#i got a one shot done
darkkitty1208 · 9 months
I need to stop getting distracted by tumblr whenever I'm writing. Hnghhhhh. (I say, posting this on tumblr.)
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cbmagus49 · 7 months
Hey guess what it's time for a big ol' Relativity screenshot edit sketchdump!!!!
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kbsd · 24 days
bucky egan // "free" by florence + the machine
the feeling comes so fast and i cannot control it i'm on fire, but i'm trying not to show it
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saeiken · 23 days
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started rereading haikyuu :||
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cassandracain52 · 12 days
My Batfamily piercing headcanons
(note: these are just my personal headcanons)
Dick: Has thought about getting a piercing but always ends up deciding against it because he doesn't like needles
Jason: Got his nose pierced when he was 14 and never told Bruce(don't ask how he hid it idk readers choice). Was pissed to find the hole had closed after his dip in the Lazarus pit, so he got it re-pierced but doesn't wear it often, usually just at night. And no of course it doesn't have anything to do with the fact he still hasn't told Bruce. Nope not at all
Tim: Got his left ear pierced when he was 15 because Steph told him a bunch of other skaterboarders were doing it and he ended up liking it. (she lied she just thought it would make Tim look hot. She was right) He doesn't wear it on patrol or for important meetings, but he still makes sure to wear it often enough to not let it close
Stephanie: Has both her ears pierced as well as a double helix piercing and a smiley piercing. She wants to get more but keeps changing her mind as to where.
Cass: Only has her ears pierced and that's only because Steph and Babs did it for her. Doesn't trust needles (see Batgirls #2)
Barbara: Has both ears pierced and got her belly button pierced when she was a teenager. Her belly button piercing ended up closing after she kept it out too long when recovering from getting shot and hasn't gotten around to getting it redone.
Duke: Has no piercings or a particular desire to change that fact, but he isn't really against the idea either. (Stephanie is determined to get that boy an eyebrow piercing because he would "totally own that look")
Damian: Went kinda crazy with it after Alfred died and he went off on his own. First Nika convinced him to get his eyebrow pierced and it just escalated from there. At present he has a grand total of 7 piercings with plans to get more. His piercings currently include his ear lobes, snake bites, his eyebrow, his nostril, and his septum. When Dick first saw him with all his piercings in he nearly passed out
Bruce: Had some wild teen years and got his ears, tongue, and septum pierced. Stopped wearing them when he traveled to train and they ended up closing. The only evidence they ever existed is a few stray paparazzi photos/videos and Alfred's word(he is sworn to secrecy)
Alfred: Everyone thinks the answer is a big fat "NO" as to if he's ever had a piercing but in reality he has had exactly One. When he was very young, before he met the Wayne's, he lost a bet and let an army buddy pierce his nose. A great deal of alcohol was also involved. He took it out after a few weeks when it got infected because the needle hadn't been sterilized and they were still out traveling around North Africa with little supplies. They never spoke of it again.
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elvisqueso · 6 months
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"...What is it?" "The drums...they mean trouble. I shouldn't be here—" "I want to see you again—" "I can't—" "Please don' t leave—" "—I'm sorry." "..." "...I have to go now."
—Pocahontas (1995)
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ubejamjar · 3 months
FFXIV Vanilla Gpose | Six | Emote
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"Moren said the book was..... Where, again?"
Location - Crystarium - Cabinet of Curiosity Time - 11 a.m. Color filter - Pastel 1 Frame - Simple 2 Emote - Lookout + Ponder
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heyclickadee · 6 months
For the expression challenge I'd love to see Crosshair in 1 or Omega in 6!
Hi! And okay! Ssooooooo Crosshair in 1:
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Not gonna lie, for some reason the angle on this one kind of kicked my butt, and I think the anatomy is still off, but it was fun. Crosshair’s all craggy and angled and made of a lot of interesting shapes, which honestly kind of makes him fun to draw.
Aaand then since I did one that was Omega in 6, here’s Omega in 8:
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She’ll be fine. It’s just the Mantell Mix cart. It’s fine.
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sleepinglionhearts · 1 year
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With no words, with no song
I’m gonna dance the dream
And make the dream come true
I’m gonna dance the dream
And make the dream come true
[part 1]
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legionofpotatoes · 8 months
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V2.0 of my Starfield Normandy!
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pinkgrapefloyd · 2 months
logging onto ao3 like 'behold this deeply mediocre piece of media. its massacred themes and botched character arcs have bewitched me body and soul. it had such mindblowing potential that the writers dropped the ball like a slippery plate fresh out the sink. i will now proceed to drop the ball in an entirely different way but with more self-awareness and also a pride flag in the background. please clap'
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schmweed · 1 year
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Succession | S04E06
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todayisafridaynight · 21 days
sometimes i get nishiki i really do
#snap chats#like from an outsider perspective it is utterly hilarious watching everything go wrong for him#BUT GIRL NOT ME STOP HAVING THIGNS GO WRONG FOR MEEEEEE WHAT IS ALL THIS#this month its actually one thing after another if i start wearing white everyone needs to be concerned#you guys remember my bullshit roommates yeah well TLDR im getting fined for their messes im going to SCREAM#I HATE IT HEERRRREEE I KNOW IM EVIL BUT CMON#literally had such a silly night last night and now everything sucks again is this life is this what life is#its not its not what life is im just hearing my mom bitching in the other room and im letting her vibes ruin mine#everything going to be ok this is just a hiccup .... a small pinprick in the tapestry of life ....#i am incredibly annoyed though cause this is one of those situations where youve done nothing wrong but youre being shot for it#its just unfair but whatever we ball ..... im putting the hair gel away guys im not slicking my hair back just yet ....#i got a new friend last night so maybe ill just hang with them later and ill remember life is beautiful ..#heh ... jk ... i can remind myself life is beautiful right now ... im gonna go eat some tiramisu ...#jesus christ i really do love italian food what the fuck. pasta / calamari / tiramisu#i dont think calamari is italian but i got it from an italian place w/e we get the picture#its not my fault that italy has good food ... i would just never go there .....#ok bye ima go eat and drink water now. water will remind me how beautiful life is ...
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pleasantmsp · 8 months
I love Beauyasha so much. I miss them so much.
The reunion gave me so much joy and now I'm in this weird happy but melancholy state. I love the Nein so much and I want more of them. And I especially want more of Beau and Yasha. If we get a Fjorester wedding one shot, I will be stoked. But then also give me the Beauyasha wedding too!
I'm really just hoping they keep doing these little reunions cause I love the Mighty Nein so much and seeing them makes me so happy.
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kaleighkarma · 6 months
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Happy NaLu Gift Exchange 2023!!!!
I did my piece for @smappybubbles where I imposed their nalu day art and embroidered it. I’m not great at drawing or writing but I wanted to challenge myself and enter the community in some way so here I am doing my best. I hope you love this piece as much as I do because I worked on it for about 2 weeks straight. Transferring curves was the hardest part but I loved your art so much it was so super worth it!
I love these idiots and I love this art and I love this community.
Thank you @allaboutnalu for setting this up! This was so fun and I’ve loved everyone’s entry and I can’t wait to see the rest!!
Also a special thank you @tokkias l for being my number one supporter and encouraging everyone to do their best. I don’t think I could have done it without you 💛
Anyways I’ve rambled enough so if you have any questions my DMs are open. I hope you all have a lovely day!!!!
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frickin shite that was the worst small group I've ever been to in my life
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