#i dunno where the solace is
elonmuscovado · 4 months
okay i can’t sleep and i need to vent so hello tumblr!!!
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ribbonbite · 2 months
mulgogi [sebastian solace]
in which a certain prisoner is a kpop stan and sebastian hates(loves) it
a/n ♡ this isn't meant to be taken seriously (and is lowkey cringe) so to the people who hate fun THIS ISN'T FOR YOU!! also it's kinda short im sorry <3 also badly written but erm ^_^'' and to non kpop fans who like sebastian too, this probably won't make much sense im sorry 😭
(this is NOT an excuse to mix my hyperfixations and it is NOT cringe. it is also NOT a reflection of my headcanon of sebastian being a secret kpop stan who likes girl groups. /s)
name inspo: '"mulgogi" by fromis_9 (get it bc sebastian is a fish and mulgogi means fish HAHA!!)
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God, Sebastian fucking hated them.
Not only were they super annoying to him, flashing their beacon at his face and whatnot, they were a kpop fan. Whenever they came into the shop they always blasted music that pissed him off. 'I dunno, Sebastian! Maybe you should stan fromis_9', they would say with a stupid grin on their face.
Why were they so joyous too? They were in a facility where almost everything is out to get them. It's like their brain was only full of puppies and kittens or something, even though they're experiencing the horrors of humanity.
Sebastian started biting his finger in irritation at the thought of them. Oh how he wanted to so badly punch them in their stupid yet cute face. As he got lost into his violent (and somehow sweet) thoughts, he suddenly heard noises coming from the vent.
Oh god... not them again...
"Guuueeessss who!" [Name] announces with the most bright tone of voice Sebastian has ever heard in his life. He instantly became nauseous as they walked into the shop.
"Oh... It's you." Sebastian says through gritted teeth, clapping his palms together. "I sure am glad you're back!" The sarcasm of the grumpy fish went over the head of the prisoner.
A grin made its way onto [Name]'s face. "Anyway, you know what time it is!" They exclaim before pulling out a speaker. Where did they even manage to get it? How is it even working in whatever hellhole they're in? Who knows.
With a press of the power button, the familiar tune of a specific song that [Name] liked playing started. The happy and summery tone did NOT match the current situation they were in.
"Have you seen my Hayoung photocard? I carry this around with me all the time!" They said, pointing a piece of paper with a random lady on it at Sebastians face
The fish looked at the paper with lowered brows, not amused at whatever the prisoner was doing. "...You're very annoying." He mutters as [Name] put the photocard back inside their bag. He hated the fact that he found it kind of endearing.
"Aww, but I know you like it!" [Name] teases. "Your tail is literally swaying to the beat of this song right now!" They pointed at his lower end, which was indeed moving despite Sebastians irritated face. He took a deep breath before crossing his arms. "Yea yea... the song is good." He admitted with defeat.
[Name] grinned and started jamming along. Maybe this was a weird way of coping with the fact that there are entities who could end their life at any moment, Sebastian thought.
Whatever the reason was, he was glad that they had some sort of light in their dark situation. He still found them irritating but hey, at least he has company, right? And he found [Name] sort of cute so he didn't completely despise them.
"Sebastian, I think you should really stan fromis_9." Their voice shook Sebastian out of thought. He looked at them for a moment, a deep sigh leaving his mouth.
"Sure! Why not."
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if u can, please stream fromis_9's comeback "supersonic"! out august 12th <3
ending was a bit choppy and weird im sorry >_<
thanks for reading!! 🩷
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“Hey. You.”
The most beat up pair of purple Chucks he’s ever seen enter his line of sight. Following them up the person they are attached to, he squints, trying to make out a face in the backdrop of the bright midday sun.
“What,” Nico says flatly.
Kayla is unbothered by his attitude. “I need your help.”
Now that is a sentence Nico does not often hear. He waits for a following because someone has died and I need you to handle it, or perhaps a more interesting because there is a ghost terrorizing camp that you need to take care of, but no explanation is forthcoming.
“Because…?” Nico prompts, eyebrows raising. Kayla huffs.
“My dumbass older brother has been working for seventy straight hours. Every time we try to drag him out he just — I dunno, talks around it. He’s fast and disorienting and none of us have managed, but if he doesn’t sleep soon he’s going to collapse. Again.”
Nico blinks. He’d wondered why he’d been having so much peace over the last couple days — there has not been, in hindsight, even one knock on his door at an obnoxious hour, nor has he been bagged about missing breakfast or lunch or dessert or whatever else. He has, for the most part, woken up well past noon and spent his time wandering the woods.
No wonder he’s been so bored.
“Don’t know how I’m supposed to help you with that,” he says shortly. “Knock him unconscious and drag his body back to bed.”
Kayla shakes her head. “Tried that. He has a very thick skull. Just made him mad.”
Nico was kidding, mostly, but the idea of Kayla tiptoeing behind a distracted Will and walloping him upside the head in the name of sisterly love makes him smile despite himself. Just as quickly, he twists it into a scowl, because he does not like the teasing expression that has wormed itself across the daughter of Apollo’s face.
“Well, then, pray, I guess.”
“Just talk to him,” she says, exasperated. “He listens to you.” She turns and strides off before Nico can say no, actually, Solace is a stubborn pain in the ass who delights particularly in ignoring everything I say, not sure where you got that from. And somehow, Nico feels like this is not something that’s just going to go away.
He groans, and curses at the heavens, and stomps towards the infirmary.
The infirmary is, when Nico walks in, surprisingly crowded.
It’s never really empty, not at camp, but it’d been a lot quieter the last time Nico had been dragged in (he got a papercut. Well, a sword gash to the artery, but nothing a square of ambrosia couldn’t fix, and definitely nothing worth a forty-straight-minute lecture from Will, that was for certain). Then, maybe a third of the cots had been occupied, and most patients where lucid enough to be complaining. Medics were either actively arguing with difficult campers, or chatting amongst themselves.
Now, not a single cot is free. The infirmary swells with pained groans and sounds of retching. Medics and medics-in-training rush from bed to bed; none of them as hurriedly as Will Solace, who might as well be a blur of movement.
“Woah,” Nico says, darting his arms out to catch the aforementioned blur of movement as he rapidly approaches the ground, having tripped on a supply cart. “Slow down, Solace, or you’re gonna end up on a cot.”
“Sounds good,” he mumbles. His eyes are bloodshot. “Gimme ten, and I’ll come check you out, okay? Unless you’re dying. Are you dying?” He frowns, concentrating. A familiar glow comes from his hands, but it’s — weak, almost. More of a flicker than anything. “No, you’re not dying. Good. Be back soon.”
Despite his parting words, he doesn’t move.
“Did my legs stop working?” he wonders, and promptly goes fully limp. Nico yelps, scrambling to keep from dropping him.
“Um, help?” he yells. “Medic down?”
“Cot!” someone yells back. “Be there soon-ish!”
Nico glances side to side, but, as he expected, everything is occupied, and every medic is busy. Several people, he is now noticing, are covered in the same, pulsating red welts, clutching bowls and buckets to their chests, faces green with nausea. Some kind of outbreak. Austin, Will’s brother, is sprinting from bed to bed, checking fevers, firing off hymns. Kayla ducks in from the back doors, throwing on a scrub shirt, and rushes to help. A few other people Nico recognises as regular volunteers are doing what they can to keep people upright and as comfortable as possible, until one of the healers can get to them.
Will is still unconscious.
Nico ducks into the nearest shadow, and disappears.
part two
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
What if trouble was having like a crisis at a party or something, maybe like a panic attack and she either hides in a bathroom or runs to someone like Ethan or one of her friends and Peter finds her and is like ??? You didn't feel like you could come to me? And this is during the situationship so she feels like it's nothing more than sex or he's made it clear that's all he wants yk <3
you've been giving peter the cold shoulder all night.
you swore things were fine, but once you had a couple drinks in you, the annoyance of last week's argument hung over your head. peter knows it too. he's tried to be extra nice tonight, but you made sure to stay clear of him until you needed a refill.
'you wanna come hang with me and ethan for a sec?'
'nope, thanks for the drink. talk to you when i need a new one.'
the night took a drastic turn when you slipped away for the bathroom, finding yourself bouncing between bodies and flashing lights, vape clouds and screams, you break free and heave for air.
you tried to find solace in the bathroom, but you never noticed how small it felt. focusing on deep breaths until someone pounds on the door, 'hurry up! i need to pee!' it's a whined out by a person significantly more drunk than you.
there was no comfort or quiet where you went, your only option was backing up into a corner and holding a hand over your chest, doing your best to keep your heart from beating out.
you weren't sure how long had passed, but you felt like you had lead feet. everything was too much and you were shutting down, even if you wanted to move and make a break for peter's room, or the basement, you were stuck.
ethan finds you in a dark corner in the back of the house, he's unsure what you're doing at first, approaching like normal, his hand rubs your shoulder.
'doin alright, trouble?' when you gasp for air he tries to find your face, 'hey, you okay?'
you shake your head, 'i think i'm having a panic attack but i... i don't know why.' you lean into ethan’s touch as you slowly sink to the floor.
'shit, i... hey, want me to go get parker?' he's already moving, you pull at his hand. 'no. no, get ally or, or prince.' you tuck your face in your knees, doing your best to breathe deeply, while ethan looks for a friend.
skating  between bodies, he finds ally. she's with paul, who's with parker. doesn't matter, you're about to explode and you need her.
'ally, you gotta- ally we need to go. right now.' the urgency has her stepping forward, 'why? where are we going?' ethan breathes out your name, 'she's freaking out, i dunno. she said to get you.'
peter steps up, 'woah, what's going on?'
ethan has no time for it, he tugs on ally's arm, 'we gotta go.' ally sends peter a soft shrug before she's doing her best to keep up with ethan.
peter get's an achy feeling before following both of them, ally's already on her knees in front of you patting your hair. ethan's chewing on his nails when he notices peter, 'panic attack.'
it's all he needs to hear, peter crouches to your level. 'hey, trouble. want me to get you somewhere quieter?' your hand reaches for his on the floor, patting around until he holds it out for you. 'is that a yes?'
your breath is racing, your heart pounding, the noise is piercing and you can't move. you refuse to cry at a party in front of everyone, it’s why you're keeping your eyes squeezed shut.
you hate that he's here, that he's watching it go down, but you're so very thankful he's able to carry you to safety.
'i'm gonna pick you up, okay? i'm going to take you up these back stairs and into my room, is that okay?' you hold ally's wrist in your other hand. 'ally can come, she can stay the whole night in there with you, if you want.'
the tiniest of nods sent peter to move quicker than he ever has. he tapped your knees so you could stretch them down, an arm wrapped under your thighs and one behind your back, he secured you into his hold as he lifted you.
your hands clenched his shirt, it was less about it being peter and more to do with grounding yourself. tucking your head into his chest when he took the stairs two at a time.
'i'm rounding the corner, trouble. ally, wanna get the door for me?'
when his bedroom door shuts behind you it's dark, the music muffles. your heart rate lowers, it's like you can breathe better, no longer fighting to keep air.
peter gently sets you on his bed before crossing over to his windows, ripping the curtains open to let the moonlight fill his room. it's bright enough you can see everything.
ally holds you to her chest, 'oh my goodness, did you see something, or hear something?'
peter shakes his head, 'she was overstimulated.' your eyebrows furrow in ally's shirt, not even you had made that connection, but he did.
'ally,' peter didn't want to sound like a prick, but, 'maybe...' he made a pushing motion with his hand. 'maybe give her some space, just for a second.' she steps away, you feel so relieved from every ounce of pressure you had downstairs, you flop backwards onto peter's bed and sigh.
seconds pass, you feel embarrassed after breaking down in front of peter, especially when he made it clear he was in no rush to be your boyfriend, if ever.
you raise your head up to look at him, 'overstimulated, huh?' peter shrugs, 'i've been there too a few times.'
ally sat on the bed next to you, 'want me to play with your hair?' when peter said it, you felt it. you wanted to be alone in a dark room, maybe not totally alone, but you wanted someone who would just sit there until you needed them.
'um,' you stop her hand gently, 'would you mind if i said i kinda want to hang out with peter instead?' ally quickly stands, 'oh no, not at all! i totally get it, sometimes no one can comfort me like matty. text me if you need me, okay?'
you nod and wait until the door clicks, you pat the bed, waiting until peter sits before you talk.
'sorry. this is probably weird for you. i just know you don't care enough to talk to me or touch me so, you know, just chill here unless i quit breathing or something.'
you can hear nothing but muffled bass and shouts downstairs, it's a comfortable silence.
'hey, trouble, can i talk to you about something?' you hum in response, you can almost hear him thinking.
'i know you put a lot of emphasis on the boyfriend thing, and i know you hate it when i avoid it. but, i'm just not there yet. and i hate that dumb 'it's not you, it's me' stuff, but it is.'
you stay silent.
'and... i know i say dumb stuff a lot, but you are so much more than just a hookup to me. so when you hit me with the you don't care, it really, really hurts my feelings. because, i care about you a lot. i mean, i'd... i'd do anything for you. and i know that doesn't seem like a lot, but for me, that means everything.'
you know he's trying, but that conversation from weeks ago still holds a sour taste on your tongue. you mumble the words with grit, 'yeah, do anything except dumb boyfriend shit.'
'you said it, captain. not me.'
you can feel the frustration brewing in his chest.
'you push and push and when i finally open up you throw back something i said during a fight and under pressure. would it be fair that everytime you compliment me, i follow it up with a 'oh, but do you really? because the other week you called me a fucking coward.'
silence. you don't like when he's right.
'i know you didn't get the answer you wanted, and i'm sorry, but you can't bully me into a relationship. it just doesn't work like that.'
you know it doesn't, but it makes you feel a little better. sometimes dogpiling on peter makes you feel level footed, even if it's only for a second before he's making you feel guilty.
'i just want more, peter. and i don't mean that in a 'keep pressuring you into being my boyfriend' way. i don't know how to explain it.'
peter nibbles at his bottom lip, 'can you try?'
'i just want you to talk to me, and tell me things about yourself, or your childhood. i want you to tell me about the things that made you laugh that day, or show me your interests, or hobbies or really anything that's past surface value.'
you follow up with, 'i think i just want to know i have your commitment.'
you're glad you can't see his face, he's too quiet, you think this is the part where he officially breaks it off.
'you did a good job at explaining it.' his dismissal is enough to send you screaming and running, but he adds more before you could move.
'you have my commitment, trouble. i don't want anyone else but you, and if we need to have the conversation now, i'm off limits. i have been for a while, i'm sorry if i haven't made that clear.'
tilting your chin you get a glance of him, 'off limits?'
peter crosses out his body, 'trouble only zone. i'm talking about no flirting, deleting dm requests, harsh rejection and absolutely no touching.'
'trouble only?'
peter's shoulders drop in relief when the previously unrecognized tension lifts from the room.
he nods, 'only trouble can hear about my day, and childhood, and my hobbies. and touch, trouble can touch as much as she wants, whenever she wants.'
peter has one more thing to add.
'trouble, if i'm going to be anyone's boyfriend, i'm gonna be yours.'
he knows how to keep you latched. it works like a charm. but you can't let him know that.
'hm, if i'm gonna be anyone's girlfriend, i might be yours.'
'then i might be the luckiest guy in the entire world.'
you hum, his admittance made you warm. kicking your shoes off you wriggle higher unto his bed, 'sorry, no more party for me tonight. i'll get a ride home later.'
peter's busy moving closer to you in the sheets, 'you can stay here tonight.' his bed is ultra soft, you don't know how he's able to leave it in the morning. 'tempting, but i'm not in the mood to bang tonight.'
'good, neither am i.' you snort, 'really?' peter nods in your peripheral, 'it takes two to tango, trouble.'
it's calm, then he asks softly, like he's scared of you rejecting him, 'do you wanna cuddle?' your head turns, he's just as breathtaking in the moonlight.
you're already scooting back into him, 'really? don't you have a party to attend?' peter wraps his arms around you, tugging you close and tight, he wouldn't let you slip away if he could help it.
'nah, i'd rather tell you all about my aunt may.' 
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miraculousbumbble · 8 months
God! Solangelo won't leave me alone omg
Nico, sitting with the other demigod children, telling them the stories of mythical heros like Percy Jackson and Hercules.
Nico, telling young Hermes children stories of the underworld and summoning ghosts to fill them with scary stories at campfires.
Nico, teaching kids Italian and helping them with their English.
Will, using his Texan voice anytime he trains with the campers
Will "Please, I'm still your brother don't call me sir!" Solace talking to the Apollo kids.
Will, teaching kids medicine and first aid. And even tho he's not his father, he still sings them to sleep when the nightmares get bad.
Nico, going on quests of all kinds with the campers so that no more demi gods have to lose their sibling.
Will, constantly waxing poetry about Nico anytime and anywhere
Nico, only 10 feet away at supervising the archery range trying to act like he can't hear it even though everyone knows he hears Will. Nobody mentions how his smile gives him away.
Will, telling campers about his mom and the struggles he had with Apollo, telling them that it'll get better.
Nico, introducing new campers to Hestia, "the kindest Goddess" he's ever met.
Nico and Will having mandatory field trips to the cinema once every other month and making sure each and every camper has the hobbies they love just at their finger tips.
Will "your parent may not want you, but I'll do my best to prove that I do" Solace
Nico "I'm not mad you you set your cabin on fire, just disappointed" di Angelo right before bringing said camper to the infirmary and adjusting their schedule so they can train and get a better grip of their powers.
Just... I dunno. Older Solangelo where the world didn't end and they love their really weird family.
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silly-jewish-vents · 1 month
I dunno how to explain it. There is a lot of Jewish rep out there but very rarely does the representation actually feel Jewish.
Yeah maybe they celebrate Chanuka or crack a few jokes about not eating pork but we rarely actually delve deep or explore what it means to be Jewish in this context. If there is elements of tradition they have to be tied to negative elements or the past and better left behind.
For the longest time i just assumed that was how it was. I learned to separate the core of my identity from the stories I found solace in for the sake of finding safety in escapism. Everyone talked about representation but I just assumed that myself as my whole self could never have a place in the stories I loved.
Ive since read stories where I did have a place, where people like me did exist and we weren’t some flawed evil thing to outgrow or something to just brush over. It was so comforting like finding the perfect blanket to curl up in. Maybe thats what were all looking for in the end.
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thisthatpinkvenom · 1 year
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⤏ Synopsis: Seonghwa's always there when you're in dire need of a hug; especially when it finally hits you that your daughter is growing up fast.
⤏ Genre(s): drabble*, fluffity fluff fluff
⤏ Content: established relationship!au, parents!au, non-idol!au
⤏ NSFW Warning(s): none
⤏ Note*: this content is completely fictional.
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It was nearing nine o'clock when Seonghwa stood outside the classroom where four and five year olds trickled in one by one; Spider-Man, Hello Kitty and a few other familiar icons making appearances on their miniature backpacks. He looked at the small Cinnamoroll backpack that hooked around his two fingers by its handle loop, a melancholic smile making its way onto his face when his eyes found sight of the small girl who stood three heads shorter than him. There's not an inch of personal space between the two of them as she idled between his parted feet, eating away at her fingernail while she quietly observed the kids whom she had to call her classmates in the next few minutes. Seonghwa clicked his tongue softly, and pulled her hand away from her mouth.
"Don't bite your nails, Yuha."
He dangled the backpack in front of Yuha and left gentle taps on her arm, waiting for her to stretch her arms for him to slip the straps onto her shoulders. And before he could, she spun on her heel and dove face-first against his tummy, basking in the comforting scent of her father's cologne. Seonghwa's button-up was soon dampened by the tears decorating his shirt and Yuha's backpack dropped to the floor just as his knee did. And he tried—he really did—not to shed tears of his own as he listened to his baby wail into his shoulder.
"Daddy, d-don't leave me!" she pleaded, nuzzling her sniffling nose into his neck.
"I'm not leaving you, Baby," he assured her, "I'll come back for you in a few hours." His hand smoothed over her back as he swayed her side to side, the other cradling the back of her head.
"Why can't I be with you?" Yuha croaked when she faced him, her eyes puffy and glistening under the fluorescent light. Seonghwa sighed and cupped her small face in his hands, his thumbs battling the continuous trails of tears pouring onto her cheeks.
Seonghwa tried explaining in the simplest way he could and murmured, "Daddy has to go to work, Yuha. It's big grown-up stuff…it's not fun."
Yuha looked down at her feet, finding temporary solace in her similarly matching Cinnamoroll crocs. The white dog smiled warmly at her from below, his bright blue eyes and pink cheeks never failing to spark a tinge of happiness in her. He'd always reminded her of her father: quiet, but good and helpful and liked taking naps.
"I'm scared…" she mumbled, once she gathered the courage to look back up. "I dunno anybody."
He nearly melted into mush right there on the spot, brushing the strands of hair let loose to the back of her ear.
"You have to start somewhere. Mommy and I were so nervous to meet you for the first time and look at us now. It's okay to be scared, but it'll go away if you want it to." 
She perked up at his word of advice, tears becoming obsolete as her eyes began to glint a promising sparkle in them instead.
"Really, Daddy?"
He hummed and reassured her, "You're a good kid, Yuha; I know you can make a friend. And if you don't make one today, well…that's okay, try again tomorrow. You can always try again."
"Okay," she said, meekly. A small smile crept onto his lips before he enveloped her into another tight embrace.
"Now, don't cry anymore, okay? You're a strong girl—just like Mommy," Seonghwa whispered, patting Yuha's back.
He felt her firm nods against his shoulder before he pressed a kiss to her cheek, picking up her backpack and finally fixing it behind her. Yuha's tiny hands gripped her shoulder straps as she recited words of encouragement under her breath, her eyes finding purchase in her foam shoes again. They soon followed the trail which ended where her father's face resided, and his warm smile forever engraved itself in the back of her mind, ready to appear whenever she found herself in distress. Without a word, she lifted her arms and waited with small, antsy steps in her place and like he's read her mind, she's hoisted into his arms.
"Did I not give enough hugs?" he asked with a playful lilt in his tone.
Yuha huffed, "No, never."
"Yep"—he chuckled—"you're just like your mommy…"
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"And she really cried yesterday?" you asked, searching for confirmation in Seonghwa who hummed. You frowned, trudging to your shared bed where your husband was settled upright. If you weren't so caught up in reliving how your daughter ran into her classroom this morning without so much so looking back at you, you'd take more than just note of the glasses fashionably sloped down his nose while he read a news article on his phone. Sometimes, you couldn't believe this man really made a baby with you and was the extra source of warmth in your bed every night. You must've done something great in your past life, that's for sure.
And when you flopped next to him on your belly, he let out a passive laugh and placed his hand on your bottom.
"What's the matter, Baby?"
You flipped onto your backside, staring at the little nooks and crannies of the popcorn ceiling.
Sighing, you confided, "She didn't do that with me today."
Seonghwa shifted in his place, looking at you with an incredulous stare. Meeting his eyes, you pouted and let out another sigh.
"What? Don't give me that look, Hwa."
"You're saying you wanted her to cry?"
"It's not that, I"—you pinched your nose bridge—"she just gave me a little hug and ran off. She wasn't being a baby, Hwa." Your husband found it to be difficult to contain the amusement threatening his lips as he listened to your voice crack and your words quake. "I-I mean, my baby wasn't being my baby," you whimpered.
"Aw...Honey, she is," he cooed, inviting you with opened arms to which you accepted in the next sniffle you made. "Not like she's doing taxes, she's still learning one plus one—"
"By the time we both blink, she will be!" you whined into his chest.
"We'll get through this, Baby. You're strong," he gently hushed you, aware of the time as the darkness washed over the sky. Brushing his fingers through your hair while he listened to your staggered breaths, he chuckled. "Can you loosen your grip a bit?"
You huffed, "No."
Like mother, like daughter.
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meowzfordayz · 9 months
Author’s Note: thanks for embarking on this lil helpless-friends-to-lovers journey w/ me. 🤗
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Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
Word Count: ~900
CW: none
they’re-both-so-helpless, emphasis-on-helpless
“... hi!”
You can’t help but chuckle, an awkward smile that reminds Kyojuro of Home brightening your eyes. He sticks out his hand, a solemn expression on his face when you shake it, voice as serious as ever as he declares:
“Just so you are aware, you have officially agreed to be my romantic partner.”
“Kyojuro!” you exclaim, jaw dropping, cheeks hot, “I didn’t- You didn’t- We can’t-”
“-but we can! And we are!” he interrupts cheerfully, gaze twinkling mischievously, “Or is that not why you agreed to meet me?”
“I dunno,” you stammer, blinking quickly, hand burning as you realize you’re still clutching his fingers, snatching it away with an apologetic grimace, “I thought maybe this was the part where you tell me Haha so funny or Sorry, I was drunk when I snapped you or I changed my mind?! or-”
“Sweetheart,” Kyojuro murmurs, a husky, adoring title that halts you in your tracks, already missing the familiarity of his hand in yours, “I would never offer my sentiments flippantly.”
Your pulse stutters, head tilting with confusion. He watches you carefully, resisting the tender urge to cup your hands in his palms and press them to his chest. You swallow thickly, clearing your throat once. Twice. The corner of Kyojuro’s mouth twitches. You scowl, playful distraction scattering the haze in your vision as you huff.
“Oh nice Kyojuro,” arms crossing teasingly, “How kind of you to giggle at me after short circuiting my brain.”
“I am capable of such a feat?” he asks, smug grin informing you that his question is very hypothetical, “Do you remember your first impression of me?”
You nod slowly, gears struggling to shift at his unexpected tangent.
“I remember mine of you. Whenever I get to see you, I feel like I am simultaneously discovering something wonderfully new while also feeling a gentle sense of solace. You are the crackling embers I return to at the end of a weary, darkened day. And I love you.’
“Kyojuro… is the cafe really exhausting you that much?” you blurt, both concerned and stepsiding his explicit confession, “I can come and buy all of your baked goods or something. Whatever helps. So you don’t have to work as hard and worry about not selling enough stuff.”
Kyojuro laughs. A hearty, enraptured sound of devotion and exasperation. You narrowly avoid gasping when he swiftly grabs and covers your hands with his own, tugging them sweaty and nervous to his sternum. His eyes peer steadily into yours, your favorite color of sunset framed by unfairly long lashes, gleaming more fervently than you thought possible. You feel his breath as he raises your knuckles to his lips, kissing them lightly, smoothing the slightest tremor in your grip.
“They said I should tell you,” you admit, a rushed revelation as you melt in the fruition of your fantasy-becoming-reality.
“Oh?” his brow quirks, delighted in your acceptance of his touch, “Tell me what?”
“Mitsuri and Shinobu,” you squeak, “They said I should tell you that Iloveyou.”
“Tengen gave me a similar earful,” Kyojuro hums knowingly, “Although,” volume lowering as he rasps, “I did not catch your last word.”
You gulp, the extent of his affection and your flustered demeanor finally registering. Rengoku Kyojuro loves me you inhale deeply, allowing yourself to perceive the roughness of his callouses against the backs of your hands, jolting from your daze into the present tension as you notice the subtle doubt lingering in his pupils. And I…
“I love you.”
Your reciprocation is soft. Feathery. Grounded in the delicate caress of your fingertips stroking over his heart, matching the relieved exhale of fear from his shoulders.
“You love me!” Kyojuro beams, “I love you!”
With a happy squeal, you give into gravity, arms hugging tightly around him as he promptly lifts and spins you. We’re helpless you think, months of waiting and wanting obvious in how eagerly he holds you; in how resolutely he embraces you. Helplessly in love he thinks, the racing of your heartbeat almost audible; the shine in your eyes illuminating his heart on your sleeve.
“Your friend stopped by yesterday,” Kyojuro remarks. “[y/n]?” Mitsuri perks up, contriving glint in her stare. Uh oh Kyojuro freezes, recognizing his error too little too late. “Do you like them?” Mitsuri chirps—demands—excited now. “Pardon?” Kyojuro’s attempt at innocence is abysmal at best. “They aren’t my number one friend on Snapchat anymore… I think you might like each other!!!!!” “Huh…?” Even as his ears redden, turning swiftly to the espresso machine, feigning oblivion to the careful manner with which Mitsuri watches him. — Winter settles in, as does the yearning, Mitsuri’s prying at the forefront of his mind every time the bell on his cafe’s door jingles, your welcomed presence filling his lungs as he greets you. Again. And again.
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5:02PM Kyojuro: I love you.
5:08PM [y/n]: ???
5:08PM Kyojuro: I apologize.
5:09PM [y/n]: DON’T DO THAT 🤯😖😭
5:11PM Kyojuro: Do not love you, or do not apologize for loving you?
5:11PM [y/n]: bgriludhgou;sbjgs
5:11PM [y/n]: KYOJURO 🥴
5:12PM [y/n]: meet me 2mro? we can go for a walk
5:13PM [y/n]: hullooooo??
5:25PM Kyojuro: Alright. ❤️
5:26PM [y/n]: it’s a date 😉
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Your blog is such a breath of fresh air. Experienced shifters have been deactivating their blogs left and right lately (mainly reasons relating to the tumblr community becoming too negative), the community is still mostly filled with people who are still learning so I hardly hear about successes (if ever), and when it comes to those who are successful, so few people share their experiences in such detail nowadays. Not that they have to of course. I do feel shifting is a personal and private thing and people are entitled to their privacy, but I can't tell you the last time I've seen someone share such specific, mundane details about their other lives. I just wanted to thank you so much for covering details so many people flat out don't get into when it comes to talking about their DRs. It really helps hammer it home that this is indeed real to those still questioning it.
thank you for the kind words.. it really means so much to me that people find solace in my stories and ramblings!
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when I first shifted in 2020, I immediately knew I wanted to share my experiences and provide help, especially since many people were skeptical and discovering shifting. I used to share a lot of methods and stories over on tiktok, but I have to admit that I also thought the community got overwhelmingly negative with the rise of shiftok, and that lead to me leaving my account.
I instead told my family about shifting, and they were surprisingly supportive! it definitely took them a while to accept that this was something I do, but my family is pretty eclectic and they even had some experiences themselves! I know that is not common at all, but my mom loves to hear my stories and she knows about my old account / used to watch it. so, one day we were talking about my first shift to the burrow, and she said she thought it was a mistake that I left my account because my stories make me so passionate and she can see that!!
that is where this blog was born! I usually just use this to ramble about the random things, but I've heard that those are the most motivating and I have to agree. I always loved reading the little mundane details, and those helped me most on my journey to validate that this experience felt like real life.
if I can help any shifters, I will be so glad! shifting changed the direction of my life so much, and I can't ever imagine stopping bc it is so important to me! for now, I love to document as much as I can and use this blog as a personal journal, but one day I would love to maybe aid in research about shifting or write a book or something?? my mom always says that she would love to see me get a brain scan while I shift, but I dunno if that would actually do anything with it being consciousness and all! but I am so glad my passion is reflecting in my blog and you all enjoy it!!
I am open to try and answer any questions! this blog is also so motivating for me as well when I feel myself in a shifting slump, and answering these questions just makes my heart swell with happiness
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thank you for sticking around! good luck shifting everyone!!
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Prompt: The story about a prince and a traveller <3
Pairing: Malleus x Gn!Reader (Yuu)
Genre: Slight angst (?), Fluff I dunno
TW: Uh, although this is GN! Reader, the reader or Prefect or Yuu is referred to as "Mama" at one point in this. It is meant to be a gender neutral form of address (but if there is another form of address that is more fitting in the scenario please let me know), minor character death, heavily based on Orpheus and Eurydice's story.
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AN: Not really happy with the ending of this, but its been in my drafts for far too long. It would have been more angsty, but my sister (who I usually make read my fics to check if it sounds coherent and/or is good) as well as my friends who I showed the initial draft to said that it would be too cruel and that I should make it a happy ending so here we are! Hope you enjoy!
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One upon a time, there used to live a prince.
The prince was the heir of a prosperous kingdom. His wise eyes looked over his subjects with the love of a friend and the vigilance of a father. All he ever wanted was for his kingdom to flourish and grow, for his people to live happy lives. And he worked hard to ensure their protection, so that they may spread their wings under his watchful gaze and soar to new heights, bringing honor and prestige to their kingdom. In turn, the people of the kingdom loved and respected him, singing his praises to the birds in the sky and the flowers blooming in the soil. There was no one in the kingdom who would speak ill of their prince, for he was beloved by all.
But, the prince was lonely. He had loving friends to lean on, and trusted elders to learn from, but his heart yearned for that one person who would transform his happy yet monotonous days into pure bliss. His one true love.
And how fortunate was he to find it, in the most unexpected of places, at the most unassuming of times.
He found his solace, his refuge in a traveler from far, far away. It was love at first sight, though the prince would come to realize it much, much later.
The traveler was an intriguing, mysterious figure; quickly endearing themself to each person they came to know. Many vied for their hand, for their affections, yet their eyes seemed to sparkle for only one; the prince.
After many trials and tribulations the two were finally able to be at each other's side. The prince took the mysterious traveler as his spouse, his to love and nurture and adore forevermore. Yet such bliss, was fated to be short-lived.
Death came calling soon, far too soon for the traveler. No matter how much effort the prince expended to save his beloved, their life slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.
The prince was stricken with grief. He mourned for the untimely loss of his pride and joy, and his people mourned alongside him. His heartfelt cries and pleas reached the heavens, moving the hearts of the Great Seven themselves.
One day, the prince was visited by the Thorn Fairy in his dreams. "Child, I have heard your prayers. Your devotion to your beloved is commendable, but the other side can often be cruel. It is best if you let those who have left rest where they rightfully belong, for the price to bring them back is often steep. Are you willing to do anything to have your beloved by your side once again?"
"Anything," the prince replied, with a conviction that moved the fae's heart. The fae sighed, and said, "Very well. If your love is true, and your decision final, then I shall not stand in your way. But be warned; one misstep, and your love will be lost forever. Do not look behind, for nothing exists there except regret."
The prince woke up in a dark cave, the Thorn Fairy's last words ringing in his ears. A warning, and a hint.
The prince followed his instincts; standing up and walking towards the small pinprick of light he could see in the distance. The floor of the cave was damp and cold. It seemed as if the shadows were clinging on to his legs, beckoning him to stay, to rest a while, but the prince continued moving ahead.
After what seemed like hours, (for the prince could not say if time was passing or if it was frozen. All he could do was walk and walk and walk-) the prince heard footfalls of another person, walking behind him. A voice called out to him, the tone so timid and fearful than he had ever heard it be, yet unmistakable. It was the voice of his beloved traveler, his most adored spouse.
The prince nearly turned to look at them, wishing to see what state they were in. He barely caught himself from doing it at the very last minute, remembering the fae's warnings.
Do not look behind, for nothing exists there except regret.
The prince kept walking ahead resolutely, one foot placed in front of the other with a haste. His heart beat wildly inside his chest, as if it was trying to escape its bony prison. The footsteps of his beloved echoed louder as they followed him.They called out to him again, hoping, perhaps, to get a reply; to get a confirmation that their love had truly come for them. But the prince did not answer, in fear of being tempted to look behind. Silently, he walked on ahead, his gaze trained on the light that seemed to get bigger and brighter as he walked towards it. Only a little more, and then...!
His beloved's voice grew frantic the longer he did not reply to their calls. The prince, in his hurry to reach the light and reclaim his beloved, had started walking faster, much faster than they could keep up. So they ran behind him, calling out to him. And fell, just as the prince took one step out of the cave.
The pained hiss that left his beloved's lips was the last straw for the prince. He turned, his eyes widening as the figure of his beloved knelt inside the cave, so close yet so far away from the sunlight, from him.
"No, no, no, no!" The prince exclaimed, falling to his knees and letting out an anguished wail as he wrapped his arms around his beloved. His beloved, who was gradually crumbling away into dust. Even so, they had a calm smile on their face, their hands coming up to cup his cheeks.
"I love you," was all they said, before they returned back to eternal rest.
Malina pouted, her hands resting on her father's shoulders as she looked up at him with wide teary eyes. Maleah, her twin, sat beside her on their father's lap, frowning as she asked, "Why did the traveler not return to the prince? He was out of the cave, was he not?"
Malleus gave his two children a gentle smile. "He may have been out of the cave, but the traveler was not. He turned back before they could take a step into the sunlight," he explained to her patiently, eyes shining with amusement as he watched her frown get deeper.
Malina sniffled, her big teary eyes sending a stab of concern through him, and Malleus held her closer. "But that's not fair..." she whined, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
"What's going on?"
The two little girls scampered off his lap, making their way to their other parent who picked them up with a confused yet fond smile on their face. "Father was telling us the story of the prince and the traveler," Malina said as she wrapped her short arms around their neck.
They narrowed their eyes at Malleus as they held the little princesses in their arms.
Malleus chuckled, the sound soft and slightly hesitant as he made his way to where the three of them were standing. "Apologies, my beloved," he said in a soothing tone, his hand rising to tuck a wayward strand of hair back in its place, hoping that the loving gesture would take away some of their anger.
"We will be having a talk about this later," they huffed, and Malleus nodded, placing a gentle kiss on their forehead.
He watched as they brought the young girls back to their bed, settling the little ones and promising to tell them a better bedtime story than the one their father had told. Malleus smiled as he sat behind them, his arms wrapping around their waist loosely while he placed his chin on their shoulder. A soft rumble left his chest when they raised their hand to run their fingers through his hair as they regaled the two sleepy girls with tales of knights and princesses.
Soon Malina and Maleah drifted off into sleep, holding each other close. Yuu sighed, a fond smile playing on their lips as they looked at their children.
Malleus pressed his lips against the nape of their neck and smiled. "Yes, my dear child of man?"
"You are a menace," they chuckled, and Malleus smiled.
They hummed, the sound light and sweet as it carried into the otherwise silent room.
"One day, they will learn that it was all a true story," they said.
"I believe they would like our version much better, when the time comes," he mumbled against their shoulder, the great dragon fae being lulled to sleep by his beloved's soft voice.
"Definitely, Hornton. Definitely."
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dancingbabya-notes · 2 years
Do you love me?
Sometimes you’re just in your feelings and you feel a little unloved… actually it’s pretty bad. How does your boyfriend react when you ask?
(Welp here we go, I got an idea and I couldn’t get it out of my head no matter what so I just made it. I feel like this one needs a bit of a TW because it deals with feelings and I might not have grasped them right. Also I don’t know how they progressively got longer)
You had been lackadaisical for at least a week, had it not been for your regenerative quirk you would have been seriously injured. But it was your fault. Or at least you think so. Finally fed up with avoiding your boyfriend, you take your blanket and crawl into his hold while he’s reading a book one day after class.
Usually he’d be training, but it was highly recommended he rest properly. He didn’t stop reading Midoriya simply adjusted his hold on the book and started patting your back as you lay on his chest. You weren’t sure how long you were there before he finally spoke.
“How are you feeling, cookie?”
Looking up at him you toyed with the words in your head a bit before finally speaking. “Do you love me?”
Midoriya looked hurt. “Of course I do. What made you think otherwise?”
Frowning you wrap your arms around him. “Everything. I don’t know, I just need to hear you say it.”
Granted you always felt a little sad, your only solace was your brother, and your boyfriend. Though they did disagree on the whole dating thing because of something like your don’t date your best friend’s siblings, even if they’re adopted. That wasn’t what got you down. What got you down was probably just the situation.
“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be helping?”
“I only if I can help otherwise I might accidentally kill someone,” you laugh hollowly.
“That’s not something to joke about, freak.”
It didn’t usually bother you. So you tried to seek out some comfort. Class A was used to seeing you walk in and either go to Ejiro or to Bakugo. Meaning no one batted an eye when you curled into Bakugo’s arm. He didn’t either, you honestly could tell if he cared.
“Do you love me?” You mumble for him to hear and he turns to you.
“The hell do you think?”
Okay. You had to admit you didn’t know what to think. Gathering a bit of water from the room you splashed it in his face before getting up.
“Oh I dunno? A clear fucking answer. I can’t read your mind Bakugo!” Your frustration and sadness was welling up. “I should never have come here.”
Storming out of the dorm, Eijiro groans. “Really? Bakubro, I know telling people how you feel isn’t your strong suit. But I’m sure they’re in their feelings since the anniversary is soon.”
Bakugo smacked himself. Of course he messed up somehow. Eventually he managed to get you to answer your phone, then shortly after talk to him away from the prying eyes of the extras where he berated you for asking such a stupid question. He cared about you, he just shoes it differently than you.
Let’s be honest the moment you started feeling down and even considered trying to deal with the feelings alone, Kirishima knew. He knew something was wrong and that you needed something, he didn’t know what it was but he would do anything if you asked.
So when you popped into his room while he was doing homework he put all his attention on you. Like a child you held your arms out for him and he picked you up and held you in his lap. Choosing to sit on the bed since the moment both your weight was on the chair it’d probably result in injury.
Cuddling into his hold you sniffle. “Do you love me Eijiro?”
His heart broke, because just from the sound of your voice you’d been crying before coming to him. He lifts up your face to look at him.
“Of course I do, and I’m going to tell you over,” he kisses your cheek. “And over.” The other cheek. “And over.” Your forehead. “And over again until you stop feeling like this.”
A small chuckle comes out. “Okay.”
You weren’t exactly the overly affectionate type especially when it came to your boyfriend. But right now you felt like you should be, and that was what tipped you off that something was wrong. 
“I don’t think-
“It’s fine, I didn’t tighten it too much.” You huff.
“I said it’s fine!” A puff of smoke blew from your teeth as you tried to reel in your quirk.
“Y/N, that’s enough. You’re being a bigger danger to others than Mei. Go back to the dorms and cool off,” power loader scolds.
Taking your bag you left reluctantly. Who just happened to be walking by? Kaminari. Trying to abscond you couldn’t avoid him.
“Hey baby.” His arm wrapped around your waist and you couldn’t even think to push him away.
Maybe you’re just tired. “Hello love.”
“How have you been lately? I haven’t seen much of you.” He smiles. “I mean I don’t spend to much time with you usually but-
You look at your boyfriend and decide now is a better time to ask. “Denki, do you love me?”
He froze. It was like his brain was on dialup and someone just picked up the landline. Waving your hand in his face you try to see if the aliens will give your boyfriend back.
“Look you don’t have to answer, I’ve just been feeling a little low lately. Usually I try to solve shit like this on my own but since you’re also involved and I care what you think about me or how you feel about me I jus-
He covers your mouth and hugs you. “Is that even a question? Do I love you?” Kaminari sighs. “Baby I’m in love with you. Now if you’re feeling unloved let me know what I can do to make you feel all my love.”
You laugh a bit pushing him off. “Okay lover boy. We still have things to do.”
You both walked together for a bit before saying,
Todoroki wasn’t an expert on other’s feelings. His usual solution to complicated feelings was to eat soba or use his quirks until he got tired. So when he saw you with your wings practically dragging behind you, he didn’t need to understand feelings that much to know. You weren’t feeling well.
Not to mention being in different areas made it a lot harder to talk often. What was getting you down though? Stress. Probably older sibling problems. That didn’t help because you were also a younger sibling. But that’s what happens when you’re one of twelve.
The last straw for Todoroki was probably when you, someone with the ability to fly, fell. “Are you okay?”
“No.” Like a mentos in a soda bottle you shot off. Explaining to Todoroki your recent fears and feelings as of late with all the news not to mention the dangers of his job versus yours.
“Do you love me?” You finally finished off feeling practically empty.
Todoroki takes your hand in his. “I do love you, just like how you told me you loved me.”
“I doubt taking someone’s pain away and telling them you love them is the same as this. But thank you, Shoto.”
Everyone could feel your emotions. Despite your best efforts you weren’t exactly skilled at not using your emotions to control your quirk. At least you knew it worked in the opposite direction. It wasn’t uncommon for you to feel sad, or down but it was usually other people’s emotions and you’d probably get over it later.
But for some reason since it was your own feelings it was much, much worse. It didn’t help that you fought with your dad too.
Dropping your support items you glare. “I never asked to be trained to shoot. You did that all on your own.”
“Y/n, don’t you start with-
“I wish you’d never adopted us! Maybe at least I’d have a reason to feel angry or upset.” You took off returning to your room.
Entering through your balcony you left your shoes outside. You wanted to huddle in your room and possibly cry if that was the type of feeling you were feeling. But a knock at the door broke that train of thought.
“Birdy, is everything okay? You don’t usually make others feel angry or upset,” hearing your boyfriend on the other side of the door you stand up.
If you don’t let him in he’ll invite himself in.
Mirio didn’t need much past you weren’t feeling well. “Do you want a hug, or do you want me to help you forget whatever it is?”
“A hug.”
He was big so that meant his hugs were extra comforting. You had to keep yourself from crying too loudly as you held onto him. Trails of incoherent babbling string from your mouth but he could pick up on one. “Do you even love me?”
He frowned at this. “Birdy, first I want you to look at me.”
“Do not ever doubt my love for you. If I don’t love you then I’d let you know and do my best to make the break up easy. But I can say without a doubt that I love you.”
This started you crying again. “But how could you love someone like me? related to a criminal. My quirk is…”
“Stop that. Now what did I just say?” Mirio asks.
“That you love me.”
“Good. Let’s go, when was the last time you ate?” He grabs your hand pulling you back into the hall.
Amajiki was always nervous about how you ended up with him. So when you weren’t feeling your best it was a little more obvious to him.
You were used to the feeling of needles going into thread to pull it back up again.
So why didn’t it feel right?
“For fucks sake. Yagi y/n!”
Confused, you look down seeing that the thread has finished. “Oops.”
Your classmates sigh. “Get out. I don’t know what’s wrong with you today but go figure it out away from all the sharp things.”
You had to admit, your bleeding hand was a compelling argument. “Right.”
Why were you feeling like this? Maybe it was how quickly people turned on your dad, the world loved him and got upset with him when he couldn’t save them. As his child the same thing could happen to you, maybe you wouldn’t feel like this if your big brother wasn’t working to help outside.
Frowning you curl into your bed, hugging the stuffed animals you kept for comfort. “I shouldn’t bother him, he's probably training.”
Holding your phone in your hand you tried to tell yourself it’s a bad idea but the phone rang. Picking it up you answered reluctantly.
“Hey? What’s up?” Forcing your voice to be happy wasn’t working.
“What’s wrong, lovely?”
Pouting you bury your face in your stuffed animals. Your voice was muffled as you spoke.
“I can’t hear-
Lifting your face you finally say. “Do you love me? Would you love me if I couldn’t use my quirk anymore? Would you leave without telling me anything? Wo-
“I’m sorry.” You mumble.
“Whatever you’re feeling I feel that all the time. What if you don’t love me, what if your feelings change. But you’re always right there telling me how much you love me.” Amajiki took a moment to breathe. “I love you and if you need anything let me know.”
You might like "I love someone else" if you liked this or you can find more things on my Masterlist
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daandyli0n · 2 months
(warnings: implied child death/murder, slight blood, eye contact, possible eyestrain)
Some More Updated Refs For The Rewrite! This Time: The Emily Family!!
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@that-darn-clown @hello-there-world
more design details -
anxious and awkward man. why did he decide to open a business where he'd mostly be around loud sounds and people? because he genuinely loves his work, that's why-
trans :] transmasc specifically (yes, he and Anna are t4t)
Henry pre-murders: goofy and socially awkward man who's just trying his best. just let him vibe with his kids, jfc.
Henry post-murders: angry, sad, and depressed man. only found solace in his work, and it's why he kept building animatronics for the company; it's one of the few coping strategies he had after Charlie was murdered.
his whimsy is gone entirely by 2012 (Fnaf 3) 😔
he has stability issues (always had, but they got worse with age. when he was still working at Freddy's and Fredbear's he'd almost appear to trip on nothing, or would balance himself on stuff like tables or the wall. this is me projecting a bit), hence the cane.
and, of course: Autism <3
gives off "tomboy, but probably actually transmasc but hasn't fully realized yet" vibes to me, hence the alt. outfit.
(fun fact: my headcanon for Charlie is that she's actually transmasc and bigender, but she died before she could really. realize that)
really likes the star aesthetic. if it wasn't obvious.
hair buns are actually meant to resemble bear ears :] she's a Daddy's Girl <3
really likes the bright green and black/white stripe combination. that long-sleeved shirt she wears in both outfits is her favorite.
both of the twins inherited certain things from their father (like the autism): for example, the freckles, the small tooth gap, the general nose shape, body shape, you get the idea.
kinda pissed and stressed all of the time as a ghost.
realized i forgot the Security Bracelet in her ghost design...shit. pretend it's there, because it's supposed to be.
take a wild guess how she died by looking at her ghost.
like Cassidy, and unlike the other MCI ghosts, Charlie is transparent and not desaturated as a spirit.
doesn't wear her animatronic mask often because she doesn't really. see a need to. the others use it as a way of scaring people, and she doesn't really wanna scare anyone. if she's showing up to you, she either needs help, or she thinks she looks scary enough. she Does wear it on occasion, though.
someone give my girl a BREAK.
has kinda always had Resting Bitch Face...and anger issues, but surely that's not important-
i dunno, i like contrasting The Emily Twins in some ways. Charlie is green, Sammy is orange. Charlie is seen as more loud and outgoing (which, again, gets her confused for an extrovert), Sammy is viewed as being quieter and less approachable. Charlie is more rugged but well-liked (kinda), Sammy is more "proper" but has a smaller circle of friends, comfortably slipping into the background (he's never liked the spotlight that having a somewhat popular/well-known parent brings, anyway).
Sammy kinda got. Really Angry after Charlie was murdered. they were two halves of a whole, she was one of his closest friends, someone who really Knew the Real Sammy Emily. and...she's Gone. just like that. why wouldn't he be angry? it certainly doesn't help how her body was found; thrown amongst the garbage like she was nothing. like she was trash. Sammy practically lost his world that day, and yet people were surprised that he was angry.
Sammy stopped really taking care of himself health-wise as the years went on, as he tried to hunt down Charlie's killer (unknowing that her killer lived only a few blocks down, and was a man he and Charlie had considered family). mostly, Sammy lost an unhealthy amount of weight (shown by his clothes no longer fitting him) and hardly really slept unless Henry forced him (take one look at those eyebags and tell me that's a sign that this man has gotten any good sleep since like. 1982). don't worry, he'll gain the weight back. :]
Sammy Wants To Kill A Certain Hare Man. That's What The Fire Is For :) (Fnaf 3)
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
Hey love🫶🏻
I cant help but Fall for your story’s they are so well written and beautiful🥹💕
I would like to request a Miguel x chubby reader where Miguel comforts her. She is insecure about her only body because of her family that tells her that she is too fat and ugly and no one would want someone like that. She is actually a soft sunshine for everyone and very friendly with kids (dunno if that info helps hehe). She is strong and doesn’t cry much, but when Miguel saw her tears he knew it was serious.
Please don’t mind my grammar, English isn’t my first language-💀
Don’t feel forced to write something out of your comfort zone Love🫶🏻
never apologize for speaking and writing in a extremely difficult language <33 your english is amazing and i 100% understand it love <33 and thank you for being lovely & super supportive, i see you <33
miguel o’hara x chubby! fem! reader
In your relationship with Miguel, you carried the weight of deep-seated insecurities about your body. The hurtful words from your family echoed in your mind, reverberating with cruel judgments that undermined your self-esteem. Though you radiated warmth, kindness, and an infectious joy with everyone around you, it was often a struggle to extend that same compassion towards yourself.
One evening, the weight of these insecurities became unbearable, and tears welled up in your eyes. You tried to hide your pain, fearing that burdening Miguel with your struggles would only push him away. But Miguel, being attuned to your emotions, sensed your distress. His gaze softened with concern as he approached you with gentle steps.
Wrapping his arms around you, he held you close, providing a safe haven for your wounded heart. "Mi amor, what's troubling you?" he murmured, his voice filled with compassion.
Tears streamed down your face, your emotions finally spilling over the dam of strength you had built. In a whispered voice, tinged with vulnerability, you spoke of the hurtful words that had scarred your self-perception, recounting the degrading remarks you received from your family.
Miguel listened intently, his embrace unwavering, as though absorbing your pain and offering solace in return. His grip tightened slightly, a silent reassurance that he was there for you, in both body and soul.
"Miguel, they say I'm too fat, too ugly," you began, your voice quivering with hurt. "They make me believe that no one could ever want someone like me. But I try so hard to be strong, to be a light for others. It's just so difficult to extend that same love towards myself."
Miguel's fingers gently brushed away your tears, his touch conveying a tenderness that melted away the walls you had built around your heart. He tilted your chin up, ensuring that your gazes met, and spoke with conviction that resonated deep within your core.
"My love," he said, his voice resolute yet tender, "let me tell you something. You are a radiant sunshine in a world often dimmed by negativity. Your warmth, your kindness, and your incredible spirit amaze me every single day. Your body, your curves, are a testament to your strength and beauty. You are exactly as you should be."
With each word, Miguel's voice carried an unwavering belief in your worth and a love that surpassed the judgments of others. He celebrated your unique beauty and reminded you that you deserved love, appreciation, and acceptance just as much as anyone else.
In that moment, as Miguel held you close, you knew that his love and support would help you heal. You realized that your worth was not dependent on the opinions of others, no matter how hurtful. With Miguel by your side, you would learn to embrace your body, celebrate your unique beauty, and shower yourself with the same love and respect you so freely bestowed upon others.
Together, you would build a bridge of self-acceptance, guiding each other towards self-love and appreciation. Miguel, the gentle and steadfast force in your life, would continue to be your unwavering source of comfort and inspiration, reminding you that you were cherished, exactly as you were.
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @emiemiemiii @sabcandoit @meeom
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Solace in Solitude Ch 2
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, medical/injuries talked about (i googled, don't come for me if they're not 100% right), hurt, minor anxiety, two buttheads not getting along.
You were right, Emily was exhausted. And she was annoyed. Both that she was so tired and that you had been right about it. Not that she expected to be full of energy bounding around the room, she’d just wanted to pull one up on you, prove that you were wrong, that she could and would do better. Instead she’d ended up sleeping most of the rest of the day, her brain still foggy, not fully able to pick up whatever French programs were playing on the television. With her attention lacking, she drifted off more than once, only waking up when a nurse was back in the room prodding at her body again. Her body ached, even just getting out of the bed and making it the eight steps to the bathroom winded her, which of course just made her more tired and even more annoyed.
This whole recovery thing sucked.
At least you weren’t so early on your rounds when you checked in on her today, she was awake, half paying attention to the television, a breakfast tray on the small table at the bedside.
“Morning Valerie.” You greeted with a smile, “how’re you feeling today?”
“Bout the same.” She grumbled.
“Have you managed to get up at all? Even within the room?”
“A couple of times.”
“Good.” You flipped open her chart, checking any additions since you’d left the night prior, “let’s keep that up for a few days and then we can start with trips down the hall, make sure your body’s up to it.”
“I didn’t think you meant it when you said I’d be this tired.”
“Yeah, anaesthesia can be a bitch like that.” You commented, checking a few of her vitals before you eyed the still full tray of breakfast, “not to mention your body needs fuel if it’s going to heal.” You moved back to the foot of the bed, scribbling into her chart, “you need to eat.”
“They’re withholding coffee.” She grumbled, sinking back into the bed.
“And you thought that warranted a hunger strike?” You huffed a laugh, “without a spleen you’re going to need to limit your intake of coffee, among other things. Didn’t a nurse drop off those pamphlets?”
“Yeah.” Her gaze drifted over to the bedside table where they sat untouched, she figured her life was already altered enough she could go another day without knowing every other change she would have to accommodate just to survive.
“Then eat.”
“Would you touch that?” She gestured toward the tray, wincing at the pain in her side as she did and you let out a soft sigh. The tray had a container of applesauce, a banana, a couple pieces of bread, “who eats jello for breakfast?”
“I would if I had just had my spleen and part of my stomach removed and it was advised and instructed by my doctor.” You cocked a brow in her direction as you continued to update her chart, she simply scoffed at you.
A nurse wandered in to check on a couple of things and make sure there was a large fresh bottle of water left on the table. You seamlessly swapped over to French while they were in the room, continuing to check in with Emily about how she was feeling, getting more specific on details and you checked over the stitches on her incision before the nurse finally left.
“Your French is really good.” You commented, readjusting her gown back down and loosely tucking the bedding in before peeling off your gloves, “you speak anything else?”
“I dunno.” She grumbled, rolling to face the window, “am I allowed to talk about that?”
“Ah.” Your lips pursed, holding back a sigh, “well, I’ve got some other patients to see. They can page me if you need anything and I’ll check on you before I leave. And you better have eaten something by then.”
Emily didn’t dare move; she didn’t dare breathe until she was certain the door was shut behind you before she suddenly let out the choke of a breath. Tears welled in her eyes and she couldn’t help as they rolled down her cheeks, not bothering to wipe them away, this didn’t just suck, this was absolutely horrible.
She’d barely managed to calm herself down by the next time a nurse came into the room, this time they seemed to be focussed on her breathing and heart rate. Whatever panic soaring through her was being reflected by the machines she’d forgotten she was hooked up to. The nurse talked her down until she felt like she could breathe again and Emily curled up on her side with her back to the door when it was suggested she try to eat something. There was a pit in the deep of her stomach, heavy and lingering, almost creeping through her body with waves of nausea and she was certain that food wouldn’t help with that, no matter what medical professionals said. Reaching out she hit the button to send more pain meds into her IV, the stifled cries and deep breaths sending shooting pains through her side, her hand gingerly clutching where the stitches were, moving to rub softly at the ache in her ribs. She didn’t want to be doing this, didn’t want to be here especially not like this, without someone by her side. The longer she was conscious the more memories she found were coming back to her, she could see the haze of Derek hovering over her as he pleaded for her to hang on. Penelope’s voice strangled with sorrow on the voicemail she’d left. If it hadn’t been for you mentioning a blonde she would’ve thought she was going crazy, that her mind was sending her some kind of guardian angel in the form of JJ while the ambulance sired blared, she could almost feel her hand in hers.
It had already been over three weeks and she couldn’t help but wonder if her team was already beginning to forget her. If she would be nothing but a long lost memory to them by the time she was finally able to get out of here. She caught herself spiraling, wondering if she ever actually would be allowed out of here, if she’d ever get the chance to go home, maybe this was supposed to be home permanently now.
You spent the majority of your day switching between the ER and the OR, there had been a couple of call ins of other doctors so you were actually kept relatively busy. A handful of smaller injuries, stitches to be done, tests to run to rule out worse conditions before sending them back home or off to a different specialty, an easy appendectomy to spice up your day with a little bit of surgery. You got outside for your lunch break, thankful to breathe the fresh air without the smell of hospital for an hour, it always helped you relax a little bit more. You’d been thumbing your way through a novel with the intention of getting a chapter or two in over the break but the words were all starting to blend together. After countless amounts of paperwork in French your brain was starting to not want to comprehend it anymore, practically begging to revert back to English. So you let out a soft sigh and closed the book, hopefully your afternoon would involve more cutting than paperwork.
Reluctantly, you returned back inside the hospital, checking through a few charts before you got called off to another surgery, thankful that you could immerse yourself into that and not have to worry about anything else for the next few hours. There were no issues, the patient pulling through perfectly before being sent off to recovery and you headed back to the nurses station to finish up on a few things. You made sure the chart was updated with details from the last surgery and assigned a nurse to keep watch on them overnight in case anything popped up.
The day was winding down and everyone could feel it, the extra excitement buzzing through the air thanks to it being Friday, chatter of weekend plans, date nights, family outings all around you. You were going through your patients charts to see how everyone had faired through the day and if there was anything you’d need to check up on before taking off, adding in notes here and there, signing off that you’d seen them. Across from you a few of the other doctors were wrapping up their own things, asking if the others were doing something that evening. When the resounding answer was no there was an invite for drinks, one that extended to another nurse as they walked up to the desk. Your eyes flitted up briefly but the group was so wound up in each other they barely even glanced your way and you huffed quietly. While everyone here was professional and approachable enough, they’d help out if you had questions or needed something but there was absolutely no interest when it didn’t happen within the four walls of the hospital. You’d been rather friendless for the past three weeks and you highly doubted that was going to change anytime soon.
Emily’s chart was the last one in your pile, the last thing you had to go through before you achieved freedom. Naturally, that became a bigger obstacle than you’d been hoping for. As you read through the updates from her day and checked through things you let out a frustrated groan, letting the chart fall shut before you tossed it back into the rack. Just as you pocketed your phone you heard someone speaking French but this time, actually directed to you.
“Your VIP girl?”
“Yeah.” You grumbled back in the same language, “turns out the ‘p’ is for pain in my ass.” They chuckled,
“Sucks. Goodnight.”
Gracing them with a friendly smile and a small wave you turned from the counter, wandering down to Emily’s room. As per usual, the door was shut, thinking maybe killing with kindness would help you gently knocked, waiting a moment before slipping into the space. Emily’s eyes flicked up from the book in her lap, practically glaring you down as the door swung shut behind you.
“Great. What’d you want?” She grumbled, looking back down to the book.
“You to realize that dumping your uneaten breakfast in the bathroom garbage doesn’t go unnoticed by the nurses.”
“Maybe if they weren’t so nosy.”
“Valerie you need to eat.” You let out a quiet sigh, folding your arms onto the table at the foot of her bed, “I know you might not be hungry yet but your body needs nutrients to heal properly, even if it’s just a couple of bites at a time.”
“You know, we see this a lot in people who have gone through traumas, that’s part of the reason I pushed for someone to come down from psych today.”
“That was you!?” Her gaze shot up to you, cutting you off instantly as she glared you down, her voice hardening as she spoke, “you sent in the shrink? Why would I need a shrink?! You’re being ridiculous.”
“I get that you’re upset, but you really don’t need to be mad at me about following hospital policy. It’s standard procedure for patients like yourself. At the very least, just let me make sure the paperwork reflects that we’re doing the right thing?”
“Paperwork said he was here, he was here. Believe me.”
“Okay.” You held up your hands in submission, “normally we do wait a week or so depending on everything else but considering the whole food thing I thought it might be worthwhile. Clearly I pushed too soon.”
“Yeah. You did.” She glared, “I’m fine.”
“Well… for what it’s worth I do think it’s a pretty good idea for you to talk to someone.” You stated, readjusting your stance against the table.
“Oh? So what, now you’re gonna shrink me?”
“Not my specialty.” You shrugged, “but if you decide to open up to me then so be it. Otherwise I can put the call in to psych and have someone come down again when you’re ready.”
“You want me to open up? Really?”
“That’s the general idea of talking to a shrink, yeah.” You nodded and her eyes narrowed in your direction, you could see the tension building in her body as she spoke.
“And how exactly am I supposed to do that when I’m supposed to pretend that I died a month ago? You want me to talk to someone about what happened that night but half my medical records are redacted, destroyed or simply don’t exist. When I woke up this morning? I couldn’t even remember the name that was on my hospital band, and you want me to be able to twist up some weird fake stories to help my mental state?!” Her voice shook, the raw emotion starting to break her cool façade, and she took a heavy breath, dropping back into the bed, “you say it was a car accident, it was a car accident.” She held up her hands to signal that that was it, “I clearly had a head injury, I don’t remember the details and I’m not about to do a cognitive interview on myself, okay?”
She picked up the book again but you could tell her eyes weren’t focussing on the words and you could see the shimmering of tears in them, knowing just how frustrated she felt. Emily truly didn’t understand how this was supposed to be helping, she just had to keep shoving everything down until this was all over, she was good at that, she could do that, but not if you kept prying into her life and shattering the illusion that it was going to be okay.
“Well,” you let out a sigh, “then I guess if you’re ever ready to talk, you really are stuck talking to me.” She didn’t reply, keeping her gaze on the book as she did her best to ignore you so you pushed off the table, “if you’re not gonna talk at least do me a favour and eat something. If you haven’t by the next time I see you I’m putting in a feeding tube, understood?”
“Sac a merde.” She muttered and you let out a small laugh.
“I’m fluent, remember?”
“Vai a fotterti.”
“Ah, Italian, now we’re getting creative.” This time she did look up, a glare still on her face as you pulled the door open, “eat your dinner.”
With that last warning you were gone from the room and Emily was left to let out an angry growl, tossing the book onto the bedside table. There was still a pit in her stomach but this one was beginning to gnaw away at her and she was starting to think maybe it was hunger related. She picked up the bottle of water to take a couple of sips, her eyes landing on the brochures one of the nurses had brought by earlier. Maybe if she read through them she’d understand what was going on with her body a little better, maybe it would make this easier.
Unlocking the door to your apartment you let out a sigh of relief, kicking off your shoes as you entered the code for the security system. You’d picked up dinner on the way home, you couldn’t be bothered to cook, not now, not with the limited amount of mental energy you had left. You needed a drink. A stiff one.
Keys were dropped on the counter along with your bag and dinner before you disappeared into your bedroom to change out of work clothes. Once you were cozy in a pair of shorts and a tank you padded through the apartment, tidying up a couple of things you’d left out during the busy work mornings. You pulled down a wine glass, filling it higher than usual with merlot, scooping up your phone and food to take out onto the balcony. This was one of your saving graces, the nightly ritual that had been to unwind out in the cooling air, taking in the views of the city as the sun sunk in the sky. It calmed you down after long days at the hospital and you certainly needed it tonight. This entire project had been one you’d been apprehensive of from the start but you’d at least had time to let things sink in, to get used to the new routine in a new place. It had been considerably easier when Emily was still unconscious and you let out a groan at the thought of having to deal with her again in the morning.
A chorus of laughter burst from down in the street below and you felt a wave of melancholy shoot through you, thinking about the others from work out on the town tonight. You understood being on the outside and you understood why you were, but it would be a lie to say that some nights it didn’t get a little lonely. You’d thought that maybe you and Emily would’ve bonded over that, being trapped in a life that you didn’t necessarily want. That you’d be friends, have each other’s backs until this whole thing was over. You took a hefty swig of wine, shaking your head at yourself, at how naïve and ridiculous you’d been. She wasn’t going to be your friend, that was for sure, it was almost like she blamed you for waking up in Paris, like you had personally made the call and lugged her halfway around the world yourself. Your gaze drifted out onto the horizon, watching the last few rays of sunlight dancing through the sky as you let out a small sigh. You’d let her keep playing the victim card a little longer, after all, she did have the reason to be miserable. You knew she’d tire out of it eventually and come around, it would just be a test of willpower to see how long it would take her to cave.
At least you weren’t trapped in a hospital bed. You had some sense of freedom around the city, a freedom she was likely jealous of and that certainly wasn’t helping things. Hopefully things would change once she was discharged.
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @its-soph-xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @scorpsik @prentiss-theorem @strongsassysexysloane @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @theclassicgaycousin @regalmilfs4me @kalixxh @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @niyizh @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @tommyriddleobsessed @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @iluvsreid @kmc1989
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rassilon-imprimatur · 10 months
Wild Blue Yonder was really fucking cool and less for anything necessarily going on with FourTen and Donna and more for how it all feels like a smoothie of all three showrunners.
RTD’s Midnight (though now with the comfort of your best friend's hand in yours), the existential dread and body horror, years of hidden feelings breaking, screaming, ridiculous triumph, camp spitting in the face of cruelty, Doctor Who as a queer narrative.
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Moffat’s history as a punchline, the show's rules as a game, the puzzle of the countdown, the answer in plain sight, the monsters as ideas, metatext given flesh, classic lore and TARDIS "rules of war" as trappings, jokes and character entrapment both.
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Chibnall’s Flux, the Timeless Child, the universe too vast, too stark, too indifferent, desolation, emptiness, home a normality too far away, survival in the sacrifices of the dead, but no solace, the universe is still too big, and the dead still dead.
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Tennant’s Doctor, his soul tempered by Capaldi and Jodie, having the Timeless Child and the devastation of the Flux spat into his face, finally slowing down for a moment long enough to scream and cry and bang the wall. The moment where he leans against the window, staring at the inky black and monologuing at the entropy at the end of creation like he wanted to fuck it so fully 12 rattling at the cage.
I dunno it was really cool. 10/10 episode outside the really fucking clumsy bait and switch at the end. Really not sure what was going on there.
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trykefag · 6 months
Hi.... :] before we get into this I wanna say one (1) thing: I'm pro-Palestine AND (shocker) pro-Israel. I'm hitting a hornets nest tagging this with pro-Palestine when how I view being for Palestine is so drastic to others' views.
Any sort of harassment or antisemitism will be reported and you will be blocked. We don't hate Jews or Israelis here. Also, if you tag this post with "to the river to the sea Palestine will be free" you're ignorant and dunno what the fuck you're saying.
This post is lengthy (imo) and just my personal spew on stuff, it's nothing like...revolutionary lol. I just need to get shit out somehow.
I don't get the anti-Israel crowed like....they know nothing and its so baffling they'll just say shit they don't understand the concept or history of. You can be pro-Israel and hate the Israeli government, you can be pro-Palestine while also realizing that the history is very convoluted and if you did a simple YouTube search about history on Palestine and Israel you'd be more educated. You can be both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine...shocker I know!
I've learned more from YouTube than in history class. I've also learned that antisemitism is very easy to fall into, which is something I knew but didn't understand. Pro-Palestinians I don't doubt actually care, I'd love to think most Pro-Palestinians actually give a fuck about the murders that're happening! The downside is that they're falling and repeating shit the fucking Nazis would say in the name of activism and see NO ISSUE. (Saying "gas the Jews" and holding up Nazi flags is, even in the name of activism, antisemetic.)
I try and not be cynical, but like there's literal dog whistles and antisemetic shit being spoken about and there's signs being put up that says "No Jews" and there's even fucking Tumblr blogs with "Jews DNI" on them. (I've seen them, they're very much real. Most of them have "Zionists DNI" which is usually just a dog whistle to Jews, but I digress.)
Don't get me started on fucking Zionism actually, no one knows what the fuck that is and they claim they do when they don't. It's so brain numbing!
"Go back to where you came from!" that'd be Israel....which you wanna get rid of. That's also what Zionism is btw. Jews are from Israel...please Google things before you open your yapper.
I can only find solace in the Jumblr tag (& similar ones) because they have knowledge about what the fuck is going on and I won't get called a "Zionist Nazi"!
In the face of chaos I will say that studying and my plans to convert one day is the best decision I've ever made; you can't get rid of Jews, no matter how much you want us gone. Reading the Torah, researching about Israel, learning the culture, the food, the language, etc. It's healing and I'm glad to be coming home slowly but surely. Am yisrael chai.
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