#i have my own set of insane specs yes but like
lover-of-mine · 7 months
Tim literally did say that they’d be bringing back past characters this season, we know that already?? so i don’t know why people are freaking out about tommy guest starring, there are probably other characters returning too that we don’t know about yet. people are acting like it’s a secret that he’s back and therefore that means something?? abc are clearly taking all spoilers seriously, not just him 😅 and the love interest stuff is suuuuuch a reach. there is zero proof of this and i mean, come on…… possibility of first male love interest for buck and they choose tommy?? huh? 😂
Wait, they people are saying Tommy is back to a be a love interest? Oh, yeah, because they would totally take half of the couple most people want together, make him queer and immediately shove him with the 118 guy he replaced, who we don't even know if he met, and a lot of people get confused about because he only exists in begins episode, sure. We knew he was gonna make an appearance, and isn't Tommy, like, in some sort of special rescue crew? He's the one Chim calls who sends the plane with the water to that one huge fire in s2 isn't he? Buck ending up meeting him because he's unsettled and wants some specialized training makes a lot more sense than "oh they're gonna fuck" why does everyone jump straight to the "oh they're gonna fuck"? Also, taking half of buddie (any half), making him queer, and not putting them together, it's a dumb decision, because buddie is so intertwined that queer storylines for them need to be addressed together and to use someone we already know to create conflict between buddie when they already have love interests locked and loaded is just dumb. The chances of them giving Buck a male love interest are so low. And making said love interest Tommy? That would be such an insane move from the showrunners. This is a first season in a new network too, they're not gonna do something as risky as giving Buck a male love interest who's not Eddie right off the bat. Also, it's not the Buck show? Not every secret being kept is gonna be about Buck's storyline. Buck could be an entry point for something else. More people could be in the basketball game. They could be hiding stuff about the basketball thing because the script got leaked. There are so many possibilities, why are the specs always "they're gonna fuck"???????
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cityandking · 1 year
8, 17, 36 + B, H for minah and dai!
thanks tabby! // uncommon questions
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
MINAH — probably to stop distracting people in lessons. or to stop running inside. she was pretty well behaved as a kid, generally speaking, but she had a lot of energy to burn and got into typical childish mischief DAI — was often asked to help with things—he had an extra set of hands and was a quick study, and the adults around him needed all the help they could get. after a while, he stopped having to be asked and would just pitch in wherever he saw a need to be filled. like I said, he was a quick study.
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
MINAH — no. I, however, am, which makes things tricky. she's lived through A Lot and that means it takes A Lot to truly shock or embarrass her. DAI — yes, but that won't stop him. he's shy and awkward and gets embarrassed easily, but he also has a tendency to dig his heels in and push through despite the embarrassment. I aspire to be more like him.
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
MINAH — neither. she might enjoy a fling, but she's not seeking or waiting for anything or anyone. she had her go with romance and she isn't interested in opening up like that again DAI — also neither. he's ace/aro spec, so tbh romance wasn't something that was even on his radar. he's having a good time, though (death aside). it's nice being in love.
B) What inspired you to create them?
MINAH — the thing is I love a wily little rogue with Issues and I've never played a proper thief before (their action economy is insane). her troupe/performer background was inspired a little by Station 11 and a little by my thoughts about apostate!au vesper who joined a circus and a little by my own theater experience, and I've really enjoyed playing up that angle. she's got some other stuff (eldest daughter complex, as so often tends to happen with my PCs) but that hasn't come into play quite as much (yet) DAI — answered!
H) What trait do you admire most?
MINAH — I think it's super cool that she can touch her toes and do the splits and stuff. wish that were me (honestly I admire that she's still fucking around and finding out. good on her) DAI — I admire his inner strength. his conviction and commitment and dedication to pushing through and doing the right thing even when it's hard or uncomfortable is something I'd like to bring more into my own life
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captains-simp · 4 years
Carol Danvers ~ Infuriating
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Carol Danvers X fem!Reader Smut
Word count: 8,016
Includes: dom!Carol, captain kink, brat taming, choking, degrading, fingering, edging, nipple clamps, clit clamp, thigh riding, spanking enhanced with powers, vibrator enhanced with powers, strap-on gagging and choking, strap-on sex and overstimulation
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You hadn't meant to fuck up Carol's mission. You weren't that petty. But the look on her face when you disobeyed her direct order and took the shot was priceless.
You and Carol had never gotten on. The first time you laid eyes on her you were infuriated by her actions. The second time you met only amplified that.
You had been under cover for a year when she came along and screwed up your mission. It had taken a long time to be trusted by those you 'worked with'.
You had set up a buy with a huge advanced (and crazy irresponsible) weapons smuggling ring that would lead to you obtaining more of their weapons for SHIELD until eventually, hopefully, you would figure out the secrets to their operation and be able to take down the business.
Just as the dealers arrived at the abandoned warehouse Carol came flying in to take on the armed men, oblivious to the mission that was happening, in all her heroic glory.
"We got the weapons, it was a success."
After writing out the report and having a long convosation with Fury (most of which involved you describing Carol in ways Steve would have been outraged by) you had at least expected an apology from the blonde. You could still remember how that went down.
"It was not a success!" You almost screamed at Carol. It infuriated you to no end that after half an hour of talking she still didn't see the bigger picture. She really thought she had done the right thing.
"Yes we got the weapons - something I could have done on my own - but that's such a small part of the rest of what they're making."
"You don't know how much there is." Carol said, her voice as calm as ever as she leant against Fury's desk with her arms crossed.
"That's the point." You said through gritted teeth, determined not to loose your cool infront of her and Fury. "My mission was to find out and put a stop to it."
"There are guys in holding. They'll talk."
You almost laughed at that. "If I could ask them my way they definitely would." You silently cursed SHIELD's moral codes that stopped you from torturing the answer out of them. They wouldn't talk any other way.
"They'll talk." Carol said stubbornly. "And anyway, you should be thanking me for cutting your mission short."
And that was it. From that moment on you couldn't look at the woman without wanting to slap her. That had been months ago.
Despite you never hiding your dislike for Carol she never seemed to mind you. In fact, she tried to be around any chance she could. Always looking for ways to get on your final nerve, everything she did she did for your reactions that you had grown worse at suppressing.
You took some of it out on her during training. It bothered her but thrilled you that you too were on the same level in combat. Apart from the times she was a sore looser and used her powers.
But you had made a strong effort to avoid training with her too. She taunted you during fighting. Although you were used to it it struck different when her body was pressed against yours to pin you to the floor.
Your most shameful day was when her actions had sent a jolt to your core that you couldn't deny.
Carol looked down at you with an insanely arrogant smirk as she straddled your waist. She was always like this in her moments of victory, always wanting to rub it in.
"Wow, you gave in quickly today." She quipped, not even trying to hide the obvious undertones. That didn't even make sense!
You weren't about to give in when she looked so god damn smug. You gripped her shirt with two hands and lifted your hips to flip her off but she caught on both too quickly and too late. She lurched forward into your grip but instantly pinned your hands above your head as her legs fell down next to yours.
Your breath hitched in your throat when you realised her face was inches from your own, it was only then that you become aware of the darker specs of brown in her eyes that highlighted the lighter shades. They were beau- okay. They were okay eyes. Yours were better.
The corner of her mouth raised in her familiar smirk that you always despised. But being that close brought light to how soft her lips looked. They were slightly parted and you wondered what kind of things she could do with that mouth. Professional things of course. Strictly professional and tactical thing. Not sinful things at all...
You wanted those thoughts banished from your head immediately. You wanted to leave.
All too hastily, you tried to raise your hips again, only then noticing how Carol's new position had her core right over yours. The contact and friction was undeniable, as was the slow throbbing that started.
A quiet moan slipped from your mouth that you desperetly coughed to cover up. You turned your head to the side, not wanting to see if Carol had noticed.
"Get off me, Carol." You huffed, trying to hide your embarrassment.
"What? You don't like me ontop of you?" She smirked.
God you definetly did.
As much as you tried to ignore that memory and replace it with the time you were first introduced you rarely succeeded. And even then it was like your hatred for her only encouraged how much you wanted to feel her deep insi-
"Are you even listening to me?!" Carol yelled at you with a glare. You never zoned out during meetings. Carol knew that. Fury knew that. Yet it was still very clear you just had.
"Are you done rambling?" You quipped, not having a moment to place the filter over your mouth as the thought spilled out.
Fury arched a brow at the question and Carol's jaw clenched in an annoyingly attractive way. You did not regret that one bit.
"If I hadn't taken the shot the hostages would have died."
"They almost did anyway."
There had been some sort of detonator with the man holding the hostages. Once dead, the storage he had loaded into his truck had been destroyed and nothing was salvageable. That was important cargo, but you always put a priority on lives. Taking the bad ones more than saving the good ones admittedly.
Once a vigilante always a vigilante.
"I don't think you understand how valuable that cargo was."
The meeting continued like that for a while. You would never admit it to anyone, especially as fucking up the mission wasn't intentional, but seeing how the tables had turned from the last time the three of you were in that office? It made you happier than it should have.
You guessed the two of you were even now. Maybe she would finally leave you alone. Your happiness faulted at that thought.
Finally, Fury told you and Carol to go and that it would be discussed again tomorrow. He was clearly tired. It had been a long day and it was late, everyone else was already asleep.
Even as you trudged down the hallway Carol continued to rant about your inability to follow orders. You would be the first to admit you weren't a team player. You still weren't used to it. But you always follow orders.
"I can follow orders, Captain. I just choose not to follow yours." You said calmly as approached the hallway towards your room.
You hated that Carol's room was next to yours. You had been there when Carol had talked to Tony about staying at the Avengers compound. You had seen her sly smirk as she pointed out on the compound map which room she wanted. Knowing full damn well it was next to yours.
How long did she plan to keep this up? You definetly didn't bug her about her screw up as long as she was you. Why couldn't she just hold the grudge in silence like you?
"You put aside personal matters when you go on a mission, y/n." She continue to scorn.
"Not personal, Captain. I just know when a decision and order is bullshit." Your room finally came into your line of sight. Just a few more meters.
"It wasn't bullshit. It was the right call. You just refuse to do what I tell you to." You rolled your eyes at her insistence, something that didn't go unnoticed by the blonde.
"The whole thing would have been fucked if I followed your orders. You should be thanking me." You taunted with a smile. But before you could fully bathe in your victory of getting under her skin, Carol gripped your neck tightly and slammed you into the wall.
You eyes widened as your back hit the wall painfully and you struggled to comprehend that Carol's hand was really around your neck...and you liked it.
"What? Got nothing to say to your Captain now?" She smirked. A familiar jolt travelled throughout your body and rested between your legs at her words.
It wasn't hard to put two and two together. Her hand, her words and the tone that accompanied them. You could always tell Carol was a top, but a dom?!
"If I could go back..." You started, your voice quiet with an edge of fear that made Carol preen. "And do the mission again...." Carol watched your face intently, awaiting your words of apology. "I still wouldn't follow your orders. Because I don't take orders from yo-" Carol stepped forward and forced one of her legs between yours.
You bit you lip to stop yourself moaning at the friction she was causing, the urge to grind against her leg was strong.
"Brat." She whispered with poison dripping from her voice. Her warm breath hit the small area of skin her hand wasn't covering and her hair tickled you chin.
"I have just the thing to deal with that. You wont be keeping up that facade for long."
You were about to object and assure her you would. That your stubbornness was just as strong as hers and you had been down this road before with others.
As she moved away from you she gripped your shirt in her closed fist and pulled you away from the wall with her. You hated that you instantly missed the contact of her thigh between yours. But her rough nature was doing it for you too. It had been so long since someone had been rough with you and you yearned to feel that again.
Carol had barely opened her door when she pushed you through the gap into her room. You were about to take in your surroundings and even pause to assess what was happening, but Carol's hands were on you again and all doubt slipped from your mind.
The next thing you knew your face was engulfed by soft pillows before you felt Carol's strong presence above you.
You could feel her knees on either side of your waist, pressed against you as though caging you beneath her. Her hands entwined with the back of your own and held them above your head under the pillows.
You went to move your hips up out of instinct from your training but Carol was too strong. She didn't even flinch from you efforts, clearly overpowering you in strength.
You reminded yourself you would not, under any circumstances, let Carol win.
You wouldn't apologise for the mission, wouldn't do what she said and you would not fully submit to her. It was something you truly believed, Carol knew this and it made everything you eventually did all the more worthit.
You could never imagine or anticipate the things you would let her do to you that night or the desperate way you would beg her to do them.
Her hair tickled your exposed neck as she leant down to whisper into your ear. "Anything you want to say to me before I begin? Perhaps an apology?" Carol questioned, knowing you would say no such thing but wanting to have more ammunition for later on.
You chuckled into the pillows before replying. "Go fuck yourself." It was muffled. But Carol understood.
She didn't reply verbally, instead she leant further against your body as her hands left yours and wandered down your arms.
Carol inhaled the scent around your neck as her hands reached your shoulders and decended to trace your collarbones that were visible from your shirt being lowered.
The blonde took her time memorizing every inch of your body, especially cupping your clothed breasts in her hands and ever so slightly grinding herself against you as she did so.
You reminded yourself to control your breathing as you felt those motions, not allowing yourself to be caught up in the firm grip of her hands against your breasts or the way she used your body to gain some friction to her core.
Her hands continued to massage your lower stomach, admiring the feel of your finally formed abs in a way she never could when you trained.
You kept your head amongst the pillows when her fingers danced around the waistband of your trousers. You didn't want Carol to see the anticipating look on your face at the touch of her fingers. They barely dipped half an inch beneath your trousers and panties but the contract gave you chills. You wanted to feel her against your bare skin more.
Carol retracted her fingers and instead wordlessly moved them to the centre of your trousers and unbuttoned them. You could hear her pull your zip down in the deafening silence of the room and you found yourself holding your breath in anticipation again.
She didn't hesitate once in her movements. With undeniable certainty, Carol slipped her hand under your trousers and panties to meet the space between your legs that welcomed her.
Carol sighed into the crook your neck as her fingers met your wetness between your slick lips. You bit your lip to stop any sounds escaping your mouth as the arrogant hero swiped a single finger slowly through your eager folds. She collected the arousal on her fingers before pressing it firmly to your clit.
Your hips rolled into her hand before you could stop them and the action caused a smug grin from Carol that although you couldn't see, you could feel against your skin. It was considerably worse and amplified your arousal as Carol could tell.
You hated feuling her ego. You hated that she had made you so wet your throbbing clit would slip around her fingers when she had barely touched you.
"Such a wet little brat. You're so ready for me and I've barely touched you." Carol husked as her finger continued to alter between running through your folds and rubbing your clit lightly.
It took every ounce of self control in your body not to squirm against her or make any noise. Your pride helped you keep those actions at bay.
Carol gripped your chin with her free hand and turned your head away from the pillow. You tried to avoid making eye contact with the blonde, knowing it would make your self control waver, but her hand continued to guide your line of sight to her enchanting gaze.
Her face was so close to yours you were completely caught off guard when Carol's finger pushed inside you and was engulfed by your lower lips with ease.
You bit your lip hard at the action, still staring into Carol's eyes and refusing to be the one to look away first. The intense eye contact did you no favours in holding off your verbal signs of arousal, especially when her single digit curled to brush your most pleasurable spot.
You gave a breathy moan when Carol held her finger against your g-spot for a long moment before withdrawing it, your eyes marginally widening as you adjusted to the pleasure, something Carol wouldn't have noticed if your faces weren't so close.
Her finger pushed back in at a slow pace but always stroked the back of your pussy in an angelic way.
You moaned louder when Carol returned with two fingers, the additional surface area made the experience all the more pleasurable and you feared how quickly you would cum.
Carol studied your facial expressions as she fingered you slowly, figuring out the spots that made you preen in pleasure the most and even the best angles to approach it.
It didn't take her long to understand the eb and flow of your pussy better than anyone ever had. With this powerful knowledge, Carol's pace suddenly increased in an overwhelming way you could barely adjust to.
She fucked you hard and fast with her fingers. Her wrist twisted in the most agile ways that caused her fingers to burry deep within you.
You moaned continuously as you stared into Carol's brown eyes you were beginning to remember better than your own.
The pleasure was immense and you knew your orgasm would hit you hard. Your breathing became rapid and your walls clenched down on Carol's fingers desperetly as your body prepared for your release.
Carol's fingers increased in pace as she gripped your chin harder, ensuring you look at her as her smirk finally returned.
Just as you were about to explode around Carol's fingers she retracted them from your throbbing pussy and brought them up to her lips as she grinned at you.
"Carol!" You protested in disbelief and annoyance.
"What? You didn't really think I would let you cum so soon did you? You haven't earned the right. Unless, of course, you'd like to make an apology." Carol said as her eyes bore deep into yours.
"Like hell I will." You groaned.
Carol clicked her tongue in disapproval before finally looking away from you. Her fingers returned to your waistband, only this time she pulled your trousers down swiftly, deliberately leaving your soaking panties clinging to you.
She then got off the bed and strolled confidently towards her walk in closet for a few seconds, returning with a few pieces of metal you weren't surprised to be seeing yet still gave you goosebumps. Carol's keen eyes seemed to notice this and she grinned knowingly to herself.
You shifted onto your side to get a clearer view of the devices attached to the long silver chain, once Carol reached your side she roughly forced your shoulder down so you were laying on your back.
"You're very pushy you know?" You quipped as Carol moved to straddle you hips and placed the metal beside you.
Her jaw clenched tightly in annoyance of your words but she didn't look at you, instead running her hands along your lower abdomen beneath your shirt. Seeing her frustration at you, especially the slight heavy exhale through her nose very few would notice, helped you control the urge to shiver under Carol's touch.
"I hope you can do other things with that mouth of yours besides bitching, for your own sake." Carol said lowly before gripping the end of your shirt and pulling it over your head.
"It can work wonders," you winked at her with a grin, "and it's nice to know you care, Captain, not just a big, mean, dom I see."
Carol's hand wrapped tightly around your throat just as you finished your sentence. She glared at you with clear rage in her eyes, a look that made putting up your hard front difficult. You had a strong urge to apologise, but you instead pushed it aside.
"If you think for one moment I'm going to go ease on you at any point you are sadly mistaken, brat. I'm not done with you until you're a begging, quivering, pathetic mess that's forgotten her own name and only knows her Captain. Even then I won't take any pity because of the shit you keep pulling. Whores dont deserve sympathy." Your breathing was shaky as the words dripped from her mouth laced with poison, threatening to be the end of you.
You were made acutely aware of her grip of your neck tightening and her ability to cut it off and never let you breathe again. You weren't sure at what point you had given over all control, but you didn't want it to stop.
Carol leaned in next to your ear and her scent enveloped your sences again. Her voice had dropped considerably when she next spoke her whispered words. "I can't wait to break you." She bit down on your ear harshly making you yelp. You couldn't deny the effect she was having on your body, she could see it too. Of course she could, she was playing you like a fiddle and there was nothing you could do about it. It was a thrilling realisation.
Carol pulled away from you slowly while you tried to return your breathing to it's normal pace. It wasn't until you heard Carol's deep chuckled that you realised that your eyes were clenched shut. You opened them to see the blonde looking very proud of herself and the result she had gotten.
You couldn't make another witty remark. Your brain couldn't form any kind of coherent thought and you wouldn't have trusted your mouth to deliver it. Besides, after what Carol had just said, you were afraid to speak out of term again.
The self-certain hero reached around your back to unclasp your bra as her other hand came to rest on your stomach, pressing down as she used it for support while she leant forward.
Carol's eyes eagerly took in every inch of your skin the moment it was exposed. She slowly pulled your bra away before flinging it across the room without taking her eyes off of your breasts.
The cold air hitting your skin made your nipples strain in a want for attention, although you and Carol both knew that wasn't the only reason. Carol hummed at the sight and leaned forward again to rub your buds between her thumb and fingers. Your head leant back into the pillows at the attention, sighing in bliss before you hissed sharply at the the spark of pain.
The blonde smiled in amusement as she continued to pinch your nipples harshly, you didn't protests out of stubbornness.
Carol then picked up the forgotten clamps next to you, trailing the chain slowly and deliberately over your sensitive skin. She attached the left clamp with a silent concentration that filled the room with tension. You hissed again as Carol adjusted the screw to the level she saw fit, which was scarily tight, before moving to the next with the same accuracy.
You closed your eyes and tried not to enjoy the throbbing pain on you nipples, but the growing slick between your legs was telling enough.
You closed your eyes and bit your lip hard to suppress a whimper, failing when Carol gave the chain a quick tug that made you give a strained whimper that sounded more pathetic than it would have if you hadn't tried to stop it.
Carol moved further down your body and spread your legs apart so she could sit between them. You could feel the chain extending down your stomach so you opened your eyes in confusion and instantly squirmed.
The two clamps had separate chains that looped around a small ring that lay on your stomach, twinkling mischeviously in the light. There was a third chain on the bottom of the ring that had a clamp at the end of it. A clamp that Carol was guiding dangerously close to your still covered core.
You had had experience with clamps before, but the thought of one pinching painfully at your throbbing clit was one you were unfamiliar and uncertain with.
Carol adjusted herself according to your newfound protests to kneeling on your legs, each knee digging into each of your thighs as a show of control. Your hands were still free and just as you were about to sit up Carol spoke with a fake pout.
"Aww, do you not think you can handle this? Are you too sensitive?" She mocked making you freeze. "I can always stop if you want me to. All you have to do is say the magic word." The blonde continued to taunt.
Your pride screamed at you to make some snarky remark as to protect your ego, knowing saying 'please' would lead to you spiralling down the rabbit hole you refused to step foot in, while your fear begged you to stay quiet. But there was also a small part of you that was eager to experience the pleasurable pain the clamp would surely deliver to your clit.
So instead, you kept your mouth shut and stared up at the ceiling, trying to keep an eye on Carol in your peripheral while appearing to ignore her.
She smirked, unbeknownst to you, at your pettiness and trailed a single finger against the wet patch on your panties. You struggled to continue looking at the ceiling and bucked your hips to try and meet Carol's hand.
Surprisingly, Carol let you and even pressed further against your panties, rubbing your clothed lips and relishing in the effect she had on you.
Carol teased you like that for a while, rubbing her finger against your soaking folds before circling your throbbing clit. Every so often she received a quiet whine from you that flooded you with embarrassment, hating how your body betrayed you and pleased Carol.
Finally, Carol pulled your ruined panties down and gleamed at the sight of your glistening folds, the view making her pussy clench around nothing and ache more than it had all night. An idea sprung to mind and she smirked at the thought.
She took the third clamp between her long fingers and pinched at your clit. You yelped and bucked your hips up again as Carol entrapped the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"So responsive." She muttered, more to herself than you, as she slowly twisted the screw. Her eyes returned to your pained face as she adjusted the tightness, studying you to see when you would reach the peak of your pain and your limit.
Your face scrunched up at the sharp pain that jolted throughout your body and made you whine lowly as you turned your head to the side and tried to squirm away.
Carol took another glance at your strained bud, biting her lip at the sight, before gripping your under arms and flipped you onto your back.
You were surprised and caught off guard but all questions flew from your mind when you were pushed against the mattress, the clamps pressing down and amplifying your pain.
A tear formed in your eye as your nipples burned hot in pain and your clit ached against its restraint. You whined and tried to squirm away, the inch you did move only made things worse as your dragged the clamps and the skin they pinched across the mattress. You gave a small cry at the pain but pushed your face into the pillows to muffle it, still trying with everything you had to not let Carol win.
You were so caught up in the unnatural pain you didn't even notice Carol stripping herself of her jeans and pants. But you did notice when you felt her wet pussy lips come into contact with the back of your thigh.
You brain short circuited when you felt how wet she was and that she was slowly rocking herself on your leg, using your body to get herself off.
"What are you-"
"Quiet." Carol cut you off by demanding as her hands locked yours to the top of the mattress again.
Her arousal was spreading across your thigh as she grinded against you.
You could feel your own breathing increase rapidly as you heard Carol gasp out occasionally. You wanted to see her. You wanted to see the look of pleasure on her face as she approached her high. What did she look like cuming? Did you feel good against her? Would she ever let you make her cum with your fingers or tongue. You prayed desperetly that you would someday get the chance.
"Fuck." Carol moaned breathlessly. Your own pussy clenched around nothing at the sound and you knew that while Carol was getting her wetness over your thigh, you were getting your own on her bed.
Carol's grip on your hands tightened as her movements became more erratic, chasing her release.
"Your Captain's gonna cum on your thigh, brat. Such a good fuck toy for me to use." A moan slipped past your lips at her words. You cursed yourself for giving the reaction Carol wanted, helping her frantic movements.
"Oh you like this, slut? You like being my little fuck toy for me to use whenever I want?"
You desperetly searched for friction on the bed covers as you whined, only to accidently apply more overwhelming pressure to all 3 clamps.
Carol's cunt dug harder into the back of your thigh as she came with a low moan, coating your skin with the evident of her orgasm.
Surprisingly, Carol didn't move from your thigh as she brought a soft hand around to the soaking space between your legs. She tugged momentarily on the clamp there and you whimpered in protest making her snicker.
She fingers teased your lower lips as she spoke. "You seemed to enjoy that just as much as I did." Carol smirked arrogantly as her fingers swiped at your arousal. "Answer me." She demanded, delivering a smack to your ass to punctuate her words.
You didn't. Instead your breathed into the pillows and tried not to think about how they smelled like Carol in an annoyingly soft way.
Carol spanked you again harshly, barely giving you a chance to adjust to the last.
"No." You lied shakily.
"Don't lie to me. You're only adding to your punishment, not that I mind. It's just drawing out the fun I'm having. Being a lying little slut gives me something else to fuck out of you too." Carol spanked you again as those words left her lips. She gripped your hips tightly and pulled you up so your ass was on full display to her.
When Carol's hand returned to your ass her hand was considerably warmer. You thought it was strange at first until she did it again, this time burning hot.
You moaned into the pillow as your realised Carol was using her powers. And you loved it. The hellish heat, Carol's brute strength and the merciless ways she delivered the blows with no recovery time hit your core everytime.
Your legs shook in pleasure and pain and your moans got notably louder. Sometimes when you tried to lean back into Carol's hand she tugged sharply at the ring connecting the chains on your clamps and you immediately returned to your position.
"Something to say?" Carol inquired after a particularly loud moan from you.
It dawned on you how close you were to submitting yourself to Carol. How close you were to telling her you loved every second of what she was doing and wanted her to fuck you.
So, to convince yourself more than the dominant blonde above you, you spoke up. "Need your powers to help you, Carol? Can't do it on your own?"
The pissed off blonde spanked you unbelievably hard after that. Your whole body lurched forward so suddenly you almost hit your head on the wall. You ass was stinging terribly and you felt a tear trickle down your cheek just after you cried out.
Carol got off the bed to once again disappear into the closet, giving you a moment to wipe the stray tear away so she could never know it was there.
When the powerful hero returned your eyes immediately fell to the obnoxious toy between her legs.
You bit your lip at the thought of her fucking you with it. Despite that, you were in denial that something that long and girthy would even fit. Although you knew Carol would make it fit. And with the blonde as pissed as she was...
"God you're practically drooling on my sheets." Your cheeks redened slightly at her words. "You want my cock, brat? You wanna be your Captain's cockslut?" God you did. But you refused to admit it, even if there was a moan caught in your throat.
"It isn't for your needy little pussy yet. It's to shut you up." Carol said as she straddled your chest, the strap inches away from your face.
"I'm not sucking your fucking strap, Carol." You tried to defy passively with an amused grin. You wanted to, so much. The thought of doing something like that was making your cunt pulse. But you might as well get on your knees and beg for forgiveness. You refused to please Carol with such a submissive act, even if you could feel the cracks in your bratty walls grow with each exchange of words and acts.
To your surprise, Carol didn't push the idea any more, simply nodding with a sly smirk, as though she knew something you didn't.
Instead, the taller woman grabbed a small device from the side of the bed you had failed to notice prior. She twirled it in her hand, as though familiarizing herself with it as she positioned herself between your legs again, a place she seemed to be becoming familiar with.
As you gazed at the toy Carol held you couldn't help but feel there was something different about it. Something you couldn't quite placed. It wasn't as slim as any vibrator you had ever seen, not as pointed either, but there was something else to it too.
You didn't voice these inquires and the blonde didn't make any suggestive comments. So you let the thoughts go.
With her free hand, Carol unscrewed the clamp that had continued to grip onto you with everything it had. The release of pressure was unimaginably relieving but you didn't get long to appreciate it.
Carol wordlessly turned the vibrator on to a high setting and teased it against your skin just above your clit. Your hips jerked instantly in an attempt to lower the vibrator to where you needed it, but Carol placed a firm hand between your hip bones and kept you in place.
You almost whined at that, trying hard to keep it at bay, but Carol soon placed it directly onto your throbbing clit. Your hips bucked again as the vibrations hit you hard. The lack of a tip stopped them being focused to one point and instead pulsed down to every milimeter of your clit.
Despite this newfound pleasure, you couldn't shake the unnerving silence from Carol that hung in the room. Just as her lack of teasing with the vibrator hung over you. It seemed as though she was purely focused on drawing out your own pleasure, abandoning any precious plans. You knew that wasn't really the case. But you didn't know what was. It was anxiety inducing not knowing what Carol was planning in that stubborn head of hers.
The silent blonde watched you as she rotated the vibrator, grinding it into you like a drill that buzzed furiously. The vibrations were sending strong shock waves to your core that were carried throughout the entirety of your body in bliss.
Just as you were about to mentally praise yourself for not making a noise the vibrations seemed to multiple at an alarming rate.
You moaned the loudest you had all night at the feeling of warmth covering your core, emitting off of the vibrator that centred in on your aching clit that was drenched in arousal. Your hips tried to buck violently in search for the source of the vibrations that pulsed almost angrily.
You finally braved a look down as you panted heavily amongst moans to see what could possibly cause such uncharted pleasure only to spot the blue, yellow and red swirls of light you had come to hate the sight of. In that moment you didn't hate them though, far from it. You were entranced by the light show from Carol.
Your legs attempted to close around Carol's hand and the vibrator, but she held them apart. She watched you with an arrogant smirk as you threw your head back and moaned continuously, just as she had planned.
"Oh? I thought you didn't like me using my powers on you. You seem to be enjoying it now, judging by your slutty moans that is." She taunted knowingly.
You're unable to muster the voice to say something, to defend your ego. All you can do try to stop yourself moaning Carol's name or title.
Your breathing became increasingly ragged as Carol's powers never let up, mercilessly pulsing waves of vibrations to your core repeatedly until your legs started to shake.
Your cunt clenched around nothing as your clit throbbed aggressively, desperate to reach it's release it craved so much.
Your moans became less coherent when your back arched and toes curled. Just as you were about to fall over that glorious edge all vibrations died down to barely noticeable sensation.
You whined lowly at the worst teasing you had ever felt. It was as though Carol held you over your much needed edge by the back of your shirt, keeping you in that vulnerable state until she decided to either pull you back or let you go.
"Do you need something?" Carol asked with a shit eating grin.
You brought your hands down to push the vibrator further against you but Carol pinned them together in the middle of your stomach with one hand. The strength of just that was able to stop you and it was frustrating to no end knowing that.
Her other hand stayed firmly attached to the vibrator that was quietly buzzing against you core. Carol occasionally messed around with the vibrations levels and the inclusion of her powers to take you by surprise, constantly keeping you on the edge of where you needed to be most.
"Jesus Christ!" Your frustration bubbled to the surface, unable to control your anger at Carol for the merciless teasing she was making you ensure.
"Nope, just your Captain." If you had control of your legs, you would have kneed her in that stupidly attractive face of hers.
The vibrations were becoming too much yet still too little. Every so often they would spike to the previous level before returning to something unfairly light. Your orgasm seemed to grow closer and closer each time before it was denied.
Once, Carol slipped the powered vibrator through your drenched folds with her powers lining it. It felt insane. Energy tickling your inner walls as the vibrations hit all the right areas. But, of course, it was quickly pulled away too.
Just like that, all defiance left your body and you surrendered to your needs.
"Carol, Please, I need to cum so bad!" You wailed in desperation, not caring how you sounded.
"Really?" Carol wondered aloud as she stared down at you.
"Yes! Carol..." You whined and returned her stare pleadingly.
"Who are you begging to make you cum?"
You gulped stiffly, knowing you were about to slip head first into the rabbit hole you had been avoiding so precisely all night.
"You...My Captain." Carol preened at the use of her title, something she had long awaited to hear you say and was sure you would need no encouragement to say it countless more times that night.
"Good girl." She husked and carelessly threw the vibrator to the side now she could use something better. "You want your Captain to fuck you? You wanna cum on my cock like a good little slut?"
Your nodded eagerly, knowing the only way was forward and that you would do anything for what Carol wanted to do to you.
"Please Captain, I want you so bad." You begged shameless.
"Well then you need to get my cock ready for your cunt." Carol stated matter-of-factly as she sat up straight and edged towards you.
The silicone toy between her legs was getting nearer to your face and your mouth watered at the sight, knowing you would need it to help accomdate the size.
You were so dazed by the sight of the toy bigger than you had ever seen that Carol had to tap your cheek to prompt you to open your mouth for her strap.
You did so instantly and without hesitation, quickly having the tip of the silicone toy at your mouth.
"Such an obidient baby now. You would do anything for my cock wouldn't you?" But Carol didn't give you a chance to respond. She thrusted her hips forward and in a flash she was forcing the strap into your mouth and hitting the back of your throat.
The blonde retreated the strap slightly only to ram it back in with more force and causing you to gag as it surpassed your limit without consideration.
You tried to sit up on your elbows to try and soften Carol's thrusts but she knelt down painfully on your arms as she gripped the headboard to aid her thrusting.
"I haven't even got you tired up and you're still so helpless." She mocked cruelly as she continued to make you gag and choke on the toy you struggled to accomdate so badly.
Eventually it became too much and you body fell limp in defeat, drool spilling from your mouth.
Carol didn't fail to notice this and chuckled darkly at the sight of you spread out on her bed with a dazed expression. She hadn't even fucked you yet.
As the dominant hero withdrew her strap she felt a rush to her core at the sight of your saliva glistening on her cock. You really had gotten it ready for yourself. Not that it would help you handle the size much.
Carol didn't waste and time lining the strap up with your entrance. Her hands were firmly placed on either of your thighs to ensure you stay spread open for her.
"Please." You whispered as you both watched the strap part your folds, paving a way for itself, before disappearing into your hungry pussy. You moaned loudly as the strap stretched your walls for it's entrance. You couldn't help but cling onto Carol's bare back and scratch the prominent muscle beneath your fingers as she sunk the strap in further.
The pain was present but it was overridden by the amazing pleasure provided by it. Your pussy clenched desperately around the intruder just before Carol bottomed out into you and you cried out at the unexpected motion, gripping onto the woman above you as much as you could.
She pulled the strap out slightly, only to slam it back in with force that made your whole body jerk and shudder. She pulled out more the next time, as though giving you a moment to prepare before thrusting the toy back into your still unprepared cunt.
You moaned over and over, struggling to form words and accomdate the brutal strap. You were overwhelmed with pleasure and pain as they took over every part of your brain, body and soul.
Her pace never faulted, never giving you a break. Every thrust was just as hard as the last, leaving you a moaning and shuddering mess beneath her.
"You feel how deep I am inside you, slut?" Carol grunted as she continued her onslaught of fucking tour dripping pussy.
"Yes Captain! Feels so good. You feel so good deep inside me." You moaned between breathless pants.
"God you're such a desperate slut for me. Dripping whore for me to use whenever I want." She punctuated each word with the snap of her hips.
The coil in your lower abdomen was starting to tighten and you craved your release.
"C-Captain." You stuttered as you started to shudder. "I'm gonna...cum."
"Beg me for it." Carol demanded and you complied without question.
"Please! Please Captain, I'm gonna cum so hard! Please let me! I'll be good for you." You begged as though Carol held your life in her hands.
"Why should I let you?"
"Because I- because I'm sorry!" You looked Carol in the eyes as you pleaded, letting you see her expression when she knew she had won. You both knew.
"How sorry?" Carol asked as her pace increased. You knew you wouldn't be able to hold off your orgasm for much longer.
"I'm so sorry. It'll never happen again. I promise." Carol watched you for a moment as she memorized every inch of you during her victory.
"Cum for your Captain." With a cry, you came incredibly hard on Carol's cock. Your whole body shuddered violently as Carol fucked you through your orgasm in the most ungentle way possible.
"I'm cuming! I'm cuming on your cock, Captain!" Never in your life did you think you would talk like this to someone, especially not Carol. Never since meeting the arrogant hero did you think you would submit to her in such a wanton way.
Carol fucked you through your orgasm and into another one without even considering giving you a break or chance to recover from the earth shattering one you had just experienced. Your vision was still spotted with blanks as you tried to speak this to her but you couldn't manage to form any coherent words, the only sounds resonating throughout the room were your desperate moans, slapping of Carol's thighs against your own and the wet sound of your pussy being fucked, this being amplified even more now that your cum was swirling around inside of you with the strap.
Carol unexpectedly reached out quicker than you could react to and locked her hand around your throat. Her pace was harder this time, as though reminding you she hadn't forgotten she was punishing you and that she was still mad at you. Clearly very mad.
The strap slammed against the back of your pussy and had you crying out in a failed attempt to adjust to it. Even that was muffled by Carol's grip on your airways.
You couldn't believe the force she was able to gather to drive herself into you with each thrust. Over and over. You began to loose your grip on the world around you.
You plummeted into another orgasm in no time, your overworked pussy spasming around the strap as it released more sticky liquid onto it that you were too blissed out to notice was dripping onto yours and Carol's thighs. She smacked your thigh hard to show she at least had acknowledged it.
You lost count of how many times you had cum. When your limbs went weak and finally dropped from Carol's back she withdrew. Something you were thankful for until she flipped you onto your front and dove back in. Her stamina and sex drive was unforgivable and unmatched. And soon, it was the only thing you knew.
You continued to moan and scream profanities into the pillow while Carol wrecked your world above you. She had your head forced into the pillows with one hand and showed no signs of letting up.
You mustered as much energy as you could to squirm away but your efforts were futile. Your pussy ached with the punishing pace and extreme overstimulation you were experiencing. But you had no way to escape it. All you could do was lay beneath your Captain, voice horse from screaming so loud countless times, and take everything she was giving.
When the final orgasm was ripped from your body it was as though it had taken every part of you with it. Your exhausted and overworked body finally abandoned you and left you to be enveloped by the darkness and the strong arms of Carol Danvers.
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Hi love!! I just took a look at the prompt lists u have linked and the prompt “you said what to your teacher?” sounds like it could be absolutely hilarious if u wanna write something for that!! <33333
Notes: OMFG HIYA DAN BABEYYYY!!!! Thank you SO SO much you absolute angel face!!! This was the first thing I tried writing and actually enjoyed and just wrote it all at once in the middle of the night dlkfsajlkgjasdofiewghklsdgj THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!!
You Said What To Your Teacher? | Send Me A Prompt💜
“Do you remember when we were nine and I gave you my last sparkler because Regulus was crying that he wanted your purple smoke bomb and I was left with only my shitty poppers to throw when the ball dropped on New Year’s.”
Sub half way to his mouth and mobile lodged between his shoulder and ear, Sirius gently sets down his sandwich and dabs off the splatter of mayonnaise on his cupids bow as he tries to parse out what in bloody hell his best friend is blabbering on about.
“Oh, hi, Jem. Yeah I’m doing well, mate, thanks for asking. Works the typical grind but I think Minnie is about to give me that promotion any day now.”
“It’s a simple yes, or no answer, arse.” James retorts haughtily, sounding somehow frenzied and buoyant all at once.
“Pardon me, I thought we would just have a normal conversation like typical blokes,” Sirius sniffs, tilting back on his chair and clicking around on his desktop to look at the revised dimensions of a new building his firm was employed to begin constructing in south London. “Now remind me, my sweet. Was this the same New Year’s that you stuffed that stink bomb in the back of my shirt after stomping on it so it’d explode on me?”
“That is neither here, nor there.”
“I still feel the debris on my poor back on especially rough days.”
“You’re a twat.”
“And you’re acting dodgy.”
“I need a favor, and I thought a transactional proposition would be the sort of thing that you corporate types would appreciate.” James jabs, laughter in his words. Sirius just hopes he could picture the middle finger he’s emulating through the line.
“Just because you’ve completed residency doesn’t make you a special snowflake, you do realize this, correct?” Sirius tells him, already shooting a message to Minerva and his team that he’ll be jetting off a bit earlier so he could do whatever it is that James needs.
“Slander! It makes me the most special snowflake, Black. And it eats you up inside.” James retorts, moving away from the receiver to yell something towards one of his interns about a patient or the other.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, gorgeous. Now are you going to ever tell me what it is you need from me, or keep trying to get in my trousers, because listen either option is aces on my end. I’ll just add it to the document I send Lily every week about how I’m so obviously your dream partner.”
“It always just comes back to your burning jealousy that I chose her over you, doesn’t it?” James pretends to sigh forlornly. “Listen, my love. It’s not my fault that some birds are just born prettier than others.”
“Psha, I’m the prettiest fucker you know, Potter.”
“It’s the attitude for me, just absolutely no decorum about you.”
“Is this about that snag with me teaching Haz how to properly curse at a United fan?” Sirius asks, moving to collect his satchel and jacket. “Because I stand by that. We’re a fucking Arsenal family, damn it.”
“We were at brunch when he called that poor woman a weasel faced toad, Sirius.”
“Good man,” Sirius insists, waving goodbye to the secretary who always gives him the most devoted heart eyes.
“Well, speaking of the sprog. I’m stuck here with a new bout of paperwork to get someone transported to us from a hospital in the states, and Lily’s stuck in the maternity ward till at least nine.”
“Ooo, a bit of God father/God son time then??”
“With great power, comes great responsibility,” James says gravely.
“What have I told you about your shitty nerd references and how they give me a rash.”
“Spider-man isn’t simply for nerds you absolute pleb! There’s been three bloody franchisements for him in the past two decades!”
“Imma let Harry eat ice cream for dessert, I reckon.”
“Then you’ll have Lily to answer to,” James warns, still seething from the jibe. “And if you’re taking the bike, can you at least park a block away. This new school we’ve enrolled him into this year is well and proper, and I’d not want them to think that our son’s God father is some sort of ne’er-do-well.”
“You put respect on Rosco’s name, or so help me!”
“Right, right, the only constant love in your life.”
“She’s the only one who understands me.”
“ Whatever, just try and behave decently, will you?”
“Hah, and why wouldn’t I?” Sirius asks as he tosses his helmet into the air, patting Rosco in apology for James’s impertinence.
“Hmm, we’ll see, won’t we.” James says in an irritatingly ominous tone before clicking off the line.
There are a lot of reasons why Sirius could hate James. He could hate him for forcing Sirius to join him on his morning runs, or hate him for his intensely perky attitude about every sodding thing. Hell he could probably hate him for his complete disregard of the mad sport that is American football. But all that withstanding, Sirius reasons that for today he’ll hate him for his cryptic fucking warning and how he knew this would happen and is probably cackling over it as he fills out a new set of discharge papers.
That absolute, unceasing, weasel faced, toad.
The ‘this’ that Sirius is referring to of course is the fact that Sirius is left dumbstruck and gawping as he strolls leisurely into Harry’s third year class, eyes roaming over the small cluster of children who had stayed after hours for extra tutoring and who are now just lounging around, waiting for a guardian to come and pick them up. But instead of first spotting the dark head that belongs to his God son, Sirius’s gaze focusses on a man… A very fit, very golden, very beautiful man. A man that’s all lithe limbs and honey eyes, and a small, quietly encouraging smile as he kneels down to chat with a blonde girl who’s got on a blue tutu and rainbow poncho.
“Fuck you James Potter,” Sirius hisses lowly to himself as he tries to collect his wits about him, and remind himself that flirting with his God son’s actual, fucking professor is not a thing that is approved of.
“Uncle Pads!”
Sirius starts, feeling suddenly grounded as Harry bounds towards him and hugs his torso with a tight squeeze. “Hiya Prongslet,” he says, grinning indulgently as he ruffles a hand through Harry’s wild mop of curls.
“Am I coming to yours then?”
“If you’ll have me,” Sirius winks, tapping the bridge of his specs fondly.
“Brilliant! I’ll just tell Professor Lupin.”
Oh, that’s a very sexy name if Sirius does say so himself, though he tries not to marinate on the fact as he waits patiently while Harry leads that absolutely delicious looking man towards him. And God, the way he’s tipping back his head only slightly to meet Sirius’s gaze— It’s lewd.
“You’re Harry’s God father, yes?” Is the first thing Professor Lupin says to him, stretching out a hand that’s all long fingers stained by ink, and knobby knuckles that Sirius suddenly has the insane craving to nip at.
Jesus, he needs to get himself the fuck together.
“Ahem, yes, yes. I’m that. I’m Sirius I mean— Oh, my name, and erm— I’m also serious that I am his God father, that is a thing.” Sirius rambles, feeling like a complete idiot as he takes hold of Remus’s slender hand into his own, and shakes it with two, awkward pumps— holding onto it for a beat too long.
Sirius repeats, fuck James Potter.
“Right,” Professor Lupin says with something akin to amused. “Well he’s only got his maths to finish tonight, and a bit more reading for history.”
“Oh, good. I’ll definitely help with that. I’m great with numbers.”
“Wonderful,” Professor Lupin nods at him before peering down at Harry and grinning widely. “You did great today, just keep up with your novel for Professor Meadows and you’re splendid. Yeah?”
“Thank you Professor Lupin,” Harry preens, chest puffed out not unlike how James had used to do back in their school days every time they won a footie match.
“Nice meeting you Mr— ah?”
“Black!” Sirius quickly offers, straightening up immediately like a rose bud stretching towards the sun. “Sirius Black.”
The corner of Professor Lupin’s mouth twitches up, and Sirius is struck with the searing need to see the full force of his smile directed towards him— and also to snog it right off. “Remus Lupin, just to make things even.”
And fuck.
Sirius swears— hand on his chest and face to God— that it was a flirtatious inflection that Professor Lupin— Remus— used right then, but before he can even have the chance to toy around with the development, a mother in yoga pants and Starbucks strolls in and Remus walks over to greet her hello, and before Sirius knows it, Harry’s tugging on his hand and dragging him out the room.
Damn it.
Despite his total and complete fail of a first meeting with Harry’s sickeningly attractive professor, the rest of the night turns out to go as perfectly as planned. Otherwise known as them stuffing themselves with greasy pizza, and heaps of ice cream, and staying up an hour past Harry’s typical bed time to play Far Cry instead. And if Sirius contemplates asking him more about this elusive Remus Lupin, he bites down the urge and concentrates on sticking his spoon onto his nose before Harry could beat him in their match.
It’s totally fine.
That is until it’s six o’clock in the ruddy morning and he’s woken up by the loud knocking of his front door, only to be met by the grossly chipper faces of Lily and James— that sort of glow is only a thing that happens after a good shag, and Sirius knows that for fact.
“We brought pasties,” Lily tells him as she sashays indoors, red main of hair billowing in the late autumnal breeze and her voice ringing out like she’s some sort of radio show host.
“How was last night?” James asks him as he toes off his boots and follows Lily to the kitchen.
“Fine,” Sirius gripes, still pissy from James’s cruel joke. “Haz is always great.”
“Mmm, I hope Remus didn’t give you any trouble picking him up, you’re on the paperwork and everything but it’s the first time he ever met you and all.” Lily says, faux lightly as she picks out the plates and turns on the electric kettle.
“You knew!” Sirius accuses emphatically, pointing a heated finger her way and then directing it towards James.
“Knew that he is exactly your type?”
“And that you’d look like a tosser talking to him for the first time,” Lily tacks on, giggling.
“Fuck you, and fuck your weird, married telepathy!”
“Nah, not telepathy mate,” James assures, clapping him on the shoulder. “You’re just incredibly predictable.”
“We’d have to be thick not to know that you’d be a total idiot around him— You’re the worst whenever you have to talk to pretty people who you actually want to do more than just screw.”
Sirius feels himself go scarlet. “That is an attack on my person, Evans!”
“Yes, dear. I know.” Lily croons, patting him on the cheek like a doting grandmother. “But does it help that I think you should totally go for it.”
“Lily! He’s our son’s teacher!”
“Only for this year,” Lily shrugs, sitting on a stool that lines the island. “Besides, I really like Remus. We have the same cycling class and he taught me how to make my face into an emoji like I’m a Kardashian.”
“You guys talk about’m like he’s the second coming of Christ,” James harrumphs, doling out their mugs with a scowl.
“He’s just so pretty,” Sirius sighs, beyond dejected. “Did you see that little birthmark on his cheek that looks like a butterfly! And Jesus, his eyes are like a third of his face!”
“Don’t forget how well he fills out those trousers for such a skinny bloke,” Lily adds, mixing the honey into the tea that James had just poured her.
“I alas did not get a chance to give his ass the appraisal it warrants,” Sirius bemoans.
“I very much do not like the idea that my best friend and wife are thirsting over the same bloke.” James sniffs.
“Jealous, lover,” Lily leers, laughing at how James wrinkles his nose at them and kisses his cheek in reassurance. But Sirius doesn’t pay them any of his attention, is too distracted by painting the picture of Remus in his mind’s eye, and how he really does need a second look if he loves himself at all.
“He’s like those caramel lollypops from when we were kids,” he tells them unceremoniously. “But instead of that tart middle, he’s just sweetness through the center.”
“You want to lick him, huh?” Lily asks, smirking at him with a lecherous air.
“I want to lick him until he goes mad and begs me to just flip’m over and—“
“Enough!” James quickly cuts in with a smack of the hand against the countertop. “This man is Harry’s professor, I can’t have these sort of images of him while I go to pick him up after class.”
Sirius jerks forwards, beyond excited. “Then let me pick up Haz from school today, yeah? It’ll give me a chance to speak with Remus!”
“Why do you want to talk to Mr Lupin?”
The three adults turn around at once, met by the image of Harry in the spare uniform he keeps at Sirius’s house— hair sleep rumpled and specs askew.
“Hallo my beautiful boy,” Lily grins, her and James each kissing his cheek and giving his shoulders a squeeze as he sits between them.
“Why do you want to talk to Professor Lupin, Uncle Sirius.” Harry asks again, earnestly as he tares apart his cheese and veggie pasty. “Do you like him?”
“Oh, erm—“ Sirius feels his insides squirm, not sure where to step, afraid that his God son might not appreciate the fact that Sirius’s already planning out a reception party for his impending nuptials with Remus.
“I think it’d be cool if you did.”
And in an instant, Sirius feels his shoulders loosen and his smile go elastic. God he loves this kid. “yeah?”
“Mhmm,” Harry nods, taking a sip of his water to clear his throat. “Ron told me that Professor Lupin use to be married to his Uncle Fabs and then they broke up last year, so I bet he’s sad now. And you’re the best person on the planet and you always have fun! You should make him happy again.”
Sirius’s heart seizes, suddenly needing to be the person to help Remus with anything he could ever need.
“You’re a diamond kiddo, you know that?” Sirius says, standing up to lift his eight year old God son into the air and blowing a raspberry to his cheek. “Shove it to your dad, you’ll be my best man at the wedding, yeah?”
“Imma need to start smoking if he’s gonna be this much of a prat all the time now,” James mutters lowly, making it so Lily crows with laughter.
That afternoon finds Sirius parked back outside Harry’s school, straightening the collar of his jacket and combing a hand through his hair. Though once he steps into the nearly emptied classroom, he’s still slack jawed when Remus looks over his shoulder towards the door and grins at him in such a glimmering sort of way, that it punches Sirius in the fucking solar plexus!
“Mr Black, twice in one week?”
“Hah— Yeah.” Sirius hopes his smile comes out more gentle than a grimace. “It’s not far from my work, actually. So I guess I’ll be around more often.” In fact, the drive is a good twenty minutes from his office, but Sirius doesn’t think that’s really relevant.
“Lucky us.” Remus retorts, looking up and down his frame with a slow, languid sort of gaze that makes Sirius feel filleted right open. “Well I can’t wait to get to know you better.”
“You can know whatever you want,” Sirius practically sputters, wonders if he should try and act cool, especially now that Harry’s wandered over towards them.
“Is that an open offer?” Remus asks, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth and lying back leisurely against his desk.
“Yes. Yes, absolutely.”
Remus’s beautiful face goes absolutely incandescent right then. “Good.”
“Good,” Sirius repeats, completely devout.
“Oh, before you go,” Remus says, pointer finger raised to freeze them while his other hand fishes into a drawer of his desk. “It’s not a caramel pop, but at least the Tutsi ones are sweet all the way through.”
Sirius feels his jaw completely drop while Remus gently places the stick of the treat into his open hand, tossing him a quick wink before walking off to chat with a new parent who had wandered in.
“Harry— You said what to your teacher.”
“That you said he looked like a caramel pop,” Harry answers, totally owlish and unconcerned.
Sirius contemplates drowning into the lake, but then decides that this is a game he will not lose against Remus.
“All right, Prongslet. Let’s grab us some chocolate eggs and you can tell me everything you know about your dear Professor.”
“Okay, Uncle Pads,” Harry beams.
~My Wolfstar FIC Masterlist💜
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The Prank
@magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world thanks for tagging me on the 7 sentence WIP tag, this is from a short prequel I’m working on set just before the start of  We Can Be Heroes. That story starts off with the aftermath of the Prank, but I had never actually written the incident itself and have been working on it for a while... let me know if you like it...
  He stares at the tiny footprints, bunched up, close together, a gnawing, burning feeling in his chest. He doesn’t know what it is. Rage, he imagines. Rage is fine, although he hates himself that it matters to him, when Regulus has made it abundantly clear that he wants nothing to do with him. Rage is nothing like caring. Rage is fine, healthy, even. He tosses the map aside and lies there on his bed, wishing he were different. Peter is also lying on his bed own bed, daydreaming, sucking a lemon sherbet lolly, hand flicking through a Quidditch magazine.
“Can you stop making that infernal noise? It’s driving me insane!” he snaps, causing the blond-haired boy to nearly fall off his bed.
“Sorry,” Peter mutters, sounding a bit peeved.
He goes back to licking the sweet, quieter, but no less infuriating.
“Merlin, fuck!” he hisses under his breath.
He knows that Peter can hear him. The licking stops. He heaves a sigh of relief. He’s such an irritable bastard. He’s quite sure one of these days his friends will lose patience with him and kick him out of the Marauders’ dorm. Kick him out of the Marauders, altogether, if he’s not careful.
He’s never been much good at being careful.
He picks up the map again, on a whim, and glares as he sees the footprints still congregated together – Regulus Black, Severus Snape, Evan Rosier, Hugo Avery. What the ever-living fuck does his little brother want with those bastard wankers from his year? What are they doing to him? What lies are they feeding him? He wants to hurl something across the room, shatter the glass window looking idly out over the grounds, the photograph of the Potters, all three of them looking adoringly into each other’s faces and laughing, carefree. Rip Peter’s muggle poster of Farrah bloody Fawcett into shreds. Throw Remus’ chocolate out of the- no, he would never do that to Remus. Remus has enough shit going on in his life, he doesn’t need a pathetic, rich, pureblood, useless little fuck feeling sorry for himself and making his life any more stressful than it already is.
Selfish, useless, pathetic boy, you’ll end up on your own, nobody’s going to want you.
He hates that he can hear his mother’s cold, vicious tone so clearly in his head, see her face as vividly as though he were watching a muggle film, at the most inconvenient times.
Fuck everything.
Apparently, he said that last bit out loud, as James Potter, who has just walked out of their bathroom looks over at him with a slight frown. He’s wearing a white towel around his waist and vigorously towelling his obnoxious hair with another one. It nearly makes him forget how angry he’s supposed to be in favour of teasing his best friend for having such a bird’s nest on his head.
“Alright, Padfoot?” he says, squinting at Sirius because he’s blind and can see jack shit without his “coke” bottle glasses.
“Spiffing,” he says, putting on his best pureblood sneer.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to have any effect on Prongs, who is obviously as stupid as he is visually challenged. He walks over towards Sirius’ bed, casually, and stops right beside him, towering over him.
“What?” he barks, making his voice as rude and offensive as he can.
James stands there, still towelling his hair, unperturbed, not speaking, probably trying to think of a diplomatic way to find out what’s wrong with him.
“Spit it out, Pads,” he says after a beat.
Diplomatic my arse.
“No,” Sirius replies, moving away from James and scowling as his gaze falls back down to the map lying by his side.
“Fuck off,” he adds, in case the idiot hasn’t gotten the message.
James makes a non-committal sound and stays put. He puts on his specs and says nothing. Sirius can’t stand the silence, he knows that James knows this too, that it’s one of James’ favourite tactics to get him to talk and he hates James, hates that can’t cope with the silence, because if he starts talking, he’ll probably tell him everything. And even worse, he might cry. And Sirius has never, ever, not once, in all their years in Hogwarts, ever cried in front of his friends. He may have found himself a disused classroom and cried, after the first time he saw Remus transform and watched him turn back to himself, lying curled up in a ball, hissing with pain when they tried to help him, maintaining he didn’t need any help, that he was fine. But not in front of his mates, never in front of them.
“If you don’t fuck off this instant-“ he growls, his voice trembling so he has to stop mid-sentence.
“Reg, is it?” James says, glancing at the map which he forgot to hide from view.
Fucking hell. He knows from bitter experience that there’s no point trying to beat James when he’s on one of his mother-hen missions.
“Yes, you prick,” he says flatly, folding the map, too late.
James grunts something vague and moves to sit on his bed, opposite SIrius. He’s just come back from a gruelling additional hour of Quidditch practice, which nobody made him do, and he looks healthy and youthful and purposeful and kind. And it annoys seven kinds of shite out of Sirius.
“Mixing with the wrong crowd again?” James says, more a statement than a question.
“Whatever,” Sirius replies, dismissive.
“I’m sorry,” James said, after a pause.
He looks less certain now, his hazel eyes scanning Sirius’ face, wanting to make things better for him. Well, he can’t, Sirius thinking, with vicious smugness. Even the wonderful James Potter can’t solve his problems. Because Sirius himself is his biggest problem.
He laughs. It comes out sounding bitter and too watery for his liking.
“You can’t… if he doesn’t want you to help him, you can’t make him…” James says, running a hand through his hair.
“Never stopped you before,” Sirius says, folding his arms protectively over his chest.
James rolls his eyes at Sirius, but there’s no anger in them.
“Yeah, well, I’m a lost cause,” the messy haired boy replies.
He hates how stubborn, how dogged this boy is. Sometimes he wants to see how far he would have to push him away to lose him altogether.
“I don’t think Reg… I don’t think he’s able to, I don’t think he would be allowed to…” James continues.
“Fucking coward!” Sirius says, wishing he didn’t sound so bloody bothered by it all.
James looks over again, tossing a red t-shirt over his head.
“You’ve got me. I’m your brother now,” James says, quietly, confidently.
Sirius clenches his jaw. He will not cry, Merlin, damn it.
“You’re not my brother, Potter,” he says, derisively, dismissively, coldly.
He watches a flicker of hurt cross James’ face, replaced by something else. He watches as his friend picks up an apple and bites into it, placing a hand behind his head, crossing his long legs.
“I know that,” James says. “But you’re mine.”
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
”Whatever is done for the sake of love is past the bounds of good or evil.“
Word Count: 5297
Requested: nope. there’s some allusions to sex though. written slightly different to fit the mood. 
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Noun. epicaricacy (uncountable) (rare) Rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others.
You reminded Maul, very much of a... oh, how would he describe it? A fly. An annoying, buzzy little fly that was also hellbent on ruining his day, everyday. You were no common fly. You were an evil fly, capable of intelligent thinking and something along the lines of murder- which only added to the inconvenience. 
You had been Master Sidious’s apprentice before him. Maul never learned the whole story, but at some point Sidious decided that you were no longer of use. You, of course, were not too happy about this. But oh well. It sucks to suck. Maul was in power now- screw you. 
He could remember the way you had looked at him when you were sent out of the chambers. Your sleek and powerful appearance was initially a turn on for the young Zabrak, but the intense look of hatred made it even better. 
You had hated your replacement from the beginning. You truly hadn’t done anything wrong, and the only explanation you could think of for this, was the your Master had begun to see you as a rival. It made enough sense, you supposed, as you had started the process of thinking of overthrowing him. But that was how the rule of two worked! Did Sidious honestly believe that Maul wouldn’t start to think the same things? Only a fool would do that. 
You knew better than to make a fuss, however. This would only result in your immediate death. If you wanted to truly have revenge, it would have to wait. So, you took your punishment of being discarded like common space junk, and accepted the grace of leaving without a fight or a saber in your back. 
But you just couldn’t help the wave of absolute loathing that came over you upon seeing the Zabrak replacement. What was his stupid name going to be? Darth Maul? Whatever. You had been Darth Carisus. Now you were just Y/N. 
Maul, to put it poetically, seriously didn’t give a shit. As stated above- it sucks to suck. You weren’t his problem. You were just a girl now, and he was going to be a Sith lord. 
Then, of course, the same thing happened to Maul, and his tone changed. 
What had once been ‘sucks to suck’, quickly became ‘oh shit’ as Maul spiraled down without any legs. Without said legs, he had a lot more free time to think, which caused him to suddenly feel much more sympathy for you. 
Even though he had only said a grand total of zero words to you in your single interaction, he thought finding you would probably be the best place to start. The only immediate problem was that he could practically feel your smirk of revenge trained on him from wherever you were in the galaxy. That was probably what he thought about the most. 
It became one of his two hobbies: hating Kenobi, and being embarrassed by you without your presence. 
When he had made it to exile on Lotho Minor, he lay back in exhaustion on some piece of uncomfortable junk. His head was killing, his back twisted into knots, and his chest was heaving. While he had a plan to piece himself back together, he also needed a plan for revenge. 
With his last bits of energy, he reached out to you. He had absolutely no idea where you were, or if you were truly even still alive. You were a few years younger than him... perhaps your cunning skills had not been enough for your survival. Still, he did not who else would help him. 
Although it was a long shot, he got it out to you. Then he took a much needed nap. 
When you arrived on the little junk planet, you weren’t actually expecting it to be a little junk planet. You had hoped, at least, that maybe it wasn’t as bad as it looked from a distance. Maybe the ball of dust had a nice cantina or something. It didn’t. It was literally all trash. 
“Hm,” you said to yourself as you glanced around. “Well this is a shit hole.” Still, you continued on, your dark boots digging into the dirt. The climate was hot in an uncomfortable way, and it felt like everything on the planet was constantly watching you. 
Finally, you came to a hut. It was made of metal and straw alike, barely holding together in the wind of the place. It would’ve been an awful place to live for anyone, but it was nice enough on this planet in particular. You recognized it clear as day from the vision that guided you here, and the voice that called out to you. The owner of the voice must’ve been inside, just past the makeshift curtain door. 
You pushed your way in. The floor felt solid under you for approximately three whole seconds. Then it opened up and swallowed you whole. 
You twisted down the tunnel for another few seconds. The dirt and sand was scuffing up your clothes and dinging your lightsabers. Some specs got in your eyes and burned, while others glued themselves to your hair. Once you were at the bottom, you just laid there for another second. How the fuck, had it come to this?
The answer was right in front of you. 
You pushed yourself to your feet, rolling your shoulders and getting a bearing of your surroundings. You were under the ground now, in some kind of cave of dirt. Very charming. 
“This better be worth it,” you grumbled to yourself. Then you set forward again, ignoring the dull pain in your left wrist and the scratch on your thigh. 
Was it worth it? Well, you didn’t think so in the moment. When you recognized him, you thought nothing could be worth this shit. That question you had asked yourself earlier? About how it could’ve come to this? Maul was literally the answer. 
He was turned away from you, but you could recognize the scarlet skin and black tattoos from a mile away. The horns on his head had grown slightly longer, but not incredibly so. He was hunched over at the end of the cave, with mechanical clicking noises echoing all around. 
“It’s you,” you drawled, your arms crossing. “Oh, goodie.”
Maul perked up at the sound of your voice. He had only heard it when it was muffled, and that only one been two words (‘yes, master’). He was sane enough to decide that he liked it. It was sultry and sarcastic and reminded him of the word ‘poison’. 
He turned around on his many legs, revealing them to you. Your eyes widened at the second half of a spider emerging from the darkness, sinking and wheezing mechanically. You could see wires and screws and pieces of junk all mixed together for him to carry himself on. “Woah,” you said. One hand raised near your mouth in a fist, for you were suddenly feeling a little ill. “What happened to you?” 
“Same thing... that happened... to you!” he said through insane gasps. “Kenobi...” he whispered lowly. 
You squinted your eyes, pursed your lips slightly. “Who the fuck is Kenobi?”
Maul’s eyes widened. Then his right hand raised and settled on his forehead as he blinked several times. His cloudy head was sometimes cloudier than other days, and today it had been very bad. “A... Jedi,” he managed to get out, though his voice sounded strained. 
“Oh,” you said simply. In truth, a faint image of a young Jedi came to mind, though you couldn’t place it that well. He was Qoo-Gongs Jedi. Quu-Gong? Wee-Gong? Something. 
“Well you look great.” Your eyes ran up and down Maul’s entire form, from his tattooed abs to his many metal legs. 
“Don’t patronize me,” he warned. “I called you for a purpose.”
“You’re the one who called me?” you challenged in mock disbelief. “Shit, what’s the galaxy coming to?”
Maul inhaled sharply. Your biting tongue was going to have to be a workaround. Maybe after he got his revenge, he would cut it off and make you eat it. 
“I have a task for you.”
Your hands shoot up defensively, like you were surrendering with a shrug. “Sorry,” you quipped. “You’re not really my type. No offense.”
Oh, Maul hated you. That was fine with you though. You hated him right back. 
“It’s nothing of the sort,” he gritted. You could’ve sworn he was offended to even be accused of wanting you. His loss. “How would you like a chance at revenge?”
Revenge? Oh, you liked that word. Spending time as a Sith made the word into a bit of a turn on in truth. Maul knows this, and watches one of your eyebrows twitch upwards in curiosity. “I’m listening.”
A tight, muted smirk creeps over Maul’s lips. He’s tantalized the fish. Now time to catch it, and finally bring it in. “What if we were to take on the Sith? We could rule together. Kill Kenobi... kill the Emperor.”
It was a rather interesting proposition. You had not grown fond of the Emperor since your time away, and you were often dreamed about impaling him with your own blade. 
“Why would I help you?” you ask instead, your arms returning to their guarded, crossed position. 
Maul scoffed. “Why wouldn’t you help me? W- I could offer you the galaxy! You can finally get your revenge on those who stole from you!”
“I could do that myself right now,” you countered. “You’re the one who replaced me. You’re the one who took my life from me. Isn’t that right, Darth Maul?”
Maul hadn’t been expecting this reaction. 
In short, you cut off one of Maul’s legs after an epic duel. (Well, it was epic on your end. He was a bit sloppy.)
“You’re a bitter little fuck, aren’t you?” you asked as you stood over him. The loss of his legs had destroyed the mans remaining pieces of balance, causing his legs to trip over each other unevenly. 
Maul growled at you like an animal. It almost turned you on. “I offer you power- and this is how you repay me?”
“Don’t pout,” you told him. “I promise, you’re still the most handsome man in the galaxy.”
“I... hate... you.”
“Hurtful,” you said with a fake frown. “Very, very hurtful.”
After that, you and Maul actually liked each other better. 
The hatred was still there. It probably always would be. But now you had a grasp of the others personality, and you knew what drove him. 
Clearly, the zabrak was on the verge of insanity from the loss of his bottom half. He was motivated by revenge and anger and passion, resulting in growls and erratic spasms. As annoying as it was that seeing him was a reminder of everything you had lost, you admired his... what’s the word? Spirit? Sure. You admired his spirit. You liked the anger, and you liked his little scoffs. 
On the opposite end, Maul now understood that you were both a powerful ally, and powerful enemy. You were skilled in dueling and a quick thinker. Your mouth was annoying, but he had already addressed that issue in his mind. You hadn’t killed him, so you didn’t really want him dead. This was a spark of hope. 
You had one or two quick conversations before you left the planet. You were sure to flip him off with a smirk before disappearing. Maul was too out of it to notice. 
Eventually, you would help Maul get revenge on Kenobi. 
He and his brother ran into you while you were floating in space. Your ship had lost power a while ago, and you were quick to run out of stale food. You were exhausted. You were done. You slumped in the corner by the cockpit, waiting for death to take you. 
Ah, who cares? You had done your best. You had a good run. Dying was completely fine with you by now. What had you left to live for? You were no longer a Sith. You had no means of taking your revenge. You had no loved ones. There was truly no point in sticking around, so the only thing left to do was wait. 
But Savage insisted on searching your ship. The large, brooding man lumbered in, looking around several times before beginning to roughly grab at things. You saw yellow skin out of the corner of your eye, but you were too focused on dying to actually care. The flash of red skin, however, brought you great concern. 
Maul trailed behind his brother. Beside him, he looked so lanky and lithe. The new metal legs and talons made him clanking sounds against the floor. His horns were back to their original state now, as a symbol of his mental state. Still not good, but clear at least. 
The zabrak sensed you through the force, and then sniffed the air a few times. 
“What is it, Brother?” Savage asked. 
“I smell a disgusting presence. One that I’d almost forgotten about.” His yellow eyes dropped to where you were on the floor, and he smiled slyly. 
Savage drew his red saber. “Do you want me to kill her, Brother?” asked the giant. 
Maul raised a hand to stop his relative. “No,” he said, eyes still trained on you. “I have... much better plans for her.”
So, you aided Maul in confronting Kenobi. Savage had sustained an injury at the Jedi’s hand, and fallen unconscious. This forced you to do the work of two people, but it was no matter. You knew how to handle a double bladed saber, and you knew how to handle Assaj Ventress.
“Ah, Carisus,” the woman hissed with a smirk. “We were all beginning to think you had died.”
“Flattered you’d think I’d be so lucky,” you said back. Then the two of you fought, but it wasn’t to truly kill. You had more in common than you acknowledged, and there was no reason to kill each other. It was pretty fun, actually. 
Maul and Kenobi, however, were a different story. 
You understood, of course, why Maul had such a hatred. He felt that the Jedi had robbed him of his destiny and his future with one simple swipe, and it was both embarrassing and angering to think about. It filled him with an indescribable rage. You had felt the same towards Maul at some point. You were angry he had taken so many opportunities from you. You felt cheated on. You stopped feeling that way when you stopped caring about everything. 
So, Maul was doing his best to kill the man. In, conclusion, he did not succeed. 
“Well, that went well,” you said after. Maul snapped his eyes to you angrily, and thought about all the ways to get rid of you right then and there. He also did not succeed on that front. 
You disappeared for a while after this meeting, showed up before Mandalore, and then disappeared again. 
Every time Maul and you fought, or teamed up to fight against something, his respect grew for you. You were talented. Powerful. Sometimes, your little sarcastic quips were pretty good, despite the annoyance. You weren’t so bad. 
You became willing to admit that Maul was somewhat bearable. He was awfully attractive, but that didn’t make up for his inconvenient personality. But sometimes, he would make a joke back that got you pretty good. He showed a real care for his brother, which struck you as odd. The Sith always turned on each other, and neither of them seemed to consider this. 
When you came back to Mandalore for the first time, Maul had told you he had big plans to take over. 
You did believe Maul could do it. He was intimidating enough to manipulate people into doing his will, and he was smart enough to know how to do it. Still, you very sarcastically told him, “Good luck with that”. Then you fucked off on the other side of the planet for a while. 
You returned out of hiding unwillingly, knowing you would need then yourself to confront a problem of yours. 
Recently, a few Jedi had been on your tail. They were asking about you, tracking you to Mandalore. It had been about five years since you were presumed dead, but whispers traveled fast. If Sidious learned of this, you were done for. You were not powerful enough to take him alone, but that’s for later. You were currently not powerful enough to fend off four Jedi on your own. They would’ve overwhelmed you with exhaustion after a while. 
But if you had a partner helping to fend them off... the chances of survival were much better. It probably would’ve helped if that partner was skilled, possibly trained in using a double bladed lightsaber. If they knew how to go up against a Jedi... it would all be rather peachy. 
So of course, you reluctantly approached Maul. 
“This gonna be your throne room?” you asked as you glanced around the hall. Maul looked over at you, and shooed the man he was talking to away. You found it a little funny, although most people would’ve described it as ‘rude’. 
“Ah,” Maul said, tutting his tongue. “I was expecting you.”
You narrowed your eyes from your lack of patience. “Remind me when I asked.”
Maul looked you up and down, orbs sticking to your chest a little too long. “Yes. This will be my throne room.”
“It’s nice,” you said honestly. You liked the big, tall windows and how the light looked when it shined through. You liked how the blockish throne looked at the end of it all. Funny, you thought, how the ruler can make the whole room feel different. It would’ve felt so bright and calm under Satine’s rule, but under Maul’s, it would be menacing. 
Maul’s eye twitched. “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Oh, my beloved,” you teased. “I can think of hundreds of things you could do for me.”
“Let’s keep it at about five.”
You smiled. Maul sort of wanted to smile too, in his own way. But then your lips snapped back to neutral and you rolled your eyes. “I need your help.”
To say the zabrak was filled with joy would be an understatement. He was overwhelmed with happiness. Filled to the absolute brim with euphoria and satisfaction alike. His stomach swelled with butterflies and he would’ve been blushing if he was able to. All this was out of gratefulness that you were suffering enough to come to him. 
“Say that again,” Maul demanded. 
“Over my dead body.”
Maul’s smirk grew and his eyes darkened. “That can certainly be arranged, my love.” 
Something pricked in your stomach- something you chose to ignore. “You always were the gentleman. Please don’t make me say it again.”
Maul really, really, really wanted to. The thought of the high and mighty, independent you needing help from someone you so obviously hated... it gave him a bitter semi hard on. It was splendid. 
But, he decided against it. He’d have plenty of more opportunities to ruin your life. “What troubles you?” he asked in a condescending tone. 
Your signature snark returns to you. “How do you feel about killing Jedi?”
Maul found it entertaining to kill Jedi with you. While it wasn’t Kenobi he was fighting, it still felt like a good blow against the Jedi and their precious, corrupted Republic. It felt like a sort of tamed revenge. 
You were proving yourself to be more and more desirable for him to have in his life. While you weren’t a constant by any means, and nothing would stop him from being aggravated at your rivalry, it was enjoyable to watch you get your vengeance. You were a good fighter, and you looked good doing it. 
You, as much as you hated to admit it, thought Maul looked good fighting too. He was not only impressive in combat, but satisfying to watch become acrobatic and sweaty. It aroused something inside of you, something the pesky Jedi would never understand. 
“My,” Maul tutted as the last Jedi crumpled in on himself. “Forgive me for saying so, but I believe we make quite the team.”
You looked over at him, observing the zabrak. Scarlet skin, onyx markings, horns that were practically begging to be held onto. Perhaps Maul wasn’t so bad. Of course, he had ruined your future as a Sith, but it was possible he hadn’t ruined every future. Maybe there was a future where the two of you got along. Maybe there was a future where his plan to take Mandalore worked out, and he would become King. Maybe there was a future where if he asked you to be his Queen, you would not decline...
Your red saber flickers to a close. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, dearest.”
“Oh, but how could I not?”
You gave him a genuine crooked smile for a few seconds, before it evaporated into the air. 
After that, there was a string of assassination attempts on Maul’s life that he knew was you. It wasn’t serious, though. Again, if you had truly wanted him dead, he probably would’ve been. Instead, he saw it as a twisted little game of cat and mouse- though neither of you could say who was playing the role of the cat and who was playing the role of the mouse. Maul knew you saw it as a game too. 
That was what your relationship was like. You were never a constant in Maul’s life, but he could guarantee you were to show up at some point. And while you aggravated each other to no end, there was a thin, but noticeable layer of respect and admiration. If you squinted, you could even see a coat of- dare you say it?- attraction. 
Like poetry, it was. 
Because through all the enjoyment you received from watching each other struggle and stumble, there was also enjoyment in being together. Working together, fighting together, just maybe ruling together. It was your own way of showing affection, as poisonous and evil as it was. 
This was shown before the siege, after Maul got his much beloved revenge. By now, he was thriving as King, and you had heard stories of how things happened in that throne room. You had only heard about how the man would relax on his throne has he dealt out death and judgement. He always had been a romantic man. 
Maul didn’t actually know where you were, these days. He knew you had resided on the other end of Mandalore for a while, but there had been rumors of a shadow woman leaving the realm. Wherever you were, your attempts on his life had slowed, and you were not so much of a pestering fly. He had been too busy and full of pride to entirely miss you, but he had wondered. Maul knew, at least, that you were alive. 
That’s why you were here now, giving him one of those famous erections. 
In turn, you were gifted with an annoying amount of slick at your core that you would not be addressing. 
“Well, well,” he purred from his throne. Maul sat all too comfortably upon it, irking something within you. It seemed that his plan to take the planet had worked out afterall, though his brother was nowhere to be seen. “What do we have here?”
You stopped a few feet from the kings spot, taking the sight of him in. It made you proud, in a way, to see Maul in a position of power. It turned you on to think about all the vile ways he could have earned it. “I come in peace.”
One of his eyebrows perked upwards in interest. “Ah, yes. I was beginning to wonder why you had stopped attempting to poison my drink.”
“Me?” you retorted, feigning innocence. “I would never. Especially not to a wasted Sith such as yourself.”
The twitch of his eye said it all. A satisfying snap ran through you. The slick between your legs increased. “Do not forget that this Sith was the one that took your place.”
Maul paused, squinting his eyes as he relaxed back in his seat. “Still something tells me you did not come here to speak in casualties.”
You inhaled, readying yourself. This was going to hurt. 
“I need your help.”
The erection increased. 
Maul scoffed. “I’m sorry, I think I must’ve misheard you. What did you just say?”
“I’m not saying it again,” you snapped. Then your voice softened and your shoulders tensed further. “I’ve been having... visions. Something is going to happen, Maul. We’re all in danger.”
Maul knew of what you spoke of. He had seen it himself. “And how would I help you with that?”
“I fear my life is in more danger than most. I’ve grown ill.”
Maul examined you up and down, though this time not out of appreciation. His orbs were searching for any signs of an ailment, instead of any signs of torture. 
It would not have been noticeable to anyone else, but Maul could see the yellow tinge to your skin, the heavy bags under your eyes, the a hint of the weight you had lost. Yes, something was wrong with you.
His eyes widened slightly, then returned to normal. “How did this happen?” he questioned.         
You shrugged slightly, as if this was a normal part of life. “I don’t know,” you admitted. “But I don’t think I’m going to last very long. I just don’t want to go out like... this.” 
Maul watched you gesture up and down to your weak form. His first thought was that Sidious had somehow gotten to you, but that didn’t make any sense. You would’ve been dead and steaming from a lightsaber wound if that were the case. It occurred to him that it was not impossible for your mind to have been so heavy from the vision of the future that your body had begun to fail you, but he couldn’t think of a way to currently confirm it. 
“I will have to think about the offer,” he instead said stiffly. As attractive as you were, he would still relish in teasing you. 
“Ah, anything for your Queen,” you retorted.
That was essentially the last thing you had said to him before the purge. However, underneath it all, Maul knew that you really were his Queen. He would never tell you that, however, nor would he grant you the title. 
Maul saw that you were captured, too. 
It was in the distance, on the battlefield. Those Clones had surrounded you, gotten a lucky shot in your leg. Then they bound you in ropes and tossed you into a ship just as they did to him. 
The fallen ruler found it difficult not to concern himself with your well being after that. He knew you would be fine, of course, you could handle yourself. But he didn’t know what was going to happen to him now, and if the worst happened to him, then the worst for you was likely to follow. 
Whether the Republic was going to deliver the worst to either of you would forever be a mystery. 
Your eyes opened with a jolt. Voices swam around your head painfully, ricocheting off the walls of your skull. It was all just how it happened in your visions- down to the word. 
At first, you didn’t mind that much. The force shifting in favor of the Dark side? Fine with you. But then the millions of voices cried out in terror and were silenced, and two soldiers walked into your cell. You knew that you were about to become one of those voices, and your eyes widened in realization. 
Maul did not care about the life of the Clones like that Togruta did. Anyone in his way would be cut down. He practically sauntered through the ship without a care in the galaxy, feeling relaxed as soldier after soldier fell to him. He did not know if Ahsoka had freed you as well, or even if you were still alive, until the side of a wall caved in on itself. 
Two men in stark white armor tumbled to the ground, dead. On the floor, covered in dust and rubble, you coughed weakly. At least you knew you were still powerful in the ways of the force- right? Wrong. You were weak physically, and every jolt of the ship and blare of the red lights was agony. You were not going to survive this, and Maul knew it. 
Without thinking, Maul bolted towards you. Down the wall, Clones had spotted you and raised their weapons. With a swipe of his hand, a metal shard cut off three helmeted heads. 
“What are you doing?” you asked through coughs. The explosion you had caused had caused several bouts of dust to enter your lungs and cloud your vision, making you feel somewhat deformed. 
Maul didn’t know how to say what he was doing. He flicked his wrist again, and a bigger metal shard zoomed in front of the both of you just in time to block oncoming blaster shots. 
“Maul!” you roared, angry. “Get out of here!”
Instead, the zabrak put a hand on your back, then lifted an arm of yours around his neck. He pulled the both of you off the ground slowly, wincing from a stray bullet knocking into a panel beside you. 
“Not without my Queen,” he growled back, warning you to shut up.
It took a lot of work and many more scars to escape that place. You knew that you had slowed Maul down with your injuries and your illness, but he had kept you with him anyway. Would you have done the same for him? What had washed over him?
As you sat next to him on the ship, watching his golden eyes stay glued to the stars in front of you, you leaned forward with pursed lips. The wetness of the kiss against his jaw caught him off guard at first, but the zabrak did not stop it. 
The story didn’t end here, but it instead faded out with the two Dark Jedi running away together. Running to find a future together. 
taglist: @omg-we-really-doo​ @chokemeanakin​ @anakinswhore​ why do I feel like I’m missing someone?
This is another thing I wrote on my phone at like 4am. Sorry for the spelling errors and dirty language. 
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coeurdastronaute · 4 years
Stud 10
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Previously on Stud
“I thought we agreed not to look at the price tag.” 
“How much does it cost?” Clarke wailed, groaning as she looked at the spec sheet the realtor had given them on the trip over to the building. 
“What were you complaining about if not the price?” 
“I don’t complain, thank you.” 
“You often voice your concern in a loud and disgruntled manner,” Lexa explained as she continued scrolling on her phone, checking her emails eagerly. 
The car slowly trickled its way down the busy streets toward their evening appointment. It’d become somewhat of a routine at this point, and Lexa was certain their realtor would get sick of them after a dozen or so showings, and they were none the closer to agreeing on anything. 
“It has five bedrooms and six bathrooms, Lex.” 
“But the location and the view.” 
“We don’t need that big of a place.” 
“One can be an office, one is our room, one is an art studio for you, and that leaves two bedrooms for visitors. You know Aden will be dying to stay, and my dad, and your parents when the visit. And what about Raven? She needs a place..” 
“We don’t need that much space. Your dad owns a place on the Upper East, so he doesn’t need any room.”
“But the view.” 
“Can we at least agree on size?”
“I don’t like to limit ourselves. What if we find the right place but it has like an extra bedroom?”
With a sigh, Clarke tossed the paper between them on the seat before looking out the window of the unmoving scenery. It was a rainy day, and a balmy evening. She hadn’t enjoyed the house hunting as much as she’d thought she would. Something about finding a place together felt more like a nightmare than a dream. They couldn’t seem to agree on much of anything, and Clarke didn’t want to fight anymore. She just wanted to magically find a place they agreed upon and she wanted to not live out of suitcases at Lexa’s because her place sold so quickly. 
It didn’t help that Lexa was a little busier than normal with her new pet project, or that Clarke was feeling the pressure of work and her parents and her friends. It was a rough spring, and she just wanted something to work out. 
“I don’t want a big place. I want something comfortable, and ours. It can be a studio for all I care.” 
Lexa paused and turned off her phone, the back of the car going darker with the absence of its light. It’d been a long few weeks of running around and looking everywhere, and she wasn’t sure why, but it was only right there that she felt a wave of sadness on her chest. It might have been Clarke’s voice, or her optimism despite it all. 
There was a way in which Lexa was vastly aware of how much she worked, and with Maggie getting started, she was conscious not to get completely sucked into it. She also knew that she was distracted, and Clarke was kind enough not to hold a grudge. There might have been a tiny part of Lexa that almost didn’t want to find a new place because she loved her place, and she did not like change. 
“I take back the thing about you complaining all the time.” 
“I don’t think you said all the time.” 
“Right,” Lexa nodded and smiled, taking her girlfriend’s hands. “Let’s skip this one. It’s not for us anyway.” 
“We already told Elaine we’d be there. I’m not going to make her mad. I kind of like her and she’s put up with us.” 
With a dramatic flourish, Lexa sagged against the back of her seat and chanced a peak at her girl to see if a tantrum would have it’s desired effect. It never did, but she always had to give it a try. When it failed, she tried to the grin, the same grin that led to window sex, that grin. It was effective sometimes, though she never tried it in a car. 
“I promise you right now, that we will find a place by May first, and we will be enjoying our own place all summer.” 
“We’re going to London in June, and I was invited to a family trip to some beach house. And we promised my parents we’d visit.” 
“Okay, we will find a home and we will have a place to come back to, just ours,” Lexa kissed her girlfriend’s hand and held it, trying her best to sound as reassuring as possible. “Plus, that’s not a family trip. That’s the annual board retreat and it’s dreadful.” 
“What about the family trip?” 
“Aden picked camping. So we’ll be hitting a few national parks.” 
“But you.... You guys own like mansions on lakes.” 
“Dad’s stoked. We used to camp all the time when we were kids. He dug out all the old gear and booked the grounds.” 
“Like tent camping?” 
Lexa smiled and nodded earning a slight sigh from the teacher beside her. 
“For someone who is adverse to the luxury of my position in life, you sure do like the fancy digs and vacations.” 
“I know,” Clarke shook her head and looked out the window again. “I’m getting spoiled. I just don’t like nature that much.” 
“So you’re bailing?” 
“No! It’s a family trip, of course I’m going to be there.” 
That part made Lexa feel a bit warm in her chest. Of course Clarke would say something like that, and of course she would like to go anywhere her family did. So she squeezed her hand and picked up the paper to look at the specs for the place. 
“Maybe this place will be it,” Lexa offered. “Too big and all. Wouldn’t that view of the park be so nice? And those windows.” 
“You do seem to love windows,” Clarke recalled, flushing slightly. 
“I think we’re here,” Gus offered as he pulled up to a building. “Nice looking place from the front.” 
“We’ll find our way home tonight, Gus,” Lexa informed the driver. “I think I owe Clarke dinner.” 
“I can wait.”
“No,” Clarke offered sweetly. “She really does owe me dinner. Have a good night. Thanks for the lift.”
“Good luck in there,” he smiled and closed the door after letting them out. 
Before he pulled away, Gus stood by the car and watched. Clarke hugged Lexa’s side and Lexa had her arm over her shoulder. She kissed her temple absently and the driver who had held her in his arms on the day that she was born felt insanely proud at the moment he’d witnessed. He’d always worried about her, especially after the death of her mother. But Clarke was a spark. Lexa knew him well enough to know he’d still be there, to turn around before they moved to the elevators with the realtor and gave him a wave and a smile that he returned. Gus truly did hope they would find their home, because Lexa needed a place to come back to no matter what. 
The view of the park was spectacular. 
Clarke didn’t pay much attention to it, not at the present moment despite her forehead resting on the glass. She felt Lexa kiss her shoulder before her tepid breath moved to her neck and a hand that tugged her shirt higher while another was firmly rooting around in her shorts. There were words happening,but Clarke couldn’t really decipher much of them. Her fingertips clawed and found no traction against the glass. 
As sloppy and poorly planned as it’d been, Clarke relaxed, going slightly limp, allowing the window and her girlfriend to support her as she tried to catch her breath and remembering the feeling of the cool glass against her heated skin. 
“I love our place,” Lexa whispered, kissing Clarke’s shoulder and earning a chuckle. “So many windows.” 
“I don’t know which will be worse,” Clarke stood on her own slightly. “Sore from moving all of the stuff or from christening every surface and new piece of furniture we get.” 
“How can you be sore when I make you feel so good?” 
There was a mischievous grin there that Clarke kissed in an instant, gobbling a Lexa in such a good mood up deliciously. Even though they were both slightly sweaty, she held her close, not minding the smudges she was sure existed behind them. 
“Our place,” Clarke muttered, something she was still not used to saying. “Can you believe we agreed on a place?” 
“Yeah, because you’re spoiled and I give you whatever you asked for. It was inevitable.” 
“Our first night, and you’re hushing me. Sounds about right.” 
“You make me sound like I’m a demanding brute instead of an incredibly devoted,” Clarke explained, kissing her girlfriend’s neck. “Alluring,” her jaw. “Loving,” her lips. “Supportive partner.” 
“You’re a complex woman, Griffin.” 
With a shrug and a smile, Lexa relaxed a bit. The sun was setting later as the spring bloomed in the city. There was something sweet to the moment, and she was savoring it because she was someone who held moments tightly. 
“We should order dinner. We didn’t unpack anything.” 
“The bed is set up.” 
“And that’s it,” Clarke shook her head. 
“You wanted to do it all yourself.” 
“Yes, well, I got distracted by your affinity for--”
“Fucking you against hte window,” Lexa agreed quite seriously. “Yeah yeah. When are you going to stop using that as an excuse?”
“When you stop doing it.” 
“So… never?” Lexa pushed forward again until Clarke was leaning against the window. She hissed slightly at the chil as hands moved to her hips. “You’re just so pretty and I have an outrageous amount of affection for you.”
“Don’t sweet talk me.” 
Somewhere between the kiss and the complaint, the buzzer went off. And despite Lexa’s idea to ignore it, Clarke slipped from her grasp and pressed the button. She felt her stomach growl and she realized how hungry she was. They did need to eat, and they did need to start unpacking. With a forlorn glance she looked away from the windows once again. 
“Your dad is on his way up,” Clarke yelled from the other room. “Please wipe off the window or something. I’m going to clean up in the bathroom.” 
Despite the frantic screech and order, Lexa just looked around at the boxes and held up her hands, unsure of how she was supposed to find anything. Instead, she listened to her girlfriend swear as she bumped into something and ran into the bathroom. Lexa just moved toward the door. 
“Hey, kid,” Alex grinned and hugged his daughter at the door. “I was just heading home and I thought I’d bring you a house warming present. See if you needed any help hanging up shelves. I’m quite good at that kind of thing you know.” 
“I know, I know. Not yet, but I’ll let you know.” 
“I ran into Elaine in the lobby.” 
When he moved aside, Lexa saw her realtor and nodded politely at her. 
“Great minds,” she offered, holding out a bottle of wine. “I tried to drop something off before, but you guys were quicker than I thought you’d be moving in.” 
“The reno guys were really good,” Lexa explained, examining the bottle. “Thank you. This is one of my favorites. Come in, guys. We haven’t made a dent in unpacking, but please--”
“Where’s that pretty girlfriend of yours?” 
“Sorry, I was just… um… is that wine?” Clarke breezed in and accepted a bigger hug from Alex than Lexa got. She kissed the realtor’s cheeks and accepted a half-hug. “Did you two plan this?” 
“No, no, just good timing,” Elain blushed slightly as she looked from Alex back to the pair. 
“What do you think,” Lexa turned to the girl who hugged her side. “Our first dinner party?” 
“We were just going to order, and these are both very good looking wines,” her girlfriend agreed before turning to her father. “Would you both like to join us?” 
“I wouldn’t want to impose,” Alex waited for the inevitable refusal of his refusal. 
“Yeah, I just wanted to drop this off. I hadn’t even planned on coming--”
“You can’t let us drink this on our own,” Lexa shook her head. “Come on. We’ll have some food and finally christen this place.” 
There was a slight elbow in her ribs, but Lexa was proud of her choice of words. She was proud of her place and she was proud of her girl, and she was proud of being someone who could invite people in for a quick dinner and drinks. 
“Please stay,” Clarke offered again. “We always order too much, and you’re saving me from having to do any unpacking tonight.” 
“I think we have to stay then,” Alex grinned and looked expectantly at the realtor who finally gave in. 
“It was a very nice place,” Elaine promised. 
“You’re being generous,” Alex chuckled as he shook his head. “We thought it was going to be a nice area. We should have listened to you.” 
“I can’t believe Mom let you make that call,” Lexa laughed before taking another sip of her wine. “Or that you let him buy it.” 
“We were all young and dumb,” the realtor shook her head and took another drink as well. “That would have been thirty or so years ago.” 
The foursome sat on a hodgepodge of furniture assembled on the patio overlooking the park and the trees and the beautiful sunset. With take out containers passed around and random plates and plastic cutlery, they shared and laughed and drank wine from coffee mugs. It’d been an evening of good conversation and good wine and good food, and much to Lexa’s liking, she stole food from her girlfriend’s plate and laughed at her father’s stories. 
“Your mother never let me hear the end of it, anytime we bought a new property, I wasn’t allowed to even say I like it or not.” 
“At least we agreed,” Clarke offered. “I think you eventually had a good eye to find this place.” 
“Well, when you finally agreed to live with me, I figured I should provide adequate shelter.”
From her spot, Clarke leaned against Lexa’s legs and looked up at her, smiling and in love. It was a sight to see. Lexa swirled her wine and took it all in, as she was known to do, while her father reminisced with Elaine, barely remembering each other from too long ago. Lexa rubbed her girlfriend’s shoulder and her neck absently. 
“It’s almost unbearable, isn’t it?” Alex shook his head after watching the two of them. He smiled at the pair across from him. 
“What’s that?” Elaine leaned closer. 
For a moment, Clarke and Lexa were making eyes and whispering, smiling, happily unaware that they were now the subject of observation. 
“How happy and in love they are.” 
She turned her gaze upon them and sighed, amazed by it after finally having the time to observe them. 
“It’s beautiful.”
“I’m so proud of her.” 
This time, Elaine turned toward the beaming father and smiled smaller, to herself, in awe of such honesty and the source itself. 
“Don’t look now, but I think your dad is hitting it off with the realtor,” Clarke whispered after tossing a glance at the pair across from them. 
“You’re completely impossible lately. Trying to set up everyone we know.” 
“Maggie and Raven could hook up.” 
Lexa just shook her head and finished her drink. 
“Can I get anyone a top off?” she interrupted the conversation as she stood. 
“I think she liked him and he was certainly interested in her,” Clarke informed Lexa. “You didn’t pick up on those vibes?” 
“My dad doesn’t have vibes.” 
The girl at the sink snorted as she continued to rinse out the paltry amount of dishes they’d accumulated in their tiny dinner party. Disinterested in anything at all, Lexa absently played with her empty mug, waiting for the moment to carry her girl to the bedroom and sleep off the inevitable wine hangover. 
“Aw babe. He might not know it, but they were definitely hitting it off.”
Despite how amused Clarke was at the whole thing, Lexa felt her cheeks grow warm at the thought of the betrayal. It didn’t sit right, it didn’t feel right, and everything felt heavier caught in the wine-shaded haze of the long night. 
“There’s no way. He’s… he’s not interested in anything like that.” 
“For someone who likes fucking me against windows, you sure are a prude. He looked like he was having fun. Let the man flirt a bit.”
“You’re reading too much into it.”
“Does he at least know that you’re okay with him dating someone else?” 
“I’m not.”
There was a pause. Clarke looked up from the kitchen sink toward the girl at the island, and she waited for the joke, for the laugh, for the punchline. But nothing else came. 
“You can’t expect him to be lonely for the rest of time.”
“He has friends. He stays busy.” 
Hands were on hips, and Lexa knew it was a fight before she could stop it. But she didn’t care. She was having feelings, and they were burning up through her veins and scorching her neck and cheeks and chest. 
“And every night he crawls into an empty bed, Lexa,” Clarke argued. “I don’t know about you, but when you’re gone for a week, by Tuesday I’m absolutely sappy with missing having you near. I can’t imagine how that is for him.” 
“He doesn’t want anyone else.” 
“Maybe he doesn’t, but don’t you think it’s important for him to know that you don’t want him to be alone?” 
It was stark and honest for the moment. Lexa wondered if she sounded selfish or confident in her delivery. There was a thin line between spoiled and demanding. 
“If it were you, and something happened to me, I’d want you to never feel an ounce of sadness or like you were alone or like I would want to take away one second of your life pining away for me.” 
“But you’re you, and you’re not dying,” Lexa shook her head and spoke forcefully with her hands. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you and only you. Ever.” 
“Your father has a few decades ahead of himself, and he’s supposed to pine away forever?” 
Lexa didn’t like the thoughts in her head or the words that were coming out of her mouth or her girlfriend’s mouth. But they kept happening. There wasn’t a pause button. 
“That’s my dead mother you’re replacing!” 
“No one could replace her! I can’t believe you’re acting like this.” 
“I never thought this would be an actual option. I’m sorry I’m not mature enough to handle the idea of my father with someone else.” 
There was something to be said for the honesty. Clarke only ever asked for that from her girlfriend, and when she got it, the actual hard parts, she was always proud, even in heated exchanges or disagreements. Maybe even more so then. And even when she was mad, she softened because it was Lexa. 
“I didn’t know your mother,” Clarke began, soft and gentle despite the anger she fought to keep down for the moment. There would be time to be forceful later. “But I’ve heard stories from everyone I’ve met through you. She was a force that I can’t even fathom. Your father’s potential choice of going on a date with a woman does not take away his love or devotion to her. Nothing could do that.” 
Lexa grit her teeth and took a deep breath. 
“She was my favorite person and sometimes I feel like I’m losing her.” 
“Just because you don’t actively think of her every second doesn’t mean that you aren’t. She created your whims and your thoughts and your like and dislikes-- she made you a person and every action you do is because of her. She’s innate to you, love.”
“I don’t know.” 
“Gus told me a story about how he saw your mom and dad fighting after some event, and when he mimicked her, he moved his hands,” and Clarke moved it to show what she meant. “And it was exactly what you do when you get frustrated and mad. You just did it two minutes ago. She’s not gone. Your father deserves happiness.” 
“He does.”
“Let the man go on a date.”
“I can’t stop him. He’s an adult--”
Clarke gave her a look until she acknowledged her power. Lexa nodded and looked away before flopping down on the still-covered couch, defeated and exhausted from the uproar of thoughts and feelings. 
“I’m sorry I yelled,” Lexa offered quietly between them. Clarke didn’t move closer, but just stood across the room until she leaned against a chair. 
“I’m sorry I yelled,” she returned. “You’re just insanely frustrating sometimes when you’re purposefully obtuse. And I know your father, so I know who is really to blame for that genetic gift I have to deal with.” 
Despite the dig, Lexa smiled to herself and snorted. Sometimes Clarke was too good at deciphering her, and to be left so bare and honest and broken down into her simplest parts was excruciating and wonderful, all at the same time. It’s easy to see what’s wrong with an engine when you take it all apart to find the source of the problem. 
 “I hadn’t thought of any of this. I don’t know what to think.” 
“We can figure it out tomorrow, if you want.”
It was hesitant because the entirety of their conversation had been so heavy and unresolved that Clarke wasn’t sure Lexa would want to go to bed or if she’d be stuck in her head about most of the ideas. But Lexa watched her shy smile and she returned it, holding out her hand before moving. 
Clarke crossed the box-mined living room and took a seat on her girlfriend’s lap, carefully kissing her cheek before laying her own on Lexa’s shoulder. 
“I wouldn’t know what to do without you anymore,” Lexa confessed, the first time she’d had that thought. “You’ve ruined me.” 
“Guess I should stick around then, huh?”
Lexa hugged her close and nodded. 
“I’ll talk to my dad.” 
“Only if you’re ready.”
“Maybe I should talk to aden first. He’s brilliant.” 
“He surely got the brains,” Clarke agreed. “And the talent, and the physical prowess, and the--”
“Okay, okay. I get it.” 
“Let’s go to bed. I’ll make pancakes in the morning.” 
Lexa smiled and nodded, because nothing in the world sounded better to her than waking up with Clarke and eating pancakes.
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"Is it too much to ask for something great?" For whoever you'd like :)
There’s cursing in here. This is the continuation of my Newsies Life in the ER Series. You can catch up here. We check in on Albert and Finch in this one. There’s some swearing in this one.
January 19, 2021
It had been a hell of a year, since the first COVID case was discovered in the United States. It had been eight months since he saw his first case at the hospital. He was ready for a solid week off with no plans, other than a road trip, catching up on Netflix shows and hanging out with his husband.
He pushed back from the computer with a sigh, giving Spot a look. “Need anything before I leave?”
Spot grinned, shaking his head. “No, but enjoy your time off. I’m insanely jealous, by the way.”
“Your time is coming - two weeks then I’ll be the jealous one.” Albert grinned, watching a chart fly by on the desk. Looking up, he grinned at Plums who maneuvered into a chair. “How’s that baby girl of yours? Has she figured out what sleep is?”
Her and Jack had welcomed Adelin Charlotte Kelly back in July. She was welcomed by many honorary aunts and uncles. Her birth was one the ER wouldn’t forget for a really long time.
Plums sighed. “She loves to throw ragers between 1 and 3 am. She’s got the lungs of her father. Jack was up with her while I got to sleep blissfully while she screamed her head off.”
“Racer and I told you we would take her for a weekend if you want.” Spot reminded her, giving her a big grin. “All you have to do is say yes.”
Plums grinned, pursing her lips. “Let me talk with Jack and I’ll let you know. Just make sure you don’t work the next day after you have her. She loves her ragers.”
“Duly noted.” Spot grinned. “We love her and she will be fine. Al, what are you going to be doing on your vacation?”
Albert leaned back in the chair. “Finch and I are going on a road trip up to Cold Springs for a few days before lazily lying on the couch catching up on Netflix and trying out a few recipes Finch wants to try.”
“What’s up in Cold Springs? I’ve heard it’s gorgeous in the summer but won’t it be colder than here.” Plums looked over at him with an eyebrow raised.
Albert laughed, raising his own eyebrows, grinning. “Finch spent his childhood up in Cold Springs - he always talks about the cute town and little shops along with some great skiing. And, yes it’s cold up there but that’s what they make fireplaces and cozy blankets.”
Spot and Plums both rolled their eyes and laughed at Albert’s expression. “Thanks but we didn’t need to know that.”
“You asked.” Albert grinned. “Now if you don’t have anything for me, I’m heading out.”
They both yelled for him to have a great vacation before he headed to the locker room before clocking out. With a final wave, he headed out of the Emergency Room, heading to his Subaru. Unlocking the car, he threw his bag in the back before getting in.
The car ride home was quiet, him relaxing, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. Pulling into the driveway, he sighed, getting out of the car, walking into the house. He heard the familiar jingle of Rex’s collar, kicking off his shoes before letting the black Lab out of his crate. The dog danced at his feet as he made his way over to the backdoor to let him out.
Making his way to the bedroom, he quickly changed out of the scrubs and into sweatpants and a hoodie. Making his way out to the living room, he let Rex back in, quickly changing his water bowl before collapsing onto the couch. Digging his phone out of his sweatpants, he aimlessly scrolled through his social media.
He felt Rex jump off the couch before starting to bark, causing Albert to look up, realizing that two hours had already passed. He heard the door open as Rex’s excited paws pad on the floor as Finch’s bag hit the hit. Albert smiled hearing Finch talk to Rex, reassuring him he was home for the night. “Hey you.”
Albert pushed himself off the couch, grinning at Finch as he made his way over to him. “Hey yourself. How was your day?”
“Good. It was good to wrap some things up before vacation.” Finch grinned, kissing him again. “How was yours?”
Albert shrugged, sitting back down on the couch. “Two gunshot wounds and a few stitches. Just an average day in life.”
“That’s your average day . . . not most Americans.” Finch grinned, laughing. “Have you been home long?”
He nodded. “Like two hours. Spot and Plums pushed me out telling me they’re jealous of us having a vacation.”
“Have you thought of dinner?” Finch asked, loosening his tie, giving his husband a look while cocking his eyebrow.
Albert had the decency to look a bit guilty. “No . . . I got caught up in a game with Racer and lost track of time.”
“Feel like anything in particular?” Finch asked, heading to the bedroom as he unbuttoned his shirt, giving Albert another look.
Albert threw his head back against the couch, looking up at the ceiling as he flipped through the possibilities for their dinner. Nothing sounds amazingly great to him so he figured he’d leave it up to Finch to decide. “Babe?”
Looking up, a wolfish smile crossed Albert’s face at how utterly gorgeous his husband was. Finch was dressed in ratty sweatpants and an old hoodie from their college days. “What’s up?”
“What do you want for dinner?” Finch joined him on the couch, lacing his fingers with his. “You alright, something seems off?”
Albert shrugged. “I don’t care what we do for dinner - nothing really sounds good. And all is good.”
“Uh huh . . .” Finch gave him a long look, squeezing his hand. “I’m ordering pizza for dinner then we’re going to have a long talk.”
Albert watched Finch pull out his phone, call their favorite pizza place before ordering their usual - a pepperoni pizza with breadsticks and a two liter of Pepsi. Hanging up the phone, Finch dropped it on the coffee table, looking at Finch. “I’m not going to bug you but what’s going on Albert?”
“What do you mean?” Al looked at Finch, biting his lip.
Finch sighed. “You’ve been quiet for the last couple of days and distant for a bit. I have been waiting for you to come to me but you haven’t said much outside of good morning, goodnight, and a text here and there. What’s bugging you, Albert?”
“I’ve been doing some thinking.” Albert started, biting his lip. “Have you thought about where you want our life to go and what you want out of it?”
“I want you and I want the life that we talked about in college.” Finch smiled. “The one that we were going to go on vacation with the destination picked by throwing a dart at a map. The one that we adopted a dog, hours spent on debating which one we wanted, only to go to the shelter to pick out Rex. The one that you come home and tell me about your hospital days and try to gross me out by talking about the goriness of the job. And the one that you're completely and utterly head over heels in love with me.”
Albert grinned, thinking back on the times they would sit under the stars and talk. He looked over at Finch, biting his lip. "Is it too much to ask for something great?"
The words were quiet as they left Albert’s mouth that it was difficult for Finch to hear. “Wanna say that again?”
“Is it too much to ask for something great?” Albert said louder as he looked down at their linked hands.
Finch faltered for a moment, not expecting those words to come out of his husband’s mouth. His mouth opened and closed for a second, not sure what to say to him. “You don’t have to say anything . . . just voicing the question.”
He looked at Albert, hurt across his face. “When did you stop telling me about your thoughts and ideas? One thing I’ve always prided myself in our relationship is how much you and I always talk and work things out that are bugging us.”
“We were talking about greatness at work. One of our docs is retiring and they were talking about how great his career was and how great he is walking away.” Albert started. “I’ve been thinking about how I can have something great. I love you and I love the life we’ve built. All I want is something great.”
“Babe.” Finch paused, shifting in the couch, squeezing his hand. “I think the life we have together is pretty great. I think it’s great that I get to come home to you, to Rex, and tell you about my day. I think it’s great that I can call you my husband and I know that you’re always going to be by my side and be there for me. What isn’t so great about what we have?”
Biting his lip, Albert shook his head. “Do you feel like there’s something we’re missing?”
“At this moment, no. I love our comfortable lifestyle, our jobs are great and we’re in a good spot.” Finch raised an eyebrow. “How long have you been thinking about adding kids to our life?”
A gasp escaped Albert’s mouth as a smile crossed his lips. “Only a few weeks. I see what Jack and Kat have with Addie and I’ve started thinking about us. We always talked about having kids but it didn’t become real until a few weeks ago.”
“We’ve been married for six months, Al. Do you want to add kids to our life so quickly?” Finch asked. “We can spoil Addie rotten for a bit longer . . .”
Sighing, Albert threw his head back against the couch. “I want kids but at times I feel like we’re being left behind. Race and Spot have been talking about kids as have Romeo and Specs. We’re not even at that point yet.”
“We’re also 26 years old.” Finch bit back, giving him a look. “Since when do we set our lives based on our friend’s lives and what they’re doing? I am starting to get the feeling that there’s something deeper going on Albert. Please just tell me.”
Unlacing his fingers from Finch’s, Albert tapped his knee. “Okay . . . don’t kill me when I tell you . . .”
“You can’t start a sentence like that, Albert.” Finch raised an eyebrow at him. He slid closer to Albert, pulling him into his arms. “Just tell me Albert, I’m really starting to worry.”
The doorbell interrupted them as Finch dropped a kiss on Albert’s head. Pushing off the couch, he retrieved the pizza, breadsticks, and the soda pop before dropping them on the coffee table. Finch took a deep breath, going into the kitchen to get two glasses of ice, paper plates, and napkins before dropping back onto the couch beside Albert. “Alright snugs, talk to me.”
Grabbing a slice of pizza and a breadstick, Albert relaxed on the couch with a sigh. “I had a doctor’s appointment a few days ago - just the annual physical. But there was something in my blood work that has my doctor concerned.”
“Concerned? What is it?” Dropping his plate onto the coffee table, shifting to look at Albert, Finch pursed his lips in concern.
“My white blood cell count was high.” Albert sighed, tears crowding his eyes. “But I feel fine and haven’t been sick lately. My doctor is running additional tests and I’m in a waiting period. What if it’s more serious?”
Pulling Albert into his arms, he ran his hand through his hair. “Thank you for telling me. What do you always tell your patients - don’t jump to conclusions. It could be that there’s something going on with your white blood cells that isn’t related to an illness.”
Pressing a kiss to Albert’s head, Finch sighed. “So you decided to bring up thinking about everything that you haven’t achieved yet to cover the fact that you’re potentially sick? Albert, I promised you, in sickness and in health that I will love you always. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Yeah that wasn’t very smart of me.” Albert agreed, with a sad smile. “I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
Finch ran his hand through his hair, chuckling. “How about next time you have news to deliver you just tell me? Yes, it may scare me but I’m not going to run; those vows and you mean too much to me.”
“Deal.” Holding out his hand, Albert smiled. “Do you want to continue our discussion of kids?”
Finch sighed. “How about we get through this hiccup in our lives first before we circle back to the kids front? We both know we want kids, that’s not even a question but the timing, we’re going to need to discuss that in more detail.”
Nodding, Albert smiled. “That sounds like a plan. We make a pretty good team.”
“We sure do.” Finch leaned over and kissed Albert. “I love you, snugs.”
“Love you too Finchie.”
Four Days Later
The door closed behind him as he kicked off his shoes. Walking into the kitchen, he placed the vase of flowers on the counter before looking around. The house was quiet as he peeked his head into the living room. Albert and Rex were curled up on the couch, both sound asleep causing Finch to grin brightly.
He walked into the bedroom, changing into sweats and a hoodie before walking out and kneeling next to the couch. He ran his hand through Rex’s fur as the dog looked up at Finch as his tail started thumping. Moving to run his hair through Albert’s hair, Finch grinned listening to Albert’s breath hitch as he peeked an eye open. “Hey.”
Finch’s smile widened at the grogginess of Albert’s voice. “Hey yourself. Long day?”
“Tough day. We lost a patient today.” Albert sighed. “I came home and cuddled with Rex and must’ve fallen asleep.”
Pressing a kiss to his forehead, Finch lightly scratched Albert’s scalp, smiling hearing him sigh in contentment. “How was your day, Finchie?”
“I got an embarrassing bouquet of flowers but glad you got some good news about your tests.” Finch grinned. “Did you really need to send the flowers?”
Albert laughed, pushing himself into a seated position. “Yes, I could’ve called you and told you the news but thought you might like the flowers. I would’ve loved to see your face when they got delivered.”
Fishing his phone from his back pocket, Finch opened it tilting it for Albert to look at. “Ask and you shall receive. Amelia took a photo and sent it to me after the fact. Hey, Albie?”
“Yeah Finchie?” Albert looked up from the photo with a smile on his face.
“I’m really glad you’re going to be okay.” Finch smiled. “You just have to take an antibiotic, right? Nothing else?”
Albert smiled. “Just an antibiotic for a few days and a check up in three months. I’m okay, Finchie. But if you want, I’ll give Katherine the report and she can talk to you about it.”
“You’d let Katherine do that?” Finch asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Albie smiled and nodded. “If it gives you peace of mind, then yes, I’d let our friend do that. She’d tell you the same thing that I just told you. I’m going to be just fine, Finchie.”
Pulling him off the couch, Finch pulled him into his arms with a laugh before kissing him. “I love you Albie.”
“I love you too Finchie.” Albert laughed, pushing himself on his tiptoes to kiss Finch. “Now can we talk about kids?”
Laughing, Finch nodded, stilling Albert in their awkward dance. “We have all the time in the world but yes we can talk about kids, assuming you want to be a dad.”
“I was thinking a papa more like it but yes, I want to raise kids with you Patrick Cortes-DaSilva.” Albert kissed him with a passionate furish.
Finch chuckled. “And I want to raise kids with you too, Albert Cortes-DaSilva. I love you Albie.”
“And I you, Finchie forever and always.”
Thanks @cutesiewooren for sending this in!! Feedback will be amazing!
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Turning Pages - Chapter 6
Intrulogical bookshop au! Read the whole thing on ao3 here.
“Roman, that’s no fair! I called dibs on the car days ago!” Remus argued, chasing his brother down the hall.
“And I told you! Virgil and I are going to the mall, so I need it!” Roman replied, dodging Remus’ attempted swing when the other got too close.
“Well it’s your fault for breaking your own dumb car!”
Remus had been waiting for this day since he had somehow miraculously gotten Logan to agree to go on a date with him. Logan, the uptight nerd from the bookshop with a jawline that could cut glass and eyes Remus wanted to be waterboarded in. He had texted the number on the back of the receipt immediately upon getting it. A simple ‘hey itz Remus ;-3’ to which Logan replied with perfect grammar and punctuation. Gah, he could be in love. They had gone back and forth about their plans for the aquarium and Remus had promised to pick Logan up. Then the conversation turned to other things and Remus got to know more about Logan other than the fact that he was gorgeous. He liked astronomy (which is different from astrology apparently),  he drank his coffee black, and he had been working at the bookshop since he was sixteen. Remus had never committed to anything that long, that was insane. For every question he answered he asked one in return and Remus couldn’t remember the last time he’d held someone’s attention that long in a positive way that wasn’t Janus or Roman.
Roman, who was currently trying to sabotage their date it would seem by putting his own first. Remus had to resolve this quickly or he’d risk being late to pick Logan up.
“Roman, you know how pumped I’ve been for this. I’m taking the car,” Remus argued, watching Roman pluck the car keys off the hook and fully getting ready to pounce on his brother.
“Take your bike! You have options, I don’t!” Roman replied, holding the keys away from Remus.
“Fine! Fine. But you so owe me a big one.”
Roman cheered at winning the argument as Remus plucked the keys to his motorcycle off the hook and headed out to the garage, grabbing his jacket on the way. It might have been hot as hell outside but the aquarium could be chilly plus he never rode without his jacket. He shoved the helmet on his noggin and grabbed a spare for Logan before zooming off to the address his date had given him. It was an easy enough to find building, balconies lining the outer walls and large brass numbers over the front door. Remus parked his bike and pulled his helmet off, finding L. Berry on the doorbell system and pushing the appropriate button.
“Hello?” Logan’s voice answered after a while.
“Your noble steed awaits, Specs. You ready?”
“Ah, yes. I’ll be down in just a moment, Remus.”
Remus went to go lean against his bike, resting his helmet on the ground so it didn’t get knocked off. It really was just a moment before Logan emerged from the building’s front door causing a smile to break out on his face. The nerd walked over and Remus opened his arms for a hug to be met with a hand extended for a handshake. He laughed and went for that instead.
“We aren’t going on that...are we?” Logan asked, eyeing the bike warily.
“Ro totally hijacked the car this morning,” Remus explained. “You’ve never ridden one before?”
“No. Motorcycles are highly impractical and-” “Lemme stop you there,” Remus said, handing Logan the spare helmet. “It’s not as dangerous as you think it is. All you gotta do is hold onto me nice and tight and before you know it, we’ll be at the aquarium making kissy faces as the fishies.”
“That’s not generally how I spend my time at the aquarium...is that how you spend your time at the aquarium?” Logan questioned, taking the helmet hesitantly.
“Sometimes, yeah,” Remus laughed, sticking his own helmet on and getting onto the bike, motioning for Logan to do the same.
Once Logan was on and he felt long arms secure themselves around his waist Remus headed off to the aquarium. He looked in the mirrors every once in a while to check if Logan was okay and after about a mile of panic the other seemed to relax a little bit and almost looked like he was enjoying the ride. The only thing Remus didn’t like about this was that he didn’t get the chance to converse with Logan, but there was plenty of time for that once they got to the aquarium itself. Besides...silence was a pretty good payoff for having Logan hugging him from behind. It wasn’t a terribly far ride to the aquarium and they were there quite quickly.
“See? That wasn’t so bad was it?” Remus asked, getting off first and holding out a hand to help Logan do the same. “And now you can check that off your bucket list.” “No...it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be,” Logan admitted, accepting the hand offered to him for help. “Though I do not have a bucket list, I don’t think riding a motorcycle would be on it. I never had any desire to do that before...but it was rather exhilarating…”
“You use a whole lotta fancy words, Specs. I like it.”
Remus held out a hand for Logan’s helmet to secure it on the bike with his own. He thought he almost saw the hint of blushing on the other’s cheeks but that could have been the summer sun beating down on them. Logan didn’t have sunglasses like he did, just his regular ol’ glasses.
“I got a membership to this place so I’ll get the tickets, they’re free with it,” Remus said as they walked into the large building, the lighting inside much darker and slightly blue tinted.
“I’m a member as well, actually,” Logan replied. “I’m a member of all educational facilities in the tristate area.”
“Oh be still my beating heart...cute and a member at the aquarium? You’re really turning out to be the whole package here, Logie.”
Logan opened his mouth like perhaps he wanted to protest the new nickname or that he wasn’t any sort of package, but the duo was called up to the ticket booth before he could. Remus went ahead and asked for two tickets anyway, flashing his membership card and getting two stickers to show they had been cleared for admission. He stuck his own on his chest before sticking Logan’s on his tie and moving them off the line and towards the first set of tanks.
“So...you wore a tie to a date to an aquarium, huh?” Remus asked, starting up conversation as they looked at the colorful fish swimming around.
“Oh- yes,” Logan said, looking down at his now stickered tie. “Admittedly, I did have to research how to dress for a date and the articles I read mentioned ties. I wear them often so I thought it was the best route. Was I not supposed to wear a tie to the aquarium?”
“No, no. You can wear whatever you want, Lo. I was just curious,” Remus assured, pausing a moment. “You had a look up what to wear for a date?”
“Well, yes. I, ah...don’t go on very many. Or...any...”
“Aw…” Remus cooed, gently nudging Logan’s shoulder with his own. “Then we’ll make this a good one.”
The two of them walked around, pausing to look into the different tanks. Remus coulda sworn he almost saw a smile on the other’s face at some of his enthusiastic bouncing. Turns out Logan had a whole lot of fish facts to share and Remus eagerly listened, sharing a few of his own though they weren’t as cool as the ones Logan shared. When they got to the archway tank a shark swam right overhead of them and Re excitedly pointed it out, the pair stopping to watch the shark swim around for a while. Shockingly the aquarium wasn’t too busy on a Thursday afternoon, only a few groups of camp kids in brightly colored matching shirts. Finally they got to Remus’ favorite exhibit.
“Look!” he said, grabbing Logan’s hand and pulling him over to the octopus tanks. “God- aren’t they fuckin’ awesome…”
“You’re quite fond of octopuses, aren't you?” Logan questioned, nodding to the tattoo on display on Remus’ arm since the other had cut the sleeves off of his shirt at some point.
“I really couldn’t tell ya why...I just think they’re neat,” Remus explained, smiling when Logan pointed out his tattoo. “This octopus is actually here! He’s somewhere in this tank but y’know, camouflage and all.”
“You got a tattoo of one of the octopuses from this aquarium?” Logan asked for clarification, his eyes going from Remus to the tank in an attempt to find the creature in question.
“Yeah, Duke. When I was like twelve or somethin’ I won a raffle to name their newest octopus. I made the poor nanny drive me here like every day so I could see him.”
“That’s actually...quite nice.”
“Oh! There he is,” Remus said, pointing out a small bit of movement in the sand at the bottom of the tank. Now that they knew where to look it was easy to spot the octopus. “Did you know octopi have three hearts? Oh! And blue blood.”
“I did know that, but it’s very interesting,” Logan nodded. “They also lack bones and are quite intelligent.”
“They’re just so cool!”
They stood and watched Duke the octopus for a long time, swapping facts about cephalopods. The octopus eventually did move and Remus was able to show off the similarities between the creature in the tank and the tattoo on his arm. The resemblance was striking. Eventually they moved on, continuing to talk about they fish they passed until they ended up in the gift shop.
“I always loved the gift shop of museums,” Remus said, moving over to browse a rack of postcards. “It was almost like a reward for making it through the boring stuff.”
“You didn’t seem to find the aquarium boring,” Logan stated.
“Oh, yeah. Aquariums don’t count. I just...don’t like museums as much. They’re cool and all - especially the art museum that has all the medieval armor and weaponry - but no one will go with me because apparently I’m too loud for museum culture.”
“I quite enjoy that museum actually,” Logan said. “Perhaps we can go there together. I do have a membership.”
Remus thought he was gonna vibrate from excitement. Logan had just asked him on a second date, right? That’s what had happened? He gave an enthusiastic nod, his eyes catching on something along the wall. Ties!
“Oh! Oh, wait here,” he said, running over to the display.
Sure enough they had a few different designs. Remus immediately fell in love with a navy blue tie that had a green octopus towards the bottom. He pulled it off the rack, not bothering to check the price and moved back to show Logan.
“I’m gonna get this for you,” he said, holding the tie up.
“Wha- Remus, no. You don’t have to do that,” Logan replied. “It’s a very lovely tie, but you don’t need to buy me a gift.”
“I know I don’t need to. I want to...so I am.”
“I’m not going to be able to convince you to put that back, am I?”
“Very well,” Logan nodded. “Your turn to wait here.”
Remus did as he was told, looking over the rack of postcards again. He found one with an eel on it and picked one up to give to Janus. Eels were like water snakes, right? Janus did love his snakes. Not too long after he walked off Logan came back with a small stuffed octopus in his hands.
“I’m going to buy this for you,” Logan said. “Is that- is this something you’d like?”
“Lo, I will literally cherish that for the rest of my life,” Remus grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement. “Hell, I’ll be buried with it.”
Logan’s shoulders seemed to relax a little bit at Remus’ approval. Remus moved over to the register, flashing his membership card again for that wonderful 10% off he got as a perk. Once he was done Logan got rung up, showing his own card.
“For you,” Logan said, holding out the stuffed octopus.
“And for you,” Remus replied, exchanging the tie for the toy. “Y’know...all this walking around the aquarium has me heavily craving some coffee. You game?”
“I- yes. I would also appreciate some caffeine right now,” Logan nodded.
“It’s no Remy’s place, but there’s a cafe like a block away, c’mon,” Remus said, grabbing Logan’s hand again to lead him away from the aquarium and towards the sidewalk.
The coffee shop was much busier than the aquarium but the smell of roasting beans was pretty much divine as soon as they walked in. The seats inside were all full but there were a few spare seats outside that hopefully wouldn’t be snagged before they got their orders in. The two of them continued to chat during the walk and while waiting on line. Remus placed their order, getting a black coffee for Logan and his own personal drink which he liked to call the Gamble With Death.
“Surely that cannot be good for your heart,” Logan stated after hearing Remus say eight shots of espresso.
“It hasn’t killed me yet,” Remus shrugged. “If it ever does I promise to let you know.”
“How would you let me know? You’d be dead?”
Before Remus could think up an answer for that his name was called out and he went to go grab the two cups, handing Logan his. They grabbed a table outside and Remus stuck his new octopus in the middle of the table.
“He needs a name,” he said, gesturing to the stuffed toy.
“It does?” Logan questioned, sipping his coffee.
“Of course he does!”
“You could perhaps go with a nod to H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu and name him that,” Logan suggested.
“Hm...I like that, I like that,” Remus nodded, getting an idea. “Cthuwu. Y’know, like ‘uwu’?”
“Tell me if I use this wrong but, ah...cursed.”
Remus broke into laughter at that, assuring Logan that was the right context but it was more the delivery that caught him off guard. Apparently Virgil works with Logan to get the adorable nerd up to date with modern slang. The guy had flashcards which Remus absolutely needed to see now. They stayed at that cafe table long after their coffee cups had been drained, until suddenly the sky was a mass of pinks and oranges.
“Ah, shit. I totally kept you out longer than I had promised,” Remus said, stretching in his chair.
“Oh,” Logan looked up, blinking like he had just been pulled out of their little personal bubble. “Yes. I should probably get home. I do have work tomorrow and I have my nightly routine to keep up with.”
“So...organized,” Remus grinned, standing up and tossing his empty cup into the trash bin. “Then home we go, Logie.”
Logan stood up as well, discarding his cup and following Remus back to his motorcycle. Remus was able to fill any void of silence by running his mouth. He was currently telling Logan about the first time he took Janus on the bike. He hadn’t been too fond of it. Remus handed Logan his helmet and stuck their purchases in his side bag, before long they were back off towards Logan’s apartment.
“Y’know, Lo...I had a lot of fun today,” Remus said once the engine was killed and they were parked by Logan’s front door.
“I...actually did too. You were certainly a wonderful companion for the aquarium,” Logan replied, handing back his borrowed helmet. “Thank you for not letting me die on the back of the motorcycle.”
“Nah, Specs...I would never let someone as cute and clever as you die,” Remus winked, pulling the tie out of the side bag and sticking the helmet in there with Cthuwu. “I’ll see you around, yeah? I’m almost done with that book you recommended.”
“Oh? I’m so glad you’re liking it,” Logan grinned, books seeming to be a topic he rather enjoyed talking about. “Well...I’ll start building a list of recommendations for you.”
“Absolutely cannot wait,” Remus returned the other’s smile, pausing for a moment before taking a step closer and kissing Logan on the cheek. “Bye, Specs.”
He shoved the helmet on his head and sped back home after making sure Logan made it inside alright. He looked a little dazed after that kiss on the cheek which was just so damn adorable. Remus was absolutely on cloud nine. Now he got to go home and gush about it all to Janus over the phone.
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One More (Heavy) Light
There's an angstier, more self destructive version of One More Soul that I cultivate in my brain at work.
Cut for dark themes and topics and depressing ideas.
Maria leaves Storybrooke as soon as she's able to get away from whatever Fate a child of True Love is doomed for. Instead of being strengthened and inspired by her family's history, she never wants to risk struggling as they have. The military takes her out of the country for a bit before shit hits her fan and she's out. There's a lot of drinking, one night stands, job hopping, fight starting (because if it's a fight then she's not hurting herself, she's not), and the very rare call to Storybrooke to make sure it's still there.
No clue what causes her to arrive in Thedas and become Herald.
-The Inner Circle have to keep playing the "Find Where Maria Hid the Flask of Alcohol with a High Enough Proof To Cause a Forest Fire" game. -Cassandra becomes a light sleeper to make sure Maria doesn't wander to find a fuck in the nearest tavern. -Varric and Bull make sure her drinks are watered down. Varric coaxes the stories out of her, Bull gets her brawling skills up to spec. -Solas keeps a very interested eye on just how much magic Maria is able to toss around before passing out -Vivienne allies with Josephine and Leliana to figure out just how much of a Player of the Game Maria really is. -Sera is both totally on board with how insane Maria while being equally horrified with how much physical damage Maria is willing to take. -Blackwall, having a past of his own, wonders what's in Maria's past that makes her this way, and he's not too sure he wants to know, but the cause in in general is a good one, so he'll keep her alive. -Dorian is the only one who can get Maria to quit being such a fucking drama queen because hi yes hello Dorian is the Drama thank you very much -Cullen almost almost almost gives in to Maria's advances one night but catches just how drunk she is when no one else could tell. After that Maria never hits on him in a serious way again, and absolutely no one understands how/where/why their idiotic flirtatious banter comes from. -Cole...has a Time of it, poor boy.
Lockjaw is not a puppy, but a grown, older dog that follows Maria at a distance to the point she calls him Asshole Grim instead. Don't know when they'd bond? After Skyhold arrival, most def.
Don't know how the romance would go, it if would, or if it would just be Maria doing the Found Family thing and learning the Power of Friendship.
She would likely go for the Templars and stay the fuck away from extra sources of magic. (Magic comes with a price and she doesn't want to pay it and doesn't want someone else to pay for it) She would find the handful of Templars willing to abuse their powers to null her Fade connection...among other things. It leads to Leliana setting eyes on Maria at all times so she can't pull that shit once she's caught. (It also leads to those Templars disappearing without a trace.)
Maria would hide injuries, cause she always heals, she's magic, not a real person, she always heals and there's never any trace left behind. No need to waste time and materials on her wounds. She tosses herself and her magic in front of others, taking hits she doesn't need to take because she'll be fine, there's no need for them to suffer. (It's not a deep cut, Seeker, honestly, death's not a threat. The Hero doesn't die until the job's done.)
At the core of it all, Maria aims for personal pain. She avoids feeling good, avoids what she can when it comes to being happy and safe and cared for. All of that can be ripped away. Better to feel the pain searing into her skin, better to avoid friends who can die, better to make sure no one expects Maria to be much of a Hero. If her pain goes away, fine, whatever, that's a loss she can handle. If no one expects anything, she can't disappoint and fail them.
(Except the Inner Circle notices what she doesn't see in herself: Maria never stops fighting for the Inquisition's cause. She never gives up if there's someone who can be saved, never backs down from a fight despite how bad the odds are, never calls it quits on the actual important matters. She's crass, without manners in most situations, and doesn't keep track of much of anything. But she brings Krem the finest materials from Val Royeux for flying nug plushies, helps in the stables when half the hands catch a cough, encourages Dagna in new and wonderful directions. It is agreed upon that while Maria may have been chosen to save Thedas, the Inner Circle was meant to save Maria.)
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caswlw · 3 years
ok but like the income/financial situation thing...i recommend looking up NYT's The Middle Class Crunch (https://www(.)nytimes(.)com/interactive/2019/10/03/your-money/middle-class-income.html). people kind of ignore personal choices and i get that it can be uncomfortable but they are very, very important. where you choose to live, house size (which massively affects your utility bill and the amount of space-filling stuff you buy), the car(s) you have, how frequently all those things change. also habits, e.g. regularly buying expensive alcohol is normalised in upper-middle-class economic tiers and that can EASILY cost hundreds a month. same thing with eating out/ordering in. america in particular has such a fucked-up idea of living within one's means that a lot of people struggle unnecessarily. i firmly maintain that folks making upward of 100k could live comfortably if they had an older (but fuel-efficient) car, lived in a smaller house, and bought less shit (especially on credit cards--cc debt will put you in the hole for a long time). like yes it's fucked that healthcare and college cost what they do in the us. that is something that needs to be fixed with policy, not personal choices. however, people COULD make better choices for their own individual situation a lot of the time. the average american dies in $62k of debt and i recommend looking up the breakdown bc $25k of that is student loans but $17k is auto loans. fundamentally, income, financial situation, and standards of living are deeply influenced by how you are raised. none of this is meant to be a personal critique bc i don't know you or your life, but you see your parents' financial situation through the lens of someone who has grown up in that situation. the things your parents choose to spend money on may not strike you as conscious decisions bc they're parts of your environment. it might be an interesting exercise to do a cost/budget breakdown on what your family spends every month on different things, and maybe compare it with the middle class crunch ones
this is like weirdly assuming but let’s go with it
i’d say that the situation a family like mine is in isnt normal !! a few years ago we were pretty solidly normal middle class and then fast forward a few years and we’re on our way to that cusp of upper class and based on what my mom thinks, over that bump by the time i’m out of college in 2026
but like ? some of these suggestions aren’t feasible ? like we Have to move to certain locations bc my dad’s job has yanked us around to work in spec areas and if ur talking good schools that means housing costs go up immensely. we only every had enough cars for both of my parents and they’re both cheaper than what they can definitely afford until my dad inherited his dad’s cars a few months back which aren’t like. in use or anything. they don’t drink, we never vacation, and our house is the size for the shit we buy and def can afford bc since both my parents grew up pretty poor and my mom is an immigrant they are insanely careful when it comes to spending money and carefully documenting literally Every single time they spend anything in this mass taxes spreadsheet system 😩 they’re still paying off student loans and w my mom’s job we’re lucky to have pretty good health insurance to cover my poor dad’s insane bills and they still have time to do hobbies w money that’s specifically budgeted out for them to do so and bc this is newer money we’re coming into- there’s no college fund set up for me ! it’s all just up in the air and bc my parents have a perception of college from 30 years ago they’re expecting it to be wayyyy less than the insane amount college actually is rn and u can poke holes in their system all u want but as far as my family goes we’re considered living more frugal !! so like. yeah an article put it down for u like that but i’m pretty aware that if my family went from Solid middle class and no where near upper to where we are now bc they can handle money- it’s just the college is an out of left field new contender that’s more expensive than it would’ve been if we never left a job my dad took a few years ago due to financial aid n stuff so i Get it but. i know what my family is struggling with ok?
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lover-of-mine · 11 months
#anyone want to hear my season 7 buddie spec that has no basis besides the voices in my head? sdoaksoaksokasokasoak yes ! me i always like to read your metas and what you have in mind
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thank you for the support oaksoaksoaks
okay, I'm gonna start this off by saying this whole thing hinges on whether or not the show is gonna keep mirroring Buck and Eddie's personal journeys and this is mostly about Buck, I have no idea what they're gonna do with Eddie lol. First of all, @aziraaphales made this set back when the finale aired about the similarities between Buck and Taylor and Buck and Natalia and that illustrates it beautifully, the whole she came back, they seem happy, are they really? and that's a point against Natalia lasting in my opinion. But the thing is, I think Bucktalia also mirrors Eddiana, and that's when things start to get interesting in my brand of insanity. You have Buck treating Natalia's hand, you have Eddie treating Ana's, Ana and Natalia being reduced to their jobs, the first date in broad daylight in a cafe of some sort, a second date at home being interrupted by the rest of their lives (if you push a bit and think about Kameron's pregnancy, both dates are interrupted by their children even if the baby isn't Buck's on the ways that matter), you have the picture-perfect ending at home after a near-death experience, so the parallels are there too. And that means one important parallel, Buck holding on for the wrong reasons the same way Eddie did, which could doom that relationship further, but also leave Buck spiraling. Because if we're comparing personal journeys, Buck is in a state that's a mix of season 4 Eddie trying to be happy through the trauma and outside looking in/fear-o-fobia Eddie. I think we can even directly parallel some stuff, like, I truly believe the cemetery is the way Buck would handle the outside looking in kitchen talk if that went the other way around.
But the thing is, Buck needs to deal with the shit that happened to him before getting together with Eddie so I'm choosing to look at these as fuel for my Buck Breakdown beliefs. Unlike Eddie, Buck actually died, so that changes the dynamic a little bit, there's also the way that Buck doesn't care about his own life enough to break over dying, but while Eddie's PTSD has many triggers, the thing that actually breaks him is the knowledge that he didn't save the people he thought he saved. So my grand theory here is something happening to Maddie, Bobby, or Christopher that makes Buck lose it. I don't really think they would do something to Chris, but using him would have a similar effect if it wasn't for the fact that it would also break Eddie. Eddie himself doesn't count in this situation unless is both Eddie and Chris, because Buck would be forced to keep it together if something happened to Eddie for Chris' sake. Or maybe if they like, killed off the Buckley parents and forced Buck to deal with that grief. But Maddie or Bobby, dangerous situation, close call, hospital stay, honestly, something that would leave them in enough danger to trigger Buck, low-key don't think you need much to trigger that man. But trigger, Buck losing it, Eddie talking Buck down (how would Eddie find out Buck is losing it? I don't know, plot convenience, I like the idea of divorced-era Buddie and Eddie storming the loft because he's tired of Buck's bullshit and finding him, or maybe someone from dispatch calls Eddie because there's been a call from Buck's address, I don't know, they can get creative there), Buck working towards working his own shit out. But we're in this weird season 4/season 5b mix, right? How do we end s4? Near-death experience that calls back to a previous trauma, big revelation, aborted love confession.
One thing I refuse to compromise on is the fact that Eddie had his oh! moment during the shooting (it's my truth I am not letting it go) so you can probably see where I'm going here, right? A Buck in a better mind space almost dying by chance, getting saved by Eddie, and realizing something. You see the vision? Current vision goes back and forth between equipment malfunctioning, Buck falling, and Eddie being the only one close enough to get to him, this usually goes around a cliff, a bridge, and Buck falling into water (I know the truck bombing is not technically equipment malfunction but equipment did try to kill him, and water is Buck's worst enemy lol), or Buck and Eddie stopping to help someone, and shit going to hell, this vision usually goes with Buck and Eddie seeing a car crash of some sort, again someone drove off a cliff or off a bridge, they go to help, Buck gets trapped in the car, Eddie needs to save him (trapped under a vehicle, water) or just straight up having them drive of a bridge. Because something really big about the shooting is the way that, one it happened by chance, two they weren't supposed to be there, three Buck didn't have anyone he trusted there so he did the saving alone, and four by having Eddie get shot, you're bringing up why he left the army. So with Buck, if they stick to this pattern, you need to drown him or trap him under something, or both. And you have the way the lightning parallels the well and the shooting, and the well triggered something for Eddie, you have the whole you need to keep fighting, find your own way out, the suffocation aspect for both of them when you realize Eddie is about to drown and Buck's lungs are not working, and also the way Buck is supposed to learn something during his coma that could lead to a conversation similar to the will reveal. This is when the vision gets cloudy. Because ideal world, the reveal is Buck's feelings and we don't have an aborted love confession, we have a plain old confession, but the aborted route is always a possibility with a see you in season 8 thing.
But yeah, Buck breakdown, Buck starting to deal with his shit, near-death experience, Eddie having to save him alone, tense conversation after. I'm also slightly obsessed with what could happen in a scene where Eddie is dragging Buck out of the water, cpr, mouth to mouth, "you're not doing this to me again", Buck coughing up water while sitting up, Eddie catching him, "I got you, I got you". The possibilities are ENDLESS. Just put Ryan's emotional power to work. All those fun things oskaoskaoskoaksas
Also, this mostly hinges on Buck doing something to change their relationship because considering Buck tripped into 4 relationships, he needs to start this one. I'm a firm Buck needs to do something first believer. Buck's endgame relationship needs to start with him making a move. Also, my whole Buck needs to choose thing is all about Shannon saying that Eddie keeps making all the choices, so Eddie needs to let go of control and Buck needs to go for what he wants.
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xlehukax · 4 years
Start of Something - A Single Snare (Pt. 7)
-Writing a little series on here as a warm up! In accordance to @orangelegs‘s Hogwarts AU! Updates won’t be on a set time, but they’ll come eventually-
Oh, here I am! And not super late! How peculiar! Sorry to Logicality shippers- Logan is... well, you’ll have to read. Sorry in particular to @patton-cake! But also- Remus warning. He is Remus, and writing him makes me laugh and cringe all at once. What a beautiful character. 
Meanwhile, Roman is out of his gear and preparing to leave the pitch. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices a certain bespectacled commentator. 
Logan, that’s Logan, right? The one Patton told me about, Virgil’s friend, Patton’s crush, yadda yadda yadda. 
I hope that’s Logan, or else this is going to be idiotic. 
“Hey, Loganberry! Come over here!” Roman calls out. The other players of the Gryffindor team smirk and twitter about, wondering what the star chaser wants with the nerd. Roman silences them with a hand. “I’m going to walk and talk with Specs over there, alright? Don’t do anything stupid now,” 
“Can’t promise it, soon to be captain,” one girl purrs. She’s been flirting with him for the better part of a year now, but Roman will never give her the time of day. There’s no attraction, none whatsoever on his side, and why would he get into a loveless relationship like that? He’s waiting for true love, something that makes his heart sing and stomach flutter. Love at first sight, right?
“Aww, you flatter me. Some of you know the way to my heart, hmm? Either way, see you,” Roman casts them a sultry wink, and then waves for Logan to follow him. Logan adjusts his glasses suspiciously but obliges.  
“Roman. What do you need?” Logan gets straight to the point. Roman smiles wide. 
“Do I need to want something from you to talk to you?” 
“Usually, yes,” Logan answers astutely. Roman blanches. It’s true: they always want something from him, whether test help or pointers, never to actually talk. 
“Poor chap! I wish only to speak with you about your friend, Virgil. He’s tutoring me you know, and I heard that you two were close, so I was wondering-” 
“If you could learn about him by pestering me,” Logan sighs. 
“Uh, yeah?” 
“My response is no. Apologies,” Logan shoots him an indescribable look and continues his brisk pace across the field. Roman dashes forwards to catch up. 
“But why? Is he hiding something? Is there something I should know? Why are you not telling me?” 
“Because I respect Virgil’s privacy. He can tell you when he wishes,” 
“Oh. Well. Hmm,” Roman ponders. He makes a good point. “That’s fair enough, I presume. You’re a good friend to Virgil,” 
“You think so?” Logan squints, looking towards the castle longingly. There’s something in that sidelong glance that Roman can’t place. Something about it that makes Roman sad, that reminds him of being younger and desperate for love. It’s disheartening to try and understand, so he stops. 
“Yeah, totally,” Roman says, casting him a thumbs up. Out of nowhere, a large green putrid cloud appears. Roman groans: Logan looks incredibly befuddled as he coughs with the gross stench that fills the air. Manic laughter from inside the cloud only confirms Roman’s suspicions.
“Remus, what in the good name of Dumbledore are you doing?” Roman demands, unsheathing his wand to point it at Remus as he approaches from the cloud of Dungbomb smoke. 
“Making an entrance, what else?” Remus cackles. Roman rolls his eyes, putting his body slightly in front of Logan to protect him from Remus’s unpredictable antics. 
“Does it have to be so-” 
“Stinky??” Remus shrilly cuts in. 
“No, I was going to say so untimely. I’m trying to have a conversation with Logan, I have no time for your oddities,” Roman waves him away. Remus pouts.
“You never have time for me anymore, bro bro! Don’t you love me??” Roman coos, pressing up his own cheeks in a nutty way that Roman rolls his eyes at and Logan looks at curiously. 
“Who are you?” he questions, blatant and robotic. Remus turns his attention to Logan. Logan has no clue what’s going through his head: he presumes it’s either dirty or violent. 
“The name’s Remus Prince, at your service, nerd,” Remus extends a hand to shake with a goofy smile. Logan’s about to take his hand when Roman slaps it out of the way. 
“There is no way you’re genuinely going to shake his hand,” Roman hisses. Logan sighs, already knowing that this is going to be difficult. 
“Uh, yes way, dick-suck,” Remus sticks his tongue out. 
“Bitch, please, the last time you did anything genuine to anyone besides Janus you were too young to understand what the word genuine meant. And even then, you never wash your fucking hands!” Roman scoffs. 
“I’m sorry, do either of you have any sort of need for me or can I go to Transfiguration homework now?” Logan adjusts his glasses, perpetually tired. 
Both twins chorus in with a chirpy “Yes!”. 
Then, “Why do you need to talk to him?” 
Logan feels odd: is this emotion what being wanted feels like? Roman glares at Remus, Remus smiles a wicked sharp-tooth smile at Roman. 
“Both of you, state what you need. In an orderly fashion, please,” Logan instructs. 
“You already know,” Roman sighs dramatically, still giving his twin a side eye, “I came to you to ask about Virgil.” Logan’s eyes narrow. 
“What about Virgil?” 
“His motivations? Passions? Hobbies? Anything, really. All I know really is that he enjoys making fun of me, watches my games, and wicked smart. Oh, and that he’s friends with both you and Patton but not Janus and Remus. Besides that, nothing!” That is a lot more than nothing, Logan thinks to himself drily. 
“Falsehood. And once more, perhaps engaging in a conversational interaction with Virgil will provide more enriching than pressing me for information,” 
“Next,” Logan adjusts his glasses. Roman huffs indignantly. 
“Oh, oh, that’s me! Hiya! I wanna ask about Virgil too!!” Remus squeals. Logan blinks. Why is Virgil so popular these days? Because of Roman and Patton?
Is he going to forget about me? All these people fawning over him...
No, no, don’t be ridiculous. 
“What do you want with Virgil? The both of you, answer honestly. I do not appreciate liars.” 
“I’m asking because he’s sooooo cute!!!” Remus’s voice is too shrill, too much for Logan. He winces. Roman gapes at Remus. 
“Whaaat? You and… dark and stormy? No, you don’t even know him!!” Roman accuses. Remus bats his eyes at Roman. 
“I think I know more than you do anyway- I know he’s gay, and I know he’s adorable and don’t you just want to eat him up? I could gnaw on those fingers for weeks on end, oh yes Daddy-” 
“How- what- Remus-“ 
“I have never seen you and Virgil together, much less heard him talk of you!” Logan glares. Remus shrugs, smiles maniacally once more. He’s insane, Logan thinks. A complete madman. 
“Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not there~” he sing-songs. Roman gags. 
“You’ve been stalking Virgil??” Roman accuses. Logan goes white: So creepy. 
Remus grins widely. 
“Oh gods, Remus, the poor stormcloud- you worsen his anxiety, you know that?” Roman reprimands, protecting Virgil and his security. Logan’s eyes widen, and he looks to Roman. 
“You know about Virgil’s heightened anxiety?” he asks. Logan, before now, had thought he was the only one trusted with that information. He thought he was special. But this reminds him, starkly, that he is not the object of Virgil’s affections. That he is ‘just a friend’. It is infuriating, and stifling. If Virgil could only see that Logan had been there for him all along- 
“Yes, of course. He told me today. A good thing too, I’ll be more careful when I serenade him as payment for tutoring!” Roman booms a laugh. Remus mimics him mockingly, to which Roman casts a glare. 
“No, no, no, you best not, Roman,” Logan’s words come out of his mouth before he can bite them back. Surely, if Roman starts singing to Virgil, he will fall deeper in love and-  Roman and Remus both look at him confusedly. 
“Whyever not?” 
“He… he won’t like it,” Logan feels a bit idiotic with the lacklaster explaination. He’s sure that if he was given more time he would do better but- Roman isn’t exactly the fastest broom in the locker when it comes to intelligence. 
“Why not, Logie?” Remus purrs, inching closer to Logan, who grips the strap of his bag worriedly. “Virgil would looooove it if Roman sang, right?” Roman pulls back Remus from harassing Logan. Remus giggles at Logan’s blush. 
How in the world does this boy who looks like he just crawled out of a trash bin know that Virgil likes Roman? Who told him—
It comes to him instantly: Patton. Patton probably told Remus, because if he’s friends with Janus he’ll probably be close with Remus. Anger flares in Logan’s chest: how could he betray Virgil’s hard won trust like that?? 
No, think logically now. Separate emotions from thinking. Remus mentioned that he has followed Virgil around in the past, so perhaps he overheard our conversations? 
Besides, Patton would never do that. He is... kind. 
“Hey, don’t listen to my imbecile brother, dear Logan. He’s talking out of his ass,” Roman assures Logan. 
“I wish,” Remus snorts. Roman whacks him above the head, to which Remus yelps. 
“Why can’t you be normal? I told mom and dad we should just leave you in a ditch with the other wild animals but nooo, he’s your brother, you have to watch out for him at Hogwarts and make sure he comes home for holidays and summers- honestly, ridiculous. I don’t know why I try: You’re going to fail out any day now anyway,” Roman bemoans. Logan is still deliberating on the mole who knows of Virgil’s budding romance, and coming up only more confused. 
Remus giggles, “I can’t help it if salamander blood and dragon liver is a delicious combination.” 
“Ugh, gross! Now I know why the potions professor is terrified of you! How are you not dead?!” Roman exasperates, looking to Logan for backup. Instead of assistance, he only gets Logan’s intense scrutiny from behind glasses. 
“Are you aware of who Virgil fancies?” He asks sternly. Roman does a double take, dropping his brother, who scurries away like a rat after release, cackling all the while. He’s far away before Roman has a chance to ensnare him once more. Logan blanches, realizing his mistake. 
I am the one that has betrayed Virgil’s trust. I just… I just let it slip that Virgil has a crush. Only a fool wouldn’t realize that it was Roman I speak of, only a blind fool-
“Oh my stars, really? How incredible!” Roman gushes, face flushed with excitement. Logan frowns. 
“You do not find it off putting?” 
“No! Rather, I’m flattered that you’re reaching out to me! I’d love to help Virgil,” 
“You… you would?” 
“Oh, definitely! What are we thinking? A song? A dance? Ooh, flowers?”  
“Excuse me, what are you talking about?” Logan asks, confused all too much. 
“The method of confession to his crush, but of course! I’m quite fond of romantics myself, though I get all clammy when it’s directed towards me. They don’t know me, you know? They only see my outwards appearance and attitude, not the real stuff. I want true love and a prince/princess worth fighting wars for. Like Helen of Troy, or like Sleeping Beauty,” Roman laughs. Logan internally thanks science that Roman is so unprecedentedly unintelligent. 
And then… the thought appears to him, clear as day. Roman would tell him what sort of romance he likes, to get closer to Logan and learn more secretively about Virgil, and in turn Logan can share the knowledge with Virgil. Virgil would be ecstatic… but it would mean that Logan would lose any chance he has by his own hand. That would be illogical, wouldn’t it? 
Instead… What if he gives the wrong information to Virgil? It would mean purposefully masterminding the termination of any budding love but it would surely be in both of their benefits, wouldn’t it? 
Seeing how Roman lacks any true perceptive ability, he could never truly care for Virgil’s many anxieties and triggers. He wouldn’t be able to tell like Logan. He can easily assure himself that he is better for Virgil, whether the object of his affections realizes that or not. 
That’s it. He’ll extract the information from Roman, and give it misleadingly for Virgil to clip this in the bud. He’ll simply share safe things about Virgil, like his favorite things or passions, in exchange for that valuable knowledge. Though a bit complicated, Logan is sure that his plan is foolproof. And… Logan is certainly no fool. 
“Roman,” Logan starts, adjusting his glasses nonchalantly. Roman smiles at him. 
“Yes, dearest nerd?”
“As it appears that you are in fact going to be in close relations with Virgil in the near future. Perhaps it would be for both our benefits to relate to you all things Virgil. And in turn, you can tell me about yourself. For example… your romantic interests?” 
“Ooh, are you hitting on me? I’m flattered-“ 
“Merely an example, I would not sink to your level,” Logan rolls his eyes. Roman scoffs in disbelief. He is clearly not used to hearing that. 
“Ouch, how rude, but otherwise sounds fun! I’m looking forward to getting to know the acclaimed angst-adhered anxiety-stricken stormcloud better,” Roman looks… excited? It is worrying, surely, for Logan’s selfish ideals but he pays it no mind. 
This is merely the first step amongst many in a grand plan. He is simply placing the first pawns to capture the king. With a wave to Roman and a promise to send an owl, he heads to his evening study date with the king himself: lovely Virgil. 
Taglist (Ask to be added if you’d like!):
@justabsbutler @shaded14space @patton-cake @mycatshuman
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danddymaro · 4 years
Johnny Storm x Reader x Steve Rogers
Part 1: The Boyfriend
Word count: 1861 
Seriously, I’d been wanting to do this for a long time. He played them both well, and I thought it’d be pretty fun. I mean I  like messy triangles.(for my sake they won’t be too long of parts, maybe just 4 in total.)
And yes, yes, I have other shit not continued, but I honestly plan on doing it... 
Its just work... and so much more Shit I have going on. I’m so worried about disappointing people, here and in Real life.
Oh well...
Everything is the same with reader inserts.
Italics are Flashbacks = Example
Italics with quotations are thoughts = ‘Example’
She’d only agreed to have him visit because she assumed no one would be home.
She wanted to avoid questions at all costs, not until she was certain,
‘ Great, ‘ She thought to herself , knowing how it seemed to have some guy over while everyone was out...
She wasn’t ashamed of him, just unsure of what to tell everyone, especially the man before her,
“Hey Steve...” she said dumbly, nervously taking a soft chew of her inner cheek.
“Hey...(f/n) ,” he said awkwardly, “ (f/n) , and...” trailing off giving the two other people an opportunity to introduce the new person,
“Oh... Johnny,” (f/n) started, sounding less than enthusiastic to continue on with an introduction, stiffly standing in between the two men, “Steve, this is Johnny,” she said lowly, stepping aside to let Steve get a good view of the younger male who waved amiably . 
“ And Johnny, This is Steve.” She said smiling crookedly, holding out her hand over to the elder male in order to present the first Avenger. 
With a glorious grin, the hot-headed male looked over at the other man, eyebrows raising up high as he got a close-up look of him. “Wow, you’re really jacked up,” he commented. “Way bigger than I imagined,”  he added, holding out his right hand out towards Steve in order to properly shake. 
“Johnny Storm,” he said introducing himself, “ It really is a pleasure to meet THE captain America,” he added with the same widespread smile, linking his hand to the other male with a hearty shake as Steve extended his own arm to him.
“Johnny Storm? “ Steve repeated uncertain, but with a nod to indicate the name had stuck. 
During the interaction he strayed his eyes to  (f/n), giving her a brief look of the same uncertainty and question. 
 And sure enough, she could tell just what he wanted to ask,
“Oh, well...Johnny...He’s... “ She started off uneasily. 
‘What exactly is he?’ she asked herself. 
‘I could say he’s a friend... but .. he’s not really a friend,’ she thought to herself.
‘We have hung out a lot lately ... but he’s not my boyfriend either,’ she also went on. ‘I think we’ve well established nothing’s really there,’ she went on.
 For just a fraction of a millisecond her (e/c) colored eyes drifted off to Storm, a purse to her lips taking form, ‘Correction, I’VE well established it, and he’s being the same idiot as always,’ She thought with exasperation.
They'd been introduced with the intention of ending up as a couple, but from the young woman’s standpoint it wasn’t a match. 
Johnny was handsome, as well funny, being overall a charming guy when you look past his ego. He wasn’t a bad guy, but she had already set her eyes on someone else, which just so happened to be the man standing before her, waiting for an answer,
‘This is all so confusing,’ She told herself. ‘Messy and confusing,’
Admittedly, she had grown attached to Johnny, and was intent on continuing to see him, but only as a buddy. 
‘Only as a friend,’ she reminded herself, having to do so far too often.
“ I’m willing to accept it,” Johnny said nodding, “for now,” he added, making her drop her shoulders, because he had assured her there was something there. 
Because he was convinced otherwise,
“You’re just hung up on someone else,” he pointed out, surprising her with the statement. 
Because she hadn’t told him, not even mentioned a name...
“It’s pretty obvious, “ he replied, shrugging with a soft sigh, “ Otherwise you'd see how prefect we are for each other,” He added, managing to hit her with doubt.
For a moment she bit her lip, thinking that perhaps that was the problem, Maybe she was to distracted with Steve to actually give Johnny a try.
‘Between these two...’ She started, ‘ I’m really staring to have doubt,’ She told herself, taking back her earlier musing, because she hadn’t really made it clear to Johnny. 
She didn’t downright reject him, and had in actuality given him a maybe. 
Her fickle behavior was partial to blame...
“ Judging by you’re expression i’m guessing your thinking about it right?” he asked her, sounding just a smidge too smug. 
“So who is it?” he asked her, leaning onto the table with open ears, waiting in expectancy.
“Why do you want to know?” she asked him, turning from him, looking elsewhere, feeling her face heat.
Leaning back onto his chair he chuckled, tipping his head back just a bit as he laughed, “ I want to know what guy is trying to steal my girl,” he said while grinning.
He’s never serious, and she’s never certain,
“He's my...” 
‘My what?’ She asked herself again, feeling butterflies as the two men gazed at her.
It was then that the younger male interjected, 
“Boyfriend,” Johnny answered for her, cutting her off immediately with that single word, making her snap her eyes over to him instead, peeled so wide open that they could very well simply pop out of their sockets. 
‘Boyfriend...He’s my boyfriend?’ (f/n) thought swallowing down hard.
‘He says...
He thinks...
He’s my boyfriend,?’
While she did feel anxious and annoyed... she also felt tickled pink.
‘Only a friend.’ (f/n) argued with herself. ‘I see him as only a friend,’
“Boyfriend?” Steve repeated, his grip instantly tightening onto the other man’s hand, but as he realized what he did, he released his hold entirely, letting his arm fall back in place. 
“You two are dating?” he asked them both, but more specifically focused on (f/n), wanting to hear it from her. 
But again the other man spoke, this time putting his arm around her, bringing her close to him with a strong snuggle. He gave her a kiss over the crown of her head, the sound of his lips smacking together coming out exaggerated as he did so, “She’s so cute,” Johnny said amused, “ You know I just love seeing you blush like that,” he added, in a low tone, his hot, minty smelling breath touching her ear, worsening her flushed face and making it grow darker with rouge.
involuntarily she shuttered, feeling him so close, having his arm wrapped around her and his lips almost on her skin.
“Anyways,” Johnny started, placing his attention back to Steve, “ We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now, “ he added, “Right babe?” he said addressing (f/n), staring down at her with his pretty blue eyes. 
Panicking she gave a weary chuckle, “ O-Oh yeah! We had met a while back... “ She answered back, which hadn’t been a lie. She had met him about three months ago, being introduced by Stark himself. 
“ Yeah...we've been dating for a couple of weeks now,” she informed Steve, which of course was a big fat lie.
“ what would it be?  like about three... No...Four weeks ?”  Johnny asked her, questioning her and putting her more on the spot. She began to gnaw at the tip of her tongue, “ oh...” she said softly, “ Three...  I would say three,” she chatted, adding more to their lie.
‘Why am i doing this?’ She asked herself, mentally kicking herself.
“ That's quite a while now...” Steve commented rather blankley. “ yeah,” Johnny answered back “ it is isn't it ?” he said with a chuckle, “ but you know when you're with the right person...well time just flies by, right babe?”  he asked (f/n). 
“ Yeah, “ she breathed, looking right at Steve.
‘The right person...’
 Catching herself gazing too long she shook her head, batting her eyes, trying to force herself from eyeing him for too long.“ I'm sorry Steve,  we kind of have to go,” she said softly, giving him an apologetic smile.
She hastily grabbed the other man's hand within hers and pulled him along behind her,  briskly walking and leaving Rogers alone.
 “ Have fun...” he muttered non-enthusiastically,  his lips pressing together tightly, not even able to form a  false smile. His right hand lifted up in a  lifeless manner, not even having the will to wave at them.
Once in the closed elevator (f/n) pushed Storm back, her face completely overtaken by the color red as she glared at him, “ what the hell is wrong with you ?!” she exclaimed. “ We are not dating!”  she said to him,  her voice rising just a bit into a squeaky tone with how completely taken back by his claim she was.
“Relax, Relax,” he coaxed her putting up both his hands in defense as he tried to calm her.   
He then placed them on her shoulders, almost crushing them in his hold, bringing her close. “ come on babe, calm down!” he told her, making her stare at him like as if he had gone completely insane.
“babe..” she muttered.
Normally she’d brush off the little endearment , but in her current shame filled rage she shook at it,
“ you can't be serious!” she said in disbelief, “ you don't think we're actually dating right?!” she questioned him.
‘DO you even know if your dating?’ Her inner voice argued back in a sassy fashion, causing the woman’s teeth to tighten.
 “Well then why did you go along?” He asked her cheekily. “ Maybe perhaps you actually do like me, right?” he said coming down towards her, nearing her in a dangerously close manner, his nose grazing hers. 
He could see all the little specs in her eyes with his proximity and continuing on playfully he smiled at her, his hands landing on the side of her cheeks, ignoring the wild flame in her eyes.
 The part of him that loved playing with fire was drawn to the dangerous gleam, wanting to melt along with her.
And for just a moment her breath hitched, her lips trembling as she slipped into a lightly drunken state,
‘He’s so stupid...’ She told herself, ‘He’s so annoying...’ 
“But so sexy...” she muttered, unknowingly leaning into him more, just a hairline from smashing lips, 
“See,” he muttered, “ I told you you wanted me,” he said while giving her a quick , rushed peck.
Falling back from her high, her right hand swung, whipping above him and missing as he ducked. “ Chill! Chill!” he said continuing to laugh, being quick to grab both her wrists. 
“Why are you so stubborn?”he asked her, quick to pin her against the wall. 
He could easily melt her, knowing he had his effect on her. Well aware of the attraction they had for one another, it bothered him moreso to know what stopped them was one person,
‘Just one person,’ He thought to himself, knowing that if she would have laid eyes on him instead, she wouldn't have had the will to fall in love with anyone else.
‘I would have never wasted time,’ He added, biting his lower lip as he resisted the urge to dive down again and get an actual kiss.
‘But we’re just friends right?’ He silently asked her, 
‘ That’s what you say...
That’s what you want to feel too...’
Sighing , he released her, 
‘That’s why I have to go along with it and pretend...
If it will keep me close to you I can pretend,’
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Screw it, I made a Newsies/ Teen Wolf because I don't care, Teen Wolf is my all time favorite supernatural tv series and I stand by this.
Key: ☠️= dead, 🌻= alive, 💀= eventually dies, 🌹= dies and comes back to life
So here's my dumpster fire of an AU idea:
Jack Kelly as Scott McCall/True Alpha Werewolf(makes some questionable decisions to help his friends while also doing what's right. Was turned by Oscar)🌹
Racetrack Higgins as Stiles Stilinski/Human/Nogitsune(ADHD, unreasonably intelligent, spaz who is sometimes questioned because of his slight paranoia. Jack's foster brother)🌻
Sarah Jacobs as Allison Argent/Hunter(has a relationship with Jack for a little while until l the werewolf/hunter thing becomes and issue and they eventually breakup)☠️
Davey Jacobs as Chris Argent/Hunter turned Ally(except Davey and Sarah are still siblings instead of father and daughter and Davey eventually ends up with Jack)🌻
Albert DaSilva as Lydia Martin/Banshee(1, I did this because of the red hair and 2, Race and Albert's friendship works perfectly. Kind of a snob, dates Hotshot for a while before Hotshot moves. Extremely intelligent, plays dumb. Realistic.)🌻
Spot Conlon as Derek Hale/Beta to Alpha to Beta Werewolf/Shifting Wolf(they are literally the same person, fight me. Lost his family in a house fire set by Morris Delancey [trust me], helps Jack learn to be a werewolf)🌹
Medda Larkin as Melissa McCall(Badass mom who loves her children but also keeps him in check while almost dying? Yes)🌻
Bryan Denton as Dr. Alan Deaton/Druid(Jack's boss and mentor. Hides his knowledge about the supernatural until he's almost killed numerous times. Acts as a guide for Jack and his friends)
Hannah Veldheer as Coach Finstock/Human(economics teacher, lacrosse coach, cross country coach. Definitely has favorites when it comes to her players, although she does develop into a fair coach who cares about her team. Has a like/dislike attitude specifically towards Race, although it's because Race goes out of his way to prank her. Not completely stable mentally, she probably shouldn't be a teacher, but she also knows the school can't fire her because of budget and such)🌻
Smalls Hunt as Cora Hale/Beta Werewolf(since she's usually Spot's younger sister in most fics. She shows up after years of Spot thinking she died in the house fire)🌻
Oscar Delancey as Peter Hale/Alpha to Beta Werewolf(but he's a psychotic cousin because Peter was actually in a psych ward and fits the description of Psychotic, I promise he's not just called that because he's done a few bad things)🌹(many times)
Warden Snyder as Gerard Argent/Hunter(crazy, obsessive father to the Argent Twins who they have a restraining order against? Yes)💀
Morris Delancey as Kate Argent/Hunter/Were-Jaguar(Davey and Sarah's older brother. Has a brief relationship with Spot, sets fire to the Hale House to kill the werewolves. Gets turned after everyone thinks he died)🌹
Katherine Plumber as Isaac Lahey/Beta Werewolf (Jack's friend, was considered an enemy at one point when she was in Spot's pack, has a brief relationship with Sarah before something, um, happens[I'm sorry], travels to France with Davey briefly before returning to help Jack)🌻
Crutchie Morris as Liam Dunbar/Beta Werewolf (Jack takes him under his wing when Medda takes Crutchie in, accidentally turns him to a werewolf, has I.E.D[Intermittent explosive disorder, meaning when he's angry he's irrational], but he gets it under control with Jack's help)🌻
Sniper Wong as Vernon Boyd/Beta Werewolf (in Spot's pack before she's kidnapped by the Alpha Pack, best friends with Katherine, Smalls, Spot, and Buttons, enemy to friends with Jack just like Katherine)☠️
Buttons Davenport as Erica Reyes/Beta Werewolf(hardcore enemy to friend with Jack, very brief fling with Spot, had epilepsy before Spot turned him, tries to run away with Sniper to escape hunters but is kidnapped by the Alpha Pack)☠️
Jojo de la Guerra as Malia Tate/Were-coyote(was a coyote for years after watching his adoptive family die in a car accident he thinks he caused, becomes friends with Race while in an insane asylum, has a very brief sling with Race, finds out he's Oscar's younger biological brother, one of Jack's best friends)🌻
Ike Guzman as Ethan Steiner/Alpha to Beta Werewolf(Part of the Alpha Pack until he loses his alpha status, wants to be in Jack's pack, tries to prove himself, rational compared to his brother, runs away to England after something happens to his brother, dates Boots before leaving)🌻
Mike Guzman as Aiden Steiner/Alpha to Beta Werewolf(Part of the Alpha Pack until he loses his alpha status, also wants to be in Jack's pack, tries to prove himself irrationally, really likes Albert although Albert shuts him down after some of the things he's done, eventually becomes friends with Albert, redeems himself in the end)☠️
Hotshot Ferreri as Jackson Whittemore/Kanima/Beta Werewolf/Werewolf-Kanima Chimera(dates Albert for the longest time, egotistical, forces Spot to give him The Bite to change him, becomes the Kanima[deadly lizard thing that kills who he's told to], is eventually redeemed and becomes a werewolf, leaves for England after not being able to handle the chaos of his hometown, returns eventually while dating Ike)🌹
Boots Lowe as Danny Mahealani/Human(the chill guy that doesn't know anything about the supernatural until Hotshot tells him, pretend like he doesn't know, is literally the most chill guy you'll ever meet)🌻
Mush Meyers as Jordan Parrish/HellHound(sheriff's deputy, doesn't know about the supernatural until Jack tells him, doesn't like what he is for the longest time, helps save the day Countless times)🌹
Kid Blink as Sheriff Stilinski/Human(Is Race's biological older brother[Race knew Blink couldn't support both of them and he's okay with it, they still act like brothers], doesn't know about the supernatural for so long, chaotic af when it comes to Race, eventually dates Mush)🌻
Finch Cortes as Theo Raeken/Chimera/Beta Werewolf(friend to enemy to frenemy, tries to kill Jack many times, thinks he's doing what's right, sparks rift between Jack and Race because of Race's skepticism of Finch, creates Chimeras to make his own pack, eventually dates Crutchie)🌹🌹🌹🌹(it happens a few times)
Snitch Caspary as Hayden Romero/Chimera(briefly dates Crutchie, apart of Finch's "Pack", frenemy to friend with Crutchie after some childish fighting when they were younger)🌹
Specs Samuels as Mason Hewitt/Human/Beast Host(Crutchie's best friend and support system/ his partner in crime. Sort of like how Race is Jack's partner in crime.)🌹
Romeo Richardson as Corey Bryant/Chimera(foe to friend, dates Specs even when he's considered a foe to Jack and Liam. He can turn invisible on command and can also turn others invisible. He gets kidnapped and nearly dies when creatures known as Ghost Riders attack)🌹
Skittery Goorjian as Brett Talbot/Werewolf(Crutchie's friend to foe to friend. They fight a lot, but eventually find neutral grounds. Becomes a major Ally to Jack.)💀
And I almost forgot the most important character...
Snaps Walcott(Chaz Walcott's Brooklyn alter ego) as Greenburg aka the mysterious character that Coach Hannah always picks on no matter what even though she secretly thinks of them as one of her many Lacrosse children. Never actually seen on screen, only ever mentioned, could be a girl or a guy, the source of most of Coach Hannah's issues, secretly the best character ever.
I'm pretty sure I've missed a couple of characters, bit this literally covers Season 1 to Season 6. I low-key want to write a fic, but at the same time this is so freaking confusing.
Anyway, I hope anyone who loves Newsies or Teen Wolf or Both enjoys although it's confusing! Message me or send me and Ask if you have any questions!!!(make sure you specify that your questions or suggestions are for this AU please)
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borisbubbles · 4 years
Gjon’s Tears - “Répondez-moi”
*GASP* I DON’T LOVE GJON’S TEARS!!!! JK He’s perfectly fine, imo. You guys know that I like to divide my songs according to the trafflc light scheme (green = good, yellow = meh, red = bad). “Répondez-moi” is like a very, *very* pale shade of chartreuse - I almost like it. But I do have a few caveats that prevent me committing myself to it. 
Song Analysis
On the surface, this is a lowkey brilliant entry. “Répondez-moi” is very cleverly put together, using Gjon’s wide register to create a gender-ambiguous, emotionally ridden tone, further reinforced by a simple, yet effective flurry of guitar strings and edm percussive noises. 
Ho boy, two paragraphs in and I’m already otno the technical stuff - probably the biggest indicator of how unimpressed I am by this song. Good Music, snooooore where’s the funtrash at (safely tucked inside the upper half of the ranking, d’uh) I can appreciate “Répondez-moi”’s technical brilliance and I can appreciate it more here than I did with “Fai Rumore” or “Divilji Vjetre”, because unlike those two, Répondez-moi actually *is* contemporary and original. It accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. 
However, if I’m honest, the only thing I outright like is how you could argue GHOSTING as a narrative theme for this song - “I AM READY TO THROW IN THE TOWEL! ANSWER ME!!! :read at  22:23:” is a pretty fun pretend-meaning to be slapping onto this song. Sadly, I know French and I know that a lie, tragique, je sais. The real meaning, as far as I can gather is about ~the inability to come with the capriciousness of life and death~ or some pseudo-philosophical meandering spliced into the song to make it look intelligent WELL SORRY TO SAY YOUR SONG IS NOW ABOUT GRINDR GHOSTING, GJON, I HAVE *DECIDED*!!!!
“Répondez-moi” is absolutely one of those songs which are caught up by their own competency. You see, entries such as these come just barging in all “THIS IS HIGH QUALITY AND YOU WILL LIKE IT” and well, unlike the “I AM SOPHISTICATED, I USE *~*PITCHFORK*~*” crowd, I really just don’t care so long as the humanizing component I desperately need to cling to remains absent. 
 “Répondez-moi” feels like it is a good song, but at the same time listening to it also feels like sitting through a fucking TED-Talk. It’s the “How To Click with Everyone Every Time” amongst this batch of songs  and while I do feel like it accomplishes precisely what it sets out to be without ever being tedious or uninteresting, I don’t feel any sort of personal connection. Maybe if Gjon had some live charisma to show for (which is largely absent from the VC - maybe that’s just a Me Thing but Gjon’s muffin hair completely neuters his sex appeal for me), but alas. 
Oh and, there’s another reason why I don’t rly care that much about Gjon: This year had *so many* “Répondez-moi”s (many of which didn’t even win their NFs? Carrying that torch for Moniqué, Barbora Mochowa and Dotter), and I like the gross of them more. Downside of being an internal selectee is that the journey only starts once rehearsals do. 
Switzerland 2020 vs Switzerland 2021
Gjon fans claim that Gjon could’ve won ESC 2020 and well... not rly? First of all, Victoria and Roxen both exist and draw from the same votepool, so he would require better staging. Secondly, yes he got SJB, but everyone was already eating out of Victoria’s hand from the moment she was announced and besides, SJB was already busy working her magic towards making Tornike the break-out star of the year. Thirdly, BABY, I CAAAAAAAN’T WAIT TO KNOW WHADOYUTINKABOUTINGS ::twerks in teal tracksuit::
I do love the (only existing in the minds of clinically insane Eurovision nerds) pattern of “Switzerland wins every 32 contests with a French-speaking ballad” though. I guess we’ll never know :-) 
oh yeah and ofc he’s back in 2021, post-Zibbz switzerland aren’t dumb.
Congratulations top 25:
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Freaky! Friday! Factor!
OMG I remember when the first rumours of Gjon’s Tears came around, and a preview spoiled the Swiss song *wasn’t* in English or German (but in a language a German-Swiss man wasn’t able to recognize), there was some RAMPANT wild spec that Gjon, who is Kosovar-Swiss, might be singing in ALBANIAN AND FRENCH. 😍
Imagine how SICK that would’ve been had this actually come to fruition. Gjon wouldn’t just have murdered Arilena. He would’ve molecularly disassembled her inside a gravitron collider and then would have force-fed the substrate to Mikaela Mingle herself. That shit WOULD have been hilarious, except, it never happened, kinda like how Eurovision 2020, and me having a career never really happened. 
I can (and will) hand out a few Senheads for Gjon though. Not only is “Répondez-moi” the first *truly* competent (as in: release me outside of esc and I survive in the hit parades) Swiss entrant since... idk...”Canzone per te”? “Io Senza Te”? “Ne T’en Vas Pas”??? A long, long time, probably before you and I were born. It’s also in FRENCH, not English and probably would’ve cemented Switzerland’s renaissance into a decent Eurovision country. The entry itself isn’t too exciting to me, but its potential place inside the canon definitely could have been. 
Score: 3 Senhits out of 5:
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