#i generally like the idea of them being twins
theoryofweirdness · 3 days
What if Dipper and Mabel Pines were in Super Smash Bros?
This is something I wrote several years ago and it's just been sitting on my drive. I posted it on Ao3, but recently became aware that Tumblr might be a better platform. So, here goes my first real post on this site.
Ever wondered what it would be like if Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls were playable characters in Super Smash Bros.? Well, wonder no longer, because here's my extensive idea for what their moveset would be like. Though sadly, I don't have art of this, since my digital art skills are... lacking, at best.
I also haven't 100% figured out all the nuances like how much damage every move does, so if anyone has any balancing-related suggestions (for that or anything else, really).
General Overview
Statistically speaking, the Mystery Twins would be fairly weak, with relatively low average damage and launch power, as well as being lightweight and not particularly fast. This makes sense as they are both (physically, at least) completely ordinary just-barely-teenagers with none of the inherent supernatural powers of most of the other child characters like Ness, Lucas, the Inklings, or the younger Links. Even though they are older than the younger Links (not sure about Ness/Lucas/Villager), the Links have the Triforce of Courage making them stronger and granting them the combat prowess of previous Links, Ness and Lucas have their supernatural PK abilities, etc. 
The Mystery Twins make up for this statistical weakness with versatility due to their variable moveset. Many of their special moves are also able to temporarily either nerf opponents or buff themselves to even the odds. They are also significantly stronger when working together, since for most moves, they’ll attack at the same time, but even together, their raw damage wouldn’t be particularly excellent. The Mystery Twins would be a very difficult fighter to play effectively, but I’m hoping they’d also be a very fun one. I am aware that this fighter would be a nightmare to program and animate, but this is my imagination, so such paltry concerns as “budgets,” “programming,” and “animation time” mean NOTHING!
We'll start with their special gimmick, since that's key to understanding how this character works:
Mystery Twins Forever: This is basically the fact that they’re a two-part fighter, like the Ice Climbers, and work in much the same way, though with one notable difference. Using their D-Special when neither twin is KO’d will switch which twin is in front and under direct control (same as pressing [L] in Gnome Gemulets), changing most other moves. 
Because of this, they essentially have two different movesets (similar to Zelda/Sheik from Melee and Brawl), meaning there’s a lot of versatility to this character, though of course it’s dependent on both twins being around. Though they are a single fighter, each twin is a separate entity and can be independently KO’d, just like the Ice Climbers. Try to avoid this, as it will both limit your move choices and make an already complex and statistically inferior fighter much weaker. 
A KO’d twin respawns only after the other is also KO’d, or after using a Final Smash. If the current active twin is KO’d, you lose a stock (or point) and both respawn. KO'ing the non-active twin will not affect points or cause stock loss, but does replace the remaining twin's D-special with a different move.
On the fighter select screen, you can decide which twin will start as active, much like Pokémon Trainer can choose the starting Pokémon.
Special Moves
[B] Neutral Special (Dipper) - Growth Ray: Dipper turns the size-altering flashlight’s blue Growth Ray on himself, increasing his size for 10 seconds, with the same effect as the Super Mushroom item. Others very close to Dipper (such as Mabel) can also be affected. There is a 20% chance that Dipper fumbles the flashlight and points the growth ray forward (with the same hitbox as the normal shrink ray), not affecting him at all, but potentially growing other fighters who touch it.
Duration: 10 seconds
Backfire chance: 20% (1 in 5)
[B] Neutral Special (Mabel) - Shrink Ray: Mabel turns the size-altering flashlight’s pink Shrink Ray on enemies, creating a short-ranged cone in front of you that shrinks enemies hit by it, causing the same effect as the Poison Mushroom item for 10 seconds. There is a 10% chance that Mabel fumbles the flashlight and shrinks herself (and Dipper, if he's there) with the same hitbox as the normal Growth Ray.
Duration: 10 seconds
Backfire chance: 10% (1 in 10)
This move is of course based on the size-altering flashlight which Dipper created in s1e11: Little Dipper, though its function seemed both too powerful and too confusing to put into a single move, so I split its two options between the twins, on the grounds that Mabel also uses the flashlight in that episode, and it is her magic item in PinesQuest, in which case shrinking is the only thing it does.
Both rays have slight startup lag to take out the flashlight and aim it, so you can’t just surprise someone with a sudden growth. No other fighter can so easily buff themselves or nerf opponents, but overuse of this powerful move is inadvisable, as that gives enemies more chances to take advantage of it (though in team battles, you could also grow your teammates!), and also provides more chances for it to backfire. However, this is the main means by which the Mystery Twins’ low stats are directly compensated. The move can’t be used again (by either twin) until its current duration wears off (no matter what happened). Use it strategically!
[<B>] Side Special (Dipper) - Memory Gun: [EN] Dipper fires a short-ranged blue energy projectile (about the same range as Z-Suit Samus’s charged Stun Pistol N-Special) that deals small flinching damage. It also makes the target temporarily forget how to use their special moves, disabling them for 8 seconds. This can be reflected and also absorbed. The ray will have no effect on subsequent hits aside from the light damage until the disabling effect wears off. If the ray hits a fighter while they are performing a special move, it won't take effect until that move is over.
This move is based on Dipper’s use of the memory gun in s2e07: Society of the Blind Eye and s2e15: The Last Mabelcorn, and the fact that he evidently had it in his backpack all the way from s2e07 to s2e13: A Tale of Two Stans.
Damage: 2%
Duration: 8 seconds
[<B>] Side Special (Mabel) - Leaf Blower: [WI] Mabel uses a leaf blower to suck in objects and blow wind. Hold {B} to suck in air. The sucking grab box is visible, similar to King Dedede’s Inhale N-Special. She can’t suck in other fighters unless they've been shrunk down, but she can suck in projectiles and non-heavy items. If she sucks in a projectile, item, or shrunken fighter, the suction stops, and the object will shoot back out of the leaf blower when [B] is released, again similar to King Dedede’s Inhale, and with a similar sort of speed boost.
If Mabel doesn't suck in anything after 3 seconds or if you just tap {B}, she’ll blow wind in a cone straight out in front of her, causing a visible windbox similar to the Gust Bellows item, but smaller and weaker. Mabel can move left and right and jump once while holding the leaf blower. This move is based on Mabel shooting Jeff the gnome leader out of a leaf blower in s1e01: Tourist Trapped.
[^B] Up Special (Dipper) - Magnet Gun: Dipper fires a beam from Ford’s Magnet Gun (which he uses in s2e17: Dipper & Mabel vs. The Future) which can grapple onto ledges when used in the air. On the ground, it’s fired straight forward by default, but can be angled slightly up or down. In the air, it’s always fired at a 45° upward angle but will autocorrect toward ledges within a wide radius of the end of the beam. The magnet beam appears instantly at full length (though it will be interrupted by walls that can't be grappled onto) and can’t be reflected or blocked, but can be dodged.
If the beam hits an enemy, Dipper will either pull them toward himself as a command grab, or him towards them, depending on the difference in weight between Dipper and the target. If the enemy weighs more than him, he’s pulled toward them; if he weighs the same or more, the enemy is pulled toward him. When Mabel is present, she holds onto him and they collectively weigh twice as much for this move.
If Dipper is pulled toward another fighter, he'll automatically footstool jump off them upon contact, pushing the enemy down while gaining height himself. The same will happen if an enemy is pulled toward him while he is in the air.
If Dipper is on the ground and pulls another fighter toward himself, this special move can be canceled immediately into a grab when the enemy enters his reach, making this move potentially the longest grab in the game.
This move causes no damage.
[^B] Up Special (Mabel) - Grappling Hook!: [PH] Mabel fires her grapple gun upward, acting as a tether for recovery, which can also cause damage with decent launching ability. It’s a long tether that can grab onto ledges, basically the same as Joker’s default U-Special. On the ground, the hook is fired at a slight upward angle and has significant end lag as it retracts. In the air, it’s fired at a 60° angle by default but can be changed with directional input to 90° (straight up) or 45°. The area in which it will autocorrect to ledges is smaller than for Dipper's magnet gun. The hook can be reflected, but won’t bounce back at Mabel if it is; it just falls to the ground and must then be retracted.
Damage: 12%
Dipper’s Magnet Gun is better at horizontal recovery and can be very useful for combos, but doesn't actually deal any damage and its effects are very conditional. Mabel’s Grappling Hook is better for vertical recovery and actually deals damage, but has a lot less combo potential and more end lag. If both twins are present, they’ll hang onto each other and both be moved by either version of this move.
[vB] Down Special (both present and within reach of each other) - Tag Out: You switch which twin is under direct control. This can be used in the air (but only if the twins are within reach of each other) and is accomplished quite quickly, but does still leave you open for about a second. The newly active twin's Zodiac symbol (Dipper: blue Pine Tree, Mabel: pink Shooting Star, Stanford: red Six-Fingered Hand, Stanley: gold Mackerel) will appear on the damage counter, and will also flash in the air overhead when switching. If one twin is KO’d, this move changes (see below).
[vB] Down Special (Dipper alone) - Enter the Mindscape: [MA] Dipper casts the Mindscape projection spell from Journal 3 (seen in s1e19: Dreamscaperers, though in Smash it’s quicker, and he won’t say the words as that would give him away), causing his physical body to collapse, but entering the Mindscape as a ghostly, nearly invisible psychic avatar (inspired by what happened to him when Bill possessed his body in s2e04: Sock Opera). In this form, he can fly around freely with directional controls and pass through all parts of the stage, though speed is limited. The astral projection is intangible and immune to physical-, fire-, ice-, earth-, water-, sound-, toxic-, and wind-based damage, but not to magic-, electric-, or energy-based ones. However, Dipper’s real body is completely immobile and open to attack.
Pressing [B] again will immediately return Dipper to his real body. If you do so while overlapping an enemy fighter, that fighter will take heavy damage and become dizzy (like with a shield break; this is due to Dipper entering their mind and inflicting psychic damage). However, there is some end lag when you return, so don't get too cocky.
This attack cannot be blocked or countered. Fighters with higher damage will be stunned longer. If either Dipper’s real body or astral projection is hit, he’ll immediately return to normal (with end lag) though he’ll only be launched if the physical body is hit. You definitely need to keep an eye on Dipper’s real body when using this move, as well as watching out for attacks that can actually hit his astral projection, since they’ll deal 1.5x damage.
Dipper will be automatically returned to his real body after 12 seconds, but returning this way cannot affect enemies and will cause Dipper to become dizzy instead. If Dipper successfully hits someone or lets the move time out, there is a 20-second cooldown before he can use this move again.
If this seems a bit ruthless for Dipper, put it down to him seeking revenge for Mabel.
Duration: 12 seconds
Damage (non-launching): 25%
Immunity (x0 damage): PH, FI, WA, IC, EA, WI, SO, TO
Vulnerability (damage taken x1.5): EL, EN, MA
Cooldown: 20 seconds
[vB] Down Special (Mabel alone) - Attack Glitter: [WI] It’s pretty but it hurts! Mabel blows (or possibly coughs up?) a cloud of glitter into the air in front of her (based on the attack glitter used on Soos in s2e11: Not What He Seems). The glitter cloud floats in the air for 8 seconds, causing small, non-flinching tick damage over time and slowing down other fighters moving through it, similar to the Swirlix Pokéball summon (“I got glitter in my eye!”). 
Hold {B} before releasing to gather more glitter and create a larger cloud. Though each cloud only lasts 8 seconds, there’s no cooldown (Mabel always has glitter), so she can make more than one at a time. 
Damage (per tick): 1%
Normal Moves
If both twins are present, they will perform their neutral attacks at the same time, allowing you to set up “team” combos if positioned properly.
[A] Jab (Dipper): [PH, EN] A basic but quick 1-2-3 punch that can be used for jab-locking but is very weak until the third hit, which is enhanced with a glowing blast of power from the Gnome Battle Cuffs. Launches on the final hit.
This is Dipper's basic ground combo in Rumble’s Revenge, with the added power boost on the last hit being based on his charged-up attack from Gnome Gemulets.
Damage (1, 2):
Damage (3):
[A] Jab (Mabel): [PH] A one-two spammable swinging punch (similar to Villager’s Jab). It has slightly more reach than Dipper’s jab, as well as better damage per hit, but it's slower. Can launch on either hit at higher percentages. This is Mabel's basic ground combo in Rumble’s Revenge.
Damage (1, 2):
[>>, A] Dash Attack (Dipper): [PH] A fast side kick that launches diagonally upward at a slight angle. This is Dipper's dash attack in Rumble’s Revenge.
[>>, A] Dash Attack (Mabel): [PH] A straight punch that's stronger than Dipper's kick, but launches at a lower angle and has more end lag. Same as her dash attack in Rumble's Revenge.
Smash Attacks
When the twins are present and within reach of each other, they’ll perform a combined Smash Attack.
[<<A>>] Side Smash (Dipper): [SL] Dipper slashes downward with the Manotaurs’ bone spear (seen in s1e06: Dipper vs. Manliness, also his strength item in PinesQuest). Has less forward reach than Waddles, but a wider vertical hitbox, a sweet spot at the spear tip, and also less start and end lag. This is one of Dipper’s only moves that’s potentially stronger than Mabel’s corresponding one, if you land the sweet spot. Similar to Marth's S-smash.
Damage (min, sweetspot):
Damage (max, sweetspot):
Damage (min, normal):
Damage (max, normal):
[<<A>>] Side Smash (Mabel): [PH] Mabel sends her pet pig, Waddles, charging forward a short distance (based on Mabel's ground combo finisher in Rumble’s Revenge, which is itself based on her siccing Waddles on Robbie in s1e10: The Time Traveler’s Pig). Distance increases slightly with greater charge. Waddles moves the full distance whether you hit someone or not, before turning around and running back to Mabel for a hug. The run back is a sourspot that's much weaker. Waddles does not count as a projectile and cannot be reflected (he would never hurt Mabel).
The alternate costume of Stan (#8) uses Shanklin the Stab Possum from Lost Legends Part 4: Pines Bros. Mystery instead, to the same effect.
Damage (min, forward):
Damage (max, forward):
Damage (backward):
[<<A>>] Side Smash (Combined): Both twins perform their respective S-smash, with the active twin facing forward and the inactive twin facing backward.
[^^A] Up Smash (Dipper): [SO] Use awkwardness as a weapon! While charging, a lamb costume appears on Dipper and he performs the Lamby Dance. When released, he cuts to the end pose, causing a semicircular burst of music notes above and around himself that will damage and launch enemies. This is based on Dipper's ground combo finisher in Rumble’s Revenge, which is itself based on Dipper doing the Lamby Dance for the ghosts in s1e05: The Inconveniencing.
The hitbox is similar to Samus’s U-smash, but all at once instead of individually. Only the notes are a hitbox, but it’s pretty wide even on the sides, However, it's on the weaker side for a Smash attack.
Damage (min):
Damage (max):
[^^A] Up Smash (Mabel): [FI] Mabel fires a blast from a confetti cannon (used against zombies in s2e01: Scary-oke) directly overhead. Similar to Ivysaur’s U-smash, it can hit very slightly in front but is much better for anti-air. It’s stronger than Dipper’s embarrassing dance, but with a lot less reach. 
Damage (min):
Damage (max):
[^^A] Up Smash (Combined): [FI] The twins perform both U-smashes at the same time, as Mabel gives an explosive confetti finish to Dipper's dance, combining the power of Mabel’s cannon blast with the reach of Dipper’s music notes.
[vvA] Down Smash (Dipper): [EA] Dipper casts a spell from the Journal that summons two zombie hands out of the ground on either side of himself, which can launch enemies directly upward. Similar to Megaman’s D-smash, though somewhat weaker. Based on Dipper summoning zombies during s2e01: Scary-Oke.
Damage (min):
Damage (max):
[vvA] Down Smash (Mabel): [BL] Swing a golf club in a wide-reaching attack that hits from back to front, covering nearly a complete circle around Mabel, with only directly overhead being uncovered. It doesn’t reach as far outward as Dipper’s zombie hands, but is faster and can actually launch enemies quite hard. This is one of Mabel’s only attacks that’s faster than Dipper’s corresponding one. It’s based on Mabel's mini-golf skills showcased in s2e03: The Golf War.
Damage (min):
Damage (max): 
[vvA] Down Smash (Both): [EA, BL] Instead of causing damage, the zombie hands summoned by Dipper’s spell will hold enemies still, then Mabel swings her golf club to knock them out of the park, breaking the zombie hands and gaining a damage bonus as the trapped enemies can't defend themselves.
If both twins are present, they will perform their tilts at the same time, similar to Ice Climbers. 
[<A>] Side Tilt (Dipper): [PH] Two quick slices with a fireplace poker, based on Dipper's duel with Wax Sherlock Holmes in s1e03: Headhunters. This move is fast and has decent reach, but it’s not particularly strong. It’s useful in combos or as a “get off me” tool, but not for launching.
Damage (per hit): 
[<A>] Side Tilt (Mabel): [PH] Swing a karaoke machine for a strong attack that can launch enemies quite well, but has both start and end lag. Based on her use of the karaoke machine as a “surprisingly good weapon” against zombies in s2e01: Scary-Oke.
[^A] Up Tilt (Dipper): [PH, EN] Dipper jumps slightly forward with an uppercut. (This is a combination of the only time Dipper actually hits Rumble McSkirmish during their battle in s1e10: Fight Fighters, and his charged attack in Gnome Gemulets). It’s similar to Megaman’s U-tilt, having a sweet spot at the very start of the move (indicated by a flash of energy from the Gnome Battle Cuffs) and significant end lag. This is one of Dipper’s only moves with more end lag than Mabel's corresponding one. In fact, it's one of his only moves with significant end lag at all.
Damage (sweetspot):
Damage (sourspot):
[^A] Up Tilt (Mabel): [PH] Spin a stretchy sleeve overhead to multihit enemies, based on the charging-up animation for her charged attack in Gnome Gemulets.
Damage (per hit):
[vA] Down Tilt (Dipper): [PH] A very short and weak but fast and spammable kick that barely flinches enemies, much like Ness or Lucas’s D-tilt. It isn’t based on anything in particular, there’s just not that many actual times when Dipper fights things, so I’m pulling from other child characters.
[vA] Down Tilt (Mabel): [PH] Mabel curls into a ball and rolls forward a short distance, similar to King Dedede’s D-tilt, though much weaker.
Air Attacks
If both twins are present and within reach of each other, they’ll hold onto each other and use a combined air attack, improving both hitboxes and damage, though often at the cost of end lag.
[A] N-Air (Dipper): [BL] A basic aerial kick with a lingering whole-body hitbox, similar to Mario’s N-air (and many others). Based on the first hit of Dipper's aerial combo in Rumble’s Revenge.
Damage (initial kick):
Damage (lingering hotbox):
[A] N-Air (Mabel): [BL] A basic spinning move, similar to DK or Ness. She never does this in any medium I’m aware of, but it certainly seems like her style. Hits once but is stronger than Dipper's lingering kick.
[A] N-Air (Combined): [BL] Mabel grabs Dipper’s arms from behind and spins him around right as he tries to use his normal kick attack, resulting in a spinning kick with greater than normal reach and a sweet spot on Dipper’s foot, though it does now have some landing lag (Dipper was not prepared for this).
Damage (middle):
Damage (sweet spot):
[A>] F-Air (Dipper): [BL] Dipper swings his hat in an arc from high to low, which somehow actually does damage. It's fast and has a wide hitbox, but is pretty weak. Based on the final hit of Dipper's air combo in Rumble’s Revenge. For alternate costumes without a hat (such as tuxedo and Gideon's suit), he’ll suddenly be holding his normal pine tree hat for this move. The Ford alts use an explorer-style pith helmet.
[A>] F-Air (Mabel): [BL] A diagonal downward punch, similar to Little Mac’s F-air. Not as big as Dipper’s hat swing, but with more damage. Based on the first hit of Mabel's air combo in Rumble’s Revenge.
[A>] F-air (Combined): [BL] Dipper’s hat swing carries enemies downward into Mabel’s slightly delayed punch, which becomes a sweet spot that can spike diagonally.
Each hit does the same damage as when performed individually.
[^A] U-Air (Dipper): [BL] Dipper swings the Journal overhead from front to back. It’s a wide attack, similar to some other fighters’ “headbutt” U-airs, and can be used for juggling, but isn’t very strong, at least in comparison to other U-airs with similar hitboxes like Ness's.
[^A] U-Air (Mabel): [BL] A back-flipping kick, similar to Mario's U-air. The twins' U-airs aren't really all that different.
[^A] U-Air (Combined): [BL] The respective air attacks collide in the center for a strong launching blow, similar to Sonic’s U-air.
[<A] B-Air (Dipper): [BL] Dipper kicks backwards with both feet, similar to Mario’s B-air. Not based on anything, really.
[<A] B-Air (Mabel): [BL] Whip a stretchy sleeve backward for a long, but somewhat weak attack, similar to her Z-air.
[<A] B-Air (Combined): [BL] Dipper holds onto Mabel’s stretchy sleeve while she flings him back, creating a sweet spot as he kicks outward. 
Damage (sourspot):
Damage (sweetspot):
[vA] D-Air (Dipper): [BL] A downward axe kick. Can spike enemies at the start of the move and has more reach than Mabel’s stomp, but isn’t as strong. This is the second hit of Dipper's air combo in Rumble's Revenge.
[vA] D-Air (Mabel): [BL] Stomp downward with both feet, which has more startup lag than Dipper’s kick, but is also stronger and has a longer-lasting hitbox, kind of like a smaller version of Captain Falcon’s D-air. This is Mabel's aerial combo finisher in Rumble’s Revenge.
[vA] D-Air (Combined): [BL] Similar to their combined F-air, Dipper performs his attack slightly ahead of Mabel and can hit foes into hers.
[Grab] Z-Air (Mabel only): [BL] Mabel whips a stretchy sleeve forward for a decent-reaching, though weak attack. Unlike most Z-airs, this cannot grab ledges.
Grabs and Throws
If both twins are present, the throws are changed; otherwise they are the same for either twin.
[Grab] Grab (Any): A basic short-ranged grab.
[Grab, A] Pummel (Both): Mabel ties up the enemy in her stretchy sleeves while Dipper punches them in the face (or whatever else is at his eye level).
[Grab, A] Pummel (Single): Holds the enemy with one hand and punches them in the face (or whatever) with the other. Easier to escape than most grabs. Based on grappling in Rumble’s Revenge.
[Grab, >] F-Throw (Both): [PH, EN] Mabel grips the foe with her sleeves and Dipper punches them outward (obviously making use of the Gnome Battle Cuffs), causing the foe to snap back into a second, stronger punch that knocks them out of Mabel's grip. This throw hits twice, but does take a while.
Damage (total):
[Grab, >] F-Throw (Single): [PH] Weakly toss the enemy forward. This is based on throwing enemies in Rumble’s Revenge; it's the least effective attack.
[Grab, ^] U-Throw (Both): [PH, EN] Dipper uppercuts the tied-up enemy into the air, then Mabel whips them back into the ground. Hits twice.
Damage (total): 
[Grab, ^] U-Throw (Single): [PH] A basic and weak upward toss.
[Grab, <] B-Throw (Both): [PH, EN] Mabel spins the enemy around a full circle with her stretchy sleeves, which can hit other enemies, similar to Mario’s B-throw, while Dipper charges up the Gnome Battle Cuffs, then punches them out of Mabel’s grip and backwards over her head. This is the twins’ strongest throw in terms of launching.
[Grab, <] B-Throw (Single): [PH] A basic and weak backward toss.
[Grab, v] D-Throw (Both): [BL] Dipper curls into a ball on the ground, then Mabel shoves the enemy, causing them to trip over him. Leaves the enemy prone. Based on when Wendy does this to Ghost Eyes in s2e18: [Weirdmaggedon].
[Grab, v] D-Throw (Single): [PH] A basic and weak toss onto the ground that pops the enemy upward.
(Speed and jump height are stated as an approximate comparison to existing fighters.)
Walking, running, and jumping animations, as well as idle animations, are taken from Gnome Gemulets.
[<>] Walking: Despite being light, the Mystery Twins aren’t particularly fast. They're probably similar to Lucas and Ness.
[<<>>] Running: Still not particularly fast, but better. If both twins are present, they’ll hold hands while running.
[^] Jumps: 2, a bit below average in height.
Wall Jump: No
[v] Crouch: They kneel down.
[v, <>] Crawl: Yes
[Shield, v^] Spot dodge: There’s nothing approximating dodging in any of their games, so these will probably just have similar animations to those of the other Smash fighters that share their proportions (Ness, Lucas, Villager, Inkling).
[Shield, >] F-roll: See above
[Shield, <] B-roll: See above
[Shield, <>v in air] Air dodge: See above
Ledge roll: If both twins are present, they’ll pull each other up, though the animation takes the same amount of time no matter what.
If both twins are present, they will perform a different, unique taunt on the Up and Down Taunts. For the Side Taunt, if both are present, they’ll do both at the same time.
Up Taunt (Both): A simple high five. This is a double reference, first to their end-of-level victory high-five in Gnome Gemulets, and second to Stanley and Stanford’s “high six.”
Up Taunt (Dipper only): Pumps arms up and down in a victory celebration while saying “Yeah-ha-ha!”. This is Dipper's end-of-level victory screen in both Rumble’s Revenge and the Take Back the Falls mobile game.
Up Taunt (Mabel only): Jumps up and down in joy. 
Down Taunt (Both): Awkward sibling hug (pat, pat). Seen in both s1e01: Tourist Trapped, and s2e19: Escape From Reality.
Down Taunt (Dipper only): Dipper pulls out a magnifying glass and inspects something on the ground. References both the theme song and Dipper’s general investigative nature.
Down Taunt (Mabel only): Mabel snuggles with Waddles, just like in the theme song (and plenty of other times throughout the show).
Side Taunt (Dipper): Dipper opens his journal and writes something in it. The first time this taunt is performed on [name of as-yet-undecided Gravity Falls stage], it starts a Journal Entry on whichever other player is both next after you in the player order and not on your team. These will be similar to the Palutena’s Guidance conversations, opening a text box that resembles a page from the Journal at the bottom of the screen, where Dipper reads his observations about that fighter, with commentary from Mabel and occasionally other characters as well. I’m not sure whether I’ll ever actually write these out (suggestions welcome).
Side Taunt (Mabel): Mabel takes out both a sock puppet of herself and a puppet of either another Gravity Falls character or a random other fighter currently on-screen and plays around with them. The second puppet can be any one of Dipper, Ford, Stan, Soos, Wendy, Gideon, Pacifica, Robbie, McGucket, or other fighters present on-screen. If a Pokémon Trainer is present, the puppet can be of them or any of their three Pokémon.
Idle Animation: Same as in Gnome Gemulets (I don't remember what it is).
Stage Entry: The twins fall out of a dimensional rift, like the one Mabel falls into in Lost Legends Part 3: Don't Dimension It.
Origin Symbol: The Zodiac Wheel (duh). No, it’s not too complicated. What are you, a cop?
Kirby Hat: Since there are two potential N-Specials here, there are also two Kirby hats, as Kirby only inhales the active twin.
Dipper: The Pine Tree hat (duh). (Growth Ray)
Mabel: Mabel's hairstyle, with a Shooting Star clip on the headband. (Shrink Ray)
Palette Swaps/Costumes
All of Dipper and Mabel's palette swaps are alternate outfits that they (or others) wear throughout the show.
1) Dipper and Mabel’s most iconic appearance.
Dipper: red t-shirt, dark blue vest, Pine Tree hat, gray shorts, black sneakers, holds Journal 3 (unless otherwise specified, he’s holding Journal 3 in all of these).
Mabel: purple skirt, pink headband, magenta Shooting Star sweater, black flats.
2) Fancy dress outfits from the ball in s2e10: Northwest Mansion Mystery.
Dipper: tuxedo, brown dress shoes, no hat
Mabel: fluffy pink dress (if Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina can fight in ball gowns, so can Mabel), weird hat thing, high heels, uses a feather boa instead of stretchy sleeves.
3) Mystery Shack employees/Anti Gravity AU inspired.
Dipper: Soos's dark green Question Mark t-shirt, cargo shorts, and cap.
Mabel: orange headband, white t-shirt, Wendy's green flannel jacket, boots, uses a rope lasso instead of stretchy sleeves.
4) Secondary antagonists inspired.
Dipper: Gideon's light blue suit and Pentagram cape, holds Journal 2.
Mabel: Pacifica's purple shirt, skirt, jacket, boots, and hairstyle, uses a purple scarf instead of stretchy sleeves.
5) Pool outfits from s1e15: The Deep End.
Dipper: red swim trunks, white t-shirt, whistle, sandals, red-and-white “Night Patrol” hat.
Mabel: pink one-piece swimsuit with a yellow star on the chest, flip-flops, uses a jump rope instead of stretchy sleeves.
6) Goodbyes, based on the series finale. Dipper: same as #1 but with Wendy’s trapper hat instead of his regular one, and holding the blue Pine Tree Journal.
Mabel: red birthday cupcake sweater, pink skirt and headband.
7) Outfits from s2e13: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons; Dipper: elf costume consisting of a green tunic and cape, pointed ears, no hat, replaces S-Smash spear with a sword.
Mabel: orange Ducktective sweater and headband, blue skirt.
8) Original Mystery Twins/Relativity Falls AU. Stanley and Stanford as kids, with their appearance from s2e12: A Tale of Two Stans/Lost Legends Part 4: Pines Bros. Mystery. Ford takes Dipper’s place, Stan takes Mabel’s. They have different voice actors and lines than the younger twins (applies to #12 as well).
Ford: white t-shirt, brown jacket and shoes, dark green pants, holds Journal 1, replaces Dipper's hat with a light brown pith helmet.
Stan: red-and-white striped t-shirt, jeans, missing tooth, band-aid on face, brown shoes, uses a rope lasso instead of stretchy sleeves and Shanklin the Stab Possum replaces Waddles for the S-Smash.
Additional Alternate Costumes (just for fun)
9) Evil versions. They have different voice lines and facial expressions. Dipper: Dippy Fresh, the twisted, ‘90s-stereotype version of Dipper created by Mabeland in s2e19: Escape from Reality, has a different voice actor.
Mabel: Anti-Mabel from Lost Legends Part 3: Don't Dimension It, wearing a black sweater with an x-eyed cat face on it.
10) Outfits from Dipper vs. Manliness. Dipper: Manotaur loincloth and tattoos; Mabel: Yellow skirt and headband with black lightning bolt sweater.
11) Trick-or-treating costumes from s1e12: Summerween.
Dipper: peanut butter costume
Mabel: strawberry jelly costume, Waddles wears his brown business suit costume.
12) “Modern” Stan twins; same as #8 but wearing downsized versions of their “modern” attire.
Ford: red turtleneck, brown trench coat, black pants, shoulder bag, holds Journal 1.
Stan: black Mr. Mystery suit, red string tie, eyepatch, and Mackerel fez, uses a rope lasso instead of stretchy sleeves. 
13) Outfits from the Woodstick Festival in s2e09: The Love God. Dipper: dark red v-neck shirt, vest, jeans, sunglasses on forehead, no hat, holds Journal 3.
Mabel: Rainbow-striped pride sweater, purple skirt.
14) Outfits from s1e13: Boss Mabel.
Dipper: Mystery Junior suit (similar to Stan's #12), combed hair, eyepatch, no hat.
Mabel: blue business suit and glasses, Stan’s Mackerel fez, uses a rope lasso instead of stretchy sleeves.
15) Campaign manager outfits from s2e14: The Stanchurian Candidate.
Dipper: red “Team Stan” t-shirt, no vest, yellow visor.
Mabel: red-and-white striped sweater and headband, blue star-spangled skirt.
16) Inspired by my Reunion Falls AU fanfiction One Day Reunited.
Dipper: dark brown jacket (same as #8 Ford), red t-shirt, hiking boots, cargo shorts, no hat, holds blue Pine Tree Journal
Mabel: purple “Love Yo’self” sweater, yellow skirt, purple headband.
17) Reverse Falls AU version #1. They have different facial expressions and voice lines.
Dipper: similar to #4 but also with an amulet, holds Journal 2.
Mabel: light blue dress, amulet on hair band.
18) Reverse Falls AU version #2. Dipper and Mabel are replaced with Reverse Gideon and Pacifica, respectively. They have different voice actors and lines.
Gideon: Similar to Dipper’s #1, but with a light blue shirt instead of red, plus white hair and freckles.
Pacifica: tie-dyed shirt, ripped jeans, hoop earrings, bracelets, uses a scarf instead of stretchy sleeves, replaces Waddles in S-Smash with a chicken.
19) Gravity Rises AU inspired. Dipper and Mabel switch roles, Zodiac symbols, and movesets. They have different voice lines.
Mabel: blue-and-white Pine Tree t-shirt, brown pants, orange hoodie, holds Journal 3.
Dipper: dark blue t-shirt with a yellow Star over yellow long-sleeve shirt, black shorts, no hat, band-aid on face, sleeves of his shirt stretch just like Mabel’s sweaters.
Victory 1: Lower down from the top of the screen on Mabel's grappling hook, just like when they destroyed Gideon's robot in s1e20: Gideon Rises.
Victory 2: Do the short victory dance that happens when you solve certain puzzles in Gnome Gemulets, finishing with a high five (or high six, as the case may be).
Victory 3: Awkward sibling hug (pat, pat), same as the D-taunt. Yes, even the Stan and Ford alts do this.
Like most of their moveset, the Mystery Twins’ Final Smash changes depending on which of them is present when it’s activated, though after using any of these Final Smashes, a missing twin will respawn. This is the only way to cause a missing twin to respawn without being KO’d.
Dipper only - Quantum Destabilizer: Dipper fires a straight shot from Ford’s Quantum Destabilizer, the super weapon with which he unsuccessfully attempted to destroy Bill Cipher in s2e18: [Weirdmaggedon], though it will certainly prove effective against Smash fighters. This is very similar to Dark Pit’s Final Smash; the narrow beam travels the length of the screen and will heavily damage and launch anyone hit by it, resulting in an instant KO if it takes a fighter’s damage above 100%.
Mabel only - Imagination Unleashed: While mounted upon the dolphin-man-hallucination-monster Aoshima and karaoke singing either “Don’t Start Unbelieving” or “Taking Over Midnight” backed up by the music of her totally-a-different-art-style dream boys Xyler and Craz, Mabel unleashes her disturbing extraordinary imagination in a glittery tidal wave of rainbows, waffle soldiers, cat faces, stickers, flying sweaters, random stuffed animals, and of course, shooting stars. This is very similar to Wii Fit Trainer’s Final Smash, and is based on Mabel’s Mystery Power attack in Rumble’s Revenge.
Damage (per hit):Both - Unite the Zodiac: A large image of the Zodiac Wheel, albeit missing the image of Bill Cipher in the center, appears around the twins. Any enemies it touches take Bill Cipher’s place in the center of the wheel. After a cinematic of the ten members of the Zodiac united around the wheel, a white pillar of cosmic energy erupts from its center, obliterating anyone inside. This is always an instant KO on anyone it catches… damage doesn't matter, no exceptions.
Since the Zodiac Wheel Prophecy was unsuccessful in the actual show, it’s unknown what would have happened had it worked, so I’m free to interpret it however I want for Smash. I don’t necessarily think this is what would have happened, but it works quite well for a Final Smash. The initial capture hitbox is a ring around the twins, and its limits are pretty obvious.
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jaybirdwest · 2 years
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on the topic of Reverse Robins, i am moderately obsessed with the idea of Shiva being Jason’s bio mom and Cass therefor being his sister bc it’s technically possible seeing as Shiva lied to Jason about never having any kids in Death in the Family
so now i’m imaging a Reverse Robins au where they find Jason and then find out he’s Cass’s bio brother (or find out Cass has a bio brother and then they track down Jason, idk) and then Cass and Jason get to be the twin terrors Batgirl and Batboy
Jason could use Bruce’s Sins of Youth Batboy suit with the full face mask for extra terror and twin-ness
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meteor-moon · 2 months
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there was a boy with stars in his eyes
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woodsborostabathon · 2 months
pondering the kirsch siblings orb yet again and you really cannot convince me that quinn would not have been moving like depression era bella in new moon from the moment she even FOUND OUT richie was moving to modesto...
#like bc LISTEN.#anyone with eyes can tell richie was clearly her everything 😭#and idt she was super young bc i hc he moved out about 1-2 yrs b4 the events of 5cream#and richie wouldve still been 23-24#but just given how close they were + how spoiled he was at home LMAO idt she wouldve Expected him to leave 'so soon'#read: EVER or at least before the twins graduated hs#so i think that news hit her like the final destination 2 log truck. like that HURT. DEVASTATED her even. esp given the distance bc-#i hc the kirsches as Wisconsin People (source: kinda sorta radio silence but also my besties knowledge of Wisconsin People)#so from wherever the hell wisconsin to CALIFORNIA?!?!?!?! ik quinn was crying screaming throwing up like that was the worst day of her LIFE#up until then at least. like maybe she was onto smth bc nothing GOOD came of him moving there.#but yeah no i think she was absolutely moping about emo as hell feeling like a piece of her was literally missing.#bc and i think this goes wrt both of her brothers but since im kirschcest pilled yk theres an extra element there#quinn is very like family oriented in general and i think she doesnt know how to think of herself/what to do w herself if shes not like.#being their sister. best way i can put it thats not so convoluted but ykwim. like so it just does Not feel natural for her#for them to be apart & SO far away from each other. i think it wouldnt be nearly as big a deal if he moved out but stayed even just in stat#the only bright spot for her wouldve been 1) getting to visit and 2) getting the idea that she could just go out there for college#then yippee!! the whole gang is reunited!#bc obvi ethan is coming with. im ngl i do not even think she would ask or be like 'so i wanna move to cali to be close to richie hbu?'#i think she'd assume like well theyve been together their whole lives? why WOULDNT ethan go along?? 😭#and she's right except he is 100% agreeing bc he'd be with HER#but thats another post and or tag essay#ceci speaks#scream franchise#scream vi#kirsch siblings#richie kirsch#quinn bailey
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astrobydalia · 1 month
Summer fling❤️‍🔥
Relatioship observations
work by astrobydalia
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❤️‍🔥 A thing about Virgo Venus is that since this is Venus’ fall they tend to be socially awkward or have struggles reading the room. The type to make jokes or remarks that are a bit too direct and low-key break the mood. They tend to behave in ways that comes across as robotic or dry
❤️‍🔥 A similar thing happens with Scorpio/Aries Venus too (venus is debilitated here as well) they tend to behave in ways that breaks social harmony by being a little too bold or even scandalous (Examples of this energy: Marilyn Monroe, Doja Cat)
❤️‍🔥In general, unless the rest of the chart says otherwise, debilitated Venus positions gives the native low charisma and lower ability to blend in socially. Their demeanor tends to be too forward or rub people the wrong way.
❤️‍🔥What is up with Leo placements and becoming romantically obsessed with people that reject them? Either that or they enjoy perusing people who they "shouldn't" be with like authority figures or someone that is way out of their league
❤️‍🔥Just like Jupiter in a woman's chart tells you how her husband will be, I feel like Jupiter in man's chart will tell you what kind of husband he'll be to be honest
​❤️‍🔥​ Whenever I had Vertex in the 5th house of a Solar Return, romance was a significant thing during those years!! However it was always flings, situationships and stuff like that. The sign with gives more nuance like one year I had it in Sagittarius and I had a fleeting romance with a foreigner
❤️‍🔥 With debilitated moon (Capricorn/Scorpio Moon) I've noticed these natives tend to believe or feel like love is conditional. Things like loyalty, trust and care are earned and come with a price or you have to jump thorough endless hoops first in order to get them. They refuse to be vulnerable so they expect the other person to show their cards first and then MAYBE if you earn their trust they'll open up too but good luck with that LMAO.
❤️‍🔥 That being said, I noticed men with Capricorn/Scorpio Moon tend to marry a woman that is very self-righteous and controlling. Their choice for a life partner tends to be... yikes
❤️‍🔥 Capricorn/Scorpio Moon can be the type to be skeptical of the idea of true love. The difference is Scorpio Moons are most likely to convert into the lovey-dovey train once they find their person cause being water sign deep down they crave that intimacy. However Capricorn Moons are most likely to freeze their heart out even when their soulmate is right in front of them, unfortunately the more time passes the more cap moons tend to harden their hearts
❤️‍🔥 Scorpio Moon’s greatest fear is to be alone I’ve noticed. And yeah nobody wants that but trust me for Scorpio Moon this is a HUGE thing. When I say they crave intimacy I mean they CRAVE intimacy. If they could hot glue their loved ones to their body so they’re connected to them for life like siamese twins, they would.
❤️‍🔥 Taurus Moons are just as obsessive and sexual as scorpio moons, literally copy paste. They can also be just as toxic when underdeveloped. The difference is taurus moons are more nurturing and if they don't want you to leave they'll create a paradise or "golden cage" for you (vs Scorpio moons who tend to resort to emotional or mind games for this purpose). I was also surprised to discover how needy taurus moons become once they like you?? Idk how to explain it but it's like they wanna insert you in every aspect of their lives and low-key gatekeep you LMAO. On the other hand Scorpio Moons will push you away and play cat and mouse for a while if they see themselves catching feelings
❤️‍🔥In my opinion both moons (Scorpio and taurus) tend to seek possessiveness or control in their relationships and they usually have the upper hand or the most power I've noticed
❤️‍🔥Praying for gen z babies born under Scorpio Venus cause a lot of them have that placement square Aquarius Neptune and that combo is.... ooof. Romanticizing toxic delusional love that brainwashes the shit out of them YALL NEED TO WAKE THE FUCK UP
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❤️‍🔥 When someone has their planets in your 12th house sign you have a fogged perception of this person, you tend to idolize them cause there are parts of them that you're blind to. However this person will feel confident in knowing your psyche as well as the unconscious motives behind your actions. This person has a knack to naturally know how to appeal to unconscious desires or fears you weren't even aware you had. For this reason you'll find this person either triggering and scary OR very addictive cause it almost feels like they penetrate your soul
❤️‍🔥 With that being said, people with planets in your 12th house are the best therapists for you or best people to vent to. Water houses in general can apply, but I feel like 12th house is better for this cause it rules over spiritual and emotional healing/cleansing specifically. This person can help you untangle your unconscious and you can feel sooooo much relief after talking or being with them. This will only apply if you trust them and they have good intentions ofc, otherwise they'll actually feed into your unconscious fears and make them worse
❤️‍🔥 People with placements on your 8th house secretly dislike and/or envy you, but still feel the need to be close with you cause they low-key wanna tear you down, wanna see you fail, wanna keep taps on you to make sure aren't too successful. I've seen SOOOOO many toxic fake friendships with this synastry... Although I've previously talked about positive manifestations of this overlay too, frankly this dynamic is what I've observed for the most part with this synastry if im honest with you
❤️‍🔥 I totally agree with @zeldasnotes when she said 8th house synastry is only good/tolerable when there’s mutual sexual attraction between the two, otherwise it’s annoying af. I believe this is because the two people can easily use sex to release all the intensity and tension between them instead of letting it build up or channeling it through toxic emotions like envy
❤️‍🔥 Okay but have you ever been genuinely loved by an Aries placement? When their heart is in it, they'll have unshakable loyalty. They’d move mountains for you, kill and fight for you. They are THE ride or dies
❤️‍🔥 A thing that I've seen a lot with women who have debilitated Jupiter (Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn) is that they have a husband that prioritized his work over their marriage/family. The husband is often away due to work or duties or just emotionally unavailable in general. These women tend to give up something about their life after marriage because they had to accommodate to their husband's life style, like if she has to move or give up her own job to be with him she will. For example: Grace Kelly (Gemini Jupiter) who quit acting after marring the prince of Monaco. Hailey Bieber (Capricorn Jupiter) who was exposed to a lot more public attention after marrying Justin and she said herself she's had to learn to adapt that being new part of her life now
❤️‍🔥 Another big thing I've seen with Saturn influence in the 7th house is that your spouse will have big, BIG ambitions. People only talk about Jupiter or Venus but to be real with you, Saturn is an underrated indicator for your spouse being wealthy. This placement indicates that your spouse is stablished, successful and can easily provide stability for you. All the people I've seen with this placement married someone who had a business!!!!, their own house, a successful career, a household name, a higher position, etc
What I mean by Saturn influence on the 7th (for both Vedic and Tropical): Saturn in the 7th house Capricorn or Aquarius DSC 7th ruler in the 10th house (also maybe 11th house) or vice versa Saturn darakarka
❤️‍🔥 Mars-Pluto aspects definitely will make someone have pretty extreme kinks
❤️‍🔥 I’ve seen this a lot in Pisces Moons and Aries Moons that they low-key wanna be babied in a relationship or they subconsciously end up being the one who’s more coddled and taken care of by their partner
❤️‍🔥 Aries and Gemini placements in the composite chart is indicative of a relationship that likely won't last long-term. I've seen this placement in long lasting marriages too but their relationships gave off fling vibes, really playful, they type where people said they wouldn't last
❤️‍🔥 I’ve seen Saturn in the 7th house synastry manifesting as the opposite of commitment. The Saturn person blocks off the possibility of having a committed relationship with the house person and the house person feels abandoned
❤️‍🔥 With that being said Saturn in synastry/composite can indicate rejection in that area and things one or both parties will deprive the other of or deny them. For example Saturn in the 8th synastry/composite can mean one person refused to have sex with the other or there are many conditions and restrictions in the sex life of both
❤️‍🔥 Aquarius and Capricorn Mars/Venus are SO good at hiding their attraction from you. They'll watch from afar for some time before making some move meanwhile you'll be clueless of their interest
❤️‍🔥 Moon square Neptune is an aspect that makes someone emotionally insecure, the type to need constant reassurance that you still love them. Can also be emotionally manipulative in very subtle almost undetectable ways
❤️‍🔥 Earth Venus find it very easy to engage in casual dating/hook up culture because they know how to not get too attached. They have a hyper awareness of what purpose a certain relationship is serving them at the moment so they act accordingly
❤️‍🔥 On the other hand I’ve noticed Air Venus natives have a tendency to play around because they know they get the ick quickly. But it's all fun and games until they end up catching feelings accidentally 😭
❤️‍🔥 My experience having Gemini Jupiter in the 7th house: Yes all my suitors/dates have been foreigners but the cultural difference was never that big. They usually came from a country close to mine or their cultural background was very similar from mine
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work by astrobydalia
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Dark! House Of The Dragon x Game of Thrones! Reader|Part 3
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<<< Part 2
Jacaerys is in love with the idea of being a father.
In fact he took Aemma riding on the back of Vermax right after she was born just like his great grandmother Alyssa did with Viserys, just for excitement.
Rhaenyra, loves Aemma and teared up when you named the baby after her mother, she even thought about wedding Aegon III to her when they reached adulthood.
After arriving to King's Landing, the first thing you see is Aemond training while you stand beside Jace and Luke watching him, as you hold your sleeping daughter in your arms.
Jacearys felt jealous on how Aemond took away your attention.
Despite, the real reason why you are impressed by Aemond's skills, is because it reminded you of your uncle/father Jaime, you always loved to watch him train.
While training Aemond notices you and stops, eyeing you and the baby intensely which made you uncomfortable.
All Aemond could feel was anger and jealousy, because you were supposed to be his.
When Vaemond arrives, you prepare yourself and your daughter, you show up dressed in the colors of House Velaryon.
"Vaemond has forgotten that Lady Rhaenys descends from the house Baratheon on her mother's side, Also my daughter, princess Aemma..."
You stand in the middle of the throne room, holding your daughter up proudly for everyone to see her white hair and purple eyes.
Even if you and Jace are the children of Harwin Strong, but your daughter inherited Rhaenyra's appearance, your mother's genes skipped a generation.
Vaemond, decided to insult you and call you and your mother 'whores' as you return back to your husband and mother's side.
Of course, in a spin of seconds, Daemon sliced the Velaryon's man head in half, as Jacaerys blocked yours and Aemma's view.
However, Jace was smirking, happy at what his stepfather did.
Later that day at the feast, Jace and Luke made a promise to you that they would behave and ignore whatever Aemond and Aegon say.
When Jace asked to dance with you at the feast, you objected, insisting on him dancing with Helaena instead.
Aegon and Aemond thought that your marriage wasn't the best with your twin due to how you turned Jace down.
Things escalated when the pig gets placed on the table and Luke whispers a joke in your ear at the exact moment, making you laugh.
Even though the joke wasn't about Aemond, but Luke knew exactly what he was doing as he smirked at his uncle...taunting him.
"Final tribute, to the health of my nephews, Jace, Luke, and Joffrey, each of them handsome, wise...and Strong"
Before Jace and Luke could even think about getting angry, you raise a glass with a huge smile on your face.
"Indeed, Uncle, we are strong afterall, my brothers and I descend from the two purest Valyrian houses, Targaryen and Velaryon, my mother is also the heir to the seven kingdoms"
Your grandfather Tywin taught you how to act wisely in such situations.
Aemond wished to speak more, but one look from Daemon was enough to let him know that you are a red line.
However, Aemond only gave you one last stare, as if to make a promise.
A promise where he will have you as a wife.
Part 4>>>
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obsessivevoidkitten · 4 months
That Time You Got Yeeted Into Another World, Mistaken as a God-Sent Gift, and Used as a Prize in an Arena
Yandere Bear-Man Dilf x Gender Neutral Reader
CW: Noncon, framed for a crime, language barrier, eaten out like it's groceries, biting, scent marking, musk, combat, general yandere behavior
Word Count: 765
(Speed written out of nowhere because I had the idea suddenly, not beta read so please forgive any mistakes. I hope you guys like this ficlet. Also forgive the title, in a game I was playing there was a crossover with "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" and I liked the vibe of the title.)
You were framed for a crime you didn't commit and in your village the punishment for that crime was immediate exile via being shoved down a steep crater in the center of which is a one-way portal to what is thought to be Hell.
What no one on your side of the portal knew was that on the other side was just another world. A world that celebrated with a great holiday anytime a human came through the portal. It was also a world populated entirely, with the exception of humans who crossed over, by human-like beast hybrids.
Driders, lion hybrids, nagas, aqrabuamelu (scorpion-men), harpies, dog people, centaurs, minotaurs, gnolls, and many other races that seemed to be part human. 
They have a connecting portal in their universe, but any who try to go into it are spat back out. The current went only in one direction.
Every few years, a human would be flung forth from the portal, a gift from the gods! But only the worthy can keep such a gift. So whenever a human comes to the realm from the watcher of the portal will ring the bells and all the warriors assemble and a grand tournament is held at the arena. Whoever wins gets to keep the human and gains enough wealth to care for them properly.
Things are no different when you arrive, you are immediately ushered away, examined, and pampered like a prize doll with no agency. Despite your objections. It seems like only the keeper of the portal has any rudimentary undestanding of your language, not that it helped you. He didn't explain much and his speech wasn't that great. Something about... a big game?
You were naturally frightened beyond all reason, seeing all these beast-men, but it didn't seem like you were being harmed. It really wasn't what you thought hell was going to be like. 
On the day of the big tournament, you were dressed in the finest silks, given a tiny crown of silver, and taken to the best seat in the arena. One where everyone could see you. A cushioned throne was provided for you to sit upon. You figured that this must be a ceremony to welcome people from the portal.
You watched as all the combatants sparred. At first you were horrified, but it became evident that people could yield and death was, almost always, avoided. There were combatants of every variety. 
Even from the start the best seemed to be a naga woman named Eeris and a bear-man named Brakwen. As they advanced through the fights they both finally made it to the finals where they'd clash. Eeris favored twin daggers and fangs while Brakwen used claws and brute strength. He had a sword but had not resorted to using it. 
It was a mighty battle but Brakwen the bear-man managed to win. You still did not yet realize you were the prize. Not until you were escorted down to him and were carried bridal style out of the arena with the crowd cheering. Brakwen had won the god's favor!
From close up he looked even more imposing. He seemed to be in his late 30s to early 40s. He mostly looked like a hairy man from far away though up close his massive size, sharp teeth, claws, thick fur covering his arms and quite frankly adorable bear ears, gave him away. He was rugged but admittedly rather handsome. You knew there was nothing you could do so you let him carry you away. 
Despite the language barrier, Brakwen did his best to please his god-given prize. He could tell you feared him. Especially since you tried to run off a few times. But Brakwen didn't get angry. You never even managed to get past the door. Even if you did there were two gates outside the house. You were far too valuable to let wander off. 
Eventually when you had stopped running off, and when his rut demanded he wait no longer, he began acting a bot more aggressove and sexual towards you. 
Though you tried to stop him it ended with him stretching out your hole with his powerful tongue, lubing you up with his copious amounts of drool, and sliding into you with his massive musky cock.
That's what your life was now. Being treated like a fragile precious gem most of the time and then for one week out of every month you were fucked full of hot bear cum in every possible position, bitten possessively, and scent marked by being forced to wear his oversized clothing. 
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mac-tirs · 9 days
the usage of different types of english in elden ring
most human/tarnished NPCs we meet, like rogier, ansbach, and nepheli, use late modern english:
"a sorcerer, as you might have guessed. i'm looking for a little something, here in the castle. when i'm not hotfooting it from the troops, that is." - rogier, first meeting "general radahn. a pleasure to see you, after all this time. but those remains do not belong to you." - ansbach, upon summon for PCR
but older demigods like messmer, ranni, and morgott use early modern english:
"thou'rt tarnished, it seemeth. mother, wouldst thou truly lordship sanction, in one so bereft of light? yet… my purpose standeth unchanged." - messmer, pre-battle cutscene "thou needst not indulge them unduly, but they too wish to appraise thy worth. it hath been a passing long time since a newcomer entered my service, after all." - ranni, after agreeing to serve her
then there are the younger demigods, like miquella, malenia, and potentially melina, who use a later variant of modern english, similar to the tarnished NPCs we speak to:
"if we honour our part of the vow, promise me you'll be my consort. i'll make the world a gentler place." - miquella, post-PCR cutscene "the scarlet bloom flowers once more. you will witness true horror. now, rot!" - malenia, phase 2 transition cutscene
finally, the hornsent NPCs like the hornsent, hornsent grandam, and the hornsent spirits such as the one outside the whipping hut, who use late middle english similar to the english found in shakespeare's sonnets:
"fie, another? ... then, as that woman would surely say, we are in our purposes well aligned. but understand. your kind are not forgiven. the erdtree is my people's enemy. by marika long betray'd, set aflame." - hornsent, first meeting "all your resentment lingers yet... the raw stuff from which i shall surely forge a curse. upon the dastard messmer's head. upon marika's children each and all." - scorched ruins hornsent spirit
i find it interesting how different the usage of english is in the game, and i feel that it can be a hint on how to properly date an individual's occupation in the lands between/land of shadow. the hornsent, being a people much older than many in the lands between, use the most archaic version of english, while the tarnished and younger demigods use a form of english more closely related to our own in the current period. older demigods (and marika herself, as heard from melina's recounts of marika's spoken echoes) use a form of english more closely related to the period of transition from middle english to early modern english.
additionally, another interesting thing to me: mohg is almost certainly nearly the same age as morgott (since they're referred to as twins), yet he speaks a little differently compared to morgott:
"tarnished, thou'rt but a fool." - morgott, post-battle dialogue "dearest miquella. you must abide alone a while." - mohg, pre-battle cutscene
this makes me wonder if it's possible that, assuming that miquella's verbiage is indicative of his younger age in comparison to the older demigods (aka the demigods born before the marika/radagon union), miquella's charm altered mohg's perception enough to also alter his manner of speaking and carrying himself in some way. if his pursuit of finery (dressing in embroidered robes and handling himself with poise, juxtaposing his bestial growls and strength) was mainly done in an effort to fit into miquella's ideal of a consort. of course, mohg could just be as vain as he seems to be all on his own accord, but i find that it's interesting to entertain the idea that even his current state of being was due to miquella's charm.
i'd love to hear what others think about this. i'm not very learned when it comes to english (it's not really my first language), but i find this all very cool to think about.
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nocturnowlette · 5 months
do you have any hypnosis audio files youd recommend?
Honestly, the answer is a "maybe".
In my opinion, in my 8 years of listening to files, not even 1% qualify as something I'd consider well made. The vast majority are nsfw, and the vast majority of those just throw any actual hypnosis away for a sake of roleplay. That being said, here are some files that, in my estimation, are at a minimum decent.
And always, read the description of every file before listening, even after reading my descriptions.
There's puppy ones at the bottom, by the way.
First, not an audio file, but an itch.io game.
brainwasher_program by sleepingirl (18+)
This is the most competently made thing I will be showing. Sleepingirl is someone I would consider a good hypnotist skillwise.
There is also test hypnosis game1 and ithinktherefore, also itch.io text hypnosis games/sessions.
Next, to my knowledge, the best file I've personally stumbled on (though it still didn't quite wow me),
Failing to Resist by Jack Drago (18+)
This file is a trance trainer, as in a file meant to use the ideas of resistance and turn that idea against you. It does a passable job, and you might find it quite powerful and helpful if you have some stubborn tendencies as a subject.
Next is another passable trance trainer,
Mind Melt by LilithUnleashed (18+)
This file uses arousal to bring about a specific philosophy of trance, one you might find more conducive to effectiveness: enjoying trance for the sake of trance itself, not just using it as a means to an end. There is no wakener at the end.
Next, a twin pair of files,
The Call of the Void and Hypnotic Acceptance by LilithUnleashed
The Call of the Void is a sort of run of the mill hypnosis file meant to be looped, and designed to condition you to trance and specifically to Lilith to some extent. Hypnotic Acceptance is a conditioning file meant to be played out of trance and doesn't bring you in to it. It's a nice idea that can have some small potential benefits, it's also relaxing.
Lilith, in general, is a competent hypnotist, if not a bit... much... at times. That's more of a taste thing, though. She does a good job, and these files are good.
There is also this conditioning loop file by her which is also nice, as well as this one.
Next is one for the pups,
Collared Obedience by LilithUnleashed (18+)
This one is, at a minimum, a very enjoyable time. It creates a mental collar and links it with actual collars if you wish and have the means. It forms one made out of various concepts relating to obedience. The suggestions didn't stick for me, but I'm a tad stubborn.
Obedience 101 - Welcome to Class! by FlowLikeTea
If you haven't noticed, I like trance training files. It's primarily because they're some of the only ones that aren't trying to just do erotic roleplay with the facile idea of hypnosis and hypnotic aesthetics. It reminds me of the ASMR sphere in that way.
Anyways, this file is just nice. Not much else to mention.
Slow and Gentle Hypnotic Induction by GoddessSoft (NotSoftForWork)
Thank you, Ms. Soft, for making an actually competent SFW hypnosis file. Soft is quite the competent hypnotist, and we'll be showing a few of her files coming up, but this one remains my favorite. It's simply a very well done relaxation file by someone who knows her stuff and has a good understanding of most aspects of audio trances.
Good Puppy Clicker Training by GoddessSoft (18+)
This is a beginner-centric clicker training file by Ms. Soft. It's thorough, long, and pleasurable. If you haven't noticed, I have not recommended files intended to make you finish in any way. I don't like them. They do not work for me. You'll have to ask someone else. That being said, GoddessSoft's page on the link has many different puppy files to listen to. Most deal with that.
Puppydog Fractionation by GoddessSoft (18+)
Another not-specifically-nsfw-focused puppy file from Ms. Soft. If I recall right, the sound balancing might be a little iffy on this one, though. Fair warning.
That's all I remember for now, but I might have more recommendations in the future. I hope you enjoy, and be sure to tell me how you respond to some of them. Enjoy!
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thedivinetarot · 25 days
He said to be cool and I know he means it
How do you view men?
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☆ How to chose the perfect pile for you?
1) Close your eyes.
2) Clear your mind
3) Take a deep breathe.
4) Ask the question in your head and the picture you are drawn to the most is your pile.
☆ Note:
- First thing is Thank you guys for 100 follower. I'm so happy that our family is growing fast. I'm also grateful that such a wonderful souls are following me here on tumblr, may God bless you❤.
- In this reading we are going to dig into your deep subconscious mind on your views of men.
- This reading is going to help you at where you stand in your opinions and views towards men.
- Also it will help you discover the hidden parts of your subconscious mind and your behavior towards men.
- This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.
- Pile three can be triggering for some, so if you are not comfortable reading it then don't.
- This reading can't substitute any psychiatrist help. So if you have a problem you can ask for a professional help.
Stay safe ❤
☆ This reading well be divided into three questions:
1) Your past relationships with men.
2) Your subconscious beliefs about them.
3) How does all of that affect you currently?
Pile 1 - Walking Sylvia
Your past relationships with men:
I see that this pile held into a connection that was not meant for them. I see you getting attached to someone you thought it was your soulmate or twin flame but it wasn't really the one. I see also that you kept persistent and stubborn especially in front of others. It is like you bet with your friends or people around you that he is the one but everyone know that he is not. If this is not the case I see that you were dating or in a relationship with someone who is considered a safe option but wasn't really that good for you as a person. You might have your planets square their planets in synastry chart. I see that your first role models (Your caregivers or parents) wasn't really that good either. They might stayed together but they clearly should've been divorced too long ago. I see that you hated the dynamic between them and you always wondered if you'll get the same or not. And now you look back at the men you dated and feel cringe? I don't know pile one. Maybe you feel nostalgic to the feeling but not the person. I see that you are someone who prefers predictability over getting out of your comfort zone. So, you might dated multiple "safe options" to not get triggered by the new or unpredictable people. You might even rejected the idea of traditional role in the relationships, like the dom-sub or feminine-masculine or the men who provide financially. You also might dated people who have 50/50 mindset or feminine boys. Or boys/men who are not considered attractive but they were a safe option for you.
Your subconscious beliefs about men:
Ooh pile one, I think your subconscious belief about men is that they are a disappointment. I see that you might have a male caregiver who didn't make you feel safe enough to be in your feminine energy. This caregiver might made you feel like you are not enough; physically, mentally, or in general. This man made you feel worthless and no one would really care for you. So, you grew up trying to earn this attention by being hyper vigilant in your relationships with men. You might give and give too much even for the options that is considered "safe". And you might overthink everything you do or say around men. You might say "Damn why did I say that!" Alot Or "Do I look ugly or deformed for him" because he didn't look at you, after each interaction. And if not, some people in this group wore an iron mask in front of men. You wouldn't show emotions or any expression around them. But deep inside you are a little girl screaming and crying. People in this group might have self worth problems. You might overdo your make up, overdress yourself etc. This subconscious belief kept you stuck in the same old patterns and made you superman in the relationship with men. As I said before; you might got mad or angry at the traditional roles of the male and female relationships. And tried to be the initiative person in most interactions you had with men. Another subconscious belief is you'll be miserable alone? Pile one loneliness is something normal in this generation, everyone feels lonely but please don't let this loneliness affect your relationships. Don't go for good guys or "safe options" if you feel like they are no good for you.
How does all of that affect you currently?
So, all of this affect you currently by isolating you from romantic interactions. You might be someone who has been alone for too long. I see that you took this period of loneliness as a reflection period and reevaluated your old relationships. Like right now you are discovering what you truly value and want in romantic relationships. I see that this period of isolation and loneliness is slowly going to be over. I'm not seeing any romantic offers coming to you, but definitely I'm seeing you are slowly putting yourself out there. I also see that you are working hard and being persistent with yourself. You might just moved out from your parents house or wanting to settle down on your own or wanting to live in another place or change your location. I see you now being more in your feminine energy. You might have rejected that idea before but now you are slowly accepting the fact that you are good on your own but a good company won't hurt. You might be putting yourself out there, and getting to know people with no strings attached. I see that you are enjoying yourself truly and feeling calm and collected more than before. You might started to realize that you need to be more assertive of your current life. You might be someone who say "I'm the master of my own fate now". So, yeah you might also realized that your life needs you more than you need anyone.
Pile 2 - Sylvia laying on the towel
Your past relationships with men:
I see that this piles collective are mostly happily married women or new bride. I see that you either got married to the love of your life and feeling so happy and excited to spend the rest of your life with them or you have a happy marriage and a loving spouse in general. I see that you also might be pregnant with a baby girl and this girl will have water placements? (Pisces, cancer or scorpio). Anyways this pile’s energy towards men is so reassuring honestly. I don't really see that you have a bad relationships with men. You might be someone who is considered beautiful or pretty by social standards so any man who dated you wished that he could marry you right away. I see that you have a traditional relationship with men. You might be someone who date for marriage and if not then you might date for potential rather than money. Or you might want to start dating for marriage. I see that men always crush on you and they feel this urge to protect you and make you happy. I see that you are the type that make any man want marriage and other stuff. Like if a player met you and got the chance to know you, he might suddenly want to marry and have kids right away. You have this energy of "I'm the perfect wife". You might be a great option for men who want to settle down. They see the potential in you, the kids, the home you'll make. I guess this pile didn't really face bad things regard dating or perhaps most people in this pile are already married to their twin flame or soulmate. I see a lot of love and happiness (I'm so happy for you guys🥺).
Your subconscious belief about men:
This pile is a complete sweetheart to be honest. I see that you see men as great leaders and as someone who is going to guide you through your life. You might have a lot of taurus or libra placements or just your feminine energy is quite balanced. Also I feel that your sacral chakra is balanced or a little hyperactive? You might really care about men's pepe size? Omg pile two I feel turned on for no reason, do you perhaps fantasize about sex a lot? You might view sex as something sacred or extremely important for your well being. You might feel or like the sex between you and your partner a lot. I don't know why I got into all of these sexual stuff all of sudden. But I feel like subconsciously you might view men as sexually satisfying? You might had a great sexual companions or you just like that in general. I also see that you like assertive and wise men, men with a great vision of the future. Sex and men is something important in pile two's life. You might have the lover archetype? You can search that btw. But generally your subconscious thoughts about men are good I don't really see something bad, perhaps there's a thing but it is not considered bad. You might get attached to your partner? Perhaps, you might get a little obsessed with your partner. Not too much just a little. Or you like depending on them a lot. There's nothing wrong with being dependent but don't let that affect you whole being.
How does all of that affect you currently?
Okay, so I do see that this pile is very dedicated to their partner. I see that you might be someone who always keep in check of their partner's needs and wants. You also work simultaneously on making their partner satisfied and happy. I also see a very confident energy from you pile 2. You may be very confident in who you are, you may not be just beautiful but also with good personality. I see that you are nurturing and sweet when it comes to your family and partner. You make them feel comfortable and appreciated. I see that your spouse or partner feel on cloud 9 with you. They feel grateful for meeting you and keeping you in their life. I also see that you are someone who cares a lot for children. You take extra mile to help them and make them feel seen and heard. You might also have the mother archetype as a secondary function within your personality (search for the archetype if you don't know them). I see that unlike some people you chose you partners wisely and above all you stick for them through thick and thin. You are a marriage material pile two, may happiness always stay on your side.
Pile 3 - Sylvia on the beach
Past relationships with men:
Pile three I see that you are obsessed with manifesting your SP? Or you might try to manifest someone back into your life? I see you trying to manifest either an Ex or or someone whom your relationship with wasn't good for you but you thought it was so good. I pulled a confirmation card and and yes; you and this person might have distance between you two. Okay in this pile I am picking up on three energies, the first one talk about manifesting an Ex back. The second is manifesting someone with a specific traits and the third energy is for LGBTQ? I think some people in this pile kinda prefer women. I see that this pile have dated both gender or you were in a marriage with a man but it turned out to be so stressful for you, I also see that this pile might have realized that they prefer another gender? Like you might be someone who has been dating men for ages but then you crushed on a woman and now you are dating. I honestly see that scenario too, another scenario is that this pile didn't really get along with people from the opposite gender so you grow up liking women (the same gender as you) or even becoming a lesbian? I understand pile three (men are stressful). You might be a fire sign (Aries, Leo and sagittarius) or Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), or you have those placements in your chart. I see also a strong Gemini energy too so you might be someone who is bisexual or gay in general. Or someone who really doesn't care about dating any kind of gender. I don't know why this came in so strongly. But feel free to take what resonates okay pile three?.
Your subconscious beliefs about men:
Woah, the cards kept jumping like crazy. This pile’s energy is so strong. Anyways I see that you have many toxic subconscious belief about men pile three. You think that men are a pure disappointment and that you need to keep your relationship with them as professional as possible. I think people in this pile might work in a field that requires them to always interact with men and if not. You might work in a teaching field or you might be a teacher yourself. I see that you have fantasized about weddings and wearing the perfect white dress but not to a man. You might like the idea of marriage but not marriage itself. I also see that some of your parents weren't really in a good marriage (financially) so you grow up in poverty or poor. I see that men aren't really interesting in your own lens pile three. I see also that you might be afraid to get in a relationship with a man because you are scared of getting used and left out. This pile seriously need to heal from abandonment wound, ooh I get it now! You might be someone who got abandoned by their male caregiver? I see that you might never met your real father or your father have left you in the dark so you grow up poor and fatherless (I'm so sorry pile three, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings). I see also that you might fear men deep down and fear being vulnerable with them? So you chose women as romantic interest (there’s nothing wrong with that). Anyways, you might have developed a close relationship with female friends and caregiver in general. So, you grew up rejecting men and not truly liking them. The moral story for this pile is to heal your abandonment wound and forgive yourself pile three, I'm getting this image of a girl doing destructive behaviors so she can never feel the pain of abandonment inside.
How does all of that affect you currently?
I see that you guys have a very unrealistic expectations from others and your own self. Even in the same gender relationship, you might be putting your standards so high that no one really can meet them. So, people might have called you picky with whom you date. This is funny idk where it came from but I think men called you a gold-digger because you have standards pile three (I respect that sm). I see that you enter a relationship with high expectations; at first both parties (you and your partner) at some point were able to meet them but then boom, you break up because you both have different views and well, expectations. I see that this pile can literally move on in a blink of an eye. You guys have a very chaotic energy, that's what I'm feeling. Also you might be a serial dater? Or you might be someone who is generous with giving or don't give at all but I see it is coming from you pile three especially in the money matter. You might be a little immature in the heart matter. I see that you might always get disappointed with how things are in your romantic relationships. I'm picking up on someone who's on a roller-coaster emotionally. I think you guys need to reflect and on your values and learn the lessons from your previous relationships, because it is literally causing you a lot of destruction in your life. Try to get in the hermit mode for a couple of months, try solo dating, reflect on your own values and what you truly want and appreciate in a partner and one day you'll be able to see the light coming in and you'll definitely find someone who will make you happy. And if not you have yourself, and as the wizard Liz said "You have you, you’ll never leave you" and I think it is beautiful. Try to watch her videos on YT she is a gem❤. God bless you pile three, take care of yourself.
Pile 4 - Sylvia Smiling
Your past relationship with men:
Okaaayyy, so I do think this pile are my lone wolf pile. This pile’s energy is soooo detached, especially from reality. I see that you haven't really had any real or physical connection to men. You might be a virgin because I feel like you never truly got engaged sexually with men before. You might be single since birth and the only interaction you had with men was a faraway crush, you don't care about real men, you are the girl who crush on fictional characters. I see that you are in your head most of the time. You fantasize about fictional men and /or your crush. You might be someone who is too shy to date or even have a romantic connection with someone even if they are interested. This pile gives off the damsel in distress vibe. Want to be saved by her fictional man rather than real one. You have a strong personality pile 4, you might be so independent in real life but when it comes to your imagination? Holy moly, you are so in love with fictional men and you want to be saved by them. I'm hearing "A man that do not exist", And if you are not like that you might be limerent on someone, yes, you might be a virgin and never dated but you had a crush on someone and it grew into limerence. Because I see that you are detached from the situation but in your head you are living and breathing this fantasy. Perhaps if you suspect having limerence you can read about it because it is not a crush. Crushes are short termed but limerence can take years to wear off. You might be even hesitant to talk to that person and if you do I don't think much really happen between you two. You are giving me the vibe of that one movie of Audry Hepburn, the movies name was Sabrina you can watch it if you want. It literally describes you perfectly. You might be also so sophisticated and diplomatic with males in general.
Your subconscious beliefs about men:
It is not about men, more about you pile 4. As I said above, you are very independent and detached. You do your own thing and you live the way you want. I see that this pile doesn't really like the idea of committing to something, you are free spirited and genuine. You might have the wild woman archetype, so genuine and raw. I see that the beliefs you are holding into are 1) I need to be constantly working on myself. And 2) I need to be independent so no one can control me. I see a very sweet energy but bold at the same time. Maybe like pile three you might have abandonment wound, especially from your father. He were there and not there at the same time. He might be dry with you emotionally, I see that he was there physically and financially but emotionally? Alas. He might made you feel rejected or left out in the cold; so, as a coping mechanism you started maladiptive daydreaming to escape the pain. This pile need to do shadow work tbh (you can search shadow work prompt on pinterest if you want to). I see you escaping to your own little fantasy world to not feel the pain of abandonment, healing is required to be able to form strong bond with men. And above all, realistic relationships with them. This pile is not destructive at all unlike pile three; their energy was so destructive, like they are dumping out all their trauma on constant dating and other destructive methods. I see this pile is very creative, you might be INFP,ISFP, INFJ, ISFJ and very small group are ENFJ. I am seeing creative with sharp tongue. You might be honest too. I see that you are an earth sign (Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn) or have those placements, some of you may be an aquarius too.
How does all of that affect you currently?
I got you pile four, you may lie about your marital status? Like if someone approached you because they like you, I see that you'll lie to them about being taken. You might tell those men that you are in a relationship? I see you using this method so you can run away from unwanted attention. You might not like the attention of the men who approach you in general. I see that some people in this group are constantly manifesting their future spouse, and you are waiting for him to materialize in you 3D? And if not then I see you being so intuitive about who you are going to marry. This pile is witchy; You may be a witch or a tarot reader and you know who your future spouse is. I see that you are waiting for them to be in your life. This pile are so in their head, like in reality they are so detached, closed off and passive. But behind the scenes you guys are constantly manifesting your spouse or a specific person to marry you. I see some of you have already lost faith in manifesting that person and others quit that too long ago, because nothing really happen. I see that you are working on yourself (self care, workout, etc). And focusing on your own thing (studying, going to school/college, working your 9-5 shift). But mentally you are imagining many scenarios on how you'll meet them and how they are going to be like (future spouse or SP). I see that many people in this pile are young like literally under 28 years old or even under 30. Guys I see that you might get the person you want but you do really need to get out of your comfort zone. And embrace change, I see that many of you are either introverts or have passive personalities in general. You might not have many friends or a very tight social circle. You need to face reality and be more assertive of what you want in relationships pile four.
Thank you for reading, take care❤.
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Post date: 28th/Aug/2024-Wed
*Feedback is appreciated
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creganslover · 1 month
Hiiii I’m so happy your request are open but I think a Cregan x reader would be absolutely amazing and. I’m kinda thinking like cregan x reader but they both have children from previous marriages (reader has 4 sons older than 13) and they have more children! I just love the idea of so many chaotic stark children and just there children in general and how her would navigate it! (I also love the idea of the only girls being twins and they look the opposite)
the pack survives, cregan stark x targaryen! AFAB reader
wc: 1.0k
warning/s: mentions of death, suggestive themes, slight violence(?)
note: omg... yes that man is absolutely insatiable, i tweaked it a little bit, i hope you enjoy!
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
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Your marriage to Cregan had been… a wild ride, from both of you being widowed and happen to have children from previous marriages, it was quite the blessing of the Gods that both of your children had easily bonded with one another.
Your sons, older than three and ten, Aeryn and Daemion being the youngest had grown into tough boys, though will take the first chance they would get to butt heads together if given a chance, from where you could only let out an exasperated sigh at.
However, they had seemed to take upon their late father, as they were skilled in swordsmanship, often pairing together to train against other knights. 
Not only that, you have seen how these two boys would vye for the praise of their mother, after the loss of their father in which you were absolutely devastated with, they had now made themselves to look out for you despite their growing tasks and responsibilities, in which you were grateful for, knowing you had raised these children right. 
Now onto Cregan, he had also been widowed, left behind with children of his own as his first wife had died of childbirth, his now eldest Rickon Stark, and his youngest, Brandon Stark. Cregan deep within himself knew the life he had wished to live, Winterfell’s keep to be filled with sounds of his family, of his heirs and his wife by his side, having lived through many winters strong. 
And that’s when he was caught at the first sight of you trying to reign in your two boys from bickering, the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, who had been proposed to marry him, the Lord Cregan Stark of Winterfell. 
Fast forward many moons, your sons had immediately bonded with Cregan’s, them being of around the same age a huge aided factor while you had relocated to Winterfell. At first, you were intimidated by Cregan’s presence, or mostly with the thought of loving again, that you had a difficult time opening up to your new husband, and Cregan felt the same, understanding that you both had been recovering from being widowed.
Surely in time, love began to blossom with the two of you, and that soon you had borne twins. Not just any twins, they were two of only your precious girls.
There was Kyra, taking after his father’s Stark features, hair as dark as chestnut brown, eyes matching Cregan’s, with its own tenderness to them. Then was Daena, taking after your Targaryen features, hair as platinum white, eyes of purple, matching your fiery gaze. 
Cregan loved both of them, possibly more than his boys yet he would not dare to voice such a thing. To add to it, Aerys, Daemion, Rickon, and Brandon would treat their only twin sisters the best, except for the brotherly teasing here and there. 
As Kyra and Daena grew, you would be by their side, supplying their curiosity for the world. Cregan often liked to take your sons, with Aerys and Daemion considering Cregan as their second father, and his own out of Winterfell often to bond over hunting or yet taking trips to the Wall where Cregan often reminded them of the importance of responsibility and duty, telling them tales of the North. 
And when they’ve come home, Cregan had always sought you first, greeting you with a tight embrace, lips finding yours, before he would subtly lean in your ear due to his towering size, murmuring of how he’d like to properly reconnect with you later at night, sending your cheeks to fill with heat, a hand coming to smack at his furs, making him chuckle deeply, looking at you with mirth in his eyes that you’ve missed to see the days he was gone. 
Then he would scout for his twin daughters after he shrugs off his cloak and armour, his sheer strength allowing him to lift both your growing toddlers in both his arms, your girls laughing and toying with Cregan’s hair and his growing stubble. 
In turn you would be then greeted by your sons, with you tutting as you messed about them, inspecting if they had any signs of strain or hurt on them, in which they grumble and complain that they were old enough to take care of themselves, but in secret loving the affection from their mother as they boasts about what they had did in their journey. 
“Thus Rickon remains unscathed after wrangling a boar with his own bare hands!” Aeryn nonchalantly commended as he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms with a smirk as he just finished getting inspected by you. Your hands froze on Daemion’s cheeks, leading them to be squashed in your hold, Daemion only looking back and forth at his mother and siblings whilst Rickon looked close enough to smack Aeryn on the head. Aeryn then realized his mistake as his chuckle died down and his eyes widened. 
Snapping your gaze to Rickon who was now sheepishly grinning but glaring at Aeryn, you were about to open your mouth when Cregan rounded, letting your daughters finally escape from his loving grasp to bother their brothers. 
“Ah, do not worry, wife, it was just a test of strength, and the boar was a mere size of a fawn at most!” Cregan said, approaching to pat his eldest Rickon on the shoulder. You sighed in relief, letting go of Daemion after a squeeze to his shoulders. “Should have seen him wrestle with it in the mud, it was unbelievable!” Daemion added. 
You looked at Cregan who only shrugged, sporting the same boyish grin you grew to love as he approached you from behind, wrapping his arms around you in which your sons now busied themselves with their little sisters, boasting their tales and trinkets they had bought for them, their voices filling the room. 
A warmth flooded within you, relaxing back into Cregan’s chest as he took in the familiar scent of you, pressing his nose against the side of your head, making you close your eyes, hands resting atop his arms as you turned your head to smile at him. “Do they ever grow tired?” You wonder.
A chuckle, “I do not think so, my wife. Not if there’s another one to follow.” He whispered playfully, rough palm resting atop your stomach through your dress. 
Oh Gods. 
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saetoru · 1 year
contents. non curse au, girl dad! suguru ft the twins, fem! + mother! reader, satoru is megumi’s father <3, silly lil family shenanigans and suguru having a one sided rivalry w satoru bc he’s a bum like that
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suguru loves being a father—it’s just as they say it is. one day, you’re free and young and opposed to the idea of being tied down, and then the next second you’re cradling two newborns that make you want to dig to the earth’s core with your bare hands, all for the tiny humans in front of you.
he loves his two girls—they make the world go around and the stars come out and they make something as bright as the sun look dull and lifeless compared to those sweet smiles. but sometimes, he’d really appreciate being able to sleep in on a saturday morning.
“daddy, wake up,” there’s a poke to his cheek. mimiko is at least gentle with her disruptions—nanako has simply taken to jumping on the mattress by his feet.
“daddy, you promised,” nanako whines—it’s makes you stir with a soft groan, eyes opening to peer up at the two (very cute) troublemakers in your bed.
“what’d you promise this time, suguru?” you raise a brow, making him sigh as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.
“said i’d take them to the zoo,” he grunts, “but it’s not open for—” he looks at the time on his phone. seven thirty two am. “for another two and a half hours.”
“girls,” you start, “we have to wait a bit. why don’t you go back to bed—”
“we can stay here, mommy!” nanako brightens, squeezing between you and suguru to wrap her arms around your neck.
it’s cute, you suppose. it’s always endearing to be snuggled up by one of your little girls, but something tells you that you won’t be sleeping again any time soon. so you sigh, turning towards suguru and wrapping nanako in your arms as suguru does the same with mimiko and gives you an amused grin.
“i think we spoil them,” he murmurs, making you scoff.
“you spoil them. i’m the voice of reason in this household.”
“so now it’s a crime to give your kids fun family experiences that not everyone is fortunate enough to have—”
“you know what the not so generous parents out there probably have more than us? sleep.”
“that’s probably true,” he mutters, yawning before he presses a gentle kiss to mimiko’s forehead. “but at least we’re the world’s coolest parents. right girls?”
“megumi is going to the beach today,” nanako says as a matter of factly, “his dad is super cool.”
“and funny,” mimiko adds.
suguru’s face sours at that—you try your best not to giggle.
“oh so now satoru is cooler than me? he shouldn’t even be trusted near the ocean with children, they’ll drown—”
“satoru is careful,” you chuckle, “well….most of the time.”
“okay,” suguru raises a brow, looking expectantly at nanako, “but has satoru ever taken megumi ice skating? bet he hasn’t done that—”
“yeah they did,” nanako says instantly, “that’s why we asked to go.”
“well have they gone to the zoo?” he asks petulantly. she nods, and his lips curl into a pout.
suguru looks positively fumed at the idea that his best friend seems to be cooler in the eyes of his own children. you can practically watch the gears work in his head before he looks smugly over at the blonde girl curled up against your chest.
“okay, but have they ever been to a petting zoo?” he raises a brow, “there’s a difference.”
the two girls exchange a look before slowly, the excitement creeps up on their faces as they look at him in disbelief. suguru looks hopelessly smug with himself.
“you mean we can pet the animals?” nanako asks in wonder.
“yup,” suguru nods, grinning widely. you snort at his petty one sided competition.
“can i pet a giraffe?” mimiko asks, poking his arm as he nods excitedly.
“yeah, and you can feed it too.”
they squeal at that—and if suguru throws you a look of pure victory on his face, you decide not to ruin his moment just yet. because you already know it won’t last long until—
“what about whales? can we pet those too?”
“and a shark?”
“i wanna pet a tiger!”
“well, i don’t think those are really the safest options for a petting—”
“daddy, you’re so cool,” they gasp. suguru gives you a look that screams for help, but you only giggle, pecking nanako on the forehead as you send a sly wink to your husband.
“you are so cool,” you agree, “i can’t wait to see the tigers we can pet.”
he looks at you with betrayal in his eyes as the pout returns on his lips. “i trusted you,” he huffs.
“that was your fault,” you grin cheekily. it’s all a bit funny at his expense—but you also can’t help but be endeared at the way suguru does his best. for your girls. for you. for your sweet little family. so you take mercy on him, turning to your daughters as you murmur, “i think you’re a bit too young for those animals right now. let’s start small, yeah?”
they nod along, and you and suguru share an amused look. and then—
“make sure you guys tell megumi all about your trip next time you see him, okay?”
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suguru be bragging to satoru like “my kids went to the petting zoo” and satoru’s clueless ass is like “oh !! that’s so nice !! i’m taking my kids to disney !!”
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thehighladywrites · 10 months
That's your mother, but she's my wife first…
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⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ pairing: cassian x fem!reader, the inner circle mentioned
⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ summary: 18+ nsfw, mdni, light angst, stress, smut, fluff, praise, cassian channelling his inner general, reader being an absolute sweetheart who deserves everything good in life fr
⋆⭒˚。‎♡‧₊˚ amara’s note: okay so I don’t have any kids so some parts might be inaccurate but close your eyes please🤞🏽i have nothing else to say, i just wanna fuck cassian so bad rn...
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Spilled milk, mismatched socks, wailing babies.
Gods, what you wouldn’t do for a moment of peace…
Your children were usually calm, even when they were tumbling down stairs and running into tables, but during your youngest twin kids teething phase, they developed an interest for chewing on anything. Their outburst put your two other kids in distress, making it a difficult period for everyone.
In your attempt to keep your twins safe, you unintentionally became the evil mother for denying them the joy of chewing on concrete bricks, their father’s important books and a million other dangerous things that a child simply shouldn’t be putting in their mouth. 
They had been given enchanted teething toys made out of moonstone by their uncle Rhysand, but it didn’t keep them entertained at all. Safety was apparently too boring for them.
This morning was extra rough because Cassian had to leave early for a mission, leaving you with four kids. Although the two oldest ones, 7 and 12, could get themselves ready for the day, they still needed some help with some things. You were downright in a foul mood, feeling the weight of frustration and helplessness as the twins wailed and your oldest ones argued, all while trying to keep your emotions hidden.
“ You took the last pancake, Ves!” your son angrily sliced the remains of his food as your daughter, Vesna, looked at him with anger. “ I don’t care. I told you that I wanted it and you made no move for it, Therian. Blame yourself and be quicker next time.” she bickered back. They kept arguing about that stupid pancake as you picked your twins and moved to the rocking chair across the livingroom to sooth them. The kitchen seamlessly flowed into the living room, creating an open floor plan that allowed you to effortlessly monitor Vesna and Therian.
 “ It’s okay, babies. There we go, hush now.” But it didn’t work, they kept screaming and you were at your breaking point. You felt like the worst mom ever as you looked up, took a deep breath and blinked back tears. 
You almost yearned for Cassian's return, craving the comfort of your mate's presence amid the chaos. Yet, the nagging self-doubt held you back, hesitant to burden him with your distress and feeling a twinge of selfishness in the idea of asking him to cut short his mission. Despite the internal struggle, you chose to tough it out, convincing yourself that countless women had faced similar challenges, wondering if you could measure up to their strength.
Unbeknownst to you, you had been signaling Cassian with your feelings through the bond since this morning. He was already on his way back the moment your emotions reached him. He was just in time to hear your daughter’s frustration directed towards you, though none of you had felt his presence or heard him approach your home. 
“Mom, you're seriously failing at shutting them up. It's not dragon taming to handle two kids, and it shouldn't be this painful for the rest of us. How about you take them outside and only come back when you've figured out how to keep them quiet? Because none of us can stand the noise.” You looked at her stunned as a million thoughts went through your head. Guilt, anger and self-doubt took root inside you.
 Guilt, because was she right? Anger, because she shouldn’t have spoken to you like that ever. Self-doubt, because your fears and feelings about motherhood were spoken out loud. 
Your first-born had a sour expression on her face that quickly fell before she looked down at her plate sheepishly. Maybe she felt regret? But what made her react like that instantly? Your daughter could be hotheaded and it usually took her a few hours to calm down, but not this quick. 
Looking at where she removed her eyes from, you look and see your husband, body tense and wings tucked in tightly. You felt immediate comfort and wanted to throw yourself in his arms and fucking cry. How you had missed him this much in only a few hours was a mystery. 
His boots thudded heavily against the wooden floors as he approached your embarrassed daughter. “Look at me,” was all he needed to say before Vesna reluctantly lifted her head. She knew he was going to chew her out. He clenched his jaw in anger as he looked down at her. “Your lack of empathy for what your mother is dealing with right now is astounding. Instead of criticizing, maybe you should try contributing to the solution. We're a family, and we handle things together, not by throwing blame around. She's your mother, but remember that she's my mate and wife first, and no one speaks to my mate and wife with disrespect ever, not even you. Now go ahead and apologize to her.”
Your husband, ever the general.
With teary eyes, realizing the gravity of her words, Vesna approached you. “Hey, Mommy,” she mumbled, avoiding eye contact. She hadn’t called you mommy in forever. “I... I shouldn't have said those things. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so harsh. I know it must be difficult and my anger took over. I really love you and I’m sorry.”
You were a bit surprised by the apology and softened your expression before replying, “It's okay, sweetheart. We all have our moments. Just remember, we're a team, and we need to support each other.” She nodded, still feeling a bit guilty, and said, “I'll try to do better. Can I help you with anything now?”
A genuine smile appeared on your face as your replied, “That would be wonderful. Let's work together to make things smoother for everyone. How about you start clearing the table and Therian picks up things from the floor.” She nodded and gave you a small kiss on the cheek before hurriedly making her way back to the kitchen table. Cassian gave her a kiss on the head and gave her a proud smile.  “I’m glad you apologized, and it takes courage to admit when we’re wrong. Let’s move forward now. Your willingness to help now means a lot. Thank you.”
Feeling the tension ease after the daughter's apology, your mate approached you. He gently placed a hand on your shoulder and said, “Hi pretty.” You look up at him with a thankful smile. “Hi lover.” He smiles right back at you. “I know it's been a rough day. I’m so proud of you, sugar. We'll get through this together. How about you go upstairs and soak in the tub while I take care of the kids.” He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, and wrapped his arms around the twins who had gone quiet.
Feeling reassured by Cassian’s comforting words, you smiled appreciatively. You gave him a tender kiss in thanks before scurrying upstairs, grateful for the support and unity he provided for your family. 
As you undressed, a delightful surprise caught your eye – the tub was filled, and a slice of your favorite cake awaited you on a nearby table. Gratefully, you thanked The House for the steaming tub and the unexpected treat. Stepping in, you let the heat envelop you, soothing the tension in your muscles. Time seemed to blur as you relaxed in the warm water — minutes or hours, it was hard to keep track. Exhaustion gradually overcame you, and your eyelids grew heavy in the comforting embrace of the tub, a sweet slice of cake adding to the calmness of the moment.
Entering the room, Cassian caught sight of you in the steaming tub, content and relaxed. A mixture of emotions flooded over him – admiration and a deep love that seemed to intensify in this quiet scene. He approached silently, not wanting to disturb the serene moment. Gently, he reached out to stroke your hair, his eyes reflecting the warmth and affection he felt. In that intimate moment, a silent understanding passed between you, affirming that you’d never be alone ever. You’d be there for each other and it made your heart swell. 
Curiosity lit up your eyes, you looked at your husband and asked, “Hey, where are the kids? Did you take care of them?”
A gentle smile played on his lips as he revealed, “Actually, Rhysie and Feyre picked them up. They thought we could use a quiet weekend, just the two of us. They’re taking Nyx, Ves and Theiran on a trip up the mountains but the twins are staying at the River House with Elain and Lucien. She made a special herbal blend that helps their gums, it’s all very Elain.”
Surprise and gratitude washed over you as you processed the thoughtful gesture. “That's so sweet of them, you remarked, a genuine smile forming. “A quiet day sounds perfect.” You exchanged a glance, appreciating the unexpected silence given by thoughtful friends.
“So, are we entirely alone for the entire weekend?” You attempted to conceal your smile as warmth surged in your belly upon meeting Cassian's gaze, only to discover him returning a heated look. “Indeed, sweetness. It's just you and me, alone. Whatever shall we do to pass the time?” His commanding, taunting voice always managed to drive you crazy. He had a charming voice that you could listen to forever. “I can think of a few ways…” you responded as you stood up, dripping wet. You beckoned him closer  and deeply inhaled his delicious scent. He smelled like home. Throwing your arms around him, you inched your lips closer to his, teasing him, not letting him get close enough for a real kiss. He frowned and slightly pouted. “Either give a proper kiss or I walk away.” You knew it was a false threat. Cassian wouldn’t ever leave your embrace now that he was turned on. 
But you decided to keep playing with him, wanting to see how far you could push him. 
“Yeah? Walk away then, baby.” You let your arms drop to the side, slightly tilting your head with a small smirk on your lips. You felt a surge of amusement as you observed him, jaw tight and knuckles white from clenching, meeting your gaze with defiant determination. “Stop fucking with me, y/n/n. You want me as much as I do.” It was his turn to return a mocking smirk. “ What, you think I don’t know you by now? You think I don’t know that you wanna be fucked until you can’t think straight? Little one, I have years on you. I know your body better than you. I’ll ask again. Are you going to kiss me properly or do I walk away?”
 Fucking hell. He really did know your body better than you since his words only fueled you on. While you enjoyed toying with him, it was time to throw in the towel. No way where you wasting any more time. With hands behind your back you looked up at him, doe-eyed and blushy. “I’ll give you a proper kiss, Cassie. Then please take me to bed.” He smiled down at you with a devilish smile, putting his hand on your hips as he pulled towards his warm chest. “ Whatever my baby wants, she gets.” With hands on his chest, you stood on your toes as water swished around your legs, putting your plush lips against his soft ones. 
 Careful, gentle, loving, comforting and really fucking hot.
That was all you could think of when you were kissing him. One of his warm hands roamed all over your body as his other one cupped your face, deepening the kiss. Your own hands stayed in one spot, your favorite place to put your hands. His chest. You absolutely loved touching his chest. Giving his pecs a light squeeze, resting against them, anything really. Centuries of honing his body into a weapon had made him look like a god. 
You wanted to dry off and move to your bedroom, and as if Cassian had read your thoughts, he grabbed the towel without breaking the kiss and wrapped it around you. He simply picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he moved to the bedroom before gently lowering you to the soft bed. Cassian caught your wrists and pinned them, crisscrossed, above your head while he settled between your legs, once again wrapping them around his waist. You kissed until your lips swelled and pulled away for air. 
He forced your legs apart, hand cupping your pussy. You let out a gasp, quickly gripping onto his broad shoulders. Cassian carefully watched your face as it contorted into pleasure when he pushed in two fingers, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you let out a moan.
 “Feels good, wifey? ” Cassian asked as your nails dug into his shoulders, hips bucking into his touch. “ mhmm, yeah it feels really fucking good.” you managed to respond as you felt his fingers speed up, curling into that delicious spot that made you absolutely melt. 
He wanted to be inside of you, fuck you and ruin you all over the sheets. “ It would feel a lot better  if I had you wrapped around my cock.” He said, looking up at you through is his dark lashes, eyes full of mirth. You clenched around his fingers at the thought of him filling you up with his thick cock. It had been a while since you had been properly dicked down by him, since you two were busy with life and kids. Quickies, fingering and handjobs were all you had time for since the twins were born 6 months ago. As much as you loved your kids, you also loved alone time with your mate and it was rare these days. So of course you’d use this weekend to get fucked, and maybe that would help you relax a bit. Cassians cock had always been the answer for you. 
Mad? Get dicked down. Sad? Get dicked down. Happy? Get dicked down. 
No wonder you had four kids…
You nodded eagerly at him, “ Please cassie, fill me up. I really need it.” He sat up, dumped his clothes on the floor and positioned his cock infront of your throbbing core, teasing a bit. He used his fingers to scissor you open a bit. When you felt even more slick under his touch he retracted his fingers and licked your wetness off of them. He smiled at around his fingers and said, “Delicious.” Your chuckle morphed seamlessly into a moan when he slammed his lenght into you.
  He let out a sound of pleasure as he pushed himself into you. You clenched around his cock, you were so wet and slippery around him. He let out a pleased groan as he started giving you deep strokes. His pace quickened with the intention of finishing inside of you. He loved to make a mess of your pussy like that, fuck you full of his cum and watch it slowly drip out. Nothing made him more possessive than seeing his mate full of his cum. “Fuck, you’re taking me so well, sweetheart. Such a good girl for me, I’m so proud of you, my beautiful girl.” He knew the exact words you needed today and it made you feel so emotional that he knew you this well. 
You blushed. Pleasure crept up your spine once more. Your legs were starting to shake, sweat coated your back. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you as his strokes were getting faster and faster, his lips muffling your moans. He kept up the pace, feeling the pleasure flow through his body, bringing him closer to climax. He loved the feeling of you around him.
 He was addicted to it. He was addicted to you.
You moaned and arched your back as he continued to fuck into you. You wanted to cum so badly, and as if Cassian once again read your mind, he said something that almost made you cry.
“ Don’t cum yet.”
He must have caught your annoyed stare because he looked down, sporting his usual grin, and said, “I want us to come together. You can handle that, right, pretty?” Your brows furrowed as you attempted to feign annoyance, though deep down, you weren't truly bothered at all.
 No, no you weren’t mad at all because if he was adamant about you finishing together, then you’d do everything in your power to make it happen. You got closer to him, pressing a quick kiss before deepening it as your tounges swirled around each other before you pulled away, biting his lip. He let out a groan and it only spurred you on. You pulled out all your tricks, whispering downright filthy things in his ear. That seemed to do the trick. Cassian thrusted deeper and deeper, rubbing tight circles on your neglected clit before you came in unison. 
You moaned at the feeling, warmth filled you as his pace started to slow down. Your mate collapsed on top of you and your put his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair. He remembered that he hadn’t pulled out yet but before he could you stopped him. 
“ Please baby, don’t pull out yet. It feels really warm and good and I want you in me forever.”
You felt his chest rumble with a gentle laughter. “ Whatever you want, you shall have. You did so well, sugar. I love you.” You kissed his forehead and gave him praise back. “ Thank you, baby. I’m so happy you’re here, I love you too.”
Safe to say you fucked the whole weekend, everywhere, only taking breaks for food and occasional naps. But you also basked in the intimacy of having him. by yourself. Eating together, talking about everything between the heavens and earth, cracking jokes and just enjoying yourselves. 
You and your mate, together for all eternity...
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aledmorningstar · 6 months
╰┈➤Bad joke
Summary: Sukuna discovers that you don't like jokes.
Relationship: Ryomen Sukuna/Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Note: Slow updates, my editor and I are in a fight with my university administrators.
-‘๑’-: No curses au, uni au, sfw, humor, fluff, slight angst
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The terrible hours of class had finally ended, the hard day of university had culminated its torture at 6:00 pm, every day you reconsidered the idea of ​​continuing studying so intensely, did you really need that university degree?
Without a doubt, life sounded more beautiful in an imaginary world, being a pretty housewife who patiently waited for her millionaire husband who loved her madly, your days would be spent helping your children with their homework and wasting an unreasonable amount of money on any whim.
“We've told you to stop daydreaming, it could be dangerous in the wrong places.”
Your daydream was interrupted by one of your best friends, it seemed like your group of friends had already finished putting away their belongings and were just waiting for you to leave the classroom.
"Oh I'm sorry. I was just thinking about the future."
“Is the young lady returning to the fantasy of married life with her impolite boyfriend?”
"Hey! I already told you not to talk about him like that."
You argue while you put your notebooks and computer in your bag, the one that your boyfriend Ryomen had given you on your birthday even though you told him that a gift was not necessary, you knew how difficult it must be for him and how limited which can sometimes be the money in your situation; his mother, playing the role of both parents and trying to provide a bright future for her children; Yuji, his twin who had to complete several courses to be a firefighter and also study a Bachelor's degree in automotive mechanics; and finally Ryomen himself, who had to complete his university career as a lawyer.
It was definitely not easy for him or his family, unlike you, who had lived the life of a princess in an imaginary bubble impenetrable by the dangers and worries of reality. Even though you had insisted on helping that modest family financially, you were not allowed to do so. Both Sukuna and his brother and mother refused to accept a cent of your generous support, saying that they did not want to take advantage of your kindness. That did not stop them from you gave expensive gifts to each one on special dates.
Maybe that was the reason behind that expensive gift from your boyfriend, one day he simply listened to you talk about that beautiful designer bag that was going to become fashionable with its next release on sale, he used all his savings and even did part-time jobs, washing cars, walking dogs, helping model clothes for the fashion design department; just to be able to see a cute and excited smile on your face.
You are a princess, the most beautiful flower he could find and of course he would give you everything you deserve, everything that fine society has given you and he does his best so that you do not have any lack by his side, to be worthy of you.
You didn't have the heart to tell him that you had pre-ordered that bag thanks to your father's contacts and that you had to refund it, angering some merchants for their wasted efforts.
“Hurry up, if we don't get to the cafe on time the tables will be full.”
Like every Friday you and your friends got together to talk about the latest news in your lives, your social circle was mostly made up of girls just as privileged as you, it wasn't difficult for your father to convince you to choose a career in law, much less make you enter one of the most demanding and prestigious schools in the country.
Your friends are good girls, you knew that otherwise you wouldn't have even looked at them; However, like you, they were overprotected and followed the sophisticated rules that society had imposed on them. This was one of the reasons why they didn't quite agree with your relationship with Ryomen Sukuna, a commoner in their eyes.
Like any conversation between friends, the topic of boys and relationships could not be avoided, a topic in which you came to light with your strange relationship of “opposite poles”, the little princess of the city and the delinquent of the campus, it was the funniest and most interesting experiment your friends could witness.
“So… How is our little princess's relationship going? Did he already ruin it?”
Of course there were going to be silly comments that doubted that your relationship was authentic and that waited for the slightest mistake from your boyfriend to shout in your face “I told you so.”
"No and he won't, you don't know my 'kuna"
“We know his history”
Even though all your friends were always supportive and kind to you, there was one in particular who wasn't very nice. Ann, always making sarcastic comments and believing herself to be better than everyone, everyone could see how jealous she was of you; She had been the last to join the group, one day you saw her alone and decided to integrate her into your group, unfortunately you never found the words to tell her that you no longer wanted to be her friend.
“Come on, darling, everyone here remembers how your relationship began.”
“He has changed, he is not the same person he was before, he is a new man”
Sure, your relationship may not have started off in the most convincing way possible, there were lies, misunderstandings and a lot of tears, but everything is different now. Now you have the romance that any girl could dream of, one full of love, affection and trust of those you only find in books, you would have your happily ever after.
“Well, I'll wait for your bad boy to do one of his things and don't say I didn't warn you.”
"When pigs fly, that's not going to happen"
The atmosphere had frozen in an awkward silence as you and Ann exchanged a big forced smile, it was strange to see you angry because of your sweet personality, but it would certainly be even stranger not to see you jump into an argument that included Ryomen Sukuna's name, you are his unofficial lawyer.
“Okay girls, let's talk about something else…”
╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝
You love Fridays, the best day of the week, since you could sleep over at your loved one's house and enjoy the weekend in his arms watching movies, doing puzzles, taking photos, listening to music, talking, watching videos, going out on dates, ordering takeout or even when he played a video game on the console and you were left coloring the pictures he printed for you (sometimes he needs his space).
That Friday the drawings were finished quickly, so you decided to watch some videos on your tiktok while Sukuna played a video game that you only knew had weapons because of the shots. The videos on your fyp were about pranks between couples (something that amused you), some light and others a little harsh.
Sukuna was someone who was a joker, someone who liked to make jokes but couldn't stand having one played on him; However, you were a couple, a slight joke between you could be kind of funny, it wasn't even a funny joke you just wanted to see how funny his reaction could be.
A message made Sukuna's phone ring, you thought it was the perfect time for your little act as you held back your laughter.
“Who is sending you so many messages? You have another girl, right?”
Your comment surprised Sukuna slightly, you weren't the jealous type, he looked at you for a split second and that was enough for him to know you were joking, he can play too.
"Oh my love. It's not even one girl, they´re five precious ones."
The amused smile that adorned your face disappeared in an instant, being replaced by a strange grimace, your eyes glistening from the tears that formed and that you refused to let go as you bit your trembling lower lip, preventing any sound.
“Of course, pretty. I'm too cool to stay with just one girl."
Memories of your conversation with Ann invaded your mind, Sukuna Ryomen had a past that was difficult to overcome, would he really change overnight for you?
Your boyfriend quickly realized that you had started packing your belongings back into your suitcase, why would you do that? The plan was that you would stay with him like every weekend, what was happening?
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”
Well, you had dropped a little bomb that exploded in your face and you didn't like it, but you wouldn't let him notice that it dealt a low blow at least for you.
“I'm just putting my things away. “Can you pass me my colored pencils?”
Sukuna decided to make the difficult decision to abandon his game and pay attention to the seemingly serious situation that was occurring with his beloved.
He did as you asked, you put away your colored pencils next to your other belongings with quick movements and finally wrote something furiously on your phone.
“I asked you a question, what are you doing?”
“Nothing… I'm asking my driver to come pick me up.”
“Yes, now. In fact I'm writing to him 'Please hurry up, I want to leave here right now, come as fast as you can'”
You could barely feel the force and speed with which Ryomen snatched the phone from your hands, he stood up and placed your phone on one of the highest pieces of furniture in the living room.
"Why would you do that?"
"What do you mean why? Did you hear what you said earlier?”
The hardest question you can ask a man, ask him the reason why his girlfriend was angry. The pink-haired man's reasoning quickly went to work.
Connect the dots, you had gotten angry within a period of 5 minutes, you weren't angry with him before that time, all he had done was play video games. Had that bothered you? No, he had given you drawings of your favorite characters to entertain you, the only thing he had done besides playing had been answering your joke... Oh.
“Ah, that's it.”
“Is that all you will say?”
Okay, a mental note for Sukuna: You like making jokes, you don't like having them made or returned to you. You're a crybaby, but he still loves you.
“Sorry, love, it was a joke. You know that I only love you, you are the only girl who occupies my heart, the owner of my soul and my body, I would kill for you, ask me to kill for you."
Ryomen approached to hug you from behind, he placed one of his hands on your abdomen and one on your shoulder, crossing your chest to bring you closer to him, you could feel his breath on your neck and after a few seconds you shivered from the kisses he gave you. he left on your cheek.
“I didn't find your joke funny.”
“In my defense, you started joking that I had another woman. You’re a baby, jokes aren’t your thing, darling.”
The look on your face made him feel like he had just kicked a puppy, his solution was to carry you back to the couch and hold you in his arms.
"I'm sorry baby. You can choose the movie we watch today, deal?”
⋆·˚ ༘ *🔭 master list is here
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 8 months
David and Michael talk about the S2 Finale 🥺
David and Michael interview with Kim Roots from TVLine, about the S2 finale. July 2023 [S2 Promo: C: I could always rely on you. You could always rely on me. We're a team, a grou p. And we spend our existence pretending that we aren't.]
KR: What happens in the finale between Crowley and Aziraphale is something that some fans have been yearning for a very long time. Was there a pressure? Did you have any conversations about what this might mean to the fandom? Talk to me a little bit about like when you found out this was going to happen and kind of your initial reactions.
Michael: Well, you know, the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley, obviously, is something that the audience seemed to really warm to, and obviously was part of why the idea of doing Season 2, you know, seemed like it could be something that could work. Following how that relationship develops has been something that the audiences have really got into. So we've taken that very seriously, and Neil takes it incredibly seriously. So tracking that relationship and that journey between them, because obviously on the surface, they seem like they're complete opposites, and yet clearly, they're kind of compelled towards each other in all kinds of ways. And now that they've been being cut off from their respective head offices, they only have each other, so that pulls them together a lot more, doesn't it? And the stakes are always high around them, and they sort of end up going on a journey together, but it takes them to different places and where we leave things at the end..
David: Well, that's the thing. Nothing is resolved. So whatever happens and whatever you may have seen at the end of Episode 6, it's also important to note that that doesn't finish the story. In fact, that just sor of ruptures things.
Michael: It's the start of another story.
[S2 Promo: A: I forgive. C: Don't bother.]
David:I think you have to be careful if there is something delicate that has generated a lot of excitement about where will that end up. As soon as you end up there, as soon as you finish that story, it's all over, isn't it?
Michael: You don't really want to find out who killed Laura Palmer. [Twin Peaks series plot]
David: Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
KR Like you said, David, there is no resolution, which made me very happy because this feels primed for a third go-around at some point. Have you had any conversations about that with Neil about possibly keeping the story going?
David: Well, if you've seen where Series 2 ends, there's certainly the teasing of further tales to come, isn't there? Whether we will ever find out what those tales are is in the lap of... well, certainly not on our lap.
Michael: No, it's on the laps of the audience.
David: Laps of the audience, yes.
Michael: We are sitting firmly...
David: In the tops of the audience as it streaming.
Michael: Yeah, it's not in my lap. I know that. When we first started Series 1, we always knew that the story went a lot further because Neil and Terry had talked about it. They just hadn't written it down, but we knew there were ideas, and we have not yet reached the end of those ideas.
David: No.
Michael: You know, if we get a chance to tell more of this story, it does already exist.
David: Yes.
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poppy-metal · 4 months
thinking of being friends with stanford! art. getting tipsy one night and the two of you talking about sex and all that jazz. admitting that you'd never been kissed and art jokingly but not jokingly offering to be your first. your brain is too fuzzy to be shy about it so you nod your head. both of you nervous as he kisses you. art burying his head into your neck afterwards because his face is red 'cause he's wanted this for so long. all of it leading to the two of you exploring each others bodies. not even going all the way, just under the covers with big smiles. lighthearted kissing each other while touching the others body. asking silly questions you'd been too embarrassed to ask before - like how does it feel when your hard? - and admitting your insecurities so the other can kiss them away. just the both of you flushed, happy, tipsy, and giggly as you enjoy one another with no pressure.
- ☕
im gonna display behaviors im gonna act in ways.....
i love the idea of just touching eachother under the covers - skating your hand over the silky soft texture of his cock and hearing him hiss - "does it hurt?" with genuine curiosity?
his face pressed into your neck, lips skimming your skin, he seems to really like kissing you there - you think you'll have marks tomorrow - from his mouth sucking on your flesh - nawing it gently between his teeth. "n-no," you feel the hard press of him against your palm as his hips jerk a little, "just sensitive. feels good."
"how is it so silky but hard...." you sound almost awed. he feels fascinating though, you've never thought you'd get to explore like this before. you know what dicks look like in a general sense but you've never touched one - held one in your hand. felt it twitch. "it moves."
art would be embarrassed if he wasn't buzzed, as it is his cheeks are flushed, his hair is a mess and he's pressing sloppy kisses to your jaw, his own hands wandering over your body, down your back, "cause it likes you," he has a smile in his voice. you giggle and then gasp when his hands cup your ass, palms pressing and kneading at the twin globes. "god, your ass." he whines, mouthing eagerly across your chest now. "you're so soft everywhere..."
"thats good?" you ask with a hesitant lilt in your voice. you dont know what guys like, if your body is appealing, or sexy. arts fingers dig into the fat of your cheeks and he groans. "fuck yes. love touching you - love it. soft is so fucking good, soft is great."
hes hard, you tell him that with a snicker that turns into a moan as you mesh your mouths together messily - tongues licking eachother - the hard planes of his body pressing against your plushness, meeting in ways that seem to fit so perfectly it makes you gasp and whine.
you touch and move together and somehow it ends with your thigh thrown over his hip, that silky cock of his sliding between the lips of your cunt and thats a sensation you love. "wont put it in," he gasps, against your temple, "just - gonna rub it a little."
thats more than okay with you, your hands sliding over the slick sweat of his back to hug yourself to him like a koala. a sexy sweaty tips koala that humps against his sticky length until you're both spent and breathless.
you comb your hands through his blonde locks next. "art?"
"hm?" he sounds close to sleep.
"are we still gonna be friends tomorrow?"
hes quiet. you start to doze off yourself a little, but then he says, "I'll always be your friend, baby."
baby. that sounds nicer than the word friend you think, and then you drift.
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