#i dont wanna start a fight with anyone
one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random Thoughts on Homestuck pages 3466-3468 & 3472-3475 (aka, Vriska and John talk about feelings post Tavros’s death)
This conversation right here was the first time Homestuck was genuinely able to impact me on an emotional level. Therefore, I wanna talk about it.
(A quick reminder though: this commentary is purely subjective and no one is forced to agree with it.)
(Actually, as long as you are polite and respectful, I encourage you to discuss this matter with me, and point out anything that you might think I have understood wrong.)
(Also, I have only read up to page 3490, so cut me some slack if I say anything wrong story-wise. And no spoilers please.)
But yeah. Let’s do this.
Sooooooo, Vriska. From my light browsing through the Homestuck fandom, there seems to exist a lot of discourse between the fans that like her and defend her actions, and those who hate and blame her for all the crap she does. Right now, I think I fall somewhere in a grey area between the two, although closer to the latter specter of the argument.
She’s an incredibly interesting character, that’s for sure. For me, it’s her extremely grey morals that make her so.
Vriska is someone who consciously plays the role of the “villain” because that’s who she thinks she has to be amongst her friends, and what troll society seems to ask of her – from her perspective, at least. Also, her ancestor was apparently a super badass pirate lady who did many amazing things, so Vriska feels encouraged – pressured? – to also become strong and live up to her ancestor’s image.
She had a demanding lusus, the kind of lusus that apparently only choose to raise “strong trolls”, and fed off of other young trolls, which charged a young Vriska with the responsibility of killing her kin(?) in order to maintain the high-maintenance spider.
She was definitely shaped and molded very harshly by the conditions of her development and growth. So, the Vriska we are presented to in the comic is someone who would’ve probably been a very successful troll in Alternia society, strong and willing to do whatever it took to reach her goals, but also with the emotional maturity of a 5-year-old. At least by human standards.
This is my interpretation of Vriska. Am I too far off? I really hope not.
Right now, I’m at a point with her where while I appreciate her character – what she brings to the table in terms of narrative – I’m far from being a big fan of her as a person. Because like, she’s a bully. :/
And it’s with that notion in mind that we take a step back from Vriska for a little, and focus on someone else: Tavros, aka, the apparent main victim of Vriska’s meddling.
Tavros is weird by troll standards. Karkat mentioned so himself, at some he said something like he doesn’t think Tavros could ever hate anyone.
He is much gentler and overall nicer than the rest of his fellow trolls, and is seen as “weak” by their society's standards. And that's wgy Vriska, from what I understood, decided that she’d “help” him by basically antagonizing him to hell and back in hopes that he'd grow a tougher shell.
I’m mentioning all of this because earlier, I read the opinion of someone that was trying to defend Vriska’s actions towards Tavros, specifically the events leading up to her acquiring God tier, and later on, his death by her.
Basically, their point was the same Vriska herself was trying to explain to John, that she only bullied Tavros because she liked him, and knew that he wouldn’t survive in their world if he kept being “weak”, so she messed with him to try and toughen him up.
Tavros was simply too much of a coward, and so eventually, when the time came and Vriska needed him to be strong (to kill her so she’d get God Tier) he was unable to do it and ran away, leaving her to die alone from blood loss.
And this is the thing that truly leaves me kind of confused and upset because in case it’s not obvious by now, I actually like Tavros and relate to him, and the whole spiel of “weak vs strong” upsets me quite a bit, and I really don’t understand the point of the person that defended her.
I might have interpreted this wrong and let my bias get in the middle of my critical thinking, but…. isn’t it obvious that Vriska’s intentions when she was bullying Tavros were far from wanting to help?
I'm being genuine here, btw. Because I've read a fair ammount of people arguing this.
This was my train of thought: I don’t doubt she did to some degree appreciate Tavros, but you can’t tell me she wasn’t enjoying having power over him. She would relish in messing with Tavros, call him names, insult him for being crippled (despite, or perphaps, especially because she knew she’d been the one to put him that way). She loved being more powerful than him, and using her advantages to give him hell.
At the same time, I also don’t doubt that Vriska believes she was helping him all this time. That she was the one in the right. That the suffering he get from her was Tavros’s own fault for being so weak. That, while yes, she does feel some remorse now, she was still in the right for killing Tavros. And yeah, by Alternia standards, I guess she is. Can’t argue there. As she told John, he was a much lower-class troll actively disrespecting her, and she had already been super merciful not to kill him before, instead "befriending" and playing with him. But enough was enough and all that.
She still feels guilty about it, but that shouldn't be relevant because whatever her own feelings and other people's beliefs may be, according to their society, she's justified. She had something to back her up.
The crux of the problem is, there’s no Alternia anymore, no Troll society, and most of the trolls that she’s left with don’t really care about the way things are supposed to be.
And this leaves her – and me – with the current conundrum: now what is considered “right”, and where does that new "right" leave her standing?
She doesn’t know. But by her friends' reactions, she probably has some clues.
Vriska is still a teen with feelings, so remorse and guilt are a given for her since she did care about the people she hurt. I’ve also read some people trying to defend her with that – the fact that she’s obviously feeling regret – but I honestly don’t see what that changes. What should that matter, if she keeps repeating the same mistakes?
Regret and guilt aren’t really valid unless they’re able to stop you from re-committing said mistakes, and try to make amends instead. Which, yeah, she tried a few times, but none of those tries were exactly sincere or convincing.
(I was trying to say unbiased here, but I think I blew that by now. Oops.)
When she kills Tavros, I can’t see anything there but an emotionally stunted kid having a tantrum and destroying the core of her misgivings instead of trying to sort through them.
She was upset to realize that Tavros had finally gotten more confident, but only to act against her of all people, and let that emotion fester, blind and control her. This led to Tavros dying by Vriska’s hand in an act of thoughtless violence, although later on, when she finally calms down from the tantrum, she feels remorse and realizes she fucked up. Again.
What happened with Aradia could be interpreted as pretty much the same, right? Vriska got upset, didn’t know how to deal with it, so she destroyed the source of her anger. And when guilt knocked on her door, she could lean on the rules of their society to condone herself.
But again, the reason why now with Tavros things are slightly different is that that society doesn’t really exist anymore and no one really gives a fuck about its rules.
I guess the question right now is how many times Vriska will continue to fuck up this way until she realizes how “weak” she actually is.
The reason why I appreciate her character so much is that I think it just gave me so much insight into the insides of the mind of a bully.
Meanwhile, the reason why I don’t really like her all that much is that she’s just generally a bad person, and has yet to show honest signs of wanting to change for good. As much as I loved her conversation with John, I really don't think that qualifies as such.
I honestly hope this is the last time this crap happens and she finally learns for good now. Maybe John can help her get there. I believe he could.
It just makes me sad that lives were already taken, meanwhile.
RIP Tavros. I liked him a lot, really. Maybe it was just me, ‘cause I’m a bit of a softie myself, but his gentle ways were a breath of fresh air when I was reading Act 5 Act 1. Everyone was so intense all the time, it was kinda nice to have someone calmer I could relate to in all the brashness going around.
But then again, that’s also what made him a target for Vriska, and what eventually got him killed. His “weakness”.
It’s like what Vriska said about Karkat, who’s just as much of a softie beneath all his grumpiness. They probably would’ve thrived a lot better on Earth. The alpha kids’ Earth, I mean. Not sure about ours, sadly.
I am getting sad writing this. Homestuck, why would you do this to me?
Eh anywayyyyyyyy, I doubt ayone will read this, but if you have gotten this far, thanks a lot ^^
Imma gonna continue reading now, have a nice day
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spicyrottingbrains · 4 months
I was going through the buddie tag on ao3 for the first time in a little over a month looking for a good fic (I've been in a little but of a reading slump because all the mistagged fics were messing with my head so I took a break from it and only read buddie fics that ppl recommended on tumblr and fics from my other fandoms). And guys I just came across not one but two fics with a eddie diaz bashing tag. I never thought I'd see the day. Ohmigod. All the hen chim and maddie bashing tags were bad enough and I had them filtered but god this random dude really did bring wayyy too much eddie hate into the buddie fandom of all things. Also why are they tagging buddiee if it's not happening. If it's an eddie or buck pining fic then atleast say that it's one sided or use the prerelationship tag(if it applies) instead of tagging the relationship tag. The amount of mistagged fics pisses me off so much.
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killer-wizard · 4 months
looking at horror youtubers i used to watch as a kid and seeing their boring ass lazy content with their stupid voice affects and exploitative topics. not to mention the weird ass sponsors. yawns
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days-in-reality · 3 days
I just wanna disappear but because my nan spent her retirement years raising me I owe it to her to stick around otherwise I'd be out of here and no one in my family would hear from me again (besides my sister) and I can only imagine how peaceful it will be how much stress will melt away without those attachments and I wouldn't feel bad cause I'm 100000 miles away
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sensitivegoblin · 11 days
Tw: sh, suivide
#i hate that my brain is broken and it makes me fight with my family....#i.wish i could jjst shut my mouth like thsy qant me to.....#it smells like human shit n piss in my room cus im too scared to ask my dad to change it :')✨️💕✌️#i wanna cut so that i get release and attention but last time my dad didnt even notice and my sister didnt take it seriously :(#i feel like cuttong is the only way to let out my Ick and show how not good im doing#mental illnesses are invisible and so fucking crippling......#my family thinks im lazy i just know they do#im such a fuvking failure at 25 i should be taking care of my dad like he did to his..#also my dad always says hes in catholic hell sooooo guess im not real then :')#he spefically says he died as a kid and this is his hell.....🥹✌️💔#i just....hate my life and already dont feel real#he basically vents and says whatever without thinking about the impact on ME the adult child with autism.#i think about my words affect on everybody all the time and it seems like barely anyone thinks the same#....maybe i can s-xually -buse myself instead of cutting#but cumming always brings a biiiiig wave of crying#i shpuldnt cut for the attebtion but FUCK i wanna get a hug or see someone have a soft voice n soft eyes for me#....all i do is annoy my dad#i should just kill myself so i dont annoy him anymore#but im too scared of failing#also im scared of Hell#i need a hug that doesnt start with me asking for a hug......#if i didnt do anything affectionate for a whole day i would go without it#i would trade every present in the world if my family could at least just UNDERSTAND my emotional brain#instead i get “i just dont understand” over n over n over n over again.....#im not trying to be an attention seeker when i say this: logically the only answer i can come up with is to k-ll myself.#its like 2 + 2 = su!cide#my family says that theyd kill themselves if i did....i dont believe that#theyre less broken than me so they would heal and move on.#for clarification#the most violent thing km gonna do is c-t myself im NOT attempting tonight
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nugatorysheep · 1 month
Sometimes I think about how, back when the roster was much bigger, me and my old friend group all picked out WTL characters that we thought the others were the most like, and almost universally people thought Druid was the most like me. That probably should've been my first clue that none of them knew a single thing about me, but hindsight is 20/20
I also often think about how, after several days of going through things that had happened to me over the last four or so years, I was told 'You seem like a person who wants to be understood', and it hit me that until then, I had never met someone who ever really got me. Now that I have, I could never settle for less.
#for the record Sven is like two steps away from being my kinsona#like it's almost embarrassing lmao#i think between him and Leo (with his edits over the years) you can find 70-ish percent of what makes up me as a person#idk man I just. People think Im so aggressive and obtuse#and like. yeah when im backed into a corner im not the nicest#but i dont think anyone would be if they're in fight or flight mode and it feels dishonest to judge someone at their most vulnerable#but when im just like.... There and Alive and being my usual nerdy self#which is 99 percent of the time#i am just a Guy in a Room#and people assume the worst of me for it#like damn what about me is so evil and intimidating. please i want to be seen as soft and kind and genuine for once in my life#i wanna be able to express myself without it being seen as an attack or rude or aggressive#it wasnt until recently where i really started noticing this and by extension getting peeved about it#but i've been so mild-mannered and people-pleasing all my life because i was unknowingly compensating for how people view me#and even with all that bending over backwards it never worked anyway because I was still the weirdo at best and the aggressor at worst#And Im *tired* of that. I'm so tired of it.#I cannot in good faith keep trying to be this un-intimidating flower when people are only gonna see thorns regardless#nugget rambles#text.txt#vent tag#I'll go back to regularly scheduled shitposting soon#Also like clarity on Druid: I project some fears and traumas of mine onto him and he means a lot to me#but in terms of personality he is far nicer and resilient than I would ever be under such circumstances#Druid isn't me but he's someone I wish I had in my life when I needed it. He's someone I wish I could be
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 year
anyway rb this and in the tags list some of your favourite siblings in tv/film!
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thotferatu · 9 months
all im gonna say is that all the complaints of "why does MJF have so many storylines rn!!!!!!!" youre valid but you were wrong bbg
this shit is fire
the tie ins?? gorgeous gorgeous girls love long term booking
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piratadelamor · 2 years
self isolation as a form of self preservation is going to end up killing me someday
#im already a fucking adult if i dont do something about this shit im gonna be lonely as hell#i just wish i had made friends at college like everyone else#instead of the poor choices of friends i made when i got in for the wrong ideas i had about the type of person i wanted to be#i simply ended up with no friends at the worst place to make friends#imagine me having 8 different classes each semester. each class had about 60 different students#each subject had at least 4 different teachers teaching that so you could choose when and who to take that class with#850 new students each year it was rare to end up on the same class as someone twice#unless you were already friends before and decide to take the classes together#most of my classes didnt have group projects either. no dynamic stuff just reading and reading and reading#it. was. HELL#i actually had like 3 people i could call my friends there but our classes never matched#and im not an easily approachable person i wanted to DIE when i made a friend there that told me she was scared to talk to me before#how many possible friendships i lose all the time for seeming unnaproachable?? for my fucking face bro i cant do shit about it#today my best friend from work also told me that when she first met me she thought i was cold and arrogant#but that i also seemed cool so she was like ok lets give her a chance#i keep fucking hearing it all the fucking time i have MANY friendships that started just like this. people judging me at first#this is so sad and lonely to me i dont wanna be this person#one time a friend also said something like im glad im already your friend id be scared of you if i didnt know you#like????? scared of WHAT. i never treat people badly. i dont fight i dont do gossip i dont do anything to hurt anyone#im always trying to get people together and have fun i always talk to everyone im always nice to everyone#im always trying#so why the hell people still think im unnaproachable#i dont get it i've been hearing this from FRIENDS my whole life. not from people who dont like me its people who LIKE me that say this#what the hell am i doing wrong besides being born with my fucking face#and then. above all. to make it all worse. i self isolate bc im scared of rejection. man i fucking hate being me#i really dont wanna be lonely
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I LOVE showing The Mole Song to people because it's like, love it or hate it, you can't possibly have a lukewarm reaction to it. I'm thrilled you liked it so much!!! Hong Kong Capriccio definitely has its moments and I'm glad you enjoyed it too; on that note, I haven't seen Final yet, and it doesn't seem to be hardsubbed online, but I was able to find a raw and subs separately. They seem okay from the scene I skipped to twenty minutes in but not positive lol
It really does set the tone early! I love the cutaway gags too The manga has a lot of absurd non-sequiturs and it was a fun way to adapt that to a new medium. As an adaptation as a whole, Undercover Agent Reiji in particular definitely has the tone down and I appreciate that it kept a lot of the Moments I liked.
Hiura had me from the blood oath… one of the guys of all time… despite how I sound from what I just said, I actually didn't even know there was a manga or a sequel when I first watched it, so I was SO relieved he survived the explosion. I was honestly 100% convinced he'd crash the plane at the end though lol, but I guess that ended up happening in Hong Kong Capriccio anyway?
BUT YEAH LIKE THE GUY JUST HAS A HYPERFIXATION AND I HAVE TO RESPECT THAT. Which, you know, in-universe, to have the whole butterfly motif and then dress your man up in florals… I repeat, Reiji was slaying in that dress… I love everyone's costuming in these movies. SPEAKING OF THE AUCTION, the PSP segment onward was insanely RGGcore wasn't it… good god……
It's kind of funny how little Reiji changes--I guess that's how you keep a manga going for like 900 or whatever chapters so far--because he'll pretty much Always have things he needs to figure out. Still very much fun to watch, though!
ALSO the drugs reminded me (I was expecting them to be In The Dogs too lol), shoutout to manga Tsukihara for having the exact same character arc as Mine and ending up an invaluable ally. Also getting to beat up Ryuji Leo (sorry my boy but Mine is overall the stronger combatant to me and I am tired of the Reddit-y discussions on the wiki saying otherwise </3). Living vicariously while Mine's status is still uncertain lol
P.S. I Too Treat Your Blog Like The Morning Paper and it means a lot to me to have the opportunity to write in and talk! I would also love to join a stream if you ever go for it!
P.P.S. NOOOOOOO PLEASE THE SLOW DANCING…….. UNWELL. I've imagined the same thing but at home… in the light of the refrigator… Jo is still tense as hell both because of the situation and it's such a waste of electricity and they really should close the door as soon as possible… but Arakawa insists if it's only for the duration of the song, it's fine……
YEAH THE MOLE SONG MOVIES WERE REALLY FUN thanks again for recommending it to me (I found out it had a manga series the moment I went to look it up, but I haven't read a lick of it. I'd say I'm surprised it's still running but I mean... manga like One Piece have over a thousand chapters at this point, so I shouldn't be too surprised. Maybe I'll give it a read sometime just to check out how the movies and manga compare-and-contrast with each other)!
1.) BIGGEST HONOR I'm glad my blog can entertain a lot of people (and a big part of that is due in part to people writing in and giving me a chance to chat a bit, so of course I always have to thank you and everyone else for sending me asks as frequently as you all do. They're absolutely the highlight of my day whenever I get the time to answer them ^^)!! I've always liked the idea of streaming (I've attempted to years back but I never tried again afterwards), though I always end up getting too anxious about it (plus I tend to get performance anxiety and I end up taking a lot longer to draw whenever people are watching me). I hope to get over that anxiety one day though- I bet it'd be fun to respond to people in real time or take quick doodle requests mid-stream :)
2.) AW THEM DANCING IN THE KITCHEN THOUGH I CAN SEE IT..... Jo being worried about the electric bill though that's so accurate..... I'll definitely think on the concept of Slow Dancing AraSawa with all the apparent enthusiasm around it.. I promise..
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YAYA my friend (who made the post) told me a moment after I told her (also PLEASE I was so heinous reading the name- first thing I said to her aside from 'new movie night plan' was 'how many times does this man play a dude named 'Jo' ☠️☠️)! I wasn't able to find any recordings of the actual play (I know a trailer was posted last year so I don't know if they've actually performed live since then) but here's to hoping one day there's a recording of it posted somewhere...
#long post#snap chats#responding a lil quick to this im goin somewhere in a bit forgive me if i forget some things to respond to#i guess i just got one lingering comment on hiura + butterflies + florals... that was a cute detail wasnt it....#not to let reiji copy his motif but be adjacent to it- to compliment it even. lovely. And Again. reiji Did look super lovely#costume design really went off with this movie all of hiura's suits and dress shirts were SO nice oh my god#i never really was a fan of butterfly-print but i've been converted.. i've been convinced...#on that note tho hiura already had me on board when the first line we get introduced him with is just. 'every yakuza needs to be funny' ☠️#i repeat... my moto in life... commit to the bit... it was impossible not for me to like him 😔#OH BUT MINE V RYUJI.... not to be vile but i agree..... sssh dont tell anyone i dont wanna start a fight...#even if i already did make a post saying mine could clear anyone BUT IM JUST SAYING#he's like. one of if not the only boss to have kiryu totally exhausted after a fight just from his ownself#and sure ryuji's big and strong but he's also really sluggish and doesnt have a lot of refine to him...#if the fact that mine can Literally spin circles around kiryu then mine's just a more nimble fighter.. i believe he could take him...#AH BUT IM RAMBLING I HAVE TO LEAAAVEE thank you for writing in as always !#no worries about taking a while to write in of course we all have things to do :]#speaking of i started watching My Blood And Bones today.. im halfway through the film already#it's very slow but im not mad- theyre cute so far and i hope good things happen to hari and hamada :)#i wont hold my breathe tho... i have abot an hour and eight minutes left in this movie#we'll see what happens whEN IGTE HOM OH GOD OK BYE FR
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crunchycrystals · 2 years
absolutely insane to me that cornelia street and death by a thousand cuts are on the same album as me hee heeeeee hoo hoo hooooooo
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arolesbianism · 5 months
Shakes the bars of my cage I need to draw soooo bad I need to draw I need to draw let me draw I have to draw I need to draw I must draw (<- has been too sick to be on electronics much and doesn't like doing traditional art)
#rat rambles#Im starting to feel better tho Im betting within a day or two Ill have made a full recovery#but I just have so many things I wanna draw all the sudden and its killing me#its because I've been thinking abt ocs again and that gives me a lot more options lol#in particular I've been thinking abt marci and toon more again recently#its just the two of them flirting in their mutual workplace environment with toon being dead serious and marci doing it ironically#the main thing is that marci was rly under the impression that toon like. hated her and was taunting her since they're friends with loonie#who long story short is marci's ex childhood best friend who she fell out with after the death of loonie's mom#the two are not on good terms in the slightest and marci knows very well that loonie would want her dead if she had been more honest#so as toon starts to like get more casual and like genuine with marci as the two spend more time together marci warms up somewhat but still#doesn't rly see toon as a friendly figure until they take her out to a museum and marci kind of snaps a bit and asks toon to stop beating#around the bush and is caught off guard when toon seems genuinely kind of hurt and meekly explains that they were just trying to help her#because she had seemed rly stressed and sad all the time and they thought that their lil dates had been helping her relax a bit#that confrontation left marci initially feeling confused but after the initial shock she was mostly left with a sense of dread and guilt#partially because she had just snapped at someone who she had grown to care abt for no reason and partially because she now felt that she#was hiding stuff from toon that would cause them to change their mind on her immediately if they knew#aka that she and loonie are divorced and that she thinks its mom sucked absolute ass (which she did)#oh and also that she used to have a crush on the guy that killed its mom who was also his mom which is also the reason she hates said mom#said mom treated him (aka midas) like shit and tried to get him killed several times#so when all hell broke loose marci at the end ended up mourning midas much more than his mom who everyone else was mourning#including loonie since it actually had a very positive relationship with its mom and a very distant relationship from its siblings#now marci never admitted all of this to anyone but she did act on those feelings to eventually lash out at loonie causing a huge fight#basically she yelled at it for being pushy and clingy and forcing her into a job she didnt want and expecting her to solve all its problems#the two dont necessarily hate eachother but they definitely heavily resent eachother#they still often long for eachothers companionship but not nearly enough for either to wanna make ammends#so toon quite liking both of them causes some internal conflict for the both of them#loonie is fully aware that toon has a big ol crush on marci but doesnt stop them from being friends with her even if it makes it sad#and marci rly wishes that toon wasnt friends with loonie but feels guilty for feeling that way#its a complicated situation and one that rly isn't helped by the fact that one of the three has the dead god queen mom#loonie could get away with a Lot and everyone knows it
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overlyimmersed · 1 year
today exists to fuckin piss me off
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squiddy-god · 1 month
Hello!! I just read your twst x chubby S/O and I thought it was amazing! Could I request Third Years x S/O who's into crocheting and crochets them plushies or keychains as random gifts? Plus a bonus when they admit that after they graduation Night raven they want to start a small business on it after hiding it if you want >w<
Hehehehe i love this so much because i crochet! It is one of my many house husband skills, personally my favorite things to make is these little octopuses but i should really branch out lol, this reminds me of those manhwas where the mc starts a business that booms 
Cw : tooth rotting fluff, mc has a successful side hustle to make that bag, gn reader, bonus grim because i love my cat so much, my son, grims is obvi platonic, rsa mention because vil is petty
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Oh hes bragging 
His human henchman is the best because they make him cute gifts 
The skrungly
I wanna make him little kitty outfits for every occasion
Making grim cat toys and he acts like he doesn't like them at first but he literally wont sleep without the crochet tuna fish you made him 
I think he needs a little kitty bag to wear and put his stuff in (mostly tuna) 
He would taunt the others because clearly he is the most special kitty with his very cool bad and fish 
He is and i won't stand for anyone telling me otherwise, i love our bastard cat son
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Hes obsessed 
If you make him a keychain then he is adding it to his growing collection on his phone right away
I hc that hes a big fan of stuffed animals so he adores anny that you make him and they sit on his bed 
He names all of them
He helps you start the small business during school actually! At first its his suggestion to run a magicam page for all your creations 
Soon the comments are flooded with people asking if you sell, one thing leads to another and boom you now have a successful side hustle 
Rsa is honestly a big seller they love this kind of stuff
He loves everything you make him and never stops posting about his love for it
Very supportive of your small business ventures 
His favorite thing you've made him is a little bag for pens and pencils that is shaped like a playing card because he thinks its just the cutest thing in the world 
And the keychains that he gets to show off whenever he whips his phone out (often)
Some of his favorite candid photos of you are when you’re crocheting peacefully 
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Dometic bliss pt.1
Trey is,,,such an old man- he like baking and the simple domestic little things like making you coffee/tea in the morning 
He loves to watch you crochet because he thinks its very cute and wholesome to spend time when you are doing activities together that are calm 
He adores the set of frilly doilies you made him and the cute potholders are always in use
He is 100% in support of your dreams of making that bag, honestly he really thinks you should get a start now to make extra cash on the side since 7 forbid crowley pay you for the work you do
He smiles every time he sees a tart cooling on one of the doilies you made him, seeing the little pattern always makes him happy
He trades you baked good for the things you make him so i hope you enjoy sweet treats
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Cat…big kitty…
Oddly captivated by any balls or skeins of yarn that are out and about but hes fighting the urge to play with them 
He is not beating the house cat allegations 
At first hes pretty neutral on it honestly, he likes the gifts you give him because they are just his but hes not a big keychain guy, or stuffies
Then you make him a blanket and hes gone 
He claims to be neutral about it, saying he likes the gift but dont be fooled by his aloof act he sleeps with that blanket everywhere 
He is bringing it to class if he doesn't just skip the class 
It is his favorite blanket and he almost lost his shit when ruggie took it to wash it- he's kinda territorial about the blanket 
Gives 0 fucks that its some cutesy blanket with little lions on it
Also a big fan of pillows/pillow covers 
If you make him multiple blankets he loves them too but the first one is extra special to him 
Hes neutral about you starting a business during or after school/graduation because well,,,he's a whole prince,,,
You make cheka a matching blanket and leona gets a very happy letter from his brother on how much the mini lion loves it, leona rolls his eyes but is secretly very proud of you 
Regardless if you want to start the small business he is happy to support you making that bread 
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Vil in crochet clothes my beloved 
Hes charmed by your little hobby and the adorable stuffed animal you made him, a little crochet owl that sits on his vanity so he sees it when he does his makeup and night routine 
Vil does not post a lot of personal stuff on his magicam/socials, but he does wear anything you make him, he has a folder in his gallery dedicated to photos of the two of you, dates or candid photos either he took or rook took and sent to him. 
Most of these pics he's in something you crochet for him even if it's just a simple keychain it's a staple of his 
He is very supportive of your dreams of starting a business for your crochet, he admires the drive and discipline and encourages you to pursue this work 
Ironically if you start a side hustle soon to be full business, neige of all people is a big customer as he's fond of cute stuff like this 
This is where vil gets petty 
He sees a photo post of neige’s where he’s in a new outfit, not odd at all, what catches vils attention is that the cardigan and hat he's wearing is oddly similar to a piece he saw you working on for an order- anyone watching can see the twitch in vil’s eye when he sees the shoutout to you in the caption
The next 5-8 posts of vil’s are a mix of his regular posts and pictures of him in your clothes or with the keychains, all with captions along the lines of “my beautiful s/o @[your name here]”
He even posts the owl
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If you were to make him a keychain he calls it his lucky charm for hunting and always had it on him. 
Really he's just fond of anything you make him
a lot of his photos are of you when you are deep in a project and not paying attending, candid photos like this are his favorites and he looks at them often 
He really likes any little animal stuffies you make because he thinks they are just the cutest 
“Hunts” your plushies aka he will sneak up on you making them or sorting them out and act like he caught them 
He is very supportive of your business ventures, he loves to see you so passionate about wanting to eventually start a small business and be able to sell your creations 
He definitely encourages you to sell a few things in sams shop, afterall he sells anything and everything anyone could ever need
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The outfits you make grim are his faves 
He is a cat man at heart and cant help but coo over every new thing you make grim because it makes the kitty so so so cute and as a cat he was already uber SS+ cute levels 
He is also a big fan of any keychains you make him or even stuffies
The stuffies either are on his bed so he can cuddle them or they are with the rest of his game/anime figures on his shelves so its a horrific mix of like neon genesis mechs and crochet 
I think it would be funny to make him doilies to put the figures on because when hes gaming and people are like “dude why is your [super cool limited edition game figure] on a doily???” hes like “haha L+loser+lonely+my super cool s/o made them for me lvl10 affection” and is it cringe as hell? Yes. can those normies suck it because hes no longer forever alone? Also yes
They are demanding proof or it didn't happen 
Ortho is also a big fan and has a lil keychain you made hooked on him <3
idia would actually combust if you made anything themed after a game or show he watches/plays because that is SS+ max lvl affection with full hearts right there 
You have unlocked the super secret route and that is unlimited discord nitro and a new pc because he is so happy 
He also would support your business during and after school 
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Domestic bliss pt 2
Genuinely you are breaking this guy. Like he cannot take it anymore 
I feel we all can agree malleus is prone to casual proposals because hes just,,,kinda like that
He pictures a future with you by his side and you aren't making it any better by being so endearing 
When he sees you doing something as simple as sitting down and crocheting his draconic heart is filled with sweet domestic love, makes him feel like an old married couple and he can't take it lmao 
At first he's a bit weird about accepting gifts as it's a big deal in fae culture to just,,,get a gift out of nowhere
But he does accept them, he simply gives you something he sees as equal value (this is how you end up with several big ass gems)
He considers all of your gifts his most precious items, his favorites however are the following 4 gifts he has received 
A keychain that looks like his gaogao-drakon-kun tamagotchi witch he keeps on the same keychain as said virtual pet
A gargoyle plushy that he considers to be one of his most treasured gifts, in a similar light he has a plushie of your fave animal and you have a dragon plushie that match (this almost killed him)
And a little crochet bracelet that you match (he never takes it off unless he has to) 
Your desire to start a business throws him for a loop at first because in his mind you are happily by his side in the briar valley, (he is very male lead coded) but he quickly re-adjusts to account for your business plans and he is the most supportive dragon you could ever hope for 
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Old man (affectionate) 
 I like to think lilia knits and is simply overjoyed when he finds out you crochet 
You exchange little gifts 
It makes his very old fae heart happy to sit around the ramshackle fireplace and crochet/knit with you while chatting about your day/week, simple things like this make him feel like hes back in the old days with a baby silver 
He loves anything you make him and happily wears any keychains or items he is gifted
Stuffies are named and placed around his room without a hint of shame 
And he loves that you have such good goals and dreams like a business 
I like the idea of meeting general lilia and also making him something 
At first he is confused, almost indignant that you would have the gaul to give him a gift- of all people he would never accept such a token
Maybe its something simple, a granny square on the lacy side that resembles something akin to a handkerchief, something small you explain as a favor, something youd give a knight 
He claims he is disgusted by such human customs but his grip on the crochet piece is unmistakable, and the way you wake up the next morning to a small green gem-the same that adorns his armor, tells you all you need to
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#i love working in retail in the months of November and December as a person who doesn't celebrate Christmas :)#its my favorite activity and hobby actually!!!!!#friends. it is literally required at my new job for us to play Christmas music starting nov. 1st to the end of the year#its been 2 shifts and my brain is melting#and basically all of the cookies now are Christmas themed. which. whatever#i decided a while ago thats not a fight im gonna pick bc everywhere is gonna have holiday themed pastries#im not gonna be like UM ACTUALLY i dont celebrate Christmas im not doing that#but its EXHAUSTING#this time of year is EXHAUSTING#and this one coworker is EXHAUSTING#I don't want her to be like oh you dont celebrate Christmas???? :( :) whY NOT????????? tell my your life story so i can JUDGE IT#i had to tell her i was homeschooled today bc she asked me about high school#and she whas like :))) OH :)))#and i know what she was thinking. the same thing everyone thinks. crazy little quiet girl was homeschooled and it made her crazy + quiet 🥺#and i dont owe anyone an explanation about anything i know#but the social anxiety cant handle people thinking things like that about me but also makes it impossible to stand up for myself#and not celebrating Christmas comes down to a very important thing to/about me (my religion)#which is like. its personal but i will share it in the right circumstances. i feel like a lot of times work is not the right circumstance#and i dont wanna talk about it to a person who i know is gonna be like 😀😀😀😀 oh OK#but the manager is arranging a secret santa so im gonna have to say i don't wanna participate. I DON'T WANNA BE QUIZZED#the whole retail Christmas thing is like. it sucks on a personal level bc its literally tiring to be surrounded by it constantly#but i can handle that. ik it makes other people happy#but it gets worse when it turns into a big thing to other people who are just now finding this out about me#and its easy to tell which people are gonna be like 'oh ok cool!' and whos gonna be like 'BUT WHY THO????? okkkkkk i guessss'#and unfortunately :) the other baker at my new job :) is definitely an option B kind of person :)#anyways sorry im tired im going to bed now
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