#i get scared easily by social media.
sirompp · 6 months
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good morning tiktok terrifies me :)
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lilithgreye · 3 months
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Post Warning
Minors don’t read this post. Also remember that you should take this with a grain of salt because the whole chart matters. These are isolated placements
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Why the 5th house represents losing your virginity
Due to derivative astrology the 5th house can tell us about our virginity being lost! This is because the 6th house represents innocence while the 12th house represents losses (using the 12th as the ascendant it would be 12,1,2,3,4,5)
You can also check your 5th house ruler for more insight on this though!
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What this post refers to
This post represents losing your virginity as in having sex for the first time. This does not include losing it to cucumbers, hair brushes, toothbrushes, or any other foreign items you shove in your gushy.
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Aries 5h
It may hurt and you may bleed a lot when losing it since Mars represents pain and blood. One person I met with this placement had what’s called an imperforate hymen and had to get it surgically removed. Although there may be physical pain though it will still be very passionate sex. The person you lose it to will have deep sexual desire for you. There will be a lot of flirtatious energy and sexual tension leading up to you losing it. You will be very turned on.
Taurus 5h
It will be a very sensual and calm experience for you. You will probably lose it to someone that you’re dating at the time since Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of romance. You could lose it somewhere very fancy and high class as well. Example: Your date could take you to a fancy hotel to lose it. This can also mean that the process is very slow since Venus is associated with sloth.
Gemini 5h
There will be healthy communication between you and the person you lose it to. You could meet the person you lose it to at school or through social media. The person you lose it to may use things they learned through p*rn so make sure to tell them that’s not realistic and tell them what you really like! I also recommend not making any s*x tapes with this placement as it can indicate getting leaked more easily than the average person.
Cancer 5h
You’re going to lose it in your house or your sexual partners house. This is a good placement to have because it can mean you will feel very comfortable and the person you lose it to will be very considerate of your feelings during s*x. However, the downside to this placement is that you could possibly get pregnant after losing it so use protection and be very careful. Something random I will add is if you don’t lose it at a house you could possibly lose it near bodies of water. Example: My friend has this placement and lost his virginity at the beach.
Leo 5h
You’re going to lose it to someone that makes you feel very confident in bed. The person you’re losing it to will be very generous toward you s*xually and praise you in bed. You weirdly could lose it in a more public place with Leo in the 5th house. With this placement you will likely leave the experience feeling very happy with how it went.
Virgo 5h
Since this sign is associated with “innocence” the person you lose it to could also be a virgin like you. The person you lose it to will make sure that you’re pleased before they are. You could possibly feel scared to because you want to be really good at it due to your perfectionism in the bedroom but remember that we all start somewhere and you will improve over time.
Libra 5h
You will lose it to someone you’re in a long term relationship with at the time/someone you’re dating since Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of romance. There will be a very flirtatious vibe between you two leading up to it and you will feel a huge romantic spark. Venus is the planet of harmony which can mean losing your virginity is actually a harmonious experience for you and goes well.
Scorpio 5h
You will lose it to someone you’re very sexually attracted to. If you’re a girl and have this placement consider yourself lucky because with Scorpio being ruled by Pluto (the planet associated with org*sms) you will likely finish your first time. Most girls don’t because they have to get the hang of things and become more comfortable in order to. The s*x between you two will be very passionate and rough. At worst with Scorpio being primarily ruled by Mars it could indicate it being a painful experience.
Sagittarius 5h
You could lose your virginity while traveling. You will lose it to someone that’s pretty experienced most likely. After losing it you may find yourself wanting to explore s*x with a lot more people. Since Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter the planet of ease this could be an experience that comes at ease for you. You could possibly lose it someone you met at college/university.
Capricorn 5h
You will lose your virginity at an older age (depending on your other s*x placements). Most of the people i’ve met with this placement lose it after 20 (the average age is 17 years old). Before losing it you could have lots of fear leading up to it due to anxiety. The person you lose it to will likely be older and have more experience than you though making you more comfortable.
Aquarius 5h
You could lose your virginity to someone you’re friends with (possibly a friends with benefits situation). This could be someone you met online since Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of technology. This could be something that is spontaneous and unexpected that you randomly decide to do. Since Uranus also represents uniqueness you could lose it in an unique location or have a very unique experience when losing it.
Pisces 5h
Majority of people that i’ve met with this placement lose it in their bed since Pisces is ruled by Neptune the planet associated with sleep. The person you lose it to will be very kind and compassionate toward your sexual needs and have strong sexual fascination with you. With this placement you could lose it to your soulmate.
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Don’t copy my work @lilithgreye
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taylormarieee · 6 months
New Girl Luke Castellan
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Summary: You were the new girl in town, after stirring some problem, you catch the attention of a certain kind, hermes boy where you have your first times with...
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Fem!Aphrodite!reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Kisses, first time, angst, fluff, Percy being a sweetheart, Admiration, Mild cursing, mentions of fighting...
A/N: This was inspired by @angelicdanvers for her Breathe Deeper Social media fic. I will be having a social media thingy as well because I was so inspired by her, so creds to this lovely lady right here<33
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You were Aphrodite's demigod daughter. When your Father safely brought you to camp half-blood you were scared.
You didn't want to be here. You didn't want to leave your father, but I guess there's a first time for everything.
You were not claimed yet and was relocated to the hermes cabin. Where kids who weren't claimed go until they are claimed.
You walked in with Chiron and he explained everything to you. As you walk in Chiron claps to get everyone's attention.
All eyes were on you. You hated this kind of attention but at the same time, something inside of you loved having this attention.
"Everyone, This is our new half-blood, Please make her feel welcome." He announces to everyone in the room.
Your eyes land on a blonde haired boy with blue eyes. He smiles at you and you smile back. You notice your stuff next to the blonde kid and went over there.
Everybody's eyes traced your body and where you walked. When you finally reached your stuff you sat down and sighed.
"Hi. Are you ok?" The blonde haired boy asked you. You looked up and saw him sitting next to you and staring at you with sympathy.
"Yea, just overwhelmed you know? Didn't want to a half-blood. Didn't expect any of this." You respond.
"I know. My first time here was two weeks ago. I'm still trying to get used to it. I lost my mom trying to get here. I'm Percy. Percy Jackson." He says with a warm smile.
You offer it right back. "I'm sorry about your mom. Nice to meet you Percy Jackson."
You tell him your name and he smiles. You two talk for a while before a certain someone catches your eye.
A cute brunette boy with a scar on his right eye and cute puppy dog eyes staring at you and percy talk.
When you look at him, you both hold eye contact for a little while before Percy snaps you out of it by calling someone's name.
"Luke! Come here dude." He calls. You look away looking for who he's calling over and that's when you notice he was calling over the boy you were staring at earlier.
So his name was Luke huh? you thought. He was cute, very cute. You loved the way his curls bounced as he made his way over to the both of you.
You loved the smile that appeared on his face when he saw his friend Percy. He also threw a kind smile your way and you folded.
"Wassup Percy!" He said with excitement. He stopped in front of both of you still standing.
You stood when Percy stood up not wanting to be the only one on the floor looking like a fool.
"I wanted you to meet my new friend." He says with his cute smile. You look at him and he locks eyes with you again.
"Hey, I'm-"
"Luke. Yea, I heard." You respond with a slight chuckle. This makes him chuckle and he raises an eyebrow as if to ask what your name is.
You also tell him your name and he repeats it. You love the way it rolls off his tongue. The way he says it so easily and majestically.
"Well, come on! We'll show you around." He says smiling at you again. As your walking a girl with curls comes and pushes you in the shoulder.
"Hey what the hell is your problem!" You snap back pushing her. She immediately pushes you back and you push her right back again.
Before things could escalate any further, Luke is pulling you back by your arms while your thrashing around yelling at her.
"Shhh calm down. Calm down." He says in your ear.
"Don't tell me to calm down! Let me go Luke!" You say slightly breaking out of his hold and pushing her down to the ground.
She yells at you with hatred and rage in her eyes and you yell right back.
When Luke pulls you back your seething with wrath but you've calmed down a bit.
"Ugh! What is your problem new girl?!" Clarisse yells at you.
"My Problem!? What's your problem?!" You yell back...
"You pushed me for no reason and then laughed about it! I know you fucking saw me!"
"Don't EVER do that again or I promise you will regret it!" You say pulling Luke's hands off you.
Immediately Clarisse scoffed but she backed off raising her hands in surrender.
"Ok...ok, i'm sorry. Won't happen again." She says staring at you. You blinked a little shocked at her surrender but you nodded.
"Apology accepted. I'm sorry for pushing you back." You apologize. She wipes the tiny blood on her face from when she fell and then nodded before walking away.
All of a sudden the crowd splits when she leaves and everyone looks up and sees an Open winged Dove holding a rose in its beak above your head.
Chiron's voice is heard as he approaches. "You have been claimed. Daughter of Aphrodite. Goddess associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, and procreation." He announces.
You look at Luke and Percy and they smile at you.
You all were having Lunch at the Hall and you were sitting with Luke, Percy, and Annabeth and Grover who you just recently met.
You had gotten to know her and liked her very much same with Grover, he was funny. You guys had just finished the Capture the Flag and were now enjoying some lunch.
"And then I pushed her back and she fell. Who is she anyway?" You ask reminiscing about the fight that happened earlier.
"Her names Clarisse Daughter of Ares. She isn't exactly nice but if you get glory she respects you." Luke says.
You nod and continue eating. "You looked like you knew what you were doing. You get in fights a lot?" Luke asked curiously.
"Yea, back when I was in school. I used to get into a lot of fights. I guess I know why now." You say chuckling.
"Well Your the daughter of Aphrodite! Why would a pretty girl like you get into fights? Your not Ares daughter!" Percy exclaims.
"Cause, a lot of girls would think I was trying to steal their boyfriends or be a pick me girl. Constantly trying to ask for attention. But that was never the case. Sometimes I got partnered up with their boyfriends! Not my fault, the teacher chose not me. You explain to the four.
They all nod and you all sit in a comfortable silence. "Hey Luke?" You ask staring at him. He makes eye contact with you and raises an eyebrow.
"Yea?" He replies.
"Thanks. For holding me back. Calming me down. I probably would have punched her." You say chuckling.
"No problem. What are friends for?" He says smiling at you. You smile and your face gets hot.
"W-Were friends?" You ask looking at everybody at the table.
Everyone nods and smiles at you. Percy wraps his arm around your shoulder and you smile.
You had made friends, on your first day. You guess this camp wouldn't be so bad huh?
You made yourself comfortable at cabin 10 with everybody else. Your dressed in your silky blue pajamas that your dad had gotten you for your 15th birthday.
As you were getting tucked in you tried to go to bed. But memories of Luke kept flooding your mind.
God, why was the son of hermes flooding your mind. He was so cute though.
You were so influenced by your thoughts that you didn't even realize that you were walking towards his cabin in the middle of the night.
You found the window near his bed and peeked inside. You noticed he wasn't there.
Then you felt someone's hands on your waist turning you around and putting you down.
You quickly turn around panicking but calm down realizing it's just Luke himself.
When you fully register who it is you start panicking again. "Oh h-hi Luke."
You awkwardly stand there as the smirk on his beautiful face grows by your flustered state.
"Hey pretty girl. W-what are you doing by my window?" He asks raising an eyebrow and smirking.
"Uhhh... I was uhm.. Just l-looking for uhm... PERCY! That's right!" You say slightly proud of the lie you just told.
"Percy was claimed today. Remember? Son of Poseidon? You literally called him that earlier today." He replies his smirk getting wider as your smile slowly fades.
He laughs out loud and starts walking towards the door. "See you tomorrow pretty girl." He says chuckling. "I know deep down you were he for me." He adds with a wink.
You weren't gonna do this. You weren't gonna do this. God, you weren't gonna do this.
"Wait Luke!" You whisper yell out.
Shit. You did this.
"I uhm... can you just-ugh." You give up and walk up to him. You grab his face and smash your lips on his.
You kiss him passionately and lovingly before pulling away to get a break.
"I like you. Just wanted to tell you that. You've been running around my mind all night and I couldn't sleep until I told you. So goodbye." You say kissing him one more time before making your departure.
Luke stood there completely flabbergasted and dumbfounded. His eyes wide and mouth agape.
What the actual fuck?
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Taglist: Lemme know if you wanna be on the taglist in the comments!!!!
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
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• With Hekate(100) conjunct Moon in synastry you both pick up on eachothers shadow side easily.
• Venus can really show what we get easily, without effort. For example: Venus 8th house = Easily gets money and support from others, attracts potential sex partners, deep connections and/or admirers wherever they go. Venus 10th house = Gets peoples respect, status and promotions easily. Venus 7th house = Attracts harmony, tons of friends and contacts wherever they go, ease with relationships.
• Ive seen Saturn conjunct Midheaven in the charts of people who are very rarely approached in public. They look hard to get or like they would not like it if you came up to them. I have a friend with this aspect and shes the sweetest person but so many people thought she was a bitch before talking to her.
• Sag Placements are so graceful and clumsy at the same time.
• If you have a plutonian Moon or Venus you might feel like when you hang out with another woman one on one its wonderful and you bond but when there us a group of women the energy changes completely and they turn on you.
• If you hate someone and want to take them down, tell a fixed moon, they will help you with revenge. They will hate that person just like you do, a Leo Moon might even fight them for you. BUT dont overexaggerate or lie to a fixed moon bc they will know.
• Want to make a Virgo or 6th house dominant happy when they are going through a hard time? Ask them to help you with something, we looove to feel needed and its so important for our self esteem. Or tell them that advice they gave you really helped.
• Ive noticed that a lot of 8th house and Pluto placements when younger dont know how to protect their energy. I see these people might have a lot of friends on social media that they dont even know, watch brutal horror movies that leave them in shock, be around people they dislike, expose themselves and then they slowly realize just how many secret enemies they have and how scary this world really is and they learn to protect themselves. Especially those with hard neptune aspects.
• Also if you have 8th house placements resting in peace is not an option. People are going to keep gossiping about you, dig into your background etc even more after you pass away.
• Ive noticed that men with Sun or Mars aspecting Pluto can attract a lot of envy from other men, especially the Square and Conjunction. Or just attract a lot of attention from other men.
• If you find yourself in a situation where you are being threathened or blackmailed or a situation that just seems impossible to get out of, ask a scorpio or cancer moon, mercury/pluto person OR someone with pluto/neptune 3rd house. These people know the human mind like nobody else and know how to solve any situation. They will know exactly how to scare your enemy.
• I know someone with Medusa conjunct Ascendant and she got a Medusa tattoo on her hand🐍 She knew of the myth and lived it which is why she got the tattoo but she didnt know about astrology and that the asteroid existed, I checked her chart because I saw the tattoo. Astrology really is amazing.
• Someone with Juno(3) Square Venus might marry a woman who acts like his Venus and try to make her be more like his Juno sign, or vice versa.
• Someone with Juno Square Moon might want to marry a woman whos NOT like their mother. Unfortunately they end up with someone whos much more like their mother than they thought which creates conflicts. For example: The man was treated badly by his own father, his mother did nothing because the mother was passive and chose her marriage before her son and turned against her son. The son grows up to be attracted to extremely combative women who picks fights. Unconsciously combative women seems like the kind of woman who would never let their son be beat. He marries the combative woman because she seem to be what he wish his mother was. The woman turn out to not be that protective over family at all and neglects and picks others over him just like his mother did.
• People with Nessus(7066) conjunct personal planets are VERY sexual.
• People with Waldemath Lilith (h58) in the 2nd house gives the sexiest voice.
• Some of the kindest people Ive met had Jupiter conjunct Venus or Moon. Pure kindness. The kind of people to give just to give not to make people like them.
• Virgos and Taurus Suns either have no temper at all or a horribly hot temper.
• Someone with Venus Square Ascendant might feel a need to constantly improve their appearance. They be like ”Just wait until I get my brows done” ”Just wait until I fix my nose” ”Im just gonna lose some more weight then Im fine.” And it can go on for a lifetime.
• If you have Neptune in the 1st house marry someone who got their Moon in your 1st house, they see you for who you really are.
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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neptuneiris · 7 months
Behind the Scenes (03/05)
Behind the Negotiation
pairing: actor!aemond × fem!reader
summary: knowing that you can't run away from your past forever, you receive unexpected visitors in your home that make you fear for your son's future.
word counter: 8.9k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
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warnings: angst, arguments, language,mention of abortion.
guys, I'm sorry for the delay, with this chapter a lot of unexpected things came across my way, but I've finally finished it and I'm satisfied with the result, although I'm not sure if you will like it, it might bore you but I don't know, please let me know :)
without more to say, enjoy it and thanks for all the support, really! let me know your comments too, I'll be waiting for them!
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You still remember it all too well.
You remember how you accepted Aemond's terms, the terms of his agent Criston and also of his entire team.
You agreed to keep the existence of your child a secret, to hide in the shadows with him and to keep a low profile until it was "safe" for Aemond's career to publicly and legally acknowledge the baby.
But you only accepted to take that worry off everyone's mind and especially his, so you could run away. Although the reality is that you were scared.
At first, Aemond's power, influence and connections kept you paralyzed, thinking about the consequences of breaking all ties with him.
And running away from him, disappearing from his life along with your son was a decision you had to make carefully and then had to live with in fear and dread of being found someday.
And the fear of possible legal reprisals for your escape and uncertainty about the consequences were present at every turn. But you did everything to live in freedom, not to destroy Aemond's career and to protect your son from all public exposure.
You always knew that Aemond with his celebrity status possesses power, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in the media and social sphere, that was obvious, just like any other celebrity.
So finding you could be as easy as snapping his fingers.
So to prevent Aemond from tracking your movements so he could find you, you began by discarding any means of transportation that could be easily monitored or tracked.
You avoided airports and bus terminals, opting instead for small train stations and local buses, always paying with cash. You left King's Landing and the entire state, going all the way to the Iron Islands.
In Pike, with the money you had left over, you were able to rent a room to yourself in a cheap hotel, then quickly began to look around for a job in the surrounding area in search of an opportunity that could provide you with support and stability.
You knew you couldn't get a job like the one you had before, on a recording set with a big salary. So downtown, you found a job at a beauty salon.
Not only does she own a beauty salon, she also owns a few small apartments in the city and offered you one of them at a lower price, considering you were just starting out with a new job.
The owner of the place, Becca Waters, a kind and understanding woman, saw potential and also the need in you.
Knowing your condition and that you practically came to live in a place where you knew nothing and no one, she also offered you a place to live and be safe.
Mrs. Waters became a fundamental support for you, providing guidance, encouragement, flexibility and stability in your financial need and also in your pregnancy.
With her you felt completely safe and supported at a time when you needed it most. After all you had gone through to get here, leaving your life behind and pregnant, she was your reward.
But still nothing was easy after that.
Your pregnancy process was a roller coaster of emotions, challenges and moments. Facing motherhood as a single mom was an overwhelming reality.
On the one hand, even though the baby was unplanned, you were excited to know that you would soon be holding him in your arms, but on the other hand, you also felt fear and anxiety at the responsibility of raising a child alone with no knowledge of anything really.
The first few months of pregnancy were especially difficult.
You experienced pain, symptoms and discomforts that you had no idea about and had to endure, as well as a slight state of depression and anxiety about dealing with all of this on your own.
But through it all, Becca was your pillar of support at all times, who became your confidant, giving you comfort and encouragement in difficult times. And she was the one who helped you throughout your pregnancy and also the one who was by your side when you gave birth to your child.
And even though you didn't want to, being in a very vulnerable state, you couldn't help but feel lonely and miss Aemond, just as you missed everything you once used to be.
But remembering everything that happened the last time you saw him, even though the feeling disappeared, you also couldn't help but start crying.
And to protect yourself emotionally, you decided to stay away from news about Aemond.
You avoided social media and any content that could remind you of your past with him. Your determination was great to be able to raise your child alone, without relying on Aemond's presence or acknowledgement.
And the day your son finally came into the world, it was a moment of joy and wonder that could not be compared to any other moment in life, filling your heart with indescribable happiness.
However, the birth also brought with it a torrent of new worries and challenges.
Childbirth was exhausting and intense. Nothing you've ever experienced before. And in the days that followed, the constant care of the newborn, the lack of sleep and the adjustment to your new life were heavy challenges that pushed you to the limit many times.
But in spite of that, every smile, every little gesture of your son filled your world with immense love, as well as Mrs. James' help in guiding you in practical aspects of motherhood increased your unwavering determination to go forward for him, being your driving force.
Although also the arrival of your son into the world increased your fear in you.
The fear that Aemond and his team might find you and take your son away from you was a constant worry. But despite this, there were moments of uncertainty when you thought too much about it.
You wondered why Aemond would bother looking for you and your child. Clearly the baby was a risk to his career and he didn't even want to support you from the start, only accepting it later because that was your decision.
You knew he wouldn't but you were still afraid.
Would Aemond really seek you out after he initially supported the idea of abortion?
Would he really seek you out after he supported your decision even if he didn't want to but in the shadows, avoiding any public acknowledgement and hiding you and your son?
But just when you had gotten used to it, had found stability with a job and a permanent refuge in the beauty salon with Mrs. Waters, a few months after the birth of your son, Mrs. Waters was forced to close the salon due to unforeseen financial problems.
That place that had been your refuge and where you found support and friendship, suddenly disappeared, leaving you with a feeling of emptiness, uncertainty and nostalgia.
Mrs. Waters would have to leave town and although you didn't want to, you also decided to do the same, convinced that you would be safer with your son in a place you knew well, avoiding at all times the places you used to go with Aemond and where you knew you could meet him.
So after looking for a job, with your resume and previous excellent references, in the city where the entire film industry resides, you got a job as a makeup artist in a different recording studio than the one you had worked in before.
There was no way you could meet Aemond, or so you thought.
Previously the TV network was BBC, now it was HBO for whom you would be working on a new TV show, so you really had nothing to worry about, especially since the pay was very good and you could survive just fine on that for you and your child.
But right on your first day of work, life decided to surprise you.
And now you are here, in your new apartment where you were planning to live temporarily until you find a better one, but now with you running away on your first day it means definite dismissal for sure, so you have no idea how you are going to pay for a better one or how you are going to pay for this one next month so you won't get kicked to the street.
But you can't even think straight as you are still shaking, your emotions are running high, you have no idea what really happened, it was all very fast between talking and remembering the past.
And the only thing that gives you some peace in the midst of your own thoughts and everything you're feeling, are the sounds of Aenar's toys and babbling in the living room, playing on the floor and touching everything he can.
His silver hair shines from the sunlight coming through the windows and he giggles as his colorful toys bump into each other, showing a world of happiness and innocent curiosity, completely filling your heart but you still feel that sharp ache in your chest.
You move towards him with a soft sigh and take a seat next to him, keeping a small genuine smile on your lips but with some melancholy, when he starts showing you all his toys and asks you between babbling and giggles to play with him.
You move the toys back and forth, ask him questions in honeyed tones and he laughs, making you laugh too, but you continue with the tumult of your overwhelming thoughts.
You think about what you will do now, that you should probably look for a job at a new beauty salon, which is what you should have done as soon as you got back, find a subtle job instead of going back to what you were doing before so suddenly.
However the paycheck was what made you take it and you need it too much, so you'll have to look for other alternatives.
You find yourself thinking about it when you suddenly hear the sound of the door completely interrupting your thoughts and also your game with Aenar.
You look towards the entrance, confused, with a strange feeling growing in your chest, immediately giving you a bad feeling. For who would come knocking at your door?
No one knows you're back… except Aemond.
Oh Gods.
The thought makes you paralyzed, feeling your whole body tense up, your heart starts beating fast and fear invades you completely.
Could it be him?
You wonder, struggling to stay calm, even though there's no way he could have figured out so quickly where you're living.
Or has he?
The thought leaves you completely paralyzed, with a mixture of anxiety and fear flowing inside you.
The knocking on the door becomes more insistent and you carefully get up and leave Aenar still amused in his game on the floor, then walk towards the door feeling a lump in your throat and a growing uneasiness.
You reach for the doorknob and as you turn it to open, your heart skips a beat when you find Aemond's agent standing in front of you, Criston Cole.
A trace of surprise and confusion flashes across your face, feeling your body tighten further and the fear linger.
How did he know where you were?
What is he doing here?
Criston returns you a serious but understanding look, beginning to feel the tension between the two of you, while you feel the fear invade you again because of the old memories and being him one of the main reasons why you decided to run away.
His mere presence triggers a series of emotions that take you by surprise. With no trace of Aemond or anyone else around you, yet your mind races.
Nervousness invades every fiber of your being, while your heart beats faster and stronger than usual. A sense of discomfort invades you and you also feel alert, afraid, unable to control it.
He pronounces your name with a slight nod. His tone tries to be reassuring, but confusion and bewilderment wash over you.
You say nothing for a few seconds, feeling unable to speak and unable to formulate any words, barely trying at that moment to process the situation. Anxiety creeps through your chest, as he gives you and respects your space, aware of your unease.
"I understand that you're surprised by my visit and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I really don't. But we need to talk."
The confusion inside you increases and so does the fear, to watch him completely bewildered and on the verge of collapse.
You try to ask with your voice cracking in the midst of all your emotions, but he interrupts you in response, knowing what you're going to ask.
"My team," he lets you know, "They handled finding you."
He tells you seriously and with that touch of professionalism in his tone, but his response only surprises and puzzles you more, to which Criston notices.
You feel the questions pile up in your head, but you barely manage to articulate a word, besides all the emotions you're feeling, fear mainly.
"Aemond informed us of your return," he adds, "After he didn't find you again, he asked us to look for you," he tells you calmly, trying to make his eyes convey an attempt at empathy for you.
But you don't believe that one bit. Not after what happened the last time you saw him and his entire team.
You feel a surge of vulnerability wash over you, leaving you suddenly helpless before him. You don't have the slightest idea how you will be able to cope with that situation, how to get away from them again now that they have found you, especially him.
"What have you really come for?" you question, not hiding your distrust.
Criston keeps a serene attitude and look, seeking to soften the tension, but notices your demeanor and posture, of fear and alertness altogether.
"Just to talk," he tells you softly, "Believe me the last thing I want and Aemond too is to cause you trouble. We just want to talk and nothing more," he explains, but you are having none of it, "He was going to come himself, but he had to film some scenes. But he'll come as soon as he can."
This just adds more weight to the anxiety and nervousness you're already feeling, so it triggers an alert in you that makes you feel completely freaked out, definitely not wanting that.
"No," you try to retort with a firm tone, but your vulnerability shows in your trembling voice and nervous expression, "Please leave."
Concern flashes across Criston's face for an instant, unconsciously taking a step towards you.
"Please," you plead, "Just go away and don't come back, none of you, not even him."
"Y/N, please, just let me—
"No," you interrupt him again, more desperate than before, "Please," you repeat.
The atmosphere is filled with a silence full of tension, where your words, full of desperation and longing to get away from the situation, float in the air, also asking for urgent distance and tranquility.
And Criston lets out a sigh.
"Just a few minutes," he says, struggling to find some control in the situation, "Just-let us talk to you, Aemond and me."
"If it's to talk about his career and his son, I'm not interested," you say firmly, but your trembling voice gives away your emotions, "We've talked about that before," you say with some bitterness and sadness in your tone, "You can go now. I don't plan on staying anyway."
Without having let go of the door frame, you try to close the door, ending all of this, but he instantly speaks again, stopping you.
"Please Y/N, Aemond is very worried and wishes to speak with you," he insists, "He hasn't been the same since you left, you should know that," he adds in a persuasive tone.
You let out a snort in disbelief and with some bitterness, as you look away from his gaze for a moment.
"I highly doubt that."
The sound of Aenar's innocent laughter while playing with his toys catches Criston's attention, stopping his words, who unconsciously catches a glimpse inside your living room where Aenar is playing and also catches a glimpse of his small figure on the floor with his characteristic silver hair.
This immediately triggers your concern and increases your protective mode and you quickly close the door a little behind you, blocking his view, while your heart is pounding.
This is what you meant.
You don't want anything bad to happen to your son, in any way. And you will do anything to protect him, because they decided everything except to protect you and now you will not allow them to intervene in your son's life now that they know he is here.
"Y/N," he calls to you in a softer voice, watching you completely intently and desperately asking you with his gaze for a moment.
"Please don't," you plead with him, at the point of collapsing from worry and frustration.
Again you enter the apartment as you hold the door frame tightly to close it, but Criston stops you again.
"You must understand the gravity of what happened," he tells you seriously, "Your disappearance put Aemond's relationship with his son in danger. There are legal implications for you to consider, such as custody," he says and your heart flips, "I can explain all of this to you and resolve it in the best way possible," he looks at you in insistence, "But only if you let me in so we can talk."
And there they are again. Your greatest fears.
The word 'custody' repeats over and over in your mind, like a loop, causing you greater fear, worry and pressure than before, the gravity of the situation and the looming legal implications being clear.
The air weighs on you, heavy with uncertainty and intense tension, as well as you are overcome with the urge to cry because of your doubts and fear.
"Wh-what-" you try to speak in a whisper, your voice cracking and your heart in a fist, "Custody?" you repeat under your breath.
Criston watches you with some pity and understanding, then lowers his gaze, lets out a sigh and watches you with that sympathy and also a little expectant.
"May I come in?"
Try one more time and maybe it's because of his words that your mind is in a state of alarm that makes you recognize that you can't run away again or else things will get worse. And you don't want that. You are afraid for yourself and Aenar.
Feeling more of your anxiety, you finally allow him to enter and Criston at this thanks you with his gaze and moves carefully, noticing your visible discomfort and also your fear, not wanting to alter you any further with absolutely nothing.
And once the door closes, you immediately stand in front of Aenar with a weak and vulnerable posture trying to look strong, this catching his attention and feeling something warm in his chest at the presence of the little one.
But he also knows exactly why you react this way and he doesn't blame you for it, much less does it bother him because he understands you.
"I'm very honest when I tell you that we really don't want to create more trouble, Y/N," he tells you in a soft tone, "Aemond…. he really is very worried. And since he is my client, we don't want any legal implications or further conflict."
You try to keep your composure, but your thoughts are a storm of confused emotions. The very idea of dealing with legal issues, especially regarding your son, is overwhelming to you.
"Why now?" you ask in a trembling voice, your gaze searching for answers, "All this… why?"
Criston exhales slowly, trying to find the right words.
"The situation has changed, basically since you left. Aemond was wrong at the time and I admit I was too, so now he's willing to acknowledge your son, in every way possible."
You can't help but look incredulous and bitter once again.
"It's already too late for that, don't you think?" you ask him in a bitter tone.
Criston looks down for a moment, his expression one of compassion and understanding towards your perspective.
"Yes, we know," he nods to you, "And that's why we're here, trying to keep all this from becoming a bigger problem. But please Y/N, understand that Aemond doesn't want to hurt you or cause you any more trouble than he's already caused."
"And until now you say that?" you inquire sad, worried, fearful and indignant, "That's what I needed to hear before when I was scared, because I was scared too Criston, not just Aemond," you let him know, with tears in the corners of your eyes, "But you treated me like a problem you needed to get rid of, you and him."
Criston listens to your words with a gesture in his eyes that reflects the heaviness of the situation, just as you see shame and regret wash over him, suddenly seeing him as the vulnerable one and you as the strong one compared to years ago, the roles reversing for a moment.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. We didn't mean to make you feel that way," he says in a regret-laden tone.
"Sorry doesn't change anything," you say, fighting back tears.
You watch him with your hard stare and sad eyes, feeling several tears fall down your cheeks, making you remember once again.
And once again without letting it drown you, you force yourself to push those memories away, all your moments of uncertainty, fear and pain, to brush your tears away from your cheeks with a strong look of determination.
"I will accept any legal consequences if there are any," you say suddenly, trying to keep your composure, "If there are legal actions, I'm willing to face them. But for now, I just want to be left alone, please."
"Y/N," Criston calls you cautiously, "I just want you to understand that we want to do the right thing now. And what we want to do is find a solution that works for you and for Aemond regarding him," he points to Aenar with his gaze behind you, "Something that guarantees your privacy while not damaging his public image."
Then all the effect of his words completely disappear on you.
You feel a surge of frustration, annoyance and despair at the realization that still the main concern remains Aemond's career.
"Do you still think about his career?" you ask with disappointment and resentment in your tone.
"The most important thing here is my son," you stand strong, "But he seems to be only one aspect of Aemond's image, doesn't he?"
"Even after all this time that has passed, Aemond's career is more successful and even promising than before, that is something that neither you, him nor I should forget, let alone ignore," he tries to explain to you, "Aemond wants to fix things but his career must also be contemplated, please understand this Y/N."
"Then why do you say you want to do things the right way now if that is not true?" you inquire.
"Yes it is true," he clarifies, "But within all of this, his career must still be contemplated."
You shake your head in disbelief, unable to believe it.
"You say a lot of things Criston, but it's clear what matters most to you," you say with no emotion in your voice, "And sure, why shouldn't his career matter most to you? After all… you don't know what it's like to get pregnant, without support and go through the whole process by yourself, and then raise a child on your own, without the support of his father."
"I don't mean to—
"Please go away," you plead once more and this again alerts him.
He tries to speak but the sound of the door echoes throughout the living room, drawing your full attention and Criston's as well.
The atmosphere again becomes heavier than before, as well as all your confidence disappears, already knowing who it is and you are confirmed by the fact that the person behind the door knocks more insistently, sounding desperate.
With your fearful gaze and your whole body tense, you quickly move towards Aenar, who is still playing completely oblivious to everything that is happening on the floor and you take him in your arms with haste but also care.
You hold him tightly against your body, as a way to protect him from everything outside and also from all people especially while trying to contain all your emotions.
And Criston, who also knows who it is, rushes to the door to open it.
And there on the doorway, the figure of Aemond comes into view, with all the desperation and longing in his gaze, the worry and anguish too, as you muster the courage to be able to look him in the eye again, holding Aenar a little more firmly against your chest.
But your son's body is visible to the eye and that's what makes Aemond completely paralyzed at the sight of you with his son in your arms.
Surprise is completely reflected in his whole look, immediately followed by a bunch of emotions that start to pile up in his whole being and want to come out, as he feels his whole body tense up and a feeling in his stomach invades him.
This leaves him and you in a state of momentary restlessness, where time seems to stand still and the silence is too loud. You, with your gaze fixed on him, try to keep your composure with a mixture of fear, insecurity and some determination to protect your son at all costs.
It didn't take long for Aemond's surprise to turn into a moment of awe and a surge of overwhelming emotions. The mere sight of you with his child in your arms triggers disbelief, pent-up longing and a feeling of suppressed joy.
"Y/N," Aemond calls your name in a whisper, his tone laden with surprise and visible regret, where his gaze can't tear away from you and Aenar.
You say nothing, just watch him back without saying anything, with all your emotions reflecting in your eyes.
The moment is just the three of you, so Criston turns away completely, not interfering and saying absolutely nothing, while you continue in your protective mode and Aemond is still processing this whole moment.
With excitement clashing against the surprise in his eyes, he tries to process the reality of having his son before him for the first time.
He searches for the right words to speak, but his stuck mind won't let him, nor will the lump in his throat and stomach as he continues to watch the scene in front of him; you with his son in your arms.
He tries to say something, but his lips barely half open and the words won't come out, feeling his heart beating too fast and hard.
And you with your gaze full of expectation, fear and caution, Aemond finally looks at you again, aware of all the emotional charge you feel, just like him, as well as your fear and distrust after everything that happened.
"C-can… can I come closer?"
He finally asks cautiously, his voice with a tone of longing and nervousness barely contained.
You hesitate at that moment.
Feeling the weight of the situation and the emotions that are triggered at that moment, despite everything, you feel very vulnerable and you also feel his vulnerability, also that longing to touch Aenar and hold him.
And despite the way he acted with you almost two years ago and also the way Criston and all his team treated you, you don't feel able to be as cruel as they were with you back then.
You don't want to be like them and also aware that this day would come sooner or later, you watch Aenar for a moment, leave a soft kiss on his forehead and again watch Aemond, then nod in his direction with a barely perceptible gesture.
You allow Aemond your closeness and he with extreme care begins to approach you slowly, as if fearing that a sudden movement could fade the magical and longing moment.
Aemond's heartbeat echoes in your ears as he finally stands in front of your son.
Aenar, completely oblivious to everything, senses the nearness of someone else and raises his curious gaze to Aemond, watching him with those bright blue eyes.
And upon seeing that man with the same hair color as his own, his eyes light up with a gleam of curiosity, lightly waving his arms and also his body.
With his teary eye, he watches you for a moment, to again focus on Aenar and with a mixture of excitement and awe, he extends one of his trembling hands towards his small, delicate face.
And when the touch of his fingers against his soft skin of his cheek makes itself felt, Aemond feels an unfamiliar sensation invade him completely.
A sad but honest smile full of melancholy appears on his lips as he gently and carefully traces his face, running his hand up to his silver hair, gazing intently into those blue eyes just like his own as Aenar watches him with that playful innocence but also just as curious as his own.
You, unsure of exactly what to feel or think, watch as he carefully reaches out both arms and begins to hold his body, feeling the warmth and weight of his small body now resting in his arms.
That unfamiliar, overwhelming feeling from before comes over him even more strongly as he holds his son for the first time, when Aenar lifts one of his hands and touches his left cheek, where his scar is.
The emotion makes his breath hitch as he struggles to hold back the tears of restrained happiness that will come at any moment.
It was a moment he had imagined countless times, but had never believed possible until this instant.
Aenar, captivated by the newness and warmth in the arms of Aemond, his father, laughs innocently, his eyes dazzling a happiness as he notices the familiarity in that new face above him. And at his gesture, Aemond lets out a choked laugh, completely captivated by him.
And unable to contain himself any longer, the first sob escapes his throat and the tears fall, instantly pulling his son's face to his chest, embracing him with gentleness and that security that makes him feel so vulnerable when Aenar settles perfectly in his arms.
Guilt, sadness, joy, emotion, everything invades him in that moment.
And he lets out more tears for the comfort that Aenar gives him in his arms, that feeling of protection and even… love, that makes him feel even more vulnerable.
And you are still there, close to them but giving Aemond his space, watching everything attentively with your heart in a fist and feeling sensations you had not felt before at the scene, with tears also wanting to slide down your cheeks.
After a few more seconds, Aemond slurps his nose and looks over Aenar's small shoulder at you with all the vulnerability in his gaze.
"I-I know I don't deserve this," he says with his voice cracking, trying to control himself but he can't.
And he is about to say something else but you watching his expression, a mixture of regret and deep sadness, you step forward to speak.
"In spite of everything, he deserves to know his father," you murmur with your trembling voice and teary eyes, "Aenar deserves this," you assure him, accepting it as you watch the scene of the two of them.
Aemond nods, unable to articulate words, still feeling the lump in his throat, his face reflecting pain, regret and a sadness you have never seen in him before, as his tears continue to fall as he embraces his son.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, unable to contain the emotion, turning to him and to you. "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know how to face it…how to be there."
Silence again settles throughout the apartment, only being filled by Aemond's soft crying, as you silently weep and continue to watch the two of them.
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A few minutes have passed since Aemond and your son met for the first time.
Aenar laughs with delight as Aemond plays with him with one of his toys. They are both immersed in a little world of fun where it's just the two of them, surrounded by Legos blocks, small plastic cars and puppets.
You watch everything, or almost everything, without interfering and giving them both their space, watching your son enjoy a special moment that on another occasion, could have been a daily routine with a different life.
Criston doesn't say or do anything either, he at all times stands in the corner watching the whole interaction, letting Aemond have his moment with his son, genuinely feeling happy for him.
And even though the scene makes you feel warm in your heart, being a scene you longed for before, you still still feel insecure, afraid and overwhelmed by this whole situation.
This doesn't really change anything. You have only given Aemond the opportunity to meet his son because your son deserves it, nothing more.
Inside you are still just as scared and in expectation that at any moment this whole 'beautiful' moment will fade away. And that's exactly what happens when you hear Criston's voice all over the living room.
"I wouldn't want to ruin the moment, truly," he says seriously and honestly, "But it's important that we talk about all this so we can resolve it properly."
This immediately catches your attention and also Aemond's, with whom you exchange a quick glance, again feeling your whole body tremble and out of the same nervousness you are overcome with the impulse to take your son in your arms to feel safe.
"It is important that we talk about the child, about what you are going to do now," he turns to Aemond, "Custody is important and all that goes with it."
"I don't understand why you keep talking about custody," you look at him nervously and annoyed, "I alone have cared for and raised Aenar all this time."
"I know this is complicated and sudden, Y/N," Criston tells you, "But we need to approach this whole thing responsibly."
"Responsibility?" you repeat incredulously, "What responsibility are you exactly talking about?"
"Y/N," Aemond immediately interjects, "Listen to me, please," he gets up from the floor leaving Aenar playing alone and walks towards you, "It's not my intention to take our son away from you, truly. But we must make sure we have legal rights to be in his life," he explains to you, "You were the one who ran away, who disappeared without a word. I didn't know what happened to you."
You look at him uncomprehendingly, with your hurt and desperate gaze.
"You talk about custody and rights when in the beginning that was the last thing on your mind, Aemond," you observe him incredulously, "And you keep reproaching me for running away when you know perfectly well that I did it so I could live and so I wouldn't ruin your career, which was all you were thinking about."
Regret again invades Aemond's face, as the atmosphere becomes denser, full of mixed emotions where fear and anger resurfaces with everything else.
Any trace of calm and peace, has ceased to exist, only being perceived by Aenar, who continues oblivious and innocent to all this in his games.
"I-I…" Aemond tries to speak, "I'm sorry for everything, Y/N. But back then...
His sentence hangs in suspense, not knowing what else to say, trying to find the right words without wanting to generate more tension, but that's what he involuntarily does.
"Back then," you repeat, your emotions running high, "Back then you were too busy taking care of your public image, supporting the idea of an abortion without consulting me, then supporting the idea of hiding me and my child as if we were a problem, which in fact we were and as if it was my only option, leaving me with no alternatives," you express with frustration and pain marked in every word.
Regret remains in Aemond's facial expressions, looking visibly affected by your words, grief-stricken and with a regret throughout his body that affirms to him that you are absolutely right, each word being like a dagger straight to his heart.
"Y-you don't know how much I regret and blame myself for all of that, Y/N," he tells you with vulnerability in his tone, "And I know I don't deserve it, any of this, not even that you allowed me to meet him and that I'm now in the same place as him," he says with regret, "But I want to find a solution that works for both of us," he whispers sadly.
The room is again consumed by silence, except for the sound of Aenar's toy movements, which is what catches Aemond's attention for a moment to smile a little more melancholy.
The situation becomes increasingly complex as your emotions continue to run high between anger and sadness, with the memory of past times still latent, but also with the uncertainty of the future.
And Criston, trying to keep calm, intervenes again.
"I understand that you both have different perspectives on what happened. But now we need to think about the future, of your son," he says seriously, "It's not just about custody, it's about finding a way to strike a fair balance, but… thinking about your career too, Aemond."
You let out a disbelieving, ironic snort again, shaking your head.
"His career,'" you repeat with a bitter tone, your voice a mixture of sarcasm and disappointment.
Aemond, watching you sadly and remorsefully, speaks in a calm but regret-laden voice.
"I don't want you to look at this that way, Y/N—
"That's just the way I see it," you interrupt him, serious and sad, "This is exactly why I left. This is why when I saw you again, I decided to run away again," you say hurt, "Now that you've met him, you want to be in his life, but you still prefer to hide us. This kind of life is the one you wanted to give us at the beginning and now you still do too."
Your revelations Aemond had already heard, but at that moment, again that sharp pain in his chest becomes present, as well as guilt, remorse and regret at seeing your sad face with such honest words.
"All I want is to come to an agreement, Y/N, please—
"You're not going to hide us," you interrupt him firmly.
"Aemond," he calls him seriously.
"No, that's not my intention—
He insists desperately but Criston intervenes.
"Don't," Aemond interrupts him instantly, turning serious and with an annoyed expression towards him, "We can't hide the truth anymore, Criston. Things must change."
"Look, I understand that this is difficult for you," he begins in a serious and cautious tone, "But still, we must consider the consequences. There's a lot at stake here, your career," he reminds him, "You have numerous job offers. Your show on HBO is the most famous show on the platform and the most watched show on television so far. How do you think people are going to react when they find out about your son?"
The room sinks into another silence, as you watch him with your hard, sad face, frustration, annoyance and irritation inside you, watching as Criston continues to treat your son like he's a problem.
And it hurts you.
Because Aemond doesn't even say anything.
"We can find a way to handle all this without putting at risk everything you have achieved, Aemond. And if you get a share of the custody, your son will be under your protection without harming your image," he proposes with an insistent look, seeking his approval.
You look away again, completely incredulous and with helplessness all over you.
It's not Aemond, it's Criston.
It is he who continues to manipulate Aemond to prioritize his career over his son, so that everything revolves around public image and fame, diverting attention from the well-being of your son.
And what can you really do there?
He is his agent, the person who has positioned him where he is now, making him famous, relevant, telling him what roles to take in movies or TV shows that are going to ensure one more success to his career.
"If you listen to him…" you begin to say in his direction with a trembling but firm tone, "If you do what he tells you, I swear I won't care what I have to do, even go into debt to get a good lawyer," you warn, "I will fight for the custody of Aenar and when I get it, I assure you that you will never see him again, ever."
Your words slip from your lips with a determination that completely surprises Aemond, surprise and concern visible on his face, watching you hurt for a moment, his mind a complete mess.
But it is not he who speaks, but Criston who takes the floor once more.
"If that's what you want, Y/N… that's fine," he tells you seriously, his gaze cold and calculating. "But let me warn you, we're trying to come to an agreement—
"The two of you or you specifically?" you snap at him.
"That doesn't matter, Aemond is my client and my job is to secure and protect his career," he tells you seriously, "And if you'd rather take this to fighting for full custody of Aenar, then so be it," he nods at you, "But I assure you, you're going to end up losing."
"That's enough."
Finally, Aemond's voice rises from where he stands, aimed directly at Criston, with a serious, hard stare that reveals a newfound determination.
"We are talking about our son, an issue that concerns her and me, this has nothing to do with you," he declares, his tone firm and his posture defiant.
"Your career has to do with me," he clarifies to her also serious, "You must think about what you are going to sacrifice. Your future, your career, the opportunities that await you-
"I said that's enough," he spits back at her, serious and annoyed, watching him with a hard stare, taking Criston by surprise.
And before he can say anything else, there is another knock on the door, drawing your full attention and making you feel completely alert, especially when Criston is the one who again goes to open the door, as if he knows exactly who it is.
And as you open the door, just like that day, Aemond's publicist, an assistant and the PR people enter your apartment.
Surprise flashes all over your face, watching with your eyes wide open the unexpected arrival of that group of people, whose intentions are not good.
"Thank you for coming," Criston tells them as he closes the door behind him.
"Of course."
Their eyes flick to you for a moment and then focus on Aenar, watching them back with curiosity in their gaze, while you feel confusion and fear completely take over you.
Despair, fear, your future, Aenar, everything mixes together in a horrible way that makes you want to vomit, letting out a couple of tears to quickly turn to your son and hold him in your arm, turning your back to them and starting to cry silently.
And Aemond, seeing your reaction, equally as surprised as you, quickly turns to Criston, his gaze full of confusion and annoyance.
"What is this? Why have you called them?" he inquires with his voice full of restrained anger.
And Criston, unabashed and uncaring of his actions, responds with a calm but calculated determination.
"We are not going before a jury to settle this, Aemond, it will be a waste of time and she will cause us more trouble," he says regardless, "This is necessary for your career, to address this whole issue strategically to protect your image, whether she likes it or not."
Aemond's expression transforms to one of frustration and helplessness.
But before he can intervene, his entire team begins to act.
"We need to establish an immediate plan, now," Criston says.
"Will the strategy be to minimize the impact on the media?" asks the publicity man.
"No, I want it hidden," Criston clarifies, "The approach must be careful and calculated. The priority is Aemond's reputation and career."
"I suggest we limit the exposure of Y/N and the child in public."
"We could create an alternative narrative to deflect attention by highlighting Aemond's professional accomplishments and minimizing the focus on his personal life."
"This must be handled with discretion. We cannot allow this situation to interfere with Aemond's career opportunities," Criston says firmly.
And so your entire living room fills with the sound of all those voices, each voice contributing ideas to control the situation, the problems, Aenar and you.
The tension intensifies, as everyone meticulously plans how to run the public narrative, completely ignoring Aemond's and your personal needs and concerns.
Tears slip down your cheeks silently as you hug Aenar tightly to your chest. This instantly catches the attention of Aemond, who steps worriedly towards you, placing his hand on your shoulder, positioning himself in front of you, but you abruptly pull away from him, watching him with an expression of pain and anguish amidst your tears and suffering face.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you allowing this?" you ask in your broken, desperate voice.
"No, I swear to you I had no idea that he—
"I left, Aemond," you remind him with your voice cracking, "I left to save your career. And everything was fine, with you and me, our lives," you sob, "Why did you ask Criston to find me? Why do you care and insist on saying you want to be in our lives, when your career is still the most important thing?"
Pain and confusion echo in your words, lingering in the mind of Aemond, who in his gaze reflects a mixture of guilt, bewilderment, pain and sadness.
But everything hurts him more the moment you turn away from him, with a defeated gesture, turning your back to him and your whole body trembling in fear, Aenar in your arms being what gives you strength not to fall apart at that moment.
"We can prepare official statements to control the leaking information to minimize any negative impact on his public reputation."
"Rest assured that we need to maintain full control of this situation. We cannot allow any details to slip out," Aemond hears Criston's voice.
And that's when something snaps inside him.
Every repressed feeling bursts out in a whirlwind of emotions that were fighting to get out, your worry, the anger at himself and the guilt that invades him.
Everything explodes and ignites into a fury that he can no longer contain, seeing your state, causing him anger and feeling completely guilty.
Because everything is in fact his fault.
So without waiting a second longer, he walks to the center of the living room and with a hard, serious, completely annoyed look on his face and with his jaw clenched, he acts.
"Get out of here, all of you, now!" he exclaims, instantly drawing everyone's attention and yours as well.
For an instant everyone watches him and nothing else, slightly surprised and expectant, Criston too, unmoving and doing nothing, causing you a wave of despair.
"I said everyone out!" he exclaims in a firm voice and his gaze full of determination.
And it's only then that one by one the team finally leaves your apartment, except for Criston.
"What are you doing?" he inquires with a touch of disbelief in his tone, challenging Aemond.
"You get out of here too."
He orders him annoyed and with irritation, his voice charged with a frustration that has already reached its limit.
"Aemond, this is important, you can't just—
"I need to talk to Y/N alone," he interrupts her with his tone in a mixture of anger and determination, "I'm warning you, Criston. If you ever do anything else again without consulting me and interfering with this, I'm going to seriously consider firing you, which is what I should have done long ago," he shoots back at him with his defiant stare.
The pulse of the room beats with unbearable intensity as Aemond and Criston hold a duel of intense stares. However, in the face of Aemond's firmness, Criston finally resigns himself with a serious, annoyed look, full of frustration and resignation.
And finally he heads for the door, his footsteps sounding in the room as he leaves the apartment.
Aemond watches him leave with a mixture of relief and exhaustion, no longer feeling his shoulders tense. The silence expands once more as soon as the door closes and he turns to you with a gaze filled with a quiet, worried intensity.
The silence lingers for a few moments longer, a dense atmosphere charged with unspoken emotions. When he takes a step toward you, hesitantly.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, his voice ringing with sincerity and regret, "What happened, my insistence… none of this was my intention, much less to cause you pain and hurt you," he admits with his vulnerability again reflected.
And even though it's just you and him in your apartment, your fear lingers.
"P-please don't take my son from me," you plead between sobs, your voice filled with anguish and fear.
Aemond's heart contracts in suffering and worry at your words, his gaze instantly reflecting it.
"What? No, no, Y/N… that is not what I want to do, it is not my intention to take our son from you."
He tells you instantly insistent but in a serene and sincere voice, taking a few more steps towards you, placing himself in front of you, trying to reassure you. But tears continue to slide down your cheeks.
"This is why I left, so I wouldn't cause you any more trouble, so I could live and keep our son safe," you repeat with your voice cracking.
"I know, Y/N, I know," he tells you sympathetically and with a soft tone, "And you don't know how much I hate myself for having been the cause of you deciding to leave, for having hurt you so much to the point of having made that decision," he says sincerely, his eye beginning to tear up, "And this is not just about him, about our son," he tries to explain, "Yes, it is important, but it is also about us," he speaks with a longing, "Since you left, I never stopped thinking about you, and I-I...
He hesitates, unable to fully express his feelings, as he stands in front of you and wants to hold you, you and your son, as he faces his deepest emotions, feeling a tear run down his cheek and looks at you with all the sincerity and pain in his gaze.
"I love you," he finally says, in a completely vulnerable whisper, trembling, lowering his gaze, unable to look you in the eye, "Despite everything, despite my mistakes, despite my work, despite everything that happened…. I-I still love you," he declares in a whisper laden with longing and regret, "And our son too."
His words get stuck in your mind.
With your heart clenched by the surge of emotions, your eyes watch him back with a mixture of surprise, pain and longing. Aemond's sincerity and vulnerability... it's all too much and makes you feel completely helpless, definitely not expecting that.
You can't speak, your words get stuck in your throat, your heart fluttering with the intensity of the moment, your surprise.
And Aemond completely understands your silence.
"I understand that you don't love me anymore and that you can't love me again, I also understand that things can't go back to the way they used to be because of my job. But please… don't keep running away," he pleads quietly, "We won't fight over custody, there will be no legal repercussions, I'm not going to do any of that," he assures you, "Just…" he lets out a long breath, "Just get back to work and let's face this together."
He proposes with his voice full of fragile but hopeful determination, unexpectedly causing you to feel a relief and a warm feeling in your chest.
"I just want Aenar to be okay and let's consider his well-being as the most important thing," you say quietly, while Aemond listens attentively with his face full of longing, regret and understanding, "But we need time and patience. Also that no one else interferes."
Aemond nods, with a slightly more relieved expression, but keeping in mind that there is much to resolve, to heal and to build.
"I understand that and… I'm willing to do whatever it takes… for him and for you," he says sincerely.
You nod too, as silence takes over again, but this time it is permeated with a shared understanding and a determination to face whatever is necessary for Aenar's well-being.
And finally after so much, you feel calm and fortunately, this time with the support of Aemond, who hesitantly leaves a gentle kiss on your forehead and another on Aenar's forehead, taking him back into his arms.
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Kiss Me More
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Hi guys :)
I had a request for the last chapter for the serie "Kiss Me", so here it is :)
I hope it will suits you, dear anon.
Enjoy ♥
TW : Mention of cheating
Being Katie McCabe’s girlfriend is something you were hoping to be for several weeks before it happens. You both needed a little of adjustment at first, Katie was sometimes a little bit reluctant to pass to much time with you. You were hurt at first, thinking that she finally wasn’t interested to the idea of making things with you. When she realized that she hurt you, you had an explanation, where she basically told you that she didn’t want things to go to fast. Because a part of her was always scared of something going wrong or something.
You were great now, she isn’t the most demonstrative person in the world, at least when you are not alone. You can live with that actually, both of you decided to hide your relationship to the public for now. Not all of your teammates know about your relationship, but the ones who are your friends know.
Katie makes a point to let you understand that she is in charge in this relationship, but as bossy as she wants to be, you can only see how much she looks for you. When you are not coming to work together, she always waits for you in the locker room to have her kiss before going to training. When you are eating with other of your teammates at the training facilities, she always sneaks her chocolate to you. And you can say that she remembers everything you tell her.
Your favorite chocolate, your favorite flower, your favorite color, the name of the cat you had when you were a kid, where you like to go for a walk, your favorite TV show… She knows everything and she is always proud about it.
That’s the kind of things that makes you realize that she really cares about you.
“Do you really need to go?” you ask in a pouting tone, wrapped around your girlfriend.
Katie needs to go, you know that. She has to go to Ireland for the national break. You stay in London yourself, your ankle being a little sore and Australia only playing friendly, both of your teams decide to let you rest. You’re a little sad not to go have fun with Caitlin, Steph and Kyra, but you will next time.
“Yes, I have to. But I still could take you in my pocket” she smirks.
“I think I’d like that” you smile back.
Katie laughs and you cuddle even more against her, trying to get as much from your girlfriend as possible. It’s only two weeks, but you don’t like when she’s not around. She seems a little less needy than you are, but she never said anything about your behavior with her. Katie being very honest, you know that she would have said something if she didn’t like something you do.
You feel her shiver when you take a big breath in her neck and you smile, letting your finger run on the skin of her abs. But she knows what you’re doing, because several seconds after, she takes your hand in hers.
“We don’t have time for that, my pretty lady.”
“Can’t make it quick?” you tease.
“Not with you.”
She kisses you and you let her, distractedly asking yourself if it’s a compliment or not. But you soon come back to reality, Katie will leave in some minutes now. You’re at her house, you’ve got her cat’s supervision while she’s away. Ella, her sister, has too but she will rejoin her for the game in Ireland in some days.
You will not, because it would be too risky to do it. People would easily understand what’s happening if you go to the game. And with the social media, it would be impossible to hide. You know it. You’re still a little sad, but you don’t say anything to Katie about it.
She seems a little sad when she says goodbye to you at her door. The way she puts your hair behind your ear before kissing you softly say it all. You don’t need Katie to words what she’s feeling because you can feel it too.
“Write me?” you ask when she takes you against her one more time.
“Course. You too, ok?”
You nod, not trusting your voice at this moment. You hide your face on her neck one last time, breathing her sent. But you know you have to let her go; her Uber won’t wait for her forever.
After a last-minute recommendation about Coopurr, she kisses you a last time before running to the car with her suitcase. You can’t help but smile, waving back at her when she does from the back seat.
Katie lost her first game against France and in your opinion, it wasn’t really deserved. Maybe you are biased, but Katie would have deserved to score the goal at the 86th minute. She’s still fuming about her teammates fail and you try to distract her while showing her cat.
It’s seems to work, Coopurr’s purring making her smile. Ella left this morning, and you feel a little lonely here. Thanks god, Lia is in London too and you have someone you like to pass time with you. She is dog-sitting one of the dogs of your teammates and you wonder how it would look like when some of them would have children too.
You were actually walking Calvin with Lia, when you receive a message from one of your friends. You don’t really like when someone send you a “Have you seen that?!” with an article. You were not walking fast because of Lia’s leg, so you don’t have to slow to read it. Maybe sitting on a bench would have been a clever idea though.
You are currently reading an article of a girl, explaining how she slept with Katie McCabe. Your girlfriend. You know that Katie had some hookup before things are getting different between you, but the timing isn’t good. Katie and you are together for four months now. And this girl is literally talking about last week, exactly the day when Katie and her teammates went to a bar to decompress from the training. When you said to Katie that you find it strange, she laughs and answered “Meh we are Irish. Beer is in our DNA.” Which made you laugh at the time, but you are far from laughing right now.
“What’s going on?”
You realize that Lia called your name almost two times before you raise your face to look at her. Not being able to talk, you just give her your phone. You watch closely at her face when she reads it, and you see her passing from questioning to shock. She looks at you straight in the eyes when she gives you your phone back.
“Do you think that’s true?”
There is a lump in your throat that keeps you from talking right. You try to swallow it before talking.
“There are a lot of details.”
Lia nods. There are a lot of details. About Katie and her flat in Dublin, the same one where Ella was living before coming to London too.
“Come on, let’s go home. You need to call Katie.”
You did not call Katie, but you didn’t answer her messages or her call either. You know it’s stupid and maybe a little immature. But you cannot face it now. The betrayal is too hard to support, and you cried so much that you are not sure that your eyes will be white again one day.
You still take care of Coopurr though, the cat not leaving your side when you are at Katie’s house. You know she can see you coming if she wants, she installed security cameras outside and inside the house. Other than that, you just go to your flat to sleep the most that you can. You do not want to face this, maybe if you keep hiding the pain will fade away.
It doesn’t. You are startled awake two days after, with loud banging against your door. You hesitate to go answering, but you are clearly in fear that the person will break your door if you don’t get up.
So, you do, trying to arrange your hair in a messy bun. You are wearing Katie’s Irish away jumper and a pair of black Nike shorts. You’re pathetic. But Lia seems to be more relieved than judgy about your appearance when she sees you. She has her phone in her hand, but the relieved soon let place to a frown.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
She grunts and close the door behind her when she comes in your flat. Thanks god you cleaned last night, tired to be in a messy place.
“Why aren’t you answering to Katie?”
“I can’t” you whisper, following her in the living room.
Lia turns around to look at you and her face softens when she sees you. She hesitates several seconds, before handing you her phone.
“Well, do it now.”
You look at the screen to realize that she was already calling someone for almost 45 minutes already. It’s Katie. Lia encourages you to take it with another nod of her head. You sigh and take it, letting yourself fall in the couch behind you.
“Hello?” you mumble.
“Bloody hell, where were you?!”
You wince at Katie’s tone, Lia taping your shoulder in an attempt of recomfort before leaving for the kitchen. You appreciate the intimacy she offers you, but you would have preferred to have her with you to be honest.
“Why aren’t you answering to any of my text or call? What happened?”
Katie seems on verge of breaking down and that’s maybe what made you snap. You don’t shout with Katie; you know that it doesn’t make any sense to do it with her. She’s loud, but you were always able to talk about things without shouting.
“I don’t know, you tell me?” you say icily.
“I don’t understand.”
You can easily imagine her with her eyebrows frown. You sigh before rolling your eyes. If she wants proof, you’re going to give some to her.
“I’ll send you something. After that, if you have something more to tell me, call me back.”
You don’t wait for her answer before hanging up. You take your phone, looking for the article your friend sent you. You didn’t answer to him, but right now, it doesn’t matter. You sent the link to Katie, before going to the kitchen to give Lia her phone back.
“Do you want me to stay, or can I leave?” the Swiss captain asks.
“You can go, Wally. Thanks for coming.”
“Anytime. Call me, ok?”
You smile slightly and nod, letting her kiss your cheek before she leaves. You just have closed the door behind her when your phone start ringing. It’s Katie, requiring a FaceTime. You answer and Katie’s face is almost white when you see her.
“This is bullshit. I never did that, I swear.”
You sigh, rubbing your forehead. You are honestly so tired, the amount of sleep you had those past hours are not very good. And sad, of course.
“I don’t know, Katie” you whisper.
“No, it’s the truth! You have to believe me, baby please.”
“How can she know all of these things, Kat?” you say wearily. “She even knows that you have a birthmark on your tummy, or how your kitchen is decorated.”
“Ella always made TikTok in that flat before she comes to London! And for my birthmark, it probably visible on some pictures. You know that I give my jersey to kids sometimes after the game. People take me on picture every time.”
You let several seconds passed, trying to listen to her. The last part is true, you saw thousand pictures of your girlfriend in sport bra on the football fields. For the second part you don’t see her making things like this, particularly with the fact that you just have to go on TikTok to see if it’s the truth or not.
“Come on Babe, why in the world would I ask you out if it’s just for sleeping around soon after?”
“I don’t know.”
You are desperate. You want to believe her, of course you do. You know she has sometimes trouble with talking about her feelings, but you never thought about her cheating on you. She’s one of the most loyal persons you know.
“You know what? I’m taking a plane right now.”
Katie is suddenly moving, and the noise of a suitcase that is open is audible from the phone.
“No Katie, you can’t do that. You have training tomorrow and a game in two days against England.”
“I don’t give a damn fuck.”
You almost roll your eyes.
“Katie, stop.”
She listens and look at you, her face dark and her eyebrow frown. She looks determined but she still stopped when you asked her.
“You can’t do that” you repeat.
“Well come to Ireland. I’ll sent you the ticket for the plane.”
“Stop calling me that!” she shouts.
“Calling you what?” you ask, frowning.
She says it like it’s a bad world or something and this time you can’t help but roll your eyes at her.
“It’s your name?” you point.
“You stopped calling me that after we start dating. Stop calling me Katie and come to Dublin. Please.”
That’s how you find yourself in a plane for Dublin, reserved by Katie who put you in first class. You roll your eyes when you realize it and sent her a picture of you in your seat when you are in the plane. Since your call, Katie almost never stops calling or texting you. You don’t understand how she managed to get the time to go to training, but she does. And the pictures of her on Instagram can say you that it’s the truth.
She warned you that she won’t be able to come to pick you at the airport, but you are surprised to see a man with your name on a paper waiting for you. He smiles at you, informing you that Katie sent him to drive you to her hotel.
He talks to you about Dublin and some places during the journey to the hotel, while you are looking by the window. You never went to Ireland before, only for football. Maybe Katie will show you around if you manage to forget your fight. And you definitively need to change the idea you made in your head that Katie really cheated on you.
You know that some of your friends saw the article too, but no one talked about it to you. Maybe because you were ignoring everyone, true.
When you arrive, you hide behind your hood because you don’t want anyone to recognize you for now. You’re really fearing to find yourself facing Ruesha, for example. Katie told you her room number and your hands are shaking when you knock on the door of her hotel room.
It took her several seconds to respond, but she finally opens the door. She looks tired honestly, but she’s at camp so it’s maybe not surprising. She froze a little when she sees you, like if she doesn’t believe that you will actually come. You’re the one breaking the silence, rather awkwardly to be honest.
“Hi” you whisper, waving your hand.
Thanks god, Katie doesn’t seem to mind. She doesn’t laugh, taking you against her. Hard.
“You’re here” she whispers while holding you.
You nod, finding solace in her embrace. You missed her, obviously. It would have felt better to find her without all this drama though. She lets you go only several minutes after, not only releasing you totally. She looks at you and you look back, both of you not knowing where to start.
“I’m sorry for the article” Katie finally says after some time.
You shrug, not knowing what you could answer to that. She doesn’t ask for it, cheating or not cheating.
“Do you believe me now?”
You know that the answer to the question is important for her. Like you said, Katie’s loyal. And it’s one of the things who are the most important for her. You know it, you know Katie.
“I think I do” you finally say very slowly.
You see that Katie is looking at your face and your eyes with attention, maybe looking for any trace of doubt from your part. You believe her, that doesn’t mean that the article was forgotten. The way you felt when you first read it is still very perennial in you.
“Yeah?” she asks softly.
You nod, smiling very lightly when she strokes your cheek. She gives you the impression that you are made of glass, and you don’t know if she ever been so delicate with you.
“Come sit down.”
She takes you by the hand and you let her drag you in her bed. You sit here, next to her, with your back against the headboard. Katie sits in front of you, playing with her thumb and her nails.
“I’m going to talk, but if you have something to say please feel free to stop me, ok?” Katie asks.
You nod, looking at her. You are curious to know what she might want to tell you. Does she even know that girl? Or did that girl create all this story?
“I know that I’m maybe not the perfect girlfriend and I know that our relationship didn’t really start like it was supposed to. I’ll always had a thing for you, but I was scared, I was an asshole, and it was honestly easier for me to just sleep with you and try to pass to something else. That’s what I tried to do, but it didn’t work. I was still thinking about you, even more than before.”
Katie stops to take a breath and you are still looking at her, not saying a word for now. You don’t know if Katie thought about what to say to you, but for now you understand what she’s saying.
“I never slept with someone else since our first time, I couldn’t even if I tried and that scared the shit out of me. It was so hard to deal with the breakup with Ruesha, not because I was still in love with her, but because it was so shit, you know? I really don’t want to have to deal with that once again.”
You nod slowly, still not talking. This point makes you a little uneasy to be honest. You knew that Katie’s ex will be here to the camp. And you don’t know how the hell are all the people doing, because it was hard for you to be ok with the fact that Ruesha was seeing Katie every day and not you.
“But then there was this damn girl hitting on you right in front of me and I couldn’t support it. I was only thinking that you were mine, but you weren’t. And at that point I didn’t know if you wanted to be mine or if my behavior ruined everything we could have. But you give me a chance, and I’ll be forever grateful for it. That’s why I will never do anything and take the risk to lose you, Y/N. I really care for you and you mean more to me than you think.”
Katie never talked to you about her feelings the way she is doing now. You are touched, of course. You were in love with her before you slept together for the first time, not thinking a second that she might be interested in you too. She seems so vulnerable now, her voice shaking a little at the end. Maybe it’s the emotions, maybe it’s because how much she talked. Maybe both.
You softly take her hand in yours, interlocking your fingers together.
“I really care about you too. That’s why this… things was so hard to read. I don’t understand why someone would invented something like that.”
“I dunno. For celebrity maybe”
Katie shrugs, not really having interest in that for now. All that mattered to her right now is being sure that you trust her. That you believe her and she didn’t lose you.
“Are we good?” she asks, searching for your eyes.
“You promise that nothing happened?”
“I swear on Coopurr’s head, babygirl.”
“Ok” you laugh, rolling your eyes.
You can’t hide the fact that this is the first time that you laugh since you red this article on the park with Lia.
Katie opens her arms with a slight smile and you don’t hesitate once second before going for her. Your movement make you both fall in the bed and you smile when you hear Katie’s laugh. You missed it. You missed her.
“God I missed you” Katie mumbles from under you, reading in your mind.
“I missed you too” you say honestly, letting your head rest against her shoulder.
She just hums, stroking your back softly while steering at the ceiling. You feel yourself dozen, you haven’t really had a good sleep those last days. But soon there is knock against Katie’s door and you jump.
“McCabe, diner!”
Katie sighs softly and release you to sit on the bed.
“Is it now that I leave?” you asks, not able to hide your disappointment.
“If you want to. Otherwise, you can wait for me here, I’ll sneak something for you to eat and we can sleep together. Tomorrow morning I’ll make my sister come to get you and you can come to the game?”
“Won’t people ask what the hell I am doing here?” you arch an eyebrow.
“That’s not their business. Unless it disturbs you.”
“It doesn’t”
“So it’s settled then” Katie shrugs, getting up from the bed.
She kisses you one more time before leaving and you decide to take the time to shower. You fall asleep while waiting for her, only taking the time to eat the sandwich and snacks she takes with her in the room before falling asleep again. You slept better in her arms than you did since like forever.
And the next day, when Ella came to take you to Katie’s flat at Dublin, you are feeling good again. Katie didn’t cheat on you.
Ireland didn’t win against England, but you are prouder than ever of your girlfriend. You decide to wear Katie’s jersey and to watch the game with her family in the stadium. Your presence didn’t went unnoticed, but like Katie said, you both didn’t care. To be honest, you even have fun to post what fans like to call soft launch.
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fun-k-board · 9 months
Hey again 😄😄😄
Thank you so so much for the smoke headcanon I really enjoyed it, I was wondering if you could do it again but this time with reptile please ??
Syzoth / Reptile Friendship / General Headcanons
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Note(s) : You're a regular human and not a champion, it's implied you're friends with the human kharacters and meet Reptile through them.
Reptile is extremely anxious around you at first because you're not a champion, you're just an Earthrealmer with no fighting skills or prior knowledge on Outworld, and he finds himself a little confused on your presence most of the time.
As such, he finds himself explaining to you a lot of things that he would believe are just common sense. He doesn't get annoyed though, because he realises his constant questions on regular human ideas must be strange too.
He's still a Zatteran despite his ability to shapeshift into a human form, and so, any human social cues you've mastered will probably be strange to him, and vice versa.
Syzoth will typically eat bugs like cockroaches, spiders, flies, and forgets that some human cultures don't have that normalised, but he's extremely overjoyed when he finds out that certain places consider bugs a delicacy. He basically begs you to take him to those places.
If Johnny invites you to be in a movie, whether acting or stage hand, Syzoth, and by extension a large chunk of the Kast, will a million percent also be there after being coincidentally, also invited by Johnny! He's interested in Earth culture, and after watching Predator, which scared the daylights out of him, he wants to know the process behind movies.
Hundred percent asks to see movies with you, apart from horrors, never show him a horror movie, he will not be able to sleep for weeks.
Movie nights are incredibly common, a lot of other non Earthrealmers join in as well! It becomes very cramped very fast in your house, let's hope Johnny is nice enough to lend you all his mansion for the night.
He's a big fan of superhero media, there's always an invisible person, although he finds the fact a lot of them have to strip incredibly strange, or some type of half human half animal hybrid, he feels at home a lot of the time watching those types of superheros.
He can't stomach human food, so if he ever stays at yours for a sleepover or just to hang out for a day, he'll be an exterminator for you and eat any bugs he can find as his lunch / dinner. It's very helpful during summer.
Speaking of summer, he always wears his usual attire even in unbearable heat, he's uncomfortable with his human form and he feels awkward to show more of it. Besides, he likes to keep warm because he gets cold too easily, and when he's cold he gets slower which is impractical and annoying.
After the death of his wife and children, he's been looking for a distraction, he needs some form of comfort and he feels talking to you and his other friends is a huge help. Especially if you've experienced a close loss before, even if you don't know ways to help cope, you can always find ways to help each other heal together.
He tries to ask you for dating advice with Ashra, this most likely goes over well no matter how horrible your advice is, because Ashra and Syzoth are the best couple and are so wholesome nothing could offend either.
Syzoth is always awkward around dinners, whenever he's invited to Madam Bo's by one of the Kast of you, he sort of just sits around and tries to talk instead of eat. Reptiles learned after a while that it's impolite to humans when you just eat bugs out of the air, which he doesn't understand, and so refrains from eating at most public dinners.
He really wants to bring you to Zattera, but he knows far too well that they don't take kindly to warm blood, and while he understands his people's reason, he's still disappointed.
Luckily! He can visit your home in Earthrealm.
He does unfortunately get a lot of stares when he visits your home, your family and even strangers on the street always assume he's a cosplayer.
After he gets roles for a few of Johnny's movies, he becomes a micro celebrity of some sorts, including you if you decide to star in them. People recognise him on the streets and he gets rather embarrassed, but also very appreciated, he feels a lot of love around fans.
Apart from the weird ones... He tries to tell people that he's taken, with a wonderful girlfriend who'd he'd never betray, but... He needs you to chase them off a lot.
I imagine at first, your family and friends might think he's really weird, like, not even 'wow that was strange' weird, but 'never invite this man to be close to my vicinity again' type weird.
He's always looking around suspiciously, eyes wide, sweaty, sometimes he looks like he's going to speak but then holds a hand over his mouth, always when there's a fly near...
But, it only takes a day of knowing him for them to switch up and genuinely adore him.
They invite him around all the time, he's sweating buckets and terrified of messing up, but they're so taken aback by how goddamn sweet this guy is they don't notice.
Once again, you become his saviour and help him whenever they get too talkative about where he's from. They don't know about Outworld, and Liu Kang would prefer it if you didn't spill to everybody.
He finds human fashion a bit strange, but he actually really likes hoodies, especially the ones with short sleeves, they feel comfortable and he can move around a lot without it being a hassle of detangling and annoyance. He also likes wearing fingerless gloves everywhere.
Introducing him to Earthrealm music is... Interesting, to say the least. He really enjoys a lot of them! Especially classical, they're closer to what he knows from Outworld, but, he's also surprised at how much he likes a lot of modern music.
I'm spreading my Britney Spears fan Syzoth agenda and you can't stop me.
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bunnyreaper · 8 months
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𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖘 𝔞 𝔰𝔬𝔞𝔭 𝔪𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝖕𝖙 4 — 𝖕𝖙 3 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 wc - 5.8k warnings - 18+/nsfw, dom/sub dynamic, hints of petplay notes - i blame barry for the delay, jk. anyway, sorry it took so long but i hope you enjoy! also on ao3! ♥
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You've officially reached the point of insanity, and there's no turning back. One date with Johnny, and you're practically doodling his name in a journal with hearts all around, or putting your name with his just to see how it sounds. 
Admittedly, you haven't done either of those things, but you did turn down another night out drinking this weekend on the off chance you end up having plans with Johnny—which might be just as insane, if not more. Especially since you hadn't brought up your intention with Johnny. 
You suppose there's no time like the present, so cuddled up on your couch, you bring up your messages to Johnny and start typing.
i miss you so much, even if it's only been a few days!! when can I see you again? 
Straight to the point—unbridled emotion that's honestly a little cringeworthy, but there's little point in pretending to be something you're not, especially when Johnny seems perfectly into it. 
You have to distract yourself for a little while, scrolling through various social media apps to occupy your mind as you wait for a response. It's not too long before your phone pings, and you're rushing to click the notification—each time his name pops up on your screen your stomach flips, and you always click onto the message far too eagerly. You wonder if he does the same.
Been thinking, and I did have an idea in mind, but now am overthinking.
That certainly piques your interest, as you speedily type back a response, almost demanding an answer. 
tell me!! 
You watch the screen as it tells you Johnny is typing, then nothing. Then typing again, then nothing. After a minute or so of stopping and starting, his picture fills the screen as his call waits for you—you pick up immediately.
"Hey, pet." He greets cheerfully—so much so that you can hear the smile in his voice. It's so much better now the image of it is burned in the back of your mind—it feels like the two of you never stopped smiling when you were together.
"Hi, Johnny!" You reply, just as enthused, despite it only being a day since you last spoke. "What's your idea?" 
Your insistence on hearing his idea makes him laugh.
"Straight to the point, lass. I was thinking that ya could come stay fer the weekend?" You detect a hint of hesitance in his voice, while your heart practically leaps at the prospect. 
A whole weekend with Johnny sounds like a dream—talking, cuddling, kissing... maybe more. You burn with need thinking about finally taking things to a more sexual level with Johnny. So far you've only teased each other, and even that has made you unbelievably needy—practically every conversation with him leaves you dripping and aching, leaves you yearning for relief that you can only get at Johnny's hands. 
Not only that, but maybe you'll get to explore more of your dynamic together—the thought of getting to submit to him sends you into a tailspin. You know it would come so easily, you know you'd slip under Johnny's command so easily were he to just take ahold of your metaphorical leash. 
You come to, realising you'd fallen completely silent instead of responding when Johnny speaks again—lighthearted yet hesitant.
 "... But it's okay if you don't want to—"
"I want to! On base?" You ask, already starting to unfurl the logistics in your head.
Johnny chuckles good-naturedly, seemingly amused by the idea of having you come over to his place on base. "Nah, I have a flat in Hereford."
"Oh, cool. I was a little scared for a moment." You admit, a hint of nervousness before you change tack. "But ooh, are you aiming to get laid this weekend? Bold move, Johnny." 
Admittedly, you're teasing and not offended by the assumption in the slightest, if anything, you know wholeheartedly that you want him. If you go on much longer with the level of teasing Johnny subjects you to without any relief, you may just combust. 
"You're the one making assumptions, needy girl." He teases right back, and then continues more earnestly. "I wasn't counting on it, jus' want to spend some quality time with you. Can't exactly cuddle up in a café."  
How he manages to balance wholesome and filthy so well you have no idea. Consistently, Johnny shows his depth and keeps you on your toes by making you flustered in every possible way. One moment you're blushing from desire, the next from his sweetness. 
"So... it's a sleepover, then?" You giggle as you snuggle closer to the couch cushions, already thrilled at the idea of spending time with Johnny in any way. 
Johnny laughs right along with you, launching back into joking. "I'll even paint your nails if ya want. Braid your hair, talk about boys, as long as the boy is me..." 
The hint of possessiveness makes your stomach do somersaults—despite the early stages of your relationship, your heart is set on Johnny, and it's reassuring to know he might be in just as deep. 
"You're the sweetest! Do you even know how to braid hair, though?" You try to imagine Johnny's large hands working with delicate strings of hair, as braiding is something you even struggle to do yourself.
"I have sisters and nieces. Taken part in many a makeover." He proudly admits, and you can feel the joy radiating off of him. No threat to his masculinity at all, just sheer enjoyment at being the subject of his niece's whims.
The image it conjures up is downright adorable.
You nod to yourself, storing that piece of information in the back of your mind for later. "I'll keep that in mind for when I need to dress up for a special occasion." 
The giggles are unavoidable as you picture big, bulky Johnny painting nails—you'd put good money on him being the kind to poke out his tongue when he concentrates.
Your thoughts start to drift to other plans for the weekend, other things you might get up to. Johnny was adamant that sex wasn't expected, but on your end, it's certainly still desired... at least in theory. 
There are still some residual nerves and worries, even with Johnny's constant sweetness—past events, past bad experiences lurk in the back of your mind waiting to sabotage the present. 
The need you feel almost overwhelms all of that though—the way Johnny just seems to speak to all the submissive parts of you, making you feel so desired and so safe.
"So... what if I want to have sex?" You ask, voice falling quiet as if admitting something forbidden—as if Johnny isn't going to do filthy things to you far beyond just sex. 
A throaty, strained groan leaves the man, his voice dropping low and dripping with desire. "Might have to have you stay longer, since you won't be walking after."
You suspect the idea of you struggling to walk isn't just bragging—if you close your eyes, you can almost see his length, remembering how good it felt even though thick denim jeans. 
"I— yeah, okay." The sigh that leaves you is instinctual, hot with anticipation.
"I've got condoms, but yer welcome to bring your own," Johnny mentions. "And I'll pick ya up Friday evening, drop you off Sunday night? How's that sound?" 
"Wonderful." You say honestly, loving that you'll get to spend the weekend with him, all while being cared for and driven there and back. "Ooh, I get to be your passenger princess." 
You giggle mischievously, playing it up for Johnny as your mind runs wild with ideas. 
"Don't be getting any ideas, lass." He chides, playfulness clear in his tone.
"Hey, I was just planning on taking over your radio and telling you fun stories. Nothing more!" Your voice rises through your protest, as before Johnny had turned it dirty, you really hadn't been thinking of the way your hands may drift to his thigh, or palm at his cock. 
"Not sure if I believe that. I felt the way you were squeezin' me under that table, yer a naughty girl." He purrs, making shivers run through you.
"You started it, not me." Your gasp is full of offence, proclaiming your complete innocence. Of course, you had wanted to feel him up way more than you did and had undoubtedly had a few very sinful thoughts while he was sitting next to you. 
But you had been good, had behaved, and kept your hands to yourself. It was Johnny who led you to sin.
"So, you won't be feeling me up unless I'm the one guiding you?" 
At that you fall silent, too stunned to speak—the thought of Johnny guiding you through pleasing him, guiding you into being perfect, just for him is overwhelming. He'll lead you deeper and deeper into submission—trust.
"Oh, you like the sound of that." Johnny's purr has you completely dead to rights, as once more, he sees right through you.
You take a few deep breaths, trying to settle your rapidly swirling arousal. "Of course I do..." 
Johnny doesn't relent in his teasing, in his almost cruel display of control of your desire. Everything from his word choice to the dominant edge in his voice sends you spiralling. "Want me to show you how to please me, puppy?" He coos. "Show you how tae be a good girl fer me?" 
"Please, sir." You feel your mind slip just a little—falling so easily into that blissful state just listening to Johnny's tone, finding it so easy to fall for him. 
"Won't have to show you much, you just know how to turn me on naturally, like it's instinct. Fuck, lassie." The guttural noise from Johnny shows the effect his own words have on him too. 
You hope he's squirming just like you are, achingly hard and straining against his jeans, just like he was in the café. 
The tension crackles in the air between you, the silence thick with your joint lust settling deep in your respective guts. 
You let out a shaky sigh before you respond. "It's only fair for us to be equal on that front since you just... I don't even have words. It's like you read my mind so you can drive me crazy." 
Johnny is undoubtedly insightful, likely an occupational thing, but sometimes it's scary how well he can read you. He's not the only one who naturally knows how to appeal to someone's baser desires.
For a moment, and quite unfairly as the logical side of your brain notes, your gut twists at the idea of how he became so well practised.
Johnny's sweet laugh pulls you from that train of thought. "Am a smart man, perceptive, what can I say? Know how to read ma pet."
"I'm not your pet." You note, not bitterly, but rather plainly. You're not Johnny's— 
"Not yet, aye, but you will be." He says with a sense of certainty. 
"Johnny..." You don't even know what to say to that, beyond begging and pleading for him to make it come true—but that hardly feels appropriate right now.
"Even if we don't have sex this weekend, I'd like to explore things with us a little, if tha's okay?" He asks, his voice open and inquisitive, almost shy in how quietly he poses the question.
"Me too, I don't wanna rush too much but holding back somehow feels...wrong." You sigh, wishing you had the words to really explain the pull you felt. "It's like I know I shouldn't be rushing head first into this, but... I can't stop it." 
Johnny is truly a magnetic force of a man, both in who he is and the way he treats you. There's so much about him that you can't wait to get to know, all the beauty and scars in equal measure, each story—the meaning of the waver behind his smile, the way he sounds first thing in the morning. 
"Me either, if it helps." He admits, sharing the sentiment. "It's okay to fall, just gotta be there tae catch each other, aye?" 
Your eyes flutter shut as you rip the phone away from your face, letting out a loud exhalation and a whispered "fuck". The warmth of his words and the weight of the meaning behind them overwhelming you, wrapping around you like a cosy blanket.
When you feel a little calmer, you return the phone to your ear to agree with Johnny's sentiment, though not quite as viscerally as you did in private.
"Yeah, just gotta keep each other straight." Your throat tightens as you push the words out. 
The silence on the line is overtaken by shuffling from Johnny's end for a moment before he clears his throat. "Gotta go, pet. Duty calls."
"It's... 8 pm, what are you doing at this hour?"
There's a laugh from Johnny, and a more insistent knocking in the background. "Going for a pint with the lads." 
"Oh duty, huh?" You tease. 
He hums in affirmation, unashamed. "Team bonding, essential stuff for the functional operation of any squad." 
"Have fun, Johnny." You wish him well sincerely, even if part of you wishes the call didn't have to end. "Talk soon."
"Talk soon, princess. Sleep well." He makes a kissing noise before ending the call, his photo disappearing off your screen before you lock the phone and clutch it to your chest just for a moment. 
'It's okay to fall, just gotta be there tae catch each other.'
His words echo through your mind over the coming days—the light in an otherwise dreary weak. 
You were definitely falling. 
Packing your bag feels like chaos, as you desperately scramble to not forget a single thing. You're only going for a weekend, and yet you're packing like you're bunkering down for the apocalypse. Well, a million pairs of underwear will be necessary with how Johnny ruins them just with his words and his voice—being there in person means you'll probably be going through a new pair every hour. 
And of course, you need cute extra outfits, in case the two of you go anywhere... that means extra shoes too. Johnny is going to think you're crazy with all the bags and belongings you're bringing. 
Thankfully, you got ready hours ago—did your makeup and hair to perfection and put on a pretty dress that you may have ordered just for Johnny. Okay, maybe you ordered several dresses just for Johnny.
As you rush to put the finishing touches on your packing, your phone buzzes with a text. 
Outside whenever you're ready :) 
i'll be out soon! &lt;3
Maybe you should tell Johnny you'd buzz him up, but considering that your packing has made your flat look like a tornado has ripped through it, perhaps it's best not.
You do your best to rush, not wanting to exhaust Johnny's good patience, jamming in a few final items you might need just in case, before locking up your flat and heading down to the lobby.
You step out into the car park, spotting Johnny standing beaming, leaning against a jeep. His arms and chest bulge in his burgundy Henley, his jeans are slung low on his hips in such a tempting way. Is it possible he got more attractive since the last time you saw him? 
Your eyes crawl over him, drinking in every little detail and falling for his good looks all over again—just as enraptured in his beauty as the first time. 
"Hi." You call out as soon as the two of you meet eyes, the spark between you instantly reigniting just through a look.
"Hey, you." He immediately reaches for your bag, taking the weight off of your shoulder like it's nothing to him—even though the weight was already starting to strain your shoulder. "Let me grab that for yer." 
You let him take your bag, watching with glee as opens the boot to put it away. The manners are such a turn-on. "What a gentleman." 
His chest puffs up in pride, a resolute look on his face. "Ma maw raised me right." 
After closing the door to the boot, Johnny jogs round to the passenger side, holding the door open for you to climb inside.
"That she did." You nod, impressed and honestly swooning at the princess treatment as Johnny climbs into the driver's side.
With the two of you finally in the car, Johnny leans back to grab a shopping bag from the backseat, opening it to display a range of goodies. "Need anything? I brought drinks and snacks." 
You peer inside the bag to see what he brought before meekly taking a bag of cookies and a can to drink. "Ooh, it's like a real road trip." 
Johnny reaches back to put the bag away, stopping with his hand resting on the back of your seat—his baby blues shine, as does his smile as he looks upon you. "Gotta look after ma girl." 
Your heart hammers against your chest, your cheeks flush and burn.
His girl.
"I could get used to that." You whisper, lost in watching his mouth, recalling the way they wrapped around those words.
"Me too, bonnie." 
Before he turns his attention to getting the car running, he double-checks your seatbelt, making sure you're safe—he makes sure his rearview mirror is perfectly placed taps to activate the directions on his phone. 
And then he does the thing—the arm on the back of the seat, backing out of the parking space and looking so fucking hot while doing it. You're entirely transfixed. 
"I'm just getting it out of the way now, but I am gonna stare at you a tonne, you already look so attractive when you're driving." You know you're babbling just a little, a side effect of the nerves, and the fact that Johnny looks so good to you right now.1
"I'm all yours to feast yer eyes upon." He says with a wink, before turning his attention to the road as he pulls out of your apartment's car park.
"Lucky me." You whisper, gaze tracing over all of his features. "Especially since I love looking at you so much." 
"Shame fer me tha' I have tae keep my eyes on the road." The smile on his face widens as he spares you a glance, doing a quick double-take. 
"At least we have all weekend to spend time together uninterrupted." Feeling brave, you reach out to rest your hand on the back of Johnny's head, caressing the nape of his neck and threading your fingers in the roots of his hair. 
Johnny's shoulders relax, as he leans slightly into the touch. "That we do." His voice turns serious momentarily. "Did you let someone know where you're going?" 
Sweet Johnny, always concerned for your safety, even when it comes to him. The awareness he shows is another thing in the long list of little details you admire about him.
"I forwarded all of your info to a friend, so you should be very afraid." You tease easily. Your friend is under strict instructions to call the police should you not check-in.
"Terrified, lassie." He smirks. "Just tae be clear, you wanna go home at any point, I'll take you, or drive you to the station if yer not comfortable." 
"I appreciate it. And if you want to kick me out, feel free." 
"I'd never." He gasps, full of offence. "Unless ya decide to trash my flat, and even then that's only if you started damaging my keepsakes from ma granny." 
It's your turn to gasp now. You wonder if that comment was inspired by past events—the kind of warning that only comes after you've experienced the event. "Only a monster would do such a thing." 
"Aye, and I bet you can be a brat, but not a monster." 
You shrug, a coy smile on your face, knowing just how bratty you can be when you want to be. "Everyone needs to be a little bratty sometimes." 
"Hmm, do they now? Good job I won't get tired of putting you in yer place then, pet." 
Johnny's hand slides from the gear stick to your thigh, his fingers curling around the exposed flesh just above your knee. The feeling is entirely electric, especially in combination with his words, making you hyper-aware of every sensation as his thumb sweeps over your skin and his hand tugs your legs ever so slightly apart. 
"This okay?" He asks, glancing down to where his hand is settled on you—you know 100% if you said no, he'd withdraw in an instant. 
"More than okay." You smile earnestly, slipping your own hand across to rest in the same place on his broad thigh.  "But can I do the same?" You embrace the denim beneath your fingertips, relish in the firm muscle that rests underneath. 
"As long as it's just tha', don't distract me too much." He smirks, turning briefly to wink at you. 
You try to keep your eyes on the road and your hands respectful. "Can't concentrate on two things at once? Seems unlike you." You tease. 
"I can." He protests, firm and certain, before his voice softens. "But I dinnae want to risk it. Precious cargo on board." He fixes you with a meaningful look in between glances at the road. 
"Johnny..." You sigh, blushing profusely at his compliment and way of thinking. 
"Dinnae care what anyone says, a man who'll drive like a nut with his lovie in the car is no man at all." He nods firmly, face morphing into something serious—though his eyes are filled with mirth, as his serious facade almost cracks."
"So no road head... ever?" You gasp, genuinely a little taken back at the prospect. 
Johnny breathes deeply through his nose, his knuckles on the wheel turning white as his hand at your thigh grips. He faces ahead still, yet speaks slowly. "If the first time I get yer pretty mouth on me is while I'm drivin', I will crash, tha's all am saying." 
"I value your honesty." Your voice leaves you as a whisper, your attempt to joke falling flat at your own breathlessness. You take a moment to compose yourself, before starting to tease again. "Save it for tonight, then?" 
It's Johnny's turn to swallow hard. "We'll see." 
The car journey falls silent for a little while, and the lack of conversation, while comfortable, allows for unpleasant and doubtful thoughts to creep in. 
The truth is, you can talk a big game, but sometimes your desire becomes outpaced by your nerves—then you're left struggling in a swirling pit of darkened thoughts. Every time Johnny pulls away to change gear, you find yourself feeling a little colder until his hand returns. 
But it doesn't do well to dwell on anxious thoughts. You force yourself to stop biting your lip, stop letting your mind flicker back to bad experiences, and actually speak to the one person who can offer you comfort right now.
"I am a little nervous..." You let the words fall free, and feel a little surprised at how small you sound.
"Aww, don't be. There's no pressure at all, promise." He says, sounding sweet and genuine—his hand squeezes your thigh once again. "Even if the furthest we go is cuddling on the couch, I'll be a very happy man." 
The smile on his face speaks to the truth of the statement, and you can't help smiling right back at him. 
"I appreciate you saying that." You think for a moment before continuing, trying to put into words the true source of your angst. "I just... get hesitant about opening up, I guess. Some guys before have promised me the world until they got what they wanted and then..." 
You trail off, not feeling the need or the strength to go into detail about last time, or the time before that.
"Tha's not me." Once more, he squeezes and lets his thumb rub over your skin. "But I don't expect ya to just take my word for it, I'll show ya, as long as it takes." 
His words mean more than you can say, and the fact he intends to back them up means even more. You really hope you can count on him.
"You're so sweet." You sigh, feeling full to the brim with appreciation. 
Johnny seems a little nervous too, frenetic energy making him shuffle in his seat. He seems to be lost in thought for a few moments before he finally speaks up. 
"I'm not looking to rush in and make a mistake maself. The last girl I dated..." He trails off too, his words tinged with dejection as he stares straight ahead. "Let's jus' say it didn't end well, either." 
You nod understandingly, all too familiar with things not ending well. "You don't have to tell me now." 
He shrugs slightly and seems like he's refusing to meet your eye any longer. "Don't want tae ruin the mood." 
"It's hard to ruin it, Johnny. We're meant to be spending time together, getting to know each other." You offer your most reassuring smile, hoping he catches it out of the corner of his eyes. "I have my fair share of sob stories to unload on you, don't worry." 
Although, that's another source of worry, that Johnny will run for the hills once he learns of your baggage.
"I don't doubt it." His lips fall into a frown, before being schooled into a half-hearted smile. "Hopefully we can replace them all with good stories instead." 
You silently nod, hoping for the same. 
"Speaking of good memories, I was thinking we could make pizzas together, I got the dough and some toppings." Johnny mentions, and the notion fills you with joy. 
"Sounds like fun!" You gasp, a pressing thought flickering into your mind. "What kind of pizza toppings do you like? I feel like this is make or break." 
Johnny seems to think for a moment, his tongue poking into his cheek. "Hmm... What are the most controversial choices?" He asks, a shit-eating grin breaking out on his face. 
"Hmm, pineapple?" You pose a controversial yet not particularly gross topping first, to gauge Johnny's taste. 
"Aye, don't mind it." 
He shrugs. "Why not?"
"... Olives?" 
Now he turns, perplexed. "Who doesn't like olives?" 
"A lot of people! They're horrible." You whine.
"The black ones aren't so bad, ya big baby." Johnny looks as he turns in time to watch you frown, his voice turning so condescending. "Aww, poutin' like one too. What did I tell ya about poutin' in front of me?" 
"That you'd kiss me, nibble on me even." You squeak.
You watch as everything about him changes—his eyes grow stormy and lidded, his lips curl into a satisfied smirk and his voice drops dangerously low. "As soon as we get back, those lips o' yours are mine." 
"... Yes Johnny." Your reply comes automatically, an instinct that you know will be capitalised on.
"Sound so sweet when ya say my name like that." He smiles brightly, genuinely pleased.
"Wait til you're fucking it out of me." 
"That won't be the name I want to hear from that pretty little mouth, bonnie girl." 
You shiver all over, squirming in your seat. "Yes sir." 
"Fuuuuck." Johnny groans, squeezing your thigh extra tight for good measure. "We should set some ground rules for the weekend." 
He suddenly sounds quite serious, though you suppose it's a good thing. Boundaries are needed, especially if you're to keep things sensible and consensual.
"Yeah, sounds good." You nod, falling quiet to allow him to lead the way. 
"I'm not gonna make ya do anything, don't think we're ready for that, but I'd like to tease it, if tha's okay?" You love the way he sounds measured and yet hopeful. 
"More than okay, though I'm sure you love to tease." You giggle, filled with a little nervous energy. Johnny already teases you so much, if he steps up his game any more you might straight up melt into a puddle. 
"Who doesn't? What did ya say about everyone needing to be a brat?" He jokes, winking—all charm. "But aye, think we need a long talk first before anything proper." 
"I look forward to it, though." You admit. Despite detailing a lot of your interests and limits in your initial post, it's good that Johnny is adamant about revisiting them properly. Still, you're excited to get to a point where you both feel comfortable truly exploring your dynamic. "So... can I call you sir?" 
Johnny falls quiet for a moment. "If it comes naturally to yer. Feel like it's something I should earn." 
"You're already doing it, you make it easier to trust you with everything that you do." Like insisting the name is something earned, you think. 
"I'm glad tae hear that." He nods, the smile on his face only slight, as he weighs his responsibility. 
"I do have some questions, though." You begin, somewhat hesitantly, but you suppose it's good to lay your cards on the table completely. A part of you can't live with uncertainty—needs to know Johnny's true intentions. 
He eyes you for a moment, before nodding. "Go on." 
"So, say you had complete control over things going forward, what would you want to happen? What do you... want for our relationship?" You take a moment to breathe after spilling all of that. 
Despite his focus on driving, you can see the cogs in Johnny's head turning as he mulls over your question.
"I want ya to be mine, in every sense of the word. My girl, my pet, my love. Everything, and I want tae be the same to you." 
It's fortunate that you're stopped at a red light, so Johnny is free to look upon you, the meaning deep in his gaze stills you completely. 
The light turns green, stealing his attention back, yet he continues to elaborate—a fond smile on his face. 
"I'll always protect ya and look after ya, and you'll love me and care for me the way a good girl does." 
"I'll get ya a pretty little collar, and a day one too, so no one ever forgets who you belong to."
It's amazing to you how Johnny can make your heart thump and cunt throb all in one sentence, in one look. 
"We'll get you a cage, a nice training routine, and we'll fuck like animals." 
His hand returns to your thigh, just as respectful as it has been all the drive thus far. 
"And when we're not fucking each other's brains out, we're cuddling on the couch, going on dates, spending time with friends. All tha' normal couple stuff." He finishes up with a happy sigh, a far-off look in his eyes as he turns his attention back to you. 
"What about you?" 
After everything Johnny just said, an expression far beyond what you expected, you find it hard to verbalise anything at all, and certainly not something as wonderfully smooth and tempting. 
You open and close your mouth a few times before finally getting your words out.
"Pretty much exactly the same." You cringe internally at how lame and lacklustre your words sound in response. "I'd like the dynamic to extend beyond the bedroom if we can manage it. For me, there isn't really an off switch."
You can only assume Johnny sees eye-to-eye with you on that, considering he replied to your post in the first place. 
"Seems to come naturally with us, I like tha'." 
"Me too." 
Johnny removes his grasp from your thigh, opting to lace his fingers through the hand of yours sitting in your lap. "I'm glad we're on the same page, bonnie." 
You squeeze his hand, relishing the way he instantly squeezes back reassuringly. Despite being connected in this way, you find it hard to look at him as you stumble through a self-conscious admission. "I was a little worried it was gonna be just sex." 
"Already well beyond that, pet," Johnny replies in an instant, before chuckling and squeezing your hand again. "Dinnae go all shy on me now." 
"Why? I'm sure you enjoy seeing me blush and squirm." You mumble, trying to hide your blushing cheeks. 
Johnny hums, amused and content. "Good job tha' I know all the best ways to make it happen then." 
You hide your face in your other hand, cupping your burning cheek and disgusting your shy smile. "It's only gonna get worse for me too, I know it." 
"Promise to use my powers for good, lass." 
You meet Johnny's gaze again, and feel a deep joy and contentedness flowing through every part of you.
"You better." 
You drive through quiet, suburban streets on the outskirts of Hereford, rows of houses passing by until Johnny turns into a street—fairly empty, and neither upscale nor impoverished. On the end sits a house, since converted into two seemingly distinct flats.
"Here we are." He comments, pulling a car to a stop and turning off the engine. Johnny leaves the car first, eager to open the door for you once more. 
"Ooh, are you upstairs or downstairs?" You ask, looking at the flats and the surroundings. 
"Upstairs," Johnny replies, grabbing your bag again. "Landlady lives downstairs, sweet woman." 
Your mind is flooded with a little old lady, lonely and completely adoring when it comes to her young renter.  "I'm sure you have her completely charmed." You giggle, imagining the effect Johnny has on older women. 
"Oh aye." He laughs too, a knowing glint in his eye as he leads you up the stairs, unlocking the door. "Keeps trying to set me up with her daughter." 
"Is that so?" 
As the door opens, the smell hits you—clean and fresh with an undertone of something masculine. The entryway is narrow and crowded with jackets and boots of all kinds. 
"I better tell her you're off limits." You joke, as Johnny steps aside to allow you in.
He doesn't reply, simply taking ahold of you and pinning you to the door, slamming it closed behind you. His firm hands pin you by the hips, pressing you between him and the door in an instant. 
"Johnny!" You gasp, breath stolen from you as Johnny is suddenly in your space—so close and hot and heavy. 
He leans in, one of his hands from your hips drifting up your body, trailing up your breast and your neck, before stopping at your jaw. His large hand cups your face, thumb swiping across the plush of your lips, parting them slightly for him—he's entirely transfixed, eyes filled with arousal as they flicker between your lips and your eyes.
Closing the final few inches, his lips brush against yours, and you can practically taste the mint in his breath. 
He dives in, kissing you fervently, pulling you flush against him as he practically devours your mouth with his lips and tongue. His teeth worry at your lip, his tongue collides with yours, and his hand at your waist grips you intently as a throaty groan leaves him. "Told you, pet, this mouth is mine now." taglist: @cooliofango @ramadiiiisme @pterodactyal @simonrillleyyysss @hexqueensupreme @ivymarquis @oilfics @ghosts-cyphera @msdrpreist @collmemabi @ysljoon @kmi-02 @mockerycrow @nakedcrackers @cassiecasluciluce @xcup1d @cloudsovercoffee @lovewithasideoflust @abbiesxox @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @bubuslutty want to be tagged? click here! want to be untagged? dm me or comment, i won't be offended <;3
547 notes · View notes
tiniedemon · 1 year
— ♡
dating headcanons
main 4 + butters
— ♡
— definitely the type to bully you but loves you to death
— constantly posting you on social media
— you need him? he’s already there actually he’s been hiding in your walls
— gets super in his head a lot, requires a lot of reassurance & affection
— some dude’s making you uncomfortable? his hand’s on your shoulder and he’s ready to beat the shit out of him
— the silent but deadly type
— basically no one fucks w his s/o
— but super duper soft
— sticky as fuck
— you thought kenny was a physical touch kinda guy? stan is 10 times worse
— constantly holding your hand or lacing your pinkies together
— prefers quiet nights in over nights out 100%
— movie nights are his absolute fav he loves the cliche holding hands in popcorn thing
— a bit of an alcoholic but never an angry drunk, he’ll be constantly up your ass blubbering about how much he loves you
— “your eyes are so pretty and your face is so pretty and i love your hair like that and how do you smell so good”
— if he were an anime character he’d be a tsundere for sure
— dislikes pda but in private he has no problem being affectionate
— is super awkward around you, doesn’t really know how to talk to you or how to act
— also prefers quiet nights in but in a totally different way
— would much rather read a book with your legs in his lap than watch a movie
— one phone call away tho don’t get him wrong
— if you need him he’s immediately on his way no questions asked
— very very very very protective
— also the type to hover behind you but the second you give him the go ahead he’s running his mouth
— all bark but also a super gnarly bite
— also super jealous and kind of insecure
— you’re his first real relationship so he’s always scared someone’s gonna steal you away
— the type to give you massages and ask you about your day
— domestic housewife fs, always cooking for you and making sure your house is clean
— always leaves sweet notes for you to wake up to but will never acknowledge them
— overall such a sweetheart, would do anything for you but is a stickler on saying the l word
— thinks it loses its sparkle if it’s said too much
— sticky horny bastard
— always cuddled up to you or holding your hand or kissing you
— big fan of pda
— if he’s not touching you and he’s in your presence someone’s getting hurt
— loves partying but also loves quality time with you
— would totally go out if you wanted but also would curl up in bed with you if you weren’t feeling it
— always eager to please you
— he’s like a dog, at your beck and call, awaiting your orders
— but don’t touch his s/o or he’ll go nuts
— not really the jealous type but definitely the possessive type
— like he doesn’t get worked up about someone hitting on you, he knows you’re fine as fuck, but the second someone tries to touch you his arms are around you and he’s kissing you
— very much a gentleman
— he makes very misogynistic comments about your body but ultimately you’re a queen and you should never have to lift a finger
— always worshipping the ground you walk on
— definitely a stoner
— giggles at everything you do when he’s high and 100% smokes you out every chance he gets
— he just loves you so much he’d literally combust
— isn’t really one for affection, private or public
— definitely runs his mouth to you
— but the second you get upset he’s crying begging you to stop being mad rubbing your feet
— a messy bitch for sure
— always stirring up drama in the friend group and sitting back watching it all go down with you
— would definitely scheme with you about starting beef
— views you as his queen but treats you as an equal (which is huge for him because everyone is below him)
— hates seeing you cry and would easily tell off whichever son of a bitch did it
— but also wouldn’t hesitate to bully you to the verge of tears
— makes up for it by offering you some of his cheesy poofs
— unspoken acts of affection for sure
— hates going out
— he’d much rather watch a comedy movie and shit on the plot with you
— the type to act like he hates you around his friends but the second you’re in a private setting he’s reminding you that he loves you
— possessive, jealous, protective, the big 3
— kind of like a chihuahua, all bark no bite
— probably also low key an alcoholic but never drunk to the point of being a lovey dovey bitch
— the sweetest boyfriend ever
— panics every time you cry or are upset in any way
— even if he’s grounded he’ll still find a way to talk to you
— if there’s a screen there’s a way
— doesn’t really fall into any category
— kind of just exists, way too happy that you’re dating him to notice anything else
— the type to post you on every social media platform he has
— would shout from the rooftops about how much he loves you
— very acts of service
— would do anything you asked as long as you were happy
— gives you back rubs every night
— sleeps with his head on your chest because he loves to listen to your heartbeat
— physical touch too
— loves holding your hand and caressing your cheeks
— stares at you for hours like “wow i can’t believe my s/o is this perfect”
— makes sure your needs are taken care of before his
— constantly texting you to remind you that he loves you and that you’re perfect in every way
— good morning and goodnight paragraphs even if you live together
— loves you to the moon and back and wants everyone to know it
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shadowystan · 8 months
YANDERE! celebrity x f!reader – he's so pretty, so popular (you really don't wanna be his sweetheart)
No but YANDERE!celebrity with a toxic fanbase.
It's not him you should be scared of. Not his bodyguards or his influential family; not his obsessive ex or crushing best friend.
The fanbase.
Jealous fans would cloud your life. If you have social media, you'd be hacked a few thousand times a week. If you block them, turn off your comments and go private, you'd get doxxed. Plain and simple.
It's upsetting. It's suffocating. And it's downright terrifying whenever you're out in public. Death threats at your face, stalkers outside your door. No peace of mind, none whatsoever.
But of course if you're pretty enough...
YANDERE!fans who want nothing but the best for their idol. Only someone as dazzling as you could deserve him.
(It's set in stone. You have no choice.)
YANDERE!fans who're the epitome of degeneracy. Writing dirty, smutty fanfiction on the side while making ship edits with you and their celebrity. It doesn't matter how many times you've streamed live, asking them to quit it because the both of you weren't official or how much it makes you uncomfortable.
YANDERE!fans who instead of agreeing and respecting your wishes, go as far as to send you everything. Gone are the rules of RPF. They're spiteful, they're overbearing and most of all, they want you to know you have no power.
YANDERE!fans who litter whoever you try to date with messages of "kill yourself <3" or "jump off a roof. respectfully." on their social media comments or DMs.
YANDERE!fans who spread elaborate rumors about you when you do something that remotely doesn't meet their standards.
The air was soothing. The atmosphere lively. You heard the chatter of the birds, the laughs of the couples, the giggles of the teen girls-
"-Let's say she assaulted someone!"
Leaning slightly to the left, you nonchalantly readjusted the dark spectacles framing your eyes. Hoodie pulled over your face and a lone piece of lettuce peeking out of your lips, the thought that someone might recognize you left your mind for the briefest of times.
And you focused on the task at hand. Eavesdropping on the conversation happening two tables to your side.
They were being rather loud. And concerning. Quite concerning.
"-That's too much, Sana." A puff of air left your mouth, a reassured smile curling in it's stead. At least Sana had wise friends-
"I mean how bad would it look for Iseul's reputation? He can't be dating an assaulter!"
You froze.
Iseul. Iseul. Iseul. Iseul Iseul Iseul Iseul-
That damned name.
A bunch of collective "oohs" and "aahs" splattered. The teenagers nodded in agreement, being particularly vocal.
"Let's say she bullied one of us!"
"Or that she has been to prison!"
"We caught her shoplifting?"
A fry was thrown at whoever said the last word. Useless bickering followed by rolls of their eyes, the girls easily overcame the little hindrance and got back to brainstorming.
You sucked in a breath, spoon limply hanging off your fingers.
They were definitely talking about you.
Whatever. Whatever. Whatever. It's not a big deal. This is normal-
"We should break into her house or something. The address is leaked anyway."
The table screeched, you stood up.
Legs having a brain of their own, you paced out of the restaurant, the memories of the girls fibbing and bickering and planning like no tomorrow kept echoing through your mind. Like a broken record. Since when had your life turned to such shambles?
God. Why were things like this for you?
Releasing a shaky breath, you gulped, burying the insecurity deep inside of you. Whipping the lopsided glasses away, you stop caring for a moment.
You don't care. For sure. But then your hands are moving and they're looking through your pockets, seeking for something and my goodness, since when did your phone start feeling so heavy?
Unfamiliar and hesitant, you went through your contact list, heart beating so fast that you felt like it'll rip right out of your chest. Your lips quivered, flushed skin feeling hotter and hotter by the second. A fever? Or was this anger?
You shivered, ignoring the tears and the salt and the aching, aching feel of your soul. You fiddled for a moment – just a moment – but then you're harshly pressing the call button and wiping snot off your nose before placing the phone to your ear and waiting like a madwoman. Impatient and uncalm and-
"My love! You called!"
Him. Him. Him. Him.
How you hate him.
"I'll-I'll do it,-" You spluttered, very much on the verge of choking on your own spit and mumbling strings of curses at him and them and every single person who's so, SO mean to you- "I-i'll make it official. We.. we will! Just..- just please.."
You've perished. You've perished until this second, this moment and you'll continue perishing but-
"J-just.. make them stop."
Don't you deserve a break too? With everything he puts you through?
A tsk from his side was heard. Iseul sounded amused, almost cross with you. Almost pouty. Almost smiling.
"Really now? This easy? Things were only just getting fun."
You wanted to gut YANDERE!celebrity. Brutally.
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afterhwrs · 5 months
Yuta Okkotsu is your boyfriend :')
currently looking on amazon for a yuta :( also ty to my bsf who came up with some!
there wouldn't be a day where he wouldn't
send good morning/night texts.
made a photo album for you on his phone.
would have a picture of you in his wallet. you'd also be on every one of his wallpapers.
would work hard to buy you things. he'll literally dedicate his entire being to seeing you happy.
feel like he'd be somewhat clingy but is scared that he'll push you away.
you'd always be referred to, as "my girl", or "my girlfriend" when he is talking to friends about you.
doesn't mind PDA but he gets flustered really easily.
when he's at the store he'll always buy things you like/want. won't ever come to you emptyhanded.
uses his notes app to write down little things about you, such as clothes size, favorite things, important dates, and such.
would prefer if he'd be the one paying for meals, but will let you split the bill once because he caved.
not a big fan of social media but would post you without you having to beg/ask him. he'd post you on important dates.
you'll always have flowers in your house.
would want to play video games with you.
would not have much experience with girls, but he'd learn how to please you
he would give you his shoes if your heels are hurting you or would give you a piggyback if he sees you're too tired.
would feed any obsession you would currently have. youre into plushies? got it. a new Lego set came out? he already pre-ordered.
he'd enjoy matching with you, whether it's outfits, pjs, shoes, jewelry, or icons for social media.
would binge-watch any show with you, and if you were to fall asleep he'd rewind just so he could watch it with you.
He’d also learn your hobbies like if you like to read and he will listen to you complain about the book you're reading
feel like he’d watch a movie genre he hates just bc you love it
he would paint your nails for you, if you were too tired or lazy to finish he would do it for you.
I feel like he’d watch a movie genre he hates just bc you love it.
after a long day at work or a bad one, he’d just kinda take care of you, like comfort you or listen to you if you wanted to talk about it.
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boringkate · 2 days
Kinda wild to be living in this era of increasingly normalized cosmetic surgery and manipulated imagery clashing with like a maybe simultaneously increasing level of fat acceptance etc.
Dudes spend all day looking at jpegs of twenty two year old girls who have spent a bajillion dollars and gotten BBLs and implants and a dozen other surgeries and a full face of makeup and who then still had to be photoshoped to achieve the type of true marketability that comes easily to AI generated anime waifus. And those dudes won't even jack to those jpeg in a "Yes! Reject the fetishization and false dichotomies of naturalness! Embrace transhuminist bimbofication, babe!" type of way bc they're too head empty to even consider what goes into looking like that. I promise you that they don't know or care who Nina Arsenault is. Those dudes are jackin in a "This is what women and their bodies are supposed to look like! This is womanhood in its natural state! Tradwife material! Uncorrupted by the performative wokeness of a wide chin!" type of way.
And as a fat aging tranny porn slut (who doesn't have a bajillion dollars and is scared of getting cut open and is bad at makeup and doesn't even wanna be high femme) I obviously find it distressing. I feel like I'm expected to look like that. An unachievable goal that I'm only inevitability drifting further from.
I also feel tho like there's never been a better time to swoon over some frumpy babes. Like Instagram and snapchat etc may have put everyone's body dysmorphia into overdrive (totally nuked the mental health of their entire user bases) (made absolute normies think they have to LARP as celebrities which requires looking like celebrities), but social media (and I wanna explicitly include OnlyFans and other platforms that have democratized pornography) has also provided avenues for the types or body diversity that you wouldn't have found in a 2000s era magazine announcing that Brittany Spears is a fat pig or even in an equally profit motive driven Dove commercial.
Which you could (maybe correctly) interpret as all being part of our widening beauty norms. That it's totally internally consistent for society to be more accepting of women who have gotten liposuction and women who have gained weight. It's body positivity and bodily autonomy all the way down. Totally liberatory! But it feels less like a widening and more like a fracturing. In line with the fall of media monoculture and a growing political divide between young men and women. It's what you get when people are increasingly online and siloued off. The people following immaculate celebs and influencers on insta aren't the same people checking out your favorite dyke's 50th hastily taken underarm hair pic.
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azyimnothere · 5 months
How are we doing today? I know that they were doing great
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It's pretty much an idealized version of what I think that Velchid selfie turned out like, I'd imagine that those little star cameras aren't all that great in resolution since they have so much going on in them to just be able to fly, do you think they'd be like drones or something? If that's the case I can just imagine how bad the paparazzi are in Mount Rageous, or would those cameras only be red carpet exclusive? Who knows, but either way I tried to make it look like a little shittier photo with a lot of blinga-ding from reflection and lights. I hope you guys like it! It isn't my best work to be honest but it's nice 😅
Oh and I don't know if this is already a thing or not, because I checked everywhere and couldn't really find it, tell me if you know someone who made this thingy first so I don't falsely claim it as mine okay?
So it's one where Orchid becomes a surprise assistant to Velvet and Veneer! (And of course Velchid is sprinkled in...not really sprinkled in, more like there's a full tub of salt)
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So here's a little backstory if you want to know :D
As we know, there was mentioning of an assistant in the movie, or I just imagine it, I'm not sure atp it's 3 in the morning.
Anywhezel, so I thought it would be in one of those accidental encounters by chance.
Crimp had a hard day, on the verge of a breakdown every second because siblings became "kinda" overbearing, and with no assistant around to help (because they most likely quit), she had no help around them. There was nobody who was willing to take the job that was licensed for working and helping celebrities that way because of all the horror stories previous assistants shared around. Siblings didn't really care Crimp was alone with them, so they just put all the extra stuff on her.
Crimp knew she needed a bit of help purely to keep her sanity on the line with her, so she decided to take a walk and think about what to do next (after she made sure siblings were in bed of course). She sat on a bench in the nearest neon-colored park and cried, not knowing what else to do, and had to let it out.
But she heard someone approaching, turns out it was a purple haired mount rageon and she looked at Crimp sadly, and asking her what's wrong. That's how Crimp met Orchid!
Orchid was making her way from the grocery store and saw Crimp crying on the bench late at night, Orchid recognised her easily since Crimp was mentioned a few times by the siblings on social media, there were also some photos. Plus, despite being small she was hard to miss.
Crimp explained her situation and told Orchid she couldn't do everything alone anymore, and that no one was willing to take over a bit of the burden since the siblings simply scared everyone off. Which made Orchid feel sorry for her.
But Orchid figured, that she could perhaps help Crimp out, the job at that doughnut shop she worked at just wasn't payed enough for her to move out of her mom's apartment, she wasn't forced to move but craved some independence ever since she turned 18 (which wasn't that long ago).
A good bonus was that she got to work with her favorite duo! despite it probably, being a little challenging.
Orchid gave that proposition to Crimp, which made Crimp a bit sceptical, Orchid was a nice girl and didn't deserve that kind of stress, but Orchid persisted because Crimp didn't deserve all that stress either.
On the end Crimp agreed, it only had to go through the approval of the siblings first.
And as expected, Veneer didn't really mind who was helping Crimp as long as they helped Crimp in the first place, and everything gets done in time.
Velvet on the other hand wasn't all that for it, she remembered Orchid faintly from a memory of a concert, which meant Orchid was a fan, she didn't want some nosy stalker snooping around. But as she inspected further, and listened to what Crimp had to say, she reconsidered it and ended up agreeing, unenthusiastically.
So that's how Orchid is now a busy celebrity assistant for two.
The story is a little basic, but it is solid I think, there will probably be comics about it in the future if you're interested! 💕
Also here's some Ritzneer I didn't post, warning! Boys kissing!!!
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Love you lovelies!!!! 💙💙💙💙
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youthnighttarot · 1 year
Baddie Check (Good qualities about you)🫦💋💄💅🏾
Tarot Reading
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Pile 1
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Pile 2 Pile 3
🔮 Welcome to my tumblr!! I’m 🔮youthnighttarot🤗
Things to know
💜This is for entertainment purposes only and, not to be taken seriously
💜Take what resonates leave the rest
💜All feedback is welcomed as longs as it’s respectful
✨Take a breath before you choose your pile
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Pile 1
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Tarot cards pulled: 10oS, 8oP (rv), 10oW
Oracle cards: Edward VIII (story may resonate with you watch a documentary) Lover card
First things first when I was shuffling I was supposed to say clear the energy ended up saying clear the check. So maybe you be clearing this check pile 1 because you a baddie that’s about their money!! Ok I’m not sure if you know this yet but you are a sex fiend….not like in the addiction sense just the energy that you give off. It’s like that girl/boy could rock my world. You’re also really goofy like you be playin LMFAOAOAOA frfr.
You may have been betrayed in the past or backstabbed by someone who you worked with. They weren’t putting in any work and, you had to constantly take the brunt/bulk of the work. This could have overwhelmed you and even strained your creativity but you came out on top. With the 10oS this woman has knives all in her back but she’s focused on her phone. You may not be as nonchalant but, you don’t give basic bottom barrel hoes energy and time they don’t deserve.
You’ve been through dark times and felt overwhelmed by creative project or just in general. You may have lacked motivation within your career or in regards to money/stability. People see this and view you as resilient and strong. You are that girl/guy because you never let this betrayal or malicious gossip make you skip a beat. You can carry a lot but that doesn’t mean that you should have to, though this is part of your hood qualities. It can easily become a bad habit if you let it get out of hand. You may have an online social media business and you are thriving but need time to rest. This is also what makes you a baddie you will work your ass off and rest just as hard. (Yesssss pile 1 can you help me out with that)
💅🏾A king is nothing without the woman he loves
💅🏾Make your own kingdom and choose your own family….I feel you go by this mantra 🕉️
💅🏾Your very luxurious
💅🏾You’re a good lover because you don’t rely on lies or rose colored glasses, trying to be the next Edward and Bella like it’s a movie. You take it seriously and are logical/reall about what a relationship entails
Pile 2
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Tarot cards pulled: 7oC (rv), Judgement, the hanged man (rv)
Oracle cards: Gala Dalí, one eye open one eye closed
One of your good qualities great I should even say, is that everything good that comes in your life comes in 2s, 3s, or 4s. You have a lot of abundance surrounding yourself. Something regarding the eye of Horus is significant here. Ok some of the good qualities about you pile 2 is that you have a kind nature but you also know how to cut through bullshit. You are not one of those people floating through life and allowing things to happen to you versus for you.
You are quite a decisive person especially in matters relating to heart and emotions. You may be disconnected from certain religious ideals and people can view you as a hedonist. (Chile🙄) simply because you don’t always comply but little do they know spirit is divinely protecting you. You’re not emotionally unbalanced you feel how you feel no matter how hard someone tries to sway you.
You may not be spiritually bound to any particular religion and this scares people.
You could be a witch/high priestess for some of you. You’re just you and you don’t try to be anyone else but you. (Purr 🐈) So people could celebrate you or even look up to you many ones. (Archangel Micheal, Raphael, and Azriel are looking after you have a lot of power on your spirit team) (Yemaya and Oya for some of my Yoruba gyals) (Nana Asee for my Akan gyals shout out) (Aphrodite and Cupid?) (Freya and Odin) You have uncertainties sometimes but you’re emotions never cloud your judgment. You understand what it means to be in tune as you should!! You may have been spiritually inclined always but repressed for others peace of minds.
💅🏾 It is by being in the shadow that one emits the most light…you truly believe this and this way of thinking has greatly benefited you
💅🏾You used to constantly be looking over your shoulder or you just didn’t trust easily
💅🏾You no longer jump the gun, or assume you know someone’s nature until you see it in its truest form
Pile 3
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Tarot cards pulled: 9oW, The Magician (rv), The hermit (rv)
Oracle cards: Marilyn Monroe, Magic is being used (rv)
So you know when to take time out for yourself first of all pile 3. You can sense when someone is trying to manipulate or play the con-game with you. You also know how to get people to do exactly what you want but, you don’t maliciously take advantage of people rather suggest. You take time to yourself in order to pondering your actions or how other people actions led up to your actions. So you may avoid it happening again at all cost. You are a dreamer. Again I’m getting your not afraid to reflect on your wrong doings…you take accountability.
You’re a person who knows when to shut social media off. You have no aspirations to chance fame/notoriety it just happens for you. You’re not caught up in trying to be a baddie you just simply want to be you. That is as all nothing less. Some of you could have some sort of connection to gypsies or Eastern European culture?
You believe in divinity and equality, you dress nicely as well. You know how to stand up for yourself by saying no…you are not afraid of sitting with yourself or your thoughts. You’ve traveled (physically or mentally) long and far in order to get to this point in your life. You have the emotions, the career skills, and the mindset to wether any storm. You are not deceptive but can sense deceptions easily.
💅🏾Never pick stability over a good time…at first I was like 🤔but what I got is that you don’t just choose something because it will bring you finances or wealth you choose to do something or be with someone because it makes you happy
💅🏾You don’t use spells and magic on people to get them to like you they just do
💅🏾Whatever story that people have in mind for you, you say to hell with and continue to be yourself
Call me beep me if you wanna reach me🔮📱
💟 @youthnighttarot ~ tumblr
💟 youthnighttarot1111 ~ PATREON EXCLUSIVES
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okkalo · 1 year
idk if this is where u request stuff but here it goes….have u seen the tik tok trend where the girl would be fixing her lipstick and then the camera points to the guy who has lipstick stains all over him and looking at the girl with all the affection in the world…
can u plssss do something like this w blue lock boyss (mainly rin, barou, bachira, and sae) with a social media influencer s/o
it’s fine if u don’t!!
have a great day!! and drink lots of water!!🩵
hello!! thank u so much for the request and the kind words!! i hope u have a good day as well and remember to take care of urself!! 🫶
characters: rin, sae, barou, bachira,and karasu (yk i had to do him)
i’m a lover
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- he definitely put up a fight not to be in this one
- he’s not a social media fan whatsoever
- and he hated thinking about the freak out the media would have seeing THE rin itoshi simp over someone
- he was mostly scared of the blue lock boys finding out about the tiktok and teasing him for it
- but with enough convincing you got him to do it with you
- was so flustered when you started kissing him everywhere
- he would’ve given you a hard time but then you started kissing him all over his face and he just went speechless
- actually got the look down on the first try
- you thought it would’ve taken at least 10 for him to give you a soft look but he actually nails it
- the video definitely goes viral and definitely makes it’s way to the rest of the blue lock boys.
- he figured it was worth it though because he got to have you kissing him everywhere
you thought right from the moment rin’s mouth opened that he was going to nonstop talk about how dumb this whole thing is. but, he didn’t. he was sitting patient, his hand resting on your thigh as you reapplied your lipstick again. he secretly loved this, you could tell by the way he was blushing and avoiding your eye contact every time you went in for a kiss. and though he was being amazingly quiet, you had to give him some sort of a tease. you planted a hand on his cheek, waiting till his eyes met yours. once they did you gave a soft smile while going in for the last kiss. yeah, he was definitely flustered at that point. it was probably the only reason he got the look on the first go, however.
- a lot easier to convince!!
- you only had to ask him twice!! we all know his i-don’t-care-what-the-media-thinks mindset.
- he acts so nonchalant about it but is so weak for you
- pretty much the opposite of rin
- his eyes never leave your face
- you probably get embarrassed because he is staring you down so far??
- and his hands are roaming up your waist at the same time??
- yeah he’s definitely doing this on purpose btw
- the only reason he agreed so easily was to make you embarrassed while doing so
- your breath caught in your throat seeing him looking at you like that
- flusters you even more by going in for a kiss
- he’s playing with you!!
- anyways it blows up, of course, with everyone freaking out in the comments about how weak they are for sae
- the final kiss part did make its way in the video too.
“okay sae, you ready?” you ask while fixing your hair and preparing the lipstick once again. once he hummed in affirmation, you pressed the button and waited for the music to start playing. sae was eager for his part of the video, his hand gently but firmly pushing your head to look his way. he definitely heard your breath hitch, a small smirk on his face as he went forward to give you a kiss. it was so breathtakingly good too, so much passion in the way your lips moved together. that didn’t stop sae from immediately pulling away as the sound stopped. “sae!” you whined, wanting more now.
“what? is there more to the video?” he innocently asked, getting up to leave. please just pull him back down.
- no bc i KNOW u struggled to get him to do this
- the amount of scoffs and “tch”s you had to hear is insane
- he gives you such a hard time but i just know he feels so proud and cool doing it
- he gave you so much shit over everything though
- literally was complaining about how the lipstick felt on his skin at first
- he stuttered at first though because he was a little embarrassed over the thought of YOUR lipstick being all over him AND for show
- plays it off cool and acts like he’s not blushing
- tries to look in love with you but miserably fails 😭
- HE DOES LOVE YOU!! he’s just really awkward with trying to force the face
- it took you guys a good ten clips for him to finally make a somewhat good face
- he got so much shit from the blue lock boys but does not care whatsoever (he blushes a bit but that’s it)
- only cares once they start asking about you
- sendou and oliver are your new biggest simps!!
he knew it was a bad idea to do that video. now his teammates won’t shut up about you. “can we meet them?” what a dumb question. of course he won’t let them meet you. what’s his is his and he certainly doesn’t share, especially with his dumb teammates. you definitely had some making up to do once he got home from the annoying practice he had to put up with.
- literally jumped around in excitement when you brought the trend up
- he LOVES being on your social media!!
- is literally your biggest fan. he runs the fan club.
- every time you place a kiss on his face he will reciprocate the kiss on yours 🥹
- he is so adorable help me
- he also struggles with the face 😔
- it’s either too happy or too serious
- he gets it faster than barou though!!
- jumps on you and gives you a big smooch once you guys finish
- probably wants to do the same thing but swapped so he’s kissing you everywhere
- absolutely shows the video to everyone
- he’s literally spamming comments about how much he loves you too
- he’s so so happy he got to be in one of your videos <3
“okay, my turn now!” he exclaims while jumping off of you to find your lipstick again.
“your turn?” you ask, confused on what he was talking about. he only looks at you like you asked a dumb question before going back to uncapping your lipstick.
“to kiss you everywhere, duh.” you had to stifle a giggle as you watched his lips turn bright red.
“you already did that when it was my turn.”
“not enough!” you knew there was no arguing with him. it not like you could when he was already kissing you everywhere…again.
- smirked so hard when you asked him
- immediately agreed with some teasing of course
- makes you kiss him on the lips every time you kiss his face
- and it’s a deep kiss every time too
- one hand is rubbing up and down your waist while the other is on your nape to give you a push towards his lips
- he has the same objective as sae.
- however he also gets embarrassed once he peeks over to the mirror and sees your kiss outline everywhere
- that doesn’t stop him from teasing you though
- he does the look so well that you’re the one smirking at the end because it reminds you he is SO down bad for you
- please kiss him afterwards
- he brushes all the comments of the blue lock boys aside
- probably shares the video to his social media because he’s so proud??
you just had to kiss him after the video. i mean seeing him like that? how couldn’t you? you did have to put up a fight to separate from him afterwards though, his lips not wanting to leave yours. he huffed out a sigh once you were successful with pulling away though, eyes fleeting to the mirror once again. “i look pretty good like this,” his statement makes you giggle. maybe you could indulge him for a longer kiss this time.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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