#i give puppo
dani-loves-you · 11 months
Send 🍻 for our muses to have a drink together
// @hopeformankind look i just think dani should experience Erwin In Survival Mode post-shiganshina b4 reaching wall rose just Popping Off
The air was filled with rot and decay and from the looks of it there was a big disagreement between humans in this desolated town...why would the humans fight amongst one another? Isn't it easier to just get along and help one another?
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It was hard to really know what went through a humans mind half the time, one moment they were happy the next they were yelling and trying to kill one another. She was currently walking along the town, stopping every few minutes to sniff and nudge at the bodies she came across....hmm, no that one was dead too...still there had to be some survivors right? Surely someone needed help.....were....all the humans dead?
No....she could hear feet shuffling up ahead. Her tail wagged as she quickly scampered over. Didn't take long for her to find the human shuffling about clearly still injured but seemed well enough to move....still the smell of fresh blood caused her to let out a little whine.
This human should be resting and they seemed to be the only survivor out here.
Moving quickly, she trotted up alongside the tall man and barked up at him. Hopefully she wouldn't startle him to much and get kicked....it's....happened before but she didn't seem to learn her lesson.
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 4 months
Hello again dear potion peddler! I picked a movie out for me and Nanami, he wanted a mystery movie. So we're watching Knives Out!
I freaking LOVE Knives Out!! Oh you can totally stay another night if we watch that! Of course, only if we can have Higuruma join us as well~
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come join my cozy fort~ 🔮
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Mini post about Gallagher because @pix3lplays and I were talking about him... Like we always do with these Star Rail men... Man-
We're so Normal about him I swear-
Here's a bunch of ideas and headcanons in no particular order because I cannot scrape together enough sense after seeing that official art of him to make this coherent:
Writing under the cut (dw it's SFW I just started doing this for convenience):
Leaks suggested he had a bunch of scarring on his arms and if you look closely at his hands in the official art, he has some on his hands and juuuust under some of the bandages. Imagine kissing his scars... Auuuu-
I said it before and I'll say it again he's a big ol' puppy. Big scruffy scary dog puppy man. The way he's so attentive with you and concerned for your health, safety, and wellbeing at all times. I actually don't think he'd be the biggest on PDA. However- That doesn't stop what happens when he's protective. You'd be in a crowd and in order to shield you from the hustle and bustle, he'd pull you in close with an arm wrapped around you.
He totally rubs his cheek against yours like a fuckin cat as like an affection thing but also sometimes to mess with you because it's scratchy.
Definitely has a Chair. It's His Chair. By the fireplace. But he, of course, let's you sit in it whenever he isn't sitting there. And if he is? Pats his leg to you can come sit in his lap. You two often take naps there, cuddled up with one another.
Those buttons of his are fighting for their LIVES but you aren't complaining. He jolts a little before smirking at you when you slip a hand between said buttons to feel the exposed skin there as well as plenty of what the shirt does cover.
Pix and I like to think that he's naturally warm. Whether this is because he is a fire pathstrider is up to interpretation.
Also please tell me he's another guy who just straight says run them hands his hands are his weapon-
(I wonder if we're getting a character in HSR who just straight up throws hands like "time for some fisticuffs". Because I didn't even think about it, but Stelle in the new trailer didn't have her bat or lance she was gonna like Stellaron punch someone??? Bro gimme the "run them hands" strat right NOW Hoyo- Going back to Gallagher... Like yeah I wanna watch him straight up punch someone, lolllll- And look at his left glove!!! It has those little metal thingies on the knuckles like come ON-)
Speaking of him being a big ol puppy for you... I should write about him being a cute puppo boy... ANYWAYS-
Pix talked about kissing his scruffy chin and my immediate thought was:
"Leaning up to kiss his chin because of height difference and jwefoi he just thinks it's cute and you see the way his eyes soften weoigj- I feel like he'd lean down for you only to move so he can kiss you properly at the last second. And then he would give you lil eskimo kisses and gently murmur against your lips the softest lil "my wife..." as if it's his favorite thing to say as if it's him reminding himself and being happy about it all over again weoigjwe-"
(Yes that thought was a bit more catered to me as a certified Wife, okay??? Leave me alone- OTL)
So ofc I had to write a bit about it:
It's late at night and you two just finished dinner together as a sort of stay at home date. You've already cleaned the dishes together and put everything away, relishing silently in the domestic feeling of doing those tasks together.
And then suddenly he's wrapped his arms around you, nose buried in your hair as he kisses your head. Slowly, he turns you around.
One kiss... Two kisses... "Dance with me?" "I don't know how." "I'll teach you."
Tugs you forward so you can stand on his feet as the two of you sway and dance in the kitchen, the only music being the sound of your hearts that now beat in sync.
Anyways more about this absolute Husband of a man again at a later time goodbye iewjgo-
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vasyandii · 11 months
Giving The CoD Men Icks
But its only the ones I care about and it's based off of vibes (just for funsies!)
[Characters Included: Krueger, König,Gromsko, Nikto, Bale]
Messy eater, forgets to use a napkin because he's used to just eating under his mask
Overall just a very messy person, dirty clothes, etc. Stuff accumulates in his room
Highkey condescending?? Like if you were having trouble with a new weapon he would be like "you don't know how to use it?"
Anger issues, has not been to Anger management about it
Takes pictures like a Facebook dad. You know what I mean
Messy eating just runs in the family huh. He definitely chews hella loud and speaks with his mouth full
He's not funny, like his humor might pander to very few people so whenever he tells a joke the other KorTac ops just kinda go 😐👀 "okay buddy"
Anger issues, has been to Anger management
Mansplains, Unintentionally
Probably has gone a few days without brushing his teeth on multiple occasions
None, he is perfect
Millennial humour (derogatory)
Uses Facebook
"Yeah I'm 6'3, not a big deal tho (it is, please Date me)"
Mumbles like he knows the lyrics to a song
Has said a slur before. Just look at him and tell me this mf hasn't bc he definitely has
Type of guy who makes fun of your interests even if he obviously knows you like it
Dirty nails, dawg does not clean his gear what makes you think he'll clean his hands
Does not use the right (you're, your), (to, too, two), (there, they're, their)
Watched Breaking Bad and related to Walter White
calls dogs "doggos" or "puppos"
If you're dating him he's gonna want you to call him some stupid corny shit like "bubbas" 💀
Favourite movie is The Matrix but not for the right reasons
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ahiddenpath · 5 months
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Please click for full size!
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, and I am continuing my longstanding tradition of giving back to you <3 And holy cow, look at the SIZE of that puppo!!! LOOK AT DEM TOE BEANS! Also, local man glares at clouds.
Uh- Right! It's a Puits d'Amour update! And unfortunately, Prince Yam Jams is under scrutiny for escorting Sora to a party. Man, you can't do anything around here!!!!
Read it on AO3 or FFN!
I love and appreciate you all <3 Thanks for everything!
PS: Oh! Also! @campdigimonth and thank you all for being such a wonderful group to create with!
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hyydraworks · 10 months
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Someone very sweetly asked on a previous post if there was a link to give money towards our wedding. Not 100% comfortable with posting the wedding site on the wide and open ocean that is Tumblr, but have been meaning to revive my Ko-fi for quite a while so going to post the link here. Will be posting things I don't put on my feed, the forefront of which are my sweetest puppos (Left is Nyx, Right is Kael), this is them in their wedding attire, fancy and fresh.
Ko-fi link is now in my bio and HERE
Thank you all for your kindness and patience, and all the great asks for the next restock, will get back to it soon!
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dino-boyo-agere · 7 months
Hi there I'm spooky-puppo I'm a puppy regressor! Im new to the regression community and wanted to reach out to say hello! And ask if you have any advice about regressing!
Hello pup, welcome to the community!!
I don't pet regress, but I recon it's pretty similar to AgeRe, just with more fluff, or scales hehe
My general advice is to do what you feel helps you to cope and feel happy, as long as it's safe.
It's easy to loose yourself in Regression, so make sure to take breaks! Try to prepare before regressing, put out food & drinks for easy access, since cooking can be difficult, even dangerous when ur in a completely different mindset. Even simply remembering to eat/ drink during regression time can be hard.
I think I'm following some people who might be able to give you specific pet regression advice & comfort too, I'll tag some here I can think of right now.
@prekpuppy @bunny-caregiver @littlebunnic @blue-baby-lamb @puppy-wuppy @agereexplorer @moon-the-dog
If I tagged anyone who doesn't want to be tagged, just let me know and I'll remove you.
And if any other petre experts sees this, feel free to let Pup know about your existence and share your advice too! <3
Feel free to go through my follow list and look for new friends there too! <3
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
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This is my dog, bishop. :>
What a happy and beautiful puppo, I love him.
I'm sensing a bit of mayhem happens, but in a adorable way.
Please give some ear skritches and tummy rubs from me, I imagine Bishop deserves all of them and even more.
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petitprincess1 · 1 year
How would witch reader/your oc react to Belos being killed?
For anyone curious, this is Heloise and she was drawn by the amazing @freakystrashdump (I def will be asking commissions, my friend):
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And, honestly, she would just be all
"Holy shit.....he turned into a bigger puppo!!!!! Must boop the snoot!"
Luz, Eda, and King watches this gremlin of an Empress climb up to Belos. She then just boops his snoot and gives a kiss to the bridge of his nose. The takeover of the Isles gets stopped for 10 minutes of uninterrupted purring x3 ....However she would also yell at him:
"Shut the fuck up, no one cares about your boring af hero complex" *levitates giant trees up his nose, making it hard for him to breath* "Learn your fucking place, TRASH!"
Anyway, that's how they show love to each other x3
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FLOOD HI HELLO me and my puppo would like to give you love and also enable dog posting
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And then here's him sniffing you just in case you have treats
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Tonee and puppo!!! Thank you for stopping by! Does the gentleman have any food sensitivities? I can offer dried fish, bully sticks, esophagus strips, or Ziwi Peak Lamb and Tripe as treats!
(he looks like an A+ cuddler)
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somer-writes · 15 days
for the WIP game 7. moar puppo :D perhaps? 👀
i was messing with adding more to puppysitting! specifically with the lost woods. unfortunately i tend to lean towards horror writing so it did not stay super wholesome for very long lmao
snippet under the cut!!
Twilight tackled the girl to the forest floor and the two rolled in a playful wrestle. Having won the small match, Twilight stole the skull kid’s hat, planting it on his own head. Beneath her hat, the girl wore a wig of forest moss and flowery vines.
“Give it back!” she yelped, covering her head.
Twilight hummed, pulling at the brim of the ancient straw hat. “What d’ya want for it?” he asked smugly.
The kid stamped one foot, balling her fists at her sides. “That’s not very nice!”
Twilight yelped in surprise as a stick came down on his head. Turning, he found himself facing another skull kid–a boy older than himself–weilding a thick branch like a sword.
“Fiend!” the skull kid barked. “Return the princess’s crown at once!”
Twilight grinned, sweeping up a stick of his own to jab back. “Mwahaha!” the small rancher replied. “I’m the prince now!”
The two engaged in a theatrical clash of swordplay. Twilight was surprised to find his opponent quite adept with his woody blade. The skull kid was seemingly trained in dueling not unlike the captain, but Twilight was easily able to pin the boy back against a tree.
The girl came up from behind, leaping on the rancher’s back. Twilight cried out, taken off guard as he stumbled beneath her weight. She locked her arms over his shoulders with a shrill laugh and Twilight yelped as the boy tackled them both to the forest floor.
“Hey no fair!” Twilight laughed.
The boy picked up a handful of soil and leaves, throwing it at the rancher. “I’ve bested you, evildoer!”
Twilight snickered, thrusting a hand into the air as he pretended (quite dramatically) to die. As he lay with his tongue out, the girl took her hat back, planting it on her head securely once more.
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lifemod17 · 3 months
Good morning my love 🥰🥰 8 38 59
it is always a good morning whenever you are around my light 🥰😘
8: do you look up to anyone in your life?
buddy i look up to everyone in my life i am but a mere 5'3" hahaha but fr? and this is gonna be so fucking cheesy but i don't care: you. you and your bravery and resilience and optimism. and yes i am aware there are many days where you "don't wanna" and you're not brave and you just wanna have sad floor time. but the fact that these days happen but you willingly choose to pick yourself up over and over again is inspiring. especially with your words of advice often hiding in jokes, but the messages still stands. you actively make me want to be a better version of myself <3
38: favorite movie?
hold on to whatever is the closest thing next to you cuz you're not gonna believe this.... i don't have one :) i just don't have strong opinions on movies. i guess the closest answer i can give for this is my comfort movie, which is '50 First Dates' !
59: what's the happiest day of your life you've ever had?
I already said the one with dad and the parked car listening to music, so my runner up for 'happiest day' would be: OOOUUUU there was one day when i took the puppo to the vet to get some vaccines, afterwards we parked in my self proclaimed spot which is this (mostly) empty and narrow road that was next to a field of cows!!! we walked for a little bit but it started to rain and i didn't want to go home yet so we stayed in the car listening to music, he got treats, i got biscuits and we stayed there having a fun little date!! (Picture below the cut cuz face jumpscare)
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No cows in this picture but i promise there were cows!!!
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octopiys · 10 months
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Funky pics of my doggo
I'm screaming omg I've been having such a shitty time lately but that second picture of your puppo has me cackling
May I please know their name I am beggin give them so many pets for me plEASE
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softpawpup · 7 months
Hi I'm spooky-puppo, I'm newer to the regression community, what do you recommend for newer puppies?
hello there !! welcome to the community !! hmmm if i had any advice to give i would just recommend exploring and being curious !! do what feels right and what feels best. explore different avenues and be curious about what the community has to offer !!
it always fun to explore but don't feel pressured to do anything in particular, just let your heart guide you !! sorry if that sounds too cheesy lol
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lovedazai · 8 months
Going through it?? I offer you the sunshine puppo for the good vibes!
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AWWBSHEN THE BABY (꜆꜄ ˃ ³ ˂)꜆꜄꜆ !! THEY LOOK SO COMFY omg whats their name?? this cheered me right up hehe pls pls give them lots of pets & kisses from me!! <3 <3
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YOU HAVE SUMMONED ME honestly I was worried that this was super late but then I saw the time stamp on your post and I was like 😀 tis still shenanigan time!! HALEY!!! aka BITEWING!!!! sweet angel baby puppy love of my life. she’s adorable. she only has three legs! when dick rescued her from getting abused by some random jerks in the street she BIT HIM hard enough that he needed STITCHES. and he said “oh i’m gonna take her to the pound tomorrow” and babs and tim were like 👀 uh huh, sure you are dick… and next thing you know we see he’s got toys for her and a bed and a bowl with her name on it. her name was voted on by readers and is a nod to haly's circus! (which writers occasionally forget that dick owns now, but that’s a whole other tangent) she is a tiny menace and I love her! just in canon we’ve seen her try to play with/tear up important papers, she ate dick’s tv remote and tore up his couch, and she has daydreams about fighting crime as bitewing 🩵 she very much strikes me as an ankle biting menace while she’s still a puppy, and I feel like lucky would literally have to scruff her to pull her away from a fight… which honestly also feels right for kate and dick in some cases 😂
This is amazing I am sobbing I am weeping Kate and Dick with their disabled doggos
(Also Dick and Clint lowkey soulmate vibes???)
I was imagining Kate losing Lucky at a dog park (full disclosure I have no idea how dog parks work, maybe just a regular park?) and she's getting pizza to lure Lucky (and potentially also Jeff???) back to her, she's not super worried, she's chatting to Cute Tall Guy who is ALSO missing his dog. He's not getting pizza for doggo, just for him. Anyway SUDDENLY A RUCKUS and Kate and Tall Guy hear Barking! And individually they are thinking, well, my dog might have just started a gang war
This is fine
It turns out puppo Haley has found a stray cat mama with a new litter of kittens and has planted herself between the cat and some other dogs who are clearly VERY poorly behaved, but she is a hero and that's! what! heroes! do! However Haley is a pup and also missing a leg she could use some backup basically, and Lucky, who has never met a disaster he doesn't love, decides to ALSO plant himself between the mean dogs (who are lowkey trying to bully Haley) and Haley and the cats. Jeff might be there but mostly for the Drama bc he's a messy bench like that
Anyway Dick and Kate proceed to RIP INTO the other dog owners and then look at each other askance like wtf are we supposed to do with the cat?!?!?! Who has decided Haley is just a big dumb kitten she lost and has adopted her (very bruce-coded of the cat tbh). And kittens?!?! One of them is orange and has something going on with an eye and Kate is like oh NO this kitten is a cat Lucky I can't believe I have at least one cat now
(clint: you know you don't have t--
Kate: who am I to argue with the cat distribution system)
Dick is frantically calling up his favorite animal expert (it's Damian) about how to safely move mama and kittens? And where? Vet??!?!? Animal shelter?!?!?! Tim?!?!
To be fair Dick could have probably figured it out if he was alone but Kate is there and his brain makes dialup noises when he looks at her for too long yes he's WEAK leave him alone
At some point Kate winds up sitting on the ground and Haley flops into her lap and passes out because it's been a big day for a puppy and Lucky and Jeff give Kate the BIGGEST SADDEST BABY EYES because that's their spot?? Why is this interloper hogging the Pizza Girl? Lucky turns Sad Dog Eye on Dick like Dick is just going to remove his darling puppy from her nap spot? Sir. Please be serious.
Idk where i was going with this but also Lucky the hardened established dog hero and Haley his young impetuous sidekick dog, Jeff finding missions for them working out of Batcow's barn. BITEWING!!! I am dead. Pandemonium is their business.
lol for some reason Haley is giving me cat vibes a little. Lucky is like, this is Pizza Girl. Protecting Pizza Girl is my sworn duty. And Haley is like I am BITEWING. This is my human sidekick, Nightwing.
(Also for some reason I'm lowkey vibing Clint and Babs???? For this???? I think they are besties regardless but just seeing them watching their favo disaster birds getting parent trapped by their DOGS like "are you seeing this? I'm not the only one seeing this right????")
ANyway maybe Clint has custody of Lucky so Kate and Jeff are moping hanging out at a park (Jeff is an extrovert and he is LONELY he wants FRIENDS) and one of two things happens:
Haley bolts and Dick is chasing after her and hears someone go "Don't you BARK at him, he didn't do anything! He just wants to be friends!" which makes Dick have the simultaneous thoughts of "oh no what did my dog do" and "how DARE you yell at my dog!!"
he rounds the corner and sees Haley looking as chagrined as a chaos pup can look before scootching closer to the other dog and licking its...nose. Snout?
"That's a shark," Dick says. The shark in question is now dragging out what appears to be a rotisserie chicken and is sharing it with Haley.
"What?" Kate says. "No, he's just a rare breed of dog. The, uh. The Chilean Hairless....land...shark."
OR Haley is Not Afraid! She decided she and Dick were playing fetch with one of his escrima sticks and she took OFF so now Dick is yelling for her hoping she comes back with the same stick she left with.
So Dick is hollering for her and Kate answers back "Haley is over here! Uhh assuming Haley is a dog and not a child, or a bird, or a lizard of some kind?"
And that's when Dick sees his dog playing with his escrima stick with a shark??? who is leaving dents in his weapon????
Kate isn't even looking at Dick when she's like "hey, do you come here often? Jeff has been really lonely and she's the first dog we've met that isn't terrified of him, so that's pretty cool, anyway hi my name is Kate...." and THEN she looks up (and up, and up) at Dick and is like. oh my god. is this why Gwen said we should try this park today??? Because of beautiful dog dad man?
either way Jeff REFUSES to leave Haley which means Dick and Kate have to spend most of the day together. At some point MODOK tries to steal Jeff back and Haley plants herself in front of Jeff and growls at MODOK and she's actually pretty intimidating but it's still the cutest thing ever. Jeff and Haley are ride-or-dies, like Jeff will be mad at Dick when Haley has to go to the vet.
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