#i have 2 get up again in 4 hrs. but i wanted to finish this first heart emoji
hetamata · 11 months
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dead girls!!!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
02/24/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&CrewSightings; Samba BTS; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Damien Gerard; Guz Khan!; SaveOFMD Crew Billboard; AdoptOurCrew Saturday Sillies; Making A Difference; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Been a long Saturday yall. Hope you enjoyed the BTS and general clown/honking going around!
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Samba Schutte Feat. David Jenkins! =
Samba's back with more BTS for us today!
This time the Crew Shoutout is for Chaos Dad himself: David Jenkins! So good to see Chaos dad having such a great time BTS. We love you David!
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Videos on Tumblr:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
= Rhys Darby =
Rhys decided to take it up a notch today on his Tiktok/Instagram and tell... someone they've created a monster. Who might that be?
== Damien Gerard ==
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Our crew-mate @patchworkpiratebear got a Cameo from our lovely Father-Teach, Damien Gerard! There's a bit of a story behind it, see below! Cameo link
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== Guz Khan! ==
Hey! It's been a hot minute since we've seen our friend Guz Khan-- and now he's showed up on a cat! Good to see you sir!
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== Save OFMD Crew ==
There have been questions raised about the billboard that the SaveOFMD Crew have been posting teasers for on their socials. The Crew had a meeting today wherein they discussed the concerns of the fandom, and have taken that feedback to heart. They are currently working on a clear information packet regarding the logistics of the current billboard efforts. They have kindly asked for your patience while they finish putting those last touches together!
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== @adoptourcrew Saturday Sillies! ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to set up a new Saturday Sillies this week! This time they made custom OFMD Wordles! There were WAY too many images to include in the recap, so if you'd like to check them out, please visit the tumblr post below!
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Wanna play? You can visit a tumblr post here
== Making a Difference! ==
Thank you to everyone who contributed to, or shared the fundraiser for Trans Pride Brighton! They've finally met their goal and can stay open another year! You made a serious difference in the lives of trans and non-binary folk in that community!
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== Articles ==
Deze HBO-serie is gecanceld, maar had een 95% op Rotten Tomatoes
Schwule Romanze zwischen Piratenkapitänen
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I hope you had a fun Saturday/Sunday wherever you are. I know some of you are already closing out the weekend. We made it through another day-- and there's all sorts of action going on across all the platforms. I hope you got a chance to have fun, but also to rest. I know you know this, but even though I do too I often forget it. Rest is so very important. It's so easy to burn out, especially when we're constantly exposed to so much online. I think to myself "oh it's fine I'll just get a few more things done" and then it's suddenly 3 hours later and I've had only 4 hrs sleep in the last 30. Please please please give yourself self care today. Go brush your teeth, or take a shower. If you feel like you can do more, brush your hair, or make yourself a nice cup of tea. Do something for you that makes you relax and feel rested. On your last day of the weekend, make sure to take a few moments to yourself and just remember how awesome you are. You may not feel like it sometimes, but I can tell you now you truly are Awe-some. You bring so much life and love to this world and you deserve all beautiful things you want. Anyway, I'm very sleepy and I'm rambling again (what's new). Sleep well and enjoy your day lovelies, see you tomorrow.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
I'm being lazy tonight again yall. Just two goofy gifs that caught my eye, sorry I am running on fumes. Tomorrow I'll try to find some themed ones for ya <3
Rhys Gif: Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika Gif: ohnotheydidnt.livejournal
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genericpuff · 1 year
I seriously need an updated LO s3 timeline now so I can decipher this monstrosity
Are H/P seriously going to raise a baby (which is 100% Zeus' kid)? A few weeks after Persephone said she wanted to take things slowly? When Hades admitted a couple days ago that he hadn't been a good father to Thanatos?
What the hell is the plan????
Honestly, I feel like the folks over at PomegraNet just gave up LMAO
But buckle up because I'm about to make you even more upset - this didn't happen a few 'weeks' after Persephone said she wanted to take things slow, it happened a WEEK, singular, not plural. Yes, read that again: A WEEK.
When you lay the events out end to end in their reasonable order, with all the fluff and flashbacks removed and using dialogue as indicators, Hades and Persephone literally talked a WEEK ago about being boyfriend and girlfriend and what that would entail.
I've gone on this rant before, but I'm so ready to go on it again knowing what we know now in the FP episodes.
Day 1: Hades and Persephone reunite with the Olympians, Zeus removes Persephone's sentencing, Hades and Persephone discuss their relationship going forward, they finish the day going to bed together where Persephone wonders if she's 'forgotten something' (i.e. Demeter).
Day 2: Hades awakens from a nightmare about Kronos, Persephone and Hades do their Steven Universe fusion dance to 'fix' the Underworld, they check out what Persephone created for Elysium and play in the river, they're interrupted by Demeter who has arrived to take her daughter back to the Mortal Realm, Persephone claims to have missed her despite forgetting she existed just the night before, Persephone tells her to eat the ziti or fuck off.
Day 3: Buckle up, because this one day takes the cake for having the longest and most pointless fetch quest in webcomic history. Hades gives Persephone 'breakfast in bed' (literally a single donut), Persephone insists she wants to go into work with him but he makes her stay home to relax, Hades meets up with Hecate to figure out what happened to cause the entire Underworld to become possessed by Kronos, Hecate talks him down from speaking to Kronos and gives him a rundown of what she believed happened, they deduce they should find Hypnos, but they don't know where to find him, so they decide to go find Thanatos, but Thanatos doesn't want to speak to Hades due to their strained relationship, so they have a buddy buddy talk which eventually gets Thanatos to give in and tell Hades where to find Hypnos. Turns out Hypnos has been living in the defunct remains of the Underworld Corp's HR department, where he tells Hades how Kronos was able to hijack his powers and reveals that Kronos has a 'child deity' being held captive down there with him. Despite Hecate saying they weren't going to go down to Tartarus that day, Hecate and Hades proceed to go down to Tartarus, but are unable to enter due to Kronos holding the place hostage (he'll only open the doors in exchange for his "golden traitor" who we can only assume is Hera). During all this, Persephone goes on an excursion to Olympus where she runs into Daphne and Eros and reconnects with them. She goes to the bank and finds out she has a shitload of money from her account gaining interest, which gives her the funds necessary to purchase her own apartment where Hades meets her for supper that night. Persephone somehow still ends up back at Hades' place (presumably to move the rest of her things from his house to her apartment) where they attempt to have sex only to be interrupted by a drunk Ares. Hades consoles him and then returns to Persephone, the two of them watch a movie from post-WW1 Germany in his personal theater, they try to be intimate again but it's revealed later on they didn't actually have sex. Ares tries to text Aphrodite but has been blocked.
Day 4: Persephone and Hades go to work, on the way they discuss a note Ares left for Persephone encouraging her to meet him to discuss her being a fertility goddess. Hades and Persephone discuss the child deity and Kronos briefly, realizing they need to bring it up with Hera. Speak of the devil, Hera is there when they arrive at work. They catch Hera up on what's going on, she wants to go speak to Kronos herself but Hades stops her for her safety. They change the subject to the coronation, Hera asks why Persephone and Hades aren't engaged yet, she encourages Persephone to invite her mother to the coronation and eventual wedding. After Hera leaves, it's revealed she's still being tormented by Kronos. Hephaestus and Psyche meet to discuss the pendrive Psyche stole off Apollo and what it contains, revealing a photo of Kassandra. After work, Persephone goes home to her own apartment and Hades works on coming up with an engagement ring for Persephone. Hades is interrupted by Persephone summoning him to her home. Persephone gets upset at herself for being jealous over Hades calling Hera 'Bunny'. Persephone decides to go meet with Ares that same day, Hades comes along disguised as a moth. Ares takes Persephone to a fresco, where she discovers an old monument of Metis which allows her to connect directly to Metis to speak with her about her fertility goddess status. It's nighttime when she awakens and Hades reminds her that she still needs to meet with her mother who she apparently already planned to meet with that day. Persephone goes to meet with Demeter who has a huge purity club intervention planned for her to pressure her into staying in the Mortal Realm. Hades proposes right then and there and Persephone leaves with him down into the Underworld.
Day 5: The next day, Persephone attempts to book venues for their wedding, but can't seem to get in touch with anyone anywhere. Zeus claims that these businesses are refusing to serve them on the basis of xenia, as they disrespected Demeter in her realm by doing an impromptu proposal. They meet up with Hera to discuss these issues, to which Hades suggests the restriction doesn't happen until tomorrow morning so they can get married that same night (despite the fact that businesses were already refusing to serve them lmao). They get married that night, and then have their honeymoon where they have sex for the first time ("deconstruction of purity culture" who?)
Day 6: Hades and Persephone both go to work the next day despite being on their honeymoon, it's revealed Morpheus has been hired by Hades to help him "file" people's dreams. Hermes gets into a fight with Apollo which ends with Hermes punching him. Persephone, meanwhile, has taken her new "judges" under her wing with the intent to have them help Hades do even less work than he already does. Hermes at this point has joined her and they talk about the Apollo situation. With Thetis' encouragement, Leuce applies to be Hades' PA and tries to seduce him under the impression that they still "had something" after Zeus tried to negotiate a marriage between them back near the end of S2. Hades rejects her, during which he reveals that he got married "yesterday" which helps us know that none of what I just said happened a few weeks after the wedding (despite Persephone implying as such with her own dialogue), it was literally the day before. Persephone is used as a test subject for dream diving with Morpheus. It's after this that Hades starts getting vibes from Persephone's texts that she doesn't want to talk to him.
Day 7: After literally a day, Hades gets nervous at Persephone icing him out ("I showed you my dick pls respond" energy) until after some pressuring, Persephone finally reveals she has a baby Dionysus in her possession.
Seven. Days. A week. A literal week ago in the story's timeline, Hades and Persephone decided they wanted to take it slow and try dating before rushing into marriage - and now they're married, restructuring the entire Underworld Corp, and already have a kid.
Rachel seriously saw Stephenie Meyer writing Bella Swan with a rushed superhuman pregnancy and went "hold my beer". I can't tell if I should be disappointed or flat out impressed that one person managed to pad out this much of a week with so much bullshit.
And some people might go "but puff, it's obvious we're not meant to read it as if it's sequential!" so what about the dialogue that tells exactly when these events are happening? or the actions that clearly lead from one event to the next in a very interlinked way that REQUIRES these things to be happening one after another?
My own OC's have literally been trapped in a non-Euclidian castle nightmare for well over an in-universe week now but MONTHS in real life and I've still managed to make that clear, with proper labelling of days that are passing and dialogue that lays it out clearly how long they've been in the castle. Sure, it can still be a strain on readers where it can make them feel like things in the comic are happening relative to real life, but there are methods to make your timeline clear that Rachel isn't employing. Even a fucking Spongebob "one week later" card would be better than the way she's outlining events right now.
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If the PomegraNet team gave up, I wouldn't blame them in the slightest. Laying out the events in their proper order is a nightmare. And frankly, I have a tinfoil hat theory (so take with mountains of salt) that they were practically asked to stop what they were doing because their timeline also just makes the comic look like what it really is - a mess of word vomit that Rachel never bothered to clean up and turn into an actual story with reasonable pacing.
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onlyjaeyun · 7 months
thinking about the sb!universe so here are some scenes/headcannons i have:
• one day jay’s dad shows up to the office with shiah’s dad and shiah herself. jay’s dad drops that he believes it’s time to start the marriage process. shiah slips jay the ring she’s always wanted and tells her to make the proposal big and grand, and that they’ll act like it was all a surprise for the media. yn overhears and is devastated. my poor girly :( . that meeting is like 3,000 steps backward for jay and yn.
• yn showing up to flowers on her desk from the one guy she starts seeing from another dept. jay has someone send out a notice reminder that sending gifts with intent and dating amongst coworkers, even those in other departments is not recommended. he even asks giselle to investigate it as she works in HR, and she’s like uhmmm, ok?? giselle doesn’t take it seriously and snitches to yn. she’s like ���GIRL UR MAN IS JEALOUSSSSS” 🤭🤭 when jay asks for a follow up a few days later giselle is like uhmmm…no response yet from my manager haha, we’re like super busy rn.
• the other boys of the seoul 4 and nayeon finding out yn is casually dating again and throwing random options at her in front of jay who can’t show jealous he is to prove a point.
ok enough of the jealousy, some cute stuff:
• yn and jay taking a weekend vacation when they get together and just being glued to each other all weekend. yn is so cuddly, especially after sex, which is new to jay. usually he keeps his distance in bed after his 3 rounds with miyeon or she leaves right away. he’s ready to go crazy when yn leaves the bathroom and comes back to the bed after being cleaned up and she just closes the distance between them (pee after sex so you don’t get a UTI girlies). his breath hitches in his throat and he knows he can stay like this forever.
• IK IK IK it’s too early in the smau to think about sb!yn and jay getting married and having children but i had to 😭 jay’s like in a serious emergency meeting after something goes wrong and his face is just stoic and he looks like he’s gonna kill someone in a few minutes. but then his 2 little children burst through the door after yn took her eyes off them for literally 30 seconds. they were supposed to wait outside of the meeting room to surprise him but their 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son don’t care. jay’s mood instantly changes when his children are suddenly jumping into his lap and gripping his arm with their little hands. he hasn’t seen them all week because of all the time he’s been spending in the office so he lets them stay. he gives him his pen and notebook to play with as they sit on his lap. yn opens the door a crack and makes silent eye contact with jay to say sorry, but he just silently assures her it’s fine and laughs at how one of the kids started drawing on his suit sleeve. when the meeting finishes he kisses their cheeks and thanks them for being so good during the meeting.
• yn and jay taking their first trip together and deciding to go shopping. jay buys everything for her and she’s like no no i didn’t even want it that much. he’s like baby u tried it on and stared at yourself in the mirror for 15 minutes smiling before u put it back. whenever yn needs something he just puts his black card in front of her and assures her that he has more than enough money for himself and that his princess deserves to be spoiled. and then yn fights him at the boba shop, insisting she’ll pay for this one thing 😭😭
a little nsfw hc for u too heehee
• sb!jay is probably obsessed with creampies, he loves to come in yn and watch it just drip out ooooh. if yn’s on bc, he’d go crazy 😭😭 when yn’s like yk i still have the chance of getting pregnant, jay’s just like well baby we’ll be parents then, i don’t mind. we love a man who accepts that pleasurable actions have their consequences.
this one for shits and giggles:
• jay learning about yn’s family and deciding enough is enough. he hires a hitman to get them 😍😍😍
i literally love all of these so so so much and am just super grateful to know you guys enjoy this as luch as i do. i'll absolutely use a few of ghese ideas as inspo and genuinely can't wait to indulge in most of them. ESPECIALL THE CREAMPIE ONE BC THATS SO HIM 👀👀👀 and pls involving the boys and nayeon when she does start dating again will make things so much better so you bet your ass i'll use that one 🤭🤭 thank you so much baby, your brain is so sexy i hope you have the best day ever and know i love and appreciate you so much 🥺🤍💖🧸
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storytimewriting · 4 months
Sneak Peek (HR Nightmare Ch4)
Hi everyone! I know this is long-awaited, but Chapter 4 of HR Nightmare is finally complete and officially posted to my Patreon.
Here's the link to Story Time Patreon if you're interested.
Also, here is a link to each chapter of HR Nightmare, if you haven't read them yet or just need some refreshing.
Chapter 1: Perpetually Late Chapter 2: First Night at Freddy's   Chapter 3: Watching Paint Dry
Chapter 4 will be posted here eventually, but for now, here is a preview of what's to come:
HR Nightmare (4)
Mr. Cooper told me you left the office early for a meeting. I was wondering if I would be able to send you the finished designs to critique and approve of.
You stare at the message typed onto your phone, deciding to press send. It was unlikely you’d be able to come up with something better. Besides, you’re certain if you tried again, you’d end up sitting at the office for hours on end.
Waiting for your train home with your tablet and laptop placed in the bag hung over your shoulder, you feel your phone buzz.
Did you want to stop by my apartment?
Her text message stares back at you. Elle was inviting you into her home- the place she lives, cooks, sleeps, relaxes. You felt like you were being invited into a part of her life that you were not supposed to see.
You had expected her to tell you to simply email the pieces to her, but you should have known better by now. Her critiques and instructions were too detailed to go back and forth over email.
Sure! I’ll be there in 10, you respond.
You hop on your train, doing your best to remember how you got to her apartment after Freddy’s the first night you went. You remember to get off at the stop before your usual one, you remember to cross the street, and weave down a side street. You remember the way to her apartment much better than you should.
Your phone buzzes as you reach her apartment, her name lighting up your phone screen as if she could sense you were there. A text message telling you how to buzz into her apartment allows you to get into her place quickly. You take an elevator to the eighth floor and knock on the door she tells you to.
She opens the door, standing in front of you in nothing but a tank top, some sweatpants, and socks. You realize this is the first time you’ve seen her out of her work clothes. She looks softer this way- more relaxed.
“Well are you gonna come in or just stand there?”
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craacked-splatters · 2 years
tumblr is the only place where my hyperfixations and ramblings won't make me seem like I've been trapped in a basement never seeing the light of day as I piece together a century long conspiracy. Apologies 4 the person I'm about 2 become . I'm gonna full theorist mode but I only have time to point out the puzzle pieces in d first ep for now cuz I got work in like 6 hrs :(( ill come bak n do rhe rest ltr feel free 2 add if u want
Ok so i was rewatching the eps again on my phone & collecting screenshots for my conspiracy board when I found this symbol in the intro 2 d first ep
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And I was like wait a min that kinda looks like d ones from the book so i went to see if was true and yep
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I don't know if there's anymore symbols scattered around in the other eps or if it was just forshadowing either way its making my brain vibrate. Has anyone else noticed this before? It's so cool
The other things in d intro that seemed a bit weird 2 me was the pics n letters on the fridge, the fact that our 3 guys r coming out of a clock house, and fuking roy looking into d house thru a hole in the wall. The symbolism and metaphors r there guys. I know it but Im putting a pin on unraveling that for ltr cuz I don't have time rn :((
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I kept my eyes peeled 4 anything else n then I saw the similarities between the breifcase n his older bro and yellowguy and his imaginary older bro
Both of them were like stuck in the shadow of their younger sibs u know kinda left behind, like the smol suitcase felt inferior n could only watch as his younger was running around being bigger n better, the yellows fake bro was always stuck in the background while yellow took the spotlight,
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and they both like lost their shit and injured themselves. The suitcase bro punched a wall n the fake bro literally comitted suicide. Maybe I'm looking to much into this but that kinda intrigued me a bit. Again I'll dissect to that ltr cuz I don't have d time 😔
So the 1st EP was about work & jobs right?
Noticed how like each guy had the same positions in each job?
Duck: (The judge, cryptocurrency, General, astronaut)
At 1st duck's jobs are more centered on power,on bieng a higher authority figure, someone who is respected, admired and successful. He views himself above the rest, he said one needed aggression to get ahead in workplace, (u know w/ the attention freaks part lmao),he narssistic, hes selfish, and is always strivings for better positions, better everything (the vending machine, wanting a better job etc)
He doesn't like this job, he failed at his work tasks, and no one is taking him seriously.
When the screen lady starts singing about stress n shit I was like hold up
First we see, him on the beach with a crab offering him pills. Relaxation=drugs?? An escape from reality perhaps 🤨
Then him walking on a tightrope with a bunch of red things under him (portraying his struggles with his inner demons maybe?? Showing that he is or was barely keeping himself from falling to them??)
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This whole thing. The line segments with the relaxing never being an easy straight line,(gotta go thru hell 1st b4 ur happy type of thinking??) And also the colors on the diagram. It's our 3 main guys. Red duck and yellow. (I'll dissect this ltr too no time rn😔)
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And this. The coins, (cryptocurrency?? financial issues??) The screw(shitty work jobs maybe) the crab(drugs) the red snake(inner demons?) And the green thing...idk what that is it has scissors n looks like its shushing(untold secrets/issues?) Maybe ita part of himself he doesn't like or harms him
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Duck is forced to like his job. He tries to go along with this whole bs, but he can't and snaps causing the hand accident. Is that what happened from before he was dead? Did he cause the death of someone? We know they all died at the same time different places.Then we see ltr that his jobs aren't as powerful as before, he is a mailman, hes a struggling artist, those jobs usually arent seen as impressive as say a CEO. Is this lore👀 could it be a bit of backstory for duck👀
Next we have Red: (Doctor, Barber, boss 2 whole company, horseshoe maker) His jobs are more concentrated on responsibility and expectations. A lot of ppl rely on doctors to help them out, a lot of pressure is laid on their shoulders especially with serious situations. With barbers you want them to give you exactly what u asked for, or at least something acceptable if u cant think of anything. Bosses are bosses. They're literally in charge of a shit ton of things. They keep everything running smoothly cuz 1 wrong move and everything starts going haywire. And horses need shoes to walk I guess
Notice how red is kinda... negligent? I wouldn't say lazy hes not. But remember how he would always want to do something else besides what they were doing? Or be anywhere else besides in the now? He didn't want to do anything at all in the 1st ep deciding to just chill. He didn't want to acknowledge yellows sadness in the Death EP, I guess he didn't want to deal with it? He wanted to meet a real fam, saying that the 3 of them weren't it. The whole road trip breakdown and "Im not going back to that house"?? Very interesting 👀
Yellow: (lumberjack, icecream man, fisherman, assembly worker, therapy patient??)
Yellows jobs r more centered on labor. They're average jobs regular ppl like u and me could get whenever. They usually don't ask for degrees or sumthn just experience perhaps. They might be easy, but there is a form of danger to them Lumberjack? You chop up wood dude, you could easily lose a limb or die. Ice cream man? Well you could always run over someone and uh, stranger danger? Fisherman? Fall out and drown or get lost at sea Assembly line worker? You saw what happened the same as the lumberjack (Trust me I work at a GE and ppl r always getting hurt)I got nothing 4 patient 😔
Besides the assembly one(I'm not counting it it was a lesson), the other jobs could be viewed as experiences.
Lumberjack- helping build the shack with his dad (Roy was there)
Icecream man- its icecream. lot of us go after that car. Especially children.
Fisherman- going fishing for fun, could be a bonding experience idk
Therapy patient- c'mon
There's a lot of shit I didn't cover but it's fine. Everything is so cool and fascinating I'm losing sleep to this whole thing. I'll talk more about it later I'm tired n it's 5am I've got 2 hrs to sleep.
Edit: yo I'm literally at work rn but I realized something. Yellows jobs are repetitive too. A cycle of things that are done a sort of loop. Lumber jacks, assembly line workers, etc etc usually focus on doing one task only, over and over whether it's screwing in bolts, chopping wood, serving food doesn't matter. It's repetitive, meaning you don't have to worry about changes bcuz there aren't supposed to be. You become accustomed to it, it's reliable.
This might've been a bit forshadowing about the way our 3 characters have to start the same routine in the same house again and again, a seemingly endless loop.
Did y'all notice how yellow was extremely against the road trip idea? And the death episode? He didn't want the routine to change. he didn't like it was confusing to him. And just when he's getting used to a change it all collapses on him. Man :(( this show is so cool fr I'll continue dissecting ltr gotta go now
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Key. Key. Keyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I have been blessed, refreshed, and healed. I have been born again. I have bathed in the river winteam and emerged baptized anew. This episode cured my depression, anxiety, and sciatica. This episode gave me the motivation to finish packing my apartment up. This episode was a step up from an already god tier show. I have been fundemantally changed.
It took me 2 and 1/2 hrs to watch cause i had to keep pausing to scream in my wifes dms.
Hot points:
1) less than a minute in and i was wathcing through my fingies
2) team is crying. Win is crying. I am crying.
4) Team said it first. This is both surpising and unsurprising and entirely the correct characterization.
5) win taking every opportunity to say "youre my boyfriend" to team
6) BABE!!!!!
7) win seizing the opportunity to remind Team hes rich
8) team kisses wins cheek 😍😍😍
10) please put Sammy in everything. I've loved her since Love Sick. If she was in every single piece of media i consumed i would still want more of her. GIVE HER MORE LEAD ROLES YOU COWARDS.
It also took me two and a half hours to watch because I had to keep pausing to let all the feelings rain over me. I did laundry, I made dinner, I ran to the shops, I made carrot fries, I screamed into a rip in the multiverse, etc.
I agree with ALL YOUR POINTS.
(I have to ask, is your wife a fan as well or is this a “yes yes I love you and I love that you love your blorbos, darling” situation? Either one is deeply wholesome.)
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dietles · 1 year
today i finished a 63 hr fast🥳 my roommate’s dad came by to pick up some of her stuff and got us taco bell, i got one of the bowls and it was 360 cals, i also had a couple snacks to celebrate being 2/3 of the way done with finals, and with my cals burned today it was prob net 600 cals which isn’t the best but pretty ok for not eating for almost 3 days
lowkey this week i’m gonna be eating a lot (end of school year celebrations lol) so i’m trying to fast whenever i’m not eating with other people, but i get to go home on thursday and i’ll be able to weigh myself again! i’m also gonna try and do daily walks (~4 miles) just to stay active bc i’m gonna have to do omad at the very least
if anyone wants/needs fasting tips lmk, i’m getting better at it!
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furymint · 1 year
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2022 Creator Reflection
1. ppt meme
the thing im happiest with this year, tbh! i put a lot of work and care into each slide—and i think it shows. at the same time, this thing i made to help my writing be more accessible just became something that required a commitment to read from its length. i hope anyone that read it found it worthwhile! i love rereading it myself.
2. free
jillian’s prophecy attacked again. new florence + the machine song, new bri edit. my motivation to create things has been really low so i tried to limit myself to only devoting an hr or so to this simple edit. i think its cute
3. goal of the century
it doesnt look like i did a lot to this edit, but i added a lot of lighting to it. it was nice editing a picture of lselle and it reminded me a bit of how fun it was to have something i wanted to badly in the game as the seagull minion
4. the loneliest
this one took a few days to complete. i listened to maneskin a lot in the car this year to keep my spirits up, so its ironic that this is the only song i made something for. i used a lot of bad pics to make it so it was a greater struggle than it couldve been, but im still happy w the way it came out even if it didnt linger in my head afterwards
5. will it snow? [nsfw]
it took me a very long time to write this and, altho its not remotely close to my usual vibe, i think its well done. mostly i think it was a v good exercise for all that never made it into the final product. i wrote three different carriage scenes to find the heart of whole piece. 
❌ impulsivity > fury > humiliation > resolve
(hoare’s outside, nol jumps out w no plan but to confront him, realizes how stupid he is when hoare a) insults him or b) escapes him, and he determines that he can do nothing until the recital in the evening)
❌ impulsivity > rationale > protectiveness > calm
(hoare’s outside, nol jumps out w no plan but to confront him, realizes how stupid he is before he moves away, so he gets back in the carriage, still mad with adrenaline, embarrassment, and the #masculine impulse of protection all manifested in possessiveness, then a gradual lowering of hackles)
✔️ ostracism > fear > rationale > calm
(looping back to the fake community at the beginning, a return to his fear of societal expectations & his lack of a community where he can be himself, the value of secrecy, the joy of secrecy)
i always loved the original carriage scene and im glad i got to actually finish it. i didnt get to do armistice day this year and i also didnt finish may other things, but at least i have this.
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i have to confront more and more often that my drive to engage w ffxiv is almost depleted, and its a really really lonely feeling. i dont know what ill do in the new year about it. i know ill continue my literature work/research and keep drafting my outline for a complete transition of nol and eli into wwi austria-hungary. i want to write more!
past reflections:  2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
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satelitis · 10 months
Miguel Diaz — ♾️/10 i love him so much he is actually my boyfriend!!! <333 HE IS SO <3333 I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM
Johnny Lawrence— 9/10 he carried the show tbh, truely iconic
Daniel Larusso — 4/10 he was not it in this show, very judgy and annoying tbh…
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Samantha LaRusso — 4.5/10 I had mixed feelings though the whole show…her and miguel were cute but she was not my favorite like Miguel just wanted prom to be about them but she just HAD to make it about her and Tory… also the fact she was the only girl on miyagi do and lowkey made it her whole personality was not it…
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz — 7.5/10 I actually enjoyed his character and loved how he didn’t let kyler and the others get to him and found himself. DIDNT LIKE HOW HE WAS A BULLY TO DEMITRI AT ALL but then he had a redemption arc and actually came back and was a good person again and i respect him so much for it (also he was really funny ngl)
Robby Keene— 6.5/10 I loved Robbys character development throughout the show and how he grew with himself and learned to forgive Johnny throughout the series. HOWEVER there we quite a few moments that i was like DAMN how could he do that, like shaving off Hawks mohawk and legit screwing everything up for him and pushing the literal loml off a balcony when he was giving you mercy and didn’t want to fight anymore 😐 so there’s that. Nonetheless Robby still gets a 6.5
Tory Nichols — 9/10 i loved her way more than sam tbh. like she had way more character development and a reason behind her actions. payton list did a wonderful job with tory, and i feel like she will have such a big impact in season 6. i honestly loved her so much and can’t wait to see more of her
Kenny— 6/10 okay kenny i get you were bullied and shit and good for you for standing up to your bullies but he really thought he was all that and frankly he was quite annoying in my opinion.
Kyler , Terry , Kim — -27277228282828/10 I hate them i hate them i hate them i hate them no explanation needed.
John Kreese— 3.5/10 you see i have major on the fence syndrome with him cause i see what he was doing and he kinda had a redemption arc ig ig ig but like he was a bitch in the movies and like like like idk terry is WAY WORSE THAN HIM like IDK HOW TO FEEL ABT KREASE LIKE HE CARED ABOUT JOHNNY AND STUFF ANF WE FOUFNBTHAT OUT W/ THE FLASHBACKS HELP I FEEL IMA GET ATTACKED FOR RHIS 😭😭
Demitri — 8/10 he was very annoying at first and judgy but then he joined karate and found his confidence and then became a bad bitch so i personally love like s 3/4/5 demitri
Anthony Larusso — same with anthony he was a little annoying brat in the first 4 seasons and then hr pulled through in season 5 soooo 4/10 bc he can’t make up for it that much ykwim?
Moon— Marry me moon ilysm you’re the sweetest <33 9.5/10
Aisha — 10/10 she was a bad bitch i loved her so much she legit broke some kids nose and her , hawk and miguel are my fav friend group trio ever. she gave yas a front wedgie like she DESERVED enough said i love aisha <3
Rose— Yaya I love her so much she is such a funny character 10/10 i loved her so much she cared for Miguel so so much <33
Carmen — 11/10 she is so so so so amazing and a wonderful mom and i’m so happy for her and and Johnny !! she also cared for Miguel and is such a wonderful mother <33
Stingray — legit comic relief , legit annoying ass bitch 5/10 no words needed
Shannon Keene — 2/10 she abandoned robby BUT she is trying to better herself and take care of herself and try and be a good mother figure for robby
Yasmine — 1/10 is she dating Demitri , yes , was she a fat shaming bully who legit was a horrible friend also yes.
Amanda LaRusso — she isn’t Kumiko , but she was funny and is like one of the only characters with common sense 7.5/10.
Devon Lee— idk i don’t really have a big opinion on her?? so i’m just gonna give her a 6/10 cause she joined the Eagle Fang and kicked ass buttt she also kinda gave me off vibes when she was in Cobra Kai.
Chosen — Absolute bad bitch 9/10 , we stan chosen in this household. he dragged Terry and we’re here for it!!! I loved his character so much and boy can he dance.
@mictodii @juneberrie
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lucysweatslove · 11 months
Vyvanse Day 4 today! Just took the 20mg.
Yesterday was my first day on 20mg, and I seemed to be doing okay. However, I somehow decided that a cold brew coffee (with ice so idk how many oz really) after the museum + 32oz Diet Dr. Pepper a few hours after that was a good idea. I didn’t finish all of the coffee (honestly, I forgot about it), but that’s still like 250mg of caffeine. One Ghost is 200mg, and a Rockstar is 160mg, and I can only handle like one of those in a day and I still get jittery (even before starting any ADHD med).
Suffice it to say, I did get some high HR notifications and in the afternoon I just felt… a little off I guess. I can’t quite explain it.
It was still much better/more tolerable than the Strattera. Ironic to me that a non-stimulant med was worse than the actual stimulant that turns into actual amphetamine via red blood cells*
It also didn’t seem to have much effect in keeping me awake or keeping me more “alert,” but it didn’t increase somnolence either? Like the Strattera had me taking 2 hour naps no matter what, but the Vyvanse at that dose didn’t seem to impact me on that front.
Attention wise, the jitteriness made it a little hard to focus on its own. I also just… decided I didn’t want to read. I finished an audiobook and got some online shopping done, though.
Today I am going to be mindful of my caffeine intake and only have some of a Rockstar (I just feel like I need something since even 2 hours after waking, I’m pretty tired this morning). Tomorrow I meet with the PMHNP again to check in, so I’d like to get a good feeling for how I’m doing on the 20s.
An annoying thing about these scheduled drugs: you can’t write for titration very well. For Vyvanse, my insurance has a dispensing limit of 30 pills every 30 days inclusive of strength. Idea being that it’s harder to share/sell them, or take more than intended, if you’re limited and cannot get more. Given that Vyvanse is available in 10mg increments you can technically do all titration with one pill/day. This works out well if you’re on an established dose or only going up 10mg or whatever in a month etc. The problem is that when you’re determining dose, especially when somebody is historically very sensitive, you’re stuck with the dose prescribed for as long as you have pills. I got 14 pills of 10mg for a 14 day supply, but I’m taking 20mg now, so I will “run out” of 10s before the end of the 14 days. They may not approve a new rx before 14 days, or only approve 16 pills until Aug 5, etc. And we may even want to go up to 30mg eventually which makes it hard to know how many pills to send in of the 20s and when. Which means I will NECESSARILY have to take the drug “not as prescribed” (skipping some days) until we find the right dose.
* I’m not kidding; Vyvanse is basically amphetamine with a lysine added to it, and the lysine part makes it relatively inactive. It goes into your blood, and there is an enzyme in red blood cells that will cleave the lysine away from the amphetamine and then you get the nice stimulant effect from the amphetamine! It’s designed this way because the cleaving is a slow step so it slows the rate you get dextroamphetamine, reducing a sharp high and abuse potential + somewhat increasing time of effect. Also should note that dextroamphetamine =/= methamphetamine. Methamphetamine has a small methyl group at the end (where Vyvanse has lysine) and this changes it a lot. Vyvanse primarily becomes dextroamphetamine via a very specific enzyme that only removes lysine (it won’t remove just the small methyl group). Much of methamphetamine is converted to a different amphetamine compound, not dextroamphetamine, so it’s *not* the same drug.
Also Vyvanse’s generic name is lisdexamphetamine: lis (lysine) + dex (dextro) + amphetamine. Generics do generally have a logic behind them yeah?
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minteacutie · 2 years
Fun Thoughts For Your Camp Au Needs
From a former camp councilor. (I worked at an all girls camp so thoughts may vary depending on what you want.)
-Being a camp Councilor is a high stress job.
-It is a 24 hr job where you are filling the role of these children's parents for these children for up to 1-2 weeks at a time. -We got 1 hr breaks every day, and 24 hr break depending on how long we were working. (24 hrs were usually for 2 week programs) -Like sleeping? Welcome to children waking you up in the middle of the night because they can’t sleep or had a nightmare. -It doesn’t matter how old children are they will scream bloody murder when they see a bug.
-There are lots of things to trip on in the woods, even when you’re being careful and have good shoes. -At the particular camp I worked at the councilors cabin was separate from the children's cabin. This is not all camps though.
-Most camps are broken up into units of children even co-ed camps they usually have more than one or two councilors, at the particular camp I worked at I think each had 4-5 councilors assigned to a unit. -This varies with the age of the kids older kids need less councilors but it’s still nice to have other people around to take over if you feel like you’re about to loose your mind.
-Some camps switch councilors between units so people don’t get cliquey others don’t it depends what you’re going for. Maybe you want cliques for drama.
-Sometimes a person has two jobs they are a councilor and they coordinate activities like archery, swimming, science, art, etc... Or they’re Unit leader responsible for scheduling activities and breaks -Some people refuse to take breaks which is technically illegal but it’s fine, and again great for drama. -Living in close quarters means if one person gets sick y’all probably gonna get sick. Not to mention you're working with lots of different children that rotate out, ya gonna get something. -Not mention allergies, especially if you work at a camp with horses, need I say more. -You’re not allowed to keep meds on you that aren’t inhalers or epi-pens for safety reasons so if you get sick or have allergies ya gotta suck it up and go to the nurse. This is all the stuff I could think of off the top of my head. Hopefully it’s helpful to someone. If anyone has any question drop into my ask box/DM’s I don’t mind answering. I’m having the strong urge to join the club write a steddie/fruity 4 camp councilor au, but I have prompts to finish first lol.
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robinruns · 2 years
Ok, let's see if I can get my thoughts from this weird ass day out of my head
I slept hard last night. Like I woke up enough at 6 to turn off my alarm, then half an hour later heard Kyle's alarm. I struggled to get going so I didnt go in early to do any overtime. When I got to work, I realized I left my phone at home. I don't think I woke up fully until 9:30. I had a meeting at 11 am and oof.
So my work does this wellness program and we didn't get the highest score this year because they now include mental health policies as a portion of the score. I brought up that it would be nice if we had designated mental health days, or clarity in the sick time policy that allows for taking time off due to mental health reasons.
Boomer Coworker: Well I could say it's really nice out and I need a mental health day on the golf course lololol
Me: I have days where I struggle to get out of bed due to depression, but I do because I'm not physically ill so I don't feel like I can call in. Sometimes my anxiety is so bad I'm feeling physically ill, but I don't feel like I can leave. Having a definitive policy that allows for time off for mental health reasons would be really helpful.
Coworker with a Brain: Thank you for sharing all that, we'll take that to (HR lady) and see what we can do
BC: Oh yea we can do that, I'm not totally heartless
No buddy, I know you're not, but you're a bit thick headed sometimes. I sent a follow up after the meeting to the coworker who has common sense and said if they want any opinions or input from someone that is Actually Mentally Ill, I'd be more than happy to help. I shouldn't have to put my fucking diagnoses out on the table to have what I'm saying be taken seriously, but here we are.
Then I went home for lunch, Kyle had the episode of IASIP where they're trying to get in to the World Series on and when he finished his work call said "I put this on because the regular channel had baseball on." He didn't see the irony until I pointed it out later.
Afternoon was super fast since I left early for therapy. I'm glad that we're not beating around the bush and just straight up saying the root of my problems is my non existent self worth. My "homework" for this time is to watch a YouTube video and come up with a list of consequences for things that don't have obvious consequences, such as "when I don't take the time to put away laundry, I end up feeling like shit and it exacerbates my already bad mental health."
The thing is, what consequence is there if I don't? Ha, suck on that Jordyn!!
God I wish I loved myself
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We then went to McDonalds for dinner and got Adult Happy Meals again, we've gotten 2 of the 4 (5?) Toys so far. I dunno if we're gonna try to collect them all but getting chicky nugs from McDonalds is so much easier than making dinner.
Then I laid on the couch and thought about how I should be editing a fic with the change to the backstory that I came up with recently. And watched more IASIP. And now I'm in bed.
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sewercentipede · 2 years
for ur post abt sleep recommendations:
try to go to bed at the same time every night. try to put ur phone down at least half an hour before bed. when you do wake up, lay in bed for a while doing nothing and try to go back to sleep but if you can’t, get out of bed and do something for a couple minutes. could be just getting a glass of water. your bed is where you sleep, so you want to associate it with bedtime - don’t do non bedtime activities in bed (work, tv, etc). be active during your waking hours, physically exhausting your body will make you need more sleep.
people often discount melatonin bc they’re not using it correctly. u need to take it half an hour to an hour before bed, and in that time you need to be winding down.
try to keep track of your REM cycles. most are 3-4 hours. if you’re not getting full REM cycles and you’re waking up in the middle of them, you’ll feel more tired the following day.
i’ve had kind of the same sleep problems in the past, and changing my habits is what’s helped me the most. basically make your brain associate certain things, times of day, places, etc, with just sleep. it helps keep your natural melatonin levels more even as you sleep. keep in mind this won’t be an immediate fix, it takes time.
o yay i ve been rly good about going to bed at the same time every night and making sure I’m not on my phone for a while before. maybe that’s why I fall asleep easily. when I wake up in the middle of the night I always assume I have to pee and drink water so I just do those things... then I get back into bed and usually, I’ll fall asleep. Then ill wake up later and do that all again except I’ll take a Xanax bc I no it’ll keep happening again. Then it does still, but bc of the Xanax I get an hour more sleep time before waking up. just sucks that I’ll still wake up repeatedly. without the Xanax it really is every single hour (1.5hrs usually really)
I think I keep waking up during whatever the light stage of sleep is, but before REM starts . idk tho—it’s like clockwork. 1.5hrs after falling asleep , I’m awake again.
u mention it takes time ..... so I wonder if maybe it’s bc I had a rly ficked up sleep schedule for like all of (possibly May?) June and some of July (really no schedule ; staying up till what ever time, usually between 5am and sunrise, waking up 3-4 hrs later cuz my body finished a cycle, then staying in bed for a little bit and falling asleep again for another cycle, and then immediately getting up , at which time it’d be 2pm). until 2 weeks ago I drastically n suddenly changed it to be in bed by midnight and get up out of bed by 10-10:30am. and have stuck to the new schedule every night.
So maybe I’m still adjusting to the change and 2 weeks is not long enough for my body to be used to it yet? maybe it rly is that simple
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altruisticenigma · 1 year
Wegovy Update!
**TW: weight loss, talking about weight, dieting*
Finished my month on 0.25 MG, and now I’m up to 0.5 MG!
On 0.25 MG:
- Side effects were the worst the first week. Usually after taking a dose, the effects were most felt after the first 2 days: no appetite, didn’t have cravings/didn’t eat much, very tired, and my metabolism was THROUGH THE ROOF. Like absolutely through the roof: before when exercising it felt like I had to go very extreme when working out to produce any results or get my BPM up. Now if I’m getting myself up to a moderate work-up, my BPM is at a healthy, easily obtainable range. Otherwise, I was mostly fine taking 0.25 MG. I’d gotten p good at self-injecting too!
-The dose began to wear out on me after week 3 or so. I began wanting to eat more and have minimal cravings again. I knew I’d probably need to go up a dose soon.
-I lost 4 lbs in a month!! 💃🏻🎉
On 0.5 MG:
-Currently I’m on week 2 of 0.5 MG. I skipped the initial dose when I was supposed to go up because I was going to travel internationally, and I didn’t want to 1) Travel with the pen and inject myself somewhere foreign and 2) Stress my body out more while traveling with foreign foods, jet lag, etc. On Wegovy you can skip/miss doses for a week so long as you get back on within 48 hrs the original dosing date. (I was gone for a week and a half- before I left I took my last 0.25 MG dose, skipped the week I was gone, and came back to take 0.5 MG!)
-On the first dose, I took it shortly after I got back to the US. The first few days I felt nothing much. Usual appetite loss, no cravings- but I felt like I ate MORE because I just got back to the US and was having to adjust back to eating. I could argue I was extremely tired/sleepy, but it could’ve been the jet lag.
-The days leading up to my next dose, I had stomach cramps and a loooot of bloating. Going to the bathroom hurt. It was surprising how much my symptoms changed. But after the bathroom I always felt better. Working out does help alleviate a bit of the stomach cramping/bloating.
-I just took my second week dose last night. Right now my stomach feels tight/sore, and I feel pretty tired. Right after any dose I feel pretty exhausted. I have NO appetite and I am not wanting to eat. I’m still making myself eat something nutritious with protein though.
Those are my updates with Wegovy. I seem to be finding success with it 💕 I plan on either getting a personal trainer or going to a weight training 101 class, because I honestly don’t know how to weight train my body effectively for several reasons lmao. I also need to see a doctor about my fucked up shoulder- I can’t effectively weight train because my left shoulder is wrecked, but I don’t want it to stop my progress.
I’ll keep posting every once in a while!
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finally finished an updated version of my resume.  sent it to two friends to check it out for edits and then i think i’m ready to begin applying again!
today i’m going to a baby shower for an old friend of mine.  she’s a year older and this is her first kid.  i’m happy for her!  it will be weird going to a gathering though, i’m not sure i will know many people there.  i am also not looking forward to to talking to anyone where they’ll ask “do you have any kids? oh you don’t?” and then immediately look pitifully at me.  sorry lady, kids aren’t for everyone and i don’t need your condescending attitude.  Well, i dunno if anyone will be like that, lol, let’s hope not.
my nails are a mess as i decided to save a buck and do them myself lol.
little foster pup is getting along well in the house.  he sleeps at the side of the bed.  he listens to “no” very well.  we walks well on the leash.  i walked stella and him together this morning and there was another person out walking their dog.  as expected, stella lost her shit, but he did not.  and when i was reprimanding stella with no’s he would sit and stare up at me lol.   i think he was definitely someone’s pet and that makes me sad.  someone lost him or couldn’t afford him and he ended up at the shelter and trucked up to IL from KY.  
the only thing that’s annoying is that he doesn’t like to be left alone.  he will whine and cry.  stella’s like you can stay down here by yourself i’m gonna go sleep on the couch to wait lol.  if she would stay downstairs with him, he *might* be quiet, but who knows.
i am very much considering keeping him and foster failing on this one.
i joined the church choir and we had our first practice this past monday.  uh you just had to volunteer and show up lol there was no tryout :)  there were a couple people who couldn’t make the practice, but it was literally 3 people who are/have been a cantor and 3 of us who have not lol.  4 women and 2 of them have been cantors lol.  i am singing an alto part and it hurts my brain a little to do it, but i love harmonizing.  the other lady singing alto with me is not so good, she’s sometimes not at all even singing what she’s supposed to be singing lol.  but, it was the first day and who knows maybe practicing at home she will get better.
my face is still recovering from the two weekends out in a row drinking.  there is a reason i don’t really drink - i am vain lol.  i’d rather not break out and have to deal with makeup and feeling like i look like trash.
oh a funny work story i want to document so i can laugh about it later.  my boss says oh i do have something hr related to talk to you about.  so&so reached out about taking out a 401k loan but they are maxed out and can’t take anymore.  if we had a bonus pool, would this person be someone you’d be giving a bonus?   it sounds like they want to take out money because of a wedding.  
UGH.  i was like - that is not something i need to know.  whether or not someone is in financial hardship or needs a 401k loan should not be in my mind when i’m trying to decide who would get bonuses and who would not.  i am wiping this out of my mind and i wish you didn’t tell me.  there are other people out there who might need money and maybe they just don’t say anything.  knowing this shouldn’t be part of the decision.
and then my boss proceeds to act offended and get mad at me.  cause HE is just trying to look out and take care of all his employees.  he won’t share this type of info with me going forward.
eye roll.
bonuses should be performance related and have nothing to do with your knowledge of whether or not they were trying to take out a 401k loan.  i shouldn’t even KNOW that she was trying to do so.  and for some reason he can’t even see how WRONG it was to tell me and ask me that.
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