#i got 15 emails yesterday
t-lostinworlds · 2 years
having a few days off work but then getting the amount of work that should’ve been for those few days in a day—
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averagemrfox · 6 months
Shit fucking morning
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umberandmochaagate · 9 months
When you're tryna be reasonable about getting all rejections except for one place when a lot of your groups got more but wise mind feeling like a struggle rn
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Well lads. I’m 27 now
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
I get to attend an online talk/lecture today sheduled at 10:15 and I just really appreciate the roughly 70 reminders they gave us about this being the Finnish time zone and how we need to check which time this equals for us
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
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haojun · 1 year
I come in the office, i make my to-do list, i check my voicemails, i open all the programs i need for the day, i log into my phone, i get a few calls, answer a few emails, print some itineraries, i look at the clock expecting it to be like maybe 9:30. Its past 10. Half of my morning is gone... how the fuck
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theweirdwideweb · 15 days
we want the work blowout deets
I'll give you the tea but it will be lengthy and I'm going to cry.
Thank you for asking anon. To be honest with you I've been crying in bed about it for the past couple hours. I stood up just now and went to the bathroom and saw two big wet patches on my smiley face tshirt and it sucks so much. I'm so sad.
I could really use some feedback on this situation to be honest. OK. So the long story short is that I got a new supervisor a year ago and my work life has been hell ever since. First off, she doesn't understand what I do. She's never done my job. And she is THE micromanager from hell. For the first 7 months of the year she had me turning in a time card every week showing everything I did down to 5 minute increments. I turn the spreadsheet in on Friday, then every Monday we'd have a meeting where she'd tell me she just doesn't understand how I use my time. Why did it take so long to do X amount of invoices? She estimates it should take 2 minutes per invoice, but it took me 4 minutes per invoice. Like I said she knows nothing about my job and as many times as I've explained it she still "doesn't get it." It was demoralizing, nerve wracking, and frankly so insulting to my competence that I went to her boss (my old supervisor who I love). When she did nothing I went to HR with serious concerns about discrimination----it's no coincidence that I was granted some medical leave at the beginning of the year to address mental health concerns.
Yada yada yada, we made some changes and I don't have to turn in the spreadsheet anymore, but she is still making me email her every week with a list of tasks I didn't complete from the week before. It's still insulting but at least she agreed I'd only have to do it for another 3 months. Actually she said 1 month, but she's such a bitch that by the next HR meeting she claimed she never said 1 month and switched it to 3 months. She's a fucking moron, reader. She's dead fucking stupid. I really can't stress that enough. Dumb. It took her 15 years to get the position I got within 3 years of starting. The only reason she's where she is is seniority, personal relationships with management, and being a fucking bully. A dumb bully! Telling you how to prioritize your work! She's accused me recently of being unprepared for a meeting---a meeting that I hosted, provided all the material for, wrote all the notes on, fleshing out a new process she told me to start implementing but had zero idea how. She just tosses ideas at me and I'm left to figure out any kind of practical way to do it because---AGAIN---she doesn't know how to do my job. There've been other things too. She's a sneak humiliator. She's a button pusher. She's a moron. A big fat ugly moron who looks like Roz from Monster's Inc.
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So on Thursday at 4:30pm, end of the day, suddenly a meeting with HR and this cunt appears on my calendar for 10am Friday (yesterday). I'm like---well here we go. She's either going to fire me or put me on a formal PIP. I'll be honest with you, I'd already decided to quit but I was holding out for my bonus in December. I entered the meeting feeling tranquil. I thought, "Do it. Pull the trigger. I'm ready for the end. Just fire me. Let me go. Release me."
But when the meeting starts it's just a touch base with our HR rep to see how everything is going. Are YOU fucking KIDDING me. Anyone would have thought the same thing I did. Of all the things my supervisor sucks dicks at, communication is the worst of all. She can't even spell. She can't string a sentence together. I mean it's shocking she writes at like a 6th grade level. I've seen emails she sent that are so garbled they are literally incomprehensible.
So I'm PISSED. I express how nerve-wracking the previous evening and all morning had been. We're off to a great start. She lets me know she's going to try to end the email process early. OK good. She tells me she's concerned because I haven't been providing personal feedback to her when prompted. Easy enough to explain: I hate your fucking guts, I'm trying to be a grey rock until I can quit. But I can't say that so I'm just like Alright.
Now here comes the bullshit! 1) She now wants me to ask permission in advance to work on weekends. I'm so overworked and stressed out I work like every weekend and now she wants me to ask her permission for the privilege of working on my day off. Guess who's never working a weekend for this company again. 2) The emails that just contain a list of tasks, right? Was 1 month, now 3 months, etc. She also changed the rules so that I have to provide a count of all the claims I processed across multiple platforms. And well---she just doesn't understand how I processed X number of claims and it took this long. In fact, she said, she counts 8 hours reported on my timecard she can't account for last week.
I lost it. I was openly hostile and belligerent. Fuck this fucking bitch. I cannot work for this vile idiot anymore. I actually used my IRL voice to poke holes in what she was saying and pointing out how fucking stupid it all is. Then she comes at me for not respecting her authority. As a reminder, just minutes before she'd complained about me having no feedback for her.
I left the meeting by refusing offers for additional time with the HR rep. I was in no place. I barely worked the rest of the day I was so upset and I didn't send my email, didn't complete my tasks, and didn't ask her permission to finish it up on the weekend (lol). I don't have another job lined up but this is the last time she's going to question whether I'm just straight up lying on my timecard or some kind of moron. That's it. This is her 100th strike for me.
Now here's why I'm so conflicted. 1) My previous supervisor (now my boss's boss) is going on a leave of absence like THIS WEEK for about a month and a half to treat her cancer. I care about her very much. I don't want to stress her out at the last second like this. 2) My bitch boss is also having a sudden serious health problem requiring her to be at the hospital multiple times a week. 3) On top of that, this stupid fucking cow has to take over my boss's boss's work while she's out for cancer. 4) They are absolutely fucked without me. For me to leave right now is a disaster. Add to that---the one person I manage and have a 100% rock solid relationship straight up told me that she's going to quit at some point and that if I quit she's walking out right behind me. She said this to me unprompted and I discouraged her from quitting. 5) I have a heart. The boss and the boss's boss are both having life problems that are more important than work. I think it's immoral to leave them in the lurch right now. They have serious health problems. As much as I hate my boss, at one point we were friends. My heart is breaking.
So I'm crying in bed. I can't live this way anymore. Toxic work stress has taken over my life. I get so miserable, but then some days it's just a job. It's a job I know how to do. I've been here 6 years. The health insurance is spectacular. I've got nothing lined up. I have adequate savings to get through a couple months of unemployment, but it's no guarantee I'll find a position that suits me in that timeframe. I have all these personal relationships at work (a mistake I will not repeat). I've let this job become part of my identity. I'm getting older. I'm 37 and I'm tired and I'm crazy and I just want peace. This position is fully remote---what if the next guy makes me work in person? My whole life will change. I just want this job to work like it has been for the 5 years before she took over. I'm so sad. I've felt this way so many times.
I want to quit first thing Monday. But I want to offer them the option of staying on until good boss gets back from cancer leave, so long as I don't have to work with illiterate cunt boss any more than is absolutely critical in the meantime. What do you think guys? My heart is breaking.
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strawberrystepmom · 1 year
inspired by this thought i had yesterday! modern au, coworker kakashi. f!reader, flirtation, mostly fluff. wc 1.3k
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune as usual ♡
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You hear footsteps headed toward the edge of your desk that make you look up from where you type quickly, finishing firing off the latest round of emails that could have been resolved with a simple phone call. Most of these issues don’t even need your attention, you think while firing off minimal responses and sighing. Glancing up, you spot two gray eyes peeking over the top of the cubicle surrounding you and you laugh knowing exactly who they belong to.
“Hi Ka-”
Kakashi interrupts you when he raises his brows and holds a worn copy of the book the two of you have spent the week reading over the top of the partition, a woman wrapped in the arms of a caricature of a muscular man while tipping her head back to present her neck to him. Your face heats seeing the cover where everyone else can see it too and you shoot him a glance, begging with your eyes and hoping he’ll lower the book.
“Don’t forget this time.”
“It was one time,” you instantly jump to defend yourself after missing the book club yesterday. You got caught up on a call that was impossible to sneak away from and you received a text message from the man himself later in the day, his eyes visible over the cover of the book. It was hard to keep your laughter to yourself upon seeing it, snorting alone at your desk.
Missed you today, the accompanying text read.
The message made you ponder the meaning between the words themselves. You enjoy his company in a way you never thought you would, most of your coworkers warning you that he’s a little bit of an oddball, but the two of you clicked and have never looked back. He even organized this little club in an effort to get you to step away from work more often, knowing you’re frequently the last person left in the building long after the rest of the lights are out.
“Luckily for you I’m finishing up right now,” you snip and he watches you reach down into your bag and produce a paperback novel matching his. You can’t see his smile, it’s hidden below the partition because you know he’s bending his knees to keep only his eyes visible, but the way those very eyes crinkle a bit at the corners tells you everything you need to know.
“Good because we have a lot of ground to cover,” he mutters. “They…you know.”
He waggles his brows and you nod, smirking. They did indeed…you know…in the latest chapter and you’ve been dying to talk about it with him after 35 previous chapters of intense build up and back and forth. A teeny glimmering hope in you almost wants the book to be drawing parallels to your own life but you don’t want to make something out of a simple workplace friendship - two oddballs carving out space for themselves side by side.
That does sound a little romantic now that you think about it, doesn’t it?
“Come on then, we only have 15 minutes.”
Broken from your reverie by his words, you nod and smile, standing up and stretching a little as you hurry around the corner and to his side. He looks good today, neatly pressed gray pants and a navy blue sweater that hugs his arms in a way you noticed immediately seeing him, and your face heats again. Why is it so hard for you to accept that he’s merely your friend? 
The two of you walk in comfortable silence to the break room, plopping down in the chairs that HR insisted were placed there to make you comfortable and not because they had a complaint about there being no seating in here prior, submitted by Kakashi himself. They don’t know that, of course, but you do and you settle in, risking another glance at your companion.
“Alright so when we left off, he was admitting his feelings, right?”
You nod, pulling your own book open to the dog eared page you’d left it on. He notices immediately, watching you untuck the corner, and scoffs.
“Use the bookmark I gave you, do you know how long I had to dig in bargain bins to find two copies of this book?”
He holds up the book, Domesticating the Duke, and stares at you incredulously. Despite yourself, you laugh. Gleeful and from the bottom of your heart, in a way that no one else has managed to draw from you.
“You’re right. I need to make sure the little puppy covered bookmark stays in the book but sadly today it’s on my kitchen table so for now we are doing this,” you raise the book and thumb through the pages, showing him the other dog eared corners and making him cringe.
“Why do I hang out with you?”
Shrugging, you shift in the chair and let one of your smart casual loafers hang off of your foot. He likes to see you so comfortable, too used to seeing the way your back is hunched over your desk. He could look at you like this forever, easy going smile and one arm dangling over the arm of the chair. You make his mind feel…different and not in the usual way. You make him feel challenged yet met, comfortable yet disturbed, whole yet confused.
It’s a lot to take in.
“I dunno, you said yesterday you missed me so what is the truth Hatake?”
He laughs now, carding his fingers through his hair.
“I did miss you. We’re getting to the best parts and you ditched me.”
You gasp, putting the book in your lap and leaning forward to close some of the distance between the two of you.
“I did not! I was on an quarterly analytics call, something you also should have probably been on mister operations analyst.”
He shrugs, flip as ever. He’s only here to do the work he’s assigned to do and not go the extra mile like you feel the need to. 
“The world didn’t stop because I wasn’t there so clearly things are fine.”
How can you argue? He’s right so you back down, leaning back into the chair and picking up your book again. He sets his copy down now, on the arm of his chair, and places his hands on his thighs in a way you know means he has something to say. He’s full of quirks, all of which you’ve found yourself figuring out quickly.
“Since we’re getting to some less work appropriate parts of the book I wanted to ask if you’d rather do this after work,” he finally spits out after a few beats of silence. “If not, I get it but we should probably start picking cleaner books if that’s the case.”
You smile, dipping your chin to hide it.
“I’d love that, actually.”
It feels wrong to assume this is his way of asking you on a date but given the blush covering the bridge of his nose and the pink touching the visible tips of his ears, that’s exactly what just happened.
“Great. We can just hang out for the next 10 minutes then and we can discuss the actual points of interest at my place later, if that’s okay?”
You nod again, still keeping your face partially hidden. This is what you’ve been hoping all of these 15 minute moments, the 30 minute lunch conversations, would turn into and you feel giddy like a little girl. 
Choosing to pick the book back up to spend the last 10 or so minutes of your break reading, you open to the last page you remember looking at and scan over the words. They don’t grab you immediately so you look up over the top of the book, only to be met with a pair of gray eyes doing the exact same thing. Sneaking a glance.
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intervex · 4 days
Survey: flags & coinings for combinations of intersex and disability
SURVEY URL: https://forms.gle/d6fUWH7jXBTmEBdS9
In the survey I specify ten different ways that intersex people can identify with disability. I show you 13 different flags which play with disability & intersex visuals in different ways, and I ask you to rate which use cases are most suitable for each flag.
The second page then does the same deal, but with proposed terms. If flags aren't your thing you can skip the first page and go straight to the coining section. 💛
Based on how long it took a friend to do the survey, it will probably take about 15 mins to complete.
EDIT TO CLARIFY: you do not have to be both disabled and intersex to fill in the survey! I ask you on page two if those terms apply to you, so just be clear if you're not disabled/intersex. 💜 I think flags & terms should be ideally legible to out-groups, so the feedback is appreciated! But if there are ties I will prioritize the data from people who are both intersex & disabled.
Yesterday, I posted three flag designs for ways that intersex and disability can go together, and I put up two polls on coining terms. And I got really constructive feedback! Thread is here, also see replies. People had suggestions for alternate coinings and use cases that I have incorporated into the survey.
The survey does not ask you for personal information and I am not collecting emails. If you're logged in with Google it will hopefully save your progress. I turned on the options for people to edit their responses after submission (you'll need to save the special url!) and the option to see other folks' responses.
You can answer the questions in any order. You can skip questions as you desire. You don't have to justify any of your answers.
At the end of the month (September 2024) I'll post the results on this tumblr. If you want a reminder to look for the results, I recommend adding a reminder to your calendar on Oct 2 to come back here. 💜
These are the 13 flags in the survey. In order of appearance, they are:
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And under the cut I'll list out the nine use cases. If you have Long Covid like me you might want to have this tab open beside the survey so you can refer to the different use cases.
The ten use-cases I specify are:
"Any reason": Intersex person who identifies as disabled (for ANY reason). Would include ALL of the following cases.
"Variation-specific": Intersex person who considers their specific intersex variation to be a disability. May or may not view other intersex variations as disabilities (e.g. "CAH is a disability but Klinefelter's is not"). Does NOT imply this person accepts the medical model of disability.
"Personal case(s)": Intersex person who considers their personal intersex variation to be a disability. May or may not view others with the same variation as disabled. (E.g. "My CAH is disabling but not everybody has the same experience"). Does NOT imply this person accepts the medicalization.
"Intersex as part of disability community": Intersex person who considers the intersex community to be a member of the broader disability community and/or that intersex rights/justice should be considered part of the disability rights/justice movements. Again, does NOT imply a medical model of disability.
"Debility by intersexism": Intersex person who has a disability caused by intersexist violence. Would include chronic pain from IGM, PTSD from medical trauma, PTSD from bullying, mobility limitation from surviving a hate crime. The term "debility" is used in disability studies for disablement that is caused by structural violence, often implying a slow wearing out from perpetual minority stress.
"Iatrogenic disability": Intersex person who has an iatrogenic disability. Iatrogenesis is when medical intervention causes disease/disability - such as chronic pain caused by surgery. The term applies regardless of whether the surgery was consensual or involuntary. Somebody who *chose* to get genital surgery that wound up causing chronic pain would fall under this category, but *not* the previous category (debility).
"Commonly correlated disability": Intersex person with a disability which is commonly correlated to their intersex variation. Like Deafness and MRKH. ADHD and EDS are known to be more common amongst intersex people.
"Unrelated disability": Intersex person who has a disability that to them is clearly unrelated to being intersex. Like they acquired a disability through being a combat veteran, and so to them there's no link between this disability and being intersex.
"It's complicated": Intersex person who is disabled and the connection between the two identities is complex and not easy to pin down. Maybe they have a disability where it /might/ be linked to being intersex but they don't know. Or they can't draw a neat distinction between disabling and non-disabling parts of their intersex variation. Or they read the last seven cases and are like "wow I have none of that clarity about how my intersex variation relates to being intersex".
"Any-linked-reason": Intersex person who is disabled and they see *any* kind of link/connection between being intersex and being disabled. The link can be vague/messy! Umbrella category that would encompass #2-7 and #9 (everything except the "unrelated disability" group.)
Tagging @queercripintersex @posting-stuffies @headpainmigraine @intersexflags @daydreamerdisease @interachive since you all chimed in with feedback on the original thread. 💜
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Pieces of My Heart - Chapter 15 Stray Kids OT8 x reader, Soulmate AU
Masterlist | Next Part
The next morning was spent doing errands. You woke up to a few good morning texts that made you smile, and you let them know you were heading out to the store down the street. The street was slightly busy as it was early morning on a weekday, but it wasn’t crowded.
You managed to make it through the store with little to no issues, only slightly panicked when you messed up while thanking the cashier, but thankfully she brushed off the error and wished you a nice day.
Y/N Guess who only slightly embarrassed themselves at the grocery store ^^ Img.png Felix Oh no, what happened? Y/N Tried to say thank you. Accidentally said you’re welcome. Felix ∠ ( ´• 0 •`) 〴 Han Damn, that’s so embarrassing For you For me it’s hilarious Y/N ( ⇀ ╭╮↼ ) Chan Glad you’re back safe Sorry to hear about you embarrassing moment Minho Poor Jagiya RIP your dignity Funeral will be held at 8pm           Y/N ( ง •` ⎽ ´• ) ง
You got back to your apartment and began putting things away only an hour after leaving, which left you with plenty of time to sort out all the things you had planned for the day, starting with your assignments for the week.
You received a text as you began to set up your computer and pull out the books you had bought only a week before you got onto the plane, but you forget about them for a few seconds and it isn’t until you get 6 consecutive notifications that you finally pull out your phone.
Changbin Hey, do you mind doing me a favor? Y/N Hmmm, depends on the favor
The other texts you received were a couple photos and selfies sent by Jeongin, and you smiled as you looked through a few of them. Most of them were obviously taken without the members’ knowledge, and you shamelessly saved a few of them and used your favorite selfie as your phone wallpaper.
Changbin Channie-hyung made plans to work later tonight, despite my best efforts to convince him to take a day off. You mind giving it a shot? Y/N What makes you think he’d listen to me? Changbin I figured you could persuade him more effectively. Y/N Hmmm. I might have some ideas in mind. Changbin Oh? Thought about it before, huh? Y/N NOT LIKE THAT! Get your mind out of the gutter! Changbin Kkkkk As long as it gets him to bed before midnight, I don’t care what you do. Y/N (  ̄ ^  ̄ ) ゞ
You then decided to thank Jeongin for the pictures by making yourself a breakfast full of his favorite foods, settling down at your desk while you ate to go through your email before you got started on your homework. You set a timer for 2 hours, working through as much work as you could with a few breaks in between, and pretty soon your alarm went off.
Double checking it was around lunchtime, you sent a quick message.
Y/N Are you busy right now? Chan Hmm, having a quick lunch with the boys. Why? Is everything okay? Y/N Can I call? Want to hear your voice.
Instead of a reply, you received a call from him, which you received with a smile.
“Well, someone was quite eager,” You teased.
“What can I say. I missed you too.”
“You saw me yesterday.”
“Hmm, but that was over 24 hours ago. It’s a long time to be away from my girlfriend.”
You let out a laugh. “Girlfriend? Awfully sure of yourself considering you haven’t actually asked me yet.”
“I haven’t. But a little birdie told me Seungmin already asked for us.”
“Oh?” You began to pace your room. “Doesn’t that technically mean only Seungmin’s my boyfriend?”
“Haven’t you realized sweetheart? We’re a package deal.”
That made you pause, and you were suddenly grateful that this conversation was taking place over the phone and not in person, because it allowed you to ignore your suddenly hot cheeks and act as if you were as confident as you wished you could be.
“Well, in that case, I think I deserve a nice night in with my lovely boyfriend. What do you say, want to hang out tonight?”
There was a pause on his end, and you could just about make out the distant chatter from the other boys. “I don’t know. I had some ideas I wanted to flesh out while they were still fresh …”
“Shoot. Are you sure I can’t convince you to change your mind? I was really looking forward to getting to spend some time with you.” You dropped your voice down to a seductive tone. “I promise I’ll make it worth your time.”
“Yeah, I have some ideas in mind.”
“What kind of ideas?”
“Good food, good company, and a good night’s sleep. What more could you possible want?”
“That sounds like heaven,” He said with a smile in his voice. “I’ll agree on one condition.”
“Tell me which one of the boys put you up to this.”
You snickered. “Please don’t kill my boyfriends, babe. I prefer to have them around just a little longer.”
“Oh no, I mean to thank them. I was planning on spending the night with you anyways, as an apology for missing dinner last night, but I figured I could get a better deal if I convinced the others that I was going to work tonight-“ He trailed off.
Your mouth dropped open in shock. “You planned this!?”
“I planned on someone snitching on me.” His own voice suddenly dropped, and you felt shivers roll down your spine. “Getting to hear you practically begging for me? Oh honey, that was just the cherry on top.”
“You little shit,” You snapped back breathlessly.
Chan let out a chuckle. “I’ll see you tonight sweetheart.”
“My place or yours?” You wondered, twirling around on your spot with a smile.
“My place. If I have you all alone, I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” You teased. “But your place it is. See you later, alligator.”
“In a while, crocodile.”
Y/N You’re too predictable And apparently, so am I :( Changbin ??
Using the key you had been given just the day before, you made your way into an uneasily quiet apartment. It felt wrong to be there by yourself, but you had a plan for a perfect evening, and part of that part was making sure that you had a nice warm meal waiting for you boys when they got back home.
You were planning on something simple, but also something you were sure everyone would like. You didn’t know if everyone would come around for dinner or if it would just be the 4 who lived there, so you made enough for 9 people and figured if there were leftovers they could always eat tomorrow.
And your timing was nearly spot on, because just as you lowered the heat to leave the food warm, you heard the front door click open. There was a soft chatter and a surprised hum from behind you, and you turned around with a smile.
“Dinner’s ready if you guys are hungry,” you said, and Jisung waddled over to you with a tired smile.
“Hi baby,” he said, wrapping his arms around you.
“Miss me?” You teased.
“Always.” He hooked his chin onto your shoulder, and you felt an arm reach out to pull the lid off the pan on the stove. “Ooh, whats this?”
“Chicken parm. You hungry?”
“Ahhh, you made food!?” Changbin’s loud yell made you jump, and you peeked around Jisung to wave at the other three who were piling into the kitchen.
“It’s ready, if you guys want to eat.”
You received a loud overlapping rumble of confirmation from 3 of the boys, and Chan gave you a knowing look when you winced at the sudden pitch in noise. He mouthed what you assumed was ‘thank you’, but you had to quickly look away to keep Hyunjin from dropping the plates he had been trying to grab despite you and Jisung standing in his way.
Jisung whined when you pulled away, and it was only with a promise to sit next to him that you managed to wrangle them all to the table.
The rest of the meal was surprisingly silent as the boys ate. You could tell they were tired, and you were thankful that Chan wasn’t going to actually be working late that night because he looked like he needed a good night’s sleep more than anyone.
“I’ll clean up,” You reassured the others when they finished. “You guys go get ready for bed.”
“Are you staying?!” Hyunjin piped up, giving you a pleading look.
“Sorry Hyunnie, I called dibs,” Chan said, patting the young dancer on the shoulder.
Changbin gave you a sour look and you laughed, knowing that he had undoubtedly asked Chan about your cryptic text and realized you had both been bamboozled.
Jisung let out a yell. “No fair! Why do you get to spend the night with them?”
“Yeah! What if I get lonely tonight?”
“Ah, Hyunjinnie! You can stay with me if you want!” Changbin chimed in.
Hyunjin made a face, leaning away from Changbin who was now making kissy faces, and shooting you a pleading look. You grabbed his plate and escaped into the kitchen, the sound of chairs scratching along the floor and pounding footsteps echoing down the halls.
“Everyday,” Chan sighed, joining you at the sink and placing his plate on the counter.
You glanced at him, smile tugging at your lips. “You poor boy. You look like you need a break.”
“Hmm, good thing I have a perfect escape,” He whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist.
The heat from his body soaked through your shirt and you leaned back, pausing in your dish washing to appreciate the feeling of content you experienced being in his arms, and you knew he felt it too when he slumped against you as his muscles relaxed. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, grip tightening for a split second before he pulled away.
“Move over,” He said, bumping you with his hip. “Let me help.”
“You don’t have to,” You reassured him. “I know you’re tired.”
“The quicker we finish this, the quicker I get to have you in my bed.”
You flushed at the subtle innuendo he dropped on you, and if it wasn’t for the giggle that escaped him when he realized it too, you would have thought it was on purpose. You bumped him back and the two of you made quick work of the dishes.
Something nudged your shoulder, and you jolted awake with a sudden inhale of air. There was a blurry smudge of a person leaning over you, and your heart was beating loudly in your ears until your eyes adjusted to the dark and you realized that the smudge was Jisung, frozen with his eyes wide at having been caught. You let out the breath you had been holding.
“Sungie,” You groaned, and Chan shifted from behind you. “Seriously?”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice until tomorrow.”
You closed your eyes, lifting up the blanket in a silent invitation, and Jisung took the win with grace as he slid under the covers. Chan huffed out a laugh in realization, warm air hitting the back of your neck. Jisung pressed his back against your front, and you wrapped your arms around him, the warmth from both sides slowly pulling you back to sleep.
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vclvetfleur · 1 year
Obedient Chapter 7
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roman roy x fem! reader
Summary: Roman begs y/n to go to a retreat with him.
Warnings: Logan Roy, implied ED, Kendall being a dead beat father
Word Count : 4.8K
Notes: This by far was my favorite chapter to write so far into the series
Chapter 7: French bread
You had got Roman’s order, getting him some breakfast too as you walked into the building. You walked through see Kendall turning the corner. You waved at him despite all the things in your hand. You had worn one of your new outfits today and Kendall took immediate notice to it. “Uh- wow, look at you.” He laughed. You twirled around to show off the details of the new outfit you pulled together. “No more $40 white button up.” He was energetic for the morning. But Kendall was always up early. He went to the gym at 6 am and then got his own green smoothies before work. Roman took notice of this and tried to start working out but gave up after a couple of months. He only kept his trainer for a couple of months because he was nice to look at, but he didn’t even work out most of their sessions.
“No more $15 white button up.” You corrected him, putting an emphasis on the price. Kendall didn’t even know you could buy something for $15. His smoothie was just $1.49 short of how much your shirt costed. And he only got one add on put into it.
You heard a loud repeated banging, seeing Roman trying to get your attention. He put his hands up and shook his head at you essentially asking you ‘what the fuck?’. You said your goodbyes to Kendall before rushing into Roman’s office. “Heeeeeey boss. I got you a little something.” You sang as you waved the breakfast sandwich that was wrapped up in white paper and a bag in his face.  He looked up as if you were an absolute nutcase. You set it down, with his coffee before waiting for a smart ass comment. Or at least a compliment.
He looked up at you after a brief moment of not looking at you. “What the fuck are you standing there for? Are you breaking the news about my parents’ divorce or something?” He questioned you. You would be madder, but it was too creative. You just went quiet before sitting down in your usual spot. You looked over at his desk, looking at what he was looking at. He barely even had anything open on his computer. It was just that opening page of when you opened up Chrome.
“You okay? Are you sad I didn’t text you all day yesterday?” You began questioning him. He shook his head no before opening the bag and undoing the wrapping of his sandwich. He checked what was in it before deciding if it was good enough to put into his body. You think this was the first time he actually ate in front of you. Not a snack, but an actual meal. He usually just had small snack that he had maybe once or twice a day. But never an actual meal. Even at the restaurant. He ordered food, just didn’t eat it. You never really thought about it though.
“I know I tell you to shut up all the time, but it’s kind of unsettling so can you please talk?” You begged. You didn’t enjoy the quietness. It wasn’t like Roman. It felt wrong.
In reality, Roman wasn’t mad, he just felt unseen. His insecurities got the best of him and watching you practically glow around Kendall rather than your usual routine with him. He felt unseen; pushed aside for his better older brother.
“Alright, so uh-fucking what did my emails say?” He turned around to face you, eating the sandwich you had gotten him
“Weeeeell, your dad is trying to close the Pierce deal.” You began. Roman groaned, putting his face in his hands, laying back. It’s not that he didn’t agree with the deal, but he had no way of even getting to them. They didn’t like him, and he didn’t seem to enjoy them entirely either. His siblings have been working the deal a lot better than them. Kendall was a lot more charismatic and Shiv, who had just started, was already ahead of them based off of Nan. One of his hands dropped as the other dragging up his face, trying to think of what to do. It’s a deal Logan has been trying to do for a while now. Logan has been in touch with their network CEO, Rhea. They had taken a liking to one another. And by liking, they were having an affair. And Rhea had been working over timing because of it to get Logan to get a chance to set up a meeting to discussion the terms and what would it take to sell. And Rhea finally established a meeting with the two families to meet.
“Well-uh-fuck what does- what’s the next step? What else did it say?” Roman asked. You just read it over and he saw just the simple writing of ‘Pierce deal tomorrow. Don’t fuck it up.’
You didn’t know how to tell him. You just looked up at Roman, not sure how to phrase it.
“Uh- just he said don’t fuck it up.” You ripped the band aid. It barely seemed to affect Roman. He was trying to prove to his dad he was ready for the CEO position. He had been going on useless fucking trips for his management training, which he had just finished about a week before you had gotten hired. But now Shiv worked here. Or at least she thinks she does. She acted like it. After a trip out in one of their summer homes, Logan offered the position to not just Roman but Shiv too. All just a ploy to make Shiv quit her job in politics and join Logan as a new pawn to play whenever things got too tough for Kendall or Roman to play mind game with their male investors.
“That’s it? What the fuck is the Pierce deal tomorrow? What the fuck is he even-?” He asked frustrated about the lack of details. He never knew what was ever really happening. He went through his phone to see what was happening tomorrow and you did too. You just texted Jess about it. Apparently, there was a family trip that was going to happen at one of Nans houses. Everyone in the family would be there apparently to make them look stable. Even Connor and his paid girlfriend.
“Uh Rome, so tomorrow you and your family are going to Nan’s tomorrow for some kind of retreat.” You filled him in. Roman seemed displeased. He finally remembered about it, but wasn’t sure if it was even going to do a single fucking thing for him.
“Uh-fuck- fine okay. Can you come with me?” He asked you. You didn’t know how to respond, just staring at him as his eyes pleaded with you. They looked like they belong to a sad little puppy. They seemed so desperate. As if he really needed you with him. He couldn’t believe he could do this retreat without you there with him. “Come on- fucking-uh please.” He tried to get the word out as best as possible.
“Alright Rome, I’ll come with tomorrow. Don’t worry.” You offered a gentle smile. You checked for the time that it was going to happen, seeing you both had to be with the family by 10 am tomorrow to come to Nan’s together as if you were truly this happy stable normal family, despite it being further from the truth. But after Kendall’s last couple of stunts for the last couple of months, Logan was really trying to push media coverage on the entire family, posing photoshoots and ‘therapy’ for the only bases being on some magazine.
“Fuck! That means Connors gonna be in the city tonight.” Roman found another thing to be upset about. Roman mainly punched down at Connor because if Roman wasn’t the punching bag, then Connor was. Cause no matter how desperate and sad Roman was, Connor was the forgotten and less involved sibling. Nothing he did for Logan, or the others mattered. He had no say in anything based off of the fact he wasn’t involved. But because of the pushing and shoving the family did to Connors ego, he decided to run for president. Yup. From lonely farmer in wherever fucking state that did nothing all day to president of the United States. Despite not ever having a job his entire life; now he wanted the most important job in the country.
“I met Connor the night of the party by the way, why didn’t you tell me you had another brother?” You asked.
“I don’t. He’s adopted.” Roman lied, but you gave him an annoyed look before he gave you the right answer. “Fuck-fine- he’s my half-brother. His mom went fucking crazy, and dad sent him away to school. Even so, I didn’t grow up with him. I was still shitty my pants by the time he was in college.” Roman admitted. You appreciated the honesty from Roman. You decided to not make him too uncomfortable, editing your notes down. You just decided to keep things that were more important to give him a light enough day before you went into your day with him.
You made plans to meet with Roman by 9 am at his apartment to get ready for the trip. He said he really needed to support. Which was huge for Roman to say since he never willing telling people that kind of stuff.
That evening you spent the entire night trying to set up for the trip. You had to. You were going to be around Logan for most of the day. Along with other high status people. Luckily, you’d have Jess and Roman and Kendall there to calm your nerves. You just planned on staying with Jess for most of it. But something told you Roman was going to need you a lot. You got up early enough in the morning to get ready and pick something nice, but casual enough. This was a chance to really show off. You picked a vintage Chanel dress that you had bought at a vintage boutique in Soho 2 days ago with Jess. You accessorized before checking the time. Fuck. You grabbed what you thought you’d need. Your purse that had spare makeup, a hairbrush, your work iPad, a charger and a portable battery, a spare toothbrush, perfume, your wallet and keys and snack bars in case you or anyone got hungry. You were constantly ready for disaster now that you work with the Roy’s. You packed to make sure you were not forgot anything essential. Your rushed out and tried to make it to Roman’s as soon as possible, but you were gonna be a bit later than 9 like you promised him. You sent him a text to let him know.
You knocked on his door before letting yourself in. He had unlocked it for you. You got him coffee to make up for being late and croissant.
“Hey Rome, you here?” you shouted. You heard him call up from upstairs as you tried to follow his voice. He had already gotten dressed and ready but needed help deciding on sun glasses. They both honestly looked the same to you. You just picked whatever before reminding him of his breakfast.
“Well fucking look at you- “He laughed. You weren’t sure if he was mocking or complimenting you. You looked down at your outfit and up at him worried.
“Is it too much?” You were now anxious. You didn’t want to be over dressed, but you wanted to leave a good impression. Roman didn’t care how ‘much’ it seemed. He liked it but was never able to give a compliment that didn’t also sound like an insult or mocking or sexual misconduct.
“I mean- you look hot.” He shrugged, taking a bite of his croissant. You smacked his arm, him retreating away from you. “Hey! You were asking for it!” He protested.
“Screw you, fucking idiot.” You rolled your eyes. He mocked, putting his hand up and mimicked your voice as his hand closed together.
“Come on. Don’t be so uptight now.” He sat on the edge of his bed, pulling black shoes on. “I mean, you, me, in my bedroom. We have less than half an hour if you wanna bang one out.” He suggested. You chose to ignore his advances to you. But in honest, you would pounce on him immediately if you could. The idea of your bodies on top of one another before having to act professional in a car full of people with the knowledge of what you did earlier was so appealing to you. It felt wrong, but it was just a fantasy anyways. You and Roman were never going to go there.
“Does this still count as work place harassment?” You asked before getting a text from Jess telling you that you had 5 minutes till the car was pulling up to pick you and Roman up. Shiv and Tom were first before picking up Logan, Connor then Roman. There was going to be a morning debrief before going to Nans. Rhea would be joining too. You pulled Roman off his bed, telling him you both had to go. “Come on, we have half an hour.” Roman whined before you showed him the time. You apparently didn’t. You left with him beside you as the car had just pulled up. Roman got in first before you followed. Kendall sat with Shiv and Tom up front with Jess behind him. You sat with Jess and Roman had to sit beside you. Connor decided to just go to Logans early enough, not wanting to cause any inconveniences.
“Hey fuckers, so what’s the move on with this fucking deal?” Roman made his entrance in the car before sitting. “You both brought your assistance? You both are really not capable of doing anything at all?” Shiv judged Roman. You just sat quietly, sipping your drink. You knew it wasn’t a jab at you whatsoever. Jess knew not to. It was more of a tactic to make her brothers feel insecure.
“Just admit you want one and fucking get one.” Roman fired back. “If I didn’t then I wouldn’t of gotten a fucking baguette…” “croissant” you corrected him. “Whatever, some fucking French bread and coffee. Maybe if you did, you’d be less of a fucking bitch.” Roman teased. It caught you off guard definitely. You looked over at Jess, she seemed unfazed by it. Shiv scrunched her face up and rushed her body quickly towards Roman to make him flinch. His hands came up quickly to protect his body before relaxing. “Ha-ha. Fucking good one.” Roman said sarcastically.
The ride was short, like most of their rides throughout the city. Logans house was only a few blocks away from Romans. You stayed behind with Jess as the siblings went ahead of you.
“What was that about?” You asked Jess. “He just called her a bitch?” Jess shrugged it off. “Romans said worse.” Jess was right. That’s why everyone had such low expectations of him.
You both went in about your mornings as Jess had to run to make calls with certain people and do Kendall’s errand before having to break the news to Rava that Kendall wasn’t picking his kids up today. Rava was livid to say the very least, calling Kendall immediately after. Today was Kendall’s day with the kids and he decided to talk Rava into letting him to take another day with them. This was the fourth time in a row.
You walked into the apartment being welcomed by a slender tanned older woman. “Hello ma chérie.” She greeted Jess, giving her a hug. Jess had gotten to know Marcia for a while now. Marcia was truly one of the only people in the family who was careful and sweet. “And this is?” She asked. “Hi, I’m Roman’s assistant. Y/n.” You smiled, giving a hand out to greet her. She put her hands over yours and smiled at your warmly. It felt almost motherly. It warmed your heart a bit. “Do you girls want anything?” She offered. “Uh- I can get it myself. I can get you something though.” You offered, but her hand went up in protest.
“No my darling, I have people for that. Don’t worry.” She tried to comfort your nerves. She knew how scared you were just by looking at you. She could read anyone easily. “You look wonderful by the way.” She was inflating your ego. Your shoulders went up, your smile growing.
“Y/n.” Roman called. He waved you down. You apologize to Marcia and Jess before going to Roman.
“Huh?” You whispered to him.
“So, what about the offer from earlier? My dad has camera around so we could get it on film.” Roman whispered back, a humored look on his face.
“You’re a fucking asshole.” You talked in your normal tone.
“Okay okay. Uh- fuck. I’m gonna actually need you for something though.” He tried to get you to not walk away, grabbing your wrist and forearm. You raised your eyebrows, a way of asking what it was that he exactly needed from you. “You went to college for this shit, right? I need you to look shit up on Nan and just give me whatever notes you can.” He tried to reason. He needed to find a way to connect to the old hag. You agreed before he led you into the meeting. Jess sat behind Kendall, deciding to take notes for Kendall as well.
It was a long hour of planning and organizing a strategy of who had to play to what part. It was like watching a coach talking to a football team, but just about some news outlet. It got interrupted multiple times with Roman making off comment jokes and Shiv and him arguing. During the meeting you were able to dig up enough on everyone to make sure Roman had enough to slither his way into this deal.
You broke off into different cars, telling Roman your notes, going over them multiple times.
Your cars stopped at a landing pad, watching as two men were waiting for you all. You looked behind them to see 2 helicopters on the landing pad. Your head shot to Roman, panicking almost immediately. “A fucking helicopter? I thought we were fucking going to their place just by car.” Roman just seemed to laugh at you. You had no choice, but to go with them. You strapped in as you asked the pilot multiple times if this was the correct way to do it. You went over it with them probably 10 times before asking how safe everything was. Kendall tried to reassure you it was safe, with Jess just trying to talk to you about her first experience and how it wasn’t that bad. You nodded, taking deep breathes. The propellors began to make a loud whooshing sound, causing you to grab onto Romans forearm for a sense of safety.
“Would you relax? It’s fucking 10 minutes.” Roman tried to put up his attitude as if he had an issue with you holding onto him, but he didn’t. He found that you were the only one who he felt comfortable enough to let hold or touch him. He put his glasses on with his free hand before leaning his head on his hand, hiding a smile behind his fingers and they mostly covered his mouth.
Before you knew it you all had landed right after Logan’s helicopter did. You undid your seat belts as fast as possibly, trying to get off as soon as you could. Logan had just gotten out with Marcia and Shiv. Everyone just followed his lead. He tried to pose the family as stable as the Pierces seemed to be. Which you honestly doubted now that you’ve been spending time with the Roy family.
Nan introduced herself to Logan and they both played their roles perfectly. Logan played the happy and proud dad part so well that you even believed him. Everyone was then formally introduced as they tried to network and find something to desperately talk about. But the only ones that truly mattered were Rhea, Logan and Nan.
You just stood back with Jess, knowing you had no part in this. You had no say in any deal. You didn’t even need to speak to any of them. You were just here for Roman’s sanity. 
The house was soon filled, but the party was kept in one room. “Jesus this is fucking pretentious.” You whispered to Jess.
“This is not even the most pretentious part of the night. Watch.” Jess giggled. You just went through your notes with Jess quietly to compare and see if you both had missed anything. Nan interrupted the talking to introduce some stupid bullshit product they had made to get more money. You just joined despite not even having a glass in your hand like everyone before going back to Jess. Whatever the fuck the product was, Logan took a blow from it.
Everyone took this as a way to push some kind of project. Even Connor as he just went on and on about politics. Some others took this to boost their own egos. Or insult the other.
You felt a hand on the small of your back, your body jumping and turning around quickly to see Nan. Logan had his eyes dead set on you from afar.
“Oh hi.” You tried to say in a cheery tone, unsure of why she was even acknowledging you.
“I never seen you around before.” She commented. She had been dealing with this deal for a while, so she had gotten associated with everyone about 2-3 weeks ago. “Oh here, let me get you a drink.” She offered, grabbing a drink off one of her servers tray table. You thanked her quietly before taking a sip only on the bases you needed to. You didn’t like whiskey, but you needed to play a role.
“Oh uh- yeah, I got hired recently. Oh wow-“you said after taking a sip, taking another sip. You took theatre in high school and one or two classes in college. “I understand why this deserved a speech.” You lied. It was disgusting.
“Stop, you’re too cute.” She chuckled. “Who are you in association with?” You didn’t understand. She was asking what your position was and who exactly did you work for. You looked around before finally looking back at Nan. “I-uh-I just do basic stuff for Roman. He wanted to have someone help him around since he started with taking more responsibilities at the company to help manage things around for him. I’m just his assistant. But I just graduated so you know everything from classes are still fresh in my memory.” You were panicked. She just tried to relax your nerves as she seemed to be comforting you. She had the same eyes that Marcia had given you, except more authentic. Like she actually gave a fuck.
“Well the best knowledge you’ll ever get is from experience.” She gave you a tip. You nodded, taking another sip only on the basis of you wanted to calm your nerves down.
“I’m just lucky to have the opportunity to work for the company. It’s truly been an experience for me.” You tried to inflate the company ego. “They’ve really treated me like family here.” You lied. You didn’t even speak to half of the family until today. You still haven’t had an interact with Shiv. You got berated by Logan not even a couple days ago.
“See, and that’s what I always look for.” Nan told Rhea to your face. “None of these other people will tell me anything authentic y’know cause they have more to lose, but you. Thank you. Truly.” She put her hands on each side of your arm. “I will wanna hear your input later on my dear.” She assured me before walking off. You were in complete shock. You assumed you would be invisible today. Roman rushed to you with an amused look.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked. Nan was barely away from the both of you. She took another mental note that despite me being just an assistant, the younger son of the father in the company, my employer, had just tried to check on me. She believed you. You nodded, downing the drink.
“Yeah-I’ll be fine. Just unexpected.” You mumbled, Roman let out a breathe, trying to reassure you it was fine. “It’s gonna be alright.” He tried to reassure her. It probably wasn’t and Roman knew that. She was trying to psych you out and find a reason not to make the deal. But you gave her no reason to. You made her think Logan was more genuine than she thought he was, even if those expectations of Logan were so low for her.
Jess tried to remind you it wasn’t anything serious. You were at a dinner. Sometimes the investors talked to Jess or ignored her. It depended if they saw assistants as people or not. And Nan, despite being massively rich, did consider others.
But she has heard rumors about Logan. She wanted to see how one of his employees had felt. Not in a super direct way, but subtle enough to get hints. Until the very end I guess.
Rhea gathered everyone slowly to bring them into a private room to discuss the game plan once again. Once the door shut, Logan began to interrogate everyone on what they had apparently done wrong. First Shiv on making jokes about Marks PhD and then the entire room for not getting along and going with the original plan. Kendall tried to shush Connor as Connor tried to stand his own ground. “And Romulus, when you laugh, please do it at the same volume as everyone else. We didn’t get you at a hyena farm.” Logan was out to get everyone in the room. “Not even to follow up with the possible end of this fucking deal. What did Nan say to you?” He then stared at you. You couldn’t tell if someone was behind you, looking around before Logan had one more outburst. “Fucking you. The one dresses as if she’s ready for a fucking runway show.” That was a harsh blow.
“Uh-well..” you tried to start trying to remember exactly what was said. “Go on.” He was impatient. His tone was extremely mocking.
“She just asked who I was, what I did. I told her I just started and I’m just helping out Roman.” You tried to be quick not to upset Logan. “Exactly what did you say?” He was really scary like this. You nodded, trying to recount everything.
“Just that uh- well Roman was taking on more responsibilities and dealt with his work usually himself, but now with all the work, he needed an assistant. And that I just finished school. She kind of told me school wasn’t as good as actually working so I told her I’m getting good experience and that you all treat me like a family.” You tried to get every detail of what you’ve said right.
“Oh really? Rhea?” He asked her, knowing she had been with you. Thank fucking whatever the fuck, Rhea confirmed your story. “Nan seems to enjoy her, Logan. She said she trusted her.” She tried to reason. You had no idea why Nan seemed to trust you though. You looked at Logan, trying to keep a relaxed stature to yourself.  Jess was right behind you, rubbing your back to comfort you. She knew you were probably internally having a panic attack. “Nan said she can’t trust anyone else since they’re either 1. Your kids, 2. Someone you’ve known for 30+ years or 3. they’ve known the family too long.” She explained.
“Okay… fine... You, try to butter up Nan more, you too Pinky. Fucking act as if she’s your grandma at Thanksgiving fucking dinner.” He gave you a role. You looked at Jess, but she couldn’t tell you anything in all honesty. She usually avoided talking to investors or people like Nan for this very reason. She didn’t want to be involved. “And Jess, you fix Shiv’s mess.” He appointed her a job. Shiv’s ego took a blow, trying to argue she could just apologize. “No cause apparently a fucking assistant who runs around getting coffee for my idiot children can do a better fucking job than my actual children.” Did this mean Logan appreciated what you did? Is this his way of saying you did a good job? You didn’t see the appeal of it.
Shiv scoffed before leaving the room. “Well, fuck.” Jess whispered to you. You nodded, agreeing with her.
Notes: If you hadn't seen my other post, just like the show, everyone is going to be an awful person moment and have at least one scene of them being the absolute worst. even OC.
Chapter 8
164 notes · View notes
bl00dst41ned · 1 year
*.·:·.✦ lost and found ✦.·:·.*
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pairing: jude bellingham x female oc (named Ryan)
summary: in which Jude makes an awesome discovery
author's note: watched Paddington yesterday and it inspired me this. Jude lives in my mind rent free yet, I'm never writing him.
word count: 1085
The night felt refreshing in the streets of Madrid. Spain was known for its suffocating temperature. To get some air, you had to wait until after sunset. Which is what Jude and his girlfriend, Ryan decided to do. They wandered, hand in hand, observing their new place of residence.
“We should try that” Ryan pointed to the small restaurant selling empanadas.
They entered with no hesitation, greeted in Spanish by the worker. Once they debated on which one to choose, Ryan ordered, in broken Spanish, two different flavours for them to try. The two sat on a bench nearby, to enjoy their little snack, engaging in a small conversation about the new life they were beginning.
Following Jude’s signing to Real Madrid, he asked his longtime partner if she was willing to live with him. Ryan and he had been together since they were 15. She supported him through every big step in his career. Except, for this new one, Jude wanted her to physically be with him every day. Three months later, Ryan had packed her bags to join him.
The couple were now picking up new habits and trying to accustom to the Madrid life.
“So….How’s your Duolingo lessons going?”
Ryan basically forced Jude to learn basic Spanish. For now, he relied on her for every social interaction even though she was not fluent. And she could tell he was comfortable like that and didn’t want it to change.
“Alright I guess” Jude shrugged, rubbing his right eye, something he always did when he was lying to her. Which she knew, too well.
“Jude” Ryan sighed, Jude instantly chuckling, knowing she had caught him. “This green owl has been asking me where you at for the past week”
Somehow Jude had forgotten that the app was on her iPad and connected to her email.
He tried as hard as he could to contain his laugh but failed miserably.
“Don’t laugh” She playfully hit his shoulder, smiling. “You hurt her so much, she stopped texting me”
He stopped and laughed pulling his head down.
“Yeah I went too far, I’ll do it tomorrow”
Once they finished eating, they got up and continued walking. As Ryan observed the architecture around, Jude had come to a halt. She felt her arm being pulled and looked back in confusion.
“What are y- Shhhhh” Jude shushed her with his index finger.
He seemed to be trying to hear something so Ryan just did the same. He let go of her hand now walking towards the sound. He looked behind a flower pot finding what he looked for. He crouched down, Ryan’s curiosity rising. She came behind him checking what had his attention.
There lay a tiny kitten, letting out small meows anybody could barely hear. He seemed to be born recently since his eyes were closed. Jude took him in his hand, slowly petting him.
“Can we bring it home?”
“Jude, he surely has a mother somewhere”
“But…look at him” He looked at her with a pout showing her the kitten on his palm.
“We need to make sure he doesn’t have an owner”
Ryan tried to be rational despite wanting it as much as he did. Obviously, she didn’t want to leave him to die there. They looked around the area, looking for his mother or other kittens somewhere, before being interrupted by a voice.
“El dueño se alejó y los dejó’ An elder woman spoke lowly in Spanish, trying to mimic what she meant, hearing them speak English. “Este debe haber escapado”
With the few words she understood, Ryan figured this kitten had been abandoned. She let Jude know what she said, making him smile since he got to take it home.
They walked back to their home, Jude covering the kitten with both hands, checking on him every now and then. Ryan, on the other side, searched the internet for what they should do to take care of it.
They arrived back home and instantly went to keep the kitten warm. They grabbed a shoe box putting an old shirt inside it. Jude, who had not put down the small animal any time, carefully dropped him off.
Jude took the responsibility to feed him. He poured a bit of water on a spoon carefully as the kitten drank as well as he could. It seemed like Ryan and Jude were mesmerized by it. Their eyes were glued on it, not wanting to miss any moment.
“Is it a boy or a girl?” Ryan asked, tired of calling him an “it”.
“Don’t know, we should go to the vet, tomorrow”
There was no doubt about keeping the kitten or not. Jude picked a cloth using it as a blanket for their new pet. 
“You good, Nugget ?” He cooed to the kitten, calling it the first word that came to mind.
That reminded Ryan how Jude would automatically call animals ‘chicken’ or ‘nugget’ just because. He always gave names to beings when he didn’t know theirs. It felt like he didn’t want to offend them even though they did not understand him one bit.
Both of them catered to the tiny animal for an hour, never taking their eyes off it. Once they decided to go to sleep, Jude placed the shoe box between the cushions, a water bottle and a spoon on his nightstand. Ryan came to the room looking at the homemade pet bed.
“Really Jude?” She straight-faced him as he gave an innocent smile. “We don’t need to be glued to it,”
“But we can”
He ignored her pulling the covers over his body and glancing at the box. She decided to just give up and get in the bed too, admiring her boyfriend. Within two hours, Jude had grown so much love for this little being, already obsessed with it.
“Good night, cutie” He spoke in a sleepy voice, his eyes already closed.
“Goodnight, babe” Ryan replied.
“I was talking to Nugget, but goodnight too, love”
Ryan’s mouth fell open for a few until she decided to accept her fate: Nugget had stolen her boyfriend. She could forget about these Duolingo lessons.
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tell us everything about your day yesterday
oh, ok!
i woke up at 5:30am and went out for a run. it was pretty short, 3 miles, i was back in a half hour. i got really sick a few weeks ago and my lung capacity is still not 100%, i ran five miles a few days ago and i threw up on the sidewalk.
anyway, when i got back home i paced around in the backyard for ten minutes to cool down, and then i slipped back into the house to my bedroom and woke up jake by sucking his cock. we fucked (me on top, no real foreplay, the cocksucking only lasted a few seconds and we went straight to fucking) and we came at the same time, and then i laid in bed leaking while jake got up and showered as the kids woke up. at this point it was like 6:40. i got up and made oatmeal for my kids (with blueberries!) in a robe and jake was all dressed and ready before 7, so i left him to get the kids dressed and stuff and i answered a bunch of emails. i do this now in the mornings so i can get to the office after everyone but i already have them working on stuff. LOL.
the kids were playing for a bit before school, and margot woke up, so jake made breakfast for me and margot and himself, so i ended up out there with them having coffee and chatting until 8:10, and I was still in just a robe, so Jake walked the kids to school, which is usually my job.
i got dressed (no shower, LOL. white panties, no bra, jeans and a t-shirt - very professional) and margot was making a shopping list so i tried to remember everything i needed (i forgot most of it, i always do, so i have to go to target today). and then jake got home so i kissed him goodbye and left for work. i got to the office at 9:20. i had meetings with various little teams from 10-12 and by the end of the second meeting I was very bitchy and everyone was like, "OK stop giving angel new information" which i thought was a very insightful analysis of me as a coworker.
i had coffee and two cigarettes with jane, a fairly recent hire who is like a 40s goth punk chick who reminds me a lot of ivy if ivy had never gone corporate and had a dozen babies. i love jane, she's 15 years sober from heroin and she rocks. she also compliments my waist a lot, she (like many of you lol) can't believe i pushed two kids out of my pussy.
then i walked to my friend casey's work to meet her for lunch. i don't know if i ever talked about casey. i think so? she is like 27 years old and she has a baby and a much older husband and a stepdaughter who is 19. when i was in my lexi-obsessed phase she was adjusting to returning to work with a baby in her life so we didn't hang out much but now we see each other all the time.
we had lunch at a bagel place and i was back at work by 1:45, just in time for more meetings, but these were with clients and i was nicer. the t-shirt with no bra was a very good strategic decision, one of the bigger guys at the company stared at my tits the whole time, and agreed with everything i said. i wore my hair down too and played with it a lot, you know, alternating between ditzy hair twisting and sort of gathering it and arranging it behind my back like i was about to put it into a blowjob ponytail.
N.B. the ponytail blowjob is such a stereotype/meme but i never do that. i let my hair fall all over the place when i am sucking dick. men love my hair.
i had an hour in my office during which i accomplished literally nothing. i looked at my phone and deleted some emails. that's it. then i had a meeting with my boss, and we talked exclusively about sex with our respective partners. his wife is cumming really easily lately, which on the one hand he likes and on the other hand doesn't like because she's wrapping up sex really early. he said about half the time he doesn't get beyond eating her pussy; she cums and then sucks his cock and won't stop until she's swallowed every drop. but even when they get to fucking, he said she cums in like 40 seconds and hops off to suck his cock. i told him to start slapping her clit with his cock to stop her orgasms. he said she'd get so mad at him if he did that and i said, "i would beg for more." anyway, he told me i am doing a great job with the team lately so i flashed my tits at him.
alice called me at 4 and just clearly wanted to talk at me, but i let her, it's kind of like a podcast, and so she was in my ear for the end of my work day and my ride home.
when i got home, margot and the kids were in the park, so jake fucked me in the kitchen, quick and hard, panties and jeans down, bent over the kitchen island, his hand on my clit. he came inside me again and i pulled my jeans and panties up right over the mess and walked around like that all afternoon, making dinner and catching up with everyone. dinner, did a puzzle with my daughter, bathtime for the kids, storytime, bedtime, and i just took my jeans off and relaxed on the couch with jake and margot and we watched a movie. i fell asleep on jake's shoulder after the movie was over, and he moved me over on the couch, took margot to her room, fucked her and came on her tits, took a picture of it and sent it to me, which woke me up, LOL, but i was too tired to move so i let jake come in, naked, and carry me to bed. at some point in the night i took my panties off because they were full of dried cum, and this morning i woke up next to jake, he was naked and i was in just a t-shirt, so i pushed my ass against him until he woke up and fucked me from behind nice and slow. i came twice.
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Daily Check-in: April 15, 2024 🎀
I know I said I was switching themes, but I didn't get any good pictures yesterday so the theme switch will occur once I learn how to take pictures that I find acceptable!
Anywho, Monday started off good, then got bad, and I'm hoping Tuesday will be better. Got a lot done, but got off work super late. Anxious about lots of job and financial stuff. It's hard being a girl in this economy.
🩷 What I Accomplished:
completed my online psyc assignment
completed chapters 3 and 4 of Latin American Spanish Busuu
Listened to 2 spanish podcast episodes of ABC la Productividad
studied through some Spanish flashcards
completed my medical terminology lecture, flashcards, self test, and timed test
rescheduled an appointment
worked an ~8 hour shift
read a chapter of The Untethered Soul
got to eat some yummy leftover chicken alfredo pasta for dinner at work
shipped off the shoes I sold on depop
🩷 Good Things That Happened:
my co-worker friend brought me some of her K-pop merch she didn't want!
talked to my dad on the phone
had a really nice morning routine
my pasta was still super yummy
made a berry banan smoothie and an avo bagel with an egg for breakfast, it was devine
cleaned my station at work extra good (detailed the stainless steel, cleaned out some fridges, scrubbed my floors, etc)
my friend got a 2nd coffee for free at work and gave it to me (iced Caramel macchiato for the win!)
🩷 What Could've Been Better:
my boyfriend and I are having major issues and I'm struggling emotionally at the moment
went to bed super late because of work
didn't shower before bed (gross, I know but I made sure to shower Tuesday morning and am going tk wash my sheets on Sunday)
didn't pay much attention in my chem lecture
spent money that I didn't need to have spent
🩷 Stuff For Tuesday:
complete my Spanish study tasks
read a chapter of a book
email psyc doc about doing appointment over zoom this week
study chemistry
complete chemistry assignment
possibly finish chem lab stuff that's due tomorrow afternoon
work a ~7.5 hour shift
keep looking for possible 2nd summer job if the 8 week work thing doesn't happen
apply for one or two scholarships for next school year
Here's to having some better days, hopefully.
til next time, lovelies 🩷
p.s Check Out My Depop Shop! I still have some more lostings to upload!
💕 Song of The Day
Hozier - Too Sweet
This songs vibe seems fitting for me right now.
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serahlink · 1 year
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
Making a new commission post since we're in desperate need of help currently. We were only able to pay half of what we needed yesterday, so now we owe the normal 55$ rent today plus the 30$ we couldn't pay yesterday. We also couldn't get any food yesterday and we have no food here, so I'm hoping to get something for that as well if we can.
My name is Link and I've been homeless for about two years now (since November 2021). Due to my dad falling into a diabetic coma around that time leaving both him and my sibling homeless without their truck, and myself having to move out from my friend's house due to their grandmother falling severely ill at the time, we were all left without a home. We don't have any family help (tried reaching out as soon as it happened and both sides of the family just weren't willing to help with either shelter/food/financially and otherwise) or anyone else to really rely on. My friend drove us all to a motel where I started up commissions and have been trying my best to keep up what we need for food and rent ever since neither of us could get jobs (we all don't have our IDs/documents, a car or the money to go and actually try getting that stuff) and we also can't get benefits from things like food stamps. We would've been able to at least try from low income housing if we had them, but that's the main thing that's stopped us from getting out of this situation or at least getting closer to finding real stability again. This is and has been our only source of income for a while.
Right now, things haven't been looking great. We almost got kicked out last week, and if the man at the office wasn't kind, we wouldn't have had anywhere to go. Most days we go without food since the room is the utmost priority, and we can barely pay that. Business has been very scarce, so I'm hoping by making a new post that I can get some more help somehow.
I'll put my commission examples, prices and business email below if anyone is interested in helping. If you can't, no worries, I completely understand. Reblogs also helps in hopefully bringing us new work opportunities, so it'd really mean a lot. Thank you so so much in advance.
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Business Email - [email protected]
Sketch (price depending on type of sketch) - base price of 10$
Sketch page - 10$ per sketch
Headshot - 20$ (+10$ if shaded)
Bust - 30$ (+10$ if shaded)
Half body - 45$ (+10$ if shaded)
Full body - 60$ (+10$ if shaded)
Couples Commission (a commission that includes two people) - 90$ (+15$ if shaded)
Group commissions (commission that includes more than two people, price dependant on the details) - 60 base price(one character, unshaded; each extra character is +75% to the original price) (40$+ if shaded)
Paintings (price depending on the details) - 100$+
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