#i dont even have TWST jp
tfshouldidohere · 2 years
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bklily · 8 months
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Silver: I love and support you father, but there's a time and place for everything!!
(this is entirely based off the interaction i had with a friend who is avoiding spoilers for book 7, and when she allowed a single minor non plot spoiler we told her Lilia was confirmed bi. her reaction was hilarious)
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(so you know i had to make a comic out of that lmao)
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aiallardyce · 1 year
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crystallizsch · 5 months
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hi hi!! welcome to my twst blog 💖 my name is ian!! (or "crystal" from my user if it’s easier to recognize/remember)
[ masterlists ] - ocs / art (+ some writing) - my fridge (stuffs for me :3) - tag directory (self-explanatory)
[ main: @scint1llat3 ] - multifandom reblogs galore (not spoiler-free) - i also follow and interact from here!
[ credits ] - used game assets from @/alchemivich for dividers/deco on my posts! - banner by @/midnightmah07 🥺💕
- i am 18+ yrsold !! (this is a sfw acc 💖) - twst blog (with a fixation for jamil viper at the moment help me) - i usually do art (oc x canon content / other silly stuff) + occasional shitposts/rambles - (i think it should also be important to note that sometimes the majority of my thoughts are in the tags ack)
- not spoiler-free for EN content, i WILL be posting about them immediately the moment new content comes out - JP content will be tagged with #twst jp & #twst jp spoilers so please filter them out if you dont want to see them!
- i love talking to people!!! - tagging me anywhere and spam is fine! love em!! :0 - asks/dms are open for everyone and anything!! - (i have anon available for asks!)
(slightly more detailed/rambly version below!) ━━━━━━✦
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welcome ~ ♡
for the people finding themselves here uhhh-
hi! you can refer to me as ian or i don't mind crystal -from my user- if it's easier to remember!
twisted wonderland has been haunting my every waking moment so that's gonna be this entire blog ;;;
i do mostly art (forgive the style inconsistency from one post to another i'm experimenting), i sometimes do writing???, and generally i just post whatever comes to mind.
also a lot of oc x canon stuff and the occasional shitposts and rambles.
(also also when i freak out about things it’s usually an over-exaggeration so please don’t take everything i say too seriously and 100% my opinion 😭)
i also ramble a lot in the tags which is usually where 90% of my thoughts are ;;;
and despite being a majority jamil viper content at the moment (bc brainrot for him is real rn), i do in fact still have a love for the rest of the twst game --
this blog is not spoiler-free for already released EN content (stuff as recent as they come out); i will only tag spoilers for JP content with #twst jp / #twst jp spoilers so please filter those out if you do not want to see those posts!
i consume spoilers and can be quick to react to them, so please keep that in mind!
i am mainly based on EN because that's what i play but i also catch up with JP stuff; so my knowledge and preferences about twst are very mix-and-match.
i am 18+ but i am a sfw account so nothing here will be too mature/nsfw!! (if there would be anything that i think would be too crude/sensitive/suggestive, i will put a warning! but it’s very unlikely i’ll even post that kind of stuff)
again just please be aware that you are interacting with an 18+ account even though there won’t necessarily be anything here that i believe you shouldn’t be seeing if you’re under 18.
(and on that note, if anything else just rubs you the wrong way or makes you feel uncomfortable, it's okay to suddenly block/unfollow i will not take it personally; please prioritize your health/safety/comfort!)
tagging me and spam is absolutely fine :0
i love seeing the interactions, y’all are fun. even you silent lurkers, likers, and rebloggers. i understand and i tend to be the same, so you are all hella appreciated too 💖
and irdc what you do with reblogs, go ham and have fun you lovelies.
also i read all tags and replies even if i don't respond to all of them. i appreciate them all, thank you so much 😭😭💕💕
also also i can be incredibly slow at responding sometimes so pls forgive me on that 🙏
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ask box ~ ☆
always open! and feel free to send about anything! (anon is always available if you prefer!)
i welcome thoughts, questions, etc and i'm always looking to chat or just gush about twst! (i'm also okay with things that aren't twst-related like just silly random asks :3)
on that note, i'm also down for requests / ideas! canon stuff, oc ramblings / interactions, oc x canon, etc. !!!
(no specific rules at the moment because i'm not sure what to expect yet;;; but everyone has been generally cool!!)
AND!!! if i haven't gotten to your ask yet don't worry i have! im usually giving it a response it deserves so i apologize if sometimes it takes a long while ;;;
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~ hopefully you enjoy looking around !!!
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cozymochi · 9 months
🌻 🌻
🌻- I don’t personally keep up with JP twst because I just don’t feel like it. Well, sorta it’s more like a half and half ordeal, the only thing I’m willing to peek at is the main plot (and even then, it’s solely fueled by my interest in the current dorm- if not for that i probably wouldn’t bother). Otherwise I’m just pretty content waiting for official releases so I can experience stuff first hand. I find that more enjoyable than secondhand consumption¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Though ngl I do feel pressured sometimes and like i HAVE to keep up with what’s current elsewhere since everyone else seems to do it, and it feels like like im being rushed to jump on the new hot thing before I’m personally ready to
I can’t say I enjoy that aspect much. (Side note, just because i dont actively search things out myself, doesnt mean im fully blind) i just wanna do things at my own pace.
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THAT SAID….., I love being right
🌻- IDK UM!!! I have a lot of WIPs and I know for a fact they’ll never be finished cuz the pressure of posting then the response (if any) psyches me out 🥴 I drafted this ask yesterday but fell tf to sleep!! You can tell idk what to put here cuz im dropping this part at 5 am
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
This quiz is very simple :) you shouldn't have any problems with it :) it's just their names after all !!!! Tell me which character each name is 😊
Admittedly though, taking this chance to study up on them myself bc even though I play on the JP server, I only recognize a couple of these 😭
excuse me. Oh my god.
see if you had asked me these back in like, late 2020/early 2021 i maybe wouldve done slightly better than im about to do bc the only way i could ever find twst fanart back then was by constantly copy pasting their names into pixiv bc there wasnt much of an english fanbase at the time... virtually none on tumblr... but i havent done it much recently- i did a few days ago [from when u initially sent this LOL] but it's nothing compared to when i did it like, DAILY jklfdsjklfds
at least. at least silver is a freebie LOL
umm. Ok this one both first and last name end in ム but I don’t know what ム is 🤔 I think this is gonna be Kalim or ruggie. The ム is probably either -im or -ie bc they’re the only ones left that have names that have that pattern… going with KALIM bc I have another guess later for ruggie
uhh. god i remember the dashes in some of these names specifically tripping me up when i was learning how ship names worked LOL. Mmmm I think it’s either gonna be rook or vil bc the name is short and snappy and written similar to Ace (I think. Maybe I got fucked on the Ace guess bddbcbfbf) but the last name seems shorter which makes me wanna think it’s rook? The last names both end in the T/-to sound…. ト you are Everywhere…. OH but I think it’s ROOK HUNT bc the next one I said is Jack howl and both of the last names for those two start with ハ so maybe that’s a hhhhhh sound??? Rook bb is that you???
Backwards process of elimination from 7 and 4, I think this one is JACK HOWL
i think this one might be azul or jamil but idr which LOL. i mean it looks too long to be either of them BUT im almost positive that triple line thing was in there when i looked up azujami LOL and i dont see it anywhere else so umm. idk jamil maybe??? unless i recognize that one for a different name and remember wrong sfjdsklfjd. Ok yes I think it’s Jamil bc of my same reasoning for #7
leech. Floyd?
Liiiilia? Going off ア at the end of probably idia matching here. Lilia please do not bamboozle me AGAIN
leech. Jade? I was back and forth for a while but since three characters start with the Ja- sound and there are three names with that same character at the start… I think this is Jade.
Ummm. R-ruggie. Maybe. Going on yet another limb bc it ends in チ and the only other names that end in that are leech, so maybe bucci’s ch sound matches??
A bit of a stretch guess but I’m gonna say riddle? For the same ド reasoning i say in 17; riddle has that -do sound near the end of his name but I feel like there’s an extra sound thing after it. Specifically when trey screams his name in book 1 but I can’t really remember LOL. But the last name also has ト… -to… rosehearts… rosehear-to….
trey or cater. i think trey.
Doing another stretch guess and saying azul, bc he’s the only one with same letter for both his initials and this one has a same character at the start of both. I am hesitant bc az and ash I would think might be different? But I can’t think of anyone else that would have a similar start 🤔 and the length of names looks possible. And by that logic, ト at the end might be the -to sound, which does line up with the to- for like trey’s name. Idk how it’s actually spelled but when I mumble it to myself that’s what it sounds like hdjfjfngng
Ace I think, with the ト in tr- appola to match tr-ey and ashengrot-to… which I mean in English maybe doesn’t match but I think I’m Japanese spelling/pronunciation they are??? Also this one looked familiar from my pixiv days and I couldn’t place it, but I think the A for a-deuce is what I’m remembering LOL
Malleus? The ア at the end of maybe draconia matches the -ia for maybe idia and lilia
idia or ortho. I think ortho once again bc of the ト -to sound??
Deuce? Bc names like Jade, Floyd, Diamond, and shroud all have the ド at the end, and spade should have one too I think 🤔 beloved juice spade please don’t fail me now 🙏
cater or trey. i think cater.
idia or ortho. Going with idia bc I decided the other is ortho probably….. ooh and his and lilia’s names mmmmmaybe would end the same? Possibly???
Ok this one and 22 last names both end in ト, that -to sound, and all I have left are Leona vil Epel and sebek, so this one has to be either Schoenheit or Zigvolt… I’m going to completely guess and say this one is SEBEK. bc of the two this name looks less familiar to me and I k ow I used to look up several vil ships on pixiv LOL. also the last name looks shorter. So I think sebek
Ok down to Epel or Leona. I’m going with Leona tho bc it’s Slightly Longer than #16 AND bc silver and Probably Viper both end in the same dash and I think phonetically they sound more like -ar??
Reasoning for 20, I’m saying vil 🤔
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verathena14 · 9 months
Alright it's time I do a real intro here aslfjekfl
I'm Athena! You can call me Vermilion or Ver if that's easier to remember tho <3
I am nonbinary and use they/them pronouns, but I don't usually mind she/her too much. I am also pan and acespec!
I am a minor so please be respectful of that!
I'm neurodivergent (diagnosed autism, probably adhd as well)
DNI: T3RFs, transphobes, homophobes, aphobes, bigots, conservatives (honestly why are you on tumblr lmao), p3dos, queer exclusionists, akrk shippers, anti-sorikus
My main fandoms: - KH (honestly if you dont like kh then dont even follow me cuz thats the majority of what i post about lmao) - TWEWY - Wings of Fire (occasionally) - Warrior Cats (tbh i may make a couple of passing remarks, im not really active in the fandom anymore, im only listing this here for the expansive OC lore) - Twisted Wonderland! This one's a new one and i am currently caught up with the EN release of book 7 so no spoilers for the JP servers plsss and thank you 😊
I do: art/animation, video editing (specifically gmvs), fanfics, the occasional big-brain meta analysis
I ship: soriku, leaisa, xehaqus, rokunamixi, vanplinami, roxner, kailette, aquarella, and like. maybe zemyx. and sometimes terraqua. for my kh ships. i consider myself a multishipper (most of the time) and am usually pretty open to most ships unless it gives me Weird Vibes (tm). oh and i also ship beatneku (or nekubeat or skullphones or whatever we've decided the ship name is), erishiki, frindoka, cocogumi, and hishiba for my twewy ships i don't have a strong opinion on most twst ships, but i do like adeuce and silbek, and i think jamikali is hyper-toxic, even-more-codependent soriku and i love them for that
im the president of the t4t soriku club <3
i wouldn't say im in any music fandoms but i do brainrot over: Imagine Dragons, Halsey, Billie Eilish, Glass Animals, Marianas Trench, and Fall Out Boy
sometimes i draw kh characters as cats! those guys are tagged with #(cat)dom hearts and they're all free to use with credit (please tag me i love seeing kh cats)
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Man as an en player (I also follow jp just dont have the means to play both 😔) on one hand im sadly not surprised how the translation is going and I know theres probably a lotta contributing factors as to why but I do wish that they could kept a lotta things they took out 😭
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[You can see comparisons between EN and JP here! OP’s Tumblr has more posts similar to that as well.]
Putting these two asks together since they’re about the same topic.
I’m also kinda saddened to see that there are a lot of small details that EN changed from the JP. :’) Again, as I said here, TWST does a great job at making even the smallest sentences matter to a character’s personality. Some changes convey more or less the same message but in a different format. Others have completely changed the whole meaning. It is good to remember that this isn’t a 1:1 direct translation but a localization, so I understand if they want to make the dialogue more relatable to US/Canada players. 🤔 By relatable, I mean it in the sense that said demographic would read it and say, “Hey, I’ve heard people say something similar before.” or, “I’ve been in a conversation that sounds similar to this exchange.” It’s pretty funny though since there are some slang words that got people going “wut” 😂
Felt that though, to the second anon. I like how I can get a laugh out of the localization, especially thanks to Idia 😂 Actually, I played EN for quite a while just because I wanted to read the translations. But on the flipside, if EN’s biggest pro is the humor, that can kinda speak about how they really handle the characterization 🫠 TWST is fucking hilarious, don’t get me wrong, but they’re able to balance it well with having a cast of well-written characters. This is likely to be trauma from Cybird speaking, but I’ve seen characters where certain things about themselves are exaggerated/emphasized by the story for the comedy. <_< And this can lead to their character getting reduced to a certain trait and compromising the characterization overall. Thankfully, because the source material (JP) already has great character writing, EN can’t completely butcher their characters since they are still translating the game, just localizing it for another culture. They just have to be careful that they don’t constantly change sentences that sound important to the character just for the sake of comedy.
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Omg yes I hate how twst does the whole “you lose even if you win cause plot”. It especially got to me in the Beans event and I almost stopped playing cause it was like an epic battle and the hardest fight in the game and when you finally win you’re like “yes omg I did it! I can’t wait to see the cool final battle it’s gonna be awesome and intense!”
And then it cuts to after the battle and they’re like “aww damn we lost” like???? You’re telling me not only did we fight for nothing WE DON’T EVEN GET TO SEE IT?? It’s soooo annoying
YEAH, like, why do I need to grind up my strength if it doesn’t matter?? The only fights you actually win are the boss fights. The STRONGEST CHARACTER OF THAT CHAPTER YOU BEAT BUT YOU CANT BEAT REGULAR FIGHTS??
Like I’m on book 4, I literally fought scarabi students six times and ended up ‘losing’ everytime even I beat them easily. Then I ended up at the Mastro Lounge, and Jade and Floyd protected me. Like, if I can’t ‘win’ a fight, why would I fight?
ALSO YEAH, WE LOSE BUT WE DONT SEE IT?? Like??? Wth, my cards aren’t weak I literally have everyone above level 40 and I use type advantages…
But also, I’m pissy about the events, this is the first one I’ve ever played (the stupid ghost bride one) and I hate the story it’s genuinely revolting. If genders were swapped everyone would be pissed but because it’s a male being abused by female, but that’s ok because the lil bitch that hit him is a woman? NO ITS NOT OK. ITS NOT FUNNY.
Everything about this event I’m hating, I’m not even interested in the cards I just collect things, but also, it’s annoying that I can’t ‘loop’ battles but I only get 2 event items a fight and the cheapest thing to buy cost 30, it’s tedious and done intentionally to make it harder to get said items so you don’t ‘finish’ the event before they are done posting it…
I stopped playing not long after the game came out because I always ‘lost’ and was constantly insulted and talked down to, even by my ‘friends’ which isn’t normal. Yes, some people playfully insult their friends but being called ‘A useless human’ is not playful. It’s also kinda bad because…that’s basically speciest since all the non humans say it…
I only recently started playing again souly bc I’m simping for have the cast…
Disney knows how to made cute/interesting creatures, but it seems like the didn’t plan for a player in the video game?? Cuz like?? You’re barely acknowledged. I know Jamil hypnotized me, and I know you can’t oppose him when he’s doing that so I was forced to say yes, why even give me the option if I’m already forced? Why give options if literally none of them matter?
Then there’s the issue of the jp version being for more updated then the English version and there’s quite a few bugs in the game and the AI isn’t the best.
I mainly enjoy the ‘lessons’ and ‘guest room’ which I can’t play bc I’m American…
I understand it needs to be translated, but…it took 3 years for them to even release an English adaptation…
Don’t get me started on the mirrors, I’m beyond pissed, gotta pull 100 shitty cards I already have for ONE ssr+? That makes no sense and I’m being punished?? For playing the game??? That’s the main way to get cards and it fucks you over for trying to get cards so you can play the damn game. At least obey gives you free pulls, the cheapest option is to pay actual money.
Disney is greedy, technically obey me is greedy to as they’ve had ‘pay to play’ things, buts not the only way, those exclusive cards for events. This? This is just regular ass cards, most of which are useless since the are the ‘starter’ cards…
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
(Pretty sure tumblr deleted one of my asks ahdjsjdj wth tumblr.)
1) BABY ITS COLD OUTSIDE. IM. LEONA BELOVED. HES SO. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AAAAAAAAA its so good. going through some family troubles rn so having mr lion, his nephew, a cat-raccoon-demon??? thing?? (seriously what even is grim), and their magic-less human’s shenanigans is nice. thank you for all of your writings.
2) OH MY GOD JADE. IM. I DONT THINK I RECOVERED FROM THE ANGST SO THANKS FOR THAT. /nm /lh im so soft for this eelman seeing him sad, it broke me 💔 (in like the best way though again your writings are spectacular. i love your characterization sm.)
Speaking of Jade actually i mentioned this in my last ask (that again i think got deleted hajfjajdh) i have this kinda ooc?? headcanon of the tweels, where i think Floyd likes Jade’s terrariums, just not the ones with mushrooms. and Jade getting floyd limited edition shoes for his collection i just ajfjakdbsk them man. (also they fight over THE dumbest stuff you’ve ever heard. you cannot convince me otherwise. /lh)
4) Also im really late but Kalim!!! Sunshine boy’s birthday!! Love him, hes very silly
Anyway uh im gonna head out now, have a good day trau!
(baby it's cold outside + jade fic)
1) i'm very pleased to hear you liked the newest chapter of baby it's cold outside !! and i hope your family troubles will get resolved soon, but just know that they're all giving you a big hug rn <33 (leona's begrudingly doing it after cheka dragged him and yuu pestered him but he's there too lmao)
2) JADE FIC !! I DID GIVE A WARNING ABT THE ANGST....BUT I'M ALSO NOT SORRY BC JADE CRYING GOES BRRR /J i am also a big jade enjoyer even tho i might not voice it as much, but seriously, imagining him in that scenario was just. heart crushing but also helped me kinda...get to know him a bit better ? bc now i feel like i could tell how he would react to grief n stuff, idk it's weird but yeah sjdfksjf
AND YES !! tweels being supportive abt each others' interests is also near and dear to my heart <33 i feel like floyd would like the terrariums up until jade scolds him for poking at them too much sjdkfsj (and yea it's a no for the shrooms for floyd). and ofc, jade would oNLY buy those pair of shoes if floyd happened to explicitly mention them sjfdksjfk (i hc jade has. bad fashion sense. like if he dressed himself he's gonna look like a schoolboy OR a whole ass grandpa)
3) I'M ALSO SOBBING OVER THE TSUMS,,,,THEY'RE SO CUTE AND THEY LOOK SO SQUISHY... look if i could buy twst tsums irl rn i would 100% GRAB THEM AS FAST AS I COULD !! floyd card is definitely hella cute sobs i wonder what the groovy's gonna look like :')))))
4) and yes <33 we love our sunshine otter hehe
i also hope that you're having a good day / night !! till we talk again wooo
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Ive stopped playing TWST pretty early on bc tbh I wasnt a fan of their rhythm game ui, it felt clunky to me, if that makes sense? But I did used to keep up with translations for the JP server. I remember when the eng server launched a lot of ppl hated the official english translations, which is fair, but tbh I think some of it is golden, and in particular Rook's voice lines in the official english just have so much character, elegance, and flow to them, at least in my opinion. From my memory, I dont remember Rook metaphorically refering to the winds current as an aria in fan translations but it's so perfect and fits him so well
Of course tho, thank you to fans who do take time to translate! It's just the official translations were never as bad as ppl made it sound
No I totally get what you mean, the rhythm game portions really aren't done all that well and the timing feels very strange and off-best to me. Maybe I'm just not good at the game but I swear the notes you have to tap often don't fit the actual background music, resulting in me often tapping wrongly because I expected a note to be timed a certain way but then it wasn't
So I'm also not very big into the gameplay of twst and mostly just keep up with the story as that's what's keeping us all invested in the game anyway. Lessons aren't really all that exciting after doing them hundreds of times djeje
Also compared to enstars, twsts's translation is actually really good! Like I wish we got this amount of care put into the translation of that game. We're at a point where I don't trust the official translation so I always rather read Fan translations for an event if they're available because I think they'll give me a better, more accurate translation. And that's just sad honestly 😭
In comparison twsts's translation is really well done, even if there are still some things to critizise. I think we got pretty lucky as it could have been a lot worse
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fgooooooo · 3 years
I haven't posted in a long while
I'm still alive but haven't had time to post here much
I did do some drawings over the month and already scheduled them for the week
Here are the themes:
Tuesday: Twisted Wonderland
Wednesday: Fate Grand Order
Thursday: Fate Grand Order
Friday: Genshin Impact
I'm also wondering if y'all would like OC or original content?
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citrusillyboe · 2 years
😞😞😞 I'm crying that sibling Hcs w the first years were too cute.. ☹️☹️☹️‼️ Can I please request a sibling hc w Vil and the tweels 😋‼️ITS OK IF YOU CNT, STAY HYDRATED ND TAKE CARE <33 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
☆Flowers From The Same Garden (2)
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📒 - summary; sibling headcanons lmao
📒 - character[s] | dorm[s]; vil schoenheit, the tweels (jade leech + floyd leech)
📒 - genre; [platonic + gn!reader] crack and fluff + a little tinge of angst in vil's + cursings + twst EN and JP phrases + implied epel x reader in vil's part (although it was pretty brief)
📒 - notes;
hello anon! i'm glad you enjoyed the hcs ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ i had so much fun writing it and i think i will have fun writing this too since i have SO many ideas for the leech twins, so stay tuned for that✍️(◔◡◔)
also, a little reminder that i dont really know vil THAT well, ive yet to read his vignettes and im only on twst en, so theres maybe some part that seemed ooc or if his part kinda suck ass(ノ´д`)
but anyway, take care of yourself too anon and enjoy reading~!
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⁀➷ vil schoenheit
[younger sibling]
(i was a little bit indecisive when i'm trying to figure out if ______ should be the younger or the older sibling, but after a few brainstorming, i settled with younger sibling! :D)
vil absolutely adores you and he meant it!
you two spent so much of your childhood together that it made you two quite inseparable
strong sibling bond pt3
you and vil are quite the opposite with each other
which balances the aspects of you both (again, am i making sense here? idk)
vil teaches you everything he knew about potionology at that time, loving the look of focus you have every time you hear him explain
it's very endearing and he find himself smiling along with you
even if you fail to follow the instructions, he'd lightly reassure you and point out what you did wrong
"Ah! It didn't work..."
"Don't worry, it's a small mistake. You're suppose to put in vermilion essence first before the wyvern tongue,"
"Oh, right right,"
he was the one who teach you about any kind of mannerism since during the times where you're still a kid, your father was rather busy with whatever work he have
so vil was always the one looking after you
he simply teaches you things like table manners, how to talk politely and so on so forth
not only is he doing this because he's the only available caretaker for you but also because he wanted you to be the best version of yourself
and of course, he wanted to give you a great childhood
but he wouldn't go as far as to make you work your ass off every time he's teaching you
he knew you can be stubborn at times so if you say that you wanted to end the session, then it will end
"Vil, I don't want to study today. But how about we go out and visit the market instead?"
"Hm, it's still rather early though,"
"Please? I'm sure I can find ingredients to make our foods!"
"Haha, alright alright. Get yourself ready, okay? Or else I might leave you!"
"Aw, you won't do that, you cherish me too much to do that~!"
early trips to the market is something you two do when it's a free weekend
a little bit of breath of fresh air it seems
but other than buying groceries and what not, the 'trip to the market' is quite frankly a little excuse for you to spend time with vil in a more casual manner
you knew that he sometimes stress himself at certain occasions
so you wanted to at least help him relief some of it
and you know what?
vil really appreciate it
he gets a little excited whenever you say that you wanted to go to 'a trip to the market' with him
it's usually one of the eventual days, consisting of grocery shopping, making flower bouquets and looking through different perfumes, a little rest at a cafe that you two frequently come to,
each one of you ordering almost the same drinks and dessert every single time, and at times, you just let vil pick clothes for you at a boutique
you have vil to thank for arranging the clothes that fit you the most
cause if it weren't for him, you'd wear literally awfully combined clothes with either reasons being to piss people off,
or you genuinely think that's a good clothing combination
and of course, vil couldn't let such things like that happen to his beloved sibling, he's that kind afterall <3
(i can confirm this since i once have awful taste in clothing and if vil ever sees me in any of those clothes combos, he'd roundhouse punch me on the face before demanding me to change into something more tangible and not eye soring)
moving on,,,
i'd say that you weirdly hit off a little too well with rook
maybe it's because you're vil's sibling, or maybe for whatever reasons that he have
you'd rather not know
literally, your first time meeting with rook quite went like this;
Rook; "Ah! If it isn't the one and only, Aide de Poison! I've been dying to greet your presence, ravi de vous rencontrer~!"
______, looking at him with confusion; "...Hah??"
Vil, with a hand on your shoulder; "Don't mind him, ______. He's an oddball, but he means well,"
since you and epel are from the same year, you two also get along very, very well
a little too well even
i mean, vil knew it's pretty obvious on epel side, but you can be pretty oblivious so it's going to be rather entertaining for him to watch~
he'd leave subtle hints on what you like or what you're more likely to do at that time to epel, and pray every single time for you to not miss the hint
oh well, what can he do?
young people can figure it out themselves
i also would like to say that you two take no shits from people!!
absolutely power sibling/power duo/whatever you call it
when you two notice people shit talking about you, two pairs of judgmental eyes are enough to shut them up
especially when paired with chuckles and sinister smiles yum yum yum
go off schoenheits!!
and last but not least,,
______; "Vil, what did we say about comparison?"
Vil; "...Did we talk about that before? I didn't remember,"
______; "Well, if that so, let me refresh your memory. Comparison is not good because it's, obviously, bad! You're quite frankly creating a bad mindset for yourself that you need to be better than everyone else to be able to be satisfied with yourself,"
Vil, sighing; "Is that so...?"
______; "Yeah, and I don't, really like seeing you sad..."
Vil; "Hm, well if you're saying it like that, now I feel bad,"
______; "I mean, you can try to make it up by doing skincare routines with me, killing two birds with one stone technically. So, how's that sound?"
Vil, smiling; "I'd like that,"
you both cherish each other very very much in conclusions <3
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⁀➷ jade leech + floyd leech
deadly trio, i repeat, deadly mf trio
if you, per se, value your life, you don't want to mess with EITHER of them leech triplets when they're all in the same place or room
cause if you do, well, let's just say that you're gonna be 6ft underground in a minute
sorry, i don't make the rules
you are a good mix of floyd's chaotic actions + mood swings and jade's calmness + hints of subtle threats
or to put it simply, you are a menace
you gotta be the only person that no one can even know what you're thinking
it's just that you're overly complicated that not even one person can tell what you're about to do next or what you might cause
if anything, jade and floyd are the only ones that can read you
and what's worse is that they will never tell anyone what you're gonna do and might even encourage you to do so in the most vague way
but there's nothing to worry about, really~!
because you don't cause a lot of troubles like floyd
and even if you felt like causing one today, jade would (sometimes) instantly stop you and you'd have no choice than to back down
"Fufu, do you really want to wreak havoc today, ______?"
"You can tell very clearly, Jade~!"
you have your targets that you wanted to play around with and you have your plans on what you want to tease them about
like for example, that odd ramshackle student, they're so fun to play with and you love the reactions they gave you
but of course, you won't go too far since you're still 'kind' enough to let them go even if you're not completely bored yet
whenever he's not with jade, floyd would absolutely drag you around to do the great seven knows what
you don't really care anyway and just join him whenever your mood aren't sour
floyd is always 10 times more chaotic with you alongside him, and you two would just do whatever the fuck you want and if jade's not there, then no one can stop you two
(azul have a slight chance to stop you but if anything, he's scared of you so he keep his distance)
hanging on every tree branches and see who can jump the farthest from where you are hanging from, running around the whole field after school for at least 4 rounds,
both you and floyd were just having the time of your life, laughing and having fun while others are just in despair, trying to run away from you two
"Ahahaha~! Macky, catch!!"
it ends with you two having to clean windows for a week but you and floyd were just giggling the whole time as you do so
clearly, both of you didn't learn anything nor do you regret anything during that incident
good for you two ig?
i'd like to think that both of you and floyd's moodiness affect each of you
if floyd sees that you're not in a good mood, he will also not be in a good mood and vice versa
like an infection yknow
"ughhh, i want to sleep and never wake up, class was sooooo boring,"
"but who will play around with meeeeee if you're goneee???"
"just ask Azul, he will be glad to do so,"
"I will not," -azul
riddle is absolutely in despair whenever he bumps with not only floyd, but YOU too
sure, you're a lot more calmer than floyd, he had been in classes with you before and saw how tranquil you can be
but he knew that you're an absolute menace whenever being with floyd
"aha~ goldfishie, what are you doing right now~?"
"goldfishie, hm? what a suitable name, don't you think riddle~?"
he's going to lose his mind at one point, oh well
during days where you are calmer, you would just follow jade and talk about whatever you think is interesting
tailing him around to wherever he's going like a lost puppy
oh wait, that's not the right word um...oh, right
you latch onto him like a parasite
whether you're talking about someone, talking about boring classroom stuff, talking about plants?, talking about places in school??, talking about an event back in the coral sea when you two were kids all of a sudden???
if you haven't realize it now, ______ talks about literally anything in their mind
moray eels nature ig?
anyway,, whether you're talking about any shit, jade would just listen to you with great interest
no matter how boring the subject is, you always have ways to make it sound interesting
one of your perks it seems (and because you're his triplet so is it really that surprising?)
you call everything you think is a mushroom a mushroom
and jade would correct you with a smile every single time
"what about that mushroom over there?"
"ah, that's called Ascomycota and it's a fungi, not a mushroom,"
"well it is a mushroom now cause i said so,"
"oh, ______, you really should learn new things once in a while. mushrooms are indeed fungi, but not all fungi are mushrooms,"
"that literally make no sense, if mushrooms can be this fungi thing, why aren't fungi allowed to be mushrooms??"
"that's the most interesting aspect of it in my opinion~"
if you don't care about constant mushroom dishes;
you'd consume every mushroom jade gives you with no care
it's only mushrooms, it's not like your brother is going to feed you poison mushrooms...
...yet (jkjk)
every time azul and floyd get tired of eating mushroom dishes by jade, they'll dump it all on your mouth as if you're a trashcan
🍄mushroom trashcan🍄
but if you DO care about constant mushroom dishes;
expect a chase scene at one point
floyd checking his back to see if jade's getting any closer,
jade chasing you three, mushrooms on plates and a smile on his face
you're running while grabbing on floyd wrists in case he gets tired of running
and azul being carried over your shoulder
the mushrooms are getting too much and none of you are having it lmao
Azul; "Jade, ______, Floyd, please take care of those gentlemen for me,"
Jade, ______and Floyd, with that smile; "As you wish," "With pleasure~" "Aha, sure~"
(okay, i am now in love with ______ leech)
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lanshappycorner · 2 years
I feel like rambling so here is my hot take (tm) abt twst and maybe it's just me griping but feel free to read it or dont
To preface this I wanna say that I love the fact that we are getting a novel and a manga and everything BUT.....I kinda wish they focused more on the game 💔 twst has a lot of mechanics and stuff so it understandably takes a long time to put out content, so I feel like that's understandable, but that's not what im referencing. What I'm referring to is !! The amount of new content regarding chapters we've already played in game!!
Like for example with the manga and the novel AND the game we've already gotten three depictions of chapter 1 and that would've been great and all if all of them were Exactly The Same, but they're not. With each depiction, more lore comes into light and that's cool if not for that for the fact that 2/3 medias above are paid content....like. they're not accessible to everyone.
Of course twst in general is for a jp audience and we as en speakers are lucky to even have translators so I can't be complaining much abt accessibility in language but I think this would apply to jp fans who cannot afford to spend on the novel/manga either. Just in general the fact that its paid and includes new content about a chapter that we Already Read u know?? Like I would understand if it's like the anthology where theres new content in general being put out so it's not free, but it's about a chapter that we already played and to keep adding new content to it is ??? Very Hm
LIKE IDK....I just think that it's a tad bit sad that the game, the original, is only given so much content. Like I know theres only so much u can do in game format but at the same time.....for example, delinquent deuce's appearance was revealed in the manga. The twst fanbase has hyped this up for ages, but when the time came for the reveal, it wasn't even through the game, it was through the manga that not everyone had purchased. There are so many ways they could've gone about this like?? Idk making an event dedicated to NRC students' pasts and giving us a card for that instead of like ??? The 1939594 masterchefs?
Also the fact that in the novel too, theres more elaboration on Trey's relationship with Riddle and LIKE.... I love that for them, but I would've liked to see that in game!! I understand that theres only so much u can put into a game before it becomes Too Much, but also if ur adding Important information regarding a character's major relationships I think it's worth putting in the original source. That's just my opinion as a player, if u dont agree that's fine I'm just rambling 💔
I would like to end this by saying that although I don't like the way twst is including new content abt chapters we already read in paid content, I DO think that the novel and manga should be paid because of the amount of effort and work put into it. Even if I think that some of the newer contents should've already been revealed in game instead of in a media that not everyone may have purchased, at the end of the day it is their game so they have all rights to make whatever they want paid and I in no way think they should make it free lol making manga and writing a novel is hard work, but all of that is just my criticism as a game player. Objectively I think they put a lot of hard work into all the medias they make and I hope they get the recognition for it😔✌
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twisted-t0xins · 2 years
HI OMG you dont need to respond to this but i just wanted to let you know that i was scrolling thru the twst x reader tag and stumbled across your blog!!
i didnt even know you only wrote for nblm/mlm but the joy i felt when i was reading your first hcs and it said 'bf' instead of gf... I ALMOST CRIED PLS THANK YOU SO MUCH it was a very nice surprise for 1:40 in the morning!
especially as someone whos been in this fandom since the jp release, and has seen wayyyy too much fem-coded content... as a genderfluid nb/demiboy ive been starved for too long, thank you for popping up like this i appreciate your blog more than you realize and im sure many others do/will in the future too!
i think you might know who i am based on the time this ask was sent (and the follow i gave you a couple minutes ago, because hoo boy this is taking a while to write) but i wish you nothing but the best, and you have my support!! <3
ps. man i /do/ love your gif headers tho theyre soso pretty 💙 🥺 ✨️ overall your blog aesthetic is *chefs kiss* 🤌 ✨️ 😩 👍
pps. dw about being awkward! im pretty awkward too but man the joy i felt way overshadowed my fear of talking to strangers and i had to let you know/thank you. again, you dont have to respond, i just hope you manage to see this and it made you smile :)) have a good day/night!!!
Bro this made me so happy fr 😭😭
I'm really glad its reaching the intended audience- I know a lot of male/nb readers (me included lolol) can get rlly dysphoric after reading so many things directed towards fem readers,,, which is why i started this blog tbh
And even when its for male some of the content can get kinda homophobic too?? Especially in fandoms like twst,, some of it just straight up feels like the super fetishy ya0i fanfics from 2016 lmao
Also my blog better look good 😤😤 /lh ,,,i spent so long formatting and making little gifs and icons 😭😭
Anyways rant over lol,, pls feel free to request something :))
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
i ended up deleting mine too because it's too fast paced for me and it's slightly worrying, atleast for me, cos aniplex did this too with the other game (magia record): region locked, fast paced events, too many banners then boom, the en server discontinued. im only playing the jp version bcos its so chill and i have time to save up more gems. i hope twst en dont go in the same way as magirecord. :/
Oof, so it's a pattern... well :/ Idk, i think more and more people will burn out, which might end up impacting the server's profitability.
But yeah, my biggest gripe, too. The rates are so awful, when I pull, I can pull 99 times and I'll be lucky if I get one SSR before I reach the pity. I've actually calculated it, not counting events and birthday bonuses, it'd take ab half a year to get enough gems for 100 pulls - even less when we do count all those bonuses, which means it's not that big a deal to save up for an event or banner for the characters you really like. But in EN... it's just one thing after the other.
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