#i hope i do get to meet them. haha. i know id be so awkward though. i always am when im in person.
novamariestark · 5 months
Hiiii ☺️☺️
I’ve got an Alden Parker x reader request idea if you’re open to it! Basically the team is working a case where they end up  interviewing an older woman as a witness (older than Parker) who clearly thinks he’s handsome but he politely stays professional (we know Nick would tease him for it). But later he ends up meeting her granddaughter and this time he’s the one that starts flirting with her despite the age gap. 
A Tale Of Two Flirts
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Summary: When interviewing witnesses, Alden finds himself in an awkward position when one of them starts flirting with him. But later on, he finds himself flirting with her granddaughter, you.
Warnings: quite possibly the worst thing i've written 😂 and I know I say that a lot.
Word count: 2777
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Alden Parker x f!reader
[A/N] I know this is bad, 😂 I’ve literally been working on this for like 2 months and every time I thought I’d finished, I restarted it because I just thought it wasn’t good enough. There isn’t that much flirting in here like the request asked and I hope that’s okay, it’s just that I flirt like a potato.
You may say to yourself, “Nova, potatoes can’t flirt,” Exactly 🤣
And the title is shitty too, I’m so sorry. But right now, I get started and I think I’m on a roll but then my brain’s just like “Haha bitch, just kidding”
Hope you like it though
The wooden steps creaked slightly under their weight. As they approach the door, Alden raised a hand to knock firmly against the wooden door.
Knock knock
The faint hum of a television could be heard from inside but the sound immediately disappeared and the sound of footsteps replaced it.
Alden took out his ID as the door flew open, revealing and older woman, early 70s, with bright blue eyes and slightly greying hair. He holds it up to her and Nick behind him, does the same thing, “Good morning, ma’am, I’m Special Agent Parker and this is…”
The woman smirked and leant on the doorframe, “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,”
A snort from behind him made Alden turn around and glare at the owner of the sound. He turned back to the lady.
"So, you saw the whole thing?" Alden asked, his brow furrowing slightly as he tried to steer the conversation back to the case. The witness he was talking to, a woman in her early 70s with silver hair and piercing blue eyes, seemed more interested in him than in answering his questions. Every so often, he could hear a snicker or a snort from beside him, where his partner Nick Alvarez sat, struggling to maintain a straight face.
“If only I did,” the woman said with a coy smile, her voice low and seductive as she leaned in closer. Alden's face turned a shade of crimson as he stole a quick glance at Nick, silently begging for help, but Nick was too busy trying to stifle his laughter.
"I was referring to the homicide, Mrs. Walsh," Alden explained, his voice maintaining a sense of professionalism even as a blush started to appear on his cheeks. Mrs. Walsh responded with a mischievous wink before replying…
“It’s Ms. Walsh,” she corrected him, her smile widening into a grin.
“Ms. Walsh," Alden corrected himself quickly, "Did you see who did this to Petty Officer Lindsey?” He asked, hoping to keep the conversation on topic. Ms. Walsh leaned back in her chair, her eyes narrowing as she thought.
She shook her head, “By the time I made it to the window, it was all over. I heard a lot of yelling and screaming,”  she replied. Alden and Nick continued to ask her questions and each of her answers included a flirty compliment in some way or another.
Just as the two agents began to walk away, the older woman spoke up again, "You know, dinner might make me feel better. What are you doing later?" she asked, giving Alden a sly smile.
Alden laughed nervously, again looking at Torres for help but he just smiled and walked away, “Probably solving the case, Ms Walsh,” he said politely and excused himself. He walked down the steps of the porch and headed towards Torres.
“Thanks for your help there, Torres,” he said, sarcasm dripping from his tone, “I really appreciate it,” Torres just shrugged with a smirk on his face.
The team headed back to the Navy Yard to continue the investigation. Over the course of the day, Alden had suffered at the hands of Torres’ endless teasing.  He thanked God that he drove over with McGee and not Torres, although his luck ended as soon as they all got into the elevator.
“So, Parker, when’s the special day?” Nick asked with the childish grin on his face, as if he’d just asked what he was getting for Christmas.
Jess and McGee looked at each other, with confused glances. Of course, they didn’t know what was going on, they weren’t there when it happened and Nick kept quiet in the car ride over here, wanting to save it until he was in the same room as Alden, and everyone else was around to hear.
“Wait, what special day?” Tim asked for both him and Jess.
Nick slapped a hand on Alden’s shoulder, his grin getting wider, “Parker’s getting married,”
“What?!” they exclaimed in unison.
“When did this happen?" Jess added, a confused look crossing her face. Two questions went through her head. How on earth did she not know her boss was getting married? And how did Torres keep his mouth shut about it?
Torres was about to speak, but Alden cut him off, “It didn’t,” Alden ran a hand down his face before continuing with the real version events and not Nick’s “There was just a witness that showed a… particular interest in me,”
“She wanted to see all of it” Torres continued, emphasising the word all, to convey that the woman desired to see Alden in his entirety.
“I take it you didn’t help him out?” Tim asked Torres. thinking he probably didn't. Why was he even asking?
Torres shook his head, “Of course not, it was funny,” he looked back to Alden with a smirk and asked, “Can I be best man?”
Alden scoffed, “No,” he said as he turned towards the door as it arrived at their floor.
Unfortunately for Alden, this continues throughout the day. By the end of the day, he felt like someone had been whacking his brain repeatedly with a hammer. He couldn’t wait to solve this case, go home and relax. Preferably before he gave into the urge to get out his gun and shoot Torres with it.
You met him on Saturday, when he came over to your grandmother’s to ask her if she recognised the suspect or if she’d seen her around.
You had arrived the day before after work and you were shocked to find the house next door was an active crime scene.
It being a Friday, you were headed to your grandmother's for the weekend. But as you walked from your car towards her house, you noticed her neighbour’s house covered in yellow police tape. “What the hell happened?” you asked yourself, your heart raced as you took in the sight before you. Your eyes widened as you noticed the broken window and the red stains smeared across it that you could only think of being blood. And considering the police tape, it wasn’t that much of a stretch.
The chill of the evening air nipped at your skin as you approached the scene, the flickering streetlamp casting eerie shadows on the ground. You pulled your coat closer to your body, hoping to shield yourself from some of the cold of the night or maybe the sight in front of you.
You couldn’t look at it anymore, so you continued on your way. The first thing you asked was if your grandmother was okay. After she reassured you that she was, you asked what happened.
She started to talk to you about what happened and how her neighbour was murdered and she was telling you everything she knew but somehow, for some reason, she began talking about something completely different.
A man. And it seemed that he had made quite an impression on her. So much so that you actually wanted to erase the last 5 minutes. The last thing you wanted was to hear your grandmother explain to you, in detail, all the things that she wanted to do to this man.
The next morning wasn’t any better. She began by telling you that she had a “lovely dream”, and she “hadn’t had one in so long”. You almost spat out your cereal at what she was hinting at.
“Gross, really?”
“Don’t be such a prude, how do you think I had your mother?”
You shuddered in disgust just as the doorbell rang and you couldn’t get out of your chair fast enough. You rushed over to the door, noticing two figures standing outside through the translucent glass.
As you opened the door, the two figures become clearer. Surprise briefly flashed on the face of the one lurking in the background before a smirk began to form. The one in front was looking down, fiddling with some papers.
“Sorry to bother you Ms Walsh,” he started as he continued, rummaging through the pages, “We just need you to look at some photos see if…” he stopped as he looked up at you, the words dying on his tongue.
Who is she? He thought. He looked to the side of the door at the number. 242, well he had the right house.
“Are you okay?” you asked him, he looked thoroughly confused.
“Yeah, sorry, I wasn’t expecting a beautiful woman to come to the door,” he stammered out, which you thought was cute but then again, was he calling your grandmother unattractive? He seemed to know what you were thinking and quickly corrected himself, “Not that your grandmother isn’t but y-you are,”
Realisation hit you. This was the agent that your grandmother was telling you about. When he turned around presumably for help from his partner, you took that time to check him out to see what the fuss was about.
To say you didn’t enjoy the sight in front of you would have been the biggest lie you told since you told your math teacher that you couldn't do your homework because your pet goldfish had a midlife crisis and decided to swim away with all of your textbooks.
Your eyes quickly returned to their previous position when his head began to turn back towards you.
“She’s just in the kitchen,” you said, lazily gesturing over your shoulder, “Do you want to come in for some coffee?” you asked them with a smile.
Alden opened his mouth to reply but his partner beat him to it, “That would be great, thank you,” he said passing Alden but not without patting him on the back. Alden followed you through the door, gently closing the door behind him and then following you towards the kitchen. As he did, he lingered behind, his eyes tracing over your figure, he was so lost that he almost let out an audible groan but your grandmother caught sight of him.
“Oh, Agent Parker, what a wonderful surprise,” she greeted as she came into the little dining area. Her hand patted her hair to make it look as good as possible.
Alden cleared his throat before responding with a nod, “Uh yeah, we just had some photos for you to look at,”
“I’ll help in any way I can,” she smirked, fiddling with the neckline of her shirt. You groaned, your face hiding itself in your hands.
Alden smiled awkwardly before placing the pictures on the table, spreading them out so each photo could be seen, “Do you recognise any of these people?” he asked, mainly to your grandmother because she was the one who lived here.
Your grandmother leaned in, purposefully close to Alden as she studied the photos. Your discomfort was evident on your face as you looked away momentarily, your eyes landing on the other agent. He seemed to be enjoying his partner’s discomfort and evidently yours.
Your eyes moved back to the photos when your grandmother said that she didn’t recognize anyone. Your eyes skimmed the photos and you did in fact recognize a few people in them, albeit slightly due to the quality of the pictures and the fact that they look like they were taken in the dark.
Your finger tapped the one closest to you first, “This is Jade, Sarah’s former college roommate and best friend,”
Alden scrunched his eyebrows and turned to look at you, “Are you sure? I know the pictures aren’t great,”
You pointed to the handbag that the figure was holding, “That is a Louis Vuitton. Jade got it a couple of months ago and she couldn’t wait to rub it in everyone’s faces,” Your fingers then hovered over the other picture, “This one is strange because it looks like Jade’s ex-boyfriend, Connor from college. They broke up because of her obsession with Sarah’s boyfriend,”
The two agents exchanged glances as if you had just given them a piece of the puzzle but that was ridiculous right? Jade was a stuck-up bitch, but she wouldn’t kill her best friend for a man… would she?
“Thank you,” Alden said, his eyes returning to you for as he began to pick up the photos. You notice how his gaze seemed to always linger on you, a little longer than his partner or your grandmother. She, of course, noticed this too considering she wouldn’t stop undressing him with her eyes.
After he collected everything, him and his partner slowly walked towards the door with you close behind to escort them out. They opened the door but stopped on the porch. Alden seemed to want to say something and it looked as though he was trying to talk himself into it.
“I hope you get who did it,” you smiled softly.
“We will,” the younger agent promised as he began to walk down the steps but stopped when he realised Alden wasn’t following him.
“There’s a uh… pastry shop, not far from here I want to try, do you know if it’s any good?” he asked finally after a couple of minutes of silently arguing with himself. Another argument started about how lame that starter was.
“Sugar & Spice Delights?” you asked with a small smile on your face, you nodded because you actually frequent there, “Uh yeah, it’s a great little shop, ask for Rhea and tell her (y/n) sent you, she may give you the friends and family discount” you said with a smirk.
“Or maybe you could accompany me,” he replied without missing a beat. His eyes closed and his head dropped. Why was he messing this up so bad?
You made a sound as if you were thinking about it and what come to mind was the fact that your grandmother seemed to like him a lot and it seemed wrong to say yes, no matter how much you wanted to, “Oh umm,” you paused looking over your shoulder when you heard footsteps approaching. Your grandmother of course and you were starting to feel bad, especially when she started to look at you disapprovingly.
“If you don’t say yes, I am going to have to disown you,” she said, causing you to lean slightly away from her, your eyebrows moving up towards your hairline.
You turn back to Alden with a small smile that only seemed to get bigger when you uttered the word “yes,”
Alden was beyond happy that you said yes, but also really surprised, especially considering the age gap. Over the course of your next few dates, you kept reassuring him that his age was anything but a concern for you, in fact it was kind of a turn on. In fact, you used the word experienced.
A month into your relationship, he wanted to show you just how experienced he really was. And he really was experienced. He knew exactly where to touch you at the right moment to have your toes curling and reaching for things that weren’t even there.
Pretty soon, after all your date to the little bakery, Alden qualified for the friends & family discount even when you weren’t there, much to the delight of his team. You got to meet them properly three months in which is exactly how long it took for Torres’ teasing to die down.
You were immediately bombarded with questions about you and what was Alden like outside of work, although, they mostly referred to him as Parker. Alden had told you about the teasing that Nick had put him through about you and your grandmother and he even asked if she was still interested in him, so you decided to have a little fun with him.
“Well, she always did have an eye for quality,” you said with a smirk, he was about to reply with some silly remark, but you beat him to it, “You should probably take notes, maybe you could learn something,”
Tim and Jess were in stitches, Alden was stifling his laughter but his amusement was evident by the smirk on his lips.
Once he got over the initial shock of what you just said, he walked over and held his hand out for you to shake, “Well played,” he said as you put your hand in his.  
Pretty much after that, you became one of them. You and Nick actually got on really well and aside from Alden, he was the one you spent most time with and occasionally Victoria when Jimmy and Jess needed some alone time.
But most of your spare time was spent with Alden either on cute little dates, or tangled in the sheets and each other’s limbs or as you called it… Heaven.
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According to the chart, we should have moved about 90% of the patients to safety. Only a few more and this area will be completely clear.
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Good to know. Thank you, all of you. Your help was invaluable.
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Right back at ya', doc. Some of these are our guys as well. We appreciate you helping them out.
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Please, it's nothing. Just doing my job.
*Keisuke, Ryutaro, Midori and Minako work to escort the injured and bedridden Future Foundation soldiers to safety. As they do, Seiko approaches Kanata, who tends to the especially bad wounds of an FF soldier.
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I understand the circumstances are rather dire, but I hope you know it's good to see you again.
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Yes, I quite agree. Things aren't...great...But they're certainly looking up for us now.
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What's the plan after this though?
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My friends should be done taking care of the Monokuma machines. It would explain why none have shown up for a little while. We need to get these people to safety, but I might hold back to wait for them.
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Well, let us wait with you. Safety in numbers and all that; just in case something does pop up.
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Are you sure? I'd much rather you take your long-deserved freedom.
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I've spent years rotting away in this factory.
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I can wait a few minutes longer.
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Hehehe...Well, I suppose we are through the worst of it by now.
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By the way...Seiko?
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Out of curiosity...How is my father doing? You got a chance to meet him, right? Is he well?
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Haha...You've no reason to be concerned.
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There was a nasty shock earlier when Zetsubou sent Big Bang Monokuma to his location, but from what I hear the situation has taken care of itself.
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As for the doctor, he's a rather pleasant and welcoming man. I owe a lot to him for curing my silence condition. And I certainly see how he has affected you.
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Aahaha...That's honestly rather embarrassing...
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Are you worried? About meeting him?
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You know, it's been 14 years since he last saw me. He's been alone that whole time.
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I'm not the little girl he took in all those years ago. I don't want him to feel awkward around me.
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I'm sure everything will be fine.
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Hey ladies. Sorry to interrupt, but...
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I've just gotten an incoming SOS from some approaching field agents.
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Based on the ID number, I'd say it's Setsuka Chiebukuro.
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*Seiko jumps as there's a pounding on a large metal door.
Yoruko: Someone, please, open up!
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omegaprotocol · 7 months
Jason Meets Valery
“Hey, Hailey, It’s Jason. But you probably already knew from caller ID. Uh, I know that you're having a tough time right now with the jobs and everything so I wanted to say that if you needed help with anything just let me know. I’m gonna be at the Fareway for lunch today so if you want to meet me there we could talk about it. Or just hang out, that works too. Umm, ok bye.”
Jason had sent this voicemail this morning hoping to be able to have a moment with just the two of them. He couldn’t believe how awkward he was. Ever since Omega had been staying at his apartment it had only ever been the three of them. Jason looked at the clock on the wall, it said 1:00 pm. At this point he had been waiting in a booth at the Fareway for nearly an hour.
“Probably should’ve named a specific time.” He put his phone down and let out a sigh. He decided he would just enjoy the rest of his coffee and then go home, after all Hailey was a busy woman, she probably had something more important going on.
“Hey, is this seat taken?” Jason looks up from his drink and sees a beautiful girl with short red hair, a choker with spikes on it and a stud in her nose.
“Uh… no, it’s not.”
“Cool.” She sits on the other side of the booth and smiles at Jason. Jason just stares at her for a moment before she speaks again. “I’m Valery by the way, you got a name?”
“Um, Jason.”
“Had to think about it?” Jason couldn’t think of a witty response fast enough. “That’s ok tough guy, at least you’re cute right?
“Haha yea.”
“Got any hobbies Jason?”
“I make music sometimes. I’m just getting back into it.”
“Oh me too. Well, not making music, but I get local bands to play at gigs and things.”
“That’s cool. Any good bands around?”
“Let’s say there are some aspiring bands around. Don’t get me wrong, I love that people are doing what they love, but one city can only have so many Queen and AC DC cover bands y'know? Would be awesome to have something fresh.”
“Yeah, making original stuff is hard though, sometimes you just want to play a song because of how it made you feel when you listened to it for the first time.”
“Woah, cute and a philosopher. Who raised you?”
“My grandma.” Jason was starting to get some of his confidence back, and while the response was sarcastic, it was also true.
“Oof, even worse than a mama’s boy. Well, if you ever decide that you need someone to help make music with, give me a call.” Valery grabs a pen and writes her phone number on a napkin and walks out of the Fareway. Jason takes a moment to process the flirtatious encounter. He holds the phone number in his hand and wonders if he’ll ever give her a call.
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HIII this is probably gonna be the last ask i send as your swiftie exchange anon haha! also i dont know what timezone you are but ive scheduled it for 6am gmt for tomorrow if i remember correct skdkekdfk (but also you said quid which means pounds i think so im taking a wild guess that you are somewhat the same timezone as me haha)
yep im in uni! honestly kinda harsh kakdkekxfj ive got tests on the first week back but i suppose that's to ne expected haha! it is quite stressful but like c'est la vie yk? good luck on your exams!!
oh also im so glad youre feeling better!! i hope you feel awesome soon!
oh yeahh that makes complete sense! you dont have to show them to me if you dont want to btw but once i reveal myself and you are okay w it you can dm me! (only if you want tho no pressure at all!!)
yeahh thats so real actually! people always want what they dont have and that makes me kinda sad but also im one of those people so ajdeksjd i cant really say anything abt it akfkekdjf
yeahh hypocrisy is so linked like to everyday stuff!! and what you said makes more sense than what i ever couldve ajdjejsjfn and inflation is HORRIBLE ive witnessed price of stuff like cheese go up by so much and it appals me! and that is a ridiculous difference from your phone bill!
oohh i wish i was you id love to meet my online friends!!
yeah!! like the main problem with fast fashion isnt the cheap quality (i mean perhaps it is) but also the PEOPLEEEE WHO BARELY GET PAIDD!!
thats such a thought out and good answer!! climate change and the way politicians handle shit is so real like it NEEDSS to be addressed!! and i hope you get to see your doctors!!
and same im such a pushover like i wish i could not be but alas it is but a dreamm!! i think for me what you said is basically my answer and like people being assholes and thinking theyre funny? lile people who think its okay to make offensive jokes or say a slur bc they think theyre funny annoys me soo bad!!!!! and also people who manipulate other people like ewwww and just like horrible people in general. also thats horrible!! why does anyone think its okay to do that???
hmm... honestly rename strawberries fluffleberries and making bananas rainbow sounds like an awesome idea sjdjekdn hmm this is hard kakdkdskf maybe i would replace car honks with goose honks hehe i feel like thats such a silly answer but tbf i am but a silly goose!! what about you?
and my question to you: what are some things you are grateful for (see i say things not people bc i feel like people is a very general question ajfjrjdjf but you can tell me people too if you want!!)
thank youu!! i had an awesone time chatting with you you're lovely <3
have an awesome day!!!
-swiftie spring exchange anonnnnn
Hello! My country change timezones slightly I think based on clocks, but I think we're currently BST? I can never remember, a bit embarrassing imo XD It's cool that we might be close in time zones!!
Ah I have no exams cause I'm not in uni, but I am tutoring kids for exams so does that count? XD I hope your tests go well!!
Cheap quality sucks, but it'd improve if companies were willing to give up just a teeny tiny bit of their profits...I've become so increasingly anti company over the last like 5 years I think XD And thank you!! Honestly the "offensive is funny" type is SO annoying. I've met a few that were like "uhhh it's dark humour" and I've been like. You do not have dark humour, you just want to be rude.
I did however get a cookie once from a guy who realised that I had been upset by his stupid joke (I can't remember what exactly it was, but I think it was like...either homophobic or misogynistic. The apology was nice to get because it was unexpected. Alas at the time I was unable to eat gluten so the cookie part was awkward.) And manipulation just sucks?? I feel like people get away with it a lot because it's not obviously awful until you realise what's going on.
Silly answers are encouraged for that one!! (And always tbh) XD And honestly I would get rid of sparkling water. I feel like it's like marmite - people love it or hate it. And I hate sparkling water, I literally cannot handle the texture. And one time I accidentally got some instead of regular water. The memory haunts me. So yeah I'd wind up half the world by getting rid of it altogether and just watch the chaos XD
My final answer (also I know who you are now cause of when I logged on BUT I'm gonna answer this anyways on here) would be my cats (haha not people so they slip through...not things either but not people), the way life has turned out (it's not perfect, but I'm in a much better position than I ever expected even just like 2 years ago), and my art abilities (because I like that I can draw, and draw pretty decently, it's a fun and usually relaxing hobby!)
I had the time of my life answering questions with you, and I look forwards to hopefully talking more with you!!
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
#infatuated#ah you look so good#diary#personal#...i really wanna see them and talk to them now.#theyre so cute. so so so cute.#i love them a lot.#they're like this cute precious thing to me. in a healthy way this time i think.#so cute so precious. im so happy just thinking about them being happy. i love their laugh their voice all their quirks they have.#so cute so precious. haha i cant even come up with anything better to say bc theyre just the definition of that.#idk. i know theyre not perfect. and maybe im or something. just obsessed. nothing more nothing less.#maybe i am. i worry about that a lot. i dont want them hurt by me. i feel like that'd kill me inside.#lmao god i feel so sad just thinking about that. if i hurt them or betrayed their trust itd hurt so much.#id feel like itd hurt a lot more than in the past. but maybe thats just because im in the present.#lmao im getting all sad bc of that.#but id like to hear their voice again. or hear them sing. i wanna see them. i love when theyre happy.#i love how they react when embarrassed or to compliments. they really are too cute for their own good.#its absolutely adorable i love them so much haha. i dont know how someone could be so cute.#i hope i do get to meet them. haha. i know id be so awkward though. i always am when im in person.#i can talk over text or call. but as soon as im in person i always freeze up. the things i think about get much worse#i worry theyll hate me or not like what i say. i always overthink that. always.#but i tend to warm up after a bit. after i relax and anxiety passes i go back to normal.#i feel like im so weird though sometimes. i worry i wont react well. or the way ppl want.#its hard chosing how to react. how to read expressions.#but theyre so cute. i wanna see their face. i wanna see all their expressions. so cute. really so cute.#they look so good too!!! so cute indeed.#ahhhh. i wanna insult myself in the same breath. i always do that. i say and will think 'unlike me'#i do that so much sometimes. whenever i get compliments or when they say they care i always feel empty.#its not that i dont believe their words. i believe in them. i just dont believe in me.#...in the end trash is always trash. and i always feel like that. used. discarded. broken.
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mrsgiovanna · 4 years
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The confession (Don Giorno x Fem! Reader
A cute request from a nonnie mouse, I hope this is what you were looking for my sweet 🥰💭💜🐞
No warnings, just fluff
Word count: 1506
“Buongiorno, Gio, I have the documents you requested yesterday,” you greeted the young mafia Don with a sunny smile as you handed the envelope to him.
“Buongiorno (y/n), thank you so much for getting these to me as quickly as you did, I really appreciate it. I’m sorry for just springing this on you as well,” Giorno apologized, returning your smile with one of his own.
Ever since Giorno had taken over Passione, you had been his support structure, whether it was help with the copious amounts of documentation he had to go through or intricate missions that he trusted nobody other than you with, you were always ready to serve your Don. Similarly, you could always rely on Giorno for anything. Everything you both did was aimed at protecting each other, and there was nothing that you wouldn’t do for each other. Mista Fugo and Trish always commented that you and Giorno always behaved like a couple, earning dismissive laughs from you both. Sure, you both cared deeply for each other, but a couple? No, you were certain he didn’t think of you in that way.
Just as you turned to leave, Giorno had called you back, asking you to stay for the meeting he was going to have with the Capos and Mista. No sooner had you taken your seat, had Mista brought everyone in. You sat quietly, offering your input when requested, keeping your game face on for the duration of the time. There was one Capo however, that took advantage of every opportunity he had to address you, either directly with his questions or indirectly with his flirtatious glances.
You had only encountered Lucian a few times prior to this, each time proving to more difficult than the last, however, he has never openly behaved this way in front of Giorno before. You wished they would conclude their agenda so you could escape his piercing gaze.
“Well, if that’s everything, this meeting is adjourned,” said Giorno, almost as if he was able to read your mind, bringing the meeting to a close.
“If that’s all, (y/n), would you mind walking with me, there’s something I’d like to speak to you about, I won’t take too much of your time,” said Lucian to you.
You wordlessly looked towards Giorno, and sought his permission to leave, which he gave you with a curt nod, as his intense eyes followed you until you disappeared out the door.
“You’re scowling Giorno,” Mista was somewhat amused but he actually felt bad for his friend. Whether it was confusion or just awkwardness regarding these matters, you and the emerald-eyed man have been dancing around this issue for the longest time. It was becoming tedious to watch. Perhaps the threat of another person potentially taking you away would force Giorno to give a definition to his feelings.
Mista watched him intently, deciding to speak frankly, “You know you’re in love with her… and you know she loves you too. I don’t know what it is that’s tripping you both up, but I know you can’t keep doing this forever. She’s young and beautiful and will attract the attention of others who will be more brazen in their approach. If not Lucian, then someone else will take her from you.” The gravity of Mista’s words hit Giorno all at once. Before he could say anything more, Mista had returned his attention to what he was reading, and you had returned to the room with a soft smile on your face.
“What was that about?”
“Oh, he just needed my input on one of new territories he’s taking over, we’re meeting for dinner later,” you explained nonchalantly, unable to pick up on Giorno’s discomfort.
“Dinner? Like a date? Pried the young Don, trying to think about how best to thwart these plans.
“No… yes… I guess it is a date. He seemed excited enough…”
“I see…”
“You two are beyond frustrating, I’ll see you later,” with that Mista left in an exasperated huff.
You looked at Giorno, wondering what annoyed the gunslinger to that extent, but he just shrugged it off.
The rest of the day was spent quietly working, and the hours passed by faster than you would have liked them to.
“I think we’ve made good progress today, is there anything else I can do for you before I leave?” you ask as you start gathering your things to make your exit.
“Thanks, I think we’ve covered everything… can I send one of the drivers with you? Oh, I’ll send a guard too, I’m sure none of them would mind, they’re all very fond of you and…”
“Giorno, it’s fine, it’s not such a big deal, just dinner, and I can take care of myself you know. Or have you forgotten the times I’ve beaten you while we were sparring?”
“Beat me? I let you win… I… I miss those times…” The sad smile on his face mirrored your own feelings, this nostalgia was bitter sweet.
“Me too… we should make time to do those things again… well I should go now, see you tomorrow Gio,”. Giorno sadly watched as you exited his study for the second time that day, feelings of guilt and jealously overtook his senses in waves. He wanted you to be happy, but he could no longer ignore the glaringly obvious fact that he wanted- no, needed- to be the one to make you happy.
You decided to stop at Mista’s house before going home. You wanted to make sure he was okay after the way he left earlier.
“Hey Mista,”
“(y/n), what are you doing here? Did something happen?” said Mista in a concerned voice as he stepped aside to let you in.
“No, no, I came to see how you were doing… You were acting a bit weird this morning, is everything okay?” you ask as you walked in. You always thought of Mista as an older brother, he messed with you incessantly, but you could always talk to him about the things that mattered.
“Ah, haha, I’m fine, you didn’t have to come all this way, don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“You creep, I came all this way to check on you and you sound like you want to get rid of me,” you said, playfully punching him on the arm.
“Whatever, gallinella, so is everything okay with you?”
As you and Mista spent some time chatting in general, you felt a sense of calm slowly permeate your mind. With this clarity, you also realized you forgot to tell Giorno about a very important meeting he needed to be at early the next day. Just as you fished out your cellphone to call him and let him know, Mista’s phone rang.
“Oh its Giorno,”
“Perfect, Mista can you place the call on speaker please, I need to talk to him really quickly,”
With a nod, he answers the call, “Hi Giorno, listen (y/n) is…”
“You were right Mista, you were right about everything. I’m completely in love with (y/n) and I don’t know what to do. Should I just pretend? Should I tell her?”
“You just did… I was going to tell you that I put you on speaker because she was here and wanted to talk to you, but you just kept talking…”
“Goddammit Mista!”
“Hey don’t blame me, anyway , I think you should call her…” suggested Mista as he gave you some space to process the information you had just become privy to.
Your eyes grew larger than saucers and your breath hitched in your throat, you couldn’t believe Giorno felt that way. No sooner had he hung up on Mista, did you see his name popping up on your caller ID.
“(y/n), I suppose you heard all of that… even though I didn’t want you to find out like this, I meant every word. I know you have other plans tonight, but can we please talk about this tomorrow?” explained Giorno.
“I did… I heard everything. I’ll cancel my plans tonight, I can’t go with him in good conscience after all of that, it’s not fair to anyone,”
“I won’t tell you what to do, and I’ll be respectful of whatever you decide, I just feel we need to talk…”
“Thank you Gio, and yes I agree, we’ll talk when I see you tomorrow…” you respond, the smile on your face was almost audible in the happy lilt your voice carried.
“Alright then tesoro, well, have a good evening, be safe on your way home.”
After saying goodbye to Mista and driving yourself home, you had the awkward task of calling Lucian, who was more understanding than you gave him credit for. For the rest of your night, your thoughts kept returning to Giorno, and it was then that you realized exactly how deep your feelings for him ran. With those sweet feelings effervescing in your chest, you went to sleep with a smile on your face, dreaming about what the future might hold for you both.
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pascalscenarios · 4 years
HOW TO LOVE (Marcus Pike x Reader)
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Marcus Pike x Reader  
Summary: After a year being broken up with your ex, you move into a studio appartment just outside of Washington D.C. for a fresh start. You best friend gets your a job at the prestigious art museum he runs, and you have an encounter with someone you recognize.
Warning: None
Words: 3471
Author's Note: Surprise!!! AHH first chapter for How To Love! I’m excited for this one! I hope you guys in enjoy it! Let me know if you want to be on the tag list for this or the on main! Also if you asked and I didn’t put you in, I’m sorry, please remind me!
- K 
Chapter 1
“Alright, this was the last one in the truck,” Your father says as he sets the container on the ground next to the others. Your father had helped you pack up and move your belongings from your hometown in Virginia to an apartment complex that was just outside of Washington D.C.  
“Thanks, Dad.” You were grateful for his help.
“Do you want me to stay and help you unpack?” He was looking at the large boxes and containers piled on top of each other in the middle of your small studio apartment.
“No, that’s okay. I got it.” You smile slightly.
“You gonna be alright?” He says stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
You sigh, “I think so…” you turn your head to look around your small apartment. “I’m a little nervous, but I needed to do this...you know, move away from town and start fresh.”
“I know you do. If you ever need anything, your mother and I are a call away and a 45-minute drive.” He reassures you.
“Thank you, Dad. I love you.” You walk towards him, hugging him.
Your father wraps his arms around you, planting a kiss on your head. “I love you too. Call me if you need anything, yeah” He says, pulling away from you. You nod at him.
You both walk over to your front door. He opens it, stepping outside.
“Bye, Dad! Drive safe!” You call out as he walks down the steps and onto the walkway. You stand by the second-floor railing, looking down as he walks to his truck. He turns his body, looking up at you, giving you a wave. You watch him get into his truck, he honks, signaling a goodbye as he drives out of the parking lot.
You go back into your apartment shutting the door. You lean back against it, taking everything in. It was your first time truly living alone. You had spent years living with your ex in your hometown. He treated you terribly. You were constantly on-again, off-again with him. He had cheated on you a few times. You tried your hardest to make things work with him.
One day he decided that he was done with you, breaking things off and kicking you out of your shared apartment. You being a grown adult had to move back in with your parents. You spent a year in a tough place mentally, you decided you needed to get out of town and move somewhere else, have a fresh start, a clean slate. You needed more than what your hometown gave you.
Your best friend Elliot lived in D.C. working as a museum director at a prestigious art museum. He had offered you a job at the museum and even helped set you up with an apartment. You were nervous being on your own, but you knew you needed this time to grow as an individual.
You pushed yourself off the door, walking further into the open space. You stand there staring at all the boxes and containers. Your apartment was small. Only livable for two people, but it was perfect, and it was yours.
“Alright, let’s get to it.”
You had spent several hours getting things unpacked and organizing. You had managed to build your bed frame and set up your bed near the long and large windows. You placed your clothes into the narrow closet, set up your toiletries in the bathroom, and put kitchen appliances away. You needed to stock up your cabinets and fridge with food, so you decided to head to the grocery store.
You headed to the store in your pj’s. After your dad left, you had changed into something comfortable. You wore a worn-out Star Wars t-shirt, sweatpants, and your pink bunny slippers. You didn’t care if you rolled up to the grocery store like this. No one knew you and you knew one.
As you enter the grocery store and grab a shopping cart, your phone rings. You set your bag in the child seat, pulling out your phone. You looked at the caller ID, it was Elliot. You pick up the call, placing your phone against your ear, your other hand grabbing a hold of the cart’s handle.
“Hello?” you said, as you maneuver your cart around and in through the aisle.
“Hey! How’s it going? Do you make it to your apartment okay?” Elliot greets you.
“Hi, El…” you smile, “Yeah I did. My dad helped me out. We piled all my crap in the back of his truck. He drove it down, while I drove my car with the rest of my crap in it. I’m grocery shopping right now. The apartment is great by the way! Thank you for everything. Helping me get this apartment and setting me up with a job. I appreciate it. I can’t thank you enough” you say, picking up several Cup Noodles, tossing them into the cart.
“Of course! Don’t worry about it. That piece of shit put you through so much, you deserve to start fresh and to thrive! Maybe in D.C., you’ll find yourself a new guy…”
You scrunch up your face at what he said “Ehhh I don’t know about that…'' You traveled down the aisle picking up different snacks, foods, and drinks off the shelf.
He tries to encourage you, “You’ve been single for a while now. You should try to put yourself out there, meet some people.”
“I don’t know… I just don’t think I’m ready yet. He messed me up pretty bad, Elliot. I’m scared to get back into dating, you know?” you say sadly.
“And you have every right to feel that way, but not everyone is going to be like him. You’ll find the right person for you. It doesn’t hurt to try, but wherever you’re ready, I say go for it. Who knows, maybe you’ll run into someone in the grocery store.”
“Haha very funny, '' you say sarcastically, but you could help but laugh.
“Alright, I gotta run. I just wanted to check up on you. I’ll let you get back into shopping, but just a reminder, you to start work Monday, bright and early at 7:00 AM sharp.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then, love you.”
“I love you too! Bye!”
“Bye” you pull the phone away from your face, hanging up, and placing it back in your bag. You continued to shop. The majority of your cart was filled with your comfort junk foods, a few fruits and vegetables, and canned foods.
You knew the change of living in a new area and apartment was going to be different and a bit of getting used to. You wanted to have your favorite things to bring you some sense of joy and ease...and alcohol. Yes, you need to get a bottle.
You were turning the corner into an aisle with the alcohol when your cart collided with another person's cart that was leaving the aisle.
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry!” You gasp at the man in surprise. He was a little bit taller than you. He wore a plain t-shirt, jeans, and shoes. Short brown hair, brown eyes, and he rocked a mustache and beard. You couldn’t lie, the man was handsome.
“It’s alright! I should be apologizing too, I bumped into you as well!” he chuckled. His eyes took notice of your outfit of choice.
Suddenly you felt shy and self-conscious about our outfit. You began to feel insecure that he was somewhat checking you out. I mean you wore PJs to the store, of course, you knew some people would stare and secretly judge you.
His gaze landed at your feet. He cocked his head to the side and smiled “Nice bunny slippers.”
“T-thanks..” you stuttered.
He must have noticed you were growing uncomfortable because he tried to lighten the mood. “I really should get myself a pair, they look comfy…I could see myself rocking some bunny kicks,” he joked.
You nod your head “Well make sure to wear them at home and not at the grocery store... along with your pj’s.. make sure you wear those at home as well because then you’ll end up going to the grocery store looking like a fool...” you mentally cringed. You didn’t mean to say your thoughts out loud. You were making this interaction more awkward than it needs to be. You just wanted to get your bottle of wine and leave.
You grab a hold of your cart, moving it into the space beside him to get into the aisle.
“I don’t think you look like a fool, it's a look. Matter of fact, I would kill to be in some Pj’s and bunny slippers all day. I live in work suits for my job. I hate it.”
“I say start a petition for pajama day at your work.”
He laughs. “I might just do that… I’m Mar-”
“Well, hopefully, that goes well for you. Good luck.” You gave him a small and quickly made your way down the aisle. Your heart was beating against your chest. You had to get out there. You picked up a bottle of red wine off the shelf and put it in the cart. You looked back to see the man, but he was gone.
You spent the rest of your weekend setting up and organizing the rest of your apartment. You had a few things left to do like setting up your tv, but other than that your apartment was done.
It was 5:00 AM, Monday morning, you woke up super early to get ready for work. You didn't want to be late. You took a shower, did your hair, and got dressed. You looked out yourself in the bathroom mirror after you finished getting ready. You were dressed professionally. You felt a little silly, but you were going to be working at a fancy art museum. You spent the past year living in pj’s, shirt and shorts. It’s been a while since you had to dress up.  
Leaving your bathroom, you walk over to your kitchen grabbing your reusable tumbler cup filled with ice coffee. You head over the door, slipping on your flats, grabbing your keeps and bag off the hook, and heading out to your car.
By the time you made it into the city, it was almost 7. The traffic wasn’t too bad. You managed to find street parking, putting in a bunch of coins into the meter.
Walking up to the building you were in awe. It was a wide building with tall and long glass windows in the front. You walk up to the stairs, opening the glass door. The lobby was a large space There was an information desk a few feet off to the side of the entrance, along with stairs leading upstairs. Benches and few art sculptures on display throughout the room. Bathrooms and elevators are located on the middle far back wall. Exhibits were down the halls on the left and right side of the bathroom and elevators, and upstairs.
Workers and custodians traveled around the room, preparing to open the museum in about an hour.
You hear Elliot call after you. You look up noticing Elliot coming down the stairs.
“El!” You smiled walking towards him.
“Ah! I can’t believe you’re here!” He embraced you into a hug. “I’m so happy you’re here in D.C. with me. We"ll get to hang out all the time now."
You laugh. “I'm excited! Thanks again for getting me a job. I feel kinda bad though. Like technically I skipped the whole interview phase and got the job. Isn’t that kind of abuse to your position?”
“Seriously it’s fine and I’m the Museum Director, I call the shots around here.”
“Elliot…” You say under your breath.
Elliot rolled his eyes, “Come on, you know what you mean. I’m responsible for the operation of the whole place and I know you better than anyone, I trust you.”
You still couldn’t believe Elliot was in charge of this whole museum.
“Come on, I'll give you a tour of Clemonte!”
Elliot gave you a tour of the Museum’s exhibits and even behind the scene things that the public doesn’t get to see. The museum had such beautiful pieces of artwork. This place was amazing. You loved it. There was so much more you wanted to see, but you only had enough time to see part of it. Maybe during your free time, you’d look around to discover the rest.
“So, what do you think?”
“Wow, this place is stunning” you stay as you both make it back to the lobby.
“So, how are you feeling?”
“I’m alright. I’m a bit nervous I’m not going to lie.” You pull away.
“Nothing to be nervous about, you’ll be fine.” He reassures you.
“So do I have to call you Mr. Regan, boss man?” you giggled.
“Pff, no one calls me that. I feel so old when people call me that. Everyone just calls me Elliot.”
“So” he claps his hands together. “You’re going to be working at the Visitors Information desk.” He says pointing to the large and round information desk near the stairs.
“El, I just got here I don’t know anything!” Your eyes widen.
“You’ll be fine, and besides you’ll be working with Ms. Laurie, she’s been here for years. She’ll teach you everything you’ll need to know. And don’t worry, we have a list and maps where everything is you can refer to.’’
“Come on” his head points in the direction of the desk.
“Hi, Ms. Laurie!” He smiles brightly at the woman. She looked about to be in her late 60’s.
“Good Morning, Elliot!” she beams.
He introduces you to Laurie. “This is my friend, the one I was telling you about. She’s going to be working with you.”
“Ah yes! Hello dear! It’s lovely to meet you! I’m so glad you’re working with me!” She holds out your hand to take.
You take her hand. “It’s nice to meet you too! I’m excited.”
“Alright well, She’s yours now, Ms. Laurie, let her have it. This is for you,” Elliot hands you your ID badge.
“Where the hell did you get this photo?” You say scrunching your face at this old and outdated photo of you.
“I pulled it off your mom facebook- Also, The FBI are coming it today-”
“My mom’s Facebook- Wait, the FBI? Why what happened?” You furrow your eyebrows.
“The FBI has a specific bureau that deals with international art theft, the Art crime team or they call himself the Art Squad. Sometimes they come in here to do research, sting operations, stuff like that, so don’t worry if you see a bunch of them waltz in here. They come around a lot.”
“Alright, I gotta go, I have a ton of meetings today, but have a good day, love you, if you need anything let me know!” He shouted quickly as he speeds walked off.
“We’re going to be opening in about half an hour, I better get started with teaching you the basics” Laurie announced. “Come dear, you can put your things over here.” She pushes open the short desk door that came up to about your hips, letting your step into the desk area.
Laurie gave you a rundown on the layout of the museum and most frequently asked areas such as where the most popular art exhibits, bathrooms, and the gift shop.
“You got everything?” Laurie asked you.
“I think so. Just a lot of stuff to memorize.” “I know hun, but once you get the hang of it, it’s going to be a breeze! You’ll know it like the back of your hand!” She chuckles. “You’ll get it in no time, if you need any help, I’m here, or you can use the maps and lists we have sprawled all around here.” She motions to the piles of paper around the desk.
“Thank you so much, Ms. Laurie.” You smiled.
Once the museum is open, you have a bunch of people come to the visitor's information center asking you questions. Some you were able to answer, others you had to ask Laurie or use the resources you had.
It was noon. Nothing happened, a few people came to stop by, many of the families with young children were leaving, probably headed to see multiple other museums. You noticed a group of men and women walk in. They were all wearing suits. You assumed that it was the FBI agents. They all stood in the middle of the lobby, one man stood in front of the group, giving them instructions.
The group disbanded, pairs of agents headed towards different areas and wings of the museum. You went back to filling out an information form. An Elementary school had called wanting to have a field trip. You filled out the information on the form for the school, and It had to be sent up to Elliot later to get approval.
“Do you happen to know where I can get some bunny slippers?”
“Excuse m-” You quickly lift your head from the form. Standing in front of you was the guy from the grocery store, learning to gain the counter.
He smiles at you. “I see you aren’t wearing pj’s today and no bunny slippers, damn” he joked.
You chuckled slightly. “W-well I’m working. I have to dress professionally. Guess your petition for pj’s fell through, huh?”
“Yeah, no one was down for it, but I still want some bunny slippers. Where’d you get yours?”
“Alright, I’ll make a mental note...I saw you when I came in. I didn’t know you worked here. How come I’ve never seen you before?” He asked.
“I-I’m new, I just started today actually…” you fiddled with the pencil in your hand. You were growing nervous.
“Well, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other then…”
You swallowed hard. What was he getting at? “Oh, are we now-” You looked down at his ID badge that was clipped to his outer suit pocket that had the FBI in bold letters.
“Special Agent Pike” you read his name badge.
“Marcus” he held out his hand
You don’t take it. You were nervous. You had no idea what the Marcus guy wanted with you, and you weren’t looking for anything right now. Marcus Pike may seem all cute and harmless, but the next thing you know, he’ll be breaking your heart into two. He was probably trying to play nice to get in your pants.
After everything that happened with your boyfriend, you guarded yourself, bordering your heart with thick walls. You weren’t gonna let just anyone in. You had to protect your heart from things that hurt you in the past. You didn’t want to go through that pain again so it was better to keep walls up. You didn’t want to let anyone new into your life.
He moves his hand to scratch behind his head.
“So you gonna tell me your name?”
“Why should I tell you my name?”
“I don’t know, because that’s what you do when you meet someone you new and you know what to call them by?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“Well, you’re an FBI agent. If you wanna know, use your investigation skills and figure it out.” With that picked up paper, turning around in your hair, and walking over to the fax machine.
Marcus stood there confused. You were being nice, but then switched on a dime? Was it sometimes he said? He didn’t know what happened, but if you weren’t going to tell him, he just had to figure it out.
Out the corner of your eye, you see him walk off to the elevators. You sign in relief.
“I see you were talking to Marcus Pike.” Laurie chimed in coming out from your guy's office. “He’s a really nice guy.”
“Is he really or is that just a front to get into people's pants?” You asked, continuing to stare at him.
Laurie gasped in surprise, “Marcus Pike? No! He's such a sweetheart and very well mannered, ask anyone here, they'll tell you that.”
You sigh, now you felt kinda bad, you switched and judged him too quickly. You had trust issues that you needed to work on. You sign rubbing your face. You might have screwed up.
“I know he may be a little cocky and comes off a bit strong, but he’s a great guy once you get to know him.”
He gets in the elevator turning around. You two lock eyes, but you quickly look away back down to the fax machine.
You look back up noticing the elevator doors have closed.
“We’ll see about you, Agent Pike…”
Main Tag: @icanbeyourjedi @sara-alonso 
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machine-gun-casie · 4 years
Almond Poppy Seed Muffins
you’re hired to help with the menu at colson’s new cafe and the lines of employer and employee quickly blur.
wc: 6k (!!!)
“Sit up, man.” Slim knocked Colson upside the head. “Menu person’s coming.”
Colson groaned and lifted his head off of the one table in the unopened cafe. “Tell me again why we booked this meeting for eight in the fucking morning.”
“Because it’s professional.” Slim whispered as the creak of the door echoed in the empty area. “Now sit the fuck up.”
You walked over with your shoulders back and your head held high, looking as professional as possible. Colson’s eyes were comically wide as he watched you approach the table. Your confidence was coming off in waves and Colson couldn’t help but be attracted to it.
Slim stood up. “Hi, you must be y/n.” He smiled at you and reached out to shake your hand. You smiled back and Colson immediately forgot he was hungover. 
“Yeah, I am. You’re the one who talked to me on the phone?” 
“That was me. I’m the manager. You can call me Slim.” Slim pulled back his hand and patted Colson on the shoulder. “This is Kel-”
“I’m Colson.” Colson shot up and shoved his hand in your direction. ”I’m the owner.”
“Thank you guys for calling me in.” You smiled at him this time and Colson almost fell back into his chair. 
“Thank you for coming. Let’s get started, shall we?” Slim said, sitting back down and both you and Colson followed. “We were hoping this could be a collaborative effort, because we want the menu to be unique to us and have some personal touches.” Colson looked at Slim with furrowed eyebrows, he’s never met this version of Slim before.
“Yes, of course. I’ve only got some basic items on my list, I wanted to sit down with you before we get into the trial phase. If there’s anything specific you wanted on the menu, or anything specific you don’t want, we can get that out of the way now.” You pulled out a tablet as you spoke, entering the password and opening your notes.
“There’s only a few items that we really want on the menu, but the rest is up to you.” Slim nodded as you took note of his words on your tablet. “What do you have so far?”
“I’ve got some basic avocado toast, bagels, and breakfast paninis.” You explained, showing them some pictures you had saved. “I’ve been to the surrounding cafes and seen the staples, but I wanted this place to have some unique staples of its own. So I added mini bacon tacos and almond poppy seed muffins.”
Colson’s eyes lit up. “Oh my god, I love almond poppy seed muffins! I was just going to tell you to add them to the menu.”
“No way, I love them too!” You beamed at him. “They’re so underrated. Everywhere I look for them, all I find is lemon poppy seed.”
Colson didn’t know how to respond, he just couldn’t believe he made you smile. Before the silence got awkward, Slim cleared his throat. “Bacon tacos? Are those tacos with bacon?”
“No, they’re bacon taco shells. Made them mini because full sized could get expensive in the long run.” You said, showing him a picture. “I’ve seen them online, but never in cafes and never here. Could definitely bring in some customers, everyone loves bacon.”
“Yeah, for sure. I don’t think I’ve seen those around here before. There’s also some things we need to have on the menu.” Slim said, looking over at Colson.
“Yeah, we need blueberry pancakes and cheese eggs.”
“And do you have any ideas for their names on the menu.” You asked, typing away.
“The pancakes are gonna be Casie’s Weekend Special, C-A-S-I-E. With whipped cream and berries on top.” You nodded and he continued. “And Champ’s Cheesy Eggs for the eggs. Oh, and we also got these special coffee beans coming in next month for a specific cold brew. I want it to be called Cold Brew but with the C-O-L in capital letters.”
“That’s just for it’s name on the menu, right? Because I don’t do coffee stuff.” You asked for clarification.
“Yeah, yeah for sure. I’m making that myself, no need to worry about it.” Colson said.
“Okay, good. Is that it?” You asked as you typed.
“We might add some more later, but you don’t need to worry about that right now.”
“Alright, I’ll start the trial phase this week. I’ll test out the recipes and all that. When I’ve polished everything off, we can do some taste testing.”
“How long do you think you’ll take to finish?” Slim asked.
“You should get a call in about a week or two.” 
Slim smiled and nodded. “Perfect, we’re set to open in a few months.”
“I’ll have enough time to train the staff before then.”
“Great, it’s been a pleasure doing business with you.”
“The pleasure’s all mine.” You pulled out two business cards and put them on the table, one in front of Slim and one in front of Colson. “This is my business card, in case you need to contact me.”
Colson could have sworn your gaze lingered on him for a second longer than it did on Slim. 
This was not a business card he was going to throw away. No way.
The buzzing of your phone pulled you away from your laptop. You were up all night researching and hearing the notification finally pulled you out of the rabbit hole.
It took a while to find your phone in all the blankets on your bed. But when you finally did, the notification that was on your lock screen was not something you were expecting.
Colson requested to follow you on Instagram. 
Woah. Unexpected. 
You opened your phone and accepted his request and followed him back.
- verified?
C- what can i say im a rockstar
- hahaha
- seriously tho, why?
C- u really dont know?
- nope. enlighten me
C- im a rapper
- no way! i work for a rapper now?
C- i guess you do haha
So your night that started off with researching recipes quickly turned into a night researching Machine Gun Kelly.
Song after song and interview after interview, you wondered how you spent your life not knowing of Machine Gun Kelly’s extensive career. You couldn’t say that you had never heard the name before, but this was way more than you expected.
Your Instagram seemed to pick up on your search history, so your explore page was only memes about your boss from the moment you googled his name.
You weren’t sure you could look him in the face the next time you saw him, something about two nines on his waist. 
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(creds: @ticketstomydownfall​)
- how come you never told me your full name?
C- sorry it just never came up, i never meant to keep it from you
C- i hope you understand
- it’ll take me a while, but im hurt you didn't tell me
And so it began, every time you took a break from menu research you would send memes back and forth. You would send Colson cooking memes he wouldn’t get and he would send you musician memes you wouldn’t get. A healthy balance, you joked. 
But your favorites had to be the Machine Gun Kelly memes. 
A new cafe opened a few streets down from Colson’s unopened one, so he decided to check out the competition. He stood in line and read the menu. He perked up when he saw the place had poppy seed muffins in their display. It kind of worried him because he wanted them to be his cafe’s thing, but he wouldn’t mind having one right now.
“Hi! What can I get you, sir?”
“Can I get a cold brew and one of those muffins please?” Colson pointed at the basket of muffins.
“The poppy seed?” Colson nodded and the barista reached over and picked one up.
“Are those almond or lemon?”
“These are almond poppy seed muffins, they’re here for a limited time only. Don’t think we’ll have them back anytime soon.”
The barista put the muffin in a paper bag and instructed Colson to wait by the pick up area. As he waited, he pulled out his phone and sent you a picture of the muffin.
C- new place got almond! poppy seed muffins
C- for a limited time only tho, we in the clear
Ever since you started texting, you had told him not to expect any fast responses. Your sleep schedule was all over the place because you ‘work best at night’ is what you told him. The menu was coming up fast and you told Colson to expect some taste testing soon.
So when he got a response from you within seconds, he was confused. He wasn’t complaining, that’s for sure. It just wasn’t like you.
- look in the corner
He looked up and saw you in the corner looking right at him with your phone in your hands. You laughed when you made eye contact and beckoned him over. He pointed towards the barista and you nodded. 
As soon as his cold brew was in his hands, he dashed over to you. 
“Well, well, well.” Colson smirked, sitting down across from you. “I see you fixed your sleep schedule.”
“Kinda. Just for today.” You smiled. He didn’t know if you always smiled or if you always smiled around him. Colson liked to think it was the latter. “You checkin’ out the competition?”
“Yeah, so are you. What do you think of the muffins?” Colson asked.
“Mine are better.” You shrugged.
“Gotta try ‘em first before I agree.”
“In time.”
It had been two weeks since you saw Colson at the cafe. You ended up staying there for a few hours, time seemed to fly by with him. You gushed about the flourishing menu to him and he smiled and nodded. You knew his appreciation towards the topic wasn’t at your level, but he encouraged you to keep going. ‘I like hearing you talk’ were his exact words.
You were a blushing mess by the end of the night. Some insinuations were made and you could definitely tell that he was as into you as you were into him. And you were willing to tease the possibility.
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- im not considered an assistant, am i?
C- you could be if you wanted
- i think assisting with the cafe could be considered an assisting position
C- id be inclined to agree
Colson needed to get away. He needed out right the fuck now.
He couldn’t bear staring at his bedroom ceiling any longer. The demons in his head were louder than ever and he needed an escape. 
Closing the door gently, he made sure not to make any loud noises so as to not wake anyone in the house. He got into his car and drove off. He had no clue where he was going, he just knew he was going.
He found himself parked in front of his cafe after a few minutes, not knowing how he got there or how he decided this was the place to escape to. He did have the keys on him. He could just head in, put together a couple of those tables that came in the other day and do something with his hands. Anything to get his mind to shut up for a little while.
The click of the keys turning in the lock sent a shiver up his spine. He made sure to lock the door behind him just in case. The thought of someone already being there never even crossed his mind.
Until he heard something from the back. The kitchen.
The kitchen was fully finished a week ago, decked with all kinds of high tech equipment. Worth a shit ton of money. Did Colson really just stumble into a robbery? Of his own fucking cafe?
He stomped over to the kitchen, fully prepared to beat someone up. 
So when he saw you dancing around in a flour covered tank top and shorts with music blasting in your headphones, he had to take a step back.
You screeched when you saw him at the door. “Holy fuck!” Colson laughed as you bent over and put a hand to your chest, taking your headphones out. “My heart just fucking dropped into my ass!”
“I thought you were a robber. I was ready to throw hands.” Colson said nonchalantly as he strode over to you.
“I thought you were going to murder me! What are you doing here? I could have sworn I locked the door.”
“You did.” Colson nodded.
“Shit, right.” You chuckled. “Owner, sorry I forgot.” You pointed at him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I asked first.” You shot back at him.
“Right, right.” He nodded and looked down. “Needed to get away. Found myself here.”
He hated the way your eyes softened at his words, he didn’t need pity or help or someone to fucking ask him if he ‘wants to talk it out’. But you didn’t say any of those things, and he really should have known. You were different.
“I told you. I work best at night. Slim gave me the key last week so I can utilize this amazing kitchen.” You motioned to the high tech equipment around you. “Muffins are almost done, actually.”
“Poppy seed?”
“Mhm, about six minutes left. But I got some pancakes right here, if you wanna try some?” You asked, picking up a plate stacked high with blueberry pancakes.
Colson nodded and took the plate out of your hands. You handed him a fork and he cut himself a bite. 
He brought it to his lips and paused, catching your hitched breath. “Don’t play with me! Just eat it!” You laughed, moving the fork into his mouth as he laughed at his stupid joke. His face was thoughtful as he chewed for a few moments. “Well?”
“It’s good.” He hummed. “Really good. But not better than Casie’s.”
“Doubt I can make it better than Casie’s when it’s her name on the menu.” You smiled. “She your girl?” 
The question slipped out before you could catch it. It was swirling around in your jealous head every time you saw the name in your notes. You weren’t exactly flirting with Colson these past few weeks, but if he had a girlfriend you would feel kind of guilty because you definitely caught feelings. 
Okay, you were definitely flirting. The whole assistant meme? For sure. And you were at least attracted to him. And with the way he has been looking at you, you knew he felt the same way.
“My daughter. It’s just me and her.” Colson smiled, knowing why you were asking and definitely not minding clearing that up for you. “She makes blueberry pancakes on the weekends for me. Best pancakes on the planet. Scratch that, in the fucking universe.”
“Aw shit, I can’t compete with that.” You chuckled. “Gotta try the best pancakes in the fucking universe some time.”
“For sure, I’ll bring her over when you finish up to try your stuff. Maybe you can take some pointers from her.”
“No offence to your daughter’s pancakes, but I think I’m good.” You chuckled. “This is my job and I’m damn good at it.”
“Alright, alright. No need to get feisty on me.” Colson laughed, putting his hands up in surrender. “My daughter’s pancakes will always be number one for me. You know how it is. She doesn’t know I’m putting her name on the menu, though.”
“Bet she’s gonna be so happy, I know I would be. I’ve always wanted my name on a menu.” 
Colson nodded and looked down at the counter that you were leaning against. Your phone, which was placed on the same counter, lit up with a notification that revealed your lock screen.
The notification wasn’t what caught Colson’s attention, the music that was playing did. “Are you- are you playing my music?”
“What?” You asked, your hand quickly darting to cover your phone. Colson laughed and pulled your hand away.
“No no no, I saw that.” He chuckled, grabbing the phone. “Loco? Not what I expected you to like, to be honest.”
You shrugged and pushed yourself away from the counter. “It’s got a good beat to whisk to.” You moved away from him and towards the oven and slipped on some mitts.
“The muffins are done? I didn’t hear a timer.”
“It’s all up here, pretty boy.” You smirked at him, tapping your finger against your temple. “If I leave them in any longer they’ll burn.” You explained, dropping the piping hot muffin tray onto the counter.
Colson’s hand slowly reached over to the tray, but you slapped it away before he could touch one. “Ay, they need to cool down! Still didn’t even finish them, man.” You huffed as you took off the oven mitts. You looked at him and saw him staring at you. “What?”
He just smiled his little cute ass smile and shook his head. “Nothing.”
“Don’t ‘nothing’ me. What is it? Do I have something on my face?” Your hand came up to wipe at your cheeks.
Colson held your wrist and pulled it away from your face. “No, you don’t have anything on your face. You just…”
“Just what?” You don’t know when you started whispering, but it felt like you had to. The moment, so fragile and intimate, you didn’t want to scare it away.
“You look really fucking cute right now.” Colson breathed out, his eyes not once leaving yours.
“You don’t just say that to a girl, Colson.”
“Who said I was just saying it?”
The moment lost its preciousness when Colson put his hand on the hot muffin tin. “Ah fuck!” He brought his hand up to his chest, cradling it.
“You’re so stupid, you know that?” You chuckled as you led him to the sink. “Come here, let me run some cold water on it.”
“Fuck me, I just ruined the moment, didn’t I?” He asked as he let you tend to his hand.
“A little, but you didn’t completely lose me.” You mused, teasing him. “I gotta put the glaze on the muffins, then you can have one.”
“There’s glaze!” He asked excitedly. “I fucking love the ones with the glaze on top.”
“I know.” You hummed, taking the bowl with the sugary glaze and spreading a little on each muffin. After you finished all of them, you went back to the first one you covered and popped it out of the tin. You held it up and brought it to Colson’s mouth. “Try it.”
He bit into and moaned almost sinfully at the flavor. That fucker knew what he was doing. 
“These are so fucking good.” Colson groaned.
“Damn right they are. You know how hard I worked on that recipe?” You exclaimed, proud the muffins came out as good as Colson made them seem to be.
“Really fuckin’ hard, I take it.” Colson replied. “Come here, you gotta taste it.”
Before you could take a bite out of the muffin, Colson put his finger under your chin and led your lips to his.
You pulled away a few seconds later, breaking the kiss. “You’re right, that tastes really fucking good.”
“You keep talking like that and I don’t think we’re gonna make it outta this place.” Colson smirked.
“The staff room’s got a couch.” 
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(Elvgren Brunette Pin-Up Girl “Let's Eat Out”)
C- you last night
- excuse me?
C- what?
C- ur the sexy muffin girl
- how dare you?
- i would never burn my muffins
C- dude
C- im tryna flirt with you here
- well try harder
Colson didn’t expect to walk into the cafe the next week with Slim and his daughter to see you wearing his shirt from that night. Casie was just excited to eat the food, so she didn’t notice. 
But Slim noticed. Colson coming home without a shirt wasn’t crazy. But you wearing said missing shirt? Yeah, he saw this coming. He smirked at Colson who tried to brush it off but his blushing cheeks betrayed him. Holy fuck, you had him blushing. What the fuck was he going to do with you?
You told them to sit tight while you brought out the plates. When you disappeared into the back, Colson mumbled something about going and helping you out.
“Nice shirt.” He smirked.
“Thanks, I got it from this guy.” You teased.
“This guy?” Colson raised his eyebrows at you as he picked up two plates.
“Yeah, tall lanky blonde dude. I don’t know if you know him, but he’s a rapper.” You smiled, expertly carrying four plates in your arms. “He’s verified on Instagram.”
Casie and Slim both watched with amused smirks on their faces as you and Colson walked out of the kitchen giggling. 
With you none the wiser, Colson mouthed ‘Shut up!’ at them. Slim snickered and Casie raised her hands up in surrender. You placed two small plates on each placemat, not aware of the conversation going on around you.
“First, we’ve got the mini bacon tacos.” You said, pointing at each plate. “The bacon shells are filled with a spinach and scrambled egg mixture with a few slices of fresh avocado.”
“Oh my god, dad! The tacos are made of bacon!” Casie exclaimed when she looked down at the plate. 
“Stop drooling and eat your food before I do.” Slim mumbled through a mouthful of bacon taco.
“Ay!” Casie shot Slim a look and used her hand as a shield against her taco. “Don’t you touch my food.”
“Then eat it!”
“I will, get off my back!”
“Hey!” Colson shouted, getting their attention. “No fighting in front of our guest!”
Slim and Casie looked up at you and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.” They apologized in unison and you fought hard to not let out a snort.
“It’s alright.” You giggled. “Do you like the tacos?”
Casie stuffed half the taco into her mouth and nodded. “Iss real goo’.”
Colson chuckled and wiped some avocado off his daughter’s face. “I think that’s the equivalent of three michelin stars.”
As everyone cleaned off their plates of all eggs and bacon, you remembered something you wanted to mention.
“Now, next are the blueberry pancakes. But before you guys dig in, Casie, I need to ask you something.” Casie perked up at your words. “Your dad told me that your pancakes are the best in the universe. And because this is his cafe, I would like it if he liked my pancakes too. So if you have any advice for me, I’m all ears.”
Casie looked between you and the pancakes for a moment. 
“I’m gonna guess that you don’t use the boxed stuff, right?” You nodded. “Alright, I’ve got one trick that I use. But you gotta promise not to tell anyone.”
You stuck out your pinky and nodded. “Pinky promise.”
“Pinky promise.” Casie looped her pinky with yours and smiled. “Y’all gotta shut your ears.” She said to Colson and Slim.
“No buts!” She stopped Slim. “Shut your ears!” Casie watched her dad and uncle as they slowly covered their ears with their hands, confused and trying but failing to hold in their laughter.
“Alright, my trick is hazelnut milk. I use it instead of normal milk. Makes it kind of taste like Nutella, and Dad loves Nutella. And I add a teeny tiny bit of cardamom powder. The tiniest pinch. Made the recipe all by myself, so I better get credit.”
You smiled and made eye contact with her. “Trust me, you’re gonna get your credit.”
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C- my jaw still hasn't recovered
- shouldn’t that be my line?
C- remind me to never show anyone our texts ever in life
- noted
C- are you free tomorrow?
- yeah why?
C- meet me at the cafe at noon
C- theres something i wanna show u and casie
You smiled when you saw Colson and Casie approaching the cafe. You had gone to the store so as to not arrive too early, but you still beat them by a few minutes.
“Hey.” Colson smiled. “You brought stuff?”
“Yeah, just a few secret ingredients.” You nodded, holding the canvas bag behind your back. “If I show you, I have to kill you.”
“Can I see?” Casie asked.
“Of course.” You scoffed and winked at her.
“Hey! How come she can see but I can’t?” Colson asked incredulously. 
You shrugged and giggled. “Why are we here, Colson?” You asked, changing the subject. 
“Something came in today.”
“The coffee beans?” You asked, hoping you’d get a taste of his COLd brew. Yes, you told him it was stupid. No, he wouldn’t budge.
“Nope, the chalkboard.” He waggled his eyebrows at you.
Your eyes lit up. “For the menu?”
“Dad, can I help? Please, I wanna do the border.” Casie pleaded.
“Of course, special girl.” Colson nodded at her. “You gotta help bring it out, though.” 
“Let’s get the chalkboard!” Casie jumped up and tried to open the door.
Colson told her to hold on, the door wasn’t unlocked. He pulled out his keys and turned the lock, opening the door wide enough for Casie to run inside.
“It’s in the back.” Colson called after her.
She ran past you both to the staff room.
“She’s cute.” You chuckled once she was out of earshot.
Colson walked into the cafe with you and closed the door behind him. “Yeah, she got it from me.”
Before you had time to reply, a resounding crash came from the back.
“Casie!” You both dashed to the back to see if she got hurt.
“I’m fine!” She said once you both walked into the room. Casie was fine, but the long cardboard box she was pulling was no longer upwards but flat on the floor. “I think I broke it, though.” She winced.
Colson sighed and dragged his hand down his face. “Case…“
You smiled at Casie to calm her down. “It’s alright, as long as you’re not hurt.” You approached her and pulled her into a side hug and observed the fallen box. “Let’s see the damage out in the front, come on.”
The box was pulled out by all of you to the front where you opened it and pulled out the chalkboard. The chalkboard that was once one piece was now distinctly two pieces.
Casie sighed dejectedly. “I broke it bad.”
“No, no. This is definitely not bad.” You reassured her and looked over at Colson to back you up.
“Yeah, princess. This is not bad.” He said, not really knowing why it was great but only playing along with you as to not make his baby girl feel bad. “Why is this not bad?”
You laughed and kneeled down to fully pull out the two broken pieces out of the box. “We can make it look intentional. See, the crack is going diagonally down the middle. You can do the border around each piece. It would look really cool.”
“That would actually look really dope.” Colson said as he finally understood what you were getting at. “None of the other places have anything like this.”
“See? Told you.” You nodded. “What would you do without me, huh?”
“I have no clue.” Colson mumbled as he knelt down to sit next to you. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to hear it, but you sure did. “Alright, y’all can do the border. Leave the rest to me.”
“You sure?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at Colson. “It’s gonna take you a while.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. You have everything written down somewhere?”
You nodded and pulled out your phone from your pocket. You opened up your notes app and handed it to him. “This is my latest draft for the final menu. Do with it what you wish.”
And so you got to work. Every time you tried to peek at what Colson was writing, he’d push you away and say it was a surprise. So you stuck to what he assigned you. The border took you and Casie no time, even after adding some doodles here and there and signing the bottom right corner.
“Dad?” Casie perked up.
“Yeah?” Colson asked, still focused on his penmanship.
“You good to finish it up?”
“Yeah, why?”
“y/n and I need to go to the kitchen.”
“You do?”
“We do?”
“Yes.” Casie nodded at you. “We do.” 
“Oh!” You smiled, remembering the bag you had brought with you. “We do!”
“Mhm.” Casie smiled sweetly at her dad and hopped up and headed towards the kitchen. “Come on, y/n! No time to waste.”
You giggled at her antics and shrugged at Colson. “No time to waste, I guess.” You grabbed your bag full of ingredients and followed the little sassy child to the kitchen.
You placed the bag on the counter and smiled at her. “So, how many do you wanna make?”
“Not many.” She shrugged as she helped you take out the ingredients. “Just a few to try out the recipe.”
“Good idea.” You nodded. “I changed my original recipe a little bit, added your suggestions and a few more things. That cardamom powder is a great addition, by the way.”
“Thanks!” Casie beamed. “So you’re a chef, huh?”
“Not exactly.” You mused as you pulled out the bowls and measuring equipment. “If we had to get technical, I guess my job is a menu curator. I help people make menus for their cafes or restaurants.”
“But dad said you make really good food.” Casie pointed out as she measured some dry ingredients into a large bowl. “Did you learn it by yourself or did you go to school for it?”
“A little bit of both.” You paused to help her not spill the flour and continued. “I’ve been to a few culinary schools, but only the ones that you attend for a few months. But I’ve always loved cooking.”
“So this must be your dream job, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess it is. You wanna crack the eggs?” You asked and handed her the eggs when she nodded. “What’s your dream job?”
“I’m not really sure, I’m only eleven.” She shrugged and threw out the egg shells. “But I really like the music industry. So probably something in that. Maybe a producer or something. I’ve helped out Uncle Slim on some of my dad’s stuff and it was fun.”
“No way! That’s really cool. I know nothing about the music industry, if I’m being honest.” You confessed.
“Did you know about Dad’s music?” She asked. You paused for a moment, knowing this was coming. Casie wasn’t stupid, she knew something was going on between you and her dad. She wanted to make sure you were right for him. And she was definitely not going to beat around the bush to find out.
“Not when I first met him. But he followed me on Instagram and I asked why he was verified and he told me.” You said.
“Oh.” Casie said, pausing to think of what to say next. “Okay.”
You looked at her and furrowed your eyebrows. “Okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.” She nodded as she poured out the hazelnut milk into a measuring cup. “I like you, y/n. And I know my dad likes you, too. If he didn’t think you were a good person, then I wouldn’t even be here.”
Pushing the bowl closer to her so the milk wouldn’t go on the counter, you stayed silent so she could continue. “And I know you were wearing his shirt the other day, which means my dad really likes you. But you gotta know that being with my dad comes with stuff not everyone likes. I know you like me, which is obvious because I’m amazing.”
“Yes, of course.” You nodded semi-seriously, giggling with her.
“But there’s also his music and the whole public thing, which gets weird sometimes.” Casie’s eyebrows rose as she spoke, indicating that she’s seen enough to know what she was talking about. “They say things and they lie and they might drag your name through the mud. But some people forget that the things they say only last for a news cycle.”
“You are wise beyond your years, Ms. Casie Baker.” You pointed at her. “I think meeting you has been the best part of working for your dad.”
A week later, Colson called you back to meet at the cafe. After making the pancakes with Casie, Colson refused to show you the menu. He insisted it still needed more work and that neither of you could see it until it was properly set up behind the front counter.
Both you and Casie moaned and groaned, telling him a little peak wouldn’t hurt. But he held his ground.
Walking up to the cafe, you saw that Colson and Casie beat you this time around. Colson was sitting down as Casie jumped around him, begging him to remove the white sheet hiding the chalkboard on the wall.
“Hey guys.” You said as you opened the door.
“y/n!” Casie called, running up to you. “Thank god you’re finally here! He made me wait this whole time.”
You looked up at Colson who was shaking his head. “We’ve been here for eight minutes.” He chuckled.
“That’s a whole four hundred and eighty seconds!” 
“Ay, that was some nice quick math!” Colson cheered and held his hand up for a high five. 
Casie slapped his hand and walked over to the menu. “Alright, she’s here. Can we please see the menu now?” She pleaded.
Colson sighed and nodded. He positioned you and Casie to stand in front of the board and placed your hands on your eyes. 
“On three, open your eyes.” Colson instructed as he held onto the white fabric. “One, two…”
You and Casie waited for him to continue only to hear him snickering. “Dad!”
“Alright, alright.” You heard the fabric fall to the floor. “Three!”
You gasped when you finally laid eyes on the long awaited finished menu. Colson somehow made all you and Casie’s little doodles crisper and more vivid. The border around both the pieces had some additional patterns here and there, obviously courtesy of Colson. Your eyes scanned the names of the menu items quickly, most of them already known to you from your notes.
“Casie’s Weekend Special?” Casie asked after a moment of silence, looking up at her dad. “No way! Are those the pancakes?”
“Yeah, you like it?” Colson smiled.
She giggled and jumped up to hug Colson. “I love it!”
“I told you you’d get your credit.” You smirked at her.
She climbed off her dad and gasped. “You knew?”
You nodded and she attacked you with a hug too. You laughed as you almost toppled over from the sudden embrace.
You continued reading the menu when Casie climbed off of you. You chuckled at the ‘Bomb A$$ Bacon Tacos’ and at the ‘COLd Brew’. You smiled when you read ‘y/n’s ALMOND poppy seed muffins’.
Wait what.
“You said you’ve always wanted your name on a menu. Besides, it’s your recipe.” Colson stumbled back as you attacked him in a hug this time.
You sighed against the skin of his neck and whispered a soft ‘thank you’. You pulled back and stood there for a bit, just looking at his piercing blue eyes. How can someone’s eyes be so blue?
“Oh my god! Just kiss her already!” Casie exclaimed.
“Woah! Where did that come from, little lady?” Colson turned to look at Casie without letting you go.
“You guys are making major goo goo eyes at each other. Just kiss! I’ll cover my eyes, don’t worry.” She said, placing her hand over her eyes.
“I mean, she’s kinda-”
You cut him off by placing your lips against his. Casie giggled as she peeked between her fingers. Colson furrowed his eyebrows and groaned his disapproval into the kiss, waving his free arm at his daughter. 
You giggled against Colson’s lips and pulled his waving arm back. You pulled away and reached out one arm around Casie and dragged her into the embrace. “Your dad is a real romantic, Casie.”
“Thanks, I taught him well.”
“Yeah, you really did.”
562 notes · View notes
fluffi · 4 years
my little dirt ball. | hueningkai
pairing: hueningkai x reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers!au, hauntedhouse!au
word count: 9k
author’s note: wow...my first published fic and its 9k words...i don’t really know what to think of this, but I hope everyone likes it!
warnings: vague descriptions of things in haunted houses, y/n being an oblivious idiot
others: this is part of a halloween group collab. You can see everyone else’s works here! this also is in correlation to an upcoming yeonjun fic i have planned (see bonus)!
special thanks: @/spookybias for literally taking 30 min of her time to help me get the entire fic in order and @/yeonjuncore as inspiration for the correlation fic thingy (see her hueningkai and soobin halloween fic).
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October 31, 2020 | 6.38am
You were unable to fall asleep. Tossing, turning, and sitting up ever so often in a sweaty mess. You would walk over to the thermostat, turn it down, only for you to wake up shivering. Then the cycle would repeat, so you never ended up actually sleeping.
While squirming in bed, you heard loud thumps emitting from your bedside window. What the heck? It wasn’t raining, you were sure of it, since you couldn’t hear water leaking in your bathroom. Just then, your phone rang. You groggily sat up and pressed the green answer button, without bothering to look at the caller ID.
“Wake up, loser. Did you forget that it’s October 31? Halloween?”
Right. That was what I forgot. You were so busy doing projects and finishing assignments in school that you forgot your yearly tradition with your Halloween-enthusiast best friend, Kai. He was probably very annoyed at your lack of attendance, but you were tired. Maybe the tradition could wait till next year.
You groaned. “Sorry, sorry. I know we’re supposed to meet at the park like we do every year, at 6am. But Dude, I’m so tired. Can we postpone this meetup? I have 3 more English projects that I have to finish, and I can’t seem to fall asleep tonight.”
“Perfect! Since you can’t sleep, we’re meeting. Dress up and sneak out, like last year, and every other year before that. You don’t have to walk to the park. I’m outside your house right now, throwing these really nice pebbles at your window. By the way, these pebbles are nice. They’re like, really freaking shiny. Where’d your mom get them fro-“
You accidentally ended the call, cutting him off. To be fair, you weren’t expecting him to blabber about stupid walmart pebbles for such a long time.
Sometimes you wondered why you were friends with Kai, and then you remembered that it was because you liked him. A lot. You liked him way too much. Kai was always stuck in your brain. Every thought you had when you were alone was about him, and almost every thought you had when you were with him, well, you couldn’t even think straight when you were around Kai. But he didn’t need to know that. He was just that popular cute boy, living his best life surrounded by drop-dead gorgeous girls who would do just about anything to be with him. They were ten times prettier than you, surely he wouldn’t settle for a girl like Y/N L/N.
You pulled yourself out of your pity puddle when you remembered that Kai was waiting for you outside. The boy you were probably in love with, who might break your window if you don’t hurry up and meet him right now. You swear, if you hear the tapping of rocks at your window one more time...
You sat up, opened your window, and screamed, “Kai Kamal Huening, I swear, if you do not stop right now, I will drag your as-“
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“Hey, random question. Why does this tradition have to be exactly the same every year? Why does it matter if I meet you at 6am? What if I meet you at 6.10am? In that case, will you stop being friends with me?” You teased, trudging alongside Kai on a rugged concrete path.
Kai sighed, tilting his head to look at you with his beautiful, brown eyes. “It matters because it takes 15 minutes to walk from your neighborhood’s park to Mr. Roger’s pumpkin patch, and he opens at 6.20am exactly, every single Halloween. If you get to the park at 6.10am, we’ll reach his pumpkin patch at 6.30am. By then, all the competitive mothers who want their child to have the best pumpkin will have taken all the round, orange, hard-enough-to-carve-but-not-so-hard-that-carving-becomes-a-chore kind of pumpkins, and we’ll be stuck with the oblong shaped, ugly pumpkins.”
“Then why aren’t we running? At this rate, we will only get rotten mushy pumpkins.”
“We aren’t running because you have tiny legs and we won’t make it that far before you get tired. I don’t want you to get hurt, shortie.” Kai teased, sticking out his tongue while leaning over you in an attempt to intimidate you.
At this point, he was only a few inches away from you, and the both of you were so close that you could peck his lips. As much as you wanted to, you resisted the urge to lean closer towards him and instead laughed nervously as he smiled at you. This action only made your heart beat faster. It didn’t help that he just said that he cared about you, and despite the statement being so lighthearted, it warmed your heart to know that he prioritized your well-being over pumpkins.
Your heart was thumping faster and faster, and you were turning into an embarrassed mess. Cheeks hot and red, eyes darting everywhere. Come to think of it, that plant behind Kai looks interesting, how come you’ve never seen it before?
The awkward tension was getting quite unbearable at this point, and you couldn’t take it anymore. “I-uh...we…um….uh...race you to the pumpkin patch! Yeah..uh..let's go!” You nervously muttered, trying to sound confident. You immediately ran opposite the direction of where the both of you were supposed to go.
“Y/N! The pumpkin patch is this way!” Kai confusedly shouted. “You’ve been to the pumpkin patch multiple times! Where are you even going?”
You were getting out of breath, but you would only stop running once you were out of Kai’s sight. “Uh...I’ll take the longer route! Yeah...I’ll meet you there...uh...don’t follow me!” You turned around and started running backwards, so you could see if Kai would start following you.
“Y/N! Stop running, wait! No! Look behind you!”
The last thing you saw was Kai’s figure running towards you before your head hit the ground with a loud thud.
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“Ugh, what do you want? Why did you wake me up? And why is Y/N sleeping in your arms?”
Kai was at Beomgyu’s house, holding your unconscious self bridal-style in his arms. You had tripped over a brick ledge all because your idiotic self was too panicked with the thought of kai finding out that you liked him.
Kai sighed, “Look hyung, I’m sorry if this is a huge hassle, or that I may be disturbing your 8-hour beauty sleep, but Y/N fell down, and she isn’t asleep. I think she got knocked out.”
Beomgyu started frantically waving his hands and shouting incoherently. “Oh my gosh, are you serious? If she’s knocked out, we have to go to the hospital! We have to call 911! What if she doesn’t wake up?? Kai, why did you bring her here, this isn’t my problem! Oh my goodness, I’m not even kidding, wh-“
While Beomgyu was going full-on emergency mode, you had regained your senses and was starting to stir. Maybe it was because Beomgyu’s panicking actions had woken you up, or that you had a sixth sense blaring huge warning signs all across your brain because you were in Kai’s arms. Wait, you were in Kai’s arms?
You slowly fluttered your eyes open to see Kai looking confusedly at a screaming Beomgyu, who seemed so sure that you would never wake up. As you laid in the Kai’s arms, you gazed at his ethereal features. Brown eyes with gorgeous golden specks in them, wavy brown hair, his cute little boopable nose, he was a literal angel who looked perfect from every angle. Just then, said angel looked down at you.
“Beomgyu-hyung! She’s awake! Her eyes are open! Why is she smiling? Hi Y/N, good morning, why are you smiling? Her cheeks are really red too, she looks like she’s drunk! HAHA! Y/N, Y/N?”
It took you a few minutes to register that Kai was talking to you, and that he was indeed, calling your name. By the time you tried opening your mouth to respond, gross-man-Beomgyu was already looking over at you with utter disgust and relief clouding his face.
“Oh, good. I thought she was going to die. Okay, now just in case idiot Y/N stumbles and falls again, she should rest here. You guys can leave when she feels better. Ugh, the things I do for you guys. Sacrificing my 8-hour beauty sleep, my privacy, and most importantly, my lovely couch, that disgusting Y/N is going to lay on.”
You once again came back from Kai Dreamland when you realized that Beomgyu had just insulted you. About to rebut, you remembered that you were still in Kai’s arms and that he was starting to carry you to the couch. Feeling the heat that was rising up your cheeks, you immediately tried squirming out of Kai’s arms.
You tried lifting your legs off his left arm and grabbing on his right one for support. “Uh, Kai, actually, I feel better already. I can walk myself to the couch, yeah, thanks.”
Kai stifled a laugh and bemusedly stared at you. “Y/N, you just fell down and knocked yourself out. The couch isn’t too far, if I can carry you to Beomgyu’s house then I can surely carry you to the living hall.”
“No, um, I’m good. I’m independent!” As you fumbled out of Kai’s grasp and began attempting to get to the couch, you thought to yourself. Y/N, how stupid. Who uses ‘I’m independent’ as an excuse? Way to blow it in front of your 10-year-crush.
Meanwhile, Beomgyu, who had been grabbing water, immediately put the cup down and ran towards you, who was struggling to even walk in a straight line. Grabbing your arms and dragging you to the couch, he tutted. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Y/N, you really be walking like a drunk man at 4am. Why did Kai stop carrying you? He shouldn’t have put you down, for goodness sake, you nearly knocked down my mom’s sacred glass vase with your swinging beanstalk arms!”
Kai lifted both of his hands in defense. “I didn’t put her down. I insisted on carrying her all the way to the couch but she flailed around in my arms and said she could walk just fine. I’m starting to think that she might have an actual brain injury.”
You, being perfectly fine and functioning decently with your 3 brain cells, had only gotten dizzy from the sudden shift of laying down to standing up. You had laid down on the couch and was starting to drift off to sleep. The last thing you heard was Kai and Beomgyu giggling about something related to brains, but you were too tired to ask them about that inside joke.
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8.40 am
“So...have you told her?”
Beomgyu and Kai were sitting on the floor in the living hall, with you fast asleep on the couch behind them. There were cards messily sprawled across the floor, and 2 cup noodles on a chair placed in front of them.
Kai sighed. He discreetly held up his uno cards in front of his face to block the reddening that was beginning to form on the apples of his cheeks.
“Told who what?”
“Oh, stop acting so oblivious. Ya know, have you told Y/N that you like her?”
Kai felt his cheeks heat up even more and he embarrassingly smacked Beomgyu’s arm. “Hyung, are you dumb? Y/N’s right behind us. She probably just heard you say that. Plus, did you forget about the very special Halloween plan happening in like, 10 hours?” He quickly turned around to see if you were actually asleep and not just getting some shut-eye. You were definitely deep into your slumber, hair all messed up and your body spread across the couch in an very uncomfortable looking position. However, to Kai, you looked extremely cute. He couldn’t resist the urge to smile ear to ear. Kai wanted to boop your nose right then and there, and was fighting hard to resist this temptation in fears of waking you up. He removed his baby blue hoodie and gently placed it on your sleeping figure, doing his best to not wake you up.
Beomgyu, who was looking disgustedly at Kai’s chival gesture and his beaming face, made a heart with his hands between the both of you. “Wow, you are whipped for Y/N. Anyways, she’s clearly asleep. She looks like a pig! And it wouldn’t matter if she heard me say that you have a crush on her. She clearly likes you too.”
Kai scowled at Beomgyu’s insult, and sat back down. “First of all, do not say that Y/N looks like a pig, she’s gorgeous and way prettier than you. Secondly, no! She definitely doesn’t like me that way! She probably thinks my Halloween obsession is weird, and I’m probably not the type of guy she likes. She likes ‘hot’ dudes.” Kai gagged when he said that statement.“She probably likes Yeonjun or something, they would be cute together.”
Beomgyu rolled his eyes and declared. “Have you seen the way she looks at you? Her eyes sparkle and she awes at you like you're the only thing that matters on this planet! Heck, you probably are the only thing that matters to her on this planet.” Beomgyu sighed, rolling his eyes. “You two are so oblivious.”
“Let’s divert the topic, this is making me flustered and I don’t like it.” Kai said, as he picked a draw 8 card from the fan of uno cards that was still covering his burning red cheeks. “I was initially planning to just skip you, but because you brought this topic up, draw 8.”
Beomgyu innocently smiled, then put down a draw 4 card. He looked back up at Kai, stuck his tongue out, and then cheekily laughed at the fuming boy.
Kai’s cheeks were glowing red again, but this time, it was for an entire different reason.
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October 31 2020 | 8.10am -> October 31 2009 | 9.33am
While the boy you were in love with and the boy you wanted to punch into a different dimension were talking about you, you were deep inside Kai Dreamland.
Almost every night, you dreamed about dating him. Being able to feed each other food, holding each other’s hands, cuddling, and being able to do ‘justcouplethings” with him. This dream, however, was very different.
Unbeknownst to you, a past flashback was about to happen, and it would make you finally realize why you liked Kai so much.
You were looking at your very young self in third person, who was wearing a weird wire contraption shaped like a sphere. Draped on top of the contraption was a dirty brown blanket, and stuck on top of it were what were supposed to be sprinkles and icing sugar. The sprinkles and icing sugar were made of horribly cut colored paper, and they looked like they were on the brink of dropping off because of the faulty glue gun job that was barely keeping the whole costume together. You had your purple Dora backpack in your right hand and your left hand was lifted up, about to knock on a wooden birch door with the placard “Class 1C” right in the center of the door.
Oh, no. Oh, no no. Present Y/N knew what was coming. You hated this moment so, so, much, because you knew what was behind that innocent-looking door. Out of all things, did I really have to dream about the most humiliating moment of my life?
Young Y/N finally knocked with all her strength on the wooden door, and a young adult wearing a witch hat that did not match her professional blazer and work skirt opened the door.
“Hello, dear! You must be Y/N L/N, our new student! I see you that you must’ve got the memo to dress up. I love your costume. My name is Ms. Kim. Do come inside!” Ms. Kim flashed an exaggerated smile, and gestured for you to come in.
Your younger self was very oblivious to the fact that Ms. Kim did not like your costume one bit just based on her fake smile and the giggle she tried to hide. Nonetheless, you confidently strutted in the decorated classroom, unaware that your sprinkles and iced sugar pieces were starting to fall off, leaving a trail of cut colored paper from the door to where you now stood, which was in the center of the classroom.
A few classmates had already started to snicker, proudly pointing their stubby fingers at the trail of papers, and the brown sphere you were wearing, then bursting into immature giggles. However, you continued to lift your head up high.
“Class, class, settle down. We have a new student. Y/N, do introduce yourself.” Ms. Kim announced. The high-pitched laughter echoing from the audience died down.
“Hello, class of 1C! My name is Y/N L/N, and I am proud to be here today! I will do my best in this class!” You beamed, and the class burst into booming laughter. Chaos erupted, making the giggling just now nothing compared to this event.
Paper balls and pencils were thrown, and the monstrous classmates could no longer keep their childish giggling to themselves.
“She looks like a dirt ball! She looks like a dirt ball!” A loud shout emitted from the back of the class, and soon, everyone else caught on.
“Dirt ball! Dirt ball! Y/N is a dirt ball!” The class hooted, enjoying this Halloween party way more than they should.
Ms. Kim sighed, and looked down at your fragile figure who was on the verge of tears. “Class, if you do not quiet down and respect Y/N, we will cancel this party. All of you can go back to doing your addition and subtraction.”
Immediately, the mean teasing and laughter died down, and you shuffled your way to your assigned seat, leaving a trail of more cut colored paper. Once you put your backpack behind your seat and sat down, you put your head in your arms, not bothering to look at the wavy-haired boy leaning his head on his elbow, smiling innocently at you. Noticing your sad self, he immediately placed it upon himself to cheer you up.
“Hello, you’re Y/N, right? I’m Kai. I really love your costume! Is it a cake pop?”
Kai really did love your costume. He liked the fact that anyone could tell that you had worked so hard to make it. Compared to his target-bought jellyfish costume, it was a piece of majestic art.
You immediately sat up, all signs of sadness gone. You were happy and satisfied that at least one person knew what your costume was. The hard work you spent gluing on the paper and the hard work your mother spent looking for a wire contraction that would fit you had finally been paid off.
“Yes! It’s a cake pop. I love your jellyfish costume too!” You smiled, revealing one of your missing front teeth.
“Nah, my costume isn’t as good as yours. I'm sorry if the class was so mean to you, I think your outfit looked great. In fact, my mom is having a small Halloween gathering this week, would you want to come? There will be lots of food, and I got my dad to build…”
At this exact moment, your past self realized that you liked this boy. You didn’t care if you married him, or if you just stayed friends, you wanted to be with him through thick and thin. For your present self, this just proved that you loved him more than he would ever know.
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October 31 2020 | 10.35am
“...ding, ding, ding, ding…”
Ughhhh. What is going on with my phone?
“...ding, ding, ding!”
As soon as the ringing from your phone stopped, you immediately dozed back to sleep.
“Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding…”
“ARGHHH! Kai, can you please help me check my phone! It's ringing like it's a bomb about to detonate!”
No response.
“Kai? Gyu?”
As you worriedly stood up and glanced around bemusedly, the baby blue hoodie that Kai had carefully draped onto you slid off, and dropped at your feet. You noticed it and picked up the familiar looking sweater.
You suddenly realized that this hoodie belonged to the one and only Kai Kamal Huening, and your heart started pounding when you came to terms with the fact that he had just draped one of his favorite hoodies onto you. You scrunched the sweater up in your hands, and wore it over your graphic pumpkin shirt (which was your “costume”). It smelled exactly like Kai, and with the faint scent of his maple autumn leaf perfume (that he only used in October) wavering in the air, you felt like you were in Kai Heaven.
However, the annoying dings in the background didn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon, so you finally addressed the noise by grabbing your phone from your bag on the dining table.
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You groaned as your phone screen lit up with an incoming call from Yeonjun.
“Hi, Yeonjun. I don’t think I can come.”
“What, why?” Yeonjun dragged, the ‘y’, sounding like a whining baby. “We’re doing a haunted house. All the cool kids are gonna be there. Are you not a cool kid?”
‘Well, number one, I'm not going cause haunted houses are scary. Number two, I’m not cool Jun, you know that. Number three, Kai and I were supposed to do our yearly tradition, but I fell down this morning. I think we’re going to continue it afterwards, and I don’t think Kai likes parties that much. Speaking of Kai, do you know where him and Beomgyu are? I’m in Gyu’s house by myself right now, and when I woke up they weren’t there anymore, are they with you?”
Yeonjun coughed from the other end of the line and seemed to hesitate before replying. “No, I don’t know where Kai and Beomgyu are. But I think Kai wants to come to the party, he said he would, Y/Nieeeee, please come, it’ll be fun.”
You were about to reconsider your choice and dial Kai asking if he wanted to come, when you heard an oddly familiar high pitched dolphin laughter occurring from the other end of the line, followed by a loud shout of glee.
“Wait, Yeonjun. Isn’t that Kai? Is he with you?”
“No. Kai isn’t with me. I don’t know where he is. I really don’t. I think I saw him yesterday? Uh…”
Yeonjun muted the call and left your curious self waiting on the line.
“Okay, I’m back, sorry, technical problems. But yeah, don’t know where Kai is. Totally don’t know.”
“Yeonjun, I can tell when you’re lying.”
Yeonjun sighed from the other end of the line.
“I’m coming over.” You said, as you ended the call, furious and confused as to why he lied to you about such a trivial matter. At least Kai is safe, you thought to yourself, as you grabbed your bag roughly. You were about to stalk out of the house, when you remembered that you were still wearing Kai’s baby blue hoodie that looked extremely over-sized on you. You considered wearing it to Yeonjun’s house, then decided against the decision in fear that Kai might get the wrong idea.
As best friends, the both of you didn’t exchange much skinship or share many things, so this was your first time wearing Kai’s hoodie. You didn’t want him to find out that you like him, and was planning to keep your sacred secret for as long as you could.
After taking off Kai’s sweater, you folded it into a little bundle and shoved it in your bag, just in case he might want it back at Yeonjun’s house. Finally, you walked out of your house, still curious and disappointed as to why a close friend would lie to you about such a small issue.
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Instead of going to Yeonjun’s huge house, you were now seated across an anxious, fidgeting Kai, in Magic Island, a homely cafe that the both of you would go every halloween for their special rainbow halloween-themed cupcakes. Kai had requested the both of you to meet at this cafe instead of Yeonjun’s house for who knows what, but surprisingly, you didn’t question his rushed and breathless statement when he called you as you were walking out. In the call, he anxiously explained that he would explain in the cafe, and begged you to not go to Yeonjun’s house. Even though this statement only made you more curious as to what they could and were doing there, you reluctantly obliged and began walking in the opposite direction to Magic Island.
And right now, you were seated on a very comfortable sofa with a witch cushion behind you and a pumpkin-themed cover draped over your seat. Around you, there were assorted forms of Halloween decorations ranging from black and orange themed hanging tinsels to the cafe’s signature baby witch statue that took its place at the shop’s entrance.
There was an awkward silence beginning to form between the both of you, so after glancing at everything else but Kai, you finally tried staring him down as sternly as you could, trying to show that you wanted an explanation.
“Kai, why would Yeonjun lie to me about such a trivial matter? What are you guys hiding from me?”
“No, you don’t understa-“
“I thought friends were supposed to be truthful to each other. Am I not trustworthy? I don’t remember doing anything that broke your trust.” It was getting harder and harder to control the words spouting out of your mouth at this point. You were curious and disappointed, and he had been acting shady recently. Kai has never left you alone so randomly, and to your knowledge, none of your other close friends have ever lied to you about his whereabouts.
“Look, wait! Don’t interrupt me! I can see your eyes getting unnaturally huge, and you only do that when you’re about to interrupt someone. Here, let me cut to the chase, I, uh, we, Beomgyu and I, we were at Yeonjun’s house to help him prepare for the party.”
He is a horrible liar, you thought to yourself. Nevertheless, you let him continue to see what else he could spur up.
“We uh, we went to, his house because he needed help preparing, and you know, Yeonjun’s house is huge, so like, obviously, one person couldn’t just decorate the place himself, plus, we’re helping him for the haunted house too, so uh, we-“
“Kai, you're still not answering my question. If it was nothing, why did Yeonjun lie to me about your whereabouts?” You rebutted, impatient and wanting the answer to your question quickly.
“Fine, fine. I’ll tell you. I really can’t keep it anymore. Y/N, the reason why I’ve been acting so shady, was because I was planning a-”
“SURPRISE!” A loud chorused shout echoed from the entrance of the cafe. As you turned back, you saw Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Taehyun strutting in. Yeonjun was holding a few helium balloons with the words “Happy Birthday” and “Merry Christmas” printed on them in jazzy handwriting, and Taehyun was beside him lighting up candles on a cheap walmart chocolate cake that probably tasted like garbage. Beomgyu was trailing behind the two boys with a cheesy smile and jazz hands. Turning back, you glanced at a bemused and shocked Kai, who, seeing that you were staring at him suspiciously, covered his previous expression with a shy giggle and a smile equally as fake as Beomgyu’s.
Taehyun put down the lit up cake on the candy corn colored table and Yeonjun handed you the Target-bought balloons.
“Yeonjun lied about where Kai and I were because he didn’t want to spoil this surprise, right, Yeonjun?” Beomgyu said while maintaining his ear-to-ear smile.
Yeonjun glanced back at Beomgyu, who was still smiling but now with his eyes wide open and blinking rapidly as if he was trying to send morse code. Yeonjun responded with a small smirk and looked back at you. “Yes, we spent the morning at my house buying these things and preparing it for you. It was Kai’s idea, wasn’t it?” Yeonjun winked at Kai and finger gunned him. Wow, Jun, way to be cringey, you thought to yourself.
If this “surprise” were for any other sane person, they would’ve obviously realized that it was some last-minute pull together and would immediately called them out on it. But you, being head-over heels for Kai, felt touched that he had planned a surprise for you (and only you) and completely ignored all the screaming signs that it wasn’t an actual surprise, and then it wasn’t just a surprise for you, but for him too. Nonetheless, Taehyun’s idea of this cover-up was working perfectly and had completely erased all your previous suspicions of what Kai had been doing before.
However, your oblivious self was curious about only one thing. “Hmm, I have to ask about something.”
The four boys started breaking out in cold sweat, but Taehyun kept his cool, and managed to ignore the panic boiling inside. He calmly asked, “What are you curious about?”
“I would like to know why the balloons Yeonjun gave me say ‘Happy Birthday’ and ‘Merry Christmas’ on them, it is certainly not my birthday today and Christmas is in two months.”
In order to break the awkward tension rising up in the room, Beomgyu finally spoke up. “Oh, uh, a-about t-that-”
“It doesn’t matter!” Kai clapped his hands loudly and stood up, “this surprise was made for you to be happy anyway! Do whatever you want with it!” After boldly exclaiming this statement, he turned around and mouthed a word of thanks at his three friends, before turning back to you. You were busy sucking helium from the balloons and did not see the interaction that just went down.
“Kai, can you hear it? I sound like a chipmunk!” You innocently smiled at him and sucked even more air out from the deflating “Merry Christmas” balloon.
Kai felt his heart start beating just a little faster, and he laughed quietly, before walking over to join you in your little helium endeavor.
The three boys saw this as an opportunity to step out, and waved goodbye to a giggling Kai and his future girlfriend. After leaving the cafe, they burst into a fit of laughs and fake gags.
“Nice idea Taehyun, they’re a cute bunch, aren’t they?” Yeonjun giggled as he fist-bumped a Taehyun who was fake gagging.
“Wait till Y/N sees what we have planned for her later, then maybe she won’t act so ‘cute’ anymore.” Taehyun said, laughing as he stared once more through the window of Magic Island at Kai (attempting to) impersonate a gorilla and you in a heap of laughter.
‘Race you to the house! Losers!” Beomgyu teased as the three of them started sprinting back to Yeonjun’s house, where the real party would begin.
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You were standing in front of Yeonjun’s house, no, house wasn’t the right word to describe it, it was a huge, tall, extravagant, white mansion. Said white mansion was now decorated with a  wide assortment of Halloween decorations that ranged from fake graveyards that were stuck into the soil, live-sized skeletons, realistic looking decapitated heads, and a huge amount of gruesome plastic bones scattered on the entrance of the house. The roof of the mansion had orange lights and actual fire burning, probably to make the illusion of something scary, but you couldn’t point out what that seemed to be.
After the questionable event that occurred in Magic Island Cafe, the both of you decided to continue with the tradition: doing everything on the list from baking ghost cookies, watching Halloween movies together, carving pumpkins (even if they were super mushy this year), and last of all, trying out costumes.
Usually, the both of you would go to the small homely costume store that opened on the other end of town and try out the wackiest costumes, knowing that the both of you weren’t going to wear them out anytime soon. However, today was different. You were now about to face the tons of popular kids at your school, and you were dressed in an orange pumpkin costume and an idiotic pumpkin hat. To be frank, you looked like a cutie, and Kai knew it. He had made you wear this outfit to the party, and he matched with you by wearing the same pumpkin costume, the only difference being that his was black. Obviously, Kai wanted the both of you to match so that you guys could look like a couple, and so everyone would know that you were his. Your oblivious self however, did not comprehend the true intentions of his actions, and could only think about how cute Kai looked in his round black pumpkin costume.
As the both of you admired the scary decorations adorning the entrance of the mansion, and the menacing fire burning on the top, you turned to Kai and smirked. “Wow, Yeonjun and his team really went all out this year, huh?”
“Yeah...I didn’t think it would be this great…” Kai said with his mouth agape, still busy staring at the entire mansion from top to bottom. Honestly, he wasn’t expecting Yeonjun to put in this much time and effort into his little idea, but he was appreciative of his hyung and hoped that everything would go as planned.
Just then, the two enormous doors to the inside of the mansion opened, and someone in wearing a red sweater motioned for the two of you to come inside.
“Kai! I haven’t seen you for so long! Come inside!”
That girl was gorgeous. The epitome of all popular girls.
Kai smiled softly and ran up to her, giving her a warm hug while still wearing his pumpkin costume. At this sight, a tinge of jealousy sparked within you, but you did your best to hide it. Kai and this girl would be cute together, you thought to yourself. Two popular kids, one pretty, one handsome, it's no wonder i'm no match for Kai.
You walked up the steps afterwards and gave her a small nod as a greeting. She stayed at the entrance to greet other guests, but she kept eyeing you for some weird reason.
As you stepped in with Kai, you suddenly stopped in your tracks. Letting him trail in front of you, you awed at your surroundings. Oh my gosh. Even though you had been friends with Yeonjun since middle school, this was your first time visiting his house and you were shocked to say the least. Bright orange and grey fairy lights were placed on the extremely high ceiling of the house, and there was green slime hanging around the huge glass chandelier. The living hall was almost as big as your school cafeteria, with a long glass table at the corner filled with halloween themed snacks. There was a cauldron, an actual cauldron, with gory fruit punch, eyeball cake pops, spider pancakes, and so much more. Any halloween-themed food you named was probably on the table, and if it wasn’t, it could be whipped up within an hour by the private chef on hand.
Just then, Yeonjun came up to you. “So, how is it?”
Trying to hide your amusement and shock unlike Kai, who was hyperventilating over all the decorations and prancing around like a kid with too much candy, you merely responded. “It's okay, I guess.”
“Its okay, IT'S OKAY? Do you know how many days it took for us to make this for you-”
“HEY Y/N! Long time no see!” A hand was placed on Yeonjun’s shoulder, and he was shoved aside abruptly. Replacing him was Soobin.
“Omg! Soobin! It's been a long time. How’s it going?” You squealed, as you embraced the lanky boy.
You hadn’t realized that Kai was missing because you were too busy catching up with Soobin, and your oblivious self didn’t realize the lack of people in Yeonjun’s obnoxious living hall to realize that this was not a normal party.
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“Alright, next participants! Kai and Y/N!” The staff at the front-desk of Haunted Matchmakers called out.
The both of you exchanged questioning looks at each other as you felt multiple pairs of eyes drawn to the both of your figures.
“Why were we the only ones that he called out?” You whispered to Kai, not expecting an answer.
“Probably because together, we’re special.” Kai turned his head and winked at you cutely.
Thank goodness the two of you were still in the dark waiting room, so he was unable to see your burning cheeks.
Little did you know, Kai’s cheeks were just as fiery as yours, if not hotter.
“Alright, you ready?” The waiting room assistant asked cheekily, as he shifted his gaze between the both of you, and gestured for the two of you to enter the menacing rusty entrance.
“Yes!” Kai shouted, and pumped his fist into the air.
You, on the other hand, was a scaredy-cat, and without thinking twice, you grasped onto Kai’s hand tightly, and shifted so close to him that both of your shoulders overlapped each other.
Kai could feel your nervousness, and he was nervous too, but for an entire different reason. After you grabbed his hand, his heart started hammering in his chest and his hands started becoming clammy.
Not wanting to waste his time, Kai screamed in glee and nodded at the assistant, who pushed open the rusty wooden door. He was about to walk in while still holding your hand, when he realized that you weren’t budging.
Kai was afraid that you were going to back out of the haunted house, and as he glanced back, he was met with a teary-eyed you, shivering and trying to wipe your stubborn tears with the sleeve of your pumpkin costume.
“Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?” Kai immediately crouched in front of you so that the both of you are at eye level. land you sniffle even more.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey. Y/N. I know you’re scared, but it’s alright. I’ll be with you every step of the way, okay?” Kai coaxed, running his thumb over your intertwined hands.
You looked up at Kai with your watery eyes, and nodded ever so slightly. Kai swore his heart could’ve melted right there and then.
Just then, you realized that there were people lining up behind you. The people, who, surprisingly, were patiently waiting as you and Kai shared your cheesy moment. Realizing that you were being an inconvenience for their halloween experience, you straightened up, fixed your fallen hair, and nodded at Kai as firmly as you possibly could.
With the rusty door ajar, the both of you confidently stepped inside. Your hand was engulfed in Kai’s, and as long as you were with him, the both of you would be able to get through anything together.
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Take deep breaths. In, out, in out. Hee, hoo, hee, hoo. Y/N, you can do this. They’re just humans dressed in manufactured plastic, with a face full of over-the-top makeup. Remember what you said before, just now? When you’re with Kai, you can get through anythi-
Your thoughts were interrupted by yet another piercing dolphin scream from the two of you after being jump-scared by the long-haired lady with a bad case of smallpox.
You had initially thought that Kai was the brave one here, but now that the both of you were finally experiencing the actual haunted house, you couldn’t decide who was more of the scaredy-cat.
Kai had already known about this plan and played the biggest part in the creation of Haunted Matchmakers. However, he was still scared because...well….it was you he was going to surprise...and, he’s still a baby at heart.
“Kai, I don’t think I can do this. I wanna go back to the entrance.” Your shaky voice shook him out of his thoughts.
“No, no, it's okay! We just finished the third room! We’re almost there! There’s only one more room left.”
“Wait...how do you know the amount of rooms this haunted house has?” Finally, your oblivious self had started to pick up on Kai’s many mishaps.
“Well, I, uh, I, I asked the admin staff when you went to the bathroom!” Kai exclaimed.
Suddenly, you realized that it was quiet. Too quiet. The eeriness was scaring you. There was no more haunted house music, no jump-scares, nobody else with the both of you.
You shakily clung onto Kai, hooking both of your arms between one of his and pressing your cheek into his neck.
“Kai, it doesn’t feel right. This place doesn’t feel right.”
“What do you mean? Of course it doesn’t feel right, we’re in a haunted house!”
“No...I mean, like, it doesn’t even feel like a haunted house anymore, it feels like something is…” You trailed off on your speech as you spotted a small Polaroid of a selfie of you and Kai taken many moons ago at Soobin’s birthday party.
When you were too busy stuck in your place as you tried processing what a picture of the both of you was doing on the wall of a haunted house, Kai had disappeared. He was there for a second, and suddenly, your arms were clinging onto nothing but air.
“Kai? Kai? Kai?! Don’t scare me like this! You know I hate jump-scares! You promised me that you would be with me every step of the way! Kai, stop playing around!  This isn’t funny anymore!” Tears were threatening to fall out of your eyes, and you started rapidly blinking and looking back and forth to see if Kai would be hiding behind a statue or corner just to scare you.
But no, he wasn’t there. He wasn’t anywhere.
Back in the control room, Kai frantically paced back and forth as Yeonjun stared through the screen at you, who was crouched down and silently sobbing. The sniffles you tried to hide echoed through the corridor, and Yeonjun knew that doing nothing wasn’t going to help.
Grabbing the walkie-talkie from the girl with the red sweater, who was sitting next to him looking at other screens on an armchair while mindlessly fiddling with said walkie-talkie in her hands, he turned the knob to channel 5 and spoke into it rapidly.
“Haeun, plan B. Get back inside to corridor 2, where Y/N is, and lead her to the beginning of the trail. This surprise won’t work if Y/N doesn’t start moving.”
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You were sitting down on the ground, head in your arms, sobbing aimlessly as you thought to yourself. What kind of sick joke is this? Why isn’t anyone coming to scare me? Where did Kai go, why did he just leave with no explanation? Shouldn't someone come now to tell me to stand up and move on so that they can keep the line going?
Speak of the devil, you felt a light pat on the shoulder. Thinking that it was staff, you looked up to be met with a gory, bloody, devil mask. Squealing and screaming, you started running away, pushing off the hands that landed on your shoulders. Suddenly, said mask was removed, and you were met with a very familiar face. Haeun? Lee Haeun?
Lee Haeun was a close friend you met outside of school in a theme park when you were by yourself. She wasn’t close to anyone here, and she was one of the last people you expected to show up here.
“Hey, Y/N! Surprise, surprise, I'm here! Sorry for scaring you,  I forgot to remove my mask!’”
“Lee Haeun...what are you doing here? Wha-”
“I’ll explain later, for now, just keep moving forward. Promise you, there’ll be no jumpscares, no nothing. Just lots of love.” She winked at you, and she had pushed you forward without you noticing, so now you were standing in front of a closed door that had a purple letter stuck onto it.
“Open it,” Haeun gestured, and pat your back twice before leaving.
“What…?” Nonetheless, you listened to her, and grabbed the folded purple letter, carefully unfolding it to reveal Kai’s handwriting:
Dear sweet Y/N,
Hi, this is Kai. I have a feeling that you’re going to be really shocked and surprised right now. ‘What? This is a haunted house, why is a letter here? Also, where is Kai? I'm gonna slap that son of a…’, anyways, yes, I know that’s what you’re thinking right now, but trust me, it’ll all make sense as soon as you walk through this door. If you thought that I disappeared into thin air, don’t worry. I’m in a control room, and I can see you right now.
Upon reading this sentence, you looked around frantically and spotted a small camera with a red blinking light. You cheekily waved at it before looking back at the letter.
About this whole event...well...firstly, if you couldn’t tell already, this haunted house isn’t real. We set it up, yes, Y/N, and if you’re here reading this, that means everything is going to plan. I knew your oblivious self wouldn’t find out ehehe! However, I couldn’t have done this large-scale event myself, you see, I only have four close friends: Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, and Taehyun, and all of them helped me out on this large-scale project. No, Y/N, I didn’t forget about you (I can practically read your thoughts right now!). You see Y/N, we’re not friends, you’re not my best friend, you’re my..ne. You’re myne. You’re mine. Ugh, I’m going to shut up now. Open the door and see for yourself, beautiful Y/N.
Lots, and lots, and lots of love,
Kai ;)
You were appalled and bashful to say the least. Wait, this can’t be? This isn’t, this isn’t what I think it is. No way. He also just called me beautiful. Me, beautiful?
For your information, Y/N, you are beautiful. You’re gorgeous, more gorgeous than that girl in red, or whatever.
You carefully folded the letter and put it in the pocket of your costume, and nervously pushed open the door to reveal...Soobin.
Oh, Soobin. What’s he doing here?
Soobin was mischievously smiling at you, while gesturing with his hands to literally everything else besides him.
Only when you stopped open-mouthed gaping at the boy, you looked around and realized the wallpaper was...interesting. There were zillions of pictures of you and Kai, all from when you met, to just 3 days ago, glued to all 4 sides of the room, covering basically every spot of the wall until you couldn't even tell the color of the room itself. Cute little pumpkin fairy lights were hung, giving the room a warm orange glow. Soft and calming Halloween decorations and statues were situated around, and you spotted the same little witch statue as the one in the entrance of Magic Island Cafe. Wow, Kai, has really been focusing on his symbolism lessons in english class.
You walked every inch of the room, and you realized that all of the pictures on the left were when the both of you first met, and as they continued on to the right, the pictures taken became more and more recent, and at the end of the room were pictures of the both of you just this year.
Soobin snapped you out of your little room tour when he walked to the side of a brown cauldron, grimaced at it, and turned back to you with a plastic smile.
“Uh, stick your hand in it.”
You tilted your head in confusion as you went over to where he was and looked over the eerie looking cauldron. It was glowing, and was neon green. You were half expecting something to pop out to scare you. You turned back to Soobin.
“Come, on! It's part of the process, ya know? To get things rolling.”
‘What, that's not a valid reason for me to stick my hand into something so gross. What am I gonna get out of it?”
Soobin smirked. “You'll get Kai’s love.”
As you felt a blush tinting the apple of your cheeks, you immediately stuck your hand into what you thought was liquid. It was definitely not green-colored water, it was green-colored Jello. You felt a hard plate, and was about to remove your hand from the gruesome, slimy solid, when Soobin wrapped his fingers around your arm and gestured for you to lift whatever you had grabbed.
What you pulled up was not a plate, it was a picture frame. Inside said picture frame was a photo of a memory you wanted to forget forever. It was a picture of you and Kai, you in your hideous cake pop costume and Kai in his cute colorful jellyfish costume. The picture was taken by the both of your moms after the first day of school. Your mother, seeing that you had only made one friend, wanted to cherish the sacred moment. In said photo, both of your arms were slung over each other and your heads were leaning against each other. Kai had a crooked smile on his face, and you were happy as you could ever be.
On the frame were 4 words written in Kai’s writing with a sharpie. Said four words were enough to make you tear up.
“My Little Dirt Ball.”
Soobin, noticing your entranced state, tapped your shoulder.
“Flip to the back of the frame.”
Behind the picture frame was a sticky note attached. You plucked it off the back and squinted your eyes to read the small print.
Hey Y/N, I know you hate that picture, but it's my favorite, because the picture was taken on the day I met you. To continue our journey together, pull the back frame open, and insert the key inside to the orange door. Thank you, Y/N. Like I said earlier, we’ll get through this together, and I’ll see you on the other side.
Impatient to see Kai, you quickly, but carefully, pulled open the back frame, revealing a golden key. After grabbing the key and firmly wrapping your palm around it, you ran to the orange door and with shaky hands, inserted the key and twisted it. The door immediately swung open.
Behind the ajar door was a nervous Kai, still blessed with the same crooked smile as all those years ago. He was still rocking the same black pumpkin costume, and you were too mesmerized by his beauty to notice everyone else around him.
Soobin entered after you, and guided you to be right iinfront of Kai. You were now right in front of him, looking at his eyes, his gorgeous eyes, his presence, just, being with Kai. You couldn’t believe it. Your crush for almost a decade just confessed to you, in the most extra way possible. You loved it.
You looked up to see a huge banner that read: Y/N L/N, will you be myne?Around Kai was all your friends, all from different places:. Yeonjun and the gang, joined by Soobin, Haeun and your girls’ clique, the emo dude that you’re really chill with, the list goes on and on.
A beautiful voice broke you out from dreamland, to enter into yet another one.
“Y/N, will you be mine?”
You looked back at the boy you loved, and ran forward, practically throwing yourself onto him. You smashed your lips onto his, not caring that all of your friends were watching.
Kai was shocked at your sudden bold action, but quickly pulled himself together and kissed you back.
If you could describe the best feeling in the world, it was this. Fireworks erupted in your head, and all you could think about was those soft, plump lips and the boy who owned them. Kai put his arm around your waist, and the other behind your head, and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
You were doing it. You really were. You were kissing Kai Kamal Huening. In front of everyone, and you didn’t care.
It’s childish, one could say, to see two people dressed in child-like costumes practically making out with each other. However, in your opinion, that was what your love was. It was extra, childish, weird, and unlike any other typical highschooler’s romantic relationship. You wouldn’t change it for anything else.
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After the extremely extra confession took place successfully, the real Halloween party could finally commence. After all, Yeonjun hadn’t decorated his place for nothing. There was now an assortment of alcohol displayed everywhere, and suddenly the huge living hall didn’t seem so big anymore, as there were people from all over the town invited and it was getting quite cramped. Yeonjun, however, didn’t fail to notice the two of you at a small carpeted corner, just chatting. You had changed out of your pumpkin costume, and was now wearing Kai’s baby blue hoodie. Both of your hands were intertwined in his and they were being swung back and forth as you giggled about an inside joke that no one else would ever understand.
As Yeonjun quietly observed the two new lovebirds, a red object appeared in his peripheral vision. Looking down, he sighed in content. Her again.
“Yeonjun! Success, right? I knew we could do it!” She was crouching down, cutely looking at him in his eyes. She took his hand and smashed it against hers trying to imitate a high 5, while giving him a gleaming, enthusiastic smile. Yeonjun lifted the corners of his lips slightly, and squeezed her into a tight hug, earning a shocked gasp from her as she put her arms around his neck.
Choi Yeonjun better start planning out his confession soon.
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© magicisland9-34. do not repost.
click here to return this book back to the library.
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Ocean Eyes - Part 7
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When we finally arrived at Sue's house Chris walked with me to the front door... i nearly tripped at one point but luckily he managed to grab my arm and keep me upright! I had whispered a quiet 'thanks' before knocking lightly on her front door. Sue opened the door ushering us inside and leading the way to the living room where i saw Mason curled up on the sofa. He was asleep but he looked white and sweaty, there was a bowl on the floor beside his head incase he was sick again.
"He hasn't been asleep long, i think he wore himself out crying"
"Chris can you get Mason please? I can't carry him like this...."
"Yeah sure, i got him" he quickly moved forward and scooped Mason up into him arms.
"Mama...." Mason moaned looking around for me.
"Im right here baby, your dads gonna carry you out to the car".
"God you weren't kidding bout that fever" Chris added looking down at Mason in concern.
"Im gonna get him home, thanks for watching him Sue"
"Sure thing hon, hope he feels better soon. Here, take the bowl incase he gets sick on the drive home" she smiled passing me the plastic bowl that had been next to Mason.
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The drive home i had Mason cradled against me as he slept, the seat belt going around the both of us being as we had no car seat in Chris's car!!
God i felt like a crappy mom tonight!
When we got home i sat with Mason on the sofa and stripped him down to his underwear to try and cool him down.
"Chris could you get me a cold washcloth please, there should be some in the pile of laundry on the table"
"Sure" he rushed off to grab the cloth, Mason was just laying against my chest, whimpering slightly.
"Here you go" Chris passed me the cloth and sat beside us "i got him some water too, he should be drinking plenty of fluids"
"Thanks" i smiled before folding the cloth and laying it over Mason's forehead. He moaned at the coldness but soon settled again clinging onto me, it didn't take long until he was asleep. I sighed in relief and carefully moved forward in my seat so i could lay him down.... i was desperate for the bathroom!! Mason stirred and held on tighter, for such a little thing he had a grip on him.
"Can you try taking him i really need to pee!" I looked at Chris with desperate eyes. He chuckled and managed to pry Mason off of me and into his arms.
While i was in the bathroom i wiped off my make up and tied my hair up before getting changed into my pyjama's.... it was gonna be a long night. Once i was done i headed to the kitchen and made coffee, hopefully it would help sober me up a bit more.
"Ah fuck!" I cursed as i sloshed the coffee onto the floor while making my way back to the living room "i made coffee, you might still have some left if you're lucky"
"Thanks" Chris looked up and smiled, i didn't miss the way he looked me up and down either.
"Does he still feel hot? If his temperature doesn't start to go down soon we'll have to try a lukewarm bath maybe give him some Tylenol...."
"Yeah his still hot, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse"
"This is so unlike him, Mason never gets sick. I can literally count on one hand the amount of times his been sick" i shook my head "i'm so close to freaking out right now you have no idea...."
"Calm down sweetheart, he'll be fine"
"Thank you for staying with us, i probably would've been calling my mom in hysterics if you hadn't been here"
"There's no where else id rather be" he said looking down at Mason lovingly.
"Right.... i should probably text Scott let him know we're home" i got up to grab my phone from my purse and started a text to Scott. We had dropped him at his place on the way to collect Mason.
There was a message from Derek on my phone too which i quickly skimmed, he was saying how much he enjoyed meeting me and wanted to know if i wanted to get dinner with him sometime!! I decided i'd reply to him in the morning and put my phone on the table, Mason was the only thing i could deal with right now.
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I applied a fresh cloth to Masons forehead and checked his temperature, slowly but surely it was going down. I sat beside him and Chris on the sofa and sighed in relief.
"Looks like his fever is easing off finally" i said yawning and letting my head fall back against the sofa, we'd been up for hours now keeping watch on Mason.
"Yeah, thank god" Chris mumbled as he carefully tried to move Mason in his arms.
"You want me to take him?"
"No no, i'm good, my arm has fallen asleep is all" he smiled.
"You sure? i don't mind...."
"We're all good".
We sat in silence with the TV on low for some background noise and i couldn't help but look at Chris and how natural he was at being a dad.
"You should get some sleep, you look exhausted" Chris suddenly said interrupting my internal thoughts!
"You trying to tell me i look like shit Chris?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.
"What?? No!! I didn't mean that..."
"Im fucking with you relax" i chuckled shaking my head.
"You looked beautiful tonight" i heard him say quietly, maybe i wasn't supposed to hear him but i did.
"Its amazing what you can do with some make up and clothes that aren't sweats and t-shirts"
"You look beautiful without make up even wearing your sweats and a t-shirt, i just meant that you looked good. I personally prefer this version of you"
"Haha, now i know your just trying to make me feel better....i'm a mess!"
"Prettiest girl i know" he said giving me that smirk of his.... my god damn weakness!!
"Are you just saying this because you think i'm drunk and wont remember?? Because i'll have you know i have mostly sobered up by this point"
"Im well aware, i just..... never mind. You should try and get some sleep".
I nodded agreeing with him, the conversation was about to turn awkward and i wasn't ready for that!
"Wake me up if Mason needs me...?"
"Of course".
When i woke up again i had somehow ended up cuddled up against Chris! He had his arm around me, my head resting on his chest, Mason still sleeping on his other side. To anyone who saw us and didn't know better we looked like the perfect little family. I felt myself start to panic..... i shouldn't have let myself get this close to him! It was too easy to fall back into that comfortable routine we always had..... but we didn't have that anymore, at least i didn't think we did. I carefully eased away from him making sure he was still sleeping and made a quick exit to the kitchen, he didn't need to know about this!
As i started making some coffee and toast i heard the soft voice of my baby boy. As i stuck my head round the door i saw he was sitting up talking with Chris, he looked so much better this morning thank god.
"Where's mom?" I heard him ask and i stepped into the living room giving him a smile.
"Im right here bud, how you feeling?" I asked as i sat in front of them on the coffee table, i reached over to hold the back of my hand against his forehead "looks like your fever is almost gone"
"Im hungry"
"I bet! But its dry toast for you buddy. You've gotta go easy for a little while.... are you still feeling sick?"
"No, not anymore"
"Okay thats good!".
"Dad are you staying for breakfast?" Mason asked.
"Pleaseeee" Mason begged looking at him with those eyes that were exactly like his dads, Chris looked at me waiting for my say so.
"Its fine with me, if you have time..."
"I do! Yeah of course!" He said quickly nodding his head with a huge smile.
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After we had all eaten Chris took Mason for his bath after Mason insisted he go with his dad. While they were gone i sent a text to Scott with an update and saw a missed call from Hannah, i sat at the kitchen table and quickly called her back.
"Hey! Hows Mace?? My mom said you had to come get him last night"
"Yeah it was eventful, he had a fever and was being sick" i sighed "Chris stayed to help out with Mason... i had had so much to drink Han"
"You let him stay..."
"To help with Mason yeah"
"Hmmm of you say so" she laughed
"Shut up, what happened to you last night, huh?? You disappeared with Troy"
"I know, im sorry but did you see him?? I knew you were okay with Scott. So what about you and Derek?? He seemed very interested"
"He was nice" i nodded "he texted me last night but i haven't had a chance to reply yet"
"But your gonna right??"
"Y/N text him back!! That man was gorgeous!!"
"I will"
"Don't make me come round there"
"Oh god Han, your so pushy" i laughed.
"Only because i love you"
"I love you too, i gotta go though i'll speak to you later".
When i walked into the living room Mason was sat on the sofa watching cartoons and Chris was gathering his things.
"Your leaving already?"
"Yeah i've got a meeting at 11:00am..."
"Okay, well thanks for last night"
"Sure, anytime" he smiled "hey, i was wondering if next weekend i could take Mason to meet my mom? She's been asking when she can meet him...."
"Um.... yeah sure"
"You can come too if you want? I know my mom would be happy to see you" he said with a smile.
"Okay" i nodded "it'll just be us though right? I don't want Mason getting overwhelmed with too many new people"
"Yeah of course, maybe Scott too if he finds out you know what his like"
"Thats fine" i nodded with a smile knowing exactly what Scott was like.
"Thank you, i should go.... can i come by later though? Id like to check in on Mason"
"Sure, i'm sure he'd like that"
"I'll see you later then" he smiled before heading over to Mason "bye buddy i gotta go to work for a bit but i'll come see you later"
"Okay, bye dad".
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
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hihi!! i hope you're having a nice day / evening!! are you alright with ship headcanons? if so, can i maybe request some cypher x killjoy headcanons? if not that's totally fine, thank you so much anyways!!
(a/n: Hello! Yes of course you can! I’ll do my best but since this is the first ship headcannon I’m putting out there, go easy on me. I hope you enjoy!)
I actually never heard about his ship before, but I’ll do my best!
There’s a pretty big age difference
Neither of them is bothered by it and other people can’t be bothered about it because there are like. Three people alive that know how old Cypher is
People often depict him as younger than he actually is, and so did Killjoy before Cypher told her when he was born
Their relationship was one of those agonising slow burn ones
Up to the point where even Viper wanted to scream OUT OF MY LAB AND KISS ALREADY
Cypher obviously has some trauma from his past - losing the people he loves is one of his biggest fears
So starting to care for someone again, become romatically attracted, even, proved a challenge
Killjoy had to learn to be patient
She liked him from the day they met
Not love. At least not right away
She just found him intriguing
Both of them are members of the engineer squad
And as I mentioned before, the engineer squad tends to...steal from eachother
So that’s how Killjoy baited interactions at first, trying to get his attention
Since they didn’t really have a good reason to talk otherways
Little did she know, she already had that attention
She’d get ‘caught’ on purpose and start a conversation
Cypher was mildly annoyed, but didn’t fuss since she never got in, plus, he didn’t keep anything that important in his room
He was researching every one of his coworkers, but he was looking into Killjoy intently
Cypher was waiting to meet someone who would match his memory and intellect for a long time
He didn’t expect it to be Killjoy, and at first, he felt a tad bit threatened
Both of them are skilled hackers and a match made in hell for anyone owning a computer since nothing digital is safe
They went from acquaintances to friends real quick and then
They were stuck
Cypher took a lot of time to justifiy his feelings with himself and not feel guilty for feeling that way
And Killjoy understood that he was trying
Jett, Phoenix & Breach were placing bets
Breach won
To the surprise of everyone, it was Cypher, who first introduced Killjoy as a girlfriend
Long story short, it happened on a mission. Cypher had a fake ID to get into the targeted event, but he needed another pair of hands to break the security alghoritms they found out about at the last minute. If he were to do that on his own, it would take him way too long so he had to take a plus one. Killjoy was literally pulled out of nowhere, with no cover story, so Cypher had to talk the bouncer down. The conversation was so, so awkward, and Cypher never lived it down.
The mission was a success though
Even later in their relatonship, Killjoy would tease him mercilessly
Since she’s. You know. The resident sass master
There is a bit of a height difference but it’s not drastic
I always headcanoned Cypher just a little above the average of Morocco (~177cm) and Killjoy around 166cm
This is completely up for interpretation but it would probably be a good idea for me to actually look at them side by side but anyway moving on
Cypher divides his closet into sections: mission/work clothes and casual wear
Killjoy loves to dig around it and steal his stuff
You’ll find her pulling all nighters wearing one of Cypher’s turtlenecks because its so big and comfy
When you look at her, Killjoy is actually really skinny, so I imagine anything of his would look huge on her
He generally doesn’t mind but damn is he sensitive about the hat
Cypher also wears a lot of fingerless gloves to protect his hands in the workshop and Killjoy picked that habit up
Their dynamic is definitely not based on synergy, but its full of affection and teasing
... mostly teasing though
From both sides
Lots of computer jokes
Cypher voices his affection, while Killjoy rather shows it
Cypher is the worried one on the missions
Like, okay. He generally doesn’t care that much if the others get hurt - he follows the procedure and all is well
But as soon as he hears Killjoy over the comms and there’s like a little bit of distress in her voice, he’ll start sweating
Oh crap she is not in my line of sight who has a visual??
He’s a complete hardass by the way
Will yell if she puts herself in danger or pulls some risky shit (that goes for every Cypher ship)
WhAt were you thinking setting up a bot while under heavy fire?!
And she bites back don’t worry
Killjoy is not exactly a person you boss around
Despite that, Cypher gets hurt more often since holding the most of information puts him on the top target list for the enemies
Cypher can also get jealous real quick
That was a major issue in their relationship, since Cypher couldn’t get over that overprotective reflex
So if they managed to work that out, the relationship would last
Killjoy builds him little bots sometimes that do seemingly unnecessary tasks but it’s so damn cute
Like this lil bot will staple your documents together!! And this one will play you music and podcasts if you ask it to!!
He named every single one, doesn’t let anyone touch them and keeps them on his desk at all times
When Killjoy gets too busy, she’ll send her alarm bot to Cypher to let him know she’s thinking of him
Also, Killjoy programs the turret to shoot shocks at Cypher when she’s mad at him
As revenge Cypher plants bad tripwires in the most inconvenient places in her lab
What I’m saying is, mock tech wars
Cypher likes some quiet time after a hard mission and Killjoy often comes with - their favourite activity is just. Being in the same room, both doing their own thing
I kind of imagine them both as extroverted introverts
Just imagine Cypher putting his gadgets together behind his desk, listening to the rythmic typing of Killjoy’s computer while she codes her ult on his bed
They were dating for a good amount of months before Cypher felt comfortable with taking off his mask
Killjoy is a heavy sleeper and talks in her sleep
And Cypher sometimes just lays there with closed eyes, awake and listening
They don’t often sleep in the same bed but when they do it’s usually not super close - they both like their breathing room, but are always touching somehow
No strong PDA, but there’s a lot of light touches and cheek kisses
(A/N: Okay that’s it for today! Let me know if you liked it, I’m actually really nervous about it haha
But seriously, thank you for all the support! I really aprecciate it.)
Thank you for reading!
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butterfliesluke · 4 years
On the ice- Calum Hood x reader
Summary: you are a figure skater and happen to run into calum one morning at a coffee shop...literally.
An: this is my first imagine here on tumblr! So anytime you guys want to please leave requests in my ask box and I’ll do them! I already have a Michael x reader lined up after this:) -Tara
(Ps: I’m posting this at 4am on a school night...go me)
You have known Calum for a couple months after meeting him at a small coffee shop one morning while you were running late to practice. Your dream is to go to the olympics one day and you were very set on that goal so being late to practice was not an option but of course with your luck you would spill your hot coffee down the front of a young mans shirt while quickly walking out of the shop.
"Oh my god I am so so sorry let me help you." You said frantically trying to wipe the coffee from the young mans shirt.
"Hey calm down it's alright, no worries" the man said and gripped your hand and gave a large grin. You looked up and blushed at how you could be a figure skater yet so clumsy. He was very attractive and that just made it 10x worse not only that but you were staring at him.
"Again I'm really sorry but I have to get going!" You said realizing that you were still running late.
"Wait!" He called after you. "I see you're a figure skater! That's really cool maybe you can show me some of your routines sometime?" He stood a couple feet away from me as I looked down at the skating attire I was in blushing a deep red.
"Oh yeah of course! My names y/n." You gushed not knowing what else to say.
"My name is Calum. Um could I maybe get your number? Wouldn't want to miss seeing a pretty face again." He smirked as he got more confidence.
"Oh yeah sure!" You took the phone he was handing to you and created a contact for yourself. Hearing him call you pretty made year heart almost explode and you were having a very hard time not showing it.
"Text ya later then y/n." Calum winked and walked back to his car. You couldn't help but stare at his fit body and they way his shoulders moved as he walked.
Your thoughts were soon cut off with the sound of your phone getting a call.
Your trainers caller ID showed on the screen and you knew you were in for it when you got to practice.
When you got to practice all you heard was your trainers yells through out the rink.
"Y/n! You can't be late to practice if you want to make it to the olympics! It's as simple as that!"
"I'm sorry coach I'll practice extra this week I promise!" I stood looking at the ice below my skates.
"Sorry y/n I just want you to achieve your goal."
"It's okay I understand. Thank you for caring so much." You smiled at him and continued your routine.
You were elite already but You still had little ways to go till the olympics.
Once my coach left for the night You decided to stay because You wanted to perfect your routine. Before You started You looked at my phone to make sure You didn't have any missed calls from anyone. You didn't. But You did have one test from Calum.
Calum: hey I don't know if you're free right now but would you like to show me some of you moves ;)?
God why did he have to be such a flirt?
Y/n: yeah! I'm free I'm actually at the rink right now if you'd like to come. Here's the address (address here)!
Calum: okay thanks! On my way.
His words made your heart flutter. But then you were nervous. You really want to impress Calum he is the first guy You have  had any sort of attraction to in a while and You don't want to mess this up.
You decided to just skate around waiting for Calum so you weren't  to tired to show him what You have  been working on.
He's actually the first person to ever show interest in your skating. All your past friends have thought of it as weird and a waste of time and so have your parents. They would have rather You go to college but in all honesty You would rather make money doing something You love rather than something You hate.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the rink door opening and echoing through the building.
You stopped skating and looked towards the sound to see Calum.
He gave you a warm smile and put his hands under his arms for warmth.
You giggled and skated towards the rink entrance.
"Hey!" You smiled.
"Hey gosh how are you not cold in that thing?" He said mentioning towards your skating attire.
"Haha it gets kind of warm when your moving around so much I guess." An awkward silence filled the air around us until he spoke up.
"Can I see the routine?" You giggle and the heat rose to your face. "What do you skate for anyways. For fun?" He added.
"Oh well it is for fun but it's also my job. I'm a step away from going to the olympics."
His eyes got wide and his jaw almost dropped to the floor. This made you laugh and hold onto your stomach while trying not to double over from laughter.
"You're kidding right?" He smiled in amazement.
"Nope I'm 100% serious" You skated backwards a bit proud of yourself.
"Well now you have to show me!" He said walking carefully on the ice towards you slipping a few times.
"I will! Please sit down!" He pretended to slip again to scare you but ultimately went and sat down in one of the side boxes in the rink with benches.
He then sat down and then gestured to you as he was waiting. But even he himself couldn't tile himself seriously so you both ended up laughing again.
"Okay okay I'll show you now." You said still laughing a bit.
You stepped off the ice into the sound booth turning on the piano music you have set your routine to and then stepped back onto the ice. You really needed to impress him. You really liked him.
You took a deep breathe remembering the key you start on. A big part of figure skating is that you have to show emotion so you kept a smile on your face which wasn't hard, this is your passion.
You started off by skating backwards and then leapt into the air and landed with your leg lifted behind you. You started doing figure eights and doing poses with your arms while doing so still keeping the smile on your face.
Your routine was almost over but this is where the piano music sped up into a faster tempo so you started spinning on one skate and you moved your leg to be in front of you and as the piano slowed you slowed and laid down in a pose on the ice.
There where a couple moments of silence before you heard loud claps.
You looked up with a couple tears in your eyes as you finally felt appreciated for what you do and not put down for what you do.
"Oh thank you." You said shyly as you slated over to the skating box Calum was in.
He immediately grabbed your arms and pulled you inside the box into a hug. You smiled at his scent and hugged back the smile never leaving your face.
"That was amazing y/n! You were so graceful and you're so good at what you do I could watch you figure skate all day!" He practically yelled.
"Oh well thanks again. I'm glad at least one person I know appreciates it." You mumbled but he still heard.
"What do you mean?" He said with concern.
"Well my past friends and my parents have never believed in my figure skating dream. They don't come to any of my shows or competitions. So every time I do have one no one is routing for me. No one is there to support me and sometimes it's really hard. Then you came in here and it's just nice to have someone appreciate my passion." You said as a tear slipped from your eye. He kissed your cheek to get rid of the tear and smiled.
"When is this competition you've been practicing hard for?"
"Next week. I'm really nervous for it. It decides if I go on to the olympics or not." You said.
"Well don't be nervous I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world." He smirked at your face as you blushed a deep red.
"Thank you so much Calum! You have no idea how much this means to me!" You shrieked and have him a bear hug just for him to pull back and look into your eyes.
Your eyes went wide when you realized he was leaning it but your body urged you to lean in as well so you did.
Your heart melted at the touch of his lips against yours and you smiled into the kiss. You pulled away and he rested his head on your forehead. He brought his hands up to cup your face and he continued to look into your eyes for a few seconds.
" you know you look really beautiful in your skating dress?" He said with a small content smile.
You giggled in response not being able to think of words but he found it adorable.
"How about Tomorrow we go on a official first date?" He now had his hands on your waist and smiled at you with hope in his eyes.
"Calum I would love to but I have practice from 8am to 8pm I don't think you want to be out that late?"
"Who said? I'll even come to your practice tomorrow and watch princess. You aren't getting out of this one. You're to pretty for me to let go." He chuckles which made you laugh and playfully slap his arm.
"Hey! Stop flirting with me!" You laughed at his fake hurt expression.
"Well you seem to like it sunshine. Your face says it all" he said as you were still blushing as you probably were the whole time.
"Fine you got me there"
Your date with Calum the next day went amazing and you even planed a second date.
You were already falling for this man and you barely knew him for two days.
But I mean who wouldn't fall for Calum hood?
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twisted-lies · 4 years
hi kokichi! id appreciate a kin match up! i’m adding this after i’ve written the whole thing, and it turned out a lot longer than i’d plan. if this is too much for you let me know and i’ll shorten it as needed! thanks for running this blog, and i hope your day - evening - night is going wonderfully.
i have a light and cheerful personality. i’m also shy, so i mainly speak when spoken to. ive had the same group of friends for as long as i can remember. i can’t say we’ve gotten so close we know everything about each other anything like that, but when i’m with them it’s just a comfortable place i can relax. my position in the group would be the ‘baby’ of the group. i don’t really like being called a baby, but i can’t think of a better term for that haha. but, everyone in the group is very nice to me. i get a lot of physical affection from everyone there, and they’ll buy me pretty much anything. of course, i’ll attempt to return the favor when i can. but not having much money myself, i’ll usually make them something. i’m messy with most things, so it doesn’t turn out as good as i’d like it most the time but they still seem to appreciate it.
outside of that group, i consider myself pretty friendly. i invite girls i think would have fun with us to join our group outings, as well as people i think just need a friend. it isn’t uncommon for me to get denied though, and i’ll continue trying unless they told me to stop asking all together. besides that, i get overwhelmed in social situations easily if im not the one leading them. i can also be really emotional, i don’t handle yelling well and failure of doing anything is really overwhelming for me. i find crying in front of other embarrassing, but it’s not uncommon for me to do that.
i have pretty negative sides to me though. i can occasionally be kind of manipulative and spoiled. i love getting gifts, it makes me feel like someone really cares about me. i keep every gift i get and i kind of hoard them. but, if there’s something i’ve had my eye on for a while that’s where i can be manipulative. most people would do anything for me if i act nice to them or smile at them, sometimes people feel bad after seeing me cry. as a result they’ll usually buy me a gift out of pity, appreciation, even sometimes just to get me away from them. of course, i appreciate these gifts all the same but every time i look at them i feel guilty. this is usually when i’ll take what money i have and buy them something i know they will enjoy. while the usual reaction is feeling guilty i will admit i’ve kept some pretty expensive gifts while not doing anything in return.
as first impressions, people mostly see me as child like and emotional. the emotional part is pretty true. i cry easily, especially when i fail something or can’t meet my own expectations. the hardest things for me to deal with are goodbyes. even if it’s just someone moving a town over i get really close and attached to them the second i hear they’ll be leaving soon. every time someones left, it’s been pretty abrupt. i’ve been told it’s probably because they don’t want me to be sad, or they don’t wanna see me cry. but it just hurts more. sure i’ll cry, but at least i’ll get too legitimately say good bye. even if i barely know someone, everyone is pretty fine with being affectionate with me. some people treat me more like some cat than an actual person, which can make me uncomfortable sometimes. the most extreme case is being pulled onto the lap of someone i just met, in a diner no less. it was embarrassing, and i’m sure it looked ridiculous. while i’m very short myself, sitting on top someone whose only a few inches taller than me probably looks awkward. i put a fair amount of effort into my appearance, usually going for a ‘cute’ loook above anything else. this usually includes big hoodies with thigh highs or a cardigan and a skirt. people have told me i have delicate features, but i’m still confused if they meant it as a insult or compliment. for now my goal is to improve myself, i understand that i won’t always make the best choices and that i’m not that good of a person sometimes. so i’ll work hard to be a better friend to those i know and welcome people who may be lonely.
as for my interests, i enjoy technology. that’s vague, but what i mean is everything i do usually happens on the internet. i have my phone on me at all times, and sometimes i’ll digitally doodle and stuff like that. id like to make an app one day, maybe an app that’ll help people like me. i’m kind of a scatter brain so an app to help people stay organized would be great. i know there are many like that out there but i would like to make a unique one. i also like building PCS, they’re expensive though. i’ll make/help someone make them if they bought all the parts for it. basically, anything to do with tech i’ll love. i also play in band, percussion to be specific. i also collect things such as old knickknacks, but that’s mainly because it’s a family tradition. i also learned how to clean fragile things like that. i’m unsure on whether or not this will help you, i’m an INFP when it comes to MTBI personality types.
wehh, this ended up so long im sorry about that.
I kin assign you with...
Kokichi Ouma
Firstly I thought of Kokichi Ouma, Kokichi is usually presents himself as cheerful and happy infront of the others. He probably has the same friend group for a while basically like DICE. His appearance was made to look more like an innocent like child or in your case "baby" If he's with the right people he could probably get a lot of affection, which is something he overall just craves as well. He probably could also buy you something if you ask him, most likely not just doing it out of the blue. He tries to make friends sometimes and ends up getting denied easily though, Shuichi being an example towards the very end of the game. Though of course he didn't really stop trying until after the 4th trial I believe. He could probably get caught off guard if he isn't the one starting a conversation which could overwhelm him, but he won't show you that. He usually ends up crying when yelled at even if it's crocodile tears, he could also just over exaggerate it so you don't know if it's real or fake. He definitely has a manipulative side, using his innocent looking looks to his advantage to try and get what he wants, which he usually can end up succeeding. He can definitely be seen as child-like as well. If someone he knows is leaving he'll probably do his best to spend time with them before they do leave.
Chihiro Fujisaki
Secondly I thought of Chihiro, Chihiro is definitely a sweet and cheerful person. Though they can be pretty anxious at times. They'd probably tend to stick to people they know just so they'd have some sense of comfort. Theu definitely would be called baby by their friends and they'd probably buy them a few things. Chihiro obviously doing their best to give what they can back to them. Even if it was something after they cried. They'd probably also give Chihiro a lot of affection to make sure they know their loved. They're pretty friendly and if they build up enough courage they'll probably talk or invite someone to hang out with them. Chihiro can get overwhelmed easily and especially in social situations. They're pretty emotional too and can't really handle being yelled at and probably get upset over their failures. Chihiro doesn't exactly like crying infront of others though it's not uncommon for them. Chihiro can definitely be seen as child-like and emotional and probably can't handle goodbyes very well. Chihiro loves anything to do with technology! Whether it be coding or just straight up making something all together if they're able too.
Ibuki Mioda
Lastly I thought of Ibuki Mioda, Ibuki is definitely more of a cheerful or happy person she'll like to stick to people she knows, but will definitely branch out and try to be friends with anyone she thinks need it. She'll also be pretty persistent about it untill she's told to straight up just stop. She probably recieves a lot of affection and gives a lot in return. Whenever someone gives her something she'll do her best to return the gesture with a small gift or something she makes up on the spot. Though some of her attempts can come out pretty messy. She definitely can be seen as child-like as well due to small outbursts she may get. Ibuki will hate staying goodbye to people and will get clingy or really affectionate and probably be upset for a while once they actually leave. She probably also takes a good amount of time into her appearance due to multiple piercings and her hair. She also loves music and will do pretty much anything she can that will revolve around it. She's also probably a hoarder of things.
I hope you're satisfied with your results!
You don't have to worry about it being long, I've had multiple about this length or longer so it wasn't a problem! I hope you have a good rest of your day, evening, or night as well!
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noodlegoo · 4 years
VENOM! Geraskier AU  Honestly like,,, they confirmed the date for the second venom movie and my brain just Pooped this concept out,, so please,, indulge 
Geralt is Eddie brock essentially and he gets to be venom’s host bc funky Jaskier is his nosy neighbour who has a news blog,, Who reports on supernatural/ venom activities  Just yea and it’s a soft vibe bc Jaskier doesn’t know Geralt has venom but he’s a really big fan  And it’s just a big ironic haha Geralt just being awkward but Jaskier doesn’t suspect ANYTHING
Geralt: so... what would u do if you met this.. venom guy?  Jaskier: WELL OBVIOUSLY I WOULD ASK FOR AN INTERVIEW AND THEN ID ASK FOR A KISS  venom: he wants to kiss me...  Geralt: he wants to kiss US  Jaskier, still rambling about meeting venom: HES JUST SO COOL HONESTLY GERALT HES SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE OTHER HEROS - controversial I know, lots of people say he’s not a hero I HOPE YOURE NOT ONE OF THEM because he totally IS A HERO—
It becomes like a whole Peter Parker thing eventually,, When Jaskier finds out that Geralt is venoms host  He takes pictures of Geralt etc for his news blog  And it’s just very funky good fun vibes
Another idea: Geralt doesn’t actually get venom as his symbiote  He GETS ROACH and roach is like a very strange symbiote who likes to take on the form of a horse,, instead of a human form and doesn’t really talk like venom does,, instead does the separate head thing,, but the head is ALWAYS a judgemental horse so when people see roach,, it is just,,, geralt in horse form lol,, like the bogey man’s horses from rise of the guardians oof ahah 
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arigatouiris · 5 years
out of my league // t.h — 04
Pairing: Tom Holland x Critic! Reader [I use female pronouns]
Warnings: swearing; eventual fluff; angst; hurt/comfort; a little bit of cliche because come on.
A/N: Alright, for those of you who aren’t Star Wars fans, I apologize in advance. I know it’s not very reader-centric if I add in details about myself as the reader. You can choose any celebrity instead of Mark Hamill who’s mentioned here (I am such a fan, it makes me cry I just can’t). Apologies are in order~ Also, if you want me to add you to the series taglist, just drop a note or comment! ^^
Word count: 3253 (Yes, it’s a bit long this one, haha)
Series Masterlist
 03 | 04 | 05 
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Fortunately for (y/n), days were passing by quite fast. It was almost dinnertime on that Sunday night when she realized that her week off was over, now she had to head back to work; nonetheless, working on the desk won’t be too much fun. She’d have to edit articles, pass them over, copy edit them once they were rechecked by the writer, and then send them over once again. She would have no time for herself, this she was prepared for, and perhaps, she could get her mind off the hate that swarmed her way by burying herself in her work.
    (y/n) wasn’t too much of a workaholic, but she could definitely aim to be one during times of distress. Work had never been too much of a problem for her, and when things got too overwhelming on the outside, (y/n) would work a wall of paperwork around her to prevent anything from getting inside. Some would call this destructive, but human beings were a force of nature; moving toward tendencies of self-destruction like adding sugar to your tea. We cope this way, some of us, not knowing or not wanting to cope in a healthier way. For the healthy way required effort and courage, and with growing times, humans were starting to lack either of them.
It wasn’t that (y/n) was a coward. Anxieties fuelled her actions, obsessive thoughts kept her company at night, and ever since becoming an adult, one revelation after another led her to believe that this was not just hard but impossible; a destiny she never chose, but had no other choice but to embrace. Human beings were inherently alone, and that was alright. It was the loneliness that caused problems.
    “Susannah’s going to go easy on me, for sure,” She spoke to herself, as she took a spoonful of the mac and cheese she made for herself. “I can’t have that.”
Whenever (y/n) closed her eyes, she saw it. She saw those two girls calling her a slut and demanding an apology from her end. I won’t apologize for doing my job, her resolve was slowly weakening with every passing day, the hate mail kept pouring in and now there were memes about her on the internet. She’d now gotten used to not checking Instagram or Facebook (she still couldn’t believe some of those fans had found her Facebook ID, despite all the security she put up from preventing this). 
     Some of her friends had once told her back in college that any fame was good fame, but she now disagreed more than she did before. This was revolting, and tiring—mentally, more than anything else. And this was a place where she’d gone unwillingly, and couldn’t go back from.
Her sleep cycle was messed up, something she knew what the cause was. However, she never let that bother her day’s work. (y/n) woke up the next morning with a newfound ambition. To not let this bother her and her getting back up on her feet. As positive as she was trying to be, (y/n) knew that this was a step toward the normal again; once the week long break was over, (y/n) would start work again, and perhaps, in a couple more weeks, she can go back to writing reviews, as she once did, and no one would stop her. 
This had to happen, she told herself as she drank her morning Americano. This is a pitfall in my career, as it happens in almost everyone’s careers, she nodded to herself as she put on her shoes. She locked her home, and headed out. This is a new day, she told herself and forced herself to smile—the biggest defense against anything odd that may approach her.
It had been three days of radio silence from Tom’s end. She didn’t know if she was being unfair to him, she knew better than most that actors had to avoid appearing in public with someone who has a scandal going on (if at all this could be considered a scandal). His manager would have prevented him from making any more opinionated Instagram stories, and that was possibly the reason why Tom had to stay out of the entire ordeal that happened at the coffee shop. 
She knew all this, but it stung her still. She was a person, and she genuinely wanted to take Tom’s apology and leave it at that. Now, things were devoid of a closure and it felt all too awkward to even think about.
    Despite the understanding she could give herself in her mind over what Tom had to do, (y/n) was hurt. This pain forced her mind to turn bitter, a sort of defense mechanism for preventing future pain. Pain, in all its unwanted glory, is the pesky part of being human. It was something we all wish we could do without, but it followed you closely behind, demanding attention to its presence. Her mind refused to accept Tom as a celebrity and his choices for starting this entire thing. Her mind told her that his repeated efforts to apologize and his agony for not obtaining the closure that he sought was something he deserved.
Tom was a celebrity, the world loved him and cherished him, and one person’s hate was not going to sway his motion. So she would hate. Filled with rage and ire, (y/n) blamed him entirely. No amount of apology would sway her mind, for now, she held a grudge. When you hold a grudge, you want someone else’s sorrow to reflect your level of hurt but the two rarely meet. I’m out of his league, she thought and compared this scale with kindness. She could be kind where he could not, because he was a celebrity. And as destructive as this thought process was, it eased her pain a tad bit.
    She gave credit to the radio silence.
    “What happened after that?” Haz asked, sipping on his ice tea.
Tom groaned, “Well, after those girls hurled a few more insults at her, I had to get her out of there. But, it wasn’t good enough. I was too late and she was already too hurt. I keep screwing my chances of apologizing to her, and yet, make things worse for her too.” Tom’s voice was low.
Harrison blinked at his friend. Taking another sip of his ice tea, he wished he knew exactly what to say to Tom and make his friend feel better, but there was nothing. A sort of nothingness that grew and loomed over people who have tried and failed.
    “You can’t go surprise meet her again though, could’ja?” Haz half-heartedly joked.
Tom didn’t respond. He occasionally found himself staring at her contact in his phone, sometimes staring at her private profile on Instagram (which, he reminded himself over and over again, hadn’t followed him). Tom recalled her eyes creaking at the corner when she smiled, and that she drank black coffee, and that her gaze could penetrate against hard walls of steel. Maybe, it was because he had done her wrong that he was so interested in gaining her forgiveness. Maybe, it was because she was simply one more person trying so hard to get by, and something he had done had prevented and turned everything to dust, that he wanted to apologize and gain her forgiveness.
    Tom told himself a countless different reasons why he wanted her forgiveness but forgot the most important and logical one of them all.
    “I haven’t ever seen you try so hard to say sorry before, mate.” Haz’s voice was soft, this time. Not even close to her cherry pink.
Tom flushed. Sometimes, the most logical of answers were not too logical. Tom Holland had a tiny crush on (y/n) (l/n), and perhaps, it developed after reading her words for him and grew nastily over seeing her in person. It wasn’t impossible, he was human and human beings, more than other creatures, were known to understand this fondness they can project over another person. However, it didn’t strike his mind, nor did he care too much to find out at the moment.
    “She’s been getting hate mail, and she was called such nasty things. I feel so fucking terrible, it’s not sane.” Tom brushed a hand through his hair. It was greasy. He needed to shower.
    “Maybe, you can make an Instagram story over—”
    “I can’t, mate. Manager’s been bustin’ my arse over already having done one opinionated story. Can’t mess things up again, Haz,” Tom groaned before rolling back on the couch. “God, I’m such a div!”
Harrison laughed. But, what more could he do but laugh, when he had nothing else to say?
The last time (y/n) had forgotten to check the time on the clock was when she was writing the review for Birds of a Feather. 
     She was grateful that the people at work never openly spoke to her about the review or Tom Holland or the fact that she kept making frequent and unneeded appearances on the media for doing things in the past. She prayed and hoped that unlike what had happened with Chris Evans (she had sent him a private message on Twitter hoping that there was no misunderstanding, to which no response had come her way), things would not turn around with any other celebrity. Especially the one she had in mind, Mr. Hamill. She remembered being asked to write reviews for all the Star Wars movies, because she was a famous critic who hadn’t seen them.
    And because the London Daily had no review published for the Star Wars movies, (y/n) was chosen for the job. And as she watched those movies, the more she fell for Mark Hamill, and the more she had hoped he would read her reviews. 
She had written it descriptively, talking about the chronology that people who had never even seen Star Wars before must watch in. From an everyday regular person, (y/n) had turned into a Star Wars fan, and her life was colorful. Her only hope amidst all this chaos was that her name not be tarnished along with Mark Hamill’s. I can do with anyone hating me just, not him, please not him, she thought as she sent another mail with copy edited documents.
    “How’s your day going, (y/n)? Long? Hard?” Aditi, one of the reporters asked, chewing on a candy.
(y/n) rolled her eyes, “Please don’t say anything with that tone, I know what you mean when you say ‘long’ and ‘hard’ together.”
Aditi chuckled before sighing.
    “I know it’s difficult right now, but take it easy, alright? Back in India, this would have died down in like, three days. But, I’m telling you that you’re insane for being this brave. I’m proud of you.” Aditi’s smile could light up the universe.
    “Thanks, darlin’. You’re my savior.” (y/n) said, smiling back.
A moment later, Bruce, one of the interns, came rushing to where (y/n) and Aditi were. His eyes were wide and his pale face was red. The women blinked at him before waiting for him to tell them why he was here the way he was.
    “You’re on the news again, with Jenny again, and it’s bad,” (y/n)’s heart dropped. “I mean, really, really, bad. I’m sorry, should I have not said that?”
Aditi looked at (y/n) once before groaning and shooed the intern away. Turning to her friend, she put her arms on the girl’s shoulders before shaking her once.
    “Don’t let it bother you, (y/n). Ignore it—”
    “I want to see.” (y/n)’s tone was even.
Sighing, Aditi opened her phoned and pressed on the live YouTube channel that the aired Jenny’s 9 o’ clock program.
    “Our favourite critic is on the news again! To think that she’d just stay out of the radar and maybe get a job? This time, she was found doing something the fans of Tom Holland will definitely not like.”
    “She’s getting crueler by the day, what a bitch,” Aditi said, frowning.
A second later, the picture that appeared on screen made (y/n) want to throw up. There she was, sitting across Tom Holland, at the coffee shop the other day, when he had called her out to apologize. (y/n) was smiling, but Tom’s face was covered, so no expression could be seen from his end. No, she thought before gasping out loud.
    “Oh my God, it was one of those girls,” (y/n) said, tearing up, her hands quickly covering her mouth in shock.
Aditi blinked, “When was this? What the hell?”
    “Here’s a picture of her with our friendly spider, Tom Holland himself! It appears that she’s baited him to meet with her. So perhaps all of the review writing and bad mouthing from her end was a cry for attention? Hmm. Wouldn’t be too shocked on that now, would we?”
    “What’s her problem? Jesus, (y/n), what’s happened to journalism these days?” Aditi turned to her friend and froze.
(y/n) had tears streaming down her face, an expression she could no longer hide. Tears had poured from her eyes without any change in her facial expression. It’s pure pain and pure surrender when your soul cries without any fight from your body.
Aditi rushed to her friend and held her, earning no struggle from her. (y/n) breathed once and the dam was broken; she held onto her friend, and cried. There were not many people left at the office at 9 p.m., but the ones who were, merely watched. Aditi held her friend, but said nothing, did nothing. She could not catch up with her, she could not reach her. Aditi felt at that second, that the land of tears was a truly mysterious place. It was at the same time bringing such solace to her friend, by breaking her apart limb from limb.
    (y/n) wanted to walk home that night. As much as her friend begged her to drive her home, (y/n) refused. Bruce had permanently blamed himself for his senior to break down crying at the office. He wondered why this was happening, considering how well he thought he knew her. She was simply doing her job, and despite understanding all this, he couldn’t understand her strength. Aditi sighed before heading home herself, not knowing what she could do more.
    “I’ll take care, I promise,” Aditi spoke to her mother on the phone, before ending the call.
She browsed through the contacts on her phone before pressing (y/n)’s name. She should have reached home by now, she thought before clearing her throat once.
    “How’re you holdin’ up?” Aditi asked, blinking a couple of times.
She heard shuffling on the other end, and prayed that (y/n) was not crying alone.
    “(y/n),” Aditi’s voice alerted her friend.
    “I’m fine, really. I had a meltdown, but I’m okay now. I’m grabbing some Indian food to eat right now,” (y/n) chuckled a bit, waiting for her friend to reply.
    “What’re you eating?” Aditi asked, unlocking the door to her home.
    “Chicken biryani,” (y/n) said, sounding a tad bit too proud.
Aditi scoffed. “No one here gets the flavours right,” When she heard (y/n) chuckle on the other end, her heart grew lighter. “Listen, if you wanna talk, just give me a call, yeah?”
    “Yes, mom, I will,” (y/n) said, laughing out loud once. “Aditi, thank you. Really.”
Smiling, she ended the call and headed over to her bathroom to take a dump. On most days, she didn’t miss her home. She always thought she wasn’t meant to live in India, a country so crowded. However, India always had a sense of home, and considering how English wasn’t her first language, on most days (at least with new people), Aditi always felt insecure about her accent. The media portrayed it terribly, and Indian accents don’t normally sound the way they do on television. 
A lack of representation angered her, but (y/n) was one of the first ones to understand. She loved the girl’s enthusiasm to learn, and how open and welcoming she was.
    Seeing her hurt pained Aditi, but there was very little she could do. Sitting on the commode, Aditi browsed Instagram, a hand on her palm, as it rested on her knee. Letting out a sigh, she clicked on one story and kept watching and watching and watching. A girl she knew back home was taking her dog out for a walk—swipe—a boy was celebrating his birthday—swipe—Jenna Fischer is baking bread—swipe—a random rant about how the world is rotting—swipe—Tom Holland talking about someone named (y/n)—swipe—pause.
Aditi froze for a full second.
    She then reopened the story and watched. Her eyes were saucers now, and her heart was rummaging against her chest. Oh my god, she mouthed but no voice came out of her. A second later, she screamed.
Dialling her friend’s number, she waited eagerly for (y/n) to pick up.
    “What happened?” (y/n)’s voice sounded unaware.
    “Where are you? And why is it echoing on the other side?”
    “Darling, I’m in the bathroom taking a dump—”
    “I really didn’t have to know that, Aditi.” (y/n) cringed.
    “NO! SEE. OH MY GOD, DON’T MAKE ME FORGET WHY I CALLED YOU!” Aditi screamed, and the slight echo hurt (y/n)’s ear.
    “What’s happened?”
    “Check Tom Holland’s story on Instagram. NOW. You will not regret it. Oh my god. Do it—”
    “I don’t want anything to do with Tom Holland—”
The call ended with that. (y/n) stared at her phone, frowning. She wouldn’t ask me to check it if it was something bad, (y/n) thought. But what could it be? It must be a new promotional thing for a new Spiderman movie or something, she thought before sighing. She clicked on Tom’s story and her heart was thrown aside for a toss.
As she watched the story, (y/n) felt time slow. Her eyes widened, just a little bit; her ears reddened, just a little bit; and her mouth fell ajar, just a little bit.
    “Hi, guys! I just wanted to bring to light something and this pains me to say and I actually can’t believe I’m having to say something so obvious. (y/n) (l/n) never really wrote anything bad about me on her review. It’s her job, and she’s doing it right. It was my fault that I didn’t read the review and spoke against her beforehand. And I love my fans, I really do. But some of you disappointed me in sending her terrible mails and calling her terrible things. I met her the other day, to apologize for what happened, because she really doesn’t deserve the hate for doing her job, you know? And now there’s a fake story on how she’s trying to get my attention? No. That’s not what happened, yeah? I just wanted to make it clear that (y/n)’s a lovely human being, kind and hardworking, and it would be very nice if all of you can see that. Goodnight, guys.”
(y/n) never imagined that she’d cry for two different reasons on the same day. One of out bitterness and sorrow, and the other being relief. And both, having been caused by a certain actor who played Spiderman.
series taglist:
@strangemaximoff, @aestheticgaybish, @noobmaster63, @why-are-all-the-teens-gay, @wonders-of-the-multiverse, @boushalaivre, @jackiehollanderr, @nerdypisces160, @yourwonderbelle, @quackson606, @stickyqueenbouquetsstuff, @fandoms-stuff, @danicarosaline
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jojoreadwhat · 5 years
woke up laughing, good love is hard to find. | joe mazzello x reader
a/n; Hi everyone! I’m not entirely new to the writing gig (i used to write on Wattpad about bands, haha. I’ll post them up later) but I’m new to the writing community of Tumblr! Bear with me as I maybe rusty (I haven’t written imagines in months, whoops!) and new to the fandom of the borhap boys! I figured Id start off with a cute, fluffy Imagine for our guy Joe Mazzello. This is shit and I greatly apologize.
prompt; fem!reader! Waking up with Joe and telling him you love him for the first time. ❤️
words; 969
mentions; Of course Ben Hardy, lol
Warnings: lots of fluff and talks of smut, nothing crazy!
Title inspiration;
Tumblr media
You had stirred awake from a sudden welcome of the sun, grazing against your eyelids. Fluttering them open then immediately shutting them and bringing the blanket to your face. It was one of your first days off in a few weeks and you were hoping to sleep past your routine. You lied under that blanket, silently wishing you had bought those room darkeners you seen days ago. But then again, it probably wouldn’t have mattered when it wasn’t the sun or the blinds fault for your harsh wake up.
“Morning, sleepyhead!” Joe greeted a notch below a yell. As if you wouldn’t hear him through the blanket. You groaned lightly, “No.” You replied back, gripping the fabric tighter. Being a grump. “But I made you coffee,” He proceeded, then. Hearing him chuckle soon after, causing your heart to swell up.
You lied there for a moment, still trying to hang onto any slumber you had left. Feeling yourself drifting again until you felt the end of the bed dip.
Joe crawled up to you, lightly turning you to your back to lay on you. Gently pulling the blanket from your grip. Your eyes were still closed as they found energy to adjust to the light you were about to meet again. This time it reaking of benefits. You met your favorite pair golden brown eyes that were gazing and smiling down at you. Looking over all your favorite things about Joe. Feeling heavenly as everything was enhanced by the light behind him. His dark red hair disheveled, his freshly kept stubble on his face that tickled yours from time to time. The cute bridge of his nose that he never understood why you adored so much but you did, like everything else about him.
You couldn’t help but smile at him. Greeting him properly this time around, “Morning, love.” Before wrapping your arms around him.
Joe’s sweet pink lips matching the way his eyes look in a smile, “Hey baby.” He greeted again, “Sleep okay?” He asked, you nodded slowly. His hand meeting your now rosy cheek as he lowered himself and his lips meeting your lips softly. Then to your jaw causing you to feel butterflies and giggle beneath him.
Joe brought his head back up to look at you again, once you finally let up on your wrestling tongues. You realized Joe wasn’t in his tank top and boxers from last night. Instead one of his famous tees and what you felt under your leg wrapped him, a pair of jeans.
“Plans today?” You asked, playing with the collar of his red shirt. Joe simply nodded,
“Ben’s in town.” He said, “We’re grabbing some lunch, then catching a game.” Finishing off, before grabbing your hand that was playing with his shirt and kissed it.
You cocked your head at him, “Don’t you spend enough time with Ben already??” You jokingly questioned. Joe became red, knowing what you were referring to.
“But that’s cardboard Ben. Real Ben hasnt seen the Yankees kickass.” He replied, causing you laugh out loud. Remembering when he snuck it into the ballpark and the looks the staff gave.
You weren’t going to let up though, wrapping your body around him to keep him close. “Too bad.” You announced, then. “Real Ben is gonna have to wait.” Joe cocked his brow, “Is that so?” He replied, you smiled deviously. Nodding, before snagging another kiss and leaving Joe to laugh against your lips.
You were never really one for mornings. Today still showed that immaturity of yourself, I guess. As cliche as it sounded though, they were only worth it when Joe was home. He made them one of your favorite things. A morning like this was only half of it, but nonetheless you always woke up laughing with a smile on your face for the day.
You noticed lately were falling amicably because of them and the billion other things that these few months with Joe had given and shown. He wasn’t quite aware that you loved him since neither of you said it yet. But you hoped that he felt it from you and that maybe you weren’t the only one feeling this way.
Somehow the fit of kisses landed you straddling Joe’s waist. He was such a beautiful sight under you as that sun beamed across him and caught the gold in his eyes.
He watched you, watching him. A smile forming on his lips slowly, “Didn’t I give you enough of me last night?” He exclaimed, wiggling his brow at you. You lightly hit chest as the flashbacks of hours earlier making their way to your mind, painting you crimson. Causing him to laugh up at you.
“You drive me crazy, you know that?” You admitted, only making him to smile brighter.
“I tend to have that effect on many.” He remarked, wittily. You rolled your eyes,
“Ugh you’re such an idiot, I love you.”
At that moment you didn’t know if you should run or just drop dead. The words fell faster from your lips than your mind could put a stop to and you couldn’t believe it. What was making it worse was the awkward silence and your eyes couldn’t even open. God, your face was probably a pound of cherries at this point.
The sudden shifting under you caused your heart to race crazily. Mentally preparing to get up and leave the state. But Joe wasn’t having that.
“Hey,” Joe spoke softly, “Look at me.” He said, waiting for you to do so.
When you did you noticed he wasn’t laying down anymore, instead his face inches away from yours. You both searching each other before his lips curled up into a smile.
“Seems like your stuck with this idiot,” he began, then. “Because I love you too.”
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