#i have to park my car on the other side of campus so I drove it down to that lot and walked back
weirder asks 1, 12, 32? :D
who is/are your comfort character(s)
Oh man, I feel like I have so many, and 'comfort character' always comes down to 'current fav whumpees' tbh 😂 Some of my longterm faves are definitely Cal Kestis, John Murphy, and Amos Burton (Space Boys!!)
12. what kind of day is it?
A long one 😴 I stayed in bed cuddling with my cats until noon (didn't go to bed till almost 2 AM last night) and then played some Ghost of Tsushima while procrastinating on the studying I should be doing for my course. Then I had to get all my stuff back together and hit the road to get back to school. Between my last text I sent before I left home and when I was finally settled back in my room was three hours and I am le tired
32. do you have a favorite towel?
not one specifically but I have two each of two favourite 'styles', which are basically just really soft beach towels, so they're really big and soft and I really like them. Two are black and just smooth texture, and then the other two are green and have like little ribs like textures across them.
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oracle-of-dream · 9 months
The Boy Next Door pt2
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Minors DNI
Summary: It’s been over a week since Jeno met his new neighbor. You’ve decided playing hard is the best way to get Jeno wanting to see you more and more. When you finally let Jeno see you again, you’re sure things will get interesting.
Warnings: Pet names, Dom!Jeno, big dick Jeno, Male reader, hand job, unprotected sex, breeding, mating press, drinking, drunk sex
Wordcount: 2.8k
You fixed your bag over your shoulder as you shut the door and used your keys to lock the door. You didn’t have class until almost 11 am, but there were no good places to park on campus unless you arrived early. Focused on locking the door, you felt a chill run down your spine as you felt like you were being watched from somewhere… Slowly, you looked over your shoulder to see nothing behind you. Just the door of your next-door neighbors closed. With the chill still sitting on your back, you go down the stairs of your apartment to your car. When you get in, you toss your bag into the back seats and check your phone for a few minutes before leaving.
Knock knock
You look over to see Jeno knocking on your window, he is breathing heavily and his black hair is stuck to his forehead. He pointed at the window, motioning you to roll it down.
You rolled the window down enough to hear him.
“Finally, we’re willing to talk to me,” Jeno sighed.
“Is this going to take long? I’ll miss out on my chance to get a spot near my class. I don’t want to walk super far.”
“Let me in, I’ll ride with you.”
You pretended to think about it, your eyes closed and forehead wrinkled.
“Jesus, Y/n! I’m begging, let me ride with you.” Jeno pushed his body against the car while whining.
“Fine, get in then.”
Jeno rushed to the other side of your car and sat himself in the passenger seat.
Once he was settled, you drove towards the campus. Focusing on the road, you didn’t look over as you said, “So, can I help you with something Jeno? Or did you just want an Uber?”
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you, but it feels like you’ve been avoiding me…”
“Am I? Or are you just not trying hard enough to catch me?”
“You’ve been leaving early in the morning, being gone all day, and even when you are home you ignore the door. And I know you’re home. I even tried calling you.”
“Oh gosh, Jeno. It’s like I’m a busy student, I am at school for hours, and when I’m home I want to finally sleep after a long day’s work…”
Jeno got silent for a few minutes before getting the courage to speak again. “I, want to talk about the last time we got to… interact.”
“What about it?”
“What was it supposed to be? Like a one-time thing, or something more?”
“What do you think it was?”
“I can tell you what I want it to be–”
You break-checked Jeno, cutting him out of his sentence. “Sorry, what was that?”
“You came onto me, Y/n.”
“And you came in me, Jeno.”
Jeno fell silent again, trying to think of a proper comeback. Before he got the chance, you ended up getting to campus and finding a parking spot rather quickly. 
“Well, I gotta go now. It was nice chatting, I guess.”
Jeno followed you, just a few steps behind you.
You started to speedwalk, moving through large crowds of people and making sharp turns to lose him. But every time you thought you’d managed to shake him, he’d be there. 
“Oh for the love of– Jeno, what is it!?”
“Y/n, let’s be boyfriends or something! I don’t know, I liked us together…” Jeno’s face and ears were a soft tint of pink. To think this was the muscular, motorcycle-riding, bad boy type that you’d sucked off before. Now reduced to a needy puppy who won’t stop following you.
“Why would we be boyfriends?”
“Because we got something going on here!”
“We’ve only met like twice, and the other of those times was more memorable than the other.” You chuckled as you could see his dick twitch in his sweatpants. 
“You said you’d like for us to see each other again!”
“That doesn’t mean seeing each other, Jen.”
“J-Jen?” He stumbled at the sudden nickname.
“Too much? I thought boyfriends would have cute nicknames for each other.” You pretended to make a pouting expression.
“So, we���re boyfriends!? Just like that?” Jeno’s expression brightened with a big smile.
“Now that you mention it, I don’t want things to be too easy. So, let’s find out if this will work. I’ll see you tonight around 7, at your place. Then we can find out if we can be a thing.”
Jeno frowned. “But you seem fine with being my boyfriend already…”
You shot him a cold glare. “You calling me easy?”
Jeno shook his head. “No! 7 pm, my place! I’ll be waiting!” He took off before he could say anything else to turn your attitude.
Finally able to enjoy some peace and quiet, you go through your morning routine. Grab a soda, find a spot in the library doom scroll on social media until class time. After your classes for the day, you had about two hours before you were supposed to see Jeno. Plenty of time to go home and prepare for the night you predicted would come.
While getting dressed and making yourself presentable, there was a knock at your apartment door. You answered it, opening the door wide. 
Renjun was standing in the doorway, dressed in a cardigan and a collared shirt with black jeans. “Hi y/n! Jeno tells us you’re coming over tonight for game night!”
“Game night?”
“Yeah! Jeno and the other guys in our friend group get together every once in a while to hang out and play some games. Didn’t he tell you?”
You raise an eyebrow and smirk, “No, but sounds fun! I can’t wait. Should I bring anything over?”
“Not at all! Just come over whenever, some of the others are here already. Mark and Haechan ran out to get snacks and drinks, I came over to ask if you wanted anything specific so I could pass it on to them.” Renjun pointed at his phone in his hand.
You shook your head. “No, I’m not too picky, I’ll let y’all choose. And I’ll be over in a second, I’m almost done getting myself together.”
Renjun smiled and waved as he went back over to his apartment. “Just come right in whenever the door will be unlocked.”
You spent a little more time in the bathroom, double-checking yourself in the mirror. Then you walked around the hall and let yourself into Jeno’s apartment. 
It was clean, surprisingly, and orderly. There was a hallway with records on the wall leading into a room with voices coming from it.
“Oh? Someone’s here!” A high-pitched voice called.
“Is it Mark?” A deep voice added.
“No, there’s no way they’re back that fast.” You heard another voice.
You saw a buff man in a sleeveless shirt with dark brown hair and black pants come out of the room.
He looked you up and down with an eyebrow raised. “And who might you be? I think you’ve got lost, but we’ve got space here if you wanna stay.”
You shook your head, trying to not look too hard at his pecs peeking from his shirt. “I was invited. I’m y/n.”
He opened his eyes wide in surprise. “Oh! You’re y/n!” He stepped forward and pulled you in for a hug, which was warm and tight. “I’m Jaemin, I’ll introduce you to the others.”
“He’s still getting ready,” Jaemin turned and winked at you. He told me he was looking forward to meeting you at 7 tonight. He’s my best friend but he won’t even tell me anything about you, so I hope we get close tonight.” Jaemin’s voice was soothing and smooth like he wanted to help slide you off your feet and into his bed. He led you into the living room where three others were waiting. “That’s Chenle, Jisung, and I’m sure you know Renjun.”
You greeted the two new faces.
“I’m Chenle!” Chenle’s voice was loud and high-pitched, which was not expected from his face facial features. He has black and red hair, and wore slacks with a tucked white button-up. 
“You a business major?” You pointed at his outfit.
“Yeah, family business. As in, my family funds the Business major program.”
You raised your eyebrows and turned your attention to the other man.
“I’m Jisung,” Jisung was the opposite of Chenle, he spoke softly but his voice was very deep. He had very kiddush features with a knit black and white hat with cat ears, a New York hoodie, and ripped jeans. “I dance.”
You nod, “that’s cool. Dancing is cool. I dance a little.”
Jisung’s eyes glowed for a moment. “Y-Yea… We should dance together sometime, or whatever.” 
You could tell her didn’t mean, “or whatever,” he wanted to dance with you.
The two of them both seem interested in you but are also pretty close to each other. You knew it would be interesting to learn about what’s going on with them later.
Renjun leaned in, trying to speak softer. “So, what’s the deal with you and Jeno?”
You raised an eyebrow. “The deal?”
The others murmured in agreement. 
“Jeno seems to be making a pretty big deal that you were coming tonight, telling us not to say anything too embarrassing.”
“Does this count as embarrassing?” You asked.
Jaemin shook his head. “It doesn’t count when he’s not here. He can’t be embarrassed by what he doesn’t know is happening.”
“I can hear everything, and it is embarrassing!” Jeno’s voice came from a room around the corner as he came into the living room. You turned to get a tasteful look at his outfit, it looked like he’d taken some serious time to clean up. Jeno neatly brushed his hair into a middle part. He was wearing a sleeveless leather jacket, a black crop top, and dark denim jeans with a black belt. He was wearing his pants low on purpose to show more of his toned stomach, small waist, and the waistband of his underwear.
He approached you, “I’m so glad you could make it.”
You dryly chuckled, “Well, I said I’d be here, right?”
He nodded happily. Instinctively he reached for your hand as he moved into the living room. You let him take your hand and walk you to one of the couches so you could sit next to him. He sat first and scooted as you sat down so you landed on his lap.
You turn to him, “Really?”
He had a silly smile plastered on his face, as he felt all his friends examining him and his guest.
Renjun cut in, “Well, Mark and Haechan will be here soon. Let’s chill and we can hang when they get here.”
Eventually, the last two guys show up, Mark and Haechan are attached at the hip. Probably a couple, and if not then it was only a matter of time. After getting settled, everyone started to enjoy the night of eating, gaming, and drinking together. Before you realize it, you end up getting into a drinking game with Jaemin and losing badly. Renjun had to call the competition as it was getting late and people were beginning to pass out. Jisung and Chenle cuddled together on the couch. Jaemin started cleaning up the mess. Mark moved Haechan to sleep in his room before helping clean up. Renjun was the only one who didn’t drink since he didn’t like the taste of alcohol, so he was taking care of everyone. 
You could still understand everything going on, but you were drunk. 
Jeno was only focused on you. “Do you need anything, water or something?”
You shook your head. “Nah, I think I’ll just head home.”
Jeno grabbed your hand gently. “You could also… stay in my room. We never really had that talk, remember?”
You smiled at Jeno. “You want me that badly, that you’d even take advantage of me being drunk?”
Jeno shook his head furiously. “I’d never do that!”
You chuckled as you threw yourself into his arms. “Okay, I’ll stay in your room then. But you’ll have to carry me.”
Jeno picked you up bridal style without a second thought. “I’m going to go put him to bed now.”
Renjun winked at Jeno, “Just make sure to not make too much noise.”
Jeno blushed. “It’s not like that!” He carried you off into his room before Renjun could tease him anymore. He carried you with one hand, as you wrapped your arms around his neck so he could open his bedroom door. Gently, Jeno laid you onto his bed on your back. You looked up at him as he hovered over you.
“Do you wanna kiss?” You asked softly.
Jeno locked eyes with you. “Like so badly. But you aren’t in a good state of mind, we shouldn’t do anything that could lead to that…”
You sighed. “Jeno, you wanna be my boyfriend?”
Jeno nodded.
“Then fine, we’re boyfriends.”
Jeno hugged you tightly, putting his body weight onto you. You felt every part of him as his crop top slid up his torso while he hugged you. 
“Now that we’re boyfriends, we can kiss and whatever.” 
Jeno pulled away, “are you sure that’s what you want?”
You pulled Jeno into the bed and rolled on top of him. His face was initially shocked but moved into awe while he stared at you slip your shirt off. You pick up his hands and place them on your hips, and he takes the signal to let his hands run across your body. You slowly swing your hips, pressing your ass against his clothed cock. 
“It hurts…” Jeno moaned.
You stopped. “I’m hurting you?” 
“No! No, please don’t stop!” Jeno squeezed your hips and moved you the way he wanted. "Mo-more please." He pleaded.
You let your hand slip under his waistband and into his boxers, making direct contact with his cock while you kiss him. You started moving your hand up and down his cock, his hips fucking into your hand. Your body starts to stick as you get faster. 
Jeno throws his shirt aside before coming back to kiss you across your chest, stopping to focus on your nipples. 
You slide down his body, his legs hanging off the bed as you start to unzip his pants and take his belt off.
“Let’s not get too carried away with a head this time?” Jeno laughed.
“You couldn’t handle head and this ass.” 
“I totally could–”
You kiss him again as you slide his underwear and pants off, he does the same to you.
“Hold on, I’ll get rubber.” Jeno lifted you, but you didn’t let him put you down.
“You can skip if you want.”
Jeno looked you in your eyes. “Sex and it’s raw? You’re crazy… and now you’re all mine too.” He slips his finger into your ass which slips in with no resistance. “You came ready for me?”
“Of course I did.”
“So you always meant to be with me?”
“Well duh.”
Jeno laid you on the bed with your legs in his hands as he held your ankles. He climbed on top of you and slipped in his fat cock. He slammed his body into yours with power and sleep, he smirked as he watched your face change from pain to pleasure. Each mean stroke was deep and hard, making you some at a brutal pace. The sounds of skin-on-skin slapping were so loud, Jeno’s grunts mixed with your moans. 
“Am I too big for you baby? You were so confident I wasn’t the one who could handle you. Jeno kisses you again while still fucking you, your body was overloaded with sensation. Your toes scrunched, your legs shook, and you even started drooling uncontrollably. “Cum for me, do it now!” 
Your whole body reacts to his command as you cum so hard you shoot onto your face. You’re body tenses, mostly your ass, making Jeno fuck you through your orgasm feel even better. 
Jeno flipped the two of you over so that he was on the bottom and lifted you up and down onto him, fucking you like a fleshlight. Your hands were holding his pecs for balance, nails scratching him. 
“Please, baby, cum soon. I can’t take much more…” you begged.
That was all that Jeno needed to have one of the strongest orgasms he’d ever felt. He held you down as he pushed himself as deep as possible, shooting into you. Your brain was blank, your body was acting on instinct; hole clenching repeatedly to milk Jeno, your head was thrown back, and your eyes were sealed shut.
Jeno gently helped you lay down on the mattress. “You going to be okay?”
You mumbled back, “I don’t know if I can get up…”
“I can carry you to the bathroom.”
“Don’t bother… Just keep it in me, I’ll deal with it later.”
Jeno moved, pulling out slightly, and it made you almost scream like crazy.
“I told you–”
“I know, I’m sorry baby. I couldn’t help myself. I won’t leave.” Jeno moved back into you, leaving his warm cum and his cock inside of you as you fell asleep. “Goodnight, baby…”
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drvirgus · 3 months
Non-Idol! Hanni X Mute! Reader
Description: Life as a mute girl in university: How does Y/n navigate her life, especially when she has to work on a project with her crush, one of the popular kids on campus? Can Y/n find a way to express her feelings?
Warnings: Trauma; strong language; kys/kms jokes; insults; bad family 😔 (kind of abuse?)
Chapter: Double Date (fully-written)
With a smile on my face, I stood down the street, waiting patiently for Hanni, who was just parking the car in front of me and hastily getting out. She almost stumbled over her own feet but fortunately caught herself on the hood. A laugh escaped her throat as she looked at me to check if I had seen it.
I immediately turned my head away from her so it wouldn't be too embarrassing for her. "I know you saw it," I heard Hanni say. "Look at me. I want you to look at me," she said with a smile, so I turned my head back to her. Her smile grew wider. "Hey," she said softly, which made my smile even broader. My cheeks even turned a little red.
Hanni chuckled. "Shall we?" she asked as she opened the passenger door of her car for me. She had to pull a bit harder since the door seemed difficult to open. No wonder... the car didn't look particularly safe.
Hanni laughed, a bit embarrassed. "I should have taken Minji's car instead, right? Wait here. I'll quickly drive to Minji and switch—," Hanni said, overwhelmed, as she tried to close the passenger door again. But I held her by the forearm and simply shook my head with a smile.
Her eyes widened as she watched me get into her car. Hanni visibly swallowed, and the redness on her cheeks was unmistakable. But, well... love made one blind... that's probably why I didn't notice it.
With a clearing of her throat, Hanni closed the door and moved behind the driver's side, buckling up immediately. Before she even started the engine, she checked if I was buckled up. "Here. You can play some music. But not too loud, otherwise there will be some interference from the speakers," Hanni said, and I nodded in understanding.
Hanni was probably a bit embarrassed, but it didn't bother me at all. After all, the thing drove. The main purpose was fulfilled, and I didn't need anything more. Now, I stared at my music and glanced at Hanni before looking back at my music. What could she possibly like?
I then played one of the songs that became famous in 2024. Hanni's eyebrows raised as she briefly looked at me and then back at the road. "Play what you like," Hanni said with a smile as she briefly placed her hand on my knee.
So, I played one of my songs, "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. I immediately relaxed in the car and let the music play. Hanni chuckled. "Oh. This song was also on Yuna's MP3 player," Hanni said, a bit surprised, as she glanced at me.
I immediately shook my head and pointed at myself. Hanni furrowed her brow until the penny dropped. "Oh. That was yours?" she asked, which made me nod. Hanni smiled right away as she kept looking at the road, of course, to avoid an accident. "I like your music," she said a bit quieter, applying a bit more pressure on my knee.
With my hand on Hanni's back, I gestured for her to go ahead of me, which she did immediately. I still had my tablet in hand as I followed Hanni and the waitress to our reserved table. Felix and Hyunjin were not yet present, which made me roll my eyes.
I hated it when others were late...
Hanni sat right next to me since the two seats across from us were free, where the gay couple would sit. I immediately opened my tablet and took my stylus in hand, as Hanni seemed to have a question. The woman beside me noticed and started to laugh a little. "Well, Danielle has a crush on Felix. How long—" Hanni began, but our conversation was interrupted by Felix's snappy remark as he and his boyfriend sat down at our table.
Hyunjin's jaw was tense, his expression dark, while Felix looked as if he might burst into tears, though he also seemed pretty angry. Hanni glanced back and forth between the two, confusion written all over her face. I smiled amusedly and wrote something on my tablet, "It's always like this. Give them 10 minutes, and they'll be in love again."
Hanni read it and laughed a little. She grabbed the menu that a waiter had previously placed on the table. She leaned in closer to me as we ignored the huffing and sighing from across the table, focusing only on the menu.
"Shall we share again? Like last time?" Hanni asked, looking directly into my eyes. My breath hitched as Hanni was closer than I expected. My face reddened, and I gave a thumbs-up, my head hanging low in embarrassment as I stared at the menu.
"I hope you choke on your food."
"Oh, please. You'd be the first to cry."
"Not for you."
Annoyed, I rolled my eyes and waved my left hand in front of Felix's face, which caught his attention immediately. I pressed my lips together and gestured first to my eyes and then to the menu.
"She says to shut up and finally decide what you want to eat," Hyunjin suddenly said, leaving me open-mouthed in shock. Hanni beside me giggled a bit as she looked at the three of us. I promptly slapped her thigh gently, which made her laugh even louder.
Now Felix laughed too, and I couldn't help but join in. A nearly choking sound escaped my mouth as I laughed. Even Hyunjin, who had remained serious the entire time, started laughing at my unusual laugh. Our table was filled with laughter.
I was the first to calm down since no sound came out of my mouth anymore, though I was still laughing silently. My hand hit Hanni's arm repeatedly as I laughed. She had her hand on my thigh, also hitting me as she laughed along.
"So, how long have you two been together?" Hanni asked eagerly as she stole a bit of my pasta. A smile formed on my face as I watched her hold out her fork for me to try her food as well. I tasted it immediately, without feeling the stares of the two men on us. Felix's grin was unmistakable.
"Uh, I'm pretty bad at remembering dates," Felix admitted, turning his head to Hyunjin. "How long has it been? Four years?" he asked, and even Hyunjin had to think for a moment. He then responded with the exact date, causing Felix's eyes to widen. Shortly after, his expression relaxed, and he turned more toward his boyfriend.
My eyebrow raised as I observed Felix and Hyunjin looking at each other lovingly, exchanging a knowing glance with Hanni. Felix suddenly gasped and looked back at me, his hand on his chest. "I forgot to tell you," he said dramatically.
"Yeji is back."
My smile faded as I simply nodded in response. I noticed how Hanni's curiosity intensified, especially after seeing my reaction. "Who's Yeji?" she asked, making me flinch slightly. My jaw clenched a bit more than before. "My sister," Hyunjin said quietly with a sigh.
Hanni's forehead wrinkled visibly as she looked first at Felix, then Hyunjin, and finally at me. Felix sighed, "She and Y/N... were together once or... something like that," he explained, almost angrily looking at Hyunjin, who raised his hands defensively. "It's not my fault," Hyunjin said, making Felix sigh again.
Hanni hummed and leaned closer to me. "So, do we hate her?" she asked, surprising me. My eyes widened as I looked at the person next to me. I felt myself relax and leaned a bit more into Hanni as I shook my head.
"Definitely. That bitch... why is she back?" Felix asked, looking at Hyunjin, who just shrugged.
I continued eating. I didn't want to know anything about it...
I didn't care anymore...
Taglist: @sixflame438 @saysirhc @itzzyyyyyyydaaaa @somedaydream @wonyoungssi @gtfoiydlyj
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iguana-eyanna · 2 years
What's In Front Of Us
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Pairing: Clark Kent x plus size! reader
Warning: Mentions of bullying
Summary: For once in his life, Clark never felt so speechless until he saw you in blue.
a/n: loosely based on the song You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift
The bell school rang, alerting the students it was dismissal. Everyone flooded the hallways as well as you. You walked up to your locker, unlocking it as you got the books you needed. When you close it, a familiar face looks at you, smiling.
"Did the birthday girl had a good day?" Clark Kent, your best friend since childhood, asked you.
"It was fantastic." you said sarcastically, then bursting into a fit of laughter as Clark joined too.
"I wanted to sleep in World Geography so bad." You said, almost putting your books inside of your bag.
"Yeah, I felt the same for Chemistry." Clark said, already grabbing your books and carrying it for you.
You never minded Clark helping you, besides, you want to use his super strength for good use.
You two were inseparable growing up. You were basically at the Kent Farm all of your childhood and often referred to you as their second child.
"Also, birthday girl gets to drive." You smirked, flashing your new car keys to Clark. He smiled at you, knowing that you've pleaded your dad to drive and he gave you his old pick up truck. You both walked to the parking lot, and see the popular girls whispering at you as you get in the old pick up truck. You never knew why they disliked you so much, but you never paid attention to their sneers. Clark always admired that about you, that nothing tore you down.
"Anyways, I was thinking we could study for a bit at the coffee shop and I'll drop you home." You said to Clark as you drove out of campus.
"Sure, my parents will be relieved that I'm actually getting help with this class. They're more proud of your grades than mine." He joked.
"I have that effect on other people's parents. You have your powers and I have mine." You joked as Clark chuckled.
Soon, you drove to where you guys were headed and walked side by side inside the Talon. You then ordered what you wanted and sat down, just going over some things for your Chem homework.
You were still talking about some formulas and you look up to see Clark glancing elsewhere.
You follow his gaze and see he was staring at Lana Lane. It was like she popped out of those teen rom-com scenes where the guy is staring at his love interest. You roll your eyes, muttering 'typical' as you return to your notes.
"What?" He says, turning to you obliviously.
"You have super hearing and you didn't hear me?" You question.
"Who has super hearing?" Lana asks as she came up to your table.
You and Clark turn to her like deers in headlights. Clark coughs in his hand as you try stammering out.
"Oh, I was... just teasing how Kent prides in his hearing but he wasn't listening about our homework." You said.
Lana politely smiles as she looks at Clark flirtatiously.
"Better start studying Clark. You don't want to be grounded on prom night for slacking school." She said, picking up his empty drink and went to the back.
You had nothing against Lana. She was nice to you compared to the other girls in school. But you felt a pang of jealousy that Clark started to notice her more often. He thought he was weak in the knees for her, but soon found out the kryptonite necklace she wore made Clark ill. (Maybe you were a bit appeased by this, but you would never tell Clark that.)
Clark looks at her till she leaves his sight and immediately looks down to his textbook, reading the chapter.
"Really? I've been helping you for a whole week and it takes Lane two seconds for you to study?" You asked, feeling a bit upset.
Clark looks up to you, feeling bad. "I'm sorry, you know how I get flustered."
"Yeah..." you muttered again before reading to yourself.
"Hey, someone's a bit grumpy. Is it because I didn't give you your birthday present?" Clark asks, smirking.
"Clark, I told you, I don't like being spoiled." You said. Of course, you appreciate the Kents for taking care of you, especially since your dad is still mourning the loss of your mom.
"Hey, you're my best friend. I want to show how lucky I am that you're cool with me being an alien and all." You snicker at his comment, he never failed to make you laugh.
"Okay, Kent. Give me my present." You said in a sassy tone.
Clark smiles and dugs inside of his signature red jacket and hands you a present that looked like it was wrapped by a toddler. (You'd think he'd use his speed to be useful but oh well) You open it and you stare down at a silver bracelet that had a charm with the first letter of your name.
"Clark... I can't- accept this." You said, feeling a bit choked.
"Hey, yes, you should. I just remembered that you've always wanted to have a bracelet like your mom so I tried to find the closest thing like in the pictures." He said.
You form a smile as you wipe your tears.
"Thank you." You whispered, you said, fumbling to try to place it around your wrist.
Clark saw you were struggling a bit so he takes the bracelet and helps you put it on.
He gently holds your hand up and you both admire the twinkle it shows under the lights.
"It's beautiful." you said, looking down.
"Yeah, it is." he whispers under his breath.
You two retract your hands, feeling a bit flustered.
"Um... let's just go back to work." you whispered, staring back at your textbook.
Clark didn't say anything except smile at you and continued on with his studies, happy that he gets to be with you.
Soon, you drove him back home and see that his parents were out as Jonathan was getting off the tractor and Martha coming out of the house.
"Hey you two! How was studying?" Martha asks.
"It was good, Clark listens to me better than the teacher." You joked, making Clark roll his eyes playfully.
"Well, I'm glad that you're teaching him, he's always got his head in the clouds." Jonathan said, messing Clark's hair making his son smile.
"Why don't you stay for dinner? I don't think muffins and coffee is a proper meal for this time, especially not on your birthday." Martha asks you.
"I really don't want to intrude." You said, knowing Mrs. Kent won't take no for an answer.
"She did make you your favorite." Jonathan hints, giving you a warm smile.
"Well, I guess can't pass up on a good meal." You joked as Martha hugs as you walks you into the house.
All of you started to eat and shared your day, laughing and enjoying each other's company. After dinner, Clark walked you to your car and opened your door.
"Hey so, I haven't heard any plans from you for prom." Clark asks as it was near the date.
"I wasn't initially going, but my aunt sent me a dress she made herself to surprise me. Said every beautiful girl deserves a beautiful dress." you said.
Clark comes closer to you, leaning on your open window.
"I didn't know what you were up to, so I was wondering if you wanted to go together?" Clark suggested.
You look at him surprised. you knew he didn't want to go to prom all together, unless he asked Lana, but he hasn't even asked her. You assume that she already has a date. You're about to tell him that you didn't want to be a second choice but his eyes gave you this look.
"You know you're the only one for me... so what do you say? I'll buy you a corsage to match that bracelet of yours."
In that moment, something in you just sparked.
"Well... flowers do sound nice." you said.
Clark shone his signature smile and straightened up.
"Great! I'll pick you up at your house, 8 o'clock sharp!" He said as he jogs to his door.
You couldn't help but shake your head as you started your car.
Prom would be one night to remember.
As the night came, Clark was trying to make a bowtie but kept on failing. Jonathan saw his son and walked in his room.
"Getting nervous there son?" he asks, leaning by the door frame.
Clark looks at his dad and looks down to his unfinished tie.
"It's just a dance." Clark said.
Jonathan laughs his head as he goes up to Clark, already fixing his tie.
"It's not just an ordinary dance, especially for you two lovebirds." His dad joked.
Clark rolls his eyes, as his parents often paired you and Clark since you two met.
"Dad...." Clark warned.
"I'm just saying son, it takes a long time for us Kent men to realize what's in front of us. That's all I can say." Jonathan said.
He finished the tie and patted Clark on the shoulder, implying that he was finally done. The two share a grateful look at each other and walked out to the car. Martha joins as she brought a polaroid, wishing to get pictures before you two head to the school.
When they arrive to your house, Clark takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.
He then sees your dad who looked very bright.
"Clark! Come in, she should be coming down by now. Started getting ready since noon!" He says. Clark's parents go up to your dad and talk while Clark was staring at the staircase, trying not to burn it.
He then did a double take as he finally saw you as you walked out of your room as you were walking down the stairs. You wore this dark blue off-the-shoulder dress with a high slit on your left leg. He was stunned as your hair and makeup were professionally done. What made his heart flutter was the bracelet he gave you.
Martha gasps as she places a hand on her chest.
"Darling, you look beautiful! Clark, tell her she looks beautiful!" She said.
"Thank you Mrs. Kent." you said, staring at her.
You then look at Clark, slightly squirming in your dress that felt hot.
Clark could tell that you were waiting for a response. But there were so many words in the english language for him to describe you: exquisite, stunning, angelic... his breath was taken away.
All he could do was gulp, and offer you your corsage.
"This is... for you." he mustered the courage to say.
You decided not to let Clark make a fool of himself and walked up to him as he placed it around your wrist, feeling the same vibrations when he placed your bracelet on for the first time.
You two smiled at each other and looked up when you see a flash. Martha took a picture and orders you to pose with each other. Clark and you take pictures and tell your parents that it's time to head out. They wave you goodbye as Clark drove you to the dance.
The ride was silent, as the two of you sat awkwardly to school.
"Sooo..." You muttered.
"Sooo..." Clark replied.
You've grown a bit unsteady, and Clark could sense too. You're heart was thumping faster than a speeding bullet.
Clark gives you a glance and looks back on the road.
"Your dad seemed happy."
You smile as you look out the window.
"Yeah, he said that today reminded him of his first date with mom on their prom night. Brought back some good memories."
Clark smiled. You and your dad have been so estranged for so long, but was happy that you two found some inner peace.
"I'm not great with, talking about things... but I want us to have a fun night together, with you." You look at him and give him a smile.
"I'd love nothing more."
As you parked in the school's parking lot, Clark helped you down his car and held your hand. He held it tight, reassuring you that he wouldn't leave your side. You both took a deep breath and walked into the prom together.
Luckily you went during the rush, hiding among plain sight among the numerous teens. The night went without a hitch, you two were having a great time laughing and dancing.
Then it came the slow dance.
You and Clark looked at each other awkwardly.
"We can sit down if you want." You say, already crossing your arms as you felt too conscious.
"I was hoping we'd dance if you like." he says, stepping forward to you.
You look up to him, eyes doe like as you took a silent gulp. You slowly wrap your hands behind Clark's neck as he placed his hands on your waist.
You two don't break eye contact as the lights dimmed and the music filled your ears. You two slowly closed with each other, not saying a word. You lay your head on his chest as he held you tighter once more. Clark felt like he was floating in midair, wanting to hold you as long as he can.
He got lost in thought till he heard your voice.
"Clark?" you ask.
He looks down at you, your eyes shining like stars.
"They're staring at us." you said, uneasy.
He looks around and sees his peers, even hearing the smallest of whispers around you.
"Don't pay attention to them, they're just jerks." He says.
"What are they saying?" you ask.
"Nothing, they're all jealous that I get to dance with the most gorgeous girl in the room."
"I don't think i believe that... You sure you don't want to dance with a prettier girl like Lana?" You ask, stopping your dance.
"I don't want to dance with her, I want to dance with you." He says, firming his voice.
The insecurities start building in your chest and you let go of him.
"I'm sorry, I can't." You said, already running away with tears in your eyes.
He calls you by your name but you can't look back, not when you were feeling like a fool.
You go straight to the bathroom, holding onto the sink as you cried more, ruining some of your makeup.
It was stupid, stupid to think that you could have a chance with Clark. You guys have been friends your entire lives, he'll never view you as something more.
You whip your head up and hear some laughter. Lana was the first girl you saw and she looked so happy. She then saw you and saw her features soften.
"Hey, I'm just going to take a bit, you can go." she said to her friends.
She goes straight to the paper towel roller and took a piece. She walks right up to you.
"May I?" she asks, lifting up the napkin.
You were shocked, but you straighten up and allowed her to wipe off the mascara down your checks.
"Whoever told us that prom is the best night of your life is utter crap." she said.
You couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, i'm just counting down the days till I leave for college." you said, feeling a bit better.
Once she was done, she threw the trash and gave you a comforting smile.
"You look beautiful, you and Clark must be having a good time." She said.
You frown a bit before you lean by the sink.
"I'm kind of avoiding him right now." You said in a low tone, crossing your arms.
Lana looks upset. "If he said anything I swear I'll bring him hell." She said in a serious tone.
You laugh, as you know she'd fight for you.
“Clark is fine, it’s just… the people around us stare at me like I came out of a circus.” You said.
“Hey, don’t think that. In ten years, they’ll be wasting away in some bar or regretting having three kids who are under five. You? You’re going to graduate top of our class and go out into the world, doing greater things. They’ll regret ever saying one bad thing about you.” Lana said, placing a comforting hand by your arm.
You hugged her tight, trying not to cry.
“Thanks Lana, you don’t know how much that means to me.”
She rubs your back and looks at you, beaming that you’re feeling better.
“If I’m not mistaken, I believe you need to finish a dance with your date.” Lana states.
You take one deep breath and you two walk out hand in hand.
What you didn’t expect was Clark sitting by the staircase, straightening up when he sees you.
You look at Lana and give her a smile, implying that you’re able to take care of yourself. She gives you one last hug and says goodbye before heading to the dance.
You and Clark stand next to each other, in uncomfortable silence.
You two speak at the same time, always interrupting when one tried to give the other the floor.
Clark gestures you to speak.
"Do you wanna get out of here?" you ask.
Clark sighs in relief.
"I thought you'd never ask. I wanted to show you something if you want to follow me." He said.
You hesitate for a moment, but you give your hand to him. You two walk to the car and Clark drives you out of the school. You were confused about when Clark takes you to his barn and gets out quickly, wanting to surprise you with something. He returns back with lightning speed, grinning as he hopes to win you back.
"I think you're going to like this." He said.
When he tells you to come upstairs, you were in awe. He decorated the place with his white Christmas lights to illuminate the inside as you two saw the starry sky.
"Thought this would make up for tonight," he says as he walks up to the radio with a cd player and played a slow song.
Clark turns around and admires you standing there. He takes a few steps forward and holds you closer to him as you swayed to the music.
"I never got to say how breathtaking you look tonight. Guess I got too nervous to say it," he says.
You chuckle as you look up at him.
"Well, if that's your apology, I forgive you." You said.
You're thankful for Clark doing all of this. You were a very private person, so sharing this intimate night with each other in a comfortable place made you feel more confident.
You lean on Clark's chest, hearing his fast heartbeat. Clark holds you closer, never wanting to let you go.
That's when he realized his dad's words from earlier.
"I'm so stupid." He mutters to himself.
"What?" You ask.
Clark gulps as he realized he was thinking out loud and stops dancing.
"I'm an idiot."
"I think I need more context than that." You joke.
He rolls his eyes and held your hands firmly, staring into your eyes.
"I've been feeling so lost and nervous, my throat would dry and I forget the words that I want to say. But when I saw you walking down those steps, everything became so clear. I-I... want to protect you, I want to take you out of this town and show the world because you deserve every second of someone loving you and..."
His face inches to your lips.
"I want to be that person that loves you."
Your mind is racing and your heart might as well be jumping out of your chest. Clark could sense the uneasiness as you couldn't reply.
He begins to slip away from your touch, about to turn around "Maybe it's late, I'll take you hom-"
"Wait." You said.
You spin him back to you and without a beat passing, you kissed his lips. Clark's hands lay flat on your back as your heartbeats align. You two felt like you were levitating.
You two break apart, smiling wildly.
"I always wanted to do that," you whispered.
Clark could only chuckle as he shakes his head, as you always made him laugh.
"I thought the same thing." He said.
You two kissed again as the world around you blurred like an unfocused camera. But both of you knew you could capture this night like a picture: forever still in the moment.
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nightfang22 · 1 year
Can't Erase Heartbreak
A/N:As requested here is my first Aizawa x reader fic!I hope it hits you in the feels reading it cause it certainly hit me where it hurts while writing it.Enjoy!
Warnings:Minors DNI,angst,heartbreak,cheating,divorce,slight violence from reader
Pairing:Shouta Aizawa x f!Reader
Word Count:890
You spent 4 hours in front of that damn mirror, second guessing ever accessory and gem in your hair before stepping away to look at the full length mirror. You stared at yourself, hopelessly fidgeting with your long purple dress. It was this beautiful sleeveless number with layers and ruffles that you bought for this specific occasion. It was your 6 year wedding anniversary to the one and only erasure hero. You wanted to surprise him with a fancy dinner and a walk through the park at sunset but he hasn't come home yet. You started to get worried. He should've been home a half hour ago. You pulled out your cellphone and dialed his number. You waited as it rang in your ear until it went to voicemail. Shota never lets you go to voicemail. That's when you decided to go and investigate. You got in your car and turned the key, peeling off in the direction of UA.
     Slamming the door to your car, you run through the gates frantically looking around the empty campus. The sun was already starting to set and from the looks of it, everyone had already gone home. Teachers included. So what was Shouta doing here? 'Maybe he's just grading papers and lost track of time? He's always talking about how a few of his students need have more trouble.', you thought to yourself as you took the familiar route through the halls to his classroom. As you came upon his door, you heard voices. You could tell that one of them belonged to your sweet, beloved Shota but you didn't recognize the second voice. You quietly pushed the door open just to have a tiny peek, just enough for no one in the room to be able to notice you. That's when you felt the metaphorical knife go through you. It was like being completely gutted from the inside out, your whole world flipping and turning inside out. Ms. Joke. There she was. On your Shouta's lap. You pushed the door open wide enough to be noticed but they were so busy swallowing each other's tongues that they didn't notice. Almost. Shouta felt your stare burning into the side of his head so hard that he turned slowly towards his door. His eyes were wide when they met yours but you couldn't even really react. All you could manage was to stare him in the face while you raised your left hand. Your eyes never left his as you slid the diamond ring off of your ring finger and gently placed it on Kirishima's desk before calmly walking away and out of the building. Aizawa chased after you, calling your name the whole way and you heard him. Oh, you heard him alright but you couldn't find it in you to care. Even as you got into your car and drove away, to have dinner alone, you felt nothing.
     You sat on the kitchen counter, pouring yourself a glass of 7 Moons red from the bottle you had bought for tonight. You scrolled through the many texts and voicemails that he had left you while you were at dinner. You had also stopped sharing your location with him which you were sure pissed him off to no end. Aizawa eventually made his way through the door and stared at you brokenly. You could tell just by looking at him that any resolve or determination he once had was completely demolished. "Listen I can explai-" You cut him off. "We're getting a divorce." Your statement is blunt, simple, and just that. A statement. No room for argument or persuasion. "Kitty Cat, please. It's not what it-" You cut him off yet again. "Firstly, you don't get to call me that anymore. It's (Y/N) to you. And secondly, it what? Wasn't what it looked like? Cause what it looked like was Ms. Joke sitting in my husband's fucking lap, making out with him when he was supposed to be home an hour ago for our goddamn anniversary dinner, Shouta!" You spit words like venom through gritted teeth. He stared at you with shame in his eyes. 'As he fucking should' You thought to yourself. "I deserve better than that and you fucking know it. So before I pack my bag to leave, I just want to know one thing." Your eyes never strayed from his scared face. You'd never seen Shota so fearful before this moment. He nodded. "How long?" He looked away from your eyes for the first time since he got home, begging for your mercy. "6 years to the date." Your blood boiled. You stood in shock for just a moment. "6 fucking years Shouta?!? You're fucking kidding me right? You've been cheating on me, your wife, the woman you married, for our entire marriage?! I can't fucking believe you. Honestly I fucking can't!" That's when you grab the expensive bottle of red on the counter and smash it over his goddamn skull. He clearly wasn't using the brain inside of it, anyways. You grab your purse deciding to come collect your things later, storming over to the door. As your hand is on the knob, door half open, you turn to Shota as he's groveling at your feet on the ground. "I should've fucked Mic on our honeymoon."
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sehunniepotwrites · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS. There are many things Mark Lee wants to do with you. He wants to walk you home. He wants to dive into the deep blue sea with you. He wants to go on a drive with you at his side. But mostly, this crazy, head over heels in love boy just wants to make it with you.
PAIRING. mark lee x fem!reader
GENRE. college!au, friends-to-lovers!au, tooth-rotting fluff, humor WARNINGS. beach setting, profanity, mentions of food
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters or concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work. © sehunniepotwrites, 2022
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Three weeks before your summer break ended, you drove Mark’s car to your university’s athletic complex on an early Saturday morning.  As you made the turn onto the campus’ main road, the dashboard’s screen lit up with a familiar name. A simple button press allowed you to answer the call while your eyes remained on the empty street. It was a warm summer morning after all. No one else would even bother coming to campus unless they had work or summer school. “Hello?”
“Hey, Sunshine! You on your way to campus yet?” Mark’s bright voice filled your ears. You wanted to laugh. If anyone were pure sunshine, it would be Mark Lee and not you. If only the boy realized it himself. 
“Yeah, I’m only a few minutes away,” you replied as you stopped at the red light. Just as you finished that sentence, you saw a couple of charter buses drive past you as the other light turned green. You grinned, knowing that Mark and your other friends were finally home. “Hey, you just drove past me!”
The sounds of material shuffling around echoed through the speakers and you knew Mark made for the closest window to catch a glimpse of you in his car. “Oh shit, you weren’t kidding!”
“Would I ever let you down, Marky?” you laughed as green flashed before you. Feeling the wheel slip in between your fingers, you continued your way across campus and followed the path the buses took. 
“Actually, you—”
“Finish that sentence and I’m turning this car around,” you joked as you pulled into the lot where all the buses parked. As you drove closer, you saw all the athletes disembarking and gathering their belongings stored in the compartments. 
Every summer, your university required all student-athletes to attend a two-month-long training camp at a high-class sports facility. Your school wasn’t the only one in attendance, many others were invited as well. It was something every athlete looked forward to and dreaded at the same time. They loved being in their own bubble and meeting other teams to form a sort of friendly camaraderie but hated the long hours of training this camp asked of them. By the end of the month, they usually came back to school exhausted but in the best shape of their life. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he said and you could almost see him saluting you. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Yeah, I’ll come and find you, I just have to park.”
“Don’t be so shocked when you see Marky, Squirt. He’s a whole-ass man now,” a voice other than Mark’s responded. Johnny Suh must’ve been his seatmate during the ride back. The outside hitter of the men’s volleyball team always found joy in butting into other people’s conversations. The tall guy could never keep to himself.
“Dude,” was the last thing you heard before the line went dead. 
Johnny’s sentence left you wondering what he meant. Why would you be shocked?
You found out soon after as you stood by buses, standing on your tippy toes to catch a glimpse of your best friend amongst the crowd of athletes. Johnny, being the tall giant he was, spotted you first. Your friend gave you a shit-eating grin as he exited the bus alongside Ten Lee, a member of the ice hockey team, and another friend of yours. It was funny how you were friends with so many athletes but did not carry one athletic bone in your body. 
“Hey there, Squirt,” Johnny teased as you approached him. God, if you had the skills and accuracy, you wanted to spike a volleyball right in his devilishly handsome face. 
“Shut up, you menace,” you said as you avoided his hand that aimed to ruffle your hair.
“Yo, Marky, I found her for you!” he yelled over his shoulder. Johnny bent down ever-so-slightly to whisper in your ear, “You’re welcome, by the way.”
“For what?” 
“You’ll see, young one,” Ten chuckled, pressing a little kiss to your head before dragging Johnny to find their duffles and gear they brought with them during the course of the summer. 
And see you did as the athlete you didn’t recognize as Mark popped into view. You caught sight of him from afar but dismissed him because there was no way that man was your best friend. His shoulders were broader than you had last seen him. His chest and arms filled out the shirt he wore so well. As your eyes raked over his bigger build, you could not pinpoint that the shirt he wore was the very shirt you gifted him for his birthday last year.
When Mark first received the present, his lean build made the shirt appear fashionably oversized. It draped nicely over his shoulders and drowned the rest of his body in the softest fabric with a design that was so undeniably Mark you couldn’t resist buying it for him. His arms were thin compared to the large holes in his sleeves, he looked nothing but cute in the shirt.
But now, the design of the shirt was stretched out against the wide planes of his chest. A line appeared down the middle, drawing attention to his pecs, you could barely take your eyes away from the sight. The only things that caught your attention were the arms Mark frantically waved in your direction. Although not completely hugging his biceps, you could see his arms taking up more space in the sleeves. You couldn’t even bring yourself to blink when his flexed muscles hauled his hockey bag behind his back. 
And his face. Dear God, his face was even more chiseled than before, amplifying the good looks others would swoon over.
If someone were to ask you before Mark left for the summer, you would’ve called him your cute friend. If they asked you the same question now, at this very moment, you would say that Mark Lee was fucking hot. 
“You look different,” was all you could say as he approached you. A snort came from beside you. It was another athlete scouring through piles for their own gear. To him, you probably sounded like a lovestruck idiot. That was what you would call yourself at that moment anyway. 
Mark paused a few steps away from you, appalled at the first sentence you uttered to him since his return. “Like a good different? Or a bad different?” With the way his voice tilted up at the end of his second question, you could tell your friend (and crush) was beginning to pick at his new appearance.
Your eyes scanned his body again, appreciating the way his shirt was so deliciously filled in all the right places and how the curve of his butt still stood out in the soccer pants that hugged his toned legs. “No, uh, it’s a good different. Yeah, definitely—definitely a good different.” Since when were you the type to stutter? 
“Oh, good. Cool, yeah, I mean cool.”
“Yeah, um, Johnny took me under his wing while we hit the gym during camp and he showed me a couple of things I could do,” Mark chuckled shyly, “I’ve got a solid gym routine now.”
“I mean yeah, it’s really working for you.”
“Y-yeah, you think so?”
Before your brain could spit out your big fat crush on your best friend, you quickly changed the topic and flashed a bright smile at him—the one that he called sunshine. “I’ve missed you, Marky.” You opened your arms for a hug and waited for him to approach. 
“Oh my god, dude, I’ve missed you so much,” Mark practically sighed as he dropped his bags filled with expensive gear just to pull you into him. Being in his strong arms, feeling his chest against yours, and smelling the fresh scent of his cologne set your heart and skin ablaze. You were so in your feelings that you couldn’t bring yourself to respond. Instead, you shut your eyes and wound your arms around his waist to press him even closer to you. “I’m so glad to be back.” His voice was low and raspy, his breath hitting the shell of your ear, as he said those words and it sent a shiver down your body. 
“Glad you’re back too,” you whispered into the crook of his neck.
A loud slap rang in your ears and you felt Mark wince in pain. The hit broke your contact with Mark as you both shifted to see who inflicted the uncalled-for strike. Your neighbor, Jeno, just laughed as he hauled his gear over a shoulder. A shoulder that appeared wider than the last time you had seen him. Summer did him good as well. But not as good as it did for Mark. 
“God, you two are disgusting. Just get together already,” Jeno chuckled as he walked by, playfully shoving your head into Mark’s chest. 
Instead of denying the chemistry Jeno insinuated, Mark simply said, “Bro, shut up.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Jeno ignored Mark’s comment. “See you lovebirds at the beach later?”
The local beach was around one and a half hours away. A small group of friends—including Jaemin, Renjun, and Chenle—left earlier in the morning to secure a spot at the beach. You and Mark were going to stop by his apartment so he could drop off his hockey gear and change into beach attire before heading over to the rest of them. The remainder of the ice hockey team as well as some volleyball, soccer, and basketball folks were coming as well. 
“Yup, see you later, Jeno!” you waved him off before leading Mark to his parked car. Tossing Mark his keys, he caught them in his hand with his swift reflexes. You got into the passenger seat a bit sulkily. Your friend had a newer model than your beat-up, hand-me-down car; you were going to miss taking his car around the city. 
As Mark put his belongings in the trunk, he bit back a grin to see your things already there. It was such a weird thing to smile at but seeing your things mingling with his felt so domestic and right that it just brought him joy. The hockey player slid into the driver’s seat and you were off. 
It took ten minutes to get to Mark’s place. His apartment complex was closer than yours, which was why you crashed there half the time during the school year. You were there so often that you left extra sets of clothes in case of emergencies—meaning unplanned sleepovers—and Mark even had an extra key made for you. You could’ve gotten Mark’s things on the way to pick him up but your best friend insisted that he wanted to drop off his hockey gear first. It made sense, seeing as how expensive his gear was. No one would want to leave a bag as valuable as that in the back of a car trunk.
“Wait here, I’ll be quick,” Mark said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Before completely sliding out of the car, he turned to face you with a shy expression on his face.
“What’s up, Marky?”
His face shifted from shy to determined, like he was hyping himself up to do something. You’d seen your best friend make that face many times in all the years you knew him—before a game, right before a test, or asking a girl out—but it didn’t make sense as to why Mark would do it at that moment. 
Light pressure on your cheek pulled you out of your inquisitive mind and back into the present. When you took a deep breath, the smell of clean, fresh laundry took over your senses followed by a whiff of his birch and eucalyptus shampoo that you used every time you stayed over. His shoulder brushed against your own as he pulled away. And that was when you realized what had just happened. Mark kissed you on the cheek. 
“What was that for?”
His eyes gleamed and his bashful smile widened. “Nothing, I just missed you a lot.” Leaving you no chance to reply, Mark slipped out of the car and slammed the door behind him. You watched as he ran inside, his hands slapping his reddening cheeks while he entered the building.
Mark’s unexpected action left you in a dizzying haze for who knows long, time slipping away while you replayed that moment over and over and over again in your head. Sure, he had done questionable actions to show affection before, like nuzzling his face in your hair or tugging you by the arm into a big hug, but Mark never went as far as kissing you on the cheek. He pet your hair, shouting “cute!” in the most endearing way with the other younger boys following his lead but a kiss on the cheek? Never been done before. But that didn’t mean you didn’t like it. 
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The hour-and-a-half drive to the beach didn’t feel so long to the two of you, not when you were shouting into a Bluetooth microphone you saved for road trips. Singing in the car with Mark was one of your favorite past times. Whether it was headbanging (and almost losing control of the car) to a hard rock song or slowing it down with an R&B track that showcased Mark’s husky vocals, you loved every second of it and wouldn’t do it with anyone else.
It didn’t take you long to find where your friends camped out for the day, their loud shouts carrying over the waves crashing into the shore. They were the biggest group on the beach, with three canopies and two smaller tents all huddled in a circle. You saw Johnny and Jaehyun’s surfboards sticking out of the sand, the boys standing right by them with their rash guards hanging loosely around their waists. Ten was controlling the music while Jeno and Jaemin tag-teamed on grilling the food. Your other friends were either lounging about in their chairs, drinks in hand, and you swore you could Donghyuck shouting at Chenle from the shallow end of the water. 
Jaehyun, noticing how much you were struggling to make it through the sand with all your bags, ran to help. “Shouldn’t Mark be helping you with these bags?”
You shrugged as you handed the heavier belongings over to the star basketball player. “He sent me ahead with all the snacks and said he forgot something in the trunk.”
“How was your summer?” 
You elbowed Jaehyun’s side with a teasing grin. “Boring without you by my side.”
Jaehyun chuckled, elbowing you right back. “Don’t let Marky hear you say that.”
It was a weird comment to make. “Why?”
The basketball player shook his head knowingly before throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you to his side. “Ah, that’s for me to know and you to find out, Squirt.”
“And when exactly will I find out?” 
You heard Mark’s voice yelling your name, causing you and Jaehyun to turn around. The boy ran through the sand towards you with a grin brighter than the summer sun, bags tangled in his grip, and an unknown item tucked into his side. Jaehyun released you from his grip and with a gentle shove in Mark’s direction, he replied, “Soon enough I hope.” Your friend went ahead with the rest of your belongings, leaving you to wait for Mark. What did Jaehyun mean by “soon enough?” Was there something you weren’t aware of? Was Mark keeping something from you?
“Sunshine! Look what I brought for us!” Mark pulled out the item pressed against his side to reveal a kite. Your heart swelled with joy and all the feelings you carried for Mark increased tenfold. In the past, you expressed that you always wanted to fly a kite but never had a chance to. It was something shared in passing, nothing memorable by any means. But the fact that Mark remembered that tiny, childlike wish you carried touched you.
Mark stopped in front of you, setting his bags down, to hand the kite over to you. He gently placed it in your hold, giving you the time to admire it.  Its design was simple, just a diamond with rainbow stripes and a matching rainbow tail, but it was beautiful. Your fingers ran through the tail of the kite, feeling the thin fabric slip through the cracks. The breeze picked up, causing the tail to go with the wind, and the childish excitement inside you bloomed. “Can we try it now?”
“Yeah,” Mark laughed at your how your eyes grew brighter and brighter with each passing second. “We just need to drop off the rest of the stuff first and then give it a go.” 
Your gaze never left the kite.
“You like it?” Mark asked.
You shifted your gaze to look him in the eye. “I love it. Thank you, Marky.”
Tucking it to your side, you picked up half of Mark’s belongings. You used your free hand to tug Mark, causing him to stumble in the warm sand. “Now, what are we waiting for? Let’s go already!”
Mark wiggled his hand in your hold, twisting it so your fingers interlocked like it was nothing out of the ordinary. You felt heat rising within you and it had nothing to do with the warm weather. There were little catcalls here and there as you approached your group of friends. Jaehyun and Johnny, the ones who started it all, snickered as you shot death glares at them. You shoved the rest of the belongings into their hands. “Here take care of this stuff, will you?”
You dropped your beach bag under a canopy, quickly stripped yourself of your outer layers, and grabbed the pretty kite once again. Mark wasn’t too far behind you, chatting it up with Renjun and Doyoung, who preferred to stay under the shade. Taking your place beside him, you smiled at the other two. 
“You ready, sunshine?”
“We’ll be back!” you called to Renjun and Doyoung, who simply waved you off.
Mark led you to the shoreline, your feet sinking into the damp sand. You bounced up and down as you waited for your next step. As you held onto the kite, Mark unwinded a bit of the line from the kite spool with certainty. “Now, there isn’t enough of a breeze down here for the kite to launch, so you have to make a run for it.”
“That I can do.”
“As soon as you feel like you’re fast enough, let it go and run back to me. I’ll do the rest.” At that moment, Mark sounded so reliable and it made you melt into goo. “Sounds good?”
“Sounds great,” you whispered back, nodding at him before you broke into a run. You felt the tension of the kite line as your speed increased. And when the wind made its way through your strands, you lifted the kite up in the air and let it go. Your eyes followed its every move as it made its way up, up, up high into the sky, the tail of it fluttering so pretty below it. 
Mark called your name, motioning you to come back to him as he angled the kite to fly above the water. In no time, you were back at his side. Wordlessly, he handed you the reel and you held it with two hands. Mark’s toned arms wrapped around you so that your back pressed against his built front. Every little instruction that he whispered to you brushed against a weak spot of your neck, sending the slightest tingle down your spine. At times, his large hands would land on top of your hands to help you control the reel. When no further instruction was needed, Mark didn’t back away. Instead, he just rested his palms on your hips and watched you as you continued to control the kite. 
You flew the kite for the majority of the day, only taking a few breaks to eat or dive in for a quick swim with your friends. The others invited you to play a round of beach volleyball but there was no way you wanted to go against Johnny or Yuta in the sport. That was a losing game and you knew it. Besides, kite flying was more relaxing than chasing after a ball in the sand. 
When the sun began to set and the temperature dropped, it was time to set up the bonfire. When the breeze picked up, Mark handed you his hoodie and insisted that you needed it more than he did. Plus, unbeknownst to you, your best friend always left an extra jacket in the car for you in case you got cold. He took hold of the reel as you slipped it on, smiling ear to ear as you covered yourself in his clothes. Mark liked the sight of you in his hoodie so much, he loosened his grip on the kite and the flimsy item was picked up by the wind. The spool dragged on, leaving a tiny path on the sand, as the kite continued to drift away.
“Oh shit!” He yelled as the two of you chased after it. The kite landed right in the water, floating along with the waves. You laughed at the ridiculous situation, stopping right where the water met the sand, while Mark ran full speed ahead into the ocean.
“Mark, hey! It’s okay!” You yelled but your best friend didn’t listen. “Just leave it!”
Determined to get it back for you, Mark dived right into now freezing water and swam towards the floating item. He fought the cold temperature that was prickling his skin and the seawater that got into his brown eyes as he reached out for the rainbow kite. Once he latched onto the tail, he pulled it towards him, hugged it to his chest, and led himself back to the shore.
You met him as he made his way out of the water, immediately draping his beach towel over his wet shoulders. His teeth chattered as he winced at the breeze that wiggled its way through his wet layers. Feeling him shiver against your side, you wrapped your arm around his shoulders and ran your hand up and down his side. “You idiot, why would you go after it? It’s just a kite. Now you’re gonna get sick.”
Mark tucked his wet mop of hair into your shoulder, lips brushing against the skin of your neck. “Because you love the kite,” he muttered.
“You’re a dummy,” you whispered back, leaving a little kiss at the top of his head. His free arm circled around your middle, drawing you closer to him. If it was anyone else, you would easily shove them away for dampening your dry clothes. But because it was Mark, you didn’t mind how the cold fabric tickled your skin. It was nothing compared to the way Mark clung to you. “Let’s get you to the fire.”
If Mark Lee was an endless ocean, you would easily dive into his embrace. And much to everyone else’s knowledge but your own, Mark would do the very same. 
If you were a siren, he would heed your dangerous call, no matter the risk. If you were the breeze that pushed the sails, he would go along with the wind. And if you were the bottomless sea, filled with the unknown, Mark Lee would willingly submerge himself into rough waters and dive into you.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. harvest break from work and school means i finally have time to relax and unwind by writing <3 i haven’t released anything mark lee related in a while and thought this would be a good time to drop a mark fic! please let me know what you think. proofread but i may have missed some things!
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2022
446 notes · View notes
daebakinc · 3 months
Dirty, Dirty Dancing Pt. 7
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A Dirty Dancing AU
Pairing: Yunho X Female Reader X Hyunjin (polyamorous relationship)
Word Count: 4.4K
Synopsis: The college campus where boyfriend, Yunho, is a visiting dance instructor seems like every other university you’ve visited until a secret party reveals it’s anything but. After a drunken mishap, promising dance student, Hyunjin, is left without a dance partner. Enlisted in helping him before a big audition, you begin to catch feelings for him. Can you help him and maintain a relationship with your boyfriend?
Part 1 Part2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
~Admin V
             Your nerves were starting to get to you again. Hyunjin and you sat in silence as he drove you both to the audition venue.
             The day before was a dress rehearsal as planned. Yeji brought you a dress slip that looked like a long tutu at Hyunjin’s request until Wooyoung showed up with the real deal. But the idea that you held Hyunjin’s future in your hands kept causing you mess up, despite Yeji and Yunho being there to help.
             It finally got to the point that Hyunjin called it an early day and told you to just relax and clear your mind before the audition.
             Even with Yunho making you a bath and dinner, your mind kept going over the steps in your head, music cues, how to hold your frame. If you weren’t thinking of that, the possible feelings you had for Hyunjin kept trying to come out, which you desperately tried to shove back down.  It’s just a job.
             In the car, you could tell Hyunjin was also nervous. His fingers kept tapping on the steering wheel. Luckily, he was agreeable to taking your car so he didn’t have to steal Changbin’s. Neither of you wanted to tempt fate or his anger by taking his car again.
             You tried summoning the gazebo practice in your mind. It was the best you’d ever done the routine. If you could just find a glimmer of that energy today, you were sure the two of you would nail the audition.
             Hyunjin pulled into a parking lot in front of a large brick building. After pulling into the spot, he just sat there, holding onto the wheel and looking straight ahead. He was much more nervous than you realized.
             “Hey,” your voice was quiet.
             He looked over to you.
             “You’ve got this. You’re an amazing dancer, and this audition will only be a glimpse into the talent you have to offer. You’re gonna blow them away.” You gave him your best encouraging smile.
             Hyunjin exhaled and nodded. After a breath he turned off the car and the two of you headed into the building.
             Though he seemed calmer, the tension was again building up in you. You weren’t the only ones auditioning and in the halls were other couples warming up and stretching. Were you trying to fight for his spot in the company?
             Once Hyunjin had signed in, he pulled you to a free space along the wall so you both could stretch before you’d be called in. He helped you adjust the dress to make sure you wouldn’t fall out of it and everything was in place. Were you imagining things, or was he holding his breath as he touched your skin?
             He seemed to have calmed down since being in the parking lot, but you were more anxious than ever. As he touched you, he could feel you shaking. His eyebrows pulled together in concern. “What’s going on in your head right now?”
             “Oh you know,” you adjusted a bra strap, ignoring Wooyoung's suggestion to go without, “just that I am holding your life in my hands with this audition and if I fuck up like I did most of yesterday, I’ve ruined everything for you.”
             His smile reached his eyes as he chuckled. He held onto the sides of your arms and rubbed them with his thumbs. “It’s not just you in there. It’s me, too. We’re in this together. It’s going to be just like when we were line dancing. There were lots of people there, but it’s just you and me to focus on. You’re also a talented dancer, you know.”
             Your eyes widened. “I am?”
             Giggling more, Hyunjin nodded. “There’s not many dancers who can learn a whole routine in three days and make it their own with little experience.”
             Smiling with him, you could feel some of the tension leave your body.
             His hands moved from your arms to your face. “You’re gonna wow them, too.”
             You couldn’t help but stare at him, looking deeply into his chocolate eyes.
             Before you could get too lost in the gaze, his name was called. It was your turn to audition.
             Standing in the middle of the room, your body started shaking again. Hyunjin was handing his music to someone, but when he saw your expression, he tried to give an uplifting grin.
             As he got in place behind you, you shivered while staring at the four people sitting behind tables with pens in their hands and stern expressions on their faces. They were going to watch for every mistake and write down every blunder.
             Hyunjin lifted your arm in place around his neck then whispered in your ear. “Forget them. It’s just you and me. Just focus on me.”
             His words seeped into your brain and his hand skimmed down your arm. Just focus on Hyunjin. 
While trying to center yourself, you’d forgotten to follow the music and count the steps. Hyunjin making you spin caught you off guard and when he pulled you back, you stumbled into his chest.
             Fuck. Now panic was setting in.
             Lifting your chin with his fingers, he made you look into his eyes. “Breathe,” he mouthed. “Heartbeat.” He ignored the routine and moved with you until you found the heartbeat. After a few steps, he brought you back into the counts with the music.
             Your body remembered the moves as you pressed against Hyunjin. It’s just you and me. Suddenly, you no longer cared about the judges, but felt the same energy as being with Hyunjin in the twilight on the gazebo. They didn’t matter as he touched you, or as you swayed with him. Your bodies rolling and your dress fanning out as you flowed into each step.
             That thrill of dancing with Hyunjin was back, and you couldn’t hide your smile when he dipped and caressed you to the music.
             The routine was building up to the drop at the end, but one of the judges coughed and pulled you out of the moment.
            Your gaze went back to the judges and their harsh expressions. Your mind wasn’t in the routine anymore. What if you squeaked when he dipped you?
             The music was almost at that point. Finally in a position where you were facing Hyunjin, you shook your head to indicate you weren’t ready; you couldn’t do the final dip.
             Looking a little bewildered, he kept dancing. When it came to the time to finish, he was in the motion of getting ready to drop you, but you quickly reached up and hugged your arms around him.
             He didn’t move at first, then his arms also wrapped around you.
             “I’m sorry,” you whispered.
             The music ended. That was it. The routine was over. You’d finished the audition.
             Hyunjin let go of you and pushed against you, so you both were facing the judges. Reaching for your hand, he thanked them and both of you took a bow.
             Your hand still in his, and thanking them again, Hyunjin pulled you out of the room.
             The two of you finally exhaled.
             You wanted to start apologizing again but before you could, Hyunjin wrapped his arms around you tightly.
             “Thank you.”
           Hugging him back, you couldn’t help but take is his flowery scent. “You’re welcome.”
           As you left the building, Hyunjin seemed more excited. It was hard not to feel the adrenaline coursing through your body.
           When you were in the parked car, he grabbed onto the steering wheel and let out a “whoop” sound. “Can you believe we just did it? It went so well! Did you see the looks on their faces when the music ended?”
           In truth, no, because you flubbed the entire ending. “But I didn’t do the drop.”
           “You worked hard! You really had it after you found the heartbeat. You did real good.”
           The fact that he wasn’t mad or upset with you allowed for you to smile and also feel excited with him.
           He smacked the wheel again. “What are you hungry for? I’m taking you to lunch to celebrate!”
           His enthusiasm was contagious and you couldn’t help but smile and laugh.
           Then he looked down at your clothes then his. “Well, maybe we can just change at school and get something from the dining hall.” The clothes belonged to the dance department, and if you or he ruined them there’d be a fee.
           “I think Yunho has a duffle in the trunk with some extra dance clothes.” Instead of getting out of the car, you crawled into the backseat and moved one of the seats forward to access the trunk. Reaching around, you felt the bag and pulled it into the backseat with you.
           You handed him a clean white T-shirt so he could change in the front seat, while you put on a less clean black shirt and Yunho’s sweatpants in the back.
           Once both of you were out of the dress attire, you crawled back into the front. “Ready if you are, Captain.”
           Somehow grinning wider, he brought the car to life and on the road.
           When at a stop light, he leaned over to turn on some music, then chuckled to himself.
           You stared at him curiously. “What?”
           His eyes were soft when he looked at you. “You smell like Yunho, wearing his clothes.”
           “Oh.” You put your face in the collar of the shirt to sniff it. “Sorry. I gave you the clean one. ”
           “It’s not bad. It just smells like him.”
           You watched him as he bopped along to the music with his eyes on the road. Who could’ve guessed this goof came from the ice queen you met a week ago.
           After a couple of songs, he pulled into a casual dining franchise. When you were seated, he insisted that you order anything you wanted.
           In the back of your mind was still disappointment in yourself for not doing the drop, but Hyunjin’s energy was hard not to mimic. He was like a little kid on a sugar high. He was so playful when he ordered his food, and smiling widely as he watched you order. But soon a new kind of disappointment washed over you; this was the last time you’d get to see him like this.
           The dance was over, finished. You’d done the audition, and there was no more reason to spend time with him. You’d never get to have his hands stroke your skin, or be close enough for his scent to invade your nose.
           “Hey.” The smile was still on his face, but you could see the concern in his eyes. “We’re celebrating, here. What could possibly be bringing you down?”
           You tried to bring back your smile, but it was a poor attempt. “I just realized that we’re not going to meet up anymore. We won’t dance together again. I guess I really liked dancing with you.”
           Instead of bringing him down with you, the grin widened on his face. “It doesn’t have to.”
           That’s piqued your curiosity. “How’s that?”
           “Well, I am a senior. I do get a spot in the senior showcase.”
           Taken aback, you had to tell yourself to close your mouth. “You want me to do the senior showcase with you?”
           He laughed. “I was going to ask you, but I figured we’d enjoy the buzz from the audition first.”
           “Ah,” you finally smiled back.
           “It won’t be an everyday, all-day thing like it was though. I am actually really behind on some of my final papers and projects and what not.”
           “I understand. I might have catering or dining hall things to attend to as well.”
           He nodded, the line of his lips showing recognition. With a serious expression, he lifted his hand towards you. “Partners?”
           Shaking your head because you couldn’t believe what a dork he was, you took his hand and shook it. “Partners.”
           Lunch was enjoyable and filled with easy chatter. The way Hyunjin stuffed his mouth with food until his cheeks puffed made him look like a dumpling, and it was so cute, you actually gushed.
           The mantra of it’s just a job was quickly evaporating. The job was over. And now he chose you for the senior showcase.  He wanted to dance with you, spend time with you. No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t shove aside the feelings anymore.
           In the car ride back to campus, the disappointment was coming back. It was going to be hard not to see him every day. And you knew the dance, how much practice would there really need to be?
           A lump was growing in your throat when he pulled into the parking lot.
           He got out of the car first, but you remembered the costumes and reached in the back for your dress and his shirt and jacket.
           Hyunjin opened your door for you.
           You lifted the clothes in front of you as you stepped out of the vehicle. “Do we hold onto these, or do we need to take them back to Wooyoung?” Were you going to wear them for the showcase?
           “I’ll hold onto them,” he even took your dress.
           There was a sudden awkwardness between the two of you. Hyunjin looked like he wanted to say something but was having trouble finding the words.
           Watching him patiently, your focus suddenly went to his lips. They were wonderfully plump. Gazing back into his eyes, you saw he was also looking at your lips, too. Did he want to kiss you?
           Both of you seemed to be moving in closer to each other.
           A breeze shook the leaves in the trees surrounding the lot, and wafted Yunho’s scent from his shirt into your nostrils.
           Realizing what you were about to do, you backed away from Hyunjin.
           He had also been caught up in the moment and backed off, clearing his throat to ease the tension. “I need to head down to the art studio to work on my portfolio. But I’ll see you around. I’ll message you about showcase practice.”
           “Yeah, you nodded quickly in agreement. “See you.”
           A knot was forming in your stomach. Yunho.
           Each step to the guest cottage felt heavier than the last. At least last time you had alcohol to help you. This time it would be all you, and you were so scared of hurting him. But you had to be honest with who you were and your feelings.
           It was late enough in the day that Yunho should've been finished with his last class, but you weren’t sure if he’d be home right away or stay to help with the showcase or pieces for their finals.
           He was sitting in the living space on his phone when you walked into the door. When he saw you, he jumped up with a smile on his face. “How’d it go? I thought I would’ve heard from you immediately after.” He took in your appearance. “Did something happen to the dress?”
           You felt awkward as you set your things on a side table. “I didn’t want to get it dirty. Hyunjin wanted to take me to lunch after because it went so well.”
           “It did?” Smiling wider, Yunho took you in his arms and spun around excitedly. “That’s awesome! Tell me everything.” He set you back down.
           “I didn’t do the drop, but other than that, it was good.” Try as you might, you couldn’t muster any enthusiasm.
           Yunho saw it. “What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happier.”
           It was now or never. “I have feelings for Hyunjin, real feelings.” Gods did it feel good not only admitting it to him, but to yourself.
           The relief was short lived as you watched Yunho’s face fall. This wasn’t the first time he’d heard you say these words, but you could tell it still shocked him.
           And now that the floodgate was open, all of your words poured out. “I know you said to think of it as a job, and I did, oh god, Yunho I tried. But the job is over and I’m sad. I don’t want it to be. I like him and spending time with him and I just don’t know that I can go a day without him.”
           There was a long silence between you. An array of different emotions crossed his face.
           “So, you’re saying after a week with him you want to end our years together?”
           “No!” Fuck, you weren’t explaining yourself well. “No, that’s not what I’m saying. I love you, so much. I love you more than anything.” You really wished you’d said more the night you were drunk. Tucking your hair behind your ear, you tried to collect your thoughts. “You’re the one I love and want to be with. But . . .”
           “But? You want him to be your sidepiece and for me to be okay with it?”
           Is that what you wanted? Wringing your hands, you couldn’t help but think that maybe you should’ve talked to Yeji beforehand to better explain yourself. “Maybe the three of us could be in a relationship? I think maybe I’m polyamorous. But maybe all of us could be.”
           “Polyamorous,” he repeated. He started to back away from you. “So, I’m no longer the one who holds your heart?”
           “It just means that my heart is so big it can hold you both. And maybe you two can hold each other’s, too.” You wanted to reach out to touch him, but he had moved too far away.
           A smile was on his face, but it held no joy. “That sounds like wishful thinking.”
           He was right and you knew he was. You’d been wishing there was more to the chemistry you saw between them when they danced so you could have your cake and eat it, too.
           “Yunho, I’m sorry this is coming out clumsy. I love you. I love you more than I can ever express. But you always encourage me to step out of my box and try to find more parts of myself and fully understand who I am.”
           “Yes, finding yourself, not other people.”
           You flinched. No matter what you said now, there was no walking away from this without someone getting hurt. “I tried telling you this before.”
           He scoffed. “So, this is my fault?” His hands gestured widely as his voice raised in pitch.  “That the last time you told me you liked Hyunjin and I told you it was just dancing in close proximity, I should have taken it more seriously?”
           “I’m just saying you could see something was there before.”
           His mouth fell open incredulously as he looked away from you. You could see the shock in his eyes and frustration in his jaw, as he closed his mouth in an angry grimace. “Yes, you’re right. Totally my fault for not anticipating the love of my life deciding she can love me and whoever the hell else she wants. Hey, polyamorous right? You seem close to Yeji, are we going to invite her into our relationship, too? You’re friends with Felix, maybe he should join. Don’t you feel guilty about fucking over Changbin? He should be with us, too.”
           “Yunho,” your lip quivered. “That’s not what I’m saying.” You couldn’t think of a time seeing him so angry. “I’m just trying to tell you how I feel.”
           “And how do you expect me to take it?” He was unsure of what to do with his hands, going back and forth from resting on his hips to crossing his arms. “Did you think it would feel good hearing I’m not the only one?”
           “I’m not trying to hurt you. But can’t you see holding this inside would’ve hurt me; denying who I am? Don’t I owe it to both of us to be true to who I am and explore what I’m feeling?”
           There was absolutely no expression in his face as he stared at you. He didn’t call you “baby” like he always did, but called you by your real name. “Then go explore them.”
           Straightening your back, you furrowed your brows in confusion. “What?”
           “Go find him and explore your feelings.” It looked like he was ready to cry.
           Tears welled in your eyes as you realized he was kicking you out. “Yunho,” you whimpered. “I love you. You know that I love you, right?”
           Shaking his head, he exhaled through his nose before looking at you. “Which is why I need you to leave. I don’t like the things I’m saying to you and there’s a million worse thoughts floating in my head right now. You wanna be with him? Then go be with him.”
           Letting tears flow down your cheek, you tried to keep yourself together. You didn’t want to leave him. But you also didn’t want to upset him more. It was clear he needed space. Gathering every emotion you could, you looked him in the eye. “I’m sorry.”
           As he looked at you, you could see the heartbreak in his eyes.
           Unable to bear it, you looked away, taking your phone and keys with you. When you were out the door, you slumped on the small porch and let yourself cry. This wasn’t what you were planning. Now you were scared you might’ve lost Yunho. You never wanted that. But this thing with Hyunjin wasn’t going away.
           Thinking of him allowed you to stop crying. You weren’t really sure what to do now. Should you go to Yeji? Surely she would be a shoulder to lean on. Should you confess to Hyunjin? You did almost kiss him earlier.
           Not really thinking, you started walking. Before long, you found yourself in front of the art building, then in front of his open studio door. The light was on inside and there was music playing.
           Peering in, you saw him in the corner looking over his art pieces. Seeing him made you feel calm again. There was also a new giddiness, allowing yourself to feel whatever it was you felt for him.
He looked up at you when you knocked on the door. “Can I come in?”
           He looked surprised, but nodded his head.
           Walking into the room, you felt better than when you left the guest accommodations.
           Hyunjin wasn’t expecting you and looked a little uncomfortable. “I was just looking through which pieces I want in the museum and for my final portfolio.” He looked over at a chair covered in his works and moved to clear them so you could sit. After you sat, he looked like he was about to turn off his music.
           “No, leave it on.”
           Looking back at you, it was clear he was unsure of why you were here.
           “I’m sorry about what happened earlier.”
           “Nothing happened earlier.”
           You sighed. “But it almost did. You see, with Yunho . . .”
           “Yunho is great.” He wasn’t looking at you as he sat at a table and rifled through his paintings and sketches. “He’s a great instructor. The way he helped me and is helping the others for the showcase . . .”
           “Yes. And I love him a lot,” you had to stop to exhale or you’d start crying again. “But it didn’t stop me from wanting to kiss you.”
           His eyes widened. He slowly took in a breath.
           You were starting to feel braver. “Hyunjin, I came here because . . .”            “No, the way he helped me, helped you, I don’t know that I’d ever have done that. Look at how I treated you when we first met. The only reason I changed was because of watching how he was with you.” His hand swept through his long hair. “The reason people treat me like I’m nothing is because I’m nothing.”
           “That’s not true. You, you’re everything.”
           “You don’t understand how it is . . . for someone like me. Before dance, I was couch surfing anywhere I could, doing dangerous and illegal things just so I’d have enough money to eat.” His stare was intense, trying to make you feel how serious he was being. “Sure, I got a scholarship which allowed me to come here, but if I had fucked up that audition . . . I’m bouncing on shit and quick as that I could be back on the streets again.”
           “No, that’s not the way it is. It doesn’t have to be that way.” You stared back at him in equal measure to make sure he understood your sincerity.
           He paused for a moment then shook his head. “I’ve never known anyone like you. You look at the world, you think you can make it better. Somebody’s lost, you find them. Someone break’s their leg . . .”
           “And I steal their replacement’s spot because you said I couldn’t dance.”
           “That took a lot of guts to call me out and then walk the walk as you did the damn routine.” He shook his head. “You’re not scared of anything . . .”
           “Me?” Did he forget about the pole dancing and fucking up the drop you were too scared to do when the time came? “I’m scared of everything. I’m scared that I still fucked it up for you at the audition. I’m scared that I just lost Yunho forever, because I told him,” you needed a moment to catch your breath and make sure your words came out perfectly.
           Hearing you mention Yunho, Hyunjin stood up and moved closer to you.
           “I’m scared of losing him, because I told him that I’m scared of walking out of this school and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.”
           Hyunjin was stunned speechless as he looked down at you.
           Your heart was pounding from the rush of finally making your feelings clear.
           The music on his playlist changed songs, making him look away and exhale. He was still at a loss of words.
           With him no longer looking you in the eyes, you let yours wander around the studio until they landed on the large, empty canvas he wanted to paint like Yves Klein.
           When you stood, his focus was back on you, and his mouth fell slack as you lifted your t-shirt off and tossed it aside.
           “What are you doing?” his voice was shaky.
           You nodded to the canvas, so he looked at it then back at you. A new confidence filled your veins. “Paint me?”
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╭₊˚ ๑︰Tegridy for the Soul
✧.* featuring: yn asking stan to take them to Tegridy Farms for some fresh herbs
✧.* tags: college au, drugs (weed) ✧.* Characters: stan marsh
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Come on, come on, come on. Gotta catch him before he’s gone. 
Bursting through the doors of Garrison University, I didn’t slow as I rushed down the stairs and into the parking lot. I came to an abrupt stop on the curb, my upper body jolting backward when my legs didn’t move forward. My eyes scanned the parking lot for any sign of the beat up pick up truck with a discolored door and rusted bumper. Once it entered my gaze, my eyes widened. 
My legs sprung into action, feet slapping the pavement as I sprinted towards the truck. I jumped forward as a car blazed past me towards the exit. I shouted an apology over my shoulder before turning back to the target. 
“Stan! Wait up!” I shouted, waving my hands in the air for him to see. 
I’d been trying to track down Stan Marsh for the past two weeks. We had a class together on Tuesday and Thursdays but by the time I finished packing my things away, he was gone. He’d told me that he drove home after class on those days to have dinner with his family, which is exactly where I needed to be. 
I slowed to a stop beside Stan’s truck, placing a hand on the side as I caught my breath, “Stan…are you…going home?” I said between gasps of air. Stan looked down at me with a raised eyebrow, sharing a look with his sister who stood on the other side of the truck. 
“Yeah. I usually go home after this class.” He said.
Perfect. Operation tegridy is a go. 
After catching my breath, I straightened up and faced Stan. Shelley stared at us from the opposite side of the truck bed, tapping her fingers on the metal with a bored look on her face. Shelley had always been someone who scared me. She just seemed so intimidating whenever I hung out with the guys or passed her on campus. 
I held up a hand to guard my mouth from her, “I have a secret favor to ask” I whispered to stan. Stan didn’t reciprocate the gesture. 
“What do you want.” He asked, leaning onto the side of the truck as he spoke. 
“Well,” I started, still covering my mouth, “I was hoping that maybe, possibly, I could hypothetically-” Stan cut me off with a sigh. 
“Dude, just say it.” He rubbed a hand over his face, trying to force the sleepiness out of his eyes. I frowned, dropping the hand. 
“I was just trying to lead with care but whatever. I was wondering if I could come with you to your house today?” I asked. A snort from Shelley drew my attention to the other side of the car. She was staring down at her phone but a quick glance up showed that she was definitely eavesdropping on this whole conversation. 
Stan was no as sarcastically amused. In fact, he didn’t seem impressed by my kind request whatsoever. 
“Why do you want to come to my family dinner.” He asked, arms crossing over his chest. 
Fuck, I didn’t think I’d get this far. 
I scrambled to find a response, mentally flipping through all the excuses I’ve used to get in or out of situations before. 
“Because we’re best friends?” My voice lifted at the end as if it were a question. To balance the uncertainty in my voice, I put on my best “please do this for me” smile and hoped for the best. 
“You told me yesterday that Butters was you ‘bestest friend forever’ and that you’re getting matching tattoos.” Stan retorted. 
“I just said that so he wouldn’t feel bad.” I said, clasping my hands at my chest, “You know how sensitive he is.” I turned my head to gesture towards Butters who was sitting at the bus stop with a granola bar and iced coffee in hand. He noticed my gaze and shook the granola bar hand in the air. 
“Hey, yn!” He shouted across the parking lot. 
I returned the wave and greeted him with a smile, immediately turning back to Stan, “See, I can't break that little guy’s heart.”
“Can we just cut to the chase, I’m tired and hungry.” Shelley complained, thumping a fist on the truck, “They want weed, Stan.” She grabbed her back and flung open the passenger door, lifting herself in and closing the door with a slam. 
Well there goes that plan. 
“Yeah, I want weed.” I quickly agreed, growing tired of my own persuasion. Maybe all I had to do was ask
Stan’s expression soured as he shifted his shoulder to face me.
“Are you fucking serious right now. You know how I feel about my dad growing that shit.” He said. 
We need to save this. Plan B GO!
I began to talk quickly, moving my hands for emphasis as I spoke, “I’m not saying I support your dad. I’m not saying your dad is a good guy. If he were to walk into a room, I would find the closest exit through which to leave the room.” I paused, hands frozen in the outline of my fake room, “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to try the weed though.” 
Stan and I stood there for a moment, sizing each other up. Me gauging how much Stan dislikes his father and him gauging how long I’ll bug him until I can get that tegridy special. Stan looked around the parking lot slowly, eyes moving but not looking at anything in particular, just moving as he thought.
Stan broke the silence as he stared at the statue of Dean Garrison,  “Will you say all of that to his face.” He asked, giving me a sideways glance. 
And we’re in. 
“Oh absolutely.” I said, forcing my face to remain serious despite the mental celebration happening inside of my head, “I’d probably be a bit more brutal. Just to see if I can permanently damage his psyche a little bit.” 
With a deep breath and a muttered phrase I couldn’t understand, Stan pushed off the side of the truck and faced me. 
“You can come with me on one condition,” He held up a finger, “You need to ruin him.” 
I nodded so fast I thought my head would fly off, “Of course. Consider it done.” 
“The more brutal you are, the more weed you get.” Stan said, turning around and opening the driver’s seat. 
“You’ve got backseat, dinner’s at 6.” He said over his shoulder before shutting the door. 
The smile I’d been holding back cracked through my face, splitting into a wide grin. My body began to move in an awkward celebration dance with just a little bit too much elbow. 
And THAT ladies and gents, is how you score some weed from you friend’s asshole father. I should do that more often-
“Are you coming or not?” Stan called from the driver’s side window, black hair pointing towards the ground as he leaned his head out. 
“NO, NO I’m coming!” I responded, practically throwing myself into the back seat and pulling the seat belt over my chest. 
Stan started the car, backing out of the spot before shifting into drive and beginning out journey to Tegridy Farms. Pulling out my phone, I sent a quick text to Craig, asking him for his opinions on Eric Cartman.
Randy Marsh has no idea that I’m about to ruin his god damn life. 
I am going to get so much free weed out of this.
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
stay a while, it's safe here
Rowaelin Month, Day 8: Single Parents
Word count: 3,070
Warnings: angst, references to past abusive and toxic relationship, big heavy emotions, few scattered swear words
A/N: I'm both apprehensive and ready to share this, because it is...heavy. it's angsty. it's not a fluff fic. it has been in the works for a while now, though, and being able to share it means the world to me, so thank you deeply if you choose to read :)
also, i'll be taking a few days off after this, partially because the fic drained me a bit and partially because i've just started a new semester of college classes and i have a big fat paper for constitutional law class that's gonna require hella research
You only feel it when it's lost Gettin' through still has a cost Quietly, it slips through your fingers, love Falling from you drop by drop
~ Hozier, "Who We Are"
Night had fallen over Doranelle when Aelin finally pulled off the interstate and slowed down as she drove up the ramp and turned into the slumbering city. The streets were nearly deserted save for a handful of other late-night drivers, probably travelers like herself, their vehicles chugging quietly through the gentle drizzle drifting from the skies. The light rain dusted a soft sheen of crystals all over the city; the drops glittered faintly in the yellow hues of the streetlights.
After what felt like an eternity, Aelin turned into the parking lot of a simple brownstone building whose sign labeled it "Mistward Hall Bed & Breakfast -- Your Home Away From Home." She found an open spot, parked her car, turned off the engine, and exhaled a soul-deep sigh of pure relief.
For at least a snatch of time, she was safe.
She glanced into the backseat, eyes locking on the small figure slumbering peacefully in the bright purple booster seat that had been installed in the car after multiple screaming tantrums. Four-year-old Alanna Galathynius was fast asleep, her mussed blonde curls squished against the side of her head where she'd leant into the carseat's headrest, her little button lips dropped halfway open as she slept.
"Mama will be right back, my little love," Aelin whispered. Grabbing her purse, she ducked out of the car, locked it, and kept one eye on the vehicle for the whole of the three minutes it took her to enter the B&B, check in, and return to the car, which was conveniently parked right by the entrance. Lana was still there, still peacefully asleep.
"Come here, little love," Aelin murmured, carefully unfastening her daughter's seatbelt and lifting the small child into her arms. "Shh, lovey, it's alright, Mama has you." She cuddled her daughter close, whispering softly to her as she took the overnight bags out of the backseat, arranged them so she could carry both the luggage and her daughter, and headed inside.
It was only a short walk to the suite where she and Lana were staying for a few nights, and Lana was still fast asleep when Aelin unlocked the door, entered the room, and laid her daughter on the smaller bed. Gently, she unfastened and took off Lana's shoes and jacket, slid the barrette from her unruly hair, and decided not to try and change her into pajamas. "You're safe, baby, I swear it. Rest now, Lana love," Aelin murmured. She kissed her daughter's forehead and tucked her into bed. Within fifteen minutes, she too was burrowed into the comfort of a warm bed, and sleep claimed her almost as soon as she had closed her eyes.
It started with a collision and a smile.
Aelin was twenty years old, a senior at Adarlan University thanks to AP credit and accelerated courses, and she was walking back to the campus apartment she shared with Elide, Lysandra, and Nehemia when she collided with a body that had come out of seemingly nowhere.
"Oh god! I'm so sorry," she gasped, stumbling over herself, her feet, and her words as she picked herself up and scrambled to collect the notebooks she'd dropped all over the sidewalk.
"No, no, it's all my fault for not paying attention to where I was going." The guy she'd just run into--a few inches taller than her, standard athletic build, brown hair, brown eyes, khakis and a fraternity polo shirt--offered her a charming smile. "I'm Chaol Westfall, and I have no sense of direction."
That got her to crack a smile. "I'm Aelin Galathynius, and I really need to look at my surroundings once in a while." She shook his hand.
They exchanged idle chatter for a few minutes before Chaol flashed another of those polished, charming smiles and hit her with the unexpected, but not unwelcome, question. "Could I have your number, Aelin? I know we've just met, but I really want to get to know you better. Maybe coffee? Lunch?"
The warm, tingly feeling of being appreciated and asked on a date spread through Aelin's limbs. "I'd like that," she agreed, typing her number into Chaol's phone. "I have an insane schedule, but I'm always free on Tuesday afternoons."
"Tuesday it is, then." Chaol's parting smile stayed at the front of her mind until their first date. Which turned into another date, and another, and studying at his frat house, and visits to her apartment, late nights and exhausted crashes and everything.
His only potential flaw was how oblivious he was to when she was really, deeply struggling. But Aelin hadn't spent years fortifying the barricades around her mind and memory for nothing.
She graduated, and he was there for her, smiling his whitened smile and holding her close to his side, the perfect proud boyfriend. She got a job in the city, and he offered to let her move into his townhouse, even declined her repeated attempts to contribute to the rent. Let me take care of you, he insisted.
Being young and foolish and fancying herself in love, she'd acquiesced. Lost in the throes of young love, of first love, she hadn't recognized the warning signs until it was too late.
"What do you mean, I shouldn't drive myself to work?" Aelin literally couldn't understand where Chaol was coming from. "Babe, I've been driving myself around in this city for years, and everything has been perfectly smooth and safe and fine."
"You don't understand, Aelin, babe," he sighed, rubbing one hand over his face in what appeared to be worry. "The crime downtown, it's grown so massively in these last few months--there was a goddamn scene only a few blocks from your office last week!" He grasped her hands, running his thumbs soothingly over her knuckles. "I can't keep going through my days wondering if you'll leave work and find your car stolen or broken into or compromised and if you'll never make it back home." The anguish in his voice, in his face, was so convincing.
She stepped closer and looped her arms around his neck. "I can change my parking permit to one for the garage. It's not that much more expensive, and it's definitely safer than street parking."
He shook his head, pulling her closer as if in protection. "It's still not enough, babe. I...I need to drop you off and pick you up, otherwise I'm afraid I'll go fucking insane."
"Babe," she whispered, sympathy glowing in her still-innocent eyes, "is that the only way you'll feel safe?"
"Yeah," he murmured.
Aelin exhaled deeply, choosing to cede this battle. "Alright. You can be my chauffeur."
"Thanks, babe." He kissed her gently. "It's for the best, it really is."
For a while longer, she believed it.
A little over a year after she moved in with Chaol, Aelin went out with Lysandra and came home to an empty house, which made her stop for a moment. For as long as she could remember, Chaol had been home whenever she returned from going somewhere, or he'd been the one going with her, so he was there with her when she returned. So, the empty house threw her for a loop.
As did the lingering stench of cheap beer.
Still, like she'd become accustomed to doing, Aelin texted her boyfriend once she'd set down her purse. I'm home, babe. Simple and direct, the little heart punctuating the sentence a reminder that she was there and waiting for him.
He didn't respond.
It was late, later than she wanted to be awake, when he half-stumbled through the front door, the faint but unmistakable sheen of alcohol glazing his eyes.
"Hey, babe," she greeted him, tentative.
He blinked, slowly adjusting to his surroundings. "Aelin? Babe? Where are you?" His speech was clearly enunciated--perhaps he wasn't that drunk after all.
"Right here," she responded, coming to stand in front of him. "I texted you when I got home, just like you want."
"How long were you'n Lys out?" The question was casually asked.
She shrugged. "Oh, probably longer than we meant to be, but I haven't seen her in ages since we've been so busy, and I--ah!"
The sharp, burning sting of his palm across her cheek stunned her into silence.
He stared at her with huge, disbelieving eyes. "I'm so sorry, babe," he breathed, immediately folding her into his arms and spilling apology after apology. "I'm so sorry. I think I'm drunk, I don't know why I did that, god I'm so sorry, babe." He went into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer, wrapped it in a towel, and settled it gingerly against the blazing red imprint on her cheek. "I'm so sorry," he repeated.
She believed him when he said that, too. She kept believing him the next time, and the next time, and the next time. He loves me, she told herself as she concealed the bruises with artistic makeup and stylish clothing. He isn't himself. He's drunk.
Are you sure he isn't himself? pushed a tiny little voice in the back of her mind. Or are you just believing him because he'll hurt you worse if you disagree?
She told that insidious, dangerously true voice to go fuck itself. Even if it was right, even if she was making excuses for a boyfriend who was a completely different man now that he was when she'd met him two years ago, he was still her boyfriend, and he still loved her. He said so himself.
Then she found herself pregnant, and everything changed.
Aelin had resisted telling Chaol she was pregnant for as long as she possibly could, both out of fear that he would react badly and out of her lingering worry that she had inherited her mother's fertility struggles and might lose the pregnancy. When she made it to the second trimester, though, she couldn't wait any longer, and she told her boyfriend. She was terrified, shaking with nerves the whole time.
Chaol was floored with shock, but he reacted surprisingly well. He swore that he'd clean himself up, that he'd stop going out to clubs and bars and parties with his old frat brothers, that he'd become the man and father he needed to be.
Pretty words. Empty lies, all of it.
At six months pregnant, with her heart just about ripping out of her chest, Aelin broke up with Chaol and moved out of his townhouse into Elide's apartment. He'd tried to sober up--for about two weeks, and then he'd chosen the party life over his girlfriend and unborn child. He'd come home wasted out of his mind. He'd...he'd hurt her, and he'd been completely callous to the horror that he could have hurt the baby.
So she left.
And he followed.
He followed her to work, where he cajoled her with pretty, plaintive words to come back home. He followed her to her new neighborhood, where he pleaded with her not to cut him off from the girl he loved. He followed her on her errands, where he listed all the reasons he was sorry and how he'd do better if she just gave him one more chance. He followed her to the doctor's office when she had ultrasound appointments, where he begged her to keep him in the baby's life.
It took Lorcan Salvaterre--Elide's huge, hulking, and honestly rather terrifying boyfriend--to convince Chaol to stay the fuck away from Aelin, who clearly didn't want to see him any more.
A month before Lana was born, Aelin left Adarlan for good, telling no one, and flew back home to Orynth. She changed her phone number, her email address, deleted her rarely-touched Instagram account, bought a new laptop and wiped the old one clean before discarding it. Her cousin Aedion gave her his spare room, no questions asked, and provided the steady, stable support she needed during the last month of her pregnancy, through her birth, and through her recovery.
Over the flurry of months that turned too quickly into years, Aelin found herself slowly healing, the cracks in her fragile heart repaired with the love of her family and friends and the all-consuming love she bore for her daughter. She grew more secure; she laid aside the tension and anxiety that she'd turn around one day to find Chaol behind her, ready to barge back into her life and steal everything she'd come to love.
She should have known that he would hold a grudge.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" The words spilled out of Aelin in a breathless gasp.
Standing opposite her in the parking lot of the grocery store, Chaol lifted his hands to placate her. "I'm not here to cause any trouble, babe."
"Like hell you are." Her vehemence came as a surprise. "I'm not falling for your bullshit lies anymore, Chaol. Why are you here?"
His face hardened. "You've kept my daughter away from me for years, and you have the fucking nerve to ask me what I'm doing?" He laughed coldly. "She's mine too, Aelin."
"She will never be your daughter," Aelin hissed. "You forfeited any claim you might have had when you...when you ab-ab-abused me." The last words came out in a halting rasp.
"Don't be dramatic," he condescended. "I admit I've had troubles with anger management, but I would never consciously hurt the girl I loved, and I'd certainly never abuse her."
Her jaw slacked in disbelief. "You are such a liar," she breathed. He isn't worth your time, her inner voice reminded her, and so she breathed deeply and ended the interaction. "Go home, Chaol. Don't you ever step foot in my personal space again."
Chaol followed her to Aedion's house, because he just didn't know how to stop or when to take no for an answer. He stayed outside the house, too smart to pull into the driveway and trespass on private property, but too stubborn to admit defeat.
"I'm terrified, Aeds," Aelin admitted after dinner, curled up in a tight, tense ball on the couch. "He just...he's not going to just disappear."
"He will if I make him," Aedion growled. "Bastard."
"Language," she chided, shooting a sharp look at Lana, who was happily throwing foam blocks around the living room. "That's all kinds of illegal, Aeds."
"Legal and illegal don't matter when your probably-psychotic ex is stalking you, Aelin."
She was quiet, knowing that her cousin spoke the truth. "I won't let him force me to run."
"But you want to leave, anyway."
"Yes." She nodded, firmly. "Only for a little while. It'll be like a vacation, just me and Lana. It'll leave you and your...friends...free to handle the Chaol situation."
He propped his chin on one fist and latched his solemn gaze onto hers. "Are you sure, Ae?"
"I am." Despite the deep-seated fear glimmering behind her veil of conviction, Aelin's voice was strong.
"Okay." Rising, Aedion wrapped Aelin into a breath-stealing hug. Just soft enough for her to hear, he whispered one word into her ear.
The mountain city was just over 500 miles away. It had been on Aelin's vacation bucket list for years, and she'd never made it out there.
"Here." He scrawled a phone number on a piece of scrap paper. "One of my buddies always rattles on about this place."
"Okay." She gave him a hesitant but genuine smile and headed down to her room to pack and make a reservation.
Rowan had the night shift at the B&B that week, because he had stupidly gone and agreed to switch shifts with Enda. Lesson learned: never trust a man who says he prefers stay-home nights. Most guests came in and out during the daytime and early evening hours, though, so he didn't entirely mind the night shift. It was just a pain having to stay half-awake in case he was called to the front desk.
As if the thought had summoned it, the buzzer went off. Rowan suppressed a tired sigh and walked out to the reception desk, sliding a toned-down version of his customer service smile onto his face. That smile morphed into something damn near awe when he saw the impossibly beautiful woman waiting at the front desk.
He shook himself out of that highly unprofessional thought. "Hello."
"Hi." Through her exhaustion, the woman could barely muster a tiny hint of a smile. "I'm here to check in. Aelin Galathynius?" She held out her driver's license and credit card.
He typed the name into the computer and nodded. "Three nights, yes?"
"Perfect." He checked her ID. Aelin Galathynius, a poetically lovely name fit for such a stunning woman. "Do we have permission to keep this credit card on file for incidentals for the duration of your stay?"
"Thank you." He typed something else. "All right, Ms. Galathynius, you're all checked in." He passed back her ID and credit card and handed her a key--a real metal key. "You'll be in room 203."
"Thank you." She offered him another tiny, tired smile and went back out to her car. In a handful of minutes, she reentered, pulling two suitcases and a toe bag behind her. And carrying a fast-asleep little girl with the exact same hair and face structure as hers.
Rowan had seen a vast myriad of travelers passing through the B&B throughout the years his family had owned the place--families, single people, friends, students, commuters, the list was endless. He liked to think he'd grown proficient at reading the stories on the travelers' faces as they passed through; he liked to imagine what could have brought them to scenic, picturesque Doranelle.
The woman--Aelin--the exhaustion on her face and the tender protectiveness with which she cradled her child told a story Rowan had never wanted to see again. Hers was a story of pain that followed in her footsteps, but also of the incredible strength it took to push forward and of the powerful love she clearly had for her child.
He didn't know Aelin. He doubted he ever would know her, other than as a guest passing through the Whitethorn family's B&B.
In that moment, though, Rowan knew that he would do anything that that woman wanted, whether his actions would be known or not.
Even make the demons from her past disappear.
"Stay a while," he whispered after Aelin had gone upstairs. "It's safe here. You are safe here."
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ptersparkers · 2 years
scenes from a diner (three)
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summary: a small diner off of a freeway exit becomes a sacred meeting place for you and aaron hotchner.
notes: at this point, this lil series is just me living in my own head. some of you asked to be tagged so i hope you enjoy! x
warnings: typical criminal minds violence and typos, probably. 
series masterlist
“No way,” comes Betty’s voice from the other end of the line. 
You’re sitting in your office on campus, waiting for your next meeting with a student. Betty’s also a PhD candidate (albeit in a different department), but she’s not on campus today. It’s one in the afternoon and you know she gets off of her shift in an hour. It mustn't be busy if she’s able to hold a conversation with you. If there’s one thing you hate about Betty, it’s that she doesn’t have any classes on Friday. 
“Yes way,” you reply, putting your head between your hands. 
While you didn’t end up dreaming of Aaron when you fell asleep, he was your first thought when you woke up and you were sure you were going crazy. You remembered the way he looked in his button up, the way he loosened his tie, and the way he walked you to your car when the night ended. You could see him through your rearview mirror as you drove out of the parking lot and it took everything inside of you to keep driving. 
“He’s such a gentleman,” Betty says through the phone. She sighs for dramatic effect and you can hear faint chatter and the bar music in the background. “God, your life is literally a Nicholas Sparks book.”
“Hey, I’m not complaining. I’m seeing him again today.”
“Shut up,” Betty squeals. “Like, are you guys going on a date?”
“We’re meeting back at the diner,” you explain. “We haven’t even exchanged phone numbers, Betty. I don’t think we know each other well enough to go on a date.”
“That’s what dates are for,” she emphasizes. “To get to know each other. You know, like dating.”
It’s easy to lose yourself in your daydreams, particularly when Aaron’s involved. This is all so new to you; the idea of a perfect gentleman entering your life seemed like it would happen to anyone but you. Your ideas of romance from your childhood bring themselves to the forefront of your memory and you find your mind wondering about what could be. 
Even with Betty’s encouraging comments and Aaron seemingly interested in you, you’re a bit shocked that this seemingly fairytale-like chance encounter happened to you. You’ve never felt quite in your own skin when it comes to relationships and have had your fair share of moments where you’ve quietly stepped off to the side because people have approached your friends. The awkward high school days of watching your friends experience their first dates, kisses, and romances have never been lost on you. People chalked it up to being a late bloomer, but a small voice in the back of your head told you otherwise. Aaron wanting to spend time with you just as much as you wanted to spend time with him is a strange feeling, but it’s not unwelcomed.
You hum. “I guess. But it was really late and we were both tired. At least one of us said something.”
“I will beat your ass if you don’t get his number this time,” Betty says. “I’m serious, Y/N. This could very well be the start of something great. Magical, even.”
Oh, Betty. She’s a romantic. 
“We’ll see,” is all you offer. “Sometimes I feel so awkward around him. Did I mention that he works for the Behavioral Analysis Unit?” 
“No way! Isn’t that what you’re studying for?”
“Close,” you chide. “I don’t think I want to work for the FBI but they use a lot of analytical tools that I’m writing about for my dissertation.”
“If that isn’t reason enough to jump his bones, then I don’t know what is,” Betty replies. “It’s like the universe pushed you two together for a reason. He catches bad guys and you can pick his brain.”
“I don’t know about that. We spent most of last night working anyway.”
“At the same table,” Betty points out. 
“We somewhat got to know each other. He told me he's from Seattle and moved to D.C. to escape the rain.”
“I don’t blame him,” Betty says. From the way she tuts, you can tell she’s grimacing on the other end. Betty’s not a fan of heavy downpour. 
“He asked about my family,” you say quietly.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
 “It’s okay,” you reply with a shrug. “I mean, he didn’t know.”
“Yeah, but after years of hearing you talk about people asking you about your family out of the blue, I can imagine it gets hard.” 
“You’re not wrong.” 
You hear a knock at the door and see your next appointment pop their head in and you motion for them to come inside. 
“I’ll call you later,” you say, hanging up the phone when she makes a point to tease you about Aaron once more. 
You push your feelings aside for now. 
By the time it’s three o’clock, you’re walking into the diner. It’s a bit more packed than usual for a Friday afternoon, but you pay for a cup of coffee (Jade, your least favorite former coworker, is working the register and she makes you pay for all of the coffee you consume) before taking a seat at the next available booth. Another waiter you don’t recognize brings you your coffee and you politely thank him.
You decide not to pull out the stack of papers you have left to grade. While waiting for Aaron, you absentmindedly scroll through your phone (Instagram is your favorite way to pass the time) and make a mental note of things you need to buy from Target when the weekend approaches. It’s a long list and you grimace when you think about how much money you’ll eventually be spending. 
It’s fifteen minutes past three and you’re starting to worry. You figure he’s running late from a meeting or something else of equal importance, but you sit anxiously in your seat that has become warm. 
You curse yourself for not asking for his phone number last night. You rationalize that Aaron had been the one to ask to see you again, and that has to mean he genuinely wanted to see you again, right? Another ten minutes goes by and you’ve become a little annoyed at his lack of appearance and stare at everything between the kitchen and the people sitting in the booths. You look ahead at the entrance with every chime of the doorbell and you’re constantly disappointed when you don’t see a pristine suit-wearing gentleman walk through the doors. 
You try not to let your insecurities get the better of you, but your mind flashes back to every instance where you felt like you were short from being the girl people wanted to get to know. It’s hard to think otherwise when it seems like everyone meets the love of their life while you’re forced to watch from the sidelines.  
Rudy walks by your table a minute later and he shoots back to you when he passes your spot. 
“Hey, kiddo!” Rudy greets. You give him a closed-mouth smile and try not to let your disappointment show. He’s holding a few dirty plates in one hand and fishes inside of his shirt pocket for a small white card and hands it to you. 
“What’s this?” you ask. 
“Aaron stopped by the diner a little bit ago and said he had to leave town,” Rudy explains. “He told me to give that to you when you came.” 
Rudy leaves after you take the card from him and you sit back in your seat with a small frown. This must be the intense workload Aaron talked about. 
You see the FBI’s insignia on the card, as well as his office’s phone and extension. You’re apprehensive about whether or not to give him a call because you don’t want to bother him while he’s at work, but if Aaron told Rudy to give you his business card, it must mean he wants to. That’s what you rationalize to yourself. 
Frankly, you sit with the card in your hands for a few minutes, trying to come up with the best plan of action (which you realize is useless, considering nothing bad will come out of calling the number). Would it be rude of you to call him while he’s at work? Is he expecting you to call him? What if he gave Rudy his card so he’d never have to face you again?
You realize the last thought is just your fear of rejection talking, so you dial his number and his extension. It goes to voicemail. 
You wonder if you’re bothering him by calling him. Maybe he declined the call because he was busy. Or maybe he didn’t have his phone on him. Maybe he didn’t want to talk to you at all. You try to push self-deprecating thoughts out of your head. 
His email sits below his phone number and you pull out your laptop and craft a message before you can think about it.
I hope you’re well. I’m sure receiving this email from me is going to come off as a bit strange, but I figured you might expect one from me since you told Rudy to give me your business card. I tried calling your office extension but it went to voicemail. So email it is. 
Anyway, hi! I’m currently sitting in the diner and it’s a bit more crowded than I anticipated. The coffee’s burnt, but I suppose that’s what diner coffee is. 
I’m not sure where you are but I’m going to assume you’re in a meeting or working, and you can’t step away from your office. It’s okay, though. I’ll have enough coffee for the both of us. 
Best, Y/N’
You reread the email and change the structure of each sentence before ultimately deciding that there’s no “perfect” message you could send him. It reads decent enough, less formal but more formal than familiar. You type his email, double check that you typed it currently, and send it. 
You choose not to obsess over your inbox to see if he emailed you back. Instead, you get to work and keep your promise about drinking coffee for him and for yourself.
Betty’s on her way to your apartment after a brief agreement to go out on a Friday night. 
Before she arrives, you check your email once last time. It’s been gnawing at you all afternoon and you’re pleasantly surprised that you made it two hours without checking your inbox. The anticipation gets to you as you sit on your couch with your phone in your hand, and your heart leaps out of your chest when you see his name.
I’m well, thank you for asking. I’m sorry about standing you up today - my team and I had to travel out of state for a case we got called into. Part of the job intensity. Sorry again.
As for your email, I don’t think it’s strange. Happy to hear from you, especially since I left you stranded at the diner (again, I apologize). I hope the coffee was as good as can be and that you got some work done. 
I’m not sure when I’ll be back, but I’d love to get a cup of coffee with you soon.
All the best, Aaron’
You feel your cheeks heat up. You’re slightly disappointed that you didn’t see Aaron today but your worries are put to rest when you realize he was preoccupied with work. You know it’s presumptuous of you to think he might be blowing you off (considering neither of you know each other that well), but it makes you feel better nonetheless. 
You type out a response.
All is forgiven. I hope you and your team make it back safely. No need to apologize. 
Phew! Glad to hear that you’re not weirded out. I typed out a million drafts before deciding to just send you an email…I think Rudy could tell I was overthinking it. I don’t mean to bother you at all. 
As for coffee, I’d love to. 
Looking forward to it, Y/N’ 
You send the email and close your phone when Betty texts you that she’s on her way up. Feeling bold, you unlock your phone and reply to your previous email with your phone number and tell him to give you a call or text you when he has the time. 
Betty’s knocking on your door and you can already smell the scent of Thai food from behind it. Aaron’s email is long forgotten when you dig into the meal and the both of you decide that, after this long and strange week, it’s the perfect opportunity to pretend you have the energy to party like undergrads again.  
It’s nightfall when you and Betty find yourselves in a familiar bar near your apartment. The bartender, Mike, seems a little too interested in Betty and keeps supplying the both of you with free drinks. It’s enough to make your head spin in the best way and Betty’s not exactly denying the attention either. 
You’re on your third drink (not including the shots you took at your apartment) when your phone rings. The both of you are sitting in a relatively quiet part of the bar, so you don’t make the effort to walk outside to take the phone call. When you look at the contact, you don’t recognize it.
“Hello?” you say into the phone. 
It’s Aaron.
Oh God, it’s Aaron. 
You aren’t sobering up any time soon, that much you know for sure. You’re still dizzy, even though you’re sitting on a stool and your back is against the wall. Betty’s at the bar, flirting with Mike and trying to get the next round for free (again) as you’re finishing your drink from the little plastic straw. You know you’d spill on yourself otherwise. 
“Hi,” is what you offer. Your inebriated brain can’t handle your awkwardness. “Oh my God, hi Aaron.”
Did your voice go up two octaves?
Aaron chuckles from the other side. 
“Hi, Y/N.” God. The way he says your name makes you swoon. “I wanted to call and apologize for standing you up.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you say a little too quickly. “It’s fine, really.”
“I feel bad that I wasn’t able to tell you before I left. It got a little crazy at work.”
“I’ll bet,” you reply. You finish your drink and can hear the slurping of the ice.
“Are you out?” Aaron asks, amused. You’re sure you can hear the teasing tone in his voice and you know you’re going to hate yourself for being drunk while talking to Aaron on the phone when you wake up.
“Me and Betty are at a bar near my place,” you say, slurring your words. “I had two drinks, no three? Plus a lot of alcohol at home.”
Aaron’s laugh is deep and it sends you into a wave of pleasure. 
“Betty?” he asks.
“My best friend,” you explain. “Since I moved to D.C.”
“I hope you and Betty are having a great night,” he muses. “Can’t say the same for me, though.”
You pout. “Why not?”
“Too much stress,” he says. “Nothing I can talk about right now, but let’s just say I’ll have my fair share of paperwork when I get back.”
“All the more reason to see you at the diner, Aaron.” 
Oh God, were you flirting? 
You hear Aaron chuckle. His laugh is so attractive, but you don’t tell him that. 
“Sure is,” says Aaron. “I anticipate being home in a few days. Maybe we can meet at the diner when I’m back?”
“I would love that, Aaron.” 
You don’t know what you hate more, the fact that you can’t stop saying his name or the fact that he clearly knows you want to see him. Your drunk-mindedness doesn’t let you linger on it for too long. 
“I’d love that too.” 
You see Betty approach the table with two glasses in hand. 
“Who’s that?” she asks. 
“Betty, I presume?” Aaron asks from the other line. 
“Yes,” you say as Betty raises her eyebrow in confusion. You turn to her. “It’s Aaron.”
“Like, hot Aaron?” she squeals. You pull the phone away from her and your cheeks redden. You pray that Aaron didn’t hear that. 
“Betty, please shut up,” you plead. Betty just laughs and takes another sip of her drink, pushing yours in your direction. You put your phone back to your ear. “I’m sorry, Betty’s a chatterbox when she’s drunk.”
“You’re one to talk!” Betty exclaims from beside you. 
“It’s okay,” Aaron laughs. He doesn’t let you know that he heard her comment to save you from embarrassment. “I’ve gotta go, but I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Aaron,” you hiccup. 
“Get home safely, Y/N. I’ll see you soon.” 
taglist: @darkenwolfie @ssamorganhotchner @realdirectionx​ <3
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strugglinguist · 1 year
Friday was my first time attending and speaking at a conference in person since becoming physically disabled. My mobility has changed/worsened rather dramatically this year, which was only one of the things I was trying to anticipate so that I would do well throughout the day and not hurt myself.
The good news is this conference took place at the university ten min down the road from my house. Easy enough! I knew from checking maps that where they had us park meant a bit of a walk to the building. I left an hour for me to take as many breaks and whatever I would need. Also I get overheated so easily, I wanted time to cool down before anything got started.
When I actually got there, I realized that part of campus is essentially a gigantic hill! I walked out of the parking garage (with my forearm crutches) and looked UP at campus. Along that stretch there were two or three covered stairways up this hill. I laughed OUT LOUD at the idea of what would happen if I attempted that. They’d find me dead half way up or I’d have to move in! 😂 I knew the building was essentially on the other side of the hill, so I could get there by just walking around said hill. This meant slightly more walking than I anticipated, but that’s why we planned!
I have now checked just how far this walk was. It was a legitimate half mile. I was able to walk a mile in like… March or April of this year? But I have not been able to do that at all since. So shout out to my newest med for allowing me to do that with only two breaks. I definitely could feel the soreness as I got to the building. I was tired. But I did it. I cooled off and the conference went off without a hitch! I made it through 7 hours of constantly on social interaction, intense linguisting, and a presentation just fine. Boss! I know. I know. 😉
After the day, we were all going out to dinner a few blocks away. We all needed to move our cars, so I knew that meant I was repeating that big walk again. And now I was tired tired. I made it, but it was incredibly difficult. I basically worked my legs to failure. They started to be shaky and twitchy, and they got really heavy and difficult to coordinate. But I made it to my car!
I had to park at the far corner of the block from the restaurant, and I seriously was considering just going home. But I knew people were expecting me, and I pushed through. And dinner was lovely! I was definitely very peopled out by the end, but the food and conversation was excellent! And then I just slowly drug my tired body back to the car, drove home, and willed myself up out stairs.
Once I landed on the couch, I couldn’t walk the rest of the night. I relied on a rollator and went to bed rather soon. I’m really proud of being able to do that day. I’m also very aware just how different my body is these days compared to last conferences or even earlier this year! But I did it. And I’m definitely sore, but I’m getting around pretty well today. I’ll be back to baseline tomorrow I think.
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 2 months
Cold as Ice - Chapter 40 - Part 1
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Wren Ridley
Ever since Landon showed up in my dorm room on Sunday night, the two of us didn't spend a night apart.
Whether we were sleeping at his dorm or mine, we were always together.
I even drove him to therapy on Wednesday afternoon after a slight argument about it.
He didn't want me acting as his chauffeur but it was no bother to me.
I drove him to practice afterward, kissing him lightly as he got out of my car.
"Have fun at practice my Angel," I said as he grabbed his bag from the back seat.
Landon scoffed but I could see the blush rising on his cheeks.
He acted like he hated terms of endearment but I had been trying different ones to see what stuck and he blushed every time.
He wanted to hate it but he secretly liked it.
"That's almost as bad as the last one," he said, standing outside the car and talking to me through the open window.
"I thought you liked Pookie?"
"Absolutely not."
He absolutely did, I would have to start using that one more often.
Landon shook his head at me and made his way toward the practice facility.
Once Landon was inside, I could move onto my plans for the afternoon.
Jess had been kind enough to give me some insight on this Cooper guy.
Apparently, he lived in the same building as Jess, next to Landon's building and lived with one of the other guys on the hockey team.
According to Jess, Cooper and his roommate never locked their door.
They were both too stupid to remember their keys, so they just always left it unlocked.
Also, according to Jess, Cooper still had to attend the team practices even though the coach wasn't allowing him on the ice.
So, at this time, the room was empty.
I had debated in my head what I was going to do about this Cooper situation.
My first instinct was to slash his tires but that would have been too difficult.
It wasn't like I could just slash someone's tires in broad daylight and my nights were spent with Landon.
I wasn't going to leave Landon one night so I could go seek revenge on this guy, so the logical thing was to do it when I was going to be away from Landon anyway and when I was guaranteed not to get interrupted.
This time of day, it was quite busy on campus.
People were going in and out of the dorms constantly, so it wasn't hard to get inside the dorm.
Even if it was difficult to get in, Jess could have come to open the door for me.
I parked my car in a far spot in the lot, grabbed my bag, then snuck in the dorm past someone who was entering and made my way to the stairwell.
Jess had told me Cooper's room was on the third floor, the last door on the left.
Luckily when I got to the third floor, the hallway was empty.
I hurried down the hall, light on my feet and made my way to the last door on the left.
Sure enough, the door was unlocked.
I opened the door slowly, poking my head in to ensure no one was in the room before I entered.
The room was a mess and I wasn't even exaggerating.
There were clothes all over the floor, open bags of chips on the beds, trash around the trash can from these guys trying to throw it in and missing.
It smelled foul like they hadn't done their laundry all semester.
I didn't even want to set my bag down anywhere, fearing the mess and stink would follow me out of here but I had to do what I set out to because I couldn't just let what Landon had told me slide.
The poor roommate would be collateral damage but I couldn't find it in me to care.
I set my bag down and got to work.
First, I approached the desk on the left side of the room that had a laptop sitting on top of it and opened it.
The screen lit up and John Cooper's name greeted me.
Now that I knew which side of the room was his, I got started.
I couldn't go too far or do anything that would let Cooper trace this back to Landon.
He would probably end up messing with Landon even more if he suspected that this had anything to do with him, so I had to keep it completely impersonal even though I wanted to warn him off of Landon.
At least he would have to suffer a little.
I went to where my bag was and took the first bag out.
After class and while Landon was at therapy, I went to the pet store and bought bags of all the different kinds of bugs they sold to feed reptiles.
I had crickets, roaches, worms and flies.
The first bag I picked out had crickets, so I let those loose in Cooper's closet.
I pulled out more bags and let the insects loose in various areas of the room.
I tried to keep to Cooper's side of the room but it probably wouldn't matter, oh well.
Finally, I let loose some roaches and worms on his bed and that was the last of the bags I had.
I didn't stay too long after that.
I had to get out of there to keep from getting caught.
Not that I wanted to stay long with all those creatures in there anyway.
That room probably already had bugs before I let mine loose.
When my work was done, I went to the library back on my campus and started working on things for my finals.
Only a couple of my classes had actual exams while the others had essays and projects.
I was pretty much done with everything except for the exams and then it was time to pick Landon up from practice.
I parked outside the facility and waited as other members of his team walked out.
I tapped on the steering wheel as I waited until he eventually came out, looking freshly showered, his hair damp and his cheeks flushed.
I unlocked the door as he walked up to the car.
After he put his bag in the back seat, he got in the passenger's seat with a tired sigh.
"Don't they have hair-dryers in there?" I asked, turning in my seat to face him.
He shot me a quizzical look.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"You're always coming out of there with damp hair," I said.
"It's not good to do that when it's cold."
It was December now, the air was frigid.
Landon looked at me with disbelief like he couldn't tell if I was kidding or not, I clearly wasn't, it was freezing outside.
The ends of his hair were a little frozen from his short walk from the building to the car and they only began to thaw when he got inside.
"No, Wren, they don't have hair-dryers in there," he said slowly.
"Hmm," I hummed.
"Well, they should."
Just as I looked away from him, I saw Cooper walking out of the building with two other guys.
I couldn't help the grin that creeped on my face at the thought of him going back to his dorm to the mess I created.
"That's Cooper, right?" I asked Landon, motioning toward him.
Landon nodded.
"Yeah, why?"
"No reason," I said.
"Are you buckled in, Sweetheart?"
As soon as he was buckled in, I started driving.
I was sure to drive slowly by Cooper, watching him as we went by.
He looked at me, his face filled with confusion and I waved before leaving the parking lot.
"What the hell was that?" Landon snapped.
"Don't do that shit."
"I was just being friendly."
"No, you weren't. You just want to start shit."
"He's the one who started shit if I remember what you told me correctly," I pointed out.
I hated that guy and even the thought of him made my insides burn with rage.
To take advantage of anyone the way he had was unforgivable but the fact that he did it to Landon made it personal.
Not only did he kiss him against his will but he continued to mess with him and that was downright idiotic.
He was lucky Landon didn't go around punching people anymore.
"I can handle him myself," Landon replied, turning his head on the headrest to glance at me.
He didn't really look annoyed with me.
I could always tell when he was actually annoyed versus when he was trying but failing to be.
He liked to act like he didn't like me worrying about him but it was a new and welcome thing for him to have someone worrying about him.
"What do you want for dinner?" I asked him after a few moments.
I was driving toward the Brown campus since we stayed at Landon's last night.
Landon shrugged in response and looked out the window.
"We could get takeout," I suggested.
"Or I can take you to the dining hall."
"I don't want to waste my money on take out every night," he said.
"Well, obviously, I'd pay," I replied to which he rolled his eyes.
Landon hated when I spent money on him.
He thought I was pitying him or something because of his situation, which was not the case.
Not only did I have money from my parents but I got a little extra from helping some other students with their work.
Landon couldn't even have a job because of hockey.
James turned to face us when we walked in.
"Did you bring me dinner?" James asked.
"No, why would I?" I asked him, setting the food down on my desk.
"I texted you," he exclaimed.
"I have to finish this paper tonight. I can't leave this spot for even a minute."
I shrugged.
"I'm sure we'll have some leftovers you can have."
James rolled his eyes.
"Gee. Thanks."
He turned back to his work.
"You should probably go to the library anyway," I said, motioning for Landon to sit down on the desk chair.
"Is this you trying to kick me out?" James asked, still facing his computer.
"Now that you have Landon back, you want to make up for how mopey you were when he was gone?"
"I was not mopey."
James turned around with a wide grin and looked straight at Landon.
"He's such a fucking liar," he said to him.
Landon looked between the two of us with a strange expression.
"He was so not himself the whole time. He was avoiding Stella and I and he stole my vodka."
Landon looked at me with wide eyes.
"You what?"
"That's enough out of you," I snapped, pointing at James.
"Don't you have an assignment to finish while we eat our delicious food?"
James narrowed his eyes at me then shut his laptop and stood up.
"You know what? I'm going to go get dinner then go to the library," he said, gathering his things.
"That sounds perfect," I replied, happy he would be leaving.
"You're so mean sometimes," James muttered, before leaving the room.
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countessofravenclaw · 10 months
The 2023 writing Advent calendar: Day 6
6. Lights
“Hey.” Gastón kissed Nina on the cheek as he met her after her last class of the day. “Learn anything interesting today?”
“About how realism and romanticism are each others opposites,” Nina responded, “and how they should be used in a text together as well… Which was kind of contradictory now that I think about it. What did you learn?”
“You don’t want to know,” Gastón shook his head, “About Einstein and lightspeed all the fun stuff. I can explain it to you, if you want, but trust me, you don’t want to.” 
“My days of learning physics are firmly behind me,” Nina rolled her eyes, “Been there, done that.”
“Well, you definitely did that,” He briefly whispered into her ear, before they started walking. “Did you notice that it has started snowing again?”
“It has?” Nina asked excitedly. 
“Yeah,” Gastón nodded, “Hopefully it sticks, unlike last week.” 
“It’s cold enough,” Nina pulled her jacket closer to herself as they entered the parking garage. 
It was mid December, and the sun had already gone down. All the street lights were lit up when Gastón drove along the street. 
“I don’t think I truly saw all the lights last year,” Nina looked out of the window. 
“Well, you didn’t spend that much time outside of the campus last year,” Gastón noted. 
“I was busy being a freshman—” Nina rolled her eyes, “—figuring out how everything worked.”
“...and taking pointless physics classes…” Gastón kept teasing her. 
“You could have told me to just dropp it,” Nina tilted her head while placing her hand on top on his on the gearshift. “but, you decided to help me.”
“I think we have established at this point that I did not do that for the pure of heart, so you could learn.” He laughed. “Just couldn’t stay away from you any longer.” 
“I can’t really rebuke you for that, can I? It’s not like I” Nina looked, out of the window again, “Wait… where are you going?”
Gastón was not driving the normal route to their appartment. He had turned away from the main road and was driving some side street now.
“Just an idea I got…” he smiled as he turned the sterling wheel, “...when you men tioned the lights.”
“We should be heading home.”
“Why?” He just kept laughing, “You in a hurry to do something?”
“What if I was?” She ran her fingers over his knuckles, “You’re telling me that you’re not?” 
“It’s illegal to distract the driver … Just trust me.” Gastón stopped the car at some random alley. 
“Where are we going?” Nina kept insisting as they started walking forward in the almost pitch black. There was a small glimmer of light at the end of the alley. 
“Just something I thought you would like to see,” Gastón took her by the shoulder and turned her around. 
Somehow, hidden behind the corner from the alley was a small but beautiful park. Probably thousands of different colored strings of light were draped along the trees. There were also all sort of different ornaments hanging off of them.
“This is like a community project of the few families that live around here. They had apparently done it almost ten years now.” 
“How many secret places do you know over here?” She turned to look at him. 
“You know I had a year to drive around and wallow in my misery. Had a plenty of time to discover new places.” Gastón explained. “I haven’t really mentioned to anybody else, but I have been here every year. Just came to mind that I should show it to you. It’s extremely beautiful during snowfall.” 
“It’s gorgeous.” Nina walked forward. Then he heard a shutter noise behind her. “You brough the cameral?”
“I had left it on the backseat,” He shrugged. 
“Did you take one of me?” She turned round to look at him, “you know I look terrible in pictures.”
“You look beautiful,” Gastón smiled at her, “Come on, look at me. The backdrop is perfect right now. See the snow falling onto your hair? How I am supposed not to immortalize a sight like that?”
Nina giggled and let Gastón take this picture. After that he set the camera down on a bench in the park and set it to slow series autoshutter. 
Nina had walked little further while looking at the light, so he had to sneak up behind her. He swiftly rabbed her hand and twirled her around so she lost her balance and fell into his arms. 
“What are you doing?” Nina raised her eyebrow at him. 
Gastón didn’t say anything and responded by kissing her deeply. 
“I love you.”
“I was beginning to worry that you weren’t going to come this year.” A voice came from behind them.
Two years yearlier…
Gastón was walking along side the street. It was way too late and he shouldn’t be wondering around in places that he didn’t know… But it was just one of those days… He needed to think and driving and walking around was only thing that sometimes helped. 
He looked at his watch. He really should get back before Oliver and Jacob would get start to get worried. He was about to turn on his heels when a light in alley caught his eyes. 
Probably against his better judgement, he followed the light. He found himself in small park in some sort of a courtyard surrounded by tree. The trees were wrapped in lights and there were few people around. It looked like they were the ones setting up the light on the trees that were still bare. 
The sight was beautiful. Nina would have loved it…
…NO, he was not going there. Gastón shook his head. He needed to stop. 
He tried to distrack himself with taking few pictures of the lights with his phone. 
“Excuse me?” He heard a voice behind him and turned to see a older elderly woman standing next to him. She looked like one of the residents
“Uhm, hello?” Gastón responded. “Um, I’m sorry. I just—I didn’t realize if this was private property… I can leave.”
“No, don’t do that.” The woman continued, “We always hope that people would stumble on here, but this isn’t a tourist attraction exactly. Are you an Oxford student?”
“Yes, I am.” Gastón nodded, “Freshman.” 
“The University students should get plenty of sleep,” The woman reminded him off his grandmother extreme amounts. “Why are you out at this hour?”
“Thinking,” Gastón responded. 
“First holidays away from home?” The woman asked sympathetically. 
“Sort of,” Gastón nodded, “I’m from Buenos Aires.”
“That’s far.”
“This is really beautifull,” Gastón pointed toward the lights.
“We do this every year,” The woman explained, “We are a community who always come together. My grandchildren always choose a there.” 
“What’s the theme of this?” 
“Love.” The woman said simply, “The most powerful foce of it all. Tell me, do you have a girlfriend?”
“No.” Gastón shook head quickly.
“Why not?” The woman asked, “Good looking young guy like you?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Everything is only complicated if you make it.”
“Then it’s definitely complicated.” 
“Silly me, I haven’t even introduced myself yet,” The woman exclaimed, “I’m Karrie. You?”
“I would never miss this Karrie.” Gastón turned around to meet the elderly woman laughing, “But I have been busy. Gotta finish the bachelor thesis sometime.” 
“Of course,” Karried said after hugging him. “but it’s good to see you handsome face.”
“Carefull with that,” Gastón laughed again, “I’m taken now.” 
“You don’t say?” Karrie noticed Nina standing next to Gastón. 
“This is Nina, my girlfriend.”
“Well, isn’t she a pretty thing,” Karrie looked at her, “You finally got yourself a girlfriend, that is amazing.”
“It took a while for the right one to come across,” Gastón placed his arm around Nina’s waist. “but it was worth it.”
Eight years later…
“Do you think they still do it?” Nina asked Gastón as they got out of the car.
“I am sure of it,” He nodded while grabbing 11-month-old Oscar off his carseat. “Come one buddy. You wanna see something cool?” 
They walked around the familiar corner. The residential area around their former Oxford College had not changed almost at all. They could see the lights coming from the alley and the people bustling around the trees. The familiar older woman was also there. 
“Karrie?” Gastón asked and she turned around. “I don’t know if you remember me…”
“Of course I do,” Her eyes lit up with recognition. “Gastón? It has been years.”
“It has been,” Gastón nodded, “We moved back to Buenos Aires.”
“I figures you would do that after the graduation.”
“You remember Nina,” Gastón gestured toward her, “My wife now, and this is our son, Oscar.”
“Well, it doesn’t seem very complicated anymore, does it?”
I just feel like walking around heart and making friends with locals is just something Gastón would have just done while S3 was going on.
0 notes
greenbagjosh · 1 year
16 August 2003 - nebula at the Foothill College observatory
Some weekend in August 2003, circa 16 / 17 August 2003
Hi everyone Since returning to the USA on 13th August 2003, I have found it no longer necessary to make multilingual summaries of my stories, at least not for now. At some stage they will return.
I wanted to let you know about a time that I drove my mother to Foothill College on a Saturday night, possibly 16th August 2003. My mother wanted in particular to see the new star as part of Nebula NGC 3603 and the new star called Chandra. There was a public viewing at the observatory in the northwestern part of the campus. It is closer to the softball field than it is to the football stadium, practically on the opposite side of campus. Foothill College is a community college located in Los Altos Hills, off El Monte Road, Moody Road and I-280.
I came over on the Saturday evening from my then-apartment in Foster City, with a hamper full of dirty laundry. My parents allowed me to wash my laundry for free, and they also donated the detergent. At the time, only my mother was at the house, as well as our pet cat Eric. Other family members were away on their own personal business. I think that night, my mother asked me to stop by the Pollo Loco Mexican restaurant, on Grant Road just a little south of El Camino Real, in Mountain View, CA, to pick up a couple of burritos, beans, rice, guacamole, sauce and sour cream. I brought those home. This was a time, when I liked to have the hot sauce, so I had to bring mild sauce for my mother. I washed my laundry, we ate our burritos and after I put the washed laundry into the dryer, we had left in my Jetta, the car I had at the time, for Foothill College.
The way to the college was fairly straightforward. We would drive along Foothill Expressway to El Monte Road and turn towards I-280. I drove under the I-280 interchange, and went into the first entrance past the stadium. The campus has a one way roundabout ring. The best parking lots would be the ones in the northwesternmost section, namely 3 and 4. Foothill College is hilly, and some places may have an incline/decline. I found a good spot in lot 3.
We walked up to the observatory next to Lot 3. I think there were about 50, 60, 70 people in front of us. The line went a bit slowly, and it probably took an hour before we had our turn. At least it was not quite as long as it is to cross from Tijuana, BC, Mexico, into San Ysidro, California, USA. When it was our turn to see, we took about a minute to notice the supernova in Nebula NGC 3603. I was able to spot Chandra. It was really neat.
When we left, there had to be about 100 people waiting their turn. We went back to the car, drove home, I picked up my newly dried laundry, and drove home along CA-85 and US-101. Traffic was light at the time, so the drive to Foster City did not take too long, average speed was about 65 mph or 104 km/h.
Anyway, this more or less concludes the Summer 2003 vacation. Hope you have enjoyed it.
The next adventure will be in the Hong Kong and Macau S.A.R., as well as a layover in Tokyo Narita. Hope you will join me then.
0 notes
sinner-as-saint · 2 years
Wanna Be Yours
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Uni AU)
Run-through: Your best friend has been acting weird, and one night while you’re hanging out like you both usually do, he finally tells you why he’s been acting kind of different lately. 
Themes: friends-to-lovers, fluff, smut, soft, car sex 
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“Hey, Buck.” 
You couldn’t even hide the surprise in your tone as you answered his call, well into the evening. You heard him chuckle on the other side. 
“Why do you sound surprised?” He asked, his voice deeper on the phone than in real life. 
You scoffed, “Because I haven’t seen or heard from you in a whole week. Who ghosts their best friend like this? Seriously, Buck. You even left me alone at the party the other night, I had to hang out with people I don’t necessarily like.” 
He was quick to apologise, “Alright, alright, I’m sorry. I’ll make up for it. Will you let me make up for it? I’ll come get you right now and we’ll grab something to eat and go for a drive, okay? We… I have stuff I need to tell you.” 
Just like that, he sounded all soft and sweet like a lost little puppy and you melted. “Asshole.” You muttered. “You’re lucky I miss you so much. Meet me downstairs in 10.” 
And just as planned, he was outside your building waiting for you. Leaning against his car, wearing his signature dark jeans and soft sweater - brown tonight. Bucky was your rock ever since day one. Your best friend. 
He smiled so big as you approached him, opening his arms waiting for you to walk into them as always. Except you got up close and punched his muscular arm instead, making him hiss in pain. “Ow!” 
“Fuck you, first of all. Second of all, do that shit again and I’ll punch you in the mouth.” You spat, walking over to the passenger side and hopped in. Bucky got in right after you, apologising already. But you cut him off, “Food first, you’re paying.” You said, leaning back into the seat, getting comfy as he drove the two of you away from campus. 
“Yes ma’am.” 
Bucky got you your favourites; he had almost all your orders memorised by now. Which was very sweet of him. 
After grabbing your food, Bucky drove to that one park you always went to whenever you needed to be away from uni. It was a safe, cosy little park with a little pond - surrounded by pine woods. 
It was quite a chilly night so the windows fogged up real quick as you both ate and talked. 
“I was worried, Buck.” You told him, “You’ve never done this before, a simple text would suffice, you know? I wouldn’t bother you if you needed your space but I was really worried when you didn’t respond to my messages, you weren’t even showing up to classes.” 
He sighed, putting his drink down as he leaned his head back. “I’m sorry. I was… figuring shit out. I needed to be away for a while.” 
You put your ice cream down, and turned a little to the side to face him better. “I thought we promised to share the hard stuff. You don’t have to carry it all alone, that’s what friends are for. That’s what I’m for.” 
He turned his head to face you, the street lights made his eyes look electric. His face was a little less lively than usual. The bags under his eyes were slightly more prominent, but he was still the pretty boy everyone knew him as. “I know.” He said softly. “I wanted to tell you, trust me. But I was scared, I guess.” 
You frowned, “Scared? Of what?” 
“What you would think.” He answered. 
“Bucky…” You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, his sweater warm and soft under your touch. “I would never judge you. No matter what you do. I mean, we’ve seen each other at our worst. It’s fine if you don’t want to share or you-,” 
He cut you off quickly, “No, I want to.” 
You nodded, “Well then, I’m here. I’m always here.” 
Bucky took a deep breath. Exhaled loudly, then said, “I fell in love.” 
You couldn’t hold back the gasp which escaped your mouth. “You little shit!” You exclaimed, suddenly excited. “Wait, wait, wait, is it that girl from the library? The one who asked for your number like two weeks ago? No? Oh my god, is it the one you met at the café?” You listed off all the potential girls he could’ve fallen for but Bucky just rolled his eyes. 
He frowned, “What- no, no, not them.” He sighed, “Just, someone. And she’s really special. She’s so smart, and funny. She’s hilarious. It’s like, all my problems disappear when I’m around her. She makes even the worst days better just by being there, you know? And beautiful, my God she is beautiful. She captures the attention of everyone whenever she walks into a room, and she doesn’t even know the kind of effect she has on people.” Bucky spoke dreamily. 
You sat there, listening. 
“She’s like a walking talking daydream. Everything about her is just, so fucking perfect. She’s a bit of a nerd, but she tries to hide it by being sassy and thinks that no one notices how she fangirls over the littlest of things.” Bucky smiled, clearly lovesick. 
You had a faint smile on your face as you watched him going on and on about this girl. 
“And she was a bit mean too, you know?” He chuckled, “When I first met her, I was slightly intimidated but then she quickly became one of my best friends. Turns out, when she does lower her walls and lets you in, she actually has the kindest, biggest and warmest heart I’ve ever known.” 
Your heart pounded at that. Because as far as you knew, Bucky didn’t have any other girl friends. So… 
“Bucky, you-,” You started, but he cut you off gently. 
“Please let me say it, I’ve been carrying this around for too long. I-It’s driving me insane, she drives me insane. Let me say it, please.” He pleaded. 
You nodded, finding it hard to breathe all of a sudden. 
Bucky continued, maintaining eye contact, “She’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and no one’s ever made me this nervous. She is just… so lovely. And I didn’t even realise how much I love her, until I saw her in someone else’s arms recently and the only thought in my head was how badly I wanted to beat the living shit out of the bastard who held my girl instead of me.” 
You couldn’t hold the intensity of his stare any longer, not as you thought about how about two weeks ago Bucky began acting weird the moment he saw you and another one of your friends, Steve, hugging. 
You laughed nervously, playing with the zipper of your jacket. “She sounds incredible.” You said, then you asked, “Why aren’t you with her right now, then?” 
“I am.” 
Two words. Two little words and your eyes watered. Bucky sighed from beside you. “Look at me,” He spoke softly, reaching out to take your chin in between his fingers, turning your face towards him. His eyes glanced down at your mouth, and back up to your eyes a couple of times. 
The tension was dense, hot and heady. You could hear your heartbeats, echoing in your ears as you looked into his pair of pretty blue eyes. “Bucky…” You whispered, unable to say anything else but his name. Was it a plea, a warning, relief? You didn’t know. 
He spoke so softly, “I can’t pretend anymore. I love you, and I can’t keep lying to the both of us. Just, give me a chance. Let me love you.” 
You were quiet for a good few seconds, then as you parted your lips to speak, Bucky leaned in and pressed his mouth to yours. Your hand instinctively reached up to cup his face, his stubble brushing against your fingertips in a familiar, warm way. 
You tilted your head to the side slightly, kissing him properly. Bucky has always been your safe place. And right now this felt safe. This kiss felt warm, and safe. 
His hand held you by the chin, keeping you in place as he kissed you deeply, passionately. Sighing and groaning softly against your mouth like he’s been starving for this very moment. “Fuck…” He whimpered quietly against your lips, and the sound of it made your stomach flip. “Come here, I need you closer.” He leaned back into his seat, pulling you onto his lap. 
And you shifted over the console, straddling his thighs as you lowered yourself down on his lap. Your arms went around his neck, and his wrapped around your waist, pulling you snug against him. 
He gave you a faint, nervous smile. “Hi,” He whispered, rubbing the tip of his nose with yours. 
“Hi,” You whispered, smiling down at him as he slowly trailed his hands downwards till they rested at the curve of your butt. You could feel his warmth on your skin even through the material of your skirt, and it made your heart race even more. “So this is why you’ve been missing for a week? You couldn’t have just told me?” You asked, placing your forehead against his. 
He placed a soft kiss on your chin before saying, “I was scared, like I said, of what you’d think. I needed to think it through, you know? I couldn’t risk losing you as a friend. Then I saw you with Steve and I just… you know the rest.” 
You couldn’t resist teasing him for it, “You got jealous when you saw me hugging Steve, huh?” You asked, smirking. 
Bucky pulled you even closer, kissing down your chin as he said, “I did. And he’ll never touch you again.” 
You giggled uncontrollable as he kissed down your neck, playfully biting and nibbling on your skin. “Hey!” You exclaimed, contorting and laughing on his lap, “Okay, okay fine! No more hugging Steve.” 
Bucky pulled away to look at you, “I want you. I wanna be yours. I’ll be so good to you,” He whispered, one of his hands slipping under your shirt, gently caressing your skin. “I love you, I have since day one and I was just too dumb to see it.” Then he paused for a moment, and asked, “Do you? Love me?” 
You smiled, nuzzling his cheek as you said, “I’ve always loved you. I mean, we’ve been friends since day one. You’ve been my best friend for a couple of years now but it’s always felt like more. It’s always been comfortable and safe with you. You’ve just always felt like…” You trailed off, pulling away to look into his eyes, “Like…” 
“Home.” He finished your sentence, smiling up at you. “You feel like home too. And I’m so stupid for not saying it earlier. But I love you, so so much.” 
Your eyes watered again, “And I love you.” 
He smiled brighter than ever as you leaned in to kiss him. Both of his hands found their way under your shirt, pulling at the hem. You giggled into the kiss before pulling away to get rid of your jacket. You threw it somewhere in the backseat before leaning in to kiss Bucky again. Your hands slid into his hair, his hands inched up your back to undo the clasp of your bra. 
Given the lack of room for proper movement, and both of your desperation combined, you couldn’t bother taking your shirt off completely, you just lifted it up to your chin, bra and all, baring your breasts to him. The chill in the air made your nipples hard, but so did Bucky’s ravenous stare. 
He looked up at you to check in, briefly, before leaning in again and taking one of them in his warm mouth. He moaned, mouth wrapped around one of your tits. Your back arched, giggling and gasping as he teased you, tasted you like he’s been dying to this whole time. You found your hips moving against his, grinding against him. And that got him excited because he nibbled harder on your skin. 
You gasped, laughing as he sucked hungrily on your skin, moving up to your collar bones, down to your breasts and back up. Bucky chuckled when you tugged on his hair, pulling his mouth away from your skin. “What? Did I bite your pretty tits too hard, hmm?” 
You smiled, leaning in to give him a sweet kiss. “Mhmm, stop teasing me.” You whispered, inching closer to him, grounding your hips against his. 
He smirked, looking down to where your skirt had inched up your legs, revealing your thighs, “Yeah? You just can’t wait, can you?” He teased. 
You playfully bit his lip, making him hiss in pain before he chuckled against your mouth. Then you remembered… “Did you really think I was mean when we first met?” You questioned, smirking down at him. 
He laughed, pushing his face against your bare chest and kissing the soft skin between your breasts. “Not mean just… yeah, you know what? You were mean.” He stated, finally looking up at you. “You remember how cold you were to me when I tried talking to you for orientation?” 
You let out a little laugh, “That’s because you were flirting with almost everyone! Besides, you were probably the prettiest boy I’d ever seen and you just came up to talk to me. Just like that, with no warning. I panicked.” You explained, remembering the day so vividly. 
Bucky raised his eyebrows at you, smirking like the cocky little shit he was. “So you thought I was pretty?” 
You grabbed him by the chin and clarified, “No, I thought you were a shameless player.” 
He smiled, leaning in to kiss your neck again. “Well, I’m not. A player, that is. I am, however, very shameless.” He whispered against your skin as his hands slipped under your skirt, his thumbs caressing your inner thighs - making you gasp and whimper quietly as his fingers teased you in between your legs through your underwear. 
“Bucky…” You whined as he leaned down to suck on your tits again, more greedy than earlier as he toyed with your wet folds and clit at the same time 
“Hmm,” He moaned, lips wrapped around your nipple. He released it with a ‘pop’. “I need you, baby. I’m gonna lose my mind if I don’t-,” 
Before he could even finish his sentence, your impatient hands were at the zipper of his pants. You paused, fingers toying with the waistband of his underwear, you looked up to his eyes - quietly questioning. 
He gave you a lazy smile, eyes hooded with lust. “Go on, baby. Take it out, it’s all yours.” His voice was suddenly deeper than earlier. And only then did you realise that there was a light drizzle outside, which made the air even colder; making you crave his body heat even more. 
You lifted off of his lap at the same time as you both lowered his pants and underwear to free his erected cock. You whined breathlessly at the mere sight of it, and Bucky groaned impatiently as he grabbed your hips, pulled your thin underwear to the side and aligned his cock to your entrance before gently lowering you down on him. 
You moaned as you slid down his thick cock, his stare burning on your face as he thrust up into you, all the way in. “Fuck,” He swore, then leaned in to give you a wet, messy kiss. “You okay, baby? You need a moment?” 
You shook your head, no you didn’t need a moment. What you needed was more of him. “Just… move, please, you feel so good.” You whispered, kissing down his chin as he obeyed, and moved. 
You whined as he grabbed your hips and guided you up and down his cock, stretching you out in the process. You held onto his shoulders as you rode his cock, bouncing on it while you moaned for him, bending a little so as to not hit the roof of the car too hard. 
“Oh, Buck…” You felt him fill you up nicely each time, the pressure in between your legs getting hotter and hotter. 
Bucky threw his head back, grunting at how good you felt, “You had me daydreaming about this wet little cunt, you know?” He let out a strained moan, as he thrust into you over and over again, while also bringing you down on his cock each time with enough force to make your tits bounce. “I was thinking about all the ways I’d fill you up once you let me. If it were up to me, I’d always keep you full of me, full of my cock.” 
“Damn it, who knew you had such a filthy mouth?” You said, unable to hold back your moans when he placed his thumb over your clit and rubbed it gently, in time with his thrusts. You forced yourself to look into his eyes, and the feral look in them only made you clench harder around him. 
You bit your lip to hold back your moans as he thrust his hips up more into you, your eyes rolled back and you moaned out his name as you came so close to coming undone for him. “Bucky…” 
“You’re gonna come for me, baby?” He asked, “You’re gonna come all over my cock, huh?” 
You answered after a loud whimper, “Yes… please, can I come?” 
He cupped your cheek and traced your mouth with his thumb, “Go on, baby. Come all over my cock. Come for me…” Your walls clenched violently around his cock. You came hard, whimpering and crying for him and gasping for breath. Bucky came right after you, his warm load spilling inside you as he wrapped his arms around you and held you like you were the most fragile thing in the world. Like he hadn’t just rammed his cock in and out of you like an animal. 
You caught your breath, wrapped in Bucky’s arms. Your head rested on his shoulder as you tried to calm your racing heart. 
“Look at me, baby, look at me.” Bucky murmured, cupping your face in both of his hands as he examined your expression. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” 
You gave him a satiated, lazy smile. “No, Buck. You didn’t hurt me.” You whispered, feeling his cock inside you still as his cum leaked out of you steadily. You chuckled and said, “We made a mess in your car.” You hid your face into the crook of his neck again. 
Bucky laughed, kissing your head as he said, “I hope you’re in the mood to make an even bigger mess in the backseat, baby.” 
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Love in a Hopeless World
A/N: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I’m back with another fic for you! This was one of the options given to me.
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Pairing: Chris Redfield x Male reader
Requested: @evansphnx12
Rating: Mature
Warnings: NSFW, smut, bottom male reader, sir kink, degradation, creampie, size kink, Choking kink, breeding kink, masturbation, and all characters are above the age of 18+
Word Count: 2355
Summary: Its turns out there weren't that many supplies in the old abandoned campus. So, you and Chris have to go deeper into the city to find more but during the little scavenge, Chris began to dirty thoughts...
I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it’s bad! And sorry for any errors that are found!
If you like what I write, how about check out my masterlist?
M/n: Male name.
DISCLAIMER!: I never played or watched any gameplay of the resident evil series. And this doesn’t follow any of the resident evil timelines, it’s on its own.
Then y'all had another round of hot steamy sex. And the others at the base had a hard time sleeping that night.
Your eyes twitch at the unpleasant light hitting it directly. 'It's morning already?' you moved around only to feel wet sheets. 'What happened last night?'
Then you felt a body move and a muscular arm grab you, pulling you closer. You could feel the warmth, and muscular chest pushed against your back.
'Oh! That's right!' now you remembered why you were all sticky and sleeping against Chris. 'I had sex with my superior! But he felt the same.'
Then you felt Chris move around and waking up. "Hey, baby boy," Chris said with a raspy and deep voice. "Morning." you pressed your lips against his.
"If you continue, we may have to repeat what we did last night, baby," Chris growled as pulled back, gripping your waist. You smirked before getting up.
"Come one, we have to get ready. We have important business," you said. "Ugh, can't we just sleep in and have some... Fun?" Chris complained.
"I know you haven't had sex in 5 years but we need to go get those people. We'll have fun at the end of the day," you said stressing your muscles and popping your back.
The bed creaked meaning he finally got off his ass to get ready. "We need to go get those survivors. And scavenge for more supplies," you said putting your armor on and fixing it up.
After you both got your gear and weapons, you both walked into the main area with all the others.
Everybody looked at you both and immediately looked at way. There was awkwardness in the room. 'They must have heard me last night!' Hell! maybe the whole city heard it is quiet
"Uh,- sir... We have a situation." one of the soldiers said. "shot." Chris said. "Well... it turns out there weren't that many supplies found on the campus. We need more supplies if weren't gonna go get those survivors." the soldier said
You heard listening but your mind began to wonder. You still couldn't let go of the past, you remembered one of your siblings was accepted into MIT. This was 3 months after the Raccoon City Incident.
You would see on the news- Raccoon City survivors being discriminated against by the American people. "Hey, what do I keep saying?" Chris said next to you. His conversation was done.
"Stop thinking about the past, it's long gone," you replied, mimicking his voice. Chris laughed, "Okay, baby. But we need to go get those people."
You nodded but kind of chuckled at the fact that he didn't want to do anything today but now wants to do business.
"Come on, M/n! We have to get going. EVERYONE, protect the base at all cost." Chris commanded. "YES SIR!" they all said at the same time.
You, Chris, and a few others left the confines of the base. Even though it was morning, the sky still had a grey color to it. You open the door to the back seat and closed it.
"We should be there in 20 minutes or less." the driver said starting the engine up. "Alright, let's go." the armored car pulled out before driving down the messy road.
It wasn't long before you reached the waterfront. You could see the skyline perfectly, most buildings were on the verge of collapsing. Others were burnt to where the wall showed the skeleton.
Up ahead, you saw a bridge leading into Cambridge was destroyed. 'Longfellow Bridge.' You have been to Boston before and got to explore everything before the world went hell.
The ride continued for a while. There was nothing or anyone in sight. You could see the freeway ahead but like all other ways leading into Cambridge was destroyed.
"We're closing in on Bunker Hill. They said they are taking refuge by the monument." one of them said.
And wouldn't you know it? In the distance, you could see the tall granite obelisk peaking out. It kind of looked like the one down in D.C. but this one is still standing.
What you meant by "This one is still standing" is because the capital was hit by a nuclear warhead, along with other cities across the US.
The President and other government officials were evacuated and the countries important documents were evacuated as well. So, the legacy of the US would still live.
That means the President is still alive and is in some remote area devoid of zombie life.
"I see some people! They appear to be walking around." one of the soldiers said. And the people seem to notice us because they were waving at us.
"Stop the car," Chris said, the car stopped. He and others got out. Two of the survivors looked familiar? Like you have seen them before. They both were tall and had beards.
They walked up to y'all. "Please, are you here to rescue us?" one of them pleaded. "Yes, we're here to take you to our temporary base," Chris said.
They all smiled and some hugged each other. Chris ordered the soldiers to help some things and you approached the two survivors. "Why do you two look familiar?"
One of them laughed and smiled. "Well...- are you fan of Captain America and Thor?"
Your jaw dropped and your eyes widen. "No. Way. You're Chris Evans and Hemsworth!" you were lost at speech. "I thought y'all was dead! I- how-"
"Well, we survived! I'm not too sure about the others though..." Chris H said with that thick Australian accent. You both were just talking, unknown to Chris R was glaring holes into your head.
After y'all returned to MIT Dorms, you still talked with Chris E and H. You didn't even acknowledge Chris R's glares.
He was getting more and more jealous. 'I hate those two!' Chris yelled in his mind. They were taking your attention from him.
"We have to go M/n! We need to find supplies." Chris yelled at you. 'What's wrong with him?' you thought to yourself. "Bye guys!" You waved at the two Chris.
"He was fun to talk to." Chris H said and Chris E agreed.
TIMESKIP (To Supermarket)
You and Chris arrived at the market. There were some abandoned cars in the parking lot. "Come on." You both walked to the doors and opened them.
The place was absolutely trashed. Lights flickering, aisles tipped over, some cans on the floor - also money, which was useless-, and the roof caved in on the left side.
"Look for non-perishables. Canned food would be good and find any water- if there is any that is." you nodded your head before going down one of the aisles.
There were some canned foods but no water. The smell of a rotting corpse filled the air, you could hear flies buzzing. "Ugh." you covered your nose and looked at the rotting corpse. "Poor bastard..."
Meanwhile, Chris was looking for the same stuff, but he was still bitter about you talking to those guys. And completely ignoring him. He could already imagine your punishment.
He could imagine you begging for more, feeling the tightness of your ass wrapped around his cock. 'Shit.' Chris was getting hard. His cock was feeling restricted by the tight pants.
"Hurry up, M/n!" Chris yelled from the other side of the store. "Okay!" you finished gathering anything you could find. 'Why are we leaving early? We have few more places to loot/raid.'
You left the aisles and made your way to the front doors. "Come on, we have to go." you both we made went to the vehicle and drove back to base.
You had found some supplies. 15 canned foods, and some water as well. It wasn't much, but it's something.
TIMESKIP (Arrival at the base.)
You and Chris arrived at MIT. You were gonna go talk with Chris E and H, but Chris R wasn't having it.
"Hey-" Chris grabbed your hand and began to rush to the room. Everyone knew what was gonna happen. 'Ah, shit- there gonna go at it again.'
At the room, Chris pinned you against the wall and latched his lips onto yours. The kiss rough, his much larger body pushed against yours shows the difference in size.
His tongue pushed against your teeth telling you to open them. You slowly pushed your mouth, Chris immediately pushed his tongue and invaded your mouth.
"Mmm-" you moaned into the kiss as Chris began to grip your ass. "Up." He growled into your ear. You wrapped your legs around his waist and continued to make out.
He lifted you and carried you to the bed. He slammed you onto your back before pulling away and attacking your neck. "A-ah!" Chris found your sweet spot.
"You belong to me, M/n! I claimed you that night we had sex last night!" Chris growled. "Strip." he quickly removed his clothes, leaving him in his boxers.
You could see the outline thick meaty cock. "You got hard from just kissing me?" you laughed. "You don't talk me like that! You're the slut here." Chris growled as he gripped and slapped your thighs.
You whimpered under the touch. "Look at you, whimpering under me. And your pathetic cock got hard from me hitting you. But let's see what this ass has to say." Chris said as he put your legs on his shoulders
You then felt his thick slicked fingers at your entrance. One finger slips in, your muscles immediately clenched at the invader. "M-mm." you gripped the sheets as his finger pushed deeper.
Then a second finger went in. You clench even more as it did a scissor motion. "Aagh!" you felt his fingers touch the bundle of pleasure. "You're ready."
Chris pulled his fingers out to see your hole doing a grabbing motion. 'Fuck... that's hot.' Chris threw his head back while jerking his cock. "Can't wait to pound this slutty boipussy."
You felt his fat tip push past your tight ring. "Mmm... C-Chris!-"
"YOU DON'T CALL ME THAT! You didn't learn from last time? You. Call. Me. Sir. You got that?" Chris growled/yelled. "Y-yes, Sir... It's just that... You're so big..." You whimpered.
Then with one Thrust, Chris pushed his entire cock inside. "See? You're taking all 12 inches of me! Fuck, so tight..." Chris groaned. His cock was touching your prostate.
His thick meaty cock filled your insides perfectly. Like you were made for each other. "Y-you're... splitting m-me... in two!" you moaned as you felt it throb and twitch.
"P-please... fuck me... make me your slut." you begged. Chris smirked before snapping his hips.
He began pounding into you. His big cum-filled balls smacked against your ass as he thrusts harder. "S-sir! Y-you feel... s-so good!" You moaned as you threw your head back and gripped the sheets tighter.
"You think those guys can fuck you like I do?! Only I can give you this pleasure, only me!" Chris growled as he thrust harder, hitting your prostate repeatedly.
You used the last of your strength to get up and wrapped your arms around Chris's neck. You clawed his back as he thrust more, you were sure those were gonna leave marks.
"Maybe those guys can give me more pleasure," you smirked at your fake statement. You heard a deep growl as Chris dropped you on the bed and flipped you onto your stomach.
"You fucking slut! Only I can give you this much pleasure! Those guys don't deserve you. Bet their cocks aren't as big as mines." Chris growled as he gripped your hips.
Sounds of skin-slapping and balls slapping against your ass filled the room and the others in the building had to hear it. The walls weren't soundproof.
Your cock was twitching, ready to release a load. "You're about to cum without me touching you! Well, I'm -FUCK- about to cum too." Chris groaned as you tighten around him.
"P-please... give me... y-your load!" You moaned as you arched your back to give Chris more access. "Want me to fill this slutty ass with my cum? Gonna... cum... soon!"
After 5 more thrusts, Chris reached his breaking point, and so did you.
"FUCK! I'M CUMMING! CUM WITH ME!" Chris groaned, he wrapped his hand around cock stroking it before you released it all over his hand. That was enough for him.
"FUCK!" you felt his cock twitch before pumping his hot load inside, filling you up to the brim.
*Breathing intensifies*
Chris collapses onto the bed right next to you with his cock still inside. You felt him pull out with his cum leaking out. "I'll never leave you for those two. My heart only beats for you," you said sincerely turning over to face him.
"I'll never leave you too. We'll be together until our time runs out." Chris said pulling you into a kiss filled with passion and love.
'There is still Love in a Hopeless World.'
A/N: Finally this is done! I hoped you enjoy this, by 🍓Little Strawberries🍓!
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