#i get to graduate soon yessss
samphnj · 2 years
my private school but I don't give you any context (hehe)
- Our favorite classroom is The Shed™
- God's middle name is Wilson
- Little Timmy is the resident ghost. And we love him dearly and reference him daily.
- Space issues
- Having to be in a class with a sixth grader while you are in a much older grade.
- You have much younger siblings taking the same classes as you.
- Can't do anything risky because we co-inhabit with a church.
- Having almost your entire staff quit over the summer (entire staff was like 3 people tho)
- Your principle being your english teacher
- Your history teacher also being your econ teach
- Having your teacher make you do the call-and-response claps in your high school class.
- Getting constantly infantilized by the teachers.
- Our graduating class is one (1) this year.
- We also only have one freshman.
- "What the HECKDY HECK are you FLIPPING doing?"
- No swears, nonono.
- The Shed™ being unreasonably cold
- Hank the Tank is the van that doubles as the bus.
- Having buses come pick you up for classes in the district (public) schools.
- Constantly being forgotten by said bus drivers. (Because the bus company FUCKING sucks, but not the drivers, we love them)
- We can't say Uranus, we have to pronounce it like uri-nus because apparently we're not mature enough.
- Being friends with everyone single person in the sixth to twelfth grades.
- The public school students thinking that you're homeschooled cuz no one even knows our school exists.
- Getting out in May instead of June for Summer break.
- The whole k-12 school can fit on one, normal-sized, public school bus.
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99liv3s · 1 year
Okay, here my Clinic patient idea
Name: Sophia Bloom
Hair: Chocolate Brown (But dyed dark Blue)
Eyes: Strangely Red
Age: 22
Height: 6’1
Background: She was bullied in college for her eyes and dyed hair, retreated into the internet and gained a birth fetish she keeps a secret. Fresh out graduation and immediately gets pregnant so she can enjoy the experience. Likes the idea of long labour.
Sophia waddled into the clinic, attracting a few glances in her direction from her dyed blue hair and her large baby bump. As she approached the reception desk, she clutched the front of it, grimacing. She looked directly at the receptionist, piercing her with her dark red eyes. "Hi, I think I'm in labor!" Sophia said.
15 minutes later, Sophia was found sitting alone on a bed in a birthing suite, wearing only a hospital gown and doing breathing exercises as she labored. The contractions were painful, yes, but were also quite sensual. Ever since college, where she was bullied for her unique red eyes and some of her unorthodox interests, she had harbored a strong pregnancy and birth fetish, gained from her escape into the internet. Occasionally viewing birth videos and reading stories, Sophia was anxious and excited to experience the sensations of pregnancy and birth for herself. Therefore, upon graduation, she almost immediately fell pregnant via a one night stand. Of course, the father immediately abandoned her when he found out, but this was fine with Sophia. She had been alone virtually all her life, so she was used to it, and she had originally planned to give this baby up for adoption anyway.
Sophia's pregnancy had been wonderful, better than she had dreamed, and as she sat now, laboring painfully, she thought back to all the highlights of her pregnancy. "This is it!" Sophia thought happily. "I'm finally going to give birth soon!" "I can't wait to feel it!"
An hour later, Sophia was moaning loudly, clearly in pain! "Ooohhh, I don't wanna feel it, it hurts!" She begged, as a doctor took her vitals. "I know it hurts, but you are doing well," he responded. "You're four centimeters dilated!" Sophia grimaced. "ONLY FOUR?!" she thought, as more contractions wracked her body. "I don't know if I can make it," she whined out. "You can," the doctor reassured her. "Just trust your body." "Yes, it will hurt, but birth is a magical experience too!"
Hours upon hours had passed, with the pain continuing to worsen. Night had fallen outside, and Sophia's baby seemed to be taking its sweet time getting ready to come out. Sophia was moaning and crying constantly now, as the painful contractions seemed to endlessly attack her. As the doctor came in again to check her dilation, Sophia thrashed around on the bed, thinking, "This has to be it!" "The pain can't get any worse than this!"
"AAAAAAGGGHHHH!" Sophia screamed out another hour later as two nurses held her legs open. The pain and pressure in her pelvis was unbearable, and Sophia pushed with all her might, trying to get rid of it. "Good girl, you're doing great," the doctor encouraged. "OH GOD IT HURTS, GET THIS BABY OUT OF MEEEEE!" Sophia screamed as another contraction gripped her. She pushed, and a teardrop shape appeared at her opening, though she herself could not see it. "There's the baby's head!" The doctor announced, then looked into Sophia's eyes. "I won't lie, it's going to hurt even more, no doubt, as the head crowns," he said to her. "You will likely feel a burning sensation, that is normal, and you just need to push through it, ok?" Sophia nodded, still whimpering. As the next contraction hit her, and she pushed, braced for the upsurge in pain, something happened. She felt the head slowly inch out of her, but instead of burning, she felt an almost orgasmic pleasure. She moaned loudly, and everyone in the room noticed that it was not a painful moan, but a pleasured one. "OH GOD YESSSS!" "AAAHHH YEEESSS!" Sophia cried as the baby's head emerged from her. "YES YES YES YEEESSSSS!" Sophia felt a pop and a gush of fluid as the head finally left her body, hanging out of her as it turned. She could still feel pain, but it was mixed with a pleasure she had never felt before, even when she was conceiving this baby 9 months ago. "One more push," the doctor said. "Only one more?" Sophia responded, disappointed. She felt the contraction and screamed out in ecstasy as she felt the baby leave her body in one final pleasurable sensation. It was a boy!
"So, what exactly happened to me?" Sophia asked, half an hour later after she had pushed out the afterbirth. "I've never heard of any woman in labor having an orgasm while they gave birth." "It's a rare thing," the doctor responded. "You were given a gift!" Sophia smiled. "I will definitely do it again!" She thought. She was going to give the baby up for adoption, and as she lay recovering on the birthing bed, her mind raced to a new idea. There were other couples out there ready to adopt. It would be her pleasure to provide more babies for that to happen!
(Your character rolled an 8 = single baby birth)
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jils-things · 6 days
oh my gosh im honestly so surprised you caught on to that??? WHAHAHAA anyways yes, at least i believe i hope so!! ive been in this semi active status long enough i gotta break it HGAHAHAHH
ALSO YESSSS they're called redjaide! or appleshipping in tradition :3 i WILL make more redjaide content soon watch me frfrfr GRRRR hey if people tell me they wanna see this and that then id be more than happy to entertain hehehe
for jil thoughts, uhh im actually about to go to my graduation rn AHAHAHA IT'S TODAY!!! riding to the venue rn and i think it'll start shortly but YES!!! FINALLY. I WINNN!!! thats all i can share for now :3
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vantaesfairie · 10 months
my reader feedback
these are all feedback from people who have gotten readings from me in the past, i have copied and pasted them from my inbox and dms. usernames have been blocked out partially for privacy.
*****etessvalentine asked:
Thanks so much for the reading! It resonates a lot, especially the imposter syndrome cause i don't even know how i'm here. Anyway have a great weekend!
*****summers asked:
Thank you for answering my question. I'm really glad to hear we can have a stable foundation together before any romance happens 👀 I also appreciate the energy you put into the reading. Tysm!! 💕
***07 asked:
Aww , I can’t believe I guessed right. I was afraid at first that I was just projecting, because I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m so excited and can’t wait to meet him. Thank you so much for this. You’re so great at this!!!!
*****ornianhoe asked:
Yeah indeed I feel more open than before with my emotions/feelings cuz I tend to self sabotage myself always haha 😃 and you're so on point in everything! Thank you love, I hope we can have the chance/opportunity to have more like this! I enjoyed it!
*****nn21-blog asked:
I’ve pretty much anticipated this kind of an answer, I guess I just keep getting cold feet lol. So, I can say your response resonates with what I’m feeling about the situation and the confirmation that it will go well really boosted me. Also, thank you for your opinions/advice, I’ll bear them in mind.
Thank you for your response and time, take care!
*****elyi asked:
I just saw my reading! I apologize for late reply. Everything you stated about me having a motherly energy and enjoying nature is very true, and the reading truly spoke to me. YESSSS, I'm have a graduation celebration soon ! Yes, I value and care about those who are close to me. I do think he doesn't like me romantically. I appreciate it; I had a great time reading this. very thankful
*****mochiq asked:
Thank you so much for such a great reading and taking the time and energy to do it! Appreciate it. Actually, I was shocked because I'm really introverted or more of a loner type and I've often wondered what would happen if I got into a committed relationship and they didn't respect my space. Since this is such a big deal to me, your mention of it actually made me sigh with relief lol. Yes, I too value my time and like to do things on my own, and sometimes my social battery runs out immediately so I prefer to take time away from ppl. I CANNOT TAKE IT, THIS IS SO SWEET! LIKE THE READING AS A WHOLE IS VERY NICE I'm incredibly excited to eventually meet this person. Thank you so much once again for this amazing reading, it resonated so much.
*****iadivina asked:
Feedback: thanks so much this resonated! Honestly the part about hiding emotions can be both 😅 but i will work on my part. And the teen part resonates too, it’s not so bright now but I’m glad that’s changing 🤍
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celiastjamesoscar · 6 months
Help why was the message sent in anyone 💀 I didn't mean to do that. That's what I get for answering you and looking at milfs at the same time... I'm happy you could figure out that it was from me.
YESSSS GRACE YESSSSS (Bottoms reference) get that tattoo!! You deserve it after having to deal with these stupid finals!!
Omg Carol was everything!!! Rooney and Cate together were so incredibly hot. A true masterpiece. Natasha deserves to be honored with a tattoo! Will you get the widow during your break? Getting paid for reading fics about hot ass women is the dream! And the least they can do for having us sit around and sometimes force us to actually work 🙄
But babe, listen! The presentation needs to be finished by mid January the EARLIEST! I still got plenty of time! I only started it now because I'm competitive as fuck and my fellow apprentice already finished his (mine looks much better his is way too full). And because I don't want to do actual work...
GRACE [INSERT LAST NAME AGAIN] YOU HAVE NOT SEEN SAW X??? What the hell! It's one of the best Saw movies. You gotta catch up, honey! This is unacceptable behavior and if you don't change it up soon you will be punished.
The dream was truly something else. Quinn and Barbie viciously killing men while only wearing bathrobes had me dead. But thus is exactly why horror is amazing. Straights die and we get to see hot evil women!
Okay, oh boy. I will clear my whole schedule for this weekend and train my thumbs for writing down all of my thoughts. It's gonna be a long and wild ride!
I can always figure out when it’s you love!! I’m just that good 😤
I do deserve a tattoo!! I shall keep you updated on the process! How bad does the front of your thigh hurt?
Carol is my ‘comfort’ movie!!! Rooney and Cate are an amazing duo and I love them both. I don’t know if I’ll get her widow over break or not, I’m still deciding. It truly is amazing to read fics about hot women and still get paid!
Mid-January will be here before you know it though!!! I’m going to force you to finish yours early so you aren’t panicking when it’s time to present!
I WAS GOING TO GO WATCH IT IN THEATERS BUT MY THEATER WASNT SHOWING IT 😭😭 the AMCs where I live suck though. If it helps, I binged all of the first 9 movies in a week!
Hey now, if Quinn and Barbie have to violently kill men to get through their day, who are we to stop them?? And that is exactly why we love horror
I hope to have it out by this weekend!! I have to attend my dad’s graduation tomorrow morning and then go to work, but after that I should be free! And my official winter break starts tomorrow and end’s January 15th!!
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helooh dear, i have done my last exam today!!! i’m freee, i think it went well, i’m glad you are okay, i hope that mars will feel better soon, we all have told to her that she have to take some rest and take care of herself, really, she can’t force herself to do something when she’s not feeling well! the fic can wait, we can wait, we will wait for her, her health is more important, i hope she will feel better soon<3. yessss let’s goo!! i have bought resident evil today as a gift fo myself for my graduation!!!! i can’t wait to play it! yesss we can nerd out together!!! hehehe :)) have a wonderful day! <3
Woo hoo!!! You're finally freeee!! I'm so happy for you 🐉!!!! Thank you for the support for Mars, it means more Mars than you know. She deserves all the love and support atm, and you, as well as others, are helping her. Don't tell her this, but she can be a bit stubborn at times, even if she won't admit it. 😉 But I am happy that she is getting the support and reassurance she needs while she goes through this difficult time. I think it is important for her to take a break and focus on herself. Ooooo, what resident evil did you buy!? I think it's a great idea to treat yourself for graduating!! I'm so proud of you 🐉!!!! Have a wonderful dear, and I am so happy for you!!!!
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animatedrapture · 1 year
hello omggg ur finally back and the new as friends update is so good ⁉️⁉️. ive missed u and ive missed rin. ive been kinda kana-ing rn and i just finished reading as friends all over again and its so relatable. i love ur writing and im glad ur slowly coming back 2 writing.
i hope ur doing good esp w all the irl stuff. delulu-ing hard hoping there’ll be more as friends chapters(and possibly other stuff)
i have a question tho can i be 🕷️ anon?
haiiii hellooooo yes ⁽⁽◝(⁰▿⁰)◜⁾⁾ i feel a bit more normal about being perceived now i think? which is part of the reason why i even left :3 hehe. I MISSED U GUYS TOOOOO but omg, 🕷, what has brought u to start kana-ing </3
and yessss. tbh id probably be writing more if i didnt push getting more subjects than i was supposed to this semester cause then id have more free time but i really wanna graduate soon already :3
my semester should be over late may tho !! so yeah hopefully more writing by then hehehe
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taz-skylar · 1 year
anddd the truth is out! hello from your animanga secret santa!! 
I’ll definitely let you know if I ever watch one piece! I doubt it’ll be any time soon though given how long it is 🫠
adlskklf I have literally no clue which character I relate to I’ll probably need to go through the list of all the shows I’ve watched as well 🤡 the only one I can think of is morioka moriko from recovery of an mmo junkie (from a few years back + not really one of the mainstream ones I think?) because of her neet status (not that I’m a neet, but just the same general feeling of not knowing what to do with my life) and because I once played an mmorpg with a male main character and pretended to all the friends I made there that I was really a guy ah what fun times 🥸
my brother lives on his uni campus and granted singapore isn’t that big but we still rarely see each other. we recently had a family vacation though (a short one) and we did our usual bickering and mutual sarcastic jesting which is probably the one thing we enjoy doing to one another to our parents’ utter confusion. he’s graduating next may, so maybe after that one he moves back home we’ll see each other more - but who knows, when he starts working, he might get busier
hope you had a great festive season and an awesome time with your family and friends and ate all the homemade food to your heart’s content!
- your animanga secret santa 🦖
the hilarious thing is that just a few weeks ago when you said in one of your messages that you didn’t want to list the fandoms your in bc then it would be obvious who you were, my mind immediately went to op but also mdzs and i was joking to moh, “if my secret santa isn’t saying the fandoms bc of mdzs, then they're either hân or hanyi. there’s no way it’d be anyone else.” glad my instincts were right ajfdlkajf 😂
and yessss pls let me know if you ever watch one piece bc i know you’d absolutely love it and it would be a bonus for me since i’d get to see gorgeous op edits from you !!!
i haven’t seen that show yet! was it good? should i be adding it to my list bc i will, just for you if you tell me it’s good! but yes, i totally get that feeling of not knowing what to do with life! it’s such a frustrating and depressing feeling 🥺 the mmorpg sounds like such an interesting story omg, you’ve got to tell me that in detail one of these days alfkdaj
fingers crossed that when your brother moves back you’ll be able to see more of each other!!! honestly, makes sense why you haven’t had lots of chances to see each other if he’s living away for school bc school definitely keeps you busy for sure but i’m sure that when he’s done and back, your relationship will grow closer! fajdlfkja bickering and mutual sarcastic jesting is like the basis of all sibling relationships i feel, at least it definitely is for me and moh and was with our brother 😂
so far holidays have been good for us! moh’s been sick right now so she had to stay home so i went alone to my cousin’s house yesterday for dinner, which was super fun and exciting bc i got to meet her new baby son who i haven’t met yet since i was in a different city for school ! he’s adorable and so smiley and i had an absolute blast seeing all my cousins and their kids !!!
i hope you’ve been enjoying the festive season as well! you deserve all the joy and happiness ever !! 💙 thank you again for such a beautiful gift, bud !!! talking with you through anon has been so much fun these past few weeks!
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arsenicpanda · 2 years
I have finally, finally finished my last assignment for my last class this semester, and, if all goes well, I will be done with grad school, like halle-fucking-lujah, please god let me have done well enough to graduate
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padme-amitabha · 3 years
Here is how I imagine modern anidala
Meet as kids and become best friends and grow up together
Sometime in hs, they developed feelings and start dating. Maybe starting senior year
Padme proposes to Anakin soon after they graduate hs due to him being in a serious car accident (possibly loosing part of his arm) and she realized she never wanted to feel what it would be like without him by her side
People tell them they will never last getting married this young
They end up spending the rest of their lives together and building a wonderful family
Yessss 😍
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preciousacedragon · 2 years
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You (we!!) are going to have so much fun at their concert in Stockholm!! 🥰 June is my favourite month of the year but right now I can't wait for it to end, July 1 couldn't be here any sooner!! 🥺
yessss i can't wait! Especially since I've never seen them live before, it's gonna be something
I first have some deadlines to cover still haha so July shouldn't be here too soon so I can get those done still 😅 but then I'll be graduated and what better graduation gift than a BC show right? (and the other artists at summerfest that i wanna see)
hope we have the best time! 🥺🥺
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fivescoffeemug · 4 years
chinese take out.
pairing : Five Hargreeves x reader
request : “Five fluff prompts you say? Can I get a best friends to lovers trope with an unspoken confession (like they just know they’re into each other but they don’t say it. if someone asks, they say friends though), with a side salad of staying in and eating chinese take out and watching dumb movies, and maybe a kiss for dessert? -Honey.”
Words : 1,022
A/N : sorry I took so long just to get one request done only now, I’m going through something really REALLY complicated in my own relationship (if I’m being honest, it’s leading to a breakup at this point) so obviously with these things in mind it was difficult to write stuff like this, but I love you guys too much not to do it. Thank you for your patience.
Taglist : @freestarlight
(gif by number5theboy on tumblr.)
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You open the main entrance to the Hargreeves mansion, drenched and absolutely ruined from the thundering rain outside. Your once dazzling dress was now soggy in rainwater with your hair was dripping wet.
“Y/N!” Five exclaimed, rushing towards you. “What happened?”
“I’m never going to another party ever again,” you reviled, throwing your shoes to the far end of the room. Or at least, tried to, anyway.
Five sighed, putting your wet hair behind your ear so you’d look at him. You found it a bit peculiar for the situation, but if you were in his position you wouldn’t know what to do either.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine, but ... I’m proud of you, Y/N,” Five nodded, smiling warmly as his sea blue eyes met yours.
“I just graduated, and there was a party,” You grunted, sitting on the marble floors you’ve made wet. “There’s nothing to be proud about.”
Five sat in front of you, legs crossed. “I’m proud you even decided to go to the party. I know how much you hate crowds.”
You huff though your nose, soon feeling a headache come on. You wipe your face with the tissues Five gave you, but then realized there was still sadness dripping from your eyes.
“Hey ... hey, hey, it’s okay,” Five got closer as you buried your face in your hands. He slowly attempts to put his arms around you, you practically throw your arms around his neck. He didn’t mind that he was now wet too, because you felt him hold you tighter.
“You did so well,” Five said as you felt his face move closer to your neck, snuggling itself in a spot. “And I didn’t have to be there to know you did.”
You inhale, soon pulling away from the hug as you wiped away the tears. You smiled with what little strength you had left, and he did too.
“You should shower, and take as long as you need, I’ll clean this up and put your shoes back,” Five offered. “We can order from your favorite chinese place.”
“Yessss, thank you,” you heave a sigh of relief, carrying your dress as you stood up. There was still some water dripping from your dress and Five helped you squeeze it out so you could walk safely to the shower.
You walk down the grand stairs, seeing chinese take out laid on the center table of the foyer.
“You didn’t get drinks?”
“I made you coffee with plenty sugar and milk, just the way you do it,” Five said, appearing from the kitchen with two mugs of coffee.
“It’s eleven pm, Five,” you laugh.
“What’s the point if we’re going to be up all night watching bad TV?” He handed you your mug, smiling widely.
“Who says we’re watching bad TV? Netflix has a lot of good shows,” you pick up all the food and took it to the living room where the TV was, Five following behind you.
You set down the boxes, taking yours and grabbing the utensils, as Five turned on the TV to pick a show.
“Hey Five, I’m heading out, I’ll be back in the morning,” Diego yelled from the foyer looking into the living room. “Hey, you snuggling with Y/N? Wasn’t she supposed to be at a party?”
“Yeah, but—”
“Y’all sure y’all aren’t dating?” Diego raised an eyebrow, grinning as he pointed at Five.
“Up your ass, Diego,” Five remarked. Though he was facing Diego, you could tell he was smiling. Not from sarcasm, but more of, from gladness. Diego nodded, finally taking his leave.
“Finally, it’s just the two of us,” Five’s head turned up in relief. “This house is always so noisy with them.”
“But you love them,” you remind him, making him look back at you.
“Yeah, I do.”
Five puts his arm around your shoulder, you then resting your head on his. You both decided to play ‘The Queen’s Gambit.’
“Hey, can I have some of your chicken?”
“Of course, here.”
You offer up your food, him then biting from your fork.
“Do you feel cold?” You ask him, looking up after a while of watching.
“No, do you want me to get you my blanket?” He asks, and you nod.
He stands up after you lift your head from his shoulder and he blinks out of the room, immediately returning with his blue blanket. He drapes it over you, you then lifting your arms so he can tuck it snugly on your lap. Your feet are now up to your chest, so you fit perfectly under the blanket.
He then sits back on his spot, resuming your head’s home on his shoulders and his arm on your shoulder, just as you both like it.
“I’m sorry your party didn’t turn out well,” He looked down at you, your hair slightly tickling his neck, but he didn’t mind. “You hate parties but you seemed to be looking forward to this one.”
“It was a mistake anyway, I never had any real friends there, not because I was an outsider but because I didn’t want any, so that was probably why it didn’t work out,” you explain. “I should have seen sooner that this was the better way to celebrate my graduation. With you.”
You could feel his breath on your head, humming as he smiled. He planted a short kiss on your head.
“Who allowed me to be this lucky?” he whispered, but you heard it faintly.
And the show went on as you both slowly but surely finished the food, setting it down on the table once you were done. You finished the delicious homemade coffee Five made you, knowing it always tasted better when it was made by him.
You fell asleep with your head on his shoulder, him then doing the same with his head on yours, with him tucking his feet to his chest like you.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Five murmured, exhaling as he closed his eyes.
You knew any sort of confession would be useless; you both knew the relationship was beyond what words could seal. That’s how everyday should end; with you and Five telling each other that everything would be okay as you fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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cherryobx · 4 years
I’m proud of you, son//Rafe Cameron x reader
requested?: yessss “when you have the time, can I request a fic where rafe brings home his girl who's a year younger and he's so proud of her bc 'look at her, she's gorgeous and smart and I did this dad' and Sarah and Wheezie like her and rafe is just do happy bc look he made ward proud and ward tell him he's proud of him and it's just rly cute?”
summary: Rafe finally introduces you to his family
warnings: fluff 
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You and Rafe had been dating for almost 6 months now. You had been keeping it a bit of a secret. Not because you didn’t want to be seen with Rafe. It was actually his idea to keep it a secret. He was not sure how his father would feel about it. And honestly, he was scared.
He had previously brought a girl home to his dad a few years ago and Ward had gotten so mad for some reason. And then Rafe broke up with her. 
Rafe didn’t want to admit it, but his father’s opinion was actually really important to him.
“Are you sure you’re not going to break up with me when he doesn’t like me?” you asked looking up at him. You were standing outside of his house, about to go in to meet Rafe’s dad and Rose for the first time.
“I’m positive. Trust me when I say that nothing can make me change my feelings about you,” he reassured, grabbing your hand and placing a small kiss on the back of it when he noticed that your hands were shaking from the nerves.
“It’s going to be okay.”
As soon as he opened the door, a blonde woman came out of somewhere rushing towards you, a wine glass in her hand. She had an apron on, although you were 100% sure she didn’t cook.
“Oh my God! You must be Y/N. So nice to meet you!” She hugged you very tightly, making you let go of Rafe’s hand and almost spill her wine all over you. 
“Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Cameron!”
She giggled. “Oh please! Call me Rose. Now come on, the food is almost ready.” 
Your hand quickly found Rafe’s again when you followed Rose into the dining room.
Everyone else was there already, sitting behind the dinner table. Sarah and Wheezie were on their phones, not paying attention to what was happening, and Ward was reading a newspaper.
“Dad. I want to meet my girlfriend, Y/N,” Rafe said. At this point, you were more nervous than you had ever been in your whole entire life. Your palms were sweating and you felt your knees get a bit weak.
Rafe, noticing your nervousness, squeezed your hand a bit, letting you know that he was right there with you.
Sarah and Wheezie had put down their phones to look at the interaction that was about to happen.
Ward set his newspaper down onto the table and stood up from where he was sitting. Then he walked over to you two. He held out his hand and you shook it, smiling at him. Surprisingly he smiled back.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Ward. How much did he pay you to be here tonight?”
You were shocked that he would even ask anything like this. “What?”
“I’m just kidding. Let’s sit down! Shall we?”
Then it was time to sit around the table and eat dinner. You were sat between Rafe and Sarah. Wheezie was sitting on the other side of Sarah. Ward and Rose were sat on the opposite side of the table, facing you.
As the food was served, Ward and Rose started to ask you questions about you and your relationship with Rafe.
“So… how did you guys meet?” Rose asked, taking a bite of her food.
You looked at Rafe, silently telling him to talk about it.
“Uhh, we met at a small get-together almost a year ago.” By “a small get-together” he meant a pretty huge party that was thrown by Topper. “And then we became friends and started dating six months after. That’s basically it.”
“Interesting,” Ward commented. “Do you go to school, Y/N?”
“I just graduated high school at the beginning of this summer, so currently not. But I applied to a few universities. Hopefully, I can start studying again this fall.”
“Oh, that’s great. Maybe you can convince Rafe to go back to college too,” Ward said, which made Rafe scoff. “Not a chance.”
“Wait how old are you again?”
“I’m 18, sir.”
“You can call me Ward, Y/N.”
“Okay, sir.” You quickly realized what you had said and mentally face-palmed. “Ward.”
“And do you have any hobbies? Have you found something that interests you?”
“No, not particularly,” you answered.
“Oh come on, Y/N! She’s an artist. Like you have to see her work, it’s amazing. Is it okay if I show a few pictures?” Rafe turned to you. He knew that you were a bit insecure about your art, so he wanted to make sure you were okay with it.
You nodded, so he took out his phone and showed Rose and Ward some pictures of your most recent paintings.
“Wow, these are absolutely spectacular, Y/N! You’re a really good artist.” Rose looked at the pictures, complimenting your art.
“Thank you!”
Ward agreed. “Rose is right, these are really beautiful. Have you thought about selling some of your work? I bet many people would want to buy from you.”
“Thank you, but no I haven’t. I don’t think these are worth selling.”
“Oh, they definitely are. But you do you.”
As the evening went on, you weren’t as nervous anymore and you actually enjoyed talking to his family. They seemed like really nice people, despite what Rafe had previously told you about them.
“I’ll come over tonight, okay?” Rafe said, hugging you and resting his head on top of yours. It was time for you to leave.
Now felt like the right time. “I love you, Rafe.”
He distanced himself a bit from you so he could look into your eyes. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. He was in utter disbelief. Neither of you had said ‘i love you’ yet. So this was a huge thing.
“You what?” he asked, still in shock.
“I love you.”
He then pulled you closer to him again, squeezing you so tight that you almost couldn’t breathe. He happily spun you around, a huge smile on his face. “I love you too, Y/N” He put you back onto the ground and smashed his lips against yours.
“I can’t believe this,” he mumbled against your lips.
“That I love you?” you asked, pulling away from the kiss and smiling like crazy.
“I can’t believe that I have a girlfriend like you. You’re literally the best thing that has ever happened to me.” He placed small kisses everywhere on your face, making you giggle.
“Okay, okay, enough! I have to go now.”
“Fine! If you have to,” he jokingly sighed.
“I love you. See you later tonight!” You hopped into your car and started up the engine.
“I love you too!”  He gave you one last kiss on the lips before you drove away.
As he entered his house again, Ward patted him on his back.
“She’s a keeper. I’m proud of you, son.” For the second time that night, Rafe couldn’t believe what he had heard. 
“You are?”
“Of course, but if I don’t see a ring on her finger a few years from now, I’m going to be very mad at you.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Rafe assured him, a big smile on his face.
He felt like for once in his life, he hadn’t failed. He had the best girlfriend in the world and his father was finally proud of him. Life couldn’t get any better.
taglist: @teamnick @www-imbored-com @delightfullynlove @prejudic3 @afterglows7b-tch13 @tomhardybby @ad-infinitums @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @ilovejjmaybank @mdlyncline @allycat449-blog @teenwaywardasgardian @copper-boom @canibeoneofthepogues @fttayla @ifilwtmfc @bedazzledbanks @jeyramarie @joshy-obx @pink-meringues
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juneviews · 2 years
So glad that Mek is becoming one of your favs! I wanted to ask you: what are your thoughts on Victor and Mek playing a BL couple together? Ever since the Gifted: Graduation, they’ve been on my mind. Since they’ve been friends for over 10 years and own that gym together, I think they would make a really handsome couple. Also good luck on moving to Thailand soon!
yessss, I've loved mek since last year but now I'm even more excited by the roles he's getting <3 I haven't watched the gifted: graduation bc I didn't want it to ruin the original show, but I know many people were shipping mek & victor in it together & I gotta say that I'm all for it! like you said they've been friends for so long (didn't know victor owned that gym with mek though omg iconic!!!) & both of them have taken on mlm roles in the past year with the player & sky in your heart for mek, and the revenge for victor so like... just make it happen!!! especially since they played love rivals in that one ugly duckling series with mild, like that would be such a glow up!!! @ gmmtv make it happen thanks! also thank you so much anon ♡♡♡
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we-arethenewheroes · 3 years
I Hate Bullies part1
Stray Kids Felix Imagine
bully!felix x reader
Synopsis : you just got a scholarship (thanks to your amazing grades and talent at handball) and just got transferred to one of the most prestigious high school in Seoul Korea : Inchang Highschool. But of course, life couldn't be so wonderful. (ft enhypen, theboyz, clc and more)
>> Part2 Part3
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"The score is 17-17 right now, if we mark, we win, if we don't, they win."
"B-but we have only 1 min left ! Coach, it's impossible !"
"Y/N, do you think you can do it ?"
All eyes turn on you as the coach calls your name. You look at her, straight in the eyes.
"Of course I can."
You hear the high pitch noise of the whistle, signaling to the teams to go back to the field.
Okay, we have the ball, and we've been playing safe so... i just need to...
You look around a little, and as soon as the ball touches your palm, you sprint to the goal, throwing the ball to your teamate who already ran to the other side. The opponents gets it back be you quickly stop the action and get the ball back.
20 second
You get back on your feet and run to the goal again, sprinting and dribbling as fast as you can, you face three other girls trying to stop you, quickly blocked by your teamates.
5 second
You get to the zone, jump and throw the ball. You close your eyes and hear the whistle, ending the game, Then the whole stadium cheering on your side, as your teamates run to you.
"Y/N Oh my god you did it !"
You open your eyes back open to see the ball in the goal, as your opponent goes to shake your hand. You turn to see your coach talking to two inspectors, locking eyes with you, signaling you to join them.
"I must say, you impressed me today Miss L/N"
"You turned around the game and saved your team. You truly have a potential"
"That's why we want you to be part of our handball program, the Hope Pole. It's a girl's scholarship only, it can get you to great universities, and even get you to the national handball team."
"In the meantime, you'll get to study to Inchang High, looking at your grades, you will fit right in. You're actually the first one to get this scholarship, we don't usually go to other schools, but we give it a chance, and we were not disappointed."
You look at the inspectors, shocked of the news.
I did it... I finally got my scholarship...
Your coach looks at you.
"I already talked to your uncle about it, and he wanted the decision to be fully yours. So what do you say ? You're in ?"
She smiles at you.
"Of course I'm in ! Where do I sign !"
You're new trophy in hand, as well as your scholarship papers, you finally get home.
Home sweet home
"Uncle ! I'm home !"
This, is my uncle, Kim Jisub.
He's very fun to be around, a great dad to his son and I, and a real, real, loser. He's been trying to be a chef for over 5 years now, with no results.
"Oh my god what did you do..."
"He tried to do some flambé noodles or whatever, didn't really work as you can see"
And this is my cousin, Kim Junho, he's 8 and just starting to get sassy, too sassy actually. He's my uncle's one and only son. His wife dies giving birth to Junho, so for my uncle, his son is very precious to him.
"Uncle ! You can't just burn stuff in the kitchen like that, at leats do it outside, I don't know! Now the only pan we had left is ruined"
"Yessss I'm sorry Y/N, I'll do a few extra shifts at work and I'll buy ten pans, I promise!"
You sigh, seriously...
"Well... Maybe you won't have to do extra shifts...."
"No way.... Don't tell me...."
Your uncle looks at you with big eyes
"You got a job ??"
You sigh again, more annoyed this time.
"No ! iI got my scholarship you idiot !"
Your uncle's eyes get even bigger
"Oh my god- well first of all, don't call me idiot- and Oh My God ! Y/N congrats!"
Your uncle smiles at you and hugs you, congratulating you on your scholarship.
"Hum, am I gonna benefit from your 'scholarship' ?"
You turn to your cousin,
"Well, yes? Probably ?"
"Then, congrats Y/N, I knew you could do it."
He outs on a fake smile, but you know he is actually happy for you. This little brat, I swear
You sitting at the kitchen counter, as your uncle tries to save the burnt pan, while your cousin is in his room.
"So, what's in this scholarship exactly?"
"Well, first, I get to be in the Seoul Girls Team training program, I get to study at Inchang High, AND, I have a big fat check every month to pay for 'school supplies, books and clothes', but we all know here that we just gonna buy some new furniture and pay the rent."
"Oh noo, come one Y/N, you earned it, you do whatever you want with it."
Your uncle goes to clean the burnt pan.
".... How much is it?"
"1 000 000won a month." (~1000$)
Your uncle stop his action and goes quiet for a moment, then turns to you.
"say what now ?"
"You heard it well, Jisub."
Your uncle turns back to the pan, then looks at you, then look at the pan. He picks it up from the sink, goes to the trash can and put the pan in it.
"Uuuh ??? Excuse me sir, you can't just give up like that-"
"Y/N, with 1 000 000won a month, we can pay and the rent, and water, and the gaz, and the electricity, and 20 pans, heck, we can buy new forks and knives, new beddinds- new BEDS"
"Don't go to far"
"You get the point !"
"Yes, I get it. I'll give you the money so you'll be able to pay for everything and don't have to worry about extra shifts."
"I knoew your dream is to have your own restaurant, well now you can save your job's money to buy one, and we won't have to worry about money ever again!"
Your uncle looks at you and sits next to you. He sigh.
"I know I'm not the best parent ever, amd can't keep a job to save my life, I forget your birthday, or can't nake it to graduations, but I try my best, to keep you and Junho safe."
You look at your uncle, letting him talk.
"I promised your parents and grandparents to keep you feed and warm, no matter the cost, and I will keep doing that. But this scholarship- this money, you earned it yourself. You accomplished what I couldn't accomplish. This money is yours, keep it. Buy clothes and makeup, video games, new handball outfits- whatever you want to have, have it. Live your teen years. You shouldn't worry about money, you should worry about grades and boys. You'll have plenty of time to worry about money, but this time is not now. Over my dead my body."
You look at your uncle, his eyes tearing, probably sad that he made you worry about money too, also sad talking about your parents.
"Don't worry uncle, I will. I promise."
You smile at your uncle and hug him.
"I hate to see you guys grow up"
"Ookay that's enough sads for today, I'm gonna take a shower"
You get on your feet and head to the shower.
"A few years back I used to shower you ! You were just a little baby!-"
Inchang High, one of the most prestigious school in Seoul, in this school it's just rich kids, sons and daughters of CEO, conglomerates, lawyers, surgeons, heck even politicians. And here I am, daughter of deceased parents, adopted by her jobless uncle. Wow, impressive.
You look at your new school for a few seconds then make your way into the building. You look around and search for the teacher's office. You knock at the open door and get the attention of two professors.
"Ah ! You must be L/N Y/N right? Come over here."
You approach a tall men, pretty young, wearing round black glasses. You stand next to him
"I'm Mr. Choi, your homeroom teacher, and English teacher. Are you excited for your first day?" He asks, smiling at you.
"Yeah, kinda nervous but very excited."
"Don't be, the students are nice, and seeing your excellent grades, you'll get used to this school in no time."
Mr.Choi turns to his well organized and neat desk and get a few books and papers from a drawer.
"Come on, I'll get you to your class, it's the 1-4"
You then follow your teacher out of the office, and into the corridors. He talks to you about the school's history and building but you can't seem to focus.
You look around, seeing all those rich kids. They all look so neat and clean, they all have expensive shoes and bags, jeweleries, immaculate white button ups, well ironed skirts, their uniform all looks so nicely fited. Next to them, I just look like a homeless men, like a fly in the soup..
"Ans here is your class, not everyone is here yet, you can take a sit next to the window, at the 5th row, the class president is at the front row doing some homework, is name is Heeseung, if you need anything you can just ask him, now I gotta go, but I'll see you around, okay?"
You nod at your teacher and bow to him goodbye as he leaves. You take a deep breath before entering the class, you try to look as presentable and open the glass door.
From the outside you could only see the front row, but as you sneak your head inside, you see that every single one of your classmates are already in class, as they turn to you, all going completely silent at the new arrival.
Oh my god they're all looking at me waht do I-
"You must be Y/N," you turn to the voice, "I'm Heeseung, the class president." He stands up,
"Mr.Choi told you about me ?..."
"No" you look at him, quite confused "The principal came to the class lasy friday to tell us you'd be here." Oh boy
"Yeah" you turn to the other voice in the class, this time a girl. "We missed half of our math class because of it."
"O-oh hum well, I-" I'm sweating wdid-
"We should thanks you for that hahhaa" the tension get down immediately as your classmates giggles at the student's comments
"Yeah, the teacher was so pissed, we were supposed to have a test but we couldn't do it"
It's actually goind better than I expected...
Yo see the same girl approaching you "I'm Eunbin, and this is Chanhee, my best friend"
She points at a shy guy with blond hair. You wave at him and he wave back at you.
Heeseung, still standing next to you clears his throat
"Do you know where you have to sit ?"
"Oh, hum yeah, Mr.Choi said I had to sit at the 5th row, next to the window."
Heeseung looks at EunBin, who looks at Chanhee, who looks back at Heeseung. They all seem very... Scared ?
"Wha-what's up guys..?? Is something wrong ?"
Heeseung looks at you "Maybe we should ask the teacher to change your sit or-"
Then, a girl with one of her friend pushes Eunbin to the side to get a look at you. She's scans you from head to toe, cleary judging you.
"Hum, excuse me? Who are you and why are looking at me like I just ran over you dog ?"
"Where did you get those shoes ?"
"Uuhh the store ? Where do you buy shoes, dumbass"
The girl looks at you dead in the eyes "Do you know who I am?"
"well, no, that's why I asked, 'Who are you', or do you not understand ?"
Eunbin holds back her laugh.
"I am the daughter of the-"
"I don't care, actually. What do you want ?"
Even Heeseung can't seem to keep a straight face, turning his back at the girl a little.
"Hu- well- How dare you-"
"Oh my goooood what. do. you. want. Let's get this over with please."
The girl stutters a bit, she clearly didn't expect for you to respond like that.
If she thought that I'd be impressed or scared then she's wrong.
"Look, if you're here to be intimidating, it's not working, okay ? You got here because your the daughter of some conglomerate men, I got here thanks to my talent and hard work, so you're not scaring me."
The girl humphs and turnd on her heels, get out of the room.
"Oh my god, Y/N, you have some balls wtf" Eunbin says, looking at you with her to thumbs up. "You were really cool just now." She looks at Heeseung "She'll do just fine with Lee Felix"
"Lee Felix? Who's that ?" You look at Heeseung.
"He's... Humm your class neighbor !"
"And also a bully." It's the first thing Chanhee ever says to you.
"A bully ? Seriously ? I'm next to a bully? Damn I HATE bullies.."
Chanhee stands up and stans before you. "If you could shut him down like you did with the other girl, I think you could do a lot of good in this class, heck even the school"
You look at Chanhee, "Don't worry, I won't let him bully anyone under my sight, that's for sure."
As you finish talking, you hear the bell ring, and the teacher coming in the room. You take a sit. He's not here yet-
As you think of it, you hear the back door sliding open, seeing a tall guy with black hair, looking at his phone, followed by two other guys talking to each other. The two guys takes sit next to the door as the other guy sit next to you. I assume he's Lee Felix..
You try to not pay much attention to him and concentrate on the lesson.
You can feel the ray of the sunrise shining on your the left side of your face, the warm feeling giving you chills down your back.
You then hear a low voice "You're blocking the light." Lee Felix...
You sigh, not even giving him a look. "Not my problem."
Felix sighs, clearly annoyed at your response. "Who the fuck even are you-" he says as he turns to you, but as his eyes gets to you, he's amazed. It's like seeing an angel...
He's never seen a beauty like your yours, as the sun hugs your features so prefectly, you hair falling on your shoulders, the concentrated look on your face. Everything he sees is perfect.
I found an angel..
A/N: hope you liked it ! Follow me to know the story, part 2 coming very soon !!!! (Class 1-4 is nothing serioussss it's just because my class is the 104 so yeah)
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tmp-jatp · 3 years
Okay, so I have three that I really wanna know whatever you can tell me about them:
1) Ghosts at college - !!!!!! Tell me more, tell me more 🎶
2) juke the little mermaid au - YESSSS!! Gimme gimme gimme *grabby hands* 🧡
And 3) spy!alex au - HELLOOOO!!! I didn't know I needed this until now, but omgggggg 😍
I'll take whatever you can give me and I'll wait patiently for the fics 🥰 shskdhdjsksh
ahhhh ok so you picked some of them that will almost definitely never be finished (maybe i should move them out of my “wips” folder and into an “abandoned” folder of things i can recycle in the future...) but i’ll share some of what i have for each of them :D
ghosts at college - basically it’s a bunch of fluff where julie graduates high school and goes to college. there’s not a lot of plot, mostly it’s a few ideas tied together with fluff and one scene as well. anyway, julie lives in a dorm and her roommate, anna, slowly becomes aware that julie’s weird. weird things happen around her. sometimes anna overhears that she’s having conversations on her phone but when anna unlocks the door julie’s phone is on the table. reggie and alex are around sometimes but luke is there almost all the time. here’s an excerpt:
luke likes to spend all his time with julie even if they’re not interacting. he likes to be in the same room as her. he’ll be writing or humming or playing and she’ll be working on homework and only she can see and hear him but she’s got this little smile on her face
anna knows julie’s in love with *someone* but she doesn’t know who
sometimes anna heard talking through the dorm room door but as soon as she starts unlocking the door the talking goes quiet
one time julie and luke are having an argument about something. anna thinks it’s a phone call with the elusive boyfriend and she either walks away to give privacy or she opens the door and sees julie facing away, red in the face, yelling at air, her phone on the desk.
band cuddle nights on julie’s bed while anna stays out late or after anna is in bed/asleep. julie laughs at stuff they say. they watch movies on julie’s laptop without headphones and it kind of annoys anna but she puts up with it
julie will lay her hand on alex’s shoulder or curl into reggie or wrap her arms around luke when anna isn’t there or julie thinks anna can’t see her
julie is careful to not talk to air when anna is around
but she does take a lot of phone calls with her airpods in
that elusive boyfriend
and then julie gets sick (not angsty sick fic sick, it’s fluffy hurt comfort sick) and luke cares for her. that’s when he and anna “meet” for the first time. i have other more general stuff that i might recycle for some other fluffy canonverse post-canon stuff, who knows. 
juke the little mermaid au - julie is ariel and luke is eric. dirty candi and flynn are julie’s “sisters”, ray is triton. caleb is ursula. here’s literally everything i’ve written for it 😂
Julie wants to see the world, because anywhere is better than down here. Her mother was everything to her, and her dad is kind and loving, but he keeps pressuring her to sing again and it’s too much. Julie just wants to be free from that pressure. She knows he does it because he loves her, but she doesn’t know if she’ll ever sing again.
Luke doesn’t want to get married. He shouldn’t have to, yet, he’s only 17 for God’s sake! He just wants to play music and spend time with his friends. But his parents want him to get ready to rule. His coronation isn’t until he’s 20, he has time, but he has much to learn bc he’s avoided it until now and 3 years isn’t much time to learn all it takes to be a king. Luke also wants to run away. He goes sailing alone, to try and go somewhere away, he doesn’t care anymore. He plays music to himself with his guitar.
Julie sees him while he’s out there. A storm rises which he wasn’t prepared for. His boat capsizes. She saves him and brings him to shore. Julie is curious about him, and now that she’s seen the land, she wants to go there. The land is somewhere where people aren’t pressuring her to sing. She’ll be free there.
Julie visits Caleb who will let her be human in exchange for her voice. He wants to use it at his club, the place she’s been warned never to go and where only crooked people are. But it’s actually a pretty cool place. This one guy, Willie, is really nice to her, but so are other people too. Julie makes the trade with Caleb, she won’t need her voice anyway.
She meets Luke’s friends on land. They introduce her to Luke. Julie’s never experienced her hair being so light and fluffy and bouncy before, it’s incredible. Julie sees Luke playing music with the boys. She at some point sees her “wake up’ song that Rose left for her and suddenly wants to sing again. But she can’t, because Caleb has her voice. Something something, jolts, something something 3 days to true love’s kiss?
lastly, spy!alex au - this was from a prompt that will sadly never be finished (sorry, tiger). the prompt was: spy au, childhood friends, “you had no idea, did you?” and i tried to combine those and make it willex but i had had nearly no experience writing jatp at that point and i also am more of a juke person than a willex person so the fic just wasn’t vibing. but here’s my back-of-the-napkin pitch for you, copy pasted directly from my doc, if you’re interested:
spy!alex finally cracks the case he's been working on for years: the hollywood ghost club. it's an elusive black market that deals in the worst of the worst but it always changes locations. the moment he thinks he's pinned it down, the whole operation disappears like a ghost. anyway, he finally catches the ringleader, the infamous caleb covington. willie, caleb's sort-of assistant and alex's something watches from the sidelines, having been tricked by caleb into thinking that they were just running a cool club.
thanks for the ask, vi! i appreciate it <3 these fics will probably never ever get written in full but they’re fun ideas and not every idea can turn into a masterpiece. sometimes an artist just needs to sketch and doodle instead, and that’s okay. but there’s value to recording and saving your sketches and doodles bc maybe one day you can recycle them into something greater, or you’ll come back to them and be inspired to continue them or to create something entirely new. 
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