#i do really want to clean the house too but i think i'll save that for tomorrow bc i know ill do it but marking?? less sure of sunday me
dontwanderoff · 8 months
putting it into the universe that i AM going to mark at least 10 student's writing pieces today (2-3 writing pieces per student) and have them plus the rest still to do organised into individual plastic pockets in a folder
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
im gonna lay on the floor im so overwhelmed
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atsumwah · 10 months
"if you had to pick"
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featuring : daichi, oikawa, kita
includes : fluff
notes : this has been in my drafts for way too long ahhh
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practice was over and you guys still had some time left so why not play a game?
tanaka had roped everyone to sit in a circle and play truth or dare so here you were
it was your turn and obviously, not wanting to do some stupid dare by him, chose truth
"if you had to pick between all of us, who would be the best boyfriend?" tanaka asked
you didn't even hesitate on that. "daichi, for sure."
you had a little crush on him, sure, but then again maybe that was too fast
that earned a few hollers and mischievous looks coming from your friends, especially your trouble making juniors.
"oh and why's that?" noya asked with a wink.
you try your best to change the subject but everyone seemed interested in your answer
including daichi who was sporting a blush
"well he's already boyfriend material. a good brother, an even amazing captain, not to mention a real gentleman —" it was your turn to blush when you caught yourself rambling "—so yeah theoretically that's the most obvious answer. okay next"
thankfully it went to someone else and you sighed in relief when the spotlight was off you
after hanging out , you made your way home but you were stopped by daichi himself
"you know if you want, you could see if your theory was true," he said smoothly but you could see a hint of blush on his cheeks as he spoke
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you knew something would happen when you hung out with the four of them
it was your monthly movie night with the boys so you're all at oikawa's house this time
you still made time for each other despite your schedule
iwaizumi claimed the single arm chair, makki and mattsun sat on the floor and you were seated next to oikawa on the couch
you didn't mind though, maybe some part of you was hoping you were seated next to your crush
you were watching a movie about these friends having a backup husband/wife and makki got really interested in the idea.
it's not a surprise when he stopped mid movie to ask you guys
well, technically, ask you
"say y/n if you had to pick one of us to be your backup, who would it be?"
you looked around them before answering. "oikawa"
said setter looked at you in surprise while makki had this mischievous look in his eyes.
"oh do tell us more."
"he's gonna go pro right?" was the first thing that came to your head aside from the obvious fact you had a crush on him. "might as well marry the rich."
"so you'd marry him for money?"
"and the good looks" you joked before continuing.
"KIDDING but he's actually sweet and I think he'd make a great backup husband"
cue awwing from makki and oikawa subtly hiding his blush
"okay but what makes you think he would want you as his backup" mattsun chipped in
and immediately all eyes were on the man of the hour
you knew it was a silly game but you'd hope he'd pick you
oikawa looked around and cleared his throat before answering.
"well obviously not y/n"
you rolled your eyes at that but deep down that kind of hurt
"why would I have you as my backup when I could have you now?"
say what
you whipped your head towards him and saw how he's blushing
"she's totally gonna reject you now, dude."
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it is no secret that kita is the perfect gentleman
that is the only reason being inarizaki's manager is so bearable
and you know the humongous crush you had on him helped too
you were filling up some forms for the team and they were hanging out near you, literally just wasting time and suna decides to ask you questions
and suna just casually goes "y/n if you had to pick one of us to date who would it be?"
he didn't stop there
"pick someone who'd you kiss?"
"pick someone you'd kill for?"
"pick someone who'd you cook and clean for"
"look, i'll save you some time. if kita is an option, i pick kita." you said, clearly distracted and not knowing said captain was just behind you blushing like hell
atsumu had other ideas cue evil laugh
"ah, so you have a crush on him huh?"
"isn't that obvious." you retorted.
"it wasn't obvious to me."
you froze. literally frozen on the spot as kita comes up from behind you.
earth please swallow me whole
"oh haha it was a dumb games anyways let's forget about it."
"ah, shame. because I'd do all those things only for you too."
cue sneaky teasing kita
also cue you short circuiting
safe to say this was just the beginning
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reblogs are appreciated luvss <3
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reeniecon · 3 months
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" I'm sure you didn't want a monster like me inside your house any longer, right? "
Warning: chapter 7 light spoilers, bad grammar, not proofread, general Lilia, and war lol a little OOC of you squinted.
- readers povs -
You can hear it's raining hard outside your cabin, the water droplets one by one crashing to your roof. the weather has been very bad lately it's either raining or thunderstorms. Because of the weather, your garden is not doing very well...
Because of the wind, your fence is falling down. 'oh great' you thought to yourself and went outside to fix it.
while you fix your fallen fence you hear a strange sound and you decide to find out what it is. your eyes widen, shocked by the scene you have encountered
It was a fae... And he was hurt quite badly, it seemed that he had fainted for some time by now.
Without any thought, you brought him inside. Oh, how lucky that he is not too far away from your house and not too heavy....
' oh god, what have I done... Bringing a stranger inside my house, and not only that... He was a fae! ' you thought to yourself and cannot help but sigh at the situation you're in right now.
'but no matter what I have to save him' You're determined to save him, so you clean his wounds and patch them.
Some time has passed since then but the unknown fae haven't woken up, you're quite worried about it...
- Lilia povs -
" Tch, those silver owls didn't know when to stop!" He hissed while running through the deep forest
" CHATCH HIM!! " Silver Owl A says to his teams followed by " That is Lilia vanrouge we have to catch him while we finally get the chance to!!! " They scream.
" Dang it stop being so loud!! " He screams back to them, Lilia can't fight all of them with his injured body not to mention 7 vs 1 is a really bad idea.
" WHERE IS HIM?? " the captain of silver owls screamed.
" AGRHHH!! REALLY WE LOST HIM AGAIN, YOU. FIND HIM NOW! " he ordered his subordinates
" Finally" Lilia mumbled to himself. 'So tired' he thought after that Lilia's vision blurred just like that.
' ugh...the ground is so soft I don't want to leave, huh- THE GROUND ARE SOFT' he processed to wake up from his long sleep, and was startled by his wound had been treated, with caution he observed his body and the surrounding area looking out the glass window he can conclude that he has been not very far away from the last chase, trying to open the windows to escape from whatever situation he was on right now
But he failed miserably in the windows wouldn't open no matter what... He can break it of course but, he cannot break windows that belong to his unknown helper...
The door opened slowly, and there they stood the human that helped him.
" Oh you've finally awakened, do you want soup I just made? I'll get some for you if u want " You told him and asked
In return, Lilia just stared at you observing you from beside the window looking at you up and down ' Oh a human' he thought to himself and smiled
" No, it's okay I'll get going now, thank you for helping me" He replied with a business smile
" Are you sure you didn't want a meal before you go? " You asked once again.
" Yeah I'm sure " He clarify
" I'm sure you didn't want a monster like me inside your house any longer" He said with a mean expression but in a melancholy tone.
"Huh? " Is the only reply that you can utter right now
" I'm sorry that I've troubled you for the past I-don't-know-how-long, but thank you for treating me, and I'm sure that I will pay you back in the future" He stated.
" Mr. Fae? " You called him.
" Yeah? Is my offer too small for you? "
" No no, you don't have to repay me I just wanted to save you that day and I didn't think of any payback from you...And I don't mind having you in my house... Don't worry !! So you can have your soup if you want to? "
His face flushed with embarrassment.
'how can I think it that way!! ' he thought to himself while lowering his head because of the embarrassment he felt...
" Ehem! Sorry for the misunderstanding...and I would like to have dinner with you.. My apologies for thinking bad about you... "
After that, you two have dinner together and you will nonstop hear Lilia apologizing to you the entire evening.
An: I'm starting to use Grammarly LMAO I hope my grammar mistakes will be smaller this time hehe
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patdkoala · 1 year
I Think We're Alone Now
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Warnings: Takes place in the show after the last episode. SPOILERS FOR TLOU SHOW, Smut, use of nickname (Baby), pullout method™, cumming on chest, hair pulling, oral (f receiving), edging, Joel Miller being a slut (yes that is a warning)
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Joel has always been there for me and Ellie ever since we all met. I became really close with Ellie in a sort of motherly older sister way.
I look out for her when it comes to womanly things and I have let her know many times that I am always there for her to talk to about anything she doesn't feel comfortable talking to Joel about.
"So, are you and Joel fucking?" Ellie asked as she ate the soup that Maria had made her. Joel choked on his soup, Tommy just looked at me, and I smacked Ellie in the arm.
"I regret teaching you what that word actually meant," I muttered under my breath. Joel just glared at me from across the table.
"So? Are you?" She asked again as I looked over at her and I took another bite of my soup. "Well, uhm. Ells, I don't think that's any of your business. I also think you are way too young to be asking me and Joel this type of question," I said as Ellie shrugged.
We all just sat there and finished eating out soup. Joel kept looking up at me every few seconds. I ignored his glances.
"We should get going. I'll leave the rest of the soup in a Tupperware for you guys," Maria said as she and Tommy put on their coats and started walking toward the door.
"Can I join you guys?" Ellie asked as I looked over at Joel who was already holding her jacket and backpack.
"Oh! Sure! I'll get the guest room all nice for you, sweetheart," Maria said as Tommy took the backpack from Joel. Joel then helped Ellie put on her sweater.
"You call us if anything goes wrong. Also, call us if you just want to talk to us," Joel said as he gave a quick kiss on the top of Ellie's head just as she walked out the door. "I know I know. I'll be safe and I'll call if anything goes wrong. Love you guys bye," Ellie said as she waved at me and then saluted to Joel.
After Joel shut the door, I walked back into the kitchen of our beautiful home.
Maria, who is now heavily pregnant with Tommy Miller's baby, finished setting up a house for Joel, Ellie, and me to live in once we came back from getting Ellie back from the fireflies.
Sure, Joel and I lied to Ells about what really happened but that was just to protect her from the real dangers of what could have happened. They were going to kill her if Joel and I hadn't killed every son of a bitch that laid a hand on her.
After we saved her, Joel and I took her back to the town where Maria and Tommy seem to run.
I told Joel that it would be good for him to be around family whether they get along or not. And that it would be good for Ellie to be in a town where she can act like a normal teenager.
Of course, we didn't tell anyone that Ellie is immune but we did tell them that we need to be bunked together. Like a family because that is what we have made ourselves into.
Joel and I hadn't really had time together alone since moving in.
"You know, this was Ellie's idea right?" Joel said as I cleaned up the bowls and I took out ingredients to make some cookies.
"What was?" I asked as Joel got closer to me.
"She said that you and I needed a date night so she asked me and Tommy earlier today if after dinner she could go home with him," He said as I smiled.
"So, the little girl that just asked if you and I were fucking, she set you and me up on a date?" I asked as I poured some of the ingredients into a bowl.
"Yeah she- what are you doing?"
"Making cookies. What does it look like I'm doing?"
"I just didn't know you knew how to bake. You seemed much more dangerous than that."
"Dangerous women can bake," I said as he stuck his finger in the bowl and licked some of the cookie dough off of his finger.
"You know I don't like it when you do that," I said as he smirked at me. "You've never complained about me putting my finger in things before," He said as I rolled my eyes at him.
"No, but I do always tell you it's better when you use two fingers," I said as Joel picked me up and moved the cookie mix onto the floor in one swift motion.
I was now seated on the counter and Joel was standing between my legs. We kissed roughly I then pulled him closer to me by wrapping my legs around his waist.
My hands moved through his greying hair and I tugged at the root as he moaned into my mouth with the sudden tug.
"Tell me what you want, baby," Joel said as I moaned out into his neck as he held the back of my head.
"You, I want you, Joel. Please," I said as he smiled and looked at me. "What about my cookies?" He asked as I smiled back at him.
"Later, baby. I need you right now," I said as he nodded and then held onto my legs that were still wrapped around him. I held onto him by also holding onto his neck.
He walked us into our fresh new bedroom that had clean sheets on the bed and it also didn't smell like a dead person or an infected because we were finally safe.
"What are you laughing at?" Joel asked as he took my shoes off me. I hadn't even realized I had been giggling.
"We are okay. And we are about to have sex in a clean bed," I said as Joel smiled right before taking off his many layers of clothes and then he got on the bed over me.
He slowly unbuttoned my jeans since I was still mostly clothed. He then unbuttoned his jeans and then he started to kiss up and down my body again.
When he was closer to the bottom half of my body I would grab hold of his hair and tug lightly which would, of course, cause a moan to escape his lips.
"Is this where you want me, baby?" He asked as I didn't make a sound I just nodded and then tugged his head towards exactly where I wanted him.
He moved my underwear down my legs and then before I knew it, his mouth was on me and I was moaning like a mad woman.
He stopped right before I came into his mouth which of course pissed me off.
"Hey, don't edge me you sick son of a bitch."
"I'm sorry baby but I need to feel your body pulse around me," He said as he got back on top of me and he removed his cock from his jeans, and pushed it inside of me.
I moaned so loud that I got worried Ellie might be able to hear me from next door.
"It's ok, you can be as loud as you want Ellie is at Tommy's remember?" He said as I nodded and then he continued to move in and out of me with such intense motions.
I screamed out as I came with him still inside of me and he then pulled out and came on my chest.
"Remind me to get Ellie her own place for her birthday," I said as Joel smiled at me and rolled over. "Now why would we go and do a thing like that?"
"Because then maybe we can keep doing whatever the fuck that was," I said as he just nodded and smiled his perfect Joel Miller smile.
"According to Ellie, we were fucking," He said as I hit him in the face with a pillow.
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svgvru · 8 months
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'𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒!' you laughed slightly at the memory of a year ago that google had shown you. there plenty of memes of your husband—now president, doing silly faces with a bandana of the american flag. it was quite amusing at the time, multiple memes and art was saved to your phone. even the victim of it all enjoyed it. then he became president and he was unstoppable. it made you smile how confident and cocky he could be at times. he was a master strategist, level-headed, and funny—you couldn't think of anyone better to suit the job. but, that also means that's it's quite hard to defy him.
you normally stayed at home. you took care of the chores of the house—cleaning, cooking, anything to keep the house how he wanted. you were a househusband, and if you had kids . . . you'd be taking care of them too. at times you think he really does want children, he never voices it though. nevertheless, it has been pretty busy at the white house recently, so he hasn't been home as much. that didn't mean he wouldn't find a way to have fun.
like the obedient husband you were, you were cooking dinner for him upon his return. he had just visited you on his break, using you—"making sure you were still pliant."
a sniff and a nod left your lips. you have zero idea what you did, perhaps not having something done at the time he wanted it, but a loud yell left your lips when he pushed that urethra plug in your cock. tears were streaming down your face as you sat bare and obedient in his lap. "i expect this pretty hole down here . . . " he teases your ass with his finger. " . . . to be ready along with dinner when i get home, yes?" you nod, sniffling softly. although, that was a mistake as a hand strikes the tip your cock. "be a good boy, now. words." you gulp. "yes, sir . . . " he chuckles, setting you off of his lap. "excellent! i'll be done in a few hours. let's see how long you can take it."
there was that look. that look like you were simply a lab rat to be experimented on for his larger goal. you felt extremely small and insecure when he stared at you like that. it was like he was animal looking at the food he was to pounce on . . . regardless, you listen to him.
with a whine and moans leaving your lips, you finish cleaning the house—starting dinner immediately. you were patiently stirring the pot, legs wiggling and rubbing against eachother as it became harder to keep still. after a while, you simply let the food to simmer and took out your lube—pouring it onto your fingers. a breathy moan left your lips when the cold liquid touched your rim. slipping a finger in there was semi-easy, after all—he would fuck you anywhere at anytime. it was a kink, free use? you believe, perhaps you were into it. but it was hard to not feel embarrassed when his cock is burried inches deep in you while he's having a meeting.
your finger slips inside, stroking your walls carefully. it was painful, not being able to cum. yet—he made you stretch yourself after inserting that stupid plug. it always made you cry. you could tell when he was going to use it, he had a certain face. you'd bring yourself to tears, begging not to be punished . . . "especially with that." though, you learned, he didn't care. "big boys take their punishments," he'd say, "ah, look at that pathetic cock—cumming even with the plug!"
but you took it, because that's what you're supposed to do. you're his good boy, you need to stay that way.
you desperately think about that as you vigorously finger yourself. strings of moans and whines leave your lips. your fingers weren't nearly as effective as his, but you could find your prostate just fine. however, you couldn't cum. it burned, but it felt good. you desperately needed release, but you could take it. you could take it! you are his good boy. so you took it. and now your finishing up dinner.
the sound of the door unlocking and opening fills your ears as you ready his plate. you turn and smile, "welcome home, dear!" when he didn't respond to your words, you followed his movements with confusion. "i . . . made your plate. i—"
his hands creep into your pants. he glances over to the fixed plate of his dinner. "did you now? well, good job for listening," he chuckles as if expecting that you wouldn't do what he said. he tugs down your pants, smiling at your hard cock that bobs when it's free from the fabric. your thighs tense at the sudden air. you bite your bottom lip, pushing your ass out for him to see easier. when his hands spread your cheeks, a whine leaves your lips. "'jaku . . . " you pout looking back him. "look at you! so intelligent and good at following orders . . . why would i need such incompetent soilders when i have you, hm?" he smiles, his thumbs pulling lightly at the rim to open you up a bit. "stretched out and lube dripping from you . . . "
he leans forward, his lips pressed to the shell of your ear. "such a slutty little househusband i have . . . " he whispers, " . . . you've been so good. perhaps i should give you a reward, hm?" you nod feverishly. "y-yes, sir!" he chuckles and lets go of you, the sound of a zipper and the ruffling of pants comes from behind you.
a gasp leaves your lips at the feeling of his warm cock pressed against your ass. he postions you with your chest, head, and arms on the counter. your back is put in a pretty arch. his eyes rake your body, snickering at your full and heavy balls, tight and ready to finally release. you close your eyes in anticipation when you feel the head of his cock press against you.
a surprise yelp leaves your lips when he suddenly slams in to the hilt. "what type of sound was that?" he chuckles. "does your pussy feel that good from one thrust?" you turn your head to face him, eyes wide and teary when you called his hole a "pussy." you have to admit, the thought of him continuing to say that felt pleasureable, but that wasn't something you'd focus on right now. "i . . . i don't have—!" kenjaku chuckles. "i'm aware, just wanted to see how you'd react . . . "
his hips retract, and then slam right back against you. "ahh, such a nice 'welcome home' present. don't you think?" he grins. you nod. "y-yes!"
you feel his cock fuck into you. his pace is always rough, he's never gentle. his cock rams into you, as if trying to get you to remember its shape. "a-AH! 'j-jaku—anngh!" you whimper and moan, call out his name, but he'll continue to fuck you roughly into the counter. in fact, your moans are music to his ears! it's an invitation to fuck you harder—rougher. a wet, squelching sound as he fucks you. the lube spurts from your hole, coating his cock in a pretty cloudy color. your ass was warm and wet, that was all he could ask for.
"'jaku! gunna cum! ngh—! gotta . . . please!" tears are starting to fall. your face is being roughly rubbed on the counter as you rock from his thrusts. your cock hurts. oh fuck it hurts. all you want is to cum, all he needs to do is say the word 'yes.'
"hm, do you think you deserve it?" he asks you. you sob, gripping tightly at the counters to ground yourself. "yes! yes—i've been a . . . been a really good boy," you sob, choking your spit. "really?" he asks cruelly, knowing very well you deserve to cum, but he's going to wait. "let's wait for a moment." a broken whine leaves your lips. "what? don't you want to cum with me? this is a fantastic privilege!" you can hear the sarcasm and fake pout in his voice. "you will wait until i cum." you sob, nodding reluctantly. your chest rapidly rises and falls. "yes, sir."
"ah! fuck—mmph!" your moans were positively adorable! "ngh—ah! yes, yesyesyes! a-AH!" his cock would mercilessly jam at your prostate. you feared he would never let you cum at this point. then relief flooding through you when you felt his hand. it dipped under you, his finger hooking in the little ring the urethra plug had. "you ready?" yesyesyesyesyes! a string of one singular word left your lips as you nodded.
he chuckles and thrusts roughly, pushing your back in a rough arch as he yanks the plug from you. a scream leaves your lips. you desprately suck in air, watery cum spurts onto the innocent white cabinets. your poor cock couldn't stop leaking, you couldn't stop cumming, you couldn't stop shaking.
kenjaku's chuckles sounded muffled as you stiffly came, feeling your insides be filled from his cock. "still cumming, hm? adorable . . . " a gasp left your lips when you finally stopped, falling weakly to your knees when kenjaku slips his cock from you. you wheeze and whimper, laying pathetically on the cold tile. "you obedient little thing . . . " he laughs at the mess you've made, embarassment flooding you at the sight as well. he puts his cock back in his pants. that same unsettled smirk is given to you. perhaps the long horizontal scar on his forehead made him scarier? nevertheless, you could do a thing. you'd babble and suck in his cock as he needed, he's such a powerful man . . . there's no way you'd stand up to him.
"clean up your mess and heat my food," he orders, "i'll be waiting at the table."
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i thank my pookie (@/sensvis) who gave me the idea. og prompt: "The reader is the ""wo(man)" of the house and like since kenjaku is the president and he can do whatever he wants to his spouse he decides to fuck him so rough and so harsh that thereader is left shivering and gasping for air at the end and no one can do anything abt it cs Kenny is the president." ty bae 🙏🏾 send me more Kenny prompts, top or bottom reader.
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slayfics · 1 year
Muichiro’s Mansion
Muichiro x Reader series
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Muichiro decides it’s time you start going on missions with him.
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Chapter 7
Muichiro had been gone for two days now and you were sure he’d return soon. You had picked out some new plants for the house to replace the dead ones, since you decided they were too far passed to nurse back to life. You also made sure to train extra hard like he asked you to do.  
You were sitting down eating when you heard the front door open and Muichiro enter.
“Welcome back Master Tokito!” You said with a smile.  
"That smells good.” He said, commenting on the food you had just finished making.
“There is plenty more if you’re hungry.”  You replied, and Muichiro sat down to eat with you.
“How was the mission?” You asked, wanting to know what kind of demon he had encountered.
“Simple. Just some minor demons to take care of and some scared Kanoto ranks to save. It’s a wonder they made it this far. That demon was child’s play. They should have been able to handle it without a Hashira.” He stated. “I want you to come with me on my next mission.”
“Really??” You couldn't help but let the excitement show on your face. Your first mission together. This must mean he had felt you were getting stronger. Even if it was just a simple lower rank demon you two would go against, this meant he trusted you and your abilities finally. The thought of being able to accompany Tokito by his side as his Tsuguko gave your stomach butterflies.  
“Yes, I think you are more than capable.” He said, as he finished scarfing down some food. “Also, before I forget I passed a village on the way back and brought you this.” He said holding out a hair pin with beautiful flowers on the end. “That is your favorite color right?”
“Yes, it is.” You said grabbing it from his hand unsure of what to say. Muichiro hardly remembered anything, so the fact that he remembered your favorite color and stopped to pick something out for you was leaving you dumbfounded. You weren't sure what to say, or how to feel. You stared at the hair pin in your hand trying to figure out the right words.
“Do you not like it?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.  
“No that’s not it! I’m I- It's very beautiful thank you Tokito.” You finally managed to say. He grabbed it back from your hand and moved closer to you and gently placed it in your hair. He sat directly in front of you now, staring at you intently. You weren't sure what to do, it felt like when a cat climbs into your lap and you're afraid if you move or breathe it will get scared away. He stayed silent taking you in for a few moments before speaking again. 
“We should get some rest. Training starts back up tomorrow at dawn. Once I get another mission, we will leave right away together.” He said getting up and starting to help clear the table. You stayed frozen for a few more moments still trying to process what had just happened.   “Oh, were you not done eating?” He asked, seeing you still sitting down.
“Sorry I am!” You said getting up quickly and helping to clear the table.
"Also the plants look nice, thank you. I'll try to remember to water them this time." He said.
"I could also tend to them for you if you wish." You offered. 
"Hmm.." He said and seemed to space off. "Yes... maybe that would be better. Goodnight.'' He said and left swiftly in the direction of his room. 
You watched as he walked to his room leaving you alone in the room. You sat back down to try and process the events of the night, so much had changed it was dizzying. 
Muichiro had brought you back a gift, remembered your favorite color, helped clean the table again, and he was offering to take you on missions. A warm smile found its way to your face as you realized your relationship with the Hashira was finally growing. For once you felt he might enjoy having you as his Tsuguko. You made your way back to your room feeling proud and happy for the first time in a long time.
It did not take long for Muichiro to be summoned to another mission. The next day in the middle of training a crow came to tell him of a demon lurking in the area he oversaw.
“Are you ready?” He asked. “I am!” You replied enthusiastically.
“Let’s go then.” He said and disappeared in the direction of the reported demon, and you followed behind as best as you could. 
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wingedhallows · 3 months
i got my eye on you - two; marauders
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pairing: marauders (sirius black x reader) | 4.2k words plot: albus reaches out to you to keep the marauders save, to not have them die, so you join them in their seventh year. authors note: I've been on a roll while writing this, i hope you like it as much as i do :) leave a comment if you want to be added to the taglist :)
navigation | part one ; part two ; part three
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„Suki has retrieved the cigarettes, Miss Y/N.“ The giddy creature smiled your way and you took the pack with a smile on your face.
„Thank you a lot, Suki.“ You patted her head and she nodded at you.
„Take a cookie, as a reward.“ She smiled back at you, hands clasped in front of her stomach.
„Thank you, Miss. Suki is happy to help herself to a tasty cookie, you‘re too kind, Miss.“
You swatted your hand and pushed a stick between your lips, with a swift move Suki held a lighter for you to take. „Thanks.“ She waved you goodbye and vanished with a kiss she blew your way.
„She delivers cigarettes to you? Kreacher only ever hissed at me.“ You turned around to catch a sight of the approaching boy. You nodded and held the pack out for him.
„It‘s all I make her do.“ You paused to light his cigarette. “My parents sent her to me in my third year of school, as a present.” He huffed some smoke and nodded.
“There’s not really any need for an elf but she’s been with me through thick and thin, so she keeps the house clean and I send for her once in a while.” You took another drag of the cigarette.
“Keeps her happy, I think.” 
Sirius sat himself down on the stone bench next to the both of you and without a word you joined him.
“There was something I wanted to talk to you about.” He started, cigarette between his plump lips once more. Your shoulders connected as you crossed your legs, the dim light illuminated his face just the right amount.
“Sounds serious, no pun intended.” He chuckled before he brought the can of soda he had brought with himself to his lips. After his swig, he held it out for you and you took it without hesitation.
“Nothing serious, I swear.” He paused. “Pun intended.” He now faced you, his legs connected with yours as he watched you.
“Our match is tomorrow, Gryffindor against Hufflepuff.” You nodded and took another sip before you placed the can between you both.
“Of course I'll be there to cheer for you.” He smiled and took another drag from his cigarette.
“Afterwards there’ll be a party, to celebrate our win.” It was your turn to chuckle, you turned towards him, your leg rested on the bench, awfully close to his.
“You don’t know that yet.” He only shook his head, a smile on his face.
“It’s Hufflepuff, they have three second years on the team, plus, they’ve never been the best, come on.” You nodded and placed a hand on his knee.
“Of course, when you say so.” You cooed before you brushed his chin with your finger in a playful manner. His head lowered with a snicker. “Come to the party.” He said. Your eyes found his before you took another drag from your cigarette. You moved your head closer, awfully close before you blew the smoke in his face.
“No.” You whispered back. His head fell back with a dramatic sigh. “What do you mean, no?” You shook your head and took another sip of his soda. “I mean, I'm way too old for a house party full of drunk hormonal teens.” 
“Too old? Why do you make it sound like you’re fifty?” He rested his arm on the backrest of the bench before he took another drag. “You’re twentyfour for godric’s sake.” You nodded and threw the done cigarette on the ground.
“That means I’ve had my fair share of parties, I’m good, thanks.”
He nudged your shoulder with a pout on his lips.
“Come on, you haven’t had one like ours. It’ll be fun, I swear.” You took another sip of his soda, can in hand. “You’re like so cool, how can I celebrate a win without you?” He pouted, his done cigarette now on the ground.
“You can’t handle me at one of your parties, sweetheart.” You spoke, head tilted.
His eyebrows raised. “Is that a challenge?” You smirked at him. “It’s a promise.” He smirked back at you and nodded his head. You lifted yourself off the bench.
“So, you’ll come?” He stood in front of you, frame towering over yours. Your hands found his tie, his shirt, which you playfully fixed. 
“Bring me a trophy first.”
With hooded eyes he looked down on you, cheeks flushed as you tapped his cheek gently. “Yes m’am.”
You nodded with a small smile on your face. “Good boy.” You whispered back. He huffed a breath before you retreated.
“Fuckin’ hell.” He whispered more to himself as he watched you leave.
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Breakfast the next morning was normal, the kids were cheerful. James and Sirius gloated their Quidditch uniforms like the buffoons they were. Sirius threw an arm over your shoulder with a wide smile on his face.
“Morning, love.” He spoke, his other hand grabbed for your cup. “Morning.” You responded before you shoved a piece of biscuit into your mouth.
“You’re in good spirits, I see.” You chuckled as James placed his gloves down. He nodded, taking a sip from his cup. “Of course, we’ve got nothing to worry about.” He said with a smile on his face. 
“You’ll join us in the stands, right?” Lily spoke as she placed her cup down on the wooden table. You gave her a nod, a cigarette between your lips now.
“Since Sirius asked me really nicely.” You lit the stick with a tap of your finger and blew the smoke with a grin on your face. 
“He asked nicely?” Marlene threw in. You lifted yourself off the bench, eager to make it to the lavatory on time. One hand on his shoulder, the other grasped the hair on the back of his head. You pulled his head back slightly as you threw Marlene a smirk. 
“On his knees and all.” You chuckled and walked off. His friends just stared in disbelief.  “Did not!” He yelled after you.
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The stands were packed and loud. Lily sat to your right and Remus to your left. You had pushed your sunglasses up to hold your hair back, there was no need for them anyways.
The audience broke out in cheers as the teams made their way onto the field. Without much talking the teams mounted their brooms and shot up into the air.
The game started tame, both teams seemed relaxed. Relaxed enough for Sirius to hover by the Gryffindor stand and throw you a wink.
Your eyes wandered to the Slytherin stand over and over again. You hadn’t missed the way the Slytherin’s would eye the two marauders, the constant prank war between them and the fact that Severus Snape and his dear little friends were loyal dogs to one dark wizard in particular.
Snape seemed agitated by James’ taunting, his fists clenched as he watched Sirius stick his tongue out.
“What is it?” Remus spoke next to you, but you didn’t take your eyes off Snape. His face had grown crimson, his wand clasped tightly in his hand. You pushed yourself farther to the edge of your seat.
Just as Sirius slumped over on his broom with laughter, Nott mumbled something into Snapes ear. With joined forces they mumbled something, to not make it obvious, you thought.
Sirius’ broom seemed to suddenly have developed a mind of its own as it went rampage, trying to throw him off. His hand slipped and the broom took off without him.
His red ropes swooshed in the wind as he fell. Without much thought you jumped out of your seat, placed your feet on the railing and jumped off. You grabbed onto Sirius ropes and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug as you recited a spell, almost inaudible.
The earth beneath you seemed to become mushy, like rubber and your bodies didn’t crack into million little pieces but it had cushioned your fall like a trampoline.
You scrambled to your knees as the spell wore off and found Sirius huffing coughs next to you.
“Sirius, god, are you alright?” Your hands patted down his body to check for any kind of injury. “Are you hurt?” His hand found your arm, to stop you.
“I’m fine, love.” He cracked a smile and lifted his upper body to push a hand through his hair. “Thanks to you.” You nodded and brushed some dirt off his cheek.
“I’m glad you’re alright.” You whispered as you heard the incoming footsteps. You pushed a quick peck to his forehead and lifted yourself off the ground.
“Y/N-” He was cut off by the mass of people who checked for his well being. Without another chance to arouse your attention he watched you aparate away, you had someone to visit.
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The corridor was dimly lit, cold. Your wand was twirling around between your fingertips as you waited for them to show up. The handy dandy map Sirius had showed you a few days ago folded to show you exactly where those worms lingered around.
Severus Snape’s tiny footsteps wandered just the way you wanted it to. Sirius and his friends have been pacing around in their dorms, probably distraught about your disappearance.
You were glad Sirius was fine, to fail your job after mere weeks would’ve wrecked your reputation and your weak besotted heart.
Their voices reached your ears. The map disappeared into your pocket as you gripped your wand tightly, a hand through your hair as you pushed yourself off the brick wall.
“What?” One of them spoke, voice quiet as Snape raised his hand, for him to shut up. You waved your fingers and reached for the handle of the empty classroom.
Without a word you waved your wand in the direction of the room. Severus gave you a snarl and followed you suit. His three friends followed him but didn’t miss out on eyeing you from head to toe.
With a quick movement from your hand the candles came to life, illuminating the classroom. With your wand you laced a concealment charm on the bricks around you, no noise would be able to be heard.
“What is the meaning of this?” You sat yourself down on a table while the four of them kept standing in front of the blackboard. Their hands held their wands tight, ready for an attack.
You had to chuckle, your pack of cigarettes already in your hands. As you pushed a stick between your lips and lit it with the tip of your finger, they tensed.
“You’re smart, Snape. I’m sure you know what the meaning of this is.” You blew some smoke in their direction as you tucked your wand into your pocket.
“I don’t kn-”Don’t lie to me.” You paused to take a drag. “I saw you, you four, today.” Snape slightly raised his wand, face tense as one of his buddies spat.
“You don’t know anything, you filthy mudblood!” Your face contorted into an unamused frown as you blew some more smoke.
“Very original, but I’m the furthest thing from a mudblood, dear.” You took another drag.
“The thing is, you tried to hurt Sirius Black, who stands under my protection.” Snape raised his wand, chin held high.
“No harm in that, he’s a filthy blood traitor, he is!” Snape spoke, voice confident.
“Wrong again.” You flicked the cigarette butt to their feet to which they flinched just the tiniest bit.
“I’m not here to play around with little cockroaches like you four, so you better leave them alone from now on or I'll have your head, alright?”
“You wouldn’t dare, we are more powerful-” He was cut off by your loud laugh, your head fell back as you wiped a non existing tear.
“Oh, how I love false confidence, it’s truly amusing.” You walked to them, Severus’ collar now in your hand as you got awfully close.
“You mean the power, Voldemort promises you?” He gulped as his eyes grew to slits.
“Let me tell you something, You’re nothing more than some rats who lavish in the thought of possessing as much power as he does, though I believe the man to be nothing more than a joke.” You paused to not to so gently pat his cheek.
“So keep that ego down as long as you’re as weak as the first years, you’re embarrassingly foolish and honestly a little bit annoying.” You let go of the angry young man and took a step back.
“Don’t make me angry again, for your own good.” You gave them a wink and turned to grab your pack of cigarettes as out of the corner of your eye you saw an object flying towards you.
Too slow to fend it off with magic it flew straight for your head. With a sharp pain it hit your forehead. With a hiss you raised your hand, ready to recite a curse. You caught yourself as you decided on something less physical harming.
Suddenly all the hair on their heads swayed to the ground. Your balance was off but you managed to eye them down.
“You know, as much as I love inflicting pain there’s something way better.” You held yourself on the table behind you, the boys furious and petrified as they looked at each other.
You almost whispered as a pained smile formed on your lips. “I’ll rid you of this well deserved punishment only when you apologize to Sirius Black in front of the whole school during breakfast.”
You took a few steps forward before you raised your hand and slapped Severus Snape across the cheek. “That’s for throwing something at me.’”
Before they could say anything else you aparted away, in front of the entrance to the Gryffindor dorms. The hot blood which seeped from your wound made its way past your eye and you had to squint out of instinct. The portrait opened without demanding a password from you, Dumbledore had made sure of that.
The dorm was still dimly lit as you heard shuffling and voices, which belonged to the teens you were assigned to. You walked forward, your head pounding before you grabbed your pack and pushed a cigarette between your lips.
“Y/N!” Lily almost yelled before Marlene hushed her.
“Isn’t there supposed to be a party?” You threw in before you lit the stick.
“Where the fuck were you?” Sirius threw in, his hands reaching for your elbows before he eyed your head, his eyes grew uncomfortably cold.
“Who did this to you?”
He spoke, eyes almost dark. You shook your head and just took another drag from your cigarette.
“I’m fine.” You said to him but he huffed a breath, frustrated. He guided you to the couch as James made space for you.
“Where were you?” Remus tried and you blew some smoke as you eyed the fire. Sirius urged Peter for a tissue and he started wiping the blood off your face, you let him.
“I met with some snakes.” You answered and Lily gasped as she leaned forward.
“You met Severus?” You had to smirk, another drag off the cigarette filled your lungs. Smart little witch.
“I seeked the little shits out.” Sirius was the one to frown now as he looked at you. “Why would you do that?” You held his hand, stopped him from wiping your skin off.
“I’m supposed to keep you safe, can’t have some Slytherin shitheads believe it’s alright to throw you off your broom on my watch.” 
James and Marlene had to stifle a laugh as Sirius didn’t budge. “Getting hurt for us is stupid though.” He said and you pushed yourself off the couch before you let the cigarette butt vanish in your palm.
“That’s literally my job, Sirius.” He stood as well, hands clasped in fists as he stared at you. “I’ve dealt with worse.” You walked up to him and planted a hand on his chest as you pushed some hair away from your face.
“Stop sulking, big boy, and get ready for your party.” His face was still in a frown. You grabbed his collar and yanked him down. “I said, stop sulking.” You petted his cheek and aparated to your room, desperately.
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You had to steady yourself on the edge of your sink, the pounding in your head only growing worse. With a quick movement of your hand the wound disappeared and Suki appeared.
“Miss Y/N, the painkillers, Suki has them here.” You turned around and slumped down on your bed.
“Lay down with me Suki, please.” Suki didn’t hesitate and laid herself down with you. Her hand still held onto the pill which you took and swallowed without another thought. Her big ears flopped on her face as she watched you with big eyes.
“Suki urges Miss to be careful, don’t want Miss to get hurt again.” You laid a hand on her face and a small smile on your face.
“Thank you, for worrying about me, Suki.” She laid her small hand on yours as she gave you a toothy smile. “Always, Miss Y/N.” 
You opened your arms and without a word having to be said she scrambled into them and there you laid, tangled in a hug, just like you had all those years ago. Hugging Suki while being a student helped and it still did. 
She was more than a house elf, she was your friend.
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Suki helped you pick out the outfit for tonight and you were satisfied as you finished up your makeup.
“Miss looks dashing.” You smiled at her and stroked her cheek lovingly.
“Be sure to treat yourself big time tonight, you helped me a lot, Suki.” She clasped her hands like a child and gave you a sheepish smile.
“Suki lives to serve Miss, Suki is happy she was of help.” You sprayed some perfume on yourself and gave her a big smile.
“You’re always of help to me, what would I do without you, Suki?” She rubbed your leg with a smile on her face and left with a poof.
You grabbed the bottle of alcohol, Suki had left behind and you made your way to the Gryffindor dorm. The noise thumbed through the halls and you were surprised that no teachers interfered with the ongoing celebration.
The portrait opened and you stepped inside, instantly greeted with heat, the smell of sweat, perfume and surprisingly, weed. People from all houses, except Slytherin, were present.
After a few more minutes of searching you found one of the Gryffindor boys, Peter. You greeted him with a hug and pushed the bottle of Bacardi into his hand.
He thanked you and placed it on the table next to you, where all the booze was sitting. He grabbed your hand and led you to his friends, who sat on the big couch, again. They were dressed nicer but still sat there like they did when you left.
“Who died?” You laughed before pushing a stick between your lips. Sirius’ friends looked at you, faces hopeful while he still sat, pouting. With a cock of your head you signaled the lot  to take off and have fun, you’d take care of Sirius.
James jumped off the couch first and engulfed you in a hug. “You’re a gem, Y/N.” You patted his arm.
“I brought some Bacardi.” He smiled at you and threw his arm over Remus’ shoulder. “She brought booze, too good for us.” He laughed before he squeezed your arm and took off.
You popped down next to Sirius who didn’t say a thing.
“What’s wrong with you, party pooper?” He eyed you and huffed like a child.
“I'm not talking to you.” He spat, arms crossed. You grinned at him.
“You are tough.” He frowned and turned his back towards you. You shook your head and turned around.
A kid behind you rolled himself a joint, you turned towards him and brushed some hair behind your ear. You took two cigarettes from your pack and held them out for him to take and with a shy smile on your face you held out your other hand.
With a grin he placed his joint in your hand and took the two cigarettes. You sent him a wink and mouthed a thank you. He nodded at you and gave you a smile.
You placed the joint between your lips and lit it, taking a drag. It has been a while, so you savored the hit.
You grabbed Sirius neck and pulled him back, he rested on your chest as you placed the stick in front of his lips. Without much thought he took a drag and closed his eyes. You brushed his cheek as you whispered in his ear.
“Relax, you’re being annoying.”
He turned around and gave you a shocked expression. You urged him to take another drag before he could say anything.
“I’m fine, so please, stop being like this.”
He didn’t answer but took the joint from your hand. A few moments later he pushed his arm over your shoulder and pulled you close. 
You took a drag as he held his hand out and he did as well.
“You scared me.” He said, his fingers played with your hair. “I know.” He paused.
“I was so worried.” He said and you answered. “I know.” He let go and looked at you.
“You can’t just disappear like that.” “Okay.” His hand found yours as he let you take another drag.
“You can’t get hurt on my behalf, I don’t care if it’s your job.” He said, face serious.
“Alright.” He didn’t say anymore and took the final drag. You stood and pulled him with you.
“How about some booze?” He nodded and followed you, finger intertwined. He towered over you as you pushed a cup of alcohol in his hands, which he drank without complaining.
You dragged him along and started dancing. Fame by David Bowie seemed like the perfect song to dance to right now, so you took a sip of your drink and started to dance, he followed with a smile on his face.
He bent down and threw his hand over your chest, your back to his front and fingers intertwined as you swayed along to the music. The world seemed to slow around you and the only thing that existed were Sirius, You and the music.
You turned around and downed your drink, discarding the cup on a table nearby. He did the same and threw his hands over your shoulders, his face in a big smile.
The fifth song or so stopped and you pulled apart. Sirius excused himself to use the loo and you took that as your cue to flee to the balcony. You desperately needed some fresh air.
You lit yourself a cigarette and slumped over the railing.
“Y/N, the moodmaker.” You heard next to you as Remus came into sight. His lips in a smile as he took a drag of his own cigarette. “You smoke?” He nodded, obviously intoxicated.
“I like you, Y/N.” He spoke as he took another drag from his cigarette. You smiled and spoke. “I like you too, Remus.” He gave you a smile, his arm now around your shoulders.
“You’re good for him.” You didn’t answer.
“He’s absolutely besotted, actually.” You had to laugh and turn towards him. “We were all pretty worried about you.” He confessed as he took a sip from a cup.
“Think about us the next time, will ‘ya?” You gave him a nod and patted the back of his head in a kind manner. He gave you a smile and flicked the cigarette butt off the balcony.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” He stroked your cheek gently and left you alone. His wonky figure retreated inside, his steps swaying.
You loved these kids, more than you would like to admit. Remus was an absolute sweetheart, drunk or not.
“Here you are.”
Sirius's inebriated form came towards you, drink in hand. “How nice of you to bring booze.” He managed before he took your hand in his. “James told.” He said, brushing a hand through his hair.
“I see.” You held the cigarette out for him, he took a drag and gave you a smile.
“You’re so pretty.”
He said, taking a swig of his drink, holding it out for you shortly after. You took a sip and gave him a smile as well. “Thank you, Sirius.” 
He brushed some hair behind your ear and held your hand with the other. Slowly but surely he came closer, your noses now inches apart. You could feel his breath on your face.
“Sirius, Y/N!” You pulled apart as Lily stumbled onto the balcony, face distraught.
You stepped in front of Sirius, hands still intertwined.
“It’s Remus.”
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( taglist: @navs-bhat ; @amethyistheart )
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
What if Konig accidentally scared the reader?
Like they were having small disagreement when he raised his hand to touch his face - and the reader flinched at that?
I can imagine him getting flashbacks to his father and how he used to treat his mother. He would feel so bad :(. Like, 'Does she think I'll hurt her? Is she scared of me? What if I do end up like my father?' And have a mini breakdown.
But from the reader's POV, she wasn't really "scared" of him. She just saw movements from the corner of her eye, and her body reacted for her.
Sorry not sorry for the angst ‼️🥰
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I’m going to answer these two together because they kind of interlap!
CW: sexism, toxic König, light angst, a dash of fluff
Ooh this kind of behavior would remind him of his mother and only amp up König’s protectiveness for sure! I can’t stress it enough that the more his woman needs him, the better König feels about himself. It’s his life’s purpose to take care of his companion (so much so that this caretaking gains manipulative, stalkish and possessive elements...)
Truth be told, he would view this kind of behavior as you being helpless. And helpless creatures draw him in. König very much has a thing for helpless women. Actually, he thinks it's only natural for a woman to behave like that! His motivation to shield, guard and protect is founded on the need to make himself feel strong and capable (or masculine, if you want to put it that way).
You're scared? He will protect and console you, whatever it is. The more jumpy you are, the more it fires up his protectiveness. This guy wants to be the hero who saves your day. He will do anything in his power to drive your fears away.
You're clingy? Boy, you just gave a starving dog a fat bone! The more clingy you are, the happier König is. (Then he can pretend it’s you who needs him and not the other way around.) It soothes him when you're needy and desperate for him and his company. He will always be there for you, don’t worry ❤️
You forget things and stuff? König will go and fetch that shirt you forgot, even if it's miles away. He will say you should go and rest for a while if you spilled some water on the counter. In fact, he orders you to go and sit down while he cleans it up. He doesn't normally do house chores and cleaning but hey – his woman has clearly just exerted herself so of course he'll help.
And about arguments: during an argument König would be quite calm, actually? He would rarely even raise his voice with you. He's simply that sure of himself and of knowing what's "best for you". You can have your little fits and he might entertain you by giving you what you want if it's something insignificant, but otherwise, he knows he will have the last say if you disagree on something major.
The only thing that would make König lose it with you is probably the cheating scenario discussed earlier... He would be so broken, it would fuck him up so completely that there would be no redemption for him anymore. His violence might bleed into this relationship and manifest as emotional abuse, perhaps verbal abuse, too. He would go outside occasionally to let out some steam (wreck something) but even then, he would not touch you in anger.
If you flinched as an involuntary reaction to his touch during whatever argument you were having... yes he would have a minor breakdown. Flashbacks to his abusive father: definitely. König would apologize if he has been too rough with you. He knows his size and that he’s violent as fuck.
He sometimes wants to squeeze you a little too hard, gives you bitemarks when you two are having sex, he wants to hear those helpless sounds you make when he’s inside you... He wants to own, no, possess you. But he doesn’t want to see you hurt or scared (well, that's what he tells himself, even if you might suffer from his controlling behavior). There's a tug of war inside him: between the need to protect those few he cares about and the need to just annihilate the whole world that has made him suffer.
The last thing König wants is to become a replica of his father. That’s why women get treated differently, like they’re delicate flowers (because König is in fact scared of himself and that he might hurt them), and that’s why his woman will be protected and sheltered and taken care of. At all costs. She will never suffer the same abuse his mother did.
(Yes, König will only, um. Abuse you differently? Aaargh!)
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666writingcafe · 4 days
I knew that I had to get the brothers settled down for the evening before I can even begin to look at any of these applications, and I thought I did a fairly decent job of making sure everyone had what they wanted.
But of course, the moment I sit down at the desk in the study and crack open the first one off the stack of papers, I hear people yelling.
"Why are you talking like that?! You're making fun of me, aren't you?!" That sounds like Levi.
"Wha?" And there's Mammon. "No, I wasn't tryin' to make fun of ya...little guy." Groaning and cursing to myself, I get up and step outside the study.
"Quit calling me that!" Levi shouts. "You...you moron!"
"HEY!" Mammon hollers. "That's no way to talk to your older brother!"
"Older brother?! A total moron like you? I've never thought of you as my older brother, not for a single second!"
"Guys, enough," I gently reprimand. "It's too late for you two to be screaming like this. People are trying to sleep."
"Oh, shut up, Zephyr!" Levi snaps. "This is none of your business!" I narrow my eyes at him.
"I don't appreciate you speaking to me in that tone." For whatever reason, my warning makes Mammon laugh.
"You've never been on my level, Levi! Not in the Celestial Realm, and certainly not here! And ya never will be! I'll always be the boss of you!"
"Mammon--" I get interrupted by Levi growling as he rushes up to his brother and punches him in the face, making him stumble momentarily. This is definitely making their fights in my timeline seem like child's play in comparison.
"Say what you want. I'm still strong enough to knock you to the ground."
"You think ya can take me in a fight with those granny punches of yours? All right, bring it on!" Oh, that's not happening on my watch. I'm not about to let them destroy the library. There's no way I can clean up that kind of a mess before Lucifer returns.
So, I clear my throat and say the first spell that comes to mind.
"Bringers of discord, may a curse be upon you! I am the one called Zephyr. Hear me! Transform! May you be small, weak, and timid!" The brothers' eyes widen as a bright light envelops them. Moments later, they've turned into cute little Chihuahuas.
"There. That's better." I'll have to thank Solomon for teaching me that particular curse. It's really effective.
Once Levi and Mammon realize what I've done, they run up to me and begin yipping at my feet.
"Oh, it'll wear off in the morning," I tell them. "I just need to work in peace for a few hours, and I can block out the sound of your barking a lot easier."
"What's going on in here...?" Oh shit. I didn't hear Lucifer come in the house.
This is awkward.
Lucifer stops in front of the library doorway, taking a proper look at the scene in front of him. As he glances between me and the dog version of his brothers, I can see the quick progression of his emotions in his eyes.
"Was it justified?" he sighs. Not the question I expected him to ask, but I can work with it.
"Yes," I respond, trying to sound as confident as I can. "They were interrupting me from my work." Lucifer focuses his attention back on the Chihuahuas.
"Look, it's not like I have the time or skills to string them up properly to the ceiling--" He holds up his hand, signaling for me to shut up.
"It's fine," he tells me. "I'll take them for a walk. Just do what you need to do for Lord Diavolo." I'm taken aback as he walks over and scoops the dogs up in his arms. I fully expected for him to tear into me for punishing his brothers without his knowledge or consent, but he hasn't even given me a light warning to not do it again.
And then I smell it.
I'm lucky that he turns his back to me quickly and swiftly walks out of the library, for I can't hide the growing smirk on my face to save my life.
This is definitely going to amuse Barbatos.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr
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Does anyone else over analyze the companions not just by their romance, but by what a life with them would really look like?
Not in context of the game, but just putting yourself in the fantasy of what a life with them would be.
Karlach for example, during the love test. If you say something like "ah she would love window shopping in the city" she gags. Shes a barbarian. She loves what she does. If you were her partner, even after the events of BG3 this woman would not be the settle down and go domestic type, nor should she be. (For the sake of this, I'm ignoring Avernus and Epiolgues it's just a fun character thing, so like assume her engine isn't a problem otherwise the only option is to fight in hell anyway)
But GALE! this man is already planning the wedding, he is housewife coded, he is cooking and cleaning and dreaming of dates with you out in the city. Surely he is also up for adventure, he says in Act 3 he has a taste for it now, and I think he'd honestly "make a home" out of *being with you* whether that is on the road cooking at camp or in his tower at Waterdeep. He's flexible.
Astarion (spawn) wants HIS freedom. Anyone who chooses Asty as a partner has to be willing to let him take the lead, and I firmly believe this. He's free for the first time, and now he's also free from all but the vampirism. It's hinted that pursuing a cure is likely his next step if Tav is with him, or that he'd follow on Tav's next adventure, (and like karlach im setting that hiccup aside for more personality based life choices instead of insurmountable hiccups) but I can see him eventually wanting to make choices like staying in fancy places, being in the upper cities, indulging. Insisting on stopping at the good taverns before going on adventures where "THIS TIME JUST FOR US, TAV. NOT SAVING THE WORLD FOR A GODS DAMN MINUTE" that's the vibe I get anyway
Wyll wants you by his side as Duke, so that could look like you settling into a life of nobility. Dances and functions, politics, schedules, meetings, large house. However he also could follow Karlach to Avernus, and he's always up for saving the world, so I feel like you guys COULD ditch at any moment to go do a Thing
Laezel... I don't know. I can't see her staying on Faerun. I think you'd have to follow her on her journey this time, and not the other way around. I haven't done her romance yet
Haven't done shadowhearts yet so I'll need ya'll to fill me in on your thoughts there too!
Halsin: nature. He can't do cities. If you are with him, visits to the city would be short together or you guys would spend time apart and then meet up later. He would be super chill with that. In fact, I feel like he'd support anything you choose to do and anywhere you choose to go and he'd just be thrilled to see you when you came back. He would not, however, change who or what he is to make himself fit into a life that doesn't suit him. He is too old for that stuff, he's got healthy boundaries, he knows what he likes and he's not ashamed to persue it. He is also polyamorous and if his heart stirs for another as it stirs for you which may or may not happen Tav would have to be prepared to recognize that polyamory goes both ways, but also he's a great communicator and would talk to you about it first and get your consent.
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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[ i owe you a black eye (and two kisses) ] alternative thoughts #1 ✉ | jisung x gn!reader
warnings -> cuts + bruises + implicit violence + drug use mention
"tell me again why you did this." i mumbled softly to him as i grabbed the bandages tying them up. his knuckles were bruised, shiny violet as his face was torn apart with cuts & bruises. he didn't have to say anything when he arrived at my house for me to know that this wasn't an accident. there was well known intention behind his actions and the black eye that he received. he hated the pain but loved the thrill of it all. he enjoyed defending the little honor he had left in him.
"they talked shit about my family, you know how i get." he said as he shivered, did i mention his clothes were torn? in the middle of the rain too. it was a tragic scene from a tale that would never end well but here i was to love the loser in front of me unconditionally. 
"i know but that doesn't mean you have to throw a punch when you're not the best at fighting." i kept mumbling as i was concentrated, cleaning the bruises on his face with alcohol. he shaked at the harsh feeling that it provoked on his skin but i needed to clear it before it got bad.
"i don't think you understand how much it stings right now. being here in front of you looking like this." he whispered but i heard completely even through the sound of the hail hitting on the roof. i finished cleaning up to put on a fresh bandage on his cheek and then i looked at him again as i didn't this whole time since i was so focused before. 
"let me get you something warmer." i said as i got up but his hand met my wrist and stopped me from going to the bedroom. "jisung i-".
"i love you." he said directly and firmly to me. i could not understand where this was coming from or why the anger was still there when his sweet words striked to my heart. "i'm sorry".
"you don't have to say sorry, you have to learn from this. i can't always save you jisung." i said and i stood my ground. it wasn't okay to do these things even if they're the reason that made me fall for him harder in a fucked up way. i knew it wasn't just his family, i knew he did this because of me. he didn't like hearing the nasty comments some people made about me and he had to get in the situation, take full control. thinking he could do something like pick up a fight and get away with it. "i love you too..."
the silence was loud but the sound of my heartbeat was louder. i was rushing through all of the emotions, having him right there, the delinquent (literally) that stole my heart. i was never the best at choosing the people i loved but this time i really thought that he was the one even if sometimes i did wanna kill him with the decisions he took.
he placed a peck on my lips and then it deepened into a bittersweet kiss. i wanted to stay in that moment forever as i tried to maintain it but had to catch my breath. one eye looking at me as the other one was covered with the eyepatch, still was the sweetest look with those romantic eyes. 
"i'm sorry, i really am. i know how much you hate this." he said and i just shook my head. 
"can't take your apologies because that's not true. the jisung i fell for is the criminal, stealer of convenience stores and throwing punches where he shouldn't. thinking he could handle drugs like his friends but in reality, showing up to my house with a bloody nose. you really think you're tough and it's pathetic but i like it that way. i don't want a fairytale novel but i also don't want you dead." 
he nodded at my words and leaned in on my shoulder as i put the things back in the first aid kit. i sighed as i placed back on the bathroom cabinet and looked at him again. he truly was no good.
"i promise i'll try to make things better." he said
but we both knew, he was lying
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bloodscribed · 3 months
a set of prompts featuring lyrics from the album of the same name by waterparks. may contain suggestive content. feel free to change things as needed for the sake of writing!
"I'm gonna move out of my loft and into a limousine."
"Jesus Christ won't text me back."
"I'll always be around, in fact."
"I'm climbing up your window now."
"It's been a pleasure, it's nice to meet you."
"Maybe I'm a soul-sucker."
"But you're just a star fucker."
"I bet you wouldn't ask me to do that by this time next year."
"You can't hide my face and save me for a rainy day."
"It don't go two ways."
"I don't wanna be toxic, I just wanna be honest."
"But this shit hurts like a comet."
"And it just hurts 'cause I want it."
"I'm outta my cage, and I'm on the stage."
"I'm dying to give you a show."
"I'm alienated, way overrated."
"Here are a few of the notes."
"My fans are the best."
"They'd love me more dead."
"But baby, it's gettin' too loud."
"Yo, shut the fuck out of your mouth."
"Bite tongue 'till there's blood in my mouth."
"It freaks me out."
"It gets real super dark around the edge of my heart."
"Now I'm tripping off the deep end."
"So call me a Lyft or a black hearse."
"I know you'll make my head spin."
"What's your favorite color?"
"That's not a color, it's a shade."
"Don't disagree with me."
"And then she walked away."
"I didn't get her name."
"I can't explain the look on her face."
"She wore a sweater in summer weather."
"It was funeral grey."
"And now it's killing me."
"I just want you to be my next mistake that I'm gonna make."
"She walked in, took a hit."
"That shit is gonna kill you."
"Well now you're gonna die too."
"I said that you can call me, beep me if you want my skin."
"She rolled her eyes."
"I know your dying wish is to be baptized in my spit."
"Float my way, I'm melting for you."
"What's up?"
"Hello, I'm tryna meet ya."
"Shocked at the words coming from my tongue."
"A language that I'm not familiar."
"Don't take it away."
'I wanna play."
"Where did the time fly?"
"What if I pray?"
"Hoping you'll stay into the daylight."
"Wait, what am I saying?"
"I feel insane."
"It's only been a couple days."
"I'm having the same thoughts, can't stop."
"Thinking you got me brainwashed."
"I'm see-through, need you."
"Why do I think you're so cool?"
"Everything's clean except for my thoughts."
"Thinking about me getting you off."
"It's been a week, I'm still at your house."
"I don't wanna leave, it's freaking me out."
"Why am I acting like that?"
"Are you really that funny, or am I hallucinating?"
"It's like my brain isn't mine."
"This syndrome feels Stockholm."
"Do you wanna keep me on lock, though?"
"Symmetrical feelings match best when we're staring at the ceiling."
"I'm trying to turn my mind off."
"But I don't know where to go when the night's long."
"I could have picked your body in a lineup."
"Now I'm sick of waiting on you to call."
"Yeah, I'm sick of playing it cool."
"So I went out with my two best friends."
"Tried anything not to think of you."
"It didn't work, and I feel like shit."
"Wake up tomorrow and try again."
"You hit back with the syntax."
"You treated my heart like a handbag."
"So now I'm solo when the night's cold."
"Yeah, I kissed a couple people, but they taste wrong."
"If you feel it, then I feel it too."
"If you believe me, I could be your truth."
"If you need me, all I need is you."
"Why we ghost each other for a week at a time?"
"Make plans and let 'em fall through."
"I can't even call you, let alone call you mine."
"I can be nonchalant, if that's what you really want."
"But I'm just glad you and I are alive at the same time."
"We can't take back what we never gave."
"And that distance keeps us safe."
"But nobody told me that safe is so lonely."
"Can't we act like you and I are alive at the same time?"
"Do you feel it? 'Cause I feel it too."
"Do you need it? 'Cause I need it too."
"When we talk, I'm never wrong."
"Might unplug my phone at night."
"When you need me most, I'll miss that flight."
"Now we're at the part where you'll hate what you see."
"What the fuck is wrong with me?"
"I'm on my way to you, but I'll self-sabotage."
"So I might drive my car and crash into your garage."
"To get away from you, I'll self-sabotage."
"If you like when we talk, I'll dislocate my jaw."
"I'll piss you off and ask what's wrong."
"I want this to work so bad."
"But I want but I can't have."
"Make plans and break them to see what you say."
"'Cause you put on makeup and I'm still in bed."
"Gotta clear my front lawn off."
"Melatonin, eyes feel heavy tonight."
"I could sleep for weeks."
"Don't look for me."
"They're killing me when I'm fast asleep."
"Are you hearing me?"
"I'm living fucking betrayed."
"Living like I'm dead and on my own."
"I like you but I need some space."
"I like you kinda far away."
"It's not that hard to kill a day looking at your face."
"I like you but I need some room."
"It doesn't always stay that way."
"I hate the aftertaste."
"I don't wanna leave you hangin' on."
"But when we fight, it's like a marathon."
"Give me three days alone."
"We can fuck about it later, if you want."
"It's all we really do when something's wrong."
"You don't seem to like it when we talk."
"I guess I'll see you later."
"Because we never fix the problems that we've got."
"You've been at my crib for like the seventh day up in a row."
"You've been doing silly things like checking who I follow."
"I won't lie to you."
"It's like scars on my wrist."
"Nothing stays the same."
"I feel love a different way."
"I got my space, but what did I pay for you?"
"'Cause I love you, or I want to."
"But I don't know how."
"I need to really feel you."
"But we're running around."
"Is it easy now?"
"You only hit me in the evening."
"I need you closer."
"I need it over."
"There's nothing left to let go."
"It's the darkest afterglow."
"Maybe in another life, we can try and get us right."
"You're the holiday I celebrate too late."
"You're the eyes I gave up trying to captivate."
"You're the song I loved but then overplayed."
"I'm the b-side throwaway."
"I hope you never rain on my charade."
"I've been fucked so much that I no longer wait."
"I sabotage and break my own heart just in case."
"Will it kill me in the evening that I let you down?"
"Am I missing out?"
"Am I having fun?"
"Is it just me, or is it everyone?"
"The love I get is virtual."
"Now Jesus hates my guts."
"It's getting personal."
"It's a night out on earth."
"The last one for a while, can't get worse."
"Now if I ever feel jealous, I just turn it into lyrics."
"I turn pain into rain and sing along."
"I wear all my red flags like a cape."
"Life gave me lemons, now I bleed lemonade."
"It gets so fucking hot under all this shade."
"Everywhere I walk's a toxic parade."
"The glove don't fit, but I wear it anyway."
"It's a hell of a time."
"Was I loved, or was I right?"
"Am I gonna go to hell in my sleep?"
"Or will God forgive me?"
"I gotta hide everybody that I like."
"Because everyone I know knows another me."
"It's getting hard to keep track of everything I keep locked behind my back."
"I'm leaving when the night goes."
"I ain't gonna let go."
"When we fuck, it feels like I'm struck by your lightning."
"They say I'm brainwashed, yeah I might be."
"I built a secret room for you."
"Just one more chance to adore you."
"If you're toxic, I'll wear a hazmat."
"Do you think God knows?"
"You've been sneaking out of heaven."
"Were his eyes closed?"
"There's no way He's just letting you fall from the stars."
"I swear to God my heart's gonna pop."
"If I'm not brainwashed, man, I'm trying to be."
"Swallow my shoes and my car keys."
"I don't need those, 'cause I won't leave."
"I'll have to jump the gates when I die."
"Go to my place, and you put away your halo."
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deramin2 · 8 months
Charts For Assessing Pain And Fatigue
As a person with chronic pain and chronic fatigue, I often find it helpful to use scales to communicate how I'm doing, both for myself to contextualize it and so others have an idea how I'm doing. It's especially helpful for doctors who take you more seriously when you have data.
But I'm really bad at just assessing it in my head, especially consistently. Internalized ableism means I always feel like I'm just being a wimp and I really minimize my pain. So assessment scales that make me look at my behaviors really help break me out of that and be more honest. They also keep me more consistent so the days is more useable.
Both scales in a spreadsheet
Pain Scale
This scale was given to me in a hospital with no indication of where it came from in a really basic badly formatted table. This is my cleaned up version formatted to be saved on a phone or printed.
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0 - No Pain - Pain free
2 - Minimal - Pain is barely noticeable; tightness
3 - Mild - Feel a low level of pain entering awareness only when my attention is devoted to it
4 - Uncomfortable - Pain is troubling but can be ignored most of the time; am able to continue activities
5 - Moderate - Moderate pain but no break in activity or concentration; guarded movement patterns
6 - Distracting - Pain is troubling and breaks through concentration but is tolerable; activity level changes.
7 - Distressing - Pain is intense and preoccupies my thinking; can complete tasks but it is difficult and must cease some demanding activities; considering pain medication or other pain reducing agent.
8 - Intense - Severe pain that makes concentration difficult; can do only non-demanding activities; taking pain medication, etc. Can't carry on a conversation well, pacing , etc.
9 - Severe - Cannot concentrate on anything else; sweating, unsteady breathing, can do almost nothing. Can barely talk.
10 - Immobilizing - Excruciating pain, constant; unable to move.
Fatigue Scale
This was floating around Tumblr in the colorful version. I can't print it, I can't read it with the colors when I'm tired, and I wanted the scales to normalized going the same direction so here's my formatting version:
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0 - Not tired at all.
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1 - Slightly tired, but still able to carry on as normal with little to no difficulty.
2 - Finding everything more effort than usual, but still able to carry on.
3 - Tiredness makes it hard to enjoy activities that are usually fun, but still able to work or study (with some difficulty).
4 - Possibly able to do some work or studying, depending on how much effort it takes. May choose to work or study from home. Avoiding activities that take a lot of energy.
5 - Mostly unable to work or study (except low effort tasks that can be done from home) can go out (for example to buy food) but only if essential.
6 - Too tired to go out, but still able to move around the house and do activities that require little energy and focus. Preparing a meal is difficult. Can't work or study.
7 - Doesn't need to lie down and can walk around the house, but can't stand for more than a few minutes without resting. Finding it hard to eat some foods. Can't focus on anything easily.
8 - Able to sit up for a while and walk around the house if absolutely necessary. Unable to eat most food. Holding a conversation is difficult.
9 - Able to sit up for a short time and can walk short distances (with difficulty), e.g. to get a drink or go to the toilet. Can't eat.
10 - Can barely sit up. Needs assistance getting out of bed.
I don't know where either of these came from originally or who to credit, but I'd like to. (Normally I wouldn't repost people's work but the public benefit here outweighs those concerns for me.) Please reblog if you do and I'll edit it in. I just want them available to more disabled people.
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hbyrde36 · 4 months
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Times Like These (The Anniversary Edition)
CH 1 CH 2
Chapter 3: Chrissy Wake Up
✨See the end for another amazing piece of art made for this chapter!!!
WC: 7185 | AO3 link
"Are you sure you have it?"
Eddie swayed on his feet as he came-to, but quickly steadied himself.
He opened his eyes and took in his surroundings, grinning widely as he threw his head back and shouted, "Fuck yes!”
Looking over, he was delighted to find Chrissy exactly where he expected her to be. “Girl, you are a damn sight for sore eyes, you know that? Hang on, I'll be right back."
He rushed to the back of the house, feeling more hopeful than ever as he took up his old acoustic guitar again and sprinted back out to the living room. He could do this, he knew the song like the back of his hand now. He may not have been able to actually practice it before, but the hours spent alone in his room honing his guitar skills over the years made him confident that he could pull it off regardless. 
He returned just in time to see her eyes roll into the back of her head, and didn't waste another second before he began to play. 
“Many times I tried to tell you"
"Many times I cried alone"
"Always I'm surprised how well you cut my feelings to the bone"
"Don't want to leave you really"
"I've invested too much time to give you up that easy"
"To the doubts that complicate your mind"
Eddie strummed the guitar and sang his heart out, pouring everything he had into those lyrics, but still, about halfway through the song she began to lift off the ground.  
"Chrissy, wake up! Come on, you've got to fight him.” He pleaded, still keeping time on the song as he begged her to hear him. “You can do this, Please. Just follow the sound of my voice." 
"Clear your mind and do your best to try and wash the palette clean"
"We can't begin to know it, how much we really care"
"I hear your voice inside me, I see your face everywhere"
Suddenly, Chrissy took a deep gasping breath, like a swimmer rising to the surface to take their first gulp of air. She tumbled to the floor and Eddie quickly dropped the guitar, throwing himself down next to her. 
His heart pounded as he scooped her up into his arms, crushing her tightly to his chest.
“You’re okay, you’re back. I’ve got you. It’s all gonna be okay now.” He muttered the words over and over again as they both shook uncontrollably, her tears soaking through his shirt. 
They sat like that for a long time, until her crying stopped and Eddie’s pulse slowed, finally pulling apart to look at each other. 
She stared at him, her gaze bouncing from one eye to the other as she spoke. “I don’t… I don’t know what just happened but I'm pretty sure you saved my life.”
“What did you see?” He asked, reaching up to brush the bangs out of her eyes.
“One second I was standing here waiting for you to come back, and the next I was in my house, except, it wasn’t right. My mom and Dad–” She cut herself off, shaking her head. 
Whatever she saw must have been awful. 
“And then this– man, this monster, started calling to me… came after me. I ran, but there was a door. I- I couldn’t open it. That’s when I started to hear it. I heard you singing, telling me to fight, so I did. I got around him somehow and this- this opening appeared across the room.”
Chrissy paused, glancing up briefly at the spot on the ceiling she’d just fallen from. 
“It was you. I could see you here playing for me. I ran to you and then I was back.” She gave him a weak smile, tipping herself over to rest her forehead on his shoulder. “How did you know to do that?”
Eddie wasn’t sure what to say. He wanted to tell her everything, but it would take a while to explain and he knew they should probably get going. He wanted to try and bring the others in as soon as possible. 
“I’m gonna explain, I promise, but we need to go– now, and I need you to trust me for a little while. Do you think you can do that?” He asked.
She didn’t even hesitate. “Sure, Eddie. I trust you.”
He felt a little guilty about that, not entirely sure he had earned her blind faith, but for now he’d take it.
"Thanks.” He said, rising to his feet and offering her a hand up. “Come on, time to pay a little visit to my neighbor."
Eddie knew Max’s mom wasn’t home, she rarely was these days, so he wasn’t shy about pounding his fist on the door when they walked up to her trailer. 
"Red!" Eddie called out loudly as he knocked. 
He paused to listen, hearing no sign of the girl inside though he knew for a fact she was in there.
"Come on, Red, I know you're there. It's Eddie from across the street!"
When there was still no answer from within, he wracked his brain for what he could say to make her come to the door.
"Please, kid, it’s—this is a code-red type situation here."
A beat later she was opening the door. No more than a crack, but it was progress.
"What do you mean by code-red situation?" She asked through the small opening. 
"I need you to get on your walkie and alert the troops. You saw the way the lights flickered tonight, and you know what that means."
She narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, I saw. Doesn’t explain how you know what it means." 
Eddie sighed, it was gonna be a long night. "I know more than you think. Just call it in, alright? I'll tell you everything I know once everyone’s together, I'm not going through the whole thing a hundred times."
She didn't move, staring him down as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Damn, did these kids all come with an attitude or was it something Harrington had trained into them?
"Please?" He begged.
She rolled her eyes, but stepped back to open the door the rest of the way and let them in. They followed her into the living room where he could see her radio was already out sitting on the table. She’d definitely seen the lights then, and it seemed like she’d already been thinking about calling the cavalry.
All three of them took a seat on the couch as Max picked up the walkie and raised it to her lips. 
"Uh, hey, guys?” She said into it, a little unsure.
A few seconds later Dustin’s voice crackled over the line. "Max? You have to say over when you're done talking. Over."
"Yeah, it’s me dumbass. Over.”
"Thank you. So, what’s up? Over."
Eddie held a hand up to stop her before she could answer. "Maybe it’s best if you don't mention me or Chrissy, for now. It'll be less confusing if they think it's just you."
She scowled, mumbling, “Whatever," before pressing the button again. “I'm calling in a code red. Over."
“Max?!” Suddenly, Steve's frantic voice came roaring out of the device. “Max, what’s wrong? Is it your mom again? Are you okay? Are you safe?”
She chewed on her bottom lip, purposely avoiding looking at either of them. As if Eddie would judge, the poster boy for growing up with shitty parents. There was a reason he lived with his uncle, and he didn’t know much about Chrissy but he was pretty sure she could relate at least a little. 
"No, yeah, I’m fine, it's just. Listen, I only want to explain once. Could you get everyone together?" She said, borrowing Eddie’s line.
"Sure, let’s meet at my house. Do you need a ride?" Steve asked.
She looked to Eddie, who shook his head. “I’ll drive.” He said quietly.
Before she could relay the message to Steve, Dustin cut in over the walkie. "Jesus Fucking Christ, you guys are killing me. Say over when-you-are-done-speaking! Over!"
“Language! Over." Steve replied.
Max heaved a long suffering sigh. "Thanks, Steve, but I have a ride. Over."
"Okay. Be safe. Over." 
"See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Dustin said, somehow finding a way to sound smug even through the bad signal. “I'll keep calling around, make sure everyone knows to head to Steve’s. And I do need a ride by the way, Harrington, and you better make it quick. Over.” 
“Seriously?” Steve muttered under his breath, though it was picked up by the radio anyway. "Copy that, Dustin, but I could do without the attitude. Over" 
Max turned the thing off as Dustin began his repeated calls to the rest of the party, throwing it back down on the table. 
"Let me get changed, and we can go,” She said.
Eddie nodded absently, trying to think if they needed anything else before heading out.
"Oh! Uh, random question. Do you by any chance have any Pat Benatar on tape?”
Max tilted her head. "Yes, actually. Why?"
"Great, uh, go ahead and grab that for us, and your Kate Bush tape too while you’re at it… and your Walkman."
Her brow furrowed deeply but surprisingly she didn’t ask anymore questions, setting off for her room without another word.
Eddie looked at Chrissy, who had been completely silent through the entire exchange, sitting with her arms wrapped tightly around her waist.
"Hey,” he said softly, taking in the way she’d started to sink into herself. “I’m gonna run back over to my place and grab my tape player for you to use, we’re gonna need it. Are you okay here?"
She nodded but didn’t look up at him, continuing to stare at the floor. He hesitated, pursing his lips. He hated to leave her there alone, even just for a minute, though Max was only in the other room. He should have thought to grab it before but he’d been understandably distracted at the time. They were going to Steve’s house anyway, he probably had something she could borrow, right?
No, he wasn’t taking any chances this time, not after everything he’d gone through to get this far. What if Vecna took her again while they were en route and he couldn't play to save her?  
Mind made up, he squeezed her shoulder, whispering, “I’ll be right back,” and headed outside.  
It only took a minute for him to run back into his house, get the Walkman from his room, and rush back out again. His foot was coming off the last step just as a nearby car door slammed. He’d been so lost in thought he hadn’t noticed the jeep that had pulled up out front.
Jason Carver’s Jeep, to be exact.
The absolute last person he felt like dealing with right now. 
What was he even doing here?
Looking for Chrissy seemed like a good bet, but hell if Eddie knew how he’d found out about their drug deal. 
“Shit” Eddie cursed, with feeling.
In all the other loops he and his van would have been long gone by now, but saving Chrissy took time, and convincing Max to let them inside had wasted even more. Had Jason come here each time and left assuming no one was home, only to find out the next day that his girlfriend had been laying dead just inside the door?
Eddie shivered at the thought. It almost made him feel bad for the guy. 
"What did you do to her, Freak?! Where's Chrissy?!" Jason shouted as he rounded his car, stepping right in Eddie’s path. 
"Don't know what you're talking about, man.” Eddie said, raising his hands in a push-away gesture. “I’ve been home alone all night. I was just heading out now to work a few parties. So, if you could just let me past to my van, I’ll get out of your hair.”
He wouldn't actually leave without Max and Chrissy but hoped if he made a show of leaving Jason would take off too 
"Bullshit,” Jason scoffed. “She didn't show at Benny's after the game, and then I find out one of the guys thought he saw her leave the school with you, of all people."
Eddie rolled his eyes, and Jason snatched him up by the collar, cocking his other arm back. "And you're gonna tell me where she is right now, or I swear to god..." 
"Oh, fuck you, man." Eddie spat, shoving at Jason hard enough that he stumbled back.
“No wonder Chrissy came to me when she was having a problem instead of talking to her boyfriend about it. You don’t give a shit about her, you just want to control her.” He was giving up the ruse a bit by admitting he’d seen her, but Eddie didn’t really care right then.
Unfortunately, It was the wrong thing to say if his goal had been to deescalate the situation.
Jason growled, honest to god growled, lunging forward to clock Eddie right in the face. There was a telltale crack as his fist connected and Eddie knew instantly that his nose was broken. He rocked back, the sudden burst of pain behind his eyes stunning him for a second, but he recovered quickly, returning the favor with a powerful jab to the other boy’s jaw. 
They traded a few more rushed blows before the door to Max’s trailer burst open, her and Chrissy spilling outside, momentarily interrupting the fight.
For a second he was worried that Chrissy would take Jason’s side and run off with him before he could explain what was happening, and what she needed to do to keep herself safe. She looked back and forth between the two of them, but in the end her concerned gaze had settled squarely on Eddie, rather than her own boyfriend.
Jason turned, realizing who it was that had just appeared across the way, and called out to her. Eddie took advantage of the distraction and kicked out, landing a hit to the side of Jason’s knee that sent him to the ground, screaming. 
Eddie stepped wide around him, waving the girls over as he headed to his van. 
“Let’s get out of here.” He called out.
Chrissy hesitated, her eyes sliding back in Jason’s direction for a split second, but to Eddie’s relief both she and Max got into the vehicle without further discussion and the trio took off, speeding the entire way to Loch Nora.  
When they arrived at the Harrington house Eddie sent Max up to the door first, since she was the only one of them Steve was expecting, and they could hear his voice through it before he even answered.
“This better be important, Mayfield. I was on a date and–” Steve cut himself off mid sentence as the door swung to reveal that Max was not alone. 
“What the..” Steve muttered as he looked from her, to Chrissy, his expression running the gambit from annoyance, to confusion, and ultimately settling on concern as he took in Eddie’s face. 
That was… unexpected.
“Shit, Munson. What happened to you?”
In his rush to get there Eddie had almost forgotten about the state of his face. He’d used a few spare fast food napkins to staunch the blood flow from his nose as he drove, but other than that he hadn't really thought to clean himself up. It wasn’t that bad, he’d had worse dust ups before, but still, he probably looked like a mess. 
“Oh, uh.” Eddie said, eloquently. 
Talking wasn’t always his best thing around Steve lately, most especially when he was talking to Steve.
“It's nothing, I'm alright.” 
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Steve said sternly. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“Max is my neighbor.” Eddie said in place of a real answer, ignoring the fact that it didn't explain Chrissy’s presence, or really anything at all. He just needed to get in the door. 
“May we come in, your highness?” He gave a shallow bow, trying to put on a bit of his usual persona even if he wasn’t feeling it. 
Steve heaved a sigh, long and loud. 
“Sure, why not, " he said and finally moved aside to let them in. 
"Who's that with Max?” Dustin's voice came from somewhere in the house. “I could have sworn it sounded like…" He went on, coming to a screeching halt as he rounded the corner.
"Hey, Henderson." Eddie said, and it came out much softer than he intended it to. He couldn’t help it after…
"Wait, what’s going on? What are you doing here? Why is Chrissy Cunningham with you? And what the hell happened to your face?" Dustin asked the questions rapidfire, not taking a single breath in-between. It would have been impressive if it wasn’t so annoying.
 Eddie should have been used to the kid’s style by now but it still made his head spin.
"Okay that's enough!” Steve interjected with a loud clap. “Dustin, you and Max take Chrissy to the kitchen, she looks like she needs to sit down. Robin’s in there making some coffee."
“And you,” he continued, pointing a finger at Eddie. "You're with me. Let’s get you cleaned up first and then you can tell us what the fuck is going on.”
Steve turned on his heel and headed straight down the hall to a staircase, not even looking back to make sure Eddie was following. He stared at the other boy’s retreating back, not quite believing the direction things were going. He’d expected confrontation, or some level of animosity from Steve, at least until he explained things, the same way it’d been at the beginning every other time. 
It was all different now though, wasn’t it? 
He wasn’t facing Steve for the first time since the younger boy’s graduation as a murder suspect on the run, hiding in another drug dealer's boat shed. This time around he was just a guy who’d shown up on Steve’s doorstep with a busted face. Granted he’d been accompanied by one of Steve’s favorite children, which was probably the only reason he’d been granted entrance honestly, but now that he was here the guy seemed hell-bent on taking care of him, even if–as far as Steve was aware–they barely knew each other. 
Steve went up the stairs and turned down a hallway, passing one bedroom before heading into another as Eddie followed behind, trying to keep up. 
It dawned on him suddenly that he was in Steve’s house– about to walk into his actual bedroom, a place Eddie had never expected to get to see with his own two eyes. Steve’s prowess in the sack was legendary among the girls of Hawkins High, to the point that not even Eddie was immune from the gossip about it, and no matter the circumstances his little gay heart couldn’t help but be a little curious about the place where that particular magic happened. 
He stepped through the doorway and stopped dead, mouth agape as he took in the nightmare he’d just wandered into. He honestly wasn’t sure what was worse, the plaid everything, or the distinct lack of anything resembling a personality. 
“I know, it’s awful. You can say it.” Steve said as if he’d been expecting this exact reaction. 
“Well somebody has to, Jesus Christ Harrington.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.” Steve said, shaking his head. He moved through the room to another door that opened to a small private bathroom and motioned for Eddie to come in. 
He took one more look around the monstrosity that was Steve’s inner sanctum and shuddered before following.
Steve sat him down on the closed toilet lid and quickly got to work, carefully wiping away the dried blood on his face with a warm washcloth. It must have been worse than he initially thought because it took several rounds of rinsing and rewetting the cloth before it finally came back clean. 
Steve was quiet through the whole thing, not saying a word as he dabbed at a split on Eddie's eyebrow and another on his bottom lip with a cotton ball soaked in disinfectant. Eddie was similarly silent, mesmerized by the movements of Steve’s hands, and the calm that had settled between them in their temporary bubble, a little afraid that if he said anything, he’d say too much. 
When it seemed like they were done Eddie moved to stand, only to be stopped by a firm hand on his shoulder. 
"Not so fast, champ. We still have to do something about that nose.” Steve said. 
Eddie groaned. ”Haven't you done enough? It’s fine.” 
He’d never had a broken nose before but he imagined setting it to be a painful process, and it hurt enough as it was. It was manageable though, and he wasn’t exactly worried about it healing crooked when the odds of him surviving past the next week were questionable at best. 
“If it’s the pain you’re worried about, trust me, it’s not as bad as you think.” Steve said, seeming to read his mind, half of it anyway. “Look, I’ve had to set my own a couple times now and it only hurts for a second, promise.”
Of course Steve had had broken noses, plural, over the years. It made sense considering how the guy regularly threw himself head first into any and all trouble, especially if it meant protecting his friends, but it wasn’t only the pain that was making Eddie hesitate. The other problem, perhaps the bigger one, was how all this soft touch and care was affecting him in—other ways. 
He wasn’t unaware of the fact that he was developing a crush on Steve, as much as he was doing his best to ignore it, and he absolutely could not handle it getting any worse. Which was exactly what was happening right now.
Unfortunately, one look at Steve’s face told him he wasn’t getting out of this without a fight. 
Eddie grit his teeth, accepting his fate. “Get on with it then, Harrington.”
Steve's touch was firm but gentle as he cradled the side of Eddie's face with one hand, placing fingers strategically on either side of his nose with the other. And just like that, with a soft crack and a split second of discomfort– it was done.
Eddie blew out a long breath when Steve finally released him, and it felt as if all the adrenaline that had been building up inside him was drained from his body along with the air he expelled.
He suddenly felt exhausted, raw. These last twenty minutes or so in the bathroom had been his first opportunity to really slow down and process what he’d been through to get to this point. 
He closed his eyes and leaned forward resting his head in his hands, careful of his injuries, as he started to spiral.
The worst part of it all was the absolute certainty that he could still mess this up. Even if the others believed him, there was no guarantee that any of it would change the final outcome. He only knew his own path after all. He had no idea what had happened to the others—Steve, Robin, and Nancy; Max, and the Sinclairs; the group in California that they could never seem to get hold of but were pretty sure had been affected as well. 
Then there was the wild card. 
In saving Chrissy, Eddie had snatched one of Vecna’s victims right out from under his nose. Would he keep gunning for her, or would he set his sights elsewhere? Had saving one person only doomed another in her place?
Eddie’s heart raced along with his thoughts, his pulse pounding loudly inside his own head. Suddenly he couldn’t seem to catch his breath. 
“You okay?” Steve asked.
It snapped him back to the present. 
“Nah man,” Eddie managed out between rapid shallow breaths. “I’m pretty goddamn far from okay.” 
He felt more than saw Steve crouch down in front of him, his broad hands wrapping around Eddie’s, prying them away from his face.
“Hey, you’re okay.” Steve said softly, still holding his hands, squeezing in a way that felt… grounding. 
“You’re okay, you’re safe,” he continued. “Eddie, can you look at me?”
Eddie forced himself to open his eyes and found Steve staring back at him, his own eyes full of concern. 
“Try and take some slow deep breaths with me.”
Steve took several exaggerated breaths and Eddie did his best to mimic him, taking as much air as he could into his lungs before blowing it out as slowly as he could manage, repeating the process over and over until his heart didn’t feel like it was trying to escape his chest anymore. 
Eddie shook his head. “This whole thing is so fucked, Steve.” He said, letting out a painful hiccupping sob as tears fell freely down his face. He was acutely aware that the other boy had no idea what he was talking about and probably thought he’d lost his mind, but he couldn’t seem to stop.  
“I mean… I have no idea what I’m doing.” He continued, voice quivering. 
“Why did it have to be me?”
“Hey shhh, it’s alright. It’s gonna be alright.” Steve said, rubbing a thumb over the back of Eddie’s hand in soothing circles.
“You don’t know that!" Eddie wailed, pulling his hands out of Steve's grip to wrap his arms around himself. 
Steve took his outburst in stride. “You’re right, I don’t. And I know we don't really know each other except through school rumors and Dustin, but I’ve been through some– stuff, and, um, maybe I could help?” 
Eddie broke out in a watery laugh. Only Steve Harrington could reduce the horrors he’d seen down to, I've been through some stuff, and of course the guy was already offering to help with almost no context. The perpetual white knight, indeed. 
“Yeah. You’re a good dude, Steve.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, a hint of shock on his face, not dissimilar to the way he’d reacted the first time Eddie had said those words to him, what felt like a hundred years ago. 
“Okay.” Eddie said, sniffing back his tears and rubbing at his face. He couldn’t believe he’d let himself fall apart like this. 
“So, Max, uh, she called in that code red because I asked her to. I was going to wait and tell all of you at the same time, but, maybe I should… I dunno, warm up or something? Start with just you?”
He felt strangely okay with the idea of telling Steve about things ahead of everyone else. Something about the whole screaming-crying-breakdown thing made him believe that, unlike the last go-around where he’d been anxious about convincing Steve specifically, this time it would be okay.. 
Steve looked as confused as ever, but nodded, pushing himself up to stand as he asked, “Can we at least get out of this bathroom first?”
“I’m just gonna like, blurt it all out.” Eddie said after a few beats of silence. 
They were sitting on the edge of Steve’s bed, not quite touching, but it was a near thing. Eddie wasn't sure if he was happy about it or if it was adding to his overall stress. He kept his gaze on the floor as he spoke. 
“Chrissy Cunningham died in my trailer after being psychically attacked by some creepy dark-wizard guy who lives in the Upside Down. And I know what you must be thinking, it’s impossible right? Because she’s downstairs in your kitchen right now, but you would be wrong. Also, yes, I know all about the Upside Down. Well, not all about it—not important. Anyway, I saw the whole thing and I ran. The rest of the town assumed that I killed her, but you, Dustin, Robin, and Max found me and helped me out– saved my life, more than once. Then I actually helped save your life when we got stuck in the Upside Down together, although I maintain you did that all on your own, but you insisted on thanking me, so.” Eddie shrugged.  
“Um, I hotwired an RV so we could gather supplies to make several very illegal weapons that we then took back into the Upside Down, to fight said creepy-wizard-guy, and um, I died.” He paused to take a breath, finally chancing a look at Steve to see how he was taking it, but the other boy’s expression was unreadable.
“And that was just the first time around. I’m stuck in a time loop. This is my 4th time living through this same week, including the original run. I’m not entirely sure if that makes this the third loop or the 4th to be honest, but I guess it doesn’t really matter.”
“Shit, man. That’s… That’s a lot.” Steve said, after a while. 
“Have you told me before? Any of the other times?”
“Just the last time. I didn't really know what was happening before that. I remembered dying and all, but half the time I just thought I was living in my own personal Hell to be honest. I did eventually tell Dustin right before…” Eddie stopped himself short, shaking his head. “He convinced me to tell all of you each time I came back.”
“Okay, makes sense. What went wrong last time?” Steve asked.
Eddie wasn’t sure if Steve was just humoring him or if he really believed what he was saying, but either way this was the part he felt worst about. He’d hoped he could get away with not explaining the last loop but he should have known someone would ask.  
“I told you, Robin, Dustin, and Max about the loops. You believed me eventually, but I realized we couldn’t fix things yet because I hadn't managed to save Chrissy. So I asked you if we could keep it between us and just let things happen the same way again, so that hopefully I’d get another shot.”
“You just let yourself be killed again?!” Steve blurted out.
“You weren’t too happy about it then either, but once we had a little heart-to-heart about it…'' Eddie hesitated, eyes drawn to the glowing light of the pool, visible through Steve’s window. “I think you understood where I was coming from.”
“Oh.” Steve breathed, following his line of sight.
A sudden knock startled them both. Steve flinched and their knees brushed, the simple touch making Eddie’s skin break out in goosebumps.
“Hey Steve?” Robin called through the door. “Um, everyone’s here. Except for Lucas, he’s not answering his Walkie.” 
“We’ll be right out!” Steve shouted back, turning to Eddie with a clear look of concern. “Is Lucas in danger?”
Eddie shook his head, though knowing where he was the answer was debatable. “Sinclair’s out with his basketball buddies tonight, I'm pretty sure. He’s okay, always meets up with you at some point.”
Steve sagged in relief. Which, Eddie supposed, answered that question. 
He believed.
“I guess it’s time to do this then.” Eddie said, fiddling nervously with his rings.
“Hey, I believe you, okay?” Steve said, resting a hand on his shoulder. “They’re gonna believe you too and I’ll be right there with you the whole time.”
And Christ, Steve really needed to stop touching him, and being sweet, it was getting out of hand.
“Thanks, Harrington. Careful though, If you keep being so nice, I’ll start to think you actually like me.” Eddie teased.
It was a stupid joke. He knew Steve liked him well enough as a friend, if that’s what they were now. At least as much as you can be friends with someone you kept forgetting because that’s how time loops work apparently. He had to turn it into a joke for his own sanity. It had to be a joke, because otherwise it might start to feel like something else, and there was no way it was something else. 
Steve grinned. “Oh, so we’re back to Harrington now, are we Munson? I thought we were closer than that.” 
Eddie felt his cheeks warm and jumped up from the bed, making a beeline for the door to hide his blush. “Shut up, Steve.”
The kids, who really weren’t kids except for maybe Erica but Eddie couldn't help thinking of them that way, had taken over Steve’s living room. Like a pack of slobs they had the entire surface area of the coffee table littered with chip bags, candy packets, and soda cans. They were loud too. Max was arguing with Mike about god knew what, while Dustin and Erica fought over the TV remote, giving Eddie plenty of cover to slip by unnoticed as he came back downstairs.
He almost felt bad for how long he was leaving them all in suspense, but he wanted to check in with Chrissy and see how she was doing before anything else. He already felt bad for disappearing with Steve for so long. 
He expected to find Robin keeping her company, but less expected was Nancy huddled together with the other two girls at the counter, talking quietly over matching mugs. Three sets of eyes looked up in surprised tandem as he entered and briefly Eddie thought, this is what it must feel like to be a deer caught in headlights. 
He hesitated in the doorway unsure of his welcome, but as soon as she saw him Chrissy slid off her stool and went to him, wrapping him up in a tight hug.
She might have been small but her grip was strong and Eddie had to stop himself from melting into the embrace. He’d only just stopped blubbering, and she'd easily set him off again if he did.
“How are you holding up?” He said, pulling back sooner than he wanted to, and shot her a teasing smile. “Are the other girls being nice to you?” 
“I'm okay. What about you?” She asked, searching his face, gaze lingering on the various dings and bruises he was now sporting. 
“I’ll be alright. Harrington’s a pretty good nurse.” He smiled again, this time a little too wide and he winced as it pulled at the split on his lip.
She grimaced. “I’m sorry about Jason. He’s a jerk, I should have broken things off a long time ago.”
Eddie shook his head. “Not your fault. Carver’s always had it out for me, he just needed an excuse.”
All eyes were on Eddie as the group gathered in the living room. He took a seat on the lone armchair, which just so happened to face both couches, giving him a whole new perspective on the term hot seat. He was no stranger to being the center of attention, what with the shouting in the lunchroom and DM-ing Hellfire, but considering the stakes, this was far more nerve wracking than that. 
“We saw him like two hours ago at D&D, what could have happened since then that’s such a big deal?” Erica was saying when he tuned back into the conversation. 
“If you brats would shut up for five minutes maybe he’d tell you.” Steve said, moving to stand just behind the chair Eddie was in. 
He appreciated the show of support but honestly the proximity was only making him more nervous, and not only because of the way Nancy and Robin were both shooting them curious glances. 
“She’s not wrong,” Mike agreed. ”I had to sneak out of my house for this! If my parents find out I’m gone they won’t let me go see– “
Dustin cut him off. “Dude, just give him a second, alright?”
“Thanks, buddy.” Eddie said, when the cacophony finally died down. He wondered if this would ever get any easier. Hopefully he'd never have to find out. 
Time to rip the Band-Aid off, again.  
“I’m stuck in a time loop.”
What felt like hours later, but in reality was probably only about 45 minutes, Eddie had told his whole story, leading right up until present day when he showed up at Steve’s house with a busted face. When it was all done he was met with complete silence.
For about 3 seconds.
He was honestly surprised they had held out this long. 
After that the room erupted into chaos. If he’d thought it was loud before, it was nothing to the volume now. Everyone was talking, shouting questions at him and at each other. Robin was rambling a thousand miles an hour, mostly to herself, while Nancy was staring back and forth between him and the notes she’d begun taking almost as soon as he started talking. The only notable absence to the arguing and spitballing was Dustin, who had gone uncharacteristically quiet.   
Steve came out to stand in front of the group with his hands raised, presumably to tell them all to shut the fuck up again, but just as he was about to speak they heard the front door crash open and slammed closed, and a second later Lucas came bounding into the room. He was covered in sweat, chest heaving and out of breath as he stared wide-eyed at the assembled mass, doing a double take when he spotted Chrissy.
“I… don’t know what’s going on here, but Jason Carver has lost his mind. He thinks Eddie kidnapped Chrissy and now he, Andy, and a couple of the other guys are out looking for him.”
“Not this again.” Eddie whined, sliding down in his seat, pouting.
“What does he mean again?” Lucas said, scanning the room, looking from one friend's face to another, before looking back at Eddie. “He was limping pretty bad, did you two get in a fight?”
“Wait, how did you even know Eddie was here?” Steve asked.
“I didn’t. I ran home to radio Dustin about it and I got Erica’s note that there was a code-red. What’s going on?”
“Dustin and Mike can explain it all to you but first everyone needs to call home.” Steve said. "Make whatever excuses you have to, but I think it would be best if everyone stayed here together, at least until we have a better handle on this.”
Nancy shook her head. “Mike’s supposed to leave for California in the morning.” 
“Well obviously that’s not gonna happen now. No way!” Mike said. 
“I get that but we still have to go home, and you have to come up with a story to tell mom and dad for why you’re not going.” She said.
Mike pouted. “Fine.”
“All right, you two do what you have to do but be careful. Make sure you know each other’s favorite songs, like Eddie told us, it helps.” Steve said, raising his voice as he continued to make sure they were all listening. “That goes for everyone. We should probably make a list so we’re prepared if this asshole targets anyone else.”
“Are you really buying all this, Steve?” Nancy asked, not even bothering to keep her voice down. 
Eddie wasn’t exactly offended, per se, but he was certainly regretting his initial speech about Nancy and her show of true love to Steve when they were in the Upside Down. He had nothing against her, in theory. She was a badass, that’s for sure, but whether it was wishful thinking due to his own ill advised crush, or something else, he could see it now. They might care for eachother, but she and Steve were not a good match. 
“Is it any weirder than everything else we’ve been through?” Steve asked her.
Nancy frowned, and Eddie could almost see the wheels turning in her mind. She didn’t like it, but his point was good enough to give her pause. “I guess not.” 
And it seemed like… that was it.
If Steve and Nancy were on board, the rest of them would go along with it. Even if they didn’t all believe him as completely as Steve did, or he suspected Dustin did, they believed him enough to plan, plot, and strategize. Enough to band together at a moment's notice—to make special mixtapes for Max and Chrissy so they could listen to their favorite songs on repeat without having to rewind a tape every three minutes.
The rest of the evening went by in a bit of a blur. Eddie was drained, and let himself fade into the background as Nancy and Mike left, and the others who remained began sleeping arrangement negotiations as though they’d done this dozens of times before. It occurred to him belatedly that with what this group had been through together over the past three years, they probably had. 
He kept expecting Dustin to approach him, to want to talk to him, maybe even yell at him for dying so many times, but instead he seemed to be purposely ignoring him, except for shooting the occasional sideways glance his way when he thought Eddie wasn’t looking. 
At some point Chrissy had actually fallen asleep on the couch, and Robin graciously offered to share the bed in Steve’s guest room with her. A move which Eddie couldn’t help raising an eyebrow over. He didn’t know Robin had it in her.
Good for her. 
He didn't actually know for sure if Robin was gay, to be fair. She hadn’t come out and told him or anything, but over the days, weeks, whatever, he’d picked up a vibe from her. The same vibe he suspected he gave off as well
Sure enough as the two girls said their goodnights he could see the panic written all over poor Robin’s face. She caught his eye and he gave her his most encouraging smile.
He was glad to see that they had bonded, at least a little. Chrissy could use someone to talk to about all this, some support. Eddie was there for her, no doubt about it, but she needed more than just him.
The party fell like dominoes after that. Erica and Max called dibs on Steve's parents room at the first opportunity, leaving Dustin and Lucas to fight over the couch and loveseat. Which honestly shouldn’t have been a fight since Lucas was way taller and needed the extra space, but apparently the couch was comfier. 
Eddie decided to stay out of it. 
It was all working out fine. Everyone had a buddy, someone to watch out for them if any weird shit happened in the night. 
Well, almost everyone. 
“I guess that just leaves you and me, Munson. As long as you don't mind sharing a queen sized bed?”
“No, that’s–” Eddie squeaked. 
He’d been so naïve to think the most stressful part of the night had passed. 
Eddie cleared his throat and tried again. “That’s fine.” 
Steve smiled and again led the way upstairs to his room, turning lights out on his way as they  moved through the house, all the while Eddie did his best to recall the deep breathing exercises he’d done with Steve in the bathroom earlier, since he was pretty sure he was about to have another panic attack. 
Chapter 4
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Art by the incredibly talented @penny00dreadful!!
And thanks to you as always also for being the best beta, friend and cheerleader. 😘
Reblogs are always appreciated and if you want to be tagged, just let me know! I'd be more than happy to do so 💜
Taglist: @hitlikehammers @pearynice @cranberrymoons @thoroughlycollected @blubblesandink @finntheehumaneater @brbsoulnomming @estrellami-1 @hellion-child @mentallyundone @manda-panda-monium @spicysix @kikidoesfanfic @dreamwatch @lawrencebshoggoth @stillfullofshit @lil-gremlin-things @mamafaithful
46 notes · View notes
allemantheias · 9 months
Repaying them for saving you. Part 2.
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Status: finished. 03-12-2023. Part 1. [Part 2.] Part 3. Part 4.
Read this on AO3. ~ ~ Masterlist. ~ ~ Word count: 893.
"Did they hurt you in other ways?" The bearded man, Alejandro, who sat you down in the medic's office, puts a wet gauze against your wound, making it sting badly from the alcohol it's soaked with. You pull away your face, resulting in the man keeping your head still with his other hand on your neck. The skin-to-skin contact sends electricity through your cheeks. His touch feels so nice and soft, make you crave much more.
"No, only this cut. I don't know what they would have done if they didn't run into the roadblock. I wouldn't have made it out alive."
"Probably not, indeed. It's a good thing we took them out." Him talking about the cartel members being dead makes you feel uncomfortable. You've never been confronted with death like this before, or been this close to recently killed people who got shot while you were only mere centimetres away. The bad guys died, that's good, but you didn't want to be part of them being taken out. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Killing is.. well.. part of the job, unfortunately."
"It's okay. I'm glad you got out alive." You hate yourself for blurting the words out like that, wish the ground underneath your feet would swallow you from embarrassment. Your cheeks must be fire red! "I mean-" Alejandro smiles while he removes the wet gauze from your cut and replaces it with a dry one that he sticks to your skin with silicone tape.
"Do you know if they targeted you?" He throws away the opened packaging and puts the rest of the stuff back where he took it from.
"I don't think so, I was just on my way home from hanging out with friends. Probably just an easy target for them because I was alone this late in the evening."
"I'll look into it after you're home safe and sound tomorrow." He already knows where you live, they asked you some questions on the drive here. Your name, age, where you live, and the rest was small talk to keep you from thinking back to the events at the roadblock. Your house is too far to take you home this late, so they got you a bed on base. You both look up from a knock on the door and the other guy peeks his head around the corner.
"Found some clothes that hopefully fit." He puts a pile of clothes next to you on the examination bed. "Anything else I can do? Some food maybe?"
"That would be amazing, I'm starving."
The guy smiles. "There's leftover burritos, if you like?"
"Oh, absolutely!"
"Let's get you cleaned up first." Alejandro turns on the faucet with hot water and puts the plug in the sink so it fills up. "You can take a shower after you've eaten." He holds his hand under the stream, waits for it to get to a good temperature. When the sink is filled up to the holes that prevent it from spilling over, he dunks in a cloth and wrings out most of the excess water. With the steaming fabric, he sits back down next to the bed. You remove your blood-stained shirt, which makes him swallow noticeably. He quickly regains his composure and softly rubs the very hot, wet cloth on the skin of your throat, below the gauze, cleaning off the dried-up blood. The cloth burns your skin slightly, but the heat of it feels great. You sigh from pleasure. "Sorry, is that too hot?" He pulls his hand back in case he is hurting you with the temperature of it.
"No, it's fine. It's hot, but not too bad. I like it like this." You smile at him to show him it really is okay and he presses the small towel on your collarbone again. Soon the cloth is drenched with your blood and Alejandro soaks it in the hot water again to rinse it from the red liquid. This process is repeated until there's no more blood visible on you. "Thank you." While you get dressed into the clean clothes, you feel Alejandro's eyes burning in your back.
"It's no problem, pretty. Get your wound checked out by the medic tomorrow morning. After that I'll take you home." He leads you to the mess hall, where the other guy is ready with a heap of burritos.
"Great timing, Rudy." The other guy smiles and distributes the food over three plates. So his name is Rudy. That suits him.
"Always." He takes the plates to the closest table and you take a seat after they do. You're not sure if you should sit next to them, so you leave one chair in between Rudy and yourself, opposite of Alejandro. "Food's hot. Don't burn your mouth." Steam is rising from the burrito and you blow on it to cool it down a bit quicker.
You don't have the patience to wait for it to cool down to an edible temperature and take a bite. It's still too hot and you regret not waiting a few more minutes. "Fuck, it's hot!" You breathe out with a full mouth in discomfort. Rudy and Alejandro laugh at the sight of you not listening to the warning. You're lucky that it wasn't hot enough anymore to burn the inside of your mouth.
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