#i even remember saying to my sister once in a really mean conversation
dietbeverage · 6 months
Sometimes I remember a conversation I had with my mom around the time they were learning about my younger sisters adhd and she said "a lot of people with adhd need to do something to occupy themselves to help their brains think. A lot of them doodle or bounce their leg or do something like that in class and it helps them focus." And I remember thinking yeah I do both of those things but I'm built different lmao I just do those for fun and not bc of adhd. Girl...
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Shout-out to everyone who survived a "fun" easter with the family
#fucking hell#it started with finding out my dad smoked in my car when I picked up my sister#who was equally dreading the day#my mum turns into the world's tensest and judgemental presence. worsened by my aunt#then hell for autistic people (of which there are multiple present)#multiple deaf people means one uninspired conversation that isn't interesting in any way.#combinations of passive aggressiveness and people not saying a thing because they can't participate. voice volumes too damn high#weirdass food situations. Very full table. so many smells.#this goes on for over an hour. wishing for literally anything but being there. soul crushing.#then you still have to sit in that room for 2.5 hours. it just goes on and on.#my autistic deaf dad physically looks like how I feel. my mum and aunt keep piling on top of him to demand his mental presence#i leave the room once (to get my phone to show pictures to my uncle) and am immediately followed upstairs by my mum#who demands I don't leave the room (What's next. following me when I need the toilet?)#me and my sister are so bored we start throwing paper planes and fake fighting.#Which amuses the bored and the deaf#but of course my mum and aunt have opinions and this is not allowed. only soul crushing boredom allowed#they complain to each other over it while aggressively doing dishes#finally it ends because my mum and aunt start insisting my dad should go to bed if he's 'that tired'. *sprinkle on some additional ableism*#still sitting through a conversation about allergies one of my sister's friends has. my mum preaching that people should take that seriously#(meanwhile i had to cook for myself for 9 years because when my allergies were really bad no one bothered to check if i could eat something)#me and my sister go sit upstairs to discover our mum has made things we care about vanish in her room#and made things appear that should not be there#I've washed the interior of my car and hope the smell will go#you think it's over after that. but woke up with the realisation that even more things have disappeared from my sister's room.#i can't remember a time when things left outside of my room didn't disappear#I don't know why we do these family gatherings at all. no one has fun on days like that.#the housing crisis isn't making these things easy. my sister is losing her place to live again as well#she'll go hiking for a month and then work on a campsite over the summer#maybe I'll go house sitting again. idk.#can't make commitments a few months in advance like that because I'll cancel everything the second Sparks announces anything important
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catherinnn · 4 months
I thought of this at work today and I couldn't stop laughing: Imagine Dustin having an older sister who's back from college. So when they need a sub for Hellfire, he asks her because she's the one that taught him how to play in the first place. As soon as she walks in Eddie's brain short-circuits because "Jesus H. Christ Henderson, why didn't you tell me your sister was my dream girl?!?!? I would've at least brushed my hair!"
Que Dustin not sure whether he should be disgusted because his sister keeps flirting with his DM all night or excited because there is now a very strong possibility Eddie could become his brother-in-law now.
Roll for Initiative eddie munson x henderson!reader warnings: nothing much really, just fluff overall. eddie self-doubts for just a second, no use of y/n, cursing. a/n: thank you so much for requesting! I really hope you like it. reblogs and comments are very very appreciated. 2.2k words masterlist
“So,” Mike starts talking, Dustin takes notice of his sarcastic tone. “Who the fuck do we know that secretly plays D&D and would want to sub for Lucas”
“Um, well…” but before Dustin can get a word out Mike interrupts him.
“I mean, we’re fucked! Eddie’s gonna hate us and kick us out of Hellfire!”
“No Dustin, I’m serious! I’m gonna kill Lucas and all his stupid new friends”
“Mike! Do you remember what I told you earlier? About my sister?”
“Uh… no?” he confesses.
“Honestly! Do you ever listen to me?!” Dustin claims angrily. “What I told you is that she’s coming back home. And she used to play, dude!”
“Are you serious?” Mike exclaims, unable to believe their luck. He asks “When does she get here?”
Dustin's heart pounds with anticipation as he waits at the doorstep. It had been months since he last saw you, and he couldn't wait to catch up.
And as your mom’s car pulls into the driveway, Dustin cannot contain his excitement. He rushes to greet you, nearly stumbling over his own feet in his haste. You step out of the car, a weary smile on your face as you spot your little brother.
"Dustin!" you exclaim, opening your arms for a hug. "You've gotten even taller since I last saw you."
“You think so?” he asks with hope.
“Oh right? He’s turning into a whole handsome tall man already!” your mom butted into the conversation and you both cringe at her choice of words.
“Ugh, I missed you!” you hug him again and he laughs.
Once you’re inside the house, Dustin wastes no time in bombarding you with stories of his D&D campaigns. He told you about the epic battles and the incredible DM the club has. You make a mental note to tease Steve as soon as you see him since he’s no longer Dustin’s coolest older friend.
“That club sounds so fun!”
"Do you think... would you want to join our club as a sub?" he asks eagerly. "We're short one person since Lucas joined the dark side”
You frown in confusion and he explains. “He’s in the football team”
“Really?” you ask surprised.
“Yeah…” he sounds disappointed. “Anyway, would you help us? Please”
“You’re sure they won’t mind?”
“They would be so thankful if you help us beat Eddie’s ass”
“Okay, sure then” you agree laughing.
“Come on! We’re gonna be late!” Dustin shouts from the living room waiting impatiently for you.
“I’ve been ready for like ten minutes, you’re the one who’s taking so long” you answer calmly, not knowing what all the fuss is about.
Meanwhile in the drama room in Hawking’s High…
“Alright gentlemen, are we ready to start?” Eddie says as he walks in.
“Umm no, Dustin’s not here yet” Mike stops him.
“Well, where is he?”
“He’s probably arriving any time now”
“Wheeler, we don’t have all day-“ Eddie starts complaining but the door opening abruptly interrupts him. An agitated Dustin walks in and starts apologizing, but Eddie’s not listening to him.
The club leader still frozen mid-sentence, his brain seemingly short-circuiting as he laid eyes on you, standing by the door. He stumbled over his words, his thoughts are silent but screaming at the same time. Suddenly, the room seemed smaller, the air thicker, as if a spell had been cast upon him.
However, you’re still oblivious to the effect you had over him.
“Soo, who’s this?” Gareth finally asks after waiting for Eddie to ask that question, but he was not even moving.
“Oh, this is my sister” Dustin starts introducing you. Eddie’s trance is broken when he hears your name, the prettiest name he’s ever heard. “She’ll sub for Lucas”
“She will?” Eddie asks with a hint of hope in his voice. All of the sudden hoping Lucas won’t be able to join Hellfire ever again.
The rest of the boys are waiting expectantly for Eddie to ask you all types of question until he finds an unsatisfying enough answer and he’ll decide you can’t sub. But he never does. So Gareth starts asking if you even know how to play D&D.
“Sure she does, she was the one who taught me how to play in the first place” your brother steps in.
You tell the boys your level in the game and for some reason they all seem surprised. They start murmuring among each other. But you notice how the boy on the big throne leans over to your brother to whisper something. You play dumb and walk closer to them.
"Jesus H. Christ Henderson, why didn't you tell me your sister was my dream girl? I would've at least brushed my hair!" He whispers-shouts and a smile starts forming on your face.
You’d be lying if you said he hadn’t called your attention. His big puppy eyes, all the rings on his hand. You don’t know why he says that about his hair, you thought it looked really good like that.
At any rate, you take a seat next to your brother, which just so happens to also be next to Eddie. Happy coincidence. And you start playing, Eddie sets the scene. He makes you imagine every single little detail so you feel like you’re actually there. He makes different voices for each character which makes you giggle. He even stands up, or leans over on the table, he talks to every single one of you, not forgetting about anyone. It’s mesmerizing to see him like this.
“I love how passionate you get” you comment and it makes him smile so hard.
He noticed before, every time he would change the tone in his voice to imitate a character, you’d laugh, and now he keeps changing voices just to hear it again.
“Give me the gold! He says. Or I’ll set my hungry wolves free, right this second!” Eddie acts and without failing he’s able to hear your snorts. It distracts him in the best way possible. “You have an adorable laugh” he tells you with a smirk.
This obviously makes you giggle once more, this time with a pink blush decorating your cheeks. “Thanks, it’s just- you’re cute making all the voices”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to blush and smile once more.
Dustin notices this exchange —all of the other boys did— but he can’t decipher how he feels about it. On the one hand, he feels a little jealous and uncomfortable that you two keep flirting. But on the other hand, it would be really cool to have Eddie as his brother in law.
However, the game continues and so does the places Eddie takes you all to in your minds. So much so that at one point you start getting dizzy.
“Wait, where are we again?” you ask.
“In the mountains near the lake” Gareth answers.
“Are we close to the palace?”
“No no, the palace is behind the woods” Mike explains now. They have more of an advantage than you do, they've been playing this campaign for weeks now.
“Wh- Do you have a map?” You finally ask Eddie and he nods passing it to you.
“Here’s the palace” he comes closer and signals on the map, “and here is where you are”
“Oh, okay”
“You know, if you’re still lost I can stick around to guide you” he whispers giving the closeness.
“Well, you’re the bad guy here,” you argue imagining you’re still inside the game. “How do I know you won’t try to kill me?”
“Me?” he gasps acting offended. “I would never!”
“You already killed Jeff!” you accuse him.
“Yeah, but he’s not half as pretty as you are. I’d miss you too much” he makes sure he’s whispering very close to you now, just because if Jeff heard him he’d start acting offended. Just because of that… no other reason.
“Can we keep playing now? My mom will be here in like ten minutes to pick me up” Mike complains.
Those ten minutes fly by. Before you even realize it, Mike’s mom is honking in her car to hurry him up. And so you finish for the day, starting to gather all your things.
“You know, you owe me a pencil” you tell Eddie.
“Oh really? Why’s that?” he asks playfully.
“I only borrowed it to you! I did not gift it!”
“So you’re calling me a thief? First a killer and now a thief? Glad to know you think so badly of little old me”
“I didn't just called you that!” you say in you defence and he makes confused face, signalling you to continue talking. “I also said you’re cute. You’re a really cute thief and killer”
He starts laughing. “Are you always this charming, or is it just when I'm around?"
“I could ask you the same thing”
“Oh only with you, sweetheart” he promises.
“Me too” you admit a little shyly.
“Yeah?-” he tries to keep flirting but Dustin cuts him off.
“Are you ready? Let’s go”
“Wow, since when are you so eager to leave hellfire?” Eddie notices.
“No reason” he lies, he’s still not sure if all this flirting between you two would be something good or not.
“I think he’s a little jealous his sister is taking all of Eddie’s attention” Gareth teases him.
“No, I’m not!”
“Aw Dusty bun!” Eddie joins in the teasing.
“I’m not jealous! Ask her out for all I care!” he says but regrets it as soon as it left his mouth.
“Really?” Eddie checks in but Dustin is a very proud person, he’s not one to bend. So he nods encouraging his friend.
Good thing you know him like the palm of your hand.
“Let’s go dingus, mom’s probably waiting for us”
Eddie feels this as punch right on his chest. Did he read too much into this? Were you not actually interested? Was it just some playful flirting?
As you walk out the school and into the parking lot. You open the car so your brother can get in but tell him to wait a second, and you walk over to Eddie who was about to get in his van.
“Wait! Thief!” you call him and he turns around. “I think you should, you know… ask me out”
He feels the happiness creeping back into his body. “Yeah? I should?” his playful tone back in his voice. “Would you want to go out with a thief and a murderer?”
“If he’s as cute as you are, then I’d think about it” you make him laugh again.
“How about tomorrow night? I’ll pick you up at eight” he proposes.
“I’ll be ready”
“Yeah, good” you walk closer to him. “See you tomorrow then” and before leaving, you give him a kiss on his cheek. Hiding your need to kiss him more after seeing his flushed face. You’ll have plenty of time for that tomorrow.
Dustin sees you getting in the car with the biggest smile on your face. “Did you ask him out?”
“Um, yeah… listen-“
“It’s fine, really”
“No, listen. I know that maybe it’s a little uncomfortable to think of one of your best friends going out with me. But I promise I would never do anything to hurt him and make it weird between you two-“
“I know that, and I know he wouldn’t do that either” he interrupts you. “I’m just- I’m worried that I won’t be a priority to you or to him anymore”
“Dustin, are you kidding? You could not be more wrong about that!” you argue. “Imagine this date goes well, we’ll start hanging out at home and watch movies with you, we could go out to eat all together, go to the cinema, anything! You name it!”
And the more he thinks about it that way, the more he loves that idea.
So the next day, he helps you choose your outfit, he tells you which hairstyle will look better and then hurries you up when it’s 7:50 pm and you’re still putting mascara on.
“You look fine already! Amazing even! Grab your jacket cause he’ll be here any minute now!” and as soon as he says that, he recognizes that car outside with the loud metal music, seconds later he hears the door knocking.
“I’ll get it, mom!” he yells so his mother won’t embarrass you.
“No, you won’t. I will” you stop him before he can open the door. “Go back to your comic-book. I’ll be back in a few hours”
And he waits until you get back. 
When you finally do, he’s on the couch watching TV but mutes it as soon as he hears you.
“Hey” he notices the big smile on your face is on again. He also notices your lips are a little puffy and he cringes at that thought.  
“You can go to sleep happily now, the date went amazing” you explain. “God, I think I’m love with him!” you comment as you go up to your room.
“Already?” he judges a little.
But as you promised, the three of you hang out together most of the time. And as long as he looks away when you two kiss or ignores the fact that Eddie’s spending the night in your room after you all catch a movie and order some pizza. He’s really happy that you two found each other.
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Steve’s oldest daughter Moe is unusually quiet on the drive home from her college apartment in New York City.
She was supposed to be doing this drive with her younger sister Robbie (who had bullied Steve and Eddie into letting her bring a car with her to college), but then Robbie and her friends had actually managed to squirrel away enough money for an impromptu trip to D.C. for their spring break, and Moe had still wanted to visit home even without a ride.
Steve had made a whole show acting all put out over having to make the four hour drive between her school in NYC and their house in the Massachusetts suburbs (twice, he’ll add — he’s been on the road for six hours so far with a couple more to go) but, truthfully, there isn’t much he wouldn’t do to spend time with his kids, especially since the older two have firmly graduated to young-adult status, and he easily could have put her on a train.
“So what’s goin’ on with you, Moe?” he finally asks when the quiet stretches a little to far.
Moe shrugs, and then she says, “I was wondering something.”
“Go for it.”
“You and Dad, like…you were older when you started dating, right?”
Steve pauses for a moment, allowing himself to consider what might qualify as older to his twenty-one-year-old daughter. 
“I guess it depends on what you mean by older,” he settles on telling her.
“I mean, you weren’t in high school anymore, even though you knew each other in high school.”
“Yeah,” Steve nods, “I was halfway through grad school, so twenty-six, I think, and you know Dad’s not even a year older than me.”
Moe nods in return, and  then she asks, “And you were friends before anything else happened? Like, for a while?”
“Uh-huh,” Steve replies, “Dad, and Aunt Nancy, and Aunt Robin were my best friends. Still are, obviously, just…different over time.”
“But, like, how–” Moe stops, and Steve can tell without needing to look away from the road to check the way her eyebrows are furrowed, the way they’re crinkled in the middle just like they always are on the rare occasions Moe can’t find the words she needs. She lets out a short exhale, “How did you know that it changed?” Before Steve can answer, Moe shakes her head, “How did you know that what you were feeling wasn’t, like, friend things anymore? Or, like, that it was more than just friend things.”
“Uh,” Steve pauses, running a hand through his hair, “Honestly, Nancy kind of told me.”
Moe’s head turns in his direction.
“Aunt Nancy told you?” she asks, “Pop…that’s so lame.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what happened.”
Steve thinks about it for a second. It’s funny, he doesn’t actually put too much thought into that time in his life – the seven years that had lapsed between becoming friends with Eddie in the aftermath of everything with the Upside Down and when they’d finally gotten together. That was nearly thirty years ago, after all, and Steve hasn’t ever really been the type to dwell on the past. He takes a moment to dwell on it now and remembers how long it had taken him to notice the dull ache behind his ribs and the anxious somersault his stomach had done every time Eddie so much as looked his way.
“I mean – yeah, you’re right. It’s…it’s not easy when you’re close with someone for a long time and then the way you feel about them changes, because, you know, it’s not – I mean, it’s not like it changes overnight. It’s gradual, so…yeah, it’s not easy.”
“Yeah,” she quietly agrees.
“Nance, just – well, you know Nance. She just clocked it before I did, and I guess she didn’t have the patience to wait it out. Once I knew though, it was, like, super fucking obvious. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t known before.”
Moe’s laugh is nervous in a way Steve isn’t sure he’s ever heard before, and if there’s a friend of Moe’s she might be feeling differently for, he thinks he might have an idea which one. Moe is a hell of a lot smarter than him though, and this conversation is telling enough that she won’t need things spelled out for her in the way he had with Eddie thirty years ago.
“It was hard,” he continues, because he has a feeling Moe might need to hear more even if she isn’t asking for anything specific, “I – I mean, I actually liked dating when I was your age, believe it or not. I thought it was fun, or whatever, and it wasn’t really a thing that made me nervous, you know? With your dad, though…shit, I was terrified, because it’s a different kind of risk than just shooting your shot with someone you run into and hit it off with.”
Moe nods.
“I think the reason it’s so freaky is because falling for someone you’re friends with is never just a crush. I knew there was something big there. I know you guys hate when Dad and I are all sappy, but he was never just some guy I was dating. He was it for me from the very beginning.”
Moe mumbles something under her breath that Steve doesn’t quite catch.
“What was that?”
“I don’t hate it,” she says, her voice still pretty low, and Steve knows that must have been difficult for her to admit so he doesn’t comment on it (though he will be telling Eddie as soon as he possibly can – obviously).
“Well, I’m just saying,” he replies, “I wasn’t feeling that way for nothing, and things turned out pretty good in the end. If someone was in a similar situation, I’d tell them…” he pauses, and then laughs as he says, “I’d tell them to not wait seven years to get a good thing started.”
“Alright,” she replies, “I’ll…yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.”
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Just imagining cat child being a zoan cat type she loves napping in the sun(or cuddling against ace or marco) she would rather die than admit that she loves head pats.
When the crew gets to rowdy she just goes to nap next to pops.
Whenever they run into trouble on islands Ace is grinning before letting yn go and attack, because she's so tiny. She just bites the ankles
I think she'd get the nickname "ankle bitter"
Apawling Cattitude (Whitebeard pirates x f!Cat!child Reader)
A/N See what I did there 🐈 im so funny and goofy, anyhow I COOKED HERE, just pure cooked down below, especially on that ankle biter part 😎
Here Reader is replaced by Dokucha as place holder which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Brother Marco, are you done yet?” the young child groans, lounging in one of his examining tables
“Not yet; there are still a few things I need to finish up,” Marco responds without even turning his head around
“I’m cold,” she whines
“There’s a storm outside, so I can’t warm up in the sun, and Ace fell asleep while eating again; you're the only source of heat around.”
He sighs, turning around on his chair and picking up the child from the table, putting them on his lap, and turning back around to his paper
“There, now will you let me finish these papers?”
She smiles, cuddling up to him and closing her eyes, basking in warmth
“You’re so warm, Brother Marco.”
“Yes, yes, I know, but you aren’t making my job easier.” He says as he works on finishing his papers, his actions betraying his words as he begins petting her head, scratching behind her ears
She hums, letting a loud purring sound at the sensation, leaning closer to him
He lets out a snicker at the sound
“Why are you laughing?” She mumbles
“Nothing.” He mumbles before continuing to scratch behind her ears
“I just remembered a conversation in which you said you did not fold at being petted,” he said with a chuckle
“Ten minutes ago, to be specific, if I am not mistaken.”
She jumps up at that, a frown on her young face
“I’ll have you know you are mistaken! I do not fold at something such as pets; I am not some stray cat!”
He raises his eyebrow
“Then, could you explain the purring I heard just a moment ago?”
“Yeah, you need to get your hearing checked.”
“Did you forget about my devil fruit?”
“Must be malfunctioning 'cause there is something wrong with em.”
“You’re such a brat; just admit you enjoy being petted.”
“Hmph,” she scoffed, jumping off his lap
“I'm going to go see if Brother Ace woke up; maybe his ears will be working better than yours, Brother Marco.”
He smiles, watching the child go, leaning his head on his hand
“Do come back if you want more,” he calls out
“Shut up!”
He snickers under his breath but says nothing else as she storms off
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Tiny footsteps could be heard hitting against the boards of the Moby dick as Dokucha hurriedly made it to the mess hall, looking for her freckled brother, spotting the rambunctious man over in one of the tables
“Brother Ace, you’re up!” She hollered
Ace, sitting down in one of the tables with the rest of the brothers, quickly wolfs down his food at the sound of the voice
“What’s up?” He asks as he sees his sister approaching, raising an eyebrow
She stretches her hands towards him, opening and closing her hands
He chuckles at the motion before grabbing her and picking her up, placing her on his lap
“What is it, kitty cat?” He teases
“Nothing,” she smiles, cuddling up to him and his heightened warmth
“Sure.” He chuckles, rubbing her ears gently as they are on his hands
“Then why the sudden rush to see me?”
“Brother Marco was being mean, and I was cold,” she mumbles
He chuckles at the small girls voice
“Oh was he? You mean your kitty purr didn’t work on him?”
“I don’t purr!” She said once again, jumping up, glaring at him
“Hah, really?!” he gasps in fake surprise
“Could have sworn I heard it, din’t you, Thatch?” he asked with a grin, looking at his brother, who was putting some plates down on the table
Thatch chuckles, shaking his head with a grin
“I did hear a small purr, yes.”
She pouts about to tell them off when one of the tables when up in an uproar; by the look of it, one of her brothers had started a drinking competition once again
She sighed, jumping off Ace’s lap and continuing on her way to find a place to nap in peace
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Whitebeard hums as he hears soft knocking at the door of his chambers
“Come in.”
“Papaw!” She whines, climbing her way into his bed
He chuckles as she climbs all over his bed
“Gurararara” he laughs scratching her head.
“What is it? Is there something you need?”
“Mess hall is too noisy; I wanna nap,” she said, cuddling into his chest with a smile, sighing in relief
“There,There .” He said strokinb her hair as she cuddles into his chest, his own soft smile growing as he looks down at his little one
“Sleep here for now, brats know to keep it down around here”
“Thank you, Papaw”
“Make sure to sleep well.”
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Dokucha now sat on top of ace’s shoulders, leaning her face and hands on top of his head as they walked
“What are we looking for again?”
“Izou left ahead of us to intercept the guys we were after; we are his backup,” he answered as he briskly walked through the grassy field
“I see him. Okay, ankle biter, you’re up,” he said, grabbing the girl from his shoulders and putting her on the ground, kneeling down on the ground next to her
“See the guy with the red shirt? He’s a long-distance sniper; I need you to take him out while I go help Izou with the melee fighters.”
She grins, her two incisors poking out of her mouth as she did
“Bite?” she said, looking at her brother, waiting for permission
“Yes, you can bite; go get ’em.”
She grins, shifting into her cat form and running closer to the guy; once close enough, she began prowling, silently approaching the guy until she was right next to them, at which point she pounced on them, making quick work of them, removing their going and easily gaining a surrender
She shifted into her human form, grinning as she kneeled on the now fainted man, chuckling as she watched her brothers make quick work of the rest of the enemies
“Impressive.” Izou praised her, approaching the girl, Ace following behind him, looking down at the man she had incapacitated.
“You’re getting better at that,” he grins, rubbing her head
She gives him a toothy grin in response, purring at the affection
As a reward for her hard work, Izou decided not to comment on the very obvious purring coming out from her as he continued rubbing her head , her ears tilting and twitching as she enjoyed her hard-earned pampering
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That scene where Dokucha was kneeling on top of the guy, I was thinking of that one scene where young shanks was doing the same, eating chocolate (?)
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Shanks really be stealing hearts since back then, I ‘ll take 1000 chapters on Roger pirates, Thank you < 3
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filmbyjy · 6 months
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SYPNOSIS > Wanting to start a new stream series with his best friends, Jay had a bright idea of playing some simple Minecraft with them. Everything was normal, until he realises there is another person in the call with them. He quickly learns that it was ni-ki’s older sister, (name). Watch how streaming a simple game of Minecraft can dig up some interesting feelings between the main leads.
FIFTEEN – that man is a f*cking simp
a/n: i used papago for like the translation so please correct me if I’m wrong😭
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with the night wind blowing at your hair as you walked around with jay, you can’t help but closed your eyes. it was a nice walk at night. you had spent the afternoon with him at the cafe and talked a lot about a bunch of things.
you found out he liked a bunch of older songs, especially rock songs. he played the guitar and was trying to play more often. you also learnt he was decently fluent in Japanese, which surprised you.
“you know Japanese?” you say a little in shock and awe.
“yeah, I learnt it so that I didn’t have to keep staring at the subtitle and just actually concentrate on the anime I was watching. took a long time though but it was worth it at the end. i’m still learning more phrases.”
“that’s so cool!”
“ありがとうございます (thank you).” jay replies.
“you sound like a local. i’m impressed. did riki ever accidentally speak to you in Japanese?”
“he did. maybe once or twice. i understood what he said so it was fine.”
“well, you sound natural. maybe even better than me in Japanese.” you say.
jay laughs. his laughter was truly adorable. you couldn’t help but melt at it. it made you realise that being alone with jay made you feel super comfortable. due to your past experiences with disgusting guys in japan. you couldn’t stay alone with any guy without feeling unsafe. that of course did not include ni-ki, he was your brother after all, and heeseung.
and now, currently after having a heartfelt conversation at the cafe for a long time, the sun had set. you and jay were walking around the park and towards the campus grounds. there was a cyclist coming closer to the both of you so jay grabs your hand and pulls you to the side so you wouldn’t crash into the cyclist.
“oh. thank you, I didn’t realise there was someone.” you say. jay snorts.
“maybe, you shouldn’t aimlessly walk with your eyes closed.” he squeezes your hand since he was still holding it.
“I was enjoying my peace. the night feels cool and nice so why not, you know? besides, it’s the weekends tomorrow. I just need a small breather before I have to go back to sitting in my bedroom and painting.”
jay hums. the both of you continued to walk with your hands intertwined. neither of you minded and really remembered that jay’s hand was still interlocked with yours. in fact, it actually felt comfortable like it was meant to be.
was this fate?
right as those 3 words popped into your thoughts, jay’s phone rings. he answered it with his other hand still walking with you hand in hand. you had kept quiet, just listening in to his conversation with whoever it was.
“I’m doing fine. mmm, I’ll try to visit you guys during summer break. no. I don’t have a girlfriend.” it caught your attention. you knew jay was a good looking guy, tons of girls would’ve loved to talk to him so why doesn’t he have a girlfriend.
“mom, I know you’re worried about me. I can handle it. I’m only 22 this year. yes, I’m doing well in college as per usual.” he chuckles slightly. “I don’t want to go on a blind date, mom. I want to find my own girlfriend. someone that understands me and likes what I do.”
his eyes met with yours as he finishes his words. your heart stops. you nearly had a heart attack because why would jay just stare at you as he finishes his sentence. what did that mean? there is no way he likes you…right? it was too early! he can’t like you that way.
jay finishes up his call with his mom. he places his phone back in his pocket and turns to face you. “so what are you thinking of doing during our summer break?”
“mmm, I’m not sure. I haven’t thought about it. probably more streaming.”
“do you wanna stream with me? I probably wouldn’t go out much during the break.”
“I thought you were going to visit your parents?”
“I am but we could stream together after I visit them.”
“you aren’t staying for a week?”
“my parents are usually busy, they travel around a lot so they’ll probably fly out a day or two after I visit them.” jay explains. you hummed.
“me and riki would would definitely be free.”
“perfect. I could ask the others if they’d like to play too.”
finally, you had arrived in front of your dorm’s apartment building. unfortunately, jay lets go of your hand. the warmth was all gone and you already missed it.
“rest well and don’t overdo yourself. I know it’s tempting for you to just continue doing your artwork but you need to rest.”
“yes, jay. I know. I won’t overdo myself.”
“that’s my good girl.” he ruffles your hair. “well, I have to go. the boys probably would expect me to come back soon. they can’t survive without me. the dorm would’ve burnt down by now.” jay jokes.
you laughed, “alright. before you go, can I ask you something?”
“can we stream tomorrow?”
“of course.”
you had stepped forward and quickly left a peck on jay’s cheek before bolting in to your apartment building. jay holds the cheek that you had left a kiss on as he watches your figure growing smaller. a stupid smile adorning his face, he was smitten.
you had opened your front door after taking an elevator up to the floor. it slams shut as you entered it and laid your back against it. your heart racing quickly, the heat flaming against your cheeks.
“oneechan, what are you doing?” ni-ki appears at the hallway, his eyebrow raised as he looks at you in question.
“oh my god, I- riki, why are you walking so softly. when did you stand there?” you say as you were flustered.
“I was about to walk to the kitchen but I heard the front door slam. what happened?”
“nothing. just went out.”
“was there another stalker?” his voice sounding a little serious.
“oh, no no. no stalker, just umm i saw a flying cockroach outside.” you lied. the worry in ni-ki’s eyes dissipated, it was quickly replaced with fear.
“we really have to move. oneechan, I’m going to find us an apartment that’s better than here and is equally as near to school.”
“umm, we don’t have to.”
“I don’t care, I’m paying for the rent. you don’t need to worry.”
“consider this as a big early birthday present.” ni-ki skips over to you and pecks your cheek. “only the best for you big sis!”
you had to tiptoe to pat his head, “you have to stop spending money on me, riki. I can buy things on my own.”
“not until you get that streamer money.”
“well, can you really blame me for joining an art course because it’s my passion?”
“not at all, oneechan! you just have to not feel bad every time me and yvette noona want to pay something for you.”
“but I’ll owe you guys.” you pout.
“shhhh.” ni-ki grabs you and pushes you towards your bedroom door. “you don’t have to feel bad, I’ll do anything for you and any one of my friends! trust me, I’ll even ask sunoo hyung for house hunting advice.”
“is he even a reliable source-” ni-ki stops pushing you to your bedroom when you reach the middle of your room.
“he is a very reliable source. now, get some rest! I’ll find a house by the morning and then confirm stuff by next week. we’ll be in a new apartment in two weeks time.” ni-ki blows a kiss to you and shuts the door.
you sighed. ni-ki was an amazing younger brother and you love him to the moon and back. he’s a one of a kind brother, anyone would want him. however, you felt so burdened by the fact that you felt like you owe something to him. you knew he didn’t care if you paid back or not and he always treats you. it’s just the guilt creeping up on you.
you looked down at your phone and glanced at the lockscreen, it was a baby photo of ni-ki. everything you did was for him. your parents could always trust you with ni-ki and vice versa. with them running a company back in Japan, it was hard for them to come home. hence, you had to grow up for ni-ki. of course, your parents were grateful. they always brought both you and ni-ki out as a little treat. it wasn’t a surprise when ni-ki wanted to fly out to Seoul with you to go college. he’s a constant in your life and your parents knew that. hence, they didn’t say no to ni-ki and allowed him to take the same flight as you.
you had taken a shower quickly and changed into your pyjamas before deciding that you had to sleep. you had to continue up painting before streaming again tomorrow. just as you dried your hair and then threw yourself on the bed, you can’t help but remember what you did when you came home. you hid your face behind the pillows.
as for jay…
he was busy giggling and kicking his feet in his bedroom. jake and sunghoon were confused as to why jay was just mindlessly walking to his bedroom and then they heard a ‘girlish’ giggle from jay’s room. both jake and sunghoon looked at each other in shock.
“he’s gone insane.” sunghoon says. jake nods.
“didn’t he go out with (name) just now?” jake asks.
slowly the put the pieces together, sunghoon’s eyes widened. “we’ve truly lost him.”
“that man is a fucking simp.” both sunghoon and jake say at the same time.
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mellowmadds · 2 years
Willing Accomplice | Ethan Landry
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Ethan Landry/Fem!Reader
Summary: you never know just how much information a person could be hiding behind a shy dorky persona.
Warnings: mentions of violence, cussing
Word Count: 4022
(I believe in happy endings :)
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Moving all the way to New York City to attend Blackmore University with your Woodsboro best friends who all had a very complicated year full of secrets and betrayals it was obvious that everyone in the friend group would be on edge. When two film students who attended many classes with you guys were brutally murdered in their college apartment, Mindy took it upon herself to start interrogating the newcomers in the group.
“Tara! Do you not remember how these movies work?” Mindy yelled a bit loudly which startled the boy sitting next to you.
“Is she always like this?” Quinn questioned looking over towards her roommate Sam who replied back with a defeated eye roll. Ethan sighed while you wrapped an arm around his torso and laid your head on his chest getting ready to eventually defend him against whatever Mindy was about to accuse him of doing or being.
“Which brings me to my next point!” Mindy stated very loudly standing straight up in front of Quinn.
“Never trust the roommate or love interest” she said with a straight face glancing over towards the two of you innocently cuddling on the bench. Ethan shifted feeling uncomfortable which led you to grabbing his hand and rubbing your thumb over his fingers to calm his nerves. While Mindy started walking over towards you guys her twin brother Chad puts his arm out in front of you two before talking back to his sister.
“Mindy seriously look at him, you really think he’s ghostface?” You knew Chad didn’t mean it in a rude way; he was just looking out for the two of you.
“Exactly my point! Ethan the shy innocent dorky nerd who happened to find interest in our very much antisocial shy best friend. It’s a perfect cover, who knows maybe y/n wants revenge on us and is Ethan’s accomplice.” Mindy had seen way too many movies and just started spewing bullshit.
“W-Why am I a suspect? I shouldn’t even be a target!” Ethan finally spoke up.
“Oh seriously Ethan of course you’re a suspect and a target, your girlfriend got sliced up by some loser last year who liked her despite him being Sam’s boyfriend” Mindy exclaimed and Sam once again rolled her eyes.
“Ex boyfriend Mindy, remember I slit his throat? And he died like a baby.” Sam said with absolutely no expression in her face as she looked over at Ethan.
“I’m done with this conversation you’ve officially crossed the line Mindy. I’m leaving.” You stated while grabbing your backpack and yanking your boyfriend off the bench making him follow you like a lost puppy.
“Great going Mindy! The last thing we needed was the group being split up.” Chad said while getting up from the now empty bench while giving a disapproving look towards his twin. Tara quietly gathered her stuff and accompanied Chad wherever he was going.
“Mindy, wait a second” Sam said, grabbing her arm before she took off in anger.
“Keep an eye on their relationship, seriously y/n can’t afford anything bad happening to her again.” Sam said while Mindy nodded in agreement knowing what had happened last year.
To say last year was bat shit crazy was an understatement. You had been developing an ongoing relationship with Wes when the unthinkable had happened. Wes had gone home right after school that fateful day while the rest of the friend group decided to hang out in the courtyard to discuss the potential suspects in the ongoing ghostface murders. Before heading out you had gone back into the school to retrieve some books from your locker to complete your homework later on. But suspiciously your locker had been opened with a note stuck to it that stated ‘If I can’t have you nobody will’ your thoughts continued to race while you ran back to the friend group only to find them with a sorrowful look in their eyes. After Wes’s attack you had become distant and began acting out as a defense mechanism. During the final act it was revealed that Richie Kirsch had planned all of this with his girlfriend Amber Freeman in order to inspire movie makers to create the greatest Stab movie of all time. You were just a pawn in their huge game plan to kill Sam because of her biological father Billy Loomis except Richie did find a slight interest in you which he openly admitted to everyone in the room before Sam brutally ended him.
Despite ghostface running around ending lives left and right frat parties continued on like there was nothing to be afraid of.
“Well don’t you just look so adorable” You scrunched up your nose trying to hold in your laughter as you stood in the doorway of Ethan and Chads dorm room. You couldn’t even tell what he was but you have to admit he looked absolutely adorable in his nerdy armor costume.
“My personal knight in shining armor” You giggled while stepping up on your tippy toes to place a light gentle kiss on his lips. Ruining the moment Chad walked back in from the bathroom in his ever so slutty cowboy costume.
“Wow Chad what an entrance, you’re acting as if it isn’t below forty outside.” You gestured towards his shirtless body.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Chad questioned you as you spun around showing off your school girl outfit that had your Hogwarts house colors to show off your Harry Potter obsession.
“Come on nerds we are going to be late and we also have to go pick up Tara” Chad said before grabbing his keys and walking out.
“I think you look gorgeous” Ethan blurted out while his face flushed red because he had become nervous around you.
Parties weren’t really your thing so you hung out with Mindy and Anika on the couch. Despite the fight you had with Mindy the other day you couldn’t be mad at her forever because you both had gone through so much together. Getting bored of sitting there having to watch the couple make out all night you got up from the couch in search of your own lover. Not seeing him downstairs you continue your way through the house and spot the roommates dancing together before Chad starts yelling.
“Yes Ethan! You’re such a snack! A full course meal!” Chad screamed, yeah he was for sure a little drunk. You couldn’t lie you were a bit tipsy yourself and just wanted Ethan to take care of you. Before you could even approach them a commotion could be heard from downstairs and there came an overly worried Mindy in search of Chad. Ethan had noticed you by the stairs and grabbed your hand before heading down following the twins. Before you knew it the friend group was outside listening to Tara scream at her older sister Sam for being controlling. Everyone was being dragged back to Sam’s apartment because she had been sick of your guy’s college antics and thought that everyone would be safer in numbers. You had tried arguing saying you didn’t have any of your personal belongings but she did not care and simply stated you could all pack a bag tomorrow and come back before anything bad happens. Sam explained that it would be like one big sleepover for however long until this nonsense was over.
‘But I have Econ tomorrow night” Ethan chimed in realizing everyone rolled their eyes at his comment.
“Do you have Econ or a murder appointment?” Mindy raised her eyebrow staring at the two of you once again cuddled up comfortably on the Carpenter’s couch. Before you could say a quick remark back towards her Sam told everyone to shut up and seemed incredibly frustrated.
“Does nobody care that ghostface is going around stabbing people again?” Sam said running her hands through her hair but before she could speak again a loud bang and a string of moans sounded throughout the apartment. Sam quickly stood up and started banging on Quinn's door while the rest of you tried to hold in your laughter.
“Get your boyfriend out of here from now on it’s just going to be people we can trust” Sam stated and Quinn apologized while kicking her “boyfriend” out of the apartment with only his boxers on. All the tension seemed to die down and everyone got comfortable with the sleeping arrangements that Sam had given them. Ethan got the couch while Chad had to sleep on the floor because Mindy and Anika claimed the loveseat and Sam had stuck you in Tara’s room so Chad wouldn’t pull anything with her younger sister. When everyone figured Sam was asleep you and Chad switched places except you didn’t claim the floor and instead laid on top of Ethan snuggling into his chest trying your best to fall asleep after a stressful night. Ethan wrapped his arms around you holding you close as you tangled your fingers in his full set of curls that were your absolute favorite feature on him. The morning soon came and everyone went their separate ways to either pack their bags or attend classes but everyone had promised Sam that they would arrive back at the apartment by six. Everyone had gone on with their day and before heading out to the Carpenter’s apartment you decided to walk Ethan to his Econ class just to have a moment alone with him and it was worth it.
“Don’t take anything Mindy says seriously, okay?” You said quietly to him.
“I promise I’ll be at the Carpenter’s after class, I just can’t afford to fail or fall back this early in the semester.” Ethan stated while giving you a disappointing look because he wants to be there to be able to protect you if anything bad were to happen tonight.
“I’ll be okay for the couple of hours you’re gone, I promise.” You smiled trying to escape the bad thoughts that flooded your brain of all the possible things that could happen tonight and you should have trusted this gut feeling you had but you ultimately decided to push that feeling aside.
“I’ll save you a seat on the Carpenter couch!” You yelled back as you started walking away. You could hear his little laugh as a response and decided that maybe everything will turn out okay in the end. As you continued walking your phone buzzed with multiple texts from the group chat reading that everyone was on their way over now. You entered the apartment with two packed bags, one for yourself and one for Ethan.
“And where’s your psycho ghostface boyfriend?” Mindy asked before you could even settle down.
“He had Econ he’ll be here later on, I even have his bag with me” You said frustrated that Mindy had already started getting on your nerves.
“No y/n doors are being locked right now either he is on his way or he is being locked out” Sam said with a straight face.
“Why the fuck do you all hate him so much! He has done nothing wrong or suspicious for you guys to be attacking him at every moment.” You said with tears spilling down your cheeks.
“We don’t hate him, we just need everyone to be here. We need everyone to be willing to follow the rules in order to keep everyone safe, so we can all survive. It’s what Wes would have wanted y/n.” Tara said while pulling you into a tight hug breaking the tension in the room only to be interrupted by your phone ringing causing everyone in the room to tense right back up. You answered it by putting it on speaker.
“Hello y/n having a good night aren’t you?” The other person on the line asked and it was obvious it was the killer because of the way the voice sounded. Sam grabbed the phone while walking over to where she kept her knives in the kitchen only to notice that they were all missing.
“Not one of you is going to answer me? If you can’t answer my questions, maybe your sweet innocent boyfriend can and maybe he will have to die a virgin. I guess little shy y/n really was just insecure after all you couldn’t go all the way with Wes and now it looks like you’re about to lose the opportunity to go all the way with poor innocent Ethan.” The killer laughed while you paced around the living room while everyone else just stared at you. You grabbed Chad’s phone quickly dialing Ethan’s number and after a couple of rings he finally picks up apologizing to the professor for having to leave early.
“Ethan no no no don’t leave Econ stay inside the classroom please.” You pleaded into the phone. Instead of getting a response from Ethan you hear the Killer say that he has the perfect opportunity on the other phone in Sam’s hand which had suddenly abruptly ended due to the killer hanging up. Instead of getting a response from Ethan there was a sudden thump coming from Quinns room and before anyone saw it coming Quinns dead body was being thrown onto Anika while everyone freaked out and started panicking Ethan who could hear all the commotion through the phone and started asking what was going on and that he was on his way over and he would be there as fast as he could which after he had said that he hung up the phone and suddenly Chad was dragging Tara out of the apartment and down the hall while Sam knocked ghostface to the ground to stop them from hurting Anika even more than they already had. Everyone ran into Sam’s room where Mindy frantically placed Anika on the bed and quickly started thinking of different ways to block the doorway. While Mindy blocked the doorway Sam was grabbing a ladder through the window from her very hot across the hallway secret boyfriend.
“Are you fucking crazy Sam?” You yelled looking at the ladder that you would eventually have to cross over to get into the other apartment.
“Do you have a better idea y/n?” Sam argued back and you gave her a defeated look while trying to get Anika lifted off the bed and closer to the bedroom window. Mindy told everyone to cross over into the other apartment because someone had to hold the door and she was already doing that so it made sense for Sam to cross first then you followed. You could hear Mindy yelling at Anika to cross the ladder first but you knew Anika was too weak and already bleeding out to be able to cross the ladder successfully and eventually Anika convinced Mindy to cross before her but after that it was too late for Anika as you watched her plummet to her death as ghostface shook the ladder with all the strength they had in them. You will never forget the scream that Mindy let out that night and you were once again traumatized by a person in a ghostface mask. The police were called in by Ethan when he hung up from being on the phone with you. Once everyone was reconnected outside in the ambulance Ethan came running from under the yellow caution tape only to be stopped by Chad pushing him up against the police van.
“I was at Econ, you guys know this! You heard me apologizing to my professor through the phone!” You pulled Chad off of Ethan and wrapped your arms around him and rested your forehead against his chest and just cried you didn’t care if anybody was looking at you.
“You’re at the top of my suspect list.” Mindy stated with a saddened look still freshly grieving the death of her girlfriend.
“You guys should be happy that I called the police for you instead of accusing me of being the killer.” Ethan argued back while grabbing your hand and leading you away from the crime scene that was currently being broadcast on the news by none other than Gale Weathers.
The days continued on and while not being able to be fully trusted by your friends you had no other choice than to all stick together like Sam had originally planned on doing. You were glued to Ethan’s hip never wanting to leave his side and the friend group took notice of this and stopped accusing him of being the killer because the murders and attacks continued on and Ethan seemed to have always been around because you had agreed to follow Sam’s rules in order to prove your innocence and Ethan had also agreed. As news broke out that Gale had been attacked Tara took it upon herself to ask detective Bailey to help lure the killer in and execute him. Detective Bailey ultimately agreed because they had killed his daughter which left him with no family at all due to his son dying in a car accident a couple years back. The entire friend group made their way to the abandoned theater in hopes that the plan would follow through and that there would be an end to this nightmare.
“Y/n I don’t think you should help, you will be much safer out here. I don’t want anything bad happening to you” Ethan said before pulling you into a tight hug then leaning in to kiss you for what could be the last time he thought to himself.
“Ethan we have to help them, we have to put an end to this. If we all stick together nobody will get seriously hurt.” You told him before giving him a quick hug and grabbing his hand leading him into the abandoned theater. You noticed Ethan drop his backpack near the entrance but didn’t think much of it because the group was calling for you two to come to the back of the theater to help go over the plan once again. You felt Ethan tense up before walking over to the counter and leaning against it.
“E, are you okay?” You asked softly, walking over towards him and grabbing his hands. Before you knew it you heard gunshots go off and Sam yell that the killer is detective Bailey.
“Y/n I need you to leave right now, don't fight with me about this, just go outside where it’s safe, please.” Ethan pleaded with tears in his eyes. You watched as detective bailey walked behind Ethan as you stood there frozen in place trying to pull Ethan away from the counter and into the room where the others were because Sam was right we would be safer in numbers.
“Son, are you just going to stand here spending time with Richie's girl or are you going to help me kill the people who murdered your brother?” You watched in disbelief as someone in a ghostface costume walked up beside detective bailey.
“You did good kid, unlike your brother over here who refuses to leave his little girlfriend alone.” Bailey said as they took off their mask only to reveal Quinn. The others stood behind you watching all of this unfold.
“Oh hey roomie” Quinn laughed as Sam looked upon the scene unfolding in front of her.
“I thought you were dead?” Tara asked in shock.
“You know as a detective it is really easy to fake someone else’s or your own death.” He laughed as he pointed the knife to his youngest son.
“Maybe we should have faked Ethan’s death since he wanted to fall in love with his older brother’s crush and ruin our plan of getting revenge.” Bailey said right before Ethan had grabbed you, picking you up off of the floor and walking behind the counter to join his sick twisted family.
“You’re Richie’s family aren’t you?” Sam asked and that's when you noticed Ethan’s eyes change into a pair you have never seen before.
“E, please please let me go” You pleaded.
“The pet names aren’t going to work anymore y/n” Detective Bailey said before forcing Ethan to drag you into the other room. The others called out for you begging Ethan to let you go but it was no use he was never going to let you go now. But before leaving the room you noticed Ethan grabbed his backpack. While your friends begged and fought for their own lives in the other room Ethan brought you over to one of the movie theater seats and sat you down.
“I was never going to hurt you.” He stated.
“I never hurt anyone, it was just them two.” Ethan said with tears spilling down his face. He unzipped his backpack pulling out one of his dads guns and a knife. Ethan handed you the knife and told you to follow his lead.
“No Ethan, I am not hurting my friends, they are my family.” You cried out.
“No we aren’t hurting them, you know who to aim for.” Ethan said with confidence. You didn’t know if you could fully trust him or not but you had no other option than to do what you were told. You were his willing accomplice. He grabbed your arm and walked you back over to where the others were.
“Y/n what are you doing?” Chad yelled
“She turned on us just like I knew she would.” Mindy choked out due to her blood pooling in her mouth because of being stabbed in the stomach.
“Well would you look at that. What an unexpected twist of events I knew Richie wouldn’t disappoint me, you are psychotic just like he was. Too bad my other son over here won’t ever live up to his older broth-” Before he could finish his sentence detective Bailey hit the ground and died at the hands of his youngest son. And before Quinn could get her hands on you Sam had shot her and she fell right on top of her father as both of them laid there lifeless. You dropped the knife and ran over towards your friends sobbing, finally being able to let all of your feelings out. Tara pulled you into a hug while all of you watched Ethan slide down to the ground unable to keep himself composed after killing the only family he had left.
“He never hurt anyone.” You quietly whispered, unable to speak properly, but everyone had heard you.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Sam had questioned him while pointing her weapon of choice at him.
“Bailey he killed my mother covered it up because he didn’t want his wife to find out about his affair. I don’t consider them my family. They took my mother away from me to save their own family image. The only thing I have in common with Richie and Quinn is a messed up dad and I can assure you I am not a killer like my half siblings. I have never had contact with them before they found me when I moved out here to go to college. I really thought that Bailey killed Quinn and he told me that he would kill me too if I didn’t help him. I promise I never hurt anyone and I never will.” Ethan begged while he watched Sam lower her weapon and offer him a hand which he gladly took. He slowly stood up as the others stared at him with sorrow. You slowly walked up to him and pulled him into a hug where he silently sobbed into your shoulder as the others discussed what needed to be done moving forward. Ethan Landry the shy dorky nerd who nobody expected to have that much of a messed up life. Nothing will ever be the same but moving forward you knew you had to be there for the boy who spared your life and protected you from his own twisted bloodline. All of you who have had to go through these unimaginable experiences were a new found family that no killer would be able to separate.
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unamused-boss · 1 year
California Dreaming
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Another Billy Hargrove fanfic... yes I know what a surprise...
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Max and Billy could only agree on one thing in common.... and that was you. You were their neighbor when the lived in California and Billy had the biggest crush on you. Plus it helped that you babysat, more like hangout with, Max. You were his California dream.
Part 2 is out! Go to my page pls
When Max and Billy were moved to Hawkins Indiana they knew they were loosing one of the few best things they ever had. You. Ever since Max moved into Billy's home in California, she had the pleasure of having you as her neighbor. From what started as a babysitting gig turned into a friendship.
Billy on the other hand. Having lived next to you for a majority of his life was absolutely in love. He'll admit love is a strong word but you were just breathtaking to him. When his mom was still around she always tried to get him to talk to you. Finding it absolutely adorable watching him try to talk to you at the nervous age of eleven. As he grew up, and more handsome, he found it much easier to talk to you. Still fumbling here and there though. Now in Indiana all Billy could think about was you.
"So you guys are really moving." You said. You and Billy were currently sitting on your front porch over looking the street.
"Yeah... to some shit hole in Indiana." Billy spit out.
"Hey it won't be that bad." You comforted. "Once you graduate you can come here with me." Hearing you say those words made Billy's heart leap. You've done so much for him.
"You mean that." He smiled.
"Definitely." You replied. Having grown up with Billy you have seen many fazes of his life. You remember how sweet he was, well he's still sweet but only to you, and how he got flustered over small things sometimes. You saw the destruction that his dad had caused upon not only him but also his sister. There is so much you wish you could do. Now Billy and Max is being taken away from you.
"What am I going to do with out you?" Billy questioned. "I don't like anyone else as much as I like you."
"You'll make new friends B." You laughed. Billy just rolled his eyes at you.
"With who cows? Rednecks?" Billy stated. "I wanna stay here so bad."
"I know you do Billy but things happen." You rubbed his arm.
"Well it feels like shitty things only happen to me." He retorted. You knew Billy had a short fuse. It came with his vulnerability and constant state of survival.
"Shitty things don't happen to you." You reassured. "Plus does that make me being one of the shitty things in your life." You tried to joke with him. He chuckled lightly at the attempt.
"No you're not. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me."
"Well don't give me to big of a head Hargrove." You giggled. "Enjoy what you got right now Billy, you leave in a week. And I don't know when I'll see you next after you move." You scoot closer to Billy. Looking out at the pink and orange sky as the sun set. It was like a dream.
Your words had stuck with Billy. After next week he will never see you again. He'll be on the other side of the country, you'll be gone. Your smile will be gone, your laugh, the conversations, coming over to "watch Max", movie nights, all of it. He can't just leave you. He has to tell you how much he cares about you. At least take you on a date. You've seen him with multiple girl as he's you with guys. Which he hated. If being your boyfriend will only last for one week he will grab that opportunity by the balls.
Billy stood up abruptly to face you, you look to hime with confusion and shock. He took a deep breath in and "Y/N. I have known you my entire life, and you are by far the most beautiful person I know. I have been to chicken shit to tell you but I like you. Damn... maybe even love you. But even if it only for a week I would love to take you out on a date and be your boyfriend." It was done. He said it. Billy Hargrove finally confessed his feelings to you. You sat still for a minute then... you laughed? Oh no, you think he's a joke now don't you. 'Good job pussy, now she thinks you're an idiot' Billy thought embarrassingly.
"I would love to Billy." You said.
"What?" Billy snapped his head to you.
"I said yes." You said once more." Jeez, I thought you were proposing for a moment."
"Oh, well it might have been much." Billy felt the heat on his cheeks rise. Just then you stood and walked over to Billy. Placing your hand on his shoulder; leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek.
"How about tomorrow at seven." You said.
"I would love that, we can get dinner then go to a drive in if you want." Billy suggested.
"I would love that. Don't be late." You said as you walked up and into your house. Billy has never been more happy. He probably would have skipped home from excitement. When he entered his house Max saw the smile on his face. Well everyone in the house could, it was not like it was going away anytime soon.
"Did you do it?" Max asked.
"Did you ask Y/n out or not?" Max said, elaborating.
"Shut up Max." Billy said before going off to his box filled bedroom.
"I am taking that as a yes." Max concluded. She was happy for him, but sad at the same time. He just told his crush his feelings then has to leave them. She is going to miss watching Billy fumble in front of you at times. At least he'll be a bit nicer to her in the next week. 'I'm gonna miss Y/N...' Max thought sadly.
Now being in Indiana, Billy was right it is a shit hole. His dad has been more on his case about watching Max and everything else in his life. The kids at school already cling to him; from being both new and from California. As Billy pulled into the high school parking lot for him and Max to get out at, he looked to Max.
"Alright shit-bird. Be out buy 3:45 or you're on your own." Billy pointed to her. She rolled her eyes to him.
"Fine." Max sassed to him as she got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Billy looked to his watch and saw he had a few minutes before he had to go in. He pulled his cigarettes out to take a quick drag. With said cigarette hanging from his lips Billy hastily looked for a lighter. Looking everywhere, then grabbing his sun visor in hopes he stashed it up there. Once the visor was flipped down and out something hell out of it. A polaroid. Not just any but the Polaroid you took on your first date with Billy. You took as many as you could in the week you and him had together. This polaroid being the only one he took with him when he moved. It was a picture of you and him in a booth at the restaurant he took you too with you giving him a kiss on the cheek. He remembers it like it was yesterday. You asked your waitress to take the photo for you; as Billy stood for the photo you grabbed his collar and placed the kiss on his cheek. The act causing both of you to bust in a fit of laughter right after. Billy wonders what you're doing right now. He wishes he was with you. Billy didn't realize that he was staring at the photo for to long till the first bell rang for school. Billy huffed carefully put the picture back into place, put his cigarette away got out of his car to make his way to school.
You'll always be his California dream.
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nellasbookplanet · 3 months
Book recs: Queer horror, part 1
We all like a good horror story, right? You know what's even better? A queer horror story!
A note: queer here does not necessarily mean “guarantee of an f/f or m/m ship with a happy ending”, but rather simply a significant presence of queerness. Some of the books feature no romance but has a same gender attracted/trans/ace spectrum lead, or features an m/f relationship with bisexual, trans or aro/ace characters, or simply features a world-building which is heavily queer inclusive in ways that don’t always compare to our own ideas of sexuality and gender. I have however disqualified works where the only queer presence is along the lines of “gay best friend” or a blink and you’ll miss it confirmation that never comes up again.
For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
If you want more book recs, check out my masterpost of rec lists!
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Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle*
Rose, like her parents, believes strongly that homosexuality is a sin, and holds great pride that her home town hosts Camp Damascus, a successful conversion camp for young teens. But Rose is also experiencing strange and terrifying things: memories of a beautiful girl, a demonic figure that shows up if her thoughts stray, flies crawling out her mouth. Something has happened in Rose's past that her parents won't speak of and that she herself can't remember, and Camp Damascus is at the center of it all. Sapphic, autistic main character, as well as a really cool take on demonic lore that is both inspired by and a subversion of christianity.
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland*
Young adult. Something happened to Iris Hollow and her two older sisters when they were little; after having gone missing, they were all returned with no memory of what happened and identical scars on their throats. Years have passed since then, and though seen as strange the girls still lead mostly normal lives - that is, until the oldest, Grey, goes missing, leaving strange clues in her path. As Iris searches for her, a strange man with horns starts stalking her and memories start to rise to the forefront in her mind. To save Grey, Iris will have to find out the truth of what happened all those years ago. Features wonderfully morally grey characters. Bisexual lead, but little to no romance.
Winter Tide (The Innsmouth Legacy) by Ruthanna Emrys*
Aphra and her brother are the only survivors after the government raided their home, Innsmouth. Their only living family are the amphibian people of the deep, whom they will one day join, but until then they are bound to land where they struggle to build new lives for themselves after the great loss of their home and loved ones. Then rumors start to spread of a russian agent seeking dangerous and ancient magic, forcing Aphra to involve herself as they try to stop it. Does contain horror elements but is generally a much more optimistic look on cosmic horror than most lovecraftian stories, told from the perspective of one of his monsters. Lots of focus on found family and rebuilding of community. Asexual main character (however I don’t think that becomes in-text confirmed until the sequel) and multiple queer characters in the supporting cast.
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Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall
Young adult. One year ago, Sara's sister went missing. Since then, Sara has drifted away from her friends, but when she receives a mysterious text inviting her to "play the game" - the same game that supposedly stole her sister away - Sara and her estranged friends all come back together to find her. Together they set off on a path that legend says appears only once a year, leading them toward the ghost Lucy Gallows and, hopefully, Sara's sister. Bisexual main character, told in a faux documentary style.
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon
A young pregnant woman flees a cult that left her body strange and changing in terrifying ways. Hiding from both a world wanting to oppress her and the cult seeking to force her back, she does her best to raise her children while trying to find out the truth of the cult and being pursued by a hunter in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Bleak and scary, Sorrowland is a book that will creep under your skin with horrors both fantastical and very, very real.
Otherside Picnic (Otherside Picninc lightnovel series) by Iori Miyazawa
Sapphic light novel with a surreal and episodic horror vibe. Following the directions of an urban legend, university student Sorawo finds her way to a reality populated by horrifying creatures from ghost stories and modern urban legends (of which I’m sure you’ll recognize many). Here she teams up with fellow explorer Toriko, both to find out more about this strange world and to help Toriko find a missing loved one. Also available as a manga and (one season of) an anime. Sapphic.
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Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Amrfield
Miri thought she lost her wife Leah when her deep-sea mission ended in a catastrophe. But Leah was miraculously returned to her - or so it seems. Because something happened down there, deep in the ocean, and whatever it was, Leah has brought it back with her. Surreal and strange, Our Wives Under the Sea will not answer all your questions, but it will give you a unique experience.
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
Novella. Alex Easton, retired soldier, travels to visit their childhood friends, siblings Madeline and Roderick Usher, after finding out that Madeline is dying. In the siblings’ rural, ancestral home, Madeline walks in her sleep and looks to be fading away, while around it wildlife seems to be possessed by a strange force. With the help of a mycologist and an American doctor, Alex attempts to save Madeline and reveal the truth of her illness. Nonbinary main character.
Alien: Echo by Mira Grant
Young adult. Twin sisters Olivia and Viola’s parents are both xenobiologists, bringing them all over the galaxy. Most recently they’ve settled on a new colony world to study its wildlife, but it proves more dangerous than they could’ve ever imagined. Under attack from alien monsters, the sisters must keep each other alive while also coming to terms with a dark family secret. Sapphic horror. Part of the Alien franchise but stands well on its own.
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Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant*
A research vessel heads towards the Mariana Trench in search of answers of what happened to a ship which mysteriously lost all its crew some time earlier. In the deep dark, something intelligent and hungry awaits them. Very much mermaids of the horror variety. Sequel to a novella, can be read as a standalone. Also contains a sapphic romance, however that is a pretty small part of the plot as a whole.
Alice Isn't Dead by Joseph Fink
Based on the podcast by the same name. Keisha Taylor thought she had lost her wife. She even held a funeral and attempted to move on with her life. But then Alice started to appear, all over America, in the background of every single major tragedy in the country. To find her missing wife, Keisha gets a job as a trucker and sets out on a roadtrip, not knowing what horrors awaits her.
Wilder Girls by Rory Power
Young adult. Over a year ago, the Raxter School for Girls was hit by the Tox, a strange disease that killed off many and left the survivors’ bodies slowly changing in terrifying ways. The island the school is on has been in quarantine since then, and the girls dare not leave the school grounds lest they become victims of wild animals changed by the Tox. But as they wait for the promised cure, one of the girls goes missing, and her friends are willing to do anything to find her. Unsettling, spooky, and sapphic, this is a unique read featuring body horror and messy, dangerous girls.
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Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero
Once, Andy, Kerri, Nate, Peter and their faithful dog were known as the Blyton Summer Detective Club, until they hit their fateful final case in 1977. Now, the year is 1990, and the group hasn't gathered in years. Tomboy Andy is wanted in at least two states; Kerri, former kid genius, is tending bar; and horror nerd Nate is in a mental institution in Arkham. At least he still has the company of jock-turned-movie star Peter - except Peter has been dead for years. Now they must all come together to find out the truth of what happened all those years ago. Lovecraftian horror with a sometimes absurdist vibe and adult scooby do inspiration. Sapphic romance.
Contagion by Erin Bowman*
Young adult. After receiving an SOS, a small crew is sent on a standard search-and-rescue mission. But what they find are not survivors awaiting help, but an abandoned site, full of dead bodies and crawling with something… monstrous. No romance, but features one sapphic co-lead and one who can easily be read as demisexual (however this doesn’t show up until book two, which has more romance).
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand*
Young adult. The isolated island of Sawkill Rock has secrets. It hosts the legend of a local monster, and the very stark reality of decades of girls going missing, never to be found again. Now, three girls stand at the center of the horrific mystery - if only they can come together, perhaps they can save future generations of girls from a monster that may very well be real. Asexual and sapphic main characters, including a sapphic romance.
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Salvation Day by Kali Wallace
A decade ago, the massive ship House of Wisdom was abandoned in orbit after its entire crew was killed in an outbreak in a matter of hours. Now, Zahra and her family of outcasts hope to claim the ship as their own by kidnapping the sole survivor to gain access. But the danger of the House of Wisdom is far from gone. Horror, no major romance but one of the main characters is gay.
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling*
Possibly one of the most unstintingly claustrophobic books I’ve ever read, and definitely the most claustrophobic. Gyre, a caver on an alien planet, ventures into the dark and dangerous underground, guided only by a woman who has no compunctions on using and manipulating Gyre as she sees fit to obtain her secretive goals down in the caves. Sapphic in the most messy of ways.
Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb series) by Tamsyn Muir*
Gideon, raised as a swordswoman by unfriendly nuns, would rather run away and make her own life, but her services are needed. The Reverend Daughter, Gideon’s childhood nemesis, has been invited to a trial to win a place as an immortal by the Emperor’s side, and she’s in need of a bodyguard. Listen, if you’re on tumblr I probably don’t need to explain this book to you. Trust me when I say it’s exactly as good as people claim. Humorous and spooky but also absolutely gut wrenching and clever with a lot of political commentary. There are also, indeed, lesbian necromancers in space.
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Family Business by Jonathan Sims
By the author behind the Magnus Archives. When Diya's childhood best friend and roommate unexpectedly passes away, Diya falls apart and, among other things, loses her job. When she's offered a position at Slough & Sons to clean up after the deceased, she sees no other recourse but to accept. Her new job is grisly but important, and Diya starts to get back on her feet - until strange visions of a terrifying man and the dead's last moments start to haunt her. Slough & Sons are hiding something, and it's up to Diya to find out the truth. No romance, bisexual main character and trans woman side character.
Sodom Road Exit by Amber Dawn
Starla didn't want to return to her childhood home of Crystal Beach, Canada, but growing debt has forced her to move back in with her mother, despite the trauma hidden in her old home. But Starla is haunted by more than trauma; she is, in fact, literally haunted, by a ghost that may understand her, but may also consume her. Not overly scary, but handles dark subjects such as childhood sexual assault. Lesbian main character and romance.
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson*
In a world where the rich drink blood to preserve their health, Marion applies to a position as bloodmaid in a notorious noble house far from home. Suddenly showered with luxuries and debauchery, Marion soon gains the interest and favor of Lisavet, countess of the house. A fresh take on the idea of vampires and deliciously dark sapphic romance inspired by the horrific real-life Elisabet Báthory.
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A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson
Dracula inspired novella, following Constanta, who’s turned from a medieval peasant to an undead bride. As time passes the relationship between Dracula and Constanta grows all the more strained and potentially dangerous. Teaming up with his two other consorts, she seeks to unravel her husband’s secrets. Sapphic and polyamorous.
Dread Nation (Dread Nation duology) by Justina Ireland
Young adult, alternate history. In this world, the war between the American states is interrupted when the dead start walking the earth and hunting the living. Jane McKeene has been trained at Miss Preston’s School of Combat to become an attendant, skilled in combat as well as etiquette to protect the wealthy. But Jane wants a different life, and in her search for it stumbles headfirst into a conspiracy. Bisexual main character, aroace side character (who becomes a POV character in the sequel).
Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin
In a future where those with high testosterone are afflicted by a zombie-like disease, bloodthirsty men have become the enemy. Trans women Beth and Fran and trans man Robbie do their best to survive in this brutal world, where TERF movements seek to exterminate them and monstrous men hunt in the wilds. VERY gruesome and bleak, but also very timely in the present political climate.
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Leech by Hiron Ennes*
Unbeknownst to humanity, a sentient hive mind has taken over the entire medical profession to ensure the health of their host species. One of their doctors is sent off to an isolated location where they’re cut off from the rest of the hive mind, only to realize they’re faced with a rivaling parasitic entity. Leech hands you only just enough information to get by, and whether its historical fantasy, an alternate timeline, or futuristic post apocalypse is hard to determine. It’s spooky and a bit weird and wildly creative, and does some neat things with gender.
The Outside by Ada Hoffman*
AKA the book the put me in an existential crisis. Souls are real, and they are used to feed AI gods in this lovecraftian inspired sci-fi where reality is warped and artificial gods stand against real, unfathomable ones. Autistic scientist Yasira is accused of heresy and, to save her eternal soul, is recruited by cybernetic ‘angels’ to help hunt down her own former mentor, who is threatening to tear reality itself apart. Sapphic main character.
The Gilded Abyss by Rebecca Thorne
Nix Marr is a soldier and damned good at it, but that doesn’t prepare her for her next mission: bodyguard for Subarch Kessandra, beloved royal and Nix’s bitter ex. The two venture toward the underwater city of Fall to seek the cause of a bloody murder spree and a possible deadly contagion. But Kessandra has enemies, the answers she seeks marking her as a possible threat for the nation’s rulers. On their way in an isolated and enclosed underwater ship toward Fall, the contagion catches up, and Nix will have to put her hurt feelings aside if the two are to arrive alive. Sci-fi with flavors of horror and the supernatural and a sapphic romance.
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thehmn · 1 year
Just some follow up thoughts/responses on my last post.
When I say I’m a cleaner people on the internet often feel like they have to be nice about it but it’s okay. I know it’s seen as demeaning low-paying work in a lot of countries but here in Denmark it’s considered a proper respectable job that pays pretty well. I’m paid way more than people who answer phones at call centers (like when you buy a ticket over the phone) and only slightly less than my sister’s job as a journalist despite her getting a fancy degree. I’m only balancing on the poverty line because my ADHD is keeping me from working full time, but at the same time cleaning is perfect for me. I get to move around a bunch and I don’t work the same place every day.
And the pandemic really made people understand the value of cleaners. At the start of the pandemic most businesses didn’t feel safe having someone like me visit them because I visit a bunch of places and is around strangers all the time. They thought “Yeah it’s not going to be as nice as usual but surely we can swipe our own floors” That lasted all of one month before they changed their minds. People are messy (especially with coffee) so keeping a workplace clean requires dedicated time. Also, so far I haven’t had Covid once because, you know, even cleaners like to stay clean.
Trust me, if you’ve ever had the thought “Oh well, gives the cleaner something to do. It’s their job anyway” after spilling something you might as well start being rude to waiters and cashiers too. We have plenty to do even if nobody ever spilled anything. Do you think the dust just blows away? Or alternatively, have you been wondering why your workplace is so dusty? Might it have something to do with the coffee stains on the wall that keep disappearing? Cleaners aren’t talked about a lot in conversations about treating essential workers better because we usually show up after you go home but that doesn’t make it any less rude.
And talking about essential workers, remember that list that made the rounds on the internet during the pandemic of what jobs should be considered essential and non-essential and how people got really up in arms about artists being on the non-essential side? As someone who literally got half my pay from cleaning and the other half from working as an artist at the time, my job as a cleaner was a 100% more important during a pandemic. “But people are stuck indoors. They need entertainment for morale and not going stir crazy” I’m sorry but there’s an almost limitless well of entertainment on the internet you haven’t consumed yet. Yeah, I want to see (and make) new art too but trust me, it would mean nothing if we had to walk around in filth. There are a lot of other situations where artists would be more important than cleaners but a pandemic ain’t it.
And finally, I kept saying robot cleaner instead of Roomba in my last post because Roomba is a brand name. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Roomba in the wild despite seeing loads of robot vacuums.
Have a lovey, hopefully clean day ✨
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pippin-katz · 2 months
Monty's Redemption
I realized why I want Monty to return for season 2 (if we get it). Obviously, love Joshua Colley; fantastic actor that I actually recognized from a Broadway miscast performance from way back in 2016. He played Eliza along with two other little boys and performed The Schuyler Sisters. Tangent: For those who did not already know this, you should absolutely watch it here. He was so good that I remembered him constantly whenever Hamilton was brought up. It happened enough that I went and followed him a few years later. It was a crazy while watching him, cause he felt familiar, but I didn't why, then I saw his name in the credits, and I was like, "Isn't that the name of the kid who played Eliza in that miscast? I'm pretty sure that's his name, let me check." Boom! It was him, and I immediately rewatched the miscast, and it was so crazy because his face has not changed at all! Like, obviously it's matured, but it's the same fucking face. Some people look completely different when they grow up, and some people literally look the same. (I'm one of these people. My face has not changed since I was a fucking toddler. Couple that with my short height and you have a childhood of bullying then an early adulthood of being mistaken for a child. RIP 🥲) Joshua's face is literally the same, it was so crazy lmfao
But other than loving the actor, I really want Monty to come back! I think it would be adorable if he turned back into a human, and joined the squad. He and Edwin would be an adorable QPR, and Edwin could teach him about being a human, since he probably only knows the bare minimum Esther told him so he could be in disguise. I actually wrote an essay about this a little while ago that I might rewrite.
But it is more than just wanting him back for the cuteness and fun of having him around. My urge for him to return feels too strong, too pinpointed, and I couldn't figure out why for a while.
Surprise, surprise! I figured it out!
It has to do with redemption! Charles literally says it when he pushes the backpack to him when he couldn't reach it.
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Here's the thing, obviously I'd like him to come back to get a full redemption arc, but I figured out why I'm so set on him getting one. It's specifically Edwin.
There's something Edwin says about Monty that rubs me the wrong way. It's during the conversation he has with Niko on the roof. He says, "He was a good liar, for a crow." It always made my skin prickle, just a little bit.
It's because calling Monty a "liar" feels like an unfair label. Did he lie? Yes, absolutely. But he also didn't.
Everything Monty tells Edwin behind the butcher shop is true. The only lie is the reason he wasn't free to make his own decisions before. It wasn't a coma, but he was still trapped and "in the dark" metaphorically speaking. Even what he says about feeling braver is true.
He's essentially Esther's property; she can do with him what she likes. She quite literally rips him apart and puts him back together, making him a human against his will. Monty says, "I never asked to be human. With all these... feelings."
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She forces a massive change in his entire being, mind, and life. Imagine how jarring it would be to suddenly not have wings that you were born with? To have no tail, beak, or claws? To be something completely other than you?
It was simpler for Monty when he was a crow. He was probably scared all the time, and just did as he was told. But once he becomes human, if you pay attention, you can see immediately that Monty does not actually like Esther that much, nor enjoys having to help her. He speaks his mind, and backtalks her, a couple times.
"That little slither bug is the size of a bus. It could afford to miss a few meals." - Ep05 When he says this, he says it with actual disdain in his voice. He's not just being sarcastic about it. Monty's voice and expression when he says it could miss meals looks like he genuinely doesn't like it.
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"Well, I mean, you stood bleeding on the shore so Lilith would come out of the ocean and grant you eternal life. She never said you had to stay young and beautiful." - Ep05 Given how much she believes Lilith tricked her, and how much she cares about being young and beautiful, this was an incredibly ballsy thing for Monty to say.
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"You didn't tell me that mushroom thing was gonna completely eradicate them. Or how gruesome it would be. Or how to-" - Ep06 Monty is genuinely distraught over this, and saying she didn't tell him implies his actions would have been different if he'd known. How so? We'll never know, but it's possible he would've tried to sabotage or refuse to help her. "Tried" being a key word here because it's clear that she had little-to-no care for Monty at all. He obeys her, but gets revealed by the Cat King, and she rips him up for it. There's really no way he could've survived if he'd tried to refuse/stop her.
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Speaking of genuine feelings, Monty did actually like them. Yes, "them" plural. He says, "-gonna completely eradicate them." Monty could've said "him", referring to Edwin since he's the one he's in love with, but he doesn't. He's upset about both of them being destroyed. Earlier when Esther gives him the napkin of fungus, he asks her what she's going to do with Crystal. If Edwin was the only one he cared about, he wouldn't have bothered to ask.
He's not supposed to care at all! If he was still a crow, he couldn't have asked. He'd just go do it. He's her familiar; he pretty much has to. Based on Monty's emotional responses, and the fact that he helps Charles at the end, it seems like he has free will. And you can say, "Why didn't he refuse sooner if he really cared?" and at the end of the day, that doesn't matter. She would have killed him regardless of what point in her plot he betrayed her. He doesn't want to die! That's a very reasonable response to the situation.
The affection Monty has for Edwin is completely real, and develops quickly. After their first meeting, they're swapping books, and Monty seems to have actually read it. Saying it was beautiful is a generic compliment, but how would he know it was funny?
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He was genuinely looking forward to seeing Edwin, and disappointed that the plans were canceled.
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Esther even says, "Monty, ew. You're not besotted with that little brat, are you?" Funny how he actually never responds to that question here, but immediately shuts the notion down after Edwin rejects him.
And it's when Edwin tells him sincerely that he is his friend that Monty makes the decision to try and get him out of the forest.
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I said in my other essay and earlier in this one that betraying Esther is a death sentence. There's no way she wouldn't find out if he helped them escape, but he was going to try anyway.
Monty may have lied about his identity as Esther's crow, but he didn't lie about the rest of who he is. That is why Edwin referring to him as a "liar", plain and simple, feels wrong. Monty deserves the chance to talk to Edwin, to actually explain himself, not under the threat of the Forest Elemental destroying Edwin, and without the Cat King's jeering. Honestly, I think he only ran because of the way Edwin called him a crow as though that on its own was disgusting or insulting rather than the real problem which is him being Esther's crow. I don't think Edwin would've actually cared about Monty originally being a crow, especially given the fact that the Cat King literally switches back and forth between human and cat. He's a human now (in that moment).
The way Edwin calls him a "liar" makes me feel like he didn't believe Monty when he said that he wasn't pretending, that it started off as that, but that it had changed into real feelings for him. It feels wrong for Edwin not to know/acknowledge that, especially if Charles tells him about the help he provided against Esther.
That it is what I want most if Monty is brought back.
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ineffablywriting · 2 years
break my heart again
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an angsty one shot about overheard conversations, Grammy awards and a girl who just wants to be loved
“I’m sorry,” Harry apologised, regret etched into his face. 
“Don’t be,” Bella replied, not turning to look at him. “I can’t say I didn’t see this coming.” 
“It’s the Grammy’s,” He implored, reaching out and tugging on her shoulder to get her to look back at him. 
She shrugged his arm off and took a step further away before sucking in a deep breath and turning to face Harry once again. “I know. And I get it. I really get it, Harry. This is a big opportunity for you and you have a real chance of winning.”
“Yes, exactly!” He said in relief, allowing a small smile to curl his lips. But Bella didn’t smile back and his own slipped off just as quickly as it had appeared. “There’s a but,” he stated. 
“There’s a but,” Bella nodded. “My sister’s wedding is on the same day. You knew this.” 
“I know,” he agreed.
“But this is more important to you,” Bella continued for him. 
“Don’t put words in my mouth,” Harry replied sharply, his lips turning down as he tried not to snarl. He hated when people accused him of things when they had no idea what was going through his head. 
“I’m not,” she shrugged. “I heard you on the phone to your manager,” she took another step away from him. 
“You were listening in on my phone calls?” he glared at her, feeling a pinch in his chest. He ignored it, refusing to acknowledge the trickle of guilt forming in his heart. 
“You know I wasn’t,” Bella shook her head, already so disappointed she couldn’t even find herself feeling angry at his accusal. “I had come over cause we were meant to go to dinner that night. You were the one who gave me a key to your house, remember?” 
Another step back, and this time Harry’s eyes flashed as he stomped across the room and stood right in front of her. “Why are you slowly stepping further and further away?” he asked her, his voice a low growl. “We need to talk about this. You can’t just decide to leave.” 
Bella swallowed back the lump in her throat and looked away from him, her eyes landing on her shoes as she tried to draw up enough courage to say what she needed to say. 
“This isn’t working, Harry,” she told him. 
“What do you mean?” he took a sudden step back, his voice once again back to its normal decibel. 
“I mean, I think we need to stop pretending this, whatever this is between us, is working. Your career is always going to be more important to you. I will always be further down that list. I don't even come in second,” she scoffed bitterly, wrapping her arms around her stomach to try and hold herself together as she felt herself fall apart inside. 
“What the fuck are you on about, love?” he scoffed right back. “You’re talking rubbish. We’ve known each other our whole lives, no one else works as well as we do.” 
“Harry,” Bella sighed, looking up at him once again. “I know.” 
“Know what?” 
“I’ve known from the start. This thing between us was never real for you.” She lifted a hand and rubbed away the lone tear that had escaped. She hadn’t even felt them building. 
“What?” This time Harry took a step back, fear of what Bella was saying and worry about what she was about to reveal, causing his heart to race.
“I heard you talking to Jeff that day over a year ago, before you asked me out. How dating me would be great for your image since we’ve known each other longer than almost anyone else. How dating someone who wasn’t famous would be a better brand for you, to make you more relatable to the fans. How it would make you more endearing,” she spoke, not taking a breath and letting out all the words she’d buried deeper and deeper in her chest for the last year of her life. “I’d hoped maybe, just maybe that you’d fall in love with me too. I thought maybe when you gave me a key to your place it meant that you cared just a little. But I was wrong. And I don’t blame you,” she continued. “It was my fault. I knew what I was getting into and I did it anyway.”
“Bella,” Harry paused and took a deep breath then started again. “I…fuck. I should have told you from the start,” he began, hating the heartbroken look on her face. “But you have to know that I do-”
“Don’t,” Bella stopped him, anger written all over her face. “Don’t lie to me,” she told him. “Not anymore.” 
“Did you even realise that I also got the email Jeff sent to you and your management and PR team?” she asked him. 
“No,” Harry looked horrified, feeling sick at the reminder of the words he’d read and the words he’d typed back, hitting reply all in the email. 
“Yes,” Bella said sadly. “So I’m saving you the trouble. Here’s my key,” she placed it on the coffee table by the door where Harry had thrown his own keys. “I’ve already told my sister that you won’t be able to make it to her wedding - she said congrats on the Grammy nomination and she hopes you win. So, you don’t have to worry about finding an excuse to - what was it you called it? - an excuse to get out of going to a stuffy event that you didn’t care about?” 
Harry flinched at the harsh words he’d used. He remembered being so angry and frustrated that day that he’d been rude in every conversation he’d had, and every email and text he’d sent. Things hadn’t gone right in the studio and he’d taken it out on everyone around him. 
“Bella,” he tried again, but she held up a hand.
“Don’t worry, Harry,” she sighed, shoulders dropping in defeat. “Like I said we don’t have to pretend anymore, at least not between us. I know you want to go to the Grammy’s. And I know you want it to go off without a hitch, so I won’t say anything.” 
“Say anything?” he repeated, dumbly. “About us being broken up,” she told him, not meeting his eyes. 
“Broke-broken up?” 
“That’s the next step according to the emails. They all seemed to think I was in on all of this,” she waved her hands around between the two of them. “So they sent me a timeline of when and how we were to break up and all the things I was and wasn’t allowed to say about it.” 
“They did what?” Harry asked, and when she looked up at him he looked furious. 
“Yeah,” Bella reached into her bag and pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper with a list of instructions on it. She handed it over to Harry. “I- I thought you would have helped come up with these.” 
Harry was silent for a couple of minutes, reading down the list, his jaw clenching and unclenching as his fingers tightened on the edges. “I would never come up with anything like this,” he told her, looking up. His eyes were pleading with her to believe him. But Bella just shrugged and looked away, and Harry didn’t think his heart had ever ached this much in his life. “It still doesn’t matter,” she told him. 
“Of course it matters!” He hissed. “No one told me about this shit,” he waved the paper at her. 
Bella smiled a little bitterly, her eyes once again looking so sad. “No one told me about our whole relationship, so I guess that kinda makes two of us.” 
He flinched back at her comment and she regretted saying anything. Despite everything, she still didn’t want to hurt him. 
“Like I said, it doesn’t matter,” she shut her eyes, counted to ten and then looked back up at him. “I already agreed to all the conditions. You’ll go to the Grammy’s and win your awards and feel accomplished, and I’ll go to my sister’s wedding and spend the day with my family pretending everything is fine between us. Then a few weeks later, your team will let it slip to the media that we’re going through a rough patch and a couple days later we’ll confirm that we’ve broken up,” she told him, not an ounce of emotion behind her words. 
Harry hated it. 
“No,” Harry shook his head. “I don’t want to break up.” 
“Harry,” Bella sighed, this time sounding exasperated. “Not everything is about what you want.” 
“I know that,” he said defensively. 
“Then you need to accept that this is happening.” 
“You-you want to break up?” he asked her, his chest tight. He couldn't breathe.  
Bella shook her head and Harry almost felt a little bit of relief until she spoke again. “I want to be loved,” she said sadly. “And I don’t think you know how to do that.”
She took a step forward and gripped Harry’s hand. “I hope - I hope one day you’ll realise your worth isn’t defined by your success and I hope that one day you’ll be able to let yourself fall in love with someone who makes you forget about the rest of the world enough that you put them first. And I’m sorry that wasn’t me.” 
Then she turned and walked out the door, leaving Harry clutching hold of the locket he’d given her. He opened it and stared at the two photos she’d placed inside one night when they’d been cuddled on the couch watching a movie. 
The two images stared back at him, teasing him cruelly with the smiling faces of himself and Bella when they were ten. The same smiles were on the other side with a picture of them ten years later when they’d recreated their childhood photo. 
He didn’t realise he was crying until a single tear dripped onto the locket. 
Helloooo, it’s been a while. A lot has changed in my life so I’ve been a bit busy haha. I would love some feedback tho. I haven’t written anything in over a year so I’m feeling a little rusty. Let me know what y’all think! 🫶🏼
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star-girl69 · 2 years
this kinda goes w the last headcannons u posted but what about ronal and tonowaris family reactions to reader being pregnant?
My Heart Never Knows
ronal, tonowari, tsireya and ao’nung’s reaction to reader being pregnant (with a little sprinkling of the sully’s)
their reactions:
if she’s still trying to get over her prejudice of jake and neytiri then she just kinda side eyes them while she hugs you
“wait… this is like… y’all actually…”
she’s distraught a bit
“ronal pls i’m literally pregnant bc nice”
gets a little sad
“i’m sorry baby sister i really am so happy for you i love you so much just… them???”
does a double take
“what in the what”
laughs so hard when it clicks and hugs you
gets scared when he wonders if you’re going to be anything like ronal
does a happy dance and almost falls over
starts talking to the baby immediately
“hi baby, ah, i’m your cousin, i love you,”
“oh ok cool”
is secretly a little excited and scared (he will deny it so hard)
wants a boy obviously
when you’re actually pregnant
sometimes you’ll just like walk over to her and she’ll forget your pregnant and have a whole heart attack
then she remembers and everything is fine
i feel like she actually wouldn’t judge your cravings
invites you over to make the weirdest of them together
the hormones are strong we need some sister bonding
needs the cravings to STOP.
smells up the entire house
once you were walking with him and almost tripped
he practically threw himself on the ground to break your fall
you barely even stumbled so it’s ok
also talks to the baby so much
makes clothes for the baby
always manages to work it into the conversation that her aunt is pregnant and she’s so excited
even if she was talking to someone about fishing patterns
it’s kinda creepy but
he’s just living his best life tbh
if you ask him to go grab something for you he’ll do it but moan and groan on the inside
if anyone’s seen the original headcannons:
when the ball lands near you he doesn’t think anything of it
then when lo’ak throws it back to him his eye is twitching
is so confused
when you turn your back lo’ak says smth like
“remember, she’s your aunt but MY mama”
is scared now
when you’re actually in labor
is doing her tsahìk duties and helping you
is scared out of her mind tho
“you’re my baby sister, and you are strong. you can do this.”
she thought something was wrong for like a split second and almost fainted but then she double checked and it was fine
seriously almost had a heart attack though
just goes about his regular day
thinks about you a lot tho
if he’s in the village he’ll keep seeing people walking around with a baby and smiles and thinks of you
probably waiting right outside with the rest of the family
her and tuk cry together
is so confused when jake punches the wall
scared and stressing
“oh you’re giving birth? oh yeah ok”
“good luck break a leg”
(is secretly worried)
his friends keep asking him why he keeps missing the ball or something
tells them to shut up and that he’s doing amazing
meeting the baby
just the biggest sigh of relief
so happy for you
when she sees you holding the baby she has to look away
if the baby has five fingers her eye twitches a little
laughs bc the baby is so small
he always forgets how small they are
like his hand is literally 3/4 the length of the baby or smth
claps jake on the back and says “good job son”
jake is like “thank you?”
(they’re secretly excited to be like bro dads)
laughs in disbelief when she holds the baby
immediately starts asking about the name
says it’s so beautiful and the baby is so cute
“oh it’s a girl”
*ronal smacks him*
*ronal is side eyeing him*
secretly thinks the baby isn’t so bad when it’s not crying
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meraki-yao · 1 year
RWRB Movie Cut Scene: The Extended Polo Scene
Alright I went from obsessively wondering about one deleted scene to obsessively wondering about another deleted scene. Namely. this time, the extended Polo scene.
To start with I do really like what we got! It was really fun and quick and horny and it worked really, really well, both in atmosphere and pacing.
I remember in an interview (forgot which one) Matthew said the polo scene was originally six minutes then with the new editing idea which is what we ended up getting, it was cut down to like two and half minutes, which means we have three and half minutes worth of a deleted scene
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I'm guessing what happened was the actual polo match -> conversation and introduction to Bea -> hooking up in the tack room, with that being said:
Alex was practically drooling over watching Henry riding on horseback playing polo (the asshole (jk I love you) even posted a photo of Henry on horseback from the match on his IG close friends stories) how did they go from wanting to make out and eat each other to having a conversation in public (as seen from the montage during the speech)
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What the hell were the two of them talking about????
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I want the scene with Pez I wanna know what they talked about and I wanna see more friendship. Oh and is this when Pez figures it out? Since in the scene where Zahra finds them Henry says Percy knows
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I also really want the scene with Bea. They're obviously close that's explicitly stated in the movie, plus Henry posted a photo of them two from that day on his IG (yes I know it's marketing but right now I'm treating them as real sue me) and I recently learned that Nick and Eliie have been friends for a couple of years by now? I really, really, want more sibling scenes. (especially as someone who relates to Henry and has a sister that I'm very close to) Also Alex and Bea like each other so I really want to know how their proper introduction and this conversation went. On top of that, Henry told Bea about Alex but Alex didn't know that until Zahra busted them and asked, did he tell her here? After all, Bea knew definitively that Henry's gay, and she pulled Nora aside during the wedding, is she wing-womaning? I WANT TO KNOW
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In the book it was just Henry and Alex so it was relatively easy to get away and sneak into the tack room. In the movie apparently, they met face-to-face in public and Alex had a whole introduction to the two closest people to Henry. However the fuck did they go from that to hooking up in the tack room without suspicion?
As awesome, hilarious (I can never hear a bagpipe the same way again) and fitting as the quick cut, it was flashes between the match and the hook up. What was the original edit of the tack room supposed to be???? What does the full hook-up footage look like???? Was it longer??? Was there dialogue??? I WANT TO KNOW
I swear if Prime doesn't release the deleted scenes I'm gonna over-analyse everything in every deleted scene and drive myself to insanity in the best way possible.
(probably not all at once because the promise of something new being released in the future is like, my one motivation to fucking live right now I have fucking problems, but like, PLEASE PROMISE YOU'LL RELEASE THEM PRIME)
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possibilistfanfiction · 8 months
surgeons au word prompt - "breathless"
[early days, also if u like climbing this is a bonus fun one lol]
you’re already kind of gassed when beatrice gets to the gym, mostly hanging out on the mat with marco and watching jehan slip from a hold on a new v6 over and over again. 
the first time you met beatrice, a few years ago, when she had just moved and was new to the gym, she had climbed a few lower grades and stretched and then quietly and calmly puzzled her way through a hard v7 that you’d been trying to send for days. she’s, like, totally sick and also really reserved, so it’s extra cool when she sits with you and asks about how your landscaping job is going or how your cat is enjoying the new perch you’d gotten, always remembering the most important parts of all the stupid shit you tell her. 
you — and the rest of the guys, too — have also been trying to set her up for, like, two years now. in your opinion, you’d had the best shot with lucia, who you’d flirted with at the coffee shop next door until she laughed kindly and told you she wasn’t interested in men. which, totally cool, because obviously, no offense to jehan, but his sister kind of sucks, so of course that was going to be a bust with someone as cool as beatrice. 
disappointingly, though, she and lucia had decided to just be friends, a huge bummer because beatrice would’ve had a hot girlfriend and danny would’ve owed you twenty bucks, but it’s cool. she climbs on her days off from work — it’s, like, fucking wild to actually know a surgeon — and blows you all out of the water with what seems like just a moderate amount of effort. 
today, though — in addition to the free barbecue your boss had bought for lunch — fucking rocks, because someone very pretty walks in, holding hands with beatrice and smiling as they talk animatedly, using a cane with most steps but gesturing with it when something in their conversation is extra exciting, which makes beatrice smile a smile you’ve definitely never seen before. she had very briefly mentioned a few weeks ago that she had gone on a first date, blushing profusely when you had gotten excited and then flying up a few routes in quick succession, which had made you laugh. you hadn’t gotten anything else out of her, but you’re not offended because she mostly just listens and climbs, always willing to talk you through a route that you’re struggling with that she’s sent before. 
‘hey beatrice,’ you greet, maybe too eagerly, when she stops by the cubbies to put her clogs and jacket away. 
she smiles though — not the same one as earlier, but definitely kind still. ‘hey sam.’ she turns to the person next to her, who is grinning, bouncing on their toes a little even. ’ava, this is sam, one of my friends here. sam, this is ava.’
there’s no more explanation, and you’re momentarily a little worried that ava’s feelings might get hurt, but their happy expression doesn’t change a bit, and they shake your offered hand enthusiastically.
‘i’ve been asking bea for weeks if i could come watch her climb.’
beatrice, for her part, doesn’t change course from where she’s slipping on her climbing shoes, situating a beanie — typical in general for her, but not this pale blue she has on right now — after she’d taken her hoodie off. her t-shirt is also new, worn and faded from a school you know she definitely didn’t go to, and it’s kind of, like, the best day ever. your mom always reminds you that, sometimes, you come on a little too strong when you’re excited, so you take a deep breath and remind yourself to be totally normal.
‘bea’s amazing,’ you say, normal but honest too. 
ava looks toward beatrice fondly. ‘she told me that she was competent, which, in beatrice translation, means totally fucking awesome.’
you laugh.
‘and,’ ava adds, following when beatrice nods once and then chalks her hands, keeping it all inside her bag so neatly — enviable, always — and then stands, silently, in front of a v3, ‘i imagine it’s, like, really hot.’
thankfully, beatrice doesn’t turn around, so she misses your absolute beaming smile at ava. theoretically you guess they could be friends, but you’ve never seen beatrice voluntarily touch another person in two years, so you think, for someone to get to hold beatrice’s hand, to make her happy like that, probably means they’re something. 
beatrice glides through the route, smooth and patient, just warming up, and ava sits down on the edge of the mat next to you and sighs.’ i love being right.’
you laugh. ‘that’s just a warm up for her too.’ sure enough, beatrice stretches a bit and then climbs up and down two v1s in quick and easy succession. she’s calm and fast; even if you can sometimes send routes she’s, honestly, just a little too short for, you’re fairly certain you never make things look effortless. 
‘are you gonna try climbing?’ you ask, because it’s easy and because ava’s only half paying attention to you anyway. jehan and marco start talking to beatrice about the route they’ve been stuck on, and she puts her hands on her hips and looks at it critically, ava watching the whole time.
‘nah,’ he says. ‘i’ve got a lot of hardware in my spine.’ he turns his back to you, and you see a few scars between his shoulder blades, up to the middle of his neck and going down below the hem of his tank too. 
‘dude, gnarly,’ you say, which, like, whoops, maybe, but you’re super relived when ava just laughs.
‘keeps me up and walking most days, but i don’t think i can do that.’ she gestures over to where jehan has gotten stuck, once again, on an admittedly difficult crimp on the overhang. 
‘well, to be fair,’ you say, as jehan walks over to you both in easy defeat, ‘neither can he.’
‘ha ha,’ he says, then smiles and sits down next to ava, offers his hand and introduces himself. ‘you’re here with beatrice?’
‘yeah,’ ava says, softening a little. ‘i’m her — we’re dating? i guess?’
jehan hums, taking his shoes off for a break and sitting back on his hands. ‘well, we’ve tried to set beatrice up with people for years now, and no one has really gotten past a second date, so i’d say you’re doing great.’
ava laughs, delighted. ‘we’ll circle back to all those failed dates later, because that could definitely be mostly your fault.’
‘but, i don’t know.’ ava shrugs. ‘i met her at work and things have just felt, like, really good. easy, even if she’s so quiet sometimes. makes my rambling even worse.’
you all laugh. ‘happens to the best of us,’ jehan says.
‘you’re a surgeon too?’
ava nods, a little pride straightening their spine, lifting their shoulders. ‘i’m still just an intern, but, yeah.’
‘that’s so cool,’ you say, and jehan nods in agreement. ‘jehan’s an engineer —‘
‘— very boring —‘
‘— but i barely graduated high school. i can’t imagine eight years after that, jesus christ.’
ava nods. ‘i have a phd, so even more than that.’
‘jesus christ.’
she just laughs. ‘bea was actually my boss, but i charmed her so much she admitted to the chief of surgery she “had feelings for me” and “needed me to switch to another resident’s service” so she could “pursue something.”’ the air quotes give you a moment of pause but then ava gets all soft. ‘which is awesome, because now we can actually date instead of just, like, yearn or whatever.’
‘ah, the yearning,’ marco says, joining you. ‘sounds gay.’
‘it’s about beatrice,’ you say, ’so, yeah, definitely.’
marco introduces themself and gives ava a high five. ‘are you, like, co-yearning now, or do we need to pester beatrice into committing?’
ava’s smile turns smug. ‘oh, she’s committed.’
the three of you whoop happily, which causes beatrice to turn toward all of you with a glare. it’s not intimidating, though, because her eyes are soft when she looks at ava, who shrugs with a smirk.
‘oh, you’re like, beatrice kryptonite, aren’t you?’ marco asks.
‘maybe she’ll finally get dinner with us tonight then,’ you say, excited about the prospect of beatrice actually coming with you to the brewery next door rather than saying next time again and again. ‘if you’re, like, not busy, obviously.’
ava gets a little distracted by beatrice carefully setting her hands on the wall, but he shakes his head. ‘no, we both have tomorrow off. but you owe me a round if i can convince her.’
‘oh, deal. easy.’
ava returns your fist bump but watches, a little breathless, as beatrice gets to the hold that’s been getting all three of you all afternoon. of course — of course — she breezes right through it, getting a foothold that you’d all missed too to send the route.
‘first try,’ jehan whines. ‘not fair, beatrice.’
she laughs from the top of the wall, then climbs halfway down and lands silently on her feet, walks over to you and sits on the edge of the mat.
‘have they been bothering you?’ she asks.
ava shakes her head, delighted. ‘definitely not. i’ve divulged all of your greatest secrets, though.’
beatrice rolls her eyes but she’s clearly happy, happier than you’ve ever seen her, for sure, comfortable and, when she gets up to do one of the hardest routes in the gym, a horrible v10, marco laughs. ’oh, now she’s just showing off,’ they say.
‘yeah,’ you agree when beatrice decides to just dyno the last hold, totally insane, ‘she never climbs like this just for us.’
‘well,’ ava says, ‘i am prettier, no offense.’
you all laugh, and you finally get the v6 with beatrice talking you through it, ava cheering you on. you climb for an hour longer — mostly, you watch beatrice climb and talk to your friends — until she gives up on a v8 and calls it. 
she sits down next to all of you, the kind of tired only climbing makes you, and slips her shoes off. 
‘bea did a six hour valve replacement today,’ ava says, looking at beatrice with overwhelming affection and easily identifiable pride, nothing hidden. ‘so this was extra crazy.’
‘fucking nuts.’ jehan bumps his knuckles with beatrice, who just looks down at her hands, dusting the remaining chalk off, shy all of a sudden, before she stands and pads over to the cubbies to put her hoodie on and gather her things. 
‘she’s, like, our favorite,’ you say. ‘just so you know.’
ava nods, gentle. ‘yeah. she’s my favorite too. it’s good to meet you guys; she loves coming here, even if she won’t tell you.’
you shrug. ‘she shows us everything we get stuck on, so we know.’
beatrice walks back over to get her shoes and, presumably, also ava. 
‘we were just talking about you,’ ava says with a grin, far, far too confident for beatrice to not be wary of. 
‘yeah, how you and i are gonna join your friends for dinner next door.’
‘oh, i — uh, well, we have food at my house, and —‘
ava just bats her lashes and puts a hand on beatrice’s hip, runs her thumb under beatrice’s t-shirt for, like, one whole second, before beatrice gives in.
‘fine,’ she says, not sounding overly enthused but she’s relaxed and happy so it’s all a front anyway. and, this time, gentler: ‘fine.’
ava just kisses her cheek and then turns to the three of you and winks.
‘oh, you’re lethal,’ marco says while jehan laughs.
‘one round on me,’ you tell ava.
‘this was a bet?’ beatrice asks, as indignant as she can possibly be holding ava’s hand carefully and still blushing from being pecked on the cheek. 
‘only a bet if there’s a chance for both sides to win,’ ava says, smug as hell, which makes you laugh. ‘but whatever, i want a burger.’
beatrice sighs. ‘well, then, let’s go, i suppose.’
ava ends up getting free rounds of beers for everyone, somehow charming the server, and beatrice just watches quietly, comfortable and pleased.
‘happy for you, dude,’ you say when marco and jehan are showing ava their favorite pinball machine. 
beatrice smiles, genuine. ‘thank you, sam. i’m sorry if i —‘ she shakes her head — ‘i’m glad we get to climb together.’
‘you’re a dope climber,’ you say, ‘and a dope friend. i’m glad too. and ava’s fucking rad.’
beatrice laughs, looks over to where ava is cheering for herself, succeeding at one level of pinball. ‘yes, he is.’
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beegomess · 18 days
Dark Paradise || Theodore Nott
Don't forget to watch the previous chapters
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated🫶🏼
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15. Your halo’s full of fire
Although Y/N showed Lorenzo the unhappiness that he didn't stay, she thought it was better that way. She really needed to think about the feelings she might have for him and clarify that at once. Theodore, on the other hand, could not be happier with the absence of Berkshire.
The adults had already left the place, leaving only their friends and their plans for the days. Already at breakfast some lively and others sleepy, the day was beautiful, waiting only for them. Y/N only surprised one thing, the fact that Astoria and Draco didn't join them for breakfast, which at this point was not so strange, actually.
- Astoria stayed in Draco's room, Y/N? - Daphne seemed slightly angry, but asked in a low tone so that only Y/N would listen.
- I don't know, Daph, I didn't notice. - She offers a light smile to her friend, but she lied. Y/N had noticed, but would not give his brother to her now, Daphne would probably say something discouragousing to her younger sister.
- So, are you ready for the beach? - Pansy enters excited already with her bikini under her clothes.
- Let's go now. - Y/N gets up before Daphne stretches in the conversation and she runs out of excuses to cover up her brother.
The beach was part of the property, which means that they had all the freedom in the place, so much so that Y/N had the pleasure of knowing that it was in that place where she and her brother were conceived.
Theodore had barely woken up when Y/N passed distracted by the table while spreading the sunscreen on her face in a mirror that decorated the environment. The girl barely wore clothes, after all it was hot. Y/N was without a blouse, only the top of the black bikini covered the breasts, at the bottom, only a tiny white skirt completely tight and transparent made clear the color of the bikini panties. Nott thanked himself for sitting while trying not to stare strangely at the wonderful body that caught his attention.
Occasionally he looked over the cup of coffee that took his mouth, the boy smiled at himself when he remembered that he had already seen her in an even more exposed way than that, but he was still curious to see her without any piece of clothing.
Mattheo leaned against the stop of the entrance to the environment with a malicious smile as he stared at the girl shamelessly.
- Oh, good morning, Matt. - She said kindly, heading out of the place.
- And what a good morning! - Riddle said without any shame to face Y/N's hips swinging as he left the place.
- Don't be disgusting, Riddle, she's my sister. - Draco sits at the table next to Theodore, who is mentally grateful for the blonde's interference.
- Don't fight just with me, then. - Mattheo sits with a rogue face. - After all, I wasn't the only one who blatantly stared at Y/N's body, right? - Theodore just looks at him with a clear anger in his eyes, getting up from the table.
- You two have to calm down. - Astoria says when entering the place radiantly.
- Aren't you going to the beach with them? - Draco had the softest voice when he referred to her.
- Yes, and I'm already late. - Astoria took a glass of juice to her mouth, just drinking the liquid and putting it back on the table, making mention of going out, but Draco pulls her wrist, preventing her from leaving so fast. With the impact of the pull, the faces were very close.
- Aren't you forgetting anything? - The blonde says quietly and in a very suggestive way that the girl understood, but decided to play. Astoria gets closer to his face, while Mattheo watches everything with enthusiasm. But the girl gets up abruptly without giving her what she wanted.
- You're right! The sunscreen. - Astoria ran from the place with the call of her friends at the door of the house while Draco just ignored the Mattheo look on him.
The heat of the sun was reflected in the sea water, the rays were like points of light in that immense blue. Y/N was hypnotized by the beauty of that place, every year that passed it was even better to go there. However, this time it was different, a strange feeling of comfort and farewell, she would not know how to explain if they asked, but she knew what she felt.
The four girls were stretched out over their towels under the shadow of a huge tree, Y/N leaned on her elbows as she passed her eyes lazily through the lines of the book she had taken, occasionally interacting in the conversation of the friends next to her. Pansy took pictures of everything with a small polaroid machine, recording the most beautiful scenarios of that place.
- Look here, Y/N. - Pansy points the camera at the girl who drops the book and smiles at the camera. Pansy, with the lack of experience with the muggle object, took the photo a little earlier than she should, which, luckily, made her look more spontaneous with a beginning of a smile.
The printed photo showed the entire body of Y/N lying on the toil and the sea in the background, the sunglasses on the tip of the nose and a small smile sprouting on his lips opened interpretations both for a shy and also suggestive smile.
- Pansy, come. Take one of mine too. - Astoria said sitting on the towel with her back to the camera and then spying on her over her shoulder.
- This one goes to Draco, for sure. - Y/N said jokingly completely forgetting Daphne's presence there, by luck or not, Pansy quickly replied.
- And yours goes to Theodore, of course. - Soon the other girls laughed and Y/N was slightly ashamed, but not so much, since she had all the freedom to talk to her friends.
- I don't understand why you put this in your head. - Y/N seemed a little irritated now, however, Parkinson didn't seem to have noticed and kept joking.
- You'll see, it's because you had sex in Daphne's kitchen on New Year's Eve. - And then the camera click perfectly captures Astoria's reaction to knowing that. Y/N was simply without reaction.
- So, was it you? - Astoria said indignantly. - And did you let the blame fall on me? Do you understand how much Daphne fought with me that day? - Daphne completely confused, Pansy guilty for talking that way and Y/N just didn't know what to answer.
- Merlin, I really thought it wasn't you and Theodore. How naive I was. - Daphne had her hands covering her mouth in surprise, but a smile opened on her face, but he soon falled. - By Merlin, did it have to be in my kitchen?
- Me... I'm sorry. I... - Pansy completely loses the look of guilt, turning into enthusiasm.
- So it's true? - The girl said. - Mattheo told me to bluff, but I didn't think you'd fall, Y/N. I'm completely shocked. - The weather was too confusing, Y/N just confirmed everything with your reaction. A few long seconds passed as they stared at each other, and the silence irritated the girl deeply.
- Look, it's okay. Maybe I made some mistakes here. - She starts. - But Astoria, I couldn't just get up and say it was me, and well, you didn't deny that it was you either.
- By Merlin, Y/N. She loved that everyone thought it was she and Draco who had done that. - Daphne says bluntly, receiving a severe look from her sister, who completely ignored it.
The morning passed quickly after the novelty, the four girls got together to speculate the details with Y/N, who was still a little undecided whether to say one thing or another. Astoria, on the other hand, felt, for the first time, really part of the Slytherin Elite, sharing secrets and crushes.
When lunchtime was approaching, the girls returned home. Pansy was more enchanted once again with the landscape of the garden and the sea in the background, it was much better than the repetitive walls of Hogwarts or her house. The girl decides to stop the path that the Greengrass made to the interior of the mansion and Y/N decides to wait for her, staying by her side.
- It's beautiful, isn't it? - She contemplates. Y/N, on the other hand, paid attention to something else.
- Oh, yes... - Y/N sighs, Pansy thought her friend was talking about the same thing as her, however, when looking away at Y/N and seeing where her eyes pointed, she laughed.
The girl watched Nott carefully at his every move. Theodore walked slowly with the horse, apparently tired since they heard him slow down the animal's strides when they arrived. He was far away, but close enough for her to be able to record every muscle of the back on the boy's display. The sun hitting against her tanned skin while small droplets of sweat shone, the way with him pulled the horse's mane to turn it in the direction definitely brought her very dirty memories, that day just got hotter for her.
- Y/N, I'm not talking about Theodore riding a horse without a shirt, by Merlin. - Y/N quickly turning his attention to his friend.
- I was talking about the sea like you, Pans, don't make things up. - You disguised it. Pansy mentioned turning to the entrance of the house, but soon looked back at Theodore when he heard that something was coming that looked like another horse running.
- Things seem to have become more interesting to you now, don't they? - Y/N jokes when he notices Pansy's gaze fixed on Zabini, who had just approached Nott. Apparently, the boys were betting on a race.
- Definitely yes. - Parkinson said without any shame with a malicious smile sprouting and paying more and more attention to the boy.
Y/N decided to leave her behind now, despite wanting to accompany her, a certain memory made her body warm up a little more than usual, which was great, since the girl was heading for a long and pleasurable bath after the beach.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼
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