#i do think he would be more inclined to feel more protective of women. in a better world
cuubism · 3 months
I missed my boys. New chapter of bookstore cryptid Dream and coffeeshop owner Hob. E.
Dream is reading some bodice ripper again.
Actually he’s on his third romance novel that day, because he reads very fast when he’s into something, sprawled across the couch in the cafe, tongue poking past his lips as he reads. The other books are stacked by the couch, carefully bookmarked and annotated. What the hell is he doing, writing a dissertation on the regency romance genre?
“Want me to get you a few more?” Hob asks, gesturing to the stack of books. “Three wasn’t enough?” They look functionally identical to Hob. Gallant men and elegant swooning women. Some more dressed than others.
Dream takes the chocolate truffles Hob offers him—a new cafe selection—and pops one in his mouth, licking the sugar coating off his thumb. Hob swallows, throat clicking, as he watches. “I need comprehensive notes,” he says.
“For what?”
Dream’s eyes sparkle. “If you wish, you can come with me to get more.”
Hob follows him, still confused, as Dream eats the other truffle in one bite, then stands fluidly and heads for the door.
Across the street, they enter the Library, its cool dusty interior a relief from the summer heat. Sweat prickles on the back of Hob’s neck, but he thinks it’s less the heat outside and more the determined way Dream stalks in front of him. Something is clearly on his mind.
He leads Hob on a winding route back through the stacks, past Dessert Histories and its sister shelf Desert Histories, through Husbandry, through a tiny section on the inside of a doorframe called “thresholds,” and into—
Ah. Erotica.
Frankly Hob’s surprised the Library doesn’t have multiple erotica sections, broken down into its sub—
Dream spins and pushes him up against a shelf.
Hob’s too surprised to do anything but let him, and besides, when Dream looks at him like that, eyes going dark and tongue darting out to wet his lips, Hob is hardly inclined to question it.
“Something on your mind?” he breathes, as Dream’s hands splay over his chest.
“Something,” Dream agrees. “I don’t think I want to pick out another book.”
Hob thinks back to the swooning heroines of Dream’s romance novels. Okay. He gets it. He can play.
He takes Dream by the arms and pushes him up against the shelves in turn. Dream squeaks, but before he can speak Hob’s mouth is on his, claiming. Tipping Dream’s head back. Dream moans, caving back against the shelves. Yes, that’s what he wanted, and he didn’t want to ask for it because he wanted it to be spontaneous and passionate like in his novels. He’s such a silly thing. Hob loves him so.
“Apologies,” Hob breathes, lips brushing Dream’s, as Dream grasps at him with weak fingers. He tries to put on the persona of a character from Dream’s novels. He’s no actor, but he’ll try, for Dream. “I simply couldn’t stop myself. You’re too tempting.”
Dream stares up at him with huge eyes, totally enraptured.
Hob feigns hesitance, stepping back. “I should not—it’s unbecoming, I should protect your virtue—”
Dream grabs his shirt and hauls him back in until their noses are touching. “Perhaps I don’t want you to. Perhaps I want you to take it.”
God he’s hot when he’s hungry like this.
Hob pushes in close to him again, chest to chest, edging in between Dream’s knees. Rolls his hips so Dream can feel that he’s already hard.
“Don’t open that door,” he warns. “I won’t have you let me in and then regret it after.”
“That door has been open to you for a long time,” Dream says. His hands find Hob’s shoulders, his chest heaving. “Were we not to be married?”
Hob fumbles for the thread of the story. “You ended that.”
“I was afraid. Afraid of how much I feel for you.”
“Nothing to fear.” He noses under Dream’s jaw, nips, kisses his neck. Dream shudders. “Am I obliged to marry you, then?”
“No. No obligation. I’m afraid I must have you either way.” He meets Hob’s eyes, lip trembling. “I need you. Even if you walk away from me forever.”
Hob wouldn’t do that. The Hob of this tale wouldn’t either. “Once you let me in I’m never walking away from you.”
He kisses Dream, on the lips this time, plumbing deep in his mouth, just tasting him. Dream moans, and then gasps as Hob gets his hands under his thighs and lifts him, pushing him up against the bookshelf.
Dream wraps his legs around Hob’s waist, skirt rucking up— is that why he’s wearing a bloody skirt today? Was he plotting this all along?
“You clever, naughty thing,” Hob breathes, and Dream smirks, a look that breaks into a gasp as Hob sucks a mark into his throat, fingers bruising on his thighs.
His loose shirt slips over his shoulder as Hob lavishes attention there, kissing his way down his collarbone and to his sternum. Dream’s hips thrust, searching for friction, and Hob rolls up against him, making him cry out.
“Why does something tell me you prepared yourself too?” he breathes, voice going rough just at the thought.
Dream only smiles craftily.
With Dream clinging onto him with arms and legs, Hob manages to reach a hand around and under him, where Dream’s not wearing underwear, pressing lightly. Dream’s tight entrance gives to his fingers, his hole already wet and open. A moan’s wrenched from Hob’s throat. When and where did he even sneak away to do this? In Hob's bathroom at the cafe?
“You’ll be my actual death,” he says.
“Not until after you make love to me.”
Make love. He really is leaning into the romance. It’s sweet when he gets like that. Dream can be so lovely when he’s not too busy being mysterious. (Though Hob can’t kid himself that he doesn’t love the mysteriousness).
“I live to serve you, my love,” Hob says.
Still holding Dream up precariously with one arm, Hob undoes the button and zipper on his jeans and takes himself out. It’s difficult balancing like this, so he only gives himself a few strokes before lining Dream up and, carefully, letting him sink down onto his cock.
“Hob!” Dream cries, throwing his head back, as Hob buries his face in his neck, trying to breathe. It’s so overwhelming to be in him, every time.
“Is that what you wanted, sweetheart?” Hob says once he’s gotten his breath back. “Me inside you?”
“Yes. Yes,” Dream whines. “I need it. I can’t. I can’t live without it.”
Hob’s lost track of whether they’re still doing the story, but it hardly matters. He gets his hands firmly around Dream’s ass and starts bouncing him on his cock. Dream wails, fingers twisting in Hob’s shirt. Hob curses at the feeling of him.
“Feel so good, darling,” he pants. “So good. Perfect.”
Dream whimpers, meeting him halfway as Hob thrusts into him. He pushes deeper, holding on tight to Hob’s shoulders. His back must be absolutely digging into the bookshelves, but he doesn’t complain.
“You really needed this today, huh?” Hob says.
“I wanted it,” Dream says. “So many tempting scenarios in fiction… why not see if I could pull some into fact?”
“No concern about whether it’s possible, huh?” He likes being involved in Dream’s fantasies, though, being in the stories that go on in Dream’s head.
“You’ve made it possible.” Dream smirks, lips dragging over Hob’s cheek.
Yeah, Hob’s really glad now for all the times he’s carried huge pallets of books up and down the stairs for Dream. It’s the only thing granting him the arm strength to do this. Even so, his shoulders will be sore tomorrow, but it’s worth it for Dream’s happiness.
Dream tugs his skirt up further so his cock can rub against Hob’s belly, smearing pre over his shirt. His fingers dig into Hob’s shoulders. “Hob,” he pants, as Hob bounces him on a particularly hard thrust, nailing his prostate. “Hob. Hob!”
Hob’s arms shake, more from the fire of being inside him than holding up Dream’s weight. Dream clutching at him, wrapped around him, at Hob’s mercy in this position, blazes warmth through him, sets arousal alight on his skin. He buries his nose in Dream’s throat, inhaling the scent of him, paper and coffee, and it does nothing to ground him. He won’t last much longer.
“Hob, I’m—” Dream cries, and then he comes over Hob’s belly, biting down on Hob’s ear, the closest body part he can reach.
Dream’s body clenching around him sends Hob over the edge, and he groans into Dream’s throat as he spills inside him.
He can feel Dream’s heart hammering under his ribcage, the heaving of his lungs, and loses himself in the rhythm of his body for a few moments.
Dream recovers first, combing his hands through Hob’s hair, nuzzling over his temple. “You will have to marry me now, lover,” he says, in that alluring voice he’d used to tempt Hob into this game. “Else my reputation will be in tatters.”
Hob laughs. Back to the story, is it? “If you stay with me, I’ll give you anything,” he promises.
He carefully disentangles them, helping Dream down. Dream winces as he stretches out his legs, gone stiff from holding his position, and Hob rolls his shoulders, hearing them pop. Yeah, he’ll be feeling that tomorrow, but he doesn’t expect he’ll regret it.
He gets Dream situated by the fireplace--of the Erotica section has a fucking fireplace, though Hob had been way too distracted to clock it before--where there is a scattering of pillows and blankets they could definitely have used instead of the wall. He stretches out with Dream settled between his legs, lying against his chest, massages Dream’s sore hips with his thumbs, while privately aroused at the thought of him being sore, of him feeling it.
“Thank you,” Dream murmurs at length, face still mashed into Hob’s chest. “For indulging me.”
“Don’t thank me. I love being able to fulfill your fantasies.” He kisses the top of Dream’s head, burying his nose in his hair. “I love you.”
Dream taps his fingers over Hob’s heart. “I love you.”
They sit quietly, listening to the crackle of the flames. Finally, Hob says, “So. Does the Erotica section enhance the experience for you? You can feel the resonances or something?”
Dream sighs. “I do not have a psychic connection to the books, Hob.”
“You sure?”
Dream pokes him in the side, but immediately undermines his admonishment by slipping his hand under Hob’s shirt to lay against his side.
“Could put an actual bedroom in the Library,” Hob suggests.
“That would be absurd. It is a bookstore.”
Hob’s never going to win this debate. He’s tried.
“Fine, then,” he concedes. “We’ll just have to keep using mine.”
“And the wall,” Dream says, and then giggles. Hob accepts his fate of lifting more weights. And sore shoulders.
And, of course, a happy Dream, curled up with him by the fire, making it all worth it.
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lukolabrainrot · 2 months
Hey there, what do we think about Nicola’s IG post for Camilla’s bday. It’s a collage of 4 pictures taken by paparazzi of her and Camilla last year and in the caption she said something like remember when the paparazzi took photos and you protected me by covering my face. I feel like that is for sure throwing shade at a certain someone. Like she could’ve chosen any photo with Camilla. She has sooo many, why that one and why this caption. Also the way the photos were stacked looked like A’s recent soho house photos with her friends.
I feel like Nicola’s being very cryptic and sending messages through her posts recently including the scrabble board. I don’t know what that was about exactly but I feel like she posted it for a purpose and the person who that was aimed at would understand. I dunno I might be over analyzing but I think we should paying closer attention to her posts.
I also feel like that means we are headed in a positive direction because it means she cares about Luke and feels protective over him and is letting everyone know, even if there is currently a bit of tension between them. Not saying there is tension but just a feeling that she’s not very happy with how he’s handling things at the moment.
What do we all think?
Ok I just reblogged a post about this, but I am going to add this (and a lot of this is just based on my gut feelings/opinions based off of everything I've seen, so these are all just THEORIES):
First, I want to start by saying we will NEVER know exactly what anyone's SPECIFIC intentions are on SM posts unless the publisher publicly clarifies it.
HOWEVER, N is VERY intentional on SM. So is A. L... not so much (I've known a lot of dudes like him who just don't really care to put a lot of energy/thought into SM, EVEN if they have it and utilize it). So I get the impression this might be the case for him as well. Intentionality takes thought and energy, so I do agree that N and A's recent SM posts are VERY intentional, but what those exact intentions are, again, we will probably never EXACTLY know. What/who is the common denominator between these two women though? L. Sooooo, I feel pretty confident that he is at the root of most of these more "cryptic" posts/stories on N and A's SM.
Now, normally, I would say WTH is a 37 y/o woman doing playing petty and shady SM games with a 23 y/o woman that wants the attention?? Well... I think SM is the only way for them to communicate with each other, and these two women have a LOTT to say to each other (which totally makes sense if ANY of our theories on L/N or the PR tour/papgate/A are accurate). Which is why I do think a lot of N's recent SM activity has been shade, but more directly towards A. Since the London premiere, I personally think L/N are dealing with their complex feelings over everything in private mainly because people are analyzing EVERYTHING they do.
If you have read my other theories on this blog, I don't think L/N are in a terrible place rn (but are very likely having to work through a LOT of complex things in private). I am sure they BOTH aren't happy about how this all publicly played out. And as I have mentioned, I think EVERYONE in this situation has made some mistakes (some more than others though). Please look through my "timelines" posts if you have any more questions on my thoughts on this.
I have also said this before, but I will say it again. N AND A WILL NEVER, NEVERRR BE FRIENDS. Based off of everything I have seen and know about these two women, they have VERY little in common (and A is very insecure and envious of N). Therefore, these two women are probably NEVER going to talk alone face-to-face (I personally don't think A has the cajones to address anything with N to her face). A (based on her public image and actions and everything else we know about her) seems like such a selfish, two-faced mean girl (just my opinion). N appears to be the opposite of that, and I believe would be more inclined to address things with A face-to-face. Since that is not an option though, N has utilized SM to share her real opinions/feelings with A. And yes, I do believe N is protective of L (BECAUSE THEY REALLY LOVE EACH OTHER). I don't have any solid proof on this, it is just a gut feeling, but I think a lot of N's most recent "cryptic" posts/stories are hinting that L/N's connection is not going to be ruptured by immature, selfish, and insecure behavior from A. And I think that is a really good sign for us Lukola fans.
Lastly, who again is the common denominator here? L! Could he have handled this WHOLE situation better? Yes! I've mentioned before though, he got ANNIHILATED on SM after Papgate. And he has been getting hate on SM from people in the fandom for years (him AND N already had to leave Twitter because of all the hate they were receiving). Therefore, I believe he is FED UP, but also TRYING to stay engaged just a LITTLE bit on SM. Yes, N has also gotten a lot of hate on SM, but she and L are very different people, and I get the sense that she is able to navigate the hate a little better than L. Therefore, L has taken a major step back from his public engagement online, and to be really honest, I don't believe he will be returning to his typical public SM activity anytime soon. Now, what other people AROUND him post on SM, I think that has a lot more to do with THOSE INDIVIDUALS than L himself (again, just my opinion). How aware/involved L is with any of these posts/stories that adjacent people in his life are posting, we will probably never know. L is a chronic people pleaser though, and I got the sense from what I have seen that he is not very good at setting firm boundaries with people in his life (which likely played a role in SOME of the SM activity we have seen recently from adjacent people in his life). I think there is a lot of self-reflection going on for him at the moment in terms of determining HOW he wants to move forward in his career and HOW he wants the public to see him. I think he is still figuring it out...
Anywhooo, like I have mentioned multiple times, the whole situation seems to be REALLY messy (and I am almost certain that both L/N didn't want all of this to play out on such a public stage). And we will never know the full story of what was/is going on BTS for everyone. However, a lot of the recent posts/stories from N have been very interestingggg 🤔
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butterflydm · 7 months
Kinda jumping off a discussion I was having with @markantonys and @sixth-light the other day, I am really feeling excited about potentially bringing in most/all of the rest of our endgame love interests next season because I think they'll pretty much all benefit with the jump from book to screen.
(contains some book spoilers through Knife of Dreams)
I really enjoy a lot of the choices that the show has made so far, and I think they've done a lot of good set-up for the romances as well. To start with the characters who are locked in already, I really loved that Rand's three love interests all got to spend some extended time with (at least) one of his friends in season 2. Elayne being close with Egwene and Nynaeve is book canon, of course, but I like that the show essentially did that with Aviendha & Min too -- Perrin and Aviendha were so funny together, Mat and Min were also funny but had some great depth and angst. We got to see all three of them shine as individual characters before we got into any romance elements.
Especially with Min, I really loved the choice for them to take Min's self-reported past struggles with her ability and make it a current thing for her. It gives Min an active emotional storyline that is about herself and not centered around Rand, which is a big plus for me.
For next season, it's fairly well confirmed that we're getting Faile, and I think the show is set up to do really well with her:
a. the fact that we're not getting Perrin's internal narration will do so much to combat the 'constantly possessive and jealous' vibe that she often has in the books, because she frequently does not act on it but is just feeling something and if Perrin didn't basically have telepathy, no one would know.
b. Perrin's previous marriage provides a good reason for his relationship with Faile to be much more of a slow burn than it was in the books, and also provide background on why he'll be over-protective of her without falling into Jordan's "Women Are Precious Frail Flowers" trap (which Jordan did realize was a flaw in his writing -- we see him trying to interrogate it over the course of the series. But sometimes he would fall into the trap anyway).
c. And Faile and Perrin's relationship being more of a slow-burn would also make Berelain be a less ridiculous character (if they choose to still have her & her pursuit of Perrin). I'm also fond of the (from reddit!) speculation that maybe Berelain will be Graendal in disguise, which would have the potential of working really well to bring Graendal in sooner and give Perrin a proper Forsaken nemesis.
We are likely to get Gawyn, and if he's our main PoV for split in the White Tower, rather than it being Min (who is going to be in the Tanchico storyline with Mat, if that leak from a couple of weeks ago is true), then the audience will be more inclined towards being sympathetic towards him. We're also not likely to have the huge slow-down in pacing that happened in the second half of the book series, so it won't feel like Gawyn is just marching in place for forever. He's definitely one of the characters who suffers the most from how slowly the plot moves in The Slog.
Less likely but still very possible (especially if the leak about Mat is true) is that we may meet Tuon next season, and the show has done so much to make Mat & Tuon more plausible as a romance, even before we get into anything like character development.
Partly in the difference in Mat's background, in his relationship with his parents, and also in the way his dynamics with characters like Liandrin and Ishamael were played out.
Plus the set-up for what the show is doing with damane & sul'dam is promising in terms of Tuon because the show has established that the sul'dam are very weak channelers (as opposed to being learners), which means that Tuon actively beginning to channel wouldn't be plot-breaking in terms of her capabilities and would just affect her on a narrative level, which makes that feel like a much more likely path for them to choose to go with her and which opens up some avenues for some genuine character growth from her, which would be an exciting change from the books.
And, on a more subjective note, I feel like Jordan really fell down on the writing of Mat and Tuon, especially in CoT & KoD, so basically anyone else taking them over is probably going to be an improvement for me.
The show also really established a strong personality for Mat off the bat, which is something that Jordan was pretty inconsistent about. 'Mat' doesn't really gel as an individual character until the third book when he gets a PoV; and then he changes in several ways between the end of Winter's Heart and the start of Crossroads of Twilight (which is only a week later); I think that 'Crossroads' Mat could have been plausible (if depressing) as a character if Jordan had actually worked up to him over the course of CoT & KoD rather than him abruptly becoming this New Slavery-Neutral "both sides are valid" Mat in-between books (in WH he has an actual ethical & visceral objection to slavery, while in CoT & KoD, he only seems to object to the idea of being personally enslaved and views it neutrally if other people are enslaved). But I've talked about all that before, lol, so I will just say that it feels like the show already knows who they want Mat to be and has taken a pretty bold stand on the subject (re: being a Hero of the Horn), so I don't think we'll see them dumping his brains and empathy overboard between seasons.
So, yeah, I know s3 is still filming, but I am already anticipating it so much!
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teecupangel · 7 months
Gonna pile yet another Animal!Desmond idea onto the…very big pile: Arctic fox Desmond! Just, foxes are already clever, fast, tricky, and well known around the world, but if he was an Arctic fox specifically, with Altaïr especially, he’d be seen as something supernatural cause…yknow…you don’t get pure white animals around the Levant.
I feel like this would go well with the ADHD Fox Desmond idea before.
Also, also, arctic foxes have seasonal coat morphs. For a white arctic fox, they’re white during winter and brown and light gray during summer.
So people would definitely think that something ‘unnatural’ is happening with him considering he changes color.
“I heard from a merchant that hails from the far east that there are spirits that can change into foxes.”
“Not this again.”
“No, hear me out.”
“Stop, brother. The last time someone dared say ill about Altaïr’s… animal companion… he was sent to clean the entire keep all by himself. The recruits were delighted to not be given the task for an entire week.”
“But that was Abbas. We all know his words are poisoned whenever it concerns Altaïr. I’m sure his punishment had less to do with his attempted ‘foxnapping’ and more because Al Mualim has finally had enough listening to him speak ill of his adopted son.”
“He’s not adopted.”
“He’s a step away from being adopted.”
“Not officially.”
“Argh, fine! Just… look! That merchant says that fox spirits are known to be intelligent tricksters. Sounds familiar?”
“Did you… did you just sigh at me? Come on, you know I’m right! That fox is too intelligent for it to be normal. Not only that but fox spirits are known to change into beautiful women that seduces men!”
“… if you have any specific inclinations, I would prefer it if you don’t tell me about it.”
“I’m not talking about me! I’m talking about those two.”
“… do you mean the Al-Sayf brothers?”
“Think about it! Malik Al-Sayf let that fox get away with everything. He feeds it food secretly! He talks to the fox like it could understand everything! And Kadar? Kadar treats that fox like it’s the damn sultan!”
“Alright, brother. Calm down. First of all: Kadar treats the fox with such care because it is Altaïr’s animal companion. We all know how Kadar feels for him.”
“And Malik likes animal. He feeds stray cats. We all know that.”
“Now, do you have other wild ideas in your head you wish to talk to me about.”
“No, brother.”
“Then return to your duties and speak of this to no one. If Altaïr was to hear of how you described his animal companion as a… ‘seducer of men’, not even our master can protect you from his wrath.”
“Of course. Thank you, brother. I’ll take my leave now.”
“Safety and peace.”
“Upon you as well, Rauf.”
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sosickoflostpassword · 4 months
It's pride month! Let's make a list of One Piece characters I head cannon as in the LGBT+ community!
First up is the Captain himself, Luffy
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Don't go getting too hot ladies and gents, this bachelor is off the market.
My opinion is that Luffy is Aro/Ace (not that one).
The reality is that unless you are food, friends, or adventure then you probably won't find yourself meaning much of anything to this delightfully joyous fellow.
In short the man has things to do and none of those things include sex or romance.
Top ships: none
Secondary ships: also none
Next up we got the navigator, Nami
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This pretty lady capture hearts wherever she goes!
My opinion is that she is Bisexual.
Man or woman you'll have a chance with her... for a price.
Just be sure to protect her and her treasure because she is not interested in the fighting thing. She's a damn queen and very much inclined to act like one.
Top ships: Zoro x Nami
Secondary ships: Sanji x Nami, Vivi x Nami, Wanda x Nami
Now let move on to the ships cook, Sanji!
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The man is complicated but hear me out.
It is my opinion that he is bisexual.
He cooks hard and simps harder but perhaps there's something going on underneath. He certainly has a soft side which he shows to women almost exclusively. (Key word is almost my friends)
He certainly likes women but perhaps he's overcompensating for something.
Top ships: Sanji x Nami (it would have been pudding if she was at all older but I digress)
Secondary ships: Sanji x Violette, Sanji x Ace
Speaking of Ace let's look at the little firecracker.
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Boy what a looker, and seems to me he thinks similarly about a lot of people because it is my opinion that Ace is ...
Whether you're sporting feminine, masculin, or neither energy Ace is the guy who's eating it up.
Just get him talking about his brother and he goes all mushy for you. Perhaps it's the genuine connection and interest in each other's lives and feelings that really get him going.
Top ships: Ace x Yamato
Secondary ships: Ace x Sanji, Ace x Vivi
Now let's talk about the top Ace partner for me.
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Bro heard the term "dress for the job you want not the job you have" and ran with it.
It is my opinion that Yamato/Oden is pansexual and transgender.
This can be quite the hot topic considering his reason for his transition and how he present himself but for me it is cut and dry. Guy says he's a dude and that's all that I'm gunna care about because let's be honest he is THE DUDE.
Yamato values his strength and values sincerity. He's fun loving and always looking for excitement in life. He found those values presented in his biggest idol, Oden. So it is my opinion that he did not change to be more like Oden but found courage in being himself because he discovered Oden.
Top ships: Ace x Yamato
Secondary ships: none
Who can talk about Trans icons in OP without including Kiku!
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Kiku lives her life unashamedly herself. She makes no fuss or muss about it either.
I have no head cannon regarding her sexuality as I got no vibes during my time watching her on screen of one or another but Kiku is, not just by my opinion but canonically, transgender.
Strong, elegant, and thoughtful her path in life did not take away from any of her responsibilities or ther seriousness in which she takes them. One of the ayakaza 9 samurai sworn ro protect Oden and his family. They certainly didn't have any I'll feelings towards her and her identity so why should anyone else.
Top ships: none at this time
Secondary ships: none
Let's dive more into gender identity actually by bringing forth the goat himself. The man. The myth. The legend.
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He is beauty, he is grace, he is missus steal your face.
It is my opinion that Bonclay is gender non conforming!
He goes by he him pronouns but makes no effort to explain nor justify his presentation or mannerisms. No should he! He's perfect the way he is.
I've seen no romantic vibes from Bon Chan as of now but he's too busy being the real MVP of every arc he appears in to have the time it would seem. And that's fine by me.
Top ships: none
Secondary ships: none
It's getting to be quite long so I will cap this off with the top of the top. THE person to go to in the one piece verse regarding gender and sexual identity.
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He? She? They? It doesn't matter. It's all the same to Ivankov who strikes me as Gender fluid in its purest form.
Believing a person's gender or appearance shouldn't limit them and that every single person should strive for true happiness within themselves regardless if that looks like how they were born or not!
Ivankov has a unique ability to help with that by injecting hormones into those willing (eh sometimes not) to bring about their truer selves.
Ivankov runs the Queendom! A land seemingly dedicated to challenging gender stereotypes with a beautiful scenic background to cap it off.
You're doing the lords work my friend.
Top ships: none
Secondary ships: none
If someone you head cannon in the LGBT+ community isn't on this list that's fine! I'm sure I didn't get them all and there are some that I probably don't head cannon that way. For example it is my opinion that Zoro, Brooke, Robin, and Franky are straight and cis. Jimbei I want to watch more of first and chopper, as a little child bean, doesn't feel right to me to be head cannoning in these ways.
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jomiddlemarch · 5 months
If into other hands these relics came
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John knew himself in possession of a rare moment of contentment.
Mariko knelt overlooking the courtyard and John sat beside her, his legs grown used to the contortions the men of the Japans undertook to achieve some repose. He had not yet stopped longing for a proper chair carved out of oak, with a back high enough to let him extend his legs, a plump cushion filled with goose-feathers snug at the small of his back. He knew if he tried to describe it to Mariko she would be puzzled, though perhaps less so than by his yearning for his old bed with its embroidered linens and curtains that could be drawn tight against a cold night. Mariko, puzzled, was a creature of such profound loveliness that he considered interrupting their idyll and beginning with an encomium upon the chair, when his gaze was caught by a subtle movement in the room to his left.
“May not Fuji-sama be at ease if I am?” he asked.
“She is conducting the rituals of mourning,” Mariko said.
John turned his head and squinted. Fuji was crouched in front of something obscured by her narrow shoulders, her head bent. She would be very still for a moment and then move, something about her suggesting a bird about to take flight.
He realized she was doing her damnedest not to cry.
“Is there a prohibition against tears?” he said. “It is not forbidden our women, ‘tis expected they weep over a lost babe, a husband taken untimely—"
Mariko pressed her lips together in such a way that John struggled to recall her ever smiling.
“She would never do anything to dishonor her family,” she said, which was no answer at all.
“”Twould not dishonor me, and she is my consort,” John said, rising. Feeling the pull along his bones, the strength of his flesh. He took a deep breath, better able to fill his lungs standing. “Come along, Mariko-sama, we must go to her.”
“She has no need of us,” Mariko said.
“You’re protecting her in some way, but you must not fear I shall harm her,” John said. “I would speak with her, need you to translate.”
“She will not want you there,” Mariko said. “Whatever you think to tell her, she won’t want to hear it.”
“How do you know?” 
“Your ways are not ours,” Mariko replied.
“Have you ever lost a child, Mariko-sama?” he asked.
“No, Anjin—”
“I have,” he said. “I would speak with my consort. Now, Mariko-sama.”
“Fuji-sama, I beg your pardon for interrupting you,” John said. His tread was still far heavier than any man of the Japans, so she had heard him approach and he hadn’t startled her. She’d been standing when he and Mariko came into the room, the low table with the two white boxes partly hidden by her robes. When he’d first arrived, he thought he’d never be able to tell one lady from another, their hair and eyes all the same hue, their complexions differing in the slightest manner, as one petal from another on the same blossom, but his eyes had grown more acute. If Mariko reminded him of a falcon, Fuji could only be a dove. Something about the curve of her cheek and lip made him sure she’d once been her family’s cossetted darling. There was a darkness in her gaze that told him she had dreams she could not bear to remember, dreams she could not bear to wake from.
Fuji inclined her head and murmured a response.
“She says, she awaits your request,” Mariko translated. As always, he wondered what had truly been said. It was no secret from him that Mariko chose carefully what she relayed, her own motives superseding his; he was at her mercy more than anyone’s other than Toranaga, for she spoke with his tongue and any deception or omission she made was one he might discover only when the blade struck his throat.
“I request only that she listen to me for a little while, nothing else,” he replied.
Fuji said something, clearly an assent, but one given with grace but no generosity.
John hadn’t expected anything different.
“Fuji-sama, you are my consort. I am hatamoto to our Lord Toranaga, but within this house, I am the master and what is acceptable to me is what is acceptable to those in my care and under my protection,” he said.
Mariko translated. He could only hope she made his words carry his intention.
Fuji bent her head, a show of deference. There was no overt condescension or disgust, but he wondered how she felt, a highborn lady given to a man who among his own people was of no particular elevation or honor.
"You need not attempt to conceal your mourning. Whatever the full ritual is, you may conduct it, without fear of my displeasure,” he said, allowing Mariko to speak. “You may shed tears for your dead, especially for the child. Your baby.”
Mariko gave him a long look, opened her mouth as if she would offer an argument or remonstrance.
“Tell her what I said, Mariko-sama. As I said it,” he said. He heard his tone—it was the captain’s voice, Toranaga’s, the lord who gave orders. He spoke as a husband to a wife honorably wed, as if he had not left Mary in London with his son and her belly full of the babe he’d never seen, named for his Queen, not the saint.
Mariko spoke and Fuji’s eyes widened. If she allowed herself the latitude, she would have gasped.
“I would have Fuji-sama know that if it is her wish, I would try to give her a child,” he said. Mariko looked stricken and he could see it; she had not had the wherewithal to conceal it from him. “I am a barbarian, I know this, but I am Lord Toranaga’s hatamoto and I have sired two healthy children. I would not impose myself upon Fuji-sama but I am willing to give her the chance of another child.”
“She would rather die,” Mariko said quickly.
“Let her tell me herself,” John replied. “Let her have that choice. Our Lord says be fruitful and multiply, does He not, Mariko-sama?”
“That will mean nothing to her,” Mariko said.
“But it means something to you,” he said. Mariko let her gaze to fall to the hem of her robe, where the petals of a blossoming tree were scattered as if blown by a wind instead of embroidered over a month of Sundays.
She turned so that her back was to him and spoke again to Fuji. This time, Fuji did cry out, a choked sound she stopped her a hand to her mouth. John bowed his head, holding the position longer than he would for anyone other than Toranaga. When he looked up again, Fuji was staring at him and her expression was incomprehensible to him, save that she did not appear either terrified or repulsed.
She said something, her voice soft, higher than Mariko’s, sounding younger than she must be. She might be cursing him, using the most obscene terms to reject him, but he would not know anything other than the sweetness of her tone, like a lark’s song at daybreak.
“She says she would not tie you so. That she would not risk your child, when it might suffer the same fate her son, should you fail,” Mariko said.
John smiled.
“She doesn’t think much of my chances,” he remarked. “She may well know better than I. Tell her the offer stands, but that I appreciate her consideration and I understand she honors me by listening to what I have said. Joy perhaps will elude her in this world, but I would see her at peace, if I am able to give it to her.”
“She must find her own peace,” Mariko said.
“She may have help, Mariko-sama,” he said. “If she sought it from me, it would be given and gladly.”
“And I?”
“You may have my soul if it would give you a moment’s ease,” he said, surprising himself almost as much as Mariko.
“That’s heresy,” she said slowly.
“Blasphemy I think is more accurate,” John said. “But if it’s the truth, I can’t see the Lord will hold it against me.”
Mariko’s eyes suggested she would hold it all, against him and for him, asleep and awake, however far she would retreat within herself.
“We should let Fuji return to her duties,” Mariko said.
“Tell her to do as she will,” John said. He didn’t wait for Mariko to translate, simply turned his back and began to walk out of the room.
She followed after uttering a word or two, the language still largely incomprehensible to him. They returned to the veranda overlooking the courtyard, though there was no way to regain the tranquil satisfaction he’d felt earlier.
“You would have lain with her then?” Mariko said. 
It was possible, it was not impossible that she was jealous. That she was not concealed behind a fence or a what he imagined when she’d described it, a briar full of thorns, very small, very white flowers scattered amidst the tangle, but present beside him, something within her claiming him for herself, as if he had not already abandoned one wife for the sea and then again for the Japans.
“It would not have been for pleasure, for the clouds and the rain,” he said. The sky was overcast, the light diffuse, fading, harder to sail by, if one wished to sail away. “I would have striven to give her a child, that she might have a babe to suckle, to hold against her heart. Against the dark.”
“You cannot replace what is lost,” Mariko said. “You could not have helped finding ecstasy.”
“Only release, Mariko-sama,” he said. “Do you not wish for it, you and Fuji-sama, the release of death? I would find a briefer respite and perhaps she would find there was peace to be had with a new child. His eyes would not have been blue.”
“You don’t know that,” she said.
“No, I don’t,” he said. “I find I know hardly anything, but sometimes, I am still right.”
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kiwisfics · 1 year
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Summary: Jealous Werewolf fluff. I will not apologize. Fluff.
A/N: I have... a lot of were-animal ocs so I think writing stuff like this is so fun. The parcel bomb reference is toward how Dick and S/O met in most of my Dick fics. Roy only got dragged into this because he was the first person that came to mind after Oliver. I might have started more WIPs instead of finishing old ones but... I went off the deep end with my Dick hyperfixation.
C/W: Jealousy, territorial and possessive Dick, but not necessarily in a toxic way. Protective Damian makes an appearance.
The pack tended to be closeknit. It was expected of packs, so the curiosity of a new person wearing the scent of the Waynes was fair. Even more so when the person wearing the scent was a human.
 The scent overwhelming the rest of the family’s was Dick Grayson’s—noticeably sweeter and less sharp than the rest of the pack’s tended to be—which drew its own attention from the attendees of the gala. A couple of the women sent her scathing looks, but she choose to ignore them. Dick and the rest of the family had all given her fair warning that some of the attendants might be annoyed over a human taking one of their own off of the market.
Dick’s scent and the fact that she was a human didn’t deter some of the men’s attention being placed on her. She ignored it just as totally as she ignored the glares, far more interested in keeping her head down and not making a scene that Bruce would need to smooth over.
Damian was hovering at her hip, flashing warning looks at anyone who came too close or stared for too long. Wolves weren’t any more dangerous than the humans of Gotham generally, but he remained vigilant regardless. Besides, wolves did tend to be territorial over their pack members, especially if it was a human being welcomed among them.
“The bodyguard act seems a little unnecessary, Dami.”
Said boy huffed in response, “You can’t be allowed to roam unattended in this den of wolves.”
“Well, I walk around the manor all the time without an escort.”
“Hey, that’s a little rude, bird.” Dick’s chin rested against her shoulder as he appeared, apparently finished with meeting his socializing quota of the night. She could practically feel the glares of the women that he’d left behind to return to her side.
“You’re literally wolves. It’s in the title.” She teased him as he tilted his head to take a not-so-subtle sniff at her neck. She didn’t acknowledge the affection until he began to nuzzle against her. “Are you seriously marking me right now? Didn’t you do a good enough job before we got here? You were doing this exact thing for thirty minutes straight.”
“A little extra never hurts. Besides, you’re starting to pick up on other packs’ scents.”
“You’re one to talk. I can practically smell the perfume of all those girls clinging onto you and I’m not even a wolf.”
“I don’t like how people are looking at you.” He mumbled the words with his face still tucked against her neck, being bold enough to nip at her pulse lightly.
She bit back a surprised squeak at the bite, “Yeah, well, I don’t like how they’re looking at you either. At least the ones staring at me have an excuse. I’m the only human here, of course they’re staring.”
Before Dick could reply, a familiar voice caught their attention, “Hey, [Name]!”
She perked up instantly, while Dick grumbled something under his breath before pulling away from her neck and standing straight. His arm wrapped around her shoulders possessively, but there was nothing unusual about that.
“Hey! What’re you doing here, Roy?”
Dick didn’t give him a chance to answer, “I didn’t know Bruce invited Ollie.”
Roy’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she had the distinct impression that there was some kind of wolfy interaction occurring beneath the two’s words. “He did, but Jason actually invited me.”
Dick huffed, the sound an obvious inclination that he was annoyed. “I didn’t know you knew [Name].”
“Met her through Jason. I didn’t know that you two were mates.”
Dick fixed the other male with a glare, teeth clenching and eyes narrowing like he’d said something offensive. [Name] had never seen him take a stance like he did now, back straight as a rod and shoulders squared to make himself bigger. If she hadn’t been so close to both of the men, she might have been worried, but, really, it was just cute to see him get so jealous over something so small, especially when he’d only moments before been drowning in the midst of a group of well-dressed women vying for his attention.
She placed her hand on his chest, turning herself against his side as she did, which gave him the opportunity to pull her even closer. “Dick, it’s-” She was cut off by an unfamiliar sound rumbling in his chest. “Are you growling?”
The question seemed to snap him out of whatever territorial mindset he’d entered and his attention was suddenly back on her, a guilty look in his eyes that reminded her of a misbehaved puppy.
“It’s okay.” She had to bite back her laugh at the look he was giving her, like he was fully convinced she was about to shove him away from her so she could make a run for it, “You didn’t scare me. And I’m not mad that you’re jealous.”
Roy snickered behind her, and she sent him a sharp side-eye. That was all it took for him to raise his hands and back away.
“I didn’t know that you knew any other wolves.” He lowered his head again to hide against her neck, more in a bid for affection than an attempt to mark her this time.
“I met him not long after the parcel bomb thing. Jason was on guard duty one night and Roy crashed the party looking for Jason. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s not.” He took a breath, releasing whatever tension remained in his muscles, “You don’t have to tell me everyone you know. Don’t think that. I was just being jealous. You didn’t do anything wrong. That was all me.”
“Well, I can’t blame you. You pick up on a lot more than me, so if I’m jealous of all the girls looking at you, then I’m sure you’re way more jealous of all the guys eyeing me. Even if they’re only looking at me because I’m a human.”
“They’re not. If Damian wasn’t giving them looks that could kill, I guarantee at least half of the men staring would be trying to make a move on you.” He growled against her neck, his grip on her hips tightening.
“We can go, if you want.”
He pulled away from her to meet her eyes, “You’re sure? If you want to stay, I don’t want to be the reason you think we should-”
“Dick, I am in the most nauseating dress I’ve ever worn. If it gets me out of this dress, then I’d gladly go to work right now. I would love to spend my time with you outside of this stupid gala.” She got to her tiptoes as he stood straight and got as close to his ear as she could, careful to whisper it as low as she could with the heightened senses of the other attendants in mind, “You look better in the Nightwing suit than the tux anyway.”
If he’d had a tail at the moment, she was sure it’d be wagging.
“Then what are we waiting for? After you.” He gave a dramatic bow as he gestured to the exit.
She patted Damian on the head as she moved towards the door, “If Bruce asks, say something came up.”
Damian wrinkled his nose in disgust, “I’m not lying just so you two can go tongue-wrestle.”
“I’ll tell Alfred that I broke the vase in the living room.”
There was no hesitation, “Deal.”
“Works every time.”
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
The idea that Ned would make Lyanna marry Robert post-Tower of Joy is crazy. Ned's more likely to straight up lie to Robert and tell everyone Lyanna died while secretly hiding her in Winterfell/North. Ned would gaslight everyone just to protect her and her child.
I think people see Ned’s general patriarchal attitude and think “he’s just like every other man in this series” and in a lot of ways he definitely is! I think he is frustratingly paternalistic and has this mindset that like, a woman’s ✨honor✨ such that it exists is worth less than a man’s, that it means less than a man’s and it does lead him to do some really awful stuff! Keeping Sansa in the dark, dealing with Cersei the way he did, the way he is only ~indulging~ Arya but not actually empowering her, physically & emotionally harming Cat when she asks about Jon, these are all objectively terrible decisions he makes specifically because he falls into this trap that women are just like, Not People As Deeply As Men Are.
But also. Ned is not like other men in many important ways!! There are situations where I do think Ned would be inclined to order Lyanna to enter a marriage she doesn’t want but after the Tower of Joy? When he’s walked in and she has nearly died of childbirth, and she’s holding a baby boy she’s too afraid to name herself - or one she’s given a Targaryen name too! - after accidentally kicking off an entire civil war because of her misery at the thought of marrying Robert??? COME ON!
I think pre-Jon Snow, nothing short of Lyanna telling Ned specifically “if you make me marry Robert I’m going to kill myself” would make him pause in bulldozing over her feelings. I think he’d try to help her in his own way. I think he’d agree to live at Storm’s End for a while, I think he’d offer to foster his own children with her to make her feel more like she’s at home, I think he’d talk to Robert about doing things to cheer her up, and I do think he’d step in if he saw Robert hit her, but he wouldn’t actively help her escape her marriage. At MOST, in my opinion, he would talk to Rickard about marrying her closer to home or sending a large group of Northerners south with her. That may not seem like a lot - and it’s NOT! - but again. Even Viserys II was capable of realizing that sometimes a marriage is detrimental to a woman’s health. Ned “I’m willing to completely tank my reputation and commit treason for over a decade just to honor my sister’s memory” Stark is objectively capable of looking at his sickly sister and her newborn and go “yeah handing you over to Robert is probably a death sentence.” It goes hand in hand with the idea of Ned being an “honorable fool” that Ned is too honorable, patriarchal, and foolish to not realize Lyanna and Jon are in active danger if they go back to KL and marry Robert. Ned may be dumb but he’s not stupid‼️
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theflirtmeister · 6 months
commented this on the post instead of sending an ask OOPS, if you're still doing the 500 word fics - hoffstrahm + backshots if you feel so inclined <333
Ao3 Link!
Peter had never had sex in an office before he met Mark Hoffman. In actual fact, he’d never experienced a lot of things before encountering the Detective, such as screaming at a murder suspect, or shoving a pen in his throat. Hoffman had changed him, warped him. It made Peter want to scream.
“C’mon,” Hoffman was bent over the desk, trousers yanked down to mid-thigh so that Peter could fuck him. “We’ve only got half an hour before-“
“I know,” Peter snapped, rummaging through his wallet. “I thought I had a condom.”
“Fuck condoms.” Hoffman groaned and wriggled his ass. “I’m not going to get pregnant.”
Peter tried not to jizz in his own hand, and gave up on looking at the foil packet that was probably expired by now. His father had always drilled it into him to use protection, but he was presuming his son would be spilling his load into hot young women, and not a potential serial killer.
He placed his hands on Hoffman’s ass and spread his cheeks apart, cock twitching at the sight of lube dripping from Hoffman’s hole. He groaned under his breath, and pressed the head of his cock inside, hot velvet skin enveloping him. It was almost too much, and he pushed himself in, taking pleasure in the way that Hoffman hissed and clenched around his cock.
“Fuck you’re big,” Hoffman said, voice muffled.
“Liar,” Peter said, and snapped his hips forward. Skin connected with skin, and Hoffman’s ass rippled with the force of it. Peter wanted to bite him, wanted to leave hickeys all over him, blooming blue and purple.
“God,” Hoffman braced himself against the desk. “Harder.”
“I’m not even trying yet,” Peter said, irritated, and dragged Hoffman closer, fucking into him. “You’re a brat.”
“You’re a shitty top,” Hoffman replied, and Peter pistoned his hips, enough that Hoffman gasped out, and stopped making stupid comments.
“There we go,” Peter said through gritted teeth. “There we fucking go, keep nice and quiet. Just shut up and let me fuck you.”
“Fuck,” Hoffman drooled, “Yeah, that’s good. C’mon. More.”
“You’re a whore.” Peter said, sliding his hand up Hoffman’s back to hold him by the neck. “Is this all you think about? Getting cock?”
“Yeah,” Hoffman breathed. “Yeah, all I think about is you.”
“Disgusting,” Peter said. “Do you jerk off at your desk? Cum underneath it like a teenager?”
“Bathroom,” Hoffman clenched around Peter’s cock, so tight that it almost made Peter cry. “Jerk off in the bathroom. Think about you. Pinning me up against the stall.”
“You’re a creep,” Peter said. “I should report you.”
“Yeah?” Hoffman drawled. “Before or after you’ve cum inside me?”
Peter tightened his grip around Hoffman’s neck and felt his vocal cords vibrate as Hoffman moaned. His own throat was still ruined from stabbing a pen into it, and he could still remember the tearing of skin, the pleasure of pain.
“You like putting your hands on me?” Hoffman wheezed. “You like it?”
“I don’t,” Peter said, increasing his thrusts. “I hate touching you.”
“You love it,” Hoffman said, satisfied. “You love hurting me. You love how – how brutality feels.”
“Oh shut the fuck up,” Peter said, and squeezed so tight that Hoffman squealed like the pig he was. “And let me cum in you.”
“Promise?” Hoffman slurred, and Peter drove his cock home hard.
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theforgottenmcrmy · 2 months
live reactions to house of the dragon season 2, episode 7
as always, this is just for fun🖤
spoilers below the cut
Has EVERY episode’s intro been slightly different this season, or am I losing it?👀
Getting right into it.
I’m going with others on this one in saying Rhaenyra initially might have believed Laenor had returned🥲
Syrax and Seasmoke reunion is probably not what they would have imagined either…
Addam: “you gotta believe me, this dragon chose ME😅😅😅”
Alicent talking about women being cast aside or hated as though she did not facilitate BOTH of those things being done to Rhaenyra many times over🫥
So it was Seasmoke Rhaena tried to claim previously, and it “nearly devoured her”…. And yet they expected better results with someone who had even less Targaryen (AND Velaryon) blood than Rhaena?😅
“What if the rider? Do we know who he is?” YOU should know him, Corlys😂
I love you Rhaenyra but Syrax isn’t give Aemond and Vhaegar any second thoughts😅😅😅
“A common shipwright vows to serve you, while your brother seeks to destroy you.” Nothing but facts here 🫡
“Let us raise an army of bastards.” POETIC JUSTICE, IM HERE FOR IT 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
“Well done” is all Corlys has to say. Not sure why part of me expected more.
I love how Oscar Tully isn’t scared of Daemon. Tell him like it is, my lord.
The fish scale looking armor is so cool.
Ser Simon’s looking nervous as hell😅😂
“The King in the Riverlands!” “The King in the-“ oh wait, wrong show😅
Wait, what’s going on👀👀👀
Wowwwww, Daemon’s really just gonna stand by while this goes down?!?
Oh wait, it’s even WORSE, WTF——-
See, I’ve let most of the changes slide without comment, but now this is a change that I HAVE to comment on. How are we supposed to believe that House Blackwood won’t be bitter with Daemon now after what happened to Willem?! And they were one of Rhaenyra’s most steadfast supporters in Fire and Blood, no?!?!
Aegon’s looking 20+ older😅
I wish I could feel more sympathetic for Aegon. But I remember what he did in season 1, and I’m not willing to overlook it.
Alicent gave up on parenting her Aegon, so Larys is stepping up😇
“I am of salt and sea.” Isn’t that almost verbatim what Baela told Corlys the heir to Driftmark needed to be?👀
Noooooo, please don’t send the children to Pentos😭
Rhaena “time to shoot my shot” Targaryen. Just like her mother with Vhaegar.
“Mongrels.” *”really?!* look from Rhaenyra😂
“Did you think I would have dark hair?” WE CANNOT HAVE THIS CONVO RIGHT NOW, please. My heart cannot take this….
I stg if this is there last serious convo before the Gullet…
Jace begging Rhaenyra not to pursue the lowborn dragonriders in order to protect his own claim in the future… echoes to young Rhaenyra arguing with Viserys about being replaced with Alicent’s children💔
Also, Jace foreshadowing almost verbatim as to what will happen with the two Betrayers…
I’ve decided Ulf isn’t a Targaryen bastard at all, just a drunk who crafted a clever lie to keep him drinking for free.
Now Hugh, on the other hand- I’m more inclined to believe his story. Regardless of what happens.
Really? The dragon keepers abandoning Rhaenyra in her hour of need? It’s a good thing they didn’t exist in the book, because something tells me if they did, they wouldn’t have done that🤷🏼‍♀️
Rhaenyra’s outfit though👌🏻
As happy as I am to see Baela present and offering her support, Jace’s absence is even more apparent🥲
Also, and this is extremely random, I love how whenever we have Dragonstone scenes, we can always hear dragons in the background. Makes the emptiness in GOT scenes in Dragonstone heavier.
Loveeee that some of these “Targaryen bastards” have dark hair. Lends weight to Targaryen white/silver hair need not always be dominant as proof of parentage.
I wanna know how they summoned Vermithir TO the cave… or are there like different caves/“nests” for each dragon?👀 because if that’s true, that’s cool as hell and also extremely practical
They really all dipped as soon as possible😅
Did Ulf just get swept away, or-
The amount of foreshadowing with Rhaenyra this season is actually insane
Oooo, calling it now, Ulf is gonna go wandering out, and find Silverwing along the way.
Damn, Vermithor really out here just having a snack until he finds who he’s looking for👀
Hugh being claimed by trying to save someone else’s life says something… still wandering what on earth goes wrong
Aw, Vermithor looks kinda happy. Do you think he’s been lonely all these years without the Old King?🥲
Silverwing really just casually nudging Ulf away from her eggs like😂😂😅
Then immediately going, “we gonna go for a flight now, or?!”
Imagine being a peasant in King’s Landing, being on the brink/in the middle of war, knowing almost all Targaryens (that you’re aware of) have dragons of their own, and all the sudden seeing the dragon of Good Queen Alysanne with a new rider, just flying about King’s Landing…
That ending shot though!!!!!🖤🖤🖤🔥🔥🔥
King’s Landing, a certain queen is coming for you🤭🖤
I will not survive next week if the Gullet is now moved to season 3. Please💔💔💔
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avionvadion · 2 months
Okay it's me again. Has Sesshomaru accidentally overheard Irene saying stories of some people not like her in her time period because of her tomboyish attitude with Rin and sometimes Jaken? Practically not all women act feminine apparently and not all of them have a damsel in distress mindset. That Diana woman is practically a whore for some reason. I think she doesn't understand that.... People in both the past and present have different preferences.
…Irene has no problems with being a “tomboy”. At least nothing that’s ever bothered her. Of the many reasons she has trauma, that’s not one of them. 😅 As for if Sess will know what those reasons are… soon. Very soon.
As for Diana… she… isn’t a whore??? I’m not sure why you would call her that??? She’s a Quarter-Dutch, Quarter-Spoilers, Half Japanese woman trying to survive in the warring states era of 1550s Japan where she is widely unaccepted. Like, the Sakoku Edict is only like a good seventy-ish years off from happening. Japan is like 30/70 towards foreigners during when the fic is taking place. The best way for a woman survive in that time period is to marry high and marry well.
Diana was abandoned by her Uncle who left her to go back overseas to try and find their grandmother’s homeland. She refuses to let herself be abandoned again. She found Ryuno, saw her chance, and took it. He’s handsome, a powerful demon, perfect to protect her. So she helped him and used her charms to make him fall for her.
But then she met the human Lord Akamatsu. Not so handsome, but has great power and wealth and maaaaany soldiers. She’d be in a position of power if she married him. So she abandoned Ryuno (because if anyone does the abandoning it’ll be her). But, because of Irene and Sesshomaru, she’s realized that Lord Akamatsu doesn’t actually respect her and might just replace her the first chance he gets. But Sesshomaru, who is beautiful, strong, elegant, and powerful, clearly respects Irene.
Diana looks like Irene. At that moment, to her, putting on an act so the people around won’t look at her badly (or toss her away) and so she can win Sesshomaru over seemed like the best choice of action. To the nobles and servants, Diana was “sacrificing herself” to “save” them from Sesshomaru’s wrath.
He’s respects Irene. He appeared to rescue Irene. Diana, who looks like Irene, is, according to the standards of that time period, more beautiful. She is elegant, poised, has the extremely long hair, and is educated. She firmly believed there was no way Sesshomaru would refuse her, as she is the arguably “more beautiful” of the two of them, and that with her similarity to Irene he may feel inclined to take her with him. (He doesn’t)
It’s not a matter of understanding or not understanding preferences. It’s the fact that Sesshomaru has a soft spot for Irene, Diana resembles Irene, and that Diana fits the beauty standards of the Muromachi Period more than Irene, with her rough language, rude mannerisms, and short hair ever could.
Like, Diana IS kind of a bitch. But she ain’t a whore. She’s just trying to survive in the only way she knows how.
Anastasia. Irene. Diana.
They are ALL trying to survive. They just have different ways of doing so.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Gonna go find me a Venusian man. Only they can fix me now. Literally the perfect man for me I think would be a Venusian.
Me lmfao 😂🤭
Manifesting a healthy evolved Venusian man for u bbg, YOU DESERVE IT 🥺✨😩🤌🏻
I know I hype Venusian men up a lot etc but I just want to take this opportunity to say that they're not immune to being flawed.
It's just that I have more patience for a Venusian man's flaws than I do for other planetary types. At the end of the day, it's about what you're willing to put up with 👀
An imbalanced and immature Venusian man will be a womanizer, they have a crazy high libido but they don't enjoy sex for its own sake because of their Venusian nature BUT they will keep chasing that high repeatedly and it WILL corrode them from within.
Sex addicted Venusian men who sleep around always look like they're rotting
Venus naks are predominant in the charts of many many notorious sex offenders 😭😭😭💀 (including Harvey Weinstein 🤡)
Venusian men take their "I wanna spoil my woman" thing a little too far sometimes. It can feel like all they want is a pretty little doll to play dress up with and look at. They'll give you everything but it can feel empty if you're not in the right headspace for it.
Venusian men are very masculine men. If you're not comfortable with a guy with a heightened sense of masculinity, they're not the ones for you. They're kind of traditional in the sense that it hurts their pride immensely if they can't be the guy who protects and provides. If you're someone who is very independent, they're NOT the ones for you.
They'll cashapp you money and ask you to go get your nails done and many women will enjoy that kind of treatment but I can also see how many others will feel like they're being talked down to or something 😖
Venusian men fall for women who are feminine, a bit trad yet still freaky (the whole lady in the streets but stripper under the sheets bit was written by a Venusian man for sure) and they expect you to be that way always. This can be exhausting for anyone who isn't naturally inclined to be like that. All they want is for you to be pretty and be submissive enough to make them feel like a man 🫣so if you just run your life by yourself and act like you don't "need" him, you'll end up hurting his feelings.
The key is to never need anything from any man but to make him feel like you do 😈
They really really enjoy showing off their partner like she were a trophy. They take pride in being with their woman. But if you feel uncomfortable being a little bit objectified then Venusian men are not for you 🚫 they very much think of their woman as a status symbol and take immense pride in bagging beautiful women so 😬😬he may speak of you like a conquest at times
If you have a low libido, stay away from Venusian men bc they have to bang all the time 😩😩
Also they can be very cheesy and cringey. Their displays of affection can be very over the top at the most unwarranted of occasions.
I know that sounds like a good thing but bbg it gets tiring after a while cause it can feel performative and it is but Venusians just are performative by nature. They LOVE putting on a show.
If you can't stand a man being lowkey deranged and highly obsessed, texting you 24/7 and remembering every random detail (can feel stalker-y or like your space/privacy is being invaded) then Venus is not the way to go. They'll drool all over you and sing praises to you 24/7 to such an extent that you'll just be like "ok give it a rest king I've had my fill" lmao
If you're insecure about being complimented then a Venus man will be hell bc all they do is compliment their lady. I know some people think others complimenting you is fake etc and are disgusted by it but yeah you'll get the ick from Venus men that way 😬😬
Honestly Venus attracting Venus makes sense bc only a Venusian women could put up with all this and not feel exhausted and even enjoy it. Obviously everyone's a mix of influences and you absolutely can find a Venus man even without being Venusian but you should have a lot of Yin to be naturally receptive to their giving energy
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This may be a controversial opinion, but am I the only one who thinks a lot of the people who rave about Astarion either have a very shallow understanding of his character or are only attracted to/ interested in the shallow aspects? I could be completely wrong, I'm just going by the impressions I got prior to playing.
Before I started playing, the main thing I understood about Astarion from stuff I saw on social media was that people thought he was hot-- honestly, even now, still not my type -- and that he was super toxic. So I started playing fully expecting to really dislike him because, for personal reasons, I have an EXTREMELY sensitive red flag detector and, once it goes off, I can't enjoy the person/ character anymore. (And, yes, this makes dating men impossible and women terrify me, so chronically single it is!)
Imagine my surprise when, not only do those detector not go off, but i actually really enjoy his character. Can be be an absolute dick? Yes, absolutely. Is he generally more inclined to look after himself first and not go out of his way to help strangers? Also, yes. Given his history, not all that surprising. But, to me, a lot of his "toxic" traits feel highly performative and more of a defense mechanism than actual personality flaws.
What made me really like his character is that he is and can be so much more than the trauma he went through and the steps he's taken to protect himself. I was very much on the fence about him until his reaction to my Tav telling the creepy blood lady to get lost. The man genuinely thought she would just tell him to go ahead and bite the crazy lady and he'd already resigned himself to it. That's beyond horrifying.
It really feels like he has been very misrepresented by people who claim to love him to people who know nothing about the game. If you like Astarion for being toxic, I'm not trying to judge, to each their own and it's a game. It's meant to be fun and to be enjoyed. Enjoy it in whatever way you see fit. It just makes me a bit sad that people outside of the fandom really only get to see that side of him.
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nerves-nebula · 9 months
Nigerian living in Nigeria here and I really really don't think you should come over. We are currently in a very very anti trans and anti lgbtq period. If anybody were to find out you were trans you'll be super unsafe. I know this advice is unsolicited and you didn't particularly say you were coming here but as a queer trans person who's unable to transition and is currently stuck in this country, I feel increasingly unsafe and things are getting worse.
If you were to come, you probably would have to make sure you pass as a woman really really well and have backup plans to leave the country quick if you were found out.
I've noticed ppl have started to pay more attention to how I dress and noticing me binding my chest and dressing masculine, no one paid that much attention to that a few years ago but now ppl can't seem to shut the fuck up about it
We have a thriving queer community here, we are small yes but we know how to find each other. The problem is they are no laws to protect us and the average person thinks we are devil worshippers. Ppl who get caught by the police have to bribe their way out of prison and it isn't even the police you have to worry about, it's the ppl around you.
The beard thing can be passed of as genetics if it isn't a full one, we have a lot of women with facial hair, but if you give of any hint that you aren't cis you'll be in trouble.
And it also depends on the area you would be visiting too. Gated communities tend to mind their business and it easier to be a moderately rich queer person than a poor one. The rich can choose where they can go and who they can interact with while poorer queer ppl have to interact with ppl who are more likely to hurt them
If you're sure you can pass as a cis woman then come if you can't and you don't have any support systems that would protect your best interest in the country then I advice you stay in America. Nigerians barely ever protest(at least ppl outside unions) yet average ppl were protesting the legalisation of gay ppl just this year
The climate here is complicated, we have very popular trans and queer influencers that have millions of followers but it isn't that hard to find a video of a transwoman getting beat up. If you're rich with parents that'll turn the other way you're must likely good if not sorry for you 🤷🏿
If you do think you'll be able to manage I don't mind helping in any way I can
thanks for giving me the general vibe, it's definitely something i was wondering about so i genuinely appreciate it. i think i can still pass for a woman (one with a slightly deep voice but tbh it's no that deep. I've still got breasts and everything so at most they'll think I'm like. a masculine looking cis woman, idk)
I dont have like a full BEARD beard i think i'd have to shave what i do have cuz my sister, who has already visited with my dad, says i prolly got too much facial hair to pass it off as genetics.
the issue i'm worried about is my dad telling people i'm trans. i don't even know if he knows that i'm transgender or what, but he knows i'm on testosterone.
I wouldn't come over if I didn't think I was safe. and that's the issue that i'm grappling with cuz I'm not entirely sure what my dad will say/do. i don't think he'll beat me or anything since he hasn't done that with his other, way more volatile and argumentative children. that's like, not a fear i have about him. but i'm not sure if he'll tell the people around us about me or endanger me in some way.
my inclination is to say no, but he and my mom have done equally awful stuff when i thought "surely they wouldn't do that" so I'm not sure. I don't think my dad is rich, but i don't know exactly. he has a lot of connections and has worked in the government and when my oldest sister visited, she said he had armed guards that escorted them everywhere. so that's probably a good sign? but that was a few years ago.
i wouldn't go by my real name or pronouns there, that's for damn sure, but I'm worried I'd forget the little things about me that show I'm trans. for example, my favorite jacket has a trans flag painted on it and my backpack has a pronoun pin. those are easy to side step obviously, just remove the pin and don't bring the jacket- but I'm worried about little things like that slipping through the cracks because i'm not used to hiding them.
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nugulover69 · 6 days
What if Sakura and Mira switching team? Or Jou and Masumi? I want Akashi to take care of Taiya's puppies, or maybe train them with his usual tough love.
Oooo the situations that could be had
I imagine Sakura would probably be cool with Taiya, bc he is committed to his duties. hell she might even relate to him a lil since he's not the most open emotionally just like her. ISHIRO on the other hand would be soooooo livid with her bc how DARE this WOMAN try to strategize with HIS TAIYA. THATS HIS JOB >:(
Jou is a stupid obedient pubby who clearly needs an authority figure to tell him what to do so he'd LOVE her. she would NOT like Sakito and Byoon D, loiterers not focused on the team's mission. she would be copacetic with Genba and she would likely just go along with Taiya's orders of "let him deal with his problems on his own", even if she doesn't think its right
As for Mira the Boukenger, Akashi would def be fond of her moxie, although her bumbling and lack of dexterity could be worked on. Souta would have similar feelings, plus he'd honestly find Mira's affable and strongly independent self very attractive
Her and Natsuki would get along like gangbusters, genki girlies uniteeeee. Masumi doesn't seem to like women generally AND Mira is the kind to actually snap back when someone is acting up, so there's tussles to be had there
The boons would hate Masumi so bad. him and Ishiro would get into the sissiest slap fight ever seen by man. maybe he'd push Taiya to have one emotion via being such an unrestrained cunt. Sakito and Genba would get big kicks out of teasing him tho
Jou would fit like a glove in the boukens. that boy loves receiving orders and protecting people. he'd be like having a male Natsuki around. Souta takes up Genba's job of lightly razzing him
Regarding Boon!Chief, I think the boons deserve a red that actually cares abt their well being and complements them to their faces. I think Ishiro would be so overwhelmed by the genuine niceness he'd puke. Mira and Jou would just enjoy being directly appreciated at least
I think he could fix Genba actually. like he'd also let Genba go off on his own, maybe to find his own treasure or something like that, BUT he'd be like Mira and Jou and reaffirm how beloved and needed he is and that he can always return to them. also he'd whipped Sakito into shape right quick. he's dealt with a manchild in Masumi before. Sakito's whimsy is helpless in the face of a chad red
I don't think the boukens would like Taiya much. like he'll do his job gladly but he's not much a leader ya know, he's more inclined to let others figure their own strategies out. the boukens are not incapable of doing things w/o Akashi ofc but a detached leader won't instill high morale
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The Dream - Chapter Twenty.
I’ll be honest, I was in two minds whether to post this after yesterday, but I realised that not doing so would be ultimately punishing people who don’t deserve to be, people who have always been so nice and kind, all because one person wasn’t. I feel a bit sad and dejected today, even though I understand that I need to improve and do accept that. I have a kind offer of help from someone close to me, which I’m going to accept with anything new I write. 
Until then, I’ll keep posting this as normal because I’ve finished it in the writing now, and I don’t want to mess with it too much and compromise what I’ve built, whether that’s authentic characterisation or not. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen  Nineteen
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Words - 2,823
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Look, Aaron. I ain’t gonna expect us to be instant best friends or whatever, and I don’t expect you to instantly change your opinion on me, but I just wanna settle something for you. Who I am and what I do, they’re not the same. The MC, while it’s a big part of me, it ain’t all of me, you get me? Your friend out there, she’s gonna become a big part of me, too, and imma treat her right. Fuck, I haven’t always been the best guy in that respect in the past, but it’s different with her.”
Aaron didn’t look away once as Angel explained himself, the latter seeing at last what Keri had always mentioned she loved about her friend, how engaging he was when someone was talking to him. “Hey, we’re good, alright? I think I had my head shoved up my ass a little, not to see the plain simplicity you’ve just pretty succinctly explained there. I mean, I still have my reservations, but at the end of the day, it’s Keri’s choice to be with you. I think I’m just naturally being more protective as any guy friend is with his girls, who has witnessed this one in particular get involved with a couple who’ve been fucking walking disasters, too.”
From the few conversations they’d had about exes, Angel did get that distinct impression. Her last significant relationship, which had been with a guy name Christian had ended badly, Keri at least glad that when he’d finished with her, he’d been honest about the fact that he’d found a connection with someone else he wanted to pursue prior to actually acting upon it. What had angered her was that the connection had been to Faye, her former friend. It was something she didn’t mention often, and he understood why she didn’t.
In the months that had followed, any other guy she’d dated had turned out to be, as Aaron correctly stated, a walking disaster. Angel got it, his need to be protective. On paper, he was another walking disaster, if his past with women was taken into consideration. He hadn’t really shown the maturity or the inclination to be part of a committed, adult relationship prior to when he’d got together with Lucy, his most recent ex-girlfriend. She’d made him better, though, and he would continue being better now he was very much with Keri.
“Yeah.” Angel raised his eyebrows, swigging his beer. “She told me about a couple of those guys. I ain’t them. Might have been, once upon a time, but I’m thirty-six, man. Gotta grow up at some point.”  
Aaron nodded, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “I appreciate your honesty, I really do. You’re not trying to con me with any bullshit to make me like you, and thus that makes me see the sincerity in you all the more. Anyway, enough of this. Shall we go and get Ash wasted? Won’t take much.”  
A smile widened his mouth. “Apparently, he’s getting better. I think that’s a theory we should test.” Aaron began laughing, reaching for the bottle of Fireball he’d brought with him as Angel scanned the apartment. “Hey yo, Ash! Get over here.”
The man himself made his way over, Keri, Jaime, Frankie and Rachel all joining them, shots being sunk as the party continued like nothing bad had ever happened. However, Keri did touch upon it, when it was just her and Angel, after very rapidly pulling him into the bedroom when no one was looking.  
“What you did for me, wow,” she began, pulling him down to her level, stroking his face, kissing him softly. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a guy stand up for me like that before. It was a little scary, but also, sexy as hell to witness just how much you love me, the lengths you’d go to in order to defend me.”  
Their kisses quickly gained heat, Angel confirming what she’d just told him wordlessly, clasping her body to his as she walked him backwards over to the bed, pushing him to sit, moving to kneel astride him. “Now, you’re going to lie there and let me say thank you properly.”  
He smiled through their kisses, Keri slowly sliding down, kissing him through the dark grey, long sleeved t shirt he wore, the one that hugged his arm muscles deliciously, moving to kneel between his feet as her hands slid over the bulge in his jeans, nails dragging in caress over his thighs, reaching to unfasten his belt. Her fingers were slow, pushing up his t shirt and circling his navel, running licks over the line of dark hair leading down from it, pulling his cock out and giving it a few gentle squeezes.  
His chest stilled for a moment as he felt her mouth close over him, tongue swirling all over the head of his cock, each slow rotation evoking little glimmers that made the eventual breath he let out shudder, his fingers tangling in her hair.
He groaned faintly as he watched himself disappear into her mouth, almost every last inch of him impressively sheathed in the warm hug, his head thudding back onto the bed as her mouth got to the base and tightened around his shaft.
Dragging her lips slowly back up again, she grazed his chest with her nails, pinching his nipples and rolling them between her thumb and forefinger through his shirt, until the stood as stiff as the thick cock in her mouth. The content moan she emitted vibrated every last inch of him, her tongue fluttering back and forth against the thick vein on the underside of his shaft.
Reaching the head once more, she tightened and relaxed her mouth around it, feeling his hands begin to gently pull at her hair as he groaned sinfully, his abdomen twitching, the pleasure utterly consuming him. She was utterly ruinous, so skilled with her mouth he could barely stand it, his fingers flexing in her hair as he tugged at it, feeling his cock enveloped completely by wet heat once more.
She continued to repeat those actions again and again, watching his movements, knowing as each raspy breath left his throat faster, his chest heaving up and down and his cock like hot iron within her mouth, he was about to reach his peak. It licked through his veins like a fiery tonic, his muscle tensing as his breath caught, waves of ecstasy starting to pulse.
“Fuck... fuck!” His growled exclamation preluded the twitch of his cock, spilling hot and deep into her throat, Keri slowing as she swallowed back every pulse of cum, slowly releasing him from the soaking enveloping of her mouth, licking her top lip seductively. She gently fastened him back into his jeans, moving to kiss his neck at few times as she stroked his chest.
“I’ll leave you to come back down to earth, save it looking obvious, too, both of us leaving the room together.” The desire danced in his eyes as she looked down at him sultrily, his hands moving to run swirls over her neck.  
“Uh huh.” he nodded, still blissed out, his entire body humming with an afterglow he was in no rush to cease. She kissed his forehead, sliding off the bed and exiting swiftly, going to grab herself a beer. It took Angel a while to surface, Keri outside having a cigarette and a chat with Ash and Aaron when he finally came out, finding Frankie on the couch, sitting and swinging his feet up, resting his head in her lap.  
“Having a good night, big guy?” she smiled, combing his hair with her fingers affectionately.
He grinned. “I’m so drunk.”  
“You are?” she questioned, finding his statement somewhat contradictory to what she’d noticed. “I haven’t noticed you throwing them back? And you’re coherent, too.”
He shook his head, laughing dirtily. “Nah, bro. Orgasm drunk. Keri just blew me and I’m... yeah.”  
Immediately, she began to laugh. “Awww, are you all blissed out?”  
“Mm,” he hummed, eyes closed, smile wide. He opened them for a second, trying to articulate himself a little more. “You know when... and it’s... you know... all the way from the top of your head right down to your feet?”  
She grinned, thinking of her love. “When you feel like you just touched heaven, and took a little part of it back with you?”
He pointed vaguely in her direction, nodding. “That’s it.”  
His legs were then disturbed by the arrival of Jaime, who sat down, pointing at him while she gestured to her girlfriend. “Is he alright?”
“He’s all blowjob drunk,” she confirmed, Jaime laughing as Angel began to grin again. “Look at him! Wasted out of his mind!”  
“Your friend is gonna get it later.” They didn’t doubt that for a second. Revived from his state of pleasurable catatonia with a few more shots and a couple more beers, Keri had to drunkenly fight him off every step of the way back to the hotel at 2am. As soon as they were in the elevator, though...  
“What the hell has gotten into you?” she cried, Angel yanking off her top, her bra following, shoving them into the back pocket of his jeans as he lifted her up, levelling her tits with his mouth, teeth locking onto her nipple.  
“Eight shots of Fireball and a fucking desperate need to show just how absolutely out of my damned mind you made me feel earlier,” he replied, gathering her skirt, Keri wrapping her legs around his waist as the elevator dinged, both locked at the mouth as he staggered out.  
Her back hit the nearest wall, their kisses all sultry magma and groaned smoke as they pawed at one another, Angel reaching between them to unzip his jeans, freeing himself and tugging her underwear aside, dropping her down on his cock, Keri biting her lip to prevent her shrill cry, his mouth ravenous at her neck.
“What if someone catches us?” she panted, although truly, she was about four shots and one very hard dick past caring.
“Then they gonna see me piledriving my beautiful girl against this wall, ain’t they? Because god fucking damnit, I can’t even wait to walk the length of this hall, querida. I gotta have you right the fuck now.”  
Truly, Keri had never felt as desired by anyone in her life as she did by Angel, his hunger for her unmatched, the heat of his need smouldering upon her skin as they panted, staring into one another’s eyes before their mouths met again in fever, her nails dragging his neck as the thick heat of his cock scraped sparks through her core.  
Desire tore through him wildly as he railed her against the wall, feeling himself reaching a scorching finish as he came with a deep grunt, slowing in the aftermath, his hot breaths blasting the side of her neck. “Sorry, didn’t get you there, too. I fucking will, though.” He carried her down the rest of the hallway, still fused together, having to put her down eventually to locate the room key card, Keri standing with her legs together and a pained expression.  
“Hurry!” she hissed, giggling. “What you left in me is starting to trickle!”
He snorted laughing, opening the door, that laughter escalating as she shot past him, running knock kneed to the bathroom to go and clean up. Exiting a few minutes later, she pulled off the rest of her clothes, kissing his chest as she assisted with the removal of his before being picked up and launched onto the bed, Angel grasping her thighs, pulling them apart and promptly burying his face between them.  
His tongue was slow and swirling to begin with, tasting every last bit of her hot, pink flesh languidly, watching her as he did it. “You taste so beautiful, mamas. Fuck, I love the way this pretty pussy feels against my mouth.”  
The verbalisation of how she made him feel never failed to have little wells of pleasure pooling within, Keri mewling softly as her hands went to the soft black of his hair, nails grazing his scalp, her head thudding back on the bed as she closed her eyes and awaited the utter ruin she knew he’d lavish upon her.  
The firm grip upon her thighs as he held her spread kept her in place, tongue quickening against her clit, alternating between speedy and a slow, firm rolls in a circle, decreasing in circumference, focusing on her, increasing, her folds tingling, his lips wrapping to suck as he groaned quietly. She lay back in utter bliss, feeling the trickle of her arousal caught by the thirst of his licks, his fingers pushing into the aqueous velvet of her cunt, crooking, raking gently, evoking mind-melting glimmers to skitter down her spine.  
Watching how his fingers sparkled in the low light coming from the bedside lamp, he felt his cock beginning to stir, little twitches sending sparks through him, moving his mouth to her inner thigh, kisses and gentle bites marking her. “I wanna watch you touch yourself, it’d turn me on so much.”
She felt a little internal flare of embarrassment at his request, never having pleasured herself for a man before, something so intimately personal. To hear him vouch how much it would arouse him, though, Keri eventually slid her hands down, wetting her fingertips as she splayed the petals of her cunt open a little further, her fingers slowly starting to rotate upon her clit.
Her eyes focused upon the ceiling at first, those little slithers of bashfulness still coiling within her, until she was brave enough to look down. She didn’t meet his eyes at first, Angel transfixed upon the sight of her stroking herself before him, his breaths hot as they fluttered over her, hitting her folds, his lips planting kisses upon her inner thigh, but when he finally did look up at her, the lust he returned made her walls clench around his fingers.  
A dark wave broke over her, her fingertips quickening as his tongue circled over a rise of muscle, kissing it, her thigh bouncing against his mouth as he held her gaze, knowing their combined effort was getting her close. It began to tumble through her in ceaseless pulses, her muscles locking as she panted hard, a wail breaking from her throat as she felt it rush and burst forth through her, the addition of Angel’s tongue adding to her fingers further gilding her upon the horizon of utter ecstasy.  
He grasped her hand, sucking wetness from her fingers, his own still rooted deep within her, enjoying the flutters as his rotations gentled, his other hand weaving through her fingers and squeezing, the move a gorgeous, unexpected display of affection.
“Oh, no, no,” she gasped as his mouth closed over her clit, his lips bathing her sensitive bud in soft heat. “It’s too much still.”  
His thumb drew a circle of her palm, looking up at her with a wink. “Won’t be for long, baby.” He continued to squeeze her hand as his tongue softly began to circle her bud, until she started to shake from the overstimulation, Angel wrapping his hand up around her thigh to keep her still, the fingers inside her slowly trawling back and forth.  
Each lick was lightly placed, gauging her reactions, waiting for the little spasms still wracking her to calm before he became feverish once more, licking at the honey of her cunt with aplomb, groaning against the soaking velvet of her as his tongue flicked rapidly over her bud. Her hands fisted the sheets, her body arching, his free hand stroking a path of heated tingles all over her abdomen as he gorged himself upon her, bringing her to another howling ascension... and still refusing to stop.  
He ate her like ripe summer fruit until she shattered for him again, shaking violently, so wet that she’d puddled the sheets beneath her, Angel wiping the slick from his mouth before leaning to kiss his way up her body, reaching between them, guiding his cock to her and sinking in, teeth closing around her nipple.  
“I think I enjoyed that,” she panted, pulling him to her, the taste of herself on his tongue wickedly sinful.  
He pinched a tiny gap between his thumb and forefinger. “Just this much?”
Her chuckle was like music through the air. “Yeah, just this much.”  
Their mouths met again, kissing with syrupy heat, hands wandering all over one another as their bodies rocked together in divinely slow, steamy union. It was like that for a further couple of hours, talking as they cooled down and readied to enjoy one another again, until they fell asleep in a blissful entwine not long before the sun rose.  
As far as starting weekends well went, theirs was a good way to begin.
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