#i guess what i meant was i'm imagining it's probably the most recent ones right? or. i guess i don't actually know how recent they are
skeletalheartattack · 4 months
i saw a Zarbon statue at GameStop today and thought of your blog
*spits out whatever i'm drinking* i think i hauve to go to gamestop
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doctorofmagic · 5 months
Okay, I see everyone is struggling to keep it cool because of what just happened today in Blood Hunt #1. But honestly I'm very excited to put the pieces together (also very HYPED!!!). So here are my thoughts (and my friend Red's, thank you, my darling) on what we gathered so far through clues, covers and solicitations.
Obviously, spoilers.
Well, first thing I'd like to establish is that people will probably feel lost if they haven't read the last Blade volume. Thankfully, yours truly did! Which means I can provide some context:
Just recently, Blade released an ancient evil called the Adana by accident. To make it up for this mistake (which would lead to the end of the world, basically), he had to embrace his full vampiric powers by drinking Dracula's blood (they're in a kinda complicated relationship right now, not friends nor enemies but necessary allies). That also meant that he was corrupted by its evil.
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Plus, as I said it many times, Blade has a deep respect for Stephen because of the Montesi Formula, which resulted in the extinction of all vampires. Yes, Stephen did it once, and I'll get back to it because I think it's REALLY important.
Since we established that Blade might be corrupted, let's move on to the next topic.
Is Stephen dead?
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My best guess is "not really".
In Blood Hunt, we see that T'Challa sacrificed himself to protect Cap America Sam and the rest of the Avengers who survived the first strike. But is T'Challa gone? Luckily, I follow Farid Karami on twitter and he posted a few inks he did for Black Panther: Blood Hunt. And guess what? That's right, we'll about to have vampire!T'Challa!
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Besides, we all know that the next Doctor Strange issue will feature Wong and vampire!Stephen. What we didn't know was how Stephen would fit in the plot, but thanks to the variant cover I posted last week, we do now: he'll be guiding his allies via his astral form.
Now, how can the Sorcerer Supreme deal with the vampiric threat? It was shown that Stephen and Clea are looking for the Montesi Formula again.
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For those who don't know, the Montesi Formula is a spell from the Darkhold that can wipe every single vampire off the face of the Earth. Stephen already used this spell once when he fought Dracula (and Blade was there, hence the respect he holds for Stephen). Unfortunately for them, Wanda has just recently absorbed the Darkhold within her body as a way to gain autonomy from Chthon (as seen in Darkhold: Alpha and Omega). Besides, Wanda was captured by the Bloodcoven, which means she can't do much right now. In addition, as hinted by Blade himself, she won't use the Montesi Formula, mostly because the character can't be involved in another kind of genocide (thanks, Bendis). And that leads us to the next topic.
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Who could do it? The very one character who would overcome morals on behalf of his people, the same one who already appeared in the first issue: Doctor Doom. And if we think about it, he has two advantages already: 1) he's second in line to be the Sorcerer Supreme, and 2) as already established, he'd do anything to protect his planet and, most importantly, Latverians.
It's also important to reiterate that an astral form is not as powerful as the body+soul. With Stephen's strength limited, it's not that crazy to imagine that he could pass the mantle to Victor for a limited period while they find the spell. "Why not Clea?" I don't know. It's already established that managing the power of two sorcerers supreme is extremely hard and draining. Could be another reason as well. I'm just trying to find a coherent train of thought through this variant cover here:
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Still, we're left with a very important dilemma. We have nice vampire allies in current comics: Brielle (Blade's daughter) and Soldier and Reese from the Midnight Mission (Moon Knight), the three of them being characters to be featured in the tie-ins. Well, not to mention Stephen and T'Challa, and maybe some more to be turned in the next issues. This is why I don't think the Montesi Formula will happen. Jed won't kill THE Black Panther, let's be real. So what's next?
We're expecting a plot twist at some point, and Blade will have an important role here. He's set to have another solo title this year, probably following the consequences of his actions. But there's a high chance someone else is involved. Let's check this panel once more:
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Atlantean rituals.... Where did we hear about it before? That's right, Sorcerer Supreme #11!
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During the old age, Varnae become ruler of the vampires and was brought back by Marie Laveau in modern age, fighting Doctors Strange and Voodoo. His last appearance traces back to Blade when he and his friends confronted him. Frank Drake sacrificed himself in an explosion to kill Varnae, and that's the last time we hear about him.
But see how the pieces come together? Blade, Stephen and Varnae. It makes sense that things would center around these three. And this is why I'm very excited. It's not a surprise that I love Blade and Stephen's relationship, and all these elements would make a wonderful drama, one that I'm really looking forward to!
Overall, I'm not worried about status quo or anything like that. I know things will work out in time, and seeing so many of my favorite characters involved in an event written by McKay only makes it better!
And that's it! Feel free to add your thoughts on this post! And see you all next week with Doctor Strange #15! 👀
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greenerteacups · 7 days
Until your most recent chapter I didn't really stop to consider Molly Weasley's role in the first war. She had a baby, 2 toddlers and 3 kids to take care of, plus the house. I imagine she was the one preparing meals for the Order and tending to the wounded, since she seems pretty good with healing charms. It's a side of war that people don't really talk about, right?
What do you think were James and Lily's roles in the war? Either in canon or Lionheart is fine. Also, if you have the time and the will, I'd love to hear what you think about the while blood magic thing Lily did for Harry. Cause we don't really see this type of magic in canon, jkr was really vague about it, and since your Pansy seems to know quite a bit of blood Magic I was curious to know if they work in similar ways in your canon. It doesn't seeem like they teach this kind of thing in Hogwarts' normal curriculum, and to know that Lily Evans was possibly an feral muggle-born toying with dark magic fascinates me. Like, did Snape introduced it to her? The recent talk Draco had with his mother about cruel spells not always being dark magic and vice versa was really interesting and got me in my current state of rambling
This dovetails wonderfully on the heels of my last post about Molly Weasley, so I'll pick it up here! Molly is absolutely at the center of the Order's efforts in both the First and Second Wizarding Wars, and her role as a mother is indivisible from her role as a soldier. Bill is 7 or 8 when the first war begins, which means Charlie's 5-6, and Percy is around 2. You can only imagine the frustration for her — that's an age where someone really needs to be around the house, but at the same time, everyone you know is going off to fight. And like— oh—
Did you ever think that Molly probably had to sit through the battle where her brothers died? That's a thought that just occurred to me. Set aside what happened to Lily and James, or even Frank and Alice; Molly wasn't an only child until the war. Bill was old enough to know his uncles. Charlie was, too. And hey — do you think she had the twins before or after her twin brothers died? Which do you think is worse?
Anyway. I think James and Lily joined the war effort immediately, considering how short the timeline is after they graduate => marriage => baby Harry => Trelawney's prophecy. In Lionheart, Moody mentions that "Evans was 16 when she came to me," which I meant to acknowledge that students were (and are! cf. Cedric and Angelina) trying to get involved with the war before they graduated. Moody and Molly are of different philosophies on this, but it's implied that Moody accepted Lily's offer, because of Molly's remark about "forgiveness" — which is obviously a bit vague, but the implicit accusation is that the Potters wouldn't have died if they hadn't been soldiers. Of course, we know that's not actually true (my spin on this particular part of canon will be fully fleshed-out in the story, but as you can probably guess, James and Lily aren't random kills). But Molly doesn't know that, so in her mind, there's a straight line between Moody accepting Lily's offer and Harry being orphaned.
James and Lily, while by all accounts quite competent, are not actually described as being that powerful in canon. Becoming an animagus at such a young age obviously requires James to be an unusually clever and/or motivated kid, and I have no trouble believing that he was one of the most naturally talented wizards in his year, but he also reads as a bit of a lazy jackass in the one(!) scene we ever get. The person who vouches for his offstage character growth — Sirius — is frankly a bit of a jackass himself. To be clear, I'm not denying the James Potter Redemption Arc. I have great affection for James as this jackass jock who gets walloped off his pedestal by one Lily Evans, and then cobbles together a decent personality from spit and elbow-grease. I just don't think he's a mind-blowing secret agent or anything. In Mad-Eye's view, it would make most sense to put James somewhere behind the front lines, where he can learn from the seasoned Aurors. Same with Lily, too.
Which is good, in my opinion. It's important to the thematic tissue of Harry Potter that James and Lily are ordinary people — extraordinary in the hearts and memories of the people who loved them, extraordinary in courage and resilience, but not especially magical or gifted beyond the range of what normal people in this universe could achieve. That isn't to say that Lily didn't do anything remarkable on October 31, 1981; she did. But I have always liked how canon left them ordinary soldiers, who were betrayed and slaughtered by an accident of fate; in another world, it could have been the Longbottoms, or it could have been no one.
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somepsychopomp · 4 months
binge watched all of scavengers reign in one sitting! I have many thoughts, though they all feel jumbled up right now. I think the show starts off VERY strong but faces some pretty significant writing challenges as it progresses. Basically my opinion is:
episodes 1-6: an absolute triumph of imagination and environmental storytelling. They have genuinely some of the best ideas for alien life I've ever seen. The human characters are also all interesting, too. Azi and Levi were my favorite plot line but I really relished in how our first glimpse of Kamen is this sad, lonely malnourished man slowly starving to death in a tree... only to be revealed as a violent selfish asshole who genuinely gets what he deserves as the story progresses.
side note- I'm also a huge fan of the weird plant(?) that basically clones living beings and makes The Thing(s). Also Levi is probably the most compelling character in the entire show.
episodes 7-10: I enjoyed episodes 7-10 and maybe 11 so little that i considered giving up on the show in its entirety. To me, this segment dropped the show from like a 8.5/10 to a 4/10 or even lower. They were such an unenjoyable slog to get through imo (no hard feelings on anyone who liked them tho) because of the small crew of new characters we meet. No surprise you're not supposed to like or trust them, but the show just seemed unwilling to commit to them being actually evil or arguably sympathetic characters just trying to survive their own hostile situation, and kinda waffles between the two possibilities.
I guess that's the attempt at a gray area/morally gray characterization but I just fucking hated all of them and they meant nothing to me. Also it really, genuinely feels like the show speed ran Kamen's arc and completely ran out of ideas on where to take his character from here on out. Which is a bummer considering he's the type of character you absolutely love to hate.
And I'm so, so sorry, but I felt nothing when Sam died. TO MY DEFENSE, I can articulate why! Basically, out of all the characters on the show aside from arguably Kamen, Sam gets beaten up the most. He gets his blood sucked during the early storm, then gets wounded by the freaky cloning plant and almost dies from that, and then almost dies from getting buried alive, AND THEN gets implanted with the parasite from that mysterious lady. The best way I can put it is that his character just made me feel fatigued. His situation wasn't the kind where a protagonist suffers injury after injury but gets up anyways via sheer will/desire to complete their goal/what have you (Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai is a good recent example from adult animation who embodies this trope well, for example).
In contrast, Sam just spends too long on the brink of death for the stakes to feel high anymore. He also does nothing to improve his own condition, relying entirely on Ursula, which I think robs him of his agency and depth. In fact, I spent so long prepared to mourn him, kinda expecting him to not survive the planet, that when the time finally came, I already expressed all my emotions and detached myself from his character. I will say that at the very least, I did like his actual death scene and felt it was nicely done and paced.
episodes 11-12: Perfectly fine finale, I had no major problems with it but these episodes just didn't quite hit the highs of the first half of the series. Will say tho, Levi turbo blasting the Hollow was perfect. Love that for them.
Overall, I think I'll have to rewatch the show again when it's not late at night and I have all my wits about me. Maybe I'll change my opinion on it, because I really, REALLY want to like it in its entirety and will absolutely watch a second season if/when it comes out because, despite all its flaws, Scavengers Reign is something genuinely special.
The first half of the series feels like lightning in a bottle and MUST be seen by all sci fi and fantasy fans!! Even though everything is intensely organic and raw, the planet also has this strange biomechanical feel to it, from the shrapnel wind storm to the big triangle-head birds with electric/static feathers to all the animals that look like statues or toys but still live and breathe. It's such a unique take on an alien world and it was beautiful to see.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
chapter 1 - going back to my roots!! (spoilers for those who haven’t rear the most recent chapter)
the way you mirrored that first sentence with the mikey - EVIL
if it’s a love confession she should definetely answer😁 - imagine if it was…imagine that
if carmy knew her neighbourhood wasn’t peaceful he’d have her in his apartmentment at once!!
But a part of you is relieved it’s a thing that’s broken, and not her - oh this hurted
“The doorknob on the inside, broke off. And right now, or, more like, 5 minutes ago, the handle on the outside broke off too.” - the way it all goes back to her, mikey and richie ugh your mind
Now that’s an uncomfortably familiar voice. - RICHIEEEE. ugh reading it with all the contexr is just wow!!!powerful stuff
Nobody has to know you’re wearing pajama shorts under this - lowkey hot tho😁
an older woman smoking and having an emotional spat - donna!! makes sense that chippy never met her but oh i wonder how that would’ve gone
She gently slaps your cheek - tina is so cuteee
You’ve never said his name to him - the way everything makes sense now oooof
love the switch up between “Sweetheart, I need you to stand up for me, Carmen Chef Sir.” and “….Who the fuck is Tony?”
“Aye… Cousin?”- i used to think the cousin was for carmy but it’s for her 🥹🥹🥹 my fave besties 🥹💕🫶🏼😭 (also i’ve had two dreams now about richie being my best friend… yeah the mental illness is,,,)
Girlfriend? Probably - that could’ve been you already if you listened to mikey’s advice but i guess claire had to happen *for the plot*🙄
“You’re just. Cold.” - sobbing actually
you lower your arms— But. He opts to place his chin on your shoulder - 😭😭😭 them!!!!!
retaining - the bold on retaining 💀💀💀
definitely a virgin - ajajsjejrjri not for long (well i can dream 😁🫶🏼)
sweetheart, asshole - so true 💕💕
omg remember back when the chapters were this short (compared to the newest ones)yeah me neither. love you love your dedication!!<3
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this is the best day of my life, getting people's re-reading thoughts is the best experience of my life AND FROM YOU TOO LU!! LOVE YOU!!!
I can't remember if I always planned to mirror the intro line with Mikey. I'm pretty sure I did? I think I went back and forth a couple times on whether or not it was stupid-- And it very well might be, but I know it makes everyone rereading mad so I think it was worth it and good and cool of me.
Everyone gets so hung up on the love confession line now it makes me so happy. I'll be so fr I didn't plan Squidink to happen in the beginning-- Though I did originally concept this whole series as x Syd before switching lanes, I don't remember when it locked in for me that I was going to be gay about it. Probably Zero Pulse? Yeah probably.
carmen's gonna crash tony's credit score on purpose so she has to move out: canon-- canon i said it it's canon! kidding
THE DOOORKNOOBBB this I always planned-- I don't know if they go over it in canon but fr why the fuck did the inner knob break off so easy that's so deeply concerning man.
RICCHIEEE, he IS powerful stuff bro.
"lowkey hot tho😁" so tony is now a character and it's Tony x reader now, i see?
DONNNAAAAA, it only makes sense for Tony to be in a rush and avoid Donna in this opener, but I do also wonder how violently different this night would've gone if she listened in on their convo for like even two seconds.
It's extremely funny to go from "i need to be so nice to this kid, he meant everything to my best friend" to "what the FUCK are you yapping about?" in two seconds.
I THINK A LOT OF PEOPLE USED TO THINK RICHIE SAYING COUSIN WAS FOR CARMEN, I remember for chapter 2 so many people going awe he calls her cousin-- baby, always has! Also were you a handyman in those dreams be HONEST!!!
smh chip if you simply just followed big bros advice you could probably be living together by now but NO Carmen had to get with the ACTUAL DOCTOR instead of the EMT!!!! bro loves women in healthcare
JUST COLD!!!! JUST COLD!!! man if i had a hat i'd throw it and i literally wrote all this. The little descriptions Mikey gave of his siblings were also honestly some of my favourite bits to write from this first chapter. Had to look at me and my two brothers and go how would I honestly describe these two and how brutal would I be about it? 100% older brother Mikey has to humble Carmen's ass with a ALWAYS EMPHASIZED R E T A I N I N G. He's proud but like. come on you didn't get them, carm.
i miss the days of short chapters. though I think we're kind of going back to it if not taking a brief pitstop of short. This next one I pray to god is under 10k i'll 86 myself i swear to god. LOVE YOU!!!
memes are so good, who the FUCK are you cousin!!! sydney's new apartment in S3 should be free-- rent should be free during pride month actually that's the law also i'm pretty sure everyone IS making sex up anyways anyways do i have a piece of wip i could give you my darling let's see
oh i do but i'm gonna be so fucking mean about it.
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anyways i have to pack up from work and get the FUCK out of here see you all later conspire over this screenshot losers love u
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ryuichirou · 6 months
More replies about recent stuff, ships, antis, etc etc, business as usual~ there are a couple (literally) of headcanons in this post too!
Anonymous asked:
I’m going to assume that the recent Lilidia comic is before they know that they’re online buddies and that Idia was the one who sent the shirt?
This one is related to a comic we posted on ko-fi today <3
And yes, Anon, you are correct! That was the idea behind the comic hehe. They were meant to meet offline for the first time this evening but they yet need some time to realise they’re looking for each other lol
Alright, now a couple of asks about the RookVil post from yesterday. I am very happy that you liked that one.
Anonymous asked:
“Distracted”…you mean by Niege?
By Vil in her beautiful dress of course  
Anonymous asked:
Sorry for the caps but thank you hahaha it gave me energy
Also I was reading some of the asks and I just wanna say those Ortho/Malleus sounds so good! Shoutout to that guy and sorry for using this ask about it 🤭
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 They bring me joy too, it always feels very self-indulgent when I draw them, especially as girls lol
Yesss this is such a good ship. Shoutout to the OruMal person! I’m glad they’re getting appreciation for their big brains…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Fem Vil is DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN Mummy -sorry mummy- sorry –
Fem Vil is always either mummy or just a mum… well, technically this also applies to regular Vil lol Also, technically, she (and he) is a step-mummy or a step-mum...
I’m glad you liked it! <3
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Ortho x Malleus... Hmmm...you know I might get on that train, it's actually pretty cute the more I think about it and I'm just imagining a double date with Idia and Lilia and Ortho and Malleus, maybe even a triple date if we add Sebek and Silver
Ahhh, Ortho/Malleus and Lilia/Idia would be a very fun combo!! Sebek and Silver too… Sebek would get way too distracted by Malleus being with Ortho though, things would probably get a bit messy lol
Anonymous asked:
"Slenderman is scared to see Rook when he turns around" Rook truly is the most horrifying horror monster of all time lol.  The non-human students would survive a horror setting simply because nothing compares to being hunted by Rook.
And sorry if you already answered this, but in your Prison au how do you decide who's a guard and who's a prisoner?
(this one is related to this post)
You’re SO RIGHT ANON LOL If they survived being around Rook for 3 years, they won’t be scared of anything. This is what a little bit of Rook Hunt does to a collective. Influencing people in a good way by being an absolute creep…
And to answer your question, the roles are pretty flexible: Katsu mentioned in this reply that they could be either one (both would work for a lot of them really), but some characters just feel more suitable for one role and not the other I guess? Plus, it implies their relationship with the characters around them. So, whatever option sounds more fun and could lead to a more interesting scenario.
Anonymous asked:
I know you mentioned in a previous reply that you don’t ship Jack/Epel often, but I would still love to hear any few headcannons you might have about them. I have one where Jack goes to Vil for advice on how to approach Epel in a romantic fashion since Jack would have a secret crush on him. Meanwhile Rook is probably giving very detailed advice to Epel (who also has a secret crush on Jack) on how to “properly tame your partner” and Epel just gets super confused and embarrassed
Sorry for the late reply, Anon!
Oh god I can practically hear Vil’s “ara?” when Jack goes to him for advice… What an experience for him, considering how close he is with both Jack and Epel, to suddenly have these two show some interest in each other lol
And it makes sense that Epel would go to Rook for that, and not really because of his hunter thing, but he is absolutely going to end up listening to a lecture about taming and recognising the signs of courtship behaviour… this isn’t even remotely going the way Epel thought it would…
I still don’t have many thoughts about them, unfortunately. But here is a couple of things that come to mind as I’m thinking about these two right now…
When their club activities don’t happen at the same time, they visit each other. Sometimes just to wait until the other one is done, sometimes to cheer a little (just a little though), sometimes just to hang out. But Jack tries not to do that often because Epel gets very distracted when he is around + his senpais tease him a lot.
Epel doesn’t always like how caring and sweet Jack is, sometimes it feels to him like he is being babied by him, but he does know that Jack has a wilder side (Vil hinted on it once because he knew Epel would feel that way), so now Epel tries to poke the wolf bear (that is Jack) from time to time to see if he would react.
Anonymous asked:
Idia, probably: What in the fifty shades of moe is this?
(this one is related to this comic)
Yeah, he had no idea stuff like this could happen to him…
Anonymous asked:
Had an encounter with an anti on a different app; their argument was that shotacons are creepy and how they talk about little boys are creepy.  Good ole' Google tells me shotacon does not apply to TWST so Idk why they brought it up.  And the only little boys are Cheka and Gidel.  If they were genuinely referring to the main cast as little boys, maybe it's just me, but calling high schoolers that is weird.  I didn't handle the encounter well, but thinking back it feels like they had no clue what they were saying.  Their argument was about something completely different and had nothing to do with TWST if they even know what it is.  The logic ain't logic-ing with these folks.
Yeah, technically there are no shotas other than Cheka and Gidel in TWST, but some could also count Ortho or even Lilia (Ace commented on him looking much younger than a 16 y.o., which all those people fucking ignore, as you might’ve noticed, because they’re hypocrites) and Epel, because while they aren’t of the needed age category, they’re rather small. And with Ortho people love to talk about how he is a 5 y.o., which is a lie lol
You are right that they don’t really know what they’re talking about. They never do, because the point of the conversation isn’t to make an argument and have a proper discussion, it’s to make the opponent sound so wrong, so appalling, so sick, that they come out of this thing feeling like the only beacon of moral excellence surrounded by gross perverts with zero self-control. When in fact they’re just uneducated enjoyers of spreading moral panic + emotional vampires lol
The thing is, shota and all the other “dead dove tropes” is a niche within a niche. People in general don’t understand shipping and our way of interacting with fiction, and even fewer people understand problematic tropes. It’s okay, it’s not for everyone. But it sure is a convenient reason to attack people!
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mochalottie · 1 year
My thoughts on the RWRB movie trailer because I get feral about this book and am incredibly picky about details
i've been doubting the chemistry between Alex and Henry and the trailer has given me a tiny bit of hope for what we might get. their smiles, their little looks, the sex scenes (because it will be rated r so no fade to black scenes babes). they work, but it's not quite how I imagined it.
Uma's accent is actually pretty cool. being irish/british i read everything in my head without an accent, so hearing Ellen's 'voice' so to speak is really cool! but if she doesn't give Alex her patented powerpoint presentations i'm going to be upset.
the little look Alex does whilst waiting in line? it's so adorable/such a little shit mood it made me awe a little bit. but the 'how's it going?' with Henry just walking off? that put me off a little. just a tiny bit.
the music works i guess? i mean generic classical music is always going to either be Vivaldi or Handle and it's only the trailer, but i hope they actually get good music.
cakegate is going to be so fucking funny. i can already tell. they got that bit right.
i'm a sucker for small details. but the way that Henry actually turns up for the 'best friend meeting' in the book is so specific. the prince riding up on a horse fresh from a ride through the fields. it's like colin firth in pride and prejudice that's literally how i picture it every time i read it. to replace it with him in a suit driving an admittedly very nice car? with Alex wearing fucking jeans and not his iconic chinos? seriously? also is that shaan??? they haven't gotten rid of him thank god.
the 'my nda's bigger than yours' again is fine?? as a quip?? but the thing about Alex wearing lifts is a good poke at the height differences.
'the sun shine's out his ass and you have a vitamin d defficiancy' YES ZAHRA!!!! the first good quip that had me grinning.
THE CORNETTO SCENE!!! in the wrong clothing again because they're meant to be in cosy relaxing clothes but STILL!!!
Henry looks like he's in physical pain at the party, and also Alex's suit no ew where's June when you need her. oh yeah. not here. that's why the costumes are all off XDD
the first kiss scene is perfect. word for word i can't wait to squeal and cry and shriek the roof down.
yes we're getting the karaoke scene. but it won't be with their iconic kimonos. brb gonna go sob for the loss of hoe dameron and prince buttercup.
yes to Zahra and the closet scene. no to 'Brexit your head from your body' that's just...giving me the heebie jeebies for some reason. yes to 'your royal highness' XD
feel forever about him ughhhhhhhh lemme just sob for a sec
DAVID!!!! <33333 and Prince Henry belongs to England TTTT__TTTT
also I know they probably changed the queen to a king because it would have been in poor taste but now that charles is king that shot is giving off vibes of recent times that are just not good. they should've kept it as a queen and made her look completely different.
We're getting the rain scene!!!!!!! and the lake!!!!!!!!!!!
the ass grabbing? yes it's a very Alex move but mate there's people right behind you
okay but truthfully? seriously? i love this fucking book. i know to most readers it's a silly little romcom with some politics on the side. and that's what we should expect from the film. but to me? this is my favourite fucking book of all time. it was the one that if I became a film director or producer i would have adored to produce. both henry and alex are my comfort gays, but in ways that not many people realise or connect with.
alex realises he's bi in the book. i realised i was bi a few days before reading the book. everything he goes through i related to hard. and having that, that connection to someone who isn't real but very much could be was a godsend through a period of a lot of confusion.
henry lost his dad to pancreatic cancer a few years before the book. i lost my dad to a brain tumour when i was eleven. it will be ten years this year, and the movie comes out a week before his anniversary. that passage where Bea so beatifully describes his grief, the one that begins with 'it happens when you're young' made me sob so much because that's exactly what it feels like. i relate to these characters, i love their little quirks and details. and it's a bit disappointing the changes that have happened as it's adapted to film.
and i know it can't be directly faithful, that there are some things you can't fit in because you have a certain runtime. i know also that the executive producers and companies have a say in how it goes. but there were better ways to change it, better ways to do it rather than handing it over to a streaming service.
this book is so important to me, so i hope at least that when the film does come out on the 11th of August that i will at least kind of enjoy it. i know it won't be what i wished it would be, but at least it's being made.
and who knows, maybe no one will touch boyfriend material and i could make that instead XD
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Every Epic Rap Battle of History ranked
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All right folks, sit down and strap in, cause this is gonna be a long one. So I recently got to rewatching Epic Rap Battles of History, as I do once a year or so. As I was watching through them all, I started to feel tempted to rank all the battles in a tier list. However, once I had ranked them, I felt like I needed to explain my reasoning for each battle's placement, and one thing led to another until eventually I had churned out this 14k word monstrosity. So here we go, I will be ranking all 86 current Epic Rap Battles of History from worst to best, explaining my thoughts on each one, as well as giving my opinion of who won the battle and what I thought the best line in each one was (which is not necessarily delivered by who I think the winner is):
86. Sarah Palin vs Lady Gaga
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Winner: Lady Gaga
Best line: "Governor of Alaska? That's like the principal of a home school."
This one is just terrible, plain and simple. I honestly don't think many people would disagree with me that this is one of the worst. The best I can say about it is that the person they got to play Sarah Palin looks and sounds the part pretty well. But everything else just falls flat on its face. A matchup with no chemistry, lyrics that are purely surface level with no deeper meaning, oh, and some poorly-aged jokes about "transvestites" for good measure. Frankly I'm surprised that Henry VIII vs Hillary Clinton was scrapped because it didn't meet Peter's and Lloyd's standards, yet this somehow managed to make it through all the way to becoming a finished product.
(For reference, I won't be officially ranking Henry VIII vs Hillary Clinton since it wasn't released as a finished, official episode, but it's honestly better than anything I'm putting in D or F tier. It'd probably fall somewhere near the bottom of C tier.)
85. Adam vs Eve
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Winner: Adam
Best line: "It ain't Summer, Eve. Don't try to play me like a douche. You wanna bite on my fruit? Well, you can swallow the truth."
Honestly I would consider this the most painful episode to watch. As bad as Gaga vs Palin is, I would rather sit through that than this shit any day of the week. The only reason this ranks higher is simply because the lyrics are a bit more clever. Emphasis on "a bit", because only 5% of the lyrics have anything to do with the titular Biblical characters, and the other 95% are generic "man vs woman" lines using the most tired stereotypes you can imagine. "You're a slob", "Well, you're naggy". There, that's the whole battle summed up for you. What a waste of Jenna Marbles as a guest star.
84. Bruce Banner vs Bruce Jenner
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Winner: Bruce Banner
Best line: "After battling me, you're gonna always be pissed. So the Hulk will stay forever, neither Bruce will exist."
There's a reason this video has the highest dislike-to-like ratio of any battle in ERB history. I mean, part of that is probably transphobes being mad at the existence of a trans person being acknowledged, but that alone wouldn't make it so hated if the battle was otherwise good. But as you can probably guess, it's not. For a video that was meant to show allyship to the trans community, how did no one on the staff point out that it might be a bad idea to directly compare a person transitioning to a comic book character transforming into a monster? This was just a bad idea from the start.
The first half of the battle is decent, but once the two do their transformation scene, it completely falls apart. On one hand, it feels like they were too scared to make Hulk really pack a punch with his lines out of fear of coming off as transphobic, so they just gave him barely any lines at all. But one of the lines he does have honestly still comes off as pretty transphobic: "That painted face don't give you class, just one more thing Bruce do for cash". Yikes. And then Caitlyn proceeds to have the most long, rambling verse in ERB history that doesn't have a single line that says anything with any substance except for the last one.
Look, I appreciate that at the heart of this battle was an attempt at showing love for the trans community. It had good intentions, but it's pretty clear that the idea and writing came from two cis dudes who were out of their element, and it really should have been shot down at the concept phase.
83. Justin Bieber vs Beethoven
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Winner: Beethoven
Best line: "There's a crowd of millions waiting to hear my symphonies. You wanna be a little white Usher? Here, show 'em to their seats.
Man, remember when hating on Justin Bieber was a whole-ass personality trait? I would know, that was me. From the start, this is clearly made to be a one-sided battle with how deliberately annoying Bieber's portrayal is. Peter's version of Beethoven is actually pretty decent though which is what stops this from slipping down into F. It's also a nice touch that a remix of Beethoven's 5th symphony is the background music, though it does get points deducted due to the music not even attempting to switch to something different when Bieber is rapping. Just goes to show how much this battle was made to be stacked against Bieber.
82. Ash Ketchum vs Charles Darwin
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Winner: Charles Darwin
Best line: “Your shit-talking mouth is the origin of feces!”
From one annoying portrayal to another, we have Ash Ketchum. I don't think that this one was intentionally made to be bad though. But God, Ash is insufferable here. Completely interrupting the song to make a joke about barnacle dick, and let's not forget the cringiest line in series history - "You've got candy raps, Reese's pieces", a line that has absolutely nothing to do with either character and could have at least been marginally fixed by just changing it to "Rhesus pieces", as in Rhesus monkeys, which Darwin actually did study.
I was actually one of the many people suggesting this matchup before it happened, and I remember when the battle finally came out, I tried to convince myself that I liked it more than I actually did, because hey, cool, they did an episode about Pokemon! I love Pokemon! But the more I look back on it, the more I realize how disappointing it is as a Pokemon fan. Mat4yo of the YouTube series "Chisel This" (which does in-depth analyses of the lyrics and musical structures of ERBs, highly recommend checking it out) was brought in as a Pokemon expert to assist on this battle since it was a series Peter and Lloyd weren't too familiar with, and while that did result in a couple of semi-obscure Pokemon references such as the old man glitch or how Ash had not caught a Ghost type up to that point, ultimately most of what he wrote ended up being scrapped, and the rest of the Pokemon jokes ended up being the lowest-hanging fruit that Pokemon fans had been hearing jokes about for over a decade at that point. "Haha, Pokemon battles are like dog fighting". "Haha, Professor Oak fucked Ash's mom". "Haha, Pokeballs, it's funny because we said balls".
Just like the last one, Peter's portrayal is the one thing keeping this from slipping down to F.
81. John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly
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Winner: Bill O'Reilly
Best line: "You're Paul McCartney's bitch with less talent than Ringo, and I'd rather suck George Bush's dick than Yoko Ono's."
The battle that started it all ranks near the bottom, but that does go to show that they just went up from here (for the most part). Probably ties with Gaga vs Palin as the matchup that most makes me go "How did anyone even think of this, what link do these two even have". I'm guessing the theme of both battles is meant to be a conservative vs a liberal? I dunno. There's really not much to say on this one. It's pretty basic, but I get it. It was the first of its kind and was apparently produced on a budget of only $50. By those standards, it's all right.
80. Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge
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Winner: J.P. Morgan
Best line: "Don���t panic, Scrooge, but you’re about to crash. I’m J.P. Morgan, the Ghost of Rich Dudes Past! Who’s properly rocking the Monopoly mustache! Yo, I own the railroad, I run these tracks!”
This one is weird in hindsight, made in a time before Trump's voice and mannerisms became burned into everyone's minds. I don't think anyone would disagree that Lloyd's later portrayal of Trump was way more accurate. Peter's impression here is basically just yelling. Speaking of portrayals as well, this is the first battle involving frequent guest star Zach Sherwin on this list, and I have to say, even in mediocre battles like this one, he always knocks it out of the park as whoever he's playing. I don't think there's been a single bad Zach appearance.
This is a battle where I think the idea was really solid, it just didn't turn out as good as maybe it could have. Telling the story of A Christmas Carol through rap battles, while also switching out the ghosts for other iconic rich people was a pretty brilliant move on paper. Just, I dunno, I feel like this is the weakest of the ensemble battles. I think what it comes down to is that it was a bit too ambitious for the budget they had at the time. Something like this would have benefited from being in season 5 or 6 when they could really go all out with sets and special effects. I mean, they go through the iconic scene of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come showing Scrooge his own grave, but it all takes place in Scrooge's bedroom and we don't even get to see the grave.
A sidenote about this one too is that Donald Trump actually saw it and responded to it. I wonder if he ever saw any of the later ones starring him.
79. Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg
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Winner: Mark Zuckerberg
Best line: "I've been looking up your family, it gets dark, my God! Couldn't clean your daddy's laundry with Apar-Tide pods."
It's kinda funny that these two actually have more in common now than they did when the battle came out thanks to Musk's takeover of Twitter. I feel like I'm placing this battle lower than most would. Lyrically, it's very clever (rhyming "sprinkle tossed in" with "Winklevoss twins" may just be the smartest rhyme in series history), but I just don't really like the portrayal of either character in this. They're both just kind of obnoxious, which is true to life admittedly, but still.
I was going to say "This was the first battle after they broke off with Maker Studios and went independent, and it definitely shows in the visuals department, because the special effects are rough". And while still think the shots of Musk flying to Mars look pretty bad, I don't think it has to do with the split with Maker Studios; because the very next battle that came out after this one was Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine, and that is still possibly the most visually impressive battle they've ever done. It probably had more to do with the fact that this was considered a "bonus battle" rather than the true season 6 premiere, so it probably was just given a shoestring budget so that the actual effort could go into Krueger vs Wolverine. It's gonna be a while before we talk about that battle, so I think it's safe to say that sacrifice paid off.
78. Columbus vs Captain Kirk
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Winner: Columbus
Best line: "Why don't you boldly go someplace you've never gone before, like India, or any destination you actually set sail for?"
I'm noticing I'm saying "I think this character's portrayal was annoying" quite a lot in these bottom 10 spots, but it makes sense that that would really sink a battle for me when I find half of it hard to even listen to. So, yeah, Lloyd does a William Shatner impression that completely breaks the flow, and it's funny as a joke but not very fun to listen to as music.
A sidenote about this one is that I always misremember it as being a season 2 battle. I think for whatever reason it was the one season 1 battle that never popped up in my recommended until season 2 was already underway.
77. Gandalf vs Dumbledore
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Winner: Gandalf
Best line: "I leave mics in flames, torched by Gandalf. Touch mine, Dumbledore, and scorch your other hand off!"
This was another battle that could have benefited from coming later, both from a writing and visuals standpoint. Early ERBs were very short with lyrics that didn't run too deep, and both of these characters come from universes with such rich lore that there's so much more you can do with (this was the first battle where both rappers were fictional, actually). Fortunately, both universes would get time to shine with more clever writing, thanks to JRR Tolkien vs George RR Martin and Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker. The visuals for a video between two masters of magic also definitely leaves something to be desired. This was another one that should have been held off on until about season 5 or 6. They probably would have relied less on the "Dumbledore is gay" jokes if that had happened too, so that would have been another plus.
76. Batman vs Sherlock Holmes
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Winner: Sherlock Holmes
Best line: "You're shamed and traumatized and haunted by the vast disgrace of watching like a passive waste as momma died and daddy was dispatched with haste!"
And here we have another bad portrayal, one that's so infamous that even ERB itself has acknowledged it. Peter is not a good Batman, just plain and simple. It's a shame that it brings an otherwise good battle down. Zach Sherwin kills it as Sherlock Holmes, and the actor for Dr. Watson also does a great job. Even Robin's part is fun. Outside of Batman, the only part I don't really like is how Sherlock interrupts the song to think about what he's about to do for his second verse. I get that it's in-character for him, but it kills the pacing.
75. Hitler vs. Vader 3
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Winner: Hitler
Best line: "Screw you, you big black cunt! I'll kick your balls and your face: a war on two fronts!"
The final entry in the iconic Hitler vs Vader trilogy, and the weakest one in my opinion. I think it's pretty clear that they were running out of things to say about this matchup by this point. I mean, hell, part of Vader's verse is taken up by Boba Fett coming in and just bragging about himself rather than saying anything about his opponent. Feels like it was just there to take up time.
74. Donald Trump vs Joe Biden
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Winner: Donald Trump
Best line: "Your campaign's like your family: crash and burn."
This was a battle that was very clearly affected by Covid. Aside from the animated Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker, this was the only battle to come out in 2020. I appreciate that the team put together what they could in the midst of the raging pandemic, but as a consequence, it doesn't have the spectacle of the other presidential battles. What was once planned to be a battle royale with Bernie Sanders and Ronald Reagan joining the fight was cut down to a simple one-on-one, with Abe Lincoln not even making an appearance. As such, while the matchup does feel more fairly written than Trump vs Hillary, it also just has less overall to remember.
Some parts of this battle have aged interestingly looking back on it three years later: Trump condemning "looting and violence" right before January 6th happened; also him saying that Roe vs Wade would get repealed, which ended up happening despite Biden winning. And 200k being given as the death count for Covid at the time, woof, if only it had stayed that low.
73. Oprah vs Ellen
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Winner: Ellen
Best line: "So if battling me is your intention, I better mention, you're bout to get licked by a lesbian."
Well, this one hasn't exactly aged gracefully with what we now know about Ellen DeGeneres and how she ran her talk show, but I'm not going to hold that against this battle. What I will say is that this is a battle that I constantly forget exists (side note: in the time between writing this and going back through the list to insert the images, I had already once again forgotten this battle existed). Two current-day celebrities who are both rivals in the same field just isn't much of an exciting idea for an Epic Rap Battle of History; there just isn't too much you can do with that and it shows here. I will say though, the casting on both Oprah and Ellen was great, the two actresses definitely exude all the charisma that the real women do on their shows.
72. Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
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Winner: Hillary Clinton
Best line: "You wanna talk about misogyny? Your Bill's worse than Cosby. He left a mess on that dress like you left in Benghazi!"
And just squeaking by the previous Trump election battle, we have the original one. This one is clearly much more biased against Trump, barely saying anything bad about Hillary and making Trump out to be a massive prick. Which, okay, is true, but in the context of a rap battle, a rapper's own lines generally shouldn't make them look worse. Honestly though, this battle is just more fun and energetic than Trump vs Biden, and that's why it's slightly higher.
71. Hulk Hogan vs Kim Jong-il
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Winner: Hulk Hogan
Best line: "You're a freak, a phony, a Rice-a-roni jabroni! I'm gonna bounce you like a check for my alimony!
Before every fanmade rap battle beat the idea into the ground, this was the OG of introducing a surprise third rapper into the mix. This one is just funny. "Beijing is in China, you blond asshole" still gets a kick out of me. This is another early series matchup where the two rappers have absolutely nothing in common, but this one turned out better than you'd think from just looking at the title. Also love the re-edited version of this that brings the special effects up, though sadly it couldn't make Peter's muscle suit look good.
70. Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin
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Winner: Billy Mays
Best line: "You following me, camera guy? Cause it's about to get furious. You're gonna love my nuts 'til you're bi-focal-curious!"
I wonder if younger fans of ERB even know who Billy Mays and Vince Offer were. It's a sad thing to think about. The ending of the battle where Billy Mays just straight-up dies and Vince comes in to close it out is iconic. Ben Franklin's lines are kinda whatever, it's the salespeople that steal the show, but that's kinda to be expected. Also the person they got to play Billy Mays is perfect.
69. Doc Brown vs Doctor Who
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Winner: Doctor Who
Best line: "You're not a cat with nine lives, you're a pussy with thirteen."
Admittedly I'm not too familiar with Doctor Who, so I'm certain some references went over my head on this one. Despite that and my love for Back to the Future, I've gotta hand it to the Doctor. Having him die and regenerate halfway through the battle was a cool idea, and both actors that portray him are really fun and embody the charisma I know the character is known for. The joke about how Doctor Who's special effects suck and you can see a hand manipulating the TARDIS in the background I think is one of the funniest jokes the series has ever done.
68. Dr. Seuss vs Shakespeare
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Winner: The Cat in the Hat
Best line: "You bore people to death! You leave a classroom looking like the end of MacBeth!"
This is a battle that would be a lot higher were it not for one thing. Well, two things actually - Thing 1 and Thing 2. The first three verses are utterly fantastic - Shakespeare's first verse written in iambic pentameter, the Cat in the Hat hitting with some of the most clever lines in season 1, and of course, Shakespeare's iconic rapid-fire second verse. And then… Thing 1 and Thing 2. Purely awful. Painful to listen to. Any time I rewatch this battle, I turn it off once Shakespeare is done.
67. Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD 2
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Winner: EpicLLOYD
Best line: "I'm trying to make art, motherfucker, you're trying to find a rhyme for 'erection'!"
This battle feels like it was made more for the crew of ERB than the audience with all the inside jokes about production. It's also noticeably meaner and more personal than NP vs EL 1, and I remember it made me worried just how much resentment the two apparently had underneath the surface. This battle was put out to announce that the series would be going on hiatus, and the way it came off with how sick and tired Peter and Lloyd were of everything, I honestly thought ERB might never come back. Thankfully that wasn't the case. I'm sure it was all in good fun, but man, the frustrations the two expressed in this felt so raw, and I'm sure a lot of that anger was genuine.
66. Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson
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Winner: Frederick Douglass
Best line: "You got a self-evident truth of your own: You let freedom ring but never picked up the phone!"
Like Banner vs Jenner, this is another battle that felt afraid to throw any real punches towards one of the rappers. Jefferson's first verse is mostly just talking himself up, then the whole thing kinda just becomes a soapbox about slavery. It's really kinda lame how Jefferson's entire second verse is solely dedicated to defending himself.
This battle was ERB's one real attempt to push themselves as an educational series, as evidenced by the fact that this is the one and only battle to release a censored version so it could be shown in classrooms, and I think that's kinda why this one comes across a little preachy. That being said, it's certainly not bad.
65. Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury
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Winner: Freddie Mercury
Best line: "So kiss my ass, Frankie, but you'll have to wait in line."
Here we have a great performance paired with a lackluster performance to make a middle-of-the-road battle overall. Obviously Freddie had more charm than Sinatra, but man, Sinatra's portrayal in this is so boring. The fact that more than half of his disses are just gay jokes doesn't really do him any favors either. Peter's Freddie Mercury though is amazing, and I love how Freddie gets to rap in a style unlike anyone else in the series that mimics the iconic sound of Queen.
64. Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD
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Winner: Nice Peter
Best line: "I drew a mustache on your face and you played a mean Hitler. Take the mustache away, you look more like Bette Midler."
This was the season 1 finale and it was a perfect tribute to everything that had been done so far. Seeing flashes of every character the two had played up to that point was so cool, and it was fun to see the two creators duke it out, albeit in a lighthearted, clearly joking way. It's very interesting to compare the tone of this to the rematch, showing how attitudes change when a fun project with your buddy becomes your job, and how that can leave you feeling jaded over time.
63. Bob Ross vs Pablo Picasso
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Winner: Pablo Picasso
Best line: "I am the greatest, the modern art Muhammad Ali. I melt faces, call me MC Dali."
Peter and Lloyd both make really funny foils here, and the visuals of this one really stand out, as to be expected from a battle with two painters. Picasso giving out his ridiculously long full name followed by a deadpan "Back to you, Bob" will always be hilarious.
62. Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye
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Winner: Sir Isaac Newton
Best line: "You wanna battle, guy? That's a crazy notion! When I start flowing, I stay in motion!"
Been a fan of Weird Al since I was a young one, so obviously I loved seeing him in this. He definitely stole the show here as he so often does. Not too big of a fan of Bill Nye or Neil DeGrasse Tyson's verses though, and I don't really know why Peter went for that kind of voice with Bill Nye.
61. Jeff Bezos vs Mansa Musa
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Winner: Mansa Musa
Best line: "Here's a nugget of advice to get your union problems handled: Want workers that don't piss? Hire some camels!"
Another battle where one rapper blows it out of the water while the other is just okay. Scru Face Jean, a YouTube rapper who had previously done reaction videos for ERB, portrays Mansa Musa and had a hand in helping write his character's verses, and it definitely shows. Every one of Musa's lines is brilliantly crafted with super clever wordplay. Jeff Bezos meanwhile… ehh, more misses than hits in my opinion.
60. Abe Lincoln vs Chuck Norris
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Winner: Abe Lincoln
Best line: "I read up on your facts, you cure cancer with your tears? Well tell me Chuck, how come you never sat down and cried on your career?"
This is a certified classic. This is also another completely random season 1 matchup but I think this battle is so iconic that I don't even question it. While Chuck Norris jokes aren't exactly funny anymore, I still get an ironic kick out of the absurdity of this battle. I actually got introduced to ERB through a teacher showing some videos to the class. While we got through Einstein vs Hawking with no issue, the teacher immediately turned it off at the line "I wear a black belt on the beard that I grow on my dick" in this video.
59. Miley Cyrus vs Joan of Arc
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Winner: Joan of Arc
Best line: "Je suis la fille en feu; call me Katniss Everdeen!"
This was the absolute favorite of a high school friend of mine, she's probably the only person to have listened to this battle enough to be able to recite it by heart. Can't say I particularly love it, but I also don't seem to hate it as much as most people. I think it's pretty good! Joan of Arc being a devoutly religious person really contrasts well with Miley Cyrus and kind of acts as a stand-in for the moral outrage that Miley was facing at the time. Both actresses also nail their roles. As much as this battle was clearly a "headline of the moment" battle, I still think it holds up decently today.
58. Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe
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Winner: Edgar Allan Poe
Best line: "Masque of the Red Death? Barely blood-curdling. Pit and the Pendulum? Not even unnerving. Perving on your first cousin when she’s 13 years old? Now that’s disturbing.”
My main disappointment with this battle is just how many more lines King gets than Poe does. Especially with Poe's second verse being so fast, it just leaves King feeling like he's taking up way too much screen time. King's second verse also isn't all too great. That said, both of Poe's verses are good, and King's first is really fun with all the puns he makes with his book names.
All right folks, so I’ve actually gotta split this list up into 3 parts since Tumblr only allows 30 images per post. Click here for part 2!
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shihalyfie · 2 years
So uh...Digimon Seekers being a web novel will be interesting.
It's an interesting format for sure. I'm guessing they're trying to find a way to keep "constant content" going in light of the loss of the anime timeslot and all that (the card game's doing well, but there's only so much it can do by itself).
Speaking of which! Let's talk about the elephant in the room, which is Digimon losing its timeslot and Ghost Game not getting a follow-up anime! In previous occasions, every time Digimon lost a timeslot and the anime went on hiatus again, that meant the franchise was in danger of dying (again), but...as of earlier this year, Digimon is now Toei's third best-selling IP internationally. So it is highly doubtful that the anime is going back on hiatus simply because things aren't doing well.
So, what's actually going on?
We're used to the idea of "Digimon should run back to back if it does well," and that's true of series that are explosively popular (which Digimon is not right now, even if it's not on the verge of dying either), but in actuality, the Fuji TV 9 AM slot is a high-demand one to the point most franchises don't get to run for three years on it consecutively. That kind of thing is rare enough that Japanese fans familiar with the timeslot have commented that Digimon has probably accomplished a lot getting to keep it for the last three years. There are only two IPs that have ever gotten to run for four consecutive years or longer on that slot: one is Dragon Ball (I think "not being as profitable as Dragon Ball" is hardly something to freak out about), and the other is Digimon itself.
That financial report I just linked says that Digimon is Toei's best internationally selling IP including overseas sales. While we've had a lot of reports recently about Digimon's financial success, they all specifically note that it means internationally and not just Japan -- and, granted, that's still important especially because Toei and Bandai have been trying to aim for more of an international market in recent years, but that's what's telling us that the video games and card games are what's carrying Digimon now, not necessarily the anime, which currently has very little influence outside Japan besides the Crunchyroll simulcast (and probably some East Asian language dubs), and I imagine that doesn't contribute very much. And the Adventure: English dub doesn't seem to be coming out anytime soon...
Like I've said, the card game is doing great, and sets have been coming out in Chinese and Korean as of late.
So while I'm no financial analyst, I'm guessing they've decided to put a hold on the kids' anime right now because it's not a very good outlet for their current best option, which is to focus more on building an international market and solid base. That doesn't mean kids' anime will never come back, and it also doesn't mean the franchise isn't already in a much better situation than it was when Frontier, Savers, Xros Wars, and Appmon ended, because the recent success of the video games and card games gives them a lot more of a foothold to do more business ventures, and maybe they can funnel that into actually getting partnerships to dub future kids' anime if they want to do that again. Moreover, it's true that in the past, the franchise would hit life support every time the anime stopped, but that's because the franchise was dependent on having a running anime for attention, which is not the case now because the card game has been doing fine independently of the anime. So I think it's pretty easy to understand that having an ongoing kids' show won't be the best option for them at the current moment, and meanwhile Digimon Seekers is coming out in multiple languages at once, so you can see what the strategy is here.
Of course, I think much of Digimon's best content is in the kids' shows, so I hope it comes back (and I'm certainly not a huge fan of the idea of the only anime we get being from that pipeline that's focusing on nostalgia stuff with Adventure branding), but that's how I see it for now.
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anghraine · 1 year
I was tagged by @ladytharen in a cool fic meme! The idea is to post the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, that's fine, just go with what you have (if you want to do it; no pressure if you don't!).
Tagging: @ncfan-1, @hoidn, @kareenvorbarra, @elwing, @heckofabecca, @irresistible-revolution, @kazaera, @lantur, @melyzard, @steinbecks
Love, Pride & Delicacy | Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth/f!Darcy, WIP
When Mr Wickham first arrived in Hertfordshire, Elizabeth was as ready as anyone to admire him, and perhaps readier to be admired in return.
The original draft of this fic was on hold for nearly ten years until it struck me that I could begin much earlier in the story, at the first point where Catherine Darcy was likely to come up—Wickham's tale of how Miss Darcy had horribly mistreated him. This has meant more Wickham content than I ever anticipated, but it also propelled the fic forwards.
2. Untitled | Guild Wars 2, AU of pro patria, Gwen Velazquez (Ascalonian human female PC w/ street origin and a missing sister) and Deborah Velazquez gen, WIP
Gwen always knew the Seraph would hunt her down one day.
I told myself I wasn't going to write fic for this, and then, well. I am what I am.
3. Untitled redux | Guild Wars 2, same universe as #2, Gwen Velazquez/Althea Fairchild, WIP
Gwen Velazquez regretted many things about her time among the Bloodcrow bandits. Robbing nobles was not one of them.
I then told myself the main part of the 'verse would be a one-shot, lol, so I didn't end up with a pro patria-sized monster. It's not a one-shot. It's been an interesting balance between trying to lean into GW2 feelings while also staying relatively accessible. We'll see! Someday.
4. the captain and the hero | Guild Wars 2, side-story to pro patria, Althea Fairchild (human female PC w/ noble origin) and Logan Thackeray gen, on hiatus
Even by Logan’s usual standards, the battle at Shaemoor was ugly.
This fic floated around my head for a long time and finally would not be contained, and this seemed the right place to jump in. It probably will never go very far, but I'm still fond of it.
5. and the sun shone | Lord of the Rings (bookverse), Faramir/Éowyn, WIP
The Steward Faramir was, Éowyn swiftly concluded, a strange man.
Fun fact: in my drafts, this was just called "F/É telepathy fic".
6. Untitled | Lord of the Rings (bookverse), f!Faramir/Éowyn, WIP
Even in Gondor, Éowyn was cold. She had always supposed it would be warm, if she ever came here. And after Aragorn’s arrival in Edoras, she had very often imagined herself in Minas Tirith, for all the obstacles in his way. Someday, she had let herself hope, perhaps—and she had come after all, but not at all in the way she anticipated. And she was still cold.
The document for this one is "Fíriel mingling". Guess what it's about! :D
7. pro patria | Guild Wars 2, slight AU of canon following Althea Fairchild (a noble, Ascalonian, human female version of the PC), WIP
I always thought of myself as Ascalonian first, and Krytan second.
It's a weirdly-structured fic that mostly was a depository for my GW2 feelings, with a bitter main character who continually vacillates between hauteur, adaptable personas, and hovering on the edge of violence. Lots of fun and it couldn't have begun any other way.
8. the voices of the sea | Lord of the Rings (bookverse), f!Faramir and Boromir, ft. Tar-Míriel
The dream always began the same way.
I was thinking about how a female, non-military Faramir would get news of Boromir via the water, and then had the idea of linking it to the dream of Númenor for extra pain. The true goal of fanfic!
9. The Jedi and the Sith Lord | Star Wars (films only), f!Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
If Darth Vader did not avoid the sight of his daughter in carbonite, he certainly did not seek it out. Solo’s features had been frozen in lines of shock and pain. Lucy, however, did not look surprised, but resigned, her upturned face hardened into a look of hopeless dread. After his first inspection in Cloud City, he felt no need or desire to examine her unchanging features any more closely.
The previous fic in this series ended with Lucy in carbonite for Reasons. This fic is all about how their relationship develops from there and was definitely the most purely enjoyable to write of the whole series. This opening was one of the oldest part of it, written years before I got the rest out.
The overall story, however, begins more simply:
Padmé screamed.
10. we also are daughters of the great | Lord of the Rings (bookverse), f!Faramir/Éowyn
“Is there no deed to do? Who commands in this City?”
The Warden looked uncertain.
The same universe as #6! I don't usually begin with dialogue, but it can be especially helpful (for me) with AUs, to signal the ways in which it's splitting off or which scene is being played with.
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This isn't really discourse I've been following or even encountering that often, but I realized explicitly today that the reason exhortations for "filial piety" fall flat with me is that, to a very large extent, I've been doing that already and mostly it's just made me miserable.
Like, doing what my parents asked or suggested has mostly meant my attempts to start my career and have my own life have been stymied for a decade now. Without going into the gory details, I've spent most of my 20s trying to be a good student while they made me do manual labor for them, and more recently have gotten to play 24-7 caregiver while also trying to work 40 hours a week. I've given up having friends, having hobbies, trying to find love, and now am getting to the point where I'm at risk of losing a very good job. It feels like I just can't win and it always seems to go back to my family.
It would be easier if they'd been toxic or abusive and thus destroyed our relationship, but that's not actually my situation. I still care about them, and now that I'm (at least, for now) financially independent our dynamic was showing signs of improving. I was really expecting to reap years of a healthier relationship before something like this happened. Goes to show what I deluded fucking optimist I really am.
This situation would also be a lot more manageable if I weren't the only child, so the "traditional family" folks might have a bit of a point. At the same time, I don't really think most of these guys are imagining themselves dropping their careers and social lives for months if not years (if not decades) to take care of old and/or disabled relatives. My guess is that most of them are expecting their (imagined?) wives will be handling everything. "You don't mind driving your crabby in-laws to the doctor or changing their adult diapers, right honey?" Even if you're not all that keen on atomized individualism, that's not a great pitch for an alternative.
It's especially not a great pitch with sub-replacement birth-rates. Every adult child is already expecting to support, on average, more than one old person, probably for years at a time. Do you want to do that in series or parallel? Either way, if it hits while you're still young enough to be having kids, that's going to be a big turn-off to having more, because most people simply do not have the additional capacity. Longevity technology is the solution for the fertility crisis, and not just in the ways people think.
I'm serious: none of this would be a problem if we were already living in the glorious transhumanist future. I wouldn't have been stuck cleaning out my grandmother's house, because she wouldn't have died. Mom and Dad wouldn't have needed so much manual labor from me when they moved, because they would have had more able-bodied adults on-hand. I wouldn't be stuck here now, both because no one would be sick and needing an able-bodied caretaker around, and because I might have some siblings with whom to share the load. And I wouldn't be so worried about repeatedly delaying the search for a romantic partner if the biological clock weren't ticking away in the background.
Death and dying delenda est.
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16woodsequ · 1 year
Really looking forward to reading Therapy Works in full when you post it! Do you think you could put all the snippets you've shared, and pit them in chronological order? If not, that's okay too! Another snippet would be fine.
I'm looking forward to this one too! Especially since it will be the first fic of my with the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cabin! (If you've seen my rants about that.)
Let me see if I can find all the snippets I've posted!
It is obvious to him that Steve has issues, and that he isn’t dealing with them. And it is also obvious that he probably won’t start dealing with them without some helpful nudging in the right direction. He, himself, is all too familiar with that process. It had taken Rhodey and Pepper several years, (and then one solid putting-of-one’s-foot-down) before he had been convinced to give therapy a try.
He had done it though, because he had had friends to help get him onto that path.
Steve has… well, Steve has him now, apparently. Which is why he is now standing in front of his door, a pair ultra-waterproof boots in his hands.
“Whatz’ goin’ on?” Tony’s tongue feels a lump of clay. If it was an emergency JARVIS would just wake him up without worrying about Pepper, but for the life of him Tony can’t imagine another reason JARVIS would call him at four in the morning. “Captain Rogers wished to know if you were awake,” JARVIS responds smartly. “I shall inform him you are indeed conscious.” Huh? Tony pushes himself up in his bed, willing his brain to catch up. “Why’z he wanna know that?” “I believe,” JARVIS says, like he’s spelling out something achingly simple. “You once stated he could call you instead of utilising the gym.” ... Tony’s brain kickstarts and his eyes widen. “Wha—? Oh! Where is he?” JARVIS continues over him like he hadn’t said anything. “Captain Rogers insisted on not disturbing you if you were not awake.” “Right, of course,” Tony mutters, shoving back his blankets and glancing briefly at Pepper to make sure she’s still asleep. It doesn’t surprise him one bit that Steve had added that limiter. It also doesn’t surprise him that JARVIS had found a way around it. ... Steve steps out and scans the room immediately, locating Tony at his tinkering desk. He looks tired, shadows under his eyes and a drawn expression on his face. His hands are in two tight fists by his side, but Tony is glad to see they lack the bloodied bandages from last time. Steve pauses uncertainly on the threshold, his eyes flicking around nervously and Tony waves him inside. “Come’on in,” he says, hoping his bedraggled hair reads as creative-genius-at-work and not recently-awoken-by-a-robot. “I was just fiddling with a few things.” ... “I know it’s early,” Steve says suddenly. He holds himself stiffly, as though he isn’t quite sure he’s welcome yet. “I didn’t want to bother you.” Tony shakes his head. “No,” he says decisively. “I’m glad you called. I meant what I said last time, but I was worried you wouldn’t take me up on it.” Steve relaxes slightly, a small smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. “Well,” he says ruefully. “JARVIS did lock down the gym. And I figured you wanted the glass door to stay intact.” His shoulders roll in a shrug. “Guess JARVIS can be just as stubborn as me.” ... The mention of insane asylums sets the wheels in his brain in motion. If Steve wasn’t sure if sanatoriums were still a thing, did he think that asylums were too? Which is why, a few days after his early-morning movie night, Tony finds himself in his lab, several pages open in front of him as dives for the first time into what 1940s doctors actually thought about mental health.  It is all at once less bleak and more disheartening than he thought it would be. ... At the same time as these and other treatments like lobotomies were being experimented with, psychotherapy and occupational therapists were slowly being brought in. Tony isn’t sure how much of a comfort that is though, because Steve spent most of the 40s at war. If he heard much about ‘mental hygiene’ treatments back then, he doubts it was the brand new Freudian theories. And that leads him to another question. How much did Steve even know about these asylums, and how much of a concern were they for a man like him?
And a new one just for fun!
The more Tony thinks about it, the more he realises he has no idea how Steve actually learned everything he knows about the modern day. Part of him had always just assumed that SHIELD sat him down and laid it out for him, but even if that did happen, they could never have accounted for everything he needed to know.  Steve must have taught himself a lot of it alone.
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 years
6, 8 and 11 for fanfic day ask?🥝
Thank you so much for the ask!!
6. What’s the detail you wait on bated breath for readers to notice?
I think you might have guessed this already from how I (insufficiently, sorry, getting to that) reacted to your comment on the sunrise fic, but I really waited for people to catch on to the 'almost 14' symbolism. I didn't even know how much I had waited for that until you (and also that other commenter a bit) pointed it out.
8. How often do people catch onto your little details?
Uhm, I'm not sure. I don't think that often? Because, again, your comment only made me realise I plant little details into my fics. And then probably forget about most of them immediately afterwards. Or maybe I really only did it in that one fic?
I do remember one time someone caught onto a detail that wasn't even there. I loved that! They thought I had written Aziraphale and Crowley into 'A Family Wedding' when I had meant Sally Sparrow and Larry Nightingale. That actually changed my way of seeing the story, it's a 'Good Omens' -crossover now :D
11. What’s a fanfic idea you haven’t done yet?
Hmmm, right now the compartment of 'fic ideas I'm obsessed with but haven't written anything for yet' is rather empty, actually. There is a prompt for December in the otp of the year challenge that says tattoo parlor AU and it really tempts me.
Imagine the human!Doctor working in a tattoo parlor - people have started calling her 'the Doctor' both because she is so good at it that it seems she must have a PhD in tattooing and because her tattoos heal incredibly fast - and Mels walks in, legally not old enough to get a tattoo yet but in reality obviously old enough. So she's decided it is time and she has basically a PhD herself in bluffing and a fake I.D. on her hands. But the Doctor sees through the bluff immediately and refuses to ink her. So they get talking and in the end Mels storms off in a huff (but secretly decides she's definitely coming back once she's old enough on paper).
There is also a ton of movies/stories I would love to exchange the characters for dw characters instead, but I don't think I will ever write those. I had been thinking about a dw retelling of D.e.b.b.s or 36 questions for example.
If you don't know 36 questions, it is a podcast musical about a married couple that have recently split up because the husband - Jace - found out his wife - Judith - has made up a fake identity - Natalie - when they met and since stuck to it, never telling him the truth.
River would make an excellent Judith Forth, I think, with the fake name and having died before and running from people who like to alter memories... And there would be a nice twist to the whole name debate: 'you gave me a wrong name/identity!' 'you're literally calling yourself 'the Doctor'!' 'Yes, but everybody knows that is just an alias. And I told you my real name later!' Also, the Doctor brooding in a cottage that is coming apart by their renovating talking to an otter duck is an adorable image. And the Jace!Doctor's biggest fault being to abandon everything and run away immediately when things get tough is so fitting too. Not sure which Doctor I would want to cast in this. Probably 12 or 13.
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
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I posted 154 times in 2022
That's 154 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (56%)
67 posts reblogged (44%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 88 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#the walking dead - 80 posts
#daryl dixon x reader - 77 posts
#daryl dixon - 76 posts
#daryl dixon imagine - 67 posts
#twd - 64 posts
#norman reedus - 47 posts
#twd x reader - 21 posts
#whumptober2022 - 12 posts
#flufftober2022 - 12 posts
#flufftober - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#i just spent 20 minutes looking for one and then another 20 making my own and i'm still not satisfied
My Top Posts in 2022:
Settling down
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of pregnancy, danger, the works
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Imagined this while watching 6x11. The look on Daryl's face when Abraham mentioned settling down 🥺 (see gif below)
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“You ever think about it? Settlin’ down?”
That’s the question that stopped Daryl in his tracks. Abraham faced him head on, awaiting an answer, but he was frozen. 
He knew the man was referring to Glenn and Maggie’s recent news about her pregnancy, Rick and Michonne’s new relationship. He knew when Abraham asked him about settling down, he meant settling down with you. 
You and Daryl had been in a steady relationship since the prison, so it made sense why Abraham asked. Now that you were safe, in a community, no longer moving from one fight to the next, didn’t it make sense to settle down and start a family?
Daryl struggled to wrap his mind around it. They had no way of knowing they were truly safe, and he didn’t want to take that risk. He also didn’t know if that was something you wanted or not. He finally met Abraham’s gaze.
“You think shit’s settled?” he ended up saying, immediately heading for the exit. But now that it had been brought up, he couldn’t shake the idea. A family, with you.
“Hey, I was looking for you,” you smiled, spotting Daryl in the doorway. Your group had been waiting to hear from Maggie, who was currently meeting with Hilltop’s leader, Gregory.
“Ya found me,” Daryl said, attempting a smile. You instantly knew something was off.
“What’s up?” you asked, placing a hand on his arm. He shrugged, biting his lip. You narrowed your eyes, making it clear you didn’t believe him.
“It’s nothin’, really,” he tried. You tilted your head, waiting him out. Eventually, he sighed.
“Right. It’s just…Abraham asked me if I’d thought about settlin’ down. He was probably thinkin’ about Glenn and Maggie and the baby. It just threw me I guess,” he admitted. You frowned.
“Why’d that throw you?” you asked, studying his face. He looked…embarrassed,
“I dunno. Just never thought about it, I guess. Or I did,” he amended when he saw your frown deepen. “I just never thought it’d be a possibility. What with all the danger around every corner. Never thought we’d catch a break.”
You lifted a hand to his cheek, cupping his face when he leaned into your palm.
“We did. I have a good feeling about this. You can let yourself imagine now, if you want,” you said. Daryl turned to kiss your palm, smiling at the light blush on your face.
“I want to,” he said. You smiled, leaning in to rest your forehead against his. The two of you stayed like this for a moment, relaxing under the weight of the other.
“We can have a future now. We can build something. Do you want that?” you asked, holding your breath while you awaited his response. He pulled back, looking at you. Eyes on yours, he took both of your hands in his.
“‘Course I want that. Do you?” he asked, biting his lip from nerves. You smiled gently.
“I want it, too,” you said. He breathed a soft sigh of relief, pulling you in. You hugged each other tightly, simmering in this decision you’d just made. A family, you thought. With my favorite person in the world.
Later, on the ride back to Alexandria, you watched as Glenn pulled something out of his pocket. You were leaned into Daryl, his arm around your shoulder, still reveling in the events of the day. Glenn handed the item, now clearly a photograph, to Michonne. She smiled, staring at it. Glenn had a proud look on his face and turned to see Maggie, who smiled up at him.
Michonne leaned forward to hand you the photograph. You lit up when you saw it: a sonogram of Maggie and Glenn’s baby. You felt your eyes glistening with tears as you looked up at them. Their joy radiated off of them, and you’d never felt so happy for two people before.
Beside you, Daryl sat up straighter, studying the photo. You watched his reaction and saw your own reflected on his face. He tried to hide it, but he was clearly feeling how big this moment was.
He met your eyes, and you saw your future play out in them. Soon, you would share this moment for yourselves. You would settle down, start a family, and live the rest of your lives in peace. It was all going to be okay.
451 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Kiss the cook
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x F!Reader
Warnings: Swear words
Genre: Fluff
Challenge: Breaking bones / Secret family recipe @flufftober / "I don't want you to do that."
A/N: THIS GIF!!! THIS SCENE!!! I lose my mind
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Daryl was a mess in the kitchen, but you were having a great time watching him.
The two of you were a sight: big, burly, tough guy running around the kitchen with his hands full, trying to stir at the same he chopped. You, on the other hand, were lounging at the kitchen table, chin resting on your hand, smiling gently at his movements.
In one fluid motion, he dropped both a towel and the spoon he’d been stirring with. He cursed, reaching for them, only to bump his head on the oven handle. You stifled a laugh.
It’s not that you enjoyed his torment, but he’d been so insistent on cooking for you tonight, you had to have your fun.
“Need some help?” you asked, laughing at the glare he shot you.
“Nah,” he said, throwing the dirty spoon in the sink and grabbing another. You stood from your spot, needing to catch a glimpse at the dish he was making. You shuffled up next to him and leaned over, studying the concoction in the pot. It was brown, and thick, and bubbling…
“What…is this?” you asked gently. Daryl groaned.
“None of yer business, woman. Secret family recipe. Now get out of my kitchen,” he scolded, playfully swatting you with a towel. You giggled, running away from him. 
Daryl stole one last meaningful glance at the food before him, the mess he’d created in the kitchen, and you, looking adorable at his side. He switched off the stove, emptying his hands of cooking utensils.
You shot him a confused look, but within moments he’d pulled you into his arms, lifting you off the ground and swinging you through the air. Your laughter was uncontrollable, the surprise and joy of the moment overtaking you.
“Daryl! Daryl! What are you doing?” you laughed, prompting him to set you down. He grinned back at you, enjoying the dazed look on your face and the sound of your breathless laughter.
“Ain’t cookin’ no more. It’s shit anyway. Let’s skip dinner tonight,” he said. You bit your lip.
“And do what instead?” you asked, already looking him up and down. He pulled you closer, resting his hands on your hips. The two of you were dangerously close now, and all urges to laugh were replaced with a low burning sensation throughout your body.
“I can think of a few things,” he said, and then he was kissing you. You reached for his face, pulling him impossibly closer. His grip on your waist tightened, sinking into you, drinking in every ounce of your figure. 
You paused to breathe, leaning your forehead against his. Gasping for air, you leaned in to press a swift kiss to his cheek.
“Honey, I’m starving," you whispered. Daryl shook his head, smiling at your comment. Swiftly, he pulled you up into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"Me too," he growled, and placed you on the counter...
507 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
Who knew digging was so hot?
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Swear words, Rick being a cockblock
Genre: Fluff
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Digging holes is so romantic, you thought. The idea made you laugh, causing Daryl to send you a confused look. The two of you were digging holes for the support beams used on the new walls, meant to keep walkers on a steady path away from Alexandria. It was midday, you guessed, based on the sun glaring directly over your shoulders.
“Whatcha laughin’ about?” Daryl asked, lifting a hand to shield his face. You met his eyes and laughed again.
“Nothing. Just thought something funny, that’s all,” you said, resuming your work. You paused when you noticed Daryl still staring at you. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Come on. Ya gotta share it now. What’s so funny?” he pressed. You smiled, wiggling your eyebrows teasingly.
“I was just thinking, there’s nothing more romantic than digging holes together,” you cooed, putting on your mushiest, most disgusting romance voice you could. Daryl rolled his eyes, reaching over to gently push your shoulder.
“Stop,” he grumbled, but you saw the light blush on his cheeks. You smiled at the sight, lifting your arm to wipe the sweat from your eyes. Now was the perfect opportunity to study him while he was busy shoveling. The sun beat down on his bare arms, highlighting the sweat dripping down his face. You felt yourself get a little hotter at the sight.
Daryl noticed your wandering eyes and leaned against his shovel.
“Quit yer starin’. Plenty of time to stare later if we can get this done,” he teased. You shot him a weak glare, watching the corners of his mouth turn up at the sight. You raised your hands in defense.
“It’s not my fault you’re so cute,” you said. Daryl groaned.
“Don’t call me cute, woman. There’s people around,” he said. You smiled, eyes glistening with mischief. 
“Come on. You know I’m right,” you pressed. Daryl scoffed, checking your surroundings to make sure no one was in earshot. You stepped closer.
“Admit it. You’re cute. Don’t make me get Carol involved,” you said. Daryl met your eyes, staring at you in a way that made your face hot.
“Fine. I give up,” he conceded. Then, with one last look around, he dropped his shovel and pulled you to him. “I’m a sore loser, though. Got somethin’ to help my hurt feelings?”
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, suppressing a smile.
“Yeah, I think I got an idea,” you whispered, pulling his mouth to yours. His grip on your hips tightened, pulling you closer. The kiss quickly turned from something short and sweet into something deeper, hungrier. You had just started to press harder when someone cleared their throat.
The two of you jumped apart, turning to face the intruder: Rick. You groaned, glaring at the ex sheriff, while Daryl just stood there, staring at his friend with a slightly horrified expression.
“Need something, Rick?” you asked, trying to keep the agitation out of your voice. Rick’s shit-eating grin was starting to annoy you even further, and the pointed look he sent Daryl was clearly embarrassing him.
“Nah, nothin’ important. Just wanted to check in. Seems everythang is goin’ alright though…” Rick grinned. You stuck your tongue out at him, causing him to laugh. He took a step back with his hands raised in a “I surrender” gesture, before turning to leave.
“Make sure you get some work done!” he called over his shoulder. You turned to Daryl, who was still standing alarmingly still, and buried your head into his neck. That seemed to loosen him up a bit, as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
“That was embarrassing,” you muttered. Daryl hummed in agreement.
“Yeah. Asshole needs to mind his own business,” he said. You snorted.
“Rick’s one of our best friends, and we all live in the same house. I’m sure that wasn’t the first time he saw something he wasn’t supposed to see,” you said. Daryl groaned in response, lifting your head up to meet his gaze.
“Well he ain’t gon’ interrupt us again. I’ll make sure of it,” he said, a serious expression on his face. You laughed lightly, lifting your thumb to smooth the wrinkles between his brows.
“Oh yeah? How are you gonna do that?” you asked. Daryl gripped you a little tighter.
“How ‘bout we start by sneakin’ home early? Sound good?” he said. You grinned. “What are we waiting for, then?” You grabbed his hand and pulled him away, off to have a very eventful afternoon, away from the blistering heat.
756 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
I'll wash your hair
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: None, unless showering counts
Genre: Fluff
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“Wow,” you muttered, staring at your reflection.
“What?” Daryl asked, stepping into the bathroom behind you.
“I just haven’t seen myself in so long,” you said, shaking your head in wonder. Your group had just arrived in Alexandria that day, and after a series of extensive interviews, you’d been shown to your new houses.
New house, you’d thought. You never imagined that would be a possibility again. But here you stood, in your new bathroom in your new house. As soon as you’d caught sight of yourself in the mirror, you’d been taken aback by how unrecognizable you were.
“I look stronger,” you commented, raising a hand to feel your arms. Daryl stepped closer, pulling your hips back until you leaned against him.
“Ya are,” he said, holding you close. You studied yourself in the mirror some more, before your gaze shifted to him. He looked different, too. His hair was much longer than it had been when you met, and he now had a deep tan. 
Or maybe it was dirt, you thought. The idea made you snort out a laugh. Daryl narrowed his eyes.
“What’s so funny? Ya ain’t like my reflection?” he teased, reaching down to tickle your sides. You burst out laughing, wiggling to get away. 
“No, no! I was just thinking, we both could use a shower,” you admitted. Daryl ceased his attack and turned to his reflection again. He scratched the back of his head, shrugging at your comment. You rolled your eyes.
“Come on, a shower won’t kill you. Plus, it’ll be fun if we do it together,” you said, suggestively raising your eyebrows with your last statement. A light blush spread across Daryl’s cheeks.
“Alrigh’. But I’m doin’ this under protest,” he said. You grinned, turning to twist the shower on. You let out a gasp when moments later, warm water was rushing out of the tap. You caught Daryl’s eye; he was secretly smiling at your reaction.
You began undressing, carefully peeling off layers and watching clumps of dirt fall to the ground. Beside you, Daryl began doing the same. The clothes were thrown to the corner of the room to be washed, or more likely, burned.
As soon as you stepped in, a long sigh left your lips. The hot water felt like heaven, the pressure like a heavy blanket. You let your eyes close as you soaked it in, letting the realization that you were here, in a house, in a community, safe, sink in.
When you opened your eyes, Daryl was watching you. He had a small smile on his face, taking in the scene. You reached for him, pulling him into the water. He grumbled a moment before you saw the relief hit him, too. You smiled, watching the man finally relax after so many weeks on the road, always ready for action.
While he rinsed, you searched for the soap. On the rim of the tub sat a full bottle of shampoo, which you grabbed. Pouring a heavy amount in your hand, you reached for Daryl’s hair. He flinched a little when you put the soap on, but relaxed immediately when you started massaging it in. You smiled, enjoying the moment of quiet contentment.
When it was time to rinse, he washed all the soap out and shook his head like a dog, causing you to screech. He laughed, a real laugh, and pulled you to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, staring up at him, studying him. He leaned in to kiss you, just a short, sweet placement of lips to convey all of his gratitude. You put as much love as you could into that kiss before pulling away.
Daryl gently moved you to the side and reached for the shampoo. He poured some into his hand and began washing your hair as gently as you’d done his. The feeling of his hand massaging your scalp was amazing. You felt like if you could curl up and sleep right then, you would have.
When he was done, you rinsed, and watched an insane amount of hair fall to the floor.
“My hair is falling out in clumps!” you cried, pulling at it. Daryl laughed, pulling your hands away.
“Maybe yer baldin’,” he teased. You gently shoved his shoulder, face scrunching at his comment.
“Shut up. I’m not that old,” you said. Daryl smiled indulgently. He pushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear and rested his hand on your cheek. 
“Nah, you ain’t old. But yer gonna get there. I’ll make sure of it,” he said. You leaned into his palm, staring into his eyes. 
“Yeah, and you’re gonna be there with me, right?” you asked. He smiled, nodded his head, and reached for the back of your head to pull you close. You rested your head against his shoulder and hugged him back, fully relaxing into him.
“Yeah,” he whispered, “I’m always gonna be there with ya.”
833 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Pretty serious
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x F!Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Challenge: At the end of their rope / POV outsider @flufftober/ "Not on my watch!"
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“Hey, is Y/N single? I was thinking of askin’ her out,” Alden asked Maggie. She snorted. Alden noticed her reaction and narrowed his eyes at her. “What?”
The two of them stood by the blacksmith tent at Hilltop, going over plans for the day, when Alden dropped the question. He’d been staring at you all morning, where you were standing watch on the wall.
Maggie grinned at the clueless man. “You really don’t know?”
Alden shrugged, a nervous feeling creeping up his spine. Maggie nodded her head towards the guard tower, where you were now greeting someone with a hug. Alden shuddered when he saw who it was.
Daryl Dixon and he were friendly, now that time had passed since the war with the Saviors, but he wasn’t someone Alden wanted to mess with. He shot Maggie a look, almost pleading with her to tell him he hadn’t missed something so big.
She patted him on the back, encouragingly. “It’s alright. They don’t like to flaunt it, but they’ve been together for years now. Honestly, I can’t believe you haven’t noticed.”
Now that she’d mentioned it, he remembered all the times he’d seen Y/N from afar, and how she was always with Daryl. The few times he’d been in conversation alone with her, she’d brought up Daryl then, too. 
Alden groaned at his stupidity. “I can’t believe it either. Now that you’ve said it, though, it’s pretty obvious.”
He turned to you now, where you were casually leaning against the archer. His arm was wrapped around your waist, holding you to him. The two of you were picture perfect, Alden had to admit.
“So, they’re pretty serious, huh?” he asked. Maggie smiled, mind flashing to the early days of your relationship. How the two of you had grown inseparable at the farm, but were too scared to admit your feelings. How Maggie and Glenn teamed up to convince the two of you to confess at the prison. How the two of you were sparks ignited as soon as those feelings were shared.
Maggie was also privy to a secret you’d shared with her months ago: that the two of you had secretly married. She’d gasped when you told her, though she wasn’t at all surprised. It was inevitable that you two tie the knot, as you were going to be together forever anyways.
Now she watched the two of you hold each other close, lovingly oblivious to the admirers below you.
“Yeah,” she said, “They’re pretty serious.”
1,052 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
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thoughtsaladblog · 7 months
Here's an update
From crying in a cafe to hooking up with the wrong guys, to flirting with the wrong guys- the spiral continues.
I suppose I'll need to give a nickname to this one too- because Lord knows we don't want ANYONE guessing this one. So let's call him Logan (iykyk). Alright well, Logan is not someone to be concerned about in "that" sense, but lately our friendship has played with the fringes of intimacy- only in conversation of course (for obvious reasons). And while it has been simply for the sake of humour and whatnot, I am fearful of how this could impact both of us and our friendship as time progresses (once he realises that was probably not acceptable). Needless to say, that type of playful banter is unacceptable within the confines of this type of friendship- even if it isss simply playful banter. And I've got to admit that sometimes, when my fucking hormones are raging I project those built up (ahem) "emotions" onto him- and it's not always meant in humour... Also, it has given way to a sense of closeness that my lonely ass seems to be using to fill up my empty life. And by that I mean I may be seeking consolation and time from someone out of my league (in a difference sense of the phrase, of course). I feel.. nay, I know, that it is unacceptable and wrong and unholy (even though the intentions are innocent and come from a place of loneliness and vulnerability and are in no way vulgar or corrupt). What I mean by unholy is- it's not the right kind of relationship, where I can seek that kind of closeness or bond from him- even in the form of a friendship. So I'm in a battle- a battle with myself to set down boundaries and distance myself from what he doesn't yet realise, but I know, is not acceptable.
It's innocent, yes. Well... except for those recent comments made in jest. But still innocent. I claim him as a brother but honestly love him like a friend. A best friend tbf. But my best friend can't be who he is- even if we do feel closely connected. Also given that I'm the more "experienced" one in this friendship, it is my responsibility to do the right thing- because he doesn't see it yet that I am putting him in a difficult position by depending on him and confiding in him. He in his state of inexperience, feels the need to be there for me and support me in some way- he feels responsible. It's the innocence of youth, I suppose. But I know that had he had my "experience" he would know that it's not upto him to be there for me in that sense. Therefore, it is my duty to free poor Logan from this friendship. It's not easy and that's what I need to project here.
I've come to enjoy his company- I wait for us to meet. I hug him harder than anyone else. I take a personal interest in his progress and success. I am invested in his well-being and I love him very much. Platonically... Well, most of the time... I mean.. Do I find him attractive? Yes. And I admire his good looks- not in a creepy perverted way, but more like a "damn, he's become quite attractive" or "damn he's pretty tall, and his physique looks good"...hmm.. is that creepy? I don't mean it to be...
Anyway, getting back to the point... I know I can't say goodbye without it drilling a hole in my heart. It's like losing a brother- but actually like losing a cherished best friend. I can't imagine my days without our calls. But I suppose given some time that would be inevitable... So do I wait for time to teach me to let go? Or do I let go first, and let time do the healing?
In the meantime let me fill that void by doing all the wrong things, that drive me away from the place I'm supposed to be, and seek temporary validation and attention, as I spiral towards rock bottom.
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vodka-redbull-daily · 9 months
December 2nd, 2023
*Graphic Sexual Content*
Last night was when I went to the party with W----.  I'm not exactly sure what I expected. I knew it was going to be some kind of boring corporate bullshit, but I'm not really sure what that meant in the first place. I didn't want to stand out too much, but I really didn't want to dress up in those boring, tight,  white color cocktail dresses that I was expected of me. I talked to Wayne about it and he said that I could wear whatever I wanted as long as it's comfortable. he was even okay with me wearing pants if I had wanted to. I looked around for a little bit and finally decided on an outfit that I thought was going to work for me.
I wore a black fishnet top with a purple bandeau underneath and a black blazer on top. I added some safety pins and chains the Blazer to make it look more Punk. I wore a matching skirt that had some chains and stuff on it also. it didn't have any pockets, but it did have this weird little side Satchel thing.  I was planning on wearing tights that had bats on them, but they ended up getting abandoned. I also wore some fairly tall healed combat boots. it was kind of the first time in my life that I had actually felt sexy, especially since I had made an outfit that actually matched my style instead of one of those boring cocktail dresses. the showstopper though? I  crotchless underwear.
now, I did pack the tights and regular underwear in my backpack just in case, but when I got to W----'s Place around 6:00 we just cuddle on the couch and watched some tv. he gave me a beer and since I hadn't eaten all day, I did in fact get a little buzz right off the bat. I was hoping you would at least attempt to fuck me while we were waiting, but the most he got was gently rubbing my ass what we sat together on the couch. by the time we got to the point where we were feeling like we would want to fuck, it was time to go.
we climbed into the Uber together and he started gently rubbing on the inside of my thigh. I spread my legs a little wider and soon his fingers wandered up towards my underwear line. he did in fact find that little surprise and the look on his face was priceless. he started to gently rub my clit and even dipped his fingers in every Now and then. he fingered me in the back of that Uber all the way to the party and it was so hard not to cum all over the place.  I knew it would make a mess and I wasn't about to ruin my clothes right before we got there. I clung to his arm for dear life as he rubbed and finger fucked me. even after we got out of the car, he pushed me up against the wall to make out with a little bit before going in.
when we got there, we were handed some tickets that we could order drinks with. apparently, everyone was only allowed to order two drinks. I guess that's a good idea to keep people from becoming drunken messes and ruining the corporate party, and it probably kept me from becoming a drunken mess in all honesty. We walked around and met people and did little Chit Chat and all that boring stuff that normally happens at a party. I tried to be engaged in the conversation, but it was pretty clear even the people that I was meeting didn't really want to talk. W---- introduced me as his “friend”  which was an interesting choice since he would routinely grab my ass when he thought it was looking. C'est la vie. 
I did my best not to think about J---- the whole time, but it was hard. This was exactly his kind of scene. people talking about their most recent trips to France, Italy, Spain. it felt very similar to when I had gone to his birthday party. it was at a bar of all places, on the street that's famous for having drunken idiots screaming and throwing up all over the place, but having to sit there and try and make small talk with his corporate friends. it was hard not to compare the two. it was hard not to imagine that I was at a party with him instead of with W----. that would really hurt if he'd introduce me as his friend. I'd always wondered how he could have invite me out, introduce me to his friends and even his brother, then have absolutely no qualms and completely dropping me. maybe this was how. he had told me that it wasn't like that, that he had in fact thought that we were going to work out.
I wonder when that changed. the birthday party was before he had his meltdown in france. he had told me that he had talked about me at work, about how excited he was to meet me and about how much he'd enjoyed our date. when did it change? was it before France? how had he talked to me about his work friends? had he also said he met a “friend” for dinner.  maybe not. that's how I could tell when he was sleeping with somebody else. it was always “ I'm out with my friends. I'm out with my brother. I'm going to a friend's house.”  until it wasn't. until it was “ I'm out with someone.” Notably someone who is not quite a friend.  had he talked that way about me?  why can't I stop thinking about it? why can't I just move on? c'est l'amour.
I asked for vodka redbull, but of course I wouldn't have one.  I guess that's a peasant drink. well, in all honestly I do kind of know it's not necessarily a fancy drink.  I do know that's more of like a frat party drink.  but what can I say? it's what I like. I got a vodka lemonade instead. we continue to talk, walk around,  meet new people, and even grabbed some appetizers.  the table that W---- had wanted to sit at originally ended up getting filled up. I guess he just wanted to sit next to the cool kids. instead, we ended up with a bunch of younger people.  younger I guess meaning halfway between W----'s age and  mine. there was this one guy that reminded me of J---- a lot, except a dickish asshole. the graduated from the same college, I could tell because he was wearing his  graduation ring.  he talked all about the places he's been, how wonderful he was and how smart he was. if J---- was an asshole, he would be this guy.  his name was T-----, I think, and he came alone. I can't imagine why.
we also sat with a couple  who looked to be kind of goth or emo. I was kind of excited to see the girlfriend. the boyfriend very obviously worked at the company and it is hair flat ironed to one side with the thick black rimmed glasses. he was giving very nerd, very sad about being nerd, very “I was obviously bullied as a child  and now that's my whole personality”.  his girlfriend was wearing a closer to traditional style cocktail dress, but it was black and green and in a very goth style. she also wore this goth sheer shawl over her shoulders and had the very black Dramatic Makeup. not very many people were actually wearing  makeup. most of the women were actually kind of old, closer to W----s age. anyway, she had gotten herself a Moscow Mule but had it liked it so we ended up swapping drinks.
 even after the main course came out and I had had a little bit to eat, I was getting pretty drunk. W----'s hands were wondering and we were kissing a little bit, but he said he didn't want to get in too much trouble with the PDA stuff. within the same breath though, his fingers are reaching pretty high up underneath my skirt. the minute we got a chance, we scoped out the bathrooms, but they were really close to where everyone was seated in very small. it would have been really fun to fuck in the bathroom, but it just wasn't really a possibility.
We didn't really eat for that long of a time before we got dessert also. W---- had mentioned that he wanted to take a trip to Italy to a few people, but beyond that we were mostly just kind of sitting there doing nothing. the party was from 7:00 to 11:00, but we ended up leaving around 9:00. I guess W---- probably got a little bit more since he didn't really get to sit with his friends and I didn't really like being left alone, so we ended up calling an Uber to go back. we made out for a little bit while we were waiting before we climbed in together.
 on the way back, he fingered me again. it was so amazing.  one of my biggest Kinks is public sex, so it was definitely hitting a good spot for me. not to mention that W---- was holding a conversation with the Uber guy about cars the entire time, upping the  hotness factor. I don't know what it is, but I love the fact that he was fingerfucked me and I was on the edge of coming while he was able to just hold  a normal conversation.  I wanted to come so bad, but I had the same problem that I had before. I didn't want to make a mess.
 we got back home, opened a few more beers before almost immediately heading straight upstairs. I had hung my jacket on the banister and taking off my shoes, but beyond that we were still completely dressed so we got into bed. we made it out for a little bit before  W---- got undressed and I climbed on top. I had only taken off my panties before so I was almost completely dressed as I began to ride him. now, I came over and over again. between getting so turned on in the uber, the alcohol, my general horniness at all times, and W----'s inability to actually finish, we ended up fucking for quite a while. we just kept going and going until W---- had to ask me to stop because he said he was overheating.
 we'd like next to each other in the bed, talked about how fun the Uber ride had been, W---- even saying that he wanted to order another Uber just to do that again. I took off the last of my clothes and switched into the PJs that I had brought in my backpack. after a little while, W---- climbed on top of me and we fucked again in that position.  he had bought some special blankets that are specifically meant for waking up liquids. I'm not exactly sure if they are strictly for sex or what, but he laid one down  and an attempt to not get the  sheets soaking wet. then, he put on a CPAP machine and almost went immediately to sleep. I will  always be surprised by how fast men fall asleep.
 I was also planning on going to sleep, but A----- kept getting into trouble.
 the first thing  he did was climb up on the bed  and knock over one of the cans of beer that had been sitting on the  headboard.  it started spilling all over the bed, so I used the waking blanket to clean it up and tried to put the cans somewhere in a higher place that he could reach. also, I could hear him chewing on things and got up to find him already have chewed through both the stress of my backpack that I had left sitting on the floor. I quickly picked up the rest of my clothes and put them also up high to keep them out of his reach. I'm not sure why A----- was so active, but he kept jumping and running around and trying to chew through things, even drinking out of the toilet at some points.  whatever the case may be, despite A----’s  antics and W----'s horrific snoring,  I did eventually fall asleep.
 I did keep waking up at random points in the middle of the night, however. especially since it was quite cold and the blankets were not quite thick enough. W---- also woke up at one point and we fucked again, this time with me lying down on my stomach like he had done last time. he went back to sleep for a little bit, then  when we woke up in the morning we fucked again, this time with both of us on our sides.
 However, I was starting to feel quite queasy that morning. Probably a mix of low blood sugar for not eating properly the day before along with hungover from too much alcohol, I ended up getting pretty sick. I really wasn't even able to eat the food that W---- bought for us for breakfast ended up vomiting a lot. We also discovered that A----- had not only chewed through both straps of a backpack but had chewed completely threw my underwear so now Not only was it crotchless underwear, it was basically just a ring of elastic that would go around my waist. he also chewed up a ring that I had worn the night before and had left sitting on the side table. I think it's practically a miracle that he didn't completely chew at my glasses or anything else. W---- had given me some Amazon packaging bags to puke in and then drove me home since I was going to leave my car there for him to take to the mechanic. Once I got home, I barfed a lot more I went to sleep. not necessarily the best ending to that day, but I still had a really fun time. we were also supposed to buy tickets to Italy that morning, but me getting sick kind of put a damper on that. 
Total Earned: $5,670
Body Count: 22
Dick Pics: 21
Videos: 2
Nudes sent: 2
Head Recieved: 3
Head Given: 15
Sex Ranking:
M--- (x2)
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