#i have an incredible partner who loves and supports me and always jumps in to defend my craft and skills he is so handsome and good
emmaspolaroid · 1 year
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savedbythedrafts · 3 months
I have many thoughts about Bridgerton.
Was it the perfect season? Absolutely no.
But it quite honestly is my favorite season so far because it made me realise how the enemies-to-lovers trope has rotten my brain when this is what I want to see. Gentle love, best friends becoming partners.
Things that I absolutely loved this season:
-Pen's arc: In the book she gives up whistledown to become a romance author which is nice, but now we have a legitimate journalist in the house who has proved her accuracy at such a young age. People who are worried about how she's gonna get her info now that people are guarded? Um her main sources were always the maids and footmen and she is observant enough to run a column. Plus now that everyone knows who she is, people might anonymously send her reports (as happens in journalism) which gives her SO MUCH POWER. I am a journalist and I can't stress enough how incredible that is. I know book fans expected the last speech by Colin but imo her taking full control of her decisions and willingness to face the consequences makes it so much better.
-Eloise and Pen patch up: Both of them going to each other for comfort and support when the shit hit the fan made my heart warm. When Eloise comes back, I hope she knows herself a bit better and actually brings her grand ideas to reality.
-Benedict going about his viscount duties in absence of Anthony without the rage of responsibility whilst discovering his sexuality 10/10. Man was also fully involved in all of his siblings feuds, mainly whatever the fuck Gregory and Hyacinth were upto. CUTE. Actually shoutout to all the Bridgertons, they were so perfectly chaotic.
-THe FEATHERINGTONS OMG: I am the youngest daughter of my family as well as the black sheep- so unpredictable, unconventional that no one in my family gets me. That's why I relate to Pen so much and I'll defend her to death. To see the sisters and Portia realise Pen's worth made me sob. Phillipa saying I hope my daughter becomes a writer? Cherry on cake. But Portia opening up to Pen and being vulnerable and proud at the same time was so bloody well done.
-Polin: Fans being livid about the lack of spice in part 2 (minus the incredible sex scene in ep 5) is understandable but I blame the marketing for it, not the showrunners. Over the course of part 1, we saw Colin's relationship with intimacy change drastically. His want for connection becomes a necessity and if they just jumped into angry sex without actually resolving anything, it would have ruined his character development. I think it's the incredible chemistry between Nic and Luke in general and the heavy emphasis on the horniness during the press tour left the fans understandably wanting for more. But in general, their romance felt quite authentic. The Pride and Prejudice 'dancing in the room alone' callback, goofing around in the church, Colin coming to terms with what Whistledown meant to the ton and himself, Penelope's newfound confidence thanks to Colin's frequent words of affirmation, it was all good.
Things I would change to make this season better (this is turning into a full article now but read ahead if you have been here so far):
-The bloody editing: Pardon my french but why the fuck Benedict's prolonged threesome scenes not edited out? He has a whole season coming up so I don't understand so much focus on that weirdly edited scene amidst the drama. Just one shot of establishing his pansexuality (or bi but I am hoping it's pan) would have been enough? I love Ben, he is my favorite brother but this gave me the ick. To think these 3-4 minutes could have been used to extend the last Polin intimate scene. We could have had a good 5 minutes of Pen topping Colin after the BIG REVEAL but noooo. Even the subplots should have been kept short and sweet. Unlike some fans, I am not completely against the inclusion of the Mondrich family, Cressida's back story, the build up to Benedict's and Fran's actual stories, and more. But I believe too much footage was given to these even though the show clearly focuses on one couple per season. Get your shit together Shonda, this is not 20 episode Grey's anatomy, we can't focus on EVERYONE.
-Colin's anger after the wedding: Now I understand why he didn't want to have the wedding night given the stressful circumstances but him being angry till Francesca's wedding made no sense. How I would have written the resolution would have been something like this- In the hours before Rae leaves the house at night, Colin would have been reading the letters, figuring out how Pen is so whistledown at core (like he actually does the very next day but in absence of Pen). And instead of coming into the room to get a blanket, he could have brought in his own manuscript, asking her to read it as promised and taking up her offer to let her edit. This scene was literally in the book and was so easy to adapt. I would give my left kidney to see Colin sitting near Penelope, watching her powerful writing in action. Again, no spice required, just this. This would have made Pen's 'just love me' speech to Colin so good, but alas!
-Cressida: This is the arc I am most pissed off about. Eloise's reconciliation with Pen was great but completely abandoning Cressida to misery was so outta pocket. I realise Eloise is still not a fully realised character and is barely 20 (she's just a girl) but she was always kind. If I was writing Cressida's arc, I would have had Eloise come to her rescue at the end by borrowing some money from Pen and helping Cressida escape to Vienna or better Scotland. I highly doubt Pen would have minded if she knew how similar both of their circumstances were. I detested Cressida in the books because I'll be honest the books were pretty two dimensional with no real character development and just grand gestures (I'll understand if you come for me but this is how I feel, sorry). But the show made me care for her and I wished she could have found some happiness in life.
Overall, I'll rewatch it because the tiny details were so good this season I believe I can relish those till the next season. And I'll miss Polin immensely. But Shonda please, you can do better.
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harryscherrypie · 2 years
Tinder men can't do it like you do.
summary - Your friends' constant nagging gets to you, and you and Harry cross the friends and lovers line when you drunkenly confess your thoughts to him. This leads to the loss of your virginity.
wordcount - 5,5k
warnings - full-on smut, alcohol (no smut under the influence) nothing else
a/n - it is heree. THANK YOU for 1000 followers, thank you for supporting me on my journey here, it means the world to me. This is my thank you to you.
Like and reblog please, it helps the blog :)
You never understood the pressure everyone was under when it came to losing your virginity. Ever since you were a teenager the people you were surrounded with put more worth on the thing than you thought it had.
Fast forward to your 20s, you became too busy with college and didn’t have time to think about relationships, or losing your virginity for that matter. Only when you settled into your life after college, you started to think you were maybe a bit too late.
You would listen to your friends talk about their sex lives with their partners while you quietly sat there and listened awkwardly. You never even had a proper boyfriend. Sure, there was Dean back in high school when you were 16, but that only lasted for 2 months before he dumped you for a more popular girl. You weren’t hurt or anything, you focused on your studies and didn’t mind being single.
But when you tell someone, at 24, that you’ve never had a proper boyfriend and never even properly kissed, it got you a few pitiful glances and sad smiles.
You’ve had enough of it if you were being honest with yourself. You just wanted to get it over with, and you did an unimaginable thing, something, you never thought about before. You downloaded Tinder.
You matched with about 20 men, each more sleazy than the one before him. After 2 months of trying a man who was at least a tiny bit respectful and not some weirdo, you gave up on this option.
When you complained to your friends, they all gave you the same answer.
“Just ask Harry,”
You always scowled at this reaction. Of course, they would say that. They were absolutely in love with Harry, and who could blame them, you were too after all.
You didn’t like hearing it, mainly because you fantasized about it quite a lot when you were alone. You couldn’t help it, you were quite smitten. You always thought about what it would be like to lose your virginity to Harry. Would he be gentle? Would he try to make you laugh? You often tortured yourself with these pictures, only to get your heart cracked when you realized it would never happen.
The rain pattered on your umbrella as you rushed through the street, trying to get to the club. Harry was finally back in London, and the two of you decided to get together for some drinks. You shook the umbrella a bit when you got under the patio of the club and showed the bouncer your id.
You walked in, looking around, searching for the booth Harry reserved. You were incredibly nervous, your stomach churning a bit. It was only you and Harry tonight, as he said he wanted to catch up with just you alone.
You looked around for a few moments before you spotted a mop of curly hair in the crowd, coming closer to you.
He looked amazing. His hair was a bit longer than the last time you saw him, making the curls more defined. He was wearing a pair of high-waisted trousers with a barely buttoned shirt.
“There you are,” he shouted over the music and pulled you into him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, burrowing his face into your shoulder, staying like this for a while.
“I missed you,” he mumbled into your ear, making sure you heard him. His hot breath on your ear made you shiver and goosebumps erupted all over your skin.
“I missed you too, let’s go sit down,” You pulled back and shouted at him. He nodded, signaling he heard you over the loud music and pulled you toward the booth he reserved for the two of you. You sat down on the cushioned sofa and Harry nearly jumped on top of you, immediately grabbing and trapping you in a tight hug.
“It was a terror without you,” he sighed dramatically and you giggled at his antics.
“For me too, I couldn’t properly sleep or eat or function without you,” you cried jokingly, making Harry chuckle.
“Let’s get drunk now, we’ll talk then,” Harry jumped up.
“So you just wanted to get drunk with me, and not ask me how I’ve been,” you glared at him.
“I like talking better when we are drunk, you are more fun that way,” he winked and pulled you from the couch towards the bar.
The whole world was spinning. You were sprawled out on the sofa with a fruity drink in your hand, trying to slow the room down.
“I don’t think I can do more, I’ll probably pass out if I do,” you complained loudly and Harry giggled. He had a better alcohol tolerance than you ever had.
“I can still do some more, give me the drink,” Harry reached over and took your drink from your hand. The limb fell to the velvet material of the couch and you stroked your fingers up and down the fabric.
“I haven’t gotten drunk in so long, I didn’t want to drink much during the tour,” Harry spoke up and you turned your head towards him.
“Me neither, it’s no fun being drunk when it’s not with you,” you closed your eyes in bliss after the room finally stopped spinning.
“Oh yeah, that’s why we are here, let’s catch up,” Harry laid down on the same couch as you, making your heads bump together.
“Any luck with the Tinder thing you told me about?” He asked and you vigorously shook your head.
“No, all of them were dicks, plus my friends were being stupid and I never really went through with it,” You confessed, playing with your fingers above your face.
“What did they tell you again?” He sighed disapprovingly. You knew how he felt about your friends. Most of them weren’t very supportive of anything you did in your life if it was even slightly different than what they would’ve done.
You were quiet for a while, wondering if you should tell him what they kept telling you in the past few months.
“They told me I should go to you,” you mumbled quietly, feeling your whole face heat up.
“What do you mean,” he mumbled.
“They told me I should ask you to take my virginity because I quote ‘you are hot’,” you dumped all of the information on him, slightly regretting it the moment it left your mouth.
Harry stayed quiet for a while, only letting out quiet puffs of breath. You went to sit up and look at him when he spoke up.
“Would you want to?” he asked quietly.
‘What?’ your eyes bulged and you sat up as quickly as you could without getting sick.
You looked at Harry, immediately noticing the bright blush coating his cheeks.
‘Was he serious?’
You stared at each other for a few long moments before Harry sat up as well and asked once again.
“Would you want to?”
This time, his words weren’t as slurred as they were before, indicating that this exchange sobered him up as much as it did you.
“I-I, what?” you stuttered, still not understanding what he wanted to hear from you.
“It’s just a question, you don’t have to answer, but just to let you know, if you would like to, I wouldn’t mind, not at all actually, but again only if you wanted to, I mean…” Harry stuttered and blushed even harder than before.
‘What the fuck was happening,’
You sat up straight and continued to stare at him, heart beating at a rapid pace. This can’t be happening. Did you drink something you weren’t supposed to? What the fuck.
“(y/n), look, I’m sorry I know it was a stupid thing to say, let’s just forget about it him?” He nervously asked.
“This isn’t really happening is it?” you spoke up quietly. Harry looked at you confused and scooched closer to you. He put an arm around you and pulled you closer to him.
“Tell me what’s going through your mind,” he pleaded.
“I’m fucking shocked, that’s what’s happening,” you laughed and dragged your hand lightly over your face, careful not to mess up your makeup.
“Whenever I heard that I should come to you, I always had to keep telling myself that I really shouldn’t, because you would never do that for me, and now, you suddenly say this,” you confessed.
You looked over to Harry, carefully studying his expression. He calmly looks over at you and asks again.
“Would you want to?”
You looked him in the eye and nodded your head.
“Yeah, I would,” he took your hand in his and rubbed a few soft circles into your wrist.
“Tomorrow?” He asked making you almost choke on your saliva.
“Like, would you want to do it tomorrow?” He asked again.
You were pretty sure you were going to pass out.
“Sure,” you choked out, the spinning from before suddenly returning.
You sat side by side for a while, the silence eating both of you.
“Look, if you don’t want to, we can forget about this and never talk about this ever again, I promise it won’t be awkward,” Harry spoke out again.
“No, I want this, I’m just kind of in shock that it’s happening, and I’m slightly nervous” you laughed nervously.
“You don’t have to be, It’s just me,” Harry smiled and squeezed your hand gently.
“Let’s get you home and we’ll text in the morning to see if you are still sure about this,” Harry stood up and pulled you up with him, already ordering an uber to take the two of you home.
You woke up hungover the next morning. Wrapped up in your sheets, you squirmed as the sun coming through the windows burned your eyes. Sighing and annoyed, you roughly turned around, back facing the window as you shut your eyes until you saw galaxies.
The phone on your nightstand vibrated, making you curse whoever was texting you at this hour of the day. You groaned, roughly grabbing the phone and yanking the charger out of it.
Harry <3:
Hey, love, good morning :), are we still on today? Wanted to check in, in case you decided against it (that would be totally fine btw). So yeah, text me when you wake up.
You screwed your eyes shut. You’ve almost forgotten the conversation you had at the club yesterday. You thought about it for a bit. While he seemed very enthusiastic the night before, you weren’t sure he would be up to it when he woke up. Seemed you were wrong.
Hey, H, just woke up, if you are 100% sure, then we are still on. But can we meet at yours? My place is a mess. And when?
You sent the chaotic message, rubbing your eyes roughly.
The three dots appeared for a little while, indicating that he was typing his message.
Harry <3:
Of course, how about you come in the evening, we can have some light dinner and watch a movie so we won’t be as stressed, hm?
God, he was the sweetest, always thinking 3 steps ahead.
Okay, yeah, that sounds nice. I’ll be around 6 xx
With that, you threw your phone against the mattress, groaning. You shouldn’t have drunk so much.
You were so immersed in the movie you totally forgot why you came over to Harry’s in the first place. You lay in front of him, pushed up against his chest.
Harry was running his hands up and down your side through the whole movie, not making you think about what he was doing.
The less intense part of the movie started when you felt Harry softly pepper kisses around your neck. You shuddered from the feeling, grabbing Harry’s hand on your hip tightly.
“You okay?” He huskily whispered into your ear and you nodded quickly.
“I want to get you a little bit more relaxed, this is supposed to feel nice, not nerve-wracking or as something you need to be scared of,” Harry explained and continued to kiss down your neck. You nodded once more and melted into the nice feeling of Harry’s lips on your skin.
He continued to pepper little kisses around the sensitive skin of your neck, easing you into the feeling more and more.
“We should go to the bedroom, it’s going to be a bit better than on the couch,” Harry interrupted his kisses. You nodded absentmindedly and raised your weight off of him to let him stand up. As he straightened his back he groaned a little bit, making you giggle.
“Don’t laugh at me, ‘m almost 30,” he pouted and quickly slipped his hands under your body, raising you into the air and moving in the direction of the bedroom.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, and hooked your chin on his shoulder, listening to his calm breathing. You were calm, not nervous like you thought you would be, but everything was simple with him.
He opened the door to his bedroom with his free fingers and walked in, shutting the door behind him with his bum. He walked forward until his knees hit the bed and slowly laid you down on his bed. You stared at each other for a few moments before you burst out laughing. You giggled together for some time before you calmed down.
“See? Not so bad, not serious as well,” Harry pointed out and you grinned widely. He gently brushed his fingertips down your cheek.
“Y’ so pretty, never tell you as much as I should,” he whispered.
“Stop,” you looked away, insides turning into one mush.
“’S true though,” he whined jokingly and kissed your cheek lightly.
“Can we continue now?” You asked shyly.
“Eager now, are we?” He teased and wiggled his eyebrows.
You slapped his shoulder lightly and rolled your eyes.
“Don’t get cocky now, or I’ll get up and leave,” you threatened jokingly.
“Sorry, sorry, did not mean to do that, forgive me?” He asked, giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
“Just because it’s you, I guess we can do that,” you smiled and looked up at him and into his eyes.
“Let me kiss you,” he whispered and you nodded, without even having to think about it.
He moved closer. You could feel his breath on your lips and he stopped moving for a few moments, just to give you time to back off, if you needed it. But you knew, you were ready and wanted to do this. With him.
When your lips pressed together, it was like a breath of fresh air filling your lungs. You moved your lips together slowly, the intimacy of the moment making your head spin. Subconsciously, you opened your mouth just a tiny bit, which gave Harry the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. You whined into his mouth, enjoying the almost new feeling.
You separated after a few minutes, both of you needing air.
“You doing okay?” Harry asked as he watched your dazed expression.
“Yeah, it’s just, nice,” you mumbled and turned your head away from him, still feeling shy.
“Don’t turn away from me, how am I supposed to kiss you hmm?” He teased. You rolled your eyes at his cliche words.
You turned to look at him with a smirk.
“Where did you get that from huh?”
“Don’t laugh at me or I’ll cancel my offer,” He warned.
“Sure, and miss the chance to get your dick wet? I don’t think so,” You pointed out.
“How dare you? Paint me out as some sort of a man whore, I am truly wounded,” He gasped and clutched his chest, faking hurt.
“Instead of complaining, you should kiss me,” you giggled at him.
“Yeah, what a great suggestion,” he murmured before he connected your lips in a sweet kiss. This kiss stayed sweet and didn’t turn into a heated make-out session like the last one.
“Can we go further now?” you murmured against his lips.
He nodded wordlessly and raised his weight off of you.
“Let’s take your clothes off hmm? I think that is a good start,” he smiled.
“Sit up for me,” he ordered gently and you complied, quickly sitting up.
You raised your arms and he swiftly took off your shirt, leaving you in a cute lacy bra you picked out specifically that morning.
“God, you look so beautiful,” Harry groaned at the sight of you and didn’t waste any time pushing you back and latching his mouth on your newly exposed skin. He sucked a hickey above the top of your bra while his fingers explored the rest of your naked torso, from the bottom of your bra over your stomach, and up to the waistline of your sweatpants.
He pulled off with a wet pop sounding through the bedroom as he eyed the angry red patch appearing on your skin.
“So pretty,” he whispered. He kissed around your skin for a few more moments, enjoying the little whines that he pulled from you. His fingers crept up from the front to your back, toying with the clasp of your bra. He tugged on it for a bit before the clasp had come off. He pulled the bra straps off your shoulders and tossed it somewhere in the room.
The temperature in the room made goosebumps erupt all over your skin and you wrapped your arms around yourself, in order to hide from the cold, but also Harry’s stare.
“Don’t hide from me, I want to see you,” He kissed the skin above your breasts as if to coax you to remove your hands. You took a deep breath and slowly let go of your flesh, exposing yourself to him. You lay under him, bare and vulnerable, waiting for him to do something.
“So, so, beautiful, baby,” he praised as he took one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking lightly, while he rolled the other one between his finger. Overwhelmed with the new feeling, you threw your head back against the soft sheets below you, moaning softly and gripping the fabric underneath your body, as you arched your back, pushing your skin even closer to his mouth.
“So good, H,” you mumbled and brought your hand up to tangle in his curls, tugging at the roots when his teeth grazed your nipple in a particular way.
“Gonna make you feel so good,” he murmured against your skin before he peppered soft kisses anywhere he could reach.
His hand started to explore.
Caressing your skin with feather-light touches until he got to the upper part of your thigh, gently kneading your skin, making you shiver with anticipation and jittery with nerves.
“Gonna have to prepare you for me, love, so I won’t hurt you,” he explained, gently kissing your cheek. You nodded, even though your racing mind barely understood his words.
He moved away from the skin of your chest, admiring the red patches he left on your skin with a grin playing on his lips.
“Oh, don’t look so smug,” you laughed breathlessly.
“Have to take my time to admire,” he joked and moved up your body so you were face to face again. You decided you could stay like this forever, with his weight laid on top of your body, feeling his warmth. He didn’t waste any time and pressed his lips to yours once again, the kiss feeling more urgent than before.
He did this while the hand on your thigh continued to caress the soft skin. As your lips continued to kiss, his hand slipped into your underwear, immediately sliding his fingers through your slit.
“God, so wet for me already,” he groaned against your lips, breaking your kiss for a little while.
He gathered your wetness, moving it up to your clit, starting to draw small circles with the tip of his finger around the nub.
You shuddered out a shaky breath, your head falling against Harry’s shoulder closest to your head.
“H,” you whimpered, your hands shooting up, wrapping around his torso and gripping the material of his shirt tightly.
“M’ here lovie, hold on to me,” he whispered to you, kissing your temple, the only part of your face which was not completely burrowed in his neck due to the pleasure you found yourself in.
You let out a quiet moan as he dipped the tip of his middle finger in you.
“Tell me if it becomes too much, I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered against your lips, pressing his forehead against yours.
“I trust you, Harry,” you murmured, looking into his eyes intently.
He kissed your lips quickly, and sweetly, nodding his head.
With one hand, he spread your legs as much as he could, whispering that he needed as much space as he could have.
Kissing your lips one more time, he moved down your body, placing kisses here and there. Hooking his fingers in your underwear, he gently tugged them down.
“Hips up, please,” he kissed your thigh as he ordered.
You raised your hips up and felt the soft fabric slide down your legs, leaving you completely bare in front of him. Your first instinct was to close your legs, but Harry was quicker and grabbed you by your knees before they could touch.
“Nu-uh, darling, legs opened for me,” he nipped the soft skin of your thigh in a warning.
You went to say something in response, but your breath got caught in your throat when Harry put his mouth on you. Licking into you, he made you see stars just with his tongue. You’ve never felt this kind of pleasure, never before have you thought that someone other than you could bring you so much pleasure.
“Taste so good baby,” he groaned against you.
You mewled out his name, bucking your hips into his face, trying to get even closer. Harry pined your hips down to the bed with his hand, making you whine in disappointment.
“Hold still for me, and let me do my job,” he murmured against you, making a bolt of pleasure run up your spine.
Blinded by pleasure, your hands sneaked into Harry’s curls, tugging him closer to you.
You fought the invisible force that tried to close your eyes, you looked at Harry, and the sight alone made you almost come right there and then.
With his eyes shut tightly, Harry ate you out vigorously, hips softly bucking against the soft of the mattress, trying to relieve the hardness in his sweatpants.
A knot formed in your stomach the more Harry licked into you, making you chase your quickly approaching orgasm by squeezing your thighs around his head, afraid he was going to move away. You thought you would last a little bit longer, but as soon as he moved his mouth to wrap around your clit, you were gone. As he first suckled on your clit, an orgasm came rippling through you, spasms making you twitch.
“Oh God, oh God,” you panted as you cradled your fingers through Harry’s hair. He laid his head against your thigh catching his breath as well.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly, grabbing your hand and holding it tightly.
“Yeah, just… wow,” you laughed.
“Good?” Harry asked teasingly as he raised himself from his position and lay beside you.
“Yeah, good,” you grinned up at him.
“Let’s do a pause for water yeah? Need to keep you hydrated,” he kissed your forehead and stretched to get a water bottle from his nightstand.
He let you drink from it, fussing over you so you wouldn’t accidentally choke on the water.
When you were done drinking, Harry took a few small gulps, before he tossed it to the carpeted floor.
He turned back to you.
You opened your arms smiling. Harry didn’t waste any time and cuddled you.
“Do you want to continue? Or are we done?” He asked kindly, kissing your jawline.
“I want to continue, I’m just a little… scared,” you admitted. He shook his head.
“No need to be, I’m here, I’ll take care of you,” he whispered against your lips.
You nodded, kissing him passionately.
Harry shifted to rest his weight on top of you, grabbing you by the waist.
Sneaking your hands underneath his shirt, you raked your nails against the skin of his chest, making him whimper under his breath.
“Want me to get that off?” He asked breathlessly, making you nod eagerly.
He raised to his knees, quickly ridding himself of the shirt before he dropped back on top of you, making you jump on the mattress a little bit.
“I should make you come again, with just my fingers hm? Would you like that?” He mused as he traced your collarbone with his pointer finger, making goosebumps erupt all over your skin. You shook your head, desperately straining your neck to get a chance to connect your lips to his once again.
“No? What would you like if not my fingers?” Harry teased, looking all innocent.
You desperately whined, clumsily grinding against his clothed groin.
“Words, love,” he grinned evilly, making you whine once more.
“I want you inside me, I want your cock,” you choked out, making him chuckle.
“Alright, love, let me get my clothes off, I’m done teasing,” he smiled, lightly kissing your forehead, making you breathe out a sigh of relief.
Harry stood up. He undid the knot on his sweatpants and let them pool around his ankles, standing in front of you only in his underwear.
He slid the fabric down his legs quickly, finally letting you see him naked.
Your jaw dropped slightly in surprise and astonishment, letting out a quiet breath. You felt arousal pool in your stomach, feeling a twisting motion inside you.
“You okay?” He smirked, clearly knowing what he was doing to you. You found it in you to nod slightly, eyes never leaving Harry’s figure.
He reached over to the nightstand, fishing around for a while before he pulled out a foiled packet. He moved back onto the bed, sitting on his knees as he opened the condom package carefully.
As he went to put the condom on, you reached out in a moment of bravery.
“Can I try?” You asked, eyes wide, making Harry groan quietly. He only nodded, carefully passing you the condom.
“God,” he choked out as you slowly pumped him in your hand.
You raised to your knees, mimicking Harry’s position. You grabbed the condom properly before you started to carefully roll it down his length.
“That’s good baby, that’s so good,” he whispered, panting, once the condom was on. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you in, closer to his body.
He grabbed all over your body, every curve, anywhere he could reach. After a few moments, he gently laid you down, staying on top of you, with his weight resting solely on his arms. Oh god, what you wanted for those arms to do to you.
Harry placed his forehead against yours, breathing you in.
“Alright yeah?” He confirmed once more. You nodded breathlessly.
“This might hurt you for a little while, tell me if you want to stop, I don’t want to hurt you, love, wouldn’t forgive myself,” he whispered, tenderly thumbing at the skin of your waist.
You wrapped all of your limbs around him, arms around his torso, and your legs around his hips, your heels digging into his back.
You took a few deep breaths, softly nodding at him to go on.
He ran his cock through your folds, gathering your wetness as lubrication. He pumped his cock a few times, ragged breaths escaping his pretty lips before he pushed his tip inside you.
He continued to push himself inside of you inch by inch, kissing your lips, trying to distract you from the pain you were feeling.
“Doing so good for me, so proud of you,” he whispered and kissed away the stray tears that escaped your eyes.
“It hurts,” you mumbled as you shifted to open your legs a bit more.
You whimpered in pain, as he settled against you, placing your forehead against yours.
He continued to fill you up, pushing himself into you more and more.
Once completely inside you, he strangled out a soft moan, brushing his lips against the delicate skin of your neck. You scratched down his back as you continued to adjust to his size, making him groan in pleasure.
“You feel so good,” he murmured.
You were in heaven. With Harry buried inside of you, feeling him everywhere, you never truly understood just how touch-starved you were until now. You never wanted this to end, wanting to stay here forever. Wrapped in his fancy sheets with no clothes, feeling him all around, your senses filled with him.
“H, move, please,” you pleaded as you bucked your hips against his, trying to get him to move. He nodded mindlessly, clearly drunk on the pleasure you were providing.
Lazily, he rocked his hips into you, testing the waters.
You let out a gasp of his name, as you dug your fingers into the skin of his back.
“Fuck, feeling better than I had ever imagined,” he grunted into your skin, his hips thrusting against you more roughly.
His hand glided down your body, teasing touches only adding to your pleasure. A jolt of electricity ran through you as he touched your clit, rubbing soft circles into it.
You threw your head back, cursing under your breath.
“Good, yeah?” Harry asked breathlessly, the rhythm of his hips stuttering slightly.
“Mhm,” you nodded, eyes closed in bliss.
Drunk on the pleasure, you captured Harry’s lips in a rough kiss, breathing heavily against him.
“Feel so good, H, you make me feel so good,” you sighed dazed.
Harry’s rhythm quickened. His thrusts got rougher, your moans syncing with the rhythm of his hips as he stroked and brushed the spongy wall of your g-spot.
Your walls fluttered against his cock in response, as you cried out into the stillness of his bedroom.
With his hips snapping against yours roughly, the only thing you could do was hold onto him, and take all of the pleasure he was giving you. His thrusts were more precise and more confident, his hips drawing out every single stroke, only prolonging your pleasure.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come quicker than I would like to if you keep squeezing me like that,” he moaned into your neck.
His whimpers made your stomach clench. Something about having a man whine out of pleasure because of you made you slightly dizzy.
“H,” you called out. “M’close,” you slurred, lightheaded from the pressure of your impending orgasm.
Harry’s fingers on your clit faltered before he nodded and rubbed you a little bit faster, wanting to get you to your orgasm quickly, because he wasn’t sure he could last any longer.
Everything went white.
You were almost certain you died for a while as your orgasm raged through you. You heard Harry come a few seconds after you did, slumping against you, whispering soft praises into your ears.
You closed your eyes for what felt like a few seconds before you felt the mattress dip beside you. This made you open your eyes, meeting Harry’s slightly concerned gaze.
“Are you okay?” he questioned while opening up a new pack of wet wipes.
You only nodded, not trusting your voice just yet.
“My sweet girl, you did so good,” he cooed as he kissed your forehead. You shivered, suddenly aware of the cold air in the room.
“Let me quickly wipe you down, and we can get under the covers,” he asked and you nodded absent-mindedly, opening your legs to let him slip in between.
You hissed as the cold of the wipe made contact with your skin, jerking away from his hand.
“Sorry, sorry, almost done, just a little bit, we can rest for a while after that,” Harry reassured.
He quickly threw away the wet wipe and rushed to his bed, to you. He bundled you up in a soft blanket before he laid down, taking you into his arms. Gently kissing your forehead, he placed your head against his shoulder.
“Did I do good?” you asked meekly, eyes swimming with sleep.
“Of course, my best girl,” he smiled.
“You did well too, I really enjoyed it, it was everything I ever thought it would be,” you beamed, cuddling closer to him.
“Me too,” he sighed.
“You said that it felt better than you had imagined, did you mean it?”
“Every word, we can talk later but now, close your eyes for a few minutes, we have all the time in the world after you wake up, I’ll be here,” he smoothed his hand down your hair.
“You have a point,” you agreed, yawning, as you fell into a well-deserved slumber.
My first proper smut is here, it is a bit wobbly and weird in my opinion, but I hope you still like it. Feedback is very appreciated.
Take care <3
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wizardnaturalist · 1 month
I am not about to sit here and claim that any work is above reproach, but so many criticisms of RENT are either directly addressed within the show or are just. not true. and this perennial discourse about how Problematic it is annoys me, so here we go
Why don't they just pay the rent?
are you kidding me
did you watch the show??
they don't have any money
the situation established at the beginning is that Benny has allowed them to stay in their apartment rent free for the past year because Roger was unable to work and he and Mark wouldnt be able to afford living expenses as well as Roger's medication otherwise.
Benny then tells them that unless they break up Maureen's protest, they will not only have to immediately start paying rent, they will also have to pay back the entire previous year's rent or else be evicted
needless to say if you ware barely scraping by, you do not have a year's worth of rent and then some just sitting on hand
Mark was cosplaying poverty, he could've gone back to his parents' house at any time.
all we know about Mark's parents from canon is that theyre pushy and he doesnt want to live with them. We don't know any details of their living situation or home life
but even if he would have been fine moving back home, it would have meant abandoning both the community he had grown into, and Roger.
Roger literally had not left the apartment since April died, and was not well enough to work to support himself at the time. Mark leaving would mean leaving Roger without support.
Mark's view of the homeless is often voyeuristic and expoitative.
the conflict between Mark's comparatively privileged upbringing and the poverty amongst which he now lives is a major part of his character
remember when that homeless lady told him to fuck off
that didnt just slip in by accident
The whole show is about not being able to afford things, and then Mark quits his job for his Ideals.
Mark was not entirely jobless before being employed at the magazine. He wasn't going from having a job to unemployment. He always had money for food, clothes, medication, etc., even if it was tight
he just wasn't employed in his field. it wasnt a question of Having A Job or Not; it was about whether Mark was willing to accept the chance to get closer to making a living off of his art, even if it went against his morals, or whether he could be content carving out filmmaking for himself in a way that felt right
I thought Jonathan Larson was gay and died of AIDS.
not his fault??
neither Larson nor his estate ever claimed either of those things, you just jumped to a conclusion and made it everyone elses' problem
I can't believe this is a common "criticism"
A straight man has no right to write about the AIDS epidemic.
I dont know how to tell you this, but AIDS is not a gays-only disease. what are you, a politician from 1986?
RENT was not about being gay, it was about the disease. Roger, Mimi, Mark, and Benny- half the main cast- are all straight as far as the audience is aware. other than gay people, the most at-risk groups at the time were IV drug users, sex workers, people of colour, and impoverished people, all of whom are represented in the show
Larson may not have had AIDS, but many of his friends and loved ones did, and died of it. how incredibly callous to say that someone cannot write about the tragedy they personally lived through, just because they are not of the demographic you most associate with it
Larson plagiarized the whole cast and all the major story beats from Sarah Shulman's People in Trouble.
this is one that cropped up on tiktok a couple years ago
have you read the book?
I have
the only similarities are that they are both about poverty and AIDS in New York, and there are characters who cheat on their partners. that's it.
it's like saying Veep plagiarized The West Wing because theyre both about white house staffers. or like those guys who claim any fantasy story featuring swords and the hero's journey is a Star Wars ripoff. it' absurd.
RENT is directly and openly based off the opera La Bohème by Puccini, as well as incorporating autobiographical elements from Larson's life
stop just repeating things you hear
in conclusion: there are real criticisms and analyses to be had with RENT, but these are not them
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911 Lone Star Countdown Tag Game--Found Family Week
(1) What is your favorite 911 Lone Star Found Family moment?
It's incredibly difficult to choose just one...so I'll choose a few!
4x09 has a couple great ones, like the look on Marjan's face when she realizes that her 126 family has come to find her and the moment when the doctor asks who is there for Marjan and everyone in the waiting room raises their hands🥺
I also adore the moment at the end of 1x10 when TK tells the other firefighters about his addiction and the fact that he's realized that this what he wants to do and these are the people he wants to do it with. It's so beautiful the way he's met with nothing but love, support, and a group hug 🥺
Another favorite is in 2x08 with TNT. The way Tommy does everything she can to protect TK and Nancy and the way they work together to keep themselves safe and get out of that hostage situation always makes me emotional. I liked Tommy from her first appearance, but this is what made me really love her.
(2) Which platonic pairing/friendship dynamic are you most looking forward to seeing again in season 5?
So many to choose from again! Probably the one I'm most looking forward to is Owen and Carlos, especially after the events of the end of season 4 and the fact that they're officially family now. I really hope we'll get at least one good father/son-in law moment in the limited screen time of a 12 episode season.
One of my favorite dynamics on the show is TNT, so that's another one I'm really looking forward to. From BTS it looks like we're getting a lot of TNT and I can't wait to see how that plays out! Ronen has said it's the "most iconic TNT season," so I'm very excited to see what the hell that means! There should also be some interesting dynamic shifts as well with Captain Nancy for at least part of the time.
I'm also particularly excited to see Paul and Marjan and how things play out with them as they compete for Judd's position. They're both passionate and competitive but they love each other a lot, so I can't wait to see how the whole thing gets resolved.
(3) If you could pick one Lone Star character to be friends with, who would you choose?
I would have to choose TK. He's so sweet and would clearly be a kind and compassionate friend. He's the sort of person who would just be fun to be around. Also, he has a really hot husband who he would talk about nonstop, which would be adorable.
(4) Which would you rather attend: Catan night at the loft or game night at the Ryder house?
If I'm choosing based on which group I'd rather actively join in with, it would probably be the Ryder house. I think game night at the Ryder house is a little more casual. I've never played Catan in my life and I'm not really a game player to begin with. I think it would be a bit intimidating to try to jump in and play with those competitive Catan devotees. They take it way too seriously for me 😂 However, if I'm choosing which one I'd rather be a silent observer of, it would be Catan night without a doubt! I think that would be far more entertaining to watch.
(5) A character of your choice ends up in jail. Who would they call to bail them out (assuming their romantic partner, parent, and/or child didn't pick up)?
If Carlos got arrested, I think he'd call Paul. Paul is very reliable and can be trusted to be fairly discreet. Also, Carlos hasn't arrested him before, which I think would go into his consideration of who to call 🤭
Open tag and also tagging
@lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @she-walked-away @reasonandfaithinharmony @paperstorm
@carlos-in-glasses @strandnreyes @guardian-angle22 @carlos-tk @welcometololaland
@reeeallygood @bubblesandroses8 @tarlosislife @pimento-playing-hopscotch @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@heartstringsduet @toomanycupsoftea @littlemissmarianna @fifthrideroftheapocalypse @tellmegoodbye
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theemmtropy · 1 year
Beard Care, a Gale x Transmasc!Tav fanfiction
Rating: T, for implied sexual feelings. Nothing explicit!
Tags: Domestic, wholesome, transmasc/trans man Tav, second person POV, supportive Gale, facial hair shaving, shaving with straight razors
Summary: Gale shows you how to care for your new beard, reassuring you that he loves you for who you are. [This takes place after you return home with him.]
Yall know this meme:
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In my head, this is that, but mlm and trans.
Read here, or on AO3. Hope you enjoy!
Adventuring has had its costs, but in the end, it has been worth it. Thanks to the generosity and gratitude of those you’ve helped, you’ve finally saved up enough money to begin transitioning with the magic potions available in Waterdeep. And the potions have been working wonders.
You wake up in the late morning, the bed cold beside you. Gale keeps odd hours, sometimes staying up late into the night- or waking up incredibly early- to work on a spell or ritual that has occurred to him. You don’t mind, as you often disappear into your own study to work on your own projects throughout the day. You two are alike in that regard: you’re secure enough in your relationship to know that even when you’re not spending time together, you’ll still be excited to share your work at the end of the day.
Getting up, you head to the bathroom to wash up and get dressed. To your delight, your scruff is starting to grow into a fuller beard, and you realize that you can ask Gale for advice on keeping it neat.
After getting dressed, you make your way downstairs to the kitchen to find your partner attempting to make pancakes- attempting being the key word.
“I don’t understand, what’s the difference between regular flour and bread flour?” You hear him mutter under his breath.
“Protein content, babe,” you answer, causing him to jump with surprise.
“Good morning love, didn’t hear you come in,” Gale says with a smile. “I’m afraid you’re out of flour…” He gestures to his apron and the floor, both of which are covered with all-purpose flour. An overturned mixing bowl rests on the floor as well, with little cat pawprints indented into the soft white dust.
“I take it Tara got a little antsy?” You ask, getting a broom and dustpan and sweeping up the majority of the mess.
“She thought she saw a mouse,” he responds, chuckling. “I intended to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but I suppose it’s too late for that now.”
You shrug. “It’s okay, I can just make us some Baldurian toast. But first,” you grab his hands and put them on either side of your face. “Feel.”
Gale looks confused at first, then a huge smile breaks across his face. “Tav! Your beard is coming in! Actually from the feel of it, it’s here! Oh how wonderful.”
He gives a kiss to both of your cheeks, and you feel your heart swell. Gale has always been supportive of your transition, had even helped you find a hospital that would sell you the potions needed. When you had first met, you’d been scared that he would find you weird, abnormal. But he’d never treated you any differently than he treated the rest of the party, had always given you respect- and once you’d started your relationship, more than respect. There is no doubt in your heart: Gale loves you for who you are.
“I have a favor to ask, before I get to breakfast,” you say. “Would you help me shave? I want it to look nice, groomed- like yours.”
“Well, I’m quite flattered- though not surprised- that my careful trimming has inspired you in your journey,” he responds, standing up straight and showing off his facial hair.
You laugh and roll your eyes, as he removes his dirty apron and sets it on the dining table. He then leads you back to the bathroom. There, he produces a straight-edge razor and shaving cream. “Now, do you want to do it yourself whilst I instruct you, or do you want me to shave you so you can see what it’s supposed to look like?”
You think about his hands on your face- his gentle, steady, lithe, practiced fingers. A thrill runs through you. “I want you to do it.”
He gives a mock bow. “Your wish is my command.”
You sit on the edge of the tub while Gale fetches a chair from another room. Then, once he’s sat opposite you, he lathers up the shaving cream and applies it to one side of your face. “I’m going to do one side at a time, so I can keep a grip on your face,” he explains, then brings the razor to your skin and gently- but firmly- begins his process.
“Now I will say,” he continues as he works, “I didn’t always know what I wanted to do with my beard. I tried a goatee, that was atrocious. I tried just a mustache, but it made me look too pretentious.”
You try not to laugh, worried about getting cut if you move too much. His free hand holds your head at an angle, his fingertips firm against your jaw and the base of your skull. He is so close, his eyes peering at every detail of your skin.
“I eventually found a balance and shape that followed the angle of my cheekbones, while not disrupting the balance of my facial features.” With this, he completes the one side, wipes any residue off, and then applies more cream to the other side.
You turn your head obediently, which prompts him to murmur, “Yes, good boy.” Your body heats up upon hearing this, but Gale doesn’t even seem to realize that he said it; his brow is furrowed in concentration, eyes never leaving your face.
After finishing the other side and wiping it off, he traces a finger under your chin, down your neck. “Shaving this part is optional, I often just leave it, but I can get it for you, if you want?”
In answer, you lift your chin, craning your neck back to stretch the skin out for him. Gently, he applies more cream, and then places a hand at the bottom of your neck, grasping ever so slightly to keep you still. The cold of the razor sends a shiver down your spine as you feel him draw the blade up your neck, stopping only when getting to the underside of your jaw. Then he repeats the process until your neck is clear of hair.
Wherever Gale’s hands touch, you feel your skin spark with life, with need. If he knows the effect he’s having on your body, he doesn’t indicate it. “There,” he says, pulling away once he’s finished. “Let me get you a damp cloth to rinse your face off, then you can have a proper look in the mirror.”
Your skin turns cold as he removes his hands, and you sigh, wishing the moment could have lasted longer. But when he returns with the washcloth, you quickly wipe your face, eager to see the results.
Standing up and looking in the mirror, you see yourself staring back, as always, but this time you feel more… you. Your eyes well up with tears of joy as you gaze at yourself, until you notice Gale staring at your reflection as well.
“You look quite dashing,” he says warmly. “Though, I’ve always thought so, of course. How else would you have been able to seduce me?” He adds playfully.
You crack a grin at him. “Why, I would have seduced you with all your favorite foods, naturally. Speaking of, I believe I promised you Baldurian toast?”
“Before we get to that,” he says, voice growing lower. “I can think of another intimate activity we should do first.”
You match his stare; there is a hunger in it, but not a hunger for food. “I believe I can think of one, as well.”
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entangledmuses · 9 months
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So its that time of year where we reflect back on the past year. Its definitely been a bumpy one, thats for sure. With suffering with PTSD at the beginning of the year, moving jobs, having my Witch of an ex Boss registering at my new place as a patient, so can't get rid of her. Losing my gorgeous cat of 17 years.
A lot of you have been so supportive over the year, through all that crap, and honestly, I don't know how I would of coped without you.
So here it is, my Follow Forever!! In no specific order!
My Main Beans:
@bchemianrhapscdy I adore you! Don't ever forget that. I love our random conversations, or constant sending videos back and forth. I adore our ships, ALL of them. And there are a lot!! I know XD haha.
@houseofwisteria / @feathersontheclyde YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE!!! I cannot count all the ways I adore you! From the moment we started to talk, we clicked, and honestly, I will never have enough Rps with you <3
@lcstinfantasy / @theolderhenderson You are so incredibly talented, but also someone who I know I can talk to at any point about anything, and now you will listen (Well... Read XD ) I adore you, and your muses.
@afrxgmcnts / @favcritecriime Again, so talented, and I adore writing with you. I feel we bounce off each other so easily, and adore all our threads so much.
@unhlnged / @ahistoryofviolence / @byronlc Our muses always have such incredible chemistry. I love how easy it is to write with you. I am so excited to see you back.
@redemptivexheroics probably one of my longest rp partners. We have so many incredible ships, and I love being able to bounce ideas with you. Thank you for being there for me, even when we have had our moments.
@thewxnderer We may not talk so much ooc anymore, mainly because we both seem to always miss each other, but I am so grateful to have you in my life, not just as an Rp partner, but a friend also.
@domanon / @happeningsinhawkins I LOVE YOU! I do miss our muse interactions, but I know I can always just jump into discord chats with you, and its like no time has passed at all. Its so easy to chat with you, and to write with you.
@fcntasyadvcnturc I miss that we don't get to chat so much anymore. Why does life have to be so busy? But I adore you, and you are always in my thoughts <3
Beans I Adore and love to write with:
I won't write so much individually here, but I want you to know if you are tagged in this section, I still very much adore you, and can't wait to write more with you.
@scinglives , @dynastymuses , @morexfuntomiss , @never-hesitate-comrade , @unitcd , @tessastormrp , @untamedlobo , @acourtcfmuses , @devildungeondm , @fantasywritten , @putyourbabyfangsaway , @puppetoffthehook (this is mainly from Stevie ;P)
Last but not least, Beans I wish to know better:
@storminmyveins , @walkedfire , @protectxthem , @potestmagice , @redxinmyledger , @daringsunflowers , @haledwolf , @xradiant , @flawedxshatteredxsouls , @fallingpoppies , @meaningful-negativityq4 , @wrappedupinlight , @fatalframez , @herosquandary , @fiercehearts , @shefatales , @neonombre , @talesfromthevoiid , @divcrse
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black-arcana · 2 months
LACUNA COIL Enlists LAMB OF GOD's RANDY BLYTHE For New Single 'Hosting The Shadow'
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Italian goth metallers LACUNA COIL have released a new single, "Hosting The Shadow". After their successful collaboration with Ash Costello of NEW YEARS DAY on previous single "In The Mean Time", the new track includes a guest appearance by Randy Blythe from LAMB OF GOD.
LACUNA COIL comments: "'Hosting The Shadow' is a trip through light and dark, where silence reveals its hidden secrets. Obscure moments can become occasions to evolve, to learn to master one's own shadow — which is crucial in order to prevail.
"Randy Blythe did an incredible job on this track. We absolutely adore his voice and his evil laugh! Our admiration for him is infinite and to have him as a guest on this song is a dream come true. Partnering with a friend you respect immensely, that also kicks ass on stages around the world: it doesn't get any better than this. We're looking forward to the day we can perform 'Hosting The Shadow' live together!"
Blythe adds: "I was super excited when LACUNA COIL asked me to sing on a song with them. Not only am I a big fan of their music, they are truly beautiful souls who have been like family to me for 20 years now. We've played shows together all over the world, and I've always wanted to jump onstage and sing with them. I can't wait until it actually happens with 'Hosting The Shadow'!"
This past June, LACUNA COIL announced the departure of guitarist Diego Cavallotti.
Cavallotti, who joined LACUNA COIL in 2016, initially as a fill-in guitarist following the exit of Marco "Maus" Biazzi, later said in a social media post that "this decision is not the result of my dissatisfaction or desire to explore new opportunities."
When LACUNA COIL announced Cavallotti's departure on June 17, the band wrote in a statement: "As we step into a new cycle, writing and recording our next album, we are parting ways with Diego 'DD' Cavallotti. We thank him for the many unforgettable moments shared over the years and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.
"All future live plans remain unchanged and the new songs are taking form, we can't wait to share them with our fans."
LACUNA COIL recently completed the "Ignite The Fire" U.S. tour with support from NEW YEARS DAY and OCEANS OF SLUMBER.
In April, LACUNA COIL released "In The Mean Time", featuring Costello. The song's title is a reference to the mean times the world is living in, as well as a reference to the state the band itself is in, between cycles.
In July 2023, LACUNA COIL released the official lyric video for a new track called "Never Dawn". For the song, the band partnered with CMON, the renowned board game publisher behind the popular game "Zombicide".
In a recent interview with Brazil's Sonoridades Inc., LACUNA COIL singer Cristina Scabbia spoke about the progress of the writing and recording sessions for the band's follow-up to 2019's "Black Anima" album. She said: "I can't really tell you a lot. I can tell you that we are progressing very fast. We are almost, like, 100… We completed, let's say, the demoing. We still have to record the rest of the songs, but we will soon — probably after the tour, after the [May 2024] North American tour. And if everything goes as projected, before the end of the year [it] will be released. And that's already a big news, because we always say, 'We don't know. Maybe.' … I absolutely love the songs. I'm part of the process. But I'm very pleased."
Asked if "Never Dawn" will be on the upcoming album, Cristina said: "I think it will be. I think it will be, 'cause it will make sense. And it also fits with the other songs — it really fits with the other songs. Many heavy songs."
LACUNA COIL has spent some of the last couple of years promoting "Comalies XX", the "deconstructed" and "transported" version of the band's third album, "Comalies".
"Comalies XX" was made available on October 14, 2022 via Century Media Records.
"Comalies" was originally released on October 29, 2002 through Century Media Records. The LP, which featured the band's breakthrough single "Heaven's A Lie", has reportedly gone on to sell over 300,000 copies in the United States alone.
Photo credit: Cunene
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kalorphic · 2 years
Can i ask for ROs reaction to MC being used? Like domestical things like someone keeps making MC do their job or getting coffee. And just in case u didnt get the amount of support u need, i think ur amazing: ur characters are all well written, ur twine story format is eye-catching, your gentle way with answering questions is appreciated and your complexion is beautiful ♡♡♡
I know this ask is old, but thank you so much for your compliments, lovely 🥹🤍 I can’t claim credit for the UI though, that’s all on the incredible @/outoftheblue-if !!
K: would have been informed by their minions in your department about this person. Luckily they’re at HQ, so they can get to you quickly. Fury sparks in their chest when they see you happily getting your user colleague a coffee. K practically prowls across the room, minions frantically throwing themselves out of the way, and makes eye contact with the bastard, who goes so pale, they might as well be dead. Good, thinks K, nobody messes with what’s mine. “You know who I am?” A nod. “You know who they are to me?” Another nod. K grins, all teeth. “Then you must be one stupid bastard.”
A: frowns at the sight before them. You’re giving a person a slightly strained smile as they dump another pile of folders, clearly their own work, on your desk. A is about to go over there and politely ask that the person do their own work in future, when said person snaps their fingers in your face and laughs as you flinch. It makes A’s hackles rise, and they’re by your side in seconds, shoving the folders back into the person’s hands with too bright eyes, a vicious smile, and enough force to make them stumble a few steps back. “Try that again, and I promise that you’ll regret it.”
Reese: feels their hands clench into fists as the anger wraps it’s way around them like an old friend. They’re usually so good at controlling their temper, but watching this person take advantage of you really ticks Reese off. Fortunately for your colleague, you catch sight of them and smile, allowing Reese to take a deep breath and force the tension from their body, returning the smile. Ahh, how whipped they were. Now calmer, Reese makes their way over to your user, and leans right down next to their ear. You don’t hear what Reese says, but the person goes an off green colour, frantically nodding their head. Your partner then turns back to you with a bright grin and a request to join them for lunch.
Luisa: raises her eyebrow at you running around for your lazy sack of shit colleague. She always knew that your good-nature would end up getting you into trouble, but lucky for you, your girlfriend wasn’t in a particularly forgiving mood today. She makes her way over to the person who thought they could use you, and grabs the back of their shirt, yanking them up to their feet and letting her smirk grow just shy of feral at the high-pitched squeal they let out. How pathetic, she thinks. “I think it’s time for the little piggy to do their own work, no?”
Cody: has had enough, they’ve born witness to this person taking advantage of your kindness stupidity too many times. They hoped that you would eventually tell them to back off, but it’s day six and you’re still acting like their servant. The next time it happens, Cody spins around on their chair, sneers at your user, and says very loudly: “are you so utterly incapable of doing your work that you have to fob it off onto other people? You might as well just quit at this point and save yourself from further embarrassment.” The person flushes red, and Cody laughs and then adds, much quieter: “apart from MC, I’m the best this place has got, keep pissing me off and I’ll ruin you.”
Noah: let’s their instincts take over when they see you being taken advantage of. It makes their blood boil. Noah comes up behind your colleague, completely silent, and leans down into their space, making the person jump. They start to snap something before they realise just who has snuck up on them. Noah grins at the fear in their eyes and the useless attempts to speak. “How sweet, such a scared little mouse.” Noah can’t help but laugh as the person whimpers. “You’re not even worth my time, so you’re certainly not worth MC’s. However, I’m in a good mood, so I’ll give you a piece of advice…if you want to live a long life, you’ll do your own work from now on.”
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teatitty · 9 months
Hello it is me the absolute mess over FionnDiar here for the ask meme: was interested in your thoughts for them with 10, 18, 33, and 34 ;w;
Cracks knuckles oh this is gonna be fun as hell
10: What scares them about entering a relationship?
HAH! WHAT DOESN'T SCARE THEM ABOUT IT! Fionn is always going to be scared of another Sadhbh incident happening and it manifests in him being very clingy. The nightmares around that have never stopped :')
For Diarmuid... man if we listed off all his fears about getting into this with Fionn we'd be here forever. He has everything from the big abandonment fears to the smaller "what if we get bored of eachother" kind. They're both a bit of a mess about it
18: They’re going through something incredibly difficult—perhaps they’re very sick, have lost a loved one, or have gone through a traumatic event. Do they ask for or accept support and care from their partner, or try to isolate themselves?
So this is an interesting one since we do actually know how Fionn deals with this stuff in the mythos itself: isolation. We also know that Diarmuid is more willing to ask for advice from other people if he's close to them [the Fianna, chiefly]. For all that they'd both rather eat their own tongue before admitting they're having a bad time, Diarmuid is the one more likely to brind it up in conversation than Fionn is
Fionn will reject most anyone who tries to give him support or comfort, but Diarmuid is such an important figure in his life he ends up giving in pretty easily and leaning on him for it
33: Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
Haha. Fionn gets jealous so fucking easily. Everyone assumes it'll be Diarmuid because of the fae thing but no. I made that "you know other heroes?" joke way back for a reason [it still haunts me that I made a mistype error with 'hereos' oof]. Diarmuid gets jealous only when other fae are involved bc of the territorial thing but is otherwise super chill. Fionn.... not so much. When they first came to Chaldea together people just assumed Fionn was a naturally overly affectionate and clingy person since they were always together and Diarmuid had to laugh and explain that no, actually, Fionn is just jealous that he's making new friends and spending less time with him
He calms down after some months have gone by though, mainly because Diarmuid forces him into making some friends himself so he can get out more
34: Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
Pfft. Is "all of them" a good enough answer? There's a never a time when they're not protective of the other. If one of them looks even slightly upset they have to jump in and find out what's wrong. They get injured in a fight? Now it's 2 on 1 you better run. It gets worse when/if they start dating lolol
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waywardmillennial · 5 months
Ooooh ask game! :D
4. do you have a favorite co-founder?
16. what’s your favorite thing about shane?
I want to hear allllllll your thoughts! <3
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NOA! MY BELOVED! I feel like you know me so well and that's why you asked the ones you did. I did also put off answering this for a few hours to try and give it a good think. I'll try to be brief, but you know I love to talk about these Founders! Let me answer backwards...
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Favorite thing about Shane: Obviously his creativity and intelligence are some of his best traits - hello PH original songs! But I think what I love most about Shane is that he always seems ready to roll with anything happening at Watcher. Just look at his appearances on Dish Granted, or Worth a Shot, when he was so supportive of Steven and Ricky - to the point he said he was gonna leave PH to join Ricky in making drinks lol. And Shane knows he's not an athletic guy, but when he was at roller derby training he keep rolling (heh) with it.
He's like the ultimate improv partner, always read to "yes, and..." whatever is thrown at him. It's one of the things that makes his on-camera chemistry with Ryan pop - because they both know where they can jump in to keep the bit going after years of working together (and I've often thought Shane would have similar report with Steven, if they'd give them more screen-time).
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Favorite co-founder: I CAN'T CHOOSE! I really did go back and forth over this so let me talk it out and we'll see what happens.
Anyone who follows my blog should already know that I'm a Steven Lim fan, so much so that I participated in a whole week- long event talking about how awesome he is! I'm not sure what else I could say about Steven that I haven't already - except I was so proud when he got the Digital Influencer award at UG in December! He definitely has the potential to be my favorite co-founder.
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Then there's Ryan Steven Bergara.
Ryan also feels a little more relatable, at least to me, because of his anxiety and the way he talks about some things. And watching FYA is my new favorite pastime because I love how detailed he gets about his hyperfixation of theme parks. I get more excited about a new FYA then I do PW - sorry not sorry!
I don't have any evidence for this, but I feel like Watcher wouldn't have started out like it did if not for Ryan pushing for certain creative decisions. Maybe part of that is due to him creating Making Watcher and wanting to share the company building process?
We all know he was the one to create BFU - that has led us to Ghost Files and Mystery Files. He's smart, funny, and creative. He says some of the most bonkers sentences in the English language. He works incredibly hard, has adoring fans all over the world, and still doubts himself. Ryan - I want to shake you (gently) and tell you you're doing enough!
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I feel like if any one founder needed reassurance that he was doing a good job (not that my opinion would carry much weight, but ya know this is my blog) it would go to Ryan. But if I had to choose the founder I thought I could spend a day with, and feel the most comfortable, it would go to Steven.
All that to say - it really feels like a tie! (please don't hate me)
Send me a Watcher ask!
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allthingsfook · 1 year
I'm gonna keep this anonymous cause personal but not really hehe!
I am a 21-year-old woman who's 5'5 and with light brown hair, fair skin, and Brown/green eyes (they change color in different lighting). I have a little mole (beauty mark) on the left side of my face, kind of full lips, and where little to no makeup daily. I'd say my body type is mid-size (192 lbs and I can fit into M/L/XL so it's hard to tell) and I'm not too curvy.
I'm an Aquarius Sun, Virgo rising, Capricorn moon, and Venus in Aquarius. My hobbies are painting, drawing, and any kind of visual art. I love rock music, both old and new, and will sometimes listen to folk music. I'm entering my fourth year of college as an Arts Management Major and Comm minor (still got a way to go till I graduate cause shit's expensive) and ideally would love to be a part-time artist and work in PR or Journalism.
I come off as shy and particular with a little stubbornness, but as you get to know me I open up and will laugh with you and share things I'm passionate about whether it's big or small. I will always try to hide my emotions around you and if we are really close you'll be able to get me to talk about it cause you know how I try to mask it all.
Extra facts: I love cats, I love pasta so much it's what I eat the most, I am a caffeine addict, and I have never dated anyone.
Who would you ship me with?
Sorry if this was long 😬
Hiiii!!! I am so incredibly sorry this has taken me this long to get through my inbox, BUT good new is…. You are last, but MOST DEFINITELY not least!!! I won’t make this drag out any longer, so lets jump into it!!
I ship you with….
Daniel Robert Wagner
Let’s start with the zodiac compatibility… Both Capricorn’s and Aquarius’ are intentional with their love lives. You are cautious, yet open-minded. You take time to build a trusting relationship, and slowly approach each other’s vulnerabilities and insecurities together. Danny would be the best partner to help you through that. He is incredible patient and kind. He would wait as long as you need him to for you; just to feel safe with him. He’d assure you along the way, not only with his words, but with his actions. Once all the walls are broken down, you’d share a stable and positive life.  
With the foundation of your relationship being extremely strong, it’s easy to see how the rest of it can fall into place. Your hobbies are things I could easily see Danny eager to do with you. Clearly Danny is a very talented man, not just with drumsticks in hand… maybe a paint brush or marker. He’d jump at the chance to hunker down into a cozy corner of the house with you, skim through pages of an activity book and color you a purple monkey. He’d hold it up to you like a proud 1st grader and sport a cheesy smile. You’d giggle and tell him you love it! I could see you discovering an old rock song one day. Playing it in the shower, the car, and around the house. Danny would recognize the tune and quickly learn how to play it on the guitar. One night while he is playing around, he’d start casually playing that song. You’d slowly catch on and begin dancing around, singing the lyrics with him. Those are the moments he would live for with you. So innocent and playful. Just what he needs after years of rigorous touring and creating.
Danny, per usual, would be extremely supportive when it came to your education. He’d understand the need to take things slow or even taking time away from it. For someone who didn’t have to go to college, he’d seem to know a lot about the woes of it. Or maybe he is just that insightful to your feelings. He’d be your biggest cheerleader on the days you get stellar grades. Then he’d be your shoulder to cry on when things get tough. No matter the circumstance, he’s always going to stand beside you. When you do complete your academics, he’ll be blushing over you. Showering you with reminders of how far you’ve come and how smart you are. When you are ready to step foot into a career, Danny would be hyping you up on social media, and getting your name out with his contacts. We love a supportive man!!!
I suppose it is the Aquarius in you that identifies with being shy and stubborn. Definitely a few things Danny would be able to handle. Compared to the other boys, Danny is certainly a little more reserved. That may be the very thing that unites the two of you when you first meet. He’d notice you behind your drink and subtle smirks over the obnoxious gal in the room. Once the two of you have been together for a while, he’ll get a taste of that stubbornness. Again, Danny is so understanding and not very quick to temper. He’ll have his ways of taming you. Not in a dismissive or demeaning way either. He’d be kind and understanding. Giving you reason and words of affirmation. Once you come back down to earth, your passionate, loving, beaming soul will shine again. The very reasons Danny would love you!
To address your tid bits:
Danny would adopt any cats you may have now, and if you don’t have any (or want more) I could see him coming home with a tiny kitten in the palm of his hand with a bell on it’s collar. He’d insist on naming it something like Ludwig or Ramone.
Danny would also love a good bowl of pasta. As I am sure you know, he is a great cook and the minute you beg for a pasta dish, he’ll be in the kitchen boiling it up.
Danny would share and feed into your caffeine addiction. If that is in the form of coffee, he’d always be making early morning coffee runs. Greeting you with a cup in hand.
And finally, Danny would be so accepting and understanding of you not being in a relationship. He’d agree to take things slow and guide you through everything. His want for you to feel comfortable and safe is so profound. You will quickly understand how deeply he would care for you!
Alright!!! I so hope you are happy with this ship! As always, let me know what you think! I always love to hear back!!!!
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forjongseong · 8 months
knock, knock!
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nanaaa, its been so long ahh 🥹 i’ve seen that you’ve updated your carmesí series and GODDD it was that good?! beforehand, i know i’ve missed out on a lot so i had to backtrack and read from where i was up to before 😭😭✋🏼 (didn’t remember what ep but then i remembered i wrote it down in my notes and i’m sooo glad i did ssjdhsis) i just wanted to start off with how are youu? i hope you’re doing well, eating well, drinking well, taking care of yourself well! i’ve been offline n online here and there and i miss a lot of my favourite people on here, including you </3 i’ve missed my v v talented tante sm :(( i hope we can talk again 🫶🏼 (in fact, jays been hitting different lately and the recent ep made it sm WORSE. its raining heavily down there girl, let me breathe lord have mercy)
OKAY SO,— ouh the butterflies the fucking butterflies. who doesn’t want husband! secretary jay hello??? the way hes so incredibly ARGHHGGHH i can’t even describe how hubby he is like i want him like this is so bad for me pls. and the way hes always comforting his beloved wife and just genuinely loving her, taking care of her throughout the ep got me GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET i had to put my phone down to calm MYSELF down. god when can i have a man like him. “You look very fuckable, husband.” PLEASE. WHEN DOES HE NOT???? you always devour w the spicy scenes it got me.. ykwim.. and don’t even get me started w that little present he got her like i had so much fun reading that part bye.
the way he shows his love for her— the way they show it to each other through everything i might cry (i did) my heart instantly melted, i love everything about them 🥺🥺 and the ending omg!! 😭✋🏼 i was so excited for them ☹️ (although i already knew it was bound to happen i was so happy) i’m horrendously downbad for this man 🧎🏻‍♀️ its insane how talented you are and the amount of hard work you put into the series i could never??
eh tau ga, pas mereka di jakarta buat gda, yk i was supposed to be in indo at that time but pasporku abis bodooooo 😭 i need to renew it asap sihdjwhdjsvm i wanted to cry like i watched the live & videos and everything and all i thought to myself was I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE ughrugrjugu theres still a next time, (maybe LMAO) but we should go together and meet up one day 🥹🫶🏼
ahh i know this feedback (its honestly just me yapping and ranting ab how much i love the seriesjanishaid) doesn’t seem like a lot but i hope yk i’m still a sucker for the carmesí series forever n ever ‼️ i’ll keep rereading every ep if i have to (i will bae dw) i’m proud of you nana!! i’ll be cheering for you from afar always <3 🤍
who's there? BOYNEXTDOOR--
so glad to see YOU in my inbox after experiencing a major loss of moots going on hiatus and never ever coming back coughORIcough anyways!
I don't blame you if you had to backtrack because it took ME a long time to reread everything because I literally forgot where I left it?? and then I didn't wanna repeat or write similar smut scenes so I'm like... what...?? BUT I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE
props to YOU for having it written in notes omg notes app is superior I use it for everything! but you making notes of my fanfic just makes me feel important 🙏 I hope you're doing well too! still in Brisbane I assume?
GLAD YOU LIKE THE PRESENT! that TOY is based on a real life device I have seen and I am considering buying BHAHAHA but I don't have a partner to use it on me so I am sadddddd when is Jay gonna be my partner irl you know what I'm sayin
it's okay, I didn't watch GDA either, and I went to PS in the afternoon only to find out Jake and Jungwon went later in the evening lol definisi ga jodoh, but glad Jay didn't make an appearance anywhere otherwise I will be jumping into Sungai Ciliwung
I don't mind ANY type of feedback even if it's just you yapping! thank you so much for being such a loyal reader of carmesi a.k.a carmesimp since day 1. your support means A LOT to me! and don't hesitate to drop by my ask box any time you want.
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erabundus · 9 months
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@mmriesoftvat &&. said... i know I've said this a million times already, but when i first met you, i was scared as hell. you came into the genpact rpc, guns blazing with the most gorgeous graphics and formatting, and i legitimately didn't think we'd end up becoming friends and partners. i am one of those people that gets incredibly anxious around people i perceive as "popular" and i wanted to really impress you. PLUS, at the time, you were the only other steady wanderer around, i was frothing at the mouth for interactions! AND HOW!! you've become such a good friend over the past several months! i love that we can talk forever about not only plots, but our shared headcanons about wanderer and have the most intense threads. the way you interact with everyone too is nothing short of wonderful. you're so sweet and so fun to talk to! you've also been there for me in those moments where i needed advice or a shoulder to cry on, and i can't thank you enough for being so supportive. the way you build relationships in rp is so indicative of how you work in real life too. you don't just jump into things, but you spend time building up deep bonds and setting up a solid foundation with people. if people get you as an ic partner and are able to get paragraphs of writing out of you, that's when they should know they have an actual friend in you oocly. it's such a cool thing to witness. with me, and the bond you have with milla, it's BEAUTIFUL. i care you so much, you're just an amazing person all around and i am so excited to see what the new year brings for you. love you so much ava, hope you have the best 2024 ever!
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SVKSD  i  was  genuinely  super  nervous  when  i  first  started  writing  here.  i  felt  like  i  was  starting  to  get  burnt  out  on  rp  in  general  —  although  as  it  turns  out,  i  was  just  having  trouble  getting  invested  in  what  i  was  doing.  there's  been  some  ups  and  downs  over  the  past  year,  but  i  don't  think  i've  ever  clicked  with  a  community  and  blog  as  much  as  i  have  with  this  one,  and  a  huge  part  of  that  definitely  has  to  do  with  all  of  the  wonderful  friends  i've  made  here.  
and  it  goes  without  saying  that  you  are  very  much  one  of  them!  it  feels  like  from  the  very  beginning  you  were  always  so  welcoming  and  really  comfortable  (  and  fun  )  to  write  with!  i'm  so  happy  that  we  got  the  opportunity  to  get  to  know  each  other  better  ooc.  your  ideas  are  always  super  fascinating  to  read,  and  the  enthusiasm  you  feel  for  your  muses  is  so  refreshingly  genuine.  a  good  number  of  my  favorite  threads  have  been  with  you  and  i  always  get  really  excited  whenever  i  see  a  new  response.  in  general  i  have  so  much  respect  for  anyone  who  can  handle  a  multi  because  i  have  space  in  my  brain  for  approximately  one  muse  and  blog  at  any  given  time  —  but  you  not  only  pull  it  off  while  allowing  each  character  their  own  time  in  the  spotlight,  but  you're  able  to  keep  them  all  very  distinct  from  each  other.  that  takes  a  lot  of  talent as well as a lot of attention to detail.
VKJVKS  the  more  excited  i  am  about  a  thread,  the  more  that  i  usually  end  up  writing  —  and  i  think  the  fact  that  i  tend  to  throw  paragraphs  at  people  probably  says  a  lot  about  how  enthusiastic  i  am  about  a  lot  of  my  interactions  on  this  blog.  🥺  and  that  goes  doubly  so  for  when  i'm  writing  with  my  friends  —  because  OF  COURSE  i'm  going  to  be  super  excited  to  respond  to  a  thread  with  a  friend!
i  care  YOU  so  much!  💖  you  deserve  to  have  a  wonderful  year,  and  i'm  really  looking  forward  to  all  of  the  headcanons  and  threads  and  chats  2024  might  hold.  
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sinterblackwell · 2 years
oscars 2022 (book ver.)
there were a lot of books i read this year, a majority of them ones i really enjoyed. even so, it wasn’t that difficult to put together my top ten favorite reads, but i felt very uncomfortable with not getting to talk about books outside that range that still affected me a great deal. so!! this list helps me with that!!
a booktuber (@/Tori Morrow; highly recommend watching their videos, especially if you’re a big fan of sci-fi/fantasy since that’s majorly what they read and talk about) introduced me to this end-of-year activity where i could talk about these books that still stood out to me, even if they didn’t make it to the top 10. i think having trouble wrangling a certain # of stories into a list when you’ve read up to 135 is pretty valid but yeah!!
let the 2022 oscars (book ver.) commence!!
warning: this post is really long :’)
best supporting actress:
- martha wolf from “self-made boys” by anna-marie mclemore
“People always find something wrong with how much or how little women are doing,” Martha said. “We don’t do as much as they think we should, we’re boring or frigid. If we do more than they think we should, we’re easy or fast. There’s no winning. So I kiss exactly as many or as few girls as i want.”
aka my gay awakening. while she’s not the most major side character in this great gatsby retelling, she still has her lines, and she still has a big effect on the story that jumps the gun at times. as sparse as her scenes were with nicolás and gatsby, when she did show up, she always threw me for a loop because i was crushing on her hard lol (still am). also her voice added to the overall message of the novel set during a time where living loud & lavish was the big move but if you were too loud or too honest, you were a pariah. all the rules & expectations are so muddled in their idiocy that even gatsby complains about it, and he’s the one who appears to live the most lavishly of them all!!
but yeah, martha’s character really stood out to me, and the conversations she had with nicolás specifically were phenomenal so i don’t care if she’s seen as more minor compared to daisy or jordan, she’s my supporting character.
best supporting actor:
- alim from “you made a fool of death with your beauty” by akwaeki emezi
“Imagine that, Feyi. We’re alive, and I love you.”
alim will forever go down in literary history as one of the best romantic heroes to date, and it’s all just in how sincere and beautiful his presence in this story is. the moment feyi first lays her eyes on him, there’s this immediate attraction, which just stirs up a lot of trouble and believe me, there is a big storm coming for sure. but alim’s presence in this story is like a steady hand through those rocky waves and he doesn’t just make feyi feel that rush of feeling alive, he makes her feel comfortable in just getting to be in the quiet of the storm, because she knows he’ll always be right there with her if she lets him.
the connection that he & feyi have together when it came to both of them experiencing grief over a lost partner is incredibly profound, and i just loved so much how in a story that was solely in feyi’s pov, we still got to learn so much about alim and see so much of him. the way his love language isn’t just cooking the most heavenly meals, but through his incredible way with words, and how natural and peaceful it feels having him by your side, he’s such a force to be reckoned with.
i wish i could see more of him & feyi, and i wish their romance could’ve gotten the attention it deserved by making it to the finals in the 2022 goodreads choice awards. it was a big big snub to me, but hopefully to heal some of the wounds, their story being mentioned on my part here gives some attention.
best cinematography:
- “city of speed” by alex london
Drakopolis was like one of those dolls that you opened to find a smaller doll inside, and then a smaller doll inside that one, and on and on. You could live your whole life in the city and still discover strange and terrifying new things inside it every day. It was unsettling, Abel thought, but also a little exciting. It was hard to be bored in Drakopolis.
my reading journey with the battle dragons series is one that feels so epic, and yet it also feels so lonely, because no one ever really talks about this middle grade series, and that breaks my heart.
this cyperpunk fantasy with racing dragons and powerful gangs and such immersive storytelling isn’t on a lot of people’s radar and that feels so wrong to me.
one of the best things about it, and especially with this second book here, is how vivid this world feels, how bright & gritty & expansive it is. this story only takes place in this single city called Drakopolis, but it has such a wide impact that it feels like you’re seeing so much of what the author has to offer. the underground races that are considered illegal, the glittering signs of the city and the black markets that sell a vast range of items—all of it so descriptive in this book here that i could see it so clearly in my head, and i loved it a lot.
i loved how cinematic the story felt, and so sweet, and so for that, that’s why i feel it best deserves the winning praise for this category here. hopefully in the future, more readers can see that as well.
best original screenplay:
- “dark room etiquette” by robin roe
If he’s alive, I’ll read his thoughts. If he’s dead, I’ll summon his ghost. Tell me, Daniel, what present do you want?
The big one.
this category speaks to a story that was crafted in a way that makes it stand out, its structure manipulated so as to mimic the story itself. for this book, the start of it felt so monotonous and as if the main character was living in a bubble that was fit to burst. it felt very reminscent of jake from “the taking of jake livingston” by ryan douglass, which garnered some mixed reviews because of how flat the main character read at the beginning. both ya, one horror & one thriller—what both roe & douglass did with these stories was they wrote their characters like that on purpose so that when the tone of the story did shift, when the characters were forced to react to what was happening to them and to those around them, you as the reader were confronted with their break in reality.
it was astonishing to witness how the authors crafted these characters’ surroundings as a nod to how it may have felt for both of them living in a society that acts so completely fake at times and demands conformity but then when there’s a shift, it’s as if the walls fall all around them.
“dark room etiquette” was such a phenomenal read that deserves so much more praise for its writing and the character work as we observe the three different stages of sader’s life that changes him fundamentally. the way he molds itself when the situation calls for it and is left misshapen because he doesn’t have any real sense of his own identity was just…something else, and it made the last quarter of the book so meaningful once he learned how to try & fit back inside himself. but first, he has to reckon with all the trauma he’s endured as other characters and their traumas are also given a spotlight.
best new author (debut or new to me):
- freydís moon
“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” - “with a vengeance”
for this category, i’m cheating just a tad because one of this author’s works is present in my top 10, but i think when your new favorite authors from this year all have a place in your top 10 list, it goes to show how much they deserve to be considered for this category. the reason why i chose this one as the winner here is because i feel i don’t talk about this author nearly enough.
moon’s social media presence (freydísmoon on insta, freydis_moon on twitter) means the world to me as i watch them promote their writing and also open my eyes to a new genre of literature where erotica meets a holiness like no other, and their descriptions of worship as their characters reclaim their bodies for themselves completely takes your breath away. i feel an immense sentimentality for the fact that the characters of exodus 20:3 and with a vengeance are latine, and so the representation is even more powerful because the latine community have our own kind of relationships to the Catholic faith and how our identities can be disconnected from family.
each of moon’s books have such different tones but share similar threads that as a reader, is so completely beautiful because it’s such a versatile experience. with with a vengeance being the one with the most anger & violence, it’s amazing seeing moon release three kings a couple months after, a cozy fantasy set in a small seaside town that has its own power with the forces of magic and exploration of fertility. their writing is like complete chaos but it’s a welcome one that i’m so thankful to have found, and i’m really excited for their new release set to come in early february as i know it’ll be absolutely everything.
best ensemble cast:
- the characters of “fragile remedy” by maria ingrande mora
Keep going, Pixel. Keep going.
i have a very soft spot for this small group who are forced to live out in the Withers, a ravaged wasteland left abandoned after an illness swept through society and tore these characters down into drug-ridden spaces as those with much more power built their own utopia.
while the narrative of the story is mainly told through the eyes of nate, his little found family and the other characters he attaches himself to are bigger than life and make their own home in this dystopian society where it’s every life for themselves. the difference though, is that this group stick together, and in this broken society that leaves others high & dry, sticking together in a group is probably the smartest choice so as to not simply fade away.
there’s one character, specifically, in this ensemble, whose relationship with nate i absolutely adore, and it was such a heartbreaking dynamic that is so unconventional but is a product of how broken this society has gotten. alden & nate’s connection is very significant to me, and is one i’ll never forget; it pains me that not more readers know about these characters at all, but i’m just glad for now i discovered this story the way i did, which was completely by chance.
best book i haven’t read yet:
- “the midnight girls” by alicia jaskinska
i love this category because the pressure i feel to read this book is so strong with how quickly i knew it deserves this spot here.
i really really have to read this book soon. i had the perfect opportunity to read this story of monsters back in october for the halloween season, and if not then, then just reading it during the fall would’ve been fine. but no, now we’re in winter where currently the temperatures are below freezing in my area, and i am barely holding on. i’m certain that with zosia’s comfort in the cold and ice of winter, reading this book in january would be another good opportunity.
whenever i do read this story, i know it’ll be so fun, and so interesting as well because the writing i could already tell is beautiful as hell, and it’s so wicked these characters. i can already feel the anticipation for something guaranteed to be five stars by how good its premise is, so i just need to hop on quick.
best director:
- ryan la sala for “the honeys”
what i like about this category is that “best director” isn’t simply dedicated to an author who had the best writing or whatever. there were a lot of authors i met this year whose stories went in all different directions that took me to some extreme highs & lows, it was mind-numbing as hell. but what this category is really spoken for is when it comes to a certain type of writer who just really took the story to a whole new level that left you completely boggled.
originally, this category felt best directed towards tal bauer with “stars”, whose direction of the story was books in the making and because of that, it felt so much more epic than ever. but since i wanted to exclusively highlight some books that weren’t included in my top 10 favorite reads list, ryan la sala’s debut horror novel was the best contender for this position.
the writing in this ya is so surreal and deadly in its descriptions of an atmospheric setting glowing with light but that is rooted in strange visions and manipulative strings. it’s a compliment i don’t shut up about and never will because the fact that it was so surreal made the direction it went towards in its ending absolutely bonkers, and i still can’t quite wrap my head around it after the two months i’ve read it since.
what i can say is that i very much look forward to more of what this author has planned next in their writing career because it’s clear they have their own visions that on paper will blow readers’ minds, and i’m totally here for it.
best actress:
- mina rahman from “a show for two” by tashie bhuiyan (runner up: cherry neita from “the princess trap” by talia hibbert)
I wish for happiness in whatever form it might be.
tashie bhuiyan has quickly solidified herself to be one of my utmost favorite ya authors because of how much i absolutely adore her main characters. with only two books under her belt, bhuiyan has swept me away with not just some of the sweetest ya romances i’ve ever read, but also some of the most wonderful & hard-hitting narrators that i’ve met. karina from counting down with you meant so much to me when i was reading her story last year in 2021, and now this year i got to read mina’s, and it made me cry just as much as i did last year, if not a little more.
karina’s story filled me with a lot of anxiety because of how much pressure was building on her shoulders due to her desperate need to please her parents who have such high & unattainable expectations for her—and i say unattainable because it means it would cut away at karina’s happiness, and she would have to lose parts of herself in order to make them happy. for mina, she’s much more defiant with her parents, much more poised when it came to holding her head up high against her parents’ disgust of her attitude and just her presence in general. her defiance isn’t one that stems from acting like your usual stubborn & rebellious teenager, but rather one who’s had to grow up way too fast on her own and has had to fight to get what she wants no matter what. her parents have shamed her so much for her dreams and have tried to make her feel stupid for wanting to make it big in film and believing that she does have that chance. to see such a strong character try to beat back against those low expectations but then have moments where they still get so tired, it was incredibly difficult.
i think one of the hardest things about tashie bhuiyan’s stories up to this point is the very very toxic relationship that the main characters have with their parents. the pure shame & disappointment these adult figures hassle on their eldest daughters, even if it’s portrayed in different ways, it is such a heavy & emotional experience to read about. i’ve been made aware how it’s this portrayal that mixes up a lot of readers because of the stigma that it reinforces of how Muslim families interact. i can’t speak on the Muslim representation, i just really connected a lot to karina & mina, and i wished so much for their happiness because i believed so much in them as other characters believed in them, too—what was most important was seeing them get to believe in themselves and their aspirations, and it was a hard journey to get there. i feel very very protective of these characters, and this is one of those instances where i won’t stand for any backlash against them, especially mina, because i’m of the strong belief that they deserve none of it, and that is that on that.
the reason why i added cherry here from the princess trap as like the “runner up” is because she was just such a fun & sweet character that is partly what made my first talia hibbert book such a memorable experience. the way that she’s so confident in herself and her style is what draws the eye of other characters, especially ruben, and i was absolutely obsessed with how obsessed they were with her because she really is that character. her presence in the story was so mystifying but she wasn’t some mirage, this was all her, she was real & she was stunning as hell. she’s very relatable and she’s one of those fictional characters i wish i could have in my life because her voice was absolutely everything, and she’s someone i could genuinely look up to.
it was very important to me to include her in this category because of that.
best actor:
- amastan from “the perfect assassin” by k.a. doore (runner up: reid giordano from “fire season” by k.d. casey)
I choose to believe that your strong sense of justice will prevail among your kind and that you will emerge as their natural leader, even if I cannot believe in what you do.
the funny thing with this one is that at first, reid was immediately my first choice because he was everything!! he was such a brilliant main character who went through such a tough and honest character journey that was so well-developed and he’s still growing!!
but then i thought about amastan from the chronicles of ghadid series, and how my immense love for his voice in the story was enough for me to rate the first book a little higher than i would’ve if he wasn’t the main character. and you want to know something that still blows my mind?? amastan apparently didn’t even exist as a main character in the original draft of this series!!
so yeah, he’s someone that’s stuck with me a lot: and it’s partly because of how he was our first glimpse into this family of cousins who assassinate their targets for the better of their city. i loved his love for history & the way he challenges the idea of what a good assassin is supposed to emulate, and his character in general just hit a sweet spot in my brain that has now had me latch myself to him, and to this world he lives in that made my entire chronicles of ghadid experience such an immersive read.
he has his morals and he wants to believe in the better of others, but he’s still really strict when it comes to crossing that line, and that makes him an absolutely wonderful mentor, as we see in book two. i was really happy to see his pov again in the final book, even if it was pretty brief, but he still had a larger than life role in my heart and in this series. i am very thrilled that it took a random bookstagram post to have given me the opportunity to meet him in the first place.
and that is a wrap!!
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stars-tonight · 3 months
Hello hello! May I please request a long romantic matchup? My pronouns are she/her and I would preferably like to be paired with a guy <33
My ideal partner is someone taller than me and someone who is pretty mature (at least mentally LOL). Im a pretty serious person but I also don’t mind someone who’s a bit childish and fun! Just as long as they can be serious when they need to. Id also really like someone who I can rely on and be myself with! I tend to have a hard time communicating my feelings sometimes so someone who is a great communicator and is able to listen but still remain pretty calm and level headed would be a plus. But overall someone who is able to take care of me well and supports me in whatever I do is all I really ask for :))
As for myself im around 5’3 and my mbti is ISFJ! I have long hair and wear glasses as I am incredibly blind without them. But whenever I’m not home I’m usually wearing contacts! I love fashion and makeup so I’m usually pretty dolled up whenever Im out especially if im with my friends. But aside from that I’m a pretty calm and collected person but tend to get quiet/shy around people I don’t know too well. But once I’m comfortable with them I tend to be a bit loud and a little unhinged. However, I place those close to me very close to my heart. I always wish the best for them and want to protect them and be there for them any way I can :’))
As for hobbies I’m a dancer! I’ve been dancing my entire life and it’s something I really love doing. But whenever I’m not dancing I’m usually listening to music, crocheting (at least attempting to), reading, or spending time with my family and friends! 
As for love languages mine would probably be acts of service. I love seeing someone smile bc of a gift I gave them or if I helped them with something. As for receiving I think it would be physical touch and quality time!
Extras!! if someone where to give me their shirt or hoodie to wear that is literally the key to my heart istg. and extra bonus points if they were willing to come to one of my dance performances or a filming for a dance video to support me :’)) that would quite literally make my heart feel so full ahhh
Thank you so much for in advance and Im so sorry if this was long!! But please take all the time you need and I look forward to ur reply! I hope you have a lovely day/ night <3
-⭐️ anon 
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🥛 kita i believe is around 5'9
🥛 super mature
🥛 calm, level-headed, definitely a great listener
🥛 doesn't strike me as the type to start conversations but definitely wouldn't hide his thoughts if you asked him
🥛 kita is pretty straightforward so he wouldn't like people who fake their personality
🥛 just be who you are and he'll like you for you
🥛 kita doesn't strike me as a big reader
🥛 he's not opposed to it he's just not avidly doing it like akaashi is
🥛 probably reads nonfiction or self help books
🥛 why do i imagine he reads instruction manuals unironically (him and ushijima)
🥛 tries to summarize the books he reads
🥛 makes a chart:
🥛 "what i've learned and how i can apply it to my life"
🥛 kita's giving love language i imagine is quality time
🥛 he's not a big pda guy
🥛 but will definitely hold your hand
🥛 maybe a quick hug every now and then
🥛 appreciates it when you do things for him but likes it more when you do things WITH him
🥛 like if you can teach him to crochet (or he can peacefully watch you while you do it, he'll probably pick it up anyway) or want to listen to music with him
🥛 it means so much to him that you would do your favorite things with him
🥛 he definitely notices when you feel cold and he'll probably drape his jacket over your shoulders subtly
🥛 won't make a big deal out of it but will let you know he's there for you
🥛 would 100% go to all of your performances to support you
🥛 wouldn't be like hinata or bokuto who would jump up and down and annoy everyone in the audience because they're distracting
🥛 or like tanaka or atsumu who would probably cheer really loud and give you secondhand embarrassment
🥛 he'd just be somewhere he can get a good angle for a video, calmly applauding at the end with a little smile on his face
runner up for you was akaashi keiji!
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A/N: there you go ⭐️anon! i love kita so much i aspire to be like him. also i'm a big fan of japan's vb team (my mom is a huge ishikawa fan) and apparently ishikawa said he liked kita in an interview??
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