#i have like three fourths of a crush on this guy. and everyone being what the fuck niko. and then it developed
boiohboii · 1 year
The surprise guest (who had to be protected by the host)
Lando Norris x Leclerc! Reader
After Lando Norris had a make out session with YN Leclerc on his stream, it hadn't been intentional, he had been too scared to come face to face with any of his girlfriend's three older brothers. But when his girlfriend's mother invites him over for dinner, he can't just ignore her
in which Pascale Leclerc invites her daughter's boyfriend (or as she likes to call him, her fourth son) over for a family dinner
N.B: I feel like the humor isn't what most of you expected and I am so sorry, I swear I am funnier irl 😭 hope you guys like it... special thanks to @glai1023-blog and @flowerchild-96 for the idea of mama leclerc doting on Lando
For context
The brothers' reactions to the steamy stream
Social media reactions
YN had always been close to her mother, she always told her about her new hair ideas, how she wants to cook a new recipe and her crushes, so when YN started dating Lando Norris her mother was the first person to know (with the promise of not telling her brothers)
Pascale had met Lando quite a lot in the 9 months that the young couple's relationship had stayed secret from her brothers. To say Pascale adored the young Brit was an understatement.
Pascale Leclerc loved Lando Norris like her own son; she learned all his favorite foods, what are his preferred desserts and the meals he hadn't been able to taste before (so that she could make it for him)
With that being said, the Leclerc parent is always big on family. She had instilled in her childrens' head that even if you are busy, you must have a day each month for a family dinner and that all five members of the Leclerc family must be present.
Except for this month, six members were present at that dinner, and three of them were ready to kick the intruder out if it not had been for their mother hitting them on the back of their heads.
It had all started out normal- well as normal as it could be when just a week ago you had seen your sister making out with her boyfriend on live.
Pascale had been in the kitchen making dinner with the help of YN while the three male Leclercs were too traumatised by last week's events to face their sister. It's not that they didn't want to ask her questions, they really did, they wanted to interrogate her, but whenever they catch a glimpse of her they remember the phone screens showing her and her boyfriend.
Boyfriend. That was one person they would love to meet. Charles could probably know where Lando Norris is whenever he wanted, that was the perks of having the same circle of friends, team workers who were also friends and same bosses. Did he want to talk to him? No. Did he want to beat him? Yes.
The doorbell interrupted the brothers creative imagination of how they could kill the British driver. As Arthur was closest to the door he went up to see who it was, not expecting the one who they murdered 100 different ways in their haeds to be standing at the door with 2 bouquets of flowers, a box of chocolate and a box of what appeared to be a cake.
"Oh, umm, hi?"
Lando was about to piss his pants, he saw that expression change on Arthur's face, and he was the youngest of his girlfriend's brothers. With every second Arthur stared at him his heart rate increased with sweat filling his palms as his throat tightened up.
"Who is it Arthur?"
Shit, fuck. Lando knew that voice all too well, and he was not ready to have his head nailed to the front of the paddock for everyone to see.
"Oh dear, hello my son, Arthur move out of the way."
The gentle voice of Pascale Leclerc stopped any and all movements in the living room.
The three Leclercs exclaimed in sync, looking at the young brit with wide eyes and clenched jaws.
The boys' anger increased as they watched their mother fuss over the boy, thanking him for the flowers as she called their sister to place them in a vase, giving him a hug and kissing his cheeks.
"Oh lovely, you didn't have to bring anything. Is that your favorite dessert then?"
Lando was all too aware of the three pairs of eyes staring at him, and if looks could kill he'd be 18 feet under. Gulping, he gave Pascale an awkward smile, too scared to actually utter a word.
Noticing his trembling hands and terrified glances at her sons, Pascale glared at the young men "you three! Stop it!"
"But mum-"
"No! I don't want to hear a word out of any of you if it's not going to be nice! You should respect you sister's boyfriend and my guest!"
"It's a family dinner! You never invited any of our girlfriends to a family dinner before"
"Oh my god," now that's a familiar voice Lando loves hearing "stop being babies about it."
Moving closed, YN took the flowers from Lando's hands "ohhh, mum, he got you your favourite!"
"Thank you love." Giving him a peck on the lips, YN smiled at him, and upon hearing her brothers' groans and complains she gave him a wink before kissing him again.
The three Leclerc brothers were like Hyenas, waiting for their mother to stop protecting their pray so they could have a word (with their fists.)
Sitting at the couch facing the open kitchen they watched as their mother dotted over the British driver, stretching her hand for him to taste the food on the spoon before giving her a wide smile
"You three look like Scar." YN teased as she took a seat besides Charles
"Mon ange," Charles started as he rotated in his seat making him face to face with his sister "please, why didn't you tell us?"
"YN, Lando Norris, really?" Arthur whined as he looked at his younger sister, waiting for an explanation of hers.
"You three are really insufferable," YN stated as she looked at them with a devilish smirk "if you guys are wondering why i didn't tell you, it's just cause I know you three will be earing my ear off about our relationship and yes Arthur, Lando Norris, he makes me happy and he kisses me oh so-"
"LALALALALALAAA" Arthur screamed at the top of his lungs, making his sister laugh while their mother scolded them for the noise
"No, but really," YN took a sip of water "he is really nice to me, he treats me really well and he is so respectful-"
"Oh yeah, making out on live is oh so respectful of him" Lorenzo rolled his eyes then glared at the young boy in the kitchen, getting head pats from their mother like a golden retriever.
"Oh god, don't remind me man" Charles groaned as the image he tried so hard to erase came back much more vibrant and clearer, as if the presence of Lando just solidified it in his brain.
"Okay listen," YN huffed as she crossed her arms "if you don't like him then okay, fine, I will end it before it goes any further, but it was an honest mistake on both of out parts. We're not into that kind of thing."
"God, will you stop doing that!"
"Do you want to tramatise us?"
"Oh god, I did not need to know anything about this."
Hearing her brothers whine and groan from her teasing brings YN the greatest of joys. Was she planning on actually breaking things off for her brothers? Hell no, they're not little princesses they can keep their emotions in check.
"Mon ange, are you really sure that you like him?"
"Yes!" YN insisted as she looked at him like he grew 2 heads "will you just please get to know him?"
Sighing Charles bit his tongue, not wanting to actually upset his sister with what he really wanted to say.
"Okay mon ange, I'll talk to him and I'll make sure everything is normal," Charles got up to make his way to his mother who was now in a matching apron with Lando as he listened to her every word, basking up the praises and head pats given to him "just please, if he hurts you or if you feel like you aren't his top priority don't stick around okay. You are worth so much more than a race driver."
"Aren't you one?"
With that, Charles left his siblings heading off to his mother with a pout as he spotted her patting the Brit's cheek with a full smile
"God, he's so whipped for her." Arthur told his brother, shaking his head.
"Yeah well, I told him it'd bite him in the ass someday."
"Hey! I'm not that bad!"
"YN," Lorenzo looked at her with a blank expression "you take full advantage of it and you know it."
It had been an hour and now the family of five and their guest are sitting at the dinner table, having their first bite of the homemade dinner.
"Oh, this tastes phenomenal Mrs Leclerc. I hadn't had that in a while"
"Oh dear, I'm so glad you like it!" Pascale cooed over the young boy, getting up to place more for him on his plate "YN told me it's one of your favourites."
"Thank you so much darling." Lando smiled at YN, feeling more at ease with the glares sent his way as Pascale Leclerc glared right back at her sons.
"Mum," Lorenzo started as he looked at the food in distaste "I don't eat that, you know."
"Well," the mother smiled at her son sarcastically, making sure to get her point across "if you don't like it, then don't eat."
"Oh, c'est brutal maman." Arthur murmured under his breath, looking at his oldest sibling in pity
("Oh, that's brutal mum")
"I said no French!" Pascale warned her youngest son before turning to her now favorite son "tell me Lando, do you like Vanilla cakes?"
"Not really no, but YN told me it's your favorite so I bought it from what I also believe to be your favorite dessert shop."
"Oh dear, you really are my favorite," four voices of a 'mum!' yelled in the dinning room which did not take any of Pascale's attention away from the British young man "you're going to make me swoon."
"Oh my god," YN whispered to her brothers "we lost her."
"Yeah well," Lorenzo grumbled at his sister "he is your boyfriend"
"I lost my mum to my boyfriend."
"Oh, he went out of his way to go to her favourite shop," Arthur stated "she's not letting him go anywhere."
"I think you lost both of them mon ange."
{Taglist: @idaesrhy @masonspulisic}
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veltana · 10 months
Riding into the night - Biker!Bucky/Reader
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✦ Pairing: Biker!Bucky Barnes/Fem!Reader ✦ Word count: ~7,8k ✦ Rating: Explicit ✦ Warnings/tags: AU, kind of soft!dark!Bucky, smut, fluff, past asshole partners mentioned, squirting, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, spanking, spitting, edging, dirty talk, praise, degradation if you squint, breeding kink if you squint, manhandling, vaginal sex, condom, cum shot, pet names (Fairy). ✦ Summary: One of the bikers caught your attention as they tumbled inside. Tall, broad, covered in tattoos, and wearing a leather vest. Essentially no different from the rest of the gang. But those blue eyes met yours and for a second the world stood still. It was only you and him. ✦ Note: I don't know how to play pool, just go with it! 😂 This is also posted on my AO3
Masterlist | AO3
It was Yelena's bachelorette party and after dinner and clubbing, she insisted you find a less respectable place to round out the night.
That’s how you end up in the sleazy bar at the edge of town that smells of sweat, stale beer, and badly fried food. The drinks are watered down but it doesn't tamper the mood of the party, because they have a few pool tables strewn about, and you never miss an opportunity to crush your friends with a few good games. The only problem is the group of bikers that rolled in fifteen minutes ago, filling up the rather empty bar with their loud voices.
As you're bending over the table to aim you can't shake the feeling of being watched. It throws off your concentration and you don’t hit the ball where you want, making you fail the shot. Righting yourself you sigh with irritation.
"That's not like you," Natasha points out as she gets ready for her turn. With a shrug you say, "Maybe I'd just had too much to drink." Yelena snorts, "I've seen you drunk enough to barely stand and still beat everyone." She waggles her eyebrows, "I think it's a pair of blue eyes that's distracting you."
You give her the finger, but you know exactly what she's talking about. One of the bikers caught your attention as they tumbled inside. Tall, broad, covered in tattoos, and wearing a leather vest. Essentially no different from the rest of the gang. But those blue eyes met yours and for a second the world stood still. It was only you and him. It felt as if diving into a clear blue lake on a hot summer day with not a problem in the world for you to care about. Then you realized you were staring and quickly looked away, breaking the small hypnosis.
Despite having had the most to drink all night, Yelena's observation skills never evade her. She saw what happened and she'd be damned if she let an opportunity to taunt you go to waste.
Quickly shooting a glance at the table, you find the man with the blue eyes. Unabashedly he's staring at you from where he sits. The others around him are talking, laughing, being rowdy, but not him. He takes a drink from his beer in silence, tattooed fingers holding the bottle, and never once does his gaze waver from you. His dark hair is in a ponytail but small strands have broken free to be tucked behind his ears.
You wouldn't say you have a type, but if you did, it wouldn't be him. You like nice guys. So far not anyone you've dated has had a single tattoo. On the other hand, you don't have to date him to fuck him. And that is something you're in desperate need of.
"And now she doesn't even realize it's her turn!" Carol breaks you from your musings and you look at the pool table. Shaking out your shoulders you try to dispel the feeling of eyes boring into your neck. Surveying what you have in front of you, a plan forms in your mind.
"Oh, I know that look!" Natasha shouts unnecessarily loud. She’s had the second most to drink through the night. You and Carol on the other hand are as close to sober as it gets.
Taking a breath, you get into position. In quick succession, you hit three shots dead on and they go right where they should, but when you move to the fourth, Carol is leaning against the edge. "You're in the way," you tell her. "I know!" she smiles. "Can you move?" "No, unfortunately not."
You try to push her off but she's solid muscles. Natasha and Yelena laugh at your failed attempts. "You know I'm going to win this anyway, right?" "I don't have to make it easy for you," she points out.
There is only one other option if you want to make the shot. So you climb up, sitting down on the edge to lean awkwardly past Carol. Just as you move the cue, she taps the edge, causing it to graze the top of the ball and then slide off. "Hey!" Hopping down, you poke her with the stick. "That's cheating!" "It's not like you to miss, are you feeling okay?" she grins. "You're such a sore loser, you know that?" "I have no idea what you're talking about." "My turn!" Natasha yells and shoves you to the side.
You take a few steps back and walk into something solid. Craning your neck to look up over your shoulder you freeze. It's him. The heat from his chest warms you and you're enveloped in his smell of fuel, beer, and cologne that is in no way unpleasant. "How about I buy you a drink as compensation for losing?” his smooth voice asks. That should make you mad because technically you didn't lose, Carol sabotaged you, but it's hard to conjure those feelings when your insides feel as if they’re liquefying. Instead, you nod dumbly before turning to your friends.
"Hey, is it okay-," you start but Yelena won't let you finish. She just waves her hand in a shooing motion and the others don't acknowledge your supposed question. "I'm just going to put this back," you gesture with your cue, but another, equally tall biker comes up beside the man with the blue eyes.
His hair is shorter and blond, cute, but not as drop-dead gorgeous as the other. "I'll take it, play your last rounds," he smiles and grabs the stick, before making his way to your friends.
With a grin, the man with the blue eyes nods his head towards the bar and you follow the short distance. When both of you have taken your places on the high chairs he asks, "What do you want?" "Just a beer's fine," you shrug. He orders from the bartender and then turns to you. "I'm Bucky," he says. After introducing yourself you ask, "Is that your real name or is it your ‘biker-name’?". He chuckles and puts a strand of long hair behind his ear. "It's actually a nickname I've had since I was a kid. And Steve," he gestures to the big guy who took your pool cue earlier, "Has always called me that. My legal name is James."
"But you prefer Bucky?" He shrugs, "I don't think anyone has called me James in a long time." "It's a pretty name, but Bucky sounds cooler. Way more biker!” you smile. That makes him laugh and you find yourself beaming. There is just something about him. He looks tough on the outside but you have a feeling he's a big teddy bear on the inside, and hearing him laugh makes you giddy.
The beer gets lower in your glass as you talk. He buys you another one but is still sipping on his first. "Not a fan of beer?" you ask. "I want to be able to get home in one piece later, and getting drunk is a recipe for crashing." "Have you ever crashed?" "Multiple times, but never anything severe." "What kind of bike do you have?" "I can show you." There is a glint in his eyes that makes your gut clench most pleasantly. "I would love to!"
When you hop off the stool, you lose your balance for a second. Yelena insisted that you all wear heels but you're not used to it in any way. Luckily, Bucky is quick with his arm, putting it around your waist and pulling you into his side to steady you. "Woah there, lightweight. I didn’t know anyone could get drunk off that beer." "I'm not drunk, it's these damn shoes! lost my balance!" "I better keep my arm around you, just to be safe." His smile is warm and playful and it’s as if his touch is burning your skin through your clothes. Your heart speeds up, fingertips tingle. "Yeah, just to be safe," you answer in a low voice.
His eyelids lower, blue eyes turning stormy. Electricity crackles between you and you wonder what he tastes like. But making out in the middle of a bar feels weird so instead you say, "About the bike?" "Yeah, the bike,” he murmurs and it takes a second or two for him to start moving again.
Before you leave, you stop by the pool table where the majority of the bikers have joined the small party. Someone has taken the tiara Yelena previously wore and put it on Steve's head. Another guy is wearing her sash. She's telling them about her wife-to-be, showing them all the cute pictures she's taken of Kate. As you pass Natasha you tell her, "We're just going to look at his bike." She eyes you up and down. "If that is some biker-slang for sex, just say that instead."
Bucky howls with laughter as you punch her in the arm, telling her to fuck off. She brushes her skin. "I think there are mosquitoes in here."
Before you can give her a piece of your mind Bucky drags you outside. It’s a warm evening and you’re glad because you only have a thin blouse on. "You're not a mosquito,” he comforts. “You’re too pretty for that, more like a fairy covered in all that glitter.” Your tummy loops when he calls you pretty and you look down at yourself. At some point, Carol had produced a can of glitter spray to drench all of you in. "I think there is a joke in there about sucking, but I can't find it right now,” you tell him instead, which makes him chuckle before stopping in front of a huge black bike. It's one of those chopper-esc things, not the sporty kind, and in the light from the streets, it looks menacing. "That's a monster," you point out. "It's not that bad." "It's standing still and I'm scared of it."
Bucky moves you from his side to the front of him, making you take a few steps closer. Then he grabs your wrist and puts your hand on the handlebar. "See, it's not so scary," his voice is low, right by your ear, making you shiver. "Yeah, it is," you mumble. "Promise I won't let anything happen to you if you hop on." You look up at him over your shoulder. "You underestimate how clumsy I am. What if it tips over?" "It won't," "Just, don't kill me when it happens, okay?"
What he says next is so faint you almost don't catch it. "There are other punishments I would rather use." Somehow your brain filters that into the purely sexual category and another shiver runs through you. Yeah, Bucky seems like the person who would administer sexual punishments. That is something you've never explored before but it still sends a tingle of excitement down your stomach.
Ignoring it for the moment you swing your leg over the saddle and settle on the seat. The tank in front of you has a huge red star on it and you trace it with your fingertips. "How does that feel?" he smiles down at you. The shadows make him look as menacing as his bike but he feels a lot less scary.
"Okay, I guess," you shrug and try to reach the handlebars but your arms are too short to properly grip them. "How do you even…?" "Scoot over and I'll show you." He gestures and you slide backward before he gets on like he's never done anything else in his life, gripping the handles without a problem.
"Should I start it up?" he asks over his shoulder. You shake your head vigorously, "Absolutely not!" He gets off the bike, just to straddle it the opposite way so he's turned towards you. First, he grabs your legs and puts them over his thighs, then pulls you closer with his hands on your waist. Your breathing gets shallow being so close to him. "Then how am I supposed to take you home, Fairy?" You grab a hold of his vest to steady yourself. "You wanna take me home?" "It's all I've been thinking about since I walked through the door tonight," he confesses.
"Oh," you just answer. His hands are warm through your blouse, the blue eyes piercing despite the low light. There is no denying you want him, you do, but going off with a stranger makes you weary. "Come on Fairy, tell me you don't feel the same?" "Yeah I do, it's just that I don't know you." You brush your hands inside his vest, letting them travel over the broad expanse of his chest, feeling him through his t-shirt.
For a moment you sit quietly and touch each other. Your brain is going a million miles per hour, weighing pros and cons. Bucky doesn’t seem like a psychopath who will rape and murder you. But on the other hand, he might as well be. "Then how about this," he suggests. "I go back in there and let your friends take a pic of me, leave my address and if you don't check in by midnight they can call the police." Your mouth hangs open. "You want to fuck me that bad?"
"I don't think you understand," he seems a little frustrated and his hands harden at your waist even though his voice stays soft. Leaning down, brushing his nose against yours, he explains, "Not only are you the sexiest thing I've seen in a long while. You're gorgeous. On top of that, I've learned in the last hour, that you’re funny and sweet too. So indulge me, let me take you home and show you just how good I can make you feel."
Your mouth is dry as a desert. No one has ever spoken to you like that before. No one has in such a short time made you feel so desired. Finally, you decide to go with your gut, hoping it’s not going to turn out to be a terrible mistake. "Okay, Bucky," you nod.
With a wicked smile, he gets off the bike and walks back to the bar. You take out your phone and quickly write in the group chat, telling them your location is on and sending them a picture of his bike with the red star showing.
It takes longer for Bucky to come back than you thought it would and when he emerges, you notice his vest is gone. "What happened?" "That red-headed friend of yours gave me a stern talking to, and made me leave the vest." "Why?" "She said it seemed important to me, and you're important to her, and if I do something to hurt you she's going to do unspeakable things to the vest and my reputation."
That makes you laugh. Natasha may antagonize you on a regular basis but she's also fiercely protective.
He snatches a helmet from the bike beside and turns to you. "Ever ridden one of these before?" "Not a motorcycle! I've ridden a regular bike." He huffs at that before listing off some do's and don'ts. "But the most important thing," he finishes. "Is that you hold on to me really tight." He smirks, before putting the helmet on your head, tightening the straps. It's a little big but you don't think it will come off.
Bucky gets on and the bike roars to life. Telling you to hold on to him was unnecessary because the moment the sound and feel of the bike hits you, your arms go around his waist and grab onto his clothes. Your heart is hammering and you feel a nervous sweat run down your neck. He never puts a helmet on and before you know it you're flying down the streets.
You have no idea how much time passes or where you are in the city since you’re devoting all of your concentration to hanging onto him. Finally, he slows down and drives into a parking garage attached to a high-rise building. Cars stand in neat rows and he parks in an unoccupied space before getting off.
With shaky fingers, you try to open the clasp to the helmet but fail three times before he notices and does it for you. "That bad huh?" he asks as he hangs the helmet on the handle. "I don't think I can stand," you confess.
As you get off, Bucky holds you to his chest until the ground stabilizes around you. You take the opportunity to study him. There are crow's feet at the edge of his eyes that tell you he smiles a lot. Above the cleft in his chin is his full lips that you've been eyeing for most of the evening. They look soft and delicious.
Your hands travel up and braid behind his neck. Experimentally you pull, seeing if he'll follow, and he does. "I think a kiss would also help," you hint. "Who am I to say no," he hums in response.
As he bends down, you rise up and your lips meet halfway. At first, it's slow but you're both a bit desperate and it quickly gets heavier. Your finger loosens the hair tie and tangles in his long strands, pulling lightly, drawing a pleased sound from his throat. In response, he cups your ass and lifts you off the ground to pull you closer. A surprised moan leaves you before you wrap your legs around his waist and he starts walking. He breaks away just so he can find the button for the elevator, then he is right back to your lips.
Inside, he presses you up against the wall hard enough to get his hands free. They slide up your sides, in under your blouse, making you sigh into his mouth from contentment, fisting the hair at the nape of his neck harder, pressing him closer. Too quickly, but also not quickly enough the elevator dings with the announcement of its arrival on the floor.
Once again Bucky carries you to the door where he fumbles with the keys before getting it open, never breaking from your mouth.
You don't see much of the inside of his apartment because as soon as the door shuts you start pulling at his clothes, wanting them off, to feel his warm skin. The sheets are blue and the bed soft you notice as he places you down on it. With pants and blouse off, the next thing that goes is your bra and he stops the feverish kissing long enough to take you in.
"Fairy," his voice is grovely. "Fuck!" Is all he says before he gently cups your tits, thumbing your nipples and drawing small pleased sounds from you. The fabric of your panties is soaked and every pass over your sensitive peaks shoots another bolt of desire through you.
"Bucky! Can you… please!" you try. It's hard to form words. In an alarmingly short period, he’s got you unbelievably horny and all you can think about is that you need to be touched, to come!
Still playing with your tits he asks, "What do you need Fairy? Tell me what I can do for you." "Take the rest of your damn clothes off and eat me out, or finger me, or something! I'm dying!" "We don't want that now do we?" he smirks and bends down enough to give each of your nipples a kiss. When the last of his clothes go, you suck in a breath because he looks fucking divine. Just like his arms and fingers, his chest and abdomen are covered in tattoos but it doesn't hide the powerful muscles underneath. “You are… wow…” you tell him and swallow roughly. Before you have time to inspect every swirl of ink, he climbs onto the bed and starts up where he left off. His mouth trailing down from your sternum, over your stomach, dragging his teeth tantalizingly over your hip bones, kissing your mound before carefully ridding you of your underwear.
He spreads you with his thumbs, moaning when he sees how wet you are. "Fairy, I think your cunt likes me," he teases. You're about to grip his head and shove his mouth to where you need it, telling him to shut up and get going, but luckily he doesn’t waste any more time.
The cry of pleasure that leaves your mouth is probably heard by the neighbors. Feeling him work you over sends your head spinning and your body twitching. With his tongue and his lips, he tries different pressures and speeds just to see what makes you moan the loudest. "Fingers, Bucky! I need your fingers!" you tell him and seconds later two thick digits start pumping in and out of you, crooking every now and then to find the right spot.
It builds inside you in no time, the dual sensation making it brilliant. But what you feel as you near the edge makes you put your hands against his forehead, pushing and saying, "Wait! Bucky, stop." Hastily he pulls away, fingers leaving you, eyes wide and confused as he sits up. "What is it? Did I hurt you?"
Panting heavily, trying to get your quivering body under control, you wave your hand. "No, no, it's fine! Don't worry!" Then he dares touch you again. His hands slide up and down your inner thighs in a soothing gesture. "Tell me what's wrong. Do you want to stop?" His voice is as soft as his gaze on you.
"God no, I don't want to stop! It's just, ehm…" you feel the embarrassment in your chest, heating you from the inside in an unpleasant way. "Please tell me, Fairy. We can do whatever you want." You try to explain in as roundabout terms as possible, "Sometimes… when it's really good… I can't control what my body does." If you had been smart you would have had this conversation before getting into bed with him, but you weren’t, so now you have to face the unpleasant consequences. "Fairy, what are you saying?" Burying your face in your hands you continue, "Sometimes it's only a little and sometimes it's a lot, but I don't know beforehand so it's better to stop and let me calm down a bit."
There is a beat of silence before his command cuts through it, "Look at me." Slowly you lower your hands. "Were you about to squirt?" he asks point blank. "I hate that word,” you mutter. "Tell me, Fairy," he commands again. "Yes, I'm sorry. I can't control it, it happens!” You’ve had this conversation before, usually after it was already too late and you know how it goes. Luckily you remembered to stop. You’re not sure you would have been able to live it down if it had happened with Bucky. But he does not look happy at all, his eyes near slits, and you reach out towards him, letting your palms graze along his arms to placate him. “I've calmed down now so we can keep going if you want. It rarely happens when I have sex so we can just do that!"
"No," his cold tone answers and your stomach drops. Before you can crawl off the bed to go home he says, "Turn over, ass up, head down." "Bucky, I can just…" You aim your thumb at the door but he doesn’t acknowledge the gesture, only telling you, "Do it, Fairy."
Confused but also curious you turn over on your stomach and bring your knees in under you, doing as you’re told. His hands start making slow steady circles over your ass, caressing and squeezing. "Have you ever been spanked before?" "What?" "You heard me. Have you?" "No… not really…" "So, because you robbed me of your fountain orgasm I'm going to spank you as a punishment. And then you're going to turn over again and I'm going to make you come until you've ruined the sheets. Are we clear, Fairy?" "But, I just thought-,” you begin but he interrupts you. "Whatever someone has said to you before to make you think that you don't deserve to come as hard as you can, makes me so fucking angry. I want all of your pleasure, Fairy, and you're going to give it to me. Understand?" Once again you’re surprised by his words and you give yourself the benefit of the doubt that he knows what he’s in for. With a soft voice, you tell him, "I understand Bucky," and arch your back, showing him that you're ready. "Fucking beautiful."
The sting to your ass is more pleasure than pain. With every impact from his hand, a jolt goes to your cunt. If you were wet before, you're dripping by the time he declares you're done. Each of your ass cheeks gets a kiss before he pushes at your hip and makes you lay on your back again, the sheets cool against your heated skin. He crawls up over you, giving you a long hard kiss. "How are you feeling?" "Very horny," you confess. "Ready to come for me?" "Absolutely, Bucky!"
In no time, he’s back between your legs and starts as he did before, licking and tasting you until you're begging for his fingers. The combination of your slick and his saliva have wetness running down your ass, making a puddle below you. Since you were already so close before you made him stop, it doesn't take long for the coil to wind tight in your lower belly. It’s the same feeling as earlier and you warn him before it happens. "Bucky, I'm going to come!" For a second he lets up to tell you, "Please do, Fairy, I want every last drop."
Maybe it's because of the unplanned edging together with the spanking or it's because Bucky knows exactly what to do with his hands and mouth, or everything combined, but when you arch off the bed with a mind-boggling orgasm, the sides of your vision go hazy and your legs spasm hard. You think you hear Bucky moan but the blood is rushing in your ears.
Panting worse than before you sink into the bed, body lax with the release and you look down to see the unmistakable sign of your climax. Not only are your thighs wet, but the sheets are a shade or two darker, and Bucky is wiping his smirking face with the edge of the cover.
Biting your lip you try to not feel too much shame, but it's hard after years of being told it's disgusting. Although he said he wanted it, maybe he didn't know what he signed up for. "Sorry," you finally say. "Don't ever say that to me again after coming, Fairy. That was fucking amazing!" "Everything is wet." "Everything can be washed," he reassures you. Then he gets off the bed to rummage through a drawer, pulling out a condom. When he turns to you he says, "Now be a good little Fairy and grab your legs for me so I can fuck that sweet cunt of yours."
You watch with anticipation as he rolls the condom on before you pull your legs up, holding behind your knees. As he gets on the bed again, he takes a second to swipe his cock-head through your slick, lubing himself up, but you're impatient, whining and wiggling to get him inside.
"Yeah, yeah, don't worry, you'll get my cock," he’s trying to scold you but it gets lost when he can’t take his eyes away from the view of pressing inside you. The sensation being carried from your cunt throughout your body as he steadily fills you more and more makes your breathing labored and your hands clamping down on your legs harder. "God, that's a pretty fucking pussy taking all my cock," his voice is so low it travels through you like a baseline. Slowly he pulls out and presses in again, mesmerized by what he's seeing, but for you, it's just pure torture.
"Bucky, I need more!" you beg. His answer isn't to fuck you harder or faster like you want. Instead, he spits on your exposed cunt, making you gasp before he presses a thumb against your oversensitive clit. A loud moan rips from your throat and your legs shake. “You get so fucking tight when I touch your clit, feels amazing!”
He keeps the thumb still as he fucks you. Slow, deep thrusts that keep you right on the edge of coming. If he just moved his finger and sped up a little you'd be flying again. But he seems determined to drag this out, his groans and moans are telling you that he's enjoying it very much. Bucky's eyes keep shifting from your face to your chest, down to where you're connected, watching his cock spear you.
Suddenly he removes his hand, but before you can sound a word of protest he's leaned forward, using both his hands to grab the back of your neck. He bends your head down and lifts you from the bed a little until there is no mistake what he wants you to see. “Watch your pussy take all of my cock, Fairy. It belongs there. As if it was fucking made for me. Sucking me right back in every time I pull out.”
Briefly, he lets you have what you need, fucking you faster, slamming into you, making you feel him deep as you watch your body take him over and over again. You understand why he can’t stop watching. It’s filthy at the same time it turns you on more. In desperation, you reach down to touch yourself but he lets you go, making you bounce against the bed slightly before batting your hands away. Then he pulls out and you cry in protest. “No! Bucky! I wanna come! Fuck me!”
Sweat is glistening on his naked chest and his cock stands out from his body, the condom shiny with your slick, but he doesn't acknowledge your plea, only tells you. “On your stomach. Grab a pillow and put it under your hips.”
The pulse in your cunt is uncomfortable, almost unbearable, and you glare at him, having half a mind to just finish off yourself and get some god damned relief. Bucky raises an eyebrow in question as to why you're not doing as he says. With an irritated huff, you turn over, grabbing a pillow and stuffing it under your hips, folding your arms and laying your head on them with a pout, clearly showing him that you're not happy.
The swat to your ass makes you yelp since it's much harder than when he spanked you earlier. It earns him a glare over your shoulder. “Don't be bratty, Fairy,” he reprimands you before his knees push your legs wider and he presses into you swiftly again. He pulls your hands out from under your head, lacing your fingers together before laying down on top of you, kissing your shoulder.
“We were having such a good time,” he says as he starts fucking you again. The new angle makes his dick press right against your g-spot, forcing a whine out of you. Even though you don’t want to give him the satisfaction you can’t help to push your ass against him. With all his weight on top of you, it's hard to move, but your body craves him. “But now you're mad at me, Fairy. What can I do to make it better?” Rutting harder he sends white-hot pleasure through you. You've never been able to come from penetration alone, but the way your body feels makes you think that this might do the trick. “I want to come!” you almost sob.
“Yeah, I know Fairy. Don't forget that I can feel every little pulse of your cunt around me.” There is no comfort to be found in his tone. “Why are you being so mean?!” you cry. That makes him laugh into your neck. “Oh little Fairy. This is not me being mean. This is me wanting to give you the pleasure of your life.” He nips at your skin. “We could have been done a long while ago. You feel so good I could come any second. But I don't want that.” His hands squeeze yours. “I want you to always remember this. No matter what happens after, it'll be seared into your memories. Every time you're with someone else you'll wish it was me fucking you.”
The little show of possession makes your heart beat double and you're about to tell him you don't want to be with anyone else ever again, but that's crazy, so instead you respond with what you hope will get you what you need. “Then fuck me like you fucking mean it because right now your performance is mediocre at its best,” trying and failing to sound unaffected. This time his laugh is tinged with something cruel and you have a second to wonder what the hell you've let loose before he raises himself, pressing your joint hands into the bed to keep his weight on, and then starting to fuck you in earnest.
A sharp cry is forced from you by the brutal thrusts. The angle is much better and your body starts burning from the inside. Screams, moans, and pleas all tumble together from your lips.
Every time you think you might be close to coming he slows down, just enough to keep you from reaching any kind of high. That makes you livid and when you curse him out, he releases your hands, instead placing them between your shoulder blades, pressing you down hard into the mattress, before starting up again.
“I wish I had a vibrator to shove between your legs. Put it on the highest setting and force you to come over and over again. You'd be begging me to stop instead, trying to run away, crying. I bet you'd look real pretty sobbing.”
Your cunt clenches hard at the mental image he's presenting. You can't decide if that would be worse than this. Your body feels like a livewire, ready to release all the pent-up pleasure that has accumulated in your body. All it needs is the right touch at the right place.
One moment you’re on your front, and in the next, he’s flipped you over on your back again. You don’t even have the presence of mind to be surprised because he’s instantly inside you, your legs over his shoulders and his hands gripping your head, kissing you fiercely. It’s teeth and tongue and lips in a jumble. With his pelvis pressing against your clit it drives you fast towards the edge. “I need to see your face when you lose it on my cock,” he rests his forehead on yours. Despite his words, he slows down when it starts to climb inside you. You groan, almost in pain, the edging is making you feel crazy. Over and over again he refuses you the release you’re so desperately after.
A little too late you realize that maybe there is something you can do, instead of begging, that will get you what you want. “I wish you could come inside me,” you whisper, looking right into his eyes, clenching around him when you speak. When he groans you know you’ve hit the spot, but you press down the grin. “You want to fill me up with your cum, Bucky?” you ask before you give him a ruthless kiss. “Yeah fuck, Fairy!” He thrusts hard in response. “Better fuck me good then, and maybe I'll come back and let you do it.”
“Oh Fairy,” he growls and moves one hand to the headboard, gripping it, the other grasping the base of your skull. “You’ll come back. I'll have you outside my door, on your knees, begging for my cock.” The pace he sets has the bed creaking disconcertingly. “Maybe I'll even let you in, crawling on all fours.”
As his voice paints the picture of your submission, the climax mounts in you. Bucking up against him, you try to get more when he’s already giving you everything. All thoughts about teasing him are forgotten with the immediate pleasure. “Don't stop-don't stop-don't stop!” You chant. “Never, Fairy. Come on my dick. Let me see you.”
Your vision goes spotty when the orgasm hits, your throat screaming his name, body convulsing in a way you’ve never experienced before. Afterward, your body goes limp, twitching with aftershocks as Bucky seeks his own release. Maybe you can't have him come inside you, but you want something more. “Come on me,” you tell him in a hoarse voice. “Fuck! What?” He’s so beautiful above you with his hair hanging down in his face, sweat making his skin shine, the clear desperation and shock on his face. “Paint me with your cum, please Bucky,” you say once again. “God dammit, Fairy! Fuck!” He sits back and rips the condom off. A few swipes are all it takes and he's shooting ropes up your stomach and chest, blue eyes wide and staring as if he can't believe it, moaning your name loudly in his deep voice. It makes you grin like the Cheshire cat, knowing you can affect him just as much as he does you.
He sags down beside you, panting heavily. You never want to move but as the sweat and cum start to cool, your heart calms down, and you start feeling something else.
“Oh, I think I…” you mumble, looking down between your legs. “When I came I…” “You squirted?” Bucky chuckles at your unwillingness to say the word. “Yeah. That usually doesn't happen with sex.” “It did. You almost pushed my dick out when you came too.” He kisses your shoulder and up your neck. You turn your head to meet him in a soft kiss. “You also called me James,” he smiles against your lips.
You stare at him in horror as your mind catches up with what he’s saying and you realize you did in fact do that. “Oh god,” You wish you could sink through the bed and continue into the earth's core. “I don't know why I did that!” He kisses you again. “Don't worry, I liked it,” he reassures you.
After some more kissing, the various bodily fluids on your skin compel you to get up and head for the bathroom to clean yourself up. When you're done you study yourself for a moment in the mirror, thinking that you’ll see something different after you've just been fucked within an inch of your sanity, but you look just the same.
When you get back to the bedroom, Bucky has stripped the bed and is in the process of putting new sheets on. After you help him, you start looking for your clothes, thinking you'll take a cab home, but Bucky stops you by pulling you into a warm embrace. “You need to text your friends. I prefer my vest and my reputation untarnished.”
With a laugh you move to find your phone and when you do you notice you have a bunch of notifications. It's well past midnight.
It seems as if he doesn't want to be far away from you because as you’re writing a reply, he comes up behind you and hugs you close. Suddenly you have a better idea and stop what you’re doing, instead, you take a picture of the two of you, aiming it to just show your bare upper shoulders and your faces. The flash goes off in the dim room and when you see the picture you giggle. What you couldn't tell in the mirror, the picture clearly shows. Two fucked out people. You send it with just a short line about being alive.
When you're done you turn in Bucky's arms. “Satisfied?” “In more ways than one,” he smiles cheekily before kissing you. After a lazy make-out session standing naked in the middle of the room, you begin to pull away. “I need to-” “Stay,” Bucky finishes for you, tightening his arms. “Stay?” “Yeah, I'll make you breakfast tomorrow and then take you home.” “You don't have to,” you tell him. “Indulge me?” “Fine,” you sigh as if it’s a great burden. “I guess I could stay, but if you don't cuddle me, I'm leaving.” He pinches your ass in reprimand, making you jump. “You have no idea what you've signed up for, Fairy.”
True to his words Bucky hardly lets you out of bed, even in the morning when you need to use the bathroom. When you come back he holds up the cover and pats the mattress. As soon as you're beside him he pulls you in closer, putting his face in the crook of your neck and mouthing at your skin. A pleasurable sigh leaves you as you snuggle in closer to his warm body. Although the both of you were naked together the night before you never had time to explore his body, so now you let your hands roam everywhere they can reach.
Bucky lets his own hands travel over your skin, but those touches don’t stay innocent long and soon his erection is pressed into your stomach. Taking pity on him you spit in your palm and grab him, making him hiss at the contact before you lazily start pumping him. When he tries to reach between your legs you push his hand away. “No, let me take care of you,” you say sternly. “Whatever you say, Fairy,” he groans and thrusts into your palm.
There is no finesse to it all, just a quick morning hand job. He comes between your bodies, dirtying the sheets. When you see his eyelids starting to close again you poke him and they fly open. “You promised me breakfast!” “You just missed it,” he winks. In response, you roll your eyes before getting up. “Men!”
Instead of pulling on your jeans and the blouse drenched in glitter from the night before you snag the t-shirt he was wearing and find your discarded panties. The t-shirt barely covers your ass but at least you're semi-dressed as you go out into the kitchen to find something to eat.
Muttering under his breath about you being a stubborn woman he follows you in sweatpants and a fresh henly. Before you can find the coffee he hauls you up and puts you on the kitchen island, boxing you in with his arms on either side, lowering himself to glare at you. “Instead of opening every cupboard in the whole damn kitchen, tell me what you want and I'll make it.” “Coffee, with milk and sugar.” “And to eat?” “What do you usually make for the women you bring home?” you tease.
That makes him rise to his full height, looking down at you, and crossing his arms. “You think I have a habit of bringing women home and fucking them like I did you last night?” “You didn't get that good by theorizing,” you point out. “There hasn't been anyone, in a long time, Fairy,” his voice is suddenly soft as he cups your cheeks. You have another teasing comment on your lips but think better of it when you see his guarded look.
Instead, you put your arms around his waist and pull him in between your legs, resting your chin against his sternum to look up at him. “Then you make me whatever you want. But I don't like fish.” With a smile, he asks, “How about scones?” “Sounds perfect.”
When you’re done with breakfast he puts you on the table, insisting that he needs dessert and showing a much gentler side than the night before as he strums your body until you tell him you can't come anymore. Then he carries you to the couch and puts on a random channel. Together you watch reruns until you slide down his body to give him some of his own medicine. No matter how much he begs, you take your sweet time tasting him and when he comes it’s with a roar of your name. After some more cuddles and a nap, you convince him that you actually need to go home.
Just as you're about to head out there is a knock on the door and Bucky opens it to find Steve outside, holding his vest. Earlier he explained that Steve lives a few apartments down the hall. “I was told to give this to you.” Bucky takes it and inspects it quickly before hanging it up. To you, it seems untarnished.
“Hope Nat didn't give you too hard a time,” you smile. Assuming they'd stayed late at the bar and when she'd seen your text she'd given it to Steve. His eyes quickly flick away and there is a blush on his cheek. “No, no, it was fine.” You narrow your eyes and study him, noticing a small red bite mark on his neck. “Oh my god!” you exclaim and start laughing. Steve blushes even more. Bucky looks confused between the two of you. “What?” In a very loud whisper, you tell him, “I think Nat is at Steve's place.” Bucky's eyes glimmer with mirth and he looks at him. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Steve waves and heads back down the hall. Just as he pulls the door open you yell. “Tell her I said hi!”
Fortunately, Bucky also has a car, and as he drives you home, he keeps his hand on your thigh the entire time. Outside your apartment, he turns to you. “I want to see you again,” he says. “Okay.” You want that too. So much! “When?” “Tomorrow ideally but if that doesn't work, how about a date on Friday?” You could do tomorrow but you feel yourself already falling for him. Some distance would do you good, so you say, “Friday sounds great! Give me your phone.” You type in your number and save it under the fairy emoji before sending yourself a text. Then you save him under a motorcycle emoji.
Before you can get out he pulls you in for a long, deep kiss. “Now go before I kidnap you and keep you warm in my bed all week.” “Don't tempt me with a good time,” you wink and give him one last peck before getting out. In an act of pure self-preservation, you don't look back.
After a long shower, and checking your phone a million times throughout the evening to see if he’s texted, you come to the realization that you will never make it to Friday. You: [If I told you that I’ve changed my mind and want to see you tomorrow, would that make me seem desperate?] The response is quick. Bucky: {No more than I feel right now. I’ll pick you up after work. When do you get off?} Refusing to let an opportunity like that go to waste, you reply. [Preferably quicker than last night. I’m not sure I’m a fan of edging ;)] {Fairy, don’t make me spank you again. Off of work.} [I’ve told you not to tempt me with a good time ;) I get off at four]
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trendfag · 2 years
four years ago today i knew i had a crush on a guy who i would continue to have a crush on until like. may or june
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ericshoney · 2 months
Hockey injury ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Your brothers are home in Boston to see you play ice hockey for your school team and also take you to the hospital to get patched up.
Warnings: swearing, shouting, crying, injuries, broken bones, nicknames, fluff
Today was a big game for the season. Your school was close to being champions and had to win tonight in order to win. Everyone was anxious about the game and when you saw Nick, Matt and Chris arrive in the stands you couldn't help but smile wide. You rushed over to them, hugging them tightly.
"Hey kiddo." Nick called.
"Hey! You made it!" You cheered.
"Of course, petal, this is a big game for you." Matt said.
"Now go out there and crush the other school!" Chris shouted, getting shhhed by Nick.
"You can't say that about teenage girls!" The eldest responded.
"Try your best and have fun." Matt replied.
"You sound like mum." You said with a giggle.
"Kick ass but within the rules." Nick said.
You laughed and nodded, heading down to the ice. You got your skates on and warmed up a bit with your teammates. You checked out the other team, seeing they looked determined, but so were you.
The game soon began, the first whistle being blown. You skated quickly, passing the puck with ease and it soon added up as your team was three points to none.
You never celebrated early, knowing it could all change and by the third quarter, both teams were tied. The whistle then went for the end of the third quarter and you skated over to your coach.
"Alright girls, we can do this, it's for the title, to become champions. I want you to give it your all now!" She shouted.
Everyone cheered and you looked over to where Nick, Matt and Chris were. They gave you a wave, making you smile.
The fourth and final quarter now began. You got tackled by another player, crashing into the wall. You groaned as you knew it would bruise, but continued on.
The final seconds were counting down and you had the puck. You hit it hard, it flying across the ice into the goal, the buzzer going at the same time as the whistle but also you crashing to the floor.
You screamed as you felt and heard a loud snap. You looked over and saw a girl from the other team being shouted at by the ref. She clearly had pulled an illegal move. You looked at your arm and knew it was broken instantly.
A couple of your teammates carefully carried you off the ice and helped you take your skates and helmet off, just as your brothers came rushing over. They frowned seeing your teary face.
"Oh kiddo." Chris cooed.
The three came and stood with you as a medic checked you, but as you cried out when they touched your arm, they knew it was broken too. The guys rushed you too the car, Nick helping to hold you as you cried.
Matt broke every speeding limit to get you to the hospital and when you arrived, got you inside quickly. As you were in so much pain and could tell it was visibly broken, you got seen quickly.
After having the x-ray and being assessed, finding out your arm was broken in two places, you got to pick your cast. You picked your favourite colour and eventually returned to Nick, Matt and Chris who were in the waiting room, Nick on the phone.
"Yeah mum, we're coming home soon. Oh wait she's just been let out. I'll pass the phone over." He said.
You took the phone with your non-broken arm and sighed as you heard your mum's voice.
"Oh honey, what happened?" She asked.
"I'll explain everything at home mum, but my arm is broken in two places." You answered
"Okay honey, drive safe." She replied before hanging up.
You passed the phone to Nick as the trio looked at you. They gave you comforting smiles.
"Let's go home, sweetheart." Nick said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"The positive thing here, kid, is that your team won." Chris said.
You laughed softly as you all got in the car, you resting your head on Nick's shoulder, feeling tired and in pain as you drove home.
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ma1dita · 11 months
this will be our year
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this was a request! find it here
words: 2.5k
summary: james does his best to plan reader's birthday! it's not as easy as you think
warnings: james is a leader not a planner, fluff!! bestfriend!james returns mwahaha
a/n: so sorry for this being literally two weeks after your birthday anon! life was kicking my ass but i hope you enjoy! writing many characters is something im trying to learn to make more organic
(posted and edited too many times to count 11/6/23)
There are a few things in life that James likes to think he’s very good at: making plans, pulling pranks, playing quidditch, and doing absolutely anything he can to make you smile. At first, he would laugh it off when his friends would say you two had something special. He is a gentleman, after all. James is the type of friend any of the girls would trust with a secret, or the one to borrow hair potion from when you’re in a pinch.
He loves to join in the gossip and crash your sleepovers when the boys are being ‘dreadfully boring’ (his words, not yours). He holds your bag when you walk to class (only yours, he’ll push Marlene’s books to the ground and run off laughing), bribes Peter with an extra helping of bacon to move his butt out of ‘your seat’ (whichever one was to the right of him) at breakfast, and definitely writes to his mom asking about what to get you for your birthday (and how much he’s been wanting to ask you out for almost about three years now).
Right... James is a great friend, so when you get all excited about your birthday, gushing about how you want to celebrate this year, he takes one look at the excitement on your face and hatches the perfect plan. Or so he thinks.
“I just can’t wait to celebrate with you guys, and not have to worry about exams, or projects, or boys, or curfew…” you muse, laying across Mary and Remus’s laps as everyone’s gathered in the common room. Sirius, and Peter are chasing each other with throw pillows while Dorcas and Lily share headphones on the other sofa. James beelines towards you, crawling across the open space.
“Boys? What boys have been worrying you, dove?” he says snidely, sneaking towards the space near your belly, looking up at your relaxed figure.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Mary giggles, and Remus huffs back laughter as he pats your head. James peers up at you as you smile knowingly.
“It’s a secret.” you smile, reaching out to poke his chin.
“You keep secrets from me now? From your most good-looking, bestest friend ever that plans the coolest awesomest birthday parties for you?”
Well, he did have a point. Ever since he accidentally flung you into the Black Lake third year in a prank meant for Snape, he’s almost always waited on you hand and foot. He had to, for your immediate response to laugh and flip him into the lake ‘qualified’ you as a Marauder (plus he thought you were really pretty—he swore he stopped crushing on Lily the next day.) And every birthday since has been bigger and better. Fourth year was the movie marathon out on the quidditch pitch; Fifth year was the picnic out next to Black Lake, and now you couldn’t wait to see what he has planned.
You look at the boy thoughtfully, smiling down at him and he swears it’s his favorite sight in the world.
“You don’t always have to know everything, Prongs…”
He chases after your hand with his mouth, trying to chomp one of your fingers. Idiot.
“Of course I do, or else no birthday party for you!” he jokes, and you giggle at the notion. He wouldn’t dare. He loves to celebrate you. Maybe this will be the year he asks you out… Is that cheesy? Or lame? James sighs, fussing with a string on his sweater, suddenly silent amongst the chaos of his lively friends. He’s got a lot of work to do.
The next week was filled with James’ hasty preparations and all of your friends were put up to the task of making his vision come together. Remus and Peter would get the booze, Mary and Alice would bake the sweet treats, Sirius and Lily were working on decorations, and Marlene and Dorcas were busy enchanting a record player to amplify through the party space James would get ready in the Room of Requirement. He’s been a little high-strung, overcalculating his endless to-do list to impress you.
All of them have been so…busy, and it was a bit lonely. You thought they might plan something with you, or for you, but you haven’t seen much of them in the past few days. Every bump in the corridor or spotting in the common room was a flurry of hushed whispers and giggles at jokes that flew over your head. Even dinner with them has been oddly silent, like watching a film but not being able to penetrate the scene that unfolds.
Peering down at the map one day after class, you see your friends’ names flitting around the map, all of them hanging out together, but not with you. That is, until a big hand nabs the parchment from your grasp.
“Hey!” “Sorry doll, need it for something important.” Sirius grins, pulling Lily along as they walk off briskly.
“Do you guys want to study later?” You call out after them, and they keep on walking, hands in their cloaks. Weird.
Many more of your requests have been denied. It’s a fickle thing, to suddenly feel unwanted in your group of friends. As a Marauder, you’ve earned your place there. But if Remus and Peter didn’t want to sneak out for a midnight snack, and Alice and Mary went shopping already, without you… Marlene and Dorcas were nowhere to be found.
That means you only had your favorite person to badger… James. You drag him into a broom closet after Muggle Studies one day, crossing your arms and looking up at him with frustration.
“Jeez, love, you’re stronger than you look!” He says sheepishly, hands landing on your waist.
“What are you all up to? Where have you been?” The pout on your face makes his knees weak, and it’d be so easy to just tell you….
No…He thinks, hardening his resolve as his thumb reaches out to smooth the crease in your forehead.
“Prongs,” you whine, poking his chest. The dim yellow lightbulb swings overhead, almost clobbering him in the skull.
“Why, you miss me that much?” He grins, prodding at your cheek. It’s cramped in here enough, and he hunches over your frame, unable to stop his smile at the look on your face.
“Yeah. I miss all of my friends. I sound like Moaning Myrtle whining after you lot! I wanna be involved in whatever you all are doing…” Delicate hands pull at the drawstrings of his hoodie and he feels like his chest tightens too.
“Hey, we haven’t forgotten you, so don’t worry, pretty girl. Your birthday’s coming up, right? You excited for that?” James’ thumb rubs at your cheek and he really wonders if, in any other instance, this could be platonic. Surely, you must like him too, right? Everything he does is to make you smile. He feels like he’s in a one-man show trying to embellish himself for your attention, and he’s waiting for the applause. Your hand grabs his as you lean into his touch.
“Got anything special planned?” You ask teasingly, and James can feel the warmth of your smile in his palm.
“For you? Of course.” He squeezes your cheek and you rip away from him, laughing. As you walk out of the closet, your shoulders bump as he wraps an arm around you.
“Don’t worry too much, dove. It’ll all work out,” he says, glad that you’re smiling again. “Wouldn’t let you have a terrible birthday. Never in a million years.”
“Exactly. What type of best friend would you be?” You smirk, walking off to your next class.
The thing is, he hopes you won’t be best friends by the end of it though. James huffs as he puts his hands in his pockets, walking in the opposite direction. This will be the year…. And it’s unsure if it’s a promise to himself or to you.
Of course, it wouldn’t be a Marauder plan of action without some mayhem. James had taken it upon himself to organize his big list of to-dos, assign jobs, and make sure everything was set up for your birthday. The Room of Requirement was decked out in enchanted sparklers, a huge cake was adorned by a spotlight in the corner of the room, and all your friends were there to celebrate you. Mary’s putting the final touches on the gift pile before she looks to Sirius and Peter, who are horsing around the room running through the balloons.
“Something’s missing,” she remarks, and the others scamper around to figure out what it is. Lily double checks the sound system for your favorite songs, Marlene makes sure the drinks are flowing and at the table set up in the back. Dorcas whacks Peter and Sirius to stop popping the balloons, and Remus, the smart one, turns on his heel to stomp towards James, who is looking like he could implode from stress at any given moment.
“Prongs…” Remus muses, unsure if he should laugh, or wring his neck.
“What did I forget?” he says sheepishly, looking down at his watch. A balloon pops.
“Did you invite the birthday girl?” Oh shit.
“HAH—Moony, you’re not supposed to be the funny one here, of course I….” his eyes fall down to his scroll of to-dos, looking at the only thing unmarked on his list.
• Get her to come to the best birthday celebration ever.
“I forgot to tell her, didn’t I…”
Right. James might’ve glossed over that one. His nervous laughter shrivels at the sight of his friends’ faces of disbelief as they bombard him with questions and profanities and so, he bolts out of there, trying to find you on the map.
Surprisingly, James finds you in the kitchen, sitting infront of a lone cupcake and the house elves singing you the worst rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ there ever was to magical folk. What should be his plan of action? Acting nonchalant, or owning up to his flub? All of his thoughts go out the window when he sees your despondent sigh at the lit candle, thinking your friends have forgotten his absolute favorite day of the entire year.
“Pretty girl, why are you so sad?” he says, rushing to meet you at the table. You’re pulling at your sleeves and looking at the cupcake in disappointment.
“Did you all forget about me?” you ask, bottom lip trembling at the notion. James shakes his head rapidly, so much so that his glasses are skewed as he looks at you.
“How could we forget the best birthday girl?”
“I’m the only birthday girl, and I haven’t seen any of you today. You didn’t even eat dinner with me,” you pout. Your huff of a sigh blows out the sad little candle, and it almost makes you want to crumple up in embarrassment. Your finger reaches out to sample some of the icing, and you bring it to your mouth, James following the movement with his eyes.
“I’m sorry dove. I might’ve messed up for this one,” he mutters, hating to see you upset.
“If you forgot to plan anything, it’s okay…. You’re not obligated to.” Your head falls to the slope of your shoulder, looking bashful at the idea of being celebrated. But James hasn’t gone all this way to see you unhappy.
“That’s the funny thing about it, erm…. I need you to come with me.” He pulls at your arm, but you won’t budge. How mortifying to conceptualize how you feel in this moment, feeling smaller than ever. A birthday is just a day, after all. Maybe they can make it up to you tomorrow.
“I dunno Prongs, I think I should just go to bed and wake up with a better attitude, yeah? It’s really oka–HEY!” James lifts you out of your chair and throws you over his shoulder, securing you to him before he bolts out of the kitchens. Your vision is blurred and all you can see is the massive muscles rippling down his back as he runs. His bum is quite nice too.
“James Potter, what in Merlin’s name do you think you’re doing? Put me down this instant or I’ll hex you into next week!” You screech, before he puts a silencing charm on you to not alert Filch of your antics. You reach out to hit his buttock as he exclaims, “Ow! Cheeky…. I promise you’ll like this, dove. You really thought we’d forget your birthday?”
There comes a point when he paces back and forth in front of the same stretch of wall and you think he’s insane, talking to himself and turning in circles. After the third lap, he sets you down, your arms crossed and quite stern at the trip he’s taken you on. James smooths your hair down before he looks you in the eyes, standing a bit closer than a friend would, but Godric is he excited to show you his work.
“Ahem. Do you really think I’d forget your big day, pretty girl? It’s my favorite day of the year!” He smiles and you shake your head with a smile. He nudges the door open to reveal all your friends, yelling “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
Still inaudible, your mouth is gaping wide in shock, silent laughter escaping your mouth. Marlene and Dorcas carry the cake over to you before they sing in all sorts of tunes, none of them on key and possibly worse than the house elves. The light of the candles caresses the warmth in your cheeks as you look at your friends in wonder. You mumble something like a ‘thank you’ but they can’t comprehend it until Remus undoes the charm, whacking James across the head.
Later, James sneaks behind you, throwing an arm around your waist, whispering ‘Happy birthday’ for the millionth time, but he’ll never get tired of telling you how much he cares.
“Are you happy, birthday girl?” he smiles, and you get on your tiptoes to give him a kiss that lands on the corner of his mouth. The applause is back, thundering in his ears before he realizes it’s the sound of his heart when you’re near.
Yeah, this will be the year everything changes. His plans are racking up into a list in his brain as you gaze at him all starry-eyed and smiley. Your friends are all looking at you knowingly, and he can’t wait to get to work, for there is just so much to do.
“In case you foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” - Virginia Woolf
taglist: @jsjcue
love me some tunes! i listened to this while writing: this will be our year by lowland hum
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eggyrocks · 6 months
gnawing at the bars of my enclosure i loved the ch ending. ur works r so great keep it up. also do u happen to have tanaka n kiyoko relationship lore theyre so silly *twirling my hair and twiddling my fingers*
hehe im giggling the couple of all time okay here we go
tanaka’s first words to kiyoko were literally: “hi im tanaka ryuunosuke you’re very beautiful i think i am in love with you”
and all she could do was blink before yn was hitting him upside the head and dragging him away with a bunch of apologies directed at kiyoko
from that day on tanaka would not stop talking about kiyoko
he brought her up at least once a day
and at first everyone thought it was just a really intense crush
but tanaka kept insisting it genuinely was love at first sight
when yn and kiyoko started hanging out she didn’t tell tanaka
it’s not like she lied to him or anything
he just didn’t ask ok
tanaka was so betrayed though when he found out
“why didn’t you tell me you’re hanging out with my future wife?”
“because you say freak things like that”
whenever kiyoko did show up around him he was trying his best to act completely normal and not nervous at all
which consisted of him clenching his fists and sweating and repeating over and over in his head “be normal be normal be normal be normal”
and then kiyoko would be like “hey what’s wrong with your friend”
“he’s an idiot”
kiyoko did not think much of him at first except the occasional “that sweaty guy is staring at me”
she was sort of confused as to why he was always so nervous bc she didn’t really think he had anything to he nervous of
she did think it was sort of endearing though
not that she ever said it out loud
yn and kiyoko got closer and yachi got closer to them too and then even nishinoya started to get used to kiyoko and was more chill
not tanaka tho
butterflies in his stomach every single time he sees her throat going dry head getting hot
she just always has that affect on him
and then when kiyoko started helping out with the band it actually sort of became an issues
because he would get so nervous around her that he literally forgot how to play the drums
the band was like “my dude you have got to get a grip”
then one day at before one for their earlier shows tanaka was showing signs of being crazy nervous and kiyoko said to him “don’t be nervous. you’re a great drummer”
and that just changed everything
because she thinks that of him?? she thinks he’s a great drummer???
he’s not about to disappoint
tanaka might’ve gone too hard that day he broke three drum sticks
but kiyoko told him he did a great job after
so it was worth it
tanaka would always go out of his way to try and impress her
drumming skills: “hey kiyoko watch me play this fugazi song…..okay wait no…wait let me start over i fucked up…..shit…”
strength: “hey kiyoko do you need help carrying that” “no” “are you sure it looks heavy” “this is just one of nishinoya’s pedals”
knowledge: “hey kiyoko did you know that you burn more calories drumming than you do weight lifting” “cool” “yeah”
and tanaka was way too in love to notice but kiyoko started smiling more that the things he would say
and would listen more intently
and start to ask him follow up questions
yn and yachi knew immediately when she started having a crush on him
they both thought it was very cute
and would lightly tease kiyoko abt it
but ultimately told her tanaka would be a great boyfriend and would be very sweet to her
like he already is
kiyoko knew she would have to be the one to confess because tanaka never would
he would just continue to be completely obvious about his feelings
but would never actually do anything about it
but still she was nervous
even though she was sure she wouldn’t be rejected
she chickened out the first three times she planned to confess
and on the fourth time
it actually turned out yachi and yn had had enough
and what do you do once you’ve had enough
why you lock your friends in a storage closet until they confess their feelings !
in a weird way, being in the small dark space made it a bit easier for her to admit her feelings
so she did
and then it took about ten minutes to convince tanaka that he was not dreaming
once he did bro was on cloud nine
for him the honeymoon phase has never ended
he’s so in love with her and every day he wakes up he feels lucky to be with her
and kiyoko loves him more and more every day
they’re gross together
so sweet to each other that it makes everyone else roll their eyes
tanaka got kiyoko a hoodie that says “i prefer the drummer” and she wears it to bed almost every night
they’re soulmates :)
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rreeaahh · 1 year
Green eyes VS green badge | R. A. B.
Second chapter of "One way ticket" | Ch. 1
pair> regulus black x lestrange! reader | > mentions of james potter x reader | > james potter x lily evans
summary> the hate between y/n and regulus is hidden from anyone else, but maybe his actions combined with a heartbreak aren't the best outcome for y/n
word count> 2.7k
warnings> regulus being a jerk, again? reader being kind of a teacher's pet? mentions of discrimination based on blood purity; nothing else, in my opinion, feel free to tell me if i should add anything!
a/n> THIS WAS WRITTEN IN ONE GO, HOLY SHIT. I DID NOT PROOFREAD IT. thank u guys for all the support showed here<3 its crazy, honestly. the tag list is open for this series, so feel free to send me an ask or a comment of you want to be added! also, i have a thought and idk, i'd make this idea more detailed but on wattpad, and keep it a little shorter here, what do you think?
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There were four simple rules that Y/N needed to follow since she could talk and understand what she was being told.
The first one was that she could never, ever in her whole life disobey her father – he was the only one who cared for her, for her future, for her dignity and he was the only one who wished to see her become a strong and powerful witch; that’s what he claimed, at least.
The second one was that she was not allowed to ever question the Dark Lord’s word – her father said that Tom Riddle, his old friend, was the one who told him to keep her, to raise her and protect her as a father should. In other words, she has a dad because a bald snake-looking man said she was worth the effort.
The third one, one with a great significance, was that she should not interact with Mudbloods more than necessary – which was, in her opinion, pretty confusing, given the fact that Voldemort himself was a Half-blood. But, she could not put that problem to a question because she would break rule number one and rule number two at the same time.
The last one was simple – don’t be a disappointment, don’t ruin the family’s image.
And that’s how she lived her life until her first year at Hogwarts. That’s when she started to disobey her dad by giving up on rule number three and talk to all her colleagues – nothing more than acquaintances, though, because the other Purebloods could mock her for doing so. She learned that everyone should be treated equally, no matter the blood that was running in their veins – they were all wizards, after all. That’s a reason she got close to James Potter last year, in her fourth one. The older boy was shocked to see a Slytherin act that politely towards a first-year Muggleborn Gryffindor and jokingly asked her if she was sick. He said she was not like the others. He said she was quite nice.
They had a few other accidental meetings in the hallway, and without realizing Y/N started to get nervous around him; her heart would beat faster when she’d hear his voice in the Great Hall and her cheeks would burn when she’d wake up from another dream about him – that was her first crush ever. While at the final party of the year, where only a few Slytherins were invited – it was hosted by the Marauders, after all – Y/N was kissed by James. The party was at the end, she wanted to leave and he offered to walk her back to the Dungeons. It was the best night of her life, she finally felt seen, heard, liked. Maybe it was because of their encounters, maybe because James could see behind her social mask or maybe it was simply because of all the firewhiskey and beer, but he kissed her. He really kissed her, right at the door of the Slytherin’s common room. He grabbed her waist, cupped her cheek and even groaned against her lips when she gathered the courage to put her hands in his dark curly hair. He smiled at her and wished her a great summer, and then walked off backwards, still watching her.
That’s why she was excited all summer to get back at Hogwarts. That’s why she was determined to learn more about Muggleborns, to change her life and morals. That’s why she started fighting her father when he’d open the topic of marriage – James was, of course, a Pureblood, as Cyrus wished for his only child, but he was also a blood traitor. She never told her dad about him, but she wouldn’t even once let him get the idea that she was willing to marry one of his friends’ sons. They were all pricks, and she was only thinking about James.
That’s why her heart broke on the train – he wouldn’t even look at her. That’s why now, a few days after, she still looks like the train hit her. That’s what she thought, at least, because everyone else complimented her new jewelry, her hair, her nail polish, every stupid and insignificant thing. Her eyes had dark circles under them, her skin felt strange and her appetite was nowhere to be found.
“Don’t you like the porridge?” asks Evan and points to her bowl.
His sister, Pandora, gets her head out of the tarot book and scoff in disapproval. “Could you mind your business, Evan?” She should be at the Ravenclaw table, but she really likes to spent time with them.
Y/N only smiles to them and pushes away the bowl. “You can have it, Evan, I’m not that hungry,” she winks in his direction and starts writing on her parchments again.
Because that’s what she does – that’s the only way not to look at the other side of the room, at the Gryffindor table. She studies over her Potions’ notes, her first class from that day. Professor Slughorn announced another meeting of the Slug Club and her new goal was to get invited, again. There are a few girls that get to be invited to those dinners, and Y/N was one of them but Horace liked to see new faces from now and then.
“You really want to go,” mutters Bruce Mulciber, looking at her with a bored expression. Edmund Avery hits his arm in a not-that-subtle manner and smiles at her widely.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are while studying, Y/N? So smart,” the boy says and winks in her direction.
“How disgusting,” Pandora whispers at their behavior. Y/N nods her head and smiles politely to Edmund, while wishing she could slam his head to the table until she’d see blood. But that would definitely against any existing rule – both Hogwarts’ and her father’s.
She gets up and starts gathering her belongings, taking a last sip from her tea cup. “I have to go, guys. Evan, I’ll see you in Potions, right?”
“Yeah, I have to wait for Regulus, though,” he informs her and grabs her porridge bowl, smiling thankful in her way.
Y/N laughs and grabs her parchments, drinking the remaining tea in her cup. While at it, a body slams into hers and the contact makes her to drop the tea on her notes, her white shirt and her shoes. And there’s silence.
“Sorry,” says in a blank tone no one else than Regulus Black. His uniform is perfect, his hair is put in place and he even got the chance to get away from Y/N before any drop could be on him. “I didn’t see you there.”
She wants to shout. She wants to scream at him, grab her wand and curse him. She wants him to be as embarrassed as she is now, wet and watched by the entire dining hall. But she can’t. She got her father’s temper but she learned from him how to handle it. She needs to handle it.
“Regulus,” she says in a happy tone, “Evan was waiting for you,” it’s the only thing that comes out of her mouth as she looks only at him. Not at her housemates, her friends, or even over her shoulder at the boy who froze there with his friends, who are laughing at her.
“Yeah, I know,” he mutters. “Let’s go, Rosier,” he demands in a now friendly voice. “Horace is waiting in the classroom; he probably wants to talk about the Slug Club.”
That’s when Y/N forgets about everything and in the silence of her mind there is only Regulus’ voice. He probably wants to talk about the Slug Club. Still with a smile on her face, she gets her robes from the bench, wave goodbye to her friends and starts walking away. She cannot resists the temptation and looks at the Gryffindor table. He’s there, with Sirius on his left, laughing with his friends.  After she leaves the Great Hall there’s a feeling of pressure on her whole body. Was he laughing of her? He could never, right? She was quite nice, after all.
Before entering the Potions class, she stood there for a few minutes, calming down. Now she’s putting on her dark robes, the silver snake shining on the green badge. As she’s buttoning it up, the steps of her colleagues echo through the dark corridor.
“There you are, Y/N,” sights Evan. He’s followed by Barty Crouch Jr and Regulus, who watches her like she’s sick with a blood curse. “You went ahead without looking back.”
“Oh, yeah, I got to make sure my robes cover the whole…” she looks only for a second at Regulus, “tea accident.” She says it while chuckling, like it was just a silly little accident which could happen to anyone. But not anyone would get away clean like he did after that kind of an accident.
“And yet you look worse than before,” Regulus speaks and his eyes points at her now clearly stained shirt. “Let’s go, boys, I’m sure Y/N knows how to dress herself,” he scoffs and smiles to her.
The other two boys follow him along and she sits there, blood boiling in her veins. Her anger is born because of two persons – her father, because he’d kill her if she was arguing with another Pureblood in public, especially Orion Black’s son, and Regulus Black, for being such and arse.
Horace Slughorn, however, didn’t seem to be that preoccupied by her entrance. He greeted her and went on with his lesson and for Merlin knows what time she finds herself thinking about Regulus, and how she’d strangle him with the tie around his neck if given the opportunity. Regulus has that power, to awake something in her that only wants to hurt him, to make him suffer and get out those cold eyes – maybe she could make a pair of earrings out of them. He was right besides her, sitting with Evan while she tried to ignore Barty’s jokes about their professor. Sometimes, she wishes so much to be away from them – she feels suffocated to be near them at school and also at home, when her father would take her with him at different events, but there’s no way that she could cross his word. You will act nice towards any pureblood kid, they are the only ones that deserve it – they are you only equals.
“That’s all for today, my dear students,” announces Slughorn and claps his hands together. “You have to write an essay about today’s lesson, in order for me to see that everything was very clear.”
She puts away her quill and ink and starts rolling the parchments that she took notes on. Barty plays drums in the wood of the table and Evan hits him behind his head with his notes. The two of them laugh and she can’t help but her Regulus’ scoff at their silly action.
“Oh, Mister Black, Miss Lestrange, could you stay for a little? I have something to tell you,” Slughorn says happily and goes over to his desk at the front of class.
“Yes, professor,” they both say and get up. They both also look at each other, eyes burning with annoyance.
“We’ll see you outside, ok?” asks Evan.
“Go on, don’t wait,” is the only answer he receives from Regulus before he goes first to Slughorn, Y/N right after him.
“Oh, my two favorite students!” the professor says as they remain alone in the classroom. “I hope the first days where excellent, kids.”
“Of course, sir,” Y/N smiles and Slughorn can’t help but lays his eyes a little longer on her, on her clothes. She was the only one that wore the robes during class.  
“How are your parents, hm?” His question sits uneasy on them both. Y/N does not look at Regulus, Regulus does not look at Y/N – they both hope the other one will talk first.
And because she remembers her father’s words, she opens her mouth. “My father sends his greetings, sir. He got me a new potions book that I’ve read over the summer,” she says and accepts happily the proud nod from her professor.
“Very good, I’m pleased to hear that the vacation didn’t stop your liking for studying,” he laughs in a soft manner. “Right, Regulus? Miss Lestrange here sure is a great housemate, keeping our pride safe,” now is the Horace Slughorn, Head of Slytherin, that’s talking.
She sees with the corner of her eye that his body tenses. “Of course, professor,” he forces himself to say.
“Right,” Horace claps his hands together again, excited. “You two are the brightest students in my house, that’s the reason I’m sure you two will be also the brightest Prefects that Hogwarts has and will ever see!” He hands them the green badges, the word PREFECT being written on it with silver letters. “I’m sure you’ll make me very proud, children,” he says.
“You can be sure of it, sir. We’ll do our best,” Y/N smiles and looks at the metal badge from between her fingers.
“That’s all,” the professor says. “Come on, go to your business, I have another class now.”
She bites her tongue and smiles polite at him, before turning around.
“What about the Slug Club, sir?”
Regulus Black was not the most talkative person Y/N knew, but he sure was stubborn.
“Oh, Merlin, I nearly forgot! Of course, Mister Black, you and Miss Lestrange are more than welcome, I thought that’s already settled,” he said and smiled at them – Horace Slughorn wanted to make sure that the kids of two important families in the Wizarding World liked him as a teacher.
As soon as they leave the class, Regulus scoffs, the sound echoing in the corridor. “Maybe you’ll learn how to dress now that I’m forced to spend even more time with you.”
His voice is mocking, rude and teasing. Now that they’re alone, they can finally act how they really wish to. Y/N grabs the wand from her robes’ pocket and points it at Regulus, who’s now pressed against the stone wall and grins at her.
“If you ever try to outsmart me again, Black, I swear I’m gonna Crucio you,” she spats the words in his face and only for a second Regulus’ face drops, his eyes looking at the tip of the wand before returning at her face.
“Only if you’d be capable of doing something like that, you pathetic try of a witch,” he says and grabs her wand, pushing it away from his face.
“You really have a death wish?” she asks annoyed by his eyes that watch her with superiority, his curved lips that laugh at her.
 “Careful, Y/N, you wouldn’t want you-know-who to find out what a brave and cruel witch you are, right? He may like it,” he laughs and walks away from her, leaving her alone at the door of the Potions’ class.
For a moment, she’s alone. And there’s silence. She looks at the green badge in her hand and exhales all the air in her lungs. And then, there’s laughter. And there’re steps which walk in her direction, and she wants to leave but she freezes pressed against the wall, right where Regulus was only a moment ago.
James Potter is walking beside a ginger girl; tall and beautiful and dressed in a red uniform, matching his. He makes her laugh as she’s playfully hitting his arm, telling him to stop. Y/N just stays there, and James doesn’t even seem to notice her. But the girl does – Y/N recognizes her as Lily Evans, the Muggleborn girl in James’ year. Lily’s green eyes watch Y/N as she sits there, badge in her hand, and the older witch smiles at her. She ignores James for a moment, giving Y/N a thumbs-up before pointing to her red badge, which had written HEADGIRL on it.
As they enter the room, Y/N starts walking away. She feels sad, maybe, heartbroken, even. She’s not sure. But she’s sure that she’s furious, angry, mad. Her father was right. Mudbloods and blood traitors deserve nothing.
And that’s only because James Potter picked the green eyes over the green badge.
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Marshmallow Beach
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wc: 3.3k pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: fairly angsty for most of it but i ended it pretty funny so there's something for everyone lmao, drowning but it's not real, mentions of financial struggle, probably an inaccurate description of cpr idk we never really learned it in school which is kind of bad lol summary: coworkerwithsomehistory!gyuvin decides to pull the meanest prank in the world on overbearingheadlifeguard!reader after an incredibly tense summer at the beach ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ i literally wrote most of this AT the beach, which was so fun. i was watching some of the lifeguards goof off together and i was like-- imagine zb1 as lifeguards. i feel like, with summer almost in full swing where i am, i will most definitely have to make more lifeguard!zb1 fics bc it's such a cute scenario. lmk if that sounds good to you. also the ending is so funny, i can picture gyuvin and the other boys perfectly in that scene UGH also i accidentally made gyuvin say his catchphrase in this, i wrote it and then i was like oh my god what... comment if you spot it
“It’s not that cold.”
You stare at the boy standing knee-deep in the ocean in front of you— his skin beginning to turn the same color as the water as his teeth chatter audibly over the crashing waves and the wind that’s suddenly picking up.
“Gyuvin, that’s enough—,” you start to scold, but the tall teenager continues to wade further into the sea. The waves are growing bigger and the sun has almost completely dipped past the horizon line.
“Hyung-ah, wait for me!” The youngest of the lifeguards calls, pulling his grey hoodie over his head and running off into the ocean after him.
“Gunwook-ah! I really don’t think you guys should be—.”
“Why are you always such a narc, (Y/N)?” Gyuvin shouts back at you, grabbing the younger boy and dunking him under the water as soon as he reaches him.
You sigh annoyedly. This was your fourth summer as a lifeguard at Village Beach; you’d been a fairly diligent and dedicated employee the past three years and at the beginning of this summer you’d been promoted to Head Lifeguard.
Your friend Taerae had been hired at the same time as you; Ricky and Gyuvin joining the team the year after. The previous summers you’d loved hanging out with your fellow lifeguard friends, goofing around on breaks, and, most importantly, being able to help beach-goers however you can. This summer, however, has been anything but enjoyable.
You’d needed the extra money before your junior year at college, so you didn’t think twice about taking the position as Head Lifeguard. But, boy… You should have. Now nearly every responsibility of the beach fell on your shoulders. There had been no time for fun, no time for friends and no time for…
“Gyuvin-ah, please,” you yell, watching as both Ricky and Taerae follow the two younger boys into the ocean until the water is up to their chests. “Are you kidding me!?”
“Can you lighten up for once!?” Gyuvin shouts back, rolling his eyes. “Oh sorry, I forgot: you’re a massive killjoy now!”
You see Taerae wince, but he doesn’t say anything. Of course that’s what they all thought of you now. You’d probably hate yourself, too. Yelling at the other lifeguards when they weren’t paying attention, handing out citations when they clocked in late, reporting back to your boss about any ways they had been lacking, blowing your whistle whenever one of them left their post unscheduled...
Everyone’s favorite co-worker had become the boss’s pet. Sure, it got you a few extra dollars on the hour, but was it really worth losing your friends? The nervous looks the new kid Gunwook gave you whenever you entered the break lounge? The multiple occasions where you’d walked into a restaurant after a shift to see all of your friends eating dinner without you?
The boy you’d had a crush on for three summers now calling you a narc; a killjoy?
You know you could’ve been a little easier on them. They were all great lifeguards; showed up and worked hard during early morning training and were (almost) always alert. But you’d only been trying to do your best and keep your position. The truth was, you desperately needed that extra money. It was the only way you were going to be able to buy your books next semester. And when your boss was always such a hardass, threatening to give the position to someone else if you couldn’t keep up...
But now all these boys only see you as a tyrant. A snitch. And undoubtedly a bad friend.
It’s a cool August evening; a party for the lifeguards before your last week of work. You were positive that you were the last person any of the boys wanted here, but Ricky had accidentally let the plan slip in front of you. Your longest friend, Taerae, had laughed awkwardly in an attempt to cover it up, walking over to you and telling you the details-- ensuring that they had just forgotten to let you know.
Though you knew the invitation was disingenuous, you’d showed up anyway. After all, it was right after your shift ended and on the beach where you work. Maybe you were just curious as to what they’d get up to. Maybe you were so starved for fun by now that you were willing to insert yourself in what had to be one of the most awkward bonfires you’d ever attended (because of your presence, of course).
And they probably wouldn’t believe you but maybe you really missed them.
“I finally got that girl’s number today,” Ricky says, taking a bite of the marshmallow on his roasting stick. “Before dinner break. She came up to me and started asking about sharks and I--.”
“Told her to stop bothering you while you were working?” You mumble to yourself before a scan around the now silent group informs you it had been audible. You look back down at your own gooey marshmallow, picking a piece off and popping it into your mouth. You knew exactly the girl Ricky was talking about. He’d admired her from afar since last summer, gushing to you, Taerae, and Gyuvin about everything she did each Friday that she came to the beach.
You should be congratulating him, but your brain has been so acutely re-hardwired this summer that all you could do was scold him for not doing his job.
“Hey, remember when you used to be nice?” Gyuvin asks suddenly, taking a sip from his can while his eyes remain locked on you.
“I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just--.”
“Just doing your job, we know. It’s one of your ten pre-programmed phrases,” he interrupts sarcastically. “Don’t say too much, Ricky. (Y/N)’s just gonna report it back to the boss anyway.”
“No, I’m not,” you reply, rolling your eyes. Much more quietly, you add, “I’m happy for Ricky.”
“Are you? Are you even friends with Ricky anymore?” Gyuvin continues his criticism. “Are you friends with any of us? You barely even know Gunwook! You yelled at him for jumping off his post instead of using the ladder before you even officially met him.”
You just stare back at him, well aware that everything he’s saying is valid. That doesn’t make it hurt any less. The disdain in Gyuvin’s eyes now is palpable. It’s hard to imagine that almost a year ago to the date, you’d sat together on the shore in the moonlight-- letting the waves crash over your feet as you told him how you wished that summer would never end. How he’d leaned over to you so that your right shoulder touched his left, his large hand finding its way on top of yours innocently. How, rather than annoyance in his eyes, he’d instead looked at you like he wanted to...
“Too good for us, huh? Go ahead, ignore me,” Gyuvin scoffs, shaking his head and taking another sip of his drink. You’d zoned out-- he was right. But if he only knew the actual reason... “See if I care. Why are you even here anyway?”
You let a moment pass in silence. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” you mumble to no one in particular; trying your best to hold in the flood of emotions that’s boiling beneath the surface. Taerae taps your arm as you walk past him, but you just nod passively in response-- continuing up the sand.
You take your time in the bathroom, staring in the mirror and willing yourself not to cry. When you return to the bonfire, there’s been a small but noticeable shift in the wind-- and the ocean is responding accordingly. That’s why you’re so shocked when Gyuvin suddenly pulls his sweatshirt over his head and runs towards the water with a devilish grin on his face.
And now that all four of your fellow lifeguards are up to their chests in cold, rising night waves, you’re more than a little pissed at Gyuvin. And the fear rising in your chest is becoming overwhelming.
“Binnie, I--,” you shout over the roar of the waves crashing at your feet but you know he can’t hear you. You can barely see him now; he’s under the water for at least ten seconds at a time as the waves grow even higher in the wind. “I promise I’m not trying to nag you, but you’re scaring me!”
The other boys look back at you from a bit closer to shore, weird looks on their faces. They turn to each other, now appearing wary but not really of Gyuvin’s safety. Taerae and Ricky keep looking back at you-- concern suddenly tangible in their eyes as they whisper to each other intensely.
Over the waves, you can faintly hear Gunwook calling to Gyuvin, “Hyung-ah, maybe this is--.”
Gyuvin shakes his head dismissively, stepping out further into the nearly black ocean-- a large wave rising in front of him. He turns around; smiling back towards the shore and giving a thumbs up.
“BIN-AH!” You cry as the giant wave collapses behind Gyuvin, hurtling towards the tall boy at rapid speed. If he was paying attention, the wave would be fairly easy for him to swim through. But he’s not. “BEHIND YOU!”
Before he can turn around, the wave overtakes Gyuvin-- submerging him under the water. You watch the surface, horrified as the wave knocks the other three boys off their feet before finally hitting your ankles in a soft foam. Seconds pass; the other boys eventually scramble to their feet, but...
Gyuvin doesn’t.
It’s twenty seconds. Twenty-five. Thirty.
You’re frozen in place. You’re a lifeguard-- you should be running into the water to find him. But you find yourself unable to move. Unable to breathe as if you’re the one underwater.
Luckily, the other three boys are swimming out to where Gyuvin is-- all three diving under the water before Ricky surfaces with something on his back. All three of them help carry the weight of the tallest boy between them, pulling him to shore laboredly.
When the water is finally below their knees, your body snaps out of its frightened paralysis as you finally get a good look at a seemingly unconscious Gyuvin. Running over to the boys and wrapping your hands around one of Gyuvin’s biceps to help support him, you help to drag him onto the sand.
Lying him down flat on his back, you kneel down over Gyuvin’s stomach-- a knee on either side of his chest. Placing an ear over his mouth, you check to see if he’s breathing. He’s not. Your panicked paralysis has now done a 180-degree flip; you’re so scared that any common sense has completely left your brain and you’re propelled into frantic action. You don’t even register that his heart is still beating strongly-- that you don’t have to be doing chest compressions or pinching his nose and connecting your lips to his to administer a rescue breath like you are right now...
Gyuvin’s eyes shoot open so quickly that the surprise jolts you off of him. You sit back upright on your knees over his stomach, watching as he blinks back at you wide-eyed.
The lack of salt water dripping from Gyuvin’s mouth suddenly stifles you. Something isn’t right about this.
Finally, he forces a laugh and his tone that follows is anything but frightened, relieved, pained, or any other emotions that someone who just nearly drowned might be exhibiting. “Really? Chest compressions? A rescue breath? Are you sure you’re Head Lifeguard? You seriously couldn’t tell I wasn’t actually drowning?”
You stare at him for a moment before glancing back at the other boys behind you. They look more uncomfortable than anything. Turning back to look at Gyuvin’s smirking face, which is albeit a little blue still from the water temperature, you realize you’re the only one currently experiencing any fear.
“What?” You whisper breathlessly.
“Gotcha,” Gyuvin says with a grin, lifting up on his elbows to look at the boys behind you. “I think that prank was a success.”
“You--... You weren’t drowning?” You ask, the reality of the situation sinking in. After this summer-- after what you’d said at the bonfire-- Gyuvin had decided to play this horrific prank on you to... what? Teach you a lesson? Get revenge? Traumatize you?
You turn to look at the other boys. “And you knew?”
All three of them already look regretful, heads hung slightly in shame. Now you realize that they’d been wary about this since you’d called to Gyuvin that he was scaring you. They’d turned to each other concernedly-- Gunwook had even tried to ask him to reconsider tricking you like this.
“What the FUCK is wrong with you!?” You shout, hitting Gyuvin’s chest with your hands as all of the tension spills out of you. “I thought you were gonna die! I thought you--... I thought you--...”
“What? Gonna tell the boss? Gonna write us up?” Gyuvin asks, far too sardonically. “Gonna--... Hey, wait, are you crying?”
Water is dripping onto Gyuvin’s abs and it’s not coming from the sky. The wind has lulled and the air is warm again-- the black night above the ocean dusted in thousands of clustered stars.
“Why would you do this? Do you hate me that much? All of you?” You ask, eyes fixed on the water. “I know I was the absolute worst all summer and I don’t think anyone is more upset about it than me! You think I don’t miss having fun with you guys!? This summer has been a literal nightmare.”
There’s cautious silence except the slow crashing of the waves.
“The truth is I really needed the extra money. I wouldn’t have been able to go to college next semester without it, so I’ve just had to tolerate being a miserable narc to my boss who keeps threatening to replace me-- all while having no friends during what used to be my favorite part of the year,” you confess, your dignified tears only growing more haggard. “I’m really sorry. I’m so, so sorry for everything, but why--... Why would you make me think that you--... ”
Your eyes are boring into Gyuvin’s now; his are wide and unnerved staring back at you. “I missed you so much,” you say softly, nearly inaudible over the murmuring of the ocean beside you. You know he heard you, though, from the way his body tenses under you. “But don’t worry: you’ve made it clear now you don’t feel the same.”
Your whole body is still a bit shaky from the adrenaline, but you manage to stand up-- stepping over Gyuvin and walking towards the other boys.
“(Y/N), we--,” Taerae starts an attempt at an explanation, but you’re less than interested.
Walking through him and Ricky, shoulders brushing unceremoniously as you head back up toward the recreation building, you mutter under your breath: “Jerks.”
You’re in the break lounge for at least ten minutes before the sound of the doors bursting open grabs your attention. It’s Gyuvin standing in the doorway, wearing his red and white hoodie again and a pair of grey sweatpants. He doesn’t say anything.
“Go away,” you threaten half-heartedly; even the energy to be rightfully mad at him has been sucked out of you.
“No,” he replies, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. He leans his back up against it cautiously, obviously not wanting to upset you further by invading your space more than necessary.
You sigh deeply; it’s not angry or mocking. Just tired. “Do you need water? I know you weren’t actually drowning, but that had to hurt your throat-- holding your breath like that.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t be nice to me after I was just so mean to you,” the tall boy replies, shaking his head. “And I could’ve held my breath for five more minutes if I had to. State record holder: remember?”
You do remember. Gyuvin had told you about his swimming achievement two summers ago-- when he was just a newbie lifeguard at the beach. He’d bought you an ice cream sandwich out of the vending machine when you’d said you really wanted one. He bought you one every time after that that he’d caught you staring longingly at the machine.
“I’m really sorry.”
You both say it at the same time. It’s simultaneously painfully awkward and the greatest relief.
“I’m sorry for being so terrible all summer,” you say quickly, not wanting to have a back-and-forth over who’s gonna apologize first. “And I’m sorry for making you feel like I think I’m too good for you now or that I was purposefully ignoring you... and everything in between. I wish I could take it back, but I can’t. And I’m really sad that I can’t.”
“I completely understand that you needed the money. You deserve to go to school more than anyone I know. I just wish you would’ve told me,” he says, meeting your gaze. “I wouldn’t’ve judged you. And then I would’ve known why you’d started acting all... you know.”
You nod. “I know. I’m really sorry.”
“Apology accepted,” Gyuvin says after a moment; a sheepish smile creeps onto his face. “My turn, I guess.”
“Mmhmm,” you agree, narrowing your eyes at him. “Better be good, too.”
“First off, I’m incredibly sorry. I went way too far and it wasn’t cool at all. I really didn’t mean to scare you like that-- I kind of thought you’d just be a regular amount of worried or that you’d catch on that it was a prank faster but--.”
“Are you blaming this on me being too stupid to figure it out or...?” You ask, an eyebrow raising at him.
“NO! No, I didn’t mean that. I just... I was really upset, honestly. I’ve been upset this whole summer about you. And then on the one night you’re actually hanging out with us again, you were still acting the same way,” he explains, a hand raising to scratch his arm. “I just thought that if you didn’t care about me anymore then... maybe I could make you care about me again.”
“By... pretending to drown in front of me? A little toxic of you-- I hate to admit.”
“Definitely not the best idea I’ve ever had,” he laughs awkwardly, hand reaching for the back of his neck. “I’m really sorry, (Y/N). Are you okay?”
You nod, looking down at your hands in your lap. “Was really shitty of you, Binnie.”
“Really, really shitty of Binnie, I know,” Gyuvin says, a small pout on his lips. “That guy’s the worst.”
“He really is,” you agree, a smile threatening to peek through. “But you didn’t need to make me care about you again. I never stopped.”
He looks at you, eyebrows raising with surprise.
“I feel like I missed everything this summer. Ricky’s pining over that girl that eventually paid off, Taerae trying to throw Cheez-its from his post all the way to mine, our post-work lifeguard dinners,” you recount sadly. “But you know what I missed most of all?”
Gyuvin’s eyes are bright, but he shakes his head. “What?”
“Oh come on, you know exactly what I’m gonna say,” you tease with a disbelieving smile.
He smiles back, answering softly, “Wanna hear you say it.”
The way your stomach flutters is so stupidly joyful that it’s embarrassing. “You,” you say, indulging him. “I missed you most of all.”
“I missed you,” Gyuvin echoes, grinning like an idiot. “Like... SO, so much.”
You don’t care how embarrassing you’re being anymore-- you hop up from the couch and run over to Gyuvin, lifting up on your toes and throwing your arms around his neck. He picks you up off the ground for a moment-- arms supporting your back and waist as he roughs you up a bit in his typical big-dog-energy way. He places you back on the ground, hands still attached to your waist.
You remember the look that’s in his eyes now. It’s the same one he gave you that night on the beach last summer. Is he still too shy? Is he unsure after all that happened this summer?
It’s obvious what he wants to do. Maybe you could make up for everything this summer by helping him out here...
“Your lungs must be aching, Binnie,” you start, smiling up at him sweetly. “Surely it must hurt at least a little bit to breathe now.”
Gyuvin frowns, shaking his head. “No, I’m all good! I could do it again actually if I had to.”
You narrow your eyes at him, kicking his shin lightly with your foot. “It must be so difficult for you to breathe on your own right now,” you overly emphasize each word in hopes that he catches on. “Maybe you need some more rescue breaths...”
“I don’t need--,” Gyuvin starts to deny again before his eyes suddenly widen. “I--... Oh... Uh... You know what-- you’re right! It turns out I really do need some rescue breaths after all of that. And you know, you were so good at administering them before...”
You press up on your toes again and Gyuvin carefully leans down to meet you-- your lips finding his in a long-anticipated kiss. It’s tender and his soft lips taste and feel like roasted marshmallows. You pull back, smiling at each other shyly.
“C’mon, I’ll drive you home,” he says, hand around your waist as he pulls the door open behind him.
THUD. Thud. Thuddd.
Ricky, Taerae and Gunwook look up at you from the floor-- apparently having fallen down when the door they’d been pressed against was opened.
“Hear anything good?” You ask, eyebrows raised expectantly.
All three boys mumble their apologies as Gyuvin leads you through the doorway past them. You turn around to call back to them, “Hope you guys clock in at 7:30 sharp tomorrow morning! Ricky, you’re running out of Level 1 citations.”
“Wait, what!? I thought you were gonna be super chill again from now on!” Ricky exclaims.
Taerae nods. “Yeah, didn’t you just apologize for being annoying all summer?”
“I got a citation last week for being three seconds late,” Gunwook says frantically. “THREE! I can’t do this anymore!”
“Whoah, whoah, whoah, that’s enough fellas,” Gyuvin says, popping his sunglasses on (indoors and at night). “You all better be compliant from now on. (Y/N)’s got a job to do and if any of you get in the way, you will be answering to me. Well, after you answer to (Y/N), of course.”
Tightening his grip around your waist, Gyuvin leads you down the hallway of the beach recreation building and out the doors into the warm summer night air.
“We’ve been bamboozled,” Taerae whispers.
Ricky groans, “And we still have to show up to work at 7:30 tomorrow morning.”
Gunwook twitches. “... THREE!”
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rolesplay · 4 months
・┆✦THESE ARE THE REASONS — a modern au odysseus/penelope fanfic.
or: five times people ask penelope "why" regarding odysseus
the first time it was estra.
ody and her had just started dating - and estra had complained. her friend did it almost every time they're together. she'd complained about his looks and his smugness. on him being annoying and irritating.
that specific time though, it was the last day of the second semester, just before they took their exams. or, to be more accurate, it was before estra's exam, because penny had been exempted from all of hers, and estra just wanted to drag her with her.
"why in the world did you have to pick him?" estra groans, as she mindlessly flips through her notes she wasn't even reading.
in her mind, penny was thinking of the boy who'd patiently waited for her answer; who'd actually went up to her infamously strict and overprotective father just to ask her out on one date. he'd asked for one chance, just one. and then she can just be 'done with him' - his words, not hers.
but she didn't say any of that. all she'd said to estra was, "cause he's cute?" and then shrugged.
estra looks at her like she'd lost her mind, about to argue. thankfully, their professor began calling everyone in, and her friend had mouthed later, before bounding in the room.
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
the second time was helen.
helen was braiding penny's hair - their morning classes were cancelled and helen invited penny to her place - when the well-known 'campus crush' speaks.
"i heard about your boyfriend's reputation," helen says, carefully enunciating the last word to make sure penny gets the message without actually asking the question.
why stay with such a guy?
penny does, of course. she knows.
he's both a genius and a good looking guy, and he's charming (except to estra, maybe). one of the most desirable, sought out guys in their college - and outside of it.
penny also knows she isn't ody's first.
she's seen people admire him in a way she should be mad. she's felt jealous of them. felt angry, sometimes.
but at the end of the day, who does ody return to? ody might smile and talk to them and make them swoon, but he comes back to her with a kiss on her forehead and the funny stories he'd gotten for the day.
penny smiles. "yeah. quite the guy, huh?"
helen snorts and then shakes her head, returning to braiding penny's hair.
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
the third time was makkie, who, around that time, was already heavily pregnant.
she'd visited penny under the guise of trying to learn knitting, because "it's supposed to be motherlike and i'm gonna be a mother soon,” but she knows it’s because makkie’s worried about her.
it only takes about fifteen minutes for makkie to put the needles down and throw her hands up in the air in frustration. "i'm gonna burn it. and then i'm gonna kill hector for putting a child in me."
"i'll help you bury him," penny offers, as she carefully made a new loop. she's making a doll on the image of a dog.
makkie turns quiet, and that was enough to get penny's attention. the pregnant woman was still looking at her.
"why do you do it?" makkie asks quietly. "almost everyone's given up on him."
ody had been missing for ten months, one week and three days.
penny looks at the half-finished doll in her hands. she thinks of argos, out there waiting for his master, no matter what.
she also thinks of the last message she'd received from ody, ever since his disappearance.
If nothing else, know this: I love you.
"i trust," is all penny says in reply.
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
the fourth time happens a few months after ody came back. he decides to finally show up to his parents, and he takes her with him for support.
his mother is all airs and flaunting, and turns sharp eyes towards her as they eat on the dinner table. after all, ody came back to her first and didn't even think about telling his family he's alright until only recently. his mother has every right to feel angry.
his father on the other hand, is all caring and welcoming, just happy that his son had finally come back home in one piece.
by all means, penelope should feel scared, but she does not. she doesn't know where this indifference comes from, but at this point, she's waited for him long enough to even let anything stand in their way.
surprisingly, it's his father that looks at her with curiosity. it's his father who asks her why she'd allowed a boy like ody to "corrupt her."
she laughs. and replies with a, "maybe it's me who's corrupting him."
his father is taken aback, and ody tries to compose himself. but his mother looks at her with a twinkle in her eyes.
anticlea looks at her son and nods. "i like her."
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
the fifth and final time was ody himself, the day of their wedding.
he disappears right before the ceremony starts. she hears the commotion outside of her room: people are looking for him and he's nowhere to be found.
she escapes the venue, and, still dressed up in her bridal gown, goes to the nearest fast food restaurant and finds him there.
she wonders if she should whack him on the head. but people are openly gawking and pointing and staring, so she decides against it. instead, she sits down across him.
she waits a bit for a few seconds before he finally registers her. his mouth goes slack.
he stumbles over his words, unsure of what to say, and settles on: "it was a mistake."
what she'd felt might've showed up on her face because he backtracks quickly. "no, no! not that! not you! i'll marry you. anytime. anywhere. always. i love you," he pauses. he never really said it that much after his return. "uh, i mean- meant those people. i can't..." he fidgets. "we shouldn't have had that big wedding."
she stares, and then she laughs so hard, as if someone had just told her the funniest joke in the world. she's sure someone's recording this by now.
"you done now?" he asks, looking a bit irate over the fact that penny had just laughed at him.
"i'm sorry, i just... never thought that i'd see the day where you're the nervous one. besides, that wedding is our parents' wishes. but if you want..." smiling, she takes his hand. "we can always just elope."
it's his turn to stare. "you? elope?"
"what? think i can't do it?"
"but why?"
at first she thinks the question is different, like 'why elope,' or something, but quickly realizes it's why go so far for me?
she looks at him, takes all of him in. he's been regularly cutting his hair ever since his return. there's a faded scar running down atop on his left brow. he looks old and really, really young, both at the same time.
she remembers a boy arguing with her about philosophy, a boy holding her hand unsurely, a boy helping her in her newest knitted project. she remembers a boy helping her up, hugging her close, kissing her lips.
she looks at him, at this lovely, infuriating man.
penelope smiles. "because i love you too."
➜ 「 ✦ BONUS ✦ 」
anticlea glares at her, and this time, penelope cares. this woman was, after all, her mother-in-law now.
her own father is giving the newlyweds an earful. she could see helen out the window of the room, mouthing, 'tell us later.'
ody and her were already married, but everything about the situation feels like they're both juvenile delinquents being scolded by their parents.
(they did just leave their formal wedding only to have athena - ody’s sort-of boss - officiate another wedding.)
icarius keeps talking about "shame" and "disgrace," and kept glaring at ody. penny can see laertes, ody’s dad, watching everything worriedly in front of him, and her own mum looking at them impassively.
she sighs and her husband - husband, still makes her feel giddy that he's her husband now - notices and takes her hand. he passes a finger on the ring she now wears, and she looks at him. by the expression on his face, it seems like she's not the only one feeling happy.
penny opens her mouth to speak, but ody beats her to it.
"it was me. asked her to marry me-"
at the admission, icarius went red in the face, and stopped his ongoing tirade in favour of glaring at ody.
penny turns to ody in an offended sort of way. "don't lie! i offered the elopement, mister. i asked you to run away with me."
the whole room turns to her, and she feels the weight of it. she'd be scared, except she still feels the lingering feelings of getting married, and ody's hand is on hers. she can also see her mum trying to not laugh.
"aye? i think that was my idea though -"
"oh, really? i think i'd have to remind you then -"
icarius gets redder and redder every passing second, and penny wonders when her father'd combust.
"i think," laertes interrupts, looking at them, "that we should allow the newlyweds a honeymoon first."
penny's mum laughs, and ushers an irate icarius out of the room, but not without leaving a hug and a kiss for her daughter.
"i wasn't around to watch you grow up, but i'm glad, penelope. i'm so, so glad. and." she looks at ody. "do excuse this man." she gestures at icarius, who's still trying to murder ody with a petulant glare.
laertes joyfully gives them a hug, with a whisper of, "be happy, you two."
it's anticlea who stays in the room last, and then she smiles. ody visibly relaxes. his mum looks at him. "you aren't forgiven yet," she says sharply, and ody droops down. she continues, "but you will be, if you give me a grandchild."
ody whispers a scandalized "mom!" and penny - who'd joked a lot about such - found herself turning red. it's one thing to be joking about it yourself, it's another when it's the in-law.
anticlea laughs in return, and leaves the newlyweds like that.
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agaypanic · 1 year
Okokok bbf!(brothers best friend)Benny Weir x Morgan!male reader where reader is Ethan’s brother/twin (you pick). Reader having a crush on Benny and Ethan trying to prevent them from dating but failing miserably. <3
His Best Friend's Brother (Benny Weir X Male!Morgan!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: After finding out his brother has a crush on his best friend, Ethan does whatever he can to keep them separated. But he soon finds out all his efforts are futile.
A/N: I would’ve made that title “Brother’s Best Friend” but apparently I’ve already written a benny fic with that title lmao
You don’t know why Ethan’s so surprised right now. You had been playing a little game of truth or dare with Sarah and Rory to pass the time while you all waited for Benny and Erica to come over. Sarah asked if you had a crush on anyone, and you shrugged and said Benny. Sarah and Rory just nodded, commenting about how it made sense, and you continued with the game.
Ethan looked like a fish out of water.
You couldn’t tell if it was because Benny was a boy or Ethan’s best friend. But either way, he shouldn’t have been surprised. You thought he noticed how you always looked at Benny or how you went to him first after taking down a bad guy to make sure he was okay. Or the way you did anything you could to be near Benny without being too weird about it.
“You guys are just gonna brush past that?” Ethan asked your friends in surprise. Sarah and Rory looked at each other, then you, and then Ethan.
“Yeah. Why?” Sarah asked. 
“Why? Why?” Ethan looked like he was about to pull all his hair out. “He likes Benny, my best friend. We’re all in the same friend group; it’s weird.”
“Being in the same friend group hasn’t stopped you from having a crush, E.” You reminded your brother, rolling your eyes. He turned red, looking anywhere in the room but at Sarah. “Are you acting insane because Benny and I are both guys?”
“Of course not!” Ethan looked offended that you would even suggest that. “Y/n, I could care less about that. But he’s my best friend, and you’re my brother. It just feels… Icky.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his choice of wording. Sarah and Rory joined in, and soon all three of you were cackling at your brother’s ridiculousness.
“What are you guys laughing at?” You all jumped at Erica’s sudden presence. Sometimes you hated how sneaky she was.
“Ethan’s throwing a fit because Y/n likes Benny,” Rory answered, earning a slap in the arm from Sarah for exposing your secret the second someone new came into the conversation. But you didn’t really mind. You knew Rory would tell someone eventually, and you probably would’ve told Erica anyway.
“You’d throw a fit, too, if your brother had a crush on your best friend!” Ethan whined.
“Ethan’s right.” Erica nodded, turning to look at you. You all knew there was some kind of joke leading up to this, because there’s no way in hell Erica would actually agree with Ethan. “Y/n, you could totally do better.”
You all laughed at the serious tone in her comment. Even Ethan cracked a smile.
“Okay, ha ha. But I still don’t like it.”
“No one said you had to, Ethan.”
“No one said he had to what?” Your friends had to stop coming into your house unannounced. Benny stood in the living room looking at everyone, holding a few boxes of pizza and a bag that was probably filled with drinks and candy.
“Y/n said that no one said Ethan had to like that- Ow!” Rory was interrupted from spilling truths again by Sarah, who hit him harder than last time. Benny gave the two a strange look but brushed their behavior off.
“Whatever. I got pizza, pop, and sweets to make our teeth rot. What are we watching?” Benny asked as he set everything on the kitchen island. Erica smirked, reaching into her purse to pull out multiple DVDs. Catching sight of the titles, Benny whined, and Sarah squealed. “No, please.”
“Oh, yeah. All three Dusk movies.”
“I’m surprised you don’t have the fourth.” You muttered, standing from your spot on the couch and going to the kitchen to grab plates and food.
“Only because it’s not on DVD yet.” 
You grabbed two slices of pizza from one of the boxes when Benny slid to stand next to you.
“I grabbed you your favorites.” You looked at the stuff he pushed toward you, and indeed, he had gotten you your favorite drink and a couple of your favorite candies.
“Thanks, Bens.” You gathered it all around you before looking up at him. It was crazy to you that he was leaning on the countertop and was still taller than you. “You didn’t have to get me all of this.”
“It’s no problem, really.” He smiled at you, and you wished you could look at him forever. The little twinkle in his eye he had when he looked at you made you giddy.
“Oh, nice, pizza.” You were pushed away from each other by an annoying force, more commonly known as your brother. He stood between the two of you, piling his plate with food. After one last look at Benny, you gathered everything in your arms and went to sit on the couch.
When everyone had gotten their food (you, Ethan, and Benny had food. Sarah, Rory, and Erica had some blood bags, and you didn’t want to know where they got them.), you all settled in the living room, either anticipation or dreading the movie marathon that was about to be put on.
Benny sat next to you on the couch, and you were about to offer him one of your sweets when Ethan stood in front of you two.
“Benny, move over a bit, will you?” Ethan made a waving motion to get him to move away from you. You and Benny looked confused. “You’re in my spot.”
“Since when has this been your spot?” You asked. Ethan started to look flustered, trying to come up with an answer.
“Shut up and sit down!” Erica demanded. “The movie’s starting.”
Knowing it’d be better to listen to Erica than continue fighting with Ethan, Benny scooted over, albeit reluctantly. Ethan sat between the two of you, subtly spreading himself out on the couch so you were further away from Benny. You leaned over to Ethan.
“I know what you’re doing.” You whispered to your brother. “Stop it, baby.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Ethan muttered back, ignoring your glare to focus on the movie.
You suffered through the first movie in silence. Your brother was acting like a child. Anytime Benny tried to make a joke about the movie to you, Ethan got in the way by constantly “assuming” he was talking to him. You understood that he was uncomfortable with the fact that you liked his best friend, but that didn’t mean he got to separate you and get in your way.
Getting up and stretching, you told the others you were going to go change into something more comfortable and went up to your room. Although that was true, you also needed a minute away from your brother to avoid losing your mind on him. You changed into sweatpants and were about to change your shirt when there was a knock on the door.
“Oh please, don’t stop on my account,” Benny smirked when you opened the door and saw you drop and smooth out your shirt. You rolled your eyes and let him in, closing the door behind him.
“I’m surprised Ethan let you up here.” You said, taking your shirt off to pull on a loose hoodie. Benny sat on your bed, staring at you.
“I told him I was going to the bathroom, so I bought myself a few minutes.” He hooked his finger in the waistband of your sweats and pulled you close so you were standing between his legs. You smiled down at him, hands resting on his shoulders.
“Let’s make them worth it then.” You murmured before leaning down to kiss Benny. He held you closer to him, arms wrapping around you.
What your friends didn’t know about you and Benny was that you had been secretly dating for a few weeks. It wasn’t that you were scared to tell your friends; you just didn’t feel the need to. Plus, you had a bit of a feeling Ethan would react weirdly. You two had confessed to each other at a party, and the rest was history.
“We should probably go back down.” You said as you pulled away. Benny groaned in disappointment.
“Just a couple more minutes.”
“I mean it, Benny. Ethan will get suspicious.”
“Fine.” He stood up, still holding you. “One more kiss before we go?” You leaned in, unable to say no to his puppy dog eyes.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Ethan shouted, and the two of you jumped apart, startled. He stared at you in horror.
“You were kissing him, Y/n!” Deciding to play dumb, you looked around your room like Benny wasn’t there.
“Kissing who?”
“Don’t play dumb. How long has this been going on?”
You and Benny looked at each other, knowing there was no way to escape Ethan and his questions. 
“Since your Halloween party….” Benny said, looking anywhere but at Ethan.
“What’s going on up here?” Erica appeared behind Ethan, scaring the crap out of all three of you. Sarah and Rory stood behind her, watching the scene.
“I just caught Y/n and Benny making out,” Ethan said. The three vampires stared at you and Benny in silence, trying to formulate a response.
“Y/n, I told you that you could do better!” Erica whined, pushing everyone away to go back downstairs.
“Hey!” Benny shouted in offense.
“How are you guys not freaking out?” Ethan asked, looking at Rory and Sarah. They shrugged.
“Who cares? It’s their lives.” Sarah answered, grabbing the back of Ethan’s collar to drag him down the stairs. Rory, you, and Benny trailed behind them. “Come on, let’s watch Dusk.”
“Can Y/n and I stay in his room?” Benny asked, wanting to get out of watching the franchise more than anything.
“No!” Sarah shouted at him. “We’re watching Dusk, and you’re gonna like it!”
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shyphonics · 5 months
Salad Days Chapter 5: We Are The One
This chapter is certified 18+™ for smut and light mental health crisis (we've all been there... right?)
I'm sorry if I'm rusty lol. Also, I made a tag list! Let me know if you want in :) this is looking like it's gonna be pretty long.
one | two | three | four
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It’s your turn for soundcheck now, and… Jesus, you’re actually nervous. It’s been forever since you’ve been nervous.
You’ve played The Strike every week for about a year now, slowly creeping your way from dead Monday shows, to decent Thursday shows, to electric weekend shows.
You’ve worked your ass off to move from the merch table spot in the dark, at the edge of the dance floor, to one of the spots under the lights and the AC unit.
You know every person here, at least by face, and they know you. Either from the band or the bar. Except for Rodrick and his friends, that is.
You’ve never headlined before, though, and something about your first time is making you shaky.
So, here you stand, face to face with yourself in the bathroom mirror. Jessica, your lead guitar, is against the wall, cool as can be in her vinyl pants. She blows out a long puff of smoke, and fluffs out her short, green hair with one hand.
“We’re gonna be fine. It’s like any other night.”
But it’s not like any other night, not to you.
Is it Rodrick? Are you trying to impress him? That’d be really fucking stupid. You don’t do what you do to impress people.
That, and you’re pretty sure he’d be impressed no matter what you do.
You don't quite know what's happening to you, whether it's how good he’d looked on stage, or the feelings that overcame you when that douchebag sucker-punched him.
Maybe it's a combination of both.
On stage, he'd been sexy and self-assured. Playing those drums like it was nothing. Making your heart flutter with a wink and a smile, like you were a dumb lovestruck teenager at her first concert again.
After that guy had hit him… he got vulnerable. He'd looked so sad, defeated almost. Hurt, not just physically, but emotionally. It made you wonder if those two had a history. It made you want to latch onto him and make him all better.
It seems like Rodrick, whether he’s aware of it or not, knows just where to hit to take down your walls.
“We gotta go,” Maureen pops her head into the restroom.
You push your little emotional breakthrough back in and take a deep breath.
This isn't the time for that.
You climb the side steps, as you have a hundred times, and start fighting audio cables until everything looks right.
Pink cord goes from amp to overdrive pedal. Black cord goes from tuning pedal to bass.
Fuck. Is that even right? You don’t know anymore.
Low notes come from your amp, and you breathe a sigh of relief.
Everyone else is all set up, and you look around. It’s time.
Soundcheck is quick. Too quick. You adjust your setlist with your foot, and stretch out your fingers.
Eddie pushes his glasses up and gives you a thumbs up.
You just gotta start, and then you’ll be fine.
“Hey fuckers!” Your voice comes out more powerful than you'd expected, “We’re The Shrieks!”
The crowd comes alive. Deep breaths.
The lights are up, the crowd is buzzing and you- wow. You're glowing. You look so confident and fucking cool, all lit up in gold stage lights.
Rodrick watches as you and your bandmates give each other a nod.
A note rings out. A second. A third. A fourth.
The song explodes, and Rodrick’s mouth falls open. You’re hopping, and shaking your hair out, really hyping yourself up.
Then you open your lips. Rodrick is enamored. No high school crush he ever had could compare to how he feels right now. He gives in to the movement of the crowd, and it feels like being in the ocean. Bodies all moving as one.
There’s a smile on his face that just won’t go away. He’s never been to a show quite like this.
He holds on to the front of the stage just to watch you, taking in the absolute power you’re giving off. Trying his best to read your lips and hear every word.
I am the one who brings you the future
I am the one who buries your past
A new species, I come from the ruins
I am the one that was made to last
We are not Jesus (Christ!)
Oh, no, we are not fascist (pigs!)
Oh, no we are not capitalist (industrialists!)
Oh, no, we are not communists
We are the one
We are the one
We are the one
We are the one
The party’s still going, even after everyone has shuffled out and the doors are locked. Mike has commandeered the sound booth and is playing “some shit from the good old days.”
You're up in the storage loft above the stage, wrapping up cables and boxing up mics. You close a tackle box full of neatly rolled cords and notice Rodrick down by the stage.
You sit and just watch him for a minute, trying to figure out if your bathroom mirror crisis was just pre-show jitters.
He looks like he's looking for you, craning his neck around and slowly spinning in place.
He's just such a dork.
You’re not sure if you can even be snarky with him anymore.
It's been a really long time since you had a crush on someone. Especially one like this. You're used to being in control, giving no more of yourself than you want to. For all you know, when you get down there, you'll be giggling like an idiot at his mercy.
Pull yourself together.
“I love this song,” you drop down from the storage loft, hopping off the stage, landing in front of Rodrick. Trying to play it cool.
He jumps when you appear, a smile spreading across his face.
“You were amazing.” He sighs.
“Back at you,” you restrain yourself from grinning.
You're still buzzing with adrenaline, and it spurs you on to try something. You step forward, and clasp your arms behind his neck.
His eyes widen, but after some hesitation, he brings his hands to your waist. The two of you begin to sway, a little uncoordinated, to the music. You look up into his eyes. He looks nervous, but a small smile is beginning to form on his face.
Your giddiness starts to fade away, and you feel a little more in control of yourself.
“Did you go to your prom?” You ask.
“Hell no,” Rodrick scoffs, “Did you?”
“I didn't even graduate,” you laugh, “so no. But it explains why we're kinda bad at this.”
“I don't think we're that bad,” He attempts to spin you. You both break out in a fit of giggles as your back hits his chest and you recenter.
“I wanna do that, like, every weekend forever.” He sighs.
“That's not a hard ask. I can show you some of the other venues when I'm free. You guys will be working the circuit in no time.” You look up at him.
Rodrick’s smile is so genuine. He looks completely content.
The world disappears around you as you get lost in the song, swaying and spinning, staring into each other's eyes. You've never been so glad to have taken a chance on someone.
“How's your lip?” You ask.
“It's okay,”
“Does it hurt?”
“Not really.”
You hesitate, then lean upwards, testing the water.
He seems to be thinking the same thing, and he leans down to meet your lips.
The kiss is warm and familiar, all traces of awkwardness are gone. It feels like you know each other. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek and pulls away.
“So am I allowed to like you now?” His voice is lower than before. He holds you close to him, one arm tight across your lower back.
“You feel like you could pass a field sobriety test?” You smirk.
“Yeah?” Rodrick raises an eyebrow.
“Okay. You're allowed.”
He laughs, rolling his eyes, and leans in to kiss you again, but you both quickly turn to the sound of someone clearing their throat. It's one of his bandmates, the blonde one. He's avoiding looking at either of you.
“Hey, Rodrick, uh, you two…” He clears his throat again, “The other bands invited us out to eat, and we were gonna go… but it looks like you're busy.”
Rodrick blinks at you, “Are you gonna go?”
“Yeah, let's go. You should get some carbs in you. Soak up all that booze, or you're gonna have a bad morning.” You detach from him, and walk towards the back door.
Your car is parked right next to their van, and Rodrick looks like he's hesitating getting in with his friends. You roll your window down and raise your eyebrow at him.
“Do you… wanna ride with me?”
He looks surprised, “Can I?”
“Yeah, get in.” You lean over and pop the door open, butterflies swirling in your stomach.
He bounces into your passenger seat, beaming.
“You know where to go, right?” You shout into the van. Rodrick’s friends give you a thumbs up.
You roll the window up, and pull out of the parking lot.
Rodrick is drumming on his knees to a song playing in your car. You watch him out of the corner of your eye and smile a little. You think of the day you met him, all pent up energy and rock n roll, baby!
Big, dumb dog.
He moves a hand to your thigh and continues drumming the rhythm. You feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks. His eyes are locked on your thigh as it bounces to the beat.
You pull up outside the old Waffle House, and it looks like you're the first to make it.
“Let's wait,” you sigh, leaning back, turning up the music.
His hand stills on your thigh. You close your eyes, honestly exhausted from the show.
His hand moves upward to rest in the crook of your hip, and the corner of your mouth curls up. You turn your head to look at him.
“What're you doin’?”
“Nothing,” he says, trying to sound inconspicuous.
Rodrick’s heart is going a mile a minute. He'd been so confident back at the bar, but here, with you, just you, he’s freaking out a little.
He studies your face in the glow of an orange street light. Your eyes, the slope of your nose, the curve of your lips. He wants every feature burned into his memory forever. His hand is warm against your hip. You put your hand over his and he smiles.
“What, did you get scared or something?” You smirk.
“No…” Rodrick lies.
You kiss him again, and he melts into it. He slips one hand into the back of your hair and pulls you closer. You maneuver over the center console to get in his lap, and he breathes out deeply. The kiss gets messy, like all the energy of the night is coming out between your lips. Your hands are shaking. One rests on Rodrick’s shoulder, the other in his hair, and you make a noise as he bites your lip lightly.
“Sorry, is that okay?” He whispers.
You pull him in, and bite him back harder.
He groans, and his hold on your waist tightens.
He's snaking a hand under the hem of your shirt, when there's a tentative knock on the window. You pull away from each other.
“God dammit!” Rodrick pants.
It's Ward, with a hand over his mouth, feigning being scandalized.
“Oooooooh,” he taunts, when you're both out of the car, “I knew it.”
You roll your eyes, and keep the door open with your foot as the guys pour in. People from the show are everywhere, this is a decently common occurrence. You find a seat between your band and Rodrick’s at the bar. Maureen, your drummer, offers you a fist bump, and leans into your ear.
“He's cute,” she whispers, “did you drive here with him?”
You nod, suppressing a goofy grin.
“Do you think you're gonna…?”
You shrug.
“Up to him,” you whisper back.
The waitress, a blonde with a buzz cut and a face full of piercings, greets you by name, and asks, “Usual?”
Once your orders are in, Rodrick puts his hand securely on your thigh.
“Do you guys come here a lot?”
“Oh yeah, at least every weekend,” you lower your voice, “That's Jeanine, she's our regular. Then Martin and Rosie, who have worked here since the beginning of time. Then there's Carla. She's new. Last weekend, she and Martin were fighting because she kept getting orders wrong.”
He narrows his eyes and looks at each person you point at.
“Do you just come here to eavesdrop?” he asks quietly, suppressing a laugh.
“It's fascinating. Just watch.”
The two of you eat in silence and observe the inner workings of Waffle House.
Rodrick nudges you as Carla scrapes a plate into the trash, and Martin yells, Dammit, Carla! Chunked and covered! Not scattered!
Carla throws her apron to the floor and flips him off with both hands. Fuck you, old man!
“Oh shit,” you whisper.
“Damn,” Rodrick turns to look at you.
As your eyes meet, and the bell on the door jingles aggressively, you can't hold in your laughter anymore.
"He's such an asshole." Rodrick whispers, giggling in disbelief. Does every diner job just suck ass?
"I know, this Waffle House is under a dictatorship," you laugh
You both calm down, and end up just staring at each other.
“Rodrick, I don't wanna be too… forward, but…” you trail off.
His face goes blank.
“Do you wanna… get out of here? With me?”
Rodrick drops his fork, and snatches his tab off the counter.
“Yes,” his voice is feverish.
You follow behind him, and wave goodbye to everyone on your way out.
You'll absolutely get teased for this later on, but who gives a fuck?
Now, I've drunk a lot of wine and I'm feeling fine
Gotta race some cat to bed
Oh, is there concrete all around?
Or is it in my head?
Rodrick’s hands are on you the moment you shut your front door.
He backs you up against it, bringing his lips to yours once again. His lips creep down to your jaw, then your neck. Then he's on his knees, pushing the hem of your shirt up, kissing your stomach, your hip bones.
Your hands are in his hair, stroking and tugging.
“I don't know what it is about you,” Rodrick murmurs between kisses, “I just knew, I had to…”
“Me too,” you laugh a little, “I'm not usually this easy.”
He grins deviously up at you, undoing your bottoms.
“So you don't bring someone home like this after every show?” He gives your waist a little bite.
“No, god, no,” you chuckle, “this should be too fast, but something about this, you just feel right."
“Why me?” He pauses, looking up at you.
“You're just,” you look down at him. His dark doe eyes drill into yours, plump lips slightly open. You feel his hot breath on you, and it sends a shiver up your spine, “Jesus, you're just fucking hot. And you're not, like, an asshole about it. You could've taken any girl in that bar home tonight.”
“I wanted you,” his lips twitch, and without hesitation, he lifts you up, and sets you back down on your kitchen counter. He plants soft kisses on your thighs, and pauses to look up at you. It makes your head cloudy.
“Can I try something?” His voice is breathy.
You're still recovering from the shock of being lifted like that.
“Yeah,” you say, in slight disbelief, looking down at him.
He plants a kiss on your panties, and then removes them completely. You heartbeat skyrockets.
“I might be kinda bad, but… I've always wanted to try.”
You watch him gaze over your wetness. You truly cannot believe what's happening right now. He looks lustful, but focused, like he's trying to form a plan. Then without warning, he just dives in.
You hadn't expected much from him, but damn, he knows what he's doing. A shocked moan leaves your lips.
Your body feels electric as he snakes his tongue through your folds, finding all the places that make you whimper. He grunts, and you practically feel it reverberate through your whole body. You wrap your legs around his head and pull him closer. His tongue circles your clit and you throw your head back. His plush lips cover so much ground as he gives you a light suck.
“You sure you've never done this before?” Your weak voice teases him.
He pulls away with a pop, making you shudder.
“Nuh-uh,” he shakes his head, “I’ve just thought about it a lot.”
“Well, you're doing fucking great.”
He gives you a sly grin and goes back in.
Your back starts to arch as he flicks, and sucks, and swirls his tongue. Your moans mix with his soft grunts and you realize you're starting to come undone. You grab a handful of his hair and roll your hips.
“Keep going,” you gasp, “I-I’m…”
His eyes flick up to meet yours and that does it. Your body jolts, and you squeeze your eyes shut as an orgasm rattles through you, the counter cool against your body.
He slows his actions, and comes to rest on your thigh again.
When you're recovered, you sit up, and put your hands on his shoulders. You kiss him hard, tasting yourself, and feel a new arousal awaken in you.
“Was that really okay?” His eyes plead with you.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You pant, holding his face in your hands, and he looks bashful, “Best I've ever had.”
You hop down from the counter.
“Your turn.”
“Are you sure?” He stutters.
You take him by the hand, and lead him across the small apartment to your bed.
Rodrick’s breath is shaky as he leans against the edge.
“Take your shirt off,” you tell him, and he does.
His eyes are hazy with lust, and he grunts when you kiss him. You run your hands over his chest. The muscles in his core are tight, and you can feel his heartbeat. Hard and fast.
You kneel, and your hands find the tight bulge in his jeans. He bites his lip as you unbuckle his belt and free him from his boxers.
It's a good length, fairly weighty, and he groans when you take it in your hands. You look up into his eyes and lightly roll your tongue over the tip. His knees buckle, and he sits back on your bed. You chuckle and scoot closer, steadying yourself between his legs.
“So… safe to assume you've never done this either?”
You fit him further into your mouth, trying to wet as much as you can.
“One time… almost,” he says, labored, “we were in a car and the cops knocked on the window.”
“Fuckin’ pigs,” you shake your head, then take him in as far as you can get him.
He lets out a long, low noise. You grasp the rest of his length with your hand and pump lightly. His thigh shakes under your other hand as you swirl your tongue.
You catch his eye and come up for air, licking him from base to tip. His eyes roll back, and you laugh.
“Should I keep going, or is this gonna take you out of commission?” You tease.
“Please… keep going,” Rodrick breathes.
His mind is foggy as he feels himself enter your mouth again. He can't even process what he's feeling, all he knows is he never wants it to stop. He doesn't feel in control of his own body. His hands desperately search for a grip on your comforter as you bob your head.
He tries his best to focus, to keep his eyes on you, but he feels something in himself start to slip. He throws his head back and closes his eyes, barely keeping himself up on his elbows. His legs tremble as he feels himself hit your throat and he lets out a long moan.
Then your mouth is gone, and he opens his eyes, desperate for the feeling to come back.
You crawl on top of him and straddle him.
“Scoot back,” you murmur, and he obliges.
You lean down to kiss him, and his hands come to rest gently in your hair.
Something still feels weird in his head. He doesn't think he's drunk anymore, but even the low light of your apartment feels too bright. His ears are ringing, maybe still from the noise of the bar. He feels his heart start to beat out of his chest, and he holds on to you for dear life.
It feels like he's dreaming, but maybe as long as his hands are on you, he'll be okay.
You're saying something. The words don't quite reach him, but he nods anyway. Eager for something to pull him back into reality.
A little voice in the back of his head is hissing. He tries to blow it off, but it's persistent, fighting him.
You don't deserve this.
Fuck his stupid brain. He wants to be present with you. He wants to hold onto every little second of this, keep it forever. It feels like you're far, far away from him, even as he watches you take your shirt off and feels your hips, warm on his.
The ringing in his ears subsides a little as your lips touch his again.
“Let me know if you want to stop, you look a little overwhelmed.” You whisper.
“No,” Rodrick urges, “I never wanna stop,”
You laugh, and start to kiss a trail down his chest.
He sighs into the feeling and closes his eyes.
The fuzz in his head isn't gone, though.
It'll go away, he knows it.
He just needs to focus. On you, on how good you're making him feel.
On how good he'd made you feel, he's pretty damn proud of that.
Just stay in the moment.
Please, just stay in the moment.
And now I'm ready to close my eyes
And now I'm ready to close my mind
And now I'm ready to feel your hand
And lose my heart on the burning sand
And now I wanna be your dog
And now I wanna be your dog
And now I wanna be your dog
Well, c'mon
tag list: @crumpets-are-better-with-jam
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scootvideo · 1 year
Do you deal with 3p with you celeb SP? Could you give any advices if yes? Love your blog💖
I DO!!! Third parties are a ANNOYING ASF, I’m a very sensitive person and when I see someone else close to the one I love I feel PHYSICAL PAIN (IM NOT EXAGGERATING)
There are three methods to deal with this:
1. Denying Method
- SP and X are dating
- Uh? What? No they are not. SP is literally obsessed with me. They are just very good friends ;)
- SP and X are the perfect couple
- Yeah sure, and the sky is red.
- SP loves X
- Yeeeaaah sure.. and my dad is The Rock…
2. Fourth party Method
- SP and X are dating
- Wait isn’t X with this other guy? Yeah, I saw it on instagram and they look so cute together, X looks much happier now…
(You can ship them with someone or just think that X going out with someone else…)
- X is so much happier with their new partner… They are just so perfect for each other
3. Nonexistence Method
- SP and X are dating
- Who is X? Never heard of them
(Don’t have more examples for this method 😭. This is literally ignore their existence. If they don’t exist to you THEY DONT EXIST, that’s just what is like to be God)
Important Tips:
- Don’t compare yourself: THIS IS THE WORST MISTAKE YOU COULD MAKE. I’m guilty of doing this all the time but you just HAVE TO KNOW that:
They will never be you. They could dress like you, act like you, like the same things you do… But they will NEVER be you, because you are JUST you, and your SP ONLY likes you, ONLY loves you, AND X WILL NEVER BE YOU
- Work on your Self Concept: This comes linked with the first tip, you have to KNOW that even at your worse THEY ARE HEAD OVER HELLS OVER YOU.
You could look like cockroach (you don’t), you could smell like a fish (you don’t), you could be the most boring person in the world (you’re not), but that doesn’t matter, cause they are OBSESSED OVER YOU.
How many times you’ve seen your best friend crushing over the ugliest man ever? SO WHY, YOUUUUU (GODDESS LOOKING HUMAN), ARE INSECURE ABOUT “oh will they find me attractive🥺” ?
- Block them if necessary: I know that this tip can’t be applied by everyone, but if you can do it, DO IT. Sometimes, us humans, are self destructive, we like to torture ourselves looking at their profile and staring at them with jealousy and hatred. ITS NOT WORTH IT. Keep your energy positive and don’t waste it on someone who is not even a threat.
THATS ALL!!! Thank you sm for reading and being here with me, hope the tips help <3
Btw thank you for enjoying my blog annon!!
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faeratil · 1 year
Because I have no one in person that I can rant to about my thoughts on Cinderella and the Four Knights (2016), you guys get to hear my thoughts.
First, I put this show on because I had just finished Tomorrow (2022), and I needed something sappy and full of cliché tropes to help distract me from the emotional trauma. I did my best from episode 1 to try and guess who was endgame for Eun Ha-Won based on all of the stereotypes and the way the interactions between her and the Kang cousins were written, and I feel like my original thoughts would’ve been a better ending.
Also with the way that the characters were written, they really should’ve called it Cinderella and the Three Knights because the fourth “knight” wasn’t even really written to be a Love Interest in spite of him being one of the best characters (until stuff happens with his mother and then it’s like being disappointed by your longtime crush and wanting to smack some sense into them).
My thoughts on the characters, though:
Eun Ha-Won
I love her. She deserves the world. She is an absolute ball of sunshine in spite of all the shit she’s had to deal with and continues to deal with straight through to the final meeting she has with Chairman Kang. I think she’s gorgeous, and I hate that she thinks she’s not pretty just because of how the Kang cousins treat her vs Park Hye-Ji. She honestly could’ve made it through the whole show without a Love Interest and I would’ve liked that more than the actual ending. She’s strong physically, mentally, and emotionally. She’s very smart and wants to use what she knows to teach others. She’s so very devoted to family in spite of how her stepmom and stepsister treat her, and even more so how her dad treated her. I would’ve tried to woo her myself if I had been in the show.
Kang Ji-Woon
The bad boy/bully type, the enemies-to-lovers trope, the stalker’s enabler. This man constantly looks like a crying wet puppy, but not in a cute way. He tries to look so sad and pitiful, and he’s an asshole from the get go. From the very start where he rolls his eyes and tries to give Ha-Won his watch when she asks him to apologize for not buying all the food he asked her to prepare at the convenience store, and then scoffs and immediately assumes she’d do anything for money (without considering the fact that she’s dead broke and needs money to survive). You think maybe there’s a redemption when he gives her a bouquet of white roses on the memorial day (I forget what the actual name of that day is called) of her mom’s death. And then you see him being a whiny puppy stuck to the second female lead, enabling her stalker tendencies and hating everyone who doesn’t immediately make Hye-Ji happy. He hates Hyun-Min so much that he also decides to pursue Ha-Won just to make him miserable when he thinks they’re engaged, not even caring about how it might make Ha-Won feel. He keeps doing sweet and caring things that make you think “oh she’s finally breaking down his tough exterior”, and then he just turns around and is an asshole again. He abandoned both Ha-Won AND Hye-Ji on the side of the road on separate occasions and then thought just saying “oh sorry” would fix it. I get that his backstory is sad, and I get that Chairman Kang fucked him over and basically forced him to accept the fact that he’s family, but it’s no excuse for the way he treats everyone else. Also, man needs to learn how to comb his hair and maybe take some allergy medication so his eyes stop watering and his nose isn’t always red.
Kang Seo-Woo
The unrequited love, the pop-star, the male best friend trope. I love him, and I hate that the writers barely gave him a chance. He tried so hard so many times to tell Ha-Won that he liked her. He did so many things to care for her, wrote love songs about her, used his status as a pop-star to help draw crowds away from Ha-Won when she was getting bullied by the girls who thought she was Chairman Kang’s mistress, was a genuinely kind person to everyone including Ha-Won’s best friend, and tried so many times to confess. I wish the writers would’ve taken just a couple more lines to have him say “no, Ha-Won, I’m not writing a love song right now, I’m telling you how I genuinely feel about you” and actually given her a chance to consider him. He saw how much Ha-Won hated the spotlight she got while everyone thought she was engaged to Hyun-Min, and he let pictures of himself in a girls uniform go viral just to stop more pictures of Ha-Won from leaking to the press. At any moment, he could’ve just done with Hyun-Min did and asked Ha-Won to play along with the rumors of them dating, but he actually considered Ha-Won’s feelings (glaring at you, Ji-Woon) and lied about his own feelings to protect her. If I had to choose between the Kang cousins, I would choose Seo-Woo.
Kang Hyun-Min
The spoiled rich kid, the playboy, the fake fiancé, the one afraid to actually love, the object of the stalker’s affection. I wish he had been endgame. They set it up so well in the beginning for him to be endgame. You could tell from the moment he saw Ha-Won beat up the assholes at the bar/party for not paying for the pizza delivery, he was developing feelings. He could’ve easily gone back on his bet with his friends and asked any other girl to go to Chairman Kang’s wedding with him, but he chose to go after Ha-Won, and even went all the way to the convenience store just to try and get her attention. His shock at hearing about BOGO deals with the ice cream was honestly cute, and he was kind enough to sit down with Ha-Won and enjoy the ice cream in spite of being raised directly under Chairman Kang (who makes it very clear what he thinks of anyone who isn’t rich), and he’s actually nice to her. At the beginning he still has that playboy attitude, but even after offering her money to be his date (and being turned down, good job Ha-Won for holding true to your values), he still tries. He picks her up for the wedding, opens the door for her, treats her the way a gentleman should treat a lady (win for chivalry!), and gives her a chance to feel as beautiful as she is. He also is very up front and adamant with Hye-Ji that he wants nothing to do with her, but she keeps showing up and trying to make him feel guilty for not still liking her after having a crush on her when they were NINE YEARS OLD, and it’s been 10 years (she bugs the hell out of me but we’ll get to her). Hyun-Min also is thinking of Ha-Won when he asks Chairman Kang and Secretary Lee to keep it secret from the other Kang cousins that Ha-Won isn’t his real fiancé, because he trusts that they wouldn’t try to pull anything on someone who was already in a relationship (fuck you Ji-Woon for taking that personally and making Ha-Won uncomfortable and confused). He keeps Ha-Won company so she won’t be alone, he goes along with her missions until his pride gets in the way, he buys her a whole wardrobe of clothes because she keeps wearing the same tracksuit for god knows how many episodes and just genuinely tries to make her feel comfortable and taken care of so she can focus on the things she actually needs to do instead of just surviving. I wish that he had seen Ha-Won when she got dolled up in that black and blue dress, he would’ve fallen for her all over again. Unfortunately, the writers decided that the “childhood lovers/first love” trope was more important for Hyun-Min and Hye-Ji, and they had him go back to her even though she was being a stalker after he repeatedly said no. Also hella power move that the heir to the Haneul group in his early 20s would go stand before a board of directors and his grandpa’s wife to save his grandpa’s company after being a slacker playboy up until he met Ha-Won. I love him. I wish he had ended up with Ha-Won. Fuck the writers for putting him with his stalker.
Lee Yoon-Sung
The “fourth knight”, the secretary to the chairman, the by the book character. They never even gave him a chance to be considered a Love Interest, so it kept bothering me that they called it “…Four Knights” and then only made 3 of them potential LIs. He is the most efficient and down to earth of all the guys, he does his job exceedingly well, he respects the absolute hell out of Ha-Won and tries his best to make the Kang cousins respect her as well, he’s a master of tae-kwon-do, he’s deeply loyal to the chairman until a bigger issue comes up, and he’s a very obvious fan favorite. I was very disappointed that the writers made him side with Madame Ji even for the time that he did because he had been so against treating her as his mother after she abandoned him with an abusive drunk father 12 years prior, but I am glad his loyalty to the chairman won out. Also very happy that they included him in their friend group at the end, my man needs to learn to relax (but not with alcohol… my emetophobia did not appreciate the end of the drunk dinner…).
Park Hye-Ji
The second female lead. I cannot stand her. I hate that the writers even included her past the first couple episodes, and I hate even more than they ended up letting her win with Hyun-Min. She’s a very “woe is me” character who acts like she’s entitled to everyone’s attention, especially Hyun-Min’s, just because he gave her a ring when they were 9 and her family got along with the Kang family before her brother died. This girl spends 10 years pining over Hyun-Min after she has not seen or heard from him AT ALL in those 10 years, shows up at his house unannounced when he returns to Korea from studying abroad, constantly shows up wherever he is in public and just looks at him all sad and pathetic like he belongs to her and is cheating on her, she’s been told by him numerous times in basically every episode that he does not want her around and that she should give up even to the point where Hyun-Min has to threaten to never acknowledge her again, she hates Ha-Won for being close to Hyun-Min and then later Ji-Woon, she jumps from guy to guy after Hyun-Min’s threat starting with Ji-Woon because she knows it’ll piss off Hyun-Min the most, she assumes anyone who is nice to her must be in love with her and feels personally attacked and betrayed when they’re like “no I’m just a nice person, I don’t have feelings for you”, blames Hyun-Min for her being so sad and depressed when she’s the one who can’t just fucking get over him from when THEY WERE CHILDREN, constantly tries to make moves and get close to Hyun-Min on the trip and after she moves into Haneul House, and then turns around and is like “I never want to see you again” when Hyun-Min tries to treat her more kindly and tries to explain why he was being such a dick to her. And yet they end up together. Because “childhood love/first love” was more important to the writers than the fact that they made the second female lead a self absorbed entitled stalker. The only thing that comes to mind that puts her in a good light was when she let Ha-Won spend the night, but even that was reluctant and she only started being nice after Ha-Won admitted that the engagement was fake. She should’ve just taken the fashion scholarship to Paris and finally gotten out of the Kang’s lives. If she was alone in a foreign country she might actually learn to rely on herself instead of always expecting Hyun-Min or Ji-Woon to come running.
Hong Ja-Yeoung
Seo-Woo’s biggest fan, Ha-Won’s best friend, an absolute cupcake of a character. I want her to be my best friend. It did annoy me that at the beginning of the trip, she left Ha-Won to do stuff alone just because Seo-Woo wasn’t joining them, but my girl has Ha-Won’s back in every other situation. She was even willing to support Ha-Won and Seo-Woo when the scandal article was published saying that they were engaged when they weren’t. She also was determined enough to get close to her favorite pop-star that she came up with a plan to help him escape his fan girls by wearing her school uniform, and she managed to sneak some photos of him crossdressing as well that he later used to help Ha-Won. She’s been there for Ha-Won through everything and did whatever she could to help even though she herself didn’t have much. I am so happy for her that she gets to be part of Seo-Woo’s management team in the end.
Chairman Kang
Classist asshole who values highly skilled and charismatic employees, but continues to treat them like trash if they stop acting like employees. For him, money buys everything including people, and he has almost completely forgotten what it’s like to actually care about someone until Ji-Woon is on his knees in tears begging him to give his blessings to him and Ha-Won, bringing up how the chairman made his mom leave his dad to remind him of the horrible mistake he made in the past. Chairman Kang talks all the time about wanting the Kang cousins to act as a family, but doesn’t even act like a grandpa to them. He acts like a dictator by threatening to cut them off from everyone and everything if they don’t do exactly what he says. He has good instinct not to trust Madame Ji towards the end, but you would think after 4 failed marriages he would have some way of blocking any future wives from trying to take over the company. I’m glad he finally gave Ha-Won his blessing, but just the wrong cousin.
That being said! In spite of the endgame love interest and the stalker, the interactions were pretty cute and it was entertaining. It was much needed after watching Tomorrow. I’m going to acknowledge that canon has Ha-Won with Ji-Woon, but in my mind I will always pair Ha-Won with Hyun-Min or Seo-Woo, and believe that Hye-Ji would actually go away (and STAY away) after Hyun-Min rejected her at the wedding.
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thewickedbohemian · 7 months
Watched the So Help Me Todd S2 premiere and I Have Thoughts
Nice to see Todd taking things to the next level and feeling even more like Shawn Spencer (even down to the helipad thing feeling totally a Shawn reaction, or maybe an Ezekiel Jones one)
Speaking of which, it seems Todd's trickster luck's still in full force (as since early on S1 SHMT I've grouped Shawn, Ezekiel and Todd together in my mind as similar tricksters who feel like they all have the same pseudo-magical freaky luck/Bugs Bunny bullshit (Shawn has been Word-Of-God said to work by Bugs Bunny rules as much as one could in a live-action setting) going on hmm maybe crossover fic potential esp. since Bugs Bunny takes a lot of Doylist influence from the mythological Loki do with that what you will )
Alison's blonde hair leading to (esp. as she might be an INFP like me) even more "self-recognition through the blorbo" (as if she'd had bangs it would look a lot like mine) and between that and how much I already am in the weird state of both relating to and crushing on Todd, if we get more depth on Lawrence and there's something other than gayness there for me to connect to (like people have said if anyone in the ensemble could be neurodivergent autistic!Lawrence is a possibility) it's going to be (albeit without the crush for the example with minors) The Middle all over again with me vibing with all three siblings and a mom a lot like mine
Speaking of dyed hair is it just me or does Margaret's look as if she dyed it black I mean seriously she looked a bit like an older Regina Mills at some points
OK so how many permissions did they had to get for how much they expied about CBS news (I mean to the degree of having a J. Giannola as an anchor and I think the weatherman's name was also similar to one of our local (Oregonian here) guys)
Even if it was only briefly Lyle singing was not on my bingo card (that and the announcement of Heather Morris joining the recurring cast makes me wonder if musical episode in our future?)
Love the Margaret/Harry and Todd/Susan moving on parallels
Between those and all that stuff with the station full of gays including the actual-news-interns thinking Todd's cute and even down to them pointing out his "gay" look at dinner, potential tease for Todd rebounding with a guy?
Love the whole Phantom Of The Opera motif with not just the lighting "chandelier" drops and the music but the culprit being the lovestruck guy with the facial disfigurement who right before the final drop said something about "love never dies" (aka the title of the POTO sequel)
Major ?! about the whole scene with Beverly and Susan and the partner track, I know firms can have more than three partners but if you'll pardon throwing a blorbo from another show briefly under the bus what is it with badass beautiful bitches named Beverly and butting their butt into everyone's business (and yes the alliteration was accidental until about halfway through)
Just going to bring this petition back around so people keep fighting to make sure this isn't the end (it being Elsbeth's lead-in (albeit two weeks later than I originally thought) indicates the network has some degree of faith but I want to make sure especially because online acquaintances in the industry have told me IF it gets a third season (but that's the operative part here) a fourth is almost a guarantee)
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
I want to hear more about this Fletcher person but I also don't cos he sounds horrible.. I hope Sophie has some kind boyfriends before Benedict. (And some hookups on her travels 😉)
*Trigger Warning: this post contains mentions of an eating disorder.*
(So I actually took Fletcher's name from the book as he's one of Cavender's cronies who were harassing Sophie before Benedict came in and saved her.)
In this AU Fletcher ain't shit though initially Sophie saw the good in him. She had really wanted to get over Benedict after having her heart crushed by him and in her sixth year she decided to try putting her interests in someone else - really, anyone else. Plenty of people fancied Sophie but the issue she had was that everyone assumed she was dating one of the guys in her friendship group. Then for one hot minute Colin, Phillip, and Michael were all known to be dating other girls, leaving the door wide open for anyone to actually make a go of asking Sophie out now that it was confirmed she was in fact single. Fletcher was the first person to ever approach her and ask outright if she wanted to go on a date with him, and due to nobody ever showing interest in her previously, Sophie accepted.
When Colin, Phillip, and Michael told Sophie that Fletcher was going around telling everyone he had snagged a date with her, they were floored when she informed them that it was true, thinking Fletcher had been talking shit. They had asked her what she even saw him in, why she would agree to go out with him. Sophie had simply told them that she wanted to give dating a go, feeling ready to do so - but that was a lie; she just wanted a distraction from her heartache and wanted to try moving on from Benedict. When her friends told her she had much better options than Fletcher if she wanted to date, Sophie assured them that just because she agreed to one date didn't mean there would be a second.
Her date with Fletcher occurred on a Hogsmeade weekend and though beforehand she was preparing to let him down gently after the date, she ended up surprised by how funny and attentive and genuinely interested he was in her. She thought perhaps she had gotten him all wrong and that maybe he put on a bit of a front around others, so when he asked her if a second date was on the cards, Sophie found herself agreeing because she had actually enjoyed the date. A second date turned into a third, then a fourth, and then they were officially dating before becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.
His kisses didn't compare to the one she had with Benedict but she had to remind herself to forget about her first crush. He was off being an adult, meeting adult women and having adult relationships; he wasn't stopping to think about his teenage brother's friend and she told herself she had to stop thinking about him.
Her biggest issue was that Colin, Phillip, and Michael made it clear that they didn't like Fletcher and didn't think he was worthy of her. They wouldn't listen when she insisted there was a side to him that he only showed to her and nobody else, and gradually she became frustrated with her friends for judging her boyfriend and assuming the worse of him, especially when she never judged any of the people they dated. It caused some friction between the group and it didn't help that when she vented to Fletcher about it he only encouraged her resentment towards her three best friends.
Fletcher made her feel wanted and good about herself - until she came back from the holidays in seventh year. He had embraced her like he normally did but when he pulled away he prodded her tummy and said "treat yourself over the summer? better take it easy Soph, there's a difference between curvy and chunky." She had tried to not take his comment to heart, thinking she was just being sensitive, but then during the feast to kick off the first day back at school, she caught his eye when she was helping herself to dessert and he grimaced and shook his head, giving her a pointed look. She had stared at her reflection in the mirror that night, mortified that her boyfriend thought she was getting chunky though she knew she had put on weight. Being back at the Bridgerton home and seeing Benedict had stressed her out and she turned to comfort-eating to cope, indulging even more when she saw Benedict coming down from the upstairs flat of the Delacroix boutique looking handsomely ruffled and in want of his lover; clearly he wasn't still thinking of her like she was of him.
Motivated by her boyfriend's remarks as well as not wanting to let Benedict get the best of her, Sophie implemented a diet, cutting herself down to two small portioned meals a day. After a couple of months she was sure she had lost the weight she had gained but then when she had been browsing in Honeydukes, Fletcher once again made a comment. "Don't let that sweet tooth get the better of you, Soph. You don't want to undo all the work you've done, now do you?" From then on she had forgone chocolate, sweets, and desserts altogether, focusing on maintaining her figure.
At Christmas back at the Bridgertons Benedict had offered her the chocolate they normally shared that he kept hidden away from Colin, but she turned him down; she couldn't let herself be tempted by either the chocolate or Benedict. She didn't realise that upon turning down the chocolate Benedict kept a watchful eye on her and noticed how she was eating far less in general, picking up on her lying to his mother to say she had eaten lunch when he knew she hadn't, as well as scraping a lot of her plate onto Colin's during dinnertimes when she assumed no one was looking. He tried to talk to Sophie to voice his concerns but he never found the opportunity to speak with her, so instead he asked Colin to keep an eye out on Sophie's eating habits.
Back at school, despite resisting the urge to indulge over the Christmas period, Fletcher still remarked on Sophie's weight and as a result Sophie began skipping mealtimes altogether. She lied to her friends and told them she had homework to do but really she was hiding herself away in the girls bathroom and away from the temptation of food. It wasn't until a week later when an owl delivered her a box of Honeydukes chocolates with a card from Benedict saying she forgot to take her Christmas present from him back to school that Sophie suddenly became very upset, and confessed to her friends that she might have an eating problem. Colin, Phillip, and Michael immediately comforted her and went with her for support when she shared her issues with Professor Danbury. She received counselling and rebuilt her love for food, though she never did mention to Professor Danbury or her friends that Fletcher's comments had been the root cause of her issues, thinking it wasn't fair to blame him when she had done it to herself.
Instead, the next time Fletcher made a comment, Sophie dumped him immediately and told him she refused to accept her own boyfriend making her feel like shit. Fletcher hadn't taken being dumped well and verbally abused and bullied her whenever he saw her. Though her three best friends were riled by Fletcher's awful behaviour, Sophie begged them to just ignore him because he wasn't worth it. They followed her request until the day they walked past Fletcher with his mates Cavender and Heasley by the lake. Cavender made several offensive remarks about Sophie, calling her a mudblood, a pricktease, and inferring she whored herself out to her three male friends.
Word then spread like wildfire about the massive fight between the six seventh-years which apparently culminated in Cavender nearly being drowned by the lake's giant squid. Sophie was shocked that her three best friends had gotten themselves suspended from their respective clubs and would have detention for an entire month all because they were defending her honour. When she expressed her guilt Colin, Phillip, and Michael told her that they had no regrets and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. "You're our favourite girl, Soph. No way are we going to let anyone talk about you like that." Sophie had teared up at just how loved they made her feel and thanked the heavens above for the three best friends she could ever ask for.
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
Any more sadeas headcannons?
oh you sly dog. you waited. you waited until i relapsed and got stupid drunk so i would be willing to give out the goods. the good good juicy headcanons. the headcanons i dont usually share because they could be misconsgtrured as "woobifying sadeas" well sorry these are headcanons i have about the terrible serial killer racist piece of shit that has done every crime if you think any of this means im not aware that war crimes are bad or whatever thats on you
ONE. first love ever was a boy who was too old for him. when he was a young teen. probably like 18 or 19 to his 14. old enough that the older guy was being a creep to be honest. but i dont think sadeas ever recognized that. anyway sadeas's first bf was some fuck who instilled some uh. very unhealthy ideals about sex and sexuality into sadeas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like really bad ones!!!!! and because i am charitable i like to think that he unlearned some of the worst ones by the time he hit 30 like i like to think his ob 3 actions do not reflect him at the time of dying i like to think hes capable of the tiniest modicum of growth. but yeah being in that ancient greece ass relationship instilled ingto sadeas the core belief that bottoming and/or submitting is synonymous with weakness and THAT is the reason i headcanon sadeas as a dom top. because he doesn't want to be weak. although im sure by year 20 of sadeas and dalinar topping dalinar got to dom and or top because guess what when you fuck the same person for 20 years you need some spice some variety and sadeas is willing to give up some of his deeply held opinions about self worth and sex for the sake of some fucking novelty. anyway when the dude got a wife sadeas arranged for him to be assassinated. because that would be a lifelong theme for him. also sadeas's dad when he found out sadeas was getting fucked by a dude was pissed as hell. which brings me to
TWO. sadeas had a physically abusive father and a neglectful mother and honestly had to raise himself. it really was every man for himself/every woman for herself in the sadeas household growing up and sadeas was for sure not above ratting out his siblings or framing them so they recieved his fathers ire instead of him. despite this he and his older younger sister (he had 3 siblings: one younger sister who was like 3 or 4 years younger than him, one younger sister who was like 9 or 10 years younger than him, and one baby brother who was born just before his dad died when he was 15) stayed pretty close and she scribed for him before he met ialai. sadeas eventually sent out a letter dictated by his sister to gavilar and dalinar when he heard that gavilar and dalinar were looking to unify alethkar that was like i am sympathetic to your cause but my father the highprince is not. please dispose of him and i will be your greatest ally. and dalinar did murder him gruesomely and i think that is a large part of why sadeas was down bad for dalinar at first. because he managed to get rid of the biggest stressor in his life that he had been dealing with hiswohle life. also i think sadeas is like the third or fourth torol and its because his dad also primarily went by torol that he likes to be called sadeas. keeps a distance from the piece of shit bastard yknow?
THREE he met ialai because she was a friend of his younger sister's, he was immediately smitten by how frankly she talked about killing people and getting rid of them. sadeas likes a bloodthirsty bitch. and it was like. really weird for him yknow? because he had never felt this way about a woman before. before this literally everyone he ever got horny about was a man. all his crushes were on men all his lustful jackoff sessions were about men literally his whole sexuality was men. except now theres ialai. and theres two ways you could look at it and im fond of both. one. ialai was comphet. you just know sadeas didnt have many female friends etc that he wasnt related to. hes not exactly womanrespecter9000 ill tell you that much. and so sadeas meets a woman who he actually gets close to and goes This Must Be Love and treats it as such and marries her even though he later realizes he is not attracted to her and this marriage is simply politically convenient. the secontd option is that he really truly is bisexual and he is really truly into ialai however his flavor of bisexualityis susch that he is like99% attracted to men 1% attracted to women and that woman is ialai. homoflexible if you will. although all this being said i do not think that even keeping in mind that roshar doesnt really have those labels sadeas even if handed modern day framework for all that stuff would still choose not to label himself. because one the hassle of deciding am i really into women or is ialai just bangin (question i ask myself on the reg) is just not high on his priority list of issues to solve two i dont think he would align himself with any queer community. he just fucks dudes he doesnt want to be involved with any pride in fucking dudes. yknow? thats my hot take. is sadeas gay or bi? its none of our fucking business and im not even sure if he knows.
thats all of them i can think of im sorry if this post is extremely foul also sorry for infodumpng i am just passionate on this subject
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