase as your pussy convulsed. Your moan echoed in the room, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Sweet, sweet relief.
“Shit,” Yunho hissed as he removed his fingers. “You’re so incredibly sexy… I can’t hold back any longer.”
You were completely out of breath as the high of your orgasm slowly disappeared. Your eyes were bleary as you opened them to see Yunho’s faint shape get off the bed to remove his pants. Within seconds, Yunho was back on the bed, and he moved your legs, your knees in the air as your feet pressed into the mattress. He positioned himself and leaned his upper body down to dominate your lips. The second his lips locked with yours, he thrusted into you powerfully. You moaned into his mouth when his waist slammed against yours and when his tongue shoved its way into your mouth.
Yunho let out grunts of pleasure as he waist met yours repeatedly at a slow and steady pace. But, when you let go of the pillow to hold onto his shoulders, and when your nails dug into his skin, he inhaled sharply through his teeth and fucked you harder and faster. The entire bed squeaked and moved as his tempo increased, and you felt your brain and body melt with pleasure.
“Yunho! More!” you ended the kiss to whine.
And he delivered. He moved up, held your waist with a strong grip, and pulled you closer towards him as he lifted your waist. Him pounding the shit out of you felt so good that you couldn’t control yourself anymore. Tears filled your eyes as more moans and groans and cries spilled out of your mouth. His cock felt amazing inside you, and even though he was pile driving you into oblivion, you somehow still wanted more of him.
“I’m close,” Yunho bit out. “I’m going to cum inside, okay?”
That was probably the more you wanted. You nodded and pulled him down towards you once more, your mouth begging for his tongue. He groaned into your mouth as you felt his dick shudder and spurt within you, his cum filling and warming you up. When he pulled out, his cum leaked out of you, and you watched him stare at your pussy in delight.
You laid on the bed until your heart rate calmed down before pushing yourself up and saying, “I’m going to go clean myself up…”
You didn’t even wait for a reaction from Yunho. You scurried to the bathroom (trying desperately not to leak out on your way), and sat on the toilet to quickly clean yourself up. Shortly thereafter, you stood in front of the mirror and washed your hands. You looked at your reflection to see small, dark hickeys scattered across your chest. As you inspected the bruises on your skin, Yunho walked up behind you. He arms snaked around you and massaged your breasts as he pressed his dick against you.
“Yunho, what are you doing?” you asked carefully.
“I’m not done with you just yet,” Yunho said softly as he bit your earlobe.
“Uh, no. We’re done.”
You turned around and tried to push past him, but that didn’t work the first time, so how was it going to work again. Placing hands on the sink countertop on either side of you, Yunho trapped you. He leaned in towards you, and you leaned backwards to the best of your ability. You were so sure he was going to kiss you, but when his face stopped a mere couple of centimeters before yours, you stared at him in surprise.
“What, do you want me to stop now?” he asked you teasingly.
You felt his hard cock press against your stomach, and feeling how hard he was, not to mention seeing the amount of lust in his eyes, turned you on entirely. You swallowed hard and begrudgingly shook your head. You needed him again.
“That’s what I thought. Turn around. Bend over.”
With his hands guiding you, you did as he said. Your breasts pressed against the cool countertop, making you shiver. You didn’t have the time to be cold, though, because Yunho swiftly slid his dick into you, your entire body lurching forward.
“Oh, fuck!” you screamed as you felt Yunho’s pelvis slam against your buttocks quickly. “Y-yunho!”
“You like that, huh?” Yunho said with a grunt.
You moaned loudly in response. The two of you were breathing heavily, and the mirrors in the bathroom were starting to fog up. Suddenly, Yunho pulled out, making you cum almost instantly. Your legs trembled as you came, and they nearly gave out. However, before you could collapse to the ground, Yunho turned you around and sat you down on the countertop. He shoved his dick deep inside you, but he didn’t move quite yet.
“What is it?” you whispered as he looked you up and down.
“You’re stunning… So sexy,” Yunho answered as he brought his nose to brush against your jawline. “I could seriously just stare at you all day long.”
He peppered kisses along your jaw and neck, his hands running up and down your waist sensually. You wrapped your arms over his shoulders and held onto the back of his neck as he left more hickeys on your chest. When his hands went around you and hugged you towards him, you couldn’t help but press your fingers into his skin, making the man tremble.
Without a second to lose, Yunho lifted you up and fucked you by using his arms to raise and lower you onto his dick. You held onto him tightly, the fear of falling and feeling of his dick going deeper inside you exciting you. He pressed his lips against yours again, your tongue dancing with his briefly until he brought you down harshly on his penis.
“You’re hitting so deep, Yunho!”
“It’s because you’re taking me so well, Y/N. Your pussy was made for me.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Yunho saying something like that to you was unnatural, but it made you feel so good, so sexy.
Yunho carried you out of the bathroom. He pulled out, set you down so that you were standing, and stroked his dick several times. He pinned you up against the wall and brought your thigh up, your leg wrapping around him. His cock entered you again, and he resumed thrusting fast and hard.
Then, you both heard the front door open. Yunho covered your mouth— he did not intend to stop fucking you. You did you best to hold back your moans, but you were worried about the sound of his hips slapping against yours.
You heard footsteps head towards the door of the bedroom. Tears filled your eyes and started rolling down your cheeks as the fear of getting caught tensed your body entirely. You heard the doorknob jiggle as your mom tried to open the door, but the door did not open. Yunho had locked the door ages ago. So, she knocked on the door.
“Yes, darling?” Yunho responded, his voice low, sensual, and almost a little groggy.
“What’s going on? Why is the bedroom door locked?”
“I’m taking a nap.”
“Oh… Okay. Have a good nap, then.” You heard your mom walk away from the door, only for her to quickly walk back. “I saw Y/N’s car outside. Is she here?”
“No, she stepped out. She said she would wait until you got back since she only really came to pick up food.”
Yunho’s hips hit yours even harder, the sound scaring you, but the force pleasuring you.
“Shoot, I have to go grocery shopping!” Come, sweetie,” your mom said to your sister— her household nickname was sweetie— and continued, “Let’s go grab some snacks for you and your sister!”
The second you heard the front door close and lock, Yunho removed his hand. You hiccuped and cried softly. Meanwhile, Yunho was still fucking you.
“That was so scary,” you cried. “Why didn’t you stop?!”
“You look way too fucking good right now. I can’t stop.”
Yunho thrusted so hard into you that your back hit the wall slightly, making you yelp. You continued to yelp as he fucked you without remorse.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m so close.”
You sniffled and nodded, tears still blurring your vision. Yunho kissed you again, but rather than him eating you alive, his kiss was sweet this time around. He held your face and kissed you softly. With one final thrust, his cock throbbed and trembled inside you, his stickiness filling you up once more. Your hold on him relaxed, but you continued kissing him, his posh lips making you forget about why you were so scared in the first place. You remained in that position against the wall for a good several minutes, not wanting to lose the feeling of his long dick shoved in your tight pussy so quickly. If anything, you wanted him to fuck you more.
Which he did. A couple more times, actually.
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You got cleaned up and donned all of your clothes. Before you could leave the bedroom, Yunho grabbed you and hugged you. He buried his nose in your hair and sighed deeply.
“Yunho, I have a question,” you told him as you leaned away from him.
“What is it?”
“Earlier, when you said that I wanted you as much as you wanted me, what did you mean by that?”
“You’re a beautiful young woman, Y/N. It’s hard for someone to not be attracted to you. I’ve honestly been wanting this to happen since you graduated.”
The realization of your relationship with the man hit you. It was in the back of your head the entire time he was fucking your brains out, but you only really remembered the nature of the relationship then and there. You pushed him away; and this time, he allowed it.
“We shouldn’t have done this, Yunho.”
There was a certain look on Yunho’s face, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was or what he was thinking. The two of you maintained eye contact, and despite the fact that you knew very well that there was nothing that could ever happen between you and the man in front of you, your libido still lusted for him.
“I know that, but,” Yunho took a step towards you and wrapped one arm around your waist. “I’m glad we did.”
And with that, he kissed you one more time— it was sweet, hot, but nonintrusive. His hand moved up from your waist to your neck, his fingers moving to your scalp and holding you closer to him. You nearly whimpered when the kiss ended.
“You can stay in denial all you want,” Yunho told you. “But just know that I’ll be here in case you ever want to cross the line again.”
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animatedjen · 3 months
I'm curious, how long does it usually take you to take a picture in Survior? You post quite a bit, so I'd honestly be very interested in hearing about your overall process if ur willing to share. What decides what picture u take? Do u ever use the lights? (I have the vaguest knowledge about how to light subjects and I just can't get it propely in my head, so I personally find that a bit difficult, tbh. Both irl and otherwise.) Do u do something w them outside of the in game photomode, aside from cropping? Do u ever consciously think about composition like the golden ratio or the 3x3 grid? Do you spend a lot of time setting them up or is it more spontaneous? I'd love to know just bc I find myself very fascinated by them and I'd like to know what goes into them (:
- @frunbuns
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Love these questions @frunbuns! Though I do genuinely wonder if I'm posting too much sometimes 🫠 Both because A) I don't want to swamp the Jedi tags, and B) it probably means I'm playing Survivor instead of sleeping and that's... not helpful haha.
Answers under the cut!
What decides what picture u take? Do you spend a lot of time setting them up or is it more spontaneous? - Sometimes I'll have a very specific idea (like the Cal silhouette photo or these portraits of Bode) so everyone gets posed and lit very intentionally. But most photos are "discovered" while exploring the environments, watching different character animations, etc. I'm constantly pausing and zooming in with photomode to see what a moment looks like.
I want to make a video tutorial that walks through the entire process (because describing this stuff with words is a struggle) so let me know if you have any specific questions!
Deciding on a photo theme or goal is helpful though. If I want to take photos of Cal and Merrin fighting together, I'll obnoxiously follow Merrin around and make sure Cal is near her while attacking the Jedha patrols. There'll be a bunch of duds and a few cool moments (and a bit of electrocution, sorry Cal)
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Do u ever use the lights? - Always! The lights make a huge difference in photomode, but I know they're tricky to use. I posted a mini tutorial on lighting recently, but it goes through general concepts rather than any technical how-to. Definitely want to break down the process more in a video tutorial.
Do u do something w them outside of the in game photomode, aside from cropping? - I'll edit my favorite photos by adding more contrast, either from the built-in phone app or a photo editing software. This ask has a good before/after example.
Do u ever consciously think about composition like the golden ratio or the 3x3 grid? - Sometimes! I've been in the photo/video industry for almost nine years (oof that makes me feel old) so a lot of that experience probably shows up in my photomode compositions. I like shooting IRL portraits with a telephoto lens, so these virtual portraits are almost always at 3x-4x zoom to mimic that look.
Hope some of this is helpful! Survivor's photomode is really fun and I love seeing how other people use it 🙌
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
slow dancing in the dark.
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pair : levi x genneu!reader
warning(s) : none! jus a little note that they aren't celebrating the fourth july, just something else that includes fireworks considering they arent based in the u.s, maybe a little suggestive, a lil making out
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soft echoes of fireworks exploding vibrate the comfort of your shared bedroom with levi. headquarters is practically deserted as everyone is out celebrating the holiday. except for you and levi.
room lit up by only by a wax candle, the two of you are content. you remember the disheartened sighs that your friends gave you when you declined their request to go out and drink with them. levi was with you at the time. he totally expected you to say yes. you're a lively person, don't you wanna have fun?
he was a little surprised when you told him that you would rather spend the night with him, just sleeping away through the night. and thats what the two of you did.
levi was sitting up against the headboard with your head and left arm sprawled onto his lap. he was mindlessly rubbing circles into your back, watching the fireworks from afar through the open window, linen curtains moving with the soft breeze.
he looked down at you with soft eyes. you were staring at the candle's flame, eyes low with tiredness. he feels a twinge of guilt in his gut, he can't help but feel you would be happier with your friends doing fun activities, but you're just here with him, laying around and doing nothing.
suddenly, his hand comes up to the tip of your nose, lightly squeezing it for a quick second. you squeal with surprise, proping yourself up on your elbows. "what was that for?" you pouted, lightly punching the side of his tummy. "you look bored," he bluntly said. "don't you wanna be with your friends? gettin' drunk and all that stupid shit."
you signed in defeat, sitting up completely on your knees. "no, i already told you that. whats wrong with wanting to spend a holiday with you?" you whined, leaning your body weight onto his shoulder. like it was second nature, his arm came to wrap around your waist. "..well, i just feel like you wouldn't be bored." he admitted.
you signed once again. "do you have breathing problems?" he teased. you rolled your eyes at his question, choosing to adjust your position so your sitting in his lap, hands wrapped around his neck. "no, i don't have breathing problems. and no, you're not boring! theres much more things better than drinking."
"like?" he raised an eyebrow. you grinned at his obliviousness. "like.. kissing you." you cheekily said, leaning in to place a soft kiss onto his lips. you pulled away after a few seconds, feeling like prideful when you saw a soft smile on his usually emotionless face.
not wanting to waste anymore time, he leaned in for another. kisses with levi were always so sweet. they were always your favorite activity. so much better than drinking bitter alcohols. the gentle and chaste kiss quickly turned into a more passionate and intense one as the two of you began to speed up the pace of your lip's romantic dance.
sighing softly, your tongue slipped inbetween his lips. you swallowed down his quiet moan as you lightly rolled your hips into his groan, feeling his free hand squeeze at your upper thigh. he pulled away once more, cheeks and lips tinted in a flushed red.
"y'know what else is better than kissing?" you smirked.
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if you like my content, please like and repost with tags :)
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sister-dear · 1 year
For the soft fic prompt meme you shared: need me some Raviolink 👀 maybe item 12?
Thank you so much for the ask! You picked such a good one that I had multiple ideas and had to whittle it down to one! Sorry it took a few days, the work schedule did not cooperate with writing. 
This did turn out more hurt/comfort than sweet, oops. XD Though one of the other ideas was just straight up fluff and I might write that one too aslkdfjsdf.
Fandom: A Link Between Worlds  Pairing: Link/Ravio Other tags: hurt/comfort, sickfic, pre-relationship Wordcount: 1130
Home. It was right there. 
Bruised and battered, Link stared up the final incline to his house. Even the large bunny-eared sign now adorning the roof didn’t change the sheer relief at having it finally in sight. Almost there. Just one last push to reach his front door. 
Except his legs didn’t want to cooperate. 
If only the sharp incline up to reach it, a hill he’d been merrily tromping up and down every single day of his life, didn’t seem so intimidatingly steep. 
He’d used up every last potion and fairy in his push through the latest dungeon. It hadn’t been enough; somewhere along the line, whether from infection or some stress-induced illness, he’d started running the hot and cold flushes of a fever and his body just… couldn’t do it.
He’d been forced to retreat, avoiding monsters he’d usually engage with ease as he staggered home on legs that wanted to collapse out from under him. Stubbornness kept him moving, but he’d been forced to pause to deal with the magically generated “knight” that patrolled the road right in front of his house, and now he couldn’t quite get himself going again. 
The world swam around him. The horizon seemed to rock back and forth on a dizzying axis. Cracked ribs ached terribly. The severe cut he’d taken to the thigh, before settled into a persistent background throb, screamed anew at the workout he’d just been forced to put it through. Sweat drenched the space between his shoulder blades; a slight breeze caught the damp and made him feel chilled to the bone. 
The front door opened. 
Ravio, poking his bunny-hooded head out to investigate now that the noise of combat had passed.
Shit. Link still had some items he hadn’t yet managed to buy outright. He wondered if he had enough rupees to rent them all again. 
Should have focused more on buying things one at a time than gleefully renting Ravio’s entire stock at once.
“Mr Hero!”
Resigned to soon having a much lighter inventory, Link raised a weary hand in greeting only to have it caught, his arm swung across Ravio’s shoulders. Another slipped around Link’s waist. The support made him feel as though he was a puppet with all the strings cut. Feeling ten times heavier, he sagged.
Somehow, they got Link up the hill and inside. He wouldn’t have managed it without Ravio’s help. He was definitely going to have to pay for those rented items all over again. But at least he was safe. 
He passed out the moment his head hit the pillow.
It didn’t even occur to him what that meant, that he felt safe enough around Ravio to trust him while unconscious. A far cry from their first meeting when he’d possibly, just a little, freaked out at a stranger’s presence in his house. 
It took over a week for him to recover enough to be ready to set out again. 
He rifled through his travel pack for his wallet, ready to count out rupees and figure out which items he needed most, only to blink dumbly at encountering one of said items instead of a half-empty bag. He pulled it out, staring at the little purple ears decorating the top. 
Suspicious of a trap, he turned narrowed eyes in Ravio’s direction only to find that the merchant had turned his back and was now very visibly keeping himself very busy scrubbing already clean dishes. 
A shift of the hood, Ravio glancing back over his shoulder and then just as quickly turning away again. 
“You made it home, Mr Hero! I didn’t need to send my dear Sheerow into danger to collect my property, so no charge!”
Still not quite willing to believe him, Link peered into his bag again. 
Yep. All there. 
He’d used up all his potions. And yet red liquid-filled bottles glittered up at him. They were mixed in with the weapons instead of tucked away into the extra-enchanted pouch that further ensured they wouldn’t break. 
Unfinished business itched at the back of his mind. He needed to get back to that dungeon, finish it and rescue whatever unfortunate soul waited, trapped inside a painting, on the opposite end. 
Ravio still wasn’t looking at him. 
Link wordlessly moved the replenished potions to their proper location. Sealed the pack. Put it on. Started to leave. 
Paused, door open and foot on the front step. 
Don’t say it. Just take the gift and go. 
“...Why?” Link asked. 
“Well, Mr Hero. You could say I’ve grown rather fond of you. Not very smart of me, to be sure. Bad for business, so don’t go telling anyone.” 
Blinking, Link stared out his front door. The open road awaited, the skies blue and that annoying knight-construct once again patrolling the road right in front of his house. 
Link closed the door. He watched Ravio’s shoulders sag. 
The bunny hood jerked up at the sound of Link’s boots crossing the floor. Link scooped him up, wrapping him up in the biggest bear hug he could manage and lifting him straight off the floor. 
Ravio squeaked. Link set him back down, but he didn’t let go. 
“I’m fond of you too,” he said to the air over Ravio’s shoulder, feeling tentative hands coming up to clutch at him in return. 
He felt Ravio shifting. Not to pull away, but making little half vocalized noises as if he was trying to speak but couldn’t come up with the words. Finally, even that stopped, Ravio slumping into the hug with a little sigh. 
Link’s mind raced. Fond could mean any number of things. He thought he’d be happy with any of them, but some until-now unacknowledged part of him reared up, mentally demanding to know if it was the kind of fond that meant Ravio might be amenable to a kiss, and it wanted to try. Right now. 
But duty pressed at Link’s mind. And what if he tried but the answer was no and then he had to leave…? No. No. Better to wait. Give them both some time. He could ask that question after finishing this temple. 
With great reluctance, he dropped his arms.
“You’ll still be here when I get back?”
Ravio shook himself, reaching up under his hood to scrub at his unseen face. Was he wiping away tears? Having similar thoughts about things like kisses and trying to recenter himself? Link had never found the presence of that hood so inconvenient as he did now. 
“Of course, Mr Hero!” 
Link turned towards the door with fresh determination. He might have unfinished business out there, but now he had unfinished business here, too, and he fully intended to get through this dungeon as quickly as possible so he could address it.
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thank you for the tag, @writernopal.
My words to find were orange, lift, model, & flame.
Passing the tag to @blind-the-winds, @nanashi23, @falesiacatwrites, @aether-wasteland-s, and an open tag to whomever wants it.
Your words shall be distortion, narrow, informed, & shallow.
Content Warning for some mild body horror on "Orange".
Orange: Empty Names - 11 - Afterparty
Alas, he has a job to be doing, so he’ll have to satisfy himself with the short term sensation of the gases that burn his face and nose just as surely as the floor is burning his bare feet.  He follows the invisible current of warping space to the gasping remnants of a collapsed bridge near the wall.  Had he arrived any later it would have been gone completely.  It’s visible now, up close, refracting the orange veins light emanating from the wall more than what mere heat distortion could accomplish and gathering the ubiquitous fumes into a slowly swirling vortex.
Sullivan sticks a hand into that vortex, hardly feeling it as his palm is shredded and his nails are plucked.  Not passable - no surprise there - and routed through multiple proxy destinations.  Clever and thorough, as befits an alchemist worthy of the name, but not so clever that one worthy of the name of Bridgewood can’t get a feel for the general area of the final destination.  More importantly, he can feel the last traces of the alchemist’s “footprint.”  The man escaped before he set his home to blow up in the faces of unwanted guests.  Lachlan always had been the sort of man who’d rather destroy his own secrets than share them.  Not quite Sullivan’s style, but close enough that he can respect it.
He withdraws his arm with a smile and massages his wrist while his hand returns to a pristine and manicured state.  Now this was a lead. 
Lift: The Archivist's Journal, Day 227
“My” nature sprite, on the rare occasions that it rears up to its full height, stands head and shoulders above even Maiko; lean for its height, long fingered, skin of bark, face nearly human but too long and narrow, ending in a squared nose that would bring to mind a deer when paired with the antlers were it not for the sharp teeth.  Most of the others shared the barkskin, save for one that brought to mind a flower rather than a tree (green flesh, layered leaves and petals) and one so covered in fur-like moss it was impossible to tell what lay beneath (if indeed there was anything at all).  The smallest was shorter than Cass, creating barely a ripple as it took its seat across from me.  The largest was as tall as “mine” and twice as wide.  Last to arrive, it displaced the water over the sides and gushing over the waterfall as its rotund form trundled into the spring.  
This at last was enough to snap me from my frozen terror as I scrambled to grab and lift this journal and my clothes to save them from being soaked.  This elicited a round of vocalizations from the gathered sprites.  Amusement or apology I know not.  Afraid to actually move too far from where I already was, I quickly wrapped my clothes around my journal and tossed the bundle a short distance away.  Still within the light but hopefully out of splash radius.
When I turned back to my newfound spa-mates I realized that one had adjusted its seat to be closer to me.  Whether this was a matter of intentionally getting closer or spreading out now that a new (and large) guest had arrived I’m not sure, but “my” sprite responded by grabbing my shoulders, pulling me over to its side, and hissing at the other sprites.  This elicited another round of vocalizations and then all returned to calmly soaking in the warm waters.
Model: Empty Names - 12 - Houseguests
“The exile thing?” Road says in response.  “I was there for both times it happened, and it’s nothing to worry about.  Jero wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Both times?” Ashan inquires.
“Yeah, wild that it happened twice.  The first time around xe was framed by a rival artist for negligently shaping a model without properly informed consent into a form xe couldn’t undo.  I happened to run into xem while xe was fleeing the law and helped xem clear xyr name.  It turned out to be this whole big thing with scandal, kidnappings, blackmail, and political coverups, but it all worked out in the end.”
Dive: The Archivist's Journal, Day 27
After a week of travel straight south (or as straight as they could manage with none of them having made a voyage of this scale before) they stopped encountering islands and the sea became too deep for them to properly measure or anchor.  Over the next several days they saw less and less sea life until eventually the ocean appeared to be barren.  And then, strangely, the sea itself became less blue.  I’m having trouble picturing that last part myself but it’s the description Pat kept insisting on.  And as the sea lost its color it began to grow shallow again as well.  Two weeks out and it was shallow enough that they could see an empty white sandy floor beneath the clear waters.  Two days later they could easily dive down to the bottom and touch it.  
Just shy of the three week mark the great boat ran aground.  While the rest of the crew worked to get the vessel unstuck Pat and his outsider friend took a smaller rowboat and pushed ahead.  Within an hour they were on foot wading through ankle-deep water.  The bottom here was now solid white stone (or something like it) rather than sand.  Half an hour from that and they were on dry land.  A perfectly flat, perfectly white land as far as the eye could see in any direction.  Even looking back behind them, the placid clear sea was only discernible by the way the sun glinted differently off its liquid surface and Cloud Tower had been reduced to a barely perceptible hairline fracture in the horizon.  And on the landward horizon the sky itself seemed to desaturate to a merely bluer shade of white.
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shuddervayne-plays · 2 years
Chapter 3: Examination
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Drama
Relationships: Dottore/Female Reader
Warnings: Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Violence
Mind The Tags!
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The Doctor takes his first step toward the woman, and she notices his way of walking has changed from what it was before. He almost seems to float forward. Each step he takes seems to glide several feet, as though he is pushing off an invisible force. As he reaches the small woman, he rips his fist back and swings forward nailing Y/N square in the gut. His fist comes in with considerable force, but it is the speed of it all that surprises her. He easily knocks the woman backward and she stumbles back off the steppingstone. The water churns around her feet as she tries to keep her balance. The pain is like a brand on her stomach, and she gasps. 'If this is just the first hit, it's going to be a really long day.' If that's how it feels now, with the serum singing in her veins, she can't imagine what it would have been like before.
"I-I think that went well. I've never been hit like that before though, so I really have nothing to compare it to. A-Again?" Y/N braces the best she can for the next strike. She is frightened of what he has in store for her and swallows nervously, tightening her fists at her sides.
The Doctor moves back in front of her and in fluid motions sends a series of rapid punches into the woman's chest. These are stronger than the one previously and he forces the air out of her lungs with each impact. This time, though, Y/N feels the rush of the serum increase dramatically. Her heart rate picks up and her blood is surging in her ears. She feels the strength flow through her and she smiles gratefully. The woman stumbles and tries to lock her knees to prevent her falling. Gasping, she attempts to fill her suddenly empty lungs. She regains her balance once again and looks at the man before her expectantly. The small woman notices that as quickly as the pain came, it also seemed to fade rather swiftly.
'Good, It must mean the serum is working,' she thinks. She is still sore, but that is to be expected seeing how hard he had hit her.
"Okay, okay. Again? I'm ready." She hates this and hopes it doesn’t go on for too long.
The Doctor takes in the woman's stance, which has only become stronger now in the wake of his second set of punches. The strength Y/N gained from the serum is quite high. He's impressed. The man begins sending strike after strike targeting her arms and shoulders. His punches are precise, strong, and extremely quick, but the woman manages to stand her ground under the hail of his strikes. She takes them with little issue, if only because of the serum. The concoction is certainly making her body more capable of enduring the punishment he throws at it, but it's still not enough.
"Improvements still need to be made." He speaks as she takes a deep shaky breath and raises her head to meet his face again.
It still hurts, but the pain fades to a dull ache quickly enough. The woman wonders what would happen if he really let loose on her. 'I most definitely wouldn't be standing, possibly not even breathing.' She shivers at the thought.
"I'm ready."
The Doctor lets out a loud chuckle and that unhinged smile finds its way back to his face. He approaches her again. His strikes are now even stronger, though his speed remains the same. It is obvious that he is still holding back, but his strikes now carry significant force behind them, and he does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. His left hand suddenly lunges forward to grab ahold of the woman's neck.
She feels a strange rush of adrenaline and her heart and mind feel more in sync than ever. Y/N rips her body back out of his reach. She moves with almost inhuman speed to dodge his continuing onslaught and before she realizes it, she has swung her fist out straight at his face. She doesn't know what she is doing or even if she is using anything close to a proper technique. She just suddenly, really wanted to hit him. He had hit her enough. Surely, she is allowed at least one strike. She hopes so, she wonders if her fist will even make contact at all.
She is shocked when he just stands there and lets her hit him. He saw it coming, but didn't bother to dodge. She watches his face contort slightly when her fist comes into contact with his jaw. It didn't knock him down, but it did stagger him back. Y/N feels slightly more confident in her strength and begins throwing blow after blow. The woman is riding high on the victory of her first hit landing. Her strikes are now coming from both her arms and legs. She is afraid to slow down and just throws everything she has at him.
'Maybe I can keep the momentum going...' She hopes she can.
She knows that her combat technique is way worse than sloppy, never having any previous training of any kind. ...and she knows deep down that he is holding back. If he were to take this seriously, he would overpower her instantly. 'He's the Second Harbinger for Archon's sake.' As the woman continues to throw strikes, she hears him suddenly exhale loudly...and everything changes.
"Let's test your stamina, shall we?"
The Doctor is grinning from ear to ear as they fight, his sharp teeth are on display for all to see. The woman's blows begin to bounce off his body as though she is trying to pummel a wall. He shifts his stance and begins matching her hit for hit. Every punch and kick from the man hits just as strong and fast as before. This continues for several minutes before he grows bored and begins to pick up the pace.
Y/N gasps at the sudden change in his demeanor and attack patterns. The woman continues to throw numerous strikes, not letting herself slow down but now every hit just seems to glance off him like it never happened. He is forcing her back farther into the river now. One step, two steps, three steps. She can't keep up. His strength and speed are mind-numbing. 'How can he move like this, Is he even Human?' She wonders desperately.
The woman can't keep up this pace for much longer. Yes, the serum is most definitely helping. She never would have been able to do this before, but the man was quickly overwhelming her.
The Doctor does not slow down in the slightest as they move through the river. Instead, his punches and kicks are now coming even faster, if that was even possible.
The woman feels like she has been thrown into a tempest of flesh and bone. His strength and speed are truly beyond mortal capabilities, and she is continually forced back. The Doctor continues to come after her, his strikes now flying like the fury of a hurricane. The water churns around her waist as she is forced to retreat.
'This is going nowhere, I can't win. I never could. What more does he want?' Oh yea...this was her examination. He had wanted to push her to her limits, and he was very assuredly doing that. Well over her limits in fact. His blows hurt and they kept raining down on the woman's tiny body at the speed of lightning. 'How much longer can I keep this up? Not much longer.' She was losing her balance. ‘Good, this is what I want. I want him to see that I’m not unique after all.’ Y/N is satisfied.
In one swift motion, The Doctor stops. He has been watching her closely this entire time, trying to see how far she can push herself with the serum in her blood. He stands completely still, the only indication of his previous activity being the quick rise and fall of his chest.
It was over, or at least it seemed to be. She quietly whispers a thank you to the Archons. The woman really couldn't have stood under the gale of his attacks any longer. A few seconds more and she simply would have collapsed back into the water that surrounded her.
After a few moments, he speaks out with that deep and rich voice of his.
"You are above the ability of most mortals. Your strength and speed are far beyond any normal individual. To put this in perspective for you, most humans are barely capable of a small fraction of what you just displayed, even under the influence of the serum's power."
She balked at him. "You must be j-joking. There is n-no way." She stood gasping, trying to fill her heaving lungs. Raising her head, she looked at him from under her curtain of H/C hair. Her body hurt but she knew without the serum it would have been monumentally worse.
"...and yet, here you are proving my point."
"W-what makes me so d-different from every other h-human that allows me to perform so much b-better under the serum's influence?"
The Doctor takes a single step forward and places his hand on her shoulder, the woman flinches. She can fill his immense strength through his fingers alone. His strong grip holds her tightly, almost painfully.
"Every individual has a different body and a different mind. They each have their own levels of vitality. You possess a level of vitality that dwarfs many others, that is why the serum affects you so much stronger. Your base strength far surpasses that of what you thought your body was capable of."
Y/N opts to simply stare at him for a few moments desperately trying to process his words. The woman never once felt any different from any other human she had ever been around. She is stronger than most? This came as a huge shock to her. She always believed herself to be rather frail in comparison to those around her. But she had also never fought before...so really, what did she have to compare it to?
"This is...a lot to process. What exactly does this mean, and... ...the examination?"
The Doctor smiles at her, it's a strange mix of friendliness and menace. "You passed your exam quite flawlessly; it was more than enough for me to deem you as a proper specimen for my serum experiments and tests. You are the first that has managed to complete this test with complete success, for that, you have my congratulations. Your reward will be two days of rest before we begin my schedule of experiments. Is that satisfactory to you?"
Despair crashes over her and she crosses her arms across her chest almost as if she is hugging herself. 'No. No, that is not what I wanted. I wanted to fail. I wanted to fail horribly! He's...never going to let me go now…' In juxtaposition to her inner thoughts, she simply responds with, "I...I suppose so. As I recall, I don't have a choice in the matter anyway. Did you know about me? That I was different before this? Is that why you sent the Agent after me?"
"You are correct in assuming that I knew of your exceptionalism. It was my colleague, the lady named Arlecchino that first discovered you, you should feel indebted to her for being selected as a specimen under my project. I am more than happy to accept you after all." He pauses and tilts his head. "I have some errands to run over the next couple of days but after that, once we start the official tests, you shall be placed under strict surveillance until I can determine what the exact properties and abilities the serum awakens in you are. ...and then from there, we will work on improving it."
She sighs heavily. 'The serum, is it still working?' She was beginning to feel heavy with fatigue and her ears were starting to ring. 'When it wears off completely, will the pain increase?'
"So...what happens now?" Y/N asks hesitantly as she begins wading back out of the river watching The Doctor out of the corner of her eye carefully the whole way.
The man also made his way to the bank. He was watching her just as closely. "It seems that the serum is losing its effects. Early if I'm being honest. However, with the way you just fought, it doesn't surprise me. I would expect you to be feeling an incredible sense of fatigue right about now, followed by a deep sense of pain from every point in your body that was struck during the exam. You should rest, you will need it. I shall be checking on you tomorrow afternoon. Be ready at the strike of noon."
"I do feel very tired, and my pain is ...definitely increasing.” She groans and leans forward wrapping her arms more tightly around herself. A few thoughts suddenly occur to her and she is quick to voice them in her confusion. “ Wait, where am I sleeping? What about my guard? You said I would be supervised?" The woman winces at the pain radiating through her body. 'Oh, Archons...it's only going to get worse, isn't it?' This situation, both physically and emotionally, is taxing her a great deal and she is anxious to crawl into a bed. HER bed. Not some bed provided for her in a cell. Because that’s what this place was, a cell. And he had just slammed the door shut.
As if on cue, the elevator on the opposite side of the room slid open and in strode the Fatui Agent from earlier. "A room has been provided and furnished for your use. It is close to the main lab." The Doctor responded.
The woman is confused and it shows on her face. "Wait...how did he know to come now? You haven't left to inform anyone of anything yet."
"Correct, I haven't left. However, I did inform him to come."
"I don't...understand."
"You will." The smile on the man's face turned eerie.
The woman shudders at The Doctor's expression and turns to head toward the elevator where the other Fatuus stood impassively. 'I am so screwed. How am I going to get out of this?'
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rihardgansey · 8 years
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“Where the Devil can't go, he'll send a woman” - polish proverb
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lunamochii · 2 years
3sum with them || Kuroo x f!reader x Bokuto, Hinata x f!reader x Kageyama, Atsumu x f!reader x Osamu
warning: not proofread, heavy smut, nsfw, MINOR DO NOT INTERACT, timeskip age for the hq characters, creampie, felatio, etc…
notes: This is originally a genshin men series but I thought that I barely write for haikyu now sooo here you are! I hope you guys will like it🤞🏻, ALSO PLEASE LEAVE SOME FEEDBACKS! REBLOG WITH TAGS PLEASE!
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— Kuroo & Bokuto
“Remind me not to make a bet with you two again..”
You let out a shaky when Kuroo thrust his cock back inside you once again, you heard Bokuto scoff behind you and bite down on your shoulder.
You three have been on that kind of relationship for 7th months now and you can say that, you are very ‘close’ with them. It all started when you playfully flirt with them when you interviewed them for your blog
“Lift your skirt for me will you, doll?”
You look at Kuroo who’s hair is a mess and his once buttoned up black polo is now open, you obliged to his request and he started pounding you. Making you lean on to his chest
“Geez not fair! Let me have some fun too Y/N..”
You put one of your hand on your ass cheek and grip on it, spreading it for the horny man behind you
“You can fuck my other hole, Kotaro.”
“Hell yeah!”
Bokuto kisses you on the lips as he plunge his cock making you grab tightly on Kuroo’s hair, pretty sure your body is going to ache tomorrow. You better go to a spa tomorrow..
— Kageyama & Hinata
“W-Wait—… kya! Nngh!”
Your hands rubs faster Hinata’s cock while Kageyama bang you from behind, his cock going so deep that his able to hit the entrance to your womb
“You feel so good Y/N… fuck!”
You look at Hinata and saw that his already on the verge so you rub him faster, your tongue licking his cock. Just when you were about to suck Hinata’s cock Kageyama pulled you up by your two arms
“Hnngg! K-Kage— ahh! Ahhnn!~”
“Shit! Shit! You feel that Y/N? That’s my cock going so deep inside you”
Never on your wildest dream to hear Kageyama talk like that because his known to be a man of few words, plus his expressionless most of the time whenever his off the court
You felt a hand rub your cheeks and when you look up, Hinata is stroking his cock watching you get bang from behind. You open your mouth, let your tongue roll out, as you welcome his cock deep inside your mouth
“Pay attention to my throbbing cock too Y/N..”
Saliva dripping at the side of your mouth, your toes curling as Kageyama gave your ass a spank. Hinata holding the sides of your head as he fuck your mouth
Being their paid cum dump isn’t that bad at all, especially when the two of them gives you whatever you want.
— Atsumu & Osamu
Behind the close doors of Osamu’s shop is you rubbing his and his twin’s cock, your tongue licking the tip on Atsumu’s cock while your hand is busy playing with Osamu’s balls
This all started when Atsumu saw you getting fuck by his twin on the counter, you clearly remembered how Osamu didn’t pay no attention to Atsumu and continued to fuck you
You were begging Atsumu at that time to close the door afraid that some people will wak by and see you. Atsumu on that day too also wanted to join, Osamu looked at you asking if you’re okay with it
Ofcourse you agreed and that’s how you ended up being their girlfriend, so far in 9th month you guys have been together, there’s no problem and you hope it will remain that way
“Look at ya, yer juices is all over the floor Y/N..”
“Don’t worry bout that Y/N, Atsumu will be the one cleaning it.”
You didn’t pay attention to their bickering and started sucking Osamu’s cock, while your hand is rubbing the other twin’s cock
“That’s enough… come here, baby.”
Osamu pulled you up and kisses you on the lips, his tongue sliding in, your arms clinging at the back of his neck
You felt Atsumu lifting you by both of your legs with not putting much that effort, Atsumu’s cock going inside your butthole so easily, Osamu’s cock sliding inside your pussy smoothly
“Hold her properly Tsumu… fuck..”
“I-I am.. holy shit Y/N!”
Your hands held tight on Osamu’s hair as you rest your head on Atsumu’s shoulder, they are both moving at the same time and it sends you off like crazy
“Atsumu! Osa-mu! Hnngg! Ahh ahnn~ s-slower guys— ugh!”
“Can’t do~ y’know I can’t fucking go slow when you’re this good. Hm fuck open your mouth babe..”
You did as what Atsumu said as he suck on your tongue, sliding it in as you twirl your tongue on his.
Your body twitches when Osamu reach down of your breast, his other hand groping and flicking your already hard nipples
“You always love it when you’re trap in between of our chest, right? No wonder your pussy is squeezing my cock, sweetheart..”
No words are forming on your brain, your eyes rolling at the back of your head. You felt then thrusting faster and faster, harder and harder that by the time they came inside you, your body were twitching like crazy
Your voice is so loud that you won’t mind if somebody comes and checks in, all you can think is for more that you taunted them
Which ended up with you getting fucked dumb again but this time, you’re spread out like a whore on the floor.
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I finally have a-….
Summary: Nothing changes....except for the girlfriend texting or calling her boyfriend to ask where he is and what he is doing. Why he never wants to do anything with her. From her perspective, Wei Wuxian is spending more time with Lan Wangji
words: 2455
Tags: fluff and crack, crack treat seriously, Wei Ying dates Lan Zhan instead of his girlfriend by accident, very little angst, fluff, modern au, wanxian end game, cuddling, animal crossing reverence’s
A/N: I wrote this instead of sleeping. So I apologize if my editing is weird or it is weird to read. Hope it is enjoyable regardless!
"Hey Lan Zhan! I finally have a girlfriend!"
Lan Wangji had believed that words could not be strong enough to hurt you. Wei Wuxian yet again proofs him how wrong he was with this believe. It has taken all of six words to completely shatter him.
"I wanted you to know first because you are my best friend."
Sweet, sweet, perfect Wei Wuxian didn't notice what he was and is still doing to Lan Wangji. He does have only himself to blame Lan Wangji supposes. He could have told Wei Wuxian how he felt, but he has been too late. Wei Wuxian has a girlfriend now....Lan Wangji just hoped he wouldn't have to third wheel around them. He doesn't think he would be able to survive it.
He hadn't just worried about that but also that he wouldn't have as much time with Wei Wuxian. He would have not complained of course. That Wei Wuxian would want to spend time with his girlfriend, is only natural. At least from what he was come to learn from outside sources. Wei Wuxian proofs Lan Wangji time and time again that he should not go with the "normal" way of things when it comes to his best friend. The smaller male always finding a new way to surprise him.
Wei Wuxian, in fact, does not spend more time with his girlfriend. He spends just as much time with Lan Wangji, as he did before. If not more! Nothing changes....except for the girlfriend texting or calling her boyfriend to ask where he is and what he is doing. Why he never wants to do anything with her. From her perspective, Wei Wuxian is spending more time with Lan Wangji as they got together. Lan Wangji doesn't like it but he has to agree with her....not that he minds that his friend spends more time with him. He had asked his brother about his best friends behavior. Lan Xichen blinked for a while, before he smiled. Nie Minjue let out a groa from the kitchen but didn't add anything else. He knew the couple had a confusing way of getting together. Having danced around eachother until Nie Huaisang had enough and played matchmaker. Lan Wangji really hopes their reaction's don't mean what he thinks it means.
One time when they are playing Animal Crossing together, at Lan Wangji's home. Playing together meaning that Wei Wuxian is playing and Lan Wangji is watching. They are at Lan Wangji's because Wei Wuxian has claimed that his tv is bigger. (Plus he likes visiting Lan Wangji's place.) Wei Wuxian doesn't really like Animal Crossing but he had forced Lan Wangji to watch the Nintendo direct with him. At seeing Lan Wangji's starry eyes, he bought the game. Making an special account just for him, so it is just Lan Wangji's Island. Only to realize that Lan Wangji is apparently incapable of playing a video game. So, after Wei Wuxian has calmed down from his laughing fit, he offered to play it for him. (of course Wei Wuxian went on a whole hunt to get Lan Wangji all the bunny villager's they could find. It had been a fun weekend. That ended with Wei Wuxian in tears from laughter.)
Lan Wangji is sitting normally on the couch with a cup of tea in his hands, on his lap, as he attentively reads what Blabbers has to say. Wei Wuxian is a heavy and comfortable weight against his side. Trusting Lan Wangji to hold him up, his feet proped up against the arm rest of the couch. Waiting until Lan Wangji has finished reading with a teasing yet soft smile on his face. Adoring how serious Lan Wangji is taking this cute little game. Leaning his head against Lan Wangji's shoulder and rubbing his cheek on the shoulder, not unlike a cat would. Closing his eyes and just enjoying the tranquil moment, only having to press "A" once in a while when his best friend (and pillow) hums for him to continue. Lan Wangji absorbing Bladders' knowledge about a fish Wei Wuxian has caught.
Wei Wuxian's own ringtone scares him nearly shitless. Almost falling of the couch, almost but is able to stay laying on the couch. Lan Wangji also jolts on the side. Why Wei Wuxian has a horror knocking sound as his ringtone, Lan Wangji will never know. That is not entirely true. He does know why. Because Wei Wuxian does not notice other ringtones when something has caught his interest. So a audible jumpscare is supposed to help and it does. It helps a little too well.
It of course his his girlfriend. The smaller male..does not look happy about it. Where you not supposed to be happy when your significant other is calling? Wei Wuxian excuses himself with a small "sorry", getting up and out of the living room. Lan Wangji cannot hear what he is discussing but as Wei Wuxian comes back, he apologizes that he has to go. Sounding as reluctant as Lan Wangji feels about him having to go. Both clearly want Wei Wuxian to stay.
Lan Wangji just wants to pull his best friend onto his lap and hold him close to his chest. To whisper into his ears sweet nothings, to persuade him to stay, not to leave. Promise cuddles if he stays. Lan Wangji is not stupid, he has noticed that Wei Wuxian is more touchy with him. Which is one of the things he was afraid of loosing and being surprised when it only got more frequent, after his best friend started dating.
"C-can I come over?" sounds on the other side of his phone. Lan Wangji doesn't even pretend to think on it.
Wei Wuxian hangs up soon after and it doesn't take a lot of time for the smaller male to be in front of his door. The moment he opens the door his arms are filled with a whole load of best friend. He just holds the door open, not able to respond or hug back before Wei Wuxian pulls away. "Sorry for that. But your hugs always makes me feel better. Can I come in?" Lan Wangji steps aside, inviting Wei Wuxian inside. The action clearly communicating what he thinks; 'Wei Ying is always welcome in my home. Always.'
Just blushing faintly, Wei Wuxian enters. Sitting on the couch again, Lan Wangji is handing him his tea. Setting his own down on the coffee table. Once on the couch, Wei Wuxian is brought into a side hug. Having him lean into Lan Wangji's side. The taller male softly playing with his hair. "What happend?" is the only question he asks. Soft and silent, no pressure behind it, just an exhale of a question. Gently murmured into the smaller male's hair. If Wei Wuxian wants to talk he can, if not Lan Wangji won't push it. Just wanting his best friend (and crush) to feel comfortable.
After a breath of silence...
"We broke up...my girlfriend and me, I mean..my ex, I should probably say now huh.." Wei Wuxian sighs out.
Lan Wangji does most definitely not show his giddiness, it not being hard to hide either. He can't shake the feeling off that this relationship wasn't anything to begin with. Although they had been, and said they were, together, they never did anything close to what Nie Mingjue and his brother do. Even now, Wei Wuxian doesn't seem to mind it all that much. No crying, no asking what went wrong, no getting drunk (this one being a good thing in Lan Wangji's humble opinion) and more weird behavior he had seen his old classmates go through, after a break up. His best friend is doing none of these things, treating the whole relationship and break up almost an afterthought.
Still Wei Wuxian came to him and seems to be feeling not so great. Just curling up into Lan Wangji's side and letting the other hug him close.
"How do you feel now?"
He takes his hand out of the others hair, to instead rub Wei Wuxian's shoulder. Squeeze him closer a little and resting his head onto the others head. Showing his silent support. Wei Wuxian takes a deep breath. "I don't know? I don't really feel sad about it...shouldn't I feel bad that she broke up? Like, I don't feel anything. I even feel lighter about it! Better then I did before! As if this whole dating thing was one of those annoying tests in franch class! GOD do I hate franch! Why was madame Yu so determined to have me learn franch?! It doesn't make sense!"
Wei Wuxian started to move one of his hands around in frustration, holding the cup in the other, while getting distracted in his talking. "Mn." Lan Wangji takes the cup out of his friend's hand.
Siad friend heaves a sigh, shouders slumping and head falling onto Lan Wangji's shoulder. He puts the cup onto the coffee table, next to his own cup, so Wei Wuxian doesn't spill it. Not letting go of his shoulder and as his, now, free hand comes back, Wei Wuxian takes it into his own to idly play with it. Playing with the fingers, getting lost by his own action.
Lan Wangji not saying anything for a while, not really sure how to help his crush and best friend. The smaller just keeping himself busy with the bigger hand.
"Why did she break up?" Lan Wangji still decides to ask. Keeping his voice the same as with the first one he asked.
Another sigh is forced from his best friend. "She said that she does not believes that I loved her. Because I'm always with you." Wei Wuxian stares at the fingers, nails cut short and perfectly smooth. "She asked if I actually loved her...because-" he cuts himself of tracing the top part of the nails. Testing how well rounded down they were. Unlike Wei Wuxian's own, which are bitten down. From all the times he has bitten them while he was getting lost in thought about something.
"Because she thinks I love you more them her." Lan Wangji grows completely still. The hand that had been rubbing Wei Wuxian's shoulder stops, just like his breathing. Wei Wuxian doesn't look up at him but ,he too, stops to play with his other hand. Just holding it now. "After the break up, I started thinking and-and I think- I think she might be right.." now he strains his neck to look at Lan Wangji's face. Shifting a little to get a better view of his face and to try to get some form of eye contact.
It is now Lan Wangji's time to stare at their connected hands. It is not fear he is feeling, maybe nervousness? Could it be that Wei Wuxian is trying to confess to him? That he was feeling the same feelings back? Wei Wuxian continues; "I mean, look at us! We are cuddled up like we are already a couple! I always want to be around you! I got a game just for you and play it for you! I even make sure that I take care of it every day, so your villager's are always nice and happy! I want your cuddles and y-your attention so bad-" Lan Wangji's silence makes Wei Wuxian panic just a little. "....Lan Zhaaaan!! Say something!! Come on!" Wei Wuxian has started to wiggle out of the hug but Lan Wangji won't let him escape. Holding onto his shoulder and putting his head more onto the others head.
His responds is simple but somehow Wei Wuxian is able to hear how happy and / relieved/ he sounds. Nuzzling into the crown of his head. Showing his own way of giddy joy. "Lan Zhaaaaaan! Say something!" His wiggling becoming more insistent. He can feel Lan Wangji's lips forming into a small smile "mn, I love you as well." is all he says. Just as quite and calm as before. But now because of how relax he is to know his crush likes him back.
Lan Wangji is not someone who likes to be physical with people, not even his brother or uncle but Wei Wuxian is different. He takes his hand back, so he can fully hug the other. He loves when Wei Wuxian traps himself over him, demanding cuddles or using Lan Wangji's lap as a pillow for his beautiful head.
To the outside world they truly already looked like they are together. And now Lan Wangji feels they can actually make it true. Wei Wuxian starts to whine in his arms "Lan Zhan! You can't just say that! My poor heart can't take it!" Wei Wuxian is trying to hide his face in Lan Wangji's chest and all Lan Wangji wants to do is kiss the other. So he kisses Wei Wuxian's head. Making the other whine again in embarrassment. Yet, Wei Wuxian doesn't tell him off or moves away. So they stay like this. Just enjoying eachothers embrace. At least until Wei Wuxian shifts again and breaks the silence.
"So are we, like, together or are we just-"
"If Wei Ying wants to, then I would very much like to be a couple." The taller male responds softly, not wanting to disturb the fragile silence around them. "Ah, Lan Zhan! Of course I want to! Do you want to?"
"Mn" he nods into the smaller males head.
"Oh, okay...guess we are together now." Lan Wangji holds him just that bit closer giving another "mn" sound. "Wei Ying is my boyfriend." He says, sounding like he just got his happiness granted and, in a way, he has. Wei Wuxian cannot dwell on this fact, to embarrassment of his best friend and now boyfriend. Whining another "Lan Zhaaan".
Lan Wangji gives him another kiss to his crown as an apology. After this, they just continue to cuddle. Enjoying the presence of one another. Falling asleep on the couch together.
This is how Lan Qiren finds them the next morning. Fast asleep on the couch with Wei Wuxian on top of Lan Wangji. Them having fallen over in their sleep. As much as Lan Qiren's heart softens at the cute new couple asleep like this, he still doesn't like the fact that Lan Wangji not only has slept on the couch but has also let Wei Wuxian in without his permission. So he wakes them both with a shout.
Wei Wuxian falls off the couch with a shout and both Lan's rush to help him.
This is going to be a long but beautiful morning.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
“Shh. He’s forming an artistic opinion” from the prompt list sounds fun!
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Characters: Loki, you, avengers, Thor
(All relations are platonic)
Warning: None, slight swearing
Summary: Bored with nothing to do you decide to go bother your favorite Asguardian who just wants some peace and quite.
Loki Masterlist
Shhhh, Hes Forming an Artistic Opinion
You had been laying in your room, scrolling through Tictok, YouTube, and Facebook. Yhere was nothing to do, absolutly nothing, it was as if the bad guys had decided to take off for the summer. Everyone was getting restless around the compound. You could do anything you wanted from watch a movie in the theater room yo throw things at moving targets but you had already done all of that multiple times.
"JARVIS," you called from youe bed.
"Yes ma'am?" Even the AI system sounded bored.
"Is there possibly anything going on somewhere in the place?"
"Thor and Steve are training, Nat, Clint, and Bucky are watching a movie, and Tony is trying to get Bruce to turn into the Hulk. I would advise staying away from the lab though Miss y/n. And Loki is sitting in the living room."
"Ah yes, my favorite god to screw with. Thank you JARVIS." You said swinging your legs from the bed and padding out your door.
Down in the living room Loki was sitting with his legs propped on the table reading a book you couldn't pronounce. When you sat down he looked over at you.
"May I help you?" He asked coolly closing the book but keeping his finger bookmarking his spot.
"Whatcha reading Mischief?" You aaked crossing your legs under you.
"A book, although I doubt you would know what that is." He saod flatly, ok so you didnt have the best relationship with the god but you couldnt help that you were sometimes better at pranking the god than anyone ever has been.
"Thats not fair, I went to school, college even. I have a higher GPA than most of the people in here besides Bruce and Tony, give a girl a break." You rolled your eyes.
"Ok, fine, I'm reading the history of Asguard, of course not the recent history, but before my time." He proped the book back open.
"Lame. You wanna go train?"
"Watch a movie?"
"Nope." He popped the p.
"Go to the mall?"
"Thats a definite no." He turned the page. "Isn't there someone else that you could possibly bother."
"Oh come on, you know your my favorite to bother." You laughed.
"Fine, sit here."
"Fine, I will. You know your a real spoil sport. Your not making this fun at all." You fell back aginst the couch with a huff.
"Darling your the one that came to bother me. You should be greatful that I'm letting you sot here."
"Ha, as if. Your just mad because I can one up you unlike anyone else has." You laughed nudging his shoulder.
"Whatever you want to believe."
"I have and you even know it." You grined.
"Those where adolescent tricks. None that I would be proud to admit we're mine. I can easily get you back I just choose not to."
"You have tried, you have also failed. You forget I was raised with two horrible older brothers, i know where to look and how to know somethings been messed with." You wink at him.
"I have yet to even think about paying you back." He then closed the book and sat it on the table looking at you now.
"You've tried. The Nair in the shampoo, I smelled it before I even lathered it; spider hanging from my closet, come on I fight bad guys for a living; itching powder in my underwear, that was close but you left some of the powder on top of the drawer you really need to clean up aftet your self; and lets not forget about the dye in the conditioner, I really liked bekng a red head but Nat is the only one that can pull it off." You shrugged. He stared at you trying to figure you out when Thor and Steve walked in.
"Ah Lady y/n, I just beat the cap in a sparring match would you like to join me next?" Thor smiled at you.
"Whats Loki staring at?" Steve asked.
"Shhhh, hes trying to form an artistic opinion on how I keep figuring out his tricks." You laughed.
Loki rolled his eyes looking at you. "The only thing I can conclude my dear midguardian is that we should join together and team up."
"Hey! I actually like that idea. I need a few new tricks up my sleeve." Thor and Steve groaned from across the room. "Alright you figure out sime stuff, I'm gonna go train with Thor for a bit. We'll meet back here after lunch."
He smiled that trickster smile at you. "That sounds like a wonderful idea darling."
Tag list:
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Advent kisses
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 067
Summary: Instead of chocolates, kisses are going to be recieved everyday until Christmas.
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @modestlyabsurd @winterfrostsarmy @spaceyempress @thefridgeismybestie @laramoonworld @birdgirl90 @nickkie1129
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You never knew Loki would trust you enough to tell you something like this. Or show. Blue suited him. With that black long hair.
It hurt you to hear how he got that scar. But you were so glad he survived and could be here with you.
Later that day the rest of the Avengers made a little party (Pepper didn't let anyone drink any alcohol) for Loki. They played games, Thor told some childhood stories. Even Loki was enjoying that amount of attention.
You went to bed earlier than the others. Reason: a starting headache. Those are always nasty with you. You took a pill and lied down.
You were turning and changing positions all night. You woke up in a weird one. Your back and neck ached like never before. After a morning yoga to sooth the pain you went down to the small library corner. You had to lay on your belly in order to now hurt your back even more.
And that's how Loki found you. Lying on the ground, head proped up on your hands, reading a book.
"Why are you reading like this?"
You shrugged as you stood up. "No reason, I just wanted to lie down and read."
Loki narrowed his eyes. You only gave him an innocent smile.
"Alright, do as you wish," he found himself a book too and took a seat. You lied down again. A peaceful atmosphere settled around you two. As if you entered another realm. Full of stories hidden inbetween pages.
You didn't get lost in the tale yet. Not when Loki was sitting near you. You started to daydream. About Jotun Loki. With a viking hairstyle, wearing a lot of fur and leather, strands of black hair around his crimson eyes. Black, blue and red. Wait.
You sat up quickly, startling Loki. "Darling, are you okay?"
Black, blue, red. Black, blue. Black. You got the best idea in the whole world. "Loki, can I paint your nails black?"
Loki blinket at you in confusion. Apparently, that wasn't an answer he expected. "Paint? My nails?"
"Yes, with a nail polish. Like Wanda and Natasha do sometimes. But instead of their red, I'll use black. What do you say?"
"Is it permanent?"
You shaked your head. "No, you can remove it any time with a polish remover. I can show you. I can even remove it right after I paint them if you won't like them. I just want to see how they'll look on you."
You watched him ponder your offer. Eventually he smiled and nodded. "I guess what doesn't kill me makes me look awesome. Where do you want to paint them?"
You already took his hand and lead him to the kitchen and ordered him to sit by the table. You usually put nail polish bottles into the fridge, you don't even know why. You just do. So you found the black one. You gently took his thumb and started painting. Then the forefinger. And so on. When you finished the ringfinger you felt his thumb brushing the back of your hand. You looked up at him. He had this dreamy smile and relaxed eyes.
"What?" you asked a little embarrassed.
"Nothing, it's cute how you are so focused."
You felt your cheeks heating up. You took a deep breath in and finished the pinky.
"Don't touch anything with that hand, and keep your fingers apart. You can blow on them to make them dry faster," you instructed as you took his other hand. And as he did the last time, his thumb was brushing the back of the hand that held his fingers while you painted. You loved how soft he got around you.
You admired your work after you finished. He looked badass. With his casual asgardian leather clothes, slicked back hair and now black nails. You straightened up and a jolt of pain rushed through your spine. You were bent over his nails for way too long. You let out a yelp and held your back.
Loki was at your side immediately. "Darling, what happened? Does your back hurt?" he stroked your lower back.
"Yea, I fell asleep weird and now it hurts like hell. It happens sometimes, don't worry. It will pass."
"I know a way to help you. But I need to get you to my bedroom for that. Can I?"
"Sure, what are you going to do?"
He gently picked you up in his arms and carried you bridal style from the kitchen. "A surprise, darling."
'Maybe he will use his magic again, or some asgardian potion or whatever they have up there,' you wondered. Being in his embrace felt good. As if you belonged there.
When he got to his bedroom he gently layed you on his bed. "Now darling, turn on your belly," you did as he told. You were starting to get a little scared.
Then you felt how he pushed his thumbs on muscles in your upper back. Then slowly dragged them down along your spine and back up. You couldn't believe it. He was giving you a massage! Your eyes rolled back when he hit the right spot and let out a soft moan. You quickly covered your mouth. "Sorry."
He just chuckled. "That's alright. Be vocal with me. It tells me if I'm doing good," and he moved towards your aching neck.
His hands were magical. He knew exactly where to push to relieve the pain. You humed amd moaned here and there. How could you not?
When he was done you didn't feel any pain at all. You were far too comfortable lying down, you didn't want to get up. So you just layed there.
"Thank you, for helping me Loki. I really appreciate it."
He stroked your back lovingly. "And I thank you for painting my nails black and making me look even more handsome."
"So you won't take them down today?" you asked hopefully.
"Hmmm, no, not today. Someday sure, but not today," he bent down over you and gave you a soft peck through your t-shirt between your shoulder blades. "Rest now, my love."
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asirensrage · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
How many works do you have on AO3? 18
What’s your total AO3 word count? 479,880
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? Hmmm...they're not all on Ao3 but Divergent, Supernatural, Shadow and Bone, Harry Potter, Spartacus, MCU, Jack Reacher, Teen Wolf, Stranger Things, The Walking Dead, Star Trek (2013), Leverage, Criminal Minds, Lord of the Rings, Lost Boys... What are your top 5 fics by kudos? (just on ao3 with those links..)
The Art of Seclusion - divergent | oc centric | eric x oc - Amelia Elswood is smart. She knows her position is the most dangerous place to be...but it's also the safest. She's Erudite. She's Divergent...and she's Jeanine's assistant. | kudos: 706
Barred - shadow and bone | alina/aleksander - Alina gets an invitation to dinner. She does not get much farther than the door. | kudos: 298
Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down - stranger things | oc centric | steve harrington x oc - AKA How Hawkins Got Its Groove Back...kicking and screaming...Everyone asks - what would you do if you could change how the story goes...but what if you don't know the story? Kate wakes up one day in the body of Tammy Thompson. Needless to say, her life has taken a drastic turn. Now instead of working and living her life, she's stuck dodging monsters, avoiding catching the interest of the government and surviving high school. Again. | kudos: 161
It's Always Darkest Before the (Second) Dawn - harry potter/shadow and bone crossover | hermione/aleksander - Locked away in the Little Palace, attempting to hide her magic from the probing curiosity of the General, Hermione searches for her way home. Circumstances lead her to make a deal with the devil but even the best-laid plans don't always go the way you want... | kudos: 152
Famous Last Words - divergent | eric centric - Dauntless didn't breed children, they bred demons. | kudos: 70
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to now. I didn't use to, but I like to thank people for taking the time to read it and review. Especially if they tell me what they think and if they liked it, why or why not. Long reviews, or emotional reactions, fill my soul.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? The Art of Seclusion
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes. I think Caught in the Crossfire is the craziest because I brought in a lot of random (and not random) characters from different universes/fandoms to act as vessels. Putting them all in a house together? Chaotic. It did help provide a more reasonable explanation on why the main ocs were brought in though (and it made sense that if there would be multiple vessels brought in if it's a true fail-safe).
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes, but it was totally deserved in my opinion. I started AoS seven years before I finally finished it. In the last year, someone snapped in the comments because I had completely forgotten to update my warnings and tags on the fic, and it had gotten darker than when I originally planned and started posting it. I thanked them, updated the tags and warning on the first chapter and gave a broader warning in the next chapter I posted. Aside from that, nothing jumps to mind except that I had an anon ask why I chose a face claim who had such tiny lips. That was hilarious to me though.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? Um, yes. Hahaha, I have many Eric one-shots that prove this. As for what kind? I don't know...the smut in AoS is a little more technical-sounding because Amelia is a technical person. I tend to try and not go into too much detail, mainly because it always feels weird writing terms for body parts lol. I think I do okay though. I haven't had too many complaints. I find the more you write it, the easier it becomes to write.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, though they didn't wait until I actually gave permission to do it, but at least they gave me proper credit. Someone translated Famous Last Words into Russian. It's on Ao3 and connected to my fic.
What’s your all-time favourite ship? In general? I have no idea. Darcy/anyone? Hermione/anyone? I go through phases of what I like to read. I've been trying to read more OC fics to support others because I realized that while I write mainly ocs, I don't read a lot of them.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
There are a few if I'm honest. Maybe the Criminal Minds "Riptide" series that was a Spencer Reid/OC pairing that I started. Or The Lost Boys fic I also started lol. I have way too many ideas and not enough time.
What are your writing strengths? What are your writing weaknesses? I have no idea what my strengths are tbh. I think that's hard for a writer to answer themselves because you stare at your writing often enough that you don't think it's great (because it's so familiar) but others do. Um, maybe the fact that I end up having reoccurring themes (according to @vixenofcourse) of the power of common cause, and how my ships can either be great when they are aligned in that common cause or tragic if they aren't? Or the fact that these things happen without any plans of my own lol. I think this is a better question for the readers tbh. My weakness is that I get distracted or if I have writer's block, it takes me ages to actually manage to overcome it. (which is why it took 7 years for AoS to be completed and why, despite having it planned out, The Road to Ruin hasn't gotten past ten chapters yet lol). Thankfully all it really takes is people talking to me about a fic to get my thought process focused again lol.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Unless I'm confident in my translation, I tend not to do it. I'll just italicize maybe and mention it's a different language. Kudos to those who do it in a successful way.
What was the first fandom you’ve written for? Written for or published? lol Because technically I found stories from when I was a kid of meeting the characters from the Archie comics, so that would be the first. Published on ff.net...maybe Harry Potter?
What’s your favourite fic that you’ve written?
That's a hard question to answer. I like all of them for different reasons. I mean, I think we all tend to create things for some purpose and all of my OCs have a bit of me in them, which I believe is pretty common. It's like that quote on how to write that says you bleed onto the pages (or something like that. I'm not looking it up rn lol)
I will never get over how popular The Art of Seclusion is. It still astounds me with how many views it gets lol. I also love Caught in the Crossfire because a) I created it with my friends and it went through so many changes and b) it helped entertain me through this pandemic.
I love all of them though. Especially the ones I create with other people. I enjoy writing them and throwing characters into situations so I can explore how they'd deal with it. All of them are similar and yet different and I love them all for different reasons.
Tagging: @raith-way, @ocfairygodmother @lokitrasho @zeleniafic @jewelswrites-ish @tessasocs @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @lupinblack @chickensarentcheap @amixedwitch and anyone else who wants to do it. (don't feel obligated though. if you don't want to, you don't have to.)
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final-girl96 · 4 years
Hate That I Love
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Daryl Dixon x Grimes!OC
Slow Burn Relastionship
Warnings: language, violence, abuse, sexual content, little bit of depression, anxiety
Chapter 43
We came around a tree and two woman jumped up one woth long brown hair am d another with short blonde hair.
"You found us, okay? Here we are. We earned what we took." The girl with brown hair said.
I heard another twig snap and as me and Daryl went to turn around a man came up hitting both of us with a thick branch knocking us both out.
Daryls PIC
I opened my eyes to see it was dark out. There was a fire going with two woman and a man sitting on the other side of it. I started going in and out of consciousness. When I came to again I saw the woman with brown hair shoving my crossbow into a bag they were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I ended up falling back into unconsciousness.
When I finally came to again the man was in front of me. "Hey, get up. Hey, get up" he said.
I was proped up against a tree MY hands tied in front of me.
"Where moving" The guy said point a gun at me. I just glared at him then it dawned on me Nikyla was with me.
"Where is she?" He growled.
"Where is who?" The guy asked.
"The girl! Where she is?! I'll kill ya if ya hurt her!" Daryl growled.
"She's fine she's over there" the guy said. I looked over where he was pointing to see Nikyla laying on her side still knocked out.
"You don't say shit and I won't have to" the guy told him.
"We ain't who ya think" Daryl told him.
"Say something else. Go ahead." The guy said pointing the gun at my head. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and pulled me up to hmy feet.
"Follow them." He said.
"I ain't goin no where til she's awake" I said.
The man lead him over to you "get her up or I kill her" he told me.
I glared at him but knelt down. "Hey, Nik. Wake up" I said and nudged her with my tied hands.
"Hmmm" shehummed.
"Come on. Time to get up Nik." I told her.
She opened your eyes "Daryl?" She said.
"Yeah, it's me. I need ya ta get up" I said. She looked up at me and noticed my hand were tied. Her eyes widen and she shot up seeing a man with blonde hair and the two woman behind me. She looked down to see her hands were tied together as well.
I stood up helping her get up the best the I could. "It's gonna be okay" I told her. She stood up looking at him then at the blonde haired man, she walked over and started to walk behind the two woman.
"Here, drink the rest." The brown haired woman said handing the other girl a bottle of water.
"We should save it." The blonde woman said.
"We'll find some more. Drink. You're supposed to stay hydrated. It all works together." The brown haired woman told her.
"Yeah, it does." The girl said and drank the water. She handed the battle back and then the woman took it handing it to me "here take it" she said but I ignored her. The blonde guy took it walking over to me.
"We don't need you falling down. Drink." The guy said.
I took it walking over to Nick "here drink" I said.
She took the bottle drinking some of it and giving it back to me.I took it drinking the rest of the water.
"They find us, maybe we give you to them, they let us call it even. You see, we're reasonable people. Everybody's got their code. You feel you gotta kneel, that's fair enough. We don't." The guy said.
Nik looked at me mouthing "What the fuck?" I just shrugged my shoulders.
"let's go" the guy said taking the bottle and handed it back to the woman. He went to grab Nik but I wasn't having any of that.
"Don't touch her!" He growled.
"Come on" Isaid looking at her and she walked over to me and started to follow the two women.
"Who do you think we are?" Nik asked As we walked through the blackened burnt forest. No one answered and just kept walking. She were in front of me and behind the blonde girl.
"Can't believe were back" she said.
"Its not home anymore. But it's better then where we were" the brown haired girl told her.
"This is a pit stop. We pick up Patty nothing more than that." The guy says.
"How'dyou do it?" The blonde girl asks.
"You saw where I left the truck? We opened the valve and drove all the way in from Farmview Road. Ran from the tree line till we got to the pavement. Lit up a matchbook from the Sweetwater and dropped it in on the trail.
Then we just ran for the car. Got in and the dead ones were there. They were beating on the hood, and then-- and then boom! Knocked 'em on their asses and I took an axe to each one." The guy told her.
"Then we just watched it go up. No more moans, no more of that wailing. It was just the fire, just burning them all away." The brown haired girl said.
Nik and I listened looking around at the chard blackened burnt trees, forest floor and bodies.
"You did all this?" I asked.
"It was right at the start. Everything stopped-- the TV, the radio. We were here. The forest was full of them. And the other ones in town, they were drawn to it. They just walked right into the flames. We got most of them. Thought we ended it for us, and she was in DC. We thought everyone was fighting them wherever they were." The brown haired woman said.
"Yeah, we thought that was what everybody was doing. Fighting it. That we'd all win together. We were stupid." The guy said.
Nikyla and I stopped "Y'all don't think you're being stupid right now?" I asked.
The guy walked over to me putting the gun in my face. "Are you saying I should kill you? I mean it, are you gonna try and pull something on us? Are we just being thick here by not removing all doubt? Right now, by me not pulling this trigger, is that a mistake? I'm serious. I really wanna know. You made a choice to kill for someone else, to have them own you for a roof over your head and three squares, so maybe I'm not considering all aspects here. You tell me, am I being stupid?" The guy said.
I looked at him calmly you how ever were freaking out inside. "No. Look, I got somewhere to be. We can make a deal. We can help you out." I said.
"You're one of them. You're hurt and you're alone and you'd say anything. We should've never trusted you people to begin with." The guy said.
"Go on. Keep moving." He told the both of us. We kept walking until we were out of the burnt forest and came out to a small field to see a fence with rigs and walkers behind it.
"Son of a bitch." The guy said walking towards the fence with the two women. The walkers growled and slowly walked closer to the fence.
"Patty." The guy says.
"She could be..." brown haired girl started.
"No, she's gone.the guy told her. Nik and I just stood back watching them.
"Then we make another plan." Brown haired girl says.
"Yeah, we get out of here, that's the plan." The guy tells her.
"Then that's the plan." She says.
"You guys didn't have to do this for me." The blonde girl said.
"It was the right thing for all of us." The brown haired woman told her.
"This was the right thing? Even if just you guys went back now, if you just told them that it was me..." The blonde girl started.
"No, we'll find a way. Just think about it."
"Look, maybe we don't get as far, but we'll get--" the guy started when the blonde girl fainted.
"hey! Hey, hey, hey! Tina," they both said.
I grabbed the bag. "hey! Hey, baby sister, look at me." The brown haired woman said.
"Hey, stop! No!" The guy yelled standing up shooting at me and Nik as we took off.
"Don't! We need that, please!" The woman yelled.
Authors Note: If anything in the warning bothers you please do not read. I do not own The Walking Dead or it characters. I only own my characters that I make up. Something's may be out of order I'm going to try and follow the time line but It might change a little with the new character added. It starts in season 1 I like to start from the beginning. Please like, reblog, and comment if you like the story it really helps me get motivated to continue and helps me know what you'd like to see. And please if you like to read this as you feel free to do so. I understand some people my rather read as themselves I know I do sometimes. Thanking you for reading! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Taglist: If you'd like to be (un) tagged please let me know on the comments and click on the link to my Google Doc and you can add or unadd your name.
@fanfictionsilove @phoenixblack89
@tired-of-waitingx-blog @theonlyone-meeeee
@lokilover-39 @twdeadfanfic
@xdsockmonkey @l-u-n-a-m
@inlovewdxx @wnygirl2012
@killionaire02 @jodiereedus22
@tehfabbooty @dixonluvv
@itsjodieeeee @summerluciddreams
@daryldixonandfrogs @jordangdelacruz
@catsoftheapocalypse @siren-queen03
@dmv49 @crazy-fan-101 @jaycc7983
@gunslingingarcher @secretheropruneghost
@fanfictionkingd0m @leej2468
@theunofficialduke @storybookhall
@badthing123 @felicisimor @rosey1981
@bunnymother93 @marylimlp @danalandfair
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The first meeting
Tw: mentions of burning alive, food mention, blood, injury (minor)
Julian made sure that his cloak was secured around his shoulders and his cape wouldn’t fall and pulled a scarf over his mouth and nose before he even stepped foot into the city. He certainly wasn’t in the mood for running from guards today. For fucks sake, he just wanted to buy some bread. How did he manage getting himself in the mess that insued half an hour later, he had no idea. He got past the guards near the gate with no problems and went straight to the marketplace. It was never too hard to find it, just follow the biggest noise. He would usually think about stoping in one of the local taverns and having a drink or two, but this was a dangerous town to get caught in. His plan didn’t actually include even stoping near, not to say in, the town he just walked in, but, of course, something had to go wrong. Looking back on it, he thought it might’ve been fate. Then he laughs at himself. No thing such as ‘fate’ exists and even if it did, why would it be so kind to make him step right into Tenzin’s path. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. At this point, Julian doesn’t even know that Tenzin exists, so we should change that. He bought his long desired bread and was about to leave, when a cloth stand caught his eye. More specificaly, a cloak. He was wearing his old one for like a year now and with his lifestyle, the cloak was in a really bad condition. He checked the cloak out, turning it in and rubbing the cloth between his fingers. Yes, this would do. He payed the clerk and was about to leave.
Suddenly, drums sounded and guards pulled someone onto the podium made from hay and tied them to a wooden pillar in the middle. The head guard started reading the ‘commited crimes’ of the person standing there and as soon as Julian heard the first sentence, he turned around completely and started to make his way through the gathering crowd towards the podium. The fucking guard was accusing them of ‘feeding the city’s strays’ and ‘giving them medical care’. They were being burned for feeding some street kids and treating a scraped knee of one of them. Oh how much Julian hated this fucking city. He was almost in front of the podium when the guard jumped down and grabbed the torch. Julian wouldn’t make it in time. So he did the best thing he could: distracted the guy holding the torch. He threw his newly bought cloak on the guard’s head and then pulled on it when he got close enough, succesfuly making him fall to the ground, lighting the cloak on fire with the torch as he did so. “Fuck!” Julian exclaimed, he really wanted that cloak and he didn’t even steal it! ‘Welp, no time to mourn the loss now’ he thought and jumped up on the podium while the guards tried to smother the flames currently consuming their captain. Julian cut the ropes holding the person to the pillar and pulled the sack off of their head as well. “I hope you have a plan unless your goal was to just hold my hand while I burn,” said the stranger, quickly sliding the remaining rope off their wrists and shooting Julian a pointed look. “Eh, not really, but I’ll think of something. Know this city like the back of my hand. Going or stayin’?” he asked and grinned at them. Instead of answering, they ducked in between Julian’s legs and kicked a guard who just climbed up on the podium in the ankles, sending him back to the ground and then jumped off their stage on the other end. Julian followed, his grin even wider now.
He got in front of the stranger near a back alley, grabbing them by the upper arm and dragging them through. Using a series of smaller and less crowded streets and alleys they got to a point of the city where the walls weren’t as high and the houses were just low enough to climb on, so Julian let go of their arm and climbed onto the roof of one of the houses, leaning back down to help them up. They didn’t hesitate a second, jumping up and getting a hold of his hand, proping themself up on the roof next to him and standing up. Just when Julian was about to jump up on the city wall, a few of the guards ran up to the house and while two of them jumped up and grabbed the edge of the roof, the rest stood down and pulled out their bows, aiming at the two refugees on the roof. He decided in a second and didn’t jump, instead, he found the stranger’s waist, picked them up and threw them onto the wall screaming: “Grab it!” They did and they jumped on the edge and so Julian turned his attention to the guards and their arrows, quickly dodging them and simultaneously trying to get past the two on the roof with him. He probably would’ve died and he almost did, since he got scraped by one of the arrows on the shoulder and those fuckers on the roof cornered him right above one of the city canals, but suddenly the rest of the arrows turned into raindrops and the two guards were yanked off the roof by some weird glowing ropes. He instinctively looked up and saw the stranger standing on the wall with their eyes glowing and...looking distinctively different then before. He didn’t have the time to wonder about that though, so he took a running start and jumped right over wall and noticed the stranger falling alongside him.
After they fell into the pile of hay that Julian knew was there to cushion a fall of off the wall (he escaped this city like five times before), they ran towards the cover of the forest only a few yards away. Once they got under the colorful branches of the forest, they hid behind a wide trunk and ducked down, breathing heavily. “Thanks,” said the stranger in between gasps. “I don’t know who I’m thanking though, mind sharing your name or shall I call you sir misterious cloak?” they asked, a hint of mischief in their voice. “Julian,” he said with a small amused huff, “and who did I save? Oh, but if you don’t tell me, I’d much rather call you...good-looking.” The stranger laughed at this and replied: “Tenzin. But please, I wouldn’t mind being called good-looking by such a handsome guy...” they chuckled at the blush that painted Julian’s cheeks and added, “Seems like you’re the type of guy who flirts but can’t take flirting. Good to know.” The grin on their face made it’s way into the words and so they sounded friendly and not ill-intended. “Now, would you mind spending another half an hour with me? I noticed you tossed a much nicer looking cloak on the bitch that was trying to light me on fire and I do happen to have one nice cloak in my saddle bag.” they said. “Oh, would you be so kind as to give me your cloak? I swear, I’m never buying anything again, hadn’t had this much bad luck whenever I stole something...” he grumbled. Tenzin laughed and patted his back. “You know, I do sell charms for good luck, but seeing todays events, they aren’t effective on such a scale. Hope I didn’t cause too much trouble for you.”| “No, this is my normal day. You actually made it better. I love excitment and you provided it. Thank you for that.”| “Oh, that was no problem, if you want excitement, hanging around a witch is one of the certified ways to get it.” they said and laughed, bowing a little. He spent two more hours with them, grabbing their stuff and engaging in small talk, until they eventually gave him the cloak and bid him goodbye with the sentence “I sincerely hope to see you again, Julian.” As they jumped on their horse and rode off. And Julian couldn’t help but smile after them and silently wish the same thing.
This was the request of @bewaretheidesofmarchyall
Tagging: @definietlynotsatan @exhaustedauthor @nyamafriend
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