#i don't think i have the time or headspace to spend as long as i did with toby on him but its a baby and im doing it a disservice if i dont
depresseddepot · 2 years
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his name is bodie
#in other related news: i took him to the vet and saw a cat years to human years sign and it said that a 6yo cat was abt 40 human years#and toby. my special guy. is 6 years old#ive been in a downward spiral ever since lol so im not trusting myself to make decisions abt whether or not we're keeping bodie#i don't think i have the time or headspace to spend as long as i did with toby on him but its a baby and im doing it a disservice if i dont#hes so lonely and sad and tiny but i am Comorbid and hate change so so so much#this poor baby#its past my bedtime so im sure ill feel 100% different in the morning#but im just. toby is getting older :(#i don't know what to do after he eventually passes away one day. like frankly i dont think ill be doing anything else for very long#ive loved pets before but. not as much as i love him :(#he could be starving and would run past food if i sat down to pet him#he sits and waits for me to get out of the shower upstairs (a place he's afraid of)#he knows what times i get home and wakes himself up from naps to wander upstairs to see me#he gets lost sometimes and meows until i talk to him so he knows how to get back to someplace safe#he's a HUGE cat but he's so gentle and sweet. he was even nice to the baby#not to be dramatic but i don't think I'll recover once he passed away. like i think that's it for me.#honest to god need to have my affairs in order come my mid thirties because. well.#he even comes over to lay w me when I'm crying :(#sorry abt all these tags#vent
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outisgivingpac · 10 months
Pick-a-card: What kind of lover you are attracting?
Hello everyone, I'm back (kind of?) to deliver my first love reading ever! 👀🔥 This PAC will look into what kind of romantic (but also platonic) relationship you are inviting to your life with your current energy. Basically, we will see what personality traits you like about each other and what makes your relationship work. Be mindful that your energy changes over time, and with this collective reading, only take what resonates 🍀✨
If you want to book a personal reading with me, check out my pinned post. There you will also find the masterlist of all my free PAC! Enjoy~ 🌞
🐱Pick a pile/image you feel most drawn to🐱
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1: Queen of Swords, 6 of Pentacles, 4 of Swords
First of all, the kind of lover you're attracting are drawn to you by your sharp wits, as well as your fierce and independent nature. Where others find your rough exterior difficult to deal with, this person finds charm and wisdom. They like how argumentive and opinionated you are, like you won't be afraid to speak up for the underdogs and can be real protective around your loved ones. In turn, you might like this person for their generous and forgiving nature. Though their ways of living might trigger your protective instinct at first, like how could someone be so comfortable laying their heart bare? What if someone take advantages of them?? (Lol) But soon enough, you will learn their kindness didn't come from naivety, but their rich life experiences; they are someone emotionally mature and capable to give and receive love from a healthy headspace. As someone who had to navigate through life with careful calculation and always on alert, you will grow to trust this person to mean what they say and be genuine with you throughout your relationship. Fundamentally, you both see each other as a sanctuary. You know the other got your back in the end of the day, and got to "recharge" just by spending time together. Platonic or romantic, this seems to be a wholesome connection that helps you stay grounded during turbulent time.
Pile 2: 4 of Cups reversed, Page of Swords, The Moon reversed
The first thing came up when I read your cards is how it feels like you guys meet/interact with each other in a highly specific environment. Meaning, you don't neccessarily have access to each other's personal life or have constant communication, but just expect to see each other at particular time and space. You could easily be classmate or colleagues, or are sharing a mutual friend. I hear some of you would refer to each other to a third person with a really specific nickname, for example "that guy who takes double expresso" or sth like that. You like this person because they're a social-butterfly with a lotta energy. They often poke fun with you and are fairly successful. On their side, they find you interesting, despite the first impression of you being quite standoffish. You managed to take them aback several times with some witty/funny remarks. They think you have a lot to offer, long as others put effort to help break the ice. This relationship seems to be of a casual and light-hearted nature. It sounds strange but, it just works when neither parties know where they are going, nor do they try too hard to stir the boat somewhere specific. It's the kind loose committal relationship that deepen slowly overtime, like the sediment at the bottom of a river.
Pile 3: 2 of Swords, Strength, Temperance reversed
The person you're attracting seems to be someone you would usually consider as "out of your league". Unlike you who always strike for a harmony in a group, this person has a strong and upfront personality, though I won't describe them as unkind or selfish. Quite the opposite, they are incredibly wise and have a big heart of an advocate. In your eyes, they have accomplished a lot of admirable goals with their talent second to their tenacity and hard work. Comparing to them, you might find yourself too indecisive and easily flustered to step out of your comfort zone. On the other hand, they see you as someone with many contradictions and complex inner world. In conversation with you, they can tell how you have many different interests and potentials, yet more often than not surrender your choices to the circumstances or other people. On the surface, it seems like a "I can fix them" kind of attraction, but at the same time I don't sense a strong desire to force themselves in your life from this person. In other words, they are not someone who would force others to change in order to match them. But they will wait and see if you will break out of the comfort zone, or from the harmony of "how things should be", with your own conviction. If anything, they want to be one of your conscious choice, not an convenient option due to the circumstances.
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luke-o-lophus · 1 year
In Your Image, In My Eye
Marc Spector x Reader (Minors DNI)
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TW: Allusions to child abuse and neglect, and to past eating disorders (nothing descriptive), body image issues, very minor talk of food controls, mentions of sexual activities and some innuendos
Prompt by @apollo-enthusiast: Imagine settling down with the moon boys, just living a calm and stable life without khonshu to bother you. You bake and cook a lot, and are really good at it. As a result, Marc gains a bit of weight and now has a little tummy. You catch him judging himself in the mirror one day, maybe fighting over it with steven and jake, maybe they're feeling the same way, and find out he's feeling insecure about it and needs some love
Word count: 1541
"For the thousandth time, Steven, we have the same body."
Marc sounds exasperated. He looks exasperated. Just out of shower and towel wrapped low on his hips, he usually doesn't spend this long in front of the full length mirror in your shared bedroom. But today, Steven got his attention. "You still look handsome", he'd muttered. And refused to budge when Marc pointed out the obvious.
"You don't get it. I've got this...ugh", Steven hides his face in their shared headspace. "This thing. I have a..a pooch belly."
Marc mentally groans and pinches his forehead. "Steven I can assure you we're doing fine", he grunts.
"Are we though Marc, are we?" Steven throws up his hands. "Look at this." He incredulously points to his midsection. Marc tilts his head with a raised eyebrow. Steven's fashion in the mindspace is similar to when he's fronting. All Marc can see is the body swimming in a shirt three or four sizes too large, in a pattern that hurts his eyes.
"Steven I literally can't see anything", he sighs and turns to remove his towel and start getting dressed. That's when he sees it. A soft..chunky roll in his belly as he bends to pick up his t-shirt. He slowly turns back to the mirror, shirt in hand, and pokes his finger in his belly. Nearly two segments of the finger sink in easily, and the flesh springs back as he removes his hand. Marc's never seen anything like it on his own body.
Here's the thing. Marc Spector in the past has never really eaten. He's consumed food in order to sustain. In the army and as a merc, he had standard rations and a standard body type he had to maintain. And before that, he had always been a skinny kid. It's no secret he wasn't exactly nurtured at home. And he's even starved himself to points where Jake has had to step in to take care of the body. Until quite recently, actually. Until he met you. Or rather, three months into meeting you.
You'd brought a tupperware of chocolate cupcakes to your fifth date. You were meeting after nearly a month, a month of thinking Marc is going to ghost you. That day Marc came bearing a harrowed guilty face, and you came bearing cupcakes. Who does that? Marc wondered as he bit into one. And almost forgot to chew. It already tasted so, so good he stared at you with wide eyes. You giggled bashfully, a shy finger wiping away ganache from the side of his lip. Later that night those same lips had devoured you over and over until all the tension of the month prior was forgotten.
It had never even occurred to Marc it is possible for the body to gain some stomach fat. And it damn well had never crossed his mind, that would be what's bothering him when he looks at his reflection. But here he is. He can almost hear Jake groaning somewhere in the depths of the mindspace. A groan of "Here we go again".
They moved into your apartment a month later. Steven still kept his, and turned it into a library slash workspace for them. Your place was home. With your warmly lit study, kitchen that always smelled good, the eclectic wooden chandelier in the living room, and the twelve pillows on your queen bed: it was a better home than marc had ever seen himself living in. And then there was you. Who had given him so much love, so much grace, so much understanding. Because of him, you had moved away the large full body mirror to your study the day before he had moved in. The men liked having mirrors around, mirrors made it easier to communicate, but just...smaller ones. It took Marc a long time to be able to look at all the scars and marks on the body without feeling sick in his stomach. The day he asked if you could move the mirror to the bedroom to make dressing up easy, you'd hugged him and kissed him silly. And later baked a batch of apple tarts as a treat.
"Maaarc what's taking you long?" your call sounds impatient. He can hear faint muttering coming closer and your head appears in the doorway. Marc's instinct is to quickly cover his torso with the t-shirt in his hand, almost letting loose an embarrassing squeak.
"You haven't dressed? We gotta do a grocery run quick or we'll get very late for lunch!" you whine with your hands on your hips.
"I don't want lunch", Marc mumbles and you pause in the midst of your woeful rant of delayed lunches.
"What..why? Is your stomach upset? I told you that fish tasted funky, Marc, I swear.." you immediately start fussing over him, coming close and checking his forehead for a temperature.
"No..no...I'm fine. Just ... not hungry" he shakes his head away.
You were familiar with Marc's 'not hungry'. It could mean a lot of things, but very rarely the fact that he actually wasn't hungry.
"Everything alright, bubba?" you ask, hand moving down to caress his cheek. Marc sighs and smiles wryly,"Yeah..yeah don't worry. It's just...it's silly..."
You raise your brows in question, egging him to go on. "It's just...I have this thing.." he rubs his neck and moves the tshirt from his torso slowly, as if revealing the deepest darkest secrets. You blink owlishly at the display, then back up at him. "Honey...uh..I'm sorry but....what am I..looking at?" you ask.
"This!", Marc almost whines, poking indignantly at his belly. You look just as lost, helplessly staring. "Does it..hurt there or something?" you offer with concern.
Marc doesn't look convinced so you prod a little further, asking if that's something that feels uncomfortable or just...looks different to him. "I..I've always been skinny...before the army and the...Khonshu." he sighs, head hanging. "Didn't really have someone cooking me a three course meal every time."
"No...I'm...I have...this..." he bends over to a side and pinches his tummy roll between his fingers. You stare at that for a few moments before it clicks. "Oh honey", you call with adoration, gently prying away those fingers and kissing the tips. "But your tummy looks so nice. So healthy. You look so nice and healthy"
You take a cautious pause at that, almost hurt for a moment. Marc catches onto it quick, and stumbles directly into an apology. "No..no...that came out wrong. I love that you cook, I love everything you make, I'm so grateful. You're..., baby..please..."
It always breaks your heart when Marc apologizes, because of the way he does it. He says sorry for a simple slip of tongue as if you'd be packing your bags and running off before he had a chance to finish his sentence. So you smile at him, a cheeky little smile.
"You like my cakes?" you ask him innocently, a playful glint in your eye.
"Huh? Of course I do...yeah? The...the one you made on my birthday, and...and.."
"No no no...", you stop him, moving closer. "I mean, do you like my cakes" You give your butt a playful wiggle. Marc stops in his tracks, then groans at that awful joke. "Babe!" he groans. You giggle and wrap your arms around him. Your head nestled in the crook of his neck with practiced ease, you mumble softly,"You look great. If you feel healthy, and enjoy what you're eating....you're good. Okay?" You pause a bit then sigh. "I...I can't see you starve yourself again, bubba. It...hurts to see you like that." You still remember when Marc had showed up on your fifth date with sunken cheeks and hollow eyes, looking like he's missed half his meals the past month. It's an image you can't get out of your head: him standing with a small souvenir clutched so tight in his palm the packaging was ruined, looking all shades of tired and starved.
Marc stays quiet, but he holds on to you tight, kisses the top of your head. "What's for lunch?" he mumbles meekly after a while. You pull back and smile wide, eyes shining, and continue your grocery run rant. From the increasing price of eggs to the doubtful durability of milk, this new meatball hack you want to try, and a vegan substitute idea you'd just gotten. You follow Marc around the room as he gets dressed, talking a mile a minute. He takes a last glance at the mirror and rakes back his curls, then swiftly pulls you closer. You squeak and hold him on instinct, and he laughs softly while nuzzling the side of your face. "So...remind me the plan. We...are getting groceries, making lunch, so...after eating.." He pauses but you can hear the laugh in his voice. The laugh and the shyness.
"What, Spector?" you tease. "What do you want after lunch?"
"Well maybe you....you can show me how good you think I look?" he says hopefully. You turn around to kiss him, nodding excitedly. "Deal", you whisper, before pulling back and giggling. "I thought you're about to ask me to have you for dessert"
Marc facepalms with another groan.
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
i wanna know ghoap's individual reactions to them finally breaking the reader, maybe the reader's been bratty all day long, refusing to play with the new toys simon got for her or sulking when johnny tries to play dress up using her, maybe simon's getting a little pissed and just pulls her onto his lap, she struggles, but then a warm, calloused thumb to her clit, rubbing gently, with his hot breath against that sensitive part her neck has the stiffness suddenly melting, and simon's eyes spark with GLEE as he sees her own eyes glaze over and she whines and pushes her hips further into his hands. god that would be so fun. but i'm not sure how this would work out for johnny
i need an oxygen machine
Simon's a little tired that day, doesn't quite have the energy to force you to submit, to force you into the soft headspace they want you in. So when you gripe and bitch he just grabs you, dragging you over on top of him without a word and ignoring your complaints. He curls you into him, scoops your legs up and tucks your feet under one thigh, has your ass planted on the other and rests his arm behind your back to give you support. You get a little wiggly and he doesn't even say anything, just growls out a low noise against your temple and sneaks his free hand between your legs. You go all stiff in his arms, and he strokes a little. Nothing much, just enough for you to feel the sensation, feel where he is. And you just break for him. Go fully limp in his arms, legs falling open and head falling to his neck as you let out a little keen, burrowing your face beneath his jaw and panting. He can't fuckin' believe it. He tugs you even closer, rubs just a little faster and pets up and down your back, mummering to you there you go, sweetheart. that's nice, isn't it? bein' so good for me, so soft. lettin' me be nice to you, so good. isn't this good? don't you like bein' good for me? that's my girl.
it would take a little more for johnny. you've got your guard up around him in a different way than you do with simon. you know what's happening with simon, have at least a bit of an idea what he'll do to/with you. but with johnny you've got to always prepare for the unexpected, so you sort of tiptoe around him a lot. the moment he thinks he's actually got you is just a lazy saturday afternoon. simon is napping on the couch, and johnny pulls you into the kitchen with him to make a cake. no reason, he just wants to do something with you, and it's rainy and gross out so he can't even take you on a walk anywhere. you're a little softer that day, had been good and not need any scolding or punishments, so your walls are lowered. you make the cake together from a box mix, johnny drawing the process out to spend as much time with you as possible. he picks you up by the hips at one point, drops you onto his feet and holds your hands as he dances the two of you around. it's silly, and johnny's singing terribly as he does it, all dramatic and loose, pulling your body along with his and not even making you take a step. you can't help but laugh, loud and full. johnny's heart stops when he hears it, and he quickly turns, pushing your back into a counter. you cut yourself off, staring up at him in surprise, and he gets so panicked, worried he's lost you already. so he does the first thing that comes to mind - dips his finger in the bowl of batter next to you and swipes it onto your nose. you lose it, already in a good headspace. you just burst out laughing, tears welling in your eyes. he can't even laugh with you, just stares down all wide-eyed at your euphoria. it's then that he knows it'll all be ok. you can be happy with them <3
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lindsay00000008 · 11 days
Pet Whump series - Carewhumper [Masterlist]
Flight Risk - Part 1
CW: systemic pet whump, dehumanization, brainwashed/drugged/conditioned whumpee, nonconsensual (non-sexual) touch, reference to patronizing dad, praise from whumpers, speech impariment (reference to noncon surgery), time loss, memory loss
Inspo: These posts by @sowhumpshaped & this post by @oliversrarebooks
[Next part - Flight Risk Pt. 2]
"Honey can't go in the cargo hold! She's too delicate. Look, I have a pet ticket, I bought an extra seat!" Luce holds up her phone, swiping to show the gate attendant the extra ticket code. She keeps one hand on the back of Honey's short hair, tugging at the strands to calm herself. Honey's knees begin to ache, a feeling she thinks she'll never get used to. At least she isn't made to crawl everywhere like some fancier pets she's seen. Luce always says those pets look ridiculous, and whoever their owners are must have too much time on their hands. Still, her back aches from the hunched, submissive gait she's been trained to employ.
"I see that ma'am," the man replies with careful professionalism, "but unfortunately the flight has been overbooked. We're happy to offer you a refund for the seat and a comfortable cage for your pet, and we may be able to offer upgrades to our service on the flight. But unless you agree to place it in the cargo hold, I'm sorry to report that we'll need to transfer you to another flight."
"It doesn't matter if the cage is comfortable," Luce hisses, trying to keep her voice from shaking. She can't miss this flight, and have her dad bug her about what an impulsive brat she'd been, adopting a barely trained pet so soon after getting her degree. Spending all her savings on some rescue mutt. She couldn't miss his retirement party, especially not over this. "It's cold down there. Honey has issues with her circulation. Why can't you ask someone else to move flights?"
Luce breathes out heavily and smoothes the hair she'd gripped too hard, scratching her nails over Honey's scalp in apology. A faint memory plays in Honey's usually quiet headspace: long, long wavy hair, and intricate braid patterns pulled up on a phone screen. Honey's own eyes in the mirror, younger then... Luce tugs again when the attendant sighs.
"We have asked for volunteers. Unfortunately no one has offered, and our policy is that pet seats be deferred first to make room for other patrons. And your pet's tag shows that it hasn't completed recommended trainings, beyond the basics. So we're asking you before we ask owners with more compliant pets."
Luce hears her dad's voice in those statements, and she can't argue with that. She looks to Honey, who is sat staring at Luce's sandals like they're the most interesting thing in the world.
"I- Look, I need to be on this flight. Is there anything you can do to make it... more comfortable? She's always been nervous about traveling. I just... I don't wanna traumatize her, you know?" Luce shifts the leash between her hands, trying not to think about the news she saw a few months ago - a pet dying in the cargo hold.
In reality, Luce is the one who's nervous about travel. She had imagined Honey would spend the flight beside her, warm and calm, being that comforting, familiar weight on Luce's shoulder. She wants to tell the man she needs Honey. But she isn't going to be like those annoying owners who claim their pet is for "emotional support", without any sort of training to back it up. Besides, he's looking at Honey's ID right now. She's barely trained enough to board the flight.
"We do offer a complimentary Cozy-Dose. It's a pet-safe anxiety suppressant, a little stronger than the drug store ones. Does it have anything in its system?"
"Just some pet-nip for the ride over." Said pet-nip is currently wearing off, Luce thinks, watching Honey lift her head to look directly in the attendant's eyes, her brows furrowed in that adorably vague but defiant expression. Luce presses her hand against Honey's head, pushing it down to lay still at the side of her knee.
"Should be fine," the attendant is saying. "Do you have anything you'd like to leave with her? A toy, or a blanket?"
Luce has tried to get Honey to play with toys. On Honey's best days she ignores them. On her worst, she touches them with her hands, and Luce has to discipline her accordingly. Luce knows pets don't understand the dangers of playing like humans. Often, they don't know their own strength, and can break things or hurt themselves. But it seems Honey doesn't yet know what to do with a toy otherwise, so she has yet to find one she likes.
Luce looks at Honey's thin sweater dress, the green fabric stopping just above her knee. Perfect for playing and walks in the new spring heat. Not so good for a cargo hold. She shrugs out of the pale orange flannel she wears over her tee, much to the surprise of the attendant, and drapes it over Honey's shoulders. Her pet presses her nose into the warm fabric, leaning more heavily against Luce's knee. Luce feels pride and affection well in her heart at the sight.
"Maybe she's ok without the Cozy-Dose," Luce murmurs, hesitant to drug Honey when she's being so sweet. The attendant shakes his head.
"I may have misspoken. The Cozy-Dose is complimentary, of course, but with the level of training..."
"Oh," Luce says. "Oh, okay then that's... fine. You'll probably just go to sleep, and we'll wake up at dad's house, yeah?" She coos at Honey, who doesn't bother to look up. Luce's hand finds Honey's hair again, wanting the hit of dopamine only her loving pet can provide. But before Honey can respond to the tug, the attendant is on the move.
"Alrighty. I've got it logged in our system. Again, we do apologize for this inconvenience, but we pride ourselves on our safety and pet specialists. Boarding's in about twenty minutes, so let's get Honey secure and comfy, yeah?"
Luce nods mutely, and hands over the leash.
Honey doesn't like being away from Luce, in a strange back room near the boarding gate. She doesn't like the "pet specialist", Carson, and she especially doesn't like that Carson removes Luce's flannel and Honey’s pretty green collar. He makes her crawl as soon as they're behind the door.
Honey wishes she had spent more effort learning the gestures Luce tried to teach her. Things like "Food" and "Water", "Bathroom" and "Bed". She heard Luce on the phone with her father once. He seemed to be yelling about Honey's adoption - Untrained stray. Irresponsible. Hopeless. Luce gave up on the lessons for a while.
If Honey could tell Carson anything right now, it would be a toss-up between how ugly his shaggy hairstyle is, and how confused and afraid she is about the whole situation.
"Up," the man says when they reach the center of the room. A table with a leathery top and a long banner of thin paper sits there. Honey gets unsteadily to her feet and climbs atop it. The crinkle of the paper beneath her reminds her of something, and she absently tears at it. Smack. Carson's hand leaves a faint red mark on her own.
Honey releases the paper and brings her hand to her mouth, looking up at the man with an indignant gaze. She fights the snarl pulling at her lip. Thankfully Carson busies himself at a computer screen, and doesn't see. Honey watches the man click the mouse and raise his eyebrows. He turns back to Honey.
"Lie down," he says, putting his hands on his hips as if he expects Honey to disobey. Honey almost scoffs. She knows how to obey a simple command. She's very obedient, in fact, despite everyone telling Luce otherwise. She eyes the orange flannel, slung over the man's shoulder, as her world tilts and she dutifully lays on her side.
Carson comes around to the head of the table, and forces Honey's other shoulder down. Honey squirms as the man positions her flat on her back, a familiar sense of vulnerability spiking in her chest.
"Why do they always give me the troublesome ones," Carson mutters, taking something from the underside of the table. Honey flinches when she feels the buttery smooth grip of a cuff on her left wrist.
"At least they gave you Broca's. I suspect you'd be a whiny thing otherwise."
Broca's? The aphasia? We learned about that in-
The moment gets away from her. Cuffs on both wrists, both ankles now. Carson is looking at her like he's surprised by her compliance. Honey pulls at the cuffs then. They're not painful, but they hold her tight. Her knees and shoulders pull together instinctually.
"Ss... Ssst-mm" Is all that comes out of her lagging mouth, before she hums a whimper instead. Don't like this. I don't like this. I don't...
"Thought so. Expensive little pooch aren'tcha? Usually they just trim the hyoid a little, but they don't like how pets choke on their food after that," Carson mumbles. More to himself, of course.
"Nice your owner could afford it. Irresponsible not to train you though," he grunts, seemingly irritated at Luce. A clinking sound comes behind her when Carson circles the table. Honey focuses on his words. Her owner... irresponsible. He sounds like Luce's father. But why would anyone be mad at Luce? Luce is wonderful. Carson still has Luce's flannel. He doesn't deserve that.
Honey tilts her chin up to look behind her, wondering if she can take it from him with her mouth. The tap-tap-tap motion of a syringe against the palm of Carson's hand meets her eyes. Honey's body tenses, and a whining starts up in her throat.
"Frank, come help me with this one," he calls when Honey begins to toss. She's trying not to, she really is trying to be good and still, but it's hard to do that when she knows what's coming next.
"Aw, poor girl," comes another man's voice. He pauses beside the table before coming closer. "Honey is it? Shh, shush now. You're okay, Honey," he says in that voice that people use with good pets. A soft emotion fills Honey's chest at the sound despite her fear. He places a firm hand on one shoulder, the other in her hair, soothing her with his thumbs as he holds her still. He presses her head to the side gently, all the time cooing in that same voice: "You're a good girl, yeah? It's scary, I know. You'll feel nice and calm in just a minute."
"Stay," Carson's voice, a jarring, commanding tone, stills her body in the way she's been trained. The impulse lasts for just long enough that the bite of a needle somewhere below her ear comes and goes without objection. Frank is there to sooth the sore spot when it's over. The cuffs are removed, and she curls to the side, a tear falling as she noses Frank's abdomen. He continues to stroke her hair, rubbing her ear between his fingers, and her thoughts calm and fade away one by one until she doesn't feel the need to cry anymore. She hums at the pleasant sensation instead.
"Fuck dude, you never cease to amaze me. Sure you don't have food in your pockets?" She hears the other man chuckle.
"Pets don't understand what's going on, man. It just needed to feel safe. We took the same courses yeah?"
"Yeah man, but I'm the one who has to strap 'em to the table and stick 'em, you get to be mister nice guy."
Frank steps away and Honey's head raises to find him. But the room is getting a little fuzzy, and the lights are too bright. Arms find hers and prop her upright before pulling her to slide to the edge of the table.
"I get my cert in a few months, so we'll see if they still like me, yeah? I'll grab the cage."
[Next part - Flight Risk Pt. 2]
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doll-book · 1 year
𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐬/𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐫. · ° . ♡ ⊹
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☆彡 -`, why building your dr around a partner could possibly be a blockage ꒱ 𔓘
ʚɞ゜・゜this is something i only internalized recently. on social media, i began noticing that when anti-shifters decide to run their mouths, they usually attack us or call us delusional for scripting popular celeb/character partners first. that means that the shifting content locals are exposed to first is about significant others and dating in other realities.
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💭 i started thinking .. why? why is 90% of shifting content i see about couple scenarios, s/o faceclaims, etc? why is recent shifting culture so based around dating and finding love in other realities? lately, i realize i've also been affected by the content i see so much. i have only one dr where i don't have an s/o, and it's my self care dr. i felt & still feel like i had to be dating someone in every reality i wanted to shift to, and if i didn't, i'd be missing out on something.
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💭 i’ve now realized that this way of thinking could possibly be a blockage. when you build your entire dr around a person, you neglect the other important parts of shifting to a real place. when you shift in, you won't be spending 24 hours a day with your s/o. even if you did, you'd quickly get tired. (i know, getting tired of THE namjoon or THE beomgyu sounds crazy, but they're people just like us. don't put your s/o on a pedestal once you shift in, that's unhealthy for both of you (ˊ‸ ˋ )...)
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i had to take a step back, and ask myself realistic questions like: ➴ "is this a dr where i have the time and energy to emotionally support my s/o?" ➴ "will our relationship be healthy in the long run, taking our lifestyles into account?"
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— ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ there was some discourse over this on tiktok (as always🙄). people were saying, "if you think your relationship is/will be unhealthy, just script it never becomes that way and you both love each other wholeheartedly forever."
💭 i don't want to make this complicated by getting into my beliefs about scripting, but simply put: your s/o is a real person, with real emotions and feelings. i can't stress this enough. you can script that they love you forever, but if both of you are in an environment that is busy or constantly changing, that will affect the dynamic of your relationship no matter what you script. it doesn't mean that they'll stop loving you, but like any normal relationship, the circumstances have to work out.
💭 furthermore, if you script that they love you forever no matter what, that could become a burden for you. what happens if you lose feelings, want to pursue other dreams, grow emotionally exhausted, etc? scripting relationships is a super sensitive thing imo, but shifters kinda gloss over it. it could unintentionally lead to traumatic experiences in your dr, so pls be careful pookie!
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➴ what circumstances make for an unhealthy relationship? i'll use one of my drs as an example: my rich & famous dr.
💭 i'm a world famous model and actress in this dr, with a number of amicable breakups from before i shift in. naturally, i scripted that i start dating one of my biases, and everything seemed perfectly fine until i started truly getting into the headspace of this dr. i began visualizing my day to day life, and not once did my relationship cross my mind.
💭 i scripted a packed schedule full of fun things i've always wanted to do. photoshoots and movies and exclusive parties and secret friendgroups - literally everything that makes a glamorous lifestyle. i scripted that the only day i have off completely is sunday, for relaxation, self care, and sleeping in.
and then, i started thinking about my partner. ➴ "when will i see her next?" ➴ "what will we do when we're together?" ➴ "are we both excited to see each other?"
when i answered these questions honestly, i realized most of them were negative.
➴ "i might not see her for a one or two because of our overlapping schedules." ➴ "we might go on a date, if she's tired we can just hang out at home." ➴ "realistically, no.. we'd probably both be tired, even if we meet up on an off-day because of our exhausting work weeks."
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💭 when i shared my thoughts to some shifting friends, they just said "script that your workload isn't as much." but.. i don't want to? i enjoy the realism of being tired after a long day. it's like proof i truly worked, and everything isn't just a dream. i could script that my schedule is more spread out to make time for my s/o, but then we come to my point:
💭 i dont want to change the entire structure of my dr just to have a partner. if my s/o doesn't fit into the dr i planned, i don't want to squeeze them into it. to me, building your dr around having an s/o feels wrong and unnatural. i notice shifters tend to forget: you're really truly actually going to this place. you have your own life to live, things to do, etc etc. don't let having a partner overshadow the experience of shifting.
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💭 when it comes to actually fixing the issue, it may feel weird to delete an entire person out of your dr or become strangers w/ them - so just change your relationship status. in my fame dr, i re-scripted my former s/o to a person i'll meet and become very close friends with. if it turns into something more over time, after i shift in, that's great!! yay for me! i just don't want to feel held back by someone i should be cherishing, and instead let it happen naturally. if you feel more comfortable scripting out your relationship, then you do you!
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NOTE: i'm not trying to say stop scripting significant others. by all means, script an s/o! a partner! a boyfriend! a girlfriend! a husband! a wife! a spouse! a sneaky link! anything! it's your reality, i'm not trying to take away from that fact. i'm just pointing out how shifters often gloss over the realness of being in a relationship. this was simply a reminder for those who may be feeling the same way i did, and to help those people to make the neccessary changes. if you feel that the relationship you've scripted is happy and healthy, go for it cutie! even if its not happy or healthy, but you.. want that..? it's none of my business fr 🤷‍♀️. you were warned, and you have the resources you need to do your research. i trust you!
and one more thing i should mention, i'm saying all this without even starting on how the aroace shifting community must feel abt it. if you're aroace & wanna share any comments, suggestions, or experiences, pls msg or ask !! this is something that affects most shifters regardless of orientation but aroace ones especially😭 hope yall are hanging in there..
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that's all! ily!
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verosvault · 4 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 6 "Party Politics"
Timestamp: 1:28:21
Video Length: 3min. & 3sec.
Kristen and Tracker's Phone Call (‣1/3 | 2/3 | 3/3)
Kristen's face is still covered with honey.
Kristen's crystal starts ringing. It's an unknown number. 😭✋
Kristen: "Hello? You've reached presidential candidate Kristen Applebees." 😭✋
Tracker: "Hey, Kristen."
Kristen: "Hey, Track. Tracky?"
Tracker: "Hey, I'm really sorry to call. Ragh texted, and I just wanted to check in, and I sort of promised somebody that I would sort of have an answer today, so..."
Kristen excuses herself to talk on the phone
Kristen: "Okay, what's up? What kinda answer are you looking for?"
Tracker: "So, there's someone here in Fallinel who I am spending time with who has requested that I be public about how we feel about each other, and I've said no for a long time because..."
Brennan: "And here, you hear a pause that you can read into with an insight check, if you want."
Kristen gets a 27 insight!
Brennan: "On a 27, she is pausing to give the reason why she has not declared this relationship publicly. The real reason, she thinks, would hurt your feelings, so she's not saying it."
Tracker: "And I told her that we should delay because...[pause]...you know, I just wanted to be respectful in terms of the time window, and in terms of everything else."
Brennan: "And this is what you know is maybe not a lie, but not the deep truth."
Tracker: "So the answer doesn't have to be yes, I just promised that I'd give her an answer today. The answer can be no, if you're not comfortable. But if the answer is no, there probably is an amount of time where it will be one necessary for me to, like... If there's a window that you feel is respectful for me to not say publicly that I'm with somebody-"
Kristen: "Oh, you're asking for my permission?"
Tracker: "I don't wanna hurt you."
Kristen: "Oh. Well, honestly, you're catching me at a really hard time. Cassandra shattered into a million pieces after choking on a shrimp, so..."
Emily: "I don't think the shrimp was that big a deal." 😭✋
Kristen: "Mostly she just choked on a shrimp. Actually, we were really up. We were about to win everything. And so I don't know if I'm in a, to be completely honest, a mental headspace to answer your question. But that doesn't mean that you even need my permission. We're broken up."
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baby--charchar · 4 months
Baby Vaggie and Autism!
Cw: description of a meltdown, based on my own experiences having them. Absolutely okay if anyone needs to skip this.
So it goes without saying that Vaggie is straight up autistic, not just autistic when she's regressed. However, Big Vaggie had been trained to SEVERELY mask as an exorcist, where there was no tolerance for burnout, sensory issues, or social fatigue. It probably crossed the lines into straight up abuse multiple times.
In Hell, she still tries to keep up that mask. Her urge to protect Charlie and her team leads her to giving herself no leeway to accommodate herself. I think that while she overall thrives with her newfound family, her constant masking is still tearing her apart. She likely had many shut-downs that others misinterpreted as her just being moody.
Learning to unmask probably began as it's own process apart from regression. But I feel that they likely converged after one major meltdown. Vaggie felt like a pressure cooker about to explode with everything going on, then something relatively small happened to break the camel's back so to speak. One minute she's silent on the couch in the lobby, filling out legal paperwork, then the next she's screaming her lungs out and flipping the table.
I imagine her meltdowns as rare but SEVERE. Lots of screaming, hyperventilating, pacing around the room, banging her head, and biting herself. Months and months of that pressure releasing in one instantaneous explosion.
Charlie would be so scared and wouldn't know what to do. She just wants to hold Vaggie, but every time she tries, Vaggie just panics more.
Lucifer doesn't REALLY have experience with this, but he has strong "papa bear" instincts for both of his girls. He lets Vaggie ride it out just until she's no longer being unsafe. After which he places his hands on her shoulders and gently guides her towards the elevator. He keeps repeating, "You're safe, you're okay. We're going to your room. We're gonna rest." She's still sobbing, but she starts to untense the more he assures her.
Once they're home, Vaggie is still overwhelmed but is doing better. She wants Charlie's touch and is squeezing her HARD, mustering up as much deep pressure as she can. Lucifer gets her some water in a sippy cup (sensing where Vaggie is headed) and it helps.
By the time she's recovered, she is VERY deep into baby space. Enough to where she's struggling to sit up and walk on her own. Lucifer gets her changed and into her favorite pajamas. It's not long before she slips into sleep.
Moving forward, Charlie and Lucifer try encouraging Vaggie to unmask: find stims she likes, rest more, whatever that means for her to make herself more comfortable. Big Vaggie is naturally resistant, always pushing herself to do more, to BE more for the hotel. But Baby Vaggie? You don't have to tell her twice.
Baby Vaggie feels safe with Charlie and Lucifer. She's finally relaxed enough to follow her own instincts, whether that be how she moves her body, how she gets her point across, or just how she entertains herself.
Vaggie is completely nonverbal, but finds other ways to communicate. She knows that if she screams long enough, someone will come pay attention to her. She really likes that system, so there is LOTS of screaming. They get good at recognizing what different screams mean, like "I want food," "I need to be changed," or just, "I want to spend time with someone."
Charlie makes her a small communication card and keeps it clipped to a lanyard that Vaggie can wear. It has all her favorite foods, toys, and people, for when she really needs to be specific.
She also keeps a large chewie on that lanyard. Without it, Vaggie's prone to putting nearly anything in her mouth, be it her clothes, blankets, crayons, whatever. All her shirts have tiny little holes from her gnawing.
Vaggie has lots of sensory needs. Some of them, like food and smells, she's very restrictive about. She has very few foods she'll eat in her headspace, and abhors any lotions or powders on her skin.
For other senses, she just can't get enough of them. As a former soldier who was VERY active, her body's used to heavy input to her muscular and balance systems (proprioception and vestibular). This honestly scared Lucifer at first because she would do some very unsafe things to soothe her body, like running into walls at full speed or climbing up on the kitchen counters. It took him a long time to realize what the hell she was doing, let alone how he could help her.
But once he got it, he got it. He set up so many "sensory stations" for her in both his room as well as Vaggie's. She's got trampolines, a crash pad, a swing attached to the ceiling, and a baby bouncer custom built for her. She can have SO much energy and often ends up running between all four of these when she's regressed.
It's important to note that she's on trampoline #4. Numbers 1-3 were just no match for her boundless energy.
Side note: that boundless energy may also come at night, as Vaggie has a hard time regulating her sleep. Lucifer is such a Bewildered Dad over her, but their late nights have made way for good bonding time. Vaggie honestly feels just as safe with Lucifer as she does Charlie. Her little family.
Vaggie can be very repetitive with what she enjoys, especially TV or music. She can play the same 3-second clip over and over again and bust out laughing every time.
Vaggie also loves COLORS. Her blocks are her favorite toy because of just how many beautiful colors they come in. Pastels, primaries, jewel tones, you name it. She loves sorting them by color, shade, tones, etc.
Baby Vaggie is a huge fan of messy play. Charlie loves playing in the sandbox or pool with her, and splashing is so mesmerizing to her. She also loves just getting into things, like makeup, slime, food, shower gels, whatever. She can absolutely DEMOLISH a room.
But that comes with the stipulation that she gets to be clean after! The jetted tub in their room is her favorite place to be after a long day being big or little! She just has to be watched very closely by someone so she can stay safe (and of course, NOT destroy the bathroom).
Because being little is the only time Vaggie seems to not want to suppress herself, Charlie encourages her to regress often. She loves Baby Vaggie! And Vaggie always seems so much more content after a couple of hours in babyspace. It's just a good balance, and it's a system that works for them!
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kathaynesart · 11 months
I don’t know if you’ve ever answered and ask like this, but i was wondering how you stick with a comic series. How do you manifest plot and such and stick with it without later deciding it’s not good enough for your tastes and completely changing or dropping it as a whole?
Hoo boy, ok here's a bit of a longer one. NOTE this is just what works for me and is in NO WAY educational advice.
Loving the characters and core message
Getting over your own embarrassment and respecting your growth
Keeping it FUN
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If these points seem helpful, feel free to check under the cut.
I always hate this answer, but it really is true especially for work in a creative field. You ask how I manifest plot? I'm mostly just throwing ideas at a board and seeing what sticks. Then I take the things that stick and lay them out and find what's important or can support my core message. You will have to do this many many times with a long form story, in which case my brain is constantly buzzing with ideas and working at them like an ongoing puzzle. A lot of people use this method, but it's the experience of having done it many times that helps me know what's been overused, how to apply a fresh take, or what should be trimmed (even if I don't want to haha). The best way to practice I think is through personal experience and dissecting other stories to see what makes them work/not work for you as a viewer. As far as personal experience, I would recommend trying to make a story of your own but much shorter. See if you're able to finish it and once you do, come back to it with a critical (but kind) eye. Find where the moments of lull occurred in your creative process and see what you could have done to improve both the creative and viewing experience. Hindsight is a hell of a drug and pretty good at helping you see where you went wrong. If not, get a friend to help! After all is said and done, try fresh with a slightly longer story, rinse and repeat. Just know that the longer your story gets, the less you need to have the whole story figured out before you start creating. In fact I feel it’s better if you don’t necessarily know the whole plot when creating a long ongoing story, which leads me to my next point…
When it comes to ongoing stories, it's practically a given that your tastes and writing style will change over time. You will begin to come up with even better ideas as you go, and if you work at it, sometimes you can find ways to infuse these new concepts into your story. Now mind you, when starting a story you should have a decent idea of the overarching plot and major points of conflict/success. However, I find it helps to be flexible with the sinew that connects them. As you move along with your story you may find themes and concepts growing within the plot and characters that you would want to lean into. Rather than forcing them down the path you had initially set, it can be a lot more fun to play in that space and see how you can improve things.
For example, in my latest post, the flashback shot of Leonardo and his brothers all resting together was an idea I came up with a few weeks ago to a plot point I had set back in January. Little things like that are the spice of life for a story and can come to you more easily the longer you work in that headspace. But what really helps me to keep coming back to that story has to come from a place of passion, especially with...
You need to make sure that when you sit down to create a story (especially a long one) that it has characters you love and a message you really want to tell, because these are themes and people you are going to be spending a LOT of time with. It's like... going on a trip. There are many people you could easily share a trip to the the mall with... but a six month trip across, Europe? You better make sure the person you're going with isn't someone you're going to want to strangle half way up the Eiffel Tower. People change... tastes change... YOU will change. So I find it's wiser to make sure that you stick to messages that hit you at your core that you already have tattooed on your heart and will not be changing any time soon. Some people use storytelling as a method of therapy, which can be great especially for short stories to get feelings and emotions out. But with a longer story, those strong feelings you have may drain and no longer be relevant by the time you're only half way through your story. I see this happen with a lot of stories that come from a place of "angst." Great for short form! Not so great when drawn out into an ongoing exhausting experience. That's not to say angst can't be done well (there's PLENTY of that in Replica), but it's not the underlying THEME of this story. Just a byproduct THAT what comes from surviving the apocalypse. So stick to those evergreen themes that you know are important to you whether you're fifteen or fifty and make sure you have characters who you WANT to see succeed and are rooting for, because it'll make you want to help them on their way all the more.
Hoo boy. I think this is something every creative can relate to. Looking back on your old work can be a cringing experience. Having that work be the beginning part of a story you are STILL currently working on can be even worse! You may hate the way you used to write/draw or find certain elements that no longer jive with who you are now or represent you as a writer/artist. Heck there may be plot points that you wish you could change/cut because you have an even BETTER idea now. All of that can be really hard to stomach and can lead to a lot of unfinished works being abandoned. Now if the work truly does have that strong of a response, it very well may be best to cut your losses. But if you have taken the steps I mentioned above seriously, then there should be a lot to love about your story still. If so, then you have several options before you.
Try to work within the limitations of your early work to make it even better by finding ways of twisting the plot to match your new ideas (difficult but satisfying). Example: one time I had a comic where a side character had to suddenly be available for an extensive period of time... I realized this was shortsighted since I had setup how important he was within a company and there was a conflict of interest. My co-creator and I mulled over it for weeks then realized, that we could just have him get fired! Which was great because it formed more tension with the company (future antagonist) and freed up his time to be a more integral part of the story. So analyze your work and pinpoint those parts that you do not like and see if you can put your improved skills to work to make it even better.
If there's certain things that are unforgivable, then it is always within your power to go back and edit/redraw/change what happened before. I've seen it done before and it CAN work, but be careful because this is a rabbit hole you can fall down where you're just constantly editing the past rather than working on the future. I've seen many stories end simply because they get stuck in an editing loop. However, if the changes are small (but integral), it can help relieve some of the stress. Just be sure to communicate these changes to your followers to avoid confusion.
Redo. This is an extreme method, but I have seen stories be completely overhauled in this manner where the creator will take what they learned from the first iteration and make a new version of it from the ground up that is even better. However, this method is very time consuming and also a pothole that can lead to burnout. It's hard having to redo a story that you've already started telling. So if you really want to start fresh, make sure it's changed enough where you don't feel like you're just plotting over the same points you're already tired of.
Finally... be kind to yourself. Rather than being upset by looking at the early portion of your story, be proud in seeing how far you've come. One of my favorite things to do with webcomics, is to hop from the first page to the latest page and see how much they've improved. I'm sure for the creator it's a harsh experience, but as a VIEWER it's super exciting and makes me want to read even more to see that progression. Long form stories are cool because they are a living, breathing thing... a time capsule of its creator's prowess and a representation of how far they've come. Respect that. Respect yourself as a creator, and be happy to know how much you've improved.
Ok, did you absorb all that? Get everything down? Cool, now I want you to take all that knowledge I just gave you and throw it out the window. Ok not literally. Like, keep it in your subconscious, but don't worry about it too much and remember that you're doing this for FUN. If you get too caught up in the idea of "practicing" and "due dates" it'll just burn you out. I actually hate the word "practice." It's like... the word "jogging." Most people don't jog for fun, you jog because it's good for you. But if that's the only reason it's not really great incentive. I wasn't drawing for months on end outside of work because whenever I did I saw it as "practice." So of course I'm not going to want to do it. You have to come at this with the intention of having a good time.
So instead of jogging... treat it like running around a theme park. I know it sounds silly but it does wonders for me. I've been having so much fun drawing Replica and other content for this fandom but at the end of the day, it's sneakily tacking onto my skill sets as practice. I'm not making money off of this.. but I'm learning and getting better and looking back at my old stuff I already know I've improved. It makes me want to keep going and see it to the end! Just make sure to not put too much pressure on yourself. Give yourself rests when needed and make sure to do other things in your life to balance out the workload. You'll be much happier for it.
Or at least that's what works for me. I hope some of this might work for you too. Thanks and good job if you've made it through my long-winded explanation. Gold stars all around.
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Let's talk about thoughtlessness and brainlessness:
It's a broad topic, so I want to be clear that I'm not lumping the blissfully mindless in with mushin or the wannabe brainless bimbos, but there is a common thread.
See, so many of y'all aim for those spaces and then - like the dog that caught the car - have no idea what to do when you get there. You get that fleeting moment of peaceful, free, empty, or dumb and then... Whoops. Where'd that thought come from? It's a tragedy.
Now don't get me wrong, you can play with that: degradation for not even being able to not think or fractionation in the form of rapidly switching between here and nowhere - there's no shortage of options.
But think about what you're actually doing for a moment. Your brain is a finely tuned noise generator, a veritable idea generating machine that's evolved and sophisticated over a bazillion years and you're trying to make it not do, like, it's Thing. It's not trivial. Is it distracting thinking about how terribly affected you'd have be to be able to just stop thinking like that?
If you really want to be mindless and stay that way, then you've got to look at things a little differently.
People who are mindless don't just have their brains turn off. They're just doing a different kind of thing - experiencing a different kind of focus. Some folks get it through exercise or meditation. Others chase spirals. If you want to float in mindlessness then you need to give that lovely and clever brain of yours another way to be.
And since the intelligence play crowd will feel left out otherwise - I should say that that's how you get to be a silly little puddle, too, but to address that I need to put on my wholesome educator hat for a second:
People our society calls stupid or dumb are very, very seldom so. They've got the same kind of clever brains as everyone else! Most of the time - and that's the "most" of a person who habitually never says always - they're just caught up in what we decide are the wrong kind of thoughts. Maybe they missed some vital prerequisites. Maybe they really, really confidently believe that this or that line if reasoning is off limits to them. (Looking at you, shitty sexist math teachers.) Whatever the reason, even the most vapid creature is going to show you that they're quite clever and quite able to learn if you put them in an appropriate environment, and if you listen to "stupid" long enough to understand then you'll usually find they make perfect logical sense. It's just that their logic might be missing some vital pieces of information.
But how did that help you, dear reader, be a silly, giggly object? I'll tell you: you want to learn from them. Silly enlightenment isn't not having a brain; it's letting your brain wander over to play with things that don't matter. The version of that you dream up well be your own, of course: you might picture your ideal silly self replacing serious smartness with lustful daydreams and 47 palettes of makeup. Or you might see yourself fixated on what's really, truly, blissfully important to you - less valley girl, more devoted thrall. Or, well- the options are endless, as are the ways to keep yourself wherever you want to end up.
Some folks don't really have a problem with any of that, mind. They just slip into whatever headspace they wanted and their clever brains keep entertained in the background - possibly even by delighting in watching themselves tumble face first into decadence.
For the rest of us, though, what's important is that you don't despair if your first brushes with an empty head are fleeting. There's a set of skills to be learned, and if you spend a little time exploring where you want to end up and what it looks like to stay there then it can be a lot easier.
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33max · 2 months
I’m sure you’ve gotten this a million times already, but TD max with a sand car 😭 writing his name on it and messy play destroying it 🥹😈
I actually haven't! I don't get as many asks about TD anymore because it's been so long since I posted anything substantial in the universe and I also went through a stage where I struggled to answer asks because of work etc etc. so yeah! I always always always appreciate when I get a TD ask so please never think I've already received it or I have got too many 🥺♥️
Maybe Daniel has taken Maxy on holiday to a private beach - it is just them, the sand, and the sea. Perfect for Max to enjoy the holiday in his headspace! He gets to have bottles and snuggles on the sun loungers! And Daniel spends a long time making two F1 cars in the sand for he and max to ‘race’ in… and then at the end of the day Max gets to jump all over them both and destroy them before the sea washes them away!!! At first Max doesn’t want to break them, but of course Daniel promises they can rebuild them tomorrow.
OR OR OR in the Red Bull AU, maybe the team try to have a few activations throughout the year that Max can enjoy, and that make him ready to drop as soon as he's finished. So he plays with with the sandcastle while he's big and as the activation goes on he gets more and more fuzzy and then as soon as they've finished filming he runs over to GP because “Jeep I’ve got sand in my shoe help!!!!” and then GP has to spring into action and get those shoes off of Max before he has a melt down about it 😂
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starsurface · 3 months
I’m so sorry for making your list longer than it is but you do so well with these requests I just had to ask for this one. Could you do Earthrealm Champions+Liu Kang celebrating a baby regressors birthday? My birthday is at the end of the month and I’ve been thinking about this one for a minute.
Awh please don't worry!!!! I enjoy making content!!! :D (Really happy I got this before the end of March, was so worried I'd miss the deadline)
Also, Happy Early Birthday!!! :D <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, & Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Birthday Regressors Hcs
❤️ . . . When I say that you are getting spoiled, I mean you are getting SPOILED
⭐️ They’d give you two different birthdays, one for when your in your headspace, and one for when your out of your headspace
🌟 Your out of headspace birthday party is very fun, you get a bunch of gifts, you guys all get dinner (that Johnny ends up paying for), your the center of attention
🌩 ^ Johnny probably takes everyone out for a ‘girls day’ . . . even if the entire group (or everyone but you, depends on your gender) isn’t a girl
🍖 . . . But are you really going to say no for a free shopping free and getting to dress up all pretty? I don’t think so!!! (it’s also his gift to you . . . Okay, he has more, but still)
❤️ Your little birthday party goes very different though
⭐️ Raiden wakes you up to some yummy pancakes, fruit, and whipped cream/chocolate chips!! (Mickey Mouse shaped ones are my favorite)
🌟 It’s a very peaceful morning, Raiden even spoon feeds you!! (he normally spoon feeds you when your this small, but he’s insistent on helping you today)
🌩 Long day of very fun little activities!!!
🍖 Johnny gives his birthday gift to you early, it’s a couple of super cute regression outfits
❤️ Why so early? Super simple, fashion show!!! :O
⭐️ He’ll hold you on his hip, helping you strut down the handmade runway (which is a bunch of pillows leading to the couch that the others cheer at)
🌟 Liu Kang steals you next, saying it’s time for outside time, specifically in his private garden area
🌩 What’s outside? A small picnic!! :D (and some water balloons/guns because it’s fun)
🍖 ^ You and Kung Lao team up and end up getting Liu kang all wet (much to your twos enjoyment and his dismay)
❤️ Don’t worry, Liu Kang gets back at Kung Lao later, convincing you to throw a water baloon at him 
⭐️ . . . Which you may or not blame Raiden for, and now a full on war has been brought between the two friends)
🌟 . . . Kenshi does notice and lectures you about lying, unfortunally :(
🌩 But not too much!! It’s your birthday after all, birthday little ones get to bypass some rules (you still need to apoligize to Raiden and Kung Lao for lying though
🍖 (^ Don’t worry, Liu Kang gets all the blame <3)
❤️ You get a ton of gifts!!!
⭐️ Kenshi got you a chicken plushie and some chicklets!!! (inspired by Snow Blind and the chicken stuffies in Unpacked)
🌟 Liu Kang got you a new music box, maybe a song from your favorite video game, or maybe the lullaby is really soothing (it’s a easy hand crank one too)
🌩 Kung Lao got you some more regression snacks, a new baby bottle, and a soft blankie
🍖 Raiden gives you a small backpack to make into a baby bag (or just use)!! As well as some pins or patches he can help sew in!!
❤️ ^ He also got you some really cute socks :3
⭐️ Johnny gets you a custom made pacifier, completely detected out, like, your dream paci (as well as the cute outfits from before)
🌟 They’ll have one of your favorite deserts, or your favorite cake!!
🌩 But . . . It’s a cake based off of your tv show/video game character!!! :O
🍖 Kung Lao will spoon feed you this time, mostly because he whined that Raiden already got to feed you and he wants a turn :(
❤️ You either spend more time outside, whether playing with the rest of the water balloons, or hiding on Kenshi’s lap while the other four run around trying to get the others soaked (Yes! Even Liu Kang ends up getting in on it!! And he is destined to win)
⭐️ If you also get soaked, you do have to have a bath :\
🌟 But it’s a very nice bath!! Nice soap, maybe a bath bomb, fluffy towels, wearing one of your new onesies!!
🌩 And because Liu Kang is so nice, and it’s your birthday, you get to skip/push back nap time!! :D
🍖 . . . A horrible decision, because now your incredibly cranky, grumpy, and still refuse to fall asleep, and it’s ALL Liu Kangs fault!!! >:(
❤️ Don’t worry, very easy fix: Cuddle pile!!!
⭐️ Putting your favorite tv show on, you getting borderline suffocated while they all try to snuggle you, and getting very sleepy very quickly
🌟 (If your big when you wake up, they’ll take you out to eat again!! Probably somewhere like Madam Bo’s or your favorite place)
🌩 (If you’re still tiny, you can get to use some of your new stuff!! And they get you some yummy takeout or make you your favorite food!! . . . Or order from Madam Bo’s)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Small Note: When you get new gear, make sure to wash/clean it!!! Otherwsie it can be nasty (this also goes out got things like new cups or silverwear in general!!! Always clean things you first get!!!)
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May I request yandere Jeff Ben and Toby with an s/o who has a sleeping curse? Like at most they'll be awake for 6 hours on a good day but they can sleep for up to two days at a time without waking up? Sorry if that's confusing
Have a good timezone!
Very interesting and unfortunate for our dear reader~ You also have a good timezone ^^
It bothers him. At first, Jeff thinks you're just sleeping so much to avoid contact with him, which angers him, causing him to lash out at you and take that anger out on you. It takes a while before he realizes you really can't help it, that your body forces you into a deep sleep that even he can't get you out of. It bothers him more than he wants to admit that he only has such limited time with you due to how much you're sleeping, so Jeff tends to monitor you to make sure he's around whenever you do wake up. In his desperation to have your company and your love, he gets incredibly clingy, lashing out and getting angry if you don't want to spend time with him while you're awake. It's best to just go along with his demands, otherwise, you'll face the consequences of spending all of your waking moments being punished for avoiding him when he works so hard to love you and care for you, even in your sleep.
Doesn't bother him as much as one might think it would. In fact, this works out wonderfully for keeping you contained so much easier. I've said many times before that yandere BEN likes to trap you in a little pocket dimension he's capable of making, and if you're sleeping so often it just makes it even easier to get you in there without you fighting back against him. He might not even tell you he's put you in there, decorating the dimension exactly like the house he was previously keeping you in. He's always aware of all of your movements, whenever you're awake, whenever you're asleep, due to how easy it is for him to monitor you in there. You never have the chance to think of escape since he teleports right beside you whenever you wake up, never leaving your side, not that you even know escape really isn't possible due to the dimension you don't realize you're trapped in. It's just all too easy for him, and he loves it.
Toby is torn between the two, and it very much depends on his headspace how he'll react when you get so sleepy. When he's in a light headspace, he acts as though you're his Sleeping Beauty, his little cursed doll that he has to care for and cherish and protect, and he never leaves your side when you're awake or sleeping, always watching over you. When he's in a dark headspace, however, he often gets angry. Yandere Toby isn't against violence in general, and he often takes out his frustrations at you not being awake on your body while you sleep. You wake up bloody and bruised and sore, Toby coiled up by your side crying about how he had to do it, you left him alone for too long, it's not fair. He gets so lonely without you, he had to punish you for being bad and doing that to him, you were so cruel. I suggest lavishing him with as much attention as possible when you're awake, but even that might not be enough to save you.
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charliemwrites · 7 months
You obviously don't have to post this if you don't want to but age regressor feral:( (I am ALSO autistic and an age regressor.)
Simon is probably such a good caregiver. Carries feral around however they ask, piggyback, bridal, on his hip. They ask, it's happening. Probably has cooked with feral on his hip more than once, them babbling his ear off as he nods and hums along.
Loves feral with all his heart and wants them happy, and stops at nothing to show it. And if that means he has to buy all of the original Barbie, Monster High, Bratz, Blues Clues, etc movies/shows/dolls. It's happening.
(in the og Barbie movies, I've noticed that while they reuse names and models for the girls, most won't receive the same name other than Barbie. Simon has also noticed after watching so many and is always confused on who's who even tho feral knows.)
This man spends a whole lot of money on TV subscriptions a year just to make sure Feral has a constant supply of cartoons and shows. Will probably sometimes turn on one in the morning if he has to leave for a few hours so feral doesn't wake up to a quiet house and can just slip right into whatever headspace they need until he gets home. (Sometimes regressors find comfort in horror flicks too, and while Simon doesn't understand how, he indulges nonetheless)
Lets feral call him whatever nickname or title they find necessary (or funny), he finds it endearing and unbelievably cute. There's no way he'd ask them to stop.
Helps them do their hair in the morning. It's just too much for feral to deal with in the morning so he sits them on a comfy chair in front of a mirror and listens to them talk as he does their hair. (Has spent SOOOO much time on YouTube and Google researching hair types and styles, he's basically a professional at this point.)
Tea parties in the sun porch<3
Sits with feral on the couch going through Amazon or Etsy to pick stuff out for them for when they regress. Nothing gets set to their house, Simon has a PO box or something set up, so sometimes feral has to wait a bit longer to get things. And sometimes has to wait until their birthday, holiday, or a special occasion to get the item. It's torture to wait 😔 but then probably forgets until they receive it.
I didn't even realize how much I've been talking 🫢 just been rambling 😭😭 I hope that's okay! Also, if not taken could I please be 🐧 anon, either way thank you so much for dealing with my long rambling 🫶🫶
Hey no need to apologize! Since this is something I’m not comfortable with writing because I’m unfamiliar and don’t want to be offensive or misrepresent, I think this is a nice little compromise for anyone that would like to see this content in the au. Thank you for sharing!
And yes, welcome to the party 🐧!!!
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panlight · 2 months
can i be anon? i think you've said this before but i couldnt find it (hell site search function sucks), but i remembered other day how funny it is that bella's big crisis is 'when i'm a vampire i won't want to sex edward anymore because i'll be so blood thirsty rather than thirsty, so i better have sex with him as a human, even though that has a high chance of killing me' when didn't emmet and rosalie get married when emmet was a newborn? and they were strangers she already knows and loves edward.
Oh, yeah, this was weird for me, too. There's also Esme/Carlisle.
To be fair to SM I guess we don't really know how long it took between meeting and relationships to develop for these couples, but it's pretty clear from the backstories that the attraction was there during that first newborn year for both Emmett and Esme. There's also Bree and Diego, Shelly and Steve, Benjamin and Tia, etc. Plenty of vampires formed couples when one or both were newborns.
I suspect Bella's hang-up about it is more about making Renesmee happen, though. She HAS to have sex with Edward as a human for Renesmee to be conceived, so there has to be SOME reason she's so hell-bent on it, and I guess that reason is she's afraid she won't be in a headspace to desire him that way during her newborn year. So Emmett and Esme can't reassure her, because then the pregnancy won't happen.
Makes me curious how it played out in Forever Dawn. Without New Moon and Eclipse, presumably there was no long back and forth negotiation and compromise about marriage-sex-vampirism in that order. From those who have read it, Bella seems much more on board and happy about the wedding. Was Edward also more chill about the idea of pre-vampirism sex? Was it more like, "oh we'll turn you after the honeymoon so you don't spend it writing in pain" but whoopsie, she got pregnant?
(If anyone who has read FD sees this and wants to fill me in . . . I would love that).
Someone once compared the whole thing to like that logic puzzle where you have to get a wolf, goat and cabbage across a river but can only take one at a time, so you have to do it in a really specific order so that the goat isn't left alone with wolf (wolf would kill it) and the cabbage isn't left alone with the goat (goat would eat it).
Bella and Edward have to have sex before she becomes a vampire so Renesmee can happen, but they also have to have to wait until they are married to have sex because that's Edward's condition.
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shmooooo · 1 year
enhypen hyung line as dom, switch or sub
request by @wonwoostoe (I’m sorry this took so long, I was pretty busy and additionally really struggled with Jake and Sunghoon 😅)
warnings: mentions of d/s dynamics, mirror sex, praise, degradation, subspace, aftercare, jealousy, marking, punishment, edging, overstimulation
word count: 827
notes: thanks to @angelwonie for helping me with this, especially with Jake ♡ and thank you to everyone who replied to my mirror sex question! ^^ — this is supposed to be gender neutral so if I missed anything about gendered terms or body parts please lmk! — also reblogs are always appreciated
tagging: @rose-sereniteeth, if only to bully her with Jay (and Heeseung) ;)
The ask game is open again!
Heeseung: switch 
I feel like Heeseung's main focus is that everyone involved feels good. He does appreciate some d/s dynamics but they're not his main focus, so sex with him can also happen without any power play. Usually, however, he does like for someone to play a more dominant part. I don't think he cares too much about who it is, unless he feels particularly dominant or submissive that day. When he doms, he’s usually a soft dom but still at least a little strict because he wants you to listen to him. He also enjoys seeing how you relax when you fall into a submissive headspace so he often takes on a dominant role when you’re stressed and he wants to take care of you. Heeseung would also really like mirror sex. I feel like he’d like the slightly embarrassing aspect of seeing yourself be fucked but he’d also like praising you, especially to even that out. He’d also like mirror sex for days where you’re feeling self-conscious about yourself so he can show you just how beautiful you are. He’s generally a sucker for praise, both giving and receiving. Sometimes however, his insecurities get the best of him when he gets jealous and he wants to prove to you and himself how good he can make you feel. You’ll both need aftercare when he’s done, and he'll appreciate if you tell him that he’s the only one who can make you feel like this. 
Jay: dom
Most of tumblr seems to agree he's a (hard) dom but I'm not sure if I agree (I do see why people think so though). In my opinion, Jay does exhibit a certain caring and guiding behavior that makes me think he's a dom. He's very attentive and would use that ability in the bedroom, too. Often times he knows what you want or need before you voice it or even know it yourself but he'll still make you tell him - because he wants to be sure he's right about you wanting this but also because he loves seeing you blush and stumble over your words. He loves making you feel good and often spends literal hours doing so. However, he’s also strict and won't tolerate bratty behavior - even if he definitely enjoys fucking it out of you. In that case he’ll use his intuition against you, not giving in to what you want and not making you cum for hours - possibly not at all the entire day if you were enough of a brat. 
Jake: switch (dom lean)
Similar to Heeseung, Jake just wants everyone involved to have a good time. When he subs, he’s your good boy, doing his best to follow your every command. And he wants you to tell him he’s doing well, he revels in the confirmation that he’s doing a good job. However, he would still like for you to tease him, maybe even be just a little mean to him. Also calling him puppy sounds like goals ngl. When he doms, he’s soft but that doesn’t mean he won’t make you work for your orgasms. He’ll tease you, make you tell him what exactly you want. But he also loves praising you, constantly telling you how good you’re being, how well you’re taking him, how pretty you look- Honestly he’s a pleaser. He might make you work for your orgasms but he absolutely adores seeing you cum. Maybe he’d edge you once or twice with his tongue (he could spend hours between your legs) because he thinks you sound and look adorable when you beg for him but once he starts letting you cum, he doesn’t stop. You look so pretty when you cum, how could he? But I also think that when he’s mean, he’s mean. It doesn’t happen often and would probably have to be triggered by you being a total brat for the entire day, but then he’s rough.
Sunghoon: switch (dom lean)
He definitely adores teasing you, even if you both know he’ll give you what you want eventually. He likes to act tough and mean but ultimately he’s putty in your hands, whether he doms or subs. That doesn’t mean he won’t be harsh in the meantime though. In my opinion, he’s the one most likely to be into degradation but he always makes sure to put praise into the mix and often even combines the two. He’s also huge into marking, I mean have you seen his teeth?? He’d love the possessive aspect of it, showing the world you’re his. Even if you cover them up or if he marks you somewhere no one but him will see, he’s still happy because he knows they’re there and that he’s responsible for them. He’s another one that would be into mirror sex, for that same reason. He also knows he looks good and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t make sure you know you’re beautiful too. 
Ask me which idol is a dom, switch or sub
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