#i hope he gets character development and then dies brutally
daphnalia · 4 months
i hope he pulls a meryl streep (said with love)
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andiftheycare · 3 months
hello, do you have any fav stsg fics?
Hi anon!
I do indeed - even if I don't read as much ff as I'd like (my "to read" on AO3 gets bigger by the day) since I do tons of reading for work.
So I'm twisting this a bit and leaving below some fics I recently read and loved, and some of my highly-anticipated to read. Hope it works!
Current Favourites
Caesura by @cielelyse - Mature, 85.5k, multichapter, Complete This comes highly recommended in the fandom, and for a reasons. Rarely I read something so stunningly written and IC -- their teen Gojo is my favourite Gojo in the fandom, and the way she manages to mix character development & interactions with plot and romantic tension is chef's kiss. The narrative structure and use of language are stellar, too, often using interesting and unexpected turn of phrases. I think I devoured this in two sittings, and had to force myself to stop reading it. Fic is marked Mature for canon-typical violence rather than sex.
a spin around the rumor mill by ilovegetosuguru - General Audiences, 5K, Oneshot, Complete. The fist fic I read in this fandom, even before getting to ship stsg. This contains an unhealthy amount of fluff, great multi-characters characterisation, and speaks too well to anyone who went to uni and had to battle a shitty teacher. Nobara, in particular, is the gem that made me bookmark this. It's a one shot so it reads super quickly. Also sense of humor 10+++
Coanda Effect by @bunnieshoneys - Mature, 200k+, Multichapters, ongoing (22/24) Coanda Effect is a well loved ff and for a reason. I started it because I saw some great fanarts on Tiktok, despite the fact that was 100k+ at the time and I usually run away from fics that are already long. But the premise was great, and I thought why not. I proceeded to binge this in two weeks whilist losing my tube stop multiple times. What Coanda Effect really does -- that is addicting, really -- is beautifully lying down a spokon. You really care about the races. You start to understand how F1 works. And you find yourself having your favourite teams, too. It's also a compelling character study of Gojo and Geto, and I love that the author doesn't shy away in displaying their most unhealthy & complex traits, without oversimplifying their complexities. I read up to chapter 16, so I have a lots to catch up to, but I'd still highly recommend a read.
5 Times Gojo Satoru Tries to Rizz Up Geto Suguru and 1 Time He (Kind Of) Succeeds by seonghwaffles - Teen+, 16k, Multichapter, Complete Such a fun ride! This is perfect if you want anything with a very stupid, wipped Satoru, where everything he does goes wrong in the most improbable ways. Quick to read too!
Over the Threshold by @fushiglow -- Mature, 80k+, Multichapter, ongoing Idol AU featuring kpop idol Gojo and producer Geto. I know zero about this, but I quite like kpop and I find the industry fascinating (although brutal). I think the setting is up for some intresting dynamics, so I can't wait to dig into this one.
Cannibalization of the Apex by CharmPoint - Mature, 55k, multichapter, complete Fic where Gojo dies during the hidden inventory arc, comes back as a curse and is absorbed by Geto. The premise is just right up my street, I'm just waiting to be in the right state of mind to give this a read.
Hope this answers it anon!
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shima-draws · 1 month
Okay so. I'm like, 99% done with V3 and I realized I've barely shared like any of my thoughts here so. SPOILERS AHEAD
-The fact that Ryoma wanted to die and was fighting to find something to live for only to find out that he had NOTHING...that shit was sad bro
-Was NOT expecting Kirumi at all but in retrospect it's the least suspicious ones that you should be the most suspicious of. Also her execution was p brutal
-ANGIE WITH THE CULT...the fact that she managed to brainwash half the group had me terrified. Also her Atua worshipping got real old real fast. I hate religious cults lmao I was literally sitting there like "I REALLY hope she's the one to die this chapter" bc if I had to read one more sentence of her being like "Atua will save us all <3" I WOULD have gone to play in traffic.
-Angie needed to go but TENKO 😭 She was just a hopeless lesbian in love with Himiko she did not deserve what happened to her
-Speaking of Himiko I was kinda meh about her at first but after the chapter 3 trial her character developed so wonderfully...it was so nice to see her grow and change and learn to express herself 🥺
-My hatred for Kokichi only grew as time went on but after forcing Gonta to kill. MAN. That trial was so heartbreaking Gonta was just trying his best to protect everyone :"( Kokichi's such a little shit
-Kaito brushing off his illness as just him being afraid of ghosts AGGHHHH I knew there was something wrong from the start but seeing it progress and get worse was just 😭 I was literally sitting there like. Does he have a terminal illness. Oh my god he's going to die isn't he. NO HE'S MY FAVORITE PLEASEEEEE
-Was NOT expecting the space colony twist but even more so was the fact that the world ended...not once, but TWICE
-Me during chapter 4: How much you wanna bet next chapter Kokichi's gonna get killed and Kaito's gonna be the one who kills him Me during the chapter 5 trial: FUCKING. CALLED IT!!!!!!
-MAKI FALLING FOR KAITO and admitting it right before his execution.......my heart can't TAKE this shit please!!!!
-Kaito dying from his illness before the execution was even over...Monokuma being pissed about it...everyone looking at him and going HA BITCH YOU THOUGHT! Kaito beat you!!
-Keebo going off the rails was not on my 2024 bingo card but here we are
-KAEDE DIED FOR NO REASON?? She didn't actually kill Rantaro. My girl was innocent after all huh 😔
-Me, 3 chapters in: Tsumugi is so boring she literally brings nothing to the plot whatsoever. She's just...there Me, during the chapter 6 class trial: OHHHH. THAT WAS INTENTIONAL. I KNEW they wouldn't just have a useless character that should have been my first clue honestly
-Also me: Why do the Monocubs even exist. They've done nothing but comedy routines and die this entire time. They're literally pointless?? I've been watching Game Grumps play V3 and every time they come on screen Dan and Arin collectively sigh together. LMAO
-Imagine me with my jaw on the FLOOR once everything was revealed to be fictional. It's all a lie?? They Truman Show'd this shit?? Neither of the first two games MATTERED?? (A friend explained that DRV3 is in a separate universe than the first two games so that calmed me down a little lmao I would have been so pissed if it were actually the case that everyone from the first two games were just. Not real. Didn't actually exist. It was all faked)
Anyway I'm not completely done with the game yet I'm at the tail end of the chapter 6 trial so we'll see how things go from here 😬 This has been a wild ride. An emotional rollercoaster for sure
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spearsndragons · 9 months
please welcome back…
Hourglass by spearsndragons
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Elia dies and awakes on the day of her wedding. Armed with the memories of her previous life, she is determined not to let them come to pass. She will make the Seven Kingdoms regret they ever underestimated her.
In another part of the Red Keep, the Gods of Old Valyria send Rhaegar back in time to fix his wrongs and ensure the survival of House Targaryen. Rhaegar knows his madness and hubris led to the destruction of everything he loves and cares for. Never again.
AU: The Gods and fate reverse the hands of time. Elia seeks retribution and Rhaegar endeavors for redemption. In one life, they were husband and wife. In this one, they might just be each other’s biggest adversaries.
But, while Elia and Rhaegar plan to prevent the tragedies that befell them, they find out they are not the only ones who were given a second chance. And not all who came back are their friends.
welcome readers, both new and old, to a revised version of hourglass :) it'll be, for the most part, similar to the OG version but i will be revising it and maybe cleaning up plot holes or introducing new details.
now that fall semester is over and law school isn't looming over my head, i went down a memory lane and reread hourglass. i remember the joy i had in writing it and planning everything out. i remember the love you guys showed. i got this urge again, to continue the story. i want to say it had been a mistake deleting it and letting those weird, hateful stans get to my head, but i thought it was a good learning lesson. now i just wont give a fuck and write whatever i want. it's fanfiction that we're writing and consuming FOR FREE. they need to get over their parasocial relationships with FICTIONAL characters.
so i am back and better than ever! to those who have been with me since sunandfire, please show the same love for this version! and to my new readers, welcome to my first babyyyyy! <3
also, now that hourglass is back, i will be focusing on developing it and so i won't have time to update sunset embers for the foreseeable future :( law school is brutal and i can only focus on one work at a time. i don't want to give you guys anything halfhearted so for now, i'll be privating sunset embers... don't worry! she'll be back! i won't delete her!!!
to the 1k people who loved this story, and to the ones who i hope will grow to love it too, this is for YOU!
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ramblingroommate · 3 months
Part 3 (part 1 & part 2)
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Only his fourth month on the job? Oh he’s new new, that’s interesting! And explains why he’s taking this so bad, poor baby
I have to say this also puts that whole stealing the truck thing in a different context. From the way they were talking I was under the impression he had a long history of doing things like that (like he had been working with them for a year or two), but he just started working there so it probably was the first time he did something so dumb. He fucked up once Bobby let it slide, he did it a second time he fired him. Oh my god he got fired after four months on the job
It was deserved but still. It also makes sense that he was so sorry about everything and said he realized in that moment how much he cared for the job.
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Oh baby no don’t say that. Yikes.
He’s taking the guy’s death so hard and it’s clear he’s angry because he wishes he could have saved him, but going to his funeral and telling his sister it’s his own fault he died that’s just… oof
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Yeaaah, that’s pretty much what I expected after what Buck said. Still hurts tho
This episode has been brutal on Buck
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I LOVE how Bobby handled this. He knew immediately what was off but didn’t address it while on the job and with a person’s life on the line. Too often this kind of shows do exactly that to up the tension, but it always takes me out. This reaction just feels more realistic to me.
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And now they address it! Love it.
Also “I know I let you down”? They really want me to feel for Buck, huh? Cause it’s working
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LOVE this scene where they communicate without talking. I’m actually really liking this episode in general! It already feels like a step up from the first one.
It probably has to do with the much more realistic calls and discussions they are having, they’re more my cup of tea
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Buck tried out for the Navy SEALs, interesting tidbit of backstory. I like when info get sprinkled in like this, instead of being dumped all at the same time when a storyline requires it.
Also really liked the explanation of something as horrifically tough as the navy seals giving him trouble not for the physical torture of it all but because of the emotional repression required
If Buck is one thing it is a caring person who takes things at heart. Makes sense he dropped out because he couldn’t be just a machine
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This is Buck’s character in a nutshell. Wanting to be cool and tough yes, but most of all wanting to help.
I have to say it’s interesting to see which characters they are focusing on and developing more in these first two episode. Bobby is probably number one, closely followed by Buck and Abby. Maybe it’s all those Bs in their names lol
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Talking about going to therapy after a traumatic event? In a tv drama? IS THIS A FUCKING MIRACLE?
I’m shocked, these shows -almost every show actually- usually pretend they’ve never heard of therapy so they can keep their characters traumatized and the tension high
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You and most men, honey. It’s cultural upbringing
Also, that’s an extremely attractive therapist… are they going to get together later down the line? I hope not
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Wait what? We just… cut away?
Alright, I get it. They’re going back and forth between Buck’s therapy and Athena and her husband’s.
I got really confused there for a moment lol
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So her main grievance is that Michael made her feel like a fool and not that he lied to her for decades.
Actually, I love that lol. It makes sense with her character: as a proud black woman on the force, she probably has had to use her confidence as a shield for quite a long time. The last thing she wants is show everyone that she was blindsided and “fooled” by her own husband
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Oww that’s actually really sweet. When she’s out of her uniform she shows a much more compassionate side. I like that the show is drawing this difference very clearly
It also makes the whole “I always knew you were gay” trope (which I usually hate) a little bit better in this case
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And we’re back with Buck! I have to say I’m not loving this back and forth, I forget what they were talking about by the time we switch back. The talks on their own are really well done which is why I don’t want to lose any pieces
This also makes more sense: they have lost people since Buck joined but it was more along the lines of “we got there and there was nothing we could do”. Now that I think about it didn’t a woman jump in the first episode? But in that case Buck wasn’t directly involved. This was the first time they got there in time, he got involved, did everything right and the guy still died. It probably feels very unfair (like “I did everything right, why didn’t he do his part?”)
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Okay Michael has my attention now! I didn’t really care about him in the first episode, I don’t know why. He just felt kinda… off? His behavior just came off as weird to me. Too forcefully happy and positive. It’s okay to be happy because you finally feel comfortable enough coming out, but you’re also an adult and know this change won’t be easy on your children right away and might take some time getting used to. He was acting like he expected everyone to be over the moon for him and celebrate right away (I understand wanting to be accepted but you’re basically telling your children their parents are getting a divorce, pump the brakes).
This conversation makes me like him a lot more tho, peels back that mask of forced optimism and reveals some of his hardships
Also he has a boyfriend!!! Things get spicy
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I was wondering when we would get here! Buck definitely blames him which is a natural response/defense mechanism to that kind of traumatic event. It’s also true that there may be a million different reasons why that guy decided to let go and we’ll never truly know. Sometimes not knowing is what makes us get stuck, prevents us from moving on. But we do need to move on anyway. I wonder how they’ll go about this
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This is not what I was expecting
And now they’re having sex… why do you do this to me? It was going so well, I actually let myself hope they wouldn’t do this. It was an empty dream, if there is a young attractive woman in a show then she’s going to have sex, no matter how unprofessional
“I feel so much better” yeah because you used sex to feel better in the moment and avoid taking a deeper look at the underlying problem.
Is this trying to hint again at Buck being a possible sex addict? I’m still confused about that
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Is the rope attached to the guy in the show or is that for the stunt and was left in?
It’s not present in the next scene so definitely a stunt rope that wasn’t hidden! I like when I can catch small mistakes in shows
Also this whole scene was hilarious
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I love Bobby’s approach to the whole situation. The first time he noticed Buck’s hesitation he didn’t push, talked to him privately and gently, recommended he talk to a therapist and now he starts to push him (still gently) to get over his fear. Loving Bobby’s character so far
Aaaaand I need to make a part 4 because I reached the pics limit 🥲
Will definitely need to change some things around for next episode so I don’t do so many parts
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lisa972kdlz · 4 months
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(The French version is below)
I just realized something.
About Dreamtale. Why we're so touched by this AU, and by the twins.
I just understood why Nightmare is so popular, why he touches us, why he touches ME, even though he's NOT my favorite character compared to Dream, Ace or Error.
Because we identify with his problems?
Because we sympathize with his backstory?
Because we love drama and tentacles?
... Meh, for sure.
Because Dreamtale brings an extremely interesting symbolic theme about feelings?
Because fandom has developed the story of the two siblings in all its forms, and we've been taken on board without really realizing it by the fan creations - comics, drawings, fan fiction - that we discover as we go along?
But that doesn't explain the intensity of this emotional involvement. Why did Nightmare inspire me so much, and still do today? Because very often MAIS CHIOTTE DE SES MORTS QU'IL ME SAOULE BORDEL DE SCROGNEUGNEU?! (Untranslatable in English, sorry QwQ)
And then I realised.
"The two siblings"...
Doesn't this story remind you of another?
I don't know why, but I get the impression that NOBODY makes this obvious parallel. At least I've never seen any comparative fanart or people talking about it.
The majority of Dreamtale fans are first and foremost Undertale fans, who went through the Gameplay, Let's play's, etc. before discovering the AU's. The majority have played or watched the game and discovered the Lore. Listened to the OSTs. Enjoyed the characters.
The majority witnessed the magnificent end of the Pacifist Timeline and the ensuing burst of tears.
And who, for God's sake, has never been touched by Asriel's fate? This child who died far too soon, who never meant any harm to anyone, who died because of a bad decision, then was resurrected as a sadistic, soulless being incapable of love?
Don't you think Night looks a lot like him? And that Dream is a cross between Frisk and Chara?
Not in personality, nor necessarily in the story, but in the way they touche the audience through their shared destiny.
Two siblings who love each other dearly are brutally separated by a quarrel in which one loses his life, transformed into a powerful, emotionless demon. The other sleeps for years before waking up, lost and confused... Then they embark on an adventure with a guide, discover the world that has evolved without them, grow up, meet new people, help, save.
And this co-dependent relationship. The demon is still a child at heart. He wants to play with his sibling, even to the point of committing atrocious acts to make them stay with him, even if it means taking their soul and killing them a million times over. But nostalgia takes hold of him again. Deep in his overpowering heart, he feels all the souls of the world bound together, he feels determination of monsters and humans, the love they have for each other. It's all too much for him. He succumbs to his feelings and bursts into tears. He apologizes. The two siblings reconcile.
It's the kind of story we'd all like to give Dream and Nightmare, isn't it?
We want to save Night.
But like Asriel, it's impossible. We all know by now that Corrupted Nightmare isn't Night, don't we? It's a revelation that hits us when we search a bit on the creator's Tumblr after reading the Prologue. The story leaves us no choice: he died five hundred years ago, and that remains unchanging. There is no hope.
He has to go. Become corrupt again. He has to die again. Because that's how it must be.
Yeah yeah, we love Sans in Undertale, he's pretty cool and the Multiverse revolves around him. But as soon as we play the game, it's Asriel we're crying for. For good reason, Dreamtale, the story that most closely resembles his tragedy, is one of the most popular universes. Is that chance? Or have we all unconsciously drawn the parallel?
Now, when I listen Hopes and Dreams, Save the World, His Theme, one part of me thinks of Asriel and Chara, the other part thinks of Dream and Nightmare.
It was to save Asriel that fans started developing parallel universes. And it's to save Night that we're repeating the process.
It would have been a lot cooler to put Dream and Nightmare in Chara and Asriel's bodies, I think.
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Damn, I would have fan-girled instead of foe-girl on him I guess 🤔
Or for those who love big, ugly monsters, in PHOTOSHOP FLOWEY mode!
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Delightfully nightmarish, I approve 👌✨!
Je viens de comprendre un truc.
À propos de Dreamtale. Pourquoi on est autant touché par cet AU, et par les jumeaux.
Je viens de comprendre pourquoi Nightmare est aussi populaire, pourquoi il nous touche, pourquoi il ME touche alors que POURTANT, ce n'est pas mon personnage préféré comparé à Dream, Ace ou Error.
Parce qu'on s'identifie à ses problèmes ?
Parce qu'on compatie à sa backstory ?
Parce qu'on aime le drama et les tentacules ?
...Meh, à coup sûr.
Parce que Dreamtale apporte une thématique symbolique extrêmement intéressante à propos des sentiments ?
Tout à fait.
Parce que le Fandom a développé l'histoire des deux frères sous toutes les formes et que nous avons été embarqués sans trop s'en rendre compte par les créations des fans, comics, dessins, fanfictions, que nous découvrons au fur et à mesure ?
Mais voilà, tout ça a le bénéfice de me convaincre, mais ça n'explique toujours pas l'intensité de cette implication émotionnelle. Pourquoi Nightmare m'a autant inspirée et m'inspire encore aujourd'hui ? Alors que très souvent MAIS CHIOTTE DE SES MORTS QU'IL ME SÂOULE BORDEL DE SCROGNEUHGNEUH ?!
Et c'est là que j'ai réalisé.
"Les deux frères"...
Cette histoire ne vous en rappelle-t-elle pas une autre ?
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais j'ai l'impression que PERSONNE ne fait ce parallèle pourtant évident. En tout cas je n'ai jamais vu de fanart comparatif ou de gens en parler.
La majorité des fans de Dreamtale est avant tout des fans d'Undertale, qui sont passés par le jeu travers le Gameplay, le Let's play, etc. avant de découvrir les AU's. La majorité a joué ou regardé le jeu et découvert le Lore. Écouté les OST. Apprécié les personnages.
La majorité a été témoin de la magnifique fin de la Timeline Pacifiste et de l'éclat de larmes qui en découle.
Et qui, bon sang mais qui, n'a jamais été touché par le destin d'Asriel ? Cet enfant mort bien trop tôt qui n'a jamais voulu de mal à personne, mort à cause d'une mauvaise décision, puis ressuscité en un être sadique et sans âme, incapable d'aimer ?
Vous ne trouvez pas que Night lui ressemble énormément ? Et que Dream serait le mélange de Frisk et de Chara ?
Pas dans la personnalité, ni dans l'histoire forcément, mais dans la manière dont il touche le public par leur destin commun.
Deux frères qui s'aiment énormément sont brutalement séparés par une dispute où l'un perd la vie, transformé en un démon surpuissant et dénué de sentiments. L'autre dort des années durant avant de se réveiller, perdu, confus... Puis il se lance à l'aventure en compagnie d'un guide, découvre le monde qui a évolué sans lui, grandit rencontre de nouvelles personnes, aide, sauve.
Et cette relation co-dépendante. Le démon est encore un enfant au fond de lui. Il veut jouer avec son frère, au point de commettre des actes atroces pour rester avec lui, même s'il doit s'emparer de son âme et le tuer un million de fois. Mais la nostalgie s'empare à nouveau de lui. Il sent au fond de son cœur trop puissant les âmes liées entres elles, il sent leur détermination, l'amour qu'ils ont les uns pour les autres. C'est beaucoup trop pour lui. Il succombe à ses sentiments et éclate en larmes. Il s'excuse. Les deux frères se réconcilient.
Belle histoire qu'on a tous envie de donner à Dream et Nightmare, pas vrai ?
On a envie de sauver Night.
Mais comme Asriel, c'est impossible. Nous savons tous à présent que Nightmare Corrompu n'est pas Night, n'est-ce pas ? C'est une révélation qui nous percute quand on cherche un peu sur le Tumblr de la créatrice après avoir lu le Prologue. L'histoire ne nous laisse aucun choix, il est mort il y a cinq-cents ans et cela reste immuable. Il n'y a aucun espoir.
Il doit s'en aller. Redevenir corrompu. Il doit mourir à nouveau. Parce que c'est comme ça que ça doit se passer.
Oui, on aime Sans dans Undertale, il est vachement cool et le Multivers tourne autour de lui. Mais dès qu'on joue au jeu, c'est pour Asriel qu'on pleure. Pour cause, Dreamtale, l'histoire qui ressemble le plus à sa tragédie, est l'un des univers des plus populaires. Un hasard ? Ou bien avons-nous tous fait inconsciemment le parallèle ?
Maintenant, quand j'écoute Hopes and Dreams, Save the World, His Theme, une part de moi pense à Asriel et Chara, l'autre part pense à Dream et Nightmare.
C'est pour sauver Asriel que les fans ont commencé à développer des univers parallèles. Et c'est pour sauver Night qu'on réitère le processus.
Ça aurait été vachement plus cool de mettre Dream et Nightmare dans des corps de Chara et Asriel je pense.
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Ah bah j'aurais peut-être fan-girlé au lieu de foe-girler pour le coup 🤔
Ou pour ceux qui aiment les gros monstres pas beaux, en mode PHOTOSHOP FLOWEY !
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Délicieusement cauchemardesque, j'approuve 👌✨!
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anti-dazai-blog · 1 year
my actual opinions on today’s episode (under the cut because spoilers)
As I said in my last post, I actually really liked Fukuchi’s development in this episode, and I think this was a really satisfying way to conclude his story.
everything else though? Tbh I’m not the biggest fan. I’m gonna hope that all of the things that are out of character for BSD as a story to do are anime only, and the manga will have a better resolution to this arc.
Fyodor dies without any ability reveal— what does that mean for the series? If Asagiri’s on board with this, does this mean that his ability will be revealed and explained after his death, or is this a way to get out of revealing and explaining his ability at all?
Fyodor alludes to a different opponent he fought who was nearly a match for him. Is this a way to shoehorn in another person for Dazai to have his quasi-super genius quarrels with? Is this a way of saying “Fyodor may be gone, but Dazai still has someone out there he can play the numbers guessing game with”?
The episode pulled one of those “Dazai knew everything all along” moves, which really makes the entire Meursault subplot meaningless. There was no conflict. There was no back and forth strategizing. Dazai knew everything from the start and everything went exactly according to his plan. Dazai’s injuries also don’t matter, since he’s up and about immediately after sustaining them.
What was the point of Dazai choosing Sigma. Was there a point? He left him behind at the end. Sigma didn’t do much of anything to help him or harm Fyodor (nothing that affects the plot at least).
Dazai being all-knowing also adds to his accountability in everything. Which I mention fairly often, but I hate that this final episode is proving me right. There’s this issue now of at what point did he contact Chuuya and arrange this plan. If it would be too far in advance, you’d have the question of how and why he’d know about vampires and that Fyodor and the decay of angels is planning on using them. You have the question of why he wouldn’t warn Ango, the one person he’s contacting who’s conveniently in the Actual Japanese Government, about a potential World War 3.
If Chuuya wasn’t a vampire this whole time, that means he brutalized all of the Meursault guards on purpose. It also doesn’t explain the panel where he’s struggling and breathing heavily, dragging two dismembered corpses of guards. What does that panel mean in the context of Chuuya be conscious? The struggling could be an act, but what was Chuuya’s conscious reason for picking up two corpses he brutalized and dragging them around with him?
And that epilogue. It looks like a cliche shonen boss fight. There better be a solid explanation to why we’re reverting to beam attacks after having such a long series presenting us with some of the most unique abilities found in anime/manga.
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bobbinalong · 4 months
You're joking. Please say you're joking. You mean to tell me Sara died just so Jay can blame Nia and that can further develop HER character. Not Jay's, Nia's. Because it's clear this isn't about Jay. This isn't even his book. He is just the friend (if they can call each other that given their interaction was brief lol) whose mother died so now the main character (Nia) is going to have drama and angst and character development because of it.
While yes, character favoritism does annoy me, usually at least I can just... not read the book? And be fine. But this is literally changing the status quo A BIG TIME. And Jay doesn't have any books now or even some coming soon so I guess he'll have to deal with this off-page. He just got him mother back, he doesn't deserve this!!! After all the crap they've been trough, they both deserve a happy ending. I'm so UPSET WTF!!!
I know it sounds like I don't like Nia, I swear I don't have a problem with her and enjoyed her origin story, but having to fuck up another character so she can have character development really pisses me off. It's the same as Chip's current treatment of Damian except this one actually changes the status quo.
I'm sorry for the negativity, I'm just really pissed lol.
Don't be sorry, I totally get why you're pissed.
I'm reserving (total) judgement until we actually see how this plays out but yes, right now, it doesn't look good -- and even if the story that comes out of this is enjoyable and I personally like the way Nia and Jay develop because of this, the point it started at will probably always leave a sour taste because as smarter people have pointed out, a mother dying to further develop other people's stories is, at this point, a very tired and played out trope.
As for character favouritism, I'm holding off on calling it that, but if this does turn out to be about Nia and nobody but Nia, ... I was about to say I wouldn't be surprised but no, that's actually not it. But Nicole Maines did originally play her on Supergirl, like, that's kinda her character, in a way, so I guess I would at least get that. Somewhat. It would still suck, though, obviously.
On a slightly more positive note, these tweets do kinda of make me hope we'll see Jay and in not just a minor role in this/Nia's story going forward. Like, especially the "Jay knows exactly who he blames". Of course that could also just mean "they're not gonna be friends anymore" but I hope we at least get to center his feelings, too, if we already unceremoniously killed his mom.
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Also, not sure how to fit this smoothly onto the rest of this tangent, I'm kinda disappointed Sara's gone before she even got to be a character. Like, the woman is essentially a blank slate. We can assume she's devoted to her son and to her country but outside, that's it, because so far she's only appeared to be saved after being brutalized and then to be thrown out of a window. So even if this all furthers Nia and Jay's story in a satisfying way, it still sucks that there's no care for Sara Nakamura as a character/person in her own right. She's just Jay's mom whose death'll drive a wedge between him and a friend and I suppose that's all she'll ever be now, when I think she'd have had a few interesting stories in her in her own right or could've at least served as an interesting addition to the wider Superman cast.
So yeah. Be pissed. God knows I will be if Nia's the only character who gets anything out of this.
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
Medical nin Sasuke is a top tier AU for sure
Anon, I hope you don't mind me adding some of my headcanons / thoughts because YES IT IS:
I'm begging to watch Sasuke reanimating someone with a controlled electric pulse.
We all know about the sharingan abilities to easily memorize and catch even the littlest of details, right? It'd be perfect for a medic nin who has to identify all types of wounds in the middle of chaotic battlefields. The efficiency would be around 90%.
Sasuke has amazing chakra control too and it deserves to be talked about more.
It is perfectly plausible that in some other universe where Sasuke wasn't as heavily manipulated as the canon verse, he'd seek to reform the system from within by pushing forward the medical agenda in a world full of mindless violence. I bet he wouldn't feel half as powerless if he could save lives with his medical ninjutsu.
Sasuke can become a medic nin out to rebel against the people trying to control him. He could go "I wish I was powerful enough to stop Itachi before he went too far AND knew how to heal my parents before they died".
He could have become interested in medical ninjutsu during his fight with Haku. Faking death? Going for the vital points with brutal efficiency? All awesome stuff.
Sasuke is so similar to Tsunade. Both left the village because they were disappointed and hurting. They lost their brothers, saw the people most important to them get killed, felt betrayed by someone they trusted— and how interesting I'd be to parallel Orochimaru and Itachi search for power, when both of them later help Konoha survive.
He's fight with Itachi would have gone a lot differently. Itachi is sick and wants to die and is manipulating Sasuke further, but what if Sasuke refused to allow it to happen and managed to save him? I love the trope where characters live to pay for their own mistakes instead of "dying to redeem themselves". The character development is worth it all!
He's very observant, more than Naruto or Sakura. He thinks critically, works under pressure, is not afraid of blood or doing what must be done...
He's a field medic through and through. If he wanted to bring back the honor of the Uchiha clan, becoming a medic sounds like a good idea. Do I need to remind everyone that one of the worst nightmares of Naruto was the asshole of Kabuto? And how he was such a pain in the neck because he was a medic nin?
Way to turn around and spit into the Uchiha curse of hatred too. The Sharingan is a gift of love— of love and grief. It's a tool to be used so you won't lose anyone like that again, so you can protect your loved ones. It'd shut up Black Zetsu and his Uchiha manipulation.
Honestly I think it would have been great to create a plotline where Kakashi is too busy seeing himself in Sasuke, it hits him like a truck the moment he becomes aware that he is more than Rin in so many ways.
Sasuke turning to be more like Mikoto than like Itachi or Fugaku!!!!!!
I have so many ideas for this au. Giving Sasuke the power to heal doesn't change who he is at his core, but it influences who he becomes. I'm not saying he won't be bitter or angry— Tsunade and Chiyo were two of the best medic nins around and they were drowning in vices.
It depends on who his mentor could be and he won't be a worse fighter, but!!! Idk, there is a different type of strength in healing...
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pusangkambing · 1 year
HELLO PAIMON!! coming to you because it's a new day for me and i need to complain to someone BAD because i am stuck Badly on my opq fic. Because yes lucie's death makes me want to kill someone else in turn. but it also was so significant and had such massive ramifications on all the other characters, especially benito's (who's just. an Incredible character) that i do not know what to do. (like would benito even have his arc without it?? i don't know...) Cause like i still want to give everyone their character development but i think i might have to pull something out of my ass to do that. like im Going to finish the fic im just stuck BAD rn for this reason and several others 😭
NO NEED TO GIVE ANY INPUT BTW IF YOU DON'T WANNA i just wanted to complain 💔 ...... hope you've been doing good and had a good day so far :D!!
NO CAUSE I GET IT Lucie's death is basically the catalyst for the most dramatic character development for Benito cause like on the first u can only see bits of his development the more he interacts with everyone like on the part where jeffrey nearly dies. LIKE IT IS SO INTEGRAL!! Seeing lucie sacrifice herself for emi as an ultimate act of selflesness and care and dying in such a brutal tragic way made him fucking BREAKDOWN LIKE HE'S ACTUALLT GOING TO STUDY MEDICINE NOW BECAUSE OF THEM HE'S ACTUALLY GOING TO TRY HE'S ACTUALLY GOING TO TAKE CARE OF EMI. Without that influence, without that catalyst its really hard to see him be as selfless as he was at the end.
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 13 Group 61
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Nightchord25: Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Mizuki Akiyama & Ena Shinonome
Wayfarer's Crew: Rosemary, Ashby, Sissix, Jenks, Lovey, Corbin, Dr. Chef, Ohan
Submissions are still open!
Usually in Project Sekai, I don’t really have any people I ship as a polycule,..well except Nightchord25. And there’s good reason for that too because there bonds with each other is just so…mwah. But anyways, why are they found family you may ask? Well they’re 4 mentally ill teenagers so plenty hurt and comfort there. There’s Kanade Yoisaki a girl who’s mom died at a young age and father is in the hospital because of stress. Kanade blames herself for her father’s hospital trip and compensates for it developing a savior complex, becoming a hikikomori who creates music in an attempt to “save people.” Her lifestyle is quite unhealthy as she spends most of her time creating music neglecting food and sleep. Next, Mafuyu Asahina the lyricist and arranger who has a “good girl” facade but in reality is unhappy and empty as she lacks an identity due to her mother’s manipulative behavior causing her to be a people pleaser. She’s spent her whole life pleasing others that she’s forgotten her own self, that she wants to be when she grows up? Well her parents want her to become a doctor but she truly doesn’t know. Thirdly is Mizuki Akiyama, the video editor. Despite Mizuki’s cheerful and peppy demeanor which contrast the other characters, Mizuki is an incredibly lonely person and is ostracized at school. This is because Mizuki is heavily implied to be biologically male despite dressing in feminine clothes. There’s a lot of debate on Mizuki’s gender identity but one thing for sure is that because of Mizuki’s looks, the students around them think of Mizuki as weird and strange. Lastly but not least is Ena Shinonome, the artist, Ena’s a very blunt person with a bit of a tsundere personality. Despite her outgoing demeanor she is also surprise, surprise, depressed. Ena has a social media account to that’s quite popular but what really matters to her more is her art account which barely gets any followers. Ena is an aspiring artist, wanting to become professional. But she struggles with her lack of talent as well as her inferiority complex because of her dad brutally telling her that she can’t make it in the art world and that she has no talent for it. Which…while I get what he’s trying to say as he is also an artist,..that isn’t exactly the best thing for him to do.Now that I’ve introduced you the cast, what’s there relationship like? Kanade has a special bond with Mafuyu as when Kanade and the others discovered that Mafuyu’s happy mask was a hoax and in reality she’s lost all hope and is empty, Kanade vows to help her find her true self which at first by creating more songs. Mafuyu denies the help but eventually gives in. Throughout the story Kanade learns to understand Mafuyu more and aaahh we see Mafuyu start to crack a smile every once in a while because of Kanade’s music. Kanade has also helped Ena by giving her encouragement with her art as Kanade genuinely likes Ena’s art and Kanade is the only person who Ena never bickers with. Mizuki has also helped out Kanade alot with them pushing Kanade out of her shell and making her go to places more. Mizuki finds comfort in n25 as they’re Mizuki’s only friends which why it hurts them so much as they fear that they will leave Mizuki if they found out their secret. In this way, Mafuyu and Mizuki foil eachother with Mafuyu being her true self with Nightchord meanwhile Mizuki hides their secret from Nightchord cuz of their fear of possible backlash. Both of them out on a facade one way or another. Ena ended up sensing that Mizuki was hiding something and in the end tells Mizuki that she’ll be waiting as long as Mizuki wants to tell their secret one day which makes Mizuki feel even more guilty. Now Ena’s relationship with the Mafuyu. At first Ena doesn’t understand Mafuyu. She doesn’t understand why she’d wanna disappear when Mafuyu is so talented which is something that she wants. While they definitely didn’t get along in the beginning slowly but surely they started understanding n being friends<33. There’s probably more I missed but I’m sooo tired lmfao
Wayfarer's Crew:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
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lomappreciationblog · 10 months
A collection of dialogues you can get from Jumi in special circumstances, shall we say. This post turned out long, so I will focus on Rubens in this one!
This contains massive spoilers for the Jumi Arc in Legend of Mana as a whole - I highly encourage to only see this post if you've already completed the Jumi Arc!!!
I wrote this before my previous post, so sorry for repeating some points, but I think this post is clearer with those!
The special circumstances is...throughout the Jumi Arc, several characters die, these being Rubens, Esmeralda (my bby...) and Diana. However...if you go to the Underworld after their deaths, you can actually find them in separate rooms.
Which in itself is already a significant fact, because as Pokiehl explained in in Diddle's Had It!...the Underworld is not a place of rest, but a place for souls who "still cling to life." With that in mind, being able to find Rubens, Esmeralda and Diana in the Underworld meant that they are also souls clinging to life, and happily, their faith will be rewarded at the end of Teardrop Crystal.
Rubens and Esmeralda are able to perceive and talk to the protagonist, while Diana stays silent as a statue, but her core will respond if you talk to her. If you happened to bring along Pearl or Elazul, the dead Jumi can sense there is someone near, but they cannot see the living Jumi.
Pearl and Elazul can see them, however, and they have unique responses too, one of the reasons I love LOM so much - the devs actually took the time to put in unique responses for characters in certain scenarios that are often out of the players' way!
Rubens is the least spoiler-y since he dies in a very early Jumi quest, but Diana and Esmeralda especially are significant plot developments, and the best way to experience LOM' stories is to get in blind is what I believe, but here are the dialogues if you've missed them:
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I feel like poor Rubens get the worst end of the stick for being killed so early, but as can be seen here, despite being killed, his death has only given him renewed determination. It's kind of heartbreaking, since in A Flame of Hope we only see Rubens as a broken man who can't care to live up to his title, and Sandra breaks him further (metaphorically and literally) when she accuses him of not caring any more for Diana when he couldn't bring himself to hurt a Sproutling for a possible cure.
But one of the themes of the Jumi Arc is that brutal violence is not a solution to an already ongoing cycle of tragedy and violence - for all we know Sandra was lying about the Popo Bug being a cure, so Rubens refusing to hurt the Sproutling wasn't a weakness, but rather an indication that he is still a noble, compassionate character, with the kindness the Jumi were known for. And though Rubens died to Sandra in the bleakest circumstances possible, he persisted in the Underworld and even believed that the Jumi will go on.
There's something poetic in that - Sandra stole his core, the Flame of Hope, because she deemed him worthless and only fit to fuel the Lord of Jewels, but stripped of his core, Rubens actually regained his hope. What I'm saying is Rubens deserved better and I wish the anime did him justice, though we at least saw a little more of him there.
If you brought Pearl along...you will find this extra conversation.
(I was gonna upload the individual screenshots but it's a lot, luckily I did have a video of it).
The first couple of things Rubens say didn't get included though, so here are screenshots:
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There's something bittersweet in that Rubens recognizes the player characters and that he doesn't say any word of blame for us being unable to prevent his death, but does tell us to look after the other Jumi.
Also the fact that we actively can pass along Pearl's message of consolation...awwww.
Sadly I don't have records of Elazul's special responses, but I am replaying LOM HD with Shiloh as the protagonist this time, so when I find all Elazul responses I will collect them in their own post!
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Even in the book it’s clear that the relationship between Rhaenyra and Daemon isn’t healthy (in fact you can make the argument that no romantic relationship depicted in any of George R.R. Martin’s work is completely healthy) and isn’t something anyone should strive for.
So when I first watched the show and saw the romantic twist they put on Rhaenyra and Daemon I was confused (as someone who read the book first HOTD is to me what the Percy Jackson movies are to that fandom, enjoyable but differing vastly from the source material) and not going to lie intrigued.
But then as the episodes went on I developed a very big love-hate relationship with Daemon. Episodes 6-7 pissed me off 🫠 Hooking up with anyone at the funeral of your wife isn’t cool (also Harwin who was Rhaenyra’s lover for ten years who she had three children with just died) I mean I get that everyone grieves in different ways but the fact that he slept with Rhaenyra especially when I know how he treated Laena (and his daughters to some extent) 🥴🙄
I would also like to say that I don’t play around with domestic violence (fictional and in the real world) so Daemon choking Rhaenyra really turned me off his character. It also felt like another moment in HOTD to showcase brutal violence against women.
There are a handful of potentially healthy romantic relationships(Rhaena and Garmund might have actually had a happy marriage), but yeah if someone is using Dumbnyra as an example of one 🫠
To me, the show never framed their relationship in a romantic context. I mean Rhaenyra is underage when we first meet her, she looks super young next to her overly grown uncle, and the necklace he gives her could constitute as grooming.
I think people got confused with the “switch up” because they are the only “shippable couple”(I say this term loosely because shippable to this fandom equals too white people who breathe near each other hence why we have the clusterf*ck that is lucemond) on the show so far. If the red flags didn’t ring for people in episode one they should’ve rung by episode four when he abandoned her in the brothel. People seemed to ignore this because she’s 18, but abandoning someone in a dangerous place they aren’t familiar with no matter their age is really scary
This is going to be a very controversial take(I’m not a person who gets off on seeing domestic violence), but it seems like the choking scene was necessary since people thought Dumbnyra was supposed to be a romantic couple 🤷🏽‍♀️
Daemon from day one was a crazy a**hole who hardly cared about anyone. He does have redeeming qualities in the book(notably how is with Laena and Nettles, which they better not screw over because Ryan Condal himself has said the man is a gray character and she’s his only light now), but so far they’ve cut those parts out and turned him into a man obsessed with his brother.
Rhaenyra, as are all the other women in his life, is a causality of his obsession. People wanted her to be his exception, but she was never framed in that way. In fact, she’s one of his first “victims.”
Daemon has not changed fundamentally since episode one. So it makes sense why he’d violently snap at her too. Out of all the violent scenes directed at women in the past season, the choking scene makes the most sense to me.
Like I said above, I hope we do see him change(and yes I’ll be biased and say I want him to change for Nettles like he did in the books) because he is supposed to be a morally gray character, but Rhaenyra is not part of the lighter side of him.
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ahamkara-apologist · 2 years
Tbh one thing I don't get is people complaining about Amanda's death as if it were a sudden or unexpected thing...it wasn't. Like I held out hope that she and Crow would be able to be friends again, but she was dropping death flags left and right for a good while before it happened. Can't remember which season it came out, but remmeber how Niiks said she'd never forget her? Yeah. The forshadowing has been in the works for a while, and I'm guessing that her sudden death via a shadow legion trap was supposed to be brutally unexpected to send us reeling and really grasp the severity of the situation. This war isn't just targeting guardians, there are people we know who are being killed, and it will not stop no matter how hard we want everyone to get through, because we're backed into enough of a corner that all of our fighters have to be on the front lines...for a war we might not even win. Its supposed to be a shocker, but it was def. premeditated. The timing sucked, but nobody could blame that.
As for her rezzing as a guardian- I'm kinda eehhh on it? With Crow demanding vengence, it admittedly does feel like putting him through what people experienced when Uldren shot Cayde, but I'm not sure if that would work here like it did with Crow, and it's too early after her death to say what direction the story is gonna go next. With Crow, the reason why reviving him worked was because it raised the question of whether or not we would be able to forgive Cayde's killer, especially when he's been wiped clean of his sins. Amanda didn't have that, though- she was a beloved hero who died fighting. Which fits guardians, yeah, but storywise? What is the merit to bringing her back? We already see that her death has devestated Misraaks and Crow- there may be further ripples sent out after this event that influence further character development, both with Misraaks and Eramis (who practically begged him not to go, which now confirms to him that she was on his side in an incredibly painful way), and Crow and Mara (Crow's biting remark to Mara and Mara's own experience with loss might be a good means to develop their interactions more). What would reviving Amanda do to change that? Maybe not trivialize it, but it would certainly alter a lot of the pain that the characters are feeling right now, and I'm not sure how that path would change them atm. When doing analysis, you gotta think of stories from a developmental lens rather than just an emotional one, and Amanda's death is a pretty good tone somberer for this season
I have no commentary to give about how this death compares to Rasputin's (since I don't give a shit about Rasputin, he was before my time), but I actually DO think that Amanda's death had a purpose, and I DO think that it was a good move on Bungie's part, even if it was a painful one. We're nearing the endgame now, and the tone so far hasn't really matched that. We've had superhuman warriors die on self-sacrifical ways, but not the ordinary folk that we're supposed to protect. It's a stark reminder that this is a war that's affecting more than just guardians, warminds, and cloudstriders, and it's a painful one
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dadoodler25 · 4 months
Why Eden's Zero Universe 0 ruined everything
Eden's Zero, one of Hiro Mashima's newest works. A space fantasy about a boy and his friends going on a journey to find the God of their world, Mother.
So, this was a pretty interesting series all things considered. When Eden's Zero started, it was at first similar to that of Fairy Tail, a happy and action-packed adventure. But that all changed for the better when we reach the Sun Jewel arc.
This is when you can tell Eden's Zero was going to be different from Fairy Tail. In this arc, Homura searches for her android mentor on planet Sun Jewel until finding out she died protecting the people, and her mother was the corrupt ruler of the planet.
What made this arc special was that unlike Fairy Tail, there was no comebacks. Valkyrie was truly dead, even though she was an android, she couldn't come back to life.
In Fairy Tail, they would've just said 'fuck it' and somehow bring her back to life by using the fact she's an android. But even though the crew discussed it, they realized they couldn't do it.
This very death, set the whole tone for Eden's Zero. A happy and friendly series, but one that wasn't afraid to get serious and kill off a character. And it was excellent. Fairy Tail was similar, but was too afraid to permanently kill off or even permanently injure the main characters.
With future arcs, they began using this power, showing darker instances of how actually fucked up the villains are here. There are some ones that you can sympathize with, but nearly all the others were pure evil.
Dr. Muller was a psychopathic and disgusting monster who cut of the limbs of a 10 year old and made his younger sister watch. Shura was a piece of shit prince who didn't give a damn about anybody's life but his own. None of them got redemption and that what's made them so good.
Out of all the villains, only a few got redeemed, Kleene, Kris and Laguna, people who actually deserved their redemption.
And the heroes suffered consequences too! Shiki lost his eye, and got a new cyborg one, Happy was a cyborg cat after nearly dying brutally in a car crash. None of these were changed or undone in any way.
This was shaping up to be one of Mashima's better works, potentially surpassing Fairy Tail.
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Give me a minute, ok.
So, right before the final saga, we got on of the best arcs in Eden's Zero, the identity of the true villain, the backstory of Rebecca, where her powers came from, Mother is dying. So for the FINAL saga, one of the most PIVITOL arcs in this series...
So, to save Mother, they had to travel to this alternate universe called Universe 0 where their whole adventure would be reversed. Ok, so I guess the time skip, the fights and the development were for nothing. But fine, maybe this will be a little different, NOPE!
Everything is rest. Universe 0 is this happy land of gumdrops and sunshine, where nothing bad EVER HAPPENED.
In the original universe, Happy was a cyborg, showing he's different from the Happy in Fairy Tail. Here? NOPE, CAR CRASH NEVER HAPPENED, HE'S A NORMAL CAT. What made him unique and different was GONE.
Ok, that's just one, right? NO! One of the former villains that got redeemed, Kris, was originally a cyborg because he was the kid who got his arms cut up because of Muller. But here? He's still a cyborg... cause apparently he needed it to live on his planet. Alright, fine. Somewhat reasonable, but what about joining one of the villains. In the original universe, it's because they were desperate to find a cure for Kleene, his sister. Why did they join the villain in Universe 0?
They took a wrong turn on the way to college. No, really, look.
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you know how on Twitter sometimes I see Jujutsu Kaisen fans react to the latest chapters and they tell Gege to start running?
Yeah, I hope the same happens to Mashima.
He took the tragic backstories of these characters, that shaped them into who they were... and made them jokes instead.
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"Well, he couldn't ruin the villain-?" It's HIRO MASHIMA we're talking about here.
Muller went from a legitimately terrifying and psychopathic guy... to a generic funny mad scientist. Shura went from spoilt brat to an actually somewhat chill guy. The girl he spent years torturing and humiliating for the fun of it, who ended up developing a sick kind of sympathy for him, was now his bride to be. Drakken Joe went from a cruel mafia-like boss to becoming more mellowed out. Madame Kurenai was an evil bitch queen to a kind protector.
I think Mashima went through Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest, and thought
'Hmm, Eden's Zero actually having stakes and consequences was too hard. I'm just going to turn everything back again!'
NO! This ruined everything! Every sacrifice, every death, everything that happened, ruined! This was Mashima taking the worst parts of Fairy Tail and putting it into Eden's Zero. With had the current arc is now, I feel like would've fit perfectly into the original universe.
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
👀 & 🥺 & ❌
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i also answered ❌ in another ask so ill do the other two asks here :O !!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
OOH ok i. i have two more pride if wips other than my current pride if otto multichap. and i really wanna finish all of them. one of them is a pride if reinhard fic and the other is. you know it was just supposed to be unhinged and incredibly cringe pride if ottosuba smut wrapped up in a small oneshot but now its unhinged and incredibly cringe pride if ottosuba smut with Probably A Little Too Much Plot and it probably wont be a small oneshot. oops 😳 every time…. EVERY TIME… i write smut i keep making it cringe on purpose. im so sorry i cant write anything genuinely sexy it just comes out cringe bc i find it entertaining to write sjdndn (for additional context i am ace ☝️i might write fluffy smut someday though akdnsns bc i DO love sweet smut <3)
ANYWAY the pride if reinhard fic. its planned to be a twoshot atm thats just going through the most important events of poor pride if reinhard’s life. and by important events i mean All the loved ones reinhard lost and then the entire country being set on fire 😭😭 idk if any fic has been made yet focusing on how reinhard like. gradually feels hatred and anger for the first time towards pride if subaru for Doing All That but id like to focus on that yes!! like its a Very big deal. and also i wanted to give joshua a cameo bc well. the dude Already despises reinhard regularly. the moment he finds out julius and ana brutally died and reinhard is Likely half of the reason why they died (the other half being to put emilia on the throne)…… anyway joshuas gonna be very upset with reinhard thats for sure!! ..and also this fic Might need a dead dove tag. totally not for reasons.
🥺Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
EVERYTHING. but more specifically writing breaking points and the buildup to them 😭😭 the aftermath too!! like. even more specifically i love when the cards are Really stacked against characters and so they change for the worst. that gets me every time. they change so much that theyre like the trope where someone Comes Back Wrong and then they hit some sort of breaking point where hes Abundantly clear that theyre not the same anymore. if you get what i mean hah. but i love when suddenly everyone close to them has to confront this fact!! that theyre not the same anymore!! how will they all move forward from here?? bc change can be good or bad and its what you make of it…. will the character get worse or get better in the future??? idk i just love the angst of it all T^T the bittersweetness T^T having to confront the person you were and the person you Are and that even while theres differences theres still similarities to your past self…. which is probably why i like gluttony if and subaru a lot hah (on top of. heinkel……. if otto……..). like having to confront that this person you know and love is Different now….. that the love you shared with this person is Now gone and just a faint memory…. that stuff hits fr T^T like the baggage… the history… things wont ever be the same… that kind of feeling, you know?? and also additionally i love that quote from undertale that goes “despite everything youre still you”. yeah. yeah. 🤌 i like how this kind of development is so. its got Despair but if you so choose it there can be hope too….
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