#i hope this answers your question lmao
yourlittlettoy · 1 year
Have you ever tried to tickle yourself? And did it work?
(if you don't mind, explain the position you used, the way you tickled yourself, and where you tickled yourself)
… no shot I can explain so uhhhh here take a clip of a video I made of myself attempting to instead 🙈💀
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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lokh · 5 months
what do you think toshiro's version of laios would've been like if he was still with the group during the shapeshifter shenanigans
there have been a few speculations in the tag and among the fans and they are all very good SO i am going to take this opportunity to insert a bit of my shipping bias as i like in my interpretation LMAO agdsfgdfgv
i noted that in actuality shuro seems to have a very good grasp on laios' character??? this is most obvious in the manga later on but even seeing how he criticises laios in their fight... iirc nothing he says is actually untrue or wildly exaggerated, and while he does express frustration over something he feels like laios Should have control over (noticing his cues), he is also aware that laios isnt being malicious and that hes Just Like That. what i mean to say is that while i think his version of laios may seem more pushy and in-your-face, i dont think it will be overwhelmingly so. if its post-fight, i think the idea of laios (and marcille) being willing to do anything to get falin back made a big impression on him, as well as the idea that they need to eat and rest in order to succeed in their goals, so those aspects would be prominent in his version. he seems pretty observant, so i think for the most part the physical traits would line up, but i think there would be specific things that stand out to him that would appear strangely striking on his version of laios (like. idk something about his eye colour or the subtle contrast of his armour and chainmail. he seems to have a weird sense of aesthetics if extras are anything to go by lmao). if hed actually been paying attention all those times laios had gone on about what the hell ever, then it might be even MORE hard to tell apart his version since he would also have a good grasp on what laios should know. so either his version of laios is pretty difficult to pick out, OR despite the character being accurate his appearance is too. stylised lmao (exaggerated features or something) OR!! they just get him to pull out his monster gourmet guide thing and are able to tell from there. iirc everyone was surprised at its appearance so its possible toshiro had also never seen it before
IN MY IMAGINARY SHIPPING SCENARIO............ lets say that his laios isnt able to be picked out immediately and that the monster guide thing also doesnt immediately occur to anyone. what the real laios Specifically notices is how close this other laios keeps getting to shuro. and hes like. ??? why is he getting so close to him, theres no way i get that close to him??? but no one else seems to be picking up on it as weird, so hes having a small crisis like do i REALLY get that close to him???? and now that hes on the outside he notices shuro subtly leaning away and he feels both a wave of shame and..... protectiveness??? (JEALOUSY??????) and he immediately steps in and grabs him like Hey!!! cant you see hes uncomfortable???? weve been through this already!!! and like. ok i cant believe im doing this again but i need to separate this into different endings
a) the whump route: i dont think shuro ever envisioned Actually Telling laios about his frustrations outside of being basically cornered into it. has he ever spoken up against what was expected of him?? has he ever been confrontational???? i think part of what held him back from expressing his frustrations, along with the cultural norms, could be fear of what the reaction would be. if he had done the same in any other aspect of his life (his family, his inheritance), i think he would expect disappointment, disapproval, more proof that he doesnt add up to expectation. to be honest i dont think he Truly believes that laios is the type of person to react like this. but it was strong enough to prevent him from acting and i think would be projected onto his image of laios. maybe fake!laios says something dismissive like Well if it really bothered him hed say something right? what, he cant even stand up for himself? cmon, shuro, prove that you cant handle it just like everything else. and thats pretty much the fastest giveaway that it isnt really laios. of course this would be a HUGE tonal departure from what the actual episode/chapter was, so:
b) the dumbass route: both laioses break into fisticuffs, and, yes.... barking. and so they speedrun the entire encounter as the shapeshifters true form appears and, after laios points out that thinking too hard about others versions of you can tear apart groups and peace of mind, they pointedly do not speak of it again. they think about it though. a LOT
c) the normal route: both laioses argue normal like and the group ends up being able to tell them apart because the fake laios goes on a little too long about how theyre all here for falin and everyones like ok its not like he DOESNT love his sister but.......... the rest of the scenario probably goes like canon, though then i would want to see what everyone Else thought of shuro
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sergle · 1 year
what was the leash training thing❔
Omg so a houseline isn't leash training Per Se, but the basic idea is that you keep a line on your pup at ALL times, for the early part of their training. For Hugo (and most dogs) that'd be a leash that you cut the handle off of, so it can't get caught on anything. For smaller breed dogs, I've seen people use very lightweight stuff, like macrame rope lol. It might sound like it's a strict thing, but dogs don't really give that much of a shit abt it, and you can correct behavior much much more easily. Puppy careens toward a pill dropped on the ground, you don't have to actually catch them, you can stomp on the line! You need them to come to you, you don't have to play a game of chase, you just reel them in. Someone opens the front door unexpectedly- stomp on the line. Puppy is jumping up on people, you can use the line to encourage them to stay on all four feet. Etc etc etc. Training tool, safety tool, convenience tool. I definitely think it saved me and Hugo from a lot of moments that could've been a lot worse. Another thing about the houseline is that it keeps you from fucking up the process of getting the dog used to being handled and touched. Without the line, there are a lot of situations where you need to GRAB the puppy all of a sudden, and maybe it's scary. A lot of dogs are Hand Weary. So there's no negative association attached to your touch, and you don't run into a situation where the puppy is reactive to being Reached towards. The leash that's always been attached to me forever and ever and is sometimes directed by, idk, god? Not scary. Big hands reaching towards me very suddenly? Scary! Anddd that's why Hugo has a raggedy leash on in every puppy photo!
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gabetheunknown · 1 year
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Ah, there it is! I saw a post like this the other day and I could not, for the life of me find it back, so I'm glad I get to share my thoughts about this after all (not that anything would've stopped me) Prepare for the essay, I never keep things short!
The Rockrose and the Thistle, is in my opinion a love song of sorts, but a different kind of love song that Extraordinary Things is, focused on the first part of it. Both songs are very similar in more ways than just recurring notes. Both songs are written in Dminor. (wheras Extraordinary Things has Minor Melodic elements that raises the 6th note to create the G major chord he plays when he sings the lyrics ‘extraordinary things’ and sings an A on top which sounds really pretty and immediately caught my ear) 
The notes everyone is referring to are in the intro of Extraordinary Things, D C D E F E F G A B♭ A G A  (I put it on a scale because I can and I’m a nerd. I also love the harmonies)
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And it doesn’t just come back in the Rockrose and the Thistle, there’s two other songs written in Dminor in the Horror and the Wild and that is The Horror and the Wild, where the repetition of these tones are beautifully audible in Madeleine’s ‘You are the son of every dressing up box’ and Farewell Wanderlust, where they immediately accentuate that B♭ (which is the 6th note of the Dminor scale) in instrumentals. In Farewell Wanderlust they also play with more chromatic elements as they add a flat second note and a flat seven. The use of chromatic elements (half note distances) isn’t new for Joey and Madeleine and in my opinion it just adds a lot to the musicality of it all, it’s clever, it immediately catches my ear, it’s subtle things like that that make me keep coming back to their music. Rather than a melodic minor scale, Joey could’ve just added that half note distance to add a major G chord to his scale, because the use of major chords in minor scales is just chef’s kiss in my musical opinion, especially in combination with the words he sings. The notes he uses are not uncharacteristic for Joey’s music.
NOW LISTEN, I LOVE this ask because it means I can break down every aspect of what I love about Joey’s singing and what different things I love about Jaskier’s singing. Because oh my god the TALENT, to still make people go ‘wait I just found out that Joey Batey sings both in the Amazing Devil and as Jaskier in the Witcher’ to this day astonishes me and I’m never surprised when someone stumbles upon that realization. The breathiness he uses on his voice in both the Rockrose and the Thistle (and more TAD songs) and Extraordinary Things blows my mind. But there’s a difference to the way he uses it in both songs, let me try to explain. He sings with an aspirated voice (Which means to sing with a breathy voice) in The Rockrose and the Thistle, but in Extraordinary Things, it feels like sometimes he is just breathless and it’s so beautiful and small and soft and intimate, considering the words he’s singing. We, as singers at the conservatory, were taught to make our breaths as inaudible as possible, to remove as much breath from our voices as possible, when singing on record. So needless to say it is a DELIGHT to hear Joey just put his whole heart and soul into every breath he takes, he’s considerate of every syllable, the volume of his voice, the clearness or lack thereof, the shakiness of his breaths fucking kill me dead… ALSO what astonishes me the most about the difference between his TAD songs and his Jaskier songs is the change in vibrato. Jaskier uses more vibrato in his voice than Joey does in the Amazing Devil and I go INSANE about that because my teachers have always said that vibrato is a hard thing to control and requires a lot of training and he’s just out there, mending it to his will as if it is no big deal, like :-) King? I’m jealous, hello? 
I’ve nothing else to say about this for now (lies) it’s already become a full on essay, so I hope this satisfies your needs for now lmao
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moon-buggg · 3 months
So scp Moon holds heat and later Sun can use it. . . So what would happen if there was no heat for Sun to expel? (Say sun expelled it all and they are at a cold place so Moon was unable to absorb more?)
Vice versa, would Moon feel a sort of emptiness if there was no heat to absorb? Maybe more comfort?
And is there a limit to how much heat their body can maintain?
Their abilities are their main lines of defense, so I imagine being without would make them feel quite vulnerable.
If Sun, for example, got in a fight and expelled a great deal of energy, their internal temperature would be lowered and they'd feel kind of gross and sluggish until Moon has a chance to absorb more. Over a long period of time, assuming Moon is for whatever reason unable to absorb more, things would get more dire. Hypothermia would be a concern, especially if they're in a cold place.
But it would be very hard to Completely prevent moon from absorbing energy.
So the light and heat that moon absorbs are stored in the same way in the body, as energy, and are more often than not that energy is used by sun to create light and heat at the same time. Thermal energy, heat, is the rate at which atoms vibrate and collide. The faster the atoms move, the hotter something is. Even in a cold environment, atoms are still moving just at a slower rate
So if you put moon in, like, a walk in freezer, he would still be able to take in energy, it would just be an extremely slow process. Sun would have to be extremely careful not to expend that hard earned energy, but over time it would still regenerate.
The act of making a room colder is more passive for Moon. He enjoys using it to freak people out, but if you put him in a cold environment I don't think he'd really miss it. I would say he'd more more upset about losing the ability to absorb light, but that would mean putting him in a very dark room which is his happy place anyways lmao. Assuming they have comfortable energy reserves, Moon wouldn't be too worried. I think sun would be more uncomfortable without his heat & light production in general
Their abilities to make humans sleepy/extremely energetic are kind of similar to a skunks spray ability I imagine. They have some sort of chemical they can make that effects humans stored up in their bodies, and can release it at will. If they ran out they just have to wait for their body to produce more, but I don't think they've ever ran out
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endlesspaint · 4 months
In Beyond Reach AU
Did Spruce, Clay and Floyd found out what happened to their brothers, thinking they died?
I’m kind of new to this AU-
I know it was interested by For this you were born AU but yeah
OMG! I'm so glad people are starting to take notice of my au! I actually have an whole doc about this that I'm planning to share once I smoothen it all out. But for now I'll give you guys some crumbs, like for instance, the whole post-movie 1 timeline!
I couldn't find the words to properly explain what happened the Bruce, Clay, and Floyd without it being confusing. So I decided to just copy paste the whole timeline and let that answer the question LMAO. (Fair warning though, I might slightly change a few scenarios here in the main future but for now this is the rough timeline)
Post-Movie 1
(Rough timeline on what happened before the 10 year time skip)
The au starts with the brothers. Their father just died last year. Brozone didn't happened (cause it never got a chance *foreshadowing*)
Mom(38) begged/forced JD(18) into sacrificing himself, but failed to notice Branch(4) was with him. The sacrifice was made because their family was too big. Father volunteered himself when Floyd was born (at least that was what Mom told JD during his final moments) and when Branch got born, Mom decided that JD's next. Forcing him into following her to the kitchen where Chef allows Trolls to volunteer themselves to be sold/eaten in exchange of their families being left alone for Trollstrice.
John was ready to accept his fate until he realized Branch was with him. He had a bit of a melt down but was calmed down by the Trolls with him. They all decided they need to help JD escape, one troll in particular was very determined to help him. Liam has personal reasons why he decided to help JD, those reasons? nobody knows for sure.
Bruce(15) started taking care of Clay(12) and Floyd (9), while Mom started mourning
Mom got figured out by Grandma Rosiepuff (70), and they fought. Clay happened to overhear the argument and told Bruce what happened.
Bruce and bros left the troll tree and decided to go to the Neverglade where JD used to tell them stories about.
Grandma Rosiepuff stayed behind yearning for her little boys to come back. Mom disappeared.
JD is still alive with Branch, Liam pushed him off the cliff last minute. Sacrificing himself in the process.
He and Branch almost got killed. Only JD manages to get extreme injuries. Branch has a few scars.
Branch stayed with him, crying while JD was delirious and on the verge of passing out. Enter Rhonda, an Armadillo Bus who just recently lost her pups. When she saw Branch and JD her maternal instincts kicked in and she decided to care for them both
JD got better and Rhonda started accompanying them to their journey back to the troll tree.
The great escape happened, in which Grandma Rosiepuff is alive. Mom's whereabouts are still unknown.
Bruce, Floyd and Clay got separated after they fell down a cliff and into a big river (to them). Bruce and Floyd ended up in Vacay Island and Clay was found by Viva(12) and the others.
Floyd was seriously injured, forcing Bruce to stay with him. Bruce met Brandy(16) and her Dad who decided to help them.
Clay woke up scared and panicked, when Viva informed him that Bergens were trying to find them, he had no choice but to follow or else risk being spotted by a Bergen.
Clay and Viva found the abandoned putt putt course.
Chef got banished.
The other trolls have now relocated and are now rebuilding their village.
A year has passed, JD(19) and Branch(5) finally arrive at the Troll tree only to discover that it was abandoned, their house destroyed and nothing salvageable. JD assumed everyone died and turned gray, Branch seeing his brother so sad also turned a bit Gray.
They left and JD decided to venture out to the Neverglade where he used to imagine bringing his brothers there.
Bruce (16) and Brandi (17) became good friends, Floyd(10) got better. They both assumed Clay died making them Gray for a while, but Brandi and her family helped them through the difficult time, making them regain their colors.
Clay(13) and Viva(13) have now made the abandoned putt putt course into a functional and livable haven for the other trolls. Clay became co- leader. He wanted to search for his brothers but was conflicted to leave Viva and the course. So he stayed and hoped that they're alive and somewhere safe. He went Gray for a bit until Viva managed to help him.
JD and Branch build a bunker in the Neverglade, they don't live there but they do use it to store supplies. They're still gray. They decided to explore around the world.
King peppy has now managed to rebuild a new village and is now focusing on his youngest, Poppy (2). He built a memorial to all the lost trolls, Viva's being the biggest.
Grandma Rosiepuff (71)) visits the memorial everyday. During the great escape she brought any memorabilia of her grandsons and son
10 years passed
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)✌️
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sketchy-tour · 10 months
Helloo! My name is Lyla and I like your concept of Dandy! I would like to ask, did anything inspire them? Also, which gender are they? (IMO, they look like a girl to me....😊 but if you think otherwise, that's fine❤)
OH HELLO!!! Thank you I'm so glad that people like Dandy so much, it makes me so so giddy!!! Um, Dandy is inspired by a lot of things! Lots of my personal interests soaked into Dandy when I was designing them.
If you don't mind me rambling a little about Dandy's process, Dandy took me 3 months to make! Give or take at least. And they went through three other revisions before I was happy with their look!
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THESE WERE ALL THREE GOING TO BE DANDY! I was a little directionless when I made these three. I just knew "flowers" and that was...it. But otherwise I was kinda just throwing things at a wall and seeing what sticked. The last one is the closest to what Dandy ended up as but still wasn't quite right! Eventually I had to put these away and make a sort of inspo board, look at colors and clothes and puppets I liked. BUT YES there is one BIG MAIN INSPIRATION that really cemented Dandy's silly look. And it's THIS GUY!
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Boober from Fraggle Rock! Like when I saw him I realized I remembered the show growing up and I just... AUGH it filled me with joy to remember so I picked him up, picked up some color palettes I liked, picked up some clothes images, and ran with it. Eventually they ended up as the little goober we all know today!
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OH RIGHT! GENDER! yes yes um. Dandy is androgynous! On purpose! They're inspired by characters I grew up with, like Crona from Soul Eater, where no one could seem to agree what pronouns to give them. So Dandy is meant to be a character the writers couldn't seem to agree was masculine or feminine so the show and physical illustrations flip flopped between he and she. That is to say, all are correct! Dandy goes by any! I use they/them to try and be consistent but otherwise you may call them what you wish! So you may use she/her when addressing them if you so wish!
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codecicle · 2 months
If you don't mind me asking how did you get top surgery at 15? Not that there's a problem with that! Its just really cool thay you were able to, i dont think ive heard of that before
Ah, really it was all the work of my wonderful amazing mother! In all honesty, I would never be even CLOSE to being this happy if it wasn't for her and everything she did to keep me safe and let me transition. Short answer: I got lucky with living in the transgender shield of New York because my parents are rad and moved us up there
Long answer: Quite a few things actually! For starters, I was lucky enough to live in a state that allowed it, and I had proof of being dysphoric from a young age through therapy records and mental health checks. (<- not Necessary, but definitely helped my case! the government LOVESS the mentally ill lmfao) Really when medically transitioning, you need a few things on a list.
1: A letter of recommendation from a therapist (I've been through Several, so no problem there! Just need proof from a mental health professional that you are who you say you are, and you're not going to regret the change)
2: A letter from your general practioner/medical provider, signing off on the surgery (this will actually happen Several Times. but you need one to start off the whole thing)
3: If you're a minor, proof that you're fully developed puberty-wise, through a physical exam with your doctor!
Then, you take all of those to a plastic surgeon. I had an amazing doctor that took wonderful care of me and did a perfect job with the surgery, and I'd really recommend doing a metric shit-ton of research on whatever surgeon you end up choosing! The best bet most often is whatever other trans people recommend. This surgeon will then sign off on it, and you'll book some dates. In my case, there was 2 pre-op meetings! One where they looked at my chest and decided on the best procedure to use, and one where they had my mother fill out consent forms and book the date of the final surgery. (Again, assuming it's a minor like me going through this process, it's likely they haven't been through a surgery before! So there might be one more appointment with a doctor where they check your general muscle strength and how well you'll recover from the anesthetic/surgery in general. Really easy check-up, that typically functions as a less invasive physical)
It's a long, time consuming process that's very fuckin expensive lmao, but I promise you it's worth it. It's so very very worth it. I could go into all the little details of every step of the process and all the hoops I jumped through, but it can and will vary from person to person! Again, I just got very very very goddamn lucky with a family that supports me and was willing to help me as much as they have. Im the luckiest guy on the planet I'm pretty sure. Everyday I get to wake up in the body I've always wanted to have and feel amazing about it.
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razrogue · 5 months
D&D Character Asks - Gan
1. What influenced or inspired the creation of this character?
They were originally created in the Dragon Age universe as a cousin to my HoF, Briva Tabris. I wanted my Tabris to have some family for post DAO and decided on a cousin that would travel with her (since I didn't want Shianni or Soris to fill that role). I've brought them over to BG3 now (which I'm basing these asks off of) because they weren't tied to another central story and they are my evil/morally dubious character for RPing those things.
5. What creature would they like to have as a pet?
A ferret - I've made their love of ferrets carry over to multiple universes where I've used them (Dragon Age, Fallout New Vegas, Wasteland 3, Baldur's Gate 3). Why I chose ferrets, I couldn't tell you but I think they are adorable lol
7. Is there anyone they’d die for? Kill for?
Die for? Absolutely not. Let's get one thing clear, Gan dies for no one. Kill for though? A handful of folks - Astarion, Minthara, Shadowheart, Étoile (@omgkalyppso OC), Ixbalam (@meishuu OC), Penelope (@bhaalbaaby OC), and their family if they ever decided to get over their self imposed exile from them.
8. Who was their first love?
A femme elf I wrote about in this post
9. How would this character react to someone confessing their love for them?
So it depends on the circumstances but if we're talking about the normal one of someone they're involved with, it still depends LOL.
If it's a situation where they weren't expecting it because they had completely different ideas of what they had with the other person, they would listen and gauge whether or not they needed to say those words back to them. If they can get by without having to say them and just react kind of similarly through action to keep the person from being brokenhearted they will do that instead.
If they are kind of expecting it and they feel a bit like the other person, they will verbally express caring about the person but not love.
A confession of your love for them does not guarantee they will be confessing love for you. Only when they are ready will love be expressed 🤷🏾‍♀️
10. How old is this character?
Gan is 138 at the start of Baldur's Gate 3
18. What is their favorite spell or method of attack?
Method of attack - melee sneak attack with daggers coated in a paralytic poison
General spell - Disguise Self
Spell in combat - Greater Invisibility
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bpdstevenuniverse · 3 months
Could you tell me more about your opinion on Steven and his BPD?
Hi, thanks for asking!
I think a lot of people in the fandom agree that Steven deals with PTSD - or C-PTSD if you count the multiple traumatic experiences he went through as a kid. But after I was diagnosed with BPD a couple years ago, I realized Steven might also fit some of the criteria. Disclaimer, I am not a doctor, I'm only speaking through my own experience with BPD.
I think his possible BPD is more notable in Steven Universe Future, where Steven is more prone to anger, impulsivity, and he's extremely terrified of abandonment. He'll go through lengths to avoid it, to the point of trapping his friends in a dome, or him insisting on the Camp Pining Hearts rewrites in his dreams just so Peridot wouldn't leave, or him proposing to Connie so they would fuse and Steven could be with her forever. Steven also has trouble facing rejection, as he's unable to even speak to Connie after she turns him down. You might as well say he split on Greg in "Mr. Universe", because he used to think the world of his father, but once he learned about Greg's backstory and how similar he is to Rose, Steven stops looking up to him altogether.
But you might already see some of these signs in the first show - Steven already showed episodes of anger even if they were less common, and as Steven was regularly emotionally neglected by his parental figures, he had to prove himself over and over again to be considered a Crystal Gem. Even early on in season 1, Steven is afraid the gems might not "hang out with him anymore" if he doesn't have powers.
Steven constantly pushes his own feelings aside for the sake of others. He has a lot of repressed anger towards his mother, but it ends up targeting himself. And in some way or the other, Steven is punished for having "selfish" feelings, even when he has the right to feel angry sometimes, especially at how the gems treat him. In Steven Universe Future, Steven thinks of himself as a "fraud", because he isn't this pure hero everyone sees, he's hurting and he's done reprehensible acts (such as shattering Jasper).
I find it sad that this headcanon isn't very discussed. The character I see the most being coded with BPD online is Spinel, which makes sense since she also meets a lot of the criteria, and I support it! However, I personally dislike the fact most BPD-coded characters are villains/antagonists. It's so rare to find heroes/main characters being diagnosed with BPD and other similar disorders (especially personality disorders which are wrongly associated with "evil"). Besides, Spinel and Steven have quite some similarities, but you don't see many people supporting BPD Steven.
I am a bit glad that I found more posts talking about BPD Steven recently, but they're less common in comparison to BPD Spinel (and maybe other SU characters that might be BPD-coded). I really want to see more BPD representation that isn't limited only to villains.
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onethousxndvoices · 2 months
I don't usually order stuff online and haven't actually ordered anyone's Kofi stuff yet buttt
I really want a Korsica keychain and am tempted to order but the shipping is expensive
Just wondering if I order multiple keychains/prints, do I pay shipping for each individual thing or just once and it all gets shipped together?
If it's once for everything in the order, I might go order one of everything and get some friends' orders too to make it worth it!! (Maybe a nice print too,,)
Anon thank you SO MUCH for bringing this up to me because it made me realize I forgot to enable Ko-fi's 'ship with others' option 😭
Anyway, on that note, with the way Ko-fi works you will need to pay for shipping on each individual item you add to your cart, HOWEVER with the option I mentioned above, you'll be able to pay for a discounted shipping price per item if you have multiple things in your cart! I'll include a list below for shipping prices since Ko-fi doesn't list the discounts up front:
WORLDWIDE: $40 individual, $25 with others
DOMESTIC (North America): $4 individual, $1 with others
WORLDWIDE: $20 individual, $10 with others
DOMESTIC (North America): $3 individual, $1 with others
Thank you so much for your interest in my shop!! Let me know if you have any other questions :D
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quizzicalwriter · 7 months
I remember, a while back, you mentioned that you wanted to write for The House That Jack Built. I was wondering if you’re still interested in writing about the film, and, if so, what kind of rules would you set to ensure your comfort?
Hi! This is a brilliant question. Yes, I'm still interested in writing for him! I'm actually finishing up my parts at the moment, it's rather lengthy. I typically write in globs rather than something concise, like beginning to end. I'll get motivation for a certain section, write that, and then write in the connecting pieces later - so, I'm currently wrapping up some of the connecting pieces.
I usually don't have an issue writing tougher things, disturbing content, etc. There are certain things I won't write, like children in a NSFW manner or bodily fluids outside of normal occurrences during intimacy. I do write for rougher scenarios, and I've never minded that. I'm able to disconnect myself a fair bit from my writing, and I'm using that quite a bit for this piece. It's darker than what I've written before. I think what's keeping me from finishing it up quicker is my worries on how others will see it, y'know?
That and dub-con is a bit of a fine line, but I take plenty of breaks with my writing. I don't think I'd ever write something that jeopardized my mental health. Although, I do love branching out, and I've enjoyed writing that piece - mainly because it's pushed me past my comfort zone.
It's worth it to branch out of your comfort zone, but everyone has limits to what they'll write - and that's okay! You have to have boundaries, just have to stick to them. And don't beat yourself up if you don't feel comfortable writing something, or if you lose motivation. I have pieces that I haven't touched in months, but I know it'll come back to me. That's usually why I tell people it'll take me a while to get to requests, but I always will get to them. It might take a few weeks, but they'll get done LMAO.
(I will say though, the piece I'm writing concerning that movie is dub-con, contains bodily harm, and will be tagged appropriately. Just a forewarning for those who are looking forward to that piece. And I'll definitely be open to writing for him again, if anyone ever requests more or the inspiration comes to me!)
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finchers-ipad · 7 months
Hey ash, I am curious...does The Narrator get arrested at the end??
I mean he tells the the police about the crimes right? And also that one cop who is not part of Tyler's men did check the house?
sorry for my bad English
hey! i’m probably not the best person to ask because i haven’t read the book (yet) BUT i’m pretty sure that the narrator wakes up in a psychiatric hospital at the end of the book and mistakes it for heaven? so i don’t know if he would have been arrested but if he was it would have been something like a psychiatric hospital
i’m not sure what the plot of ‘fight club 2’ is but here’s its synopsis from wikipedia: “Set ten years after the ending of Fight Club, the sequel is told from the restrained perspective of Tyler Durden as he sits in the subconscious of Sebastian (the name the narrator of the original Fight Club currently uses). Sebastian continues his dysfunctional relationship with Marla and has fallen into the mundane routine of society until Tyler re-emerges to cause chaos.”
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
When was the last time that you woke up and actually felt awake and rested for more than half of the day? I'm asking for... Ehm... Research?
Yeah, let's say research (╸w╺)
i literally do not remember
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arachnoheaux · 10 months
xxx some misconceptions abt my angel routinely come up in plotting & interactions, so thought i'd talk abt him some to put it out there!:
angel loves his job. being a sex worker brings out the best in him & it's not a shameful occupation he was forced into, needs to be saved from, or is a direct cause to any of his grief. yes, he is overworked & his talents are unjustly exploited but in no way that's worse than any other occupation due to its sexual nature. the angle of the ' poor destitute prostitute ' peeves me kinda massively actually & i really don't vibe with ooc whorephobia.
angel is VIOLENT & RECKLESS. blood & gore doesn't make him squeamish. weapons don't make him squeamish. he's not offput by slaughter & often engages in it himself. he has a severe sadomasichistic streak, a high pain tolerance, & the ability to shed & regrow limbs due to his insect - like physicality. it also takes a LOT to actually make him afraid of physical violence, bc in his mind nth holds a candle to things he's already experienced. on that note!
angel is PROTECTIVE of his relationship with valentino. not because it's a good thing, by any means. but because ( depending on the valentino muse in question ) valentino is and remains to be an important figure in his life for better or worse. whether they were past lovers or strictly have a working relationship, angel's relationship with valentino is closely tied to his own identity & success. he won't hate on him or tolerate such things easily. ( also this popular notion of treating valentino like a hate sink isn't super fun for me. for angel, it's Personal with a capital P )
angel doesn't quite look like he does in canon. i'm not much a stickler on this, but throughout the time i've mused and drawn him, my angel's come to look a little different. primarily, he sports a vibrant pink & curly hair, so please don't describe him as white or pale
he's a cis man with a passion for drag as a lifestyle. gender expression is an intimate part of his identity, but the same - sidedness of his own gender isn't something he's ever doubted. the validity of certain parts of himself that make him a man? absolutely. his sexual identity & gender expression are central themes to his character. but he's never had that deep, internalized wish to cross over. he celebrates his own personal gender expansion but dabbling in things considered ' feminine ' doesn't mean he's ever considered himself a woman ( & being called such isn't smth he likes )
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