#i don't remember the other ones they've just lived in my head for years
bachirasbodyguard · 3 months
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stupid blue lock doodles part 1
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lunarharp · 3 months
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What led to this (orufrey comic, cw an uncomfortable/creepy scene)
#witch hat tag#orufrey#er.... i'm too tired to have anything to say..i worked several days on this.#wait.. didn't i say just recently here that i probably wouldn't ever depict 'what if alaira is qifrey's sort-of ex'. What's going on#i don't even remember deciding to draw this..it's all a blur..i'm not sure why i WOULD decide to draw delicate scenes in my head#that i wouldn't really want to share with anyone/discuss so why did i draw it...#some part of me really really wants to draw things that are more and more true to myself...#maybe because of my alienation with most romance/shipping/dynamics the rest of the world depicts.#orufrey really is perfectly suited to me - what i read in the text and what is in my head. well anyway#i am TIRED of drawing poses and angles and..maybe now i will actually take a break from drawing bc of the tediousness of Angles#btw it really is a 'stretch of time' . . . assuming witches graduate age 18-20#well orufrey are canonically 30-ish. they've only had agott around for presumably about TWO years (?) bc she took the test age 10#and it feels like oru moving in/unknown atelier acquisition/building (?) .. i guess that could be a year or so before agott at most#(she was the first disciple) so... ????????? What about the other 7 or so years ?!?!?!!?!?! Unemployed Brimhat Hatred era#that time is very nebulous. after qifrey went to the tower i feel like it's been implied he and oru drifted apart a little.#certainly they didn't live together at first... no way. that doesn't feel like how it is based on things oru has said about becoming Eye#idk. I'm tired now. i don't usually think of alaira as necessarily qifrey's ex and this being how things went in that 'sliver of time'.#i usually prefer the idea that they have their first kiss with each other in their 30s cause That's Just The Orufrey Lifestyle#just felt like making a more relatable alternative view of my own Cai Orufrey Canon one time. btw im a big monoshipper and it hurt a bit#let's leave it there. this is surely the most i've worked on a 'single' art - though now i realise just how much longer the fic took :')
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happytapirstudio · 1 year
Every day I wake up with a new Animal Collective song stuck in my head and I post it here for everyone else to ignore >:3
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ozzgin · 3 months
Do you think I can request headcanons for Nakamaro ?
Like in an alternate route, reader and him (he's in his twenties because... magic ?) are married and reader is pregnant.
But the funny thing is, Nakamaro can't bully the yokais because reader will exorcise him each time he tries.
Aaaaah I finished writing and only afterwards it occurred to me you might've wanted a modern day reader for this. 😭 I imagined the events in his own timeline. Oh well. I think it can work both ways. Just replace the ancient pouch with, I don't know, a visa card that he throws at your parents for wife payment.
Yandere! Onmyōji x Reader
Yokai Harem AU as the wife of Abe no Nakamaro, a legendary sorcerer and collector of yokai. Although you're not quite as powerless as to not keep his cruelty under control.
Content: female reader, arranged marriage, mentions of pregnancy
[Main Story] [Character Guide]
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Your family had vehemently opposed the marriage. To think their one and only daughter would fall into the hands of such a cruel man. The famous Abe no Nakamaro, descendant of Abe no Seimei himself, has quite a contradicting reputation. He has saved many lives, cured countless illnesses, protected villages from monsters and brought peace to the land. Yet many have also witnessed his ruthless nature: the arrogance he has towards humans, the disdain and utter disgust he harbors towards demons. He is quick to punish, rarely forgives, and never forgets. The yokai he’s captured under a binding contract are kept on a leash, like cattle before slaughter.
It is this man who approached your parents one day, when you were still young, demanding your hand. He claimed you had special powers and a lot of potential under the right guidance. Such spiritual prowess would waste away in a family of plebeians. You don’t remember much of the discussion, only the expressions: the man’s mocking grin as he threw a pouch fattened with coins, the frown of your parents who wanted to refuse, the uneasy, grim eyes of the horned demons brought to intimidate. It was clear they were there against their will. One will find just how difficult it is to go against the wishes of the onmyōji, and you happened to be his most ardent desire. Thus, with a heavy heart, you’d been sent away with the stranger who promised you were to live a life of luxury. One your parents could never afford.
True to his word, you have not struggled since. In Akutagawa’s short masterpiece, Hell Screen, artist Yoshihide is wicked and vicious towards everything and everyone except his beloved daughter. Similarly, the sorcerer seems to have a soft spot for you in particular. He often praises your talent, and patiently caters to your whims without complaint. You once inquired about it yourself, as the idea weighed heavily on your mind: why is it that he does not show the same hostility towards you? He stared at you as if you just grew two more heads. "You're my wife. What else is there to question?"
This favoritism, however, is to the benefit of everyone. Especially to the yokai under his command. You've grown rather fond of the demons in your years spent alongside them, and they've quickly learned that your presence means safety from any punishment. Some need reassurance more than others. To these you've even begun to feel like a motherly figure, shielding them from the wrath of an unforgiving master. At last, an authority even Abe no Nakamaro himself can't disobey: the word of his wife.
And soon enough, as if your marriage wasn't already the ultimate argument, you welcome the return of your husband with the news he's always longed for: you are the soon-to-be mother of his child. His name has just been guaranteed to continue its course through time. To say he is elated is an understatement. You've only seen him smile so genuinely once before in your life, on your wedding day.
"Can you imagine the powers this child will command?" He muses, referring most likely to the fact you've both been blessed with an innate, unmatched talent in onmyōdō. You finish rolling the parchment paper and gently tap his head with the scroll in a scolding manner. "You better not burden the kid with your bizarre expectations!" The same man feared throughout the country is chuckling apologetically at your gesture. "As the Mother says."
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Get Off My Screen!
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: I'm doing this cuz someone wanted to see my shitposty idea hahaha, I hope it's not too OOC but oh well- I hope someone could write a proper fic with this since I don't trust my writing much HAHAHAHA
A/N: I'll also be doing this from the reader's POV for now. Just message me or request if you wanna see Vox's POV since it might be too long if I include his thingy in this post XD
College life is fun, do doubt about that; from the parties to the friends you make- it truly was unforgettable.
Even if you did study a lot, wanting to get high marks- you had time to indulge every once in a while and goof off with friends.
It made you a star student on paper- but nearly bordering troublesome with your chaotic behavior.
You were lucky to never have been caught with their shenanigans.
But of course your friends just had to push it.
A new ghost hunting hype trend surfaced online and they were convinced that they had to get into it.
You said it was a bad idea, getting into stuff you didn't know.
Your friends brushed you off and all piled into the attic of your parents' home.
Of course, your parents were more than happy to explain some things before leaving your group to their devices.
They've been messing with the... "paranormal" for most of their lives.
You just chose not to believe it.
It wasn't like there was proof aside from heresay anyways.
Your friends proceed to mess with the ouija board they found, among other probably possessed things.
You found it all way too creepy to be honest.
Especially that old CRT TV that was just sitting in the corner.
It was an old thing you remembered using, but it always glitched and stuttered when you were a kid.
Even if there wasn't actually anything wrong with it according to the technicians that tried to fix it over the years.
Your friends started screaming before you could really reminisce.
The fact the ouija board was actually reacting slightly freaked you out.
You managed to calm your friends from bombarding the thing with questions before asking what actually mattered.
"What's your name?"
V... O... X...
That didn't sound like a demon name you were even vaguely familiar with, at least off the top of your head.
Then of course that creepy TV from your childhood turned on by itself.
Your friends were screaming bloody murder at this point.
You didn't even realize the fuss until you saw the darn thing was unplugged.
You freaked out too, bolting down the attic stairs with your friends quickly in tow.
It was smooth sailing afterwards, your parents assuring you that nothing would happen.
Your friends stayed for dinner until they had to go.
You were about to retire for the night as well until you realized you couldn't find your phone.
Everywhere you looked, it wasn't there.
That left one place.
The attic.
By the time you gathered the courage to return, everything seemed just fine.
The TV was finally turned off, how and why- you didn't bother enough to know.
So you picked up your phone off the floor and just headed to your room.
Only to practically get jumpscared when you opened your phone.
Annoyed, you switched it back before plugging it into the charger.
Come morning, you had a bone to pick with your lot of friends.
Because not only was your phone stuck with the wallpaper problem, soon were all your devices.
You tried everything, restarting your stuff, running an antivirus, even getting it professionally checked.
And the problem continued to persist.
Now at your wits' end, you figured whatever entity was messing with your gadgets could at least converse with you through said gadgets.
So you opened a blank notepad on your laptop, nearly glaring at the screen while waiting for something to happen.
Five minutes passed and nothing happened.
Even more waiting and still nothing.
Eventually you just decided to type something up on the notepad in impatience.
"I know you're in there. Stop messing with me."
And to your surprise, something finally replied.
"Oh I know, you're just fun to mess with doll."
What. The. Fuck.
And that was how you met him.
Vox, the tech overlord demon, months ago.
When he infected your phone, then consequently the rest of your electronics too.
Since then he's been an annoying thorn in your side.
Well... or even a welcome distraction.
Maaaaybe even an odd Omegle Buddy?
Who even still does those?
Either way, you never had to use spellcheck again whenever doing your work.
Nor did you consult Google as often either.
As rude and annoying as he was, Vox was quite helpful when it came to paperwork.
Not that you didn't know much about him, on some days you would both just chat using the notepad.
He hated some radio guy named "Alastor"?
You would laugh if you weren't so tired.
Depending on Vox's mood, he was either tolerable or a downright prick.
Fighting over control of the cursor was also pretty common occurrence.
Vox practically living in your gadgets forced you to learn at least basic software care and programming.
The guy also ended up sorting your files!
You'd be more thankful if he wasn't so bitchy about your file arrangement anyway.
It wasn't that bad.
You want to call him your virtual friend- but he's more like an annoying virus that throws hissy fits from time to time.
Even if said hissy fits were either excessive amounts of lag or mostly obstructive visual glitches and pop ups.
The little shit was also constantly messing with you during class.
Not that he cared enough even if you told him you were, he'd still be messing with your notes or even your files every now and then.
You stopped trying to change wallpapers after you realized he kept switching them back to his grinning face.
Let's not even mention his multitude of custom emojis stuck in your device.
How that got there, you didn't care enough to figure out.
What a weirdo.
Though him constantly interacting with your software gave you an idea.
You saw your friend fawning over a thing called a "desktop pet" just a little ago in class.
They chose to get a virtual slime.
It piqued your interest after you saw it was interactive too.
And knowing that Vox liked to mess with your operating systems a lot, you decided to try and get one to see what he'd do.
You got the basic one, just a random anime "chibi" or so it was labeled on the website.
It walked around and did some emotes before a notepad opened up with a message.
"What the fuck is that."
"My new desktop companion, do you like it?"
You didn't get a reply so you just left to grab a snack.
You weren't even surprised with what you came back to.
Vox was already using the cursor to bully the desktop pet you downloaded.
Either throwing it around or just repeatedly spam clicking it so it fell over.
The sonova bitch-
You kind of expected it, just leaving Vox to do his thing while you went to take a nap.
Only, you didn't realize you would be coming back to a new custom desktop pet and an open note.
"You're welcome~"
If that was what Vox looked like, you couldn't deny it was cute.
Or at least the small desktop pet made it seem so.
It was a striking design for sure-
Did he have a monitor for a head??
Oh that explains the face on your screen wallpapers.
You didn't realize until too late that Vox could interact with you using the desktop pet either.
Sometimes the things he did were cute with it, like the emotes that were installed on the thing.
Or he was just a little shit closing your windows or dragging them off screen before you could notice and stop him.
He was an annoying bastard-
But you kept him around anyways.
A/N: I really had fun writing this thing, it hasn't gone romantic since I didn't know if I wanted it to go that route so this is more of a friendly thing? Either way I might write Vox's POV sooner or later this was a really fun idea HAHAHAHA
A/N: Vox's POV is here!! :3
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weeknd-ogoc · 7 months
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SUMMARY: in which oscar accidentally get married to his ex girlfriend in vegas! (part 2; lando's alternate ending!) FACE CLAIM: leona naomi wong CONTAINS: over protective best friend!lando, major fluff, some angst!
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oscar piastri knew you had hated him. 
after a beautiful seven month long relationship with you, he had ended it with no real explanation. he still loved you dearly but at the time he wasn't sure if being in a serious relationship while driving in formula one was even a good idea.
he couldn't give you all the time in the world like he wanted to and even though you had told him you didn't mind it, he knew you deserved something better than what he was giving you.
"you're so unbelievable..." he remembered you telling him after he told you about needing some time apart and throwing the necklace he had gifted you just a few weeks before. "i never want to speak to you again."
that same night you returned his belongings in a big box and you chose not to speak or text him — not that he expected to stay close friends with you but he had expected to at least talk once in awhile and when you guys didn't, it was something he wasn’t really prepared for.
"i just think it was a mistake to do that, you know she's amazing..." your best friend lando told him during media day in brazil. "i told her that you guys were moving too fast but i'm glad she's moving on..."
lando was real pissed off with oscar after you had came home crying that night of the breakup but he couldn't let it affect their relationship since they were going to be teammates for a good while.
"moving on? is she already seeing someone?" he had asked as lando put his helmet on. "not that it would be wrong bu-"
"well no, it's just that she's moving out of our place and going back to england next month. do you not have her on instagram?"
oscar put his helmet on and shook his head. "no, she blocked me that night."
he remembered feeling sad when lando told him that because you see before the breakup oscar he had promised you that he wanted to move anywhere in the world with you.
he hated that you were moving on without him but he also knew you hated him and he knew he couldn’t make it right with you.
or so he thought. 
MARCH - 2023
oscar had met you when he was just starting out in mclaren through his teammate.
"tell your boyfriend..." lando started singing rather loudly as you had tried to unlink your arm with his. "if he says he's got beef, that i'm a veg-"
"lan if you keep this up..." you struggled to get him to let go of your arm. "we can no longer be friends!"
lando sighed as he was about to tell you that you were being mean but oscar had showed up with a smile on his face.
"oscar! this is my bestest friend, y/n." he introduced the two of you and whispered. "she's single."
which earned a slap on his arm from you. "let's just say lando's rat face keeps scaring the men away."
he rolled his eyes at you and flicked your forehead in a lovingly way. “well she has bad taste in men.”
you sighed before flicking his forhead. "hush..."
lando had been your best friend since childhood and you showed up for most of his races or practices so when oscar saw that you were always around, he decided to finally ask you for your number.
"i'm telling you right now, you become friends with her..." lando joked as he watched you type your number into oscar's phone. "you won't be able to get rid of her anymore."
turns out that later on it was more like lando was the one you guys couldn’t get rid of.
"they seem a little too close, don't you think?" logan asked as he ate is ice cream.
they both watched as lando chased you around the paddock since you had taken his cap.
"they've been friends for years, maybe they're just really comfortable wit each other." oscar shrugged and continued to watch you guys.
a few weeks later you had found yourself getting closer to oscar but since you were living with lando, you guys could never get some alone time.
“i was thinking maybe we can go get dinner and aft-“
lando sat in between the both of you guys and took the bowl of popcorn oscar had in his hands. “i have a thing at four so maybe we can all go at five?”
he had been inviting himself to all the places oscar wanted to take you to and oscar was starting to get a bit annoyed being around lando all the time but he did want to get in his good graces for you.
"we're a package deal." he remembered lando telling him.
“actually lan-“
“sure! five is perfect…” oscar interrupted and gave the both of you a smile. “dinner for three.”
the three of you continued watching the movie and oscar could see that you were visibly annoyed. the both of you had a discussion a few days before about not letting lando get in the way of your plans and oscar had agreed with you but he clearly did not with the plan.
“oh you know logan asked for your number again and i quickly shut him down…” lando started and shoved some popcorn into his mouth. “definitely not the one for you.”
oscar tensed up hearing logan’s name, since they were good friends he knew logan had a crush on you but he never knew he’d actually go for it. “yeah logan is not the one for you…”
“you see, he knows what i’m talking about...” lando nodded in agreement.
APRIL - 2023
the following weeks you had started cancelling your plans with lando, he thought it was real suspicious because the two of you were always inseparable — he looked through your story and saw you were in australia just a few days earlier before the grand prix there. "why the hell is she there?"
a few hours later he saw oscar post on his story that he was there too. "no way!" he gasped which earned him a side eye from max. "they went together and didn't invite me!"
"maybe it's cause you're annoying and maybe it's a date."
max knew it was indeed a date because you were filling him on all the stuff going on with oscar. he knew how protective lando was over you and he was actually the one who told you not to tell lando about it just yet.
lando sat back and began putting the pieces together.
one: you started showing up with oscar on practice days and sometimes leaving with him.
two: the both of you had inside jokes that lando wasn't able to understand.
three: oscar was bit more smiley whenever you were around.
there were more things going on so it was very much obvious to him now.
oscar had told you about taking you to australia very last minute and planned a very romantic day. you had felt bad since lando and you were already planning on hanging out that day but you knew he’d eventually get over it.
“piastri, you better not be planning on drowning me.” you joked as oscar’s hands covered your eyes and led you down a sandy path.
he chuckled before helping you sit on a chair and removing his hands from your eyes. “i promise if i were to kill someone for the first time it would definitely not be this way…”
you looked around and saw a neatly set table with rose petals, candles, all different types of foods and a very nervous oscar sitting on the other side of the table.
the night was filled with laughter from oscar's very corny jokes and definitely some cute moments. you had tried the different foods that he loved.
"you know what this would be amazing with?" you asked and he responded with a little hm as he fed you with a spoon. "a soda and then this would be bomb."
he chuckled before nodding. "i'll make sure to have that for our next date..."
he planned on asking you to be his girlfriend and he was hoping you would say yes — so after you guys finished eating and a few more corny jokes, he took you to the beach for a little walk. he held your hand in one hand and in the other hand he was holding your sandals.
"i really enjoyed today oscar." you told him as you guys stopped walking and wrapped your arms around his neck while he wrapped his around your waist. "thank you."
he placed a soft kiss on your lips and he felt his insides doing flips, he knew that this was finally the time to ask you but before he could your phone began ringing once again.
lando had been sending you messages all day and when you finally had enough you had put your phone on dnd but since it was lando he continued pressing notify anyway.
"sorry..." you mumbled and before you could turn the phone off lando had called you, you rolled your eyes and answered. "norris if you don't qu-"
"i know who you are with! put me on speaker!"
oscar chuckled as you put it on speaker. "hi lan-"
"you need to stop violating my best frie-" at that very moment lando was running around the house with max chasing behind him trying to end the call and just before he could finish his sentence, max had snatched his phone just in time. "sorry guys, hope your date is going good!"
once the phone call ended you turned off your phone and slipped your phone back in your purse. "he'll get over it..."
by the time of the azerbaijan media day on thursday, lando was so over seeing you with oscar all the time. usually it would be you hanging around him but now it was all about oscar. you guys were always being adorably gross everywhere he looked — when he was home he'd see you guys cuddling or kissing somewhere then during practices and races you guys were holding hands or hugging.
"i thought you'd be happy for me..." you told him as you held out his cap, helping him get ready for his next interview.
“i am happy for you, i just think i could’ve chosen someone better for you than…” he side eyed oscar who was struggling to put his shoe on. "him."
lando knew how quick the formula one drivers moved from one girl to the next and he didn't want something like that happen to you, you didn't ever deserve that kind of hurt.
"well i never complained when you were with you know who."
he knew you were referring to his ex-girlfriend who hated that you guys were best friends — he constantly had to reassure her that you were like his sister and nothing was going on between the two of you but she never believed him.
"please lando, you look like you would rearrange the stars and pull them down to wherever she is."
"no you didn't but i broke up with her because she was always trying to sep-"
before he could give you his full response oscar had already wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek. he rolled his eyes at the sight of you two and took the cap from your hands then he walked to carlos who was talking with charles.
"didn't go well?" oscar asked and you shook your head no.
MAY - 2023
"we're no longer friends with lando." you crossed your arms as you entered max's room and sat on a chair next to him.
he was streaming on twitch and chuckled. "alright but if he asks i definitely protested just a tad bit."
max had seen lando and you have silly little fights all the time so when he saw that a week later the both of you still hadn't talked since azerbaijan and were avoiding each other back at home, he knew he had to intervene.
"you know this whole hanging out with you guys in different parts of the house is getting annoying..." max sighed as he dragged lando into your room. "so will you guys just make up so we can be the three musketeers again."
the three of you laid down on your bed, looking up at the ceiling and after a good four minutes lando finally turned to you. "apologize first."
you quickly turned to him and flicked his forhead. "what do you mean me first? you should be apologizing first."
max looked at the both of you bickering back and forth like children, being friends with the both of you was not easy for him at all — he really thought it took maturity, patience and the will of one of god’s strongest soldier just to get through it. "will you just tell her!"
lando elbowed him and shook his head. "no clue what you're talking about."
"lan, what is he talking about?"
he groaned and looked back to you. "you obviously know that i love you right?"
you sighed and nodded.
he got up and began pacing around the room, he explained how he only wanted the best for you and didn't want you rushing the relationship with oscar because he felt like he was taking you away from him too fast.
"i broke up with you know who because i felt like she was always separating us and now that os-"
"i will always make time for you." you got up and hugged him, lando flicked your forhead before going to hug you too. "you're my best friend!"
max saw the way lando closed his eyes and hugged you a bit more tighter.
how were you still so blind to lando's obvious huge crush on you?
the next time lando saw oscar, he pulled him aside and apologized for how he acted towards him which oscar was really happy about.
"i swear i would never even think about hurting her, she means everything to me."
in his head lando swore that if he ever did, he'd run him over a few times with the mclaren car. "good, glad we're on the same page."
the grand prix in vegas was finally here.
"c'mon lets go!" lando groaned as he tried helping you get out of his bed. "we're in las vegas and everyone is going out so we need to go out and have some fun while we're here!"
ever since the two of you were kids he did everything in his power to make sure that you were always happy so seeing you now like this, he hated it and he was doing his best to keep your mind off oscar.
so while lando tried getting you up, max came in with the dress that lando had picked out for you. "it's here!"
"a dress? really?" you asked "i'd rather stay in pajamas."
the boys rolled their eyes at you and dragged you up. "change and get ready!"
once they both had left, you sat at the edge of the bed debating whether or not you should but after awhile you thought about how if it hadn't been for lando you probably would've been back home still moping around and how hard lando was trying to make you happy so just this once you'd go out with him.
so about two hours later when you had texted lando that you were finally ready, you looked at the mirror adding the last few touches to your makeup.
"you look beautiful." you heard lando's voice and saw him standing by the doorway through the mirror. "you are beautiful."
you guys ended up meeting up with the rest of the guys at the club and let's just say half of them were not sober.
"lando!" you guys heard carlos's voice.
"go, i'll be here." you told lando as he nodded as he got up from the booth. "i'll be back..."
you looked around and saw oscar and logan at another booth, accidentally making eye contact with the both of them. "shoot." you mumbled and quickly grabbed the drink lando had ordered for you guys and began drinking it.
you had seen oscar a handful of times but you could never bring yourself to talk to him, he had tried calling and texting but you decided to block him on everything for the meanwhile — you had always told him you didn't mind that you guys couldn't always go out on dates or be around each other 24/7 so when he broke up with you because of that you had felt like there ad to be more to the story.
"a shot for everyone!" max yelled for the fourth time.
and so before you knew it, you had gone through a few drinks and since everyone had convinced lando to go to the dj booth he put daniel on babysitting duty.
when oscar saw that lando was nowhere in sight he walked over to you and offered you a drink. "how are you?"
"i'm great, mega actually."
he nodded and watched you drink the cup he had just given you rather quickly.
"um, i'll be back..." daniel announced since he felt like you guys needed space to talk.
the both of you nodded.
you had suddenly felt a little dizzy but decided to look over to oscar who was already looking at you. "you know i really loved you, well still do." you groaned and rested your head onto the table. "do you love me?"
"of coarse i do, you're the love of my life."
lando saw from the distance that oscar was putting a few strands of your hair behind your ear. "are you kidding me."
when the song finished he got down the booth and made it over to the table he last saw you guys but the both of you were nowhere in sight. he asked around if anybody had seen you but they all shook their heads.
"they went on a walk." logan had told him. "i'm about to head out, i'll let you know if i find them."
logan knew that if lando found you guys he'd just pull you away from oscar so he made sure to keep lando away but by the morning when he found himself passed out in a limbo holding onto a half eaten cake that said just married with you guys, he thought it wasn't one of his best ideas.
oscar and logan saw that you had big shiny ring on your finger and suddenly flashbacks started hitting the both of them of the night.
"we got married..." oscar whispered. "how could you let that happen!"
"i don't even remember it all that great man."
logan remembered finding you guys sitting on a bench somewhere and then after a few tears and shouting from the both of you, oscar had the crazy idea to enter a chapel. "this will prove that i would never hurt you again."
oscar remembered the small vows you guys said but midway you stopped. "oh god, i feel like throwing up..."
before they could wake you up they decided to see if they could put some more of the pieces together and as they did logan received a phone call.
"shit..." his phone was pretty much completely cracked but he managed to pick up. "hello?"
"sargeant, i've been calling you all night." he heard lando's voice. "where are they?"
you instantly shot your head up at lando's angry voice. "fuck, i have a major headache..."
oscar shook his head no. "um not sure, hav-"
"quit the bullshit, you're stories on instagram says a completely different story."
as lando went on about murdering both him and oscar, he went on his story to see that he had posted some of their adventures from last night — he had pictures of you and oscar kissing at the chapel, oscar feeding you part of the just married cake, a selfie with all three of you outside the chapel, oscar holding onto your hair as you threw up next to the chapel and then finally the last one was a video of you guys singing to a katy perry song in the limbo.
"how could you let them get married!" you overheard lando yell.
"all three of you need to come back to the hotel now."
so finally, the three of you had gone back to the hotel and on the way there they filled you in on what they could remember but honestly the marriage had been the least of your worries, lando was never one to yell.
the only time you had heard him really yell like that was during a match of call of duty. "what a fucking dumbass! did you see that?"
and even though you had no clue what was going on since you had been too busy picking out what sweater you wanted to wear out of his closet, you nodded. "what a dumbass..."
logan was the first one to get out of the limbo and before you could oscar pulled you back in from getting out. "we'll meet you there..."
he held onto your hand and looked at the rings he remembered buying from some jewlery store, just a few minutes before taking you into the chapel.
"i'm sorry for breaking up with you bu-"
"it's fine if you want to get a divorce, i know that you had your rea-"
"no! that's not what i was going to say..." he sighed and then looked down to his ring finger. "i was going to propose the night that we broke up but then i thought about my job and i jus-"
before he could finish, the door had been opened and lando's face had appeared. "get out - the both of you now!"
before you knew it, lando was dragging you back to the hotel room and you pulled your arm away from his grip. "lando, calm down..."
he let out a chuckled as he turned around. "i'm so stupid, how could i leave you alone and now look! you're married with your ex boyfriend!" he shook his head and grabbed your wrist again. "we can leave right now, i'll just miss the race tomorrow and i can take you to go file for a divorce."
before the both of you got could enter the room, you pulled your arm form him again. "lan no, i'm not divor-"
he shook his head once more in confusion. "you dont have to go through with this..."
"he's my husband now, i have to see if it'll work out."
since he had you back for these past few weeks, he had thought that maybe after all of this you'd finally realize that maybe you loved him in the way that he loved you but clearly that was not the case because this changed everything.
since you guys were children you had always told him about about your dream wedding — you had promised that you were not going to be like your parents. "i won't ever get a divorce like them..."
you saw a tear fall out of his eye and he huffed trying to hold in what he truly wanted to tell you.
"lan, please don't cry..." you softly told him as you held his cheek in your palm, he rested it there for a moment and smiled.
"i've always loved you, you know that right?"
he had always said that but this time it sounded different, it was more like a confession.
you nodded as you felt a hot tear drip down your face. "i know and i love you too..." you turned and saw oscar at the end of the hallway with a bouquet of roses. "i just don't love in the way that you love me."
he looked at oscar holding the bouquet of roses and on his cheek he felt the cold ring you had on your finger so he turned back to you and he nodded. "that's okay, i hope you're happy with oscar..." he left a soft kiss on your cheek. "and i truly hope it works out."
you smiled at him and then walked to where oscar was. "will he be okay?"
you gently placed a kiss on his lips and nodded. "yeah, he'll be okay."
as he held onto your hand and led you to your hotel room, he excitely thought about what the future could hold for the both of you — he thought about giving you a real big wedding soon, you being there the day he becomes world champion, a big house with kids in the future and a lifetime of happiness.
"want to move in my hotel room, mr.piastri?" you asked.
he nodded and kissed your forhead. "mrs.piastri, i'll move to wherever you are from now on..."
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alternate ending:
my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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fellthemarvelous · 5 months
Holy forking shirtballs
I'm choosing violence today. I started this on Twitter, but I'm going to finish my thoughts here like I always do.
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But what really blows my mind the most is the way that people look at Aziraphale's "choice" at the end, as if he had one to fucking begin with.
I'm sorry, but Aziraphale knows how messed up Heaven is. He told The Metatron, more than once, that he did not want to go back to Heaven! We can debate what each of us means by "choice" all night because my "choice" and your "choice" might be two different concepts. He could have been strong armed by The Metatron or he could have looked at where things were headed and realized he had no choice but to intervene himself.
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You need to ask yourself what Aziraphale has a moral imperative to do.
What do we owe to each other?
Seriously, if you have not watched The Good Place, I recommend you go and watch it, because it absolutely shaped how I've viewed Good Omens 2 since its release.
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My levels of frustration with the bad faith mischaracterizations of Aziraphale are off the charts. If you are blaming him for everything, implying that he should have to grovel and that Crowley has a right to hurt him back, you have missed the point of Good Omens entirely.
I defend Aziraphale, but I don't think one of them is more right or wrong than the other. They're equals. They're a group of the two of them, acting and reacting to each other throughout history. They're Alpha Centauri.
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I cannot even begin to explain how fucking devastated I felt when Crowley said these words, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. What he said took a lot of courage because he's finally admitting something they've both been too scared to publicly define for 6,000 years. Crowley has had to spend so long with a rough outer shell because he fell and had to hide all of his softness.
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The look on his face was one of pure joy when he created that nebula, but I think the fact that he got to share that moment with Aziraphale is what has always stuck with him.
So yeah, seeing Crowley with a broken heart at the end of "Every Day" was sad for me as well.
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My brain still lives here!!
But Neil has said that Good Omens 3 is not quiet, gentle, or romantic. I imagine it's going to be more like the the first season in which they are not central to the plot. GO2 will help us make sense of how they ended up where they are when we see the bigger picture with all the other major players involved with GO3.
Aziraphale was still a soldier and accidentally got himself discorporated in his own magic circle in season one. He had a platoon waiting on him to start Armageddon, and he deserted them to go save the world with Crowley instead. Aziraphale is a deserter. I need everyone to remember that. He yeeted himself out of Heaven and sought out Crowley before even locating a body just to warn him about what was happening so they could try to save the world together.
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I can't help but think of 1941 and that magician who had been arrested for being a deserter.
Aziraphale disobeyed orders. That took courage but it branded him as a traitor against Heaven. They tried to destroy him for it the same way Hell tried to destroy Crowley for his part in stopping the war.
Aziraphale and Job are the only characters we have seen interacting with God directly. Aziraphale has spoken to God before and he is determined to do so again.
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Aziraphale knows Heaven is flawed, but he also knows it's supposed to be good. He wants it to be good. He does not like the way the system works and he wants to make a difference. (And I'm pretty sure he's also determined to talk to God without being intercepted by The Metatron.)
Since when is that a bad thing? I don't get it. And I've had this discussion before.
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If you need to change the system by burning the old one to the ground, it's still change, and we don't know what Aziraphale has planned.
It seems to me that people just want to see Aziraphale fail because it would punish him for returning to Heaven instead of running off with Crowley.
Some of y'all take everything Aziraphale says or does and twist those things into malicious anti-Crowley actions because you think the only reason Aziraphale exists is to make Crowley happy, and if he isn't thinking only about Crowley then he's doing something wrong.
Aziraphale does not exist as a plot device to further Crowley's character. They come as a pair. They've been learning from each other for 6,000 years. Crowley challenges Aziraphale just as much as Aziraphale challenges him.
You can be mad at Aziraphale all you want, but villainizing him is gross. Defending Crowley does not mean you have to tear down and mischaracterize Aziraphale anymore than defending Aziraphale means you have to tear down Crowley (but I don't see that happen on nearly the same level it happens to Aziraphale). Stop painting Aziraphale as an abusive partner, for fuck sake.
Aziraphale knows there are flaws in the system. He wants to make a difference, and since he has seen that Gabriel can change, then maybe the whole system can. He has to at least try, and if he can succeed then maybe he and Crowley can stop hiding and finally be together without having to look over their shoulders all the time.
Why is that a bad thing? He's just as protective of Crowley as Crowley is of him!
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But don't forget that Aziraphale's wing was covering Adam and Eve too. As much as a wants to protect Crowley, he has a moral imperative to keep humanity safe as well.
He sent Adam and Eve into the unknown with a flaming sword so they could protect themselves.
As much as he wants to be with Crowley, there are 8 billion people on Earth heading toward the Second Coming and Judgment Day. They'll work together to fight alongside humanity in the end. Aziraphale should not have to humiliate himself just to earn Crowley's forgiveness. That's a rancid notion.
The Resurrectionist was a whole ass moral dilemma for Aziraphale, which is why I brought up The Good Place earlier, but that's a post for a different time.
Aziraphale has his own motivations and they're just as important as Crowley's, and they don't have to be chalked up to Aziraphale being the bad guy. Weird, I know, but shades of grey.
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"To the world."
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kaceythecrunch · 3 months
RANT. (sturntok.)
Yall. Im so mad. Sturntok pisses me the fuck off to the point it isn't even funny anymore. This might be messy, so bare with me.
Tara. Why the fuck is everyone pressed about Tara hanging out with the triplet, specifically matt and Chris. Yall are acting as if it was only two of them, like they're on a date. They were with fucking I don't know, 8 other people? Like why does Sturntok care who they hangout with? Did you not learn from elementary school to mind your bees wax, or business? You're probably 15. They're literally 5 years older than you. There is no way, in any universe they're gonna date you girl. ALSO TO SHIT ON TARA?? LIKE GIRL. FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO SHIT ON CUZ HOMEGIRL DONT CARE. SHE DONT CARE. SHE IS STRIVING AND LIVING LIFE LIKE YOU SHOULD GIRL. Live life and don't care. You'll probably have a positive outcome. No cuz y'all know how Chris owns the Saturn necklace thing? Its vivienne underwood. It's less than 20 bucks on Amazon. Also when was the last time y'all saw Chris wearing that necklace girl. Also there's a post from like months, or I think a year ago of Tara wearing the same necklace. These fucking tiktok girls are so annoying. Like we get it, everyone wants to be Tara. (she's my gf.)
Podcast. I saw a bunch of btiches shit on the podcast. Like cmon. THEY ARE PRODUCING AN HOUR LONG VIDEO FOR YALL EVERY WEEK. Mfs are burnt out, you're lucky that they even produce content for you ungreatful hoes. Like lwk, I'd rather have them remove Wednesday videos. I remember when they first started their podcast that they were really excited to start and stuff. I also remember, I believe it was their earlier vlogs. When they were still living in Boston and they haven't like went to LA yet, they were talking about turning their basement into a podcast room. Like cmon. This is something they've been wanting to do and you hoes just don't appreciate anything. Like have y'all's mama's not been pissed at y'all for not appreciating her food. Live life positive and not negative tf. But ofc, I respect their decision.
Intro. Yall just love to shit on everyone. Ruining the party. Sturntok reminds me of the kids-the class "clowns" who would be so shitty to the teacher for no reason and would ruin fun things for everyone. Like guys, I think we should all as a community bully Sturntok. It requires a bit more bullying, just to knock some sense into their heads. Anyways, back to what I was ranting about. I loved their new intro. its a new era. A new them. Change. Is. Fucking. hard. I understand that you love the teens from Boston running around making fools of themselves. Me too, I shall admit it. But in order to get sponsorships, to get the little paring things. (For example, them sponsoring Celsius, even becoming the youtooz thing.) Like they gotta act more professional.
Change. This tied in with the last few things. CHANGE IS HARD. CHANGE IS A DIFFICULT THING. But how the fuck are you gonna live life, and enjoy life when your stuck on one thing forever. Change is needed for growth, and for learning. Like guys, THEYRE 20. I think that's something y'all forget. They aren't teenagers anymore. Its kinda like how when everyone went into middle school and started to not like kiddy things when you still liked kiddy things. When I was in middle school I still like to play with Legos, draw, watch anime. Until I hit 7th grade, aka everyone's downfall. I still enjoy some of those things today but I changed because people in middle school stopped like those things and its embarrassing (well for me at least) to show up in school with anime shirts cuz I'm getting older. Thats what they're feeling I guess. Again, theyre 20 now.
Crazy ass mfs. Crazy, as in them soft mf's on sturntok. Also what pisses me off more is that they're coming here on tumblr. Like no, I know your soft ass belongs on Wattpad bffr. I have a long rant about this one, so bare with me again. They are so so so so so SOOOOO sensitive about the "spicy edits." Sometimes the fucking video frame isn't even about something "spicy" aka- them being shirtless, video frame near their crotch. It was when there was a song about sex. How soft can you be. Most songs these days are about sex. Some songs y'all probably didn't know about was about sex. (cake by the ocean for example.) LIKE LETS ME FOR REAL. MOST SONGS ARE ABOUT SEX. Also with the tiktok audios being removed like cmon. Not everything is about sunshine and rainbows. I remember I commented on a Chris edit and I was like.
"I need this man in my life. He's so hot."
"you're fucking gross. He's a human being and do you know how grossed out he would be if he saw that you said this? (bullshitbullshit,morebullshitandstupidness.)"
Yeah, keeping fucking running your mouth. THIS TIKTOK HAS LIKE 4K VIEWS. DO YOU WANNA KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKING FOLLOWERS THE TRIPLETS HAVE? YEAH. THAT'S NOT EVEN A QUARTER OF WHAT THEY HAVE. THIS VIDEO HAS 1K COMMENTS. ARE THEY FUCKING HUNTING ME DOWN?? MY COMMENT HAS 3 LIKES. WHY WOULD THEY CARE TO FUCKING CHECK GIRL. ITS ALSO TELLING THE FUCKING PERSON WHO EDITED THIS THAT THIS EDIT WAS FIRE AND THAT THEY MADE THE EDIT HELLA GOOD. UR FUCKING LUCKY I KEPT MY ANGER TO MYSELF CUZ OH GIRL. I WOULD SUCKER PUNCH YOU. You know whats also funny? They're the same people who will be pissed with when they see matt or Chris with a female. Like girl. You're calling me fucking gross? Do you think how much more worse that is than my comment? You ruin friendships. OG sturniolo fans know that they've been friends with girls. If you genuinely care, yall would know that nick made most of matt and chris' friends. Meaning most of them were females. SO OBVIOUSLY THEYRE GONNA HAVE GIRL FRIENDS. I remember watching the Zach sang pod when nick was on and he explained that matt usually doesn't make the friends. Theres a joke where matt says "I'm gonna make a friend that wasn't originally nick's friends." smth like that. Anyways, off topic. Just because they are seen with a girl, doesn't mean they are fucking dating them. Like shut the fuck up. please. Respectfully shut the fuck because I'm a nice person. Also Chris gives off major virgin vibes lets bffr.
Madi. Yall hate so bad on Madi and its fucking grossing me out. Why do you have to ship her with matt and chris??? Literally to the point they can't even put her in photo dumps or videos. You just gotta ruin it for everyone, huh? shes fucking gorgeous, and she's so funny in videos. Plus, when she does talk shes hillarious. She literally reminds me of Matt. She doesn't fucking talk much because she is more of a listener.. Like guys bffr. How can you hate her when she barley spoke in videos. Like respectfully, shut the fuck up. Yall just jealous shes pretty.
Calling Nick fine. I also hate them mfs who are always running their mouth about girls calling Nick fine. Lets bffr. Y'all didn't think a gay guy is fine? I'm sure you've had a crush on one gay person before. And if you haven't trust me. You will. I had a crush on my gay friend in 8th grade. I feel like its a canon even in every girl's life. anyways, I hate when girls will be scared to call nick hot.
"Nick is so fine. But like as a cool guy friend way. Please don't attack me."
POOR GIRL BELIEVES SHE IS GONNA BE ATTACKED IF SHE CALLS A GAY MAN FINE. Sturntok leave her the fuck alone. He's hot as fucking and I will kill civilians if I'm not given more nick edits. He's so fine. Literally the hottest triplet.
If u made it here thanks. There was shit on my chest that I really needed to let out. What have we learned today?
Sturntok can suck my fucking dick.
Thanks goodbye.
Me to Sturntok :
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thecampjuicebox · 5 months
I always wondered how the romanced companions would react if Orin kidnapped the player character. Any thoughts?
Be prepared for some angst because PHEEEEWWWWW
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At this point in the story, romanced Astarion and Tav are very close. He even states that Tav is the only person he's ever cared for, so I can imagine he'd be devastated if his beloved was taken by Orin. He'd take a relatively unhinged approach to saving them, running in with fangs bared. Daggers swinging. He'd make quick work of Orin, slicing and dicing to save his love. They've always done so much to save him so he'd feel it was his duty to do the same in this instance. Once he's able to hold them in his arms again, he'd allow himself to cry. Sob, even. He'd hold them close, smooth their hair back, bury his face in their neck to deeply inhale their familiar scent, but not until telling them how stupid they were for allowing themselves to be kidnapped by the shape-changer in the first place.
Tav is Karlach's first taste of intimate touch in YEARS. Her first taste of love for as long as she can remember. When she finds out Tav is the one taken by the shape-changer, it would break her. Shatter her into a million burning pieces. Her engine would run hotter than the searing fires of Avernus. She'd yell and spit and grab the nearest bludgeoning object she could to absolutely decimate Orin where she stands. The pale eyed woman has caused enough problems and with Karlach's already crushed morale after seeing Gortash again, she'd go absolutely ape shit. She'd fall to her knees in front of Tav. Hug their legs. Cry as she rubs her nose across their thighs. Cling to them like a child. "Don't ever leave me again, Soldier. I can't bear it."
First and foremost Wyll, I think, would be the most level headed in this situation. He'd quickly devise a plan to save his love. The Blade of Frontiers or the Blade of Avernus, either way, he'll prove his heroism and his devotion to Tav. No one lays a finger on his prince/princess. Their Devil in shining armor. He'd make an entrance similar to when Tav first encounters him in the Emerald Grove. Bold and brave, ready to dominate the fight. And once Tav is assured safe, he'd sweet them off of their feet. Shower them in love and praise of their bravery during this traumatic event.
Shadowheart is very reserved and quiet about her feelings and thoughts. If her love was taken by Orin, I think she'd play calm about it while absolutely losing it inside. She's mentioned previously that she isn't one for romances, more just short lived flings. With Tav, however. It's incredibly different. She'd rally the other companions and rush into Bhaal's temple to find Orin. Slay here right there. And then take Tav into her arms and check them other, make sure the shape-changer caused them no serious harm. If she had, Shadowheart would heal them. Make them feel safe once more.
Lae'Zel's love of Tav goes from 0-100 real quick, and hearing that Tav was taken by an enemy, I think she'd LOSE it. Lae'Zel has not known love like her love for Tav. Tav showed her freedom and no one is going to take that away from her now. She's not known to show very intense emotions, but I think she would let herself cry this time. Lae'Zel is trained in combat so taking Orin down would not be a difficult feat with the help of the other companions. Once Tav is safe, she'd embrace them with all of her strength. Hold them close to her as she mumbles softly in their ear "Zhak vo'nfynh duj. Source of my joy."
Gale is such a soft lover. His prior relationship with Mystra caused a lot of trauma and I think his romance with Tav is his key to being happy again. With himself and in general. Even the threat of having to blow himself up is softened by Tav's presence. "One moment with you could sate me for a lifetime, and prise the fear from my heart." Once he learns that Tav was taken, I know for a fact he'd go into bad bitch mode. He'd storm his little wizard self right into Bhaal's temple and fireball the hells out of Orin before she could get a word in edgewise. Where'd all this courage come from? The lovely idea that after all of this is over and Tav is safe, they can return to the illusory scene of his tower in Waterdeep and reside there whenever the feeling arises. Not without a lecture on why it wasn't the smartest idea to get kidnapped, though.
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werewolf-witchboy · 1 year
Druig X Eternal! Reader
✨ (Gender Neutral) ✨
No Warnings.
After many years of being split up, the Eternals must come together as a team again. Nobody seems to know where you've been all these years, so they've gone to the one person who might know of your whereabouts...
Little did they know that you're a lot closer than they thought.
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"You have given me a lot of bad news in one go, my lady." Druig's tone is a lot less welcoming after he's been told the horrible truth.
"You and (Y/n) are the main parts of our big plan. We need you both to get through this." Sersi explained again. "Will you help us?"
"We can't find (Y/n)." Ikaris cut to the chase, obviously not ecstatic about needing Druig.
"All of us have searched across almost the whole planet." Sersi subtly encouraged Ikaris away from Druig, sensing the tension already rising between them. "All of (Y/n)'s favorite countries, every area we've had somekind of special or significant moment, we've even asked elders who've written many books about (Y/n). Found not a trace of where they could possibly be."
Drugs arms stayed crossed. "I don't think it's my business to just give out personal information like that." Once his fellow Eternals showed up, his peace was interrupted and he now has a headache.
He knows he told them to "make themselves at home," but he didn't expect them to drop all of this shocking news on him about their true purpose as Eternals, and then interrogate him about your location.
"Do you all remember this forest? Beautiful." Druig walked around the room with his hands clasped behind his back, trying to make small talk and steer the topic away from (Y/n). "It was the last place that we all lived together." His tone held some sorrow at the memories.
"I've protected these people for 20 generations now. From the outside world, and from themselves."
Druig towered over Kingo's valete, Karun. "Your kind, my friend, you will be responsible for your own extinction one day. Don't you think?"
Karun looked a little intimidated, but he answered honestly.
"I think that we must learn from our mistakes and do better, sir. You must not give up hope."
Druig did not seem to like his answer, expressing so by possessing Kingo's valet and proceeding to throw his camera against a wall, thoroughly frightening Karun and pissing off Kingo.
"Oh, where is your sense of humor Kingo?"
"You are not a god. You know that right?"
"How ironic. Kingo, the movie star."
"I've directed some things too."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Some internet content..."
"How many views?"
"I don't do it for the views-"
"Let's go. He's waisting our time." Ikaris started heading towards the door.
"We need him and (Y/n)." Sersi tried to reason.
"Ikaris!" Druig stepped in front of the taller man's path. "I missed you."
Druig was really pushing it right now. "Are you not gonna charm me or threaten me?"
"There's a third option if you'd prefer that."
"It must be heartbreaking to find out that you're not mothers favorite." Druig taunted about Ikaris not being the next chosen leader.
"I'm sure she'd be real proud about what you've been up to." Ikaris always seemed to fall for the psychic's taunting.
"Druig, this is serious." Sersi tried to butt in once more.
"I'll tell you what's serious." Druig's voice got louder as he seemed to get more annoyed.
"I've just been told that I was sent on a suicide mission for the past 7,000 years, and that my entire existence is a lie." He looked Sersi in the eyes. "So excuse me for not giving a shit about your plan right now."
Athena stepped forward, brushing away Gilgamesh's hand that attempted to stop her from engaging in the conflict. She'd been quiet this whole time, but nobody else seemed to be getting anywhere with the stubborn psychic.
"This is very important. Everything will be lost if we can't stop the celestial birth. You have to admit that we've all gained somekind of admiration for humanity. Not only will the humans be gone, but so will all of the memories we've shared on Earth. Our memories with each other." Athena turned away from the rest of the Eternals, only addressing Druig when she said her next line, hoping that she'll strike a chord in him. "Your memories with (Y/n)."
Everyone was silent.
Druig let out a heavy sigh, but before he could even open his mouth to say anything, the large wooden door creeked open slowly.
"Hey Druig, I-"
Silence still hung heavy in the room amongst the Eternals, but this time it was shock.
There you stood, slightly different from the last time they've seen you many years ago, but still you. It all made sense now, why you were nowhere they searched, even though they've literally checked everywhere.
Your voice got caught in your throat as soon as you entered the cabin filled with your old friends, whom you may also have been technically hiding from.
"Uh...bad timing." Druig's voice rang in your head. Your panicked eyes met his from across the room.
"Holy shit." Kingo was the first to speak up. "(Y/n) has been here with Druig the whole time?!"
You let out an awkward chuckle, not knowing how to reply.
"What have the two of you even been doing here together for all of these years?!" Kingo's arms flailed in the air dramatically, obviously annoyed that all of their searching was for nothing.
"Actually, don't answer that question." Sprite put her hands up when she saw the look you and Druig exchanged.
"Ohmygosh-" Ikaris pinched the bridge of his nose in disgust.
Confused, Kingo looked back and fourth between everyone. "Wha- I wasn't even aware the two of them are a thing."
Everyone turned to look at the man in purple with expressions that read "really?"
"Are you telling me that I'm the only one who didn't know?!" Kingo was still going on about it. "(Y/n) is too kind and cute for Druig!"
You couldn't help but laugh behind your hand as Druig rolled his eyes, fighting a small smirk.
You had to admit that you missed your family.
"Well I for one honestly don't care where (Y/n) has been this whole time. I'm just glad to see them again!" Gilgamesh stomped up to you and scooped you into a big bear hug, fits of giggles escaping you as he squeezed your breath away.
Laughter eventually erupts from everyone, the atmosphere a stark contrast from how it was only 5 minutes ago.
When all was settled down again, Sersi sat you down and told you everything...
The tragic death of Ajak, your wise leader and mother figure.
How your purpose is to keep a planet happy and thriving just to destroy it by creating a celestial.
How all of your memories have been erased countless times, because you've killed planets and birthed celestials countless times.
By the end of it, you were a sobbing mess. You've always been a little more sensitive than the others, so this obviously deeply soured the peppy family reunion mood you were in.
There was no question that you were going along with Phastos's plan. You wanted to keep these memories that you've spent centuries cherishing, and you wanted to watch humanity grow so much more.
When you declared your certainty about going with them, Druig was dragged in by default.
Wherever you went, he went.
You did the same for him when shit hit the fan in Tenochtitlan and he left.
You knew you'd miss the little civilization that you and Druig have helped create, but it'll still be there after you've saved the planet. When it's all over, you can go back with Druig and continue waking up next to him every morning to start a busy day of harvesting crops and handwashing laundry.
For now though, it's back to Olympia.
"Well, look who it is!"
"Didn't think you'd be so glad to see me Phastos." Druig remarked with a smirk.
"I'm not. I was talking about (Y/n)." He brushed past the raven haired Eternal to embrace you.
Makkari elbowed the psychic, who had been grinning like an idiot while watching (Y/n).
"You look like a lovesick puppy." She signed.
Druig rolled his eyes, but his grin never faltered.
"Well, I for one, still can't believe it!" Kingo's appeared on the other side of Druig.
"I've never seen this man smile bigger than that annoying smirk." Kingo playfully leaned an arm on Druig's shoulder.
"I've also had the displeasure of seeing them kiss like 50 times during the time spand of getting here from the Amazon."
"You're just jealous." Makkari joked.
"What?! No! I get tons of babes! I just don't have the time for a committed relationship." Kingo stuck his nose in the air.
You tried not to smile while listening to your friends tease Druig. You continued pretending to pay attention to Phastos's rambling about a new invention idea.
Druig's eyes caught yours.
"Get me outta here!" He pleaded in your head.
"We just got here baby." Your voice is always so gentle and soothing in his brain. Even though he's begging to leave, he doesn't mind staying as long as you're here.
"Alright. You definitely owe me one, love." A smug look dawned his features as he affectively ignored the two Eternals babbling next to him.
You felt your ears and cheeks blush, going thankfully unnoticed by Phastos.
You are going to do absolutely anything to make sure that you both come out of all of this alive and well. There's no way you could possibly imagine a lifetime without Druig.
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rxmqnova · 7 months
Hi, I have this idea.
Nat x Fem Reader, where yn isn't an avenger and they were living happily until what we called "infinity war". Because of Nat's condition, yn was the one who tried to get pregnant because they wanted to have children, but Nat with this mission needs to go and help the others, yn knew about the avengers and that the world needs Nat too, so they had to say goodbye to each other, until they don't know about the time.
What Nat didn't know was that Yn was pregnant and she didn't want to tell her because she knew how important the mission was.
When they killed Thanos, and Nat is alive, she didn't know what to expect about Yn, thinking she maybe was with someone and she was at her house, she was shocked when she saw a boy, like five years old(i don't remember the timeline) and after that she saw yn, her hair was red, she decided to have it in that way after gave birth, and you know Nat said like "Hi baby, I'm back" and maybe you could write some of Nat talking with her child and he telling her about his name (something like Alexei or Ivan) Nat and Yn having a conversation and Nat thought maybe she has a partner, and them being a happy family after all this time
Five years apart
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Y/N: 27/32 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Y/N smiles widely, admiring the table she just prepared for a romantic dinner. She wanted to prepare something special and tell her girlfriend the great news.
Y/N and Natasha have been trying to start a family for a while and finally, after so many failed attempts, it happened and Y/N is pregnant.
"Baby, I'm home!" Natasha calls, shutting the front door.
Y/N smiles, rushing to greet her girlfriend with a kiss. She practically jumps into Natasha's arms and pulls her in for a kiss on which Natasha can't help but chuckle.
"What's gotten into you, детка?" Natasha asks, chuckling at her girlfriend's excitement. (baby)
"Nothing, just happy to see you" Y/N smiles warmly, trying not to reveal anything just yet. "You must be hungry, let's go to eat" The girl says excitedly, already pulling Natasha to the other room.
"Wait, wait. I need to tell you something first" Natasha sighs, knowing what she's about to say won't make her girlfriend happy.
"What's wrong?" Y/N asks, noticing the change in Natasha's behaviour.
"Something happened… There's this alien who's planning an attack on Earth and-"
"And you have to go and save the world" Y/N says, looking slightly disappointed.
She knows Natasha could never sit at home when the world is in danger and it's one of the things she loves about her, but did it have to be now? Now when they can finally have what they've been wanting for so long?
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I know we wanted to start a family and I really want to, but-"
"I know… the world needs you, Nat" Y/N sighs, wrapping her arms around Natasha and burying her face into Natasha's neck. "When do you need to leave?"
"Tomorrow morning" Natasha sighs and kisses her girlfriend's head. "Promise you'll come back to me" Y/N asks seriously, looking into Natasha's eyes.
"Honey, you know how-"
"Promise" Y/N repeats, waiting to hear the same word from her girlfriend.
"I'll try my best to come back to you" Natasha smiles, cupping Y/N's cheeks with her hands and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
5 years later…
It's been a little bit over 5 years since Natasha left for a mission and hasn't returned home yet. Y/N's been waiting for her everyday, hoping she'd return and they could finally live the life they always wanted.
Y/N even dyed her hair red as it reminds her of Natasha. She's been watching news everyday and knows her Avenger girlfriend is safe now that the Avengers finally defeated Thanos. She just hopes Natasha will show up someday.
Meanwhile Natasha's been thinking whether or not she should find Y/N again. She has no idea if the girl she loves isn't with anyone else now. It's been 5 years after all.
After a long discussion with her friend Wanda, she decided to find the love of her life. Maybe it's not too late and Y/N is still waiting for her, right?
"Alright, my little prince. Mama will be right back with dinner" Y/N smiles and presses a kiss to her son's head.
The little boy's been playing with his stuffed animals in his fort the entire afternoon, only coming out when Y/N calls, so she's not afraid to leave her little boy alone for a bit. Especially when their house is far away from everything.
Natasha pulls over a little further from the house, deciding to wait if Y/N isn't already living her happy family life with someone else. The last thing she wants is to ruin Y/N's happiness.
"Sir Snuggles, you betrayed our kingdom, so you have to leave!" Little Alexei orders, stepping out of his fort with a pout on his face and carrying his teddy bear on the porch.
Natasha's eyes widen when she sees the little boy that looks exactly like a mini version of Y/N. Few seconds later Y/N steps out of the door, two plates in her hands. Natasha smiles when she notices the hair color change.
"Dinner's ready, little prince" Y/N smiles, placing the plates on the table outside.
"Mama, I'm the king, not little prince" The little boy pouts and climbs the chair.
"Oh. I'm sorry, your majesty" Y/N jokes, sitting opposite her son. "No, no. Go wash your hands, honey" Y/N orders before Alexei can even start eating.
She receives a whine from the little boy, but he listens and goes to wash his hands. Natasha takes it as an opportunity and walks over to the now redhead.
"Hi, baby. I'm back" Natasha informs on which Y/N looks up, not believing her own eyes.
"… Natasha?" The girl's eyes fill with tears on the sight of her girlfriend standing there.
She immediately stands up, running to Natasha and jumping into her arms. She's been waiting 5 years for this and it's finally here.
"Why the hell did you not visit me even once over the 5 years?" Y/N asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Mama?" The little boy suddenly appears behind his mom, hiding behind her legs and looking up at her.
"Natasha, let me introduce you your son" Y/N smiles, lifting Alexei up and sitting him onto her hip.
"M-my son?" Natasha asks if she heard that right, her eyes filling with tears. "B-but how?"
"… I might have planned to tell you we were expecting a baby the same evening you told me you needed to leave on that mission. Before you ask why I didn't tell you… I know you, Nat. You can't sit still when the world needs help and you would never forgive yourself for leaving me alone either, so I decided not to tell you" Y/N explains and Natasha stays quiet, processing everything. "… Are you mad? Please don't be mad at me, I-"
"No, no, I'm not mad. I just… Does he know?"
"He does. I've told him a lot about you… Can you say hi to mommy, bubs?" Y/N smiles, encouraging the little boy with a kiss on the head.
"Hi" Alexei mumbles shyly.
"Hi. I'm so happy to meet you, buddy" Natasha smiles, tears rolling down her cheeks. "What's his name?" She asks and wipes her tears away.
"I'm Alexei!" The little boy grins.
"… Alexei? Did you really name our child after… well, my dad?" Natasha asks, raising an eyebrow on which Y/N furrows her brows.
"Your dad? You've never really told me much about your family. You said you don't know your real family. How was I supposed to know your dad's name's Alexei?" Y/N says confused, they've never really spoken about Natasha's family, even though Natasha planned to tell her girlfriend before the Thanos thing.
"I guess I gotta explain you some things. But Alexei suits him, the right name for a little king" Natasha smiles at her son who blushes and hides his head into Y/N's neck which makes both women chuckle.
"Oh. Dinner. Go to eat, honey" Y/N remembers, standing Alexei back on the ground. "Will you have dinner with us? I cooked just for the two of us, but I can cook more? It'll take a while, but I'll be happy to cook for you. Or I can share mine if you want?" Y/N suggests nervously, hoping Natasha won't disappear again.
"Y/N, calm down" Natasha chuckles. "I already had some food, you don't have to cook anything or share your dinner with me. But I'd be really happy if we could talk about everything later?"
"It's Alexei's bedtime soon, so we can talk then if you don't have anywhere else to be?" Y/N suggest on which Natasha smiles and nods.
The boy fell asleep quite quickly as all the playing today worn him out. Y/N gives him one last kiss on the forehead before walking downstairs to have a talk with Natasha.
"He's asleep already" Y/N informs, slowly sitting down next to Natasha on the couch. "… Nat, I was worried about you. Why didn't you visit me or at least called me over the 5 years?"
"… I don't know, I… I was worried you found someone better with whom you'd be living a happy life" Natasha admits, playing with her fingers.
"I could never find anyone better, Nat. You are the best one for me. I love you" Y/N smiles, placing her hand on top of Natasha's.
"Y-you do? After all the time?" The Avenger asks, looking Y/N in the eyes.
"Yeah, of course I do" Y/N smiles warmly.
"I love you too, you have no idea how much" Natasha smiles back on which Y/N moves closer and hugs her girlfriend tightly. "And I love the new hair color, by the way" Natasha smirks suddenly, making Y/N chuckle.
"Yeah, it reminds me of you, so I dyed my hair. But I think it quite suits me, don't you think?"
"It does, you look beautiful" Natasha smiles lovingly. "I. Hm. Now that my mission is over and the world is saved… I was wondering if we couldn't continue where we ended? Now that we have a son, we could finally be a family"
"I would love nothing more" Y/N smiles, looking up at Natasha who returns the smile and leans in, kissing her girlfriend passionately.
"You know… when Alexei and I get to know each other a bit better… we could maybe start thinking about giving him a little sibling" Natasha smirks.
"You would want another baby with me?" Y/N smiles, loving the thought already and to be honest, the little boy has been begging her for a little brother quite a while already.
"Yeah. I would love to have another mini Y/N running around" Natasha smiles and presses a kiss to Y/N's forehead.
"Well then, I guess you gotta tell me about your family first otherwise our second baby might be accidentaly named after your mom or something" Y/N jokes, making Natasha chuckle.
They sure have a long evening full of explaining ahead of them…
Natasha Romanoff masterlist
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hjparisian · 7 months
always yours-harry j potter x reader
p: harry j potter x fem! reader w: TW !!! toxic relationship, abuse, fluff ending, cussing, not proof read summary: harry and (y/n) come across each other a bit after the war and reconnect. a/n: another request from a lovely follower! so sorry this is so late. i haven't had motivation to write and couldn't figure out what to even write. if any of you guys are in an abusive relationship, please try to reach out to someone! i know it's better said than done but you all deserve the best.
The light breeze felt perfect to (Y/N). It was her day off of work from the Ministry today, so (Y/N) decided to use this day for herself to relax. Merlin knows that her work and her boyfriend has her feeling drained.
(Y/N) had just exited Flourish and Blotts, nose in one of the new books she bought. Her focus was disrupted when she bumped into a large figure, making her drop her book.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I should've been looking where I was going," (Y/N) said to the person as she went to pick up her book but someone else grabbed it first.
"Oh it's alright, no worries," a familiar voice said to her.
(Y/N) looked up to the person handing her her book back.
"Wait, H-Harry?"
The girl was in shock. In front of her was her old friend and former crush, Harry Potter. The last time they've seen each other was at the Battle of Hogwarts. Though she had returned to Hogwarts for her eighth year, Harry did not.
"What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked the man.
"I was just grabbing some stuff for school."
"Yeah," Harry said. "I'm teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."
"That's amazing Harry!" (Y/N) said to him. "I mean you were the best at the class. Plus you were such an amazing teacher when you taught Dumbledore's Army so it doesn't surprise me."
"Thanks, (Y/N). And what are you doing?"
"Oh, I just came from Flourish and Blotts. It's my day off from the Ministry and I was looking for new books."
"Well," Harry says. "What else do you have planned for today?"
"Honestly, nothing else."
"Do you want to come over to my place?" Harry asked her. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. I was just hoping we could catch up maybe?"
"I would love to," (Y/N) said without a second thought.
Harry and (Y/N) exited the Leaky Cauldron and apparated to Harry's place. It was an apartment not too far from London. Harry unlocked the door and let (Y/N) enter.
It was a rather simple but clean apartment. There were a couple photos on the walls from Harry's years at Hogwarts. One that caught (Y/N)'s eye was a picture of Dumbledore's Army during their fifth year. Harry was in the middle of the photo and (Y/N) somehow had a spot right next to Harry.
"Bring back memories, huh?" Harry said as he stood behind her.
"Yeah. I still remember the first meeting." (Y/N) said. "I wanted to punch Zacharias in the face."
Harry laughed at your comment. "Me too, but he did come around."
Harry guided (Y/N) to the couch in his living room.
"Did you want anything to drink?" Harry asked her. "I got water, butterbeer, firewhiskey."
"Some butterbeer please."
Harry left to the kitchen and returned with two bottles of butter beer, handing one to (Y/N).
"So, how are Hermione and Ron?"
"They're good. They got engaged recently."
"Really?" (Y/N) said in awe. "That's wonderful! I remember talking with Hermione about Ron back in sixth year. Finally got her to admit her feelings for him."
Harry nodded his head, grinning at the memories. "They were both too stubborn to realize it."
(Y/N) nodded before taking a sip of the butterbeer. "What about you Harry? You were with Ginny last I heard."
"I was but not anymore." (Y/N) had a shocked look on her face. "We broke up a while back."
"Really? And Ron hasn't killed you?" (Y/N) asked.
Harry chuckled a bit. "It was actually Ginny who ended it. It was mutual so no bad blood between us."
"That's good then."
A question had been burning on the back of Harry's mind. Thankfully, they were on the topic of it.
"What about you? Are you with anyone?"
(Y/N) set down the bottle she was holding before she answered. "I am actually."
Harry felt his heart drop a bit. "Who is it?"
(Y/N) started messing with the hem of her top, feeling a bit nervous. "Do you remember Cormac McLaggen? He tried out for keeper our sixth year."
For some reason, Harry felt his heart crumble a bit. That bloke Cormac is with (Y/N)? Those two couldn't be anymore different. How could that troll earn her love?
(Y/N)'s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Are you alright Harry? You were zoning out a bit," (Y/N) pointed out.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I remember him, bit of a jerk from what I remember in sixth year." Harry said. "Is Cormac good to you?"
(Y/N) avoided eye contact and kept messing with her shirt. "Oh yeah. I mean we have a few arguments here and there, but he means well. Do you mind bringing another bottle of butterbeer please?"
Harry nodded before getting up to the kitchen again. He didn't necessarily believe (Y/N), but he wasn't going to prod on their relationship.
The two had been enjoying reconnecting. Harry told (Y/N) stories from his first year teaching at Hogwarts, one including how a third year girl sent him a singing card on Valentine's Day. (Y/N) also told Harry about her job at the Ministry and how her coworker spilt coffee on Kingsley Shacklebolt's robes.
(Y/N) looked at the clock on the nearby wall to see that it was a quarter past twelve am. She couldn't believe that she's been talking to Harry for this long. She had to get home.
"Hey Harry, I have to get going," (Y/N) told the man sitting next to her.
Harry looked at the clock to also see how late it was. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize the time."
"It's quite alright Harry, I had a wonderful time with you anyways."
"Will you be apparating home?" Harry asks her. "Don't want you to head home by yourself if you aren't."
"Yes, I am. You don't need to worry," she said to him. "Besides, I know a few spells thanks to a certain Gryffindor."
Harry smiled a bit, knowing she was referring to him.
"I'll see you later Harry," (Y/N) said while handing him a paper.
The girl disapperated, returning to her home.
Harry unfolded the paper, which revealed some numbers. It was (Y/N)'s phone number. Right under it, she left a small message.
Call me! :)
The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to hearing noises coming from the kitchen. She put on a sweater and walked out to find her boyfriend Cormac cooking.
"Good morning," he said to her.
"Morning," she said.
"Thought I'd make us breakfast before you go to work," said Cormac. "Also where were you last night? You got home pretty late."
"I was catching up with an old friend."
Cormac hummed before asking her the dreaded question. "Who?"
"Oh it's no one special," she nervously said.
Cormac raised an eyebrow at her before asking again. "Who were you with, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) cleared her throat before speaking. "Harry."
"Yeah him."
(Y/N) looked at her boyfriend, seeing a look of resentment in his eyes.
"I never really liked that bloke." Cormac said while handing (Y/N) her plate. "Gave the keeper spot to Weasley just because that's his best friend."
(Y/N) just nodded, not wanting to say anything to make Cormac upset.
The two ate until (Y/N) had to go to work. While heading to work, (Y/N) felt her phone buzz. She saw it was a number she didn't recognize, but the back of her mind was hoping it was a certain boy.
(Y/N) took chance and answered it. "Hello?"
"Hello?" A familiar voice said. "Is this (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) laughed a bit before responding. "Yes it is."
"Oh good. It's Harry."
"I know," (Y/N) said, smiling. "I recognized your voice."
"Ah yeah," Harry said. "How are you?"
"Good. Just heading to work."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I can call later."
(Y/N) felt herself smiling more.
"No it's alright! I have time. Besides, it makes the travel to work less lonely."
And so began a new routine of Harry calling her on her way to work. Which then went into them calling each other after work. On nights Cormac was away, Harry and (Y/N) would call each other.
Harry and (Y/N) began seeing each other more in person too. He'd join her on trips to Diagon Alley for more books or to grab a bite after a long day of work.
This change did not go by unnoticed by Cormac, though. He noticed how distracted she became, how she smiled at her phone more, how she left for work earlier and came back later, how she'd go out more.
The boy had enough.
One day, when (Y/N) had returned from work late, Cormac was sitting in her living room, waiting for her arrival.
"Oh! Didn't know you were here Cormac, I thought you wouldn't get home 'til later," the girl said upon noticing her boyfriend on her couch.
"Where were you?" The boy asked her.
Cormac had gotten up and walked towards her, glaring at her.
(Y/N) had begun to feel a bit nervous, knowing Cormac wouldn't like the reason she had returned late.
"I-I was at work," (Y/N) stammered out.
"What about after work?" Cormac questioned her. "Where did you go?"
"Just went to grab a bite."
Cormac began pestering her. "With who? You had to have been with someone if you've taken this long."
(Y/N) felt herself starting to shake. She had never enjoyed when Cormac began to act like this, knowing he was getting angry and a bit emotional.
"I was just out with a friend," she meekly said.
"I wanna know who you were with (Y/N)."
"It was just a friend, Cormac."
"Don't bullshit me. Was it with Potter?"
(Y/N)'s hesitation was all Cormac needed to get his answer.
"It was with Potter, wasn't it."
(Y/N) couldn't lie to him, knowing he figured her out. She nodded.
"Yes, but he's just a friend."
Cormac laughed at her. "Oh really, (Y/N)? Doesn't look like it to me. All those days you came home late, were on the phone for hours. Probably all with fucking Potter. Wouldn't be surprised if you went and shagged him."
--TW description of physical abuse--
"Cormac, I didn't shag him! We were just reconnecting, that's all. Please let's just tal-"
A loud smack echoed through the room.
Cormac had hit her.
"Shut up you bitch!"
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s face. Cormac took noticed of this and began laughing at her.
"You're crying?" The boy shoved her against the wall. "What if I give you something to actually cry about?"
"Cormac, stop!" (Y/N) sobbed.
He let go of her and let her drop to the ground. (Y/N) had begun sobbing loudly, hyperventilating.
"Get out (Y/N)! Go to your fucking boyfriend Potter for all I care." Cormac screamed at her.
--TW end--
(Y/N) had pushed herself up and got out the door before Cormac slammed it behind her. She decided to use her strength to apparate to the only person that could help her.
She knocked on the door and waited a second before it opened to reveal her former schoolmate.
Harry stared at her before bringing her inside and embracing her. She flinched, but began melting into his embrace after telling herself that it's just Harry.
"I just need to know," Harry began. "Did Cormac do this to you?"
(Y/N) just nodded, not wanting to speak.
Harry felt himself become angry. How could Cormac do this to her? She was an angel, unlike that asshole. He never deserved her. But did Harry himself deserved (Y/N)? He couldn't protect her, keep her safe. This could've been avoided if Harry was with (Y/N).
He couldn't think about that now when (Y/N) was in his arms needing care. He brought the girl to his bathroom, doing his best to try and tend the bruises that littered her skin. Harry drew a bath and brought a change of clothes for (Y/N).
"I'll be right outside, I promise." He told her. "I'll have to finish checking your bruises when your done."
Once (Y/N) decided to get out of the bath half an hour later, Harry made sure he didn't miss any other injuries before bringing her to his bed. He was just going to let her rest until a hand grabs his.
"Don't leave. Please."
Harry would always listen to (Y/N).
The boy stayed with her until sleep finally took over. As much as Harry wanted to stay with her, he had business to take care of.
Thankfully, he remembered where (Y/N) lived after dropping her off multiple times so he apparated in the night to her door. He banged on the door hard until it opened, revealing his new worst enemy.
"What do you want Potter? (Y/N) isn't here."
"Oh I know." Harry told Cormac. "Just came for a chat."
Harry stepped forward in an attempt to enter the house until Cormac stopped him.
"I'm busy right now."
"Well I guess I can try to make this quick," Harry said.
A punch was thrown at the older wizard, catching him off guard. Harry grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed them into the apartment, shoving him up against the nearest wall.
"I know what you did to (Y/N), McLaggen. How dare you hurt her!" Harry screamed at him.
"I didn't do such thing." Another punch was thrown.
"Don't you dare lie to me! I know you did it. You hurt her! You never deserved her."
"Oh but you think you do?" Cormac scoffed at Harry, while trying to push him off.
"I would've treated her way better than you ever have."
"You want a slut like her? You're pathetic Potter."
Those words had enraged Harry more than ever. The two continued fighting, Harry having the upper hand. One more punch landed on Cormac before he fell to the floor.
"You better stay away from (Y/N). If I hear that you stepped one foot near her I won't hesitate to punch you again," Harry spat at him before making his leave back to his home.
Harry headed for his room, wanting to make sure that the girl he loves was still there. Fortunately, she was, but she was awake.
"Where did you go Harry? I was getting worried."
"I just went to take care of something," he said, trying to reassure her.
"What do you need to take care of at this time?" (Y/N) said while walking toward him.
A small gasp slipped her month before her hand made contact with his cheek. Harry would be lying if he said it didn't feel nice.
"You're hurt Harry!" (Y/N) exclaimed before dragging him to his bathroom.
"(Y/N) love, I'm fine." He kind of wasn't. Harry looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw the marks Cormac apparently left him. He was too focused on getting vengeance for (Y/N) that he ignored it.
(Y/N) began cleaning his face. "Harry, you have dried blood on your face. I don't think that's considered fine. What were you doing?"
"If I tell you, you have to promise you won't be upset," Harry said to her.
"What?" (Y/N) paused, confused.
"Just promise me."
"Fine. I promise I won't get upset."
"Alright, well," Harry began. The adrenaline was gone and he began feeling nervous. "I went to visit Cormac at your guys apartment."
"You went to see Cormac?" (Y/N) squeaked. "Why would you do that Harry?"
"I couldn't stand what he did to you (Y/N). He hurt you. You didn't deserve what he did. I had to teach him a lesson."
"So you went to beat each other up?"
"Well, him more so than me," Harry joked.
"Why? Why would you beat him up for me?"
"Because (Y/N). I love you."
(Y/N)'s eyes widen in shock. "W-what?"
"I love you. And I think I always have. Seeing you brought back those feelings I've had back when we were at Hogwarts. I would do anything to protect you (Y/N)."
"Oh Harry," tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes.
Harry noticed and got a little bit worried. "It's alright if you don't feel the same way. I know you just had to deal with Cormac so-"
Arms wrapped around him and lips met his. Harry froze for a second before melting into it, gently placing his hands on her waist.
(Y/N) was the first to break the kiss, to respond to Harry's declaration of love to her.
"I love you too, Harry."
(Y/N) finished cleaning up Harry before heading back to his bed. His arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm and safe.
"I promise to protect you no matter what," Harry said to her. "I would do anything for you."
"And I will do the same for you, because you're mine."
"And I will always be yours."
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wheeboo · 7 months
a night to remember | joshua hong
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SYNOPSIS. in which a handsome stranger at the bar catches your attention. PAIRING. joshua hong x gn!reader (ft. twice's jihyo since she was the first person to pop up in my head) GENRE. fluff, suggestive, 1920s-ish au, one-night stand au, strangers to ?? WARNINGS. implied sexual content (no actual smut), mentions of cigarettes (reader+jihyo smokes cuz it was socially acceptable at the time) and alcohol, drinking, kissing WORD COUNT. 2.9k
notes: this is obviously based off this masterpiece of a song "a night to remember" by beabadoobee and laufey which i could never do justice but i hope you enjoy! i also impulsively wrote this whole thing btwn the hours of 12-3am so its pretty rushed oops 😭
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The dim glow of the flickering marquee lights of the bar spill onto the rain-soaked streets outside, beckoning every passerby to enter into the hazy world of cigarette smoke and clinking glasses. Each swinging of the door releases a burst of warm, smoky air into the cool, drenched night. The air buzzes with the lively chatter of other people, mingling in with the sultry notes of the saxophone and the sweet melodies of the piano drifting through the heavy atmosphere of the bar.
Sat on a worn-out barstool, you bring a cigarette up to your lips and inhale deeply as your eyes flutter to a close, the smoke from the tip suspending in the air and mixing with the potent scent of whiskey also filling your lungs.
"Must you always sit like a boring bystander? Come on, we're here to have fun!" Jihyo stumbles her way right next to you, her sequined dress glistening under the lights like a kaleidoscope.
You only respond to her with a playful roll of your eyes. And with a wry smile, Jihyo plucks the cigarette from your fingers, taking a theatrical, languid drag of her own before flicking the ashes into an already well-worn tray.
You scoff lightly, taking out a fresh cigar. "Well, you already took me here without much of a choice."
Jihyo raises an eyebrow, her grin unwavering. "Afraid of a little fun?"
"Not afraid," You reply with a smirk, swiftly igniting the cigar and leaning back against the bar behind you. "Just comfortable observing the fun itself."
"If you're just going to sit there and look pretty, you might as well have someone to look pretty for, honey," Jihyo teases, her eyes momentarily scanning across the room.
A puff of smoke escapes your lips as you retort, "Easy for you to say."
"Life's too short to be a wallflower, Y/N!" Jihyo exclaims dramatically.
"The excitement will come when it wants to, not when I force it, honey," You reply cryptically.
Jihyo drinks the rest of the bourbon from your glass before taking one last, begging glance in your direction. When you don't seem to want to budge, she shoots you a faint, pert grin before turning away towards the dance floor, each step she takes accentuating the dramatic shake of her hips. You can't help but let out a low chuckle.
The bar was not usually a place where you found yourself willingly. Usually, you'd take the comfortable bubble of your place over the haughty energy of this any day. But tonight, for some reason, the familiar discomfort feels strangely comforting; and plus𑁋much to Jihyo's preference of unwinding𑁋you didn't have much of a choice either way.
From the side, you have the opportunity to simply watch. For example, there's a couple lost in each other's gaze sitting a few tables away from you. Maybe today is their first date, maybe they're rekindling a flame that has flickered in the past, or maybe they've been together for years, and this is their escape from the routines of life.
Then, down at the centre of the bar and close to the small stage at the front where a beautiful young woman stood with a microphone in front of her, there's a group of young friends sharing laughter of their own that gets lost in the music. It reaches your ears almost perfectly the more you focus on them, and it makes you smile to yourself𑁋you like seeing other people happy.
You turn yourself around on the barstool, facing the array of alcohol bottles that are all perfectly lined up together on the shelves. You cup your empty glass in your hands, swaying it lightly as the sounds of the ice clinking against the sides echo softly. The bartender who was perhaps metres away seems to notice your empty glass and gives you a nod, silently asking if you'd like a refill.
You raise your glass in acknowledgment. The bartender approaches up to you and reaches for a bottle with practiced ease, the amber liquid flowing smoothly into your glass once more.
But just as you were about to bring the cup to your lips, the sound of the door creaking open catches your attention. A new figure steps into the bar, their silhouette momentarily framed by the rain-soaked glow from outside, and you notice it's a man. A black fedora sits on his head, hiding away any view you could possibly have of his face, and he wore an elegant black suit with a bow tie that seems to glisten with a subtle sheen against the lighting of the bar.
It wasn't until he takes off his fedora that you realise you just can't seem to stop staring at him, even with all the people brushing past him like he doesn't exist and the hectic activity of the bar. His blonde hair is perfectly styled and coiffed, his features gentle yet carrying an air of both mystery and familiarity. It's almost as if you've seen him before, but nothing particular in your mind rings a bell. Perhaps while walking down the street, across the quiet room of the city's library, or something as ridiculous as your past life, his face might have crossed your path at some point.
You watch the way he scans the room, appearing a bit lost but also intrigued, as if he's searching for something or someone.
And when he eventually lets his eyes sweep across the room and to the bar, his eyes lock onto yours like a snap, and it's enough to send a subtle shiver down your spine. The air seems to thicken for a moment, and you couldn't tell if it was the hint of alcohol in your system that's playing with your vision or something else. His lips play into a slight smile as his eyes hold yours, and he puts his fedora back on, before you lose track of him in the crowd in a sudden blink.
You find yourself briefly dazed, spinning around to face the bar once more. You're quick to grab onto your glass once more, seeing the way your reflection sways in the amber liquid as you take a moment to collect yourself. All it took was one look to have your head spinning and your heart racing with a man you probably would never see again.
"What can I get for you?" the voice of the bartender catches your attention.
You glance up to answer. "Oh, I don't need𑁋"
"Just two waters, please."
At the corner of your eye, a black fedora sets itself down on the counter next to you. You turn, and there he is𑁋the man from earlier, standing with a confident yet intriguing demeanour. The bartender nods and gets to work, pouring two glasses of water.
The man turns to you, eyes dark like the night itself. "Mind if I join you?" he asks, a subtle tilt to his lips. His voice is smooth like a well-played jazz tune.
You're taken aback for a moment. The bartender places two glasses of water on the bar in front of you, and you nod, almost hesitantly. The man sidles into the seat beside you, his fingers subtly brushing the tips of yours as he secures himself comfortably on the barstool, and it sends a jolt through your body, a sensation that lingers longer than it should. You catch a whiff of his cologne, both intoxicating and familiar, as it intertwines with the lingering scents of tobacco and whiskey.
"Thank you," he says, eyes never leaving yours as he lifts the glass of water to his lips. "The water is for you, by the way."
You chuckle shyly as you tap your fingers against the cold glass of water, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks. "Water? In a place like this?"
He smirks at this, a sight both amusing and enticing. "Well, we don't want to do anything regrettable, right?"
His words seem to crawl under your skin, and it's enough to convince you. You take a sip of the water, the cool liquid a stark comparison to the warmth spreading through all the corners of your body, and you suddenly feel more awake than ever. He also takes another sip of his own water, his eyes following your every move as you nearly down the entire glass. The way he looks at you𑁋with that dark, piercing stare that heavily clashes with the soft features of his handsome face𑁋makes your heart pound in your chest.
Around you, the bar has seemingly grown quiet, the only sound the soft music playing in the background. You can feel the heat of his gaze on your skin, and it's taking everything in you not to choke.
He breaks the silence with a charming smile, eyes now softened. "I'm assuming you don't come here often, do you?"
You meet his gaze with a coy smile, the corners of your mouth lifting. "You're quite the detective, aren't you?" There's a satisfied look to his face, and you clasp your hands together. "but to answer your question𑁋no, not exactly. How about you?"
"Ah, I had just moved here recently, actually," he reveals, which still doesn't seem to help the fact that you swear you've seen him before. It still draws you in, of course, and you can't help but wonder more about the mystery surrounding him𑁋both the one in his eyes and the one lingering in the air. The dim light of the bar casts a subtle glow on his features, and you find yourself captivated by the play of shadows and highlights dancing on his face.
"Welcome to the city then," You say it like a grand gesture. "It could be quite daunting at times, but you'll get used to it."
His gaze doesn't waver, and there's a quiet intensity in the way he studies you. "Perhaps I could get used to it faster if I had the right company."
Your heart skips a beat at his words, and you're suddenly acutely aware of the proximity between you two. The bar, the jazz music, the muted conversations around you𑁋all fade into the background as if the world has momentarily narrowed down to the space between your barstools.
"Smooth," You reply, a half-smile playing on your lips. "Is that your usual approach?"
He chuckles. "Only in certain situations."
A sly grin forms on your face. "And is this one of those situations?"
He tilts his head slightly as if in thought. "If you want it to be, of course."
All you could do is let out a soft laugh𑁋a laugh that blends with the faint jazz music playing in the background, a laughter that indeed signals the beginning of an unpredictable night.
"To new beginnings?" You raise your nearly-empty glass of water up to him.
He raises his glass in response, and the crystal-clear water catches the ambient lighting above, creating a small, sparkling spectacle on the surface of the bar counter.
"To new beginnings," he echoes.
The next minutes fly by in a breeze. Usually, letting people into your little bubble only causes for you to raise your guard up a bit more. You certainly didn't expect an utter stranger to intrigue you this much, just like a moth to a flame, especially in a place you never frequented to attend. You don't even mind the way his hand somehow found its rightful place on top of yours as you simply talked, or the way a glass of water can make you feel more alive than the strongest drink in the entire bar. And instinctively, your eyes would focus on the way his lips move he as he spoke, just barely catching all the words leaving his mouth.
When the music shifts to a more intimate tone, he looks into your eyes, a subtle invitation lingering in the air.
"Care to share a dance?" he asks, and the simple invitation is enough to course that warmth of anticipation through you once more.
The decision lingers in the air and his hand is extended towards you, a heartbeat away from being made.
And without a word, you slide off the barstool, your hand finding its place in his. He locks his grip on yours, and drags you in the direction of the small dance floor, the pungent smells of cigarette smoke and aged whiskey lingering as you weave through the crowd together.
When he suddenly pulls you closer to him, the scent of his cologne envelops you. His hand rests securely on the small of your back, guiding you with a subtle yet confident touch, the warmth of his fingers seeping through the fabric of your outfit. It sends a thrill through your body that heightens every single one of your senses.
As the music reaches its spirited crescendo, he spins you gently, the movement endearingly awkward, but you both don't care. When he brings you back into his arms, you're suddenly close to him way more than before, enough for his lips to be so close to yours that you can feel his warm breath against your skin.
The song slowly approaches its end, but he doesn't let you go. Yet just as the distance between your lips disappears, he stops. A teasing grin plays on his face, and he pulls away slightly, though your gaze doesn't intend to move away from his mouth.
"You're one of those," You remark airily.
He spins you around again, letting his fingers dance on the skin of your back. "Guilty as charged."
As the song draws to a close, he dips you in a move that feels straight out of a film. Your heart races, and when he pulls you back up, his lips are dangerously close to yours again. But this time, he doesn't hold back, and the kiss is a slow burn, gentle yet intensely passionate. One of his hands come to delicately cup your face, and the other brings you flush against him.
When the kiss breaks, he smiles, a genuine and warm expression that makes your heart flutter.
"Tell me your name," he whispers, breath caressing your cheek.
You meet his gaze, a playful glint in your eyes. "Maybe we’re more similar than you believe."
This only makes him lean in once again.
"Let's keep it that way, then," he suggests, grinning against your ear as if sharing a secret meant for only you. "Care to get out of here?"
It doesn't anything more than that for you to agree with a smile. Without uttering a word, you nod, your hand still entwined with his as you allow him to guide you through the dissipating crowd towards the exit of the bar. He ushers you outside, and the cool droplets that linger on the city's surfaces glisten under the streetlights.
The lively jazz bars highlight at the heart of the city within the late hours of the night, and his place isn't much farther than you anticipated thankfully.
It all happens so fleetingly𑁋one moment you're outside the door to his place, and another you're within the comfort of his bedroom, kissing him so feverishly with your fumbling hands on the buttons of his suit until you both fall on the bed, that the world outside seems to vanish. And when his hand makes contact with your skin for the first time, you could only gasp.
This is a night you will remember, and you'll make sure of it.
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You dress yourself back in your clothes in the hushed morning. A comfortable silence lingers in the room, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the waking city. The rain outside has completed ceased away, bathing the bedroom in a soft glow of dawn.
The events of the night replay in your mind like a reel of a film𑁋the moment your eyes first met, the touches of his hands against yours, the kiss you shared on the door floor, and the whispers of sweet nothings to your ear right underneath the sheets you sat atop.
"Leaving so soon?" he asks from behind, the huskiness of his voice making you pause.
You can sense the unspoken words hanging in the air𑁋the silent acknowledgment that this is a chapter that closes as the sun rises.
"Unfortunately, I must," You reply with a wistful smile, reaching for your shoes. "Real life calls."
He sits up on his bed, the sheets pooling around his waist, and you can't help but admire the way the morning light dances on the bareness of his body, his disheveled hair, and the remnants of the night before etched into his beautiful skin. There’s a subtle tension that crackles in the air, and he clears his throat.
"Will I… see you again?"
You turn to face him, the playfulness in your eyes replaced by a hint of contemplation. The smile still doesn’t fade away from your lips.
"Who knows? Life is full of surprises, after all."
He watches you for some time as you fully dress yourself, a gaze struggling between the line of intimacy and distance, letting his eyes soak in your figure.
"Do you regret it at all?"
A pause, like a second and an eternity rolled into one. The room holds a quiet acknowledgment, a shared understanding that some moments are meant to be lived fully, without dwelling on what comes after, while others are meant to come and go like a shooting star. You aren’t entirely sure which this falls under.
"No," You answer simply, before setting your feet on the floor and standing up. "Not at all."
Another round of silence follows as you gather the rest of your belongings, trying to ignore the bittersweet ache in your chest threatening to cut you open. You feel his gaze lingering on you as you move about the room, still feeling those embers of the night before dancing upon your skin, as if they're fighting their way to linger a little longer, to save every last trace of the moments you shared.
"Joshua," he states as if in response to the unspoken question hanging in the air. "Joshua Hong."
His name escapes his lips like a secret, and you savour the sound of it, committing it to memory, committing him to memory. You ponder the thought of what it would be like to have your name said at the tip of his tongue in some other distant, intimate moment.
"Y/N," You whisper your name in return, the final piece of the exchange. "Y/N L/N."
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Witches Get Stitches
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Day 11 Prompt: "You lost it. Well, we lost it."
Summary: Klaus and his girlfriend have been together since they were humans, surviving together for a thousand years. They don't intend to let anything tear them apart.
Word Count: 1,352
Category: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, not descriptive
A/N: This doesn't even follow the Originals timeline/canon a little bit lol
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I groaned as I slowly came back to consciousness, my head throbbing. The last thing I remembered, I'd been talking to Genevieve, a resurrected New Orleans with who'd been dancing on the line between ally and enemy.
She took a great, giant leap into the enemy category when I forced my eyes open to find her smiling at me, looking immensely satisfied with herself. I tried to stand, maybe make a move to rip her head off, but my wrists were chained to the walls on either side of me. I was trapped.
"I'm going to kill you," I spat, not bothering with pleasantries or pretending. Genevieve smiled like she'd expected me to say that.
"I know you think we're the bad guys here," she said, giving me a sympathetic expression that made me want to rip her head off. Literally. "But we're not. You've been dating the bad guy, and you've been so blind you haven't been able to realize it."
I rolled my eyes so far back in my head that I could see the wall behind me. I'd heard this same nonsense a thousand times from a thousand different people, and it never got any less irritating or boring.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N," Genevieve said, walking towards me with a very menacing swagger in her step. "I'm just going to make you see the truth."
Before I could hit back with a retort, she raised her hands to the side of my head, and I went spiraling back through my own memories.
For a witch who'd managed to catch me, one of the oldest vampires in creation, in the home of my boyfriend, one of the other oldest vampires in creation, I'd expected more, honestly. But her plan wasn't particularly creative.
She forced me to relive some of my worst moments in my thousand years with Nik. We'd been together as humans, and he'd turned me not long after Esther turned the rest of them, so there was plenty of material for her to work with. Nik and I had been through hell and back, mostly due to enemies, but sometimes due to each other.
Genevieve made me sit through a few particularly bad moments, then pulled me out of her little trance, staring into my eyes like she expected some kind of connection.
"For a thousand years, he's lied, cheated, and backstabbed," she said, her voice low and grave. "He's left a trail of blood, pain, and suffering in his wake. You haven't been spared from his list of victims, even if you've convinced yourself you have."
I closed my eyes, taking a long breath in through my nose. This was getting tedious.
"We've decided to put an end to his reign of terror. We'd like you to join us. So what do you say?"
I fixed her with my best 'really?' stare, which I'd perfected using on Nik.
"Genevieve, let me explain something to you." My voice was quiet, faux-patient, with an undertone of promised violence the way I'd perfected from hearing Nik do so many times. "For more than one thousand years, Niklaus Mikaelson and I have had each others' backs, through everything. We're partners, best friends, and the loves of each others lives. One thousand years of a relationship does not come without bumps, and problems, and things we have to spend a long time working through. Every single time, we have done so successfully.
"One thousand years as a Mikaelson has also come with hundreds of people just like you, Genevieve. They've tried to get to Nik through me, or they've tried to turn me against him, or a thousand other attempts at causing us problems by breaking us apart. And not one of them, in all that time, has succeeded. And do you know what else, Genevieve?"
She cocked an eyebrow at me and gave a little snort, but I could see the way her shoulders tensed and the flicker of fear in the back of her eyes.
"Every single one of those people who tried to come at me and Nik? They're dead. And we're still standing."
Genevieve snorted, louder this time, shaking her head as she straightened and backed away from me. I stared her down, letting a feral smile slowly drag its way onto my face.
"Fine. If you won't help us, then I have no more use for you. So-"
"Oh dear. I hope that sentence isn't going to end in a threat against my lovely partner over there."
Genevieve whipped around, and I smiled at the sight we both found over her shoulder. Nik had arrived, covered in blood and grinning in the way that made my heart race. Clearly, he'd worked his way through at least some of the witches outside to get here. I grinned back at him.
"Your hold over this place, this world, is coming to an end, Klaus," said Genevieve, standing her ground remarkably well. "The two of you have terrorized this place long enough."
"Now you're bringing my girlfriend into it?" asked Nik, raising one eyebrow, a teasing tone in his voice. "Well, I really can't let that stand, now can I?"
"You're not going to have a choice," Genevieve growled. With that, she flung her arms out, whipping up a witchy storm to throw at Nik just as two more witches came into the room. Nik held his own alright—he was the Original Hybrid after all—but he couldn't stand on his own against three powers like this forever.
He needed help. And I was going to give it to him.
I closed my eyes, getting into the headspace I'd had to reach more times than I'd ever wanted to, but that had gotten Nik and I out of more than a few hard spots. Pure rage and a desire to protect the man I loved washed over me, and I pulled against my restraints with all my strength. I dislocated my thumbs to get them out of the cuffs, stifling a scream, then got to my feet and rushed Genevieve before she could realize I was free.
The next minutes were a blur. They always were, whenever Nik and I were in a fight like this. After landing a few hits and killing both of Genevieve's little helpers, I saw Nik go down. He dropped like a sack of potatoes, and I saw red as I whirled on Genevieve.
A few moments later, Genevieve followed Nik to the ground, although she was a little more dead. I stayed standing, trying to recover from the adrenaline. After I'd had a few moments, I crouched down next to Nik.
"Hey. Nik, wake up," I said, gently shaking his shoulder to try to rouse him. After a moment, thankfully, his eyelids fluttered. A second later, he sat into a seating position, looking ready for a fight. I quickly reached out to calm him, to reassure him that we were fine.
"What happened?" he asked, eyes still a little wild, even as he saw the bodies around us and started calming down.
"You lost it. Well, we lost it. Genevieve kidnapped me to get to you, you lost it on her and her little followers over that. She seriously hurt you, so I lost it and helped you finish them off. Same thing we've been running for a thousand years. We're alright."
Nik nodded, letting out a sigh and sagging a little. Then, he looked at me with a grin.
"You'd think after a thousand years they'd learn, wouldn't you?"
I sighed. "No kidding. Maybe this'll be the one that sticks."
Nik and I shared a smile as I leaned into him, kissing him softly before standing and offering a hand to help him up. No matter where we went or how much time passed, people would probably always try to come after me and Nik. But together, we were completely unstoppable. We'd spent the last thousand years proving it, and we'd spend the next thousand doing the same.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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cupid-styles · 6 months
omg ok so blurb idea for ginger ale bc u said u needed inspo
i know u kinda already touched up on this in the main story but what if mias like completely drained from school like its exam season and she has to study but shes also somehow failing classes even tho she studied and is swamped with work but cant get up to do anything bc shes panicking and stuff and idk maybe she pushes him away bc shes freaked out and hes like huh bc she never snaps at him like that bla bla and then some angst and fluff and comfort 😭
im so sorry this wasnt supposed to be that long but inspiration struck😭💀obviously u dont have to write it jus a suggestion
omg LOVE THIS!!!!! here's a little something for you :))
word count: 1.7k
content warnings: angst (all is solved in the end), harry being a dummy, age gap romance (8 years)
based on this one-shot!
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
Harry has never seen Mia so exhausted before.
Granted, they've only been officially dating for a few months, but she's typically a relatively organized student. It's something that he's always admired about her — he can think back to his days in university and immediately remembers scattered deadlines and far too many hungover mornings, resulting in constantly missing classes.
Then again, he's never seen her during finals season, and it's apparent that she's feeling the impact of papers, exams, and one too many late nights spent studying.
Because of the nature of their lives, finding time to spend with one another without work or school is often difficult. It's important to Harry that they actively set aside an evening or two each week that's just for them. No discussion of board meetings, lectures, or any stressors — he likes to keep it simple with a delicious and filling meal, a movie on the TV (whether or not they watch it is a separate factor), and his girl nestled into his side.
But for the first time ever, Mia's texting him to cancel.
Under any other ordinary circumstance, he'd be more understanding. Truly. But it's been almost a week since he's seen her, and he's feeling... well, needy. He misses her! And he knows that distance is good, blah blah blah, but this is their time — and it feels like she's just brushing him off, as if he barely matters.
It's why he ends up calling her on his way home from work with Reese driving smoothly and calmly up in the front. Harry drums his fingers against his knee as he listens to the dial tone, a frown on his lips as he waits for her to answer.
Relief washes over his chest despite her anxiety-ridden tone. "Hey, I'm heading home from work. Do you want me to have Reese come pick you up?"
She sighs frustratedly, "Harry, I just texted you that I can't come over tonight. I have to study."
"You can't give up a few hours to spend with your boyfriend?" he fires back, an accusatory edge to his voice, "I've barely seen you lately."
"You've been in school before, H, you know how stressful exams season is. I need to do well."
"Mi, you're the smartest person I know, you'll be fine if you take some time away from—"
"I won't be, actually," she suddenly snaps. "I'm already failing one of my most important classes and if I don't get at least a B+ on the final, I'll have to retake it next semester. So no, I can't just slack off for a few hours, I need to study, Harry."
Immediately, he pauses. Mia has never gotten angry with him before, vice versa. And he doesn't think he's being particularly unreasonable — if anything, he feels she is — but he's mature enough to know that nothing's getting solved in this conversation. Not when she's clearly tired and stressed. Instead, he opts for the more caring-boyfriend-approach.
"I didn't know you were failing a course. Why didn't you ask for help?"
"Because you can't solve everything!" Mia exclaims, sending a pang of hurt rattling through his chest. "I need to go, alright? I'll see you soon."
With that, the line goes dead.
. . .
Even when Mia falls asleep on her couch, textbook in her lap and a highlighter between her fingers, she can't believe Harry.
The next morning, when she has a persistent ache in her neck and her back feels like it's broken in two, she knows school isn't the only stressful thing her body's responding to.
She thinks dating an older guy is great. Dating Harry is great. Until moments like this, when he somehow forgets that people — including his girlfriend — need to work to get certain things in life, and that they won't just be given an entire company a month after graduation. She doesn't doubt that he understands that on some level, but from the perspective of a partner — well, she thinks he's being pretty insensitive.
Her fingers twitch at her sides in class as she tries her best to pay attention, wanting nothing more to grab her phone from her bag to see if he's texted her. Midway through the day, though, there's still nothing. She can't believe he still hasn't apologized for how he acted the previous night, and it only makes anger fester in her chest even more.
Finally, by the time she trudges home in the cold (December is nearing, and with that comes miserable gusts of wind and flurries of snow), she's had it with his silent treatment. She's barely through the door when she decides that she'll be the one to break the tension — only, when she kicks her shoes off at the door, she notices that her kitchen and living room lights are on, and she surely turned them off before heading out this morning.
Gripping her phone in her hand, she quietly tip-toes out of the entryway, nervous that there's some sort of... homely intruder eating her snacks or watching TV. Instead, she gasps out in shock, clutching her chest when her eyes fall on none other than Harry.
"What the fuck?!" Mia exclaims, her heart thumping quickly with anxiety. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you."
She squints her eyes, feeling her eyebrows nearly shoot up to her forehead. "So you call. Or text. Not break into my house!"
"You gave me a spare key, Mia—"
"That's for emergencies!" she shouts, suddenly feeling like the living room is slowly getting smaller and closing in on her.
"But you never would've let me come over—"
"Harry, I was literally about to call you when I walked in the door. I'm still mad at you for last night! And you're only making me angrier by being here!"
Tears well up in her eyes as she spits the words out at him. She never thought she'd be in this position with him — it hurts her to even verbalize her anger.
"Wait," Harry stands from the couch, a furrow in his brows as he crosses his arms over the button-up he likely wore to work today, "You're mad at me?"
Mia stares back at him like he has two heads.
"Yes," she slowly replies. "Do not tell me you're mad at me."
His throat bobs. "Yeah. I am."
"For what?!" her anger festers in her chest all over again, exploding like an overflowing pot of boiling water.
"You— you haven't been around lately. You haven't been spending time with me or treating me like a priority."
She squints her eyes, her fingertips finding her temples as an ache begins to settle at the sides of her head. With a shake of her head, she turns around, stomping back towards the entryway of her apartment.
"You need to go," she decides, not even bothering to shed her jacket off yet, "I can't talk to you right now. You're being incredibly unreasonable."
"So you just want to walk away, then? We're not gonna solve anything, we're just gonna keep ignoring each other?"
"I was never ignoring you! I was waiting for you to apologize to me, only to find out that you think I'm in the wrong!"
Harry scoffs as he follows her down the hallway. "Well, I'm not leaving. I want to fix things. And I'm not going until we do."
"Is your approach to annoy me into apologizing?" Mia snaps.
"No," he mutters with a roll of his eyes, "Maybe we're both just being emotional."
She shrugs her shoulders.
"Do you still want me to go?"
Mia shifts her stance from foot to foot. With a noisy sigh, she shakes her head before mumbling out, "No. Let's just... talk about it."
He nods. There's a silence lulling between them as she stands with her back pressed against the wall, stubbornness apparent as she crosses her arms over her chest. He swallows and rolls his lips into a thin line.
"I'm sorry for coming over unannounced. That was very immature of me and crossing a boundary. I wasn't thinking, I just wanted to see you."
She keeps her eyes on the floor. "I just wish you'd texted or called instead. I waited all day to hear from you."
"I'm sorry," Harry repeats, his sock-clad feet taking a hesitant step closer to her, "It makes me feel stupid, how needy I can get. I know we're both busy with our own lives but I adore you, Mi. And I hate being away from you."
"I hate it, too," she mumbles, her bottom lip slightly pouted. "And you're not stupid for being needy... I just need you to understand that I'm working hard trying to get my education, and I need you to respect when I'm stressed or busy."
"I will. I'll do better."
She glances up to look at him. He looks tired, his eyes sad. With a quiet sigh, she lifts her hand to press her palm against his warm cheek. The prickles of his facial hair serve as a harsh juxtaposition from the soft skin beneath.
"I'm sorry, too. I never want you to feel like I don't care or I don't want to be with you. I just get so overwhelmed."
"I understand," Harry coos, wrapping a hand around her wrist to bring it to his mouth. He presses light kisses into her palm. "I know you care. I have to work on being more secure in our relationship."
Mia hums at his kisses, his gentle nature a welcomed change from their arguing.
"You know, you could always move closer," she murmurs with a smirk. He chuckles.
"Yeah. Or you could always just move in."
She rolls her eyes, "Then I'd really never get any work done."
"Mm, but think about how nice it'd be," he mumbles, slipping an arm around her waist to pull her closer. "I'd cook you dinner all the time, bring you snacks and tea while you study... you'd have your own office, of course. We could get a dog or a cat, too. Share a bed every night... you wouldn't have to use travel sizes of all your skincare stuff either, because everything would be there already."
She smiles to herself as she leans her head on his shoulder. The thought is nice. So nice. But they both know it's too early in their relationship, regardless of how deeply they feel for one another. Maybe it's a dream to work up to — a sweet, domestic life together.
"And you know what would be the best part?" she asks, brushing her lips up against the shell of his ear.
"I'd get to use your heated bathroom floors every day."
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linskywords · 6 months
Hockey RPF Recs from 2023
I realized recently that I haven't done a great job keeping up with hockey fic beyond the authors I was already subscribed to, so I did some reading in the tag for the past year (and of course fell in a hole and neglected other parts of my life, you know the drill). Mattdrai is even bigger than I thought?? (She said, having been living under a rock.) Also, wow, *amazing* writers out there I had no idea about! Here are my favorites of the stories I've read so far:
so is the longing by dogjuice (mattdrai): This one might win as my favorite fic of the year. You know how sometimes you read something that's not quite as well written as you want it to be but it's doing the thing you want so you read it anyway? This is NOT that fic. It hits such good juicy trope buttons and also is clever and hilariously written. Top marks.
i'll tell you when to stop by dogjuice (mcmattdrai): Sadly this is the only other fic dogjuice has posted, but it is also excellent. The premise could be ridiculous in someone else's hands but rings so true. I was on tenterhooks for it all to work out.
In From the Cold by makeit_takeit (TK/Patty): FERAL. OVER. THIS. All three stories in this (loosely related) series are impeccable, but this one gave me the most feels. I am weak for a repressed closeted character gradually discovering happiness, and the depth of characterization is breathtaking.
Baby, I'm a Wildcard by wearemany (mattdrai): The writing!! This fic is mostly developing/established relationship, which is not usually my fave, but somehow I loved the entire thing?? Just really compelling character-focused writing that had me completely absorbed without needing to rely on angst or drama (much as I love those in other stories).
Edmonton 10 by Helenish (mattdrai): Helenish is incomparable. I cannot express how happy I am that they've (she's?) gotten into hockey lately. Read everything; I don't even know if this is the best one because I *am* subscribed to them so I read the stories as they came out and didn't rank them or anything, but this one is excellent and also you can't go wrong.
this must be the place by rafting (Jamie/Trevor): Love me some sexuality exploration. The USNTDP ensemble was so vividly and delightfully present in this one. Also, Trevor is so dumb. How can you not love it.
let me look at you by isozyme (mattdrai, mcmattdrai): This one is emotionally ROUGH but so well done. Heed the warnings, but there's plenty of emotional satisfaction as well. I read it several weeks ago and it's still living in my head.
roughed up in the afterglow by notthequiettype (mattdrai): This one is pretty short but gets a lot done in not too many words. Really excellent character interactions and dialogue.
linger by bropunzeling (mattdrai): Top-notch A/B/O content. Sometimes you just want Matthew to have heat sex with Leon and pretend not to have feelings until he can't anymore.
in the honey by donderwalk (Jamie/Trevor): Okay it's been a while since I read this one but I remember it as the highlight of my Jamie/Trevor tag search at the time, so I'm gonna say it's probably great. 😄
Serenity in Those Deep Waters by angry_geno_is_score (larsdunn): This mashes the D/s buttons sooooo good. Has it inspired me to write more D/s? Oh yes. Check it out; You Will Have Feels.
how lovely are thy branches by quadratics (mattdrai, Brady/Tim): Hilarious premise, charming execution. This isn't even about characters getting together and yet I loved it.
Hourglass Theory by puckedup (mattdrai): So short, and totally managed to punch me in the chest (in the best way).
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