#its absolutely adorable i love them so much haha. i dont know how someone could be so cute.
spaghetti-doodles · 2 years
Firstt of all the animation this season was so fucking good. Like yes, it was like last season but i noticed so many moments where the quality would just increase. THE FUCKING VISUALS A- I loved the scene with the field in Appleton(idk if that was the actual name i dont remember) with the grass that flowed so nicely with the pretty sky and i loved it cause it fit the vibes so well and really captured that feeling of calm after the storm for reigan. Like it really tied the end of the episode together and i just love it so much.
THE FOUND FAMILY- I absolutly adored the character development that we got to see compared to season 1. Myc and Glen bonding in the ugly people area in episode one. Glen and Aindre bonding on shrooms and Glen developing in that episode, just enough to notice but not enough to completely change his character. Little things.
The way regian has grown to where this season she actually considers her happiness and tries to find work-life balance (although kinda regressing again in a moment of panic) The way shes been more open, hugging people and talking to GiGi about stuff like friends would. I love it so much-
GOD i loved seeing the moment with Brett. NOt only was it so fucking refreshing seeing him NOT like someone, feeling negative things about another person was such an interesting and cool thing ti see with his character and i couldn't get enough of all the moments where you could see CHANGE and REASON in him. The whole episode with his parents where we get to see WHY he is the way he is, and see him come to his breaking point and open up about how he ACTUALLY feels. Seeing brettlike this REALLY opened up his character and gave him so much depht that i I love. The way he stepped up and almost replaced reigan.
THE FUCKING PARRELLES WITH THIS SEASON AND EPISODE ONE!!! Compaired to Episode 1 Reagan being TERRIFIED AND THREATENED by brett replacing her to this season with her WILLING AND READY to let him be in charge and take her place. The way she TRUSTS him that fucking build up of trust that I just LOVE i LOVE seeing that kind of development.
I dont know how to explain this but i love the characters and the way they're shown. I love seeing different sides to characters and seeing them vulnerable and honest compared to their usually "haha shitty sarcastic asshole" selves. ITS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!! I loved seeing how Rand changed, even in the teeniest bit. Seeing his reason, although shitty and clearly not strong enough to change who he is but still ENOUGH to change the way WE see him, the way other CHARACTERS see him. He was never some big bad or some evil man who only wanted good or himself. He was just a rat trapped in a corner and would bite anything that tried to get near him, regardless if that thing was trying to help or hurt.
I absolutely loved this season and I love this how and i am so fucking ready for another season PLEASE i would love to see what else they do with these characters. I haven't even touched the surface on everything i loved about this show and quiet frankly i dont think tumblr has a high enough word count for it all.
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trashyslashers · 2 years
Hello! Could I get a match-up? My name is Salem, and I would prefer a slasher if I could! I'm a She/Her bisexual (i have no preference on gender). I'm very tall (6'1) and I have fluffy dark brown curly hair that is usually a longer style pixie cut. Basically physically i am the big tiddy goth gf stereotype. I dress very alternative, mostly black with graphic movie tees. And obviously you have to have the eyeliner haha.
My personality is very reserved with people I don't know, but I try to be friendly with everyone I meet although many times i am suspicious of people as well. I am very sarcastic (and I dare say dirty minded) at times, and I love making jokes and seeing people laugh. I am somewhat people motivated, so whenever I find someone I like I will become very involved with said person. I also can be a bit protective over those I love. I can be a bit cold because I dont see things the same way as others. And I have a logical view of the world and those around me. My MBTI is also INTP
I'm a bit of a fanatic about movies (and really only become animated when talking about them) and I also adore animals of any kind. I love to draw digitally and irl, and plan on making a graphic novel someday. My love language is giving gifts and cuddling.
Thank you so much!!
I think you would capture the heart of Bubba Sawyer!
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For starters, while it's not exactly the same as yours, Bubba also has curly, fluffy hair! He loves that your hair is almost like his own, and I can see him being a very tactile person when it comes to his partner, so he'll often play with your curls if you let him (and he's very gentle with you).
Bubba is very similar to you in the sense that when he finds someone he likes, he wants to become very involved with them. He grew up with his brothers and is used to a tight-knit, close, family dynamic, so that absolutely extends to his significant other. The fact that this is mutual makes him feel so giddy!
Because Bubba unfortunately does much, if not most, of the heavy lifting and "messy" work around the Sawyer residence, there are days where the two of you won't see each other as much as you'd like to. One of his favorite things to do when returning to you after a long day is to pull you into his arms (he's still taller than you! He can, and will, tuck you right against him) so the two of you can cuddle the stress and aches of the day away.
Bubba tends to get extremely anxious and sometimes downright afraid on his bad days, and unfortunately none of his brothers really help him calm down. Your logical approach to situations, as well as him and his brothers, actually helps a lot as you can reassure him in a way his brothers either can't, or won't.
Speaking of his brothers, I think Nubbins and Chop Top would like you quite a bit! While Drayton may not exactly love your sarcastic sense of humor, Chop Top and Nubbins sure as hell love your sarcastic and dirty-minded jokes. The fact that you're protective of those you love means that you'll fit in well with them, as the Sawyers tend to be protective of their own (though Bubba would rather die than have you put in any sort of dangerous situation where you have to protect him, and/or his brothers!).
Bubba would give you any gifts he could that he thought you'd like: jewelry from victims, little trinkets he either made himself or found (tooth bracelet, anyone? Though if you preferred something less morbid, how about one of buttons?), and so on. If any art supplies were found in the belongings of a trespasser, they'd most definitely go to you! But anything photography related goes to Nubbins, though. Sorry.
You and Bubba huddled up on the furniture with static-y movies on the old television set would quickly become an incredibly common sight in the house. Bubba doesn't mind you talking about the films while watching them, either - you could talk his ear off about random trivia related to the movie you were watching for its entirety and he wouldn't care one bit!
Thank you for the request, Salem - I hope it's to your liking!
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Jackie, my dear, omg- you updated while i was at work and rough day but like- i had been thinking about this since i saw the notification adn my god you had me oon the edge of my seat yet again- as always- such an icon T^T
so first off, OC is a BAD-ASS. Miyeon is batshit crazy and needed to touch hella grass (or devour that shit into her non-existent soul). I loved, LOVED that OC just took her insults and the pains and slaps but didnt fight back unless it was any of the boys' things being threatened/harmed. Its so very clear how much they love her in these things she is protecting, and its also so clear how much she loves them that these things, the dress/violin/paintings mean more to OC than her own life in these moments.
That said- i have a prediction about that. While I know, KNOW the boys are going to be upset about the broken things, the dress/paintings especially, i feel like OC is probably going to break down and apologize for not being able to protect what she could and just- the whole moments are going to bring so flipping emotional cuz like of course the boys are upset but she means more to them than that obviously. (Yunho is probably going to lose his shit if she apologizes for it- especially when he realizes she got hurt trying to protect his art- like my HEART)
second prediction- she definitely gets on their ass about making sure Kuroo is okay. as someone else pointed out the whole Hwa opening his mouth to say something haha
third prediction- the ones to go berserk: Hwa, Joongie, and Jongho especially. Yeosang is 50/50, but i have a feeling he wont want to touch her, he'll see it as her still getting what she wants. Nah, he gunna be savage to the very end, not looking at her, acknowledging her, probably muttering to mc like "my poor baby, that little pest really threw a tantrum huh?" like just down right degrading Miyeon and really pushing how she is absolutely nothing to him, and will always be. (at least thats what id do xD) anyways- i think its 50/50. he might go berserk, but he also might show concern for his love more than anything.
Wooyoung also has the potential to go berserk, probably talking shit to her the whole time about how she is nothing and MC is a fcking goddess period. Yunho definitely is at MC's side. San is also at Mc's side, and so is Mingi considering both of them care more for others than themselves usually, and would be far more concerned with keeping mc alive rather than seek vengance.
i also like the prediction that mc is going to be so gone that healing her turns her into something less human, and that she gets to have a badass moment too <3 she'll either beg to have a hand in Miyeon's death then, or have them wait. (if they wait i have a feeling Miyeon might get saved by her pets ope. but if they dont, and Miyeon dies- then her pets are going to still continue out her rebellion solely to avenge her)
Anyways- I love you and this story so much thank you for another emotional roller coaster that I adored beyond words being able to describe T^T
Im off to go build my #deathtoMiyeon fanclub now!!
First of all, thank you so much!!!! You literally don’t know how much I appreciate this message omg, I really appreciate you taking the time to write this and send it to me!!
Second of all, I'm literally so glad you said that!! (”its also so clear how much she loves them”) because YES!!!! Everything will be explained in due time, but even if OC isn’t aware/doesn’t want to acknowledge it at this point, she does love all of them in her own way so I'm so glad that came through!!!
And yes!!!! YES!!!!! Exactly!!!! Oh, literally one of my favourite parts about writing is when you guys are able to correctly predict certain aspects of scenes before I write them based off your interpretations of my characters. It means I've written them well and they’re being interpreted the way I'm hoping they are!! OC will apologize at some point, and be prepared for when that happens, cause it’s going to be emotional~
Kuroo is plenty fine, don’t worry!
Hmmmm, interesting hehehe very interesting~
Oh yeah, Wooyoung can be just as violent as Joong at times, he just hides it better around the OC lmaoo
I’m so excited for you to see what I have planned, I think you’ll all be pleasantly surprised, but also shocked ehehehe
Thank you for reading!! ❤️
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i totally agree on seung not getting enough appreciation. and for a while felix was my bias along with him because idk maybe I wanted that fluffy sunshine person and the stoic type like seungmin.
but dont get me wrong, i still love felix but I now I know I'm drawn to seungmin more because I relate to him mainly for that stoic type reason.
and yes! i've seen that tiktok too and it hit really hard because I do have anxiety as well and probably other things I just haven't checked to yet lmao. but besides that fact, I agree that seungmin gives off that calming and safe feeling and I really see that represented through his bubble messages and his vlogs (which I wish there were more of).
like he really calms me down especially if i had a really hard day or I just have the feeling I miss him(?) [that calming feeling again]
hyunjin is definitely the gateway bias. he was mine as well along with chan because yet again I felt safe with chan and he was like that older brother or caring parental type and still is for me so when he goes live i feel like that's his way of winding down his week and being closer to us in a way. and I'm grateful that our fandom has someone like that
and yess his lover boy side and his hard dom side always get me. just draws me in every time I swear.
also, i absolutely agree that hyunjin and lee know are both very talented. i find myself captivated by the way both of them perform in different ways since they both have different styles.
to elaborate, lee know is more of a hip-hop style that can be sexy and mellow while hyunjin has more of a sensual contemporary style and I love both just the same. i wish more people could understand that instead of trying to compare them all of the time. art is art. and they're both doing a damn good job at it.
but yeah, i do wish lee know had more solo dance opportunities like hyunjin does, they both deserve to show off their talent in that way.
and absolutely! like for some of the same reasons seungmin biases have, lee know stans are more reserved people although we can be loud and friendly with people. It's just people can't see that right away and won't probably for a while. and I really felt that when people were saying he was a cold person and stuff like that. because people I know irl and have been around had said the same about me and it was all wrong. and I understood how he was probably feeling. everything just overwhelmed me and I didn't know how to communicate at times or know when was the right time to jump into a conversation even with people I was friends with or comfortable with at the time.
i used to have bubble tickets for lee know, felix, seungmin, jeongin, hyunjin, and chan. and let me tell you, I had never felt so loved and cared for when it came to those daily check-ins and sweet messages they provided. especially minho since he seems so genuine and loving and soft. it was so lovely to have, even for a little while.
right. that's another reason why i relate to him a lot. the teasing but also kind nature that he shows. it's just to lighten the mood a bit even if sometimes it goes a bit far, he ( I ) make up for it in our own ways, however we can.
and its good that you can relate to chan in that way. also, I had no clue you were Australian ruby 😭.
and yes everything made sense, don't worry!
Haha, yes I am Australian both and raised in Sydney.
This was a really sweet response, I don't have much to respond this but yes! I felt very nurtured when I was using Bubble with Minho and Chan, especially with Minho and his cat videos, they were incredibly adorable and why I feel Minho is such a beautiful person.
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
#infatuated#ah you look so good#diary#personal#...i really wanna see them and talk to them now.#theyre so cute. so so so cute.#i love them a lot.#they're like this cute precious thing to me. in a healthy way this time i think.#so cute so precious. im so happy just thinking about them being happy. i love their laugh their voice all their quirks they have.#so cute so precious. haha i cant even come up with anything better to say bc theyre just the definition of that.#idk. i know theyre not perfect. and maybe im or something. just obsessed. nothing more nothing less.#maybe i am. i worry about that a lot. i dont want them hurt by me. i feel like that'd kill me inside.#lmao god i feel so sad just thinking about that. if i hurt them or betrayed their trust itd hurt so much.#id feel like itd hurt a lot more than in the past. but maybe thats just because im in the present.#lmao im getting all sad bc of that.#but id like to hear their voice again. or hear them sing. i wanna see them. i love when theyre happy.#i love how they react when embarrassed or to compliments. they really are too cute for their own good.#its absolutely adorable i love them so much haha. i dont know how someone could be so cute.#i hope i do get to meet them. haha. i know id be so awkward though. i always am when im in person.#i can talk over text or call. but as soon as im in person i always freeze up. the things i think about get much worse#i worry theyll hate me or not like what i say. i always overthink that. always.#but i tend to warm up after a bit. after i relax and anxiety passes i go back to normal.#i feel like im so weird though sometimes. i worry i wont react well. or the way ppl want.#its hard chosing how to react. how to read expressions.#but theyre so cute. i wanna see their face. i wanna see all their expressions. so cute. really so cute.#they look so good too!!! so cute indeed.#ahhhh. i wanna insult myself in the same breath. i always do that. i say and will think 'unlike me'#i do that so much sometimes. whenever i get compliments or when they say they care i always feel empty.#its not that i dont believe their words. i believe in them. i just dont believe in me.#...in the end trash is always trash. and i always feel like that. used. discarded. broken.
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imagineslashers · 3 years
i love you?? and your writing???? so much??? youre so talented 💞
but uhhh i was just wondering if i could have platonic headcanons for Michael Myers, Chucky + Tiffany, and Beetlejuice?? like uh,,, maybe they just claim this frickinnn KID NSNSJ, or reluctantly becoming a parental/maternal figure towards a teenager (like 14-16 years old)
why they dont kill them or kick them to the curb is beyond me
sorry if this is a weird request??NSNS everything has gone to shit and it happened right when i got back into slashers so my emotional attachment issues made me latch onto the man, the myth, michael myers GABDNAJA its cringe, i know BUT UHHH YEAH THANK YOU FEEL FREE TO IGNORW THIS MWAH
thank you, that makes me so happy as an anxious, self-critical writer; you’re so sweet and it made my day to read that!!!
haha i love your request, i adore cool platonic ideas! i hope you’re doing okay, i absolutely feel the same at times, but know you’ve got me as your friend if you need anything! judgement free zone! anyhow, onto the fic below!
Platonic Slashers Begrudgingly (or not) Take in a Teen
(warnings for mentions of violence, blood, abuse, swearing, etc.!)
Michael Myers
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He’s not very happy.
You’re an anomaly, a stranger, a potential victim.
But then why do you make his cold heart clench when you cry?
He is literally straddling a victim in a dark alleyway with his knife in hand and suddenly he sees you in the corner of his eye, frozen to the spot, rocking on the heels of your feet.
Michael whips his head around now that his victim is long-dead and turns his attention to you, the witness. You don’t run, staring at him with narrowed eyes.
“That guy was an asshole.” The words stun him, and that’s not easy to do. Your calm, disinterested demeanour causes him to hesitate, gripping the handle of his knife. Blood drips from his mask where the victim clawed at his face, smearing the white with bright crimson.
Michael starts towards you again, assessing you, head tilted. You’re young, but not a child. Somewhere in between, and you still aren’t running. It almost irritates him.
“I’m not endorsing killing or anything, and maybe you’re going to do me in next, but that guy had it coming.” You continue quietly. Michael keeps approaching, his movements barely making noise despite his huge frame towering over yours. “Foster dad. Drank a lot.”
Michael curses under his breath because you make him hesitate again, as he feels a pang of - what? Curiosity? Sympathy? Nonsense.
A siren wails nearby and Michael stops, inches from you, close enough that you can feel the heat of his sigh as he turns away and heads off.
- from then on, you have several more encounters and ask many annoying questions, but Michael treats you more like a street cat than anything else, ignoring you other than the occasional grunt or nod
- he finds he actually might kinda like having someone want to spend time with him, even if he’s literally crushing someone in his hands, you’re hanging out at a respectable distance waiting for him
- Michael does some healthy stalking and learns that you’re now living from house to house with friends or on the street, unwilling to return to the foster system, and he doesn’t like that
- eventually, he softens just enough that when you’re going to head off one night, he grabs your wrist and all but drags you to his home
- from then on, you’re his
- he teaches you everything he knows, you’re like his little apprentice, or his shadow
- Michael is super protective, he won’t show how much he has begun to care about you but the second you’re upset by someone, they disappear mysteriously
- matching costumes for Halloween??? i stan
- he sometimes treats you a bit more like a puppy, other times he is eager to show you the tricks of the trade to using a knife and being stealthy, or he will want to be left alone, it depends on his mood
- either way, you’re his kid now, and everyone knows not to mess with you
Chucky & Tiffany (pre-doll & post)
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Chucky and Tiffany are in completely different mindsets when they find you.
You’re sat hunched in a booth alone in a diner they’re both eating at, Tiffany continually glancing your way. Chucky doesn’t notice until she kicks him under the table.
He curses and hits his hand on the table, shaking the glasses. Before he can lose his temper even further, Tiffany is jerking her head not-so-subtly to one side to tell him to turn around.
He does, and he sees you in a hoodie nursing a glass of flat soda. Chucky scoffs, resuming his meal by shovelling fries into his mouth. “And?” He drawls around the mouthful, making Tiffany scowl.
“They’re all alone! No food, poor babe, they’ve been sat there since we arrived! Lost little lamb.” She croons, her elbows on the table and head rested in her hands as she watches you over her lover’s shoulder. Chucky sours, jealous at the loss of attention.
A scuffle distracts them both and they shift their attention to the masked man who just walked in. He’s brandishing a knife in one shaky hand, jerking, whipping his knife around and demanding money.
Chucky rolls his eyes, unflinching. “Amateur.” He laughs. Tiffany shoots him a look, reaching for the cutlery knife on the table, just in case.
When the stranger, however, confronts you, it’s a different matter. Tiffany goes rigid when the man grabs your collar, shaking you and demanding cash. She stands up at once, heels squeaking on the linoleum floor.
Chucky, for all his bravado and pretending to ignore you, can’t help the sudden spike in protectiveness. Tiffany’s influence, no doubt.
Just as Tiffany has crossed half the distance to you, you surprise her. Your knee shoots out between the man’s legs and hits him square in the groin, followed by a right hook that sends him collapsing to the floor in a wheezing pile.
Nobody moves, except you. You pick up your bag and sigh, stepping over the man. Before you can leave, Tiffany places a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Hey kiddo, wait a minute okay? You ain’t got no place to stay, huh?” Her voice is honeyed and like that of a mother hen soothing her young.
You nod in agreement, head low. Tiffany makes a noise of distress, pulling this sweet, spunky, surprising teen to her chest and holds you there.
Chucky appears and kicks the man in the chest for good measure, then looks at the two of you together. After a moment of Tiffany’s puppy eyes and your steely gaze, he cracks. “Fine! Get in the truck.”
- you’re their absolute prize
- after a few shorts weeks and demonstrating how much you know about life on the street, you impress Chucky enough that he allows you to stay
- Tiffany was won over from the beginning but she’s thrilled that he allows it
- you’re not going anywhere without one of them, they are so protective it’s crazy, and they will always make sure if you have to go somewhere alone that you’re prepared
- “Got your knife?” “What about the mace?” “Tell me again what you’re meant to do if a stranger approaches!”
- of course, they teach you their way of life too, and soon you’re a highly chaotic, perfectly functional family!
- post-doll, they rely on you a fair bit more for doing things they can’t do, and you’re good at pretending they’re just dolls so you can sneak them into places
- either way, doll or not, you guys are a surprisingly powerful trio!
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Okay, this was never going to be an issue for him.
Beetlejuice finds you in one of the decrepit houses he enjoys frequenting to scare the goth kids who hang out there.
You’re all alone, reading a book with a school bag by your feet, sat on the dilapidated porch. He wants to scare you so bad, creeping up behind you, his combat boots falling soundlessly with careful steps. He’s so close to you when he notices you’re sniffling.
Not only that, but there are wet droplets on the book pages he can see from over your shoulder, drops from where you’ve been crying.
Beetlejuice isn’t particularly mushy, especially not for strangers, but something about you makes him pause. Maybe it’s because you remind him of himself when he was alive, and young, and lonely.
Instead of spooking you, he sits down heavily next to you and causes several of the wooden boards to groan in protest. You jump, moving away from him until you see the very-much-dead face smiling back at you.
“So, uh, what’s up kid? You drop your candy or something? Boy troubles? Girl troubles? Both?” He’s leaning forward like a schoolgirl awaiting gossip, eyes eager and curious. You can’t help but feel pulled into his attentiveness.
Wiping your eyes, you drop your gaze to your book, shaking your head. “Nothing, just some issues at home. This is the only place I can get some peace and quiet.”
BJ huffs, knocking the book from your hands so you’re forced to look at him. “Listen to me, sport, you’re just radiating mischief potential, and you’re wasting your creative little mind sat here crying over some losers who don’t deserve you anyhow!”
His pep talk takes you by surprise, and he uses the moment to haul you to your feet, a snake falling from his sleeve as he does so. He seems unperturbed by this, his eyes still locked excitedly to yours.
“I need a partner in crime, things been real stale lately, ya know? Need a fresh perspective!” He holds both of your hands in his, the cool skin soothing yours, a firm grip keeping you grounded and out of your own head.
“So, whaddya say? You come scare the shit out of some folks who deserve it, and I keep the assholes off your back - it’s a win-win!”
- you’re the most terrifying and perfectly suited pairing ever
- he has so many ideas and gets so excited, but you’re the one who keeps him calm, picking the best idea, astounding him with your own suggestions
- he takes you all over the place, but of course returns you back so you can continue with your schooling
- dessert nights and late night snacking are his favourite, especially when talking shit at the same time or watching some terrible television dramas
- BJ gets a tiny whiff of someone upsetting you and he’s there, haunting them for a solid week until they tremble at the sight of you
- unlike the others, he won’t reveal his terrifying, nightmare-inducing looks in front of you because he doesn’t want you to see him that way
- he loves you so much, he gets a whole bunch of stuff for your birthdays and Halloween with him is so wild because he can walk among the living without anyone looking twice at him
- well, at least your life will never be boring again!
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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relaxxattack · 3 years
(i dont care to do c! tags bc theres. so many characters. if i dont say cc! then im talking abt the characters) normally i am not one to think much about the syndicate bc outside of ranboo being there to protect tubbo the syndicate Frustrates me a bit but. if phil starts to realize just how fucked over tubbo got by schlatt being erased from the narrative (and especially how shittily techno has treated tubbo) then i really hope they lean into like. the fact that the syndicate may soon turn into phil, niki, ranboo, and possibly the mystery member (im including mystery member mostly because i think tubbo is on good terms with almost everyone except like. dream, possibly wilbur but we'll see, and like the eggpire ppl but none of them are likely options but it is possible that the mystery member could just be neutral) all like. wanting tubbo to be safe and phil is *just* reasonable enough that i think he'd realize how unfair it is for tubbo to have been subjected to so much shit just for techno to introduce even more fear and the need to hide in his life
like phil already keeps the bee duo marriage and michael a secret, he lets tubbo come over and while of course its mostly from the semi lore vibes phil seems vaguely fond of tubbo already (i dont think phil and tubbo have father/son vibes tho, more just like. tubbo is just That Kid that adults cant help but adore even though the kid will rob them of house and home. slightly amused elder watching a tiny fucking gremlin make sex jokes and talk about soviet russia), niki from what i remember still cares about tubbo (probably because she cant redirect any anger towards him without realizing how unjustified it would be kcnsks she can come up with excuses for hating tommy but tubbo didnt do anything that niki has a problem with outside of her maybe having a bad view on butcher army if she knows about it?), ranboo is. ranboo. i dont need to clarify. and then like said theres a very low possibility of the fifth member *disliking* tubbo or being unable to sympathize with him.
people talk a lot about how techno needs to lose in a way that he cant easily come back from without introspection and i think while the rest of the syndicate standing up for tubbo would increase technos grudge against tubbo initially its also like. something that i think would maybe force techno to see tubbo as a person because now theres nothing techno can box (haha gettit. tubbox tubbo in a box tubbo getting boxed into certain roles by people who refuse to let him out techno esp doin this teehoo) tubbo into that wouldnt just. acknowledge that tubbo is a person. hes not apart of the government anymore, not planning any failed revolution, the most negative title to his name is being one of the nuke makers but even then thats out of fear and safety and techno knows that. otherwise tubbos current crimes are nothing thats special to tubbo (like. stealing and searching for evidence in ppls homes and stuff, the latter of which techno doesnr even know about). right now tubbos a husband, a father, a friend, a kid, *ex*-government, a person. and just.
i think that with how much foreshadowing about tubbos execution no longer being a secret amongst the witnesses and tubbo himself and soon being something that people close to techno like phil and ranboo know about as well (in that i want phil to learn that techno did it and for ranboo to learn about it in general bc hes just biased enough for tubbo and just smart enough that i think even if somehow he wasnt told who did it he could figure it out), and with the fact that tubbos lore has been confirmed to now be something thats actively going to be played into? i think (or at least hope) that it might spur phil and techno into finally seeing tubbos side of the story (and probably also get into the possibility of tubbo opening up to tommy and ranboo but i do think realistically either tubbo will try to play it off/not truly open up about how much its effected him or tubbo will at first shut down or go into complete repression mode, especially if phil and ranboo get the story from other people rather than tubbo himself [but god do i hope they confront tubbo himself]. either those two or tubbo talks about his emotions through fucking snapping at something/someone like he did at quackity when reminded of his execution, which as long as its Not tommy or ranboo ill absolutely be cheering on him for)
which is all a very convoluted way of saying uhh. *grabby paws at the ccs currently involved in the arc of clearing up personal misconceptions about l'manberg (and especially tubbos involvement and how easily those around him judged him based off of their versions of the story)* tubbo lore? tubbo healing tubbo talking about his problems? characters learning to see him as a person and recognizing how traumatized he is and that hes not uneffected but actively repressing any effects? please? (also ending note as the cherry on top of this essay that im sorry for dropping into your inbox: im kind of glad that tommys healing arc and tubbos possible healing arc are going to happen at similar times but are still separate. something something its nice to see acknowledgement that tommy and tubbo wont heal in the same way and arent going to know how to help each other but theyre still going through it together. their arcs are intertwining without removing their individuality and as someone w major co-dependency issues its kind of nice idk. you can be there for someone and still acknowledge that you have your own things to go through too and that while you wont be alone you shouldnt force those around you to support you. the bench trio are all helping each other out of free will and genuine love for each other while still realizing they have some problems they arent ready to talk about yet that arent forced to the open because theyre all doing their best to handle each other with care and i just. bench trio my beloveds. the kids are alright.) -🎭🎪 (also as the actual end note if theres ever a need to refer to me as something other than the emojis mask or eyez works fine but the idea of my name being the emojis is also Very Funny to me so do what you will)
im working on my aperture camera college assignment rn and my brain is sort of fried so i dont have an intelligent answer, but i got the happy chemical reading this.
yeah. i think we all know here that my favorite character is tubbo, and i REALLY hope we get him addressing anything that’s happened to him in canon. pretty much all of what you said sounds very good. *grabby hands* spare tubbo lore? please? spare tubbo lore?
perhaps during the three weeks wilburs off in the fucking woods (/lh) we could have a the-others-find-out-what-happened-to-tubbo-(and in DETAIL)-arc. pleaseeeeeeeee and ty
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krabstick32 · 4 years
Hii!! I don't know how much characters you do write in one scenario/hc but maybe can I have giyuu, sanemi and uzui reacting to a foreigner reader? (since in their timeline Japan started to open up to the world I think) how would their reactions be to their different features ♡♡♡
Home Is Where You Are (Headcanon: Giyuu!Sanemi!Tengen x Foreigner!Reader)
Pairing: Giyuu, Sanemi, Uzui (x Foreigner!Reader) Synopsis: Headcanon/scenario for our boys meeting a foreign civilian reader uwu
Tags/warnings: There are brief mentions of stalkers/kidnappers (i swear it’s not what it sounds like, but I’ll put it here just in case), cursing (bc of Sanemi), and poly relationships (bc of Tengen and his wives!!), but apart from that, I don't think there are any.
a/n: waaa thank you so much for requesting anon!! I decided to do all of them and i had fun! but I'm sorry if they’re a bit OOC :(( i got too used to just writing giyuu but I hope I was able to give Sanemi and Tengen some justice :((
anyway, please enjoy <33
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Giyuu Tomioka
You two meet at a bustling city (kind of like the one where tanjiro meets muzan). You’re there for business, him on a mission.
He wouldn’t notice that you look different at first—he’s too focused on trailing the demon following you, that he didn’t even realize how creepy he’d look to you
Would definitely be mistaken as a stalker or kidnapper by you
don't get me wrong!! he isn’t, but we all know babie is terrible at communicating uwu
The whole night, he’d be trailing you, and to be quite honest, you’re getting really nervous from him following you
You tried losing him in a series of crowds and ducked behind an alleyway to hide. To your relief, he isn’t there when you take a precautionary look back
When you breath out a sigh, there’s a lone figure hidden in the shadows and for a moment you think it's your kidnapper
Oh how wrong you were.
“Look, can you stop following me? If you don’t, I’m reporting you to the police! You’ll regret i—“
“Regret what, missy?” The thing—it’s definitely not human—saunters closer, cornering you in between the walls before you’re hit with the foulest stench of rotten blood mixed with ash and acid when it breaths over your neck. “Having you as my late night meal? You look absolutely exquisite! Different, but… you would probably taste divine with having some foreign blood.”
All you can do is whimper silently as this thing drags a sharp fingernail over the delicate skin of your neck, its finger wrapping around a tad too tight
“Ah, what a delicacy!” It giggles. “Rather than regret, I think I’ll quite enjoy having you as my late. Night. Snack.”
With how frozen your body was, you couldn’t even shut your eyes as the thing moved to bite your flesh off, but a flash of blue made your world crawl in slow motion as your kidnapper (now savior) kicks the thing an impressive distance away before moving to stand in front of you.
The man mutters a quiet “dont look” and you do as told, looking away as you hear the sound of sword slicing through flesh.
When you look back, he’s sheathing his sword and there was no trace of your assailant save for the faint trace of ash and the clothes on the ground
“Are you alright?” He asks, turning to you. “I lost sight of you and that’s probably how it nearly got you. I’m sorry.”
“What just—what was I, who are you…that?” You stutter out, but he seems to understand what you’re asking.
“It was a demon, and I’m a demon hunter. It’s been targeting you and I was following it to take it down.” Normally, you’d call him a lunatic—because who in their right mind would believe in demons?—but the clothes on the floor, the ash in the air, and the thing, the demon that was about to kill you a few moments ago were proof enough.
“Oh. Oh, A… a demon—and a demon hunter. Was… was that why you were following me? Oh my god… I… I thought you were going to kidnap me!” You laugh, a touch too hysterically—the adrenaline was still pumping through your veins and it was making you feel loopy and lightheaded. “But no, I—I’m fine and It’s not your fault. Thank you. For saving me.”
You introduce yourself, and that’s when he really notices that you’re a foreigner because that’s the only time he was able to look at your face and your name sounds really… different. Pretty, but different.
“Are you a foreigner?” Ah, ever so blunt and straight to the point, our giyuu
“No!” You gasp, your tone light and joking, with a faint hint of sarcasm. He looked too cute not to tease. “What possibly gave it away? But jokes aside, yes, I am. I’m settling down here permanently for business.”
He nods a little embarassed, and you two stare at each other for a moment before looking away immediately because both of you think the other is too pretty. Giyuu thinks you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
Anyway, he’ll escort you back to your temporary lodging (in fear of another demon, and in hopes to spend a little more time with you), and once you’re safe through the gates, you’ll offer to take him out to grab lunch the next day as a ‘thank you’ meal...maybe as a date—haha…just kidding!!… unless…?
Yeah, it was a date uwu
Now, you two would often take walks in the park after a date (or maybe the walk is already your date), and he would always, without fail, escort you back to your home like a gentleman
walks in the park is now one of your go-to for dates and taking you home after is now a habit
Moving on!!
You want to get to know him, and he wants to get to know you too, but he’s not very good with talking
So when initiating conversation, his questions are short, but are filled with genuine curiosity and you answer back in kind, with your own questions in hand.
Kind of like your own version of 20 questions
Would listen very intently when you talk about your home country, and makes sure he remembers every little thing
Also!! He loves your voice
He especially likes the way you say his name
There’s just that something about your accent that makes him feel all warm and fuzzy, and calmer than lull, his eleventh form—he could just listen to you all day
If you like to sing, he would fall in love all over again when he hears you sing in your language
He treasures the time he spends with you, and adores the time he catches you singing, may it be when you two are just spending time together, or you just doing your thing, babie is happy and filled with love and affection™
Sometimes when he has trouble falling asleep (which is often), just lay down with him and sing him a lullaby from your country and poof, he is out like a light.
The way you sing the words are just so nice and soothing and enchanting, and he loves it—loves you—so much, even if he can’t understand the words.
IN CONCLUSION: he wouldn’t notice that you look different at first (i mean lets face it, his coworkers’ physical features were much different compared to you) but once he does, I don’t think he’d care very much. He loves you for you, and if you’re someone who was born in a different country, it wouldn’t matter because he would still love you and protect you with all his heart.
He still thinks you’re the most beautiful girl he’s seen and to this day, he thinks that out of all the men you could have chosen, he is forever lucky that you fell in love with him. Regardless, he thanks the gods everyday that he has you by his side and does his best to make you feel loved and happy.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
You two would meet in a bakery
Sanemi just came from a mission around the city, and he’s looking for a treat when he enters a newly opened bakery. It seemed to be good, he’s seen a lot of people come in and leave with bags full of pastries.
Sanemi is slightly freaking out when they don’t have ohagi
“What do you mean you don’t have Ohagi? It’s a goddamn staple in bakeries!”
Even if his words have a bit of a bite to them, he surprisingly doesn’t make much of a scene, but his ohagi-less tirade is ended when you, the owner of the bakery come by to save your employee
“What’s Ohaki?” You ask, genuine curiosity coloring your voice and your accent.
Did you just?? mispronounce it and didn’t know what it was?? Sanemi is about to give you a piece of his ohagi-less mind, but he pauses, processing how pretty you were in a second before he blushes and lets out a frustrated grumble.
You thought he turned red because of anger, but really he was just flustered uwu
Of course, He would freak, but it’s not as bad as what the others would think. Though he would still proceed take up your time proclaiming the good news of ohagi
You didn’t seem to mind though, in fact you even look more and more interested as he goes on about how good it tastes
“That sounds really good actually,” You hum, trying to imagine how amazing the texture and flavor would go over with your tastebuds.
“Of course it’s fucking good.”
An idea pure as gold, strikes you as you energetically lean back forward and flash him a smile. “Then, you’d have to take me sometime to try it!”
Poor baby is too caught up with his love for ohagi that he immediately agrees and doesn’t even realize that this was a date
“Ha?! What’d you say, lady? Fine! Meet me here tomorrow and I’m taking you out to taste the best ohagi you will EVER have!”
You two meet up at the same time at the same bakery, your face flushed, and Sanemi none the wiser that this was in fact, a date.
He realizes though once he sees you arrive with your face flushed a little red and your clothes a little nicer than what he saw you wear the day before.
In my mind’s eye, he is a tsundere and he will always be a tsundere
So he blushes too, but hides it and says it's because he wants to eat the damn ohagi already!
You end up liking ohagi, and oop Sanemi ends up liking you
The bakery is pretty much your usual meet-up place
Asks about your culture and stuff and buys you some thoughtful gifts that would remind you of your home country, or cute local knick knacks that he thinks you might enjoy
But would definitely pretend that that wasn’t his intention
“Ugh, I accidentally got this, and I would never use something like this so. You have it. Fuckin’ throw it, burn it, use it or whatever, hell, I don’t really care.”
But he does, and you both know it.
Even if his reasoning barely makes any sense (c’mon, how can you accidentally buy something you know you won’t use??), you’re still really thankful when he hands you his “accidental” present for the day and you would show him this really pretty smile. Your eyes are glowing, and your hair is like a halo around your face and—
Sanemi thinks you look like an angel
Once, Sanemi said that you look really really pretty. He was embarrassed, but when he sees your blush darken and smile widen, he decides that it’s worth it and casually tells you every time you meet
When he sees you using his gift, he’d try so hard to hide the wide smile on his face
You get him some stuff too, some little trinkets that remind you of him. Sometimes if you come across ohagi in your many travels, you’ll buy him every flavor and taste it with him once you two meet up.
Down the line, you’d also consider adding Traditional Confectioneries to your menu and bring him in to critique them.
“So? How does that one taste?” A bead of sweat trails down your temple, as you anxiously waited for his feedback. You breathe out a sigh of relief though when his eyes open and his head bobs in affirmation.
“Eh. Texture-wise you nearly got the hang of it. Taste wise? A little too sweet.”
You nod and rush to make some corrections into your little notebook of recipes and make a new batch for him to try. You knew you were close, and damn it all if you weren’t going to perfect this today.
“How about now?” You push him a tray of the new batch, hoping that this would be it.
“Not bad.” Is all he says, and in the Sanemi language you’ve gotten used to these past few months, that means that it was one of the best things he’s ever tasted, and would be the highest form of praise you were ever going to get from him.
You show him a smile that makes his heart beat faster, and move to grab your notebook to write down the final recipe.
Needless to say, the customers—foreign and local alike—love the traditional sweets. Particularly the ohagi—they say it’s the best they’ve ever tasted. You had Sanemi’s high taste to thank for that uwu
He likes to pretend that he’s not soft for you.
But once you two have been together for a while, he’d show you more of his vulnerable side
Sometimes, he’d even braid or play with your unique and pretty hair, just like how he used to do with his younger siblings.
When you cook your favorite dish back in your homeland, he gets pretty addicted to it too (a pretty high bar if you ask me). It is now his second favorite food, and he learns to make it so he could surprise you!!
And while Ohagi may be Sanemi’s number one, when you’re around, you take first place.
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Tengen Uzui
He’d be very flamboyant about it
I don't think there any other way for him to approach it really
But i think he’d be taken with you once he sees you
He sees you in the city and doesn’t hesitate to walk up to you and strike a conversation
He immediately notices that you’re not from around here from your looks and your accent just pretty much confirmed it 
You’re just very flamboyant—we’re not just talking about physical appearances here, but there’s just something different about you and the way you carry yourself, that just catches his eye and attention 
But he thinks it just adds your charm and would be very sweet about it!!!
He was so caught up in talking to you that you two don't notice the time pass and now its night
Even if he should really be getting ready to patrol for demons, he offers to take you back home but you decline
“Hey, it's getting late and it’s dangerous to walk alone at night. I can walk you home if you’d like.” Tengen says as he looks at you after noticing how dark it’s gotten.
“Oh, I appreciate the offer, but it’s alright!” You say, touched that he’s worried after meeting you so soon. “It’s just nearby, really and I can handle myself, don’t worry.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, i’ll be fine. Thank you for worrying though.” Tengen stays quiet for a moment until he looks back up to you and speaks. “How about…we meet each other tomorrow? Tomorrow, same time, same place—Just so I know you got home safe.”
You giggle, a little flustered as a light blush dusts your cheeks. “Oh, so like a date?”
“Yeah, like a date.” He flashes you a handsome smile that makes you feel giddy down to your toes.
“Okay. I’ll see you then.”
A few moments after you leave, Tengen’s jaunty walk down the park is interrupted when his crow swoops down to his shoulder and cries out in distress
“Demon is close by! Targets young girls walking alone!”
A chill runs down his spine. His head is running through all the horrible scenarios of you dead on the ground as he runs after the direction you left, hoping that you’re okay and you’re not a target.
He arrives just in time to see you brace yourself from the demon. His blade runs through the neck and he rushes to help you up from the floor after making sure the demon is dead
“Are you hurt? Gods, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know there was a demon around.”
“Oh, so that was a demon?” You seem fine, but Tengen could feel the guilt gnawing at him. For a moment, he forgot that demons existed and was able to forget how dangerous his job was. The least he could do was let you know.
“Yes, it was a demon and I’m a demon hunter. It’s my job to kill demons that hurt innocent humans.” He looks at the ground, but his train of thought is interrupted when he feels a hand on his arm. 
“Hey, look at me. I’m fine, you were just in time.”
“...I’m walking you home.” You don’t argue this time, choosing to thank him and hide your shaking hands. He notices though, and gently grabs one, letting you to lead the way.
You arrive home safe and in one piece when one of you speaks up again
“Hey, about tomorrow, it’s alright if you don’t want to go anymore. I understan—“
“Hush. I’m going, and no demon can stop me.”
“Okay.” The two of you smile at each other, and Tengen feels the warmth from your hand seep into his skin.
When you’re almost through your door, you turn around with determination in your eyes, and ask him to lean down a little.
You still have to go on your tiptoes to reach him, but the look of confusion on his face melts into surprise as you press a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“I um… I’ll see you tomorrow?” A bright blush coats your cheeks as you look up at him from your eyelashes.
“Okay, take care.”
“You too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Tengen notes that your face was burning as you nod and rush to your opened door, throwing him a wave before you shut the door.
As you two date, he’d ask you a lot of questions, ask you for stories, and even asks you to teach him some stuff from your country—cooking, traditions… how one goes about courting, the whole shebang
You find it flamboyant of him that he wants to know you more
You tell him as such and he laughs when he realizes that he’s rubbing off on you
He’s also very protective of you (and his wives uwu)
Don’t get me wrong, he respects you and doesn’t think you’re helpless, but he worries, especially after what happened in your first meeting
If he hasn’t convinced you to live with him (and his wives uwu) yet, he would deck your house out in wisteria charms to ward off them demons.
He’d also tell you to carry a wisteria charm at all times, especially if he’s not around
If he already has his three lovely wives, they would immediately love you and you four would sometimes play dress up. They’d hand you some of their kimonos and you’d give them some of your dresses and you all have fun—Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru would also love playing with your hair and makeup!! Tengen would join in too at times~
If tengen is still single when he meets you, then only the two of you would be the one doing dress up (you cannot convince me that tengen would not play with your hair or makeup)
you’d look very flamboyant either way though and even without the makeup or the fancy dress, Tengen would still find you flamboyantly gorgeous
(Again) if he’s already married with his three wives, he would love seeing the three of you bond with each other
(You and his wives love each other too, so you five are just one big lump of happiness and affection)
Like aaaa his heart feels full when he sees all the women he loves in his life getting along and caring for each other!!
He treats you all equally and showers all of you with his love and attention
Tengen will forever be glad that he met you, and got to you before the demon could, because you added so much love and happiness into his life
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A/N: ngl, this was a nightmare to format u—u hope it’s not too difficult to read though!!
this is also the first time i did a headcanon so i hope i did good!! if you have some feedback or got a request, feel free to message me or send me an ask uwu thank you for reading <33
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Hi love! First up, congrats on 500 followers!!! Assassination Classroom is one of my comfort animes, and I rarely see any recognition on it so I get really happy when I see someone post about it! I love ur takes on this, so its often that I find myself scrolling thru your masterlist hehe.. Anyhow, I dont usually send asks or requests on tumblr, but I think I like you, so may I ask for general Rio headcanons? I think she's really cool, but bc of how little we have on her i dont have much to go on ;; tysm in advance, ily have a nice day<3
AAAAAAAA THIS MESSAGE BROUGHT A HUGE SMILE TO MY FACE 🥺🥺🥺 Thank you so much, you’re the sweetest!!! I’m so so so happy you enjoy my content!!! And so flattered that you sent me this! 😭😭💕💕💕 I love you more!! And I hope I see more of you in the future!! Have a lovely day, darling <3
Rio Nakamura Headcanons
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🐠 If she could, she absolutely would choose to just live in sweats all the time. In high school, she even writes a long ass essay arguing why. “It’s comfortable, I won’t get too much bad attention, I can focus on work better, and I don’t need cute outfits to still get girls.”
🐠 Is extremely good at doing winged-eyeliner
🐠 Isn’t really close to her family since she’s been acting up a lot as a student. No matter if they laugh or spend time all together, there’s always this tension in the air.
🐠 LOVES discussing politics, especially international affairs. She grew up learning a lot from her brother, who I hc to be very interested in them too.
🐠 Is the first student who will absolutely engage with Korosensei’s nonsense and antics. She just finds them hilarious, and bonus points if she manages to drive Terasaka crazy in the process.
🐠 Adores foreign movies, even the rom-coms haha. Korean, Bollywood, Turkish, she loves them all. Usually watches with Ritsu and a couple other friends.
🐠 Is that one crazy friend who will convince you to go on an adventure at 3am, take perilous rooftop pics, go on a random road trip out of nowhere, etc.
🐠 She ends up falling for her first roommate in university shhhhhhhhhhh
🐠 Chooses to stay blonde even after years have passed because finally she’s comfortable in her own skin, thanks to Koro and 3-E. She embraces that she was once a slacker but is now trying again. She’s not trying to impress any teachers or her parents.
🐠 Rio, Chiba, Okajima, and Maehara tried to order pizza to the mountain a few times but it failed every time, because the delivery people didn’t know their location.
🐠 Don’t let canon fool you: she is friends with pretty much every boy in the class. Like they’re bros. And she will play wingwoman to help them get girls...unless she pulls girls herself 😏
🐠 Also she has a really unhealthy diet lmaoooo. Korosensei has to always plead for her to eat a fruit or vegetable at least once a day.
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starlesscitiess · 4 years
Hey chance what is your favourite water parks song
yall better know by now that i could NEVER pick just one its just not fair okay
and i want to ramble so
my favourite songs from each waterparks album (+eps cause duh (not including 1 cause i havent heard it im sorry)) with explanations
lets go
airplane conversations
i was hiding under your porch because i love you 
i will admit this is purely for self-indulgent nostalgia reasons. it reminds me of fall out boy and fall out boy = 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 so yknow,,,,
S C R E A M I N G??? YES????
black light
night maps 
the opening is like ✨✨spooky✨✨ i love it sm
“shouldacouldawouldbeenthelastonesto bleedthefuturewhOoOOaAa”
awsteb,,,,,, voi cE ,, pr e t  t 
im a natural blue 
this is just a no brainer its so gOOD I,,,,, REEEEEEE 
i love the guitar smmmm
“i know that not everybody wants to be different, but this is getting riDICULOUS”
hehe futurey vibe w the lil bleep bloop noises
mad all the time
its just,, such a mood,, tired all the time? mad all the time? i dont feel lucky in here buried in my head? i feel most safe in my bedroom? so keep out of my room cause i think ive seen enough of you today??? same
would you believe me if i said the “ah ah”s werent part of the reason? no? yeah neither would i
it feels like exactly what its trying to express which is brilliant 
g u i t a r (god bless geoff wigington)
“oH wOah (wait shit)”
the whole first verse is just,,,, perfect
chorus. also perfect
more electronicky beep boop :D
dubsteppy bit 🥺🥺🥺
lil tiny quiet bit 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
maybe just a lil bit cause of the music video 
gimme that blessed geoff singing content fuck yeah ill slorp it up 😩
double dare
gloom boys
maybe just a lil bit cause of the mv too,, (lord knows im obsessed with that fucking “slow down jellybean” line)
its just so goddamn catchy f u c k
i ADORE the way the chorus like s o a r s in a way i could never capture like yes u go u funky lil dyed hair man
“on my ceiling,,,, yEAH-”
in fact dont even ask me to pick a lyric theyre all gorgeous
stupid for you
listen,,, we know how that relationship ended up but look me in the eye and tell me this isnt just the cutest fucking thing ya ever did hear????
seriously i wish someone wouldve written this for me it just 🥺🥺🥺
i am literally in love w the music video so i mean
the drums are actually amazing help
“cause i worked myself to death, dont believe me ask geoff” *points to geoff* 🥺🥺🥺
nananananananana nananananananana
jfc ive already written so much
this is such a great song to be sad to????
nostalgia for absolutely no reason levels are off the charts-
not warriors
i just love the way it starts it makes me so happy
this has some of the best lyrics ive like ever heard (yes im biased and what of it)
“but hey for what its worth, i think you saved my life” we just gonna ignore how accurate that is
haha nice reference to,,, your own songs,,
its just? so pure???
we need to talk 
its boppy but like in a sad way yknow??
“cause you shine brighter than morning... at least i thought you did”
the,,, th e ,, l i dd, ol g i g,,, th, e g i gg, le,,,,,,,
“fuck me” idk why i think thats so funny but it is
dream boy
actually just slaps. 10/10
but also?? the lyrics?? discussing an unhealthy expectation from fans that is built completely on each individual fans emotional needs and is therefore unlikely to be fulfilled for everyone??? A+ i love it
another example of the song sounding like exactly what its trying to express. its almost overproduced, larger than life, built to sound almost fake just like what its trying to condemn through sarcasm, especially in the video. incredible. love it. 
i felt younger when we met
“i said i loved you to death/so i must be dead” is such a gutpunch of an opener. hits you right away
the entire chorus is just great
again an amazing song to be sad/have a mental breakdown to no i dont speak from experience what do you mean
the transition into cherry red is fucking genius okay
high definition
where do i even start
its just so perfect. relatable even if youve never experienced the exact thing hes referring to. honest, understated, emotional, heartbreaking. 
every single time you listen to it a different line hits you
yet another song to cry to
awsten was not lying when he said this was the best song hes ever written
feels like holding a vigil for yourself. 
overall just... perfect 
anyway that was probably way too long and annoying and you probably wont read all of it but like,,, goddamn i needed to ramble. thank you soooooo much for the ask and have a wonderful day 💜🥺
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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flutterji · 3 years
anything| renjun ff
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hi! this is my first ff on tumblr so hopefully it all works out well. hope u enjoy!
desc: y/n and renjun have only been friends for about a month, but renjun was in too deep. whipped renjun, gender not specified reader!! semi drabble, high school au (like all my stories hhh), very fluffy ! barely edited, its a bit long too but whatever
word count:  2103
y/n and jisung briskly walked the halls of their oh-so-dreadful high school, talking about, of course, absolute nonsense. ‘i mean, like, salamanders are so cute, right?’ y/n questions the tall boy, and jisung nods enthusiastically. “right! so then why would they eat each other?” jisung added. “as babies, too! it doesn make se-” cut off from their sentence, renjun snaked his arms around the both of them before yelling, “hey guys!” “renjunie!” y/n exclaims, and a wide smile paints renjun’s lips. “whats up shawty?” jisung says before making The Fuckboy Face™. “eh, not much, just absolutely dreading and stressing beyond human compacity about the calc exam tomorrow.” renjun says, pulling his arms away and shoving himself in between the two. “maybe we can study? i- honestly i wont be any help, but i have some pretty cool notes i could share?” y/n proposes. “sure, when?” renjun says, without skipping a beat. jisung looks at the two and then looks away in disgust. “you oldies.” he says, before sticking out his tongue in a teasing manner. “whatever, loser!” y/n says, emphasizing the ‘loser’. jisung pretends to cry and is all but payed attention to when renjun bothers y/n for an answer. ‘we cant study if you dont tell me when!” “well if the exam’s tomorrow then obviously we study today! what are you, an idiot?” y/n says, lightly teasing the poor boy. “right, but like, when today?” “you annoy me.” y/n responds without really responding, traveling away to meet their other friend group. “haha, y/n hates you!” jisung says. renjun then nudges jisung not-so-gently before sighing. “i dont get it. i would do anything for them and they just brush me off like im... i dont know, what am i?” he asks, confused. “an idiot. a complete idiot.”
as soon as school ends, renjun sends y/n a text. ‘library?’ is all he says, and y/n answers quickly. ‘get here quickly pls,,, i dont wanna waste time” y/n sends back shortly after. renjun walks to their schools library, and sees his study mate. “hey jun, hurry up before i start growing grey hairs.” y/n whisper yells from one of the tables. he had taken longer than he wanted to, so he rushed to the table and scurried to get out his notebook and a pencil. ‘right, so, show me your notes.” y/n says, half distracted by the drawing they were creating in the corner of a scrap piece of paper. renjun opens his note book, revealing his subpar notes. “dude, what-- how much time do you spend actually taking notes?” y/n asks before revealing their organized notes that definitely weren’t the best, but better than renjun’s. “i look out the window more than i pay attention, ha...” renjun admits with a sheepish smile. “sure, just read my notes and copy whatever you need.” y/n says nonchalantly. “thank you so much, you’re a life saver, y/n!” renjun exclaims. “of course i am, i’m me.” y/n says unexpectedly, before ‘posing’ and rolling their eyes.
after some time had passed, renjun had gotten distracted. “junie, can i tell you something?” y/n asked, looking at renjun’s renovated notes. “sure, whats up?” renjun responds while flipping his pencil between his fingers. “there’s this girl that likes me, but i don’t like her back. it’s kinda so awkward, but i don’t want it to be. ugh, its so frustrating!” y/n whines as they drum their fingers against the table. “oh? who is it? can i know?” renjun immediately asks. “she told me tot to tell anyone. so i’m kinda already not listening, but as long as i don’t tell you her name that should be fine, right?” renjun whines and begins asking more questions. “is she nice? do i know her? when-” “shut up.” y/n cuts him off and runs their temples. “she’s... its not like she’s not nice, and you don’t know her, okay? ugh, i shouldn’t have even tried telling you about my love life.” y/n grumbles. “love life?” renjun asks. “maybe you could repay me by telling me something.” y/n offers, a smirk growing on their face. renjun tries hard not to blush and looks away quickly. “there’s, uh, nothing to talk about, ha.” he explains half heartedly. “sure there is! maybe not recent, but tell me something at least a little interesting.” y/n persuades. “uh, well, last year i made friends with this... person, and i liked them. they, uh, they moved away. yea.” renjun cant help but blush as he struggles to find literally anything else to do. “yea, sure.” y/n takes note of his blush and can’t help but wonder if he’s lying. 
y/n begins packing up and renjun looks at them in confusion. “you have to go?” he asks, trying to hide his disappointment. “yea, im sorry. you got everything you needed, right?” y/n responds. y/n has a knack for ignoring renjun, the way he blushes, the way he often looks at them with wide eyes, the way he looks around aimlessly when he thinks, the way he throws his head back when he laughs, the way he bends his knees when he screams into the air when he’s frustrated or flustered, and... maybe they didn’t ignore renjun. maybe they didnt ignore him at all. “yea, thank you so much!” and he smiles the cutest smile and starts packing up his things as well. “you have a ride home? i’m taking the bus.” y/n asks. “i’m taking the bus too! maybe we should get a snack for the ride?” “YES.” y/n answers right away. renjun laughs and throws back his head, just like how y/n was just thinking about. a small smile creeps up y/n’s face and a boldness takes over. “you’re adorable, you know that?” y/n asks, swinging their backpack over their shoulder. renjun blushes, and hard. his heart races and he struggles to come up with a reply as his hand thoughtlessly covers his smile. “adorable, ha.” he says quietly. y/n internally yells and waits for him. “yea. so what type of snack do you want?”
on the bus with chip bags on their laps, the silence is almost comforting, right before it’s not. the bus stops to let in more people, and renjun looks at y/n. y/n pops more chips in their mouth before looking back, and renjun swiftly looks away. they’re sitting next to each other, and renjun has never been that close to y/n. he starts noticing their more delicate features up close and feels his chest tightening. after y/n swallows the chips, they look at renjun’s hand, a single ring on his pointer finger. mindlessly, they pick it up to examine the ring. renjun’s heart starts beating louder at the contact, and he looks out the window without knowing what else to do. “pretty ring.” y/n says. “thank you, chenle gave it to me.” he says, smiling shyly. “so you’re married?” y/n says, a single brow raised. renjun takes back his hand and and looks at his ring. “its not like that! besides, i dont like him.” he says. “do you like someone else then?” “maybe.” renjun mutters so quietly that he can barely hear himself. “HA! I KNEW IT!”  y/n celebrates their small victory and renjun looks back towards the window with a stupid smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks.
once renjun reaches his stop, he stands up. “this you?” y/n asks. “yea, bye!” he says, almost sadly walking in front of y/n to get out of the aisle. “no, not bye, lemme walk with you the rest of the way.” y/n says and gets up, walking out and away from the bus shortly after. renjun smiles to himself and walks towards his street, leading the way. “so... who is it?” y/n asks. renjun blushes and covers his face. “i can’t tell you that!” he says. “why not? huh? i’ll tell you mine.” y/n says. “yoU HAVE A CRUSH?” renjun practically screams. “yea, it’s not a big deal.” y/n says, right before pulling two lollipops out of their pocket and handing one to renjun. “fine, but, please don’t hate me.” renjun pleads, putting the wrapper into his pocket. “i promise i wont hate you. who is it?” “well, we only started being friends recently, but they’re just so.. i don’t know. and i’ve told jisung this, but i would do anything for them.” he says, trying hard not to stutter and even harder to not get a heart attack. y/n puts the lollipop in their mouth, and renjun follows. “anything?” y/n asks playfully. “yea, pretty much. i don’t even know why i like them so much, they act like... i don’t know, they kind of ignore me.” y/n secretly wondered what type of human would be able to ignore someone as nice and as attractive as renjun. “ignore you? it’s hard to do that with how whiny you are.” y/n laughs and renjun whines. “see, i told you!” y/n says and smiles around their lollipop. “anyways, do i know them?” y/n asks shortly after. “yea, kinda... hah, all of a sudden i dont really wanna talk about it anymore, so, bye?” renjun forces his hands into his pockets. was he really ready to confess? “fine, i’ll tell you about mine then. he’s really charming in his own way, and i just realized that i liked him recently. we also haven’t been friends for long, ha. i don’t know why, there’s just something about him, his cute little habits are so endearing to me. ew, i sound gross.” y/n pretends to vomit, and renjun sighs lowly. “you really do like him, huh?” he asks, defeated. “yea, i guess i really do.”  y/n smiles to themselves and nudges renjun.
renjun kicks at a rock before stopping in front of a house. “well, this is my house, so...” “right.” y/n nods and presses their lips together. “hey, could you do me a favor?” y/n asks, right before renjun goes to walk up to the door. “sure, anything you want?” “anything?” y/n asks with a smile on their face. renjun lightly blushes, before saying quietly, “yea, anything.” he sends a small smile and y/n can’t help but walk closer to the boy. renjun’s heart starts pounding inside his chest. did he just confess?   y/n reaches out to him and gives him a hug. renjun frantically tries placing his hands on y/n’s back multiple times before finally resting them in one spot, placing his head in the crook of their neck. to him, it felt like they fit together perfectly. a giant smile paints his lips and y/n starts retracting their arms. ‘it’s you, renjun.” y/n faulters with their words. renjun’s eyes go wide and his lips part to let in air. he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “me. i am? it’s… what? he says, absolutely speechless. “you’re the guy i was talking about earlier. not that it matters.” y/n shrugs, trying to hide the fact that their heart was absolutely racing. “it does, uh, to me, because, you’re the person i was talking about earlier too, so…” he hides his face with his hand and looks away. ‘you think i ignore you?’ y/n says, surprised. ‘uh, a little bit…” he admits, shyly. he felt like he was going to explode, he was so flustered. “sorry, i’ll try to pay more attention to you?” y/n offers, paired with a crooked smile. renjun bends his knees and screams into the air, making y/n smile and laugh shortly after. “sorry, and, yea, that would be nice.” y/n hesitates before stepping forward and planting a quick kiss on renjun’s cheek, sending the poor love-struck boy’s heart to heaven and hell at the same time. a wide goofy smile is shared between the both of them. “ill text you?” y/n offers, hands trying to find a place to stop before finally landing in their pockets. “yes, great! i mean, uh, cool. very cool.” renjuns fails to hide his excitement as he practically floats on air and lets out a sigh, shooting y/n a thumbs up. “very cool, yes.” y/n laughs and finally leaves the boy to go inside, and he automatically starts jumping in a circle and clapping out of happiness.
the end! 
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fandomsyoulove · 4 years
All the events that lead to Sirius running away from his family.
Sirius Black x reader, Sirius Black x Potter reader, Regulus Black x reader.
Summary: A ball in Grimauld Place doesnt end as expected either for Sirius Black or Lena Potter, James´s sister.
Author´s note: Okay, this is a part of a story Ive been writting lately. I never post what I write, but I just felt like sharing it. If someone wants it I can upload more parts. Thank you xx. PD: Enlgish is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes.
Words: 3200. 
Lena breathed deeply standing in the mirror. Regulus had invited her to their family yearly ball and she was mortified. She was so done with that family, they were ruinous, bad people. Her mind drifted to the two brothers. Regulus would be glad she was going, and she also felt that Sirius would appreciate it. After their rendevouz in the Room of Requirements their friendship was as strong as ever. She would spend more time with the Marauders since then, distancing herself from her Slytherin boys, to the Gryffindors joy. She knew how bad the two boys had it and wished time and time again that she had any power over them and she could just bring them home, away from those irresponsible parents.
It was not only Walburga and Orion that she had to worry about, it was also Bellatrix, and Narcisa's boyfriend, Lucius. Pureblood supremacy talk was the usual take in these events and she really dreaded to go. How in their right mind would want to spend hours in the same room as all of those racist supremacists? It was tiresome, to say the least. Still, as always, she couldn't help to want their approval. So she had bought a green dress with some straps on the back. It was silky, and she hoped to blend in. Obviously, she had Reg in mind. She wanted to make an impression on him. They had been together for the whole year and she felt the need to constantly live up to his standards. Of course he had the same pressure, they both shared it, that's why the two had to be perfect.
Ever since the room of requirements incident, in which Lena and Sirius had almost kissed each other, on multiple occasions, she had tried not to think about his words. That confession she was not supposed to have heard. Well if it had been for Sirius, he would have woken her up and told her. But she knew he had his brother to think of. And so did she. Thats why she concentrated hard in being his friend now more than ever. She figured that if she was to keep on with these confusing feelings, she would have to maintain their friendship, not talking would just make her want to see him even more.
All of these thoughts clouded her mind as she was putting on her make up. Her lips a bright red, his eye shadow dark. Just in that instant, his brother made an appearance.
- My, my, sis you look stuning.- he complimented her as he turned her and the dress lightly swayed.
- Thanks, James.- she smiled and soon James turned serious.
- I need to ask you something. - he pleaded, the girl just nodded asking him to continue. - Can you please have an eye on Padfoot?- he asked preocupied for his friend.
- I will, dont you worry. He is my friend as well.- she responded taking his hand.
- I know, I know. Its just, I wish I could be there with him. He never talks about it, just curses his mother over and over again. - the girl nodded.
- I know, dont worry about that. You are a good friend. - she was quick to reply.
- I try.- he smiled once again, hugging his sister before they made their way out to where their parents were hanging out.
- You look absolutely gorgeous.- Euphemia Potter took her in.
- Thank Merlin Regulus is a chivalrous kid.- Fleamont raised his brows.- You really are stunning, Lena. - he complimented. She smiled once again, lightly caressing her curly short hair so it would fall into place.
- I better get going.- she finally spoke making her way to the fireplace.
- Grimlaud place 12.- she shouted, careful not to get ashes on her dress.
When she arrived, the room was abandoned, except for Sirius Black.
- Lena!- he greated smirking as always. He quickly hugged her, not really taking in her appeareance until they backed from the other. His hand grabbed hers.
- You look so amazing! That dress fits you in every place.- he spoke bewilded with the girl who had a large smile on her face.- I wish it were red but hey, at least it has a slit on the leg. - his eyes roamed over her, who was already red from all the blushing.
- You look great as well, Siri. I mean you usually look good, more than good. But that tunic is working miracles.- she began talking, not knowing what had come over her.
- Be careful now. One would think that you wanted some of this.- he gestured to himself. The girl laughed loudly, and suddenly, Regulus was at the door. The two quickly separated.
- Reg!- she screamed, hugging him tightly, not noticing Sirius threatening expression.
- I thought you couldn't be prettier, guess I was wrong.- he looked at her adoringly, just as Sirius had a few moments ago.
- Well I thought the same, none of us was right.- both laughed before kissing. The older brother gagged behind them before making his way to the ball on the living room.
- I missed you.- she spoke while she caressed his face. He smiled at this, finally in comfort in her hands.
- I did too, more than you know.- he replied grabbing her hands and linking them over his chest.
- Well, we shouldn't keep the others waiting should we?- she smiled, trying to cheer him up.
- We will leave them breathless, even Cissy and that Malfoy.- he replied and both laughing made their way to the ball.
The black hall was decorated with plenty of silver and green decorations. Lena stared at the room in awe, and also a little bit disgusted. It was dark, with the black walls and all, the only light coming from the gigantic lights.
The two tried to walk with confidence. Her hand on his, holding it tightly, reasuringly.
Soon everybody's atention was on them. Some compliments from Walburga, Orion being proud of the Slytherin colours, Narcissa loving the hair. All viewed by a lurking Sirius that already had a glass of wine in his hand.
- You love her, dont you?- his favourite cousin stood next to him, in a gorgeous black dress.
- I dont know what your talking about.- he tried to play it cool, drinking some more wine.
- Cmon, Sirius. It is quite obvious. You cannot keep your eyes from her. - she replied, trying to get him to confess.
- Maybe I do. But I cant do anything about it.- he said lowly, dwoning yet another cup, this time champagne.
- It is a terrible situation you find yourself in. Both options ahead of you, you can try to be the good brother, or go for the girl. - she reasoned.
- Where is Ted?- Sirius tried to change the topic but his tone was harsh.
- Shhh, keep quiet will you?- she pleaded hoping that no one had heard.
-Ah, but that is a terrible situation.- Sirius spoke bitterly. To which his cousin just replied.
- I dont care that you are heartbroken, dont mention him here. That is a very sensible topic.- she spoke, serious all of a sudden.
- Im sorry. Alcohol and anger are not a good mix.- he tried to sound remorseful. The older Black understood and just left him.
Over and over again Sirius cursed himself. He should've told her over the moments he had this past year. Why hadnt him? How could he let this happen? Lena was dancing gracefully with Regulus, both laughing at something she had said. His hateful parents stared at the couple grinning. Lena and Reg were the perfect couple and everybody knew it. How could he have allowed this to happen. It should be him, dancing with her. It should be him making her laugh. It should be him, who his parents would gaze at with pride.
But there he was, already having a few too many drinks. Making a show of himself, perpetuating the view his family had of him. It was crazy how much he despised every single one of them. He wanted to take the girl, runaway with her and never turn back.
A few hours passed and nothing seemed to change. Every once in a while his parents would scold him for drinking too much or asking him to stop sulking around. But what else could he do? When the girl he adored didnt leave his brotherss side.
Even Andromeda was dancing with the couple, seeming to be very close with the Potter. Slytherin budies, Sirius thought. He felt betrayed, miserable, this was unberable. He needed to leave, he could only hope that the night would end soon. But oh how wrong he was.
- It seems like you are having a great time.- the only moment he had taken his eyes off her, she had made her way towards him.
- Haha, youre funny. - he resorted.
- Cmon, Siri. Ive seen you all night only moving to grab more drinks. You are the life of the party.- she continued to joke.
- Well this is hell. - he added staring at her with anger.
- I know, right?- she replied laughing to which he raised his brows. - What?- she asked taking his cup and drinking from it.
- You dont seem too bad with Reggie and my lovely parents.- he said bitterly.
- How have you sneaked firewhiskey in here?- she wondered taking another big gulp from it, without ackonwledging him.
- shhh. - he tried shutting her up, but her laugh was contagious.
- Oh Cmon. - she laughed again grabbing his arm.
- Lena, Ive had way too much to drink and I see that you are served as well so maybe try to lay off the booze. - his attempt at being responsible was cut off by the girl.
- Im not that bad, you aren't either. Now, we should dance.- she reached for his hand.
The boy just stared at the gorgeous girl, this was his dream, wasn't it?
- Cmon, Reg is dancing with your mum and I really dont want to dance with your father. So please.- she pleaded with puppy eyes. Sirius felt like he couldnt move, not saying a word, his eyes fixed on her. - Sirius, are you with us?- she asked when she didnt get a response. Finally, breaking from his trance, the boy took her hand and smiled.
- Ive been waiting the whole night for you to ask me to dance.- he whispered in her ear once they linked arms at the dance floor. She just smiled, squeezing his hand tighter. He, in response, gripped her waist. She found it hard to breathe, not daring to look at him. Soon they were waltzing around the room. Neither could say a word, only the music could be heard. Their eyes fixed on the others. They moved gracefully, without paying much atention to the rest. They didnt notice the stranged look on Sirius parents, or Regs anoyed look.
- Im sorry. Ive tried to come to you a few times, but Reg wouldnt allow me to leave his side. - she finally spoke as a slower song played and they continued moving through the hall.
- Dont worry, the wait was worth it.- he replied, and another smile crept into her face. His grey eyes on her hazels. Suddenly, Sirius turned her around, and when they were back face to face, she noticed his stern look, she mimicked him, not knowing if she had done something wrong. - I dont like Regulus treating you like that. - he stated, his eyes everywhere but on her.
- He needs me, Siri. - she quickly replied as they tilted to the side. - Besides, I knew I would be able to see you after some time. - she added. - If I really had wanted to, trust me, I would have come. - Sirius frown became wider.
- I knew the wait would make this more worth a while.- she whispered in his ear, her lips barely centimeters away. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes, smelling her perfume, she was so close to him.
The song ended abruptly and they separated to applaud, still gazing at the other.
Andromeda made her way towards them looking stunning.
- Im sorry darling. - she referred to the girl. - I havent danced with my cousin for the whole night. Would you mind?- she pleaded, looking at the younger Black that still hadnt processed what had happened.
- Of course, Drome.- she said lovingly to her friend. - Ill leave you to it.- she added smiling, her hand reaching for his arm for a few seconds.
The boy turned quickly when she walked past him, but soon, his cousin moved his head with her hands to fix his gaze on her.
- You are so in love.- she smiled, her dark eyes filled with love for him.
- I cannot help it. - he turned them around so he could stare at her once again. - She is perfect.- he added, lovestruck. His lips parted, adoration clear in his eyes.
- I dont know how this will turn out, but either way Im invested.- Andromeda joked, messing with Sirius hair, making him turn towards her annoyed, but smiling deep down.
A few more hours passed, without much trouble. Sirius had some laughs with Andromeda, Lena was able to dance with him for another long while. He supposed this was the best he could have expected for the night. Of course some of the firewhiskey he had drowned in helped too.
Everything seemed to have turned out fine in the end. That was until he heard Malfoy speak. He had tried to avoid listening to them, staying as far away as he could from them. But he was next to his cousin that was tying her shoe when he heard a name too familiar to him.
- Take Lilly Evans, she is a mud-blood, but she tries to seem smarter.- Sirius was used to them boasting about blood superiority, he could pass that, knowing that if he reacted, only Andromeda and Lena would help him.
- She is a know-it-all. But when we put them into place, theyll know what is good. All of that intelligence wont be worth much.- Bellatrix added, disgusted.
The boy balled his hands into fists, his breathing erratic. If James were here, he wouldnt allow any of this. How could he? He was no better than any of them. He was sick and tired of this. Next to him, Lena appeared grabbing his hand.
- I cant wait for the day those people dont atend Hogwarts. The school would be just as it should be, without mudbloods. Just as Salazar Slytherin would have wanted. - Lucius agreed with the Black sister. Narcissa keeping quiet.
Andromeda stood next to the couple, also trying to think what to do. Sirius parents were on the other side of the hall, with Regulus, talking with some ministry people. The boy felt the anger boiling in him, his heartbeat racing.
- Malfoy, the school wont be perfect until you are gone.- he quickly made his way towards him, the two girls following him.
- Ah, blood traitor, you are the next, after the clensing of the mudbloods. - Bellatrix hissed at him, Rodolphus joining them.
- Im so ashamed to share your last name.- Sirius resorted, going towards her, wand in hand. But Rabastan stepped in front of her and Lena grabbed his arm.
- Sirius, its not worth it.- Lena tried to reason with him, pleading him with her soft gaze and calm voice. The boy began calming his breathing before turning around.
- A blood traitor and a coward, you have it all, dear cousin. Why Orion and Walburga put up with you scapes my knowledge. - Bellatrix lunged for him, ending in Rodolphuss arms, holding her.
- Shut up you crazy bitch!- Sirius didnt have time to think about what he was doing, before grabbing his wand again.
-Sirius!- Lena shouted but he was already gone.
- You dare talk to me like that? Gryffindor.- his cousin kept trying to get him angrier.
Soon Sirius and her were face to face, wand at the other. Everyone had turned to them, including Sirius parents. Their son had his back towards them, one look from his wife and Orion knew what to do.
- Expeliermus!- Sirius ended up on the floor, his wand on the other side of the room. Bellatrix and Lucius laughed while Walburga began shouting at his son.
- What the hell?- Lena screamed, having too much of this family, quickly reaching Sirius.
- Are you okay?- she asked taking his head on her hands, supporting him on her knees.
- My head hurts.- he exclaimed, his hand reaching hers.
- Leave with me. - she pleaded, tears on her eyes. Both stayed like that while the party ended.
The people from the ministry left, and soon only the closest Black family members stayed. Regulus made his way towards the two, after being scolded by his mother on how Lena had acted.
- Lena, you have to go. - he tried grabbing her arm standing, but she yanked him away.
- You should leave. Both of you, come with me, now.- she begged time and time again, her vision now blurry.
Both Black brothers saw her in distress, not knowing what to do. While Walburga cursed his son, and Bellatrix accompanied her, Sirius took her hands and moved them from his face.
- Its okay, Lena. You dont want to be on the other end of her rage. - he said lowly. Regulus just stared, not knowing how to feel.
- I can´t leave you here.- she said between sobs.
- Ill be fine, I always am, arent I?- he tried to smile to the girl that held his heart. She nodded before helping him up.
- I love you.- she whispered in his ear as she hugged him goodbye.
- I love you too.- he responded, before she kissed his cheek.
Then, drying her tears, she made her way to Regulus that was still in shock. When she reached him, he reacted, leading her to the living room. None could speak, both feeling too many things all at once. Rage, horror, impotence, love. They didnt even share a single touch on the way.
- Bye, Regulus.- she said bluntly before turning for the chimney.
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rieson · 4 years
@sanjis-simp submitted; Hi! Can I get a matchup for One Piece if you’re still open for them? Please and thank you! I’m 5’5 and am a plus size girl. Super pale with dyed black hair with straight bangs and hair to my shoulders. Personality wise I’m an infp or 6w5. I I’ve been told I’m kind but I’m also very opinionated especially about civil rights, politics, and how people are treated so I can come off bitchy to some people. I do curse a lot and will absolutely obsess over something until I learn all I can or until I get bored of it. I’m a big homebody never really go to parties or anything like that. I’d rather stay home and watch tv or read. Thanks again!
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hello ! thank you so much for requesting love, i match you up with . . .
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word count; 1,440
Donquixote Rosinante / Corazon !
Now, let me start with the usual height difference between you both; I'm sorry but you look like a dwarf standing next to your 293 cm boyfriend.
Like, an absolute DWARF. (Why is he so tall god dammit)
It's embarrassing but, he first met you when he stumbled down the stairs trying to deliver paperwork to Sengoku's office ─ you were coincidentally trying to go up the stairs so Rosinante ended up kissing your shoes.
If one were to ask 10 year old Rosinante where he would see himself 10 years in the future, the answer was probably going to be something he always wanted to do; "helping people" and NOT tripping down the stairs ─ face planting and possibly kissing someone's shoes right now.
"A-Am i dead..? Am i in heaven?" He mumbled groggily, looking up to see a blurry pale figure with dark hair, "Are you an angel...? P-Pretty ...Pretty angel" The words seemed to slip out of his mouth unconsciously, but it still made you blush.
You cleared your throat, blush still visibly apparent in your cheeks, and you handed out a hand for the stranger to take, "Are you okay? Here get up"
The stranger seemed to snap out of whatever daze they were in, finally processing what just happened.
His lips pursing, he stared at your hand ─ and stared at you ─ and back at your hand ─ and then back at you; you stare at him back.
His face visibly flushed, he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly; before deciding to close it and avert his gaze to the floor that seems oh so interesting now.
"I..Uh....Are you gonna get up? You looked like you were in a hurry" You spoke out; voice so gentle yet it was clear that you held alot of confidence.
The stranger finally deciding that the floor wasn't interesting after all, looked up at you with soft hazel brown eyes, and accepted your hand.
You pulled him up; startling him as if he didn't expect to get pulled up, and he stumbled yet again ─ but this time, he was stumbling forward.
Towards you.
You immediately wrapped your arms around his torso, stopping him from falling down again and possibly bringing you down with him.
To others, it looked like sexual harassment but honestly, the stranger just seems to be really clumsy.
Your whole body was dwarfed by his unusually tall, freaky height, making it a challenge to keep him stable but you did it anyways.
"Whoa! You okay?" A chuckle escapes your lips, "You're really clumsy"
The man flushes at your comment and nods hastily, and stands up as you unwrap your arms in his torso.
You got a good look at the man, he was tall. Like TALL tall, perhaps even more than 250 cm? You couldn't tell.
The man wore a white, short-sleeved shirt emblazoned with the Marine emblem; a simplified gull with the word "MARINE" underneath it, on the back; a blue neckerchief; dark blue trousers and above his shoulders wore a coat, "Justice" on the back. He wore the coat like it tends to be worn like a cape, draped over the shoulders with the arms not in the sleeves; indicating that he was indeed, an ensign.
His unruly blond hair seemed to go towards every direction, making it (if not) tangled.
The man finally spoke out, "Y-Yeah sorry about that.." his voice was a bit deep and husky.
"It's fine, you looked like you were in a rush" You answered kindly, crouching to gather his scattered papers he dropped.
He seemed to notice this and started to panick; arms flailing around.
"W-Wait! It's okay I can pick it up!" He sheepishly spoke out, finally taking a look at you and panicking more as he saw that you were a Rear-Admiral.
"No, No it's fine." As he was about to stop you, you were already done gathering the scattered papers, handing it to him with a smile.
"You're in a rush, aren't you? I understand, i also tend to get a bit clumsy and panicky when i wasnt in time." You chuckled.
"Y-Yeah! Thank you ...once again" He took the papers from you, and bowed.
"It's no problem! Please don't bow to me it's a bit awkward haha.." You nervously trail off.
"I- IM very sorry! I didn't mean to- I mean- I-"
"It's fine, it's fine ! You're going to Sengoku's office right ? Better be fast then" You gave him a wink.
The man blushes, "R-Right! My name's Rosinante ma'am" He gives you a shy smile.
You gave a smile back, "Chanae."
And that's practically how you two met; cliche yikes but it's fine !!!1!#!
You both kept accidentally crossing each-others paths and decided to atleast be friends because it was starting to get awkward with the short "hi's" and "how are you's"
As you got closer to Rosi, you found out that he was indeed, an extremely clumsy dork.
Its pretty comical actually, despite you hating the amount of bruises he gets from his clumsiness.
Rosinante grew up and up the ranks; finally reaching the marine commander rank.
While you, only going up to Vice-admiral, just like garp.
You've been offered the title 'Admiral' quite often but you declined, not wanting such a heavy title to be put on your shoulder.
Rosinante was disappointed to say the least but he was supportive with your decision.
Over the past few years of doing missions with you, Rosinante gained a not so small crush on you.
Scratch that, he mf loved you.
He wanted to confess how he felt to you; even if you dont return the feeling back ─ he can relax knowing he's confessed already.
Hence, that's why he's outside of your office, bouquet in hand, as he thinks of a thousand scenarios that would happen when he knocked the door to your office.
Taking a deep breath, Rosi finally gathers enough courage to knock on your door.
And so he did.
A door creaking could be heard, your head peeked out of the door, face visibly displaying confusion.
"Uh- Hello Chan!"
"Rosi..? What are you doing?" You narrowed your eyes at the suspiciously acting 9 foot tall man.
"Uh..I....I wanted to tell you that I like you!- I-Uh- M-More as a friend..And i was hoping if I could take you out on a d-date...?" He trails off softly, his gaze glued on the floor, face flushed.
Your eyebrows raised in surprise, flushing lightly before shrugging, your mouth forming a smile unsconiously "Sure!"
You both took the relationship slowly; not wanting to rush and make one another uncomfortable.
You and Rosi has alot of things in common; including civil rights.
Rosinante was raised to not be like other celestial dragons; he was truly kind.
And you wanted to make sure people were treated how you think is right.
You both hate celestial dragons; you more than Rosi.
Often, when someone gets offended by you cursing your mouth off, Rosi will usually be the one who will apologize profusely while you continue throwing profanities at the celestials.
Rosi also admired your hunger in knowledge; he knows a bit but he isn't as extreme as you.
Rosi HAS to drags you to sleep sometimes otherwise, you'll loose your sleep because you were focusing on learning too much.
Rosi doesn't like to go on alot of parties either, he instead just likes to be alone with you; either cuddling you or watching you read with a lovestruck gaze.
He absolutely loves the fact that you're plus size! He doesn't care what other people thinks, it makes you supper huggable and Rosi loves it.
Likes to shower you with kisses everywhere. Literally, everywhere !!
He can and will send death glares at disrespectful men that keeps checking you out; you don't need to worry about creepy men from now on. (Rosi drinks his respect women juice !! )
Both marines, you don't have much freetime so Rosi usually buys a dozen of books to give you whenever he sees one that he thinks you'll like; it's his way to remind you that he loves you and also because he loves the way your eyes shine everytime you learn something new.
If you're both not busy though, he'll take you out on nice picnic dates !!
You tried doing a pottery date but that ended up horribly as he kept accidentally smashing his creations and kept slipping on the clay.
Rosinante absolutely adores you and your flaws; he forever will and no one could ever replace you ─ same goes to you for him.
[ Runups : Sabo )If Rosinante doesn't pair well with you.) ]
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i...i think i went too far ?? i'm sorry i just love this dork alot.
sorry if Rosinante isn't the most compatible with you, although this is only my take on who would balance well with you.
note; not proofread ! sorry for any grammatical errors.
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wavbleu · 4 years
Chris Evans: Daddy issues
Kinks: Older men, rough, praise, slight degradation,  Size kink, practically anything somebody with daddy issues would enjoy.
( i decided to smush daddy issues along with the babysitter plot) also, if you want a lengthy slow burn story read all the way through, if you just want the scene😉😉😉 just scroll down and look for the sign " *~*"
oh big daddy evans, may i please suck yo big juicy monstrous cock😩‼️
This was your first babysitting gig, you never thought you'd have to resort to watching a bunch of little kids for money (As you never really liked them) but you desperately needed the money for rent. You already work 2 jobs, babysitting was just quick and easy money for you.
You live with your unfortunate drunken father in a small 2 bedroom apartment, you've been living there for years, for so long that the appliances are starting to go rusty. Perhaps it is better than living  out in the streets, but its no looker. Your father doesn't have a job and doesnt want one either, always refuses to help out around the house because its "A womans job."; Or even be there for you; He barely even deserves the title 'Dad' .
It hasnt always been like this though, your mother left him to go pursue her held-back dreams while you were 8, and left you to stay with your dad, that was her biggest mistake yet. You havent seen her since. Now he just sits on his ass all day drinking away all his problems and complaining about yours.
thats until a single father asks for you to babysit his kid...
You slowly drove through the gated neighborhood and observed all the beautiful houses and tall hills, you were in absolute awe. You could only dream living in a place this wealthy. "The pay  here must be amazing." first thing popping into your mind as you looked at all the Lambo's and Ferrari's.
You drove around the block searching for the designated house, "210"
"205..206...208....210!" You mumbled to yourself cheerfully, finally finding the house, you pulled into the drive way and put your car in park.
You took a moment of silence to prepare yourself for a long night of loud screaming and toddler tantrums, breathing in.. exhaling out. After a couple of breaths and positive affirmations, you finally gathered the courage and patience to get out of the car, when you got out; you were introduced to the beautiful sight of the house the man lived in, it looked even greater up close.
It was absolutely breathtaking, you felt obligated to take at least a second to examine and admire the outstanding beauty of the home, it was probably the best on the block. You couldn't even bother to guess how much the house was worth as you estimated its probably worth more than you as a person and everything you own x10.
You slowly walked up to the front door, still admiring your surroundings.
You hesitantly knocked and stood back, fiddling with your fingers and jacket, hoping that the owner heard your soft knocks.
You observed the fine wooden door before you, looking at the stained glass above it. Fascinated , you'd slowly graze your fingers upon the engraved designs on the wooden door. Tracing your finger on all the swirls and squiggles. "Wow.." You'd exhale in captivation.
You heard the front door loudly swing open, snapping you of your trance like state, also making you jump back a little.
"Oh-" you'd gasp before your breath fell to an immediate halt, your eyes were met with a tall well-built man, with a well groomed black suit on and a long black tie to match. His hair was dark brown, slightly gelled to the side.
You felt your palms start to sweat and your knees start to tremble just looking at him.
"Hi?" You'd mumble slightly intimidated by his attractiveness , giving a small wave and awkwardly scratching your shoulder.
"Hello little one" He smiled down at you, he noticed how nervous and shy you were, and wanted to simmer you down. But it only made it worst.
"Im the babysitter." You'd shakily say, feeling dominated just by being in his presence.
Immediately, the man took interest and began slightly leaning on the door, a subtle smirk forming on his face.. "Really? i thought you were the muffin man." You'd both let out a little laugh.
"Sorry that was a dad joke." ,"But im aware of that already." , "Whats your name again?" He looks down at you awaiting your answer. "Oh uh, Y/n" You muttered.
"Y/n." ," You have a gorgeous name." He said with a deeper , more husky voice. "Thank you." You felt your face heat up and your heart thump. "Anytime."
He'd let out a light chuckle at your cluelessness, "You know y/n, there's a doorbell right there." , he jokingly pressed it, the doorbell let out a loud ring.
"your lucky i was near or wouldn't have heard your soft knocks and would've left you standing out here in the cold"
"We wouldn't want that would we?"  He said, with that deep husky voice again.
"No, i really would not."  You would clear your throat and trembling, finding yourself mesmerized by his voice. "Come in silly girl." He invites, holding the door open wide enough for you to enter, then closing it behind you.
The interior didn't fail to amaze you with its beauty either, this home was drop dead gorgeous inside and out.
"May i?" He stops you and offers to take off your jacket, you nod; stepping in front of him and spreading your arms back.
He slowly slid your jacket off your arms, not trying to be too rough on you since you were smaller than him.
Once the jacket was off, he'd plaster a charming smile on his face and say "There you go." then going to go hang it on the coat rack. "Im guessing you want to take off your shoes yourself." He joked.
Although you'd love for him to give you that feeling again, you figured itd be weird for him to touch your feet.
"Haha Yea." You giggle, beginning to untie your shoelaces, "Thats alright, when your shoes are off put them next to those shiny black ones"
"And when your done, take a seat in the living room over there; make yourself at home." He pointed to the white chair with a navy blue pillow sitting on top of it.
You slid off your shoes and put it next to the large pair of black shiny shoes. "His feet is so much bigger than mines"  His feet were twice the size of yours, you'd take a deep gulp, as your shoe made of up half of his entire foot.
You got up and slowly navigated your way to the white chair, admiring the interior on the way, and hesitantly took a seat. Still somewhat cautious of your surroundings.
The living room was covered with legos , cars, babydolls and toys, with a loud kids show displayed on tv, the brightness was up so high that the colors from the tv made you feel like you were gonna go blind. "Shit." Youd mumble before going to shied your face, You helplessly rummaged for the remote with no luck.
Chris saw what was happening as he was passing by came to help.
"I apologize." Chris apologizes, grabbing the remote and shutting the tv off. "He always turns up the brightness after i tell him not too, hes gonna make himself go blind." , "Are you ok?" He asked with a worrisome voice, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yes im perfectly fine, atleast i hope so." You'd rub your eyes trying to get your normal sight back.
Apologetically, he bent down to the sofas level and handed you the remote with a smile. "Go crazy, we have netflix and disney +" , "Thank you sir." You thank, he'd ruffle your hair then continued to walk to the the kitchen..
You set the remote aside and followed Chris , although you would love to keep flirting with him, you still have to do what your getting paid for.
"Need something?" He exclaims as he sees you following behind him with a curious face.
"Yes sir" You'd politely say , clearing your throat , trying to come off as more professional.
"Is there anything i need to know about your child?" You sit down at one of the seats on the island, tuning into his words and listening for instructions.
He'd open the fridge and grab out the orange juice, "Yea, His name is carson, he hates anything thats the color orange.." He takes a swish of the juice " I want him in bed by 8, no sugar before bed." He sternly demands, "Hes already got sleeping problems and giving him sugar will just make him bounce off the walls." another swish "Thats it." He finishes the bottle.
"Well sir, if you dont mind me asking where are you going." , you say hoping that you arent coming off as invasive. "A meeting at my office." ,"Corporate is gonna be there so its quite important, and far."
"Is your job boring."  Youd ask trying to keep the conversation afloat, "Obviously it is darling, its a job." he'd say in that deep tone once again , leaning over the counter to look you in the eyes "Right.." You'd mutter, your breath picking up speed.
"Anyways do you wanna meet carson?" He'd say breaking the tension, then going to toss the empty orange juice box into the trash. "Yea of course" You'd say in a shaky tone, finding yourself almost hypnotized by his deep voice once again.
"Carson?! The babysitters here!" He loudly called upstairs. Man could he yell, his voice sounded like a siren.
Minutes later, a little boy came running into the kitchen, with a barbie doll in hand. "Hi little man!" You cooed at the little boy, with the kindest smile to give off a friendly impression.
"Im y/n, your babysitter for tonight!" You said in a high pitched voice, the little boy just gave a blank stare; then smiled. "Your pretty." He'd mutter, then letting out a small giggle. You felt your heart burst open, exploding with cuteness and adorableness. Getting compliments from toddlers always felt amazing. Carson is a charmer, just like his father.
"Well aren't you the sweetest little thing?", you'd pinch his chubby cheek.
"Looks like someone has a crush." Chris joked, "Ive gotta go." Chris mutters after checking his watch "Carson, have fun with the cute babysitter." he'd wink at you, then swiftly went to snatch his case off the  island and walked out the kitchen
"Bye-bye!" Carson would wave, "Bye kid." Chris responded back. You both watched Chris leave out the doors.
"Wheres your room charmer?" You say with a soft yet fun and engaging voice, just to keep him happy.
He'd drag you upstairs to his room.
~Time skip to 8pm~
"Will daddy be home soon?" Carson whispered while tucked in bed. "Yes daddy will be home.." You'd check your watch. "Very soon!", "You'll be far in dreamland by then though." You smiled and booped his nose, "Alright!" He smiled cuddling up into his unicorn plushy, getting into a comfortable position.
"Want the nightlight on?" , "Yes please!" he responded, you switched on the nightlight, and watched as it lit up the whole room with stars and space ships. You were amazed as if you were a little kid too. "Goodnight, and the bed bugs WONT bite." You say, leaving his room and carefully closing the door.
"That wasnt as bad as i expected." You sighed. You began feeling a tinkling feeling arise in you giving you the signal that you needed to pee, "Wheres the bathroom in this place?" You question, frantically opening doors left and right with little to no luck, everything being either a closet or a guest room.
You opened another door, hoping it was the desired destination, only to find Chris' room. It was quite big for a singular person. "I shouldn't look." You say, "Curiosity killed the cat." You hopelessly reminded yourself, but something in you wanted to look around and find out more about him as a person.
So you looked.
You walked over to his dresser and looked at all the photos neatly arrayed on it. It was all pictures of Carson winning something or getting an award at school. You smirked, but felt some kind of jealousy spark in you for some reason.
i wish i had that.
You came across one photo that was flipped over to where you cant see it, you decided to pick it up and look at it. It was a family photo, this time with a woman included. She was pretty, like super model pretty. Judging from how the picture was flipped over and how she doesn't live here you figured they divorced, and it was bad.
You were gonna to continue looking through the photos until you heard an "Ahem." from behind you. You felt your heart jump, swiftly turning around and attempting to find a good excuse.
"I was looking for the bathroom-" You panicked, Your breath quickened, as he walked over with a smug smirk on his face then stopping right before you.
He firmly grasped your chin and lifted it up, "Thank you for taking care of Carson, hes never fell asleep when he's supposed to." , you slowly nodded and plastered a crooked smile on your face. "Now, what make you wanna go through my things little one?" He says with that tone again.
"Im sorry, i just got really curious and-" , "You know i could easily cut money off your good paycheck for this?" He gritted his teeth, he was pissed.
"Im sorry." You say with a nervous and scared tone, "Its alright im joking with ya." He laughed, letting go of your chin and walking away. "Man your fun to get." He chuckled.
You let out a anxious yet relieved  chuckle, trying to process what the hell just happened.
"All of your photos of you and Carson are so cute." You say hoping to clear the air, unhurriedly taking a seat on his bed, whilst chris begins undressing his suit. "Thank you, me and Carson are quite photogenic." He replies, "I even kind of find myself jealous of you 2." you say in a more depressing voice.
"Jealous?" He questions, walking over to you and takes a seat next to you on the bed. "Why are you jealous?" He asks again, "My relationship with my father is fucked." you mutter. "You do everything for Carson, you'd give your life away for him in a drop of a hat."
"My dad wouldn't do this for me even if he was paid too. He'd probably spend all the money on crack anyway." , "Im sorry." he apologized, as if he did something wrong.
"its not you its just fucking daddy issues." You laughed wiping away the gathering tears in your eyes, "If you wanna talk to me you can let it out." He says, "I think your swell." he smiles and ruffles your hair again. You'd go in for a hug, he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.
You'd pull away and stare, he reciprocated. "What are you looking at?" He whispers, glancing down at your lips and back at you.
You attached your lips onto his , resting your hand on his cheek. You felt as he gripped your hips and pulled you onto his thigh, straddling it.
You exchanged pecks and tongue, letting the heat between you to flow back and forth and take control. You let out a small moan as he guided your hips back and forth; creating friction on your clit. Smiling, he kissed your neck and left a hickey as he continued to thigh fuck you.
"Fuck~" You'd moan, grinding some more for more friction, "Needy one arent you?" He whispers into your ear, "Let me take care of you." He lifts you up off his knee, then slowly laid your body onto the bed.
"Take off your pants." He commanded, you slowly began working your sweatpants off, revealing to him your beautiful figure.
"Perfect." He mumbles, "Open your legs." He watched as you slowly spread apart your legs, showing him the wet spot on your panties.
"Your already wet for me?" He smiles, pressing his thumb down on the wet spot. He hovered himself over you, and kissed you and he teased your cunt through your underwears. You softly moaned as you felt his thumb go in small circles around your clit, kissing him became a challenge as it was constantly interrupted by your moans.
"Please stop teasing me" You ask, wanting more.
"Fine~" he goes to take off your soaked panties, "Wow." He said, as he removed the white panties , strings of your juices followed it. "I dont think i can tease you any longer, i need you now." He says with a needy tone, flipping you over to all fours.
He took off his black tie and tied your wrists together, making sure its knotted but not tight.
You heard his pants unbuckle and jangle, and his pants drop to the floor, you sat there with anticipation but also with slight fear.
"I was thinking of you at the meeting." He started, "Not an innocent kind of thinking either." ,"When you called me sir it did something to me." He bit his lip, then eagerly slid into you. His thick cock becoming covered in your juices. You both let out a small gasp.
"So i want you to call me sir again." He says pulling you hair back, looking you directly into the eyes. You obeyed "Yes sir." , he smiled with satisfaction . "Atta girl."
He let go of your hair putting you back into your original position, face down , ass up.
You moaned as he gave you slow-paced yet hard and deep strokes, he watched as you moaned while he teased your g-spot. You began to whimper and whine, wanting more than that. "Please go faster." You moaned into the sheets, "What was that?" He said giving you a obviously super hard stroke as you forgot to call him sir. You let out a soft whine from the pain and quickly corrected yourself "Please go faster..." "..sir."  you say in a soft yet sexy tone.
"Alright baby."," Brace yourself." He said before beginning to pound your little cunt,  you were surprised at how fast he was going that you actually started to brace yourself.
You felt so powerless and vulnerable with your hands tied behind your back, the only thing you were able to do was moan and just take his 9 inch cock.  "You were hoping for this werent you, little slut." He talked, "You wanted me to fuck you ever since you got here." he growled "Hm?" he says waiting for your response "Yes sir i did!" You admit, he began digging his dull nails into your hips and bringing you onto his cock harder. "Well you got what you want now fucking take it." He whispered.
"I think im gonna-" You moan, "Oh no your not." He says flipping you onto your back. He began taking off the tie, enabling you to move again.
"This is gonna be deep." He moaned.
You watched as he began towering himself over you, grasping onto the headboard for better balance and stability. "You can stop when you cant take it anymore." he re-affirmed, "Just keep your legs open for me is all i need in return."you were  pretty terrified, but in the best way possible.
He slowly slid his dick back into your cunt, giving a slow pity fuck, to start. "Thats it?" You thought to yourself, expecting something rougher.
But you spoke to soon, you watched as his grip on the headboard tightened and he started to prop himself up. He started to vigorously fuck you, moving his hips back and forth in an inhuman pace. You felt like a little flesh light the way he was using you.
You'd grip onto his waist to keep from cumming to fast, "Don't be scared to leave a mark." He moaned, you obeyed and started to dig your nails into his muscular back leaving scratches, he moaned in pain yet pleasure.
You struggled to keep your legs open, it felt so good that you could hardly even keep quiet.  He had to aggressively force your legs back open. He let go of the head board, starting to kiss you and your neck as he desperately fucked himself into your tight and throbbing hole.
"Why dont we play with this thing hm?" He whispers as he reached a hand down to occupy your swollen clit. "Be a good girl and cum for me" He smiles upon you, "You can do it, cum." He asks again.
He spat onto your cunt and swirled his thumb around your clit, he bit his lip as he felt it throb and your legs shake, "Oh so sensitive." He cooed.
You started to feel that tinkling sensation again, and felt it quickly override your whole body before it exploded. He watched as your eyes rolled back, "Thats it!" He'd smile as you squirted onto his chest, making an absolute mess everywhere..
"Alright my turn." He says gripping onto your hips, making your lower body lift up, and pounding himself into your hole. Like you were a toy. You watched from below as he ferociously used your cunt, extremely needy to cum. He loved how tight you got after your climax and couldn't hold on any longer.
"Fuck im gonna-" He moans subby, "Shit-" he says again, stroking himself into you one more time before letting out a warm load into you. "Fuck-" He moaned again, falling onto you. Doing one more stroke to make sure your filled up with his juices.
"You did such a good job for me baby." He kissed your cheek, "Thank you sir.", he lifted back up to inspect the headboard. "Shit.", He smacked his teeth, "This always happens." , "What does?" You asked. "I put a dent in the headboard when i gripped it." ,"What am i gonna tell them this time." , " That i was fucking my sons babysitter and got out of hand?" , "They'd call cps on me." He joked, you both let out a laugh.
You yawned exhausted, "Im so proud of you for taking me with no complaints." He places another kiss on your forehead. "No problem." You respond.
"Now go pee." He giggles, reminding you before you drift off to sleep.
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