#i don’t want one but the thought of being a d and fitting into clothes my size and not having to buy $70 boulder holders on fancy website
ranpoesgirl · 4 months
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— synopsis; 15!Dazai falling in love, puppy love is my favorite type of love…
— a/n; sorry this took a while, seasonal depression and I couldn’t download png because my phone is dumb asf
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Your 1st encounter with Dazai was when you both were 14, he followed behind doctor with a emotion no one could pin point. He kept his head down when your eyes lingered for too long for his liking, he seemed cowardly.
His hair was dark and disheveled, it looked tangled and sometimes matted. Clothes never seemed to fit his form no matter how new they looked, after he exists a battle field or returns from a mission, they had loose strings and a faint unpleasant smell that kept increasing over time.
Naturally, you came to the conclusion he wasn’t treated as well as you were by his guardian, no amount of a façade the doctor puts could ever cover the boy’s bruises…
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The news of the mafia boss’s death was surprisingly vague when it reached your ear, seemed as though the people saying it were trying to convince themselves he was rather than if he even was. You never bothered, it wasn’t your duty to serve him than it was to serve one of his many subordinates. So until there was an order to get further details on the matter, you wouldn’t bother.
But what caught your attention was the person who will be replacing him, “the doctor?”, you questioned looking at the man beside you who simply nodded at your question.
As if the devil was looking over you, in your peripheral vision, you saw a figure move by the door to the hallway. Turning your head to see a messy brunette with bandages wrapped neater than last time.
“da…zai..?”, you extended each syllable of his name before looking over once again to the man beside you as though asking for confirmation on what you said was correct.
But of course, when he heard his name slip from your lips, he turned and stared as though he were a dear in headlights. You looked backing back at the boy questioning your next move.
You smiled as you raised your hand to give a wave, he flinched only by a bit and went back to staring at you with his big brown eyes for a minute or two before walking away.
It was quite a strange 2nd encounter, but none the less, still an encounter.
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The 3rd encounter formed a cycle.
You were seated on a uncomfortable sofa waiting patiently for your guardian to exit the boss’s office. Staring at the painting until they seemed to contort in your head, only to be snapped out of thought when you heard a footsteps stride to the boss’s door.
“Dazai?”, you called out this time unaware that you did. He looked at you and paused, his head giving a nod only by a bit as though to ask you what you wanted.
This time, you were the one taken back.
“Dazai,” you repeated smiling and giving a light hearted wave.
And he once again stared at you wide eyed before walking away.
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The 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th encounters were practically the same.
You called out his name before giving him a smile and a wave before he walked away.
It felt odd to do so but it felt even more odd to stop. Because every time you didn’t, it felt as though there were a thick unwavering tension that could be cut through by a knife before you give in—
It became an unconscious routine to a point he’d look your way in sync when he name is read by your lips.
This strange habit never stopped and stumped many people on many occasions, a certain ginger being one of them.
Chuuya was weirded out by the multiple strange interactions between the both of you, so your 21th encounter, you got your first response—
“Chuuya,” the redhead repeated his own name making you look up at him this time, “You always call out his name and it isn’t even special.”
And that’s when they began bickering in front you, naturally you freaked out. No matter how much to tried to interrupt and stop them, they don’t stop.
So you slipped away from the room slowly and carefully…
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Your encounter with Dazai later on was much more pleasant, instead of being one sided, he smiled.
It felt like nothing big like you initially thought until he began walking over, “You enjoy my name, don’t you? Don’t worry, I quite like the way it sounds when you say it… I think I might just give you the privilege to my first name, Osamu.”
So it once again began…
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“Osamu!”, you exclaimed more confident as you watched him skip over to you bright eyed and bushy tailed.
A conversation began that took turns from one topic to another with no thought of having a meaningful conversation other than to hear the voice of the other individual.
It was simple relationship, with you making the first move every time…
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Every. Single. Time.
Like every relationship that was one sided, you got tired.
It had to happen eventually.
So, here you were.
Sat on a ledge of a building bored out of your mind, you heard the soft tapping of feet behind you. You turned to see Dazai, you smiled at him before looking back down watching as people crowded on the cold weekend.
He sat down beside you, taking in the view you were observing, his hand brushed against yours as he held onto the ledge.
And for the first time, your name was called.
You looked up to meet with him not facing you making you doubt if he even called you if it weren’t for the dusted red flushed expression pointing everything out.
“I’d like to hear my name from you once again…”
You were taken back, yet didn’t relent nonetheless…
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The 1st encounter with you was a humiliating one for Dazai. He kept his head down shifted closer to the doctor, whom he swore to kill by his own hands, desperately trying to look presentable by covering his scarred arms and neck as your eyes darted every flaw within a matter of seconds around his frail body.
When he had the slightest of courage to look up at you, it was immediately shutdown by the lingering stare of your eyes. His glimpse of you felt as though he were daring to defy a higher power.
It’s safe to say that he won’t be doing that anytime soon…
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His 2nd encounter with you was after the gruesome murder of the port mafia’s boss by his so called ‘guardian’. He roamed around the halls aimlessly in hopes to forget the sight but nothing could erase the smell of fresh yet dirty blood splattered across the doctor’s face.
Every inch of him burnt, it didn’t feel right. Nothing did. He stumbled in the hallway and tried to catch his breath before a doorway of a… whatever it is, it smelt awful— to the point it erased his nausea, he stood still not moving an inch, could easily be mistaken as a corpse.
As though he were commanded by an officer, he turned his head stiffly looking up at… you.
His eyes widened while his face stayed poker, you were seated at a stool beside whoever that was, a can of something that wasn’t alcoholic but definitely filled his nose pleasantly. Whatever it was, he swore the last time he was in your presence, that scent lingered on you.
Your lips curved up as did your hand, you were smiling and waving at him. He was in awe, no words nor actions could describe how he felt. It overwhelmed him, but definitely in a good way.
And involuntary action took over and he walked away until he was hidden by the wall from your view, his burning throat was replaced by a fluttering chest. He didn’t know what it was, but it was better than whatever he felt before…
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The 3rd encounter was when he was in a rush, he was called by the boss when he least expected. He took long strides to the office only to calm down subconsciously at the soft scent of peaches and he couldn’t put his finger on why.
“Dazai?”, ah, that’s why…
You looked tired, not exhausted but still tired. Your lips were chapped only by a little, dark circles weren’t as visible, but your droopy body set the scene of what you felt.
“Dazai,” if he could, he would rip his ears off in a desperate attempt to not hear your voice and all the sudden wave of emotions it gave him.
You smiled and waved, and he memorized it before walking into the boss’s room where he couldn’t pay attention to anything except have your voice on repeat in his head…
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The 4th, 5th and many more encounters felt the same, but each time he tried to better his response to the point he’d give you a smile and turn your way at the vibration of your words.
He swore that every time you looked more and more ethereal than the other…
Chuuya got on his nerves plenty of times before yet the sound of your voice always brought him down from his high. Always soft and gentle to his ears, so patient for him, he could just—
“Chuuya”, —he wanted a glock to his own head or the ginger’s, any was preferable.
“You always call out his name and it isn’t even special.”
Out of habit, he got his defenses high and couldn’t contain his destain he had for the boy, it was very lowly of him to behave that way in front of you but he was too far in.
Only noticing your lack of presence when your scent faded away…
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Dazai knew it was unhealthy to be upset when you had conversation with the people around you, whether it’d be your coworker, guardian, even the boss, it irked him.
Only when he saw you converse with Chuuya about his ginger hair, which he thinks looks hideous, he realizes that he should take advantage of every opportunity before he loses it.
You may not have remembered what number of encounter it was but he did, and it was embarrassing every time his head reminded him of so.
Once again, your voice started and he looked your way smiling— he rushed over from the distance he was at, looking down at your startled and confused face.
“You enjoy my name, don’t you? Don’t worry, I quite like the way it sounds when you say it… I think I might just give you the privilege to my given name, Osamu…”
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He was a fool.
Every time his given name fell from your lips, his insides contorted in a way only a fool’s would.
He knew if he wanted you to keep this up, he had to reward you. So he’d walk over trying his best to not fall apart at the sound of your voice as you laughed at a joke that would have concerned looks from others…
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So why…?
He did everything that was right.
Every time you asked for attention, he returned it.
He’d laugh at your jokes, he’d stare into you hopelessly sometimes lose track of your words…so why?
Not even his last name was spelled by your lips even if your eyes had lingered on him, a side smiled and you’d turn away.
He gave you attention when he asked…
...that’s right…
That is what he did, he only gave you attention when you asked.
And like a fool he was too distracted to know what he was doing. So like a fool he walked up to the ledge of a city building where you sat, observing the crowd. He took a seat beside you doing the same.
There he called out your name for the first time, his voice cracked like a fool.
No matter what, he couldn’t have the courage to face you, his cheeks hurt, from what? He wasn’t aware, but it wasn’t pleasant and how much blood rushed to it
“I’d like to hear my name from you once again…”
And as though he freed himself from his sins, your voice dripped like nectar from a flower that was bound to become a fruit…
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a/n: part 2 with Chuuya?
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solar-wing · 7 months
⚣ Jason Todd: NSFW Alphabet 🔴
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⚣🔴 A/N → I forgot I had written these out and had them on my old account. Did a little fine-tuning to them though. WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI | it's an NSFW alphabet so just expect the unexpected and the expected.
⚣🔴 Words → 3.6K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This man can go from rough and hard to soft and gentle in literal seconds. It’s like watching someone come out of a trance or possession. He’ll clean you up with a fresh rag and make sure you’re comfortable, especially if you’re sore (you’ll most definitely be). He’s clingy though.
You won’t get anywhere without him right beside you. And he won’t say it, but he loves it when you try to take care of him too. Jason is dominant and prefers to be in control, but that man is as needy as a newborn baby, and it gets 10x worse after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jason’s relationship with his body is difficult, but, if we’re talking about one where he’s healed, maybe been to therapy, and (slightly) moved on from his trauma, he probably favors his arms, chest, and hands. Jason prefers strength overlooking aesthetically fit, and he kind of always looks like he’s bulking but it's defined somehow. And because that adds to his overall size and level of intimidation, he loves working on those specific groups to increase them so he can in turn use them to intimidate people, especially those who try to flirt with you in front of him.
Now, on the other end, Jason is 100% an ass man. You can not change my mind. He loves you wearing any kind of tight or fitting material that molds to the shape of your butt and just being able to oogle and smack it when he wants. And smack it he does. Dude has the equivalent of 100 cheese necks in one palm and you feel it every time he lands one on your ass. 
Bonus points if you have thick thighs that jiggle when you walk. He’ll be paying extra special attention to those, especially if you’re wearing any kind of short shorts or fitted athletic wear. He also has a slight obsession or fascination with your neck. Whether in the act or just chilling, his hands will somehow find their way to your neck whether it’s a gentle caress or a firm grip. And if he’s feeling a little possessive or riled up in the moment (which is frequent) it’s his favorite place to mark, and if you try to cover them up, it’s more motivation for him to leave even bigger ones. He likes it when people can tell and see that you belong to him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
More of an oozer than a shooter unless he’s been holding a load in for a while. And his loads are thick. He may not shoot far but he’ll definitely give you enough to fill the bottom of a glass. 
Also, no questions asked, he’s coming inside you. You just have to choose if it’s going to be your mouth or ass. Don’t ask, it’s a territorial thing with him. The thought of you walking around and greeting people while his babies are lodged deep inside your ass or fresh down your esophagus does wonders for his pride.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
If you’re not around and he’s really horny, he’ll masturbate with a piece of your clothing. Sometimes, he’ll also call you in the middle of it and won’t tell you just so he can hear your voice while edging himself to completion.
He also will purposely start arguments with you so you can have a reason to have angry make-up sex later.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Some small experiences before he died, and little hookups here and there when he came back and was somewhat in a good place with Bruce and himself. That being said, he gets most of his experience from his relationship with you. He quickly learns what he does like and what he doesn’t, and makes it known to you immediately. 
He also may or may not go to Dick for advice or tips on how to improve. Going to Bruce is out of the question. And not just because that’s still technically his dad.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy for one. It’s something about him grabbing you by your hair or even better, around your neck and forcing your body against his while he pounds into you from behind. He gets an exhilarating high from having you at his mercy and you surrendering yourself to him.
He also does favor missionary if he’s in a slightly more tender mood. But, If he’s feeling jealous or pissed off about something, he’s putting you up against a wall or in a corner with his hands around your neck and ramming you like there’s no tomorrow. Your legs will not be functioning for 24 hours.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Tends to be more serious in the moment. When he’s in the mood, he’s fully in it. Especially if he needs to get his frustrations out. However, the sound of you moaning and screaming his name will definitely bring a smug grin to his face.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps himself adequately groomed. May grow some facial hair and have a little bush down there along with a happy trail but he’s good about keeping it neat and clean. And, if you want him to, he’ll shave it all, no questions needed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
This he struggles with at times. It’s something he wasn’t given much of (especially with Bruce) so he doesn’t really know how to act when in those moments and he tends to get really uncomfortable, especially if it’s a particularly vulnerable moment for him. As far as during sex, he’s definitely on the more rough and brutish side, but he’ll always do his best to check on you.
It’s something he’s getting better at though. Even in moments without sex where you two are just lounging and sitting together, he’s good at reading you and knowing what you want or how to make you happy with small gestures and actions. He just wants to make sure you’re happy and that you feel loved (and that you belong to him and only him).
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Mentioned with dirty secrets. Really only does it when you’re not around. He’ll rarely do it just for the heck of it. He prefers getting his pleasure from pleasing and fucking (owning) you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dominance/Submission (Power Play) - Jason has had many things happen to him that he didn’t want or couldn’t control. It’s basically what influences this kink more than others. You submitting to Jason, letting him lead and have full control in sex and even in domestic scenarios creates a very satisfying and pleasurable feeling inside him. It also serves as reassurance for him, knowing that you fully trust him to the point where you basically surrender yourself to him. Getting back to more dirty things, this kink can include other aspects such as orgasm denial, bondage (on you), and verbal affirmation of your submission (dirty talk).
Choking (giving only) - This plays into the dominant/submission kink as well. It’s a rush from the feeling of control he has over whether you get to breathe or not while pounding your brains out. But, he’ll never go too far and he hopes you know that. However, he’s not at all okay with it being done to him. He does not like his neck being touched at all for that matter. Call it PTSD from his time with Joker and other things that have happened to him in the past, so it’s a big no-no. Although, with time and him getting more comfortable in the relationship, if he gives you a clear consenting sign that he’s okay with it, he’ll allow a gentle caress and rub down his neck, but only from you. Anyone else who tries to touch him on his neck risks several broken limbs.
Mirror Sex - A key part of his possessive nature toward you. He loves seeing himself fuck into you and even more, his ego gets a big boost from seeing you turn into an erotic mess while he’s inside you.
Size Difference - The fact that Jason can pick you up and throw you around like a rag doll, dwarfs you in size, or that his clothes (even if you’re tall and broad) can look three sizes too big on you is a major turn-on for him. He won’t say it, but he likes the idea of someone smaller than him that he can protect.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Weird enough, the thought comes to mind that Jason has a weird obsession with having sex with you in tight spaces. Mainly, places like the shower or the car. It ties a bit into his power and size kink. Something about the size of his body towering over you in a small space riles him up like no other. It’s the feeling or sensation that he’s got you cornered that drives that feeling. Kind of like an outlet for him to deal with his trauma of when he was actually trapped/cornered.
Also, he has it in his mind that whenever you move in together, he has to fuck you on every single available surface in your place. Christening your home with your love is how he likes to think of it. Plus, he gets a nasty kick out of when guests are over, imagining in his mind that they’re sitting in places where he had you crying out and cumming on his dick multiple times.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
#1:Jealousy & Possessiveness – The idea of you finding anyone else attractive, let alone giving them your attention which is only supposed to be reserved for him, he’ll be quick to snatch you into the nearest closet or bathroom to remind you who you belong to. And it doesn’t matter who it is besides your parents or his family. It could be the barista at the cafe, a random guy who gave you a friendly nod, or god forbid, an old classmate or co-worker you happened to bump into on the street. Jason is a selfish & protective little fucker who doesn’t even want to consider the idea of someone else thinking they can have what’s only for him.
#2: Clothes – Please, exercise caution when picking your outfit for any particular event. Jason’s never gonna tell you what you can’t wear, but keep in mind that again, he’s a selfish and protective little fucker who has the sex drive of a large animal. Wearing anything even slightly tight or a bit showy for his taste can and will land you in many situations where Jason has pulled you aside somewhere quiet and private to have at your body. And don’t let him catch others ogling your outfit or even giving you the slightest compliment or all hell is breaking loose. Not to say he doesn’t like it, he loves it. But, you’re for his eyes only. Now, if it’s his clothes you’re wearing out, please be aware that at some point, you may be buying him a new shirt/hoodie cause he’s about to rip it off you.
#3: Arguing – Something in that man thrives on chaos, and when you and he are going at it, he can’t help but get hard. And again, hot, angry makeup sex. Duh…
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He will not do any form of rape/forced play, including machoism and sadism. His vigilante life and past trauma already left a deep scar on him and anything that resembles that can and will trigger him. Plus, he knows he’s way stronger and doesn’t want to even take the risk of hurting you in any way.
Unless we’re talking Arkham Jason. That’s a completely different story.
He would clear it with you first that you’re okay with bondage and choking, but he doesn’t want it performed on him, especially the choking, as we’re already aware that he’s very sensitive about his neck.
Any extreme BDSM kinks like piss play or fisting is also a major turn-off for him. Exhibitionism is a straight-up no. Jason would rather drink from the Lazarus pit than have anyone looking at you in a state that he’s only allowed to see you in. Don’t even attempt to pitch the idea of a threesome or foursome or just any suggestion of bringing someone else in on your fun. It will turn into a major argument and not a good one that ends in happy fun.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Inexperienced but picks it up quickly and learns what gets more of a reaction from you. He’s a fast learner and loves it when he’s able to drive you over the edge with his mouth alone. Also, if we’re talking about eating out, he’ll happily do it till the sun turns blue. There’s something about tasting you on his tongue that just really gets him riled up.
But, if we’re talking dick-sucking, definitely prefers receiving over giving. Jason finds it extremely hot seeing you go up and down on him with your mouth, especially when he grabs your hair or head and starts to force your head up and down or starts thrusting in your mouth. He loves seeing you slobber and choke all over him. And if you look up and give him a teary-eyed but submissive look, game over (in a good way).
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Definitely fast and rough. And if it’s not, you can bet he’s delivering some powerful strokes that will have you squeezing and clenching your legs all around him. Plus, he notices the harder he goes, the more you squeeze yourself against him while pressing your nails into his back and biting at his skin, trying to silence your loud moans and cries. Though, it’s probably not the best idea because he’ll just go even harder to force those noises out of you. And, those are marks and scars he will PROUDLY wear.
It takes him time (if you even decide at all that you want him to) to learn how to move at a softer, slower, and more sensual pace. But, if it’s something you truly desire, he’ll work on it and do everything he can to make you happy. But, that doesn’t mean rough sex goes away. It actually makes it even more hot, especially when Jason is in one of his moods.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s not opposed to them. But, Jason likes to take his time with you. He doesn’t like to rush and hates the idea of feeling as if someone is going to interrupt him. No one should intrude upon your special time with each other. God bless (and protect) the unlucky souls that do.
But, if he’s really in the mood and he can’t get you to an ideal private place in a fast enough time, he’s not above pulling you into the nearest dark room or corner to get down and dirty, especially if he’s feeling a little territorial because someone decided they wanted to be brave stupid and hit on you. He’s more than happy to remind you who you’re in a relationship with. Or if you’re not in a relationship, then just who’s fucking you every single night, plain and simple. Either way, quickies to him are basically just his versions of reminders to you for what happens when he gets a bit jealous.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
You’d have to move at a snail’s pace with him if you want to introduce something new to your routine. If it’s something small, then he may go ahead and give in to it, but Jason craves consistency and normalcy, and that includes sex. Asking him to try something new can hit a sore spot cause it may seem like what you two are doing now isn’t enough for you anymore.
But, if you reassure him it’s not that, and just slowly introduce the idea to him, (double points if he likes it off the start) then you’re definitely in for a treat. For you, and you only, he is willing to step out of his comfort zone, as long as it’s not too crazy or on his no-no list.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Depends on his mood and what prompted the sex. He could go for one round or two if he’s just feeling a little feral and wants a piece of you. If it’s a jealous or angry fit after an argument, you might wanna cancel any plans after, cause he’s certainly not letting you leave the bed, the house, or wherever you are until your legs are basically useless.
The same thing goes for the duration of a round, especially if you’ve got the good good (hehe). If you’re really giving it to him. Mans may be lucky to make it past 10 minutes, but that’s not too bad. It means he can cuddle you, or you cuddle him. Either way, cuddles are non-negotiable after a round. But, if you two just got done hashing it out over something or you decided to poke one too many of his buttons, he’s dragging it out as long as he can. This means exiting out of you whenever he feels like he’s getting too close, and denying you your own orgasm as well (that damn control factor strikes again).
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Jason doesn’t own any toys and never really had an interest in them. It’s not something he’d really get into on his own and only would experiment with them if you asked. The most he’s got is handcuffs or rope he’d use for bondage but that’s as far as he would take it.
If you were to use toys, he’d definitely prefer him using them on you unless there was something else specific involved that didn’t cross one of his boundaries.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
50/50. If you’re teasing him, payback’s a fucker named Jason. He’ll kiss all your sweet spots, nibble on your chest, and barely give any attention to your dick/genitals. Especially if he’s in one of his ‘I want to hear you beg for me, tell me who owns you’ moods.
If he wants to get to the point, then you can expect to be promptly thrown onto the bed or whatever surface is nearby, and the most he’ll do here is tie or cuff your hands so you can’t touch him, knowing how much you like to feel his body while he’s ramming yours.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Jason’s loud. But, in a very grunty-like way. You may have to fight tooth and nail to get him to moan for you, but by golly is he expressive when you manage to get it out of him. For the most part, though, he’s giving grunts, growls, and grumbles. You’ll mainly hear him whisper into your ear, reminding you that he’s the one currently plowing your guts and that no one else is allowed to see you like this but him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He likes fucking you with clothes on frequently. You’re wearing a tight compression shirt that’s showing your pecs, abs, and just overall body, he’s got you bent over a surface while oogling your muscle constricting under a shirt. Wearing a jockstrap or thong in the gym and he can see it, he’s pulling them down and that underwear aside just enough to get inside you. You’re not complaining though. If he’s wearing his own compression and muscle shirts all the better for you, getting to ogle and rub his muscles while he’s hammering inside of you like an animal.
He also really enjoys massages. Particularly on his shoulders, back, and chest. He loves it when you lick and play around with the head of his dick and when you run your fingers through his hair while his face is buried in your neck kissing and leaving marks all over.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Bigger than average.
8-9 inches minimum. He’s thick and girthy down as well. Maybe narrower at the base with a really large and bulbous head. Entering can be a bit of a challenge, but it gets easier the further he gets inside. Also has a curve to his dick.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Jason has a fairly high sex drive and the Lazarus pit only increased that. His libido can sometimes be more emotion-driven so feelings of love, anger, or even just a slight irritation will get him hard.
Maybe you’re not fucking every hour of the day, but he’s gotta have you in some shape or form at least once or twice a day. Whether it’s a blowjob, hand-job, or one of his jealous reminder quickies.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He can go to sleep fairly quickly, but only after he’s properly cared for you and cleaned you up. Also, he has to have your body pressed against him. Cuddles are vitally important and you should never once not want to cuddle him. It’s the one intimate thing he’s got down perfectly to a T. 
However, he has more than once fallen asleep while still inside you and in the position you both finished in. It can lead to a comfortable or uncomfortable scenario, depending on the situation.
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☀️ | Jason Todd/Red Hood | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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hollyhomburg · 24 days
Before I Leave you (Pt. 74)
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(Sneak Peek) (Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: A planned vacation with Namjoon might not offer the respite you hope it will; Something is wrong with Jin and he just wont say what.
Tags: Hurt/comfort, Harmless Sickfic, So much fluff, Light angst, Brief smut, brief mentions of intercrural sex, slick, implied d/s, Mommy kink, mommy tae, Brief daddy kink too 🥺, clothing control, implied omegaspace
W/c: 20.0k
A/n: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out <3 the last couple of weeks have been...not great! Here it is! I will repay you guys with my hiatus by giving you possibly the longest bily chapter ever! The heat arc will take two more chapters! No idea how long those will be but i greatly enjoyed making this chapter the fluffiest little bundle of scenes I could. i did not hold back- i think we've all needed a bit of softness.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
You excuse yourself to change. But you find yourself pacing back and forth in front of the mirror for a moment. Struggling with your fancy dress that’s for tomorrow night’s dinner, hanging it up with a huff. Unsure why you’re so stressed, why you’re so anxious. An animal in your chest that just won’t stop clawing at your breath.
You knew what you were agreeing to going on this vacation with Namjoon. A solo vacation just for the two of you sends a very very pointed message. This is a sexy vacation- a private suite and a private onsen only means one thing and now at the precipice of it you feel- you feel-
Namjoon knocks, but you tell him you need a minute trying not to sound scared. You don’t even know why you feel scared; you’ve had sex with Namjoon before, and taking him is no longer quite as daunting of a task as it once was. But you feel unsettled and out of your depth here. Intimacy and romance are so much harder without your pack around you to reassure you to egg you on.
You need to call Tae.
She picks up on the second ring, “Pup!” she sounds happy and bubbly even through the phone. You even hear a bit of relief in her voice. “I’m doing my nails upstairs because Jin and Jungkook are being loud; did you get to the hotel yet? How are the flowers?”
“Tae” you hiss, keeping your voice down. “Did you think I’d spend the whole weekend lounging in lingerie!? You didn’t even pack me a bathing suit!” You whine. Still pacing.
“Well, I was actually hoping you’d spend the whole weekend getting your lingerie torn off of you by Namjoon but-”
“Mommy” you whine, and she quiets.
“It’s at the bottom, the dark red one with the flowers.” You find it, if only because it’s a bright oxblood in the mess of pastels. It’s dotted with pale yellow flowers and crossing straps that are supposed to tie around the slimmest part of your waist several times. It’s very Tae. Strappy and sexy and so tiny. The triangles are so small, it might as well be lingerie too.
“Tae- this isn’t going to fit me.”
“Yes, it does” she quips. “I measured.” You flush. You’re sure she did actually measure, probably during one of your morning preening and grooming sessions that you have a habit of spending mostly in omegaspace, an eager puppet to her hands. The idea that you’d been so far down, so trusting that you didn’t even notice warms your cheeks.
But Tae chose this for you, your alpha chose this for you and your other alpha. Tae does often know best. She knows what Namjoon likes.
Your heart rate slows a little.
“Tae- this is just a mess of strings,” she giggles, and you know just from the sound of it that she did this on purpose.
“Come on, live a little.”
“I know but- but-” you sit on the toilet, and she hums.
You wait, sensing that she’s yet to speak. You can hear Namjoon in the other room, starting to pace. You swear you hear him talking too. The hushed grumble as he talks to someone over the phone to someone.
“I’m sorry, I should have packed you something more modest. I just thought you’d want to- I don’t know, tell me off if I'm wrong but- Don't you want to explore a little? You don’t always have to know what you want, You don’t always have to want it- you can have both. Being wanted and being treated delicately- it's not one or the other.”
Your breath hitches, and you wonder how she managed to hit it right on the head. You do feel delicate- you've felt delicate the whole day.
“You can wear skimpy clothes and Namjoon will just be happy he gets to look at you. He still won’t do anything unless you say you want him to. He’s well-behaved like that.”
“You love feeling cute, you love feeling wanted. Let him want you pup, it doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“You’re just saying that because you like to give Namjoon a hard time.”
“It’s a love language” that does get a giggle out of you. She sounds satisfied, her voice a purr, but she still apologizes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“You didn’t, I just panicked in the moment.” You pause, and Tae doesn’t fill the space with chatter. “I feel so innocent around him, so- not like this. Not that it’s dirty to dress this way, just…” You trail off.
"The pack alpha loves you, he’s gonna think you’re stunning no matter what. You could walk out in nothing and he’d still probably ask before he looked at you.”
“I kinda want him to look at me,” You admit, confess. “I kinda like making him have to restrain himself.” You have no reason to be nervous.
Tae’s voice is a purr, “There’s my girl. What do you say?”
“Thank you mommy.”
“Are you gonna be a good girl for the pack alpha?” Her voice is a dark pur.
“No mommy.”
Coming Saturday Aug 31 at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below)
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vrystalius · 27 days
Hihi! Firstly, I love your writings. For English not being your first language, I would not have guessed. Your English is brilliantly used and translated throughout. Secondly, I did have an ask, but I do want to put it out there that I am only now finishing the Hashira Training Arc. (Also, thank you for the heads up on the Sanemi post about it being after Infinity Castle...I have it marked to read after I get through that Arc :D ). Okay, so actual ask: Ahem, could I possibly ask/somehow con you into doing a short or head cannon with either Sanemi or Kyojuro having an s/o with confidence anxieties; like a family that always told them they would never be good enough kind of thing? If this is a no, no worries. It's kind of darker so I get it but I was just curious. Thank you for your works and your time. I look forward to reading your new things as they come :)
❔Confidence issues
You have don’t have enough confidence to become a swordsman. What does your S/O think?
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Note: Thank you so much for requesting and liking my works! Compliments like these really make my day <3 I hope you don’t mind that I added Yorichii. You didn’t tell me about kind of confidence anxieties you’d like me to write about, so wrote it about becoming a swordsman against your family’s wishes and them disapproving heavily. I hope you enjoy anyway!
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Yorichii x gn!reader
(Heavy Spoilers for Yorichii’s backstory in Yorichii’s part)
💚 Sanemi Shinazugawa 💚
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What? You don’t have the confidence to become a demon slayer? Seriously? You’re one of the most talented slayer- no- person Sanemi ever met! And you dare to doubt your own abilities? C’mon now.
“The fuck are you even talking about? Are you serious right now?”
Sanemi is feeling a mix of utter confusion and anger towards you for being insecure. He’s seriously baffled at where you even got the idea of from. Whatever you did amazed him: your fighting, your clothes (even if you are wearing the uniform, it just fits you much better than anyone else), your breathing style, your hobby, the way you walked or even talked to him, in his eyes you are beautiful and amazing.
He’d confront you about it. Where’d you get this idea even from? But after finding out that your insecurities mainly were because of your family’s nagging and disapproval, Sanemi got furious. You’ll need to either talk him out of beating your relative’s ass or hold him back by tackling him to the ground and THEN talk him out of it.
Now, from this day on, Sanemi will try his best to make you more confident in yourself. In his eyes, you are the most perfect and talented person. Sanemi feels like he should the one who should feel insecure. You’re so patient and understanding with him and you manage to calm him down by just simply touching his arm, it’s almost embarrassing. You are so absolutely gorgeous to him in every way. He feels like he doesn’t deserve you in any way.
Sanemi is not the biggest fan of you wanting to join the Demon Slayer Corps, but he’ll encourage you to keep training and fighting anyway. He’ll make time in his day to train you personally and to spar with you, making sure to point out your improvement.
“Hey, you’re even faster than yesterday! Keep this up and you’ll beat my ass in no time! You’re doing great.”
❤️‍🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku ❤️‍🔥
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You’re so funny! You? Not confident in your skills or talents? Hahaha!
Wait. You’re not joking?
“But my flame, what made you think that? You’re almost as strong as the other hashira!”
Kyojuro’s first reaction was to laugh at your face. Surely you were joking! Your breathing technique is controlled and powerful and your slashing is accurate and swift. If you’d receive proper hashira training, you’ll be on his level in no time! Demons will sense your presence from a mile away!
But after seeing how your face faded into frown, Kyojuro silenced himself immediately. He apologises loudly and bowed to you. You are so talented and powerful, he seriously thought you were joking! What made you think like this in the first place? Did someone upset you? If so, he’d need a word with them!
After finding out your insecurity stems mainly from your family, he’ll suggest to speak to them. Kyojuro believes he can teach them wrong by pointing every single perfect thing about you. But if he did, he’d be there all day and night.
But if that’s not what you want, he’d totally understand. Kyojuro would then continue point everything perfect and talented about out to you instead! You need to see yourself from his perspective! You are good enough, you are loved and you are talented!
And he did so until you had to physically stop him with either a kiss or shoving food into his mouth.
Kyojuro means well. He wants you to see yourself the way he sees you: his talented, amazing and beautiful partner. From this day on, he’ll make sure to compliment you every day and on whatever you are doing. Even if it’s a little silly.
“Your kisses are especially tender today! Your affections set my heart ablaze, my flame!”
☀️ Yorichii Tsugikuni ☀️
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Yorichii understands where you are coming from. He feels the exact same way, since his father beat it into his skull every day: He’s a failure, shouldn’t have been born and that he should’ve killed him at birth, regardless about how much his mother protested.
He is incredibly self-doubting and insecure himself, wich only increased after loosing Uta so brutally and his brother to Muzan’s luring. He is a person not worth remembering and not worth of being called a demon slayer, perhaps not even worth living. So it surprised him that you expressed similar insecurities.
“My sun, you are a very capable slayer. If not for you, we wouldn’t have beheaded this many demons together, and I surely would’ve struggled on my own.”
Yorichii would talk to you about your insecurities. Why do you feel this way? What made you think this? How can he show that you are wrong?
All of the sudden you tell him that him being such a strong slayer, in addition to your family’s behaviour and words, made you so insecure. Yorichii feels terrible for being partly responsible of making you feel even more insecure.
Yorichii a very quiet man, preferring to listen rather to talk. But for you, he’ll try to speak up more. The way you just swung your sword at the demon, that was excellent sword-handling. Your foot movement you did back there was very impressive, he should learn from you. Your cooking is excellent, this is now his new favourite dish. Your craftsmanship, no matter if you sketch, write or whatever, looks very well made and beautiful.
“You look very beautiful today, my light. Could you show me your stance from yesterday? I’d like to learn from you.”
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed. I would also like to credit my cat as a co-author.
My masterlist for the hashira.
My masterlist for the demons.
Make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough.
Take care of yourselves <3
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monst · 12 days
May I request, a scenario, where the reader thinks she is quirkless, but really her quirk gives her the ability to copy the quirk of whoever she has sex with. Since she’s a virgin she wouldn’t know this tho. Can you do this Shigaraki, Dabi, a Twice?
The first might be the last: 
Pairing: Dabi, Shigaraki, and Twice x Reader.
Warnings: 18+ Content (MDI), Dabi- Blue flames, Burns, Concussion, Angst. Shigaraki- Decay (Only) Unprotected sex. Twice- Double, Blood, Self-inflicted wound. -I have been sitting on this one for ages. 
Wc: 1.6k
Todoroki Touya - (Dabi)
       Dabi allowed your head to rest on his bicep as you slept. His grin was unextinguishable. His blood still thrummed in his veins. He hadn’t thought you’d stay long enough to get this far, assuming his personality, lack of an actual job, or being a wanted villain would eventually push you away. But no, here you lay after one of the better nights of his life. He could still remember your wide-eyed stare at this pierced cock. Your trembly hand wrapped around the base, shy eyes meeting his to ask if you were doing okay. 
      And while he’s not the gentle type your ‘I don’t think it’s gunna fit’ was more than enough to change his tune. Your pretty lashes fluttered when he bottomed out, and with that thought in mind, his chapped lips pressed against your neck. He left open-mouth kisses at the curve of your jaw, teeth nipping at the soft skin in order to wake you. You woke to his hot tongue coming out to rove over your throat. “D-abi.” You slurred. You felt him grin against your skin, the cool ball of his piercing a reprise on your steadily heating flesh. 
     It was unbearably hot, you pushed the sheets off, your clothes next. At first, Dabi was ecstatic at your enthusiasm. “Once was enough to turn…” 
     His words died in his mouth. The room was brightly lit when your arms ignited. Scorching blue flames turn the sheets on the bed to ash. He was on his feet in seconds. The heat turned the air stale. His mouth and throat were dry as he watched the blue flame consume the wood of the bed frame. He shouted your name. Scarred hands reaching out to grab your sizzling flesh. The scent of your charring flesh sent him into a panic. Your shrieking assaulted his ears. The fire spread from the bed towards the carpet. The burning wood covered the ceiling in a thick plume of smoke. 
    Dabi coughed into his arm, his heart pounding when he managed to get to you. He hissed when his palms touched your burning flesh, the skin of his hands almost melting under the intense heat. With wide panicked eyes, he did the only thing he could think of. Your head pushed past the crumbling bed frame into the plaster. He flinched at the sound hoping that you weren’t going to suffer from a potential brain injury. It did the trick. You were unconscious and no longer on fire. Why on earth were you on fire?! Was blaring through his mind as he lifted you from the pile of rubble. 
    It was hours later that he got his answer. His foot tapped against the floor, his fingers linked underneath his jaw as Garaki explained the peculiarity that was your quirk. You’d need grafts. He’d given you a concussion. The doctor didn’t know how long his quirk would be active in your body. Dabi grits his teeth, you’d even copied his inability to handle the elevated temperature. He had no idea what to do as he watched your chest rise and fall, most of your body loosely wrapped to prevent infection. If you hadn’t left him before he was certain that this time you would. He wouldn’t blame you… 
Shigaraki Tomura
   Shigaraki wasn’t entirely sure if you liked him for him or if you liked him for his position. He wondered if you were one of the many who were just devoted to the cause and therefore devoted to him. But, the softness in your touch when you caressed his face gave him pause. The way your lips pressed to his scars, slowly turned his thoughts. And the smile on your lips when they pressed against his? It wasn’t like anything he’d ever felt. 
    It was his first time too, and it was more clumsy than he thought it should be. You weren’t complaining, panting into his mouth as he filled you. Moaning his name when his cock brushed against all of your sweet spots. Your nails dug into his skin, it was the first time he thought pain felt good. He wouldn’t mind baring these marks. The sting was as sweet as your tongue in his mouth. His fingers squeezed your ass, helping you come down onto his dick. He felt his fingers twitch and removed them from your body completely, fisting the sheets as he thrust up into you. 
    It wasn’t long before he was spilling inside of you. His sweaty fringe stuck to your skin as he caught his breath against your shoulder. He exhaled a laugh when you kissed his greasy hair, squeezing you to his chest when you sputtered out a quiet ‘Ew when did you last wash your hair baby?” 
     “Don’t know.” 
     You pulled back to look at him a grin on your lips when he allowed you to steal another kiss. You were about to kiss him again when he hissed. You pulled back immediately and he slipped out of you with a wet slap. His pale blue brows furrowed in your direction as you knelt between his parted thighs. 
     “What’s wrong?” 
     “I..” He paused. “Nothing it’s ridiculous.” But the sting on the nape of his neck still burned. It crackled and split like his-
   “T-tomura.” You whispered. His eyes shot to your hands. His cracked lips parted as the sheets browned and began to crumble away. “W-what’s happening?”
    “I don’t know.” He frowned. This couldn’t be his doing? Could it? “We’ll ask the doctor.” 
     You decayed your shirt and two of his until he took over and pulled another over your head. “Don’t use all five fingers, try curving your pinky in.” He informed as he helped you put the rest of your clothes on. You toasted a sock. 
     “This isn’t permanent is it?” You asked. 
     “Let’s hope not.” 
     You frowned, almost wrapping your arms around yourself before remembering your predicament. You allowed him to lead the way and quickly found yourself being examined by the ‘Doctor’. The man gave you the creeps but he had answers so you sat still while he ran tests. 
    “Is his semen still inside of you?” You shared an embarrassed wide-eyed look at Shigaraki before nodding meekly. “Seems like your quirk allows you to mimic others so long as their essence is in your body. Interesting.”
     You did not like the tone of his voice. “I got tested as a kid. They said I was quirkless.”
     “And have you been intimate with anyone else after the diagnosis?” 
     “No.” You bit out. 
     “I see.” He scribbled on his clipboard. His shifty eyes come up to look at you periodically. You shivered, no doubt he was already planning on how to utilize you. Gross. 
      “Is that all?” Shigaraki asked. 
      “I’d like to run some more tests.” He eyed the two of you with intention and you felt heat blossom across your cheeks at the implication. 
      “You can’t be serious.” You grumble. 
      “Tests? Like what? I can’t finish inside?” Shigaraki asked. 
Bubaigawara Jin / Twice
   Jin dropped the plate of food he was bringing to you when he caught sight of three of you. “I didn’t do it! But it’s hot” 
    All three of you frowned at that. And he raised his arms in surrender. A moment was spent in silence until he finally had to ask. “So how did this happen? Not that I’m complaining!” 
     “I don’t know!” You groaned, watching as the other two of you fawned over the blonde in the short bathrobe. “Hey! Stop that.” 
     “Make me.” One said and you scrunched your nose at hearing your voice from your clone. 
      “Hey, handsome.” The other cooed, pressing against Jin’s well-defined arms. Your eyes zoned in at the points where their bodies met and you glared at your boyfriend. He looked nervous, his eyes switching between the three of you. At his discomfort, you decided to put your jealousy for yourself? Aside. 
      “I’m the original sweetheart.” You reassured, his shoulders hiked up and you continued. “It’s okay Jin we’ll figure this out. You two stay here” You ordered. 
      “Oh c’mon!” “No way” 
      “If you have any sense as my clones” You hissed. “Then you’ll stay here.” Your features on their faces twisted in anger but one glance at a perturbed Twice was enough to get them in line. Once you were out of the bedroom you turned to Twice. “I-I’m not sure how this happened.” 
     “And it wasn’t me..” He mumbled, His eyes picked apart your every feature as if trying to decern whether you were indeed the real one. You let him walk behind you as you stepped into the kitchen, pulling out a knife you allowed it to graze your skin. Jin shouted your name when your blood began to drip into the counter. 
     “Okay! Okay, it’s you. I got it please stop.” He panicked, his fingers spasming he was undecided on whether they should be tangled in his hair or trying to stop you. “Someone! We need to call someone.” 
      “On it!” You heard one of the clones speak up from the bedroom. Undoing the biometrics of your phone with their copied features. “Who?” The other asked. 
      “This is simultaneously my worst nightmare and one of my favorite wet dreams.” Jin groaned. You sighed, your head beginning to throb at the early morning excitement. You ran your bloody hand under the tap as your clones informed the league of your situation. You hoped they had answers. If not for your sake then for Jin who was more jittery than ever. You heard a muffled ‘Thank you bye’ from the bedroom before the door creaked open.
      “Someone will be bye soon!” 
      “Can we get something to eat too?” 
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ellieluvr420 · 7 months
Friends? Never. Pt.16 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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MASTERLIST (and information about Palestine) Please read!
SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
You wake as the morning sun shines through the large windows opposite the double bed, your first thought being that if you were to move here you would have to get curtains. You shuffle out from under Ellie’s arm that was wrapped tightly around your waist and make your way to the bathroom as your bladder feels ready to burst. You aren’t surprised when the toilet doesn’t flush but a toilet is better than nothing. The dryness of your throat sends you searching around the house for your bag that you had seen wrapped around Ellie’s torso yesterday as you knew you had a bottle of water in there. When you find it, you gulp down half the bottle, saving the other half for Ellie and decide it was time to brave waking her from her peaceful slumber. The longer you waited, the worse your reprimanding from Maria would be when you get back and you were already in too much trouble to make it worse. 
You walk into the bedroom and gaze at the cute pout of her lips and the steady rise and fall of her chest. You almost get lost in her features, but the beating sun reminds you of your time constraint and you kneel on the bed as you stroke her cheek while gently whispering her name to raise her from the deep sleep she is clearly in. She barely stirs so you softly nudge her shoulder only to earn a small groan from her as she cuddles further into the bed. You huff in annoyance at her ability to sleep through anything until your eyes fall on the pillow not occupied by her head, you smirk as you grab it and slam it down onto her face, not hard but enough to jolt her awake with a scowl on her face. 
“What the fuck?” She says her voice groggy and deep with sleep. 
“Sorry, you weren’t waking up. It’s time to go.” 
“Mmmm fine.” She sits up and stretches her back, a small whine leaving her lips that has you grinning. You walk over to the wardrobe and start flicking through the assortment of clothes, reluctant to put your dirty, blood-stained clothes from the previous day back on because of the memories they hold. You settle on a pair of denim shorts, one of the only semi-appropriate options you managed to find, and a black fitted t-shirt. Once you’re dressed you start rooting through the wardrobe for something that Ellie could wear but as you hold multiple options up to her which she rejects you give up and leave it to her as you go to prepare the horses to leave. 
As you walk round to the front porch of the house, Ellie walks out of the front door in some khaki green cargo shorts that are entirely too big for her, ending just below her knees, secured with her belt, and a black t-shirt to match yours though you can tell it’s also from the man’s wardrobe from the way it hangs off of her. You giggle at her outfit choice and she pouts at you. 
“Why are you laughing?” 
“I-I’m not.” You breathe out though chuckles. 
“You literally are and I don’t know why because I look great right now. I’m totally wearing these shorts again.” She crosses her arms over her chest defensively and you walk over to her, holding onto her hips, and pecking her nose. 
“Please do.” You whisper before handing Shimmer’s reins to her and beginning the walk to the gate. As you both go through, Ellie turns back to look at the farm. You watch her quizzically as she fiddles with the gate. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Trying to figure out how to lock this from the outside. Don’t want anyone stealing our place.” Your heart hums at her comment and you begin trying to think of a solution with her but when you both come up empty she huffs in frustration.  
“How about we come back up here another day soon with a chain and a padlock? I’m sure it’ll be fine for a couple days if its been okay so far hm.” 
“Yeah, okay, good plan.” She smiles as you both hop on your horses and begin the journey back to Jackson. The journey was uneventful, you assumed no infected or people came this way because the farm is essentially in the middle of nowhere, no one would have any reason to come out this far is what you guessed. There was a comfortable silence between you both other than the gentle humming of ‘early days’ by pearl jam coming from Ellie. You followed along to the notes of the song and began to sing along quietly as you rode next to Ellie. 
If I ever were to lose you  I'd surely lose myself  Everything I have found, dear  I've not found by myself   
Try and sometimes you'll succeed  To make this man of me  All my stolen missing parts  I've no need for anymore 
As you sing the words on your own, Ellie smiles at you and begins joining in for her favourite part. 
I believe  And I believe 'cause I can see  Our future days  Days of you and me 
As she sings the words she looks at you so deeply you can tell she’s singing the actual words to you, a message between you both that had your cheeks heating and aching from the wide beam stretching your lips upwards. As you both go quiet, your ears prick at the faint sound of... crying, you can hear crying. “El, listen.” She goes quiet and widens her eyes at you when she hears the faint sobs that you had noticed, you both silently dismount the houses and begin searching the area for the source of the sound. You can hear the sound growing in volume until you peer over a shrub to see a small girl that couldn’t have been more than six cradling herself as she wailed. As she cracked open her eyes she jumped back suddenly brandishing a small knife that had been hidden in her previous position. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. Where are your parents?” She just stares back in silence, her grip on the knife unwaivering, you were overcome with rage at the world you lived in that caused a child as young as her to be forced to carry a weapon like that. You kneel down in front of her and introduce yourself. “What’s your name sweetie?” She sniffles as she rubs her eyes and gulps down a hiccup. 
“Clementine... Clem.” 
“Hi Clem, why are you out here all alone?” 
“My-my parents-” She cuts herself off with a choked sob and you scoot closer to her, testing the waters. 
“I’m sorry Clem, I lost my parents recently too, I know how scary it is but I can’t imagine how scary it was to go through it alone. You’re very brave. My friend and I are heading back to our town, would you like to come with us? You’ll be safe and taken care of there.” She raises her head from her hands and nods gently, placing the knife in your outstretched hand. You place it behind you and are startled as she immediately jumps into your arms, clinging onto you as she cries more. 
“I’m so scared. I miss my mommy and daddy.” You stroke her strawberry-blonde hair as you hug her back and shush her sobs, gently rocking her back and forth. You hear the patter of Ellie’s footsteps behind you and turn to see her puzzled face searching yours. Clemetine’s face snaps up and she immediately jumps back causing Ellie to stop dead in her tracks. 
“It’s okay, this is my friend Ellie, she won’t hurt you either I promise. Ellie, this is Clementine... or Clem.” Ellie closes the gap between you cautiously and crouches down with a lop-sided smile.  
“Isn’t that a fruit?” You smack at her shin and she hisses. “Ow jeez, sorry. Hey kiddo. Sorry for scaring you.” You smile at her soft tone, noticing how much she sounded like Joel as she spoke. Clem looks her up and down and then giggles. 
“Your outfit’s funny.” You burst out laughing as Ellie purses her lips together and nods in agreement. 
“You are so right, how about we get back to our home so I can fix my funny outfit?” She looks back to you and you nod at her to signal it’s okay and she clambers to stand with a curt nod. You retrieve the knife she had been holding from the ground and hand it to Ellie to put in her backpack and as you go to start walking back to the horses you feel Clem’s small, soft hand placing itself in yours and squeezing. You smile at her and continue the walk until the horses come into view and she squeals immediately releasing your hand to run over to them. 
“You have ponies!” 
“Yeah we do, that’s Shimmer and that’s Greg.” You hear Ellie reply from your position behind them. 
“Greg?! That’s a weird name for a pony.” 
“Well blame that one over there, she named him.” She jabs a thumb over her shoulder in your direction and you giggle at the funny face that Clem pulls at you. 
“Wanna stroke ‘em?” Ellie asks the ecstatic girl. She nods her head vigorously causing Ellie to reach down and plant her hands on the girls hips, lifting her up to Shimmer’s nose to pet the chestnut horse. You watch as they interact with Shimmer and the sight warms you more than the blistering heat from the sun. You walk over to them and climb onto Greg’s saddle and Ellie takes your hint lifting Clem onto Shimmer’s saddle before climbing on behind her. “These are the reins, you gotta hold on to ‘em, okay?” Clem nods and grabs the leather reins with her petite hands, Ellie takes hold of the reins also with one hand and puts the other round Clem’s waist to make sure she doesn’t fall as she delivers a gentle kick to Shimmer to get her to begin a relaxed trot. You set Greg off behind them and you continue on the journey back to Jackson with your new addition. It isn’t long before you notice Clem has fallen asleep leaning back into Ellie and snoring softly and it makes you wonder what happened to the small girl before you found her.  
“See I’m not the only one that thought your outfit was funny.” 
“Oh fuck off you love this and you know it.” She whispers back at you, her caution making you giggle. 
“Careful, little ears could be listening.” Ellie pokes her tongue out at you and you reciprocate the gesture before engaging in quiet chit-chat the rest of the way home. 
As the gates of Jackson come into view you notice Clem stirring and note how good her timing is. Her eyes widen as she notices the large gates and she turns to Ellie with a panicked look. “It’s okay, this is our home, it’s safe, I promise.” She nods but still remains turned towards Ellie as she wraps her arms around her torso and hides her face in Ellie’s stomach. Ellie wraps her free arm around the girl and rests her chin on Clem’s head as she pouts at you, both sharing looks of adoration and sadness in a bittersweet moment for the girl. As the gates open you see Maria standing there with her hands on her hips and a look that could kill, aimed at both of you but mainly you. You smile sheepishly as you dismount the horse and Maria is so focused on you that she doesn’t notice the small girl cradled in Ellie’s arms.  
“What the fuck were you thinking?! I’ve had people searching everywhere for you! You’re fucking out of order. Joel’s been worried sick about you both, I mean they’re still out there! I’ve just had to radio everyone to come back. You’re a selfish, inconsiderate-” Maria is cut off by Clem running in front of you and pushing at Maria. 
“Don’t speak to her like that! She’s nice, she saved me, you’re mean.” 
“Clem, Clem, it’s okay, Maria’s nice, she’s just angry at me for a good reason.” Clemetine remains glaring at Maria with her arms crossed over her chest defensively as Maria just stares back stunned. “Er Maria, this is Clementine, we found her on our way back today.” You stand and lower your voice. “Think her parents were killed recently, she needs a place to stay.” Maria nods as Ellie walks over to join you both, at the same time, the gates begin opening once again and revealing Joel and Tommy who were racing towards you.  
“We spotted you awhile back, they weren’t far luckily.” Maria explains as you watch Joel jump off of his horse and rush over to Ellie, enclosing her in a hug so tight he lifted her off the ground a little as she squeaked and slapped his shoulder to get him to release her. 
“Jesus Joel-” She coughs out. 
“What the hell were ya thinkin’?” He spits out. “Runnin’ off like that, how stupid are you? And what the hell are ya wearing?” Ellie doesn’t reply, simply bowing her head in shame, embarrassed at the bollocking she was receiving in front of you and Clem, so embarrassed she didn’t even snipe back at the comment about her outfit. 
“Joel can we talk about this later?” She whispers as she subtly jabs a finger behind her at you and Clem watching, her rosy cheeks giving her away entirely. He huffs and walks over to you with a stern look that has your stomach churning.  
“Don’t you ever pull anythin’ like that again. We were worried sick.” 
“I know, sorry Joel.” You scratch at the back of your neck and are completely taken aback when he pulls you into a hug as tight as he had Ellie, your eyes water but you push the feeling down as he pulls away and crouches down to Clem’s height.  
“And who is this?” He asks her with a smile on his face as she giggles. 
“You talk funny.” She giggles as she shelters herself behind you with a shy grin. 
“This is Clem, we found her on our way back.” 
“And just how old are you Clem?” She doesn’t speak, instead holding five fingers up. 
“Five? Well how about that.” He chuckles as he stands and smiles at you before walking back over to Ellie. “Where’s she staying?” 
“I-uh... I don’t know actually.” Maria walks over to Ellie and Joel, still donning the expression of rage she had when you first walked through the gates.  
“There’s plenty of families that would be happy to take her in, I’ll do some asking and find her a place to stay until we can work something permanent out.” 
“NO! I’m staying with them.” Clementines high-pitched voice rings out as she drags you over to Ellie where she holds both your hands in protest. Maria bends down to address her directly. 
“Oh honey, I understand this is scary but all our people are lovely and there are so many families with other kids that will be able to make you feel right at home.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, they found me. They’re my family now!” She screeches with a scowl at Maria who huffs and stands to glare at you both. You each exchange a look before you clear your throat and speak up. 
“Look, Maria, we’re happy to take her while she gets settled. Clem can have my room, she’s already been through so much, if she feels safest with us then surely that’s the best option right now.” You reason with Maria in a hushed tone as her eyes flick back and forth between you and Ellie. 
“Fine. But so help me god, you f- mess this up, you’re both out of here. She is your responsibility now, I hope you understand that.” She grits and you each gulp as she turns on her heel and storms off, Tommy following and trying to calm her down.  
“You- uh, you really did a number on her huh?” Joel chuckles as you both frown at him. “Well get on goin’, y’all need to rest.” You say your goodbyes and begin walking back to your home, relief flooding through you at the thought of getting into Ellie’s bed. You both notice Clem dragging a little so Ellie bends down in front of her and beckons her to climb onto her back which she does gratefully. She crosses her ankles around Ellie’s front and Ellie uses her left hand to hold onto her ankles just to be safe and takes your hand in her right one. You walk hand in hand, stealing glances at Ellie and Clem and swooning at the sight. You can’t help but noticed their striking similarity, their red hair, green eyes and freckles making them look so much like each other you can’t help but beam at them.  
As you walk into your home you feel your body relax as you immediately make a b-line for the sofa, dropping down onto it and sighing. Ellie joins you and rubs a hand over your thigh, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before you both turn to Clem who was watching you both, bewildered.  
“You okay Clem?” You giggle at her stunned face as Ellie joins in with you. 
“Are two girls allowed to kiss?” She wonders as she climbs onto the sofa, placing herself on your laps in the middle of both of you. Ellie just stares back at you with raised eyebrows as she’s clearly lost for words. 
“Yeah they are, some girls like girls and some boys like boys, does that make sense?” 
“Yeah it does. So you guys like each other?” 
“Oh yeah, I like her a whole lot.” Ellie finally chimes in, looking at you lovingly. You smile back before shimmying out from under Clem and standing before them.  
“You hungry Clem?” She nods vigorously and jumps off Ellie’s lap to follow you to the kitchen where you root through the cupboards to find something to feed you all. Ellie strolls in after you both doing an exaggeratedly loud yawn.  
“Why don’t I show you where you’re gonna sleep tonight Kiddo, while dinner’s cooking?” 
“Yes please!” She seems so much happier than she had on the way back to Jackson and your stress over the child alleviated slightly.  
“Your room or mine babe?” 
“Mine, makes the most sense.” You smile at her and she nods before leading Clem upstairs to your room to show her around. You cook some soup and butter some bread as that’s all you have the energy for and you know you have the stuff for pancakes so you figure that would be a fun breakfast for Clem to have in the morning. 
“Woah!” Clem exclaims as she runs at full force towards your bed, jumping onto it and bouncing up and down, Ellie chuckles before walking over and lifting her down and ruffling her hair.  
“Alright, alright, don’t think she’d be too happy with me if I let you jump on her bed.” 
“Sorry.” Clem’s voice sounds saddened and Ellie is quick to crouch down to be at her eyeline. 
“Hey don’t apologise, ever. You got it?” 
“I think I’m supposed to apologise sometimes.” 
“There you go being smarter than me again.” Clem suddenly pulls Ellie into a hug as tight as her little body could squeeze. 
“Thank you Ellie.” 
“It’s okay kiddo, how about we go see how dinner’s doin’?” 
“Okay!” Clem runs off without Ellie and comes bounding into the kitchen where you’re stirring the tomato soup on the stove, there’s a bowl of buttered bread in the middle of the dining table as well as three spoons. 
“Hey Clem, pick where you wanna sit.” 
“Can I go in the middle of you two?” 
“Of course honey.” 
“Yay!” Ellie walks in giggling at the immense amounts of energy the girl somehow managed to still have as you test the soup to see if it's hot enough yet. Ellie comes up behind you, holding onto your hips and kissing your neck. 
“Ellie there are little eyes watching.” You whisper at her and as she looks over her shoulder to see Clem beaming at you both trying to stifle a giggle, she presses one last kiss to your neck and goes to sit next to Clem at the table. You dish up the two cans of soup into three bowls and place them in front of the hungry pair before taking your seat also. “Clem be careful it’s hot, make sure you blow on it.” 
“Do you know why blowing on it makes it cool down?” 
“Errr... Ellie you wanna take this one?” 
“I’m good.” You roll your eyes at her smug smile before directing your attention to Clem. 
“I have absolutely no idea.” Clem giggles at your statement. 
“It’s because the air from your mouth moves the hot air on the soup and the hot from the soup goes into the air from your mouth. I think that’s what my daddy said anyway.” You and Ellie both stare at each other stunned at the intelligence being displayed by the mere five-year-old girl. 
“Damn you’re really fucking smart.” Ellie’s eyes immediately widen in panic as you gasp and kick at her under the table. 
“Sorry!” Clem giggles at the both of you as you glare at Ellie. 
“You guys are funny.” 
“I’m glad you find it funny but Ellie said a bad word, that’s naughty.” You say to Clem only causing her to giggle more. Ellie smirks in your direction and when you notice it you roll your eyes and go back to devouring your soup, Ellie and Clem occasionally sharing facts about dinosaurs that they knew. When you’re all finished, Ellie and Clem have matching orange rings around their mouths, and you stand. “Ellie’s gonna tidy up because I cooked but how about we get you to bed? Bet you’re tired huh?” Ellie groans before standing and collecting all of the dirty dishes to start the washing up, Clem runs over to her and hugs her legs before Ellie crouches down to give her a proper hug.  
“Night kiddo.” 
“Night Ellie.” They smile at each other before Clem walks over to you and takes your hand in hers as you lead her upstairs to bed. You start rooting around your drawers and when you find a t-shirt that she can wear as a night dress, you spin around flashing it at her.  
“You okay getting changed yourself? Or do you need some help?” 
“I can do it!” You hand her the shirt and begin turning to walk out of the room before you hear a small “Where are you going? We haven’t said goodnight.” 
“Oh I’m sorry Clem, I was going to stand outside while you changed and then come back in and tuck you in.” 
“Promise you won’t forget to say goodnight?” 
“Pinkie promise.” You hold out your pinkie to her and she just looks at you dumbfounded. “A pinkie promise is an extra special promise that you never ever break, just hold up your pinkie like me.” As she does this you wrap yours around hers and she mimics the action with a grin. “I’ll be right outside, okay?” She nods and you stand outside until you hear her call you back in, you walk in and pull the covers back on the bed, patting them for her to climb into as she immediately sighs at the comfiness of your bed, it makes you wonder more about what her life had been like as you tuck her into the covers extra tight with a smile. “Goodnight Clem.” 
“Goodnight.” She smiles at you and reaches forward, cupping your cheeks with her dainty hands and pressing a kiss on your forehead. “That’s what my mummy always did at bedtime.” 
“Thank you Clem. We’ll be in the room right next door if you need anything okay?” She nods and you exit the room, shutting the door behind you to find Ellie walking up the stairs.  
“I am so fucking tired.” 
“Shhhh she’s still awake.” 
“Shit sorry.” As she realises what she said she slaps a hand over her mouth and you giggle as you open her bedroom door and walk in already discarding of your clothes and going to her drawer of t-shirts to pick one to wear to bed. You settle on her Jurassic Park one she had found on patrol one time and she groans. 
“I was gonna wear that one.” 
“You snooze you lose babe.”  
“Oh whatever.” She grabs a different t-shirt and some pyjama shorts before jumping on the bed and snuggling under the covers while holding an arm out for you to snuggle into her. You stay cuddled together quietly for a couple minutes before she takes a deep breath and looks down at you. “So err- Should we talk about this?” 
“Right, yeah. I um-” You trail off scared to say what you were thinking in case you disagreed, but you pushed through the fear and blurted the words out like they were burning your mouth.  
“I think she should stay with us” “I don’t wanna let anyone else take her.” You both rush the words out at the same time and look at each other stunned before she pulls you into a heated kiss that leaves you both breathless as you pull away.  
“I’m so glad you feel the same.” Ellie breathes out. 
“Are you kidding? She’s a mini-you, how could I not?” She smiles at your words and snuggles into you once more. You’re both half asleep when there’s a quiet knock at the door, Ellie is already basically snoozing, so you reply for the both of you. “Come in honey.” 
“I’m sorry, c-can I sleep with you?” 
“Of course! Come scooch in the middle here.” She rushes forward excitedly and clumsily sneaks under the covers, causing Ellie to stir.  
“Oh hey kiddo.” She says sleepily as she stretches her arm over Clem, grabbing at your waist and pulling you closer so the small girl is sandwiched between the both of you before falling asleep again, snoring gently. Clem turns to face you and snuggles into you as you squish closer to Ellie.  
“Thank you for being my new family.” Her words are faint and spoken with an uncertainty that causes you to cup her cheek, rubbing at the soft skin with your thumb.  
“I’m really glad we found you Clem.” 
“Me too.” With that you both shut your eyes and let yourselves fall into a much-needed sleep after the days you had all had.
tags: @emiliabby @readbydayana @radioheadfan699 @lil-elliesgf @isitadinosaur @amberputh @maelovescashew
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aspecbuddie · 4 months
Hii :D
No pressure writing prompt,
From this list about seeking out physical affection : acting like they're cold to have an excuse to cuddle or share clothes or blankets
Hey!!! Thanks for the prompt!! 💚💚💚 I thought I was going to not do this after a couple false starts and then ended up writing nearly 1k for it xD
“Hey can I uh… can I steal a hoodie from you for the evening?” Buck asks, after a minute of rummaging through his bag. “I must have left mine in my locker.”
“Sure,” Eddie replies, not taking his eyes off the movie. “If there’s not one in my room there should be one in the dryer.”
He doesn’t blame Buck for being forgetful at the end of that shift. It had been a truly awful one – one of those shifts that ends with everyone calling their shrinks to see if they can get an emergency appointment. Eddie already had an appointment with Frank booked for the next day, so he waited patiently for Buck to finish sorting his own out before inviting him back to the house for a movie night with Chris.
Although Chris had only spent the duration of a single movie with them tonight before excusing himself to his room under the guise of having homework to complete. The likelihood of him actually doing homework is low, but tonight Eddie doesn’t have it in him to care. His kid is safe and happy and alive under his roof, who cares if he’s doing his homework or playing video games. Some kids can’t do either anymore.
Buck returns a few minutes later, wearing Eddie’s old, tatty, LAFD hoodie and clutching two fresh beers, one of which gets placed on the coffee table in front of Eddie.
They settle back into quietly watching the movie, and Eddie at least is trying to avoid letting his thoughts stray back to the last twelve hours. It’s about an hour and a half later that he cannot stay sat any longer without thinking about it, so he stands up and starts to head towards the kitchen.
He turns to Buck, about to ask if he wants anything while he’s up, but his best friend’s appearance stops the words in their tracks.
Buck is sat the other end of the couch, where he’s been all night, with his feet up and knees pulled loosely to his chest, the sleeves of Eddie’s hoodie pulled over his hands where they’re hugging his legs. His face is flushed, and there’s something that looks like a tear running down towards his chin. Except, as Eddie studies him for a few seconds longer and notices another one on Buck's forehead, he realises it must actually be sweat.
Out of habit, maybe, Eddie reaches out and feels Buck’s forehead with the back of his hand.
Buck swats his hand away. “Dude what the fuck?”
“Take the hoodie off, Buck. You’re boiling hot, man, you feel like you have a fever. D’ya want me to get the medicine from the cabinet or… uh… I can—”
“Eddie it’s not a fever. I’ll… I’ll take the hoodie off, okay?” Buck swings his legs back over onto the floor and pulls the hoodie over his head, before handing it to Eddie. “Happy?”
Eddie just stares at Buck. “Why did you even put it on? There’s no way you could have been cold when you asked for it.”
“I uh…” Buck rubs his neck sheepishly. “I feel like shit after that shift a-and uh… I knew it would smell like… like this house and… and like you. And… I don’t know it’s just… it’s… it’s…”
“Comforting?” Eddie suggests.
Buck nods.
There’s something about this new piece of knowledge – about knowing that his house and his presence is comforting to his best friend – that eases a small bit of his own post-shift heartache. He wonders if Buck has ever had someone to borrow clothes from before, because Eddie hasn’t. Shannon and Ana had borrowed his clothes during their respective relationships, but Eddie had never been able to do the same – nothing  of theirs would have fit him.
He's strangely glad he can do this for Buck,, although it’s not ideal that Buck is literally overheating just to get a small amount of comfort.
“I’ll be right back,” he says, leaving the room with a hoodie and returning a minute later, handing Buck the new item in his hand. Buck looks up at him with a questioning glance. “The hoodie was too hot so, uh, I thought one of my t-shirts might work better.”
The look of awe on Buck’s face is overwhelming. Instead of saying anything, he stands up and pulls off the t-shirt he’s already wearing – which is sweat-soaked in places. Eddie feels a surprising need to look away for the couple seconds that Buck is shirtless; he’s not sure why, they change in front of each other all the time.
When he looks back, Buck is wearing one of Eddie’s slightly less worn black tees. Buck opens and closes his mouth a few times, but doesn’t say anything. Eddie can’t think of anything to say either, so he does the only thing he can think of, and pulls Buck in for a hug.
It’s strange, for Buck to have the scent of Eddie’s laundry detergent mixed with his shower gel from the station. But strange in a good way, and while the hug is short, it further eases the cloud in Eddie’s head.
The movie is still playing, and when Buck sits back down on the couch, Eddie sits closer to him, only an inch of space between their bodies. When Buck shuffles across and closes that space, Eddie reaches an arm across the back of the couch and rests his hand on Buck’s shoulder, pulling Buck gently closer against him.
“Just ask next time,” he whispers. “Or don’t. If it makes you feel better just… just take the clothes, Buck.”
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mooodyblue · 2 months
hello Angel! I’m not sure if you remember me or not but I used to be Prayerstopresley on here a good while ago!! : D I was wondering if you could write a cutesy little one shot with BDE and a pregnant reader who is struggling to paint her toenails so he decides to do it for her? I just thought it would be a cute idea!! Thank you!!
wc: 804
pairing: pregnant!reader x 70s!elvis
warnings: none
a/n: oh my goodness i do absolutely remember you!!! i always wondered where you had went!! happy to see you back omg!!!!!! this was such a cute lil request, thank you! <3
masterlist directory
elvis was incredibly protective of you while you were pregnant. the moment you came back from the doctor and told him about that little baby in your belly he swore to you he’d never let a single person put a hand on you. no going out, no going to his shows, you were to stay inside of graceland until that child was born. 
oh, but you begged and begged and begged. he took you out occasionally—he had someone drive you to your appointments. 
he finished up another long run at the international which called for a couple of weeks in hawaii. you were 28 weeks, truly feeling the real aches and annoyances of being pregnant. elvis thought you were the cutest little thing ever. he gave your bump gentle kisses every day that he was home, sometimes sang or pressed his ear against it. but now he had a bit of a break, finally getting some time with just you and his unborn child. 
you had to buy new clothes for the trip—nothing was fitting you at this point. elvis was more than happy to buy you a whole new wardrobe, which you thought was a bit excessive, but you could never stop elvis from doing anything no matter how much you tried. 
you were packed, ready to leave the next day. however, you were in desperate need of a pedicure. the fingernails were already done, looking pretty as ever. toenails? horrendous. you couldn't even see them. did you even have toes anymore? so, you decided to take matters into your own hand and work on them yourself. 
an array of nail products sat on your vanity. it was too dangerous to attempt on the bed or downstairs, the last thing you wanted to do was get red nail polish on the white carpet.
a sigh left your lips as you propped your foot against the vanity with a grunt, opening the tiny bottle of red nail polish. you tapped off the access liquid and reached forward, trying to reach one of your toes—failing miserably. you grumbled under your breath, trying to do it again. “new position.” you mumbled, standing up instead and propping your foot on the chair. you bent down the best you could….but it just wasn’t working.
position after position, nothing worked and you wanted to give up. a bundle of frustration finally hit you. you sat on the edge of the bed, sniffling and wiping your eyes with the back of your hand as you looked at the unpainted toes. you felt so disgusted with yourself.
“baby, i was thinkin—” elvis spoke, wandering into the bedroom. the teary eyes and sad look on your face stopped his thoughts, looking at you worriedly. “what’s goin’ on? is it the baby? did something happen?” he asked, furrowing his brows.
you shook your head, gesturing to your feet. “‘m too big.” you mumbled again, “can’t paint my toes.” 
then, elvis laughed. 
you frowned at him, feeling more tears begin to pool once again. elvis got himself together and shook his head, “baby…baby, i’m sorry. it–it ain’t funny, i know.” he said, walking over to you and getting on his knees. he placed a hand on one of your knees, “i know you’re hurtin’. you’re doin�� one hell of a job, mama. lemme do it.”
“you’ve never painted nails before.” you sniffled, “just leave ‘em be.”
“nuh-uh.” he picked up the bottle of nail polish and scootched himself to your feet. “if we’re havin’ ourselves a baby girl, i gotta learn one day, don’t i?” he asked with a grin.
that sentence alone made you chuckle, feeling your mood begin to brighten up. “please don’t mess ‘em up.” you begged.
he chuckled and propped a foot up against his knee, getting to work. “c’mon, satnin. have some faith in ol’ elvis, would ya?” 
occasionally he’d rub at your ankles or calves if you got a cramp from being in the same position for too long. they chatted about names and all baby things as he painted her toenails, making sure to be extra careful not to get any polish on the sides. you loved how his brows furrowed when he was super focused on the task at hand.
once he finished up, he looked proudly at your toes with a grin. “look at those lil’ sooties.” he said, “tell me i did a good job, honey. don’t they look nice?”
you sat up a bit to get a look at them from the angle you were in, taken back by how good of a job he did. “wow.’ you admired them a bit more, nodding approvingly. “might have to ask for your help more often.”
he smiled and leaned forward to peck at your bump and at your lips, “anything for my babies.”
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Please do pavitr x reader please!!
Thanks for the Help
Characters: Pavitr Prabhakar x GN!reader
Genre: Slight angst, Fluff
Summary: After getting sick, you are there to help Pavitr get through it. Thanks for the reqs boo ✨
Warnings: I aged up both the reader and Pavitr to 18 bc there is a slight suggestive scene but nothin to crazy
Notes: this is my first time writing Pavitr so I’m sorry for if it’s ooc.
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“You look absolutely terrible, Pav.” You told him. You both were in the nearly empty cafeteria at HQ. He had a runny nose and he was constantly clearing his throat.
“Hey, it’s not that terrible. I’m fine,” he cracked a smile and attempted to get up just for his knees to buckle under.
You caught him before he hit the ground, thankfully. “Someone whose fine wouldn’t fall to the ground like that, Pav. You’re sick and you need to rest so you’ll get better.”
Pavitr struggles out of your grasp and leans on the table to stand, his back facing you. “I am fine, okay. I don’t have time to be sick, Mumbattan needs me. They have nobody else protecting them.”
You grab his shoulders and turn him to face you. You held his face and held it steady, “Listen, I know. You feel like you are the only one who can protect your city and without you, it would fall and crumble to the ground. But you're not alone, Pav. I mean you are literally in a spider society. Plus, you cannot really protect anyone if you're dead on your feet.”
“But I can-” Before he can continue he breaks out into a coughing fit and when he recovers you give him a “I told you so” look. He sighs, “Yea, you're right.”
You start leading him to your room and thankfully Pavitr follows without much fussing. You pulled out some sweatpants and a t-shirt that he should be able to fit. You think that these are Miles’ and Hobie’s clothes that Gwen left. You weren’t totally sure.
“So, do you need help getting dressed or…?” You asked him and in response he gives you a sly smirk and a tilt of his head.
Rolling your eyes, you left the room to give him some privacy. If he can have thoughts like that then he can get dressed himself.
“Okay, I'm good,” you hear Pavitr and you go to check up on him. He was sitting on the very edge of your bed, looking extremely out of place.
“What's wrong, Pav? You wanna go to your room?”
Truthfully you chose your room because it was the one closest to the caf and you wanted him to be in bed quickly. But maybe you should’ve been more considerate about where a sick person would want to be resting at.
“Sorry, do you want to be in your own room? I didn't really consider that.”
“No, no, it’s just I don't want to intrude. And this is my first time being in your room,” he explains to you, avoiding eye contact.
“Oh, no, no you don't have to worry about that, Pav. I’ll go and get some tea for you and vicks for you, okay? And take some cough drops in the meantime. Get comfortable.” And with that you were out the door. You decided to focus on getting the things Pavitr needed rather than what he just said.
This is the first time I'm in your room. Oh and he was in your bed too! Oh, god you didn't think this through. You were so focused on not letting him get out, you didn't even think about it. No, no. He's sick right now. He needs a friend right now, not someone who has a crush. Get yourself together.
You walked back to your room with supplies in hand but then you stopped when you heard Hobie’s voice.
“Mate, what's going on?”
“I'm in her room, in her bed. Dude, I'm freaking out here,” you hear Pavitr answer. “I don't wanna blow it.” It seems like they are talking on the phone.
“So don't blow it then,” Hobie answers casually. “Listen, you are overthinking it because you like her. But like you're sick so just focus on getting better first okay. And let's be honest, if she didn't like you, would she really be doing all of…this? Now go take some cough medicine, you sound like shit.”
No, no you shouldn’t be eavesdropping, it's wrong and weird and what is wrong to you? You decided to drop that train of thought for now and knock to announce yourself.
“Hey Pav,” you greet him with a big smile even though you were screaming on the inside. “So I made you some black tea to help with the sore throat and the Vicks is to help with your stuffy nose.” You place the items on the end table, “Need anything else?”
Pavitr looks up at you with half-lidded eyes and slightly slurred words, “Um, can you put the Vicks on me, please? My arms are heavy, sorry.”
“It's fine, Pav. I told you I'll take care of you and I meant it,” you reply.
You sat on the edge of the bed and started to unbutton the shirt, and you started to rub the substance on his chest. Your gaze met his and god was he beautiful. His eyes, his hair, his smile.
“What are you smiling at?” You asked when you noticed it.
“You. You're really, really pretty,” he answers you and maintains eye contact.
“Oh, Pavitr, listen-” you start off but he interrupts you.
“No, I'm being serious. I've always thought you were pretty and smart and amazing and everything else. I just was too afraid to tell you until now. When I get better, let me take you out on a date?” He confesses to you.
“Oh”, is all you can say while you attempt to take in what you just heard. Because what? “What? What are in these drops?” You reached to grab the bottle but he stopped you.
“It has nothing to do with the drops and everything to do with how I feel about you. I truly mean it.” He tells you. “You probably-“
“Okay, I’ll go. I kinda, sorta, think your amazing too. But you have to do everything I tell you to do. Understand?” You offer to him.
He gives you a beaming smile, “Yea, that’s cool with me.”
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Tags: @butterfi, @justbeethings, @jam-skullz, @zomb1te, @dreamxcollide, @shibble, @sciamachy-after-dusk, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @somber-starz, @maypersonne, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @emgavi, @sawi-06, @707xn, @niktwazny303, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @mewxzx, @yourtsahik, @angelzira, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @itstooearly-its3am, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @gricelovesu, @sodapopzds, @peter-parkers-gf, @star-light18464, @andhdi68a, @liural, @wraithlueintheirlittleworld, @targaryenstormborn
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merakiui · 11 months
From the post where you said that the tweels get punishment by sleeping in the couch now i just imagine that darling has two emergency eel plushies for when this happens to cuddle with exactly how you would sleep like with the tweels but instead there is a large eel plush (both being similar colors of their merform the one to remplace Floyd has a :D face with the sharp teeth made of cloth too but the eyes closed in the same droopy way the Jade plush is similar but smiling with the mouth closed :) type way and of course his eyes turned upwards to rub it more in their faces they have the same black hair strand) to let them know that bad eels don't get cuddles now go! >:( I would do this with any other character as well. Also i am curious about what animal do you think that rollo would be best because honestly I have no idea for him yet (Azul also gets his own octopus plush for when he didn't came in his gm outfit)
Gonna leave this just in case: warning maybe? Stuff with plushies
(I haven't checked the don't do when it comes to writing kinks but if you want to be EXTRA attaching a toy to the plushies and riding them maybe even with the door open so they can't excuse themselves with "Oh but what if you get horn-" "Bad eels don't get fuck" will do)
Just a random thought that I got while looking in Pinterest :D
Omg yes!!! Snuggling with two eel plushies that have similar features while the twins sit in horny jail on the sofa. >_< you can be certain that the moment they’ve finished serving their sentence they’re going to fuck you so good and so hard and make you so silly on their cocks. It’ll be a relief and a revenge all at once. <3
Maybe they even get jealous of the eel plushies if you’re sleeping with them often (or using them for pleasure). Imagine Floyd holding a knife up to one and threatening it as if it’s real and can talk: “I dunno what ya got in ya that’s got Shrimpy all excited, but ya gotta knock it off before I knock you out.” >:( Jade would undo the meticulous stitching on the plush resembling him and take it apart piece by piece if it weren’t for the fact that he knows how much you like it. Neither eel wants to make you sad, even if it’s both annoying and embarrassing to be jealous of a plushie. To think the source of their woe is something so soft and cute as that…
I imagine by the second or third day of being condemned to the couch the eels are considering just apologizing once more and begging to be let back in. Or breaking down your bedroom door. The latter seems better and keeps their pride intact, but then they don’t really care much about pride because they love you and would beg in a heartbeat if you wanted it. They’d get on their knees so easily for you. The eels are so whipped for you. orz anything for their beloved darling. :)
Their happiness is palpable when you finally let them back in. They’re clinging to you and cuddling so sweetly. It lasts for all of three minutes before their hands are wandering and they’re casually discussing what they should do to you with wicked smiles:
“Was awfully mean of Shrimpy to make us wait like this… Hey, Jade, let’s make up for lost time, yeah?”
“A brilliant idea, Floyd. Let’s see how long our little pearl can last. Perhaps three days should be enough to satisfy…”
You’d better not have anything planned for those next three days because they are filled with on and off rounds of sex. It brings the twins inner peace to finally slot inside you and feel your body pressed between theirs. By the end of it, your entire body is covered in bites and bruises.
(As for animal plushies for Rollo, I imagine a goat would be fitting because the City of Flowers loves their community goats and treats them so kindly. :D)
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tlouxx · 1 year
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Electromagnetism - p. 3
~ ellie williams x reader
part two | part four <3
synopsis: you and ellie williams have been long time rivals. you're a physics majors at wellesley college, and you’re competing for the same spot in the prestigious dr. ramsey’s lab as ellie. suddenly neither of you can escape the other as you’re both trying to navigate your final year of college
content: college!ellie, mean!ellie, modern au, academic rivals to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn, eventual smut, swearing, banter, alcohol use, drug use, dina and reader being bffs, college party, ellie flirting with another girl
taglist: @gold-dustwomxn @skylerwhitwyo @blueberryhalfblood @elliebobellysosmelly @444na0m1
I shut my curtains before changing into some pj bottoms. After staying up all night last night, I deserve a treat and to go to bed immediately. I think of the ice cream at the back of my freezer. Before I leave the confines of my bed, my phone buzzes against the blanket. I had just texted my mom about getting the top score in class. She has always been so supportive of me. I’m just glad it’s finally coming to fruition. I turn my phone over expecting to see my mom’s name on the screen. 
9:48 P.M. 
Ellie: Maybe so.. Congrats. 
My jaw nearly hits the floor. I wasn’t expecting her to say anything back. I thought she’d ignore it or say something snide to me in person. Should I respond?
I take a sip of water to soothe my dry throat and look around my room. My lamp is the only light that’s radiating throughout.  
My plan to best Ellie is starting to materialize. I just didn’t imagine we’d be texting one another. Or that I’d start getting used to spending so much time with her. Or getting nervous when her name appears on my phone. 
Should I say something witty? I type and delete multiple texts before settling on something simple. 
9:59 P.M. 
Thanks. I’ll see you at class on monday. 
E: I’m throwing a party tomorrow if you and Dina want to come. 
E: No pressure tho. 
I’m skeptical. This isn’t the Ellie Williams I know. I’ve known taunts, bragging, shoving, but never an open invitation to her house. Maybe I should consult Dina first? On the other hand.. I haven’t been to a party in awhile, and I don’t have to talk to Ellie while I'm there either. I could just stand in the corner talking to Dina or I could take a peek into her room. See what weird shit she’s hiding. 
Too much time is passing. The longer I take to respond the weirder it is. 
10:33 P.M. 
Send me the address? 
My curiosity got the best of me. I have to go. 
Day 27 
8:30 A.M. 
Would you indulge me if I proposed going to a party tonight? 
D: I’m down! 
D: Who’s party is it? 
D: and you want to go? 
Well she invited us. I haven’t gone out in a while. Could be fun if we ignore her all night :) 
D: Okay. Let’s do it. 
D: Come to my place to get ready later? 
“Dina, do you think this outfit looks good?” Her clothes are scattered throughout the room. Her desk doesn’t look any better with makeup brushes and our makeup bags spread out. She turns around in her desk chair to look at me. Her eyes wander up and down. I’ve tried on multiple different outfits, but nothing seems to look right. 
“You look absolutely stunning.” Dina looks back at her reflection to apply another coat of mascara. Looking in the mirror, I begin to scrutinize the outfit I have on. Her denim jeans fit snug around my waist. I take off my tank top and replace it with a black one. 
“You said that about the last outfit too!” I sit down on Dina’s bed defeated.
She pushes herself out of her chair and plops down on the bed with me. “You’ve looked good in everything! You’re overthinking it.” 
I sigh. “You’re right, I am.” Her hand grasps mine and pulls me up. “How about we take a shot and continue getting ready?”
I’m sitting down at Dina’s desk looking over the mess we’ve created in the last hour. I check the time on my phone. The party starts in 10 minutes, but we definitely cannot be the first to arrive. I decided on wearing the jeans I borrowed from Dina, my black tank, and a green flannel. It’s my typical wardrobe, but it makes me feel confident. I’ll need that once I walk into the beast that is Ellie Williams. 
The vibration of my phone allows the haze of my thoughts to disappear. It’s Ellie. 
9:45 P.M. 
E: You and Dina still coming tn? 
Yeah. why do you ask?
E: Just thought it was unlike you to be late to something.
Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think.. 
E: I think I know you just the right amount ;)
Sureee Ellie.. 
The door opens and two shots appear in front of me. 
“Cheers!” We clink our glasses together and down the shot of rum. My face distorts as it burns through my chest. I laugh when I see Dina’s face twist in disgust too.
“While you were gone, guess who texted me” 
“Oh no, not your ex?” Dina gives me a look that resembles pity. 
“Ew, not her. Ellie.” 
“Shut up!” She lunges over to see my phone. “Show me!!” 
After reading our back and forth, Dina looks back up at me. “Ooh, it sounds like she really wants you to be there.” I shove her away from me playfully. 
“Shut uppp.” 
Before we leave, Dina and I take one last shot together. She looks gorgeous with her hair in soft waves. Her eyelashes are long and gracefully frame her eyes. No wonder her and Ellie were a thing. I feel a spring of jealousy erupt out of nowhere. I push the feeling aside and smile at Dina. “I’m ready when you are.” I grab my phone and keys and we head out the door. 
Ellie’s apartment is surprisingly close. I’m lingering behind as Dina leads the way. A wave of regret comes over me. I’m not sure I made the right decision. What if this goes horribly wrong. Ellie and I don’t exactly have a track record of getting along. 
“Hey.” I say catching Dina’s attention in front of me. 
“Everything alright?” Her eyebrows furrow as she looks at me concerned. 
“Do you think Ellie is pissed I got the top grade and not her?” The alcohol is coursing through my veins now. 
“I mean, maybe. If she was that pissed off I doubt she’d invite you to her party.” 
I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe. I’m intimidated by her. I feel like she’ll pull some stunt.” She hugs me tightly, and looks at me, “We don’t have to go if you’re worried.” 
I’m letting Ellie and our rivalry get to my head. Maybe this was her way of extending an olive branch. I look back at Dina, “I should be worried about you! You’re the one that used to kiss her.” She gives me a knowing smile and laughs. “She grabs ahold of my hand pulling me toward her as we continue on our way to Ellie’s house. 
Walking up to her door I feel myself getting more and more nervous. I think I need another drink. Music is emanating through the halls of the apartment complex. Must have thin walls. Dina knocks on the door. Only seconds later Ellie appears in front of us. Her hair falls delicately in front of her face. She’s wearing black jeans with converse and a brown jacket. 
Ellie looks at both of us “So you guys finally decided to make it.” She gestures for us to come in. 
Her apartment is lit up by LED lights. It's a typical college apartment. Thin walls, gray laminate floors, fake granite countertop. The living room is full of people already. I recognize a couple of them. I’ve seen around the physics department. I think they might be juniors. Dina grabs my arm pulling me out of my daze. “Let’s get another drink.”
I’m currently sipping on a seltzer in the corner with Dina as planned. Ellie is off flirting with one of the girls I saw earlier in the living room. I think her name is Cat. Ellie has her hand above Cat’s head as they talk in the door frame. I feel a bit embarrassed that I assumed she only invited me here as a joke or to humiliate me publicly. She has barely spoken to me the entire time. My eyes wander over to Ellie again. She’s definitely winning Cat over. 
Ellie’s hand lightly caresses her clothed lower back slowly lifting up her shirt. She leans down to whisper in Cat’s ear. Her eyes widen. She meets Ellie’s gaze and whispers back to her. Ellie’s fingers then dip down to her hips. She strokes the waistband of her jeans before moving her hand down lower. Her head nuzzles into her shoulder as she pulls her in closer. She begins to work her way up delicately kissing her neck.I look away as the moment begins to feel too intimate. I lift my cool hands up to my cheeks to relieve the heat burning off them. 
A couple of Dina’s coworkers pulled her away to play a drinking game. I decided not to play. I don’t want to get too drunk. I still need to work on an assignment tomorrow. I get up off the couch and try to find a bathroom. I walk through the hallway, and pull on the first door handle, but it doesn’t budge. I continue down the hall, and spot a sliding glass door to the left. As I walk down the hall further, I can tell it’s Ellie. She sees me looking at her and gestures for me to come outside too. I open the door with caution.
“Hi.” Ellie sits down in the chair. I sit down across from her. I’m confused why she wanted me to come out here. I had assumed she’d be with Cat still. 
She readjusts herself in the chair and reaches into her back pocket pulling out a joint. 
“Want any?” She extends it in my direction. 
“I’ll take a hit.” Ellie brings the lighter to it and inhales. She passes it to me. The thick smoke lingers in the air around us. 
After we pass the joint back and forth a few more times, Ellie moves to sit on the couch next to me. Her eyes are glossy and tinted pink. I can’t imagine mine look much different. I giggle. 
“What’re you laughing at?” Ellie shoves my arm. I shove her back harder. We are competitive after all. 
“You look kinda funny when you’re high.” The atmosphere around us seems to change. The tension is replaced by something new.  A warmth spreads through my body despite the goosebumps rising on my arms. I contemplate what Ellie is thinking. She puts her head in between her hands and shakes her head. She scoots over closer to me. 
“You look kinda cute when you’re high. At least for you.” 
 “I don’t know if I should be offended or flattered.” 
Ellie pulls back unexpectedly. 
“Can I ask you a question?” 
The twinge of anxiety in my chest returns. I hesitantly meet her eye contact “Uh. Sure.” 
Ellie starts biting her nails. “How did you get the highest grade for exam one?” 
“Why wouldn’t I? I knew the material inside and out.” 
“Bullshit.” Ellie’s tone changes, and I know this is no longer playful banter. She stands up towering over me. 
I want to retreat into the couch. I thought for a second she was going to put this shit aside. I guess I was wrong. 
“How Ellie? You took the test right next to me. It’s not like I cheated. Maybe it’s time for you to accept that I’m just as good if not better than you.” 
She scoffs. Ellie bites her thumbnail and is pacing around the small balcony.
“Why did you even invite me here? To interrogate me?” 
“Oh fuck you. You’re the one who has the incessant need to compete with me. I just play along.” I stand up to even the playing field. The rage is bubbling up inside of me begging to be let out. 
“No fuck you Ellie. You just told me you’re glad I’m finally playing the game. Now I’m the only one who is trying to compete with you? I’m leaving. I don’t know why I came here in the first place.” 
I rush to the door. Eager to find Dina and leave. Ellie grabs my arm bringing me back outside. I pull away. 
“What more do you have to say?” I try to pull myself out of her grasp again. 
“That’s not the only thing I wanted to ask. Please.” I stop trying to escape and Ellie let’s go. 
“Okay, then what do you want to say to me? It better be good or I’m leaving and telling the tutoring center to drug test you Monday.” 
“Then I’ll tell them to drug test you too.” Despite wanting to shove Ellie into the brick wall behind us I don’t. 
“Spit it out.” 
“I need you to not apply for the position in Dr. Ramsey’s lab.” 
Out of the corner of my eye I see Dina walking toward us. 
“Not a chance Ellie.”
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luimagines · 1 year
Incredible Reenactment
Another commission
They asked for Reader being isekai’ed into Hyrule after being in a Ren Fair. They meet the Chain. Starting with Woflie. :D
Content under the cut!
It was a perfect sunny day to be at the Renaissance Fair. 
You had dressed up in your home made clothes to fit in with the aesthetic. You had your water bottle and a whole lot of cash that you were willing to blow on any and all impulses while you were there.
It wasn’t often that you stepped in to see the place, but it was all in good fun.
As you were walking along the booths and shops of the fair, you noticed multiple cosplayers. One of them even had the most accurate and stunning Dark Link cosplays you had ever seen. You had let them know what you thought of it.
You don’t know what pushed you so much to go talk to them but even if it was just that single sentence. The ‘hey, I like your outfit.’ In and Out. You can do it! You’d never see them again after today anyway. They had to know.
You tried to follow them at least to tap them on the shoulder but it seemed that the closer you got the faster they seemed to move. Maybe they were running away from you? You didn’t think they saw you.
In any case, you had managed to lose sight of them.
“Fiddle faddle…” You pout and lean against the wall. It was a shame but there’s little you could do about it. 
Oh well, it was a cool costume. You shake your head and move to go back to where you were. You weren’t done looking around the fair. And you wanted to explore every inch.
But your ankle gives out from under you, sending you to the ground.
You pop back up, like a daisy, and brush down your clothes. “Cool, cool, cool.... No one saw that. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
You move away from the area, trying to run away from your impending embarrassment. Some people looked your way as you scrambled to gain distance but that only heightened your self-consciousness.
Ho-kay! This is a little too much attention you’re garnering for yourself. Maybe it’s time to take a step out and calm down before starting over.
You walk through the stalls and the booths. There’s more people around you than you remember, but maybe they just got there. You find one of the exits. It’s along a tall stone wall with large wooden doors that connect to a wooden drawbridge.
“They really went all out with this.” You marvel as you look upwards to see it all. You nearly crash into a coming in patron with a horse but with a quick apology, you keep moving.
You walk onto the field in front just beyond the town’s borders. The parking lot should be nearby. But you can’t seem to find it. If anything you think that there are a lot more trees around here than you thought there was when you pulled in.
“I must have gone through the other side of the fair.” You scratch the top of your head.
Something enters the corner of your eye and you turn your head to it. A massive gray and black canine is slowly coming your way. Is it a wolf? It’s certainly large enough to be a wolf.
“Easy.” You say, putting your hands up. As if that would stop it from hurting you. Your heart starts pounding in your chest at the sight of the animal. “Easy buddy…Are you alone? Do you have people?”
At least it doesn’t seem aggressive, you think to yourself. It comes closer and you instinctively put your hand out. If it’s just a dog, it’ll sniff it. If it’s a wolf, well then you’ll have to figure another solution.
The creature pauses and tilts its head. Clearly, the poor thing was not informed about the procedure here.
You keep your hand out, hoping for the best but mentally preparing yourself for the worst. “I’m friendly. Are you friendly?”
The canine steps closer and pauses. The question is plastered all over its face. It licks your knuckles.
Your heart melts and all the tension drops from your body. “Oh..ok. Cool. No biting. No Fighting. We’re cool. I’m cool…. I’m talking to a dog. Fun.”
You sag and sit on the ground. The dog continues to sniff you, as if you've just given permission for it to do so. You sigh and watch it do its thing. “Where are your people? 
“Wolfie!!” A kid cries.
He comes running out of the tree line and instantly spots the two of you. You sag further. Thank god, you think. Some people to take care of the dog. This is why you need to have your dogs on a leash. Something could happen. 
You wave as he comes closer. “Hey. Is he yours?”
“Um..” He pauses. He’s a cute kid. He looks just like Link from Wind Waker. It’s another great costume. “Well, not really. He just shows up sometimes but he’s a good boy. I was wondering where he went.”
That’s…a good enough answer. Wait a minute, how old is he? Where are his parents?
The questions are just on the tip of your tongue when more people come out of the woodwork. Their armor looks legit and they all have some sort of weapon. Multiple of them look like a version of Link. Each costume seems authentic and expertly made. It’s impressive.
You move to stand, a smile already playing on your lips. ”Good afternoon! I’m assuming the dog is yours?”
“...Yeah, sorry about that.” One of them answers.
“Right.” You elect to ignore the strange pause. It’s fine.
“I really like your outfit.” You say, looking back to the young boy smiling. “You look a lot like Link.”
He blinks and points to himself. You nod. He tilts his head with a strange smile. “I am Link.”
You blink and point to the other boys. “Who are they then?”
“Also Link.”
A pause. You need to sit down for a moment.
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oharamwah · 1 year
Hii, LOVE your work, you write amazing fluff with Miguel, makes me giggle and blush every time💘
Could I request Miguel with a reader whose love language is gifts and they are just used to buying and making lots of stuff for their loved ones, but not used to receiving it? Not like they can't accept it, but it's just new to them. And so Miguel remembers a little simple detail the reader likes (their fav flower for example) and gives it to them, while reader just goes error head empty
♡ — no returns or exchanges : miguel wants you to be treated as sweetly as you treat others → 1.05k
boyfriend!miguel x gn!reader
contents : you and miguel’s anniversary, miguel being attentive and spoiling his lovely one <3<3, mentions of baker!reader !!! (as a hobby)
posted july 29th - to be edited !
© oharamwah, please do not steal my work.
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your entire life, you’ve been a giver. you find joy in shopping and piecing things together for others and you’ve been hand making all your cards for as long as you can remember. friends and family always looked forward to their birthdays because they knew you’d go all out.
so when you and miguel first started dating, you would smother him in gifts. whether it be writing him small notes everyday or baking him his favourite pastries, you’d take any chance to do something nice for him.
miguel’s love language is a little different. he’s always been one to spend more time with those he loves, maybe giving them a gift once in a while or on special occasions, but quality time meant the most to him.
the two of you were different, night and day, but you were both content with that.
miguel would take time out of his busy schedule to stay the night at your place and you would provide dinner — it was perfect.
today marks you and miguel’s 1 year anniversary, and you are beyond excited. you’ve been planning his present for months prior; your boyfriend isn’t big on shopping for others or himself. shoes worn out? they still fit him though. shirt has a hole in it? he’ll just use it to sleep. if it ain’t broke, he is not fixing it. even if it is a little (very) broken.
so, you decided to buy him two brand new outfits, shoes and all.
you sit anxiously cross legged on the floor of your bedroom with a box in front of you. the box is pink and sealed with white ribbons — rather girly, miguel would say, but it was all you had.
you’re hoping he likes the clothes you picked out. due to his lack of interest in fashion, you aren’t exactly sure what miguel likes to wear. you know he’ll tell you he “likes whatever you pick out”, but you know that boyfriends usually say that to be sweet. you don’t want him to be sweet, you want him to genuinely like the things you pick out. the pressure of it being your very first anniversary didn’t make your breathing any steadier, either.
the sound of your phone ringing interrupted your anxious thoughts. you glance over to your right and there it is, miguel’s contact picture glowing brightly. it’s a sweet photo of the two of you, your arms wrapped tightly around miguel’s waist mid swing. your first swing together. you remember that day like it was yesterday, the rush of being loose in the air and the freedom of knowing no one could get to either of you.
you sigh with a smile and excitedly pick up the phone, immediately pressing answer.
“hey miguel,” he can hear the smile on your voice, “you almost here?”
“hi, i’m outside.” he says in a pant.
you heart skips a beat when you hear the last two words. you get off your bedroom floor and skip over to the front door, taking a peak through the peephole.
the sight you see is precious — miguel, your boyfriend, standing with his hands filled with balloons and flowers and bags, and best of all, his charming closed-mouth smile plastered on his face.
you open the door and the man before you is even better through a naked eye. you can smell his cologne, one you had bought him as a birthday present, and his smile widens upon seeing you.
“hi honey,” he says, but you don’t let him speak any further. before you know it, your arms are flung around his neck causing him to stumble back a bit, his arms barely able to reciprocate the hug.
“miguel!” you gasp, finally pulling away.
“happy anniversary, y/n.”
you’re both smiling at each other, absolutely captivated by each other. the moment is so perfect; the sun is just beginning to set, the air is just right, and miguel is with you.
you let him inside and he sets down all the presents except for one, a bouquet. he takes slow steps over to you, holding the bouquet out in front of him.
“for you,” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“miguel,” you sing, accepting the flowers a small pout on your face. ‘they’re my favourite,’ you think.
“i hope you like them. i had to ask around a few times but,”
“they’re perfect, miguel. absolutely perfect.” you smile up at him.
“here, i got you a few things.”
miguel starts handing you the bags one by one, each one from a different luxury shop. there are five in total.
you’re still pouting, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the surplus of presents. you don’t really know how to react, given that you’re always the one in miguel’s shoes.
as he hands you the last bag, he notices the sullen look on your face and he pauses.
“you okay honey?”
you feel a bit awkward — no one’s ever spoiled you this much in your entire life.
your eyes are a little shiny when you make eye contact with miguel, causing him to instantly grow worried. his first instinct is always to pull you into a hug.
“oh, baby,” he says, his voice expressing great concern. his arms make their way around your figure.
“what is it? something hurt?”
you shake your head into his chest. you can hear his heartbeat and it’s a little faster than it should be. he pulls back to look at you, and he looks sorry.
“is it the presents? do you not like them?”
you shake your head again.
“they’re wonderful, miguel.” you sniffle, looking up at him with a rueful grin.
“i’m just.. so happy.” you say in a soft breath. miguel’s face goes from troubled to relieved to in love.
“i’m glad you’re happy, sweetheart.” he smiles. “i’m so happy too.”
you tip toe a little to give miguel a kiss. one of thanks, one to say all the words you can’t think of to show him just how much him being there meant to you.
and even with no words, miguel know’s he’s done it. he’s found a part of him whose heart is meant to be a giver, and he was finally able to make you a receiver for the first time in your life.
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a/n : enjoy my angels ♡
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mellowmadds · 2 years
Candy Hearts | Ricky Bowen
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ricky bowen/fem!reader oneshot
fluff :)
summary: attending camp shallow lake wasn’t your ideal summer plan. however getting to spend a few weeks of summer alone with your boyfriend Ricky seemed to make all your nerves and anxiety ridden thoughts disappear.
warnings: anxiety/anxious reader, sad reader, shy reader, ricky bowen has adhd
word count: 3076
Attending camp shallow lake wasn’t exactly how you wanted to be spending your summer, but here you are packing all your essentials. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be spending a few weeks of summer vacation with your best friends and almost too caring boyfriend, it’s just that your anxiety usually got the best of you. As you’re trying your best to fit everything into a small duffle bag that Ricky had let you borrow, your mother gently leaned against the frame of your bedroom door.
“Don’t forget your eyeglass cleaner, I know it bothers you even if it’s just a small smudge.” Your mother laughed while walking forward handing you the eyeglass cleaner and a small cloth.
“Thanks mom.” You said while trying to force a smile onto your face.
“What’s wrong Y/n? I can tell when you’re upset so don’t try to hide it.” Your mother stated as she sat down on your bed and grabbed the teddy bear that always sat on your pillow.
“Just nervous. I don't understand why you’re making me go.” Trying your best to not let the tears that filled your eyes spill down your face.
“Because this will be a good experience for you. Your friends will be by your side the entire time, you know Kourtney will be there for you. She understands how you feel so don’t worry she will take care of you. Besides, isn't Ricky also going to be there?” She was right, you knew that Kourt will always and forever be there for you, that's just the kind of person she is. As you looked back up at your mom she had a smirk on her face as she tightly held the teddy bear Ricky had gotten you a while back. You took the teddy bear from her arms and threw it on the pile of clothes you started folding so you could pack them into the duffle bag.
“No mother would ever be this happy that their daughter is spending a few weeks of summer vacation alone with her boyfriend, not to mention camp is also a few hours away from home.” As you stood up grabbing some more clothes to fold your mother also stood up and pulled you into a hug.
“That’s because I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom.” She said trying her best to keep a straight face.
“Okay enough with the mean girls quotes, but sure you're the coolest mom in the world.” You said hugging her back trying your best not to be so anxious about going off to camp.
Finishing up packing wasn’t the easiest trying to fit everything you were taking into that small duffle bag was a challenge however you did succeed without breaking the zipper. You were going to carpool with Kourtney, EJ, Ashlyn, and Carlos since Ricky was helping Big Red at the pizza place and was going to drive Big Red’s car to camp later on tonight. As you waited for EJ’s car to arrive you said your goodbyes to your mother and tried your best to look excited even though deep down you were a nervous wreck. EJ’s car finally pulled into your driveway making your heart skip a beat knowing there's no turning back now, you have no other choice than to attend camp. While throwing your bag in the trunk you hear Gina fighting over who gets to control the music.
“Wait so how are we all supposed to fit?” You laughed while Gina pulled you onto her lap and pushed your glasses up for you.
“Well hello to you too Y/n.” Gina laughed while trying to act as if she was hurt over you not expecting her to be in the car. Of course she wasn’t actually hurt. Gina had become the one friend who gave you the confidence you so desperately needed and the two of you grew closer since you knew she’d never judge you for being yourself. As everyone got settled into the car Gina turned the music back on and ‘Hopelessly Devoted’ from the movie Grease started playing through the loudspeakers and everyone sang along. Gina grabbed your cheeks as you scrunched up your nose as she sang the lyrics ‘But now there’s nowhere to hide’ then Carlos dramatically laid his arm on his forehead and leaned back into you and Gina as he sang the ‘Since you pushed my love aside’ lyric. The whole car ride was full of laughter and singing which made you think maybe camp would be fun. As you guys arrived at camp a girl named Maddox held out a bucket labeled ‘cell phones’ everyone placed their phones into the bucket while talking amongst themselves while you tightly held onto your phone and asked if this was a mandatory type of thing unfortunately it was and everyone had to give up all electronics.
“Camp Shallow Lake has a no electronics allowed policy in place so all campers can enjoy our activities and enjoy the outdoors, it’s only for a couple of weeks you’ll be fine.” Maddox spoke quietly to you as if she noticed how nervous you were. You gently placed your phone into the bucket taking one last look at your lock screen which was just a picture of Ricky holding the teddy bear he gifted you.
Walking towards the girls cabin Kourtney tried her best to make small talk with you as the rest of the girls walked in front of you guys.
“Please at least try to have a little bit of fun, I promise I’m not going anywhere I’ll be by your side the entire time.” She gave you a lighthearted smile and gave you a side hug as you both walked to the door of the cabin.
“Well this is certainly a choice” Kourtney laughed while pointing out every small detail she hated about the cabin.
“Save yourself the time and don’t even step one foot in the bathroom if you think the main room is horrid.” Gina chimed in with a disgusted look on her face while Kourtney covered her mouth with her hand and pretended to gag.
While the girls chatted among themselves you started fixing one of the bottom bunks claiming it as your own. While trying to unpack all the thoughts of having to stay here for a couple of weeks instead of peacefully sleeping in the comfort of your own home filled your brain. Trying to hide your discomfort you told the girls you were going to go for a walk and would be back later on.
“You guys think she’ll be alright and eventually get used to it?” Ashlyn asked worriedly, she had always looked out for you even if you two weren’t the closest of friends.
“I doubt it Y/n has never liked being away from home. It took her months to be able to sleep the entire night at my house when we were younger. She won’t even sleepover at Ricky’s even though Mr. Bowen doesn’t care.” Kourtney explained to the girls while Carlos quietly entered the cabin and joined in on the conversation.
“Y/n doesn’t look like she’s having any fun. I just passed her on the way here and she didn’t even look at me when I asked where she was going.” Carlos told the girls while giving them a sad expression.
“Wait, she really won’t sleep over at Ricky’s house?” Gina asked shockingly.
“Big Red may or may not have told me that Ricky thinks his ADHD and outgoing personality is too much for Y/n to handle.” Ashlyn chimed back into the conversation.
“Are Y/n and Ricky really having problems?” Carlos questioned Kourtney hoping she would spill every single drop of tea.
“Y/n just struggles with really bad anxiety and this is probably the last place she wants to be right now. They aren’t having problems but it just takes Y/n a while to become fully comfortable. Also Ricky has no room to talk because he is constantly getting Y/n in trouble at school for the stupid things he does like skateboarding down the dead silent hallways with Y/n trailing behind him dragging his backpack on the floor trying to get him to stop. Ricky doesn’t exactly help Y/n when it comes to her anxiety, he just makes it worse.” Kourtney says with a straight face.
“So you’re confirming that what Ricky told Big Red is correct?” Ashlyn asked Kourtney with a confused look.
“Ricky just needs to realize that Y/n struggles with being in unfamiliar places and becoming close with people. She trusts Ricky, she just needs more time to get comfortable.” Kourtney explained.
Everyone decided to stop questioning Kourtney because she seemed to be done with the conversation and decided to finish unpacking and talk about the activities happening tonight.
“Hey Y/n I’m sorry but you can’t be over here we have to start setting up for the campfire.” EJ stated while giving Y/n a small smile.
“Sorry rocketman.” EJ glared at you.
“Please don’t call me that absolutely nobody knows my camp nickname yet I’m not ready to be made fun of the entire trip.” EJ laughed. “The girls have been looking for you, you should head back and get ready for the campfire.”
“Sorry if I worried anyone, I was just trying to clear my head.” You explained and gave EJ a wave goodbye while you walked back in the direction of the girls cabin.
When you got back to the cabin none of the girls were there so you took the time to try your best to relax and find an outfit to wear to the campfire since it was going to get cold tonight. Time passed and eventually all the girls came back to the cabin with blankets to stay warm next to the campfire. Gina handed you a fluffy light blue blanket and asked if everyone was ready to start heading out. While the girls headed to the campfire Ricky finally arrived and decided to head to the boys cabin to unpack. While Ricky was unpacking in the boys cabin he quickly made friends with a kid named Jet who finally agreed to come to the campfire with Ricky after some convincing. Before heading out Ricky grabbed the candy hearts he bought earlier and quickly made his way to the campfire with Jet.
“Am I late!” Ricky yelled over EJ’s horrible singing.
“You always know how to make an appearance, Bowen.” Carlos shook his head laughing while getting up from his spot next to Y/n so Ricky could take a seat next to you. EJ continued to sing while everyone watched him and made weird faces.
“Hey love” Ricky quietly greeted you while you let him take half of the blanket. You gave him a soft smile not wanting to interrupt EJ again.
You and the girls have been sharing a bag of twizzlers when out of the blue Ricky reaches and grabs one.
“Absolutely not Bowen go get your own.” Kourtney snaps at him. She had never really been fond of Ricky but tolerates him because you love him for some reason. You looked over at Kourtney while taking the twizzler from Ricky and placing it back in the bowl. Carlos seemed to be the only one to notice your obvious discomfort and sadness that Kourt snapped at Ricky for no reason. Instead of fighting with her Ricky shrugged his shoulders and decided it wasn’t worth it to start an argument, he knew Y/n wouldn’t like that.
“Here” Ricky said while handing you a candy heart that had ‘I <3 you’ written on it. You looked up at him and gave him another smile when he started leaning in you turned to lay your head on his shoulder. The rest of the campfire was filled with laughter and happy memories being made. Although you didn’t talk to Kourtney the rest of the time you still enjoyed your time with your other friends. Eventually the campfire ended and since it was getting late everyone decided it was time to head back to the cabins and get ready for bed. Everyone said their goodbyes. You gave Ricky a hug and said goodnight to him and walked back to the girls cabin with Ashlyn while EJ and the rest of the camp directors stayed behind to clean up.
“Are you okay Y/n? Kourt shouldn't have snapped like that.” Ashlyn asked before entering the cabin.
“Yeah I’m alright I know she doesn’t like him it’s okay.” You said back shrugging your shoulders. Ashlyn just nodded and gave you a tight hug before the both of you headed inside the cabin. It was getting late and everyone was tired so you rushed getting ready for bed so the girls could shut the lights and go to sleep. Some time had passed and everyone had already fallen asleep no matter what you could not fall asleep it felt as if your breathing was getting heavier with every passing minute and no matter what you could not get comfortable instead you were tossing and turning every second. Realizing you weren’t going to get any sleep you grabbed one of your hoodies and made your way over towards the boys cabin. You don’t know where the courage came from. Maybe it was because you were tired or because Kourtney made you mad but you twisted the doorknob to the boys cabin and walked in like you owned the place. Of course the boys were still awake. It was only Ricky, Carlos and Jet since EJ was still cleaning up the campground. Ricky quickly jumped from his top bunk and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Hey Y/n are you okay what happened?” Ricky asked, letting go and looking at you.
“I just couldn’t sleep and Kourt isn’t really being the nicest person right now.” You admitted fidgeting with your hands and placing them in the pocket of your hoodie.
“You can stay here, come on take your shoes off.” Ricky said while taking one of the million pillows Carlos brought along with him.
“My pillows are the most comfortable they are made of-” Carlos was quickly cut off by you telling him thank you and Ricky turning the lights off as soon as he knew you made it safely onto the top bunk. Ricky quickly climbed back into bed and gently pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you. Although this was new for you guys to be sleeping in the same bed you felt comfortable and played with the end of his t-shirt while you slowly drifted off to sleep. Unfortunately that didn’t last long because no more than an hour later the lights were being turned on by a very already pissed off EJ.
“Carlos candles are not allowed in the cabins!” He quickly ran over to the candle and blew it out. EJ was taking his new camp job very seriously which everyone found hilarious.
“We were trying to sleep, shut the lights back off it’s late” Ricky said sitting up to face EJ.
“You guys were not sleeping Jet is playing that stupid video game and Carlos has his face misting thing on.” Carlos just rolled his eyes and continued to ignore EJ. As soon as Ricky sat up EJ saw you laying there next to him.
“Y/n get up you’re not allowed to sleep in here.” EJ said with an annoyed look on his face.
“Just go to sleep EJ nobody else cares, it’s not like we are going to do anything.” Ricky replied back.
“No Ricky it doesn’t matter I’m not getting in trouble for letting Y/n sleep in your bed. Come on Y/n get up I’ll walk you back to the girls cabin.” EJ was serious this time and wasn’t in the mood to joke around or let anything slide. Ricky was starting to get angry but before he could start a fight with EJ you started to quietly explain what was going on to EJ. It was hard for you to talk about your struggles with anxiety and explained that earlier in the day when you had talked to EJ because you were sitting where the campfire was being set up you told him it was because you were trying to clear your head and calm yourself down. After some more talking EJ finally agreed to let you stay and apologized for being an asshole. You accepted his apology, you knew he didn’t hate you and that he was just tired and wanted to go to sleep after a long day. Eventually morning came and the bright sun came shining through the windows. EJ was already up and gone getting the day started with the campers while Carlos was just heading out the door to go get some breakfast.
“Good Morning love” Ricky said while pulling you closer to him. He always called you some sort of name but love was always your favorite. You gave him a quick kiss and hugged him tight while he pulled the blanket up further so you were comfortable. However your sweet but short lived moment was only to be interrupted by the one and only Dewey Wood.
“I see not one but two violations in front of me.” Dewey stated while Jet quickly hid his gaming system under his blanket. Following his actions Ricky jokingly covered you with the blanket.
“Jet, why don’t you get up and go get some breakfast.” Dewey recommended and Jet followed his instructions not wanting to get his games taken away.
“Now that it’s just us, let's have a very nice detailed conversation about why this isn’t allowed.” Dewey said while gesturing his hands towards the two of you.
You may have not had the best first night at camp and while yes having ‘the talk’ with none other than Dewey Wood was intriguing yet embarrassing you had one of the best morning’s ever getting to spend time with Ricky brushing your teeth together while dancing to music on EJ’s record player and then getting to eat breakfast together pretending it was like a mini date. Ricky may be a lot to handle sometimes but he truly does take all your worries away and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend than Ricky Bowen.
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captainnameless · 7 months
Thinking about Lando being in a bad mood one day and getting jealous about having to share his Danny with Oscar (even though he loves Oscar really!! He’s just a grumpy lil bub who wants Danny all to himself!!) and throwing a tantrum. Daniel comes back from settling Lando to find Oscar quietly putting his coat and shoes on getting ready to leave, he tearfully tells Danny that he doesn’t want to upset Lando so he’s just gonna go. Daniel has to convince Oscar that it’s okay for him to stay and he’s not being a bother, and maybe even Lando (once he’s calmed down enough) says sorry and asks Oscar to stay. Idk just a random thought!
Daniel’s staring at Lando’s sleeping form, face still tear streaked, his breathing still not completely regulated, a sharp intake of breath being sucked in around his thumb from crying so much.
He gets up from the bed gently, makes sure Lando doesn’t wake up and quietly makes his way over to the door, closing it behind him.
Truth be told he’s in need of a nap after that tantrum too, and he hates leaving Lando and opening up the possibility of him waking up alone, but he has to tend to Oscar too.
This had been a bad one, and truthfully Daniel doesn’t know how long it had been since he’d thrown a full tantrum throwing Lando over his shoulder and taken him upstairs so he could try to calm him down.
He gently pads down the stairs, ready to go talk Oscar into joining them for a cuddle and a nap upstairs when his eyes find Oscar, sitting neatly on the couch, hands folded into his lap, eyes shiny with tears and completely clothed, shoes, coat and all.
“Oscar?” Daniel breathes, walking over. “What’s wrong?”
“I should go.” Oscar says, fiddling with his thumbs, his voice sounds shaky. “I didn’t want to be rude and leave without telling you.”
“Darling,” Daniel says, gently crouching down and putting his hand on Oscar’s knee. “You don’t have to leave.”
“But I don’t want Lando to be upset.” Oscar whimpers, eyes blinking back tears. “He- I, I don’t think he wants me here.”
“Hey, no.” Daniel says, fitting himself on the couch and pulling Oscar into his side. “He didn’t mean that, buddy. Sometimes we get a little bit overwhelmed and we say or do things we don’t mean, maybe we make a not so good boy decision.” He starts, brushing a hand through Oscar’s hair, making sure he’s catching his eyes. “And then Danny’s here to fix it, right? That’s my job to worry about. You don’t need to worry your pretty little head about those things, Lando adores you. Sometimes his emotions just get a little bit too big for his body.”
“But,” Oscar pouts, lip still wobbling dangerously. “But you left me.”
That shatters Daniel just a little bit, and so he pulls Oscar into his lap, wrapping his arms around him.
“Oscar,” Daniel breathes into the mop of brunette hair. “Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to leave you. But I did have to get Lando out of a situation that was overwhelming him. If there’s a situation in which I might need to discipline Lando, I want him to have the privacy he deserves. Or he if he needs to regulate his emotions it’s my job to create an environment where he can do that privately. And I also don’t want to involve or subject you to a situation that you don’t have to be in. Does that make sense, buddy?”
Oscar takes a shaky breath. “Little bit.”
“Hmm,” Daniel hums, pressing a kiss onto Oscar’s head, before rubbing his hand down Oscar’s back, still very aware Oscar’s still dressed to leave.
“I think you’re feeling a little bit fuzzy.” Daniel says, and he feels Oscar tense up a little in his lap. “And that’s okay.” Daniel adds, holding Oscar a little tighter.
“It’s also why I’m not going to let you leave, Bub.”
That earns him a whine, but Oscar does bury himself closer. Small victories.
“Aside from the fact that I want you to stay, and Lando does too. I’m sure he’d be very upset if he’d wake up with you gone.” Daniel says, pressing another kiss onto Oscar’s head.
“And I think we’ve had enough tears for the day, don’t you think?”
Daniel feels Oscar nod into his chest, and so it’s settled. Convincing Oscar of a nap takes no effort at all, and so he’s undressed the boy and settled into bed in no time.
They’re out within minutes, and Daniel totally doesn’t pretend to be asleep after waking when he feels Lando climb over him to go snuggle into Oscar’s side instead.
Twins, man.
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Asking asking askiiiing...
Micah: 5, 9
Javier: 7, 8
Pearson: 14, 26 (Freebie: What would his favorite food be to make, if he didn't have to cook outdoors and in bulk? i.e. not being stuck with stew.)
5: What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
At the moment I have I Want It All by Lana Del Rey stuck in my head so I am a bit biased… at the moment. (Such a cunty song for him).😁
For serious songs I associate with him, Frontier Psychiatrist by The Avalanches is spot on. It is fun, it is chaotic, it sounds like a collection of disconnected memories and audio clips, it focuses on the unwell mental state of a person, so on…
I know some people tie metal music into Micah. Maybe it is me not liking metal music, but I’ve always associated Micah with wind instrument band music. American Venom or various songs from the RDR1 and RDR2 sound track capture the power of Micah to me; he carries the name of his past kin and wields it like his duel revolvers. He is feared and it only feels right a triumphant band of trumpets and electric guitar accompany him.
9: Could you be roommates with this character?
Haha NOOOOOO. Regardless of if it is canon Micah or a modern AU Micah, I think he would be a pain to deal with. Micah mainly does his own thing so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I don’t wanna dwell and put TOO much thought into this, but I feel like Micah would be a cruddy roommate whenever he is inside the house, but the majority of the time he is out of the house doing something illegal or morally dubious.
7: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Tough, not because there isn’t a lot I love but because there is a lot that I love. The fandom has been pretty good to Javier in my opinion. Maybe too good and excuse him of his faults but that is not the focus of the question.
I do like when the fandom sheds light on Javier’s past, his family, his flaws, and his struggles. Idk if I have seen any art or fan fiction about Javier and his sister, but I want to. Idk if I have seen anything even about Javier in Mexico prior to the VDL gang. The small crumbs that are talked about by the fandom, I reaaaaally appreciate.
8: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I am not sure because the fandom is usually respectful about Javier. There isn’t anything I despise, at most I roll my eyes.
I was going to say I felt the constant use of google translate Spanish in fan fiction felt ooc but I realized over time that Javier just does that and interchangeably uses English and Spanish in-game. Plus there is no one right way to right a character. Even if it was ooc that would be fine.
I think people (once again) infantilizing and excusing Javier of his flaws is an annoyance. That and steam rolling his rough edges and flaws to make him this suave guy who gets all the ladies. This man returns to camp smelling like fish and with dirt covered hands from worm collecting. He may have good clothing and hygiene but this man is also unsexy in his own ways. He is unconventionally sexy. You don’t need to replace parts of him to make him “better”. He is already a good character, you just gotta appreciate what’s there.
14: Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
D: oh no. I was not ready for Pearson headcanon time.
I feel like much of what Pearson already wears (minus the top hat and a few others) would fit into modern day as some sort of thrifted aesthetic, assuming the clothes are cleaned and not blood stained.
I especially like his sweater outfit which makes me think he would enjoy nice big sweaters the girls find on social media and then buy for him. They’re almost all muted colors and patterns. He especially likes the ones depicting nature like this one.
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26: favorite food to make with no restrictions.
I don’t have a solid idea for this one so excuse me as I take this in a unserious route: BURGER!
I can just imagine Pearson in a modern AU being a grill dude. He just wants to BBQ and feel good with a beer in his hands on a spring/summer afternoon. He isn’t obligated to provide food for the gang anymore, but he is happy to be invited over by Dutch to talk and grill.
Pearson is a man of varied cuisine so burgers aren’t his only thing. He does others. Burgers are just a crowd pleaser, not too difficult to make, and easy to customize. He might’ve even tried making those new fangled vegan burger black bean things for the gang members who don’t eat meat anymore (cough cough, Mary-Beth).
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