#i don't personally like using emojis and I'm not the most fond of them. but i have no issue with them as sign offs
Please please please share any and all thoughts you have about Tam being punk. Punk!Tam is a favorite headcanon of mine, and I would love to hear more about your thoughts on him.
(P.S. You have mentioned a few times that you do not enjoy emojis. I wanted to let you know that if you would prefer it, I am willing to change my signature to something else that is not an emoji.)
Oh where to even begin! He and the person most important to him are victims of their system, of course that manifests as a distrust of said system and the functioning of their world. He's directly experienced is atrocities and is disillusioned, his very existence is a politicized. Of course there's the necessary distinction here that punk ideology/culture as we know it in our world is in response to our world's problems (capitalism, consumerism, our particular inequalities, etc.), so the punk ideology Tam would focus on would be separate, focusing on his world's problems. The twin discrimination, shade stigma, talentless marginalization, etc.
I do think that Tam, if given the choice, would rather just disappear with the people important to him and go do their own thing instead of confront the system head on. Perhaps some sort of anarchist society/situation where people do their own thing, though getting into the specifics of what that would mean is beyond the scope of this ask. However, that's not currently an option for him (no society in place, people he cares about want to stay and fight), so he's fighting because that's his best option.
Related, a detail I can't get out of my mind is the blanket mentioned in Neverseen when Sophie first meets the twins, which is described as "patched together from the craziest bits of fabric" (p. 451); the execution and concept reminds me of punk fashion. Of using what you can find/have available, patching things together and creating something usable and beautiful in its salvaging that would've otherwise been abandoned. The skills needed to make that blanket would translate perfectly into appearance and altering/decorating clothing.
There's so many avenues and specifics to explore with this concept, but to summarize: being punk is largely ideological and being against oppressive, harmful, exploitative systems of government and ruling (of course that definition can be argued, I'm working on the fly here), and Tam is, by nature of his place in society and his experiences, disillusioned and against an oppressive, harmful, exploitative system of government. The issues faced by us and by him may be different, but the sentiment is shared. Tam being punk is not at all a long stretch.
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
Why is trying to make friends in this fandom so hard?
hey it's okay
I don't have a reference point for how hard or easy it is to make friends compared to other fandoms because tmnt is the first fandom I've made an effort to make friends in, but I will share a few things I've learned
-just post. at first you will get 2 or 3 notes on a phenomenally good day. but keep posting. the more posts you have the better an idea people have of what you're about and therefore want to follow you. btw this doesn't have to be original posts, reblogging is good for this too
-related, make sure you're tagging in a way that people can find your stuff. tmnt is great, but if you specifically love the 2012 show tag with tmnt 2012 so that other hard core 2012 fans are seeing your stuff. And if you hate the 2012 show (or whatever other show or character) tag bashing, being a considerate tagger will mean less likely to get blocked, and people who have that content filtered can feel safe following you if they never have to see it
-follow people. find the ones who post what you want to see, reblog their stuff, tag it with all the unfiltered keysmashes and emojis in your heart. the more chances people have to see you, the more likely they'll want to get to know you
-message people. I have lots of people in the fandom who I'm aware of and fond of but don't talk to, simply because it's a large fandom. there are probably people who are aware of and fond of you who don't know that you'd like to be friends. or even if they have no idea who you are, most people will respond positively to 'hey i like your posts/art/stories/gifs and I'd like to be friends'
-participate in events or ask games. start your own if you want. I met a lot of great people through March for Raph, made a lot of friends during the booping of April 1st, again in tmaynt. When I first got on tumblr I always felt shy about joining things, like a vampire who needed an individual invitation, but after running an event I realized that of course people just want participation. it's not weird or pushy, it's how fandom works and they'll be excited for you to be there
-if you have ao3 make your usernames match or put your link in your blog description. or other accounts if you use them to connect with people from tumblr just make that findoutable in some way. I just added my tumblr username to my discord bio today after realizing ppl in the server I'm in had no way of knowing I was also the same person who bothers them on tumblr lolol 💀. embarrassing for me but easy fix! and makes making friends easier because well, people will recognize you from around y'know?
-block people. don't be afraid it's not an insult. if they're consistently posting stuff you don't like, neither of you is hurt by blocking them. And if someone is actively mean to you definitely block them
I hope some of this helps. I'm really sorry you haven't found this easy. It is a large fandom so it does partially come down to luck. In my experience it's been a very welcoming community, I really hope that given time you find the same
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sauronpilled · 5 months
for the ask game: sauron + 3, 13 and 22 <3
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i'm going to be honest. i don't think i have any "least favorite canon thing" about sauron. he's a very well written villain with flaws and soul. like, okay, tolkien i see the vision.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
🩸💥💢 - this is the emoji i like to associate him with. red like his hair and his uncontrollable bloodlust <333
💘💝💋💌💖💞💗💓💕💔❣🖤💫💣 - THIS is the emoji sauron would use #tome. i just know it in my soul that he love hearts emoji, while tweeting or posting the shadiest shit about someone. like- just straight up mean shit 😭😭😭 he DON'T HOLD BACK. if he has a priv he's the kind of mutual that would openly talk shit about you.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
OOF good question. i'm going to list my top three that i like and i hate when it comes to sauron in fanfic. starting with what i like :
1) i love it when author present sauron as this ancient spirit that has a strong allegory to fallen angel. like they don't even hide it, because that's what he is and melkor inspired by!!! it just feels right when i see him characterized like that. it also add to this creepy factor where you know- that this creachure is evil- and YET- he dress himself in light. there's something uncanny about that. it's like he's a shadow of what he used to be. BONUS : when it's written from his perspective and he curiously thinking about how fragile everyone is,,,, oooh so good.
2) that he has a genuine connection with the characters he paired with ( romantically or platonically ). it's so SO GOOD. i don't like it when villains are spiteful with no substance. i find it so much more interesting if author intepret sauron as someone that yearn to bond. when i think about the valar, maia, and ainur, i like to base them off from most folklores where spirits can still have attachment towards (im)mortal beings. sauron may be hateful but he can still appreciate and adore the elves and men of Eru.
3) there's a balance between sauron the cruel and sauron-that-believe-he-Did-The-Right-Thing. OOOOOH when the author hit this perfectly, i did a little dance. i just love it when author emphasize sauron's tragedy with his own blinding pride. he is capable of kindness, but his belief deny him of this. once in a while he would show fondness to the children of Eru- BUT- his hatred would take over that light in his heart. so basically more sauron inner struggle.
1) when he's so.. humanized. as in his character doesn't feel like this creepy spirit that haunt the entire middle earth lmao. this is purely my personal opinion, but i want to be unsettled when i read his pov. i don't like it when he talk like a common man or think like a common man.
2) when the author write him as TOO nice. unless it's an au, i could never continue a fic where he's being so out of characterly sweet. he need a little sprinkle of darkness there. PLEASE.
basically that's it. lotr writers are so talented i could barely think of another point 😭 the good outweight the bad.
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callinskiiscalling88 · 6 months
So one of my oddish (haha pokemon ref) headcanons is Adele is a fae in the Twisted Wonderland universe and all the Diasomnia cast listens to her music.
(Scroll for ramble + char interactions)
This all started when Maleanor was OBSESSED with her music when she was a preteen. Lilia had to go to ALL her performances to watch Maleanor. He used to hate her music too. He wasn't much for sad music.
Now overtime her obsession chilled, but she never stopped liking Adele's music.
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(was rushing)
I did a lil doodle. Yes they're bad ik
Adele's music became a reminder of Maleanor. So now when he listens to it he thinks of all the memories of going to the shows, being scolded for singing the words wrong, listening to his pal fangirl etc.
He learned to like Adele's music and now most of her songs are sprinkled into his playlist. (Personally I see him liking the majority of the uppity genres. I feel like he wouldn't be a fan of sad songs.)
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[again more doodles. Also fun fact Set Fire To The Rain is her most popular song as of now]
Lilia showed Adele to both Malleus and Silver, both grew fond of her music. Nothing close to Maleanor ofc but still.
Sebek learned to love her music because his beloved Waka-sama did. (I see him being a country fan)
Just to be silly I wanna say as generations go by it becomes a Vanrouge tradition. All Vanrouges like Adele guys she's awesome! 🔥
(semi unrelated but my keyboard tried turning that into an emoji)
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Now some interactions just because.
Cater:Hey Lils I thought you said you don't listen to sad music
LiliA: I don't
Cater: then why are you listening to Adele?
Lilia:Her songs make me happy
Cater:But her mu- okay whatevs ig!
Young Maleanor:Mommy mommy can I please go see Adele's performance tonight?!?!
Maleficia:Not without protection
Maleanor: Do Lilia and Levan count
Maleficia: *Sigh* Fine. But be home by 10.
Lilia: I can't believe you dragged me out for a stupid concert.
Maleanor: It'll be worth it!!
Levan:I think it'll be fun
Lilia: you're only saying that because you're a pushover
Levan: am not
Lilia: you are
Maleanor:shut up you idiots it's starting!
Levan: UH SWEETIE (calling from the hallway)
Maleanor:YES DEAR?
Levan: uhm why does it say we made a hefty donation to a music company (ignore the fact they didn't have those back in the day)
*he shows her the papers*
Maleanor:I needed to help support Adele's new album!
Levan: but sweetie how are we going to pay our staff for the next month?
Maleanor: We'll have Lilia help
Levan:e-even with the cooking?
Maleanor:...We might need to make some extra cash.
Floyd: Lalalal- urk! What'd I bump into?
Or should I say WHO?
Jellyfish is asleep in the middle of the sidewalk. Again!
Ooo he has his headphones on. Wonder what he's listening to
*he puts them on*
Ew this is so lame.
*he drops them on silver's face*
Silver: I'm awake!
Anyways if you're still here that's awesome. My suggestions are open! You should totally pop up there. Also comments appreciated!
Have a wonderhoytastic day!!
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loyalhorror · 1 year
uhh, the ask emoji fandom thing but whichever ones you want to answer for RDR, Black Sails, and Sandman, with a bonus side question of have you done any of the Manderville quest stuff in ff14
OUGH. marxz i am so fond of you (not just for sending this ask i prommy). let's see.
Have you done any of the Manderville quest stuff in ff14?
I DEFINITELY HAVE but I don't remember it at all... maybe @notjusthespongenextdoor can tell me what the fuck I did sdlfksndfkjg it was so long ago
👿Least favorite character
RDR: hmmm I can't really think of anyone I genuinely dislike as a character, at least within the main 'cast'? obviously everybody fucking hates Micah but I love him as a character even if I think in some respects he's sort of WAY too obvious as a villain in a way that makes some gang members look like idiots for allowing him to stay... but then on the other hand I think that's kind of the point + it's proof of how much control Dutch has over everyone. HANDWAVES.
BS: Fucking Vane. I don't like the shit he did in-universe to Max (though I will accept that that was a poorly written plotline in general... or at the very least one that made it just really hard to empathise with anyone responsible afterwards) AND I feel that his redemption arc was kind of "eh". But mostly I think fandom kind of burnt me out on him because I just don't get the hype around him.
SM: hmm it probably depends on what version we're talking about... I don't really like show!Lyta (whereas I love comics!Lyta) but I think that's just because like. The acting and writing in the show isn't always Great(TM). I can't think of anyone where I just HATE them when they're onscreen or anything in either version... with the show I don't like the scenes with Desire+Despair but that's because their dynamic creeps me out as someone who is VERY squicked by codependent sibling relationships in media, I love both characters individually.
WAIT. I JUST REMEMBERED. In the show it's definitely Joha.nna Constantine I'm sorry I just. Do not like the actress much to begin with. I also don't really like what they did with Constantine's gender-swapped design, so to speak - she doesn't look like Constantine at all aside from the trenchcoat. They couldn't make her a cocky blonde gal (preferably with short hair, give me butch sapphic Constantine or else)? I know they were probably going off what they wanted from the acting rather than anything appearance-based, and it's better to have a good actor who looks different than a bad one who matches the comics version, but. GESTURES. I wish it'd been ANY other actress skldfndkjfng. I'm picky with my cocky English people. The wrong vibe can turn it rancid.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
RDR: HMM good question. it used to be Dutch (yeah yeah I know) but nowadays I have no idea, once a character becomes my blorbo/I start writing them longterm I tend to lose whatever 'crush' I had on them... BS: [head in hands] it's hal gates. i am not immune to fat old men. i want him to [REDACTED] S: HM depends on the day and it depends on which character(s) I'm relating to the most on a personal level. Tends to rotate between Dream, Lucien(ne), and lately, Hob.
💐Comfort character
RDR: John my beloved... BS: Somehow it's Silver, but that's mostly because of what I've written with my friend Seras over the past several years with him + Seras' Horst. S: Dream, most of the time. Sometimes it's the Corinthian (specifically pre-runaway era Corinthian) but not often.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
RDR: Abigail... I feel so fucking bad for her in so many different ways. Not in a "John was sooo shitty omg" way (though he WAS a dick) but just like, man, what a tragedy of a life. BS: MAX. The s1 abuse arc was awful in a thousand different ways but primarily I just don't think it was sensitively written at all. It's not necessarily that I think they shouldn't have included it, but holy FUCK the like... implications that it leaves about every other character who stood back and allowed that to happen or was otherwise complicit in it is uhhh. Not great. S: Dream but also not at all because I think the tragedy of his story is my favourite thing about it. Like Abigail, it's "he deserved better if we look at it in-universe but from a narrative standpoint the agony is so fucking tasty and I wouldn't change it at all".
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quincyhorst · 1 year
Lance 💝
Shane 👗
Gareth 🖕
...First of all, thank you for sending this ask! 💖 REALLY improved an already stressful day for me ;v;
So, let's start! I'll reply to each emoji as best as I can. ~ Though be careful, it's been quite a long time since I've written in detail about Lance and Gareth's personalities, so there could be something I missed.
Lance: 💝 - A headcanon about their love language
If I had to describe Lance's LL, I think the best type that'd describe him for me (At least from what I have seen) would be Words of Affirmation. I think that if he were to have a crush/be attracted to someone, most of the time he'd have no issue approaching and flirting with them. Plus, he is very open with his thoughts as a whole: If he finds his crush beautiful or with any other quality he's fond of, he WILL say it out at any chance. He also likes doing physical gestures too, although only when things seem to go steady. But nonetheless, if you're dating him expect being hand-kissed at any chance.
A close second for his most common LL would be receiving gifts. Don't mind him, Lance has all the money in the world and wants to spend it on you (Be it flowers or jewelry). In fact, now onto an actual headcanon, it was during the FFI where he bought his first gift with romantic intentions; taking advantage he could finally talk with his crush without any intimidating adults (or little butler) around. He bought her a little KOQ emblem brooch... 🥺
...Ok, I'll confess that when I first read the ask, I got confused with "Shane", given I had never written such a name before on this blog. But I soon realized it was Shine, so... Here you have. And if it wasn't him, then... Sorry! You can ask for another character in exchange. ;____;
Shine: 👗- A headcanon about their clothes
I'll be brief: Because his parents were constantly always working outside, Shine had barely any time to do clothes-shopping with them at all. So for the most part, his wardrobe is full of loosely picked clothes, leftover ones from his father's younger ages, OR, even some bought without even prior consultation. But being fair, not even he cares much about styles and all. What he values in clothing is actually texture and comfort, SPECIALLY considering his sensory issues.
Even as an adult, when he moved with grandma Sun he only brought with him a very limited number of clothes. Typically you'll see him on his most common look: puffy red jacket and grey baggy trousers. However in this life stage more choices of his do appear, such as him prefering to wear platform sneakers (Who knows why). If he has to buy new clothes, he'd rather go to a thrift store. Not only he likes what they sell, but he's also aware of the darker side of fast fashion and the ecological damage it causes. He is not supporting that industry at all!
...I'm aware that the ask game only said one (1) headcanon, but I'll add something extra here because I actually have a special HC for Shine when it comes to this specific topic:
On Sun's house there's many things she preserves from her past, and that includes clothes. Many decades might have passed, but her sundresses still look beautiful as ever, even to Shine himself. Keep this a secret between us, but when nobody is around he likes to try them out on himself. There isn't much to this at all; it's just simply something he enjoys doing. However, while he doesn't care about imposed genders on clothes, he's aware society still thinks otherwise. So for now, him wearing dresses is only something he'll keep to himself. And he isn't ready to share this with anyone else either :(
Gareth:🖕 - A headcanon relating to anger
And finally... Remember when I wrote about how Gareth was pretty much forced to repress himself a lot? Yes, that includes many of his own emotions too, including anger; with the excuse that it looks "Impolite" on a butler. So yeah, he could hold the most intense wrath within him, and yet he'd still be forced to keep a numb face. Extremely damaging to his own mental health, unfortunately...
At school things are a bit more relaxed, so Gareth HAS some ways to express his anger if something or somebody is bothering him there. Best example is obviously aganist Lance, specially if he gets annoying with his "Lancelot kills Gareth" all over again. However, it is to clarify that when releasing it all, he'll mostly leash out, never going with any violence. Sucks, because there's many people that Gareth would like to fight, yet is aware of the family's reputation and how any action can ruin it all forever.
At least if you want something sligthly better, Gareth eventually manages to free his anger aganist the man that has forced to repress it. I won't be spoiling it much (?), BUT this is after the FFI, a time period when things around him started to get worse and worse; to a point where he just couldn't bottle it all up anymore.
...Regardless of how that specific scenario ended, it gradually led to a positive impact on his life; specially on his transition to adulthood. Around GO, I think the (former) butler would finally come on terms on his anger. He doesn't repress himself anymore and will express it when needed, but he still prefers to avoid extreme violence… Unless you threaten him or his spy partner, that's for sure.
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savedpeople · 10 months
//✒️ the muse's canon //🌌 canon divergencies //🌓 crossovers //💟 the fandom's most popular ship that involves my muse //💙 crack ships //💌 multishipping //🗝 selectiveness in the RPC
Send an emoji and I'll tell you my opinion | Not Accepting | @wexarethewalkingxdead
We all know I have issues with certain writing decisions on the show, but I wouldn't have fallen in love with Negan as a character if not for the show's canon (he's the reason I decided to read the comics, if I hadn't liked him on the show I may have never read them), so I overall can't complain too much. I love the journey Negan goes on throughout the series.
I think canon divergence is inevitable in RP. Unless you stick strictly to canon events and canon dialogue without writing anything new, you're eventually going to canon diverge in some way, even if just a little. So I think it's fine. The only times I personally dislike it is when 1. their personality is changed so much that they're no longer recognizable, or 2. they're canon divergent in a way that directly affects other characters' storylines too, and the mun doesn't state this anywhere on their blog, so muns writing those other characters aren't able to know ahead of time.
Crossovers can be fun! I used to do them a lot more when I was newer to RP, nowadays I'm more picky about it. There's honestly so many characters from other fandoms I'd love to interact with, but I'm not comfortable crossing my muse over into other fandoms unless I know the fandom really well and can figure out a good way to fit him into the story, but I always welcome others to bring their muse into the twd universe (but I still likely won't interact if I don't know the fandom their muse is from.)
I'm not even sure what the most popular ship for Negan is anymore. I see Negan/Maggie, Negan/Rick, and Negan/Lucille a lot, those are probably the main ones. I love the latter two, I'm not as fond of the first one but I still see the appeal. There's another ship that I've seen a lot, but it makes me really uncomfortable so I'd rather not talk about it.
I think crack ships are fun, but idk if the meaning has changed over time? I've always understood crack ships to be ships that are super out there, ridiculous/funny, and/or technically impossible, like shipping characters from two different series. But nowadays I see people defining it as like... any ship considered unlikely. I've also never personally viewed "crack ship" as a negative term. Honestly I kind of miss when people would ship the wildest things just for fun lol.
I like multishipping, whether in RP or just fandom in general. Sometimes there'll be a ship I think just makes sense and I can't imagine those characters with anyone else, but I still love seeing what ideas other people have. And in RP, I'll never be single ship again, I had too many bad experiences with it. Multishipping just makes things easier and leaves room for more writing opportunities and exploration in my opinion.
Selectivity is perfectly okay. Every roleplayer is selective in some way, no one is going to want to RP with every single person out there. We all have our preferences, boundaries, and finite time to RP, and it's important we respect that.
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brown-little-robin · 3 years
Strange asks: 🌿🌲 🌸 🍯 🎬 🌃
🌿 — Would you prefer to visit the zoo or the botanical gardens?
The zoo! I looooove wild animals. Looking at them and drawing them in person is SO great. I tend to linger at the zoo longer than anyone else wants to.
Also, I'm allergic to nearly every flower except clover, so I enjoy the botanical gardens but I end up with puffy itchy eyes and a drippy nose by the end. :(
🌲 — Tell me about a happy childhood memory.
The one I was thinking of with the pine tree emoji was one of my very first memories. I was very small... under six years of age... and we were living in a very old termite-infested house, outside of which grew at least three big old long-needled pine trees. I would gather up those lovely long soft needles and form birds' nests out of them.
🌸 — What do you wear to feel Fancy™?
Blazers! Formal blazers, my absolute beloveds. Also a beautiful double-breasted... coat/sweater? which in my mind is similar. It's funny you gave me a flapper dress once, because much as I loved it, I actually dress more in the male 1920s style when I'm going for fancy.
🍯 — Do you have a favorite mug / jar / item of cookware?
YES! I have a fox mug with a fluffy white tail for a handle! I use it for hot chocolate, mostly.
🎬 — Do you have comfort movies / comfort shows?
Sort of! I don't re-watch shows much, but I'm fond of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Mom and I watched through all seven seasons of it together in the last years of my high school life. As far as movies... I really love WALL*E. It makes me so nostalgic and happy every time I see it.
🌃 — Tell me about a town or city that’s important to you.
I grew up in Pella, Iowa, which was settled by Dutch people a long time back and is Very, Very Dutch still. It's a thriving tourist town, especially during the week of Tulip Time, with lots of small local businesses that do quite nicely.
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This picture isn't mine; it's from Tulip Time 2019, I believe. You can sort of see the architecture in the background; the whole town is like that. I just... I cannot emphasize too much how utterly beautiful the whole town is. Look it up. It's fantastic. Also, it's beautiful by city law; businesses can't build in Pella unless they agree to do Dutch-style architecture, meaning even the WalMarts and the Caseys have Dutch-style roofs. When we moved away from Pella I was quite saddened to learn that not all towns in America are so pretty!
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This picture is inside of the Pella Public Library, where I used to spend a lot of time. Windmills are very important in Pella; we have a working grain windmill as well as several decorative ones all over town, and logos of local businesses often feature windmills.
Pella devotes a lot more resources to the arts than most towns. It has a community theatre, a gigantic well-funded library, a museum, a living-history village, an opera house AND a cinema AND a community center. It's fantastic.
I have a love-hate relationship with the culture of the town, though... it's very classist, somewhat racist, very conservative, VERY cliquish; if you haven't grown up there and known all the major families by heart, you're going to have an EXTREMELY hard time finding any sense of community there. The saying in Pella goes "If you're not Dutch, you're not much"... and my family is not Dutch. Also, I was homeschooled, and I had a sad kind of outsider experience of the Pella homeschool community.
So: it's complicated. I'll ramble about it for a long time, but it comes down to: the architecture and overall town design is wonderful, the arts and businesses thrive there, the people are difficult to get to know, and I had a difficult childhood there.
Thank you for the ask! :)
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I asked my youngest sibling, @galacticnbinspace , to name people in the Dream SMP as well as in Hermitcraft (not including Pearl and Gem)
Here are the results...
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Feel free to reblog with your favorites!
(I have a personal fondness for Wilbur being called Plain Ass and Keralis being called Your Face When You See Your Friend MURDER)
So you guys don't have to struggle with my bad handwriting and get some bonus commentary, here's a list of everyone's new names in order, going down each column, left to right under the cut
Dream - Dream (OFC) [The first of the DSMP people my sibling will recognize on this page]
George - Wilbur Soot 2.0 [Xey were very adamant that George looks more interesting than actual Wilbur does lol]
Sapnap - Dan [Fae had no further comments besides that he looks like a Dan]
Callahan - Pancake Cookie [.... Voi isn't wrong, he does look a little like Pancake Cookie from Cookie Run Ovenbreak]
Sam - King Gavin Free [They remembered that Gavin from Achievement Hunter uses a Creeper Skin so they associated Sam with Gavin during his King Gavin Let's Play]
Alyssa - Scene girl that I went to school with [Valid, have a nice day]
Ponk - Wrestler? [I can see where xey were getting those vibes, apparently Ponk's mask made xem think of a Luchadore mask]
Bad - BadBoyHalo [Another of the DSMP members that fae recognized!]
Tommy - Tommy [Two in a row!]
Fundy - JoJo Fox (Xey know he is Fundy but lol) [Voi knows that his name is Fundy and that he is trans fox lad, but they thought that calling him a JoJo Fox was too funny to pass up lol]
Punz & Purpled - Twins? [They know what's up! They know what's up!]
Wilbur - Plain Ass [Xey looked me dead in the eyes as xey said this btw. No emotion. Just deadpan seriousness. Nothing but Plain Ass Motherfucker.]
Schlatt - Schlatt [Fae has watched the How Bad Can I Be animatic a lot so fae can recognize him pretty easily]
Skeppy - Knock-Off Charlie [Voi was a bit miffed that Charlie's skin doesn't actually make him look like a slime person]
Eret - Knock-Off Techno [Ouch. Brutal. I'm sorry Queen. But they have a point...]
Jack and Niki - More Scene Kids [Valid, have a nice day!]
Mexican Dream - Mexican Dream (They thought Italian Dream at first until I pointed out that that was the wrong flag and corrected xemself once I informed xem that he's supposed to be the Mexican flag)
Karl - Art Student [... No comment...]
HBomb - Wannabe Pirate [It's the headband and the coat]
Techno - Techno [BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!]
Antfrost - Naked Furry [Fae died laughing when I told faem that this was the DSMP person that I asked if their name was a viable Warriors Cat name... For the record, fae told me yes, Antfrost is a viable Warriors Cat name.]
Phil - Philza [There were many jokes made about him being a weeb lol]
Connor - Sanic [Because he is not Sonic truly, he is knock-off Sonic]
Puffy - Another Art Student [Fair enough...]
Vik - Discount Steve [When your mom says that you have Steve at home /j]
Ranboo - Ranboo [We joke that voi is a Ranboo kinnie since voi is taller than most of the people in our family and voi loves Hawaiian shirts and the like]
Foolish - Foolish [I think they memorized his skin from all the times I shoved fanart in their face screaming about how people make amazing designs from that blob lol]
Hannah - Thot (Affectionate) [She has those thigh highs which means she's a thot but she's adorable so affectionately a thot]
Charlie - Charlie [After the Skeppy fake-out xey were disappointed in his plain design but said it was still better than Wilbur]
Lazar - Ginger Brave [okay at least he looks like an actual Cookie Run character right?]
Quackity - :) [Voi says that Quackity and Dream should change emoji smilies so that Dream is :] and Quackity is :) because of how their smiles on their skins look]
Tubbo - Tubbo [only guessed him by process of elimination RIP]
Bdubs - Terrifying Anime Steve [The big eyes scared them!]
Beef - A Man™ (Xey were annoyed that his skin is so plain and that there were a bunch of other fairly plain skins amongst the Hermits too)
Cleo - Modern Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas) [Cleo does look like Sally ngl!!]
Cub - Appropriating for Science [fae was all squinty at Cub wearing a Pharoh outfit but gave me that response so I guess that's a win???]
Doc - Another one of you fucks!? [the context for this is that out of three groups of YouTubers that do Minecraft videos, I always seem to get attached to the ones with Creeper skins first so this was voi calling me out on my Creeper obsession lol]
Etho - Kakashi (Weeb 2.0) [Philza is obviously Weeb 1.0 lol]
False - Steampunk Scene Kid [Yeah she's got the vibes...]
Grian - Another Plain Man™ [they threw up their arms and was all "OFC! He did!" when I told them that Wilbur got inspired by Grian's skin when making his own]
Hypno - Solid Snake [Can't really argue that my dudes]
Impulse - Why are there so many Plain Men™?? [Yeah Impulse is kinda plain compared to a bunch of the others ngl]
Iskall - Duke Nukem [Honestly I have no words. Xey are correct.]
Jevin - Slime Boy :) [What it says on the tin my dudes]
Joe - Scene Phase Steve [I wanna apologize for voi but voi isn't wrong at all lol]
Keralis - Your face when you see your friend MURDER [I mean... Again... Not wrong...]
Mumbo - Geoff Ramsey??? [I used to draw FAHC Geoff in a suit with a curly moustache so they thought that was what Mumbo's skin is lol]
Ren - Vampire Steve [Not far off the mark if you like to subscribe to Werewolf Ren headcanon]
Scar - Clown Steve [........ No comment......]
Stress - Pastel Girl :) [appropriately menacing imo]
TFC - If I see one more Plain Man™, I swear to God-! [Yeah it's kinda plain but that's our Minecraft Grandpa! We go easy on him!]
Wels - A nice Lad! [Knights are always welcome in our household!]
xB - GODDAMMIT [Arguably the plainest of the Plain Men™ after Grian, xB kinda had this coming tbh]
Xisuma - Doom Bee [Initially Master Bee until I pointed out that this was a Doom Guy skin not a Master Chief Skin. We agreed that Doom Bee has a better ring to it lol]
Zedaph - Superhero? [Xey joked about him being Wonder Woman until I told xem that his name is Wormman and xey were all "Ahhhh that explains the pink and the W..."]
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fallstreakfeathers · 4 years
I can't believe you actually answered, I can and will cry, no hesitation. Oh my :') Ssso! I'm not good at making decisions, but I've managed to pick three questions from the 25 OC questions (some emojis were also in the other one so it could've been a mess, I guess???) You do not have to answer them all!!!!! Alright??? Take care. I also don't know which OC should I focus the questions on, mainly because I want to give you some f r e e d o m ! Ssso!!!: 🦋💐🏡 Thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!💕
I just went ahead and did all of them because i cant choose lmao Thanks for the questions!!! Some are a ‘lil short. (all ask memes are filed under the ‘ A ‘ tag and are always open! ) 🦋  If your OC could change everything (or just something) about their life would they? What would they change? What do they think would happen if they did? What would their loved ones think? Kita
There’s a lot Kita would want to change but the biggest things are her insecurities and inability to properly communicate. She knows when she’s actively attacking herself, but she can never seem to stop it, and this problem never being there in the first place would be so much easier and less exhausting than having to battle her own mind all the time. 
Agaros Agaros would make sure he was able to save the only human he’d believed special enough to have a pact with him. At the very least, he wants to know what happened.  Agaros lost the people he considered family when he Fell, and to be frank doesn’t really care what they think anymore.
The only thing Vas wants to change his his status and power level, both of which are being actively worked on. Vasago wants to rule the Devildom and Hell, and he’s been quietly syphoning other demons strength for centuries. He has no one he ‘loves’ more than himself, though he doesn’t consider himself capable of the emotion.
💐 Does your OC like flowers? What are their favourites? Do they keep a garden of some sort? What flowers would they use in a flower crown? (and if you like, research the meanings behind those flowers!)
Fond of really tiny flowers. She thinks they’re cute. She also likes flowers and other plants that give off relaxing scents (lavender, frankincense, etc) . The kind of flower she uses in a crown would depend on the person she’s giving it to.
Agaros is more fond of their uses than their appearances. There’s a particular Devildom species that’s known for rage-inducing properties and, after making sure it wasn’t deadly to humans, it’s became a favorite to harass others with.
He wouldn’t personally make a crown of flowers but if someone special made one for him, he’d wear it for a bit.
Sometimes makes it a point to crush plants under his foot as he walks. He would not wear or make a flower crown.
🏡 Describe your OCs ideal house! Give us a tour around! What’s their garden like? Their bedroom? Kitchen? Where is it and how many people live there?
Kita’s ideal house is small and away from other people. Just enough space to store her belongings is fine.  She would have no garden (too much work) but ideally would be situated somewhere in a forest anyway. Nobody lives there but herself and maybe a dog.
Agaros Agaros already has his ideal home. Surrounded by marsh, warm, away from prying eyes. Several large caverns are hidden underneath his lair. Most are connected by an underwater tunnel system that branch off the main cave. These caverns hide his armor, enchanted items, and other valuables, The most precious is a waterfall that grants the ability to travel through your innermost consciousness. This is the true reason he selected the area as his home.
Diavolo’s castle! We know what that looks like already so I’ll skip the description. Obviously, it’d be filled with servants and the like who are loyal to him. All disloyalty is purged.
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
i'm going to preface this by saying i'm a bit scatterbrained today... oop.
did the house do something specific to warrant a paper being written about it? wait... if that's too specific a question for your field of study/school then nvm ^_^;;
the anticipation levels for marigold 2 are hiiigh (no pressure of course XD). i love when we get to see the healing and the moving forward. the realization that we're so much more than we let ourselves be with that one person? (i am definitely projecting here) and a reciprocated, devoted love is a such beautiful concept, yes to being a sucker for romance!
i ended up thinking about the siblings-3. we've got a god of war, a princess, and a jester (please forgive me sanzu fans but his scars remind me of a harlequin pattern). i'm squinting at brahman in general but i don't know what my spidey-sense is tingling for it's takeomi
about the use of princess... i don't think it's a petname for his s/o, for similar reasons you listed. to use it for senju and s/o would be likening one to the other and that feels a liiiiittle weird to me. personally i'm not fond of petnames so my mind skips over them sometimes (there's a backstory for this... and a lot of projecting in today's reply, apparently, sorry ^_^;;). but! there are some i do like seeing in fic, and i would definitely read petname hcs for the tr gang, because i like seeing the reasoning or little stories behind them.
💐 is a lovely emoji! i will wear it with pride, thank you <3
hello! how are you? I hope the scatter-brain is being taken care off with hydration and some rest!💜🧚🏻‍♀️
Now, this house (i need to hold myself back from rambling about this) this house is very textually boring, in comparison to the other literary houses I am studying (I am writing about haunted houses). There are no haunted paintings, no sentient mould, nothing. so my braincell and I were troubled to say the least. but that's over for now, I can move onto more *scandalous* subjects lol.
okay so, I've been writing marigold 2 and i feel like we might get a part three, just so that i don't overload you with pain and then kneejerk you into fluff (although there is still plenty of that. healing may be a long and difficult journey, but there is a strong argument for romanticising the little steps, enjoying the progress, etc) I will see after 2 if we're going to move forward with some romance, but there are plenty of other opportunities to explore that kind of love with the other flowers
Where do I start with the siblings🙃? One, I have SO many thoughts about the way Wakui is writing them, where he could go with them, especially as a parallel to the Sano family. I need to know how they ended so fractured. Apparently this is an unpopular opinion, but I like Senju? I feel like we as readers need to be reminded that these are CHILDREN, and that Takemitchy and Mikey's reactions to what's going on are not indicative of a normal reaction to grief. As for Sanzu, I have another unpopular opinion. I don't like him. I guess I like my psycho-killers with less loyalty?
I hope your spidey-senses about my husband aren't bad (although if he ends up rotten I'll still probably love him). there are definitely shenanigans afoot with Brahman and the history we've missed. I have soany more things to say but I want to wait until Wakui reveals more.
I am such a sucker for petnames, mostly the old-fashioned ones (darlin', doll, sweetheart - can you tell I'm a Toji girl?), and yet I've somehow ended up with the most ridiculous petnames in real life. I put way too much thought into what petnames different characters use, so maybe I will post my ideas later on. Petnames are also a decent tool to avoid using "y/n" (gosh my secret is out) because it feels clumsy when I use it🤷🏼‍♀️
I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes Wakasa's use of "princess" for an S/O, so I'll stick to my hcs for him, the cheeky bastard.
At the rate i'm going, marigold will probably either be up tonight (for me) or tomorrow. I hope you like it <3
I hope you have a lovely day, wherever you are, my sweet 💐 anon
once again, big thank yous and hugs and hearts for this message, and I'm sorry for the short novel I wrote in response. I just love listening to your takes on certain characters (and I do take them to heart 💓 )
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