#i don't write xreader
moodymisty · 1 year
Because i had to block another couple blogs I was following this week because they kept reblogging xreader hate or dunking on people's self inserts, and since I've had an influx of new people lately I'll say this:
If you don't like that kinda stuff, then you won't like it here. I'm also not interested in having people around here who think it's ok to call other people cringe as a cheap insult. Block the tag and move on. Really ain't that hard. You can quit with the superiority complex. You're not better because you write Coffeeshop AUs for Skrungly/Glimbo or whatever.
Also, you're on Tumblr. You're cringe too, dude.
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beelmons · 1 year
But who is he to you? (Luke Alvez)
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Luke, the one guy you met during college, before he went off to the army after dramatically dropping his degree.
Luke, who would call you every night after his departure to make sure you were taking proper care of yourself. Who would talk you down whenever you felt like quitting, and reminded you of how you were doing this for your future.
Luke, who disappeared for months after he joined the rangers, and had you praying every night for his safety. Who didn't once write to you to tell you he was okay, who had you believe the worst had happened.
Luke, who showed up at your doorstep with flowers and chocolates after years of no contact; who stood by the entrance of your home for twelve hours until you were ready to talk to him again after you had slammed the door on his face after his first attempt.
Luke, who, like a gentleman, protected you from every man at the bar that looked a bit too sketchy. Who drove you home wasted without landing a finger on you. Who sobered you up and cleaned the mess you had made, only to sleep on your couch until you woke up to make sure you were okay.
Luke, who, without fail, would show up in the middle of the night, after you called him while crying your heart out, or the pieces that were left of it, when your boyfriend confessed to you that he was still in love with his best friend.
Luke, who had, accidentally, introduced you to Spencer Reid, the very own source of your bitter tears, and now had to contain himself from beating his beloved partner up into a pulp for the pain he was causing you. Who invested his time, money, and heart in putting a smile back on your face.
Luke, the first person you called, bursting with joy, after you and Spencer had sorted it out, and had made the decision of moving in together.
Luke, who, unbenknownst to you, loved you with every pore of his skin, vein on his body, fiber of his heart, even since he was just a college kid. Who had to fake a smile as he helped you move in with another man, the one you desired in the way he wished.
Luke, who was your best friend and confidant, your knight in rusty armor, your shoulder to cry on, the guiding moonlight in the night, a comforting shadow on a sunny day. Who you would describe as your all.
Luke, who, regardles of giving his all to you, was never enough.
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asterwriter221 · 10 months
I've been rewatching it and I have rekindled my undying love for Donna.
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oblitus-vulpes · 9 months
me omw to open a google doc only to be hit w the But I Don't Really Ship Tartaglia With Anyone
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biracy · 1 year
The other thing abt abt a lot of "dead dove don't eat" or whatever type stuff online is that so much of it feels So cheap and hollow lmao. Like I hope ur having fun with your #problematic #edgy #darkfic #psychological horror or whatever but if it's tired, it's tired. "Darkness" or "edginess" does not inherently create maturity or depth lmao some of u are just the MatPat of horny fanfiction
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j0nesy · 5 months
follow me and ill post the video of my imitation of what Wattpad Midas X readers sound like while doing my anime girl voice
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hannahchronism · 7 months
do you think the people making "tumblr is going to poison the AIs lolol" just. don't know about the decade+ many hundreds of old writing blogs that were writing genuine short fiction and no longer have the ability to login / even know that this is happening to toggle the thing on their old blogs and so are about to have their words scraped in what will be a hugely valuable Get for programs that are actively trying to supplant creative pursuits through parsing the works of every creative they can find, good and bad, or
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sam-loves-fnaf · 8 months
Random Story 1
Don't know what is possessing me to put this here or, well, anywhere, but either way, here, for anyone reading, have my random oc fanfic that is based on a Danganronpa OC that I RPed on Discord. One of the things we loved doing with our OCs was trying and mash them with different things, like what they would be like in an AU or different universe/fandom in general.
Also, this is from a reader's perspective, though I don't/didn't use (Y/N), and it has an excessive amount of "you's".
Universe/Fandom: The Backrooms
Character/OC used: Taku Sasaki (known as the Ultimate Babysitter as a danganronpa oc)
Getting lost in the backrooms was not a part of your agenda. It has been a while since you could see the outside; how long have you been stuck in this hell? A month? It feels like years, to be honest. You were just a random person on your way back from school, and then suddenly, you just fell; you fell and landed on some musty orange carpet in a yellow office building-looking room.
It took you a while, a long time, to get to safe places and away from dangerous beings; thankfully, though, what is highly likely to be sheer luck and determination, along with the help of some scientists who seem to be living in this hell, why? You may never know, but at least you had found a place to stop and rest.
You had learned a lot about this place, but at the same time, you have learned nothing, like the freaking exit! As you discover, it does not exist, or it's so hard to get to that it might as well not exist. So, after having a mental breakdown and passing out, you woke up with a goal: try to find the exit...or, well, die trying.
So, here you are, trying to find the mysterious exit; thanks to all the stuff you've learned, you feel like a pro backrooms explorer. It felt like you were the main character! Ooo! This would be a great horror/thriller fanfiction!
Pulling yourself back from your thoughts, you noticed you were falling. Man, this happened a lot while running through this godforsaken place; hitting the ground disoriented you, so you stayed on the ground for a while before sitting up and looking around. The new 'room' you are in looks nice. Still, it has that uncanny valley-type feel that many places have; you land on a patch of grass, and it is an empty space with blue skies and a lone house in the distance; it looks...nice and peaceful; the house looks like a great place to stay, and, looking around, there weren't any dangerous monsters, heck there weren't any monsters here at all! You didn't hear anything.
Just eerie silence, no ambiance, no random noises, you didn't hear nor see anything that may look like it wants to skin you alive twelve different times...nothing, maybe, maybe-
You could stay here, it is so peaceful.
Blinking and shaking your head, you wondered how long you were staring; getting up, you walked up to the house. As you walked, you couldn't help but feel warmth and safety, something you hadn't felt in a long while; it made you shiver. This feeling shouldn't be a feeling to have in a place like this unless it is something terrible; it has to be wrong.
But what if it is okay? Why can't you just embrace this feeling?
Just this once?
Is it so wrong?
Before you know it, you are now standing at the front of the door to the lone house; you have a feeling, something telling you to knock.
But why knock? That's weird.
You should just do it, the place looks harmless.
But that's what many of the places in this hell are like.
Why do you go around looking for an exit any way?
I want to go home.
Why do that? You are home
Knock knock
You didn't notice when but were pulled out of your thoughts by suddenly knocking, staring straight at the door. Then, footsteps, and they were getting louder, going towards the door; your eyes widened slightly as you stepped back, preparing to bolt at the sight of whatever mons-
“Ah! A new guest, come in come in!”
A voice and what sounded like a male voice said as you looked at the person or human-looking being; the man was tall and had purple hair with silver-ish grey eyes and circular glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. It reminded you of an anime character, in a way. The male smiles kindly before quickly ushering you inside, and he introduces himself as Taku. Looking around the room, you notice how homie it is. Taku is shown to be a friendly man; he lets you sit on his couch as he talks away about how happy he is to have a guest that it's been so long since he spoke to someone who isn't a child.
Child? You questioned Taku on that, and Taku answered that there are children here; he watches over them and makes sure they are safe and somewhere in the house, playing and having fun. Now that he said something, you could hear childlike voices and loud pitter-pater of feet on the ground. Though weird, for some reason, that didn't set off alarms; why?
Maybe it's because Taku is a trustworthy person?
Trustworthy? You have just met him.
Yeah, and yet he let you into his house and showed you hospitality
Why are you being so difficult?
Maybe it's right; perhaps this place is just a safe space, and you could take a moment for yourself, and that is what you did. You talked to Taku and just have moments to yourself: no running, no having to maintain sanity, no trying to survive, no worries, no anxieties, a new home, and quite possibly a new life.
Before you know it, you went to sleep.
Waking up and stretching, you had probably the best nap ever! Though this is nice, the thought makes you sad-
Sad...depressed even-
That you must inevitably leave, you called on and asked Taku about an exit; blinking behind his glasses, Taku had a surprised look.
"An exit? Oh no no no no, don't worry about that for now, come with me and eat." The tall male said, quickly and easily changing the subject. Eat? Now that you mentioned it, the house smelled of food, actual real food, something more than protein bars and almond water? Sign you up! Taku is such a nice person; it makes you wonder if anybody dropped here before and why there aren't any civilizations here like in other parts. Has anyone come here before? If so, where are they?
But what you didn't know was that you were about to meet them.
The food was great, and you had met the children he talked about. You were surprised to see about nine children there, four girls and five boys; you would think dinner would be chaotic with that many children, but they were well-behaved; it was like one big family dinner. Some of the kids even called you their new sibling; it was cute! You had begun to lose track of time staying in this place; I mean-
Why do you want to leave in the first place
It's safe here
It's nice
As you said, no monsters, no worries, no anxieties
Taku takes care of you!
The cooking, the cleaning
Just. Stay.
Maybe you are home; what does home even look like anymore? The faces of those you loved and became a backrooms explorer to see again are becoming a blur, blurred faces and muffled memories. You were pulled out of your thoughts by a hand lightly patting your head; you looked up and...
Does Taku seem taller? Now that you mentioned it, you could see over counters, but now you have to stand on your tippy-toes to see what was happening.
"What are you thinking about, my child?"
A gently asked question, so you decided to ask again about the exit; you noticed a flash of concern. The male kneels down to his knees; he didn't need to do that before, right?
"Little one, why do you worry about the exit, why go back? Don't you know how dangerous it is? Especially for a child like you."
Child? You weren't a child; you were...um, you forgot your age, actually, now that he mentioned it, you forgot many things; how did you get here again? Why were you here? What were you doing again?
Taku picks you up-.
He wasn't able to do that before-
And brings you to a room; it is a nice-looking room with a bed, bookshelf, toys, clothes, and a lot more. Sitting you on the bed, the male smiles gently, a warm and calm smile, a smile that tells you that everything is going to be alright.
"Get some sleep alright? Maybe I could read you bedtime story would you like that?"
But what about the exit?
You hummed and nodded; you like stories! With a slight chuckle, the male gets up,
"Okay, which book would you like?" He asks, showing you the books.
Wait, this feels wrong.
You chose a book, and Taku sat at the bedside and opened it.
You need to leave!
You listened to the soothing voice and lay on the soft, warm bed.
No, don't sleep!
Blinking slowly, you yawned, and slowly-
ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉˣⁱᵗ﹗
You were-
ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ˢˡᵉᵉᵖ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒ, ʸᵒᵘ'ˡˡ ᵇᵉ⁻
Gone forever.
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scrawnytreedemon · 1 year
How to write Main Character: Make them feel unique,make them feel different but also familiar. Like you can see them everywhere at the same time nowhere
Or we can go the easy road and make one with God complex
I feel like ppl don't really make good main characters anymore. They feel the same these days
Honestly, people do make good main characters, you just have to look. Usually easier to find in non-YA novels, in my experience. They tend to feel more like fleshed-out *people* with their own life-experience than vessels for the reader to insert themselves into,
Which, ironically enough, makes it easier for me to relate to them, even if we are otherwise very different people. If you make your character a person, then inevitably, some of those experiences line up.
If anything, trying to walk that tightrope of having your character just "unique" enough to be interesting while still "relatable" enough as to appeal to as many people as possible is where things can get muddy and you end up failing either way.
I think it tends to affect some genres more than others, but at the end of the day... It really isn't as bad of an issue as people make it out to be. Like, yeah. Mediocre literature exists. Things tend to be mid more than they are especially good or bad.
And I think that's fine.
Plus, tastes vary. There's no doubt alot of stuff I love that people will look at and say is subpar. There is no objective way of looking at fiction-- We all come in with our own biases.
I'm going offtopic. Hope the first half of this reply made sense. Apologies if I've completely misunderstood your point.
I dunno, I just hear these complaints, and it makes me think of alot of those shitty writing guides that I used to eat up (often made by amateur writers themselves), which were very insistent on finding the "right" way to write and ruthlessly mocking anything "bad."
I don't think that's what you were going for, at all, but I still think it's very generalising, and I'm not sure what to make of it?
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nyxmainex · 10 months
" Should you be cold, my hands are warm for you "
Clemin (my oc) x reader
Contains: Mentions of death, bleeding, self-harm, and many other possibly triggering topics.
A/N: This is a short, mindless drabble. It may have typos, or it might also simply not make sense. Bear with me, it's 1:40am and I can't sleep.
(Recommended song, "Baby Hotline")
Should you ever be cold, my hands are warm for you.
How could they make such a bold claim? Only if it didn't repeat in circles. Even as they laid cold in their lover's arms, even as she cried silently into their skin, trying to muffle their pathetic, cracked and broken sobs. How could they care about her? Her, of all people? In her eyes, she's as worthless as can be.
"Clemin," They whispered, voice all strained and wavering whilst they attempted to cup her cheek. Instead, they settled on resting their palm over her warm, oh so warm hands.
It hurt to move, not to mention talking was unbearable. But they pushed through.
Their hands firmly clasped her hands, pulling them to her chest. She stubbornly shook her head and refused to move their hands away from supporting their head.
"I'll find a way to stop the bleeding, just hold—just hold on." Her voice was a panicked whisper. She attempted to move around the small room as they remained in her lap, her vision blurring from her tears.
"Clemin.." They tried once more to speak, but failed. She refused to turn her head to face them, rushing to push objects roughly away from the metal shelves and quick to skim over emptied out medical kits. When she failed to find anything of use, she dug her nails deep in to the fat of her upper arm, leaving crescent marks and nearly drawing blood. "..Clemin, listen—"
"No. Sh, sh, love.." She whispered once more, cradling their head in her arms. However, when they attempted to gently push her away, she heard the sound of hurried footsteps running her way.
"Clemin, it's—it's okay." They reassured her, smiling weakly. An odor of chocolate and strong caramel flooded the room, radiating off of the lady with red, short, unevenly cut hair. "Should you be cold, my hands are warm for you."
"Stop, you won't die. I.. I won't let you..!" She faced them again, her tone raising and becoming somewhat determined. Only, if it hadn't been that it was too late for them to reply.
She stared at them in disbelief, her hands lightly shaking them. When she fully comprehended that they no had any life remaining in them, she gently set them on the cold concrete floor and held their hands in hers. She was prepared for the worse that was yet to come.
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kulemii · 2 years
MAN OH FUCKING MAN those self shipping blogs and their mutuals are so fucking CUTE and WHOLESOME when they put on events and whatnot. i lurk on some of the most adorable interactions. i still can't understand why people make it their personal issue to harass and make rude posts shit talking people who self-ship. THESE CUTE ASS PEOPLE????? who are they hurting????? this girl says her f/o makes her hot apple cider when it's cold even though doesn't like she doesn't turn it down because it's his favorite and he always lights up when he brings it to her !!!!!!!! Sure, i can see where some lame ass with 0 imagination would go "???? what you mean babe? he's litchrally not even real like-' but bitch that's the point- THIS SHIT IS SO ADORABLE!
Oh oh! And this one guy answered this question about who between him and his f/o prefers hot chocolate and he was deadass was like ever since he accidentally burned his f/o with a mug of hot chocolate once he doesn’t want to retramatize him but they do go out for hot chocolate in cafes every once in a while! THAT'S SO FUCKING CUTE BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT THE FUCK NOW I SWEAR TO GOD IMMA CHOKE SOMEBODY-
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#man i love to see people writing what they wanna write#but I've learned some shit lately that's made me realize how harsh people can be toward xreader and selfship blogs#and idk if it's because i ran an xreader blog and in the past an imagines blog#but sometimes when i come across those mean ass posts and i read the stuff people say about it i just think. . .#how fucking sad and unimaginative must you be to 1) go out of your way to hate on someone else work#and 2) this work of writing can be an outlet just like any other#im not the type to leave mean comments do maybe that's why it's so hard for me to 'get it'#but the way i see is this#if you at your big age are harassing people for selfshipping and writing xreader shit- regardless of whether you deem it good or not#(bc that's a different discussion)#i see you no differently than the people who were harrassing people for having ocs what- 10 years ago?#we seem to have gotten better about ocs lately- and that's great and I'm so proud of us#but those of us who grew up in that still hold alot of anxiety about sharing our ocs BECAUSE we remember what it was like#to have ocs picked apart scrutinized and picked apart bit by bit (god help them if they were female) for daring to interact with canon cast#i know how much work i put into building my ocs- and i know that when i have the 'audacity' to ship one of them with a male character#they need to be twice as good to stand up near them just so i don't get harassed about it#I'm lucky to be in such a small fandom but I'd be lyin if i said that once i realized how big majima was in this fandom i wasnt discouraged#im not saying that people can't NOT like things- everyone is entitled to not like things#that's not what I'm saying at all#but I've witnessed these blogs- these selfshipping blogs who generally ship themselves with one particular character#(generally someone I've never even heard of) get harassed and told how their f/o isn't real/ how they should get a grip/how they're creepy#this that and the third....#and idk man that shit's not right#i see it and it makes me sick to my stomach#these people are minding their own business and someone buds in and decides that they're gonna try to deter them for funsies#i HAVE seen a self-ship blog gone wrong one run by someone in need of lots and lots of very serious help#she was in a former fandom (i won't name it because it'd be easy to find i think and people flocked to watch her for spectacle)#she had some of the same mental issues as i do plus schiz but she wouldn't seek treatments#she hurt herself regularly because He told her to#but these people?!?! they're talking about kissing and holding hands and tucking their f/os in before bed
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It's time y'all.
Let's talk about HOBIE & RACE
- It is not problematic to say that Hobie would display black solidarity by finding black women in specific attractive.
- It is not problematic to say that Hobie would possibly like a partner who could understand his experiences with racism.
- It is not problematic to say he would possibly like a partner who understands how to take care of his hair, or shares the same hair texture.
- It is not problematic to say that Hobie would find beauty in features specific to the black race - when we have been told those features are undesirable in every way for centuries.
We gotta talk about how Colorblindness is forced on Black Characters - Hobie in Specific
Y'all - it's time we have a VERY VERY overdue conversation about Hobie Brown and Race.
Because it is a necessary one.
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Hobie Brown, The Black!Reader, & Representation -
aka Black people are not Colorblind - and neither is Hobie Brown -
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[let Diane hop on the mic right quick Chile]
Stop acting like Black Fictional Characters would be colorblind.
Black people can't be colorblind, because our color is weaponized against us from birth. We HAVE to see race - because we have to protect ourselves and know our own history
So when we decide to make spaces specifically for us - spaces where black people and black women in specific can be desired and uplifted, I don't see why people have a problem with it.
Hobie Brown loves, yes. But he also lives in 1978. Racial segregation was outlawed in his country in 1965.
Hobie Brown loves, but he's also a black guy who grew up under racial segregation and racism. He's a black guy who fights cops.
The Writers made Spiderpunk - The Spiderperson who fights oppressive cops - black for a REASON.
The Writers chose to have a black guy save Miles for a REASON. To uplift black people.
Writers here on Tumblr made Black!Readers black for same reason.
If Black Lives Matter doesn't mean White Lives Don't Matter -
Then 'Hobie Brown finds black chicks especially attractive' DOESN'T mean 'white women are unattractive'. This isn't about y'all.
And even for the people that say Hobie would like ONLY black people - okay??? They can say that - it's a literal headcanon.
It's not true if you don't want it to be. You don't have to believe it.
But seeing Black people be protective of a black character, and making black content for other black fans - and then saying 'what - stop that. that's wrong. break this up so I can join'
BEFORE you question why they do it - NOT COOL.
That's like asking for more Captain America in Black Panther. Like ?????
That's like hearing a Riot Grrrl say 'All the women to the front!!' and going 'Uhh, all genders are equal, why can't the men stand in the front too?'
Like yes, all genders are equal. But also - This isn't about them. It's about representation.
Stop preaching equality when we're asking for representation.
Cause there are dozens, hundreds, of white characters who only have white on-screen romances.
And their fandoms do not write black!readers. They do not care enough to say 'oh the show isn't representing this, let us do it.'
The media nor the fandom represent black women. They are an afterthought, always.
And you never see posts for them like -
'Dean Winchester loves black women. Dean Winchester loves latinas -'
When it's a white character only dating white women, with xReaders that always imply whiteness, y'all never call for diversity. At all.
You wouldn't make this post for Miguel.
But when it's a black character and someone suggests they only date black women, or people begin to write xReaders that imply blackness instead of your default-
Suddenly you care about diversity.
Because the first time, you're not represented.
Because let's be honest. Let's be real. No one is writing Hobie x White!Reader. Barely anyone is writing Hobie x Latina!Reader.
It's the Black!Reader you have a problem with. Let's just say it.
Allow black people to have their space, without unfairly calling for 'diversity'.
(aka the right to access to black safe spaces, comfort characters, and labor)
Hobie is an attractive, educated black guy who fights and protects people from the aggressors we ourselves genuinely fear everyday.
He is a character like we've never had before. He has so much emotional weight to us.
Let us enjoy him as we please. We aren't hurting anyone else.
We're just not catering to you. We don't have to.
If a black person wants to center Hobie's love on Black people, they have the right.
And I'm not saying you can't write him with a race neutral or even a White!Reader. Go ahead and write that if you want but just know-
1) If you want to write him with an explicitly white or non-black reader - you should approach the topic of race. You should approach and mention the cultural differences. Him going through racism. Don't erase that because you think it makes your writing ugly or sad.
And if you don't put it in, your erasing the reality and black experience because you find something wrong or uncomfortable about it.
2) If you want to write a race neutral reader - make sure they're really race neutral. Don't include details about hair texture, hairstyle, or skin color.
3) If you are asking black writers for requests - do not get mad if they make the request Black.
You cannot get mad at a black writer for interjecting their own experience when writing about a black character. You're basically asking them to strip their blackness from their writing so you can enjoy it more.
Why should they have to second guess and dial back their blackness when we're expected to do that everywhere? If they want to take a break, and write Black!Readers they can.
3) Understand that the black people are going to keep their safe spaces. And they're going to keep Hobie in their corner.
Because honestly, and I'm going to put this brazenly:
Hobie Brown as a character - and what he represents - means more to black fans than it does nonblack fans.
Does that mean he doesn't matter to y'all? No, not at all. Hobie absolutely holds real emotional weight and meaning to you on multiple levels.
But please understand, for black people - we connect to Hobie on an emotional, often trauma-fueled front.
One that you'll never understand.
There is a level that we connect with him on that nonblack people can't. As a dark skinned black guy, a black guy with natural hair, an alt black guy,
As a black guy who has canonically faced police brutality on-screen
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To you, this screenshot is most likely Hobie flipping the camera off, edgy and punk. It's funny, tongue in check. ACAB and all that.
To us, this screenshot is of Hobie - a low income black guy - being physically restrained by police and refusing to stop even when they're taking his mugshot. It's a black guy openly flipping off the police and fighting them off and refusing to go down no matter how much they beat him and he's winning YES
After so many videos over SO many years of cops doing that to black men and them.. not winning.
And them just dying and us having to watch. And add another name to list.
When you see his laces, you most likely think ACAB.
When we see his laces, we see that he's a black man who took on a cop and lived to tell the tale. Which is a RARITY.
Because many of them lose the battle.
For us, the context and connection are completely different.
Fanfiction may just be a way for you to kiss up on random characters or comfort yourself, but for us - that's not the case.
For us, fanfiction is a way to show our experiences and features in a media and world that has collectively ignored them. Shunned them, called them ugly.
Maybe make a post or send an ask to a creator - and ask what Black!Readers mean for them, why they find it important.
Hobie Brown likes Black Girls.
He finds them beautiful. He likes wide lips and broad noses and kinky hair. He loves melanin, and brown skin in the sunlight, and seeing a them in a silk bonnet in the morning.
He loves not having to explain his culture, sharing coconut oil and shea butter. He likes seeing waist beads. He likes people who speak AAVE, with twang in their talk.
He likes ghetto black girls with the acrylic nails. He likes Stallions 6 foot tall. He likes masc girls. And fem ones. He loves black nonbinary people because we do not have to cosign to colonialist ideas of gender. And he loves him some black men too - a good fade will make him go crazy, he loves men with long locs and pretty smiles.
Hobie Brown finds the beauty in Black People that have been erased and demonized again and again by White Society.
Hobie Brown holds blackness dear. And he wants black people to do well.
Hobie Brown loves Black People. Hobie Brown loves Black Girls.
And that's on, what?
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This has been a PSA from Diane Pastors. Y'all stay blessed out there 😌💗
Anyway what y'all wearing to carnival since we going to carnival and cropover and labor day with Hobie and bringing out all the flags. 🇧🇧🇧🇧 I'm bringing him to cropover in Barbados yeah I said it we're all going to carnival with him.
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yinyuedijun · 6 days
random poll for the xreader writers! I've been curious about the extent of overlap between selfshippers and the xreader writers, since the community includes both but they aren't synonymous!
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Struggling with insomniaaaaaaa do you think you could write an xReader where they help them with insomnia? Whichever character you'd like, I love anything you write ❤
I feel for you, my love. I also struggle to find rest, and who better to aid us in our sleep than the special clumsy man on his birthday week?
Close your eyes and breathe
Masterlist here
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Synopsis: Struggling to find rest, you decide to take yourself to the kitchen in the marine base. You stumble upon your commander slouched over his desk and asleep on a pile of papers. Taking him to his quarters, he wants to help you find rest in slumber.
Themes: Rosinante x marine!reader, gn!reader, insomnia, friendship, comfort, fluff, smoking, undercover Rosinante, existing friendship, unspoken feelings.
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Trudging through the cool hallway with grogginess laced in each heavy footfall, you had finally given up on finding solitude in the warm embrace of sleep. The arms of lady slumber had eluded you once again, and you had simply had enough of attempting to woo her.
It didn't matter what you did these days, there was nothing that aided you in your sleep. You had heard about powdered vitamins, eating a banana or drinking warm milk, running a mile before a scorching bath in the onsen. You had tried it all, and your body would refuse to hede the call of your mind and find rest at your request.
Finally reaching the mess hall on the marine base, you flick on the switch and notice a figure slouched over a pile of paperwork. Black feathers lay askew, his face pressed into the scattered parchment and smearing ink over his pale cheeks. Rosinante had fallen asleep at the table again, likely working too hard to get everything done before he was called away once again.
You scoffed to yourself, rolling your eyes and clicking your tongue at the image of his peacefulness in absolute discomfort. His lanky form folded itself beneath the table, his hair messy and askew, and his soft red hat flopped nonchalantly over his ashtray. With the whisper of the final ignition of his nicotine laced tobacco threatening to ignite him where he slumbered, you hastily stalked to his side to aid him.
Pressing your thumb on the filter end to reduce the cinders, the hiss of the cigarette under your pressure stifled the last of the flames. A low moan from the lanky man slouched on the table indicated the depths of his rest. You shook your head, choosing to aid your fellow marine in finding a true place to sleep in the barracks.
Rosinante returned to the base bi-monthly, often filling out detailed paperwork for Sengoku regarding the current plans Doflamingo had that was successfully sabotaged by the younger Donquixote brother. Courier bird, or word by snail, was too risky of late, this manner seemed to work well enough for all parties. Doflamingo thought it was therapy for speech to return to him, and Rosinante would be able to speak freely at the base. It was truly a win-win, a fool-proof alibi.
Until now.
You sucked in a deep breath, shaking the shoulder of the lanky marine to rouse him. He groaned, nuzzling into the desk and smearing the paper with his warm cheek squished against it. A dry, humorless laugh fled from your lips as you tried again to wake him.
"Rosinante," you murmur in a low warning, "Rosinante, wake up. You're asleep at the table again." He groaned, rolling his face and taking one of the papers with his cheek. You couldn't help but laugh at him, his peacefulness disturbed by his reports.
Inhaling a breath of determination, you lean down and hook your arm beneath his shoulders and elevate his bicep to curl over your shoulders. Bending at the knees, you use your strength to take the weight of the bigger form of your fellow marine. A soft murmur of your name flees his lips as he groggily awakens.
"Easy does it, commander," you inform him in his daze, "I'm taking you to the barracks." He whined at you, giving you his full weight as his legs fell heavy in every step.
"You don't have to do that, mi amor," he groaned, fully embracing you and caging you beneath his arms, "I need to do my reports anyway. I n-need-," he fully nuzzled into your neck and leaned on you, "-I need to go to bed. You're right, m'sorry." You shake your head and continue to balance his weight on your shoulders and hip.
Each step felt heavy in nature, his grogginess not helping with his clumsiness. You groaned as he tripped over his feet just as you made it to the door, your feet colliding with one another and both bodies slamming into the plaster wall.
"Could you be any more clumsy, commander?" you groaned at him, his own laugh huffed through his nose as he attempted to steady himself. Reaching for the handle, you open his door and usher him inside.
"What are you doing awake anyway?" Rosinante asked you, allowing you to guide him to his bed. You usher him to the mattress and place him clumsily on the bed. Collecting his coat and shoes, you lay him on his bed and draw up his covers to fall haphazardly up his chest.
"Can't sleep," you shrug, tucking the top sheet and duvet into his sides to snugly ensure his comfort. He hums at you, a tight-lipped and soft smile acting as gift to his gratuity. Nodding in response to your work in tucking him in, you begin to inch away from him to return to the mess hall.
"If that would be all, commander- oh!" You squeaked as two strong arms wrap around your chest and tug you into the bed beside him. The encumbering warmth from the larger man felt inviting, but the tension rose in static electricity to ignite every follicle on your skin.
"I've got a sleep trick for you," he growled into your neck, throwing the blankets over your body and drawing you closer, "Get comfy, you're not going anywhere." You huff in protest, attempting to wriggle out of his grip. "Oi, lie still. Now."
You growl in frustration, giving into the knowledge that your commander was not going to allow you to leave. "Aye, sir."
"Good little marine," he praised into your shoulder, a shudder coursing through you at the deep baritone in his voice, "Now shut your eyes and breathe."
"Oh really, Rosinante-?" You utter sarcastically, halting as he growled at you his commands.
"-Breathe slowly." You huffed your disagreement, wriggling back against the larger commander to make yourself comfortable. Rosinante had been your friend in basic, your comradery growing as your training became stronger in intensity. Sleeping beside one another in the field was not foreign to you, but in his bed? Another beast entirely.
"Close your eyes," he whispered into your neck, your breath hitching automatically in response, "You don't have to sleep. Know that. You don't have to do anything other than close your eyes and breathe with me." You nod softly, his smile felt against your hair as he enjoyed your movement in acknowledgement.
"Aye, sir," you offer with no maliciousness or sarcasm. He hummed deeply, drawing your body closer to him. With your back on his chest, his arm cradling his own head while his other caged you in closer, his hand sought your own out and laced fingers with you.
"Just relax into me," he whispered, nuzzling the crown of your head with his forehead, "Breathe with your eyes closed, and I'll be right here. I'm here, you're here, nothing else matters." You sigh deeply, enjoying his solidarity to keep you by his side.
"And if I don't sleep?" You ask him, prompting him to draw you in closer.
"I'll keep you close to me until you do," he whispered against the shell of your ear. You nod, offering him a last somber confession.
"And if I never do?"
He wriggled himself further up against you, caging you against his much larger body. Brushing his lips against your cheek, he nestled himself behind you and relaxed against you within his bed. His scent was all over the pillows, his cologne and stale cigarettes lingered in the fabrics beneath your head: a combination that felt comforting against your senses.
"I'll still be right behind you to whatever end, mi amor." His breathing grew heavy, his body overwhelmed by the sleep that had long since been denied to him. "Just close your eyes and breathe deeply. Stay with me until I let you go, to whatever end finds you."
Lying behind him, the arms of lady slumber lay just beyond your grasp. The heavy breathing and ultimate comfort found by the man behind you had your heart swell in empathetic bliss while he found his rest. If you did not find rest tonight, you found ultimate comfort in your friend and commander who held you within his protective embrace.
Rosinante's deep breathing felt blissful against you, the soft rumble in his snore almost cute amongst the sweet bugsong chirping in the reeds. You knew how hard he worked, and you knew how hard it was for him to feel fully relaxed enough to sleep blissfully these days.
Leaning into him, you flutter your eyes shut and mirror his breathing. Deep breath in, extended breath out; all with your eyes closed to follow his explicit instructions. Your actions mirrored his, the lullaby of his gentle snores calling to you in each soft wave.
Relaxing into his embrace, you finally ask lady slumber to welcome you into your arms once more, just as Rosinante welcomed you within his. You hoped she'd answer your call, but if she didn't, you found comfort in the knowledge that at least one of you both did.
Smiling to yourself, you felt Rosinante's embrace tighten around you as he clutched you further into himself. Holding his hand, you caressed his knuckles with your thumb before you finally felt the waves of sleep weigh you down and call you home in the arms of your favorite commander.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady
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ellie-williams-wife · 8 months
I need less smuttttt! Every single hashtag whether is just Xreader or angst or fluff is just all smut and I don't get why
l love smut as much as the next person but sometimes I go to a specific tag for sfw content to cry to or be all happy about and I'll start reading something it will be great and just what the tag is for and then BOOM they are fucking (not every fic needs smut, it will be the most heartbreaking shit ever and the smut just throws ya for a loop)
there are smut tags for a reason or in just the main Xreader tag but its hard enough to find sfw angst in fluff anywhere let alone their own respective fucking tags
this isn't a dig at any writers who only write smut either like its cool, i respect it and love reading it when I feel like reading smut like write what you want to write smut or no smut someone will read it and love it
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thegoldencontracts · 3 months
This is a little compilation of all the twisted wonderland works I personally recommend. Feel free to DM me, or comment anything you think should be added. If you're on this list and I haven't commented on your fic, I'm so sorry! I hope my words of praise here can somewhat make up for it.
Bold Fics/Creators are/make X Reader!
Italicized ones are ones I find underrated, so I highly recommend checking them out!
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Kisses - by @thehollowwriter, a fluffy OC X Azul fic that made me sqeee aghhh it's so cute <3
Azul, Idia, and Riddle With A Flirty Reader - by @etheries1015, tooth-rottingly fluffy tsundere!twst xreader, I love it sm. Ft. Azul, Riddle, Idia
Ashes - by @thehollowwriter, Azul angst and it BROKE my heart, trust me it's painful in the best way.
Untitled Azujami Drabble - by @poisoned-pearls, and though they're popular probably I still think this awesome little fluffy masterpiece is criminally underrated aghhhhh
Ace, Leona, Azul, and Jamil With A Talented Baker - by @atierrorian, super fluffy and I absolutely adored it.
Group Hug - by @whats-it-mean, Ace, Floyd, Jade, and Azul all in a group hug with the reader, it's such a funny premise and yet so well done.
Arms Tonite - by @thesunshineriptide, I honestly believe it is the gold standard for hurt/comfort fics, it's absolutely amazing and honestly one of the best twst fics I've ever read.
Please Don't Leave - by @just-patchy; octatrio poly (no twincest) hurt/comfort, it is so good, don't listen to the a/n saying the writing's bad trust mee.
Azul + Anniversary - @cloudcountry; azul x reader and it's so cute ashdhfdhsfkdlj I'm dyinggg
Coin-Flip - @pomefioredove; this one was so cuteeee azul x reader, it was so fun seeing him get all flusteredd fhjdfkjh
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and who'll love me if i'm not the top of my school - by @idia-shroud-is-tmasc/shatteredcoll on ao3; heart-wrenching riddle angst fic in the absolutely best way. If you're a riddle fan, seriously I recommend checking it out.
Of Rosy Snapshots and Deep Dives - by bedtime_at_four_am on ao3; I may be biased but honestly I love all their works, seriously recommend reading it's such a good azurido fic and even if you don't like the pairing you'll find it hilarious.
Rock and a Hard Place - by @thateldribitch/ThatEldriBitch on ao3, it's such a short but sweet fic and honestly I've reread it so many times I've probably ended up skewing the stats HELP-
Fungi Makes A Fun Guy - by Foxyexy on ao3. Azul x Jade and It's sooo cute aghjfdjdk I'm dying I'm deadd-
Business Soulmates - by Mell(MelMystery) on ao3. Platonic octatrio; It's so perfect imo, and one of the few twins meeting azul fics i like.
Indebted - by Midnight_Archives on ao3. So cute, and it's SO underrated, especially compared to other Jamiazu longfics.
Misc. (Follow Recommendations):
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@malletsum - hilarious tweets and banger malleus + twst takes imo
@dailytwsttweets - Absolutely fucking hilarious every tweet of theirs is a banger imo, never forgetting "yaoi pills"
@thehollowwriter - banger takes and a bunch of good fics!
@poisoned-pearls - SO MUCH GOOD JAMIAZU STUFF it's actually insanee
@skyephobic - Banger art absolutely EDIBLE imo
@traumxrei-archive - Everyone probably knows them but they write SO MUCH good flustered Azul content it's insaneeee
@luciferzstar - Underrated Azul artist imo, lots of great memes <3
@pomefioredove - Great fic writer imo SHJFDJHKFKJFDS
@jovieinramshackle - Great artist for Azul content, I love their ocs <3
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